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Home Explore Skills in English_English Activities Grade 1_PB_Text_176 X 250

Skills in English_English Activities Grade 1_PB_Text_176 X 250

Published by ken.vilgax, 2019-08-05 03:45:42

Description: Skills in English_English Activities Grade 1_PB_Text_176 X 250


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Activity 5 Read the story. Mr Karanja and his Family This is Mr Karanja and his family. The family is cleaning and cooking. Tom is washing the utensils. Mary is wiping and arranging the utensils. Tom and Mary are helping their parents. Mother and Father are cooking. Everyone in the family is working. They cook, wash and clean together. Mrs Karanja likes a clean house. 2. Answer the questions. a) What are the members of the family doing? Father___________ Mother___________ Tom____________ Mary____________ b) Why should we keep our house clean? ___________ c) What do we do to keep our homes clean? __________ d) Say why we should help with work at home. ________ My corner 1. Read the story to your parents or guardians at home. 2. Tell your friends about the story you have just read. 47 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

C. Writing Activity 1 1. Look at the picture. a) How is the boy in the picture sitting? b) Practise sitting like him. 2. Practise. a) Look at the teacher. b) Sit like the teacher. c) Place your book on your desk like the teacher. d) Hold your pen like the teacher. 48 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 2 Draw how you sit when writing. My corner 1. See how your parents or guardians sit when writing. 2. Tell your neighbours how to sit and write. Activity 3 Join the dots. My corner 1. Draw and label your home on manila paper. 2. Help older people at home to write. Activity 4 1. Write the words correctly. nip _______ nep _______ nki _______ 49 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

2. Write neatly. Parent _________ Kettle __________ Activity 5 Practise in pairs. 1. Write your name. _______________________________________ 2. What is the first letter of your name? _______________________________________ My corner 1. Write the names of your family members. 2. Help your neighbours to write their names correctly. Activity 6 Look, say and colour. 50 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

5 Time A. Listening and speaking Activity 1 Look at the picture. a) How are the children sitting? b) How do you sit when listening? 51 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 2 Listen to the teacher read. When we listen When we listen, We do not talk. We listen to our teacher. When we listen, We look at our teacher speaking. We listen to our teacher. Activity 3 Colour the child who is sitting properly. My corner 1. Show your friends how to sit properly. 2. Tell your teacher how your friends sit. 52 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 4 g u u u u 1. Read. g g g Activity 5 1. Read the words. glass green wood book foot Make sentences. Use the words you have read. a) _ ___________________________________________ b) _ ___________________________________________ My corner 1. Share the new words with your neighbours. 2. What other words have the sounds g and u? Activity 6 Look at the pictures and say what I do. I brush my teeth. I put on my uniform. 53 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 7 1. Look at the pictures. 2. Ask and answer in pairs. a) What do you do before coming to school? b) What do you do after school? c) What do you do every day? Activity 8 Read. b) I run off to school. I get there on time. It is time The teacher is teaching. a) I am Mwilu. I read my books. I draw and colour. The sun is rising. It is time for break. It is time to wake up. I spread my bed. My uniform is ready. c) I play with my friends. It is evening. It is time to go home. I pack my books. I run back home. I help my mother I wash utensils. 54 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

2. Read after the teacher. a) I make my bed. b) I read my books. c) I play with my friends. Activity 9 Do in pairs. Tell your deskmate. 1. What you do in the morning. 2. What you do at lunch time. 3. What you do in the evening. Activity 10 What I do. Say what you do when you go home. Example: I sweep the floor. Activity 11 Ask and answer in pairs. What do you do when you are happy? Example: I jump up and down in joy. I smile. My corner 1. Look at what your family members do at home. 2. Ask them what they do every day. 3. Sing songs about what you do every day. Example: In the morning a)Early in the morning. b)I brush my teeth. The sun is rising. I put on my uniform. I get out of my bed. I have my breakfast. I say goodbye and go to school. 55 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

B. Reading Activity 1 Look at the picture. 1. How is the boy turning the pages when reading? 2. How do you turn pages when reading? 3. Show your deskmate how to turn pages when reading. My corner 1. Look at how your family members place their books when reading. 2. Show your neighbours how to place their books when reading. Activity 2 1. Read after the teacher. j j j j ck ck ck ck lock truck jug jet 56 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

2. Look and say. Which is the odd one out? My corner 1. Read with your parents or guardians at home. stick brick jacket jeans 2. Say the riddle for others to answer. What has hands but cannot clap? Activity 3 Read after the teacher. sick truck jet jug My corner 1. Read books at home. 2. Pick out words with sounds j and ck. 3. Read the words to your friends. Activity 4 1. Read aloud after the teacher. Jude, Jack and Nick Jude, Jack and Nick want to play. Jude and Jack are skipping. 57 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Nick is not skipping. He says he feels pain in his neck. Nick is just standing. Nick is sick. He cannot play. “Is Nick sick?” Jude asks Jack. “Yes, he says he feels pain in his neck,” Jack answers. 2. Read in pairs. Nick Jude sick Jack My corner 1. Read magazines at home. Pick words you can read. 2. Help your neighbours to read these words. Activity 5 1. Read. Godi Godi woke up late. The sun was up in the sky. He looked at the clock. He went to the bathroom. He took a shower. He brushed his teeth. He ate his breakfast. He put his books in his school bag. Godi forgot his homework book at home. He ran back home to get it. He hit his foot against a stone as he was coming back. He was in pain. His toe was bleeding. He walked slowly to school. Mrs Kagendo was already in class when he got to school. 58 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

2. Answer the questions. 1. Who woke up late? _________________________ 2. What was high up in the sky? _________________ 3. What did Godi look at? ______________________ 4. What did he hit his foot against? _______________ 5. Do you think the teacher punished Godi for coming late? ____________________________________ 6. What should we do not to be late? _____________ My corner 1. Read a story to your parents or guardians at home. 2. Tell your friends about the story you read. C. Writing Activity 1 1. Look and read. pencil book rubber sharpener 2. Circle what you do not use when writing. 59 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 2 1. Make words you can read correctly. nep nki 2. Write neatly. book ___________ rubber __________ 3. Say and colour. Activity 3 1. Write names of your family members. Use capital and small letters. ___________________________________________ 2. Write about the pictures. Example: I wash clothes. Mary ––––––––––––. Khalif ––––––––––––. 60 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

6 The weather and the environment A. Listening and speaking Activity 1 Look at the picture. 1. How are the children sitting? 2. Show your deskmate how to sit upright. 61 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 2 Sit upright. Listen to the teacher read. Musa and Anita Musa and Anita are in class. They are with Mrs Kerama. They are looking at her face. They want to listen well. They are sitting upright. Activity 3 Say. 1. Why are they looking at the teacher? 2. Do you look at the teacher when listening? 3. Who is looking at the teacher’s eyes? Activity 4 1. Practise reading. Ff Vv 62 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

2. Read the words. vest van fish frog My corner 1. Read a newspaper at home. 2. Pick words with sounds f and v. 3. Help your neighbours to read the words. Activity 5 1. Read. Kioko: The sun is shining. Nanjala: We are playing outside. 2. Look and say. I am sweeping the floor. Koros is cutting down a tree 63 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 6 Work in pairs. Write and say what you are doing. jump up and down I am jumping up and down. sing a song I am singing a song. stand up I am standing up. Activity 7 Work in pairs. Say what your deskmate is doing. Example: What is Peter doing? Peter is clapping his hands. Activity 8 Do in groups. Look around the class. Say what people are doing. 1. What is the teacher doing? 2. What is your friend doing? Activity 9 1. Listen to the teacher read. Agadi: How are you Hamisa? Hamisa: I am fine, thank you Agadi. Agadi: What are you doing? Hamisa: I am planting a tree. Agadi: It is good to plant a tree. Hamisa: What are you doing? Agadi: I am also planting a tree. 64 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

2. Say. a) What is Hamisa doing? b) What is Agadi doing? Activity 10 Practise in pairs. 1. Tell your deskmates what you are doing. 2. Ask your deskmates what they are doing. Activity 11 Listen to the teacher read. Cleaning school This is Mrs Musau. She is talking to learners. The school compound is dirty. The learners are cleaning it. Mrs Musau wants a clean compound. Some girls are collecting litter. Two learners are carrying a dustbin. The school will be clean. Activity 12 Repeat the sentences after the teacher. 1. She is talking to pupils. 2. The pupils are cleaning. 3. Some girls are collecting litter. 4. Two learners are carrying a dustbin. 65 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

B. Reading Activity 1 Look at the picture. 1. What do you see? 2. How is the boy turning pages in the book? 3. How do you turn pages when reading? Activity 2 Work in pairs. Practise turning pages when reading. 1. Turn from right to left. 2. Show the class how you turn pages. 3. How do you keep your books safe? 66 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

My corner 1. Look at how your family members turn pages when reading. 2. Help your family to take care of their books when reading. Activity 3 1. Practise reading i-e a-e 2. Listen to the teacher read. game grade flame shine time 3. Do in pairs. Read words. lake plate kite Activity 4 line smile 1. Listen to the teacher read. 5 shine nine bite 2. Practise reading. kite five 67 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

My corner 1. Read with your parent at home. plane kite ice snake shake made dine save 2. Help your parents or guardians to read words above. Activity 5 1. Read aloud. The wave and the lake There were waves on the lake. Like snakes the waves came. The wind on the lake made a loud noise. It was very cold. Like snakes the waves went deep into the lake. They were no more. All was silent again. All was calm. 2. Read the words. lake wave snake made like came My corner 1. Read storybooks at home. 2. Help your neighbours at home to read storybooks. 68 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 6 1. Read. The rain came down Flora and Vincent went to play. The rain was coming. Flora was afraid. She wanted to run home. Vincent saw the rain coming. He wanted to play in the rain. Flora did not want to play in the rain. She did not want to get sick. The wind was blowing. It was very difficult to walk. They did not have an umbrella. Flora and Vincent ran home. Their clothes were wet. The wind was very strong. Flora and Vincent were tired. The weather was very bad. They ran into the house. They changed into dry clothes. They sat next to the fire. 2. Answer the questions. a) Who wanted to play in the rain? ______________________________________ b) Who did not want to play in the rain? ______________________________________ c) What should you do when it is raining? ______________________________________ 69 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

My corner 1. Talk to your parents or guardians about the weather at home. 2. Read a story about the weather to your friends or neighbours. C. Writing Activity 1 Colour what you need for writing. Activity 2 Write in groups. What do you use for writing? 1. _ ___________________________________________ Activity 3 Copy the patterns in your book. F F F F F V V V V V 70 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

My corner 1. Look at how other people form letters when writing. Activity 4 rain ___ Write the letters in the words. wind w-i-n-d trees ____ volume___ My corner 1. Write the names of people in your family. Activity 5 1. Circle the capital letters. k l M F f v V 2. Colour the capital letters. A b c D e f G H i j n o P q r s T u v W x Y z Activity 6 Look at the pictures. Write about what is happening. a) ____________ b) ____________ 71 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

7 Hygiene A. Listening and speaking Activity 1 Look at the pictures. happy sad scared angry Activity 2 Work in pairs. Make your face to show that you are: scared happy sad angry tired Activity 3 Ask and answer in pairs. 1. What do people do as they talk? 2. Draw and colour happy, sad or angry faces. My corner 1. Share with your friends the feelings you see on the faces of people. 2. Tell them to look at the faces of people as they talk. 72 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

3. Tell your teacher about what you see on the faces of friends as they talk. Activity 4 1. Practise reading. A a 2. Look and read. car cat mat ant Activity 5 Recite the poem. Where are you sound a? 1 Where are you sound a? 2 Where are you sound a? Here I am. Here I am. I am in a car. I am in a star. I am in a cat. I am in a mat. I am in that rat. Look for me in your bag. Activity 6 Use the words in a sentence Example: A rat sat on a mat. mat 1. cat __________________________________ 2. car __________________________________ My corner 1. Talk to your family and your neighbours. 2. Tell them about the sound you learnt. 73 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 7 1. Look and say. Peter brushed his teeth. Matiku washed her face. 2. Answer the questions. a) What did Peter do? b) What did Matiku do? Activity 8 Do in pairs. Look and say. What did you do at home? Example: I combed my hair. Activity 9 Work in pairs. Draw lines to match the words correctly. A Now I B Yesterday I brush planned wash brushed clean packed plan washed pack cleaned 74 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 10 Work in groups. Listen to the teacher. 1. Use Box A, Box B and Box C. 2. Pick a word at a time from Box A. 3. Read the word. 4. Put the word in Box B or Box C. 5. Which group wins? Your teacher will tell you. Activity 11 Work in pairs. Write what you did. Example: I cleaned my nose using my handkerchief. 1. wash_ _______________________________________ 2. clean________________________________________ 3. brush________________________________________ 4. comb________________________________________ Activity 12 Write. 1. What did you do?_ _____________________________ 2. What did your deskmate do?_ ____________________ 3. What did other people do?_ ______________________ 75 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 13 1. Listen to the teacher read. Keep clean Mr Makori walked to the assembly. He checked our finger nails. Moraa wanted to cut her finger nails using her teeth. Mr Makori asked her to use a nail cutter. He said we should keep our finger nails short. He said every pupil must comb his or her hair. He told us to keep clean. 2. Read the words. walked checked asked a) What did Mr Makori do?_ ________________________ b) What did Mr Makori say?_ _______________________ Activity 14 Write. a) What did your teacher do before the lesson? ________ b) What did you do before the lesson? _______________ 76 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

My corner 1. Talk to your friends about keeping clean. 2. Tell your parents or guardians about what you did in school. B. Reading Activity 1 Look at the picture. 1. What do you see? 2. How does the boy turn the pages? 3. How do you turn pages when reading? Activity 2 Do in pairs. Practise how to turn your pages. 1. Turn the pages from right to left. 2. Show the class how you turn pages. My corner 1. Look at how your family turns pages when reading. 2. Help your friends to put covers on their books. Activity 3 1. Practise reading. o-e u-e 77 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

2. Read. phone smoke stone tube cube My corner 1. Read these words below with your parents or guardians at home. home alone flute rule 2. Help your friends to read these words. Activity 4 1. Read aloud Jude and Julie Jude and Julie are sisters. Julie is huge. Jude bathes every day. Julie cleans their huge house. Jude collects bones and stones from the compound. Jude will throw away stones and bones. She washes her hands. 2. Read the words. huge stones bone My corner 1. Read stories with family and friends. 2. Help neighbours who cannot read to read. 78 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 5 1. Read. A girl called Mat Mat was playing in the dirty water. She was going to school. Her hands were very dirty. Her arm also was very muddy. Mat wanted to go back home. Her uniform was very dirty. She could not go to school. She saw an ant and was afraid. She thought ants bite dirty girls. Mother said it is bad to play in the mud. Mother asked her to take a shower. Mat used soap and clean water. She then brushed her teeth. Mat was now a clean and smart girl. 2. Answer the questions. a) Where was Mat playing? b) What did Mat use to take a shower? c) What did Mat do after her shower? d) What do you do to keep clean and smart? C. Writing Activity 1 1. Look at the pictures. Talk about them. a) Hold your crayons as shown in the pictures. b) Show your deskmate how to hold a crayon. 79 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

2. Practise in pairs. a) Sit upright when in class. b) Hold your pencil well. c) Write from left to right. 3. Colour. Activity 2 Draw yourself brushing your teeth. Activity 3 Copy the words. _____________ washing ____________ combing My corner 1. Visit older people in the community. 2. Show them how to write well. 80 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 4 Which letters make the following words? 1. clean c-l-e-a-n 2. soap________________ 3. toothbrush___________ 4. smart_______________ My corner Find out letters that make names of people. Activity 5 Read the sentences below. Underline words with capital letters. 1. Mary and Jane are cleaning the compound. 2. I brush my teeth thrice a day. My corner: 1. Write names of your neighbours on paper. 2. Show it to your neighbours. Activity 6 Fill in the blank spaces. This is a toothbr__sh. This is a handkerch__ef. My corner 1. How do you keep clean? 2. Clean up the places around your home and school. 81 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

8 Myself A. Listening and speaking Activity 1 Look at the picture. 1. How are the children sitting? 2. Practise sitting properly in pairs. 82 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 2 Listen to the teacher read. Listen carefully Wahome: Good evening, Mwajuma. Mwanjuma: Good evening, Wahome. Wahome: May I talk to you? Mwajuma: Yes, you may. Wahome: Listen carefully. Mwajuma: Yes. I am listening. I am looking at your face. Wahome: Why do you look at my face? Mwajuma: I want to listen to you well. My corner 1. Look at faces of people as they talk to you. Activity 3 Work in pairs. Talk to your deskmate. 1. Look in their eyes as they talk. 2. Put a circle around what you can see on their faces. smile sad happy surprised angry scared Activity 4 Work in pairs. Show on your face that you are 1. sad 2. angry 3. polite 4. happy Activity 5 Work in pairs. 1. Why do you look in the eyes when listening to someone? 83 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

My corner 1. Draw a face of a member of your family when they are: sad happy 2. Show your neighbours what you learnt about faces. Activity 6 1. Listen to a recording of sounds played by the teacher. 2. Read the sound th. 3. Do in pairs. Say the words. that this those than Activity 7 Listen to the teacher read. I am Mwikali My name is Mwikali. I am a girl. I have a head. I use it to think. I have a nose. I use it to breathe. I have two legs. I use them to walk. I have two ears. I use them to listen. I have my mouth. I use it to eat and drink. 84 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 8 Point and say. I use it to hear. I use it to eat and drink. I use it to breathe. I use it to walk. I use it to hold a pencil. My corner 1. Pick words with the sounds learnt from a newspaper. 2. Share those sounds with your neighbours. Activity 9 Look at the pictures. Do and say in pairs This is… This is my foot. This is my mouth. This is your ear. This is your head. 85 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 10 Do in pairs. Show the class. This is ... This is my head. That is your neck. These are my legs. This is my stomach. These are my fingers. This is my cheek. Activity 11 Look and say. Do in pairs. This is her head. This is his leg. This is her ear. These are her teeth. 86 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 12 Say and do in pairs. Those are 1. Those are his eyes. 2. Those are her legs. 3. Those are your ears. 4. Those are her hands. Activity 13 Do in pairs. 1. Talk about your deskmate. 2. Tell him or her about parts of his or her body. Example: Those are your legs. Activity 14 Do in pairs. 1. Talk about parts of your body. Example: This is my knee. 2. Talk about things that are near and far in the classroom. Example: This is my book. Those are the windows. 87 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 15 teeth Draw lines to match. ears 1. We smell it with nose 2. We chew them with fingers 3. We use them to hold a pencil legs 4. We use them to walk 5. We use them to hear Activity 16 Use this or these to fill in the gaps. ______ is my sock. ______ are my socks. ______ is his shirt. ______ are his shirts. 88 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 17 1. Read and show the parts of the body. My name My name is Rahim. I am a boy. I have two eyes. These are my eyes. I have one nose. This is my nose. I have one mouth. This is my mouth. My name is Tama. I am a girl. I have two shoulders. These are my shoulders. I have two ears. These are my ears. 2. Say the sentences. a) These are my eyes. b) This is my nose. c) This is my mouth. d) These are my shoulders. d) These are my ears. My corner 1. Talk to people at home about parts of the body. Use what you have learnt. Example: This is my nose. 2. Learn about the parts of the body in your local language. 89 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

3. Share the names with people at school. 4. Talk about things at school. Use this or that, those or these. B. Reading Activity 1 Look at the picture. 1. How is the boy sitting? 2. How is he reading? 3. Show your deskmate how to read. Activity 2 Listen to the teacher read. 1. Track the reading with your finger. 2. Track every word from left to right. Touch with my finger Show me five fingers. Can I see your fingers? Show me four fingers. Touch your shoulder. Show me three fingers. Touch your ears. Show me two fingers. Touch your neck. Show me one finger. Let me see. Point to the teacher. 90 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

My corner 1. Look at how the people you know use their fingers when reading. 2. Show your neighbours how to use fingers to track when reading. Activity 3 1. Read. K K K K K k k k k k G G G G G g g g g g C C C C C c c c c c 2. Match the sounds. K g G c C k 3. Look and read. goat candle coat rake book 91 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 4 Read the words. age page ice mice lock broke 1. Which words are difficult to read? 2. Which words did you find easy to read? 3. Which words did you find difficult to read? My corner 1. Read books at home. 2. Pick out words you can read with the sounds k, g and c. Activity 5 1. Listen to the teacher read. Mother Eagle Mother Eagle has three new chicks. They sat in the nest. They were hungry. Mother Eagle brought food. The chicks were happy. 2. Which words are difficult to read? My corner 1. Read a newspaper at home. 2. Pick words you can read and write them down. 3. Help your neighbours at home to read the words you pick. 92 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 6 1. Read the story. Just like me I am Karo. I am a girl. This is Jen. Jen is my elder sister. That is Billy. Billy is my baby brother. This is our home. Those are our trees. Jen has two legs. Just like me. Jen has two eyes. Just like me. Jen has ten fingers. Just like me. Jen likes me. Just like I like her. 2. Answer the questions. a) Who is Jen?__________________________________ b) Who is Billy?_ ________________________________ My corner 1. Read the story to your parents or guardians at home. 2. Tell your friends the story you have read. 93 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

C. Writing Activity 1 Look at the picture. How are the children in the picture writing? Activity 2 1. Look at the teacher. a) The teacher will show you how to place your exercise book. b) Sit like the teacher. c) Place your book on your desk like the teacher. d) Place your hand on your desk like the teacher. Activity 3 Do in groups. 1. Sit upright when in class. 2. Hold your pencil well. 3. Look at your book and write. 94 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

My corner 1. Draw a picture of a member of your family or a friend. 2. Label parts of his or her body. Activity 4 Draw and label the parts of your body. Activity 5 Copy the words. mouth ________ teeth _______ neck ________ My corner 1. Talk to members of your family about the parts of the body. 2. Help older people at home to write better. Activity 6 1. Make words. Example: rea ear enos _ _ _ _ cken _ _ _ _ yee _ _ _ 2. Name letters that make the words. hand hair mouth 95 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

My corner 1. Find out how many people cannot write some words well. 2. Show them how their names are written in capital letters. Activity 7 Put capital letters where they are needed. 1. kipkemboi and barsulai are in school. _ ___________________________________________ 2. i go to banda school. _ ___________________________________________ 3. i live in kitui. _ ___________________________________________ Activity 8 Listen to the teacher. Use the letters in your name to write new words. Example: 1. Anastasia is at sat a. My corner Help your neighbours to write their names using capital and small letters. 96 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

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