151PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-54CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SAE FLANGES CODE 61S110SAE CODE 61 110° ELBOW•ISO 12151-3/SAE J516Part NumberNominalSAEFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeFlangeO.D - A(mm)Drop - K(mm)Cutoff - C Length - L(mm)(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S110-12123/43/4191238.162511023505000S110-16161125.41644.573651213505000S110-20161 1/4125.41650.873651212804000S110-20201 1/41 1/431.82050.883821482804000S110-24201 1/21 1/431.82060.483821482103000S110-24241.1/21 1/238.12460.497951782103000SAE FLANGES CODE 61GS23GATES GS SAE CODE 61 STRAIGHT•FOR GATES 20EFG4K, 20EFG5K, OR 20EFG6K HOSE ONLY.•USE WITH GATES GSF4N OR GSF6N FERRULES ONLY.Part NumberGates CodeNominalSAE Flangesize - MHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeLength - L(mm)Cutoff - C(mm)Flange O.D Thickness -- M (mm)F (mm)GS23-202020GS-20FL1 1/41 1/431.820146.174.950.88.1GS23-242020GS-24FL1 1/21 1/431.82016088.960.58.1
152PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-55CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SAE FLANGES CODE 61GS67GATES GS SAE CODE 61 22.5° ELBOW•FOR GATES 20EFG4K, 20EFG5K, OR 20EFG6K HOSE ONLY.•USE WITH GATES GSF4N OR GSF6N FERRULES ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeNominalSAEFlangesize - MHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash size Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Drop - T(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GS67-202020GS-20FL22M1 1/41 1/431.820178.1106.950.815.08.1GS67-242020GS-24FL22M1 1/21 1/431.820185.9114.860.518.08.1SAE FLANGES CODE 61GS45GATES GS SAE CODE 61 30° ELBOW•FOR GATES 20EFG4K, 20EFG5K, OR 20EFG6K HOSE ONLY.•USE WITH GATES GSF4N OR GSF6N FERRULES ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeNominalSAEFlangesize - MHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash size Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Drop - T(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GS45-202020GS-20FL30M1 1/41.1/43220176.0176.050.822.18.1GS45-242020GS-24FL30M1 1/21 1/431.820182.111160.5308.1
153PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-56CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SAE FLANGES CODE 61GS68GATES GS SAE CODE 61 45° ELBOW•FOR GATES 20EFG4K, 20EFG5K, OR 20EFG6K HOSE ONLY.•USE WITH GATES GSF4N OR GSF6N FERRULES ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeNominalSAEFlangesize - MHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash size Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Drop - T(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GS68-202020GS-20FL45S1 1/41 1/431.820169.998.850.8308.1GS68-242020GS-24FL45S1 1/21 1/431.820176104.960.538.18.1SAE FLANGES CODE 61GS66GATES GS SAE CODE 61 60° ELBOW•FOR GATES 20EFG4K, 20EFG5K, OR 20EFG6K HOSE ONLY.•USE WITH GATES GSF4N OR GSF6N FERRULES ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeNominalSAEFlangesize - MHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash size Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Drop - T(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GS66-202020GS-20FL60M1 1/41 1/431.820186.9115.850.855.18.1GS66-242020GS-24FL60M1 1/21 1/431.820195.1124.060.564.08.1
154PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-57CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SAE FLANGES CODE 61GS69GATES GS SAE CODE 61 67.5° ELBOW•FOR GATES 20EFG4K, 20EFG5K, OR 20EFG6K HOSE ONLY.•USE WITH GATES GSF4N OR GSF6N FERRULES ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeNominalSAEFlangesize - MHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash size Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Drop - T(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GS69-202020GS-20FL67M1 1/41 1/431.820178.1106.950.864.08.1GS69-242020GS-24FL67M1 1/21 1/431.820164.193.060.551.18.1SAE FLANGES CODE 61GS59GATES GS SAE CODE 61 90° ELBOW•FOR GATES 20EFG4K, 20EFG5K, OR 20EFG6K HOSE ONLY.•USE WITH GATES GSF4N OR GSF6N FERRULES ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeNominalSAEFlangesize - MHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash size Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Drop - T(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GS59-202020GS-20FL90M1 1/41 1/431.820165.19450.889.98.1GS59-242020GS-24FL90S1 1/21 1/431.820165.19460.5818.1
155PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-58CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SAE FLANGES CODE 61GS110GATES GS SAE CODE 61 SWEPT 110°•FOR GATES 20EFG4K, 20EFG5K, OR 20EFG6K HOSE ONLY.•USE WITH GATES GSF4N OR GSF6N FERRULES ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeNominalFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash Size Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Drop - T(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GS110-202020GS-20FL110-0801 1/41 1/431.820181.1110.050.880.08.1GS110-242020GS-24FL110-0801 1/21 1/431.820181.1110.060.580.08.1SAE FLANGES CODE 61GSM23GATES GSM SAE CODE 61 STRAIGHTONE PIECE•FOR GATES 24 AND 32 EFG5K OR EFG6K HOSE ONLY.Part NumberGates CodeNominalSAE Flangesize - MHose I.D(in)Dash SizeHose I.D(mm)Length - L(mm)Cutoff - C(mm)Flange O.D Thickness -- M (mm)F (mm)GSM23-242424GSM-24FL1 1/21 1/22438.1180. FLANGES CODE 61GSM45GATES GSM SAE CODE 61 30° ELBOWONE PIECE•FOR GATES 24 AND 32 EFG5K OR EFG6K HOSE ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeNominalSAEFlangesize - MHose I.D(in)Dash SizeHose I.D(mm)Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Drop - T(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GSM45-242424GSM-24FL30M1 1/21 1/22438.1216.412760.5458.1
156PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-59CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SAE FLANGES CODE 61GSM68GATES GSM SAE CODE 61 45° ELBOWONE PIECE•FOR GATES 24 AND 32 EFG5K OR EFG6K HOSE ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeNominalSAEFlangesize - MHose I.D(in)Dash SizeHose I.D(mm)Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Drop - T(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GSM68-242424GSM-24FL45M1 1/21 1/22438.1230.0135.060.544.07.9GSM68-323232GSM-32FL45M223250.8287.0173.579.556.012.7SAE FLANGES CODE 61GSM59GATES GSM SAE CODE 61 90° ELBOWONE PIECE•FOR GATES 24 AND 32 EFG5K OR EFG6K HOSE ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeNominalSAEFlangesize - MHose I.D(in)Dash SizeHose I.D(mm)Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Drop - T(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GSM59-242424GSM-24FL90S1 1/21 1/22438.1214.9119.960.581.07.9GSM59-323232GSM-32FL90-130223250.8264.0150.571.4130.09.7
157PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-60CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SAE FLANGES CODE 61GL23GATES MEGAVAC SAE CODE 61 STRAIGHTSUCTION TAILPart NumberGates CodeNominalFlange size-AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash SizeLength - L(mm)Cutoff - C(mm)Flange O.D Thickness -- M (mm)F (mm)GL23-404040GL-40FL2 1/22 1/263.540143.880.084.19.7GL23-484040GL-48FL32 1/263.540143.881.5101.69.7GL23-484848GL-48FL3376.248166.187.9101.68.1GL23-565656GL-56FL3 1/23 1/288.956170.277.7114.38.1SAE FLANGES CODE 61GL67GATES MEGAVAC SAE CODE 61 22.5° ELBOWSUCTION TAILPart NumberGatesCodeNominalFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash Size Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)Drop - T(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GL67-404040GL-40FL222 1/22 1/263.540173.0110.716.084.19.7
158PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-61CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SAE FLANGES CODE 61GL45GATES MEGAVAC SAE CODE 61 30° ELBOWSUCTION TAILPart NumberGatesCodeNominalFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash Size Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)Drop - T(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GL45-404040GL-40FL302 1/22 1/263.540185.4123.227.484.19.7GL45-484848GL-48FL303376.248209.0130.828.5101.69.7SAE FLANGES CODE 61GL68GATES MEGAVAC SAE CODE 61 45° ELBOWSUCTION TAILPart NumberGatesCodeNominalFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash Size Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)Drop - T(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GL68-404040GL-40FL452 1/22 1/263.540196.1133.943.784.19.7GL68-484040GL-48FL4532 1/263.540197.1134.944.7101.69.7GL68-484848GL-48FL453376.248233.2154.951.6101.69.7GL68-565656GL-56FL453 1/23 1/288.956245.4152.954.1114.311.2
159PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-62CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SAE FLANGES CODE 61GL66GATES MEGAVAC SAE CODE 61 60° ELBOWSUCTION TAILPart NumberGatesCodeNominalFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash Size Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)Drop - T(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GL66-404040GL-40FL602 1/22 1/263.540206.5144.366.884.19.7GL66-484848GL-48FL603376.248245.4167.179.0101.69.7SAE FLANGES CODE 61GL69GATES MEGAVAC SAE CODE 61 67.5° ELBOWSUCTION TAILPart NumberGatesCodeNominalFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash Size Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)Drop - T(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GL69-404040GL-40FL672 1/22 1/263.540208.8146.679.584.19.7GL69-484848GL-48FL673376.248241.3163.198.3101.69.7
160PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-63CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SAE FLANGES CODE 61GL59GATES MEGAVAC SAE CODE 61 90° ELBOWSUCTION TAILPart NumberGatesCodeNominalFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash Size Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)Drop - T(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GL59-404040GL-40FL902 1/22 1/263.540204.7142.5117.484.19.7GL59-484040GL-48FL9032 1/263.540206.3144.0117.4101.69.7GL59-484848GL-48FL903376.248246.4168.2139.7101.69.7GL59-565656GL-56FL903 1/23 1/288.956258.3165.9143.0114.39.7SAE FLANGES CODE 62S22SAE CODE 62 STRAIGHT•ISO 12151-3/SAE J516Part NumberNominalSAE Flangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeFlange O.D- A (mm)Cutoff - H(mm)Length - L(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S22-08081/21/212.70831.847804206000S22-12123/43/4191241.35898.53505000S22-161213/4191247.65898.53505000S22-16161125.41647.665121.54206000S22-162011 1/431.82047.670136.54206000S22-20161 1/4125.4165469125.54206000S22-20201 1/41 1/431.8205470136.54206000S22-24201 1/21 1/431.82063.580146.54206000S22-24241 1/21 1/238.02463.584116.54206000S22-322421 1/238.02479.499181.54206000S22-32322251.03279.4100196.54206000
161PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-64CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SAE FLANGES CODE 62S62SAE CODE 62 45° ELBOW•ISO 12151-3/SAE J516Part NumberNominalSAEFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeFlangeO.D - A(mm)Drop - K(mm)Cutoff - H Length - L(mm)(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S62-08081/21/212.70831.82047804206000S62-12103/45/815.91041.32657933505000S62-12123/43/4191241.326641043505000S62-161213/4191247.631681083505000S62-16161125.41647.630801364206000S62-20161 1/4125.4165430801364206000S62-20201 1/41 1/431.8205434931604206000S62-24201 1/21 1/431.82063.535941614206000S62-24241.1/21 1/238.12463.5401121954206000S62-322421 1/238.12479.4431151984206000S62-32322250.83279.4561502473505000
162PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-65CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SAE FLANGES CODE 62S61SAE CODE 62 90° ELBOW•ISO 12151-3/SAE J516Part NumberNominalSAEFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeFlangeO.D - A(mm)Drop - K(mm)Cutoff - H Length - L(mm)(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S61-08081/21/212.70831.84038714206000S61-12083/41/212.70841.34738714206000S61-12103/45/815.91041.35045813505000S61-12123/43/4191241.35455953505000S61-161213/4191247.66055953505000S61-16161125.41647.664711284206000S61-20161 1/4125.4165464711284206000S61-20201 1/41 1/431.8205474871544206000S61-24201 1/21 1/431.82063.576871544206000S61-24241.1/21 1/238.12463.5881051884206000S61-322421 1/238.12479.4931051884206000S61-32322250.83279.41231402373505000SAE FLANGES CODE 62S61LSAE CODE 62 90° ELBOW - EXTENDED•ISO 12151-3/SAE J516Part NumberNominalSAEFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeFlangeO.D - A(mm)Drop - K(mm)Cutoff - H Length - L(mm)(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S61L-08081/21/212.70831.77540723505000S61L-12123/43/4191241.310055953505000S61L-16161125.41647.6120711284206000S61L-20201 1/41 1/431.82054120871544206000
163PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-66CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SAE FLANGES CODE 62GS22GATES GS SAE CODE 62 STRAIGHT•FOR GATES 20EFG4K, 20EFG5K, OR 20EFG6K HOSE ONLY.•USE WITH GATES GSF4N OR GSF6N FERRULES ONLY.Part NumberGates CodeNominalSAE Flangesize - MHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeLength - L(mm)Cutoff - C(mm)Flange O.D Thickness -- M (mm)F (mm)GS22-202020GS-20FLH1 1/41 1/431.820146.174.954.110.4GS22-242020GS-24FLH1 1/41 1/231.82016088.963.512.7SAE FLANGES CODE 62GS62GATES GS SAE CODE 62 45° ELBOW•FOR GATES 20EFG4K, 20EFG5K, OR 20EFG6K HOSE ONLY.•USE WITH GATES GSF4N OR GSF6N FERRULES ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeNominalSAEFlangesize - MHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash size Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Drop - T(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GS62-202020GS-20FLH45M1 1/41 1/431.820176104.954.138.110.4GS62-242020GS-24FLH45M1 1/21 1/431.820176104.963.543.912.7
164PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-67CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SAE FLANGES CODE 62GS61GATES GS SAE CODE 62 90° ELBOW•FOR GATES 20EFG4K, 20EFG5K, OR 20EFG6K HOSE ONLY.•USE WITH GATES GSF4N OR GSF6N FERRULES ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeNominalSAEFlangesize - MHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash size Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Drop - T(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GS61-202020GS-20FLH90M1 1/41 1/431.820165.19454.189.910.4GS61-242020GS-24FLH90S1 1/21 1/431.820165.19463.58112.7SAE FLANGES CODE 62GSM22GATES GSM SAE CODE 62 STRAIGHTONE PIECE•FOR GATES 24 AND 32 EFG5K OR EFG6K HOSE ONLY.Part NumberGates CodeNominalSAE Flangesize - MHose I.D(in)Dash SizeHose I.D(mm)Length - L(mm)Cutoff - C(mm)Flange O.D Thickness -- M (mm)F (mm)GSM22-242424GSM-24FLH1 1/21 1/22438.1199.9104.963.512.7GSM22-322424GSM-32FLH21 1/22438.1199.9104.979.512.7GSM22-323232GSM-32FLH223250.8251.4137.479.512.7
165PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-68CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SAE FLANGES CODE 62GSM62GATES GSM SAE CODE 62 45° ELBOWONE PIECE•FOR GATES 24 AND 32 EFG5K OR EFG6K HOSE ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeNominalSAEFlangesize - MHose I.D(in)Dash SizeHose I.D(mm)Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Drop - T(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GSM62-242424GSM-24FLH45M1 1/21 1/22438.123213763.543.912.7GSM62-322424GSM-24FLH45M21 1/22438.1240.814679.555.912.7GSM62-323232GSM-32FLH45-063223250.8296.5182.579.56312.7SAE FLANGES CODE 62GSM61GATES GSM SAE CODE 62 90° ELBOWONE PIECE•FOR GATES 24 AND 32 EFG5K OR EFG6K HOSE ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeNominalSAEFlangesize - MHose I.D(in)Dash SizeHose I.D(mm)Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Drop - T(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GSM61-242424GSM-24FLH90-0941 1/21 1/22438.1221.7118.963.59412.7GSM61-322424GSM-32FLH90S21 1/22438.1213.9118.979.5119.912.7GSM61-323232GSM-32FLH90M223250.826415079.512012.7
166PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-69CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SUPERCAT FLANGES225SUPERCAT STRAIGHTPart NumberNominalSAE Flangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeFlange O.D- A (mm)Cutoff - H(mm)Length - L(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S225-12123/43/4191241.366106.53505000S225-161213/4191647.668108.53505000S225-16161125.41647.690146.54206000S225-20161 1/4125.4165490146.54206000S225-20201 1/41 1/431.8205488154.44206000S225-24201 1/21 1/431.82063.588154.44206000S225-24241 1/21 1/238.12463.584166.54206000S225-322421 1/238.12479.4110192.54206000S225-32322250.83279.4130226.53505000SUPERCAT FLANGES675SUPERCAT 22.5° ELBOWPart NumberNominalSAEFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeFlangeO.D - A(mm)Drop - K(mm)Cutoff - H Length - L(mm)(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S675-12123/43/4191241.316821184206000S675-161213/4191247.617821184206000S675-16161125.41647.617971534206000S675-20161 1/4125.4165417971534206000S675-20201 1/41 1/431.82054164061724206000S675-24201 1/21 1/431.82063.5164061744206000S675-24241 1/21 1/238.12463.5181252084206000S675-322421 1/238.12479.4191292114206000
167PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-70CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SUPERCAT FLANGES465SUPERCAT 30° ELBOWPart NumberNominalSAEFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeFlangeO.D - A(mm)Drop - K(mm)Cutoff - H Length - L(mm)(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S465-12123/43/4191241.322791304206000S465-161213/4191247.623791304206000S465-16161125.41647.623941514206000S465-20161 1/4125.4165423941514206000S465-20201 1/41 1/431.82054221031704206000S465-24201 1/21 1/431.82063.5231041704206000S465-24241 1/21 1/238.12463.5251232054206000S465-322421 1/238.12479.4271262084206000S465-32322250.83279.4351642643505000SUPERCAT FLANGES625SUPERCAT 45° ELBOWPart NumberNominalSAEFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeFlangeO.D - A(mm)Drop - K(mm)Cutoff - H Length - L(mm)(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S625-12123/43/4191241.334711123505000S625-161213/4191247.636711123505000S625-16161125.41647.636861434206000S625-20161 1/4125.4205436861434206000S625-20201 1/41 1/431.8205436961624206000S625-24201 1/21 1/431.82063.536961624206000S625-24241 1/21 1/238.12463.5411141964206000S625-322421 1/238.12479.4441161994206000S625-32322250.83279.4571522503505000
168PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-71CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SUPERCAT FLANGES545SUPERCAT 60° ELBOWPart NumberNominalSAEFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeFlangeO.D - A(mm)Drop - K(mm)Cutoff - H Length - L(mm)(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S545-12123/43/4191241.345761174206000S545-161213/4191247.648761174206000S545-16161125.41647.6501031604206000S545-20161 1/4125.41654501031604206000S545-20201 1/41 1/431.82054501211874206000S545-24201 1/21 1/431.82063.5511211874206000S545-24241 1/21 1/238.12463.5581442264206000S545-322421 1/238.12479.4611462284206000S545-32322250.83279.4811942904206000SUPERCAT FLANGES695SUPERCAT 67.5° ELBOWPart NumberNominalSAEFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeFlangeO.D - A(mm)Drop - K(mm)Cutoff - H Length - L(mm)(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S695-12123/43/4191241.350741154206000S695-161213/4191247.653741154206000S695-16161125.41647.656971534206000S695-20161 1/4125.4165456971534206000S695-20201 1/41 1/431.82054571141814206000S695-24201 1/21 1/431.82063.5581141814206000
169PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-72CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SUPERCAT FLANGES615SUPERCAT 90° ELBOWPart NumberNominalSAEFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeFlangeO.D - A(mm)Drop - K(mm)Cutoff - H Length - L(mm)(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S615-12123/43/4191241.364551064206000S615-161213/4191247.664551064206000S615-16161125.41647.673711284206000S615-20161 1/4125.4165473711284206000S615-20201 1/41 1/431.8205477871544206000S615-24201 1/21 1/431.82063.578871544206000S615-24241 1/21 1/238.12463.5901051884206000S615-322421 1/238.12479.4941051884206000S615-32322250.83279.41251402373505000SUPERCAT FLANGES615-XSUPERCAT 90° ELBOW - EXTENDEDPart NumberNominalSAEFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeFlangeO.D - A(mm)Drop - K(mm)Cutoff - H Length - L(mm)(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S615-1616-X1321125.41647.6132711284206000S615-2020-X1501 1/41 1/431.82054150871544206000S615-2420-X1351 1/21 1/431.82063.5135871544206000
170PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-73CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SUPERCAT FLANGEGS225GATES GS SUPERCAT STRAIGHT•FOR GATES 20EFG4K, 20EFG5K, OR 20EFG6K HOSE ONLY.•USE WITH GATES GSF4N OR GSF6N FERRULES ONLY.Part NumberGates Code Flange Size-MHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeLength - L(mm)Cutoff - C(mm)Flange O.D Thickness -- M (mm)F (mm)GS225-202020GS-20FLC1 1/41 1/431.820186.9115.854.114.2GS225-242020GS-24FLC1 1/21 1/431.820186.9115.863.514.2SUPERCAT FLANGEGS675GATES GS SUPERCAT 22.5° ELBOW•FOR GATES 20EFG4K, 20EFG5K, OR 20EFG6K HOSE ONLY.•USE WITH GATES GSF4N OR GSF6N FERRULES ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeNominalFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash Size Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)Drop - T(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GS675-202020GS-20FLC22-0171 1/41 1/431.820184.9113.817.054.114.2GS675-242020GS-24FLC22-0171 1/21 1/431.820184.9113.817.063.514.2
171PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-74CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SUPERCAT FLANGEGS465GATES GS SUPERCAT 30° ELBOW•FOR GATES 20EFG4K, 20EFG5K, OR 20EFG6K HOSE ONLY.•USE WITH GATES GSF4N OR GSF6N FERRULES ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeFlangeSize - MHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash size Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)Drop - T(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GS465-202020GS-20FLC301 1/41 1/431.820182.911223.954.114.2GS465-242020GS-24FLC301 1/21 1/431.820182.911223.963.514.2SUPERCAT FLANGEGS625GATES GS SUPERCAT 45° ELBOW•FOR GATES 20EFG4K, 20EFG5K, OR 20EFG6K HOSE ONLY.•USE WITH GATES GSF4N OR GSF6N FERRULES ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeNominalFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash Size Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)Drop - T(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GS625-202020GS-20FLC45-0371 1/41 1/431.820176.0104.937.154.114.2GS625-242020GS-24FLC45-0371 1/21 1/431.820176.0104.937.163.514.2
172PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-75CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SUPERCAT FLANGEGS545GATES GS SUPERCAT 60° ELBOW•FOR GATES 20EFG4K, 20EFG5K, OR 20EFG6K HOSE ONLY.•USE WITH GATES GSF4N OR GSF6N FERRULES ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeFlangeSize - MHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash size Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)T (mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GS545-202020GS-20FLC601 1/41 1/431.820198.1127. FLANGEGS695GATES GS SUPERCAT 67.5° ELBOW•FOR GATES 20EFG4K, 20EFG5K, OR 20EFG6K HOSE ONLY.•USE WITH GATES GSF4N OR GSF6N FERRULES ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeNominalFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash Size Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)Drop - T(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GS695-202020GS-20FLC67-0591 1/41 1/431.820191.0119.958.954.114.2GS695-242020GS-24FLC67-0591 1/21 1/431.820191.0119.958.963.514.2
173PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-76CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SUPERCAT FLANGEGS615GATES GS SUPERCAT 90° ELBOW•FOR GATES 20EFG4K, 20EFG5K, OR 20EFG6K HOSE ONLY.•USE WITH GATES GSF4N OR GSF6N FERRULES ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeFlangeSize - MHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash size Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)Drop - T(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GS615-202020GS-20FLC901 1/41 1/431.820166.1957754.114.2GS615-242020GS-24FLC901 1/21 1/431.820166.1957763.514.2SUPERCAT FLANGEGSM225GATES GSM SUPERCAT STRAIGHTONE PIECE•FOR GATES 24 AND 32 EFG5K OR EFG6K HOSE ONLY.Part NumberGates Code Flange Size-MHose I.D(in)Dash SizeHose I.D(mm)Length - L(mm)Cutoff - C(mm)Flange O.D Thickness -- M (mm)F (mm)GSM225-242424GSM-24FLC1 1/21 1/22438.1189.094.263.514.2GSM225-323232GSM-32FLC223250.8227.7113.879.514.2SUPERCAT FLANGEGSM675GATES GSM SUPERCAT 22° ELBOWONE PIECE•FOR GATES 24 AND 32 EFG5K OR EFG6K HOSE ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeFlangeSize - MHose I.D(in)Dash SizeHose I.D(mm)Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)Drop - T(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GSM675-242424GSM-24FLC221 1/21 1/22438.1236141.516.863.514.2
174PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-77CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SUPERCAT FLANGEGSM465GATES GSM SUPERCAT 30° ELBOWONE PIECE•FOR GATES 24 AND 32 EFG5K OR EFG6K HOSE ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeFlangeSize - MHose I.D(in)Dash SizeHose I.D(mm)Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)Drop - T(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GSM465-242424GSM-24FLC30-0231 1/21 1/22438.1235139.522.963.514.2SUPERCAT FLANGEGSM625GATES GSM SUPERCAT 45° ELBOWONE PIECE•FOR GATES 24 AND 32 EFG5K OR EFG6K HOSE ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeFlangeSize - MHose I.D(in)Dash SizeHose I.D(mm)Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)Drop - T(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GSM625-242424GSM-24FLC45-0391 1/21 1/22438.1227.1132.139.163.514.2GSM625-323232GSM-32FLC45-064223250.8287.5173.56479.514.2
175PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-78CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.SUPERCAT FLANGEGSM615GATES GSM SUPERCAT 90° ELBOWONE PIECE•FOR GATES 24 AND 32 EFG5K OR EFG6K HOSE ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeFlangeSize - MHose I.D(in)Dash SizeHose I.D(mm)Length - L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)Drop - T(mm)FlangeO.D - M(mm)Thickness- F (mm)GSM615-242424GSM-24FLC90-0871 1/21 1/22438.1214.1119.497.163.514.2GSM615-323232GSM-32FLC90-130223250.8264.5150.513079.514.2
176PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-79CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.METRIC 24°S80METRIC LIGHT MALE STRAIGHT24° CONE•ISO 12151-5Part NumberMetricMaleThread - FHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash size Tube SizeHex A/F -S (mm)Cutoff - H Length - L(mm)(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S80-M1203M12-1.53/164.80361221462804000S80-M1204M12x1.51/46.40461221492804000S80-M1404M14x1.51/46.40481421492804000S80-M1604M16x1.51/46.404101723512804000S80-M1605M16x1.55/167.905101723512804000S80-M1606M16x1.53/89.506101723532804000S80-M1806M18x1.53/89.506121923532804000S80-M1808M18x1.51/212.70812192556.32804000S80-M2206M22x1.53/89.506152225562804000S80-M2208M22x1.51/212.708152226592804000S80-M2608M26x1.51/212.708182728612103000S80-M2610M26x1.55/815.910182728642103000S80-M2612M26x1.53/41912182729702103000S80-M3012M30x23/41912223031722103000S80-M3616M36x2125.416284136922103000S80-M4520M45x21 1/431.8203548421082103000S80-M5224M52x21 1/238.1244255471302103000
177PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-80CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.METRIC 24°S81CMETRIC LIGHT FEMALE STRAIGHT24° CONE SWIVEL NUT•ISO 12151-5Part NumberMetricFemaleThread - FHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash size Tube SizeHex A/F -S (mm)Cutoff - H Length - L(mm)(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S81C-M1203M12x1.53/1650361421462804000S81C-M1204M12x1.51/46.40461723512804000S81C-M1404M14x1.51/46.40481722502804000S81C-M1604M16x1.51/46.404101924522804000S81C-M1605M16x1.55/167.905101924522804000S81C-M1606M16x1.53/89.506101923542804000S81C-M1804M18x1.51/46.404122224522804000S81C-M1806M18x1.53/89.506122224542804000S81C-M1808M18x1.51/212.708122228612804000S81C-M2206M22x1.53/89.506152724542804000S81C-M2208M22x1.51/212.708152724572804000S81C-M2608M26x1.51/212.708183226592103000S81C-M2610M26x1.55/815.910183227622103000S81C-M2612M26x1.53/41912183234752103000S81C-M3010M30x25/815.910223628642103000S81C-M3012M30x23/41912223631712103000S81C-M3612M36x23/46.312284128691001500S81C-M3616M36x2125.416284134901001500S81C-M4520M45x21 1/431.8203550401061001500
178PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-81CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.METRIC 24°S87METRIC LIGHT FEMALE 45° ELBOW24° CONE SWIVEL NUT•ISO 12151-5Part NumberMetricFemaleThread -FHose I.D(in)Hose I.D Dash size(mm)TubeSizeHex A/F -S (mm)Drop - K Cutoff - H Length -(mm)(mm)L (mm)WorkingPressure Pressure(bar)Working(psi)S87-M1204M12x1.51/46.4046171435632804000S87-M1404M14x1.51/46.4048171436642804000S87-M1604M16x1.51/46.40410191638662804000S87-M1606M16x1.53/89.50610191639692804000S87-M1806M18x1.53/89.50612221840712804000S87-M2208M22x1.51/212.70815271946792804000S87-M2610M26x1.55/815.91018322253892103000S87-M3012M30x23/41912223625621032103000S87-M3616M36x2125.416284132801361001500S87-M4520M45x21 1/431.8202850341021671001500
179PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-82CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.METRIC 24°S86METRIC LIGHT FEMALE 90° ELBOW24° CONE SWIVEL NUT•ISO 12151-5Part NumberMetricFemaleThread -FHose I.D(in)Hose I.D Dash size(mm)TubeSizeHex A/F -S (mm)Drop - K Cutoff - H Length -(mm)(mm)L (mm)WorkingPressure Pressure(bar)Working(psi)S86-M1204M12x1.51/46.4046172626532804000S86-M1404M14x1.51/46.4048172929572804000S86-M1406M14x1.53/89.5068194230612804000S86-M1604M16x1.51/46.40410193029572804000S86-M1605M16x1.55/167.90510193331592804000S86-M1606M16x1.53/89.50610193131612804000S86-M1806M18x1.53/89.50612223331612804000S86-M1808M18x1.51/212.70812227141472804000S86-M2208M22x1.51/212.70815273837702804000S86-M2608M26x1.51/212.70818324037702103000S86-M2610M26x1.55/815.91018324544802103000S86-M2612M26x1.53/4191218325754942103000S86-M3012M30x23/4191222365254942103000S86-M3612M36x23/4191228415156951001500S86-M3616M36x2125.416284163721281001500S86-M4520M45x21 1/431.820385073931591001500S86-M5224M52-21 1/238.124426083931751001500
180PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-83CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.METRIC 24°S78METRIC HEAVY MALE STRAIGHT24° CONE•ISO 12151-5Part NumberMetricMaleThread - FHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash size Tube SizeHex A/F -S (mm)Cutoff - H Length - L(mm)(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S78-M1404M14x1.51/46.40461423514506500S78-M1604M16x1.51/46.40481723514506500S78-M1606M16x1.53/89.50681728564506500S78-M1804M18x1.51/46.404101924524506500S78-M1806M18x1.53/89.506101924554506500S78-M2005M20x1.55/167.905122225533505000S78-M2006M20x1.53/89.506122225564506500S78-M2008M20x1.51/212.508122227604156000S78-M2206M22x1.53/89.506142227584506500S78-M2208M22x1.51/212.708142228614206000S78-M2408M24x1.51/212.708162429624206000S78-M3010M30x25/815.910203032683505000S78-M3012M30x23/41912203033743505000S78-M3612M36x23/41912253637783505000S78-M4216M42x2125.4163046441013805500S78-M5220M52x21 1/431.8203855511173254700
181PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-84CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.METRIC 24°S79CMETRIC HEAVY FEMALE STRAIGHT24° CONE SWIVEL NUT•ISO 12151-5Part NumberMetricFemaleThread - FHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash size Tube SizeHex A/F -S (mm)Cutoff - H Length - L(mm)(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S79C-M1404M14x1.51/46.40461723514506500S79C-M1604M16x1.51/46.40481922504506500S79C-M1606M16x1.53/89.50681926564506500S79C-M1804M18x1.51/46.404102224524506500S79C-M1806M18x1.53/89.506102225554506500S79C-M2005M20x1.55/167.905122424523505000S79C-M2006M20x1.53/89.506122424544506500S79C-M2008M20x1.51/212.508122228614156000S79C-M2206M22x1.53/89.506142728584506500S79C-M2208M22x1.51/212.708142728614206000S79C-M2408M24x1.51/212.708163029624206000S79C-M3010M30x25/815.910203633693505000S79C-M3012M30x23/41912203636763505000S79C-M3612M36x23/41912254638783505000S79C-M3616M36x2125.416254641973805500S79C-M4216M42x2125.416305042983805500S79C-M4220M42x21 1/431.8203050431093254700S79C-M5220M52x21 1/431.8203860481153254700
182PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-85CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.METRIC 24°S84METRIC HEAVY FEMALE 45° ELBOW24° CONE SWIVEL NUT•ISO 12151-5Part NumberMetricFemaleThread -FHose I.D(in)Hose I.D Dash size(mm)TubeSizeHex A/F -S (mm)Drop - K Cutoff - H Length -(mm)(mm)L (mm)WorkingPressure Pressure(bar)Working(psi)S84-M1404M14x1.51/46.4046171435634506500S84-M1604M16x1.51/46.4048191436644506500S84-M1804M18x1.51/46.40410221638664506500S84-M1806M18x1.53/89.50610221740704456500S84-M2006M20x1.53/89.50612241840714456500S84-M2206M22x1.53/89.50614271942724456500S84-M2208M22x1.51/212.70814272046794206000S84-M2408M24x1.51/212.70816302147804206000S84-M3010M30x25/815.91020362556923505000S84-M3012M30x23/41912203627641053505000S84-M3612M36x23/41912254628641053505000S84-M3616M36x2125.416254634831403805500S84-M4216M42x2125.416305032821383805500S84-M5220M52x21 1/431.820386038971643254700
183PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-86CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.METRIC 24°S83METRIC HEAVY FEMALE 90° ELBOW24° CONE SWIVEL NUT•ISO 12151-5Part NumberMetricFemaleThread -FHose I.D(in)Hose I.D Dash size(mm)TubeSizeHex A/F -S (mm)Drop - K Cutoff - H Length -(mm)(mm)L (mm)WorkingPressure Pressure(bar)Working(psi)S83-M1404M14x1.51/46.4046172625534506500S83-M1604M16x1.51/46.4048192929574506500S83-M1804M18x1.51/46.40410223029574506500S83-M1806M18x1.53/89.50610223330614456500S83-M1808M18x1.51/212.7081224483570.34456500S83-M2005M20x1.55/167.90512243228563505000S83-M2006M20x1.53/89.50612243331614456500S83-M2008M20x1.51/212.70812255237674456500S83-M2206M22x1.53/89.50614273734644456500S83-M2208M22x1.51/212.70814274139714206000S83-M2408M24x1.51/212.70816304239714206000S83-M3010M30x25/815.91020365044803505000S83-M3012M30x23/4191220365554943505000S83-M3612M36x23/4191225465754943505000S83-M3616M36x2125.416254669711283805500S83-M4216M42x2125.416305067711283805500S83-M5220M52x21 1/431.820386080871543254700METRIC 24°GS79GATES GS METRIC HEAVY FEMALE STRAIGHT24° CONE SWIVEL NUT•FOR GATES 20EFG4K, 20EFG5K, OR 20EFG6K HOSE ONLY.•USE WITH GATES GSF4N OR GSF6N FERRULES ONLY.Part NumberGates CodeMetricFemaleThreadHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeTube SizeLength - L(mm)Cutoff - C(mm)Hex A/F -H2 (mm)GS79-M522020GS-38FDHORXM52x21 1/431.8202814573.960
184PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-87CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.METRIC 24°GS83GATES GS METRIC HEAVY FEMALE 90° ELBOW24° CONE SWIVEL NUT•FOR GATES 20EFG4K, 20EFG5K, OR 20EFG6K HOSE ONLY.•USE WITH GATES GSF4N OR GSF6N FERRULES ONLY.Part NumberGatesCodeMetricFemaleThreadHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash size Tube Size Length -L Cutoff - C(mm)(mm)Drop - T(mm)Hex A/F -H2 (mm)GS83-M522020GS-38FDHORX90M52x21 1/431.82028180.6109.587.160METRIC 24°GSM79GATES GSM HEAVY METRIC FEMALE24° CONE SWIVEL NUT ONE PIECE•FOR GATES 32 EFG5K OR EFG6K HOSE ONLY.Part NumberGates CodeMetricFemaleThreadHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Hose I.D(mm)Dash SizeHex A/F -H2 (mm)Length -L(mm)Cutoff - C(mm)GSM79-M522424GSM-38FDHORXM52X2.01 1/21.51.52460180.185.1METRIC MULTI SEALS77CMETRIC MULTI-SEAL CONE FEMALE STRAIGHTSWIVEL NUTPart NumberMetricFemaleThread - FHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeHex A/F -S(mm)Cutoff - H(mm)Length -L(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S77C-M1404M14-1.51/46.4041720482804000S77C-M1606M16-1.53/89.5061921532804000S77C-M1806M18-1.53/89.5062220502804000
185PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-88CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.METRIC FRENCH GAZS47METRIC FRENCH GAZ MALE STRAIGHT24° CONEPart NumberMetric MaleThread - FHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeHex A/F - S(mm)Cutoff - H(mm)Length - L(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S47-M2006M20x1.53/89.506222555.53304800S47-M2408M24x1.51/212.7082427602804000S47-M3010M30x1.55/815.9103030662804000S47-M3612M36x1.53/41912363373.52103000S47-M4516M45x1.5125.4164638.589.52103000METRIC FRENCH GAZS74CMETRIC FRENCH GAZ FEMALE STRAIGHT24° CONE SLIP NUTPart NumberMetricFemaleThread - FHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeHex A/F - S(mm)Cutoff - H(mm)Length - L(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S74C-M2006M20-1.53/89.5062421.5523304800S74C-M2408M24-1.51/212.7083025.558.52804000S74C-M3010M30-1.55/815.9103626.5622804000S74C-M3612M36x1.53/41912412968.52103000S74C-M4516M45x1.5125.4165134902103000
186PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-89CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.JISS75HJIS BSP FEMALE STRAIGHT30° FLARE SWIVEL NUT - BACK HEX•JIS B 8363Part NumberJIS (BSP)FemaleThread - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeHex A/F -S (mm)Hex A/F -S1 (mm)Cutoff - H Length - L(mm)(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S75H-04041/4-191/46.404191721.549.53505000S75H-06063/8-193/89.506221922.5533505000S75H-08081/2-141/212.708272226593505000S75H-12123/4-143/4191232273171.52804000S75H-16161-11125.416413638942103000S75H-20201 1/4-111 1/431.8205147.6441101702500
187PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-90CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.JISS70HJIS METRIC FEMALE STRAIGHTKOMATSU STYLE 30° FLARE SWIVEL NUTPart NumberJISFemaleThread - FHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeHex A/F -S (mm)Hex A/F -S1 (mm)Cutoff - H Length - L(mm)(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S70H-M1204M12x1.51/46.404161621493505000S70H-M1404M14x1.51/46.404191721.549.53505000S70H-M1406M14x1.53/89.506191721.5523505000S70H-M1605M16x1.55/167.905221722503505000S70H-M1606M16x1.53/89.50622172252.53505000S70H-M1804M18x1.51/46.404241925533505000S70H-M1806M18x1.53/89.506241922.5533505000S70H-M1808M18x1.51/212.708242227603505000S70H-M2006M20x1.53/89.506251926563505000S70H-M2008M20x1.51/212.708252227603505000S70H-M2206M22x1.53/89.506272227573505000S70H-M2208M22x1.51/212.708272226593505000S70H-M2212M22x1.53/41912272731713505000S70H-M2408M24x1.51/212.708322730633505000S70H-M2410M24x1.55/815.910322760662804000S70H-M2412M24x1.53/41912322731712804000S70H-M3012M30x1.53/41912363233.5742804000S70H-M3312M33x1.53/41912413236762103000S70H-M3316M33x1.5125.416413639952103000S70H-M3612M36x1.53/419.01244.53636761702500S70H-M3616M36x1.5125.41644.53639951702500S70H-M3620M36x1.51 1/431.82044.541431091702500S70H-M4220M42x1.51 1/431.8205148461121702500S70H-M4224M42x1.51 1/238.1245148481301702500
188PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-91CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.JISS89JIS METRIC FEMALE 90° ELBOWKOMATSU STYLE 30° FLARE SWIVEL NUTPart NumberJIS FemaleThread - THose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeHex A/F - E(mm)Drop - H(mm)Cutoff - C(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S89-M1404M14-1.51/46.4041935383505000S89-M1406M14-1.53/89.5061933313505000S89-M1606M16x1.53/89.5062234303505000S89-M1806M18x1.53/89.5062433313505000S89-M2208M22x1.51/212.7082739333505000S89-M3012M30x1.53/419123643482804000JISS71JIS FLANGE STRAIGHTKOMATSU STYLE FLANGE STRAIGHTPart NumberNominalSAE Flangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeFlange O.D- A (mm)Cutoff - H(mm)Length - L(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S71-10105/85/815.91034 x 6.748843505000JISS73JIS FLANGE 45° ELBOWKOMATSU STYLE FLANGE 45° ELBOWPart NumberNominalSAEFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeFlangeO.D - A(mm)Drop - K(mm)Cutoff - H Length - L(mm)(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S73-10105/85/815.910342253893505000
189PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-92CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.JISS72JIS FLANGE 90° ELBOWKOMATSU STYLE FLANGE 90° ELBOWPart NumberNominalSAEFlangesize - AHose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash sizeFlangeO.D - A(mm)Drop - K(mm)Cutoff - H Length - L(mm)(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)workingPressure(psi)S72-10105/85/815.910344445813505000METRIC KOBELCOS44METRIC KOBELCO STYLE MALE STRAIGHT24° CONEPart NumberMetric Male Thread - THose I.D (in)Hose I.D (mm)Dash sizeS44-M3010M30x1.55/815.910S44-M3612M36x1.53/41912S44-M3616M36-1.5125.416METRIC 45° FLARES109METRIC MALE BULKHEAD45° FLARE GB/T 5626Part NumberMetric MaleThread - THose I.D (in)Hose I.D (mm)Dash sizeHex A/F - E(mm)Hex A/F - E1(mm)Cutoff - C(mm)S109-M1606M16x1.53/89.506221948.5S109-M2006M20x1.53/89.506272756.5S109-M2008M20x1.51/212.708272758.5
190PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-93CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.METRIC FLAT FACES131METRIC FLAT FACE STRAIGHTSWIVEL NUT•GB/T 9065.3Part NumberMetric FemaleThread - THose I.D (in)Hose I.D (mm)Dash sizeHex A/F - E(mm)Cutoff - C (mm)S131-M1604M16x1.51/46.4041916.5S131-M1606M16x1.53/89.5061917S131-M1806M18x1.53/89.5062217.5S131-M2006M20x1.53/89.5062417.5S131-M2206M22x1.53/89.5062717.5S131-M2208M22x1.51/212.7082718S131-M2408M24x1.51/212.7083018S131-M2710M27x1.55/815.9103219.5S131-M3012M30x23/419123621.5S131-M3312M33x23/419124121.5S131-M3616M36x2125.4164122.5BANJO TAILS38BSP BANJO TAILTO SUIT BSP BOLTPart NumberBanjo ID -D (mm)Hose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash size Suits BSP Thickness Cutoff - H Length - LBolt - F- T (mm)(mm)(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S38-040413.31/46.4041/4-191423512804000S38-060416.81/46.4043/8-1917.526.554.52804000S38-060516.85/167.9053/8-1917.526.554.52804000S38-060616.83/89.5063/8-1917.52454.52804000S38-0806213/89.5061/2-14233262.52503600S38-0808211/221.5081/2-142328.561.52503600S38-101023.15/815.9105/8-1423.528.2642103000S38-121226.53/419123/4-1429.537.5782103000
191PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-94CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.BANJO BOLTBJ-BBSP BANJO BOLTPart NumberBSPP Thread - FBolt Length mm (B)Overall Length - L(mm)Hex A/F (H)BJ-B041/4-19293419BJ-B063/8-19334122BJ-B081/2-14384627BJ-B105/8-14445430BJ-B123/4-14475632METRIC BANJO TAILS38-MMETRIC BANJO TAILTO SUIT METRIC BOLTPart NumberBanjo ID -D (mm)Hose I.D(in)Hose I.D(mm)Dash size Suits Bolt Thickness Cutoff - H Length - L-F- T (mm)(mm)(mm)WorkingPressure(bar)WorkingPressure(psi)S38-M100310.23/16503M10x11020452002900S38-M100410.21/46.404M10x11023512002900S38-M120412.11/46.404M12x1.51223512002900S38-M140414.21/46.404M14x1.51423512002900S38-M140514.25/167.905M14x1.51425522002900S38-M140614.23/89.506M14x1.5142454.52002900S38-M160416.21/46.404M16x1.517.526.554.52002900S38-M160616.23/89.506M16X1.517.52454.52002900S38-M180618.23/89.506M18X1.520.52757.52002900S38-M180818.21/212.708M18X1.520.528.161.12002900S38-M220822.21/212.708M22X1.522.228.561.52002900S38-M221022.25/815.910M22X1.522.231632002900S38-M2612263/41912M26X1.52638782002900
192PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-95CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.METRIC BANJO BOLTBJ-MMETRIC BANJO BOLTPart NumberBSPP Thread - FBolt Length mm (B)Overall Length -L(mm)Hex A/F (H)BJ-M10M10x1.0192414BJ-M12M12x1.5263117BJ-M14M14-1.5293419BJ-M16M16x1.5334122BJ-M18M18x1.5374424BJ-M22M22x1.5384627BJ-M26M26-1.5475632KARCHERKARCHERMETRIC KARCHER MALE STRAIGHTPart NumberMetric MaleThread - THose I.D (in)Hose I.D (mm)Dash sizeSpigot Diameter Cutoff - C (mm)- A (mm)KARCHER-04M22x1.51/46.4041033KARCHER-05M22-1.55/167.9051033KARCHER-06M22-1.53/89.5061033KARCHERS30METRIC KARCHER FEMALE STRAIGHTPart NumberMetric FemaleThread - FHose I.D (in)Hose I.D (mm)Dash sizeCutoff - H(mm)Length -L(mm)O-Ring sizeS30-M2204M22x1.51/46.40434.862.810x2S30-M2205M22x1.55/167.90537.865.810x2S30-M2206M22x1.53/89.50637.868.910x2
193PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-96CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.HOSE JOINERS90HOSE JOINER STRAIGHTPart NumberHose I.D (in)Hose I.D (mm)Dash sizeCutoff - H(mm)Length - L(mm)WorkingPressure (bar) Pressure (psi)WorkingS90-04041/46.30413694506500S90-05055/1680513693505000S90-06063/8100613744506500S90-08081/212.50815814206000S90-10105/8161016883505000S90-12123/4191218993505000S90-1616125.416211373505000S90-20201 1/431.820241623505000BRAZE SOCKETS96IMPERIAL BRAZE SOCKET STRAIGHTPart NumberSocket I.D (mm)Hose I.D (in)Hose I.D (mm)Dash sizeCutoff - C (mm)S96-04041/41/46.40412S96-05055/165/167.90512S96-06063/83/89.50613S96-08081/21/212.70814S96-10105/85/815.91015S96-12123/43/4191222S96-16161125.41625S96-20201 1/41 1/431.82029S96-24241 1/21 1/238.12433S96-32322250.83234
194PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20214-97CARBON STEEL SWAGE COUPLINGS† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.CEJN CONNECTOR STRAIGHTS97WEO PUSH CONNECT STRAIGHTTO SUIT WEO PUSH CONNECT ADAPTORSPart NumberHose I.D (in)Hose I.D (mm)Dash sizeO.D - C (mm)Cutoff - C (mm)S97-04041/46.4041030S97-06063/89.5061333S97-08081/212.7081633STAPLELOCKS50STAPLELOCK MALESTAPLELOCK MALE STRAIGHTPart NumberStaplelock MaleThread - THose I.D (in)Hose I.D (mm)Dash sizeCutoff - C (mm)S50-04041/41/46.40432S50-06063/83/89.50635S50-08081/21/212.70833S50-12123/43/4191233
196PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20215 - 1www.hydraulink.com1002SROTCENNOC D IULFK N I LUARDYH© t hg i r ypoCwww.hydrauASGENERAL INFORMATIONINFORMATION - SWAGE FERRULES4NonEnsu“ ariInsecleabetwlubriabutshouswaSelenomCheadjuSkivEnsuHydMarkthe rInsecleabetwlubriabutshouswaSelenomCheadjuPleaThe swage ferrules listed in this section are speci cally designed for use with the relevant hose types and swage hosetails listed in sections two and three of this catalogue respectively. Use of compo-nent combinations other than those speci ed may result in reduced service life or premature failure of the hose assembly. In such cases no warranty will apply.Hydraulink swage ferrules are of a proprietary design, and have all been comprehensively tested within the performance parameters of the relevant hose types. To obtain maximum performance from swage hose assemblies, ferrules must be swaged to the nal swage diameters recommended by Hydraulink. These diameters are subject to regular review as part of ongoing product development, and are published as a swage chart listing all nal dimensions. If in doubt, please contact Hydraulink to con rm nal dimensions or request a copy of the latest swage chart.All dimensions shown are nominal, and subject to change due to ongoing product development. For critical applications, please contact Hydraulink to con rm dimensions.Hydraulink Fluid Connectors Ltd. reserves the right to discontinue, or to alter the design and speci -cation of any product listed in this catalogue.Our product range is constantly evolving and Hydraulink reserve the right to change technical specifications without notice
197PRODUCT CATALOGUE 2021ulink.com1002SROTCENNOC D IULFK N I LUARDYH© t hg i r ypoCSSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSINFORMATION - SWAGE FERRULES044n-Skive Swage Couplings Non-Skive Swage Couplingsure hose is cut square, with minimal end ing”. ert hose into ferrule, ensuring suf cient arance for location of tail locking collar ween hose end and ferrule shoulder. Lightly icate tailpiece and insert into hose until collar ts the ferrule. Check alignment of ferrule ulder and tailpiece locking collar before ging.ect correct die set, and swage to diameter minated on latest Hydraulink Crimp Chart.eck nal swage diameter with verniers, and ust crimp dimensions if necessary.ve Swage Couplingsure hose is cut square, and refer to latest raulink Crimp Chart for skive dimension. k dimension from cut end, then cut and strip rubber cover, exposing the wire.ert hose into ferrule, ensuring suf cient arance for location of tail locking collar ween hose end and ferrule shoulder. Lightly icate tailpiece and insert into hose until collar ts the ferrule. Check alignment of ferrule ulder and tailpiece locking collar before ging.ect correct die set, and swage to diameter minated on latest Hydraulink Crimp Chart.eck nal swage diameter with verniers, and ust crimp dimensions if necessary.ase refer to training manual for more detailed assembly instructions.5 - 21002SROTwww.hydraulink.com1002SROTCENNOC D IULFK N I LUARDYH© t hg i r ypoCASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSINFORMATION - SWAGE FERRULES4Ensure hose is cut square, with minimal end “ aring”. Insert hose into ferrule, ensuring suf cient clearance for location of tail locking collar between hose end and ferrule shoulder. Lightlylubricate tailpiece and insert into hose until collar abuts the ferrule. Check alignment of ferrule shoulder and tailpiece locking collar before swaging.Select correct die set, and swage to diameter nominated on latest Hydraulink Crimp Chart.Check nal swage diameter with verniers, and adjust crimp dimensions if necessary.Skive Swage CouplingsEnsure hose is cut square, and refer to latest Hydraulink Crimp Chart for skive dimension. Mark dimension from cut end, then cut and strip the rubber cover, exposing the wire.Insert hose into ferrule, ensuring suf cient clearance for location of tail locking collar between hose end and ferrule shoulder. Lightlylubricate tailpiece and insert into hose until collar abuts the ferrule. Check alignment of ferrule shoulder and tailpiece locking collar before swaging.Select correct die set, and swage to diameter nominated on latest Hydraulink Crimp Chart.Check nal swage diameter with verniers, and adjust crimp dimensions if necessary.Please refer to training manual for more detailed assembly instructions.pes o-re of from ent, link For i -1002SROTwww.hydraulink.com1002SROTCENNOC D IULFK N I LUARDYH© t hg i r ypoCASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSINFORMATION - SWAGE FERRULES044Non-Skive Swage CouplingsEnsure hose is cut square, with minimal end “ aring”. Insert hose into ferrule, ensuring suf cient clearance for location of tail locking collar between hose end and ferrule shoulder. Lightly lubricate tailpiece and insert into hose until collar abuts the ferrule. Check alignment of ferrule shoulder and tailpiece locking collar before swaging.Select correct die set, and swage to diameter nominated on latest Hydraulink Crimp Chart.Check nal swage diameter with verniers, and adjust crimp dimensions if necessary.Skive Swage CouplingsEnsure hose is cut square, and refer to latest Hydraulink Crimp Chart for skive dimension. Mark dimension from cut end, then cut and strip the rubber cover, exposing the wire.Insert hose into ferrule, ensuring suf cient clearance for location of tail locking collar between hose end and ferrule shoulder. Lightly lubricate tailpiece and insert into hose until collar abuts the ferrule. Check alignment of ferrule shoulder and tailpiece locking collar before swaging.Select correct die set, and swage to diameter nominated on latest Hydraulink Crimp Chart.Check nal swage diameter with verniers, and adjust crimp dimensions if necessary.Please refer to training manual for more detailed assembly instructions.pes o-re of from ent, link For i -Our product range is constantly evolving and Hydraulink reserve the right to change technical specifications without notice
200PRODUCT CATALOGUE 20215-5CARBON STEEL FERRULES† - Please contact Hydraulink for further details and availability.Pricing current as at 6 Dec 2020 and excludes GST. Hydraulink reserve the right to change pricing and technical specifications without notice.MULTISPIRAL FERRULESS6KXNSPIRAL HOSE SWAGE FERRULENON-SKIVE SWAGE FERRULE FOR MULTI SPIRAL 4 WIREHOSEPart NumberHose I.D inchesHose I.D (mm)Dash sizeLength - L (mm)I.D - d (mm)O.D - D (mm)S6KXN-063/89.50630.821.430.0S6KXN-081/212.70834.025.134.9S6KXN-105/815.91036.929.040.0S6KXN-123/4191242.032.744.5MULTISPIRAL FERRULESSFM4NSPIRAL HOSE SWAGE FERRULENON-SKIVE SWAGE FERRULE FOR MULTI SPIRAL 4 WIREHOSEPart NumberHose I.D inchesHose I.D (mm)Dash sizeLength - L (mm)I.D - d (mm)O.D - D (mm)SFM4N-16125165739.550.0SFM4N-201 1/431.5206847.260.0SFM4N-241 1/238.02486.055.570.0SFM4N-32251.032100.07086.0MULTISPIRAL FERRULESSFM6NSPIRAL HOSE SWAGE FERRULENON-SKIVE SWAGE FERRULE FOR MULTI SPIRAL 6 WIREHOSE•FOR HYDRAULINK HX6K-20 HOSE ONLY.Part NumberHose I.D inchesHose I.D (mm)Dash sizeLength - L (mm)I.D - d (mm)O.D - D (mm)SFM6N-201 1/431.52070.051.465.0
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