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Home Explore DECEMBER 2019 _ JANUARY 2020 FAN UK MAGAZINE Final


Published by helenscohen, 2019-12-02 10:49:14

Description: DECEMBER 2019 _ JANUARY 2020 FAN UK MAGAZINE Final

Keywords: FANUK, fanuk, field archery news uk, magazine, online, free, bows, arrows, archery


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D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 9 / D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 9 / D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 9 / J a n u a r y 2 0 2 0 J a n u a r y 2 0 2 0 J a n u a r y 2 0 2 0 ~ F O R T H E L O V E O F F I E L D A R C H E R Y ~

Contents New Features New Features New Features 5 NEW GB & NI Field Archery Website 14-17 FAN UK meets Spyros Bakas & introducing the Arktos 3D Competition 24-25 Overton Black Arrows 2019 Fundraising update 34 Senlac Bowmen Charity Halloween shoot 42-43 SFAA Level 2 Coach Qualification course success! 62-65 FAN UK would like to introduce “Dreamcraft Archery” 72–76 FAN UK Meet the Club: Row Brow Field Archers 88-90 FAN UK would like to introduce “Off the Arrow Shelf” Shoot Entry Forms Shoot Entry Forms 96-97 Peace International CPL 2019 Shoot Entry Forms 114-116 “One Man and His Course” :-) 4 Limerick Field Archers - 15.12.2019 Regulars Regulars Regulars 11 Aurora FAC 12.01.2020 32 Festive Cartoons by Via Verde 19 Regent Archers Winter shoot 05.01.2020 52–54 Del the Cat’s “Bowyer’s Diary” - Autumn - Fall 128-129 Jim’s Jungle Jaunt 2020 @ Longbow Heritage 04 & 05.07.2020 133 Raven Field Archers 2-day shoot 09 & 10.05.2020 61 Festive Cartoons by Via Verde 136 Rednex Archers’ 2020 Rednexstravaganza 11 & 12.04.2020 82-85 HOODS & MAIDS 137 Dunbrody Archers 100 shoot 06 & 07.06.2020 107 Festive Cartoons by Via Verde 138-139 FAN UK’s Dogs & Crossbows List so far! 2

Shoot Reports Shoot Reports Shoot Reports 6-10 Aurora FAC Aug. Bank Hol. shoot 20-22 Company of Sixty 20.10.2019 27-31 Pentref Bowmen Welsh & Open Championships 2019 36-38 Castle Bowmen 03.11.2019 46-49 Ye Olde Delph Bowmen 06.10.2019 56-59 STAFAA 3D Indoor Champs 09 & 10.11.2019 78-80 Delamere FA 15.09.2019 102–104 Toad Hollow 27.10.2019 112-113 STAFAA Indoor Flint Champs 27.11.2019 118-119 Pentref Bowmen Winter Masters 2019 122-125 Purbeck Archers’ Jurassic shoot 13.10.2019 Shoot Entry Forms Shoot Entry Forms Shoot Entry Forms Photography Photography Photography Regent Archers Winter shoot 05.01.2020 COVER Jason Quinn Jim’s Jungle Jaunt 2020 @ Longbow Heritage 04 & 05.07.2020 35 Mark Service day shoot 09 & 10.05.2020 69 Adam Browning Rednex Archers’ 2020 Rednexstravaganza 11 & 12.04.2020 130 Mark Service Dunbrody Archers 100 shoot 06 & 07.06.2020 135 Adam Browning REAR COVER Jason Quinn 3


Aurora FAC August Bank Holiday Shoot 2019 In contrast to our two previous August bank holiday shoots that were run as three-day events, this year we decided to revert back to a more standard two-day format and were delighted to welcome nearly 130 archers on both Saturday and Sunday with over 30 tents and caravans pitching up in the main field for the duration. A massive thank you to each and every one of you for your continuing support, we never take it for granted and your positive feedback and encouragement makes it all worthwhile. Even the weather could not have been better and arguably was even a bit too hot for some (how typically British!). Here at Aurora we pride ourselves on always trying to do something new and this year was no different as we decided to adopt the Precision Hunter format that had served us so well for the past two years, but to use it for the whole weekend rather than a single day. In this round, there were 32 target stands with 4 of those being double animal making 36 3Ds in total. Every archer shot two scoring arrows at each target from the same peg, apart from the double animal stands, which were one arrow at each, making a total of 64 arrows to be shot each day. This scoring system is based upon the IBO scheme in which the tiny central ring is worth 11 and counts as a spot; what we ordinarily refer to as a pro-kill is worth 10, a kill 8 and a wound 5, thus rewarding the super-accurate shots. The fun thing about using this system is that until the winners are announced, the archers have no idea whatsoever if their score is good, bad or indifferent adding that extra bit of tension and uncertainty to the proceedings. To support this scoring, we coloured the 11 spots with bright yellow paint to make them highly visible from all shooting pegs, thereby ensuring there could be no excuse for not knowing where to aim, making it a genuine test of distance judgement and archery skill. Apologies to those binocular-wielding folks although I could swear, I did see one or two still using them just to make sure! This format rewards those archers that can adapt most quickly to any new situation, in particular shooting so many arrows in a day and having to take the second arrow from the same peg as the first. It was fascinating to see how this second element seriously challenged some of the archers; nailing the first shot was ‘easy’ but ask them to do it again and things went awry… also seeing ‘exactly’ where to aim played mind-tricks with some folks. We received overwhelmingly positive feedback on the format with the majority of those attending greatly enjoying doing something different from the usual Big Game format. There were one or two dissenting voices but as the saying goes, you can’t please all of the people… and it certainly won’t stop us trying new things in future. Hot on the heels of their successful debut last year, once again we were treated to some amazing Saturday night musical entertainment from Mark Jones and Phil Maher, rocking the house with their tireless performance. It was a truly memorable experience with the on-stage chemistry and hilarious antics being the only topic of conversation the following day – priceless, thanks guys, exactly the same again next year please! 6

Now to thank all of the wonderful Aurora members who helped make the weekend such a success, you are what make this club what it is - thank you all so very much. The course was beautifully designed to be challenging but fair utilising all of the wonderful terrain to great effect making sure that everyone had to work very hard for their scores. Huge thanks to Paul, Adam and Stew, the devious course architects – fabulous job as ever guys. Keeping the guests fed and watered was our amazing catering team headed up by Teresa ably assisted by several helpers over the weekend, great work all. Next, it’s a big thank you to Stacey and Nadine for keeping me on the straight and narrow in admin; never an easy task! Big thanks to Tom, Molly and all the wonderful people from Radical Bikes for supporting us and allowing us to take over their field with a substantial tented village and parking, not forgetting Barrow Farm RDA for providing much needed overflow car park space. The incredibly talented Madi Tricker and her company Paralian Laser for the stunning walnut medals pitching up in the main field for the duration. A massive thank you to each and every one of (pictured left), simply brilliant and loved by everyone – thank you so much Mads. encouragement makes it all worthwhile. Even the weather could not have been better and Massive thanks and appreciation to Kalli Simmonds for being our fabulous Lady Paramount handing out those medals to all winning archers – great job Kalli! Thank you to everyone who contributed to our charity raffle that raised almost £120 for Support 4 Sight, a favourite charity of fellow Aurorian, Amanda Thompson – well done all, fantastic result. Finally, we must never forget to show our appreciation and thanks to Lord Petre for allowing us to enjoy his superb Parsons Spring woodland. We are fortunate indeed to have the run of this truly unique location and we never tire of its riches. winners are announced, the archers have no idea whatsoever if their score is good, bad or So, on to our next Aurora event, we look forward to welcoming you to our one-day, New Year shoot on 12 January 2020... Do come along and join us to work off th those excess Christmas calories and to play with your shiny new toys. to aim, making it a genuine test of distance judgement and archery skill. Apologies to those Until then, shoot straight, be safe and enjoy our wonderful sport. This format rewards those archers that can adapt most quickly to any new situation, ~ Martin Joy ~ * Huge thanks to Adam Browning for his, as always, terrific photographs! * We received overwhelmingly positive feedback on the format with the majority of those Hot on the heels of their successful debut last year, once again we were treated to some Results over the page > > > > 7

Results:- Aurora FAC weekend shoot, 24th & 25th August 2019 32 x 2 arrows scoring each day (same peg) IBO scoring Sat Sun Total AFB - M Score/Spots Score/Spots Score/Spots Jones Mark Rednex 364 1 368 2 732 3 Cooper Barrie Ind 230 1 221 0 451 1 Maxen Mick Cloth of Gold 225 1 222 0 447 1 Cunningham Steve KLFA 177 0 263 0 440 0 Smith Keith Magic Dragon Archers 266 1 - - 266 1 Hunt Peter Druids Field Archers 113 1 138 0 251 1 AFB - F Morgan Joyce Cloth of Gold 318 0 317 1 635 1 Hunt Caroline Druids Field Archers 121 1 140 0 261 1 BB - M Barcroft John Archers of Battle 502 10 487 5 989 15 Johnson Phil Centaura 436 6 420 3 856 9 Lehane Andrew Bridgewood FAC 386 2 440 4 826 6 Bolton Glenn BWFAC 379 0 398 2 777 2 Roffey-Bond Gary Magic Dragon Archers 387 2 373 1 760 3 Fisk Garry Oakwood Bowmen 357 1 347 0 704 1 Simmonds Dan Bridgewoods 332 0 349 1 681 1 Gregory Mike HNA 351 0 301 2 652 2 Rushton Tom TFA 311 1 312 0 623 1 Haynes Andy Magic Dragon 352 2 - - 352 2 BB - F Lake Michaela Fleet Ibex and Holmbush 366 3 352 0 718 3 Johnson Jacqui Centaura 305 1 327 3 632 4 Motchman Vikki TFA 211 0 201 2 412 2 BB - U12G Simmonds Kalli Bridgewoods 185 0 262 1 447 1 BH - M Andrews Dave Cloth of Gold 460 6 428 3 888 9 Maher Phil Ind 426 5 431 5 857 10 Maguire Bob Independent 395 0 426 3 821 3 Morgan Peter Cloth of Gold 394 3 370 3 764 6 Tagg Carl HNA 280 1 258 1 538 2 Gillespie Jim Rednex 228 0 250 0 478 0 Bassett Bob - - - 260 0 260 0 8

Sat Sun Total CL - M Score/Spots Score/Spots Score/Spots Knott Andrew Oakwood 325 2 394 2 719 4 FS - M Stevens Terry Independent 524 4 531 7 1055 11 Young Tony South Hams 496 6 511 10 1007 16 Wentworth Terry Westcott Archers 354 2 345 0 699 2 Stewart Kevin Independent 329 1 325 5 654 6 FS - F Gregory Jade HNA 116 0 108 0 224 0 HT - M Hipgrave Steve Ind 391 4 419 4 810 8 Rand Steve Invicta 382 5 402 3 784 8 Doyle Andy Independent 406 5 345 2 751 7 Gilfrin Andrew Invicta 345 3 357 2 702 5 Gamble Neil Totem Archers 338 2 352 5 690 7 Osborne Steve TFA 267 0 323 1 590 1 Hearne Ben Excaliber 332 0 253 0 585 0 Moore Bob Bridge Woods 235 1 253 0 488 1 Ashington Michael Longbow Heritage 237 0 - - 237 0 HT - F Beckham Jan TFA 184 1 266 2 450 3 Pilbeam Brenda Bridge Woods 230 0 204 0 434 0 Morgan Olivia Ind 194 1 234 2 428 3 D'Souza Jennifer Magic Dragon Archers 250 2 - - 250 2 Bayne Barbara Bridge Woods 157 1 - - 157 1 PV - M Button Kevin Priory 317 2 304 2 621 4 Grew Roger TFA 306 3 264 2 570 5 Thomas John Longbow Heritage 187 0 212 0 399 0 Hutchison Derek Independent 238 1 238 1 PV - F Freeman Karen Co 60 215 1 272 0 487 1 TB - F Lehane Linda HNA 183 0 208 0 391 0 Kovacic Angelika Fleet Ibex 179 0 177 1 356 1 Roffey-Bond Karen Magic Dragon Archers 165 0 138 1 303 1 Mrovska Petra London Archers - - 211 1 211 1 Ovenell Sheila Bridge Woods 196 0 - - 196 0 9

Sat Sun Total TB - M Score/Spots Score/Spots Score/Spots Taylor Josh - 463 7 457 1 920 8 Fisher Roy BWFAC 295 2 348 0 643 2 Haran Tylaar Fleet Ibex 313 2 298 1 611 3 Brown James Magic Dragon 277 0 272 2 549 2 Williams Andy Avalon 212 0 227 0 439 0 Hillsden John - - - 355 1 355 1 Farmer Harry Noak Hill Archers 225 1 - - 225 1 TB - U16B Cunningham Alex KLFA 223 0 206 0 429 0 LB - M Baily Mick - 314 0 365 3 679 3 Sharp Keith Priory 293 1 298 3 591 4 Rivers Simon Magic Dragon Archers 299 1 286 3 585 4 Stanley Ian Independent 270 1 267 0 537 1 Harcus Jim Kings Forest 239 2 291 0 530 2 Healy Dominic - 270 0 249 0 519 0 Fuller Stuart Longbow Heritage 231 2 286 1 517 3 Clarkson Vincent Holmbush FA 259 1 251 1 510 2 Allen Mark Ind 242 2 255 1 497 3 Rose Colin Totem 236 0 255 1 491 1 Stratton Phil Longbow Heritage 228 0 240 0 468 0 Easton Roy Noak Hill Archers 239 0 218 1 457 1 Day Kevin TFA 236 1 210 0 446 1 Beckham Shaun TFA 160 0 135 0 295 0 Pratt Simon Bridgewoods - - 244 3 244 3 LB - F Pearce Carol Longbow Heritage 279 0 289 1 568 1 Tyler Alex Oakwood 283 1 229 0 512 1 Fuller Julie Longbow Heritage 234 0 267 1 501 1 Grew Pennie TFA 223 0 - - 223 0 Dutton Lesley Ind - - 102 0 102 0 UL - M Blackmore Owen South Wilts 646 24 642 27 1288 51 Hill David Kings Forest Bowmen 572 17 570 19 1142 36 Mills Ryan Broadland Bowmen 543 9 559 11 1102 20 Dickenson Steve Independent 545 10 541 16 1086 26 Davidson Mike Fleet Ibex 530 12 522 11 1052 23 Service Mark Broadlands 483 4 518 4 1001 8 Ife Dennis HNA 492 1 503 6 995 7 Sawdy Jason Avalon 465 5 522 4 987 9 Humphrey Peter C.O.L.A. 479 6 503 9 982 15 Savill Stuart Fleet Ibex 454 6 499 5 953 11 Hughes Gareth Fleet Ibex 476 2 475 2 951 4 Henrickson Stone - 424 2 461 5 885 7 Munro Donald Tavistock Co. of Archers 443 5 436 2 879 7 Hardy Barry C.O.L.A. 395 2 342 3 737 5 Brown Lee Bridge Woods - - 575 10 575 10 Brown Robin Bridge Woods - - 413 0 413 0 UL - F Blackmore Lizzie South Wilts 607 16 595 15 1202 31 Dickenson Sue Independent 556 8 518 7 1074 15 Davidson Soo Fleet Ibex 501 5 474 4 975 9 Parfit Clair TFA 417 3 437 11 854 14 XB - M Flatt Fred Broadland 522 8 545 10 1067 18 10


FAN UK is extremely proud to introduce FAN UK is extremely proud to introduce FAN UK is extremely proud to introduce the lovely Spyros Bakas and thank him for the lovely Spyros Bakas and thank him for the lovely Spyros Bakas and thank him for sharing with us this very exciting news... sharing with us this very exciting news... sharing with us this very exciting news... ~ 3D Archery makes its debut ~ 3D Archery makes its debut ~ 3D Archery makes its debut in Greece with the \"ARKTOS\" in Greece with the \"ARKTOS\" in Greece with the \"ARKTOS\" 3D Archery Competition ~ 3D Archery Competition ~ 3D Archery Competition ~ 14

The International 3D Archery Competition \"ARKTOS 2019\" took place on Sunday th 27 October 2019 in the dense pine and oak forests of Florina city, north-west and thank him for and thank him for and thank him for Greece and was the first of its kind ever to take place in Greece. It was held under the auspices of the Hellenic Archery ~ 3D Archery makes its debut ~ 3D Archery makes its debut ~ 3D Archery makes its debut and organized by the Federation KORYVANTES Archery Sports Club. in Greece with the \"ARKTOS\" in Greece with the \"ARKTOS\" in Greece with the \"ARKTOS\" The competition followed the rules of World Archery and included the relevant bow categories (Compound bow, Barebow, Longbow and Instinctive). 18 sport clubs, 47 archers and archers from all over Greece, Cyprus and Latvia took part in the \"ARKTOS 2019\" competition. An additional pre-game international meeting event which held on the previous day, gathered the participation of over 50 archers from Great Britain, Germany, South Korea, US, Turkey and Greece, giving a boost to the local tourism of the Florina area, as everyone spoke with the best words about the hospitality, location and geomorphology of the landscape that was ideal for 3D archery. There were 24 targets of 3D animals at unknown distances, most of them set within the Greek fauna on a fantastically overgrown parcour in the area's forest. 3D Archery made it's successful debut in Greece, introducing a different proposal to the Greek archers - the combination of the walk in nature with sporting activity, thus changing the already known perspective of the static target archery. 15

The next ARKTOS 3D Archery competition will be next year - the \"ARKTOS 2020\" - the dates for which will be announced in the coming months. For more information please follow us @Arktosarchery on Facebook or you can contact us by email on [email protected] . 16

on Facebook or you 17

New Shoot Announcement... Check it out > > Your 2020 starts here! Regent Archers (NFAS) Regent Archers (NFAS) Regent Archers (NFAS) th ~Sunday 5 January 2020~ 36 x 3D targets & Hessian Faces Start Time:- 10.30am * Full Catering * ~ Dogs Welcome ~ Sorry No Crossbows ~ Contact information:- [email protected] 07505 122749 More info to follow at: 19

Prince of Wales Open Shoot 20 October 2019 th The incessant rain of previous days abated to allow 96 archers to enjoy a rain-free day at the Company of 60’s Crown Estate woods. The name of this annual shoot is in recognition of the key part played by the Prince in securing these wonderful grounds as the home for the club in the late 1980s... and a right royal day seems to have been enjoyed by all, with both our Christmas Tree and Creek Courses offering a full complement of 3D targets, many of which were newly purchased. There was much praise from visitors at the variety of shots set by the course layers. Special thanks go to Freda, Sylvia, Stefan, Martin, Roy, Phil and Mark for their work on the courses. Lorraine and her catering team kept the food going, and praise also goes to Ian, our Publicity Officer, whose excellent video piece from the day features many visitors sharing the secrets of their chosen archery equipment (go to our Facebook page to see this!). Our next Shoot is our Mince Pie Friendly on December 8th, which will have a rolling start, full catering and all our four courses of 20 targets each for you to enjoy. 20

Results:- Ladies Longbow Gentlemen Longbow Many Linn Rat Pack 362 Ben Knight COPRA 616 Shauna Innell South Wilts 350 Ken Lunn Fleet Ibex 542 Jackie Willoughby Independent 312 Alan Benson Magic Dragon 528 George Hirst Magic Dragon 520 Ladies Primitive Patrick Hutchinson North Somerset FA 480 Carolyn Neville Fleet Ibex 436 Nick Lea Rat Pack 392 Gentlemen Primitive Ladies Hunting Tackle Simon Banks Magna Carta 386 Kim Lea Rat Pack 464 Nick Gentle COPRA 314 Linda Palmer Rat Pack 462 Beverley Cooke Bridgewood 442 Gentlemen Hunting Tackle Georgina Hernandez Raven FA 340 Terry Mills Fleet Ibex 676 Sharon Trodd Rat Pack 330 Steve Rand Invicta 672 The incessant rain of previous days abated to allow 96 archers to enjoy a Andy Doyle Independent 3S 644 Simon Rivers Magic Dragon 2S 644 Stephen Dixon Bridgewood 626 Alan White these wonderful grounds as the home for the club in the late 1980s... South Wilts 608 Tim Seed and a right royal day seems to have been enjoyed by all, with both our Bridgewood 598 Mike List South Wilts 590 Graham Davies Fleet Ibex 572 Simon Maple Belvedere 538 Peter Arterton Bridgewood 532 Ladies American Flat Bow Dave Terry Rat Pack 514 Angela Loton Rat Pack 440 John Cappello Belvedere 508 Alan Jones Rat Pack 494 Gentlemen American Flat Bow Robert Moore Bridgewood 1S 450 Phil Adams Rat Pack 698 Peter Parker Rat Pack 1S 504 John Marshall Magic Dragon 608 Nigel Pogson Raven FA 448 Julian Rivers Magic Dragon 544 Keith Poulton Magic Dragon 440 James Brown Magic Dragon 534 Charles Liston Independent 378 Nicholas Mitchell Belvedere 522 Barrie Cooper Independent 476 Ladies Barebow Mick Maxen Cloth of Gold 438 Our next Shoot is our Mince Pie Friendly on December 8th, Sally Rivers Magic Dragon 418 Colin Wright Magic Dragon 434 Zoe Burges Bridgewood 402 which will have a rolling start, full catering and all our Gentlemen Barebow Ladies Free Style Glenn Bolton Bridgewood 632 Emma Ralph Raven FA 486 Noel Mates South Wilts 596 Patricia Luff Raven FA 342 Mike Betteridge Rat Pack 494 21

Gentlemen Free Style Gentlemen Bow Hunter Terry Stevens Independent 856 Richard Timms Raven FA 688 Andrew Devlin Aurora 626 Roy Luff Raven FA 584 Gentlemen Compound Unlimited Shaun Eldridge Independent 870 Ladies Cross Bow Mike Davidson Fleet Ibex 814 Vicki Cunningham Fleet Ibex 590 Steve Palmer Raven FA 804 Stone Henriksson Independent 798 Ladies Traditional Bow Hunter Jon White Raven 796 Petra Mrozkova London Archers 534 Peter Humphrey C.O.L.A 776 Ken Scott Raven 734 Gentlemen Traditional Bow Hunter Barry Hardy C.O.L.A 654 Ben Ringshaw Fleet Ibex 722 Roy Fisher Bridgewood 632 Gentlemen Cross Bow Graham Eldridge Independent 602 Andy Cunningham Fleet Ibex 822 Bob Head Raven FA 596 Simon Cucksey Fleet Ibex 818 Keith Nolan South Wilts 590 Matthew Fouracre Independent 680 Adrian Mercer Magic Dragon 502 Ian Clothier Raven 656 Andy Neville Fleet Ibex 622 Company Of Sixty Club Results:- Cub Barebow Under 9 Gentlemen Bow Hunter Megan Godman 242 Alan Christies 600 Gentlemen Longbow Gentlemen Barebow Alan Ruffle 548 Ian Christie 642 Chris Boughton 436 Paul Wilson 484 Bryan Whyte 388 Tim Godman 388 Gentlemen Cross Bow Gentlemen Hunting Tackle Chris Harwood 432 Antal Dobondi 628 Gentlemen Traditional Bow Hunter Zaghard Takel 550 22 FieldArcheryNewsUK/ NewsukField fieldarcherynewsuk/ index.php?route=product/ search&search=aspire

Overton Black Arrows 2019 fundraising During 2019 Overton Black Arrows raised a whopping £2700 for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance. This was from a combination of all the events held throughout the year. The Quiz night and chilli in February, the 24 hour shoot on the summer solstice as well as the Watership Down Open Field Tournament and Hampshire County Championships. Particular mention must be given to the 24 hour shoot which raised £2300 alone and saw 36 club members aged between 9 and 80, shoot consecutively for 24 hours. In total 256 ‘frostbite’ rounds were shot, scoring a total of 59,545 points. A Frostbite round consists of 36 arrows, shot at 30m, with a maximum score of 360 points. During the evening, Craig Ballantine, shooting compound scored a near-perfect 358; Jodie Buckner (U15) - shooting recurve - shot an amazing 334 at 2am; Mark Davies took the Longbow high score of 190; Bill Jones, shooting barebow, scored 305 and Dave Giddings scored 89 with his horsebow. Temperatures dropped to 9 degrees overnight, which didn’t stop the shooting – the best score for a recurve archer was shot at 2am! Others huddled around the fire pit, fuelled by tea/coffee and huge quantities of cake. At the end of July we hosted the Hampshire air ambulance front line and support crew at Laverstoke range for a have a go session. It was a wonderful turn out and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Such a wonderful effort was put in by everyone at the club that Kit Malthouse MP kindly took the time to write to us to congratulate us on our efforts. It was decided by an overwhelming majority at the November AGM that Overton Black Arrows would next year be supporting the “Stepping Stones” Downs Syndrome Charity. 24

throughout the year. The Quiz night and chilli in February, the 24 hour shoot on saw 36 club members aged between 9 and 80, shoot consecutively for 24 hours. round consists of 36 arrows, shot at 30m, with a maximum score of 360 points. the best score for a recurve archer About Overton Black Arrows: The club is based in Laverstoke, near Overton in Hampshire. Founded in 1962 they shoot both target and field archery at their range in Laverstoke and in the hills above Kingsclere. The club currently has 106 members aged between 9 and 80 years old. More information can be found at About the Hampshire and Isle of Wight air ambulance: Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance brings an advanced Critical Care Team to sick and injured people in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight when they need it most. Working 365 days a year, the Air Ambulance Critical Care Team is called out many times a day to attend to road traffic collisions, sporting accidents, collapses and many other incidents. It currently costs £15,000 a day to maintain the service. More information can be found at: 25

WELSH & OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS 2019 ~ By David Jones ~ To say that the weather was unkind to all those that attended this event would be an understatement of epic proportions, along the lines of Hurricane Katrina was a bit of a squall. The rain did not fall mainly on the plain but fell continually for a week prior to and during the shoot, as in all archery tournaments the rain finally stopped and the sun appeared as the last archers were leaving the course on day 2. It resulted sadly in one of the Judges, Debbie Anderson being stretchered off the course at the start of day one and being conveyed to hospital with a serious knee injury. All the competitors and Pentref Club wish Debbie a speedy and full recovery. Pentref Committee would also like to acknowledge the efforts made by the Pinder family of Radnor Foresters whose efforts in getting Debbie off the course were much appreciated. It says much about archers in general that over 60 arrived at Pentref to start the event, it also says much about their stubbornness that most were still there at the end of day 2. A number of Welsh and Glamorgan records were broken, with the younger archers showing that archery is going to be in good hands into the future. From 10 years to 83 years the mix of competitors was a fine blend of young and old, new archers and experienced competitors, with information, advice, tips and the more than occasional ribald comment being exchanged. I would have liked to include photographs but a series of grey wet images would not have made this short article any better, if you need pictures just stand inside the shower and look out of the wet shower curtain to get the idea. Well now that’s over we now moving on to our Winter Masters series to take us through to next years competition, the first one is on Sunday the 27th of October. 27

Bow Sat Surname First name Club M/F Age Style Peg Score Sat 6s Duthie Beth Aber Archers F Sen ELB B 154 Wise Freya Kendal Bowmen F Sen ELB B 144 Newnes Alex Aber Archers M Sen ELB B 266 Williams Tom Bromley AC M Sen AFB B 155 Davies John Pentref Bowmen M Sen AFB B 169 Scragg Andrew Bitton Archers M >50 AFB B 114 Thomas Ceri 'Tosh' Pentref Bowmen M Sen Trad B 304 13 Smith Nick 'Rusty' Frome Town Archers M Sen Trad B 90 John Cyril Red Kite M >50 Trad B 110 Davies Ruby Pentref Bowmen F u12 BB W 240 Williams Victoria RSM Archers F >50 BB B 300 13 Hawker Francesca Cleve Archers F >50 BB B 277 12 Williams Jeff Pentref Bowmen M Sen BB B 329 19 Annall James Bath Archers M Sen BB B 344 21 Thomas Mathew Pentref Bowmen M Sen BB B 320 12 Strachan-Stephens Adam Ballands Bowmen M >50 BB B 312 12 Dalton John Deer Park Archers M Sen BB B 290 Lewis Peter Pentref Bowmen M >50 BB B 271 Home Dave Pentref Bowmen M Sen BB B 267 Williams Mark Pentref Bowmen M Sen BB B 246 Glastonbury Calwyn Pentref Bowmen stc M Sen BB B 261 Inson John Pentref Bowmen M >50 BB B 182 Rawlings Mel Mere Archers M >50 BB B 312 11 Williams Menna Pentref Bowmen F u18 CBB B 311 11 Price Simon RSM Archers M Sen CBB B 314 14 Rual Niamh Pentref Bowmen F u15 Rec B 232 Baylis Kayleigh Llantarnam F Sen Rec R 296 11 Goodwin-Harrison Theresa Llantwit Major Archers F Sen Rec R 272 Weston Ben Llantarnam M u15 Rec B 295 Tittensor Paul Eccles AC M Sen Rec R 331 13 Curnow Rhodri Radnor Foresters M Sen Rec R 303 11 Harrison Stephen Llantwit Major Archers M Sen Rec R 201 Rual Jason Pentref Bowmen M Sen Rec R 217 Pinder Ryan Radnor Foresters M Sen Rec R 334 14 28

Sun Sat 6s Sat 5s Score Sun 6s Sun 5s TOTAL 6s 5s Open Welsh Vtrn 2 4 88 3 0 242 5 4 1 1 1 6 80 0 1 224 1 7 9 13 211 6 4 477 15 17 1 3 4 109 3 1 264 6 5 1 2 2 169 2 2 1 0 1 114 0 1 1 13 17 230 5 11 534 18 28 1 1 1 1 56 0 3 146 1 4 1 3 110 1 3 7 6 234 3 7 474 10 13 1 13 17 265 10 9 565 23 26 1 1 1 12 12 229 4 11 506 16 23 19 17 314 12 16 643 31 33 1 1 21 22 295 13 14 639 34 36 2 12 25 284 8 17 604 20 42 3 2 12 20 257 6 12 569 18 32 1 7 18 239 6 7 529 13 25 9 16 234 5 11 505 14 27 3 9 13 192 4 5 459 13 18 8 12 209 4 7 455 12 19 4 13 182 3 6 443 7 19 2 8 148 3 5 330 5 13 11 20 0 0 0 312 11 20 11 20 263 5 12 574 16 32 1 14 19 272 2 12 586 16 31 1 3 8 170 3 3 402 6 11 1 11 12 258 8 10 554 19 22 1 5 12 270 7 15 542 12 27 8 21 273 5 16 568 13 37 1 13 24 316 11 16 647 24 40 1 11 18 272 9 10 575 20 28 2 1 2 3 221 4 4 422 6 7 3 2 6 7 193 6 4 410 12 11 14 28 334 14 28 29

Bow Sat Surname First name Club M/F Age Style Peg Score Sat 6s Gray Verity Meriden AC F Sen CUL R 364 25 Swift Pauline Meridian A.C. F >50 CUL R 352 23 Kalmaru Tia Castle Archers F Sen CUL R 275 Pinder Bob Radnor Foresters M u18 CUL R 234 Kalmaru Tapani Castle Archers M Sen CUL R 397 46 Richards Carl Meriden AC M Sen CUL R 401 49 Bunce Jake Cleve Archers M Sen CUL R 387 38 Horan Chris Ashford Archers M Sen CUL R 374 38 Pinder Paul Radnor Foresters M Sen CUL R 378 35 Cassidy Kevin Forest of Bere Bowmen M Sen CUL R 366 25 Cassells Christopher Aber Archers M Sen CUL R 364 27 Hawker Paul Cleve Archers M >50 CUL R 361 27 Bennion Darren Yelverton Bowmen M Sen CUL R 334 20 Fairburn Colin Wharfe Valley Archers M Sen CUL R 357 21 Whitter Mal Pentref Bowmen M >50 CUL R 359 26 Weston Phil Llantarnam M Sen CUL R 319 14 Liddon Paul Pentref Bowmen M Sen CUL R 322 15 Cleak Julian St Kingsmark M Sen CUL R 317 14 30

Sun Sat 6s Sat 5s Score Sun 6s Sun 5s TOTAL 6s 5s Open Welsh Vtrn 25 30 344 16 33 708 41 63 1 23 30 342 16 26 694 39 56 1 5 15 293 5 20 568 10 35 1 5 7 218 2 9 452 7 16 1 46 19 391 37 29 788 83 48 1 1 49 16 384 39 19 785 88 35 2 38 23 385 37 24 772 75 47 3 38 19 365 22 33 739 60 52 35 26 358 26 22 736 61 48 2 25 32 349 18 31 715 43 63 27 27 343 17 31 707 44 58 3 27 22 339 19 18 700 46 40 1 20 22 364 28 21 698 48 43 21 33 331 12 26 688 33 59 26 22 325 14 22 684 40 44 14 23 323 10 28 642 24 51 15 21 310 10 21 632 25 42 14 18 302 10 13 619 24 31 31



Photographer: Mark Service Pictured: Stacey Service Location: Day 1 of the EFAA National Championships 2019 @ Kings Forest Bowmen

Castle Bowmen Sunday 3 November 2019 rd ““Mud, mud, glorious mud! Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood!” – The Hippopotamus song – Flanders and Swann It was indeed a muddy one at Castledyke! Which made it rather slippery, but luckily for us, Lincolnshire is rather flat (we have one hill, we stuck a beautiful Cathedral on top of it!), therefore to the best of my knowledge, no one went flying! For our final shoot of 2019, we set out nineteen 3D targets and a Pink Elephant (we call her Nessie) along a new route around our woodland. We were out in the dark Friday night preparing the targets for setting on Saturday, just so we could watch the Rugby WC final in the morning… Yeeah.... Sunday arrived and besides the odd car getting a bit stuck in the car park and having to resort to head torches when collecting everything in, everything went very smoothly! We again got lots of positive feedback and compliments about how we lay the course, the catering and the marshals which will be fully passed on at our club meeting! A quick message from the chairman: The past eighteen months have been rather eventful, vandalism and theft, moving homes and changing of the committee after nearly a decade (amongst the bigger items). Looking back, I believe it has been successful, we are comfortable in our new woodland, our attendance has been steadily growing and the feedback I always hear is how much the archers enjoy our course laying. I’d just like to say thanks to everyone in the club for their immense work to achieve this, you’ve all been amazing. I’d also like to thank everyone that has attended our courses this year, without you we wouldn’t be where we are today! I hope to see everyone out and about next year and that you join us for our shoots, we have big things planned! :-) ~ Owen ~ 36

AFB - Gents Martin Hampson Poulterguys 606 1 spot Jeff Tullin Forest Bowmen 590 3 spots Dexter Locke KLFA 564 2 spots Roly Bee Phoenix 542 0 spots Derek Warriner Black Sheep 538 2 spots Andy Manning KLFA 482 0 spots AFB - Ladies Gillian Mill Spirit of Sherwood 502 1 spot Lana Waters Independent 446 3 spots Rachel Kenny Cobra 374 0 spots Barebow - Gents Andrew Burns Black Sheep 748 6 spots Jim Shaw Independent 730 8 spots Rob West Pines Park 730 7 spots Dave West Independent 672 2 spots Stephen Mill Spirit of Sherwood 586 1 spot Barebow - Ladies For our final shoot of 2019, we set out nineteen 3D targets and a Pink Elephant (we call Nicky McMaster Independent 686 4 spots Maureen West Pines Park 626 5 spots Jayne Fletcher Pines Park 594 2 spots preparing the targets for setting on Saturday, just so we could watch the Rugby WC final Jessica Hackett Independent 438 4 spots Cheryl Ball Legbow A.C. 420 1 spot HT - Gents resort to head torches when collecting everything in, everything went very smoothly! Nathan Taylor Independent 646 3 spots We again got lots of positive feedback and compliments about how we lay the course, John Hall Cobra 634 3 spots HT Ladies Cobra 600 2 spots Independent Steven Brown 628 5 spots Ruth Hanlon Stuart Nuttall Springfield Bowmen 618 2 spots Amanda Evenett KLFA 572 2 spots George Hampson Poulterguys 616 1 spot Debra Tullin Forest Bowmen 388 0 spots John Milligan Legbow A.C. 586 4 spots Glen Hampson Poulterguys 562 3 spots Tony Dolan Springfield Bowmen 532 2 spots William Lees Pines Park 526 3 spots Terry Ball Legbow A.C. 500 3 spots Andy Brooksbank Independent 426 0 spots Graham Thorpe Independent 416 0 spots our attendance has been steadily growing and the feedback I always hear is how much Michael Brooksbank Independent 408 0 spots Longbow - Gents Gary Cooke Independent 632 2 spots Graham Myers Independent 622 3 spots Richard Waters Independent 570 0 spots Steve Yates Bowmen of Guernsey 560 0 spots Michael Mountain Independent 500 1 spot Chris Collins Lincoln Longbow 474 2 spots Aubrey Perrin Lincoln Longbow 450 0 spots John Reader Lincoln Longbow 432 0 spots Sean Selby-Wells Lincoln Longbow 414 0 spots Phil Hiatt Lincoln Longbow 290 0 spots Longbow - Ladies Linda Crossley Albion 534 2 spots Nicola Odlin Independent 452 1 spot Jane Ladley Phoenix 410 0 spots Suzy Britnell Independent 398 0 spots Primitive - Gents Grot Independent 502 1 spot 37

Traditional Bowhunter - Gents Unlimited - Gents Sam Ward Albion 756 8 spots Simon Holmes Independent 908 29 spots Rob Southall Legbow A.C. 652 3 spots Gary McMaster Independent 904 29 spots James Tilling Legbow A.C. 544 3 spots Dan Melladay Spirit of Sherwood 900 27 spots Joe Ward Albion 888 25 spots Crossbow - Gents Martyn Cotterill Woodend 888 27 spots Mick Stansfield Independent 746 10 spots Michael Patchett Black Sheep 646 2 spots


~ Massive Congratulations to you all!! ~ 10 2 4


Ye Olde Delph Bowmen th ~ Sunday 6 October 2019 ~ I would like to thank all the archers who braved the nasty weather first thing to attend our last shoot of the year here at Ye Olde Delph Bowmen. The weather gods shone as we began the walk out by gracing us with the lovely sunshine that we all had hoped for. The day stayed bright with occasional slight showers and allowed for a great day of archery. I was overjoyed to hear such reports and feedback from everyone who I spoke too regards the shoot itself, although somewhat boggy underfoot, everyone seemed to enjoy the day. I am so grateful to the members of the club that came forward to assist with the setting up during the week and on Saturday and everyone who was able to attend to assist with the Marshalling, Catering, Admin and clear down on Sunday... you are truly fantastic and absolute treasures to the club, I honestly cannot imagine what we would do without you. We at Olde Delph look forward to hosting our shoots th again next year starting on March 15 2020 and welcoming this wonderful archery fraternity to join us in our glorious woodland for our next round of archery, fun and cake. Chris Jordan - Chairman, Ye Olde Delph Bowmen. 46

Ladies - AFB Marie Blackhall Delamere Field Archers 350 1 Gents – AFB Norman Jackson Seedfield 328 1 Jim Standring Seedfield 260 0 Peter Strickland Seedfield 300 1 Lee Price Blaidd Field Archers 588 4 Anthony McConnell Mutley Crew 520 1 Steve Harrald Cheshire Oak Bowmen 380 2 Phil Nelson North Lakes Field Archers 498 2 Under 9’s Boys – BB Delph Bowmen. The weather gods shone as we began the walk out 438 2 Benjamin Jackson Audley Parish by gracing us with the lovely sunshine that we all had hoped for. Ladies - BB Audrey Oldham Archers of Dolphinholme 502 2 Gents - BB Steve Smith feedback from everyone who I spoke too regards the shoot itself, Mutley Crew 634 2 Colin Price Blaidd Field Archers 490 0 Barry Dixon Independent 546 0 Keith Sharrock Foxhill 572 1 Ladies - BH I am so grateful to the members of the club that came forward to Foxhill 450 1 Kiri Francis Kath Harrison assist with the setting up during the week and on Saturday and Team Firebird 724 4 everyone who was able to attend to assist with the Marshalling, Gents – BH Mark Overson Foxhill 520 1 Gus Gramauskus Independent 676 7 and absolute treasures to the club, I honestly cannot imagine what Chris Plant Foxhill 772 4 Chris Smith Independent 782 2 Chris Malcomson Mutley Crew 548 3 Ladies - TBH Lynn Harrison Centaura 646 2 Viv Guthrie Delamere Field Archers 510 3 We at Olde Delph look forward to hosting our shoots Gents - TBH Gareth Jarvis Blaidd Field Archers 692 5 and welcoming Wyre Hall Field Archers 512 0 Les Barrell Marc Lovell Blaidd Field Archers 668 2 Ken Davies this wonderful archery fraternity to join us in Blaidd Field Archers 568 2 Marc Dellerba Kendal Bowmen 552 1 Mark Gill Kendal Bowmen 550 2 our glorious woodland for our next round 716 4 Bowmeisters Skip McDowell Derrick Reeves Bowmeisters 404 1 Patrick Kenny Seedfield 490 0 Graham Lord Team Firebird 530 0 Ladies - CL Steph Brown Team Firebird 462 2 Gents - CL Thomas Lawton Team Firebird 764 10 Gents - XB Harry Atkinson Kendal Bowmen 668 3 Derek Fuller Foxhill 800 13 Mike Williams Cheshire Oak Bowmen 812 8 47

Ladies - AFB Marie Blackhall Delamere Field Archers 350 1 Gents - FS Daniel Moore Team Firebird 682 1 Girls Under 12’s - HT Chloe Livingston Foxhill 358 1 Ladies - HT Alison Rayson Archers of Dolphinholme 456 0 Susan Gill Kendal Bowmen 450 1 Gents - HT Dennis Lownds Audley Parish 604 4 Peter Arnold Seedfield 456 0 Simon Cocker Team Firebird 628 3 Brian Ford Wyre Hall 420 0 David Lyons Independent 618 3 Glenn Wood Hollywood 528 1 Dagvid Thomassen Draig Goch 594 2 Martin Reeves Mutley Crew 484 3 John Rowlands Derwynd 486 2 Jim Hodge Seedfield 498 0 Martin Leonard Pennington Archers 630 4 Ladies - LB Zoe Chadwick Foxhill 326 0 Gents - LB Richard Beal Cheshire Oak Bowmen 560 3 Alan Beatty North Lakes Field Archers 488 1 Gordon Keown North Lakes Field Archers 416 0 Steve Blackhall Delamere Field Archers 594 3 Gents - PV Mark Peet Centaura 394 2 Steve Mee Pennington Field Archers 468 1 Boys Under 12’s - UL Ben Witherington Mutley Crew 794 8 48

Gents - UL Scott White Oakridge 654 1 Connor Strickland Seedfield 826 17 Mark Harrison Team Firebird 878 16 Eric Hawrot Wyre Hall Field Archers 778 7 David Shanks Team Firebird 686 6 Jim Marsh Team Firebird 820 12 Lee Witherington Mutley Crew 874 15 Ken Witherington Mutley Crew 750 7 Tom Harris Mutley Crew 772 8 Mark Duerden Team Firebird 936 25 Richard Todd Seedfield 610 2 https://

~ IFAF would like to wish All you Archers out there A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ~ 50

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