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Home Explore Develop Your Flexibility, Strength, Balance, Health, And Further Your Tai Chi Training.

Develop Your Flexibility, Strength, Balance, Health, And Further Your Tai Chi Training.

Published by eva, 2015-01-06 10:04:47

Description: My Dad got me into martial arts, back when I was twelve, as a way to get me away from the
video game console and out doing some exercise. I'm grateful for that, in a lot of ways.
Martial arts has made me a lot more fit, and giving me confidence and a career, actually. My
Dad kept on with it as well, and it's started to take a toll on him. Where we used to do sparring
matches, and throws and joint locks, he's just gotten to the point where he's enough older that he

Keywords: tai chi single fan, tai chi, single fan


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Title:Develop Your Flexibility, Strength, Balance, Health, And Further Your Tai Chi Training.Word Count:551Summary:My Dad got me into martial arts, back when I was twelve, as a way to get me away from thevideo game console and out doing some exercise. I'm grateful for that, in a lot of ways.Martial arts has made me a lot more fit, and giving me confidence and a career, actually. MyDad kept on with it as well, and it's started to take a toll on him. Where we used to do sparringmatches, and throws and joint locks, he's just gotten to the point where he's enough older that hedoesn't...Keywords:tai chi single fan, tai chi, single fanArticle Body:My Dad got me into martial arts, back when I was twelve, as a way to get me away from thevideo game console and out doing some exercise. I'm grateful for that, in a lot of ways.Martial arts has made me a lot more fit, and giving me confidence and a career, actually. MyDad kept on with it as well, and it's started to take a toll on him. Where we used to do sparringmatches, and throws and joint locks, he's just gotten to the point where he's enough older that hedoesn't enjoy being thrown on the mat abruptly.I looked at Wing Chun videos for him, and he moved into that style. However, even that'sstarting to take a toll on him. His blood pressure medications sometimes make him dizzy, andhe doesn't heal from bruises as fast as he used to (for that matter, I don't either. I marvel at thevideos my Dad shot of me when I was a teenager. Oh, to have the resilience I had then with

what I know now?So, Dad and I are looking for something we can do together that's got martial arts application,but won't give pulled muscles, bruises, or force us to explain to my stepmom or my wife whythe furniture has been re-arranged or broken. We settled on Single Fan Tai Chi Chuan.Tai Chi has a number of divergent forms; they'd be called schools in other martial arts. Thefour dominant ones are Yang, Sun, Wu and Chen forms, and they've all got their adherents. Ifyou've ever seen Star Trek: The Next Generation, where Worf is doing a \"Klingon Martial Art\"in slow motion, you've actually seen some of the Yang form of Tai Chi. The Wu form iscompact, short motions, the Sun form is about swift movement, and the Chen form is aboutexplosive movements, with Wu and Chen most important for using Tai Chi as a martial artrather than as a form of exercise.Anyway, my Dad needed to get something easier on his joints, so we did single fan Tai Chi,which was developed by Wang Ju Rong, and uses a fan as an exercise instrument, andincorporates elements from all four of the Tai Chi forms into one whole form of motions.Starting out, we both felt kind of silly, because we're sweating and working our way through theforms, with a pair of news papers taped to wooden dowels to simulate the fan. It's veryslow ?and you really feel the burn. Breathing deeply, you feel it in your abdomen, anddiaphragm, and by the end, your calves are just burning. It's a great way to improve flexibilityand breath control. My Dad was grimacing from some of the more explosive movements,because it made his bad elbow hurt, but we quickly slowed it down to keep that from happeningagain. All in all, it was a good thing to do, and I'll try to keep up with it, though I may nothave time with all my other martial arts commitments. I tell you, the biggest hassle in my lifeis that there are all these cool martial arts I can study, and not enough hours in the day to do it!Title:How To Figure Health Insurance: The Married WayWord Count:314Summary:Experts say that it is very important for a two-income family to pay attention to details whendeciding on medical insurance coverage. The reasons are as follows: 1. Pay attention becausethere are more options than ever before. 2. Certain companies penalize those who are married,and are fortunate enough to have double coverage. (Meaning; if a husband and wife work forseparate companies and one of them tries to cover the other in insurance, the company theywork for will ch...Keywords:Article Body:

Experts say that it is very important for a two-income family to pay attention to details whendeciding on medical insurance coverage. The reasons are as follows: 1. Pay attention becausethere are more options than ever before. 2. Certain companies penalize those who are married,and are fortunate enough to have double coverage. (Meaning; if a husband and wife work forseparate companies and one of them tries to cover the other in insurance, the company theywork for will charge them a higher premium).It used to be that if both spouses covered each other with their companies?insurance, then thecouple would have 100% coverage. However, in the past few years, 100% coverage is almostlaughable because it would never happen. A national study showed that 6% of employerscharge higher premiums for spouses, which equals out to an additional $178 a month.Large companies ask their employees, in any given year, to choose from HMOs (HealthMaintenance Organization), PPOs (Point of Provider Organization), and HSAs (Health SavingsAccount), wherein coverage varies. In order for families to make a smart decision when thattime comes, a spread sheet should be made so that they can compare the various options. Thefirst step would be to compare premiums that would cover the whole family. The next step, tocalculate the results if one spouse covers the family under the company plan, and the otherspouse gets individual coverage. Then, consider the deductibles. Imagine how much money youwould be out-of-pocket before the insurance even kicks in? Also, consider the scope ofcoverage (e.g. the availability of doctors and services). Finally, map out real expenses by using搘your most recent medical bills. You might also want to prepare yourself for a orse case損scenario?by considering a high-deductible plan. There is a website that can help you calculate,,?the costs of insurance on an after-tax basis.Title:The Foods You Eat Determine Your HealthWord Count:607Summary:抯 抯It important to take the time and do a little planning to eat healthy everyday. It easier to抮stay healthy by the foods you eat, than to try and get healthy after you e sick. Your energylevel will soar with the right foods in your diet.Keywords:Healthy eating, weight loss, diet,Article Body:Somewhere caught up in your busy lifestyle, between your Palm Pilot or Blackberry, dayplanner, lap top, the kids sports, piano lessons, traffic, and household duties, being healthy got抮deleted from your agenda. Instead of planning and taking time to sit down to eat, you e onthe go, driving through fast food franchises eating combo meals, forgetting to eat lean protein,

fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, the quick and easy foods are loaded with carbohydrates,sodium, sugar and fats. Healthy eating will help you stay healthy.抰Here are a couple of tips for healthy eating so you don ignore your healthy:抰1.Don skip breakfast. Eating in the morning will jump-start your metabolism, giving youenergy to get you through the morning. Protein and carbohydrate in the morning is a greatbreakfast. Breakfast should be your largest meal for the day.2.Reduce your intake of caffeinated and carbonated beverages. Caffeine is a central nervoussystem stimulant and is addictive. Caffeine will make you hungry. Carbonation preventsyour body from absorbing nutrients. Both caffeine and carbonation will cause your body to bein a more acidic state. The best pH for your balance is more alkaline or slightly over 7.0which is half way between total acidic and alkalinity.3.Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. I personally drink distilled water andavoid tap water at all costs. Filtered, purified, ionized and reverse osmosis water is also good.Think of water as cleansing the toxins out of your body. Water is water and water is not icetea, coffee, Crystal light.4.Eat your fruits and vegetables daily. A diet rich in dark green, orange, red and yellowchoices are best. Your body likes variety which comes in all colors. Variety gives your bodya greater amount of nutrients. The most overlooked benefit of eating raw vegetables in yourdiet is the benefits of the enzyme activity in raw vegetables. Eat at least 3 portions of rawvegetables a day.5.Eat whole-grain products. Your best sources are whole-grain breads, cereals, rice and pasta.Stay away from enriched and white flour products. Read the label. Processed foods are notwhole-grains. All the healthy nutrients have been stripped away from processed foods.揵 揼6.Cut the ad?(saturated) fats and increase the ood?(unsaturated) fats. The bad fatsinclude coconut and palm oil, butter, full-fat dairy products and animal fat. Eat the good fatsthat include olive, canola and corn oils. Read the label. Anything fat which is solid at roomtemperature is best to avoid.7.Drink alcohol in moderation if at all. Alcohol has wasted calories and if consumed on aregular basis, adds unwanted pounds. Alcohol also increases your blood sugar levels which isunhealthy for your metabolism.Just try and make one change a week. Or continue to work on one of these tips until it抯becomes a part of your healthy lifestyle. Healthy eating takes some planning. It very抯difficult to eat healthy on the fly. Spend some time and plan your meals. It well worth抰the rewards. You are what you eat. If you are eating unhealthy, don expect to stay抯healthy for long. I believe it easier to stay healthy than to try to get healthy once your sick.With only a few simple changes, you can make a big difference in your daily eating habits.Use your mind ?if you think healthy, you will eat healthy. Think of foods as fuel for yourbody. Eating healthy foods will produce a healthy body. For more information, motivationand tips on weight loss and healthy eating, go to

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