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Jessica Platon - Thesis Revision for Panel Review

Published by Jeca Platon, 2021-06-25 06:52:18

Description: Jessica Platon - Thesis Revision for Panel Review


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LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 1349 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES maturity. It was also mentioned by Svence & Majors (2015) that it has been proved that the people having high resilience are completely confident about their future, as well as optimistic that they have the ability to affect the environment and the society, have ambitions in life and they completely accept themselves (Klohnen et al., 1996; Tugade, Frederickson, 2004). Comparably, as cited in Wu, Y., Sang, Z., Zhang, X., and Margraf, J. (2020), resilience is negatively correlated with indicators of mental ill-being, such as depression, anxiety, and negative emotions, and positively correlated with positive indicators of mental health, such as life satisfaction, subjective well-being, and positive emotions (Hu et al., 2015). In addition, resilience showed significant correlation with positive mental health indicators, such as life satisfaction and subjective well-being (Haddadi and Besharat, 2010; Vitale, 2015; Satici, 2016; Tomyn and Weinberg, 2016). Tomyn and Weinberg (2016) found a moderate, positive correlation between resilience and subjective well-being. Satici (2016) showed that resilience positively predicts subjective well-being through mediating role of hope. Likewise, in a study conducted by Wu, Y., Sang, Z., Zhang, X., and Margraf, J. (2020) entitled ―The Relationship Between Resilience and Mental Health in Chinese College Students: A Longitudinal Cross-Lagged Analysis‖, their analyses revealed a significant reciprocal relationship between resilience and mental health status, indicating that resilience predicted the level of mental health status in short term of 1 year, and vice versa and in the longer term of 2 years, mental health was found to predict resilience level. The study verified the significant influence of mental health level on resilience. Empirical results of this study showed that improved mental health is associated with increased resilience. Wu, Y., Sang, Z., Zhang, X., and Margraf, J. (2020) mentioned that from the perspective of longitudinal development, the influence of resilience on mental health status has a chain

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 14409 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES effect: mental health status appears to influence resilience, while resilience further affects mental health status. Correspondingly, in the study conducted by Svence & Majors (2015) entitled ―Correlation of Well with Resilience and Age‖, it was found out that the closes correlation is between the common indicator of well-being and the common indicator of resilience. The results point out that the increase of well-being leads to the increase of resilience and vice versa. Additionally, in a study conducted by Chow, K., Tang, W., Chan, W., Sit, W., Choi, K., and Chan, S. (2018) entitled ―Resilience and Well-being of University Nursing Students in Hongkong: A Cross-sectional study‖, it was found out that there is a medium and positive relationship between resilience and well-being among university nursing students. Resilience is a significant predictor of perceived well-being in this group of students. As cited in Chow, K., Tang, W., Chan, W., Sit, W., Choi, K., and Chan, S. (2018), Bore et al. reported that high resilience levels significantly predict better psychological well-being in undergraduates studying psychology. It was also mentioned that resilient people can identify positive meaning in adversity that buffer their negative emotions. Such adaptive emotion regulation is associated with improved well-being. Chow, K., Tang, W., Chan, W., Sit, W., Choi, K., and Chan, S. (2018) stressed that positive thinking should be emphasized in nursing education because it plays a significant role in mediating resilience and well-being. Furthermore, in a study conducted by Kajbafnezhad & Keshi (2015) entitled ―Predicting Personality Resiliency by Psychological Well-being and Its Components in Girl Students of Islamic Azad University‖, it can be noted that psychological well-being and resilience are significantly correlated (r=0, p>0.001). Results show that psychological well-being and resilience have positive significant correlation. It can be said concluded that resilience can be

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 14419 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES either as a consequence of well-being and or as a reason which may lead to higher level of well- being. In addition, as cited in Kajbafnezhad & Keshi (2015), Souri & Hasanirad (2011) found that resilience is able to predict psychological well-being. Results indicated that psychological well-being is influenced by personal characteristics such as resilience. Similarly, according to Turner, M., Young, C., and Holdsworth, S. (2017), resilience is an antecedent of student well-being. Abreu & Blanco ( 2017) stated that factors of resilience significantly influence the well-being. Likewise, Yu & Chae (2020) found out that student‘s psychological well-being was positively correlated with their resilience which implies that resilience is an important variable in improving psychological well-being. Also, Li & Hasson (2020), mentioned that resilience and low stress were found to better predict well-being. Positive affect or positive emotion, as one of the most important element of well-being, was also said to be related to resilience. As stated by Fernández, A., Díaz, E., and Saez, I. (2018), resilience is one of the psychological factors that affects subjective well-being. Scientific research has found that resilience is positively associated with positive affect and satisfaction with life. It was also mentioned that resilient people who progress toward their goals have higher level of positive affect and satisfaction with life. Individuals with a resilient profile experience more positive emotions in stressful situations than less resilient subjects. Resilience people are characterized by having positive affect indicating that these individuals possess an enthusiastic and energetic attitude to life, as well as curiosity and openness to new experiences. As cited in Fernández, A., Díaz, E., and Saez, I. (2018), according to Folkman and Moskowitz, attaching a positive meaning to the events of everyday life and having a problem-centered coping style may help generate positive emotions in adverse situations.

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 14429 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES To summarize, resilience has been found to facilitate positive affect and alleviate affect. In addition, it is also stated that positive emotional states lead to higher levels of resilience which means that resilience is partly due to the presence of positive emotions. Likewise, as cited in Fernández, A., Díaz, E., and Saez, I. (2018), according to Salovey et al., positive emotional states may facilitates healthy behavioral practices therefore fosters the development of resilience. It was also pointed out that the association between positive emotional states and an increase in the availability of psychological resources such as resilience are supported by empirical findings. Similarly, as cited in Harms, P. D., Brady, L., Wood, D., & Silard, A. (2018) positive emotions facilitate resilience. Positive emotions can promote greater resilience because they promote flexible thinking and facilitate both adaptive coping and the maintenance of social relationships. In a similar fashion, as cited in Wu, Y., Sang, Z., Zhang, X., and Margraf, J. (2020), resilience and positive emotions might have a reciprocal influence on each other (Smith, 2009), Tugade et al., (2005) argued that positive emotions served an important function in the ability of resilient individuals to rebound from stressful encounters. Moreover, Svence & Majors (2015) cited that it was found that significant correlations are revealed during several studies in Latvia between the indicator of resilience and well-being. Studies have also shown that people with high level of resilience have a more energetic approach to life, they are curious and open to new experience. Since the ability of resilience includes optimism, faith, sense of meaning or signification, the ability to adapt, impulse control, empathy and a sense of positive relations (Masten and Reed, 2002), individuals with a high level of resilience are likely to be more positive towards themselves, as well as they are characterized by

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 14439 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES a higher indicator of favourableness or agreeableness and consciousness (Walton Viechtbauer, 2006; Brent Lucas, 2008) in the later age. On a different note, Mal koç & Yal çı n (2015) m enti oned t hat psychological well- being was statistically predicted by resilience, coping, and social support from family, friends, and from significant others. Social support and coping skills partially mediated the relationship between resilience and psychological well-being. Synthesis The above-mentioned literature and studies provided a body of knowledge about the different concepts and constructs used in the study. Mulder (2018) and Pascha (2020) both mentioned that the PERMA model was developed by one of the founders of positive psychology, Martin Seligman. This model helps people to work towards a life of fulfillment, happiness, and meaning. PERMA is the acronym for the five - according to Seligman - important building blocks of well-being and happiness: Positive emotion, Engagement, Relationship, Meaning, and Accomplishment. Mulder (2018) and Pascha (2020) both stated that positive emotion is the most obvious connection when talking about happiness and well-being. There are various definitions of positive emotions given by different authors. As cited in Ascenso, S., Perkins, R., and Williamon, A. (2018), positive emotion refers to the affective component or feeling well, in combination with a positive appraisal (Seligman, 2011). Meanwhile, Brhlik (2020) and Pascha (2020) both defined positive emotion as the ability to remain optimistic in the face of adversities. Whereas Brhlik (2020) and Eliüşük (2018) stated that positive emotion is positive feelings such

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 1449 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES as pleasure, enjoyment, and joy. The Filipino Times (2019) also mentioned that some of the positive emotions Filipinos experienced may range from being treated with respect, laughing orsmiling, feel rested, and learned something interesting. On the other hand, Ackerman (2020), Ford & Mauss (2020), Pogosyan (2016), and uniformly stated that positive emotions functions as nutrients for well-being therefore improve, boost and help increase well-being. Frequent experience of positive emotions leads to higher well-being. Furthermore, in terms of the relationship between positive emotions and resilience, Ackerman (2020), and Pogosyan (2016) both mentioned that positive emotions and resilience are positively correlated, indicating that one leads to the other and vice versa. One way resilience is acquired is through daily experiences of positive emotions, therefore these experiences allow individuals to ―bounce back‖ better than others. Ascenso, S., Perkins, R., and Williamon, A. (2018), Belyh (2019), and Eliüşük (2018) agreed that engagement refers to a deep psychological connection to a particular activity which implies the person is inclined, absorbed, and immersed in a task or activities. It is a psychological state implying interest and intense involvement in activities or interactions that brings engagement. Similarly, Eliüşük (2018) mentioned that engagement is also referred to as a ―flow‖ state (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). A flow state, according to Brhlik (2020), means fully immersing in the given activity to such extent that one forgets about time and remains focused on the present moment. As cited in Ascenso, S., Perkins, R., and Williamon, A. (2018), relationships refer to the perception of both quantity and quality of social connections. It implies the belief that one is cared for, loved, and valued (Seligman, 2011). Social relationships have been considered the

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 14459 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES most central element of well-being (Berscheid and Reis, 1998). Likewise, according to the Mental Health Foundation, a relationship is ―the way in which two or more people are connected or the state of being connected.‖ Furthermore, as cited in Eliüşük (2018), according to Butler and Kern (2016), as humans we are ―social beings‖ and good relationships form the essence of our well-being. Mental Health Foundation and Tay & Tan (2020) mentioned that social relationships are fundamental to happiness and well-being, therefore, play an important role in our mental health. In connection, Brhlik (2020) and Pascha (2020) stated that relationships and authentic social connections are crucial to living a meaningful and happy life. Ascenso et al., 2018, Belyh (2019), Butler and Kern (2016), and Eliüşük (2018) all linked meaning to having a purpose in life. Having meaning is a crucial part of our life. The sense of meaning is defined as defining the direction of life, connecting with something higher than oneself, feeling that one‘s life is valuable and important, developing standards, having the ability to judge our behavior and feeling of control in our lives, and believing that there is a purpose in someone‘s life actions. Moreover, Belyh (2019) and Brhlik (2020) both agreed that having a reason for existence or having a ―meaning of life‖ is one of the elements of happiness. Comparably, as cited in Krok (2017), meaning in life has played an important role in research on well-being and quality of life in recent years. Alandete (2015) and Krok (2017) both found out that there were positive and significant associations between meaning in life and psychological well-being. Similarly, Datu, J. & Mateo, N. (2015) found out that the presence of meaning in life partially mediated the relationship between gratitude and subjective well-being. Correspondingly, Navarez, J. (2017) found out that the presence of meaning and search for

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 14469 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES meaning in life are both significantly related to subjective well-being. He concluded that meaning in life is an important component of subjective well-being. Accomplishment, by definition, according to Ascenso, S., Perkins, R., and Williamon, A. (2018) and Belyh (2019), refers to success or mastery. On the other hand, as cited in Eliüşük (2018), accomplishment is a driving force for accomplishing or achieving personal goals (Seligman, 2011). Similarly, Pascha (2020) stated that having goals and ambition in life can help us to achieve things that can give us a sense of accomplishment and that having accomplishments in life is important to push ourselves to thrive and flourish. Furthermore, according to Brhlik (2020), goal chasing – if it is done in a healthy, not too obsessed way – does contribute to a happier life. If someone reaches their goals, they‘ll cause a sense of pride and fulfillment. Chasing and achieving feasible goals will bring up other elements of happiness. Likewise, Gräbel (2017), found out that there is a positive relationship between emotional and psychological well-being and academic achievement. Similarly, according to, studies have shown that feeling a sense of accomplishment is an important element in students developing positive well-being over time. There are numerous definitions given to resilience. Resilience is defined by many as either a trait or a process. Cohen (2020) and Hurley (2019) defined resilience as a trait. They both stated that resilience is the capacity or ability of a person to adapt, cope and recover from difficult life events and to new situations. However, American Psychological Association (APA), Fernández, et al., (2018), and Riopel (2020) all defined resilience as a process. Uniformly, they defined resilience as the process of successfully adapting well in the face of adversity and bouncing back quickly especially through mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility and

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 14479 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES adjustment to external and internal demands. On the contrary, Hurley (2019) mentioned that resilience can be defined in terms of five principles namely gratitude, compassion, acceptance, meaning, and forgiveness. Some factors contribute to building and/or strengthening one‘s resilience. According to American Psychological Association (APA), severalsomefactors contribute to how well people adapt to adversities, predominant among them (a) the ways in which individuals view and engage with the world, (b) the availability and quality of social resources, and (c) specific coping strategies. On the other hand, as mentioned by Hurley (2019), there are protective factors such as social support, realistic planning, self-esteem, coping skills, communication skills, and emotional regulation that help build resilience by improving coping skills and adaptability. Moreover, Harms, P. D., Brady, L., Wood, D., & Silard, A. (2018) mentioned three protective factors: individual factors, social factors, and community factors. Furthermore, resilient people possess certain characteristics that help them to become resilient and to maintain being one. Everly (2018), Hurley (2019), and Riopel (2020), all mentioned different characteristics that highly resilient people have. Everly (2018) pointed out that there are seven characteristics of highly resilient people. Characteristics such as active optimism; honesty, integrity, acceptiing responsibility for one‘s actions, willingness to forgive; decisiveness; tenacity; self-control; interpersonal connectedness; and présence d‘esprit. Likewise, Hurley (2019) mentioned that flexibility, adaptability, and perseverance can help people tap into their resilience by changing certain thoughts and behaviors. Hurley (2019) also mentioned that in general, resilient people have many characteristics such as locus of control, social support, problem-solving skills, optimism, coping skills, self-care, and self-awareness.

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 14489 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES Similarly, as cited in Riopel (2020), according to Conner and Davidson (2003), resilient people have certain characteristics which include viewing change as a challenge or opportunity, commitment, recognition of limits to control, engaging the support of others, close, secure attachment to others, personal or collective goals, self-efficacy, strengthening effect of stress, past successes, realistic sense of control/having choices, sense of humor, action-oriented approach, patience, tolerance of negative affect, adaptability to change, optimism, and faith. Additionally, Riopel (2020) also mentioned that having a good support system, maintaining positive relationships, having a good self-image, and having a positive attitude is some way to increase resilience. In contrast, according to Hurley (2019), people who lack resilience are more likely to feel overwhelmed or helpless, and rely on unhealthy coping strategies (such as avoidance, isolation, and self-medication). Besides, as cited in McGillivray and Pidgeon (2015), according to DeRoseier et al. (2013), students with higher levels of psychological distress have reported lower levels of resilience. Well-being and resilience are important in preventing the onset of mental health problems as well as potentially lessening the severity of existing mental health problems. There are a number of studies that provide evidence about the relationship between well-being and resilience. Abreu & Blanco ( 2017), Chow, K., Tang, W., Chan, W., Sit, W., Choi, K., and Chan, S. (2018), Fernández, A., Díaz, E., and Saez, I. (2018), Harms, P. D., Brady, L., Wood, D., & Silard, A. (2018), Kajbafnezhad & Keshi (2015), Li & Hasson (2020), Satici (2016), Svence & Majors (2015), Tomyn and Weinberg (2016), Turner, M., Young, C., and Holdsworth, S. (2017), Wu, Y., Sang, Z., Zhang, X., and Margraf, J. (2020), and Yu & Chae (2020) all stated that

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 14499 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES psychological well-being and resilience have positive and significant correlation and relationship. Resilience significantly predicts and influences well-being, therefore, it is one of the psychological factors that affect well-being. Moreover, Burns, Dagnall & Holt (2020), Khan, A., Sultana, M., Hossain, S., Hasan, M., Ahmed, H., and Sikder, M. (2020), The New York Times (2020), and Anderson (2020) all presented that this pandemic had a significant impact on student‘s mental health and well-being. Comparably, Camitan, D. & Bajin, L. (2021) found out that all the five pillars of well-being are significant positive correlates of resiliency. They also believed that the result of their study found clear support to PERMA concept of Seligman (2011) as necessary ingredients of resiliency. In a nutshell, resilience and well-being are fundamentally related. On the other hand, this present study on PERMA and resilience is similar to the studies of Abreu & Blanco ( 2017), Chow, K., Tang, W., Chan, W., Sit, W., Choi, K., and Chan, S. (2018), Fernández, A., Díaz, E., and Saez, I. (2018), Harms, P. D., Brady, L., Wood, D., & Silard, A. (2018), Kajbafnezhad & Keshi (2015), Li & Hasson (2020), Satici (2016), Svence & Majors (2015), Tomyn and Weinberg (2016), Turner, M., Young, C., and Holdsworth, S. (2017), Wu, Y., Sang, Z., Zhang, X., and Margraf, J. (2020), and Yu & Chae (2020) in a way that both studies focus on the positive psychology concepts: well-being and resilience. They focus on identifying the relationship between these two constructs. The study is also similar to the study conducted by Camitan, D. & Bajin, L. (2021) wherein both studies aim to determine relationship of PERMA elements and resilience. In contrast, this present study aims to assess well-being utilizing the PERMA model of Martin Seligman instead of assessing the psychological well- being or subjective well-being in general. Another difference are the demographic profiles and

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 15409 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES significant experiences of the respondents used in all of the studies. Also, this study differs from the previous studies because it will focus on assessing resilience as the ability to bounce back rather than identifying resources that may promote resilience. Lastly, unlike any other studies which utilized either purely quantitative or qualitative approach, this study aims to determine students‘ level of well-being in terms of PERMA and resilience level in both quantitative and qualitative aspect.

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 149 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY This chapter dealt with the methods and procedures utilized by the researcher. This includes the research design, research locale, population and sampling, respondents/ participants of the study, research instrument, validation of the instrument, data gathering procedure, and lastly, treatment of quantitative and qualitative data. Research Design This study utilized mixed methods research design. Specifically, it employed sequential explanatory approach. Mixed methods research is the combination and integration of qualitative and quantitative methods in the same study. As cited in Azorin (2016), the overall purpose and central premise of mixed methods studies are that the use of quantitative and qualitative approaches in combination provides a better understanding of research problems and complex phenomena than either approach alone (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2007). Through this approach, quantitative data was obtained through the use of two standardized instruments. Meanwhile, qualitative data was obtained through the conduct of focus group discussion (FGD) with the selected students. Research Locale The locale of the study was the three (3) local colleges in the Batangas province particularly Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas (CLB), Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Lipa (KLL), and Tanauan City College (TCC).

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 15429 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES Population and Sampling The study utilized simple random sampling method. As mentioned by Ochoa (2017), simple random sampling is a sampling method in which all of the elements in the population and, all of the units in the sampling frame have the same probability of being selected for the sample. Each member of the population ages 18 to 22 years old has an equal chance to become the respondents of the study. Using G*Power, the computed sample size was 150. On the other hand, to select participants of the focus group discussion, the researcher utilized purposeful sampling method. The researcher selected students from the three schools who participated in the discussion. Respondents of the Study The respondents of the study were the tertiary students of Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas (CLB), Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Lipa (KLL), and Tanauan City College (TCC) aging from 18-22 years old. Table A Distribution of Respondents of the Study Respondents Population Size Gender 174 Male 328 Female 18 Age 78 18 years old 197 19 years old 142 20 years old 67 21 years old 22 years old

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 15439 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES As shown in Table A, a total of five hundred two (502) tertiary students were the respondents of the study. They came from different programs and year levels of their respective institutions. One hundred seventy-four (174) were males while three hundred twenty-eight (320) were females. On the other hand, out of 502 respondents, 18 students were 18 years old, 78 students were 19 years old, 197 students were 20 years old, 142 students were 21 years old, and 67 students were 22 years old. Participants of the Study The participants of the study were the selected tertiary students. Three (3) students from Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas (CLB), three (3) students from Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Lipa (KLL), and four (4) students from Tanauan City College (TCC). Table B Distribution of Participants of the Study Participants Population Size Gender 5 Male 5 Female 1 Age 2 18 years old 6 20 years old 1 21 years old 22 years old As illustrated in Table B, a total of ten (10) tertiary students were selected as the participants of the Focus Group Discussion (FGD). There was an equal number of male and female participants. On the other hand, out of ten (10) participants, there was 1 18-year old student, two (2) were 20 years old, six (6) were 21 years old, and 1 22-year old student.

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 15449 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES Research Instrument The instruments used in this study were The PERMA Profiler, Brief Resilience Scale (BRS), and Interview questionnaire guide. The PERMA Profiler is a standardized measure developed by Julie Butler and Margaet Kern (2015). This tool was used to measure the level of well-being of the students. This instrument measured flourishing in terms of five domains: positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment. This measure consistsed of 23 items wherein the health, negative emotion, loneliness, and overall happiness questions act as filler questions and provide more information; there were 15 PERMA questions (3 per PERMA domain). Questions were on an 11-point scale ranging from 0 to 10, with the endpoints labeled. The scores were calculated based on the average of the items comprising each factor and were interpreted as very high functioning, high functioning, normal functioning, sub-optimal functioning, and languishing. Moreover, the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) is a standardized measure developed by Smith et al., (2008). This tool was used to measure the resilience level. BRS was created to assess the ability to bounce back or recover from stress. It is a simple, self-assessment tool that individuals can use to assess their resilience. As cited in, according to Windle et al., (2011), it is one of the best and highly recommended resilience scales. This measure is consisting of six statements for individuals to agree or disagree. Item responses can strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, or strongly agree. Scoring was measured on a 5-point scale and can generate a resilience score ranges from 6-30. Scores were interpreted as high resilience, normal resilience, and low resilience. These instruments were administered online through Google Form.

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 15459 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES On the other hand, through Focus Group Discussion (FGD), an interview questionnaire guide was used to deal with the students‘ descriptions of their well-being and resilience during the pandemic. Focus Group Discussion was conducted online through Google Meet. Validation of the Instrument The interview questionnaire guide used was validated by three (3) Qualitative Data Analyst (QDA) and 1 potential participant of the study. Suggestions and recommendations were incorporated in the interview questionnaire guide before utilizing in the Focus Group Discussion. Data Gathering Procedure The researcher first conducted quantitative data collection. The researcher sent a request letter to the College President or Administrator of the three local colleges. Letters were sent through email. After getting her permission, the researcher requested the total number of students aging from 18-22 years old. Data obtained was used to compute the sample size. The researcher then coordinated with the assigned personnel of the institutions to assist her in the dissemination of the research instruments. Research instruments were in the Google Form version. A letter regarding the nature and objectives of the study as well as the letter of consent were also included in Google Form. Upon meeting the target number of respondents, the researcher gathered and organized the responses from the Google Sheet. Data obtained were arranged using Excel and presented per element. Afterward, consolidated data were forwarded to the Statistician for computation. Afterward, the researcher then conducted qualitative data collection. On the other hand, the researcher selected ten (10) students from the respondents of the study. They were chosen to

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 15469 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES participate in the Focus Group Discussion. The researcher sent a letter of informed consent to the particpants. They were also informed about the details of the Focus Group Discussion to be conducted. After Focus Group Discussion was conducted through Google Meet, responses were collected and transcribed. After careful analysis of the responses from the ten (10) participants particularly zeroing in on the similarities of the responses, superordinate and subordinate themes were extracted and presented in thematic charts. The researcher then forwarded the thematic charts to the assigned Qualitative Data Analyst to check and verify the accuracy of the themes that emerged. Both quantitative and qualitative results were compared, contrasted, and interpreted. Findings from the qualitative data were used to further explain and elaborate on the quantitative results. Ethical Considerations Ethical considerations such as informed consent, respect for anonymity, confidentiality, and privacy, and other research ethical guidelines implemented by the institution were observed all throughout the conduct of this study. Letter of consent was sent to the respondents/participants and they were briefed about the nature and objectives of the study. Data gathered were treated with the utmost confidentiality. Treatment of Quantitative Data The data were treated in relation with what were the objectives of the study. The quantitative data gathered were arranged and organized using Microsoft Excel and analyzed

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 15479 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES through the use of statistical tools such as frequency distribution, weighted mean, and Pearson‘s Correlation Coefficient. Frequency distribution is an overview of all distinct values in some variable and the number of times they occur. Usually, it is presented through tables, charts, and/or histograms. This was used to present the demographic profile of the respondents such as their age and gender. The mean or weighted mean is one of the measures of central tendency and is the most popular and well-known. The mean is equal to the sum of all the values in the gathered data divided by the number of values in the data set. This was used to score and interpret both the measurement tools of the study: The PERMA Profiler and Brief Resilience Scale. Through this, students‘ well-being and resilience levels were identified. The strength of a correlation between quantitative variables is typically measured using a statistic called Pearson‘s Correlation Coefficient or Pearson‘s r ( It is used for investigating the relationship between two quantitative, continuous variables. This statistical tool was used to determine if there is a significant relationship between the students‘ overall well- being and resilience level. Treatment of Qualitative Data Qualitative data from the focus group discussion (FGD) were analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis or thematic analysis. Data gathered from the interview were transcribed. Afterward, similar ideas that emerged from the responses were arranged to generate themes. Responses were identified and extracted in accordance with the emerging

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 15489 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES themes. Emerged themes and responses were presented in the thematic chart. Also, the researcher‘s reflection was included.

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 149 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES Chapter 4 PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA This chapter discussed the results and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data gathered. The data are analyzed and interpreted so that findings, conclusions, recommendations, and proposed program could be drawn out from this study. Purpose Statement 1: Determine the level of well-being among students of Local Colleges in the Province of Batangas during the COVID-19 pandemic in both quantitative and qualitative aspect. The following tables provided the results of the assessments conducted to determine the level of well-being among students of Local Colleges in the Province of Batanags during the COVID- 19 pandemic in terms of Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationship, Meaning, and Accomplishment. Table 1.1 The Level of Well-being among Students of Local Colleges in the Province of Batangas during the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of Positive Emotion Indicators Mean Interpretation P1: In general, how often do you feel joyful? 6.91 NF P2: How often do you feel positive? 7.14 NF P3: To what extent do you feel contented? 7.94 NF Composite 7.33 NF Legend : 9 and above Very High Functioning (VHF) 8 to 8.9 High Functioning (HF) 6.5 to 7.9 Normal Functioning (NF) 5 to 6.4 Sub Optimal Functioning (SF) below 5 Languishing ( L)

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 16409 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES Table 1.1 shows the level of well-being among students of local colleges in the Province of Batangas during the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of Positive Emotion. The general composite assessment is 7.33 and interpreted as Normal Functioning. The indicator ―To what extent do you feel contented?” has the highest mean of 7.94 and interpreted as Normal Functioning. On the other hand, the indicator ―In general, how often do you feel joyful?” has the least mean of 6.92 and also interpreted as Normal Functioning. It implied that the student‘s level of well-being is in normal functioning because of the positive emotions they have despite the pandemic. Due to the circumstances brought by the pandemic, chances are, students experienced a roller coaster of emotions which includes but not limited to being happy, sad, excited, angry, afraid, grateful, proud, scared, confused, stressed, relaxed, worried, bored, frustrated, tired, and anxious. Students being contented could mean that they let their positive emotions outnumber negative ones. Students would probably rather feel a positive emotion than a negative one. However, although positive emotions are present, being joyful is not the emotion they always feel. Balibay, A. (2020) mentioned that Filipinos are finding more reasons to be positive in this time of lockdown to stop the spread of COVID-19. Also, Garcia, R. (2018) stated that even if in the midst of poverty, politics, and calamities, Filipinos seem to always see the silver lining. As cited in Eliüşük (2018), according to Seligman (2011), we need a positive feeling in our lives to live well. Likewise, as cited in Pogosyan (2016), our day-to-day positive emotions function as nutrients for our overall well-being, that today‘s positive emotions do not simply exemplify today‘s well-being, they also help to create next month‘s increase in well-being.

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 16419 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES Comparably, as cited in Ford & Mauss (2020), research has shown that people who experience more frequent positive emotions and less frequent negative emotions have higher well-being. Moreover, according to Brhlik (2020), focusing on these positive emotions in the present moment is a crucial building block of long-term happiness. Similarly, according to, a range of positive emotions can also increase focus and success and, over time, improve student well-being. Research has shown that focusing on positive emotions has a range of benefits such as broadened ideas or activities, improved performance-related outcomes, improved general well-being, decreased feelings of stress, and reduced negative emotions. On the other hand, as stated by Escorza (2020), due to the pandemic, staying at home and doing their studies has already had emotional consequences for them. Dealing with the feelings of isolation, frustration, boredom, anxiety, or stress brings with a response of hopelessness, depression, or even anger. Qualitative Aspect on Students’ Level of Well-being in terms of Positive Emotion PARTICIPANT Thematic Chart A Student 1 Student 2 Mixed of Positive and Negative Emotions Student 3 RESPONSES “Yung mga emosyon ko pong naramdaman e, minsan masaya minsan po malungkot.” “For me naman I always feel yung fear of being unproductive kase parang ano Maam nababawasan talaga ang ating kakayanan na gumawa ng task kase nga dun sa mga boundaries o limitations na dinulot ng pandemic. So hindi ko naman po siya tinatake as negative yung fear of being unproductive naman, ginagawa ko po siyang as motivation pursue kung ano yung mga task ko yung mga dapat gawin. “Totoo naman talaga na may negative side and positive side itong pandemic natin. The first is the negative kase nga hindi natin nagagawa

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES 16429 yung mga gusto natin so at first my heart feels so sad talaga since this pandemic is a barrier to live our life to the fullest. Yung positive ay yun yung family bonding ganun tapos isa pa sa nagging positive is nakakapagnilay-nilay tayo sa sarili natin kase this past few months or years na nandun tayo sa part na normal ang lahat, mas iintindihin natin yung mga opportunities kaysa maintindihan yung personal development na dapat natin i-pursue na magkaroon ng progress.” Student 4 “Kung sa percent po ng happiness to loneliness, siguro 60% na happy ka kase may mga bagay na pwede mo palang gawin kahit nasa bahay ka lang, 40% siguro na loneliness kase ganun yung nangyayare and hindi pa siya natatapos and hindi pa alam kung hanggang kalian.” Student 5 “Para po sakin is naging masaya naman po kahit po may pandemic kase mas napalapit po ako sa mga pinsan ko tsaka po sa family ko which is yun nga po nagbo-bonding po kami. . Minsan po malungkot kase di po natin nakakausap yung mga friends po natin na yung socialize po, yung personal kase through chat na lang po.” Student 6 “Ayun po meron po siyang positive side na masaya kase po nakikita po na nagtutulungan tas gaya nga po ng sabi nila may family bonding po, mas more on po yung nagkakasama-sama sa isang bahay kase po quarantine po. Tapos may negative side po siya as student kase po nasanay po ako na mas naiintindihan ko po yung discussion pag face to face, mahirap po kase ako maka-cope sa topic pag modular po.” Student 7 “Nung nag-start ang pandemic nung first month ay malungkot pero nung tumatagal sumasaya naman kase nga kahit paano ay wala naman nagkakasakit sa amin” Student 8 “Basically po ang naramdaman ko nung nagsimula po ang pandemic ay takot kase tinatanong ko po lagi sa sarili ko kung kalian matatapos o kung may katapusan ba itong COVID na ito. Masaya din naman po kase mas tumibay po ang relationship naming as a family at mas naging productive ako sa paggagawa ko ng activity.” Student 9 “Honestly nung una pa lang I kinda feel na masaya kase po naisip ko na makakapagpahinga ako sa stress. Habang tumatagal po dun ko nararamdaman yung takot kase nun ko po nare-realize na nandun unang-una yung threat sa family, sa kalusugan ng bawat isa dito saming pamilya. Masaya ako nung una kase po di naman po natin inasahan na ganitong katagal tayo. Parang opportunity na

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES 16439 makapagpahinga, magrelax para sa sarili, bonding sa pamilya. At ngayon syempre habang tumatagal na sa patagal na nang patagal, nananawa na tayo sa ganitong bagay. Natatakot na tayo.” Student 10 “Siguro masasabi ko na lahat ng emotions ay na-feel ko ngayong pandemic. Simula po negative to positive pero to be honest po mas lumalamang po talaga sakin na emotion is nagdo-doubt na po talaga ako then I’m so scared na din po. Pero po as a Christian, na-feel ko talaga yung guidance po ni Lord kaya I’m still hoping na maging blessed pa din po.” As can be gleaned from Thematic Chart A with the superordinate theme Mixed of Positive and Negative Emotions, the 10 participants described the emotions they felt during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Looking at the responses of the participants, it can be concluded that participants both experienced positive emotions such as being happy and optimistic and negative emotions which include loneliness, fear, feeling of isolation, and uncertainty. The participants reported being happy because this pandemic brought their family together which somehow built a strong relationship and connection among them. Anthony Naranjo stated “Although we are going through a horrific time filled with all kinds of uncertainty, we are given the opportunity to spend more time with our loved family and learn more about ourselves to a broader extent while also strengthening our mental mindset. “ Also, Marlin Flores said “An upside to these past weeks of quarantine is being able to see my usually busy family more, especially my father. I’ve had more talks and laughs with my family the last few days than I’ve had in the past couple of months, which helped lighten such a stressful time in my opinion.”(The New York Times , 2020).

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 16449 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES Also, participants discovered that there were a variety of things that they can enjoy while staying at home. On the other hand, the uncertainty, the restrictions and limitations, the challenges of online learning, and the health risk imposed by the pandemic are some of the reasons for the negative emotions felt by the participants. These responses made the researcher realize that even though this pandemic makes people experience a roller coaster of emotions, it depends upon the perspective of an individual on how he or she will enjoy the ride. There is darkness in life however, there is always light. How people will see things matters. People experience highs and lows but it is their will to stay in whatever situation they are in. It is indeed true that this pandemic gave us too many stressful situations in every aspect of our lives, however, it is not the only case. This pandemic also opened opportunities to spend time with our family, with ourselves, with the Creator, and bring out the goodness of people. At the end of the day, one can always choose the positive emotions they have over the negative ones. To summarize, the superordinate theme that emerged from the responses of the participants supported the quantitative result which implied that students‘ level of well-being is in normal functioning. Even though it was revealed that mixed positive and negative emotions were felt during the pandemic, participants still managed to function well. They still see the good things in every unfortunate situation. The negative emotions felt by the participants are probably the reason why the indicator ―In general, how often do you feel joyful?” obtained the least mean. They felt contented because this pandemic brought their family together, they were able to build a strong relationship and connection among them, and they got to discovered new things.

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES 16459 Table 1.2 The Level of Well-being among Students of Local Colleges in the Province of Batangas during the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of Engagement Indicators Mean Interpretation E1: How often do you become absorbed in what 6.88 NF you are doing? E2: To what extent do you feel excited and 7.50 NF interested in things? E3: How often do you lose track of time while 6.54 NF doing something you enjoy? Composite 6.97 NF Legend : 9 and above Very High Functioning (VHF) 8 to 8.9 High Functioning (HF) 6.5 to 7.9 Normal Functioning (NF) 5 to 6.4 Sub Optimal Functioning (SF) below 5 Languishing ( L) Table 1.2 shows the level of well-being among students of local colleges in the Province of Batangas during the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of Engagement. The general composite assessment is 6.97 and interpreted as Normal Functioning. The indicator ―To what extent do you feel excited and interested in things?” has the highest mean of 7.50 and interpreted as Normal Functioning. On the other hand, the indicator ―How often do you lose track of while doing something you enjoy?” has the least mean of 6.54 and also interpreted as Normal Functioning. The results connote that because students engaged themselves in different things and activities, their level of well-being is in normal functioning. Although it may seem like a tough time when students can‘t go out freely and enjoy whatever outdoor activities they want, this pandemic opens every opportunity for them and what matters is how they use them. Despite no ostensible end in sight, during this pandemic, everybody has time to do exciting and interesting things they usually don‘t have time to do. It means that they still enjoy and spend their free time

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 16469 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES doing a variety of things. Since students have more time for themselves, it enables them to learn more things and developed some new interests to keep themselves busy and energized. It is the best time to make use of the internet to play online games, watch TV series and movies, do creative things, and shop online. There are also things they enjoy doing together with their family members. However, students may also get bored doing them for a long time and tend to jump from one thing to another. Since there are a lot of things to try, they may get absorbed once or twice but not all the time. As mentioned by Eliüşük (2018) engagement comes from a feeling of full involvement in activities or from interactions that brings engagement. As stated by Pascha (2020), we all need something in our lives that absorbs us into the current moment, creating a ‗flow‘ of blissful immersion into the task or activity. This type of flow of engagement stretches our intelligence, skills, and emotional capabilities. In addition, it was mentioned that activities that meet our need for engagement flood the body with positive neurotransmitters and hormones that elevate one‘s sense of well-being. This engagement helps us remain present as well as synthesize the activities where we can find calm, focus, and joy. Similarly, according to Belyh (2019), it is completely normal for us human beings to have a desire for full engagement in our everyday lives because this kind of feeling can bring joy, focus, and peacefulness. She added that undoubtedly, being fully immersed in a task is a good thing for our state of mind. As cited in Fulton (2020), according to Dr. Maryland Pao, a psychiatrist, people tend to default to styles of coping. One can be an active coper or can be a passive coper. The active copers — the ones who pick up hobbies or take an interest in others and the world around them — generally have better mental health outcomes. Moreover, Milnes (2020) mentioned that

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 16479 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES students have found that keeping themselves busy combat the negative side effects of the global pandemic. Qualitative Aspect on Students’ Level of Well-being in terms of Engagement Thematic Chart B Varied Activities during the Pandemic PARTICIPANT RESPONSES SUBORDINATE THEMES Student 1 “Simula po ng naka-pandemic ang Playing Online Games Student 7 number 1 ko pong ginagawa ay mag- (Mobile Legends) online games din. Pag sa gabi po Student 4 hanggang madaling araw yun ML na Student 9 po yun lagi.” Student 6 “Kapag wala na po balik na po ako agad sa paglalaro ng online games tulad ng ML. Yun lang po talaga ang pinagkaka-abalahan ko.” “Ngayon po, real talk din na Watching TV/Drama Series nagpapasaya sakin, siguro po yung panunuod ng kdrama at BTS.” “Puro indoor po. Yung ginagawa ko lang po is watching TV series (Netflix).” “…pag outdoor naman po, yun po Engaging in Church-related yung mga church activities gawa po Activities ng kahit po pandemic, meron po kaming ginagawang Iglesia yung pamamahayag po. Dun po sumasama po ako dun. Sa pamamagitan po nun parang nagkakaron po ng bonding yung mga ka-close po sa church yun po. Way na rin po para makalabas ng bahay.”

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES 16489 Student 10 “Nagkakaroon po kami ngayon ng life group na regular po siya talaga weekly na para pong napalapit po talaga ako dun. Noong mga nakaraang taon po di ako nage- engage dun. Through the life group, excited po ako na humarap na yun kase nakakapag-share” Student 5 “Tapos po same po kami nung nauna Online Shopping sakin, add to cart sa shoppee tsaka po sa lazada.” Student 3 “Mahilig talaga ako mag-tiktok kase Creating and Watching sabi ko nga stress reliever ko yun.” TikTok Videos Student 2 “Ako po is nung nag-start po yung Enhancing Skills pandemic o yung quarantine, inenhance ko po yung drawing skills ko. Ang ginawa ko po is nag-training po, self-training..” Student 8 “Ang mga ginagawa ko pong Completing Academic activities is playing ML tapos po mga Requirements activities po sa school, mga demonstration po, nag-eedit po ng mga video ganun po.” Thematic Chart B presented the superordinate theme, Varied Activities during the Pandemic which was derived from the responses of the participants. The subordinate themes that emerged from the responses were: Playing Online Games (Mobile Legends); Watching TV/Drama Series; Engaging in Church-related Activities; Online Shopping; Creating and Watching TikTok Videos; Enhancing Skills, and Completing Academic Requirements. The participants enjoyed a variety of activities that keep them sane during the pandemic. The activities they have were mostly indoor activities because outdoor activities were restricted.

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 16499 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES Also, it can be noted that physical interaction with others is not that required in doing such activities. Some of the participants openly admitted that things such as creating and watching Tiktok videos, shopping online in Lazada, Shoppee, and even Food Panda, are their stress relievers. Relative to this, Ryan Dawson stated “…because of the coronavirus, and while it is a reasonable action, it left an army of theatre students with nothing to do but vent through memes, TikTok, and other forms of social media. These coping mechanisms helped me, as well as my fellow company members…” (The New York Times, 2020). People need something to enjoy no matter what. People do have their own saving grace to withstand all difficult circumstances. From the responses of the participants, the activities could be one of the saving grace of the participants. To not get drawn by the circumstances, activities that will divert one‘s focus are necessary. Not all people are indeed alike. Different people have different interests. One can enjoy doing these things while one does not. In these trying times, because physical socialization and interaction are limited, it is not surprising that most people enjoyed activities that involve technology. In a nutshell, students‘ well-being in terms of Engagement is in normal functioning because of the varied activities students did during the pandemic. The subordinate themes that emerged from the responses of the participants are the evidence that they always felt interested and excited doing such things because these are the things that keep them stress-free. However, since there were a variety of things they enjoy, there is a possibility that they are not always absorbed in doing a certain activity. They may be doing their academic requirements but at the same time, they are doing other things such as online shopping, doing TikTok videos, or even playing online games from time to time.

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES 17409 Table 1.3 The Level of Well-being among Students of Local Colleges in the Province of Batangas during the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of Relationship Indicators Mean Interpretation R1: To what extent do you receive help and 7.33 NF support from others when you need it? R2: How satisfied are you with your personal 7.72 NF relationships? R3: To what extent do you feel loved? 7.83 NF Composite 7.63 NF Legend : 9 and above Very High Functioning (VHF) 8 to 8.9 High Functioning (HF) 6.5 to 7.9 Normal Functioning (NF) 5 to 6.4 Sub Optimal Functioning (SF) below 5 Languishing ( L) Table 1.3 shows the level of well-being among students of local colleges in the Province of Batangas during the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of Relationship. The general composite assessment is 7.63 and interpreted as Normal Functioning. The indicator “To what extent do you feel loved?” has the highest mean of 7.83 and is interpreted as Normal Functioning. On the other hand, the indicator “To what extent do you receive help and support from others when you need it?” has the least mean of 7.33 and also interpreted as Normal Functioning. The results signify that the support system plays an important role in students‘ well-being during the pandemic. Having a strong support system helps their well-being to be in normal functioning. Students as they battle with an onslaught of stressors caused by the pandemic rely on their family, friends, workmates, romantic partners, confidants, and companions to ease the weight of the circumstances they are experiencing. Being stuck with their family members opens opportunities to express and to receive love. The support they are receiving from those who play a supportive role to them is probably one of the reasons why they feel loved. However, students

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 17419 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES may feel and think that they do not always need help because they can manage well their circumstances. Some students are independent hence they can stand on their own. As cited in Ascenso et al. (2018), according to Seligman (2011), relationships refer to the perception of both quantity and quality of social connections. It implies the belief that one is cared for, loved, and valued. Pascha (2020) stated that relationships and social connections are crucial to a meaningful life. She added that positive relationships with one‘s parents, siblings, peers, coworkers, and friends are a key ingredient to overall joy. Likewise, as cited in Eliüşük (2018), according to Butler and Kern (2016), as humans we are ―social beings‖ and good relationships form the essence of our well-being. People who have meaningful and positive relationships with others are happier than those who do not have. Forgeard et al. (2011) claimed that relationships are important because people want to be loved and appreciated. Similarly, Tay et al. (2012) stated that social relationships have positive effects on health and individuals‘ well-being. Moreover, Tan & Tay (2020) mentioned that in the study conducted by a psychologist, Ed Diener and Martin Seligman, the happiest students were much satisfied with their relationships, including with close friends, family, and romantic partnerships. As social being, relationships are the main irreplaceable sources of well-being and satisfaction because it constitutes a source of support and protection (―The PERMA Model, a Scientific Theory of Happiness‖, 2020). Similarly, as cited in Tay & Tan (2020), scholars have long considered social relationships to be fundamental to happiness and well-being.

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 71249 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES Qualitative Aspect on Students’ Level of Well-being in terms of Relationship Thematic Chart C Student’s Support System PARTICIPANT RESPONSES SUBORDINATE THEMES Student 1 “First po muna ay family, yung sa Financial Support from Family Student 2 financial po yung pangangailangan po Student 3 naming magkakapatid ay naibibigay naman po nila nang maayos kaso hindi lang po masyadong pala-hingi ako sa magulang dahil mahirap po ang buhay ngayon. Pero higit po talaga sa lahat is yung family ko sadya tas yung mga kamag-anak ko po. “For me financially is yun nga may mga commissions ako then syempre hindi naman lagi may commission so nandyan pa rin yung mama ko na andyan lagi sa likod to support kapag wala na talaga ako. I feel loved dun sa part ng family ko kase kay mama lang tsaka dun sa brothers ko kase I was born in broken family so dun talaga ako nag-rely sa kanila..” “Normally kase talaga po nagsu-support sakin is yung mga kamag-anak… Sa financial naman po ganun din po working student din po ako so andyan naman po yung lolo ko since wala na po akong parents yung lolo ko naman po yung back-up kumbaga kapag walang-wala na ako. Pero sa lahat, yung lolo ko talaga kase dun ko naranasan na kakainin na niya isusubo pa sayo.” Student 6 “…pag sa lolo, tita at lola ko po nandun po yung parang financial support lalo po

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 71349 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES pag nakikita nilang nag-eexcel po yung grade ko para yun po yung nagiging cause nila para lalo ko pa pong pagsikapan. Tapos sa mga mama po ng magulang ko yung advices po sa emotional naman po.” Student 8 Sa akin pong parents, ang natatanggap Student 10 ko po ay financial support tsaka po emotional. “Yung mga nagsu-support sakin especially po yung family ko po, si mama si papa kahit hindi po kami nagkasama- sama pero meron naman pong social media para po magkamusta-musta po kami. And then yung kapatid ko po sa bunso kasi siya po lagi yung back-up ko Student 5 “And once na may problema po ako, Emotional Support from nagsha-share po ako sa iba ko pong Friends kaibigan which is yung support na yun is moral and nag-eencourage din po sila na kaya mo yan, sige okay lang yan.” Student 7 “Then mga classmates ko po talaga, yung mga close friends ko po na classmates na lagi pong nagpapayo kahit may mga bagay po na nahihirapan na akong ihandle or gawin, sila po yung laging nag-aadvice sakin na tuluy tuloy lang po.” Student 4 “And sa spiritual naman religious group Spritual Support from Student 9 po sa church namin yung sa ano yung Churchmates spiritual na matatapos din yung pandemic and wag masyadong kabahan.” “Ganun din po ang aming church, mga churchmates, nagbibigay din po prayer.”

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 17449 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES As can be seen from Thematic Chart C, the superordinate theme, Student’s Support System was derived from the responses of the participants. The subordinate themes that emerged from the responses were: Financial Support from Family; Emotional Support from Friends, Spritual Support from Churchmates. Analyzing the responses of the participants, it can be noted that their family is their number one support system. It was followed by their friends and other acquaintances. The participants mentioned that the support their family provides for them is usually financial and emotional. They are like their backup whenever they struggle. One participant even mentioned that her grandfather is even willing to give them food he is about to put in his mouth. This statement is the participant‘s testimony of how supportive her grandfather is. Participants also get support from their friends who are one of the sources of encouragement. Even the situation does not permit them to occasionally meet, social media is one way to communicate. Carly Rieger said “Finding new ways to stay social has been essential. This was crucial in keeping our sanity.” (The New York Times, 2020). People from another circle of acquaintances can be one of the support systems also. Having a support system is important in people‘s life. Family members are the ones you can always run to whenever you need help. No matter how hard things are, they will never leave your side. Family is the number one supporter because they are matchless, they are your home. Since they see how you struggle, they will help you get through with it. Any type of support anyone can get from their loved ones are significant and helpful. On the other hand, besides family members, friends are always there to be the shoulder to lean on. Through thick and thin,

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 17459 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES up and down, some friends will always be around to support you. They are the friends who also become your family. Support from these groups of people is what we need during these difficult times. In conclusion, the quantitative results that students‘ well-being is in Normal Functioning in terms of Relationship and the subordinate themes emerged from the responses of the participants are complementary with each other. It means that well-being is in normal functioning because the participants revealed that they received different kinds of support from their support system. This may be the reason why the indicator “To what extent do you feel loved?” obtained the highest mean. On contrary, the indicator “To what extent do you receive help and support from others when you need it?” obtained the least mean because although they received support, it is not frequent. It may depend upon the availability of the support system or the needed support itself. Table 1.4 The Level of Well-being among Students of Local Colleges in the Province of Batangas during the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of Meaning Indicators Mean Interpretation M1: To what extent do you lead a purposeful 7.69 NF and meaningful life? M2: To what extent do you feel that what you 7.78 NF do in your life is valuable and worthwhile? M3: To what extent do you feel you have a 7.58 NF sense of direction in your life? Composite 7.68 NF Legend : 9 and above Very High Functioning (VHF) 8 to 8.9 High Functioning (HF) 6.5 to 7.9 Normal Functioning (NF) 5 to 6.4 Sub Optimal Functioning (SF) below 5 Languishing ( L)

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 17469 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES Table 1.4 shows the level of well-being among students of local colleges in the Province of Batangas during the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of Meaning. The general composite assessment is 7.68 and interpreted as Normal Functioning. The indicator “To what extent do you feel that what you do in your life is valuable and worthwhile?” has the highest mean of 7.78 and is interpreted as Normal Functioning. On the other hand, the indicator “To what extent do you feel you have a sense of direction in your life?” has the least mean of 7.58 and also interpreted as Normal Functioning. This pandemic created an extraordinary situation that caused emptiness, worry, uncertainty, and sadness because of the drastic change of normal lives that could lead to a loss of meaning in life. The results indicate that despite all of these, students were able to lead a purposeful and meaningful life, have a sense of direction, and treasure their life as valuable and worthwhile. They still manage to function well with their life‘s purpose and meaning being intact. Because of the limitations and restrictions, little things students do all of a sudden become important and worthy. Students have to make sense of what has happened and with all their might find additional meaning in their lives. On the other hand, because of the uncertainty this situation brings, there may be a point in their lives that their goals and aspirations shattered. Lost and confused on which path to take and what decisions to make. Nevertheless, their shattered goals can be fixed once they give themselves a chance to re-evaluate their goals and re-discover their life‘s purpose and meaning. It is like crafting their life once again. As cited in Belyh (2019), Victor Frankl (1992), an Austrian psychologist, said that having a meaning is a crucial part of our life. It gives us purpose, makes us develop standards, and the ability to judge our behavior, and gives us a feeling of control in our lives. Similarly, as cited in

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 17479 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES Ascenso et al. (2018), meaning provides a sense that one‘s life matters. Belyh (2019) also agreed that we have to have a ―meaning of life‖ to be happier. Something that keeps us going and that having a meaning just makes life in general easier. Likewise as cited in Eliüşük (2018), the sense of meaning is defined as defining the direction of life, connecting with something higher than oneself, feeling that one‘s life is valuable and important, and believing that there is a purpose in someone‘s life actions (Steger, 2012; Steger et el., 2008a). Moreover, Alandete (2015) found out that meaning in life and psychological well-being is positively and significantly associated variables which indicate that the more experience of life, the greater psychological well-being. Comparably, as cited in Krok (2017), research on different facets of psychological well-being shows that meaning in life is associated with more optimal human functioning and health benefits (Ryff and Singer, 2008), achievement striving (Steger et al., 2008), and global happiness (Ryff and Keyes, 1995). Qualitative Aspect on Students’ Level of Well-being in terms of Meaning Thematic Chart D Students’ Realizations of Life during the Pandemic PARTICIPANT RESPONSES SUBORDINATE THEMES Student 8 “Nung nagka-pandemic po naging Clear Life Vision clear po yung aking objective parang yung direction ng aking buhay.”

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES 71849 Student 9 “Para po sakin is mas luminaw yung sense of direction kase po dati kumbaga go with the flow lang parang carefree ngayon po sabi nga po hindi po tayo makakarealize ng isang bagay kapag hindi po tayo dumadaan sa trials, sa frustrations, sa struggles kaya po sa tingin ko mas luminaw po yung aking objective na dapat ganito pala na dapat maging ganito ako.” Student 1 “Narealize ko din po yung short time ―Life is Short‖ lang po yung buhay natin maaari tayong kunin ni Lord anytime hindi po natin masasabi, tama po yung sinabi ni Mam Dian na piliin po natin maging masaya laging sumaya kahit may problema man tayo daanan lang natin ito malalampasan din naman po ang problema basta magtiwala lang po tayo kay God. ” Student 3 “I have three things about may realization don’t lose hope nga po happy lang go lang kase nga YOLO you only live once kaya fly high, live your life to the fullest ganun although wag tayong mawawalan ng pag-asa kasi hindi naman satin ibibigay ang problema kung hindi natin kaya.”

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES 71949 Student 4 “Tapos yung realization po sa life ko siguro ano do whatever makes you happy, life is short, enjoy lang and siguro be a giver. Kahit na yung sitwasyon natin mahirap din kahit nahihirapan tayo yung iba din mas nahihirapan so better na mag-give tayo kase satisfying kapag nakapagbigay ka kahit maliit or malaki, big help na din yun.” Student 2 “Yung realization ko naman is yung Perseverance against Life‘s having a strong mentality po is like Challenges having Great Wall of China beside you kumbaga kapag strong ang mentality mo kahit na maraming downs ang ibato sayo parang wala lang sige lang okay lang wait niyo lang unti mag-success ako parang ganun yung magiging set-up ko kase di mo na binibigyan ng atensyon yung mga negative side basta focus ka lang dun sa one way o dun sa objective mo this tme.” Student 5 “And ngayon pong pandemic, narealize ko po na kailangan po nating maging matatag sa mga pagsubok po dumadating po sa atin, kailangan po natin maging strong. Yun po maging matatag sa mga problema po na kinakaharap natin.” Student 10 “Pero ngayong pandemic ang purpose ko po siguro ngayon is maging strong para maging strong din po yung family ko kase sa buong family member nga po halos lahat po sila nawalan ng work, ako lang po yung may stable na work. Syempre

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES 18409 po kapag nagpakita pa rin po ako sa kanila na mahina po ako baka po isang araw mag-doubt na din po sila lalo na yung mga kapatid ko.” Student 6 “Yung sa realization naman po hindi po siguro hadlang yung mga nararanasan natin para hindi po matupad yung mga pangarap natin.” As demonstrated from Thematic Chart D, the superordinate theme, Students’ Realizations of Life during the Pandemic was derived from the responses of the participants. The subordinate themes that emerged from the responses were: Clear Life Vision; “Life is Short”, and Perseverance against Life’s Challenges. The responses of the participants implied that because of the pandemic, there are realizations from what they have experienced. Realizations in their life‘s direction, life‘s meaning, and purpose. Some participants were once carefree, easygoing, and happy-go-lucky with their life. However, because of what they have experienced during the pandemic, they seemed to be enlightened that their objective and sense of direction should be clear to them. The reality hit them that life is short. Participants mentioning that anytime your life could end, that you only live once so should live your life to the fullest, and that one should do whatever makes them happy because life is short so they should enjoy it are the shreds of evidence of their realization. According to Falgui (2020), one of the students stated “In moments like these, I learned to count my blessings. To count what we’ve left. Counting our blessings gives us comfort and strength in times of crisis. It cushions our sufferings from any kind of loss or failure. Realizing that we still have a lot of things to look forward to and enjoy can give us a sense of hope.” Moreover, participants also realized that in these trying times, being steadfast is what

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 18419 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES they need. Because of this, they will not consider circumstances as hindrances to achieve their goals. The responses made the researcher realize that maybe it is true that one needs to experience unfortunate situations to realize something important. Without the pandemic, some participants might be the same persons who are carefree and happy-go-lucky. They will never have realizations unless there is something that will make them realize things. Life‘s meaning, sense of direction, and purpose might be clearer but it might also be a little hazier because the pandemic makes the future uncertain. It is indeed true that life is short that is why being aware of what your life means to you and the purpose of existence is important for you to move forward. Having an understanding of your life‘s meaning and purpose, and what path you want to take, will help you be steadfast no matter what obstacles life throws at you. To deduce, the subordinate themes that emerged from the responses of the participants somewhat explain the quantitative result. Participants‘ realization during the pandemic that they were enlightened about their life vision, that life is short, and they need to persevere to withstand life‘s challenges are what made their well-being be in Normal Functioning. The indicator “To what extent do you feel that what you do in your life is valuable and worthwhile?” obtained the highest mean because according to the participants, life is short. On the other hand, the indicator “To what extent do you feel you have a sense of direction in your life?” obtained the least mean. Even though interpreted as Normal Functioning and participants responded that they were enlightened, it is inevitable to sometimes be confused and lost because of the future‘s uncertainty. Sense of direction may be clearer but sometimes hazier.

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES 81249 Table 1.5 The Level of Well-being among students of Local Colleges in the Province of Batangas during the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of Accomplishment Indicators Mean Interpretation A1: How much of the time do you feel you are 7.02 NF making progress towards accomplishing your goals? A2: How often do you achieve the important 7.43 NF goals you have set for yourself? A3: How often are you able to handle your 7.48 NF responsibilities? Composite 7.31 NF Legend : 9 and above Very High Functioning (VHF) 8 to 8.9 High Functioning (HF) 6.5 to 7.9 Normal Functioning (NF) 5 to 6.4 Sub Optimal Functioning (SF) below 5 Languishing ( L) Table 1.5 shows the level of well-being among students of local colleges in the Province of Batangas during the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of Accomplishment. The general composite assessment is 7.31 and interpreted as Normal Functioning. The indicator “How often are you able to handle your responsibilities?” has the highest mean of 7.48 and interpreted as Normal Functioning. On the other hand, the indicator “How much of the time do you feel you are making progress towards accomplishing your goals?” has the least mean of 7.02 and also interpreted as Normal Functioning. The results indicate that students having a sense of accomplishment is a big help to their well-being. The progress they have made, the responsibilities they handled well, and the goals they have achieved so far, fuel their eagerness to live well and happy despite the pandemic. Some of the students‘ responsibilities during this pandemic are to abide by the policies implemented by the authority, help and support their family, and most importantly, to study well.

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 18439 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES Them being uninfected by the virus, being happy with their family, and them excelling in their academic performance were some of the pieces of evidence that they were able to handle their responsibilities well. However, the feelings of uncertainty, confusion, and being isolated could affect the students‘ sense of achievement. There may be doubt within themselves because they are uncertain whether they are moving forward or they are stuck at the moment. Pascha (2020) stated that having goals and ambition in life can help us to achieve things that can give us a sense of accomplishment and that having accomplishments in life is important to push ourselves to thrive and flourish. Similarly, according to Brhlik (2020), if someone reach their goals, they‘ll cause a sense of pride and fulfillment. Chasing and achieving feasible goals will bring up other elements of happiness. Reaching an objective will cause a sense of accomplishment, which definitely triggers positive emotions. Besides, as cited in Madeson (2021), Seligman (2012) mentioned that a sense of accomplishment contributes to well-being because individuals can look at their lives with a sense of pride. Moreover, one of the students‘ accomplishments can be their academic achievements. As they achieved their academic endeavors, they may feel a sense of pride and fulfillment. In a study conducted by Gräbel (2017), it was found out that there is a positive relationship between emotional and psychological well-being and academic achievement. Likewise, according to, studies have shown that feeling a sense of accomplishment is an important element in students developing positive well-being over time. On the other hand, Anderson (2020) mentioned that uncertainty, instability, and self- doubt have been common themes in the lives of college students during 2020 as their education

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 1849 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES and career path shift due to the pandemic. This may be the reason why students do not always feel they are accomplishing their goals. Their self-confidence was shaken. Qualitative Aspect on Students’ Level of Well-being in terms of Accomplishment Thematic Chart E Students’ Accomplishments during the Pandemic PARTICIPANT RESPONSES SUBORDINATE THEMES Student 7 “Despite the pandemic, ang aking Positive Academic achievements po ay yung good Performance performance ko po sa school. Nandun yung nahihirapan sa araw- araw na discussion though tuluy- tuloy pa din naman po yung magandang performance ko and as a result po na maganda ang performance, napapasama pa din po ako sa Dean’s List.” Student 8 “Tapos po achievement ko din po ay nama-maintain ko po ang pagiging Dean’s Lister po.” Student 3 “And next po naman is para sakin Complete Academic yung accomplishment ngayon sakin Requirements yung tambak kong activities ng module. Ang sarap sa feeling pag yung tambak mong activities nagawa mo nang isang upuan. Yung malapit na yung deadline yun sobrang accomplishment po paran sakin.”

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES 18459 Student 5 “Yung accomplishment ko po is same din po dun kay Paula which is yung mga tambak pong requirements and activities sa school yun po. Tsaka naipapasa ko po siya on time. To be honest hindi naman po on time kumbaga wala pa pong deadline, wala pa po sa due date pero naipapasa ko na po” Student 1 “Wala pa naman po akong Skills Development masyadong achievements na nararating, gawa po nito pandemic parang natutunan ko po paano magluto.” Student 2 “Yung mga accomplishments ko syempre yung na-enhance ko yung drawing skills ko then pinag-aralan ko din po yung old Baybayin script so yun tinry ko po yun aralin, naaral ko naman siya which is maraming versions so yun marami akong natutunan dun.” Student 6 “Yung sa achievements po siguro po yung lalo po akong nag-excel tapos po lalo ko pong na-face yung mga bagay na hindi ko po kaya dun sa mga fears ko po. Tas po sa pamamagitan nun parang na-build ko po yung confidence ko through virtual.” Student 9 “Akin naman po is ang achievement ko po ay nagiging more digitally literate po ako.”

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES 18469 Student 4 “Siguro po yung pinaka- Work-related Achievements accomplishment ko po na on the process ay yung ano po iniintay ko po yung license ko po as financial adviser sa life insurance po ganun.” Student 10 “And then sunod po ay nakaka-help Contribution for the Family‘s Achievement po ako na magpatayo po ng bahay namin.” As shown from Thematic Chart E, the superordinate theme, Students’ Accomplishments During the Pandemic was derived from the responses of the participants. The subordinate themes that emerged from the responses were: Positive Academic Performance; Complete Academic Requirements; Skills Development; Work-related Achievements, and Contribution for the Family’s Achievement. The responses of the participants proved that this pandemic is never a hindrance to achieve something. The subordinate themes are the evidence of it. Despite the challenges in the distance and blended learning, participants still managed to have a good academic performance and maintain their names on the Dean‘s List. Some participants also reported that completing their academic requirements is a big accomplishment for them. Developing and enhancing skills such as learning how to cook, improving drawing skills, being able to face fear, and becoming digitally literate are some of the things participants achieved. Work-related achievements and being able to help their family were also the things that make the participants feel a sense of accomplishment. As long as there is determination and persistence, people can reap the fruit of their labor. Every accomplishment, large and small, deserves to be celebrated. Little achievements are still

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 18479 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES achievements and one should be happy about it because a little progress each day adds up to big results. How people see things as accomplishments depends upon their own perspectives. One can consider things as their accomplishment but others do not. During this pandemic, it is important that people feel a sense of accomplishment in every little thing they do. Because this will serve as the driving tool to continue the path they are taking. It serves as motivation to move forward and pursue their goals in life. Having accomplishment indeed brings a good feeling to the person. Lastly, no circumstances will hinder people to achieve something. To summarize, the quantitative result that students‘ well-being is in Normal Functioning in terms of Accomplishment was supported by the themes that emerged from the responses of the participants. The accomplishments made by the participants helped them to achieve that level of well-being and it supported why the indicator “How often are you able to handle your responsibilities?” obtained the highest mean. Having such accomplishments is proof that they handled well their responsibilities as a student, as a person, and as a family member. It may seem contrary that the indicator “How much of the time do you feel you are making progress towards accomplishing your goals?” obtained the least mean despite what the participants have reported, however, although it garnered the least mean, it is still interpreted as Normal Functioning. It implied that students probably do not always feel they are making progress but in the end, the important is that they still manage to accomplish what their goals are.

LAGUNA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ARTS 18489 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES Purpose Statement 2: Determine the level of resilience among students of Local Colleges in the Province of Batangas during the COVID-19 pandemic in both quantitative and qualitative aspect. The table below provided the result of the assessment conducted to determine the resilience level among students of Local Colleges in the Province of Batanags during the COVID-19 pandemic. Table 2 The Resilience Level among Students of Local Colleges in the Province of Batangas during the COVID-19 pandemic Indicators Mean Interpretation I tend to bounce back quickly after hard times. 3.55 NR I have a hard time making it through stressful 2.55 LR events. It does not take me long to recover from a 3.29 NR stressful event. It is hard for me to snap back when something 2.69 LR bad happens. I usually come through difficult time with little 3.27 NR trouble. I tend to take a long time to get over set-backs in 2.70 LR my life. Composite 3.01 NR Legend: 4.31-5.00 High Resilience (HR) 3.00-4.30 Normal Resilience (NR) 1.00-2.99 Low Resilience (LR) Table 2 shows the resilience level among students of local colleges in the Province of Batangas during the COVID-19 pandemic. The general composite assessment is 3.01 and interpreted as Normal Resilience. The indicator “I tend to bounce back quickly after hard

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