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NATIONAL 148 AND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2017 29th July 2017 at Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University ISBN 978-974-373-608-7 รายงานรวมบทความวิจยั สบื เน่ืองจากการประชมุ วิชาการระดับชาตแิ ละนานาชาติ ครัง้ ที่ 1 “การศึกษาเพอ่ื การพฒั นาทอ งถ่ินอยา งยง่ั ยนื ” PROCEEDINGS : THE 1ST NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE LOCALITY DEVELOPMENT 2017 วนั ท่ี 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ.2560 29 JULY 2017 บณั ฑิตวทิ ยาลัย มหาวทิ ยาลยั ราชภัฏบา นสมเดจ็ เจา พระยา BANSOMDEJCHAOPRAYA RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY

149รายงานรวมบทความวิจยั สืบเน่อื งจากการประชุมวิชาการระดบั ชาตแิ ละนานาชาติ คร้งั ท่ี 1 “การศกึ ษาเพ่อื การพัฒนาทอ้ งถน่ิ อย่างยั่งยนื ” Proceedings: The 1st National and International Conference on Education for Sustainable Locality Development 2017 หลกั การและเหตผุ ล : การประชมุ วิชาการระดับชาติและนานาชาติ คร้งั ท่ี 1 “การศกึ ษาเพ่อื การพฒั นาท้องถิ่นอย่างย่ังยืน” วนั ท่ี 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ.2560 ณ มหาวทิ ยาลัยราชภัฏบ้านสมเด็จเจ้าพระยา ได้รับความร่วมมือในการเป็น เจา้ ภาพร่วมจากสถาบันอดุ มศึกษา 12 แห่ง ประกอบด้วย สถาบันอุดมศึกษาจากต่างประเทศ ได้แก่ Utara University of Malaysia, National University of Laos, Nationsl Pintung University, Taiwan, Lipa City College, Philippines, Tianjin Normal University, China and Phnom Penh International University, Cambodia สาหรับสถาบันอุดมศึกษาภายในประเทศ ได้แก่ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏบ้านสมเด็จ เจ้าพระยา มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนสุนันทา มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏธนบุรี มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร มหาวทิ ยาลัยปทมุ ธานี และวิทยาลยั เทคโนโลยสี ยาม โดยมีวัตถปุ ระสงค์เพ่ือส่งเสริมการเผยแพร่ผลงานวิจัย ของนกั วิชาการ/นักวิจัย/นักศึกษา/บุคคลท่ัวไปได้มีเวทีในการนาเสนอผลงานทางวิชาการ แลกเปล่ียนองค์ ความรู้และประสบการณ์ซ่ึงกันและกัน โดยในเอกสารฉบับนี้ ได้นาเสนอบทความวิจัย (Full Paper) ใน รูปแบบบรรยาย (Oral Presentation) และรูปแบบโปสเตอร์ (Poster Presentation) ซ่ึงทุกบทความได้ผ่าน การพจิ ารณาจากผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิ (Peer Review) ท่ตี รงตามสาขาวิชานนั้ ๆ บทความละ 2 ทา่ น หนว่ ยงานรบั ผิดชอบ : บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏบ้านสมเดจ็ เจ้าพระยา 1061 ถนนอสิ รภาพ แขวงหิรัญรจู ี เขตธนบุรี กรงุ เทพฯ 10600 โทรศัพท:์ 0-2473-7000 ตอ่ 1810, 1813 โทรสาร : 0-2890-1786 ISBN 978-974-373-608-7 ปีที่พิมพ์ : กันยายน พ.ศ.2560 พิมพ์ท่ี หา้ งหนุ้ ส่วนจากดั ดี-วิทย์ แขวงบางออ้ เขตบางพลดั กรุงเทพมหานคร หมายเหตุ : บทความตพี ิมพใ์ นวารสารเป็นทศั นะ แนวคดิ ลิขสิทธิ์ และความรบั ผดิ ชอบของเจ้าของผลงาน

150 สบื เนอ่ื งจากการประชุมวชิ าการระดับชาติ และนานาชาติ ครง้ั ท่ี 1 “การศึกษาเพ่ือการพฒั นาทอ้ งถน่ิ อย่างยั่งยืน” Proceedings : The 1st National and International Conference on Education for Sustainable Locality Development 2017 วันที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ.2560 29 July 2017 บณั ฑิตวทิ ยาลัย มหาวทิ ยาลัยราชภัฏบ้านสมเด็จเจา้ พระยา Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University

บทความวิจัยสบื เนอ่ื งจากการประชมุ วชิ าการระดับชาติ และนานาชาติ ครง้ั ที่ 1 151“การศกึ ษาเพือ่ การพฒั นาทอ้ งถ่ินอย่างยั่งยนื ” The 1st National and International Conference ”on Education for Sustainable Locality Development 2017 ~v~ คณะกรรมการผทู้ รงคุณวุฒกิ ลัน่ กรองบทความวิจัย รายชอื่ ผ้ทู รงคณุ วุฒกิ ลน่ั กรองบทความวจิ ัยระดบั นานาชาติ Prof.Madya Dr.Hisham B Dzakiria Utara Universiti, Malaysia Prof.Dr.Abdul Halim Mohamed Utara Universiti, Malaysia Dr.Norsiah Abdul Hamid Utara Universiti, Malaysia Prof.Joe Luca Edith Cowan University Australia Assoc.Prof.Dr.Phout SIMMALAVONG National University of Laos Dr.Yuan-Kuang Guu National Pintung University, Taiwan Dr.Dina Catalina C. Dayon Lipa City College, the Philippines รายชือ่ ผทู้ รงคุณภายนอกวุฒกิ ลนั่ กรองบทความวิจยั ระดบั ชาติ ข้าราชการบานาญ ข้าราชการบานาญ ศาสตราจารย์ ดร.สายหยดุ จาปาทอง ขา้ ราชการบานาญ ศาสตราจารย์ ดร.วลั ลภา เทพหัสดนิ ณ อยธุ ยา ข้าราชการบานาญ ศาสตราจารย์ ดร.สุจริต เพยี รชอบ ข้าราชการบานาญ ศาสตราจารย์ ดร.อภชิ าติ ภทั รธรรม ข้าราชการบานาญ รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.พมิ พพ์ นั ธ์ เดชะคปุ ต์ ขา้ ราชการบานาญ รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.เรณุมาศ มาอ่นุ ข้าราชการบานาญ ดร.นสิ ยั แกว้ แสนไชย ข้าราชการบานาญ ดร.ไพรัช ถติ ย์ผาด ข้าราชการบานาญ รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.วชิ ยั แหวนเพชร รองปลัดกระทรวงศกึ ษาธิการ รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.สุรศักด์ิ หลาบมาลา มหาวิทยาลยั กรุงเทพธนบุรี ดร.วฒั นาพร ระงับทกุ ข์ มหาวทิ ยาลยั กรงุ เทพธนบุรี รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.พรพิพฒั น์ เพ่มิ ผล มหาวิทยาลยั หอการคา้ ไทย ผชู้ ่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.เกศสดุ า รชั ดาวิศษิ ฐกลุ มหาวิทยาลยั มหิดล ดร.วนดิ า พลอยสังวาลย์ มหาวทิ ยาลยั อสี เทริ น์ เอเชยี ดร.ปรชั ญพงศ์ ยาศรี มหาวทิ ยาลยั ปทุมธานี รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.สมบตั ิ ฑฆี ะทรพั ย์ มหาวิทยาลยั ศิลปากร ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.สรายุทธ์ เศรษฐขจร มหาวทิ ยาลยั ศิลปากร รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.ปานใจ ธารทศั นวงษ์ มหาวทิ ยาลยั ศิลปากร ดร.นันทวัฒน์ ภัทรกรนันท์ มหาวทิ ยาลยั ศลิ ปากร ดร.ธนาทร เจยี กลุ มหาวทิ ยาลยั ศรนี ครทิ รวโิ รฒ ผชู้ ่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.อนริ ุทธ์ สตมิ นั่ ผชู้ ว่ ยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.นนั ทรัตน์ ตงั้ วฑิ ูรธรรม The Graduate School, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University 

บทความวจิ ยั สบื เนอ่ื งจากการประชมุ วิชาการระดับชาติ และนานาชาติ ครั้งท่ี 1 152“การศึกษาเพือ่ การพฒั นาทอ้ งถนิ่ อยา่ งยั่งยนื ” The 1st National and International Conference ”on Education for Sustainable Locality Development 2017 ~ xiii ~ CONTENTS (Continued) Page International Oral Presenters 479 Convoy Sawadee: Exchanging Culture and Knowledge 480 Azahar Kasim & Hamza Abdullah…………………..………..…………………..………..……………………..………..… 495 505 An Analysis of the English Language Skills Needs and Problems among the Hotel and 510 Restaurant Management Practicum Students in Batangas Province Basis 515 for an ESP Curriculum Design 526 Dr.Allan D. Tipan……………..………..……………………………..………..……………………………..………..……………… 535 The Effects of Social Media on the Interpersonal Relationship and the Academic 545 Achievement of Students in Taal National High School S.Y 2016-2017 552 Sherlyn Joy D. Icaro…..………..……………………………………………………..……..………..……………………………..… SWOT Analysis of the Special Secondary Education for Agriculture and Entrepreneurship Program of Dagata Family Farm School: Basis for 5 Year Development Plan Angelo A. Villafania……………..……..……………..……………………………………..……..………..……………….………… Survey of the Chinese Textbook Utilization in Thai Primary and Secondary Schools Liu Xiuyuan & Zhai Li ……………..………………………………..…………………………………………………….…...……… The Study and Development of Paper Packaging from Ripe Palmyra Palm’s Fibers Case Study: The Learning Center of Palmyra Palm, Thamrong, Banlat, Phetchaburi Julalak Jarujutarat, Vongthong Kienvong, supakjan yamkason & Parichat Chaiyawan………… The Cointegrating Walk of Thailand’s Interest Rate Adirek Vajrapatkul………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A Designment of Atomic Structure with Computer Graphics Teerapat Janson, Jittawisut Wimuttipanya, Tippavan Hongkachern, Kedsarin Meemon, Piyanan Issaravit, kanakorn Sawangcharoen & Prapai Sridama………………………….…………………… Case Study: Community Participation in Integrated Waste Management (Watpruranawas Community, Thawiwattana, Bangkok, Thailand.) Direk Tongarm, Chirasak Promprayoon, Sint Punpinij, Anurak Jansri, Suwilai humpho, Poomyos Payakkawan, Saovalak Kittithanawat, Cholticha Sriruncruang, Napuck Hongjamrat, Chompoonut Rianpreecha & Molthip Lamhut……………………………..………… The Graduate School, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University 

บทความวิจัยสืบเนื่องจากการประชมุ วิชาการระดับชาติ และนานาชาติ ครัง้ ท่ี 1 153“การศกึ ษาเพอื่ การพฒั นาทอ้ งถิ่นอย่างย่ังยนื ” The 1st National and International Conference ”on Education for Sustainable Locality Development 2017 ~ xiv ~ CONTENTS (Continued) Page International Oral Presenters Micropropagation of an Ornamental Aquatic Plant, Cryptocoryne wendtii from Shoot Tip Culture Wanwilai Choojun, Wanna Chesu, Suphat Rittirat, Sutha Klaocheed & Kanchit Thammasiri…..…. 558 A Study of Problems in the Car Seat Bracket Manufacturing Process By Using 3-D Model Akaranun Asavarutpokin, Seksan Chaijit Kanakorn & Sawangcharoen……………………..……….…… 565 International Poster Presenters 573 The Study of Customer Satisfaction in Service Quality towards Kandawgyi Palace Hotel, 575 Yangon, Myanmar 579 Eaindrae Maung Maung ………………………..……………………..………………………..………………..……..…………… 583 Product Development of Banana-Pumpkin Fries Jureemart Deeammart, Daoratha Wiraphan & Duangduan Wattanuruk…………..……………..….. Compare the Level of Desirable Characteristics of Graduate’s that are to be taken from General Education Jiraporn Wongkerd, Phanida Vasutapitak, Sasitorn Suwannathep & Pornlert Arpanutud…..…. The Graduate School, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University 

บทความวจิ ยั สบื เนื่องจากการประชมุ วชิ าการระดบั ชาติ และนานาชาติ คร้งั ที่ 1 154“การศึกษาเพ่อื การพัฒนาทอ้ งถนิ่ อยา่ งยั่งยนื ” The 1st National and International Conference ”on Education for Sustainable Locality Development 2017 ~ xv ~ Schedule The 1st national and international conference on “Education for Sustainable Locality Development 2017” July 29th 2017 Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University ------------------------------------------------------------ 07.30-08.30 a.m. Registration 09.00-10.00 a.m. Plenary session on “The Higher Education for Locality Development in Thailand 4.0 Era” Dr.Suphat Champatong : Secretary-General for Higher Education Commission 10.00-10.30 a.m. Cultural and Art Performance 10.30-12.00 a.m. Plenary session given by Keynote speakers: Professor Joe Luca: Dean of Graduate Research School Edith Cowan University Perth, Australia Professor Dr.Kriengsak Chareonwongsak: Director of Institute of Future Studies for Development (IFD) Robynne Walsh: Director of Phoenix Academy Perth, Australia 12.00-01.00 p.m. Lunch Time 01.00-04.30 p.m. Oral and poster presentation of researches National Oral Presentation - Meeting room 9th Floor, Building 11 (Education and Sciences & Technology) - Meeting room 6th Floor, Building 11 (Humanities and Social and Management Sciences) International Oral Presentation - Meeting room 5th Floor, Building 11 Poster presentation - Meeting room 4th Floor, Building 1 The Graduate School, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University 

บทความวจิ ยั สบื เนอ่ื งจากการประชมุ วชิ าการระดับชาติ และนานาชาติ คร้งั ที่ 1 155“การศกึ ษาเพื่อการพฒั นาท้องถน่ิ อย่างยั่งยืน” The 1st National and International Conference ”on Education for Sustainable Locality Development 2017 ~ xix ~ การนาเสนอผลงานวิจัยระดับนานาชาติ (International Oral presenters) Researcher Meeting Room 5th Floor Building 11 Sciences &Technology Sciences Teerapat Janson Jittawisut Wimuttipanya Time Title Tippavan Hongkachern Kedsarin Meemon 01.00-01.15 p.m. A Designment of Atomic Structure with Computer Graphics Piyanan Issaravit Kanakorn Sawangcharoen 01.15-01.30 p.m. Micropropagation of an Ornamental Aquatic Plant, Prapai Sridama Cryptocoryne wendtii from Shoot Tip Culture Wanwilai Choojun Wanna Chesu 01.30-01.45 p.m. Case Study: Community Participation in Integrated Waste Suphat Rittirat Management (Watpruranawas Community, Thawiwattana, Sutha Klaocheed Kanchit Thammasiri Bangkok, Thailand.) Direk Tongarm Chirasak Promprayoon 01.45-02.00 p.m. A Study of Problems in the Car Seat Bracket Manufacturing Sint Punpinij Process By Using 3-D Model Anurak Jansri Suwilai humpho Poomyos Payakkawan Saovalak Kittithanawat Cholticha Sriruncruang Napuck Hongjamrat Chompoonut Rianpreecha Molthip Lamhut Akaranun Asavarutpokin Seksan Chaijit Kanakorn Sawangcharoen The Graduate School, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University 

บทความวิจัยสืบเนอ่ื งจากการประชมุ วิชาการระดับชาติ และนานาชาติ คร้งั ที่ 1 156“การศกึ ษาเพ่ือการพัฒนาทอ้ งถ่ินอย่างย่ังยนื ” The 1st National and International Conference ”on Education for Sustainable Locality Development 2017 ~ xx ~ Education Title Researcher Time SWOT Analysis of the Special Secondary Education for Angelo A. Villafania Agriculture and Entrepreneurship Program of Dagata Family 02.00-02.15 p.m. Dr.Allan D. Tipan Farm School: Basis for 5 Year Development Plan 02.15-02.30 p.m. An Analysis of the English Language Skills Needs and Liu Xiuyuan Problems among the Hotel and Restaurant Management Zhai Li 02.30-02.45 p.m. Sherlyn Joy D. Icaro 02.45-03.00 p.m. Practicum Students in Batangas Province Basis for an ESP Curriculum Design Survey of the Chinese Textbook Utilization in Thai Primary and Secondary Schools The Effects of Social Media on the Interpersonal Relationship and the Academic Achievement of Students in Taal National High School S.Y 2016-2017 Humanities and Social Sciences & Management Sciences Azahar Kasim* & 03.00-03.15 p.m. Convoy Sawadee: Exchanging Culture and Knowledge Hamza Abdullah 03.15-03.30 p.m. The Cointegrating Walk of Thailand’s Interest Rate Adirek Vajrapatkul 03.30-03.45 p.m. The Study and Development of Paper Packaging from Ripe Julalak Jarujutarat Palmyra Palm’s Fibers Case Study: The Learning Center of Vongthong Kienvong supakjan yamkason Palmyra Palm, Thamrong, Banlat, Phetchaburi Parichat Chaiyawan The Graduate School, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University 

บทความวิจยั สบื เน่อื งจากการประชุมวิชาการระดบั ชาติ และนานาชาติ คร้ังที่ 1 157“การศกึ ษาเพื่อการพัฒนาท้องถิน่ อยา่ งยัง่ ยนื ” The 1st National and International Conference “ ”on Education for Sustainable Locality Development 2017 ~ 565 ~ A Study of Problems in the Car Seat Bracket Manufacturing Process By Using 3-D Model Akaranun Asavarutpokin* Seksan Chaijit* Kanakorn Sawangcharoen** ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to study problems and propose solutions with respect to cold-forming of car seat brackets to minimize production losses, and develop a three- dimension manufacturing model using analyzing and designing applications. Dies would be designed by using three-dimension modeling application before forming of cyclical workpieces, where their diameter is 20 mm and their length is 148 mm, and then perform an analysis of strength measurement index such as tension, shear force, and compressive, and also mechanical behaviors of metal for forming of car sear brackets that composed of SCM435 metal. The components of said metal are C=0.37%, Mn =0.80%, Si=0.26%, P=0.010%, S= 0.004%, Al=0.008%, Cr =0.83, Mo=0.15 and Fe=0.35%) The research yields a three-dimensional model for car seat brackets. The maximum strength index of workpieces in 743.86 N/mm2 where Tension = 385 N/mm2, Shear Force = 800 N/mm2, and Compressive = 205 N/mm2, Mechanical Behaviors of Metal = 637 N/mm2 and force applied in the cold forming of the workpiece = 408 N/mm2. Information of three-dimensional modeling and analysis of workpieces is subsequently used for forming by the 500-ton HIPRESS CN1-200L machine. However, the machine was broken and thus unable to perform a forming process since the components of SCM435 are able to withstand the machine‟s compressive forces. Therefore, this machine is not suitable for forming metals that are composed of SCM435. The appropriate cold-forming process and the development of dies to suit car seat brackets that are composed of SCM435 metal should be subsequently done. 1. Introduction The production of parts and products from stainless steel is currently play an increasing role in our daily lives, especially the production of household goods, food processing, furniture, decorative equipment, and medical devices for example. The production of those equipments is using metal forming processing, where properties and formability of stainless steel along with forming machine, dies, and lubricants are important characteristics of stainless steel forming. The problems of forming SCM440 metal to desirable shapes and depths are wrinkling, necking, and fracturing; these problems create loss of time and manufacturing costs. The current remediation process in the current manufacturing industry is to try configuring equipments and dies until desirable workpieces are achieve according to predefined criteria. Forming-limit Diagram (FLD) is employed to evaluate production problems caused by metal forming. This diagram contains the Forming-limit Curve (FLC) which is a relationship between Major Strain (1ε) and Minor Strain (2ε), as it is a problem evaluation tool by using Elastic Theory, Plasticity Theory, Yield Criteria, Hill‟s Plastic Anisotropy (1984), and Strain Hardening to see if any variable possesses desirable forming *Department of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Faculty of Engineer, Pathumwan Institute of Technology **Faculty of Science and Technology, Bansomdej Chaopraya Rajabhat University The Graduate School, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University 

บทความวิจยั สืบเน่ืองจากการประชมุ วิชาการระดับชาติ และนานาชาติ ครั้งท่ี 1 158“การศึกษาเพ่ือการพฒั นาท้องถิน่ อยา่ งย่ังยนื ” The 1st National and International Conference “ ”on Education for Sustainable Locality Development 2017 ~ 566 ~ ability; this also applies calculation formula and analyzes new metal forming process to be used with SCM440 metal, strain analysis by using element models and machine simulation to increase efficiency of cold-forming process. This research applies the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) computer application. The fundamental Finite Element application is used three times to simulate all production forming problems that should occur with SCM440 metal, which is a metal used in various forming industry such as car seat bracket production. Finite Element is applied to find optimal forming conditions and material behaviors during cold-forming process. 2. Development of Finite Element Model for Car Seat Brackets The workpieces under this study are car seat brackets as displayed in Figure 1. These workpieces were manufactured at the factory and causing damage to several damages to machine components such as bearings; also dies and workpieces were not similar to the requirements. Figure 1: Finished pieces of SCM435 metal 2.1 Shape of dies and initial size of workpieces Figure 2 presents the set of dies used in the modeling. These dies are cavities dies and their characteristics such as slope (α), fin width and fin thickness (s) are presented in Figure 3. The assumption of variables in the simulation follows current solutions, where 1α° = 45mm 2α° = 90mm and s = 2mm. The initial workpiece is a car seat bracket, its diameter is 20 mm and its length is 148 mm, the set of dies are made of SKD61 equipment. In the simulation, all dies are assumed to be rigid body since dies are minimally distorted comparing with workpieces. The dies are made of S45C Carbon and their characteristics are listed in Figure 3 and Figure 6. The physical characteristics of SCM435 metal is T = 900°C 1200°C. Figure 2: The set of 500-ton dies used for metal forming in this project The Graduate School, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University 

บทความวจิ ยั สบื เนอ่ื งจากการประชมุ วิชาการระดับชาติ และนานาชาติ ครง้ั ที่ 1 159“การศึกษาเพอ่ื การพัฒนาทอ้ งถิ่นอย่างยั่งยนื ” The 1st National and International Conference “ ”on Education for Sustainable Locality Development 2017 ~ 567 ~ Figure 3: Characteristic of dies 2.2 Bounding and Touching Criteria, Production Status Dies on the lower-end are situated statically and dies on the upper end are moving down by using Crank Press (with Crank Radius 140 mm, Rod Length 1000 mm and Revolution 1.5 rotations per second) to transfer forces back to dies on the upper end. The flow behavior of metal is time dependent. The frictional coefficient between a workpiece and dies is 0.3. The initial temperature of a car seat bracket is 0°C. The Anisothermal condition is assumed since heat would be generated during the forming process. 3. Theories 3.1 Finite Element Model 3.1.1 Workpiece used in the Research The workpiece used in the study of cold forming process is SCM435 metal. The dimension and shape are displayed in Figure 1. The workpiece is made of hardened stainless steel and forming must be repeated three times before drilling and subsequently fitting with the car seat. Figure 4: The size of workpiece before forming Figure 5: The size of workpiece after forming 3.2 Analysis of Mechanical Behavior of Metal For elasticity, objects would transform when forces are applied hence they would restore to original shapes in absence of such forces. However, if excessive forces are applied with objects beyond the Yield Point then objects would not restore to original shapes in The Graduate School, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University 

บทความวิจยั สบื เนอื่ งจากการประชมุ วชิ าการระดับชาติ และนานาชาติ ครัง้ ท่ี 1 160“การศกึ ษาเพ่อื การพัฒนาท้องถ่นิ อย่างย่งั ยืน” The 1st National and International Conference “ ”on Education for Sustainable Locality Development 2017 ~ 568 ~ absence of such forces. The important mechanical characteristic that affects metal forming is a True Stress-Strain Relation. If the Power Law is applied then the Strength Coefficient (K) and Strain Hardening Exponent (n) must be computed where n is an indicator of forming ability as the higher the value the better the forming. For the Planar nisotropy value, the important value is R-value or Plastic Strain Ratio which can be computed from the ratio of width strain and thick strain. R is the ability of shrinkage resistance over the thickness. Since the metal is rolled, so internal particles are located upon the rolled direction which affects the shrinkage ability. Therefore, the computation of R must be done in at least 3 directions namely the R-value following rolled direction, the R-value at 45 degrees of the rolled direction, and the R-value perpendicular to the rolled direction. If the values of R different largely, then the edge of workpiece after forming would become vary in length or earing. R  w  y (1) t z   R0  2R45  R90 (2) R 4 3.2.1 Elastic Theory Extension is observed when tensions are applied to the objects. The extension can be segregated into two types which are the temporary transformation during elasticity or the permanent transformation during plasticity as indicated in Figure 6. Figure 6: Behaviors of Object Transformation Figure 7: Components of SCM 345 metal The Graduate School, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University 

บทความวจิ ัยสบื เน่ืองจากการประชมุ วิชาการระดบั ชาติ และนานาชาติ คร้งั ที่ 1 161“การศึกษาเพ่อื การพัฒนาท้องถนิ่ อย่างยง่ั ยนื ” The 1st National and International Conference “ ”on Education for Sustainable Locality Development 2017 ~ 569 ~ Figure 8: Mechanical Characteristics of SCM 345 metal Properties of the object under diagnosis are described in a Flow Curve or a relationship between True Stress and True Strain Curve as indicated in Figure 6. The curve is either linearity or non-linearity, and it is employed in the calculation to improve the precision of prediction. In the finite element analysis, the model‟s object shall be isotropy which is different from actual property of the object since its crystals are not orderly aligned in all directions (anisotropy). The relationship between True Stress and True Strain of the object can be found by performing Uni-Axial Tension Test or Compression Test. For Uni-Axial Tension Test, rounded surface or squared surface objects would be subjected to force (F) by pulling or compressing and their speed would be controlled to ensure constant transformation through the axis then measure force and transformation progress of the objects. The result can be used to obtain mechanical behaviors of the test objects. Internal stress can be found by dividing external force (Fi) for each test period by initial surface area of the workpiece. Given Fi as a tension or load, A0 is an initial surface area of the workpiece and σ is an average stress or an Engineering Stress which is perpendicular to A0. Engineering Strain can be computed by dividing length changed with initial length of the workpiece then divided by initial surface area of the workpiece. Given Fi as a tension or load, A0 is an initial surface area of the workpiece and σ is an average stress or an Engineering Stress which is perpendicular to A0. Engineering Strain can be computed by dividing length changed with initial length of the workpiece. ΔL is length changed, L0 is initial length of workpiece, Li is length at particular time, and ε is an average strain which is an Engineering Strain with the same direction with Force (F). The relationship between strain and stress from the calculation by using surface and initial length of the workpiece can be plotted as an Engineering Stress-Strain Curve. In the actual test, the length of the workpiece would change continuously while the stress level surpasses the Yield Point creating necking and fracturing eventually. The relationship between stress and strain is able to compute using surface area and length changed during each interval which is call the The Graduate School, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University 

บทความวิจยั สบื เนอื่ งจากการประชมุ วิชาการระดบั ชาติ และนานาชาติ ครั้งท่ี 1 162“การศกึ ษาเพือ่ การพัฒนาทอ้ งถิ่นอย่างยั่งยนื ” The 1st National and International Conference “ ”on Education for Sustainable Locality Development 2017 ~ 570 ~ Flow Curve or True Stress-True Strain Curve. This indicates object behaviors during permanent transformation. Given σ as true stress and ε as true strain: Ai is any surface area, A0 is initial surface area, σ is average stress, Fi is force applied to the workpiece, ε can be computed by considering any additional length by an integration of any dLi length. Volume of the workpiece before and after metal forming will be changed minimally so it is assumed that volume of the workpiece remains constant throughout metal forming. Therefore, true stress and true strain given that volume of the workpiece before and after forming is constant. 3.3 Strain Hardening Strain hardening occurs with durable metal that is used in cold forming. There would be an accumulate strain in the workpiece when it has been applied force beyond Yield Point, so more excessive force is required to transform the workpiece. The analysis of Elastic-Plastic shape displays strain hardening behaviors of the workpiece. The relationship between stress and strain during the temporary transformation is linear. The increment of force creates more strain proportionately according to Hook‟s Law. σ = Hardening index E = Modulus of the elasticity ε = Strain index Mechanical properties of the workpiece under this analysis follow Power Law σ = Hardening index K = Force resistant coefficient n = A power number of strain hardening The Graduate School, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University 

บทความวิจยั สบื เน่ืองจากการประชมุ วิชาการระดับชาติ และนานาชาติ คร้ังที่ 1 163“การศึกษาเพ่ือการพฒั นาทอ้ งถิ่นอย่างยง่ั ยืน” The 1st National and International Conference “ ”on Education for Sustainable Locality Development 2017 ~ 571 ~ 3.4 Three-Dimensional Modeling Computer applications are employed to the modeling of cold forming. The modeling is constructed only one fourth of actual size to save computation time according to Figure 11. The initial workpiece is a cylinder with 20 mm diameter and 148 mm length. The workpiece is defined as a deformable body by using 43,687 elements as mesh in the Four-node Tetrahedron Element at 0°C. The modeling would not consider effect from temperature change since it is not materially impact the workpiece. Properties of the workpiece during its plasticity follow the first equation as curve fitting yields the following constants; K = 207.348 and n = 0.03837 therefore = 408 and ε = 0.00637. Top dies and bottom dies are rigid body, the speed of top dies is 55 mm/s, the minimum distance during forming is 30 mm, and a car seat bracket is assumed to touch the dies. The deformation of a car seat bracket is a large deformation; therefore elements are massively deformed so the adaptive remeshing technique is used to manage the elements. The modification is made when elements massively deformed and their properties will be reduced integration to reduce volumetric locking problem. Figure 11: Modeling of Cold Forming 4. Analysis Result The analysis result shows each stress level according to color layers (Von Mises Stress) when the workpiece and dies were smashed at 30 mm, the maximum stress level is 408 MPa which occurred inside the workpiece. The model takes 23,984 seconds to analyze the result. The stress occurred in the workpiece according to time during the forming process displays in Figure 12. Figure 12: Element Modeling for Cold Forming The Graduate School, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University 

บทความวจิ ัยสบื เนอื่ งจากการประชุมวชิ าการระดบั ชาติ และนานาชาติ คร้งั ที่ 1 164“การศกึ ษาเพือ่ การพัฒนาท้องถ่ินอยา่ งยั่งยนื ” The 1st National and International Conference “ ”on Education for Sustainable Locality Development 2017 ~ 572 ~ 4.1 Test of Metal Forming Using Machine Figure 13: A 500-ton mechanical press used in the test Figure 14: Simulation of the workpiece Figure 15: 500-ton dies used in forming after triple forming during testing 5. Conclusion From the modeling of Finite Element Analysis and comparing the dimensions from actual workpiece using a non-linear static analysis at the constant forming speed of 30 mm/s in an isothermal condition, we have found that the projection of workpiece from Finite Element Analysis is similar to actual workpiece. Therefore, this research could be a baseline for the development of forming model that could analyze the transformation of car seat brackets, stress and strain, and defects from forming process to design appropriate dies and initial workpiece in order to achieve desirable dimensions, shapes, and details at each position according to the requirements. 6. Reference [1] L. Fratini G Ambrogio, R Di Lorenso, L.Filice, F.Micari, Influence of mechanical properties of the sheet material in single point incremental forming ,CRIP Ann.53 (1) (2004) 207-210 [2] Leszak, E Patent US3342051A1, Published 1967-01-19 Apparatus and Process for incremental Dieless Forming [3] J. Jeswiet, rapid proto-typing with incremental single point forming, CAD/CAM Comput.Grapics 15 (2000) 177-183 [4] Kathryn Jackson, Julian Allwood,The mechanic of incremental sheet forming, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209 (2009) The Graduate School, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University 


166 Proceedings 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MEDIA STUDIES 2019 (3rd ICMS‘19) 3rd July – 6th July 2019 Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabaht University (BSRU), Bangkok, Thailand. Editors Assc. Prof. Dr. Norsiah Abdul Hamid (UUM) Dr. Norizah Aripin (UUM) Dr. Sabrina Rashid (UUM) Assistant Prof. Dr. Akaranun Asvarutpokin (BSRU) Miss Ana Malaya Camaligan (BSRU) Media Technology Program Department of Multimedia Technology School of Multimedia Technology and Communication UUM College of Arts and Sciences Universiti Utara Malaysia Sintok - 2019

TABLE OF CONTENTS 167 Preface vii 1-9 FULL PAPERS Appending Roles of Thai Lanna Temples for Sustainable Communities: A Case Study of Wat Phumin, Nan Province Tawipas Pichaichanarong Veerawat Sirivesmas Rueanglada Punyalikhit Suan Sunandha International School of Art, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University What Is Watched and Commented on Social Media? A YouTube Content 9-26 Analysis Norizah Aripin Awan Ismail Sabrina Mohd Rashid Revathy Amadera Limgam Nursyafiqahadila Zainal Universiti Utara Malaysia The Role of Internal Communication As An Intangible Strategic Brand 27-32 Resources For Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Branding: An Empirical Study Rohana Mijan Shuhaida Md Noor Mastura Jaafar Universiti Utara Malaysia From a Soccer Ball Inspiration to 3-D Structure 33-38 Liew Yek Ming Siek Hwee Ling Sunway University Application of Preventive Maintenance for Mechanical Pressing Machine 39-47 Akaranun Asavarutpokin Seksan Chaijit Kanakorn Sawangcharoen Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University

168 Application of Preventive Maintenance for Mechanical Pressing Machine Akaranun Asavarutpokin1 , Seksan Chaijit2,Kanakon Sawangcharoen3 1Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Pathumwan Institute of Technology ([email protected]) 2 Faculty of Engineering, Pathumwan Institute of Technology ([email protected]) 3 Philosophy Program in Management of Information Technology, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University ([email protected]) ABSTRACT.This research presents the application of preventive maintenance for the mechanical pressing machine. The study aims to increase the average time that the machine is shutdown and decrease the risk of accidental breakdown. In order to increase the percentage of production time and overall machine efficiency. The current maintenance system is first analyzed. The maintenance is currently done only when the mechanical press machine breaks down. In addition, there is no data collection during maintenance. Consequently a preventive maintenance system is developed, starting with data collection to help identify the cause of breakdowns. For implementing the preventive maintenance plan, several activities are initiated, including complete documentation of all maintenance procedure. The result of preventive maintenance of the mechanical pressing machine found that MTBR increase from 1,776 to 15,265. The percentage of production increased from 83.13% to 96.32%. The percentage of failures was reduced from 16.21% to 3.65%. The crankshaft bearings showed an increase of 268% in MTBF, with an increase of 18.69%. The failure rate decreased 18.69% KEYWORDS: mechanical pressing; accidental breakdown and preventive maintenance 1 INTRODUCTION High competition can be found in production industry whether in factory level or domestic organizations. The goal of this competition is gaining the highest profit or the lowest unit price .To achieve such goal, good planning is required in order to operate production efficiently without any problem to obstruct production process or cause any damage reducing profits of the company .Mechanical pressing machines are considered as an important element of production industry. If mechanical pressing machine is urgently damaged or incomplete, productivity of mechanical pressing machine will be lower immediately and it may damage other systems .As a result, preventive maintenance system of mechanical pressing machine for improving productivity is considered as another mission that should not be ignored. However, current maintenance of general mechanical pressing machines is immediate problem solving, i.e., maintenance will be performed in the event of any error or defect occurred during operation. Actually, based on the correct principles, work system should be planned in order to prepare manpower an tools for maintaining machines, preventing, and solving all types of possible problems. Since mechanical pressing machines in industrial factories are required to be operated continuously and regularly, the lack of continuous preventing maintenance plan may cause severe damages against manufacturing industry. This research was conducted to study on preventive maintenance system for improving productivity based on 4 important production factors including humans, machines, materials, and capital in order to solve the problems caused by the loss of productivity in industrial factories for gaining better efficiency and reducing production costs. 2 RELATED THEORIES 2.1 Preventive Maintenance Preventive maintenance is considered as the concept on preventing unexpected breakdown because all cases of breakdown can damage production industry. As a result, preventive maintenance is originated to inspect machine condition, fuel filling, lubrication, parts replacement, repairing, operational record as information for 40

169planning maintenance, analysis on recorded data to find problems and solutions. All of these operations will be repeated in order to improve Maintenance Plant to be consistent with condition of machine. Preventive maintenance consists of the following activities: cleaning and maintaining machines and facilities, maintaining conditions of operation to be in normal condition, inspecting based on time period, recording and storing data, planning for establishing Maintenance Plan, and training personnel. 2.2 Preventive Maintenance Standard There are 4 elements of operations on preventive maintenance including: 2.2.1 To clean machines It is necessary to clean machines, equipment, and site that are considered as the important factors and the first step of preventive maintenance because all parts of machines can be seen regularly while being cleaned leading to familiarity with appearance, noise, vibration, and heat of machines. Consequently, abnormality can be indicated and fixed before causing any damage. In addition, machine cleaning also helps to eliminate dust that is the cause of wear and tear of machines. Moreover, site cleaning also helps to reduce accidents, for example, accidents caused by messy materials and equipment. 2.2.2 Lubrication Lubrication is considered as the basic work for preventing defect and reducing wear and tear whereas lubricating materials will help to prevent direct impact among machine parts and heat caused by friction. In addition, it also causes the least distress of movement of machine’s parts. 2.2.3 The objective of inspection and measurement Is to find primary defect that may lead to machine’s error and breakdown. 2.2.4 Adjustment and Replacement of parts Plays a role in maintenance because wear and tear is unavoidable although such machine is equipped with good lubrication system or inspection. From these 4 major elements of preventive maintenance as mentioned above, there are 2 maintenance standards that can be established including: Machines and Devices Maintenance Standard and maintenance Methodology Standard. Part 1: machines and Devices Maintenance Standard is the standard and the method for inspecting degeneration of all parts through measurement and testing, identification on degenerated characteristics of parts through daily maintenance, and adjustment of parts through repairing and parts replacement. The standard is divided based on each duty of maintenance. Standard on Inspection and Measurement can be classified by inspection periods, for example, daily inspection standard, weekly inspection standard, monthly inspection standard, quarterly inspection standard, and 6-month inspection standard, etc. In addition, it is also classified by inspected and measured parts based on types of parts and devices, for example, mechanical parts, eclectic parts, and hydraulic parts, etc. Inspection and measure are performed to obtain the most complete information under the following conditions: On Stream Inspection that is performed to find abnormality while all parts of machine is supporting all operations including pressure, temperature, flow rate, vibration, odor, noise, leakage, electric energy consumption, and correctness of machine’s operation. Shut Down Inspection is a kind of condition that can detect abnormality when the machine is already shut down only. Most cases of this inspection are internal and external inspection for parts that can be disassembled easily, for example, machine balancing, breakage, wear and tear, corrosion, and tendency of wear and tear of parts. 41

170Maintenance Standard was established to provide maintenance as defined by conditions of elements of maintenance, for example, cleaning standard, lubrication standard, standard on parts adjustment and replacement, etc. As a result, it is necessary to specify persons that can perform maintenance of parts or devices, maintenance methods, number of parts and devices, and appropriate period maintenance period. Standard on Part Adjustment, Replacement, and Repairing defines operational methods and conditions on part adjustment, replacement, and repairing because some parts are required to be disassembled and special methods on adjustment and replacement in order to prevent damage. In some cases, it may help to reduce operational duration and maintenance duration by using correct tools and devices as well as complying with safety rules. Part 2: Maintenance Methodology Standard that is the operational methods and process, inspection period, services, and repairing. 2.3 Evaluation on Improvement of Preventive maintenance Evaluation on improvement of preventive maintenance system used in this research consisted of: a. Mean Time Between Failure, (MTBF) whereas the average error duration can be calculated by using the following formula [3]: MTBF = This Mean Time Between Failure refers that if Mean Time Between Failure was increased, the result would be good. b .%Machine Downtime [4] % Machine Downtime = x 100 This evaluation based on %Machine Downtime refers that if %Machine Downtime is lower than that before improvement, this improvement gave good results. c .Production Percentage refers that machine have to be ready after staring its engine without any failure or adjustment. In the event of any failure or adjustment, such duration is considered as Down Time therefore duration of warming and adjustment should be reduced [5]. The formula was as follows: Production Percentage = x 100 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Studied and Collected general Information and operational system of mechanical pressing machine studied in this research. 42

3.2 Studied and Collected 171 Information on preventive maintenance and documentary system of mechanical pressing machine. 3.3 Analyzed and Improved By planning maintenance and managing documentation system of mechanical pressing machine. 3.4 Concluded the results of maintenance of mechanical Pressing machines and discovered productivity of mechanical pressing machines. 4 RESULTS 4.1 Collected data for improvement This procedure could be performed by selecting the problem machine group with the most severe effect against production. Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) [6,7] was used for studying and improving preventive maintenance system for machines and it was found that the machine with the most frequent problem giving the most severe effect to production line was mechanical pressing machine. 4.2 Prioritized parts of mechanical pressing machine This procedure could be performed by modifying analysis criteria of Sirirun Silapapipat [8] based on mean of four analytical factors for appropriateness of data and prioritizing parts of mechanical pressing machine. Details are as follows: Factor1 : Operational frequency of part had the following weighted scores: 1point – operational frequency of such part was low; 2points – operational frequency of such part was slightly low; 3points – operational frequency of such part was slightly high; 4points – operational frequency of such part was high. Factor2 : Price of mechanical pressing machine had the following weighted scores: 1point – price was lower than 3 , 000baht; 2points – price was ranged from 3, 001– 5, 000baht; 3points – price was ranged from 5, 001– 10, 000baht; 4points – price was over than 10, 000baht. Factor3 : Effects on other parts when such part was degenerated or damaged or defected had the following weighted scores: 1point – No effect on other parts and the machine was able to be operated for further production; 2points - There were some effects against other parts but the machine was able to be operated; 3points – There was no effect against other parts but the machine was unable to be operated; 4points – There were some effects against other parts but the machine was unable to be operated. 43

172Factor4 : Duration spent in repairing or replacement had the following weighted scores: (if it was unable to be repaired, duration of replacement should be considered.) 1point – Duration of repairing or replacement was lower than 90 minutes; 2points – Duration of repairing or replacement was ranged from 11– 180minutes; 3points – Duration of repairing or replacement was ranged from 181– 270minutes; 4points – Duration of repairing or replacement was higher than 270 minutes. From prioritizing based on 4 analytical factors, the level of maintenance could be classified into the following 3 levels whereas the minimum score was 1 and the maximum score was 3: Therefore, the obtained interval was: 1 = Average score of 1. 00– 2. 00referred to priority level of Group C that was considered as the group with low attention on maintenance. Average score of2 . 01– 3. 00referred to priority level of Group B that was considered as the group with moderate attention on maintenance. Average score of3 . 01– 4. 00referred to priority level of Group A that was considered as the group with high attention on maintenance. Table1 : Weighing on Priority of Error Parts of Mechanical Pressing Machine Analytical Factors for Finding Parts Failure of Mechanical Pressing Mean Priority Machine Motor 4 A Flip Wedge 12 34 3.75 A Sliding Rail 1.75 C Magnetic Contactor 44 44 B Rear Axle Shaft Bearing 3 B Flip Wedge Supporter 44 43 3 A Middle Shaft Bearing 3.25 A Double hand Switch 31 12 3.75 A Foot Switch 3.75 B Drive Belt 42 33 2.25 A Air Tank 3.5 B Crankshaft Bearing 22 44 2.75 A 3.25 41 44 44 34 44 43 41 13 43 34 41 33 41 44 From weighting priority of error parts of mechanical pressing machine, it was found that mean of priority in Group A consisted of 7 parts including motor, flip wedge, flip wedge supporter, middle shaft bearing, double hand switch, drive belt, and crankshaft bearing. The obtained result was further studied. Subsequently, Time Between Failure (MTBF) was calculated by studying data on failure of machine’s parts and devices thoroughly as well as studying the machine’s instruction manual in order to find Time Between Failure (MTBF) of machine’s parts thoroughly. Time Between Failure (MTBF) of Group A would be applied to plan Preventive maintenance Plan for Mechanical Pressing Machine. Table2 : Failure Percentage and Time Between Failure (MTBF) of Parts during 3 Months 44

Parts Total Breakdown Actual MTBF Frequency 173Percentage Motor Production (hr). Production 143 of Failure Produc Failure Flip Wedge Time( hr). Duration 287 tion Flip Wedge 234 3 Supporter 1,467 5 (hr). 33 2 11.04 0.14 Middle Shaft 1,467 10 1462 234 2 18.11 1.81 Bearing 1,467 7 1457 212 17.77 2.30 Double Hand 1460 32 14 Switch 1,467 30 167.86 12.74 7.26 Drive Belt 1437 2 Crankshaft 1,467 20 15.13 4.87 Bearing 1447 2 Mean 1,467 141 13 15.40 4.60 1,467 65 1453 78.62 21.38 1402 5.43 1,467 21.57 13.83 6.18 1445.43 The result from evaluation during the first three months before improvement revealed that total production duration was 1, 467hours, frequency of failure was 44times with average production of 6.18%. In addition, it was also found that average production was 13.83%, and average failure was 6.18%. Moreover, it was also found that the maximum production of Crankshaft Bearing was 78.62% with the minimum failure of 21.38%. MTBF of parts of mechanical pressing machine during 3 months revealed that the part with the maximum breakdown was Crankshaft Bearing therefore this part was selected for planning Preventive Maintenance Plan. 4.3 Improvement of Preventive Maintenance System of Error Crankshaft Bearing New Preventive Maintenance Plan of Mechanical Pressing Machine was planned based on the following procedures: a .The score of priority of parts of mechanical pressing machine was applied to prioritize parts of the machine for maintenance by ordering in descending order. b .The result of characteristics, formats, and mechanisms causing failure of parts was used to define topics and positions for performing maintenance activity. c .The result of Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) was utilized for inspecting condition and maintenance as well as defining maintenance duration of such part. From the procedure of maintenance planning, operational standard must be established clearly and extensively with determination on frequency of maintenance, monthly maintenance plan, and maintenance methods in order to enable all employees to perform such maintenance activities under the same standard. 45

1745 APPLICATION OF PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE FOR ERROR CRANKSHAFT BEARING From collecting data before improvement, it was found that this failure was caused by insufficient control documents of maintenance system of mechanical pressing machine and high level of failure. As a result, design of application of Preventive Maintenance for Mechanical Pressing machines was as shown in Figure 1. Machine’s Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) Machine Preventive Planning Operation Maintena Weekly Notice Operational Maintenance Notice on Production Mechanical Figure1 : Application of Preventive Maintenance for Improving Productivity 6 RESULTS OF PROBLEM SOLVING BASED ON PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE From the result on application of preventive maintenance for error bearings during 3 months after applying Preventive Maintenance System, it was found that Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) of Crankshaft Bearing after improvement for 3 months was 1, 851hours with breakdown of 25 hours from 1,476 hours of working hours and breakdown of 65 hours. This result revealed that the result of improvement was good .For the result of comparison on operational result of mechanical pressing machine before and after improvement, it was found that failure percentage was reduced by12.56% and production percentage was increased by 12.53% as shown in Table 3. Table3 : Data on Evaluation of Improvement of Mechanical Pressing Machine Data Mean Before Mean After Improvement Improvement Improvement Result X1 (minute) 29,354 37,024 7,670 1,273 2,211 X2 (minutes) 3,572 35,700 10,820 X3 (minutes) 24,880 3 12 15,265 13,481 X4 (times) 15 96.35 12.53 12.56 MTBF 1,776 3.65 Production Percentage 83.79 Failure Percentage 16.21 X1 = Total Production Duration( minute) 46

X2 = Breakdown (minute) 175 X3 = Operational Duration with Productivity (minute) X4 = Frequency of Failure (time) MTBF = Mean Time Between Failure From establishing the Application of Prevention Maintenance Plan, it was found that mean after improvement consisted of production percentage that was increased by 12.53%, failure percentage that was decreased by 12.56%, and Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) that was increased by13 ,481%. This represented that the application of Preventive Maintenance System was effective. Table4 : Comparison on Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) of Error Crankshaft Bearing of Mechanical Pressing Machine Before and After Improvement Topic Before Improvement After Improvement Improvement Results MTBF 32 300 268 Production Percentage 78.62 17.31 18.61 21.38 2.61 18.61 Failure Percentage The result of evaluation on efficiency of improvement of mechanical pressing machine revealed that Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) of crankshaft bearing had production percentage of 78.62% before improvement and 81.31% after improvement. Failure of crankshaft bearing was 21.38% before improvement and 18.69% after improvement. Average duration of Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) of crankshaft bearing of mechanical pressing machine was 32 hours before improvement and 268 hours after improvement. 7 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION For improvement of preventive maintenance of mechanical pressing machines, this research presented the application of preventive maintenance for mechanical pressing machine in order to improve productivity, increase Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF), reduce failure percentage of mechanical pressing machine, and increase overall productivity percentage of studied mechanical pressing machine. The research was conducted by analyzing on current maintenance system and it was found that maintenance was performed in the event of failure only without storing data on analysis on the causes of such failures for preventive maintenance. In this research, preventive maintenance system was developed by staring from managing important data storage system on causes of failures and duration of breakdown. Subsequently, such data were analyzed to find failures of mechanical pressing machine. For application of preventive maintenance system, the following activities were performed: performing maintenance of crankshaft bearing, managing documentary system of operational control, establishing Maintenance, preparing methods on preventive maintenance based on research methodology by analyzing on failures of mechanical pressing machine, classifying and prioritizing problem causes, and calculating MTBF. The results revealed that crankshaft bearing part had the minimum MTBF of 32. After improving by using preventive maintenance, it was found that MTBF was increased by 10 times. This revealed that the operation could prevent breakdown and overall efficiency of mechanical pressing machine was increased whereas breakdown rate was decreased. As a result, this research presented Preventive Maintenance System for maintaining and repairing machines whereas it was operated and its results before and after operation were compared. The results revealed that MTBF was increased by 937.5% averagely, production percentage was increased by 18.69%, and failure percentage was decreased by 18.69%. Evaluation was performed by comparing results for 3 months before applying the system and 3 months after applying the system. The results revealed that MTBF of mechanical pressing machine was 1,776 minutes before improvement and 15,265 minutes after improvement, failure duration was 16.21% before improvement 47

176and 3.65% after improvement, and overall productivity of mechanical pressing machine was increased by 83.79% from 96.32%. 8 SUGGESTION There should be further studies on occurred expense in detail for comparing worthiness of application of new system. Operations of employees under new system should be followed up closely in order to check whether they perform operation correctly. Since employees were still familiar with traditional operation, there should be a training to train and clarify the operation of this system. REFERENCES Kosol deesintam. Industrial maintenance management. Bangkok : M and E Publishing; 2008. (In Thai) Thanee Aum-ao .Total Productive Maintenance; TPM. Bangkok :National Productivity Institute ; 2003. (In Thai) Wattana Chiangkhan and Kriangkrai Damrongrat. 2546. Mainternace the profit maker. Bangkok SE-ed SE-EDUCATION; 2003. (In Thai) Jardaine, Andrew K.S., and Albert H.C. Tsang. Maintenance Replacement and Reliability Theory and Application. Boca Raton Florida : Taylor & Francis Group. 2006. O’ Connor,Patrick D.T. Practical Reliability Engineering. 4th ed. Chichester : John Wiley & Son Ltd. 2002. P.C.Teoh and K.Case. 2003. FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS THROUGH KNOWLEDGE MODELLING. In A. G. Olabi and S. J. Hashmi (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, AMPT2003Vol. 1 (pp. 619-622). Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, 8-11 July 2003. Kittisak Ploypanichcharoen. Crash analysis and impact. Bangkok: Technical Approach Counselling & Training Co., Ltd. 2004. (In Thai) Sirirat Silppipat. Maintenance design for ready-mixed concrete industry. Thesis of Master Engineering. Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University; 1994. (In Thai) 48


178 Industrial lifting, metal stamping manufacturing to enhance production efficiency in Thailand Akaranun Asavarutpokin1,*, and Seksan Chaijit2, Kanakon Sawangcharoen3 1 Bachelor of Engineering Program in Electrical-Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University ([email protected]) 2 Faculty of Engineering, Pathumwan Institute of Technology ([email protected]) 3 Philosophy Program in Management of Information Technology, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University ([email protected]) Abstract After the election in March 2019, Thailand still encounters chaos. There are still several unsolved problems, such as, corruption, political party conflicts, employment and cost of living, the insurgency in southern Thailand, and the clash between groups of the Red Shirt and the Yellow Shirt. As many national problems still exist, Thailand therefore needs people to participate in political activities, to clean up corruption and help improve the structure of the country. Thailand will be prosperous again and sustainable for future generations, with pride and respects of our ancestors. The objective of this study is to find opinions of Thais concerning the situation of Thailand after the election in March 2019, and to know their needs for sustainable society and political landscape of Thailand. Research methodology is using semi- structured interviews with ten university lecturers and 20 students in Faculty of Political Science, Pathumthani University, Thailand. Data is collected and categorized during September 2019 to November 2019. Interview results show that factors that can sustain Thai society and Thai political culture are: 1) good governance 2) capable and honest leaders 3) no corruption 4) good employment rate and decent cost of living 5) harmonious and peaceful society, no insurgency 6) no drug, no gambling, no mafia. Discussion and suggestion from this study is that Thai people are friendly, humble, easy- going, and forgiving, they do not aim high and are satisfied with simple basic needs for their family. They wish to have capable and honest political leaders to lead them for better life and to sustain Thai society for their future generations. It is recommended that for future research to study political reform, and political innovation through knowledge-based management. Keywords: election democracy political sustainability 186

179 Abstracts Methods to improve the competitiveness of metal stamping mechanism manufacturing industry from changes in labor and cost Competitiveness in economic and social development. The most important factor is human ability. Cooperation between the private and public sectors Factory and factory standards Strive to improve production Improve knowledge within the organization. In the development of automobile or 4.0 industry, entrepreneurs should consider the necessity of investment and the adjustment of benefits. Competition at home and abroad Due to changes in global marketing channels. More convenient means of transportation, such as e-commerce, online trading or online trading. Alibaba, if we use the wholesale method These factories are becoming more and more difficult Therefore, these technologies can help to improve workers' awareness. Therefore, in order to improve the production efficiency in Thailand, it is necessary to upgrade the metal press industry. Quality of metal press Fast and reasonable production In addition, the production of metal stamping machine needs CAD. For more accuracy. Therefore, production control personnel need the knowledge of computer programming and precision analysis. shorten work time Greater accuracy. Reduce production costs. Key words: manufacturing, metal stamping, Thai manufacturing Stamping Manufacturing industry in Thailand. Metal stamping production An important part of the production of metal products Automobile manufacturing industry Electrical manufacturing And electronic industry, etc. in every factory, production process, such as design elements. In the production process of each factory, the value of materials is increased. In order to improve production capacity. Technical capacity of production process, physical constraints and production capacity of products. The ability of production process, such as the production process of auto parts, needs a lot of processes. A special tool is called \"die\", so the general metal cutting process needs technical help. Direct and indirect problems may occur. Because the first and last cut of the production process is very necessary, because it can reduce the size of the machine. Noise elimination pump Reduce pump vibration Cutting works that can be sold at different times, such as husseeluck Halsey Halsey 2014“ From high metal such as aluminum sheet, steel plate, cold rolled steel plate, stainless steel sheet, etc. Extrusion is a popular material, part or product. Auto parts industry Home appliance manufacturing At present, there are many methods, such as stamping, stamping, stamping and stamping. Drawing forming process, continuous forming process, etc. 187

180 Figure 1: Stamping. Drawing Forming Process The metal forming industry has a variety of processes, such as casting process, forging process, machining process, stamping process. (stamping / forming process) and many other processes, but metal stamping processes (stamping / forming process) has the advantage over other forming processes, namely forming complex workpieces no need to decorate the workpiece after forming the size of the workpiece is equal and strong. resulting in high production rates, sheet metal stamping processes stamping / forming process can be divided into 3 basic processes: blanking process / piercing process, bending process and deep drawing process, stamping process. that sheet metal image must choose a different type of press machine for stamping. depending on the type of work required by the press machine used in molding, there are many types. each type of pump has different advantages and disadvantages and suitable for different molding processes. metal stamping machines are separated according to the type of mechanical power transmission, can drive 3 types of machines, hydraulic presses, mechanical presses and servo presses ( gotlih, k., pahole, i. and karner, t., 2015) Figure 1: Mechanical Power Transmission Ref : Taksin Machine Sales and Service Company Limited in Thailand, according to the government gazette, article 22, paragraph one of the skill development promotion act be 2545, sets the national labor standard for professional metal stamping technicians. that people who can manage the availability of materials, tools, equipment, including metal stamping presses used for parts production by stamping and forming the complete specifications can produce, inspect during production and record the 188

181 production results. check the system of the metal stamping, install the mold according to the test specifications, stamping the work piece. and inspect the work piece before actual production, production control and analysis and solve production problems, improve quality and reduce costs able to recommend / teach the workers to perform the work correctly and safely, with good attitude, discipline, honesty diligent and patient to know and develop themselves. love progress and have ethics, public mind and know how to work as a group. creative, including leadership, ability to inspect the system of metal stamping preparation of molds for installation testing of workpiece stamping inspection of products before actual production assignment mold removal and storage checking mold condition after use mold saving and return (government gazette, 2014) In operation, there are factors that affect the quality of the piece of sheet metal forming process, there are many factors, such as steel or raw materials. The speed of the forming process Types of pumps (Press machine) The machine that is the source of strength of the molding. Which have the force of torque of the motor pump. And a compression mold For use in sheet metal forming. The mold pressure is required in relation to the force required for the sheet metal forming press mold is critical to the process of forming. Due to the force exerted on the press sheet metal molds to get a job that matches. Need For pumps that can be molded in a variety of sheet metal that. Parameters can be used in forming such torque to pressure molding speed is more essential in forming a complete and covers all forms of forming. One of the many types of pump parameters can be created to cover all forms of the process of forming sheet metal stamping machines are servo motors. For torque servo motors is critical to the forming process. On the strength of such a pump. To vary the strength of the mold. For Sheet Metal Forming If the mold pressure and torque motors inappropriate. Could result in material damage. Or workpiece quality and does not meet the requirements. In the production process by sheet metal stamping. The main tool is a piece molded from the customer to the factory to the production process. And preparation of the mold, each step of the problem. The production process of many stages. Concurrent Engineering opted Renfrew Center. The working principle Systematically From design production In all considered together (Arrtkr Kengpol. 2553) production costs in various forms from the outcome of a design which will result. In all aspects of the production. Process in Concurrent engineering principles Oren house. From the analysis, design, manufacturing process planning and monitoring errors. Integrating design and manufacturing processes (Integrated Product and Process Design, IPPD) by organizing a team to work together various parties involved raising. Ideas and solutions with the team (Arrtkr Kengpol, 2558) and techniques ECRS analysis applied to improve process includes the removal (Eliminate, E) is the removal process or procedure that does not need to work. Total (combine, C) is to 189

182 include some way of working together step process that takes less work. Share Widget Reorder (Rearrange, R) grading work or dividing the switching process optimization. And makes it easier (Simplify,. S) to improve the way it works is as easy as using the tool to capture pieces of the presented techniques for improving the performance, reducing the production process (coinciding lobbied portraying, 2557) It is important to reduce the energy used. each step in the manufacturing process in order to increase energy efficiency in the industrial metal pump efficiency. This will also improve the technology development process to speed up and increase the number of parts and reduce the cost of production to compete in the market and the customers you have. 2557) It is important to reduce the energy used in the production process in each stage to increase energy efficiency in the industrial metal pump efficiency. This will also improve the technology development process to speed up and increase the number of parts and reduce the cost of production to compete in the market and the customers you have. 2557) It is important to reduce the energy used in the production process in each stage to increase energy efficiency in the industrial metal pump efficiency. This will also improve the technology development process to speed up and increase the number of parts and reduce the cost of production to compete in the market and the customers you have. Figure 3: Technology Development Process Ref : Features Industrial bad point manufacturing metal stamping machine Highlights of industrial manufacturing, metal stamping Thailand. 1. Thailand is a country with skilled labor compared to other countries and groups of countries with low labor rates. As a result, Thailand's manufacturing sector is the most labor-intensive manufacturing sector. 2. The wages of Thailand has not advanced much. Thailand's manufacturing sector continues to make a more competitive workforce. 3. Raw agricultural potential. Thailand has the potential agricultural raw materials both in quantity and quality. And agricultural products such as rice, rubber, sugar cane, vegetables and fresh fruit, etc., it is the strength of the agricultural raw materials that can be used to produce these products to create added value. This will lead to an increase in competition with Thailand. 190

183 4. Thailand is located right in the center region. It is a strategic point (Strategic Location) in the region. Since Thailand is located in the Asian region in Southeast Asia. In an area called \"Indochina\" Location for Thailand that look good and beneficial in many ways. In particular, the economic (Economic Location) due to the densely populated region. Is the rich natural resources of various kinds. Agriculture is a source of great world. Therefore, it is possible that this region is an important market, and the market is also an important raw material in the production of the world. The country is located in the center of the region is advantageous both in terms of products and raw materials. In addition, the topography of the country has resulted in ease of contact with the outside world, transportation, trade with foreign countries by land, sea and air. 5. transportation by land and air cover and support effectively. A survey conducted to compare the performance of different countries competed in the International Institute of Management (Institute of Management and Development: IMD) and credit ratings in the competitive economic and business (World Economic Forum:. WEF) revealed that Thailand still has strengths in the field of transportation by land and air. Due to recent government gives priority to the development of the transportation is enormous. Whether the development of land transport links to get around the country. But also developing other routes to be linked to neighboring countries and neighboring countries in the region. This is Laos, which can be connected to Vietnam, China, Myanmar and Malaysia, and also for air transport in the opening of the Suvarnabhumi Airport, which is the airport, modern and efficient, one of the factors of these. these are all beneficial to the shipping industry and services. To support comprehensive and effective both inside and outside the country. 6. Thailand Trade and Industry Development business compared to many countries in the region. Especially when compared to neighboring countries such as Thailand, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia, etc. Thus, it should accelerate the improvement of SMEs competitiveness. By reducing the cost of logistics to improve the investment climate to attract foreign direct investment (Foreign Direct Investment: FDI) in ASEAN and outside ASEAN. Preparation for the liberalization of services and investments fully in 2558, with the agreement of ASEAN as well as the promotion of R & D (Research and Development: R & D), which enhances production efficiency in the industrial and service sectors. And capacity building of Thailand's competitiveness in the global arena. The weakness of industrial production, metal stamping machines. Thailand has several weaknesses that need to hustle to improve the economic development of the industry to increase its exports to various countries around the world as follows: (a wise believe Boonyaudomsart Sophon, 2558). 191

184 1. The lack of a link between the organization responsible for the state. Must rush to reform the system so that individual organizations are doing their own thinking. State policy requires the integration of all state organizations coordinate and collaborate in the workplace. The weakest link in the economic development of the country in collaboration with the private sector, a strong and sincere. 2. Lack of availability of human resources in science and technology. To support the rapidly changing technology of the future. To competition with countries in the global trade arena. Which in the future may be a global standard format for producing the same. 3. The ability of the United States in research and development tools. Machinery and equipment manufacturing, high-technology and high value- added products. Remained behind the industrialized countries currently underway. The need to purchase and import technologies from abroad. The country's trade deficit significantly. Which affects the strength of the economic rights. We need to export more goods to Thailand, which is a very difficult proposition for the ages. 4. monopoly business groups, business groups Thailand. It is not going to compete on price and quality of goods, free and fair to the consumer public. As a group, these businesses are pricing the consumer himself. Which affect the quality of life of people whose income is less so. It is the duty of the government to hastily resolve such issues. 5.There are also weaknesses in international trade. And unfavorable trade balance with its many partners in international relations. The culture bring politics to help strengthen trade cooperation between countries and between groups of countries which will benefit the export of goods increased, the people of Thailand have a job and have a better life. and the impact on national security. 6. Thailand's economy still depends on the country's industrial progress and economic superpowers such as interest on the loan. To developing countries, Surge of the baht tied to economic superpowers. Agricultural price support policies of the major powers. Trade barriers, etc. Thus, the fiscal policy of the country. It must be stable and have the discipline to use money wisely. Industrial development, manufacturing, metal stamping machines to increase efficiency in the production of goods within the country. Somsak merit points Bart (2558) study on the future of Thailand. Thailand to study the dynamics of the industry from the past to the present. According to studies, it has been found that Thailand's industrial transformation from past to present. Can be divided into before and after Tom Yum Kung crisis in 2540 before the economic crisis, Thailand's economic growth at a high level. Due to changing economic structure from agriculture to industry from import substitution industries. Then develop a manufacturing 192

185 sector for export abroad. During the economic crisis The industry is shrinking, but is recovering in later years. However, the economy did not grow as high as before Thailand. A contributing factor to the development of the industry, there are many such. Natural resources, location, experience of entrepreneurs, skilled workers, craftsmen, etc. It also has a relatively liberal trade and investment policies. The prospect of a change of world geography. But there are still factors that are barriers to economic growth, such as the industrial sector is still underperforming and high dependence on imports. Logistics costs high. The concentration of industrial space Infrastructure limitations Lack of clarity on industrial policy Competition between countries intensified. Rule trade and investment. The economic integration economic crisis Thailand's economy is mainly driven by the industrial sector. However, according to the proportion of industrial output, gross domestic product (GDP) in the industrial sector accounted for 32.55 percent in 2557, which totaled 3.95 trillion baht, while the agricultural sector is worth 1. The industrial output value of 41 billion baht to GDP, mainly from the manufacturing industry for export. This is an industry that requires medium to high technology. The dependence on imported parts and technology from abroad. The products are exported, including the 10 largest automotive parts and accessories, computers and components. Jewelry petroleum resin circuit boards and components, chemicals and rubber products, machinery, steel products, and dare I Lok respectively (Ministry of Commerce, 2015) for the development of the industry in the future. The Ministry of Industry has prepared a master plan for the industrial development of Thailand 2555 -2574 (National Industrial Development Master Plan), which maps to target and guide the development of industry in Thailand. In the plan, the pilot has set the industry. The industry is an important economic driver in all eight industries include food and beverage. Textile and Apparel rubber industry Automotive and Parts Jewelery industry Industrial Automation and Electronics Industrial machinery and equipment (mold) industry, renewable energy / renewable. However, agriculture and biotechnology. (Agricultural and Biotechnology Industry) and industrial chemicals, fuels and biofuels (Biofuels and Bio-Chemical Industry). Industrial machinery and equipment (mold) industry, renewable energy / renewable. However, agriculture and biotechnology. (Agricultural and Biotechnology Industry) and industrial chemicals, fuels and biofuels (Biofuels and Bio-Chemical Industry). Industrial machinery and equipment (mold) industry, renewable energy / renewable. However, agriculture and biotechnology. (Agricultural and Biotechnology Industry) and industrial chemicals, fuels and biofuels (Biofuels and Bio- Chemical Industry). 193

186 Conclude Manufacturing of metal stamping machines Thailand. Requires the cooperation of the private and public sectors. Standardization of plant To make way for development was evident. And plant operators To try to raise production. Leverage the knowledge available within the organization to greater heights. The development of automation systems, industrial or 4.0 operators should consider the need for and benefits of the investment. In order to adapt to keep pace with the competition both at home and abroad. As the borderless world market niche to trade. Are more easily Transport matters The trip was like the E-Commerce trading through online trading through website Alibaba if we still use the old method of selling products. These factories are more difficult. We need to bring these technologies to enrich the plant operators to greater awareness. Elevated manufacturing metal stamping machines to increase efficiency in the production of goods within the country. It must seize the main principles Is the quality of metal stamping machines Forming production coming out soon. And Value The current production of metal stamping machines require the computer to help in the design. The precision and accuracy even more. So those who control it is essential to have knowledge of computer programs related to the design and analysis accuracy. To help reduce the duration of the work. The task is even more accurate. To help reduce the cost of production. Reference Coinciding lobbied designs. (2557). Techniques to increase productivity in the enterprise, Publisher SE applications. Wise believe Boonyaudomsart lovely. In 2558. The concept development, industrial efficiency. Journal of King Mongkut's 25th year, No. 2, May - August 2558, pages 325-33. IDT. Commission promotes skill development. National Skill Standards Branch technicians metal stamping. Volume 131 Special Part 131 of July 16, 2557. Somsak merit points Bart. (2558). The future of the industry, Thailand. Thammasat Economics Journal Volume: 33 Issue 2. Page 55-116. Arrtkr Kengpol. (2558). Application of Concurrent Engineering Massenet and simulations to increase. The ability to produce the cutting process: a case study of the production pipeline, Journal of King Mongkut, Year 25, No. 2, May - Aug. 2558. Huseyin Selcuk Halkaci, Mevlut Turkoz and Murat Dilmec. Enhancing formability in hydromechanical deep drawing processadding a shallow drawbead to the blank holder. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 214 (2014); 1638-1646. 194

187 Gotlih, K., Pahole, I. and Karner, T. (2015). Co-simulation of a crank-slider servo mechanism, paper presented in the 14th IFToMM World Congress, Taipei, Taiwan 195





192 วาระท่ี 5.๑0 พจิ ารณาเหน็ ชอบการขอเปลี่ยนอาจารย์ที่ปรกึ ษาวิทยานพิ นธ์หลกั แก่ วา่ ที่ ร.ต.ปยิ ะพงษ์ ธนสมบรู ณ์ นักศกึ ษาปรญิ ญาโท สาขาวิชาวศิ วกรรมไฟฟา้ คำร้องเสนอพิจำรณำ ตำมเอกสำรคำรอ้ งนกั ศึกษำได้ขอเปล่ียนแปลงอำจำรย์ท่ีปรึกษำวิทยำนิพนธ์หลัก ดงั น้ี คณะวิศวกรรมศำสตร์ สำขำวชิ ำวศิ วกรรมไฟฟ้ำ ระดบั ปริญญำโท 1. วำ่ ที่ ร.ต.ปยิ พงษ์ ธนสมบูรณ์ รหัส 5901021701 ขอเปลีย่ นจำก ดร.แสนศกั ดิ์ ดีอ่อน เปน็ รศ.ดร.เสถยี ร ธัญญศรีรัตน์ สัดส่วนที่ 1 : ๗ ระเบียบท่เี กยี่ วข้อง ตำมข้อบังคับสถำบนั ฯ ว่ำดว้ ยกำรจดั กำรศกึ ษำระดับบัณฑติ ศึกษำ พ.ศ. 2562 หมวด 7 ขอ้ 28.4 กำรเปล่ียนแปลงใดๆ ก่อนกำรสอบวิทยำนพิ นธใ์ หด้ ำเนนิ กำรตำมหลกั เกณฑ์ (2) กำรเปล่ยี นอำจำรย์ทีป่ รึกษำวทิ ยำนิพนธ์ ใหน้ กั ศกึ ษำย่นื คำร้องต่อสว่ นงำนบัณฑิตศกึ ษำเพ่ือ เสนอใหค้ ณบดอี นุมัติ โดยควำมเห็นชอบจำกคณะกรรมกำรบณั ฑติ ศึกษำ ในกำรนีฝ้ ่ำยเลขำนกุ ำรจึงขอเสนอทป่ี ระชมุ คณะกรรมกำรเพอ่ื พจิ ำรณำเห็นชอบ . ควำมเห็นคณะกรรมกำร . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . มตทิ ี่ประชุม . . . . . . . . . . . . กรรมการบัณฑติ ศกึ ษา





197 วาระท่ี 5.๑๑ พจิ ารณาอนมุ ัตผิ ลสอบวิทยานิพนธข์ ้ันสดุ ทา้ ย แกน่ ักศกึ ษาระดบั ปริญญาเอก สาขาวิชาเทคโนโลยี การผลิตขน้ั สูง ประจาภาคการศึกษาท่ี ๒/2563 จานวน ๒ คน ตามท่ีอาจารย์บัณฑิตหลักสูตรวิศวกรรมศาสตราดุษฎีบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาเทคโนโลยีการผลิตข้ันสูง ได้รายงานผลการสอบวิทยานิพนธ์ขั้นสุดท้าย ซึ่งตามข้อบังคับฯ หมวด 7 ข้อ 33 ให้อาจารย์ท่ีปรึกษาส่งผล การสอบและรายงานผลสอบวิทยานิพนธ์ข้ันสุดท้าย ต่อคณะกรรมการบัณฑิตเพ่ือพิจารณาอนุมัติผลกาสอบ วทิ ยานิพนธ์ จงึ จะถอื ว่าการสอบเสร็จสมบูรณ์ ในการนฝ้ี ่ายเลขานุการจึงขอเสนอคณะกรรมการบัณฑิตศึกษาพิจารณาอนุมัติผลสอบวิทยานิพนธ์ข้ัน สุดท้ายและเล่มวิทยานิพนธ์ฉบับสมบูรณ์แก่นักศึกษาระดับปริญญาเอก ประจาภาคการศึกษาที่ ๒/2563 จานวน ๒ คน (ดงั เอกสารแนบท้าย) คณะวศิ วกรรมศาสตร์ ระดับปริญญาเอก ภาคการศึกษาที่ ๒/2563 ช่อื -สกลุ รหัส สาขาวิชา ผลสอบวิทยานิพนธข์ ั้นสุดทา้ ย นายดุษฎี บญุ ธรรม 5801023902 เทคโนโลยกี ารผลิตขนั้ สงู O (Outstanding) นายปิยพงษ์ คา้ คณู 5801023๘0๑ เทคโนโลยีการผลิตข้นั สูง G (Good) จงึ เรียนมาเพอ่ื โปรดพจิ ารณาอนุมตั ิผลสอบวิทยานพิ นธ์ขัน้ สุดท้ายแก่นักศึกษาปริญญาเอก จานวน ๒ คน ดงั รายชือ่ แนบท้าย ความเหน็ คณะกรรมการ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . มตทิ ป่ี ระชมุ . . . . กรรมการบัณฑิตศกึ ษา

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