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Published by Solijon Azizov, 2023-02-01 04:51:40

Description: Mazkur to‘plamda ilm-fan sohasida adolatli jamiyat konsepsiyasi, milliy ta’lim tizimida Barqaror rivojlanish maqsadlarining tatbiqi, tilshunoslik, adabiyotshunoslik, madaniyatlararo muloqot uyg‘unligi, nazariy-amaliy tarjima muammolari hamda zamonaviy axborot muhitida mediata’lim masalalari doirasida olib borilayotgan tadqiqotlar ifodalangan.Tezislar to‘plami keng kitobxonlar ommasiga mo‘ljallangan. Xususan, jamiyatimiz oldida turgan Uchinchi Renessans poydevorini yaratishdek muhim strategik vazifani amalga oshirishda faol ishtirok etuvchi soha vakillari – professor-o‘qituvchi, doktorant, tayanch doktorant, stajyor-tadqiqotchi, mustaqil izlanuvchi, magistrant va talabalar mazkur to‘plamdan keng miqyosda foydalanishlari mumkin.

Keywords: oliy ta'lim,uchinchi renessans,ta'lim,tarbiya,pedagogika


Read the Text Version immersiv media tadqiqotlarining to‘rtinchi sohasi eng dolzarb bo‘lib, u jurnalistikaning axloq kodeksi bilan moslashtirishga bog‘liq. Bu borada ushbu kodeks mukammal emas. Undagi ko‘rsatmalar jurnalist yoki OAVning qaysi ijtimoiy nuqtayi nazardan o‘zini namoyon etishi – axborot yetkazuvchi, interpretator yoki fuqaro muhofazasini bajarishi bilan bog‘liq. Ma’lumki, material tanlashdagi aniqlik, kontentning shaffofligi kabi qadriyatlar mavjud. Bunda tasodifan yoki atayin qilingan, tabiiy yoki sun’iy tavsifga ega bo‘lgan axborot va kontent infratuzilma egasi yoki foydalanuvchilariga zarar yetkazish mumkin bo‘lgan ta’sirlardan muhofazalash nazarda tutilgan [5, 74]. Shundan kelib chiqib aytish mumkinki, jurnalistikaning vazifasi jamiyat manfaatlarini himoya qiladi va tasarrufiga oladi, hatto yangi virtual dunyoda ham shundayligicha qolishi kerak. Biroq, VR tili hamda mexanizmlari realizm prinsiplari va shaffofligi bilan hamoxangligi u qadar ko‘p emas. VR effektini yaratish san’ati muhit va haqqoniylikning illyuziyasini tashkil etadi, xolos. Aynan shuning uchun ham mazkur tizim ishlab chiqaruvchilari orasida “gallyusinatsiyalar konsensusi”ni keltirib chiqaruvchi texnologiyalar, ya’ni miyani manipulyatsiya qilish va hissiyotlarni aldash texnologiyalari haqida ko‘p fikr yuritadilar [7, 44]. Jurnalistika ta’limida immersiv texnologiyalarning samaradorligi masalasiga to‘xtalsak: VR texnologiyalar injenerlarni, dizaynerlarni, pilotlar, tibbiyot xodimlarini sohaga tayyorlashda beqiyos yordamchi ekanligini isbotladi. Aynan, aviatrenajyorlar yaratilganidan keyin VR tizim elektron ta’limga kirib keldi. Shu paytgacha zamonaviy 3D dizayn mashg‘ulot kontentini matematiklar va dasturchilar tashkil etgan bo‘lsa, bugungi kunda gumanitar fan mutaxassislari tomonidan ham talab yuqori bo‘lmoqda. Amerikaning Texas (Ostin) universiteti qoshidagi Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas ilmiy-tadqiqotlar markazida immersiv texnologiyalar yordamida virtual reallik yaratish uslublari, ularni amaliyotda qo‘llash, kontentdan tortib to axborot iste’moligacha bo‘lgan jarayonni o‘rgatish, o‘qitish bo‘yicha jurnalistika onlayn kurslari tashkil etilgan [2, 14]. Jurnalistning VR kontenti bu – hodisalar (masalan, harbiy harakatlar, halokatlar, namoyishlar) ning voqea joyidan reportajlar modeli. Tahlil jarayonida VR effektlarining ta’sir darajalarini o‘rganish va tadqiq etish masalalari sezilarli darajada oqsayotgani ma’lum bo‘ldi. 344 Shu munosabat bilan turli VR texnologiyalarini maxsus yo‘naltirilgan ta’limga kiritish va takomillashtirib borish Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) pedagogik tajribasi e’tiborga molikdir [4, 8]. Bevosita kirish imkoniyati mavjud bo‘lmagan kutubxona, muzeylar, instalyatsiya va boshqa media obyektlar o‘quv- mashg‘ulot virtual maydoni vakolatiga ega obyektlar hisoblanadi. VR tizim effekti talabaning izlanuvchanlik faolligini oshirish bilan birga media immersiyaga moslashuvchanligini rag‘batlantirishga asoslanadi. Voqeliklar modeli va real-virtual o‘quv mashg‘ulotlarning barcha loyihalari talabani ochiq amaliyotga yo‘llab, professional jihatlarini shakllantirishga qaratilgan “jangovar tayyorgarlik maydoni” sifatida samarali vosita hisobalanadi. Bundan tashqari, virtual muhitda o‘qituvchining ham bevosita o‘rni boshqacha tus oladi. Uning vazifalaridan biri – talabalar guruhi bilan ishlash jarayonida maksimal darajada to‘liq virtual muhitni loyihalashtirishdan iborat. Shu vaziyatda u ma’ruzachi sifatida emas, balki virtual dunyo gidi, yo‘lboshlovchisi sifatida namoyon bo‘ladi. Nazariy jihatdan VR texnologiyalar universitetning istalgan dasturlari: xoh u jurnalistika bo‘lsin, xoh chet tillarni o‘rgatish, xoh dizayn yoki astronomiyaga yo‘naltirilgan bo‘lishidan qat’i nazar samarasi yuqori. Lekin O‘zbekiston jurnalistikasi ta’lim amaliyotida murakkab texnik talablardan xoli bo‘lgan, ba’zi virtual muhit dasturlaridan bepul foydalanish holatlarini hisobga olmaganda VR vaziyatlar deyarli qo‘llanilmaydi. Mazkur holat, avvalo, jurnalistika fakultetlari va universitetining texnik ta’minoti, maqsadli moliyalashtirish ishlarining yo‘lga qo‘yilmaganligi bilan bog‘liq. Shuningdek, zamonaviy progressiv media amaliyotining akademik ta’lim jarayonida keng tatbiq etilmagani ham bunga sabab bo‘la oladi. Fikrimizcha, jurnalistlarni tayyorlash bo‘yicha O‘zbekistonning yirik media tashkilotlari, media idoralari qoshida maxsus VR-markazlarining tashkil etilishi maqsadga muvofiqdir. Bu borada hozircha O‘zbekistonda fuqarlik aviatsiyasi sohasi peshqadamlik qilmoqda. Bo‘lajak uchuvchi-pilotlar uchun maxsus simulyatsiya trenajyori soha xodimlarining malakaviy tajribasini orttirishda samarali natijalarini bermoqda. Shu jumladan, Toshkentda faoliyat yuritayotgan Avtotest innovatsion avtomaktabi haydovchilarni o‘qitish va amaliyotga tayyorlashda immersiv texnologiyadan foydalanish imkoniyatiga ega. Xulosa qilib aytganda, immersiv jurnalistika haqiqatan ham zamonaviy va shu bilan birgalikda, iqtisodiy, moddiy jihatdan “cho‘ntakbop”, “hammabop” bo‘la olmasligiga qaramay jurnalistika taraqqiyotining samarali yo‘nalishi 345 ekanligini ilmiy izlanishlar natijasi ko‘rsatmoqda. Shuningdek, mazkur platforma mutaxassislarini tayyorlashga jiddiy e’tibor qaratish lozimligini ta’kidlaymiz. Chunki, bu faqat 360 darajali panoramani vizuallashtirishning texnologik jarayonini o‘rganish bilan cheklanmaydi. Tadqiqotlar shuni ko‘rsatadiki, virtual reallik va unga “sho‘ng‘ish” inson ongiga ta’siri oqibatlari, ijobiy natijalarini ruhshunoslar, kommunikatsiya sohasi mutaxassislari bilan jiddiy o‘rganish kerak bo‘lgan, uni qo‘llashda ma’lum bir axloqiy normalar (kodeks) joriy etilishini talab qiladi. Adabiyotlar ro‘yxati 1. Замков А.В., Крашенникова М.А., Лукина М.М., Цинарева Н.А. Иммерсивная журналистика: подходы к теории и проблемам образования. 2. Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas. – 2020. 3. Корнев М. Виртуальное для реального: новые измерения. 4. Кузнецов В.А., Руссу Ю.Г., Куприяновский В.П. Об использовании виртуальной и дополненной реальности. 5. Mo‘minov F., Barotov Sh. Ochiq axborot tizimlarida axborot-psixologik xavfsizlik. Toshkent: “Yangi avlod” nashriyot uyi. – 2013. 6. Смолин А.А., Жданов Д.Д. Системы виртуальной, дополненной и смешанной реальности. Санкт-Петербург: Университет ИТМО. – 2018. 7. Хансен Марк Б.Н. Новая философия для новых медиа // Антология медиафилософии. Санкт-Петербург: Издательство РХГА. – 2013. 8. Media literacy and media education in the age of digital communication Nargizakhon Valieva Student Uzbekistan State World Languages University E-mail: [email protected] Annotation. This thesis examines the concepts of “media education” and “media literacy” in the current era of digital communication. The author of the article presents the definitions of these terms from various sources and their 346 classification and gives examples of the benefits of education, showing all its importance. Key words: media, media literacy, media education, digital communication. In recent years, digital communication has covered all industries around the world, including Uzbekistan, and education is not an exception here. The evidence can be the Presidential Decree No. 6079 of October 5, 2020 on the approval of the “Digital Uzbekistan-2030” strategy and measures for its effective implementation, which provides for the introduction of over 400 modern information and communication technologies in all sectors and areas, and above all in public administration, education and healthcare [1]. Every professional in his field is aware that digital communication is the key to facilitating the educational process and saving such a valuable resource as time. For this reason, terms such as “media literacy” and “media education” are appeared in our everyday vocabulary. Let us first understand the meaning of the term “media” and then move to other ones. Media – a general term for television, radio, and newspapers considered as a whole and as ways of entertaining or spreading news or information to a large number of people. In language teaching, teaching materials, which involve the use of different kinds of media such as visual and printed media are sometimes known as multimedia or mixed media [2, 325]. The Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia defines media education as a direction in pedagogy promoting the study of the laws of mass communication (press, television, radio, cinema, video, etc.). There the main tasks of media education: − to prepare a new generation for life in modern information conditions, for the perception of various information, to teach a person to understand it; − to realize the consequences of its impact on the psyche; − to master ways of communication-based on non-verbal forms of communication using technical means [3]. While media literacy is defined as the result of media education, and media study. The more you study media (with the help of media), the more media literate you are: media literacy is the ability to experiment, interpret/analyze and create media texts [4]. 347 Media education in the modern world is seen as a process of personality development with the help and the material of mass communication (media) in order to form a culture of communication with the media, creative, communication skills, critical thinking, skillful perception, interpretation, analysis and evaluation of media texts, teaching various forms of self-expression using media technology. Media literacy helps a person to actively use the possibilities of the information field of television, radio, video, cinema, press, and the Internet and helps him to better understand the language of media culture [5, 12]. A.Fedorov divided media education into the following main areas: − media education of future professionals in the world of press, radio, television, cinema, video, and the Internet - journalists, editors, directors, producers, actors, cameramen, etc.; − media education of future teachers at universities and pedagogical institutes, in the process of professional development of teachers of universities and schools in courses on media culture; − media education as part of the general education of schoolchildren and students studying in ordinary schools, secondary specialized educational institutions, and universities, which, in turn, can be integrated with traditional disciplines or autonomous (special, optional, circle, etc.); − media education in institutions of additional education and leisure centers (houses of culture, centers for extracurricular activities, aesthetic and artistic education, clubs at the place of residence, etc.); − distance media education of schoolchildren, students, and adults with the help of the press, television, radio, video, DVD, and Internet systems (media criticism plays a huge role here); − independent or continuous media education (which theoretically can be carried out throughout a person’s life) [5, 12]. There are some ways to teach media literacy: − Recognizing fake news – to teach students to read past the headline, check the date and author credentials, gauge the tone and language, and identify biases, making students design a newspaper that features either real or fake news, or some combination of the two, and have other students see if they can identify each type; − Using multiple sources – to teach students to check data in other sources in order to gain a fuller, more accurate perspective on an issue they read, listen 348 to, or view more widely, making students create a poster or a mind map listing different kinds of sources, including which ones are reliable and which ones aren’t; − Gauging tone and language – to teach students to develop an “ear” to differentiate credible and non-credible language, making students read examples of different tones and re-create them in writing exercises; − Questioning numbers and figures – to teach students to catch misleading facts and figures, making students create infographics and teach them to catch misleading facts and figures, then holding a discussion on how false figures influence our perception and lead us to believe some messages over others; − Developing multimedia skills – to teach students to use the different tools in order to make them well versed in text, audio, video, augmented reality, 3D printing, books, newspapers, films, and TV, making students practice honing their multi-media skills (and even talk about multi-media at the same time); − Recognizing bias – to teach students to recognize which channels might highlight which kinds of facts, emphasize certain kinds of contexts or angles, and use different tones, asking students to evaluate a few sources that exemplify these types of bias, then have them write a report on how to recognize bias in the media; − Curating information – to teach students how to effectively filter, select, organize, save, and use information gathered from media sources, having a warm-up activity where they create a screenshot album of reliable information sources for different industries and interests [6]. Media education provides a methodology for conducting classes based on a problematic, heuristic, game, and other productive forms of education that develop the student's individuality, and independence of his thinking, stimulate his abilities through direct involvement in creative activity, perception, interpretation, and analysis of the structure of the media text, assimilation of knowledge about media culture. At the same time, media education, combining lectures and practical classes, is a kind of inclusion of students in the process of creating works of media culture, that is, it immerses the audience in the internal laboratory of the main media professions, which is possible both in an autonomous version and in the process of integration into traditional academic subjects. In order for schoolchildren and students to be media literate, they must study not only how 349 certain media texts are constructed, but also how these texts express various political, ideological, economic, and sociocultural interests [7]. In our opinion, the modern world is difficult to imagine without media, namely television, radio, the press, and the Internet system, and the sociocultural development of a nation without media is absolutely unbelievable in all areas, especially in education. As an example, according to statistics, a modern student spends at least more than six hours a day on \"communication with the media\": reading books, browsing websites, and watching programs. Thus, it is known that in the era of digital communication, people's view of education is becoming more and more pragmatic. An example is that \"higher education\" is not the main source of obtaining and disseminating \"science and its values\". People \"hungry for knowledge\" primarily appreciate its: accessibility, convenience, and speed of obtaining specific knowledge and skills. In our opinion, media education should be taught starting from preschool, then continue in the primary and higher grades of educational institutions, in vocational colleges and lyceums, in higher education, postgraduate education, and in the system of improvement personnel qualifications. It should be noted that the result of the use of media education in society will lead to the development of critical thinking in people. References 1. УП-6079 Об утверждении стратегии «Цифровой Узбекистан-2030» и мерах по ее эффективной реализации. – 2020. 2. Jack C., Richard S., Heidi K., Youngkyu K. Longman dictionary of language teaching and applied linguistics. Pearson Education Limited. – 2002. 3. %D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%B0%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7 %D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5. 4. D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%B0%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BE%D 1%82%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C. 5. Федоров А. Медиаобразование и медиаграмотность. Издательство Кучма Таганрог. – 2004. 6. 10 creative ways to teach media literacy. 7. 350 Media literacy in the information society Iroda Sharipova Independent Researcher Navoi State Mining and Technology University E-mail: [email protected] Annotation. This thesis analyzes the role of media literacy in the information life of society and highlights the specific features of its formation in modern reality. The subject of the research is the media literacy as a key element of communication in modern society, through which interaction is carried out in all spheres. The article also examines the phenomenon of the development of media literacy, which is transformed into a system of media education, which is necessary for people whose professional activities are directly related to information technologies and also for the adaptation of the modern young generation. Key words: information, information society, communication, mass media, media literacy. In the modern socio-cultural situation, media culture is gaining more and more influence and distribution, which in various forms and forms (through print, television, cinematographic, video and computer channels) is intensively spreading around the world. Media education in the modern world is considered as a process of personality development on the material and with the help of mass communication (media) in order to form a culture of communication with the media, creative, communication skills, critical thinking, skills of full perception, interpretation, analysis and evaluation of media texts, teaching various forms self-expression through media. Media literacy helps a person to actively use the possibilities of the information field of television, radio, video, cinema, the press, the Internet, helps him to better understand the language of screen arts. In the modern world, more and more people are talking and writing about changes in various spheres of society – geopolitical, economic, technological and many others. However, few talks about the changes that have taken place in one of the fundamental areas of our lives – communications. According to M. McLuhan, mass communication has gone through three main stages of its development: oral speech, printed word and typography, radio and 351 electronic communication. Thus, we can talk about the relevance of studying the phenomenon of media literacy in the information society [1]. First, given the role of mass communications and the media, the public is increasingly focusing on the need to develop media literacy in the process of all stages of adolescent development as a preventive mechanism aimed at preventing the perception of inappropriate content and its negative impact. Secondly, the phenomenon of media literacy is relevant today due to the emergence of new professions that are closely related to social interaction. Thirdly, from the point of view of communication progress, media literacy is one of the main elements of the complication of the system of means and methods of social interaction. Thus, the relevance of this phenomenon forms the problem of analyzing the role of media literacy in the information society, as well as its development as a strategic goal of media education. However, before studying the role of media literacy in the information society, it is necessary to specify key concepts [2]. The information society is a system of connections and relationships between individuals, which is based on the exchange of information in social and economic activities. This structure of life can be characterized by a number of features. For example, in the information society, modern technologies are produced and function that provide media data flows - there is a deployed infrastructure that allows you to create, maintain and develop a large complex of information resources [3]. In this context, it is necessary to consider in more detail the aspects of the information society from the point of view of communication. Firstly, the information society is a knowledge society, which includes the development of not only scientific knowledge, but also in its various manifestations. And the lack of knowledge, which is generated by an increase in the demand for various information, implies the formation of media literacy as a regulatory mechanism of competence [4]. Secondly, the media, which are an integral element of the information society, do not transmit reality, but shape it. Now, they not only transmit information, but also form communication links between history and modernity, identity and differentiation. Thirdly, the exceptional role of the Internet in shaping the information society cannot be underestimated. They are noticeably erased between users, no 352 matter what status they have - politicians, public figures, businessmen - almost all of them interact with target audiences via the Internet and social networks. Modeling of media literacy can be classified by directions and indicators. Thus, directions include six areas through which people produce messages [5]. Firstly, it is a language with the help of which not only the self-expression of the individual takes place within the framework of communication, but also the modification of already existing information products, giving them new meanings and values. Secondly, technologies, including an understanding of the role of communication technologies in society and the degree of effectiveness of their application to achieve the goals of interaction. Thirdly, interaction processes also play an important role, which include the ability to analyze the content consumed and the level of involvement in the communication process - interaction with various groups of people, work in the field of creating platforms for social relations, and transformation of the environment. Fourth, having the skills to produce and distribute communication processes allows you to exchange information using various media, both traditional and social, as well as manage your own online and offline identity. Fifth, aesthetics, which is also present in the information space. It includes the possibility of evaluating the content produced by the media in terms of culture and art, formal value [6]. Thus, we can draw the following conclusions about the role of media literacy in the information society and its formation as a complex process: Media literacy develops the information society through the complication of communication technologies. Media competence forms new demands in the information society, makes content and people's interactions effective [7]. The formation of media competence is a complex process that requires great participation not only of the people involved in the process, but also of the state as a regulator of the information space and the media as a fundamental distributor of information. It can be concluded that media literacy is an integral part of the modern life of the information society, and there is a need for its formation not only among the adult generation, but also among young people, because the relative freedom 353 of modern media can have a significant impact on the psyche and communicative life of a student. References 1. Behman G. Concepts of the information society and the social role of information. – 2008. 2. Gorodnova A.A. Development of the information society. Moscow. – 2018. 3. Mirzaeva M.N. Formation of concept and technologies of cultural competence at students of technical universities. Theoretical & Applied Science. – 2020. 4. Sharipova I.A. Efficiency of interactive methods of teaching a professionally-oriented English language for students of a technical university. Theoretical & Applied Science. – 2019. 5. Sharipova I.A. Didactic games on English language classes as a means of developing professionally significant qualities of a future specialist. Theoretical & Applied Science. – 2019. 6. Sharipova I.A. Efficiency of interactive methods of teaching a professionally-oriented English language for students of a technical university. Theoretical & Applied Science. – 2019. 7. Rajabovna S.Z. Peculiarities of translating technical texts from Uzbek Into English. European Journal of Research Development. – 2022. Роль интерактивности в реализации государственной политики в области физической культуры и спорта посредством радио Климентина Исмаилова Кандидат филологических наук, доцент Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков E-mail: [email protected] Аннотация. В статье рассмотрены актуальные вопросы интерактивной журналистики в сфере спорта, исследовано и раскрыто значение интерактивных форм вещания в формировании здорового образа жизни и развития спорта в Узбекистане, проанализированы проявления интерактивности на современном радио при освещении 354 спортивной тематики, дана оценка использованию новых технологий интерактивного эфира отечественными радиоструктурами. Ключевые слова: радиовещание, интерактивность, спорт, аудитория, обратная связь, передачи. Спортивная сфера с точки зрения национальных приоритетов, предполагает стремление руководителей государства к укреплению здоровья народа, повышению эффективности труда и продлению творческого долголетия, снижению уровня заболеваемости людей; формированию здорового образа жизни; изменению менталитета населения к вопросам собственного физического развития [1]. Реализация этих и других задач государственной политики в области физической культуры и спорта протекает как на административном и профильном уровне, так и в средствах массовой информации, в том числе на радио. Как можно убедиться, прослушивая отечественный эфир, объем спортивной информации на радио вырос. Появились новые рубрики в вещании общенациональных каналов, разнообразился тематический диапазон спортивных передач на негосударственных радиостанциях. Чаще стали обращаться к освещению спорта в своей деятельности сотрудники региональных радиостудий. Вместе с тем, реалии современного медиарынка заставляют производителей радиопродукта не только доносить информацию до слушателей, но пытаться вовлекать аудиторию в процесс ее создания. Аудитория теперь воспринимается не как пассивный субъект, на который осуществляется воздействие со стороны вещателя, а как активный участник всех коммуникационных процессов. В свою очередь, это напрямую зависит от того, как на той или иной радиостанции организован процесс обратной связи. Исследователи отмечают, что среди всех СМИ радиовещание в последние годы сделало наибольший скачок с точки зрения взаимодействия со своей аудиторией [2, 37]. Это обосновано и его спецификой, и развитием способов обмена информацией в обществе. Здесь нужно обратить внимание на особую роль канала, так как именно опосредованность общения техническими средствами задает основные специфические особенности интерактивного радиовещания как разновидности коммуникации с помощью СМИ. Исследуя интерактивность в радиоэфире, Е.А. Стрельникова отмечает, что 355 «интерактивное вещание выполняет функцию психической регуляции: создает и поддерживает определенный настрой, тонус личности, который способствует ее активной общественной деятельности, сотрудничеству с другими людьми» [3, 19]. Следует отметить, что в теории журналистики интерактивность обычно рассматривается с позиции прямой коммуникации, когда идет непосредственный контакт между адресантом и адресатом. Но в последние десятилетия на функционирование радио как системы СМИ оказало огромное влияние распространение социальных сетей и в целом интернет- коммуникаций. В свою очередь, это привело к тому, что журналисты и аудитория теперь могут взаимодействовать вне источника информации. Например, многие радиостанции сейчас имеют аккаунты в соцсетях, где они не только выкладывают свои программы, но и на основе этой платформы выясняют позицию слушателей по тому или иному вопросу. Наравне с этим, та или иная активность пользователей может находить отражение в эфире, при том, что сам пользователь не стремился продемонстрировать свою реакцию, т.е. - дать обратную связь. Отсюда следует, что применительно к спортивной радиожурналистике интерактивность можно понимать как: − процесс опосредованной реакции слушателя на основе полученной информации (комментарии, репосты, голосование и т.п.); − процесс непосредственной обратной связи на сообщение коммуникатора, выраженной в эфирной коммуникации (звонки в студию, вопросы в программах-конференциях, записанные на автоответчик). Кроме того, интеракции на радио зависят от охвата аудитории той или иной станции, а также от типа спортивной программы. Говоря о работе с аудиторией при освещении спортивной тематики, следует отметить, что по-прежнему сохраняют значимость в данном процессе и телефонные звонки в студию. Преимущество такой формы взаимодействия с аудиторией видно в том, что у реципиента появляется возможность стать полноправным участником коммуникативного акта. Телефонное общение часто становится частью авторских программ, таких, например, как «Голиблик сари» («К победе») на канале «Yoshlar», «Замонамиз кахрамони» («Герой нашего времени») на канале «Mahalla», 356 «Спортивный интерес» на радио «Пойтахт» и др. Такая модель обратной связи называется соавторской. В передаче «Футбол плюс» более сложная модель взаимодействия: сначала спортивные обозреватели обсуждают то или иное спортивное событие, и лишь потом ведущий призывает слушателей подключиться к разговору. Фактор прямого эфира в такого вида передачах зачастую преобразует монологическую по типу внутриэфирную коммуникацию в своеобразную радиоконференцию. Вторым, не менее распространенным видом спортивных игровых передач на радио являются интеллектуальные игры. Спортивные игровые программы интеллектуального профиля ориентированы на стимулирование интереса к спорту и занятиям физической культурой, на повышение кругозора относительно спорта. Так, в радиовикторине «Дақиқа» на канале «Yoshlar», среди вопросов, задаваемых слушателям, есть вопросы, которые посвящаются отдельным видам спорта. Приоритет при этом отдается национальным спортивным играм, и популярным в республике видам спорта, таким например, как футбол, кураш, теннис, бокс. К примеру, в выпуске передачи от 7 ноября минувшего года прозвучали вопросы: «Каким видам спорта запрещено участвовать в Олимпийских играх?», «Какие три слова составляют девиз Олимпиады?», «В каком году Национальный Олимпийский комитет Узбекистана был признан Международным Олимпийским комитетом?» [4]. Спорт играет важную соль в социально-экономической жизни общества. Поэтому его освещению должно уделяться самое пристальное внимание и подходить к созданию радиоконтента, посвященного спорту, нужно ответственно. Только качественная радиожурналистика может способствовать еще большей популяризации спорта, спортсменов, спортивных мероприятий и физической культуры в нашей стране. Список литературы 1. Концепция Государственной программы развития физической культуры и спорта в Республике Узбекистан. 2. Войтик Е.А. СМИ как фактор формирования новой модели спортивных массовых коммуникаций // Журналистика в поисках модели развития. Томск: ТГУ. – 2006. 357 3. Стрельникова Е.А. Интерактивное вещание на региональном радио: на примере Оренбургской области. Москва. – 2007. 4. Эфир канала «Yoshlar», «Daqiqa». – 2021. 358 MUNDARIJA 1-BO‘LIM. YANGI OʻZBEKISTONDA QONUN USTUVORLIGI – ADOLATLI JAMIYAT KAFOLATI Davronova F. Oʻzbekiston taraqqiyotining yangi bosqichida ayollar faolligini oshirishning ijtimoiy-siyosiy ahamiyati………………………………………………………….3 Eshbekov D. Oʻzbekistonda demokratik islohotlarni chuqurlashtirish sharoitida parlament faoliyatinining takomillashuvi……………………………………………………….6 Halimov B. Reforming the foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan at a new stage…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..10 Isakov B. Oʻzbekiston Uchinchi Renessans ostonasida…………………………………..14 Minosidinov Sh. Oʻzbekiston taraqqiyotining yangi bosqichida xotin-qizlarga nisbatan davlat siyosatining oʻziga xos xususiyatlari……………………………………...18 2-BO‘LIM. MILLIY TAʼLIM TIZIMIDA BARQAROR RIVOJLANISH MAQSADLARI Abdurasulova N. The role of technology for the development of critical thinking in the formation of students’ discursive competence……………………………………..23 Abramova N. Talabalarning yozuv kompetensiyasini takomillashtirishning lingvodidaktik asoslari………………………………………………………………………………...26 Alimkhanova N. Scientific and pedagogical thoughts of eastern thinkers and project method as a means of forming research skills of students……………………31 Azizov S. Chet tili ta’limida Barqaror rivojlanish maqsadlarining tatbiqi………...34 Bakirova X. Nofilologik OTMda chet tillarni oʻqitishda kontentga asoslangan yondashuv………………………………………………………………………………………………….41 Bazarova U. Texnika oliy oʻquv yurti talabalarining xorijiy til darslarida ma’naviy-axloqiy tarbiyalashning pedagogik muammo sifatida……………………..45 Davlatov K. Distance learning and its importance in teaching foreign languages……………………………………………………………………………………………………48 Davletyarova N. System-activity approach in practice foreign language teaching……………………………………………………………………………………………………...51 Eshonkulova G. Milliy mentalitetning maqollarda aks etishi…………………………54 Irgasheva U. Effective instructional strategies for language development in English learners using STEAM technologies…………………………………………………..57 359 Isanova Z. Koʻp tillilikda interferensiya tushunchasi fanlarning ilmiy tadqiqot muammosi sifatida ……………………………………………………………………………………..61 Ismailova M. Communicative strategies as a key for improving student’s strategic competence…………………………………………………………………………………..64 Isroilova T. Zamonaviy axborot muhitida mediata’lim rivoji…………………………67 Karimov M. Oliy ta’limda ECTS modelining joriy qilinishi va uning muhim jihatlari………………………………………………………………………………………………………72 Kattayeva F. Ingliz badiiy adabiyoti orqali ijtimoiy-madaniy kompetensiyani oshirish…………................................................................................................................................76 Komilova G. Relationship of problem-research, oral, exhibition and practical methods……………………………………………………………………………………………………..79 Mamatova D. Tarbiyalanuvchilarga ingliz tilini o‘rgatishning innovatsion usullari……………………………………………………………………………………………………….82 Mambetova I., Dospanova K. Gamification method in teaching foreign languages for young learners……………………………………………………………………….87 Mirzaeva M. Madaniyatlararo muloqot kompetensiyasi..............................................91 Moydinova E. Methods of training future pre-school English teachers through web resources…………………………………………………………………………………………….94 Mukhtarov M. The role of lacunas and false friends in teaching/learning English vocabulary………………………………………………………………………………………………….98 Murtazaeva A. The components of the activity and direction of communicative competence………………………………………………………………………………………………102 Nasriddinova G. Formation of innovative activity of the teacher…………………105 Nazarov A. Turkistonda maktab tashkil etilishi: qiyinchiliklar va imkoniyatlar……………………………………………………………………………………………..109 Normurodova X., Turobiddinova M. Zamonaviy axborot muhitida mediata’lim masalalari…………………………………………………………………………………………………113 Ochilov Y. Ochiq quduqlardan foydalanish samaradorligini oshirish..................116 Pulatova D. Koreys tilini chet tili sifatida oʻqitishda interferensiya va transpozitsiyalar………...............................................................................................................119 Roʻziyev A. Yoshlarni insonparvarlik ruhida tarbiyalash zaruriyati……………...122 Roʻziboyev Q. Teaching comprehension of idioms in EFL classroom: problems and solution………………………………………………………………………………………………126 Roʻzmurodova A., Parmanova F. Ingliz tili darslarini zamonaviy axborot texnologiyalari orqali tashkil etish usullari…………………………………………………129 360 Turobova M. Talabalarning gapirish malakasini baholashda kommunikativ yondashuv………………………………………………………………………………………………..132 Ulkanboyeva M. Kopirayting, rerayting va PR-matnlar mavzusini yoritishda “Venn diagrammasi”dan foydalanish………………………………………………………….136 Urinboeva Kh. Necessity of organizing distance education: theoretical and didactic foundations………………………………………………………………………………….141 Xakimova D. Bogʻcha yoshidagi bolalarga xorijiy til oʻqitishda oʻyin faoliyatidan foydalanishning psixologik omillari …………………………………………………………...145 Yadgarova O. Professional-kommunikativ kompetentlilik boʻlajak oʻqituvchilarning muhim kasbiy xususiyatlaridan biri sifatida……………………..148 Yahyoeva G. Milliy ta’lim tizimida talabalarning ijodiy faolligini takomillashtirish chora-tadbirlari……………………………………………………………...153 Yakubova Z. Til o‘qitish jarayonida post-metod pedagogikasining pedagogik paramentrlari………………………………………………………………………….........................156 Yoʻldasheva S. Neighborhood and family cooperation in the education of the younger generation…………………………………………………………………………………...159 O‘ktamova N. The improvement of journalists’ professional English communicative competence………………………………………………………………………163 Gʻoziyeva M. Autentik videomateriallar va ularning talabalar sotsiopragmatik kompetensiyasini rivojlantirishdagi afzalliklari............................................................166 Shamsutdinova L. The significance of teaching the speech act sets in EFL classes………………………………………………………………………………………………………169 Чориева Ш., Авазова С. Использование графических органайзеров при изучении стихотворении М.Ю. Лермонтова “Три Пальмы”……………………173 3-BO‘LIM. TILSHUNOSLIK, ADABIYOTSHUNOSLIK VA MADANIYATLARARO MULOQOTNING UZVIY RIVOJLANISH TENDENSIYALARI Abdurahmanova Z. Oʻzbek tilida jinoiy sud-protsessual nutq terminlarining hosil boʻlishida intra va ekstralingvistik omillar…………………………………………..179 Abduvaliyeva F. The essence of Navoi’s ghazalas………………………………………..182 Ahmedova K. Ijtimoiy tarmoq tili va uning yosh omili bilan bog‘liq oʻziga xos jihatlari….........................................................................................................................................186 Aliboyeva N. Lexical ways of expressing fear in the work of Roald Dahl “Matilda”…………………………………………………………………………………………………..190 361 Avezov E. O‘Genri va Oʻtkir Hoshimov hikoyalarida qahramonlarining qalb, ruh, ong kechinmalarining psixologik talqini……………………………………………………..195 Axmadova D., Fatullayeva K. Tibbiyot terminologiyasi xususida………………..198 Bayjanova O., Badalbayeva M. Diplomatik ritorikada paralingvistik vositalar……………………………………………………………………………………………………202 Dalieva M. Issues on the conceptual aspect of terms…………………………………....205 Dushaeva U. Ispan tilida komparativ frazeologizmlarning gapdagi sintaktik vazifalari…………………………………………………………………………………………………..208 Egamberdiyeva M., Dadaboyeva H. Antropotsentrizmning tilshunoslikda tutgan oʻrni va diskurs tadqiqi………………………………………………………...................212 Elmuradova G. Konsept tushunchasining reklamalarda aks etishi………………215 Iskandarov F. Alisher Navoiy dostonlaridagi me’rojlarda sayyora va burjlar tasviri………….................................................................................................................................220 Jumaniyozova N. Yuridik nutqiy aktlar: tavsif va tasnif.............................................225 Komilova G. Sadriddin Ayniy she’riyatida lingvopoetik vositalarning berilishi…………………………………………………………………………………………………….230 Mukhamadiev A. Linguistic conception of aggressiveness......................................233 Murodova M. XX asr ingliz adabiyotida satira……………………………………...........236 Nazarova S. Irrigatsiya va melioratsiya terminlarining ilmiy-nazariy asoslari bo‘yicha umumiy xulosalar………………………………………………………………………...239 Nurmatova G. Nanotexnologiya sohasi terminologiyasi………………………..........243 Qulmamatov O., Qulmamatova D. Askiya – oʻzbek milliy soʻz oʻyini……………246 Radjabova G. Corpora and semantics: understanding of meaning………………..249 Saidova N. Fentezi qorishiq janr sifatida…………………………………………………….254 Sapaeva S. Time metaphor realization and social implications……………………257 Sobirova M. Terminologik tezauruslar dolzarbligi……………....................................261 Tashpulatova Sh. Ingliz va oʻzbek tili ruhiy holat fe’llarining izoh lug’atlarda berilishi…….....................................................................................................................................264 Turopova F. Lexical system of the English language and its role in the language…………………………………………………………………………………………………...268 Umarova F. Sharq va G’arb nasrida “obraz” atamasining qoʻllanishi va uning dolzarblik masalalari…………………………….........................................................................271 Umarova M. Ingliz va oʻzbek nasriy asarlarida epik qahramon masalasi............273 Choriyeva Sh. Poeziyada “Yoʻqotilgan avlod” adabiyoti…….. ………………………277 362 Xudoyqulov B., Jumayeva M. Italyan hikoyalarida frazeologik birliklarning ishlatilishi va ularning semantik xususiyatlari…………………………...........................281 Жакупов Г. Принципы современного морфонологического описания фузионных языков………………………………………………………………………………….284 Локтева Н. Мир креольской семьи в творчестве Дж.Кейбла …………………287 Ниязова A. Роль нереальной лексики языков в художественном дискурсе………………………………………………………………………………………………….292 4-BO‘LIM. NAZARIY VA AMALIY TARJIMA MUAMMOLARI Abduganieva J. Difficulties in teaching simultaneous interpretation for bilingual students……....................................................................................................................................296 Haitkulov Z. Assessing the quality of machine translation…………………………..299 Ibrokhimova M. The field of theoretical translation studies: achievements and shortcomings in the field………………………………………………….....................................302 Kutmonbekova G. Practical and teaching problems in translation………………306 Sharopova M. Nazariy va amaliy tarjima muammolari………………………………..309 Shomurodova Z. Texnik terminologiya tarjimasida zamonaviy yondashuv…312 Камбарова М. Особенности перевода пословиц разносистемных языков (английский, русский, узбекский, казахский)…………………………………………315 Эрданова С. Особенности перевода экономических терминов в профессионально-ориентированных текстах………………………………………...320 5-BO‘LIM. ZAMONAVIY AXBOROT MUHITIDA MEDIATA’LIM MASALALARI Abduraxmanova M. Yoshlar ma’naviyatiga tahdid va uni bartaraf etishda mediata’limning oʻrni.................................................................................................................324 Axmedova Z. Zamonaviy axborot muhitida mediata’lim…………............................329 Djumanova S. Mediata’lim: xalqaro tajriba, optimal modellar, yetakchi nazariyalar………………………………………………………………………………………………..331 Erkinxonova A. Axborot texnologiyalari va mediata’lim……………………………..335 Ostonova M. Using the principles of media education…………………………............338 Saidova M. Zamonaviy jurnalistikada VR texnologiyalarning oʻrni va istiqboli…………………………………………………………………………………………………….342 363 Valiyeva N. Media literacy and media education in the age of digital communication………..................................................................................................................346 Sharipova I. Media literacy in the information society……………………………......351 Исмаилова K. Роль интерактивности в реализации государственной политики в области физической культуры и спорта посредством радио................................................................................................................................................354 364

“Uchinchi Renessans: ta’lim, tarbiya va pedagogika” Respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjumani tezislari to‘plami. – Toshkent: O‘zbekiston davlat jahon tillari universiteti, 2022-yil 10-noyabr. – 365 b. URL: “Uchinchi Renessans: ta’lim, tarbiya va pedagogika” mavzusidagi Respublika ilmiy- amaliy anjumani 2022-yil 10-noyabrda Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasining 2022-yil 7-martdagi 101-F sonli farmoyishi bilan tasdiqlangan 2022-yilda respublika miqyosida o‘tkaziladigan ilmiy va ilmiy-texnik tadbirlar rejasiga asosan O‘zbekiston davlat jahon tillari universiteti tomonidan tashkil etildi. Tahrir hay’ati “Filologiya masalalari” elektron ilmiy-metodik jurnali muharrirlari umumiy tahriri ostida. Ushbu to‘plamdan o‘rin olgan ilmiy tezislarning saviyasi, sifati, ilmiy dalillarning haqqoniyligi va mazmuni uchun mualliflar mas’uldirlar. © S.Azizov. 2022

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