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Published by jagilamkumar, 2020-07-22 22:54:12

Description: RTIME_2K20 PROCEEDINGS FROM DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, Nalla Narasimha Reddy Education Society’s Group of Institutions


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Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 REFERENCES International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concepts. Vol. 6 (2): 218-221. [1] Jani, D.B., M. Mishra, and P.K. Sahoo. 2015. Performance studies of hybrid solid desiccant - [10] Jani, D.B., M. Mishra, and P.K.Sahoo. 2016. vapor compression air-conditioning system for hot Experimental investigation on solid desiccant and humid climates. Energy and Buildings vapor compression hybrid air- conditioning 102:284-292. system in hot and humid weather. Applied Thermal Engineering 104:556 564. [2] Jani, D.B., M. Mishra, and P.K.Sahoo. 2016. Performance prediction of rotary solid desiccant [11] Jani, D.B. 2020. A review on liquid desiccant dehumidifier in hybrid air-conditioning system powered hybrid air conditioning for indoor using artificial neural network. Applied Thermal thermal comfort. Journal of Architecture and Engineering 98:1091 1103. Construction Vol. 2(4):14-22. [3] Banks, N.J., 1992, \"Field Test of a Desiccant- [12] Jani, D.B., M. Mishra, and P.K.Sahoo. 2017. A Based HVAC System for Hotels,\" ASHRAE critical review on solid desiccant based hybrid Transactions, Vol. 98, Pt. 1, pp. 1303-1310. cooling systems. International Journal of Air- conditioning and Refrigeration 25:1-10. [4] Jani, D.B., M. Mishra, and P.K.Sahoo. 2016. Performance analysis of hybrid solid desiccant [13] Jani, D.B. 2020. An exergy analysis of desiccant vapor compression air-conditioning system in hot cooling system. Lambert Academic Publishing, and humid weather of India. Building Services Germany ISBN: 978-620-0-50278-0. Engineering Research and Technology 37:523 538. [14] Jani, D.B., N. Shah, and N. Panchal. 2018. A review on application of desiccant [5] A.A. Pesaran, A.F. Mills, Moisture transport in dehumidification vapor compression hybrid silica gel packed beds I. Theoretical study, cooling system in hot-humid climates. Desiccant cooling and dehumidification, International Journal of Innovative and Emerging ASHRAE, Atlanta, GA, USA, 1992, pp. 98 109. Research in Engineering 5(1):1-5. [6] Jani, D.B., M. Mishra, and P.K.Sahoo. 2016. Solid [15] Jani, D.B. 2019. An overview on desiccant desiccant air conditioning A state of the art assisted evaporative cooling in hot and humid review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy climates. Algerian Journal of Engineering and Reviews 60:1451 1469. Technology Vol. 1(1):32-38. [7] L. Z. Zhang, J. L. Niu, Heat and moisture [16] Jani, D.B., M. Mishra, and P.K.Sahoo. 2018. behavior in desiccant wheels for air Investigations on effect of operational conditions dehumidification and enthalpy recovery, in: on performance of solid desiccant based hybrid proceedings of the Asian-Pacific Conference on cooling system in hot and humid climate. Thermal the Built Environment (APCBE) 2001, Singapore, Science and Engineering Progress 7:76-86. 2001, pp. 399-409. [17] Jani, D.B. 2019. Desiccant cooling as an [8] Jani, D.B., M. Mishra, and P.K.Sahoo. 2016. alternative to traditional air conditioners in green Performance prediction of solid desiccant - vapor cooling technology. Instant Journal of Mechanical compression hybrid air-conditioning system using Engineering Vol.1(1):1-13. artificial neural network. Energy 103: 618-629. [18] Jani, D.B. 2019. An overview on desiccant [9] Joshi, A., Jani, D.B. 2018. A review on desiccant assisted sustainable environmental cooling based cooling and dehumidification systems. technology. International Journal of Environmental planning and management. Vol. 5(4): 59-65. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 130 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 [19] Jani, D.B. 2019. An overview on use of desiccant [20] Fang, X.; Winkler, J.; Christensen, D. (2011). dehumidifiers in modern air-conditioning. Open form Dehumidification Journal of Architectural Engineering. Vol. 1(2): 16-31. HVAC&R Research 17(3):268 283. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 131 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Static analysis of front axle by changing geometry and materials Pathan Tausif H, D.B. Jani, Kiran Bhabhor GEC, Dahod, Gujarat Technology University GTU, Ahmedabad. Email: [email protected] Contact: +91-9925280572 Abstract- Front axle is the most crucial part especially shear stresses. In the static condition, the axle might be in a load carrying vehicle. The strength of front axle considered as beam supported vertically upward at the is a serious concern in commercial vehicle so, it is ends (at the centre of spring pads). Under the dynamic necessary to analyze the front axle that able to conditions. Vertical bending moments is increased due to withstand at severe load conditions. Hence proper road roughness. Thus it is very difficult to find the crack design of the front axle beam is extremely crucial. In propagation in short time. So it is necessary to present research work design of the front axle for incorporate finite elements methodology. During the TATA LPT 1109 EX36 heavy commercial vehicle operation on vehicle, road surface irregularity causes were done. Material selection is crucial step for cyclic fluctuation of stresses on the axle, which is the manufacturing. This is to analyze the front axle with main load carrying member. Therefore, it is necessary to different material such as 27C15 and gray cast iron make sure whether or not the axle resists against the and also changing geometry of front axle. The fatigue failure for a predicted service life. Axle approach in this project has been dividing into two experience completely different direction, primarily steps. In the first step front axle was design by bending load or vertical beaming due to curb weight and analytical method. As the vertical loads are applied payload, torsion, due to drive torque, cornering load and on the PAD spring which gives major support for breaking load. front axle. The analysis is carried out to the vertical loads where total weight is carried out by the vehicle Front axle will experience a 3G load condition when the in order to find the stresses and deflection in the beam vehicle goes on the bump. Performing physical test for has been used. In the second step front axle were vertical beaming fatigue load is expensive and tie modeled in solid works and the model was solved in consuming. So there is a necessary for building FE ANSYS software and FEA results compare with models which may virtually simulate these loads and can analytical solution. predict the behavior. Even though the FEA produce fairly accurate results, solution accuracy heavily depends Key words– Front axle, Design, Analysis, Analytical on accuracy of input conditions and overall modeling design, Automobile axle, FEA analysis. methodology used to represents the actual physics of problem. Therefore, validation of FEA model is of I. INTRODUCTION utmost importance. Typically, FEA model is validated by correlating FEA results. An auto industry is one of the important and key sectors of the Indian economy. The auto industry includes of Front wheels of the vehicles are mounted on front axles. automobile sector, auto components sectors and includes Functions of front axle are listed below. commercial vehicles, passenger’s cars, multi-utility vehicles, two Wheelers, three wheelers and related auto • It supports the weight of front part of the parts. The demands on the automobiles designer vehicle. increased and altered rapidly, first to meet system safety needs and later to reduce weight so as to satisfy fuel • It facilitates steering. Economy and vehicle performance requirement. Engine • It absorbs shocks which are transmitted due to location important to provide greater stability and safety at high speeds by lowering the centre of gravity of the road surface irregularities. road vehicles, the complete centre portion of the axle is • It absorbs torque applied on it due to braking dropper. Front axle is subjected to both bending and vehicle. 1.1 Types of front axle ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 132 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 There is two types of front axle: springs and actually twists out of its normal upright position. In addition to twisting during braking, the front 1 Dead front axle axle also moves up and down as the wheels move over 2 Live front axle rough surfaces. Steering controls and linkages provide the means of turning the steering knuckles to steer the Dead front axles are those axles, which rotates. These vehicle. As the vehicle makes a turn while moving, a side axles have sufficient rigidity and strength to take the thrust is received at the wheels and transferred to the axle weight. The ends of front axle are suitably designed to and springs. These forces act on the axle from many accommodated stub axles. different directions. Therefore, that the axle has to be quite rugged to keep all parts in proper alignment. Live front axle line axles are used to transmit power from gear box to front wheels. Line front axles although, front A hole is located in each end of the I-beam section. It is wheels. Line front axles although resemble rear axles but bored at a slight angle and provides a mounting point for they are different at the ends where wheels are mounted. the steering knuckle or kingpin. A small hole is drilled Maruti-800 has line front axle. from front to rear at a right angle to the steering knuckle pinhole. It enters the larger kingpin hole very slightly. II. Construction and assembly The kingpin retaining bolt is located in this hole and holds the kingpin in place in the axle. The steering The front axle is generally a forged component for which knuckle is made with a yoke at one end and a spindle at a higher strength to weight ratio is desirable. I cross the opposite end. Bronze bushings are pressed into the section has lower section modulus and hence gives better upper and lower arms of the yoke, through which the performance with lower weight. This type of kingpin passes,. These bushings provide replaceable construction produces an axle that is lightweight and yet bearing surface. A lubrication fitting and a drilled has great strength. The I-beam axle is shaped so that the passage provide a method of forcing grease onto the centre part is several inches below the ends. This permits bearing surfaces of the bronze bushings. The spindle is a the body of the vehicle to be mounted lower than it could highly machined, tapered, round shafts that has mounting be if the axle were straight. A vehicle body that is closer surfaces for the inner and outer wheel bearings. to the road has a lower centre of gravity and holds the road better. On the top of the axle, the springs are The outer end of the spindle is threaded. These threads mounted on flat, smooth surfaces or pads. The mounting are used for installing a nut to secure the wheel bearings surfaces are called spring seats and usually have five in position. A flange is located between the spindle and holes. The four holes on the outer edge of the mounting yoke. It has drilled holes around its outer edge. This surface are for the U-bolts which hold the spring and axle flange provides a mounting surface for the brake drum together. The centre hole provides an anchor point for the backing plate and brake components. centre bolt of the spring. The head of the centre bolt, seated in the centre hole in the mounting surface, ensures proper alignment of the axle with the vehicleframe. The kingpin acts like the pin of a door hinge as it [Front axle beam linkage assembly] connects the steering knuckles to the ends of the axle I- beam. The kingpin passes through the upper arm of the The kingpin acts like the pin of a door hinge as it knuckle yoke, through the end of the I-beam and a thrust connects the steering knuckles to the ends of the axle I- bearing, and then through the lower arm of the knuckle beam. The kingpin passes through the upper arm of the yoke. The kingpin retaining bolt locks the pin in position. knuckle yoke, through the end of the I-beam and a thrust The ball-type thrust bearing is installed between the I- bearing, and then through the lower arm of the knuckle beam and lower arm of the knuckle yoke so that the end yoke. The kingpin retaining bolt locks the pin in position. of the I-beam rests upon the bearing. This provides a ball The ball-type thrust bearing is installed between the I- bearing for the knuckle to pivot on as it supports the vehicle's weight. When the vehicle is not in motion, the only job that the axle has to do is hold the wheels in proper alignment and support part of the weight. When the vehicle goes into motion, the axle receives the twisting stresses of driving and braking. When the vehicle operator applies the brakes, the brake shoes are pressed against the moving wheel drum. When the brakes are applied suddenly, the axle twists against the ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 133 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 beam and lower arm of the knuckle yoke so that the end of the I-beam rests upon the bearing. This provides a ball bearing for the knuckle to pivot on as it supports the vehicle's weight. When the vehicle is not in motion, the only job that the axle has to do is hold the wheels in proper alignment and support part of the weight. When the vehicle goes into motion, the axle receives the After improved model 2 twisting stresses of driving and braking. When the vehicle operator applies the brakes, the brake shoes are Fatigue life of the improved beam is shown in figure. The pressed against the moving wheel drum. When the l and stress before improved and after improved results brakes are applied suddenly, the axle twists against the are compared, as shown in table. The stress after springs and actually twists out of its normal upright improved is reduced, and the fatigue life is decreased position. In addition to twisting during braking, the front greatly. This shows that the improved method is axle also moves up and down as the wheels move over effective. rough surfaces. Steering controls and linkages provide the means of turning the steering knuckles to steer the IV. ANALYTICAL CALCULATION vehicle. As the vehicle makes a turn while moving, a side thrust is received at the wheels and transferred to the axle Analytical design need to find solution with helping and springs. These forces act on the axle from many system parameter inputs. The moment at section, different directions. Therefore, that the axle has to be maximum bending stresses is directly related to the quite rugged to keep all parts in proper alignment. strength. Now the above stresses are calculated by using following input’s and formula. III. CHANGING OF GEOMETRY OF FRONT AXLE Design parameter of TATA LPT 1109 EX36: According to the analysis, the danger zone is improved. Wheel base 3600 mm Front beam’s structure before improving shown in figure Overall width 2270 mm 1. The surface in the circle is not level, and has a Overall length 6605 mm transition zone. Keep its cross section unchanged. The Front track 1800 mm web is stretched to make sure that the lower surface has Rear track 1690 mm no bending, has shown in figure 2. After improving, the Front axle weight 3990 Kg neutral axis of cross section moves towards the middle. Rear axle weight 8000 Kg Tensile stress of the lower surface is reduced, when Gross vehicle weight 11990 Kg decreasing the gap between tension and compression Kingpin centre to spring 360 mm stress. This can enhance the fatigue strength and reduce pad centre hole length deflection. Moment of inertia: Dimension of front axle from actual front axle beam of TATA LPT 1109 EX36 Before improved model 1 Web thickness (b) 40 mm Flange thickness (t) 20 mm Flange thickness (w) 90 mm Beam height (h) 90 mm d = h-2t = 50 mm c = w-b = 50 mm ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 134 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 a=king pin centre to spring pad centre hole length (mm) M = w.a = 21136626 Maximum bending stress (σ max): Bending stress happens when any external load is applied in the longitudinal that means long axis of the beam which cause the beam to bend. The stress induced in beam is called bending stress. [I-section of beam] Calculation of maximum bending stress M/I = σmax /y The Area Moment of Inertia for a I section can be y= h/2=180 calculated as σ max = My/I I = [(wh3) – (cd3)] /12 =57439 N/mm2 = 4946666.66 mm4 Calculation of weight for TATA LPT 1109 EX36: Maximum deflection (Ymax) In this design, it includes of three main loads. They are The deflection of front axle beam by using Macaulay’s method 1. Vertical 2. Braking Ymax = Wa (3L²-4a²) / 24EI 3. Cornering E = modulus of elasticity The vertical load causes the static condition and the cornering loads causes the dynamic condition. To L = front track calculate the front axle beam, the design data of TATA LPT 1109 illustrated. A = king pin centre to spring pad centre hole length Actual weight coming on axle is considering 3g Using above mentioned formula with different material condition (bump load) which solution are illustrated in table. Front axle weight = 3990 Kg Sr. Material Maximum Maximum Mass of front axle (m) = 3(front axle weight) No bending deflection(N/mm2) m = 11970 Kg stress(N/mm2) Total weight on axle is given by 1 27C15 192.28 0.429 w = mg 2 CAST 192.28 0.529 IRON [Analytical results table] = 117425.7 N V. ANSYS RESULTS Weight on each spring pad = w/2 The following various results of Ansys software. = 58712.85 N 4. 27c15 Maximum bending moment (M) 1 Existing model results w= load on the spring pad (N) 135 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 [Deflection in existing model by using 27c15] [Deflection in existing model by using gray cast iron] [Stress in existing model by using 27c15] [Stress in existing model by using gray cast iron] 2 Improved model results 2 Improved model results [Deflection in improved model by using 27c15] [Def;ection in improved model by using gray cast iron] [Stress in improved model by using 27c15] [Stress in improved model by using gray cast iron] 8.5 Gray cat iron 1 Existing model results 136 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Materials Maximum bending stress(N/mm²) Maximum deflection(mm) Analytical FEA results Analytical FEA results results results 27C15 192.28 Existing Improved 0.429 Existing Improved Model Model Model Model 116.23 69.584 0.36972 0.33656 Gray Cast iron 192.28 114 69.859 0.529 0.70502 0.64183 VI. CONCLUSION REFERENCES • From the table, maximum deflection is reduced [1] Min Zhang, Xiangfei Ji, Lijun Li, A research on after improved lower surface of front axle fatigue life of front axle beam for heavy duty truck, therefore model 2 is better than model 1. Advances in Engineering Software 91 (2016) 63–68. • Maximum bending stress is decreased in 27c15 and gray cast iron, according to maximum [2] M.M. Topac , H. Gunal , N.S. Kuralay, Fatigue bending stress results, improved model of27c15 failure prediction of a rear axle housing prototype by material better than gray cast iron. using finite element analysis , Engineering Failure • Comparing results of existing model and Analysis 16 (2009) 1474– 1482. improving model’s results of maximum deflection, can be reduced deflection in front [3] Leon, Reducing the Weight of a Frontal Truck Axle axle so improved model is better than existing Beam Using Experimental Test Procedures to Fine Tune model in point of deflection for every material. FEA, MSC Automotive Conference., 2010. • Improved model is suitable with using 27c15 material for front axle because maximum [4] Raed EL-Khalil, International Journal of Industrial bending stress is lesser than other material also and system engineering Jan 2013, Vol. 13(2), pp. 219- deflection also suitable overall. 232. [5] Siddarth Dey, P.R.V.V.V Sri Rama Chandra Murthy. D, P.Baskar International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology Vol. 11, 2011. [6] Prathapa.A.P, N. G.S. Udupa International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Vol. 4(2):2016:2091-273 [7] Ru-xiongLi, Song-huaJiao, Jin-lvWang, RollForging Technology of Automotive Front Axle Precision Performing and Die Design, Information Engineering Research Institute doi: 10.1016/j.ieri.2012.06.026. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 137 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

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Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Attachment to Differential System,” International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology, Volume 1, Issue 7, December 2014 [41] Javad Tarighi, Seyed Saeid Mohtasebi, Reza Alimardani, “Static and Dynamic analysis of front axle housing of tractor using finite element methods,” Australian Journal of Agricultural Engineering, AJAE 2(2):45-49 (2011) [42] Khairul Akmal Shamsuddin, Mohd Syamil Tajuddin, Megat Mohd Amzari Megat Mohd Aris, Mohd Nurhidayat Zahelem, “Stress Distribution Analysis of axle housing by using Finite Elements Analysis,” The International Journal of Engineering and Science, Volume 3, Issue 10, Pages 53-61, 2014 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 140 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS ON CO2 LASER DISSIMILAR BUTT-WELDED JOINTS G. GURUVAIAH NAIDU1 NARAGONI THULASIRAM 2 KANDULA RUGENDER 2 DHARAMSOTH VEERU 2 VALLURI MAHESH 2 YERVA CHANDRA VAMSHI 2 1Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering State, India. Abstract- In this study the dissimilar joints of requires access to the weld zone from one side of the SS321 to Hastelloy C276 are made with CO2 Laser parts being welded. beam welding process. This study has been conducted to determine the optimum condition for the bead 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Jinhong Zhu et al. studied for the welding of geometry and micro hardness of laser welded dissimilar joints. AZ31 alloys by using 1.5 kW diode laser and 2.0 kW CO2 laser. They made an observation on keyhole The L4 orthogonal array is chosen for the welding and conduction welding with both the CO2 and the diode lasers and characterizes in both welding experimentation with laser power, welding speed and modes. They proposed that the CO2 laser can produce a shielding gas. Each of the factors has two levels to keyhole weld with good quality and diode laser welding control parameters of the output. The quality is limited to conduction welding, due to its spot size limitation. In both cases Mg vaporization is inevitable characteristics are chosen as lower the better for bead and oxygen content increase in the welding zone and geometry and larger the better for micro hardness. protecting from weld zone oxidation glove box are more effective. Measurement of Bead width and Bead height Liu Jinhe et al. studied on the welding of low carbon steel by using the 4 kW CO2 laser. The welding of weldments had done by using optical microscope. Microhardness testing was done on the weldment with 0.5mm intervals at 3mm away from the weld on both sides. Keywords- SS 321, Hastelloy C276 , Taguchi Robust Design Methodology, Bead geometry, Micro hardness etc. 1. INTRODUCTION parameters were laser power 4 kW, welding speed 1.2m/min, shielding gas Helium and its flow rate Welding is a fabrication process that joins materials, by 11lit/min. They have observed that the isogrey lines of using high heat to melt the parts together and allowing the image behaviour on the basis of the high-speed them to cool causing fusion. In addition to melting the photography which is taken by NAC-10 made in Japan. base metal, a filler material is typically added to the B. Shanmugarajan et al. studied on CO2laser welding joint to form a pool of molten material that cools to of dissimilar Ti-ss (304) combination. They have been form a joint that, based on weld configuration, can be used continuous wave 3.5 kW CO2laser for the stronger than the base material. Pressure may also be autogenously as well as using vanadium(V) and used in conjunction with heat. Welding also requires a Tantalum (Ta) as an interlayer for welding studies. The form of shield to protect the molten metals from being experimental results exhibited that welding with oxidized. vanadium as interlayer provide less cracking compared with autogenous welding. Laser beam welding is a process of joining plate where a laser beam is used as a heat source. The 3. DEFINITION OF PROBLEM beam provides a concentrated heat source, allowing for In this investigation an attempt was made to find out the narrow, deep welds and high welding rates. Laser beam welding is a frequently used in high volume optimum process parameters of Laser welding on applications, high precision, sophisticated and high- Hastelloy C-276 and Stainless steel 321. Process speed joining process. This is a non-contact process that parameters considered are Laser power, weld speed, Helium shield gas flow rate. Each process parameter is considered at two levels (with one trial on each specimen). Trails are conducted and the response 141 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 characteristics are studied, for bead geometry and Quality characteristics of each response characteristics microhardness. are represented as a table below table 4.1 3.1 SELECTION OF ORTHOGONAL ARRAY The L4 Orthogonal array has been selected as one of the Table 4.1 Response characteristics and their Quality processes of the investigation. In this process, there is four numbers of trials and in each one of the trials, there characteristics will be two degrees of freedom. There are three parameters and they are in three levels (23), each of the S. No Response Quality parameters is changed in two levels. The response characteristics of the weldment are measured after characteristics characteristics completing the experiment. So, the process has to be conducted with L4 interactions. The response 1. Bead width Smaller the better characteristics are Weld Bead, Weld Height, Heat Input, microstructure and microhardness. The optimum 2. Bead height Smaller the better process parameters identified are those which give higher and the better hardness and full depth penetration 3. Microhardness Bigger the better of the joint. In the present investigation, three factors are considered In the present investigation, three factors are at two levels which yield to total degree of freedom of considered at two levels which yield to total degree of a L4 array can accommodate the entire 2-levels of each chosen for experimentation. This L4 array can factor which is given in table 3.1 which shows L4 array. accommodate the entire 2-levels of each factor which is given in table 3.1 which shows L4 array. Actual level Table 3.1 L4 Orthogonal array values of the parameter are given in table 4.2 Table 4.2 L4 Orthogonal array with actual level values of parameters Welding parameter level values Trail no. A B C Trial no. Laser Welding Shield gas Power Speed flow rate 1 111 1 kW m/min LPM 2 [A] [B] [C] 2 122 3 3 1 10 4 3 1.5 15 3 212 3.5 1 15 3.5 1.5 10 4 221 4.1 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP 4. EXPERIMENTATION Laser beam welding process employees a Pump source which provides energy to the medium, exciting the laser The present study is aimed to optimize process such that electrons held within the atoms are elevated parameters of CO2 Laser welding on Hastelloy C-276 temporarily to higher energy states. The electrons held and Stainless steel 321plates. Experimental work has in this excited state cannot remain there indefinitely and been segregated into three parts i.e., to buy the material drop down to a lower energy level. The electron loses and prepare those material for welding, to cut the the excess energy gained from the pump energy by weldments for testing as per dimensions and to test the emitting a photon. This is called spontaneous emission samples.The process parameters considered in the and the photons produced by this method are the seed present investigation are Laser power, welding speed, for laser generation. Shielding gas flow rate and The response characteristics considered are bead width, height and microhardness. The experiments are conducted using L4 (23) orthogonal array. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 142 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Fig 4.1 CO2 Laser beam welding machine Fig 4.3 (Before Welding) Hastelloy C-276 and Stainless steel 321 plates of Arrangement of 110x80x5mm thickness are chosen as work piece samples material. Butt weld joint is made with these plates by using CO2 Laser welding by maintaining parameter 4.3 PREPARATION OF BUTT JOINTS: values as mentioned in Table 4.11. Experimental trial combinations are carried out at random to minimize the The experiment is conducted by using CO2 effect of the noise factor. Laser welding system with has a maximum power of 4 4.2 WORK PIECE EDGE PREPARATION: kW. The joining of pieces is carried out in the width of 80mm side with the parameters shown in Table 4.2 Edge preparation of base plates is very much essential along with that parameter we also noted the other for proper penetration of material. Varieties of edge parameters like focal length, beam diameter etc. preparation can be made. Preparation of the edge varies according to the material and the welding. In this study, all the welding edges are well finished with CNC milling to avoid burrs. The samples are prepared with zero gaps between the butting edges. End milling of samples are shown in fig 4.2 Fig 4.4 Laser welding Fig 4.2 End milling of samples ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 143 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Fig 4.7 Bead width of the weldment 4.5.2 Bead Height: The height of the section surface at the penetration is known as Bead Height. The thickness of plate is 5mm and it is fully penetrated. Hence the Bead Height is 5mm. The quality characteristic of bead height is Fig 4.5 Butt welded samples (After Welding) 4.4 Sample cutting and polishing: After completing CO2 Laser welding of Hastelloy C- 276 and Stainless Steel 321 the weldments have been cut by using EDM wire cutting process as per the drawing which is shown below in fig 4.6 Fig 4.8 Bead height of weldment 4.6 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Butt welding of specimens has done by using CO2 Laser welding as per the experimental plan given in table 4.2. For each of the butt welded joint made the responses are the bead width, bead height, microhardness which are experimentally determined. Fig 4.6 Samples machined for the testing After getting the experimental results, the results are 4.5 MEASUREMENT OF EACH RESPONSE analysed to arrive the optimum values of process CHARACTERISTICS parameters. Experimental results are given in table 4.3. 4.5.1 Bead Width: Table 4.3 Experimental results for each response The fig 4.7 shows the weld bead geometry of Trial no. Bead Bead Microhardness the weldment. It is evident from experimentation that width height (HV) the weld was fully penetrated, and both the plates are (mm) (mm) dissolved. The laser beam has contacted with both the plates and welding took place. The weld bead was 1. 2.73 5.16 336 formed with 1.08mm on the top surface of the plate and at the middle of the plate it was about 1.09mm and the 2. 1.83 5.0 277 quality characteristics is 3. 3.22 5.31 360 4. 1.79 5.0 297 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 144 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 4. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS is called Bead Height. The height of the section surface Hastelloy C-276 and Stainless steel 321 plates of at the penetration is also known as Bead Height. The thickness of plate is 5mm and it is fully penetrated. The dimensions 110x80x5mm are successfully welded by two characteristics of the weld bead geometry are the bead width and bead height which are important to using CO2 Laser welding by maintaining process ensure that the weld joint is properly filled with minimum defects. Bead Height values for the parameters as mentioned in table 4.2. The experimental weldments prepared as per the level values of parameters given in the experimental design matrix are trail combinations are carried out at random for tabulated in table 5.2. influence of each process parameter on bead width is given in Fig 5.2. minimizing the effect of noise factors. Table 5.2 Parameter level values and response of bead height 5.1 EFFECT OF PROCESS PARAMETERS 5.1.1 Bead Width: The weld bead width is the maximum width of the weld metal deposited in between the two pieces. Weld bead width is directly proportional to Laser power, Laser beam diameter are directly proportional to the welding speed. Bead width values for the weldments prepared as Welding parameter level values Response per the level values of parameters given in the Laser Welding Shield Bead Power Speed gas flow Height experimental design matrix are tabulated in table 5.1. Trial kW m/min rate mm no. lit/min influence of each process parameter on bead width is given in Fig 5.1. Table 5.1 Parameter level values and response of bead 1. 3.0 1.0 10 5.16 width 2. 3.0 1.5 15 5.0 Welding parameter level values Response 3. 3.5 1.0 15 5.31 Trial Laser Welding Shield Bead 4. 3.5 1.5 10 5.0 no. Power Speed gas flow Width kW m/min rate Mm lit/min Response graph: 1. 3.0 1.0 10 2.73 2. 3.0 1.5 15 1.83 3. 3.5 1.0 15 3.22 4. 3.5 1.5 10 1.79 Response graph: Fig 5.2 Influence of each parameter on Bead height 5.1.3 Microhardness: Microhardness is the hardness of a material gauged with an instrument using small indenters. It is also known as micro-indentation. Therefore, a lower amount of force is applied relative to the standard measuring instruments. Typically, indents are so tiny that the microscopic instrument is required to obtain precise readings. Microhardness values for the weldments prepared as per the level values of parameters given in Fig 5.1 Influence of each parameter on Bead width the experimental design matrix are tabulated in table 5.1.2 Bead Height: 5.3. influence of each process parameter on bead width Weld penetration is the distance that the fusion line is given in Fig 5.3. extends below the surface of the material being welded Table 5.3 Parameter level values and response of Microhardness 145 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Welding parameter level Response Hardness value and it has been concluded that trail-3 parameters are optimum parameters to get maximum Trial values hardness i.e., 360HV. The parameters of trail-3 are Laser Power 3.5 kW, Weld speed 1m/min, Shield no. Laser Welding Shield Microhardness gas flow rate 15 LPM. Power Speed gas HV REFERENCES kW m/min flow R. K. Buddu, N. Chauhan, P. M. Raole, and H. Natu, rate fracture morphology details of laser beam welded thick Fusion lit/min Engineering and Design, vol. 95, pp. 34 43, Jun. 2015. 1. 3.0 1.0 10 336 H. Nakajima, K. Hamada, K. Okuno, K. Abe, T. 2. 3.0 1.5 15 277 Shimizu, H. Kakui, et al., Devel-opment of optimum manufacturing technologies of radial plates for the 3. 3.5 1.0 15 360 ITERtoroidal field coils, Fusion Eng. Des. 82 (2007) 1473 1480. 4. 3.5 1.5 10 297 Response Graph: S. Mazaev, A. Makhankov, V. Mirgorodsky, K. Okhapkin, A. Ignatov, Devel-opment of laser welding for ITER divertor dome application, in: 26thSymposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), 27thSeptember 1stOctober 2010,Porto, Portugal, 2010, Fig 5.3 Response graph for Micro hardness at pp. 4 042. each trail Zhang, Genyu Chen, Yu Zhou, Shenghui Liao, 5. CONCLUSIONS Optimization of deep penetrationlaser welding of thick 6.1 BEAD WIDTH stainless steel with a 10 kW fiber laser, Mater. Des. As we know that the response characteristics of bead 53(2014) 568 576. 4 array it is observed that sample-4 has the minimum V. Kujanpaa, Challenges in thick section laser welding bead width and it has been concluded that trail-4 of Austenitic stainlesssteels, in: Proceedings of 64th parameters are optimum parameters to get minimum International Institute of Welding bead width i.e., 1.79mm. The parameters of trail-4 are InternationalConference (IIW-IC), July 21 23, 2011, Laser Power 3.5 kW, Weld speed 1.5 m/min, Shield Chennai, India, 2011, pp. 610 615. gas flow rate 10 LPM. 6.2 BEAD HEIGHT X. Zhang, E. Ashida, S. Tarasawa, Y. Anma, M. Okada, As a result, it has been observed that both sample-2 and S. Katayama, et al., Weldingof thick stainless steel sample-4 has the minimum bead height i.e., 5mm. It is plates up to 50 mm with high brightness lasers, J. concluded that the trail-2 and trail-4 are the optimum LaserAppl. 23 (2011) 022002. conditions to get minimum bead height. The parameters of trail-2 are Laser Power 3.0 kW, Weld speed 1.5 A. T. Egbewande, H. R. Zhang, R. K. Sidhu, and O. A. m/min, Shield gas flow rate 15 LPM and the parameters of trail-4 are Laser Power 3.5 kW, Weld Speed 1.5 m/min, Shield gas Flow rate 10 LPM. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, vol. 40, no. 6.3 MICROHARDNESS 11, pp. 2694 2704, Sep. 2009. As we know that the response characteristics of of C.- properties of buffer layer with Inconel 52M clad on trails of L4 array it is observed that sample-3 has the larger 146 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 228, pp. 234 H. Vemanaboina 241, Aug. 2013. control in multi pass dissimilar GTAW process using J. Pouquet, R. M. Miranda, L. Quintino, and S. Engineering & Technology, vol. 7, no. 3, p. 1140, Jun. 2018. Manufacturing Technology, vol. 61, no. 1 4, pp. 205 microstructural and mechanical properties of dissimilar 212, Oct. 2011. S. H. Baghjari and S. A. A. AkbariMousavi, International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering, vol. 6, no. 01, Apr. 2018. Nd:YAG laser welding of AISI 420 stainless steel to 134, May 2014. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 147 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Design and Analysis of Wind Turbine Blade using Finite Element Method DR. S.SURENDARANADH 1 ENUGALA SADHGUN 2 B NAGA KRISHNA GOUD 2 BEEDANI HARISH 2 B VENKATESHWARLU 2 A SRIKANTH 2 1Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering . Abstract - This paper presents a computational electrical power, other systems to start, stop and control the turbine [6]. The majority of commercial turbines are framework for an optimal aerodynamic blade of horizontal axis wind turbines. On the spinning blades design. Analysis of the wind turbine blade is the centrifugal force increases as a square of rotational conducted using Finite Element Method. The speed. This makes this structure sensitive to over speed. So that, the wind turbine should be survive much higher geometric parameters, the methodology and design loads to generate power [13]. approach is discussed in detail throughout this Most modern wind turbines have a horizontal axis paper. The creo parametric is used for the structure with blades resembling airplane propellers. The most feasible design offer in the lowest cost is the two blade modelling of the wind turbine blade [1] and type. However, the major drawback of both one and two blade designs is the high level of noise generated. ABAQUS is being used for the simulation purpose. It was found that the three blade rotor is the most efficient for power generation by large wind turbines Wind energy is one of the rapidly growing compared to all the other turbine types. It allows for a better distribution of mass, which makes rotation renewable energy resources in the world during the smoother with lower noise and an acceptable cost. last few years, mainly due to the increasing number The total Global installed wind power capacity increased from 197.6 GIGAWATTS (GW) in 2010 to of horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWT). The 594.5 GW in 2018 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.8%, as presented by the Global Wind geometric parameters of the wind turbine blades are Energy Council (GWEC) in Fig. 1. very important for maximum efficiency or maximum power generation. Consequently, a big effort was employed to increase power capacity, which is directly associated to the size of blades. Then, novel design of blades may lead to very flexible structures, susceptive to large deformation, not only during extreme events, but also for operational conditions. In this context, the composite wind turbine blades are considered. The Composite blade is modelled using Creo software with NACA standards and imported in to FEA tool (Abaqus Software). In this blade design, different ply orientation and materials (S-Glass, Aramid, Basalt Fibres) were used and the blade were simulated as static analysis. Natural frequency and mode shapes are obtained as output response from the simulation result. Index Terms - List Creo Parametric, Abaqus, HAWT, FEA Tool, Simulation. I. INTRODUCTION Fig. 1 Estimated renewable energy share of global Wind turbine design is the process of electricity production. designing the specifications and form of a wind turbine to get energy from the wind. Sustainability of the Wind energy is attracting global interest. Fig.2 modern grid is the main aim for harnessing wind energy shows its growth in the last 18years. The installed [1]. A wind turbine installation consists of the following worldwide wind capacity has increased dramatically systems needed to capture the wind's energy. They are in the last decade, and reached 591GW in the year. turbine, which converts mechanical rotation into Wind energy presently covers around 0.2% of the total global energy demand and only 1.8% of the 148 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 electricity is being generated by wind energy. The designing of the aerofoil depends on the aerodynamic characteristics which further depends on the weight, speed and the purpose of the aircraft. These are dependent on certain terms that need to be defined to understand the design. C. Aerofoil terminology 2) Following are the terms that are associated with aerofoils: Fig. 2 Global cumulative installed wind capacity 1999- 1) Chord: Chord is defined as the distance between 2020. the leading edge which is the point at the front of the aerofoil and has maximum curvature and the A. Classification of wind turbines trailing edge which is the point at the rear of the aerofoil with maximum curvature along the There are many types and categories of wind chord line. turbines. There are two main types of wind turbines[3], the horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs) and vertical 2) Chord line: The straight line connecting the axis wind turbines (VAWTs). The main types of wind leading and trailing edges is called chord line. turbines are shown in Fig 3. 3) Upper surface: Upper surface is also known as suction surface which is associated with high velocity and low static pressure. 4) Lower surface: Lower surface is also known as pressure surface with higher static pressure. 5) Aerodynamic center: The pitching moment is independent of lift coefficient and angle of attack (AOA) at this center. 6) Center of pressure: The pitching moment is zero at this center. 7) Angle of attack (AOA): The angle formed between a reference line on a body and the oncoming flow 8) Pitching moment: The torque produces the aerodynamic force on the aerofoil. 9) Lift coefficient: Lift coefficient is a dimensionless coefficient giving relationship between the lift generated by a lifting body to fluid density, fluid velocity and the associated reference area. II. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION Fig. 3 Wind turbine configurations. (a) Horizontal axis Wind turbine blade fails before the expected wind turbines. (b) Vertical axis wind turbines. life time due to high wind velocity and turbulence flow. To predict the better life span of the blade, different composites materials and layer thickness has to be used. 1) B. Aerofoil Wind turbine is especially used for electricity generation, it has some advantages and Aerofoil or airfoil is defined as the cross-sectional drawbacks [4]. shape that is designed with curved surface giving it the Some advantages of using wind turbines for electricity generation are electricity generation with most favorable ratio between lift and drag in flight. Lift no pollution, fast installation and commissioning, and also low expense for maintenance [4]. is the component such that the force is perpendicular to Its main disadvantage is that the temporary the direction of motion and drag is the component nature of wind flow. Therefore, utilizing efficient equipment is important so as to urge the maximum parallel to the direction of motion. A similar idea is amount of energy from wind during the limited used in the designing of hydrofoils which is used when water is used as the working fluid. 149 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 period of your time that it flows strongly. Noise the model may present thickness variation and isotropic generation due to maximum pulsation at initial homogeneous materials. However, high detailing of the torque. structure discretization and simulation may take a reasonable amount of time due to all inherent model The structural failure mechanisms identified complexity. recently are primarily non-linear elastic mechanisms, like buckling, localized bending and therefore the B. WTB Specifications Brazier effect To perform the analysis, a CAD tool (Creo Software) was used. The main objective of the Wind Designing of the blades to urge the utmost Turbine CAD tool is to aid on the geometry definition of wind turbine blade cross- sections. energy from the wind flow is an important topic which is consistent with a refined aerodynamic science. III. METHODOLOGY The following specifications are considered for the A. Flowchart wind turbine blade design. Blade length 5 metres Chord length 0.7641 to 0.1752 metre Twist angle 22.52 deg. to 0 Camber height 0.01681 metre Root diameter 0.4 metre The following specifications are considered for the laminated composite materials Total Ply Thickness - 5 mm No. Of Layers 10 Ply Orientations: 45, 0, -45, 0, 45 || 45, 0, -45, 0, 45 0, 90, 0, 90, 0 || 0, 90, 0, 90, 0 The Creo parametric software is used for the 0, 45, 90, 45, 0 || 0, 45, 90, 45, 0 modeling of the wind turbine and ABAQUS is being Creo Parametric software is considered as Pre- used for the simulation purpose. For static analysis, Processor of ABAQUS. A blade design is modelled finite element method (FEM) is applied. Moreover, using Creo Parametric modelling software. NACA 63- geometry, layup, and loading of the turbine blades are 415[1] aerofoil is considered for design and analysis the made of laminated composites [4]. Some contributions wind turbine blade. regarding 3D shell FEM analysis on the context of wind turbines are briefly commented as follows. In, a Fig 4. Airfoil shape (NACA63415) coupling of a blade shell FEM model built on Creo Parametric is presented, a full-scale wind turbine blade is investigated using ABAQUS. In, a physics-based multi-scaled progressive damage model for predicting the durability of wind turbine blade structures is presented. In, a structural optimization model of wind turbine blades using finite element analysis is developed. Discretization of wind turbine blades using 3D composite shell elements may be very accurate, since 150 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 IV. SURFACE MODELING - section, the utilization of webs in wind turbine blades Creo Parametric is used to create the wind turbine is noteworthy. In fact, the webs in wind turbine blade. For designing of wind turbine blade in Creo Parametric, we have to choose the appropriate aerofoil blades not just prevent possible local buckling but profile. The profile of the aerofoil is the foremost also increases another important geometry properties important consideration for designing the blade. The such as the torsional inertia and second order airfoil profile seems like a closed curve. There are a set of points which are known as co-ordinates system of the moments of inertia. Nevertheless, the Creo profile, which defines that curve. The shape of different parametric CAD tool presents no limits at the number profiles with their co-ordinates are available in UIUC of webs and consistently considers the webs effects airfoil data site [12]. The chosen blade profile is NACA 63-415, which is proper for high speed wind turbine. at the cross-section geometric properties, specially While selecting the acceptable blade profile, the main the torsional inertia increment. consideration is the power requirement, efficiency and size of the turbine [1]. For modeling in Creo Parametric, the co-ordinates of the chosen aerofoil are imported into it and a 2-D sketch has been generated. The origin of the 2-D co- ordinte system is the leading edge of the blade and therefore the x-axis is in the direction of the blade chord. Fig. 6 Wind Turbine CAD tool (CREO) main screen. The sketch of the aerofoil is implemented on the various datum planes with calculated different twist angle and chord length for specific sections of the blade [1]. TABLE I: Geometric parameters for blade design Blade Local Local Tip Twist Chord Fig. 5 Airfoil cross-section file (*.pts) for the Creo Elements Radius Speed Ratio Angle Length parametric CAD tool. Number The first step for the analysis of an airfoil cross- 1 0.75 1.125 22.52 0.7641 section with the WindTurbine tool is to set an airfoil cross-section geometry. At this point one may prefer 2 1.0 1.500 17.22 0.6717 to directly input every point coordinate or to create a 3 1.25 1.875 13.47 0.5852 4 1.50 2.250 10.73 0.5129 presented in fig. 5. 5 1.75 2.625 8.66 0.4540 The main advantage of input coordinates by an 6 2.0 3.000 7.05 0.4059 7 2.25 3.375 5.76 0.3662 number of coordinates. Alternatively one can also 8 2.50 3.750 4.71 0.3333 add webs to the airfoil cross- section. In the Creo parametric CAD tool the webs of a cross-section are 9 2.75 4.125 3.84 0.3055 defined by the indexes of two points. Although the 10 3.0 4.500 3.11 0.2818 151 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 11 3.25 4.875 2.48 0.2614 V. SIMULATION 12 3.50 5.250 1.94 0.2437 ABAQUS Environment Simulations The wind turbine blade model of the wind turbine in Creo 13 3.75 5.625 1.47 0.2282 Parametric is imported into ABAQUS environment [1] for dynamic simulation as shown in Fig. 9 14 4.0 6.000 1.06 0.2145 15 4.25 6.375 0.69 0.2023 16 4.50 6.750 0.37 0.1914 17 4.75 7.125 0.07 0.1779 18 5.0 7.500 0 0.1752 The optimal geometric parameters of the wind turbine (twist angle and chord distribution) [1] are evaluated. Both these parameters are getting used to model the turbine using Creo parametric. The blade is split into discrete sections or elements. Blade length represents the distance of the discrete section from the hub. In the present case, the length span is 0.25 meter for every section. The first two sections are eliminated and not considered for parameter calculation as it is being used for connecting the blade and the hub which gives mechanical rigidity to the turbine [1]. Finally, blend and smooth command is employed to Fig. 9: Showing the part after importing into ABAQUS. urge an entire blade of wind turbine model shown in Fig. 8 Fig. 7 Wire frame model of wind turbine blade. The Materials selected for this project are aramid, basalt, S-glass materials properties are applied toAbaqus materials module. FEM approach discretizes the wind turbine structure into segments or elements interconnected by nodes. Although the slightly higher computational cost, a 3D FEM wind turbine modelling, composed by beam elements, may incorporate linear or nonlinear formulations. Concerning the beam theories adopted on wind turbine models, geometrically linear and nonlinear beam theories have been used to describe the structural behaviour. Regarding wind turbine blades, classical beam theories were initially widely used to model them, particularly due to the larger stiffness of these structures. Boundary conditions used for analysis are that the blade root is fixed and tip of the blade is free. Following are the first seven natural frequencies in cycles/time, obtained from the modal analysis. Fig. 8 Creo model of wind turbine. In ABAQUS software the job is created and submitted for analysis. The results are then obtained in the results module. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 152 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 VI. RESULT AND DISCUSSION For this work a 5 m long, optimized blade having Fig. 11 Second mode shape of wind turbine blade. NACA 63415 profile, is considered. The modelling of blade was done using Creo Parametric software. For the analysis purpose ABAQUS software was used. The modal analysis is done for blades. Fine mesh type was used for meshing. A. Modal analysis: According to the structure chosen, the blade will be able to have a different mechanical response. It is necessary to apprehend the effects of the action of the wind. For that, one identifies by the experiment and/or finite element analysis what one calls the modes which translate the way in which will become naturally deformed the blade under loading. Each one of these modes is defined by a frequency, a damping and a modal form. In our case, these modes are calculated by the finite element method with the computer code This calculation is carried out with two boundary Fig. 12 Third mode shape of wind turbine blade. conditions: -The root is clamped or fixed in all degrees of freedom like cantilever beam. -No condition at the blade tip. B. Mode shape plots The structural mechanics of wind turbine blades were then analysed with behavioral model to identify the mechanisms of damage. Hopefully, the analytical results of this study can help prevent similar engineering incidents in the future. Fig. 13 Fourth mode shape of wind turbine blade. Fig. 10 First mode shape of wind turbine blade. Fig. 14 Fifth mode shape of wind turbine blade. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 153 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Fig. 15 Sixth mode shape of wind turbine blade. problems, the deflection patterns of the wind turbine blades are of vital importance. The present investigation has demonstrated that the structural integrity of a structure can be monitored by using modal parameters, like natural frequencies, damping characteristics and mode shapes. In the present work, Modal analysis and natural frequency were investigated successfully from the 5 m length wind turbine blade. Different materials and different ply orientation angles were used in the present work and determined the optimum material, ply layer and ply orientations. An imported wind turbine blade were considered for the static analysis and determined the natural frequency and mode shapes. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We are extremely thankful to Dr. S. Surendarnath sir for providing encouragement in completion of this research work. We greatly appreciate all the faculty from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nalla Institutions. REFERENCES [1] Umesh Chaudhary, Prosenjit Mondal, Praveen ng and Optimal Design of Small HAWT Blades for Analyzing the Starting Torque Fig. 16 Seventh mode shape of wind turbine blade. [2] Amr Mohamed Metwally Ismaiel, Sayed The mode shapes of turbine blade shows the Mohamed Metwalli, Basman Mohamed Nabil deflection at different natural frequencies. The red colour area shows maximum deflection and chances HAWT of failure are maximum at these points. In order to prevent failure the external excitation should be -6, 2017-09. prevented corresponding to natural frequencies. In general the maximum deflection occurs at the tip of [3] Peter J. Schubel and Richard J. Crossley the blade because this part is far away from the hub so it is subjected to more torsional and vertical forces. Turbine Blade The light blue coded area is minimum deflection area. [4] Ahmad Reza Ghasemi and Masood Mohandes VII. CONCLUSION Wind Turbine: Design, Stress In recent years, stability problems in wind turbine structures have obtained increasing attention due to Analysis, Aeroelasticity, and the trend towards larger and more flexible structures [15]. A well-known example of a stability problem, [5] M. Tarfaoui, that eventually might cause to failure of the entire structure, is that the occurrence of dynamic unstable and finite element modal analysis of 48m composite edgewise vibrations. For aerodynamic loading generally, and especially for dynamic stability Vol. 146 (2012) pp 170-184. [6] Analysis of Wind Volume 9, Issue 4, April 2018, pp. 102 115. [7] Vishal N Sulakhe Analysis of Jet Wind Vol. 2, No. 3, July 2013. [8] Yuqiao Zheng , Rongzhen Zhao, and Hong Liu, - scale Composite Wind Vol. 694-697 (2013) pp 453-457. [9] Ming chao, chemical durability and mechanical properties of Alkali-proof Basalt fibre a n d its rein forced Epoxy composites. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 154 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 [10] - composites, ASM International. [11] Nostrand Rein hold co., (1978), PP .207. [12] UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Data Site accessed on 19 Jan 2020 ase.html [13] wind turbine as a practical aid for learning about [14] Global Data Energy, accessed on 3 Feb 2020 https://www.power- market-expected-to-approach-125bn-by-2030/ -4, 2018 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 155 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Experimental Study on Butt Welding of SS 321 Using CO2 Laser Beam L. Sunil Kumar1, Gaddam Akash2, Bhukya Ganapathi2, Bhukya Sampath2, Sriramoji Manoj Kumar2 1Assistant Professor,2Student Department of Mechanical Engineering Nalla ABSTRACT rapidly heats the material typically calculated in In this study the butt welding of Stainless Steel 321 plates milliseconds. are made with CO2 Laser beam welding process. This study has been conducted to determine the optimum condition for Fig. No 1.1:Laser beam welding the bead geometry and distortion of laser welded joints.The Laser beam welding has a tremendous temperature L4 orthogonal array is chosen for the experimentation with differential between the molten metal and the base metal laser power, welding speed and shielding gas. Each of the immediately adjacent to the weld. Heating and cooling rates factors has two levels to control parameters of the output. are much higher in laser beam welding than in arc welding, The quality characteristics are chosen as lower the better for and the heat-affected zones are much smaller. Rapid cooling both bead geometry and distortion.Measurement of Bead rates can create problems such as cracking in high carbon width and Bead height of weldments had done by using steels. optical microscope. Distortion was measured by using The primary types of lasers used in welding and cutting are: vernier height gauge. Keywords: Butt Joint, Laser Beam Welding, L4 Orthogonal 1.1 CO2 GAS LASERWELDING Array, Bead Width, Bead Height and Distortion. The CO2laser is one of the earliest gas lasers to be invented by Kumar Patel of Bell labs in 1964. At the earliest I. INTRODUCTION OFWELDING development of CO2laser has been used for cutting but after Welding is a fabrication process that joins materials, by continuous development of laser quality and applications. using high heat to melt the parts together and allowing them to cool causing fusion. In addition to melting the base 1.1.1 WORKING PRINCIPAL metal, a filler material is typically added to the joint to form The Laser Beam welding process uses a DC Voltage for a pool of molten material that cools to form a joint that, electric discharge in the tube due to which CO2molecules based on weld configuration, can be stronger than the base break into CO and O. To maintain the equilibrium of material. Pressure may also be used in conjunction with CO2molecules, a small amount of water is added to heat. Welding also requires a form of shield to protect the regenerate the CO2molecules and they cannot be excited molten metals from beingoxidizedWelding is a significant themselves by photons. metal joining technique used in the industrial sector. Even after the evaluation of several modern manufacturing techniques, welding still plays a vital role on the shop floor. Varieties of welding technique are available for metal joining such asOxy-acetylene welding ,Shield metal arc welding, Submerged arc welding ,Gas tungsten arc welding, Gas metal arc welding, Electro slag welding, Plasma arc welding, Electron beam welding ,Laser beam welding. Laser beam welding is a process of joining plate where a laser beam is used as a heatsource. The beam provides a concentrated heat source, allowing for narrow, deep welds and highwelding rates. Laser beam welding is a frequently used in high volume applications, high precision, sophisticated and high-speed joining process. This is a non-contact process that requires access to the weld zone from one side of the parts being welded.The laser beam is a coherent (single phase) light of a single wavelength (monochromatic). The laser beam has low beam divergence and high energy content and thus will create heat when it strikes a surface. The weld is formed as the intense laser light ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 156 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 2 1 22 3 2 12 4 2 21 II. EXPERIMENTAL WORK 2.1 MATERIAL (Stainless Steel321): Alloy 321 is stabilized stainless steel plate which offers as its main advantage an excellent resistance to intergranular corrosion following exposure to temperatures in the chromium carbide precipitation range from 800 to 1500°F Fig 1.2: Working Principal (427 to 816°C). Alloy 321 stainless steel plate is stabilized 1.1.2 DEFINITION OFPROBLEM against chromium carbide formation by the addition of In this investigation an attempt was made to find out the optimum process parameters of Laser welding on Stainless titanium. Alloy 321 stainless steel plate is also advantageous steel 321. Process parameters considered are Laser power, weld speed, Helium shield gas flow rate. Each process for high temperature service because of its good mechanical parameter is considered at two levels (with one trial on each specimen). Trails are conducted and the response properties. Alloy 321 stainless steel plate offers higher creep characteristics are studied, for bead geometry and microhardness. and stress rupture properties than Alloy 304 and, 1.1.3 STEPS OFINVESTIGATION particularly, Alloy 304L, which might also be considered for This investigation includes the following steps: exposures where sensitization and intergranular corrosion Identification of process parameters and fixing their levels are concerns. It is commonly used in Aerospace piston Selection of the orthogonal array engine manifolds, Chemical processing,Food Edge preparation (flat edge without burrs) Processing,Petroling Refining, Waste Treatment and Preparation of butt joints pharmaceuticalindustries. Testing the geometry of weldment The chemical composition of Stainless Steel 321 is given in Deciding the optimal condition below table 2.1. Its Thermal and Mechanical properties are Deciding the optimal value for better Bead geometry shown in table 2.2 and 2.3 respectively. and distortion. Table 2.1 Chemical composition of Stainless Steel 321 Material Elements % by mass SS 321 Cr 17-19 Ni 9-12 C Max 0.08 Si Max 0.75 Mn Max 2.0 P Max 0.045 S Max 0.03 N Max 0.10 Ti Max 0.70 Fe Balance Taguchimethod:Design of Experiments (DOE) is at our Table 2.2 Thermal properties of Stainless Steel 321 rescue for planning systematic experimentation and arriving at a meaningful conclusion without being inundated in a Melting Coefficient of Thermal Specific Heat strategy in which, effects of multiple factors are studied Temp.Range linear Thermal Conductivity simultaneously by running tests at various. 0C kJ/kg-K µm/µm oC W/m-K 1398-1446 16.0 16.2 0.444 Selection of the orthogonal array Table 1.1 L4 Orthogonal array Table 2.3 Mechanical properties of Stainless Steel 321 Trail no. A B C Ultimate Yield Elongationin Modulus Hardness, 1 11 1 Tensile Strength 2 inches (%) of Brinell Strength 0.2% Elasticity ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 157 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 (MPa) offset 40 min Tension 217 represented as a table below table 2.7. 515 (MPa) (GPa) Table 2.7 Response characteristics and their Quality characteristics 205 193 2.2 PROCESSPARAMETERS 2.3 DECIDING THE ORTHOGONALARRAY 2.2.1 LaserPower Taguchi method helps in arriving at a systematic analysis of the experimental results to derive a meaningful conclusion Welding parameter level values with a minimum amount of experimentation. Taguchi Orthogonal array is quite useful to have meticulous Trial Laser Power Welding Shield gas experimentaldesign. no. Speed flow rate In the present investigation, three factors are considered at kW m/min LPM a L4 experimentation. This L4 array can accommodate the entire [A] [B] [C] 2-levels of each factor which is given in table 3.1 which shows L4 array. Actual level values of the parameter are 13 1 10 given in table 2.8. 23 1.5 15 Table 2.8 L4 Orthogonal array with actual level values of parameters 3 3.5 1 15 2.4 EXPERIMENTALSETUP 4 3.5 1.5 10 Laser beam welding process employees a Pump source which provides energy to the medium, exciting the laser such Table 2.4 Level values of Laser power that electrons held within the atoms are elevated temporarily to higher energy states. The electrons held in this excited Levels of factors state cannot remain there indefinitely and drop down to a lower energy level. The electron loses the excess energy Parameter Notation Units L1 L2 gained from the pump energy by emitting a photon. This is called spontaneous emission and the photons produced by Laser W kW 3.0 3.5 this method are the seed for lasergeneration. Photons emitted by spontaneous emission eventually strike power other electrons in the higher energy states. The incoming photon \"knocks\" the electron from the excited state to a 2.2.2 WeldingSpeed lower energy level creating another photon. These photons are coherent meaning they are in phase, of the same Table 2.5 Level values of welding speed wavelength, and travelling in the same direction. A process called stimulated emission. Level values Photons are emitted in all directions, however some travel Parameter Notation Units L1 L2 along the laser medium to strike the resonator mirrors to be reflected back through the medium. The resonator mirrors Welding V m/min 1.0 1.5 define the preferential amplification direction for stimulated emission. In order for the amplification to occur, there must speed be a greater percentage of atoms in the excited state than the lower energy levels. This population inversion of more S. No Response Quality atoms in the excited state leads to the conditions required for characteristics characteristi lasergeneration. 1. The focus spot of the laser is targeted on the workpiece 2. Bead width cs surface which has to be welded. At the surface, the 3. concentration of light energy converts into thermal energy Bead height Smaller the (heat). The heat causes the surface of the material to melt, better which progresses through the surface by a process called Distortion surface conductivity. The beam energy level is maintained Smaller the below the vaporization temperature of the workpiece better Smaller the better 2.2.3 Shielding gas flowrate Table 2.6 Level values of Shielding gas flow rate Parameter Notation Units Levels of factors L1 L2 Shielding gas SG lit/min 10 15 flow rate 2.2.4 QUALITY CHARACTERISTIC OFRESPONSES Quality characteristics of each response characteristics are ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 158 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 material. The energy is a laser is concentrated, an advantage when working with materials that have high thermal conductivity. Fig 2.1 CO2 Laser beam welding machine Fig. No 2.3: Arrangement of samples (Before Welding) Preparation of ButtJoints: 2.4.1 EXPERIMENTATION The experiment is conducted by using CO2Laser welding system with has a maximum power of 4 kW. The joining of Stainless steel 321 plates of 110x80x5mm thickness are pieces is carried out in the width of 80mm side with the chosen as work piece material. Butt weld joint is made with parameters shown in Table 4.8 along with that parameter we these plates by using CO2Laser welding by maintaining also noted the other parameters like focal length, beam parameter values as mentioned in Table 4.8. Experimental diameter etc. trial combinations are carried out at random to minimize the effect of the noise factor. Fig. No 2.4: Laser welding Work piece EdgePreparation: Edge preparation of base plates is very much essential for proper penetration of material. Varieties of edge preparation can be made. Preparation of the edge varies according to the material and the welding. In this study, all the welding edges are well finished with CNC milling to avoid burrs. The samples are prepared with zero gaps between the butting edges. End milling of samples are shown in fig 4.3 Fig. No 2.2: End milling of samples Fig. No 2.5: Butt welded samples (After Welding) ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 Sample cutting andpolishing: After completing CO2Laser welding of Stainless Steel 321 the weldments have been cut by using EDM wire cutting 159 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 process as per the drawing which is shown below in fig 4.8 Fig. No 3.1 Influence of each parameter on Bead width Fig. No 2.8 Wire-cut EDM Machine Fig. No3.2 Influence of each parameter on Bead height Fig. No 2.9: Samples machined for the testing III. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS EFFECT OF PROCESSPARAMETERS Parameter level values and response Welding parameter level Response Trialn values o. Laser Welding Shield Bead Bead Distorti Power Speed gas flow Width Height kW m/min rate mm mm lit/min Fig. No3.3 Response graph for Distortion at each trail 1. 3.0 1.0 10 2.05 5.19 4.15 IV. CONCLUSION 2. 3.0 1.5 15 1.89 5.12 3.73 4.1 BEADWIDTH As we know that the response characteristics of bead width 3. 3.5 1.0 15 2.96 5.33 3.32 After the 4 trails of L4 array it is 4. 3.5 1.5 10 1.79 5.1 4.70 observed that sample-4 has the minimum bead width and it has been concluded that trail-4 parameters are optimum Response graph: parameters to get minimum bead width i.e., 1.79mm. The parameters of trail-4 are Laser Power 3.5 kW, Weld speed 1.5 m/min, Shield gas flow rate 10LPM. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 4.2 BEADHEIGHT 160 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 As a result, it has been observed that sample-4 has the of Austenitic stainlesssteels, in: Proceedings of 64th minimum bead height i.e., 5.1mm. It is concluded that the International Institute of Welding trail-4 is the optimum condition to get minimum bead height. InternationalConference (IIW-IC), July 21 23, 2011, The parameters of trail-4 are Laser Power 3.5 kW, Weld Chennai, India, 2011, pp. 610 615. speed 1.5 m/min, Shield gas flow rate 10 LPM. [6] X. Zhang, E. Ashida, S. Tarasawa, Y. Anma, M. Okada, S. Katayama, et al., Weldingof thick stainless 4.3 DISTORTION steel plates up to 50 mm with high brightness lasers, J. As we know that the response characteristics of Distortion is LaserAppl. 23 (2011) 022002. [7] A. T. Egbewande, H. R. Zhang, R. K. Sidhu, and O. A. After the 4 trails of L4 array it is observed that sample-3 has the smallest Distortion value and Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, vol. 40, it has no. 11, pp. 2694 2704, Sep.2009. beenconcludedthattrail-3parametersareoptimumparametersto [8] C.- getminimumdistortion properties of buffer layer with Inconel 52M clad on i.e.,3.320.Theparametersoftrail-3areLaserPower 3.5kW,Wel dspeed 1m/min,Shieldgasflow rate 15 LPM. Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 228, pp. 234 241, Aug. 2013. V. REFERENCES [9] J. Pouquet, R. M. Miranda, L. Quintino, and S. [1] R. K. Buddu, N. Chauhan, P. M. Raole, and H. Natu, Manufacturing Technology, vol. 61, no. 1 4, pp. 205 212, Oct. 2011. fracture morphology details of laser beam welded thick [10] S. H. Baghjari and S. A. A. AkbariMousavi, Engineering and Design, vol. 95, pp. 34 43, Jun. 2015. gation on dissimilar pulsed [2] H. Nakajima, K. Hamada, K. Okuno, K. Abe, T. Nd:YAG laser welding of AISI 420 stainless steel to Shimizu, H. Kakui, et al., Devel-opment of optimum 134, manufacturing technologies of radial plates for the May 2014. ITERtoroidal field coils, Fusion Eng. Des. 82 (2007) [11] 1473 1480. control in multi pass dissimilar GTAW process using [3] S. Mazaev, A. Makhankov, V. Mirgorodsky, K. Tagu Okhapkin, A. Ignatov, Devel-opment of laser welding Engineering & Technology, vol. 7, no. 3, p. 1140, Jun. for ITER divertor dome application, in: 2018. 26thSymposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), [12] 27thSeptember 1stOctober 2010,Porto, Portugal, microstructural and mechanical properties of dissimilar 2010, pp. 4 042. joint of laser be [4] Zhang, Genyu Chen, Yu Zhou, Shenghui Liao, International Journal of Advance Industrial Optimization of deep penetrationlaser welding of thick Engineering, vol. 6, no. 01, Apr stainless steel with a 10 kW fiber laser, Mater. Des. 53(2014) 568 576. [5] V. Kujanpaa, Challenges in thick section laser welding ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 161 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in M24etchha&ni2c5althEnJugliyn,ee2r0in2g0 Review on Design of Radiator in I.C. Engine Cooling System for Maximizing Efficiency Rangineni Deepak Rao1, Jammu Anu Naga Chandra Krishna Teja1, L.Sunil Kumar2 1Student, 2Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering . [email protected] Abstract- Engine produces high amount of heat while natural convection while the vehicle is moving, but forced- running. This can raise the engine temperature to very high convection air cooling is often required under many level and can damage or seize the engine components. Hence circumstances, which consumes additional energy. Coolant for the safety of engine components, it needs to run at much lower temperature, which is called engine working t pump, which also consumes temperature. Methods/Statistical Analysis: Radiator plays a vital role in engine cooling system. When increasing the driven either by the engine crank shaft or the vehicle battery, cooling efficiency of radiator causes increase the life time of which is again charged by the alternator driven by the engine engine. The efficiency of the radiator can be increased by crank shaft. Therefore, higher cooling capacity consumes changing the surface area or dimension of the tube or more fuel energy for cooling. increasing the number of fins/tubes. The heat transfer rate for Many previous practices on cooling control and optimization the existing radiator could be analyzed. Findings: After methods have been conducted to investigate the state of-the- analyzing the existing radiator, the new radiator has been art vehicle radiators in order to minimize power consumption. designed. Two flat plates are placing inside the tube which A mathematical model of radiator fans and a forced- acts as the nozzle. Hence, nozzle velocity increases and convection heat transfer process have been developed to pressure decreases. Pressure is directly proportional to establish a mixed integer nonlinear programming problem, temperature. Application/ Improvements: Thus, the and an interior points approach has been developed to solve temperature of coolant inside the radiator decreases. As a the minimization An internal combustion engine (ICE) is a result efficiency of the propos. heat engine where the burning fuel occurs with oxidizer (usually air) in the combustion chamber which is an integral Keywords : Radiator, efficiency, fins, nozzle and Coolant. part of the working fluid flow circuit. In an internal combustion engine the expansion of the high-temperature and I. INTRODUCTION high-pressure- gases produced by combustion apply direct force to some component of the engine. The force is applied The cooling system is one of the most essential components in typically to pistons, turbine blades, or a nozzle. This force internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEV) that makes it moves the component over a distance, transforming chemical possible to achieve small but powerful engines allowing energy into useful mechanical energy. The proportion of the continuous and long-lasting operations. The excessive heat chemical energy released as heat that gets converted to generation from the engine is theoretically explained by Carnot Limit, and approximately 1/3 of the fuel consumption the ratio between the volume in the cylinder when the charge is wasted in the form of heat. About a half of the generated is ignited and the volume when the exhaust valve opens. The heat goes through the engine cooling system, which leads to higher the expansion ratio the more of the heat energy and additional energy consumption for releasing the heat Modern pressure can be used to push the crankshaft around. through the water jacket in the engine block and cylinder head II. COOLING SYSTEM IN IC ENGINES and cools down the engine components such as valves, cylinder block, etc. The hot coolant is cooled down in the Engine produces high amount of heat while running. This can radiator, a heat exchanger. The radiator dissipates heat with raise the engine temperature to very high level and can damage or seize the engine components. Hence for the safety of engine components, it needs to run at much lower temperature, which is called engine working temperature. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 162 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in M24etchha&ni2c5althEnJugliyn,ee2r0in2g0 Engine cooling system keeps the engine running at its increases more than a limit. Low pressure valve or vacuum working temperature by removing excess heat. Coolant is valve opens to allow the flow of coolant back to radiator when mixture of water and antifreeze which flows through the engine cools down. engine cooling system to absorb the excess heat and dissipate C. Coolant Reservoir stores the coolant which flows out it through radiator. from radiator cap when engine temperature and coolant Engine coolant is mixture of Antifreeze and Water. It is pressure rises. It also allows the flow of coolant back to generally mixed in 30:70 to 50:50 ratio depending on weather radiator when engine cools down. This avoids the loss of conditions in which vehicle is used. 50% of Antifreeze is used coolant and frequent top ups. in conditions where the temperature falls below -150 D. Radiator Cooling Fan maintains the flow of air through Centigrade. 30% of Antifreeze is used in conditions where the the radiator to dissipate the excess heat of engine to temperature does not fall below -150 Centigrade. Antifreeze is atmosphere. There are two types of cooling fans, mechanical mixture of Glycol and Additives. fan and electrical fan. Mechanical fan is generally connected to engine crankshaft Fig. No 1: Cooling System In IC Engine through a belt and set of pulleys. Electrical fan has a electric motor which is controlled either It has anti rust properties to avoid rusting of engine passages. by a fan switch installed on radiator tank or by ECM which It has very low freezing temperature to avoid freezing in turns it ON or OFF with the help of coolant temperature extreme cold conditions. The schematic of liquid cooling sensor. system: E. Radiator Hose connect the components of cooling system A. Radiator otherwise called as heat ex-changer with the that is top and bottom radiator tanks to the engine coolant purpose of take out heat from engine. Here heat is passages. They also connect the heater coil to the system. transmitting through coolant liquid medium to atmosphere. It F. Water Pump circulates the coolant by pushing it through consists of core, top and bottom tank. Core is designed with engine passages and radiator. It is usually mounted on two sets of passageway, one set of tube as well as fin. Liquid cylinder block and powered by engine through the belt. coolant is flows inside the fins as soon as air gets flow its G. Thermostat Valve allows the flow of coolant to radiator outer surfaces. The heat presents in the engine is absorbing by only when working temperature is attained after starting the the coolant and carrying via radiator then exchange to engine. This helps engine to attain working temperature atmosphere. quickly. It also avoids over-cooling of engine and resulted B. Radiator Cap maintains a constant high pressure in the fuel wastage. cooling system, which increases the boiling temperature of H. Radiator Cooling Fins are increases the total surface area engine coolant. The increased temperature helps in easy of the metal body which provides cooling effect and hence, dissipation of heat to atmosphere because of higher difference improve the efficiency to maximum cooling effect. It also in radiator temperature and ambient temperature. It contains speeds up the transfer of heat energy. two valves. High pressure valve maintains the pressure in the system. It III. COMMON CAUSES OF ENGINE OVERHEATING opens to release the coolant to coolant reservoir if pressure According to Airtex & ASC Industries (2013) an overheated engine can be caused by anything that decreases the cooling systems ability to absorb, transport and dissipate heat; therefore engines can overheat for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common causes are: A. Cooling System Leaks This is the primary cause of engine overheating. Possible leak points include hoses, the radiator, water pump, thermostat housing, heater core, head gasket, freeze plugs, automatic transmission oil cooler, cylinder heads and block. Perform a pressure test. A leak-free system should hold pressure for at least one minute. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 163 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in M24etchha&ni2c5althEnJugliyn,ee2r0in2g0 E. Faulty Radiator By passing through a series of tubes and fins, coolant temperature is reduced in the radiator. Leaks and clogging are some of the most common causes of radiator failure. Any disruption in the radiators function can lead to elevated engine temperature and overheating. Fig. No 2: Coolant leakage B. Wrong Coolant Concentration Be sure to use the coolant Fig. No 4:Exterior Radiator Fins Blocked recommended by your vehicles manufacturer. The wrong type of coolant and/or mixing the incorrect concentration of F. Worn/Burst Hoses A hose that contains visual cracks or coolant and distilled water can also result in engine holes, or has burst will result in leaks and disrupt the fib w of overheating. The best bet is to perform a complete flush and engine coolant. This can result in overheating. fill. G. Bad Radiator Fan A fan blows air across the radiator fins to assist in reducing the temperature of the coolant. A fan that wobbles spins freely when the engine is off, or has broken shrouds will not be able to reduce the temperature to proper level, thus possibly resulting in engine overheating. H. Loose or Broken Belt A belt is often the driving link that turns the water pump at the correct speed for proper coolant flow through the cooling system. If a belt is loose or broken, it cannot maintain the proper speed, thus resulting in poor coolant flow and ultimately, engine overheating. I. Faulty Water Pump Known as the heart of the cooling system, the water pump is responsible for pressurizing.anc Fig. No 3: Wrong Coolant liquid (propelling engine coolant through the cooling system). Any malfunction of the water pump, including eroded impeller C. Bad Thermostat A thermostat is a heat-sensitive valve vanes, seepage or wobble in the pump shaft, can prevent that opens and closes in response to engine temperature. adequate coolant flow and result in engine overheating. Heated engine coolant passes through to the radiator when the thermostat is in the open position. In the closed position, it prevents the flow of coolant to speed up the warming of a cold engine. When the thermostat gets stuck in the closed position, coolant stays in the engine and quickly becomes overheated, resulting in engine overheating. D. Blocked Coolant Passageways Rust, dirt and sediment can all block or greatly impede the flow of coolant through the cooling system. This can limit the systems ability to control engine temperature, which may result in higher operating temperatures and engine overheating. Once again, a flush and fill is recommended to remove debris. Fig. No 3:Water Pump Failure 164 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in M24etchha&ni2c5althEnJugliyn,ee2r0in2g0 Review 4) Suresh konda, P.SaiSrikanth Goud, M.Narsimha, V.Rupesh Goud, T.Chandra Shekar:- 1) R.Paul Linga Prakash, M. Selvam, A. Alagu Sundara Pandian, S. Palani and K. A. Harish :- As the temperature of the combustion chamber in the engine increases above 2000k, the viscosity of lubricant decreases Generally, contribution of radiator to an engine is considered below 10mm2/s, this may lead to insufficient lubrication of when the efficiency of a radiator is good and constant. components and high temperature may lead to decrease in Currently, the temperature factor is dependent on the tubes brake power. Nox emissions increases due to high used in the radiator. So modification of tubes in the radiator temperatures in combustion chamber and also the components contributes to the engine cooling through efficient radiator in the engine get damaged and lose their properties due to action. The nozzle effect provided by us provides additional thermal stresses induced by the temperatures. The volumetric cooling to the engine because its decreases the pressure and efficiency decreases with increase in engine temperatures. increases the velocity thereby decreasing the temperature which is directly proportional to the pressure according to 5) Aliriza kaleli, Galip KALTAKKIRA, Ahmet DUMLU, ideal gas equation. Kagan Koray AYTEN :- Therefore, engine cooling and radiator efficiency is increased. The results of this study have been analyzed on real Thus the life time of engine is also increased. As a result measurements on the dynamical engine test bench. The engine efficiency of the proposed radiator is increased 5.37% when speed is set 2500 RPM to investigate the cooling system comparing with existing method. performance. The three-way thermostat and electric water pump are introduced into the thermal management system 2) Engr. Amaechi O. Joseph Boro Isaac:- with PI controllers Equation The outlet of engine coolant temperature is the feedback temperature for control system. When a solid is heated, its atoms vibrate faster about their The estimated unknown the variable and of lookup tables fixed position. The relative increase in the size of solids when and controller gains by using pattern search algorithm are heated is therefore very significant in the study of thermal implemented and validated through experimental engine test expansion in an internal combustion engine. The sudden rise bed. The comparison of outlet coolant temperature of the in high pressure wave force and extreme, high temperature engine for both classical and PI controlled cases are displayed generated when pre- ignition, detonation, combustion for the described engine operating conditions. The desired instabilities, spark knock etc. occurs could result to excessive outlet coolant temperature of engine is set up 82c. expansion or buckling or damage of components parts of the engine. The comparison of HC exhaust emission of the engine for both classical and PI controlled cases are presented in the HC Since a piston is subjected to very high temperature condition emission in the controlled system is reduced by about 30% along with extreme and sudden compression and tensile forces compared to the conventional system. In this study, an on combustion as well as on thrust sides, it calls for a material experimental setup is designed to investigate the effect of the which has very high strength to weight ratio and has very high advanced cooling system on the warm-up time and on the HC heat conductivity in order minimize thermal fatigue. emissions in internal combustion engines. The time required Knocking can cause overheating of the spark-plug points, for the engine to warm up is greatly reduced by advanced erosion of the combustion chamber/surface, and rough, engine cooling system. Thus, the warm-up time is 238 inefficient operation. It can be avoided by adjusting certain seconds at 3000 rpm. variables of engine design and operation, such as compression ratio and burning time; but the most common method is to 6) P.Sivashankari, K.R.Kavitha, J.LillyMercy, burn gasoline of higher octane number. A.Krishnamoorthy, S.Prakash :- 3) S.Palani, R. Irudhayaraj, R. Vigneshwaran, M. Selvam The analysis of the automotive radiator with Nano fluids and and K. A. Harish:- conventional coolant in different geometrical structure of fin is successfully carried out. The variations in the pressure, Conclusion The existing piping in cooling system of Ashok temperature is analyzed. From simulation of the radiator fins Leyland Eagle 814 LHD is modified with reduced number of with conventional coolant (water) as coolant it is found that bends, number of connecting hoses and also the material is heat drop from 375K to 362.1K i.e. 3.47% for round type fin changed from aluminium alloy to mild steel. The proposed followed by box type fin from 375K to 364.01K i.e. 2.94%, design would benefit with coolant leakage elimination by sharp type fin from 375K to 365.51K i.e. 2.54% and normal reduction in hose defects, reduced head loss, cost reduction type fin from 375K to 368.07K i.e. 1.85%. Round type fin and improved life of piping system. show high temperature drop in the simulation. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 165 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in M24etchha&ni2c5althEnJugliyn,ee2r0in2g0 From simulation of the radiator fins with SiC Nano fluids as tubes up so that more heat can be extracted and all of the fluid coolant it is found that heat drop from 375K to 349.44K i.e. inside the tube is used effectively. 6.82% for round type fin followed by box type fin from 375K to 35364K i.e. 5.7%, sharp type fin from 375K to 354.59K Due to high ambiance temperature in summers or in tropical, 5.44% and normal type fin from 375K to 360.67K i.e. 3.83%. arid areas the radiator fails to cool the water to an optimum Round type fin show high temperature drop in the simulation. temperature which is required for effective cooling. So here to overcome this problem we get a new solution by combining From both the above simulation it is found out that the cabin cooling system and engine cooling system. Cooling temperature drop is high in radiator with large contact surface radiator outlet water with car air-conditioning system. By that is round type fin and further this heat dissipation can be changing minor changes in cabin and engine cooling system increased by application of Nano fluids as coolant. In we can achieve this new method of cooling which frugal and application of SiC Nanofluids the temperature drop is no extra space is needed much. It is one of the best ways for approximately twice the amount of conventional coolant rapid cooling in an emergency. This new system works best (water). And pressure drop is at 538Pa. Use of different Nano up to the optimum result. fluids give result in different ratio. Increasing contact surface The scope of research work presented in this project was area largely also tends to reduce air contact surface which defined as the design and development of a cooling system for leads to poor cooling. radiator outlet water using car cabin cooling system. Automobiles are very essential in daily life, so various parts IV. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE OF WORK are replaced by emerging technologies to increase efficiency and comfort level. So the research work can further be carried A huge amount of heat is generated in the internal combustion out to develop this technology further and present it as a engines. It is created when the air-fuel mixture is ignited potential alternative. Waste heat potential can be tapped and inside the combustion chamber. The explosion that occurs can assist in energy conservation too. The heat removed by will cause the piston to be forced down inside the cylinder, circulating can be used for the operation of some minute parts levering the connecting rods and turning the crankshaft. The in the engine so thermal efficiency can be increased. By more temperatures of the metal parts around the cylinder can research present design can be updated and improved, it can exceed 2500k. To prevent the components such as engine oil, make the design more compact and efficient. This cylinder walls, pistons, and valves from overheating, it is methodology can be used in the future for direct engine necessary to effectively dispose of the heat. Approximately cooling. 30% of heat in the combustion process is lost into the atmosphere through the exhaust system, 35% is converted into V. REFERENCES power to drive the vehicle and the remaining 35% lost as heat through the cylinder walls. A radiator is usually known as a [1] Design and Modification of Radiator in I.C. Engine heat exchanger. The hot coolant that flows through it will Cooling System for Maximizing Efficiency and Life.R. transfer the heat by the air blown through the aluminum fins Paul Linga Prakash, M. Selvam, A. Alagu Sundara by a fan. Pandian, S. Palani and K. A. Harish. Nowadays modern cars use aluminum radiators. It usually [2] EFFECT OF HIGH ENGINE TEMPERATURE ON made by brazing thin aluminum fins to flattened aluminum PERFORMANCE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF IC tubes. The flow of the coolant is from the inlet to the outlet ENGINE Suresh konda, P.SaiSrikanthGoud, through many tubes that mounted in a parallel arrangement. M.Narsimha, V.Rupesh Goud, T.Chandra Shekar. These fins will conduct the heat from the coolant inside the tubes and transfer it through the air that flowing through the [3] Some Studies on the Performance of Automotive radiator. A type of fin is inserted into the tube called Radiator at Higher Coolant Temperature Devendra turbulator. Its function is to increases the turbulence of the Vashist, Sunny Bhatia, Ashish Kalra. fluid flowing through the tubes. If the flowing of the fluid through the tubes is smooth, only the fluid that touching the [4] Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer tubes would be cool directly. The amount of heat transferred Characteristics of Automobile Radiator using TiO2- from the fluid to the tubes depends on the difference in the Nanofluid Coolant. temperature between the tube and the fluid touching it. Therefore, less heat will be transferred if the fluid that is in [5] Heat Transfer Analysis With Different Mass Flow Rate contact with the tube cools down quickly. To prevent that, & Using Methanol Coolant In Helical Tube Type turbulence is created inside the tube and all of the fluid mixes Radiator. Krunal Suryaknt Kayastha. together. Keeping the temperature of the fluid touching the [6] Study of the Effect of Mass flow Rate of Air on Heat Transfer Rate in automobile radiator by CFD simulation using CFX. P.K.Trivedi1 , N.B.Vasava. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 166 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in M24etchha&ni2c5althEnJugliyn,ee2r0in2g0 [7] Improving car radiator performance by using TiO2- [10] EFFECT OF COOLANT TEMPERATURE ON PERFORMANCE OF A SI ENGINE Mohammad water nanofluid Siraj Ali Ahmed a, , Mehmet Mamun,BDr. Md. Ehsan. Ozkaymak a, Adnan Sözen b, Tayfun Menlik b, Abdulkarim Fahed. [11] The Effect of High Temperature on Engine Performance [8] Analysis of IC Engine Performance Using Nano Fluid as in Kuwait Conditions Mukhtar M. A. Morad, Jasem Coolant in Radiator A Review Prof. Dr. P.P.Rathod, Alrajhi. D.B.Lokwani, Prof. A.S.Sorathiya. [9] Advanced Engine Cooling Components, Testing and [12] Temperature sensor made of polymer-derived Observations John Chastain, John Wagner, PhD, PE, and ceramicsfor high-temperature applications Ran Zhaoa, John Eberth, PhD. Gang Shaob, Yejie Caoa, Linan Ana, Chengying Xuc. [13] Some Studies on the Performance of Automotive Radiator at Higher Coolant Temperature Devendra Vashist, Sunny Bhatia, Ashish Kalra. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 167 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in M24etchha&ni2c5althEnJugliyn,ee2r0in2g0 Taguchi based SAW methodto optimize the operating parameters of wire cut Electric Discharge Machine on Al 7075-T6 alloy K.Srinivasulu Reddy1,*, G.Janardhana Raju2 1Sreenidhi Institute of Science & Technology, Hyderabad, India 2 Nalla Narasimha Reddy Group of Institutions, Hyderabad, India *corresponding author Email: [email protected] Abstract Introduction Wire electric discharge machining (WEDM) is Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is a non- one of the non-conventional machining traditional, thermoelectric process which erodes processes. It machines only electrically material from the work piece by a series of conducting materials by thermo-electrical discrete sparks between a work and tool process. WEDM parameters of Al 7075-T6 electrodeimmersed in a liquid dielectric with 6mm thickness is been studied medium. These electrical discharges melt and experimentally. As a strong, machinable vaporize minuteamounts of the work material, aluminum alloy, it is highly used in the which are then ejected and flushed away by the automotive, aircraft and aerospace industries. dielectric. Thesparks occurring at high Highlystressed parts, such as gears, fuse parts, frequency continuously & effectively remove structural components, and bows are often the work piece material bymelting & comprised of7075 aluminum alloy. The evaporation. The dielectric acts as a deionizing process parameters considered are pulse on medium between the two electrodes and itsflow time(Tm)), pulse off time(Toff), servo evacuates the resolidified material debris from voltage(V), peak current(Ip) and the output the gap assuring optimal conditions for responses are material removal rate(MRR) and sparkgeneration. In micro wire EDM metal is surfaceroughness(Ra). The experiments are cut with a special metal wire electrode that is conducted based on Taguchi L9orthogonal programmedto travel along a preprogramed array. Simple additive weighing multiple path. attribute decision making method is used to select the best set of experiment to have high Wire EDM is probably the most exciting and material removal rate and low surface diversified machine tool developed for roughness. industries in the last fifty years and has numerous advantages to offer. In this process a Keywords:Wire cut electric discharge moving machining, Simple additive weighing, Taguchi wire travels along a recommended path and method, Surface roughness, Material removal removes material from the work piece. A wire rate EDM generates spark discharges between a small wire electrode (usually less than 0.5 mm diameter) SBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 168 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in M24etchha&ni2c5althEnJugliyn,ee2r0in2g0 anda work piece with deionized water sate difficult job. The lack ofmachinability data on dielectric medium and erodes the work piece to conventional as well as advanced materials, producecomplex two- and three- precise gap monitoring devices,and an adaptive dimensionalshapes according to a numerically control strategy that accounts for the time- controlled (NC) path[1,2] variant and stochastic nature of theprocess are the main obstacles toward achieving the The wire cut EDM uses a very thin wire 0.2to ultimate goal of unmanned WEDM operation 0.3 mm in diameter as an electrode and [3.4]. machines a work piece with electrical discharge like a bandsaw by moving either the work piece The accuracy, surface finish and time required or wire. erosion of the metal utilizing the to complete a job is extremely predictable, phenomenon of spark discharge that is the very makingit much easier to quote, EDM leaves a same as in conventionalEDM. The prominent totally random pattern on the surface as feature of a moving wire is that a complicated compared to toolingmarks left by milling cutters cutout can be easily machinedwithout using a grinding wheels. The EDM process leaves no forming electrode .Wire cut EDM machine residual burrs onthe work piece, which reduces basically consists of a machine propercomposed or eliminates the need for subsequent finishing of a work piece contour movement control unit operations. WireEDM also gives designers ( NC unit or copying unit), work piecemounting more latitude in designing dies, and table and wire driven section for accurately management more control ofmanufacturing, moving the wire at constant tension ; since the machining is completed automatically. amachining power supply which applies Parts that have complex geometryandtolerances electrical energy to the wire electrode and a unit don't require you to rely on different skill levels whichsupplies a dielectric fluid (distilled water) or multiple equipment. Substantialincreases in with constant specific résistance. productivity is achieved since the machining is untended, allowing operators to dowork in other The main goals of WEDM manufacturers and areas. Most machines run overnight in a \"lights- users are to achieve a better stability and higher out\" environment. Long jobs are cutovernight, productivity of the WEDM process, i.e., higher or over the weekend, while shorter jobs are machining rate with desired accuracy and scheduled during the day. Most workpieces minimum surface damage. However, due to a come off the machine as a finished part, without large number of variables and the stochastic the need for secondary operations. It's a one- natureof the process, even a highly skilled stepprocess[5,6] operator working with a state-of-the-art WEDM is unable toachieve the optimal performance Materials like steel are difficult to cut or mold and avoid wire rupture and surface damage as without adding heat first. Wire EDM makes it the machiningprogresses. Although most of the possible to cut steel through and other materials WEDM machines available today have some without applying heat. EDM machining works kind of processcontrol, still selecting and best with materials that conduct electricity, such maintaining optimal settings is an extremely as bronze, copper, tungsten and steels. SBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 169 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in M24etchha&ni2c5althEnJugliyn,ee2r0in2g0 Materials & Methods 2. Experiments conducted at these levels are responses found are surface roughness and Aluminum 7075 alloy is an alloy, with zinc as material removal rate. Surface roughness is measured using Mitutoyo surface roughness the primary alloying element. It is strong, with a tester Surftest SJ-210. Material removal rate is the amount of material removed per unit time strength comparable to many steels, and has while performing machining calculate using the standard formula good fatigue strength and average machinability. Ithas lower resistance to corrosion than many other aluminum alloys, but has significantly bettercorrosion resistance than the 2000 alloys[7,8]. Its relatively high cost Results of the experiments are presented in table3. limits its use. The first 7075 wasdeveloped in secret by a Japanese company, Metal, in Table 2: Input parameter levels 1943[9] Al 7075 was eventually used for S. Level Level No. 1 3 airframeproduction in the Navy. It is commonly Input Parameter Level 2 11 10 available in pre-tempered grades such as 7075- 1. Pulse On Time 8 14 16 (msecs) 14 O, 7075-T6, 7075-T651.It has a density of 2.70 41 18 g/cm3 and the chemical composition of alloy is 2. Pulse Off Time 12 43 (msecs) shown in Table1[10]. 3. Input Current 10 (Amps) Table 1: Chemical composition of Al-7075 4. Servo Voltage 39 alloy (volts) Ele Zn M C F Si M Cr Ot Table 3: Experimental results me g u e N he Al nt rs Inp MR Surfa 5. 2. 1. < 0. 0. Puls ut R ce 1- 1- 2 0 18 e Cu (mm Roug Per 6. 2. - . <0 <0 - 05 Bal R On- Pulse rre Servo 3/mi hness cen 1 9 2 5 .4 .3 0. - . un Tim Off- nt Volta n) t 28 0. e Time (A ge Ra (mse (mse mp (volts 15 c) c) s) ) Experimentation: 1 8 12 10 39 18.5 1.7 Preliminary tests were conducted to set the 2 10 14 14 41 16.2 2.5 range of parameters. The range is selected based 5 on nodefect condition. For each parameter minimum value is taken as level-1, maximum 3 11 16 18 43 13.7 3.4 value is takenas level-3 and approximately 5 middle value is taken as level-2. The levels selected for inputparameters are shown in Table 48 12 10 39 20.2 2.7 5 5 10 14 14 41 18.5 3.3 SBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 170 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in M24etchha&ni2c5althEnJugliyn,ee2r0in2g0 6 11 16 18 43 15.5 1.5 three criteria for S/N calculations. They are 7 8 12 10 39 21 3.2 larger the better, smaller the better and nominal 8 10 14 14 41 18.5 1.9 the better. Three different formulae proposed by 9 11 16 18 43 16.5 3.8 Taguchi for the three different cases. In the Experimental setup is shown in figure 1 and current study we have responses, one is material machined Al 7075 alloy test specimens are removal rate which has to be maximised and shown in figure 2. other one is surface roughness which has to be minimised. It is always preferred to have high Figure 1 : EDCTR-1 Electronica Ultra Cut F1 S/N ratio for any of the three criteria mentioned. Wire EDM Machine Material Removal Rate: As discussed MRR Figure 2: Machined test specimens of Al-7075 has to be maximised and hence larger-the-better Results & Discussion criteria is used to calculate signal to noise(S/N) Experimental results of surface roughness and ratios using the formula material removal rate are analysed as per Taguchi method. Taguchi analysis is based on -10 Log10 (mean of sum of squares of reciprocal signal to noise ratio calculations. There are of measured data) = - 10 log Main effects plot for S/N ratios is shown in Figure 3. From this graph, levels are identified which are having highest S/N ratio for each factor. They are level 3 for pulse on time, level 1 for pulse off time, level 2 for input current and level 1 for servo voltage as per the graph. But this Taguchi suggested levels of experiment is not present in the L9 orthogonal array of Table 3. Hence as per Taguchi methodology, one has to conduct one more experiment at these suggested levels to verify the response and that response has to be within the confidence interval levels to accept the new expeimenent response value. At these levels Taguchi predicted MRR is 21.16. Figure 3: Main effects plot for S/N ratios of Material Removal Rate SBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 171 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in M24etchha&ni2c5althEnJugliyn,ee2r0in2g0 Surface roughness:As discussed surface Here our objective is to find the best roughness has to be minimized and hence experimental setup to achieve highest material smaller-the-better criteria is used to calculate removal rate and least surface toughness. signal to noise(S/N) ratios using the formula objective responses at a time. Hence it is = -10 Log10 (mean of sum of squares of proposed to convert this problem in Multi measured data) Attribute DecisionMaking (MADM) problem where we can get the best experimental set up S/N ratio = - 10 log Where n is no. of by assigning weights to the responses MRR and repetitions Ra without conducting any new experiments. Main effects plot for S/N ratios graph is shown SAW (Simple Additive Weighing) MADM in figure4. From the graph it is observed, pulse method: on time at level 2, pulse off time at level 1, input current at level 1 and servo voltage at The two attributes material removal rate and level 2 will give smaller surface roughness surface roughness are given equal weightage of value and Taguchi predicted surface roughness 0.5(w1=w2=0.5). Material removal rate should value at these levels is 1.13 micro meters. As be as high as possible and surface roughness these levels of experimental set up is not should be as low as possible. Calculations of included in the list of experiments conducted, a Simple weighting method (SAW) are shown in separate experiment has to be conducted to table 4. The first step in SAW is normalization verify the Taguchi predicted Ra value. of responses in the range 0 and 1. Next step is multiplying the normalized values with the Figure 4. Main effects plot for S/N ratios of corresponding weights. Here as both are Surafce roughness considered of equal priority weights given are 0.5 each. Third step is summing up the values of both responses which are normalized and multiplied with respective weighing factors. As per the simple weighing method highest value SBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 172 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in M24etchha&ni2c5althEnJugliyn,ee2r0in2g0 in the sum column is the selected set of 6 15 1 0.74 1.00 0.37 0.50 0. experiment levels which is satisfying both the .5 . 8 criteria high MRR and low surface roughness. 5 7 In this experiment highest value of sum is 0.88 3 0. which corresponds to the first experiment of Taguchi design of experiments, with 18.5 MRR 21 . 7 and 1.7 Ra. 7 2 1.00 0.47 0.50 0.23 3 8 18 1 0.88 0.79 0.44 0.39 0. .5 . 8 9 4 9 16 3 0.79 0.39 0.39 0.20 0. .5 . 5 8 9 Conclusions Table 4. Simple Weighing Method calculations Taguchi orthogonal arrays can be used to conduct minimum number of experiments. w1 x w2 x These are very effective especially when large number of experiments are to be conducted. Nor Nor Ra MRR When one has limited resources multi attribute decision making methods (MADM) are best S. M maliz maliz Nor Nor S alternate methods to handle multiple objectives like larger material removal rate and smaller N R R ed ed maliz maliz u surface roughness. These methods are very effective especially when the number of o R a Ra MRR ed ed m attributes is more than two. Simple additive weighing (SAW) is one such simple and effective method. 18 1 0. References .5 . 8 1 7 0.88 0.88 0.44 0.44 8 1. Singh PN, Raghukandan K, 16 2 0. Rathinasabapathi M, Pai BC. Electric .2 . 6 discharge machining of 2 5 5 0.77 0.60 0.39 0.30 9 Al 10% SiCP as-cast metal matrix 13 3 0. composites. Journal of materials .7 . 5 processing technology. 3 5 4 0.65 0.44 0.33 0.22 5 2004 Nov30;155:1653-7. 20 2 0. 2. Selvakumar G, Sornalatha G, Sarkar S, .2 . 7 Mitra S. Experimental investigation and 4 5 7 0.96 0.56 0.48 0.28 6 multiobjective optimization of wire 18 3 0. electrical discharge machining (WEDM) .5 . 6 5 3 0.88 0.45 0.44 0.23 7 of 5083 aluminum SBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 173 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in M24etchha&ni2c5althEnJugliyn,ee2r0in2g0 alloy. Transactions of Nonferrous 7. Gadakh. V.S, 2012, Parametric Metals Society of China. 2014 Feb Optimization of Wire Electrical 1;24(2):373-9. Discharge Machining 3. Singh M, Singh S. Experimental using Topsis Method, Advances in Investigation on Material Removal Rate Production Engineering (MRR) and Kerf andManagement Width in WEDM by Taguchi Method. 8. Sudhakara D, Prasanthi G. Review of Journal of Advanced Research in research trends: Process parametric Production and optimization of Industrial Engineering.2017;4(1&2):8- wire electrical discharge machining 12 (wedm). International Journal of Current 4. Lodi BK, Agarwal S. Optimization of Engineering machining parameters in WEDM of and Technology.2014;2(1):131-40 AISI D3 Steel 9. Kishore G.C, ArunaDevi.M and Prakash using Taguchi Technique. Procedia CIRP. 2014 Jan1;14:194-9 Electrical Discharge Machining by Taguchi Technique on Composite 5. Chen DC, Jhang JJ, Guo MW. Application of Taguchi design method to optimize the International Journal of Engineering electrical discharge machining. Journal Research & Technology, Vol. 4, Issue of Achievements in Materials and 09,ISSN: 2278- Manufacturing 0181,Sep-2015 Engineering.2013;57(2):76-82 10. Shah CD, Mevada JR, Khatri BC. 6. Dhakad AK, Vimal J. Multi responses Optimization of process parameter of optimization of wire EDM process wire electrical parameters using discharge machine by response surface Taguchi approach coupled with methodology on Inconel-600. principal component analysis International Journal methodology. International of Emerging Technology and Advanced Journal of Engineering, Science and Engineering Technology.2017;9(2):61-74 11. . 2013Apr;3(4):2250-459 SBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 174 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION-IN TURNING OF STEEL ALLOY USING NANO BASED FLUIDS Y.NARSA REDDY1 A.VENKATA VISHNU1 B.KALYAN KUMAR 2 B.SAI TEJA 2 D.BHARATH KUMAR 2 G.SAI KUMAR 2 M.KRUPAL 2 1Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering State, India. Abstract-Minimum quantity lubrication as Father of all machine tools since by using lathe different operations can be performed. Normally the technology is an emerging technology to reduce the customer is satisfied by the supplier through quality, uses of toxic cutting fluid. Different models of cost and delivery of the part or product. minimum quantity lubrication system were available Turning is the machining operation that produces cylindrical parts. It can be defined as in the market but they are costly. Due to financial machining of an external surface such that, there is a relative movement between work piece and single- limitations, small scale industry is reluctant to use point cutting tool. Cutting tool is being fed parallel to the axis of the work piece. In the present work a set this advanced technique. To completely eliminate of experiments are conducted on the work piece use of Nano fluids, vegetable oils are the best EN353 with CVD coated carbide cutting tools to alternative due to their properties like viscosity, evaluate the effect of machining parameters such as cutting conditions, speed, feed and depth of cut on flash point etc. surface roughness. Taguchi approach is used to obtain the optimal settings of these process parameters Proper selection of input parameter is 2. LITERATURE REVIEW essential to get the desired output. Performing A thorough study of literature [1-4] suggests experimental trial and deciding the optimum values that the machining of EN-353 Steel Alloy is very difficult, compared to other alloy materials. EN 353 from the experience is very skilled, time-consuming steel has a carbon content of 0.17% and probably the most usual form of steel, because of the carbon and costly affair. The design of the experiment is an content the material becomes tougher and harder .generally available in the annealed condition with a experimental strategy in which design variables are maximum brinell hardness of 270, characterized by high core strength, excellent toughness and fatigue varied together, instead of one at a time. Taguchi resistance in relatively large sections with case hardness upto RC64 when carburized, hardened and analysis, response surface methodology, artificial tempered. The [5-8,10,12] study demonstrates detailed study of the proposed optimization technique neural network, different analysis software etc. are i.e. Taguchi Robust design methodology; Hence the literature survey helped in proper selection of the tool for experimental analysis and prediction. In controlled parameters . the present work performance surface roughness is 3. EXPERIMENTATION compared with mineral based cutting fluid in MQL The aim of the project is to find out the set of optimum values for the selected control factors using environment. An artificial neural network is used material selected is E N - 3 5 3 s t e e l a l l o y . The for validating the experimental results. dimensions of the EN-353 steel alloy, selected are of 30mm diameter X 110mm length. The Keywords- EN 353 alloy steel, Taguchi Robust experiments are conducted using L9 (34) Design Methodology, minimum quantity lubrication, Machining, Nano fluids etc. 1. INTRODUCTION Metal cutting is one of the oldest and continued developing processes in industries. The raw material is converted in to required shape by removing excess materials through proper machine tool, technicians, cutting and holding tools by applying proper cutting data. For metal cutting different machine tools like drilling machines, lathes, milling machines, grinding machines are available with different capacities based on requirement of parts. While considering all machine tools lathe or turning machine is considered ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 175 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 orthogonal array. The cutting tool used is gold coated cvd carbide tool with a nose radius of 0.4mm. It consists This chapter contains the machining of 4 tips. It is of very high hardness and good toughness and it is principally intended for machining aspects and robust design implementation procedure of super alloys and steel alloys. in Turning of EN-353 steel alloy. The turning operations are carried out on CNC machine. The work material selected in the present work is EN-353 steel alloy. The turning operations (facing) are carried out on CNC machine. The machining tests are conducted under the different cutting conditions, speed, feed and depth of cut using L9 (34) orthogonal array. 3.1. Specifications of CNC Turning Machine: The experiments are conducted on CNC Lathe shown in Figure No.1. Figure No.3: CVD Coated Carbide Tool Insert 3.3. Tool Holder: The specification of tool holder used for machining is BT30-ER16, side lock adapter system shown in figure no.4. Figure No. 1: CNC Turning Machine Figure No. 4: Tool Holder 3.2 Work piece Material: EN 353 steel has a carbon content of 0.17% and 3.4. Cutting Fluid: probably the most usual form of steel, because of the carbon content the material becomes tougher and The cutting fluid used in this experimentation is harder .generally available in the annealed condition Aluminum oxide nano particles which are mixed with with a maximum brinell hardness of 270, water in required volume to prepare a nanofluid and characterized by high core strength, excellent binder is added. Boric acid acid powder is also used toughness and fatigue resistance in relatively large to obtain the hybrid fluid. Boric acid nano particles is sections with case hardness upto RC64 when used because it is available at low cost and requires carburized, hardened and tempered less to mix with water and no need of binders in most cases. Figure No. 2: EN353 Steel Alloy Specimens 3.2. Cutting Insert: 176 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 3.6. Minimum Quantity Lubrication setup: Minimum quantity lubrication eliminates large number of water and oil based coolants and replaces them with a small quantity of lubricant mixed with air. The air-oil stream is precisely metered and behind mql is based on simple principle-more is not Figure No. 5: Cutting Fluid application, because enough is as good as a feast. This MQL also goes with many names. It has been 3.5. Surface Roughness Tester - Surface roughness is measured by using a surface - roughness tester TR110.The measurement of surface - roughness is done by pick up type piezoelectric method. The parameters evaluations are Figure No. 7: Block diagram of MQL microprocessor based. The measurement results are displayed on an LCD screen. The Tester is placed on the surface of the specimen and switched on. When the pickup is driven 30 by a driver is making a linear motion along the testing surface, the stylus which touches with the work surface moves up and down along the work surface perpendicularly. Its motion is converted into electric signal, which are amplified, filtered and transformed into digital signals through an Analogue to Digital. The signals are then processed by CPU and Ra values displayed on the screen. Figure No. 6: Surface Roughness Tester Figure No. 8: Compact MQL setup ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 4. DESIGN OF EXPERIMENT: Total of four process parameters with three levels are chosen as the control factors such that the levels are sufficiently far apart so that they cover wide range. The process parameter and their ranges are finalized using literature, books and machine op experience. The four control factors selected are cutting condition (A), spindle speed (B), feed rate (C) and depth of cut(D). EN-353 STEEL alloy work pieces are used in experimentation. The machining is performed individually. 177 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 FACTORS CUTTING SPEED FEED DEPTH operation. /LEVELS CONDITIO (A) (B) OF CUT 3. A detailed study has been carried out for the NS (C) (rpm) (mm/ selection of the cutting parameters i.e. min) (mm) Cutting conditions, speed, feed and depth of cut are taken according to the machine 1 DRY 900 0.2 0.5 standards. 4. Selection of appropriate tool depending 2 FLOODED 1200 0.5 1.5 upon the cutting parameters i.e., speed, feed, depth of cut are changed depending upon the 3 MQL 1500 0.8 2.5 experimental design. 5. Performing operations on specimens in Table No. 1: Control Factors and Levels various cutting environments involving various combinations of process control Experiment SPEED FEED (B) DEPTH parameters like: cutting conditions, speed, No. (A) (mm/rev) OF feed and depth of cut. CUT 6. Measuring surface roughness of workpiece CUTTING (m/min) (C) material with the help of a portable IR CONDITIONS surface roughness tester. (mm) RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 1 Dry 900 0.2 0.5 Then Surface roughness is measured 2 Dry 1200 0.5 1.5 precisely with the help of a portable Surface Roughness Tester and the results are tabulated in 3 Dry 1500 0.8 2.5 table no 3. For each experiment the corresponding S/N values are also tabulated. Optimization of cutting 4 Flooded 900 0.5 2.5 temperature is carried out using Taguchi method. Confirmatory test have also been conducted to validate optimal results. Table No 3: Experimental Data Related To Surface Roughness 5 Flooded 1200 0.8 0.5 ` 6 Flooded 1500 0.2 1.5 EXP Surface Roughness 7 MQL 900 0.8 1.5 NO. MEAN S/N RATIO 8 MQL 1200 0.2 2.5 1 3.095 -9.81321 9 MQL 1500 0.5 0.5 2 3.46 -10.7815 Table No. 2: Experimental Design 3 5.49 -14.7914 Accordingly, the present study has been done through 4 2.82 -9.00498 the following plan of experiment. 5 2.92 -9.30766 6 2.62 -8.36603 1. Cutting steel bars by electric saw and 7 2.23 -6.9661 performing initial turning operation in CNC machine to get desired dimension of the work piece. 2. Checking and preparing the CNC machine ready for performing the machining ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 178 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 8 2.8 -8.94316 predicted= -5.629 9 2.6 -8.29947 Therefore, the predicted average for optimum condition of Surface roughness is -5.629. Table No 4: Summary of S/N Ratios 5.3. Performing Verification Test for Surface Roughness: Factor Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 -11.79 -8.892 -8.069 A confirmation test is performed with the Type of obtained optimum cutting parameters (cutting lubrication (A) -8.59 -9.67 -10.485 conditions MQL, speed 900rpm, feed rate 0.05 mm/min and depth of cut 0.3mm). The surface Speed(B) roughness values are taken and the S/N ratio is calculated for this condition. These values are shown Feed(C) -9.04 -9.361 -10.35 in Table no 6 & 7. Depth of Cut(D) -9.140 -8.70 -10.91 Table No 6: Conformation Test Results 4.1 Selection of Optimum Set of Conditions for Trail 1 Trail 2 S/N Ratio Surface Roughness: 1.98 2.01 -5.99886 The best condition for Cuttting condition is Spindle Table No. 7: Comparison Of S/N Ratios Speed factor is level 1 (900rpm), for Feed Rate is level 3 (0.4mm/min), for Depth of Cut is level 2 (0.125mm). Thus, the optimum conditions chosen were A3-B1-C1-D2 Table No 5: Optimum Set Of Control Factors predicted -5.629 conformation -5.99886 Factors/ Cutting Speed(A) Feed(B)( Depth of Levels condition (rpm) mm/min) Cut(C)( mm) 5.4. Effect of Cutting Parameters on Surface Roughness Optimu MQL 900 0.05 0.3 m Value 5.2. Prediction of Process Average for Optimum From Figure No 9, It is observed that surface Condition for Surface Roughness: roughness is low at MQL when compared to other environment conditions, Figure No 10. It is observed From table 5, the following calculations are done, for that, surface roughness is low at low speed and it is all the cases the predicted value is calculated in the increasing at moderate speed conditions, again from same procedure. A3-B1-C1-D2. moderate to high speeds, the surface roughness increases. predicted= Y+ (A3-Y) + (B1-Y) + (C1-Y)+(D2-Y) = A3+B1+C1+D2-3Y . Figure No 11. It is observed that, surface roughness = [(-8.069) + (-8.59) + (-9.04)+(-8.70)] [3X (- is low at low feed and certainly increasing from low 9.585)] feed to moderate feed conditions, but again from moderate to high feed, the surface roughness ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 179 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

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