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Published by jagilamkumar, 2020-07-22 22:54:12

Description: RTIME_2K20 PROCEEDINGS FROM DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, Nalla Narasimha Reddy Education Society’s Group of Institutions


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Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 DESIGN AND FABRICATION OFTRANSMISSION SYSTEM IN MONO BIKE P.SRINIVAS1 K. Saikumar2 T.V.N Tarun Krishna2 1 Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering State, India. Abstract - for use as serious transportation. The idea may The project is about Mono-Wheel Bike. In this sound extreme, but the science behind present economic statistics the cost of fossil fuel monowheels is solid, at present, because of the is increasing day by day and the time taken to surging consciousness of pollution and energy reach the destination with existing bike is very shortage crises, automobiles and motorcycles are time consuming because of the road traffic. To no longer the best for transportation. As the price give solution Mono-Wheel Bike has developed of petroleum products growing now-a-days, there with Portable design in weight parameters where is a need for cheaper and more efficient form of is easy to carry along with us also it gives hassle transport. free drive for the user when passing in commotion area or road traffic it moves rapidly INTRODUCTION faster rather than the existing bike. This paper proposes a monowheel seems like something out of a fantasy movie, but Mono wheel as the name indicates consists of a monowheel are actually real, today, mono single wheel .Driver of the wheel sits inside the wheels are generally built and used for fun wheel and the main principle involved is and entertainment purposes, but from the application of GYROSCOPE. The main aim of 1860s through to the 1930s, they were Mono wheel is that it reduces the space occupied proposed for use as serious transportation. when a single occupied vehicle is necessary and The idea may sound extreme, but the science environment friendly. The main discipline of behind monowheels is solid, at the present, engineering that is applied is mechanical due to the surging consciousness of pollution engineering where we find applications of topics and energy shortage crises, automobiles and like stress calculation, trusses, gyroscopic motorcycles are no longer the best for couple, and concepts of a circle etc .It can be transportation. As the price of petroleum both human powered or motor driven type. products growing now-a-days, there's a requirement for cheaper and more efficient The goal of this project is to design, analyze and sort of transport. The suspension is that the build a self-balancing single wheel bike for use main a part of the vehicle, where the shock is as a transportation tool for someone travelling meant mechanically to handle shock impulse short distances. The project consists of a research and dissipate K.E. . In a vehicle, shock phase in which similar systems have been absorbers reduce the effect of traveling over investigated to help determine a sensible design rough ground, resulting in improved ride approach and to establish appropriate design quality and vehicle handling. While shock specifications; a design phase in which a model absorbers serve the aim of limiting excessive was designed with certain assumptions to meet suspension movement, their intended sole the aforementioned specifications and a purpose is to damp spring oscillations. construction phase, in which the vehicle was Hysteresis is that the tendency for otherwise built and tested. elastic materials to rebound with less force than was required to deform them. Hence, monowheel looks like something out of a science the designing of suspension is extremely fiction movie, but monowheel are in fact real, crucial. In modeling the time is spent in today, mono wheels are generally built and used for fun and entertainment purposes, but from the 1860s through to the 1930s, they were proposed ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 230 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 drawing the volute spring model and first monocycle. Several of those featured a therefore the front suspension, where risk seat for the rider with pedals connected to involved in design and manufacturing little wheel, which was successively process are often easily minimized. connected to the surface wheel. The rider With an equivalent idea of design, we've pedals the tiny wheel, which drives the built a compact, efficient, powerful and massive wheel, creating motion. Even at that cheaper version, with our design and point, the monowheel was recognized as a fabrication The Indian version of the mono difficult means of transportation: One bike. we've made this mono bike in a publication remarked that the vehicle was particularly affordable budget where every Indian can get hands-on it. you recognize, some ideas never die -- no It is cheap, efficient and may be built within matter how questionable they are. Up next, a brief time, making its production rate can we'll check out monowheels today and ideas also be higher, than the other corporate planned for the longer term. Today, company is manageable with. monowheels are still around. These types of MONOBIKES are used in Microcontroller. Program is written in bigger industries and companies, no thanks microcontroller. to its size and body weight. The microcontroller will execute each and Monowheel, both direction and speed are each step of program and it give the require controlled through, the same physical apparatus output to maneuver the dc motor.. this generally makes steering more difficult. Accelerometer is employed to sense the change of velocity with respective time. MONO WHEEL BIKE Gyroscope is employed to sense the change in angle. We are using DC motor to rotate base model for this project. Single person the wheel by using chain drive. The direction can drive this wheel by using electric power. of the rotation of motors is controlled by the motor controller. Figure:First Mono Wheel Bike Power supply plays an important role in any electrical system. Therefore batteries are Literature Survey: used to provide power to the system. The Monowheels have actually been around in readings from the sensors are collected and one form or another since the 19th century. are given to the controller. The controllers They began with an early bicycle design. continuously process the output and supply After all, if something works with two the relevant motor power required to drive wheels, the first monowheel designs the wheels within the certain direction. appeared as early as 1869. In 1869 the Today, monowheels are generally built and Craftsman Rousseau of Marseilles built the used for fun and entertainment purposes, though from the 1860s through to the 1930s, they were proposed for use as serious transportation. Problem Identification : In a two-wheel mode of transportation, two systems (wheels) affect motion. Typically one wheel provides the force to regulate ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 231 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 speed, while the opposite handles changes in driving force to place their feet on the direction: steering. For a monowheel, both bottom , an equivalent way as on a direction and speed are controlled through an motorbike . equivalent physical apparatus; this generally Limited capacity. Monowheels tend to makes steering harder . during a majority of be larger than a car of comparable systems, change in direction is effected by carrying capacity. Most are kept small by the rider shifting their weight, or within the being built to hold just one rider and sudden movement creating a shearing force with little or no space for luggage . between a handhold and therefore the axis Transmission: that the driving force is settled on. Better A transmission system coupled to the control can usually be achieved at lower propulsion motor, the transmission system speeds. due to the steering problem, providing a drive torque, a differential gear monowheels haven't caught on as a widely assembly coupled to the transmission system accepted mode of transportation. and to the first wheel and the second wheel, A change in direction are often effected in the differential gear assembly splitting the several ways including: drive torque between the first wheel and the second wheel while allowing the first wheel Leaning. the foremost common steering and the second wheel to rotate at different solution is that the rider must lean speeds; and a steering assembly coupled to towards their intended direction of visit the differential gear assembly, the steering turn, then centralize their weight again assembly comprising a steering motor, the once the turn is complete. steering assembly being configured to supply a steering torque to the drive torque, where Turning a gyroscope to supply turning the steering torque is oppositely applied to force. the first wheel and second wheel to control relative rotations of the first wheel and the Outboard skids to supply friction drag on second wheel, enabling the first wheel and one side. the second wheel to rotate in opposite directions to turn the vehicle. At speeds faster than a walk, lightly dragging a foot on the bottom will cause Figure:Transmission the wheel to lean to the other side. Drag the opposite foot to bring it back upright. Small wheels used for steering, either one to every side or one unit either ahead of or behind debate on whether such a vehicle would still properly be called a monowheel. The steerable propeller, which could provide both steering and power to maneuver the vehicle. it's been noted that having a propeller operating near pedestrians might be quite unsafe. Steerable tail surfaces, almost like those on airplanes. This solution wouldn't work on low speeds. Limited horizontal stability. one wheel can go over , unless it's quite wide or has some sort of active stabilization, like a gyroscope. Some designs have used outrigger skids or small wheels to deal with this. In many one-person designs, being at a stop requires the ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 232 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Engine Type 2 Stroke Single Cylinder ENGINE SPECIFICATION Displacement 69.9 cc Max Power 3.5 bhp @ 5000 rpm MECHANISM :- Max Torque 5 Nm @ 3750 rpm Cooling System Air Cooled Starting Kick Start Only Fuel Supply Carburetor Clutch Centrifugal Wet Type Ignition Fly wheel magneto 12V, 50W Transmission Automatic Gear Box Automatic Bore 46 mm Stroke 42 mm Chain Mechanism: Engine Type 2 Stroke Single Cylinder Chain drive is a way of transmitting mechanical power from one place to another. Displacement 69.9 cc It is often used to convey power to the wheels of a vehicle, particularly bicycles and motorcycles. It is also used in a wide variety of machines besides vehicles. Most often, the power is conveyed by a roller chain, known as the drive chain or transmission chain, passing over a sprocket gear, with the teeth of the gear meshing with the holes in the links of the chain. The gear is turned, and this pulls the chain putting mechanical force into the system. Another type of drive chain is the Morse chain, invented by the Morse Chain. This has inverted teeth. Sometimes the power is output by simply rotating the chain, which can be used to lift or drag ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 objects. In other situations, a second gear is placed and the power is recovered by 233 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 attaching shafts or hubs to this gear. Though drive chains are Figure: Assembly of Drum Rim often simple oval loops, they can also go Transmission System Design around corners by placing more than two The following are design criteria for motor sizing gears along the chain; gears that do not put according to the project objectives; power into the system or transmit it out are generally known as idler-wheels. By Desired top speed (Vmax) - 15km/hr. varying the diameter of the input and output Maximum driver weight 80 kg (extra 20 gears with respect to each other, the gear kg payload) ratio can be altered. Gross vehicle weight (GVW) - 25 kg. For example, when the bicycle pedals' gear rotate once, it causes the gear that drives the wheels to (assumed) rotate more than one revolution Radius of wheel/tire (Rw) 0.381 m Figure: Chain Mechanism Desired acceleration time (ta) - 05 seconds. - 10 degree Figure : Chain Mechanism To choose motors capable of producing enough Assembly of Drum Rim & Chain : torque to propel the vehicle, it is necessary to Drum is made up of aluminum material.with determine the total tractive effort (TTE) using natural casting process .after made of requirement for the vehicle: drum .it cut into two piece,using the lathe TTE = RR + GR + FA machine complete product finishing is held 2mm on corner of bush.after completing Where: finishing operation.making holes on the 2 TTE = total tractive effort [N] drums with 2mm dia and fix the 2 RR = force necessary to overcome rolling components and middle portion assembly the resistance [N] GR = force required circular plate .one shaft is flow through the circular plate .ending of the shaft sprocket is to climb a grade [N] fixed to move the vehicle by using chain. FA = force required to accelerate to final velocity [N] Step One: Determining Rolling Resistance Rolling Resistance (RR) is the force necessary to propel a vehicle over a particular surface. The worst possible surface type to be encountered by the vehicle should be factored into the equation. RR = WW×g×Crr Where: RR = rolling resistance [N] WW = Weight on ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 234 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 wheel [kg] CONCLUSION & FUTURE WORK Crr = Rolling Friction Coefficient RR = 25 × g × 0.002 (Crr value for bicycle tire Conclusion for the futuristic scope Monowheel or on concrete) =g×0.05N Monobike is a personal transporter that can carry a person to move from one place to another within large Step Two: Determining Grade Resistance areas like industries, space centers, shopping complex, Grade Resistance (GR) is the amount of force outdoor stadiums like (Cricket, Golf area, football, necessary to move a vehicle up a slope or etc..) not only stick with large areas we hope for small areas too like going to neighbors home, essential maximum angle or grade the vehicle will be goods, Mini Works, etc. and also big hope for Serious expected to climb in normal operation. To transportation too if everything runs smoothly. resistance: We have built a compact, efficient, powerful, and cheaper version with keeping budget in mind This Where: Monobike is an extremely affordable budget variant GR = grade resistance [N] WW = Weight on and any person can get hands-on it. Since it has fewer wheel [kg] components it can be easily dismantled and also less maintenance cost × sin(10) = g × 4.31 N We contribute our efforts for nations proud by building like such futuristic models ahead and learning Step Three: Determining Acceleration Force great concepts and critical analyzing if we got good Acceleration Force (FA) is the force necessary to sponsorship and encouragement accelerate from a stop to maximum speed in adesired time. FUTURE WORK: FA = WW × g ×Vmax / (g ×ta) These are the most amazing innovative bikes, here we Where: step into the future with those who love blending style FA = acceleration force [N] WW = Weight on and functionality with pioneering design and wheel [kg] Vmax = maximum speed [m/s] technology. They are designed from scratch to inspire ta = time required to achieve maximum speed [s] awe, keeping production feasibility. Some of them FA =25×g× 4.16 / (9.81×5) = g× 2.126 N may even hit the roads of reality in the coming future. Step Four: Determining Total Tractive Effort how we allow ourselves to be changed by the act of The Total Tractive Effort (TTE) is the sum of the creation forces calculated in steps 1, 2, and 3. looking back at earlier cultures where stone tools TTE = RR + GR + FA = (2.126 + 4.31 +.05) × g evolved to a highly refined art form as a testimony to = 6.481× 9.81 = 53.56 N the stable culture that must have existed then. An Engineer's passion is in how the culture we should be building now, might offer the same stability for a wider range of people. Step Five: Determining Wheel Torque As a Mechanical Engineer we could say To verify the vehicle will perform as designed in beautiful. we hope they hurry up and manufacturing regards to tractive effort and acceleration, it is these concepts into tangibility. necessary to calculate the required wheel torque (Tw) based on the tractive effort. REFERENCE Tw = TTE ×Rw [1] Sreevaram Rufus Nireekshan Kumar, Bangaru Tw = wheel torque [Nm] TTE = total tractive effort [N] Ak Rw= radius of the wheel/tire [m] Tw = 53.56× .381 = 20.4 Nm. International Journal of Computer Technology and Therefore, the motor must be able to provide Applications, Volume 4, PP. 29-34. 41.8 Nm of torque to the wheel through the power train. [2] A.Geetha, Vishwanath Kannan, Akhil ELK ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MARKETING AND ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 235 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 RETAIL MANAGEMENT ISSN 0976-7193 (Print) [10] ISSN 2349-2317 (Online); DOI: and Analysis of Advanced Research Journal in Science, 10.16962/EAPJMRM/ISSN.2349-2317/2014, Volume Engineering and Technology, Volume 5, Issue 7, ISSN:2393- 8021 10 Issue 3 61 Sai Vontimitta, Indraneel Patha,2017, [11] Prof.Yogesh Risodkar, Mr.Ganesh Shirsath, l Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Designing the Self Balancing Platform (Segwa Instrumentation Engineering, Volume 6, ISSN: 2320 International Journal of Science, Engineering and 3765. Technology Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, ISSN: 2278 7798 [3] S. brent [12] Monocycle Stability and Control from Inside the IJCSN International Journal of Computer Science Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and Network, Volume 4, Issue 1, ISSN: 2277-5420 1066-033X/06 [4] Mukesh Sahu, Naved Shaikh, S ational Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 4, ISSN: 2395 - 0056 [5] sensors: operation, sensing, and PP.01-11 gyroscopes [6] Desna Riattama, Eko Henfri Binugroho, Raden Sa - Wheel (One-Wheeled Self Balancing Vehicle) International Electronic, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 978- 1-5090-1640- 2/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE [7] Kaustubh Pathak, JaumeFranch, and Sunil K. a Wheeled Inverted Pendulum by Partial Feedback robotics, Volume 21, NO. 3 [8] Yohanes Daud, Student Member, IEEE, Abdullah Al Mamun, Senior Member, IEEE, and Jian- Balancing Control of LateralPendulum Unicycle Robot by Separate Regulations of Its Longitudinal Electronics Engineers, 978-1-4799-1075- 5/13/$31.00©2013 IEEE [9] Chung- of Self-Balancing Controller for One-Wheeled PP.212- 219 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 236 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Effect of Span Length on Flexural Strength of Glass Fibre Reinforced Composite K. Chandra Shekar1,* , K. Dinesh2, N.C.Vishnu Tapan3, G. Yadagiri4 1Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vignan Institute of Technology and Science, Deshmukhi, Hyderabad-508284 2Graduate Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vignan Institute of Technology and Science, Deshmukhi, Hyderabad-508284 3Graduate Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vignan Institute of Technology and Science, Deshmukhi, Hyderabad-508284 4Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vignan Institute of Technology and Science, Deshmukhi, Hyderabad-508284 *Corresponding Author E-mail: [email protected] Abstract- Testing and evaluation of Keywords- Glass fiber; epoxy matrix; mechanical properties for FRP (Fiber filament winding technique; span length; Reinforced Polymer) composite parts play a flexural strength significant role to qualify it for the end use. Among the mechanical properties, the I. INTRODUCTION flexural strength is significant and vital as it may vary with specimen depth, temperature A composite is a structural material that and the test span length. The flexural consists judicious combination of two or strength varies for different materials with more constituents that are combined at a varying the test span length hence the macroscopic level and insoluble in each current work aims to find an optimum span other. One constituent is called reinforcing length to test flexural strength for the phase and one in which it is embedded is specimens made of Epoxy Glass fibre called the matrix. The reinforcing phase reinforced composites. Experiments are material may be in the form of particulates, conducted as per the ASTM Standard D790 fibers, flake or particles. The matrix phase for flexural test by varying the span lengths materials are generally continuous [1, 2]. In to understand the behavior of the flexural recent years, the continuous fiber reinforced strength and flexural modulus. Thereby, an polymer matrix composites are now finding optimum span length can be obtained for suitable materials for various application in testing flexural strength, which will be building, electrical, automobile, and useful to the designers and the composite packaging sectors because of their several manufacturers to accomplish better standard practical advantages like fast production testing procedures. From the experimental cycling, ease of processing and low results it is found that the composite failed processing cost over traditional materials by shear mode at lower span lengths. [3]. One of the major sciatic challenges for . ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 237 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 the composite researchers is the composite in detail in order to evaluate the development of high strength to weight ratio failure mode of composite. structural materials supporting latest technologies and design concepts for the II. EXPERIMENTAL complex shaped structures like automotive structures, aircraft and large wind turbine A. Materials blade structures [4]. Flexural strength is one of the most widely In this present study LY 556 epoxy resin and used properties in characterizing the Aradur 5200 hardener were used as matrix mechanical behavior of composites. The system. E-glass 1200 Tex glass fiber tows flexural strength represents the highest stress were used as reinforcing material. The experienced within the material at its synthesis was concluded by filament moment of rupture. The flexural test winding technique. measures the force required to bend a beam under three point loading conditions. The B. Material Processing data is often used to select materials for parts that will support loads without flexing. The materials required for the fabrication are Flexural modulus is used as an indication of prepared according to the requirements. The a material’s stiffness when flexed. Since the primary constituents are the reinforcement physical properties of many materials and the matrix phase. For the preparation of (especially thermoplastics) can vary a lamina with glass fibers reinforcements, depending on ambient temperature, it is roving is the reinforcement with a outside sometimes appropriate to test materials at pay off is mounted on to creel stand from temperatures that simulate the intended end which the fiber roving is passed out. The user environment. tension required for the fibers is provided at Glass fiber reinforced epoxy matrix the creel stand so that the winding process composites results in an attractive can be carried out without any problem of combination of physical and mechanical lose fibers while winding [7, 8]. properties which cannot be obtained by The resin mixture with the basic constituents monolithic materials [5, 6]. These are widely of epoxy resin and hardener is prepared for used due to ease of availability of glass the fabrication process. The ratio at which fibers and economic processing techniques the constituents are mixed at 100:27 parts by adopted for production of components. weight. To prepare the resin mixture all the Developments are still under way to tailor things required are cleaned thoroughly with their properties for extreme loading acetone to remove the dirt from the conditions. The primary aim of this paper to instruments. The epoxy resin, hardener and study the effect of span length on the diluents are measured separately in a beaker flexural strength of glass fiber reinforced according to the required quantity and mixed thoroughly with a stirrer as shown in Fig. 1. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 238 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Fig. 1: Resin mixing and Creel Stand Fig. 2: Filament Winding Machine The epoxy resin is the primary constituent in the laminate, which is the matrix phase of These fibers are wound on the filament- the composite. The hardener acts as initiator winding lathe on a cylindrical drum and are or catalyst for the curing to take place for cut to form a sheet. This sheet is cut into the formation of the laminate. The diluent several pieces depending upon the required decreases the viscosity of the resin so that orientations and the number of plies. the resin can be impregnated on to the fiber The tool is then placed in a hydraulic press with ease. under a pressure of 15 bar for the extraction The epoxy resin mixture is then poured into of undesirable resin along with exposure to a the resin bath of one-liter capacity in which second environment with a two-step the glass fiber is impregnated with the resin increase in temperature with 80oC for one mixture. The resin bath consists of a drum, a hour and 120oC for next six hours. The time comb, a doctor blade and scraper blade. The of polymerization for all the samples was glass fiber roving that is mounted on the 360 min, at 120oC. After samples were creel stand is passed through the provisions formed, test specimens were cutout as per provided with a tension applied through the ASTM standard, which were tested. In the resin bath on to the filament winding present composite the volume fraction of machine shown in Fig. 2, where the drum fibers found to be 58.63 %. used for the winding process. The doctor blade maintains a uniform thickness of resin C. Flexural testing over the drum and the fiber is passed over the drum that is partially immersed in the Specimens of rectangular cross section with resin mixture. The drum rotates as the fiber an approximate thickness of 3 mm, width 10 is passed over the drum that partially takes mm and span lengths of 30, 40, 60, 80 and resin on to its surface and impresses the 100 mm were used to evaluate effect of span glass fiber with resin. The scraper blade, length on flexural strength. In this three which is placed after the drum, removes the point bend test the specimen lies on a extra resin from the fiber so that there is a support span and the load is applied to the uniform resin distribution over on to the center by the loading nose producing three fiber. point bending at a specified cross head ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 239 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 speed rate of 2mm/min as per ASTM D790 Where, ������������ is flexural strength, F is load at a and performed at ambient temperature. given point on the load deflection curve, L is These parameters are based on the test span length, b is width of test specimen, d is specimen thickness and are defined by thickness of tested beam. ASTM D790. The test is stopped when the specimen breaks. If the specimen does not III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION break, the test is continued as far as possible and the stress at 3.5% (conventional For the sake of accuracy in determination deflection) is reported. The three point of flexural strength, five specimens were bending test provides values to calculate the tested experimentally for each span length flexural behavior of the material. The main conforming to the ASTM standard D790. advantage of a three point flexural test is the For each specimen, the initial dimensions ease of the specimen preparation and testing. were carefully measured, and then The specimen is characterized as shown the maximum load (F), i.e. the force causing the Fig. 3. flexural stress in the specimen, was determined by means of the universal testing Fig. 3: Three point bending test setup machine. Based upon this value, the The test method for conducting the test geometry of the tested specimen (width and usually involves a specified test fixture on a thickness) and using the above equation, the universal testing machine. Details of the test flexural strength is found out. preparation, conditioning, and conduct affect The average value of flexural strength the test results. Calculation of the flexural obtained for glass fiber of span length 30mm strength (������������) for rectangular cross-section is is 342.032MPa, for 40 mm span length is as follows: 480.93MPa, for 60 mm span length is 579.17MPa, for 80 mm span length 447.99 MPa and for 100 mm span length the flexural strength is 428.15 MPa. The flexural strength results obtained for the specimens are clearly shown in the following graphs (Fig. 1)which show the variation of load versus deflection curves. For the sake of clarity only 2 curves are (30mm span length-Fig. 4 and 80 mm span length- Fig. 5) shown. 1.5������������ ������������ = ������������2 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 240 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Fig. 4: Flexural strength variation of load when the span length is less than or equal to and deflection (span length 30 mm) 60mm. And, a mixed mode of tensile and shear fracture at span length of 80mm. Fig. 5: Flexural strength variation of load Specimens with 30 mm underwent and deflection (span length 80 mm) significant damage (visible crushing and The above results obtained on the variations crumbling) under the lower loading pins and in the flexural strength with different span as, a result, a large variation in flexural lengths under 3 point bend loading. Two strength is observed. Hence, data pertaining distinct modes of fracture are observed first, to 30 mm span is cannot considered for any the tensile failure when the span length is further analysis, except for noting the fact 100mm. Second, the shear failure occurred that the mode of failure is shear. And for specimens with remaining span lengths i.e., 40mm, 60mm and 80mm are observed to be failed due to mixed mode (tensile and shear). Only in the specimens with 100 mm span length are observed tensile failure. Hence, for this glass fiber reinforced composite the valid flexural strength value is 428.15MPa. Specimen geometry and experimental values are included in Table 1. Table 1: Flexural strength of glass fiber reinforced composite with varied span length SPAN SPECIM WIDTH Thickne MAX FLEXURAL MAX LENGTH EN (mm) ss LOAD STRENGTH DEFLECTION (mm) (mm) NO. (mm) (N) (CALCULAT ED) 30 1 10 3 1846.6 368.29 3.1 2 10 3 1815.2 362.03 2.8 3 10 3 1370.0 356.19 3.9 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 241 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 4 10 3 1780.9 350.42 3.2 5 10 3 1723.0 273.23 3.1 1 10 3 1418 377.09 5.9 40 2 10 3 1096.4 291.65 3.4 3 10 3 1560.2 414.91 4.4 4 10 3 1432.8 644.29 4.2 5 10 3 1518.1 676.71 3.9 60 1 10 3 1148.4 654.38 6.1 2 10 3 1211.1 690.15 6.2 3 10 3 1163.1 463.93 6.1 4 10 3 1141.5 650.47 6.0 5 10 3 1065.4 436.94 6.1 80 1 10 3 865.9 460.64 10.2 2 10 3 869.8 462.63 10.2 3 10 3 788.5 419.34 9.1 4 10 3 843.4 448.68 9.8 5 10 3 843.4 448.65 9.7 100 1 10 3 657.0 436.81 13.4 2 10 3 684.5 456.07 13.6 3 10 3 623.7 414.66 14 4 10 3 694.3 461.59 13.8 5 10 3 559.0 371.62 11.7 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 242 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 IV. CONCLUSIONS filler materials, Journal of Minerals”, 1. The glass fiber reinforced composite was Material Characterization and successfully fabricated by using filament winding technique. Engineering ,pp.353-357, 2013. 2. In this project work, three point bend test was conducted to evaluate the flexural [6] S.R. Chauhan, Anoop Kumar , I. Singh , strength of glass fiber reinforced composite and Prashant Kumar, “Effect of fly ash with varied span lengths. 3. At lower span lengths (30mm) shear content on friction and dry sliding wear failure is observed and at higher span lengths (100mm) tensile failure is observed. behavior of glass fiber reinforced These results clearly reveal that span length plays a significant role in the failure polymer composites - A taguchi mechanism or mode of failure. approach”, Journal of Minerals REFERENCES Materials Characterization and [1] S.R.Swanson, \"Introduction to design Engineering, pp.365-387, 2010. and analysis with advanced composite [7] S. E. Artmenko, “Polymer composite materials.\" Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice Hall, 1997. material made from carbon, basalt, and glass fibers, Structure and properties”, Fiber Chemistry, Vol.35, pp. 226-229, 2003. [8] A. E. Assie, A. M. Kabeel and F. F. Mahmoud, “Effect of loading and lamination parameters on the optimum design of laminated plates”, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 25, pp. 1149-1158, 2011. [2] X. Yong Gan, “Effect of interface on mechanical properties of advanced composite materials”, Journal of Mol.sci., pp. 5115-5134, 2009. [3] Sudhir kumar saw, Gautam Sarkhel, and Arup Choudhury, \"Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Randomly Oriented Short Bagasse/Coir Hybrid Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy Novolac Composites\", Fibers and Polymers, Vol.12, No.4, pp. 506-513, 2011 [4] M. N. Gururaja and A.N. Hari Rao, “A review on recent applications and future prospectus of hybrid composites”, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE), Vol. 1 (6), pp. 352 – 355, 2012. [5] K. Devendra, and T. Rangaswamy, “Strength characterization of E-glass fiber reinforced epoxy composites with ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 243 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Hybrid multi-criteria decision-making model for Reclaimer Selection in Green Supply Chain Management Dr.Karuna Kumar .G Dr. B. Karuna Kumar Dr.K Syam Sundar Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering Gudlavalleru Engineering College Gudlavalleru Engineering College Gudlavalleru Engineering College Gudlavalleru, India Gudlavalleru, India Gudlavalleru, India [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract—In typical green supply chain management, Recycling is an important part of modern waste reduction distributors collect used goods (oil, plastics, metals, etc.) and and the third part of the waste hierarchy is \"Reducing, ship the goods to recycling processing centers and then collect Recycling and Recycling\". Therefore, recycling aims at recycled items from recycling centers. Recycled / recycled environmental sustainability by diversifying raw material goods are sold in secondary markets. In this current paper, the exchanges and isolating waste reserves outside the economy proposed effective strategy for selecting an eligible contender [10]. Recycling prevents the depletion of waste land for the recycling industry is similar to the selection problem, resources [11]. the study aims to select a contender in the green supply chain using a comprehensive Fuzzy AHP and VIKOR Method. II. LITERATURE REVIEW In this paper, four criteria and four criteria such as cost, The use of comparisons between AHP and its peers has quality, technical satisfaction, and environmental efficiency are led to the creation of several other decision-making methods. considered and relative weights are generated as the criterion In addition to its widespread acceptance, it has also drawn weights by Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP). Then, some criticism; For theoretical and practical reasons. From for the ideal solution, the VIKOR method is applied for the the early days it was clear how peer was being compared best recall selection. A case study was carried out in the oil with some issues and how AHP was evaluating alternatives. recovery industry to demonstrate the proposed methodology. AHP is the most widely accepted method and is considered by many to be the MCDM method. Multi-criteria decision Keywords— Fuzzy AHP, VIKOR, Reclaimer, Green Supply making process (MCDM) for supplier selection based on Chain Management. 2000 to 2008 journal articles. A blurred method of multi- level decision making is proposed to overcome supplier I. INTRODUCTION selection problems. And use TOPSIS to determine the ranking order of all providers). Gray-based approach Reclamation selection plays an important role in PROMETHEE (a method of evaluating suppliers for maintaining green schedules for oil recycling. The strategic sourcing, in which suppliers are evaluated against characteristics of recapture are that selection is a multi- supplier co-design capabilities and categorized based on criteria decision problem (MCDM), influenced by several overall performance. (Ghodipur and O'Brien, 2001 (3)) non- conflicting factors. Consequently, the purchasing manager linear programming model) designed by Hwang, CL and must evaluate compensation between different criteria. Yoon, K., (1981), who have studied many features of MCDM methods assist decision makers (DMs) in evaluating decision-making processes and applications. a set of options. Depending on the purchase condition, standards may have different importance and weight [7]. The VIKOR method was mainly established by Jeleni and later advocated by Aprikovic and Teng (Adhikari et al, The claim selection process is one of the most important 2015). This method helps solve multi-level decision-making variables that have a direct impact on the performance of the problems with conflicting and non-initiating criteria when organization. As the company becomes more dependent on the decision-maker wants a solution that is close to the ideal its suppliers, the direct and indirect consequences of poor solution, assuming that an agreement Conflict resolution is decision making become more complex. The nature of this acceptable. And from the negative ideal solution, and with decision is usually complex and structured. On the other respect to all established criteria, alternatives can be hand, the problem in supplier selection decision trade is assessed. It focuses on classifying and selecting the best between multiple criteria with quantitative and qualitative option from a set of conflicting criteria and proposing a factors, which is also contradictory [8]. compromise solution (one or more). A compromise solution is a possible solution, close to an ideal solution, and a Recycling is the process of converting waste into new compromise is a compromise between mutual subsidies materials and materials. It is an alternative to \"traditional\" (Rao, 2007). In the VIKOR method, the best option is waste disposal, which saves material and helps reduce preferred by increasing the utility group and decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions. Recycling can reduce wastage of sadness group. This method calculates the ratio of positive to useful materials and reduce the consumption of fresh raw negative ideal solutions. In fact, the TOPSIS and VIKOR materials, reducing energy consumption, air pollution (from methods provide a ranking list. The best ranked option by infusion) and water pollution (from landfill) [9]. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 245 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 VIKOR is close to the ideal solution. However, TOPSIS is the best ranked option in terms of rating, which does not always mean that it is a near-perfect solution. In addition to classification, the VIKOR method proposes a compromise solution with a gain rate (Teng and Huang, 2011). III. BRIEF ON VARIOUS TECHNIQUES USED Fuzzy AHP fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (f-AHP)[8] embeds the fuzzy theory to basic Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), which was developed by Saaty [13]. Step 1: Decision maker compares the criteria or alternatives via linguistic terms shown in Table 1 According to the corresponding triangular fuzzy numbers of VIKOR METHOD these linguistic terms, for example if the decision maker state “Criterion 1 (C1) is Weakly important than Criterion 2 The VIKOR method is a multi-criteria decision making (C2)”,then it takes the fuzzy triangular scale as (2, 3, 4). On (MCDM) or multi-criteria decision analysis method. It was the contrary, in the pair wise contribution matrice of the originally developed by Serafim Opricovic to solve decision criteria comparison of C2 to C1 will take the fuzzy problems with conflicting and no commensurable (different triangular scale as (1/1, 1/3, 1/2). The pair wise contribution units) criteria, assuming that compromise is acceptable for matrice is shown in Eq1.[12] Where dij indicates the kth conflict resolution, the decision maker wants a solution that decision maker’s preference of ith criterion over jth criterion, is the closest to the ideal, and the alternatives are evaluated via fuzzy triangular numbers[11]. according to all established criteria. VIKOR ranks alternatives and determines the solution named compromise that is the closest to the ideal. The idea of compromise solution was introduced in MCDM by Po-Lung Yu in 1973[1] and by Milan Zeleny[2]. The VIKOR method was developed to solve multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problems with conflicting and non-commensurable (different units) criteria, assuming that compromising is acceptable for conflict resolution, the decision maker wants a solution that is the closest to the ideal, and the alternatives are evaluated according to all established criteria. The proposed methodology for reclaimer selection problem composed of VIKOR Method the MCDM method is very popular technique widely applied for determining the best solution among several alternatives having multiple attributes or alternatives . A MCDM problem can be presented by a decision matrix as follows: Here, i A represents ith alternative, i =1, 2,........., m; j Cx represents the jth criterion, j =1, 2,.........,n ; and xij is the individual performance of an alternative. The procedures for evaluating the best solution to an MADM problem include computing the utilities of alternatives and ranking these alternatives. The alternative solution with the highest utility is considered to be the optimal solution. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 246 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 The following steps are involved in VIKOR method [6] ,; Step 1: Representation of normalized decision matrix The normalized decision matrix can be expressed as Where v is the weight of the maximum group utility (usually follows: it is to be set to 0.5). The alternative have smallest VIKOR determined to be the best solution. F= [fij ]m×n (1) Here, Case Study fij = ������������������ ������2������������������������=1 , where I = 1,2,…..and Xij is the This study mainly focuses on the green Reclaimer performance of alternative Ai with respect to the jth selection problem of a oil company located in Amaravathi criterion. four possible Reclaimers have been determined by the expert. As a result of increasing consciousness of Step 2: Determination of ideal and negative-ideal environmental issues and being under pressure from solutions customers’ demand, the company tends to incorporate The ideal solution A* and the negative ideal solution A− is environmental criteria into reclaimer selection process. determined as follows: Find Best i.e (x ij ) max for beneficial, (x ij ) min for non- beneficial criteria and Worst (x ij ) min for beneficial, e (x ij ) max for non- beneficial criteria where X = { x = 1, 2 ,……..n| Xij , if desire response is = maximum} == X’ = { x = 1, 2 ,……..n| Xij , if desire response is Table3 : Relative fuzzy values of quality weights minimum} Price 1.778 2.45 3.03 Step 3: Calculation of utility measure and regret measure Quality 1.278 1.65 2.21 The utility measure and the regret measure for each alternative are given as: Environmental Competence 0.707 0.83 1.00 Where, Si and Ri , represent the utility measure and the Technology Level Satisfaction 0.258 0.30 0.36 regret measure, respectively, and wj is the weight of the jth criterion. Total 4.022 5.23 6.60 Step 4: Computation of VIKOR index The VIKOR index can be expressed as follows: Inverse(1/Col Value) 0.249 0.19 0.15 Ascending Order 0.15 0.19 0.249 Hence the relative fuzzy weights of each criterion are given Table 4; Table :4:fuzzy weights of all the criteria Where, Qi, represents the ith alternative VIKOR value, i =1, Price 0.27 0.47 0.75 2,........ , m; Quality 0.19 0.32 0.42 Environmental Competence 0.11 0.16 0.25 Technology Level Satisfaction 0.04 0.06 0.09 the relative non fuzzy weight of each criterion (Mi) is calculated by taking the average of fuzzy numbers for each criterion. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 247 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Ex: for price m1 = (0.29+0.47+0.75)/3 = 0.49 By using non fuzzy Mi ‘s, the normalize weights(Ni )of each criterion are calculated and tabulated in Table 5. Table 5.Normalised values of criteria of reclaimer Attribute Mi (Ni ) Price 0.49 0.49 Quality 0.29 0.29 Environmental Competence 0.15 0.15 Technology Level Satisfaction 0.07 0.07 Step 1: Representation of normalized decision matrix Step 4: Computation of VIKOR index The VIKOR index can be expressed as follows: Where, Qi, represents the ith alternative VIKOR value, i =1, 2,........ , m; Step 2: Determination of ideal and negative-ideal solutions Best i.e (x ij ) max for beneficial, (x ij ) min for non- beneficial and Worst (x ij ) min for beneficial, e (x ij ) max for non- beneficial R-Reclamier Step 3: Calculation of utility measure and regret Where v is the weight of the maximum group utility (usually measure it is to be set to 0.5). The alternative have smallest VIKOR The utility measure and the regret measure for each determined to be the best solution. alternative are given as: Check the Conditions Where, Si and Ri , represent the utility measure and the regret measure, respectively, and wj is the weight of the jth C1-Acceptable advantage ; C2- Acceptable stability in criterion. Decision making Check first condition:C1-Acceptable advantage Q(A2)-Q(A1) ≥ DQ Where DQ =1/(j-1) j is number of alternative =4 Q(A2)-Q(A1) ≥ DQ 0.258218 -0 = 0.258218 DQ= 1/(4-1) = 0.3 Check Second condition :C2- Acceptable stability in Decision making ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 248 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 If one of the conditions not satisfied, then a set of [5] Fei, L., Deng, Y., & Hu, Y. (2018). DS-VIKOR: A New Multi- compromise solution is proposed, which consists of: criteria Decision-Making Method for Supplier Selection. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems. • alternative a1 and a2 if only condition C2 is not satisfied, or [6] Sonu Bansal, Madhukar Chhimwal and Arvind Jayant A Comprehensive VIKOR and TOPSIS Method for Supplier Selection • Alternative a1, a2, . . . . . ,a(M) if in Supply Chain Management: A Case Study Journal of Material condition c1 is not satisfied; and a(M) is Science and Mechanical Engineering (JMSME) Print ISSN: 2393- determined by the relation Q(a(M)) - Q (a1) < DQ 9095; Online ISSN: 2393-9109; Volume 2, Number 12; July- for maximum M ( the positions of these September, 2015 pp. 8-13 alternatives are “ in closeness”) [7] Karuna Kumar G., M. Srinivasa Rao, Kesava Rao V.V.S., “Fuzzy IV. CONCLUSION multi objective technique for the quantity to be ordered on supplier” Many researchers and scholars have mentioned the International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering advantages of green supply chain management for Research and Development (IJMPERD) ISSN(P): 2249-6890; environment sustainability. Creating a close and long term ISSN(E): 2249-8001 Vol. 9, Issue 1, Feb 2019, 509-522 © TJPRC relation between the supplier and purchaser is one of the key Pvt. Ltd., SCOPUS Indexed Journal elements of supply chain creation success to obtain competitive advantage. Therefore, the issue of supplier [8] Karuna Kumar G., M. Srinivasa Rao, Kesava Rao V.V.S., “Fuzzy selection is the most important issue in effectively Optimization Technique in inventory cost minimization” International implementing supply chain. Reclamier selection is similar to Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume supplier selection in reviser logistics in this study initial 9, Issue 13, December 2018, pp. 1527–1536, ISSN Print: 0976-6340 select the four Reclamiers by Delphi method later evaluated and ISSN Online: 0976-6359, Scopus Indexed them by using Comprehensive AHP and VIKOR Method with four criteria such cost, quality, Technology level [9] Karuna Kumar G., M. Srinivasa Rao, Kesava Rao, V.V.S., “Supplier satisfaction and Environmental Competence. The Reclamier Selection and Order Allocation in Supply Chain” ScienceDirect who receives the highest ranking (minimum loss score) will ,Available online at, Published in Elsevier be selected to perform with the minimum VIKOR value as ,Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 12161–12173 follows [10] Karuna Kumar G., Kesava Rao V.V.S., “Supplier Selection and REFERENCES Evaluation in Supply Chain Management”International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 Index Copernicus [1] Po Lung Yu (1973) \"A Class of Solutions for Group Decision Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296,Volume 7 Issue 12, Problems\", Management Science, 19(8), 936–946. December 2018,1042-1050 [2] Milan Zelrny (1973) \"Compromise Programming\", in Cochrane J.L. [11] Karuna Kumar G., B. Karuna Kumar, Kesava Rao V.V.S., “An and M.Zeleny (Eds.), Multiple Criteria Decision Making, University Integrated Method for the Quantity to be ordered to Supplier” of South Carolina Press, Columbia. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Special Issue, March 2019,E-ISSN: 2321-9637:1-9 [3] Jiang, H. L., & Yao, H. X. (2013). Supplier Selection Based on FAHP-VIKOR-IVIFs. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 357-360, [12] T.L. SAATY, (1996) “Decision Making with Dependence and 2703–2707. Feedback: The Analytic Network Process”, RWS, Pittsburgh, PA. [4] Chatterjee, K., & Kar, S. (2017). Unified Granular-number-based [13] T.L. SAATY, (1980)The Analytic Hierarchy Process, McGraw-Hill, AHP-VIKOR multi-criteria decision framework. Granular New York. Computing, 2(3), 199–221. doi:10.1007/s41066-017-0039-4 [14] K.G.Durga Prasad , M.V.Prasad 2, S.V.V.Bhaskara Rao3, C.S.PatroSupplier Selection through AHP-VIKOR Integrated Methodology SSRG International Journal of Industrial Engineering ( SSRG – IJIE ) – Volume 3 Issue 3 – Sep to Dec 2016 [15] Adhikary. P., Roy. P.K and Mazumdar.A (2015), “Selection of small hydro power project site: A multi criteria optimization technique approach”, APRN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol.10, No.8, pp.3280- 3285. [16] Rao.R.V (2007), “Decision making in the manufacturing environment: using graph theory and fuzzy multiple attribute decision making methods”, Springer, London. [17] Tzeng.G.H and Huang. J.J (2011), “Multi-attribute decision making: Methods and Applications, CRC Press, Boca Raton. . ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 249 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 HIGHER LEVEL EQUIPMENT AND POLISH OUTLOOK FOR GAS TURBINE APPLICATIONS B.SAI VENKATA KRISHNA[1], Research Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Shri Jagdishprasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala University, Rajasthan. Dr.S.CHAKRADHAR GOUD[2], Principal, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Springfields Engineering College,Hyderabad. ABSTRACT: pneumatic dynamic motor requires a new The need for very specific hardness / compact compressor design with a few phases. hardness materials can only be satisfied by Gas turbine blades are designed for cooling design concepts using reinforced compounds. methods, as well as for cooling films in Carbon fiber made of high-strength and external cooling and thermal cooling in durable silicon in a high-temperature titanium internal cooling. The turbine blade is designed matrix is one of the main candidates whose with four-hole and six-hole heat cooling. The development will be described. Design film cools the air in the blade through several concepts for high-pressure turbines that small holes in the chassis. The current material incorporate thermal protection layers for used for the blade is chrome-plated steel. Here, ceramics, i.e. heat-insulating coatings, will go it is replaced by composite materials of beyond the natural limits provided by the ceramic matrix and silicon carbide. Advanced melting point of Ni-based super-turbine evaporation treatment using electron beam blades. The sophisticated design of the technology is the preferred choice for aerodynamic engine will focus on reducing manufacturing these coatings in highly rotating specific fuel consumption and increasing the parts. However, considerable efforts are still weight-to-weight ratio. In the end, this requires needed to improve these coatings, make them an increase in pressure ratios, as well as higher more reliable, and thus achieve a philosophy operating temperatures, and certainly poses a designed to fully exploit their potential. major challenge to the structural design and Keywords: gas turbine, rotor blade, steady materials used. High-capacity materials for state thermal analysis, fiber-reinforced high temperatures are required, as are very composites, thermal barrier coating. light structures. Reducing the weight of the ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 250 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 1. INTRODUCTION strength and excellent corrosion resistance. Therefore, titanium alloys are found in During the design of the new aero engine, aerospace applications where a combination of consideration should be given to the impact on weight, strength, corrosion resistance and / or key engine characteristics such as engine high temperature stability of light metal weight, specified fuel consumption (SFC), aluminum, high strength steel or nickel based manufacturing costs and serviceability. For super alloys is insufficient. In air motors, airlines, the direct operating costs of the titanium alloys represent the most important aircraft are an initial qualifying parameter. class of engine compressor materials. The Regardless of the specific fuel consumption, compressor blades were the first engine the propulsion / weight ratio is of great components made of titanium, and the titanium importance for military engines. The pay-to- compressor discs are then introduced. The weight ratio has been significantly improved large front fan blades of modern jet engines are over the years achieved by increased operating also often made of titanium alloy. Due to the temperature and structural efficiency. It is very constant increase in engine deviation rates, the clear that advanced materials play a key role latest blade designs exceed one meter in here. In fact, modern aircraft engines represent length. In these dimensions, the fan blade some of the most demanding and sophisticated blade can become a serious problem because building material applications in any the blade edges can reach the speed of sound engineering system manufactured today [1]. and cause acoustic / subsonic flow areas and The first addresses recent developments in associated shock waves. Advanced fan designs high pressure turbines / low pressure turbines have improved blade stiffness by increasing and focuses on light titanium alloys, titanium column width and reducing the number of aluminates and especially titanium matrix blades by about one third. Today, these \"wide compounds (TMCs). The second covers the propeller blades\" are used in the latest jet thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) of high aircraft engines [2]. The new Benz (G 800) pressure turbine blades that try to get rid of the and GE / Pratt & Whitney Engine Alliance bottleneck in developing improved (GP7200) Airbus A380 engines will be about performance engines. The excellent properties three meters in diameter and will include of titanium alloys include high specific ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 251 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 hollow titanium blades. Blisk technology is compressor made entirely of titanium. now standard in low and medium sized Titanium alloys that can be used at compressors for commercial and military temperatures around 600 ° C or higher are engines. In the Eurofighter EJ200 engine, for required. This has been the motivation for example, the three stages of the fan section are intensive research and development in the field of excellent design; the first two are of titanium aluminize. These substances, based manufactured by linear friction welding and on intermetallic compounds α2 (Ti3Al) and γ the third by ECM. (TiAl), have been studied for their ability to raise the application temperatures of titanium Fig 1: Three stage blisk compressor alloys to 650 ° C and 800 ° C, respectively. 2. METHADOLOGY Excellent creep resistance is due to the organized nature of the crystalline structure. This temperature limit for titanium alloys However, this structure also makes the means that the hottest parts of the compressor, intervals relatively fragile and difficult to i.e., the discs and the blade in the later stages distort. Alloys with Nb, Cr, V, Mn or Mo and of the compressor, must be made of twice the microstructure optimization are two ways to weight of nickel-based super alloys. In increase ductility. Adequate tolerance for addition, problems arise related to different damage, pathological oxidation behavior and thermal expansion behaviors and bonding productivity (cost) are key factors that will techniques in the two alloy systems. Therefore, determine the use of titanium acuminate in the huge efforts are being made to develop a aviation industry [3]. Due to the high reactivity of titanium alloys with SiC granules, manufacturing processes that occur with the least possible thermal load on the compound during manufacturing are preferred. Thus, processes based on vapor deposition and solid- state formability is considered. Today, the preferred route is fiber-coated matrix technology. The primary product is ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 252 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 homogeneously coated matrix fibers allowing The purpose of this project is to design and the manufacture of composite materials with analyze turbine pressure. Research is required excellent fiber coordination and precise matrix to use new materials. In the present work, the structure. Deposition of the magnetron spray turbine blade is designed with different layer from the vapor phase. Due to the high materials, Inconel 718 and Titanium D-6. Try deposition rate, the electron beam vapor to check the effect of temperature and pressure deposition (EB-PVD) is also used, but is caused by the turbine code. Thermal analysis limited to individual composition matrix was performed to verify the direction of alloys. In the second step, the matrix fibers are temperature flow due to convection. Structural assembled or arranged using matrix, for analysis was performed to investigate the example, winding techniques to achieve the effect of the combination of thermal loads and desired geometry of components, encapsulated centrifugal effects and shear forces and turbine and then compressed at an even temperature at plate displacement. We have tried to suggest a constant temperature of about 950 ° C and the best fit for the turbine index by comparing pressures of about 2000. Tape. In the last step, the results obtained from two different the component is formed to its final geometry. substances (Inconel 718 and T6 Titanium). Based on the designs and results, Inconel 718 can be considered the best economical material and has good physical properties at higher temperatures compared to titanium T6. Fig 2: Titanium matrix composite PAPER 2- Heat Transfer Analysis of Gas 3. LITERATURE SURVEY Turbine Blade Through Cooling Holes by K Hari Brahmaiah , M.Lava Kumar PAPER 1- Design and Analysis of Gas In advanced gas turbines, the operating Turbine Blade by Theju V, Uday P S , PLV temperature of the turbocharger operates above Gopinath Reddy , C.J.Manjunath the melting point of the blade material. An advanced cooling system should be developed to ensure the safe and continuous operation of ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 253 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 high performance gas turbines. Different ways variations. Viewing the effects of cooling jets of cooling the blades are offered. One of these on the perimeter wall using ammonium diazo techniques is the presence of radial holes at paper provides useful quality information for high air cooling speeds along the plate. Heat interpreting measurements, pathways and jet transfer analysis of gas turbines was performed responses that change at fast speed and flow on four different sample blades without holes rate. intensity. (5, 9 and 13) with holes. Reinforced wall). For heat transfer graphics and overall distribution, 4. RELEATED STUDY the code is optimized for 13 holes. A consistent and consistent analysis is performed In general, composite materials are highly using ANSYS with different chrome-plated dependent on the properties of the solvent. steel blades and Inconel 718. Comparison of Understanding the interaction between them these materials shows that although Inconel forms the basis for physical evolution. The 718 has excellent thermal properties, the specificity of embedded properties always induced stress is lower than chromium steels. depends on the stability of these reactions. Long-term durability and robustness to the PAPER 3 - Film Cooling of the Gas Turbine highest service temperatures are definitely a Endwall by Discrete-Hole Injection by M. highlight of the enhanced TMCs. Energy, or Y. Jabbari, K. C. Marston, E. R. G. Eckert more energy, energy associated with mass, and R. J. Goldstein is an important factor for structural simplicity and is a valuable property of great The film's cooling performance is tested for importance in design [4]. Dynamic injection through separate openings at the end aerospace and TMC data are shown in of the turbine blade. Efficiency is measured at Figure 6 for temperatures up to 700 ° C. about 60 sites in the injection area. Three Although they are strong (or medium), the nominal hit rates, two density rates and two aluminum alloys, α2Ti3Al or mushrooms Reynolds flow numbers are examined. Data (Ti2AlNb), al-alumate, and suparalloysi analysis reveals that up to 60 locations are (here 718) cover 10 to 25 km at room insufficient to determine the extent of the temperature and from 10 to 15 km at 800 ° film's cooling effect with its strong local C, The maximum TMC strength ranges from ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 254 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 40 to 60 km at room temperature and up to Fig. 3: Fatigue strength of TMCs in 50 km at 800 ° C. Maximum strength comparison depends on the fiber part. A maximum of 40% electrical fracture was obtained. For 5. APPLICATIONS SiC / TIMETAL 834, the maximum heat The future development of natural gas is resistance of 2400 MPa is recoverable, clearly aimed at raising the temperature of which is well consistent with the the turbine marine to more than 1700 ° C. calculations according to chemical law. The There is no doubt that this ambitious goal use of TMCs in advanced applications for can be achieved through by using non- advanced jet engines requires less energy; if economical televisions or by high the behavior is weak under heavy load, it is temperature applications, in particular by one of the most important criteria. Figure 7 expanding the use of heat exchangers (EB- shows the nonlinear force with reinforced PVD) using electromagnetic fields (TBCs). SiC fibers 5 Christoph Leyens TIMETAL ). Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) consisting of 834 under friction jump at temperatures up hot-tempered layers with reduced thermal to 700 ° C. The TMCs have a positive effect, conductivity - usually zirconia-stabilized particularly at 700 ° C where the fiber particles - are used in the air and only in strength is high in conductivity. The powder form skin. The paint showed good periodic pressure levels of TMC antagonists consistency of cement in the material [5] [6]. in LCF (low fatigue state) and HCF (high The TBCs application allows for increased fatigue condition) were more than 100% engine / performance by increasing the greater than nonlinear ones. Although the temperature or reducing air conditioning. On maximum continuous closure is about 400 the other hand, it is possible to extend the MPa, SiC / Ti reaches a fixed limit of more than 1000 MPa at 700 ° C. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 255 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 life of turtles by reducing the heat of iron as knowledge of real estate, their use is severely shown. During the process of EB-PVD, the restricted by applications. The following strong electric field is melted and the cement procedures should enhance TMC's ability to material is transferred into a vacuum increase acceptance in the manufacturing chamber. The cells are inserted internally market. Although most TMC applications during the healing process to ensure today focus on temperature, the future of TMC continued TBC. To achieve the is likely to be a future at high temperatures. measurement of specific elements of For large-scale heat exchangers such as power zirconium, the amount of oxygen is plants, Eb-PVD shows the highest potential for compromised in the discharge chamber. increasing turbine power. TBCs represent a Intravenous reservoirs are placed on a complex process involving (at least) storage tank at a rate of 3 to 30 microns / attachments, bandages, heat transfer heaters min. Specialized and polished microspheres and top cover. Each species can affect the life provide smooth surfaces without the need cycle of tuberculosis through a strong immune for final drying or cooling. Due to the system. Complex and commonly used microscopic structure, the life of TBCs is conditions, thermal, mechanical and prolonged and impairs tolerance. mechanical conditions of the equipment, Characteristics and many advantages of including heat transfer and cyclic effect, TBCs compared to heat exchanger and aggravate the situation. evaporator featuring EB-PVD TBC on a steam engine powered by DLR using 7. REFERENCES 150kW von Ardenne EB-PVD. [1] J.C. Williams, The Development of 6. CONCLUSION Advanced Gas Turbines: the Technical and Economic Environment, Proc. Materials for Mechanical devices, including high-strength, Advanced Power Engineering 1994, ed. D. high-strength and high-strength fiber- Coutsouradis, et al., Kluwer Academic reinforced titanium matrix materials, are ideal Publishers (1994) 1831-1846 for high-tech applications, for example in turbine engines. Due to high costs and lack of [2] M. Peters, J. Kumpfert, C.H. Ward, C. Leyens, Titanium Alloys for Aerospace ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 256 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Applications, in: Titanium and Titanium Alloys, Advanced Engineering Materials 5 (2003) 419-427 [3] F. Appel, M. Oehring, Gamma-Titanium Aluminide Alloys: Alloy Design and Properties, in: Titanium and Titanium Alloys, C. Leyens, M. Peters (eds.), 89152, Wiley- VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2003 [4] H. Kestler, H. Clemens, Production, Processing and Applications of γ(TiAl)-Based Alloys, in: Titanium and Titanium Alloys, C. Leyens, M. Peters (eds.), 351-392, Wiley- VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2003 [5] R. Leucht, H.J. Dudek, Properties of SiC- fibre reinforced titanium alloys processed by fibre coating and hot isostatic pressing, Materials Science & Engineering A188 (1994) 201-210 [6] C. Leyens, M. Peters, W.A. Kaysser, Oxidation Resistant Coatings for Application on High Temperature Titanium Alloys in Aeroengines, Advanced Engineering Materials 2 (2000) 1-5 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 257 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Experimental Study of Liquid Penetrant Test in Non Destructive Evaluation B.SAI VENKATA KRISHNA PRIYANKA SHASTRI P.PRATHYAKSHA RAVINDER Department of Mechanical Department of EEE Department of Civil Engineering Engineering Megha Institute of Engineering and Megha Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women Megha Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women Hyderabad,India Technology for Women Hyderabad,India [email protected] Hyderabad,India [email protected] [email protected] M.APARNA Department of Civil Engineering PAVITHRA.B K.SAMYUKTHA Megha Institute of Engineering and Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering Megha Institute of Engineering and Megha Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women Hyderabad,India Technology for Women Technology for Women Hyderabad,India Hyderabad,India [email protected] [email protected] Abstract— is used for condition monitoring of various items during operation to predict and assess the Non-Destructive Testing represents the remaining life of the component while retaining its testing techniques which are based on structural integrity, B.Raj[1].According to application of physical principles applied for Lalitha[2], every product is made up of material the purpose of determining characteristics of and these materials should go through the check of materials /components for detecting and quality in order to get a quality Product as an end assessing the harmful defects without effecting output. the usefulness of such materials. One of such method of testing is considered in this paper Till today NDT is widely used in assembling, called Dye Penetrant Testing/Liquid Penetrant fabrication and also to observe the in service of the Testing of NDT and experiment is conducted final product and its reliability .Mainly NDT is on the sample taken and studied. This paper used to ensure merit of components during the describes methodology of conducting the dye manufacturing and forging phases, while penetrant testing/technique and their continuing with NDT inspection use mainly go applications. The results are interpreted after with two important references that should be the examination, advantages and limitations , taken, whether to consider it to continue in service and necessary precautions that are to be taken for future and also should it be safe to use. during the testing are discussed in detail in this paper. It is mostly used to find dimension and locate the subsurface and surface glitches and Keywords—NDT, irregularities. penetrants,cracks,interpretation. • In NDT the most advantageous part is I. INTRODUCTION that we can utilize the components without damaging . Non Destructive Testing Plays an important role in the quality control of the finished products, • NDT is purposely used to lower the cost and also during various stages of manufacturing.It and eliminate setback during the manufacturing process. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 258 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

• NDT is generally used to develop the surface cavitiesw mainly depend on capillary reliability of product. action and surface tension. The cohesive forces between the molecules of a liquid causes surface Common Application of NDT: tension. 1. Flaw Detection 2. Soldering Principle: Capillary action is the phenomenon 3. Deterioration of rise or depression of liquid in narrow 4. Abrasion/ Wear. cavities[3]. According to USFRA –United State Federal Rail road Administration of safety analysis IV. MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR LPT reported that track defects are the second most leading cause of the accidents on railways in US. The following are the materials required for conducting the liquid penetrant testing. II. METHODS OF NDT 1. Brush: Used to clean the test specimen. There are various types of NDT methods present . 2. Cotton cloth : Used for removing access penetrant. 1. Liquid penetrant Testing. 2. Magnetic flux leakage 3. Magnifying Glass: Used to observe small 3. Vibration analysis. crack & flaws. 4. Infrared Testing. 5. Laser testing method 4. Hand Gloves: Used for protection & 6. Ultra sonic testing. hygiene purpose. 7. Thermography 8. Electro magnetic testing. 5. Mask : To avoid inhalation of pungent 9. Leak Testing smell. 10. Radiography. 6. Test specimen: Component on which the experiment is conducted. 7. Penetrant : Solvent removal Red penetrant. 8. Developer: Suspendable developer for liquid penetrant testing. 9. Cleaner: Penetrant remover/ cleaner for liquid penetrant. One of the above method called Liquid Specifications of the chemical used. penetrant Testing is used for experimentation and interpretation. Sl Name company code no III. LIQUID PENETRANT TESTING 36A 1 Cleaner Goldecs 36A Penetrant inspection utilizes the natural 36A accumulation of a fluid around a discontinuity to 2 Penetrant Goldecs create a recognizable indication of a crack or other surface opening defect.In order to locate the area 3 Developer goldecs of excess fluid (defect region),the background area must be of sufficient contrast thus leading to Surface Condition: distinct detection of the defect on the surface. • Surface condition for dye penetrate testing Penetrant inspection mainly depends on ability should be free from dirt, grease,particles of liquid to wet the surface of a solid component / that block pores or crack of test specimen. workpiece and flow over that surface to form a continuous and reasonably uniform coating,thus penetrating into cavities that are open to the surface.The ability of liquid to flow and enter into ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 259 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

• For conducting the testing the temperatures value range should be between 100C to 520C during whole testing duration. • For crack to be identified it should be within a range of 1mm. Crack Identification : Fig 1.b Cleaning of Specimen. On test specimen the cracks present at different Step 2: Application of Penetrant size,shape, depth ,etc their incitation and identification of crack differ.Crack The second step in the inspection process is the identification also depends upon the type of application of the penetrant on the specimen penetrant used during experiment like which is cleaned.Now thw pnetrant will move fluorescent and visible type or coloured type. smoothly over the surface and also get into the cracks.It requires certain time for the penetrant V. PROCEDURE to move into the crack . So time for which the penetrant enters into the crack is known as The following are the procedure steps involved dwell time. For different types of materials in doing the penetrant testing. there will different dwell times. Application of the penetrant can also be done by spraying or Step 1: Cleaning of the specimen. dipping the component in the bath of penetrant liquid or even by shown in fig.2 The initial step in doing the test is to clean the surface area of the specimen to be inspected. By doing so the defect which is supposed to be inspected must open to the surface for facilitating the penetrant to enter into the defect as shown in Fig 1.a & Fig1.b.If this cleaning is not done then scale,flakes,grease,dirt, paint, and other chemicals will try to accumulate the penetrant. Once the specimen is cleaned then it is dried up for certain in order to see that there is no moisture content is present on the component which will stop the penetrant to enter into the defect. Fig 1.a Cleaning of Specimen. Fig.2 Application of the penetrant ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 Step 3: Removal of excess penetrant This is one of the important step in the inspection process. It is essential to clean the surface of the speciemen with the help of cloth or so. Now the penetrant is settled in the cracks .Ensure that the component is not excessively cleaned so that the penetrant is also effected.So care has to be taken so that is not cleaned insufficient nor cleaned. 260 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

carried.The scanning can be done in presence of the day light or with ultraviolet light.And the recognition can be made by human eye, as shown in fig 5 .Each indication that appears should be evaluated.This process gives the the information of the discontinuity on the surface of the specimen, because penetrant provides information only for the surface defects. Fig 3. Removal of excess penetrant Fig 5. Inspection and evaluation Step 4: Application of the Developer After the removal of the penetrant is done , a VI. ADVANTAGES thin coating of developer is applied over the surface to draw the penetrant out of the crack 1. This method is capable of showing and increase its visibility, as shown in fig 4a.& discontinuities open to the surface of the 4b Another function of the developer is that it material. makes the surface of the specimen look contrast so that red penetrant is seen clearly.This 2. These are usually applied for identification increases the visibility of the defect. of cracks , laps,seams, porosity, etc like pressure vessels,pipes,weld joints. Fig 4.a Application of developer 3. This method is reliable in the detection of fatigue cracks which occur during the service life of a material. 4. It takes less time to identify the crack. 5. It is irrespective of shape,size and orientation of the defect. VII. LIMITATIONS 1. It cannot identify subsurface defects of the component. 2. In order to apply this method the surface has to be surface cleaned. 3. It cannot be applied for porous materials Fig 4.b Application of developer VIII.CONCLUSION Step 5 : Inspection and evaluation From the above experimentation is it observed This the last step of the inspection, were that surface cracks are clearly seen after certain scanning of the surface for indications is period of time once the developer is applied. This leads to the information that there are defects present on the surface which is seen in ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 261 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

coloured.Thus this NDT method is evaluated and [2] GN.oLnaDliethstar,uKc.tBivaela,” ETxepsteirnigmentalTeScthundiyqueosn” necessary defect is identified, and this helps in International Journal of Engineering Research further remedial measures for the component. and gneral Science,Vol-3,Issue 1,Jan-Feb 2015 IX. REFERENCES [3] T Endramawan,Asifa, “ Non Destructive Test [1] B”2,.3rPradrja,ETcdt.jiiactiyaolank,Nu2m0o0na7r,,dImSe.sBTsNthra-u9vc7atis8vi-me81uT-t7he3ust1,iT9ne-g7x”9t,bP7oa0ogke- Dye Penetrant and Ultrasonic on welding ASMSMAEW bustttanjdoairndt”2w0i1th8 accIeOpPtanceCoCnr.iSteerri.a: Mater.Sci Eng 306012122 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 262 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 STUDY AND ANALYSIS OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF WELDINGS L. Sunil Kumar1, A.Omnath2, 1Assistant Professor,2Student Department of Mechanical Engineering Nalla Narsimha Reddy Education Society’s Group of Institutions, Hyderabad, India ABSTRACT required to avoid burns, electric shock, vision damage, inhalation of poisonous gases and fumes, Welding is a fabrication process that joins and exposure to intense ultraviolet radiation. materials, usually metals or thermoplastics, by using high heat to melt the parts together and Keywords Welding joint, Strength, Arc allowing them to cool, causing fusion. Welding is Welding, Bending Moment of welding joint, distinct from lower temperature metal-joining Deflection, techniques such as brazing and soldering, which do not melt the base metal. I. INTRODUCTION In addition to melting the base metal, a filler DEFINITION OFWELDING material is typically added to the joint to form a pool of molten material (the weld pool) that cools “Welding is the process of joining together two to form a joint that, based on weld configuration pieces of metal so that bonding takes place at their (butt, full penetration, fillet, etc.), can be stronger original boundary surfaces”. When two parts to be than the base material (parent joined are melted together, heat or pressure or metal). Pressure may also be used in conjunction both is applied and with or without added metal with heat or by itself to produce a weld. Welding for formation of metallic bond. also requires a form of shield to protect the filler metals or melted metals from being contaminated Welding is the least expensive process and widely or oxidized. used now days in fabrication. Many different energy sources can be used for Welding process are employed in numerous welding, including a gas flame (chemical), Industries:- Manufacturing of automobile bodies an electric arc (electrical), a laser, an electron beam, friction, and ultrasound. While often an Aircraft Industries industrial process, welding may be performed in many different environments, including in open High speed and rail road cars air, under water, and in outer space. Welding is a hazardous undertaking and precautions are Structural work in bridges and buildings Ship building industry ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 263 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Refineries and pipeline fabrication Plastic Welding or Pressure Welding: When the metal piece acquires plastic state on heating, Machine tool industry external pressure is applied. In this process, externally applied forces play an important role in 1.1 NEED FORWELDING the bonding operation. “A group of welding processes which produces coalescence at With ever increasing demand for both high temperatures essentially below the melting point production rates and high precision, fully of the base materials being joined without the mechanized or automated welding processes have addition of a filler metal” is Pressure Welding taken a prominent place in the welding field. The Process. Without melting the base metal, due to rate at which automation is being introduced into temperature, time and pressure coalescence is welding process is astonishing and it may be produced. Some of the very oldest processes are expected that by the end of this century more included in solid state welding process. The automated machines than men in welding advantage of this process is the base metal does fabrication units will be found. not melt and hence the original properties are retained with the metals being joined. In addition, computers play critical role in running the automated welding processes and the Fusion Welding or Non-Pressure Welding: The commands given by the computer will be taken material at the joint is heated to a molten state and from the programs, which in turn, need algorithms allowed to solidify. In this process the joining of the welding variables in the form of operation involves melting and solidification and mathematical equations. To make effective use of any external forces applied to the system do not the automated systems it is essential that a high play an active role in producing coalescence. degree of confidence be achieved in predicting the Usually fusion welding uses a filler material to weld parameters to attain the desired mechanical ensure that the joint is filled. All fusion welding strength in welded joints. To develop processes have three requirements: Heat, mathematical models to accurately predict the Shielding and Filler material weld strength to be fed to the automated welding systems has become more essential. 1.3 DIFFERENT TYPES OF WELDING 1.2CLASSIFICATION OF WELDING Welding process can also be classified as PROCESSES follows: There are many types of welding techniques used Resistance Welding to join metals. The welding processes differ in the manner in which temperature and pressure are Flash Welding combined and achieved. Resistance Butt Welding The welding process is divided into two major categories: Seam Welding Plastic Welding or Pressure Welding Solid State Welding Fusion Welding or Non-Pressure Welding. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 264 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Forge Welding Fig: 1.3.1 Resistance welding Cold Welding Friction Welding Explosive Welding Diffusion Welding Ultrasonic Welding Thermo-Chemical Welding Thermit Welding Radiant Energy Welding Electron Beam Welding Laser Welding Resistance welding processes: Resistance Welding: Depending on the shape of the work pieces and the form of the electrodes, resistance welding Resistance welding is a welding technology processes can be classified into several variants widely used in manufacturing industry for joining among which the most commonly used are spot metal sheets and components. The weld is made welding, projection welding, seam welding and by conducting a strong current through the metal butt welding. More details are described below combination to heat up and finally melt the metals at localized point(s) predetermined by the design Flash welding: of the electrodes and/or the work pieces to be welded. A force is always applied before, during Flash welding is a type of resistance welding that and after the application of current to confine the does not use any filler metals. The pieces of metal contact area at the weld interfaces and, in some to be welded are set apart at a predetermined applications, to forge the work pieces distance based on material thickness, material composition, and desired properties of the finished weld. Current is applied to the metal, and the gap between the two pieces creates resistance and produces the arc required to melt the metal. Once the pieces of metal reach the proper temperature, they are pressed together, effectively forge welding them together. Fig:1.3.3 Flash welding Resistance Projection Welding: ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 265 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Projection welding is a resistance welding process directly applying opposing forces with electrodes for joining metal components or sheets with clamping the work pieces. A forging operation is embossments by directly applying opposing applied after the work pieces are heated up. Often forces with electrodes specially designed to fit the no melt occurs, thus a solid state weld can be shapes of the work pieces. The current and the obtained. heat generation are localized by the shape of the work pieces either with their natural shape or with Butt welding is applied in manufacturing of wheel specially designed projection. Large deformation rims, wire joints and railway track joints etc or collapse will occur in the projection part of the work pieces implying high process/machine II. Solid state welding is a group of welding dynamics. processes which produces coalescence at temperatures essentially below the melting point Projection welding is widely used in electrical, of the base materials being joined, without the electronics, automotive and construction addition of brazing filler metal. Pressure may or industries, and manufacturing of sensors, valves may not be used. These processes are sometimes and pumps etc erroneously called solid state bonding processes: this group of welding processes includes cold Fig 1.3.4 Resistance Projection Welding welding, diffusion welding, explosion welding, Resistance Seam Welding: forge welding, friction welding, hot pressure welding, roll welding, and ultrasonic welding. Seam welding is a resistance welding process for joining metal sheets in continuous, often leak Cold welding is a solid state welding process tight, and seam joints by directly applying which uses pressure at room temperature to opposing forces with electrodes consisting of produce coalescence of metals with substantial rotary wheels. The current and the heat generation deformation at the weld. are localized by the peripheral shapes of the electrode wheels. Welding is accomplished by using extremely high pressures on extremely clean interfacing Seam welding is mostly applied in manufacturing materials. Sufficiently high pressure can be of containers, radiators and heat exchangers etc. obtained with simple hand tools when extremely thin materials are being joined. When cold welding heavier sections a press is usually required to exert sufficient pressure to make a successful weld. Fig 1.3.5 Resistance Seam Welding Resistance Butt Welding: Butt welding is a resistance welding process for joining thick metal plates or bars at the ends by 266 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Indentations are usually made in the parts being usually involves the rotating of one part against cold welded. The process is readily adaptable to another to generate frictional heat at the junction. joining ductile metals. Aluminium and copper are When a suitable high temperature has been readily cold welded. Aluminium and copper can reached, rotational motion ceases and additional be joined together by cold welding. pressure is applied and coalescence occurs. Fig:2.1Cold Welding Fig:3.1 Diffusion Welding Diffusion welding is a solid state welding process Hot Pressure Welding (HPW): which produces coalescence of the faying surfaces by the application of pressure and elevated Hot pressure welding is a solid state welding temperatures. The process does not involve process which produces coalescence of materials microscopic deformation melting or relative with heat and the application of pressure sufficient motion of the parts. Filler metal may or may not to produce macro- deformation of the base metal. be used. This may be in the form of electroplated surfaces. In this process coalescence occurs at the interface between the parts because of pressure and heat The process is used for joining refractory metals which is accompanied by noticeable deformation. at temperatures that do not affect their The deformation of the surface cracks the surface metallurgical properties. Heating is usually oxide film and increases the areas of clean metal. accomplished by induction, resistance, or furnace. Welding this metal to the clean metal of the Atmosphere and vacuum furnaces are used and abutting part is accomplished by diffusion across for most refractory metals a protective inert the interface so that coalescence of the faying atmosphere is desirable. surface occurs. This type of operation is normally carried on in closed chambers where vacuum or a Fig:2.2 Diffusion Welding III. Friction Welding (FRW): Friction welding is a solid state welding process which produces coalescence of materials by the heat obtained from mechanically-induced sliding motion between rubbing surfaces. The work parts are held together under pressure. This process ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 267 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 shielding medium may be used. It is used energy into mechanical energy. The transducer is primarily in the production of weld ments for the coupled to the work by various types of tooling aerospace industry. A variation is the hot isocratic which can range from tips similar to resistance pressure welding method. In this case, the welding tips to resistance roll welding electrode pressure is applied by means of a hot inert gas in a wheels. The normal weld is the lap joint weld pressure vessel. Fig 3.2 Hot Pressure Welding Ultrasonic Welding (USW): Fig: 3.3Ultrasonic Welding Ultrasonic welding is a solid state welding Forge welding (FOW) is a solid-state welding process which produces coalescence by the local process that joins two pieces of metal by heating application of high-frequency vibratory energy as them to a high temperature and then hammering the work parts are held together under pressure. them together. It may also consist of heating and Welding occurs when the ultrasonic tip or forcing the metals together with presses or other electrode, the energy coupling device, is clamped means, creating enough pressure to cause plastic against the work pieces and is made to oscillate in deformation at the weld surfaces. The process is a plane parallel to the weld interface. one of the simplest methods of joining metals and has been used since ancient times. Forge welding The combined clamping pressure and oscillating is versatile, being able to join a host of similar and forces introduce dynamic stresses in the base dissimilar metals. With the invention of electrical metal. This produces minute deformations which and gas welding methods during the Industrial create a moderate temperature rise in the base Revolution, manual forge-welding has been metal at the weld zone. This coupled with the largely replaced, although automated clamping pressure provides for coalescence across forge-welding is a common manufacturing the interface to produce the weld. Ultrasonic process. energy will aid in cleaning the weld area by breaking up oxide films and causing them to be carried away. The vibratory energy that produces the minute deformation comes from a transducer which converts high-frequency alternating electrical ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 268 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Exothermic welding, also known as exothermic bonding, thermite welding (TW), and thermit welding, is a welding process that employs molten metal to permanently join the conductors. The process employs an exothermic reaction of a thermite composition to heat the metal, and requires no external source of heat or current. The chemical reaction that produces the heat is an reaction between aluminium powder and a metal oxide Fig: 3.4Forge welding IV. RADIANT ENERGY WELDING: THERMO-CHEMICAL WELDING: Laser beam welding: One such process is gas welding. It once ranked as Atoms are pumped into a closed container using equal in importance to the metal-arc welding xenon lamp to high energy level this high energy processes but is now confined to a specialized atoms area of sheet fabrication and is probably used as much by artists as in industry. Gas welding is a Releases the energy in the form of photons fusion process with heat supplied by burning through the reflecting acetylene in oxygen to provide an intense, closely controlled flame. Metal is added to the joint in the Surfaces that receive large amount of light rays, form of a cold filler wire. A neutral or reducing which come with different phases, with different flame is generally desirable to prevent base-metal wavelengths convert into a single monochromatic oxidation. By deft craftsmanship very good welds coherent light rays. This is focused onto the work can be produced, but welding speeds are very low. piece at a given point by using optical focusing Fluxes aid in preventing oxide contamination of lens. the joint. Due to high energy of the laser which are focused . on the work piece heat generation is maximum and depth of penetration is maximum When Thermit welding: compared to electron beam welding heat concentration of the work piece is less It will be used for welding of low melting point, material more accurately in electronic industries that is fabrication of printed circuit boards and radio engineering ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 269 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Fig:4.1 Laser beam welding 4.1 Defects in welding Electron Beam Welding: This technique is used for joining of high strength, The lack of training to the operator or careless high melting point and high thickness materials, application of welding technologies may cause where more precision joint are produced By discontinuities in welding. In aluminium joints applying a tungsten electrode at high temperatures obtained by fusion welding, the defects such as electrons are emitted porosity, slag inclusion, solidification cracks etc., These electrodes will be directed towards the are observed and these defects deteriorates the anode Depending on position of the anode weld quality and joint properties. electrons are associated and they come out of Common weld defects found in welded joints: annular anode By creating the magnetic field These defects may result in sudden failures which using the field electrons, they converge as single are unexpected as they give rise to stress ray of electron beam which is focusing on the intensities. work piece at a given point Due to which heat concentration on the work The common weld defects include piece will be very high and the depth of Porosity penetration is maximum Lack offusion Due to small diameter of the electron beam weld Inclusions bead width is very small and depth of penetration Cracking is maximum Undercut Depending on the thickness of the material and Lamellar tearing the melting point temperature of the material, the Porosity: potential difference between cathode and anode, distance between cathode and anode is controlled. Fig:4.2 ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 270 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Porosity occurs, when the solidifying weld metal Due to thermal shrinkage, strain at the time of has gases trapped in it. The presence of porosity in phase change, cracks may occur in various most of the welded joints is due to dirt on the directions and in various locations in the weld surface of the metal to be welded or damp area. Due to poor design and inappropriate consumables. It is found in the shape of sphere or procedure of joining high residual stresses, as elongated pockets. The region of distribution of cracking is observed. A stage-wise pre-heating the porosity is random and sometimes it is more process and stage-wise slow cooling will prevent concentrated in a certain region. By storing all the such type of cracks. This can greatly increase the consumables in dry conditions and degreasing and cost of welded joints. Cracks are classified as hot cleaning the surface before welding, porosity can cracking and hydrogen induced cracking. A be avoided. schematic diagram of center line crack Lack of Fusion V.CONLUSION Due to too little input or too slow traverse of the There are problem occurs on the different types welding torch, lack of fusion arises. By increasing welding process. the temperature, by properly cleaning the weld surface before welding and by selecting the To get a best result of this welding process, appropriate joint design and electrodes, a better student must know the angle that are used, weld can be obtained. On extending the fusion concentration, and the movement of the electrode zone to the thickness of the joints fully, a good and speed of moving the electrode. quality joint can be obtained. The thickness of the metal and type of the Inclusions electrode are used are the factor in different types of welding process. Due to the trapping of the oxides, fluxes and electrode coating materials in the weld zone the Factor that affect results of that different types of inclusions are occurred. Inclusions occur while welding. joining thick plates in several runs using flux cored or flux coated rods and the slag covering a Gas Welding samples and Arc Welding samples run is not totally removed after every run and yielded better results at higher sliding velocities before the next run starts. By maintaining a clean above 1.571 m/s with various sliding distances surface before the run is started, providing and various loads compared to TIG Welded sufficient space for the molten weld metal Samples. Gas Welding and Arc Welding process between the pieces to be joined, the inclusions can can be carried out for components subjected to be prevented. medium wearing conditions. References Cracking ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 271 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 1. Cary HB and Helzer S. Modern welding 12. Mackerle J. FEM and BEM analysis and technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice modelling of residual stresses: a bibliography Hall, 2004. (1998–1999). Finite Elem Anal Des 2001; 37: 253–262. 2. Serope K and Steven S. Manufacturing engineering and technology. Upper Saddle River, 13. Wahab MA and Painter MJ. Numerical NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001. models of gas metal arc welds using experimentally determined weld pool shapes as 3. Klas W. Welding processes handbook. New the representation of the welding heat source. Int J York: CRC Press, 2003. PresVes Pip 1997; 73: 153–159. 4. Rosenthal D.The theory of moving sources of 14. Murthy YV, Rao GV and Iyer PK. heat and its application to metal treatments. Trans Numerical simulation of welding and quenching ASME 1946; 68: 849–865. processes using transient 5. Kamala V and Goldak J. Error due to two 15. Gery D, Long H and Maropoulos P. Effects of dimensional approximation in heat transfer welding speed, energy input and heat source analysis of welds. Weld J 1993: 440–446 distribution on temperature variations in butt joint welding. J Mater Process Technol 2005; 167: 6. Pavelic V,Tanbakuchi R, Uyehara. 393–401 Experimental and computed temperature histories in gas tungsten arc welding of thin plates. Weld J 1969; 48(7): 295– 305. 7.Thermo-mechanical analysis of the welding process using the finite element method. J Press Vess: T ASME 1975; 97(3): 206–213. 8. Krutz GW and Segerlind LJ. Finite element analysis of welded structures. Weld J Res Suppl 1978; 57: 211–216. 9. Andersson BAB. Thermal stresses in a submerged-arc welded joint considering phase transformations. J Engg Mater Technol: T ASME 1978; 100: 356–362. 10. Goldak JA and Akhlaghi M. Computational welding mechanics. New York: Springer, 2005. 11. Chakravarti AP, Goldak JA and Rao AS. Thermal analysis of welds. In: Proceedings of the international conference on numerical methods in thermal problems. Swansea, 15–18 July 1985. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 272 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 Study of Mechanical Behavior of the Metal Matrix Composites Satish Kumar.B1, Janardhana Raju.G2, 1Associate Prof, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad Corresponding Author: (+91) 9849429109, [email protected] 2 Professor ,Department of Mechanical Engineering Nalla Narasimha Reddy Education Society’s Group of Institutions, Hyderabad Abstract- Keywords: Aluminum, Composites, Microstructure, Mechanical properties, Now a day’s Aluminum based metal matrix Metal Matrix Composites composites are widely used for structural, aerospace, marine and automobile 1. Introduction applications due to its light weight, high strength and low production cost. The The importance of materials in modern purpose of designing metal matrix world can be realized from the fact that composite is to add the desirable attributes much of the research is being done to apply of metals and ceramics to the base metal. In new materials to different components. this study an attempt is made to develop However it is natural for a design engineer Aluminum metal matrix composite with to rely on trusted and tested materials, but Aluminum 6061 alloy by reinforcing with now the world is changing .Today graphite particles by method of stir casting. composite materials have changed all the This technique is less expensive and very material engineering. The evolution of effective. The tensile test, Hardness test and composite materials has given an Wear test were performed on the specimens. opportunity to various designers to use new The properties of the Metal Matrix and better materials resulting in cost Composites were superior to that of reduction, increase in efficiency and better conventional metals. utilization of available resources. Composite materials are finding their applications in aerospace industry, automobile sector, ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 273 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 manufacturing industries etc. Materials can matrix material and Fly ash is good and he be classified based on different properties also observed that there is no gap between such as physical and chemical properties, the Particle and matrix Material Aluminum- geological, biological or philosophical ceramic reinforced metal matrix composites properties have been produced widely owing to their high strength to-weight ratio, improved Composite Material is a material made from stiffness, better corrosion resistance, reduced two or more constituent materials, one being density, and survival at high temperature, a metal necessarily; the other material may superior dampness and excellent be different metal or another material such dimensional stability [1–3]. These as ceramic or organic compound. With composites synthesized by ex-situ methods significantly different physical or chemical might lead to thermodynamic instability; properties, when combined produce a segregation and poor adhesion of the material with characteristics different from reinforcements at the matrix interface [4, 5]. the individual components. When at least Composites have varying physical properties three materials are present, it is called as and therefore, different mechanical hybrid composite. behaviors in a system, but due to the general tendency for research to be done on Nowadays composite materials are replacing increasing strength and reducing the weight conventional materials due to their high of the material, we are given a rough strength to weight ratio, bio degradable estimate on how composites in metals nature, wear and corrosion resistance. behave mechanically when they are acted on Mohan Kumar et al [9] found the Ultimate [6]. For the composite to work, the matrix tensile strength of Al-4.5 wt% Cu-2 wt % has to be in good bonding with the Fly ash -3 wt%. SiC composites to be higher reinforcement or the load does not get than the Base Matrix composite of Al - transmitted properly, these properties 4.5wt%of Copper alloy. They stated that this usually include,” perfect wettability” and material exhibits high strength to weight light weight [7]. Each MMC type will have ratio and good fatigue resistance. Anilkumar its own mechanical properties due to the et al [10] stated that the bonding between the ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 274 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 physical arrangement of phases that will Metal matrix composites (MMCs) possess influence greatly the bonding and shape of some significant properties such as: materials between one another [8]. Radhika et al [11] stated that the incorporation of • High specific strength Graphite as primary reinforcement, which • Specific modulus forms the protective layer between the pin • Damping capacity and the counter face, increases wear • Good wear resistance. resistance. Manoj Singla et al [12] found that a sample which contains 25% SiC gives Composition: Metal Matrix Composites are the best value in Hardness and Toughness, made by dispersing a reinforcing material i.e., Hardness 45.5 BHN and Impact into a metal matrix. The reinforcement Strength 36 N-m. Beyond this weight surface can be coated to prevent a chemical fraction, the hardness decreases because SiC reaction with the matrix. Carbon fibers are particles interact with each other resulting in commonly used in aluminum matrix to cluster formation since, no work has been synthesize composites. Two important parts carried out using Silicon Carbide-Copper as of MMC are reinforcement and matrix. reinforcement for Aluminum. In this work fabricated metal matrix composites and Matrix: The matrix is the monolithic tested their properties using combination. material into which the reinforcement is embedded, and is completely continuous. 2. Metal Matrix Composite There is a path through the matrix to any point in the material, unlike two materials A Metal Matrix Composite is composite sandwiched together. When a load is material with at least two constituent parts, applied, the matrix shares the load with one being a metal. The other material may reinforcement. The matrix is usually a be a different material or another material, lighter metal such as aluminum, magnesium such as ceramic or organic compound. For or titanium and provides a compliant support example carbon fibers are commonly used in for the reinforcement. Nylon, epoxy, aluminum matrix to synthesize composites. polyester, aluminum, magnesium, titanium are some of the matrix elements. ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 275 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 2.1 Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite reinforcements are Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Aluminum Oxide Today we are widely using aluminum based metal matrix composite for structural, 2.2. Properties of Metal-Matrix aerospace, marine and automobile Composites (MMCS) applications for its light weight, high strength and low production cost. The Composites material, plastics and ceramics purpose of designing metal matrix have been the dominant emerging materials composite is to add the desirable attributes in many industries over the last decade. The of metals and ceramics to the base metal. In motive behind the use of metal matrix this study we developed aluminum metal composite components in the automotive, matrix composite with Aluminum 6061 agriculture and mining sectors is based on alloy by reinforcing with graphite particles requirements for weight reduction and in by method of stir casting. This technique is pursuit of high efficiency and performance less expensive and very effective. The in the material. The automotive industry is tensile test & Hardness test The properties subjected to increasingly restrict fuel of the MMC were superior to that of economy requirements by consumers, conventional metals. demanding improved comfort and safety. To meet these requirements, automotive Applications of Aluminum MMCs: manufacturers are turning to light weight and improved efficient products. Aluminum 1. Aerospace metal matrix composites (AMMC's) with 2. Automobiles high specific stiffness and high strength 3. Aircraft applications could be used in long-term application in 4. Electrical and chemical industries. which saving weight is an important feature; such applications include robots, high speed Selection of the reinforcement: machinery, high-speed rotating shafts, and automotive engine and brake parts. Two The reinforcement should be stable in the types of MMCs are used in wear given working temperature and non – applications: composites with graphitic-type reactive too. The most commonly used ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 276 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 reinforcements and those with hard ceramic and support structures for electronic reinforcements. The addition of graphite to packages the matrix alloys alters the coefficient of friction between the composite and counter 3. Processing of Metal Matrix Composite face, leading to prolonged wear life during Materials sliding. The addition of hard ceramic particles increases the hardness of the These metal matrix composites have many composite, which enhances the resistance of advantages as compared to monolithic the matrix to the penetration and reduces metals as discussed above so their subsequent removal of material by wear applications are increasing day by day in debris and other third-body particles found various fields. Various processes are used to in the wear environment. It should be manufacture MMCs which are described emphasized that wear resistance is not a here. These processes are classified on the material property, but is a system response basis of temperature of the metallic matrix dependent on intrinsic materials properties during processing Accordingly, the and extrinsic factors related to the wear processes can be classified into four environment. Unlike mechanical properties, categories: no single definable material parameter exists to universally quantify wear behavior. 1. liquid-phase processes Advancements in casting technologies have 2. Solid–liquid processes resulted in methods of manufacturing 3. Deposition techniques reinforced Al-MMCs containing high 4. In situ processes. volume fractions (>40 vol%) of reinforcements. These composites have a 3.1 Sample Preparation of Aa6061– coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) Graphite MMC Using Stir Casting similar to those of integrated circuit Method materials. Consequently, these types of composites are used as thermal management In this work stir casting method is used to prepare the MMC specimens. As it is most economical and commonly used process for the manufacturing of the composites. In which Aluminum 6061 is taken as main ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 277 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 metal and Graphite as reinforcement. Here Table .1 Tensile test report for 5% Aluminum 6061 taken is 3kgs and Graphite specimen: powder is 250 gms. The die is made using mold casting process, cylindrical specimens Sl.No Description Specifications were prepared each with three different percentages of reinforcement say 5%, 10% 1 Specimen shape Solid round and15%. 4. Testing of the MMC Specimens 2 Material type Al. Alloy After preparing the required composite 3 Specimen ∅20mm×120mm, specimens of Aluminum 6061+Graphite MMC’s, the assessment of Mechanical description 5%Graphite properties like hardness & tensile strength was carried out. The main objective of these reinforcement tests is to found out the mechanical behavior of the composites 4 Specimen 6.0 mm 4.1 Tensile Test Diameter Tensile test is carried out on different test 5 Initial Gauge 25 mm samples and results are tabulated in Tables 1, 2 & 3 length 6 Pre load value 0 KN 7 Max. Load 600 KN 8 Max. 250 mm Elongation 9 Specimen cross 28.37 ������������2 section area 10 Final gauge 25.92 mm length 11 Load at yield 1.5 KN 12 Yield stress 52.875 N/������������������ 13 Load at peak 1.680 KN 14 Tensile strength 59.220 N/������������������ 15 % Elongation 3.68 % Table .2 Tensile test report for 10% specimen: Sl.N Descripti Specifications o on 1 Specimen Solid round shape 2 Material Al. Alloy type 3 Specimen ∅20mm×120mm,10%Gr descriptio aphite reinforcement n ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 278 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 4 Specimen 6.0 mm reinforcement Diameter 4 Specimen 6.24 mm 5 Initial 25 mm Diameter Gauge 5 Initial 25 mm length Gauge 6 Pre load 0 KN length value 6 Pre load 0 KN 7 Max. 600 KN value Load 7 Max. Load 600 KN 8 Max. 250 mm 8 Max. 250 mm Elongatio Elongation 9 Specimen 30.58 ������������2 n 9 Specimen 28.37 ������������2 cross cross section area section 10 Final gauge 25.23 mm area length 10 Final 25.92 mm 11 Load at 0.81 KN gauge yield length 12 Yield stress 26.487 N/������������������ 11 Load at 1.02 KN 13 Load at 0.900 KN yield 33.677 N/������������������ peak 12 Yield 14 Tensile 19.430 N/������������������ stress strength 13 Load at 1.170 KN 15 % 0.92% peak 38.629 N/������������������ Elongation 14 Tensile strength 15 % 0.56 % By observing tensile test results, the ultimate tensile strength values are reducing Elongatio by increasing the reinforcement. The tensile strength is more at 5% reinforcement of n graphite. The tensile strength is decreasing by about 20% for 10% reinforcement and by Table .3 Tensile test report for 15% 39% for 15% reinforcement when compared with 5% reinforcement. specimen: 4.2 Hardness Test: Sl.No Description Specifications 1 Specimen Solid round shape 2 Material Al. Alloy type 3 Specimen ∅20MM×120MM, description 15%Graphite ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 279 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

Proceedings of RTIME-2K20 4th National Conference on Recent Trends & Innovations in Mechanical Engineering 24th & 25th July, 2020 The main objective of this test is to find the are low. The hardness of the composite is hardness of the composite sample at less than that of the AA6061 alloy. different 5. CONCLUSIONS reinforcements. Results of hardness is tabulated in Table.4 The mechanical properties of Aluminum 6061 with 5%, 10% & 15% graphite Table. 4. Hardness of the samples at reinforcements are investigated for tensile different reinforcements test & Hardness tests. The Aluminum MMC of 3 different reinforcements of dimensions Sample Id Hardness Values 20mm dia and 120mm length each are 5%Graphite 63.4,59.4,68.7 -Avg. 65.7 prepared using stir casting process. The reinforcement following are the conclusions drawn from 10%Graphite HV the thesis: reinforcement 63.8,51.6,54.0-Avg. 56.4 15%Graphite • By observing tensile test results, the reinforcement HV tensile strength values are reducing 56.2,52.5,50.1-Avg. 52.9 by increasing the reinforcement. The tensile strength is decreasing by HV about 20% for 10% reinforcement and by 39% for 15% reinforcement By observing hardness test results, the when compared with 5% hardness values are reducing by increasing reinforcement. the reinforcement. The graph shows that there is a decrease in the hardness values • The Tensile strength values are and the decrease in hardness is more from 5 highest at lower wt%. of graphite i.e. to 15% reinforcement. This is because due 5 w.t.% to the addition of graphite which acts as a lubricant. The hardness of the composite • By observing the hardness values it decreased from 65.7 VHN to 52.9 VHN. was inferred that as the The hardness value is high at the 5% reinforcement increases the hardness reinforcement that is when the values decreased. The main reason reinforcement is high the obtained hardness ISBN: 978-93-5268-241-6 280 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NNRG.

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