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2015 Yearbook_210915

Published by joelleenver, 2015-09-21 05:47:39

Description: 2015 Yearbook_210915


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Bisop's Message You are the salt of the earth … you are the light of the world. Matthew 5:13, 14 ESVThese are two very contrasting elements of nature, salt and light. Yet, they are also Education equips us with knowledge and skills for living. It also edifies us so thatso similar in many ways. we contribute to the well-being of others around us. We bring hope about whatSalt belongs to the earth. It is a humble ingredient. However it is indispensable is there in our the food that we eat, as it adds taste and flavour. It also cleanses and preserves. However, let us not forget that we have to be dependent on another Source,These processes take place without visible signs. greater than who we are. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12)Light, on the other hand, is meant to be seen. In fact, we cannot see without it. and “I have come that they may have life and that they may have itIt calls for attention. Without it, we cannot move around in our daily activities. more abundantly” (John 10:10). If we stray from Him, we lose our saltiness, and the light within us becomes darkness.The complexity of these two elements is seen in two similar ways. First, they are Let your years in ACS be formative years of preparing you to be salt and light inboth transformative. To be in contact with them is to bring about change. Salt the world. May the ingredients of intellectual, social, and spiritual elements comechanges the elements by penetration. Light changes the elements by heating it together in the right mix to enable you to be the salt of the earth. May the truth ofup. God that you read and hear during these years be your source of hope for you toSecondly, salt can lose its saltiness, and light can be extinguished. To be able live and share in the years to continue in effectiveness, both have to depend on other sources. Salt is acombination of two poisonous elements (sodium and chlorine) coming together exact proportion resulting in a neutral substance. Light, at least the naturalone that enables us to see the world around us, originates from the sun. Block the Rev Dr Wee Boon Huplight, and we will not see. Bishop The Methodist Church in Singapore Jesus tells us that our lives are to be like these two elements. Like the salt, we are to be humble agents of change by being immersed in the lives of people around us.10 We are to prevent decay and corruption. As light, we are to shine the way forward so that people can see where they are heading.

CHAirman ' s MessageIt has been a blessed year in which we celebrated Singapore’s 50th anniversary doubt continue to evolveof Independence and the 129th anniversary of the founding of the Anglo- but as a beacon in Singa-Chinese School. We have much to give thanks for and much to do so that our pore’s educational land-blessings may in turn continue to benefit others. scape, we must continue toTo commemorate SG50, the ACS Schools collectively embarked on an initiative be a bold and steadfast ex-called “SG50 ACtS ”. As a gift to the Nation, 50 Acts of Service were identified ample of education steepedas meaningful projects in which ACS could be of service to the community. in Christian values thatThese projects have run throughout the school year and will culminate on our brings out the best in each130th Founder's Day. of our students – one thatMy congratulations to ACS (Independent) for a year dedicated to the embodies servant leader-Glory of God and by His Grace for a year filled with Growth, Learning and ship with care and compas-Accomplishment. You have carried out your activities this past year true to your sion.theme verse, “… you are the salt of the earth and light of the world” Matthew To our students, continue5:13-16. In all the key areas of Academics, Sports, Arts, Uniformed Groups and to avail yourselves ofSpiritual Growth you continue to do well. My thanks to Mr Winston Hodge the education at ACSand the ACS (Independent) staff for their leadership and dedicated service. (Independent) to prepareIssac Newton once said “If I have seen a little farther it is by standing on the for the opportunities andshoulders of Giants”. These profound words are certainly applicable to all of us challenges that lie ahead. Toin the ACS Family of Schools. We are the beneficiaries of the dedicated work our graduates, make that positive difference in the lives of those around you.and sacrifices of the pioneers and benefactors from generations past. This past Keep strong ties with the school, join the OBA and search for meaningful areasyear saw the passing of 3 pioneers who had a significant impact on ACS: Our where you can contribute to future generations of ACSians. To the principal,former Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew, Mr Lee Seng Wee and Mr Chee senior administration, educators, staff, instructors, coaches, parents, alumniKeng Lim. and families - it takes a village to educate the child – thank you for your tirelessMr Lee Kuan Yew together with his team of pioneer leaders put in place the efforts this past year and in the years to come.environment conducive for the ACS Schools in Singapore to grow and tothrive. Mr Lee Seng Wee and his family have been long time benefactors to our To God be the Gloryschools. Mr Chee Keng Lim, was principal of the Anglo-Chinese School and The Best Is Yet To Bethe founding principal of the Anglo-Chinese Junior College. We are remindedby their examples that our responsibility is to build on their good work and Richard Seowimprove the opportunities for the generations that are to come. ChairmanEducation and innovation have brought about new technologies changing the ACS Board of Governorsfabric of society and how we live. Much of what we learn and how we learnit has seen significant transformation. Even as the educational curriculum has 11changed, ACSians, ever resilient and adaptable, must learn to master subjectmatter and skillsets that will not only make them relevant to contemporaryneeds but also to apply those skillsets for a purposeful life.It is in the application of education that lie some distinctive features of ACS –camaraderie, collaboration, loyalty and resilience. At ACS, education will no




Principal' s MessageThe theme for our school this year comes from Matt 5: 13-16 \" are is how she served. Those 15the salt of the earth and light of the world.\" In these verses, we take in- whom she taught speakspiration from Jesus’ challenge to His followers to be like salt and light of a firm and fair teacher –whose effect is to preserve, protect and illuminate. who listened to them andWhen we decide to act like salt and light, we make a conscious decision cared for them, a teacher– to preserve and enhance what is good, to protect what is eternal and whom they rememberenduring and to cast light in order to provide clarity, direction and dis- for her grace, charm andcernment. In using our gifts in these ways, we are setting the stage where class. We have indeedthe future is one where the Best Is Yet to Be. been blessed to have had aAgainst the backdrop of the national celebrations for Singapore’s 50th teacher and colleague likebirthday, this theme took on a special significance as Singaporeans re- Mrs Anna Lim. We wishflected on our journey together, celebrated what makes us Singaporean her God’s blessings – goodand took action to contribute towards shaping Singapore as a nation. health, much happinessAt ACS (Independent), as part of the SG50 ACtS of Service, our stu- and fulfilment in herdents organized various community initiatives. Key amongst them was retirement.the ‘AC Cares’ community engagement project with the Dover Estate 2015 has been a year of much blessing and grace. As individuals, teamsresidents. Through this partnership with the People’s Association and or as a school, we have much to be thankful for. Our gratitude goes to ourthe Dover Community Centre (CC), our students were given the op- students for their diligence, focus and motivation. We thank all parentsportunity to enter into the homes of pioneer generation citizens and in- and families for their untiring support of their children and the strong al-teract with them through engaging and meaningful activities. We were liance they have forged with our school. We acknowledge and commendalso privileged to have these residents join us at our school’s National our teachers, coaches, instructors and support staff for their dedicationDay and Mid Autumn celebrations, allowing us to strengthen our rela- and care for our students.tionship with our community. Our school also wishes to affirm and recognise the unwavering supportGiven that our students spend four to six years in the Dover area, fre- and guidance of the Methodist Church, the ACS Board of Governors,quenting the same NTUC supermarket, eateries and transport systems the ACS (Independent) Board of Management and the ACS Old Boys’as fellow residents, it is our hope that these simple acts of neighbourli- Association for our programmes and for our staff and students.ness will draw us closer as a community and country. Above all, we thank God – from whom all blessings flow.Asaschoolandasafamily,wearethankfultosomanywhohaveencouragedand supported us to stay true to our core purpose of nurturing ACSians to To God be the Glorybe catalysts for change with Godly values and robust character, equipped The Best Is Yet to Beand willing to serve and lead in the family, nation and global community.On this note, we would also like to pay tribute to Mrs Anna Lim who Winston Hodgeretired in June this year. Mrs Lim started her teaching career in ACS Principalwhere she nurtured generations of ACSians over her 43 years of service.It is not only her length of service that is impressive. More remarkable

2015 SCHOOL REPORT ACAdemic results for class of 2014 Business & 125 6.73 4.91 Bronze 5 2 2 GCE ‘O’ Level Examination Management SL The 2014 cohort who sat the GCE “O” Level Economics HL 195 6.74 5.26 4th 3 1 2 Examinations achieved the best results of the last Economics SL 134 6.69 5.07 10 years (2005-2014) in terms of Mean Subject Biology HL 119 6.78 4.81 Total Medals 12 12 10 Grading (MSG) and average L1B5 aggregate (1st Chemistry HL 279 6.81 5.23 Language & 5 Best subjects). Of the 18 subjects Physics HL 191 6.75 5.11 Div Golds 3 11 offered by the school, the following 14 have Mathematics HL 330 6.31 4.89 achieved percentage of distinctions higher than the Mathematics SL 120 6.7 4.51 Total Golds 14 national average: Sport A Div B Div C Div    Percentage Distinctions * On a scale of 1 to 7, the higher the numerical score, the better 1 Air-Pistol Bronze - - S/N Subjects the academic performance 2 Air-Rifle Bronze Silver 1 English Language Nat Ave 3 Badminton Silver Bronze Bronze 2 Literature Core Acs(I) 361 (80.6%) obtained at least 40 points, allowing 4 Bowling - Gold Gold 3 History Core them to qualify for top local and foreign universities. 5 Canoeing Bronze Gold Silver 4 Combined Humanities 58.1 20.1 The average score for our students was 41.59. Based 6 Cross Country Bronze Gold 4th 5 Mathematics D. on statistics released by IBO in January 2015, the 7 Cricket Silver Gold Silver 6 Add. Mathematics 75.0 43.9 world average score was 29.94 points and national 8 Golf Bronze - 4th 7 Physics average was 36.43. 9 Rugby Gold Gold Silver 8 Chemistry 62.2 45.7 10 Sailing Silver Silver Bronze 9 Biology 11 Softball Silver Bronze - 10 Malay 67.5 35.7 12 Squash 4th Silver Silver 11 Tamil 13 Swimming Gold Gold Gold 12 Higher Tamil 90.1 45.0 14 Tennis Gold Gold Gold 13 Higher Art 15 Track&Field 4th 4th 6th 14 Higher Music (MEP) 79.1 53.9 Breakdown of 2014 IBDP scores 16 Waterpolo 4th - Gold 45.8 44.4 Total Points No Of Students 60.5 45.6 40 36 53.2 46.6 41 66 60.9 31.0 42 72 62.8 39.0 43 74 41.7 34.9 44 70 54.5 47.4 45 43 94.4 61.7 Total No of Candidates 361 (80.6%) B. Uniformed Groups awarded 40 points and All nine of our Uniformed Groups have been above awarded Gold. The NCC (Air) unit also won the National Best Air Unit award. IBDP Examinations Achievements in Co-curricular In the November 2014 IBDP examinations, 43 Activities UGs Name of Award Cate- students from our school’s total candidature of A. National School Games Best Unit Competition gory of 448 students obtained perfect scores of 45 points. Our teams have done well in this year’s National 1 NCC Award Our students have continued to perform strongly School Games, winning a total of 34 medals (14 (Land) Gold compared to world standards. Golds, 11 Silvers and 9 Bronzes). Our swim and tennis teams have performed especially well to 2014 IB Subject* Results: achieve the grand slam of all three division titles. 2 NCC Best Unit Competition Gold Subject Average Grade This is the second consecutive sweep for our (Sea) Subjects that have a candidature size swimmers. of more than 100 3 NCC Best Unit Competition Gold Best Air (Air) Unit School World Subjects No Of Average Average Div A B C 4 NPCC Unit Overall Proficien- Gold Candidates Grade Grade Gold 3 7 4 cy Award Gold Silver 4 3 4 Unit Overall Perfor-16 English A: Lang 273 6.08 5.41 5 NCDCC mance Award and Literature SL   Chinese B SL   331 6.99 6.75

6 BB J M Fraser Award for Gold Major Science Achievements 2014 - Republic Polytechnic Science Best Performing Team Excellence Gold 2015 Congress7 Scouts Frank Cooper Sands Gold It was another fruitful year for our students in the Singapore Amazing Machine Best Video Gold area of Science. Timothy Sim (6.16 Macedonia, Competition Bronze8 Ven- Frank Cooper Sands 2014) was awarded the Silver medal at the Singapore Physics Olympiad Quarter-finalist tures Corps Achievement International Biology Olympiad. Our school’s National Science Challenge Silver Award team emerged as Country Winner and Ng Wei Jie Eureka (Organised by RI and MOE) Gold9 SJAB Brandon (6.13 Jerusalem) was Regional Finalist at Nanyang Research Program the 2015 Google Science Fair. (Organised by NTU) MeritC. Performing Arts Brain Bee (Organised by SingaporeIn the 2015 Singapore Youth Festival, our school Apart from participating in various Neuroscience Association)was awarded 7 Distinction and 4 Accomplishment international competitions, students were alsoawards. selected to attend niche student attachment programmes such as XLAB in Germany [WongPerforming Arts Group Award Yat Seng Joel (5.03 Leviticus)], the Asian Science Major Mathematics Achievements Distinction Camp [Saad Haider (5.13 Ecclesiastes) & Samuel 2014-2015*(Secondary) Hong-guang Chian (5.15 Galatians)] and Beijing The Mathematics Competition Team garneredChoir Accomplishment Aerospace Summer Camp [Matthew Yuen (5.09 remarkable achievements in local and internationalChinese Performing Arts Club (Chinese Chronicles) & Cheng Wei Jian (5.11 Psalms)]. competitions.Drama) AccomplishmentDrama English Distinction Our school was also one of the two schools In the American Mathematics Contest 2015, Distinction invited to CERN, the European Organization for our school became the top ranking school inGuitar Orchestra Distinction Nuclear Research. CERN is one of the largest and Singapore and only school from Singapore to be   most respected centres in the world for scientific placed in the International School Honour Roll.Philharmonic Orchestra research and during this trip students attended Notably, Gao Yuan (6.13 Jerusalem) was the only Accomplishment lectures by renowned scientists and toured the participant in this international competition toSymphonic Band research facilities at the campus. achieve a perfect score in both categories AMC 12A Distinction and AMC 12B.Junior College Distinction Locally, our school continued to performChinese Performing Arts Club (Chinese Accomplishment well in various national science competitions. Our In the United Kingdom IntermediateDrama) Distinction various teams were Champions in challenges such Mathematics Challenge, Goh Cheng Arn DavidDance Venia as the Singapore Amazing Machine Competition, (2.09 Benjamin), Nguyen Tuan Dung (3.02 Singapore Engineering Physics Challenge and Zechariah) and Yu Zhiqiu (4.04 Ezra) achieved BestGuitar Orchestra Republic Polytechnic Science Congress. Apart from of the Year awards within their respective cohorts. team honours, students have also won medals in In the Intermediate Mathematical Olympiad andPhilharmonic Orchestra other major inter-school competitions as tabulated Kangaroo, 11 students are amongst the top 50Symphonic Band below. of their cohorts. Notably, Yu Zhiqiu (4.04 Ezra) achieved a perfect score. For the gruelling secondOther Achievements Selected Science Competitions round of the British Mathematics Olympiad, WuOur students have also represented the school and Shenyang (6.07 Ephesus) was ranked 17th positionnation in various competitions and Olympiads, C ompet i t i on A ch i evement and Gao Yuan (6.13 Jerusalem) achieved1st positionand have done themselves, their families and our in the world (with a perfect score).school proud. The report reflects the main awards International CB Paul Science Quiz Goldpresented to our students. In Australian Mathematics Competition,28th SEA Games Singapore Youth Science Festival Gold Guan Yang Ze (5.01 Genesis), Xue Ziming (5.12Six of our students were part of Team Singapore Proverbs) and Gao Yuan (6.13 Jerusalem) receivedat the Southeast Asian Games. They are Jonathan Singapore Junior Physics Olympiad Gold the Peter O’Halloran Award for Excellence in theChan (Diving, Bronze), Dylan Koo (100m Australian Mathematics Competition.Butterfly, 5th), Rachel Tseng (Women’s 4x200m Singapore Junior Chemistry BronzeFreestyle Relay, Gold), Khoo Janine (Equestrian, Olympiad On the national front, Fareed MuhammedGold), Koh Kia Ler James (Sailing, Gold) and Lau B Noorul A A (6.12 Jericho) is one of two GoldMatthew Scott Wenjiang (Sailing, Gold). Nanyang Research Programme Gold Medalists in the Singapore Science and Engineering Fair (Mathematics Category), with his project In total 34 ACS (Independent) students and NUS-MOE Amazing Lab Race Champion entitled: “Application of Matrices in Solvingalumni represented Singapore in 14 sports with Variations to the Game of ‘Lights Out’”.many achieving personal best(s), podium finishes Singapore Engineering Physics Champion Teamand new Game/National records. Challenge Singapore Chemistry Olympiad Silver Singapore Biology Olympiad Bronze 17

Selected Mathematics Competition Achievements in Other Fields 2015* Singapore-Industry Chan Cheng Wai 2012 R e s u lt s Scholarship (SgIS) Competition Results Sharon-Ann Eravelly Shaun Lim 2011 Scholarship Koh Hsien Yang Competition Results World Champion (Problem 5 Silent Movie SAF Overseas Daniel 2014 Division III) Scholarship Jeremy Tan Ming Wei 2011 Singapore The Team was awarded overall Odyssey Of The World 9th (Problem 3 Pandora’s Box Ooi Qi Jia Galvin 2012 International Distinction award. Mind – World Division II) SAF Merit Scholarship Surya Padmanabha 2013 Mathematical Finals 2015 World 6th (Problem 5 Silent Movie Bhat Challenge 2014 Division II) Singapore Government 2014 (SIMC) Scholarship (Foreign Jaime Han Xi Wen Vex Robotics Service) 2014 Australian 3 students awarded the Peter World 3rd (High School Category ranking) SPRING Executive Lee Tze En Chrystal 2013 Mathematics O’Halloran Award for Excellence Championship Development Wong Xin Quan, 2014 Competition 2014 (out of 4 from Singapore schools), 5 Scholarship Award Glen (AMC) Medallists and 22 students in top 2% Singapore Excellence Award (i.e. the highest award Asian Leadership Daphne Jazreen 2014 (out of 8 from all Singapore schools). Vex Robotics given in the competition) with the Programme Scholarship Chee Jiahui United Kingdom 2 students obtained the Best in Year Championship following results: SUTD Undergraduate Tan Ek Kai Alden 2014 Senior Mathematics Awards and 58 Gold awardees. ¶ Tournament Champion, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Merit Scholarship Challenge 2014 1 student with Perfect Score and 1 in ¶ High School Category – Champion SUTD Undergraduate Yusof Najim S/o 2013 (UKSMC) 17th position in the world ¶ Middle School Category – 2nd Distinguished Yusof Muallim 2014 British Mathematics 2 students with perfect score, 9 ¶ Programming Skills Challenge – 1st, 2nd Scholarship 2012 Olympiad 2015 students in the top 5% ¶ Robot Skills Challenge – 1st, 2nd MOHH Healthcare Paul Huang Wen-De 2014 (BMO2) 1 students with perfect score twice, 13 Scholarship Janice Yeo Sok Woon 2012 American students in the top 1% Social Global Champion K A Habib Noor 2012 Mathematics 3 Best in Year awardees, 81 Gold Innovation DSTA Undergraduate Ann Chia Jing Xiu 2012 Contest 2014 awardees. Relay Challenge Scholarship Nicholas Sim Wei 2014 (AMC 8) Sheng 2014 American 1 student with perfect score and 11 World Schools Champions [ACSI Arthur Lee (6.18 HPB Undergraduate Quek Yong Jian 2014 Mathematics ranked within the top 50 in the World Debating Patmos) as part of Singapore 5-man Scholarship (Local) Ong Yinn Liang 2014 Contest 2015 (AMC Championships team] Goh Kyi Yeung 2014 10/12) 1 student with perfect score and 16 2015 PSC OMS (Open), 2015 Lee Yuan Ting  2014 United Kingdom Gold awardees. Cheo Yi Hong 2013 Intermediate Student Awards and Scholarships PSC OMS (Open), 2014 Lee Kay Howe 2014 Mathematics A number of current students have received PSC OMS (Specialist), Maganty Rushyendra Challenge 2015 scholarships and academic awards. The awards and 2015 Crystal Lua 2013 Intermediate recipients are tabulated below: PSC—Singapore Sean Liew Mathematical Government Ashley See Jun Yin 2012 Olympiad and Scholarship Name Scholarship (Open), Kangaroo 2015 DSTA Junior College Enver Shee (5.13) 2014 Christine Yong 2012 (IMOK) Recipients National Infocomm Singapore DSTA Junior College Joshua Lim Yueh (5.12) Scholarship Ho Jin Chong Asian School Recipients National Library Board Nathaniel Chew Mathematics DSTA Junior College Peh Zeyi (5.09) Wei Yan Olympiad 2015 Recipients Timothy Ong Kah Yong (6.05) (SASMO) SPF Book Prize 2015 Sia Chin Leong (6.14) Gabriel Tan Kai Yang (6.03) Singapore Overall Gold for Category 1 and 2, and SPF Book Prize 2015 Mathematics 10 Gold awardees Singapore Armed Forces Joel Lim Jia Yi (6.04) Olympiad 2015 1 Gold, 1 Silver and 1 Bronze (out of 2 (SAF) Young Leader Award Singapore Science Golds, 4 Silvers and 2 Bronzes for all Singapore Armed Forces Ho Yan Jin (6.12) and Engineering schools) (SAF) Young Leader Award Kristoffer Jacek, Soh  Zhi Wei Fair 2015 Singapore Armed Forces (6.01) (Mathematics (SAF) Young Leader Award Category) MAS JC Award 201518 Undergraduate Name Cohort *Non-exhaustive list based on information available as of 31 Scholarship August. We apologise for any inadvertent omissions. Singapore Economic Toran Labhaya Seth 2014 Development Board Christopher Chiah 2014 Scholarship

50 ACTS OF SERVICE and alumni – to gather as one to attend the event. International, SJI, SJI International, UWC Dover 19As part of ACS schools’ SG 50 ACtS of Service, The event’s Guest of Honour was ACS Old Boy and Campus, SOTA and ACS International) attendedour students organized a number of social and SEA Games double medallist, Mr Mirza Namazie. the projects. These included:• ‘Gift of Life’ Blood Donation Drive (Tuesday, 10 Performing Arts Night Festival Dr Goh Keng Swee Nation Building Our school organised its Performing Arts Night Series: Future Thinking Challenge March) : A total of 148 students, parents, staff, Festival on 25 April 2015 from 7 – 9pm. This festival The annual Dr Goh Keng Swee Nation Building alumni from ACS(Independent), ACJC and ACS featured all 7 performing arts CCAs presenting Series was organised in August this year. As part (International) donated blood during the event their SYF performances at the auditoriums and of the series, the Future Thinking Challenge 2015 to make a difference to someone’s life. performing arts centres in the school. was organised on 19 August in collaboration with• Bone Marrow Donor Programme (25-26 Anglo-Chinese School Youth Leaders the RAHS (Risk Assessment & Horizon Scanning) May): This was the first Bone Marrow Donor Conference, 8-9 May Programme Office, Prime Minister’s Office and Programme (BMDP) event organized by our This year’s ACS (Independent) Youth Leaders Ministry of Manpower. The theme for this year was school to raise awareness of how students could Conference (ACYLC) saw the launch of the Thio ‘How would Singapore’s drive towards becoming a help save a life through donation of their bone Chan Bee Academy of Leadership. As part of the ‘SMART’ Nation impact our workforce in 2030?’. marrow. Over the two days event, 89 students and two-day residential conference, students attended Year 5 HSP and Year 6 students also held a dialogue staff pledged to join the database of bone marrow leadership modules facilitated by the SAF Centre with Minister Lim Swee Say on 27 August 2015. donors. for Leadership Development. They also reached The topic was Singapore’s key challenges: Economy,• AC Cares: ‘AC Cares’ is a series of community out to the community by organising a Mothers’ Day Population, Identity. This year’s edition marked the engagement projects with elderly residents and Movement in Clementi, visiting the less privileged successful conclusion of our five-year collaboration families of the Dover Estate in partnership with the in Telok Blangah and Dover estates and organising with PMO. People’s Association and the Dover Community an afternoon of cultural exchange with the foreign Centre (CC). Our students made house visits to workers working on our school extension building. ‘Project Hi 5!’ pioneer citizens, highlighted relevant assistance ‘Project Hi 5!’ provides an opportunity for Year schemes and organised a buffet-cum-concert for TEDxACSindependent, 23 May 4 IP students to explore career and education them. To celebrate National Day, the students The inaugural TEDxACSindependent conference options during their term break (Oct 2014 – and residents were involved in the mass painting was held on 23 May 2015. The TEDx Programme Feb 2015). As part of this, the school organised of Block 2’s façade in Dover Road, transforming is designed to help communities, organizations and a 3-week enrichment programme comprising it into a beautiful work of art for all in the estate individuals to spark conversation and connection various modules. Students are also encouraged to to enjoy. Pioneer residents joined in our school’s through local TED-like experiences. Themed participate in a 2 to 3-week internship, volunteerism National Day celebrations too. Our students “Create, Connect, Change”, our school is the first or learning a new skill such as flying with the also organised a Mid Autumn celebration on public school to organise a TEDx event and to Singapore Youth Flying Club. 18 September for children and families in the have it livecasted over the web. The TEDx event neighbourhood. was scheduled days before the school’s Professional Pastoral Care and Career GuidanceOur students supported and were also involved in Learning Day to serve as a stimuli for teachers to Programmeother SG 50 ACtS of Service such as: think divergently before applying possible new Our PCCG programme continues to play a• 50 Hours of Prayer (initiated by ACJC) where ideas to the context of the school. critical role in the school’s overall core purpose they joined in 8 hours of continuous prayer on 8 of nurturing ACSians to be catalysts for change August helmed by the Christian Fellowship Language and Literature Symposium, to serve God and Humanity. In the area of giving• ‘Our Hawker Centre – A Heritage & Art Project’ 28 May back to the community, the school has raised a where ACSians created a mural artwork at Amoy The school organised its inaugural IBDP Language total of $110,790.20 this year, an increase from the Food Centre to commemorate our nation’s and Literature Symposium on 28 May 2015. The $91,957.90 collected last year. heritage including the founding of ACS at Amoy Symposium’s theme was “Language and The Media • $25,204.95 was raised through the Methodist Street. – Issues Facing Singapore in the 21st Century” andProgrammes aimed to expose English A IBDP students to issues Welfare Services (MWS) Hong Bao CollectionACS (Independent) Sports Night 2015 and developments in the context of Singapore’s and will support the work of the many charitiesOur school organized its 101st Track & Field media industry. The Guest of Honour was Mr under the umbrella of the MWS.Championships on 12 March 2015. This event was T. Sasitharan, Cultural Medallion recipient and • $56,516.25 was collected through the Year 1 – 6held in the evening for the first time to allow the co-founder-director of the Intercultural Theatre Charity Cafes, the Staff Charity Lunch and otherwhole school family – students, teachers, parents Institute. A total of 350 IB students and teachers fund-raising efforts. This will be shared among the from ACSI and other local IB schools (Hwa Chong charities of President’s Challenge 2015 and other community causes under the school’s Corporate Social Responsibility.   

• $29,069.00 was collected through the students’ of the learning and living environment at the Boarding School charity bazaars and will go towards their Values higher education institutions. In addition, our Life in the Boarding School continues to be in Action (VIA) projects during the Overseas students get to interact with admissions personnel enriching, with various programmes lined up for all Education Programme each year. and alumni to better understand the degree residents to cater to both their academic and social programmes available, admission requirements needs. Besides the usual end-of-term activities such There were two projects initiated by our students as well as scholarship and career opportunities. as Hawkers’ Fare, High Table Dinner, International to raise funds to support Nepal. The Nepal Earth- Some of the campus visits organised this year Night and Christmas Celebration, there are also quake effort raised a total of $4,157.40 and the Ne- included visits to: inter-hall sports and games and various integration pal Post-Disaster Relief Fundraiser collected a total • National University of Singapore – School of activities. The Junior Common Room Committee, of $10,001.  Business, School of Dentistry, Yong Loo Lin comprising representatives from the student Career Opportunities and Guidance School of Medicine population in the Boarding School, also organised The Career Opportunities and Guidance (COG) • Singapore Management University various activities such as orientation activities, department supports the school’s PCCG Curric- • Singapore University of Technology and Design Games-nite and Inter-Boarding School Games ulum. COG aims to facilitate greater awareness c) Visits by top universities, including: and ‘Fame’, the Inter-Boarding Superstar Singing about self and opportunities to enable students to • Christ Church College (Oxford), 24 March 2015. Competition. Supervised study time in the form make well-informed decisions regarding their fu- Professor Martyn Percy (Dean) shared insights of night preps and special tutorials are conducted ture higher education and career goals. It delivers into the culture, traditions and student life at to help students with their schoolwork. Social a comprehensive range of services which includes Christ Church College. activities are balanced with serious academic rigour one-to-one education and career counselling ses- • UPenn on Monday, 16 March 2015. Students had to form a recipe for success for our boarders, both sions, guidance on university applications, resume the opportunity to learn from Professor Robert in their emotional development and educational reviews, and coordinating meetings with university Kurzban, a leader in evolutionary psychology. In growth. admissions officers and scholarship agencies. addition, Professor Kurzban shared on student *While the school has made every attempt to list In line with this, a number of new initiatives were life in UPenn as well as the application process. the achievements of our students in the various introduced this year. These included: • Murray Edwards College (Cambridge), 5 areas (as of 31 August 2015), we apologise for any a) The ACS (Independent) Scholarship Tea 2015 September 2015. Dame Barbara Stocking inadvertent omissions. (President) discussed higher education in on Saturday, 29 August 2015. This year’s event Cambridge, life in the College and Cambridge featured a new item – a panel dialogue consisting more generally. She also spoke about her of senior civil servants: Mrs Heng Mien Joo, recent experience working in the World Health Group Director (Corp Development), HDB Organisation (WHO) and the independent and Captain Aaron Chan (Singapore Armed panel she chaired, reviewing WHO’s responses to Forces, Unit HR Officer). Captain Aaron the Ebola outbreak. Chan is an ex-ACSian and a recipient of the Apart from these new initiatives, the unit organises SAF Merit Scholarship in 2008. The aim of this weekly or biweekly alumni, university sharing segment was to allow students and parents to sessions, career talks and presentations as well as its better understand a career in public service and annual ACS (Independent) Higher Education & the professional development opportunities Careers Exhibition. available to young officers. The dialogue was Overseas Education Programme facilitated by an alumnus, Moira Low Ching The annual Overseas Education Programme aims (2013 Batch), a PSC Scholar reading Philosophy, to help the students to broaden their horizon and to Politics & Economics at Oxford. Like last year, provide opportunities for life lessons outside their the session saw 18 seniors from the 2008 – 2013 classrooms. This year, our school partnered with 26 cohorts who came back to share their experience organisations to factor in community service during on scholarship applications and their life in the these trips. This year’s OEP took place in cities such local and overseas universities as Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Kunming, Lijiang, b) Local Universities Campus Visits: Taipeh, Bali, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, among The COG Unit partners with local universities to others. conduct campus visits for our graduating cohort.20 The itinerary is planned in such a way that it would allow our students to have a first-hand experience




SENIOR ADMINISTRATION Staff (Left to Right) Row 1 Ms Chock Siew Hwa (Deputy Principal), Mr Winston Hodge (Principal), Mr Patrick Soo (Deputy Principal) Row 2 Mrs Judy Ho (Deputy Principal), Ms Thirunalan Mirunalini (Deputy Principal), Mdm Yong Lee Har (Deputy Principal)24

StaffDEANS & DIRECTORS(Left to Right)Row 1 Mr Liang Chew Man (Director, Year 1), Mr Shaun Choo (Director, Year 6), Mdm Yong Lee Har (DP), Ms Chock Siew Hwa (DP), Mr Patrick Soo (DP), Mr Winston Hodge (Principal), Mrs Judy Ho (DP), Ms Thirunalan Mirunalini (DP), Mrs Karen Liau (Director, Year 4), Mrs Patricia Thong (Director, Creativity, Action & Service), Ms Alice Tan (Director, Year 5)Row 2 Ms Yeap Kar Wei (Dean, ISO/EE), Ms Bok Hai Choo [Director, Student Development (Pastoral Care & Career Guidance)], Mdm Lin Hui (Dean, Mother Tongue), Mrs Gina Ong (Dean, Mathematics, Express & IP), Mrs Maria Nathan (Dean, English Language & Literature, IBDP), Mr Chan Chee Wei (Director 1, Health, Physical Education & Recreation), Dr Jeann Woo (Dean, Mathematics, IBDP), Ms Juliana Tengara (Director, Careers, Opportunities & Guidance ), Mrs Mervyln Goh (Director, Agape Counselling Sanctuary), Mr Dennis Sim (Dean, Chemistry), Mr Gabriel Phee (Director, Year 2)Row 3 Mr Ferdinand Quek (Dean, English Language & Literature, Express & IP), Mr Danny Toh (Dean, Art & Design), Mr Terence Chiew (Director, Innovation & Enterprise), Mr Chooi Khee Wai ( Director, Talent Development), Mr Peter Dumortier (Director, Leadership), Mr Jarett Kan ( Dean, Humanities), Mr Bernard Low (Dean, Economics, Business & Management), Dr Philip Tieh (Dean, POD/TOK), Mr Andrew Wong (Director, Year 3), Mr Tan Kok Choon (Director, Curriculum Planning & Assessment), Mr Willian Lai (Dean, Biology)Not in picture Mr Lawrence Ang (Director 2, Health, Physical Education & Recreation), Dr Andrew Yong (Dean, Physics) 25

StaffPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPmENT UNIT (Left to Right) Row 1 Mr Tan Kok Choon (Director, Curriculum Planning &Assessment), Mrs Judy Ho (DP), Ms Thirunalan Mirunalini (DP), Ms Chock Siew Hwa (DP), Mr Winston Hodge (Principal), Mr Patrick Soo (DP), Mdm Yong Lee Har (DP), Mr Ferdinand Quek (School Staff Developer) Row 2 Mdm Loh We Fong (ST, Mathematics), Mrs Quah Juat Mei (ST, English), Mrs Quek Ye Lik (ST, Chemistry), Mr Ho Yee Cheong (ST, PE), Mrs Lisa Lai (ST, English), Mr Norman Chua (ST, History), Mdm Dalwinther Kaur (ST, Mathematics), Ms Karen Dorton (ST, Economics), Mrs Carrie Cheah (ST, English), Mr Kenneth Seah (ST, Physics), Ms Grace Lim (ST, English), Ms Suseela Suppiah (ST, PCCG), Ms Law Miew Fong (ST, Chinese Language)26

Integrated ProgramME COMMITTEE Staff (Left to Right) Row 1 Ms Thirunalan Mirunalini ( DP), Ms Chock Siew Hwa (DP), Mr Patrick Soo (DP), Mr Winston Hodge (Principal), Mrs Judy Ho (DP), Mdm Yong Lee Har (DP), Mrs Patricia Thong (Director, CAS), Ms Alice Tan (Director, Year 5) Row 2 Ms Yeap Kar Wei (Dean, ISO/EE), Mdm Lin Hui (Dean, Mother Tongue), Mrs Maria Nathan (Dean, English Language & Literature, IBDP), Mr Terence Chiew (Director, Innovation & Enterprise), Mr Jarett Kan (Dean, Humanities), Mr Bernard Low (Dean, Economics, Business & Management), Dr Jeann Woo (Dean, Mathematics, IBDP) Row 3 Mr Shaun Choo ( Director, Year 6), Mr Danny Toh (Dean, Art & Design), Dr Philip Tieh (Dean, POD/TOK), Mr William Lai (Dean, Biology), Mr Dennis Sim (Dean, Chemistry) Not in picture Dr Andrew Yong ( Dean, Physics)Agape Counselling Sanctuary CHAPEL COMMITTEE (Left to Right) (Left to Right) Row 1 Row 1 Mrs Judy Ho (DP), Rev Loretta Lim, Mrs Mervyln Goh Mrs Grace Foo (Director) Row 2 Rev Aaron Tay,Row 2 Mr Winston HodgeMr Muhd Hafiz Bin (Principal)Zainal Abidin (SchoolCounsellor), 27Ms Chow Oi Har (SchoolCounsellor),Mr Charlie Ong (SchoolCounsellor)Not in pictureMs Suseela Suppiah(Teacher Counsellor,Senior Teacher)

StaffEXPRESS COMMITTEE (Left to Right) Row 1 Ms Chock Siew Hwa (DP), Ms Thirunalan Mirunalini (DP), Mr Patrick Soo (DP), Mr Winston Hodge (Principal), Mrs Judy Ho (DP), Mdm Yong Lee Har (DP), Mdm Dalwinther Kaur (Senior Teacher, Mathematics) Row 2 Mr Cao Hui Zhong (Deputy Dean, Mother Tongue), Mrs Gina Ong (Dean, Mathematics, Express & IP), Mrs Karen Liau (Director, Year 4), Mr Andrew Wong (Director, Year 3), Mdm Vijitha Ranjee (Deputy Dean, History) Row 3 Mr Ferdinand Quek (Dean, English Language & Literature, Express & IP), Mr Danny Toh (Dean, Art & Design), Mr Terence Chiew ( Director, Innovation & Enterprise), Mr William Lai (Dean, Biology), Mr Dennis Sim (Dean, Chemistry) Not in picture Mr Tan Kok Choon (Director, Curriculum Planning & Assessment), Dr Andrew Yong (Dean, Physics) LEADERSHIP DEpartment Discipline Committee (Left to Right)28 (Left to Right) Row 1 Mrs Judy Ho (DP), Row 1 Mr George Lam (Prefect Mrs Judy Ho (DP), Master), Mr Winston Mr Peter Dumortier Hodge (Principal) (Director), Mr Winston Hodge (Principal) Row 2 Mr Adrian Low (Deputy Row 2 Prefect Master), Mr Phee Ms Lee Suling, Mrs Koo Beng Chang (Deputy Zhi Min (Deputy Director), Prefect Master), Mr Keith Tan (Deputy Mr Jamin Jeow (Deputy Director), Ms Pamela Prefect Master), Feng, Mrs Diane Choo Mrs Patricia Thong (House Coordinator), (Deputy Prefect Mistress) Mr George Lam (Deputy Director)

MOTHER TONGUE DEPARTMENT StaffART & DESIGN DEPARTMENT (Left to Right) (Left to Right) Row 1 Row 1 Ms Law Miew Fong (Senior Teacher) , Mr Mohd Shariff H Alaudeen Ms Jou Wei-Kay, (Deputy Dean), Mr Cao Hui Zhong (Deputy Dean), Mdm Lin Hui Mrs Serilyn Goh, (Dean), Mr Patrick Soo (DP), Mdm Linda Hung Hsiu Chi (Deputy Mrs Jacqueline Liew Dean), Mr Tang Jie (Deputy Dean), Mdm Tasrifah Bte Adnan, Ms Ong Siew Lian Row 2 Mr Patrick Soo (DP), Row 2 Ms Han Jee Boey, Ms Huang Jiamin, Mdm Chen Xue Huan, Mr Danny Toh (Dean), Mdm Xu Shu Hong, Mrs Virginia Basterrechea, Mdm Tan Hui Dr Tham Hong Wan, Ming, Mdm Siti Raudhah Binte Salleh, Ms Yu See Yee, Mrs Durai Mr Lowell Farlow Davamany Row 3 Ms He Ying, Mdm Sarah Huang Gui E, Mdm Xu Zhiwei, Mdm Liu Jian, Mrs Chua Puay Kee, Mdm Athena Hsieh Hsing Chuan, Mdm Chen Li, Mdm Martinah Bte Abdul Talib, Mdm Venkatesan Alagurani Row 4 Mr Yeo Wee Kong, Mr Muhammad Farid Bin Mohd, Mr Zhang Zhihua, Mr Loy Xing Jian, Dr Loo Ng Kiat, Mr Mohamed Faisal Bin Ikhwan, Mr Chong Koi Choy Not in picture Mdm Wang Fang Hong, Mdm Lin Yuhong, Mdm Nur Zuliana Hamdan STAFF WELlNESS committee (Left to Right) 29 Row 1 Ms Madelene Phi Chua Lianne, Mr Samuel Sim, Mdm Lilian Tan, Ms Thirunalan Mirunalini (DP), Mrs Mervyln Goh, Mr James Ong Row 2 Mrs Muralitharan Mohana, Mr Loh Guan Liang, Mr Kenneth Wee, Mr Lincoln Chua, Mr Tan Keng Hsin, Mr Charles Low, Mdm Rozanah Bte Abdol Aziz, Ms Huang Jiamin

Staff Humanities Department (Left to Right) Row 1 Mdm Vijitha Ranjee [Deputy Dean, (History Express)], Mrs Ho-Toh Ling Lee (Senior Teacher, Social Studies), Dr Philip Tieh, Mrs Judy Ho (DP), Mr Jarett Kan (Dean) , Mr Liu Guoyi (Deputy Dean, IP/IB History) Row 2 Ms Mageswari Rajah, Ms Linda Goon, Ms Salinah Bee, Mrs Goh Hwee Hwee, Mdm Lim Wan Hoon, Mrs Jacqueline Yeow, Ms Nalini D/O Moorthi, Ms See Toh Cindy, Mrs Sandra Sim, Ms Chen Liwen Row 3 Mr Moghan Das, Mr Lee James Belcher, Mr Brian Chirnside, Mr Gavin Ang, Mr Wong Tze Yung, Mr Norman Chua (Senior Teacher, History), Mr Tan Kok Choon Row 4 Mr Neo Chai Wee, Mr Peh Sik Kai, Mr Jonathan Ng, Mr Lincoln Chua, Mr Peter Davies, Mr Eugene Lai Not in picture Mrs Elaine Lee (Deputy Dean, Geography), Mr Eugene Lim, Mdm Marhaini Binte Mohamed, Ms Ruvathy Arumugam30

Economics, Business Management Department Staff (Left to Right) Row 1 Ms Karen Dorton (Senior Teacher), Mdm Ivy Quek (Deputy Dean, Economics), Mr Bernard Low (Dean), Ms Chock Siew Hwa (DP), Ms Angela Ong (Deputy Dean, Business Management), Ms Diana Chng, Ms Alice Tan Row 2 Ms Pamela Feng, Ms Juliana Tengara, Mr Phillip Evans, Mr Ryan Wong, Mr James Ong, Mrs Annie Tan (Year 6 Business Management Coordinator) Row 3 Mr Mahtani Naresh (Year 5 Economics Coordinator), Mr Peter Dumortier, Mr Wong Ting Ee, Mr Ismail Shifaz (Year 5 Business Management Coordinator)MUSIC DEPARTMENT RHeecarletaht,iPohnysDiecpaalrEtdmuecnattion &(Left to Right) (Left to Right)Row 1 Mr Patrick Soo (DP), Ms Chua Yi Fang (Music and Performing Row 1 Mr Samuel Sim, Mr Ho Yee Cheong, Mr Chan Chee Wei (Director 1), Mr Patrick Arts Coordinator) Soo (DP), Mr Lawrence Ang (Director 2), Mr Rasdeen Bin Mohamed Ali (Deputy Director)Row 2 Mrs Arlene Chan Siew Kheng, Ms Denise Tan Jun Yi, Mr Benjamin Yeo Kok Guan, Ms Grace Ng Shu Chiu Row 2 Mr Adrian Low, Mr Wu Shu Min, Mr Timothy Chee, Mr Lau Kum Weng, Mr Jeffrey Tan, Mr Adrian Chong 31 Row 3 Mr Nunung Wibiyanto, Mr Chia Choy Kian, Mr Luo Nan, Mr Rhys Jones, Mr George Lam, Mr Khoo Kian Teck

StaffScience Department (Left to Right) Row 1 Mr Liang Chew Man, Mdm Carol Low, Mdm Colleen Ng (Deputy Dean, Physics), Mr See Boon Tiam (Deputy Dean, Life Sciences) Mr William Lai (Dean Biology), Mr Terence Chiew (Director, Innovation & Enterprise), Mdm Yong Lee Har (DP), Mr Dennis Sim (Dean, Chemistry) , Mrs Quek Ye Lik (Senior Teacher), Mr Kenneth Seah (Senior Teacher), Mdm Jess Wong (Deputy Dean, Chemistry), Mrs Tay Suat Kuan (Deputy Dean, Biology), Ms Yeap Kar Wei Row 2 Mr A M Venthan, Ms Lin Zhangli, Mdm Chee Hwai Mei, Ms Au Pui Fun, Mrs Rekha Vijay, Mrs Alice Teoh, Mrs Usha P R Udayakumar, Mrs Ruma Banerjee, Mrs Sharmila Manoj Saralkar, Ms Kwoh Siew Lay, Ms Lydia Ho, Mr Charles Low Soo Peng, Mr John Ng, Mr Tan Keng Hsin, Mr Paul Kevin Cheong Row 3 Mr Idzham Khalid Bin Ithnin, Mrs Choy Hoay Min, Mdm Ali Basheera Banu, Ms Ong Wei Ling, Mrs Lua Shih Lin, Mdm Lydia Yap, Ms Judith Ng, Mrs Angeline Wong, Mrs Evelyn Tan, Mdm Jolene Tan, Ms Dheepa Murali Narayanan, Mr See Teck Hock, Mr Bill Chia Row 4 Mr Mark Richie Tan, Mr Benjamin Chan, Mr Jerel Chen, Mr Andrew Chia, Mr Chooi Khee Wai, Mr Eric Tan, Mr Chan Huang Kiat, Mr Simon Lai, Mr James Lim, Mr Christopher David Talbot, Mr Loh Kum Leong, Mr Jamin Jeow, Mr R Devendran Not in picture Dr Andrew Yong (Dean, Physics), Mrs Elaine Lui, Mr Eric Wee, Mr Foo Kam Meng, Mr James Foo, Ms Ni Ni Tun, Mrs Yew Huili, Mr Terence Ng, Mrs Wong Li Nap, Dr Natalie Lee32

StaffMAtHEMAtICS DEPARTMENT(Left to Right)Row 1 Mrs Anna Lim, Ms Bok Hai Choo, Dr Jeann Woo (Dean, IBDP), Ms Chock Siew Hwa (DP), Mrs Gina Ong (Dean, Express & IP), Mr Desmond Yap (Deputy Dean, Express & IP), Ms Lee Su Ling, Mrs Koo Zhi Min, Mdm Dalwinther Kaur (Senior Teacher)Row 2 Ms Mazlind Ali, Dr Archana Kusurkar, Ms Audrey Tay, Ms Alice Pang, Mrs Patricia Thong, Mdm Loh We Fong (Senior Teacher), Mrs Yoon Lay Beng, Ms Mavis Hoon, Mrs Sheila Philip, Ms Janet TayRow 3 Mr Vincent Lee, Mr Kenneth Wee, Mr Lawrence Yong, Mr Koh Tee Hock, Mr Shaun Choo, Ms Loh Chin Mai, Ms Lee Ooi Lian, Mdm Cheng Siau Yian, Mrs Muralitharan Mohana, Mdm Lee Chia HuiRow 4 Mr Keith Tan, Mr Hong Lee Kiat, Mr Jin Chenyuan, Mr Lee Chee Wei, Mr Goh Tiong Gee, Mr Mohd Fazli, Mr Roy Gan Kok Kiong, Mr Gabriel Phee, Mr Jonas Chow, Mr Azmi Azeman, Mr Chua Kock YongNot in picture Mrs Megan Lim, Mrs Chua Chia Pei, Mr Kenneth Ong 33

StaffPhilosophy of Disciplines/THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE DEPARTMENT (Left to Right) Row 1 Ms Madelene Phi Chua Lianne, Mdm Daphne Teo Siew Gek, Ms Jamilah Lajam, Mr Phee Beng Chang (Deputy Dean), Ms Thirunalan Mirunalini (DP), Dr Philip Tieh (Dean), Mr Jacob Mok Wan Hao, Dr Angela Mary Chew Chi Ai, Dr Christine Chan Bee Lan Row 2 Ms Hypollita Goretti Pereira, Mrs Nilanjana Bose, Ms Dheepa Murali Narayanan, Mrs Andriany Tee, Ms Sherilyn Khng, Ms Audrey Tay Shengyi, Ms Karen Dorton, Ms Christina Raj, Mrs Sharmi Lisa Obanor, Mrs Manjit Kaur Herzog Row 3 Mr Moghan Das, Mr Eugene Lim Hwang Piew, Mr Gabriel Phee, Mr Benjamin Wong Zi Ming, Mr Tay Yong Lai, Mr Gregory P Stenta, Mr Philip Gilbert Evans, Mr Christopher Matthias Wee, Mr A M Venthan Not in picture Ms Grace Ng Shu Chiu, Mr R Devendran, Ms Suseela Suppiah, Mr Wong Tze Yung, Dr Tham Hong Wan, Mr Kenneth Ong, Mr Lee James Belcher, Mr Brian John Connor34

StaffENGLISH LANGUAGE & LITERAtURE department(Left to Right)Row 1 Dr Kiranjeet Kaur, Mrs Karen Liau, Mr Brian Connor (Deputy Dean, IBDP), Mrs Diane Choo (Deputy Dean, Express and IP, Years 1 and 2), Mrs Maria Nathan (Dean, IBDP), Ms Thirunalan Mirunalini (DP), Mr Ferdinand Quek (Dean, Express and IP), Mrs Bethany Khng (Deputy Dean, Express and IP, Years 3 and 4), Mrs Mervyln Goh, Mr Andrew WongRow 2 Ms Nirmala Silverajan, Ms Rachel Cheung, Ms Hypollita Goretti Pereira, Ms Grace Lim (Senior Teacher), Mrs Nilanjana Bose, Mrs Cheryl Loh, Ms Doreen Ang, Ms Sherilyn Khng, Ms Kavita Mirchandani, Mrs Quah Juat Mei (Senior Teacher), Mrs Clara SimRow 3 Mrs Runima Tandon, Ms Jamilah Lajam, Mrs Andriany Tee, Ms Fiona Ho, Ms Chew Kah Wai, Mrs Lisa Lai (Senior Teacher), Mdm Rozanah Aziz, Ms Christina Raj, Mrs Manjit Herzog, Mrs Sharmi Obanor, Mrs Carrie Cheah (Senior Teacher)Row 4 Mr Paul Tan, Mr Ong Wooi Chiang, Mr Benjamin Wong, Mr Eugene Lim, Mr Tay Yong Lai, Mr Loh Guan Liang, Mr Gregory Stenta, Mr Christopher Wee, Mr Aloysius LimNot in picture Ms Suseela Suppiah (Senior Teacher, PCCG) 35

StaffPastoral Care and Career Guidance (Left to Right) Row 1 Ms Thirunalan Mirunalini ( DP), Ms Chock Siew Hwa (DP), Mr Patrick Soo (DP), Mr Winston Hodge (Principal), Mrs Judy Ho (DP), Mdm Yong Lee Har (DP), Mrs Patricia Thong (Director, CAS), Ms Alice Tan (Director, Year 5) Row 2 Ms Yeap Kar Wei (Dean, ISO/EE), Mdm Lin Hui (Dean, Mother Tongue), Mrs Maria Nathan (Dean, English Language & Literature, IBDP), Mr Terence Chiew (Director, Innovation & Enterprise), Mr Jarett Kan (Dean, Humanities), Mr Bernard Low (Dean, Economics, Business & Management), Dr Jeann Woo (Dean, Mathematics, IBDP) Row 3 Mr Shaun Choo ( Director, Year 6), Mr Danny Toh (Dean, Art & Design), Dr Philip Tieh (Dean, POD/TOK), Mr Willian Lai (Dean, Biology), Mr Dennis Sim (Dean, Chemistry) Not in picture Dr Andrew Yong ( Dean, Physics) SCHENaTwRELibrary RESOURCE (Left to Right) ECnOrMimcihtmteenet Programme (Left to Right)36 Row 1 Row 1 Mrs Bethany Khng Mrs Rekha Vijay (OM (Teacher-Librarian Coordinator), coordinator ), Ms Au Pui Fun (Asst EP Ms Thirunalan Coordinator), Mirunalini (DP), Mr Winston Hodge Mdm Venkatesan (Principal) Alagurani (Teacher Librarian) Row 2 Mr Gabriel Phee (EP Row 2 Coordinator), Mr Eugene Mrs Susie Boolsambatra Lim Hwang Piew (Library Officer), (Bizworld Coordinator) Mdm Betty Lee (Library Assistant) Not in picture Ms Ong Siew Lian Mrs Megan Lim (Teacher Librarian)

MEDIA SERVICES TEAM Staff (Left to Right) Row 1 Mr Andrew Wong (Media Resource Coordinator), Ms Chock Siew Hwa (DP), Mr Kelsey Tan (Technician) Row 2 Mr Nick Lim Beng Kiong (Technician), Ms Madelene Phi Chua Lianne, Mrs Choy Hoay Min, Mdm Runima Tandon (Teacher In-Charge of MPAC), Mrs Lua Shih Lin, Ms Jou Wei Kay (Teacher In-Charge of Photographic Society ), Ms Chee Hwai MeiGCauriedearncOeppUonirttunities & IDnEfPoArRmTaMtEiNoTn technology (Left to Right) Row 1 Ms Sng Sok Hwee (Higher Education Counsellor), Mrs Judy Ho (DP), Ms Juliana Tengara (Director, COG) Row 2 (Left to Right) Mr Mohamed Fazli Sugang, Dr Kiranjeet Row 1 Kaur, Mr Tan Kok Choon, Mr Mohd Yusof Bin Zainal, Mr Teo Poh Chye (Manager), Mdm Ivy Quek Mui Ms Chock Siew Hwa (DP), Mr Foo Kam Meng (Director), Mr John Liu ZhiNing Khim, Mrs Quek Ye Lik Row 2 37 Mr Chrys Tay Chee Hua, Mr Alexander Woo Ching Yau, Mr Siow Pei Fang, Mr Govindaraju Loganathan, Mr Samuel Lim JinWei, Mr Gordon Tan Yaow Siang, Mr Samuel Kuan

ACSPRESS/ECHO PUblications Staff (Left to Right) ROW 1 Ms Grace Lim, Ms Thirunalan Mirunalini (DP), Mrs Quah Juat Mei (Teacher-in-charge) ROW 2 Sean Ng Ming Sheng, Daniel Lee Jian Wen, Zheng Ruoming (Deputy Editor), Yee Mun Yike Fiona, Muhammad Saad Siddiqui, Lim Hui En Deborah (Editor- In-Chief), Sean Eio, Ms Nirmala Silverajan Not in picture Tan Quan Rui, Felix Rene Lim (Deputy Editor) Science Laboratory staff (Left to Right)38 Row 1 Mr See Boon Tiam (Director, Lower Secondary Sciences), Mr Dennis Sim (Dean, Chemistry), Mr William Lai (Dean, Biology), Mr Terence Chiew (Director, Innovation & Enterprise), Mr Lam Wai Ping (Laboratory Superintendent), Mdm Yong Lee Har (DP), Mrs Tay Suat Kuan (Deputy Dean, Biology), Mdm Colleen Ng (Deputy Dean, Physics), Mdm Jess Wong (Deputy Dean, Chemistry) Row 2 Mrs Reena Quah (Deputy Laboratory Superintendent), Ms Ng Rei Ping, Mdm Keh Siew Bee, Mdm Sakuntala Devi, Ms Joy Koh, Mr Joshua Chong, Ms Lim Xian, Mdm Khin Myint Yi, Mdm Lim Wan Xuan Not in picture Mr Nurhadi Bin Masrom

StaffADMINISTRAtion STAFF (Left to Right)Boarding School Management Committee Row 1 Mrs Judy Ho (DP), Mr Steven Lim, Mr Patrick Soo (DP), Mr Winston Hodge (Principal), Ms Lillian Tan, Mdm Yong Lee Har (DP), Ms Chock Siew Hwa (DP), Ms Thirunalan Mirunalini (DP) Row 2 Ms Nancy Cheng, Ms Eunice Seah, Mrs Mabel Koh, Ms Teo Sook Hoon, Ms Foo Wah Ee, Ms R Seetha, Ms Tan Ruoh Tzyy, Mdm Norzairifah Bte Attan, Mrs Margaret Lam Row 3 Ms Carolyn Tok, Ms Annie Wong, Ms Cynthia Tow, Mrs Elam Lam, Ms Nichole Wong, Ms Rebecca Chua, Ms Chan Hwee Joo, Mdm Asmah Bte Kamani Not in picture Mrs Lilian Awyeong, Mrs Celine Soo, Ms Christina Lau, Ms Ann Foo, Ms Yap Yen San, Ms Ho Mei Hoe, Mr Nur’alam Bin Hamid, Mr John Cheong Kok Wai (Left to Right) Row 1 Mrs Jasmin Tan (Manager), Mrs Judy Ho (DP), Mdm Yong Lee Har (DP), Mr Patrick Soo (DP), Ms Grace Kwee (Hall Mistress, Thio Chan Bee Hall), Mr Winston Hodge (Principal), Ms Chock Siew Hwa (DP), Ms Thirunalan Mirunalini (DP) Row 2 Ms Yeap Kar Wei (Hall Mistress, Hall 11), Mr See Boon Tiam (Hallmaster, Tay Eng Soon Hall), Mr Chan Chee Wei (Hall Master, Doraisamy Hall), Mr Shaun Choo (Hallmaster, Lee Kong Chian Hall), Mr Dave Tay (Hall Master, William F Oldham Hall), Mr Gabriel Phee (Hall Master, Runme Shaw Hall), Mrs Goh Hwee Hwee (Hall Mistress, Hall 13), Mrs Patricia Thong (Hall Mistress, Hall 12), Ms Hypollita Goretti Pereira (Hall Mistress, Hall 10) 39

estate office Staff Boarding School (Left to Right) Row 1 Mrs Judy Ho (DP), Mdm Yong Lee Har (DP), Mr Patrick Soo40 (DP), Mr Mohan Ignatius Samuel (Estate Manager), Mr Winston Hodge (Principal), Mr Chandra s/o Devaraju (Estate Officer), Ms Chock Siew Hwa (DP), Ms Thirunalan Mirunalini (DP), Mr Kelsey Tan (MR Officer) Row 2 Mdm Foo A Eng, Mrs Charlet Pereira , Mdm P Sauthri, Mary, Mdm Kang Kim Noi , Mdm Tan Yew Choon , Mdm Shaffrah Beevi , Mdm Kalaiselvi R), Mdm Suguna Suppiah), Mdm Doris Lio, Ms Dorothy Koh), Mdm Bay Peck Moy , Mr Chua Ah Hock Row 3 Mdm Hong Kim Choo, Mr Bernard Soo, Mr Lim Chye Hock, Mr Wee Choo Jin, Mr Adnan bin Jabar, Mr How Soh Har, Mr Pungot bin Ikram, Mr Chua Chin Thiam, Mr V Ashokkumar, Mr Albert Teo Not in picture Mr Masnawi bin Isnin, Mr Nick Lim, Mdm Tan Bong Yu, Mr Sin Wai Loong (Left to Right) Row 1 Mrs Doreen Tan, Mdm Ng Yock Lian, Mdm Yong Lee Har (DP), Mr Winston Hodge (Warden) , Mrs Jasmin Tan (Manager) , Mdm Josephine Oei (Matron) , Mr Johnny Choo Row 2 Mdm Leong Poh Ang, Mdm Tan Kim Khuan , Mdm Kala , Mdm Yap Yin Lay , Mdm Ong Soon Hwa , Mdm Tan Yoke Wah , Mdm Chua Siew Yen , Mdm Cheong Hin Kiow Row 3 Mdm Susiwati , Mdm Teo Ah Soon , Mr Hamzah , Mr Aw Yeong K. K , Mdm Goh How Jin , Mdm Xu Wan Xiang, Mr Michael Lee , Mr Adenan

STAFF NOTES W edd i ngs W e lco m e a n d F a r e w e l lAteotfnthehbjewoeidsybncbehethsewotieonimcnlgo, ytlpalhoeaauwarntgrakuofrumefytstouhjuwroeeiefAnoelcernCoddySmoeufauesavrmtaohdnuiielsdrydsy..iheTcoaaorpte.etWdhtesheefaerwtvwoitchuweeldhyaonlwidkleielafltll CWonegwraitsuhlaytoiounjos ytoaMndrmPeatneyryDeaavrsieosfownehdidsemdabrlriisasg.e!B i rths Mdm Nur ZulicauntaeBbtaebHy bamoydan who had a Mrs Elaine bLaubiywghiorlhad a prettyCongratulations toour colleagues whowelcomed newbundles of joy!MAablrdosuomumngRuacvgiuneavgmabbtihrawtybhhydto/ogoiarl Dr NadatoarlaiebLleebeawbhyogihrlad an MdrasuMghetgearnaLrriimvewd hthoisseyceuatre 41

AWARDS Awards Names of staff Awards Names of staff 20 Years of Service Mrs Judy Ho ACS (Independent) (in full) ACS (Independent) (in full) 25 Years of Service Ms Chew Kah Wai Best Performance Mr Terence Chiew Teck Long Service Awards ACS (I) Long Service Mrs Mervyln Goh Award Tzer (Academic) Mrs Clara Sim Awards (Non- Ms Yeap Kar Wei (Academic- 5 Years of Service Mr Benjamin Chan Academic) Mr Chan Chee Wei Individual) Express Committee Ms He Ying 5 Years of Service Mr Ho Yee Cheong ACS (ndependent) 1. Ms Au Pui Fun 10 Years of Service Ms Jou Wei-Kay Mr Samuel Sim Best Performance 2. Mr Danny Toh Ms Juliana Tengara Methodist School Award (Team) 3. Mrs Tay Suat Kuan 15 Years of Service Mr Lim Chun Yen Eugene Long Service Award Mr Soo Fook Khan 4. Mr Tan Kok Choon Dr Loo Ng Kiat (Academic) Mr Hamzah Bin Khamis Dr Lee Li Eng Out- 5. Mr Andrew Wong Mr Mohamed Faisal Bin Ms Tok Poh Kian Carolyn standing Contribu- 6. Mr Cao Huizhong Ikhwan Methodist School Ms Tan Ruoh Tzyy tion Award (Academ- 7. Mrs Alice Teoh Mr Mohamed Fazli Bin Long Service Award Ms Teo Sook Hoon ic-Joint) 8. Mr Chua Kock Yong Sugang (Non-Academic) Ms Suppiah Kalaimagal Dr Lee Li Eng 9. Mr Ferdinand Quek Ms Ng Shu Chiu Grace d/o Lech S. Outstanding 10. Mr William Lai Mr Phee Beng Chang Ms Leong Poh Ang Contribution Award 11. Mr Dennis Sim Ms JanetTay Cher Hoon Ms Tan Yoke Wah (Executive & Support 12. Mdm Dalwinther Kaur Mrs Cheryl Loh Ms Foo A Eng Staff-Joint) 13. Mrs Karen Liau Mr Wee Oon Heng Ken- Ms Oei Chu Leng Jose- 14. Mdm Vijitha Ranjee neth phine 15. Mrs Gina Ong Mr Wong Tze Yung Mr Cheong Kok Wai 16. Dr Andrew Yong Mr Lee Chee Wei Ms Neo Pang 1. Mr Peter Dumortier Mrs Chua Puay Kee Ms Shaffrah Beevi Bte 2. Mr Brian Connor Mr Jin Chenyuan Sulaiman Ms Chng Wei Na Diana Ms Ong Soo Chin Jasmin 1. Mrs Celine Soo Mr Wong Ting Ee Ms Sakuntala Devi d/o M 2. Ms Ann Foo Ai Lian Mr Lai Fook Seng Simon Palani Mrs Goh Hwee Hwee Mrs Judy Ho Mr Quek Swan Jet Ferdi- Ms Chock Siew Hwa nand Ms Lim Sok Lan Grace Mr Sim Heng Hock Dennis Mdm Dalwinther Kaur Ms Suseela d/o Suppiah Mrs Lisa Lai Mrs Gina Ong Ms Bok Hai Choo Mr See Boon Tiam Christine Ms Loh Chin Mai Ms Chew Kah Wai Mr Moghan Das Mrs Mervyln Goh Mr Azmi Bin Azeman Ms Yeap Kar Wei Ms Law Miew Fong Mr Chia Choy Kian Mr Liang Chew Man Mr Lam Wai Ping Mdm Lin Hui Mrs Jasmin Tan Mr Ong Wooi Chiang Mdm Neo Pang Mr Radhakrishnan De- Mdm Shaffrah Beevi vendran Mdm Sakuntala Devi Mr Tan Kian Ping Keith Mr Patrick Soo Mun Keong Mrs Maria Nathan42




Year 1 Classes1.01 MATTHEW (Left to Right) Row 1 Mr Mark Richie Tan Chiang Sun, Soh Shi Sean, Kan Tze Kit Ryan, Jonathan Ngien Zi Yang, Low Wei Yang Nicholas, Ganeshan Dheerendhar, Yeo Zi Fong Josiah, Sanjiv Rajandra, Lee Jedidiah, Arul Prasad Rishi Vardhaan, Jagan Mohan Shailesh, Jon Sim Zhicheng, Tan Hon-Yi Patrick-William, Wong Seng Hong Ryan Row 2 Ravikumar S/OThanabalu,NgTse Hao Benjamin,HakeemAndhika B Dharmadi, Sean Ng Shi Wen, Woo Zhongwei Troy Luke, Jeremy Adam Maweru Row 3 Ms Denise Tan Jun Yi, Mr George Lam Choon Seng, Wong Bao Lok, Ranganathan Sanjay, Sui Zhong Xian Ethan, Ong Jia Yi Keefe, Rishi Ganesh, Alan Douglas Khaw Zu Ning, Abdul Haque B Abdul Jabbar, Ho Jun Wai Andrew, Chuah Chong Yuan Joshua, Lau Xu Wen Reeve, Suresh Babu Akash, Zachary Solomon Kam, Qwek Shao Yi46

Year 1 Classes1.02 MARK (Left to Right) Row 1 Mdm Nur Zuliana Hamdan , Eden Ow Sun Lok, Leong Wing Onn, 47 Chan Xu Ming Ethan, Tan Soon Kiat Timothy, Dylan Gwee Wai Han, Anandh Prasad Saravanan, Song Nikolai, Yang Kai Cedric, Nallasami Tharun Balaji, Brian Ng Jun Heng, Ritesh R Mulani Row 2 Neo Ang Hian, Anthony Goh Yunfeng, Chum Sheng Yong Nigel, Benjamin Daniel Loh Wayne, Melcolm Lim Yang Zhi, G Sreeshan, Mohamed Hussain Mohamed Irshad, Rithu Varman s/o Sekar, Vicknessh s/o Mathiwanen, Chan Yeat Fuen Arthur Row 3 Ms Grace Lim, Mdm Athena Hsieh Hsing Chuan, Wee Kai, Chee Hock Chuan Matthew, Wee Chong En Orden, Abel Aathar Hong Yi, Tan Guan Hong, Ryan Teo, Tan Alastor, Liu WenYi, Beng Kye Wee Bryan Ariel, Dan Yuet Sean Not in Picture Mohammed Shamel Fahmi B M S

Year 1 Classes 1.03 LUKE (Left to Right)48 Row 1 Mr Liang Chew Man, Gabriel Ng Yu Jie, Wong Zyen Byng Ethan, Michael Cheng Yu Xuan, Nawfal Hakym B Mohammed Fawzy, Mark Lui Zhi Heng, Leong Hoi Ean Javin, Gan Yu An Ian, Gabriel Paul Kiew Hern Siang, Ng Ez-Ven, Richard Lim Feng Mian, Murugaraj Vishvaajit Row 2 V.Sanjiv, Tan Yu Sze Tristan, Vijay Balasingam Manoharan, Matthew Lee Jeun Kai, Bethapudi Adiel, Ethan Tan Yi Rong, Nathan Loo Enping, Bai Zong Rui, Muhammad Kiane Rashidale , Olafson Thor Yu-Xing, Row 3 Mdm Xu Zhiwei, Mdm Marhaini Binte Mohamed, Yuji Keith Masuda, Dan Yuet Loon, Gabriel Yap Qi Long, Mikkel Lee Jun Jie, O’hehir Samuel Andrew, Ezra Ang Qi Ming, Thierry Ong Jingkai, Elayalwar Surya Prakash, Suzuki Dharmarasu Not in Picture Lucas Lee Jone, Jovan Aw

Year 1 Classes1.04 JOHN (Left to Right) Row 1 Wong Jian Jiang Zachary Dylan, Aaron Cheong Kar Jin, Rayne Yong, 49 Tan Zhi Hao Brandon, Teh Yang Han, Ryan, Jonathan Thumboo, Lim Sheng Matthew, Ang Boon Han Nathaniel, Ho En Tse Caleb, Gabriel Ong Zhe Mian, David Kwee Kit Wen Row 2 Gopashish Harikrishnan, Jonah Chew Yong Jie, Lim Dao Wei, Ethan Soo Zhe An, Daniel Koh Xin Shi, Darren Chan Jun Rong,Teo Li Tian Keane, Damian Ho Jinheng, Oh Chundai Daron, Rico Lim Zhong Yan Row 3 Mr Benjamin Yeo, Mrs Usha Ravi, Sumanyu Sreekumar, Mark Tay Wei Hern, Tan Jun Rong, Aloysius Ong Wai Boon, Koo Jin Ren, Iain Chou Chong Ern, Lim Chang Wei Felix, Jordan Sun Jing Tai, Chey Zhen Yu Matthew, Chang Seongmin, Felton Lim Teng Siang Not in Picture Mrs Yoon Lay Beng

Year 1 Classes 1.05 PETER (Left to Right)50 Row 1 Ian Cheong Shen En,Choo JunTeak,Lai SenYao Joseph,Soh Weijing Benjamin, Lloyd Matthew Somasundram, Nicholas Cheok, Ian Ang, Varun Shukla, Dheeraj Balodi, Aryann Shori, Joshua Loo Jing Yang Row 2 Sia Juling, Leon Lim Ching Zheng, Antonio Ryann Andrei, Ng Sheng Cong Jerrick, Lee Sheng , Lim Hongxi, Shum Jia Wei Nicholas, Yip Juen Le Jared, Tan Yan Han Edgar, Ho Yee Shun Samuel Row 3 Mdm Ali Basheera Banu, Mr Lai Fook Seng Simon, Kevin Sean Lie Jia Wen, Asher Lau Rui En, Ryan Chen You Jie, Cher Chek Siang Bertrand Paul, Foo Ji Wei Darryl, Ellard Tan Wei Heng, Declan Saw Jun Wei, Teh Ze Shi, Chan Wei Yang, Geraint Poh Kiat Lin

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