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Home Explore Drum Corps International 2012 Yearbook

Drum Corps International 2012 Yearbook

Published by Drum Corps International, 2019-06-10 10:50:01

Description: Drum Corps International 2012 Yearbook


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Chris & Marla Davis Jeff Scholten FRIENDS OF DCI SCHOLARSHIPS Beverly Dean Michael Schwarm Steven P. Degenhardt & Steven David A. & Steven T. Seagle Since 2007, the Friends of DCI Scholarship Program has T. Erickson Morgan & Patricia Smith awarded educational funding to corps members to assist Charles & Peggy Deutsch Jim & Patricia Snyder in their return to the classroom after participating in the Marie Elise Diamond Wally Thayer annual Drum Corps International Tour. *Paul DiPaola John T. Trambley Joe & Peggy DiScipio Joe Truscio G2011 SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Steve Dombrauskas David Walter Michael P. Doyle Eric Williams Michael Courey Jim Drewes Sharon Woodhead Bluecoats Drillmasters Marching Shoes Wozniak Family Carrie Van Doren David & Peggy Faust Peter Zalewski Carolina Crown Joel & Jari Gittle Rich Ziemba Gay & Steve Gordon Edwin & Theresa Hoskins John & Lisa Heckman Carla Gossell BRONZE John Hruska Helen Hiller Mary Ellen Grelle Mel and Barbara Gary Holman Brian Griffin Dan Acheson Ronald K. Johnson Robert & Carolyn Haiduk George & Theresa Adams Kennedy-Funtila John and Brian Kavula Doug Hebenthal Alice Adams Steve Kinoshita Gregory D. Keith, Scott & Linda Henderson Robert Andrews Chris Komnick Dave Hill Douglas & Ann Barduhn Laura A. Krause Attorney at Law Peter & Christine Hoeffner Bill & Kathleen Barlics Mary Lynne Laflamme Don Kramer Chip Hollon HJB Financial Management Anne & Laurie Jack and Nancy Leavell Michael Adkins & Robin Ickes John & Alicia Beal Fred & Roxanne Fred Morrison Kevin R. Johnson Dennis Benefiel William Loeb Michael & Rose Murray Frank Johnson Michael Bertram Rich & Pat Maciaszek Joe Nohl Kaye Lange Bertram Biles Ron Mandernach Carol Samuelson Duane Lempke - Alexandria, VA Roman Blenski Mark Mazzucco Ned Smith Umberto Lenzi Jr. Jeff Bishop Mary McClure Michelle & Scott Senter Jon Louthian Julie Burns Don & Cindy Moncrief Richard and Nancy Stoner Leo P. Manley - Hamburg, NY Susan Cain Fred Morrison Michel St-Pierre Stephen Corcoran Mark Nunez Richard Talbott Kingsmen Alumni Patrick Cox Greg Orwoll Terry & Carol Tinkel John Masterson Jim Crookston Scott Pickering D John Whiting Randy Miller Scott & Renae Croy Carol & John Pipitone Jim Winslade Howie & Vicki Mogul C.T. Czekai Andrea Price Sid and Linda Witts Dayton Nakahara William and Dorothy Davis Ronald Provencher Peter & Lisa Vogler Chris O’Connor Lee Deloach Mary Scarpino Rhee E. Wright Kathy Oergel Gary Drain Guy Schiavone James Patenge David & Carol Eddleman Paul J. and Jeanne Schneider DONATION Jean-Marc Patoine Kristen Fenech David and Kathleen Schuster Alfred & Susan Perugini J. Ferber Ray Southland Michael Allen Bob Poggensee Jeff Fiedler Tom Spataro Elizabeth Acosta Steve & Cindy Pugsley Larry Fryer Mark & Kathy Stasa Steven Bohannan Dan Putnam Richard Garcia John Stott Sandy Chanoff Dennis Rathman Gary Gold Kerwin Swanlaw Marc Citrin John & Joann Rigano Barb & Stan Goldberg Jamey Thompson Richard & Grace Cole Tom & Sally Rowe Osiana, Inc. Ira Tochner Patrick Cox Sam Rinehart Susan M. Hess Thomas M. Walker Rick Dissinger Mark Sakowski Joe Hooper Thomas L. Walker Edward Eishen Scott and Debbie Walker Barbara Goffman Darren Willey Carolyn Jordan Wayne & Connie Leide FRIEND Mary Beth & Joseph Lopes Margery Sangree David & Barbara Ayars Jeff Skuba Cheryl Biegler Ellen Tedaldi Curt and Kendra Bittner Ladonna Viertel Richard Brooks Sherri Weaver Robert Cenar In Memoriam - Francesco Noto Craig Fick John & Darlene Foreman John and Rhonda Garman Al Hall 149

Volunteers Since 1988, Drum Corps International and the Friends VOLUNTEERS OF THE YEAR of DCI have recognized faithful volunteers of the drum corps community for their dedication. Please join us 2010 Steve Stueck Blue Stars, Dr. Randall W. when we honor DCI’s 2012 Volunteers of the Year at the World Championships in August. Chaffee and Thomas Chase Racine Scouts, Becky Nelson Phantom Regiment MARY TOM AND SARAH DESCHEPPER PEGGY KOSIN BOWLING 2009 Helen Turner The Cavaliers, Tom & Linda COLTS DCI BLUE DEVILS B Weiss The Cadets, Denise Troyer Crossmen Since 1997, Mary Tom and Peggy Kosin Sarah Bowling has been DeSchepper and her hus- have been giving their a huge part of the Blue 2008 Thelma Fung Blue Knights, Greg Lowe band Bob have helped time to drum corps for Devils since 2000, when make the Colts a caring decades. Using a pro- her children joined the Carolina Crown, Marie Limpel Pioneer and supportive place for gram developed byTom, Blue Devils C. She’s kids. Bob drives our they have tirelessly helped out in every 2007 Romelia Evans Santa Clara Vanguard, Ray kitchen truck, and Mary— served as chief tabula- capacity imaginable: who manages our souve- tors, computing the instructing, fundraising, & Mary McCrary Carolina Crown, Marty & Lois nir program—is known scores from judges at driving, cooking, sewing Fricke Jersey Surf as “Grandma” to Colts DCI’s biggest events to uniforms, finding corps members and families. determine the winners. housing—even mowing 2006 Friedel Cramer Pioneer, Tim Farrell She has helped kids Serving in this role for football fields at the Blue through bad drum corps years,Tom and Peg often Devils’ outdoor rehears- Phantom Regiment, Steve Tant Carolina Crown, Bill days, tragic news from work late into the night to al facility. Mother of three & Pat Croissant The Cadets home, and everything in ensure results from each Blue Devils members— between. She organizes event are accurately alumni Megan and Zack, 2005 Joan Borden The Cadets, Dorothy rides, sews, cooks, reported and posted to and current member shops, and counsels, but theWeb.This is the last Maddie—Sarah is much Chaffee Racine Scouts, Jon & Cherrie Terry most important is the year they will be able to respected and known Crossmen time she spends one-on- volunteer for DCI in the throughout the drum one with corps members same capacity, making corps community by 2004 Dorothy Jeanne Johnson Blue Stars, who need a helpful heart. theVolunteer of theYear staff, fellow directors and —Greg Orwoll, Executive award especially mean- managers, volunteers, Pauline Sosnowich Targets ingful. —Sue Kuehnhold, and others.—Rick Odello, Director &Vicki Schaffer, 2003 Diana Kupinski Pioneer, Raymond Drum Corps International Director, Blue Devils B & C Colt Cadets Director Luniewski Lake Erie Regiment, Curt & Judy Schmidt Pioneer 12 3 2002 Teri Brinson Carolina Crown, Donald 2011 winners: 1) RickVale (The Cadets); 2) Surf-Six (Jersey Surf): Bill and Terri Ives, Heitzman The Cavaliers, Daniel Greer Boston Tom and Naomi Piatek,Ted and BeverlyVallies; 3) Daisy Johnson, 7th Regiment Crusaders, Donald Kaihatsu Pioneer 2001 Roland Dupuy Les Stentors, Ron Gaus Dutch Boy, Carol Srdar & Doug Madar Carolina Crown 2000 Mary Cloyd Blue Devils, Carol Niklaus Lake Erie Regiment, Judy Luongo Citations, Richard Peabody Spartans 1999 Gilles Bolduc Les Etoiles, John Dvorak Madison Drum Corps Association, Joe & Phyllis Ratterman Blue Knights, Barry Woods Dutch Boy 1998 Jean Earl St. John’s, Kevin Smith Carolina Crown, Connie & Tony Bestreski Raiders 1997 Bob Fields Illusion, Bob “Archie” Irwin Crossmen, Becky Patterson Delta Brigade, The Staff of Jersey Surf Drum & Bugle Corps 1996 Traute Gilbert Troopers, Yanny Newman Spartans, Donald Vallimont Lake Erie Regiment 1995 Maye Dill Black Gold, Shirley Leslie Northwind, Harold McJury Genesee Quest, Ida Pituch Glassmen 1994 Dean Bassett Nite Express, Joe DiMaggio Delta Brigade, Dorothy Johnson Quad City Knights, Sandy Poglitsh Bluecoats 1993 Kathy Hartig The Cavaliers, Jeannie Houck Blue Devils, Betty Reirden Crossmen, Sonja Williams Blue Devils 1992 Verna Bagby Marauders, Gene Emmer Freelancers, Conrad & Dorothy Maryanski The Cavaliers, Maureen Fallon Repperet Crossmen 1991 Art Drukenbrod Bluecoats, Florence Fay Phantom Regiment, Ed Fraser Marauders, Barb Loeffelholz Madison Scouts, Pat Omilianowski Madison Scouts, Betty Short Various N.Y. corps 1990 Paul DeLiberto Cadets of Bergen County, Denise Golden Crossmen, Neil & Iva Johnson Bluecoats, Anthony Smith Boston Crusaders 1989 Frank Davila Northern Aurora, “Aunt Nellie” DiDomenico Cadets of Bergen County, Gene Herring Quad City Knights, Mike Pituch Glassmen, J.C. Wells Velvet Knights 1988 Ted Gilbert Troopers, Wayne Huntley Quad City Knights, Neltia Kettleson Americanos, George Lucas Garfield Cadets, Marian Newcomer Blue Knights 150 2012 DCI SOUVENIR YEARBOOK

Parents, YOU are always there for them, We’re always here for YOU! Natioonf aMl uAssicsoPcaiaretinotns AMP will help engage, educate and empower parents & booster groups. Join this growing grassroots movement today! “There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind, the the most important voice in determining the future role of education in our society will be that of our students’ parents. Music education will be better off because of AMP!” Richard Saucedo, Chairman, Performing Arts at Carmel High School, IN Don’t miss the Inaugural National Parent Leadership Conference January 25-27, 2013, Anaheim, California - Concurrent to the NAMM Show AMP thanks our Charter Member Sponsors and Strategic Partners 888.740.9305 • • Stay Connected

DCI Challenge The Fabric of Time Can you identify the vintage uniforms in the numbered pictures? Use the space provided to write the corps’ name and the letter for the picture showing its current attire. BONUS: Name the year! 1234 1) _____________________ 2) _____________________ 3) _____________________ 4) _____________________ ABCD Scrambled Trivia After you fill in the answers to the following questions, you’ll have all the letters you need to unscramble the theme of this year’s puzzle. 1 Who won DCI’s first World Championship? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 2 What was the first non-California corps to win a DCI World Championship? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 3 Where were the Cadets based during the corps’ 1983-85 World Championship run? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ , ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 4 Which current former Division II World Champion has appeared in every World Class Finals since 2003? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 5 What corps was DCI’s first repeat champion? ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ PUZZLE THEME: ____ ____ ____ ’ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 153

DCI Challenge I Answers The Fabric of TimE 3 4 12 1994 Carolina Crown 1988 Colts 1983 Pioneer 1999 Spirit of Atlanta C A D B Scrambled Trivia 1 Who won DCI’s first World Championship? _K___ __I__ _N___ _G___ _S___ _M___ __E__ _N___ _A___ _N___ _A___ _H___ __E__ __I__ _M___ 2 What was the first non-California corps to win a DCI World Championship? _M___ _A___ _D___ __I__ _S___ _O___ _N___ _S___ _C___ _O___ _U___ __T__ _S___ 3 Where were the Cadets based during the corps’ 1983-85 World Championship run? _G___ _A___ _R___ __F__ __I__ _E___ _L___ _D___ , _N___ _E___ _W___ __J__ __E__ _R___ _S___ _E___ _Y___ 4 Which current former Division II World Champion has appeared in every World Class Finals since 2003? _C___ _A___ _R___ _O___ __L__ __I__ _N___ _A___ _C___ __R__ _O___ _W___ _N___ 5 What corps was DCI’s first repeat champion? _V___ _A___ _N___ _G___ _U___ _A___ _R___ _D___ _S___ _A___ _N___ _T___ _A___ _C___ __L__ _A___ _R___ _A___ PUZZLE THEME: _D___ _C___ __I__ ’ _S___ __F__ _O___ _R___ _T___ __I__ __E__ _T___ _H___ _A___ _N___ _N___ __I__ _V___ __E__ _R___ _S___ _A___ _R___ _Y___ 154 2012 DCI SOUVENIR YEARBOOK

Encourage and Experience Achievement at a Higher Level Become a “Friend of DCI” today and share your commitment “inner circle” of our most committed fans who wish to with future generations of outstanding young performers. encourage – and enjoy – “Achievement at a Higher Level” There’s nothing quite like the exhilaration of thunderous today and long into the future. applause, rewarding teams of 150 sweat-soaked performers on Please give a “Gift of Excellence” by joining our exclusive one hot summer night, while beams of bright stadium lights circle of “Friends” today. flood the lush green field, cutting streaks through the thick Visit for more information. summer air.They’ve performed their hearts out tonight, keeping nothing for themselves.They smile with the knowledge that DRUM CORPS INTERNATIONAL they’re experiencing something truly special, cherishing the feelings and emotions enjoyed by only a precious few. 110 W.WASHINGTON ST., SUITE C As a Friend of DCI, you are helping to guarantee that future INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46204 generations of young, world-class performers enjoy the opportunity to achieve their ultimate performances, and you’ll be there to enjoy every heart-pounding minute from the best seats in the house. Membership in the prestigious “Friend of DCI” provides you with exclusive, partners-only benefits in and around the summer drum corps season.You will belong to an exclusive

2013 World Championships The Drum Corps International World Championships will return 2013 to Indianapolis for the fifth straight year in 2013. After making CHAMPIONSHIPS its traditional Northwest Indiana start in Michigan City with the Open Class Prelims on Monday, August 5 and Open Class Finals on SCHEDULE Tuesday, August 6, the Championships Week action will move south to Indianapolis’ spectacular Lucas Oil Stadium. The World Championship MONDAY, AUGUST 5 Prelims will take place on Thursday, August 8, followed by the Open Class Prelims Semifinals on August 9, and Drum Corps International’s 42nd World Championship Finals on Saturday, August 10. Ames Field, Michigan City, IN TUESDAY, AUGUST 6 Open Class Finals Ames Field, Michigan City, IN THURSDAY, AUGUST 8 World Championship Prelims Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis, IN FRIDAY, AUGUST 9 World Championship Semifinals Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis, IN SATURDAY, AUGUST 10 World Championship Finals Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis, IN For the 2013 World Championships, Drum Corps International will once again offer Super 3 ticket packages, giving loyal fans the option to hand select premium seating to their custom specifications for all three nights of World Championship performances. Super 3 packages, which include tickets to the Prelims, Semifinals and Finals, will go on sale to the public this summer. Stay posted to for complete details. 157

Thank You Every year, many people directly and indirectly make an impact on members of the WORLD world’s most elite and exclusive marching music ensembles. We appreciate their CHAMPIONSHIPS love and passion for the drum corps activity and would like to give special thanks for their continued support of Marching Music’s Major League. MICHIGAN CITY OPEN CLASS Drum Corps International would like to thank its Tour Event Network and the hun- CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS dreds of schools and facilities that provide housing to the corps while traveling each ■ City of Michigan City summer. Tour Event Network members spend countless hours every year to create out- ■ Ames Field standing events and incredible experiences for corps members as they pass through their cities and towns. We are truly grateful for their tireless efforts. INDIANAPOLIS CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS We also extend our thanks to the Drum Corps International event staff members and ■ City of Indianapolis contest coordinators, each of whom takes time away from busy work schedules through- ■ Lucas Oil Stadium out the summer to assist in the coordination of the DCI Premier Events and World ■ Military Park Championships. ■ Historic Union Station ■ Indiana Convention We would like to also recognize the tremendous efforts of our team of professional adjudicators who add to the excitement for the fans each night as they rank and rate the Center corps performances. ■ Indiana War Memorial ■ Pan Am Plaza We also recognize and share our appreciation for all of the music publishers who have graciously granted permission for their music to be performed by the participating EVENTS drum corps. DCI LOUISVILLE Lastly, our most heartfelt thanks go out to you, the fans. Your enthusiasm for and Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium dedication to the incredible performers who comprise each drum corps ensemble makes every summer something special for everyone involved. Thank you! DCI ORLANDO PRESENTED BY DEMOULIN BROS. & CO. Florida Citrus Bowl Teal Sound Drum & Bugle Corps DeMoulin Bros. & Co. DCI CENTRAL INDIANA Ball State University Music For All, Inc. Southside High School Band DCI KALAMAZOO Western Michigan University Portage High School Band DCI MINNESOTA University of Minnesota Brent Turner, Derek Hillestad Minnesota Brass Drum & Bugle Corps DCI ST. LOUIS McKendree University McKendree University Music Programs Community of Lebanon, IL DCI NORTH DALLAS PRESENTED BY RED RIVER THUNDER CH Collins Athletic Complex Ryan High School Band The Cavaliers Drum & Bugle Corps 158 2012 DCI SOUVENIR YEARBOOK

DCI AUSTIN DCI ATLANTA SOUTHEASTERN INDIANA STATE SCHOOL Evans Drumheads Kelly Reeves Athletic Complex CHAMPIONSHIP MUSIC ASSOCIATION Innovative Percussion, Inc. Westwood High School Band The Georgia Dome Jupiter/Mapex/Majestic Friends of Spirit, Inc. MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTIONS Make Music, Inc. DCI HOUSTON PRESENTED Box 5 Productions ProMark BY THE EXSIGHTMENT OF and the Spirit of Atlanta Brightcove Remo, Inc SOUND Alumni Association, Inc. CFDynamics Style Plus THE exSIGHTment OF SOUND Ken Mason System Blue The Berry Center DCI EASTERN CLASSIC U.S. Army Bands DCI East Committee EVENT Vic Firth Company DCI SOUTHWESTERN Allentown Public PRESENTING CHAMPIONSHIP SPONSORS CHAMPIONSHIP Alamodome School District SPONSORS Roosevelt High School Band DeMoulin Bros. & Co. Texas Bandmasters Association DCI TOUR OF Etymotic Research Delta Dental CHAMPIONS SERIES Evans/ProMark Dynasty USA DCI WORLD CLASS DCI Member Corps Jupiter/Mapex/Majestic Zink Distributing INDIVIDUAL & ENSEMBLE Robert W. Smith Stanbury Uniforms COMPETITION Karl Lowe STRATEGIC Historic Sunset Station CORPORATE PARTNERS Roosevelt High School Band SPECIAL THANKS SPONSORS University of Texas American Drum Line TOM BLAIR, INC. Blue Man Group Association San Antonio Band Conn-Selmer, Inc NATIONAL CINEMEDIA/ DeMoulin Bros. & Co. Drum Corps Associates DCI DALLAS PRESENTED BY FATHOM EVENTS Fred J. Miller, Inc. Florida Marching Band NORTH TEXAS FESTIVAL OF Indianapolis Convention and DRUMS AND BUGLES ART DEPARTMENT Championships North Texas Festival of PARTNERS, LLC Visitors Association Indiana State School Markey’s Audio Visual Drums and Bugles BRANDHOUSE, INC. NAMM Music Association Lake Highlands High School Pearl Corporation Jolesch Photography IN TUNE PARTNERS, LLC Sony NAfME DCI SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI Stanbury Uniforms Percussive Arts Society The University of Southern DRUM CORPS WORLD U.S. Marine Drum & Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Sponsors of Musical Mississippi and University INDIANAPOLIS CONVENTION Bugle Corps Bands AND VISITORS ASSOCIATION Enrichment M.M. Roberts Stadium Woodwind & Brasswind Tournament of Bands MUSIC CROSSROADS Yamaha USBands DCI ARKANSAS Zildjian WGI Sport of the Arts War Memorial Stadium ARTS COUNCIL OF Robert Hesse INDIANAPOLIS MEDIA PARTNERS THE MASTERS OF THE INDIANAPOLIS POLICE SUMMER MUSIC GAMES DEPARTMENT Drum Corps World Middle Tennessee Halftime Magazine LDI, LTD. The Instrumentalist State University and University Bands TOUR SPONSORS Director’s Showcase International Etymotic Research 159


• The Madison • The Cavaliers Scouts begin begin using using Yamaha Yamaha Percussion Percussion • The Madison • First Year of Scouts win the Yamaha Marching DCI Championship Percussion instruments in DCI use with White, Chrome and Silky Silver • The Cadets win the DC Championship • The Corps-Custom • The Cavaliers win the High Percussion Award • Carolina Crown wins the High Brass Award marching Snare Drum is introduced • Yamaha celebrates 25 years of Drum Corps involvement • Carolina Crown • The Cavaliers win the wins High Brass Award DCI Championship and the High Percussion Award • Carolina Crown begin using Yamaha • The SFZ Marching Brass and Percussion becoming the next “All-Yamaha” drum corps Snare Drum is introduced • Yamaha and The Cavaliers celebrate • The Black Forest line of the 20th Anniversary of the corps percussion is introduced using Yamaha • The Red • The Madison Scouts begin using Forest line Yamaha Brass instruments of percussion becoming the next is introduced “All-Yamaha” drum corps • The Cavaliers win the • Yamaha and the Madison Scouts celebrate DCI Championship and win the 20th Anniversary of the corps using the High Percussion Award Yamaha percussion • The Cavaliers • The Multi-Frame I for pit • The Bluecoats begin using Yamaha Brass, begin using percussion instruments is introduced Percussion and Pro Audio products becoming Yamaha Brass the next “All-Yamaha” drum corps becoming an • The Cadets begin using Yamaha “All-Yamaha” • The Colts begin using Yamaha Brass, drum corps and Brass, are named DCI Co-Champions the first to win the and win the High Brass Award Percussion and Pro Audio products becoming DCI Championship the next “All-Yamaha” drum corps • The Cavaliers are named DCI • The Cadets • The Cavaliers win • The Cavaliers Co-Champions and win the begin using High Percussion Award the DCI Championship win the DCI Yamaha Percussion Championship becoming the next • The MTS Marching Snare Drum • The Cadets win and the High “All-Yamaha” drum Brass Award corps and win the is introduced the High Percussion High Percussion Award for the 3rd • The Cadets Award year in a row win the High • The Crossmen • The 8200 Series Percussion Award for begin using Field-Corps the 2nd year Yamaha Brass Marching Toms in a row and Percussion and Bass Drums becoming the next are introduced “All-Yamaha” drum corps

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