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Primary Year 4 SJK SOW

Published by beehwatan, 2021-01-23 15:09:09

Description: Primary Year 4 SJK SOW


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TBOOK BASED LESSON (Unit 3) guage Arts THEME: World of Knowledge LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: ‘Wh’ questions EMENT: Environmental nd Innovation G OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES Anthology of Differentiate learning poems according to the needs of your pupils CL Teaching Guidebook-Poetry (page 75). Contemporary and class. Please see Children’s the seven CL Teaching Guidebook-Poetry (page 79). Literature (CCL) differentiation erstanding the poem. Teaching strategies listed in the s 5 and 6. Guidebook- introduction. Please Poetry (BPK) also consider the following: Picture puzzle Teacher can Sticker encourage more proficient pupils to CCL Teaching Guidebook-Poetry (page share what they remember from the poem. (Strategy 3B) 62

WEEK: __ LESSON: 27 (Writing 8) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: In the Past MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writin CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING O STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Writing Writing 1. Choose a pre-lesson task from the list to Egypt. 4.2 4.2.4 Lesson delivery Communicate Describe people basic information and objects using 2. Follow instructions for Grammar Box in intelligibly for a suitable statements range of purposes 3. Have pupils listen to the text ‘The Curse in print and digital Complementary questions. Pupils review their answers by media Skill to write the answers to the questions in ful don’t read the story, only listen to it. Complementary Listening Skill 4. In pairs, pupils write one or more statem 1.2.3 story. Select some pairs to read aloud thei Listening Understand with Post-lesson 1.2 support short simple narratives on a 6. Choose a suitable Post-lesson task from Understand range of familiar on their learning in this sequence of lesson meaning in a topics variety of familiar contexts Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 3) ng THEME: World of Knowledge EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Past simple questions and statements OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES o review learning about ancient Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning according to the needs of the Teacher’s Book. Activity 2 your pupils and class. e’ (CD1 – Track 43) and answer the Student’s Book Please see the seven y reading the story and work together page 31 and differentiation strategies ll sentences (Activity 2). Note: they Teacher’s Book listed in the introduction. page 53 Please also consider the following: Question strips Some pupils may need ment about the characters in the support to write full ir statements. sentences. Provide this support by reviewing the m the list, which asks pupils to reflect language in the Grammar ns. Box/ by reviewing past forms/ by having more proficient pupils support those who need help and/or by giving extra individual or small group tutoring to less proficient pupils. 63

SCHEME OF WORK: NON-TEXT WEEK: __ LESSON: 28 (Language Arts 8) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Lang TOPIC: Sand Castle (Poem) CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE Sustainability / Values CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING STANDARD STANDARD Pre lesson Main Skill Main Skill Language Arts Language Arts 1. Follow instructions for Activity 1 in the C 85). 5.2 5.2.1 Express personal Lesson delivery responses to Say in simple words literary texts and phrases how a 2. Follow instructions for Activity 2 in the C text makes them 86-89). Highlight the use of past tense whe Complementary feel beach. Skill Speaking Complementary 3. Conduct Steps 1-5 of Activity 3 and Step 2.1 Skill average and lower-intermediate pupils, co Communicate Teaching Guidebook-Poetry (pages 96-97 simple information Speaking intelligibly Post lesson 2.1.2 4. Choose a suitable activity from the post Find out about and personalises learning. describe experiences in the past Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

TBOOK BASED LESSON (Unit 3) guage Arts THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends EMENT: Environmental LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Past Simple G OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES CCL Teaching Guidebook - Poetry (page Anthology of Differentiate learning CCL Teaching Guidebook-Poetry (pages poems according to the en describing their experience at the needs of your pupils p 3 of Activity 5 for advanced pupils. For Contemporary and class. Please see onduct Steps 1-5 of Activity 6 in the CCL Children’s the seven 7). Literature (CCL) differentiation Teaching strategies listed in the t-lesson tasks which extends and Guidebook- introduction. Please Poetry (BPK) also consider the following: Worksheet 1 Teacher can give Worksheet 2 different tasks to more proficient and Worksheet 4 less proficient groups of pupils according to their needs and interests. (Strategies 1 and 5) 64

WEEK: __ LESSON: 29 (Listening 9) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: In the Past MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listen CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE Global Sustainability CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Listening Listening 1. Choose an activity from the pre-lesson t tense. 1.1 1.1.1 Lesson delivery Recognise and reproduce target Recognise and 2. Use the verbs from the pre lesson task t language sounds reproduce with past simple -ed ending. Then continue with support a wide Teacher’s Book for Activity 1 (CD 3 – Trac Complementary range of target Skill language 3. Follow the instructions for Activity 2 (CD phonemes Listening 4. Draw three column on the whiteboard an Complementary Get pupils to write the verbs from the chan 1.2 Skill understanding. Then, have pupils look at U their books. Ask them to find examples of Understand Listening /t/: wrapped; /id/: painted). meaning in a variety of familiar 1.2.5 5. You could add more regular past tense contexts different sounds for the past tense endings Understand longer supported questions Post-lesson 6. Choose an activity from the post-lesson focus and/or content in this lesson, or desi opinion on what they have found out. Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 3) ning THEME: World of Knowledge EMENT: Language / LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Past simple (pronunciation of -ed endings) G OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES tasks to review common verbs in past Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning according to the to introduce the different sounds for the Phonics 3 needs of your pupils h this by following the instructions in the Activities 1-2 and class. Please see ck 10) Phonics 3. Student’s Book the seven D 3 – Track 11) in the Teacher’s Book. page 121 and differentiation nd label each column with /d/, /t/ and /id/. Teacher’s Book strategies listed in the nt in the column to check their pages 177 – 178. introduction. Please Unit 3 (Student’s Book pages 27-31) of also consider the verbs with each ending. (e.g. /d/: opened; following: verbs here so that pupils practise the If some of your pupils s. need extra practice hearing or saying the past tense -ed sounds, you could add an activity such as the Optional activities described in Teacher’s Book, Phonics 3. n tasks which reviews learning of language ign a short activity where pupils give their 65

WEEK: __ LESSON: 30 (Reading 9) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: In the Past MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Read CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE Sustainability CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING OUT STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Reading Reading 1. Choose a pre-lesson task from the list to based on ‘Facts about Egypt Past and Pre 3.2 3.2.2 Lesson delivery Understand a Understand specific variety of linear information and 2. and non-linear details of simple print and digital texts of one or two 3. Prepare a set of sentences on a worksh texts by using paragraphs sentences from the textbook and two or m appropriate Egypt mixed into these. (The number of se reading strategies Complementary make up a paragraph so it meets the main Skill Complementary 4. Give the worksheet and ask pupils to re Skill Listening 1.2.4 sentences are false. Listening Understand longer 5. Discuss with pupils their answers. supported 1.2 classroom 6. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s instructions Track 47). Understand meaning in a Post-lesson variety of familiar contexts 7. Play ‘Hangman’ or ‘Do as I say’ (see ins activity in the Teacher’s Book). Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 3) ding THEME: World of Knowledge EMENT: Global LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Present & Past simple TLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES o introduce new vocabulary esent’. Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning according to the needs of your pupils and heet. There should be nine Activity 1-2 class. Please see the seven more false sentences about Student’s Book differentiation strategies listed in entences in this activity can page 32 and the introduction. Please also n skill.) Teacher’s Book consider the following: ead and guess in pairs which pages 54 - 55 You could create different Sentences from versions of the worksheet, Activity 1 on a varying the level of difficulty of worksheet, plus the sentences and vocabulary. two or more additional false sentences about Egypt Book for Activity 2 (CD1 – structions for Optional 1 or 2 66

WEEK: __ LESSON: 31 (Writing 9) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXT TOPIC: In the Past MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writin CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE Communications Technolog CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Writing Writing 1. Choose a pre-lesson task from the list to receiving email. 4.2 4.2.5 Lesson delivery Communicate Connect sentences basic information into a coherent 2. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s intelligibly for a paragraph using reading aloud in the Teacher’s Book notes range of purposes basic coordinating will be time consuming in this lesson. in print and digital conjunctions and media reference pronouns 3. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s Complementary Complementary 4. Focus on the Writing Tip and use the gu Skill Skill your class about the four writing points. Reading Reading 5. Ask pupils to find examples of the four p 3.2 3.2.2 6. Have pupils write an email to a friend ab in the Writing Tip. They could finish the em Understand a Understand specific Have pupils sit in pairs and support each o variety of linear information and pupils use computers or other devices to w and non-linear details of simple print and digital texts of one or two 7. Pupils send or exchange the emails with texts by using paragraphs feedback on it. If time allows, pupils can w appropriate reading strategies Post-lesson 8. Choose a suitable and short Post-lesson reflect on their learning in this sequence of Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

TBOOK BASED LESSON (Unit 3) ng THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends EMENT: Information and LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Past simple; use of gy Science & Technology adjectives; coordinating conjunctions: and; / but G OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES o elicit pupils’ experiences on writing or Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning according to the needs Book for Activity 1(CD1 – Track 49). Skip Activities 1 & 2 of your pupils and s as it does not develop reading skills and Student’s Book class. Please see the Book for Activity 2. (page 33). seven differentiation uidelines in the Teacher’s Book to talk to strategies listed in the Teacher’s Book introduction. Please (page 56). An also consider the email printed (or following: on the screen) Set different targets for points in the email in Activity 1. different pupils, for example the number of bout a trip they made using the four points words to write or the mail with a question, to encourage a reply. number of sentences. other in their writing. If possible, have However, all pupils will write the emails. benefit from writing their paragraph(s) as h another pupil, who reads it and gives an email. write a reply, or can do so as homework. n task from the list, which asks pupils to f lessons. 67

SCHEME OF WORK: NON-TEXT WEEK: __ LESSON: 32 (Language Arts 9) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Lang TOPIC: The King of Kites CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE Values CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING STANDARD STANDARD Pre lesson Main Skill Main Skill Language Arts Language Arts 1. Choose a suitable activity to introduce th publisher/ synopsis) (refer to pages 71-72) 5.2 5.2.1 Lesson delivery 2. Follow the steps from the Teaching Guid Express personal Say in simple words 3. Encourage pupils to talk about the cove responses to and phrases how a 4. Get the pupils to complete Worksheet 1 literary text text makes them feel Complementary Complementary Post lesson Skill Skill 5. Show another story book and get pupils Speaking Speaking reconsolidate the lesson learnt. 2.1 2.1.4 Communicate Give reasons for simple information simple predictions intelligibly Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

TBOOK BASED LESSON (Unit 3) guage Arts THEME: World of Stories EMENT: Language / LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary – features of a book cover G OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION he book features (title/ illustrator/ author/ REFERENCES STRATEGIES ). The King of Kites Differentiate debook on page 70. learning according er and predict the story. Contemporary to the needs of your 1 (page 73). Children’s pupils and class. Literature (CCL) Please see the s to identify the features on the cover to Teaching seven differentiation Guidebook (BPK) strategies listed in – Short story the introduction. Please also consider the following (Strategy 2): You could ask pupils to tell you other books that they have read (title/author/cover). This will give individual pupils ownership of the activity and increase motivation. 68

SCHEME OF WORK: TEXT WEEK: __ LESSON: 33 (Language Awareness 3) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Lang TOPIC: In the past CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE Global Sustainability CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING OUT STANDARD STANDARD Language Language Pre-lesson Awareness Awareness lessons lessons should be should be 1. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s B presented and presented and practised using a using a main skill Lesson delivery main skill and a and a complementary complementary skill 2. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s B skill (Listening, (Listening, could also use the Optional activity in the T Speaking, Speaking, Reading Reading or or Writing). 3. Plan any further activities for this lesson Writing). Teachers Teachers can use according to your pupils’ needs. You can u can use Year 4 Year 4 Content and pupils’ performance which you collected us Content and Learning Standards strategies while teaching this unit. The info Learning in DSKP curriculum observation of pupils interacting in classroo Standards in document. performance in written activities. Plan activ DSKP curriculum practice in a meaningful, fun and communi document. Post-lesson 4. Ask pupils to think about their learning a They then complete the self-assessment w in differentiation strategies column). 5. Collect the worksheets from pupils and r responses. If there are any areas of conce upcoming lessons. Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

TBOOK BASED LESSON (Unit 3) guage Awareness THEME: teacher to complete EMENT: Language / LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Review of language from Unit 3 TLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES Book for the Warm up activity. Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning Book for Activities 1 to 3. You according to the needs of Teacher’s Book. Revision 3 your pupils and class. n to develop language skills Activities 1-3 Please see the seven use information about your (Activity 2 CD 1 – differentiation strategies sing formative assessment Track 51) listed in the introduction. ormation could include your Student’s Book Please also consider the om activities and their page 36 and following: vities which focus on language Teacher’s Book icative way. pages 60 - 61 *Some pupils will continue to need support Self-assessment understanding and worksheet completing the self- assessment worksheet. and performance in this unit. Other pupils may be able worksheet (see below and note to complete it more independently by this stage review them to note pupils’ of the year. ern, prepare a review of these in Pupils can complete it in their own language if necessary, but encourage more proficient pupils to complete it in English as much as they can. 69

How did I do in Unit 3? Put ✔ next to Great, OK, or A litt In English, I know how to… ������ …talk about things that happened in the past Great ____ …ask information using questions about the Great ____ past Great ____ …see the difference between past and now …write about a trip Great ____  I’m proud of myself because I can ____________________  In the next unit, I will _______________________________ Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

tle. ������ ������ OK ____ A little OK ____ ____ OK ____ OK ____ A little ____ A little ____ A little ____ _________________ very well. ______ better / more. 70

Unit 4WEEK: SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO __ LESSON: 34 (Listening 10) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listen TOPIC: Celebrations CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Listening Listening 1. Play a game or do an activity to introduce th 1.2 1.2.1 Lesson delivery Understand Understand with 2. Follow instructions for Warm up in the Teac meaning in a support the main variety of familiar idea of longer 3. Introduce the ordinal numbers by following contexts simple texts in the Teacher’s Book. Complementary Complementary 4. Follow the instructions for Activity 1 (CD1, T Skill Skill the focus of this lesson should be on listening the song lyrics or ask pupils to close their boo Reading Reading to help the pupils to focus on listening not rea 3.2 3.2.3 5. Highlight a few words from the song such a Give pupils the worksheet, which has a choice Understand a Guess the simple English (one definition is correct for ea variety of linear meaning of definitions. and non-linear unfamiliar words print and digital from clues 6. Play the song again and have pupils sing a texts by using provided by title book. appropriate and topic reading strategies 7. Optional: Follow the instructions in the Teac Post-lesson 8. Choose an activity from the post-lesson tas Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 4) ning THEME: World of Knowledge EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Ordinal numbers OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATI REFERENCES ON STRATEGIES Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning according he broad topic of celebrations. Activity 1 to the needs of Student’s Book your pupils and cher’s Book. (page 37) and class. Please see instructions for Vocabulary (CD1, Track 52) Teacher’s Book the seven (pages 62-63) differentiation Track 53) in the Teacher’s Book. Note that strategies listed in g, so you could adapt the activity (e.g. hide Matching activity the introduction. oks when listening for the first time) in order worksheet ading. as celebrate, celebration, fun and special. e of definitions for each word in clear and ach word). Pupils choose the correct along, following the words in the student’s cher’s Book for Optional 2, ‘bingo’ game. sk list to consolidate learning. 71

WEEK: __ LESSON: 35 (Speaking 10) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: Celebrations MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Spea CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING OUT STANDARD STANDARD Pre-lesson Main Skill Main Skill Speaking 1. Choose a pre-lesson task from the list to 2.2 Speaking Use appropriate Lesson delivery communication 2.2.1 2. Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Boo strategies Keep interaction 3. Show or elicit from pupils how to make t Complementary going in short by adding in expressions such as Really? Skill exchanges by: soon to show understanding. They could a Listening to make them more interactive. Give pupils 1.2 using suitable clarification. Talk to pupils about the impor Understand words using pupil-friendly language. meaning in a variety of familiar (i) to show 4. Ask some pupils to perform their dialogu contexts understanding Post-lesson (ii) to ask for clarification 6. Ask pupils to reflect on their learning an You could do this using or adapting a post Complementary Skill Listening 1.2.5 Understand longer supported questions Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 4) aking THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Questions with when; Giving dates using on / no preposition TLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning according to the needs of o review ordinal numbers. Activity 3 your pupils and class. Please Student’s Book see the seven differentiation ok for Activity 3 (CD1, Track 54). strategies listed in the (page 37) and introduction. Please also the exchange more natural, e.g. Teacher’s Book consider the following: or a comment like Oh, that’s also join the exchanges together (pages 62-63) If some of your pupils have s models for language to ask for difficulty with an extended rtance of such discourse skills dialogue, repeat the activity by pairing more and less ue to the class. proficient pupils together so that they have the support of each other as well as of the extra examples. nd give each other feedback. t-lesson task from the list. 72

WEEK: __ LESSON: 36 (Reading 10) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: Celebrations MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Read CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE Values CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING O STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Reading Reading 3.3 3.3.1 1. Choose a pre-lesson task from the list to celebrations/festivals using pictures. Lesson delivery Read Read and enjoy A1 2. Ask pupils to read the text and highlight independently for fiction/non-fiction the board (e.g. you may also include the vo information and print and digital enjoyment texts of interest 3. Then, they work in pairs to look at and d Get the pupils to find the words in the dictio Complementary Complementary Skill Skill 4. Ask pupils to read the story again and te up as if they go to the parade. Reading Reading 5. Get pupils to share with the class what t 3.2 3.2.4 Understand a Recognise and use Post-lesson variety of linear with little or no and non-linear support key 8. Choose a post-lesson task which will rev print and digital features of a simple lesson. texts by using monolingual appropriate dictionary reading strategies Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 4) ding THEME: World of Stories EMENT: Patriotism / LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: going to future for planned actions (optional) / choice OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES o introduce the theme of Get Smart Plus Differentiate learning new words. Write these words on 4 according to the needs of ocabulary at the top of the page). your pupils and class. discuss the meaning of the words. Student’s Book Please see the seven onary to check their answers. (page 38) differentiation strategies ell their partner what they will dress listed in the introduction. they will dress up as. Pictures of Please also consider the celebrations following: Monolingual You may need to support dictionaries some pupils more than others when they are talking freely about the story. If you have very proficient pupils in your class, you could ask them to help less proficient pupils when they have finished talking to their own partners. view or consolidate learning in this 73

WEEK: __ LESSON: 37 (Writing 10) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: Celebrations MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writin CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING OU STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Writing Writing 1. Choose a pre-lesson task from the list to Independence Day. 4.2 4.2.4 Lesson delivery Communicate Describe people basic information and objects using 2. Follow the instructions for Vocabulary (C intelligibly for a suitable statements book. range of purposes in print and digital 3. Draw attention to the Grammar Box and media Teacher’s Book. Check pupils’ understand asking plenty of questions about their plan Complementary Complementary Follow instructions for Activity 3 in the Tea Skill Skill 4. Get pupils to draw their costume for the Writing Writing write 3-5 sentences to describe their costu 4.1 4.1.2 5. Ask pupils to pay attention to their hand closely and work with individual pupils who Form letters and Use cursive writing words in neat in written work Note: The activities should be done in curs legible print using cursive writing Post-lesson 6. Choose a suitable Post-lesson task from reflect on their learning in this sequence of Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 4) ng THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: going to future for planned actions UTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION o review the topic of REFERENCES STRATEGIES CD1, Track 55) in the Teacher’s Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning according to the needs of Activities 1-3 your pupils and class. Please Student’s Book see the seven differentiation (page 38) and strategies listed in the Teacher’s Book introduction. Please also (pages 64-65) consider the following: d follow instructions for this in the Some pupils may continue to ding of this as a future form by have difficulty with the form ns for tomorrow/the weekend. of cursive writing and/or acher’s Book. neatness. You could ask pupils to draft their answers Independence Day parade and in their notebooks so that ume. you can monitor carefully and help where needed. dwriting in this activity. Monitor Then ask pupils to write the o need extra support in this area. final answers in their notebooks as well, and sive writing. collect these in to review for content, language and handwriting. m the list, which asks pupils to f lessons. 74

WEEK: __ LESSON: 38 (Reading 11) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: Celebrations MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Read CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE Sustainability CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING O STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Reading Reading 1. Use the pictures to introduce the topic o 3.2.1 know about the celebrations. Write new wo 3.2 Understand the useful. main idea of simple Understand a texts of one or two Lesson delivery variety of linear paragraphs and non-linear 2. Follow instructions for Vocabulary (CD1 print and digital Complementary texts by using Skill 3. Write China and The US on the board. G appropriate Chinese New Year and half of the pupils th reading strategies Reading Ask pupils to read the text and say if it is a 3.2.2 Complementary 4. Follow instructions for Activity 2 in the T Skill Understand specific the text they have read only. Have pupils c information and who has the same text. Reading details of simple texts of one or two 5. Follow instructions for Grammar Box in 3.2 paragraphs. 6. Pair pupils who have read different texts Understand a answers for Activity 2 using full sentences, variety of linear table. and non-linear print and digital Post-lesson texts by using appropriate 7. Review the vocabulary from this lesson reading strategies which celebration. Ask for pupils’ opinion o Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 4) ding THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends EMENT: Values / Global LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: going to (negatives) future for planned actions OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES of celebrations. Find out what pupils Get Smart Plus Differentiate learning ords on the board where they are 4 according to the needs of your pupils and class. Please see 1, Track 59) in the Teacher’s Book. Activity 1-2 the seven differentiation Give half of the pupils the text about strategies listed in the he text about Independence Day. Student’s Book introduction. Please also about China or the US. (page 40) and consider the following: Teacher’s Book. Pupils answer about Teacher’s check their answers with a partner Book (pages There may be some first 66-67) language spoken in this stage the Teacher’s Book. of the lesson. Support pupils in s. Have them exchange their Pictures of saying some of what they want , so that they both complete the different to say in English. celebrations around the Lunar New Year may be world familiar to pupils, and this may make the text a little easier to follow. Plan in advance which pupils will have which text, so that you can offer more support to those who need it. by asking which words belong to of these celebrations. 75

SCHEME OF WORK: NON-TEXT WEEK: LESSON: 39 (Language Arts 11) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Lang __ TOPIC: The King of Kites CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Pre lesson Main Skill Language Arts Language Arts 1. Choose an activity from the pre-lesson 5.2 the story. For example, they can do the se 5.2.1 30). Express personal responses to Say in simple words Lesson delivery literary text and phrases how a text makes them 3. Choose an appropriate reading method Complementary feel aloud/ guided reading/ choral reading/ grou Skill Complementary 4. Distribute jumbled up strips (Worksheet Reading Skill group. 3.3 Reading 5. Pupils arrange sentence strips accordin Read 3.3.1 Post lesson independently for 6. Check answers through individual and w information and Read and enjoy A1 7. Select a few pairs to present in front of t enjoyment fiction/non-fiction print and digital texts of interest Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

TBOOK BASED LESSON (Unit 4) guage Arts THEME: World of Stories EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary G OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION task list to introduce the main events of REFERENCES STRATEGIES equencing activity in Worksheet 4 (page The King of Kites Differentiate to read the story with the class. (reading learning according up reading). Contemporary to the needs of your 3 – page 28) in an envelope to each Children’s pupils and class. ng to the events of the story. Literature (CCL) Please see the Teaching seven differentiation whole class feedback. Guidebook (BPK) strategies listed in the class. – Short story the introduction. Please also Worksheet 4 consider the following (Strategies Worksheet 3 1-7): (Jumbled up strips) Some pupils may find it difficult to sit still and quietly to read. Try to find somewhere comfortable and away from distraction, especially for pupils who are easily distracted. 76

WEEK: __ LESSON: 40 (Speaking 12) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXT TOPIC: Celebrations MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Spea CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARN STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Speaking Speaking 1. Choose an activity from the pre-lesson t 2.1.4 page 42. 2.1 Give reasons for simple predictions Lesson delivery Communicate simple information Complementary 2. Follow instructions for Warm up in the T intelligibly Skill 3. Follow instructions for Activity 1 in the T Complementary Writing think the person is going to do this, e.g. … Skill 4.3.2 school bag. Writing Spell most high 4. Have pupils choose some pictures from frequency words from stage 3. You may need to monitor ca 4.3 accurately in guided writing 5. Pupils choose one (or more) picture. Th Communicate with appropriate 6. Pupils write a sentence to go with their p language form because he is wearing pyjamas. Remind p and style for a Encourage them to check spelling for them range of purposes resources. in print and digital media 7. Have pupils present their work in groups Post-lesson 8. Choose an activity from the post-lesson used in this lesson. Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

TBOOK BASED LESSON (Unit 4) aking THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: going to future (statements positive/negative) for planned actions NING OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES task list to review some key vocabulary from Get Smart Plus Differentiate learning 4 according to the Teacher’s Book. needs of your pupils Teacher’s Book. Pupils should justify why they Activity 1 and class. Please see …because I can see a pool / …because he has a the seven Student’s Book differentiation m the magazines and continue the same activity (page 42) and strategies listed in the arefully and support pupils with language for this. Teacher’s Book introduction. Please hey take it and stick it onto their paper/notebook. (pages 68-69) also consider the picture, e.g. I think he’s going to go to bed following: pupils to focus on accurate spelling in this activity. Lots of pictures mselves if they are unsure, using appropriate of various If pupils have people, e.g. particular difficulty s. from a magazine with spelling, consider (or copies of including an activity magazines to which focuses more cut up & on spelling.. If scissors) necessary, write and leave key words on Glue the board for pupils to use as models for Paper/ notebook their own work. n tasks which reviews the language pupils have 77

WEEK: __ LESSON: 41 (Writing 12) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: Celebrations MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writin CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE Creativity and Innovation CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Writing Writing 1. Choose a pre-lesson task which focusse celebrations. 4.2 4.2.5 Lesson delivery Communicate Connect sentences basic information into a coherent 2. Ask pupils to think about an upcoming ce intelligibly for a paragraph using their partner what their plans are. range of purposes basic coordinating in print and digital conjunctions and 3. Use the model diary entry to highlight the media reference pronouns and/but/because) and reference pronouns 4. Follow instructions for Writing Tip in the Complementary Complementary 5. Have pupils write a diary entry for an upc Skill Skill 6. Pupil invite one person in the class to joi Writing Writing approach the pupil and ask them ‘I’m going 4.2 4.2.2 7. The pupil reads their diary entry and dec be busy). They will write their response on Communicate Make and respond accepting and declining invitations politely basic information to simple offers and intelligibly for a invitations Post-lesson range of purposes in print and digital 7. Choose a suitable Post-lesson task from media on their writing and/or reflect on their learni Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 4) ng THEME: Wold of Self, Family and Friends EMENT: Language / LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: going to future (questions, statements positive/negative) for planned actions G OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning according es on the topic of birthdays and Student’s Book to the needs of your (page 43) and pupils and class. elebration (national or personal) and tell Teacher’s Book Please see the (page 70) seven differentiation e use of conjunctions (e.g. strategies listed in (he/she/we/it, etc). Papers with the introduction. Teacher’s Book celebrations written Please also coming celebration (for example see step 2) on them (see consider the in them for the celebration. They should Teacher’s Book) following: g to… .Can you join me?’. cides if they can come or not (e.g. they may Model diary entry Vary the support a piece of paper. Model language for using conjunctions you give pupils before beginning the activity. and reference when asking pronouns questions and giving feedback so that A piece of paper for they can practise each pupil to and develop their respond to the writing skills invitation according to their level of proficiency. m the list, which asks pupils to give feedback You can also ask ing in this sequence of lessons. different pupils for more/less detail or length. 78

SCHEME OF WORK: NON-TEXT WEEK: __ LESSON: 42 (Language Arts 12) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Lang TOPIC: The King of Kites CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING STANDARD STANDARD Pre lesson Main Skill Main Skill Language Arts Language Arts 1. Choose an activity from the pre-lesson t 5.2 5.2.1 characters. Express personal Say in simple words Lesson delivery responses to and phrases how a 3. Give examples of adjectives. (Example: literary text text makes them 4. Distribute Worksheets 6a (page 38) and feel Complementary Complementary 5. Ask pupils to fill in the blanks with suitab Skill Skill each picture. Writing Writing Post lesson 6. Give pupils feedback and list the answe 4.2 4.2.4 Communicate Describe people basic information and objects using intelligibly for a suitable statements. range of purposes in print and digital media Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

TBOOK BASED LESSON (Unit 4) guage Arts THEME: World of Stories EMENT: Values LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Adjectives (characteristics of a person) G OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES task list to introduce adjectives to describe The King of Kites Differentiate learning according : friendly, honest, kind, and etc…) Contemporary to the needs of your d 6b (page 39) to each group. Children’s pupils and class. ble adjectives to describe the character in Literature (CCL) Please see the Teaching seven differentiation ers on the board. Guidebook (BPK) strategies listed in – Short story the introduction. Please also - Worksheets 6a & consider the 6b following (Strategies 1-7): Some pupils may need a lot of support conceptually and with completing the mind map. You could ask more proficient pupils to support other pupils in the class when they have finished. 79

SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO WEEK: __ LESSON: 43 (Language Awareness 4) MAIN SKILL FOCUS Langu TOPIC: Celebrations CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING OU STANDARD STANDARD Pre-lesson Language Language Awareness Awareness lessons 1. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s lessons should be should be presented and presented and Lesson delivery practised using a practised using a main skill and a main skill and a 2. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s complementary complementary skill could also use the Optional activity in the T skill (Listening, (Listening, Speaking, Speaking, Reading 3. Plan any further activities for this lesson Reading or or Writing). according to your pupils’ needs. You can u Writing). Teachers Teachers can use performance which you collected using for can use Year 4 Year 4 Content and while teaching this unit. The information co Content and Learning Standards pupils interacting in classroom activities an Learning in DSKP curriculum activities. Plan activities which focus on lan Standards in document. fun and communicative way. DSKP curriculum document. Post-lesson 4. Ask pupils to think about their learning a then complete the self-assessment worksh differentiation strategies column). 5. Collect the worksheets from pupils and responses. If there are any areas of conce upcoming lessons. Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 4) uage Awareness THEME: teacher to complete EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Review of language from Unit 4 UTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES Book for the Warm up activity. Get Smart Plus Differentiate learning according Book for Activities 1 to 3. You 4 to the needs of your pupils and Teacher’s Book. class. Please see the seven n to develop language skills Revision 4 differentiation strategies listed in use information about your pupils’ Student’s Book the introduction. Please also rmative assessment strategies (page 48) and consider the following: ould include your observation of Teacher’s Book nd their performance in written (pages 76-77) *Some pupils will continue to nguage practice in a meaningful, need support understanding and Self-assessment completing the self-assessment and performance in this unit. They worksheet worksheet. Other pupils may be heet (see below and note in able to complete it more independently by this stage of the year. Pupils can complete it in their own language if necessary, but encourage more proficient pupils to complete it in English as much as they can. review them to note pupils’ ern, prepare a review of these in 80

How did I do in Unit 4? Put ✔ next to Great, OK, or A little. In English, I know how to… ������ …say the ordinal numbers (first, second, third, Great ____ OK etc) …ask and answer questions about dates Great ____ OK …talk about future plans Great ____ OK …talk about celebrations Great ____ OK …talk about things that are about to happen Great ____ OK  I’m proud of myself because I ________________________  In the next unit, I will _______________________________ Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

������ ������ K ____ A little ____ K ____ A little ____ K ____ A little ____ K ____ A little ____ K ____ A little ____ _____________ very well. ______ better / more. 81

WEEK:Unit 5 SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO __ LESSON: 44 (Listening 13) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listen TOPIC: Eating right CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING O STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Listening Listening 1. Introduce and review food vocabulary from the pre (e.g. sweet foods, fruit, etc). 1.3 1.3.1 Lesson delivery Use appropriate Guess the 2. Introduce the new vocabulary by following instruct listening meaning of Teacher’s Book. strategies in a unfamiliar words variety of from clues 3. Ask pupils to close their books and listen to the so contexts provided by they don’t know in the text (e.g. yummy, market), or d knowledge of the the meaning of these words based on the topic know Complementary topic definitions for these words and ask them to think abo Skill Complementary 4. Follow the instructions for Activity 1 (Track 71) in t Listening Skill lesson should be on listening, so you could adapt the pupils to close their books when listening the first tim 1.1 Listening listening, not reading or speaking. Recognise and 1.1.1 5. Ask pupils to find a word with the sound /eə/ in the reproduce target instructions for Activity 1 in Teacher’s Book Phonics* language Recognise and sounds reproduce with 6. Ask pupils to brainstorm more words with each of support a wide on one sound each group. range of target language 7. Optional: Follow instructions for TPR Activity in the phonemes Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 5) ning THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Phonemes OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES e-lesson activities with a categorisation activity Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate tions for Vocabulary (Track 70) in the learning according Activity 1 (Track to the needs of your 71) , Activities 1-2 pupils and class. Student’s Book Please see the (page 49) and seven differentiation Teacher’s Book strategies listed in (page 78) the introduction. ong (Track 71). Ask pupils to highlight words Activity 1 direct them to these words. Get them to guess wledge. Provide pupils with various possible (phonics), out the topic to decide what the words mean. Teacher’s Book the Teacher’s Book. Note that the focus of this (page 175) and e activity (e.g. hide the song lyrics or ask Student’s Book me) in order to help the pupils to focus on (page 120) e song [pear]. Focus on this sound using the Vocabulary (Track * (page 175) and Student’s Book (page 120). 70) the three sounds. Pupils could work in groups e Teacher’s Book. 82

Post-lesson 8. Choose an activity from the post-lesson tasks whic either the main or complementary skill in this lesson. Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

ch focuses on reviewing and consolidating . 83

WEEK: __ LESSON: 45 (Speaking 13) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXT TOPIC: Eating right MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Spea CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING OUT STANDARD STANDARD Pre-lesson Main Skill Main Skill Speaking 1. Revise food vocabulary from the pre-les 2.2 Speaking countable and uncountable nouns. Use appropriate communication 2.2.1 Lesson delivery strategies 2. Focus on the Grammar Box using the in Keep interaction Book. Complementary going in short Skill exchanges by: 3. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s Listening 72). Some of the dishes may be unfamiliar 1.2 using suitable about these dishes and ask for pupils’ opin Understand words meaning in a 4. Have pupils re-do Activity 3 but this time variety of familiar (i) to show ingredient to confuse their partner. Their p contexts understanding clarification, e.g. Omelette: eggs and choc chocolate?. (ii) to ask for clarification 5. Have pupils talk to their partner about in dishes they like. You may need to help wit Complementary Skill Post-lesson Listening 6. Play the song again and have pupils sin 1.2.5 Understand longer supported questions Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

TBOOK BASED LESSON (Unit 5) aking THEME: World of Knowledge EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: want and need + (un)countable nouns TLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES sson activities. Focus on Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning according to nstructions in the Teacher’s the needs of your pupils and Activity 3 class. Please see the seven Book for Activity 3 (CD1, Track Student’s Book differentiation strategies listed in r to your pupils. Talk to pupils (page 49) and the introduction. Please also nion of them. Teacher’s Book consider the following: e they should change the (page 79) partner should ask for Presenting to a group rather than colate: Sorry, did you say to the whole class can support less confident pupils. It will also help the pace of the lesson giving time for pupils to speak more. This is especially true in large classes. ngredients needed for other th vocabulary here. ng along. 84

WEEK: __ LESSON: 46 (Reading 13) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: Eating right MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Read CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING OU STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Reading Reading 1. Play the game Market Races (see Teac Teacher’s Book, page 79) 3.2 3.2.4 Lesson delivery Understand a Recognise and use variety of linear with little or no 2. On the board, write the words of the new and non-linear support key student’s book). Hand out dictionaries to p print and digital features of a simple for the definitions of the words. Note that m texts by using monolingual so pupils may need to look up more than o appropriate dictionary reading strategies 3. Pupils check their understanding by look Complementary Complementary Skill 4. Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Boo Skill Reading 5. Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Boo Reading 3.2.2 Post-lesson 3.2 Understand specific 7. If time allows, have pupils do a speaking Understand a information and food they can see in the story and compar variety of linear details of simple own kitchen. This will help pupils to go ove and non-linear texts of one or two during the lesson and use them in sentenc print and digital paragraphs texts by using 8. Ask pupils to complete exit cards writing appropriate from their reading, including those they che reading strategies their exit cards and address emerging lear new words not mentioned). Address these Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 5) ding THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends EMENT: Values LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: (un)countable nouns with some / any UTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES cher’s Book, Optional activity – Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning w vocabulary (at the top of according to the needs of pairs/groups and have pupils look Activities 1&3 your pupils and class. Please many of these are noun phrases, Student’s Book see the seven differentiation one word for each item. (pages 50 &51) strategies listed in the king in the student’s book. and Teacher’s introduction. Please also ok for Activity 1. Book (pages 79 & consider the following: ok for Activity 3. 80) If you have fast readers in Monolingual your class, you could ask dictionaries them to make more true/false questions in Student’s Book (page 51) about the text. g activity where they talk about the re it to the food they have in their er new vocabulary they learned ces. g three words they learned today hecked in the dictionary. Check rning needs (e.g. weak spelling, e needs in the next lesson. 85

WEEK: __ LESSON: 47 (Writing 13) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: Eating right MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writin CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING OUT STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Writing Writing 1. Choose an activity from the pre-lesson t of a word pupils found challenging in the pr 4.3 4.3.2 Lesson delivery Communicate Spell most high 2. Introduce the idea of a picnic and relate with appropriate frequency words Tell them that they are going to follow the i language form accurately in guided Book for Activity 5. Focus on the spelling o and style for a writing range of purposes 3. Pupils write sentences in their notebook in print and digital Complementary buy for their picnic, e.g. We’re going to buy media Skill packet of crisps. Remind pupils how to use Complementary Writing Post-lesson Skill 4.3.1 4. Choose a suitable Post-lesson task from Writing give feedback on their writing and/or reflec Use capital letters, sequence of lessons. 4.3 full stops, question marks and commas Communicate in lists appropriately with appropriate in guided writing at language form discourse level and style for a range of purposes in print and digital media Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 5) ng THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends EMENT: Entrepreneurship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: (Un)countable nouns; listing items TLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES tasks which focusses on spelling Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning revious lesson. according to the needs of Activities 4-5 Student’s your pupils and class. it to pupils’ own experience. Book (page 51) and Please see the seven instructions in the Teacher’s Teacher’s Book (page differentiation strategies of the list. 81) listed in the introduction. Please also consider the k, saying what they are going to Activity 4 (CD1, Track following: y some eggs, some juice and a 75) e commas in lists, Activity 5 (CD1, Track 76) m the list, which asks pupils to ct on their learning in this 86

WEEK: __ LESSON: 48 (Reading 14) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: Eating right MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Read CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING OUT STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Reading Reading 3.2 3.2.2 1. Review food vocabulary from previous le or an activity. Introduce any new food voca pupils’ daily lives. Then follow instructions Warm up for one to two words in each cate Understand a Understand specific Lesson delivery variety of linear information and and non-linear details of simple 2. On the worksheet, have pupils work in p print and digital texts of one or two brainstorm more words to go into each cat texts by using paragraphs on spelling at this point. Also see differenti appropriate reading strategies Complementary 3. Talk to pupils about the importance of e Skill Complementary 4. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s Skill Writing CD1, Track 83. Writing 4.3.2 5. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s Remind pupils to focus on correct spelling. 4.3 Spell most high frequency words 6. Have pupils review the spelling of the wo Communicate accurately in guided They could use a dictionary, refer to the St with appropriate writing support them in this. . language form and style for a Post-lesson range of purposes in print and digital 7. Choose an activity from the post-lesson media pupils found challenging in this lesson. Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

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