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Home Explore Primary Year 4 SJK SOW

Primary Year 4 SJK SOW

Published by beehwatan, 2021-01-23 15:09:09

Description: Primary Year 4 SJK SOW


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OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 8) ning THEME: World of Knowledge EMENT: Language / LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Comparative adjective forms: adjective + -er than G OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES pupils the animals they already know. Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning mals (use pictures of animals from Activity according to the needs of nd ask pupils to tell you what they know Activity 1 your pupils and class. Student’s Book Please see the seven ‘hump’ on the board. Have pupils guess (page 81) and differentiation strategies ated to the animals such as ‘heavy’, Teacher’s Book listed in the introduction. (page122) Pictures of the animals ivity 1 on page 81 and get a few pupils to ect pictures on the whiteboard. You may s. Focus on the adjectives to describe the nsolidates vocabulary in this lesson. 112

WEEK: __ LESSON: 71 (Writing 22) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: Amazing animals MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writin CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Writing Writing 4.2.4 1. Play a game to brainstorm adjectives to Describe people 4.2 and objects using Lesson delivery suitable statements Communicate 2. Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Boo basic information Complementary long comparative adjectives. Include an ex intelligibly for a Skill benefit from it. range of purposes Writing in print and digital 4.3.2 3. Have pupils write a description of an ani media Spell most high comparative adjective. On the other side, t frequency words group of pupils can try to guess the anima Complementary accurately in guided answer on the other side of the card. Skill writing 4. Optional: Follow instructions in the Teac Writing Post-lesson 4.3 5. Finish the lesson with a post-lesson task Communicate learning in this sequence of lessons. with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print and digital media Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 8) ng THEME: World of Knowledge EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Comparative adjective forms: adjective + -er / more + adjective + than G OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES o compare animals and dinosaurs. Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning according to the needs ok for Grammar Box. Compare short and Activity 2 of your pupils and xtra activity here if your pupils would Student’s Book class. Please see the (page 82) and seven differentiation imal on one side of the paper using a Teacher’s Book strategies listed in the they write the name of the animal. Another (pages 124 & 125) introduction. Please al by reading the clue, then checking their also consider the Animals & following: cher’s Book for Activity 2. dinosaur flashcards Some pupils may not k which asks pupils to reflect on their be aware about Blank cards syllables in words before, so introduce the concept to them. Tell them that syllables are parts of a word, the number of \"chunks\" that a word breaks into when you say it. 113

SCHEME OF WORK: NON-TEXT WEEK: __ LESSON: 72 (Language Arts 22) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Lang TOPIC: Graphic Novel – The Jungle Book CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE Innovation CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-Lesson Language Arts Language Arts 1. Elicit responses from pupils pertaining to relationships, feelings, deeds) 5.2 5.2.1 Lesson delivery Express personal Say in simple words responses to and phrases how a 2. Have pupils recap Chapters 1 to 4 and t literary texts text makes them feel 3. On page 63 of The Jungle Book, in pairs Complementary would happen to Mowgli next. Skill Complementary Skill 4. Get pupils to rearrange the 5 strips of sy Speaking each strip. (Teaching Guidebook pages Speaking 2.1 Note: Remove the chapter number of ea 2.1.1 Post – Lesson Communicate simple information Explain and give 5. Have pupils share their thoughts and fee intelligibly reasons for basic opinions Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

TBOOK BASED LESSON (Unit 8) guage Arts THEME: World of Stories EMENT: Creativity and LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Adjectives G OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES o the characters of the story. (e.g. their Year 4 Graphic Differentiate learning then read Chapter 5. Novel – The according to the needs s, pupils discuss their opinions on what Jungle Book of your pupils and ynopsis and write Mowgli’s feelings in class. Please see the s 33 – 34) Contemporary seven differentiation ach strip. Children’s strategies listed in the Literature introduction. Please elings about the whole story. Teaching also consider the Guidebook (BPK) following: - Graphic Novel Strategy 6: Differentiate by the types of question asked Strategy 7: Differentiate by the feedback given 114

WEEK: __ LESSON: 73 (Speaking 23) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: Amazing animals MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Spea CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Speaking Speaking 1. Choose a pre-lesson task using the pict 2.1 2.1.5 Lesson delivery Communicate Describe people, 2. Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Boo simple information and objects using 3. Introduce more dinosaurs using pictures information about these dinosaurs. intelligibly suitable statements 4. Have pupils write adjectives on the card Complementary Complementary comparisons game, where they take a card Skill Skill dinosaurs. Review language for checking i pupils to check the instructions with you, o Speaking Speaking Post-lesson 2.2 2.2.2 5. Choose a post-lesson task which asks p performance in this lesson. Use appropriate Check steps communication needed to complete strategies short classroom tasks Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 8) aking THEME: World of Knowledge EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Review of comparative adjective forms: adjective + -er / more + adjective + than G OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning according to the needs ture to review dinosaurs and adjectives. Activity 3 of your pupils and Student’s Book class. Please see the ok for Activity 3. (page 83) and seven differentiation s. You may need to research some Teacher’s Book strategies listed in the (page 125) introduction. Please ds. In small groups, they play a also consider the rd and use it to compare two of the Various dinosaur following: instructions at this point. Nominate various pictures or they could do this in pairs. Try to nominate some Blank cards shy or less proficient pupils to check the pupils to reflect on their learning and instructions. If you still have this language on the classroom wall, they can use it as a model. 115

WEEK: __ LESSON: 74 (Reading 23) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: Amazing animals MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Read CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Reading Reading 3.2.2 1. Choose a pre-lesson task using the pict Understand specific These should include the vocabulary at the 3.2 information and in the text. details of simple Understand a texts of one or two Lesson delivery variety of linear paragraphs and non-linear 2. Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Boo print and digital Complementary usage of comparisons using Grammar Box texts by using Skill appropriate Speaking 3. Show pictures of two different dinosaurs reading strategies 2.1.4 these two dinosaurs meet. Ask pupils to gi Give reasons for Tyrannosaurus Rex would eat Gallimimus, Complementary simple predictions with other dinosaurs. Skill Post-lesson Speaking 4. Choose a post-lesson task which conso 2.1 relate learning to pupils’ own lives or their of prehistoric life locally/nationally/within A Communicate simple information intelligibly Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 8) ding THEME: World of Knowledge EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Comparative forms: as [adjective] as [noun] G OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES ture to introduce dinosaurs’ body parts. Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning e top of page 84 as well as the body parts according to the needs of Activity 1-2 your pupils and class. ok for Activity 1. Draw attention to the Student’s Book Please see the seven x on pg.85. Continue with Activity 2. (pages 84 & 85) differentiation strategies s. Have pupils predict what will happen if and Teacher’s listed in the introduction. ive reasons for their predictions, e.g. Book (pages 126 Please also consider the , because T-Rex was a carnivore. Repeat & 127) following: olidates learning in this lesson. It could Enlarged dinosaur Pupils may find it difficult to interests, or it could focus on any findings pictures pronounce the dinosaur Asia. names. Allow them to give Body parts the dinosaurs nicknames. flashcards Give plenty of support to (Optional) pupils when they give worksheet reasons for their predictions, especially to less proficient pupils, who may lack vocabulary and/or ideas. You could do this by asking questions and suggesting vocabulary. 116

WEEK: __ LESSON: 75 (Speaking 24) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: Amazing animals MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Spea CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson 1. Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Boo Speaking Speaking animal names in Activity 1 (Student’s Book 2.1 2.1.1 Lesson delivery Communicate Explain and give 2. Follow instructions in the Vocabulary. 3. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s simple information reasons for basic 4. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s intelligibly opinions Post-lesson Complementary Complementary 5. Choose a post-lesson task which asks p learning in this lesson. Skill Skill Speaking Speaking 2.1 2.1.5 Communicate Describe people, simple information and objects using intelligibly suitable statements Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 8) aking THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Asking about and giving reasons for preferences; Review of comparative forms (optional) G OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES ok for Warm up (page 129) to review the k page 86). Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning according to the needs Book for Activity 1. Activity 1 of your pupils and Book for the Optional activity. Student’s Book class. Please see the pupils to reflect on and evaluate their (page 86) and seven differentiation Teacher’s Book strategies listed in the (pages 128 & 129) introduction. Please also consider the Sets of small following: pictures of the animals Based on your observation of pupils in recent lessons, if you think some of your pupils need more practice in comparative forms, you could include this in this lesson. 117

WEEK: __ LESSON: 76 (Reading 24) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: Amazing animals MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Read CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING OUT STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Reading Reading 3.3 3.3.1 1. Choose a pre-lesson task which will link Read Read and enjoy A1 (Student’s Book pages 88 & 89). independently for fiction/non-fiction information and print and digital Lesson delivery enjoyment texts of interest 2. Introduce the story using pictures of the Complementary Complementary the story.3. Have pupils do an activity in gr Skill Skill other what they liked about the story. Enco Speaking Speaking adjectives from previous lessons. 2.3 2.3.1 Communicate Narrate short basic 3. Have the groups discuss what they think appropriately to a stories pupils to choose one or two person(s) to n small or large The rest of the group members can act ou group Post-lesson 4. Choose a post-lesson task which review focuses on particular language points pupi Ask pupils to bring pictures of their favourit Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 8) ding THEME: World of Stories EMENT: Values LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Review of descriptive language TLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES k to the story in this lesson Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning according e characters. Have pupils read to the needs of your pupils and roups where they tell each Student’s Book class. Please see the seven ourage pupils to use the (pages 88-89) differentiation strategies listed in the introduction. Please also k will happen at the end. Get Pictures of the main consider the following: narrate the story to the class. characters of the ut the story. story Some pupils will find it challenging to read without ws the story in the lesson or understanding every word. ils still find challenging. Remind pupils that they don’t te animals to the next lesson. need to understand every word. Encourage them to use strategies to guess the meaning of new words. You could include an activity towards the end of the lesson which focuses on new vocabulary, but remind pupils who are concerned that they can enjoy a story without completely understanding of it. 118

WEEK: __ LESSON: 77 (Writing 24) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: Amazing animals MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writin CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE Innovation / Language CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING OUT STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Writing Writing 1. Choose a pre-lesson task which reviews 4.2 4.2.5 Lesson delivery 2. Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Boo Communicate Connect sentences basic information into a coherent 3. Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Boo intelligibly for a paragraph using range of purposes basic coordinating 4. Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Boo in print and digital conjunctions and 5. Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Boo media reference pronouns find examples of conjunctions in the text in to the mind map in Activity 2 as a techniqu Complementary Complementary 6. Have pupils make a writing plan about t Skill Skill pupils write about their favourite animal us permit, this could be finished as a homewo Writing Writing Post-lesson 4.3 4.3.3 7. Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Boo Communicate Produce a plan or use their plans for this activity. with appropriate draft of one language form paragraph for a and style for a familiar topic and range of purposes modify this in print and digital appropriately in media response to feedback Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 8) ng THEME: World of Knowledge EMENT: Creativity and LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Review of descriptive language TLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES s the animal vocabulary. Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning according to ok for Warm up. the needs of your pupils and ok for Activity 1. Activities 1-2 class. Please see the seven ok for Activity 2. Student’s Book differentiation strategies listed in ok for Writing tip. Have pupils (page 87) and the introduction. Please also n Activity 1 and draw attention Teacher’s Book consider the following: ue for planning. (pages 130 & 131) their favourite animal. Have Have pupils work in mixed sing the plan. If time does not Pupils’ pictures of proficiency pairs for steps 3 and 4 ork. their favourite so that more proficient pupils can animals support less proficient ones. Offer plenty of support so that pupils Animal pictures can work quickly but effectively. Note that more time should be ok for Optional 1 activity. Pupils spent on writing the paragraphs. Setting homework can give you the opportunity to see how individual pupils are progressing in their written work. Make sure that all pupils understand exactly what and how much they should write. 119

SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO WEEK: __ LESSON: 78 (Language Awareness 7) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Lang TOPIC: Amazing animals CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING O STANDARD STANDARD Language Language Pre-lesson Awareness Awareness lessons lessons should be should be 1. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s presented and presented and practised using a practised using a Lesson delivery main skill and a main skill and a complementary complementary skill 2. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s skill (Listening, (Listening, also use the Optional activity in the Teache Speaking, Speaking, Reading Reading or or Writing). 3. Plan any further activities for this lesson Writing). Teachers Teachers can use to your pupils’ needs. You can use informa can use Year 4 Year 4 Content and which you collected using formative asses Content and Learning Standards unit. The information could include your ob Learning in DSKP curriculum classroom activities and their performance Standards in document. which focus on language practice in a mea DSKP curriculum document. Post-lesson 4. Ask pupils to think about their learning a complete the self-assessment worksheet ( strategies column). 5. Collect the worksheets from pupils and If there are any areas of concern, prepare lessons. Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 8) guage Awareness THEME: teacher to complete EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Review of language from Unit 8 OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES Book for the Warm up activity. Get Smart Plus Differentiate learning 4 according to the needs of Book for Activities 1 to 3. You could your pupils and class. Please er’s Book. Revision 8 see the seven differentiation n to develop language skills according Student’s Book strategies listed in the ation about your pupils’ performance and Teacher’s introduction. Please also ssment strategies while teaching this Book consider the following: bservation of pupils interacting in e in written activities. Plan activities Self-assessment *Most pupils will be able to aningful, fun and communicative way. worksheet complete the self- assessment worksheet with and performance in this unit. They then just a little support. Continue (see below and note in differentiation to explain the criteria to pupils so they understand review them to note pupils’ responses. them clearly. a review of these in upcoming Support pupils where needed and allow pupils to write in their own language if necessary. You could then help them to express themselves in English. 120

How did I do in Unit 8? Put ✔ next to Great, OK, or A little. In English, I know how to… ������ ������ …describe animals Great ____ OK ____ …compare animals Great ____ OK ____ …talk about what I like and don’t like Great ____ OK ____ …say why I like or don’t like something Great ____ OK ____ …write about my favourite animal Great ____ OK ____  I’m proud of myself because I ________________________  In the next unit, I will _______________________________ Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

������ A little ____ A little ____ A little ____ A little ____ A little ____ _____________ very well. ______ better / more. 121

WEEK: __Unit 9 SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO LESSON: 79 (Listening 25) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listen TOPIC: Get active! CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING STANDARD STANDARD Pre-lesson Main Skill Main Skill Note: The focus of this lesson should be o Listening Listening the textbook for Steps 1-3 in this lesson. 1. Review/pre-teach the adjectives from pa 1.2 1.2.2 the sports topic. Understand Understand with Lesson delivery meaning in a support specific 2. Write some topics for the song on the bo variety of familiar information and e.g. Animals / Food / Sports / School. contexts details of longer simple texts 3. Play the song and ask pupils to listen to (sports) and continue with instructions in th Complementary Complementary 4. Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Boo Skill Skill 5. Optional: If time allows, have pupils do a Listening Listening sports vocabulary in pairs or small groups. 1.2 1.2.1 Post-lesson Understand Understand with 6. Choose a post-lesson task which person meaning in a support the main variety of familiar idea of longer contexts simple texts Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 9) ning THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Expressing degrees of likes and dislikes: e.g. I like/love/hate + gerund G OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES on listening so pupils do not need to open Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate age 93 Student’s book without introducing learning according Activity 1 to the needs of your oard, including the correct one ‘sports’, Student’s Book pupils and class. (page 93) and Please see the Teacher’s Book seven differentiation (pages 138 &139) strategies listed in the introduction. o it to tell you what the topic of the song is he Teacher’s Book for Activity 1. ok for TPR activity. a speaking activity where they practise the . nalises learning. 122

WEEK: __ LESSON: 80 (Reading 25) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: Get active! MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Read CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING OUT STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Reading Reading 3.2 3.2.2 1. Review and extend the sports topic by h Understand a Understand specific Vocabulary. variety of linear information and and non-linear details of simple Lesson delivery print and digital texts of one or two 2. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s texts by using paragraphs appropriate 3. Ask pupils to discuss in groups the best reading strategies Complementary asking them to give reasons for their answ Skill 4. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s Complementary Reading 5. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s Skill 3.2.1 Reading Understand the Post-lesson 3.2 main idea of simple Understand a texts of one or two 6. Play a mime game to review vocabulary variety of linear paragraphs lesson. and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 9) ding THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Superlative adjectives: the adjective + -est / best / worst TLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning according to the needs of your having pupils do Warm up and Activities 1 & 3 pupils and class. Please see Student’s Book (page the seven differentiation Book for Activity 1. 94) and Teacher’s strategies listed in the t title for this story. Extend by Book (pages 140 & introduction. Please also wer. 141) consider the following: Flash cards If pupils have no experience or knowledge of the sports in this Book for Activity 2. lesson, use some extra pictures or video clips to talk to Book for Grammar Box. pupils about the sports. y and concepts covered in this 123

WEEK: __ LESSON: 81 (Writing 25) SCHEME OF WORK: NON-TEXT TOPIC: Get active! MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writin CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE Innovation CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING OU STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Writing Writing 4.2.2 1. Choose a pre-lesson task to suit the les Make and respond 4.2 to simple offers and Lesson delivery invitations Communicate 2. Plan a writing lesson which develops the basic information Complementary and practises superlative forms. intelligibly for a Skill Writing range of purposes 4.2.5 For example, pupils plan a fun mini compe in print and digital Connect sentences ‘activities day’ in groups (e.g. to see who c media into a coherent books). Ask pupils to give a name to their a paragraph using be done in L1. Complementary basic coordinating Skill conjunctions and Show pupils the model invitation to suppor reference pronouns invitations to their classmates to take part Writing The competitions take place and pupils wo 4.2 findings and prepare a very short report on that pupils may need a model report for thi Communicate basic information Collect the reports and provide feedback. intelligibly for a range of purposes Post-lesson in print and digital media 3. Choose a post-lesson task which review to reflect on their learning in this sequence Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

TBOOK BASED LESSON (Unit 9) ng THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends EMENT: Creativity and LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Superlative adjectives: the adjective + -est / best / worst UTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES sson you have planned. Develop some Differentiate learning materials or bring according to the needs of e main and complementary skills some resources to your pupils and class. Please this lesson. see the seven differentiation etitions/challenges for a class strategies listed in the can make the tallest tower out of A model invitation introduction. Please also activity. The planning stage may consider the following: A model report rt them in writing their own Think about the amount of in their competition(s). support pupils may need in ork in groups to organise their developing the activities for n them (in a short paragraph). Note their competition. You could is. give them some ideas or you could give them a choice of pre-planned activities. ws recent learning and asks pupils e of lessons. 124

WEEK: __ LESSON: 82 (Speaking 26) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXT TOPIC: Get active! MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Spea CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING O STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Speaking Speaking 1. Review adjectives from previous lessons superlative forms in a game such as a mat 2.1 2.1.5 Lesson delivery Communicate Describe people, 2. Review the reading lesson text. simple information and objects using 3. Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Boo intelligibly suitable statements to the change from sport to person (high ju windsurfer; javelin – javelin thrower). Complementary Complementary 4. You can add other characters in the stor Skill Skill Carlos. Listening Listening Post-lesson 1.2 1.2.2 5. Choose a post-lesson task which extend this lesson. Understand Understand with meaning in a support specific variety of familiar information and contexts details of longer simple texts Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

TBOOK BASED LESSON (Unit 9) aking THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Superlative adjectives: the adjective + -est / best / worst OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES s and review/introduce their tching activity. Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning according to the needs of Activity 5 Student’s your pupils and class. Book (page 95) and Please see the seven Teacher’s Book (page differentiation strategies 141) listed in the introduction. Please also consider the ok for Activity 5. Draw pupils’ attention following: ump – high jumper; windsurfing – If the sports in the book ry for this game, e.g. Greg and are very unfamiliar or inappropriate for your ds and consolidates pupils learning in context, you could extend this so that pupils talk about sports they do at school, which will be more familiar, interesting and relevant to them. 125

WEEK: __ LESSON: 83 (Reading 26) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: Get active! MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Read CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE Sustainability CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Reading Reading 1. Choose a pre-lesson task from the list to lesson task from the list. 3.2 3.2.2 Lesson delivery Understand a Understand specific variety of linear information and 2. Tell pupils they will read about three spo and non-linear details of simple elicit what pupils already know about them print and digital texts of one or two texts by using paragraphs 3. Check detailed understanding by asking appropriate relevant instructions in the Teacher’s Book reading strategies Complementary Skill 4. Pupils check their answers and respond Complementary Skill Reading 5. If time allows, ask pupils for their experie Reading 3.2.1 Post-lesson 3.2 Understand the 6. Review vocabulary using an activity from main idea of simple Understand a texts of one or two variety of linear paragraphs and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 9) ding THEME: World of Knowledge EMENT: Global LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Superlative adjectives: the adjective + -est / the most + adjective G OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES o extend the topic of sports using a pre- Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning orts. Put the pictures on the board and according to the needs m. Activity 1 of your pupils and g comprehension questions following the Student’s Book class. Please see the k for Activity 1. (page 96) and seven differentiation d to a gist question. Teacher’s Book strategies listed in the (page 142) introduction. Please ences and opinions of these three sports. also consider the Pictures of the following: m the post-lesson tasks. sports in the texts Try to vary the Sports flashcards questions you ask to different pupils about Sports equipment the text. This builds confidence as well as motivation for all your pupils. 126

WEEK: __ LESSON: 84 (Speaking 27) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: Get active! MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Spea CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING O STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson 1. Follow instruction in the Teacher’s Book Speaking Speaking Lesson delivery 2.1 2.1.1 2. Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Boo Communicate Explain and give 3. Optional: If you have time, show pupils h chart (e.g. a bar chart) and have pupils pre simple information reasons for basic their partner from Activity 1. 4. Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Boo intelligibly opinions about their friend in groups, rather than to Complementary Complementary Post-lesson 5. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s Skill Skill Speaking Speaking 2.1 2.1.5 Communicate Describe people, simple information and objects using intelligibly suitable statements Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 9) aking THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Verb + preposition: e.g. be good/bad at OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES k for the Revision activity. Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning according to the needs of ok for Activity 1. Activities 1-2 your pupils and class. how to represent data in a simple Student’s Book Please see the seven esent the data about themselves and (page 98) and differentiation strategies Teacher’s Book listed in the introduction. (pages 144-145) Please also consider the following: Sample charts Presenting to a group ok for Activity 2. Have pupils talk rather than to the whole the whole class. class can support less confident pupils. It will also Book for the Optional activity. help the pace of the lesson giving time for pupils to speak more. This is especially true in large classes. Use models and the board to show pupils how to make a bar chart (or another kind of chart) from their data. 127

WEEK: __ LESSON: 85 (Writing 27) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: Get active! MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writin CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Writing Writing 1. Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Boo 4.2 4.2.1 Lesson delivery Communicate basic Explain and give 2. Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Boo information reasons for simple intelligibly for a opinions 3. Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Boo range of purposes in print and digital Complementary 4. Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Boo media Skill 5. Ask pupils to answer the questions in th Complementary Reading know. Have pupils say what they think of th Skill this activity to be a project-based activity u 3.2.2 Reading 6. Pupils write about the famous person, u Understand a plan, but do not give the name. 3.2 specific information and Post-lesson Understand a details of simple variety of linear and texts of one or two 7. Have pupils read each other’s writing by non-linear print and paragraphs try to guess who the famous person are. If digital texts by could do this at the beginning of Lesson 14 using appropriate reading strategies Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 9) ng THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Verb + preposition: e.g. be good/bad at G OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES ok for the Warm up activity. Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning according to the ok for Activity 1. Activities 1-2 needs of your pupils ok for Activity 2. Student’s Book and class. Please see ok for Writing Tip. (page 99) and the seven he Writing tip for a famous person they Teacher’s Book differentiation this person as well. You could organise (page 146) strategies listed in the using ICT. introduction. Please using their answers in the previous step as also consider the following: Set different word limits for different pupils. You could add one or more questions to the planning stage for more proficient pupils. y conducting a gallery walk. They should f you don’t have time for this stage, pupils 44 (Language Awareness lesson). 128

SCHEME OF WORK: NON-TEXT WEEK: LESSON: 86 (Language Arts 27) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Lang __ TOPIC: Graphic Novel – The Jungle Book CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-Lesson Language Arts 1. Show a picture of ‘Akela’. Language Arts 5.2.1 2. Have pupils to discuss the importance o 5.2 Say in simple words 3. Discuss how Akela died and what can b Express personal and phrases how a Lesson delivery responses to text makes them 4. Follow the instructions in the Teaching G literary texts feel 5. Have pupils discuss Mowgli’s feelings o Post – Lesson Complementary Complementary 6. Have pupils write the poem in cursive w Skill Skill Writing Writing 4.1 4.1.2 Form letters and Use cursive writing words in neat in written work* legible print using cursive writing *all children Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

TBOOK BASED LESSON (Unit 9) guage Arts THEME: World of Stories EMENT: Values LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Adjectives G OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES of Akela to Mowgli. be done to honour her. Year 4 Graphic Differentiate learning Guidebook on page 70. (Steps 1 – 4) Novel – The according to the on Akela’s death. Jungle Book needs of your pupils writing. and class. Please see Contemporary the seven Children’s differentiation Literature strategies listed in the Teaching introduction. Please Guidebook (BPK) also consider the - Graphic Novel following: Strategy 2: Differentiate by the type and amount of support provided 129

SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO WEEK: __ LESSON: 87 (Language Awareness 8) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Lang TOPIC: Get active! CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING OU STANDARD STANDARD Language Language Pre-lesson Awareness Awareness lessons lessons should be should be 1. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s presented and presented and practised using a practised using a Lesson delivery main skill and a main skill and a complementary complementary skill 2. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s skill (Listening, (Listening, could also use the Optional activity in the T Speaking, Speaking, Reading Reading or or Writing). 3. Plan any further activities for this lesson Writing). Teachers Teachers can use according to your pupils’ needs. You can u can use Year 4 Year 4 Content and performance which you collected using for Content and Learning Standards while teaching this unit. The information co Learning in DSKP curriculum pupils interacting in classroom activities an Standards in document. activities. Plan activities which focus on lan DSKP curriculum fun and communicative way. document. Post-lesson 4. Ask pupils to think about their learning a then complete the self-assessment worksh differentiation strategies column). 5. Collect the worksheets from pupils and responses. If there are any areas of conce upcoming lessons. Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 9) guage Awareness THEME: teacher to complete EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Review of language from Unit 9 UTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES Book for the Warm up activity. Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning Book for Activities 1 to 3. You according to the needs of Teacher’s Book. Revision 9 your pupils and class. Please n to develop language skills Student’s Book see the seven differentiation use information about your pupils’ and Teacher’s strategies listed in the rmative assessment strategies Book introduction. Please also ould include your observation of consider the following: nd their performance in written Self-assessment nguage practice in a meaningful, worksheet *Most pupils will be able to complete the self- and performance in this unit. They assessment worksheet with heet (see below and note in just a little support. Continue to explain the criteria to review them to note pupils’ pupils so they understand ern, prepare a review of these in them clearly. Support pupils where needed and allow pupils to write in their own language if necessary. You could then help them to express themselves in English. 130

How did I do in Unit 9? Put ✔ next to Great, OK, or A little. In English, I know how to… ������ …talk about sports Great ____ OK …talk about what we use for different sports Great ____ OK …talk about what I like and don’t like Great ____ OK …compare people and sports Great ____ OK  I’m proud of myself because I ________________________  In the next unit, I will _______________________________ Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

������ ������ ____ A little ____ ____ A little ____ ____ A little ____ ____ A little ____ _____________ very well. ______ better / mo 131

Unit 10WEEK: __ SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO LESSON: 88 (Listening 28) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listen TOPIC: What’s the matter? CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNIN STANDARD STANDARD Pre-lesson Main Skill Main Skill 1. Choose an activity from the pre-lesson tas Listening Listening Lesson delivery 1.3 1.3.1 2. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s Bo vocabulary. Leave on the board. Use appropriate Guess the listening meaning of 3. Play the song and have pupils listen and r strategies in a unfamiliar words the board. variety of contexts from clues provided by 4. Get pupils to work with a partner to decide knowledge of the their knowledge of the topics. Note that the f topic you could adapt the activity (e.g. hide the so when listening the first time) in order to help Complementary Complementary 5. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s Bo Skill Skill 6. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s Bo Listening Listening Optional: Focus on the rhyming words in th 1.1 1.1.1 identify more words which rhyme. This could focus on a sound which is more challenging Recognise and Recognise and the Teacher’s Book. reproduce target reproduce with language sounds support a wide Post-lesson range of target language 7. Review learning in this lesson of vocabula phonemes your pupils. Choose an appropriate activity f Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 10) ning THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: have got: What’s the matter? I’ve got… NG OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES sks to introduce the topic health. Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate ook for Warm up. Use flashcards to show the learning according raise their hand when they hear the words on Activity 1 to the needs of your Student’s Book pupils and class. (page 103) and Please see the Teacher’s Book seven differentiation (page 152) strategies listed in the introduction. Flashcards Please also consider the e on the meaning of the new words, based on following: focus of this lesson should be on listening, so ong lyrics or ask pupils to close their books Pupils will be used the pupils to focus on listening not reading. to this activity style by now, but some ook for the TPR activity. may still not feel comfortable singing Book for Vocabulary (Track 68). along. As the lesson focuses on rhyming he song. You could play a game where pupils words, give pupils d use the same sound as the song, or it could the choice of saying g for pupils. See remaining phonics pages in or singing the words. ary or sounds, depending on the needs of from the post-lesson tasks. 132

WEEK: __ LESSON: 89 (Speaking 28) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: What’s the matter? MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Spea CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Speaking 2.2 Speaking 1. Review the previous vocabulary using a Use appropriate play the song again, following instructions communication 2.2.1 strategies Lesson delivery Keep interaction 2. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s Complementary going in short 3. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s Skill exchanges by: Listening 4. Talk to pupils and elicit some ideas for e 1.2 using suitable natural and includes expressions such as Understand words etc.) meaning in a variety of familiar (i) to show 5. Give pairs the lines of an extended dialo contexts understanding them in the correct order, then practise the (ii) to ask for 6. Have pupils create, practise then perform clarification Post-lesson Complementary 7. Play ‘hot card pantomime’ in groups (se Skill Listening 1.2.5 Understand longer supported questions Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 10) aking THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends EMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: have got: What’s the matter? I’ve got… G OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES an activity from the pre-lesson tasks or in the Teacher’s Book for TPR activity. Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning according to the needs Book for Grammar Box. Activity 3 of your pupils and Book for Activity 3. Student’s Book class. Please see the extending the dialogue so that it is more (page 103) and seven differentiation ‘Really?’ / ‘A headache? Oh poor you!!’ Teacher’s Book strategies listed in the (page 153) introduction. Please ogue you have prepared. They should put also consider the e dialogue. Lines of extended following: rm a new dialogue in pairs. dialogue, mixed up In Stage 6, pupils could simply substitute the sickness vocabulary, or they could change the dialogue, depending on their proficiency level. ee Teacher’s Book, Optional activity). 133

WEEK: __ LESSON: 90 (Reading 28) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: What’s the matter? MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Read CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Reading Reading 3.2.3 1. Choose a pre-lesson task to introduce th Guess the meaning 2. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s 3.2 of unfamiliar words from clues provided 3. Write the word should on the board. Ask Understand a by title and topic variety of linear 4. Show the pictures from the story. Have and non-linear Complementary the pictures. print and digital Skill texts by using Listening 5. Ask pupils some questions about the sto appropriate at the end of the story?). Play the CD and reading strategies pictures, then answer the gist question. 6. Follow instructions in the Teacher’s Boo Complementary Skill Post-lesson 7. Complete Activity 3 from the Student’s Listening 1.2.3 1.2 Understand with Understand support short simple meaning in a narratives on a variety of familiar range of familiar contexts topic Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 10) ding THEME: World of Stories EMENT: Values LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: modal verb (should) G OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES he vocabulary. Lesson delivery Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning Book for Grammar Box. according to the needs k pupils what it means. Activity 1 of your pupils and pupils tell each other words they know in Student’s Book class. Please see the (page 104) and seven differentiation ory (e.g. Why can the children stay longer Teacher’s Book strategies listed in the ask pupils to listen and look at the (page 154) introduction. Please also consider the ok for Activity 1 (Track 72). Enlarged pictures following: from the story Book. * It is a good idea to check before the lesson that none of the pupils in your class has traumatic experiences relating to health (their own or someone close to them). In this case, you can leave out Stage 7 and other personalised activities, or plan them so that pupils are not reminded of or need to talk about these experiences. 134

WEEK: __ LESSON: 91 (Writing 28) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO TOPIC: What’s the matter? MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writin CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE Technology / Values CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING O STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Writing Writing 1. Play hot card pantomime (see instruction in t or choose a pre-lesson activity from the list. 4.2 4.2.2 Lesson delivery 2. Give pupils a model conversation (see mater Communicate Make and Sandy: I have a cut on my finger. (cause) basic information respond to Greg: Let me help you put on a plaster. (offer) intelligibly for a simple offers Sandy: Why? range of and invitations Greg: You will feel better. (reason) purposes in print and digital media Complementary Complementary Sandy: Yes, thank you. Skill Skill 3. Give pupils a worksheet and ask them to writ Writing Writing Focus on giving simple opinions, as well as ma 4.2 4.2.1 Post-lesson Communicate Explain and give 4. Choose an appropriate activity from the post basic information reasons for intelligibly for a simple opinions range of purposes in print and digital media Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work

OOK BASED LESSON (Unit 10) ng THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends EMENT: Science and LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Modal verbs: should / shall OUTLINE MATERIALS / DIFFERENTIATION REFERENCES STRATEGIES the Teacher’s Book) to review vocabulary Get Smart Plus 4 Differentiate learning rials). according to the needs of Activity 3 Student’s your pupils and class. te a conversation using these phrases. Book (page 105) and Please see the seven aking and responding to offers. Teacher’s Book differentiation strategies t-lesson tasks. (page 155) listed in the introduction. Please also consider the Worksheet designed following: to look like a text message When writing the model text conversation message conversation, keep your pupils in mind. Model text message Think about their conversation experiences and their needs as well as the level Mobile phones of language you use. It (optional) should be a useful and clear model for pupils to base their own writing on. See suggestions in Stage 4. Focus on and highlight the English language for the learning standards (I think… / Shall I…?) and have pupils practise it before stage 5 if necessary. 135

sore throat take medicine stomach ache get a glass of water toothache call a doctor Sandy: I have ________________________ . Greg: _________________________________ . Sandy: Why? Greg: _______________________ . Sandy: Yes, thank you. Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work


WEEK: LESSON: 92 (Reading 29) SCHEME OF WORK: TEXTBO __ TOPIC: What’s the matter? MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Read CROSS-CURRICULAR ELE CONTENT LEARNING LEARNING STANDARD STANDARD Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Reading Reading 1. Choose a pre-lesson task to introduce th 3.2 3.2.2 Lesson delivery Understand a Understand specific 2. Write some of the new vocabulary on th variety of linear information and the words in the dictionary and talk to a pa and non-linear details of simple print and digital texts of one or two 3. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s texts by using paragraphs Track 75). Pupils check their answers to st appropriate reading strategies Complementary 4. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s Skill Complementary 5. Optional: Follow the instructions in the T Skill Reading may have used shouldn’t in the previous le this lesson. Follow the instructions in the T Reading 3.2.4 Post-lesson 3.2 Recognise and use with little or no 6. Review pupils’ learning with a mime gam Understand a support key stage 6. variety of linear features of a simple and non-linear monolingual print and digital dictionary texts by using appropriate reading strategies Primary Year 4 SJK Scheme of Work