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Published by pete, 2017-08-03 08:39:10

Description: Legendary_Adventures_Harrowing_Heights_2.0_Digital_Release


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Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

Ah, adventurers. Welcome, welcome, come in and take a seat by the fire. I do so admire your kind, that drive to shatter the shackles of mediocrity and blaze your own trail through this world strikes close to my own heart. Though I share not your wanderlust, I too find it... difficult to settle for the humdrum dreariness of everyday life. I’m Lloyd by the way, Lloyd Spelloyal. Perhaps you've heard of me? Lloyd Spelloyal, greeting the party Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

C redits Author & LeAd design Daniel McDonald editor Samuel McDonald AdditionAL design Pete Pinner Interior Art Caroline Pettifer characters, Chris Donaldson magic items CArtogrAphy Thomas Fayen Holgath Highlands, Reno Buchanan additional cartography SPECIAL THANKS TO LORD ZSEZSE WORKS FOR COVER & PAGE BACKGROUNDS DeepDark Designs Ltd 21 Hunters Way, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL7 4NR, United Kingdom Discover DeepDark Designs on the web at Legendary Adventures: Harrowing Heights™ is published by DeepDark Designs™ under the Open Game License version 1.0a Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast®, Inc, which can be found in full to the rear of this product. Product Identity. The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1 (e), and are not Open Content. All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, etc), dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, and characters. Elements that have been previously designated as Open Game Content are not included in this declaration. Open Game Content. Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a Section 1 (d). No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be may be reproduced in any form without written permission. Legendary Adventures: Harrowing Heights™ © 2017 DeepDark Designs™, All Rights Reserved. Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

Table of Contents Goblins are, of course, hardly a recent or any one of a dozen other products (far phenomenon, originating in European more even) to find further evidence of the folklore as far back as the middle ages. brilliant intricacies and eccentricities of Front Matter.........................................................1 Front Cover.........................................................1 However, to a large extent the modern these despotic little tyrants. In-LeaF Cover.......................................................2 take on these beings has been defined by CredIts.....................................................3 Still a mere student of the genre, with tabLe oF Contents.................................................4 the work of J.R.R Tolkien. Harrowing Heights I set out to attempt Foreword...................................................4 10 Fun FaCts about KoboLds....................................5 Tolkien's influence, even to this very something similar but on a wildly smaller PreliMinary Materials.............................................8 adventure IntroduCtIon..........................................8 day, is so strong that frequently when and scale, with dramatically lower expecta- a Grand Journey...................................................8 where goblins feature in fantasy litera- tions, and with another creature that our adventure baCKGround...........................................9 adventure overvIew.............................................12 ture, video games, or similar mediums team agreed could use some love of late runnInG the adventure.........................................13 (along with other tropes that he intro- - the humble kobold. adventure hooKs.................................................14 the holgath highlands.........................................16 duced), they tend to feel like they are To that end, we're excited to present settInG & LoCaLe.................................................16 either directly derivative of his work or, hoLGathI CuLture.................................................17 a range of new options for kobolds that soCIetaL struCture...............................................18 conversely, that they are aware of this should make them fun and memorable the reGIon.........................................................20 unspoken lineage and desperately trying expLorInG the hoLd..............................................23 adversaries for game masters and play- hIGhLand enCounters............................................24 to get away from it. ers up to at least 5th-level; as well as Prologue: dalla’s abduction..................................26 roadsIde ambush..................................................27 In either case the result tends to be expanding on their culture, traditions, home sweet home................................................29 seeking directions.................................................32 the same; half-baked creatures that feel traits, and motivations. traveL events......................................................33 an afterthought - either a willing monu- meetInG vILmarK..................................................35 Lastly, for a certain duality with Rise of vILmarK's errands................................................37 ment to Tolkien's legacy, or a decidedly the Runelords' Burnt Offerings adven- meLzep's CreatIons...............................................39 unwilling one by virtue of their arbitrary setbacks & MishaPs...............................................40 ture, we've opened proceedings with 10 traveL events......................................................40 contradictions of the medium. Fun Facts About Kobolds. LLoyd's tower.....................................................48 meetInG LLoyd.....................................................49 In fact, even in relation to Dungeons I sincerely hope you enjoy this homage expLorInG the tower............................................51 & Dragons®, it’s no secret that many of behind eneMy lines................................................54 to the outstanding work of Paizo for what KoboLd's dIvIded..................................................55 the early monsters that Gary Gygax and it is, a tongue-in-cheek nod to, and cel- FIndInG troubLe...................................................57 Dave Arneson created for the game were movInG on..........................................................57 ebration of, one of the greatest roleplay- the hunted.........................................................58 heavily inspired by the Hobbit™, Lord of ing adventures of modern times. traveL events.....................................................59 CordeLIa tenebrIs................................................62 the Rings™, and the Silmarillion™. revelations & resolutions.....................................66 And, if you've never experienced Rise resCuInG daLLa...................................................67 One or two notable exceptions not- of the Runelords as a player or game ContInuInG or ConCLudInG the adventure.................71 withstanding, I think most would agree, aPPendices.................................................73 master yourself, I strongly urge you to appendIx a - bestIary............................................73 or at least concede, that ever since Tolk- go check it out. It's still one of the most draKes....................................................74 ien left his imposing mark on the world, KoboLds...................................................76 captivating adventures around and the appendIx b - npC GaLLery......................................86 goblins have been decidedly Tolkien- anniversary edition Paizo released in appendIx C - maGIC Items......................................101 esque. Of course this isn't necessarily a back Matter.......................................................113 2012 really is the best way to enjoy it. open Game LICense..............................................113 bad thing, after all he was a master crafts- baCK Cover........................................................114 man by any measure and his creations have stood the test of time for a reason. Foreword cided to take a risk and deviate from the With Rise of the Runelords, Paizo de- norm by tackling the iconic, stereotypical W hen Paizo® released goblin head-on, reinventing the wretch- ed, dark, and despicable creatures as their inaugural pumpkin-headed, trash-loving, dog-and- Adventure Path™ for their Pathfinder® roleplaying game horse-fearing little miscreants, every bit Daniel Thomas McDonald as hilarious as they are horrifying - and, system, the unquestionably seminal Rise in doing so, inspired a whole new genera- Author & Lead Designer of the Runelords™, they accomplished tion of roleplayers, myself included. [email protected] a great many wondrous things. Not least of these, they succeeded in taking one It would be a huge disservice to of the most beloved and, consequently, insinuate that Paizo pinned their new clichéd creatures of the fantasy genre, the incarnation of the goblin on Burnt Offer- humble goblin, and redefine it masterful- ings alone. You only have to glance at We ly in the first book of that six-part series, Be Goblins™, the Monster Codex™, Burnt Offerings™. Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

10 Fun Facts About Kobolds hAtChed, not Birthed This trait of idleness interacts with the kobolds’ love of engineering in an interesting way. When starting a new project their excitement and enthusiasm is at an all-time high, how- Kobolds are oviparous, procreating through the laying of eggs. A female lays approximately a dozen eggs roughly three months ever this doesn’t last and they quickly lose motivation. Rather after being inseminated by a male and these in turn hatch after than leading to an endless string of inventions half-invented, or a three-month incubation period. Usually all fetuses survive contraptions half-constructed, kobolds have adapted to fold this to maturation unless interfered with, however depending on inherent character flaw into their methodology. They employ nearby predators and other environmental factors, most hatch- remarkable guile and savvy when approaching any project with lings do not live to see adulthood. a view to minimizing the time and effort involved - giving them the best chance of seeing a task to completion. Providing her nutritional needs are met, a female is fertile again around the time her current clutch hatches. This means For example, kobolds prize traps that rely on simplicity, the that a single female can birth around twenty-four infants (or efficacy of nature, or take advantage of environmental factors to wyrmlings) each year. function. They revel in a minimalist design ethos, and kobolds that are able to produce results or achieve goals while doing the least amount of work possible are lauded and celebrated in sAfety in numBers their culture. In short, making something work is good, making it work with less effort is better. In this way, laziness is a prized As small creatures that lack in physical strength but are able to trait. breed rapidly and in vast quantities to achieve swelling popula- tions, kobolds tend to group together in large numbers to ward Worshippers of drAgons off predators, defend their territory, and accomplish their goals. While larger groups of kobolds generally have leaders and a It is well-known that kobolds respect and venerate dragons. This hierarchical structure, there are exceptions to this and it is not is true, although many also erroneously believe that the scaly uncommon for even a large tribe of kobolds to have an unspoken reptilians worship all dragons, which is simply not the case. The shared-purpose but no real leader overseeing things. In these vast majority of kobolds do treat dragons of the material plane instances, most kobolds might considers themselves in charge. with deference but, generally, they do not believe that Gods dwell amongst them. They also don't perceive all dragons to be ACCompLished engineers their overlords, usually just the specific dragon to whom they swear fealty (if one exists). With their natural savvy, practical smarts, and applied cunning, Another common misconception is that kobolds favor chro- kobolds make for gifted engineers. They often use their inherent matic dragons over metallic ones. Left to their own devices, a talents to build functional, utilitarian places for themselves to tribe of kobolds might be just as likely to throw its lot in with a live, to create unusual and bespoke traps for nosy adventurers, good dragon as an evil one. Such instances of this taking place or to make their dragon overlords more comfortable. are very rare however because benevolent dragons are not wont In fact, an old saying in the southern kingdoms regard- to rule over humanoids. Despite this, there are several historic ing kobolds sums this point up nicely, it goes: \"A kobold only examples of a metallic dragon assuming dominion or lordship requires three things to create mischief and mayhem the like of over a kobold tribe in order to get it to turn its back on its wicked which bares remembrance; his mind, a claw full of objects that and destructive ways. might be considered junk under any other circumstances, and a grudge–and he has at least two of these at any given time\". AdAptive Beings LAzy Kobolds are neither especially robust nor durable individually, however despite this they prove to be unusually resilient when While some might eye their brothers and sisters with scorn they come together as a tribe - able to endure repeated attempts or derision for being idle, almost all kobolds are lazy to some to exterminate them in much the same way that an infestation or degree. The small reptilians always choose the easy route if such infection cannot be easily repelled or destroyed. a path presents itself unless they suspect that it leads to more This talent for survival as a species is definitely partly down to trouble in the long term - kobolds might be lazy but they’re the speed with which kobolds are able to reproduce, but it runs neither foolish nor short-sighted. Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

deeper than that. The real cornerstone of the kobolds' resilience eyes for the skies is their versatility and their ability to rapidly adapt to changing environmental factors. In addition to their other traits, it is often noted that kobolds For example, within a couple of generations, a tribe of ko- share a deep love for the skies. Individual kobolds can often be bolds that lives in a desert might develop yellow or sand-colored found staring skyward, while many tribes settle in mountains or skin to match their surroundings, while a tribe that lives in snow at high altitudes. There are two prevailing theories as to what plains might take on a whitish or light blue hue. They might also prompts this behavior, the first of which is simply emulation of undergo much more pronounced physiological changes, such dragons, while the second is a little bit more complicated. as gaining gills, special vision, or the ability to endure extreme One kobold out of every hundred or so hatched is special. temperatures. The most notable way that these traits present These kobolds are gifted with fragile wings which allow them relates to dragons. When a tribe of kobolds follows a specific to glide or, in even rarer cases, fly. This infrequently-occurring dragon, the members of that tribe take on more and more of genetic abnormality has given rise to a secondary theory that their overlord's physical attributes with each passing generation. kobolds have descended from birds or even dragons themselves, and their desire to soar is simply a latent instinct relating to Covetous hoArders that. Possibly taking their cues from the dragons they idolize, kobolds drAke hAndLers are famed for their desire to stockpile items of worth, usefulness, rareness, sentimental value, or that bears some other special Most kobold communities breed and domesticate drakes significance - even if they don't personally share the appraisal through an innate, almost-symbiotic system of animal husband- of such objects. A kobold might, for example, prize a picture of a ry. They train these beasts for a multitude of purposes, respect- stranger's loved one if he is able to get ahold of it, even if he has ing and revering them for the similarities that they share with never met the person depicted, so long as it can see the value true dragons. that the item has to its former owner. The kobolds charged with breeding, training, and handling One type of object that kobolds universally love and covet are drakes are also treated with great respect by their peers. Wild those blessed with magical properties. A kobold that possesses a and adolescent drakes can be temperamental and it isn't unusual magical item, even if its use is limited or impractical, has status for a kobold that works with them to be injured in the course of amongst its brethren. Consequently, it isn't uncommon for a carrying out his work. Such sacrifices are not soon forgotten. kobold to knowingly wield or attune to a cursed item, despite the inherent foolishness in doing so. LethArgiC drifters Kobolds As NPCs Another aspect of kobold behavior that has been hinted at already is their general lethargy when left to their own devices. The image of a band of small reptilian aggressors charging Although kobolds can be quickly whipped up into a frenzy and into some sleepy hamlet somewhere and plundering its goods rallied behind a cause or, more often, a charismatic leader; and wares–or simply razing it to the ground–while barking they're quick to lose focus and motivation if the underlying fac- orders at each other is growing increasingly iconic. However, tor polarizing them lessens its hold over them for any reason. this lazy reductionist approach to characterizing kobolds as little more than flat, two-dimensional caricatures of them- Consequently, although a kobold or group of kobolds can selves does them a disservice. adapt to a certain set of circumstances quickly, they return to the norm just as swiftly. This can be seen evidenced within the In reality, kobolds are neither bland or mindless. They are instead bright, lively, and opinionated creatures with distinct life of a single kobold–where its motivations, ideals, and align- personalities, interesting quirks and affectations, and an ment swing wildly across the spectrum–and also within a group of kobolds over successive generations–where the unusual traits astounding capacity for rational thought and reason. Some of they've inherited from the dragons they follow (or other factors) the time. They can, of course, be irrationally emotive as well, however this is usually when they've been swept up in the fade rapidly back to something more generic and homogenized furore surrounding local events, an extreme ideology, or the within a few lifespans. will of an magnetic personality. At any rate, kobolds cannot be easily dismissed as bestial or savage, and make for interesting NPCs if you take the time as game master to flesh out their motivations and the current factors holding sway over them. Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

Preliminary materials L egendary Adventures: Harrowing Introduction Adventure Heights is an adventure and rules supplement for use with the 5e OGL ru- leset that expands on existing options for kobolds and drakes in its appendi- ces; as well as adding additional magical items to the H arrowing Heights takes place in the Holgath game. It has been designed, playtested, and balanced Highlands, a territory that resides in the with an ideal group size of 4 players and a game master extreme north of a landmass known as Orkneyjar. The Preliminary materials in mind, however slightly smaller groups (3 PCs) or larg- people who call this region home are known as the Hol- er ones (5 PCs) should still find the difficulty threshold gathi (pronounced Hol-Gah-Thee) and their civilization both challenging and rewarding. If your group features draws inspiration from real world, Viking-era nordic an unusually low or high number of players, you should and scandinavian cultures, locales, and folklore. plan ahead and adjust the challenges that the party will Although the PCs' role in this adventure functions face to better reflect the group's capabilities, particu- similarly to how it might in any other, they actually take larly with regards combat encounters. on the role of housecarls–personal bodyguards to the lord or jarl of the settlement where they reside–rather It is assumed that PCs start Harrowing Heights at 1st-level and they should attain 5th-level by its con- than that of adventurers, mercenaries, or heroes, as clusion. As with any adventure, with a little work, you you might more traditionally expect. Their jarl is a could adjust these parameters to better suit your groups man called Orm Holmgavtsson and the hold he rules is needs. known as Skalaholt. Prior to the events of Harrowing Heights, the PCs will have demonstrated their fealty to Orm by guarding UsiNg This booK him within Skalaholt and by escorting him to nearby settlements when the need has arisen. However, when As with other products in the Legendary Adventures Orm's only daughter, Dalla Holmgavtsson, is abducted series, Legendary Adventures: Harrowing Heights of- by forces unknown - the jarl requires them to discharge fers much more than just a linear, paint-by-numbers their duties and demonstrate their loyalty in a wildly adventure. How so? different fashion to what they're used to. Firstly, the narrative of Harrowing Heights itself is intentionally open-ended, actively encouraging game Several alternative adventure hooks have been pre- masters to modify, customize, and expand upon the sented later on in this section that allow your players basic premise of the adventure in order to create to join in on the adventure without having to hail from something bespoke and wonderfully tailored to the Skalaholt or work for Orm Holmgavtsson as housecarls, players at their table. if that is their preference. More than this, Harrowing Heights is a rules supple- ment every bit as much as an adventure module. The A Grand Journey materials contained in its appendices are perfect for reuse elsewhere, enabling you to construct an incred- ibly detailed and nuanced kobold tribe with relative T he narrative of Harrowing Heights centers ease using the creatures from Appendix A and the around a journey that the PCs undertake NPCs from Appendix B (reskinning them as necessary). which leads them through the wilds north of Skalaholt. Additionally, the 24 brand new magic items found in That said, lots of additional lore and information about Appendix C, will always prove useful in a pinch. Who the Holgath Highlands has been provided and these ma- doesn't like magic items right? terials can be used as a foundation for building an even grander campaign beyond the scope of this adventure. 8 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

Adventure Which begs the question, why did the kobolds act Background so foolishly? Well, to understand this, we first need to understand their motivation for kidnapping Dalla in the first place - because her abduction was carefully O rm Holmgavtsson has been the jarl of Skala- planned ahead of time, and anything but an accident. holt for more than two decades, a hereditary position that he inherited from his father upon his the koBoLd's goAL passing. There is little doubt that in time he too would have passed this role to his own heir; his eleven-year- Though the free peoples of Orkneyjar are not aware of Preliminary materials old daughter Dalla Holmgavtsson. the presence of a dragon near Skalaholt, the tribe of kobolds now in possession of Orm's daughter is secretly 'Would have'. However, at the start of the adventure, Dalla's future is cast into doubt when her caravan, re- loyal to an adult red dragon named Salvaschon who has turning from the city of Krossavik by way of the village resided to the north of the hold for many years. Un- of Myrka, fails to arrive back in Skalaholt at the ap- like others of his kind, Salvaschon is not particularly pointed time. Since departing the village there has been territorial or militant, and has no desire to conquer the no word and she is now several days overdue without humans that dwell nearby. Consequently, the kobolds explanation. Skalaholt is abuzz with gossip and idle that follow him have adopted a similar outlook and speculation her fate, however Dalla's present where- were, until recently, mostly neutral creatures. abouts and condition are unknown. Under Salvaschon's watchful eye, the kobolds that follow him have been peaceable and remained within The Horned Holt Road that runs between Myrka and Skalaholt is relatively safe and the journey should their borders. Encounters between the kobolds and the only take four days at the most. Understandably, Orm is Holgathi have been so infrequent and inconsequential beside himself with worry and fearing the worst. As it that establishing dividing lines between their territo- happens, his concerns are well-founded and Dalla's pre- ries has never been a pressing issue, and the people of cession has indeed been waylaid by malevolent forces. Skalaholt aren't exactly sure where it is that the kobold For the moment, she remains alive and well, unharmed tribe resides. by her captors, however her handmaidens and body- Unfortunately, the winds of change are at work in guards haven't been quite so fortunate. Jinzirga, the kobolds' main settlement in the mountains above Skalaholt. Mighty Salvaschon has not been seen A kidnApping outside his lair for six months and the priestly kobolds who tend to him are remaining tight-lipped about the cause of his absence. Dalla's caravan was set upon a little over a day's travel from Skalaholt by a group of kobolds. Although the rep- More recently, an ambitious kobold named Jirgix tilian aggressors were frail by comparison to the veteran Jackjaw has risen to prominence amongst the kobolds, protectors that accompanied Dalla–hand-picked by her espousing claims that Salvaschon is sickly and dying. father for their dedication, loyalty, and martial prow- Though Jirgix has offered no evidence whatsoever to ess–they had superior numbers in their favor, as well as back this up, the growing uncertainty and lack of a the element of surprise. contrary voice denouncing him and his opinion has allowed Jirgix to sweep up many of his compatriots with The kobolds quickly overwhelmed Dalla's entou- his rhetoric, and he has quickly become the tribe's de rage, putting everyone but the young girl herself to the facto leader. sword, as per their orders. Then they snatched up Dalla, despite her indignant protests, and fled back towards It was Jirgix who arranged for Dalla's abduction. their territory with their mission complete; leaving a Knowing there to be some truth to tales of dragons' pur- meager rear guard behind to deter anyone who might ported weakness for princesses, Jirgix was able to per- come looking for her. suade several others that if they could kidnap a princess and bring her to Salvaschon as a gift, it might somehow At a glance–and in light of the events that are to cure whatever was ailing him, or at least provide some follow–the kobolds' decision to leave several of their temporary relief. number behind to watch over the ambush site might ap- pear foolish. After all, if they hadn't left such an obvious From a human perspective, the notion that snatching clue as to their involvement behind, there is a strong up Dalla could somehow solve all of the kobolds' woes possibility that they might never have been identified as might seem somewhere between irrational and outright the true culprits of Dalla's kidnapping. insane, especially given that it could so easily spark a 9 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

war between themselves and the neighboring Holgathi the true mAstermind and the fact that Dalla isn't even a true princess. How- ever, from the perspective of an increasingly-desperate Troubled by Salvaschon's unexplained absence and feel- kobold, such a suggestion made perfect sense, especially ing powerless to do anything about it, Jirgix recently set coming from the right person - in this case Jirgix. out to meet his friend Kox Quipper at Quipper's Roost And so, a small crack team of kobolds set out from to talk through the myriad of dark thoughts plaguing Jinzirga to grab Dalla. Jirgix told them where to wait, him. However, he unexpectedly stumbled into an old what to do, and when to strike. He may have orches- washerwoman in the mountains shortly after setting trated the whole thing, however he did not mastermind out from Jinzirga. Frustrated, and appreciative of the it, for there is yet more to the story. company, he shared his baleful tale with her while she listened with rapt attention. This woman's name was Cordelia Tenebris and, Kobold PoliTiCs though she didn't reveal it to Jirgix, she already knew While Jirgix Jackjaw has been able to effectively as- all-too-well of Salvaschon's status. Her meeting with sume leadership of the tribe, his position as leader Jirgix was no chance encounter either. In truth, Cordelia remains tenuous because he has no official mandate, was a powerful witch who had been carefully orches- nor has his rule been tested under fire. How firmly trating events for months in order to arrive at this Preliminary materials entrenched his dominion is at this time is difficult to precise moment in time. gauge since no one has made any real effort to resist Cordelia identified herself as a fortune teller, psychic, him. That said, Jirgix knows the fickleness of those and spiritual healer to Jirgix - a gypsy of sorts, although he leads and that it wouldn't take much for this to Jirgix wouldn't understand the term. Using her guile, change, hence he is proceeding cautiously with his she masterfully manipulated the despairing kobold into plans. believing that Salvaschon was ill and that the only way Many kobolds have fallen in line under Jirgix and to cure him would be to follow her instructions, all of pledged their allegiance to him, including Kaydesh them, to the letter. Kroll. Kaydesh is a significant and influential kob- It was Cordelia who convinced Jirgix that bringing old who holds great sway over the tribe due to his the jarl's daughter to Jinzirga would alleviate some of connections to Salvaschon. Although Jirgix currently Salvashon's suffering. And that, if he kept doing what enjoys Kaydesh's support, he also knows that it could she asked, even if the instructions were unusual, the red be retracted at any time. The ambitious young kobold dragon would eventually make a full recovery. is also aware that there are those in the tribe who actively oppose his leadership and spend their days Earnestly, and with a sincerity born of desperation, plotting his downfall. Jirgix swore that he would do what Cordelia asked of him. Unfortunately, the kobold has quite misjudged Two of the Jirgix's most significant opponents are Fazne Tussu and Zeke Rethis, a pair who have Cordelia and her true intentions. found a kindred spirit in each other, bonding over a Cordelia tenebris shared hatred of their mutual enemy; Jirgix. Fearing the strength of their union, Jirgix has attempted to As it happens, the woman who identifies herself as split the pair up, dispatching Zeke to Vriska's Top, an Cordelia Tenebris is a powerful witch with a chip on outpost that the PCs are likely to pass through during her shoulder. She was formerly a citizen of Skalaholt– the adventure. Unfortunately for Jirgix, her tempo- a steward at one time, a thane at another–however rary displacement has done more to stoke the fire of she departed the hold many years ago after her affair resentment that burns in Zeke than quell it, and she's with Orm's grandmother (Dalla's great-grandmother), found another ally in Vriska's Top in the form of Elzald Bethesda, was revealed. This revelation caused quite the Dhurmok. Meanwhile, Fazne Tussu remains in Jinzirga stir and became one of the more infamous scandals in rabble-rousing and attempting to garner support in Skalaholt's mostly benign history. her own ambitions of overthrowing Jirgix. Bethesda was the serving jarl at the time–hence Kobold politics can be as large as component of Cordelia's interest in her–and was married to Ivar Hall- Harrowing Heights as you desire. More information on mundottir; the patriarch of another very powerful and the power struggle taking place within the tribe can influential household within Skalaholt and beyond. Ivar be found later, where it is expected to become more did not take the news well and, in a fit of violent rage, relevant to the running of the adventure. attempted to murder Cordelia. 10 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

It was not the first time that someone had attempted the dragon dilemma to do Cordelia harm and she survived Ivar's attempt just as she had those that had come before–and those The greatest obstacle to Cordelia in all of her schem- since–however where she had expected loyalty and ing was Salvaschon. As manipulative as she can be, protection from her lover, she received none. With she could never hope to gain a greater sway over the her reputation in tatters and her marriage threatened, kobolds than that of their imposing, winged overlord. Bethesda turned on Cordelia completely and ordered And so, Cordelia began poisoning Salvaschon's food her banished from Skalaholt for good. And so, scorned source, ensuring that many of the kills that the kobold and betrayed, Cordelia fled into the mountains, deter- hunters brought him were tainted with Old Hag's Broth, Preliminary materials mined that she would have her revenge a thousandfold a poison of sorts. Once Salvaschon was sickly enough, on those who crossed her. she undertook the riskiest part of her plan by far, slip- Despite Bethesda's best efforts, she and Ivar divorced ping into his lair and inserting a Sickle of Pestilence a short time later, leading to an animosity between (see 'Appendix C') between two scales of the dragon's house Holmgavtsson and house Hallmundottir that natural plating while it slept weakly. lasted several generations - although it was not able to The kobolds have investigated and changed the drag- outlast the bitterness of Cordelia. While the people of ons diet as the days and weeks have passed in the hopes Skalaholt have buried the hatchet, Cordelia is just now of weaning him off whatever has been making him putting her vengeful plan into action. poorly, but so long as the sickle remains buried within his flesh, Salvaschon has remained near comatose - CordeLiA's pLAn barely able to maintain a conversation for more than a few minutes. And he's growing weaker by the day. Cordelia's plan, although utterly reprehensible and With Salvaschon out of the picture for the moment, directed at the innocent descendants of her long- Cordelia has been free to act with impunity through deceased enemies, isn't actually very complicated and, Jirgix. It's her plan to escalate things and actually kill without the timely intervention of the PCs, is certain to the dragon around the time that forces from Skalaholt succeed. arrive to rescue Dalla, compounding the worst of the Playing on centuries of distrust between humans and kobolds' fears and frustrations into an Holmgavtsson- the savage beast tribes of the world, Cordelia intends on shaped target. manipulating the kobolds into triggering a war with the people of Skalaholt. She knows how easily the kobolds seCondary objeCtive: a vile ritual can be influenced and believes that by making them go In addition to killing Salvaschon, sparking a war be- after Dalla Holmgavtsson, the jarl's retribution will be tween the Holgathi and the kobolds, and seeing Skala- swift, brutal, and poorly considered. holt burn, Cordelia had another objective in mind when Given that the population of Skalaholt is almost a she sent Jirgix Jackjaw after Dalla Holmgavtsson. thousand–and that Orm could easily summon allies Cordelia is extremely old, in fact she would be from Krossavik and elsewhere–while the kobolds only considered venerable even by elven standards, but she number around six hundred or so, one would expect is also dying; her body starting to age at an ever-in- any conflict between the two factions to be short and creasing pace. That said, the witch knows of an unusual bloody. However, Cordelia is betting that if Orm acts too ritual, or rather an unusual recipe which can delay her hastily, he'll strike at the kobolds without putting them inevitable demise by another five, or even six, decades if all to the sword, leaving those that survive embittered. she's lucky. The vengeful witch believes that the surviving reptilians In order to make that happen though, Cordelia needs could bounce back with sufficient numbers to give the to harvest Dalla's pituitary gland and consume it as part old bastard a run for his money if properly motivated, of a very special soufflé - a process she's undertaken given a little time to breed, and mobilized in force. several times in the past in order to achieve her aston- Since Cordelia has no real stake in the survival of ei- ishing lifespan. In fairness, the pituitary gland of any ther side of any such war, she figures she might as well human girl would suffice, as long as she's prepubescent, pull the trigger and see what happens. In her twisted but Cordelia feels inexplicably drawn to Dalla given the mind, she wins so long as everyone else loses. Moreover, intimacy she shared with a close relative of hers. She she stands to gain a lot should her designs on Dalla go also senses the opportunity to kill two birds with one as planned (see 'Secondary Objective: A Vile Ritual'). stone since Dalla is also a target for her vengeance. 11 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

Cordelia's plan was to feed Jirgix some cockamamie request, they'll need more information in the form of story in order to get him to retrieve Dalla and then directions and a destination. turn her over afterwards, but he's proving resistant. Unfortunately for Cordelia, although young, Dalla is far the druid; viLmArk from stupid. She's asked her new kobold 'friend' a lot of questions about this strange woman and hasn't much Although no one in Skalaholt knows where the kobold liked the answers. And so, Dalla has asked to be allowed tribe resides exactly, Orm can think of an individual to stay close to Salvaschon in his lair, insisting that who might. He summons the party and requests that she likes being close to the sleeping giant at all times. they journey northwest, deeper into the wilds, and seek Alone, Jirgix might have relented but his ally Kaydesh out Vilmark, a powerful and dangerous druid, in order has also met Cordelia, doesn't fully trust her, and has to seek his council. It is Orm's hope that Vilmark can been able to convince him not to do anything too rash. direct the PCs towards the kobolds territory and per- For his part, Salvaschon simply continues slumbering, haps provide aid in other ways if the party is to find his dead to the world. daughter and bring her home safely. As Cordelia's own condition worsens, her urgency Freydis has reservations about Orm's plan, but she to get ahold of Dalla is growing, however, for now, she doesn't stand in the PCs way. Reaching Vilmark requires remains content to continue plying Jirgix, rather than the party to overcome a number of challenges and, once risking venturing back into the dragon's lair herself. they find the druid, he refuses to help them until they've Preliminary materials Plus, knowing she convinced the idiotic kobold to leave proved their worthiness by completing several errands a rear guard at the abduction site, she knows that her for him. Once the players have won Vilmark over, he opportunity to retrieve Dalla may yet be approaching. does indeed reveal the path to them, allowing them to continue on their journey. Adventure the WizArd: Overview LLoyd speLLoyAL A t the outset of Harrowing Heights, the PCs are Following Vilmark's directions, the party makes its tasked with investigating Dalla Holmgavtsson's disappearance by her father, Orm. Doing so quickly way northward and eastward, continuing its ascent into the mountains and penetrating kobold territory leads to the revelation that a nearby tribe of kobolds are for the first time. Unfortunately, Jirgix Jackjaw quickly responsible for her abduction. becomes aware of their approach and dispatches some Once Orm learns the truth, he temporarily steps of his people to slow the PCs advance, or, with any luck, down as jarl so that the kobolds cannot blackmail him, waylay them altogether. as he believes that is their intention, and Freydis Hall- Despite overcoming a number of inconvenient mundottir, his trusted second-in-command, takes over setbacks, the party eventually reaches an impasse. Un- the running of Skalaholt. Fearing that the jarl intends able to halt their progress through other, less-extreme to go after Dalla himself and, in turn, end up being used means, the kobolds opt to destroy a crucial bridge that as leverage against Raudebjorn Hallkelsson, the much the party needs to utilize to pass through Vriska's Top to more influential and powerful jarl of Krossavik, Freydis avoid a lengthy detour. Faced with the option of wasting places him under house arrest for his own good until time and energy finding another way around, the party the situation is resolved. likely seeks the aid of a reclusive wizard whose tower In their capacity as housecarls, the PCs initial in- resides nearby. stinct might be to remain at the side of their charge, es- This individual, Lloyd Spelloyal, proves to be an pecially if they expect or fear a coup by Freydis, however unusual character - somewhere between eccentric and the jarl instead asks them to undertake an unusual and genuinely mad, but a decent sort. If the players manage important mission - to find his daughter, rescue her, and to convince him to throw his energy into helping them bring her home safely. Or, failing that, to avenge her. by completing several errands and tasks, they can use The trouble is no-one knows where the reprehen- his expertise to circumnavigate the obstruction that sible reptilians lair. Skalaholt is surrounded by miles lies before them and expedite their journey to Jinzirga of untamed highlands and mountains, and the kobolds in the process. Plus, they might be rewarded for their could be down any one of a hundred passes, trails, and trouble in other ways too. canyons. If the PCs are to fulfill their lord's unusual 12 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

the WitCh: Running the CordeLiA teneBris Adventure After battling their way through tougher, even more entrenched and determined kobolds, the PCs find them- A t its core, Harrowing Heights is a fairly typical selves nearing Jinzirga when they stumble across an adventure. That said, there are several things elderly woman living in the mountains. She offers them that you should be aware of before proceeding with run- a place to rest, as well as some answers to some of the ning it for a group. Preliminary materials questions that might have been troubling them over the course of the journey. Of course, Cordelia has an agenda using the AppendiCes all of her own, and sets the PCs on a course to storm into Jinzirga with their weapons raised and murder in While running Harrowing Heights, the adventure text their hearts, assuming they fall for her trickery. will periodically call for the players to encounter spe- According to Cordelia's version of events, the cific adversaries. In each instance these will be crea- previously-peaceful kobolds have been swept up into tures taken from either Appendix A: Bestiary, Appendix a rabid mania by Jirgix Jackjaw and Salvaschon. She B: NPC Gallery, or SRD 5.1,. Those found in the latter explains that the dragon is dying and would see the two appear in much the same way as you might expect highlands fall with him, leading to his desire to kidnap having read any other supplement or adventure module, Dalla and incite a war with the Holgathi that reside in however the creatures found in Harrowing Heights' the highlands below. bestiary are handled a little bit differently. Cordelia insists that, by now, Dalla is almost cer- While you might traditionally see references to an- tainly dead. However, she believes that all is not yet tagonists presented as - 5 Kobolds - Harrowing Heights lost. She suggests that if the PCs are able to assassinate differs in its approach. The monster entries presented Salvaschon while he's frail and ailing, and execute Jirgix here, specifically with regards kobolds, are instead pre- Jackjaw at the same time - the remaining kobolds will sented with subtypes that allow for us to present much almost certainly see sense before escalating things with more bespoke, iterations of them. With this in mind, further acts of violence. you might expect to instead see - 3 Kobold (Adult) Conscripts and 2 Kobold (Adult) Skulkers - used In truth, Cordelia knows that if agents acting on behalf of Orm Holmgavtsson and Skalaholt perpetrate within the pages of this adventure. such acts, the war she longs for is all but certain. With this approach, the information presented in parenthesis ('Adult' in the above examples) indicates reveLAtions & resoLutions which kobold statblock from the appendices is appro- priate to use, while the information that follows just after it ('Conscripts' or 'Skulkers') indicates what modifi- Depending on how things play out, the PCs may be ut- terly swept up in Cordelia's web of lies and carry out her cations to make to this core kobold statblock. This more twisted mission. Or, if cooler heads prevail, they may nuanced approach allows us to quickly and easily create realize the truth while in Cordelia's company or, more a wide array of varied kobolds without devoting a sig- likely, learn it in Jinzirga; either from Dalla Holmgavts- nificant portion of the book to presenting an unneces- son, Salvaschon himself, or else one of the kobold NPCs sary volume of overly similar or repetitive statblocks. that can be found there. Additionally, all of the new varieties of kobold that you'll find in Harrowing Heights' appendices are fea- Whatever happens, Cordelia still needs Dalla and tured alongside randomized equipment, possessions, won't allow the party to return to Skalaholt without and treasure. This enables you to customize and modify making a play for the girl. This final confrontation could each kobold very efficiently the moment it enters play. involve Cordelia alone, or she might make a desperate stand alongside Jirgix and several of his most trusted agents. MAgiC iTeMs One thing is certain, whether the kobolds and Hol- gathi of the highlands end up as closer friends and allies As has been mentioned elsewhere, kobolds love than ever or as mortal enemies, things in the Holgath magic items. Should you decide to introduce any of Highlands will never be the same again. those found in Appendix C, it's a safe bet that a kobold will have attempted to wield or attune to them. 13 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

hAndLing ChArACter Adventure Hooks CHArt progression D8 Adventure Hook 1 Concerned Herder Legendary Adventures: Harrowing Heights is in- tended to take a party of 1st-level characters all the 2 Gesture of Goodwill way to 5th-level using the milestone system of tracking advancement. The PCs should level up, and thus attain 3 Growing Shadow new heights of competency and ability, at the following 4 Helpful Local points throughout the adventure: 5 Mercenary for Hire • The PCs reach 2nd-level the moment they set out from Skalaholt for Vilmark's Den after investi- 6 Political Gain gating the ambush site and identifying that the 7 Seeking Redemption kobolds are the culprits behind Dalla's abduction. 8 Simple Coincidence • The PCs attain 3rd-level once they've proven themselves to the druid Vilmark and departed his den towards Vriska's Top. ConCerned herder Preliminary materials • The PCs reach 4th-level between earning Lloyd's assistance and entering Vriska's Top, unless they As the son or daughter of a herder, you have seen and take a detour and skip these events, in which case explored a little bit more of the mountains above Ska- they achieve it before meeting Cordelia Tenebris. laholt than most Holgathi. For the same reason, you've also occasionally had encounters with the kobolds • The PCs attain 5th-level while in Jinzirga in the run up to the final confrontation/encounter of who reside there. Though infrequent, you've witnessed the adventure. This might be with Jirgix Jackjaw, the kobolds grow increasingly restless and fearful of Kaydesh Kroll, Fazne Tussu, Salvaschon, or Corde- late through these meetings. In fact, the last time you lia Tenebris. encountered a group of their hunters, they fired warn- ing shots at your flock and chased you off 'their' slope. You're worried that, if left unchecked, the situation Adventure Hooks could grow much more serious. In an effort to report what you've witnessed, and A lthough it is assumed that the players begin determined to find answers, you've made your way to Skalaholt to decide what to do next. However, upon Harrowing Heights as housecarls in the service of Orm Holmgavtsson, that certainly isn't the only reaching the hold, you start to hear chatter and specu- reason why a party of heroic adventurers might become lation that the kobolds might be responsible for the swept up in this thrilling adventure. Feel free to use disappearance of the local jarl's daughter, Dalla Hol- one of the alternative suggestions presented here to mgavtsson - confirming your worst fears. introduce players to the action, or else try to come up with gripping and alluring hooks of your own instead if gesture of goodWiLL you prefer. One thing to be aware of before proceeding is that You are a resident of the village of Myrka which re- the origins, motivations, and backgrounds provided sides a short distance from the hold of Skalaholt. Orm by these alternative hooks may require you to give Holmgavtsson is the jarl of the hold and his daughter, some consideration to your timeline of events. Taking Dalla, passed through your village a couple of days ago 'Gesture of Goodwill' for example, unless you modify it, on her way home from a trip. Word has reached Myrka a PC using this hook is unlikely to arrive in Skalaholt that Dallla never made it home and was kidnapped by until Dalla's abduction site has been investigated and kobolds on the road somewhere between your village the kobold ambush resolved. You might be happy for and her final destination. some or all of the PCs to skip this encounter and start Given that Dalla's abduction took place after she left the adventure at a later point, or else you may choose Myrka, you (or the elders of your village) feel a diplo- to adjust things as necessary to bring them in at a more matic responsibility to help recover her. You've been appropriate point. Whatever you decide, it shouldn't dispatched for Skalaholt with the intention of mak- be too complicated to get the whole party on the same ing yourself useful in service to Orm until he can be page pretty quickly if you plan ahead. reunited with his absentee daughter. 14 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

groWing shAdoW poLitiCAL gAin You know a little bit more about kobolds than most. Your family is looking to move up in Holgathi society Perhaps you are a druid, ranger, scholar, zoologist, or but you've hit a brick wall in Krossavik. It has been someone else with a vested interest in the small reptil- suggested that having an ally in Skalaholt, be it Orm ians. However you've come by your specialist knowl- Holmgavtsson or Freydis Hallmundottir, would prove edge, you've journeyed to Skalaholt to investigate a useful. You were already en route to Skalaholt (or had troubling rumor. recently arrived) to meet with the jarl when this busi- Word has it that several kobolds have been spotted in ness with his daughter, Dalla, came to light. You now Preliminary materials the area whose scales are a muddy reddish color. Most see an opportunity to help out the jarl in the hopes that folk wouldn't have any inkling as to the significance of he'll return the favor down the line. this, but you do. If the kobolds are changing color, that strongly suggests that they're keeping company with a seeking redemption red dragon. If there is a dragon nearby, and it is hostile, it could You were part of Dalla Holmgavtsson's entourage spell disaster for the people of the highlands. You've - tasked with protecting her at the time of her abduc- journeyed here to learn the truth for yourself, when tion. Unfortunately, you were heavily outnumbered by news reaches you that the jarl's daughter, Dalla, has the kobolds who attacked the caravan and there was been kidnapped. If the kobold's are growing more ag- nothing you could do to protect the jarl's daughter. You gressive, that too is a bad sign. You resolve to get to the yourself barely escaped with your life and none of your bottom of the matter. comrades were quite so fortunate. Having lost Dalla to the kobolds, you raced back heLpfuL LoCAL to Skalaholt to report in, gather reinforcements, and return to the ambush site to pick up the trail from You dwell in one of the smaller settlements in the there. You're determined to see your charge returned Holgath Highlands, or possibly an outlying farmstead or home safely, and will not stop until your duty has been some other remote landholding. You've heard rumors of discharged in a satisfactory manner. bandits being more active of late and the roads growing more dangerous than usual, but it was just idle chatter, simpLe CoinCidenCe until now. Word has reached you that a group of kobolds at- You are a traveler, trader, or some other private in- tacked a caravan on the road nearby in broad daylight. dividual. You were traveling the Horned Holt Road As a proud Holgathi, one such incident is enough, and towards either Myrka or Skalaholt, having departed the you refuse to allow any more such attacks to take place. other, when you stumbled across debris from a recent You've snatched up any essentials and made your way skirmish. to Skalaholt to enlist yourself in the local militia or help The scene was chaos. Several large wagons had been out in any other way that you can. driven from the road and overturned, with goods and garments scattered everywhere. There were, of course, merCenAry for hire signs of a struggle and small pools of what looked like blood littered the area - although, oddly, no bodies were You were already in Skalaholt and actively seeking visible. You began to investigate the wreckage when a employment at the time of the jarl's daughter's disap- group of very determined kobolds emerged and chased pearance. In fact, if anything, her abduction is a bless- you off. Knowing the hold of Skalaholt to be better ing in disguise, at least for you, because it has led to equipped to deal with the situation, you made for it im- an employment opportunity. Freydis Hallmundottir or mediately. Orm Holmgavtsson has approached you and hired you Having brought word of your discovery to jarl Hol- to scout the Horned Holt Road to look for clues as to mgavtsson, you've learned that his daughter, Dalla, may Dalla's current whereabouts. have been the target of the original ambush. He or Frey- Your mission is simple, discover who or what has dis Hallmundottir–his trusted second-in-command–has taken Dalla, retrieve her (alive if at all possible), and asked you to lead a group back to the site, investigate it ensure that the culprit or culprits pose no further threat further, and recover Dalla if possible. to Dalla Holmgavtsson or the people of Skalaholt. 15 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

the holgath highlands T his section introduces the Holgath W hile it wouldn't be entirely fair, or honest, Setting & Locale Highlands–the hilly, mountainous region which forms the backdrop to this adventure–and explores them to call the Holgath Highlands 'domesti- in greater detail than elsewhere. Ac- cessible from the city of Krossavik via the Horned Holt cated', they have been 'settled' for a little over a century. Road, this remote belt of frontier land belongs to a race In the one-hundred-and-seventeen years that the Hol- of people known as the Holgathi whose territory spans gathi have maintained a presence in the region, there the length and breadth of the Holgath Heartlands, Hol- hasn't been a single event that's occurred here that has the holgath highlands gath Hinterlands, Holgath Homesteads, and the Shores been truly seminal or significant beyond the borders of of Holgath to the southeast. They also have a dozen or the highlands themselves. That said, the history of each so footholds–in the form of outposts, camps, and ports– settlement is littered with smaller events and incidents in distant lands. that have been greatly interesting, important, and, sometimes, controversial, to those who reside within This product focuses its attention on the Holgath them. Highlands alone. Expanding on other Holgathi territo- ries, neighboring lands, and far-flung operations falls into your remit as game master, should you choose to CLimAte & Conditions do so, and is also something that we may explore in a future supplement. Given their altitude and proximity to the mountains to the north, the Holgath Highlands are surprisingly The region that has come to be known as the Holgath Highlands is placed at a high altitude, far above sea temperate. While fog and precipitation are not uncom- level, and requires a long journey to reach from the mon, and snow clouds infrequently descend from the Holgath Heartlands - the true home of the Holgathi mountains; blizzards, hurricanes, electrical storms, and people and the birthplace of their culture. Half a dozen other extreme weather phenomena are extremely rare. or so small settlements reside here along with several Other than a few days each year, the region is mild and, other locations of minor significance. You'd be forgiven during the summer, balmy even. During the winter, the for assuming that such remoteness and isolation might highlands are blanketed in a crisp layer of snow, but lead to the depredations of monsters, the omnipresent this does little to impede frontier life and the snows are threat of raiders and bandits, and a general culture of quick to recede with the return of spring. lawlessness - however the people who reside here are generally unburdened by such concerns. threAts & hAzArds Despite their close proximity to unexplored moun- tains and untamed wilderness, the Holgathi colonies Although the Holgathi are typically viewed as a proud and communities that can be found here are cosseted, warrior people by outsiders, the Holgath Highlands have quiet, and rural. This is with the notable exception no need for champions, providing a safe and benign of Skalaholt. This settlement, the most remote in the home for those who reside here. Consequently, little highlands, serves as an independent watch post and effort has been made to domesticate the region and the military base of sorts, providing protection and aid to local jarls are able to deal with the few threats that do each of the other towns and villages in the area, should appear without the need to call upon heroes, merce- they need it. Though, in truth, they rarely do. Fortu- naries, or soldiers to aid them. Because few dangerous nately, the Holgathi's stronghold in the region is as creatures dwell in the area, the Holgathi ship their much a town as it is a hold and life continues within its elderly or infirm here so that they can while away their walls apace, even if its primary function as a military days amongst the meadows, pastures, and slopes. installation is rarely needed or called upon. 16 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

Though drastic incidents are far less common here reLigious freedom than elsewhere, the highlands are not utterly devoid of danger. There are the usual troubles with banditry, The Holgathi fully accept the pantheons and beliefs of feuds between Holgathi houses, and occasional clashes the other denizens of their world, whilst also believing with the beasts that roam the wilds or subterranean in a multitude of deities all their own. Religious expres- monsters that have ventured up to the surface. sion and religious freedom are prized by the Holgathi A tribe of kobolds also resides higher in the moun- and they will kill and die to defend both. tains to the north of the Holgathi settlements in the region, although traditionally these draconic beings storyteLLers the holgath highlands have always been peaceable. Beyond the kobolds' terri- tory lies a vast stretch of lawless, uncivilized land that is inhabited by trolls. Thankfully, these fiendish savages The Holgathi love riddles, sagas, stories, and songs. have no quarrel with the people of the highlands or They adore revelry of every kind and they frequently inclination to cross the mountains. Should that ever gather to exchange such things over a meal or campfire. change, it would no doubt mean war for the Holgathi A bard with a willingness to share their talents is prized of the highlands, who remain capable warriors, even if by Holgathi–particularly those who travel at sea–in the they're rarely called upon to show it. same way a dragon might treasure its hoard. While most Holgathi can write, their history is a Holgathi Culture living one, entrenched firmly in the domain of oral tra- dition and entrusted to wandering minstrels known as skalds. Only the most obscure, intricate, or significant T he Holgathi are artists and musicians, explor- information is committed to parchment or stone. ers and wanderers, and soldiers and warriors. To step away from fantasy for a moment and draw a real equAL rights world parallel, Holgathi society might be best defined by the influence it derives from medieval or Viking-era Women are treated with equal rights within Holgathi Nordic or Scandinavian cultures. The Holgathi pull from society, even if that isn't necessarily the norm else- the pages of history books in several key ways, which where. A female can divorce her husband–particularly are explored in more depth below: in the case of adultery–and is just as likely to occupy a role as a jarl, steward, or thane as any of her male A peopLe, not A kingdom counterparts. The term 'Holgathi' is simply used as a catch-all phrase WArriors' deAths to describe people born into one of the regions that bears the 'Holgath' namesake. Meanwhile, the Holgathi Holgathi fighters seek glory on the battlefield and covet themselves are a rather disparate group who are not, warriors' deaths. Additionally, those that live near the nor have ever been, unified beneath the banner of a sea are not buried but are instead cremated in small, specific lord, king, emperor, pharaoh, or anything of the single-occupancy boats which are cast off and set sort. That said, individual settlements and outposts do alight. A Holgathi who lives inland might even arrange have leaders, known as jarls, and these leaders fre- for their body to be transported hundreds of miles to quently work together to foster security and prosperity. ensure these traditional funerary rites are enacted. shipWrights & seAfArers seAx Explorers and conquerors at heart, all Holgathi share a Almost all Holgathi carry a small, single-bladed knife passion for the ocean. Their expert shipwrights con- known as a Seax. A youngster is given one once their struct very efficient longboats that enable them to parents feel that they are old enough for the responsi- travel far and fast, while their adventurous sailors make bility, and this is a traditional coming-of-age practice the most of these fine vessels. Consequently, the Hol- throughout Orkneyjar. gathi have spread far and seeded themselves in a dozen or so other countries and kingdoms. 17 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

AdditionAL notes Generally, although local Holgathi governments might vary wildly from one to another, any jarl's court is likely to be formed of the same basic building blocks. The Holgathi also make for excellent cooks, their hygiene is good, and any citizen is allowed to punish There is a jarl, who is ultimately in charge; stewards, a criminal throughout Orkneyjar. They also dwell in who carry out administrative tasks on behalf of the longhouses and have pioneered technological advances jarl; and thanes, who serve the jarl as advisors and to allow for the underground heating of these. Conse- provide him or her with council. A specific jarl might, quently, they bring their livestock into their homes dur- for example, have many advisors and aides that are ing winter to protect them from the worst of the cold. trusted equally, just a handful of such individuals, or a single advisor with supreme authority. They may also work closely with their advisors on matters of law and Societal Structure trade, or else these positions may be merely honorary or token. Some Holgathi settlements even function on the T he Holgathi are a diverse and varied people basis of true democracy, wherein the entire electorate is allowed to vote on various referenda and the job of the that do not belong to a single kingdom or empire that could ever truly be considered unified, inte- jarl and their advisors is simply to implement the will of the citizens. grated, or cohesive. As a culture, they reject the notion of a monarch dictating how they should live their lives The Holgathi's fondness for local governance might the holgath highlands with equal fervor as they do any other kind of central- stem from their preference for oral tradition over the ized, regimented, or hierarchical government. written word. The average citizen might consider the concept of written law inflexible and not at all befitting an enlightened society. Consequently, jarls are as much LoCAL LAW arbiters as they are lawmakers, and they rarely apply the same punishment to each crime - taking each infraction Each Holgathi settlement is governed by a jarl, a sin- on a case-by-case basis. gular leader who presides over its interests, laws, and affairs. How jarls are chosen varies from one location to stronger together another, as does the configuration of the local govern- ment that they lead. In some settlements leadership is a hereditary right, with rule passed from parent to heir Just because the Holgathi do not belong to a hierarchi- in order of bloodline. While others advocate democracy, cal or tightly-structured empire or kingdom, this does holding elections to determine who has the mandate to not mean that they are isolationist or standoffish in lead. the day-to-day running of their settlements. Quite the opposite in fact, Holgathi settlements tend to cooper- ate on the basis of mutual gain, believing in the adage soCiAl ClAsses 'stronger together'. This fosters a culture of interdepen- dency which has made their people populous, strong, In broad terms, there are three main classes of citizen within Holgathi culture: and resilient to the depredations of foreign nations. • Thralls are slaves of karls and jarls. However, the Holgathi's focus on fairness and justice leads rAnking JArLs to social mobility, creating opportunities for hardworking and enterprising thralls to earn Although no formal hierarchy of jarls exists in their their freedom. society, most Holgathi can comfortably determine who wields the most political power within any region. This • Karls are simply freemen. This group represents is because the seniority and influence of any jarl in the largest social class and most Holgathi are relation to their contemporaries is really determined by karls. In Harrowing Heights, the PCs are house- the size, population, and wealth of the settlement they carls which is a moniker for those who are free- govern; its strategic value or worth in terms of location, men but choose to enter into the employment of and their own political savvy and ability to leverage another, usually a jarl. their influence effectively - all metrics that Holgathi are • Jarls are noblemen. They form the highest rung able to easily interpret and make sense of. of Holgathi society in terms of influence, wealth, and power. Each jarl is the leader of a settle- ment, military installation, camp, or outpost. 18 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

The Holgath Highlands the holgath highlands Depiction showcasing the settlements and landmarks in the Holgath Highlands, from Kambr to Mjola and Skalaholt to Kossavik, as well as some of the mountains that lie beyond. 19 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

JArLsAndrs holgAThi seTTleMeNT NAMes In addition to jarls, who rule over individual settle- In Holgathi culture, it is common practice for the ments, Holgathi society also has another class of leader founder of a settlement–who typically also becomes known as Jarlsandrs. These individuals are similar to its first jarl unless they opt to stand aside for some generals and warlords from other cultures in the sense reason–to choose its name. Often such an individual that they serve in a military capacity; overseeing the might name their newly founded village after them- defense of Holgathi territories, as well as mounting selves, their children, or another individual who holds campaigns, invasions, and land grabs all of their own. great significance to them or sway over them. As with other aspects of Holgathi society, a Jarlsandr who intends to mount a military operation acts as an independent agent–with no official mandate–who must and fanfare. Additionally, because both settlements put the call out to others to rally to their cause. straddle the shores of Skalabr–the Rushing River–and Skalaholt sits at a higher altitude, it has become a run- ning joke in the region that the hold's bathing water The Region is the village's drinking water. Despite all of this, the peoples of both settlements have always been close and T he illustration on the previous page introduces there is no bitterness between them. the holgath highlands The jarl of Kambr, Morgan Baelhoof, is a portly, the Holgath Highlands region. The entirety of the narrative of Harrowing Heights takes place within good-humored, and hedonistic Holgathi who welcomes these highlands, however the map also includes many all in his settlement with a broad smile and open arms. settlements, locations, and points-of-interest that don't Kirkjusandr (small village). Central within the Hol- play a prominent role within this adventure. Using the gathi Highlands, Kirkjusandr has become a modest hub following information as a basis, these extra locations for trade within the region. It is bordered by farmsteads can easily be fleshed out to expand on Harrowing on all sides and once a week independent vendors flock Heights if you choose to further develop its narrative as here to participate in the largest market that can be part of a longer campaign. found anywhere in the highlands; selling tools, live- stock, and more at wholesale prices. settLements Kirkjusandr takes the form of a plutocracy, the only such system of government in the highlands. Osvald The Holgath Highlands features the following settle- Silgir, previously a simple farmer, currently serves as ments: its jarl. Osvald, like those who've ruled here before him, made his fortunes in the Kirkjusandr's market before Hasnar (small village). Though not as large and ascending to power. Although he's turned his attention populous as Myrka, Hasnar has one advantage over its to politics in place of agriculture, his hands remain as northeastern cousin; its strategic position and proxim- steady as ever, and he continues to champion the settle- ity to Krossavik. Hasnar lies within easy reach of the ment's ever-growing market. other settlements in the highlands, but also has the best access to the wares and wealth of the far grander hold Kollavik (medium village). Founded just a few to the southeast. years after the enormous hold of Krossavik to the southeast, Kollavik was supposed to be the next step The jarl of Hasnar is Thorhild Ulfbjorn. Standing barely five foot in height, Thorhild has had to endure in the Holgathi's expansion into the highlands - as- tremendous derision over the years due to his diminu- suming. of course, that the ambitious people could tive stature - doubly so given that the Holgathi tend to tame and dominate the wild frontier. As it transpired be unusually tall and broad for humans. To his credit, however, the rocky hills and slopes of the highlands of- Thorhild has taken these friendly barbs in his stride, fered little resistance to the ambitious interlopers, and, recognizing them for what they are; harmless banter consequently, far less Holgathi relocated to the region between neighbors. than expected - perhaps hoping for grander glory and conquest elsewhere. Kambr (small village). Founded the same year Blessed with few stewards and just a handful of as Skalaholt, in many ways the village of Kambr got a thanes, Byre and Halvard Bonderbrook, husband and raw deal. As a frontier hold intended to withstand the wife, currently share the position and responsibilities of savagery of the northern wilds, Skalaholt garnered the Kollavik's jarl. Individuals from within the village and fiercest warriors, finest hunters, and all of the acclaim 20 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

from neighboring settlements have offered their ser- highlands actually proved to be far easier to tame than vices to the Bonderbrooks in order to help with the day- anticipated and there never proved to be a need for a to-day running of the settlement, however the couple stronger military presence here. are making the situation work for the present and have politely declined any assistance. roAds & trAiLs Mjola (tiny village). Predominantly farming folk, the people of Mjola are used to a quieter existence The Holgath Highlands features the following roads and than most and, save for their visits to Myrka, are unac- trails: customed to dealing with outsiders from beyond the Bells Toll Road (road). This road runs between the holgath highlands highlands. Their village does feature a large taproom Skalaholt and Kambr, descending as it does. Its moniker frequented by locals and run by a boisterous Holgathi refers to the bell that sits by the south gate in Skalaholt. named Yula Romhilt. Twinned with Myrka, the two In times of crisis, a serviceman from the hold is to take villages have a tendency to be invoked with the same the bell and race to Kambr while ringing it, to alert the breath, though, in truth, many miles of open road sepa- neighboring village of the encroaching danger. rates Mjola from its bigger sister, and both are entirely self-sufficient - with the small caveat that the pair share Hagi's Crossing (trail). This cross-country trail links a single jarl, based in Myrka. the small village of Kambr with the market of Kirkju- sandr. Though rarely patrolled or properly policed, Overseeing Mjola is a relatively easy job and it is merchants and vendors use this path fairly regularly entrusted to a thane of Myrka named Jorvik Kranstrom. and few incidents are reported. Jorvik keeps things running smoothly and reports to Una Lingard in Myrka personally at least once a week, Horned Holt Road (road). This large, well-es- with couriers and agents passing messages to-and-fro tablished roadway links Skalaholt with Krossavik, via as frequently as is required. Myrka. It is formed of stone and sufficiently maintained to be suitable for wagons and caravans. It sees regular Myrka (medium village). Myrka is the largest set- traffic and is reasonably well policed. tlement in the Holgathi Highlands, even more so than Kollavik and Skalaholt. It sees a roaring trade between The Kambr Path (trail). This trail has only recently the two holds of Skalaholt to the west and Krossavik to formed–in the last decade or so–as Kirkjusandr has the southeast, and is popular with other settlements in grown as a trade hub and the people of Hasnar have the highlands. It also sees a lot of trade with Mjola and desired a more direct path to access the burgeoning traders from Myrka often make the trip to the smaller markets that can be found there. settlement to broker deals with those who are too old, Kambr Way (road). Although it originally went by infirm, or easily flustered to visit the larger, busier vil- another name, the road that connects Skalaholt, Kirkju- lage for themselves. sandr, and Kollavik has eventually just become known as the Kambr Way because, given Kirkjusandr's steadily Una Lingard is the jarl of Myrka. She is an exacting, no-nonsense woman whose intensity belies her kind- increasing pull as a commercial destination, fewer and ness and reasonableness. It is well known throughout fewer people who set out for Kambr are willing to do so the highlands that Una has a lover in Mjola, although without passing through Kirkjusandr - even including few know the true identity of her paramour. Unusually, those from Skalaholt and Kollavik who could take much holding public office in the capacity of jarl offers no more direct routes than Hagi's Crossing. financial remuneration in Myrka, however it is rumored Lover's Trail (trail). The origin of the name of this that Una is a woman of tremendous personal wealth. trail is a hotly contested subject in the Holgath High- lands. Many still hold dear to the belief that it was Skalaholt (medium hold). Skalaholt is a hold that resides higher in the highlands and is more remote named after the founders of Kirkjusandr and Myrka, than the other Holgathi settlements that can be found who were purportedly lovers and the first to walk the here. It is currently under the governance of the jarl, twists and turns of this trail in order to be united. Orm Holmgavtsson, ably assisted by a cadre of aids and Though it is true that Kirkjusandr is a common Holgathi advisors in the form of stewards and thanes. Skalaholt is name and perhaps the settlement did indeed inherit the significant to the narrative of Harrowing Heights as the namesake of its founder, the rest is nonsense and has PCs were likely born and raised here, and this is where been quite thoroughly debunked. That said, the myth they find themselves at the outset of the adventure. continues to persist to this day. Interestingly, a darker twist on the tale is also Skalaholt was intended to be the first hold of several erected in the Holgath Highlands, however the popular in some circles. People who share it believe that Myrka and Mjola were sisters and that Kirkjusandr was 21 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

secretly courting Mjola behind Myrka's back. When the Ambush Site (special). This location indicates the truth got out, Mjola moved to the east and founded her site where Dalla Holmgavtsson was abducted by a group own settlement. This explains, they say with conviction, of kobold aggressors shortly before the start of the why the road that links the two settlements is known events of Harrowing Heights. as the Sister's Divide. The popularity of this theory has Flateyri Estate (point of interest). This large estate led to the settlement of Kirkjusandr being referred to as includes a manor-house that could rival a royal palace the 'Knave', although few remember why, even amongst in terms of scale and grandeur, and is surrounded by those who favor the name. many acres of grounds. The wealth of the Flateyri house Sister's Divide (road). This small roadway is formed is so legendary that it is said that no one from the clan of compacted earth and links the villages of Myrka and has even bothered to visit this significant landholding Mjola. Other than by the residents of these two settle- in more than two generations. A small staff keeps the ments, this road is seldom used. mansion in a good state of repair and even manages to The Westway (road). The Westway links Kambr keep the grounds in a respectable state. Venturing onto with Kollavik. When first constructed this roadway was the estate uninvited is forbidden so few in the high- broad and ambitious, however due to its close proxim- lands actually know for sure who resides here or what ity to steep slopes, it has proven difficult to keep it in they get up to. a good state of repair. Between potholes opening up, Geirland Meadows (point of interest). Geirland the ground beneath the road crumbling away, flood- Meadows is a large facility where the elderly relatives the holgath highlands ing and landslides, and generally poor conditions - the of the most elite, influential, and moneyed families can road is only serviced during the summer months. And, be sent once they're no longer of use, require special given the rising popularity of the Kambr Way, even this considerations, or become an embarrassment. At least a minimal level of maintenance hasn't been performed for couple of Holgathi go missing from Geirland Meadows the last couple of years. Officially, Kollavik is charged each year, although they usually turn up elsewhere in with maintaining the roadway and the jarl of Krossavik the highlands. is unaware that the people of the village are forsaking Hagmundus Slaug currently handles the administra- their duty. tion of Geirland Meadows and its continued operation from a business perspective, while Ilsgut Haltor acts as points of interest his counterpart with regards discharging the facility's duties; sheltering a population of vulnerable residents The Holgath Highlands features the following points- to the best of her ability, while doing her best to pre- of-interest: serve their dignity or infringe upon their independence. Akar's Rest (point of interest). Akar's Rest is the Hagmundus is a very business-like individual with oldest Holgathi landmark in the highlands, predating a strong focus on keeping Geirland Meadows' stocked even their earliest settlements. This great stone mau- with potential cash cows, and its waiting list full. He's soleum was once reserved for the exclusive use of the personable enough, just lacking in genuine warmth. Ils- most high-ranking and influential jarls. However, the gut, on the other hand, is messy, cares little for appear- barriers for entry have been relaxed in recent years and ances, and focuses all of her energy on her work. now anyone with sufficient wealth can secure them- Grumes' Holm (point of interest). An order of selves a space within the mausoleum itself or a plot in proud, noble warriors founded Grumes' Holm shortly the boneyard beyond. after Skalaholt was built, believing the hold would have An order of reclusive monks act as the caretakers tremendous need of stouthearted heroes if it was to and custodians of Akar's Rest. Although monastic, these stand firm in the face of whatever faceless monsters, sagely hermits do not subscribe to any specific religious nameless threats, and unimaginable hazards might call order, instead dedicating their lives to the safeguarding this bold new frontier home. Though it ultimately did and honoring of the remains under their watch. not, those who followed Grumes to the highlands–and their descendants–stuck around anyway. These days, Arnora Doon currently stands at the head of this group, a missive she takes very seriously knowing that the folks who reside in Grumes' Holm are better drink- a slab worth a king's ransom awaits her within the ers and eaters than fighters. mausoleum if she discharges her duty as a reward for Two Brothers Brayt and Wren Kulltorn are the holm's her lifetime of unwavering service. She fully intends on current masters. Like their forebears, the pair value claiming it and immortalizing her place in Akar's Rest. heroism and bravery above all else and host many feasts 22 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

in honor of the valiant champions of yesteryear. Lloyd's Tower (point of interest). This tall stone Although neither has accomplished anything worthy tower stands atop a bluff high in the Holgath High- of remembrance yet, to do so is unquestionably the lands, surrounded by dangerous wards designed to keep strongest desire and greatest ambition of both brothers. kobolds away from it and signs warning of the dangers The pair are fiercely competitive and whether they do of trespass. The wizard Lloyd Spelloyal, a major NPC in so together–as a team–or separately–in spite of each Harrowing Heights, resides in this location. other–remains to be seen. Vilmark's Den (point of interest). The yawning Hall of the Hagi (point of interest). The Hall of maw that marks the entrance to Vilmark's den is largely the Hagi is a staggeringly large structure constructed concealed behind thick bushels and creepers. Despite the holgath highlands entirely out of stone. It has no permanent residents being the druid's primary residence, this spacious cave other than the many statues, effigies, and busts of great is so sparsely furnished inside that you'd be forgiven Holgathi heroes filling it, and is used to celebrate their for assuming that nothing has ever visited it. The druid deeds and commemorate their acts of valor. Holgathi Vilmark, a major NPC in Harrowing Heights, resides in from as far as the Holgath Homesteads have been this location. known to make the long and arduous trip here during Vriska's Top (small kobold outpost). Vriska's Top is times of personal distress in order to look upon their a strategic outpost of the kobold tribe that dwells in the ancestors and find courage and inspiration. Holgath Highlands. Formed of a bridge leading to a gate Lundar's Retreat (point of interest). Lundar's and set of wooden ramparts, this basic setup is simple Retreat is a sprawling, five-story resort for those with but very effective. And, thanks to its positioning, it is an abundance of wealth and a shortage of scruples. easily able to guard the tribe against threats emerging Established by Ulysses Lundar almost two decades ago, from the south. this house of ill-repute has several large taprooms, a gambling den, a bath house, an inn, and a dedicated club where both dancers and sex workers can find op- Exploring the Hold portunities to turn a little coin. himself, although he is now accompanied by a diverse A s mentioned in Skalaholt on page 21, this fort Ulysses Lundar still runs the boisterous, lively place is a defensible location built by the Holgathi cast of live-in staff. The former Holgathi hero Vigas when they first pressed into the highlands in order to Romhilt also resides here on a permanent basis, enjoy- protect their new territory. Although the Holgath High- ing all the decadent pleasures that Lundar's Retreat has lands have proven to have little need for strongholds in to offer - at least until his wealth dwindles, although if the time since Skalaholt's construction, its original pur- even half the stories of his amassed fortune are true, pose has never been forgotten by those who live here. that could take a lifetime or more. An enclosed courtyard is home to Skalaholt's civilian population, separated from its garrison and keep by a north of skALAhoLt wall along its northern side. This area features almost sixty stone buildings and a space is kept clear of per- The Holgath Highlands features the following locations manent structures to host a regular market where the north of Skalaholt: three roads into Skalaholt merge. Since the explosion of Kirkjusandr's own market, this space has seen little use Cordelia's Hovel (point of interest). This remote house stands atop a lonely hillside. Inside the dilapidat- of late. Amongst the other various shops and businesses ed property, the ceiling's sag, the plaster's swelled, and here is a stables, a wheelwrights, three inn-taverns, a the timber's rotten. Unsurprisingly, it is not watertight smithy, a stonemasons, a carpenters, a bakery, a hunt- and numerous leaks can be found within. The witch ing lodge, a modest fishery, a jewelers, two outfitters, a Cordelia Tenebris, a major NPC in Harrowing Heights, cobblers, and two general stores. resides in this location. A set of stone steps break through the northern wall, leading away from the lower courtyard and up to a Jinzirga (large kobold town). Jinzirga is the large kobold settlement where the bulk of Salvaschon's tribe cobblestone square. A barracks, an armory, and a smithy resides. Caverns beneath the town house the dragon, sit on the square's western side; while a smaller bunk- while most of the kobolds live above ground. It is here, house, a stable, and a warehouse for storing food sits to Salvaschon's bedside, that Dalla Holmgavtsson has opposite on the east. A well sits in the middle of this been brought since her abduction before the start of the square, while its northern side is shadowed by Skala- events of Harrowing Heights. holt's sizable keep that stands vigil over the highlands. 23 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

Skalaholt's Defenses. Skalaholt was built using additional threats and hazards in response to the play- stone instead of wood for its resistance to fire, is sur- ers wandering off the beaten track or behaving foolishly rounded by tall walls—several of which feature sally and attracting unnecessary attention to themselves. ports—, and host to a portcullis and gatehouse safe- The following random encounter tables and charts guarding each of the three primary entrances into the have been provided so that you've got a pool of threats stronghold's courtyard. These three gates, each large to pull from that are appropriate both thematically enough for wagons to traverse, lead out onto the Bell's and in terms of difficulty. To use these charts, first pick Toll Road to the south, Kambr Way to the southeast, and the most appropriate one to roll on for the situation the Horned Holt Road to the east. at hand. Then, either roll on it if you've already deter- Unlike most settlements, all of Skalaholt's permanent mined that an encounter is inevitable, or else roll a D12 residents have undergone combat training, and every for every 8 hours that the party is on the move. On a able-bodied adult who is not already garrisoned at the result that corresponds with an entry on the chart, that keep is expected to serve a minimum of sixteen hours encounter occurs sometime during their march. If the a week keeping the town safe. This surplus of bodies result falls outside this spectrum, nothing happens. keeps watch from the various lookout positions around The first two charts deal with random encounters the town, and keep the grounds routinely patrolled. that feature indigenous, non-sentient creatures and Law in Skalaholt. Being a particularly orderly set- predators. These are most likely encountered outside tlement, Skalaholt has a number of regulations imposed of kobold or Holgathi territory and are also fairly low the holgath highlands upon the citizenry, though such restrictions serve to Challenge Rating encounters to reflect the relative keep the community tight-knit and crime a rarity. Civil safety of the Holgath Highlands. disputes and accusations of law-breaking are subjected The following threats can be encountered in the to a trial judged by Skalaholt's current jarl. Holgath Highlands during the day: Carrying weapons is permitted in Skalaholt, so long as they are not being held in their owner's hand. The HigHlAnd tHreAts (dAy) gates are closed at night, and there is a curfew in the street only four hours after dark (usually waived during D8 Encounter festivals and special occasions). Orm holds an open court several hours every afternoon, where anyone is 1 2D4 Boars, charging down the mountain away welcome to enter his hall and publicly approach him for from something that spooked them advice or request a ruling. Outside of this time, off-duty An Assault Drake, lost and alone after eating its members of the community and visitors are not wel- 2 previous handler. On its back sits a leather come to leave the lower courtyard and venture up the saddle and bridle stairs without just motive. Shalaholthood. It has become traditional in Skala- A Hippogriff calf, whose wing is broken after a holt for every child born in the hold to join the current 3 nasty crash, its plaintive cries call its mother jarl and their stewards and thanes in sharing a meal in- 1D10 minutes later side the keep's great hall on the eve of their being given A flock of 8 Blood Hawks, picking at the carcass a seax and taking the first steps toward adulthood. This 4 of a dead goat. They attack anyone approaching tradition is intended to provide a sense of civic duty them to the youth it celebrates, familiarize them with their elders, and remind those who lead of their obligation to A herd of 2D10 Goats, standing in the boughs of a the next generation. 5 tree eating its fruit Highland 6 3 Giant Wolf Spiders, waiting in the boughs of trees, while their webs are strung up between Encounters the tree trunks below An aggressive Dire Wolf in a foul mood. The beast 7 T he primary narrative of Harrowing Heights is in the midst of hunting for its missing mate features battles, encounters, and events A Harpy, who has descended the mountain to aplenty, however you may feel that you'd like to make take advantage of the heightened kobold and adventure even more dangerous or diverse, expand on 8 Holgathi presence by luring travelers to their certain sections of it for pacing reasons, or throw in death 24 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

The following threats can be found in the Holgath Highlands during the night: 1 Kobold (veteran) Blackblade, 2 Kobold (adult) 4 Lurkers, and 1 Ambush Drake hiding amongst the shrubbery in preparation for an ambush HigHlAnd tHreAts (nigHt) 2 Attack Drakes nicknamed Stig and Brix (armed D6 Encounter with cold breath attacks) being broken in by 1 5 Kobold (combatant) Handler with a signal whistle A glowing cavern mouth, 2D4 Giant Fire Beetles 1 and ball. He hasn't yet bonded with either drake are inside the cave 7 Kobold (adults) patrolling kobold territory, led the holgath highlands 2 Giant Hyenas, loudly whooping and cackling 2 6 by a militant Kobold (combatant) Scrapper called throughout the night as they hunt Scolden riding atop his loyal Attack Drake A Ghost of a Holgathi warrior, who swore he 3 would fell a hundred foes in combat before he The following kobold threats can be found in the passed on, he died only eight short of his promise Holgath Highlands in the midst of kobold territory: 4 1D8 Giant Bats, hunting after sundown kobold tHreAts (greAter) A cave that appears well-suited for use as a 5 shelter, but is actually infested with 12 Stirges in D8 Encounter its ceiling A bloodthirsty mob of 12 Kobold (adult) Con- 1 scripts led by a rather determined Kobold (adult) A pack of 7 hungry Wolves, stealthily hunting for 6 Sentry named Drexel. Drexel Has 10 hit points. food 1 Kobold (adult) Sentry hanging around in plain sight near a copse of trees. 3 Kobold (adult) Lurk- The following charts can be used to generate kobold 2 ers and 4 Kobold (combatant) Skulkers lie in wait threats once the PCs approach and enter kobold terri- to ambush anyone who approaches him tory proper. They're organized into two separate tables, segregated by level of severity. Within the context of 8 Kobold (combatant) Scrappers bruising for a Harrowing Heights, the first table would be appropri- fight. Their leader is named Krayt and has 24 hit ate for use between Vilmark's Den and Lloyd's Tower, 3 points. If he is felled, the remaining kobolds each while the second can be used throughout the rest of the attempt a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw, retreating adventure. These charts can also provide great kobolds from battle on a fail encounters for other adventures too. 2 Kobold (combatant) Ramblers (accompanied The following kobold threats can be found in the by 2 Pseudodragons) working with 2 Kobold Holgath Highlands on the outskirts of kobold territory: 4 (combatant) Trappers to lay traps. The group is escorted by 4 Kobold (combatant) Scrappers kobold tHreAts (lesser) 4 Pursuit Drakes chasing a Deer, with 4 Kobold D6 Encounter 5 (combatant) Handlers 200 ft. away, racing to catch up with them. Each handler is bonded to a drake 1 Kobold (combatant) Rambler (with a Pseu- 1 dodragon), teaching a group of 5 Kobold (wyrm- 3 Kobold (combatant) Handlers each with a lings) wilderness survival techniques bonded drake. Roll 1D6 once for each drake, on a 6 result 1-2 it is an Ambush Drake, on a 3-4 it is an 2 Kobold (adult) Conscripts, digging in the road. Attack Drake, on a 5-6 it is a Pursuit Drake This is a trap and a team of 5 Kobold (adult) 2 Lurkers hide in the surrounding trees prepared 5 Kobold (veteran) Dragonshields escorting 1 for an ambush Kobold (veteran) Dragonsigner named Kivos, who 7 is traveling between various kobold encamp- 6 Kobold (combatant) Ramblers (without pseu- ments reciting the dragonsong 3 dodragons), guiding 1 Kobold (adult) Sentry as they attentively survey the landscape 4 Kobold (combatant) Scrappers and 4 Kobold 8 (veteran) Dragonshields, led by a Kobold (vet- eran) Chanter called Drako who has 36 hit points 25 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

Prologue: dalla's abduCtion D alla should have arrived home All Orm really wants the party to do at this time is track orm's errAnd several days ago, along with her en- tourage of guards, handmaidens, and other traveling companions (about a dozen souls in total), after visiting whereabouts. At this juncture, the biggest way the PCs her aunt and other relatives in Krossavik. A runner was down his daughter or at least uncover clues as to her could derail things is if they attempt to track the ko- dispatched from the village of Myrka ahead of Dalla's bolds back to their territory from the ambush site with- caravan to send word of her approach and to put her out returning to Skalaholt first. With that in mind, it's a father's mind at rest. However, since his arrival several good idea to make sure Orm is clear about wanting the days ago, there has been no further word and Dalla PCs to report back to him before they make any hasty herself has, as of yet, failed to make an appearance. decisions. This way you can prevent them from skipping Given weather conditions and the time of year, a delay other early sections of the adventure. Additionally, Jir- of half-a-day or so might not be cause for alarm but at gix's agents were ordered to cover their tracks carefully this point it is rapidly becoming clear that something and a storm the previous night has washed away the Prologue - dalla's abduction has gone terribly wrong. few clues they left behind, so tracking them from the As the jarl's personal housecarls, the PCs usually ambush site should be nearly impossible. act as bodyguards for him and him alone, however Orm is suitably shaken up by Dalla's absence and has a bad roLepLAying orm feeling about the whole situation. He trusts the PCs and would feel happier knowing that they were looking into Detailed statistical and biographical date for Orm Hol- the matter instead of the rank-and-file local guards. mgavtsson can be found in Appendix A - NPC Gallery, Orm asks the PCs to walk the Horned Holt Road, as far however additional roleplaying notes are presented as Myrka if necessary, and look for signs of his wayward here: daughter. A Concerned Father. Although Orm is a powerful Beginning the Adventure and influential man, when he speaks to the PCs at this time, it is as a concerned father, not a politician. Kicking off proceedings with a brief roleplaying encoun- Authoritative, Not Draconian. Orm is both the PCs' ter between the PCs and Orm Holmgavtsson is a great employer and also their superior in a societal sense, so, way to get things underway which provides context for by rights, he could directly order them to investigate their investigation and gives you a chance to introduce Dalla's disappearance. However, he is not so inclined, a key NPC early on in the adventure. It's also worth instead addressing the party with respect and courtesy. remembering that one of the central themes of Harrow- An Existing Contact. Orm is a man the PCs know ing Heights is a universally relatable tale of reunit- well. Obviously, the full sense of the relationship ing a father with his lost daughter. This adventure is between the PCs and this NPC cannot be captured in infinitely more rewarding for players if they're able to a brief moment of roleplay, however you should try to identify with Orm and care about his daughter's plight. allude to a stronger connection between Orm and the That said, if you prefer, you can instead jump ahead to party as much as is possible. Use whatever you know Roadside Ambush and begin with that, or else skip even about the PCs, their personalities, and their motivations further ahead and start the game after news of Dalla's from character creation to your advantage here. Perhaps abduction has reached Orm and the people of Skalaholt. try to catch them off-guard with an unexpected nick- Just remember, whichever route you choose, the more name, term of endearment, inside joke, or odd reference the players care about Orm as a person, the more moti- to a moment that the character has shared with Orm vated they'll be to help him. (perhaps unbeknownst to the player). 26 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

WhAt orm knoWs Given Orm's prominent position, there likely isn't much that the PCs can think to ask him that he doesn't possess the answer to. However, time is a factor and, as simple bodyguards, there are things which the PCs have no business asking him about. The jarl of Skala- holt is unlikely to be bullied into answering anything he doesn't want to most of the time, and this is doubly true just now. The following list of things Orm knows is by no means exhaustive, however it should provide you with a solid foundation: Prologue - dalla's abduction • Orm has a full itinerary of Dalla's visit to Krossav- ik; including a list of the people she was scheduled to meet with during her visit, where such meetings were to take place, and detailed information on her journey to and from the city. • Orm has an expert-level understanding of the people of Skalaholt and its society at all levels. He also has a very strong grasp on the regional power- structure and political landscape, how his hold fits into this larger picture, and an innate understand- ing of Holgathi culture in general. • Orm has a very limited knowledge of the ko- bolds that share the highlands with his people. However, he doesn't believe them to be any kind of threat until he is offered evidence to the contrary (the PCs' eyewitness reports will more than suffice). Allow the PCs to grill Orm for as long as you feel is Orm Holmgavtsson appropriate and then push things to a head. Also, don't worry if you decide to skip ahead to Roadside Ambush and start the adventure there, the players will have bloody remains of several human defenders still lay plenty of time to interrogate Orm further upon their where they fell. A dead horse remains, still lashed to return to Skalaholt. what's left of the caravan, while the others have been released and fled. It is clear from the volume of blood Roadside Ambush on the scene that a fierce battle took place here. Read or paraphrase the following text as the PCs ar- T he PCs discover what they're looking for rive on the scene as appropriate: around the end of a day's walk from Skalaholt at a measured pace, a couple of hours sooner at a hur- \"The air retains a certain crisp dampness to it from ried march, and likely early on the second day at slower, recent rainfall, also evidenced by the squelching that more cautious tempo. In any case, following the Horned accompanies every heavy footfall upon the compacted Holt Road eastward towards Myrka will eventually de- mud-and-dirt track beneath your feet. A gap in the liver the PCs to the location depicted in the map on the trees just ahead reveals a bend in the roadway accom- following page. panied by a glimpse of something that chills you to your very core; the wreckage of a wagon or carriage. The Scene. The wreckage of a large caravan lies here, eerily still like a sleeping giant. Small pieces of You're still too far off to recognize it, but you don't debris have been scattered over the roadside and blown need to; the sinking feeling in your gut tells you that across the hillside leading away from the road. Discard- this is indeed the object you've been searching for.\" ed weapons and other objects are strewn about and the 27 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

Although the scene might appear devoid of life at a as Kobold (adult) Conscripts calculate passive checks glance, things are not quite as they seem. As per Jirgix's with disadvantage (-5), including Wisdom (perception) instructions, a small contingent of his underlings have and Dexterity (stealth) checks. If the kobolds' lookout been left behind to watch the ambush site and waylay spots the PCs approaching, he discretely warns the oth- anyone who comes sniffing around. That said, although er kobolds and their stealth checks are not calculated Jirgix followed Cordelia's instructions to leave behind with disadvantage (they might make a group Dexterity some of his operatives, he didn't really see the wisdom [stealth] check instead). in doing so. Consequently, as Jirgix's heart was never C. Overturned Wagon. In addition to their other really in it, he's taken this as an opportunity to get rid of forces, 4 Kobold (adult) Lurkers are holed up within several of those he feels are unreliable or incompetent. this large caravan. These kobolds cannot be seen from a distance and do not emerge until a fight breaks out. AntAgonists Tactics. The kobolds' orders are to take no prison- ers. They to ambush the PCs if they're able to, if not, The following kobold combatants lie in wait for the PCs: they just strike as best they can. They try to lure the A. Fallen Boulders. 1 Kobold (adult) Sentry lurks PCs close the wagon so that the concealed kobolds can amongst the large stones and rocks here, keeping a emerge and catch them off-guard. lookout for approaching threats. He's had plenty of time Morale. Have each kobold make a DC 10 Wisdom to conceal himself and it takes a DC 17 Wisdom (percep- saving throw twice during the fight; once when the Ko- tion) check to spot him or an equivalent passive Percep- bold (adult) Sentry is slain and once when half of their tion score. He waits until the PCs approach the wagon total number have been slain or retreated. Those that for a closer inspection and then sounds the alarm, fail this saving throw, abandon their duty and attempt potentially granting the kobolds a surprise round. to retreat. All remaining kobolds have disadvantage on Prologue - dalla's abduction B. Hiding Kobolds. 5 Kobold (adult) Conscripts the second saving throw. surround the ambush site, occupying the spaces indicat- Additional. There is a 5% chance that the Kobold ed (split their numbers however you like). Although the (adult) Sentry possesses a common magic item. conscripts are trying not to make themselves conspicu- ous, if the PCs approach cautiously and the kobold Suggestion. As debris litters the scene, consider roll- lookout doesn't notice them, they're likely to be spotted ing a D8 and making a number of 5 foot square spaces equal to the result difficult terrain. 28 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

gAthering inteL Home Sweet Home At this juncture, it should be pretty clear to everyone in- nce the PCs have returned to Skalaholt with volved that the kobolds had a hand in Dalla's abduction, O news of Dalla's fate, Orm silently listens to however, just to be doubly sure, you might allow one of their report before dismissing them to speak with his the kobold's to be captured and interrogated, strategi- council while he decides on how to proceed next. cally allow one of the Dalla's guards to spill his guts to the party before drawing his last breath, or provide Over the next few hours, news of Dalla's abduc- other clues at the scene. tion spreads throughout Skalaholt, where folk begin to speculate on where the kobolds took Dalla, what mo- Whatever you decide, the PCs learn enough to report tives they had for kidnapping her, and why some of the back to Orm and can now return to Skalaholt. If they do kobolds stayed at the ambush site. As far as the people Prologue - dalla's abduction glean more from the scene, they're unlikely to pick up of Skalaholt are concerned (and the PCs might draw on anything critical. Jirgix specifically picked kobolds similar conclusions), there are only several possible that he didn't trust for this mission and, as a result, they explanations for the kobolds' shortsighted behavior, as haven't been told anything too important. outlined below: The kobolds involved in the ambush can be con- • The kobolds are incredibly stupid and it hadn't oc- vinced to give up the following information without too curred to them that leaving a group of their people much difficulty: behind would implicate them. • They come from a kobold settlement high in the • This was a very deliberate and open act of aggres- mountains known as Jinzirga. sion and the kobolds wanted to be found out. • They report to Jirgix Jackjaw. • The kobolds' presence at the ambush site is a co- • Their orders are to remain at their present location incidence and they had nothing to do with Dalla's and ambush anyone who passes by. abduction. They simply turned up after the fact, Beyond this, the kobolds grow much more nervous figured someone would come to investigate the and hesitant to reveal what they know because they can scene sooner or later, and decided that they could already guess what the repercussions might be. The rob or otherwise waylay them. kobolds also know the following but they won't reveal • The kobolds intend to leverage Dalla against the it unless they're threatened or tricked into giving it up jarl with a view to negotiating territory or extort- without thinking: ing goods from him, and so they wanted him to • Jinzirga lies somewhere to the north. Unfortu- know for certain they are the ones who took her. nately, these kobolds very rarely have any cause to Of these theories, the first one is the most ascribed stray this far south and so genuinely couldn't find to, the third is the least popular, and the fourth is the their way home again. most alarming. • Jirgix reports to the dragon (whoops), wait, there is no dragon. A sWift suCCession • If pressed, on the above, the Dragon is named Salvaschon. Orm and his advisors share the concern that the kobolds will attempt to use his daughter against him, and so the • The group had specific instructions to await Dalla and abduct her, this was no chance encounter. jarl comes to a surprising decision. He temporarily steps down as jarl and has Freydis Hallmundottir, his trusted If pressed further, the kobolds might reveal the fol- second-in-command, take over the running of Skalaholt lowing, although they know doing so is probably a death so that he cannot be blackmailed into betraying his duty sentence: in order to protect Dalla. • The dragon, Salvaschon, is sickly, possibly dying. Freydis is no fool and quickly deduces Orm's true Kidnapping Dalla has something to do with the intention, which is to depart Skalaholt and go rescue dragon, but these kobolds weren't privy to the Dalla himself. Fearing that Orm will get himself cap- whole story. tured and only end up being used as leverage against Regardless of what the PCs were able to uncover or Raudebjorn Hallkelsson, the much more influential what they did with any leftover kobolds, Orm's instruc- and powerful jarl of Krossavik to the southeast, Freydis tion was to return to Skalaholt, where the next thread of orders Orm placed under house arrest, for his own good, the adventure continues. until the situation is resolved. 29 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

Unsurprisingly, this doesn't go down well with Orm. It's a good idea to make sure that the PCs are on stand-by when Freydis discovers Orm packing a few belongings to hit the road, as their reaction to the situ- ation should prove interesting and help define them as characters. Depending on the PCs' personalities and motivations, they might help diffuse the situation, side with Orm, or side with Freydis. Whatever they decide, there is a strong possibility of things escalating. Orm is determined to set out after Dalla and cannot be dissuaded from this course of action by anything less than a DC 20 Charisma (persuasion) or Charisma (de- ception) check (bluffing Orm also requires the player to come up with a convincing lie). He completes his prepa- rations quickly (within 2D4 rounds of being discovered) and, if he hasn't been convinced otherwise, starts to depart. At this time, Freydis blocks his path and the PCs are forced to pick a side. Siding With Freydis. Freydis urges the PCs to help her prevent Orm from getting himself killed. If they do so, she takes off to fetch more able-bodied guards to help subdue him while the PCs attempt to stall him. This should take the form of a combat encounter, al- Prologue - dalla's abduction though Orm has no interest in hurting anyone and deals non-lethal damage (you should encourage the PCs to do the same). For the purposes of this fight, Orm strikes with his fists instead of his greatsword or seax. Use the following statistics for Orm's attacks; +5 to hit, hit: 9 (1 Freydis Hallmundottir + 8) non-lethal bludgeoning damage. Suggestion. If you want to allow it, there's nothing Once Orm's hit points have been reduced to 19 or fewer, he begins to make DC 12 Wisdom saving throws preventing Orm from joining the PCs for the duration on each of his turns. On a success, he calms down and of Harrowing Heights as an NPC companion. That said, combat is terminated. Should Orm defeat the PCs, Frey- Orm is pretty tough compared to the PCs initially and dis arrives on the scene and manages to capture him quite frail later on. If he joins the party, you should con- before he can escape Skalaholt. sider increasing the difficulty of early encounters, and increasing Orm's hit points and proficiency bonus later Siding With Orm. Should the PCs side with their on to compensate for the PCs' power creep. employer and stand against Freydis, she directs 3 Holgathi guards against them (use Guard statistics for these but they also benefit from Orm's Holgathi Strength A fAther's pLeA trait). Should the PCs (along with Orm) stomp through Freydis' first wave of guards, she summons another 3 Whether Orm was apprehended by Freydis and finds and joins them in combat (Freydis uses the statistics of himself under house arrest (most likely), or has escaped a Berserker and also has Holgathi Strength). in pursuit of his missing daughter; assuming he's with the PCs, he'd like to enlist their aid in rescuing Dalla. If the PCs defeat Freydis and her forces, there's noth- ing stopping them departing Skalaholt with Orm. If they Orm summons the PCs to pay him a visit in his home prove unsuccessful, she manages to apprehend Orm later on the day Freydis has him arrested. When they ar- as intended. Whatever the outcome, she understands rive, they discover Orm and Freydis awaiting them. The the PCs' loyalty to the jarl and no charges are brought jarl is much calmer and admits that he was being foolish against them for their decision to aid him. In fact, she preparing to go after Dalla alone, especially given his might even be impressed by their martial prowess if value as a target. Instead, he'd like to ask the PCs to they make a good account of themselves in combat. consider doing the same in his stead. 30 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

The Jarl's Request. Armed with the knowledge that Final PreParations the kobolds are responsible for Dalla's abduction, Orm asks the PCs to travel to their lands, discover where Once the PCs have agreed terms with Orm, the jarl they're keeping her, liberate her from her reptilian cap- thanks them profusely for their courage and bravery. tors, and see her reunited with him. Beside himself with He urges them to make preparations and depart for worry, Orm doesn't care if the PCs have to lay waste to Vilmark's den as soon as possible, providing them with the kobolds' kingdom to get it done either. Freydis is a a map and marking its location on it for them. little calmer than the jarl and suggests that if the PCs It's a good idea for the PCs to stock up on sup- can rescue Dalla without inciting a war, that would be plies before heading out. Skalaholt is surprisingly well preferable. This is a great opportunity to demonstrate stocked for a hold or outpost and they can procure most how distraught Orm is while juxtaposing his panic common types of equipment, consumables, and sun- against Freydis' own stance. dries here. At your discretion, the PCs might only have Prologue - dalla's abduction For her part, Freydis takes a more balanced approach access to their starting wealth, or else they might have and is determined to do right by Orm, Dalla, the people some additional funds in the form of wages from the of Skalaholt, the PCs, and even the kobolds. That said, jarl, or an up-front payment for their services. she's willing to sign off on the PCs going after Dalla, if If you intend on running Harrowing Heights as part they're amicable to it. The immediate problem, however, of a longer campaign based in the Holgath Highlands is that no one knows where the kobolds who took her region, now is also a great time to seed other plot hooks dwell. and introduce other recurring characters. On top of The Druid, Vilmark. At some point in the conversa- that, excursions into the mountains are rare and it's tion, Orm grows desperate and suggests that the PCs conceivable that many people in Skalaholt might have seek out an individual named Vilmark who resides in side quests for the PCs if they learn that the PCs are the wilds northwest of Skalaholt. Freydis dislikes this making such a perilous journey into the wilderness. idea immediately, knowing the druid to be notoriously You should also give some thought as to whether or reclusive, belligerent, unpredictable, and perhaps even not you'd like to introduce a couple of sub-plots at this dangerous. That said, she has to concede that if anyone time. Additionally, don't forget that the PCs should hit knows where the kobolds can be found, it's Vilmark. 2nd-level shortly before departing Skalaholt. Vilmark's residence, a cave that Skalaholt's hunters While you can give the PCs lots to do in Skalaholt, keep well away from, is only a couple of days from the Dalla is out there somewhere, waiting to be rescued, so settlement. Orm urges the PCs to venture there on his it's a good idea not to delay their departure too long. behalf and throw themselves upon the mercy of the Once they've had a chance to make the necessary prepa- druid in the hopes that he might be able to assist them rations for their journey, have them set out and move in their quest to save Dalla. ahead to the next section. An Incentive. Depending on their motivations and personality traits, the PCs might already be moved by Dalla's plight. Either way, Orm is prepared to offer AddiTioNAl sTATisTiCs them a tremendous reward for going above and beyond In case it becomes relevant, the following statistics the call of duty. For a start, he'll write each of them a can be used to represent the citizens of Skalaholt. It's personal letter of recommendation, should they desire also worth noting that every Holgathi NPC gains the to find employment with another jarl or jarlsandr else- Holgathi Strength trait. where in the future (or freelance work as adventurers). Citizens of Skalaholt (off duty). Common folk use More than that, he's prepared to terminate their em- the statistics of Guards except they are both unarmed ployment with a generous stipend, a full cycle's salary and unarmored (their armor class becomes 11). each. At 2 GP per day, that's almost 750 GP per head. Citizens of Skalaholt (on duty). As above, however Depending on what they have in mind, and how they are now armed and armored. convincing they are, Orm may also be willing to negoti- Housecarls. Bodyguards charged with protecting a ate with them further to provide other types of remu- jarl, steward, or thane use Knight statistics. neration for their assistance. He is desperate after all. Warriors of Skalaholt. These proud Holgathi fight- As an influential jarl, Orm will no doubt prove a useful ing men use the statistics of Berserkers. ally to the PCs throughout the rest of their adventuring careers. Nobles (jarls, stewards, or thanes). These influen- tial Holgathi use the statistics of Nobles. 31 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

seeking direCtions seeking directions T his section of Harrowing Heights cov- locations are not considered difficult terrain. Difficult ers the PCs hike from Skalaholt to Vil- terrain halves the travel speed of party, reducing their mark's Den. As well as their journey, it progress to a measly 2, 1.5, and 1 mile per hour respec- also covers their interactions with the tively. druid himself, information on tasks he Approximately 52 miles of open wilderness separates might set them, and rewards or assistance that he may Skalaholt from Vilmark's Den (each red pip on the map be willing to provide in return for their help. on the following page corresponds to about a mile). This means that reaching their destination will take the PCs Journey's stArt anywhere from 26 to 52 hours. Assuming they're walk- ing 8 hours each day, just getting to the remote druid is Once the PCs have completed their preparations, they're hardly a quick jaunt. able to set out for Vilmark without further delay. To set the scene, read or paraphrase the following text aloud: exPANdiNg The AdveNTUre Harrowing Heights features multiple travel sections \"Stepping out from Skalaholt–the hold you've called which take the party all the way from Skalaholt to home for as long as you can remember–you cast your Jinzirga and sees them pass through Vilmark's Den, eyes upward towards the foreboding mountains that Lloyd's Tower, Vriska's Top, Cordelia's Hovel, and other lay ahead, ominously beckoning to you and await- locations along the way before reaching their final ing trespass. Dalla's out there somewhere, no doubt destination. And, during their travels, the PCs also scared and in need of rescue, but she'll have to wait meet an eclectic cast of unusual characters. for now because you've got a date with the druid Vil- mark to attend to first. Hopefully, with any luck, he'll Each section of this journey, along with every NPC be able to illuminate the path for you. encounter that occurs as a result of it, provides an opportunity to come up with adventure materials of Steeling yourselves for what lies ahead, you set your own to supplement the ones we've provided. out, resolute in your duty.\" Original dungeons, quests, side treks, dangers, and other intrigues can add a whole new dimension to the adventure, or shift its focus entirely. You should give trAveL pACe some thought to how you'd like to utilize these op- portunities to expand on the scope of the adventure During the ascent into the Holgath Highland's moun- (if at all) and really make it your own. tains that the PCs undertake in Harrow Heights, the Alternately, showcasing the difficulties of pro- normal rules for overland travel apply. This means that tracted travel could really serve to bring home the the party can cover 4 miles an hour (or 30 miles per realities of making such a trip to your players. Before day) at a hurried pace, 3 miles an hour (or 24 miles per continuing, consider how much time you and your day) at a normal one, or 2 miles an hour (18 miles per players might like to devote to keeping the group pro- day) at a crawl. That said, because the PCs are traveling visioned by hunting, foraging, gathering, fishing; what cross-country, the territory is unfamiliar to them, their advantages the group could gain for taking care when route isn't fixed, and the steady ascent is grueling to say they set up their camp, scouting ahead, backtracking, the least; the environment should also be considered or covering their tracks, and what might befall them difficult terrain. This is only true of extended periods should they fail to do so. of travel, however, when the PCs' movements shift into abstraction. Unless stated otherwise, individual 32 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

Fallen Elk. The PCs stumble across the carcass of an elk, recently slain. Vultures are already starting to circle. A DC 10 Wisdom (survival) or Wisdom (medicine) check, or a DC 12 Intelligence (investiga- tion) check, reveals that the creature died of natural causes. It appears that an exist- ing leg wound became infected and led to seeking directions septicaemia. Stream Crossing. The PCs reach a small stream that is formed of rainwater run-off and quickly races to merge with a larger river that passes nearby. The stream is relatively easy and safe to cross and the worst a PC might expect is to get a little bit wet. If any of the PCs attempt a Wisdom (perception) check and score an 18 or above, or have an equivalent passive Perception score, they notice a crow (use statistics for a Raven) nearby, drinking from the stream. The bird takes an interest in the party and takes flight as they move off, following them. The bird continues to follow the party all the way to Vilmark's Den so the PCs may get another chance to spot it later one. Trapped Bear. The PCs hear the distraught howls of a trapped bear that's been caught in a hunter's trap. Fortunately, Travel Events they're still some way from Vilmark's Den, as the can- tankerous old druid doesn't take too kindly to hunters A t your discretion, some or all of the follow- operating near his lands. Read or paraphrase the follow- ing text to your players: ing events might occur as the PCs travel from Skalaholt to Vilmark's Den. \"You hear a disturbance ring out from somewhere Friendly Fishermen. The PCs encounter a small group of (1D4 + 2) Holgathi fishermen based out of ahead; the sound of a large beast thrashing about ac- Skalaholt returning from a fishing expedition a little companied by low, mournful groans that occasionally way to the north. With a DC 8 Charisma (persuasion) crescendo into a ragged, desperate howl.\" check, these hardworking anglers can be convinced to part with some of their catch, furnishing the PCs with enough fresh fish to last them 2D4 days. A PC might identify that they're dealing with a bear with a DC 12 Intelligence (nature) check, and specifi- If the PCs score 15 or above on any such ability cally that it's a 'brown' bear if they score above 16. They check, the fishermen go a step further, offering to lend might also notice the sound of a metal chain being the PCs fishing rods, suggest that they make use of any dragged around with a DC 14 Wisdom (perception) rivers or waterways they pass on their journey, and give check. them some pointers on the basics of freshwater fishing. Using this advice, and their new equipment, the PCs The bear is a little bit off of the trail that the PCs are gain advantage on Wisdom (survival) checks made to following, they might choose to investigate the source fish from freshwater streams. of the noise or ignore it. If they don't attempt to inves- tigate, this encounter can be skipped altogether. If the PCs do investigate, they find a Brown Bear caught in a 33 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

bear trap that has been chained to a nearby tree. The It should be immediately obvious upon entering the beast is distraught and can only be calmed with a DC cave that something lives here, as the floor is littered 22 Wisdom (animal handling) check. This check can be with bones and a decaying carcass that's untouched by repeated and is made with advantage if the PCs attempt whatever predator brought it here. A careful study of to offer the bear fresh fish, however each time that the this carcass reveals bite marks, similar to those the PCs PCs fail it, the bear makes a Strength (athletics) check might have experienced several times already. Although to break free. Whether attempted by the bear or a PC, something does seem to lair here, at present the cave breaking the bear trap requires a DC 18 Strength check, appears empty and devoid of life. or it can be removed with a DC 12 Dexterity check with Should the PCs decide to stay within the cave over- thieves' tools. night, 2 Black Bears return in the night after they've If the players manage to help the bear, the crow fallen asleep. If the PCs have lit a fire, the bears keep that's been following them takes note of this and re- their distance and reclaim their home after the PCs members their behavior for later. have left in the morning. Otherwise, they're surprised by Camper's Paradise. The path dips before passing the PCs presence here and attack. seeking directions between several large stones and a fallen tree. Insu- Disappointed Hunters. The PCs encounter a group lated from the wind and away from prying eyes, this of 2D6 + 6 Holgathi hunters returning to Skalaholt. location presents a perfect spot for a campsite. That They have only a few kills between them and are bitterly said, it seems that someone else has arrived at a similar disappointed with the results of their hunting expedi- conclusion because, with a DC 12 Wisdom (survival) or tion. They explain that they were pursuing a herd of elk DC 15 Wisdom (perception) check, it becomes apparent for several days and, had they caught up with them, they that someone else has recently camped here, within the would have secured more meat than they could carry. last couple of days at the most. However, unfortunately, the elk retreated into Vilmark's territory and the hunters weren't brave enough to fol- Bad Omen. A patch of darkish ground is visible to the PCs from some way off. As they get closer it begins low them too close to where the druid resides. to take form, eventually becoming a mass of black The hunters try to warn the PCs against paying feathers. At some point before the birds are disturbed Vilmark a visit, insisting that he's dangerous (though by the party's approach, the PC recognize what they're they're no doubt set on this course of action). Continu- looking at to be a Swarm of Ravens. The crow already ing on from here, this event marks the start of Vilmark's following the party is an agent of Vilmark and ignores territory. these other, lesser birds. Fishing Fracas. This event assumes that the PCs Unless the PCs skirt around them, the birds take have fishing rods and they're making regular use of flight as the PCs draw near. When they do, it becomes them. If this is the case, the PCs spot a location where apparent that they were gathered around another the river adjacent their path slows and widens, creating fallen elk. At a glance, it appears to have been killed by a larger pool that appears to be teeming with life. With hunters. Although the arrows themselves have been a passive Perception or Survival of 12 a PC either spots retrieved, the puncture wounds from where this elk was schools of fish flittering around close to an island in the shot by Holgathi hunters couldn't be more obvious. center of the pool, or recognizes that this would be a What this obvious clue fails to explain, however, great spot to fish. is why the hunters left their kill. A subsequent DC 12 Fishing in this location is very easy and the PCs Wisdom (survival) or Wisdom (medicine) check, or a DC should have no trouble catching a haul that will last 15 Intelligence (investigation) check, indicates that the them several days within an hour or two if they swim elk has a bite wound to its stomach and that the state out to the island and set up there. Unfortunately, if of decomposition of the surrounding tissue is much they do, they also manage to attract the attention of 2 farther along than closer to the arrow wounds, which Swarms of Quippers. These pesky fish circle the island killed it. for 2D4 + 4 hours, until they manage to kill and eat at Unsafe Harbor. A rainstorm rolls in across the hills, least 1 PC, or until each swarm is reduced to half its hit visible from some way off. Still dry, the PCs spot a cave point maximum or less; at which time they flee down a short distance away that could provide some shel- river. ter. If they choose to leave themselves exposed to the Dying Deer. The PCs hear the baleful cries of a dis- elements then they'll sleep poorly, incurring a level of tressed animal not too far from the path. If they move to exhaustion throughout the following day, however the investigate, they find a doe with two infant fawns. The cave comes with its own dangers. smaller creatures skittered around, attempting to hide 34 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

behind the adult female but she is very weak and opportunists and have no interest in tangling with a scarcely able to raise her head at the PCs approach. A group of adventurers, they retreat the moment the PCs cursory inspection of her, accompanied by a success- arrive on the scene. ful DC 10 Wisdom (medicine) check, reveals she has a A more thorough inspection of the deceased kobold severely infected bite wound on her tail, no doubt where reveals that he's been dead around a week, though this a predator attempted to prevent her from fleeing. Grati- requires a DC 18 Wisdom (medicine) check to deter- fyingly, her rear hooves are bloodied from where she mine with any kind of certainty. If the PCs take the time kicked herself free from whatever held her. to exhume them, they find the bodies of three more seeking directions If the PCs walk away from the situation, the crow kobolds in the other graves. Though these graves have that's following them will remember this adversely. been similarly attacked, their occupants are not exposed However, if they put the mother out of her misery and at the time of the PCs arrival on the scene. bring the fawns to Vilmark, or heal her magically and The Truth Revealed. It's not evident to the PCs set the deer on their way, the crow will also inform the at this time, however the hyenas were not the first to druid of this; potentially earning them a little favor disturb these graves. In truth, these kobolds belonged with him. to a larger force who'd ventured into Vilmark's territory Clever Crow. The PCs hear a series of loud caws, to hunt down a kobold called Melzep Darlath who fled drawing their attention to a crow that's rapidly ap- here after upsetting Jirgix Jackjaw (and many others) proaching them from behind. This is the same crow back in Jinzirga. Melzep, a practicing necromancer, was that has been following them since shortly after they able to kill these kobolds and send the others packing departed Skalaholt. It continues to produce a grating back to the relative safety of their homelands, however mixture of coos, rattles, and clicks as it swoops down he was wounded and forced to retreat from the scene of towards them with great haste. With a DC 20 Wisdom their battle. (perception) check a PC can also notice an Eagle diving Since then, Vilmark discovered the bodies of the after the crow in an attempt to pluck it from the skies. fallen kobolds and gave them a decent burial. Unfortu- Unless the PCs do anything to deter it from doing so, nately, Melzep hasn't allowed them to rest in peace and the crow lands on the shoulder of the PC it deems to be has since visited the site, dug the kobolds up, stolen the kindest (based on its observations of the party) or the body parts and organs that interest him, and hastily the most physically threatening a moment later. reburied the bits that don't. The lack of care with which Whether they've noticed its approach or not, virtu- Melzep reburied these bodies is what drew the hyenas ally the moment the crow lands an eagle swoops down here. It only takes a DC 12 Wisdom (medicine) check to after it, flapping its wings as it attempts to backpedal notice that specific body parts have been cut from any away from the PCs. The eagle takes to the skies again a of the kobolds and you might allow this to be made as moment later and circles for an hour. It's up to the PCs part of their earlier check if any of the PCs attempted to whether they choose to harbor the crow or not (and discern how long ago these corpses were laid to rest. whether they'd like to cook and eat it), but if they do aid the bird, Vilmark will be pleased with them when he learns of it. Once the eagle has moved on, the crow Meeting Vilmark returns to flight and continues on to Vilmark's Den to Disturbed Graves. The PCs spot several of piles of O nce the PCs have traversed the 52 miles that inform the druid what it has witnessed. separates Vilmark's Den from Skalaholt, and stones atop a bluff a little way from the path they're completed any events you've chosen to incorporate following. It appears that a group of small canine crea- along the way, they finally reach the druid's lair. Read or tures are also gathered around the hilltop, close to the paraphrase the following text to your players upon their stones. If they approach, the PCs realize that the stones arrival to help set the scene: are cairns used to signify the location of four unmarked graves, and that the creatures are Hyenas forming a pack 2D4 + 2 strong. \"You round a large boulder that's tumbled down the The hyenas have unearthed the remains of a kobold mountain and embedded itself in the soft earth here and it appears at a glance that they're here scavenging, and spy your destination a short distance ahead. The however a DC 15 Wisdom (survival) or DC 18 Wis- low, wide cave mouth before you is unmistakably the dom (insight) check will reveal that its unlikely that entrance to Vilmark's Den and it appears precisely as it these smallish canines would be able to dig down deep was described to you; right down to the two downturned enough to expose the body. The hyenas are hungry rocks that jut out over it from above, resembling fangs. 35 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

So far, finding the reclusive druid hasn't proven too diffi- cult, however, from what you've heard, the true test shall be convincing him to help you in your cause. Just at this exact moment, a low rumble very much like thunder rolls out of the cave, causing the ground around you to quake. As the moment passes and the sound fades, a commanding voice booms out from the cave it with a simple instruction: 'Enter'. This powerful request requires no explanation, begs no discussion, and invites no argument...\" Once the PCs have sufficiently prepared them- selves to meet the infamous druid for themselves, seeking directions they may enter Vilmark's abode. They find him just inside, impatiently awaiting them. roLepLAying viLmArk Vilmark is a gruff, direct man who has very little time for civilities or interest in other people's sensibilities. He also does not suffer fools gladly, appreciating those who treat him with respect whilst still respecting them- selves enough to approach him as an equal. Vilmark Vilmark has little interest in Dalla's predicament, nor • Completing other, original quests and errands that does he owe her father any favors, however he is aware you create in your capacity as game master. that the kobolds have been more aggressive and territo- rial of late, and might concede that something should Weighing up how many tasks the PCs are required be done about them. to complete before Vilmark agrees to assist them is en- tirely up to you. You might desire this component of the Winning viLmArk's fAvor adventure to barely register as a footnote or else you might choose to make it the major focus of several ses- sions. It's certainly conceivable that the PCs' actions on Vilmark is not an easy man to please, nor is it any more the way to Vilmark's Den, accompanied by creative role- trivial to enlist his aid when he doesn't wish to extend play and a couple of good rolls on social skill checks, are it. That said, depending on how they behaved during more than enough to convince the druid to immediately their travel to Vilmark's Den, the PCs may already have throw his support behind the party. That said, Vilmark a significant leg up on their mission to earn the druid's has more to offer the party than simply the directions trust and, by extension, his assistance. that they're looking for. It would be perfectly reasonable The following factors contribute to determining if to expect the PCs to work harder for greater rewards. (or rather 'at what point') Vilmark will help the party in In terms of creating original content for this section their quest: of the adventure, Vilmark's primary interests center • If the crow that's been following the party is still around; protecting the natural world around him from alive to report back to Vilmark and the PCs behav- the encroachment of the kobolds and Holgathi, and also ior has been nothing short of exemplary during the ensuring the nature remains in a state of harmonious time that it has been observing them. balance. Consequently, the following suggestions could • If the PCs acted responsibly during the event Dy- serve as a good foundation for further developing this ing Deer, or found other ways to show reverence component of the adventure: and respect for nature during their travels. • Trekking out to remote locations to check on the • Completing some or all of the events in the wellbeing of the creatures that live there. Vilmark's Errands section (which features just • Hunting down predators that have become too ahead). voracious and are disturbing the balance of life. 36 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

• Chasing Holgathi or kobold hunters away from that follow for Vilmark. When the PCs arrive in his den, Vilmark's territory. the druid has two major causes for consternation that • Pledging their support to reducing the footprint he could use help dealing with. Firstly, he's aware that that the Holgathi have in the Holgathi Highlands. a kobold necromancer is operating out of a cave nearby and, by all accounts, it would be better if this reprehen- • Seeking out abhorrent creatures, particularly un- sible creature was slain. Meanwhile, there is also some dead, that reside near Vilmark's Den and destroy- kind of unnatural predator or aberrant monster loose ing them. seeking directions on the slopes whose necrotic bite and ravenous appetite • Sparring with Vilmark to help keep his senses are giving the druid cause for alarm. Vilmark would like sharp and his abilities honed (his statistics are for the PCs to deal with either the necromancer (Deal- presented to the rear of this book). ing with Darlath) or the monster (Beastly Abomina- tion) while he deals with the other problem. viLmArk's reWArds You might wrap up proceedings after the PCs have dealt with either threat however, it might be better to Vilmark can help the PCs in several useful ways, which have Vilmark get captured (see Rescuing Vilmark) be- are outlined below: fore he's been able to complete his own errand, requir- ing the PCs to complete this event and the one Vilmark • Vilmark knows the trails and paths to follow to take the PCs from his den all the way to Jinzirga. failed to complete. He also knows a few basic details about the tribe itself, such as the fact that there is a large outpost deALing With dArLAth called Vriska's Top on the far side of a ravine which the PCs will almost certainly have to pass through. Forced to flee the kobolds' territory and go into hiding Vilmark has also felt the presence of Salvaschon elsewhere, Melzep Darlath has taken up residency in a Vilmark but, has never felt the red dragon to be a threat. large cave about 11 miles from Vilmark's Den. Based on • Vilmark might loan the PCs the services of the the feedback of his furry spies, the druid has a reason- crow that has been following them, if he does so, ably good idea where this cave can be found, but his it flies overhead until the event Bye-bye Birdy (see knowledge on the matter isn't exact and so the PCs will page 44), looking for threats and cawing if it sees have to do a little bit of reconnaissance in order to find any groups of kobolds approaching the party (have it and deal with the kobold necromancer. it make Wisdom [perception] checks as usual). Finding Melzep's Cave. Vilmark's directions are • If the PCs have proven themselves to be truly ex- good enough to put the PCs within a mile or so of ceptional to Vilmark, he might even join the party Melzep's haunt, however finding the Grabbing Tree, temporarily, escorting them as until the event which marks the entrance to the cave proper, requires Vilmark's Departure (see page 42) and assisting a successful DC 18 Intelligence (investigation) check. them in combat along the way. While with the Should a PC fail this check by 5 or less, they're on the party, Vilmark can see that their nutritional needs right track and run into 1D4 Skeletons who've ambled are met without assistance. out of Melzep's lair. Once these have been defeated, the PCs gain advantage on all subsequent checks to find it. moving on Grabbing Tree. The PCs discover a tree with many rotting hands dangling from it by lengths of twine. The branches of this tree fill a twenty-foot cube and the Once the PCs have convinced Vilmark to reveal the path to them, they're ready to move on. At this point, jump PCs can see the cave entrance they've been looking for ahead to the next section (Setbacks & Mishaps) and just beyond it. This leaves the PCs the unenviable task continue the adventure from there. Also, don't forget of picking their way through the thick undergrowth that now is a perfect time to award the PCs with attain- beneath the tree while swatting away dangling hands in ing 3rd-level, as grander trials await just ahead. order to get into the cave. A DC 14 Wisdom (perception) check reveals that there's just as many hands laying in the grass beneath the tree as there are hanging from it. Vilmark's Errands As the PCs pass under the tree, the severed hands be- come animated and attempt to grab and claw at them. A t your discretion, the PCs might be required to To avoid being grabbed by multiple hands, a creature standing within the cube must succeed on a DC 13 undertake one, two, or all three of the errands 37 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

Dexterity saving throw. A creature grabbed in this way attempts prove to be is up to you, as is answering the takes 5 (2D4) slashing damage at the start of its turn question of whether or not it knows the way to Lloyd's every round until it has freed itself and moved out of an Tower. That said, it does just so happen to be on the affected area. Creatures must also make DC 13 Dexter- PCs way, so getting Nyzzirynth home won't prove too ity (acrobatics) checks each time they move into an difficult. affected space, however they do so with advantage now that the hands have revealed their true nature. To break BeAstLy ABominAtion free once grasped by the hands, a creature must succeed on a DC 13 Strength (athletics) check. Unbeknownst to Vilmark, the monstrous creature that First Cavern. A large cavern with a single tunnel prowls the slopes in the wilds surrounding his den is leading on awaits just inside the cave. The ceiling here linked to Melzep Darlath. This terrible beast was an is around 30 foot in height at its tallest point and the early product of the kobold's meddling and is also the cavern itself has a circumference of around 80 foot. culprit behind some of the dead and wounded creatures Second Cavern. The tunnel leading from the first that the PCs might have discovered on their way to the seeking directions cavern widens out into another round cavern about druid's abode. forty-five foot across after around eighty foot. The smell This 'beast' was once a wolf, before undergoing a of rot and decay emanating from this cavern should terrible transformation into the twisted, snarling fiend alert PCs to keep their guard up well before they reach it is now. It uses the statistics of a Dire Wolf except its it. This space is clearly used by Melzep to assemble bod- hit points are increased to 52 (7D10 + 14) and it gains ies before bestowing them with life. 2 Skeletons and 2 the following trait: \"Unholy. The Dire Wolf has been Zombies represent the only threats present here at this touched by an unholy influence. A Detect evil and Good time, however the chamber itself is filled with the parts spell will reveal the creature to be evil, and its bite at- and organs of at least another poor, deceased souls. tacks deal an additional 7 (2D6) necrotic damage\". Some of the discarded bodies here have had body parts Tracking the beast requires three successful DC added, removed, or transplanted wholesale to be added 15 Intelligence (investigation) or Wisdom (survival) to the remains of others. checks. These do not need to be consecutive, but each Two tunnels lead onwards from this location. failed check equals several hours' wasted effort. Each Melzep's Quarters. The only object in this tiny successful check indicates that the PCs find a crea- chamber is a bed of straw and leaves, which Melzep uses ture felled by the beast and draw closer to its hunting when he needs rest. It is otherwise bare. grounds. Should the PCs fail a single check by more than 5, the beast spots them and attempts to sneak up Melzep's Study. This chamber is where Melzep on them, possibly benefiting from a surprise round if spends most of his time. It is oval-shaped and roughly they're not being too careful. measures forty-foot by twenty-five-foot. Rather than in- vest in finding or constructing actual furniture, Melzep Resolution. The PCs only real purpose in dealing has managed to fashion such things out of bodies and with this creature is to slay it. Once they've done so, body parts, all of which he has magically preserved their mission from Vilmark is complete and they're free using some of the basic necromancy techniques he pos- to return to his den once more. sesses. Perhaps of most interest to the PCs, Melzep has resCuing viLmArk constructed a rudimentary cage by using skeletal arms as bars and stretching skin across the top and bottom of Unless you decide to restructure things, you should these. The current occupant of this cell is Nyzzirynth, have the PCs undertake one of the two previous events Lloyd Spelloyal's wayward Pseudodragon, whom (Dealing with Darlath or Beastly Abominations) while Melzep intends on killing and raising as an adorably Vilmark takes care of the other. However, Vilmark, be- tiny dracolich to prove that his plan to do the same to ing the stubborn curmudgeon he is, decides to take a Salvaschon has merit. Melzep Darlath himself can be nap first to ensure that the PCs beat him back and have found in this location. Melzep doesn't hesitate to strike to wait for him. Unfortunately, things go awry before and, with nowhere left to turn, fights to the death. Vilmark awakes, potentially leaving the other matter to the PCs to also resolve. Nyzzirynth. This tiny dragon is about as absent- minded and addled as its master. It would like to be As the kobolds of Jinzirga have begun shifting from reunited with Lloyd and attempts to convey this using peaceful and contented to more militant and warlike, its Limited Telepathy, however how successful such they've begun talking about expanding their territory 38 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

and about ways to handle potential threats. Of the short Should a fight break out between the kobolds and list of threats that the kobolds face, Vilmark ranks close the PCs, Vilmark reverts to his bear form and begins to the top. With that in mind, Veec Dobok (see Kobold attempting to smash his way out of his cage on his turn Politics in the next section) ordered a small number of during each round of combat, joining the PCs against expendable kobolds to venture into Vilmark's territory the kobolds as soon as he's free. Shattering Vilmark's so that he could measure the strength of the druid's re- cage requires a successful DC 21 Strength (athletics) action. These kobolds also had a secondary objective of check, however each time Vilmark (or a PC) scores at capturing or killing Melzep after the necromancer sent least 10 on such an ability check, the cell is damaged seeking directions the last lot of kobold's Jirgix sent after him packing. and the DC drops by 3 points. Veec expected his cowardly underlings to flee Vil- Once freed, Vilmark shows no mercy and slaughters mark should they encounter him and was mostly just any kobolds that remain alive. interested in seeing how far he would pursue them before relenting. Veec certainly didn't think for a second that his operatives would manage to capture Vilmark. Melzep's Creations Neither did they. Except that's exactly what they've managed to do, and they're none too happy about it. W hile the PCs may have taken care of the While the PCs were away, the foolish kobolds terrible wolf in Beastly Abomination, it is stumbled into Vilmark's Den; looking for a location they not the only being in the area that Melzep has tampered could use as a temporary base of operations without with during his experiments. Should you desire the PCs realizing the significance of the jaw-like cave they were to extend their stay at Vilmarks, there are three more entering. Vilmark was sleeping in his bear form at the unnatural abominations threatening the natural order time and, upon discovering that the cave had a bear in that Vilmark would no doubt want rid of. it, the kobolds quickly set about constructing a cage A Winged Badger. After several failed attempts, around it so that they could spring the beast on Melzep Melzep finally managed to successfully attach a pair of or, ironically, Vilmark, should the need arise. large bat wings onto a vicious badger. Use the statistics Vilmark has since awoken to discover himself en- for a Badger, but with a 20 ft. fly speed and the fol- cased in a sturdy wooden cage. Incensed, he's reverted lowing trait: Unholy. The badger has been touched by to his human form to berate the kobolds and hurl abuse an unholy influence. A Detect evil and Good spell will at their leader but, heavily outnumbered and at a sig- reveal the creature to be evil, and its bite attacks deal an nificant disadvantage, he's stopped short of smashing additional 3 (1D6) necrotic damage. his way out just yet. The kobolds, for their part, are at a A New Breed of Drake. Melzep has tried to create a similar impasse. They're feeling wholly unprepared to whole new breed of drake by reanimating the body of a tangle with the druid just now and haven't been given giant goat he found, and substituting some of its parts orders on how to handle the situation. At this point, with what materials he had to hand. The goat's front they'd probably let him go but they're too afraid to in two hooves have been replaced with clawed feet and case he tears them to pieces. its fur has been largely flayed and replaced with kobold At this time, the kobold force that's captured Vilmark scales. Once Melzep set it loose, the beast has discov- is formed of 8 Kobold (adult) Conscripts, 4 Kobold ered an insatiable appetite for killing and has since (adult) Lurkers, and 2 Kobold (adult) Sentries. A ko- been terrorizing other goats in the area. Use the statis- bold sentry named Ghook leads this group and the other tics of a Giant Goat, but its armor class is increased to sentry, Nuru, acts as his second-in-command. All of the 13 (natural armor), kobolds except Nuru can be found inside Vilmark's Den, Zombold. Melzep send Veec a warning not to come gathered around the caged druid. For his part, Nuru is after the necromancer again. Melzep reanimated one of keeping watch outside. the kobolds Veec sent after him, but with a few modifi- As they weren't expecting trouble, the kobolds cations. He has attached several extra kobold arms onto haven't done a great job of covering their tracks and the abomination and dispatched it to seek out Veec and PCs with a passive Perception score of 12 or more notice kill any kobolds it encounters along the way. Use the tracks leading to the cave before they come within sight statistics for a Zombie, but its size is small, it has 32 of Nuru. If a PC succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (inves- (5D6 + 15) hit points, and it can make 4 slam attacks as tigation) or Wisdom (survival) check, they also identify an action. that the tracks belong to kobolds and that there's at least a dozen of them. 39 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

setbaCks & mishaPs T his portion of Harrowing Heights fo- Though the Highlands Threats charts on pages 24 rAndom enCounters cuses on the next leg of the PCs' jour- ney, their ascent from Vilmark's Den to Vriska's Top, and the detour to visit Lloyd Spelloyal that they're forced choose to include any, around 22 miles after departing to make in order to continue on to Jinzirga. It includes and 25 make for useful random encounters should you setbacks & mishaPs Vilmark's Den the PCs ford a small river (depicted on sections on their interactions with Lloyd, details on the the map on the following page). This crossing is accom- tasks he might assign them, and the not-insignificant panied by an event entitled River Crossing (which is perks and benefits of winning him over as an ally. covered in more detail shortly), however, perhaps more significantly, it marks the PCs entering kobold territory emBArkAtion proper. For the remainder of this section of the adventure When the PCs step out of Vilmark's Den, they do so (until the PCs have successfully passed through Vriska's armed with a clear understanding of the paths, trails, Top), you should instead use the Kobold Threats chart and passes they need to follow in order to make their on page 25 to determine the nature of these random way to Jinzirga, where they suspect Dalla is being kept. encounters. This table provides many more kobold Should a player question how certain they can be that encounters, reflecting their greater presence in this part the kobold's primary settlement is where she's being of the Holgath Highlands. kept, it's worth pointing out that it's also the best place to gather information about her whereabouts. As the PCs have many events to deal with, we would caution you against throwing too many random en- There's about 64 miles of open countryside between counters against them (potentially none) until after the Vilmark's Den and Vriska's Top, at least according to event Veec's Camp. the route that the PCs have been advised to follow. Throughout this leg of the journey the terrain should start to shift from grassy highlands and stone hills Travel Events with shallow slopes, to much rockier, steeper, and more barren conditions as the environment becomes more challenging. A t your discretion, some or all of the follow- ing events might occur as the PCs travel from The rules governing travel during this section of the Vilmark's Den to Vriska's Top: adventure are the same as those that can be found on page 32. The only key difference here is that the PCs Treacherous Footing. Retreading their footsteps may now be accompanied by Vilmark or an agent of back towards Skalaholt, the PCs route forces them to his–most likely the crow with which the PCs should ascend down a patch of loose stones that they had to now be very familiar–if they've performed exceptionally scramble up previously in order to get to Vilmark's Den. well in their interactions with the druid. Having such Suddenly, the rocky debris underfoot gives out and the an ally could prove useful during travel (the crow might PCs find themselves caught in a landslide. Have each PC spot approaching threats or help keep watch) or during attempt a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. They take 16 combat (Vilmark is an imposing figure in combat). In (3D10) bludgeoning damage on a fail, or half as much either case, these allies can only aid the party so far. on success, as they tumble down the mountain along- Vilmark doesn't venture past the event River Cross- side boulders as big as themselves. ing, while the crow (or an alternate agent of Vilmark's) As the PCs have passed this way previously, if any turns back when the PCs first reach Vriska's Top (before of their passive Perception scores are 15 or higher, you they've met Lloyd). should warn them of the danger, informing them that 40 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

they noticed a particularly perilous patch of rocks here Friendly Faces. As they continue to move in a setbacks & mishaPs on the way to Vilmark's Den. The PCs don't have to southeasterly direction, the PCs spy a small group of make any subsequent checks if they choose to avoid humanoids that have established a small camp a short this area and, if they decide to press ahead anyway, they distance ahead. The PCs are able to identify these as have advantage on their saving throws to avoid being Holgathi even at a fair distance and there appears to be injured in the avalanche. 2D6 of them. Stolen Body. Continuing on their journey, the PCs When the two groups meet, the Holgathi explain that pass a spot where they noticed a fallen animal carcass, they've been dispatched by Freydis Hallmundottir to that of a giant goat, a short distance off the roadside wait here and see if the PCs come back this way. They've previously. It was of no interest or consequence when also been ordered to provide the PCs with fresh provi- they passed (you can inform them that it was utterly sions and bring back news of their progress to Freydis. mundane if they feel like they would have investigated The PCs can rest safely here for the night. it at the time). What's interesting about the goat carcass Changing Course. Since leaving Vilmark the PCs now is that it's vanished, leaving nothing behind but have been retracing their steps, heading back towards a patch of grass stained red. A DC 12 Wisdom (nature) Skalaholt. However, at this point in their journey, the or Wisdom (survival) check reveals that few creatures PCs must turn away from their path and head eastward would have the strength to move the carcass of a giant if they are to follow the directions that the druid Vil- goat and that it would more likely be left to smaller mark has provided them. scavenging creatures and birds to pick at the remains. The PCs may choose to move on at this point or investi- Kobold Scout. Several miles after the PCs have gate the scene for clues. turned towards Jinzirga, they meet their first kobold since departing Skalaholt. This encounter takes the If they investigate further, a DC 12 Intelligence (in- form of a Kobold (combatant) Rambler who is accom- vestigation) or Wisdom (survival) check reveals tracks panied by a Pseudodragon and potentially other allies. nearby. Unless they've killed it for Vilmark already, Roll a D20, on a result of 1-5 the rambler is escorted by these tracks lead to a strange goat-like creature that's 2D4 Kobold (adult) Conscripts. been reanimated by Melzep before his own untimely demise (see A New Breed of Drake on page 39 for more While Jirgix isn't too focused on expanding the kob- info on this creature). Once the despicable kobold old's domain quite yet, others amongst the tribe already brought this creature somewhat back from the dead, he have dreams of conquest. This rambler has been given released it into the wild and it made its way back to the orders to scout out the wilds beyond the kobold's terri- area in which it was initially slain. tory with a view to chronicling and recording potential 41 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

dangers and hazards. If the PCs capture and interrogate River Crossing (1). The PCs' journey eventually the rambler, he knows about the traps being set up intersects a small river that they must cross in order to ahead (see Sea of Traps) and also the bridge ambush continue (see location 1 on the map on page 41). This beyond them (see River Crossing, detailed at the end of event is fully detailed at the end of this section. this section). Vilmark's Departure. If the PCs managed to recruit Sea of Traps. The unmarked path that the PCs are Vilmark to escort them to the start of the kobold's terri- following cuts through a small wooded area and they're tory proper, he wishes them well and turns back at this forced to pick their way through dense undergrowth. point. Likely unaware that dozens of simple snares and hunt- Lost Holgathi. The PCs spot a corpse a short dis- ing traps lie hidden beneath the foliage. The traps are tance from the mountain trail that they're following, well hidden, requiring a DC 18 Wisdom (perception), blanketed by the dark forms of dozens of crows picking or equivalent passive Perception score, to spot. These at it. The birds take flight if they move to investigate the traps were recently placed here by the three overworked body, drawing the attention of a nearby kobold hunt- trappers that feature in the next event. ing party. This hunting party is formed of 2 Kobold Once the PCs have spotted or triggered a single trap, (combatant) Ramblers, their 2 pet Pseudodragons, setbacks & mishaPs they have advantage on checks to spot each remain- and 2 Kobold (combatant) Trappers. At present this ing trap and move harmlessly around it. They can also force is 1D4 x 10 minutes from arriving on the scene but double back and skirt around this area but this should they set off towards the fallen body–and the PCs–the incur a delay of several hours. Additionally, if Vilmark is moment they spy the birds take flight. accompanying the PCs and is placed at the front of the Read or paraphrase the following text aloud when marching order, he automatically succeeds on Wisdom the PCs investigate the corpse: (perception) checks to spot the traps. Once triggered, a trap snaps shut dealing 1D8 pierc- ing damage. There are dozens of traps scattered about \"Even before turning the body over, you can tell that it here but, using abstraction, only 2D4 of them happen belongs, or rather belonged, to a male Holgathi. Half a to fall in the path of the PCs. Once a trap is activated, dozen blood arrows protrude from his back, no doubt success on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw is sufficient the cause of his untimely demise. The scene itself is to see the creature that triggered it leap clear without odorless, suggesting that this man died very recently. taking damage. Once the PCs are aware of the presence From his warm fur coat, sturdy boots, and other grab of these traps, they make their Dexterity saving throws it seems that he was out here hiking. However, add with advantage. Once a creature is caught in a trap, a to this the pitons and other climbing gear beside DC 12 Strength check is required to pry it open. Failing him, the coil of rope slung over his shoulder, and the this check by 5 or more results in the ensnared creature large packs and pouches he bears, and it seems more taking an additional 1D4 damage. likely that he was making, or was part of, some kind of Tricky Trappers. Not long after the PCs have passed expedition.\" the wooded area that has been filled with traps, they catch up to the creatures who laid them. Just at the edge of the woods, 3 Kobold (combatant) Trappers Thoroughly searching the body takes 5 minutes. At chat amongst themselves while preparing additional the end of this, the PCs have the chance of finding an traps. They are accompanied by a Kobold (adult) item or enough components to assemble a kit. A DC 12 Sentry who is trying to keep a lookout but is strug- Wisdom (medicine) check can yield a Healer's Kit with gling to keep focused because of the loudmouthed trio. 5 uses remaining, a DC 15 Wisdom (survival) check re- As a consequence of this, and the dense woods around wards an explorer's kit, and a DC 12 Intelligence (inves- them, the passive Perception scores of the trappers have tigation) check reveals a coin purse with 2D12 + 12 GP disadvantage and the sentry has neither advantage nor in it. Additionally, if the PCs score 18 or higher on their disadvantage. Meanwhile, as the arrogant kobolds aren't Intelligence (investigation) check, they also discover a making any effort to hide themselves or mask their two concealed inner pockets in the man's coat. One of presence, the PCs have advantage on their own checks these contains a semi-precious stone worth 40 GP and to notice them. the other contains a potion of healing. The PCs can also recover 6 arrows from the body, if they so choose. All of the kobolds that can be found here are aware of the river ambush coming up a few miles ahead (see The deceased Holgathi hiker had three companions River Crossing, detailed at the end of this section). with him when their group stumbled into a kobold hunting party. The kobolds fired upon them, fatally 42 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

wounding this man and injuring several others. The kobolds pursued the group for a time but eventually Kobold PoliTiCs gave up, believing that the Holgathi would perish on the The PCs begin to encounter kobolds shortly after slopes or retreat out of their territory. Unfortunately, departing Vilmark's Den. Those they meet during this remaining Holgathi haven't realized that they've been section of the adventure are primarily focused on ex- forgotten about and hid in a cave nearby when their panding the tribe's territory, and digging in to defend leader perished. their borders against reprisals from the Holgathi of If the PCs think to scan the scene for clues, a DC Skalaholt - which they know must be coming. setbacks & mishaPs 21 Wisdom (perception) or Wisdom (survival) check All of the kobolds that the PCs encounter prior reveals the presence of several other humans fleeing to the event Veec's Camp are under the command the scene to the south. An Intelligence (investigation) of a kobold called Veec Dobok who is based out of check can be made in place of the above, but it takes ten the camp discussed there. Veec is ably assisted by a minutes and has a DC of 15. kobold called Mazenthro who acts as his second-in- If the PCs identify the tracks belonging to the other command. three Holgathi, they find them in a cave a short distance Until slain, Veec should be run as an intelligent, away. If the kobold hunting party hasn't caught up to capable commander. As the PCs are advancing into them already, the PCs are gone by the time the kob- kobold territory and have the initiative in their favor, olds arrive on the scene, and they leave disappointed. they may topple his forces before he's able to react. The Holgathi are hungry and frightened, but they're However, if they move at a leisurely pace, you should otherwise okay. As the PCs have rendered the path back have Veec react dynamically and adjust how his un- to Skalaholt relatively safe, these Holgathi offer them derlings are distributed - potentially having them fall their climbing equipment (another 3 Climber's Kits), an back to defend his location. additional Medicine Kit, and, best of all, 1D4 Potions of It should be noted that Veec's standing orders are Healing. to take the PCs alive. This means that the kobolds Basic Training. The PCs come up on a kobold trainer they battle deal nonlethal damage and will bring breaking in a pair of drakes while several others look them back to Veec's camp if they are defeated. Once on nervously. The group is huddled in a small gulch Veec is slain, the kobolds take the PCs much more se- and if any of the PCs have a passive Perception score riously and attempt to halt their advance at all costs. of 15 or above, they notice the kobolds in time to get Veec's Loyalties. Though ambitious and self-serv- the jump on them or skirt around them altogether. In ing, Veec is loyal to the tribe. He knows Jirgix Jackjaw either scenario, the PCs will need to succeed on a group very well, however he doesn't put much stock in such Dexterity (stealth) check versus the kobolds' and drakes' a young, inexperienced leader. That said, he doesn't passive Perception scores to do so. The kobold forces are understand that the tribe will come under threat from comprised of 1 Kobold (combatant) Handler, 2 Attack the Holgathi, and will do everything in his power to Drakes, 3 Kobold (adult) Conscripts. protect his people and Salvaschon. Conscientious Objectors. The PCs cross paths with Mazenthro's Loyalties. Mazenthro makes a great a rabble of kobolds coming the other way from Skala- show of loyalty to Jirgix Jackjaw, however his true al- holt and heading out of kobold territory. The group is legiance is to Fazne tussu. Veec knows that Mazenthro large, formed of 1D6 + 4 Kobold Wyrmlings, 2D12 + 8 sends secret reports to Jirgix, he just doesn't know Kobold (adults), and 2D6 + 6 Kobold (combatants). that Fazne has Zeke intercept these in Vriska's Top These kobolds are non-hostile towards the PCs unless and adjust them as necessary to suit her purposes. threatened and only turn to violence as a last resort. That said, due to its size, it's easy to hear the kobold mob coming and if the PCs get into cover, they can al- used against their friends and relatives in Jinzirga and low the kobolds to pass without incident. Vriska's Top. This is despite the fact that they doubt These kobolds are essentially refugees. They've Jirgix would take kindly to their departure and they fear rejected Jirgix as their leader and shunned his more that they're being tracked already. militant ways. Unfortunately, such opinions render Given that the kobolds are nervous about being them malcontents and dissidents amongst their people. caught, they don't delay for long before moving off Should the PCs open a line of dialogue with the kobolds, again. Their plan from here is to descend further down they discover that these kobolds do not consider them, the Holgath Highlands and establish a new tribe south- nor the people of Skalaholt, their enemies. However, west of the Holgathi settlements in the region. Whether they're also not willing to reveal secrets that could be 43 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

they're successful in this endeavor or not is up to you accompanied by 1 Kobold (combatant) Handler, 2 and really depends on if and how the PCs handle the kobold (combatant) Scrappers, and 2 Attack Drakes. following two events. Homeward bound. If the PCs acquired Lloyd Hot Pursuit. 1D4 hours after the PCs pass the mob Spelloyal's pet Pseudodragon Nyzzirynth during their of kobold refugees fleeing the tribe, they meet Virap exploration of Melzep Darlath's cave, the tiny dragon Gazadro pursuing them. Virap is leading a formidable starts to grow much more animated and excited as the force of 4 Pursuit Drakes. While it should be immedi- PCs draw closer to the residence of its master. ately obvious that he's following the escaping kobolds, it Poisoned Kobolds. If any of the PCs have a passive requires a DC 12 Wisdom (insight) and a minute or two Perception score of 11 or above, they spy a small camp a observation to notice that he isn't racing to catch up short distance from their path. Although not completely with his quarry. In truth, Virap is tracking the derelict- hidden, it is relatively cossetted and would be easy to ing kobolds, but he's waiting for reinforcements before overlook. If they approach this camp, they find 6 Kobold engaging with them. (adult) Conscripts gathered around a smoldering camp Although Virap's primary mission right now is to fire. A curious broth bubbles away in a pot over the fire, prevent the kobold mob from escaping the tribe's terri- and smaller portions of it fill bowls scattered around the setbacks & mishaPs tory, he won't hesitate to turn aside from that objective scene. 1D6 of the kobolds are dead, having passed away to deal with Holgathi interlopers. If he spots the PCs, he in the night after ingesting a poisoned berry that they attacks them immediately, directing his drake pets to used to make their soup. devastating effect. If any of the kobolds are still alive, the PCs can at- The Cavalry. 2D6 x 10 minutes after the PCs en- tempt to resuscitate them with a DC 15 Wisdom (medi- counter Virap Gazadro, they meet the reinforcements cine) check. If they succeed, the kobold/s come around that the savvy kobold is awaiting. This force takes the after 1D4 hours. These kobolds are grateful for their form of a flying squadron of winged warriors (see the lives and will provide basic information about Vriska's textbox Rules Variant: Winged Kobolds on page 82), Top in exchange for their freedom. led by Ferzen Wingwoh. In addition to Ferzen, this The Wizard's Tower. The PCs spot an impressive task force also includes 1 Kobold (veteran) Tracker tower in the distance to the south. If Nyzzirynth is with and 2 Kobold (veterans). These kobolds are flying them, it sends a medley of psychic pings to the PCs, about 80 feet above the ground, scanning the terrain encouraging them to pay the tower a visit. It's only a below them for signs of Virap. Given the height and couple of hours out of their way, but with their mission speed of the soaring kobolds, the PCs are unlikely to so urgent, they're unlikely to turn towards the tower get a chance to get into hiding before being spotted. and should be discouraged from doing so. However, if any of them have passive Perception scores of 18 or higher, the party can attempt a group Dexterity Thunderous Boom. An enormous boom rocks the (stealth) check with disadvantage to dive into cover in mountains, causing the ground to quake for a moment. time. If they beat Ferzen's passive Perception score (14), The disturbance causes boulders to begin tumbling then the kobolds overlook the party. down the mountain. Fortunately, there aren't too many of them and they're relatively easy to dodge. Have each If the PCs are spotted by Ferzen and his allies, the PC attempt a DC 8 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3D8 kobolds descend on the party and attack from overhead. damage on a fail. Bye-bye Birdy. If Vilmark loaned the PCs his loyal Though the PCs might not realize it, the disturbance crow companion as an extra pair of eyes in the skies, the is caused by the kobolds of Vriska's Top detonating the small bird bids adieu at this juncture, nuzzling each PC bridge that connects to their outpost in anticipation briefly in farewell before taking flight once more and of the PCs arrival (or rather the arrival of a force from heading back towards Vilmark's Den. Skalaholt). Veec's Camp (2). Having crossed paths with several Troubling Impasse. A couple of hours after the PCs of his agents in the wilds, the PCs finally arrive at Veec hear the troubling boom, they finally reach the enor- Dobok's camp (see location 2 on the map on page 41). mous, 200-foot ravine that separates the trail they've This event is fully detailed at the end of this section. been following from the kobold settlement of Vriska's Mazenthro's Patrol. Unless the PCs defeat Mazen- Top. They can make out the wooden ramifications of thro and his squad at Veec's camp, they encounter the the kobolds' stronghold easily, however the bridge that determined chanter in the wilds. Mazenthro uses the linked it with their position has been utterly destroyed; statistics of a Kobold (veteran) Chanter and he is its remains still ablaze in the wake of a large, deliberate explosion. 44 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

With the bridge out, the PCs cannot cross the huge To set the scene, read or paraphrase the following chasm that separates them from the next leg of their text aloud: journey. The next most obvious option is to cut around the steep ravine, however from their conversation with Vilmark back in his den, they know that such a detour When the event begins: will take many days - eight in fact. That said, another \"The sound of swift moving water can be heard option presents itself. somewhere ahead. Starting out as a soft whisper, this Seeing that the PCs are unable to progress any noise rapidly blossoms into a pronounced shout as setbacks & mishaPs further down their current path, Nyzzirynth chimes in you approach its source; a shallow river. At one time psychically yet again if it is with the party, trying once a wooden bridge made traversing the waterway easy more to direct them towards its master's abode. It's but, even from some distance, you can see that the a good idea to encourage the PCs to pursue this lead bridge is out.\" over making an eight-day detour if you can. And, even if Nyzzirynth isn't with the PCs, it is a good idea to When the PCs approach the bridge: suggest that venturing out to the unusual tower nearby \"Bits of wood lay against the shore here and isn't a bad idea anyway. Especially as it clearly isn't of further downstream, while some of the bridge's sup- kobold construction, and it represents a significantly ports still jut up out of the water. Although the bridge shorter detour than the alternative. Heck, even if it itself lies in ruin, a fallen tree a short way from where turns out to be a wasted trip, it'll barely make a dent in it once stood provides an opportunity to cross easily their overall travel time to go around anyway. and without getting wet.\" river Crossing If the PCs inspect what remains of the bridge, they can tell that it was destroyed by small tools and weap- The PCs' journey eventually intersects a small river that ons and that this was done hurriedly and recently with a they must cross in order to continue their travels. successful DC 12 Intelligence (investigation) check. 45 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

Although the PCs have the option of using the fallen veeC's CAmp tree trunk to cross the river, the water doesn't move so fast here that the river cannot simply be forded if the The PCs' eventually arrive at Veec Dobok's camp, which PCs prefer to do so. takes the form of a basic campsite atop a low bluff over- A. Arrival. The PCs start here, having approached looking a steep gorge. A wooden bridge allows the gorge the river from the west. to be traversed safely. Although the camp itself isn't B. Destroyed Bridge. What remains of the wooden particularly grand or ornate, it has served Veec well in bridge that was once used to cross this river stands his efforts to domesticate the surrounding countryside here, although many of the panels and boards used in on behalf of his tribe. its construction have been washed down river. Veec and his forces can be found in the camp that C. Fallen Tree. A fallen tree now bridges the river. overlooks the bridge, however, with a little luck, the A DC 15 Wisdom (perception) or Wisdom (insight), an party has a good shot of sneaking past the kobolds if equivalent passive score, or common sense and asking they'd prefer to avoid a fight. the right questions, will reveal that the tree appears To set the scene, read or paraphrase the following to have been moved here deliberately. A large wooden text aloud: setbacks & mishaPs panel rests in the water here against the tree, held in place by the current. Creatures. An Ambush Drake is hiding beneath the \"The path you're following begins to curl leisurely to wooden panel here, waiting to leap out and surprise the the left as it winds its way towards a deep and narrow unwary. ravine. Thankfully, a sturdy-looking wooden bridge provides you with a manner in which you can traverse D. Hiding Places. Rocks, bushes, and a tree provide the obstacle safely. That said, neither the bridge nor ample cover for those on the east bank for those looking the ravine are your immediate concern. to conceal themselves. Directly ahead of you, just past the bridge, you Creatures. 1 Kobold (combatant) Handler and 7 can see a raised stone bluff overlooking the ravine. Kobold (combatant) Skulkers share the cover avail- Troublingly, the apex of this bluff is encompassed able here. The handler is bonded with the drake that by rows of sharpened logs dug into the soft earth hides in the water. and pointed outward to form a primitive defensive The Ambush. The kobolds present here are respon- structure. You can also hear the shrill chattering of sible for destroying the bridge, acting on the orders of a multitude of kobolds coming from atop the ridge - Veec Dobok. The kobolds, and their pet drake, remain in suggesting the presence of a sizable garrison.\" hiding until the PCs attempt to cross the tree trunk that they've put in place as a decoy to bait their trap. The PCs need to get past Veec's camp in order to The drake strikes when the first PC passes over its hiding spot, attempting to catch them off-guard. This continue their journey. Realistically, they have five stirs the other kobolds to action. Make two separate options before them. They can attempt to sneak across Dexterity (stealth) checks for Veec's forces; one for the the bridge without alerting the kobolds at the camp, drake, and a group check for the other kobolds on the they can attempt to take out the camp-either through shore. Compare their results to the PCs' passive Percep- stealth or openly-, they can choose to move a little way tion scores, or their Wisdom (perception) results if they from the camp and jump across the ravine, do the same make active checks before crossing the tree trunk. but climb down and back up the other side, or they can attempt to hike around it. If any of the kobolds from the event Tricky Trappers fled that location, they appear here instead. If the PCs Sneaking Past. Veec has insisted that at least one are able to kill a total of six kobolds, or manage to slay of his underlings watch the bridge, however the lazy both the handler and the drake, the remaining kobolds scrappers have left this task to a trio of conscripts. One make a Wisdom saving throw. The DC for this is 16 - 2 watches the approach to the bridge, one watches the for each kobold still standing. You can make this a bridge itself, and one watches the far side. The PCs must one-time check or else repeat it each time an additional attempt a total of 3 group Dexterity (stealth) checks to kobold dies if you prefer. get past all three conscripts unnoticed (their passive Perception scores are only 3). Victory. Once all of the kobolds have been slain or they've broken ranks and fled the scene, the PCs are free If the PCs are spotted, Veec throws his full force into to continue on to the east. pursuing them until his force exhausts itself or the PCs run into more kobolds and find themselves unstuck. 46 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

Taking out the Camp. Approaching the camp A. Arrival. The PCs start here, having approached setbacks & mishaPs stealthily from the direction that the PCs enter this the ravine from the west. location from will require them to avoid the attention B. Veec's Camp. This camp sits atop a defensible of a scrapper (who has a passive Perception score of bluff. It is large, well-stocked, and reasonably comfort- 8). If they think to sneak around beneath the bluff and able. Creatures within the camp have advantage on approach it from the other side, they get advantage on ranged attack rolls against targets on the pathway, their Dexterity (stealth) checks to do so. bridge, or beyond (range restrictions apply as normal to Leaping the Ravine. The ravine varies in length these attacks). Additionally, they gain half-cover against over the course of its run, growing as wide as 25 foot in ranged attacks from the same locations. These benefits places. However, even at its thinnest points, it is still a cease to apply once creatures move off the pathway minimum of 15 foot wide, likely too vast a distance for towards the camp. the PCs to leap. Creatures. The force stationed here is formed of Climbing the Ravine. The ravine also varies in Veec Dobok (use statistics for a Kobold [elite] Wyr- depth, however it is typically 80 foot deep and never mnointed), 4 Kobold (combatant) Scrappers, and 6 shallower than 60. A PC can climb down it safely with Kobold (Adult) Conscripts. So long as Veec is alive, all multiple DC 15 Strength (athletics) checks and climb of the kobolds, him included, fight to the death. Should up the far side with the same. Falling damage applies Veec be felled, the conscripts may go on the retreat. as normal so, unless they're lowering each other down C. Bridge. This sturdy, well-constructed bridge al- and using Climber's Kits to ascend the far cliff, the PCs lows creatures to cross the ravine safely. should exercise caution here. Additional Forces. There is a chance that Mazen- Hiking Around. Going around Veec's camp is possi- thro and his kobolds are present when the PCs reach ble, although doing so requires the PCs to spend at least the camp. Mazenthro patrols during the night and rests a day scrambling downhill until the ravine gives out here during the day. His force is formed of himself (use to the forming river below, and then spending another statistics for a Kobold [veteran] Chanter), 1 Kobold day hiking back up the far side. If Veec realizes they've (combatant) Handler, 2 Kobold (combatant) Scrap- passed him in the meantime, he won't allow them to pers, and 2 Attack Drakes. progress any further without intervening either. 47 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

Lloyd's Tower Should the PCs attempt to destroy the statues, they have an AC of 17 and 18 (4D8) hit points each. An W ith the bridge to Vriska's Top out for the individual statue hit by a PC will continue to attack that PC until it knocks them unconscious or is destroyed. foreseeable future, the PCs (likely) turn their attention to this curious, remote tower. Read or A statue's attacks count as ranged and suffer the usual penalties if a PC has engaged it in melee combat. paraphrase the following text aloud as they approach Lloyd has completely forgotten to lock the doors within 100 foot of it to help set the scene: leading into the tower, however even non-dragonborn or small PCs may have difficulty reaching these safely. \"The great stone tower cuts an impressive figure, ris- ing up at least 100 feet from the mountainside like a triCky riddLes sword held aloft to the heavens. Given your already- impressive altitude at the base of the structure, its The purpose of the tower's defenses is to keep pesky uppermost reaches are close to being lost amongst kobolds away. That said, knowing the statues to be un- low-hanging clouds. reliable and rather indiscriminate, Lloyd has prepared setbacks & mishaPs Turning your attention back to more immediate another test, a series of riddles, to make sure that any concerns at ground-level, you can see a dozen sag- scaly intruders able to evade his statues don't make it ging, stone statues spread out between you and a into his tower. set of stone steps that lead into the tower via a pair While the statues won't aim at or threaten PCs that of double-doors. More alarmingly, the singed, skel- aren't small or dragonborn initially, once any creature etal remains of more than a dozen small humanoid gets within 70 foot of the tower, a booming voice rings creatures are strewn around the scene. Some of out and addresses them with a series of questions. If the which are still recognizable as kobolds.\" PCs' answers to the questions are acceptable, all of the statues power down and they are all (including dragon- born and small PCs) able to enter safely. At this juncture, Nyzzirynth takes to the skies if it The questions and their acceptable answers are pre- is present and able to do so and flies into the tower sented below: through a window several floors up. Once inside, the pseudodragon psychically informs Lloyd that the PCs Question 1. Do you prefer things that are Metallic are friends, however it takes 2D4 hours before Lloyd or Chromatic? Metallic. remembers how to disable the tower's defenses and he Question 2. Dragons are; a) incredible, b) awesome, doesn't think to let the PCs know that he's attempting or c) okay? Dragons are okay. to do this in the meantime (nor does Nyzzirynth). Question 3. Kobolds are rubbish, thoughts? [Any Meanwhile, should the party move any closer to answer that doesn't strongly disagree with the statement] the tower, the two stone statues nearest them whir to Question 4. Flying is the best thing ever, right? life bringing themselves upright instead of slumping [Something along the lines of 'Meh, it's okay'] forward limply. At this point it should be fairly obvious that these statues are related to the fate of the dead Question 5. Oh, have you come about the leaky kobolds. Should any of the PCs be dragonborn or small roof? [If yes, test immediately ends]. creatures (gnomes, halfings, etc), the statues immedi- Question 6. Spell wyrm. W-Y-R-M ately train their attention on them. If the targeted PCs Question 7. Penultimate query; drakes have how move any closer to the door, the statues fire focused many legs? [the correct answer is four, however the voice beams of energy at them. Have the PC in question at- appears to mull over both correct and incorrect answers, tempt a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 18 (4D8) equally dissatisfied with both] force damage on a failed save, and none on a successful one. Should the PC not retreat immediately, the statues Question 8. Final question; are you not never a fire again on their next turn unless the PC has fallen kobold, yes or no? [This is a trick question, with no right unconscious, in which case the statues ignore them answer. The PCs are either saying that they're not 'never' a altogether. kobold, or they are saying that they're not 'never a kobold'. Whatever answer the PCs give, a statue fires a warning Given how the statues are arranged around the tower, shot and the party is given the following question instead:] at least two statues pose a threat to an approacher at any given time. If a single statue is destroyed, it's first Question 9. Alternate question, you see a wizard, inactive neighbor can cover its original field of fire. do you; a) eat his face, b) wave at him, or c) ignore 48 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

him and continue worshiping dragons? [Smart play- ers pick b] Assuming the PCs aren't kobolds, they shouldn't Lloyd have too much difficulty overcoming the puzzle of the tower's riddles. That said, the riddles wouldn't be too Spelloyal taxing for a kobold to bypass either, except Lloyd has grossly misjudged the efficacy of his guardian statues and they are, if anything, overly zealous. setbacks & mishaPs Meeting Lloyd A fter navigating their way past Lloyd's guardian statues, the PCs find the front door unlocked and are able to gain access to the ground floor of his tower. It has a total of eight floors, each of which has a very high ceiling, and Lloyd can usually be found on one of the lower three floors. If Nyzzirynth entered the tower before the PCs, they find Lloyd pacing around inside, muttering something about turning off the 'guardian sentinels' to himself. However the PCs come to first encounter Lloyd, the following text can help set the scene: \"Before you stands an oddly-dressed man who appears startled and nervous about the prospect of unexpected company. He is wearing a set of blue pajamas in the style of wizard's robes. Stars, planets, and moons have been rare birds of prey for pleasure (he likes predatory birds embroidered on his costume and a star-shaped bauble because they can come and go as they please and don't hangs from the tip of his hat. The man also has another, seem to mind if he forgets to feed them). Nyzzirynth similar object hanging from his neck. Apparently, he re- doesn't venture up to the aerie as it and the birds of ally likes stars.\" prey haven't quite figured out how they feel about each other yet. Lloyd introduces himself and invites the PCs to do the same, although if Nyzzirynth is present, he ap- roLepLAying LLoyd pears less fidgety. Once Lloyd realizes that the PCs are not kobolds, not here to rob him or steal his research, Lloyd is an addled-minded, forgetful crackpot who has and aren't traipsing mud all over his carpet, he relaxes likely forgotten more about magic than your typical somewhat and invites the PCs to make themselves spellcaster could ever hope to learn. Although he takes at home. In fact, so long as the PCs aren't making a an interest in the PCs and their experiences, he also nuisance of themselves, Lloyd is quite happy for them talks to himself while conversing with them (even dur- to stick around. To the reclusive wizard, company is a ing their replies) and struggles to follow the conversa- strange novelty that it takes him some time to tire of tion for long. Lloyd's brain is constantly whirring and completely. when talking to him, it often feels like he's maintaining two or three conversations at the same time; leading Although Lloyd says the PCs can come and go as they please, he initially warns them to stick to the first three him to trail off abruptly, suddenly go off on tangents, or floors of his tower, which he explains are used for liv- race off to write down an idea he's just had. ing space. Above these, the fourth floor of the tower is Lloyd is especially nervous around those who take used as Lloyd's laboratory, the fifth his library, the sixth little interest in the arcane, as he simply doesn't under- for storage, his observatory is on the seventh, and the stand their disinterest or know how to relate to them. eighth floor houses a small aerie where Lloyd breeds 49 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

next steps Kettle Corrector, they can borrow it. The trouble is that he can't remember quite where he put it, it's either on the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, The PCs have arrived on Lloyd's doorstep at an unexpected lull in their adventure. They've or 8th floor of his tower. reached an impasse with the route Vilmark Unless the PCs decide to hike provided due to the destruction of the bridge around the ravine instead of us- to Vriska's Top, and the delay caused by hiking ing the Kettle Corrector to repair around would be enormous. Depending on the the bridge, they need only retrieve the personalities of your players and the motivations of object and they can move on. That said, the are their characters, it is likely that they sought refuge other objects of intrigue scattered around Lloyd's at the tower to regather their strength and plan tower, and the wizard may also be convinced to their next moves. What they may not realize, at also loan or even give some of these to the PCs. The least initially, is that the dithering wizard in the tower is not without dangers, however, and the PCs silly pajamas can actually set them back on the may need to exercise caution if they are to successfully right track if they take the time to explain the plunder its heights. situation to him. setbacks & mishaPs He might not seem like much at first moving on glance, but Lloyd is a powerful wizard in his own right and is able to create magi- Once the players are ready to move on, advance to Be- cal items. Most significantly, Lloyd has hind Enemy Lines to continue the adventure. Remem- created an object he's tentatively been ber that the PCs should attain 4th-level when they part calling the Kettle Corrector. This object ways with Lloyd Spelloyal. They're likely to need this is essentially a much more potent extra might to withstand the trails ahead. Hammer of Mending which is powerful enough to repair the entire 200-foot bridge that the kobolds destroyed hisTory of The KeTTle CorreCTor outside Vriska's Top. Created by the wizard Lloyd Spelloyal during a If the PCs think to discuss particularly intense mushroom-spore-and-cave-algae their predicament with Lloyd Kettle trip, Lloyd produced this implement as a madcap ex- specifically, and they men- Corrector ploration into lateral thinking when his kettle broke. tion the destruction of the Unwilling, or unable, to break out of his dribbling bridge, Lloyd suddenly remembers the Kettle Corrector stupor-cum-dystopian odyssey, Lloyd's reaction to the and mentions to the PCs that it might get them back destructifaction of his teapot wasn't to fix the teapot on track. Meanwhile, if the PCs don't, you could have at all, but rather to attempt to invent a more perma- a group of kobolds come to seek out the party after a nent solution to the breakage of all things that were few hours - ultimately being slaughtered by the statues once whole. With that in mind, Lloyd forged a souped- outside. This could nudge the PCs to talk more to their up Hammer of Mending he called the Kettle Corrector host, or else it might pique his interest and cause him (because, well, why not?) - an item with the power not to inquire of them whether the kobolds are looking for only to hit things until they break, but also to restore them and why. them to health and function too. Unlike Vilmark, Lloyd is quite happy to help the PCs At the time, Lloyd thought he was a genius, out without them really needing to prove themselves to however once his wits returned to him, he realized him or win him over (and it wouldn't even occur to him that all he'd done was take the spell Mending to an to ask for anything in return). This is doubly true if the unnecessary extreme and stick it in a hammer. He PCs have returned Nyzzirynth to him. also discovered that, somewhere along the way, he'd Lloyd doesn't really have a personal stake in the af- started using his kettle as a chamber pot, after which fairs of Skalaholt, nor does he care what the kobolds get he had no desire to use it again irrespective of its up to (so long as they aren't ransacking his tower), but functional suitability. the revelation that a little girl is 'in trouble' is more than Shortly thereafter, Lloyd decided not to mix spores enough to spur him to action. and algae together again and has been (mostly) sober ever since. His unusual creation endures to this day. Once Lloyd's been brought somewhat up to speed on the situation, he tells the PCs that if they can find his 50 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

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