&tÇ vu ádevÇ qvpÇ o#d The Supervising Team of this Book Engineer Adel Abdul Aziz Al-Jassim rÇ
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ÓwxvÇ Assistant Undersecretary for Petroleum Control and Media ,yhQA=yG e;f Gh ?<9sQyG fh|Wy Of9T}yG {+v(yG Anwar Mudhi Al-Khaldi ê
0Ç w)g Ñu!Ã Director of Petroleum Media and Public Relations ?|9gyG J9s;gyGh ,yhQA=yG e;f G IQGOE Q*O| Mudhi Al-Shemmari êdveÇ w)g Acting Observer on Petroleum Media ?<9+\"y9< ,yhQA=yG e;f G >sGQ| Mohamed Tahir Al-Enzi êewpÇ d\"
v) Department of Petroleum Media and Public Relations ?|9gyG J9s;gyGh ,yhQA=yG e;f G IQGOE Jarrah Soud Al-Bloushi wÈuu%Ç ÏupÇ ÍÇdÄ Department of Petroleum Media and Public Relations ?|9gyG J9s;gyGh ,yhQA=yG e;f G IQGOE
#u&)vÇ Table of Contents Dedication 15................................................................................... 15 AGO$ G........................................................................................ Introduction 16................................................................................ 16 ?|Ot}yG...................................................................................... Their Excellency Ministers of Oil State of Kuwait..... 19 37 37 - 19............... B*(wyG ?yhO - bq\"yG AGQRh ,y9g| Governors, National Representatives and #++\"_(yG #+zD}}yGh #+dp9J}yG Workers at the OPEC Organization........................ 39 46 46 - 39 x<hC ?}d\"| ,p #+z|9gyGh............................... Hosting of OPEC Ministerial Conferences JGQ}@|}y B*(wyG ?yhO ?p9]ASE in the State of Kuwait .................................................... 49 61 61 - 49 ?*QGR(yG x<hC.............................................................. OPEC Presidential and Ministerial Meetings ...... 63 85 85 - 63.. ?*QGR(yGh ?+S9FQyG x<hC J9f9}AFEh ~}s Participation of the State of Kuwait ?+y9qAIG ,p B*(wyG ?yhO ?vQ9W| in the OPEC Celebration Held in Vienna .............. 87 93 93 - 87 9\"++p ,p x<hC ?}d\"|......................................... Historical Documents 95.................................................. - 115 115 - 95 ?+M*Q9AyG uF9C(yG..................................................
ÁÇ\"÷Ç Dedication Like the Founders, fathers and grand- Á
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vu' fathers, have secured us a life of prosperity and dignity from the oil wealth which the s v#dtÇ É
y)Çè gypÇ Ñ ÏÇÄõÇè Generous God has granted us Here we are following the footsteps of our ancestors. .ryupÇ âÇÒdÇ ç
%Å êÇ ®®jrwÇ Éèdà We advise our children to preserve and ñ best invent the oil wealth and utilize it in building the State of Kuwait, so as to keep wu! ÐÅ syèõÇ Édy1 qvt! sàà)!
\" advancing and inherit generation after generation. yèd&%Ç Éèd'Ç vu i
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Introduction svÇ We all know that the general structure of the iQvP OTG@ 9%vvvv!(v IQ(Y j} e9gyG h<9ayG fC ~zg! picture that embodies a memory and an image to live in [MzA@ ?+}$C #| &< hA}A@ 9}y 9$GQ* #| ?z+M| ,p )t=* ~SQh the eyes of the beholders of all its signi®cance should 9%+p dRAM@h ?dJzyG xz@ eqJ@h KOJyG ?+gsGh {t\"@ fC ,p represent the reality of the event and maintain this moment to elegantly be kept in memory for decades. .#|RyG #| O(tgy IQvGPyG ,p ehO* u!hQ From this stance, we collected historical photos of ?f9aAS:Gh ?pQg}yG QOs 9\"g}F uza\"}yG GP$ #|h the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ?}d\"| IQ+T| N*Q9@ #| O$9W| KqZA}zy VQvvvvg@ Gk Q(Y (OPEC) from the moment of its foundation in the ®rst ,p 9%F9W!E QGQs J9dJy P\"| x<hC - bq\"zy IQOZ}yG dhOyG meeting held in the Iraqi Capital, Bagdad on September N*Q9A< OGOj< - ?+sGQgyG ?}Y9gyG ,p Otf jPyG dh}G Y9}AF:G 10, 1960, attended by the State of Kuwait, Saudi ?wz}}yGh - B*(wyG ?yhOz #| {v ~\\q PE ,1960 Q=}A=S 10 Arabia, Iraq, Iran and Venezuela. The photo stream ?*Q(%}GyGh - ?+sGQgyG ?*Q(%}GyGh - ?*O(gTyG ?+<QgyG cruises through the decades, documenting the role of O(tf d;L Q(ZyG b*QV Qvvvv}q * PE .y;*hR\"ph - ?+!GQ* G the State of Kuwait along with OPEC member States, h| B*(wyG ?yhO &< B|9s 9| uC(+y Q\\9JyG Bs(yG )yE 9\"< {Z+y achievements, objectives, conferences and meetings that ~$Ch aGO$Ch JGR9G!G #| ?}d\"}yG ,p A9]f}G dhOyG impacted on international economic communities. All iOg@ iOY 9%y f9vh JOtf ,AyG J9f9}AF:Gh JGQ}@|}yG this redirected the crucial political decisions in con- ?+S9+TyG JGQGQtyG g9G@9< )J\"+y ?+}y9gyG ?*O9ZAs:G W9Sh}G secutive periods of time since the seventies of the last ,p J9\"+g=TyG P\"| JCO< ?=s9gA| ?+\"|R JGQAp ,p ?*Q+Z}yG century and still frequent from time to time until the A9%A!E )AI QL6Gh #+JyG #+< IQ@G(A| ByGR :h ,\\9}yG fQtyG end of the ®rst decade of the third millennium with all KGOIC #| xyP {zM@ 9|h ,?Dy9DyG ?+qy}G hza| #| dh}G OtgyG the signi®cant events and crises, such as the October e9f Q<(AvC HQI( QZJyG : d9D}yG {+=S )zf e9TF J9|RCh War in 1973, the Asian Tigers Crisis in 1997, and the ?+y9}yG ?|R}Gh ,1997 e9f ?*(+S6G Q(}\"yG ?|RCh ,1973 World Financial Crisis in 2007. .)2007 e9f P\"| ?+}y9gyG This book extends for six chapters, reviewing in each chapter a speci®c era of the history of the OPEC
and the State of Kuwait. The ®rst chapter contains #| VQgAT* d(Zp ?AS iO| )zf H9AwyG GP$ OA}*h photos of their excellencies, the Ministers of Oil in the ?}d\"| N*Q9@ #| ?\"+g| ?+\"|R ?=tI #f {Zp {v 9%y;L State of Kuwait and their participations in the activities ,y9g| Q(Y )zf j(AJ* dh}G {Zqy9p ,B*(wyG ?yhOh )x<hC( of the OPEC. The second chapter contains photos of J9+y9gqyG ,p ~%@9vQ9W|h B*(wyG ?yhO #| bq\"yG AGQRh the Governors, the Representatives and Workers at the ,!9DyG {ZvvvvvvvvqyG )yE :9tA!Gh ,?}d\"}yG 9%@Otf ,AyG ?aW!}Gh OPEC from the State of Kuwait. #+vvvvvvvv+\"_(yG #+zvvvvD}}yGh #+vvvvdp9J}yG Q(Y )zf j(AJ* jPyGh Ey9DyG {ZqyG 9|C ,?}d\"}yG ,p B*(vvvvwyG ?yhO #| #+vvvvz|9gyGh The third chapter contains photos of hosting the 9}\"+< ,?}d\"}yG J9f9}AFGh hF9s(y B*(wyG ?p9]ASE #}]A+p OPEC meetings in the State of Kuwait, while chapter 9%@Otf ,AyG ?*QGR(yG J9f9}AF:Gh ~}tyG h<GQyG {ZqyG dh9\"A* four reviews the Summits and Ministerial Meetings of #| ?f(}G| U|9MyG [qyG ,aj* 9}+p ,e9f {wW< ?}d\"}yG the OPEC in general. Chapter ®ve covers a collections SO9TyG {Zqy9< H9AwyG ~AM*h ,9\"++p ?+y9qAIG #f J9atzyG of photographs of the OPEC celebration in Vienna. #+< B}@ ,AyG J;SGQ}yGh ?+M*Q9AyG uF9C(yG )yE bQaA* jPyG Finally, the book concludes in chapter six with historical documents and correspondence of the OPEC .?}d\"}yG A9]fC members. #+< ht* #*PyG AGQq tyG {vvvvv e9|C h]! fC 9!QCB GPvvvvy So we preferred to present to all readers of this ~%@9p9tCh ~%y(+| a;ALG >TI &!(yh9\"A+y H9AwyG GP$ ~%*O*C book of dierent background and cultures a wide range ?+yhO ?}d\"}y ?Zs #f ,wJ* J9t+zgAyGh Q(ZyG #| 9f(\\(| of photographs and comments telling the story of an #*RQ9=yG 9%F9]fC OIC B*(wyG ?yhO h| bq\"yG f(8W< ,\"g@ international organization specialized in oil with the State of Kuwait, one of the founders and prominent .#+TS|}yGh members. )zf H9AwyG GP$ R(J* fC {|z! fC :E 9\"gT* :h We can only hope that this book will meet your #+DI9=zy ?+M*Q9@h ?+f(! ?}+s r+]* fCh ,~w!9TJASG appreciation and add a qualitative and historical value for the researchers and the practical library. .?+}zgyG ?=Aw}zyh Ministry of Oil bq\"yG IQGRh June, 2011 2011 ,(+!(*
#utÇ èÏ - jrwÇ ÁÇÑÒè w
p Their Excellencies Ministers of Oil - State of Kuwait
B*(wyG ?yhO - bq\"yG AGQRh ,y9g| M9=ZyG Q<9GyG O}I}G Q<9F / N+WyG &y Q(qj}yG {IGQyG O;=yG Q+|C (}TyG >I9Y 1959 - ?f9\"ZyGh ?+y9}yG Q*Rh His Highness the late Prince Sheikh Jabir Al-Ahmed Al-Jabir Al-Sabah Minister of Finance and Industry - 1959 20
Their Excellencies Ministers of Oil -State of Kuwait M9=ZyG Q<9GyG O}I}G M9=Y / N+WyG O;=yG Q+|C (}TyG >I9Y 1965 - ?y9v(y9< bq\"yGh ?+y9}yG Q*Rhh ?+FQ9MyG Q*Rh His Highness the Prince Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jabir Al-Sabah Minister of Foreign Aairs and Acting Minister of Finance and Oil - 1965 21
B*(wyG ?yhO - bq\"yG AGQRh ,y9g| ,t+AgyG #}IQyGO=f / O+TyG 1967 - bq\"yGh ?+y9}yG Q*Rh Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Atiqi Minister of Finance and Oil - 1967 22
Their Excellencies Ministers of Oil -State of Kuwait ,}c9wyG >za}yGO=f / O+TyG 1975 - bq\"yG Q*Rh Mr. Abdel Mutaleb Al-Kadhmi Minister of Oil - 1975 23
B*(wyG ?yhO - bq\"yG AGQRh ,y9g| M9=ZyG ,<PgyG ?q+zMyG ,zf / N+WyG 1978 - bq\"yG Q*Rh Sheikh / Ali Al-Khalifa Al-Adhbi Al-Sabah Minister of Oil - 1978 24
Their Excellencies Ministers of Oil -State of Kuwait jQ+}gyG ~y9S O+VQ / Q(AvOyG 1990 - bq\"yG Q*Rh Dr. Rasheed Salim Al-Omeri Minister of Oil - 1990 25
B*(wyG ?yhO - bq\"yG AGQRh ,y9g| ?=sQ &zyGO=f O(}I / Q(AvOyG 1991 - bq\"yG Q*Rh Dr. Humod Abdullah Al-Requba Minister of Oil - 1991 26
Their Excellencies Ministers of Oil -State of Kuwait ,zj=yG O}IC ,zf / O+TyG 1992 - bq\"yG Q*Rh Mr. Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli Minister of Oil - 1992 27
B*(wyG ?yhO - bq\"yG AGQRh ,y9g| HfO}yG HfO| #TJ}yGO=f / Q(AvOyG 1996 - bq\"yG Q*Rh Dr. Abdul Mohsen Medij Al-Medij Minister of Oil - 1996 28
Their Excellencies Ministers of Oil -State of Kuwait M9=ZyG O(gS QY9\"yG O(gS / N+WyG 1998 - bq\"yG Q*Rh Sheikh / Suod Al-Nasser Suod Al-Sabah Minister of Oil - 1998 29
B*(wyG ?yhO - bq\"yG AGQRh ,y9g| jO*R}yG O}J| )T+f / O+TyG 1997 - bq\"yG Q*Rh Mr. Essa Mohamed Al-Mazedi Minister of Oil - 1997 30
Their Excellencies Ministers of Oil -State of Kuwait K+=ZyG Oy9L dO9f / Q(AvOyG 2001 - bq\"yG Q*Rh Dr. Adel Khalid Al-Subeih Minister of Oil - 2001 31
B*(wyG ?yhO - bq\"yG AGQRh ,y9g| M9=ZyG O%qyG O}IC / N+WyG 2003 - ?s9ayG Q*Rh Sheikh / Ahmed Al-Fahad Al-Sabah Minister of Energy - 2003 32
Their Excellencies Ministers of Oil -State of Kuwait M9=ZyG MGQGyG ,zf / N+WyG 2006 - ?s9ayG Q*Rh Sheikh / Ali Al-Jarrah Al-Sabah Minister of Energy - 2006 33
B*(wyG ?yhO - bq\"yG AGQRh ,y9g| ~+zgyG &zyGO=f O}J| / O+TyG 2007 - bq\"yG Q*Rh Mr. Mohamed Abdullah Al-Alim Minister of Oil - 2007 34
Their Excellencies Ministers of Oil -State of Kuwait ,]+}JyG jQ9W| QO< / O+TyG 2007 - bq\"yG Q*Rh Mr. Bader Meshari Al-Humeidi Minister of Oil - 2007 35
B*(wyG ?yhO - bq\"yG AGQRh ,y9g| M9=ZyG ~y9TyG M9=ZyG O}J| Q(AvOyG / N+WyG 2009 - ?y9v(y9< bq\"yG Q*Rhh ?+FQ9MyG Q*Rh Sheikh / Dr. Mohamed Al-Sabah Al-Salim Al-Sabah Minister of Foreign Aairs and Acting Oil Minister - 2009 36
Their Excellencies Ministers of Oil -State of Kuwait M9=ZyG O}I}G &zyGO=gyG O}IC / N+WyG ,y9g| 2009 - e;f G Q*Rhh bq\"yG Q*Rh Sheikh / Ahmed Al-Abdullah Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah Minister of Oil and Minister of Information - 2009 37
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)vÇ Kuwait Governors, National Representatives and Workers at the OPEC Organization
x<hC ?}d\"| ,p #+z|9gyGh #++\"_(yG #+zD}}yGh #+dp9J}yG )1966 - 1965( x<hC - bq\"zy IQOZ}yG dhOyG ?}d\"}y ?|9gyG Q+@QwTyG ,,qay aQVC O+TyG Mr. Ashraf Lut®, Secretary General of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) 1965 - 1966 40
Kuwait Governors, National Representatives and Workers at the OPEC Organization 1974 - M9=ZyG ?q+zMyG ,zf N+WyG ,y9g| His Excellency Sheikh Ali Al-Khalifa Al-Sabah - 1974 41
x<hC ?}d\"| ,p #+z|9gyGh #++\"_(yG #+zD}}yGh #+dp9J}yG 1976 - ,!9SOgyG Oy9L O(}J| O+TyG Mr. Mahmud Khalid Al-Adsani - 1976 42
Kuwait Governors, National Representatives and Workers at the OPEC Organization .1986 e9f x<hG ?}d\"| ,p B*(wyG ?yhOy ,\"_(yG {D}}yG f9azTyG #}IQyGO=f O+TyG Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Sultan, National Representative of the State of Kuwait at OPEC - 1986 43
x<hC ?}d\"| ,p #+z|9gyGh #++\"_(yG #+zD}}yGh #+dp9J}yG 2009 e9f J9TzGyG iOIG ,p x<hC ,p B*(wyG ?yhO ep9J| ,shRQ e9%S IO+TyG Mrs. Seham Rezoqi, Governer of the State of Kuwait at OPEC in a session in 2009 44
Kuwait Governors, National Representatives and Workers at the OPEC Organization 1998 e9f x<hC ?}d\"| ,p r]}yG {FGh O+TyG B*(wyG ?yhOy ,\"_(yG {D}}yG Mr. Wael Al-Mudaf, National Representative of the State of Kuwait at OPEC - 1998 45
x<hC ?}d\"| ,p #+z|9gyGh #++\"_(yG #+zD}}yGh #+dp9J}yG .x<hC ?}d\"| ,p B*(wyG ?yhOy ,\"_(yG {D}}yG h*RqyG dG(! ?T!:G Miss Nawal Al-Fuzae, National Representative of the State of Kuwait at OPEC 46
Kuwait Governors, National Representatives and Workers at the OPEC Organization .2003 e9f x<hG ?}d\"}y ?y9v(y9< e9gyG Q+@QwTyGh K(J=yG Q*O| #*OyG H9%V f9!Of Q(AvOyG Dr. Adnan Shihab Eddin, Director of Research and Acting Secretary General of OPEC - 2003 47
x<hC ?}d\"| ,p #+z|9gyGh #++\"_(yG #+zD}}yGh #+dp9J}yG 2006 e9f x<hG ,p K9J<:G ~Ts U+FQ OQR9=s #TI Q(AvOyG Dr. Hassan Qabazard, Director of Research at OPEC - 2006 48
Kuwait Governors, National Representatives and Workers at the OPEC Organization .2006 e9f x<h} e9gyG Q+@QwTyG >Aw| Q*O| jQ|9WyG &zyGO=f Q(AvOyG Dr. Abdullah Al-Shameri, Director of the OPEC Secretary General Oce - 2006 49
x<hC ?}d\"| ,p #+z|9gyGh #++\"_(yG #+zD}}yGh #+dp9J}yG .2003 e9f 9T}\"yG ,p B*(wyG ?yhO IQ+qS ;}yG ?z+=! IO+TyG Mrs. Nabila Al-Mulla, Ambassador of the State of Kuwait to Austria - 2003 50
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