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TIHR Authors

Published by TIHR, 2015-06-01 18:13:50

Description: 2004-2014


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TURKMEN INITIATIVE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (TIHR)In 2002 a group of human rights defenders established the Helsinki Group of Turkmenistan.However, its Turkmen members were systematically persecuted and repressed by the authoritiesand most of them were forced into exile. In November 2004, the Turkmen Initiative for Human Rights(TIHR) was established in Vienna (Austria), as a successor organization to the Helsinki Group ofTurkmenistan, and is based in exile for safety and security reasons.The TIHR has close contacts with civil society activists and dissidents who are working inside ofTurkmenistan and cooperates with a local network of sources to obtain information. Additionally, itcooperates with other Turkmen civil society activists who live in exile in Europe and Russia. Theorganisation has focused on monitoring the human rights situation in Turkmenistan and has becomean independent and alternative voice on human rights and other relevant developments in the fieldof politics, economy, society and ecology in the country. Information obtained from Turkmenistan isedited, translated into English and Russian and posted on the website “Chronicles of Turkmenistan”,which is virtually the only independent source of information about Turkmenistan and thereforeused by a large group of international media outlets and international (non-)governmentalorganisations.This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the National Endowment forDemocracy. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the organizations issuingit and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the NationalEndowment for Democracy.1

TABLE OF CONTENT Thank you to the German Durdymukhamedovich! (13 December 2010)INTRODUCTION «Nabucco» suffers distress at the coast of Turkmenistan (19 December 2010)MURAD AITAKOV Azhdar Kurtov: Turkmenistan sees only aSuccessor (27 February 2009) change of heads of the Presidents` statutes ... (5 January 2011)ORAZ AKHMET V. Paramonov: There will be no winners in theWill bread be sufficient? (15 September 2008) «Big game» for Turkmen gas (20 JanuaryTurkmen reality show (18 June 2009) 2011)Turkmens in Turkey (26 November 2010)Depraved youth (18 May 2011) ESSEN AMAN Market stories - Part I (25 November 2007)MAKSAT ALIKPEROV Market stories - Part II (30 November 2007) Candidates and the Turkmen elections (4Turkmen gas as a family business (3 February December 2007) Turkish quality or Turkmen requirements (272010) December 2007) Turkmen-Iranian relations (15 January 2008)Large-scale corruption of small businesses (12 Zero results in combating drugs (18 February 2008)February 2010) A non-reading nation (28 February 2008) Large families are uncommon in today’sHonorary oligarch of Turkmenistan (18 Turkmenistan (25 March 2008) Turkmen exchange offices lack nationalFebruary 2010) currency (29 March 2008) Turkmenistan's Government (2 April 2008)Corruption as tradition (25 February 2010) Bodies of non-local authorities (22 April 2008) Turkmens move to Russia (28 April 2008)President`s hen houses (3 March 2010) The structure created by Niyazov was blackmarked (21 May 2008)Whoever comes to us with a pipeline, will be The long arms of the Turkmen special services (1 June 2008)pumped gas into it (24 March 2010) Prices for internal flights have increased (4 June 2008)Presidentophiles (6 April 2010) No benefit from nasvai, especially for the government officials (16 July 2008)Turkmen water and money sink into the sand Businessmen buy up Turkmenabat (24 July 2008)(11 April 2010) Officers want computers (5 August 2008) The Turks refused to build a mosque inNothing compares to Turkmenbashy (14 April Kunyaurgench? (6 August 2008) Composition of the Turkmen government as2010) of 15 October 2008 (16 October 2008) Extra urgent election (21 October 2008)Might-have-been immortality of Force majeure (10 December 2008) Reasons for postponing of the Elders` CouncilTurkmenbashi (19 May 2010) meeting (7 January 2009) A new shuffle (16 January 2009)Reinforced concrete classics (23 May 2010) The last of the Mohicans (23 January 2009) A name to forget but methods to remember (6Turkmen Chamber No. 1 (5 June 2010) March 2009)People with disabilities are beyond the law (25June 2010)KAMAZ + Rukhnama = Mercedes (26 June2010)Semi-round date (30 June 2010)Foreign Ministry is authorized to resent (30June 2010)Turkmenistan airlines: hazardous flights (8 July2010)Dual citizenship: chronology of events (10 July2010)With the President on board (19 July 2010)Permitted does not mean allowed (29 July2010)Turkmenistani citizens like NATO, BarackObama and Turkmen manats (20 August 2010)Turkmenistan. Epoch of the great renaissanceof tribalism (2 November 2010)2

Tourists or Gastarbeiters? (25 March 2009) Akhal dominance (26 March 2012)Turkmen peasants (3 April 2009)Financial (and not only financial) issues (14 ALTY BEGMURADOVApril 2009) Paranoia (10 December 2008)How Bouygues operates in Turkmenistan (22 Learning arbitrariness (29 July 2009)April 2009)The updated management of Turkmenistan AISHA BERDYEVA(21 January 2010) Comparative arithmetic (18 July 2008)Disparate expenditures (24 January 2010)What’s to be done? (9 April 2010) MARAL CHARYEVAPrivate and state interests of the Turkmen It is your triumph, footmen! (21 March 2010)celestials (20 April 2010)Tycoon – President’s friend (10 April 2012) PISHIK CHOPANY Falling short of expectations (12 August 2008)ALTYN ASYROVA Comparisons (21 December 2008)Beyond the point of common sense... (28 April2009) SAYARA DJUMABAEVA Agricultural sector will recover on commandMERET BABAEV (8 January 2009)People on both sides of the border expressopinions on the upcoming visit of Uzbekistan MURAD GELDYEVPresident to Turkmenistan (16 September A new independence anniversary (12007) November 2008)Oil shortage (1 October 2008) Turkmen financial economists (17 NovemberRed-carpet welcome or psychosis (31 October 2008)2008) Business in the «Renaissance époque» (16Turkmen gastarbeiters are not scared by the June 2009)crisis (21 January 2009)How to facilitate the solving of crimes (28 RÉGIS GENTÉJanuary 2009) Russia against orgy in the Caspian area! (8Turkmenistan toughens the fight against drug January 2013)dealers (3 April 2009) The Goktepe battle commemoration goesClosed Department (14 May 2009) beyond nationalism (17 January 2013)Closed Department - 2 (15 May 2009) Afghanistan withdrawal 1/3: Ashgabat quietClosed Department – 3 (22 May 2009) but active (25 March 2013)Closed authority, or why the minister has Afghanistan withdrawal 2/3: A riskybeen dismissed (10 June 2009) geopolitical vacuum (1 April 2013)Happy new cult! (9 September 2009) Turkmen government has not been veryHere is your call-up paper! (7 October 2009) supportive towards Turkmens in Afghanistan -Traffic police at work (21 October 2009) Afghanistan withdrawal 3/3 (25 April 2013)Hunger fainting before the parade (29 October Second-class citizens (17 June 2013)2009) Life after Nabucco (29 July 2013)Bribes paid for pilgrimage to Mecca (13 China takes a decisive advantage inNovember 2009) Turkmenistan (27 September 2013)Using newspapers (2 December 2009) TAPI, a pipe dream but … (11 December 2013)Coupons for free gasoline (24 December 2009) Turkmenistan on the (rail) way to globalDrugs are running low (11 March 2010) integration (7 January 2014)Turkmen cotton growers will have to pay Is Russia Abandoning Turkmenistan? (24more for the services of public offices (17 January 2014)March 2010) What will 2014 be like for Turkmenistan? FourTurkmentelecom is losing its position on the experts’ view on regional geopolitics (11Internet providers’ market (4 August 2010) February 2014)3

Red lines become redder (21 May 2014) It may have been satire (8 June 2010)Gazprom, a new competitor to Turkmenistan Foreign diplomas (12 June 2010)in China? (1 June 2014) Night in the city (6 August 2010) And what is the truth? ... (9 August 2010)MYAKHRI ILYASOVA Turkmen phantom villages (31 August 2010)Return from oblivion (20 March 2008) ALAN PESKOVDURDY NAZAROV A new friend of Turkmens (27 May 2009)Numerous and overweight (24 December Whose idea is “Avaza”? (5 June 2009)2008) Vigilance (13 July 2009) Would be prosperity (6 September 2009)ALTYN NUROVA Lost the way? (25 September 2009)The more people we send to jail – the better! Comments (2 December 2009)(21 December 2010) Frozen construction projects in TurkmenistanRecords, employee tenure and the elderly (30 (5 February 2010)January 2011) On prisons again (25 March 2010) Migration service is assisting citizens (28 MayRAKHMAN OTUZOV 2010)Under the Turkmen carpet (1 October 2013) Expenses required for family vacations in Avaza (27 August 2010)KUMUSH OVEZOVA «Hostages» of Polimex construction projectsWhy does Turkmenistan need another (22 September 2010)mosque? (25 January 2008) Construction sites and garbage (18 NovemberTurkmenistan: life in the regions (26 January 2010)2008) Drug addiction: Preventive fight (9 DecemberThe residents of Khauzan write a letter to the 2010)President (6 February 2008) Turkmen standard of living. Comparisons (14Turkmenistan has almost solved the problem April 2011)of the child labour (26 March 2008) Abadan tragedy (12 July 2011)The houses in Kunyaurgench will not be The week of culture, or birthday celebrationsdemolished for the moment (5 April 2008) (24 June 2013)Sex out of hopelessness (16 May 2008)The prison gate cannot have a «Welcome» SHIRIN POLATOVAsign (22 July 2008) Please confirm that the passport is yours (6«Snowball» of problems (7 August 2008) May 2010)The theatre of the absurd lives and prospers Turkmen students evacuated (15 June 2010)(8 October 2008)It is better not to be born beautiful (28 MERED RASHIDOVNovember 2008) Large-scale gifts (9 March 2009)Scourge of Turkmen communications men (6 «Sacred cow» of the Turkmen authorities. ForFebruary 2009) the Freedom of Press day (6 May 2009)Author of Rukhnama not to be mentioned (24 Hello Europe, America, hello! (2 June 2009)March 2009)Old manats, new mantas ... (15 April 2009) AARON RHODESUnsavoury visit (29 May 2009) Turkmenistan Faces Second UN Human RightsShowing off can cost a life (12 June 2009) Review (10 January 2013)Not every book leads to progress (9 October2009) NAZAR SAPAROVFlu prevention Turkmen-style (4 November Turkmenistan Gets Ready For the New2009) Academic Year (18 July 2007)On the «black lists» for five years. What for? Turkmen plov and the economics of(13 November 2009) Turkmenistan (28 October 2007)4

Anniversary of that very day (23 December Traducers (22 December 2009)2007) They cannot become ministerial officials (29Rumours give rise to boom (18 March 2008) January 2010)One more monument on the «road of death» They cannot become deputies (9 February(8 April 2008) 2010)Who will save the trees, or the «disposable» We are homeless now (17 February 2010)palace (15 April 2008) The Turkmen law on political parties, or a two-Subscription to periodicals is underway in party system (18 May 2010)Turkmenistan (7 May 2008) The son for the father (9 June 2010)Lack of water in Turkmenistan (28 May 2008) From Turkmenbashi to the Present: ProspectsSetting an example for others? (20 August for Change in Turkmenistan (17 June 2010)2008) From enemy No. 8, Or we are not welcomeTo acquit or to pardon (3 July 2009) there (3 August 2010)Everybody to the celebrations (16 December Gratitude to the Turkmen Foreign Ministry (272010) October 2010) The point of no return (15 December 2010)NATALYA SHABUNTS For whom mubaraks toll - The letter to theLight of the Peace and World of Darkness (7 Turkmen President (25 February 2011)November 2010) “For my friends, anything. For enemies, theOpen statement (15 November 2010) law!” (29 April 2011)Imitation (26 July 2011) On the conduct of Turkmen President duringPresidential elections. First-hand experience the Abadan tragedy, or you cannot hide a pig(13 February 2012) in a poke (11 July 2011)Be merciful, stop the barbarous extermination What is to be done? Or what has been done?of dogs and cats! (7 May 2012) (25 January 2012)The Turkmen court throws a disabled woman Turkmen-style shock therapy (19 July 2012)out on the street (23 May 2012) Letters that would not be read, butBreaking is not making, cutting down is not nevertheless should be written (14 Augustgrowing (2 December 2012) 2013) Letter two. On supporting domesticFARID TUHBATULLIN manufacturers (24 August 2013)Turkmenistan and Europe (23 November Letter three. On sports (27 September 2013)2008) Letter four. Generation 'Ch' (11 October 2013)Turkmenistan has been pardoned. But willTurkmenistan show mercy? (24 April 2009) VITALIY VOLKOVTurkmen innovations – security is better than Faryab is near (21 May 2013)freedom (29 June 2009) The corruption level in Turkmenistan remainsTravel ban (16 August 2009) one of the highest in the world (15 July 2013)Turkmenistan: Still Waiting for the SecondStep (19 October 2009)5

INTRODUCTION describing topics familiar and of significance to them. Some covered the everyday problemsThe Turkmen Initiative for Human Rights of residents, some focused on the arts and(TIHR) continues to publish archival material culture while others wrote about forgottenobtained and published during our years of heroes of our country and published historicaloperation. This theme-based material is notes...published chronologically. Some articles were educational and someWe have been monitoring developments in provided coverage of burning issues. Yet theTurkmenistan for over 10 years. During this overwhelming majority of these publicationstime thousands of articles, hundreds of touched the readers’ feelings.statements and addresses, and dozens ofreports were published. The TIHR information While commenting on a particular featurehas been used in preparing of reports and article, the website visitors had long distancestatements by such organizations as Human exchanges with each other and the author.rights Watch, Amnesty International, FIDH, the Based on such feedback the authors had aHuman Rights Centre “Memorial” and others. chance to see their shortcomings, or rather, their success.This collection includes feature articles by ourauthors, which were posted on the website We invited the cooperation of professional“Chronicles of Turkmenistan”. One of the columnists, for instance Régis Genté.objectives we set when creating the websitewas to identify authors who have first-hand All of this was done to encourage ourknowledge of Turkmenistan and are capable emerging and potential authors to learn fromof describing ongoing developments in the others, i.e. to have an opportunity to publishpolitical, economic and social spheres in a their writings, gain experience, receivelively and newsworthy manner. criticism and learn from colleagues – this is the school we set up.We did not request our authors to depictevents from a human rights perspective. They Needless to say, most of our authors havehad the freedom to choose topics, style and been writing under pseudonyms. However,volume... We believed that by providing what they have written and published is a partindividuals with an opportunity to publish of our history and we are grateful to them fortheir articles on the independent web this fruitful cooperation.resource we were supporting the right tofreedom of speech which is regrettably non- The present collection is designed to remindexistent in Turkmenistan. our readers of our authors and their writings once again. We hope that the number ofDuring these years quite a large number of feature articles on our website will continue toyoung people as well as the older generation increase.published their writings on our website6


MURAD AITAKOV ministries and departments tasks, which had nothing to do with them.Successor (27 February 2009)Last weekend, the residents of Turkmenistan The Turkmen «thaw» has come to an end notwere able to watch a wondrous scene on TV: having ever started; even though all observerssitting on an Akhal-Tekes horse, President were getting the impression that the newBerdymukhamedov cruising the foothills of President would be able to carry the countrythe Kopetdag. And he was not just cruising but out of the abyss of absurdity andinspecting the forest plantation status of the obscurantism, which Niyazov had driven itso-called «green belt» around the capital. into. However, the observers wanted to believe in this more than BerdymukhamedovOfficials from different ministries waited for himself could imagine. As far as he washim during the breaks ready to listen to the concerned, he was far from even thinkingPresident’s opinion regarding the status of the about a «thaw». All changes were only meanttrees plantation areas entrusted to them. The to alter the decorative nature of the stateopinion of the President was negative. The while the essence of the regime remainedpower structures officials were most heavily unaltered. The entire work on re-facing thecriticized as their catchment areas were state façade, which has been underway inmarked by the worst status of plantations. Turkmenistan over the past two years of«You should do better in planting and Berdymukhamedov`s presidency, is a mereweeding», said the President to the attempt to distance himself from the follies ofrepresentatives of the Ministry of National Niyazov, but to a greater degree – to conductSecurity and Interior Ministry, who are low-key funerals of Niyazov`s cult in order toinvolved in «planting» and «weeding» out of replace it with the cult of his own personality.people of quite a different sort. This would not be such a big deal if all theAnd now let`s just imagine, for instance, methods of the old regime did not stay in thePresident Obama, driving a red-hot mustang inventory of the new government:in the outskirts of Washington, DC. On his voluntarism and paternalism in all spheres,way, he is met by Pentagon, FBI and CIA unwillingness and incapability to develop aofficials. «Planting is bad; watering even sustainable economy, an absence ofworse», says Obama to them. Or, just imagine intelligible internal and external politics and itsPresident Medvedev travelling around the substitution with propaganda and ideologyRubliovka area on an Orlovky Trotter and respectively.reprimanding them for the poor state of thefir trees along the Rubliovskoe chaussee. Isn`t The personality cult in Turkmenistan is not athis absurd? Undoubtedly. However, absurdity merely ideological phenomenon. This is whatis now returning to Turkmenistan after the the whole structure of power and decision-death of Turkmenbashi, who used to interfere making rests on. By delegating allin everything, even in the most trivial responsibilities for decision-making to higherconcerns of the state, and notably assigning authorities, administrators are deprived of the opportunity to display initiative. This suits the8 supreme authorities but paralyzes the economy, and not only the economy. Recently, the President reprimanded in one go several officials from the culture and mass media sector on different grounds, primarily for the lack of a «creative approach». However, what creative approach can be implemented if all culture and all mass media

outlets are not simply usurped by the statebut are «manually» controlled by it, not tomention the economy. However, this wasrepeatedly discussed in many reports bothwith respect to Niyazov`s times and the era ofthe current governor; so it should be onlyrepeated that this has all resumed its naturalcourse.On the eve of the recently announced contest«Best Turkmen Cook», artists are vigorouslyworking on sketches of guess who? Right –the President! And the sculptors have alreadyprepared several variants of the President’sbust. So changes will follow… but with theface of a new idol only.9

ORAZ AKHMET And even if the things are so far relatively trouble-free in Ashgabat, in the velayatWill bread be sufficient? (15 September centers, not to mention the provinces, the2008) bread crisis has spread making people feelThe tensions around grain, flour and bread are worried about the next day to come.rising in Turkmenistan. This time, they havebeen caused by the unwillingness of the In Turkmenabat`s and Dashoguz`s bakeriesauthorities to promulgate the amount of the bread can only be bought at the momentharvested wheat yield. when the bread vans have just finished delivering the bread. After 15-20 minutes ofAt the sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers held brisk trade, loaves of bread costing 1000right after the completion of the harvesting manats each disappear from the counters andcampaign and on the eve of the «Galla in half an hour there all the lavash at 2,5bairami» (Harvest Fest), President Gurbanguly thousand mantas have gone.Berdymukhammedov limited himself to a fewgeneral phrases saying that «hard-working It should be noted that the word “queue” isTurkmen farmers who worked in the fields inappropriate in this case. Nobody is queuinghonestly, harvested amounts of grain which in line; everybody tries to push in front inare sufficient to ensure bread for the whole order to buy the loaves. In densely-populatedcountry». In other words, the President districts people are pushed and shoved in thementioned neither the amount of the grain bakeries. Therefore, it is women and smallyielded nor what share of the scheduled children who usually buy bread on a dailytarget had been met. basis who are the ones to suffer the most. The shop assistants threaten to stop selling but areYet, according to the Decree of the President helpless to change the situation. TurkmenistanА of 26.07.2007 it was planned to «ensure has already witnessed a similar situation in the1600 thousands of tons of wheat by sowing mid-1990s. At that time, the authorities880 thousands of hectares of agricultural assigned policemen to each bakery in order tolands for the harvest of 2008 ». keep order and avoid any incidents.However, instead of making the people feel Fear of bread shortages force many people toeasy, the words of the state’s leader about the buy more bread than they actually need. If asufficient amount of grain had the opposite family normally only really needs a couple ofeffect. Because they were not given specific loaves until the next day’s delivery, then afigures, the people concluded in desperation family member tries to get 3-4 loaves ofthat there will not be enough bread. bread.The queues at the bakeries which are normally «Why do you buy so much? Is your familyvery long one to two hours prior to the bread really so large?» we asked an Uzbek middle-delivery have become even longer. aged woman residing in the Vostochnii10 district, at shop N42 in Dashoguz. «But what if I can’t get any tomorrow!», she answered without thinking. Tensions are rising not only in the shops. There are also signs of an up-coming bread crisis in the markets. In the markets of Turkmenabat, Mary and Dashoguz the flour produced by the local flour mill which is normally sold in 50 kg bags has disappeared. Now customers can only buy Russian and

Kazakh flour but it is very expensive – 16-18 earned illegally, jewelry, houses withthousand manats per kilogram. swimming pools and saunas…The price of grain has also increased. A month One such program from Dashoguz wasago, a kilogram of wheat was sold at 2,5-3 broadcast by the Watan information programthousand manats in the markets of last week. There, at the meeting in theKunyaurgench and Akdepe. Today, the worst velayat`s khyakimlik, a middle-aged womanquality wheat which is similar to feed grain in called Rakhatai Razzakova was beingappearance and quality, goes like hot cakes at flagellated. She is one of the richest people in5-5,2 thousand manats. the north of the country, who made a handsome fortune by drug trafficking.Some optimists argue that the price of grain According to her, she had large amounts ofincreased in the markets due to the fact that money to invest, so she bought up privatenow people tend to grow their own wheat. houses and apartments in Dashoguz andHowever, this is not a valid explanation as, Ashgabat, renovated them and purchasedapart from the lack of bread, the country faces expensive furniture and crystal chandeliers…an acute shortage of irrigation water and it is In Dashoguz she had six apartments andnot possible to crop wheat without irrigation. houses, and two additional apartments in the capital. Allegedly, her apartment, located in an«If now, in the fall, there are such high ordinary five-storey house, even had atensions due to the flour and grain problems, swimming pool in one of the rooms!what will it be like in winter and spring?» asksMeret-aga his peer, a white-bearded aqsaqal. The TV program shows not Razzakova`s«Things will be as they will be, my dear. Even apartment but her house, or, to be moreif they say that you cannot buy enough for a precise, not a house but a palace! Famouswhole lifetime, I bought up to 6 bags of flour Russian, and not only Russian, celebritiesas a reserve. And we will see then», he would surely gasp when seeing the luxury ofanswers. the interior of the house, which is that not of a star but of an ordinary citizen. It has aMost of the country’s population feels like the swimming pool with light blue water, a gymhungry 1990s are starting again. with the most modern equipment, a huge crystal chandelier on the second floor comingTurkmen reality show (18 June 2009) down through the central flight of stairs. TheIt seems that the practice established back in entire living area is covered with expensiveNiyazov`s time to put on display new criminals hand-made Turkmen TV viewers has been revived inTurkmenistan. A common scene: he/she Then the camera man focuses on the tablepublicly repents the crime committed and covered in piles of dollar banknotes and boxesprominent people speaking from the platform of jewelry. The rumors are that the «green»flagellate the repented. The program ends by banknotes alone amount to 12 mln dollars ...showing the money, which the person was11 What was the purpose of showing this remarkable scene on TV? What attitudes was it supposed to provoke in the viewers? Indignation toward this woman, shame for her, envy of her overwhelming wealth? Even if the indignation emerged, it was not against Rakhatai Razzakova and her savings. As it turned out, the woman had already been convicted on the same charges; however in 2004 she was pardoned by a Presidential

decree and released. The words of the swear Turkmens in Turkey (26 November 2010)on the Koran and bread must be absolutely When once in 2008 Presidentmeaningless to her, if the woman was up to Berdymukhamedov visited Turkey, he showedher old games again. off in a discussion with his colleague Abdullah Gul by saying that people in Turkmenistan liveOver the 5 years since her release from prison, a wealthy life. In reply, Abdullah Gul waved hisshe has managed to make such a huge hand and said something of the sort: “Comefortune. At this point, a strong feeling of on, half of Turkmenistan is working in myindignation emerges and the simple question country to support yours ...”arises: were the respective authorities notaware that the amnestied Razzakova did not Berdymukhamedov remained silent and uponkeep to her promise and instead reverted to arrival back home he ordered the specialher old ways even on a larger scale than services to bring all illegal Turkmen migrantbefore ... Surely they did know. Not workers back.…coincidentally the people, who saw the reportfrom this “palace”, were strongly convinced There are three daily flights fromthe very next day that this lady had been Turkmenistan to Turkey and return. Accordingbacked up by very high ranking officials! to our rough estimates, about 500 peopleOtherwise, how could she be involved in depart for Istanbul every day. Roughlycriminal activities with impunity in such an speaking, these people can be grouped asuncovered manner and live in undisguised follows: firstly, these are businessmen, wholuxury? bring clothes, shoes, accessories and other specialty goods to Turkmen markets.Razzakova has now been arrested, her houses Secondly, in certain seasons these areand property confiscated, and a chain of Turkmen students who study at universities insalons and shops with the catchy name Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Antalya and other«Markisa», which belonged to her, sealed. cities. Finally, the third group is comprised ofCurrently, her connections are being checked. migrant workers, who leave for an indefiniteThe investigators are looking and identifying time to earn money.those involved in drug trafficking business,and one arrest follows another ... Walking along the Istanbul streets, it is quite easy to distinguish country women from aWas she the only person in Turkmenistan, distance amongst the women in colorfulwho grew rich due to drug trafficking? Are dresses and shawls. They normally shop atthere other underground millionaires in other wholesale stores in groups in the historicalTurkmen provinces? The people expect the centre of Istanbul, buy up the goods and rightWatan program to give the answers to these there on the spot make a deal with the driversquestions. of small freight carriers to transport the boxes to the airport for the Ashgabat flight. «Such12 trips to Turkey normally last a couple of days», says Sheker-daiza from Ashgabat, approx. of 45 years old. One can rent an apartment in Istanbul starting at USD 25 per person per night depending upon the conditions offered. It might be a place which has nothing except for four walls, a small kitchen with an oven and a couple of pots, as well as thin mattresses on the floor. They stay in such apartments in groups as it is cheaper to live like this and to get to the airport by taxi.

As a rule, our shuttle traders already have to take her back but I did not need her anyfixed places to stay in the Beyazyt district, more.where many mini factories producing shoesand wholesale stores of fabrics and clothes “Do you call her in Turkmenistan at least?” Iare located. In the Atatyurk Airport it is easy asked the hairdresser. “Yes, once I called herto find the Turkmen registration counter even but the some male voice – her father or herwithout checking the screen – Turkmen brother – cursed me, so I had to hang up. Iwomen with packs and boxes do occupy a didn`t call her anymore and I will not!”considerable space in the airport hall. It seemsthat it is mothers, wives, sisters, and In one of the many bistros of the Aksaraidaughters who bring real income to present- district, three Turkmen guys are working. Theyday Turkmen families. failed to complete their studies and felt ashamed to come back home. They have beenThere are so many Turkmens in Turkey that if working like this almost 24 hours a dayyou mention your Turkmen origin to a without vacation for many years already.representative from the Turkish service Together with five other Turkmens they rent asphere, you will always hear a story related to two-room apartment in the same district. The“arkadash” (friend) from a brotherhood Turks are happy to employ our nationals ascountry. Normally, these stories are the majority of them do not have a workconnected with some mishap, troubles or permit, therefore they can be paid much lesssometimes even a tragedy. than local people as they will never complain.Mustafa, 40 y. o., a hairdresser, who works in There are hundreds of such young people inthe Lyaleli district, has no kind words to say Istanbul alone. In the shop next to the bistro,about his first lover Zokhre from two young guys from Mary are working. WithTurkmenabad. Her photo with a small child is the screams «Buyurun, Buyurun!» («Please,kept on a shelf in his salon. The child looks like you are welcome!»), they quickly weigh andan absolute copy of Mustafa. “This is how I pack baklava, nougat and other Turkish sweetspunished her for undue behavior and way of for foreign tourists who do not understandlife”, he smiled. “I sent her home with a small Turkish.child to look after». «And what else can we do? You know yourselfHe met her by his family members where how hard it is to find a job at home, so weZokhre was working as a babysitter. During have to work hard and we even manage tothe first date, he offered her to «stop by» at send some money home, allegedly from ourhis place and the week after that she moved stipend».to his place. According to Mustafa, Zokhreconstantly demanded from him money to buy It should be added that those young people,expensive clothes, cosmetics and perfumes. who have graduated from Turkish universitiesWhen her demands exceeded his financial and obtained Turkish diplomas, do not wish tomeans, Mustafa offered Zokhre to run a joint return to Turkmenistan, thus trying to stay inhousehold. Zokhre did not agree, made a Turkey, as in Turkmenistan they will face thescene and finally found another man and military service …moved to him. The tragedies concerning Turkmen citizens in“All your women want is money; if there is Turkey are also quite frequent. Two years ago,money – there is love; if there is no money, the city of Chardjou was shocked by a case ofthen they will tell you good-bye!” Mustafa a city teacher`s family. The body of hissays. daughter was brought from Turkey in a zinc coffin. The girl had left Turkmenistan forIn a couple of days, she ran to me with tears in Turkey with the man she was going to marryher eyes – she was pregnant. She begged me without the consent of her parents. Instead of13

this, the «groom» sold her to slavery. The girl Depraved youth (18 May 2011)fell ill and she was locked alone in a house In present-day Turkmenistan, which iswithout any medical assistance. She died considered to be a traditional society, it is notshortly after. easy to find a young man or especially a girl of conservative views and high moral standardsOnce in Istanbul I witnessed the following. either in the towns or in rural areas.Sitting at a table in a cafe, I watched a woman,who was sitting next to us. She was gesturing The image conveyed by the state televisionand looking somewhere upward outside. featuring young girls and boys in nationalFollowing her look, I realized that there is a dress, performing folk dances or obedientlypolice building with bars on the windows. sitting in students’ classrooms is just smokeThere was a young woman holding a baby. It and mirrors for their own society. In everydaywas her who my neighbor was talking to over «non-televised» life they are different. Athe cell phone. recent case in the Polytechnic institute when a group of young men raped and killed a girlFrom fragments of their conversation it illustrates this trend.became clear that the woman behind bars isTurkmen and for some reason she is detained Such cases in present-day Turkmenistan arewith a baby. One can only guess what she was quite common but it is not customary toaccused of, perhaps for violation of the discuss them in public. If in the capitalpassport regime, or perhaps for prostitution debauchery and loose conduct is not a newsince the woman talking to her over the phenomenon, but in rural areas it was notphone looked very much like a female pimp … common until recently.Recently, the US State Department released The secondary school №12 in the village ofthe 10th annual trafficking in persons report. Gazachak is referred to by locals as theIt claims that Turkmenistan is the country “maternity home”. There were several caseswhich provides women to forced sex slavery in when school girls from senior grades gotTurkey. «Males and females from pregnant and had to drop out of school. TheTurkmenistan are exposed to forced labor in most recent similar incident took place in AprilTurkey, including work as home servants as this year. Following the incident the girls fromwell as work in the heavy textile industry », — senior grades were summoned in theREGNUM information agency quotes the conference room and the school principal andreport. teachers urged them to abide by high moral standards. The parents were also summonedAlmost nothing has changed over the two but it was not helpful. This year alone, 4 girlsyears with regard to the situation of Turkmen from this school fled from their home to stayillegal migrant workers in Turkey. Those who with their boyfriends. One of them was notwere deported to Turkmenistan by the special even were replaced by others. Many leftfor Cyprus where they can enter the Turkish Local aksakals are shrugging their shouldersside. People prefer to look for any kind of and say that they have never seen such goingswork in Turkey to unemployment in their own on before. A month ago in the Birat etrapcountry, even if this is connected with risk and located in the Lebap velayat a ninth graderviolation of their human rights. raped a five year old girl … Regrettably, we failed to find out the details behind this14 incident. In municipal schools in the city of Turkmenbashi (formerly, Krasnovodk) girls from senior grades are escorted by young men

in expensive foreign cars with tinted glass andloud music. Accompanied by the sound ofsqueaking wheels, the girls are driven away inthe middle of the school day. These admirersare primarily children of senior rankingofficials.“Some boldly drive to the school yard and starthonking, giving a signal to their girlfriends thatthey have arrived to pick them up”, - saystudents from one of the city schools.Tightening of rules in schools and universities,introduction of all sorts of bans, sometimesmost absurd and interference in private life ofyoung people result in protests. Theaforementioned cases are the extreme form ofprotest.15

MAKSAT ALIKPEROV accident on the Russian-Turkmen gas pipe line and restoration of gas supplies to Russia.Turkmen gas as a family business (3February 2010) In 2009, at the CIS jubilee summit on oil andTwo years ago the State Agency of gas, Turkmenistan’s delegation was alreadymanagement and use of hydrocarbon headed by Atabayev, and not by Tagiyev.resources under the President ofTurkmenistan opened a representation office The outcome of the June 2009 negotiationsin London. Dovlet Atabayev, with China on financing the gas fields hasBerdymukhamedov`s 35 y. o. son-in-law was further weakened the position of the viceappointed head of the agency. prime minister.Prior to that, Atabayev served as a commercial At the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers,attaché in Turkmenistan’s embassy in Paris. Tagiyev reported that Beijing had agreed to allot 3 billion dollars to Turkmenistan. ThisAccording to international analysts, today agreement did not meet the President’sAtabayev has become a key figure for all expectations and he urgently required ainternational partners with regard to review of the outcome of the agreements. TheTurkmenistan’s oil and gas business. second round of negotiations, which resultedPreviously these functions had been in an increase of the allotted sum of up to 4performed by the vice prime minister of the billion dollars, was already held withoutTurkmen government Tachberdy Tagiyev. Tagiyev but with the participation of DovletSince February 2007 he has been acting as an Atabayev.official supervisor for Turkmenistan’s fuel andenergy sector. However, as of December The then appointment of the family member2008, Tagiyev, who always represented to the post of head of the European office ofTurkmenistan at all important summits and the Turkmen State Agency of managementnegations on oil and gas issues, started rapidly and use of hydrocarbon resources and thelosing influence. disgrace of the vice prime minister Tagiyev prove that the country’s most profitableSince then Dovlet Atabayev has increasingly export item–natural energy resources – is ofbecome more noticeable, influential and a key private financial interest to Gurbangulyfigure in the country’s external policies on Berdymukhamedov.issues related to the export of energyresources. It was he who made official Large-scale corruption of small businessesstatements at press conferences for (12 February 2010)international mass media on important issues, Small and medium sized businesses insuch as the diversification of routes of Turkmenistan, which are on the edge ofTurkmen gas exports, the mitigation of the financial crisis, are kept under the close16 supervision of the country’s authorities. While the President continues to express his concern for private entrepreneurship development, a corrupt bureaucracy and an imperfect legal base continue to tighten the «economic knot». On 15 August 2009, a law «On state support of small and medium entrepreneurship» came into force. According to this law, the Turkmen state considers development of small and medium sized entrepreneurship its priority

and pledges to provide «overall, transparent inspectors», says Mergen, a businessman fromand accessible support» to it and «guarantees Ashgabat. «Trade license, work pattern,freedom of entrepreneurial work and permissions issued by fire inspection andproperty rights of the subjects of small and sanitary and epidemiological services, staffmedium entrepreneurship». medical passes, tenancy agreements, permission of the khyakim, agreement for theLater, on 16 January 2010, the President of maintenance of the cash register… You can’tTurkmenistan stated: «In accordance with the remember everything! However, every monthConstitution, we conducted very important new requirements appear. When a newwork on support of business and private inspection comes, I offer all necessaryentrepreneurship. By offering support to the documents for them but they say: «Your priceprivate sector, the state is seeking to stimulate labels are incorrect. In accordance with thean increase in the number of courageous and recent regulation, the label should reflect notgifted entrepreneurs». just the price and the name of the item, but also a certificate number, serial number,Regrettably, in everyday life, the country of manufacture, expiry date andentrepreneurs themselves have so far not invoice number. If the labels are improperlyseen either any guarantees of freedom for executed, a penalty of 250 manat is imposed».their businesses, or efficient work on the In this situation, one has to give a bribe».business support, or an «increase in thenumber of the courageous and gifted». Orazdurdy, a salesman from the wholesale market in Ashgabat agrees with the opinionIn reality, they face two major problems on a expressed by his colleagues: «Inspections ofdaily basis, which make their businesses less outlets often look like searches. Theand less profitable. On the one side, it is the inspectors turn all of the goods upside down,need to give bribes to the army of check all the cupboards and drawers searchingbureaucratic officials, who closely supervise for expired or unregistered goods. Yet, theyevery private entrepreneur, and the amount never show any permits for the search.of the bribes is on the rise. On the other side, According to the law, all goods inside the shopnumerous laws, regulations and orders hinder are the private property of the entrepreneur.private entrepreneurs restricting their Following each inspection, I have either to payfreedom in carrying out activities and a penalty or give a bribe to the inspector».initiatives. The entrepreneurs were also told aboutMerdan is the owner of two small outlets in existing commissions comprised ofBalkanabad. «We face an average of 2-3 representatives from tax inspection and, tradeinspections a month, and sometimes even 5- inspection offices and khyakimliks which come6», he says. «We are always checked before as an addition to regular inspections. Thesethe holidays. The inspectors come from the commissions impose a fine of 2000 manatssanitary and epidemiological station, tax (USD 715), or they require a bribe of USD 200offices, trade inspection offices, khyakimliks, –250.and electrical inspection services. Everybodyfinds faults. There is no inspection without Once in three years, the tax inspection carriesone. The discussion is always the same: out an audit of all financial documents of«Either I issue a penalty slip, or let us come to private entrepreneurs. The sum of the bribe isa friendly agreement». While the official determined by the inspectors depending uponpenalty amounts to an average of 250 manats the annual sales of a shop or an enterprise.(USD 90), a «friendly agreement» is less For instance, with the sales volume of USD 10expensive, USD 50 only». 000 a year, a bribe amounts to USD 500 - 600.«I have a huge folder in my shop where I keep In order to get a license to sell alcohol, bribesall documents which are required by the starts at USD 7 000.17

«Residential care» is another expenditure Honorary oligarch of Turkmenistan (18item of each Turkmen businessman. It consists February 2010)of requirement, imposed by the local In 1999 Saparmurat Niyazov confessed to theauthorities on the businessmen, to plant trees journalists that his salary was only USD 900along the streets, illuminate them with per month. However, already in 2000, heelectric garlands and banners on the eve of signed a decree on the establishment of thethe state holidays, conduct maintenance of Presidentbank, the charter capital of whichthe district heating, spread asphalt on the (USD 60 million) was constituted by privatepavements and fix traffic lights out of their assets of the Turkmen President.own pockets. Threatening with «setting thetax inspections» in case of back-log of work, In 2006, the Institute of CIS Countriesrepresentatives of khyakimliks load their estimated the private fortune of Niyazov atdirect duties on businessmen, even though all USD 5 billion. According to independentprivate entrepreneurs pay the officially-fixed economic experts, during the last 15 years ofstate tax for «residential care». his office, the President of Turkmenistan had a steadfast position in the top three richestOn 20 January 2010, the Heritage Foundation persons in Central Asia.and the Wall Street Journal published the«Index of Economic freedom in The present President GurbangulyTurkmenistan», which states: «The general Bedymukhamedov makes no statements onlevel of freedom for businesses is extremely the scale of his salary. In contrast to hislow because of the system existing in predecessor, who turned the entire countryTurkmenistan for the regulation of market into his own property and did not even try torelations. The system is non-transparent, its hide this, the new leader presents himself as aregulations are contradictory, and it is virtually progressive politician with all his intentionsimpossible to conduct commercial activities in and concerns being targeted only towardsthe frames of the current legislative base and benefiting the Turkmen people.established rules. It often happens thatpersonal contacts with state officials However, the amount of money, kept by thedetermine how and where the existing rules Central Bank of Turkmenistan in the Deutscheand laws can be applied». Bank, still remains a secret. The keys to this multibillion secret, as in Niyazov`s times, areAs a businessman from Mary called Sandjar kept by one person only– the President ofsays, «In order to lead a business in our successfully, one either has to be arelative of a bashlyk (head) or his close friend, Apparently, this account in the Deutsche Bankor to be a bashlyk yourself. And as far as the is being regularly refilled.laws adopted in our state are concerned, theyare apparently drafted in such a manner that While in 2007 the revenues, received byone cannot gain a profit from a business Turkmenistan from the sale of natural energywithout breaking them!». products, amounted to USD 5 billion, it is forecast that in 2010 this sum will exceed USD 12 billion. The economic system, created by Niyazov, when the money received from the export of hydrocarbons, are kept in the accounts of the foreign banks and do not reach the state budget, is still operating in the country and is actively used by the present President as well.18

Thus, the budget of the Turkmen state is number of banknotes, timely handed over toannually losing 75% of revenue from the the «right person».export of its gas. The remaining 25% are spenton the construction of grand monuments, The prestige of the posts in the state-arches, fountains and deserted tourist zones. sponsored organizations depends not on the salary scale but on how often and on how highUnitary oligarchy was and remains the a bribe one can take from the customers,prevailing form of governance in subordinates, subsidiary companies orTurkmenistan when virtually all of the subordinate enterprises. For a good reason,country’s income, starting from the export of those posts, which authorize employees tonatural resources and finishing with the sale of allow or to forbid something, are consideredmedications in drug stores, are being the most profitable.accumulated in the private bank accounts ofthe oligarch. The posts, which decide on employment issues, become real «gold mines» inUnfortunately Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov Turkmenistan, where 60% of the populationis not Silvio Berlusconi, who reported directly are unemployed. The higher the post is, theto the Forbes magazine that his personal faster and larger the personal gain is.assets were worth USD 10 billion. Therefore,the Turkmen saying, which derives from The custom to «take as much as possible andNiyazov`s time, but is very timely now, goes: as soon as possible» dates back to the«One can either only guess how rich our troubled (for the officials) times of the reign ofPresident is, or just envy him». the unpredictable and extravagant Saparmurat Niyazov. None of the powers thatCorruption as tradition (25 February be was guaranteed from being sacked in2010) disgrace the next day in the best caseTurkmenistan’s population can be divided into scenario, while in the worst case scenario–three categories: those who give bribes; those from being sentenced to 10-15 yearswho take bribes and those who are serving imprisonment.sentences for bribery. Corruption has becomea long-standing integral and, most awful of all, The practice of «hurricane reshuffles in thea common part of the everyday life of each government» was successfully continued bycitizen in the country. Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov. As twenty years ago, an official, when taking anEducation, medical care and public utilities, important post, cannot make even a roughemployment and business, career estimation of how long he/she will manage todevelopment and receipt of any official keep it. Therefore, bribes are taken followingdocument or permit – all these depend the principle: «every day might be the lastdirectly on the size of the envelope with the one».19 «The extremely high corruption level of the entire power vertical and particularly its highest echelons is highly beneficial for the President and his immediate surrounding», says a staff member of the Ministry of Economy and Development of Turkmenistan, who wished to stay anonymous. «During his three years in power, Berdymukhamedov has almost got rid of all high-ranking officials, including vice ministers, who were appointed by Niyazov. And this process, very painful for the «old guard» did not cause any resistance

from their side. Because in case they had Poultry breeding for the previous President was not just a hobby but also a source ofrefused to leave «amicably», they would have significant income. In 2004 when speaking on a national TV channel, Niyazov proudly saidimmediately faced inspections, which would that he had taken a credit of USD 3,5 mln in one of the Turkmen banks to establish ahave revealed both bribes, and misuse of poultry farm. The business ran so well that he managed to pay the credit back to the bankoffice for private purposes, and property and to increase the poultry population from 19 000 to 41 000. The chickens were also notregistered for relatives or dummies. Like ordinary ones. Feeling the patronage of the state’s leaders, they laid eggs … not goldenSaparmurat Atayevich, Gurbanguly ones, but double-yolked. And the meat from the President`s chicken farm was bought outMyalikgulyevich is well aware about which by the Ashgabat`s restaurants at USD 8 per kilogram.persons violate the laws using their high posts This story would have looked incredible andand to what extent. The fact is that while the even anecdotal if it had not been repeated even more seriously by GurbangulyPresident is favorable towards someone, eyes Berdymukhamedov.are kept closed on such «trifles» and he is The President was changed, so were the customs: it will no longer do to build a henallowed to line his pockets. When this person house on your own. Therefore, in June 2007 the President of Turkmenistan «in order tobecomes unwanted, his corrupt character is implement the tasks to support private entrepreneurship and development of theturned into a legal and safe ground for poultry farming in the country» signed a decree on the establishment of a poultry agro-dismissal or even an initiation of a criminal industrial complex with the capacity of 3000 tons of chicken meat per year under the Gush-case». Toplumy private enterprise.In Turkmenistan the official salary of a The PresidentBank and Central Bank ofminister or an official at the post equal to Turkmenistan were ordered to allot aboutministerial level, is fixed at 1 600 manats (USD USD 14 mln for the implementation of the571) per month. above project «at 5% annual rate for a period of 10 years and 2 years of grace period for theHowever, there is hardly a Turkmen minister, principal redemption and accrued interest».who does not own a two and sometimesthree- storey house, several apartments in While Aleksandr Dadayev, chairman ofelite residential complexes, 2-3 cars of foreign Turkmenistan’s Union of Industrialists andproduction and has not sent his kids to study Entrepreneurs, is the formal owner of theabroad already during his first year in office. Gush-Toplumy, Berdymukhamedov spendsAnd their children are studying not in “the surprisingly much of his private time on thenear abroad” where our students might not poultry allowed to go by the authorities but inprestigious European and US universities. The situation with regard to building the poultry farm premises was repeatedlyOn the basis of four studies, carried out inside discussed at extended sittings of the Cabinetthe country, the Global Anti-corruption of Ministers. The Gush-Toplumy was used asCoalition ranked Turkmenistan as one of themost corrupt countries in the world. Thesituation worsens every year. While in 2007Turkmenistan was ranked 162 out of 180countries, in 2008 it shrank to 166, and lastyear to number 168 respectively.President`s hen houses (3 March 2010)Having taken over the reins of the governmentof Turkmenistan, GurbangulyBerdymukhamedov inherited from hispredecessor Saparmurat Niyazov not onlyabsolute power, but an overwhelming love forpoultry breeding.20

an example during the meetings between money invested in them and will start bringingBerdymukhamedov and private entrepreneurs profits.and municipal authorities. Accompanied byvice prime ministers, the President examined Is it expedient to spend such huge sums inthe complex during his working visit to the order for the society to feel the economicBakharly etrap. Then the President at the payback in five years only?wheel of the helicopter flew across the Akhalvelayat and certainly «covered the Gush- Hundreds of thousands of families in theToplumy poultry complex». In November agricultural districts of Turkmenistan are living2009, all Turkmen mass media enthusiastically on the edge of extreme poverty. They oftenreported to the world that «the President of have no means to support small cattle. OnlyTurkmenistan had visited the complex poultry breeding helps them to make bothlaunching ceremony. In his speech he ends meet. If the state channeled at least aemphasized that with regard to the capacity of part of USD 56 mln into the stimulation andproduction units and equipment standards, development of poultry production in smallthe Gush-Toplumy matches the leading private farms, offered fodders at a reducedforeign analogues». price, introduced s system of microcredit for those family farms, who are breeding theA month ago, at the government session, poultry, tangible results would be achievedGurbanguly Berdymukhamedov «ordered the much faster and at less cost. And this wouldrespective vice prime ministers to work on the be beneficial not for poultry production onlyissue of systematic and complete provision of but also for the people.the country’s population with rice, meatproducts and poultry meat». Whoever comes to us with a pipeline, will be pumped gas into it (24 March 2010)«Each velayat should establish complexes to All need Turkmen gas; however, everybodyproduce poultry meat and eggs, and we have tries to get it in a different way. The methodssufficient potential to achieve this goal», said of doing «gas business» with Turkmenistanthe state’s leader. reflect, like a mirror, the external policies of the states involved.The President referred to the Gush-Toplumypoultry complex, set up in the Bakharly district Hands downof the Akhal oblast, as a successful case. The gas pipeline «Central Asia – Center», constructed in 1970s, was inherited by Russia«We should work further in this direction», he from the Soviet Union. Without anystressed. investments in renovation of this out-of-date and worn-out system, GASPROM has beenThis was how Niyazov`s innocent hobby was using it for over ten years to pump overtransformed into a national food programmeunder Berdymukhamedov. The scales areimpressive and the purpose does deserverespect – to provide the entire country withpoultry meat and eggs.It is only the economic rationale of this megaproject that causes confusion. The price ofanother four complexes, similar to the Gush-Toplumy, will cost Turkmenistan USD 56 mln.Construction works, even if privatelysupervised by the President, will last at least2,5 years. Then it will take another couple ofyears until the poultry farms will pay for the21

Turkmen gas, reselling it to the Western In December 2009, 7,000 km Turkmen-ChinaEurope with huge benefits. pipeline was inaugurated, which is expected to deliver 40 billion cubic meters a year toHolding a near monopoly on gas exports, China.Russia was building its relations withTurkmenistan as with an office of GAZPROM. With this approach to business, the ChineseAshgabat was dictated the price which suited partners never had any concerns to theMoscow and then Rem Byahirev, Igor Turkmen side either with regards to the termsMakarov or Vagit Alekperov met with the or the quality of fulfillment of concludedTurkmenistan’s President and following a conditions.short and unsuccessful bargain, the Presidenthad to agree with the proposed conditions. Neither has Teheran complained that «it is not possible to work with the Turkmens; that theyA purely oligarchic approach to the business, just promise and do not do anything». Inbased on the principle «0% investments, January, the second gas pipeline connecting1000% profits» and absolute confidence that Turkmenistan and Iran has been launched.«these Turkmens will have to agree as they Thus, the volume of gas supplies to thehave no alternative gas pipelines» led to the neighbouring state has increased up to 20situation that the volume of export of the billion cubic meters a year. The 30 kilometerTurkmen gas to Russia in 2010 is remaining long gas pipeline from the gas field to thethe same as ten years ago – 30 billion of cubic boarder with Iran has been completed by themeters a year, while its price has increased Turkmen side in a timely manner.from USD 42 to USD 222 for a 1,000 cubicmeter. And Russia had to agree with this price A sad lament of Nabuccobecause «the Turkmens do have other Since 2002, Europe has been dreaming toalternatives now». receive gas directly from Central Asia bypassing Russia. Nabucco ConsortiumTargeted business includes the leading oil and gas companiesChina does not any longer rely on the opinion from Austria, Turkey, Bulgaria, Hungary,of the international experts but rather orients Germany and Romania. Georgia, Ukraine andto the data, received from their satellite Poland are also the strong supporters of theremote-sensing technologies, which not only project.identify the location of underground rocketmines but also accurately determine the However, a large project, which is estimateddepth and volumes of gas and oil fields. to cost EUR 8 billion, is still on the stage of documents development, constancies,Therefore, without wasting time for an idle negotiations, preliminary agreements, andquestion: «Will Turkmenistan have enough organizations of conferences, forums, «roundmoney to fulfill its commitments to the tables» and top-level missions of Europeanpartners?», in March 2006 China signed a 30- officials, who pay official visits to Ashgabat.year gas supply agreement for 30 billion cubicmeters a year. The situation with Nabucco was best described by Mr. Jeremy Ellis, head of theBeing aware of the importance for the Business Development of the GermanTurkmen oil and gas complex to break Russia's company RWE, one of the Nabuccolong-standing stranglehold on Turkmenistan's stakeholders: «We are basically sitting at thevast gas supplies, Beijing has allotted boarders of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan andTurkmenistan USD 4 billion for exploration of just waiting. We are in discussions but,gas fields and in return received a quite eventually, we need to get the supplyaffordable price for the imported gas – USD 90 commitments».for 1000 cubic meters.22

From the other side, as European Presidentophiles (6 April 2010)Commissioner for Energy Guenter If you read Turkmen newspapers and watchOettingersays, «We hope that in 2010 the Turkmen television, then you know for sureEuropean Commission will invest more efforts that the president is being loved ardently andto move the project ahead. Everything that's sincerely by all his subordinates. Yet, thebeen requested from the supplier countries, striking fact that both Niyazov andwe've delivered. Now people need to make Berdymukhamedov have besotted fans notsome decisions». only in Turkmenistan, but also far beyond its borders, is, for some reason, being silenced byAnother concern is that if in the current year our media.the things are not pushed forward with regardto Nabucco, EU aid can be used elsewhere. In the United States of America, in a remote northern State of Wisconsin, there lives Steve,However, no progress can be expected until the ordinary American, who in the past was athere are no agreements on political and legal deputy sheriff and now he is such a fanaticallystatus of the Caspian Sea, where the Nabucco devoted admirer of Turkmenbashy’s creationpipeline would run. Until now, it is not that even Ondjuk Musaev, a well-knowndecided who owns the seabed of the Caspian president’s “hand-kisser”, could envy Steve’sSea where the Nabucco pipeline section would For as long as three years Steve has beenAt this time in Ashgabat running two blogs in English: “The Wisdom ofOn the condition of anonymity, a staff of the Ruhnama”Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry and Mineral ( has reported the following: «No ma.html) and “Reflections on the Rukhnama”.concrete proposals from EU representatives On his desk there stands a photo ofhave been received. Neither supply starting Turkmenbashy, whose eyes, as Steve says, telldates, nor the volume, nor the price are being him about the sacral meaning of being: ‘Eyesdiscussed at the meetings. If any agreements see today, but a wise man’s eyes also see thehave been signed, these are standard future.’ - Ruhnama Book II, p. 12\"documents on cooperation which do notspecify the legal obligation of the parties and As well as quotes from the book, Steve’s blogstheir per cent share. We are going around in a contain many of his own thoughts:circle and waiting. Just unclear – whet are we ‘… As with Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, thewaiting for? Our President has made it clear: founder of the Turkish Republic who“Diversification of gas supply is a priority for continues to be honored in that country forus. We will sell as much gas as somebody his vision of the future, so shouldwants but only from the border of Turkmenbashi continue to guide TurkmenistanTurkmenistan. If there is a pipeline from their into the Golden Age by means of Ruhnama.side, we will supply Turkmen gas from ours.China, for instance, is working like this». … Turkmenbashi intended for the spiritual light emanating from Turkmenistan, as seen in23 its peaceful existence, modernization and the moral advancement of its people, to be an example for all the world to see what mankind could accomplish collectively.’ Another great example is Tolib Sangin - an independent Tajik journalist and researcher who in 2009 in his home country, funded by his own money, published a book “Turkmenistan’s foreign policy in the epoch of

Great Renaissance” (volume 784 pages). need to retouch this product, created by theAnnouncement of this monumental piece of inspired enthusiasts, and release a largework is as follows: quantity of articles, movies and programs with headings, such as “Wisconsin is a twin state of“The book is dedicated to the effective and Akhal velayat (region)”, “Ruhnama conquerssuccessful foreign policy by Gurbanguly America!”, “A monograph about crucial role ofMyalikgulyevich Berdymukhamedov – the a Turkmen leader in the live of a worldPresident of Turkmenistan and an eminent community is published in Tajikistan“, “Filmson of Turkmen nation. As the world-scale about Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedovpoliticians and officials note, including Rashid receives “Golden Palm” in Cannes”.Ovezgeldyevich Meredov - the deputyChairman of Cabinet of Ministers, the Minister However, nothing like this is happening.of foreign Affairs - the international authority Turkmenistan is oblivious to Steve’s andof Turkmenistan is inseparable from the name Tolib’s works.of President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov … Thereby, the officials clearly demonstrate thatA versatile work of President Gurbanguly if one has become truly enamored of a strong,Berdymukhamedov – the eminent, successful deep and absolutely disinterested love to theand effective politician, national leader of Turkmen president, while not being hisTurkmenistan, whose opinion is taken into subordinate, and not expecting any profitableaccount by world community – is objectively contracts, then one cannot expect to bereflected in the book”. published on the pages of “Neutral Turkmenistan” newspaper, rather should payIn addition, T. Sangin is an author of a film a visit to a psychotherapist. This is similar to an official statement, that admiration andscript “The story of eternal love … with 16 praising of President’s deeds and thoughts are not and have not been a sincere emotionalyears of separation” (volume 152 pages). The outburst, but severe conscious necessity, which successfully replaces freedom.prototype of one character is Gurbanguly Turkmen water and money sink into theBerdymukhamedov. There is a scene of sand (11 April 2010) The village of Baba Durmaz is located 80 km toBerdymukhamedov’s Ph.D. thesis the south-east of Turkmenistan’s capital Ashgabat. It is mostly populated by ethnicpresentation in the 1980s of the last century Turkmens, who came there in 1992 from Tajikistan seeking shelter from the civil Moscow; and also a scene, which uncoverspersonal qualities and generosity of a youngGurbanguly. The final part is fully devoted tothe activity of “publicly elected and world-known President Gurbanguly MyalikgulyevichBerdymukhamedov”.But this is not all. This fecund writer has plansto release a series of books under a generalname of “Turkmenistan in the epoch of GreatRenaissance”: “The President-reformer”;“Government guarantees of a happy family”;“Neutral Turkmenistan and the worldcommunity”; he also plans to produce a seriesof documentaries: ‘Reforms as engines ofprogress’, ‘Neutral Turkmenistan and theworld community’; ‘Turkmenistan is a peace-making centre of a planet”.One would think what juicy facts these are forthe presidential PR-industry. Turkmenideologists and image-makers would only24

The majority of the population (a total of A staff member of the Health Inspection2000) are engaged in rice and cotton growing. Service of the Akhal velayat (the village of Baba Durmaz is located there), who wished toThe only available water sources here are remain anonymous, stated that the localirrigation canals, which are dug to transfer budget simply has no funds for exploration ofwater from the Karakum River (formerly new wells with clean drinking water, wellKarakum Canal named after Lenin and later boring and procurement of pipes for the waterafter Niyazov) to the fields. supply system.People have 1,5 meter deep holes dug in the However, according to him, a few years ago,ground near their houses to settle the water an Ashgabat-based office of the UN Highin order to reduce the volume of sand in it. Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) allottedHand-made WC cabins are often located 5-10 USD 25,000 for the construction of the watermeters away from these holes. supply system for the village. Several kilometers of pipes, powerful pumps and allAnd this water is used for drinking and the necessary equipment were procured. Andcooking. only after that (!) did UNHCR request the Health Inspection Service to make the waterAccording to Kerim, a deikhan (peasant), the tests of the source, which was supposed to beadults try not to drink non-boiled water but used for injecting water. The results showedthe kids quench their thirst directly from these that water is not suitable for drinking - theimprovised «filters», which are also used by source turned out to be sulfurous. Thepets, cattle and poultry. implementation of the project was therefore stopped.As a result, since 2002 to 2007 alone, thevillage has seen 5 outbreaks of typhus, which The attempts of international organizations tohas led to the death of 28 persons, including improve the water supply situation in the19 children. And this is according to the country have failed in all regions.official statistics, which is obviouslyunderstated. In 2010, the situation has not The World Bank report on the outcomes ofimproved but rather worsened; however, the the work in the country says that back in 1997local authorities have learnt to consistently a loan of 18 billion USD was approved for theconceal the data on those infected and project of water supply for rural communitiesdiseased. of the Dashoguz oblast, which is one of the poorest in Turkmenistan. However, only anDisclosure of information on outbreaks of insignificant portion of money has beeninfectious diseases and the number of allotted and further problems have arisenfatalities related to this is considered an act of related to the procurement and the projecthigh treason. structure, which were not solved, so in 2003 the loan was cancelled.According to the data of the «InternationalFund for Saving the Aral Sea», most people On the first Sunday of April, the nationalpopulating the irrigated areas of Turkmenistan holiday «Drop of water – Grain of gold» isdrink water from the irrigation canals, which annually celebrated in Turkmenistan.contain various salts, remains of fertilizers, Traditionally on the eve of the holiday, thepesticides, nitrates, animal excrement and country`s President addressed the Turkmenother agricultural wastes. Low quality and lack people with an emotional speech:of drinking water are the direct and indirectcause for many diseases, including diarrhea, «Providing the country`s population withHepatitis А, dysentery, methemoglobinemia clean drinking water is one of our main bottle-fed babies, poliomyelitis, and enteric In our understanding, each drop of preciousfever. water, which is a source of all vital blessings25

on the earth, is treated like a grain of gold. numerous fountains, covered in snow-whiteFollowing the wisdom of our ancestors, we marble.honour the traditions of our fathers andgrandfathers and seek to do our best to With Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov`s rise topreserve water as a priceless asset and thus power, the state policy in the water supplywe consistently implement vital steps to sphere has not altered from the years ofensure the rational and efficient management Saparmurat Niyazov`s reign.of water resources. As is known, on 15 July2009 we launched the first part of the Altyn Huge sums continue to be invested in theAsyr Lake – one of the world’s largest implementation of large-scale gigantichydraulic works. Construction of this giant projects, which are of no real help to thehand-make water reservoir is one of the Turkmen society. And, as in the past, there ismeasures adopted by the government to no money left over for the essential needs ofimprove the environment of the Central Asian hundreds of thousands of residents ofregion». Turkmen villages and auls.Turkmenistan continues to declare its active When we were leaving Baba Durmaz, we sawposition in terms of efficient management of a woman going to the “filter” with an ironwater resources. On 2-4 April, the kettle in her hand. Before she had collectedInternational Water Forum «Drop of water – the water, for a few minutes she had to shooGrain of gold» was held in Ashgabat. The away three kid and two dogs, who were usingInternational Exhibition on the World Practice the hole as an improvised swimming pool.and Advanced Technologies for EfficientWater Management and the conference with Nothing compares to Turkmenbashy (14the same title had a special place in the forum April 2010)programme. “Presidentophiles” article had attracted attention of one of its characters whoHowever, Turkmenistan ignored the approached “Chronicles of Turkmenistan”International Water Forum held in Istanbul in with an offer to give us an interview. We2009, which was attended by participants of would like to share with you the interview130 countries. given by ‘Steve in Wisconsin’, an American who, for over three years now, is runningAccess to clean drinking water was and weblogs devoted to creations of late Turkmenremains one of the most serious problems not dictator Saparmurat Niyazov. What is it –only in agricultural regions of the country but exotic hobby, an oddity or somethingalso in urban areas. maniacal? Or just a really ordinary example of reincarnation may be…As was shown by sad experience of the past,we cannot rely on assistance from outside onthis issue. We can rest on the state budgetonly. And, as has been discovered, the budgetdoes not have the means to provide ruralcommunities with clean drinking water.And it is not surprising if one considers thatthe construction of the Turkmen lake, half aslarge as the Aral Sea, is estimated at 6 billionUSD. This could have been expected takinginto consideration how many millions ofdollars have been spent already and will bespent in future for the construction of26

What is your educational background? Why don't you allow public comments on your blogs?I am a high school graduate with 3 years ofuniversity education. As a former deputy Public comments distract readers' attention.sheriff I also completed a regional police There are also people who post malicious andacademy. ignorant comments, and these comments have a negative influence on readers who areWhy did you start blogging about Ruhnama - sincerely learning about Ruhnama with anwhat had triggered it or what was the main open mind. Readers can contact me via e-mailcause (something that you read, heard in the but I consider this \"private correspondence\"news, some information or political events)? and it is not posted online.I first learned about Ruhnama on January 17, Can you briefly tell us what is the essence of2006 when Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty the special report \"Was Turkmenbashypublished an article by Bruce Pannier titled murdered?\" that is published on your blog?\"Central Asia: Region's Leaders Feel The Pull ofPoetry\". The article mentions books written I believe that Turkmenbashy was murdered toby Central Asian presidents -- Turkmenistan's facilitate \"regime change\". The country hasSaparmyrat Niyazov (Turkmenbashy the enormous natural gas reserves butGreat) included. In fact, Turkmenbashy was Turkmenbashy's foreign policy, which wasidentified as the region's \"most published based on neutrality, became an obstacle toauthor\". At that time it was very difficult to the exploitation of these resources by theobtain a copy of the Ruhnama in the United West. In fact, only 8 months before his death,States. However, after many unsuccessful he was steering pipeline projects to the Eastattempts, I contacted a government official in (China) while in favor of gas exports to IranUzbekistan who sent me an English edition of and Russia. Furthermore, becausethe book. After reading it I was impressed with Turkmenbashy avoided military alliances, histhe \"spiritual and philosophical\" message. I country's strategic location could not be usedconsidered publishing a blog to share my as a staging area by foreign militaries active inopinion, but did not pursue the project until a Afghanistan. My special report \"Waslater date. Turkmenbashy Murdered?\" looks at the suspicious circumstances surrounding hisWhy did you start running your blogs about death and why some experts believe he mayRuhnama only after Niyazov's death? have been poisoned. It also documents the rise to power of PresidentAt the time of Turkmenbashy's death very Berdymuhammedov -- in violation of thelittle was known about his successor, Constitution and only after the rightfulGurbanguly Berdymuhammedov. I decided to successor (Ovezgeldy Atayev, the Speaker ofwait and see what changes the new president Parliament) was imprisoned. It is mywould make after assuming power. After six conclusion that the country's political,months I concluded (and still believe) that economic and foreign policy has shifted inBerdymuhammedov's long term plan is to favor of the West since Turkmenbashy'seliminate Ruhnama from all aspects of death. A coincidence?Turkmen society. This is when I started myblogs. It is my intention to preserve Which web sites about Turkmenistan do youTurkmenbashy's memory and Ruhnama regularly read?philosophy for future generations. His writingsset forth a realistic plan ultimately leading to I read the government's websiteworld peace. It is important for the global ( at least twice a week,community to have access to his words. also Chrono-tm and I also read websites that report news about27

Turkmenistan and Central Asia, such as overall security of the nation. He has,, RFE/RL and example, greatly reduced the number of hours Ruhnama is studied in school withoutWhich web sites about Turkmenistan do you considering that educating young people inlike and which ones dislike and why? the \"peaceful Ruhnama-Islam teachings\" is his best assurance that they will reject violenceEach of the websites I mentioned have against the state. He is militarily cooperatingpositive aspects. with NATO and the West, without considering that he is inviting their enemies to becomeThe government's website publishes timely Turkmenistan's enemies also.reports on cultural activities, sports, and\"official news\". Since the death of Turkmenbashy began writing Ruhnama inTurkmenbashy, however, there is almost no 1997 but the book's philosophy is merely anmention of him or Ruhnama. There is also no extension of the same philosophy he governedcriticism of the president or his policies. But with since becoming president in 1991. It is athis is to be expected. successful philosophy and President Berdymuhammedov should return to it.Chrono-tm has the best variety of news andcommentaries. The authors are not just Does Ruhnama contain any references to whatreporting events but often share their will happen with Turkmenistan afterpersonal opinions -- which makes the articles Turkmenbashy's death?interesting. Turkmenbashy describes Ruhnama as has good news coverage. \"blueprint\" that will guide Turkmenistan intoReaders can download \"Turkmenistan the Golden Age. His book was written as muchMagazine\" in PDF -- a colourful publication in for the term of his own presidency as it wasEnglish/Russian. for future presidents to continue on the same course. He writes, \"The whole foundation ofHave you ever thought about visiting society must be built to the same blueprintTurkmenistan? because a nation needs a set of complete and up-to-date criteria ... In the Golden Century, inTurkmenistan is a beautiful country with a rich the 21st Century, our main aim is to build ahistory and culture. Perhaps I will visit some Turkmen nation which can be a model for theday. entire world ... The making of our state is still in progress.\"What do you think about the political courseof Turkmenistan's new president Gurbanguly Turkmenbashy considered Ruhnama essentialBerdymuhammedov? to maintaining future stability and progress. He writes, \"The Ruhnama brings the nationalTurkmenistan has largely avoided the violence perception into a system and organization.of Islamic fundamentalism that is sweeping FROM NOW ON, THE NATIONAL FUTURE OFCentral Asia. President Berdymuhammedov THE TURKMENS WILL BE COMPLETELYwas fortunate to become Head of State for a GUARANTEED IN PRACTICE.\"peaceful nation -- but this peace is not due tohis leadership, it is the result of Had the Speaker of Parliament, OvezgeldyTurkmenbashy's neutralist policies as set forth Atayev, (the rightful successor to thein Ruhnama. presidency) not been imprisoned immediately after Turkmenbashy's death, then I believe thePresident Berdymuhammedov, unfortunately, country would still be following Ruhnama andhas shifted Turkmenistan away from moving towards the Golden Age underRuhnama. He is charting his own political Atayev's leadership.course which I fear will be detrimental to the28

What is your opinion about the fact that None. Turkmenbashy sought to uplift anstudying of Ruhnama had nearly replaced entire society through the transformation offormal education in Turkmenistan? \"each individual citizen\" (as part of the collective whole) rather than makingConsider the following: A student graduates generalized statements calling for \"thefrom university and is hired to work in an people\" (as a group) to, but if he or she steals money from the Turkmenbashy's vision of a peaceful andcompany, of what value is that employee? prosperous Golden Age -- first in Turkmenistan, then as a global reality -- isTurkmenbashy was educated in Russia but he feasible if people will sincerely study hisbelieved the curriculum was deficient. His teachings and become part of his vision. Heteachers taught the basics (reading, math, writes, \"Indeed, ideally you should look at thescience, etc.) but they did not teach students world, humanity, and life from Allah'show to function in daily life, or how to be perspective. But there is nobody who can seecourteous to others, or how to work or conceive Allah. Thus you should judgecollectively to improve society. These are all events by means of the belief and justice thatsubjects that Turkmenbashy addresses in his Allah put in your heart.\"Ruhnama educational reform. Might-have-been immortality ofTurkmenbashy writes, \"If an author only Turkmenbashi (19 May 2010)narrates life but cannot explain how to live it, While modern Ashgabat is staggering for eventhen we cannot consider such literature as the most overactive imagination with itsnutrition of the soul.\" One can also interpret extravagant pomposity, cyclopean scale andthis to mean that an educational system based the dazzling radiance of the snow-whiteonly on repetition of facts and formulas does marble mixed with mosaic gild, only twolittle to stimulate the mind. He writes, original pieces of architecture were and\"Intelligence is evinced in three things: the remain in the country. One of them will markword, the deed, and the heart.\" its 35th anniversary in May.Over time, the value of Ruhnama-based Bas-reliefs at the building of the formereducation would have become apparent. Central Committee of the Communist Party ofSome of the world's elite private schools are the Turkmen SSR (now the building of themoving away from traditional curriculum and state archive) have become the last work oftowards something similar to what Ernst Neizvestny before his immigration to theTurkmenbashy advocated: getting students to US. Now E. Neizvestny is a well-knownthink in new directions. coryphaeus of modernism, while in 1975 he was a sort of «Soviet Tseretelli». ThePresident Berdymuhammedov has, authorities regularly provided him with grandiose projects to be implemented in allregrettably, reduced the hours devoted to thebook's study. The inclusion of Ruhnamastudies in Turkmenistan's schools is beneficial,but ideally Turkmenbashy should havelengthened the school day to accommodatethese studies, rather than reduced the time ofother classes. This was the main criticism ofthe reform.What prominent American politicians (past orpresent) can you compare Niyazov to in termsof historical significance for the country?29

parts of the Soviet Union (Artek, Zelenograd, In 2003 Saparmurat Atayevich Niyazov, whoAshgabat) and even outside (Egypt), and at had maniacal passion both for city planningthe same time, mercilessly criticized him for and his intention to perpetuate his name,«degenerative art» and «distortion of the invited Neizvestny to Turkmenistan. It was aSoviet people’s faces». semi-official visit; however, it was clear: Turkmenbashi meant not only to show off hisIn his Ashgabat panel, the sculptor also achievements in architectural fantasies anddepicted a face: a face of Turkmenia, having have a round of cards, but also to makethrown off the shackles of the tsarist regime another step toward immortality.and now arrived at its better communistfuture through loss and hardship. In the It seems that Niyazov was confident thatcentre of the composition heads of the Khruschev would be eternally rememberedimperial Russian double eagle lie torn from not only because of corn, the Cuban missiletheir bodies, trampled upon by a woman in a crisis and the banging off his shoe on thedress with the national ornament. podium during a speech to the UN GeneralFurthermore, this woman was also a nose on Assembly, but also because of the fact thatthe fifteen meter long face. the tombstone at the grave of Nikita Sergeevich is a work of Ernst Neizvestny.The panel is very frightening; however, it ishard to take your eyes off it. One can only It is clear that the «Leader of all Turkmens»admire the talent of Neizvestny, who did not want a tombstone; he wanted tosuccessfully combined the ideology of the crown himself with immortality while alive. Hevictorious socialism, the national flavor, the was aware that all the golden works ofinextinguishable flame of freedom, a furious ungifted court «plastic artists» will not remaincat, a suffering horse, and human limbs grown long on the pedestals after his death, thus heout of proportions from the works of Pablo was seeking to have an image of him createdPicasso. And one face literarily reflects all of by the hands of the world-renown sculptor,these. which simply cannot be destroyed by ungrateful descendants.Meanwhile, the sculptor was not very excitedabout his work. Before his departure from the Shortly after the visit of the sculptor toUSSR, a friend asked him «Why did you Turkmenistan, the international mass mediadecided to immigrate?», Neizvestny answers reported that Neizvestny was to create aas follows: «I am fed up; look – if I create sculpture of Turkmenbashi.another work like the one in Ashgabat, I willsimply die». However, a few months later, when asked by journalists: «Are you planning to sculptDecades have passed, the Soviet Union has Niyazov?», Neizvestny answered: «No, thisfallen into the past and Ernst Neizvestny has cannot happen».become a live classic and one of the world’sprominent sculptors. And his fresco, which is a In his late years and in the height of his glory,priceless work of art, is a famous sight of the artist would not allow himself to goAshgabat, which is proudly presented to against his conscience even for very goodforeign tourists. money – as he stated with sadness back in 1975: « If I create another work like one inEven though grey concrete clashed with the Ashgabat, I will simply die».sterile polar white color of the Turkmencapital, the panel remained untouched whenthe entire building of the capital was coveredwith marble.30

Reinforced concrete classics (23 May 20 years later, in 1997 Turkmenistan`s2010) President Saparmurat Niyazov decided toThe building of the National Library named demolish the masterpiece of neoclassicafter Azadi (formerly after Karl Marx) can be architecture, since it stood in the way of thecalled the second architectural masterpiece in building of the Arch of Neutrality andTurkmenistan’s capital. Ernst Neizvestny also extension of the square to be used for thetook part in this project: his bass-reliefs conduct of parades. In general, the angulardecorate the walls of the inner yard with the stumpiness and concrete grey of the libraryfountain and a ceiling of one of the halls. did not match the 75 meter tall golden monument of Turkmenbashi and the snowHowever, the main credit in the creation of whiteness of the president’s podium.this truly unique building goes to thearchitects A. Akhmedov, B. Shpak and V. However, the conclusions of the experts,Alexeyev. reported to Niyazov, were rather disappointing: it was impossible to demolishCast in concrete, the library has become an the construction, which was, in fact, a giganticinvaluable model of architecture not only reinforced concrete pillbox, using engineeredaesthetically but also financially. Bezmeinsky features. It was possible only to blow it up.cement was the major construction material And blasting works had to be so large-scaleused, so the grandiose construction project that most likely all nearby buildings would bewas very inexpensive for the state budget. damaged.The extreme climate of the country was Hence, Saparmurat Atayevich could only ordercarefully considered at the design stage, so to coat the façade of the library with whitethe library halls keep cool even without air marble and hang colorful banners above theconditioners when it is +50C outside. entrance. Thus, due to the talent of SovietParticular attention was paid to seismic architects and the quality of Bezmeinskyresistance: a monolith concrete construction is cement, people were not deprived of thedesigned to stand earthquake shocks up to a outstanding work of world architecture, whichmagnitude of 10. could have disappeared and replaced by a marching ground for the guards of theIn 1977 the project was awarded a State Prize President’s battalion.and in 1978 at the 14th Congress of theInternational Architects Union in Warsaw the Now we have a chance to admire the beautybuilding of K. Marx Library in Ashgabat was of this «poetry, manifested in concrete» andincluded in the list of the most prominent enjoy the frescos, created by E. Neizvestny,achievements of world architecture in the under the calming murmur of the fountains in20th century. the inner yard.31 This will be possible until the library gets in the way of the present President of Turkmenistan’s plans to possibly erect something «grandiose and epoch-making» instead of the Arch of Neutrality, thus raising his «golden» statue some 20 meters higher than was done by his predecessor.

Turkmen Chamber No. 1 (5 June 2010) low pace of capital investment andSix months after Gurbanguly misallocation of funds” were revealed.Berdymukhammedov had been sworn in asthe President, he created the state agency, This moment can be perceived as a startingwhich helped him get rid of Saparmurat point for numerous all-pervasive personnelNiyazov’s “personnel legacy” and took control “cleansings” among senior executives.of all economic and political levers used to run Virtually during all Cabinet sessions, followingthe country. the presentation of the Chairman of the Control Chamber on the audit results theVested with almost unrestricted powers, the President made decisions on personnelSupreme Control Chamber of Turkmenistan reshuffles. In a blink of an eye vice primereports directly to the country’s President and ministers, ministers, heads of provinces andnobody else. The authority of this districts, city mayors and executives of major“Presidential eye of Omniscience” is enterprises were dismissed.impressive indeed: to exercise financial andeconomic control and audit across the entire Only those who were appointed personally bycountry, to carry out inspections and audits in Berdymukhammedov resigned due to “healthall ministries, agencies, and organizations reasons” or “in connection with changing theregardless of the form of ownership, “to job”. For instance, Tachberdy Tagiev,obtain data on transactions and accounts appointed in February 2007 as the statebalance from banking institutions, to carry out minister – Chairman of the State Holdingexpert review of investment projects, … local Turkmengaz and subsequently as the Vicebudgets and budgets of state sector-specific Prime Minister overseeing the fuel and energyfunds”. sector, was relieved of his post “in connection with his appointment as the CEO of Seidin oilLess than a month after commencing its refinery”.operations in August 2007, the Chamber to For the majority of executives appointed by Niyazov, the phrase in the Cabinet sessionthe full extent proved its outstanding reports “Audit records to be transferred to the Prosecutor’s office pursuant to theefficiency and effectiveness to carry out “the Presidential order” sounded like a funeral broom” policy pursued by The audits, carried out by the Control Chamber, were not limited to reviewing onlyBerdymukhammedov. At the government financial and economic operations in ministries and agencies. A staff member ofsession the Chairman of the Supreme Control Turkmenistan’s State Fishery Committee under conditions of anonymity said that theChamber Khodzhamukhammed auditors requested that personnel files of all employees be provided to them and after aMukhammedov briefed on the outcomes of thorough review had face-to-face conversations with each staff member:the audits carried out in the Ministry of “Everybody, including the guards was summoned. We were asked in details aboutAutomobile Transport, the Ministry of family ties within the organization, about friendly and intimate relations, whether anyConstruction and the Ministry of Power- staff members helped others to get a job etc. All these “conversations” looked likeEngineering. In all of them “gross violations, interrogations. We were threatened that telling a lie or concealing something might32

lead to the most serious consequences, up to years and completely destroyed thetaking the case to the Prosecutor’s office”. managerial staff machinery created by Saparmurat Niyazov. Individual exceptions,Such enthusiasm, typically inherent in special such as the Minister of Foreign Affairsservices agents, was much appreciated by the Meredov and Presidential aide Khramov, whohead of the state. Berdymukhammedov, who are still in power, prove that they played ais usually not generous with praise, significant role in Berdymukhamedov’s rise toannounced in public that “while taking the the “Presidential throne”. Up to this day theypost of the Chairman of the Supreme Control mean (and know) so much that they simplyChamber for only 4 months, Kh. cannot be dismissed.Mukhammedov had a superior track recordand proved to be a trustworthy executive and The report by the Chairman of the Supremea man of principle”, and appointed him as Control Chamber at the April session of thedeputy head of the state overseeing the Cabinet of Ministers became a blank shot ofeconomy and finance, agricultural sector and Berdymukhammedov’s “Aurora” ship, whichtextile industry. signified that the global review of the country’s economy was over and those whoMukhammedov’s meteoric career did not deserve trust, were sent to the “trash heap of history” and all key positions areadvancement, who in a short time-frame was occupied by reliable, trustworthy, helpful people loyal to the President. The gravestpromoted from Chairman of the commodity shortcoming identified during the reporting period was the “untimely removal of garbageexchange to Vice Prime Minister, was at the construction sites”.repeated by his successor – Tuvakmammed In it turn, the Prosecutor’s General office had the last word by detecting such an outrageousDzhaparov. crime as a “disrupted schedule of construction works” during the inspections. Yet, the culpritsFor over two years he was obediently seeking escaped with just reprimands and warnings.and identifying “shortcomings”, “abuse ofpower”, “violations”, “negligence” and middle Needless to say this cannot be treated as aand senior managers who could be blamed for reason for the heads of ministries andthese. In January 2009 such efforts and agencies to behave in a careless manner.commitment were appreciated by However, it is most likely that in the short-Berdymukhammedov, who “bestowed” term perspective the functions of theDzhaparov with the position of deputy Prime Supreme Control Chamber will be limited toMinister overseeing the country’s entire identifying minor violations, whereas theeconomic bloc. Khodzhamurad Geldymuradov transfer to other, less high-ranking andmade a sensible move by submitting a letter meaningful managerial jobs will serve asof resignation based on “health reasons”. punishment for those who have committed an offence.The third successor for the position of theChairman of the Supreme Control Chamber – People with disabilities are beyond thethe former accountant Orazmurad law (25 June 2010)Gurbannazarov also did not resign “offended”. The zeal of the Turkmen law enforcers, whoIt took him a year and three months to receive are in fact struggling not for order but for thea “cash yielding” job as the Minister of thoughtless execution of any, even theAgriculture for the efficient investigative freakiest of orders from their managers, hasperformance in identifying “negligent led to a situation where people withexecutives” among Turkmen government disabilities in Turkmenistan have beenagencies. equated to «unwanted elements».Two months ago “the night of long swords(Nacht der langen Messer)” came to a closefor high-ranking Turkmen officials. The“personnel cleansing” lasted for about three33

We have already reported on the brutalities of He seemed to believe me and returned thethe Dashoguz local authorities, executing money but said: «Even if you need somethinginstructions “from above” to bring order to in the center, do not show up here; sendthe city streets just before the session of the someone else instead. You spoil the city imageCouncil of Elders. with your crutches».In a bid not to allow beggars, drug addicts, KAMAZ + Rukhnama = Mercedes (26 Junealcoholics and even poorly dressed people in 2010)public places, the Ashgabat municipal Running a business with Turkmenistan is notauthorities went even further. Any person an easy but a highly profitable thing. Thewith a disability, who shows up in the center companies, which became successful at this,of the Turkmen capital, runs the risk of ending are united by several factors: flexible policy,up in a police department charged with thorough knowledge of the oriental mentality,beggary. deference to those ranked senior in financial status, largesse at selecting gifts and, mostThe following story was told by Khodjanepes importantly, a burning and sincere desire to(name changed,) who is classed in a disability translate the «Rukhnama».group because of a chronic disease of themusculoskeletal system: We will speak of two companies, which, despite their stark contrasts, take such a«Normally, I get to go to the Russian Bazaar similar approach to the heart and purse of thenot very often, once in two months. The prices Turkmen customer, that it is suspiciousin the center are not affordable on my whether these are perhaps two elements ofpension, and it is hard to get there. However, one structure.the butcher sells me a kilo of meat at adiscount price – there are good and fair A canonical image of today’s high rankingpeople everywhere. Turkmen official is not possible without a snobbish face (far from being thin), a poorlyTwo people stopped me on my way to the hung double-breasted suit and a black officialmeat counter. They shouted out at me in a Mercedes car.rough manner, and pushed me into a policecar without letting me open my mouth. They This tradition goes back to 2003, whenemptied all my pockets and confiscated my Daimler Chrysler concluded a frameworkpension ID and all my money. When I tried to agreement with Turkmenistan for the deliverydefend myself and ask what was going on, I of Mercedes cars until 2010 for the overallheard: «You, beggar, keep your mouth shut!». sum of EUR 250 mln. Along with this, Daimler paid for the translation of the Rukhnama intoI was taken to the police department to be German and sponsored its publishing. Then a«investigated». I spent the whole night there Turkmen Auto Merkezi Center on sale andin a room with alcoholics; however, they didnot beat me up. In the morning, a policeofficer shouted at me in a loud voice, cursedand then threw my pension ID at me saying:«If you are seen again in the city center, youwill be sent to Tedjen for a year» (the placewhere the correctional labor institution foralcoholics and drug takers is located). I startedexplaining that I am not a beggar and I hadgone to the Russian bazaar to buy meat. I hadmoney with me and that they could checkwith the butcher who knows me.34

after sales services of Mercedes-Benz Starting from early morning, the TV and radiopassenger cars was opened in Ashgabat and were filled with streams of laudatory epithetsthe business developed successfully. and enthusiastic comments.In 2008, the JSC «Kamaz» also translated the All this has clearly indicated that inRukhnama into the Tatar language and Turkmenistan in fact, not in word the sloganimmediately received an order for the delivery «The State – for the citizen!» is beingof vehicles and spare parts to Turkmenistan implemented at full pelt. And it is this citizen’sfor a total of $47,5 mln. At the same time, the birthday today.KAMAZ Training and Business Center waslaunched in Turkmenistan. The next year, the Foreign Ministry is authorized to resentorder increased to $100 mln, thus making up (30 June 2010)one third of all auto giant’s deliveries. The The brand ideological slogan of Turkmenistancooperation is growing and strengthening. has been altered. The «Golden Age» has been replaced by the «Époque of GreatTherefore, it was no surprise last year, when Renaissance». As far as the country’sDaimler introduced its representative to the ideological «apparatus» is concerned, it hasBoard of Directors and become a holder of not undergone any modernization or even any11% of KAMAZ` shares. They have so much in «cosmetic repair». And next year, it will turncommon. 20. For any mechanism, particularly a political one, this is not even old age, but a weakSemi-round date (30 June 2010) gerontic stage.Turkmenistan`s President GurbangulyBerymukhamedov turned 53. While the Naturally, one can use trouble-free devices forPresident’s birthday has not become an half a century; however, this will require aofficial holiday yet, the honoring of the society, which is absolutely isolated from thebirthday child was carried out on a grand sources of alternative information. Northscale. Korea is the most striking example of this.The central streets were decorated with In Turkmenistan, scientific and technicalcolorful flags, and more portraits of the hero progress has always hindered 100% success ofof the day were put up. Policemen, increased total brain washing. While the Turkmen massin number, were all dressed in parade media devotedly promoted the image of theuniform. President as a super human being, endowed with unearthly wisdom, far-sightedness,In all, without exception, organizations and kindness and boundless love for his people,enterprises hour-long meetings were held, the citizens were watching foreign channelswhere the President`s merits, his talents, transmitted by satellite «dishes» choosing notachievements and deeds were listed. The to waste their limited income on the purchasechapters from his books and hundreds of of local newspapers.greeting telegrams addressed to him wereread out. Poems and songs, devoted to the It took several decades and large financialstate leader, were performed. investment to raise a new generation, deprived of education, culture and outlook;The staff of organizations and enterprises the generation for which the word «book» is«voluntarily» contributed money for giant associated only with the word «Rukhnama»,bunches of flowers, which, together with and «monument» or «portrait» only with thegreeting cards, were sent to the President’s word «President».office. And when the objective seemed to be almost35 reached and «Turkmenbashi the Great» was going to evolve from the category of «life-long

President» to the status of the «eternal father was only mentioned in two out of seven. Inof the nation», it was discovered that he was other words, the Turkmen ideologistsnot immortal. So many years and efforts were understood that a high frequency of laudatoryspent to convince the entire Turkmen epithets and endless lists of would-be meritspopulation that «the Sun of the Great Serdar of the state leader are only to be used in thewill always warm the blessed Turkmenistan’s Neutral Turkmenistan daily, which is circulatedland with the rays of its wisdom», and now inside the country only, while for theeverything had to restart from the beginning. unprepared foreign reader it appears odd and often simply boring.The authorities decided not «to re-invent the«wheel» and they rushed right onto the well- However, archaic devices and the «same oldtrodden path of creating a cult of super genius way» approach do not allow the Turkmenpersonality. However, the new President online mass media to report on anything othersuddenly became concerned with the than local news, although one of their majorquestion: «And what do we look like to the tasks is to promote Turkmenistan’s internalinternational community?». And he hastily and foreign policies globally.allowed the Internet, although via a very slowconnection, with strict control and the The reaction to the report made by «Doctorsblocking of certainsites. However, coupled without Borders» on the catastrophic state ofwith satellite TV, the «world wide web» has the health care sector of Turkmenistan is verybecome another source of «non-filtered» illustrative of this situation. In a reply, theinformation. Turkmen side even released three press statements: «Foreign Ministry ofIn early 2005, Turkmenistan had only 60 Turkmenistan calls «Doctors withoutthousand users of mobile phones. By mid- Borders»` report a provocation »,2010, the overall number of MTS and Altyn «Turkmenistan’s State News Agency exposesAsyr clients exceeded 2,5 million. Half of the «Doctors without Borders» and «What goalscountry’s population now owns a cell phone. did «Doctors without Borders» pursue inNow the services provided also include high Turkmenistan».speed (according to the providers) datatransmission via Internet. From a quantitative point of view it seems to be a worthy and a firm rebuff of the slanderThus, the country image as seen by the foreign and name-calling. Yet, from a qualitative viewmass media has become available for a large point, the statements were produced in thenumber of Turkmenistani citizens. same manner as those written in 1937. The texts are written in a highly emotional style,So the Turkmen authorities immediately which recalls that of a furious pensioner,became concerned with correcting this image complaining to the Housing Services aboutin the right, as they believe, direction. young people smoking in the building entrance and writing obscenities on the walls.State-run websites are authorized to deal withthis heavy task. Their target group is not only The terminology also does not show anyand not even the residents of Turkmenistan, originality: «disclosure», «provocation»,but rather the international readers. To the «political order», «provocateurs-journalists»,credit of the Turkmen Internet resources, it «undue morals». What is missing are onlyshould be mentioned that they make all «Trotskists-opportunists» and «people’sefforts now not to look so ridiculous as they enemies».did in Niyazov`s times. A few words about the «morals»: «TurkmenFor instance, if in June 2005 the word authorities possess materials, which testify to«President» was on average mentioned in five the unseemly behavior of certain staff ofout of seven news headlines, in June 2010 it «Doctors without Borders» during the period36

of their work in Turkmenistan. The point is exception ranked deputy minister and higher,about things that are incompatible with and they are purchased for the governmentalcommon moral and ethic norms, and carry out money.activities which flagrantly violate the nationallegislation of Turkmenistan and run counter In addition, Daimler has fully accepted allnot only to the customs and traditions of the charges against the company and agreed toTurkmen people but also to the basic concepts pay $185 mln in fine. Furthermore, theof morality, shame and decency». scandal was over early April while the statement of the Foreign Ministry came upInterestingly, where do the Turkmen only at the end of the month.authorities get these materials with suchintimate content? It is one thing when it is Apparently, someone (not hard to guess who)well known in the country that every foreigner was looking through the monthly newspaperis being constantly watched by the special file and suddenly asked with indignation: «Andservices but no one talks about it. However, it why haven’t we reacted to this?». So theis quite another thing when a state-run reaction followed immediately, only with fourInternet website announces this to the whole weeks delay and contrary to all logic and All this gives a persistent feeling that all similarThe statement of Turkmenistan’s Ministry of denials and statements are written for one butForeign Affairs on the scandal concerning the the most important reader. And the authorsGerman automaker Daimler AG (that produces do not care what impression these protestMercedes vehicles, which are very popular in notes will make on others.Turkmenistan) also did not add to thepopularity of the country’s image. The It would seem that after Bouygues becamecompany was charged with bribes amounting famous for having built palaces for the Africanto tens of millions of dollars given to the cannibal dictator Bokassa, who ate over 200 ofofficials in 22 countries (including those he governed, one must no longer beTurkmenistan) to secure the purchase of the concern with the company’s reputation.vehicles by the Turkmen government However, the scandal around Daimlercustomers. The investigation materials also unexpectedly awoke the remnants of guiltymentioned a high-level executive official, who memories amongst French businessmen. Soreceived a Mercedes car, valued at about EUR they deleted all data on contracts and300 thousand, as a birthday present». construction projects in Turkmenistan from their website.«In this regard, the Foreign Ministry ofTurkmenistan argues that «such information, The unreserved energy of the Turkmenconcerning the parts on Turkmenistan, is ideologists makes international partners ofabsolutely incorrect». the present authorities uneasy. It is time for the authorities to feel concerned too and take«We are concerned that the official structures care of the restructuring of the ideologicalof some states disseminate groundless and machine.unverified data about Turkmenistan in themass media, which is considered by theTurkmen side as an attempt to undermineTurkmenistan’s high international standing».The Foreign Ministry should have kept silent inthis case even because of the fact thataccording to the order of the previousPresident, black Mercedes 320 is the only typeof official vehicle for all state officials without37

Turkmenistan airlines: hazardous flights acceptable safety standards, travelers should(8 July 2010) avoid domestic flights”.In 2007 the national airline carrier“Turkmenkhovayollary” named after The website of the US Embassy inSaparmurat Turkmenbashi the Great was Turkmenistan provides a more diplomatic butexcluded from the International Air Transport quite straight-forward comment in thisAssociation for non-compliance with the connection: “As there is no direct commercialrequirements set forth in the operations air service to the United States by carrierssafety audit. registered in Turkmenistan, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has notThus, the Turkmen air carrier joined Samara, assessed the government of Turkmenistan’sAlbanian and Iraqi airlines as regards Civil Aviation Authority for compliance withcompliance with international safety International Civil Aviation Organizationstandards. (ICAO) aviation safety standards”.The country’s air fleet is made up of 717 (no Passengers may face considerable flightlonger produced) and 737 Boeing airplanes, delays, unscheduled changes in the routewhich have been in operation for 9 to 14 (planes landing in Mary instead ofyears. However, the longest-serving planes Krasnovodsk for technical reasons) andhave been used for 16 years, which is unexpected cancellations of flights, includingconsidered to be the service limit for this type those operated by the national airline carrierof aircraft. “Turkmenkhovayollary”.At the same time, the three new generation The “Skytrax” airline rating program based onstate-of-the-art air jets purchased by passenger feedback awarded theTurkmenistan in 2009 at 221 mln US dollars Turkmenistan airlines with two stars out ofare designated “to serve government the maximum 5. To compare, the officialdelegations” rather than to carry ordinary worldwide “two-star” ranking has also beenpassengers. awarded to air carriers such as “Air Zimbabwe”, Mongolian, Nepal and TajikThe pilot, who has flown over 5 thousand airlines.hours on Turkmenistan airlines planes, says:“All major Boeing units are equipped with two Dual citizenship: chronology of events (10backup systems in case of failure. If one of the July 2010)systems malfunctions, the second will run a December 23, 1993 – the Russian-Turkmensupporting function. Local engineers agreement “On regulating dual citizenshipcalculated that this is a useless luxury, and in issues” is signed.order to save on maintenance and spare partsall airplanes used for domestic flights andsome international routes are operated withonly one functioning backup system”.The international organization “InternationalSOS”, which provides security services acrossmore than 70 countries worldwide, describesthe Turkmen air carrier in their 2010 report asfollows: “Turkmenistan airlines is experiencingconsiderable constraints with funding, whichadversely affects the aircraft technicalmaintenance. Despite the fact thatinternational flights, at least those operated toWestern Europe, meet the minimum38

May 18, 1995 – following the exchange of April 23, 2003 – Outbound passengers, holdingratification instruments the agreement comes dual citizenship, are prevented from boardinginto force. “The agreement is valid for 5 years planes to exit Turkmenistan and requested toand is automatically prolonged for a obtain exit visas.subsequent five-year period if one of theparties notifies its termination no less than 6 April 26, 2003 - The Russian Ministry ofmonths prior to the expiry date”. Foreign Affairs makes an official statement that the Russian side has “not yet ratified theNovember 25, 2002 – the authorities of protocol, signed as a supplement to the dualTurkmenistan state that the assassination citizenship agreement of 1993. This meansattempt against President Saparmurat Niyazov that the agreement remains in force. Thewas allegedly carried out on this date. protocol does not have a retroactive effect and therefore those citizens who previouslyDecember 16, 2002 – the Cabinet session obtained dual citizenship should retain it inchaired by Niyazov holds a detailed discussion the future\".devoted to “ensuring stability, peace andinviolable foundations of the state”. August 15, 2003 – The Constitutional law of Turkmenistan, signed by Saparmurat NiyazovDecember 30, 2002 – the Khalk Maslakhaty “On Amending and Supplementing theadopts the resolution “On legalizing peace, Constitution of Turkmenistan” comes intostability and an inviolable secular form of force. The resolution of the Khalk Maslakhatygovernment in Turkmenistan”. dated 30 December 2002 serves as grounds for adopting the law. Article 7 of the revisedJanuary 12, 2003 – In a televised speech Constitution, enclosed to the Law, runs:broadcast on national television Niyazov isquoted as saying that he was considering the Article 7. Turkmenistan has a citizenship.possible termination of the dual citizenship Citizenship is acquired, retained and forfeitedagreement with Russia. He says that the in accordance with the law.agreement helps criminals in Turkmenistanflee from prosecution. 16 foreign residents A citizen of Turkmenistan is not recognized asincluding 5 Russian citizens appeared on trial holding the citizenship of another state.for the assassination attempt against Niyazov.The chief defendant, Boris Shikhmuradov No one may be deprived of one’s citizenshipholds dual Turkmen-Russian citizenship. and the right to change one’s citizenship. A citizen of Turkmenistan may not be handed toApril 10, 2003 – a 25 year agreement on another state or banished outsideTurkmen gas supplies is signed. The price for Turkmenistan, or restrained in his right toone thousand cubic meters is 44 USD. Russian return to the Homeland.President Vladimir Putin and President ofTurkmenistan Saparmurat Niyazov sign a Citizens of Turkmenistan are guaranteed theProtocol terminating the dual citizenship protection and patronage of the state bothagreement between Turkmenistan and Russia. within Turkmenistan and outside of it.Putin makes a historic statement that \"theagreement has already accomplished its aim\" January 1, 2008 – The price for Turkmen gasand those who wanted to move to Russia, supplies to Gazprom is increased by 30% and“have already done so”. amounts to 130 USD for 1 thousand cubic meters.April 22, 2003 – Niyazov signs a decreepursuant to which “dual citizenship holders July 1, 2008 – The price for Turkmen gas ismust make a choice within a two-month increased to 150 USD for 1 thousand cubicperiod which citizenship to retain\". meters.39

January 1, 2009 – The gas price rises to 170 conditions of the Turkmen gas agreement willUSD for one thousand cubic meters. not be reviewed”. “These conditions are still in force and I believe will be respected by bothApril 9, 2009 – An explosion occurs in the gas sides. Given this will be the case in the future,pipe line Central Asia – Centre 4. Turkmen gas these terms and conditions will remain insupplies to Russia are suspended. The force for the entire validity of the contract”, —Turkmen side accuses Gazprom of the emphasized the company’s CEO Alexei Miller.incident. July 1, 2010 – Passengers holding dualJune 2009 – Gazprom persistently challenges citizenship are prevented from boardingTurkmenistan to decrease the volumes of gas flights bound for Russian or lower the prices. As a result,instead of 50 billion cubic meters stipulated by July 2, 2010 – The Turkmen President holds anthe contract, Gazprom purchased only 11.8 off-site meeting of the State Security Councilbillion cubic meters. in his military residency. “The issues related to solving the tasks of further ensuring security,December 22, 2009 – Presidents Medvedev legitimacy and rule of law” were raised at theand Berdymukhammedov sign an addendum session. Presentations were made by theto the Russian-Turkmen gas supply contract Minister of National Security, the actingand agree to resume gas supplies of up to 30 Prosecutor General, the Minister of thebillion cubic meters on an annual basis Interior, the Chairman of the Supreme Court,effective early 2010 in Ashgabat. The price is the Minister of Justice, the Chairman of theincreased to 195 USD per thousand cubic State Customs Service and the Chairman ofmeters. the State Migration Office. “After being briefed ,… the President placed specialApril 28, 2010 – Gazprom states that this year emphasis on the need to hold continuousthey intend to purchase no more than 10,5 security-related events at airports, sea portsbillion cubic meters of natural gas from and railway stations”.Turkmenistan. According to unofficial data,the average annual price equals 220-240 USD July 7, 2010 – Turkmenistan’s Ministry ofper thousand cubic meters. Foreign Affairs makes an official statement “with regard to crossing the state border ofMay 31, 2010 - In a festive atmosphere Turkmenistan by individuals with so-calledGurbanguly Berdymukhmmedov launches the “dual Turkmen-Russian citizenship”, whichbiggest construction project in the country to states that “pursuant to article 7 of thebuild a 1000 kilometer transit pipeline “East- Constitution of Turkmenistan, a citizen ofWest” with a capacity of 30 billion cubic Turkmenistan is not recognized as holding themeters per annum. The gas pipeline is citizenship of another state”.designed to “diversify the supplies of Turkmennatural gas to international markets, At the same time, article 9 of the state lawpresumably in Europe”. “On citizenship of Turkmenistan” runs: “Turkmenistan recognizes dual citizenship,June 18, 2010 – Turkmenistan and China reach that is, a person's having citizenship of otheran agreement over increasing gas supply state in addition to his Turkmenistanvolumes and negotiate the “issues pertaining citizenship”.to the construction of the second line ofTrans-Asian gas pipeline”.June 25, 2010 – The Russian gas monopolistwarned Turkmen partners in a covert yetexplicit manner about further price increases:OAO Gazprom is hoping that the terms and40

With the President on board (19 July arrived at Ashgabat airport named after2010) Saparmurat Turkmenbashi the Great”.According to Saparmurat Niyazov’s plan,“Turkmen airlines” was supposed to be the After the sudden death of Niyazov, it is notcountry’s trademark, a symbol of prosperity very comfortable to travel accompanied by hisand a flagship of civil aviation not only in the portraits which are wrapped in black ribbons.Central Asia region, but across the entire Horrid thoughts of omens of misfortune andformer Soviet Union. the number of air crash cases worldwide pass through the passengers’ minds.Therefore from the date the national aircarrier was founded in 1992, Turkmenistan A student, Begench, who was departing fromwas the first country on the territory of the Ashgabat during one of the memorial days toformer USSR to purchase Boeings and commemorate the first President ofreplaced YAK-40 and TU-134 planes with new Turkmenistan, recalls his experience: “Beforeaircrafts. take-off relaxing soft music usually always plays in plane cabin. While I was boarding theBy 2001 all domestic and international flights plane, locating my hand luggage, taking off myhad been operated only using US-made jacket, I did not pay attention to the music.airplanes. After I had buckled up in my seat, I kept my ears open and my blood ran cold: theSuch concern and care demonstrated by the mourning music was playing dismal melodieshigh-ranking authorities could not but affect which make you cry. Moreover, after thethe interior and the ambience in the Turkmen doors had been shut, the flight attendantaircrafts. No entertainment programs such as made an announcement over the loudspeakermovies or musical programs are envisaged on stating that today the whole nation and allthe flights operated by our airlines. Turkmen people were mourning. And the like. I swear I had a strong desire to jump out ofIt only remains for passengers to admire the the plane before take-off. I will remember thisportrait of the President who watches down flight until my dying day: a Dead man is staringon them in a benevolently yet sternly fashion on you from the wall and the funeral melodyduring the long hours on board. To avoid is buzzing in your head. I was not the onlycontroversial questions such as: “Why on passenger who felt ill at ease. All Turkmen onearth is there a portrait of the head of the board were pale with fear and could not utterstate up in the airplane?”, the following a word. When the plane started shakingphrase is transmitted over the loudspeakers: during turbulence, the passengers squinted“Our flight, which is serviced by the crew of with fear and silently whispered to each other.the national airline carrier Foreign travelers seemed to have enjoyed the“Turkmenkhovayollary” named after flight and did not feel nervous”.Saparmurat Turkmenbashi the Great has now This was followed by a short period when the41 portraits were taken down and only the screws in the curtain walls between the cabins were reminiscent of the phrase “thus passes the glory of the world“. Yet, the holy place is never empty and soon the same screws were used to hang up portraits of the new President so that passengers could look at something during the flight. It is unlikely that some people still have doubts that the airport and airline carrier will be renamed in the short term.

Since it is very time-consuming to pronounce this, primarily the residents of Turkmenistan themselves.such titles as: national airline carrier When holding the post of acting President,“Turkmenkhovayollary” named after President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov pledged that if elected as the head of the state, heof Turkmenistan Gurbanguly would ensure free internet access to every resident.Berdymukhammedov”. Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov fulfilled his campaignBerdymukhammedov is an Honorary promise. Access was granted but under rigid control. Those internet resources which areacademician of the Academy of Emerging viewed by the Turkmen censors as slandering, defaming or distorting the sugar-coated realityMarkets (USA 2007), Honorary Doctor of in Turkmenistan, are blocked. The lists of “unwanted” websites are reviewed andEconomics of the Higher School of updated on a regular basis. Even YouTube and LiveJournal are banned. Attempts by users toPrivatization and Entrepreneurship (Russia, visit similar websites across the country are closely monitored so as to check who is2007), Honorary Doctor of Kazan State trustworthy and to what extent.University (Russia, 2008), Honorary Doctor of In December 2007 the news spread around the world – the newly-elected PresidentTashkent Medical Academy (Uzbekistan, abolished the ban on foreign periodicals subscription which had been imposed by2008), Honorary Doctor of Baku State Niyazov.University (Baku, 2008), Honorary Professor of However, after looking at the news more closely it became clear that the TurkmenMoscow State University of Medicine and residents are still not allowed to subscribe to foreign newspapers and magazines. The onlyDentistry (Russia, 2009), Honorary Professor exceptions are Ministries and agencies, which were permitted to subscribe to “respectedof Tajik State Medical University named after popular scientific and other specialized periodicals according to the list which hadAbu Ali Ibn Sino (Dushanbe, 2010). The been personally approved by the President.Turkmen leader was also awarded the Golden In February 2010 Berdymukhammedov announced that a multi-party system might bemedal “Avicenna” by the United Nations introduced. This sounded like a serious pre- requisite for reforming the political rights andEducational, Scientific and Cultural freedoms of citizens. However, as it turned out shortly after, not any party could apply,Organization (UNSECO) in 2009, the order “For but only the one proposed by the President – “the Agrarian party”. Moreover, it was madeoutstanding accomplishments in the growth of responsible for accomplishing the task assigned by the President, i.e. “to explain andIT society by the International IT Academy implement the state agricultural policy”. The monopolist in the Turkmen political arena,(USA, 2009) etc., flight attendants would have Turkmenbashi’s beloved child– theto start making landing announcements halfan hour before arrival.Permitted does not mean allowed (29 July2010)The Turkmen authorities are makingnumerous efforts to convince theinternational community that the country ismoving towards democratic reform withfewer bans imposed and more rights andliberties provided for.Yet, the authorities cannot possibly imaginehow sincerely everybody would like to believe42

Democratic Party of Turkmenistan would be Indeed, why hurry up? The followingsupervising a newly-emerged party. accomplishments demonstrating the unprecedented extent of freedom andA recent proposal put forwarded by the democracy in Turkmenistan can be proudlyPresident was blatantly reminiscent of the reported to the West: even shepherds in thepermission to introduce “freedom of speech, most remote outskirts in the Karakum desertpress and mass media”. have access to mobile internet; academics and ministers enthusiastically read foreignOn 9 July, when addressing the Cabinet in a newspapers and magazines; political partiesbroadcast on national television, the head of which back then were just a few in numberthe state highlighted that he had reiterated are now sprouting like mushrooms; whilethe need to establish private printed independent private print media capture thepublications. “Proposals to establish private hearts of millions of subscribers by theirnewspapers and magazines should be burning poignant publications.prepared and the work in this direction shouldbe accelerated”, – the President said. Yet, he Turkmenistani citizens like NATO, Barackaddressed this historical message not to Obama and Turkmen manats (20 Augusteveryone but personally to his close friend 2010)and the country’s chief chicken breeder – the “According to the results of the opinion poll,Chairman of the Industrialists and conducted by the world-known GallupEntrepreneurs Aleksandr Dadaev. Then he Company and published recently in the massclearly explained what the “independent and media, Turkmenistan was included in the firstfree” Turkmen press was supposed to do: “to echelon of the world rating. According to thispublish articles on the entrepreneurs’ survey, Turkmenistan ranked eighteen amongaccomplishments, to exchange experiences on 155 countries of the world and number two inenterprise development, and advertise their the Asian region in terms of standards andmerchandise”. quality of life, leaving behind a number of developed countries and all CIS memberThen the President reflected a bit and added states”. State News Agency (TDH)convincingly: “ I would like to highlight thatthese issues [setting up a new party and In developing countries, including most partsindependent mass media] should not be of Latin America, former Soviet countries andresolved hastily within a short time-frame, but almost all countries of Asia, Middle East andin a thoughtful and level-headed manner”. Africa, Gallup staff conduct the surveys not by phone but by meeting the respondents inIn one of his first interviews in the post of person. Respondents are chosen randomlyPresident, Berdymukhammedov said” Since based on their place of residence and theirmy childhood one phrase embedded deeply in ability to represent an opinion of a typical,my mind: “Never run to the place you can average representative of society. Normally,simply reach on foot”. I believe this is a multi- the interviews last one hour. An average ofpurpose life rule, generated from old folk 1000 respondents, aged 15 and above, arewisdom, and can easily be applied to thehistoric path of our country”.This perception has long become a cult idea.But not thanks to the Turkmen President. Longbefore Berdymukhmammedov ComradeSaakhov had expressed this idea in a morecomprehensive, straightforward and eloquentmanner: “There is no point in hurrying!”43

interviewed in each country. Gallup annually 24% of respondents gave a positive answer.conducts 1000 interviews 350 days a year.Surveys are conducted in more than 150 Would you like to go to another country forcountries of the world. permanent residence? Only 5% of interviewed Turkmenistani citizensBelow are the results of some surveys, would wish to leave their home country forconducted by the Gallup in Turkmenistan: good.Do you support or do you oppose the activities, Turkmenistan ranked the last by all threeconducted by the government of the United positions of migration survey. For instance, inStates of America? Armenia, which ranks the first, 44% would like61% of Turkmenistan`s respondents to go for temporary work, 39% - forunanimously support the policy and activities studies/studies and work and 39% ofof Barack Obama`s administration. The same respondents confirmed their wish to go topercentage of the support was received in another country for permanent residence.Israel, while the respondents in Pakistan andIraq have oddly not expressed the due According to the data, published by the CIA inenthusiasm about the policy of the United the «The World Factbook 2010», 60% of theStates: 9 and 14% of «supporters» able-bodied population in Turkmenistan isaccordingly. unemployed and about 2 mln people live in sheer misery. In our country, the losses of theDo you perceive NATO as a protection for your able-bodied population due to immigrationcountry or as a threat? can be compared with that of Guatemala,36% of Turkmenistan`s respondents perceive Honduras, Tajikistan and Moldova.NATO as a protection and only 7% -as a threat.Among the CIS countries, only Georgia has Why then is the picture, presented by themore positive attitudes toward the North results of the Gallup`s polls, so bright andAtlantic block (56% - protection and 10% - optimistic and contrasts so drastically with thethreat) and the residents of Azerbaijan - 38% - reality around us?protection and 9% - threat. For 75 years, the Gallup has been sharpening and brining to perfection the precise andIn your view, what currency is the most objective identification of public opinion in theprofitable and secure means of savings: local, world on political, economic, social andUS dollars or EUR? psychological aspects of public life. During79% of Turkmenistan`s respondents state that these years, the Gallup even predicted thethey consider Turkmen manats the most results of the US presidential election on thereliable and profitable currency for savings basis of public opinion polls (it only ever madeand only 12% shamefacedly admit that they two errors). The Gallup has only ever shown toprefer US dollars. know how to hear, record and reflect in tables, graphs and diagrams the true «voice ofWith regard to trust in the local currency, the people».Turkmenistan ranks the first among the CIScountries, ahead of Azerbaijan by 10%, which However, in Turkmenistan, the faultless andranks the second, and ahead by 69% of smooth operation of the research system ofEstonia, which closes the list. the US company faced a factor which puts into question the reliability of the data collected.Would you like to go to another country for This cruel factor can be called «self-temporary work? censorship». Over 20 years, Turkmen society19% of our compatriots answered positively. has been imbued with pulsating nerves of fear: «not to blunder out!».Would you like to go abroad forstudies/studies and work?44

The report of the international organization think: «The difference between survey and«Doctors without borders» (MSF) on interrogation is extremely minimal».Turkmenistan contains a chapter called «Aculture of fear», which is devoted to this social Turkmenistan. Epoch of the greatsickness of our society: « MSF observed renaissance of tribalism (2 Novembermedical staff in Turkmenistan reduced to 2010)deliver sub-standard care through the culture We are offering you below an exclusiveof fear … This culture of fear has filtered down interview given by Vitaliy Nikolaevichfrom the highest political levels. … It was Khlyupin, a leading expert on geopoliticalreported that a medical doctor had been issues in Central Asia, political scientist, authorimprisoned for disclosing data on maternal of the books «Who is who in the Republic ofmortality ... It was also reported that the chief Kazakhstan», \"Genocide. Russians indoctor of the narcological clinic had been Kazakhstan: tragic fate\", \"Large family\" ofsacked for providing information on cases of Nursultan Nazarbaev. Political elite of modernHIV infection». Kazakhstan\" and many other works, and editor in chief of the «» website.Fear has penetrated so deeply into the peoplethat they automatically control each said or As you forecast in December 2006 in yourwritten word. They know that they may in no article «A person without a allow for talks, which are even indirectly Berdymukhammedov will stay in Turkmeniarelated to politics, with strangers or little- for a long time», the newly-minted presidentknown people, with foreigners, has very quickly «broken off the threads of therepresentatives of authorities or law puppeteers», who brought him to power.enforcement agencies – any phone talks, e- However, not of all of them but only thosemail correspondence; -it is forbidden to say or from power officials. What is, in your opinion,to write what you think. the secret of political longevity and absolute «immunity» of Zhadan, Khramov and Umnov?So the people say only the things, which, intheir opinion, are safe to be said. Words with This is not a special Turkmen phenomenon.negative connotations cause subconscious Every authoritarian governor of Asian-Africanalert, therefore the choice between «threat» type has groups of assistants from otherand «protection», «support» and «oppose», is tribes, who perform vital functions. The firstobvious. one is the image function, communication with the outer world. Secondly, they can beThe question on the most secure currency also used as literary slaves, dummies to writerings alarm bells: «What if a criminal article ideological nonsense, for instance the waywas again introduced for exchange Karimov used Vyacheslav Golyshev. Thirdly, asmanipulations and now they are looking to in this particular case, they can be used tosee who has dollars?». manage their chef’s business «in Europe», «digging in» and re-concealing the money.Going abroad is another taboo topic. One caneasily see a string of logic here: «If you want Since these persons are representing otherto leave, it means you did something bad. Or tribes, not fitting the local tribal system, theyyou don`t like the Motherland, that means – can be trusted with the most precious –the President». khan`s purse and many other sensitive assignments. Each Central Asian governor hasIn response to a reassuring explanation: «This his own Bouygues, his own Chalyk, his ownis an anonymous sociological survey and you «favorite Jew», his Russian «Van`kas»can answer the questions openly, sincerely (tumbler toys), etc. I would like to repeat: thisand without reservations», a true is no new phenomenon, this is regularTurkmenistani citizen will not say this but will practice. Moreover, our leaders often and willingly hire «aliens»as personal body guards45

for the same reason: they are considered President started to sort out his Lordmore loyal. Warwicks one by one ...«Puppeteers» in Central Asia are possible only This is the case with Tajik Rakhmon. Everyone,at the stage of rising to power; later they are who knew him before 1992, was unanimous«cleaned up». In fact, Zhadan-Khramov- that if he is not a mere nobody, then he isUmnov and previously Otchertsov were never something close to it; with the head ofthe puppeteers. They can be called the someone from an onion state farm. However,regime’s valets, even though influential ones. as we see, he has technically «eliminated» all «king makers».Rashid Meredov has been foreign minister ofTurkmenistan since 2001. Does this long There is an interesting detail: the presidents inperiod in power mean that Meredov is a truly countries with tribal systems are notinfluential politician? individuals, but to a certain extent, a manifestation of the collective will and theI can hardly say that. He has the same role as imperial ambitions of the entire tribe. Even if«All-Union Headman» Mikhail Kalinin under the «leader» himself is a fool, the tribe, risenStalin – to personify a certain continuity of to power, has those who will help and supportpower. In terms of real politics he is merely a him. I cannot say how cunningplankton of the apparatus, perhaps a bit Berdymukhamedov is, but the results are clearlarger, thicker than others, surrounding the – the political field around him has beenmain «Sargasso dessert». skillfully «cleansed and footworn».Do you think that Berdymukhamedov was Turkmenbashi was known as the absolutely«enthroned» because of his absolute political unique figure of great originality. He shapednullity and dependency upon «puppeteers», or his image of «Harun ar-Rasid of our days»is the second President of Turkmenistan a past using immense rings, writing spiritual treatisesmaster of manifold court intrigues and has and not participating in summits, agreementssimply outsmarted all his rivals and and unions. And how does Berdymukhamedovcompetitors? look in comparison to his colleagues in the region?One can only guess now what really happenedon «Day X – 21/12/2006». Personally, I I cannot agree that the image of the first Bashiassume that it is possible for Turkmenbashi to is as unique as described. The fact is that indie suddenly of natural causes, just as he our region it happened to be very expressivecould die suddenly from something else. His and distinctive. For instance, Africa has manydeath could also be partially natural and such personalities, even more quaintpartially not; it could be that medical characters. It is enough to recall the Presidentassistance was not rendered in a timely of Uganda, a military officer Idi Amin, or anfashion, or it was timely but not correct… emperor of Central African cannibal Bokassa, or a dictator of Guinea Ahmed Sékou Touré,Whatever is the case, the court doctor is the has been repeatedly re-elected byperson who is most needed. acclamation in «democratic elections» withBerdymukhamedov happened to be in the 100% results. As opposed to them,very right place at the very right time. Turkmenbashi was a rather reserved and modest despot, supported by 89% of votersCertainly, security officials played a decisive only. In the past years, Saparmurat Atayevichrole on his death bed as they were deciding on has looked more like a king, played by E.the successor and pushed aside his Leonov in «Obyknovennoe Chudo» moviespokesman Atayev, who didn’t suit them for than a serious politician.some reason or other. And then the new46

Berdymukhamedov still has some room “for everyone, ready to snap his hands at aimprovement” to reach Niyazov`s level and suitable moment.with the time, things come full circle, includingthe statue, embracing the sun. Until now, in How could you comment on the boundcomparison with all other regional leaders, he forward in the development of the Turkmen-does not stand out very distinctly – having Chinese «gas friendship» and the significantonly two volumes of works while Nazarvaev cooling of Turkmen-Russian relations?has five and Karimov even twelve. However, infive-ten years, the scientific world will surely It is a natural course of development and abe enriched by another coryphaeus of general geopolitical tendency. Russia,Mangush sciences and, perhaps, of arts. objectively speaking, is getting weaker, while China, on the contrary, stronger. Less large-Four years ago you wrote: «The dilemma of scale countries try to catch the main stream,Turkmen political technologies is very simple: and take the lead in larger politics of the newwhether you are beaten with a stake, or you «world ice-breaker ship». In recent years,beat someone… If you have time, you can run China is literarily tanked to Central Asia.away. And if you haven’t managed to run Another important moment: Turkmenia hasaway…». To what extent is this dilemma of the no immediate border with China and if RussiaTurkmen political technologies urgent for can give a direct strike by its fleet via theBerdymukhamedov for the moment? Caspian Sea, Peking in this way is not so potentially dangerous. Another question is noThe morals of the East are simple and harsh. It matter what agreements you have with China,has its own political culture and political gas will not fly over there by air, and the pipestraditions. There is a Bashi, and he does are laid down across «brotherly» Uzbekistanwhatever he wants and when he wants with and «friendly» Kyrgyzstan, and it will cost youhis entourage. The entourage is excited, more to get a profitable agreement with thesesinging and dancing around, rubbing those friends.places that hurt. This was, is and will be thepractice here; and it might stay for good. Is Turkmenistan going to save «Nabucco»?Nothing has changed. No. It is going to bargain, pump out discountsWill Turkmen gas be sufficient for all recipients and preferences but not to save and ruin(Russia, EU, China, Iran)? everything because of its future. «Nabucco» is the same PR project as an «ocean of TurkmenNo one knows how much gas Turkmenia has, gas», only a long and a round one.even those who fake the gas reports.«Turkmen gas» has long ago turned from a Does Berdymukhamedov have a chance toreal substance to a certain bugaboo for PR and govern the country longer than Turkmenbashilobbyist purposes, used by Ashgabat for (21 years)?geopolitical bargaining on a wide range ofissues: from human rights problems to Certainly he does. Turkmenbashi rose tocomplete reorientation of politics and power at the age of 45 but his nerves andeconomics. While Turkmenbashi had laid the health were significantly undermined by thebasis, Berdymukhamedov has smoothly Soviet party bodies. In the case ofcontinued a hyper multi vector course, Berdymukhamedov, he was 50 and taking intodistributing attractive contracts across the account that he is a doctor himself andentire geographical map: Turkey, France, medicine and gerontology, in particular, areGermany, Russia, «Nabucco», Afghanistan, steadily moving forward, he can easily stay inIranian blackmail, and opening of the Embassy the president’s chair for another thirty years.of Israel. He possesses all qualities of a goodTekin serdar: he is a friend and brother to47

The President of Zaire Joseph Mobutu, for Thank you to the Germaninstance, has governed successfully for 32 Durdymukhamedovich! (13 Decemberyears, being re-elected repeatedly. The Albert 2010)waterfall has been renamed in his honor and Carrying the intolerable burden of beinghis image has been reflected on banknotes; he official representative of the Russian airlinesprohibited people from wearing ties and made (all 168!) in Turkmenistan, Mr Germanthem dress in traditional clothes. In order to Ashirov, however, finds the time to attendget rid of the colonial past, he re-named symposiums and conferences in differenthimself Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu wa countries of the world, where he representsZabanga, which means- “all-power warrior, the interests of the Russian diaspora living inwho due to his firmness and iron goes from Turkmenistan.conquest to conquest, leaving fire in hiswake”. At the regional conference of Russian diaspora residing in Central Asia, which was recentlyI will repeat: I am almost 100% sure that held in Kyrgyzstan, the Germanalready in the years to come the Turkmen Durdymukhamedovich Ashirov made a reportidentity will receive a new powerful push in its and in particular agued: «Today indevelopment – archeologist Sarianidi will Turkmenistan there is no single registereddiscover a capital of the Mangush Empire in society of Russian compatriots, although theirthe Karakum desert, which will be considered number here amounts to almost 250the center of the world civilization. thousand. Yet, amendments to the legislationBerdymukhamedov will name himself Kuku are now being introduced which open suchNgbendu Gazi the Best and prohibit sausages, possibilities and it is important now how thisinvent a pair of compasses, etc. will be used». At this conference Ashirov was elected a member of the WorldwideThe reign of Berdymukhamedov is the reign of Coordination Council of Russian Compatriots.a «personality cult», as it was under Niyazov, Thus, he has become the secondor is it rather a reign of a «family, clan», as it representative of the Central Asia in thewas under Eltsin and Bakiev? Council. In the conclusions of the conference, the delegates recommended to hold the nextSo far it can be referred to as plush autocracy, regional forum in Turkmenistan. Thewhich is already now leaning on Tekin tribal conference has been scheduled for the 3rdelite. Gradually, the new Serdar will narrow quarter of 2011.this «Bakharden-Akhal» strata of relatives(there are plenty of them) to a more compact At first glance, this cannot but be welcomed.and totally native «Babarab» segment. The This is an opportunity to represent at thechildren will grow up, and their non-childish international level the interests of thoseambitions with them, so there will be the people who cannot obtain their internationalneed to select a successor, and the governing passports and leave the country only becauseclan will be even more narrowed by crossfamily ties. The slaves of Babarab is the futureof the Turkmen elite and you cannot escape it.Of course if nothing unexpected andinteresting occurs, some new «21/12». Andhere we come across another remarkableCentral Asian tradition, or you can call itpolitical technology: this can happen anyimportunate moment, without any reasonsand impelling forces of three classical sourcesof revolutionary situation.48

of the fact that they hold dual Russian- diplomatic flexibility, the Turkmen side,Turkmen citizenship; those who were taken however, is sinking the zeal of Turkey in aoff the flights for the very same reason; those deep bog of the vague promises.who will face a choice at the end of the nextyear: which citizenship to drop; and those who Both the November visit of the Presidentwere fired from the jobs, or were not enrolled Abdullah Gul and the first over the past ninein the institutes because of a poor command years visit paid by the Turkish Foreign Ministerof Turkmen. to Turkmenistan had the same purpose: to persuade Berdymukhamedov to a closerHowever, if there is no single registered cooperation in oil and gas sphere.society of Russian compatriots inTurkmenistan, then who authorized Mr. This cooperation may well result for Turkey inGerman Ashirov to be an official huge dividends both in political and economicrepresentative of the Russian diaspora? Or is aspects: to apple-polish Europe by lobbyinghe doing this unofficially, putting his life and the supplies of Turkmen gas bypassing Russiafreedom at risk? It does not seem so, since the and simply to «stick» to a gas pipeline underGerman Durdymukhamedovich is willingly any pretext wherever it goes: this brings muchcommunicating with the foreign press, posing more profits even than construction offor photographs and is referred to as a numerous hotels in Avaza.representative of Turkmenistan in all officialdocuments. He lives in Ashgabat and does not The most important outcome of the visit offace any problems in obtaining an the Turkish President has become theinternational passport, or exiting and entering «intention expressed by the both sides tothe country. develop cooperation in the sphere of Turkmen natural gas supplies to world markets usingI would like to believe that Mr. Ashirov is not a alternative routes \".«ceremonial bystander», who enables the Last Saturday, heads of the Foreign MinistriesTurkmenistan authorities to state now with of Turkey and Turkmenistan have signed apride: «In our country non-titular nations are Programme of Joint Actions for 2011-2012,not discriminated against. And the fact that which also mentions «cooperation in thethe official representative of the Russian sphere of gas supplies ».diaspora of Turkmenistan has now become amember of the Worldwide Coordination However, one thing is the «intention», evenCouncil of Russian Compatriots and is making listed in a nicely bound document which is notreports at the international symposiums and very specific. And another thing is the sincereconferences is clear proof to it». and burning desire of the official Ashgabat to sell gas without any agents.Anyway, we should be thankful to German Berdymukhamedov definitely does not wantDurdymukhamedovich for updating us on the the long dramatic play with Gazprom, full ofamendments to legislation related to the unvarnished fraud, now performed by thepublic organizations. And as far as the essence Turkish side, to repeat.of these amendments is concerned, he is likelyto tell us about these at the next conference. The logic of the Turkmen side is simple and unpretentious: «We`ve got a pipe of our own«Nabucco» suffers distress at the coast of that goes to the Caspian shore and it would beTurkmenistan (19 December 2010) not difficult to reach an agreement withTurkish companies firmly invaded virtually all Europe provided it has its own pipeline frommost profitable spheres of Turkmenistan`s there, so Turkmenistan will not have to shareeconomics: construction, energetics and oil with anyone, and especially withrefining. Now an attack has been launched at «disinterested» Turkish brothers».the sweetest spot – export of energyresources. Demonstrating the miracles of49

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