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Read the Text Version Dhammadayada Chanting Book Dhammakaya Foundation First edition 1994 National Library ofThailand Cataloguing in Publication Data Chanting Book:Dhammadayada Edition 1. Buddhism -Prayer-books and devotions. I Dhammakaya Foundation II. Title 294.313 ISBN 9748922225 Published by the Dhammakaya Foundation Department of International Relations 23/2 Moo 7., Khlong Sam,Khlong Luang, Patumthani 12120 Thailand Copyright © 1994 by the Dhammakaya Foundation All rights reserved. No portion ofthis book may be reproduced,by any process or technique,without the express written consent ofthe publisher. Printed in Thailand by Darnsutha Press,307 Soi Chandrasuk(Lardprao 87)Lardprao Road,Bangkapi,Bangkok 10310Tel.(02)5397490to 94 Contents THE IMPORTANCE OF CHANTING 9 1. DAILY CHANTING: 16 32 Morning Chanting Evening Chanting 48 50 2. RECOLLECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: 52 TankanikapaccavekkhanapJltha 54 DhatQpatikulapaccavekkhanapatha 55 Atltapaccavekkhanapatha 56 Ten Reflections for the Monk 58 Ten Reflections for the Good Friend 59 Daily Resolve Revision ofthe Five Precepts Revision ofthe Eight Precepts 3. LAYPEOPLES'PALI FORMULAE: 62 Requesting the Five Precepts 63 Requesting the Eight Precepts 64 Undertaking Dhutanga Training Grace 65 Resigning from Dhutanga Training Requesting Paritta Chanting 65 Requesting a Discourse 66 Offering General Sanghadana 66 Offering Bathing Robes for the Rains 66 Offering Picked-up Robes 66 Offering a Kathina Robes 67 Reclaiming the Remainder of Offerings 67 Resolution when Making an Offering 67 Dedication of Merit to(Deceased)Relatives 67 67 4. CHANTING FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS: 70 Traditional Homage to the Triple Gem 72 Magha PQja Day(Magha Punnami) 74 Visakha Poja Day(Visakha Punnami) 76 Asalha PQja Day 5. MONASTIC PALI FORMULAE & ADVICE FOR NEW MONKS: Asking Forgiveness from One's Guardian 80 Ordination Procedure(Ukasa) 81 Ordination Procedure(Esaharn) 89 Necessary Vinaya 95 Marking the Robes(Bindukappam) 95 Robe Resolutions(Addhitthana) 96 Relinquishing a Robe(Paccuddharana) 96 Sharing a Robe(Vikappam) 96 Forfeiting a Personal Robe 97 Forfeiting an Accessory Robe 97 Returning a Robe to Another Monk 97 Confessing Minor Transgressions(Trad.) 97 Asking Forgiveness ! 99 Disrobing 99 V, 102 102 6. SELECTED MONASTIC BLESSINGS: 106 Tiratananusaranapatha 108 Buddhajayamangda Atthagatha 108 Jayaparittam 110 Atanatiyaparimgatha (Sabbaroga...) 110 Anumodanarambhagatha (Yatha...) 110 Samaftfianumodanagatha (Sabbltiyo...) 112 Bhojanadananumodanagatha (Ayudo...) 116 Ratanattayanubhavadigatha 118 Cullamangฟacakkavala 120 7. SELECTED SUTTAS: 124 125 Mangda Sutta 128 Karanlyametta Sutta Ovadapatimokkhadipatha APPENDIX 1.PRONUNCIATION OF THE PALI ALPHABET APPENDIX 2 GLOSSARY OF BUDDHIST TERMS APPENDIX 3 HOW TO MEDITATE The Importance of Chanting Figure 1. Anyone who practises chanting every day takes a short cut to supramundane knowledge because The gentlemens' kneeling position in readiness for respect cultivated through chanting improves paying respect. people's potential to absOTb and pe^etuate the loTOwledgethey learn.The morer^pecta person Figure 2. The ladies' kneeling position in readinessfor paying has for his teacher and for the knowledge he is respect. taught, the more knowledge he will absOTb. Re- spert boils down to seeing the goodness or value in other people or knowledge. Most are blind to goodness in others because they don't look for it — or they assume themselves to besuperior — or thegoodnessin othersisoften not manifest—and even when it is manifest, our own defilements pull the wool over their eyes.The Buddha taught that if you can't appreciate the good in others,no matter how enlightened they are,it is impossible to absorb any of their virtue. The virtue that opens our eyes to the good in things outside oursdves is respect — to open up to the ways in which other things are more valu able or important than ourselves and by express ing sincere praise deserved by others with body, speech and mind — whether we are in their presenceor not.The Buddha taught thatabove all we shoulcl be respectful towards the Buddha, Dharma,Sangha,education,non-recklessnessand hospitality. It should be noted that just chanting or bowing doesn't equate with respect — neither grovelling for a favour nor chanting because you feel embarrassed when you see everyone dse chanting make you any wiser. Respect implies bowing orchanting whileopening up to the virtueof the object ofrespect — for example thinking of the Buddha's wisdom,compassion and purity when bowing to Him,with the willingness to follow in His footsteps. The Buddha taught that there are seven things worthy of respect and have value that is so ^eat that they cannot be ignored: the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha, education, meditation, non-recklessness and hospitality. Chanting is one way of cultivating respect towards the Buddha, the Dhamma and Sangha. We pay respect to the Lord Buddha, he who is Figure 3. fully self-eiUlghtened and teaches for the salva- tioriofotherliving beings,becauseHeisofUnsur First Step: Gentlemen kneel, taking their weight on passed Wisdom,^UnsurpassedCompassionand their kn^and sitting backon their raised heels.The of Unsurpassed Purity. We respect the Dhamma, palms ore brought together loosely, at on angle of the TeacWng of the Lord Buddha, because the about 45'to the middle of the ch^t. The bock and DhanunaistheUnblemished and Untainted Truth head ore erect. —whosoever putstheDhamma into practice will Figure 4. quickly find an end to all suffering — so valuable First Step; Ladies kneel, resting on their shins with that even the Buddha must pay respect to the theirfeetflattotheground.The palmsore broughtto- Dhamma and the Lord Buddha elected the g^herloosely,aton angleofo^ut45'tothe middle DhammaasHissuccessoron Earth before passing awayintoParinirvana.WerespecttheSangha,the of the chest. The bock and head ore erect. disaples of the Lord Buddha because they have practised the Dhamma until becoming enlight ened and teach others to attain enlight^imentin their footsteps.If the Lord Buddha was still alive we should pay respect to Him by having regular audience with Him;listening to Hissermonsand practising his teachings with diligence; serving Him; new$®trying to put ourselves on the same level as Him the objective being to make our selvessufficientlyendearing to Himithat heshould pass on to us all the knowledge He can teach. Nowadays 2,500 years after the passing of the Lord Buddha it is not too late to leam from the virtues of the Lord Buddha.Our objective in cul tivating respect towards the Lord Buddha is dif ferent — we pay respect to the Lord Buddha by chanting, to remind ourselves of his virtues, so that we may never fall into the trap of thinking ourselves superior to Him.In this way we may continue to absorb from the heritage of virtue He has passed down to us, the qualities we need to enter upon Nirvana.In addition, through open ing up to the unsurpassed virtues of the Triple Gem, we make ourselves able absorb and per petuate Buddhist qualities that extend the life of the Buddhist Religion. In summary, Buddhist Chanting in praise of the Triple Gem has two majorol^ectives—tocultivate respectand humil ity that we may betterabsorbfrom theTripleGem the virtues it exemplifies — to progress on the path to enlightenment and to pe^etuate the Buddhisthei^age.Aslongaswekeepin sightthe objective of cultivating respect,we will never fall intothe trap ofbecoming attached to ceremony as an end in Itself (sJIabbhataparSmSsa) or of simply Ijowing down before golden idols' 10 Figure 5. Different Sorts of Chanting Chanting asa way to cultivate respect,isfound in Second Step: With the head stiil wect, gentlemen nearly all monastic traditions of the world and in raisethe joined palmsto touch with both thumbs,the Buddhism the tradition extends to laypeople as central point between the eyebrows. well as monks. This book is based on the Thai Figure 6. tradition ofchanting which hasundergonea huge s^rond Step: while still seated on flattened, ladies degree of systematization over the last century mostly as the result of royal reforms. Originally should incline their hwd forward slightly,raising the chanting varied from temple to temple and was thumbsofthe joined handstotouch the central point subject to non-Buddhist (syncretic) admixtures. between the eyebrows. Chanting such as the Traditional Homage to the Triple Gem'(page 70)is one of the few pieces of purely Buddhistchanting thatsurvivesfrom such times.The tradition at WatPaknam Bhasicharoen even up to 1959 was for evening chanting to consist of 108 recitations of the Tiratananu- saranapafha (Itipi so...). The whole of Buddhist tradition in Thailand including the ceremonies and chanting,underwentaseri^ofroyalreforms startingin theeighteenth century withrevision by King ^ma I oftheSiam PaliCanon(1788).King Rama 111 ordered the 500 year old parittas of รท Lanka(seven tamnaan see page 114),to be trans lated into Thai and trained palace staff together with civil servants to chant daily in thesame way as monks,as exemplars to the rest of his subjects. King Mongut(Rama rv)resigning from twenty- seven year's ordination to take the thronein 1851, systematized,compiled and composed what we now know as the daily morning and evening chanting, a tradition that has gradually spread throughout the Buddhist and lay populations to becorne an inextricable part of Thai Buddhist identity in the present day. In the Buddhist tradition, chanting is used for many different functions(see Table I. overleap. Expressing Respect with Body,Speech and Mind Asexplained above,the main purposeofchanting istocultivate the virtue ofrespect — an indispen sable precursor of Wisdom on the path to enlight enment. Genuine respect while chanting is ex pressed notonly with the voice,butby the humil ity of our physical posture and our presence of rriind. The Postures Used for chanting Everyone paying homageto theTripleGem should chant while kneeling up (for praise of the Triple Gem or asking forgiveriess)or sitting down with 11 the feet to one side(for other sorts of chanting). ฒ Comparing Figures 1. and 2. will illustrate the Figure 7. difference between the kneeling posture for gen tlemen and that for ladies. While gentlemen sit Third Step:Gentlemen should bend forword,gradu back on their raised heels,in a kneeling position, ally moving the hands apart the distance of about one palm-w'dth. The palms are turned downwards ladies sit back on the soles of their feet while until the elbows meet the knees and the forehead Ranting(see F^res 3. & 4),the palms of the touches the floor between the hands. handsshould be brought together,in frontofthe Figure 8. chest. The 2uins should be quite relaxed and the Third Step: Ladies should bend forwards,gradually elbows not too close to the(±est. moving the honds apart the distance of aL>out one Bowingisanimplicitpartofpraise totheTriple palrn-width. The palms are turned downwards until Gem or ^king forgiveness. While bowing (see theelbows meettheground justoutsidethekneesand the forehead touches the floor between the hands. Figures 5-8), the trunk should be bent forward crisply(but gently!)to touch the forehead to the floor,with the hands placed flat,palms down on either side of the temples.One should finish the phrase ofchanting before bowing and time one's bow to be in unisra with the rest ofthe group. Itis respectfultoremoveone'shat wh«โ chMit- ing — and to keep any loose wrap such as a blanket or shawl no higher than the level of the chest—somethingtoberemembered whenchant ing in a cold environment. Use of the Voke when Chonring When you are chanting you should chant out loud.The sound of your voice should be solid as ifit originates b'om the pointatthecentre of your abdomen (rather than your throat). Beginners should note the correct pronunciation of Pali Chanting(shown in Appendix 1 at the back of this book). Chanting should sound lively and crisp rather than drawn-outand excessively sanctimo nious. You should chant on the same note as the person leading the chanting(not start your own harmonic)so that the sound of the whole group chantingisasone.Ifa monkisavailabletoagroup of lay people, he should be the one to lead the chanting.If no monk is available,it is traditional thatalayman(ifpresent)ratherthan alaywoman should lead thechanting.Itis theresponsibilityof theoneleading thechanting tosetthekeyand the pace of the chanting.Others in the group should respect the leader in his duty and should co operate. It is bad manners to interfere with the chanting leader.The'key'ofthe chanting if prop erlylead willbesuitablefor both maleand female voicesalike.Onlyforchildren doesit takespecial perseverance to achieve harmony in a group of 12 Table 1.ะ DifferentTypes of Clianring chanting Ptirpose Description Example Notes Ratanattayavandand Revering the Triple Gem: Recollection &Praise ofTriple Gem Kneel upfor Chanting Kneel upforChanting Asking Forgiveness Reduces the arrogance towards others Asking Forgiveness Uses native language that blocks the p^โ to self-improvement Uses nativelanguage Self-Reflection Daily self-reminder to avoid recklessness Ten Principles... Used by Monksonly and be sensitive toself-improvement For monks or'aity Resolve(Aspiration) Directs merit accrued to give required Daily Resolve results in this and future lives Formal Requests Invite monks to receive offerings Taking Precepts or give Precepts Dedication of Merit Transferring merit accrued for the Dedication of Merit benefit of others Rites of Passage Expressesintention to change one's Ordination level ofdiscipline Giving Blessings Recipient of offerings dedicates merits Bhojananumodana accrued to the benefactors Gatha Revising Teachings Usually Suttas — for familiarity in Mangala Sutta order to aid study and memorizing adults.The properspeed ofchanting in a groupis continue to rest his mind in peace and stillness at ininverseproportiontothesizeofagroup.Smaller the centre of the body.If the meditator finds that groupsare mOTe capable ofchanting quickly than his mind is wandering during chanting, he can large ones.For a practised group thesound atthe use visualization at the centre of the body while beginning and end of each phrase พณ start and meditating — for example imagining a Buddha stopin umson with clearly heard spacesofsilence image at the centre of Ae body while chanting between verses. In chanting where there are no praisetotheLord Buddha;imagininga brightand spaces for taking breath (for example monastic shining sphere at the centre of the body when blessings)those dianting should attempt to stag chanting praise to the Dhamma, or; imagining ger their breathtaking so that the sound of the disciplesoftheLord Buddha whenchantingpraise to the Sangha. Meditators also practise chanting ^oup's chanting is continuous. before sittog for meditation. The combination can beliken^ tospendingsometimeshcirpening Chanting and Meditation a chisel,before setting to work on a carving. Chanting properly will lead to purification ofthe mind.The practice ofchantingshares many bene chanring in Pali fits with the practice of sitting meditation. It can calm and focus the mind when performed in a Thelan^age of the chanting is called 'Pali'.It is skilled way,leading toconfidenceand happiness. an anci^it Indian language,akin to Sanskrit,in Meditation itself, can enter all aspects of life and chanting,farfrom being an exception,is an excel which the Scripture of the Theravada Buddhist lent complement to mentation both during and Canon is recorded. We chant in Pali instead of after chanting. The only prerequisite that helps chanting the translation for authenticity, but the you to practiM meditation while chanting is that you should know the verses you are chanting off translation is given in etlmost all cases b^use the by heart.During the chanting,the meditator can benefits of the chanting will be increased if the chanterunderstandsthe meaning ofthe versethat he is chanting. 13 u DAILY CHANTING Morning Chanting(translation) [1] Supreme praise to the Triple Gem Whosoeveris an Exalted One and Worthy One,who has attained to self- enlightenment...the Dhamma which has been properly expounded, by Him,the Exalted One...whichever Order of excellent practising ones, enlightened disciples of the Exalted One... WeaskThy bidding,to veneratethe Exalted One,theDhammaand the Holy Order of disciples, with the best of offerings we have to give. 0! Noble One, who long since has passed into supreme- enlightenment...we beg Thee to receive, with compassion for all us; lowly beings, born now and hereafter, these offerings of all suffering men,for the sake,of our everlasting spiritual benefit and happiness. [2] Homage to the Triple Gem I pay homage to the Lord Buddha,the Worthy One, The Fully Self-Enlightened One,the Exalted One —bow — I bow in reverence to the Dhamma, The Doctrine properly expounded by the Exalted One. —bow — I bow in reverence to the Holy Order of the Exalted One, The excellently-practising ones. —bow— . 16 Morning Chanting [1] Ratanattaya-vandana Yo SO bhagava araham sammasambuddho Svakkhato yena bhagavata dhammo Supatipanno yassa bhagavato savakasaAgho Tammayarp bhagavantam sadhammam sasangharp Imehi sakkarehi yatharaharp aropitehi abhipujayama Sadhu ทอ bhante bhagava suciraparinibbuto pi Pacchimajanatanukampamanasa Ime sakkare duggatapannakarabhute patigganhatu Amhakam digharattarp hitaya sukhaya [2] Ratanattayanamakarapatha Araharp sammasambuddho bhagava Buddharp bhagavantam abhivademi —bow — Svakkhato bhagavata dhammo Dhammarp namassami — bow — Supatipanno bhagavato savakasangho Sangharp namami — bow — 17 [3]Introductory Homage to the Lord Buddha {Lo! Let us all offer an introductory homage to the Exalted One,the Lord Buddha) Homage to Him,the Exalted One,the Worthy Lord,the Fully Self-En- lightened One.(three times) [4]The Supreme Praise to the Lord Buddha {Lo! Let us all offer supreme praise to the Lord Buddha) Whoever has travelled the eternal path,the Worthy One,the Fully Self- Enlightened One,who has attained the Supramundane Knowledge and so perfectly conducted His life, who has already travelled the path of righteousness, who has clearly understand the whole world,who is the most Capable Charioteer, who trains His followers in the highest spiritual life, who is the Teacher ofall human and celestial beings,who is enlightened and exalted, whosoever, with His supramundane wis dom,having pervaded the ultimate truth, has with this truth illuminated this world,the celestial world,the world ofdevils,the world ofbrahmas, human beings,together with monks, brahmins and gods.... Whosoever has expounded so beautifully, in the beginning, in the middle and in the ending, the fundamentals of His Teaching, together with its detail,in its entirety,ofthe principles ofthe pure way ofperfect conduct... I pay reverence to Him,the Exalted One. To that Exalted One,I bow down my head. —bow — 18 [3] Pubbabhaganamakarapatha {Handa mayaip buddhassa bhagavato pubbabhaganamakaram karoma se) Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammasambuddhassa. (three times) [4] Buddhabhithuti {Handa mayarn buddhabhithutim karoma se) Yo so tathagato araharn sammasambuddho, Vijjacaranasampanno sugato lokavidu, Anuttaro purisadammasarathi sattha devamanussanarn buddho bhagf Yo imarn lokarn sadevakam samarakam sabrahmakarn, Sassamanabrahmanirn pajarn sadevamanussam sayam, Abhinna sacchikatva pavedesi, Yo dhammarp desesi adikalyanarn majjhekalyanarp pariyosanakalyanam, Sattham sabyanjanarn kevalaparipunnarn parisuddharn Brahmacariyam pakasesi, Tamaharn bhagavantam abhipujayami, Tamaharn bhagavantarp,sirasa namami. — bow — 19 [5] Supreme Praise to the Dhamma {Lo! Let US all offer supreme praise to the Dhamma.} Whichever Dhamma was properly expounded by the Exalted One, which is clearly perceived within ourselves, timeless, which inspires those who see it to call others to come and see it, which should be internalized, which can be realized subjectively by the wise... I pay reverence to the Dhamma. To that Dhamma I bow down my head. —bow — [6] Supreme Praise to the Sangha {Lo! Let us all offer supreme praise to the Sangha.) Whichever, excellently-practising disciples of the Exalted One, who have taken the direct path ofrighteousness, who have behaved accord ing to theirinner wisdom,who have mastered themselves on the way to salvation,these eight types of disciples,divided into four pairs,supra- mundane ones honoured as ariya-puggalay who are worthy for temple offerings,residential offerings and offerings for the sake of those who have passed away, who are worthy ofreverence and homage, who are the supreme field of merit on earth... I pay reverence to that Sangha. To that Sahgha I bow down my head. —bow — 20 [5] Dhammabhithuti {Handa mayarp dhammabhithutim karoma se) Yo so svakkhato bhagavata dhammo, Sanditthiko akaliko ehipassiko, Opanayiko paccattam veditabbo vinnuhi, Tamaharp dhaminarp abhipujayami, Tamahaip dhammarn sirasa namami, — bow — [6] Sanghabhithuti {Handa mayarn sanghabhithutirn karoma se) Yo so supatipanno bhagavato savakasafigho, Ujupatipanno bhagavato savakasahgho, Nayapatipanno bhagavato stwakasangho, Samlcipatipanno bhagavato savakasangho, Yadidarp cattari purisayugani attha purisapuggala, Esa bhagavato sfivakasahgho, Ahuneyyo pahuneyyo dakkhineyyo anjallkaramyo, Anuttararn punhakkhetthani lokassa, Tamaharp sangharp abhipujayami, Tamaharp sangham,sirasa namami. — bow — 21 [7] Veneration ofthe Triple Gem {Lo! Let US all offer veneration of the Triple Gem and then offer our reflections on detachment from worldly miseries.} The Lord Buddha who is absolutely pure,whose compassion is as vast as theocean,whoseeye ofwisdom is that ofabsoluteinsight,whoisthe terminator of all worldly evils and defilements.With a respectful heart I worship that Buddha. The Dhamma,the radiant light of the Lord, whichever comprises the path and the fruit, which is supramundane and illuminates the path to eternity...with a respectful heart I worship that Dhamma. The Sangha which is the field of excellence, known to be safe from danger, who are at peace with the truth they have seen,following the One who has already travelled, the path of righteousness, who are unshakeable, noble and wise...with a respectful heart I worship that SaAgha. May the meritattained by me,through reverencesolely to these objects, vanquish all dangers I might suffer. 22 [7] Ratanattayappanamagatha {Handa mayam ratanattayappanamagathayo ceva, saipvegaparikittanapathafica, bhanama se} Buddho susuddho karunamahannavo, Yoccantasuddhabbarananalocano, Lokassa papupakilesaghaiako, Vandami buddham ahamadarena tarn, Dhammo padlpo viya tassa satthuno, Yo maggapakamatabhedabhinnako, Lokuttaro yo ca tadatthadlpano, Vandami dhammam ahamadarena tarn. Safigho sukhettabhayatikhettasannito, Yo ditthasanto sugatanubodhako, Lolappahino ariyo sumedhaso, Vandami sahgharn ahamadarena tarn. Iccevamekantabhipujaneyyakarn, Vatthuttayam vandayatabhisankhatarp, Punnam maya yani mama sabbupaddava, Ma hontu ve tassa pabhavasiddhiya. 23 [8]Reflections on Detachmentfrom Worldly Miseries TheLord Buddha hasappeared in this world,theWorthy One,theFully Self-Enlightened One. The Dhamma revealed by Him, through His knowledge, which leads to spiritual wealth, serenity and complete Nibbana and perfectenlightenment...Having heard theTeaching ofthe Lord Buddha, we realized that; Birth is suffering. Ageing is suffering. Death is suffering. Sorrow,lamentation, pain and despair are suffering. Attachment to the Unpleasant is suffering. Separation from those we love is suffering. Failure is suffering; briefly. The attachment to the five skandhas is suffering. Namely; Physical-form, Sensation, Memory, Conditioned volition. Cognition During the Buddha's life, these five skandhas. Were one of the fundamental doctrine. Which He taught His disciples. Properly to understand. The Lord's doctrine teaches: 24 [8] Samvegaparikittanapatha Idha tathagato loke uppanno araharn sammasambuddho, Dhammo ca desito, Niyyaniko upasamiko parinibbaniko sambodhagami Sugatappavedito, Mayantam dhammam sutva evam janama, Jatipi dukkha, Jarapi dukkha, Maranampi dukkham, Sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupayasa pi dukkha, Appiyehi sampayogo dukkho, Piyehi vippayogo dukkho, Yampiccham na labhati tampi dukkham, Sankhittena pancupadanakkhandha dukkha, Seyyathldam, Rupupadanakkhandho, Vedanupadanakkhandho, Sannupadanakkhandho, Sankharupadanakkhandho, Vihnanupadanakkhandho, Yesarn parinhaya, Dharamano รอ bhagava, Evam bahularp savake vineti Evam bhaga ca panassa bhagavato,savakesu anusasani Bahula pavattati, 25 Physical-form is impermanent. Sensation is imperrnanent. Memory is impermanent. Conditioned volition is impermanent. Cognition is impermanent. Physical-form is non-Self. Sensation is non-Self. Memory is non-Self. Conditioned volition is non-Self. Cognition is non-Self. All Conditioned things are impermanent. All things are non-Sdf. How are we, Caught in this endless cycle, Ofrebirth, old-age and death. Who are beset by sorrow and lamentation, Pain and despmr. And by all other kinds of suffering that assail us. Best to conduct ourselves, To find final deliverance from To find final deliverance from them all,now and in future lives? them all,now and in futurelives? We who have taken refuge in the Through thefinal Nirvana ofthat Buddha, the Dhamma and the Exalted Onecalled'Onefarfrom Sahgha,recollect the teaching of defilements, perfectly self-en lightened', having faith we have the Buddha, and conduct our gone forth from home to home- lessness (and) in that Exalted selves, according to the best of One's Brahmacariya we practice our ability. 26 Ruparn aniccaip, Vedaiia anicca, Sanfia anicca, SaAkhara anicca, Vifinanam aniccam, Ruparn anatta, Vedaiia anatta, Sanna anatta, SaAkhara anatta, Vinnanam anatta, Sabbe saAkhara anicca, Sabbe dhamma anatta ti, Te^ mayarp, Otinnamha jatiya jaramaranena, Sokehi pandevehi dukkhehi domanassehi upayasehi, Dukkhotinna dukkhapareta, Appevanamimassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa antakiriya, Panna yethati. for laypeople: for monks: Ciraparinibbutam pi tarn Ciraparinibbutam pi tarn bhagavantarn saranarn gato^ bhagavantarn uddissa ara- Dhamman ca saAghan ca, hantarn samma-sambuddham, Tassa bhagavato sasanam Saddha agarasma anagariyarn yathasati yathabalam pabbajita, Manasikaroma anupatipaj- Tasmim bhagavati brah- jama. macariyarn carama. 1. for ladies: change To 10 Tn 2.for ladies: change galo 10 gata 27 May our righteous conduct,lead (being) fully possessed of the proper livelihood for bhikkhus us to the final deliverance from that is our Brahmacariya. Lead all suffering. So be it! us to the Final Deliverance from all Suffering. So be it! [9] Transference of Merit {Lo! Let US all offer the transference of merit.) May all the celestial beings, who reside in this temple. With its stupas and other dwelling places, Be blessed by this meritorious chanting, To dwell in peace throughout this temple. May all the monks in the Holy Order, Novices,alms-givers and lay-men of the temple. And all villagers, those outside; City-dwellers, those of the high rank, And all living creatures... May they all be inspired by the benevolent Dhamma, Which leads toward salvation... May all beings be delivered of their suffering. May the Doctrine of all the Buddhas, And of those who follow the Dhamma, Remain forevermore. May the unity of the Order of monks. Bring benefit and happiness to all. 28 Sa sa no patipatti, Bhikkhunam sikkha-sajlva- Imassa kevalassa dukkhak- samapanna, khandhassa antakiriyaya, Tarn no brahmacanyam, Samvattatu. Imassa kevalassa dukkhak- khandhassa antakiriyaya, Samvattatu. [9] Pattidanagatha {Handa mayam pattidanagathayo, bhanama se) Ya devata santi viharavasini, Thupe ghare bodhighare tahim tahim, Ta dhammadanena bhavantu pujita, Sotthim karontedha viharamandale, Thera ca majjha navaka ca bhikkhavo, Saramika danapati upasaka, Gama ca desa nigama ca issara, Sappanabhuta sukhita bhavantu te, Jalabuja yepi ca andasambhava, Samsedajata athavopapatika, Niyyanikam dhammavaram paticca te, Sabbe pi dukkhassa karontu sankhayarp, Thatu cirarp satam dhammo, Dhammaddhara ca puggala, Sangho hotu samaggo va, Atthaya ca hitaya ca. 29 May the Saddhamma protect us,and all those who practise Dhamma. May we ฟ!attain prosperity,by following the Teaching expounded by the Lord Buddha. So be it! [10] Homage to the Triple Gem I pay homage to the Lord Buddha,the Worthy One, The Fully Self-Enlightened One,the Exalted One —bow — (The Buddha is my refuge) I bow in reverence to the Dhamma, The Doctrine properly expounded by the Exalted One. —bow — (The Dhamma is my refuge) I bow in reverence to the Holy Order of the Exalted One, The Excellently-Practising Ones. —bow — (The Safigha is my refuge) End of morning chanting 30 Amhe rakkhatu saddhammo, Sabbe pi dhammacarino, Vuddhirn sampapuneyyama, Dhamme ariyappavedite. [10] Ratanattayanamakarapatho Araharn sammasarpbuddho bhagava, Buddharn bhagavantam abhivademi. — bow and chant softly — Buddho me natho. The Buddha is my refuge. Svakkhato bhagavata Dhammo, Dhammam namasami. — bow and chant softly — Dhammo me natho, The Dhamma is my refuge. Supatipanno bhagavato savakasangho, Sangham namami. — bow and chant softly — Sangho me natho. The Sangha is my refuge. End of morning chanting. 31 Evening Chanting(translation) [1] Supreme Praise to the Triple Gem Whosoeveris an Exalted one and Worthy one,who has attained to self- enlightenment...the Dhamma which has been properly expounded, by Him,the Exalted One...whichever Order ofExcellent Practising Ones, enlightened disciples of the Exalted One... Wecrave Thy bidding,to venerate the Exalted One,the Dhamma and the Holy Order of disciples, with the best ofofferings we have to give. O! Noble One, who long since has passed into supreme- enlightenment...we beg Thee to receive, with compassion for all us; lowly beings, born now and hereafter, these offerings of all suffering men,for the sake,of our everlasting spiritual benefit and happiness. [2] Homage to the Triple Gem I pay homage to the Lord Buddha,the Worthy One, The Fully Self-Enlightened One,the Exalted One —bow — I bow in reverence to the Dhamma, The Doctrine properly expounded by the Exalted One. —bow — I bow in reverence to the Holy Order of the Exalted One, The Excellently-Practising Ones. —bow — 32 Evening Chanting [1] Ratanattaya-vandana Yo SO bhagava araharp sammasambuddho, Svakkhato yena bhagavata dhammo, Supatipanno yassa bhagavato srivakasaAgho, Tammayam bhagavantam sadhammam sasaiigharn, Imehi sakkarehi yatharaham aropitehi abhipujayama, Sadhu ทอ bhante bhagava suciraparinibbuto pi, Pacchimajanatanukampamanasa, Ime sakkare duggatapannakarabhute patigganhatu, Amhakam dlgharattarp hitaya sukhaya. [2] Ratanattayanamakarapatha Araham sammasambuddho bhagava, Buddhani bhagavantam abhivademi. —bow — Svakkhato bhagavata dhammo, Dhammam namassami. — bow — Supatipanno bhagavato sfivakasangho, Sangham namami. — bow — 33 [3]&[4]Introductory Homage and a Recol lection of the Lord Buddha {Lo!Let US all offer an introduc {We have gone forth for Refuge tory homage and a recollection to the Exalted One — have gone of the Lord Buddha} forth on account of the Exalted One who is our Teacher and in whoseDhammawedelight.With these offerings,we worship most highly thatExalted Onetogether with the true Dhamma and the Sahgha ofHis disciples.Lo!Let us ฟ1 offer an introductory hom ageand arecollection oftheLord Buddha} Homage to Him, the Exalted One the Worthy Lord, the Fully Self- Enlightened One.{three times) Thus has arisen the good fame of the Exalted One...He is the Exalted One,the Worthy One,the Fully Self-Enlightened One,who has attained the Supramundane Knowledge, and so perfectly conducted His life, who has already travelled the path of righteousness, who has clearly understood the whole world, who is the most Capable Charioteer, who trains His followers, in the highest form of spiritual life, who is the Teacher of all human and celestial beings, who is enlightened and exalted. 34 [3] &[4] Pubbabhaganamakarapatha for laypeople. for monks: {Handadani mayantam bhaga- {Yamamha kho mayam vantam vacaya abhigayiturn, bhagavantam saranam gata ara- pubbabhaganamakaranceva buddhanussatinayanca karomase) hantam sammasambuddham, yam bhagavantam uddissa pab- bajita, yasmim bhagavati brah- macariyam carama, tammayam bhagavantam sadhammam sasaAgham,yatharahamaropitehi sakkLelii abhipujayitva abhivadanam karimha, han dadani mayantam bhagavantam vacaya abhigayiturn, pub babhaganamakaranceva bud dhanussatinayanca karoma se) Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammasambuddhassa.(three times) Tarn kho pana bhagavantam evam kalyano kittisaddo abbhuggato, Itipi so bhagava araham sammasambuddho, Vijjacaranasampanno sugato lokavidu, Anuttaro purisadammasarathi sattha, Devamanussanam buddho bhagava ti. 35 [5]Supreme Chanting to the Lord Buddha {Lo! Let US all perform the supreme chanting to the Lord Buddha.) Whosoever is endowed with the excellent virtues, which include enlightenment and worthiness, whosoever possesses the qualities of purity, compassion and supramundane, wisdom, which makes all sentient beings joyful,just as the lotus blooms under the sun. WhatsoeverBuddhaisfor all beings,theabsoluterefuge,thefirstforre spectful recollection,bowing my head to the ground,I pay reverence to that Buddha.I am the willing and faithful servant of the Lord Buddha. The Buddha is my Lord and master. The Lord Buddha can rid me of suffering and bestow on me all other benefits. I therefore,dedicate my wholelife to theLord Buddha.Offering my homageto the Lord Buddha I shall follow the way, which has been so excellently realized by the Lord Buddha.I have no other refuge.The Lord Buddha is my highest refuge. With the merit accumulated through uttering these truthful words,may I forever make progress in the Teaching of the Master. — bow,chanting softly — IfI have evercommitted any offences of body,speech or mind,against theLord Buddha,may the Lord Buddhaforgive me,that1 may,in future, become more careful. [6] A Recollection of the Dhamma {Lo! let us all offer a recollection of the Dhamma.) The Dhamma was properly expounded by the Exalted One, which is clearly perceived within ourselves,timeless, which inspires those who see it to call others to come and see it, which should be internalized, which can be realized subjectively by the wise... 36 [5] Buddhabhigfti (Handa mayarn buddhabhigltim karoma se) Buddhavarahantavaratadigunabhiyutto, Suddhabhinanakaruriahi samagatatto, Bodhesi yo siijanataip kamalarp va suro, Vandamaharp tamaranarn sirasa jinendarp, Buddho yo sabbapanlnam, Saranarp khemamuttamarp, Pathamanussatitthanaip, Vandami tarp sirenaharp, ]Buddhassahasmi daso' va, Buddho me samikissaro, Buddho dukkhassa ghata ca, Vidhata ca hitassa me, Buddhassaharp niyyademi, Sarlranjlvitancidarp Vantantoharp^ carissami, Buddhasseva subodhitarp, Natthi me saranam ahharp, Buddho me saranam varam, Etena saccavajjena, Vaddheyyarp satthu sasane, Buddham me vandamanena^ Yam punnarp pasutarp idha, Sabbepi antaraya me, Mahesurp tUsSsa tejasa. —bow,chanting softly — Kayena vacaya va cetasa va Buddhe kukammarp pakatarp maya yam, Buddho patigganhatu accayantam, Kalantare sarpvariturp va buddhe. [6] Dhammanussati (Handa mayam Dhammanussatinayam karoma se) Svakkhato bhagavata Dhamrno, Sanditthiko akaliko ehipassiko, Opanayiko paccattaip veditabbo vinnuhl ti. 1. for ladies: change dtiso 10 dlisi 2.for ladies: change VanlatUoIuup 10 Vaiitanllham 3.for ladies: change vandamtlnena 10 vandamllnSya 37 [7] Supreme Chanting to the Dhanuna {Lo! Let US all perform the supreme chanting to the Dhamma.} Whichever Dhamma has the quality of being properly expounded as its primary virtue, which is divided into path and fruit, pariyatti and vimokkha which protects the Righteous Ones from falling into evil ways;I pay homage to this excellent Dhamma which carries away all darkness. Whatsoever Dhamma is for all beings,the absolute refuge,the second for respectful recollection. Bowing my head to the Dhamma, I pay respect to that Dhamma. I am the willing and faithful servant of the Dhamma. The Dhamma is my master. The Dhamma can rid me of suffering — I therefore dedicate my whole life to the Dhamma. Offering my homage to the Dhamma, 1 shall follow the way of the Dhammato the purestform.I have no otherrefuge.The Dhamnria is my highest refuge. With the merit accumulated, through uttering these truthful words, may I forever make progress,in the Teaching of the Master. —bow,chanting softly — If I have ever committed any offences, Of body,speech or mind,against the Dhamma, May the Dhamma forgive me. That I may,in future, become more careful. [8] A Recollection of the Sangha (Lo! Let us all offer a Recollection of the Sangha.) The excellently-practising disciples of of the Exalted One, Who have taken the direct path of righteousness. Who have behaved according to their inner wisdom, Who have mastered themselves on the way to salvation, 38 (7) Dhammabhi^ti {Handa ทาayarp dhammabhigltirp karoma se) Svakkhatatadigunayogavasena seyyo, Y0 maggapakaptiriyauivimokkhabhedo, Dhammo kuiokapatana tadadharidharl, Vandamaharp tamahararp varadhammametarp, Dhammo yo sabbapanlnani, Saranarp khemamuttamarp, Dutiyanussatitthiinam, Vandami tarn sirenaham, Dhammassahasmi daso' va, Dhammo me samikissaro, Dhammo dukkhassa ghata ca, Vidhata ca hitassa me, Dhammassaharp niy^idemi, Sarlranjlvitancidarp, Vandantohani^ carissami, Dhammasseva sudhammatarp, Natthi me saranarp annarp, Dhammo me saranarp vararp, Etena saccavajjena, Vaddheyyarp satthu sasane, Dhammani me vandamanena^ Yam punnam pasutam idha, Sabbepi antaraya me, Mahesurp tassa tejasa. —bow,chanting softly — Kayena vacaya va cetasa va, Dhamme kukammaip pakatani maya yarp, Dhammo patigganhatu accayantani, Kalantare saipvariturp va dhamme. [8] Sanghanussati {Handa mayani sanghanussatinayaip karoma se} Supatipanno bhagavato savakiisahgho, Ujupatipanno bhagavato savakasangho, Nayapatipanno bhagavato savakasaiigho, Samicipatipanno bhagavato savakasangho. 1. for ladies: change f/Aso 10 dtisJ 2.for ladies: change VmlaiHolmm น) VantaiUJhum 3. for ladies: change vandamnncna น) vandamilndya 39 These eight types of disciples, divided into four pairs, supramundane ones,honoured as ariya-puggala,who are worthy for temple offerings, residential offerings and offeringsfor thesake ofthose who have passed away who are worthy of reverence and homage who are the supreme field of merit on Earth... [9] Supreme Chanting to the Sangha {Lo! let us all perform the supreme chanting to the Sangha.) Whosoever is born of the excellent practice of Dhamma, The Most Exalted Order of the eight-fold ariya-puggcila, Endowed with excellent bodies and minds, Through the practice of Dhamma and its discipline, I pay homage to the perfect purity, OfThat npble community. Whichever Sangha is, for all beings, the absolute refuge, the third for respectful recollection, bowing my head to the ground,I pay reverence to the Safigha. I am the willing and faithful servant of the Sangha,the Sangha is my master. The Sangha can rid me of suffering, and can bestow on me all other benefits, I therefore dedicate my whole life to the Sangha,to walk the way of the Sangha in its righteousness. I have no other refuge,the Sangha is my highest refuge.With the merit accumulated,through uttering these truthful words,may Iforever make progress,in the Teaching of the Master. —bow,chanting softly — IfI have ever committed any offences, Of body,speech or mind, against the Sangha, May the Safigha forgive me, That I may,in future, become more careful. 40 Yadidam cattari purisayugani altha purisapuggala, Esa bhagavato savakasangho, Ahuneyyo pahuneyyo dakkhineyyo anjallkaranlyo, Anuttararp punnakkhettam lokassa ti. [9] Sanghabhigiti {Handa mayam safighabhigltirn karoma se) Saddhammajo supatipattigunadiyutto, Yotthabbidho ariyapuggalasafighasettho, Slladidhammapavarasayakayacitto, Vandamaharp tamariyanagaparp susuddharp, Safigho yo sabbapanlnarp, Saranarp khemamuttamarp, Tatiyanussatitthanapi, Vanciami tarn sirenaharp, Safighassahasmi daso' va, Sangho me samikissaro, Sangho dukkhassa ghata ca, Vidhata ca hitassa me, Sanghassaharp niy^idemi, Sanrafijlvitancidarp, Vandantohani^ canssami, Sanghassopatipannatarp, Natthi me saranarp annarp, Sangho me saranaip vararp, Btena saccavajjena, Vaddheyyarp satthu sasane, Safigharp me vandamanena\\ Yarp punnam pasutarp idha, Sabbepi antaraya me, Mahesurp tassa tejasa. —bow,chanting softly — Kayena vacaya va cetasa va, Saftghe kukammam pakataip maya yani, Sahgho patigganhatu accayantarn, Kalantare sarnvarituni va sanghe. 1. for ladies: change ๘ฝ็50 to dtiHJ 2.for ladies: change Vantantolmm 10 VanlaiUIham 3.for ladies: change vandamUncim 10 vandamSndya 41 [10] The Transference of Merit {Lo!Let us all offer a transference of merit.} With the merits accumulated through this chanting,may all my precep tors and masters who have taught me well and all my parents and relatives who are dear to me,the sun and the moon,the king, and all charitable^beings around me, and the hrahmas, the marciSy Indra the king of gods, and celestial guardians of the world, and all sentient beings, the god of death and all sentient beings, be they friends, indifferent acquaintances,or foes, be safe and attain the supreme bliss. May the ripened fruits of all my past meritorious deeds, derived from deeds of body,speech and mind,conduct me immediately toward the endless bliss ofNirvana.In addition to my transference ofthese merits, mayI,withoutdelay,vanuqish evil desireand attachment.May theroots ofall myevils be totally eradicated,henceforth,untilthe momentIenter upon Nirvana. Should 1 be obliged, to wander through many future existences,may I be endowed with integrity, wisdom and intelligence, daring and perseverance to vanquish all defilements. Let there be no loophole where the maras,can penetrate to divert mefrom my purpose. O!Lord Buddha,Dhamma,Pacceka-Buddha,and the Sangha,may all your exalted powers protect me forever from maras. [11] Habitual Reflections {Lo! Let US all perform the habitual reflections.} We are of a nature to age. We have not gone beyond aging. We are of a nature to sicken. We have not gone beyond sickening. We are of a nature to die. We have not gone beyond dying. 42 [10] Uddissanagatha {Handa mayam uddissanagathayo bhanama se) Imina punnakammena, upajjhaya gunuttara, Acariyupakara ca, Mata pita ca nataka piya mamam, Suriyo candima raja, Gunavanta narapi ca, Brahmamara ca Inda ca, Lokapala ca devata, Yamo mitta manussa ca, Majjhatta verikapi ca, Sabbe satta sukhi hontu, Punnani pakatani me, Sukham ca tividham dentu, Khippam papetha vomatarp, Imina punnakammena, Imina uddisena ca, Khippaham sulabhe ceva, Tanhupadanachedanam, Ye santane hina dhamma, Yava nibbanato mamam, Nassantu sabbada yeva, Yattha jato bhave bhave, Ujucittarp satipanna, Mara labhantu nokasam, Sallekho viriyamhina, Buddho dipavaro natho, Katunca viriyesu me, Natho paccekabuddho ca, Dhammo natho varuttamo, Sangho nathottaro mamam, Tesottamanubhavena, Marokasam labhantu ma. [11] Abhinhapaccavekkhanapatham {Handa mayam abhinhapaccavekkhanapatharp bhanama se) Jaradhammomhi jaram anatito' We are of a nature to age. We have not gone beyond aging. Byadhidhammomhi byadhim anatito^ We are of a nature to sicken. We have not gone beyond sickening. Maranadhammomhi maranani anatito^ We are of a nature to die. We have not gone beyond dying. 1. for ladies: change unaGto น)aiuun<i 2. for ladies: change iumGlo 10 amilM 3. for ladies: change iimiGlo 10 iiiuilHil 43 We must sooner or later be separated from all loved ones and treas ured things. Whatever actions are performed. Be they good or evil. The performer will receive their consequences. [12] Homage to the Triple Gem I pay homage to the Lord Buddha,the Worthy One, The Fully Self-Enlightened One,the Exalted One —bow — (The Buddha is my refuge) I bow in reverence to the Dhamma, The Doctrine properly expounded by the Exalted One. —bow — (The Dhamma is my refuge) I bow in reverence to the Holy Order of the Exalted One, The Excellently-Practising Ones. —bow — (The Sahgha is my refuge) End of evening chanting. 44 Sabbehi piyehi nanabhavo vinabhavo^ We must sooner or later be separated from all loved ones and treasured things. Yam kammam karissanti. Whatever actions are performed. Kalyanam va papakarp va. Be they good or evil. Tassa dayada bhavissanti The performer will receive their consequences. [12] Ratanattayanamakarapatha Araharn sammasarpbuddho bhagava, Buddham bhagavantarp abhivademi. — bow and chant softly — Buddho me natho, The Buddha is my refuge. Svakkhato bhagavata Dhammo, Dhammaip namasami. — bow and.chant softly — Dhammo me natho, The Dhamma is my refuge. Supatipanno bhagavato savakasangho, Sangham namami. — bow and chant softly — Sangho me natho, The Sangha is my refuge. •End of evening chanting. 1.for ladies: change ทฝ็/เฝ็/)/;.ใvo vinahhiivo แ)n:lnfibh(lV(i viihlbhfivii 45 RECOLLECTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS Verses for Recollection at the moment of using(the requisites) {Lo!Letusnow chantthe versesforrecollection atthe momentofusing (the requisites)) Properly considering therobeI use it: only to ward offcold,to ward off heat, to ward off the touch of gadflies, mosquitoes, wind, sun and reptiles, only for the purpose of covering the shame-causing sexual organs. J*roperly considering the almsfood 1 use it: not playfully, nor for in toxication,norforfattening,norfor beautification,onlyforthecontinu ation and nourishmentofthis body,forkeepingitunharmed,forhelping with thebrahmacariya,thinking 1 shall destroy old feeling ofhungerand not produce new feeling of overeating. Thus there will be for me freedom from (bodily)troubles and living at ease. Properly considering the lodging 1 use it: only to ward off cold, to ward offbeat,to ward off the touch of gadflies, mosquitoes, wind,sun and reptiles,only for the purpose ofremoving the dangersfrom weather and for living in seclusion. Properly considering the supportfor the sick-medicines and utensils, I use it: only to ward off painful feelings that have arisen, for the maximum freedom from diseases. 48 Tankhanikapaccavekkhanapatha {Handa mayam tankhanikapaccavekkhanapStharn bhanama se.} Patisafikha yoniso clvaram patisevami, Yavadeva sitassa patighataya unhassa patighataya, Pamsamakasavatatapasirimsapasamphassanam patighataya, Yavadeva hirikopinapaticchadanattham. Patisahkha yoniso pindapatam patisevami, Neva davaya na madaya na mandanaya na vibhusanaya, Yavadeva imassa kayassa thitiya yapanaya vihimsuparatiya brahmacariyanuggahaya, Iti purananca vedanam patihankhami navanca vedanatp na uppadessami, Yatra ca me bhavissati anavajjata ca phasuviharo cati. Patisankha yoniso senasanam patisevami, Yavadeva sitassa patighataya unhassa patighataya, Damsamakasavatatapasirimsapasamphassanam patighataya, Yavadeva utuparissayavinodanarp patisallanaramattham. Patisankha yoniso gilanapaccayabhesajjaparikkharam patisevami, Yavadeva uppannanam veyyabadhikanam vedananaip patighataya, Abyapajjhaparamatayati. 49 Verses for Recollection of the Elements and Loathsomeness {Lo!Let us now chant the verses for recollection of the elements and loathsomeness) Dependent upon causes and conditions, merely the combination of various natural elements, are both this robe and the person who uses it; only elements, not a being,not possessing a permanent life principle, being void ofselfor soul.All this robe is not yetloathsome but having touched this putrid body, becomes exceedingly loathsome. Dependent upon causes and conditions, merely the combination of various natural elements,are both almsfood and the person who eats it; only elements, not a being, not possessing a permanent life principle, being void ofselfor soul.All this lump offood is not yetloathsome but having touched this putrid body, becomes exceedingly loathsome. Dependent upon causes and conditions, merely the combination of various naturalelements,are both this shelter and the person who lives in it; only elements, not a being, not possessing a permanent life principle, being void of self or soul.All this sheltering place is not yet loathsome but having touched this putrid body, becomes exceedingly loathsome. Dependent upon causes and conditions, merely the combination of various naturalelements,are both thissupportforthesick,medicineand utensils and the person who takes it; only elements, not a being, not possessing a permanentlife principle,being void ofselfor soul.All this support for the sick, medicine and utensils are not yet loathsome but having touched this putrid body, become exceedingly loathsome. 50 Dhatupatikulapaccavekkhanapatha {Handa mayaip dhatupatikulapaccavekkhanapatham bhanama se) Yathapaccayam pavattamanam dhatumattamevetam, Yadidam civaram, Tadupabhunjako ca puggalo dhatumattako nissatto nijjivo sunno, Sabbani pana imani civarani ajigucchaniyani Imam putikayam patva ativiyajigucchaniyani jayanti. Yathapaccayam pavattamanam dhatumattamevetam, Yadidam pindapato, Tadupabhunjako ca puggalo dhatumattako nissatto nijjivo suhno, Sabbo panayarp pindapato ajigucchaniyo Imam putikayam patva ativiya jigucchaniyo jayati. Yathapaccayam pavattamanam dhatumattamevetam, Yadidam senasanam, Tadupabhunjako ca puggalo dhatumattako nissatto nijjivo sunno, Sabbani pana imani senasanani ajigucchaniyani Imam putikayam patva ativiya jigucchaniyani jayanti. Yathapaccayam pavattamanam dhatumattamevetam Yadidam gilanapaccayabhesajjaparikkharo, Tadupabhunjako ca puggalo dhatumattako nissatto nijjivo suhho, Sabbo panayarp gilanapaccayabhesajjaparikkharo ajigucchaniyo Imarp putikayarp patva ativiya jigucchaniyo jayati. 51 Verses for Recollection after using (the requisites) {Lo!LetUS now chantthe passageon recollection after(using therequi sites)} Whateverrobe has been used by metoday withoutrecollection,thatwas only to ward offcold,to ward offbeat,to ward offthe touch ofgadflies, mosquitoes, wind,sun and reptiles, only for the purpose covering the shame-causing sexual organs. Whatever almsfood has been used by me today withoutrecollection, it was not for play, nor for intoxication, nor for fattening, nor for beautification,only for the continuation and nourishment ofthis body, for keeping it unharmed,for helping with the brahmacariya,(thinking) I shall destroy old feeling(of hunger)and not produce new feeling(of overeating, etc.) Thus there will be for me freedom from (bodily) troubles and living at ease. Whatever lodging has been used by me today without recollection, that was only to ward offcold,to ward off heat,to ward offthe touch of gadflies, mosquitoes, wind, sun and reptiles, only for the purpose of removing the dangers from weather and for living in seclusion. Whatever supports for the sick-medicines and utensils, have been used by me today without recollection, they were only to ward off painful feelings that have arisen, for the maximum freedom from disease. 52 Atltapaccavekkhanapatha {Handa mayam atltapaccavekkhanapatham bhaii^a se.} Ajja maya apaccavekkhitva yam civaram paribhuttam. Tarn yavadeva sitassa patighataya, บทhassa patighataya, Damsamakasavatatapasirimsapasamphassanam patighataya, Yavadeva hirikopinapaticchadanattham. Ajja maya apaccavekkhitva yo pindapato paribhutto. So neva davaya na madaya na mandanaya na vibhusanaya, YavadevaimLsa kayassa thitiya yapanaya vihimsuparatiya brahmacanyanuggahaya, Iti purananca vedanam patihankhami navanca vedanam na uppadessami, Yatra ca me bhavissati anvajjata ca phasuviharo cati. Ajja maya apaccavekkhitva yam senasanam paribhuttam. Tarn yavadeva sitassa patighataya, Unhassa patighataya, Damsamakasavatatapasirimsapasamphassanarn patighataya, Yavadeva utuparissayavinodanam patisallanaramattham. Ajja maya apaccavekkhitva yo gilanapaccayabhesajjaparik- kharo paribhutto, So yavadeva uppannanam veyyabadhikanam vedananam patighataya, Abhyapajjhaparamataya ti. 53 Ten Reflections for the Monk 1. We monks should often reflect that being monks,we are no longer householders,we should adoptthe manners and conductexpected ofa monk; 2. We monks should often reflect that we must rely on others for our food, we should make ourselves easy to support; 3.Wemonksshould often reflectthatthere are still many more manners of the body and speech that we must go on to improve; 4. We monks should often reflect that we must criticize ourselves, be able to take criticism from ourselves, as to the purity of our Precepts; 5.Wemonksshould often reflectthatfrom thosesuitably wise,we must take criticism,be able to take criticism,as to the purity ofourPrecepts; 6. We monks should often reflect that we must be separated from ฟ1 loved ones and treasured things; 7.We monks should often reflect that we make our own kamma,if we do good we will receive good,if we do evil we will receive evil; 8.Wemonksshould often reflectthat daysand nightspass by:rightnow, how are we spending our time? 9. We monks should often reflect whether or not we are content with seclusion; 10. We monks should often reflect whether we have yet fulfilled any virtues such that will save us from faltering, when questioned later by fellow monks. 54