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100 °√àπÿ ‰Õ “¬ —¡æπ— ∏å 100 Sharing is Great ‡¡Õ◊Ë ‡ √®Á  π‘È ß“πæ∏‘ ’§≥–µÕâ π√∫— ‰¥µâ ßÈ— ·∂«Õπ‚ÿ ¡∑π“ ∫ÿ≠ Õߢâ“ß∑“߇¢â“ÕÕ° ª√–™“™π∑Ë’¡“√à«¡ß“πµà“߇¥‘π ‡¢â“¡“®—∫¡◊Õæ√âÕ¡°≈à“«¢Õ∫§ÿ≥∑—ÈßπÈ”µ“ √⟠÷°‰¥â∂÷ß  “¬µ“∑’Ë¡Õß¡“·∑π§”¢Õ∫§ÿ≥Õ¬à“ß®√‘ß„® ∑”„À⧫“¡ ‡ÀπÁ¥‡Àπ◊ËÕ¬∑’Ë¡’¡≈“¬À“¬‰ª ‘Èπ §âÿ¡§à“°—∫∑ÿ°§«“¡∑àÿ¡‡∑ ∑ÿ°§«“¡‡ ¬’  ≈– ∑æË’ «°‡√“∑ÿ°§πµÈß— „® √“â ߇ªìπ¡À“°ÿ»≈ ∑ßÈ— ·°àº≈⟠«à ß≈∫— ‰ª·≈«â ·≈–‡ªìπ°”≈—ß„®·°àº∑⟠’¬Ë ß— ¡™’ ’«‘µÕ¬Ÿà 100 100 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 101 101 An atmosphere of friendship Sharing is Great 101 101 Once the ceremony was over, the reception com- mittee lined up to rejoice in the merit of the par- ticipants on either side of the sports-ground exits. Many of the participants came to shake the hands of the organizers with tears in their eyes - thanking them for having organized the ceremony. Seeing the tears of gratitude in the eyes of the participants all the fatigue from organizing the ceremony seemed to disappear temporarily. Suddenly all the devo- tion of all the organizers in doing this great merito- rious deed for the benefit of the victims and the survivors seemed worthwhile.

102 ·¡â°“√‡µ√’¬¡ß“π®–¡’§«“¡¬“°≈”∫“° ·≈–§«“¡ 102 Sharing is Great ‡ªπì Õ¬∑àŸ ‰’Ë ¡‰à ¥ â –¥«° ∫“¬∑ß—È ∑æË’ °— µ“¡‚√߇√¬’ π π“¡°Ã’ “ À√◊Õ≈“π«—¥ ‡√’¬°‰¥â«à“µâÕßπÕπ°≈“ߥ‘π°‘π°≈“ß∑√“¬ ·µà¬Õ¥π—° √â“ß∫“√¡’∑ÿ°§π°Á‰¡à‡§¬¬àÕ∑âÕµàÕÕÿª √√§ µ—Èß„®∑”ß“π∑Ë’‰¥â√—∫¡Õ∫À¡“¬Õ¬à“ߥ’∑Ë’ ÿ¥ ‰¡à«à“®–‡ªìπ Ω“É ¬µ¥‘ µÕà ª√– “πß“π ß“πæπ◊È ∑ ’Ë π“¡ ·≈–°“√·®ßâ ¢“à « “√ ª√–™“ —¡æ—π∏å„π·µà≈–À≈—ߧ“‡√◊Õπ·µà≈–À¡àŸ∫â“π ´÷Ëß∫“ß ·Ààß√–¬–∑“ßÕ¬Ÿà‰°≈ ∫“ß·Ààß°Á∑ÿ√°—π¥“√ ·µà∑ÿ°°â“«¬à“ß ¢Õßπ—° √â“ß∫“√¡’ ‡À¡◊Õπ‡¥‘π‰ª∫π°≈’∫¥Õ°∫—« µà“ß æ°æ“„∫Àπ⓬ȑ¡·¬â¡·®à¡„  ¥â«¬¥«ß„®∫√‘ ÿ∑∏Ï‘ ‡¥‘π‰ª ∫π∂ππÀπ∑“ß∑à“¡°≈“߇ª≈«·¥¥„π¬“¡°≈“ß«—π ·≈– §«“¡¡¥◊ ¬“¡√“µ√„’ π∂Ë‘π∑‰Ë’ ¡à§πÿâ ‡§¬ ·µà°“√‰¥â √â“ß∫“√¡’ °—π‡ªìπÀ¡àŸ§≥– §◊Õ §«“¡ ÿ¢„®¢Õß∫ÿ§§≈∑Ë’¡’‡ªÑ“À¡“¬ ·≈–¡‚πª≥∏‘ “π‡¥¬’ «°π— ‡ªπì ª√–«µ— »‘ “ µ√™å «’ µ‘ Õπ— ߥߓ¡ ∑ˬ’ “°®–≈¡◊ ‡≈Õ◊ π 102 102 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 103 103 Even though many difficulties had to be overcome in the volunteers like-minded in their selflessness, organizing the ceremony, the accommodation had adding another page to their proud personal been far from convenient (most volunteers camped histories. out in schools, temples and the sports-ground itself, sleeping and eating in the open) however Sharing is Great 103 those devoted to the pursuit of perfection were not 103 perturbed by the obstacles. Everyone did the work delegated to them to the utmost of their ability, whether it be coordination, preparation of the grounds or spreading the word about the event to communi- ties far and wide. Even though some of the commu- nities to be reached were in remote areas, every step taken to bring news to those people was as if treading on lotus petals! With a smiling face and a pure heart under the searing sun of the midday or fearless in the darkness of the night volunteers had to travel to many unfamiliar places to fulfil their duties. The challenge was something which united

104 π“π“Õ“√¬ª√–‡∑» 104 Sharing is Great ∑ÿ°Ê ¿“æ¢Õߧ«“¡ ”‡√®Á ∑’ˇ°‘¥¢÷Èπ®“°ß“π∫”‡æ≠Á °ÿ»≈·°àºâ≈Ÿ à«ß≈∫— ∑—Èß Ú §√È—ß ®“°‡Àµÿ°“√≥å∏√≥æ’ ∫‘ —µ‘§≈πË◊ ¬—°…å ÷π“¡‘ ‡ªìπ¿“槫“¡¥’ß“¡∑’ˇº¬·æ√àÕÕ° Ÿà “¬µ“ π“π“Õ“√¬ª√–‡∑»  ◊ËÕ¡«≈™π∑ÿ°·¢πß ‰¡à«à“®–‡ªìπ ◊ËÕ  Ë‘ßæ‘¡æå «‘∑¬ÿ ‚∑√∑—»πå ‡«Á∫‰´µåµà“ßÊ „πÕ‘π‡∑Õ√å‡πÁµ µ“à ß≈ߢ“à «ß“πæ∏‘ ∫’ ”‡æ≠Á °»ÿ ≈√«¡„®®¥ÿ ‚§¡ª√–∑ª’ ∑‡’Ë °¥‘ ¢πÈ÷ ∑È—ß„π¿“§æ◊Èπ¬ÿ‚√ª Õ‡¡√‘°“ ÕÕ ‡µ√‡≈’¬ ·≈–‡Õ‡™’¬ °«à“ Û  ”π—°¢à“« Õ“∑‘  ”π—°¢à“« AP ®“°ª√–‡∑»  À√—∞Õ‡¡√‘°“  ”π—°¢à“«√Õ¬‡µÕ√å (Reuters), BBC ®“° ª√–‡∑»Õß— °ƒ…, ASAHI SHIMBUN, NHK ®“°ª√–‡∑» ≠’˪Éπÿ , Dagens Nyheter ®“°ª√–‡∑» «’‡¥π, APTV ®“° ª√–‡∑»Õ‘µ“≈’, TUNZ ®“°ª√–‡∑»π‘«´’·≈π¥å, NSQ ®“°ª√–‡∑»‡π‡∏Õ√å·≈π¥å, ARD ·≈– N24 ®“°ª√–‡∑» ‡¬Õ√¡π,’ Fairfax ®“°ª√–‡∑»ÕÕ ‡µ√‡≈¬’ ,  ”π°— ¢“à « Radia ®“°ª√–‡∑»√ — ‡´¬’ œ≈œ 104 104 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 105 105 Truly international concern Both of the Tsunami memorial ceremonies (Sweden), APTV (Italy), TUNZ (New Zealand), NSQ organized had a high profile in the eyes of the (Netherlands), ARD and N24 (Germany), Fairfax international press. More than thirty international (Australia), Radia (USSR) and more. press-agencies representing newspapers, radio, TV and websites gave full coverage to the lighting of candle lanterns at both events with AP, Reuters, Sharing is Great 105 the BBC, Asahi Shimbun, NHK, Dagens Nyheter 105

106 106 Sharing is Great 106 π—∫‡ªìπ‡Àµÿ°“√≥å§√ȗߪ√–«—µ‘»“ µ√å∑Ë’ ◊ËÕ¡«≈™π 106 Sharing is Great ∑—Ë«‚≈° „À⧫“¡ π„®°—∫¿“æß“πæ‘∏’°√√¡„π§√È—ßπ’ȇªìπ Õ¬à“ß¡“° ·≈–µ‘¥µ“¡§«“¡§◊∫Àπâ“„π°“√„À⧫“¡ ™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ¢Õß√—∞∫“≈‰∑¬¡“µ≈Õ¥ ¥â«¬¡’™“«µà“ß™“µ‘ ‡ ’¬™’«‘µ‡ªìπ®”π«π¡“° ‚¥¬‡©æ“–®“°ª√–‡∑» «’‡¥π ·≈–‡¬Õ√¡π’ ∑’Ë Ÿ≠‡ ’¬®“°¿¬— æ‘∫µ— „‘ π§√—Èßπ’È¡“°∑ Ë’ ¥ÿ ®“°∫∑ —¡¿“…≥å ·≈–∫∑§«“¡„π Ë◊Õ ‘Ëßæ‘¡æå µà“ߪ√–‡∑» ∫√√¬“¬∂÷ߧ«“¡ª√–∑—∫„®„ππÈ”„®¢Õߧπ ‰∑¬∑’Ë¡’µàÕ™“«µà“ß™“µ‘ µà“ß√Ÿâ ÷°´“∫´È÷ß„πÕ—∏¬“»—¬‰¡µ√’ ·≈–§«“¡‚Õ∫ÕâÕ¡Õ“√’¢Õߧπ‰∑¬∑’ˬ“°®–À“™π™“µ‘„¥ ‡ ¡Õ‡À¡◊Õπ ∑”„Àâ§πµà“ß∂‘Ëπ∑Ë’‰¥â√—∫§«“¡‡¥◊Õ¥√âÕπ √⟠÷°Õ∫Õÿàπ„®·¡Õâ ¬‰àŸ °≈∫“â π ·≈–‡™ÕË◊ ¡πË— «“à À“°¡‚’ Õ°“ ®–°≈∫— ¡“‡¬¬’Ë ¡‡¬Õ◊ π‡¡Õ◊ ß ‰∑¬Õ’°Õ¬“à ß·ππà Õπ... www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 107 107 It was as if this ceremony had been awaited by the press of the world. From the coverage they gave the event, there was unanimously a good impression of the compassion of the Thai people towards the international community, transforming the fear and despair of the overseas victims into hope. Although experiencing the tragedy at first hand in Thailand this time, because of their positive impression many overseas visitors still expressed the wish to visit Thailand again in the future. Sharing is Great 107 107

108 ‡Àµÿ°“√≥„å π§√—ßÈ π’È · ¥ß„Àâ‡ÀπÁ «“à §≈◊πË ¬°— …å π÷ “¡‘ 108 Sharing is Great ∑Ë’∂“‚∂¡‡¢â“ Ÿàª√–‡∑»‰∑¬ ·¡â®–√⓬·√ß —°‡æ’¬ß„¥ °Á‰¡àÕ“®‡∑’¬∫‰¥â°—∫§≈Ë◊π·Ààß∏“√πÈ”„®¢Õߧπ‰∑¬∑—Ë«  “¬„¬·Ààß∫≠ÿ ª√–‡∑»∑Ë’¡’µàÕæ’ËπâÕß√à«¡™“µ‘ °àÕ‡°‘¥‡ªìπ§≈◊Ë𧫓¡√—° §«“¡ “¡—§§’ §≈Ë◊𧫓¡¥’∑Ë’‰¡à¡’«—π®“ßÀ“¬‰ª ‰¡à™â“π“π ¢Õ°√“∫Õπÿ‚¡∑π“∫ÿ≠°—∫∑ÿ°∑à“π∑Ë’µÈ—ß„®‡µ√’¬¡ §ß≈∫√Õ¬‚»°„Àâºà“πæâπ‰ª‰¥â §◊𧫓¡ «à“ß ¥„  ß“πÕ¬à“߇µÁ¡°”≈—ßµÈß— ·µ«à π— ·√°®π«π—  π‘È  ¥ÿ ß“π ‡™àπ‡¥’¬«°—∫øÑ“À≈—ßΩπ ´Ë÷ßÀ—«„® ”§—≠ª√–°“√ÀπË÷ß∑’ˇ√“ ‰¡àÕ“®≈◊¡‰¥â π—Ëπ§Õ◊ ∑—Èßπ’È ‡æ√“–§«“¡‡¡µµ“¢Õßæ√–‡¥™æ√–§ÿ≥ À≈«ßæÕà æ√–√“™¿“«π“«‘ ÿ∑∏Ï‘ ∑’ªË √“√∂π“ √“â ߢ«—≠·≈– ·¡â°“≈‡«≈“®–À¡ÿπ‡«’¬π‡ª≈Ë’¬π·ª≈ß ·µàæ√– °”≈—ß„®™“«„µâ„Àâ°≈—∫§◊π¡“‚¥¬‡√Á« ´÷Ë߇ªìπ‡™àπ‡¥’¬«°—∫  —∑∏√√¡¢Õßæ√–æÿ∑∏Õߧ剡෪√‡ª≈’Ë¬π‰ª®“°§«“¡ °“√‡√’¬°¢«—≠§π‰∑¬∑ȗߪ√–‡∑» „Àâ§◊𧫓¡À«—ß·≈– ‡ªπì ®√‘ß °≈∫— ¬‘Ëß©“¬™—¥«à“∑°ÿ  Ë‘ß≈â«π‰¡à®√’ —߬—ßË ¬π◊ æ≈ß— „® ‡√Ë¡‘ µπâ ™’«µ‘ „À¡à¥«â ¬°“√ √â“ߧ«“¡¥’ 108 108 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Family united by meritorious Sharing is Great 109 concern 109 On this occasion we rejoice in the merit of all who had a hand in helping with the organization of these memorial ceremonies. We emphasize particularly on the compassion of the Most Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh whose determination has helped to rebuild hope for the southerners of Thailand and indirectly, the dignity of Thais throughout the country - to encourage them to start life afresh in the cultivation of good deeds. All of this goes to show that the might of the Tsunami breaking against the coast of Thailand still cannot exceed the strength of the compassion of the Thai people in rebuilding life after this disas- ter, sending out waves of love and unity which are steadfast and will never fade away until all the sorrow can be erased from human memory leaving only joy and unity in its place, like a sky that clears after the storm has passed. Although times may change, however the Buddhist truth of impermanence is never super- seded. Sharing is Great 109 109

110 110 Sharing is Great 110 ©–π—Èπ... ‰¡à«à“‡√“®–∂◊Õ°”‡π‘¥Õ¬àŸ∫πº◊π·ºàπ¥‘π„¥ 110 Sharing is Great °“√À≈Õ¡√«¡„®„π§√È—ßπÈ’ „ÀâπâÕ¡π”∫ÿ≠°ÿ»≈∑’ˉ¥â¬âÕπ °≈∫— ¡“®√√‚≈ß„®¢Õ߇√“ µ√–Àπ°— ∂ß÷ °“√‡«¬’ π«“à ¬µ“¬‡°¥‘ „π ß—  “√«Ø— ‡µÕ◊ πµπ„À¥â ”√ß™«’ µ‘ Õ¬¥àŸ «â ¬§«“¡‰¡ªà √–¡“∑ ‡æ√“–‡«≈“„π™’«‘µ §◊Õ ‚Õ°“ ¢Õß°“√ √â“ߧ«“¡¥’Õ—π «‘‡»… ÿ¥ ‰¡àÀ≈ß√–‡√‘߉ª°—∫°‘‡≈  ‘Ë߬—Ë«¬ÿµà“ßÊ √Õ∫¥â“π ¥â«¬§«“¡µ“¬‡ªìπ à«πÀπ÷ËߢÕß™’«‘µ∑Ë’∑ÿ°§πµâÕ߇√’¬π√⟠≈Õß∂“¡µ—«‡√“‡Õ߇∂‘¥«à“ À“°«—π ÿ¥∑⓬¢Õß™’«‘µ¡“∂÷ß ™’«‘µπ’È¡’§«“¡¥’‡µÁ¡∑Ë’‡æ’¬ßæÕ®–ª√–°—π„Àâ‡√“‰¡àÀ«Ë—π‰À« °∫— §«“¡‡ªπì ‰ª„πÕ𓧵·≈â«À√◊լߗ ∂“⠬ߗ ...æß÷ ‡√ßà  √“â ߧ«“¡¥„’ À‡â ªπì À≈°— ª√–°π— „π™«’ µ‘ µÈ—ß·µà«—ππÈ’ ¥â«¬°“√∑”∑“π √—°…“»’≈ ·≈–‡®√‘≠¿“«π“ ·≈«â ®–§πâ æ∫«“à  π— µ ‘ ¢ÿ ∑·’Ë  «ßÀ“ ·∑®â √ß‘ ·≈«â ‰¡‰à ¥Õâ ¬‰Ÿà °≈ ‡°‘π‡Õ◊ÈÕ¡ ¢Õ‡æ’¬ß∑”„®„ÀâÀ¬ÿ¥π‘Ëß ≥ »Ÿπ¬å°≈“ß°“¬ ∞“π∑Ë’ ˜ ‡√“®– “¡“√∂ —¡º— ·≈–√—∫√Ÿâ‰¥â∂÷ß  “¬„¬∫ÿ≠  “¬„¬∫“√¡’ ‡ªπì ·À≈ßà √«¡§«“¡¥∑’ Ë«—  “°≈®°— √«“≈ www.kalyan

Thus, wherever we may be born, the coming If we realize for ourselves that our goodness is 111 Sharing is Great together of hearts on this occasion, should help us not yet sufficient, then from this 111 day on we should all to reflect on the perils of continued rebirth in hasten to be generous, keep the Precepts and the cycle of existence, to lead our lives without practise meditation to prove for ourselves that the recklessness, because our time as a human being is peace we are looking for is right here within us - the greatest opportunity to do good deeds rather and that we can find it by stilling our minds at the than succumbing to the influence of the defilements centre of our own body - and with such a peaceful - and helping us to recognize that death is indeed a mind we will touch on the direct experience of part of life - and that we need to learn about the merit and the perfections that are for the universal nature of life and death and ask ourselves whether good of all. if today were the last day of our lives, whether the goodness we have accumulated for ourselves is enough yet to let us face death with confidence of a good afterlife destination. Sharing is Great 111 111

112 §«“¡Shªarin√g–is∑Gre—∫at„®¢Õßµ«— ·∑π§≥– ß¶å 112 æ√–∏√√¡°‘µµ‘«ß»å æ√–√“™°µ‘ µ‘‚ ¿≥ æ√–√“™ªí≠≠“ ÿ∏’ æ√– ‘√‘§≥“¿√≥å Most Ven. Phra Dhammakittivong Most Ven. Phrarajkittisophon Most Ven. Phrarajpanyasuthee Most Ven. Phrasirikanaporn æ√–∏√√¡°‘µµ«‘ ß»å æ√–√“™ªí≠≠“ ÿ∏’ ‡®â“Õ“«“ «¥— √“™‚Õ√ “√“¡ ‡®“â §≥–®—ßÀ«¥— æ—ßß“ ç...«—ππ’È ∑“à π∑—ßÈ À≈“¬ ∂“â À“°«“à ¡“‡ÀπÁ ∫√√¬“°“» ç...°“√®—¥ß“π§√È—ßπÈ’ ‡ªìπ‚Õ°“ ∑Ë’√«¡§π ‰¡à«à“®– ‚¥¬√Õ∫¢â“ß ®–‡ÀÁπ«à“ ∑ÿ°§π¡’·µà§«“¡ª≈◊È¡ªïµ‘ ¬‘π¥’ ‡ªìπ‡™ÈÕ◊ ™“µ‘‰Àπ »“ π“„¥ ∑°ÿ §π≈â«π¡“¥«â ¬π”È „®‰¡µ√’ ‡¢â“„®«à“∫√√¥“ºŸâ Ÿ≠‡ ’¬≠“µ‘¡‘µ√ ‡¡Ë◊Õ¡“‡ÀÁπæ‘∏’πÈ’·≈â« ·≈–µà“ß°Á¡’®ÿ¥ª√– ß§åÀ√◊Õ‡ªÑ“À¡“¬‡ªìπÕ—π‡¥’¬«°—π§◊Õ °Á§ß®–‡°‘¥§«“¡ª√–∑—∫„® Õ∫Õÿπà ¢È÷π  ∫“¬„®¢π÷È «“à ¬—ß¡’ ª√“√∂π“∑Ë’®–„ÀâºâŸª√– ∫Õ∫ÿ µ— ‘¿—¬∂ß÷ ·°à™«’ µ‘ ‰¥â¡§’ «“¡ ¢ÿ ‡æË◊ÕπæË’πâÕߧπ‰∑¬‡ÀÁπÕ°‡ÀÁπ„® ·≈–°Á¡“√à«¡∑”æ‘∏’„Àâ „π ¡— ª√“¬¿æ ππÈ— §Õ◊ §«“¡ª√“√∂π“¢Õ߇√“∑°ÿ Ê §π...é Õ¬à“߬Ëß‘ „À≠à¡‚ÀÓ√...é æ√– √‘ ‘§≥“¿√≥å æ√–√“™°µ‘ µ‘‚ ¿≥ √Õ߇®â“§≥–¿“§ Òˆ √Õ߇®â“§≥–®ß— À«—¥π§√»√’∏√√¡√“™ «¥— ‡∫≠®¡∫浑 √œ ç...æ≈ß— ·Àßà ®µ‘ „®¢Õß∑°ÿ Ê §π ∑¡Ë’ “√«à ¡°π— ∑”§«“¡ ç...‡ªìπß“π∑’Ë ”§—≠¡“° √⟠÷°ª√–∑—∫„® ∂◊Õ«à“ ¥’„π§√È—ßπÈ’ ∑È—ß°“√®ÿ¥‡∑’¬π·≈–‚§¡≈Õ¬∑Ë’ «¬ß“¡πà“¥Ÿ™¡  “¡“√∂‡Õ“À≈—°¢Õß»“ π“ ‚¥¬‡©æ“–æ√–æÿ∑∏»“ π“ Õ¬à“ß¬Ë‘ß ‡À¡◊ÕπÀπ÷Ëß«à“ ®‘µ«‘≠≠“≥¢Õß·µà≈–¥«ßπÈ—π ·≈–»“ π“ÕπË◊ Ê ¡“‡ªπì  ◊ËÕ °√–µÿâπ„À⇰¥‘ §«“¡¡π’ ”È „®µÕà ¢È÷π Ÿà «√√§åÕ—π Ÿß≈‘∫≈‘Ë« Õ“µ¡“µâÕߢÕÕπÿ‚¡∑π“∫ÿ≠°—∫ °—π¢Õß¡πÿ…¬™“µ‘‰¥‡â ªìπÕ¬“à ߥ’ √ âŸ °÷ ª√–∑∫— „®°—∫°“√®¥— ºŸ¡â  ’ «à π„π°“√®—¥ß“π∑ÿ°∑à“π¥â«¬...é æ∏‘ „’ π√ªŸ ·∫∫πÈ’¡“°...é 112 112 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Representatives of Sangha Communityûs Sharing is Great 113 impressions of the ceremony 113 The Most Ven. Phra Dhammakittivong, the abbot of Wat Raja-Orasaram çEveryone here is able to sense atmosphere here of bliss and happiness. I believe that the departed relatives, attending the ceremony, will be impressed, heartened and much more happy, because Thais have come together to organize this great religious ceremony jointly for the departed.é The Most Ven. Phrarajkittisophon, Marble Temple, Bangkok, Deputy Monastic Governor of Region 16 çThis has been a very important ceremony. I feel very impressed that the organizers can take the principal of religion, especially Buddhism and other faiths, to motivate people to be considerate towards all mankind. I feel great impressed by this type of ceremony.é The Most Ven. Phrarajpanyasuthee, Monastic Governor of Phang nga Province çThis ceremony has enabled us to bring people together irrespective of race or religion. All people here are kind-hearted. They have the same purpose which is to dedicate merit for the departed to be happy at their afterlife. This is the dearest wish of us all.é The Most Ven. Phrasirikanaporn, Deputy Monastic Governor of Nakornsrithammarat Province çWith the spiritual energy of everyone here who has come to do meritorious deeds and to light candles and release flying lanterns, it is a spectacular sight as if each soul is floating up to heaven. I would like to rejoice in merits of everyone who has been a part of organizing this ceremony.é Sharing is Great 113 113

114 §«“¡Shªarin√g–is∑Gre—∫at„®¢Õß∫ÿ§§≈ ”§≠— ∑Ë¡’ “√«à ¡ß“π 114 œæ≥œ  ¡»—°¥Ï‘ ‡∑æ ÿ∑π‘ §≥ÿ ≈¥“«—≈≈Ï‘ «ß»å»√«’ ß»å π“¬Õπ«ÿ ≤— πå ‡¡∏«’ ∫‘ ≈Ÿ ¬å«≤ÿ ‘ 𓬫 ‘ ∑ÿ ∏Ï‘ π“«“≈Õà ß H.E. Somsak Thepsuthin Ms. Ladawan Wongsriwong Mr. Anuwat Metheewiboonwuth Mr. Visuth Navalong œæ≥œ  ¡»°— ¥‘Ï ‡∑æ ÿ∑‘π √Õß𓬰√∞— ¡πµ√’ π“¬Õπ«ÿ —≤πå ‡¡∏«’ ∫‘ Ÿ≈¬å«≤ÿ ‘ ºâŸ«à“√“™°“√®ß— À«¥— æß— ß“ ª√–∏“π„πæ‘∏’ ç...‡Àµÿ°“√≥å∑’ˇ°‘¥¢È÷π¡“πÈ—π ¢Õ°√“∫‡√’¬π·∑π ç...¿“æ‡Àµÿ°“√≥å„π«—ππÈ’ ‡ªìπ ß‘Ë ∑˵’ Õâ ß®“√÷°«à“ ·¡â æπË’ âÕß™“«æß— ß“∑ÿ°∑“à π«à“ æ«°‡√“√–≈÷°∂÷ß∑°ÿ §π∑Ë’®“°‰ª „π¬“¡∑’˪√–‡∑»‰∑¬¢Õ߇√“¡’¿—¬æ‘∫—µ‘Õ—π¬‘Ëß„À≠à ·µà°Á¬—ß ·≈–Õ¬“°®–¢Õ„Àâ∫ÿ≠°ÿ»≈À√◊Õ ‘Ëßµà“ßÊ ∑’ˉ¥â°√–∑” ¡°’ “√√«¡πÈ”„®¢Õߧπ„𙓵·‘ ≈–µ“à ß™“µ∑‘ ¡Ë’ “√«¡°π— µ√ßπ’È √à«¡°—π„π«—ππ’È ‰¥â àߺ≈„À⥫߫‘≠≠“≥∑ÿ°¥«ß‰¥â‰ª Ÿà π—∫‡ªìπ¿“æ∑Ë’À“™¡‰¥â¬“°¬Ë‘ß ·µà°Á‰¥â‡°‘¥¢÷Èπ¡“·≈â« ´÷Ëß  ÿ§µ¿‘ æ‚¥¬ ¡∫√Ÿ ≥.å ..é ∑”„Àâæ«°‡√“‰¥â§«“¡√—°„π —𵑠ÿ¢ §«“¡√—°„𙓵‘ ·≈– „π·ºàπ¥‘π¢Õ߇√“...é 𓬫 ‘ ÿ∑∏‘Ï π“«“≈àÕß π“¬°‡∑»¡πµ√Õ’ ”‡¿Õµ–°—Ë«ªÉ“ ç...§«“¡√Ÿâ ÷°¢Õßæ’ËπâÕߪ√–™“™π √⟠÷°«à“°“√ §≥ÿ ≈¥“«≈— ≈Ï‘ «ß»»å √«’ ß»å Õ¥’µ√—∞¡πµ√™’ ૬«“à °“√ °√–∑√«ß·√ßß“π·≈– «— ¥‘°“√ —ߧ¡ ®¥— ß“π„π§√—Èßπ¥È’ ’¡“°Ê §√—∫ ·≈–√ Ÿâ °÷ ª√–∑∫— „®∑Ë∑’ ÿ°ΩÉ“¬ æ√Õâ ¡„®°π— ¡“™à«¬„πß“π∫”‡æÁ≠°»ÿ ≈§√—Èßπ§È’ √—∫...é çß“π„π«π— π’È ‡ªπì °“√‡µ¡‘ °”≈ß— „® ‡µ¡‘ §«“¡ ¢ÿ ‡µ¡‘ §«“¡‡ªìπ ‘√‘¡ß§≈„Àâ°—∫™“«‚≈°∑ÿ°§π∑’˪√– ∫¿—¬§≈Ë◊π ¬—°…å ÷π“¡‘‰ªæ√âÕ¡Ê °—𠥑©—πµâÕß°√“∫¢Õ∫æ√–§ÿ≥ ∑à“πª√–∏“π¡Ÿ≈π‘∏‘∏√√¡°“¬ ‡ª√’¬≠∏√√¡ ¡“§¡·Ààß ª√–‡∑»‰∑¬  Àæ—π∏å√«¡„®‰∑¬∑È—ß™“µ‘ ·≈–™“«æ—ßß“ ∑ÿ°§π ∑’˙૬°—π®—¥ß“π∑”∫ÿ≠„π§√—Èßπ’ȉ¥âÕ¬à“߬‘Ëß„À≠à ߥߓ¡ ‡µÁ¡‰ª¥â«¬§«“¡»—°¥Ï ‘ ∑‘ ∏‘§Ï –à ...é 114 114 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Dignitariesû impressions of the ceremony Sharing is Great 115 115 H.E. Somsak Thepsuthin, Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the ceremony çTonightûs event will be in our memory and make us to realize that even though there has been a severe disaster in Thailand, Thais and overseas visitors have joined together here out of compassion. It is a rare sight but it has become a reality here tonight. It brings us to love and peace for our nation and our kingdom.é Ms. Ladawan Wongsriwong, Former Minister of labour and social welfare çIn this ceremony, we have been inspired with energy, happiness and blessings as will Tsunami victims from around the world. I would like to thank the President of the Dhammakaya Foundation, of Thailand, and Ruamjai Thai Tangchart Fellowship, together with the Phang nga people for organizing this beautiful, great and sacred ceremony.é Mr. Anuwat Metheewiboonwuth, Phang nga Provincial Governor çOn behalf of the Phang nga people, I think that all of us miss the departed people so we have come together here to dedicate merits accrued today so that all souls may go to a good and fortunate afterlife destinations.é Mr. Visuth Navalong, Mayor of Takuapa District çOn behalf of all Thais, we think that the ceremony is very well organized and feel so touched that every organization has worked hand in hand to organize this memorial service.é Sharing is Great 115 115

116 §«“¡Shªarin√g –is∑Gre—∫at „®¢Õߧ≥–™“«µà“ߪ√–‡∑» 116 ∑à“π‰Õ«π‘ ‚Õ‡¡Õ√å ∑à“π‚§‡™à ¡‡‘ ∑≈∫“‚°â ∑“à π‰¡§å ‡® °∫‘  π— ∑“à π‡Õ . ‡µÁπ ∫Õ ™å Mr. Eivind Homme Mr. Jose Luis del Barco Mr. Mike Jacobsen Mr. S. Ten Bosch ∑à“π‰Õ«‘π ‚Õ‡¡Õ√å ºâŸ·∑π°ß ÿ≈„À≠àπÕ√凫¬å ª√–®” ∑à“π‰¡§å ‡® °‘∫ π— ºŸâ·∑π ∂“π∑µŸ Õ‡¡√°‘ —π ®ß— À«—¥¿‡Ÿ °Áµ ç...º¡‰¥â¡“ —¡º— °—∫ß“π∑Ë’„À⧫“¡√Ÿâ ÷°µÈ◊πµ—π·≈– ç...°“√®—¥ß“π„π§√—ÈßπÈ’πà“ª√–∑—∫„®¡“° ·≈–‡ªìπ  «¬ß“¡¡“° æ«°‡√“∑ÿ°§π¢Õ¢Õ∫§ÿ≥§≥–°√√¡°“√ æ‘∏’°√√¡∑’Ë «¬ß“¡¡“° º¡„§√à®–¢Õ¢Õ∫§ÿ≥§≥–ºŸâ®—¥ ®¥— ß“π √«¡∂ß÷ ª√–™“™π™“«‰∑¬∑°ÿ §π‡ªπì Õ¬“à ß¡“° ∑‰Ë’ ¥â ß“ππÈ’‡ªìπÕ¬à“ß¬Ë‘ß ∑’ˉ¥â欓¬“¡µ‘¥µàÕ°—∫≠“µ‘¢ÕߺŸâ‡ ’¬ ®—¥ß“ππ’È¢È÷π¡“‡æÕ◊Ë √à«¡√”≈°÷ ∂ß÷ ºŸ‡â  ¬’ ™«’ ‘µ ·≈–º¡¡πË— „®«“à ™’«µ‘ ‡æÕË◊ ‡™‘≠¡“√à«¡ß“π„π§√—Èßπ’È æ∏‘ ’°√√¡πÈ¡’ ’§«“¡À¡“¬ ¥«â ¬æ≈—ß„®¢Õßæ«°‡√“∑°ÿ §π„π§”Ë §π◊ «—ππÈ’ «≠‘ ≠“≥¢Õß µàÕæ«°‡¢“‡À≈à“πÈ—π‡ªìπÕ¬à“ß¡“° ‡™àπ‡¥’¬«°—∫∑’Ëß“ππÈ’ ºâŸ‡ ’¬™’«‘µ∑ÿ°§π®–æ∫°—∫ —𵑠ÿ¢„π¿æ‡∫◊ÈÕßÀπâ“Õ¬à“ß ¡’§«“¡À¡“¬°—∫∑ÿ°Ê §π∑’Ëπ’Ë„π§Ë”§◊π«—ππÈ’¥â«¬ º¡¢Õ ·πàπÕπ...é ¢Õ∫§ÿ≥„π∞“π–∑Ë’‡ªìπµ—«·∑π¢Õߺ⟇§√“–Àå√⓬„π§√—ÈßπÈ’ ¥«â ¬...é ∑à“π‡Õ . ‡µÁπ ∫Õ ™å ºŸâ·∑π ∂“π∑µŸ ‡π‡∏Õ√·å ≈π¥å ç...º¡√ Ÿâ °÷ ª√–∑∫— „®Õ¬“à ß ¥ÿ ´ßÈ÷ ·≈–Õ¬“°®–∫Õ°«“à ∑à“π‚§‡™à ¡‡‘ ∑≈∫“‚°â Õªÿ ∑µŸ  ‡ªπ ç...º¡¡“∑’Ëπ’ˇæ◊ËÕ¡’ à«π√à«¡„πæ‘∏’°√√¡∑’˪√–‡∑» ¡π— ‡ªπì æ∏‘ °’ √√¡∑¬Ë’ ß‘Ë „À≠¡à “°¡º’ §âŸ πÀ≈“¬À¡π◊Ë ¡“√«à ¡ß“π ·≈–¢È—πµÕπ¢Õßæ‘∏’°√√¡µà“ßÊ °Á√“∫√Ë◊π °“√®—¥°“√∑ÿ° ‰∑¬‰¥â®—¥¢È÷π‡æË◊պ⟇ ’¬™’«‘µ∑ÿ°§π ·≈–„π®”π«ππ’È¡’ºâŸ‡ ’¬ Õ¬“à ߥ”‡ππ‘ ‰ª¥«â ¬¥’ ‚¥¬‡©æ“–Õ¬“à ߬ßË‘ æ∏‘ ®’ ¥ÿ ‚§¡ª√–∑ª’ ™’«‘µ™“« ‡ªπ¥â«¬‡™àπ°—π ß“π„π§√È—ßπ’ȇªìπæ‘∏’°√√¡∑Ë’ ·≈–ª≈Õà ¬‚§¡≈Õ¬„π™«à ß ÿ¥∑⓬ ‡ªìπ¿“æ∑’Ëπà“¥¡Ÿ “° º¡ ¥’¡“°Ê ·¡«â à“®–¡’‡«≈“„π°“√‡µ√’¬¡ß“πÕπ— ®”°—¥ ·µßà “π ‰¡à‡§¬‰¥â‡ÀÁπÕ–‰√·∫∫πÈ’¡“°àÕπ ¡—π∑”„À⺡∂÷ß°—∫µâÕß ∑’ËÕÕ°¡“∂◊Õ‰¥â«à“ ‡ªì𧫓¡ ”‡√Á®∑Ë’¬Ë‘ß„À≠à®√‘ßÊ ·∑∫ °≈πÈ— π”È µ“‡Õ“‰«â π∫— ‡ªπì ™à«ß‡«≈“∑Ëπ’ à“ª√–∑—∫„®¡“°Ê...é ‰¡àπà“‡™◊ËÕ ‡ªìπæ‘∏’°√√¡∑Ë’ «¬ß“¡¡“°Ê ·≈–¬—ß “¡“√∂ ‡º¬·æ√৫“¡√Ÿâ ÷°¢Õߧπ∑Ë’¡“®“°À≈“°À≈“¬§«“¡‡™Ë◊Õ ·≈–»“ π“®“°∑Ë«— ‚≈°...é 116 116 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Foreignersû impressions of the ceremony Sharing is Great 117 117 Mr. Eivind Homme, Norwegian Acting Consul General in Phuket Province çTonightûs ceremony really touched our heart. It was a fantastic and beautiful ceremony. I would like to thank organizers that worked very hard to invite relatives of the departed to attend the memorial service. The religious rites mean a lot to the departed relatives as well as the other people attending tonightûs ceremony. On behalf of the departed victims, I would like to thank the organizers.é Mr. Jose Luis del Barco, Chancellor to the Spanish Embassy çI come here to partake in the memorial service held in Thailand for those who lost their lives. Many victims were Spanish. The memorial service was very well organized though the time to prepare the ceremony was very limited. The outcome of the ceremony was well accepted and achieved success. It is unbelievable that I would see such amazing and beautiful memorial service. People with different faiths from around the world were able to share their feelings together in the ceremony.é Mr. Mike Jacobsen, Acting Chief of the U.S. Embassy Visa Unit çI feel very impressed and touched by the ceremony. It was a very beautiful ceremony. We would like to thank the organizing committee and Thais for organizing the ceremony to remember the departed people. I feel confident that the energy from all of us tonight will certainly support the departed to be peace and happy in their afterlife.é Mr. S. Ten Bosch, Attache of the Royal Netherlands Embassy çIûm deeply impressed and would like to say that it was a great memorial service. There are over ten thousand people attending the ceremony. The procedures of the religious rites were carried on smoothly as well as the arrangements. Particularly lighting the candles and releasing flying lanterns were a very beautiful spectacle. I have never experienced this type of ceremony before. It just canût keep back my tears. It is such an impressive time.é Sharing is Great 117 117

118 118 Sharing is Great ºÕ⟠¬à‡Ÿ ∫È◊ÕßÀ≈ß— §«“¡ ”‡√®Á §«“¡ ”‡√Á®¢Õßß“π∑—Èß Ú §√È—ß ‡°‘¥¢÷Èπ®“°§«“¡ √à«¡·√ß√à«¡„®¢Õߪ√–™“™π™“«‰∑¬∑ÿ°À¡àŸ‡À≈à“ ‚¥¬¡’ 𓬫‘‡»… ®Ÿ¿‘∫“≈ 𓬰 ¡“§¡™“«¿Ÿ‡°Áµ ‡ªìπª√–∏“π ®—¥ß“π§√—Èß·√°∑’Ë π“¡°’Ó –æ“πÀ‘π ®—ßÀ«—¥¿Ÿ‡°Áµ ·≈– 𓬫‘ ÿ∑∏‘Ï π“«“≈àÕß π“¬°‡∑»¡πµ√’‡∑»∫“≈‡¡◊Õß µ–°Ë—«ªÉ“‡ªìπª√–∏“π®—¥ß“π§√—Èß∑Ë’ Ú ∑Ë’ π“¡°’Ó°≈“ß ‡∑»∫“≈‡¡Õ◊ ßµ–°—«Ë ª“É ®—ßÀ«—¥æß— ß“ 118 118 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 119 119 Those behind the success The success of both the memorial ceremonies has resulted from the cooperation of Thai people from all walks of life under the leadership of Mr. Viset Choophibarn (for the ceremony at the Saphanhin Sports Stadium of Phuket) and Mr. Visuth Navalong, the Mayor of Takuapa District (for the ceremony at Takuapa Sports Stadium in Phang nga). Sharing is Great 119 119

120 120 Sharing is Great 120 À≈—ß®“°‡ √Á®ß“π∫”‡æÁ≠°ÿ»≈·≈–‰«âÕ“≈—¬·°à 120 Sharing is Great ºªŸâ √– ∫¿—¬§≈◊Ëπ¬°— …å ÷π“¡‘ ∑È—ß Ú §√ßÈ— ∑“ß ¡“§¡™“« ¿‡Ÿ °µÁ ·≈–‡∑»∫“≈‡¡Õ◊ ßµ–°«—Ë ª“É ‰¥∂â «“¬‚≈·à ≈–‡°¬’ √µ∫‘ µ— √ ·¥àæ√–√“™¿“«π“«‘ ÿ∑∏‘Ï ª√–∏“π¡Ÿ≈π‘∏‘∏√√¡°“¬ ºŸâÕ¬àŸ ‡∫◊ÈÕßÀ≈ß— §«“¡ ”‡√Á®¢Õßß“π∑—ßÈ Ú §√ßÈ— ‡æ◊ËÕ· ¥ß§«“¡ ¢Õ∫§ÿ≥·∑π™“«®—ßÀ«—¥¿Ÿ‡°Áµ ™“«®—ßÀ«—¥æ—ßß“ ·≈– À¡àŸ≠“µ‘ºâŸ≈à«ß≈—∫∑—Èß™“«‰∑¬ ·≈–™“«µà“ߪ√–‡∑» „π«—π Õ“∑‘µ¬∑å Ë’ ÒÛ °ÿ¡¿“æπ— ∏å æ.».ÚıÙ¯ ≥  ¿“∏√√¡°“¬  “°≈ «—¥æ√–∏√√¡°“¬ ®.ª∑ÿ¡∏“π’ ‚¥¬¡’§ÿ≥≈¥“«—≈≈Ï‘ «ß»å»√’«ß»å ª√–∏“π§≥–°√√¡°“√ª√– “πß“π °“√®—¥ ß“π∑Èß— Ú §√ßÈ— ‡ªπì º°âŸ ≈“à « ÿπ∑√æ®πå¢Õ∫§≥ÿ ∑“à ¡°≈“ß  “∏ÿ™πÀ≈“¬À¡Ëπ◊ §π∑Ë’√«à ¡Õπÿ‚¡∑π“ www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 121 121 After both ceremonies had been brought to their successful completion, as a token of gratitude from the people of the south of Thailand, the overseas victims and their families, the Phuket Association and the Takuapa District presented an honorific plaque and certificate to Phrarajbhavanavisudh, President of the Dhammakaya Foundation, who was the guiding force behind the organization of the two ceremonies. On Sunday 13 February 2005 at Sapha Dhammakaya Assembly Hall, Wat Phra Dhammakaya, Pathumthani Province, Ms. Ladawan Wongsriwong, the committee chairman of both ceremonies, gave a speech of gratitude before several tens-of-thousands of laymen and laywomen. Sharing is Great 121 121

122 122 Sharing is Great æ∏‘ ’∂«“¬‚≈à¢Õß ¡“§¡™“«¿‡Ÿ °Áµ·≈–‡∑»∫“≈‡¡◊Õßµ–°—Ë«ª“É 122 122 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 123 123 Plaques of Gratitude from the Phuket Association and Takuapa District Sharing is Great 123 123

124 124 Sharing is Great 124 124 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 125 125 Sharing is Great 125 125

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128 MessShaargingeis ofGreat Appreciation to the Most Venerable 128 Phrarajbhavanavisudh By Khun Ladawan Wongsriwong 128 On 26 December 2004, Thailand faced the most 128 Sharing is Great severe natural disaster in her history being hit by a tsunami tidal wave along the coasts of Andaman Sea where six southern provinces are located. People were not warned in advance of the possi- bility of the tidal wave meaning over 5,000 Thai and international tourists lost their lives in the natural disaster. Survivors remain confused by their sudden loss and did not know how to carry on with their lives. Amidst darkness there is always a path of light. The overwhelming response of benefactors from our own country and abroad brought support and comfort to the victims. As the first stage of the problems had been gradually resolved, the follow up required restoration of morale to the survivors. Having seen the aforementioned need, non- profit organizations, state enterprises and the private sectors jointly organized two memorial services for the victims of the Tsunami Tidal Wave - in Phuket Province on 5 January 2005 and at Takuapa District, Phang nga Province on Wednesday 19 January 2005. On this occasion, religious rites were held jointly by Buddhists, Christians, Moslems, Sikhs and Jews. Both memorial services were well organized and extremely successful. Several ten of thousands of Thais and Westerners, sixteen countriesû diplo- mats, and many hundreds of international volun- www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 129 129 teers congregated for the ceremony. Furthermore, nies, giving publicity, preparing the ceremony lo- 2,000 Buddhist monks led the Buddhist Memorial cation, organizing the ceremonies, supporting Service by chanting and illuminating over ten thou- ceremony expenses, and providing four-hundred sand lanterns in each event. The ceremonies were experienced professional staff to organize the sacred, beautiful and orderly and not only released religious rites. peopleûs sorrow but brought their minds back to On behalf of both ceremony committees and refuge in the Triple Gem. The Thai Press and over relatives of disaster victims, I would like to convey thirty overseas press agencies broadcast the news our sincere and highest gratitude to the Most Ven. throughout the world. The atmosphere of the Phrarajbhavanavisudh (Luang Phaw Dhammajayo), Takuapa event made it to many newspaper front the President of Dhammakaya Foundation for pages which was said to be the most attractive extending outstanding support for the organization news picture in the world over the past twenty- of the ceremonies. four hours. It more than restored Thailandûs image On this occasion, the Ceremonial Committees and re-iterated to the world the compassionate would like to offer an honorific plaque to Phraraj- heart of all Thais. In the meantime, it also informed bhavanavisudh in gratitude and reciprocation of the people in the world that Thailand had brought his support. the situation under control and had returned to business as usual, ensuring tourists were not afraid to re-visit Thailand and that the economic situation Yours faithfully, in the disaster area could be revived. Thailand has Ladawan Wongsriwong benefited greatly from both memorial events. President of the Coordination Committees Great success was derived from the co- operation of many non-profit organizations, the private and public sectors, media and the Thai grassroots with an outstanding contribution by the Most Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh (Luang Phaw Dhammajayo), the President of Dhammakaya Foundation, who strongly supported both ceremo- nies and invited monks to partake in the ceremo- Sharing is Great 129 129

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Sharing is Great 131 131 Sharing is Great 131 131

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134 SpeeSchahringoisfGreGat ratitude to the President of Dhammakaya Foundation, 134 Phrarajbhavanavisudh on 23 February 2005 134 Most Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, Venerable 134 Sharing is Great Sirs, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great honour for me to be a part of this sacred ceremony organized at the Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya in the midst of more than 100,000 monks and laypeople. On Sunday 26 December 2004, Thailand was assailed by the biggest natural disaster in the nationûs history, namely the Tsunami Tidal Wave which broke along the Andaman coast causing a catastrophic loss of life and property. News coverage inspired many Thai people to show their sympathy by giving monetary donations and assistance to the victims, in witness of the Thai spirit of sharing and showing that Thai people never abandon one another in times of trouble. On the part of the Thai Senate, task forces were immediately set up to help assist those miss- ing in this disaster. As Chairman of the Senate, I myself worked in cooperation with the Dhammakaya Foundation in bringing supplies and medication to victims in the affected areas. After the short- term problems had been addressed, rebuilding was the next important step to help relieve peopleûs trauma - and this included giving them encourage- ment to carry on their lives in happiness. www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 135 135 To restore morale to the survivors, the Senate, Much of the credit for these ceremonies must the Dhammakaya Foundation and many organiza- go to Phrarajbhavanavisudh, who dispatched many tions in the public and private sectors helped hundreds of his specialists and staff to organize organize two memorial services in honour of those the ceremony - whether it be organizing the venue, who lost their lives -- one in Phuket province on 5 preparation, promotion and invitation of monks and January 2005 and a second in Phang nga province congregation. The Most Venerable also shouldered at Takuapa district on 19 January 2005. The latter all expenses incurred including coordination with ceremony was organized to dedicate merit to the local Kalyanamitra Centres and local people to bring departed and involved more than 10,000 people, the ceremony to completion. 2,000 monks and diplomats from sixteen countries. On this auspicious occasion, as the Chairman The atmosphere of the ceremony reflected the unity of the Thai Senate, I would like to take this between Thais and overseas participants irrespec- opportunity to express untold gratitude to Phraraj- tive of race, religion, creed or nationality. All were bhavanavisudh, the President of Dhammakaya touched by the ceremony and praised how well the Foundation and those involved in organizing these ceremony had been organized, how dedication of memorial services. merit for the dead had been encouraged, together with the compassion and love expressed through It is my hope that we will continue to work sharing. These ceremonies were a major force in together in the future for the prosperity of our restoring the morale of the survivors. The Press country. and over thirty news agencies broadcast the spectacle to the world helping to restore world confidence in the Thai nation. Yours respectfully, The success of this ceremony came about through H.E Suchon Chaleekreua, the close cooperation of many organizations in the Chairman of the Thai Senate Thai public and private sectors. Sharing is Great 135 135

136 Õπ‚ÿ ¡Sha∑rinπg i“s G°re—∫at «ÿ≤‘ ¿“ Õߧå°√¿“§√∞— ·≈–‡Õ°™π 136 ‚Õ«“∑æ√–√“™¿“«π“« ‘ ÿ∑∏Ï‘ (À≈«ßæÕà ∏¡— ¡™‚¬) 136 136 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

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138 RespShoarningsies Grteaot the Senate by 138 the Most Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh The Tsunami Tidal Wave Disaster caused great losses to life and property -- but looked at in another way, has helped us all more clearly to appreciate the nature of the world where separa- tion is inevitable. There is nothing permanent about our human lives. Catastrophe can strike at any time. No matter how long or short life is, we all have to die eventually. Therefore, it is best for us to spend our lives in the most valuable way, by doing all good deeds to the full -- through generosity, keep- ing the precepts and practising meditation. The merit thus accrued will be our refuge for our journey Your Excellency Suchon Chaleekreua, the Chairman ahead in the cycle of existence. Once we under- of the Thai Senate, honorable guests, ladies and stand the nature of life, we should not waste our gentlemen time grieving in the face of suffering -- otherwise I am touched by your gesture on this we use up our time with things which bring no occasion and would like to rejoice deeply in all the benefit to ourselves or our fellow human beings. merits of the Senate, including the public and the The memorial services we organized together were private sectors, for your success in relieving the to dedicate merit to the departed who we hope will suffering of those lost in the Tsunami Tidal Wave find the best possible afterlife destination in spite Disaster. of the tragedy. 138 138 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 139 139 On this occasion, I would like to rejoice in the Last but not least, may the Grace of the merits of the Chairman of the Thai Senate, all Dhammakayas of all the Buddhas maintain the organizations both in the public and the private Chairman of the Thai Senate and all honorable sectors as well as all who were a part of this great guests in happiness and prosperity for evermore success. We, at the Dhammakaya Foundation and in Yours sincerely, the Kalyanamitra movement both in Thailand and Phrarajbhavanavisudh. overseas were honoured to serve together with the President: Dhammakaya Foundation Senate, and take this opportunity to wish that all the organizations involved continue to work to bring World Peace to all human beings -- especially by attaining the true peace of the Triple Gem inside as a true refuge to us all. Sharing is Great 139 139

140 140 Sharing is Great ‡¡ÕË◊ ‡ √Á®æ‘∏∂’ «“¬‚≈à·≈â« œæ≥œ  ™ÿ π ™“≈’‡§√Õ◊ §≥– ¡“™‘°«≤ÿ ‘ ¿“ ·¢°º¡Ÿâ ‡’ °¬’ √µ·‘ ≈–ª√–™“™π °Á‰¥â√«à ¡æ‘∏’®ÿ¥¡“¶ª√–∑ª’ 140 140 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 141 141 At the end of the trophy award ceremony H.E. Suchon Chaleekreua and representatives of the Senate together with other dignitaries joined in the ceremony for lighting of Magha Puja candle lanterns. Sharing is Great 141 141

142 142 Sharing is Great 142 142 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 143 143 ¿“§ºπ«° Appendix Sharing is Great 143 143

144 ∫“ß Sh«àariπng®is G“r°eat¿“æ¢à“«¢Õß ËÕ◊ ¡«≈™π 144 144 144 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Media Coverage Sharing is Great 145 145 Sharing is Great 145 145

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