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50 ç∑ÿ°‡«≈“π“∑’ ¡’ ‘Ë߉¡§à “¥Ωíπ ·≈–∑°ÿ «π— °Á‰¡à¡§’ «“¡·ππà Õπ Sharing is Great 50 ¢Õ‡æ¬’ ß∑”„®„Àâæ√âÕ¡ ‡æË◊Õæ√ÿßà π’È°‰Á ¡à√Ÿâ®–‡®ÕÕ–‰√ ·µà«—ππÈ’ ‡«≈“πÈ’ ‡∏Õ¡’π”È µ“ ‡®Á∫ª«¥·≈–¡ÕßÀ“§πª≈Õ∫„®  ≠Ÿ ‡ ’¬ ∑°ÿ  ‘ËßÀ¡¥ È‘π°”≈ß— „® ‰¡‡à ªìπ‰√©π— ®–§Õ¬‡™Á¥πÈ”µ“ ...é ∑ÿ°§«“¡À¡“¬¢Õß∫∑‡æ≈ß ‡ªìπ¥—߇√◊ËÕß√“« §«“¡®√‘ߢÕß‚≈°·≈–™’«‘µ „Àâ√Ÿâ ÷°π÷°§‘¥·≈–§≈âÕ¬µ“¡ ‡µ√’¬¡æ√âÕ¡°—∫§«“¡‰¡à·πàπÕπ∑’ËÕ“®®–‡°‘¥¢÷Èπ‰¥â∑ÿ° ¢≥– ‡ªìπ°“√‡µ◊Õπ„Àâ‡√“Õ¬à“ª√–¡“∑„π™’«‘µ µâÕß∑” §«“¡¥’ Ë—ß ¡∫ÿ≠‡¢â“‰«â ¥«ß‰ø «à“ߢÕß‚§¡≈Õ¬øÑ“ §àÕ¬Ê ≈Õ¬¢÷Èπ àŸ∑âÕßøÑ“ ¡ÕߥŸ‡À¡◊Õπ¥«ß¥“«¥«ß‡≈Á°Ê ¢È÷π Ÿà √«ß «√√§å ¥ÿ®¥—߇™àπ¥«ß«‘≠≠“≥¢ÕߺâŸ≈à«ß≈—∫ ‰¥æâ ∫Àπ∑“ß·Àßà  π— µ ‘ ÿ¢ ‡πÈ◊ÕÀ“¢Õ߇æ≈ß ç°“√·∫àߪíπ§◊Õ§«“¡¬‘Ëß„À≠à (Sharing is Great)é  √“â ߧ«“¡ª√–∑—∫„®·°à™“«µà“ß™“µ‘ ®”π«π¡“°∑¡Ë’ “√«à ¡ß“π„π§Ë”§π◊ π’È µ“à ß√´Ÿâ ßÈ÷ ∂ß÷ §«“¡À¡“¬ ¢Õß°“√„Àâ·≈–°“√·∫àߪíπ∑Ë’¡πÿ…¬å∑ÿ°§π∫π‚≈°§«√¡’ µÕà °—π 50 50 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 51 51 Song : No Use Crying Every minute there is the unexpected | Every day there is uncertainty | Just be ready at all times | We never know whatûs going to happen tomorrow | For the moment today you are in tears of grief | And feel pain while looking for someone to inspire | Lost everything as well as spirit and will power | itûs all right | Iûll wipe away your tears . . . The message of the song above indicates the truth The lyrics of the song çSharing is Greaté, of life and world, which encourages us to reflect impressed the international audience assembled and prepare ourselves for the uncertainty which there, and helped to drive home to them, the im- might come to us at any moment -- warning us not portance of sharing what we have with our fellow to be reckless in our lives - instead, accruing only citizens of the world. good deeds. As the brightness of the lantern-light gradually ascended into the sky it looked more like a constellation of tiny stars flying towards heaven - similar to the spirits of deceased victims making their way surely towards a better life. Sharing is Great 51 51

52 52 Sharing is Great ®¥ÿ ª√–∑ª’ ‚§¡≈Õ¬øÑ“ ∂«“¬‡ªπì æÿ∑∏∫™Ÿ “ · ßπ«≈°√–®à“ß®“°‚§¡≈Õ¬øÑ“∫πø“°øÑ“‡Àπ◊Õ  π“¡°’Ó –æ“πÀ‘π„π§”Ë §◊ππÈ’ ¢à¡√—»¡’¥“«π—∫≈â“π„Àâ ¬Õ· ß≈ß ‡¡Ë◊Õ¡Õß≈ß¡“¬—ßæ◊Èπ¥‘π ° Á «à“߉ «‡√◊Õß√Õ߉ª ¥«â ¬· ß·Àßà ‡ª≈«ª√–∑ª’ π∫— À¡π◊Ë ¥«ß√ªŸ ∑√ߥհ∫«— À≈«ß ·∑𧫓¡À¡“¬·Àßà æ√–ª≠í ≠“Õπ— ‚™µ™‘ «à ߢÕßæ√– ¡— ¡“-  —¡æÿ∑∏‡®â“ π—∫‡ªìπ‡Àµÿ°“√≥åª√–«—µ‘»“ µ√å∑Ë’‡°‘¥¢È÷π ≥ ·¥π¥π‘ ∂π‘Ë ‰¢à¡ÿ°Õπ— ¥“¡π— ·Ààßπ‡È’ ªìπ§√È—ß·√° ¿“æ∑‡’Ë ÀπÁ ‡∫ÕÈ◊ ßÀπ“â  “¡“√∂ –°¥º§Ÿâ π„πª√¡‘ ≥±≈ „Àâ¥◊Ë¡¥Ë”‰ª°—∫∫√√¬“°“»Õ—π»—°¥‘Ï ‘∑∏Ï‘  ß∫‡¬Á𠇪ìπ¥—ß çª√–∑’ª·Ààß —πµ‘¿“æé ∑’Ë√«¡‡Õ“¡«≈¡πÿ…¬™“µ‘‚¥¬‰¡à ·∫àß·¬°‡™◊ÈÕ™“µ‘ ¿“…“ »“ π“ À√◊Õ‡ºà“æ—π∏åÿ‰«â¥â«¬°—𠇪πì ÀπËß÷ ‡¥¬’ « 52 52 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 53 53 Illumination of flying lanterns This was a historical spectacle for this land of the in homage to the Lord Buddha çAndaman Pearlé. Spectators were completely absorbed by the The tender golden light of flying lanterns in the holy atmosphere of the ceremony. Some compared sky above the sport stadium that night outshone the sight to the serenity of the çLight of Peaceé the stars in the sky. Meanwhile across the which unites all human beings irrespective of race, sportsground, 10,000 candle-lanterns were to be seen, language, religion or creed. each in the shape of a Royal Lotus representing Sharing is Great 53 the wisdom of enlightenment of the Lord Buddha. 53

54 æ√– —¡¡“ —¡æÿ∑∏‡®â“ ∑√ߧâπæ∫§«“¡®√‘ß«à“ ‡Àµÿ°“√≥å„π§√—ÈßπÈ’‡ªìπ‡Àµÿ„ÀâÀ≈“¬§π‰¥â©ÿ°§‘¥ Sharing is Great ™“«µà“ß™“µ‘À≈“¬∑à“π‡¢â“¡“ Õ∫∂“¡∂÷ߧ«“¡‡™Ë◊Õ„π 54 ™’«‘µÀ≈—ߧ«“¡µ“¬¬—ß¡’Õ¬àŸ æ√–æ∑ÿ ∏»“ π“·≈–™«’ ‘µÀ≈—ߧ«“¡µ“¬ ∫≠ÿ ∫“ª §◊ÕÕ–‰√ ™’«‘µ§π‡√“µ“¬·≈⫉¡à Ÿ≠ ‡¡◊ËÕ‰¥â√—∫§”µÕ∫·≈â«∑”„Àâ¡’§«“¡ π„®∑’Ë®–»÷°…“∏√√¡– ‚¥¬‡©æ“–Õ¬à“ß¬Ë‘ß °“√‡®√‘≠ ¡“∏‘¿“«π“ ·≈–°“√Õÿ∑‘» ¥”√ßÕ¬Ÿà‰¥¥â ⫬ ç∫≠ÿ é ∑Ë’µπ∑”‰«„â π‚≈°¡πÿ…¬å §”«à“ ∫≠ÿ  à«π°ÿ»≈ ®÷ßπ—∫«à“‡ªìππ‘¡‘µÀ¡“¬Õ—π¥’∑Ë’™“«‚≈° À—π¡“  π„®·≈–»÷°…“§«“¡®√‘ߢÕß™’«‘µ ‡æ√“–¿“æ∑Ë’‡ÀÁπ∑”„Àâ §◊Õ æ≈—ßß“π∫√‘ ÿ∑∏‘Ï∑’Ë “¡“√∂ √â“ߢÈ÷π·≈– – ¡‰¥â ‡¢“‡À≈à“πÈ—π‡™Ë◊Õ¡Ë—π«à“ · ß «à“ß®“°‚§¡ª√–∑’ª·≈– ‚§¡≈Õ¬øÑ“Õ—π‡°‘¥®“°°“√∫Ÿ™“ Ë‘ß»—°¥Ï‘ ‘∑∏Ï‘„𧫓¡‡™Ë◊Õ ‡ªìπ ‘Ëß∑’Ë¡Õ∫µàÕÀ√◊Õ àߺà“π∂÷ß°—π·≈–°—π‰¥â ‡À¡◊Õπ ¢Õß·µà≈–»“ π“ ¬àÕ¡π”¥«ß«‘≠≠“≥¢ÕߺâŸ≈–‚≈°„À≪  Ÿ à ÿ§µ‚‘ ≈° «√√§‰å ¥Õâ ¬à“ß·ππà Õπ  “¬πÈ”∑’Ë “¡“√∂‰À≈‰ª‰¥â‰°≈À≈“¬√âÕ¬À≈“¬æ—π‰¡≈å ©—π„¥ ∫≠ÿ ° Á “¡“√∂ ßà ºà“π∂ß÷ ∫§ÿ §≈∑ÕË’ ¬àŸ‰°≈·¡â§π≈– ‚≈°‰ª·≈â« ©—πππ—È 54 54 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 55 55 The Lord Buddha discovered the truth that death Sharing is Great 55 is not the end of the story. An afterlife is to be 55 expected. The afterlife destination depends on the merits one has accumulated for oneself during oneûs human existence. Merit is a sort of pure energy which arises and can be stored up in the mind. Merit can be dedicated to the departed just as water can flow from the mountains to the sea. Those still alive who make merit are able to dedicate that merit to benefit those who were killed in the tragedy, even though they may be in a different realm of existence. This tragedy has caused many people to pause and think about life. Many of the overseas visitors enquired about the Buddhist view of death and the afterlife - about what is meant by merit and demerit. The answers they received sparked off a profound interest in Buddhist study, especially in meditation and the dedication of merit. It is a positive sign that all mankind is turning to show an interest in the truths of life. The eveningûs spectacle gave them the confidence that the light of candles dedicated to the sacred things of each religion could in some way help lead the spirits of the departed towards heaven.

56 56 Sharing is Great 56 56 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

ß“π∫”‡æÁ≠°ÿ»≈ Sharing is Great 57 57 ·°àº≈⟠à«ß≈∫— ®“°‡Àµ°ÿ “√≥å§≈Ë◊π¬°— … å ÷π“¡‘ §√—Èß∑Ë’ Ú ≥  π“¡°’Ó°≈“߇∑»∫“≈‡¡◊Õßµ–°Ë«— ª“É Õ.µ–°«Ë— ªÉ“ ®.æß— ß“ The Second çMemorial Serviceé In memory of the victims who lost their lives in the çTsunami Tidal Wave Disasteré at Takuapa Sports Stadium, Takuapa District, Phang nga Province Sharing is Great 57 57

58 58 Sharing is Great 58 58 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 59 59 Sharing is Great 59 59

60 §«“¡Sh‡arªingìπis¡Gre“at 60 À≈—ß®“°æ√–√“™¿“«π“«‘ ÿ∑∏Ï‘‰¥â àߧ≥–æ√–¿‘°…ÿ  ß¶å·≈–‡®â“Àπâ“∑Ë’¡Ÿ≈π‘∏‘∏√√¡°“¬ ‰ª√à«¡°—∫ ¡“§¡™“« ¿Ÿ‡°Áµ «ÿ≤‘ ¿“ ·≈–Õߧå°√¿“§√—∞·≈–‡Õ°™π®”π«π¡“° ®—¥ß“π∫”‡æÁ≠°ÿ»≈·°àºâŸ‡ ’¬™’«‘µ®“°§≈Ë◊π¬—°…å ÷π“¡‘ ≥  π“¡°’Ó –æ“πÀ‘π ®—ßÀ«—¥¿Ÿ‡°Áµ  √â“ߧ«“¡ª√–∑—∫„® ‡ªìπÕ¬à“ß¡“°„Àâ°—∫ºŸâ∑Ë’¡“√à«¡ß“π ·≈–ºŸâ∑Ë’‰¥â√—∫™¡¿“æ ‡Àµÿ°“√≥åºà“π°“√∂à“¬∑Õ¥ ¥¢Õß ∂“π’‚∑√∑—»πå‰Õ∑’«’ ·≈–°“√√“¬ß“π¢“à «¢Õß Ë◊Õ¡«≈™π∑ßÈ— ‰∑¬·≈–µ“à ߪ√–‡∑» ¥â«¬‡Àµÿπ’È∑“߇∑»∫“≈‡¡◊Õßµ–°—Ë«ªÉ“ ®—ßÀ«—¥æ—ßß“ ‚¥¬π“¬« ‘ ∑ÿ ∏Ï‘ π“«“≈Õà ß π“¬°‡∑»¡πµ√’ ®ß÷ ‰¥∑â ”Àπ—ß ◊Õ ∂ß÷ æ√–√“™¿“«π“«‘ ∑ÿ ∏‘Ï ª√–∏“π¡Ÿ≈π‘∏∏‘ √√¡°“¬ ‡æË◊Õ¢Õ „À¡â °’ “√®¥— ß“π‡©°‡™πà π∑È’ Õ’Ë ”‡¿Õµ–°«—Ë ª“É ®ß— À«¥— æß— ß“¥«â ¬ ‡æ√“–®“°‡Àµÿ°“√≥å∏√≥’æ‘∫—µ‘§≈Ë◊π¬—°…å ÷π“¡‘ ∑Ë’ ºà“π¡“ ®—ßÀ«—¥æ—ßß“‡ªìπæ◊Èπ∑’Ë∑’ˉ¥â√—∫§«“¡‡ ’¬À“¬®“° ¿—¬æ‘∫—µ‘√⓬·√ߧ√È—ßπ’È¡“°∑Ë’ ÿ¥ ¡’™“«‰∑¬·≈–™“«µà“ß ª√–‡∑»‡ ’¬™’«‘µ·≈– Ÿ≠À“¬¡“°°«à“ ˆ, §π ≠“µ‘ æ’ËπâÕߢÕߺ⟇ ’¬™’«‘µ·≈–ª√–™“™π∑Ë—«ª√–‡∑»¬—ß√⟠÷°  –‡∑◊Õπ„®°∫— §«“¡ Ÿ≠‡ ’¬∑ˇ’ °‘¥¢È÷π 60 60 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 61 61 Origins of the Dhammakaya Foundation, the Most Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh to request that a After working groups of Dhammakaya Foundation similar memorial service should be organized in monks and staff led by the Most Venerable Takuapa District in Phang nga Province - which Phrarajbhavanavisudh together with the Phuket was one of the areas most seriously afflicted by the Association, the Thai Senate and many organiza- Tsunami Tragedy. tions in the public and private sectors had per- In the tragedy more than 6,000 of those who formed the memorial service in memory of the lost their lives had been from overseas and victims in Tsunami Tragedy at Phuket Sports families of the missing and the victims were still Stadium, creating a positive impression for all who undergoing severe trauma in the aftermath of the witnessed it, the Mayor of Takuapa District, Mr. catastrophe. Sharing is Great 61 Visuth Navalong delivered a letter to the President 61

62 æ√–‡¥™æ√–§ÿ≥æ√–√“™¿“«π“«‘ ÿ∑∏Ï‘ ®÷ß —Ëß°“√„Àâ 62 Sharing is Great ‡®â“Àπâ“∑’Ë¡Ÿ≈π‘∏‘∏√√¡°“¬°«à“ Ù √Ÿª/§π ‡¥‘π∑“߉ª ª√– “πß“π√à«¡°—∫Àπ૬ߓπ∑Ë’‡°Ë’¬«¢âÕß„πæ◊Èπ∑Ë’∑È—ß¿“§ √—∞·≈–‡Õ°™π ‡æË◊Õ®—¥„Àâ¡’æ‘∏’∫”‡æÁ≠°ÿ»≈·°àºŸâ≈à«ß≈—∫ ®“°∏√≥æ’ ∫‘ —µ‘§≈Ëπ◊ ¬°— …å ÷π“¡‘ §√—Èß∑Ë’ Ú ¢πÈ÷ ‡æÕË◊ ‡√¬’ °¢«≠— ·≈–°”≈ß— „®¡“ ™àŸ “«‰∑¬ ·≈–™“«µ“à ߪ√–‡∑» ‚¥¬‡√«Á ∑ ’Ë ÿ¥ ‡πÕË◊ ß®“°‡ªπì ®ß— À«¥—  ”§≠— ∑‰Ë’ ¥√â ∫— §«“¡‡¥Õ◊ ¥√Õâ πÕ¬“à ß¡“° ¡’ºŸâ‡ ’¬À“¬·≈– Ÿ≠‡ ’¬™’«‘µ ‚¥¬‡©æ“–π—°∑àÕ߇∑Ë’¬«™“«- µ“à ß™“µ¡‘ “‡ ¬’ ™’«µ‘ ∑πË’ Ë¡’ “°∑’Ë ¥ÿ ·≈–‡æ◊ËÕ„Àºâ âŸ≈à«ß≈—∫‰¥√â ∫—  «à π∫≠ÿ  «à π°»ÿ ≈®“°ß“π∫”‡æ≠Á °»ÿ ≈§√ß—È πÕÈ’ ¬“à ߇µ¡Á ‡ª¬òï ¡ ‚¥¬æ√–‡¥™æ√–§≥ÿ æ√–√“™¿“«π“« ‘ ∑ÿ ∏Ï‘ ‰¥‡â ¡µµ“ „À⧔·π–π” „Àâæ—≤π“°“√®—¥ß“π„Àâ ¡∫Ÿ√≥å¬Ë‘ߢÈ÷π Õ“∑‘ „Àπâ ¡‘ πµæå √–¿°‘ …®ÿ “°∑«Ë— ª√–‡∑»¡“√«à ¡ß“π„À¡â “°¢π÷È ‡ªπì Ú, √Ÿª ‡æË‘¡®”π«π‚§¡ª√–∑’ª‡ªìπ Ú, ¥«ß ‡æ¡‘Ë  —¥ «à π‚§¡≈Õ¬øÑ“„Àâ¡“°¢÷πÈ Ò ‡∑à“µ—« „Àâ·π«∑“ß °“√ª√–æ—π∏å∫∑‡æ≈ß ç©—π®–‡ªìπ· ß «à“ß„Àâ°—∫‡∏Õé ∑—È߉∑¬·≈–Õ—ß°ƒ… ‡æ◊ËÕß“ππ’È‚¥¬‡©æ“– ·≈–„Àâª√—∫ª√ÿß √“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥°“√®¥— ß“π„Àªâ √–≥’µ ¡∫√Ÿ ≥å¬ß‘Ë ¢÷πÈ 62 62 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 63 63 The Most Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh therefore The Most Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh furthermore assigned four-hundred staff from all of his depart- suggested organizing the ceremony to the highest ments to the damaged area in order to co-ordinate standard by inviting 2,000 monks from all over with the private and public sectors involved to Thailand to join the ceremony, increasing the perform a second memorial service in Phang nga number of candle lanterns to 20,000 and multiply- to inspire morale to Thai people and the foreigners ing the number of flying lanterns to ten times that as soon as possible. As the majority of the damage of the previous event. He guided the composition occurred in this province, the death toll for foreign of the song named çI will be a light shining for tourists was also the highest. The aim of the youé both in Thai and English. And he empha- second memorial service was to dedicate as much sized smoothing out all the jagged edges of the merit as possible to all the departed. ceremonyûs preparation to the full. Sharing is Great 63 63

64 64 Sharing is Great æ‘∏’®—¥¢È÷π„π«—πæÿ∏∑Ë’ Ò˘ ¡°√“§¡ æ.».ÚıÙ¯ √–À«“à ߇«≈“ Ò˜. - Ò˘. π. ¡°’ “√ «¥æ√–æ∑ÿ ∏¡πµå ¢Õߧ≥– ß¶®å “°∑—«Ë ª√–‡∑»°«à“ Ú, √Ÿª °“√∑Õ¥ºâ“ ∫—ß ÿ°ÿ≈ ∂«“¬‰∑¬∏√√¡ ®ÿ¥‚§¡ª√–∑’ª·≈–®ÿ¥‚§¡ ≈Õ¬ø“Ñ °«“à Ú, ¥«ß ≥  π“¡°Ã’ “°≈“߇∑»∫“≈ ‡¡Õ◊ ßµ–°«—Ë ª“É ®ß— À«¥— æß— ß“ ‚¥¬¡æ’ ∏‘ °’ √√¡¢Õß»“ π“»√ ‘ µå Õ‘ ≈“¡ ´°‘ ¢å ·≈–¬Ÿ¥“¬¥«â ¬ 64 64 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

The ceremony was organized on 19 January 2005 - Illumination of candle lanterns and the 65 from 5.00 - 7.00 p.m. and included : Sharing is Great 65 launching of 20,000 flying lanterns - Buddhist Chanting in memory of the This ceremony was to be organized at the Takuapa deceased by 2,000 monks from all over sport stadium in Phang nga province with the Thailand involvement of Christian, Moslem, Sikh and - Robe offering to the monks Jewish groups. - Alms offering to the monks Sharing is Great 65 65

66 66 Sharing is Great °“√‡µ√¬’ ¡ß“𠵑¥µ“¡§âπÀ“ ·≈–∑’Ëπà“ª√–∑—∫„®§◊Õ ·¡â«à“‡¢“‡À≈à“πÈ—π®– ¡’§«“¡‡ ’¬„®‡æ’¬ß‰√ ·µà¬—ߧߡ’π”È „®µâÕπ√—∫ºŸâ¡“‡¬◊Õπ „π™à«ß Ú  —ª¥“Àå°àÕπ«—πß“π ∑“ß∑’¡ß“π¢Õß ‡ªìπÕ¬à“ߥ’ π’˧◊Õπ”È „®§π‰∑¬„π·∂∫™π∫∑∑’Ë «¬ß“¡ ¥ÿ®¥—ß∏√√¡™“µ√‘ Õ∫¥“â π ¡Ÿ≈π‘∏‘∏√√¡°“¬‰¥â‡¢â“‰ª®—¥‡µ√’¬¡ ∂“π∑’Ë®—¥ß“π ‚¥¬ ‰¥â√—∫§«“¡√à«¡¡◊ÕÕ¬à“ß·¢Áߢ—π®“°§≥–∑”ß“π¢Õß ‡∑»∫“≈‡¡◊Õßµ–°—Ë«ªÉ“ ∑’Ë∑”ß“πÕ¬à“ß°√–µ◊Õ√◊Õ√âπ ©—∫‰« ¡’ª√– ‘∑∏‘¿“æ ¿“¬„µâ°“√π”¢Õß∑à“π𓬰‡∑»¡πµ√’ «‘ ÿ∑∏‘Ï π“«“≈àÕß ·≈–√Õß𓬰‡∑»¡πµ√’∑ÿ°∑à“π ‡ÀÁπ °“√∑”ß“π¢Õß∑ÿ°∑à“π·≈â«∑”„À≡àπà“·ª≈°„®‡≈¬«à“ ∑”‰¡°“√∑”ß“πøôóπøŸ¿—¬æ‘∫—µ‘®“°§≈◊Ëπ¬—°…å¢Õ߇¡◊Õß µ–°—Ë«ªÉ“ ®÷ß∑”‰¥âÕ¬à“ß√«¥‡√Á« ®π‰¥â√—∫§”™¡‡™¬®“° π“π“™“µ‘ πÕ°®“°πÈ’∑“ß∑’¡ß“π‰¥â‡¢â“‰ªª√–™“ —¡æ—π∏å °“√®—¥ß“π„Àâ°—∫ª√–™“™π„π∑âÕß∂Ë‘π∑ÿ°µ”∫≈À¡àŸ∫â“π ¢ÕßÕ”‡¿Õµ–°Ë—«ªÉ“‰¥â√—∫∑√“∫ ∑”„Àâ√—∫√Ÿâ∂÷ߪí≠À“·≈– µ√–À𗰄𧫓¡ Ÿ≠‡ ’¬¢Õß™“«∫â“π∑Ë’π’Ë¡“° Õ“®°≈à“« ‰¥â«à“ ‰¡à¡’∫â“πÀ≈—߉Àπ‡≈¬∑’ˉ¡àæ∫°—∫§«“¡ Ÿ≠‡ ’¬∑—Èß 66 ‚¥¬µ√Sßh·a≈rin–g‚¥is¬GÕreâÕat¡ ™“«∫â“π®”π«π¡“°¡’≠“µ‘æË’πâÕß 66  “∫ Ÿ≠‰ª°—∫¡À—πµ¿—¬§≈Ë◊π¬—°…åÕ¬à“߉√â√àÕß√Õ¬„Àâ www.kalyan

The Preparation for the Sharing is Great 67 Ceremony 67 Two weeks before scheduled day, the organizing organizers realize the problems and losses the team from the Dhammakaya Foundation started work local people were dealing with. It could be said on the ceremonyûs venue with the enthusiastic help that there was hardly a single household who had of the Takuapa Municipal Council, working quickly not lost someone. Many of their relatives had been and efficiently under the supervision of the mayor, lost without trace. The most impressive thing was Mr. Visuth Navalong and all his deputies. Seeing that no matter how sad they were, they always had the capability of the Takuapa team, it was no sur- a warm welcome for visitors. The local peopleûs prise that the rebuilding work after the catastrophe fighting spirit was as admirable as the natural in the province had gone so smoothly - to the de- surroundings of their province. gree that they had received the praise of interna- tional organizations. Furthermore, the team worked hard to create publicity concerning this project initiated for the benefit of all the local people in Takuapa District. These initial visits made the Sharing is Great 67 67

68 68 Sharing is Great ®“° ¿“æ∫â“π‡√◊Õπ∑’Ëæ∫‡ÀÁπ Õߢâ“ß∑“ß ºâŸ¡“ ‡¬◊ÕπÕ¬à“߇√“∂÷ß°—∫µâÕ߬◊ππË‘ßµ–≈÷ß°—∫¿“æ∑’Ë¡Õ߇ÀÁπ µ√ßÀπâ“ ·∑∫‰¡à‡™◊ËÕ “¬µ“µ—«‡Õß«à“®–¡’§«“¡√ÿπ·√ß∂÷ß ‡æ’¬ßπÈ’ ∑°ÿ §πµà“ß —¡º— ‰¥∂â ß÷ §«“¡√π— ∑¥À¥ÀàŸ ·≈–§«“¡ ‚»°‡»√â“∑Ë’Ωíß≈÷°„π∑ÿ°Õ≥Ÿ¢Õß∫√√¬“°“» ®π∫“ߧ√È—ß √â Ÿ °÷ ‡¬πÁ ‡¬’¬∫‡¢“â ‰ª∂ß÷ °√–¥°Ÿ ¡ÕßÕÕ°‰ªµ“¡√‘¡™“¬Ωíòß æ∫·µà´“°Õ“§“√∫â“π ‡√◊Õπ∑’ˉ¥â√—∫§«“¡‡ ’¬À“¬ ·¡âµ—«Õ“§“√®–°àÕÕ‘∞∂◊ÕªŸπ Õ¬à“ß¡—Ëπ§ß·¢Áß·√ß °Á¬—߉¡àÕ“®µâ“π∑“𧫓¡√ÿπ·√ߢÕß §≈Ëπ◊ ¬°— …å∑Ë∂’ “‚∂¡°√–·∑°°√–∑π—È ®πΩßíò æ—ß∑≈“¬ µ°÷ √“¡ ∫â“π™àÕß·µ°À—°°√àÕπ ≈“¬‰¡à‡«âπ·¡â°√–∑˗߇À≈Á°¥—¥ À√◊Õ°”·æß ª√–µŸÕ—≈≈Õ¬¥å∂÷ß°—∫‚§âßßÕ√“«°—∫¡’¡◊Õ¬—°…å ®∫— ∫¥‘ ®π‡ ¬’ √ªŸ ·¡·â µ‡à √Õ◊ √∫∑ß—È ≈”¬ß— ∂°Ÿ ®∫— ‡À«¬Ë’ ß‚¬π¢πÈ÷ ¡“∫π∫°‰¥â §ß‰¡àµâÕß查∂÷ß«à“√à“ß°“¬¡πÿ…¬å∏√√¡¥“®– 68 µâ“π∑“Sπh‰ar¥inâ·g§isà‰ÀGrπeat §ß‡ªìπ‡™à𰓬‡πÈ◊ÕÕàÕπ∫“ß∑’Ëßà“¬µàÕ 68 °“√·µ°∑”≈“¬‡ªπì ∑’Ë ¥ÿ www.kalyan

The damaged houses and surroundings so obvious of the Tsunami breaking along the length of the 69 Sharing is Great to passers-by were another story. Many could hardly 69 coast. Huge walls had been bulldozed by the wave believe their eyes as to the severity of the situa- while metal doors had been bent double as if tion. Local people seemed entranced by a deep punched by a giant. Even a battleship had been feeling of depression and were still grief-stricken. thrown up on the shore - what chance would there All that could be seen along the coast were have been for unprotected bodies in the face of damaged houses. Even the strongest concrete build- such a tidal wave? ings had been no match for the horrendous power Sharing is Great 69 69

70 ¿“æS„hπarinÕg ¥is G’µreat 70 „π«π— πÈ¥’ ‘π·¥π «√√§¢å Õßπ—°∑Õà ߇∑¬Ë’ « ‡À≈Õ◊ ‡æ’¬ß ¿“æ„πÕ¥µ’ „À∑â √ß®”√”≈÷° À“°¡Õ߬âÕπ‰ª‡¡◊ËÕ Ú-Û ªï ∑Ë’ºà“π¡“ ∫√‘‡«≥‡¢“À≈—° ¢Õß®—ßÀ«—¥æ—ßß“ ‡ªìπ·À≈àß ∑àÕ߇∑Ë’¬«∑Ë’¡’™Ë◊Õ‡ ’¬ßÕ¬à“ß¡“° ∑È—ß®“° ¿“晓¬À“¥ ·≈–Àπ“â º“∑¬’Ë ß— §ß§«“¡∫√ ‘ ∑ÿ ∏‘χªπì ∏√√¡™“µ‘¡§’ «“¡‡ß¬’ ∫  ß∫ À≈’°À≈∫´àÕπ‡√âπµ—«‡Õß®“°§«“¡Õ÷°∑÷°§√÷°‚§√¡ ¿“¬πÕ° ‰¥âÕ¬à“ߥ’‡¬Ë’¬¡  Ë‘߇À≈à“πÈ’≈â«π‡æ‘Ë¡‡ πàÀå¥÷ߥŸ¥ „Àâπ—°∑àÕ߇∑’ˬ«™“«µà“ß™“µ‘∑’˪√“√∂π“°“√æ—°ºàÕπÕ¬à“ß  ß∫°—∫∏√√¡™“µ‘∑˒ߥߓ¡ À—π¡“∑àÕ߇∑’ˬ«·∂∫∫√‘‡«≥π’È ‡æ¡Ë‘ ®”π«π¢÷ÈπÕ¬“à ß¡“° 70 70 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 71 71 Images of the Past Sharing is Great 71 71 The former tourist paradise was only an image of the past. Two or three years ago the Khao Luk area in Phang nga province was one of the most famous attractions for tourists because of its fresh air, nature and serenity - like a sanctuary far away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world, attracting the tourists away from the ùmaddening crowdû of Phuket and Krabi Islands.

72 °“√∑’ˇ¢“À≈—° ¡’ ∂“π∑Ë’∑àÕ߇∑Ë’¬«∑’ËÀ≈“°À≈“¬„π Sharing is Great 72 æÈ◊π∑’ˇ¥’¬«°—π ∑”„Àâ°≈“¬‡ªìπÕÿ∑¬“π «√√§å„πΩíπ¢Õß π—°∑àÕ߇∑Ë’¬«®“°∑—Ë«∑ÿ°¡ÿ¡‚≈° ∑’Ë· «ßÀ“§«“¡‡ß’¬∫ ß∫ ·≈–™◊Ëπ™¡°—∫«‘∂’™’«‘µ∑Ë’‡√’¬∫ßà“¬¢Õß™“«∫â“π„πæÈ◊π∑’Ë ®÷ß ‰¡àπà“·ª≈°„®«à“∑”‰¡‡¡Ë◊Õ‡°‘¥‡Àµÿ°“√≥å¿—¬æ‘∫—µ‘√⓬·√ß ‡™àππ’È ∫√‘‡«≥‡¢“À≈—° ®—ßÀ«—¥æ—ßß“ ®÷߇ªìπæ◊Èπ∑’ËÀπ÷Ëß∑’Ë¡’ º‡Ÿâ  ¬’ ™«’ µ‘ ¡“°∑ Ë’ ¥ÿ °‡Á æ√“–¡π’ °— ∑Õà ߇∑¬Ë’ «®“°µ“à ߪ√–‡∑» ®”π«π¡“°æ”π—°Õ¬àŸ„π¢≥–π—Èπ ª√–™“™π∑’ËπË’¬—ߧß√⟠÷°  –‡∑◊Õπ„®°—∫‡§√“–Àå√⓬∑Ë’‡°‘¥¢È÷πÕ¬à“ß°–∑—πÀ—π ·≈–§‘¥ «à“µâÕß„™â√–¬–‡«≈“π“πÀ≈“¬ªï°«à“®–‡¬’¬«¬“ ¿“殑µ„® ·≈– ¿“懻√…∞°‘®„Àâøôóπø¥Ÿ ß— ‡¥¡‘ ‰¥â °“√®—¥ß“π∫”‡æÁ≠°ÿ»≈„π§√—Èßπ’È ®÷ßπ—∫«à“‡ªìπ°“√ À≈Õ¡√«¡„®æË’πâÕ߉∑¬·≈–µà“ߪ√–‡∑» √à«¡· ¥ß§«“¡ Àà«ß„¬·≈–‡æ‘Ë¡¢«≠— °”≈—ß„®„Àâ·°ºà Ÿâ∑ ’Ë ≠Ÿ ‡ ¬’ Õ¬à“ß·∑â®√‘ß 72 72 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 73 73 Tourists here had been on the increase - account- Sharing is Great 73 ing for the large toll of casualties in the Tsunami 73 disaster. Because of great numbers of international tourists here when the tidal wave broke, local people here were particularly devastated both emotionally and economically by the tragedy. This second memorial service sought to unite all local Thai and international visitors to express their mourning and to truly inspire morale to all the victims of the tragedy.

74 Õ‘∑∏‘æ≈µàÕ®µ‘ „® 74 Sharing is Great º≈®“°°“√ª√–™“ —¡æ—π∏å„π∑ÿ°æÈ◊π∑Ë’ ª√“°Ø«à“ ª√–™“™π„Àâ°“√µÕ∫√—∫‡ªìπÕ¬à“ߥ’ „π∫“ßµ”∫≈ ‡™àπ µ”∫≈∫“ß𓬠’ ¡’ª√–™“°√°«à“ÀπË÷ßÀ¡◊Ëπ§π ‡¡Ë◊Õ∑√“∫ ¢à“«µà“ßæ√âÕ¡„®‡¥‘π∑“ß¡“‡°◊Õ∫À¡¥µ”∫≈ ‰¡àπà“‡™◊ËÕ«à“ §«“¡µπ◊Ë µ«— „π°“√®¥— ß“π§√ßÈ— π∂’È ß÷ °∫— ∑”„À™â ¥ÿ ¢“«¢“¥µ≈“¥ À≈“¬À¡Ÿà∫â“π∫Õ°«à“À“´È◊պⓢ“« À√◊Õ™ÿ¥¢“«‰¡à‰¥â‡≈¬ ®÷ßµâÕ߉ª§âπ‡ ◊Èպⓠ’¢“«∑Ë’‰¥â√—∫∫√‘®“§¡“„ à√à«¡ß“π ∫”‡æÁ≠°»ÿ ≈ · ¥ß„Àâ‡ÀπÁ ∂÷ߧ«“¡µ—ßÈ „®®√‘ߢÕß™“«∫â“π∑’Ë ¡’µàÕ≠“µ‘æ’ËπâÕߺâŸ≈à«ß≈—∫ ·¡â«à“‡ È◊պⓠˑߢÕß∑Ë’‰¥â√—∫ ∫√‘®“§®“°∑Ë—« “√∑‘» ®–æÕ·°â‰¢∫√√‡∑“§«“¡‡¥◊Õ¥√âÕπ ¿“¬πÕ°°“¬‰¥â∫â“ß ·µà ”À√—∫¿“¬„𮑵„®·≈â« ß“π ∫”‡æ≠Á °»ÿ ≈∑°Ë’ ”≈ß— ®–‡°¥‘ ¢πÈ÷ ¡º’ ≈µÕà ®µ‘ „®¢Õߧ√Õ∫§√«— ºŸâ Ÿ≠‡ ’¬Õ¬à“ß¬Ë‘ß 74 74 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 75 75 The Psychological Impact The response to publicity in the area was good. The plan for the memorial ceremony was welcomed by the local people. The 10,000-strong community of Bangnaisee sub-district all pledged to attend the ceremony as soon as they received the news. Unbelievably, fervour for attending the memorial service caused white clothing to be sold out temporarily from the local markets. Many locals couldnût find white clothing to wear - having to remedy the turmoil in their minds. The people to rely on donated white clothes to wear for the looked to this memorial service to bring the solace ceremony, which expressed their sincere respect to they needed for their minds and soothe the the departed. It was pertinent to notice that al- memories of the families they had lost. though many donations of material aid had been received by these people - it could only serve to Sharing is Great 75 relieve their physical suffering but could do little 75

76 ¿“æS∫ha√rin√g i¬s G“re°at“» 76 ‡¡◊ËÕ∂÷ß«—πæÿ∏∑Ë’ Ò˘ ¡°√“§¡ æ.».ÚıÙ¯ ´Ëß÷ ‡ªπì «—π®—¥ß“π æÈ◊π∑’Ë π“¡°’Ó°≈“߇∑»∫“≈‡¡◊Õßµ–°Ë—«ªÉ“ ¡‚’ §¡ª√–∑ª’ ·°«â √ªŸ ¥Õ°∫«— π∫— À¡π◊Ë ‚§¡‡√¬’ ß√“¬Õ¬“à ߇ªπì √–‡∫’¬∫‡√’¬∫√âÕ¬‡µÁ¡æÈ◊π∑Ë’ ∫√‘‡«≥·∑àπæ‘∏’¥â“πÀπⓇªìπ √ªŸ ¿“æ·≈–√“¬™Õ◊Ë ¢Õߺ‡âŸ  ¬’ ™«’ µ‘ ‚¥¬·∑πà °≈“߇ªπì √ªŸ ¿“æ ¢π“¥„À≠à¢Õߧÿ≥æàÿ¡ ‡®π‡´àπ ‚Õ√ „π∑Ÿ≈°√–À¡àÕ¡ À≠‘ßÕÿ∫≈√—µπ√“™°—≠≠“  ‘√‘«—≤π“æ√√≥«¥’ ·≈–·∑àπ ¥â“π¢â“ߴ⓬¢«“‡ªìπ√Ÿª¿“æ·≈–√“¬™Ë◊Õ¢ÕߺŸâ§πÀ≈“¬ ‡™Õ◊È ™“µ∑‘ ‡Ë’  ¬’ ™«’ µ‘ ®“°‡Àµ°ÿ “√≥§å √ß—È π’È√“¬≈Õâ ¡¥«â ¬ª√–∑ª’ ‚§¡‰ø‡ªìπ√ŸªÀ—«„® µ°·µàߪ√–¥—∫ª√–¥“Õ¬à“ß «¬ß“¡ ¥â«¬¥Õ°‰¡âÀ≈“°™π‘¥ ¥“â πÀπâ“·∑πà ¡§’ ”‰«Õâ “≈—¬‡¢’¬π«à“ ·¥‡à ∏Õ.. ∫§ÿ §≈ ºŸâ‡ªìπ∑Ë’√—° ¢Õ„Àâ¡’§«“¡ ÿ¢¬Ë‘ßÊ ¢È÷π‰ª„π —¡ª√“¬¿æ For You.. Beloved Ones. May you be happier in the next world. 76 76 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 77 77 Atmosphere leading up to the event The ceremony was scheduled for 19 January 2005 surrounded by lanterns laid-out in a heart-shape at Takuapa Municipality. The sports ground was and beautified with various flowers. filled by a total of 10,000 transparent lotus-shaped The epitaph at the front of the cenotaph was candle lanterns that were arranged neatly to fill printed the wording ùFor You.. Beloved Ones. the area. At the front of the ceremony ground, a May you be happier in the next world.û cenotaph was built displaying the pictures and names of the departed. In front of the central cenotaph a portrait of Khun Poom Jensen was displayed, the son of the H.R.H. Princess Ubol Rattana Rajakanya, who also perished in the catas- trophe. The left- and right-hand cenotaphs were covered with the pictures and names of those of Sharing is Great 77 various nationalities who lost their lives. These were 77

78 78 Sharing is Great ¥â“π≈à“ß¡’æ“π∑Õ߉«â„ à√“¬™◊Ëպ⟇ ’¬™’«‘µ‡æË‘¡‡µ‘¡ ´÷Ëß¡’ª√–™“™π„À⧫“¡ π„®¡“¥Ÿ√“¬™Ë◊Õ·≈–¿“æ¢Õߺ⟇ ’¬ ™’«µ‘ ®”π«π¡“° æ√âÕ¡°—∫√à«¡‡¢’¬π√“¬™Ë◊ÕºŸ≈â «à ß≈∫— „ à≈ß ∫πæ“π∑Õß πÕ°®“°πÈ’¬—ß¡’À≈“¬§√Õ∫§√—«π”°√Õ∫√Ÿª ¿“æ¢Õߺ⟇ ’¬™’«‘µ¡“√à«¡«“ß√“¬√Õ∫·∑àπ‰«âÕ“≈—¬ ‚¥¬ §—¥‡≈◊Õ°¿“æ∑Ë’ «¬ß“¡∑Ë’ ÿ¥∑Ë’µπ¡’π”¡“«“ß ‡™àπ ¿“æ √—∫ª√‘≠≠“ ¿“æ∂à“¬√à«¡°—∫§√Õ∫§√—« ‡ªìπµâπ  à«π æ◊Èπ∑Ë’π—Ëߪ√–®”‚§¡„π π“¡°’Óœ §ÿ≥æàÕ§ÿ≥·¡àÀ≈“¬ ∑à“ππ”√Ÿª∫ÿµ√™“¬∫ÿµ√ “«∑Ë’‡ ’¬™’«‘µ¡“µ—Èߥâ“π¢â“ß ‰¥â¡’ ºâŸ Ë◊Õ¢à“«À≈“¬§≥–‡¢â“‰ª¢Õ —¡¿“…≥å ‡ªìπ∫√√¬“°“» ß“π‰«Õâ “≈—¬¢Õߧπ°≈¡ÿà „À≠∑à ’Ë‰¡‡à §¬‡°¥‘ ¢π÷È ¡“°àÕπ 78 78 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 79 79 Below was a golden gilded bowl where slips of paper where additional names could be put. Some families brought treasured pictures of departed relatives to add to the pictures around the ceno- taph. Others put pictures of lost sons or daughters on the seats beside them. Sharing is Great 79 79

80  à«π∑“ߥâ“πÕ—≤®—π∑√凪ìπæ◊Èπ∑Ë’π˗ߢÕßæ√–¿‘°…ÿ 80 Sharing is Great  ß¶å°«à“ Ú, √Ÿª ∑’˵âÕßµàÕ‡µ‘¡‡æ‘Ë¡¢È÷π∑—Èß Õߥâ“π µ√ß°≈“߇ªìπæ√–∫√¡©“¬“≈—°…≥å¢Õßæ√–∫“∑ ¡‡¥Á® æ√–‡®“â Õ¬àŸÀ«— §√ȗ߬ߗ ∑√ßºπ«™‡ªπì æ√–¿°‘ …ÿ ´÷Ë߇ªπì ¿“æ ¢Õß»Ÿπ¬å√«¡„®Õ—π¬‘Ëß„À≠à „À⧫“¡√Ÿâ ÷° ß∫‡¬Áπ·≈– ∑√ßæ√–‡¡µµ“ ¥ÿ ª√–¡“≥ 80 80 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 81 81 The stadiumûs grandstand was adapted as seating for 2,000 monks. A portrait of H.M. the King of Thailand at the time of his ordination was mounted at the centre of the grandstand. The portrait of His Majesty the King would serve as a symbol of unity for all the members of the Thai community attending. Sharing is Great 81 81

82 æ∏‘ ’°√√¡ ”§—≠ 82 Sharing is Great „π¿“§∫à“¬ ‡ªìπ§√—Èß·√°¢Õß®—ßÀ«—¥æ—ßß“∑Ë’¿“æ ¢Õßæ√–¿‘°…ÿ ß¶å°«à“ Ú, √Ÿª ®“°∑—Ë«∑ÿ°¿“§¢Õß ª√–‡∑» ¡“√«¡°—ππ—Ëß ß∫πË‘ß∫πÕ—≤®—π∑√åÕ¬à“ßæ√âÕ¡- ‡æ√’¬ß‡æ◊ËÕ‡µ√’¬¡ª√–°Õ∫æ‘∏’°√√¡∑“ß»“ π“  ¡°—∫ ª√–‚¬§∑’Ë«à“ çæÿ∑∏∫ÿµ√µâÕ߇ªìπÀπ÷Ë߇¥’¬«°—π ‡À¡◊Õπ ¥«ßµ–«—π∑’Ë¡’¥«ß‡¥’¬«é ¢≥–‡¥’¬«°—πª√–™“™π‡√Ë‘¡ ∑¬Õ¬‡¥π‘ ∑“߇¢“â æ◊πÈ ∑˵’ È—ß·µà‡«≈“ Òı. π. §√—πÈ ∂÷߇«≈“ Ò˜. π. ∫√‘‡«≥ π“¡°’Óœ Õ—π°«â“ß„À≠य़§—∫·§∫ ≈߉ª∑—π∑’‡æ√“–‡π◊Õß·πàπ‰ª¥â«¬ª√–™“™π®”π«π¡“° ®π≈âπÕÕ°¡“πÕ° π“¡ ºŸâ§ππ—Ëß°—πµ“¡æÈ◊π∂ππ·≈– ‰À≈à‡¢“¥â“π∫π‡ªìπ™È—πÊ ª√–¡“≥ºâŸ√à«¡ß“π®”π«π°«à“ Ú, §π  Õ◊Ë ¡«≈™π®”π«π¡“°ª°í À≈°— ∂“à ¬∑”√“¬°“√ ∑È—ß«‘∑¬ÿ ‚∑√∑—»πå ·≈– ◊ËÕ ‘Ëßæ‘¡æåµà“ßÊ ¡’∑È—ß™“«‰∑¬ ·≈–™“«µà“ߪ√–‡∑» ®π‡Õ° “√∑’ˇµ√’¬¡¡“·®°π—°¢à“« ¡’‰¡à‡æ’¬ßæÕ ‡√’¬°‰¥â«à“ß“ππ’È¡’®”π«π§π√à«¡ß“π¡“° ‡°‘𧓥®√‘ßÊ 82 82 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 83 83 The Main Ceremony were over 20,000 participants and press coverage was given by news agencies present via radio, On the afternoon of the day scheduled for the cer- television and the printed press. Because of the emony a 2,000-strong congregation of monks from unexpectedly large turnout, handouts printed for all regions in Thailand, unanimously participated the ceremony were insufficient. in the ceremony, taking their places on the grand- stand and preparing themselves for the main ceremony in serenity - in keeping with the proverb çThe sons of the Lord Buddha must be one, just as there is only one sun in the sky.é In the meantime, the congregation arrived in the ceremony area from 03.00 - 05.00 p.m.. With the large size of the crowd the great sport stadium appeared small. Some had to sit on the lawns outside the stadium. Some of Sharing is Great 83 the people sat in the road or on the hillside. There 83

84 84 Sharing is Great °Õà π‡«≈“‡√¡‘Ë ß“π‡≈°Á πÕâ ¬ §≥ÿ ≈¥“«≈— ≈‘Ï «ß»»å √«’ ß»å Õ¥’µ√—∞¡πµ√’™à«¬«à“°“√°√–∑√«ß·√ßß“π·≈– «— ¥‘°“√  —ߧ¡ ª√–∏“π§≥–°√√¡°“√ª√– “πß“π‰¥·â ∂≈ߢ“à «·°à  Ë◊Õ¡«≈™π∂÷ߧ«“¡ ”§—≠·≈–√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥„π°“√®—¥ß“π §√È—ßπ’È ®“°π—Èπ‡ªìπ°“√·ª≈‡ªìπ¿“…“Õ—ß°ƒ…·≈–¿“…“®’π ‡¡Ë◊Õ∂÷߇«≈“ ∑à“πª√–∏“π„πæ‘∏’ §◊Õ œæ≥œ  ¡»—°¥Ï‘ ‡∑æ ∑ÿ π‘ √Õß𓬰√∞— ¡πµ√’ º·Ÿâ ∑π𓬰√∞— ¡πµ√®’ ¥ÿ ‡∑¬’ π ∏ªŸ ∫™Ÿ “æ√–√µ— πµ√¬— °≈“à «§”Õ“√“∏π“»≈’ æ√–‡¥™æ√–§≥ÿ æ√–∏√√¡°µ‘ µ«‘ ß»å √“™∫≥— ±µ‘ ‡®“â Õ“«“ «¥— √“™‚Õ√ “√“¡ ª√–∏“π ß¶„å À»â ≈’ §≥ÿ « ‘ ∑ÿ ∏‘Ï π“«“≈Õà ß π“¬°‡∑»¡πµ√’ ‡¡◊Õßµ–°Ë—«ªÉ“ °≈à“«√“¬ß“π ®“°πÈ—π∑à“πª√–∏“πæ‘∏’ °≈à“«‡ª¥î ß“π 84 84 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 85 85 Before the ceremony, Ms. Ladawan Wongsriwong Precepts which were duly given by the Most Ven. (the former Minister of labour and social welfare), Phra Dhammakittivong, the Abbot of Wat Raja- the committee chairman, gave a press conference Orasaram who was the president of the monastic concerning the memorial service and this was community. This was followed by an opening translated into English and Chinese. At the appointed report by the Mayor of Takuapa Municipality, Mr. time, the ceremonial President, H.E. Somsak Visuth Navalong. An opening speech was then given Thepsuthin the Deputy Prime Minister, represent- by the ceremonial president. ing the Prime Minister, lit candles and incense in Sharing is Great 85 homage to the Triple Gem and requested the Five 85

86 86 Sharing is Great ‡«≈“ Ò˜.Û π. ‡√Ë‘¡‡¢â“ àŸæ‘∏’°√√¡∑“ß»“ π“ ‚¥¬‡√Ë‘¡µâπ®“°æ√–¿‘°…ÿ ß¶å®”π«π°«à“ Ú, √Ÿª  «¥æ√–æ∑ÿ ∏¡πµå °√–À¡Ë÷ °Õâ ߉ª∑«—Ë ∫√‡‘ «≥ œæ≥œ πæ‘ π∏å « ‘ …‘ ∞¬ÿ∑∏»“ µ√å √Õߪ√–∏“π«≤ÿ  ‘ ¿“ π”µ—«·∑π “∏ÿ™π ∑Õ¥º“â ∫—ß ÿ°≈ÿ ∂«“¬‡§√ÕË◊ ߉∑¬∏√√¡ ·≈–°√«¥πÈ”√—∫æ√ ®“°§≥– ß¶å ´ß÷Ë ª√–™“™π®”π«π¡“°‡¡◊ÕË ∑√“∫¢“à «°“√ ∫”‡æÁ≠°ÿ»≈ °Á‰¥âµ—Èß„®π”ºâ“∫—ß ÿ°ÿ≈®“°∫â“π‡æ◊ËÕ√à«¡ß“π „π§√È—ßπÈ’ ¿“æ§√Õ∫§√—«ºŸâ Ÿ≠‡ ’¬√à«¡°—π®∫ºâ“∫—ß ÿ°ÿ≈ ‡Àπ◊Õ»’√…– Õ∏‘…∞“𮑵 àß∫ÿ≠„Àâ°—∫∫ÿ§§≈Õ—π‡ªìπ∑’Ë√—° ¥«â ¬ À’ π“â ·≈–·««µ“∑‡’Ë ª¬òï ¡§«“¡À«ß— ππ—È ∫√√¬“¬∂ß÷ ∑æË’ ß÷Ë ∑√’Ë –≈°÷  ¥ÿ ∑“â ¬¢Õߺ∑⟠¬Ë’ ß— Õ¬∑Ÿà »Ë’ √∑— ∏“‡™Õ◊Ë ¡πË— „πæ√–√µ— πµ√¬— µß—È ®µ‘ ª√“√∂π“πÕâ ¡Õ∑ÿ »‘  «à π∫≠ÿ °»ÿ ≈‡æÕ◊Ë  ßà ¥«ß«≠‘ ≠“≥ º≈⟠à«ß≈∫— ‰ª à Ÿ —¡ª√“¬¿æ 86 86 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 87 87 At 05.30 p.m. the inter-religious memorial services It was a touching scene to see the families of the began with 2,000 monks leading Buddhist Chanting victims making a wish with the robes above their in memory of the deceased. Robe and alms offering heads, dedicating merit to their loved ones, a to monks were then led by the Deputy Chairman glimmer of hope showing on their faces and in of the Thai Senate, H.E. Niphon Wisityuttasatr their eyes -- expressing their strong faith in the who then dedicated merit to the deceased and a Triple Gem as their Refuge and while making a blessing was given by the monastic community. wish that the merit reach their loved ones in their Learning news of the memorial service, many people afterlife. purposely brought robes from their homes to participate in the ceremony at this time. Sharing is Great 87 87

88 88 Sharing is Great À≈Õ¡√«¡„® „π§√—Èßπ’È ¡’µ—«·∑π¢Õ߇æ◊ËÕπµà“ß»“ π‘° ‡¢â“√à«¡ ª√–°Õ∫æ‘∏’°√√¡∑“ß»“ π“µ“¡§«“¡‡™Ë◊Õ¢ÕßµπÀ≈“¬ °≈àÿ¡¥â«¬°—π ‰¥â·°à »“ π“§√‘ µå ∑È—ßπ‘°“¬§“∑Õ≈‘° ·≈–‚ª√‡µ ·µπµå »“ π“´‘°¢å ‚¥¬ 𓬮’.´‘ßÀå. ‡»√…∞’ 𓬰 ¡“§¡»√§’ √ÿ  ÿ ß‘ Àå ¿“ ®ß— À«—¥¿Ÿ‡°Áµ »“ π“Õ‘ ≈“¡ ‚¥¬ 𓬂¡Œ—¡À¡—¥ Õ“¥” ºâŸÕ”𫬰“√‚√߇√’¬πÕ‘ ≈“¡ æ—≤π“ ·≈–»“ π“¬Ÿ¥“¬ π—∫«à“‡ªìπ¿“æ·Ààß°“√· «ß ®¥ÿ √à«¡  ¡“π®¥ÿ µà“ß ∑’ÕË ∫Õÿàπ¬‘Ëß 88 88 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 89 89 Being One In this memorial service, there were representa- tives from many different religions who participated in the memorial service according to their own belief including Catholic and Protestant Christian groups, Sikhism represented by G. Singh Sethi, the President of Siri Guru Singh Sabha Phuket Association, Islam represented by Mohammad Adam, director of the Islam Development School and Judaism - demonstrating the principle of çSeeking similarities and healing differences.é Sharing is Great 89 89

90 90 Sharing is Great 90 À≈—ß®“°‡ √Á® È‘πæ‘∏’°√√¡∑“ß»“ π“µà“ßÊ °Á‡ªìπ 90 Sharing is Great æ‘∏’°≈à“«§”Õ∏‘…∞“𮑵·≈–®ÿ¥‚§¡ª√–∑’ª‡æË◊ÕÕÿ∑‘» à«π °»ÿ ≈·°àº≈Ÿâ à«ß≈—∫ ‚¥¬∑“à πª√–∏“π„πæ‘∏’ œæ≥œ  ¡»—°¥Ï‘ ‡∑æ ÿ∑‘π √Õß𓬰√—∞¡πµ√’ ‡ªìπºŸâπ”°≈à“«·≈–‡ªìπ ª√–∏“π®ÿ¥ª√–∑’ª‚§¡‡Õ° æ√âÕ¡°—ππ—Èπª√–™“™π„π æ◊Èπ∑Ë’°Á√à«¡°—π®ÿ¥‚§¡ª√–∑’ª·≈–‚§¡≈Õ¬øÑ“®”π«π°«à“ Ú, ¥«ß ‚§¡ª√–∑’ª·≈–‚§¡≈Õ¬øÑ“ àÕß «à“߉ª ∑«—Ë Õ“≥“∫√‡‘ «≥∑“à ¡°≈“ß∑Õâ ßø“Ñ ¡¥◊ ¡¥‘ ‡ªπì ¿“æ∑¬Ë’ ßË‘ „À≠à  «¬ß“¡µ√–°“√µ“Õ¬à“ß∑’ˉ¡à‡§¬‡°‘¥¢÷Èπ¡“°àÕπ„πæÈ◊π∑’Ë ·Àßà π’È www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 91 91 At the end of the ceremony, there was a repetition of the verses of resolution and candle lanterns were illuminated to dedicate merit for the deceased in a ceremony led by, H.E. Somsak Thepsuthin, the Deputy Prime Minister. After the verses of resolution, he lit the main beacon and all the people in the area followed his example to illuminate candle lanterns throughout the stadium and launch 20,000 flying lanterns brightening the darkness in the sky. It was a ceremonial highlight on a scale that many had never witnessed before. Sharing is Great 91 91

92 92 Sharing is Great · ßª√–∑ª’ ·Ààß™’«‘µ ¿“悧¡ àÕß «à“߇√◊ËÕ‡√◊Õ߇À¡◊Õπ¥«ß‰ø∑’˧àÕ¬Ê ≈Õ¬¢È÷π àŸ∑âÕßøÑ“ ª√“°Ø¢È÷πæ√âÕ¡°—∫‡ ’¬ß°—ß«“π„ ·Ààß ∫∑‡æ≈ß ç©π— ®–‡ªπì · ß «“à ß„À°â ∫— ‡∏Õé ∑¡Ë’ §’ «“¡À¡“¬ ´“∫´È÷ß°π‘ „® ‡°¥‘ ‡ªìππ”È µ“‡¬πÁ ·Ààߧ«“¡√”≈°÷ π°÷ ∂÷ߢÕß ºŸâ√à«¡ß“π®”π«π¡“° °≈“¬‡ªìπæ≈—ߧ«“¡¥’Õ—π¬Ë‘ß„À≠à ·ºà´à“π‰ª∑ÿ°Õ≥Ÿ¢Õß∫√√¬“°“» ∑’Ë∑ÿ°§πµà“ß —¡º— ·≈– √—∫√≟ ¥â 92 92 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 93 93 The Illumination of Life The scene of illuminated flying lanterns looking like light which gradually ascended into the sky to the sound of the moving song çI will be a light shining for youé brought tears of joy to the eyes of many who attended, transforming the mourning for their loved ones into merit. Sharing is Great 93 93

94 94 Sharing is Great ¥«ßµ“π—∫· π¥«ßµà“ß®—∫®âÕß¡ÕߥŸ· ß ’∑ÕߢÕß ‚§¡≈Õ¬øÑ“ ∑’Ë≈Õ¬¢÷Èπ‰ª‡ªì𠓬°≈ÿà¡„À≠à‡µÁ¡∑âÕßøÑ“ §≈⓬∑“ß™â“߇º◊Õ° ‡ ¡◊Õπ∑–‡≈‚§¡∑’ˇª≈àߪ√–°“¬ «à“ß ‰ «ª√–¥∫— ∑Õâ ßø“Ñ „À‡â √Õ◊ ß√Õß ‡ªπì ¥«ß¥“«·Àßà »√∑— ∏“∫™Ÿ “ æ√–√—µπµ√—¬ ‡æ◊ËÕπâÕ¡π”∫ÿ≠°ÿ»≈Õÿ∑‘»„À⥫߫‘≠≠“≥ ¢Õß∫ÿ§§≈Õ—π‡ªìπ∑’Ë√—°„À≪ Ÿà ÿ§µ‘ ∑à«ß∑”πÕßÕ—π∫√‘ ÿ∑∏Ï‘ πàÿ¡π«≈ÕàÕπ‚¬π¢Õß∫∑‡æ≈ß „À⧫“¡√⟠÷°≈÷°´÷ÈßÕ∫Õàÿπ ·≈–‡™Õ◊Ë ¡π—Ë ‰ª°∫— §«“¡À¡“¬∑«Ë’ “à ç©π— ®–Õ¬‡Ÿà §¬’ ߢ“â ߇∏Õ µ≈Õ¥‰ªé 94 94 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 95 95 Thousands of eyes gazed up at the golden light Sharing is Great 95 of flying lanterns floating up into the sky as if the 95 ocean of lanterns illuminating the sky were the brightness of faith in the Triple Gem dedicating merit to all the spirits of the lives that had been lost. The songûs smooth and gentle melody created the subtle feeling of warmth and confidence together with the message of the song that çI will be with you forever.é

96 96 Sharing is Great „πß“π§√È—ßπÈ’¡’™“«µà“ߪ√–‡∑»¡“√à«¡ß“π®”π«π ¡“° ∑È—ß„π à«π¢Õ߇®â“Àπâ“∑Ë’®“°π“π“™“µ‘∑Ë’‡¥‘π∑“߇¢â“ ¡“™«à ¬‡À≈◊ÕºªâŸ √– ∫¿¬— ·≈–§√Õ∫§√—«™“«µà“ß™“µ‘∑’ˇ ¬’ ™’«‘µ √«¡‰ª∂÷ߧ≥–∑Ÿµ“πÿ∑Ÿµ®“° Òˆ ª√–‡∑» ´÷Ëß∑à“π ÀπË÷߉¥â„Àâ —¡¿“…≥å∂÷ߧ«“¡ª√–∑—∫„®«à“ ç¢Õ∫§ÿ≥„𠧫“¡‡Õ◊ÈÕÕ“√’¢Õߧπ‰∑¬∑’Ë¡’µàÕ§πµà“ß™“µ‘Õ¬à“ßæ«°‡√“ ¡“° ¿“æß“π„π§√—ÈßπÈ’· ¥ßÕÕ°∂÷ß ‘Ëß∑Ë’¥’∑’Ë ÿ¥¢Õß ‡¡◊Õ߉∑¬ §◊Õ§«“¡¡’π”È „®·°à‡æ◊ËÕπ√à«¡‚≈°∑’ˬ“°®–À“ ™π™“µ‘„¥‡ ¡Õ‡À¡Õ◊ πé 96 96 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 97 97 There were a great number of international guests Sharing is Great 97 joining in this memorial service, including groups 97 of officers from the rescue teams, families of the departed as well as diplomats from sixteen coun- tries. One of them expressed his feeling of thanks, expressing his gratitude for the kind hospitality Thailand had given to all the overseas guests attending. This memorial service expressed the best of Thailand that is the great spirit of sharing which might be hard to find in another country.

98 π°— ¢“à «®“°µ“à ߪ√–‡∑»∫“ß∑“à π‡°∫Á §«“¡ ß ¬— ‰«‰â ¡à 98 Sharing is Great Õ¬àŸ ∂÷ß°—∫ Õ∫∂“¡«à“„§√‡ªìπ§π§‘¥æ‘∏’°√√¡∑’Ë «¬ß“¡ »—°¥‘Ï ‘∑∏Ï‘‡™àππÈ’ ‡¡Ë◊Õ∑√“∫«à“‡ªì𧫓¡§‘¥¢Õßæ√–√“™- ¿“«π“«‘ ÿ∑∏‘Ï ª√–∏“π¡Ÿ≈π‘∏‘∏√√¡°“¬ ∂÷ß°—∫Õÿ∑“π«à“ 牡৑¥‡≈¬«à“æ√– ß¶å‰∑¬ ®–¡’§«“¡§‘¥ √â“ß √√§å∑’Ë ‡®‘¥®√— ‡™πà πéÈ’ 98 98 Sharing is Great www.kalyan

Sharing is Great 99 99 Many of the pressmen could not keep to them- selves the question of who was behind the organi- zation of such a touching ceremony. Learning that its inspiration came from the Most Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, the president of the Dhammakaya Foundation, they exclaimed, çWe never thought that a Thai monk would be capable of such an brilliant creative idea as this.é Sharing is Great 99 99

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