Social Studies Prepare a chart containing the different traditions prescribed in your book and write their related castes, importance and things to be reformed. Day-22 Unit 2 Lesson 2 Religions in Nepal Activity-1 Read the information below (For details, See. Page No43,44,45) Religion - the faith on the existence of God - develops the group culture, unity, - makes people cultured, disciplined and morale - morality, humanity, peace can be maintained. The Hinduism - oldest religion, eternal religion, believe on polytheism, - 81.3% - The Purans, the Vedas, the Mahabharat, The Ramayan - Dashain, Tihar, Chhath The Buddhism - The religion of reason, fact - ShiddathaGautam as founder - Four Noble truths, Eight fold paths - 9% - The Tripitaka, The Jataka holy books - The Gumbas and Monastery as pilgrimage. The Islam - Prophet Mohammadd, Mecca,Saudi, Arabia - Allah -the God , Namaj- the pray, Roza – meditation, Hajj- Pilgrimage - 4.4% The Christianity - Jesus Christ, founder - Festival- 25th December - The Bible- holy book - 1.4% The Kirant - FalgunanandaLingden- founder - Sumnima and Parohang are main God and Goddess - Mundhum- the holy book - 3.1% - Udhauli and Ubhauli are two festivals The Sikh Religion - Guru Nanak ,founder - The Guru Granth Sahib, the holy book - Gurudwara, the worshipping place. Secularism- the practice of believing or practising equality to religion, no religion is superior. Common teachings of religions - To be kind to others - Helping needy --115--
Class-8 - Not to be selfish, violent - Forgiving the mistakes done in ignorance - Helping all human kinds Activity-2 a. Define religion. List out the religions practised in the country. b. What are the benefits of following religions? Day-23 Unit 2 Lesson 2 Religions in Nepal Activity-1 Read the information 22nd Day- (For details, See. Page No.43,44,45) Answer the following a. Make a table containing religions, founders, holy books,teachings. Day-24 Unit 2 Lesson 2 Religions in Nepal Activity-1 Read the information 22nd Day- (For details, See Page No.43,44,45) Answer the following 1. Define secularism. Mention common teachings of religions. Day-25 Unit 2 Lesson 2 Social Harmony Activity-1 Read the information below.(For details, See Page No 47,48) Social Harmony - To live in society happily, unitedly, co- operating each other - Society is diversified, has different castes, lingual people, customs, religion and culture - Having the sense of belongingness Benefits - Manages social co-operation - Peace is maintained - Emerges the feeling of brotherhood - Social unity gets developed Activity-2 Answer the following a. Define social harmony. b. Mention the benefits of social harmony. --116--
Social Studies Day-26 Unit 2 Lesson 4 Unity in Diversity Activity-1 Read the information below. (For details, See Page No 50,51) - We have diversities in caste, religion, culture, language, region, climate, vegetation - We speak differently, dance, sing, observe, do cultural activities differently, we use costumes, ornaments differently - But we are bound by unity. - We practise harmony, unity together - We avoid riot, misunderstanding and violence Activity-2 a. Mention our diversities with examples. b. Unity in diversity is our identity. Justify the statement. Day-27 Unit-3 Lesson-5 Our National Heritages Activity-1 Read the information below. National assets that hold the national pride and give the national acquaintance. - Temples, protected areas, habitat of biodiversity, cultural significance, religious sites, geographical unique features. - Tourism development, uplifts the national arrogance, gives the national identity, enriches cultural and development of bio diversity. Activity-2 List out the world heritage sites of Nepal along with unique feature of each. Day-28 Unit-3 Lesson-5Our National Heritages Activity-1 Read the information below. Problems seen in world heritage sites: poor sanitation, ignorance in maintenance, poaching, lack of renovation, smuggling. Activity-2 Mention the importance of heritages in four points. And, also, present any four challenges seen in world heritage sites in Nepal. Day-29 Unit-2 Lesson 6- International Personalities Activity-1 Read the information below. --117--
Class-8 - Dignitaries, distinguished persons contribute to world community performing influential work - Benevolent, voluntary, widely praised task, boundless to territory - Decorated with awards Activity-2 1. Who are called personalities? 2. Name any four international personalities besides given in book. Day-30 F.M-50 5×1 =5 Evaluation Sheet Social Studies Attempt all questions Group A Give very short answer to the following questions. 1. Define development 2. When was Nepal declared as federal republic? 3. What is meant by energy? 4. What is objective of BheriBabai Diversion Multi Purpose Project. 5. What is meant by social harmony? Group B Give short answer to the following questions. 6×4=24 6. Define human resource. Write the importance of skilled human resource. 7. Write the use, problems and solutions of drinking water in Nepal. 8. Mention any 4 sources of energy. What are causes of energy crisis in Nepal? 9. Write short introduction on each of Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity, Islam. 10. State any 4 unique features of Guthiof Nepal 11. Describe any 4 common teachings of religion in Nepal. Group-C Give long answer to the following questions. 3×7=21 12. Define federalism. Mention its advantages and disadvantages 13. Draw the outline map of Nepal and show all provinces. 14. Define heritage. List out the heritages enlisted in world heritages sites with their feature. --118--
Social Studies Day-31 Unit-3 Lesson-1 Social Problems Activity-1 Read the information below. - Antisocial activity, indigestive to society, ruins the social norms and values - Are resulted from ignorance, poverty, unemployment, poor planning - Can be mitigated by personal social and national endeavour - Drinking, untouchability, bad customs, are its examples. Activity-2 a. Define social problem. What are the causes of social problems and write their solutions. Day-32 Unit-3 Lesson-1 Social Problems Activity-1 Read the information below. Brain Drain - The practice of outflow of skilled human resources from the nation - It happens due to lack of labour market, lack of dignity of labour, low salary, luxurious life style, bad governance, unemployment - Can be controlled by industrialization, good governance, good planning, security of the skill Activity-2 - Introduce brain drain. Mention its causes. Supply the appropriate solution, Day-33 Unit-3 Lesson-1 Social Problems Activity-1 Read the information below. Dowry System : The practice of demanding properties, land , ornaments with the side of bride by the side of bridegroom at the time of marriage Causes- gender disparity, ignorance, poverty, low status of women, social structure (male dominated), weak law and its implementation Effects- domestic violence, widens gender disparity, economic discrimination Solutions- free and compulsory girls education, parents education, law’s implementation, establishment of pressure group, women empowerment, training and practical education Common voice and commitment- Hate dowry. Preserve humanity, children are equal, honour them. Activity-2 introduce dowry system. List down its causes and solutions. --119--
Day-34 Class-8 Unit-3 Lesson-1 Social Problems Activity-1 Read the information below. Corruption - The misuse of power by the person in responsibility, the activity of taking gifts, allowance, benefits, donation against law. - Caused because of ignorance, procedural administration, poverty, unequal distribution of facilities, luxurious lifestyle, lack of transparency, low salary - Has the effects of familial conflict, loss of prestige, economic disparity, low level development - Public participation at work, awareness,, social boycott, increasing salary, technology based administration Activity-2 Define corruption. It has bad effect in society. Justify. Day-35 Unit-3 Lesson-1 Social Problems Activity-1 Read the information below. Corruption perception Index - The indicator that shows the condition of corruption - Transparency international issues it - Nepal is 4th corrupt in South Asia and 113th with 34 CPI score - New Zealand, Denmark are less corrupt with highest 87 CPI - It studies the condition of misuse of power or exploitation in the world. - TI issues yearly CPI report. Activity-2 Answer the questions below a. Write the full forms of CPI , CIAA and TI. b. Define CPI. And mention the condition of CPI. c. State the CPI of India, Norway, Sweden. Day-36 Unit-3 Lesson- 3 Drug Abuse Activity-1 Read the information below (For details, See pages 69-71, of your textbook) Drug Abuse - Improper use of substance that stimulates mind and body - Caused due to peer pressure, traditional way of celebrating festivals, ignorance, unemployment, familial conflict, due to fashion, in the name of removing tension, wrong advertisement --120--
Social Studies - Has the effects of ruin of personal and social prestige, shatters the future planning, loss of health and property, social stigma, prey of deadly diseases. - Can be solved by public awareness, formulating and implementing laws, inclusion on curriculum, rehabilitation centres, generating employment, providing training, p proper care of children. Activity-2 a. Define drug abuse. b. Mention any 10 causes taking drug. Day-37 Unit-4 Lesson- 3 Drug Abuse Activity-1 Read the information of 36th Day- again. (For details, See pages 69-71, of your textbook) Activity-2 a. Write a letter to your friend describing the effects and solutions of drug abuse. Day-38 Unit-4 Lesson- 3 Drug Abuse Activity-1 Answer the question below 1. Suppose your friend is insisting you to take drug, how would you react the action? 2. List out any 4 diseases can be caused by drug abuse. Day-39 Unit-4 Lesson- 4 Conflict Management Activity-1 Read the information. (For details, See pages 73-75 of your textbook) Conflict - Having opposing ideas, misunderstanding, not having similar thoughts or ideas - Political conflict, cultural conflict, economic conflict- difference in thoughts - Individual, group conflict - Result- positive and negative Causes- - Unequal distribution of facilities - Bad governance - Lack of transparency - Racial disparity - Lack of social justice - Inequality Solutions - Identification of the cause --121--
Class-8 - Friendly environment - Discussion - Mediation - Agreement Positive effects of the conflict - Positive change, equality happens - Decreases exploitation - Preserves rights and duties - Transparency at work - Creates development Negative effects - Violence - Misunderstanding - Destruction - Loss of life and properties Activity-2 1. Define conflict. Write types of conflicts. Mention the causes of conflict. Day-40 Unit-4 Lesson- 4 Conflict Management Activity-1 Read the information of 39th Day- again. (For details,See pages 73-75 of your textbook) Answer 1. List out the ways of managing conflict. 2. Mention the positive and negative effects of conflict. Day-41 Unit-4 Lesson- Sustainable Development Activity-1- Read the information. (For details, See pages 77-79 of your textbook) Sustainable development - durable, long lasting, positive change that fulfils the demand of present generation and does not undermine the right of future generation to use it - It alleviates poverty, makes stable economic growth, maintains ecological balance, conserves nature, discourages over exploitation of nature supports in running small projects, use of organic fertilizers, conservation of nature Activity-2 Do the activities below. a) Define sustainable development. b) Sustainable development is important factor in economy. Describe including its importance. --122--
Social Studies Day-42 Unit 3 Lesson 5- Sustainable Development Activity-1 Read the information below. Challenges of sustainable development-poverty, corruption, poor planning, public ignorance, lack of public participation, bad governance Measures-transparency at work, public participation, stable government, good governance, planned development,people oriented development works Activity-2 List out the challenges and solutions of sustainable development in Nepal. Day-43 Unit 3 Lesson 6- Good Governance Activity-1 Read the information below (For details, See pages 81-84 of your textbook) Good governance - The practice of ruling the state democratically. The people based, rule based and system based ruling system - Participatory, consensus oriented, accountable, transparent, responsive, effective, inclusive, equitable, rule of law are the elements of good governance. Benefits of good governance - Peace - Development - Social justice - Understanding in development - Democratization - No discrimination - Proper distribution of resources Challenges - Poverty - Corruption - Poor planning - Traditional concept - Weak pressure group Activity-2 a. Define good governance. b. Mention the elements of good governance. --123--
Day-44 Class-8 Unit 3 Lesson 6- Good Governance Activity-1 Read the information below of 43rd Day- again. (For details, See pages 81-84 of your textbook) Answer the following questions. a. Prepare a chart containing the benefits and challenges of good governance. Day-45 Unit 3 Lesson 7- Social Organizations Activity-1 Read the information below (For details, See pages 86-88 of your textbook) Answer the questions 1. Name any 10 international organizations and mention their work. Day-46 Unit 4 Lesson 1-Social Rules Activity-1 Read the information below (For details, See pages 90-92 of your textbook) Social rules- the statement of activities permitted or prevented in the society - Binds people, checks the evils works - Socializes the people - Makes people responsible - Decreases crimes, violent activities - Systematizes the society Examples - Keep the area clean - Selling alcoholic beverage is not allowed. - Use dustbins in keeping the dirt’s - Walking after 9:00pm is forbidden Activity-2 Answer the questions. a. Define social rules. b. Why are social rules important? Describe. Day-47 Unit- 4 Activity-1 Read the information below (For details, See pages 91-93 of your textbook) Answer the questions 1. Make a chart containing any 20 social rules. --124--
Social Studies Day-48 Unit- 4 Lesson 2 Human Rights Activity-1 Read the information below (For details, See pages 95-97 of your textbook) Human Rights - Basic or fundamental conditions needed to an individual to develop his inherent quality without any external obstruction - Searches individual potentiality - Promotes inner talent - Provides security of life - Manages universal equality - In 10th Dec. 1948 Un passed universal declaration on human rights - 10th December is considered as the Human Rights Day-. - Eleanor Roosevelt prepared the proposal so credit of Human Rights goes to her - The book containing conditions of Human rights is Human Rights Charter, has 30 articles - For examples - Right to life - Right to property - Right to education - Right to religion - Right against slavery - Right against torture Efforts in Nepal - Human Rights commission as the constitutional organ - Many human rights have been included in fundamental rights in the constitution - INSEC and INHURED have been working as organizations to preserve human rights. Activity-2 Answer the questions 1. Define human rights 2. List out human rights. Day-49 Unit- 4 Lesson 2 Human Rights Activity-1- Read the information 47th Day- (For details, See pages 95-97 of your textbook) Activity-2 Answer the questions below a. Mention the importance of human rights. b. Who prepared the proposal of human rights? --125--
Day-50 Class-8 Unit- 4 Lesson 3 Women Rights Activity-1 Read the information below (For details, See pages 97-99 of your textbook) - The facilities needed to woman for her empowerment - Manages gender equality - To uplift women’s condition - To Promote the identity Includes - Safe motherhood - Similar wages - Right to education - Right to property Condition of women -pathetic, miserable,considerable Because - Patriarchal social structure - Deprivation from basic rights - Domestic violence - Gender disparity - Insufficient reproductive health care Activity-2 Answer the questions below. a. Define woman rights. b. Why is woman right necessary? c. What are contained in the rights? Day-51 Unit- 4 Lesson 3 Women Rights Activity-1 Read the information of 49th Day- again (For details, See pages 97-99 of your textbook) Answer Activity-2 1. How is the condition of woman in Nepal? Give reasons. Day-52 Unit- 4 Lesson 3 Women Rights Activity-1 Read the information below (For details, See pages 97-99 of your textbook) Project work - List out any 10 national woman personalities and mention their contribution. --126--
Social Studies Day-53 Unit- 4 Lesson 4 Inclusiveness Activity-1 Read the information below (For details, See pages 101,102 of your textbook) Inclusiveness - The practice of including all national diversities in the main stream of the national development. - Nepal has multilingual, multi religious, multicultural characteristics - There should be equality - Social justice should be maintained - Condition of all should be raised For- - democracy - public participation - Morality and humanity - assurance of fundamental rights - proportionate development Ways - Equal education facility - Political and administrative Reservation - Empowerment - Promoting tolerance - Participation Constitutional provision - Provision of constitutional commissions, Dalits ,women, Madhesis, Muslims, AAdivasis, - Representation in local bodies,woman, Dalit - Representation in parliament, one speaker or deputy speaker, Chairman or vice Chairman Activity-2 Answer the questions 1. Define inclusiveness. 2. Why is inclusiveness necessary? Mention. Day-54 Unit- 4 Lesson 3 Inclusiveness Activity-1 Read the information below (For details, See pages 101-107 of your textbook) Activity-2 1. What are ways of inclusiveness? 2. What are the constitutional provisions of inclusiveness ? --127--
Day-55 Class-8 Unit- 4 Lesson -6 Constitution Activity-1 Read the information below (For details, See pages-107-109 of your textbook) - Written or oral document to govern the state, - Guides the administrator to run smoothly - Contains the nature of state - Division of power of state is defined, nature of ruling is contained. - Should be flexible, clear, simple, should contain impartial judiciary, amendment , fundamental rights Activity-2 Answer them - Define constitution. - What are the common features of constitution? Day-56 Unit- 4 Lesson -6 Constitution Activity-1 Read the information of pages-107-109 of your textbook. Now, list out all features of present constitution as given in your book. Day-57 Unit- 4 Lesson -7 Citizens’ Liabilities Activity-1 Read the information of pages-107-109of your textbook. Duties - The activity to be done morally, legally - Moral, legal, civic duties Moral duties - What we should discharge as being human. We are not entitled to get punishment. respecting parents, to obedient to parents, to respect guests Legal duties - To do something as mentioned in the law or constitution. To obey law,to pay tax Civic Duties - To discharge the activity as being the citizen of the state. To obey law, to pay tax, to caste vote, to be liberal to the state Activity-2 Answer the questions a. Define duty. Classify duties with introduction with example - --128--
Social Studies Day-58 Unit 5 Lesson-1 Activity-1 Read the information below. Legislature - Legislature, executive and judiciary are three organs of government - Law formulating organ of government- legislature - We have unicameral in provincial legislature, bicameral in federal legislature - House of Representatives 275- (165 First past the post, 110 proportional representation) - National Assembly 59 (56 from electoral college 8 members from each province) and three members are nominated the President Activity-2 Do the activities below. a. What is meant by the legislature? Name the organs of government b. Write down any one difference between federal and provincial legislature. c. Present the structure of HOR and National Assembly. Day-59 Unit 4 Lesson-8 Activity-1 Read the information below. Legislature - law makings work through bill by simple majority of the parliament - passing budget, preparing financial policy - correcting constitution by two third majority of the parliament - electing heads of state and government - raising the people’s voice Activity-2 Do the activities below. a. Name the law formulating organ of government. b. Mention the functions of legislature. --129--
Evaluation Sheet Class-8 Social Studies F.M-75 Attempt all questions Group A 9×1 =9 Give very short answer to the following questions. 1. When was Nepal divided into 5 development regions? 2. Define conflict. 3. When was Nepal declared as federal republic? 4. What is meant by duty? Mention any two legal duties. 5. What is objective of BheriBabai Diversion Multi Purpose Project? 6. Mention anyone way of maintaining social harmony. 7. How many castes are there in Nepal? 8. Mention any two common teaching of religion. 9. Define human rights. Group B Give short answer to the following questions. 7×6=42 10. Define drug abuse. Write down its causes. 11. Write the use, problems and solutions of drinking water in Nepal. 12. Define and state any 4 /4 merits and demerits of federalism. 13. Write short notes on your province drawing its figure. 14. How can good governance be managed? What are its challenges in Nepal? 15. Define brain drain. Mention its causes and solutions. 16. Prepare any 6placards against dowry system. Group-C Give long answer to the following questions. 3×8=24 17. Define education. Write its importance , problems and solutions. 18. Introduce corruption. Mention its causes, effects and solutions 19. What is meant by sustainable development? Mention the importance and challenges of sustainable development. Good Luck Stay Safe --130--
Subject : Heath Population & Environment Part: - I Health Education Day: - 1/2 Unit:- 1 Lesson:- 1 The Circulatory System Activity:- 1 Introduction Various systems are working in our body to keep the body healthy and active. One of the nine systems is circulatory system. Heart, blood vessels and blood make the system. It is very important system which supplies all the essential nutrients including oxygen to every cells and parts of the body. This is the continuous movement of blood that supplies all the nutrients , water and oxygen to all the parts of body and removes their wastes. William Harvey, the famous English anatomist discovered the blood circulation process. Activity:- 2 Answer the following questions. 1. Define circulatory system. 2. List out the organs of circulatory system. 3. Write the things that are supplied to each and every cells and parts of the body by circulatory system. Day:- 3/4 Unit:- 1 lesson:-1 Activity:- 1 Tips on organs of circulatory system Heart- muscular and dome shaped organ situated between two lungs, about our fist size weighs about 200-300 grams, is made by cardiac muscles. It is divided into 4 chambers. It pumps blood about 72 times per minute. Blood vessels- The tubes through which blood flows are blood vessels. They are of 3 types- arteries, capillaries and veins. Arteries – the vessels that carry pure blood from the heart to other parts of body except pulmonary artery carrying impure blood to lungs. The largest artery is aorta. Capillaries- the small branches of arterioles of arteries are capillaries. They are hair like tubes that are connected to cells and tissues. They combine to form venule. Veins – they carry impure blood from cell, tissue and organ to heart but pulmonary and renal vein carry pure blood. Veins combination forms superior and inferior veins. Activity :- 2 Answer the following questions. 1. Name the organs of circulatory system. 2. Define arteries and vein. 3. What is the function of veins? --131--
Class-8 Day :- 5/6 Unit :-1 Lesson :- 1 Activity :- 1 Tips on Blood components. Blood has plasma and blood cells(RBC, WBC and Platelet) Plasma- the fluid part of blood – contains 92% water, 7% proteins, salt, oxygen, nutrients, waste materials, hormones Blood cell-3 types- RBC, WBC and platelet RBC contains hemoglobin and is red when it absorb oxygen. They are developed in red bone marrow and can easily flow due to its flexibility- lifespan is about 120 days. Its deficiency causes anaemia. WBC- also known as guard cells because they fight against diseases. They produce antibodies andante toxins. They help to remove injured tissues. They are produced in bone marrow and are colorless- live for a week. Platelet – the smallest cell of blood – helps in blood clotting – live for few days. Activity :-2 Answer the following questions. 1. Write the components of bleed. 2. Why is WBC called guard cell? 3. How does platelet help in stopping bleeding? Day :- 7/8 Unit :- 1 Lesson :- 1 Activity :- 1 Study the diagram of internal structure of heart given on page 7 carefully. Activity:-2 Draw a labeled diagram of internal structure of the heart. Day: - 9/10 Unit:-1 Lesson : 2 The Nervous System Activity: - 1 Introductory Tips on Nervous System Nervous System is the control centre of all the body systems and organs. Brain is the main organ of it. Nervous tissue carry impulses from tissues to brain and brain to tissues. Nerve cell called neuron makes nervous tissue. Nerve cell has nucleus and fiber. Short fiber is dendrite and long fiber is axon. Nervous system comprises three systems- central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and automatic nervous system. --132--
H.P.E. Activity:- 2 Attempt the following. 1. What is a neuron? 2. What is the main organ of nervous system? 3. Classify the nervous system. Day:- 11/12 Unit:- 1 Lesson:- 2 Activity:- 1 Sum up of Central Nervous System The central nervous system has the following organs Brain Spinal Cord Brain- located inside the skull, is the prime organ of our body- controls all the systems of body which is made up of many parts such as cerebrum, midbrain, Pons varoli, medulla oblongata and cerebellum. Spinal Cord- it is the bundle of wire like nerves developed from the posterior part of the brain and lies inside the vertebral column. There are 31 pairs of spinal cord. It is the main centre of reflex action. Activity:- 2 Answer the following. 1. Name the parts of central nervous system and describe brain in short. 2. What is spinal cord? Write its important work. 3. Draw a well-labeled diagram of brain. Note: - see page no. 11 and 12 for reference. Day:- 13/14 Unit: - 1 Lesson: - 2 Activity: 1 Read well the lesson and do as instructed below. Activity:- 2 Fill in the blanks. 1. Our nervous system is a very --------------- system than other systems. 2. A nerve cell has a ----------- and ----------. 3. ----------- is the largest part of the brain. 4. --------------- lies between the skill and brain. 5. Spinal cord has -------------- segments. --133--
Day:- 15/16 Class-8 Unit:- 1 Lesson:- 3 The Glandular System Activity:- 1 Tips on Glandular System. A system that secrets enzymes and hormones in our body is glandular system. The secretions stimulate organs, controls and regulate activities. Glands are of two types- exocrine and endocrine. Exocrine glands have ducts to flow the enzymes. Some examples- salivary gland, liver, tear gland etc. Endocrine glands are ductless glands that products flow directly to the targeted organs. Some examples- pituitary gland, thyroid gland, gonads etc. Pancreas is the gland which works as with-duct and ductless gland. Activity:- 2 Solve the problems given below. 1. What is glandular system? 2. Define exocrine and endocrine with examples. 3. Name a gland that works as with- duct and ductless gland. Day: - 17/18 Unit: - 1 Lesson:- 3 Activity: - 1 Read the lesson again for detailed information related. Activity: - 2 Complete the following table. S. N. Glands Name of hormone functions 1 Pituitary 2 Thyroid 3 Parathyroid 4 Adrenal 5 Gonads 6 Pancreas Day:- 19/20 Unit:- 1 Lesson:-3 Activity: - 1 Study the figure given on page 14. Activity: - 2 Draw a labeled diagram that shows endocrine glands. --134--
H.P.E. Day:- 21/22 Unit:- 1 Lesson:-4 The Reproductive System. Activity:- 1 Introduction Reproduction is a process of begetting a young one of its type. A system that leads a reproduction process of human being is called reproductive system. It is also called genital system. Many organs take part in it. Male and female genital organs take part in reproduction. Testes, epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicle, ejaculatory duct ,penis etc. from male and ovary, fallopian tube, uterus, vagina from female involve in it. Activity:- 2 Answer the following questions. 1. Define reproduction. 2. Define reproductive system. 3. List out the various parts of male and female reproductive system. Day:-23/24 Unit:-1 Lesson:-4 Activity:-1 Read the male reproductive system and the organs carefully. Activity:-2 Answer the following questions. 1. What are the functions of testes? 2. What is the function of prostate gland? 3. Write the location of seminal-vesicle and its work. Day:-25/26 Unit:-1 Lesson:-4 Activity:-1 Female reproductive system Female reproductive organs are divided into two parts- external and internal parts. The role of internal organs is more important in reproductive process. The external organs are: Mons pubis, labia minora, labia majora, clitoris, vestibule, greater vestibular glands, hymen and perineum. Vulva is an external opening of female genital system but is associated with internal organs. Internal organs are ovary, fallopian tube, uterus and vagina. They have their important work. Note:- Read the female reproductive organs in detail. Activity:-2 Answer the following questions 1. What is vulva? 2. What are the functions of ovaries? 3. Write the function of uterus. --135--
Day:-27/28 Class-8 Unit:-1 Lesson:-4 Activity:-1 Tips on Menstruation Menstruation is the periodic discharge of blood along with the unfertilized ovum from the vagina in every 28 days. .It starts from the age of 11 and ends at thje age of 49. It’s a natural process. Ovaries produce ovum in every 28 dys which is called ovulation. The released ovum if not fertilized in the fallopian tube, breaks and is discharged out through the vagina along with tissues and other wastes. This process lasts 4-6 days. After that again the cycle starts. So it is also called monthly cycle. A good care is a must. Activity:-2 Answer the following questions. 1. What is the function of ovaries? 2. Define menstruation. 3. What are the caring ways during menstruation? Note:- see cares in menstruation for reference. Day:-29/30 Unit:-1 Lesson:-4 Activity:-1 Study the figure on page 27/28. Activity:-2 Draw a well-labeled diagram of female reproductive organ. Day:-31/32 Unit:-1 Lesson:4 Activity:-1 Read the reproductive organs well. Activity:-2 Estrogen Match the following. Testosterone Discharge of blood Testes Uterine Ovary External opening Vulva Vagina Menstruation Ovulation Fallopian tube Ova --136--
H.P.E. Day:-33/34 Unit:-2 Personal Hygiene (The Body Sanitation) Activity:-1 Summary Body sanitation refers to the thoroughly cleaning of body and body parts. It refreshes us, saves us from many health problems and enhances our personality. Clean and neat materials should be used to sanitize us. Bathing, washing , cleaning, care of hair, face, brushing teeth, trimming nails etc. can be set for examples of body sanitation methods. Activity:-2 Answer the following questions. 1. Define body sanitation. 2. State the importance of bathing. 3. Why should we care our hair? Note:- for detailed information, read well the procedures of body sanitation. Day:-35/36 Unit:-2 Activity:-1 Importance of regular health examination. “Prevention is better than cure.” So, we should have regular health examination to live a healthy life. Regular health check up is one of important preventive measures. Blood test, test of sugar, urine, stool, examination of heart, lungs, kidneys, stomach etc. help us to prevent diseases and live healthy. Activity:-2 Answer the following questions. 1. Write the importance of regular health examination. 2. “Prevention is better than cure.” Explain this statement. Day:-37/38 Unit:-3 Lesson:-1 Malnutrition and Diseases Activity:-1 Definition and causes of malnutrition. Malnutrition is composed of two words- mal and nutrition which mean bad and supply of nutrients respectively. So malnutrition is improper nutrition in which either there is supply of over nutrition or less nutrition. All types of nutrition such as carbohydrates, protein, vitamin, minerals, water, fats are required in proper amount in our body for good health. So, we do not suffer from any deficiency diseases. Some of the causes of malnutrition are intake of imbalanced diet, unhygienic feeding habit, improper cooking, regular intake of junk food, worm infestation, famine etc. --137--
Class-8 Activity:-2 Answer the following questions. 1. What is malnutrition? 2. Write the coupes of malnutrition? 3. What should be done to avoid malnutrition? Day:-39/40 Unit:-3 Lesson:-1 Activity:-1 Tips on nutritional deficiency diseases. Deficiency diseases are the diseases caused by deficit amount of nutrients in our diet. Malnutrition leads to different deficiency diseases and health problems. Some of them are: marasmus, kwashiorkor, goiter, anemia, night blindness, scurvy and rickets. They are preventable. So preventive measures should be applied. Activity:-2 Answer the following. 1. Define deficiency diseases. 2. Write the causes of anemia and preventive measures of scurvy. 3. Write the causes of night blindness and its preventive measures. Note:- Read nutritional deficiency diseases starting from page 29 for reference. Day:-41/42 Unit:-3 Lesson:-1 Activity:-1 Revise activity-1 of day-39/40. Activity:-2 Differentiate marasmus and kwashiorkor in points. Day:-43/44 Unit:-3 Lesson:-1 Activity:-1 Based on the lesson, do the following activities. Activity:-2 Complete the following statement with missing words. 1. Marasmus is caused by long deficiency of --------- and ---------------. 2. The long deficiency if protein in the body causes the ---------. 3. Goiter is caused by---------. --138--
H.P.E. 4. Aayo Noon is a good source of-------------. 5. The deficiency of vitamin C causes----------------. 6. Anaemia is an ----------------------------------------. 7. Night blindness is caused by lack of ------------------. 8. The deficiency of vitamin D causes -------------------. Day:-45/46 Unit:-3 Lesson:-2 Balanced Diet Activity:-1 Definition and preparation of balanced diet. The balanced diet is the diet that can supply all the essential nutrients to our body in adequate amount. It is essential for proper growth, development of physical and mental aspects. It can be prepared by including all nutrients in our food, junk food should avoided, apply proper cooking methods, etc. locally available cheaper fresh vegetables, fruits and grains etc can prove better to prepare balanced diet. Activity:-2 Answer the following. 1. Define balanced diet. 2. How can balanced diet prepared? 3. Write 3 examples for each of the energy giving food, body building and body protecting food. Day:-47/48 Unit:-3 Lesson:-2 Activity:- 1 Preservation of nutrients and junk food- snapshots. Preservation of nutrients- .cooking and preparing at right time, chopping into proper pieces, avoiding over washing, cooking, deep frying, avoiding too much oil, colors etc., covering pots while cooking, storing well etc. Junk food- Readymade and attractive food containing high calories from salt and sugar and low nutritive value with empty dietary fiber, vitamins, proteins etc. are junk food. They are fast-food but harmful for our health. We should avoid them. They have many disadvantages. Activity:-2 Answer the following questions. 1. Write the methods of preserving nutrients. 2. What is junk food? 3. Write the disadvantages of eating junk food. Note:- Read the lesson well for explanatory purpose. --139--
Class-8 Day:-49/50 Unit:-3 Lesson:-2 Activity:-1 Read page no. 37 carefully. Activity:-2 Draw the figure of food pyramid and describe it. Day:-51/52 Unit:-4 Lesson:-1 Prevention of diseases Activity:-1 Introduction and prevention of diseases. Disease is the uneasy situation or abnormal condition of a body. Personal and environmental behaviors are responsible for it. It can be defined as the condition in which body faces the sickness or infirmity due to internal disorder and infection of germs. Diseases are of two types according to their nature- communicable and non-communicable. However, they are preventable if we pay attention on our as a whole life style. Provision of safe water, sanitation, safe food, immunization, balanced diet, regular health check up, proper exercise and rest, avoidance of substance abuse, maintenance of sound mental state etc prove milestone for their prevention. Activity:-2 Answer the questions below. 1. Define disease with examples. 2. Show the differences between communicable and non-communicable diseases. 3. Mention the measures to prevent communicable and non-communicable disease. Day:-53 Unit:-4 Lesson:-1 Activity:-1 Read the table on page 44 carefully. Activity:-2 Answer the following questions. 1. What vaccine is administered against tuberculosis? 2. What is the minimum age to give polio vaccine? 3. Write the full form of DPT. --140--
H.P.E. Day:-54 Unit:-4 Lesson:-1 Activity:-1 Read the lesson well for the following activities. Activity:-2 Fill in the gaps to complete the statements. 1. Our feeding and ------------ determine our health. 2. Disease can be prevent through our own ----------------. 3. Our drinking water must be --------------- and neat. 4. We have to ---------------- the children as immunization schedule. 5. The ----------------- and lack of physical work and exercise are other causes of non- communicable diseases. Day:-55 Unit:-4 Lesson:-1 Activity:-1 See the table of page no.44. Activity:-2 4. IPV State the full form of the following. 5. JE 1. BCG 2. DPT 3. TT Day:-56 Unit:-4 Lesson:-2 Communicable Diseases Activity:-1 Definition and description of some communicable diseases. Diseases which communicate from one person to another through various agents and medium are communicable diseases. Some of them we deal in this lesson are: meningitis, encephalitis, hepatitis B and AIDS. Note:- Read the diseases, modes of transmission, symptoms and prevention in detail in the lesson. Activity:-2 Answer the following questions. 1. Define meningitis. 2. What is hepatitis B? 3. What is the causative agent of AIDS? --141--
Class-8 Day:-57 Unit:-4 Lesson:-2 Activity:-1 Get ready yourself for the long answer type questions by revising the lesson well. Activity:-2 Answer the following questions. 1. The causes of hepatitis B and HIV\\ AIDS are more or less similar. What appropriate measures to prevent both the diseases are recommended by you? Write at least in five points. 2. What do you mean by “Window Period”? It is more serious than other stages of transmission. Why? Give reasons. Day:-58 Current affair Communicable Disease Activity:-1 Pandemics of corona virus in the world has threatened the world. It is highly contagious. Our community is also not untouched by it. Its spreading like wildfire in the world. In such a condition, what preventive measures do you apply? Write any 10 effective measures in points. Note: Watch television news, listen radio\\ FM or any medias available for your convenience or have discussion with your family members for reference. Part:-II Physical Education Day:-59 Unit:-1 Lesson:-1 Activity:-1 Read the procedures and benefits of different postures in the lesson Yoga and Postures. Activity:2 Write the answer to the following questions. 1. What are the benefits of Suryanamaskar? 2. Write the procedures of Setu Bandasana (Bridge Pose). Day:-60 Unit:-2 Activity:-1 Physical Exercise Physical exercises are very important to keep us fit and healthy. They should be performed on a regular basis to keep us fit, healthy, active. They help us in development of endurances --142--
H.P.E. power. Warm up exercise are useful exercises for us to get ready for any other physical activities especially for games and sports. They help to minimize injuries while playing. Some of them are: squat thrust, jogging, push up, set up etc. similarly many other exercises are also there such as backbone exercise, shoulder exercise, knee exercise, exercise of chest etc. All the exercises are equally important. Activity:-2 Answer the following questions. 1. Write the importance of physical exercise. 2. Write the procedure of backbone exercise. Note:- Read page no. 133 Backbone exercise for the answer of question no. 2. Thank You! --143--
Subject : Computer Science Class-8 Day : 1/2 Activity: 1 Chapter :1 Fundamental concept of computer Meaning of computer: Computer is an electronic machine which accept the input, process the input and gives meaningful output. Working principle of computer INPUT →PROCESS→OUTPUT→Storage Input: Data and instructions entered into computer through input devices such as keyboard, mouse etc is input. Process: Act of conversion of raw data into meaningful output is known as process.CPU does processing. Output: Meaningful result produced after processing raw data. Activity: 2 1. Define computer. 2. Explain the working principle of computer. 3. What is the main task of processing device? 4. Name any two output devices. Day: 3/4 Activity: 1 Advantages of computer 1. Computer is fast machine. 2. Computers are 100% accurate machine. 3. Computer is versatile machine. 4. It has high storage capacity. Disadvantages of computer 1. It is expensive. 2. Computer may damage at any time. 3. It is a non-intelligent device. 4. Fully dependent upon human/user. Activity:1 1. List any two advantages of computer. 2. Why is computer called versatile machine? 3. What is the name of processing device of computer? 4. List any two advantages of computer. Activity: 1 Day: 5/6 Feature of computer 3. Diligence 4. Versatile 5. Automatic 1. Speed 2. Accuracy Activity: 2 1. Why is computer called diligence machine? 2. What do you mean by versatility? 3. How is speed of computer measured? --144--
Computer Science Day: 7/8 Activity: 1 Basic computer terminologies (Source . pg. no : 8 &9) Command: The instruction given to perform specific task. Program: Collection of instruction to solve a problem. Memory: Device used to store data and information either temporarily or permanently. Activity:2 1. Define software. 2. What are the type of memory? 3. Which memory is known as volatile memory? 4. What do you mean by data? 5. What are the types of internal memory? Day:9/10 Activity: 1 Chapter: 5 Introduction to computer hardware and software. Computer hardware: All the physical and mechanical parts of computer that can be seen and touched. Types of computer hardware. 1. Input hardware 2. Processing hardware 3. Output hardware 4. Storage hardware Activity: 2 1. Define hardware. 2. List the types of hardware. 3. Which device is known as the brain of computer? Day: 11/12 Activity: 1 Input hardware:Those devices which are used to enter data and instructions to computer. Example: Keyboard, mouse , light pen , webcam, touchpad etc. Processing hardware: Performs every kind of arithmetic and logical operation. Parts of PU 1. Arithmetic logical unit (ALU): Performs every kinds of arithmetic and logical operation. 2. Control unit (CU): Controls over all operation and act as a nerve center. 3. Register/Memory unit: Temporary storage which are responsible to hold the data and information to be processed. Activity: 2 1. Write any two examples of input hardware. 2. What is CPU? List its major parts. 3. Define registers. --145--
Class-8 Day:13/14 Activity: 1 Output hardware: Those devices which are responsible for displaying the processed data. Output device produce meaningful information. Types of output a. Soft copy output: It is output displayed on screen which is changeable and temporary. b. Hardcopy output: It is output displayed on printer which is not changeable and permanent. Activity: 2 1. Define output. 2. What do you mean by output hardware? Write any two examples. 3. Differentiate between hardcopy and soft copy output. Day : 15/16 Activity: 1 Memory/Storage hardware: Memory is any physical device capable of storing information either temporarily or permanently. Types of memory. 1. Primary memory 2. Secondary memory Primary memory: It is the storage location where data and program are stored temporarily. It is also called internal storage. Types of primary memory a. Random Access Memory (RAM): It is volatile memory which can read and write data. b. Read Only Memory(ROM): It is non volatile memory which can read only. Secondary memory: The long term mass storage device which can store data and information permanently. Example: Hard disk , floppy disk, CD, DVD, Pen drive etc. Activity: 2 1. Define memory. 2. Why is RAM called volatile memory? 3. Differentiate between RAM and ROM. 4. Differentiate between primary memory and secondary memory. 5. What do you mean by secondary storage? Day : 17/18 Activity :1 Software: Software is the collection of computer programs. Types of software 1. System software 2. Application software System software: It is a set of computer program designed to control manage and handle overall computer system. Types of system software. 1. Operating system software 2. Language processor software 3. Device driver 4. Utility software --146--
Computer Science Activity: 2 1. Define system software. 2. What is the main purpose of system software? Day: 19/20 Activity: 1 Operating system: It is a type of system software which is responsible to control manage and handle overall activity of computer. Example MS_DOS, Windows OS etc. Functions of operating system. 1. Memory management 2. File management 3. Process management 4. Provides interface [Hints]: Booting: The process of loading system files into computer memory to make system ready to use. It is also called start up process. Activity: 2 1. Define OS 2. List any four functions of OS. 3. Define booting & list its types. Day: 21/22 Activity : 1 Language processor/Translator: It is a system software which translates high level language into machine code. Types of language processor a. Compiler: Translates high level language into machine code at once. b. Interpreter; Translates high level language into machine code line by line. c. Assembler: Translates assembly language into machine code. Differences between compiler and interpreter. (Source Activity: 2 1. What do you mean by language processor? 2. Define assembler. 3. Differentiate between compiler and interpreter. 4. Which translator is faster compiler or interpreter? Why? Day: 23/24 Activity: 1 Device Driver: The system software which helps to communicate with various peripheral devices. Utility software: Special kind of system software which is designed for regular maintenance and smooth operation of computer. Example : Scandisk, antivirus, defragmentation, back up etc. Activity: 2 1. Which one is utility software? i) Back up ii) Ms-Word iii) Qbasic 2. What is the use of utility software? 3. Define utility software with example. --147--
Class-8 Day : 25/26 Activity : 1 Application software: The software which is designed to perform specific task for the user. Types of application software 1. Packaged software/Readymade software 2. Customized software/ Tailor made software Activity: 2 1. Define customized software with examples. 2. What is an application software? List its types. 3. Explain about the types of hardware. 4. Write full forms. RAM ROM USB ALU MS-DOS Day : 27/28 Activity :1 Word processing program Ms-Word: Ms-word is one of the most popular word processing software which allows us to create, edit, view, format, save and print document in various ways. Features of Ms-Word 1. We can edit and modify the documents easily. 2. Easy to work with paragraph & document formatting. 3. It has more features for picture, graph and cart editing. 4. We can insert various styles of document themes. Activity: 2 1. What do you mean by word processing software? 2. Define MS-Word. 3. List any four features of MS-Word. Day : 29/30 Activity: 1 Starting MS-Word 1. Click on start button and select all program option. 2. Select MS-Office and click on MS-Word 2013 Understanding the first screen. ( Source pg .no:80,81 & 82) File tab Ribbon Review tab View tab Format tab Activity : 2 1. Which tab contains the information like save, open new, print etc? 2. What is the purpose of ribbon? 3. Which tab allows you to create documents to send mails? 4. Write the purpose of page layout tab. Activity: 1 Day : 31/32 Creating a new document Opening a document (Source pg. no: 82) Copy the formatting (Source pg .no: 84) (Source pg. no : 85) --148--
Computer Science [Hints]: To create new document press Ctrl +N To open a document press Ctrl +O To copy a document press Ctrl +C To paste a document press Ctrl + V Activity : 2 1. Which shortcut key is used for copying and pasting? 2. What is design template? How do you create design template? 3. In which tab you can change the view of the document? Day : 33/34 Activity : 1 Inserting page number (Source pg .no: 87) Inserting border and shading (Source pg .no; 87) Water mark: Water mark are text or pictures placed behind the text in your document. Spelling & grammar check ( Source pg. no: 88) Mail merge: It is a special feature of MS-Word which is used to create multiple document at a time. Activity: 2 1. List the options of page number. 2. Which shortcut key is used for spelling and grammar check? 3. What do you mean by watermark? 4. Define mail merge. Write the steps to create mail merge. Day : 35/36 Activity: 1 Alignment and Indentation Alignment: The system of adjusting or aligning the parts of document in relation to each other. Types of alignment: 1. Center alignment = Change the paragraph at center (Ctrl +E). 2. Justify alignment = Change the paragraph to justified (Ctrl +J). 3. Left alignment = Change the paragraph back to left (Ctrl +L). 4. Right alignment = Change the paragraph back to right (Ctrl +R). Activity: 2 1. Which shortcut key is used to make the text center alignment? 2. Define alignment & list its types. 3. Which color will appear on the word if it ahs spelling error? Day : 37/38 Activity: 1 Page headers an footers Page header and footers are special section of document that appears at the top and bottom part of the document. Steps to insert header and footer (Source pg .no: 96) Quick learn/ Shortcut keys (Source pg. no: 99) --149--
Class-8 Activity :2 1. Which section of document appears at he bottom of every page? 2. What is the purpose of Ctrl Enter? 3. Which shortcut key is used for page break? 4. What is the use of Alt+Shift → ? Activity: 1 Day : 39/40 Working with charts (Source pg. no:100) Working with tables (Source pg. no: 101) Activity: 2 1. Write short answer to the following question.(Source pg. no : 107) 2. Write very short answer to the following questions. (Sou pg. no 107) Day: 41/42 Activity : 1 Number system: The organized and systematic way of representing the numbers. Types of number system 1. Binary number system= 0 and 1 Base 2 2. Octal number system = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 Base 8 3. Decimal number system= 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 Base 10 4. Hexadecimal number system= 0 to 9 and A – F Base 16 Activity : 2 1. Define number system. 2. What is the base value of octal number system? 3. What is the equivalent binary value of hexadecimal F? Day : 43/44 Activity: 1 Conversion from decimal to binary (Source pg. no : 215) Illustration Convert (568)10 into binary 2 568 0 2 284 0 2 142 0 2 71 1 2 35 0 2 17 1 28 0 24 0 2 Thus (568)10= (100101000)2 Activity: 2 1. Convert the following decimal into binary. a.(105)10 b.(569)10 c.(1048) d.(555)10 --150--
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