• Ollclal2D18C013 MPS-0728189 MPS>Dl.S>UCPJ ..,. .. \\ • ----- . ,...,..�--·--'-----.;...' UOC::./'\\7?.A1 ,:;o
• Official 20180313 MPS-0728159 MPS>CLS>UCPI Tradccraft - Binder 2 Contents 1. 2. BNP checks co root out UC's - 3. Open source doc. Ecodefensc: A 6cld Guide co Monlceywrenc:hiog. 4. 5. TRADECRAFT MANUAL 6. Appendix B • [3] 7. _Appendix C • SOS Practical advice 8. Appendix D • Tactics in disorder situations. 9. Appendix E - Surname Analyses 10. Appendix F - Guide co o,.agent provocateur\". 11. Appendix G • Rerzjsttation ofbirths, deaths and marriages and ass. [)pcs. 12. Appendix H • - 13. MPS-072B159
• • Official 201 MPS>DLS>
180313 eMPS-0728160 >UCPI Extension ___ Date ___19_ ,- [discussion paper (draft) ... File in \"Misc\" box SOS Fieldcraft ... presented by ...) MPS-0728160
Official 20180313 MPS-0728160 .,.MPS>OLS>UCPI IA ,. . .n1s repar,: concerns -c:ne prov1s1.on ot additional 111a:npower in support of the clandestine bona fides of SDS field operatives . • Remainder of this document (including an additional 4 pages) redacted • MPS-0728160
• Official 20180313 MPS-0728161 MPS>DLS>UCPI [13] METROPOLITAN POLJCE Special Branch Operationr Sllppm (Specfal Dulia s«tion) 16\" May 2001 BRANCH NOTE · BNP: Hostile Enquiries lato Sasp«t Activist • This Note concerns hostile enquiries lll8de recently be a Brilish Nalional Pany (BNP) member into an adivist suspected of being a 'State Asset'. An Wlcbstanding of the type of enquiries made, alld the awseness ofthe BNP oflikelywlderc:over 'legelll building' methods canonly be ofbenefrt to this Uiit. • • MPS-0728161
Offidal 20180313 MP8>01.8>lCPI 8.4. [92] 8.4.1. The technique ofleaving ,our wsies over a period of time can work if)'OU plan a long-tam, pbmed �wal. Some pup, mq allow )'OU to slowly ddft away from them due to their D8IUR • fill example the Bovironmc:nlalisls concentrate their activities at a place where enwnJ11JVtX«al damage is 1alcing place • ,ou could leave the ICene simply by not moving cm to lb.e next site where toadbuilding is taking place. 8.4.2. Tbe idea ofdrifting &WtJ1 wouldalso help in conjuocticm withother teclmiqu tbr leaving the wmies - a pzugressve witbdlawal fiom you wearies l<il )'OU an: left with a small circle ofdose assoeiates will give )'OU time to fade from the majcxity of yoor wearies' minds. followed by a specific reuon for leaving your mnaioiag ,r.fose buddies. [93] 8.5.1. One coukl pmend to have persoml diflic:ul1ies that cause )'OU to lea-ve the political arena. You will have to think through circumsres where sudl an approach c:ould be ef'&clive • In any cue die difliaihies must appear t> ring flue and are dependan on yoor particular meeteroup's poitb andattinldes to members. 40 MPS-0728163
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