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Home Explore SDS Tradecraft Manual

SDS Tradecraft Manual

Published by thegreenwash, 2020-02-11 13:41:56

Description: Vile Content
In March 2018, the Undercover Policing Inquiry published the Special Demonstration Squad Tradecraft Manual, written in 1995, and updated in 1996. It was authored by Andy Coles, while he was still undercover in London animal rights groups as Andy Davey from 1991 – 1995.

Keywords: Undercover,Spy Cops


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• Ollclal2D18C013 MPS-0728189 MPS>Dl.S>UCPJ ..,. .. \\ • ----- . ,...,..�--·--'-----.;...' UOC::./'\\7?.A1 ,:;o

• Official 20180313 MPS-0728159 MPS>CLS>UCPI Tradccraft - Binder 2 Contents 1. 2. BNP checks co root out UC's - 3. Open source doc. Ecodefensc: A 6cld Guide co Monlceywrenc:hiog. 4. 5. TRADECRAFT MANUAL 6. Appendix B • [3] 7. _Appendix C • SOS Practical advice 8. Appendix D • Tactics in disorder situations. 9. Appendix E - Surname Analyses 10. Appendix F - Guide co o,.agent provocateur\". 11. Appendix G • Rerzjsttation ofbirths, deaths and marriages and ass. [)pcs. 12. Appendix H • - 13. MPS-072B159

• • Official 201 MPS>DLS>

180313 eMPS-0728160 >UCPI Extension ___ Date ___19_ ,- [discussion paper (draft) ... File in \"Misc\" box SOS Fieldcraft ... presented by ...) MPS-0728160

Official 20180313 MPS-0728160 .,.MPS>OLS>UCPI IA ,. . .n1s repar,: concerns -c:ne prov1s1.on ot additional 111a:npower in support of the clandestine bona fides of SDS field operatives . • Remainder of this document (including an additional 4 pages) redacted • MPS-0728160

• Official 20180313 MPS-0728161 MPS>DLS>UCPI [13] METROPOLITAN POLJCE Special Branch Operationr Sllppm (Specfal Dulia s«tion) 16\" May 2001 BRANCH NOTE · BNP: Hostile Enquiries lato Sasp«t Activist • This Note concerns hostile enquiries lll8de recently be a Brilish Nalional Pany (BNP) member into an adivist suspected of being a 'State Asset'. An Wlcbstanding of the type of enquiries made, alld the awseness ofthe BNP oflikelywlderc:over 'legelll building' methods canonly be ofbenefrt to this Uiit. • • MPS-0728161

Offidal 20180313 MP8>01.8>lCPI 8.4. [92] 8.4.1. The technique ofleaving ,our wsies over a period of time can work if)'OU plan a long-tam, pbmed �wal. Some pup, mq allow )'OU to slowly ddft away from them due to their D8IUR • fill example the Bovironmc:nlalisls concentrate their activities at a place where enwnJ11JVtX«al damage is 1alcing place • ,ou could leave the ICene simply by not moving cm to lb.e next site where toadbuilding is taking place. 8.4.2. Tbe idea ofdrifting &WtJ1 wouldalso help in conjuocticm withother teclmiqu tbr leaving the wmies - a pzugressve witbdlawal fiom you wearies l&ltil )'OU an: left with a small circle ofdose assoeiates will give )'OU time to fade from the majcxity of yoor wearies' minds. followed by a specific reuon for leaving your mnaioiag ,r.fose buddies. [93] 8.5.1. One coukl pmend to have persoml diflic:ul1ies that cause )'OU to lea-ve the political arena. You will have to think through circumsres where sudl an approach c:ould be ef'&clive • In any cue die difliaihies must appear t> ring flue and are dependan on yoor particular meeteroup's poitb andattinldes to members. 40 MPS-0728163

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