Ads for Grads
(!runt Row) Dd>or,lh Swcll.,l'n·A.,.,i.,tant Principal, Manlyn Rich.ud-.· l'nnnp.tl, I aunc Bru.,~O\\ -As-.,-.t.mt Princip.ll(b,\Ck Row) l..ury Urry· A<.-.J.,t.lnt Principal, Anthony Godfrcy·A~-.i-.t.mt l'nncip.ll\"Ncvl•r pass up a ch,lncc to be quil•t, to just \"Life is not measurl•d by tlw numb(•J of \"<.iH' nw hlwrty or givl' me death.\"listen and leMn.\" breaths we take, but by tlw monwnts th,tt · I ,wri(• Bru.,.,ow-Deborah Swl'll'l'll take our breath aw.1y.\" · .\1arilyn Richard.,..•(2) \" I love bl·ing at jordan. ,, b,ln,Hl,l .\" .,tud(•nts.\"•4 -Anthon) C.odfn·y · I .trry Urry ~ # I Administr.ation
It's been good. (front row) R.Jchl'lllorton-Secrl'I.Jry, ,\manda Willi,tms Historian (mtddle row) Hum/,1 Kudiya-Boys' Vin•, DanielThanks for letting l l,msm-Presidl•nt, Bryson Shrl'l'Vt•·Communtcations Vice (back row) Brianne Fabri/io Cirls' Vice,me serve as presi-dent. To sum it all MMy· Jane Cl'.tll'ton-Spirit Vice.up, Jordan Highrules! We arc only \"I ivin' on the l'd);l'.\" \"If today is opposite day, dOl's the \"Celinc Dion for life!\"students at Jordan -Bri,lllne FabriJ'io hot snow f.1ll up'\" ·Rachel Hortonfor three years, but -Humza Kudiyawe will be Diggersfor life! Keep thepride, keep thepower, and peace bethe journey! -Daniel Hansen \"Dttto what Dan \";ud · · · \"So what's the deal with airline \"Life's .,hort...eat icc cream fir~t!!!\" peanub?\" -Amanda Williams Bt• yourself.\" -Bryson Shn.'l'Vl' Mary-Jane (.Jstleton # ~ • ~ St udent Body Officers I '
The Scm or Clnss ( )ffau:~rs .• take part mtlw Jordan traditwn of c<llmg OC'('tS. '0 -'lj.h) ~ . - ·~ Open wide Brv,on '>hrecve take., a btg bite out of ,t bt•,•t .11 tht• opening assembly. Words of wisdom D.1n1(;1 fi,m.,en giws an cncour.1gmg Spt'l·ch to the «tudcnt bodv at the welcome back a'>scmbly. Are you ready? Ilw 'ophmn<lrl' do~ss officl'rs arc ind udl·d by l'olting ,, sug.H beet for the first time.Encore! \"Oh say can you see\" Mmm...goodThe Charloni.ms start the year off llunv., Kudtya sink:, his teethwith a bang. 'ldt to right) J\1J..,.,\' \loss, Bnannc I abnno, Mnf) ·Jane into,, t,Jsty sug.1rbcet. Castleton, R.Khcl Horton, and Laurn Clark ~mg tht•..~(2) national ;:mthcm at the opcnmg as embl)•8# # I Welcome Back
look, no hands Flying high (ll'ft)A BMX (left)A B\1\ stuntm,m holds onto tht• pl!rf~>rm~·r catch~!,. h.mdlcbars with his lt•t•t. ..oml! big air in hts l~·ap oft Look what I th~· ramp. cando Balancing act(nght)lh, B\.1X gU\ ·\ ,, •tht r B\1\ guy amaze~ the crowdshows off hi\" move., with hb unique abilities.to the jordan crowd.Please don't miss, please don't miss... . . h.Bowen H,trris nl'rvously w,ltlht•s on .Is,, BMX g'U)' attempts to JUmp O\er •m. .~~ • BMX Assembly I~
V.C. is #1 n.,ttk p( tlw bands Winner, Voxcamagl', pump~ up the l nnnl at the b.1ttll• of thl• b.md~. Jammin' Tlw band St.1lcwil Wl ks out to tlwir rnu~ic.Go Seniors!!1 he Senior girls gl'l fl'•1dy to be.tt tlw juniors... (abO\'(.') Tlw b.1nd i{e7olutwn t.lt-t•s .1 lm•.1k from JUdging tlw JIIS I!.Jtllt• of tlw ll,utds. Isn't it beautiful? (right) I'hc burning of th~ I lradJhon wntmuco; on for\ <'I •tnl•lhl·r \'P.lr.The flames light up the nightThe Malac farnily dance with rm.• to start off the burnmg of the T~~Ln:.J. . Who Knew? # I Homecorr ne Week \lr. Godfrcv wows thl• audJt'll('(.' with his .tnlil/.ing f.inging .1bihties.
... •• • J...H.. .S...I! (top left) The guy chl-erleadt•rs gettht•crowd going at the powdt•r puff gaml'. Can Can... ill'it ll.m 'ou do the C.m-Can? The gu\ <...na r-. .,ure can! Go long! (,tbow) Sl'nior K.wlvnn Fagt•r t>utruns junlllr Whi tney ~Mk during tht• po\" der puff gamt•llw Howd llllt•nsl'l\' .tw,tits ,\., the '' 11l1Wr of b,lttlt• Let's go Juniors!!of the b.1nds 1s tub~ announced. The jumor g1rls prepare to take on the brutal Scmor,.,
Fortune anyone? Damcl Yc.:tgl'r and Kc\ in Khong sell fortune cookacs for th•• debate team.Howdy... (left) Some hungry students51l'ven Roush .:tnd Digger D.1n buy carmel a pples from th<pose for the c.1mcra during a Legacy Rc5turaunt boothfncndl) hand-.hake. Come and get IH rh...... rcopil· from Operation Smale sell drinks to bencftt th•·•r club. Going Bananas (ll'ft) MPg,lJ1 Robmson drunh up businl'ss Mary-Janl' ( .h~Jl', nand Daniel Hansen dressed up hke for till' Ch.1rs. bananas for the Student Body Offacer's Jamba Juace stand.~~Ln:J... # I Homecoming Week
Rteady to rumble... (t p left) JIIS footb,tll player~ g<'l ready to takl• tlw liC'Id thC' t lomcwming C.amc 's got spirit! ovc) D.uw Lambert .,ho\\ s hi.. school .,pirit during Homccomine C ~me. 2004 Homecoming Royalty c..\1,1T) J..nL -.tlt•ton· ) ' fldh Dal·j.,. Bnannc I ilbrt;:Jo- UII/Lilt'SS, Gon.. alo ra..torim- Damel Hansen- Kmg, l'hihp l'oi<M (not picturl'd)-Rootin' tootin' good time! .(.tbnvl') s, nil Fmbh•)' .111d Rolwrt l.t•Ciwmin,mt pl.ty l<tr thel'ep ll.tnd during tlw llonw.nming (,amc.Going all the way(lop rir.ht) llw enthu~i<l.,tt• CntiHil·ndun•s till' bttiN coldlvhalc wat.l\"\"\" thl.' llomcconung gaml'Go Jordan Go!(r ·~ht II\" lnrd. · 1 •ulballlt•,tm puslll''i thear l\•1) through tlwlougn dcfl·nsc whale Ill'\ l'r losmg ,;tght of thl• l'ndzonc.
This magic moment..... · Ch.~rmmg kt'l'P the magic aliH•. l<l)·~! .1. '-··dt:o and j,uom Gunderson d.mce the mght ;may at the Homecomms Dance~~Ln:,J #I Ho'l1e g
Taking a break(abO¥ u-;hl• <. hristl'llSI.'nsto~ wtth Shane Yost.Past Homecoming queens Dancin' up a storm (ilbow) Bretton Wall and(nght Although tho:y'\ ,••llr!!adygraduated I rom lugh Sl hool, M•~s Simon Crapo do their part on the danl't' tloor. alii ter, Ms M,H Dnugill, •1\.1, Cassidy, .tnd \1iss \1urph\stilltoin thl' fun. rr,.~orl\" '1<3 Dance I ~~
Shootin' the breeze I can't say nol\1.-rntt Reed d.lVdn•,Jm~ about Dogp.1tch and ~hows off 1-..ry...t<tl '\feddo .,ing' her heartIus ~chool spirit by drc~.,ing up for I hllbilly Day. out to her drc.1m guy, Legola.,, during the Dogp.1td1 ,,.,...cmbly.Howdy![)u.,llll Denning ,111d Bri.1nne f ilbrl/10 h.we a AbracadabraIlrtl lt• fun with Mr. May on Hillb ill y D.1y. <..on.t.110 l'a.,toru11 .,hows off hr., llhl!;ll,ll t.1lcnt b) .,lulling him.,cll mto ,1 dr) cr. To do! rhc D.liS\ \II\ .md 'I il Abnl'r wnll'S· tanh h.n e a doggont• good hnw JWrlorm- ing dunng the Dogpatth ,IS.,l'mbly.
Swing your partner... I'm with her(below) llrl'lton Wa ll and N,1t,11il• (below) There is no dl•nying thatllPnwr h,Wl' .1 ~winging good tinw. C.1li Maughan hookl•d Will It's electric! Ackley to go to Dogpatch.Ml•g,ln Robinsonand '>lott J•mbk·v Pretzel (f .1r l dt) Mi-.s Murphy tw1sh '<lidl• tlwir w,ly h<•r d.ltc <lt Dogpatch; ll'l'~ untnth~· hope he doesn't get diuy, The Hokey Pokey d,1Jlll' floor. Ln rnmc geh into the d,lncmg at Dogpatch. \"Th,lt'-. 'bo~·:wh.>l ,,., '\" Dogpatcn ;)rag I ~
Hey Santa Shake your booty Tn:nt \\,Ike,, (left) Dustin Denning shows off Phillip Francom, hi~ bc'>t dance move~. Don t loovcr, and lnara Ro~(ll~?n are having a jolly good time at tht• Chri..tmJ'> D.1nrt>.Pink Panthers(below) Riiffac la Abbri.moand Dustin Robinsonmake a purr-feet coupl~?. I'm with me A winter wonderland Al.l\ n.1 M.11.w ,md j.1m1c LJr~·n can't hold b.Jcl ltlU rtnt·v Rll'l' don't her e'citemcnt about bcin need d.1te., to h,l\e tun C.1tl•b f·ullmcr'' d.1t• ,1t tht• Chn,tm.Js D.mle1He's making a list Dancing foolsMr. Godfrey survey., the (right) Stt>venChristmas Dance looking Hou'>h, Gon.wlofor kids who have bet>nnaughty this ye.1r. p..,.,torini, and Beth,my llergct give f'red A~taire a run for his money. Picture perfect (right)A.,hlee Allred, Corey jen~on, [),wid R,l.,mu.,.,cn, .1nd R.Kh<wl ShectL modl'l thl•ir j.1mmic~. Jingle bell rock I only have eyes for you Srott I mblt•v .111d C,l'>'>it• LM'>Cn Shane Pr~?l'Ce and j.mclle Miya<.aki Ml' re.1dv to h1t d.mn• tlw n•.Aht .nvay. tht· d,1nct> fluo r.~~Ln:J... # I Chri&tma& Da nce
\"AVaneing in thfl Moonliglif'' ..~. 21 • ~ Sweethearts I ~
Junior Prom Dancing in style Bri.tnm I <~l:>ri;io, \I,,\ n.t \l,tl,le, \l,ln ·J,uw C.t-.tleton,An .tttractiH' couple walk down tht• ..t.m-. during tht•promenade. Kri.,tt•n ,\lmt•nco .mJ I rmlv Childrt<., drc.,., to imprc\"'.Prom King Tht• I'rorn Qut•t·n \1,tdr~orl W.trrcn .1nd lwr d.ttt• D<n id \1tm-.\Hl prnn• th.ttfht• l'rom King 'viike Mecham and hi., d.1te Katie Sit•wrts enjoy a lon•ly ''as a tnrl\ \\Onderful mght.evening at the c.1pitol. Dancing the night away Brdt (roll roft and '\m\ J....r · ·r d.1ncc through out the night. Tearin' up the dance floor Jrll B.tkl'' md J, , rd.ttl• dann rn t'.lth otht·r~ arrn\" durmg ol siO\\ d.lllfl'. Bowen H.trri-. and \1cgan <..hrr-.tcnc.cn~•Ln:.J. .o;wing to the mu-.ic. # I Junior Prom
Trme cA ter Trme Tired of dancing Only you A group of student-. t•njoy ,, quicJ... bn•.lk from dancing togt•tlwr. Tricy Taylor and Garrett Caywood g.11c into each others eyes during a dance.Taking a break(.lbc.>v~:) \ It\\' couples t.JJ...l' ,1 brt•.JI.; h> n•sttlwn fl't•l ,Jftl'r .ln in..tl'll'l' nightol dancin~Twist and shout!(ri~ht) I h1., wuplt· .ho\\ ~oft tlll'H mow~ on the dJm t' flt>ur. A lovely evening Au ..hn l\ ilsson .mdMcJ.,.eJI Ashnoft ')Wild '1 nMgk.Jit•vt•nln~ to~dlwLTake my hreath away(kit) Dt•\ an I(,, milton lo'-Cs hi..brt•.Jth ,,., he loob into hi., date,Rilt•y (,ntth.,' l')'t\". You're the one that I want ,LC:.).J!#: R.1ffaela Abbn.111o.1nd R\.111 Cnpl'l.md h.wc fun and Junior Prom I ~ dann• all night long.
••••••~~Ln:...J. #I Friend~
L,C:).!).#: Friend& I~
~~ln!.J. . # I Autograph&
~,C)!#:Autographs I ~
Marie Woodhead Prince Ch arrnin Shelley Lund and Cao;ey Wing C<1rson SmithClose the window! oirnotfier Cinderella take.., order., from her .,tepmother, Destiny... played by Jes.,ie Robert.,, <~nd her step.,i.,tcr... l'rinw Ch.uming <1nd Cinderell,l h,l\ e fin<~ll)Special thank you to the found l',lCh otht•r, <1nd they glide ,JCro.,., tht•production staff and con- fll>tlr without a care in the world.struction and lighting crew.Without you the show would May I have this dance?not have been possible. I ht• herald, Scott Emblcy, and a~~Ln:J... towns~wrson, Amy Updike, gran• us # I Mue;ical with .1 d,mcc.
The Cast(alphabt•tic.11 ordt•r) Collin Bakker, Nickolas Barfu~~. Vicnn<J Boyd, Logan Brown, Th>m.1~ Burkhalter, Cherish Caldwell, Michelle Casdorph,Mary-jane C.1~tll'ton, Steph<1nie Chapman, Me.1g.1n Colwell, Dustin Copeland, Mt•g,m D<mington, Sarah DuPaix, Kelly Llrl, Katie Edwards, Scott Embley,Amy Fndwff, Calt•b Fullmer, Ryan Goldsmith, C.t•ri Gr,wcs, jeanette Greenlee, l li~t· Custafson, Holly Hanson, Sharlene jacob, HayLee Jenkins,Mariannt• johnson, )t\"..sica johnson, Meliss.1 Kirby, M,ui.111ne Kiser, Heather Kodwrh<Jns, Cassie Larsen, Jamie Larsen, S.1r.1h Lougee, Shelley Lund,Taylor M.1ln1Mose, b11ily Mark, Vance McArthur, I lolly .\1orrison, Krystal Neddo, J,lmie Oylt?r, Tawny Parry, Christina Pehrson, Ralph Pert?a,kss,t• Robt•rts, Ashlt•y Romrell, Vaness,, Sl,1b.1ugh, C.1r-.t>n Smith, Corinne Smith, K,1de Smith, Stephanie Smith, Taci Smith, Samantha Spangler,Tere-.a Stont•, <.:I.Hissa Stout, \llartha Stout, Cynthi,l Swenson, Silvana Taylor, M,1ndi 1 humpson, Alison Tuft, Stewart Tuft, Amy Updike, Amber Ward,Cast•y Win~ M.uie Woodhe.1d The Orchestra I ht• urcl1l'-.tr.1 did an awesome job playing the music. K- 1-S-S- 1- N-G So expensive!(,1buw) Jlw l'nncc ,1nd Cinderella The J..mg. pl.wed -.hMl' ,1 J..js.., whcn at last they br Taylor wmt• togl'lhcr in marriage Malmrose, i~ appalled .1t the cost of the b.1ll. It's possible L:J:,0.,.• Mus1cal l ~ (lt'ft) Cindt•rella is off to the ball in tht• pumpJ..in carriage with her f,1i r} god mother.
··~~• ·.·(alphabetical order) J,m BurJ...h,tltl•r, Du.,tin Copl'l;md, Ryan GoJd.,mith, Call•b IJu.,ll'llt, ll n1 ll'l'Jenkins, Annie Johnson, (..,.,.,ie I ,u.,en, Gon/,1lo P.\"torin1, Phill Perea, Oushn Robm..,un, JuhnnrWalker, Andrew Whl•l•ll•r, J,Kub Y,)ll'.,, Shawn Yost .,r ,. ,.. :!'1 \ ,\ -:~ ;--', .J~ 'J ) tj... ·~~. ~ .I JL..=:~· ' ·.-, ' ~· L.-~~. What's this? Jacob Yale., (Or Ein..,tein) ..,how\" Ry.m Goldsmith (Teddv Brew.,ter) 11 herl' thl· information is loc.1ted.let's take a break Other cast membersca...t member., ta)J.. ,ll1)()11g thcrn...\!1\'l'S 0\'l'r ll•a , l,m llurkhaltl'r ,,, \lr. (o~J>J>,, llu,tul~~Ln:.J. . Copt·l.md ,,, Rl'\. llr. ll..rp•·r. ({v.m # I School Play (.o)d,mith ,,, lcdd1· lln•w,h'r, l.on;,Jio J',l,lorini ,l, (it•Uil'll.llll ({PPIH'\', ('hill l'l'n',l ,,., ottin·r llroph1·, lolum\ \\',111-.<·r ,Js otlitl'r Kll'in, 1\ndn·w Wht•t•l,·r ,,, \lr. Witlwr.,poon, Sh,1wn Yo'l ,,., otfin·r ( )'( (,Jr,l
(row I) Ryan G.lill•y, 1 yll•r Simmons, Thom.l'.. \'Vl'•l\'l'r, I nn Orr, (row 2) Ch,v \kCu.,kl•r, Jdfri!VBowman, Willi,ml Lnd.son, A•ytnni Tatey.lma, £:1.,11! Nl•bon (row 3) Kl•vin Coul,lm, Br.mdon Heward, C.l1tlin Whitt,lkl•r \ndrl'W Ml lll•r bn n~s tlw li~hh, to spot tlw twrfonlll'r'.. What does this button do? ,LC:).)!#: (<~bon~) Thomas\\ eawr .:md Jon.lth.m C.ul.,on work the controls tor the perfect .,ound. Stage Crew I ~ 10-4 good buddy (abon~ right) k e\·in Coulam rl!n·in·., dirl!ction., to cue the light-.. Getting directions (right) Andrew \tiller and C.lithn \\'hitt.lkcr get ad\·ict' from :vir. Burell on what to do lll''\1.Haul it up~a~ow) And rl•w Milk'r ,1nd Cldlin Whttt.lkl•r moVl' thea der u p thl' .,t,Jir., to ciMn~l' ,lli~ht bulb.
~~~n, #I Friend5
jordan H1gh S<hool Thanks to the r;used m N gcnl·rou-. donations $11,000 \VC ralsed over Congr.Jtul.ltitlll'- 17,000 lk·l'ld 1g~cr~! 1 cans' Great Job! ,LC!).)!•: Sub For Santa I ~
Cheer caption:Whitney Lyman\"I'm glad we all came together as asquad(\"unit\")· 10-4 over & out!\" Line 'em up Varsity cheerleaders arc always on the job.Cheer caption:Tyler Larsen''Fear is not a factor in cheer\"Spirit Leader Spirit Leader Put your hands together!Sarah Snow Dane Lambert The VM~ity cheerle,1ders get the crowd going\"My favorite thing about cheer b \"] ust Cheer!\" at il football g.1me.holding the signs.\"~•ln..:.,..J. # I Varsity Cheer
Varsity Cheerleaders 03-04~r~nt row) Ml•g,m Murdock, Kelliann r.1rr, {row 2) Whitney Reid, Rachel Sumnl•r, Cory Denning. {row 3){•erra ta~tmond, I yll•r L.u\"-Cn, Jeanette t;oincs {.ld\'i.,or), Le~lie Cha\'ira {coach), Jill \1organ, Daniella Cha\'ez,~O\\' -t) Courtnl'\' '-•l•J.,en, Tiffany Godfn.>y, Monic.1 Melendez, \1ika Bruin, Erica Powell, Je.,~ica Warner, at•c Lofgren, Wh1tm•y Lyman {not picturl•d J.N>n Pl•Mcl'-Coach) Ready for the kickoff R.1chl'l Sumner, Whitney Reid, and )l•ssica V\ ,uner attempt to distract the opposing team.Wowza baby L,:aJ~:,., there anythmg theycan't do? Varsity Cheer I '
Ju\"lor Varsity Junior Varsity Cheerleaders (front) Staci Gibbons, A'>hlit• BMJ..t )l'nnifer cddo, Anna l ofgren (row 2) Erica Whitehead, I Iiiia Moh-.ci,m, Leslie Chavira(coac/1), jeanette Gom<>(coacii),K,ltie Sie\'l' Ale,andria Kelson, (bad.) Stt•ph. rinncrtv, Rcbt.>cca Wolflev, je-.-.il Ct>ok, Christine Ludvig.,~n Ready? Okay! Practice makes perfect The chl•erk•adcr-. The cheerll•,ull·r~practice thl•ir mu\'e'> work hard to in-.un• to prep.uc for that the '>port-. h'<llll get all thl• -.uppurt upcoming C\'Cnh. they need. \"Cheerleadlng has been \"Our squad has really pulled so much fun this year but together and I am so proud of sometimes It does get challenging so I think of all that we have achieved!\" this quote for encourage- -Erica Whitehead ment. 'Try and you risk JV captain failure, don't and you Insure If.\"' -Anna Lofgren JV co-captain
Sophotttore~~fi~~ hard, and ·Cassie Jenson Sophomore Co-Captain -- ... •~ L • ~- .. ':' ' .~/ ....I ~,..\" .·,..~,_. - ~ •.. ' ~J~ / Jj, .. 1J • :-... ~ ~~\"Wheoerrklineagdweritsh the ~ Is a=e~r~yrlreewncaerdlinTgllelrsIn'!\"lrltu1sslcasomntaan- d '\"' ~ .. • ....a~i?o1utsrl sOaurrechtheeer- -«'-i J '~~~·Ms. Goins .. ~Cheer Coach Sophomore Cheerleaders (front nm) 11(f,111y 1t'l', Alcxi<. Odcncrantt, lm?'ay Stroup (2nd ro\\) Allp.on \\'iiJi,, \1acce Garner, Le...hc (h,l\ ir,1(cuath), ]l',lnl'lll' Goin,(coach), \1(1\:l'n.ll Carmack (back row) Samantha Snow, Megan Jolley, Ca,.,ic }l'n-.on, Brilt,111) h'<lll' \,.o...:...)~: Sophomore Cheer I ~
The 2003- 2004 Charlonians(Aiphabetic,ll) Kori Arnone, Kendyl Bell, l:vette Benllt•y, Autumn Bu~hman, l·.mily Cl.uk, 5,1\',mn.lh Cl.uk, j,1dyn Daly, A'hlt•yf·e.lther.,tone, Brittany Holme.,, Chandra Jelo-.ek, Je.,sic.l Johno,on, f·mily Jord,ln, S.1r.1 Jordan, Cht•l'l')\" Joy, ~An11.1 Jud.,on, ~h-h..,.,,, Kt•m ,M,,deleine !..u.,en, Cailer ~l.1d-.en, Caitlin Messina, ~liehelle Monson, ~Iegan Robin ..on, Row Rothfeder, Sh•ph.mie Seui~t. I imhayS1elatycki, Amy Souter Jump!The Chars ... pring into action.~~Ln:.J. . Caught In the shadows # I Charlon vn5 lt''\"'ca John on and \1,1dekint• I .tr-.en get \\ r,1pped up while pt•rforming.
The Charlonians work hard... Charlonian OfficersAttention (Front) A~hl~\ Fl'•lthl·r~tllnl', \!!.~Iissa Kem, Caitlin ~iess~na . .~Top) Thl' lhM~ gl•t a•.1dy to p1•rlurm lwhlrl' tlw crowd (Back) Kcndyl 6~11, Megan Roban-.on, J~s<.1ca johnson, Lmdsay Se•latyckl, t a Jordan luotb,lll g.lllw. Set\nn.l JudsonFreeze.. Balance is key~~il'dldrl<l.'ty)llT' hl' Ch.~r.. t.tk1• ,, hrl'·'\" Irum d.tnong to ~how Stephanie Secrist gracefully twirls to the mu<.ic. Strike a pose Mad~ll'inl LM~l·n .md Autumn Bushman po'>~ for,, lril•ndly ...hot. Giving 110% \!!.egan Robin<.on, SeAnna Judson, and Madeleine Lar..on dance their hearts out at the Homecoming as'>Cmbly. L,:aJ~: Charlonian~ I ~
Yarslty JoysVarsity basketball{front row) Robert Gibbons, Chri~tophcr <..1~~•ty, /,KhMy Cass1ta, Kl•nnL•th B<~rrll'r, D<~rrl'n O'Bncn, :vlatthC\\ Armstron~, l'hilip Polo,1,{row 2) Ad,lm T{>dd, Cody Larsen, \Jithol,l~ I luw.ud, Austin Robison, j.1~on llolm, MosL•s S,wca, Jdf Chri~tl'IN'Il. Slam Dunk High Five Fake left Adam Todd Opponents or D.nrt•n O'Bm·n m,lkl'\" an £ricnds? dl'll'l\l'' tlw amating b.1~kct dl'fl•ndl•r to ~l·ton his homl' turf. Ill tlw b.lskl•t.~~ln.:..J. # I Vareity ~oye Basketball
Save it Backboard (.Jbow right) (abow left) tody I ar.,en 7achary Cassita strctd1t•s tu the banks ,, shotlimi t to '>ave the against Alta. b,,IJ •lt the Alta How,ud work game. together to doublt• team the Swoosh Beng.JI.... (abov~·) Austin Robi'>on shows (above) Philip Poloa flies to the baskethi., pt•rft•lt form and adds two more point., for jordan. during the Skylm~· g,1me.Under Pressure~~bovt•) Nicholas J lowMd dol'sn't leth is n~·rw., get to him wiwn iw takes 1' foui.,hot...In lllid-air He shoots...Cthoed)}),1.~r...cn t.Jkes ,, flymg .,hot ill (abow) Robert Gibbon., gets some air to '>Core in the Alta game. lit,, (l•nter. We are the champions Ouch (below) jordan High student.. pile (,lbtl\'l') jordan pl.l\ t•r::. tool.: a lot of h1h .1t the Dclt.1 Ct•ntt•r game onto thl' court celebrating an ,1g.1u1st Skyline, but tht•y manag~·d import.1nt win over Brighton. to hang on to tiw h,1 il. Air Jordan Adam Todd takes a daring jump to try to .,top the Bengals in the game against Brighton.
Ju\"lor Yarslty Joys 1 i\"-' •I ... .... •\"'-. Nothing but net Christopher Cl.,sity IMils the long shot.JV Basketball(front row) Darren 0' Brien, Christopher Cassity, Kenneth Barrier, Quinton Bradford, \tl,ltthew Armstrong(row 2) Jeff Chri.,tcnscn, 'licholas lloward, Jason Holm, Cody Lar.,cn, Ry,m Stewart Nice and easy (,lbow) J,l'o;on Holm dot•s a perfect 1,1y up. Hustle up (ldt) C..odv Lar'l'n hurries down thl' wurt to help his tl•,un'., offense. listen up (left) 1 he team hudd leo, to gl'l instructiOns for another winning play...~(2)• 44 ~ # I Junior Var5tty Boy5 Ba5ketball
Sophotttore Joys 00~OPhomore Basketball(r~:~~low) l~olwrt M.1n~y, Kcn~eth D.1mrun, Ch.l~l' RKh,mh, Scotty Ebert, Erik So~krborg, Quinton_Brad_fordWit, ln,lch D,IVl' l•lb}, Chnstophcr (.w.IIY. .1th.u1 Sn,ur, M.~rcus Hcn~lcy, Bngh.u11 \1cro, Colhn Splllm;m, 011 Ll•ung,Co,ll h )ole/.. ll,mey (ro'' 1) j,um-J.. 1ilbv, Ch.1ndler Burgon, Jdl Chri~tl'n~l'n, Mike Dahl, John Dahl The pressure is on llw ll•,lm hold., thl'lr bre.1th ,,., tlwir lt•.lmmatc gol'\" up for a ..hot. Tough decision (left) Eri /.. Soderborg decides who to pass to. L,:a.J#: Sophomore Boys Basketball 1 ~
Varsity Oirls (alphabetical order) Kirsten Almerico, Carrie Colton, Holly Davis, Abrielle Delamare, Ju lianr Egbert, Kaylynn Fager, Brittany Hill, Megan Hill, Cami Jones, Sar Mcomber, Adrienne Nie lsen, Suz Pehrson, Sara Robison, Lacey Sweat, Jessica Wayne Control Focus Kay lynn Fager drives to the basket. Sarah Mcomber concentrates on m,,king the shot.Concentration Adrienne Nielsen ~ron•s two poinhHolly Davis prepares to shoot a with a high jump.free throw.~~\n.:,_) # I Girle; Yare;ity Bae;ketball
I\"\" \"\"\"'\"\"HighJumper De-fense g\"b-. '\"\"the< n•bound. \"aylynn F.1ger and Kri5ten \lmerico concl•ntrate on defense. Come this way Total finesse jl'ssit\".l Wayne is rl•,1dy for anything. Julianne Egbert dribbles like a pro. Group effort \"nsten \lnwnco Brittany Hill, Adrienne \.l•tl'l'n ,1nd Ka\'lvnn J·,1ger pi . .wne ddl•nse ag.1inst Brighton lligh School. · · a)
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