["INDEX 349 Luria, Isaac (kabbalah and Judaism) Ng\u00f4 Van Chi\u00eau (Cao \u00d0\u00e0i) 316 Rastafari (Christianity) 294\u201395, 186\u201387 Nichiren Buddhism 145, 331 305, 314\u201315, 327 Nishida Kitaro (Zen Buddhism) 161 Luther, Martin (Protestant Reformer) Noah (Judaism) 173 Reconstructionist Judaism 195, 199, 203, 233\u201335, 239, 335 333 MO Reform Judaism 175, 181, 189, 192, 193, 195, 199, 333 Mahavira (Jainism) 55, 68\u201369, 71, 90, Odin (Vikings) 86\u201387 94 Oriental Orthodox churches Roman Catholicism (Christianity) 203, 210, 226, 227, 236\u201337, 334 Mahayana Buddhism 114, 128, 129, (Christianity) 334 154\u201357, 330\u201331 Orthodox Judaism 181, 194, 332, 333 Rome, Ancient 80\u201381 Osiris (Ancient Egypt) 58\u201359 Rumi, Jalal al-Din Muhammad (Islam) Al-Mahdi (Islam) 250, 271, 285, 309 Maimonides, Moses (Judaism) 181, P 282\u201383 182, 184\u201385 Pawnee 18, 46\u201347 S Manicheism 65, 221 Pentecostal Church (Christianity) 218, Maori 19, 33 Sabellians (Christianity) 216, 217 Maya civilization 18, 42, 43\u201344, 45 219, 337 Sadducees (Judaism) 183, 210 Mendelssohn, Moses (Haskalah Pharisees (Judaism) 210 Sala\ufb01sm (Islam) 339 Pietist Movement (Christianity) 243 Salvation Army (Christianity) 337 movement) 189 Plato 62, 210\u201311 Sami shamanism 19, 28\u201331 Mennonites (Christianity) 335\u201336 Plymouth Brethren (Christianity) 336 Samkhya philosophy (Indian) 113, 329 Methodism (Christianity) 203, 239, 336 Presbyterians (Christianity) 236, 335 San peoples, \/Xam San 19, 21\u201323 Miller, William (Seventh-day Progressive Judaism 192\u201395 Santeria 294, 304\u2013305 Protestant Liberalism (Christianity) al-Sarakhsi, Shams al-A\u2019imma (Islam) Adventism) 337 Minoans 54, 78 242\u201345 278 Moonies (Uni\ufb01cation Church) Pure Land Buddhism 330 Satanism 319 Satya Sai Baba Society (Hinduism) 329 (Christianity) 318, 327 Q Scandinavia Moravian Brethren (Christianity) 336 Mormonism (Christianity) 294, 295, Sami shamanism 19, 28\u201331 see also Vikings 306\u2013307, 326, 336 Schleiermacher, Friedrich (Christianity) Moses (Judaism) 171, 172\u201373 Muhammad (Islam) 250, 252\u201353, 265, 243\u201345 Schopenhauer, Arthur 91, 129 270\u201371, 284\u201385 Scientology 295, 317, 327 Muslim Brotherhood (Islam) 289, 291 Sephardic Judaism 332 Muslims see Islam Seventh-day Adventists (Christianity) Mu\u2018tazilites (Islam) 276\u201377 337 N Qadiani Ahmadiyyas (Islam) 285 al-Sha\ufb01\u2019i (Islam) 256, 274\u201375 Quakers (Christianity) 335 Shaivism (Hinduism) 328 Nagarjuna (Buddhism) 156\u201357 Quechua Indians 18, 36\u201337 Shakers (Christianity) 336 Nagasena (Buddhism) 149\u201351 Qutb, Sayyid (Islam) 289\u201390 Shaktism (Hinduism) 100, 328 Nanak, Guru (Sikhism) 298, 299, 301, Shamanism 28\u201331 R Shi\u2018a Islam 250, 251, 270\u201371, 309, 302 Nation of Islam 339 Ramadan, Tariq (Islam) 291 338 Neoorthodox movement (Judaism) Ramakrishna (Hinduism) 91, 122\u201323 Shintoism 55, 82\u201385, 310, 327 Shiva (Hinduism) 91, 97, 328, 329 332\u201333 Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) 90, 128, Neopagan religions 319 Netsilik Inuit shamans 30\u201331 132\u201333, 138, 326 Sikhism 294, 295, 298\u2013301, 327 Akali Dal political party 301 code of conduct 298\u2013301, 303 death and rebirth cycle 298","350 INDEX Sikhism (cont.) UV Young, Brigham (Mormonism) 307 egalitarianism 302\u2013303 Zen Buddhism 144, 148, 160\u201363, 331 \ufb01ve articles of faith (Ks) 299\u2013300, Uni\ufb01cation Church (Moonies) 318, 327 301 Unitarianism (Christianity) 218, 295, Bodhidharma 160, 163 \ufb01ve stages of path to salvation enlightenment process 160\u201361, 162, 298\u201399 321, 336 Gobind Singh, Guru 299, 300, 302, US 163 303 Japanese 129, 162\u201363 Guru Granth Sahib (holy book) 298, Hupa 18, 51 meditation 162\u201363 301, 302, 303 Jehovah\u2019s Witnesses 218, 294, 306, Nishida Kitaro 161 Khalsa order 299\u2013300, 302 Rinzai Zen 162, 331 kirpan (ceremonial sword) 300\u2013301 312\u201313, 337 Soto Zen 162\u201363, 331 monotheism 303 Nation of Islam movement 339 Zionism (Judaism) 167, 189, 196\u201397 name, origins of 101 Pawnee 46\u201347 Zoroastrianism 54, 62\u201365, 327 Nanak, Guru 298, 299, 301, 302 Scientology 295, 317, 327 Ahura Mazda (god) 62\u201363, 64, 65, saint-soldiers 298\u2013300 Seventh-day Adventist churches turban 300 327 306\u2013307, 337 Avesta teachings 63, 65 Smartism (Hinduism) 329 monotheism 62\u201363, 177 Smith, Jr., Joseph (Mormonism) 294, V Parsis 62 soma (drink of the gods) 96 307, 336 Zurvanism 64 Soka Gakkai Buddhism 331 Spiritualists 319 Vaishnavism (Hinduism) 328 Su\ufb01sm (Islam) 269, 282\u201383, 295, Varuna (Hinduism) 97 Vietnam, Cao \u00d0\u00e0i 295, 306, 316, 326 339 Vikings 86\u201387 Sumerians see Babylonians Sunni Muslims 251, 269, 270, 271, 275, Odin 86\u201387 shamanism 28\u201329 338, 339 Valhalla and the afterlife 87 Swaminarayan Sampraday (Hinduism) Vishnu (Hinduism) 91, 97, 115, 328 Vivekenanda (Hinduism) 123 329 syncretic (blended) religions, Santeria W 294, 304\u2013305 Wahhabism (Islam) 269 Warao 18, 39 T Wesley, John (Methodism) 203, 239, 336 Whirling Dervishes (Islam) 339 Talib, \u2018Ali ibn Abi (Islam) 271 Wicca 295, 319, 327 Tantric Buddhism 129, 154, 158\u201359, XYZ 331 Tenrikyo 294, 310, 327 \/Xam San (San peoples) 19, 21\u201323 Teresa of Avila (Christianity) 238 Yogacara Buddhism 158 Theravada Buddhism 129, 140, 145, Yoruba religion see Santeria 150, 155, 330 Thomas Aquinas (Christianity) 203, 228\u201329, 242 Tibet, Mahayana Buddhism 114, 128, 129, 154\u201357, 330\u201331 Tikopians 19, 50 Transcendental Meditation (TM) (Hinduism) 294, 295, 320 Trimurti trinity (Hinduism) 91, 97 Triratna Buddhist Community 331 Twelvers (Islam) 271, 309","351 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Dorling Kindersley and cobalt id would 76 Mary Evans Picture Library: 174 Corbis: Nathan Benn\/Ottochrome like to thank Louise Thomas for (tr). 77 Corbis: Imaginechina (br). 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