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BEED - Area VI - Parameter D

Published by CNSC Media Mail, 2022-07-27 12:33:46

Description: BEED - Area VI - Parameter D


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Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines Ret. Judge Antonio C. Entienza Campus Training Needs Assessment of identified reading facilitators Development of training design for capability building of reading facilitators Identification of Resource Speakers Processing of approval of training proposal Conduct of Training for reading facilitators Post Evaluation of Training Conduct of reading intervention Monitoring and Evaluation of the project VII. DETAILED BUDGET REQUIREMENT Budget Line Item Description Amount Needed Proposed Source/s Hard Copy A4 Bond 7 reams 1,330.00 CNSC Fund paper sub 20 Ink Epson L3110 2 bottles 600.00 CNSC Fund Black #003 Folder Long Size 20 pieces 130.00 CNSC Fund Honorarium to the 6 reading facilitators 18,000.00 Outsourced Fund CNSC-OP-EXT-01F12 Page 13 of 16 Revision: 0

Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines Ret. Judge Antonio C. Entienza Campus Reading Facilitators 1 piece 700.00 CNSC Fund Flash drive (65 GB) 10 pieces 150.00 CNSC Fund 50 pieces 250.00 CNSC Fund Envelope 25 persons for 4 Special Paper (A4) 15,000.00 CNSC Fund events Meals and Snacks *150.00 per pax 3,000.00 CNSC Fund CNSC Fund Honorarium to the 3,000.00 CNSC Fund Resource Speaker 4,216.00 46,376.00 Transportation Allowance Contingency 10% TOTAL VIII. MONITORING AND EVALUATION SCHEDULE Logfram Narrative Indicator Definitio Basel Target Data Frequ Responsible Repor e Entry Summar n of the ine Source ency Person ted to Develope Indicator Reading y d at least To be Dependin Tabugon Julie Rose P. interventi one (1) A reading identifi g on the Elementar Portugal The reading interventi number of y School on proponen interventi ed identified Arrietta Mae design on struggling O. Llegado ts will on design readers. for develop design will be i.e. from Sherilyn C. struggling a reading develope Acunin readers interventi for d based 100 struggling on the struggling Shawin A. on readers needs of readers, at Estuesta design least 75% after the the of readers Jesus P. conduct strugglin Santillan g readers of Ayessa Jane assessm B. Acal ent on the academic performa nce and specific needs of the identified CNSC-OP-EXT-01F12 Page 14 of 16 Revision: 0

Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines Ret. Judge Antonio C. Entienza Campus struggling readers. Capabilit A training Enhance The To be All reading Tabugon Julie Rose P. y Building needs d identified identifi facilitators Elementar Portugal reading will attend y School for assessm capability facilitator ed Arrietta Mae Reading ent will of at least the Reading O. Llegado Facilitator s will enhancem Facilitator be 20% attend Sherilyn C. s conducte reading enhance ent s Acunin d to the facilitator ment capability identified capability Shawin A. reading s for the Estuesta facilitator impleme ntation of Jesus P. s. This Santillan will be a the basis in reading Ayessa Jane interventi B. Acal the developm on ent of training design. Once the training design is crafted and approved , the proponen ts will conduct an enhance ment capability to the reading facilitator s IX. OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION (if available) The proponents under the Bachelor of Elementary Education Program will source out fund to other agencies such as the Local Government Unit of Sta. Elena, Camarines Norte. The project is also supported by the local student organization of Entienza Campus, CNSC-OP-EXT-01F12 Page 15 of 16 Revision: 0

Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines Ret. Judge Antonio C. Entienza Campus specifically the Society of Elementary Education Students (SEEdS) as part of their Extension related programs to cater not only the students in the campus, but also to provide help and impact in the community. One of the project of the organization is the “ProSEEdS: Share a Book Project with a theme “Aklat sa Pagbasa, Susi ng Pag-asa”. It is an initiative of the organization to share books in Tabugon Elementary School based on the current needs and problem arise during the crafting of the Problem-Tree Analysis which is the lack of exposure to reading materials due to inadequate learning resources such as big books, story books, and the like, that is beneficial in supporting the interests of children in reading. X. ATTACHMENTS Attached is the Problem-Tree Analysis, Objective-Tree Analysis, and the Logical Framework for the proposed project. CNSC-OP-EXT-01F12 Page 16 of 16 Revision: 0

Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines Ret. Judge Antonio C. Entienza Campus EXTENSION PROJECT PROPOSAL I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: ProSEEdS: Share-a-Book Project Theme: “Aklat sa Pagbasa, Susi ng Pag-asa” Type of Project: Education Project Proponent/s: Society of Elementary Education Students (SEEdS) Julie Rose P. Portugal – BEEd Faculty Number of Beneficiaries: 235 students and 9 faculty Project Beneficiaries: Students and teachers in Tabugon Elementary School Location of Beneficiaries: Tabugon Elementary School Barangay Tabugon, Sta. Elena, Camarines Norte Date of Implementation/Duration: August 18, 2022 Area of Project Implementation: Tabugon Elementary School Barangay Tabugon, Sta. Elena, Camarines Norte Budget Requirement: 16,500.00 Budget Requested: Fund will be sourced out to other linkages II. RATIONALE The Society of Elementary Education Students (SEEdS), an accredited local student organization in Camarines Norte State College - Entienza Campus aims to serve as a guide in characterization of students, as well as holistically strengthens the knowledge on general education and professional courses relevant to the preparation as full-packaged teacher in the future, as stated in the SEEdS Constitution-by-Law. Thus, the organization members are expected to develop a sense of caring among students and the community. Part of it is the ExSEEdS (Extension services of the Society of Elementary Education Students) Program which aims to extend its services to the community, stakeholders, and linkages of the campus. CNSC-OP-EXT-01F12 Page 1 of 10 Revision: 0

Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines Ret. Judge Antonio C. Entienza Campus As the students are future educators, it intends to build a good rapport and involvement in the community. The Society of Elementary Education Students collaborated with the Extension Services Unit and BEEd Faculty extensionist to clearly identify a project that would benefit the community not solely for a short period of time. The project is grounded on the needs of the identified school, based on the conducted Participatory Rapid Rural Appraisal of the Extension Services Unit. The topmost problem identified in education, specifically in Tabugon Elementary School, is with regards to students’ literacy. The findings are the high incidence of struggling readers among students in the said school. Series of interviews to the teachers were also conducted by the BEEd faculty extensionists to clearly identify the root of the problem and weaknesses were analyzed. During the conduct of series of interview and focus group discussion, results showed that the factors associated with the high incidence of struggling readers are the lack of parental involvement, high incidence of malnutrition, unbalanced teacher-pupil ratio in the classroom, inadequate reading intervention program, and lack of exposure to reading materials. In effect, struggling readers have poor reading comprehension, low involvement in academic activities, and decreased their functional performance that requires reading. The book-giving project at Tabugon Elementary School will be conducted in order to encourage the elementary pupil to read books. It will help them to inculcate a reading culture in them. Students are growing in an earlier age; the reading habits of the students may be increased through giving them reading materials and most of students don't have enough budget to provide their own reading materials. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted to the restrictions for students to conduct a face-to-face activity, the organization preferred to provide an activity which limits CNSC-OP-EXT-01F12 Page 2 of 10 Revision: 0

Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines Ret. Judge Antonio C. Entienza Campus the physical involvement of the students, but ensure that all members have a part for the undertaking. The organization will focus on one of the causes of high-incidence of struggling readers in Tabugon Elementary School which is the lack of exposure to reading materials due to the inadequate learning resources. Teachers in public school need to utilize their own money for the reading materials and other expenses for their instructions. Thus, the student organization would like to initiate to conduct a Book-giving Project. As part of the project, the organization will conduct a fund raising and/or book donation drive activity to outsource fund and collect used but usable story books or big books for the benefit of the pupils in Tabugon Elementary School. The first phase will be books for the primary grades (K-3) and the second phase will be donation of books for the intermediate level (Grade 4-6). III. OBJECTIVES Objectives Strategies The following are expected to be The following are the strategies that will be achieved: employed: 1. To donate at least thirty (30) 1. Conduct an interview with the faculty story books or big books for the of TES on what particular types of primary students and thirty (30) books is needed. books for Intermediate grades in Tabugon Elementary School. 2. Conduct a fund-raising activity and book donation drive to outsource fund 2. To help the teachers in providing and maximize the unused books for available additional reading the benefit of the pupils in Tabugon materials in their reading corner. Elementary School. 3. To encourage the students to 3. Voluntarily give reading materials such read books and inculcate reading as big books, story books, and reading culture among the pupils. books. 4. Utilize the social media in outsourcing funds. 5. Establish linkages in other public and private agencies and organizations CNSC-OP-EXT-01F12 Page 3 of 10 Revision: 0

Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines Ret. Judge Antonio C. Entienza Campus IV. DESIRED IMPACT /OUTCOME OF THE PROJECT OR ACTIVITY The long-term effect of this project is for the economic and educational purposes for the benefit of the students in Tabugon Elementary school. The availability of the big books, story books, and other reading materials in the classroom is seem to encourage the learners to read books during their spare time, or during the circle activities, especially that there is a transition on the limited face-to-face in public elementary schools. To sustain the project, the proponents together with the members of the organization will outsource fund and maintain the good rapport with Tabugon Elementary School and other concerned agencies. After the second phase of the project, series of activities such as tutorial, and storytelling will be conducted if the restrictions are lifted. The Society of Elementary Education Students, with the supervision of the BEEd faculty extensionist will continue in promoting collaboration with other student organizations such as Entienza Campus Student Government (ECSG), Optimist Mathematician Education Government Association (OMEGA), Association of Language and Literature Education Students (ALLiES), and Young Entrepreneur Society (YES). The organization will also continues to collaborate with the Research and Extension Services Unit to ensure that the extension activities are aligned with the agenda, priorities and VMGO of the college. The project will be in support to the Literacy Enhancement and Assistance Program (LEAP) of the Teacher Education Department in the campus. ACTIVITY MEASURES Impact/Expected Linkage Remarks (to Sustain the Outcome Project) CNSC-OP-EXT-01F12 Page 4 of 10 Revision: 0

Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines Ret. Judge Antonio C. Entienza Campus 1. Share-a-Book Project Fund/ Budget This project aims to Extension donate a minimum Services Unit 1.1 Identification of the Approval of the of 30 story books/ type of reading Campus big books. The Office of the material needed Director availability of books Students in the reading 1.2 Development of Cooperation corner area of each Services and project proposal and classroom in Development collaboration of Tabugon 1.3 Processing of approval the SEEdS Elementary School Tabugon of project proposal members, will encourage Elementary Tabugon learners to read and 1.4 Conduct donation Elementary it will promote School drive or fund raising by School, and reading habits writing emails and other linkages Local letters to close Government sponsors and donator, and making Facebook Unit posts and announcements 1.5 Distribution of books Entienza (Phase 1 – For Campus Primary Grades) Student Government 1.6 Distribution of books (ECSG) (Phase 1 – For Intermediate Grades) 1.7 Conduct monitoring Optimist and evaluation of the Mathematician project to check the progress of the Education students in terms of Government their reading habit Association (OMEGA) Association of Language and Literature Education Students (ALLiES) Young Entrepreneur CNSC-OP-EXT-01F12 Page 5 of 10 Revision: 0

Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines Ret. Judge Antonio C. Entienza Campus Society (YES) V. PROJECT ORGANIZATION and/or STAFFING Office/Staff Responsibilities Contact Person Designated Contact No. Society of Elementary 1. Develop project Ms. Rizza Mae 09761163078 Education Students Macabuhay (SEEdS) proposal 09688557314 Ms. Julie Rose P. 2. Conduct donation Portugal drive or fund raising by writing emails and letters to close sponsors and donator, and making Facebook posts and announcements 3. Facilitate in the distribution of books to the school 4. Prepare the communication letter, photo documentation, transparency report, accomplishment reports and other pertinent documents BEEd Extension 1. Direct contact the Program Leader partner school for the schedule and conduct of interviews for the needed data 2. Assist in the development of project proposal and other pertinent documents 3. Facilitate in the distribution of books to the school CNSC-OP-EXT-01F12 Page 6 of 10 Revision: 0

Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines Ret. Judge Antonio C. Entienza Campus Extension Services 1. Review and endorse Dr. Jofhiline F. 09989747859 Unit the project proposal Dygico 09477297026 to the Campus Director the Project (Extension Proposal Coordinator) Tabugon Elementary 2. Monitor and evaluate Ms. Vilma Llaneta School the project (School Principal 1) Campus Administration 1. Collaborate for the Dr. Fernando H. conduct of activities Coratchea 2. Provide the needed data 3. Assist in the monitoring and evaluation of the project 1. Review and endorse to the OVPRE 2. Inform the proponents upon approval of proposal Extension Services 1. Conduct eligibility Dr. Rosalie A. Division/ VPRE check of Project Almadrones/ Proposal Dr. Girly H. Naval 2. Submit compliance report 3. Review and evaluate the project proposal 4. Endorse to the Office of the President through the VP for Research and Extension for approval the enhanced proposal 5. Inform the proponents through the Campus Director upon approval of proposal 6. Issue a notice to proceed VI. PROJECT/PROGRAM LOGICAL FRAMEWORK CNSC-OP-EXT-01F12 Page 7 of 10 Revision: 0

Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines Ret. Judge Antonio C. Entienza Campus NARRATIVE SUMMARY OBJECTIVELY MEANS OF IMPORTANT VERIFIABLE VERIFICATION ASSUMPTIONS INDICATORS Improved academic Improved Form 138 and functional academic and GOAL literacy of functional literacy PURPOSE elementary students of at least 75% of Output 1 identified struggling readers Activities Improved reading Improved reading Pre and Post Tests Active involvement of performance of performance by 20% of struggling stakeholders like elementary students in the post test from readers students, parents, their scores in the and teachers pre-test Share-a-Book Donate at least thirty Accomplishment Project (30) books report of the conducted book- giving project 3.1 Identification of Identified the type of Interview result from Favorable climate the type of reading material the teachers in reading material needed in each Tabugon Restrictions due to needed grade level Elementary School pandemic are lifted 3.2 Development of One (1) project Project proposal project proposal proposal developed write-up 3.3 Processing of Approved project Approved project Sourced out funds proposal from linkages approval of proposal project proposal 3.4 Conduct Donation drive and Narrative report and donation drive fund raising for book- photo or fund raising giving activity is documentation of by writing conducted the donation drive emails and and fund-raising letters to close activity sponsors and donator, and making Facebook posts and announcements CNSC-OP-EXT-01F12 Page 8 of 10 Revision: 0

Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines Ret. Judge Antonio C. Entienza Campus 3.5 Distribution of Distributed at least Accomplishment books to the thirty (30) books report of the school (Phase 1 conducted – For the distribution of books Primary Grades) Accomplishment report of the 3.6 Distribution of Distributed at least conducted books to the thirty (30) books distribution of books school (Phase 1 – For the Results of interview Intermediate with teachers Grades) 3.7 Monitoring and Monitored and evaluation of evaluated the students’ students’ progress progress based on the students reading performance VII. GANTT CHART OF ACTIVITES Activity June July August September October November December January February Identification of the type of reading material needed Development of project proposal Processing of approval of project proposal Conduct donation drive or fund raising by writing emails and letters to close sponsors and donator, and making Facebook posts and announcements Distribution of books to the school (Phase 1 – For Primary Grades) Conduct donation drive or fund raising CNSC-OP-EXT-01F12 Page 9 of 10 Revision: 0

Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines Ret. Judge Antonio C. Entienza Campus by writing emails and letters to close sponsors and donator, and making Facebook posts and announcements Distribution of books to the school (Phase 2 – For Intermediate Grades) Monitoring and evaluation of students’ progress VIII. DETAILED BUDGET REQUIREMENT Budget Line Item Description Amount Needed Proposed Source/s Big Books 350.00 each 7,500.00 Donation Drive (For Primary Grades) 500.00 each 1,500.00 Donation Drive Dictionary 350.00 each 7,500.00 Donation Drive Story Books and 16,500.00 Other Reading Material (For Intermediate Grades) TOTAL IX. OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION (if available) Other activities such as storytelling and tutorial, as part of student organizations’ agenda will be conducted when restrictions are lifted. X. ATTACHMENTS Attached is the Problem-Tree Analysis, Objective-Tree Analysis, and the Logical Framework for the proposed project. CNSC-OP-EXT-01F12 Page 10 of 10 Revision: 0

Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines Ret. Judge Antonio C. Entienza Campus Extension Services Unit The following activities shows that there is a wholesome coordination between Extension Program implementers and the target clientele/ beneficiaries. Activities Venue Date 1. Container Gardening Project Presentation of Extension Services Barangay Hall, September 5, 2016 December 8, 2016 and Pool of Experts of IABD during Tabugon, Sta. Elena, December 12, 2016 December 12, 2016 the regular session of Barangay Camarines Norte March 20, 2017 Tabugon officials April 18, 2017 Request CNSC to conduct Training June 13, 2017 Needs Assessment February 22, 2020 Training Needs Assessment and Barangay Hall, March 16, 2021 Consultation Tabugon, Sta. Elena, Camarines Norte Conduct of Community-based Barangay Tabugon, Sta. Training Needs Assessment Elena, Camarines Norte participated by the different sector in Barangay Tabugon Presentation of Community-Based Barangay Hall, Training Needs Assessment Tabugon, Sta. Elena, results and proposed Camarines Norte Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Formulation of Memorandum of Agreement where both parties decide voluntarily the specific roles and responsibilities in the implementation of different extension activities based on the TNA results Barangay Tabugon, Sta. Memorandum of Agreement Elena, Camarines Norte (MOA) Signing on Education cum Livelihood Training between CNSC – Institute of Agribusiness and Development (IABD) and Barangay Tabugon, Sta. Elena, Camarines Norte Council Conduct of Training on Urban/ Barangay Tabugon, Sta. Container Gardening by Elena, Camarines Norte/ Reutilizing/ Re-using of Solid CNSC-IABD Agri- Waste and Indigenous Materials Business Building Monitoring and Evaluation Barangay Tabugon, Sta. Elena, Camarines Norte

Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines Ret. Judge Antonio C. Entienza Campus Extension Services Unit 2. Research Capability Manguisoc National February 22, 2021 Enhancement Activity High School, (Requested Activity from the April 6, 2021 Community) Manguisoc, Mercedes, Camarines Norte August 20, 2021 3. Mental Health Awareness CNSC Entienza August 20 and 26, Towards Personal Growth and Success During Campus – Agribusiness 2021 Pandemic Buidling August 25, and September 7, 2022 4. Coordination with the Barangay Tabugon, Sta. September 9, 2021 School Principal of Tabugon Elena, Camarines Norte Elementary School October 14, 2021 Barangay Tabugon, Sta. 5. Coordination with the Elena, Camarines Norte November 12, 2021 School Principal of Leocadio Alejo Entienza High School Barangay Tabugon, Sta. March 29, 2022 Elena, Camarines Norte May 19, 2022 6. Participatory Rapid Rural June 3, 2022 Appraisal (PRRA) June 24, 2022 7. Resources and Livelihood MCDAI Office, Sitio Scanning Paraiso, Sta. Elena, 8. Distribution of 60 Bags of Camarines Norte Rice Donated by 1filipino Sitio Paraiso, Barangay Foundation Rizal, Sta. Elena, 9. Consultation Workshop for Camarines Norte and the Enhancement of CNSC Barangay Bulala, Sta. Extension Programs for SY Elena, Camarines Norte 2022-2028 Via Zoom Meeting 10. Local Planning and Budgeting Consultation CNSC Entienza Meeting Campus 11. Validation of Problem-Tree Tabugon Elementary Analysis, Objective-Tree School Analysis, and Logical Framework Leocadio Alejo Entienza National High School

Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines Ret. Judge Antonio C. Entienza Campus EXTENSION SERVICES UNIT PARTICIPATORY RAPID RURAL APPRAISAL (PRRA) Key Informant Interview (KII) and Review of Secondary Data Barangay Tabugon, Sta. Elena, Camarines Norte September 7, 2021 (Morning Session) During the morning session, the CNSC Research and Extension Services Unit conducted an interview with Hon. Noel V. Mayo (Barangay Kagawad), Mr. Roy V. Mercado (Barangay Secretary), and Ms. Rosalinda A. Abarca (Barangay Secretary). It was facilitated by Dr. Fernando H. Coratchea (Campus Director), Dr. Jofhiline F. Dygico (Dean), Ms. Julie Rose P. Portugal (Extension Coordinator) and Mr. Jesus P. Santillan (Research Coordinator)

Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines Ret. Judge Antonio C. Entienza Campus EXTENSION SERVICES UNIT PARTICIPATORY RAPID RURAL APPRAISAL (PRRA) Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Barangay Tabugon, Sta. Elena, Camarines Norte September 7, 2021 (Afternoon Session) During the afternoon session, the Extension Services Unit of CNSC Entienza Campus conducted the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to identify the needs of the community. The activity was spearheaded by Dr. Jofhiline F. Dygico and facilitated also by the Campus Director, Research, Extension, and Production Coordinator of CNSC Entienza Campus. The activity was actively participated by the Barangay Officials, and representatives of different community sectors such as Educational, Women, Youth, Elderly, Business, and Agricultural sectior of Barangay Tabugon.

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