CONTENTSThe vehicles in this book are split into chapters based on where they usuallyoperate: on land, in the air, in water, or in space. You can look up the pagenumber for a vehicle below, or use the index at the back of the book.Introduction 4BarcSpeederFreecoBike3031AIR 6Zam’s AirspeederJedi TurboSpeederComortRide PassengerAirspeederSpeeder BusCoruscantFireSuppressionShipSTAPHMPDroid GunshipLAATPteropterWookiee CatamaranSnowspeederCloud CarTIEStrikerTIEReaper89101112CoruscantPolice Speeder 13T-16Skyhopper14151617181920212223Undicur-classJumpspeeder 32Mandalorian SpeederStarhawkSpeederNightsisterSpeeder74-Z Speeder BikeJoben T-85SpeederRey’sSpeederLandspeedersGian SpeederClone Swamp Speeder333435363738394041Mandalorian PoliceSpeeder 42Luke’sLandspeederMTTAAT Battle TankDefoliator TankSuperTankStunTankPirate TankUmbaran Hover TankDesert SkiffSpiderDroidDwarf Spider DroidSPHA-TLAND 24Anakin’sPodracerSebulba’sPodracerMaul’sSpeeder BikeFlitknotSpeeder26272829AT-TEAT-OTAT-RTAT-DPAT-ST43Canto Bight Police Speeder 44SkiSpeeder4546474849505152Imperial Troop Transport53Khetanna54555657585960616263WATER 74Gondola SpeederNaboo Water SpeederHuttSwamp SpeederTribubbleBongoKamino SubmarineOMS DevilfishSubQuarren UTSPikeSPACE 84Escape PodsNaboo StarfighterVulture DroidHyena BomberGeonosian Starfighter76777879808182Trident-classAssault Ship 8386Droch-classBoarding Ship 87TacticalInfiltrationPod8889909192AT-ATAT-ACTAT-M6Gungan Battle WagonHailfireDroidCorporate Alliance TankDroidWheel BikeClone TurboTankImperial Assault TankSandcrawler64656667686970717273
Fanblade FighterSoullessOneTri-Fighter939495Trade FederationLanding ShipDelta-7 LightInterceptor96ETA-2LightInterceptorV-19 TorrentStarfighterV-wing979899ARC-170 StarfighterUmbaran StarfighterGauntlet StarfighterFang FighterXanadu BloodTIEFighterTIEBomberTIEInterceptorTIEAdvanced V1TIEAdvanced X1TIEDefenderBlade WingB-wingU-wingT-65X-wingY-wingT-70X-wingResistance BomberH-TypeNubian YachtNaboo StarSkiffScimitarSheathipede ShuttleMaxillipede ShuttleETA-classShuttleH-2ExecutiveShuttleGX1 ShortHauler100101102103104105106107108109110Mining Guild TIEFighter111A-wing112113114115116117Special ForcesTIEFighter 118TIESilencer119120121122123124125Sheathipede-classType B 126SolarSailer127128Republic Attack Shuttle129T-6Shuttle130131132133Theta-classT-2CShuttle134Mandalorian Shuttle135Flarestar-classAttack ShuttleTaylanderShuttlePhantomPhantom IIStarCommuter 2000136137138139140Delta-classT-3CShuttle141Lambda-class ShuttleSentinel-classShuttle142143Zeta-classCargo Shuttle 144Upsilon-classShuttleSlave ITwilightHalo145146147148Hound’sTooth149TurtleTanker 150MooganGunship151Pantoran Cruiser 152GhostTechnoUnion StarshipSeparatistSupplyShipAcclamator-classAssault ShipRebel TransportFirstOrder TransporterResistance TransportSeparatistFrigateRepublic FrigatePelta-classFrigateStealthShipAcushnetImperial InterdictorImperial LightCarrierTantiveIVTradeFederationBattleshipMalevolenceInvisibleHand153Lancer-classPursuitCraft 154YT-2400 LightFreighter155Millennium FalconDornean GunshipRepublic TugboatQuadjumperVulture’sClawImperial FreighterBroken HornEravanaNaboo Royal StarshipNaboo Royal CruiserLuxuryYachtLibertine156157158159AA-9 CoruscantFreighter 160Zygerrian Slave Ship161162163IGV-55 SurveillanceVessel 164Imperial Cargo Ship165166167168169CSS-1CorellianStarShuttle 170Crucible171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188Hammerhead Corvette189Rebel Cruiser190191192193Republic Attack Cruiser194CoronetProfundityHome OneRaddusFinalizerSupremacyImperial ConstructionModuleDeath StarDeath StarIIIndexAcknowledgments195Imperial StarDestroyer 196Executor197198199200201202203204205206208
FROM MIGHTYBATTLESTATIONSto the fastesthunk ofjunk around, the galaxy is filled with vehicles of everyshape and size. There are speeders for traveling instyle, starfightersfor completing criticalmissions,freightersfor smuggling cargo, and many other typesof vehicle besides. Galactic governments, rebel groups,and illegal gangs could not exist without vehicles totravel between, above, and across worlds.
ZAM’S AIRSPEEDERKORO-2 AIRSPEEDERDATAFILETYPE:AirspeederMANUFACTURER:DeslerGizh Outworld MobilityCorporationSPEED:800 kph (457 mph)MODEL: Koro-2 all-environment exodriveairspeederLENGTH:6.6 m (21 ft7 in)WEAPONS: NoneTHEKORO-2 ISAsmall personal airspeeder. Itisfairly unusual, as it can also travel under water or inspace to a limited degree. Thismakes the Koro-2a popular choice of getaway vehicle with criminals.Caught in the ActBounty hunter Zam Wesell uses one of these vehiclesduring her attempt to assassinate Senator Amidala.Pressurized2-person cockpitElectromagneticpropulsion system inforward mandiblesAfter Zam’s assassination attempt fails,Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalkerchase her across the planet Coruscant.POWERED UPThe Koro-2 speeders use anelectromagnetic field forpropulsion. The cabin holds an airsupply that will last for two weeks.8
JEDI TURBO SPEEDERPRAXIS MK. 1 TURBO SPEEDERDATAFILETYPE:AirspeederMANUFACTURER:Slayn& KorpilSPEED:160 kph (99 mph)MODEL: Praxis Mk. 1LENGTH:12.4 m (40 ft8 in)WEAPONS: NoneAN ELEGANTLYDESIGNEDTURBOspeeder,the Praxis Mk. 1 is piloted by members of theJedi Order when traveling around the city planetof Coruscant. Itsthin, wedge-like design cutsdown on wind resistance, and the navigationsystems are programed to bypass heavy traffic.Red denotesofficial governmentbusiness in theRepublicJedi MasterPlo KoonCaptain Rex and AnakinSkywalker take a turbospeeder to help AhsokaTano when she is falselyaccused of murder.SAFETYFIRSTThe Praxis Mk. 1 turbospeeder is equippedwith collision-detectionsystems to help its pilotavoid accidents. Twinrepulsor generatorsallow the ship to turnupside-down in midair.Symbol of theJedi OrderJedi ColorsAnakin Skywalker andAhsoka Tano’s brightlycolored turbo speedercontrasts with the murkyunderworld of Coruscantas the pair investigate anattack on the Jedi Temple.9
COMFORTRIDE PASSENGER AIRSPEEDERCORUSCANT AIR TAXIDATAFILETYPE:RepulsorcraftMANUFACTURER:HyrotiiCorporationSPEED:191 kph (119 mph)MODEL: ComfortRideLENGTH:10.5 m (34 ft5 in)WEAPONS: NoneTHEREPULSOR-POWEREDComfortRide airspeederis a popular means oftraveling around largecities. Unlike personalvehicles, thispassengertransportis allowed to flyoutside official skylanes.The HyrotiiCorporationalso manufacture thecheaper and less luxuriousEasyRide airspeeder.Air traffic controlsignal receiversinside hullSeating for 4 ormore passengersSAFETRAVELS3 multi-spectrumheadlightsHousing for radialrepulsor steering arrayWhen it comes to the design of the airspeeder,comfort and securityare priorities. A tractorfield holds passengers safely in place. Thereis a forward-facing fin to keep the vehiclestable, while repulsor engines ensure asmooth ride for everyone aboard.ComfortRide CrashDuchess Satine’s Kryze’s ComfortRide istampered with by a group called theDeath Watch. The Duchess and herguards manage to jump to safety—justbefore the speeder crashes!
SPEEDERBUSAIR TRANSPORTDATAFILETYPE:Speeder busMANUFACTURER:GoCorpSPEED:300 kph (186 mph)MODEL: Util-313LENGTH:18 m (59 ft)WEAPONS: NoneTHESESPECIALIZEDSHUTTLESAREused by members of the GalacticSenate, high-ranking Republic militarypersonnel, and the Jedi Order. Theyare designed for travel withincitiesand providepassengers witha luxuriousexperience.Pilot’s cockpitTransparent roofRepulsorengineOFFICIALESCORTShuttle buses are sometimes usedto carry high-ranking officials. On theseoccasions, fighter escorts are deployed by theSenate to accompany the airbus, providing itspassengers with safe passage to their destination.Hero’s WelcomeAfter the Battle of Coruscant, Supreme ChancellorPalpatine, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalkertravel to the Senate Building on a Jedi shuttle bus.The shuttle bus is made usinga see-through material calledtransparisteel. Thisgivespassengers a 360-degree view.11
CORUSCANT FIRE SUPPRESSION SHIPEMERGENCY FIRESPEEDERDATAFILETYPE:SpeederMANUFACTURER:Rothana Heavy EngineeringSPEED:1,100 kph(683 mph)MODEL: F-143LENGTH:36 m (118 ft1 in)WEAPONS: Water spray,foam spray, fire retardantagentsTHEFIRESUPPRESSIONSHIPSare a welcome sight in theskies above the bustling city-planet of Coruscant. They arecrewed by members of theCoruscant Rescue Ops. Thisorganization exists only to servethe greater good of the cityby providing essential disasterrelief whenever necessary.The brave membersof the CoruscantRescue Ops areequipped withradiation-proof suitsand handheld firesuppressionhoses.Pressurizeddousers spraywater or foamDISASTER-READYA fireship’s undercarriage includes anumber of tanks full of water andfoam. It is also equipped with amedical bay, allowing crewmembersto treat serious injuries quickly.Emergency lightsPut out the FlameDuring the Battle of Coruscant, a shipnamed theInvisibleHandcrashes downto the planet’s surface. Fireships spray itwith water to put out the flames.Heat-resistant cockpitWatertanksTractor beamprojectorremoves debris12
CORUSCANT POLICE SPEEDERLAW ENFORCEMENT AIRSPEEDERDATAFILETYPE:SpeederMANUFACTURER:SoroSuubCorporationSPEED:350 kph (217 mph)MODEL: Panther policeinterceptorLENGTH:5.1 m (16 ft8 in)WEAPONS: NonePOLICE SPEEDERSARE Avital part of the securitysystems of Coruscant, andare a common sight in theairways of the great GalacticCity. Unlike most civiliancraft, police speeders arenot bound to airlanes andcan maneuver freely, sothat they can respondto crimes quickly.Police speeders are piloted by501-Z police droids, providedby the SoroSuubCorporation.The droids are programmedto calm dangerous situations.Sirens andemergency lightsBars forprisonertransportTurbineengineSpotlightLAW SPEEDEREach police speeder isoutfitted with a bright spotlighton one side, and featuresflashing red and blue lightsfor emergencies. The rearcompartment serves as atemporary prison cell.On the LookoutWhile escaping from a pair ofmurderous bounty hunters, SenatorPadmé Amidala attracts the attentionof several Coruscant police speeders.
T-16 SKYHOPPERPERSONAL REPULSORLIFT AIRSPEEDERDATAFILETYPE:AirspeederMANUFACTURER:IncomCorporationSPEED:1,200 kph(745 mph)MODEL: T-16HEIGHT10.4 m (34 ft1 in)WEAPONS: CustomizableStabilizing fin wingin tri-wing designPressurized cockpitADD-ONSThe T-16’sthird wing gives itincreased stability. The ship hasoptional weapons upgrades,including stun cannons,pneumatic cannons,and lasercannons.After the fall of the Empire,civilians celebrate in the streets.A T-16 flies over the crowdedstreetsof Mos Eisley.BECAUSEOF ITSSPEEDand its abilityto reach high atmospheres, the T-16Skyhopper is a popular craft choiceacross the galaxy. While theseairspeeders are favored by civilians,their limited weapons capacitymeans they are largely ignoredby the Imperial Military.Ion enginePneumatic projectile gunfor blasting womp ratsToy ShipOwen Lars gives a T-16 to his nephew,Luke Skywalker. Luke also builds a smallmodel version of the ship to play withwhen he doesn’t feel like actually flying.
STAPSINGLE TROOPER AERIAL PLATFORMDATAFILETYPE:Repulsorlift craftMANUFACTURER:BaktoidArmor WorkshopSPEED:400 kph (248 mph)MODEL: Single TrooperAerial PlatformHEIGHT:2.1 m (6 ft10 in)WEAPONS: 2 blaster cannonsTHESTAPISA POPULAR CRAFTusedon many worlds for both military andcivilian transport. Itssimplicity allows forreliable, but inexpensive, construction.However, during combat, the STAP’slackof shielding leads to a high casualtyrate among pilots—mainlyexpendabledroid units.Blaster cannonEnergy-cell powereddrive turbinesDROID VEHICLESTAPsare the vehicle of choice fordroid armies. The craft’sonboardcomputer syncs with the droidcontrol station for more coordinated,efficient maneuvers.Stability footlocksA prisonwarden and enemyof the Republic, Osi Sobeckattempts to lead a droid forceinto battle aboard a STAP.Naboo InvasionThe Trade Federation adopts STAPsaspart of its military. The organization reliesheavily on these vehicles in its ill-fatedinvasion of Naboo.15
HMP DROID GUNSHIPHEAVY MISSILE PLATFORMDATAFILETYPE:GunshipMANUFACTURER:BaktoidFleet OrdnanceSPEED:600 kph (373 mph)MODEL: Heavy MissilePlatformdroid gunshipLENGTH:12.4 m (40 ft8 in)WEAPONS: Multi-missileracks, wingtip lasercannons, 2 laser cannonturrets,antipersonnellaser cannonALSO KNOWN ASthe HMP Predator,this gunship is avessel in only thestrictestsense. Itrequires no pilotand instead usesan advanced droidbrain to think foritself—while alwaysremaining loyal tothe Separatists.Reactor coreAir PressureHMPs play a large part in theSeparatists’ oppression of the planetOnderon. One squadron almost wipesout the entire planet’s resistance force.Missile-guidancerangefinderPhotoreceptor“eye”Mission-specificmissilesNEAR OR FARHMPs are adaptablefor a range of missionprofiles. Different laser cannons are fittedon the basis of whether an assault willbe long range or at close quarters.16Rotating lasercannon turretThe HMPgunships are partof the vast Separatistforcesduring the Battle of Kashyyyk.
LAATLOW ALTITUDE ASSAULT TRANSPORTDATAFILETYPE:RepulsorliftgunshipMANUFACTURER:RothanaHeavy EngineeringSPEED:620 kph (385 mph)MODEL: LAAT,LAATi,LAATcLENGTH:28.8 m (94 ft6 in)WEAPONS: 2 swivellaser cannonsTHEDEPENDABLE LAAT ISone of the Republic’smain deployment craft. Heavily armored andhighly maneuverable, this war transport is oftensent into combat under fire. Itcan glide through astorm of lasers to safely land its cargo and troops.Boost chamberBRANCH OUTThe LAAT is originallydesigned forlow-atmosphereflights, giving it a distinctadvantage over mosthigh-altitude fighters innear-ground combat.However, later models areable to make short tripsthrough deep space.GunnerSwivel lasercannonMaking a MarkThe standard LAATi can carry 30 clone troopersinto battle. These clone trooper squads oftendecorate the sides of their LAATi with art.17The LAATcis rigged with dockingclamps to haul AT-TEsinto battle.
PTEROPTERMSP80 HOVER PODDATAFILETYPE:SpeederMANUFACTURER:GallofreeAerial ProductsSPEED:30 kph (18 mph)MODEL: MSP80LENGTH:4.1 m (13 ft5 in)WEAPONS: Rotary repeatingblaster cannon, 2 lasercannonsTHEPTEROPTERHOVER PODis bulky andunresponsive compared to most other speeders.However, its ability to switch between vertical andhorizontal thrustis unmatched by any other vehicleof its class. The rotating blaster can pivot in anydirection, independent of the speeder.ON THEHUNTPteropters aretraditionally used inmining operations,but these floatingspeeders becomepopular amongstTrandoshan hunters.Tally ofsuccessfulcapturesProtectivemeshA Trandoshannamed Garnacflies a customizedPteropter during hishunts. Itis paintedto look like aferocious beast.Headlightshelp keepprey in viewTow hook and line fortethering small craftBig GameWhen Ahsoka Tano is imprisoned onthe moon Wasskah, she finds herselfhunted by several Trandoshans.They use these unique speedersto navigate the jungle terrain.Rotary repeatingblaster cannon
WOOKIEE CATAMARANOEVVAOR JET CATAMARANDATAFILETYPE:SpeederMANUFACTURER:Appazanna EngineeringWorksSPEED:370 kph (596 mph)MODEL: OevvaorLENGTH:15.1 m (49 ft6 in)WEAPONS: Blaster cannon,missile launcher (optional)OEVVAOR CATAMARANS ARE NAMEDafter a ferocioussea creature from the planet Kashyyyk. They are usedby civilians on the Wookiee homeworld, and arerepurposed into military machines when the Clone Warsbegin. These speeders can travel in both air and water.Dual ruddersOevvaor catamarans areput into use during theBattle of Kashyyyk.Two seats per hullPushrod links rudderto steering controlsPodracer-style enginesIN FLIGHTThe Oevvaorcatamarans’ twinrepulsor generatorsprovide thrust,whilea small rotor aidsupward flight.Armored windshieldsoffer passengerslimited protection.Hull made from thewood of wroshyr trees19Armed for WarThe Oevvaors are not originally outfittedwith any weapons. However, after theSeparatist Alliance invades Kashyyyk,missile launchers and repeating blastersare added to the design.
SNOWSPEEDERREBEL AIRSPEEDERDATAFILETYPE:Reconnaissance craftMANUFACTURER:IncomCorporationSPEED:1,100 kph (683mph)MODEL: Modified T-47AirspeederLENGTH:5.3 m (17 ft5 in)WEAPONS:Harpoon gunand towcable, 2 lasercannonsMEETTHEENEMY OFthe Imperial walker. Thisseeminglysimple airspeeder, modified for cold temperatures, isnot well armed or shielded. However, its handy towcables, added for non-combat purposes, earn thishumble airship an honored place in the historybooks after the Battle of Hoth.Harpoon gunBASE SEARCHESThe rebels use the swift andmaneuverable snowspeedersfor searches, usually to scoutaround planetary bases.Laser cannonRebel DefenseThese low-altitude ships were never built forcombat purposes. When the Empire strikeswith full force in the Battle of Hoth, the rebelsfight back with whatever is at their disposal.20Ina decisive maneuver, Wedge Antillesties his snowspeeder’s cable around anAT-AT’slegs, tangling them up andmaking the walker fall to the ground.
CLOUD CARCLOUD CITY PATROL VEHICLEDATAFILETYPE:AtmosphericrepulsorcraftMANUFACTURER:BespinMotorsSPEED:1,500 kph(932 mph)MODEL: StormIV Twin-PodLENGTH:7 m (22 ft11 in)WEAPONS: 2 light blastercannonsTHESKIESOVERBespin are constantlydotted with thisunusual vehicle.Developed locallywithin the system byBespin Motors, thedistinctive, twin-podcloud car achievesa low orbit by usingits repulsorlift system.Pilot’s pod witharmored canopyKeepers of PeaceThe cloud cars are used as peacekeepingvehicles. They soar through theatmosphere of the gas giant Bespin,patrolling the airways andmonitoring incoming traffic tothe planet’s mining colonies.Gunner ingunner’s podRepulsorlift engineArmor-platedshellBlastercannonDOUBLE ROLEThe ship is crewed by apilot and a gunner. Eachpod has all the equipmentnecessary to serve eitherrole—a useful strategyin case one pod isever damaged.21When Han Solo flies theMillenniumFalconinto Cloud City, cloud carsescort the ship to the landing pad.
TIESTRIKERTIE/SK ATMOSPHERIC FIGHTERDATAFILETYPE:Atmospheric fighterMANUFACTURER:SienarFleet SystemsSPEED:1,500 kph (932 mph)MODEL: Twin Ion Enginestrikerx1LENGTH:17.1 m (56 ft1 in)HYPERDRIVE:NoneWEAPONS: 4 laser cannons,2 heavy laser cannons,proton bomb chuteTHETIESTRIKERHASa more aerodynamic designthan the standard TIEfighter, as it is specificallycreated to operate within a planet’s atmosphere.Thismakes it ideal for running patrol missions overplanetary installations. Strikersare a common sightin the skies of worlds controlled by Imperials.When rebelsattack the Imperialinstallation atScarif,TIEstrikersare scrambled toserve as defense.Solar energycollector panelsMount can changeangle of wingsLarger central pod thanconventional TIEfightersHeavy laser cannonProtectionIn addition to acting aspatrol and defense ships,TIEstrikersare often usedas escort vehicles. Theyprotect more vulnerabletroop transports, suchas the TIEreaper.22EXTRA SPACEThe TIEstriker featuresa more spaciouscockpit than the TIEfighter. There is enoughroom for an optionalgunner station to beinstalled. Itswings canangle downward toadd extra protectionto the cockpit.
TIEREAPERTWIN ION ENGINE REAPERDATAFILETYPE:DropshipMANUFACTURER:SienarFleet SystemsSPEED:950 kph (590 mph)MODEL: TwinIon EnginereaperLENGTH:33.9 m (111 ft2 in)HYPERDRIVE:NoneWEAPONS: 2laser cannonsSTREAMLINEDFORmaximum speedwithin a planetaryatmosphere, the TIEreaper is designedfor deploying troopsin the heat of battle.Itis not primarily acombat vessel, andis less heavily armedthan other TIEvariants,so sometimes travelswith a powerful escortof TIEstrikers.Access hatchMagnatoniclocking mechanismDiving BoardA ramp at the front of the TIEreaper allows it to drop its troopswithout landing—as seen overwater in the Battle of Scarif.SolarcollectorDeploymentrampReapers are sometimesused to deploy the eliteImperial soldiers knownas death troopers.ARTIC CONDITIONSMuch like the TIEstriker,the reaperhas articulated wings to assist withrapid vertical takeoff and landing.23
ANAKIN’S PODRACERBOONTA EVE CLASSIC WINNERDATAFILETYPE:RepulsorcraftMANUFACTURER:CustomSPEED:947 kph (588 mph)MODEL: PodracerLENGTH:7 m (22 ft11 in)WEAPONS: NoneYOUNG ANAKINSkywalkerbuilds his own podracer outof discarded machine partsthat nobody else wants.In his talented hands, thesecast-off pieces gain a newlife, and his podracerbecomes one of the fastestand most maneuverable everbuilt. Only someone withAnakin’s deep connection tothe Force can pilot it.JAWA JUNKAnakin’s podracer isutterly unique. One ofits engines was builtfrom junk, while theother was bought fromJawas. It uses a one-of-a-kind fuel-injectionsystem that Anakindesigned himself.Steelton control cableCockpit seats oneEnergy binder arcOptimistic RacerDespite never having finished a race,Anakin convinces the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinnthat he can win the Boonta Eve Classic.He does so, and his winnings pay forvital repairs to Queen Amidala’s ship.Triple airscoopsJar Jar Binks gets ashock when he getstoo close to theelectrical binders inAnakin’s podracer!26
SEBULBA’SPODRACERCHAMPION SHIPDATAFILETYPE:RepulsorcraftMANUFACTURER:CustomSPEED:829 kph (515 mph)MODEL: PodracerLENGTH:7.5 m (24 ft7 in)WEAPONS: Flamethrowers,magna-spikes, ion disruptersSEBULBA’SBRIGHTORANGEpodracer isa famous sight on the racetracks of Tatooine.Sebulba has no problem with cheating, and hasinstalled illegal modifications tohelp him win. He is consideredalmost unbeatable—untilhe faces Anakin Skywalkerin the Boonta Eve Classic.CockpitEnergybinder arcWINNING WAYSSebulba uses special fuel to givehis podracer an added edge.The vehicle is also equipped withnumerous weapons so Sebulbacan neutralize his opponents.Air intakeSebulba’s podracer blows apartwhen he triesto force hiscompetition off the racetrack.The cheat escapes unharmed.Stabilizingvane27Fast and FuriousWhen racing young Anakin Skywalker,Sebulba rams his challenger’s smallerpodracer repeatedly. Anakin is the only otherentrant who stands a chance of beating him.
MAUL’S SPEEDERBIKESPEEDER FOR A SITHDATAFILETYPE:RepulsorcraftMANUFACTURER:RazalonSPEED:650 kph (403 mph)MODEL: FC-20speeder bikeLENGTH:1.6 m(5 ft3 in)WEAPONS:NoneTHESITHLORD DARTH MAULpilots a modifiedFC-20 on the planet Tatooine. Capable of pin-sharp turns,this compact speeder bike is popularwith assassins and other criminals, who wouldbe easier to track on larger vehicles.Repulsorlift enginecompartmentSMALLPROBLEMSItssmall size makes theFC-20 stealthy, but leaveslimited room for engines.Consequently, it needsfrequent recharging.Steering controlsPilot’s seatFootholdsDarth Maul calls his modifiedFC-20 Bloodfin. He has strippedit of all weapons and sensorsto make it lighter and faster.Duel ControlWhen Darth Maul leaps fromhis FC-20 to duel Jedi MasterQui-Gon Jinn, the speederbike comes to an immediatestop, sensing that its pilotis no longer aboard.28
FLITKNOTSPEEDERDOOKU’S SPEEDERDATAFILETYPE:RepulsorcraftMANUFACTURER:Huppla Pasa TiscShipwrights CollectiveSPEED:634 kph (394 mph)MODEL: FlitknotspeederLENGTH:3.2 m (10 ft 6 in)WEAPONS: NoneAltitudecontrolsTHESTANDARD FLITKNOTspeeder isdesigned for scouting missions andis not equipped with weapons.However, Geonosian dronesmay ride flitknotspeeders intobattle, firingtheir handheldsonic blasters.Rear-viewdisplayStabilizerfinCOUNT’S CRAFTDooku’s flitknot speeder hasbeen modified for non-Geonosians. While travelingon his speeder, he is oftenescorted by starfighters.FootholdStolen SpeederAnakin Skywalker steals Dooku’sFlitknot and uses it to travel acrossthe Dune Sea of Tatooine.SithLord CountDooku uses hismodified Flitknotspeeder to fleeRepublic forcesin the firstBattleof Geonosis.29
BARC SPEEDERBIKERADVANCED RECON COMMANDO SPEEDERDATAFILETYPE:SpeederMANUFACTURER:AratechRepulsor CompanySPEED:520 kph (323 mph)MODEL: Biker AdvancedRecon Commando speederLENGTH:4.6 m (15 ft1 in)WEAPONS: 2 lightblaster cannonsAirscoopStabilizer finTHISPOWERFUL SPEEDERBIKEis designed for use by ARC(Advanced Recon Commando)troopers, but goes on to bepiloted by other Republicfighters during the CloneWars. Ideal for scoutingmissions, it is also usedby police patrols onCoruscant.Anakin SkywalkerOne of twothrustersLightblastercannonCHOOSING SIDESBARC speeders can be customized withmission-specific sidecars. These includestretchers and gunner pods, which canreverse direction to fire backwards.Clone troopers pilot BARCspeeders alongside Jedi StassAllie, seconds before Order 66compels them to betray her.Battle BikeAnakin Skywalker and AhsokaTano ride a BARC speeder witha sidecar as they lead the 501stBattalion into combat. Theirmission:to defend the Togruta colony ofKiros from Separatist battle droids.
FREECO BIKECK-6 SWOOP BIKEDATAFILETYPE:RepulsorcraftMANUFACTURER:Bespin MotorsSPEED:440 kph(273 mph)MODEL: CK-6 swoopLENGTH:5.8 m (19 ft)WEAPONS: Twinlaser cannonsNICKNAMED “FREECO” BECAUSEITis used infreezing cold conditions, the CK-6 swoop bike isdesigned for use by clone cold assault troopers.Ithas an enclosed, heated cockpit, but the restof the bike remains at risk of freezing.Heated cockpitThrusterMulti-spectrumheadlightsSNOW WAY INThe thrusterson the CK-6have electrostatic bafflesto keep ice and snow out,and heaters intended tostop the engines freezing.These measures have onlylimited success, however.Repulsor grappleLanding skiIce ExplorersClone Captain Rex wears specialcold-weather gear to go with his CK-6on the icy world of Orto Plutonia.31Freeco bikes are mostly used for scoutingand reconnaisance missions on icy worlds.They are armed with twin laser cannons,but are of little use in combat situations.
UNDICUR-CLASSJUMPSPEEDERJEDI SPEEDER BIKEDATAFILETYPE:RepulsorliftvehicleMANUFACTURER:KuatVehiclesSPEED:250 kph (155 mph)MODEL:Undicur-classLENGTH:1.8 m (5 ft11 in)WEAPONS: NoneTHEUNDICUR-CLASSJUMPSPEEDERis generallyused as an emergency vehicle. Produced byKuat Vehicles before the Clone Wars, theyare used by the Jedi, then by civilians duringthe time of the Empire. These jumpspeedersare quick, light, and easy to deploy, but theylack weapons and shields.Simple controlsSabine Wren pilots anUndicur-class jumpspeeder whilefleeing Imperials on Lothal.Padawan RescueA Force wielder known as “the Son”traps Obi-Wan Kenobi in a fieryvolcano. Ahsoka Tano uses herjumpspeeder to help him escape.Low-outputrepulsorlift engineSmall luggage capacityCONTROLSFoot pedalsJumpspeeders fold up into abox-like shape. Pedal footpadscontrol speed, while the altitudecontrols are located on handlebars.32
MANDALORIAN SPEEDERBALUTAR-CLASSSWOOPDATAFILETYPE:RepulsorcraftMANUFACTURER:MandalMotorsMODEL: Balutar-classswoopLENGTH:2.6 m (8 ft6 in)WEAPONS: NoneMANUFACTUREDON MANDALORE,theBalutar-classswoop is an easy-to-fly speeder bike with a powerfulengine. Itis designed with the center of gravitydirectly beneath the pilot for faster response times.DuchessSatine KryzePOWER UPThe swoop’s powergenerator is builtinto the front section.It can be adaptedfor patrol duty withthe addition of twinblaster cannons.StoragecompartmentNeed for SpeedAirscoopPedalcontrolsObi-Wan Kenobi and Duchess SatineKryze ride a Mandalorian speeder onMandalore as they try to escape theplanet’s super commando troops.The Mandaloriansplinter group DeathWatch uses Balutar-class swoops on thesnowy Outer Rimworld of Carlac.33
STARHAWK SPEEDERCIVILIAN STALWARTDATAFILETYPE:RepulsorcraftMANUFACTURER:Ikas-AdnoSPEED:665 kph (414 mph)MODEL: Speeder bikeLENGTH:3.4 m (13 ft1 in)WEAPONS: Available with1 medium blaster cannonor 2 light blastersFAST,UPGRADEABLE,and easy to drive, thisnon-military speederis also very affordableon the second-handmarket. No wonderit is one of the mostpopular models ofspeeder in the galaxy!Obi-Wan Kenobi and thepirate Hondo Ohnaka rideinto the sulfurdeserts ofFlorrum,on the hunt forDarth Maul’s downed ship.Passenger seatEASY RIDERMultiple sensors builtinto the front tip of thespeeder guaranteea smooth ride, whilerear stabilizers giveit exceptionalbalance.Sidecar onsome modelsCustom paintworkStabilizer skiBiker GangTurkFalso leads members ofHondo Ohnaka’s Weequaypirate gang into battle withclones led by CommanderStone and Jar Jar Binks.
NIGHTSISTERSPEEDERMYSTERY CRAFTDATAFILETYPE:RepulsorcraftMANUFACTURER:UbrikkianTransportsSPEED:650 kph (404 mph)MODEL: Speeder bikeLENGTH:5.8 m (19 ft)WEAPONS: 2 heavy blastercannons, 2 laser cannonsTHISNIGHTSISTERCRAFT ISan unusual variationon speeder bike design. Used by the mysteriousNightsisters of Dathomir, it features an angularengine and a passenger pod, both branchingoff a central pilot’s pod. Little is known aboutit—the Nightsisters rarely share their secrets.Asajj Ventress travels in aNightsisterspeeder acrossDathomir to the villageof the Nightbrothers.BUILTFOR TWOHeavy armor protects theNightsister speeder. Dual controlsallow a passenger to take overin an emergency.Armored enginePassengercarriageSavageSelectedWhen the Nightsister AsajjVentress chooses SavageOpress to become a livingweapon, she takes himaway from his village ina Nightsister speeder.Asajj VentressFootholdSensor array35
74-Z SPEEDERBIKESCOUT SPEEDERDATAFILETYPE:RepulsorcraftMANUFACTURER:AratechRepulsor CompanySPEED:500 kph (310 mph)MODEL: Speeder bikeLENGTH:3.3 m (10 ft10 in)WEAPONS: Blaster cannonTHE74-Z SPEEDERISthe Imperial standardfor speeders, and is mostoften used by specializedscout troopers. Stripped ofall excess weight, it offersvirtually no protection foritsdriver, but is capableof high speeds.Scout trooperAn earlier model of speeder,the 614-AvA, is a commonsight on Imperial-controlledworlds such as Lothal.COMPLETE CONTROLThe speeder bike’s steering andblaster cannon are controlled witha pair of handlebars. Itsspeed andaltitude are maintained using thetwo foot pedals.ManeuvercontrolsSteeringvanesBlastercannonRepulsorliftengineForest ChaseOn the forest moon ofEndor, Leia Organa and LukeSkywalker steal a 74-Z. Theyuse their speeders to chasefleeing Imperial scouts.36
JOBEN T-85 SPEEDERLIMITED-EDITION BIKEDATAFILETYPE:RepulsorcraftMANUFACTURER:ZebulonDak Speeder CorporationSPEED:475 kph (295 mph)MODEL: Speeder bikeLENGTH:2.4 m (7 ft10 in)WEAPONS: EMP emitterA POWERFUL, LOW-RIDING SPEEDERwith a sleekdesign, the Joben T-85 is named for famous swoopracer Thall Joben. The T-85 is highly prized amongspeeder bike enthusiasts as it is produced in alimited volume, and each one isengraved with Joben’s signature.KananJarrusBrakeMoll K-19 powergeneratorDusat EMPemitterBEAM POWERThe rear of the Joben T-85 isequipped with a tractor beam.Itsdouble-battery system isfed by solar energy.Trick CyclistSteering finOn the planet Lothal, Kanan Jarrusshows off his riding skills by flippingbackward in the seat of his T-85and shooting at the stormtroopersthat are pursuing him.Ezra and Kanan ridea T-85 speeder intothe Attolon wastes insearch of the Force-sensitive Bendu.37
REY’S SPEEDERDESERT TRANSPORTDATAFILETYPE:RepulsorcraftMANUFACTURER:CustomSPEED:420 kph (261 mph)MODEL: Speeder bikeLENGTH:3.7 m (12 ft2 in)WEAPONS: NoneTHISBULKY SPEEDERis truly one of a kind.Itis custom-built fromscavenged parts thatRey has found in theStarship Graveyard onJakku. Itsrepulsorlifts,for example, are takenfrom the wreckage ofdowned X-wings.Heat exchange ventRey’s salvage bagPilot’s seatRey’s speeder can haul heavysalvage, but mostly carriessmall items in loose nets.Stabilizer vaneLOAD OFHOT AIRA vent on the topof Rey’s speederexpels heat, whilethe large grilleon the front servesas an air intake.Steering exhaust nozzlesPersonalTouchRey’s speeder isequipped with a riderinterface. Thismeansthat the speederwon’t start withouta valid fingerprint.Rey is the only onewho can ride it!38
LANDSPEEDERSPERSONAL REPULSORCRAFTDATAFILETYPE:RepulsorcraftMANUFACTURER:VariesSPEED:VariesMODEL: VariesLENGTH:VariesWEAPONS: RareLANDSPEEDERSARE CHEAPand fast, which makesthem popular for shortjourneys.They use repulsortechnology to hover justabove the ground, butcannot rise to any greatheight. Some models canbe unreliable and needa lot of maintenance.Turbine engineEzra Bridger and KananJarrususe a landspeederfor transporton their wayto train Sabine Wren inlightsaber combat.WindshieldRepulsorcooling ventsGetaway CarThe RGC-18 landspeeder is popular on theplanet Lothal. A gang of rebels use oneto escape from an Imperial complex there.FASTFASHIONMost landspeeders quickly lose their valuewhen newer models go on sale. Ten yearsinto the Empire’s reign, the V-35 courierspeeder is a cheap model, often found onOuter Rim planets like Lothal and Tatooine.39
GIAN SPEEDERROYAL GUARD VEHICLEDATAFILETYPE:RepulsorliftvehicleMANUFACTURER:SoroSuubCorporationSPEED:160 kph (99 mph)MODEL: GianLENGTH:5.7 m (18 ft8 in)WEAPONS: Laser cannonsGIAN SPEEDERSARE COMMONon wealthy worldsand see action during the Invasion of Naboo. Manyyears later, they are used by the Resistance forpatrols. Mechanics constantly work to maintainthem, as by this point they are extremely outdated.The Naboo RoyalGuard’s vehicle ofchoice is the GianSpeeder. They aremainly used forcrowd control.EXTRAPROTECTIONThe Gian speeder’s medium-grade hullplating and reinforced armor make itvery resiliant. Each laser cannon hasits own power unit, allowing itto operate even if the speeder’smain power generatoris damaged.EnlargedprotectivewindshieldCockpit can hold apilot, gunner, andtwo passengersStreamlinedthrustersSide-mountedlaser cannonDroid BlastIn an emergency, Gianspeeders can be mountedwith heavy-strike cannons.They are used to fire onTrade Federation AATsduring the Battle of Naboo.
CLONE SWAMP SPEEDERINFANTRY SUPPORT PLATFORM SPEEDERDATAFILETYPE:RepulsorcraftMANUFACTURER:UulshosManufacturingSPEED:100 kph (62 mph)MODEL: ISPLENGTH:5 m (16 ft5 in)WEAPONS: 2 twin blastercannonsTHEISP SPEEDERISa repulsor-powered platformdesigned for patrolling swampy regions. Thisleads toit being nicknamed the “swamp speeder” by clonetroopers. Built from the foundation of a standard BARCspeeder, it can operate on almost any terrain, whichmakes it useful in a range of combat scenarios.Housing for rearmounted turbofanRight-handpilot’s seatSTRONGSPEEDERThe speeder relies uponits mighty turbofan andrepulsors to movequickly and smoothlyover the battlefield. Itspowerful twin blastercannons can disablemuch larger vehicles.RepulsorliftSwiveling twinblaster cannonsScouting AheadDuring the last Battle of Felucia, clonespatrol sectors of the planet in swamp speeders.They are on the lookout for any sign of droids.41Clone troopers use swamp speeders whilebattling the Separatist forces on Kashyyyk.These vehicles help the soldiers repel thelarger siege vehicles of the droid army.
MANDALORIAN POLICESPEEDERBUIRK’ALOR-CLASSSPEEDERDATAFILETYPE:SpeederMANUFACTURER:MandalMotorsSPEED:280 kph (174 mph)MODEL: Buirk’alor-classLENGTH:10.1 m (33 ft1 in)WEAPONS: NoneLAW ENFORCEMENTONMandalore is the job of theMandalorian Guard. Itsofficers travel in these small,enclosed speeders, whichcan often be seen on patrolin the skylanes of the planet’sdomed capital city,Sundari.They have flashing emergencylights on top and prominentpolice markings on all sides.Emergency lightsWraparound viewportThe Mandalorian guard isdedicated to safety andsecurityof all citizens.Members are recruited fromevery Mandalorian clan.MandalorianGuard emblemGull-wingdoor“Police” inthe Mando’alanguagePOLICE, OPEN UP!The speeder’s front and back viewportsslide apart for access, with a pair ofgull-wing doors lifting up to admitthe pilot and up to three passengers.Tea TroubleWhen poisoned tea makes several Sundarichildren ill, Mandalore’s leader, DuchessSatine Kryze, investigates. She is able toacquire a police speeder for her work.
LUKE’S LANDSPEEDERX-34 LANDSPEEDERDATAFILETYPE:SpeederMANUFACTURER:SoroSuubCorporationSPEED:250 kph (155 mph)MODEL: X-34LENGTH:3.4 m (11 ft 1 in)WEAPONS: NoneLUKESKYWALKER’SX-34landspeeder is usedheavily over the years.Unsurprisingly,it graduallyundergoes many repairsand small modifications,which set it apart from afactory model X-34. Despitethis,the vehicle is not worthmuch—most people prefernewer models.ThrustturbineOLD RIDEThere are signs of wearand tear on Luke’sspeeder. it is missing thecowling for one of itsturbines, has some dents,and is in need of a newpaint job. Beforeleaving Tatooine,Luke still managesto sell the vehiclefor 2,000 credits.Luke uses his X-34 landspeederto race across the deserts ofTatooine. He mustfind R2-D2before hisuncle discoversthedroid is missing.Repulsorvent grillesDent from racingNo Time to LoseWhen Luke realizes his aunt and uncleare in danger, he rushes home in hislandspeeder. Unfortunately, heis too late to save them from beingdestroyed by Imperial stormtroopers.
CANTO BIGHTPOLICE SPEEDERJET-STICK PATROL CRAFTDATAFILETYPE:RepulsorliftcraftMANUFACTURER:TrochiliadMotorsMODEL: Zephyr GB-134LENGTH:2.98 m (9 ft 9 in)WEAPONS: 2 anti-personnel laser cannonsTHENARROW, WINDING STREETSof Canto Bight’s OldTown are no place for cumbersome speeders. Instead,the Canto Bight Police Department uses nimble craftknown as jet-sticksto keep the peace and chaseafter troublemakers. Most criminals quickly realizethat trying to run from a jet-stick is a waste of time.Operator pylonRepulsorgenerating framePolice HeadquartersThe Canto Bight Police Department (CBPD)headquarters is also the main base for theforce’s jet-stick vehicles. From here theycan quickly reach the site of any trouble.ManeuveringrepulsorsLaser cannonAs Finn and Rose discover, theCanto Bight Police Departmenttakes trespassing very seriously.44TIGHTCORNERSBefore its artificial sea wasconstructed, Canto Bight wasan ancient city in the middleof a desert. Small, agilejet-sticksare perfect for thecramped alleyways thatsnake through theOld Town.
SKI SPEEDERV-4X-DDATAFILETYPE:Low-altituderepulsorcraftMANUFACTURER:RocheMachinesMODEL: V-4X-D ski speederWIDTH:11.5 m (37 ft9 in)WEAPONS: 2 medium lasercannonsTHESERUSTY-LOOKING CRAFTwere once high-speed sports vehicles. Bought by cash-strappedrebels and turned into simple patrol speeders,they were then left to decay on the planet Crait.Decades later, they are all that separates theResistance from certain defeat.In a desperate move, asquadron of rickety ski speedersled by Poe Dameron charges atthe FirstOrder army on Crait.Heat exchangerThrustvector ringOpen cockpitMedium laser cannonSKIINGINTO BATTLEThe ski speeder is kept stable by a largeski, known as a halofoil, that extendsfrom the vehicle into the ground. OnCrait, the ski digs through the white saltsurface and throws up red dust fromthe crystals beneath.Desperate DeserterFinn was trained to pilot speeders whenhe was a FirstOrder stormtrooper. He nowuses that training to battle his former allies.45
MTTMULTI-TROOP TRANSPORTDATAFILETYPE:RepulsorcraftMANUFACTURER:Baktoid Armor WorkshopSPEED:35 kph (22 mph)MODEL: Multi-TroopTransportLENGTH:31 m (101 ft8 in)WEAPONS: 2 twin blastercannonsTHISLUMBERING TROOP TRANSPORTis packed with112 battle droids, and is used by the Trade Federationin its invasion of Naboo. Itsdroid cargo is inactive, butcan be woken in seconds by a signal from a DroidControl Ship overhead. Later versions of the MTTscarryautonomous Separatist droids during the Clone Wars.SeparatistinsigniaNOW IN COLORTrade Federation MTTsare a rustybrown color, while the laterSeparatist versions are usuallypainted white and blue. Some ofthese later models are adaptedto carry super battle droids.Main troopdeployment hatchTwinblastercannonTransport TransporterHeavy-dutyrepulsorWhen the Trade Federation invades Naboo,it transports its fleet of MTTsin the hangar baysof an enormous battleship. Theiradvance ishalted only when the Droid Control Ship isdestroyed, stopping the droids from moving.The Jedi General Mace Windu has tocontend with Separatist MTTsin thebattle for control of the planet Ryloth.46
AAT BATTLETANKARMORED ASSAULT TANKDATAFILETYPE:RepulsorliftvehicleMANUFACTURER:BaktoidArmor WorkshopSPEED:55 kph (34 mph)MODEL: AAT-1LENGTH:9.75 m (32 ft)WEAPONS: 1 heavylaser cannon, 2 lateralrange-finding lasers, 6energy shell projectilelaunchers, 2 lateralantipersonnel lasersTHEARMORED ASSAULTTANKfigures prominentlyduring the Trade Federation’s invasion of Naboo.Although the invasion fails, the formidableAAT is considered a huge success, andit becomes a key componentof Separatist forces.Heavy laser cannonFront hatchLateralantipersonnellasersEASY ACCESSThe AAT maincompartment canbe accessed by afront-facing hatchor a rear exit ramp.The tank commander’scompartment is separatefrom the rest of the tank interior.Energy shellprojectile launchersTrainingCaptured AAT come inhandy during Saw Gerrera’sresistance training on theplanet Onderon—a worldcontrolled by Separatists.47During the Invasion of Naboo,AATsfire upon the energy shieldprotecting the Gungan Grand Army.
DEFOLIATOR TANKDEFOLIATOR DEPLOYMENT TANK / DDTDATAFILETYPE:TankMANUFACTURER:Lok DurdSPEED:55 kph (34 mph)MODEL: ModifiedArmored Assault TankLENGTH:12.5 m (41 ft)WEAPONS: Turret-mounteddefoliator missile launcher,6 energy shell launchers,2 range-finding lasers,2 antipersonnel lasersTHISMODIFIED TANK IScapable of destroying organiclife without damaging nearby buildings or machines.Itlaunches biological warheads from a special defoliatorcannon designed by the Separatist general Lok Durd.Separatist cyborgGeneral Grievousorders a defoliatorstrike against theNightsisterson theplanet Dathomir.DefoliatorcannonRange-finding laserFOR FOUREach DDT requiresfour battle droids tofunction: one pilot,one gunner, anda pair of defoliatormissile loaders.Repulsorlift cowlEnergy shelllaunch tubePreserved VillageWhen the DDT is tested on the planetMaridun, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalkeruses an energy shield to save the targetvillage from its devastating effects.48
SUPER TANKPOWERFUL PROTOTYPEDATAFILETYPE:RepulsorcraftMANUFACTURER:BaktoidArmor WorkshopSPEED:40 kph (25 mph)MODEL: Super tankLENGTH:12.6 m (41 ft4 in)WEAPONS: 2 twinblaster cannons,2 twin lasercannon turrets,concealed twinwarheadlaunchersDESPERATETO REGAIN GROUND,the Separatistsdevelop a new form of battle craft—experimentalsuper tanks with ray shielding. They are virtuallyunstoppable, with no known weapon able topenetrate their defenses.Twin warheadlaunchersHEAVY DUTYHeavy armor andray-shieldingtechnology makethe super tank slowbut sturdy. Some ofthe armor platingretracts to reveal twinwarhead launchers.TwinblastercannonConfederacy ofIndependentSystems logoNo Way OutJedi Knight Anakin Skywalker is pinneddown by an overwhelming force of supertanks during an attack on the Separatists’weapons factory on the planet Geonosis.Twin lasercannon turretA super tank underthe control of JediPadawans BarrissOffee and AhsokaTano destroys theweapons factoryon Geonosis fromthe inside.49
STUNTANKMOBILE ION CANNONDATAFILETYPE:TankMANUFACTURER:RothanaHeavy EngineeringSPEED: 90 kph (56 mph)MODEL: RX-200 Falchion-class assault tankLENGTH:28.6 m(93 ft10 in)WEAPONS: Ion cannon,2 antipersonnel blastersTHISREPUBLICTANK ISprimarily an anti-aircraftweapon. Itsion cannondrains energy from theships it targets, leavingthem helpless. Despitebeing designed for useagainst droid vehicles,the tank sees little useduring the Clone Wars.TURBOLASERTECHThe design of the stun tank is anextension of technology used inthe much larger SPHA-T.Stuntanks are deployed by theRepublic in the Battle ofMalastare, and are twice usedto incapacitate the enormousZillo Beast—once on Malastareand then on Coruscant.Ion cannonViewportHeavilyarmored hullIon GiantStuntanks must be used withcare to avoid bringing downships on your own position.50When the Zillo Beast rises from the depthsof Malastare, Anakin Skywalker orders stuntanks to blast it with ion energy. Eventually,sustained fire subdues the giant creature.
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