Table No. Content 5.1 Availability of Veterinary Services, 2019-20 & 2020-21 5.2 Veterinary Services available and Services Rendered by Mandals, 2020-21 5.3 Livestock and Poultry Population according to Livestock Census, 2012 & 2019 5.4 Livestock and Poultry Population by Mandals according to Livestock Census 2019 5.5 Agricultural Machinery and Implements according to Livestock Census 2019 5.6 Dairy Development, 2019-20 & 2020-21 5.7 Production of Milk, Meat, Chicken, Eggs & Wool by Mandals, 2020-21 5.8 Classification of Water Bodies and Fishermen Activities by Mandals, 2020-21 5.9 Production of Inland Fish and Prawn by Spices, 2018-19 TO 2020-21 5.10 Inland Fish and Prawn Production by Mandals during 2020-21 80
TABLE - 5.1 AVAILABILITY OF VETERINARY SERVICES, 2019-20 and 2020-21 Sl. No. Particulars Unit 2019-20 2020-21 3 45 12 Nos. 0 0 1 Super Specialty Veterinary Hospitals 2 District VeterinaryHospital Nos. 0 0 3 Area Veterinary Hospital Nos. 2 2 4 Primary Veterinary Centre Nos. 19 19 5 Mobile Veterinary Clinics Nos. 0 1 6 Sub Centre (Animal Health) Nos. 29 29 Total 50 51 7 Number of Cases treated (excluding Livestock farms) ‘000s. 0 0 a) In-Patient ‘000s. 619.62 671.53 b) Out-Patient 619.62 671.53 Total (a+b) ‘000s. 8 Number of Castrations ‘000s. 5.73 4.65 9 Number of Vaccinations 1360.55 2536.95 10 Number of Artificial Inseminations ‘000s. a) Exotic ‘000s. 0.293 0.928 b) Indigenous ‘000s. 0.747 1.953 c) Murrah 1.109 3.408 Total (a+b+c) 2.149 6.289 11 Number of Calves Born ‘000s. 0.196 0.341 a) Exotic ‘000s. 0.651 0.963 b) Indigenous ‘000s. 0.920 1.643 c) Murrah Total (a+b+c) 1.767 2.947 12 Number of Artificial Insemination Centers Nos. 50 50 13 Area brought under improved Fodder Crops ‘000 Acres 14.422 17.771 Source: District Veternary & Animal Husbandry Officer 81
TABLE - 5.2 VETERINARY SERVICES AVAILABLE AND SERVICES RENDERED BY MANDALS, 2020-21 (in Nos.) No. of Livestock Facilities available Sl. Name of the Mandal Super District Area Primary Mobile Sub Centre Total No. Speciality Veterinary Veterinary Veterinary Veterinary (Animal Livestock Veterinary Hospital Hospital Health) Facilities Hospital Centre Clinics (4 to 8) 12 34 5 6 789 1 Amarachinta 00 0 1 012 2 Madanapur 00 0 0 033 3 Peddamandadi 00 0 1 023 4 Ghanpur 00 0 2 013 5 Gopalpet 00 0 1 023 6 Revally 00 0 2 013 7 Pangal 00 0 2 035 8 Wanaparthy 00 1 2 126 9 Kothakota 00 0 2 035 10 Atmakur 00 1 1 024 11 Pebbair 00 0 1 045 12 Srirangapur 00 0 1 012 13 Weepangandla 00 0 2 024 14 Chinnambavi 00 0 1 023 Total 00 2 19 1 29 51 Sl. Number of cases treated (excluding No. of No. of Artificial No. livestock farms) Inseminations done and Name of the Mandal In-Patient Out-Patient Total Calves Born Castrations Vaccinatio Exotic Indigenous done ns done 12 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 Amarachinta 2 Madanapur 0 47409 47409 335 171346 59 111 3 Peddamandadi 4 Ghanpur 0 83376 83376 357 194233 61 104 5 Gopalpet 6 Revally 0 43886 43886 255 196167 62 112 7 Pangal 8 Wanaparthy 0 50073 50073 354 169852 55 115 9 Kothakota 10 Atmakur 0 38703 38703 745 199150 81 134 11 Pebbair 12 Srirangapur 0 39043 39043 266 176772 53 118 13 Weepangandla 14 Chinnambavi 0 38627 38627 365 161310 69 114 Total 0 60818 60818 431 169903 86 234 0 48328 48328 265 194713 72 215 0 53153 53153 319 195400 56 103 0 48571 48571 363 199196 76 206 0 26553 26553 211 134371 57 119 0 53815 53815 325 180936 69 117 0 39177 39177 359 193602 72 151 0 671532 671532 4950 2536951 928 1953 82
TABLE - 5.2 VETERINARY SERVICES AVAILABLE AND SERVICES RENDERED BY MANDALS, 2020-21 No. of Artificial Area brought Inseminations done and No. of under Sl. Artificial No. Name of the Mandal Calves Born improved Inseminatio Fodder Crops Murrah Total n Centres (Acres) 12 17 18 19 20 1 Amarachinta 196 382 2 1114 2 Madanapur 334 169 3 1349 3 Peddamandadi 194 143 3 1272 4 Ghanpur 205 256 3 1148 5 Gopalpet 246 327 3 1293 6 Revally 115 123 3 1349 7 Pangal 267 192 5 1128 8 Wanaparthy 394 727 5 1482 9 Kothakota 272 180 5 1256 10 Atmakur 232 250 4 1245 11 Pebbair 252 415 5 1547 12 Srirangapur 246 170 2 1147 13 Weepangandla 231 378 4 1177 14 Chinnambavi 224 178 3 1264 Total 3408 3890 50 17771 Source: District Veternary & Animal Husbandry Officer 83
TABLE - 5.3 LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY POPULATION ACCORDING TO LIVESTOCK CENSUS, 2012 & 2019 Sl. No. Particulars 2012 (in Nos.) 1 3 3 2019 4 1 CATTLE a Males (Over Three Years) 11,333 22,531 b Females (Over Three Years) 47,923 30,043 c Young Stock 16,489 16,527 d Females not Calved 11250 6,015 Sub-Total 86,995 75,116 2 BUFFALOES a Males (Over Three Years) 6,446 21,767 b Females (Over Three Years) 38,848 29,017 c Young Stock 10,870 15,964 d Females not Calved 8796 5,811 Sub-Total 64,960 72,559 3 Sheep 7,42,829 9,76,832 4 Goat 73,211 80,608 5 Pigs 10,305 8,922 6 Horses and Ponies 03 7 Mules 00 8 Camels 0 26 9 Donkeys 0 29 10 Other Livestock 00 Sub-Total 8,26,345 10,66,420 Total Livestock (without Dogs) 9,78,300 12,14,095 11 Rabbits 02 12 Dogs 0 6,851 13 Poultry 7,111 4,53,157 9,85,411 16,74,105 Total Source: District Veternary & Animal Husbandry Officer 84
TABLE - 5.4 LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY POPULATION BY MANDALS ACCORDING TO LIVESTOCK CENSUS, 2019 (in Nos.) Cattle Crossbreed Cattle Indigenous Sl. Name of the Adult Adult Young Females Total Adult Adult Young Females No. Mandal Males Females Stock not Males Females Stock not Total (Over 3 (Over 3 (Over 3 (Over 3 Years) Years) Calved Years) Years) 10 Calved 1221 12 3 456 7 8 9 829 11 12 1665 2220 780 444 5550 1 Amarachinta 0 0 0 0 0 1130 1507 1206 302 3768 1064 1418 1398 284 3546 2 Madanapur 0 000 0 1644 2192 1020 439 5481 1906 2541 1960 509 6354 3 Peddamandadi 0 0 0 0 0 1390 1853 1488 371 4634 2673 3564 1370 713 8910 4 Ghanpur 0 000 0 2028 2704 960 542 6762 1867 2490 968 498 6225 5 Gopalpet 0 000 0 1309 1746 718 350 4365 1320 1760 1226 352 4400 6 Revally 0 000 0 979 1306 1383 262 3265 1671 2228 16527 446 5571 7 Pangal 0 000 0 1885 2514 503 6285 8 Wanaparthy 0 000 0 6015 75116 9 Kothakota 0 000 0 10 Atmakur 0 000 0 11 Pebbair 0 000 0 12 Srirangapur 0 000 0 13 Weepangandla 0 0 0 0 0 14 Chinnambavi 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 000 0 22531 30043 Total Cattle Buffaloes Sl. Name of the Adult Adult Young Females Total Adult Adult Young Females No. Mandal Males Females Stock not Males Females Stock not Total (Over 3 (Over 3 (Over 3 (Over 3 Years) Years) Calved Years) Years) Calved 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 Amarachinta 1665 2220 1221 444 5550 912 1216 669 244 3041 2 Madanapur 1130 1507 829 302 3768 945 1259 693 252 3149 3 Peddamandadi 1064 1418 780 284 3546 2884 3846 2115 770 9615 4 Ghanpur 1644 2192 1206 439 5481 1420 1894 1042 379 4735 5 Gopalpet 1906 2541 1398 509 6354 1631 2174 1196 435 5436 6 Revally 1390 1853 1020 371 4634 1023 1364 750 273 3410 7 Pangal 2673 3564 1960 713 8910 1558 2077 1143 416 5194 8 Wanaparthy 2028 2704 1488 542 6762 3134 4178 2299 837 10448 9 Kothakota 1867 2490 1370 498 6225 2350 3133 1724 627 7834 10 Atmakur 1309 1746 960 350 4365 999 1331 732 267 3329 11 Pebbair 1320 1760 968 352 4400 1491 1987 1093 398 4969 12 Srirangapur 979 1306 718 262 3265 928 1237 681 248 3094 13 Weepangandla 1671 2228 1226 446 5571 1148 1530 842 306 3826 14 Chinnambavi 1885 2514 1383 503 6285 1344 1791 985 359 4479 22531 30043 16527 6015 75116 21767 29017 15964 5811 72559 Total 85
TABLE - 5.4 LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY POPULATION BY MANDALS ACCORDING TO LIVESTOCK CENSUS, 2019 Horses Total & Sl. Name of the Sheep Goats Pigs Mules Camels Donkeys Livestock Rabbits Dogs Poultry Ponies (without No. Mandal Dogs) 12 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 1 Amarachinta 53847 12347 1208 1 0 0 0 67403 0 0 13690 2 Madanapur 55475 4583 526 0 0 0 0 60584 0 407 64090 3 Peddamandadi 59929 6466 370 2 0 0 2 66769 0 1644 90428 4 Ghanpur 66767 4818 96 0 0 0 0 71681 0 470 36298 5 Gopalpet 71081 7677 255 0 0 0 0 79013 0 135 30456 6 Revally 35145 3829 990 0 0 0 0 39964 0 87 15582 7 Pangal 107079 5579 782 0 0 26 26 113492 0 1238 21928 8 Wanaparthy 96966 6192 329 0 0 0 0 103487 0 560 22460 9 Kothakota 96875 6051 1612 0 0 0 0 104538 0 991 47942 10 Atmakur 71150 8311 833 0 0 0 0 80294 2 461 26250 11 Pebbair 61106 3223 503 0 0 0 0 64832 0 364 27801 12 Srirangapur 28244 2332 278 0 0 0 0 30854 0 130 18088 13 Weepangandla 85291 4303 722 0 0 0 1 90317 0 320 18230 14 Chinnambavi 87877 4897 418 0 0 0 0 93192 0 44 19914 Total 976832 80608 8922 3 0 26 29 1066420 2 6851 453157 Source: District Veternary & Animal Husbandry Officer 86
TABLE - 5.5 AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY AND IMPLEMENTS ACCORDING TO LIVESTOCK CENSUS, 2019 Sl. Name of the Wooden Steel Cultivato Seed- cum- Total Sugarcane (in Nos.) No. Mandal Ploughs Ploughs rs Fertilisers Ploughs/ Crushers Drill/Seed Cultivators Manually 12 3 45 8 operated 1 Amarachinta 483 247 Drill 7 Sprayers/ 2 Madanapur 418 314 6 730 Dusters 3 Peddamandadi 45 315 6 732 4 Ghanpur 159 171 21 360 9 5 Gopalpet 32 314 32 330 2752 6 Revally 246 249 47 346 246 7 Pangal 196 91 495 8 Wanaparthy 286 519 61 196 77 9 Kothakota 167 753 11 805 127 10 Atmakur 277 311 108 920 103 11 Pebbair 78 391 36 588 114 12 Srirangapur 17 218 19 469 118 13 Weepangandla 85 425 109 235 259 14 Chinnambavi 50 313 14 510 132 2343 4736 18 363 436 Total 44 7079 198 617 34 31 68 4695 Sl. Name of the Power Tractor Total Diesel Engine Electric Total Drip No. Mandal operated & Power Sprayers Pumpsets Pumpsets Pumpsets Irrigation Sprayers/ 12 Dusters Tiller 12 13 14 Sets 1 Amarachinta operated 3069 63 1085 2 Madanapur 10 Sprayers/ 570 362 15 16 3 Peddamandadi 250 Dusters 146 10 240 1085 0 4 Ghanpur 280 951 42 4100 425 5 Gopalpet 69 11 236 11 3971 240 6 Revally 824 67 296 45 2300 4100 7 Pangal 133 44 418 20 3500 3971 8 Wanaparthy 182 621 1500 2300 9 Kothakota 299 1 578 191 462 3510 10 Atmakur 359 3 762 1273 1500 11 Pebbair 436 10 534 530 504 12 Srirangapur 296 30 307 210 1284 13 Weepangandla 323 13 309 5200 575 14 Chinnambavi 272 1 407 5300 230 261 17 9204 30033 5200 Total 320 19 5300 4304 205 30224 87
TABLE - 5.5 AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY AND IMPLEMENTS ACCORDING TO LIVESTOCK CENSUS, 2019 Sl. Name of the Sprinkler Power Agricultu No. Mandal Irrigation Tillers re Animal Carts Sets Tractors 12 17 18 19 20 1 Amarachinta 0 4 247 118 2 Madanapur 52 3 Peddamandadi 118 70 4 Ghanpur 286 40 5 Gopalpet 0 259 175 6 Revally 407 45 7 Pangal 69 130 8 Wanaparthy 440 70 9 Kothakota 439 55 10 Atmakur 477 165 11 Pebbair 1 397 65 12 Srirangapur 6 515 35 13 Weepangandla 1 98 120 14 Chinnambavi 369 110 2 112 1250 Total 14 4233 Source: District Veternary & Animal Husbandary Officer 88
TABLE - 5.6 PRODUCTION OF MILK, MEAT, CHICKEN, EGGS & WOOL BY MANDALS, 2020-21 Cattle Buffaloes Production of Sl. Name of the Milching Non-Milching Milching Non-Milching Milk Meat No. Mandal (in Tonnes) (in (No.) (No.) (No.) (No.) Tonnes) 12 7 8 1 Amarachinta 3 4 5 6 2 Madanapur 1942 3607 1063 1975 5,108 842 3 Peddamandadi 1318 2447 1101 2046 4 Ghanpur 1240 2303 3364 6248 4,112 764 5 Gopalpet 1917 3560 1656 3076 6 Revally 2223 4128 1901 3532 7,826 844 7 Pangal 1621 3010 1193 2216 8 Wanaparthy 3117 5790 1817 3375 6,074 910 9 Kothakota 2369 4402 3655 6790 10 Atmakur 2178 4044 2741 5091 7,010 1,002 11 Pebbair 1527 2835 1164 2163 12 Srirangapur 1539 2859 1738 3229 4,784 496 13 Weepangandla 1142 2120 1088 2009 14 Chinnambavi 1949 3620 1338 2486 8,387 1,432 2199 4083 1566 2910 Total 26281 48808 25385 47146 10,240 1,313 8,362 1,309 4,575 1,010 5,571 818 3,791 389 5,588 1,139 6,400 1,180 87,828 13,448 Sl. Name of the Chicken Production of Wool No. Mandal (in (in Eggs 12 Tonnes) (in '000Nos.) Tonnes) 1 Amarachinta 9 11 2 Madanapur 590 10 0 3 Peddamandadi 350 80 0 4 Ghanpur 930 48 0 5 Gopalpet 819 126 0 6 Revally 110 0 7 Pangal 1,180 160 0 8 Wanaparthy 934 127 0 9 Kothakota 397 54 0 10 Atmakur 328 45 0 11 Pebbair 1,403 190 0 12 Srirangapur 230 32 0 13 Weepangandla 586 80 0 14 Chinnambavi 782 106 0 223 31.00 0 Total 215 30 0 8,967 1219 Source: District Veternary & Animal Husbandry Officer 89
TABLE - 5.7 DAIRY DEVELOPMENT, 2019-20 & 2020-21 Sl. No. Particulars Unit 2019-20 2020-21 1 2 3 5 6 1 3 3 Milk Chilling Centres Number 0 26 2 Milk Collection Centres : 26 4.307 a Co-operative Societies Number 32 1.21 33.56 b Pick-up Centres Number 32 0 0 3 Average Monthly Procurement ('000 Ltrs.) 6.497 28.7 40.12 4 Average Monthly Sales ('000 Ltrs.) 1.825 5 Average Procurement Price Rs. per Ltr. 33.40 6 Average Sale Price Rs. per Ltr. 0.00 7 Average Milk Procurement : 0.00 a Cow Milk Rs. per Ltr. 27.40 b Buffalow Milk Rs. per Ltr. 39.55 Source: District Dairy Development Officer 90
TABLE - 5.8 CLASSIFICATION OF WATER BODIES AND FISHERMEN ACTIVITIES BY MANDALS, 2020-21 Reservoirs Dept. Tanks GP Tanks Sl. Name of the Water Spread Area No. Mandal Nos. Water Spread Area Nos. Water Spread Area Nos. (in Hects.) (in Hects.) (in Hects.) 5 12 3 4 2 6 7 8 1 Amarachinta 0 0 7 80 15 75 2 Madanapur 2 1,290 19 216 32 173 3 Peddamandadi 0 0 20 1,788 85 410 4 Ghanpur 0 0 9 934 64 320 5 Gopalpet 0 0 11 884 55 310 6 Revally 0 0 11 646 65 480 7 Pangal 0 0 17 637 221 600 8 Wanaparthy 0 0 15 746 164 498 9 Kothakota 1 50 5 1,336 49 185 10 Atmakur 0 0 22 106 54 275 11 Pebbair 0 0 4 547 60 325 12 Srirangapur 1 746 4 236 52 191 13 Weepangandla 1 240 3 166 164 529 14 Chinnambavi 0 0 149 264 25 125 5 2,326 8,586 1105 4,496 Total Total Tanks Fishermen Sl. Name of the Co-op. Members (Nos.) No. Mandal Nos. Water Spread Area Societies (in Hects.) (Nos.) 12 218 12 9 10 11 185 155 3 529 1 Amarachinta 17 389 3 473 2,198 10 479 2 Madanapur 39 1,254 9 351 1,194 8 981 3 Peddamandadi 104 1,126 4 771 1,237 13 976 4 Ghanpur 84 1,244 10 805 1,521 9 844 5 Gopalpet 64 381 4 538 872 11 554 6 Revally 76 427 3 708 695 5 8412 7 Pangal 232 389 4 13,082 96 8 Wanaparthy 181 9 Kothakota 64 10 Atmakur 59 11 Pebbair 82 12 Srirangapur 56 13 Weepangandla 168 14 Chinnambavi 28 Total 1254 Source: District Fisheries Officer 91
TABLE - 5.9 PRODUCTION OF INLAND FISH AND PRAWN BY SPECIES, 2019-20 & 2020-21 2019-20 2020-21 Sl. Name of the Quantity Value (Rs in Quantity Value (Rs in No. Species (Tonnes) Lakhs) (Tonnes) Lakhs) 12 3456 1 Barbus 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 Carps 6238.00 4367.00 5252.00 3939.00 3 Cat Fish 929.00 279.00 985.00 739.00 4 Murrels 0.00 0.00 253.00 190.00 5 Mullets 1721.00 1205.00 2569.00 1927.00 6 Hilsa 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7 Others 3129.00 2190.00 3166.00 2374.00 Total 12017.00 8041.00 12225.00 9169.00 8 Prawn 106.00 318.00 252.00 756.00 Grand Total 12123.00 8359.00 12477.00 9925.00 Source: District Fisheries Officer 92
TABLE - 5.10 INLAND FISH AND PRAWN PRODUCTION BY MANDALS DURING 2020-21 Fish Prawn Total Sl. Name of the Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value No. Mandal (Rs in (Tonnes) (Rs in Lakhs) (Tonnes) (Rs in Lakhs) (Tonnes) Lakhs) 12 3 4 5 6 78 1 Amarachinta 620 514 30 90 650 604 2 Madanapur 650 455 0 0 650 455 3 Peddamandadi 590 413 0 0 590 413 4 Ghanpur 955 712 0 0 955 712 5 Gopalpet 650 455 0 0 650 455 6 Revally 707 495 0 0 707 495 7 Pangal 690 483 0 0 690 483 8 Wanaparthy 1010 707 0 0 1010 707 9 Kothakota 1110 948 58 174 1168 1122 10 Atmakur 883 618 59 177 942 795 11 Pebbair 920 644 0 0 920 644 12 Srirangapur 985 690 40 120 1025 810 13 Weepangandla 1005 815 0 0 1005 815 14 Chinnambavi 1450 1220 65 195 1515 1415 Total 12225 9169 252 756 12477 9925 Source: District Fisheries Officer 93
6.Health And Family Welfare Introduction The health of a nation is an essential component of development, vital to the nation’s economic growth and internal stability. Assuring a minimal level of health care to the population is a critical constituent of the development process. The Government of Telangana focusing very critically on public health by providing preventive, promotive and curative multidimensional healthcare services & programmes and by providing high quality of infrastructure facilities. Health Infrastructure Wanaparthy is district level administrative and monitoring office of Medical and Health department. It is covering 1 revenue division with 14 Mandals and 2 civil hospital ,1 District Hospital,2 UPHCs, 14 PHCs with 104 Sub Centers. AYUSH at a Glance, 2020-21 Hospitals & Doctors Beds Available Dispensaries W orking Ayurveda 6 10 Naturopathy 1 10 Unani 3 20 Homeopathy 22 12 14 Total 32 16 14 94
Table No. Content 6.1 Estimated Birth, Death, Infant Mortality, Total Fertility and Under 5 Mortality Rates, 2020 & 2021 6.2 Government Medical Facilities (Allopathic) by Mandals, 2020-21 6.3 Deceases - Patients Treated (Allopathic) by Mandals, 2020-21 6.4 Government Medical Facilities (Indian Medicine) by Mandals, 2020-21 6.5 Family Welfare Achievements, 2020-21 6.6 Universal Immunisation Programme by Mandals, 2020-21 6.7 Medical Facilities in Villages as on 31st March, 2021 95
TABLE - 6.1 ESTIMATED BIRTH, DEATH, INFANT MORTALITY, TOTAL FERTILITY AND UNDER 5 MORTALITY RATES 2020 & 2021 Sl. Particulars Rural 2020 Total Rural 2021 Total No. 3 Urban 5 6 Urban 8 12 134.3 4 155.1 106.1 7 107.7 1 Maternal Mortality Rate 238.1 121.8 14.4 (per 1,000 Population) 64 Infant Mortality Rate 10.7 27.4 11.5 15.13 8.5 57 (per 1,000 Population) 15 31 13 44 60 4 2 Males 41 11 52 54 3 10 6 16 9 6 Females 3 Under 5 Mortality Rate 4 Under 5 Neonatal Mortality Rate 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Full Immunization Rate 85.9 0.878 0.86 85.12 0.867 0.8512 12.45 15.01 13.73 13.1 12.05 13.02 6 Crude Birth Rate (per 1,000 Population) 5.1 5.86 5.48 7.14 9.52 8.33 1531 403 1934 2208 345 2553 Crude Death Rate 1147 321 1468 1651 248 1899 (per 1,000 Population) 7 Male Female 8 Total Fertility Rate 2.07 2.09 2.08 2.14 2.17 2.155 Source: District Medical & Health Officer 96
TABLE - 6.2 GOVERNMENT MEDICAL FACILITIES (ALLOPATHIC) BY MANDALS, 2020-21 (in Nos.) No. of Medical Facilities available Hopsital for Special Treatment Sl. Name of the Mandal General / Area/ Medical Eye, No. District Taluk College TB Centre Fever ENT and Hospitals Hospital Hospital Mental Dental Hospital 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 1 Apparala 2 Ghanpur 3 Gopalpet 4 Kadukuntla 5 Kamaluddinpur 6 Kothakota 7 Madnapur 8 Pangal 9 Pebbair 10 Peddamandadi 11 PP Unit, Wanaparthy (DH) 12 Thipudampally 13 UHC - Gandhinagar 14 UHC - Peerlagutta 15 Veepangandla 16 Atmakur CHC 1 17 Revally CHC 1 18 Wanaparthy DH 1 12 Total 12 12 No. of Medical Facilities available Sl. Hopsital for Special Treatment No. Name of the Mandal Women & IDCD and Total CHCs PHCs Dispansa Child Cancer (6 to 11) 13 ries 12 10 11 14 1 Apparala(Kothakota) 12 1 15 2 Ghanpur 0 1 3 Gopalpet 0 1 4 Kadukuntla(Wanaparthy) 0 1 5 Kamaluddinpur(Ghanur) 0 1 6 Kothakota 0 1 7 Madnapur 0 1 8 Pangal 0 1 9 Pebbair 0 1 0 97
No. of Medical Facilities available Sl. Name of the Mandal Hopsital for Special Treatment Dispansa No. ries Women & IDCD and Total CHCs PHCs Child Cancer (6 to 11) 12 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 Peddamandadi 11 PP Unit, Wanaparthy (DH) 01 12 Thipudampally(Atmakur) 13 UHC - Gandhinagar 0 14 UHC - Peerlagutta 15 Veepangandla 01 16 Atmakur CHC 17 Revally CHC 01 18 Wanaparthy DH 01 Total 01 11 11 14 1 6 2 14 No. of Medical Facilities available Total Medical Sl. Sub-Centres (No.) Basti Other Facilities No. Facilities (Col.12+Col.13 Name of the Mandal /PHC Functional Dwakhanas ESI to16+Col.19 to Drinking Total Functional 21) Water Toilets 12 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 Apparala(Kothakota) 4 4 2 Ghanpur(Ghanpur) 4 4 3 Gopalpet(Gopalpet) 14 14 4 Kadukuntla(Wanaparthy) 8 8 5 Kamaluddinpur 3 3 6 Kothakota 6 17 7 Madnapur 6 6 8 Pangal 10 10 9 Pebbair 13 13 10 Peddamandadi 8 8 11 PP Unit, Wanaparthy (DH) 2 2 12 Thipudampally 10 10 13 UHC - Gandhinagar 2 2 14 UHC - Peerlagutta 2 13 15 Veepangandla 12 12 16 Atmakur CHC 1 17 Revally CHC 1 18 Wanaparthy DH 7 Total 104 2 115 Source: District Medical & Health Officer 98
TABLE - 6.2 GOVERNMENT MEDICAL FACILITIES (ALLOPATHIC) BY MANDALS, 2020-21 (in Nos.) Sl. Name of the Mandal Male Doctors Total Available No. of No. of No. Beds ANMs Asha Female 25 working Workers 1 working 24 1 12 23 0 2 26 27 28 1 Apparala 1 0 1 6 5 16 2 Ghanpur 1 2 1 6 6 22 3 Gopalpet 0 0 2 6 23 65 4 Kadukuntla 1 1 1 6 15 50 5 Kamaluddinpur 0 2 1 6 4 13 6 Kothakota 0 0 2 6 11 40 7 Madnapur 1 0 1 6 8 30 8 Pangal 1 2 0 6 15 53 9 Pebbair 0 0 1 6 17 66 10 Peddamandadi 1 0 0 6 12 36 11 PP Unit, Wanaparthy (DH) 0 0 0 10 4 14 12 Thipudampally 1 0 2 6 16 70 13 UHC - Gandhinagar 0 0 6 0 2 17 14 UHC - Peerlagutta 0 1 7 0 2 16 15 Veepangandla 1 2 6 16 66 16 Atmakur CHC 4 3 29 30 17 Revally CHC 4 30 18 Wanaparthy DH 13 100 16 242 156 574 Total Source: District Medical & Health Officer 99
TABLE - 6.3 DISEASES - PATIENTS TREATED (ALLOPATHIC) BY MANDALS, 2020-21 Sl. Name of the Mandal Patients Treated No. Seasonal Viral Total 12 Hepatitis Malaria Dengue Chikungunya Others (3 to 7) 4 5 67 3 8 1 Apparala 0 02 00 2 2 Ghanpur 0 01 00 1 3 Gopalpet 0 03 00 3 4 Kadukuntla 0 05 00 5 5 Kamaluddinpur 0 01 00 1 6 Kothakota 0 0 12 0 0 12 7 Madnapur 0 04 00 4 8 Pangal 0 05 00 5 9 Pebbair 0 08 00 8 10 Peddamandadi 0 03 00 3 11 PP Unit, Wanaparthy (DH) 0 0 2 00 2 12 Thipudampally 0 1 50 1 0 52 13 UHC - Gandhinagar 0 02 00 2 14 UHC - Peerlagutta 0 02 00 2 15 Veepangandla 0 02 00 2 Total 0 1 102 1 0 104 Source: District Medical & Health Officer 100
TABLE - 6.3 DISEASES - PATIENTS TREATED (ALLOPATHIC) BY MANDALS, 2020-21 Chronic Total HIV Other Total Leprosy Others (9+10) Deceases (8+11+12+13) 12 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 Apparala 2 02 50 9 2 Ghanpur 0 00 70 8 3 Gopalpet 2 02 17 0 22 4 Kadukuntla 0 00 40 9 5 Kamaluddinpur 2 02 30 6 6 Kothakota 2 02 21 0 35 7 Madnapur 1 01 20 7 8 Pangal 4 04 11 0 20 9 Pebbair 4 04 12 0 24 10 Peddamandadi 1 01 40 8 11 PP Unit, Wanaparthy (DH) 1 0 1 40 7 12 Thipudampally 3 0 3 11 0 66 13 UHC - Gandhinagar 0 0 0 3 0 5 14 UHC - Peerlagutta 0 0 0 3 0 5 15 Veepangandla 3 0 3 8 0 13 Total 25 0 25 115 0 244 Source: District Medical & Health Officer 101
TABLE - 6.4 GOVERNMENT MEDICAL FACILITIES (INDIAN MEDICINE) BY MANDALS, 2020-21 Sl. No. of Indian Medicine Facilities Available No. Ayurveda Name of the Mandal No. of Beds Hospitals Dispensaries Doctors Paramedical Patients Available Staff Treated 8 1 2 3 456 7 1 Apparala 0 000 0 0 2 Ghanpur 0 000 0 0 3 Gopalpet 0 1 0 1 5244 0 4 Kadukuntla (Pedagudem) 0 101 00 5 Kamaluddinpur 0 6 Kothakota 0 1 0 2 3082 0 000 00 7 Madnapur (Ajjakole) 0 1 0 1 5262 0 8 Pangal 0 0 0 0 00 9 Pebbair 0 0 0 0 00 10 Peddamandadi 0 1 0 1 3455 0 11 PP Unit, Wanaparthy (DH) 0 000 00 12 Thipudampally 0 0 0 0 00 13 UHC - Gandhinagar 0 0 0 0 00 14 UHC - Peerlagutta 0 0 0 0 00 15 Veepangandla 0 0 0 0 00 16 Atmakur 17 Revally 0 1 1 0 2728 0 Total 0 0 0 0 00 0 6 1 6 19771 0 No. of Indian Medicine Facilities Available Sl. Homeo No. Name of the Mandal No. of Beds 1 2 Hospitals Dispensaries Doctors Paramedical Patients Available 1 Apparala 9 10 11 Staff Treated 14 2 Ghanpur 12 13 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 3 Gopalpet 0 0 0 0 00 4 Kadukuntla (Pedagudem) 0 0 0 0 00 5 Kamaluddinpur 6 Kothakota 0 0 0 0 00 7 Madnapur (Ajjakole) 0 1 1 0 5973 0 0 0 0 0 00 102
Sl. No. of Indian Medicine Facilities Available No. Homeo Name of the Mandal Paramedical Patients No. of Staff Treated Beds Hospitals Dispensaries Doctors Available 1 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 Pangal 0 000 0 0 9 Pebbair 0 1 0 1 4803 0 10 Peddamandadi 0 0 0 0 00 11 PP Unit, Wanaparthy (DH) 0 0 0 0 00 12 Thipudampally 0 0 0 0 00 13 UHC - Gandhinagar 0 0 0 0 00 14 UHC - Peerlagutta 0 0 0 0 00 15 Veepangandla 0 0 0 0 00 16 Atmakur 0 0 0 0 00 17 Revally 0 1 0 1 2324 0 Total 0 3 1 2 13100 0 No. of Indian Medicine Facilities Available Sl. Unani No. Name of the Mandal No. of Beds Hospitals Dispensaries Doctors Paramedical Patients Available Staff Treated 1 2 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 Apparala 0 0 0 0 00 2 Ghanpur 0 1 0 0 00 3 Gopalpet 0 0 0 0 00 4 Kadukuntla 0 1 1 2 9680 0 5 Kamaluddinpur 0 0 0 0 00 6 Kothakota 0 0 0 0 00 7 Madnapur 0 0 0 0 00 8 Pangal 0 0 0 0 00 9 Pebbair 0 0 0 0 00 10 Peddamandadi 0 0 0 0 00 11 PP Unit, Wanaparthy (DH) 0 000 00 12 Thipudampally 0 0 0 0 00 13 UHC - Gandhinagar 0 0 0 0 00 14 UHC - Peerlagutta 0 0 0 0 00 15 Veepangandla 0 1 1 0 7775 0 Total 0 3 2 2 17455 0 Source: District Medical & Health Officer 103
TABLE - 6.4 GOVERNMENT MEDICAL FACILITIES (INDIAN MEDICINE) BY MANDALS, 2020-21 No. of Indian Medicine Facilities Available Sl. Naturopathy No. Name of the Mandal Hospitals Dispensaries Doctors Paramedical Patients No. of Beds Staff Treated Available 1 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 Apparala 0 0 0 0 00 2 Ghanpur 0 0 0 0 00 3 Gopalpet 0 0 0 0 00 4 Kadukuntla 0 0 0 0 00 5 Kamaluddinpur 0 0 0 0 00 6 Kothakota 0 0 0 0 00 7 Madnapur 0 0 0 0 00 8 Pangal 0 0 0 0 00 9 Pebbair 0 0 0 0 00 10 Peddamandadi 0 000 00 11 PP Unit, Wanaparthy (DH) 0 12 Thipudampally 0 000 00 13 UHC - Gandhinagar 0 14 UHC - Peerlagutta 0 000 00 15 Veepangandla 0 0 000 00 Total 000 00 1 1 2 7432 0 1 1 2 7432 0 Source: District Medical & Health Officer 104
TABLE - 6.5 FAMILY WELFARE ACHIEVEMENTS, 2020-21 No. of Sterilisations done Sl. No. Mandal/Divisi Name of the No. of Pregnant Eligible on Medical Facility Women Couple for VAS TUB Total IUDs CHC/PHC Vaccinated Family Planning 9 36 12 3 4 5 67 8 70 1 Kothakota Apparala 76 362 101 0 25 25 74 59 2 Ghanpur Ghanpur 466 170 0 124 124 13 114 3 Gopalpet Gopalpet 1057 367 0 108 108 120 79 4 Wanaparthy Kadukuntla 796 247 0 130 130 135 5 Ghanpur Kamaluddinpur 22 6 Kothakota Kothakota 268 109 0 53 53 73 7 Madnapur Madnapur 42 840 243 0 12 12 19 65 478 119 0 60 60 997 8 Pangal Pangal 800 350 0 75 75 9 Pebbair Pebbair 1168 378 0 147 147 600 10 Peddamandadi Peddamandadi 281 208 0 39 39 11 Wanaparthy PPU - Wanaparthy 110 0 49 49 12 Atmakur Thipudampally 1083 370 0 159 159 13 Wanaparthy UHC - Gandhinagar 255 109 0 68 68 14 Wanaparthy UHC - Peerlagutta 339 120 0 89 89 15 Veepangandla Veepangandla 988 299 9781 3300 0 34 34 Total 0 1172 1172 Source: District Medical & Health Officer 105
TABLE - 6.6 UNIVERSAL IMMUNISATION PROGRAMME BY MANDALS, 2020-21 No. of Children fully No. of Children Immunised Against DPT POLIO BCG Measles Sl. Division / Mandal Immunized No. 0-1 Years 0-5 Years 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Apparala 309 335 335 335 305 309 2 Ghanpur 413 390 390 390 416 413 3 Gopalpet 986 1007 1007 1007 928 986 4 Kadukuntla 568 672 672 672 672 700 5 Kamaluddinpur 207 215 215 215 227 219 6 Kothakota 815 815 815 815 640 803 7 Madnapur 406 480 480 480 401 431 8 Pangal 695 750 750 750 700 695 9 Pebbair 1031 1151 1151 1151 986 1031 10 Peddamandadi 571 593 593 593 589 571 315 295 295 295 479 315 PP Unit, Wanaparthy 988 1079 1079 1079 903 988 11 (DH) 256 265 265 265 256 256 12 Thipudampally 385 406 406 406 213 385 13 UHC - Gandhinagar 990 917 917 917 765 990 14 UHC - Peerlagutta 8935 9370 9370 9370 8480 9092 15 Veepangandla Total Sl. No. of Children Immunised Against No. Division / Mandal Total (5 to 10) Hepatytis Others 12 9 10 11 1 Apparala 305 0 1619 2 Ghanpur 423 0 1999 3 Gopalpet 928 0 4935 4 Kadukuntla 672 0 3388 5 Kamaluddinpur 229 0 1091 6 Kothakota 216 0 3888 7 Madnapur 401 0 2272 8 Pangal 700 0 3645 9 Pebbair 986 0 5470 10 Peddamandadi 589 0 2939 PP Unit, Wanaparthy 0 0 1679 0 5128 11 (DH) 903 12 Thipudampally 13 UHC - Gandhinagar 254 0 1307 14 UHC - Peerlagutta 213 0 1816 15 Veepangandla 761 0 4506 Total 7580 0 45682 Source: District Medical & Health Officer 106
TABLE - 6.7 MEDICAL FACILITIES IN VILLAGES AS ON 31ST MARCH, 2021 No. of Villages not having Medical Facility Sl. Mandal / Total Inhabited No. of Villages according to distance from nearest Medical No. Division Villages having Medical Facility Facilities Less than 2 2 to 5 kms. 5 kms. & Total kms. above (5+6+7) 12 3 4 5 678 1 Atmakur 17 2 0 5 10 15 2 Amarachinta 13 1 0 2 11 13 3 Pebbair 20 9 0 2 9 11 4 Srirangapur 7 2 0 235 5 Kothakota 22 8 0 5 9 14 6 Madanapur 15 5 1 7 2 10 7 Pangal 22 8 0 6 8 14 8 Ghanpur 18 6 0 5 7 12 9 Wanaparthy 21 9 0 1 11 12 10 Peddamandadi 13 7 0 336 11 Gopalpet 10 8 0 112 12 Revally 10 6 0 224 13 Weepangandla 11 6 0 235 14 Chinnambavi 16 7 0 099 Source: District Medical & Health Officer 107
7.Education Introduction Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, or research. Education also includes informal transmission of information from one human being to another through a set of instructions to educate about the society, surroundings, environment, etc. There are 369 Primary Schools, 134 Upper Primary Schools, 195 High Schools, 9 Higher Secondary Schools functioning in Wanaparthy district during the year 2020- 21. Teacher – Pupil Ratio • 18,071 Enrollment and 996 Teachers in 369 Primary Schools and Teacher Pupil Ratio was 1:18. • 12,818 Enrollment and 888 Teachers in 134 Upper Primary Schools and Teacher Pupil Ratio was 1:14. • 51,953 Enrollment and 2,761 Teachers in 195 High Schools and Teacher Pupil Ratio was 1:18. • 5,010 Enrollment and 144 Teachers in 9 Higher Secondary Schools and Teacher Pupil Ratio was 1:34. Krishna Devaraya Govt. Polytechnic College Wanaparthy Late Sri Raja Rameshwar Rao the Raja of Wanaparthy Samstanam had foresight for technical education and he contributed his own palace along with 18 acres of land and other buildings situated in this campus. This polytechnic was started by late Sri Raja Rameshwar Rao of Wanaparthy and inaugurated by our honorable first Prime Minister of India Sri PANDIT JAWAHAR LAL NEHRU on the auspicious day of Vijaya Dashimi on 11TH OCTOBER 1959. This institute started with three courses, L.C.E., L.E.E., and L.M.E. with an intake of 40 students in each branch totaling to 120 with full-fledged infrastructure including Hostel accommodation for boy’s students. This institution was under private management up to 07-07-1970 and it was taken over by the Govt. of A.P. on 08-07-1970. 108
Mandal Wise Schools in Wanap 70 60 50 40 37 31 31 30 29 21 20 18 10 9 6 13 10 9 10 11 12 4 3 9 1 7 65 9 0 2 2 0 00 0 Primary Schools Upper Primary Schools 10
parthy District during 2020-21 66 47 34 30 29 27 19 20 20 16 16 17 11 10 88 9 66 6 2 3 1 10 0 0 0 0 High Schools Higher Secondary Schools 09
Table No. Content 7.1 Educational Institutions, Enrollment and Teachers Employed at a Glance, 2020- 21 7.2 Management wise Total No. of Schools, Teachers and Enrollment, 2020-21 7.3 Management wise Primary Schools, Teachers and Enrollment, 2020-21 7.4 Management wise Upper Primary Schools, Teachers and Enrollment, 2020-21 7.5 Management wise High Schools, Teachers and Enrollment, 2020-21 7.6 Management wise Higher Secondary Schools, Teachers and Enrollment, 2020-21 7.7 Functioning of Bhavitha Centres, 2020-21 7.8 Government Hostels for Scheduled Castes Students (Classes I to X), 2020-21 7.9 Government Hostels and Ashram Schools for Scheduled Tribes, 2020-21 7.10 Government Hostels for Backward Classes Welfare, 2020-21 7.11 Functioning of Residencial Schools for BC (Jyothiba Pule) SC, ST, ITDA, Minorities and Others, 2020-21 7.12 Gross Enrolment Ratio from 2014-15 to 2020-21 7.13 Drop out rates from 2014-15 to 2020-21 7.14 Junior Colleges, Lecturers Employed and Students Enrolled, 2020-21 7.15 Results of Secondary School Certificate Examinations 7.16 Results of Intermediate Examinations 7.17 Colleges at Graduation Level (B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., etc.), 2020-21 7.18 Professional Colleges, 2020-21 7.19 National Literacy Programme by Mandals, 2020-21 7.20 Functioning of Libraries by Mandals, 2020-21 110
TABLE - 7.1 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS, ENROLLMENT AND TEACHERS EMPLOYED AT A GLANCE, 2020- 21 No. of No. of Enrollments No. of Teachers Teacher Pupil Schools Men Women Total Ratio Sl.No. Institution Boys Girls Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 789 10 1 Primary Schools 369 8,718 9,353 18,071 535 461 996 18 2 Upper Primary 134 7,184 5,634 12,818 419 469 888 14 Schools 3 High Schools 195 27,802 24,151 51,953 1349 1,412 2,761 18 4 Higher Secondary 9 2,065 2,945 5,010 50 94 144 34 Schools Total 707 45,769 42,083 87,852 2,353 2,436 4,789 18 Source: Dist.Education Officer 111
TABLE - 7.2 MANAGEMENT WISE TOTAL NUMBER OF SCHOOLS, TEACHERS AND ENROLLMENT, 2020- 21 (in Nos.) Management Sl. Name of the Mandal Central State Other KGBV Model TREIS Social No. State Schools Welfare Government Government Govt. 12 3 4 5 6 78 9 1 Amarachinta 0 0 26 1 00 0 2 Madanapur 0 1 23 1 00 1 3 Peddamandadi 0 1 43 1 00 1 4 Ghanpur 0 0 41 2 10 0 5 Gopalpet 0 0 39 1 00 1 6 Revally 0 0 19 1 00 0 7 Pangal 0 3 46 1 00 0 8 Wanaparthy 0 2 81 1 00 0 9 Kothakota 0 1 47 1 10 2 10 Atmakur 0 1 29 1 00 0 11 Pebbair 0 0 44 1 10 0 12 Srirangapur 0 0 16 1 00 0 13 Weepangandla 0 0 26 1 00 0 14 Chinnambavi 0 0 29 1 00 0 Total 0 9 509 15 3 0 5 Management Sl. Name of the Mandal Trible BC Welfare Minority Private Other Total No. Welfare Welfare Aided Schools Private (incl. 16 12 10 11 12 13 Unaided NCLP/ 31 1 Amarachinta 0 0 00 Madarsa 30 2 Madanapur 0 0 00 55 3 Peddamandadi 1 0 00 s) 51 4 Ghanpur 0 0 01 48 5 Gopalpet 0 0 00 14 15 22 6 Revally 0 0 00 40 57 7 Pangal 0 0 00 40 145 8 Wanaparthy 1 2 22 73 9 Kothakota 0 0 10 80 42 10 Atmakur 0 0 00 51 67 11 Pebbair 0 1 00 70 21 12 Srirangapur 0 0 00 20 30 70 35 13 Weepangandla 0 0 00 53 1 707 20 0 14 Chinnambavi 0 0 00 11 0 Total 2 3 33 20 0 40 30 50 153 2 112
TABLE - 7.2 MANAGEMENT WISE TOTAL NUMBER OF SCHOOLS, TEACHERS AND ENROLLMENT, 2020- 21 No. of Schools functioning in Teachers Enrollment Women Total Boys Girls Sl. Name of the Mandal Own Other No. Men Buildings Buildings 12 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 Amarachinta 2 Madanapur 30 1 74 97 171 1792 1958 3 Peddamandadi 26 4 79 62 141 1799 1421 4 Ghanpur 48 7 149 113 262 2459 2458 5 Gopalpet 6 Revally 48 3 153 156 309 2947 2725 7 Pangal 46 2 135 137 272 2188 3023 8 Wanaparthy 20 2 75 40 115 991 1089 9 Kothakota 51 7 186 102 288 2590 2286 10 Atmakur 109 36 531 794 1325 11714 9907 11 Pebbair 58 15 286 322 608 6775 5674 12 Srirangapur 42 0 198 205 403 4804 3972 66 1 238 224 462 4370 4181 13 Weepangandla 19 2 71 53 124 952 1004 30 0 85 64 149 1047 1155 14 Chinnambavi 32 2 93 67 160 1341 1230 Total 625 82 2353 2436 4789 45769 42083 Sl. Name of the Mandal Enrollment No. of No. of No. of No. Total Schools Schools Schools No. of Schools having having having having Toilet Separate Drinking Kitchen Facility Toilet Water Facility Facility Shed for Girls 12 24 25 26 27 28 1 Amarachinta 3750 28 23 31 24 2 Madanapur 3220 25 18 30 25 3 Peddamandadi 4917 43 26 53 36 4 Ghanpur 5672 42 36 50 39 5 Gopalpet 5211 6 Revally 2080 42 36 45 32 7 Pangal 4876 8 Wanaparthy 21621 20 13 22 21 9 Kothakota 12449 10 Atmakur 8776 45 30 53 33 11 Pebbair 8551 12 Srirangapur 1956 129 101 144 55 13 Weepangandla 2202 64 50 73 47 14 Chinnambavi 2571 40 31 42 56 Total 87852 61 47 66 42 19 11 21 15 27 20 30 26 25 20 34 20 610 462 694 471 Source: Dist.Education Officer 113
TABLE - 7.3 MANAGEMENT WISE PRIMARY SCHOOLS, TEACHERS AND ENROLLMENT, 2020-21 (in Nos.) Management Sl. Name of the Central State Other Private Private Social Trible Other Schools Total No. Mandal Governme Governme State Aided Unaide Welfar Welfar (incl. NCLP/ Govt. nt nt d e e Madarsas) 12 3 4 5 6789 10 11 1 Amarachinta 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 18 2 Madanapur 0 1 18 0 2 0 0 0 21 3 Peddamandadi 0 1 29 0 1 0 0 0 31 4 Ghanpur 0 0 30 1 0 0 0 0 31 5 Gopalpet 0 0 28 0 1 0 0 0 29 6 Revally 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 11 7 Pangal 0 3 33 0 1 0 0 0 37 8 Wanaparthy 0 2 61 1 2 0 0 0 66 9 Kothakota 0 0 33 0 1 0 0 0 34 10 Atmakur 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 19 11 Pebbair 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 30 12 Srirangapur 0 0 9 0000 09 13 Weepangandla 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 16 14 Chinnambavi 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 7 352 2 8 0 0 0 369 Total Sl. Name of the No. of Schools Teachers Enrollment No. of No. Mandal Own Other School Buildings Buildings Men Women Total Boys Girls Total 12 s 1 Amarachinta 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 Madanapur 17 1 17 31 48 592 654 1246 14 3 Peddamandadi 20 1 22 29 51 533 571 1104 12 4 Ghanpur 30 1 39 36 75 462 503 965 13 5 Gopalpet 30 1 50 32 82 658 751 1409 21 6 Revally 29 0 45 40 85 643 697 1340 22 7 Pangal 11 0 16 15 31 279 308 587 7 8 Wanaparthy 36 1 57 34 91 673 737 1410 15 9 Kothakota 62 4 89 88 177 1258 1411 2669 34 33 1 51 44 95 810 891 1701 21 10 Atmakur 19 0 35 37 72 917 984 1901 13 11 Pebbair 12 Srirangapur 30 0 47 34 81 801 795 1596 19 90 20 4 24 282 227 509 4 13 Weepangandla 16 0 21 19 40 385 399 784 11 14 Chinnambavi Total 17 0 26 18 44 425 425 850 7 359 10 535 461 996 8718 9353 18071 213 114
TABLE - 7.3 MANAGEMENT WISE PRIMARY SCHOOLS, TEACHERS AND ENROLLMENT, 2020-21 Sl. Name of the No. of No. of No. of No. Mandal Schools Schools Schools 12 1 Amarachinta 21 22 23 2 Madanapur 1 18 16 3 Peddamandadi 6 21 20 4 Ghanpur 11 29 23 5 Gopalpet 3 30 28 6 Revally 2 27 22 7 Pangal 2 11 12 8 Wanaparthy 10 32 22 9 Kothakota 22 66 39 10 Atmakur 7 34 31 11 Pebbair 6 19 34 12 Srirangapur 7 30 27 13 Weepangandla 4 98 14 Chinnambavi 3 16 16 Total 3 17 9 87 359 307 Source: Dist.Education Officer 115
TABLE - 7.4 MANAGEMENT WISE UPPER PRIMARY SCHOOLS, TEACHERS AND ENROLLMENT, 2020-21 (in Nos.) Sl. Name of the Mandal Central State Other Management BC Minority No. Governm Governm State Welfare Welfare Govt. Social Trible ent ent Welfare Welfare 8 9 5 0 0 12 34 2 67 0 0 1 00 0 0 1 Amarachinta 00 6 00 0 0 5 00 0 0 2 Madanapur 00 5 00 0 0 4 00 0 0 3 Peddamandadi 00 3 00 0 0 9 00 0 0 4 Ghanpur 00 6 00 0 0 2 00 0 0 5 Gopalpet 00 4 00 0 0 3 00 0 0 6 Revally 00 3 00 0 0 4 00 0 0 7 Pangal 00 57 00 00 8 Wanaparthy 00 9 Kothakota 00 10 Atmakur 00 11 Pebbair 00 12 Srirangapur 00 13 Weepangandla 00 14 Chinnambavi 00 Total 00 Sl. Name of the Mandal Private Management No. of Schools No. Aided functioning in Other Total 12 10 Schools Own Other 1 Amarachinta 0 Private (incl. 13 Buildings Buildings 2 Madanapur 0 Unaided NCLP/ 4 3 Peddamandadi 0 Madarsas 3 14 15 4 Ghanpur 0 13 40 5 Gopalpet 0 ) 10 12 6 Revally 0 11 12 10 85 7 Pangal 0 20 6 82 8 Wanaparthy 0 20 9 91 9 Kothakota 0 70 29 51 10 Atmakur 0 50 11 36 11 Pebbair 0 50 3 19 11 12 Srirangapur 0 20 16 74 13 Weepangandla 0 60 6 30 14 Chinnambavi 0 20 0 6 16 0 0 50 8 51 Total 10 134 60 12 0 61 30 100 34 30 40 77 0 116
TABLE - 7.4 MANAGEMENT WISE UPPER PRIMARY SCHOOLS, TEACHERS AND ENROLLMENT, 2020-21 No. of Sl. Name of the Mandal Men Teachers Enrollment Schools No. Women Total Boys Girls Total having Toilet 12 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 Amarachinta 13 17 30 210 200 410 4 2 Madanapur 9 11 20 213 191 404 3 3 Peddamandadi 40 36 76 567 489 1056 13 4 Ghanpur 38 56 94 968 694 1662 10 5 Gopalpet 35 33 68 539 414 953 10 6 Revally 28 16 44 339 262 601 6 7 Pangal 23 29 52 462 372 834 9 8 Wanaparthy 77 129 206 1476 1098 2574 30 9 Kothakota 34 36 70 508 488 996 11 10 Atmakur 17 5 22 281 209 490 3 11 Pebbair 53 48 101 867 526 1393 16 12 Srirangapur 23 19 42 297 306 603 6 13 Weepangandla 18 14 32 228 227 455 6 14 Chinnambavi 11 20 31 229 158 387 7 Total 419 469 888 7184 5634 12818 134 Sl. Name of the Mandal No. of No. of No. of No. Schools Schools Schools having having having Separate Drinking Kitchen Toilet Water Facility Facility Shed for Girls 12 23 24 25 1 Amarachinta 44 2 2 Madanapur 33 1 3 Peddamandadi 12 13 9 4 Ghanpur 10 10 5 5 Gopalpet 9 10 6 6 Revally 66 5 7 Pangal 99 3 8 Wanaparthy 29 30 10 9 Kothakota 11 11 6 10 Atmakur 23 6 11 Pebbair 15 16 4 12 Srirangapur 66 3 13 Weepangandla 66 3 14 Chinnambavi 67 4 128 134 67 Total Source: Dist.Education Officer 117
TABLE - 7.5 MANAGEMENT WISE HIGH SCHOOLS, TEACHERS AND ENROLLMENT, 2020-21 Management (in Nos.) Sl. Name of the Mandal Central State Other KGBV TREIS Social Trible BC No. Governm Governm State Welfare Welfare Welfare ent ent Govt. 9 10 12 3 45 67 8 1 Amarachinta 0 0 6 10 0 0 0 2 Madanapur 0 0 4 10 1 0 0 3 Peddamandadi 0 0 8 10 0 0 0 4 Ghanpur 0 0 6 20 0 0 0 5 Gopalpet 0 0 6 00 0 0 0 6 Revally 0 0 4 10 0 0 0 7 Pangal 0 0 10 1 0 0 0 0 8 Wanaparthy 0 0 11 0 0 0 1 2 9 Kothakota 0 1 8 10 2 0 0 10 Atmakur 0 1 8 10 0 0 0 11 Pebbair 0 0 10 1 0 0 0 1 12 Srirangapur 0 0 4 10 0 0 0 13 Weepangandla 0 0 7 10 0 0 0 14 Chinnambavi 0 0 8 10 0 0 0 Total 0 2 100 13 0 3 1 3 Management No. of Schools functioning in Sl. Name of the Mandal Minority Private Other Total No. Aided Schools Own Other Welfare Private (incl. 15 Buildings Buildings Unaided NCLP/ 9 Madars 6 16 17 9 90 as) 9 51 7 90 12 11 12 13 14 5 90 1 Amarachinta 0 0 20 12 61 2 Madanapur 0 0 00 47 41 27 12 0 3 Peddamandadi 0 0 00 20 27 20 20 17 10 4 Ghanpur 0 0 01 6 20 0 5 Gopalpet 0 0 10 8 19 1 6 Revally 0 0 00 10 51 7 Pangal 0 0 10 195 80 8 Wanaparthy 1 1 31 0 91 9 Kothakota 1 0 14 0 159 36 10 Atmakur 0 0 10 0 11 Pebbair 0 0 80 12 Srirangapur 0 0 10 13 Weepangandla 0 0 00 14 Chinnambavi 0 0 10 2 1 69 1 Total Source: Dist.Education Officer 118
Sl. Name of the Mandal Teachers Enrollment No. of No. of No. Men Schools Schools Women Total Boys Girls Total having having 19 20 12 18 49 93 21 22 23 24 25 22 70 6 6 1 Amarachinta 44 29 91 990 1104 2094 4 3 57 117 3 3 2 Madanapur 48 35 89 1053 659 1712 6 4 9 40 5 5 3 Peddamandadi 62 39 145 826 910 1736 3 3 550 904 6 6 4 Ghanpur 60 236 424 942 946 1888 42 39 163 309 21 18 5 Gopalpet 54 133 259 1006 924 1930 17 16 30 58 13 13 6 Revally 31 31 77 373 519 892 2 2 29 85 4 3 7 Pangal 106 1412 2761 1455 1177 2632 8 7 140 128 8 Wanaparthy 354 No. of 8555 7017 15572 Schools 9 Kothakota 188 having 5159 3996 9155 10 Atmakur 146 27 3606 2779 6385 6 11 Pebbair 126 4 2343 2473 4816 12 Srirangapur 28 4 373 471 844 13 Weepangandla 46 5 434 529 963 4 14 Chinnambavi 56 4 687 647 1334 8 Total 1349 6 27802 24151 51953 9 Sl. Name of the Mandal No. of 16 No. Schools 10 having 4 12 7 26 7 1 Amarachinta 9 94 6 2 Madanapur 3 Peddamandadi 9 4 Ghanpur 9 5 Gopalpet 6 6 Revally 5 7 Pangal 12 8 Wanaparthy 46 9 Kothakota 27 10 Atmakur 20 11 Pebbair 19 12 Srirangapur 6 13 Weepangandla 8 14 Chinnambavi 10 192 Total Source: Dist.Education Officer 119
TABLE - 7.6 MANAGEMENT WISE HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOLS, TEACHERS AND ENROLLMENT, 2020-21 (in Nos.) Management Sl. Name of the Mandal Central State Other Model Social No. State Schools Welfare Govt. KGBV TREIS Government Government 5 6 12 34 0 0 7 89 1 Amarachinta 00 0 0 0 00 2 Madanapur 00 0 0 0 00 3 Peddamandadi 00 0 0 0 01 4 Ghanpur 00 0 1 1 00 5 Gopalpet 00 0 0 0 01 6 Revally 00 0 0 0 00 7 Pangal 00 0 1 0 00 8 Wanaparthy 00 0 0 0 00 9 Kothakota 00 0 0 1 00 10 Atmakur 00 0 0 0 00 11 Pebbair 00 0 0 1 00 12 Srirangapur 00 0 0 0 00 13 Weepangandla 00 0 0 0 00 14 Chinnambavi 00 0 00 Total 0 0 0 2 3 02 Management Sl. Name of the Mandal Trible BC Welfare Minority Private Other Total No. Welfare Welfare Aided Schools Private (incl. 16 12 10 11 12 13 Unaided NCLP/ 0 1 Amarachinta 0 0 00 Madars 0 2 Madanapur 0 0 00 2 3 Peddamandadi 1 0 00 as) 1 4 Ghanpur 0 0 00 14 15 2 5 Gopalpet 0 0 00 00 0 6 Revally 0 0 00 00 0 7 Pangal 0 0 00 00 2 8 Wanaparthy 0 0 10 00 1 9 Kothakota 0 0 00 00 0 10 Atmakur 0 0 00 00 1 11 Pebbair 0 0 00 00 0 12 Srirangapur 0 0 00 00 0 13 Weepangandla 0 0 00 00 0 14 Chinnambavi 0 0 00 00 9 1 0 10 00 Total 00 00 Source: Dist.Education Officer 00 00 120
TABLE - 7.6 MANAGEMENT WISE HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOLS, TEACHERS AND ENROLLMENT, 2020-21 Sl. No. of Schools functioning in Teachers Enrollment No. Women Total Name of the Mandal Other Buildings Own Buildings Men Boys Girls 12 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0 0 1 Amarachinta 0 0 00 0 0 0 604 556 2 Madanapur 0 0 00 0 379 334 0 988 3 Peddamandadi 1 1 8 12 20 0 0 0 0 4 Ghanpur 1 0 5 11 16 425 381 298 299 5 Gopalpet 2 0 1 29 30 0 0 359 387 6 Revally 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 7 Pangal 0 0 00 0 0 0 2065 2945 8 Wanaparthy 1 1 11 27 38 9 Kothakota 1 0 13 6 19 10 Atmakur 0 0 00 0 11 Pebbair 1 0 12 9 21 12 Srirangapur 0 0 00 0 13 Weepangandla 0 0 00 0 14 Chinnambavi 0 0 00 0 Total 7 2 50 94 144 Sl. Name of the Mandal Enrollment No. of No. of No. of No. of No. Schools Schools Schools Schools Total having Toilet having having having 12 Facility Separate Drinking Kitchen 1 Amarachinta 24 Toilet Water 2 Madanapur 0 25 Facility Facility Shed 3 Peddamandadi 0 0 4 Ghanpur 1160 0 26 27 28 5 Gopalpet 713 2 0 0 0 6 Revally 988 1 0 0 0 7 Pangal 0 2 0 2 0 8 Wanaparthy 0 0 1 1 1 9 Kothakota 806 0 0 2 0 10 Atmakur 597 2 0 0 0 11 Pebbair 0 1 0 0 0 12 Srirangapur 746 0 0 2 0 13 Weepangandla 0 1 1 1 1 14 Chinnambavi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Total 5010 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 9 3 Source: Dist.Education Officer 121
TABLE - 7.7 FUNCTIONING OF BHAVITHA CENTRES, 2020-21 Functiong in CWS ( Children With Special Needs in No.s) Sl. Name of the Mandal No. of Own Other No. of Blind & Visually Mentally No. Bhavitha Building Building IRPs Impaired Retarted Centres s (Nos) s (Nos) Boys Girls Boys Girls 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Amarachinta 1 0 0 0 1 043 2 Madanapur 0 0 0 0 0 000 3 Peddamandadi 1 0 0 1 0 010 4 Ghanpur 1 1 0 1 0 011 5 Gopalpet 2 0 0 2 1 200 6 Revally 0 0 0 0 0 000 7 Pangal 2 0 0 2 1 321 8 Wanaparthy 1 1 0 2 0 044 9 Kothakota 2 1 0 2 0 156 10 Atmakur 1 0 0 2 0 000 11 Pebbair 1 0 0 2 0 000 12 Srirangapur 1 0 0 0 0 001 13 Weepangandla 1 0 0 1 0 002 14 Chinnambavi 0 0 0 0 0 000 14 3 0 15 3 6 17 18 Total CWS ( Children With Special Needs in No.s) Sl. Name of the Mandal Deaf & Dumb Locomative Speech Therophy Others No. 12 Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls 1 Amarachinta 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 Madanapur 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 4 3 Peddamandadi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Ghanpur 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 3 5 Gopalpet 0 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 6 Revally 1 0 0 0 3 1 2 2 7 Pangal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 Wanaparthy 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 9 Kothakota 2 0 0 0 1 0 5 4 10 Atmakur 1 0 3 1 0 0 2 3 11 Pebbair 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 3 12 Srirangapur 0 1 1 0 2 2 1 2 13 Weepangandla 2 0 2 0 0 0 3 5 14 Chinnambavi 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 11 4 12 2 9 5 27 31 122
TABLE - 7.7 FUNCTIONING OF BHAVITHA CENTRES, 2020-21 CWS ( Children Oriental Schools (Hindi Mahavidyalayas And With Special Needs Having Having Sanskrit Patshalas) in No.s) Toilet Drinking Sl. Name of the Mandal Facility Teachers No. Total Water Men Women Total Facility No. of Schools 12 Boys Girls 21 Govt. Private 1 Amarachinta 19 20 0 22 23 24 25 26 27 2 Madanapur 12 11 0 0 0 0000 3 Peddamandadi 0 0 0 0 0 0000 4 Ghanpur 6 3 1 0 0 0000 5 Gopalpet 5 4 0 0 0 0000 6 Revally 7 7 0 0 0 0000 7 Pangal 0 0 0 0 0 0000 8 Wanaparthy 7 7 1 0 0 0000 9 Kothakota 12 8 1 0 0 0000 10 Atmakur 11 11 0 0 0 0000 11 Pebbair 5 3 0 0 0 0000 12 Srirangapur 4 5 0 0 0 0000 13 Weepangandla 7 5 0 0 0 0000 14 Chinnambavi 3 3 0 0 0 0000 0 0 3 0 0 0000 Total 79 67 0 0 0000 Oriental Schools (Hindi Mahavidyalayas And Sanskrit Sl. Name of the Mandal Patshalas) No. Students Boys Girls Total 12 28 29 30 0 1 Amarachinta 00 0 0 2 Madanapur 00 0 0 3 Peddamandadi 00 0 0 4 Ghanpur 00 0 0 5 Gopalpet 00 0 0 6 Revally 00 0 0 7 Pangal 00 0 0 8 Wanaparthy 00 9 Kothakota 00 10 Atmakur 00 11 Pebbair 00 12 Srirangapur 00 13 Weepangandla 00 14 Chinnambavi 00 Total 00 Source: MEO Note: (i) IRP- Inclussive Educational Resourse Person (ii) MR - Mentally Retaired 123
TABLE - 7.8 GOVERNMENT HOSTELS FOR SCHEDULED CASTES STUDENTS (CLASSES I TO X), 2020-21 Pre Matric Hostels Sl. Name of the Mandal No. of Hostels for No. of Students Enrolled No. Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total 12 3 4 5 6 78 1 Amarachinta 2 Madanapur 1 0 1 123 0 123 3 Peddamandadi 4 Ghanpur 1 0 1 52 0 52 5 Gopalpet 6 Revally 0 1 1 0 78 78 7 Pangal 8 Wanaparthy 1 0 1 103 0 103 9 Kothakota 10 Atmakur 1 0 1 62 0 62 11 Srirangapur 12 Chinnambavi 1 0 1 78 0 78 Total 1 0 1 87 0 87 2 1 3 162 153 315 1 1 2 119 157 276 1 1 2 93 139 232 1 0 1 83 0 83 1 0 1 59 0 59 12 4 16 1021 527 1548 Sl. Post Matric Hostels No. Name of the Mandal No. of Hostels for No. of Students Enrolled Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total 12 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 Amarachinta 2 Madanapur 0 0 0 0 00 3 Peddamandadi 4 Ghanpur 0 0 0 0 00 5 Gopalpet 6 Revally 0 0 0 0 00 7 Pangal 8 Wanaparthy 0 0 0 0 00 9 Kothakota 10 Atmakur 0 0 0 0 00 11 Srirangapur 12 Chinnambavi 0 0 0 0 00 Total 0 0 0 0 00 2 2 4 158 105 263 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 2 2 4 158 105 263 Source: Dist.SC Development Officer 124
TABLE - 7.8 GOVERNMENT HOSTELS FOR SCHEDULED CASTES STUDENTS (CLASSES I TO X), 2020-21 Sl. Total Hostels No. Name of the Mandal No. of Hostels for No. of Students Enrolled Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 Amarachinta 1 0 1 123 0 123 2 Madanapur 1 0 1 52 0 52 3 Peddamandadi 0 1 1 0 78 78 4 Ghanpur 1 0 1 103 0 103 5 Gopalpet 1 0 1 62 0 62 6 Revally 1 0 1 78 0 78 7 Pangal 1 0 1 87 0 87 8 Wanaparthy 4 3 7 320 258 578 9 Kothakota 1 1 2 119 157 276 10 Atmakur 1 1 2 93 139 232 11 Srirangapur 1 0 1 83 0 83 12 Chinnambavi 1 0 1 59 0 59 Total 14 6 20 1179 632 1811 Source: Dist.SC Development Officer 125
TABLE - 7.9 GOVERNMENT HOSTELS AND ASHRAM SCHOOLS FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES, 2020- 21 Hostels Ashram Schools Sl. Name of the No. of Students Enrolled No. of Students Enrolled No. Mandal No. No. 12 1 Amarachinta Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total 2 Madanapur 3 Peddamandadi 34 5 678 9 10 4 Ghanpur 5 Gopalpet 0 0 0 0 1 262 0 262 6 Revally 7 Pangal 4 192 174 366 0 0 0 0 8 Wanaparthy 9 Kothakota 4 192 174 366 1 262 0 262 10 Atmakur 11 Pebbair 12 Srirangapur 13 Weepangandla 14 Chinnambavi Total Source: Dist.Tribal Welfare Officer 126
TABLE - 7.10 GOVERNMENT HOSTELS FOR BACKWARD CLASSES WELFARE, 2020-21 Pre Matric Hostels Sl. Name of the Mandal No. of Hostels for No. of Students Enrolled No. Girls Boys Total Boys Girls Total 12 3 4 5 6 78 1 Amarachinta nil nil nil nil nil nil 2 Madanapur nil nil nil nil nil nil 3 Peddamandadi 1 nil 1 100 nil 100 4 Ghanpur nil nil nil nil nil nil 5 Gopalpet 1 1 2 38 53 91 6 Revally nil nil nil nil nil nil 7 Pangal nil nil nil nil nil nil 8 Wanaparthy 2 1 3 167 122 289 9 Kothakota 1 nil 1 130 nil 130 10 Atmakur 1 nil 1 152 nil 152 11 Pebbair 1 nil 1 64 nil 64 12 Srirangapur nil nil nil nil nil nil 13 Weepangandla 1 nil 1 34 nil 34 14 Chinnambavi nil nil nil nil nil nil Total 8 2 10 685 175 860 Post Matric Hostels Sl. Name of the Mandal No. of Hostels for No. of Students Enrolled No. 12 Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total 1 Amarachinta 2 Madanapur 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 Peddamandadi nil nil nil nil nil nil 4 Ghanpur nil nil nil nil nil nil 5 Gopalpet nil nil nil nil nil nil 6 Revally nil nil nil nil nil nil 7 Pangal nil nil nil nil nil nil 8 Wanaparthy nil nil nil nil nil nil 9 Kothakota nil nil nil nil nil nil 10 Atmakur 1 1 2 150 144 294 11 Pebbair 1 1 2 111 133 144 12 Srirangapur 1 nil 1 18 nil 18 13 Weepangandla nil nil nil nil nil nil 14 Chinnambavi nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil Total nil nil nil nil nil nil 3 2 5 279 277 556 Source: Dist.BC Development Officer 127
Source: Dist.BC Development Officer TABLE - 7.10 GOVERNMENT HOSTELS FOR BACKWARD CLASSES WELFARE, 2020-21 Total Hostels Sl. Name of the Mandal No. of Hostels for No. of Students Enrolled No. Girls 12 Boys Total Boys Girls Total 1 Amarachinta 16 2 Madanapur 15 nil 17 18 19 20 3 Peddamandadi nil nil nil nil nil nil 4 Ghanpur nil nil nil nil nil nil 5 Gopalpet 1 nil 1 100 nil 100 6 Revally nil 1 nil nil nil nil 7 Pangal 1 nil 2 38 53 91 8 Wanaparthy nil nil nil nil nil nil 9 Kothakota nil 2 nil nil nil nil 10 Atmakur 3 1 5 317 266 583 11 Pebbair 2 nil 3 241 133 374 12 Srirangapur 2 nil 2 170 nil 170 13 Weepangandla 1 nil 1 64 nil 64 14 Chinnambavi nil nil nil nil nil nil 1 nil 1 34 nil 34 Total nil 4 nil nil nil nil 11 15 964 452 1416 Source: Dist.BC Development Officer 128
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