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Home Explore DHBS_Final_Updated


Published by Sravan Yeddala, 2022-08-11 06:54:18

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TABLE - 7.11 FUNCTIONING OF RESIDENCIAL SCHOOLS/COLLEGES FOR BC (Jyothiba Pule) SC, ST, ITDA, MINORITIES AND OTHERS,ACADEMIC YEAR 2020-21 District : Code: Sanctioned for Functiong in No. of Teachers Enrollment (No.) SCs-1, STs-2 Sl. Name of the Name of the BCs-3, Own Other Teachin Non- Boys Girls Total No. Mandal Residencial Minorities-4, Buildin Building g Teachin 10 11 School/College Modal Schools-5, 12 KGBV-6, ITDA- gs s g 7 and Others-8 3 4 5 6 7 89 1 Wanaparthy School 4 1 19 16 458 0 458 2 Wanaparthy School 4 1 20 19 0 461 461 3 Kothakota School 4 1 20 7 480 0 480 4 Wanaparthy Jr. College 4 1 11 9 160 0 160 5 Wanaparthy Jr. College 41 0 0 0 57 57 6 Kothakota Jr. College 4 1 9 4 160 0 160 7 Ghanpur Ashram School 2 Own 10 1 273 nil 273 Ghanpur Residencial School /College Sl. Name of the Name of the Having Toilet Having Having No. Mandal Residencial Facility (Y/N) Drinkin Kitchen School/College g Water 12 Facility Shed (Y/N) (Y/N) 12 3 13 14 1 Wanaparthy School YES YES YES 2 Wanaparthy School YES YES YES 3 Kothakota School YES YES YES 4 Wanaparthy Jr. College YES YES YES 5 Wanaparthy Jr. College YES YES YES 6 Kothakota Jr. College YES YES YES 2 Ghanpur YES YES YES Ashram School Ghanpur Source: PO (ITDA) & District Welfare Officers (SC, ST, BC and Minorities) 129

TABLE - 7.12 GROSS ENROLLMENT RATIOS FROM 2014-15 TO 2020-21 Sl. Year Classes (I-V) ( 6-10) Classes (VI-VIII) (11-13) Classes (IX-X) (14-15) No. Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total 12 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2014-15 2 2015-16 3 2016-17 25116 22961 48077 14108 12913 27021 8060 7642 15702 4 2017-18 21165 19036 40201 11805 11258 23063 7727 7284 15011 5 2018-19 23964 21227 45191 12870 12138 25008 8816 8138 16954 6 2019-20 24461 21734 46195 12918 11933 24851 8438 8100 16538 7 2020-21 22800 20147 42947 13548 12280 25828 8273 8028 16301 Source: Dist.Education Officer TABLE - 7.13 DROP-OUT RATES FROM 2014-15 TO 2020-21 Primary Level (I-V) Elementary Level (I-VIII) Secondary Level (I-X) Sl.No. Year Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2014-15 13.4 12.9 13.2 9.2 5.9 7.6 10.5 8.5 9.3 2 2015-16 3 2016-17 5.8 4.8 4.9 6.4 5.3 6.1 11.5 8.6 9.4 4 2017-18 5 2018-19 3.95 3.06 3.53 3.09 2.12 2.62 8.01 7.5 7.9 6 2019-20 7 2020-21 -2.4 -0.03 -1.27 -0.3 0.46 0.08 5.23 0.73 3.06 -0.73 -0.8 -0.76 2.19 0.23 1.24 2.19 0.23 1.24 Source: Dist.Education Officer 130

TABLE - 7.14 JUNIOR COLLEGES, LECTURERS EMPLOYED AND STUDENTS ENROLLED, 2020-21 (in Nos.) Management wise Lecturers Enrollment Sl. Name of the Govt. Private Private Total Men Women Total Boys Girls Total No. Mandal Aided Un-Aided 3 67 8 9 10 11 12 12 0 4 5 00 0 0 0 0 0 1 Amarachinta 0 0 2 Madanapur 10 0 1 3 0 3 75 0 75 3 Peddamandadi 3 0 0 3 9 0 9 100 140 240 4 Ghanpur 20 0 28 4 12 118 121 239 5 Gopalpet 30 0 37 3 10 121 195 316 6 Revally 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 7 Pangal 10 0 18 1 9 65 75 140 8 Wanaparthy 80 14 22 66 10 76 2002 2339 4341 9 Kothakota 20 3 5 29 5 34 474 425 899 10 Atmakur 10 2 3 25 7 32 270 202 472 11 Pebbair 20 3 5 14 1 15 223 282 505 12 Srirangapur 10 0 19 2 11 32 42 74 13 Weepangandla 1 0 0 16 1 7 55 39 94 14 Chinnambavi 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 Total 25 0 22 47 184 34 218 3535 3860 7395 Source: Dist. Intermediate Officer 131

TABLE - 7.15 RESULTS OF SECONDARY SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATIONS (in Nos.) Boys Girls Total Sl. Year No. No. Percentag No. No. Percentag No. No. Percentag No. Appeared Passed e Passed Appeared Passed e Passed Appeared Passed e Passed 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2014-15 2748 2552 92.87 2665 2517 94.45 5376 5032 93.6 2 2015-16 2882 2706 93.89 2934 2869 97.78 5831 5527 94.79 3 2016-17 2909 1940 66.69 2986 2090 69.99 5869 4025 68.58 4 2017-18 4013 3045 75.88 3796 2983 78.58 7809 6028 77.19 5 2018-19 4297 3864 89.92 4012 3699 92.2 8309 7563 91.02 6 2019-20 4090 4088 99.95 3860 3858 99.948 7950 7946 99.95 7 2020-21 3768 3768 100 3800 3800 100 7568 7568 100 Source: Dist.Education Officer TABLE - 7.16 RESULTS OF INTERMEDIATE EXAMINATIONS (in Nos.) Boys Girls Total Sl. Percentag Percentag Percentag No. No. e of No. e of Year No. No. e of No. No. Appeared Passed Passed Appeared Passed Passed Appeared Passed Passed Students Students Students 12 3 45 6 78 9 10 11 1 2014-15 1029 613 59.57 841 535 63.61 1870 1148 61.39 2 2015-16 859 648 75.44 861 678 78.75 1720 1326 77.09 3 2016-17 2951 1809 61.30 2844 1916 67.37 5795 3725 64.28 4 2017-18 1358 476 35.05 1025 427 41.66 2383 903 37.89 5 2018-19 2696 1677 62.20 3101 2139 68.98 5797 3816 65.83 6 2019-20 2599 1596 61.41 2981 2095 70.28 5580 3691 66.15 7 2020-21 3158 3158 100.00 3012 3012 100.00 6170 6170 100.00 Source: Dist.Intermediate Officer 132

TABLE - 7.17 COLLEGES AT GRADUATION LEVEL (B.A., B.COM., B.SC., etc.), 2020-21 Management Total Teaching Staff (in Nos.) Students (in Nos.) No.of Sl. Name of the No. Mandal Private Private College Aided Unaided s Govt. Men Women Total Boys Girls Total 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 Wanaparthy 3 0 6 9 103 53 156 834 754 1588 2 Kothakota 00 3 3 28 2 30 199 306 505 3 Atmakur 10 1 2 17 6 23 104 137 241 4 Pebbair 1 0 2 3 22 2 24 129 75 204 Total 5 0 12 17 170 63 233 1266 1272 2538 Source: University Registar 113953

TABLE - 7.18 PROFESSIONAL COLLEGES, 2020-21 (in Nos.) Sl. No. of Management Faculty Enrollment No. Category Institutions Govt. Private Male Female Total Boys Girls Total 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Engineering 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 2 Medical 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 3 Pharmacy 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 4 BEd 8 0 8 42 54 96 212 572 784 5 MCA 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 6 MBA 1 0 1 4 2 6 48 18 66 7 Polytechnic 2 2 0 8 4 12 0 259 259 8 Others (Specify) 2 1 1 11 7 18 41 117 158 Total 13 3 10 65 67 132 301 966 1267 Source: University Registar 134

TABLE - 7.19 NATIONAL LITERACY PROGRAMME BY MANDALS, 2020-21 Name of the No. of Literacy No.of Sakshara Total No. of No. of New Mandal Sl.No. Centres Bharathi Co- Illiterates Literates made as on Functioning Ordinaters Identified 31-03-2021 12 3 45 6 1 Amarachinta 2 Madanapur Nil 3 Peddamandadi 4 Ghanpur 5 Gopalpet 6 Revally 7 Pangal 8 Wanaparthy 9 Kothakota 10 Atmakur 11 Pebbair 12 Srirangapur 13 Weepangandla 14 Chinnambavi Total Note: The Saakshar Bharat Literacy Programme was concluded by Govt. of India on 31-03-2018, further programme has to be announced by Govt. of India/State Govt. Therefore the information called for may kindly be treated as -NIL- for the year 2018-19 To 2020-21 also. Source: Dist. Adult Education Officer 135

TABLE - 7.20 FUNCTIONING OF LIBRARIES BY MANDALS, 2020-21 Sl.No. Name of the Branches Book Depot Panchayat Co-op. Private Mandal Centres Libraries Society Management Branch Village (Nos.) Libraries Libraries Libraries Libraries 8 12 34 5 6 7 0 0 1 Amarachinta 00 0 0 0 0 0 2 Madanapur 01 0 0 0 0 0 3 Peddamandadi 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Ghanpur 10 0 0 0 0 0 5 Gopalpet 11 0 0 0 0 0 6 Revally 00 0 0 0 0 0 7 Pangal 11 0 0 0 0 8 Wanaparthy 10 0 0 0 9 Kothakota 10 0 0 0 10 Atmakur 10 0 0 0 11 Pebbair 10 0 0 0 12 Srirangapur 01 0 0 0 13 Weepangandla 1 0 0 0 0 14 Chinnambavi 0 0 0 0 0 Total 94 0 0 0 Source: Secretary Library Dept. 136

8.Forestry Introduction Forests Play a Major role in supporting livelihood activities of rural poor, contributing to the economy of State, mitigating the threat of Global warming besides conserving the fertile soil and vulnerable Wildlife. Forest Department The District Forest office was opened at Marrikunta Forest Complex on 11.10.2016, after formation of New Districts. The Reserve Forest Area in the District is 11629.23 Ha, which is 5.34% of the District Area. Forest Area Details 12 Reserve Forest Blocks in (2) Ranges (10) Sections and (26) Beats with an area of 10434.73 Ha. 14 Compensatory Afforestation areas with an area of 1194.50 Ha. Total Forest Area 11629.23 Ha. Telangana Ku Haritha Haram The Government of Telangana has launched a flagship Programme ‘‘Telangana Ku Haritha Haram’’- a massive people’s movement by involving general public and farmers in a big way with an aim to increase the tree cover from present 24% to 33% of total geographical area of the state. The main components of TKHH are distribution of seedlings, raising of plantations in community lands, institutions and road side avenue. The main species raised for free distribution and planting in public lands are Ravi, Marri, Kanuga, Badam, Neredu, Rela and others. Ten (10) percent of the funds of Gram panchayats and municipalities are allocated for the development of greenery as a Green Budget. 137

Table No. Content 8.1 Forest Area by Legal Status under the control of Forest Department, 2020-21 8.2 Classification of Forest Area by Mandals, 2020-21 8.3 Amount realized on Sale of Major and Minor Forest Produce by Mandals, 2020-21 8.4 Functioning of Wild Life Sanctuaries, Tiger Reserves and Parks, 31- 03-2021 138

TABLE - 8.1 FOREST AREA BY LEGAL STATUS UNDER THE CONTROL OF FOREST DEPARTMENT, 2020- 21 (Area in Sq. Kms.) Sl. Name of the Mandal Geographical Reserved Protected Un-classified Total % to No. Area Forest Geographical Land Land Area 12 3 45 6 7 8 1 Amarachinta 107.23 0 0 00 0 2 Madanapur 113.57 0 0 00 0 3 Peddamandadi 178.65 17.29 4.05 0 21.34 11.94 4 Ghanpur 152.41 13.98 0 0 13.98 9.17 5 Gopalpet 147.65 2.88 2.60 0 5.48 3.71 6 Revally 103.58 1.94 2.83 0 4.77 4.60 7 Pangal 205.50 7.12 0 0 7.12 3.46 8 Wanaparthy 202.85 59.67 1.69 0 61.36 30.25 9 Kothakota 177.74 0 0.90 0 0.90 0.51 10 Atmakur 126.75 0 0 00 0 11 Pebbair 196.77 0 0 00 0 12 Srirangapur 80.96 0 0 00 0 13 Weepangandla 165.84 0 0 00 0 14 Chinnambavi 206.69 0 0 00 0 Total 2166.19 102.88 12.07 0 114.95 5.30 Source: District Forest Officer 139

TABLE - 8.2 CLASSIFICATION OF FOREST AREA BY MANDALS, 2020-21 (Area in Sq. Kms.) Sl. Name of the Mandal Very Moderate Open Shrub Non Water Total No. Dense Dense Forest Forest Forest Bodies Forest Forest 12 4 5 6 78 9 1 Amarachinta 3 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 1.41 4.26 2 Madanapur 0 00 1.24 00 0 0.66 3 Peddamandadi 0 0 2.35 6.87 1.64 0 5.40 9.65 4 Ghanpur 0 0.009 2.87 0 0 0 7.139 0 5 Gopalpet 0 0.416 3.01 0 1.06 0 5.726 0 6 Revally 0 0 0.01 0 0.007 0 0.677 0 7 Pangal 0 0.04 0.87 24.09 0 0.004 7.784 8 Wanaparthy 0 0.017 4.16 0.83 0.007 14.664 9 Kothakota 0 00 0.36 0 0.36 10 Atmakur 0 00 00 0 11 Pebbair 0 00 00 0 12 Srirangapur 0 00 00 0 13 Weepangandla 0 00 00 0 14 Chinnambavi 0 00 0 0 0 Total 3.897 0.011 41.75 0 0.482 13.27 Source : District Forest Officer 140

TABLE - 8.3 AMOUNT REALIZED ON SALE OF MAJOR AND MINOR FOREST PRODUCE BY MANDALS, 2020- 21 (Rs. in Lakhs) Major Produce Minor Produce Receipts Grand (Other Total Sl. Name of the Timber Fire Other Bam Beedi Other Miscella Total than (col No. Mandal Wood Forest boo Leaves Forest neous (col 3 Forest 10+11) Produce Produce to 9) Produce) 12 34 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 1 Amarachinta 2 Madanapur 3 Peddamandadi 4 Ghanpur 5 Gopalpet 6 Revally 7 Pangal Nil 8 Wanaparthy 9 Kothakota 10 Atmakur 11 Pebbair 12 Srirangapur 13 Weepangandla 14 Chinnambavi Total Source : District Forest Officer 141

TABLE - 8.4 FUNCTIONING OF WILD LIFE SANCTUARIES, TIGER RESERVES AND PARKS, 31- 03-2021 Sl.No. Name of Wildlife Sanctuary/ Mandal / Fauna Area (in Sq. Kms.) Tiger Reserve / Park Division 4 5 1 2 3 I. Wildlife Sanctuaries: NIL 1 NIL II. Tiger Reserves: NIL 1 NIL III. Parks: National Parks NIL 1 IV. Parks: Zoological Parks 1 V. Parks: Functioning of Deer Parks 1 Source : District Forest Officer 142

9.Industries Introduction The State of Telangana is the 12th largest State in India, both in terms of land and population with abundant Road, Rail and Air Transport connectivity and provides wide range of opportunities for the entrepreneurs willing to establish industries in the State. Availability of land, water, manpower, etc., at affordable prices with congenial atmosphere are lucrative for the entrepreneurs to establish their new industries in the State. Annual Survey of Industries The Annual Survey of Industries is the principal source of organized manufacturing statistics in India and in the state as well. It provides statistical information to assess and evaluate, objectively and realistically, the changes in the growth, composition and structure of organized manufacturing sector. T-IDEA, T-PRIDE The Government has put on Incentives for setting up of New Industrial Enterprises in Telangana State– T-IDEA (Telangana State Industrial Development and Entrepreneur Advancement) Incentive Scheme 2014, and Industrial Investment Promotion Policy (IIPP) 2010-2015 – Extension of time period for availing incentives in respect of Micro and Small Enterprises and Textile Units, and T-PRIDE— Telangana State Program for Rapid Incubation of Dalit Entrepreneurs for Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe entrepreneurs. TS-iPASS The Government of Telangana has enacted the Telangana State Industrial Project Approval and Self Certificate System (TS-iPASS) Act, 2014, for speedy processing of applications to setup industries in the state. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play a pivotal role in the economic and social development of the country. The MSME sector contributes significantly to the country’s manufacturing output, employment and exports and it is also credited with generating the highest employment growth as well as accounting for a major share of industrial production and exports. 143

Table No. Content Category wise No. of Working Units Registered Under Factories Act, 9.1 1948 (Large, Medium & Small Scale Industries) For 2019-20 & 2020- 21 9.2 Working Units Registered Under Factories Act, 1948 By Mandals (Large, Medium & Small Industries) 2019-20 & 2020-21 9.3 Functioning of Large Scale Industries By Mandals, 2020-21 9.4 Functioning of Medium Scale Industries By Mandals, 2020-21 9.5 Functioning of Small Scale Industries By Mandals, 2020-21 9.6 Functioning of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises 9.7 Category wise functioning of Cottage Industries, 2020-21 9.8 Functioning of Cottage Industries by Mandals, 2020-21 9.9 Functioning of Rice Mills by Mandals, 2020-21 9.10 Mineral Resources available by Mandals, 2020-21 9.11 Production of Principal Minerals from 2019-20 & 2020-21 144

TABLE - 9.1 CATEGORY WISE NO. OF WORKING UNITS REGISTERED UNDER FACTORIES ACT, 1948 (LARGE, MEDIUM & SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES) FOR 2019-20 & 2020-21 Sl. Industry Description of the Industry No. of 2019-20 No. Code 3 No. of Workers Factori 12 Male Female Total es 4 56 7 1 1 Agriculture, Hunting and Related Service 00 0 0 Activities 2 8 Other Mining Activity 2 10 4 14 3 10 Manufacturing of Food Products 3 21 10 31 4 11 Manufacture of Beverages 13 2 5 5 12 Manufacture of Tobacco Products 00 0 0 6 13 Manufacture of Textiles 00 0 0 7 14 Manufacture of Wearing Apparel; Dressing & 2 6 4 10 Dyeing of Fur 0 0 0 8 15 Manufacture Tanning and Dressing of Leather, 0 Footwear 2 2 4 0 0 0 9 16 Manufacture of Wood and Products and Wood 1 0 0 0 Crafts 0 0 0 10 17 Manufacture of Paper and Paper Products 0 0 0 0 11 18 Publishing, Printing and Reproduction of Record 0 0 0 0 Media 2 1 3 0 0 0 12 19 Manufacture of Coke, Refined Petroleum 0 0 0 0 Products and Nuclear Gas 43 7 50 13 20 Manufacture of Chemicals and Chemical 0 0 0 0 Products 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 21 Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 22 Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products 1 0 664 16 23 Manufacture of Other Non-Metallic Mineral 0 0 Products 0 17 24 Manufacture Basic Metals 0 18 25 Manufacture of Fabricated Metal Products, 9 Except Machinery and Equipments 19 26 Manufacture of Computer, Electronic and Other 0 Optical Products 20 27 Manufacture Electrical Equipment 0 21 28 Manufacture Machinery and Equipments 0 22 29 Manufacture of Motor Vehicles, Trailers, and 0 Semi Trailers 23 30 Manufacture of Other Transport Equipment 0 24 31 Manufacture of Furniture, Manufacturing N.E.C. 0 0 0 25 32 Other Manufacturing 6 531 133 26 33 Repair and Installation of Machinery and 00 0 Equipment 27 35 Electricity, Gas, Stem and Water Supply 00 0 145

2019-20 Sl. Industry Description of the Industry No. of No. of Workers No. Code Factori es Male Female Total 12 3 45 6 7 0 28 37 Sewerage 00 0 0 0 29 38 Waste Collection 00 0 0 0 30 45 Sale, Maintenance and Repair of Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 and Motor Cycles 0 31 49 Transport Service 00 0 0 32 52 Warehousing and Support Activities 00 0 0 0 33 58 Publishing Activities (Newspaper Printing and 00 0 0 Publishing) 781 Motion Picture, Video & Television Programme 34 59 Production Sound Recording and Music 00 0 Publishing Activities. 35 Manufacturing of packaging Materials 00 0 36 Manufacturing of Defence, Space, Aero Space & 0 0 0 Precision components 37 Manufacturing of Casting Products 00 0 38 Others 00 0 Total 25 618 163 Source: Inspector of Factories 146

TABLE - 9.1 CATEGORY WISE NO. OF WORKING UNITS REGISTERED UNDER FACTORIES ACT, 1948 (LARGE, MEDIUM & SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES) FOR 2019-20 & 2020-21 2020-21 Sl. Industry Description of the Industry No. of No. of Workers No. Code Factori Male Female Total es 12 3 78 9 10 80 1 1 Agriculture, Hunting and Related Service 1 45 35 89 Activities 869 0 2 8 Other Mining Activity 3 66 23 0 0 3 10 Manufacturing of Food Products 9 653 216 0 4 11 Manufacture of Beverages 00 0 0 5 12 Manufacture of Tobacco Products 00 0 0 0 6 13 Manufacture of Textiles 00 0 0 7 14 Manufacture of Wearing Apparel; Dressing & 00 0 0 Dyeing of Fur 0 8 15 Manufacture Tanning and Dressing of Leather, 0 0 0 22 Footwear 13 0 9 16 Manufacture of Wood and Products and Wood 0 0 0 0 Crafts 0 10 17 Manufacture of Paper and Paper Products 00 0 0 0 11 18 Publishing, Printing and Reproduction of Record 0 0 0 0 Media 0 0 12 19 Manufacture of Coke, Refined Petroleum 00 0 0 Products and Nuclear Gas 0 0 13 20 Manufacture of Chemicals and Chemical 00 0 390 Products 0 0 14 21 Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals 1 13 9 15 22 Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products 19 4 16 23 Manufacture of Other Non-Metallic Mineral 00 0 Products 17 24 Manufacture Basic Metals 00 0 18 25 Manufacture of Fabricated Metal Products, 00 0 Except Machinery and Equipments 19 26 Manufacture of Computer, Electronic and Other 0 0 0 Optical Products 20 27 Manufacture Electrical Equipment 00 0 21 28 Manufacture Machinery and Equipments 00 0 22 29 Manufacture of Motor Vehicles, Trailers, and 00 0 Semi Trailers 23 30 Manufacture of Other Transport Equipment 00 0 24 31 Manufacture of Furniture, Manufacturing N.E.C. 0 0 0 25 32 Other Manufacturing 00 0 26 33 Repair and Installation of Machinery and 00 0 Equipment 27 35 Electricity, Gas, Stem and Water Supply 2 313 77 28 37 Sewerage 00 0 29 38 Waste Collection 00 0 147

2020-21 Sl. Industry Description of the Industry No. of No. of Workers No. Code Factori es Male Female Total 12 3 78 9 10 30 45 Sale, Maintenance and Repair of Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 and Motor Cycles 31 49 Transport Service 00 0 0 32 52 Warehousing and Support Activities 00 0 0 33 58 Publishing Activities (Newspaper Printing and 00 0 0 Publishing) Motion Picture, Video & Television Programme 34 59 Production Sound Recording and Music 00 0 0 Publishing Activities. 35 Manufacturing of packaging Materials 00 0 0 36 Manufacturing of Defence, Space, Aero Space & 0 0 0 0 Precision components 37 Manufacturing of Casting Products 00 0 0 38 Others 00 0 0 Total 17 1099 364 1463 Source: Inspector of Factories 148

TABLE - 9.2 WORKING UNITS REGISTERED UNDER FACTORIES ACT, 1948 BY MANDALS (LARGE, MEDIUM & SMALL INDUSTRIES) 2019-20 & 2020-21 2019-20 2020-21 No. of Workers Employed No. of Workers Employed Sl. Name of the Total No. Total No. No. Mandal of of Factories Male Female Total Factories Male Female Total 12 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 1 Amarachinta 1 22 4 0 00 0 2 Madanapur 0 00 0 3 Peddamandadi 1 213 52 265 2 29 21 50 4 Ghanpur 1 100 25 125 5 Gopalpet 1 22 4 3 307 116 423 6 Revally 0 00 0 7 Pangal 1 62 8 1 100 25 125 8 Wanaparthy 7 19 12 31 9 Kothakota 6 230 63 293 0 00 0 10 Atmakur 0 00 0 11 Pebbair 7 46 5 51 0 00 0 12 Srirangapur 0 00 0 13 Weepangandla 0 00 0 1 20 10 30 14 Chinnambavi 0 00 0 25 618 163 781 3 82 32 114 Total 1 45 35 80 0 00 0 4 483 109 592 2 33 16 49 0 00 0 0 00 0 17 1099 364 1463 Source: Inspector of Factories 149

TABLE - 9.3 FUNCTIONING OF LARGE SCALE INDUSTRIES BY MANDALS, 2020-21 Name of the No. of Capital Value of Employees working (Nos.) Mandal Factories Sl. No. Investment Production (Rs in Lakhs) ( Rs. in Lakhs) Male Female Total 6 7 8 12 3 4 5 446 88 534 1 Pebbair 1 20000.00 5000000.00 2 Peddamandadi 1 30500.28 50000.00 213 52 265 3 Ghanpur 1 11500.66 35000.00 100 25 125 Source: Inspector of Factories & GM Industries TABLE - 9.4 FUNCTIONING OF MEDIUM SCALE INDUSTRIES BY MANDALS, 2020-21 Sl. Name of the No. of Capital Value of Employees working (Nos.) No. Mandal Factories Investment Production (Rs in Lakhs) ( Rs. in Lakhs) Male Female Total 12 3 4 5 6 78 1 Kothakota 1 350 700 45 35 80 Total 1 350 700 45 35 80 Source: Inspector of Factories & GM Industries 150

TABLE - 9.5 FUNCTIONING OF SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES BY MANDALS, 2020-21 Sl. Name of the No. of Capital Value of Employees Working (Nos.) No. Mandal Factories Investment Production Male Female Total (Rs in Lakhs) (Rs in Lakhs) 12 1 Madanapur 34 5 67 8 2 260.00 312 29 21 50 2 Pangal 1 125.00 350 20 10 30 3 Pebbair 3 500.00 15700 37 21 58 4 Peddamandadi 2 1182.00 16400 94 64 158 5 Srirangapur 2 700.00 6.50 33 16 49 6 Wanaparthy 3 781 580 82 32 114 Total 13 3548.00 33348.5 295 164 459 Source: Inspector of Factories & GM Industries 151

TABLE 9.6 FUNCTIONING OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES New MSMEs Registered During 2020-21 MSMEs Registered Upto 2020- 21(Cumulative) Sector wise No. of Enterprises Registered Sector wise No. of Enterprises Registered Sl.No. Type through Online through Online Manufacturing Services Others Total Manufacturi Services Others Total ng 3 45 12 55 10 0 6 7 8 9 10 1 Micro 65 122 62 0 184 2 Small 5 0 0 5 8 0 08 3 Medium 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Total 60 10 0 70 131 62 0 193 Sl.No. Type Employees Working 12 Male Female Total 1 Micro 11 12 13 2 Small 3 Medium 1768 995 2763 Total 295 164 459 45 35 80 2108 1194 3302 Source:GM, DIC 152

TABLE - 9.7 CATEGORY WISE FUNCTIONING OF COTTAGE INDUSTRIES, 2020-21 Sl. Category No. of Capital Value of Employees working (Nos.) No. Units Investment Production Male Female Total (Rs in Lakhs) (Rs. in lakhs) 12 3 4 5 6 78 1 DTP & Xerox Center 1 2 1.00 1 1 2 2 Centring units 2 12 10.00 8 4 12 3 Tent House 2 15 20.00 10 5 15 4 Rice Mill 1 25 80.00 20 8 28 Sources: Khadi & Village Industries TABLE - 9.8 FUNCTIONING OF COTTAGE INDUSTRIES BY MANDALS, 2020-21 Capital Value of Employees working (Nos.) Sl. Name of the Mandal No. of Investment (Rs Production (Rs. No. Units in Lakhs) In Lakhs) Male Female Total 12 34 5 6 78 1 Atmakur 12 1.00 1 12 2 Gopalpet 2 15 15.00 10 5 15 3 Madanapur 2 27 80.00 20 10 30 4 Srirangapur 1 10 15.00 8 2 10 6 54 111.00 39 18 57 Total Sources: Khadi & Village Industries 153

TABLE - 9.9 FUNCTIONING OF RICE MILLS BY MANDALS, 2020-21 Trading Non-Trading Total Sl. Name of the Number Installed Value of Number Installed Numbe Installed No. Mandal Capacity Production Capacity r (3+6) Capacity (in Tonnes) (in Rs. Lakhs) (in Tonnes) (in Tonnes) 12 1 Amarachinta (4+7) 34 5 6 789 49 777.2 NIL NIL 4 9 2 Madanapur 8 59 2383.9 NIL NIL 8 59 3 Peddamandadi 3 7 947.2 NIL NIL 3 7 4 Ghanpur 8 20 2312.97 NIL NIL 8 20 5 Gopalpet 13 283.2 NIL NIL 1 3 6 Revally 0 0 2093.15 NIL NIL 0 0 7 Pangal 4 12 1042.03 NIL NIL 4 12 8 Wanaparthy 21 189 9 Kothakota 10 83 6747.89 NIL NIL 21 189 2481.89 NIL NIL 10 83 10 Atmakur 9 26 2969.7 NIL NIL 9 26 11 Pebbair 23 190 8408.87 NIL NIL 23 190 12 Srirangapur 5 168 2093.15 NIL NIL 5 168 13 Weepangandla 1 2 282.551 NIL NIL 1 2 14 Chinnambavi 24 406.94 NIL NIL 2 4 Total 99 772 33230.641 NIL NIL 99 772 Source : District Civil Supply Officer 154

TABLE - 9.10 MINERAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE BY MANDALS, 2020-21 Sl. No. Name of the Mandal Name of the Major Name of the Minor Mineral 1 2 Mineral 1 4 2 Ghanpur 3 Wanaparthy Nil Quartz & Feldspar 3 Nil Quartz Kothakota Nil Quartz 4 Nil Quartz Peddamandadi Nil Quartz & Feldspar 5 Nil Black Granite Pangal Nil Quartz & Feldspar 6 Nil Quartz & Feldspar 7 Revally Nil Quartz & Feldspar Srirangapur Nil Quartz & Feldspar Nil Quartz & Feldspar Nil Quartz & Feldspar Nil Quartz & Feldspar Nil Quartz&Feldspar Nil Stone & Metal Nil Stone & Metal Nil Colour Granite Nil Quartz & Feldspar Nil Quartz & Feldspar Nil Stone & Metal Nil Stone & Metal Nil Feldspar Nil Quartz & Feldspar Nil Quartz & Feldspar Nil Quartz & Feldspar Nil Quartz & Feldspar Nil Stone & Metal Nil Stone & Metal Nil Quartz & Feldspar Nil Quartz & Feldspar Nil Quartz & Feldspar Nil Quartz Nil Stone & Metal Nil Colour Granite Nil Colour Granite Nil Colour Granite Nil Colour Granite Nil Colour Granite Nil Colour Granite Nil Stone & Metal Nil Stone & Metal Nil Stone & Metal Nil Stone & Metal Nil Stone & Metal Nil Stone & Metal Nil Stone & Metal 155

Sl. No. Name of the Mandal Name of the Major Name of the Minor Mineral 17 Sriran2gapur Mineral 8 Pebbair 4 3 Stone & Metal, Gravel 9 Amarachinta Nil Quartz Nil Black Granite 10 Atmakur Nil Black Granite 11 Gopalpet Nil Black Granite 12 Madanapur Nil Black Granite Nil Black Granite Soruce: AD Mines & Geology Nil Colour Granite Nil Quartz & Feldspar Nil Quartz & Feldspar Nil Quartz Nil Feldspar Nil Stone & Metal Nil 156

TABLE - 9.11 PRODUCTION OF PRINCIPAL MINERALS FROM 2019-20 & 2020-21 2019-20 2020-21 Sl. Name of the Mineral Unit Production Value Production Value No. (in Tonnes) (Rs in Lakhs) (in Tonnes) (Rs in Lakhs) 12 34 5 6 7 I Major Minerals: Tonnes a. Fuel Minerals 1 Coal Tonnes Tonnes b. Metallic Minerals 2 Iron Ore Tonnes 3 Manganese Ore Tonnes Tonnes c. Non-Metallic Minerals Tonnes Tonnes 4 Amethyst Tonnes 5 Bayrtes Tonnes 6 Dolomite Tonnes 7 Feldspar Tonnes 8 Fire Clay Tonnes 9 Laterite Tonnes 10 Lime Stone 11 Quartz Sub-Total 12 Shale 13 Stowing Sand 14 White Clay II Minor Minerals: 1 Black Granite M3 37.042 77210.6 149.494 343836 M3 154.747 311421.2 141.949 287515 2 Colour Granite M3 30000 Tonnes 2600 78000 1000 3 Gravel / Earth M2 Nil 3292500 Tonnes 59200 Nil 0 4 Fuller's Earth Tonnes 0 Nil M3 3292500 5 Lime Stone Slabs M3 59200 3953851 61991.789 6 Lime kanker 7 Mosaic Chips 8 Road Metal 4417500 44100 9 Ordinary Sand 0 0 4417500 44100 Sub-Total 4884131.8 45391.443 Grand Total Source: AD, Mines & Geology 157

10.Energy Introduction Electrical Energy is considered to be the most versatile and important source of power consumed by industry, agriculture and irrigation, commercial buildings, institutions and residents. In one sentence, energy is required for all facets of our life, a basic human need and also a crucial infrastructure for socio economic development of a state or a nation. Energy is supplied by generating stations. The Power Consumption from Domestic Connections is 1,39,438, Agricultural Connections is 50,852, Industrial Connections is 1,426 and Other Connections are 87,081. The Total Distribution of Electricity Consumption Low Tension Service Connections is 2,09,712 and High-Tension Service Connections is 85. (54) Sub-Stations, 16,392 Transformers and 50,852 Services Free Power Service Connections for Agriculture during 2020-21. 158

Table No. Content 10.1 Growth of Transmission and Distribution Lines from 2018-19 to 2020-21 10.2 Electrification of Villages and Service Connections by Mandals upto 2020- 21 10.3 Category wise Number of Service Connections, Connected Load and Electricity Consumption, 2019-20 and 2020-21 10.4 Service Connections, Connected Load and Electricity Consumption by Mandals, 2020-21 10.5 Sub-Stations, Transformers and Free Power Service Connections for Agriculture by Mandals, 2019-20 & 2020-21 159

TABLE - 10.1 GROWTH OF TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION LINES FROM 2018-19 TO 2020-21 Sl. No. Voltage of Line Unit 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 12 3 4 5 6 1 400 K.V 0 0 0 2 220 K.V CKM 0 0 0 3 132 K.V CKM 15 0 0 4 66 K.V CKM 0 0 0 5 33 K.V CKM 82 46 26 6 11 K.V CKM 186 145 7 L.T.LINE CKM 509 124.39 382 Total CKM 792 166.61 553 337 Source: SE, Electricity CKM: Circuit Kilometers 160

TABLE - 10.2 ELECTRIFICATION OF VILLAGES AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS BY MANDALS UPTO 2020-21 No. of Inhabited No. of Hamlets No. of Service Connections Villages Sl. Name of the No. Mandal Existing Electrified Existin Electrifi Domestic Agricultura Industrial Others Total g ed l (7 to 10) 12 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 1 Peddamandadi 18 18 7 7 8675 3909 50 692 13326 2 Ghanpur 36 36 8 8 8317 4012 91 3 12423 3 Gopalpet 27 27 5 5 12345 7424 181 1216 21166 4 Pebbair 29 29 4 4 16560 4647 198 2431 23836 5 Wanaparthy Town 0 0 0 0 22254 725 204 5385 28568 6 Wanaparthy Rural 26 26 7 7 11846 4544 177 1021 17588 7 Atmakur 16 16 0 0 8767 2352 90 1746 12955 8 Kothakota 39 39 3 3 21669 6627 206 3143 31645 9 Amarachinta 16 16 0 0 6281 2981 49 709 10020 10 Pangal 28 28 4 4 9583 6593 102 744 17022 11 Weepangandla 14 14 0 0 13141 7038 78 991 21248 Total 249 249 38 38 139438 50852 1426 18081 209797 Source: SE, Electricity 161

TABLE - 10.3 CATEGORY WISE NUMBER OF SERVICE CONNECTIONS, CONNECTED LOAD AND ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION, 2019-20 AND 2020-21 2019-20 2020-21 Sl. No. of Connected Load Consumption No. of Connected No. Category Services Load Consumption (Units) Services (In KWh) (Units) (In KWh) 12 3 4 5 6 78 A Low Tension: 1 Domestic Supply 135857 51437 713 139438 48486.54 1422266.6 2 Non-Domestic Supply 13970 20729 197 15589 20380.34 157448.84 3 Industrial 1351 24353 93 1426 20702.48 11664.66 4 Cottage Industries 5 Agriculture 179 425 1 392 544.35 3241.84 6 Public Lights 49023 246170 7 50852 251459.5 213578.4 7 General Purpose 2279 180 1516 8976.22 12734.4 8 Temporary 7716 12 1657.95 3547.32 787 1098 0 412 Total 12 1203.55 87 106.22 348.5 B Total High Tension 203458.00 80 543052743.00 209712 352313.6 1824830.56 80.00 352007.60 543053946.56 85 337937 705075486 Total (LT+HT) 203538.00 296851.00 209797 690250.6 706900316.6 648858.10 Source: SE, Electricity 162

TABLE - 10.4 SERVICE CONNECTIONS, CONNECTED LOAD AND ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION BY MANDALS, 2020-21 Low Tension High Tension Sl. Name of the Mandal No. of Connected Load No. of Connected Load Consumption No. (In KWh) Consumption (Units) Services Services (In KWh) (Units) 12 3 4 5 67 8 1 Wanaparthy Town 28560 30833.09 40900 2 Wanaparthy Rural 8 2090 3336556 3 Gopalpet 4 Ghanapur 17588 41942.43 21100.08 0 0 0 5 Pedda Mandadi 6 Kothakota 21158 35148.71 192638.89 8 252210 630615358 7 Pebbair 8 Atmakur 12420 31476.66 202452.55 3 513 1329916 9 Amarchinta 9 Pangal 13323 24545.08 15965.9 3 520 1737642 10 Weepangandla 31606 23137.7 352256.78 39 65431 60412072 Total 23826 50651.56 303456.76 10 3658 3694480 12946 19123.01 246452.32 9 9530 3195298 10020 17565.66 14845.03 0 0 0 17020 37044.04 202456.14 2 380 607164 21245 40845.66 232306.11 3 3605 147000 209712 352313.6 1824830.56 85 337937 705075486 Total (HT & LT) Sl. Name of the Mandal No. of Connected Load No. Services (In KWh) Consumption (Units) 12 9 10 11 1 Wanaparthy Town 28568 32923.09 3377456 2 Wanaparthy Rural 17588 41942.43 21100.08 3 Gopalpet 21166 287358.71 630807996.9 4 Ghanapur 12423 31989.66 1532368.55 5 Pedda Mandadi 13326 25065.08 1753607.9 6 Kothakota 31645 88568.7 60764328.78 7 Pebbair 23836 54309.56 3997936.76 8 Atmakur 12955 28653.01 3441750.32 9 Amarchinta 10020 17565.66 14845.03 9 Pangal 17022 37424.04 809620.14 10 Weepangandla 21248 44450.66 379306.11 209797 690250.6 706900316.6 Total Source: SE, Electricity 163

TABLE - 10.5 SUB-STATIONS, TRANSFORMERS AND FREE POWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS FOR AGRICULTURE BY MANDALS, 2019-20 AND 2020-21 2019-20 2020-21 Sl. No. Name of the Mandal No. of Sub- No. of No. of Value of Power No. of Value of Power Stations Transformer Services Suplied Services Suplied 12 1 01-WANAPARTHY T s (Rs. in Lakhs) 7 (Rs. in Lakhs) 725 34 56 8 2 398 715 23 20 2 02-GOPALPET 8 2102 7369 38 7424 45 3 03-WANAPARTHY R 5 1267 4519 36 4544 28.5 4 04-GHANAPUR 6 1549 3986 31 4012 36 5 05-PEDDAMANDADI 5 1356 3874 21 3909 26 6 07-KOTHAKOTA 7 1882 6582 60 6627 58 7 08-PEBBAIR 5 1893 4599 18 4647 25 8 AMARCHINTHA 3 452 2966 15 2981 18 15.5 2352 19 9 99-ATHMAKUR and 2 737 2290 65 6593 70 Amarchinta 10 Pangal 5 2609 6525 11 Weepangandla 6 2147 6983 48 7038 42 Total 54 16392 50408 370.5 50852 387.5 Source: SE, Electricity 164

11.Transport And Communications Introduction Transport: The Transport Department plays a key role in issuing driving licenses, registration of motor vehicles, issue of transport permits, levy and collection of motor vehicle tax, enforcement of vehicle violations and acts as a nodal agency for road safety. Roads: Availability of a well-connected and accessible road network plays an important role in the economic development and therefore, the kilometrage of paved roads existing in a District /State/ Country is often used as an index to assess the extent of its development. The proper development of the road network not only reduces the cost of transportation, both in terms of money and time, but also helps in the integration of various parts of the District or State or Country. The importance of road network is much more in a District like Wanaparthy whose economy is mainly accrued from the service sector and has chosen manufacturing as its future, as the Rail connectivity is poor and the rural areas are hardly covered by the Rail network. Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC): The Corporation rendering its services to various destinations of Wanaparthy District and also to the neighbouring District in Telangana State. TSRTC transporting around 36.5 Lakh passengers every day during 2020-21. Around 110 buses are providing transportation to rural & urban people. To augment commercial revenues, the Corporation has introduced Parcel and Cargo services for providing dedicated and high-quality transportation services to move consignment of Government departments and other private establishments. Railways: Indian Railways has a history of rich heritage spanning over 150 years. Indian Railways is a State-owned public utility of Government of India under the Ministry of Railways. As a national common carrier transporting passenger and goods over a vast network, there is 31 Kms of route lengths in Wanaparthy district. Communications: Communication is an essential process of human society. Communications may be used by persons and organizations to communicate their ideas, feelings, notices, news, problems and solution, etc., with others in an ordinary course of personal life or organizational operations. 165

1800 Road Network 2020-21 1600 1400 Total Road Length 3084.38 Kms 1200 1000 1581.69 800 891.22 600 400 397.75 213.72 200 Cement Concrete Metalled (WBM) Unmetalled (Murram) 0 Black Top 600.00 Road Network 2020-21 500.00 400.00 Total R&B Road Length 525.64 Kms 300.00 200.00 497.79 100.00 23.15 4.70 0.00 0.00 Cement Concrete Metalled (WBM) Unmetalled (Murram) Black Top 1200.00 Road Network 2020-21 1000.00 Total Panchayat Raj Road Length 2197.14 Kms 800.00 600.00 1048.90 400.00 200.00 828.22 0.00 127.20 192.82 Cement Concrete Metalled (WBM) Unmetalled (Murram) Black Top 166

Table No. Content 11.1 Functioning of Railway Stations and Route Length, 2020-21 11.2 Road Transport - Bus Depots and Route Length, 2020-21 11.3 Motor Vehicles of different categories, 2019-20 and 2020-21 11.4 Motor Vehicles of different categories Registered by Mandals upto 2020-21 11.5 Motor Driving License Issued, 2019-20 and 2020-21 11.6 Length of Roads by Category as on 31-3-2021 11.7 Length of Roads by Mandals as on 31-3-2021 11.8 Functioning of Post Offices and Mee Seva Centers by Mandals, 2020-21 11.9 Functioning of Telephone Exchanges and Telephone Connections, 2020-21 167

TABLE-11.1 FUNCTIONING OF RAILWAY STATIONS AND ROUTE LENGTH, 2020-21 Sl. No. Name of the District No. of Railway Routes Length (in No. of Employees 12 Stations Kms.) Working 3 4 5 1 Atmakur Sriram Nagar 7 38 2 Atmakur Arepally 2 2 3 Madanapur Wanaparthy Road 11 28 4 Madanapur Konnur 5 2 5 Madanapur Ajjakollu 6 3 Source: South Central Railway 168

TABLE - 11.2 ROAD TRANSPORT - BUS DEPOTS AND ROUTE LENGTH, 2020-21 Name of the Bus No of Bus No. of Existing No. of No. of Depot Stations Sl.No. Buses Route Length Passengers Employees Flying (in Kms.) travelled per day Working 12 3 45 6 7 14 110 46811 3650000 492 1 TSRTC Wanaparthy Depot Total 14 110 46811 3650000 492 Source TSRTC : 169

TABLE - 11.3 MOTOR VEHICLES OF DIFFERENT CATEGORIES, 2019-20 AND 2020-21 Sl. Category 2019-20 (As on 31st March - in Nos.) No. 2020-21 On Roll On Road On Roll On Road 1 2 3 45 6 1 Stage Carriages: 130 130 154 154 a TSRTC 57 57 105 105 b Hire with TSRTC 49 49 49 49 Total 106 106 154 154 2 Goods Carriages 4271 4271 4457 4457 3 Cabs 1145 1145 1411 1411 4 Auto Rickshaws 3161 3161 3211 3211 5 Contract Carriages 8 8 10 10 6 Private Service Vehicles 1 11 1 7 Educational Institute Buses 240 240 242 242 8 Other Transport Vehicles 18 18 29 29 I- Total Transport Vehicles (1 to 8) 8959 8959 9515 9515 9 Motor Cycles and Scooters 60364 60364 68228 68228 10 Light Motor Vehicles 4919 4919 5936 5936 11 Tractors and Trailers: 0 a Agriculture 6682 6682 7558 7558 b Non-Agriculture 3929 3929 4799 4799 12 Road Rollers 15 15 14 14 13 Fire Tenders 3 33 3 14 Other Non-Transport Vehicles 826 826 1019 1019 II- Total Non-Transport Vehicles (9 to 14) 76738 76738 87557 87557 Grand Total (I+II) 85697 85697 97072 97072 Source: Disrict Transport Officer 170

TABLE - 11.4 MOTOR VEHICLES OF DIFFERENT CATEGORIES REGISTERED BY MANDALS UPTO 2020-21 (in Nos.) Stage Carriages Goods Carriages Sl. Name of the Hire with Total Articula Heavy, 3 Wheel Tractors Total No. Mandal TSRTC TSRTC/ (col. ted Medium & Goods & (col. 6 3+4) Vehicle to 9) Private Light Trailers 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Amarachinta 0 0 00 51 13 49 113 2 Madanapur 0 0 0 0 78 7 173 258 3 Peddamandadi 0 0 0 1 195 15 413 624 4 Ghanpur 0 0 0 0 177 23 449 649 5 Gopalpet 0 0 0 2 330 22 488 842 6 Revally 0 0 0 0 52 3 90 145 7 Pangal 0 0 0 0 292 24 467 783 8 Wanaparthy 78 26 104 3 814 159 847 1823 9 Kothakota 0 0 0 2 637 143 717 1499 10 Atmakur 0 0 0 0 204 37 321 562 11 Pebbair 0 0 0 1 673 125 452 1251 12 Srirangapur 0 0 0 0 91 10 53 154 13 Weepangandla 0 0 00 91 22 234 347 14 Chinnambavi 0 0 00 72 4 72 148 Total: 78 26 104 9 3757 607 4825 9198 Cabs Contract Carriages Sl. Name of the All Total Auto All CC No. Mandal (col. 11 Rickshaws India Tourist India Taxi Cabs Maxi to 13) Tourist Buses Idle 12 Tourist Cabs Buses Buses 1 Amarachinta 2 Madanapur Cabs 3 Peddamandadi 4 Ghanpur 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 5 Gopalpet 0 00 6 Revally 0 20 1 21 59 0 00 7 Pangal 0 00 8 Wanaparthy 0 18 9 27 83 0 00 9 Kothakota 0 20 10 Atmakur 0 121 21 142 279 0 00 11 Pebbair 0 00 12 Srirangapur 0 70 27 97 558 2 00 13 Weepangandla 0 30 14 Chinnambavi 0 86 17 103 365 0 00 0 10 Total: 0 26 7 33 33 0 20 0 00 0 89 16 105 141 0 00 2 80 0 193 46 239 778 0 161 55 216 370 0 94 18 112 289 0 101 66 167 169 0 8 14 22 28 0 55 11 66 51 0 21 5 26 7 0 1063 313 1711376 3210

TABLE - 11.4 MOTOR VEHICLES OF DIFFERENT CATEGORIES REGISTERED BY MANDALS UPTO 2020-21 Total Light Motor Vehicles Total Private Educati Other Transport Sl. Name of the Contract Service on Transpor Vehicles Motor Motor No. Mandal Carriage vehicles Cycle Cars s (col.16 Institut t (col. e Buses 5+10+14+1 Jeep to 18) 5+19+20+2 1+22) 12 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 Amarachinta 0 0 134 2 Madanapur 0 0 4 0 197 1713 0 76 3 Peddamandadi 0 1 179 4 Ghanpur 0 0 2 0 370 1838 0 216 5 Gopalpet 2 1 224 6 Revally 0 0 11 0 1056 4054 3 59 7 Pangal 0 0 249 8 Wanaparthy 2 0 8 0 1312 4108 8 2607 9 Kothakota 3 0 728 10 Atmakur 0 1 5 0 1318 4709 1 364 11 Pebbair 1 5 607 12 Srirangapur 2 0 3 0 214 1394 0 64 13 Weepangandla 0 0 155 14 Chinnambavi 0 0 9 0 1038 5477 0 78 10 19 5740 Total: 0 69 0 3015 15523 0 49 0 2137 9209 0 47 0 1010 5401 0 28 0 1616 7624 0 1 0 207 1474 0 5 0 469 3656 0 1 0 182 1769 1 242 0 14141 67949 Sl. Name of the Total Tractors Trailer Fire Others Total Non Total Total (col. for Tenders (Non- Transport Transpo Vehicles No. Mandal 25+26) Transpor Vehicles Agricul Road 31 (24+27+2 rt (col. tural Rollers 0 t) 8+29+30+ Vehicles 33+34) Purpos 0 31+32) e 0 (=23) 0 12 27 28 29 30 0 32 33 34 35 0 1 Amarachinta 134 139 56 0 0 82 2124 197 2321 2 2 Madanapur 76 147 79 0 0 47 2187 370 2557 1 3 Peddamandadi 180 336 211 0 0 63 4844 1056 5900 315 200 0 0 72 4911 1312 6223 4 Ghanpur 216 0 0 5 Gopalpet 225 443 280 0 34 73 5730 1318 7048 103 54 1 22 1636 214 1850 6 Revally 62 7 Pangal 249 496 343 0 73 6638 1038 7676 499 293 2 110 19044 3015 22059 8 Wanaparthy 2615 9 Kothakota 728 485 305 1 123 10851 2137 12988 10 Atmakur 365 412 253 0 69 6501 1010 7511 11 Pebbair 612 530 428 0 65 9259 1616 10875 12 Srirangapur 64 140 73 0 29 1780 207 1987 406 285 0 87 4589 469 5058 13 Weepangandla 155 14 Chinnambavi 78 165 82 0 21 2115 182 2297 968 82242 14175 96385 Total: 5786 4644 2971 34 Source:District Transport Officer 172

TABLE - 11.5 MOTOR DRIVING LICENSES ISSUED, 2019-20 AND 2020-21 Sl. Category Unit As on As on No. 31-3-2020 31-3-2021 3 12 Nos. 4 5 Nos. 255 323 1 Heavy Motor Vehicles Nos. 6939 5756 Nos. 7366 5748 2 Light Motor Vehicles Nos. 1561 1366 1982 1279 3 Motor Cycles, Scooters & Mopeds 18103 14472 4 Tractors 5 Other Categories Total (1 to 5) Source: District Transport Officer 173

TABLE - 11.6 LENGTH OF ROADS BY CATEGORY AS ON 31-3-2021 Sl. Category Cement Black Top Metalled Unmetalled (in Kms.) No. Concrete (WBM) (Murram) Total 4 12 3 35.00 5 6 7 0.00 0.00 35.00 1 National Highways 0.00 4.70 0.00 525.64 0.00 0.00 18.00 2 Roads and Buildings: 23.15 497.79 0.00 0.00 306.10 4.70 0.00 201.54 a State Highways 0.40 17.60 192.82 828.22 2197.14 b Major District Roads 7.97 298.13 162.60 672.25 1422.90 c Other District Roads 14.78 182.06 30.22 155.97 774.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Panchayat Raj Roads: 127.20 1048.90 16.20 63.00 213.72 326.60 a Zilla Praja Parishad Roads 63.60 524.40 891.22 3084.38 b Mandal Praja Parishad Roads c Gram Panchayat Internal Roads 63.60 524.40 d Other Roads 0.00 0.00 4 Muncipal Internal Roads 247.40 0.00 Total 397.75 1581.69 Source: EE PR,EE R&B, Muncipal Commissioners, MA&UD 174

TABLE - 11.7 LENGTH OF ROADS BY MANDALS AS ON 31-3-2021 (in Kms.) Sl. Name of the Mandal National Roads and Panchayat Gram Panchayat Muncipal Total No. Highways Buildings Raj Roads Internal Roads Internal Roads (3 to 7) 12 34 5 6 7 8 1 Amarachinta 27.09 11.0 114.179 2 Madanapur 0 23.000 53.089 10.90 103.978 3 Peddamandadi 36.08 0 173.480 4 Ghanpur 0 20.110 72.968 58.23 0 236.680 5 Gopalpet 44.39 0 191.250 6 Revally 6 19.700 111.7 35.40 0 159.350 7 Pangal 194.89 0 300.736 8 Wanaparthy 0 39.620 138.83 129.22 0 625.510 9 Kothakota 34.80 248.0 211.068 10 Atmakur 0 44.000 102.86 33.66 28.0 168.983 11 Pebbair 33.59 7.6 203.138 12 Srirangapur 0 25.400 98.55 6.80 32.0 45.560 13 Weepangandla 82.21 0 281.055 14 Chinnambavi 0 63.430 42.416 46.99 0 269.415 774.25 0 3084.382 Total 0 53.400 194.89 326.6 19 34.338 94.93 0 29.650 98.073 10 52.798 74.75 0 15.360 23.4 0 69.630 129.215 0 35.200 187.225 35 525.636 1422.896 Source: EE PR,EE R&B, Muncipal Commissioners, MA&UD 175

TABLE - 11.8 FUNCTIONING OF POST OFFICES AND MEE SEVA CENTERS BY MANDALS , 2020-21 Post Offices (in Nos.) Sl. No. Name of the Mandal Head Post Sub-Post Branch Post Total Mee Seva Offices Offices Offices Centers 12 34 5 67 1 Amarachinta 01 8 03 2 Madanapur 01 4 51 3 Peddamandadi 00 4 46 4 Ghanpur 00 0 05 5 Gopalpet 01 7 86 6 Revally 00 7 72 7 Pangal 00 10 10 4 8 Wanaparthy 10 7 8 16 9 Kothakota 01 7 86 10 Atmakur 01 7 04 11 Pebbair 01 7 89 12 Srirangapur 01 0 12 13 Weepangandla 00 5 53 14 Chinnambavi 00 9 92 Total 17 82 73 69 Source: E-District Manager, Head Post Office 176

TABLE - 11.9 FUNCTIONING OF TELEPHONE EXCHANGES AND TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS, 2020- 21 (in Nos.) Sl. No. Name of the Exchange No. of Telephone No. of Public Mobile Towers (All Connections Telephones Service Providers) 12 34 5 1 Wanaparthy 581 11 4 2 Kothakota 287 3 2 3 Pebbair 257 3 2 4 Ghanpur 25 2 1 5 Addakal 49 5 1 6 Peddamandadi 1 7 Gopalpet 81 1 8 Chennaram 52 1 9 Buddaram 00 1 10 Solipur 00 1 11 Balijapally 01 1 12 Remoddula 00 1 13 Jthirmalapuram 00 1 14 Chandapur 00 1 15 Kadukuntla 00 1 16 Apparala 10 2 1 17 Williamkonda 00 1 18 Kandur 00 1 19 Srirangapur 01 1 20 Gummadam 10 2 1 21 Sugur 00 1 22 Natelly 01 1 23 Weepanagandla 00 1 24 Pangal 10 3 1 25 Mojerla 42 1 26 Kethepalli 00 1 27 Madanapur 11 1 28 Kalwarala 40 2 1 00 177

Sl. No. Name of the Exchange No. of Telephone No. of Public Mobile Towers (All Connections Telephones Service Providers) 29 Thumukunta 30 Chinnambhavi 0 0 1 31 Amarachintha 8 2 1 32 Atmakur 4 2 1 42 3 1 Total 1341 49 37 Source: DM, BSNL 178

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