HILLCREST '69 Volume 7 1969 Puhltshed hy th e Assoc wted tudents of Hillcretit High cho I ~1idvalc::, U tah P n nttd by \\Vh dw n hr Lnh raph on Com pan y C o ver nnd end ~ hee r destgn bv Kim Burgon and Go rdo n ' m art. Edttor ................ ..... ................... Demse Ander on Academtcs ............................................. Paue 16 A st. Edit r .. ....... ...................... Bet. y Arn ld A t. Editor . . ........................... 1ary Beck ·trom ports . . .................... .... .. . ......... Page 32 A t. Editor ...................................... Jeff Cartmill Advis r ...... .. ... ............................. John F. Lyon Orgamzation · ....... ......... . . ....... ............ Page 56 Photography ..................................... Arval 1el on Club ............................... .. .. ............... Page 7 tudents ........ ..... ..... ..... . Page 100 Activities ..... .......... .. . ... . ................. Page 16 1
HILL RE '1T ... 2
A time to belong and a time to jJarticipate. A time of innocence and confidence. 4
A tzme to eek and a time to disco er. A tzme /or learning and exploring. 5
I experience the thrill and excitement of being a jJart of Hillcrest.... 6
A part of the chaos and confusion that led to order and success. 7
I am faced with the pre sure of making decision and I react with confidence and abilit)'· 8
A special Q.:oice .. . A certain face . . . I ·hare m)' elf with someone just like me. 9
Friend hips and memories of Hillcrest are mine to share and preserve. 10
I am the individual with a goal and a dream for the future .... Towards this end i my struggle. 11
Though separate in name, the classes u:ere united in spirit and lo)·alty. Together we saw, felt, and strived for distinction.
We conquered and sometimes failed but always with the heart and desire of the multitude. 13
This is Hillcrest - the crowds, the student, body, the hurried activities of school life. I am aware of life's timelessness and I know that yesterday is but today' s memory and to, morrow is today's dream. 14
I have achieved and I have conquered, for I have experienced . .. A HIGHER DEGREE OF EX ELLEN E. 15
Developing stronger , tudent-teacher relationship , Hillcrest' eighty-two teacher faculty worked with over eight- een hundred tudent in an attempt at achieving a higher degree of excellence. In each respective department, the u e of informal discu ion group , audio-visual media, formal lecturing, and IB 1 computer helped to further the objecttve of Hillcre ·t as a contem- porary high chool. Through experi- mentati n with the e educational ideas, Hillcrest tudent benefited in their goal for a higher education. ACADEMICS 17
Jordan School District Ret:d H. B ck tcad John Wheadon Ken Prince lerk of Board Dr. Carlo E. A ay Ass't. Superintendent 18
Joel P. Jenson Beginning and ending each chool day with announce- Principal ments, Delmar Schick gave students and faculty members important ·chola tic and extra-curricular information. Educational development earmarked Principal Joel P. Jenson's Working together with student , he approved chedule • accompli hments during this pa t year as he managed the affairs changes, i ued work permit , and helped olve truancy of an eighteen hundred-fifty student high school. In addition to problem . In addition to the e duties, he also upervi ed creening all the problems of curriculum development, cia ched- the parking lot, coun eled with parents, arranged tran por- uling, purchase order ·, budgeting, as emblies, and ab ent teacher , tation for activities, and inforced policies on dres and per- he also supervi ed the lunch program, the payroll, school transpor- sonal grooming. Because of the. e responsibilities, he became tation, and met with parent , the PTA, and teacher . Further, with the main contact between student and the administration. the experience obtained as an active member of both the U.E.A. and Board of Directors of Utah High School Activities A ociation, Thomas Owen he made additional contribution to the ucce of this chool year. Admin. Intern Administration Acting as an administrative intern, Thomas Owen became the third member of the chool' admini trative head a he worked cooperatively with Brigham Young University and Jordan chool Di trier. During the year he replaced the principal and vice-prin- cipal for two week and performed all their duties. In addition, introducing the Tele-Lecture into the school's curriculum, ar- ranging for demon tration in con tructing educational media, help- ing enforce controls in disciplinary areas, attending all school func- tions, he thus filled the requirement of hi internship. 19
Helen Clark oph. tttd. Cotms. Counselors To \"cheduk Hillcre t'~ 1, 50 'tudents mto their seven cia · c~, the wun elor worked through • 1ay, June, and July to have the tudent . ched~ ules ready l y Augu. t 2 . AI o, during the school year they admini tered the sophomore' , EDT te. t, the junior's GATB te. t, the . enior' Amencan ollege te. t, a well a. admmi tering the TAP te t to all student. . . ew to the coun ·eling staff this year wac jumor and phomore counselor Lucile Diefenderfer and Helen lark. \\Vith the help of the ther counselors, they gave vocational and group coun. eling, conferences on grades, and advice to troubled ·tudwts. Receiving a tudent's record from 1rs. Diefenderfer to file of the jobs student helper Kathy Cutler doe . AdmmJstering the Prehmmary chola tiC Aptitude T e t to Karen Gallegos and Pat Chave:: i l\\1r. kanchy. 20
Diagram of Mathematical relations help Mr. Ron Davis in teaching his modern trigonometry cia . Mathematics Whether taking basic algebra, proving formu- la , or applying Pythagoras' Theorem to finding relation hips of segment , math students under the careful instruction of Hillcrest math teachers conquered the ba ic skills of math. By filling pre- requi ite courses, advanced students enrolled in trigonometry, calculus, and anaytical geometry. Advanced Placement math tudents competed for college credit and in math conte ts administered by the state. 21
Kenneth Bowthorpe Barbara Erekson Gary Flood Dan Good Ann Griffith Eng., Cr. Design pan., Eng. English English pan., Read. Dave Cartwright and Pat Burdick try out for the As his student discuss the problem of Viet lead in My Fair Lady a Dan Ro enhan watche Krueger listens, ready to interject hi them. 22
olleen O'Brien tape her debate speech, Randy Pollock and Kathy Richard await their turn while Mrs. Arg1e Macris takes note on how to improve their pre entation . Betty Mclaughlan Robert Mecham Language Arts English Eng., ewspaper Language Arts curriculum developed through a combination of innovations and proven method . Student found teacher teering away from lectures and more toward group techniques. Groups of student discu ed problems and found the ,olution themselve . Scheduling and cia s make-up were changed and m re advanced English programs were given to the junior. and , enior.. peech and drama cla,ses were again offered to tudent.. Due to the popularity of debate, two more cia. e were added. Foreign language cia se. were accented by the chance to tour other e0untrie and attend Eur pean chool . 23
Richard Bird Wld. A mer. Hi. t. Leon Hale. Glen Jackson Ace! Lowe Knstie Tolman Charles Williams ~lld. & Amcr. Hi t. ~1orld Hist. Wld. & Amer. Hist. Wid. & Amcr. Hist. Amer. Hist. Social Science Covering a wider field than any other ubject, social science ranged from ancient hi, tory taught in the world history clas es to ociology which dealt with the complex problem of the future. Teachers, he. ide providing variation for their pupils by using records, films, guest speaker,, and other innovation , participated enthusia tically in activities such as the Youth Senate, which inform- ed tudent about the government. of our country, and the Inquiring Editor, a television quiz show ba ed on current event . In an economics cia , under the direction of Mr. Clement Bishop, Bruce Wiseman explains the values of old coin to 24 1ary , 1yrick, Brent Wade, Cheryl Eves and Becky Kauff- man.
Science Study in the field of . cience at Hillen.: t thi year achieved a high de~ grce of excellence made Pl)~~ihle by the careful planning of the ,cience faculty and the developed interest. of the student.. With the aid of new balance in chemi. try, an egg incubator in I iology, and a laser in physics, valuable concepts which added to the cicnce Dt:partment were developed in students and included an increased rerception of the nature of scientific inquiry, an understanding of man's place in the scheme of nature, and an appreciation for th heauty, drama, and tragt:dy of the living world. Jack Jorgensen Department Head B CS, Bot., Zoo/. Having mea ured a square meter of gra:s for the study of c mmumt1e . 1r. Glen 25 oulier identifie a broad~leaf plantain for onnie Chri, tiansen, Lauri_ Hogan, julie Rosenhan, and ancy Bull ck who analy:e Its roll a a f d producer.
Business Click of typewriters, the tap and roar of an adding machine, and the drone of tudent reciting horthand were only part of what was happening in the bu. iness cia e . In. truction about typing, hort- hand, notehand, and bu. ine machines along with hard work helped the tudents plan a better future in the bu ine, world. A Janice Lund, Rosemary Marlor, Dem e Lund- gren, Annette Christopherson, and Pam Collin type, M1.. \\1arjean Gibson ob. erve. the1r pro- gre. s. Home Economics Home living, foods, clothing, and tailoring were offered to girls who wanted to learn about home economics. tudent learned how to get along in a family situation in home livin!:( clns es. Food cia es taught variou way to prepare food . Basic technique of ewing were taught in clothing, while tailoring taught advance meth d in constructing suit and coat .
Marching and playing a medley of songs during the half-time of the Hillcrest-Jordan football game, Hillcre t combined with other district junior and enior high school bands to participate in the annual Band Day held at Jordan High School. Music Whether it was singing the scale , marching in uniform, or rehearsing with their in truments for an inter chool program, music students added entertainment to many of Hillcre t's activities. Student working toward the goal of singing in A Cappella or Chamber Choir began their train- ing in mixed chorus, junior choir, and girls glee, newly introduced thi year. Hillcrest' orchestra exchanged programs with various schools in the state while the Pep Band took part in several band days including one at the Univer ity of tah. Leo Dean Alfred Morris Choir Band, Ger., Orch. Art Learning elf expression by communicating their ideas with a paint brush, art students studied various painting techniques in water colors, acrylics, and oil . In ceramic classes, students learned the art of sculpturing, and methods of making jewelry and pottery. Talent were a! o developed in carving, modeling ·and plaster ca ting. Each spring, any art student could ubmit hi original work to he judged in the Utah High School Art Exhibition. Wayne Killpack Anthony Barlow Glenna Dodge Receiving imtruction from 1r. Wayne Killpack, Fine Arts Ceramics Com. Des., Stg. Des. Revenna Davenport put. the fini hing touche n her oil painting of ab tract flower . 27
sing a drafting machine and a protractor, Stan \\Veils draws a right angle on hi parallelogram. Industrial Arts Giving life to a once- ·crapped engine; turning lumber into a de k, tool, or book helf; or wiring tran i tor , amplifier , and circuit into a radio, were several of the kill learned by indu trial arts student . Empha i in the auto mechanic area thi year wa placed on analy:ation of the problem area, enabling tudents to locate trouble more effectively. Vocational auto mechanic . tudents daily received two hour. of Instructional techni- que and increa. ed their knowledge through manual application. Drafting, welding, and ma- chine hop comprised the remaining area in m- du trial arts which further helped student to develop in the field of engineering, a well a to ati fy their own personal interests. Mr. Dye show Kelly Park how to mea ure varying wave lengths while Paul Farn worth reache for a component. Gordon Mickel en Dept. Ch., 28 Drafting
Health Illustrating one concept of motion, 1rs. Gardiner demonstrate a locomotor movement as Debbie Phillips and Lynda Hickman imitate her. Whether they were taking note on medical self-help films or trying to run one more lap around the track, Hillcre, t's student enjoyed a hreak from routine classroom activitie . Archery, gymna tic , golfing, volleyball, and ba ketball were only a few port studied by both boy ' and girls' gym cia. es, while rhythm and creativity were stres ed in girls' dance cia. e . While only a year and a half of phy ical education was required, mo t student· , trove to fill a third year of gym credit. Colleen Gardiner Dorothy chmidt Dance, Pep Club Phys. Ed., Pep Club V erl L. a to Duane Densley Don Gut Arthur Hughes Raynor Pearce Phys Ed., Spts. Hlth., Spts. Basics Phys. Ed., Spts., Hlth. Hlth., Math, Stg. Crafts Phys. Ed., Spts., Phys. 29
Cooks Daily ales in exce ix-hundred lunch ticket mdicated the p pularity of the hot lunch pr gram. Eight c k ·, enga ing in their daily prep- arati n from 7:15 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., baked and served for the two lunch peri d a well a washed thou and of plate and utensil . Skillfully prepar- ing more than four-hundred twenty pounds of chicken, tw -hundred p )Unds of potatoe , and one-hundred pound of carrot for one meal, the c ks daily attained their al of providing well- balanced and nutriciou meal· for the faculty and tudent. Swamped with dozen of peanut butter cup , Mr ·. Janet Mat n continues to fill more with the cake decorator. Gladys Stutz Lyle Thacker To hi Yamashiro Mrs. Viola Baker squeeze whipped cream on to the fruited jello. 30
Clerks Starting their bu y day at 7:30a.m., Hillcrest' three office clerk maintained a smooth running office. ellmg over ix,hundred lunch tickets, di , tributing educational materiaL, an wering the tele, phone, and compiling the ab entee, were their immediate dutie to perform in the morning. After, noon were filled with typing reports, duplicating important notice and handling corre pondence fo~ the . chool. Becau,e our office clerk worked with diligence to fulfill these important need , a succe..~ ful chool year was po ible. Taking the money received from lunch ticket sale out of the trong boxe , 1r . Le. ter orts it prior to placing it in roll . Custodians Arriving at chool at 6 a.m., Wayne Parker mu t unlock thirty,five door , and turn on hundred of lights and heater as he prepares the chool for the daily arrival of it more than I 00 students. By the time chool begins, Dale Newbold, head custodian, ha arrived and goe about an wer, ing call to fix light , replace broken de ks, adjust inoperative heaters, repair locker , open locked door , and fasten broken drawers back into their proper places. By 9:00 a.m., William Wyker ha arrived and together the custodian go about the bu ine of wa hing window , sweeping the floor , and mopping up dirty spot . Dale Newbold William Wyker Wayne Parker Fixing a broken light fuse i a dangerou and dif, Head Custodian Custodian Custodian ficult JOb requiring the kill of head cu todian, Dale ewbold. 31
Commencing under the summer sun1 Hillcrest athletics began early in July. Starting with weight training followed by late summer practices, the football teams set the stage for sports in the opening weeks of school. From here football play turned to ba ketball cheer for an upstart basketball crew. Tense wre tling matches rounded out the winter eason; springtime saw base~ ball, track, tenni , and golf squads bat~ tle in the rain and sunshine. Competi~ tion and training ran into the summer months where the cycle began once again, a Hu kie athlete built mem~ orie and traditions for a proud school. ATHLETICS 33
With the clock howmg no time left, Hillcrest gridders mass Football together after a clo e victory over a trong Cyprus team. T l:nac1ous defl:nst! and an unprt!dictahle offen,e were characteri tic of the Huskies m winning the 196 Reg1~ n Three championship. \\X11th a defen that held regular cason opponents to one touch- down or le, s in l:ight ~)Ut of nine game, and an offense that scored from thirtet!n to forty- even points each game, the Huskie ended an undefeat- ed, un-tied .-ea · )n and won a berth in the state quarter-finals. Rain and a tough Provo team top- pt!d the Huskies on an 1 -13 count in the tate play-off . Outstanding for the Huskie were Dan Holladay-All tate and All Re wn, and Tony Brunetti, terlmg Jenson, and cott harp-All Region. \"core. Hillcrest 40 ·---···-- ______ Kearns 6 Hillcrest 21 -----·····- .. Granite 6 Hillcre t 34 ------·-··- Bingham 0 Hillcre t 13 ................. Judge 7 Hillcrest 47 ···-··--·--·-- . Tooele 0 Hillcrest 20 . ........... Cyprus 14 Hillcrest 27 ·-·····--·------ Jordan 7 Hillcre t 21 -·--··-··· .. Murray 6 Hillcrest 20 ·---··---····· Granger 0 Hillcre t 13 ····-·····-------- Provo 18 lashmg through the middle of the Granger line, Paul Ostler (3 ) finds the going rough in gaining valuable yardage again t the Lancer . 34
Running a down and out pattern, end cott harp find him elf in the clear to receive a pa during the Granger game. Defensive back Gary Yama h1ro ( 11) make · the tackle on a Cypru runner as cott harp (81) move up to a. si ·t.
a-captains Tony Brunetti (74) and Dan Holl- Gary Beal Kim Bowlden Tony Brunetti Dave Burningham aday (42) run off the field after the coin to s prior to the Kearn game. 36
Handlmg the managing chore for this year Hu kie were Randy Baker, Doug Lindauer, and teve Richard . Gary Yama ·h1ro Dave Young 37
Rou.• One: Kelly \\Vade, Dale Johnson, Kim Bowlden, Dave ewman, Gary strom, Rick elson, Joe Manno . Rou• Three: Dave m1th, Earl Xaiz, Craig Beal, Larrv Howi k, Jim \\Vhitlev, Burton \\1. ·field. Row T o: Rod Glover, Wat on, Jack Fi her, Brent Leake, Harold Thoma., Marlo Dean, Coach Dave Burningham, Doug Chnsten<on, Jeff towe, Fred Larsen, Alan \\Vener- Doug Anderson, Coach Larry Yates. Tripped up on an end run, \" x\" urt1s (31) dives for extra yard- J.V. Football age a bl ckers Brent Jenkm (54) and Joel avage (63) trail the play. Durmg eventh peri d, clas ·e on the north s1de of the chool could ee the twenty-four member Junior Var ity team traggling onto the field in group of two's or th ree's for a serie of warm-up drill . During the e practice se jons in sn w and rain, and in c mpetitive games, the team be- came a controlled, , killed, and single unit. With a record of , ix win and three lo e., they set the pace for the var- ity •ames in which ,orne J.V. player were able to parti- cipate. core Hillcrest 21 --------·----------- Kearn 0 Hillcre t 20 ------------------ Granite 30 Hillcre t 3 ---------------- Bingham 0 Hillcre t 40 --------------·------- Judge Hillcrest 27 -------------------- To elc 6 Hillcrest 14 ------------------ Cypru 16 Hillcrest 26 -·---------·-------- Jordan 6 Hillcrest 25 --------------- __ Murray 0 Hillcre t 0 ------------------ rang r 19 38
Sophomore Football Working together to ohtam the experience and stamina necessary for varsity play, this year's ophomore team memhers learned fundamental and the importance o( teamwork in their first year in high chool foothall. Havmg fewer ooy to work with than m previous years, Coach \"Tex\" a to directed the team to a 5-1-1 wm-lo.s-tie rec- ord. The buddmg f Brighton High chool find next year' team loaded with backs while mo t of the linemen will go to the new school. cores Hillcrest 6 . -------------- Bingham 0 Hillcre t 20 -------------··-··· Judge 0 Hillcrest 20 -------------------- Tooele 14 Hillcrest 35 -------------- Cyprus 6 Hillcre t 6 ------------------ Jordan 6 Hillcrest 21 ------------------ Murray 27 Hillcre t 32 ----------------- Granger 6 Rot!' One: Cnach Ma.· Frampwn, Mano Alba, captain: Cary Henders.,n, Layne ewman, Dee Young, Dave \\Vhiteley, Denm Brimhall, lock, Rick Cowley, Rick )en en, ] ,e) avage, Ron \\'Ctlkms, captain, ''ach Dan Oe:=scr. Ro1.1 Four: Robert Price, Jeff • !tiler, Gil R lngue:, ~lark Allen, \"Te.·\" Casto. Row Tu·o: Richard AJi,,b, Rick Edge, ~1om \\X1iderl:-erl.!, Brent Dave Knibl:-e, Tom Jad. on, ~lar~ Montague, \"D,x'' Curti<, John Yate . Rou Fn ~: teven ~1clff, m: nager; teve p,,ulsen, \\Va ·ne \\X'ood, Gary Griffith, Jenkins, Ken Rasmu. en, \\'ir •il Keate, David Haywar I, Ron Adatr, Rouer raw R smussen, tephen 'u:man, manager. Coleman. Row Three: Dennis De:= raw, Lance Jacob, Ravmond 'Hnmer, Ralph 39
Basketball Starting slow but finishing in a flurry was this year's Hillcrest varsity basketball team. With no , tarter remain- ing from last year's Clas A championship team, the Huskies were winle s in region three competion pa t mid- season. At this point coach Art Hughes juggled his players by moving juniors and sophomores from the junior varsity to varsity po_ition . With a little le s experience and a little more speed, the young Huskies came from behind to defeat Judge for their first league victory. With the spirit high and the pos ibility of fini hing in last place on their minds, Hillcrest traveled to Jordan and soundly defeated the Beet- diggers, ending the sea on on a good note with a 2-6 win- lo s league record. Scores Hillcrest 60 .............................. Granite 72 Hillcrest 49 .............................. Murray 61 Hillcrest 71 ................................ Kearns 91 Hillcrest 59 .................................. Judge 62 Hillcrest 47 ................................ Jordan 69 Hillcrest 47 .............................. Granite 57 Hillcrest 53 .............................. Murray 70 Hillcrest 55 ................................ Kearns 82 Hillcrest 57 .................................. Judge 53 Hillcrest 68 ................................ Jordan 55 Reaching with outstretched arm , Scott Sharp (35) goes above the basket for a rebound while a Granite defender and Ron Wilkins 40 (30) look on.
Over the outstretched arms of a Gramte player, Jeff KJar (25) cuts his dnve hort and attempt a hook . hot while Craig Mid- dleton m ve into rebound po ition.
Wheeling around with a rebound, Ron \\Xfilkin look. to guards Jeff KJar (25) and Jim Whitely (21) for an outlet pass while raig 1iddleton heads down court on the fa t break. Art Hughes Don Gu~t Larry Yates Mike Evam Head Coach ].V. Coach 'oph. Coach Foru>ard Rod Glover Robert Gnffith ~11ke Hathaway Grant Hawkms Fonmrd cntcr-Font'anl Foru·arcl Guard 42
raig 1iddleton For~vard High above hi defenders, Rod Glover gets off a jump hot in the game at Kearns. cott harp Jim Whitely Center Guard cott oulicr \\.1ana~er \\XI1th a turn awund ml)tllm at the 1:-oa:e !me, Ron ~ ilkin, 43 takes a jump shot as Rohert Griffith (34) and ~ 1ike Hath- away (33) Ho k their men fl)f a rebound.
J.V. Basketball \\Vith the pro,pect f varsity pia· I )ming in the future, the Junior Var_ity team made the m st of tht:ir Ia t oppor- tunity to prepare for var ity p . itions. onsisting of junior and sophomores, the J.V. team practicc.:d four days a week, usually during eventh period and aftc.:r chool, m prepara- tion for their games. nder the guidance of oach Don Gust, the team r racticed a variety of drill designc.:d to enhance each player's r as~ing, driblling, and shooting skills. Ending the season with two wins and eight lo ses, the team worked to develop teamwork and confidence in their play. Score Hillcre t 65 ------···---------··---·---- Granite 77 Hillcrest 54 -----····-·-·-----·---····---- Murray 61 Hillcrest 51 ---------------------··-·------- Kearns 60 Hillcrest 71 -······----··---··----··--··------ Judge 44 Hillcre t 57 -----·---------·---··---··------ Jordan 42 Hillcrest 62 ------·----------------------- Granite 6 Hillcre t 50 ----------------------------- Murray 64 Hillcrest 43 -------------------------------- Kearn 63 Hillcrest 46 -------------·-------------------- Judge 57 Hillcrest 56 --·------·----------------~----- J rdan 67 ot bothered by the clo.e guarding of a Jordan player, Robert Grif- fith (34) t s e, up a jump !'hot while Rod Glover hu~tles into re- bound po ition, Member~ of the Jumor Varsity team are John Yates, Denm Bnmhall, Rick Nel- son, Marlo Dean, Robert Griffith, Mike Hathaway, Jeff Miller, tan Biltz, Rod Glover, \"Doc'' Curtis, and Rick Brown. 44
Sophomore Sorhom<>re ream memher are ~iike Jone , • tanager; Ken Ra~mu en, John Ynre , .\\!ark Allen, . f nr \\V1derburg, Chnrhe Richard , Denm Brimhall, Jeff Basketball :\\Iiller, D c Curti , S·ott Bradf r l, Rick EJ~.:e, Clnrk Cann n, Bol:-1:> • Romero. In a year when varsity ba. ketball fortune at H illcre t With many sophomore: \"ecing var itv action, qphomore Clark were lacking, the sophomore hrough t tht.: region three ann n shows the form of hi JUmp shot over an l ut. tretched champion. hip home to H illcrest. Coach Larry Yate di- rected the first year players to a 7-3 win-lo,s record with Beetdigger's arm while Jeff Miller (40) watches in the Jordan Var- a fast breaking, h ustling type t f ha ketba ll. \\Vith ont: sity game. .ophomore playing var~ity only, the young team made the future lo k hright as they ended the . ea-.on with an 7-32 wallop ver Jordan. Scores Hillcrest 44 .............................. Granite 50 Hillcrest 53 .............................. Murray 5 Hillcre t 67 ................................ Kearns 56 Hillcrc t 65 ................................. Judge 42 Hillcrest 60 ................................ Jordan 50 Hillcrest 61 .............................. Granite 50 Hillcre t 54 .............................. Murray 49 Hillcre t 64 ................................ Kearn 57 Hillcres t 60 .................................. Judge 64 Hillcre t 7 ................................ Jordan 32 45
Wrestling trength, agility, and self-discit lin~.: Wl:re thl: nl:Cl: ary factors that enabled the wrestling team to place h1gh m Region Three competition and w qualify three wre tier for state. nder the leadership of oach \"Tc.·\" Casto, the wrestling . quad was divided into twdvl: Wl:Ight classifi.ca- tions and practicl:d each night after school fr~)m ovcm- bcr to February and frequently on aturdays. All classes wrestled with the intent to gain or retam a position on the van;Ity team. sing a body pre s in an attempted pin is arl Romero as the referee and team members keep a close watch on the action. 46
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