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Home Explore LCSH-อักษร C part1

LCSH-อักษร C part1

Published by Naresuan University Archive, 2019-02-20 03:15:55

Description: Library of Congress Subject Heading
40th Edition
อักษร C p1-485

Keywords: LCSH


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Catalan fiction  (Continued)   Erotic literature, Catalan   Christian poetry, Catalan   Christmas stories, Catalan   Exiles' writings, Catalan   Erotic poetry, Catalan   Detective and mystery stories, Catalan   Folk literature, Catalan   Experimental poetry, Catalan   Epistolary fiction, Catalan   Gays' writings, Catalan   Folk poetry, Catalan   Erotic stories, Catalan   Priests' writings, Catalan   Haiku, Catalan   Experimental fiction, Catalan   Travelers' writings, Catalan   Love poetry, Catalan   Fantasy fiction, Catalan   Youths' writings, Catalan   Narrative poetry, Catalan   Historical fiction, Catalan — To 1500   Pastoral poetry, Catalan   Horror tales, Catalan — 16th-18th centuries   Patriotic poetry, Catalan   Humorous stories, Catalan — 19th century   Political poetry, Catalan   Picaresque literature, Catalan   Prose poems, Catalan   Science fiction, Catalan UF Catalan literature—19th-20th centuries   Protest poetry, Catalan   Sea stories, Catalan   [Former heading]   Religious poetry, Catalan   Short stories, Catalan   School verse, Catalan — 19th-20th centuries   Sonnets, Catalan — To 1500 USE Catalan literature—19th century   Verse satire, Catalan — Competitions  (May Subd Geog)   Catalan literature—20th century   Visual poetry, Catalan — — Spain   War poetry, Catalan Catalan figurative art — 20th century — To 1500 USE Figurative art, Catalan UF Catalan literature—19th-20th centuries — 16th-18th centuries Catalan folk dancing   [Former heading] — 19th century USE Folk dancing, Catalan Catalan folk drama — Foreign countries UF Catalan poetry—19th-20th centuries USE Folk drama, Catalan [PC3947]   [Former heading] Catalan folk literature UF Catalan literature in foreign countries USE Folk literature, Catalan   [Former heading] — 19th-20th centuries Catalan folk poetry USE Catalan poetry—19th century USE Folk poetry, Catalan Catalan literature in foreign countries   Catalan poetry—20th century Catalan folk songs USE Catalan literature—Foreign countries USE Folk songs, Catalan — 20th century Catalan gays' writings Catalan lithography UF Catalan poetry—19th-20th centuries USE Gays' writings, Catalan USE Lithography, Catalan   [Former heading] Catalan haiku USE Haiku, Catalan Catalan love poetry — Competitions  (May Subd Geog) Catalan historical fiction USE Love poetry, Catalan — — Spain USE Historical fiction, Catalan Catalan horror tales Catalan manuscripts NT Jocs Florals d'Olot, Olot, Spain USE Horror tales, Catalan USE Manuscripts, Catalan — Jewish authors Catalan humorous stories USE Humorous stories, Catalan Catalan miracle-plays UF Judeo-Catalan poetry Catalan illumination of books and manuscripts USE Mysteries and miracle-plays, Catalan Catalan poets USE Illumination of books and manuscripts, Catalan Catalan imprints  (May Subd Geog) Catalan monologues USE Poets, Catalan Catalan landscape painting USE Monologues, Catalan Catalan political plays USE Landscape painting, Catalan Catalan language  (May Subd Geog) Catalan mural painting and decoration USE Political plays, Catalan USE Mural painting and decoration, Catalan Catalan political poetry [PC3801-PC3899] BT Romance languages Catalan Music Palace (Barcelona, Spain) USE Political poetry, Catalan — To 1500 USE Palau de la Muś ica Catalana (Barcelona, Catalan political satire — Abbreviations   Spain) USE Political satire, Catalan USE Abbreviations, Catalan Catalan mysteries and miracle-plays Catalan posters — Etymology USE Mysteries and miracle-plays, Catalan USE Posters, Catalan NT Ésser (The Catalan word) Catalan mystery stories Catalan pottery   Estar (The Catalan word) USE Detective and mystery stories, Catalan   Haver-hi (The Catalan word) USE Pottery, Catalan   Per (The Catalan word) Catalan narrative poetry Catalan priests' writings   Rap̀ ita (The Catalan word) USE Narrative poetry, Catalan   Ser (The Catalan word) USE Priests' writings, Catalan Catalan national characteristics Catalan prints — Medical Catalan USE National characteristics, Catalan UF Medical Catalan USE Prints, Catalan BT Medicine—Language Catalan newspapers  (May Subd Geog) Catalan prose literature  (May Subd Geog) BT Newspapers — Scientific Catalan BT Catalan literature USE Catalan language—Technical Catalan — Circulation NT Prose poems, Catalan Catalan novelists — Technical Catalan   School prose, Catalan UF Catalan language—Scientific Catalan USE Novelists, Catalan — To 1500   Scientific Catalan Catalan numbers (Mathematics) Catalan prose poems   Technical Catalan USE Prose poems, Catalan BT Technology—Language UF Catalan sequences (Mathematics) Catalan protest poetry   Numbers, Catalan (Mathematics) USE Protest poetry, Catalan — Written Catalan  (May Subd Geog)   Sequences, Catalan (Mathematics) Catalan proverbs UF Written Catalan USE Proverbs, Catalan BT Written communication BT Combinatorial analysis Catalan public sculpture   Point mappings (Mathematics) USE Public sculpture, Catalan Catalan letter writing Catalan puppet plays USE Letter writing, Catalan Catalan one-act plays USE Puppet plays, Catalan USE One-act plays, Catalan Catalan quotations Catalan letters  (May Subd Geog) USE Quotations, Catalan [PC3930.L4 (Collections)] Catalan orations Catalan radio plays BT Catalan literature USE Speeches, addresses, etc., Catalan USE Radio plays, Catalan Catalan religious poetry Catalan literature  (May Subd Geog) Catalan painting USE Religious poetry, Catalan [PC3900-PC3976] USE Painting, Catalan Catalan religious satire BT Andorra—Literatures USE Religious satire, Catalan   France—Literatures Catalan paleography Catalan riddles   Spain—Literatures USE Paleography, Catalan USE Riddles, Catalan NT Catalan drama Catalan school prose   Catalan essays Catalan panel painting USE School prose, Catalan   Catalan fiction USE Panel painting, Catalan Catalan school verse   Catalan letters USE School verse, Catalan   Catalan poetry Catalan part songs Catalan science fiction   Catalan prose literature USE Part songs, Catalan USE Science fiction, Catalan   Catalan wit and humor Catalan sculpture   Children's literature, Catalan Catalan pastoral poetry USE Sculpture, Catalan   Children's writings, Catalan USE Pastoral poetry, Catalan Catalan sea stories   Clergy, Writings of, Catalan USE Sea stories, Catalan   Col·loquis (Literary dialogues) Catalan patriotic poetry Catalan self-portraits   Dialogues, Catalan USE Patriotic poetry, Catalan USE Self-portraits, Catalan Catalan sequences (Mathematics) Catalan periodicals  (May Subd Geog) USE Catalan numbers (Mathematics) [PN5311-PN5319] Catalan sermons BT Periodicals USE Sermons, Catalan NT Children's periodicals, Catalan   Women's periodicals, Catalan — Foreign countries Catalan philology  (May Subd Geog) [PC3801-PC3813] Catalan philosophy USE Philosophy, Catalan Catalan picaresque literature USE Picaresque literature, Catalan Catalan poetry  (May Subd Geog) [PC3913 (History)] [PC3929 (Collections)] BT Catalan literature NT Bawdy poetry, Catalan   Children's poetry, Catalan C-150

Catalan short stories Catalina Island (Colombia) — Errors USE Short stories, Catalan USE Santa Catalina Island (Colombia) USE Cataloging errors Catalan shorthand Catalina State Park (Ariz.) Cataloging, Cooperative USE Shorthand, Catalan BT Parks—Arizona USE Cooperative cataloging Catalan Sign Language  (May Subd Geog) Catalog analytical entries Cataloging and Indexing System UF Catalonian Sign Language USE Cataloging—Analytical entry USE CAIN (Information retrieval system)   Lengua de Signos Catalana   LSC (Sign language) Catalog card duplication Cataloging codes for descriptive cataloging BT Sign language USE Catalog cards—Reproduction USE Descriptive cataloging—Rules   Spain—Languages Catalog card reproduction Cataloging codes for early printed books Catalan songbooks USE Catalog cards—Reproduction USE Cataloging of early printed books—Rules USE Songbooks, Catalan Catalog cards  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging codes for microcomputer software Catalan songs [Z693.3.C37] USE Cataloging of microcomputer software—Rules USE Songs, Catalan UF Cards, Catalog BT Cataloging—Equipment and supplies Cataloging codes for subject cataloging Catalan sonnets NT VSMF microfilm system USE Subject cataloging—Rules USE Sonnets, Catalan — Duplication Cataloging data in machine-readable form Catalan-speaking regions USE Catalog cards—Reproduction USE Machine-readable bibliographic data UF Catalan countries   Pais̈ os Catalans — Reproduction Cataloging errors  (May Subd Geog) UF Catalog card duplication [Z693.3.E76] Catalan speeches   Catalog card reproduction UF Bibliographic database errors USE Speeches, addresses, etc., Catalan   Catalog cards—Duplication   Bibliographic record errors   Duplication of catalog cards   Bibliographical database errors Catalan subject headings   Reproduction of catalog cards   Bibliographical record errors USE Subject headings, Catalan BT Copying   Catalog errors, Library   Cataloging—Errors Catalan television plays Catalog cross references   Cataloging mistakes USE Television plays, Catalan USE Cross references (Information retrieval)   Database errors, Bibliographic   Library catalogs—Errors Catalan travelers' writings Catalog errors, Library   Machine-readable bibliographic data—Errors USE Travelers' writings, Catalan USE Cataloging errors   Online library catalogs—Errors BT Errors Catalan verse satire Catalog librarians USE Verse satire, Catalan USE Catalogers Cataloging in publication  (May Subd Geog) [Z693.3.C38] Catalan visual poetry Catalog maintenance, Library Here are entered works on the techniques and USE Visual poetry, Catalan USE Library catalog management problems involved in cataloging books from page or Catalan war poetry Catalog management, Library other proof in advance of publication for the purpose USE War poetry, Catalan USE Library catalog management of reproducing the entry in the book. Catalan watercolor painting Catalog poetry UF Cataloging in source [Former heading] USE Watercolor painting, Catalan USE List poetry   CIP program Catalan wit and humor  (May Subd Geog) Catalog verse BT Cooperative cataloging BT Catalan literature USE List poetry Cataloging in source NT Humorous stories, Catalan   Political satire, Catalan Catalogers  (May Subd Geog) USE Cataloging in publication UF Catalog librarians Cataloging librarians Catalan wit and humor, Pictorial  (May Subd Geog)   Cataloging librarians Catalan women novelists   Catalogue librarians USE Catalogers   Cataloguers Cataloging mistakes USE Women novelists, Catalan   Library catalogers Catalan women's periodicals BT Librarians USE Cataloging errors NT Map catalogers Cataloging notes USE Women's periodicals, Catalan Catalan wood-engraving Cataloging  (May Subd Geog) USE Notes (Cataloging) [Z693-Z695.83] Cataloging of academic dissertations  (May Subd Geog) USE Wood-engraving, Catalan UF Cataloguing Catalan wood sculpture BT Information organization [Z695.1.D57]   Technical services (Libraries) BT Dissertations, Academic USE Wood sculpture, Catalan RT Books Cataloging of African literature  (May Subd Geog) Catalan youths' writings NT Collection level cataloging [Z695.1.A37]   Cooperative cataloging BT African literature USE Youths' writings, Catalan   Copyright cataloging Cataloging of anonymous classics Catalanists  (May Subd Geog)   Corporate headings (Cataloging) [Z695.1.A6]   Descriptive cataloging UF Anonymous classics (Cataloging) Here are entered works on persons interested in   Library catalog management the study of Catalan language, literature and   Minimal level cataloging   Classics, Anonymous (Cataloging) civilization.   Multiple versions (Cataloging) Cataloging of Arabic imprints  (May Subd Geog)   Names, Personal (Cataloging) BT Hispanists   Recataloging UF Cataloging of Arabic literature [Former Catalans  (May Subd Geog)   Retrospective conversion (Cataloging)   heading]   Shelflisting UF Catalonians   Subject cataloging BT Arabic imprints BT Ethnology—Spain   Uniform titles (Cataloging) Cataloging of Arabic literature — Ethnic identity — United States — Analytical entry USE Cataloging of Arabic imprints [Z693.3.A52] Cataloging of architectural drawings  (May Subd Geog) NT Catalan Americans UF Analytical entry (Cataloging) Catalase   Analytics (Cataloging) BT Architectural drawing   Catalog analytical entries Cataloging of archival material [QP603.C3 (Animal biochemistry)]   Library catalog analytical entries BT Hemoproteins BT Cataloging of serial publications USE Cataloging of archival materials Cataloging of archival materials  (May Subd Geog)   Manganese enzymes — Contracting out  (May Subd Geog)   Microbodies [Z693.3.C65] [Z695.2] Catalase test (Microbiology) BT Contracting out UF Archival description (Cataloging) BT Bacteria—Identification Catalaunian Fields, Battle of the, France, 451 — Copying   Cataloging of archival material [Former USE Châlons-sur-Marne, Battle of, France, 451 USE Copy cataloging   heading] Catalaunian Plains, Battle of the, France, 451   Cataloging of archives USE Châlons-sur-Marne, Battle of, France, 451 — Data processing BT Archival materials Cataldi family  (Not Subd Geog) RT Library catalogs—Automation NT General International Standard Archival Catalecticant matrices NT AMY (Computerized cataloging system)   Description BT Matrices   CATS System   International Standard Archival Authority Catalepsy of awakening   IBAS (Information retrieval system)   Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons, and USE Sleep paralysis   MINICS project   Families Ca̧ talhoÿ uk̈ (Turkey)   MONOCLE project   Series descriptive system USE Çatal Mound (Turkey)   PICA Project — Data processing Ca̧ talhöyük Mounds (Turkey)   SAMKAT (Information retrieval system) USE Ca̧ tal Mound (Turkey)   SOKRATUS System NT Encoded Archival Description (Document Catalina (Seaplane)  (Not Subd Geog)   type definition) UF Canso (Seaplane) — Early works to 1900   Consolidated Canso (Seaplane) — Equipment and supplies Cataloging of archives   Consolidated Catalina (Seaplane) USE Cataloging of archival materials   Consolidated PBY (Seaplane) NT Catalog cards BT Airplanes, Military Cataloging of Armenian literature  (May Subd Geog)   Consolidated aircraft BT Armenian literature   Seaplanes Catalina Island (Calif.) Cataloging of art  (May Subd Geog) USE Santa Catalina Island (Calif.) [N440] BT Art Cataloging of artists' books  (May Subd Geog) BT Artists' books C-151

Cataloging of atlases  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of educational media Cataloging of Jewish literature  (May Subd Geog) [Z695.6] UF Cataloging of teaching aids and devices [Z695.1.J48] BT Atlases   Educational media, Cataloging of BT Jewish literature BT Teaching—Aids and devices Cataloging of audio-visual materials  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of Korean imprints  (May Subd Geog) [Z695.66] Cataloging of electronic books  (May Subd Geog) [Z695.1.K67] BT Audio-visual materials BT Electronic books BT Korean imprints Cataloging of books for the blind Cataloging of electronic information resources Cataloging of Latin Americanist materials [Z695.72] (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) UF Cataloging of books in raised characters [Z695.24] BT Latin Americanist materials BT Blind—Books and reading UF Cataloging of electronic resources BT Electronic information resources Cataloging of legal literature  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of books in raised characters NT International Standard Bibliographic [Z695.1.L3] USE Cataloging of books for the blind   Description for Electronic Resources BT Legal literature Cataloging of bound-with books  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of electronic journals  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of literature  (May Subd Geog) [Z695.23] [Z695.712] [Z695.1.L6] BT Bound-with books UF Cataloging of e-journals BT Literature   Cataloging of e-serials Cataloging of Buddhist literature  (May Subd Geog)   Cataloging of electronic periodicals Cataloging of local history [Z695.1.B78]   Cataloging of electronic serial publications USE Cataloging of local history materials BT Buddhist literature   Cataloging of electronic serials BT Electronic journals Cataloging of local history materials  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of cartographic materials  (May Subd Geog) UF Cataloging of local history [Former heading] [Z695.6] Cataloging of electronic periodicals BT Local history materials BT Cartographic materials USE Cataloging of electronic journals Cataloging of loose-leaf publications  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of Catholic literature  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of electronic resources [Z695.44] [Z695.1.T3] USE Cataloging of electronic information resources BT Loose-leaf publications BT Catholic literature Cataloging of electronic serial publications Cataloging of machine-readable data files Cataloging of chemical literature  (May Subd Geog) USE Cataloging of electronic journals USE Cataloging of computer files [Z695.1.C5] BT Chemical literature Cataloging of electronic serials Cataloging of magic literature USE Cataloging of electronic journals UF Magic literature, Cataloging of Cataloging of children's literature  (May Subd Geog) [Z695.1.C6] Cataloging of engravings  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of manuscripts  (May Subd Geog) BT Children's literature BT Engraving [Z695.5] UF Calendaring of manuscripts Cataloging of Chinese imprints  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of exhibition catalogs  (May Subd Geog) BT Manuscripts [Z695.1.C62] [Z695.1.E95] BT Chinese imprints BT Exhibition catalogs Cataloging of maps  (May Subd Geog) [Z695.6] Cataloging of Chinese literature  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of fantastic literature UF Map cataloging BT Chinese literature USE Cataloging of fantasy literature BT Maps Cataloging of compact discs  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of fantasy literature  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of medical literature  (May Subd Geog) [Z695.715] UF Cataloging of fantastic literature [Former [Z695.1.M48] BT Compact discs   heading] BT Medical literature BT Fantasy literature Cataloging of computer files  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of microcomputer software [Z695.24] Cataloging of filmstrips [Z695.615] UF Cataloging of machine-readable data files [Z695.64] UF Microcomputer software, Cataloging of   [Former heading] BT Filmstrips   Software, Microcomputer, Cataloging of BT Computer files BT Computer programs NT International Standard Bibliographic Cataloging of foreign language publications   Microcomputers   Description for Computer Files [Z695.1.F66] UF Foreign language publications—Cataloging — Rules Cataloging of computer network resources UF Cataloging codes for microcomputer (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of geographical names   software [Z695.24] USE Names, Geographical (Cataloging)   Rules for cataloging of microcomputer BT Computer network resources   software NT Z39.50 Profile for Access to Digital Collections Cataloging of geomatic files  (May Subd Geog) BT Geomatic files Cataloging of microforms  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of computer programs  (May Subd Geog) [Z695.62] [Z695.615] Cataloging of government publications BT Microforms BT Computer programs (May Subd Geog) [Z695.1.G7] Cataloging of modern literature  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of conference proceedings BT Government publications BT Literature, Modern (May Subd Geog) NT Government headings (Cataloging) [Z695.25] Cataloging of monographic series  (May Subd Geog) BT Conference proceedings Cataloging of graphic materials [Z695.78] [Z695.27] BT Monographic series Cataloging of continuing resources  (May Subd Geog) UF Graphic arts—Cataloging [Z695.7]   Graphic materials, Cataloging of Cataloging of Mormon literature BT Continuing resources (Publications)   Graphics, Cataloging of [Z691.5.T3] NT International Standard Bibliographic BT Cataloging of nonbook materials UF Mormon literature, Cataloging of   Description for Serials and Other Continuing BT Cataloging of religious literature   Resources Cataloging of Greek imprints  (May Subd Geog)   Mormon Church [Z695.1.G75] Cataloging of data bases BT Greek imprints Cataloging of motion picture literature USE Cataloging of databases (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of Hebrew imprints  (May Subd Geog) BT Motion picture literature Cataloging of databases  (May Subd Geog) [Z695.1.J48] [Z695.47] BT Hebrew imprints Cataloging of motion pictures  (May Subd Geog) UF Cataloging of data bases [Former heading] [Z695.64] BT Databases Cataloging of history materials  (May Subd Geog) UF Cataloging of moving-pictures [Former [Z695.1.H6]   heading] Cataloging of DVDs  (May Subd Geog) BT History materials BT Motion pictures [Z695.255] BT DVDs Cataloging of hymns  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of moving-pictures BT Hymns USE Cataloging of motion pictures Cataloging of e-journals USE Cataloging of electronic journals Cataloging of incunabula  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of music  (May Subd Geog) [Z695.3] BT Music Cataloging of e-serials BT Incunabula USE Cataloging of electronic journals Cataloging of music manuscripts  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of integrating resources  (May Subd Geog) UF Music—Manuscripts—Cataloging [Former Cataloging of early printed books  (May Subd Geog) [Z695.35]   heading] [Z695.3] BT Integrating resources (Publications) BT Music—Manuscripts BT Early printed books NT International Standard Bibliographic Cataloging of interactive multimedia  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of newspapers  (May Subd Geog)   Description for Older Monographic [Z695.37] [Z695.655]   Publications (Antiquarian) BT Interactive multimedia BT Newspapers NT Subject headings—Newspapers — Rules Cataloging of international agency publications UF Cataloging codes for early printed books (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of non-book materials   Rules for cataloging of early printed books [Z695.1.I575] USE Cataloging of nonbook materials BT International agency publications Cataloging of East Asian publications Cataloging of nonbook materials  (May Subd Geog) [Z695.1.E17] Cataloging of Japanese imprints  (May Subd Geog) [Z695.66] UF East Asian publications, Cataloging of [Z695.1.J34] UF Cataloging of non-book materials [Former BT Japanese imprints   heading] Cataloging of economics literature  (May Subd Geog) BT Nonbook materials [Z695.1.E2] Cataloging of Japanese literature  (May Subd Geog) NT Cataloging of graphic materials BT Economics literature BT Japanese literature   International Standard Bibliographic   Description for Non-Book Materials C-152

— Data processing UF Society publications (Cataloging) Catalogs, Commercial Cataloging of oral history materials  (May Subd Geog) NT Conference headings (Cataloging) USE Commercial catalogs Cataloging of sound recordings  (May Subd Geog) [Z695.1.H6] [Z695.715] Catalogs, Dictionary BT Oral history UF Cataloging of phonorecords [Former heading] USE Dictionary catalogs Cataloging of Oriental literature  (May Subd Geog) BT Sound recordings [Z695.1.O7] Cataloging of special collections in libraries Catalogs, Divided BT Oriental literature UF Special collections in libraries, Cataloging of USE Divided catalogs Cataloging of Panjabi literature  (May Subd Geog) BT Libraries—Special collections BT Panjabi literature Cataloging of streaming technology  (May Subd Geog) Catalogs, Film Cataloging of periodicals [Z695.815] USE Motion pictures—Catalogs USE Cataloging of serial publications BT Streaming technology (Telecommunications) Cataloging of Persian literature  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of teaching aids and devices Catalogs, Imprint BT Persian literature USE Cataloging of educational media USE Imprint catalogs (Library materials) Cataloging of personal names Cataloging of technical literature  (May Subd Geog) USE Names, Personal (Cataloging) [Z695.1.S3] Catalogs, Library Cataloging of phonorecords BT Technical literature USE Library catalogs USE Cataloging of sound recordings Cataloging of technical reports  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of photographs [Z695.1.S3] Catalogs, On-line USE Cataloging of pictures BT Technical reports USE Online library catalogs Cataloging of pictures  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of the Bible  (May Subd Geog) UF Cataloging of photographs UF Bible—Cataloging Catalogs, Publishers' BT Photographs BT Cataloging of sacred books USE Publishers' catalogs Cataloging of Tibetan literature  (May Subd Geog)   Pictures [Z695.1.T52] Catalogs, School Cataloging of preloaded audio players BT Tibetan literature USE School catalogs Cataloging of trade literature  (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) [Z695.82] Catalogs, Sheaf [Z695.7184] BT Trade literature USE Sheaf catalogs BT Preloaded audio players Cataloging of Turkish literature  (May Subd Geog) BT Turkish literature Catalogs, Star Cataloging of printed ephemera  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging of Urdu literature  (May Subd Geog) USE Stars—Catalogs [Z695.719] [Z695.1.U73] BT Printed ephemera BT Urdu literature Catalogs, Subject Cataloging of video games  (May Subd Geog) USE Subject catalogs Cataloging of Pushto literature  (May Subd Geog) [Z695.84] BT Pushto literature BT Video games Catalogs, Systematic Cataloging of video recordings  (May Subd Geog) USE Classified catalogs Cataloging of radio programs  (May Subd Geog) [Z695.64] [Z695.7196] BT Video recordings Catalogs, Union BT Radio programs Cataloging of Vietnamese imprints  (May Subd Geog) USE Union catalogs BT Vietnamese imprints Cataloging of rare books  (May Subd Geog) Cataloging with copy Catalogs, Universal [Z695.74] USE Copy cataloging USE Bibliography, International BT Rare books Catalogs  (May Subd Geog)   Universal bibliography UF Catalogs and collections — Rules Catalogs and collections [Z695.74]   Catalogues USE Catalogs SA subdivision Catalogs under names of individual Cataloging of rare library materials  (May Subd Geog) Catalogs in book form [Z695.74]   artists, craftspersons, families of artists and USE Book catalogs BT Rare library materials   craftspersons, persons or families doing   business as sellers under their personal Catalogs in literature  (Not Subd Geog) Cataloging of rehabilitation literature   names, and corporate bodies, and under Catalogue . . . [Z695.1.R44]   individual objects, e.g. Automobiles-- UF Rehabilitation literature, Cataloging of   Catalogs; Painting--Catalogs; and USE topical headings beginning with or including the   subdivision Catalogs and collections under   words Catalog or Catalogs, e.g. Catalog Cataloging of religious literature  (May Subd Geog)   natural objects and individual musical   cards; Library catalog management; [Z695.1.T3]   instruments and families of instruments, e.g.   Exhibition catalogs BT Religious literature   Fishes--Catalogs and collections; Piano-- NT Cataloging of Mormon literature   Catalogs and collections Catalogue librarians NT Auction catalogs USE Catalogers Cataloging of Russian imprints  (May Subd Geog)   Commercial catalogs [Z695.1.R85]   Exhibition catalogs Cataloguers BT Russian imprints   Library catalogs USE Catalogers   Lists Cataloging of sacred books  (May Subd Geog)   School catalogs Catalogues BT Sacred books — Printing  (May Subd Geog) USE Catalogs NT Cataloging of the Bible [Z695.87] Catalogues raisonnés Cataloging of science fiction  (May Subd Geog) BT Printing USE subdivision Catalogues raisonneś under names BT Science fiction Catalogs, Author   of individual persons USE Author catalogs Cataloging of scientific apparatus and instruments Catalogs, Bibliographic Cataloguing (May Subd Geog) USE subdivision Bibliography--Catalogs under USE Cataloging BT Scientific apparatus and instruments   subjects for lists of publications about the   subject that provide information about their Cataloguing Support System Cataloging of scientific literature   location, availability, etc., e.g. Chemistry-- USE CATS System USE Cataloging of scientific publications   Bibliography--Catalogs; Electricity--   Bibliography--Catalogs Catalonia (Spain) Cataloging of scientific publications Catalogs, Book — Civilization UF Cataloging of scientific literature USE Book catalogs NT Europe—Civilization—Catalan influences   Science—Cataloging Catalogs, Booksellers'   Sardinia (Italy)—Civilization—Catalan USE Booksellers' catalogs   influences Cataloging of serial publications  (May Subd Geog) Catalogs, Card — — Classical influences [Z695.7] USE Card catalogs BT Civilization, Classical UF Cataloging of periodicals Catalogs, Classed — — French influences   Cataloging of serials USE Classified catalogs BT France—Civilization   Serials cataloging Catalogs, Classified — — German influences BT Serial publications USE Classified catalogs BT Germany—Civilization NT Cataloging—Analytical entry Catalogs, Classified (Dewey decimal) — — Islamic influences   International Standard Bibliographic USE Classified catalogs (Dewey decimal) BT Islamic civilization   Description for Serials Catalogs, Classified (Universal decimal) — — Italian influences USE Classified catalogs (Universal decimal) BT Italy—Civilization — Methodology  (May Subd Geog) — — Jewish influences NT Latest entry cataloging of serial BT Jews—Civilization   publications — Description and travel UF Catalonia (Spain)—Description and Cataloging of serials   travel—1981- [Former heading] USE Cataloging of serial publications — — 1981- USE Catalonia (Spain)—Description and Cataloging of sheet music  (May Subd Geog)   travel [ML110-ML111.5] — Diplomatic and consular service BT Sheet music USE Diplomatic and consular service, Catalan — History Cataloging of Slavic literature  (May Subd Geog) — — Civil War, 1462-1472 [Z695.1.S5] RT Remences, War of the, Spain, 1462- BT Slavic literature   1486 — — Reapers' War, 1640-1659 Cataloging of slides  (May Subd Geog) UF Catalonia [Z695.4]   (Spain)—History—Revolution, 1640 BT Slides (Photography)   [Former heading]   Harvesters' War, Spain, 1640-1659 Cataloging of society publications   Reapers' War, Spain, 1640-1659 [Z695.8]   Segadors, War of the, Spain, 1640-   1659 C-153

Catalonia (Spain)   Zeolite catalysts Catar, Bayou (La.) — History   Ziegler-Natta catalysts USE Mallet, Bayou (Saint Landry Parish and Acadia — — Reapers' War, 1640-1659  (Continued) — Deactivation   Parish, La.) — — Revolution, 1640 USE Catalyst poisoning USE Catalonia (Spain)—History—Reapers' — Recycling  (May Subd Geog) Cataract  (May Subd Geog)   War, 1640-1659 [RE451] — — 18th century [QD505] BT Crystalline lens—Diseases [DP302.C66] UF Recoverable catalysts — — 19th century — Diagnosis  (May Subd Geog) — — 20th century   Recyclable catalysts — Surgery  (May Subd Geog) — — Revolution, 1934 BT Recycling (Waste, etc.) [DP302.C68] Catalysts, Iridium NT Phacoemulsification — Politics and government USE Iridium catalysts — — Complications  (May Subd Geog) — — 19th century Catalysts industry  (May Subd Geog) — — 20th century [HD9660.C397-HD9660.C3974] UF Cataract—Surgery—Complications and BT Chemical industry   sequelae [Former heading] Catalonian cooking Catalytic agents USE Cooking, Spanish—Catalonian style USE Catalysts — — Complications and sequelae Catalytic converters for automobiles USE Cataract—Surgery—Complications Catalonian Palace of Music (Barcelona, Spain) USE Automobiles—Catalytic converters USE Palau de la Música Catalana (Barcelona, Catalytic cracking Cataract, Battle of the, Ont., 1814   Spain) [TP690.4] USE Lundy's Lane, Battle of, Ont., 1814 BT Cracking process Catalonian Sign Language NT Hydrocracking Cataract Canon (Wayne County-San Juan County, USE Catalan Sign Language Catalytic poisoning Utah) USE Catalyst poisoning USE Cataract Canyon (Wayne County-San Juan Catalonians Catalytic reforming   County, Utah) USE Catalans UF Reforming, Catalytic BT Petroleum—Refining Cataract Canyon (Wayne County-San Juan County, Catalpa  (May Subd Geog) — Equipment and supplies Utah) [QK495.C35 (Botany)] NT Fuel processors UF Cataract Canon (Wayne County-San Juan [SD397.C35 (Forestry)] Catalytic RNA   County, Utah) [QP623.5.C36] BT Canyons—Utah Catalufas (Fishes) UF Ribonucleic acid enzymes USE Priacanthidae   Ribozymes Cataract Canyon Wilderness (Utah)   RNA enzymes BT National parks and reserves—Utah Cataluña Plaza (San Juan Sacatepéquez, Guatemala) BT Non-coding RNA   Wilderness areas—Utah USE Plaza Catalunã (San Juan Sacatepéquez,   Nucleases   Guatemala) Catamarans  (May Subd Geog) Cataract Creek (Ariz.) [GV811.57 (Sport)] UF Cedar Creek (Coconino County, Ariz.) Catalysis  (May Subd Geog) [VM311.C3 (Navigation)]   Havasu Creek (Ariz.) [QD505] BT Boats and boating BT Rivers—Arizona BT Activation (Chemistry)   Multihull sailboats   Chemistry, Physical and theoretical RT Praus Cataract in children  (May Subd Geog)   Surface chemistry Catamareño language [RE451] NT Autocatalysis USE Cacań language BT Pediatric ophthalmology   Biocatalysis Catamenial receptors   Catalysts USE Sanitary napkins Cataract in old age  (May Subd Geog)   Electrocatalysis   Tampons [RE451]   Heterogeneous catalysis Catamount BT Geriatric ophthalmology   Homogeneous catalysis USE Puma   Phase-transfer catalysis Catán (Alligator gar) Cataract Lake (Ind.)   Photocatalysis USE Alligator gar USE Cagles Mill Lake (Ind.)   Spillover (Chemistry) Căta̦ ̆naș Site (Romania) BT Romania—Antiquities Cataractes Catalyst carriers C̦atanti family USE Crested penguins USE Catalyst supports USE Setantí family Catanzaro, Isthmus of (Italy) Cataracts (Waterfalls) Catalyst deactivation UF Isthmus of Catanzaro (Italy) USE Waterfalls USE Catalyst poisoning   Isthmus of Marcellinara (Italy)   Istmo di Catanzaro (Italy) Cataraqui Villa (Sillery, Québec) Catalyst poisoning   Istmo di Marcellinara (Italy) USE Domaine Cataraqui (Sillery, Québec) UF Catalyst deactivation   Marcellinara, Isthmus of (Italy)   Catalysts—Deactivation   Saddle of Catanzaro (Italy) Cataratas del Iguacu̧ (Argentina and Brazil)   Catalytic poisoning   Saddle of Marcellinara (Italy) USE Iguaçu Falls (Argentina and Brazil)   Poisoning of catalysts   Sella di Catanzaro (Italy)   Sella di Marcellinara (Italy) Cataratas del Iguassú (Argentina and Brazil) Catalyst supports BT Isthmuses—Italy USE Iguacu̧ Falls (Argentina and Brazil) [QD505] Cataphora UF Carriers (Chemistry) [P299.C36] Cataratas del Iguazú (Argentina and Brazil)   Catalyst carriers BT Reference (Linguistics) USE Iguacu̧ Falls (Argentina and Brazil)   Inducing catalysts SA subdivision Cataphora under individual   Promoters (Chemistry)   languages and groups of languages, e.g. Cataratas do Iguacu̧ (Argentina and Brazil)   Supports, Catalyst   English language--Cataphora USE Iguaçu Falls (Argentina and Brazil) BT Catalysts Cataphoresis USE Electrophoresis Catarhactes Catalysts Catapochrotidae USE Crested penguins [QD501] USE Cryptophagidae [TP159.C3 (Technology)] Catapsydracidae  (May Subd Geog) Catarhactes chrysolophus UF Catalytic agents [QL368.F6 (Protozoology)] USE Macaroni penguin BT Catalysis BT Foraminifera   Chemical inhibitors NT Neogloboquadrina Cataro, Bayou (La.) NT Aluminum silicate catalysts Catapult USE Mallet, Bayou (Saint Landry Parish and Acadia   Catalyst supports [U875]   Parish, La.)   Clay catalysts BT Engines of war   Cobalt catalysts NT Ballista Catarrachtes   Copper catalysts Catapult seats (Airplanes) USE Crested penguins   Enzymes USE Pilot ejection seats   Hydrotreating catalysts Catapults (Aeronautics) Catarractes   Iron catalysts [TL732] USE Crested penguins   Manganese catalysts BT Aeronautics   Metal catalysts   Propellant actuated devices Catarrh  (May Subd Geog)   Metallocene catalysts NT Aircraft carriers—Aircraft launching and [RC741]   Montmorillonite catalysts   recovery equipment UF Respiratory mucosa—Inflammation   Nickel catalysts BT Respiratory organs—Diseases   Palladium catalysts   Phase-transfer catalysts — Homeopathic treatment  (May Subd Geog)   Platinum catalysts [RX326.C2]   Platinum group catalysts   Rhenium catalysts Catarrh, Autumnal   Ruthenium catalysts USE Hay fever   Silica-alumina catalysts   Silver catalysts Catarrh in cattle, Epizootic   Technetium catalysts USE Epizootic catarrh in cattle   Vanadium catalysts Catarrh in sheep, Epizootic USE Epizootic catarrh in sheep Catasauqua Creek (Pa.) UF Caladaqua Creek (Pa.)   Caladoque Creek (Pa.)   Calandaqua Creek (Pa.)   Calesoque Creek (Pa.)   Calisuk Creek (Pa.)   Catasocque Creek (Pa.)   Coladaque Creek (Pa.)   Colesauque Creek (Pa.)   Colesoque Creek (Pa.)   Colesquque Creek (Pa.)   Collasauque Creek (Pa.)   Gatasaque Creek (Pa.)   Gattoshacki Creek (Pa.)   Gottoschacki Creek (Pa.) C-154

  Gottshacki Creek (Pa.)   Catawba Reservation (S.C.) Catchment basins BT Rivers—Pennsylvania BT Indian reservations—South Carolina USE Watersheds Catasetum Catawba Indians  (May Subd Geog) USE Catasetums [E99.C24] Catchments (Watersheds) Catasetums  (May Subd Geog) UF Kataba Indians USE Watersheds [QK495.O64 (Botany)] BT Indians of North America—South Carolina [SB409.8.C36 (Culture)] Catchpaugh family UF Catasetum   Siouan Indians USE Catchpaw family BT Orchids — Pottery Catasocque Creek (Pa.) Catchpaw family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Catasauqua Creek (Pa.) USE Catawba pottery UF Catchpaugh family Catastral surveys Catawba language  (May Subd Geog) RT Katzenbach family USE Real property Catastrophe, Jewish (1939-1945) [PM751] Catchup USE Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) UF Isa language USE Ketchup Catastrophe bonds  (May Subd Geog) UF Cat bonds   Issa language Catchweed (Asperugo)   Iswa language USE German madwort   CATs (Catastrophe bonds)   Kataba language BT Bonds   Katahbe language Catchweeds (Galium)   Ushery language USE Galium   Derivative securities   Ysa language Catastrophe films BT Siouan languages Catclaw (Plant)   South Carolina—Languages USE Catclaw acacia USE Disaster films Catawba literature  (May Subd Geog) Catastrophe insurance BT United States—Literatures Catclaw acacia  (May Subd Geog) Catawba pottery  (May Subd Geog) [QK495.M545 (Botany)] USE Disaster insurance UF Catawba Indians—Pottery [Former heading] UF Acacia greggii Catastrophe loss reserves   Pottery, Catawba   Acacia wrightii BT Pottery, American   Catclaw (Plant) USE Insurance—Reserves Catawba Reservation (S.C.)   Cat's claw acacia Catastrophes USE Catawba Indian Reservation (S.C.)   Claw of cat (Plant) Catawba River (N.C. and S.C.)   Devils-claw (Plant) USE Disasters BT Rivers—North Carolina   Devils-claw acacia Catastrophes (Geology)   Rivers—South Carolina   Devilsclaw (Plant) Catawba River Valley (N.C. and S.C.)   Gregg acacia [QE506] UF Catawba Valley (N.C. and S.C.)   Gregg catclaw (Plant) BT Historical geology BT Valleys—North Carolina   Long-flowered catclaw NT Deluge   Valleys—South Carolina   Mimosa, Texas Catawba River Watershed (N.C. and S.C.)   Paradise flower   Snowball Earth (Geology) BT Watersheds—North Carolina   Senegalia greggii Catastrophes (Geology) in literature  (Not Subd Geog)   Watersheds—South Carolina   Texas catclaw (Plant) Catastrophes (Mathematics) Catawba Valley (N.C. and S.C.)   Texas mimosa USE Catawba River Valley (N.C. and S.C.)   Una de gato (Plant) [QA614.58 (Mathematics)] Catawhisky Creek (N.C.) BT Senegalia [QC20.7.C36 (Mathematical physics)] USE Potecasi Creek (N.C.) BT Differentiable mappings Catbird  (May Subd Geog) Catclaw Cave (Ariz.) [QL696.P25] BT Arizona—Antiquities   Manifolds (Mathematics) UF Dumetella carolinensis   Caves—Arizona   Singularities (Mathematics) — Pictorial works Catastrophic diseases Catboats  (May Subd Geog) CatDog (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) USE Catastrophic illness [VM311.C33] Cate family Catastrophic health insurance  (May Subd Geog) BT Boats and boating UF Health insurance, Catastrophic   Sailboats USE Cates family   Insurance, Catastrophic health [Former Catch, Discarded (Fisheries) Cateau-Cambreś is, Treaty of, 1559   heading] USE Fishery discards BT Insurance Catch, Incidental (Fisheries) [DC114] — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) USE Bycatches (Fisheries) Catechetical illustrations Catch, Non-target (Fisheries) BT Insurance law USE Bycatches (Fisheries) USE Homiletical illustrations Catastrophic illness  (May Subd Geog) Catch crops  (May Subd Geog) Catechetical sermons  (May Subd Geog) [SB283.5-SB283.55] UF Catastrophic diseases UF Intercrops UF Sermons, Catechetical   Critical illness RT Cover crops BT Catechisms   Intercropping BT Diseases NT Companion crops   Sermons RT Critically ill Catch discarding (Fisheries) RT Teaching sermons Catastrophical, The USE Fishery discards Catechetics  (May Subd Geog) [BD375] Catch effort in fisheries [BV1534.2 (General)] BT Disasters USE Fisheries—Catch effort Here are entered works dealing with the theory Catch effort in fishing and method of catechizing, a systematic method of   Ontology USE Fishing—Catch effort instruction in the fundamental teachings of a religion   Tragic, The Catch per unit of effort in fisheries by means of question and answer. RT Change USE Fisheries—Catch effort — Forecasting Catchers, Cootie BT Christian education USE Cootie catchers RT Catechisms NT Doomsday Clock Catchers (Baseball)  (May Subd Geog) SA subdivision Catechisms under individual Catastrophical, The, in art  (Not Subd Geog) UF Baseball catchers Catastrophical, The, in literature  (Not Subd Geog) BT Baseball players   religions and denominations, e.g. Buddhism- Catastrophical, The, in motion pictures — Biography   -Catechisms; Catholic Church--Catechisms Catches (Music) NT Questioning (Not Subd Geog) USE Glees, catches, rounds, etc. — Early church, ca. 30-600 [PN1995.9.C345] Catchey family USE Catechetics—History—Early church, ca. BT Motion pictures USE Geitgey family Catchflies   30-600 Catastrophism (Polish literature) USE Lychnis — Catholic Church BT Polish literature—20th century—History and   Silene   criticism Catching (Baseball) [BX1968] [GV872] NT Catholic Church—Catechisms Catastrophizing  (May Subd Geog) BT Baseball — Church of England, [Lutheran Church, etc.] BT Expectation (Psychology) Catchment Area Nature Reserve (Singapore) — History   Worry USE Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (Singapore) — — Early church, ca. 30-600 NT Pain catastrophizing Catchment areas USE Watersheds UF Catechetics—Early church, ca. 30-600 Catatonia  (May Subd Geog) Catchment areas, Health   [Former heading] UF Katatonia USE Health service areas BT Psychomotor disorders Catechetics (Canon law)   Schizophrenia BT Canon law Catatumbo River (Colombia and Venezuela) Catechetics in literature  (Not Subd Geog) UF Río Catatumbo (Colombia and Venezuela) Catechin  (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Colombia   Rivers—Venezuela UF Catechuic acid   Catechuin Cataulacus  (May Subd Geog) [QL568.F7] BT Catechu BT Ants   Kino   Polyphenols Catawaba Reservation (S.C.) USE Catawba Indian Reservation (S.C.) Catechin gallates BT Gallates Catawba Cave (N.C.) NT Epigallocatechin gallate USE Linville Caverns (N.C.) Catechisms Catawba Indian Reservation (S.C.) [BT1030-BT1039 (General)] UF Catawaba Reservation (S.C.) Here are entered general works on catechisms. Catechisms in a specific language are entered under Catechisms qualified by language, e.g. Catechisms, C-155

Catechisms  (Continued) NT Adrenaline Categories of dialectical materialism English.   Dobutamine USE Dialectical materialism, Categories of   Dopa UF Christian education—Catechisms   Dopamine Categorization (Linguistics) RT Catechetics   Entacapone [P128.C37] SA subdivision Catechisms under individual   Noradrenaline UF Classification (Linguistics) BT Linguistic analysis (Linguistics)   religions and denominations, e.g. Buddhism- Catechu NT Grammar, Comparative and   -Catechisms; Catholic Church--Catechisms [RS165.C (Materia medica)]   general—Grammatical categories NT Bible—Examinations, questions, etc. NT Catechin   Catechetical sermons Categorization (Psychology)   Picture catechisms Catechuic acid [BF445 (Psychology)] Catechisms, Armenian USE Catechin UF Classification (Psychology) UF Armenian catechisms BT Abstraction Catechisms, Bambara Catechuin UF Bambara catechisms USE Catechin — Testing Catechisms, Dutch NT Booklet Category Test [BT1039.D8] Catechumenate UF Dutch catechisms USE Catechumens Categorization (Psychology) in children Catechisms, English (May Subd Geog) UF English catechisms Catechumens  (May Subd Geog) [BF723.C27] Catechisms, Fijian [BX935] BT Child psychology UF Fijian catechisms UF Catechumenate Catechisms, Finnish BT Christian education Categorization (Psychology) in infants UF Finnish catechisms (May Subd Geog) Catechisms, French — Early church, ca. 30-600 BT Infant psychology UF French catechisms USE Catechumens—History—Early church, ca. Catechisms, Friulian   30-600 Category, Lusternik-Schnirelmann UF Friulian catechisms USE Lusternik-Schnirelmann category Catechisms, Georgian — Middle Ages, 600-1500 UF Georgian catechisms USE Catechumens—History—Middle Ages, Category theory (Mathematics) Catechisms, German   600-1500 USE Categories (Mathematics) UF German catechisms Catechisms, Gilbertese — History Catel family UF Gilbertese catechisms — — Early church, ca. 30-600 USE Cattell family Catechisms, Guarani UF Guarani catechisms UF Catechumens—Early church, ca. 30- Catelamet Indians Catechisms, Iroquois   600 [Former heading] USE Cathlamet Indians UF Iroquois catechisms Catechisms, Kinaray-a — — Middle Ages, 600-1500 Catelan family UF Kinaray-a catechisms UF Catechumens—Middle Ages, 600-1500 USE Catlin family Catechisms, Lithuanian   [Former heading] UF Lithuanian catechisms Cateline family Catechisms, Malayalam Catechumens (Canon law) USE Catlin family UF Malayalam catechisms BT Canon law Catechisms, Maori Catena del Lagorai (Italy) UF Maori catechisms Catedral de Santiago de Compostela USE Lagorai Mountains (Italy) Catechisms, Marathi NT Obradoiro (Catedral de Santiago de UF Marathi catechisms   Compostela) Catenae Catechisms, Mohawk   Poŕ tico de la Gloria (Catedral de Santiago de [BR63 (Patristics)] UF Mohawk catechisms   Compostela) [BS (Bible commentaries)] Catechisms, Mpongwe BT Bible—Commentaries UF Mpongwe catechisms Catedral de Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic)   Christian literature, Early Catechisms, Nama NT Portada Oeste (Catedral de Santo Domingo, UF Nama catechisms   Dominican Republic) Catenanes  (May Subd Geog) Catechisms, Pohnpeian BT Polycyclic compounds UF Pohnpeian catechisms Categorial grammar Catechisms, Spanish [P161] Catenary UF Spanish catechisms UF Grammar, Categorial [QA835] Catechisms, Tamil BT Grammar, Comparative and general BT Curves, Plane UF Tamil catechisms SA subdivision Categorial grammar under Catechisms, Tarascan   individual languages and groups of Catenicellidae  (May Subd Geog) UF Tarascan catechisms   languages, e.g. English language-- [QL398.C5] Catechisms, Turkish  (May Subd Geog)   Categorial grammar BT Cheilostomata UF Turkish catechisms Catechisms, Ukrainian Categories, Grammatical Catenin proteins UF Ukrainian catechisms USE Grammar, Comparative and USE Catenins Catechisms, Zulu   general—Grammatical categories UF Zulu catechisms Catenins  (May Subd Geog) Catechists  (May Subd Geog) Categories, Grothendieck UF Catenin proteins BT Christian educators USE Grothendieck categories BT Cell adhesion molecules Catechol  (May Subd Geog)   Cytoskeletal proteins UF Pyrocatechol Categories, Triangulated BT Polyphenols USE Triangulated categories Catenophora  (May Subd Geog) NT Catechol estrogens [QK625.M4]   Chlorocatechols Categories (Mathematics) BT Melanconiaceae   Guaiacol UF Category theory (Mathematics) NT Catenophora pruni   Urushiol BT Algebra, Homological Catechol estrogens   Algebra, Universal Catenophora pruni  (May Subd Geog) [QP572.C36]   Group theory [QK625.M4] UF Estrogens, Catechol   Logic, Symbolic and mathematical BT Catenophora BT Catechol   Topology   Estradiol RT Functor theory Catenulida   Estrone NT Abelian categories USE Rhabdocoelida Catechol methyl ether   Algebroids USE Guaiacol   Allegories (Mathematics) Catephidae Catecholamines   Closed categories (Mathematics) USE Noctuidae [QP801.C33 (Animal biochemistry)]   Divisor theory [QP981.C25 (Experimental pharmacology)]   Isomorphisms (Mathematics) Catequese poet́ ica (Literary movement) UF Sympathins   Localization theory BT Brazilian literature BT Amines   Model categories (Mathematics)   Literary movements—Brazil   Biogenic amines   Morphisms (Mathematics)   Chromaffin cells   Operads Cater family  (Not Subd Geog) RT Hormones   Representations of categories RT Decatur family   Syzygies (Mathematics)   Toposes Catera automobile  (Not Subd Geog)   Tricategories UF Cadillac Catera automobile   Triples, Theory of BT Cadillac automobile   General Motors V-cars Categories (Philosophy) [BC172 (Logic)] Cateran Trail (Scotland) [BD331-BD346 (Ontology)] BT Trails—Scotland UF Predicaments (Categories) BT Knowledge, Theory of Caterers and catering  (May Subd Geog)   Logic [TX901-TX921]   Ontology BT Cooking RT Predicate (Logic)   Food service NT Attribute (Philosophy) RT Table   Dialectical materialism, Categories of NT Dinners and dining   Quantity (Philosophy)   Luncheons   Whole and parts (Philosophy)   Stewards   Wages—Caterers — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) Cateretidae USE Nitidulidae Caterham automobile USE Caterham Seven automobile Caterham Seven automobile  (Not Subd Geog) UF Caterham automobile C-156

  Caterham Super Seven automobile   Siluridae Cathartid vultures BT Sports cars   Trichomycteridae USE New World vultures Caterham Super Seven automobile — Use in cooking USE Caterham Seven automobile USE Cooking (Catfish) Cathartidae Caterina Cornaro, Barco di (Altivole, Italy) Catfishes, Fossil  (May Subd Geog) USE New World vultures USE Barco Cornaro (Altivole, Italy) [QE852.O45] Caterpillar Tractor Company Factory Occupation, BT Osteichthyes, Fossil Cathartocarpus excelsus Uddingston, Scotland, 1987 Catfishes in art  (Not Subd Geog) USE Cassia fistula [HD5367.T69 1987 .U] Catfishing  (May Subd Geog) BT Strikes and lockouts—Tractor [SH691.C35] Cathartocarpus fistula UF Catfish fishing USE Cassia fistula   industry—Scotland BT Fishing Caterpillar tractors  (Not Subd Geog) Catgut Cathartocarpus fistuloides BT Animal gut industries USE Cassia fistula BT Crawler tractors Catgut sutures Caterpillar trucks  (Not Subd Geog) [RD73.S8] Cathartocarpus rhombifolius BT Ligature (Surgery) USE Cassia fistula BT Trucks   Sutures Caterpillars  (May Subd Geog) Cath Camettes Indians Catharus  (May Subd Geog) USE Cathlamet Indians [QL696.P288] UF Lepidoptera—Larvae Cath-la-mas Indians BT Thrushes BT Butterflies USE Cathlamet Indians   Turdidae Catha  (May Subd Geog) NT Gray-cheeked thrush   Insects—Larvae [QK495.C385 (Botany)]   Hermit thrush   Lepidoptera BT Celastraceae   Veery   Moths NT Khat SA names of caterpillars, e.g. Alfalfa caterpillar; Catha edulis Catharus fuscescens   Florida fern caterpillar USE Khat USE Veery NT Apple worm Cathall family   Armyworms USE Cathell family Catharus guttatus   Brown mopane worm Catharacta USE Hermit thrush   Canker-worms USE Skuas   Cutworms Catharacta maccormicki Catharus minimus   Edible caterpillars USE South Polar skua USE Gray-cheeked thrush   Geometridae—Larvae Catharacta skua   Mopane worm USE Great skua Catharus mustelinus   Silkworms Catharanthus  (May Subd Geog) USE Wood thrush   Woolly bears (Lepidoptera) [QK495.A66] Caterpillars as pets  (May Subd Geog) UF Ammocallis Cathaya  (May Subd Geog) [SF459.C38]   Lochnera [QK494.5.P66 (Botany)] BT Pets BT Apocynaceae BT Pinaceae Caterskill Clove (N.Y.) NT Catharanthus roseus NT Cathaya argyrophylla USE Kaaterskill Clove (N.Y.) Catharanthus roseus  (May Subd Geog) Caterskill Creek (N.Y.) [QK495.A66 (Botany)] Cathaya argyrophylla  (May Subd Geog) USE Kaaterskill Creek (N.Y.) UF Cape periwinkle [QK494.5.P66 (Botany)] Caterskill Falls (N.Y.)   Madagascar periwinkle [Former heading] [SD397.C37 (Forestry)] USE Kaaterskill Falls (N.Y.)   Periwinkle, Cape BT Cathaya Caterton family   Periwinkle, Madagascar USE Catterton family   Periwinkle, Red Cathays Park (Cardiff, Wales) Cates family  (Not Subd Geog)   Periwinkle, Rose USE Cardiff Civic Centre (Cardiff, Wales) UF Cate family [Former heading]   Red periwinkle   Catey family   Rose periwinkle Cathcart, Harry (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog)   Kate family   Rosy periwinkle UF Captain Harry Cathcart (Fictitious character)   Kates family   Vinca rosea   Harry Cathcart (Fictitious character)   Kohte family BT Catharanthus Catesby family  (Not Subd Geog) Catharctic Circle (Group of artists) Cathcart family  (Not Subd Geog) Catete Palace (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) RT Arts, American—20th century UF Kathcart family USE Palać io do Catete (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Cathari   Keithcart family Catey family USE Albigenses   Keithcirt family USE Cates family Catharijnesingel (Utrecht, Netherlands) Catfield Hall (Catfield, England) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Cathedra BT Dwellings—England subdivision. USE Chairs (Cathedra) Catfish USE Catfishes BT Streets—Netherlands Cathedraceae Catfish fisheries  (May Subd Geog) Catharine (Name) USE Olacaceae [SH351.C4] BT Fisheries USE Katherine (Name) Cathedral Avenue (Barcelona, Spain) Catfish fishing Catharinenburg (Drachenbronn-Birlenbach, France) USE Avinguda de la Catedral (Barcelona, Spain) USE Catfishing Catfish River (Wis.) BT Palaces—France Cathedral canons USE Yahara River (Wis.) Catharists USE Canons, Cathedral, collegiate, etc. Catfishes  (May Subd Geog) [QL637.9.S5 (Zoology)] USE Albigenses Cathedral Caverns State Park (Ala.) [SF458.C38 (Aquarium fishes)] Cathars BT Parks—Alabama UF Catfish   Nematognathi USE Albigenses Cathedral closes  (May Subd Geog)   Ostariophysi [Former heading] Catharsis UF Closes, Cathedral   Siluriformes BT Cathedrals   Siluroidea [RC489.C37 (Psychiatry)]   Church lands BT Osteichthyes UF Abreaction NT Auchenipteridae BT Emotions — England   Bagridae NT Salisbury Cathedral Close (Salisbury,   Callichthyidae   Psychoanalysis   England)   Cetopsidae   Tragedy   Vicars' Close (Wells, England)   Clariidae Cathartes  (May Subd Geog)   Winchester Cathedral Close (Winchester,   Diplomystidae [QL696.C53 (Zoology)]   England)   Doradidae BT New World vultures   Helogeneidae NT Lesser yellow-headed vulture — Washington (D.C.)   Ictaluridae   Turkey vulture NT Washington Cathedral Close (Washington,   Loaches Cathartes aura   D.C.)   Loricariidae USE Turkey vulture   Malapteruridae Cathartes burrovianus Cathedral deans   Mochokidae USE Lesser yellow-headed vulture USE Deans, Cathedral and collegiate   Pangasiidae Cathartes urubitinga   Pimelodidae USE Lesser yellow-headed vulture Cathedral Island (Poland)   Schilbeid catfishes Cathartes urubutinga UF Dominsel (Poland)   Sea catfishes USE Lesser yellow-headed vulture   Ostrów Tumski (Poland) Cathartics   Tumski, Ostrów (Poland) USE Laxatives BT Islands—Poland Cathedral libraries  (May Subd Geog) BT Church libraries Cathedral Massif (B.C.) USE Cathedral Mountain (B.C.) Cathedral Mountain (B.C.) UF Cathedral Massif (B.C.) BT Mountains—British Columbia Cathedral Mountain (N.W.T.) BT Mountains—Northwest Territories Cathedral of Learning (Pittsburgh, Pa.) BT College buildings—Pennsylvania Cathedral Peak (Kittitas County, Wash.) USE Cathedral Rock (Wash.) Cathedral Peak (South Africa) BT Drakensberg Mountains   Mountains—South Africa Cathedral Peaks (Jefferson County, Colo.) USE Cathedral Spires (Jefferson County, Colo.) C-157

Cathedral Plaza (Saõ Paulo, Brazil) Catherine Creek State Wayside (Or.)   Cathinonum USE Praça da Sé (Saõ Paulo, Brazil) USE Catherine Creek State Park (Or.)   Catinona   Norephedrone Cathedral Point (Calif.) Catherine de Brazey (Fictitious character) BT Alkaloids USE Cathedral Rocks (Calif.) USE Legoix, Catherine (Fictitious character)   Amphetamines   Propiophenones Cathedral Range (Vic.) Catherine de Montsalvy (Fictitious character)   Psychotropic drugs BT Mountains—Australia USE Legoix, Catherine (Fictitious character) NT Mephedrone Cathinone hydrochloride Cathedral Rock (Wash.) Catherine Islands (Marshall Islands) USE Cathinone UF Cathedral Peak (Kittitas County, Wash.) USE Ujae Atoll (Marshall Islands) Cathinonum BT Cascade Range USE Cathinone   Mountains—Washington (State) Catherine Legoix (Fictitious character) Cathkin Braes Country Park (Scotland) USE Legoix, Catherine (Fictitious character) BT Parks—Scotland Cathedral Rocks (Calif.) Cathlamah Indians UF Brothers, The (Calif.) Catherine LeVendeur (Fictitious character) USE Cathlamet Indians   Cathedral Point (Calif.) USE LeVendeur, Catherine (Fictitious character) Cathlamats Indians   Ko-su-ko (Calif.) USE Cathlamet Indians   Kosukong (Calif.) Catherine Marsala (Fictitious character) Cathlamet Bay (Or.)   Poo-see-na-chuc-ka (Calif.) USE Marsala, Cat (Fictitious character) UF John Dry Channel (Or.)   The Brothers (Calif.) BT Bays—Oregon   Three Graces (Calif.) Catherine Park (Pushkin, Russia) Cathlamet dialect  (May Subd Geog) BT Cliffs—California USE Ekaterininskiĭ park (Pushkin, Russia) [PM753] UF Kathlamet dialect Cathedral Spires (Calif.) Catherine Sayler (Fictitious character) BT Oregon—Languages BT Rocks—California USE Sayler, Catherine (Fictitious character)   Washington (State)—Languages Cathlamet Indians  (May Subd Geog) Cathedral Spires (El Paso County, Colo.) Catherine W. McCulloch Park (Evanston, Ill.) [E99.C26] BT Mountains—Colorado USE McCulloch Park (Evanston, Ill.) UF Catelamet Indians   Cath Camettes Indians Cathedral Spires (Jefferson County, Colo.) Catherine Wilde (Fictitious character)   Cathelametts Indians UF Cathedral Peaks (Jefferson County, Colo.) USE Wilde, Cat (Fictitious character)   Cathlamah Indians BT Mountains—Colorado   Cath-la-mas Indians Catherinethal (Tallinn, Estonia)   Cathlamats Indians Cathedral Square (Florence, Italy) USE Kadrioru loss (Tallinn, Estonia)   Cathlamuts Indians USE Piazza del Duomo (Florence, Italy)   Cathlamux Indians Catherman family   Cathlawah Indians Cathedral Square (Milan, Italy) USE Ketterman family   Cathlumet Indians USE Piazza del Duomo (Milan, Italy)   Catlahmas Indians Catheron family   Cuthlamuhs Indians Cathedral Square (Parma, Italy) USE Kathrens family   Cuthlamuks Indians USE Piazza del Duomo (Parma, Italy)   Guasaḿ as Indians Catherpes  (May Subd Geog)   Guithlamethl Indians Cathedral Square (Pisa, Italy) [QL696.P287]   Kat-hlámet Indians USE Piazza dei Miracoli (Pisa, Italy) BT Wrens   Kathlamet Indians NT Canyon wren   Kathlamit Indians Cathedral Square (Pistoia, Italy)   Kathlamut Indians USE Piazza del Duomo (Pistoia, Italy) Catherpes mexicanus   Kathlemit Indians USE Canyon wren   Katlamak Indians Cathedrals  (May Subd Geog)   Katlam̄ at Indians [NA4830 (General works)] Cathery family   Katlammets Indians [NA5201-NA6114 (By country or region)] USE Cathey family   Kwillu'chini Indians BT Church architecture   Kwillu'chinl Indians   Church buildings Catheter ablation  (May Subd Geog) BT Chinookan Indians   Dioceses [RD598.35.C39 (Cardiology)]   Indians of North America—Oregon NT Cathedral closes UF Ablation, Catheter   Indians of North America—Washington (State)   Chairs (Cathedra)   Electric catheter ablation Cathlamuts Indians   Chapters, Cathedral, collegiate, etc.   Percutaneous catheter ablation USE Cathlamet Indians   Double cathedrals   Radiofrequency catheter ablation Cathlamux Indians   Transvenous catheter ablation USE Cathlamet Indians Cathedrals (Canon law) BT Catheterization Cathlawah Indians BT Canon law   Electrosurgery USE Cathlamet Indians Cathlumet Indians Cathedrals in art  (Not Subd Geog) Catheter industry  (May Subd Geog) USE Cathlamet Indians Cathedrals in literature  (Not Subd Geog) [HD9995.C38-HD9995.C384] Cathode followers Cathedraticum BT Medical supplies industry UF Grounded-anode amplifiers BT Amplifiers (Electronics) BT Bishops Catheterism Cathode-ray-excited emission   Catholic Church—Finance USE Catheterization USE Cathodoluminescence Cathode ray oscillograph Cathelametts Indians Catheterization  (May Subd Geog) USE Cathode ray oscillographs USE Cathlamet Indians UF Cannulation Cathode ray oscillographs  (May Subd Geog)   Catheterism [TK7878.7] Cathelineau family  (Not Subd Geog) BT Diagnosis Here are entered works on instruments that Cathell family  (Not Subd Geog)   Therapeutics combine an oscilloscope with a camera to produce a NT Arterial catheterization permanent record of a waveform. Works on test UF Cathall family   Bile ducts—Catheterization instruments in which the variations in an electrical   Cathiel family   Bronchial catheterization quantity appear temporarily as a visible waveform on   Cardiac catheterization the screen of a cathode ray tube are entered under Cathelyn family   Catheter ablation Oscilloscopes. USE Catlin family   Fallopian tube catheterization   Intravenous catheterization UF Cathode ray oscillograph [Former heading] Catherin family   Lymphatic duct, Right—Catheterization   Probes (Cathode ray oscillographs) USE Kettenring family   Urinary catheterization   Traces (Cathode ray oscillographs)   Waveforms (Cathode ray oscillographs) Catherine II, Empress of Russia, 1729-1796 — Complications  (May Subd Geog) — Portraits Catheters  (May Subd Geog) BT Electronic instruments UF Catherine II, Empress of Russia, 1729-   Oscillographs   1796—Portraits, etc. [Former heading] BT Drug delivery devices — Portraits, etc.   Surgical instruments and apparatus Cathode ray oscilloscope USE Catherine II, Empress of Russia, 1729- USE Oscilloscopes   1796—Portraits Cathetometers  (May Subd Geog) BT Measuring instruments Cathode ray oscilloscopes Catherine, Lake (Ill. : Lake) USE Oscilloscopes UF Lake Catherine (Ill. : Lake) Cathetostoma BT Lakes—Illinois USE Kathetostoma Cathode ray picture tubes   Chain O' Lakes (Ill.) USE Television picture tubes Cathey family  (Not Subd Geog) Catherine, Lake (Vt.) UF Cathery family USE Saint Catherine, Lake (Vt.)   Cathie family   Cathy family Catherine (Fictitious character : Shakespeare)   Maccathay family USE Katherine (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) Cathie family Catherine (Name) USE Cathey family USE Katherine (Name) Cathiel family Catherine Archipelago (Alaska) USE Cathell family USE Aleutian Islands (Alaska) Cathinine Catherine Brown Cowpen Site (S.C.) USE Cathinone UF Brown Cowpen Site (S.C.) BT South Carolina—Antiquities Cathinone  (May Subd Geog) UF 2-amino-1-phenyl-1-propanone Catherine Canal (Saint Petersburg, Russia)   2-aminopropiophenone USE Griboedova kanal (Saint Petersburg, Russia)   Alpha-aminopropiophenone   Benzoylethanamine Catherine Creek (Or.)   Beta-keto-amphetamine BT Rivers—Oregon   Beta-ketoamphetamine   Cathinine Catherine Creek State Park (Or.)   Cathinone hydrochloride UF Catherine Creek State Wayside (Or.) BT Parks—Oregon C-158

Cathode-ray polarography BT Social justice—Religious aspects—Catholic — Bibliography USE Oscillographic polarography   Church [Z7837-Z7841] Cathode ray tube memory systems Catholic adult education — Bio-bibliography [TK7895.C3] USE Catholic Church—Adult education — Biography BT Cathode ray tubes   Computer storage devices Catholic almanacs  (May Subd Geog) USE Catholics—Biography   Computers—Optical equipment [AY81.R6] — Bishops   Electronic digital computers—Circuits UF Almanacs, Catholic [Former heading]   Storage tubes BT Almanacs [BX1905] NT Catholic ex-bishops Cathode ray tube screens Catholic architects  (May Subd Geog) USE Fluorescent screens BT Architects   Popes — — Appointment, call, and election Cathode ray tubes Catholic artists  (May Subd Geog) — — Biography [TK7871.73] UF Artists, Catholic [Former heading] — — Correspondence Here are entered works on the theory, BT Artists — — Directories NT Catholic women artists — — Interviews construction, design, characteristics, etc. of cathode   Jesuit artists — Buildings ray tubes. Works on the application of cathode ray tubes in computer terminals are entered under Video Catholic athletes  (May Subd Geog) USE Catholic institutions—Buildings display terminals. BT Christian athletes — Byzantine rite  (May Subd Geog) UF CRT's Catholic authors [BX4711.11-BX4711.995] BT Information display systems BT Authors UF Byzantine rite (Catholic Church) SA subdivision Catholic authors under names of   Vacuum-tubes   literatures, e.g. American literature--Catholic   Greek Catholic Church NT Cathode ray tube memory systems   authors BT Catholic Church—Oriental rites NT Catholic women authors — — Liturgy   Electron bombardment conductivity   Flying spot scanners Catholic Bibles NT Great entrance   Oscillators, Sweep USE Bible—Versions, Catholic — Byzantine rite, Belarusian  (May Subd Geog)   Radar indicators   Sawtooth generators Catholic Book Week  (May Subd Geog) [BX4711.2197-BX4711.219795]   Television camera tubes BT Special weeks UF Belarusian Byzantine rite (Catholic   Television picture tubes   Video display terminals Catholic children  (May Subd Geog)   Church) — Deflection systems BT Christian children   Byzantine rite, Belarusian (Catholic   Church) UF Deflection systems in cathode ray tubes Catholic Church  (May Subd Geog) — Byzantine rite, Greek  (May Subd Geog) Cathode rays [BX800-BX4795] [BX4711.231-BX4711.2395] The subdivisions used under Catholic Church may UF Byzantine rite, Greek (Catholic Church) [QC711]   Greek Byzantine rite (Catholic Church) RT Cathodes also be used under Catholic Church--Ambrosian rite; — Byzantine rite, Hungarian  (May Subd Geog) Catholic Church--Byzantine rite, etc. [BX4711.81-BX4711.895]   Electric discharges through gases UF Byzantine rite, Hungarian (Catholic   Electrons UF Catholicism   Church) BT Radiation   Roman Catholic Church   Hungarian Byzantine rite (Catholic   Radioactivity   Roman Catholicism   Church) RT X-rays — Byzantine rite, Italo-Albanian  (May Subd Geog) NT Canal rays BT Christian sects [BX4711.251-BX4711.2595] Cathode sputtering SA subdivision Catholic Church under subjects, UF Byzantine rite, Italo-Albanian (Catholic USE Sputtering (Physics)   Church) Cathode sputtering (Plating process)   e.g. Asceticism--Catholic Church   Italo-Albanian Byzantine rite (Catholic RT Ion plating NT Fascism and the Catholic Church   Church) BT Metallic films — Byzantine rite, Melchite  (May Subd Geog)   Sputtering (Physics)   Women in the Catholic Church [BX4711.31-BX4711.395]   Vapor-plating — Abyssinian rite UF Byzantine rite, Melchite (Catholic Church) Cathodes   Melchite Byzantine rite (Catholic Church) RT Cathode rays USE Catholic Church—Ethiopian rite   Melkite Byzantine rite (Catholic Church) BT Electrodes — Adult education  (May Subd Geog) — Byzantine rite, Romanian  (May Subd Geog)   Electron tubes [BX4711.41-BX4711.495] NT Field emission cathodes UF Catholic adult education UF Byzantine rite, Romanian (Catholic   Photocathodes BT Catholic Church—Education   Church) Cathodic protection  (May Subd Geog) — Ambrosian rite  (May Subd Geog)   Romanian Byzantine rite (Catholic Church) BT Corrosion and anti-corrosives [BX1995.A5] — Byzantine rite, Russian  (May Subd Geog) NT Concrete bridges—Floors—Cathodic protection UF Ambrosian rite (Catholic Church) [BX4711.5-BX4711.595]   Concrete bridges—Foundations and UF Byzantine rite, Russian (Catholic Church)   piers—Cathodic protection   Catholic Church—Milanese rite   Russian Byzantine rite (Catholic Church)   Electric cables—Cathodic protection   Milanese rite (Catholic Church) — Byzantine rite, Ruthenian  (May Subd Geog)   Gas-pipes—Cathodic protection — — Liturgy [BX4711.61-BX4711.77]   Natural gas pipelines—Cathodic protection NT Ambrosian chants UF Byzantine rite, Ruthenian (Catholic   Oil well casing—Cathodic protection — Anecdotes   Church)   Petroleum pipelines—Cathodic protection UF Catholic Church—Anecdotes, facetiae,   Ruthenian Byzantine rite (Catholic Church)   Pipelines—Cathodic protection   satire, etc. [Former heading] — Byzantine rite, Ukrainian  (May Subd Geog)   Prestressed concrete — Anecdotes, facetiae, satire, etc. UF Byzantine rite, Ukrainian (Catholic Church)   bridges—Floors—Cathodic protection USE Catholic Church—Anecdotes   Ukrainian Byzantine rite (Catholic Church)   Reinforced concrete—Cathodic protection   Catholic Church—Humor — Caricatures and cartoons   Reinforcing bars—Cathodic protection — Anglican use churches — Catechisms   Ships—Cathodic protection USE Anglican use churches [BX1958-BX1968]   Underground construction—Cathodic — Anniversaries, etc. Here are entered works containing a summary   protection — Antiochene rite  (May Subd Geog) or manual of doctrine intended for systematic Cathodoluminescence [BX4713] instruction and often arranged in the form of [QC479.5] UF Antiochene rite (Catholic Church) questions and answers. UF Cathode-ray-excited emission   Syrian Catholics   Cathodophosphorescence BT Catholic Church—Malabar rite Individual texts are always further subdivided by   Cathodothermoluminescence   Catholic Church—Maronite rite the language of the text.   Electronoluminescence   Maronites BT Luminescence NT Catholic Church—Malankar rite UF Catholic Church—Catechisms and creeds Cathodophosphorescence — Apologetic works   [Former heading] USE Cathodoluminescence [BX1752] Cathodothermoluminescence Here are entered works that defend the Catholic BT Catechetics—Catholic Church USE Cathodoluminescence conception of Christianity and the philosophy, — — English, [French, German, etc.] Catholic academies  (May Subd Geog) doctrines and practices of the Catholic Church. — — History and criticism UF Academies, Catholic — Catechisms and creeds BT Forums (Discussion and debate) — — History and criticism Catholic Action  (May Subd Geog) — Archdioceses USE Catholic Church—Catechisms [BX2348]   Catholic Church—Creeds UF Action, Catholic USE Catholic Church—Dioceses   Apostolate, Lay — Armenian rite  (May Subd Geog) — Celtic rite  (May Subd Geog)   Lay apostolate [BX1995.C4] [BX4715.1-BX4715.95] UF Celtic Church—Liturgy UF Armenian rite (Catholic Church)   Celtic rite (Catholic Church) BT Catholic Church—Oriental rites — Asceticism — Ceremonies and practices USE Asceticism—Catholic Church USE Catholic Church—Customs and practices — Benefices  (May Subd Geog) [BX1955] — Chaldean rite  (May Subd Geog) — Beneventan rite  (May Subd Geog) [BX4714.31-BX4714.395] UF Beneventan rite (Catholic Church)   Beneventian rite (Catholic Church)   Benevento, Rite of (Catholic Church) NT Beneventan chants C-159

Catholic Church — — Rating of  (May Subd Geog) and defined truth which a Catholic is bound to — Chaldean rite  (Continued) UF Catholic Church—Clergy, Rating of hold, and which is often extended to include those UF Chaldean rite (Catholic Church)   [Former heading] teachings which are not of faith but are generally BT Catholic Church—Oriental rites held and acted upon.   Syrian churches — — Religious life  (May Subd Geog) — Charities [BX1912.5] UF Catholic Church—Doctrinal and NT Catholic Worker Movement   controversial works [Former heading] — Clergy — — Salaries, etc.  (May Subd Geog) [BX1912-BX1914.5] UF Catholic Church—Clergy—Salaries, NT Molinism NT Cardinals   pensions, etc. [Former heading]   Salamanca school (Catholic theology)   Catholic ex-priests   Salvation outside the Catholic Church   Clergy (Canon law) — — Salaries, pensions, etc.   Episcopal vicars (Catholic Church) USE Catholic Church—Clergy—Pensions — — History   Privileges and immunities, Ecclesiastical   Catholic Church—Clergy—Salaries, etc. [BX1747]   Profession of faith UF Catholic   Senates of priests — — Secular employment  (May Subd Geog)   Church—History—Historiography   Vicars apostolic — — Sexual behavior  (May Subd Geog)   [Former heading] — — Appointment, call, and election   Theology, Catholic [Former heading] Here are entered works on the clerical office [BX1912.9] as a field of service and the methods of being — — Societies, etc. — — — Modern period, 1500- selected for a position in the Church. — — Supply and demand  (May Subd Geog) — Education  (May Subd Geog) — — Training of  (May Subd Geog) — — Biography [BX895-BX935 (Christian education)] UF Catholic [BX900-BX920] [LC461-LC510.4 (Education and religion)]   Church—Clergy—Correspondence, UF Catholic Church—Clergy, Training of RT Catholic schools   reminiscences, etc. [Former NT Catholic Church—Adult education   heading]   [Former heading] — Clergy (Oriental)   Catholic high schools — — Correspondence   Catholic teachers UF Catholic USE Catholic Church—Oriental rites—Clergy   Catholic universities and colleges   Church—Clergy—Correspondence, — Clergy, Rating of   Catholic vacation schools   reminiscences, etc. [Former   Catholics—Scholarships, fellowships, etc.   heading] USE Catholic Church—Clergy—Rating of   Church schools (Canon law) — Clergy, Training of   Educational law and legislation (Canon — — Correspondence, reminiscences, etc.   law) USE Catholic Church—Clergy—Biography USE Catholic Church—Clergy—Training of   Lay teachers   Catholic — Comparative studies — — Papal documents   Church—Clergy—Correspondence — — Societies, etc. Here are entered works comparing doctrines, BT Catholic Church—Societies, etc. — — Degradation practices, etc. of the Catholic Church with those of — Employees Here are entered works on the most severe one or more other religions or denominations. — Ethiopian rite  (May Subd Geog) [BX4712.31-BX4712.395] penalty for clerics which includes deposition, — Congresses UF Abyssinian rite (Catholic Church) permanent deprivation of the clerical garb, and [BX839 (General)]   Catholic Church—Abyssinian rite reduction to the lay state.   Catholic Church—Ethiopic rite — Controversial literature   Ethiopian rite (Catholic Church) UF Degradation (Canon law) [BX1760-BX1777]   Ethiopic rite (Catholic Church)   Degradation of Catholic clergy Here are entered works which argue against the BT Catholic Church—Oriental rites — — Liturgy BT Clergy (Canon law) philosophy, doctrines and practices of the Catholic NT Ethiopian chants   Punishment (Canon law) Church. — Ethiopic rite USE Catholic Church—Ethiopian rite NT Catholic Church—Clergy—Deposition UF Catholic Church—Doctrinal and — Exhibitions   Catholic Church—Clergy—Deprivation   controversial works [Former heading] [BX840]   of the clerical garb UF Catholic Church—Exhibitions and RT Anti-Catholicism   museums [Former heading] — — Deposition — — History and criticism — Exhibitions and museums Here are entered works on the penalty by — Coptic rite  (May Subd Geog) USE Catholic Church—Exhibitions   Catholic Church—Museums which a cleric is suspended from office and [BX4712.2-BX4712.295] — Finance disqualified for any other offices, benefices, UF Coptic rite (Catholic Church) [BX1950] pensions, or positions in the Church. This BT Catholic Church—Oriental rites NT Cathedraticum penalty does not affect the clerical privileges — Creeds   Investments (Canon law) and obligations derived from ordination. Here are entered works on concise, formal, and   Mass stipends authorized statements of important points of   Peter's pence UF Deposition (Canon law) Catholic doctrine.   Taxation, Papal BT Catholic Church—Clergy—Degradation — Foreign relations  (May Subd Geog) UF Catholic Church—Catechisms and creeds [BX1790-BX1793 (General)]   Clergy—Deposition — — History and criticism Here are entered works on the dealings and RT Catholic ex-priests — Customs and practices affairs between the Catholic Church and political jurisdictions.   Renunciation (Canon law) Here are entered works on devotional customs — — Deprivation of the clerical garb and practices other than those which make up the UF Catholic Church—Diplomatic relations official public worship of the Church.   Catholic Church—Relations (diplomatic) (May Subd Geog)   [Former heading] Here are entered works on the penalty by UF Catholic Church—Ceremonies and   Vatican City—Foreign relations   practices [Former heading] which a cleric is deprived, either temporarily or BT International relations permanently, of the right of wearing the clerical — Dictionaries NT Catholic Church—Diplomatic service garb, and other clerical privileges, and is also [BX841] — — Treaties prohibited from exercising any ecclesiastical ministry. — Dictionaries, Juvenile BT Treaties [BX841] NT Concordats UF Deprivation of the clerical garb (Canon — Gallican rite  (May Subd Geog)   law) — Dioceses  (May Subd Geog) [BX1995.G3]   Perpetual deprivation of the clerical [BX1417-BX1692 (By country)] UF Gallican rite (Catholic Church)   garb (Canon law) UF Catholic Church—Archdioceses — Government   Temporary deprivation of the clerical [BX1800-BX1920]   garb (Canon law) — Diplomatic relations UF Public law (Canon law) USE Catholic Church—Foreign relations NT Conciliar theory BT Catholic Church—Clergy—Degradation   Councils and synods, Episcopal (Catholic)   Clergy—Clothing — Diplomatic service   Diocesan pastoral councils   Clergy (Canon law) [BX1908 (Legates and nuncios)]   Episcopal conferences (Catholic)   Punishment (Canon law) BT Catholic Church—Foreign relations   Investiture   Diplomatic and consular service   Metropolitanates — — Health and hygiene  (May Subd Geog) NT Papal legates   Papacy — — Installation  (May Subd Geog)   Papal nuncios   Personal prelatures — — Papal documents   Senates of priests — — Pensions  (May Subd Geog) — Directories   Vicars apostolic [BX845]   Vicars-general UF Catholic Church—Clergy—Salaries,   pensions, etc. [Former heading] — Discipline RT Indulgences — — Personality NT Censures, Ecclesiastical USE Catholic Church—Clergy—Psychology   Communicatio in sacris   Denunciation (Canon law) — — Pictures, illustrations, etc.   Dispensations (Canon law) USE Catholic Church—Clergy—Portraits   Inquisition   Interdict (Canon law) — — Portraits   Obedience (Canon law) UF Catholic Church—Clergy—Pictures,   Penance   illustrations, etc. [Former heading]   Penitentials   Ultramontanism — — Psychology UF Catholic Church—Clergy—Personality — Doctrinal and controversial works USE Catholic Church—Controversial literature   Catholic Church—Doctrines — Doctrines [BX1746-BX1755] Here are entered works on that body of revealed C-160

— Handbooks, manuals, etc. type of liturgical book. Discussions of a type — — Clergy [BX842] of book are assigned an additional heading UF Catholic Church—Clergy (Oriental) for the type of book. Discussions of an — Historiography individual book are assigned additional — Pastoral letters and charges [BX938-BX939] headings for the type of book and the uniform [BX874] UF Catholic Church—History—Historiography title of the individual book.   [Former heading] — Periodicals — — — Illustrations [BX800-BX806 (General)] — History — — — Manuscripts UF Catholic Church—Yearbooks [Former [BX940-BX1745] — — — Rubrics   heading] NT Counter-Reformation — — Theology   Catholic periodicals   Schism—Eastern and Western Church — Liturgy, Experimental   Schism, The Great Western, 1378-1417 — Pictorial works [BX2045.E86] [BX843 (General)] — — Early church, ca. 30-600 UF Experiment in worship (Catholic Church) UF Catholic Church—Pictures, illustrations, USE Church history—Primitive and early   etc. [Former heading]   church, ca. 30-600   Experimental liturgies (Catholic Church) — Liturgy without a priest  (May Subd Geog) — Pictures, illustrations, etc. — — Middle Ages, 600-1500 USE Catholic Church—Pictorial works USE Church history—Middle Ages, 600-1500 UF Liturgical celebrations without a priest   (Catholic Church) — Political activity  (May Subd Geog) — — 16th century   Liturgy without a priest (Catholic Church) — Prayer-books and devotions — — Modern period, 1500- — Malabar rite  (May Subd Geog) USE Catholic Church—Prayers and devotions BT Church history—Modern period, 1500- [BX4714.51-BX4714.595] — Prayers and devotions — — 17th century UF Malabar rite (Catholic Church) — — 18th century BT Catholic Church—Oriental rites [BX2050-BX2198] — — 19th century NT Catholic Church—Antiochene rite UF Catholic Church—Prayer-books and — — 20th century — — 1965- — Malankar rite  (May Subd Geog)   devotions [Former heading] — — 21st century [BX4713.31-BX4713.395] NT Books of hours — — Historiography UF Catholic Church—Malankarese rite   Catholic Church—Syro-Malankara rite   Novenas USE Catholic Church—Doctrines—History   Malankar rite (Catholic Church)   Rosaries (Prayer books)   Catholic Church—Historiography   Syro-Malankara rite (Catholic Church) — — History and criticism BT Catholic Church—Antiochene rite — Public opinion — — Maps — Publishing  (May Subd Geog) — — Societies, etc. — Malankarese rite — Reception of baptized Christians USE Catholic Church—Malankar rite [BX2045.R38] BT Catholic Church—Societies, etc. UF Baptized Christians, Reception of — — Sources — Maps   (Catholic Church) — Maronite rite  (May Subd Geog)   Reception of baptized Christians (Catholic [BX850-BX875 (Documents)]   Church) — Humor [BX4713.51-BX4713.595] BT Catholic Church—Membership UF Maronite rite (Catholic Church)   Initiation rites—Religious UF Catholic Church—Anecdotes, facetiae, BT Catholic Church—Oriental rites   aspects—Catholic Church   satire, etc. [Former heading] NT Catholic Church—Antiochene rite — Relations — — Liturgy [BX1781-BX1788] — Hymns Here are entered works on the dealings and UF Catholic hymns NT Maronite chants affairs between the Catholic Church and other NT Ave verum corpus (Music) — Membership religions or denominations.   Exultet rolls NT Catholic Church—Reception of baptized UF Catholic Church—Relations (Canon law) — — History and criticism   Christians   [Former heading] — In art   Catholic Church—Relations — In literature  (Not Subd Geog) — Milanese rite   (Ecclesiastical) — In motion pictures USE Catholic Church—Ambrosian rite NT Chair of Unity Octave UF Catholic Church in motion pictures — Missions  (May Subd Geog) — — Anglican Communion, [Lutheran Church, etc.]   [Former heading] [BV2130-BV2300] — — Buddhism, [Judaism, etc.] NT Chinese rites — — Church of England — Infallibility   Missions (Canon law) UF Infallibility of the church NT Malines Conversations, 1921-1925 BT Authority—Religious aspects—Catholic — — Congresses — — Evangelicalism   Church [BV2160]   Church—Infallibility [BR1641.C37] RT Popes—Infallibility — — Early works to 1800 — — Protestant churches NT Sensus fidelium USE Missions—Early works to 1800 — Relations (Canon law) — Influence — — Papal documents USE Canon law — Liturgical movement — — Pictorial works   Catholic Church—Relations USE Liturgical movement—Catholic Church UF Catholic Church—Missions—Pictures, — Relations (diplomatic) — Liturgical objects  (May Subd Geog)   illustrations, etc. [Former heading] USE Catholic Church—Foreign relations [BX1925] — — Pictures, illustrations, etc. — Relations (Ecclesiastical) — Liturgy USE Catholic Church—Missions—Pictorial USE Catholic Church—Relations   works [BX1970.A7-BX1970.Z] — Sermons UF Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual — — Societies, etc. [BX1756] BT Catholic Church—Societies, etc. For a single sermon, or a collection of sermons   [Former heading]   Liturgics—Catholic Church [Former — — India all in one language, assign as an additional   heading] NT Malabar rites heading Sermons, [language]. NT Gregorian chants   Liturgical adaptation—Catholic Church — Modernism NT Auto-da-fé sermons — — Calendar USE Modernism (Christian theology)—Catholic — — History and criticism — — History   Church — Societies, etc. — — Papal documents — — Study and teaching  (May Subd Geog) — Mozarabic rite  (May Subd Geog) [BX808-BX817] — — Texts [BX1995.M7] UF Catholic societies [BX1999.8-BX2047 (General)] UF Mozarabic rite (Catholic Church) [BX2049 (Religious orders)]   Catholics—Societies, etc. Here are entered works containing the words — Museums  (May Subd Geog) BT Christian sects and instructions for carrying out official public [BX840] NT Catholic Church—Education—Societies, worship (i.e. liturgical books). This heading may UF Catholic Church—Exhibitions and be assigned to individual liturgical books as well   museums [Former heading]   etc. as collections or selections. Such works are   Catholic Church—History—Societies, etc. assigned an additional heading for the type of — Name   Catholic Church—Missions—Societies, liturgical book with subdivision Texts. Works — Nobility   etc. limited to a particular ceremony, ritual, holiday,   Confraternities etc. are assigned an additional heading for the USE Nobility, Papal   Grail movement (Catholic) name of the ceremony, etc. with the subdivision — On postage stamps   Kolping societies Liturgy--Texts. Works containing the liturgical — Oriental rites  (May Subd Geog)   Personal prelatures texts used by an individual monastic or religious   Purgatorial societies order are entered under the name of the order [BX4710.1-BX4715.95] — Statistics with subdivision Liturgy--Texts, e.g. Jesuits-- UF Catholic Church—Uniate rites — Syro-Malankara rite Liturgy--Texts. USE Catholic Church—Malankar rite   Uniate churches — Teaching office — — — Concordances NT Catholic Church—Armenian rite UF Magisterium ecclesiae — — — History and criticism   Teaching authority of the Catholic Church   Catholic Church—Byzantine rite BT Authority—Religious aspects—Catholic Here are entered works discussing a type   Catholic Church—Chaldean rite   Church of liturgical book or an individual example of a   Catholic Church—Coptic rite   Catholic Church—Ethiopian rite   Catholic Church—Malabar rite   Catholic Church—Maronite rite   Patriarchs and patriarchate (Catholic   Oriental) C-161

Catholic Church UF World politics and the Catholic Church Catholic gays  (May Subd Geog) — Teaching office  (Continued) BT World politics UF Gay Catholics   Church—Infallibility — Papal documents BT Gays   Church—Teaching office Catholic Church and Zionism — Terminology BT Zionism Catholic health facilities  (May Subd Geog) — Traditionalist movement NT Christian Zionism [RA975.C37] USE Catholic traditionalist movement Catholic church buildings  (May Subd Geog) BT Catholic institutions — Uniate rites [NA4828 (Architecture)]   Religious health facilities USE Catholic Church—Oriental rites Here are entered works on buildings of the NT Catholic hospitals — Vacation schools Catholic Church used for public worship. Works on USE Catholic vacation schools buildings belonging to Catholic organizations and Catholic high school students  (May Subd Geog) — Women, Work with used for various purposes are entered under Catholic BT High school students USE Church work with women—Catholic institutions--Buildings.   Church Catholic high school teachers  (May Subd Geog) — Work with women UF Churches, Catholic [Former heading] [LB1777] USE Church work with women—Catholic BT Church buildings UF High school teachers, Catholic   Church — Reconstruction  (May Subd Geog) BT High school teachers — Work with youth USE Church work with youth—Catholic Church UF Reconstruction of Catholic church Catholic high schools  (May Subd Geog) — Yearbooks   buildings BT Catholic Church—Education USE Catholic Church—Periodicals   High schools — Youth, Work with — New York (State) USE Church work with youth—Catholic Church NT Holy Name Society Building (New York, — Administration — Austria   N.Y.) BT School management and organization — — Government NT Josephinism Catholic Church in motion pictures Catholic higher education — Congo (Democratic Republic) USE Catholic Church—In motion pictures USE Catholic universities and colleges NT Jamaa Movement — France Catholic coaches  (May Subd Geog) Catholic historians  (May Subd Geog) NT Americanism (Catholic controversy) BT Coaches (Athletics) [BX938-BX939]   Fareinistes BT Christian historians   Louisets Catholic college students  (May Subd Geog) — — Government UF College students, Catholic [Former heading] Catholic hospitals  (May Subd Geog) NT Gallicanism BT Christian college students [RA975.C37] — Germany BT Catholic health facilities — — History Catholic converts  (May Subd Geog)   Voluntary hospitals — — — 19th century UF Converts, Catholic [Former heading] NT German Catholicism BT Catholics — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) — — — 1933-1945   Christian converts Catholic hymns — — — 1945- — Great Britain Catholic criminals  (May Subd Geog) USE Catholic Church—Hymns NT Oath of allegiance, 1606 BT Criminals Catholic identity — Spain NT Orden de la Santa Faz Catholic elementary schools  (May Subd Geog) USE Catholics—Religious identity — United States BT Catholic schools Catholic independent churches NT Americanism (Catholic controversy)   Elementary schools   Trusteeism (Catholic controversy) USE Independent Catholic churches — — Foreign opinion Catholic emancipation Catholic institutions  (May Subd Geog) USE Catholic Church—United [BX1492 (Catholic history)]   States—Public opinion [DA950.3 (Irish history)] UF Institutions, Catholic — — History UF Disabilities, Political (Great Britain) BT Religious institutions — — — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775   Emancipation, Catholic NT Catholic health facilities — — — Revolution, 1775-1783   Political disabilities (Great Britain) — Buildings — — — Civil War, 1861-1865 BT Catholics—Great Britain — — Public opinion NT Gordon Riots, 1780 Here are entered works on buildings belonging UF Catholic Church—United to Catholic organizations and used for various   States—Foreign opinion [Former Catholic emancipation in literature  (Not Subd Geog) purposes. Works on buildings of the Catholic   heading] Catholic ex-bishops  (May Subd Geog) Church used for public worship are entered under Catholic church buildings. Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual UF Ex-Catholic bishops USE Catholic Church—Liturgy   Former Catholic bishops UF Catholic Church—Buildings Catholic Integrated Community  (May Subd Geog) Catholic Church and art BT Catholic Church—Bishops USE Christianity and art—Catholic Church   Ex-bishops UF Integrated Community (Catholic movement)   Integrierte Gemeinde (Catholic movement) Catholic Church and atheism  (May Subd Geog) Catholic ex-priests  (May Subd Geog)   Katholische Integrierte Gemeinde UF Atheism and the Catholic Church UF Ex-Catholic priests BT Atheism   Ex-priests, Catholic [Former heading] BT Christian communities—Catholic Church   Former Catholic priests Catholic intellectuals  (May Subd Geog) Catholic Church and fascism BT Catholic Church—Clergy USE Fascism and the Catholic Church   Ex-clergy BT Intellectuals RT Catholic Church—Clergy—Deposition Catholic journalism Catholic Church and humanism  (May Subd Geog) [BX1397] Catholic feminism USE Catholic press UF Humanism and the Catholic Church USE Feminism—Religious aspects—Catholic Catholic labor unions  (May Subd Geog)   Church Catholic Church and motion pictures [HD6481-HD6481.2] USE Motion pictures—Religious aspects—Catholic Catholic fiction  (Not Subd Geog) UF Trade-unions, Catholic [Former heading]   Church UF Catholic novels BT Labor unions   Catholic stories — Officials and employees Catholic Church and philosophy  (May Subd Geog) BT Catholic literature Catholic League, 1609-1648 UF Philosophy and the Catholic Church SA subdivision Catholic authors under headings BT Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648 BT Philosophy and religion   for fiction in particular languages or from Catholic learning and scholarship   particular places, e.g. English fiction-- [BX1795.I57] Catholic Church and psychoanalysis  (May Subd Geog)   Catholic authors UF Catholics—Learning and scholarship BT Psychoanalysis   Psychoanalysis and religion Catholic fiction, American  (May Subd Geog)   Learning and scholarship—Catholics UF American Catholic fiction RT Catholics—Intellectual life Catholic Church and salvation BT American fiction BT Learning and scholarship USE Salvation outside the Catholic Church Catholic libraries  (May Subd Geog) Catholic fiction, English  (May Subd Geog) [Z675.C3] Catholic Church and social problems UF English Catholic fiction UF Libraries, Catholic [Former heading] USE Church and social problems—Catholic Church BT English fiction BT Religious libraries Catholic literature Catholic Church and spiritualism  (May Subd Geog) — Ireland BT Literature UF Spiritualism and the Catholic Church USE Catholic fiction, Irish (English) SA subdivision Catholic authors under names of BT Spiritualism Catholic fiction, European  (Not Subd Geog)   literatures, e.g. German literature--Catholic Catholic Church and the mentally handicapped UF European Catholic fiction   authors USE Church work with people with mental BT European fiction NT Cataloging of Catholic literature   disabilities—Catholic Church   Catholic fiction Catholic fiction, Indonesian  (May Subd Geog)   Classification—Books—Catholic literature Catholic Church and world politics UF Indonesian Catholic fiction — Publication and distribution [BX1793] BT Indonesian fiction USE Catholic literature—Publishing — Publishing  (May Subd Geog) Catholic fiction, Irish (English)  (May Subd Geog) UF Catholic fiction, English—Ireland UF Catholic literature—Publication and   Irish Catholic fiction (English)   distribution [Former heading] BT English fiction—Irish authors Catholic men  (May Subd Geog) Catholic gay men  (May Subd Geog) BT Christian men UF Gay Catholic men BT Gay men Catholic movement (Anglican Communion) USE Anglo-Catholicism Catholic nonjurors  (May Subd Geog) BT Nonjurors C-162

— England Religious, whenever religious instruction is included NT African American Catholics UF Nonjurors, English Catholic [Former in the curriculum.   Asian American Catholics   heading]   Cuban American Catholics UF Catholic Church—Vacation schools   European American Catholics — France   Vacation schools, Catholic [Former heading]   Filipino American Catholics UF Nonjurors, French Catholic [Former   German American Catholics   heading] BT Catholic Church—Education   Hispanic American Catholics   Vacation schools   Irish American Catholics Catholic novels   Italian American Catholics USE Catholic fiction Catholic wit and humor   Lithuanian American Catholics BT Wit and humor   Mexican American Catholics Catholic older people   Nativism USE Older Catholics Catholic women  (May Subd Geog)   Polish American Catholics UF Women, Catholic [Former heading]   Russian American Catholics Catholic periodicals BT Christian women   Slovenian American Catholics USE Catholic Church—Periodicals   Vietnamese American Catholics Catholic women artists  (May Subd Geog) Catholic philanthropists  (May Subd Geog) BT Catholic artists Catholics, African American BT Philanthropists   Women artists USE African American Catholics Catholic philosophers  (May Subd Geog) Catholic women authors  (May Subd Geog) Catholics, Asian  (May Subd Geog) BT Christian philosophers BT Catholic authors Here are entered works on Asian Catholics living   Women authors Catholic poetry (American) outside their native countries who use their native USE American poetry—Catholic authors Catholic women's colleges  (May Subd Geog) language in church services. BT Catholic universities and colleges Catholic poetry (English)   Women's colleges UF Asian Catholics USE English poetry—Catholic authors Catholics, Asian American Catholic Worker Movement Catholic preaching  (May Subd Geog) BT Catholic Church—Charities USE Asian American Catholics BT Preaching   Church and social problems—Catholic Church Catholics, Croatian  (May Subd Geog)   Labor—Religious aspects—Catholic Church Catholic press  (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on Croatian Catholics Here are entered works dealing with Catholic Catholic youth  (May Subd Geog) living outside their native country who use their native BT Christian youth language in church services. opinion, literary production, and propaganda as expressed in Catholic journals, newspapers, and Catholicism UF Croatian Catholics periodicals. USE Catholic Church Catholics, Cuban American UF Catholic journalism Catholicity USE Cuban American Catholics   Press—Catholic Church USE Christian union Catholics, English  (May Subd Geog)   Press, Catholic [Former heading]   Church—Catholicity Here are entered works on English Catholics living BT Journalism, Religious Catholicoi and catholicate (Armenian Church) outside their native country who use their native   Religious newspapers and periodicals (May Subd Geog) language in church services. UF Catholicos (Armenian Church) Catholic public officers  (May Subd Geog) BT Patriarchs and patriarchate UF English Catholics BT Public officers Catholics, European American Catholicos (Armenian Church) Catholic Salamanca school USE Catholicoi and catholicate (Armenian Church) USE European American Catholics USE Salamanca school (Catholic theology) Catholics, Filipino American Catholics  (May Subd Geog) Catholic scholarships BT Christians USE Filipino American Catholics USE Catholics—Scholarships, fellowships, etc. NT Catholic converts Catholics, German  (May Subd Geog)   Chaldean Catholics Catholic school songbooks  (May Subd Geog)   Indian Catholics Here are entered works on German Catholics UF School song-books, Catholic [Former heading]   Older Catholics living outside their native country who use their native   School songbooks, Catholic [Former heading]   Puerto Rican Catholics language in church services. BT Catholic songbooks   School songbooks — Biography UF German Catholics UF Catholic Church—Biography Catholics, German American Catholic schools  (May Subd Geog) BT Church schools — Intellectual life USE German American Catholics RT Catholic Church—Education [BX1407.I5 (United States)] Catholics, Greek  (May Subd Geog) NT Catholic elementary schools [BX1795.I57 (General)]   Non-Catholics in Catholic schools RT Catholic learning and scholarship Here are entered works on Greek-speaking Catholics living outside their native country who use Catholic scientists  (May Subd Geog) — Learning and scholarship their native language in church services. UF Catholics as scientists [Former heading] USE Catholic learning and scholarship   Scientists, Catholic [Former heading] UF Greek Catholics BT Scientists — Nazi persecution  (May Subd Geog) Catholics, Hispanic American NT Jesuit scientists UF Nazi persecution of Catholics BT Persecution USE Hispanic American Catholics Catholic social teaching   World War, 1939-1945—Atrocities Catholics, Irish American USE Christian sociology—Catholic Church — Religious identity  (May Subd Geog) USE Irish American Catholics Catholic societies UF Catholic identity Catholics, Italian American USE Catholic Church—Societies, etc. BT Identification (Religion) USE Italian American Catholics Catholic songbooks  (May Subd Geog) — Scholarships, fellowships, etc.  (May Subd Geog) Catholics, Latvian  (May Subd Geog) UF Song-books, Catholic [Former heading] UF Catholic scholarships   Songbooks, Catholic [Former heading] BT Catholic Church—Education Here are entered works on Latvian Catholics living BT Songbooks outside their native country who use their native NT Catholic school songbooks — Societies, etc. language in church services. USE Catholic Church—Societies, etc. Catholic statesmen  (May Subd Geog) UF Latvian Catholics BT Statesmen — England Catholics, Lithuanian American UF Catholics in England [Former heading] Catholic stories   Recusants USE Lithuanian American Catholics USE Catholic fiction Catholics, Mexican American — France Catholic teachers  (May Subd Geog) UF Catholics in France [Former heading] USE Mexican American Catholics BT Catholic Church—Education Catholics, Negro   Teachers — Great Britain UF Catholics in Great Britain [Former USE African American Catholics Catholic teenagers  (May Subd Geog)   heading] Catholics, Polish  (May Subd Geog) BT Christian teenagers NT Catholic emancipation   Oath of allegiance, 1606 Here are entered works on Polish Catholics living Catholic television personalities  (May Subd Geog) outside their native country who use their native BT Television personalities — Japan language in church services. — Non-Catholic countries Catholic theological seminaries  (May Subd Geog) UF Polish Catholics UF Theological seminaries, Catholic [Former Here are entered works on Catholics living in Catholics, Polish American   heading] predominantly non-Catholic countries treated BT Theological seminaries collectively. Works on Catholics living in individual USE Polish American Catholics non-Catholic countries are entered under Catholics, Puerto Rican Catholic traditionalist movement  (May Subd Geog) Catholics--[place]. UF Catholic Church—Traditionalist movement USE Puerto Rican Catholics   Traditionalist movement, Catholic UF Catholics in non-Catholic countries Catholics, Russian American   [Former heading] Catholic Tübingen School USE Russian American Catholics USE Tub̈ ingen School (Catholic theology) BT Religious minorities Catholics, Slovak  (May Subd Geog) — Puerto Rico Catholic universities and colleges  (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on Slovak Catholics living [LC487] Here are entered works on Catholics living in outside their native country who use their native UF Catholic higher education Puerto Rico. Works on Puerto Rican Catholics language in church services. BT Catholic Church—Education living outside Puerto Rico are entered under   Christian universities and colleges Puerto Rican Catholics. UF Slovak Catholics NT Catholic women's colleges Catholics, Slovenian American   Jesuit universities and colleges — United States UF Catholics in the United States [Former USE Slovenian American Catholics — Entrance requirements   heading] Catholics, Ukrainian  (May Subd Geog) Catholic vacation schools  (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on Ukrainian Catholics Duplicate entry is made under Vacation schools, living outside their native country who use their native language in church services. C-163

Catholics, Ukrainian  (Continued) NT Monovalent cations Caton family UF Ukrainian Catholics   Onium ions USE Keeton family   Ukrainian Greek Catholics — Metabolism Caton House (Baltimore, Md.) Catholics, Vietnamese  (May Subd Geog) NT Ionophores USE Carroll Mansion (Baltimore, Md.) Here are entered works on Vietnamese Catholics Catium Catonotus living outside their native country who use their native USE Francium USE Etheostoma language in church services. Catjang Catons Island (N.B.) UF Vietnamese Catholics USE Pigeon pea BT Islands—New Brunswick Catholics, Vietnamese American Catjang pea Catoosa Wildlife Management Area (Tenn.) USE Vietnamese American Catholics USE Pigeon pea UF Mount Roosevelt State Forest (Tenn.) Catholics as scientists BT Wildlife management areas—Tennessee Catkin-bearing plants  (May Subd Geog) USE Catholic scientists [QK108-QK474.5 (Local)] Catopidae Catholics in England [QK495.A12 (General)] USE Round fungus beetles UF Amentaceous plants USE Catholics—England   Amentiferae Catoptromancy Catholics in France   Amentiferous plants USE Crystal gazing BT Dicotyledons   Magic mirrors USE Catholics—France Catholics in Great Britain Catla  (May Subd Geog) Catoptropteryx  (May Subd Geog) [QL638.C94] [QL508.T4] USE Catholics—Great Britain BT Cyprinidae BT Tettigoniidae Catholics in literature  (Not Subd Geog) NT Catla catla Catholics in motion pictures  (Not Subd Geog) Catoquina Indians Catla catla  (May Subd Geog) USE Catuquina Indians [PN1995.9.C35] [QL638.C94] BT Motion pictures BT Catla Catorze d'Abril, Avinguda del (Barcelona, Spain) Catholics in non-Catholic countries USE Avinguda Diagonal (Barcelona, Spain) USE Catholics—Non-Catholic countries Catlahmas Indians Catholics in the United States USE Cathlamet Indians Catostomidae  (May Subd Geog) USE Catholics—United States [QL638.C27 (Zoology)] Catholics on postage stamps Catlett family  (Not Subd Geog) UF Suckers (Fishes) [HE6183.C34] Catley Priory Site (England) BT Cypriniformes BT Postage stamps NT Buffalofishes Cathy (Fictitious character : Guisewite) BT England—Antiquities   Carpiodes (Not Subd Geog) Catlin Canal (Colo.)   Catostomus Cathy Blake (Fictitious character)   Chasmistes USE Blake, Cathy (Fictitious character) BT Canals—Colorado   Deltistes Cathy family Catlin family  (Not Subd Geog)   Erimyzon USE Cathey family   Minytrema Cathy Fromme Prairie (Colo.) UF Catelan family   Redhorses UF Cathy Fromme Prairie Natural Area (Colo.)   Cateline family   Xyrauchen   Cathelyn family   Fromme Prairie (Colo.)   Catling family Catostomus  (May Subd Geog)   Fromme Prairie Natural Area (Colo.)   Catlyn family [QL638.C27 (Zoology)] BT Natural areas—Colorado   Catlyne family BT Catostomidae   Prairies—Colorado   Cattelline family NT Bluehead sucker Cathy Fromme Prairie Natural Area (Colo.)   Cattleyn family   Flannelmouth sucker USE Cathy Fromme Prairie (Colo.)   Cattlin family   Longnose sucker Cathy Post Office Building (Jonesboro, Ga.)   Katelin family   Mountain sucker USE S. Truett Cathy Post Office Building   Katlun family   Owens sucker   (Jonesboro, Ga.)   Katlyn family   Rio Grande sucker Cathy Van Ayl (Fictitious character)   Santa Ana sucker USE Blake, Cathy (Fictitious character) RT Gatlin family   Warner sucker Catimbó (Cult)  (May Subd Geog) Catlin House (Dublin, N.H.)   White sucker [BL2592.C38] BT Afro-Brazilian cults USE Stonlea (Dublin, N.H.) Catostomus catostomus Catinaccio Mountains (Italy) Catling family USE Longnose sucker UF Rosengarten (Italy) BT Dolomite Alps (Italy) USE Catlin family Catostomus commersoni   Mountains—Italy Catlinite  (May Subd Geog) USE White sucker Catinat family  (Not Subd Geog) Catinella (Mollusks)  (May Subd Geog) BT Argillite Catostomus discobolus [QL430.5.S87 (Zoology)]   Clay USE Bluehead sucker BT Ambersnails NT Sandbowl snail Catlins District (N.Z.) Catostomus duquesnii Catinella arenaria Catloltx Indians USE Black redhorse USE Sandbowl snail Cating family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Comox Indians Catostomus fasciolaris Catinona Catlow family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Logperch USE Cathinone Catlyn family Catio Indians  (May Subd Geog) Catostomus fumeiventris [F2270.2.C3] USE Catlin family USE Owens sucker UF Katio Indians Catlyne family BT Indians of Central America—Panama Catostomus latipinnis   Indians of South America—Colombia USE Catlin family USE Flannelmouth sucker Catio language  (May Subd Geog) Catnip  (May Subd Geog) [PM5778] Catostomus luxatus UF Embena language, Northern [QK495.L25] USE Lost River sucker   Embera language, Northern UF Cat-mint   Empera language, Northern Catostomus melanops   Epera language, Northern   Nepeta cataria USE Spotted sucker   Katio language BT Nepeta   Northern Epera language Cato, Quintus Licinius (Fictitious character) Catostomus platyrhynchus BT Choco languages (Not Subd Geog) USE Mountain sucker   Colombia—Languages UF Quintus Licinius Cato (Fictitious character)   Panama—Languages Cato family Catostomus plebeius Cationic dyes USE Catto family USE Rio Grande sucker USE Basic dyes Cato Street Conspiracy, 1820 Cationic polymerization BT Great Britain—History—George IV, 1820-1830 Catostomus santaanae USE Addition polymerization Catocalidae USE Santa Ana sucker Cationic proteins USE Noctuidae USE Basic proteins Catoctin Creek (Va.) Catostomus warnerensis Cations UF Kakotin River (Va.) USE Warner sucker [QC702.7.P6 (Physics)] UF Positive ions   Katoline River (Va.) Catostylidae  (May Subd Geog) BT Ions   Kecoughtan Creek (Va.) [QL377.S4]   Ketankin Creek (Va.) BT Rhizostomeae   Kittaton Creek (Va.)   Kittoctan Creek (Va.) Catrall family   Kittokton Run (Va.) USE Gartrell family BT Rivers—Virginia Catoctin Mountain (Md.) Catrī (Indic people) BT Mountains—Maryland USE Kawar (Indic people)   Blue Ridge Mountains Catoctin Mountain Park (Md.) Catria Mountain (Italy) BT National parks and reserves—Maryland UF Monte Catria (Italy) Catoe family BT Mountains—Italy USE Catto family Catolla family  (Not Subd Geog) Catridge Farm (Lacock, England) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision. BT Horse farms—England Catriel family  (Not Subd Geog) Catron family USE Kettenring family C-164

Cats, Cave of the (Ireland) — Mythology  (May Subd Geog) Catsgore (Extinct city) USE Oweynagat (Ireland) UF Cats (in religion, folk-lore, etc.) [Former UF Catsgore (Ancient city) [Former heading]   heading] BT England—Antiquities Cats  (May Subd Geog)   Extinct cities—England [QL737.C23 (Zoology)] — Painting  (May Subd Geog) [SF441-SF449 (Pets)] Here are entered works on using the bodies of Catskill chairs Here are entered works on domestic breeds of USE Adirondack chairs live cats as \"canvases\" for painting. cats. Works on the family of cats are entered under Catskill Forest Preserve (N.Y.) Felidae. UF Cat painting UF Catskill Park (N.Y.) BT Painting BT Forest reserves—New York (State) UF Cat, Domestic — Parasites  (May Subd Geog)   Parks—New York (State)   Felis catus UF Parasites—Cats   Felis domestica NT Dirofilaria immitis Catskill Formation (Pa.)   Felis silvestris catus BT Formations (Geology)—Pennsylvania   Taenia taeniaeformis   Geology, Stratigraphic—Devonian BT Domestic animals — Pedigrees   Felis Catskill Mountain Heritage Trail (N.Y.) [SF443] BT Trails—New York (State) NT Boating with cats UF Cats—Stud-books [Former heading]   Cats with disabilities — Physiology  (May Subd Geog) Catskill Mountains (N.Y.)   Claudius (Cat) — Religious aspects UF Catskills (N.Y.)   Cretin (Cat) [BL443.C3] BT Mountains—New York (State)   Dewey (Cat) UF Cats (in religion, folk-lore, etc.) [Former   Eyra Catskill Park (N.Y.)   Feral cats   heading] USE Catskill Forest Preserve (N.Y.)   Games for cats — Showing  (May Subd Geog)   Harry (Cat) Catskill Scenic Trail (N.Y.)   Jones (Cat) [SF445] BT Rail-trails—New York (State)   Kittens — Stud-books   Library cats Catskills (N.Y.)   Little Draggin' Bear (Cat) USE Cats—Pedigrees USE Catskill Mountains (N.Y.)   Longhair cats — Surgery  (May Subd Geog)   Mackerel (Cat) — Toilet training  (May Subd Geog) Catslide houses   Maow (Cat) USE Saltbox houses   Misty (Cat) UF Toilet training of cats   Morris (Cat) BT Cats—Training Catsup   Norton (Cat) — Training  (May Subd Geog) USE Ketchup   Othello (Cat) [SF446.6]   Paws (Cat) NT Cats—Toilet training Catt family   Photography of cats — Virus diseases  (May Subd Geog) USE Katz family   Princess (Cat) NT Feline immunodeficiency virus infection   Punker (Cat) Cattai National Park (N.S.W.)   Rastus (Cat)   Feline leukemia UF Caddie Park (N.S.W.)   Ruby (Cat) Cats, False saber-tooth   Cattai Park (N.S.W.)   Scarlett (Cat)   Cattai State Recreation Area (N.S.W.)   Tinkle (Cat) USE Nimravidae BT National parks and reserves—Australia   Toys for cats Cats, False sabre-tooth   Recreation areas—Australia   Trim (Cat)   Tyke (Cat) USE Nimravidae Cattai Park (N.S.W.)   Vashti (Cat) Cats, Fossil USE Cattai National Park (N.S.W.)   Working cats USE Felidae, Fossil Cattai State Recreation Area (N.S.W.) — Adoption Cats, Saber-toothed USE Cattai National Park (N.S.W.) USE Cat adoption USE Saber-toothed tigers Cattail flags (Plants) — Anatomy CATs (Catastrophe bonds) USE Typha [SF767.C29] USE Catastrophe bonds Cattail millet — Behavior therapy  (May Subd Geog) Cats (in religion, folk-lore, etc.) USE Pearl millet [SF446.5] UF Feline behavioral therapy USE Cats—Folklore Cattails BT Animal behavior therapy   Cats—Mythology USE Typha   Cats—Religious aspects — Breeds Cattaneo House (Cernobbio, Italy) USE Cat breeds Cats (Whips) USE Casa Cattaneo (Cernobbio, Italy) USE Cat-o'-nine-tails — Diabetes Cattaraugus Indian Reservation (N.Y.) USE Feline diabetes Cats as laboratory animals  (May Subd Geog) UF Cattaraugus Reservation (N.Y.) [SF407.C37] BT Indian reservations—New York (State) — Diseases  (May Subd Geog) BT Laboratory animals [SF985-SF986] Cattaraugus Reservation (N.Y.) NT Allergy in cats Cat's claw (Plant) USE Cattaraugus Indian Reservation (N.Y.)   Feline diabetes USE Uncaria tomentosa   Feline heartworm disease Cattaro, Bocche di (Montenegro) Cat's claw acacia USE Kotor, Gulf of (Montenegro) — Equipment and supplies USE Catclaw acacia [SF447.3] Cattegat (Denmark and Sweden) NT Cat litter Cat's cradle USE Kattegat (Denmark and Sweden)   Cat litter boxes USE String figures Cattel family — Exhibitions Cat's ear (Plants) USE Cattell family USE Cat shows USE Hypochaeris Cattell family  (Not Subd Geog) — Feeding and feeds Cat's-eye, Little UF Catel family USE Cats—Food USE Cryptantha minima   Cattel family   Cattelle family — Folklore Cats in advertising  (May Subd Geog)   Cattle family UF Cats (in religion, folk-lore, etc.) [Former BT Advertising   heading] Cattelle family Cats in art  (Not Subd Geog) USE Cattell family — Food  (May Subd Geog) [N7668.C3] [SF447.6] Cattelline family UF Cat food Cats in literature  (Not Subd Geog) USE Catlin family   Cats—Feeding and feeds Cats in motion pictures  (Not Subd Geog) Cattell's Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire — — Recipes BT Motion pictures USE Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire [SF447.6] Cats on postage stamps BT Cooking Cattenhead family BT Postage stamps USE Cadenhead family — Infancy CATS System USE Kittens Catterall family [Z699.4.C15] USE Gartrell family — Licenses UF Cataloguing Support System USE Cat licenses BT Cataloging—Data processing Cattering family USE Kettenring family — Licensing   Cooperative cataloging—Canada USE Cat licenses — Format Catterton family  (Not Subd Geog) UF Caterton family — Literary collections USE MARC formats — Litter boxes Cats with disabilities  (May Subd Geog) Cattle  (May Subd Geog) [SF191-SF219] USE Cat litter boxes UF Disabled cats UF Bos taurus   Handicapped cats BT Bos   Livestock BT Animals with disabilities NT Beef cattle   Cats   Bulls   Calves NT Blind cats   Cows   Deaf cats   Dairy cattle   Dual-purpose cattle Catsear   Feral cattle USE Hypochaeris   Oxen Catseye, Little — Abnormalities  (May Subd Geog) USE Cryptantha minima Catsgore (Ancient city) USE Catsgore (Extinct city) C-165

Cattle  (Continued) — — Prevention — Genetic engineering  (May Subd Geog) — Age  (May Subd Geog) NT Cattle—Vaccination NT Cattle—Cloning — Age determination  (May Subd Geog) — Aging — — Preventive inoculation — Genetics — — Prevention USE Cattle—Vaccination NT Cattle—Genome mapping — Anatomy [SF767.C3] — — Research  (May Subd Geog) — — Immunological aspects UF Bovine anatomy — — Treatment  (May Subd Geog) USE Cattle—Immunology—Genetic aspects   Cows—Anatomy — — Atlases NT Cattle—Diseases—Alternative — Genome mapping  (May Subd Geog) — Anecdotes   treatment BT Cattle—Genetics UF Cattle—Anecdotes, facetiae, satire, etc.   Cattle—Diseases—Chemotherapy   [Former heading]   Cattle—Diseases—Chiropractic — Geographical distribution — Anecdotes, facetiae, satire, etc.   treatment — Germplasm resources  (May Subd Geog) USE Cattle—Anecdotes   Cattle—Diseases—Diet therapy   Cattle—Humor   Cattle—Surgery [SF201.3] — Artificial insemination  (May Subd Geog) — — Cryopreservation  (May Subd Geog) [SF201.5] — — Vaccination — — Microbiology  (May Subd Geog) — Autopsy  (May Subd Geog) USE Cattle—Vaccination — Government policy  (May Subd Geog) — Behavior  (May Subd Geog) — Grading  (May Subd Geog) [SF202.5] — Dissection  (May Subd Geog) — Grooming  (May Subd Geog) NT Cattle—Sexual behavior — Early works to 1800 — Biography — Ecology  (May Subd Geog) UF Grooming of cattle — Breeding  (May Subd Geog) — Economic aspects  (May Subd Geog) BT Cattle—Handling [SF201-SF201.5] — Effect of aircraft on  (May Subd Geog) — Growth UF Cattle breeding [Former heading] — Effect of drought on  (May Subd Geog) [SF203] — — Selection indexes — Effect of heavy metals on  (May Subd Geog) RT Bovine somatotropin — Breeds — Effect of light on  (May Subd Geog) — Habitat  (May Subd Geog) USE Cattle breeds — Effect of metals on  (May Subd Geog) — Habitat suitability index models  (May Subd Geog) — Buying — Effect of music on  (May Subd Geog) — Handling  (May Subd Geog) USE Cattle—Purchasing — Effect of off-road vehicles on  (May Subd Geog) [SF202.7] — Calving — Effect of pesticides on  (May Subd Geog) NT Campdrafting USE Cattle—Parturition — Effect of radiation on  (May Subd Geog) — Carcasses  (May Subd Geog) — Effect of stray currents on  (May Subd Geog)   Cattle—Grooming UF Carcasses, Cattle   Cattle herding — — Biodegradation  (May Subd Geog) UF Cattle—Effect of vagrant electric currents — — Safety measures — — Grading  (May Subd Geog)   on [Former heading] — Health  (May Subd Geog) — — Handling  (May Subd Geog) [SF961] UF Handling of cattle carcasses — Effect of stress on  (May Subd Geog) UF Bovine health — — Information services — Effect of vagrant electric currents on — Herd-books — Climatic factors  (May Subd Geog) USE Cattle—Pedigrees — Cloning  (May Subd Geog) USE Cattle—Effect of stray currents on — Herdbooks BT Cattle—Genetic engineering — Embryo transplantation USE Cattle—Pedigrees — Color  (May Subd Geog) — Histology — Composition USE Cattle—Embryos—Transplantation — Histopathology BT Cattle—Physiology — Embryology — Housing  (May Subd Geog) — Condition scoring  (May Subd Geog) — Embryos  (May Subd Geog) [SF206] UF Condition scoring of cattle — — Anatomy UF Cattle barns — Conformation  (May Subd Geog) — — Physiology  (May Subd Geog)   Cattle houses and equipment [Former — Control  (May Subd Geog) — — Transplantation  (May Subd Geog)   heading] — — Environmental aspects  (May Subd Geog) BT Barns — Cooperative marketing  (May Subd Geog) UF Cattle—Embryo transplantation   Stables — Cytogenetics — Endocrine system NT Cattle pens — Dehorning   Dairy barns USE Dehorning USE Cattle—Endocrinology — — Air conditioning  (May Subd Geog) — Development  (May Subd Geog) — Endocrinology — — Contracts and specifications — Diseases  (May Subd Geog) USE Cattle—Housing—Specifications [SF961-SF967] UF Cattle—Endocrine system — — Decoration  (May Subd Geog) NT Cattle—Parasites BT Cattle—Physiology — — Design and construction   Diarrhea in cattle — Environmental enrichment  (May Subd Geog) — — Disinfection  (May Subd Geog)   Dysentery in cattle — Equipment and supplies — — Environmental engineering  (May Subd Geog)   Epizootic catarrh in cattle UF Cattle houses and equipment [Former [SF206]   Fescue foot — — Heating and ventilation  (May Subd Geog)   Gastroenteritis in cattle   heading] — — Insulation  (May Subd Geog)   Hematuria in cattle — Evolution  (May Subd Geog) BT Insulation (Heat)   Lameness in cattle — Exercise  (May Subd Geog) — — Lighting  (May Subd Geog)   Mastitis — — Physiological aspects BT Lighting   Milk fever in animals — — Odor control  (May Subd Geog)   Psoroptic scabies in cattle [SF768.2.C3] — — Safety measures   Scabies in cattle — Exhibitions — — Sanitation  (May Subd Geog)   Trichomonas foetus — Experiments BT Sanitation   Udder—Diseases — Feed utilization efficiency  (May Subd Geog) — — Specifications  (May Subd Geog)   X disease in cattle UF Cattle—Housing—Contracts and — — Alternative treatment  (May Subd Geog) [SF203] BT Cattle—Diseases—Treatment BT Cattle—Feeding and feeds   specifications [Former heading] NT Cattle—Diseases—Homeopathic — Feeding and feeds  (May Subd Geog) — — Waste disposal  (May Subd Geog)   treatment [SF203] — — Scotland — — Chemotherapy  (May Subd Geog) NT Cattle—Feed utilization efficiency BT Cattle—Diseases—Treatment — — Climatic factors  (May Subd Geog) NT Blackhouses — — Chiropractic treatment  (May Subd Geog) — — Contamination  (May Subd Geog) — Humor BT Cattle—Diseases—Treatment — — Economic aspects  (May Subd Geog) — — Diagnosis  (May Subd Geog) — — Equipment and supplies UF Cattle—Anecdotes, facetiae, satire, etc. — — Diet therapy  (May Subd Geog) — — — Safety measures   [Former heading] BT Cattle—Diseases—Treatment — — Recipes — — Epidemiology — Fertility  (May Subd Geog) — Immunology — — Genetic aspects BT Cattle—Reproduction — — Genetic aspects — — Homeopathic treatment  (May Subd Geog) — Fetuses BT Cattle—Diseases—Alternative UF Fetal cattle UF Cattle—Genetics—Immunological   treatment   aspects — — Nursing  (May Subd Geog)   Fetuses of cattle — — Nutritional aspects  (May Subd Geog) — — Anatomy — Infancy — — Physiology  (May Subd Geog) USE Calves — Fiction — Folklore — Infections  (May Subd Geog) [SF961-SF967] [GR730.C38] UF Cattle—Infectious diseases — Forecasting NT Anaplasmosis   Babesiosis in cattle BT Agriculture—Forecasting   Blackleg in cattle   Forecasting   Bovine cysticercosis   Bovine leukosis — Forms   Bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis UF Cattle—Forms, blanks, etc. [Former   Brucellosis in cattle   heading]   Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia   East Coast fever — Forms, blanks, etc.   Hemorrhagic septicemia in cattle USE Cattle—Forms — Fractures  (May Subd Geog) BT Cattle—Wounds and injuries — — Treatment  (May Subd Geog) — Generative organs C-166

  Three-day sickness in cattle — Pregnancy  (May Subd Geog) — Virus diseases  (May Subd Geog)   Trypanosomiasis in cattle BT Cattle—Reproduction [SF967.V]   Tuberculosis in cattle NT Aujeszky's disease in cattle — — Diagnosis  (May Subd Geog) — Prices  (May Subd Geog)   Bovine spongiform encephalopathy — — Vaccination — Processing  (May Subd Geog)   Lumpy skin disease USE Cattle—Vaccination   Malignant catarrhal fever — Infectious diseases [TS1960-TS1982]   Mucosal diseases in cattle USE Cattle—Infections — Productivity  (May Subd Geog)   Rinderpest — Infertility  (May Subd Geog) — Psychic aspects  (May Subd Geog)   Vaccinia [SF967.S75] — Psychological aspects — Inspection  (May Subd Geog) — Viruses  (May Subd Geog) — — Risk assessment  (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on the influence of [SF967.V (Virus diseases)] — Judging  (May Subd Geog) cattle on human mental condition or personality. NT Bovine viral diarrhea virus — Lameness Works about the mental processes or USE Lameness in cattle characteristics of cattle are entered under Cattle-- — Vocalization  (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) Pyschology. — — Regulation — Life cycles  (May Subd Geog) — Water requirements  (May Subd Geog) — Locomotion  (May Subd Geog) — Psychological testing  (May Subd Geog) — Weight — Losses  (May Subd Geog) UF Cattle—Psychology—Testing [Former UF Losses, Cattle   heading] UF Cattle—Weight and measurement BT Livestock—Losses BT Cattle—Testing   [Former heading] NT Cattle—Mortality — Manure  (May Subd Geog) — Psychology — Weight and measurement UF Cow manure Here are entered works about the mental USE Cattle—Weight — — Environmental aspects  (May Subd Geog) — — Handling  (May Subd Geog) processes or characteristics of cattle. Works on the — Wintering  (May Subd Geog) — Marketing influence of cattle on human mental condition or — Wounds and injuries  (May Subd Geog) BT Cattle trade personality are entered under Cattle-- — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) Psychological aspects. NT Cattle—Fractures BT Agricultural laws and legislation — — Treatment  (May Subd Geog) — — Safety measures — — Testing — India — Marking  (May Subd Geog) USE Cattle—Psychological testing UF Branding of cattle NT Intensive Cattle Development Programme   Cattle branding — Purchasing  (May Subd Geog) Cattle artificial insemination industry  (May Subd Geog)   Marking of cattle UF Cattle—Buying [Former heading] NT Cattle brands BT Cattle trade UF Artificial insemination industry, Cattle   Earmarks BT Cattle trade — Metabolism — Quality  (May Subd Geog) Cattle barns BT Cattle—Physiology — Religious aspects USE Cattle—Housing — Microbiology  (May Subd Geog) — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Cattle branding — Milk yield — Reproduction USE Cattle—Marking USE Milk yield Cattle brands  (May Subd Geog) — Milking BT Reproduction [SF101-SF103] USE Milking NT Cattle—Fertility UF Brands, Cattle — — Machinery BT Cattle—Marking USE Milking machines   Cattle—Parturition — Mortality  (May Subd Geog)   Cattle—Pregnancy   Livestock brands BT Cattle—Losses — — Regulation NT Earmarks — Museums  (May Subd Geog) — Research  (May Subd Geog) — Mythology  (May Subd Geog) — Respiration  (May Subd Geog)   Hash Knife Brand — Names — Safety measures — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) — Nutrition  (May Subd Geog) BT Accidents—Prevention Cattle breeders  (May Subd Geog) [SF203-SF205] — Selection  (May Subd Geog) — — Requirements  (May Subd Geog) — Services for  (May Subd Geog) UF Breeders, Cattle — Origin UF Services for cattle   Breeders of cattle — Parasites  (May Subd Geog) BT Cattle trade   Cattlemen [SF967.P3] — Sexual behavior  (May Subd Geog) UF Parasites—Cattle BT Cattle—Behavior BT Livestock breeders BT Cattle—Diseases — Showing  (May Subd Geog) — Directories   Parasites UF Showing of cattle NT Boophilus microplus BT Livestock exhibitions [SF191.5]   Cattle tick — Social aspects  (May Subd Geog) — India — — Biological control  (May Subd Geog) — Songs and music Cattle breeding [SF967.P3] — Speed USE Cattle—Breeding BT Pests—Biological control — Spermatozoa Cattle breeds  (May Subd Geog) — — Control  (May Subd Geog) — — Abnormalities  (May Subd Geog) [SF967.P3] [SF767.C3 (Veterinary anatomy)] [SF198-SF199] BT Pests—Control — — Morphology UF Cattle—Breeds — — — Environmental aspects  (May Subd Geog) — — Motility BT Livestock breeds — — Identification — Standards  (May Subd Geog) NT Africander cattle — — Life cycles  (May Subd Geog) — Study and teaching  (May Subd Geog) — Parturition  (May Subd Geog) — Summering  (May Subd Geog)   Angeln cattle [SF201] — Surgery  (May Subd Geog)   Aubrac cattle UF Calving in cattle [SF961]   Barotse cattle   Cattle—Calving BT Cattle—Diseases—Treatment   Barrosã cattle BT Cattle—Reproduction — — Complications  (May Subd Geog)   Beef cattle breeds — Pathogens  (May Subd Geog) — — Nursing  (May Subd Geog)   Beefmaster cattle [SF961] — Taxation   Belgian Blue cattle — Pedigrees USE Cattle trade—Taxation   British White cattle [SF192] — Technological innovations  (May Subd Geog)   Camargue cattle UF Cattle—Herd-books [Former heading] — Testing   Chiangus cattle   Cattle—Herdbooks NT Cattle—Psychological testing   Criollo cattle   Herdbooks of cattle — Therapeutic use  (May Subd Geog)   Dairy cattle breeds   Pedigree books of cattle — Training  (May Subd Geog)   East Prussian cattle   Pedigrees of cattle — Transportation  (May Subd Geog)   Fighting bull — Performance records [HE595.L5 (Ships)]   Fleckvieh cattle UF Performance records of cattle [HE2321.L7 (Railroads)]   Florida cracker cattle — Physiology  (May Subd Geog) [HE9788.4.C37 (Air)]   Friesian cattle [SF768.2.C3 (Veterinary physiology)] RT Railroads—Livestock transportation   Gobra zebu NT Cattle—Composition — — Safety measures   Grey Tirolean cattle   Cattle—Endocrinology — Trypanotolerance  (May Subd Geog)   Hariana cattle   Cattle—Metabolism [SF967.T78]   Harz cattle UF Trypanotolerance in cattle   Heŕ ens cattle   Trypanotolerant cattle   Highland cattle BT Trypanosomiasis in cattle—Immunological   Holando-Argentino cattle   aspects   Kenana cattle — Vaccination  (May Subd Geog)   Kholmogor cattle UF Cattle—Diseases—Preventive inoculation   Kostroma cattle   [Former heading]   Kuhland cattle   Cattle—Diseases—Vaccination [Former   Lincoln Red cattle   heading]   Longhorn cattle   Cattle—Infections—Vaccination   Maure cattle BT Cattle—Diseases—Prevention   Montbeliarde cattle   N'Dama cattle   Nguni cattle   Pinzgauer cattle   Polish red and white lowland cattle C-167

Cattle breeds  (Continued) Cattle ranches Cattleya purpurata   Red-polled cattle USE Ranches USE Laelia purpurata   Red steppe cattle   Sahiwal cattle Cattle ranching Cattleyas  (May Subd Geog)   Simbrah cattle USE Ranching [QK495.O64 (Botany)]   Simmental cattle [SB409.8.C38 (Culture)]   SMR (Cattle) Cattle rustling UF Cattleya   Sudanese Fulani cattle USE Cattle stealing BT Orchids   Swedish red and white cattle NT Cattleya labiata   Tarentaise cattle Cattle scab   Texas longhorn cattle USE Scabies in cattle Cattleyn family   Turino cattle USE Catlin family   Waldecker cattle Cattle scabies   Welsh Black cattle USE Scabies in cattle Cattlin family USE Catlin family Cattle dip  (May Subd Geog) Cattle scabies, Psoroptic BT Dipping fluids USE Psoroptic scabies in cattle Catto family  (Not Subd Geog) UF Cato family Cattle dog, Australian Cattle stealing  (May Subd Geog)   Catoe family USE Australian cattle dog [HV6646-HV6665]   Cattow family UF Cattle raiding Cattle dogs  (May Subd Geog)   Cattle rustling Cattow family [SF428.6]   Raiding, Cattle USE Catto family BT Livestock protection dogs   Rustling cattle NT Australian cattle dog BT Theft Cattraeth, Battle of, ca. 600   Australian stumpy tail cattle dog USE Cattraeth, Battle of, Catterick, England, ca. 600 — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) Cattle drives  (May Subd Geog) BT Criminal law Cattraeth, Battle of, ca. 600, in literature UF Cattle trail drives USE Cattraeth, Battle of, Catterick, England, ca.   Drives, Cattle Cattle tick  (May Subd Geog)   600, in literature   Droves of cattle [QL458.2.I9 (Acarology)] BT Cattle trade [SF967.C (Pest)] Cattraeth, Battle of, Catterick, England, ca. 600 UF Boophilus annulatus UF Cattraeth, Battle of, ca. 600 [Former heading] Cattle egret  (May Subd Geog)   North American cattle tick BT Great Britain—History—Anglo-Saxon period, [QL696.C52 (Zoology)] BT Boophilus   449-1066 [SB996.C3 (Agriculture)]   Cattle—Parasites UF Ardeola ibis Cattraeth, Battle of, Catterick, England, ca. 600, in   Bubulcus coromandus Cattle tick, Southern literature  (Not Subd Geog)   Bubulcus ibis USE Boophilus microplus UF Cattraeth, Battle of, ca. 600, in literature   Buff-backed heron   [Former heading]   Tick bird (Bubulcus) Cattle tick, Tropical   Tickbird (Bubulcus) USE Boophilus microplus Catts family BT Bubulcus USE Katz family Cattle trade  (May Subd Geog) Cattle family [HD9433] Catubria (Italy) USE Cattell family UF Cattle industry USE Cadore (Italy) BT Animal industry Cattle grids   Meat industry and trade Catuche, Samań de (Caracas, Venezuela) USE Cattle guards NT Calves—Preconditioning USE Samań de la Trinidad (Caracas, Venezuela)   Cattle—Marketing Cattle grubs   Cattle—Purchasing Catukina Indians USE Warble flies   Cattle—Services for USE Catuquina Indians   Cattle artificial insemination industry Cattle guards   Cattle drives Catuquina Indians  (May Subd Geog) [TF277 (Railroads)]   Women in the cattle industry [F2520.1.C4] UF Cattle grids UF Catoquina Indians [Former heading]   Grids, Cattle — Law and legislation   Catukina Indians   Guards, Cattle USE Animal industry—Law and legislation   Catuquinarú Indians   Roads—Cattle guards   Katukina Indians BT Fences — Seasonal variations  (May Subd Geog)   Wiri-dyapa Indians   Roads—Accessories — Taxation  (May Subd Geog) BT Indians of South America—Brazil Cattle herder, Belgian (Dog) UF Cattle—Taxation Catuquina mythology  (May Subd Geog) USE Bouvier des Flandres Cattle trail drives UF Mythology, Catuquina Cattle herders  (May Subd Geog) USE Cattle drives Catuquinarú Indians UF Cowherds Cattle trails  (May Subd Geog) USE Catuquina Indians BT Herders NT Cowboys BT Trails Catuvellauni (Celtic people)  (May Subd Geog)   Cowgirls — Arizona BT Celts—England   Gauchos   Ethnology—England NT Crooked Trail (Ariz.) Cattle herding  (May Subd Geog) — Australia CATV BT Cattle—Handling USE Cable television   Herding NT Birdsville Track (S.A. and Qld.)   Canning Stock Route (W.A.) Catzenmeier family Cattle houses and equipment   Murranji Track (N.T.) USE Katzenmeier family USE Cattle—Equipment and supplies   Strzelecki Track (S.A.)   Cattle—Housing Cau Ma (Vietnamese people) — Colorado USE Maa (Vietnamese people) Cattle in art  (Not Subd Geog) NT Goodnight-Loving Trail Cattle in literature  (Not Subd Geog) Cau Ma language Cattle industry — Kansas USE Maa language (Southeast Asia) NT Chisholm Trail USE Cattle trade   Texas Cattle Trail Câù maŷ Cattle-Killing Movement, South Africa, 1856-1857 USE Takraw — New Mexico USE South Africa—History—Xhosa Cattle-Killing, NT Goodnight-Loving Trail Cầu Rac̣ h Miẽ̂u (Vietnam)   1856-1857 UF Rac̣ h Miẽ̂u Bridge (Vietnam) — Oklahoma BT Bridges—Vietnam Cattle leukemia NT Chisholm Trail USE Bovine leukosis   Texas Cattle Trail Cầu Thuaṇ̂ Phuơ ć̛ (Đà Nan̆̃ g, Vietnam) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Cattle leukemia virus — Spain USE Bovine leukemia virus NT Cañada Real Leonesa (Spain) subdivision. Cattle lice  (May Subd Geog) — Texas UF Thuan Phuoc Bridge (Đà Nã̆ng, Vietnam) BT Lice NT Chisholm Trail BT Bridges—Vietnam   Goodnight-Loving Trail Cauca River (Colombia) Cattle Market (Rome, Italy)   Texas Cattle Trail BT Rivers—Colombia USE Forum Boarium (Rome, Italy) Cauca River Valley (Colombia) — United States UF Cauca Valley (Colombia) Cattle pens  (May Subd Geog) NT Bozeman Trail BT Cattle—Housing   Valle del Cauca (Colombia : Valley)   Corrals Cattlemen BT Valleys—Colombia USE Cattle breeders Cauca River Watershed (Colombia) Cattle plague (Rinderpest) BT Watersheds—Colombia USE Rinderpest Cattley guava Cauca Valley (Colombia) USE Psidium cattleianum USE Cauca River Valley (Colombia) Cattle Point Site (Wash.) Caucalis elongata BT Kitchen-middens—Washington (State) Cattleya USE Torilis arvensis   Washington (State)—Antiquities USE Cattleyas Caucalis purpurea USE Torilis arvensis Cattle raiding Cattleya brysiana Caucana (Extinct city) USE Cattle stealing USE Laelia purpurata USE Kaukana (Extinct city) Caucasia Cattleya crispa purpurata USE Caucasus USE Laelia purpurata Caucasian Albanian language  (May Subd Geog) UF Aluan language Cattleya labiata  (May Subd Geog) [QK495.O64 (Botany)] [SB409.8.C38 (Culture)] BT Cattleyas C-168

  Old Udi language   (Russia)—History—Russian Conquest, BT Functions of complex variables BT Albania (Ancient kingdom)—Languages   1831-1859   Riemann integral Caucasian whortleberry  (May Subd Geog)   Dagestanian languages [QK495.E68] Cauchy problem Caucasian cooking UF Vaccinium arctostaphylos BT Differential equations, Partial BT Vaccinium USE Cooking, Caucasian Caucasianists  (May Subd Geog) — Numerical solutions Caucasian epic literature UF Caucasus studies specialists BT Numerical analysis BT Area specialists USE Epic literature, Caucasian Caucasians Cauchy-Riemann equations Caucasian epic poetry USE Caucasian race UF Riemann-Cauchy equations Caucasic race BT Differential equations, Partial USE Epic poetry, Caucasian USE Caucasian race Caucasian fiction  (May Subd Geog) Caucasoid race Cauchy-Riemann submanifolds USE Caucasian race USE CR submanifolds BT Caucasian literature Caucasus Caucasian fir  (May Subd Geog) UF Caucasia Cauchy transform   Caucasus Mountains UF Cauchy-Hilbert transform [QK494.5.P66 (Botany)]   Caucasus Region   Cauchy's transform [SD397.C38 (Forestry)]   Kavkaz   Transform, Cauchy UF Abies nordmanniana BT Mountains—Caucasus, South BT Transformations (Mathematics)   Mountains—Russia (Federation)   Crimean fir NT Bezingi Wall (Georgia and Russia) Cauchy type integrals   Nordman fir   Elbrus, Mount (Russia) USE Cauchy integrals   Nordmann fir   Keli Range (Georgia) BT Fir — Antiquities Cauchy's integrals Caucasian folk dancing USE Cauchy integrals USE Folk dancing, Caucasian NT Maikop culture Caucasian folk literature — History Cauchy's transform USE Folk literature, Caucasian — — Uprising, 1785 USE Cauchy transform Caucasian inscriptions USE Inscriptions, Caucasian UF Mansur Uprising, Russia, 1785 Caucus Caucasian Jews BT Russia—History—Catherine II, 1762- [JF2085] USE Jews, Caucasian BT Legislative bodies Caucasian languages  (May Subd Geog)   1796   Nominations for office [PK9001-PK9201] — — Revolution, 1917-1921   Political conventions NT Abkhazo-Adyghian languages — — 1991-   Politics, Practical   Georgian language Caucasus, Northern (R.S.F.S.R.)   Pre-legislative conferences   Kartvelian languages USE Caucasus, Northern (Russia) SA subdivision Caucuses under names of   Nakho-Dagestanian languages Caucasus, Northern (Russia)   individual legislative bodies, e.g. United   Tapanta dialect   States. Congress--Caucuses   Ubykh language UF Caucasus, Northern (R.S.F.S.R.) [Former Caucasian literature  (May Subd Geog)   heading] Caucus Room, Kennedy (Russell Senate Office [PK9030 (History)]   Ciscaucasia (Russia) Building, Washington, D.C.) [PK9040 (Collections)]   Northern Caucasus (Russia) USE Kennedy Caucus Room (Russell Senate Office NT Caucasian fiction   Severnyĭ Kavkaz (Russia)   Building, Washington, D.C.)   Caucasian poetry   Epic literature, Caucasian NT Bolʹshoy Tkhach Mountain (Russia) Cauda   Folk literature, Caucasian — History USE Tail Caucasian mountain dog  (May Subd Geog) — — Russian Conquest, 1831-1859 [SF429.C355] Cauda equina UF Caucasian ovcharka UF Caucasian War, 1831-1859 BT Spinal nerve roots   Caucasian ovtcharka — — Revolution, 1905-1907   Kavkazskaya ovcharka — — Revolution, 1917-1921 Cauda Island (Greece)   Mountain dog, Caucasian — — February Revolution, 1917 USE Gavdos Island (Greece)   Ovcharka, Caucasian Caucasus, South   Ovtcharka, Caucasian Caudal family BT Dog breeds UF Haravayin Kovkaz USE Cordell family Caucasian mythology   IU͡ zhnyĭ Kavkaz USE Mythology, Caucasian   Samxretʻ Kavkasia Caudal River (Spain) Caucasian newspapers  (May Subd Geog)   South Caucasus UF Lena River (Spain) BT Newspapers   Transcaucasia [Former heading]   Rió Caudal (Spain) Caucasian ovcharka   Transcaucasus   Río Lena (Spain) USE Caucasian mountain dog   Zakavkazʹe BT Rivers—Spain Caucasian ovtcharka   Zakavkazʹye USE Caucasian mountain dog Caudal River Valley (Spain) Caucasian philology — Antiquities UF Caudal Valley (Spain) NT Georgian philology NT Kura-Araxes culture BT Valleys—Spain Caucasian poetry  (May Subd Geog) BT Caucasian literature — Foreign relations  (May Subd Geog) Caudal Valley (Spain) NT Epic poetry, Caucasian — — 1991- USE Caudal River Valley (Spain) Caucasian race — History [GN537] — — Revolution, 1905-1907 Cauḍamma (Hindu deity)  (Not Subd Geog) Here are entered works of an anthropological — — Revolution, 1917-1921 [BL1225.C38-BL1225.C384] nature focusing on the physical features that — Politics and government BT Hindu gods characterize Caucasians and distinguish them from — — 1991- other races of mankind. Works of a sociological Caucasus goat's rue  (May Subd Geog) Caudata nature that discuss white people as an element in the USE Salamanders population, especially in countries where they are a [QK495.L52 (Botany)] minority, are entered under Whites. [SB205.C37 (Forage plants)] Caudate nucleus UF Galega orientalis [QP383.9] UF Caucasians BT Galega UF Nucleus, Caudate   Caucasic race Caucasus Indicus (Afghanistan and Pakistan) BT Neostriatum   Caucasoid race USE Hindu Kush Mountains (Afghanistan and   White race Caudebec family   Pakistan) USE Cuddeback family BT Race Caucasus Mountains RT Whites Caudel family NT Dinaric race USE Caucasus USE Cordell family Caucasus Region   Indo-Europeans Caudell family   Mediterranean race USE Caucasus USE Cordell family   Semites Caucasus studies specialists   Teutonic race Caudelle family   Working class whites USE Caucasianists USE Cordell family Caucasian race in literature  (Not Subd Geog) Cauce Site (Nicaragua) Caucasian rugs Caudharī language USE Rugs, Caucasian USE Acahualinca Site (Nicaragua) USE Chodri language Caucasian spruce Cauch family USE Oriental spruce Caudill family Caucasian War, 1831-1859 USE Couch family USE Cordell family USE Caucasus, Northern Cauchy-Hilbert transform Caudillos  (May Subd Geog) USE Cauchy transform Here are entered works on Latin American political Cauchy integrals bosses or military chieftains who often achieved UF Cauchy type integrals national power, sometimes with their own irregular or   Cauchy's integrals nonprofessional armies.   Integrals, Cauchy   Integrals of Cauchy type BT Dictators—Latin America   Politicians—Latin America Caudillos in literature  (Not Subd Geog) Caudine Forks (Italy) UF Forche Caudine (Italy)   Furculae Caudinae (Italy) BT Mountain passes—Italy Caudine Forks, Battle of, Italy, 321 B.C. BT Samnite War, 2nd, 326-304 B.C.—Campaigns Caudipteryx  (May Subd Geog) [QE862.S3] BT Dromaeosauridae C-169

Caudle family   Codiales Caupal̄ a (Indic people)  (May Subd Geog) USE Cordell family   Siphonales [Former heading] [DS432.C38] BT Green algae BT Caste—India Cauḍlu family  (Not Subd Geog) NT Caulerpaceae   Ethnology—India Caudofoveata   Codiaceae   Derbesiaceae Caupolicana  (May Subd Geog) USE Solenogasters   Udoteaceae [QL568.C6] Caudor family Caulfield, Holden (Fictitious character) BT Colletidae (Not Subd Geog) USE Calder family UF Holden Caulfield (Fictitious character) Caupolicana specca  (May Subd Geog) Caudron aircraft  (Not Subd Geog) Caulfield family  (Not Subd Geog) [QL568.C6] Cauliflower  (May Subd Geog) BT Airplanes [SB333 (Culture)] Cauque river prawn  (May Subd Geog) NT Caudron C 714 Cyclone (Fighter plane) UF Brassica acephala botrytis [QL444.M33 (Zoology)]   Brassica botrytis UF Macrobrachium americanum   Caudron G.3 (Military aircraft)   Brassica cauliflora   Palaemon americanus   Caudron G.4 (Military aircraft)   Brassica oleracea botrytis BT Macrobrachium   Caudron R.11 (Fighter plane) BT Cole crops Caudron C 714 C1 (Fighter plane) RT Broccoli Cauqui dialect USE Caudron C 714 Cyclone (Fighter plane) NT Frozen cauliflower USE Cauqui language Caudron C 714 Cyclone (Fighter plane) — Use in cooking (Not Subd Geog) USE Cooking (Cauliflower) Cauqui language  (May Subd Geog) UF C 714 (Fighter plane) — Varieties  (May Subd Geog) [PM5788]   Caudron C 714 C1 (Fighter plane) Cauliflower, Branching UF Ak'aro language   Cyclone (Fighter plane) USE Calabrese (Vegetable)   Cachuy language BT Caudron aircraft Cauliflower, Sprout   Cauqui dialect [Former heading]   Fighter planes USE Calabrese (Vegetable)   Hagaru language Caudron G.3 (Military aircraft)  (Not Subd Geog) Caulimoviridae  (May Subd Geog)   Hage aru language UF G.3 (Military aircraft) BT DNA viruses   Hagearu language BT Caudron aircraft   Plant viruses   Jacaru language   Reconnaissance aircraft NT Caulimoviruses   Jaqaru language   Training planes Caulimovirus (Genus)   Kawki language Caudron G.4 (Military aircraft)  (Not Subd Geog) USE Caulimoviruses BT Aymara language UF G.4 (Military aircraft) Caulimoviruses  (May Subd Geog)   Peru—Languages BT Bombers UF Caulimovirus (Genus)   Caudron aircraft BT Caulimoviridae Caura, Reserva Forestal El (Venezuela)   Reconnaissance aircraft NT Carnation etched ring virus USE Reserva Forestal El Caura (Venezuela) Caudron R.11 (Fighter plane)  (Not Subd Geog)   Dahlia mosaic virus UF R.11 (Fighter plane) Caulker Cay (Belize : Island) Caura River (Venezuela) BT Caudron aircraft UF Cay Caulker (Belize : Island) UF Río Caura (Venezuela)   Fighter planes   Cay Corker (Belize : Island) BT Rivers—Venezuela Caudry family   Caye Caulker (Belize : Island) USE Cowdrey family   Corker Cay (Belize : Island) Caurasia language Cauer family  (Not Subd Geog) BT Islands—Belize USE Wambule language Cauffman family Caulkin family USE Kauffman family USE Calkins family Caurel Mountain (Spain) Caufman family Caulking  (May Subd Geog) UF Courel (Spain) USE Kauffman family UF Calking [Former heading]   El Caurel (Spain) Caughenbaugh family BT Sealing (Technology)   Sierra del Caurel (Spain) USE Gackenbaugh family Caulkins family BT Mountains—Spain Caughey family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Calkins family Caughley porcelain Caulkins Opera House (Denver, Colo.) Causa (Civil law) [NK4399.C] USE Ellie Caulkins Opera House (Denver, Colo.) USE Consideration (Law) UF Porcelain, Caughley Caulk's Field, Battle of, 1814 Caughlin family USE Caulk's Field, Battle of, Md., 1814 Causa (Criminal law) USE Coghlan family Caulk's Field, Battle of, Md., 1814 USE Causation (Criminal law) Caughman family [E356.C3] USE Kauffman family UF Caulk's Field, Battle of, 1814 [Former heading] Causal relations (Linguistics) Caughnawaga Indians BT Maryland—History—War of 1812 UF Causality relations (Linguistics) USE Mohawk Indians   United States—History—War of   Causative relations (Linguistics) Caughnawaga language   1812—Campaigns   Relations, Causal (Linguistics) USE Mohawk language Caulon Rivìere (France) BT Grammar, Comparative and general Cauhāna (Legendary character) USE Coulon River (France) RT Causative (Linguistics) USE Kan̄ ha Cauhan̄ a (Legendary character) Caulophilus  (May Subd Geog) Cauhelawa language [QL596.C9] Causalgia  (May Subd Geog) USE Kurada language BT Curculionidae [RC422.C3] Cáuigú Indians Caulophilus latinasus UF Thermalgia USE Kiowa Indians USE Broad-nosed grain weevil BT Erythromelalgia Cáuijogà language Caulorhiza   Neuralgia USE Kiowa language USE Hydropus Caukin family Caulote Causality USE Calkins family USE Guazuma ulmifolia USE Causality (Physics) Caukins family Caumont family  (Not Subd Geog)   Causation USE Calkins family Caumsett (Lloyd Harbor, N.Y.) Caul family UF Caumsett Manor (Lloyd Harbor, N.Y.) Causality (Criminal law) USE Call family BT Dwellings—New York (State) USE Causation (Criminal law) Cauld wind bagpipes Caumsett Manor (Lloyd Harbor, N.Y.) USE Border pipes USE Caumsett (Lloyd Harbor, N.Y.) Causality (Physics) Cauld wind pipes Caumsett State Park (N.Y.) [QC6.4.C3 (Philosophy of physics)] USE Border pipes BT Parks—New York (State) UF Causality Cauldron of Gundestrup (Silverwork) Cauna de Bélesta (France) BT Heisenberg uncertainty principle USE Gundestrup caldron (Silverwork) USE Bélesta Cave (France)   Nuclear physics Caule family Cauna family  (Not Subd Geog)   Physics—Philosophy USE Call family UF De Cauna family   Quantum theory Caulerpa  (May Subd Geog) RT Marsan de Cauna family NT Dispersion relations [QK569.C37 (Botany)] Caune de Beĺ esta (France) BT Caulerpaceae USE Bélesta Cave (France) Causality relations (Linguistics) NT Caulerpa taxifolia Caunos (Extinct city) USE Causal relations (Linguistics) Caulerpa taxifolia  (May Subd Geog) USE Kaunos (Extinct city) [QK569.C37 (Botany)] Caunus (Extinct city) Causar BT Caulerpa USE Kaunos (Extinct city) USE Pachisi Caulerpaceae  (May Subd Geog) [QK569.C37 (Botany)] Causation BT Caulerpales [BD530-BD595] NT Caulerpa UF Causality Caulerpales  (May Subd Geog)   Cause and effect UF Bryopsidales   Effect and cause   Final cause BT Beginning   God   Metaphysics   Philosophy RT Necessity (Philosophy)   Teleology NT Occasionalism   Proximate cause (Law)   Sufficient reason Causation (Buddhism) [BQ4240] BT Buddhism—Doctrines NT Pratit̄ yasamutpāda C-170

Causation (Criminal law)  (May Subd Geog) Caustobioliths  (May Subd Geog) Cavafy family UF Causa (Criminal law) BT Sedimentary rocks USE Kavaphes̄ family   Causality (Criminal law) NT Bitumen BT Criminal law   Coal Cavahyalopterus   Criminal liability   Peat USE Diuraphis RT Proximate cause (Law)   Petroleum   Sapropelites Cavaiba Indians Causation (Islamic law)  (May Subd Geog) USE Uruewawau Indians [KBP3851] Causus  (May Subd Geog) BT Islamic law [QL666.O69] Cavaillon Bay (Haiti) BT Viperidae UF Baie de Cavaillon (Haiti) Causation in literature  (Not Subd Geog)   Baye de Cavaillon (Haiti) Causative (Linguistics) Causus rhombeatus  (May Subd Geog) BT Bays—Haiti [QL666.O69] UF Grammar, Comparative and Caval   general—Causative constructions Cauterization USE Kaval USE Cautery BT Grammar, Comparative and general—Syntax Cavalcades RT Causal relations (Linguistics) Cautery USE Horse processions SA subdivision Causative under names of UF Cauterization BT Therapeutics, Surgical Cavalcanti de Albuquerque family  (Not Subd Geog)   languages and groups of languages, e.g.   Wounds and injuries—Treatment RT Albuquerque family   English language--Causative NT Electrocoagulation   Cavalcanti family Causative relations (Linguistics) USE Causal relations (Linguistics) Cauthen family  (Not Subd Geog) Cavalcanti family  (Not Subd Geog) Cause, Proximate UF Cauthorn family RT Cavalcanti de Albuquerque family USE Proximate cause (Law)   Cawthon family Cause, Transfer of   Cawthorne family Cavaletto family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Transfer of cause   Cawthron family UF Cavalletto family Cause and effect   Cothen family USE Causation RT Cotham family Cavalier Apartments (Seattle, Wash.) Cause lawyering   Cothern family BT Apartment houses—Washington (State) USE Cause lawyers Cause lawyers  (May Subd Geog) Cauthorn family Cavalier automobile, Chevrolet Here are entered works on lawyers who devote USE Cauthen family USE Chevrolet Cavalier automobile their professional lives to a particular political, social, or moral cause, rather than to conventional client- Cautio judicatum solvi Cavalier family  (Not Subd Geog) centered advocacy. USE Security for costs UF Kavalier family UF Cause lawyering Cauto River (Cuba) Cavalier King Charles spaniel  (May Subd Geog) BT Lawyers UF Río Cauto (Cuba : River) [SF429.C36] RT Public interest law BT Rivers—Cuba UF Cavalier King Charles spaniels [Former Cause related marketing   heading] USE Social marketing Cauto River Valley (Cuba) BT Spaniels Causes of actions  (May Subd Geog) UF Cauto Valley (Cuba) UF Causes of actions—Law and legislation   Valle del Cauto (Cuba) Cavalier King Charles spaniel in art  (Not Subd Geog) BT Actions and defenses BT Valleys—Cuba Cavalier King Charles spaniels RT Choses in action — Law and legislation Cauto Valley (Cuba) USE Cavalier King Charles spaniel USE Cauto River Valley (Cuba) Cavalleria Baldissera Barracks (Florence, Italy) USE Causes of actions Causes of fetal death Cauvery-Mettur Project USE Caserma Antonio Baldissera (Florence, Italy) UF Project Cauvery-Mettur Cavallero family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Fetal death—Causes BT Irrigation—India Cavallers Street (Valencia, Spain) Causes of war   Water resources development—India USE Calle de Cavallers (Valencia, Spain) USE War—Causes Cauvery River (India) Cavalletti Causeways  (May Subd Geog) UF Kaveri River (India) BT Rivers—India BT Horses—Training BT Bridges   Jumping (Horsemanship)   Roads — Delta USE Cauvery River Delta (India) Cavalletto family — Florida USE Cavaletto family NT Rickenbacker Causeway (Fla.) Cauvery River Delta (India) UF Cauvery River (India)—Delta [Former heading] Cavalliera Barracks (Florence, Italy) — France BT Deltas—India USE Caserma Antonio Baldissera (Florence, Italy) NT Gois Causeway (France) Cauvery River Valley (India) Cavallo, Arco del (Palazzo comunale, Ferrara, Italy) — Malaysia UF Cauvery Valley (India) USE Volto del Cavallo (Palazzo comunale, Ferrara, NT Johor-Singapore Causeway (Johor Bahru, BT Valleys—India   Italy)   Johor, Malaysia, and Singapore) Cauvery River Watershed (India) Cavalry  (May Subd Geog) — Singapore BT Watersheds—India [UE] NT Johor-Singapore Causeway (Johor Bahru, BT Armies   Johor, Malaysia, and Singapore) Cauvery Valley (India) SA subdivision Cavalry under names of individual USE Cauvery River Valley (India)   armies, e.g. Great Britain. Army--Cavalry; Causse du Larzac (France)   also subdivision Cavalry operations under UF Larzac, Causse du (France) Caux (France)   individual wars, e.g. World War, 1939-1945-- BT Plateaus—France [DC611.C34]   Cavalry operations; and names of individual   Causses (France) UF Chaux, Pays des (France)   cavalries   Pays de Caux (France) NT Cavalry pioneer troops Causses (France)   Pays des Chaux (France)   Dragoons UF Grands Causses (France)   Hussars BT Mountains—France Cauyari Indians   Lancers   Plateaus—France USE Cabiyari Indians   Remount service NT Causse du Larzac (France)   War horses Cava (Beverage) Caussy family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Kava (Beverage) — Remounts Caustic, Lunar [UE460] Cava (Legendary character) RT Remount service USE Silver nitrate USE Florinda (Legendary character) Caustic curves — Great Britain Cava (Plant) NT Great Britain. Army—Cavalry USE Caustics (Optics) USE Kava plant Caustic eye injuries Cavalry drill and tactics Cava (Wine)  (May Subd Geog) [UE157-UE302] USE Eye burns BT Sparkling wines BT Drill and minor tactics Caustic lime   Military art and science Cavachas (Music)  (May Subd Geog)   Tactics USE Calcium hydroxide BT Popular music—Africa SA subdivision Cavalry--Drill and tactics under Caustic potash   names of individual armies, e.g. Great Cavachon  (May Subd Geog)   Britain. Army--Cavalry--Drill and tactics; and USE Potassium hydroxide [SF429.C357]   subdivision Drill and tactics under names of Caustic soda BT Designer dogs   individual cavalries, e.g. United States.   Army. Cavalry--Drill and tactics USE Sodium hydroxide Cav̄ adạ ̄ dynasty NT Rome—Army—Cavalry—Drill and tactics Caustic surfaces USE Chavda dynasty   Skirmishing USE Caustics (Optics) Cavado River (Portugal) Cavalry horn Caustics (Optics) UF Rio Cavado (Portugal) USE Alto horn BT Rivers—Portugal UF Caustic curves Cavalry horses  (May Subd Geog)   Caustic surfaces Cavado River Valley (Portugal) [UC600-UC695]   Curves, Caustic UF Cavado Valley (Portugal) BT Horses   Surfaces, Caustic BT Valleys—Portugal Cavalry pioneer troops BT Geometrical optics Cavado Valley (Portugal) [UE490] USE Cavado River Valley (Portugal) BT Cavalry   Pioneer troops Cavafis family USE Kavaphēs family C-171

Cavalry saddles, English Cave Buttes Dam (Ariz.) Cave fishes USE English saddles UF Cave Butte Dam (Ariz.) USE Hypogean fishes BT Dams—Arizona Cavalucci, Tony (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) Cave flora UF Tony Cavalucci (Fictitious character) Cave Canyon Village Site (Utah) USE Cave plants BT Utah—Antiquities Cavanagh family Cave formations USE Cavanaugh family Cave churches  (May Subd Geog) USE Speleothems [D-F (Antiquities)] Cavañas Bay (Cuba) [NA4910 (Church architecture: General)] Cave Hill (Northern Ireland : Mountain) USE Cabanã s Bay (Cuba) [NA5201-NA6113 (By country)] UF Ben Madigan (Northern Ireland) UF Monolithic churches   Cavehill (Northern Ireland : Mountain) Cavanaugh, Lake (Wash. : Lake)   Rock churches   Madigan, Ben (Northern Ireland) UF Cavanaugh Lake (Wash.) BT Cave architecture BT Mountains—Northern Ireland   Lake Cavanaugh (Wash. : Lake)   Church buildings BT Lakes—Washington (State) Cave life Cave climates USE Biospeleology Cavanaugh, Darcy (Fictitious character) UF Climates, Cave (Not Subd Geog) BT Microclimatology Cave mapping  (May Subd Geog) UF Darcy Cavanaugh (Fictitious character) [GB601.52.M34] Cave climbers UF Caves—Mapping Cavanaugh, Kate (Fictitious character) USE Spelunkers BT Cartography (Not Subd Geog) UF Kate Cavanaugh (Fictitious character) Cave conservation  (May Subd Geog) Cave monasteries  (May Subd Geog) UF Cave preservation BT Cave architecture Cavanaugh family  (Not Subd Geog)   Cave protection   Monasteries UF Cavanagh family   Caves—Conservation   Cavenah family   Caves—Protection Cave myotis   Cavenaugh family   Conservation of caves USE Myotis velifer   Cavenner family   Preservation of caves   Cavnar family   Protection of caves Cave of Apollo (Athens, Greece)   Kavanagh family BT Landscape protection USE Sanctuary of Apollo Hypoakraios (Athens,   Kavanaugh family   Greece) Cave Creek (Ind.) Cavanaugh Lake (Wash.) BT Rivers—Indiana Cave of Apollo Hypoakraios (Athens, Greece) USE Cavanaugh, Lake (Wash. : Lake) USE Sanctuary of Apollo Hypoakraios (Athens, Cave Creek (Maricopa County, Ariz.)   Greece) Cavanna family  (Not Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Arizona UF Della Cavanna family Cave of Bedeilhac (France)   Di Cavanna family Cave Creek Canyon (Ariz.) USE Bédeilhac Cave (France) BT Canyons—Arizona Cavaquinho  (May Subd Geog) Cave of Cruachain (Ireland) UF Braga Cave Creek Dam (Ariz.) USE Oweynagat (Ireland)   Braguinha BT Dams—Arizona   Machada Cave of Crystals (Mexico)   Machete (Musical instrument) Cave Creek Park (Phoenix, Ariz.) USE Crystals, Cave of (Mexico)   Machete-de-braga This heading is not valid for use as a geographic   Machetinho Cave of Ghosts (Vic.) BT Guitar subdivision. USE Ghosts, Cave of (Vic.)   Mandolin   Musical instruments—Brazil UF Cave Creek Regional Park (Phoenix, Ariz.) Cave of Hearths (South Africa)   Musical instruments—Portugal BT Parks—Arizona UF Hearths, Cave of (South Africa) Cave Creek Recreation Area (Maricopa County, Ariz.) BT Caves—South Africa Cavaquinho and guitar music  (May Subd Geog) USE Cave Creek Regional Park (Ariz.)   South Africa—Antiquities UF Guitar and cavaquinho music Cave Creek Regional Park (Ariz.) UF Cave Creek Recreation Area (Maricopa Cave of Letters (Israel) Cavaquinho music USE Letters, Cave of the (Israel) Cavaquinho players  (May Subd Geog)   County, Ariz.)   Cave Creek Semi-regional Park (Ariz.) Cave of Machpelah (Hebron) BT Plucked instrument players BT Parks—Arizona USE Tomb of the Patriarchs (Hebron) Cavares  (May Subd Geog) Cave Creek Regional Park (Phoenix, Ariz.) USE Cave Creek Park (Phoenix, Ariz.) Cave of the Cats (Ireland) UF Cavari Cave Creek Semi-regional Park (Ariz.) USE Oweynagat (Ireland) BT Ethnology—France USE Cave Creek Regional Park (Ariz.) Cave Creek Watershed (Ind.) Cave of the Crystals (Mexico)   Gauls—France BT Watersheds—Indiana USE Crystals, Cave of (Mexico) Cavargna Valley (Italy) Cave Creek Watershed (Maricopa County, Ariz.) BT Watersheds—Arizona Cave of the Cyclops (Greece) UF Cuccio Valley (Italy) Cave divers  (May Subd Geog) USE Cyclops, Cave of the (Greece)   Val Cavargna (Italy) BT Divers   Valle del Cuccio (Italy) Cave diving  (May Subd Geog) Cave of the Lakes (Greece) [GV200.63] USE Lakes, Cave of the (Greece) BT Valleys—Italy UF Cavern diving Cavari   Diving, Cave Cave of the Letters (Israel) BT Caving USE Letters, Cave of the (Israel) USE Cavares   Scuba diving Cǎ včavazė family  (Not Subd Geog)   Skin diving Cave of the Milodoń (Chile) Cave-drawings USE Milodoń Cave (Chile) UF Chavchavadze family USE Cave paintings Čavčo Site (Norway) Cave dwellers  (May Subd Geog) Cave of the Valley (Israel) [GN783-GN783.5] USE Wad Cave (Israel) UF Cǎ vtčo Site (Norway) BT Prehistoric peoples BT Norway—Antiquities NT Pit-dwellers Cave of the Winds (Colo.) Cave (Allegory)   Troglodytes USE Winds, Cave of the (Colo.) USE Plato's cave (Allegory) Cave dwellers in art  (Not Subd Geog) Cave amphipod, Kauai Cave dwellings  (May Subd Geog) Cave paintings  (May Subd Geog) USE Kauai cave amphipod [GN783-GN783.5] UF Cave-drawings [Former heading] Cave animals  (May Subd Geog) UF Fogous BT Mural painting and decoration [QL117] BT Dwellings   Rock paintings UF Cave fauna [Former heading]   Dwellings, Prehistoric BT Animals RT Earth sheltered houses Cave plants  (May Subd Geog) NT Souterrains [QK938.C3]   Biospeleology Cave ecology  (May Subd Geog) UF Cave flora [Former heading] Cave architecture  (May Subd Geog) [QH101-QH198 (Local)] BT Biospeleology [QH541.5.C3 (General)]   Plants [NA8455] UF Caves—Ecology UF Grotto architecture BT Underground ecology Cave preservation BT Architecture Cave explorers USE Cave conservation NT Cave churches USE Spelunkers Cave F (South Africa) Cave protection   Cave monasteries USE Robberg Cave (South Africa) USE Cave conservation   Cave temples Cave family  (Not Subd Geog) Cave architecture in art  (Not Subd Geog) Cave fauna Cave Rock (Nev.) Cave bear  (May Subd Geog) USE Cave animals UF Cove Rock (Nev.) [QE882.C15]   De'ek wadapush (Nev.) UF Cave bears [Former heading] BT Rocks—Nevada   Ursus spelaeus BT Ursus, Fossil Cave Run Lake (Ky.) Cave bears BT Lakes—Kentucky USE Cave bear   Reservoirs—Kentucky Cave biology USE Biospeleology Cave salamanders Cave Butte Dam (Ariz.) USE Gyrinophilus USE Cave Buttes Dam (Ariz.) Cave-Sanctuary of Apollo Hypoakraios (Athens, Greece) USE Sanctuary of Apollo Hypoakraios (Athens,   Greece) Cave science USE Speleology Cave shrimp, Alabama USE Alabama cave shrimp Cave Spring (Ark.) USE Cave Springs (Ark. : Springs) C-172

Cave Springs (Ark. : Springs) Cavernicola   Colossal Cave (Ariz.) UF Cave Spring (Ark.) USE Tricladida   Stanton's Cave (Ariz.) BT Springs—Arkansas   Ventana Cave (Ariz.) Cavernitis, Fibrous — Arkansas Cave Springs (Hamilton County, Tenn.) USE Penile induration NT Albertson Rockshelter (Ark.) BT Springs—Tennessee   Blanchard Caverns (Ark.) Cavernocypris  (May Subd Geog)   Narrows Rockshelter (Ark.) Cave Springs Watershed (Ark.) [QL444.O86 (Zoology)] — Australia BT Watersheds—Arkansas BT Cyprididae NT Angophora Rockshelter (N.S.W.) NT Cavernocypris subterranea   Buchan Cave (Vic.) Cave Springs Watershed (Hamilton County, Tenn.)   Devils Lair Cave (W.A.) BT Watersheds—Tennessee Cavernocypris subterranea  (May Subd Geog)   Ghosts, Cave of (Vic.) [QL444.O86 (Zoology)]   Naracoorte Caves (S.A.) Cave surveying BT Cavernocypris   Walkunder Arch Cave (Qld.) USE Caves—Surveying — Austria Cavernous rock surfaces NT Gamssulzen Cave (Austria) Cave temples  (May Subd Geog) USE Honeycomb weathering — Azerbaijan [NA4640-NA4641 (Architecture)] UF Caves—Azerbaijan S.S.R. [Former BT Cave architecture Cavernous sinus   heading]   Caves—Religious aspects [QM505 (Human anatomy)] NT Azykh Cave (Azerbaijan)   Temples [RF421 (Diseases)]   Taglar Cave (Azerbaijan) NT Buddhist cave temples UF Sinus cavernosus — Azerbaijan S.S.R.   Jaina cave temples USE Caves—Azerbaijan   Mithraea Caverns — Belgium USE Caves NT Bois Laiterie Cave (Belgium) — China   Chaleaux Cave (Belgium) NT Qinglong Caves (China) Cavers   Chaleux Cave (Belgium) USE Spelunkers   Coleó pter̀ e Cave (Belgium) — India   Jadot Cave (Comblain-au-Pont, Belgium) NT Ellora Caves (India) Cavers family   Margaux Cave (Belgium) USE Caver family   Masson Rockshelter (Belgium) — Italy   Naulette Cave (Belgium) — Malta Caversham Court Gardens (Caversham, England)   Sclayn Caves (Belgium) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic   Walou Cave (Trooz, Belgium) NT Hypogeum (Paola, Malta) — Bosnia and Herzegovina Cave temples, Buddhist subdivision. NT Orlovača Cave (Bosnia and Herzegovina) — Brazil USE Buddhist cave temples BT Gardens—England NT Casa de Pedra Cave (Brazil) Cave temples, Jaina   Parks—England   Cer̂ ca Grande Site (Brazil)   Santa Elina Site (Brazil) USE Jaina cave temples Caversham Park (Reading, England) — Bulgaria Cave theaters  (May Subd Geog) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic NT Bacho Kiro Cave (Bulgaria)   Devetaki Cave (Bulgaria) BT Theaters subdivision.   Kozarnika Cave (Bulgaria) — India   Temnata Cave (Bulgaria) BT Dwellings—England — Burma NT Ramgarh Hill Cave Theatre (Ambikapur,   Gardens—England NT Bhu ranʻ nñ ̃i noṅʻ to Cave (Burma)   India)   Office buildings—England   Koʹ gvanʻʺ Cave (Burma) — California Cave wolf spider, Kauai Caverswell family NT Boyden Cavern (Calif.) USE Kauai cave wolf spider USE Caver family   Chumash Painted Cave State Historic   Park (Calif.) Cavefishes Caves  (May Subd Geog)   Lake Shasta Caverns (Calif.) USE Amblyopsidae [GB601-GB608 (Physical geography)]   Mitchell Caverns (Calif.) [GN783-GN783.5 (Prehistoric archaeology)]   Rustler Rockshelter (Calif.) Cavehill (Northern Ireland : Mountain) UF Caverns — Cameroon USE Cave Hill (Northern Ireland : Mountain)   Grottoes NT Shum Laka Rockshelter (Cameroon)   Rock shelters — Canary Islands Cavemen (Prehistoric peoples)   Rockshelters NT Fuentes Cave (Canary Islands) USE Prehistoric peoples BT Landforms — Chile RT Speleology NT Alero del Diablo (Chile) Caven family  (Not Subd Geog) NT Glacier caves   Fell's Cave (Chile) Cavenagh Bridge (Singapore)   Ice caves   Milodoń Cave (Chile)   Marine caves   Tres Arroyos Cave (Chile) UF Edinburgh Bridge (Singapore)   Photography of caves — China BT Bridges—Singapore   Speleothems NT Aai Caves (China) Cavenah family   Arjai Caves (China) USE Cavanaugh family — Conservation   Baodingshan Cave (China) Cavenaugh family USE Cave conservation   Bezeklik Caves (China) USE Cavanaugh family   Dazu Caves (China) Cavender family  (Not Subd Geog) — Ecology   Dung-dkar Caves (China) Cavendish family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Cave ecology   Dunhuang Caves (China) UF Cavindish family   Gaxian Cave (China) RT Candage family — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   Huangyan Cave (China) Cavendishia  (May Subd Geog) — Mapping   Jingchuan Caves (China) [QK495.E68]   Kizil Caves (China) UF Polyboea USE Cave mapping   Kumtula Caves (China) — Maps   Longmen Caves (China)   Proclesia — Protection   Longya Cave (China)   Socratesia   Maiji Mountain Caves (China) BT Ericaceae USE Cave conservation   Qinglong Caves (China) Cavenner family — Religious aspects   Shuiliandong Caves (China) USE Cavanaugh family   Shuiquan Caves (China) Caver family  (Not Subd Geog) UF Sacred caves   Tianlong Mountain Caves (China) UF Caveres family NT Cave temples   Tianyuan Cave (China)   Cavers family — Research  (May Subd Geog)   Wa-chen Cave (China)   Caverswell family — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   Wachen Caves (China) Caveres family — Surveying   Xiangtangshan Caves (China) USE Caver family [GB601.52.S95]   Yulin Caves (China) Cavern diving UF Cave surveying   Yungang Caves (China) USE Cave diving BT Surveying — Colombia Cavern of Hell (Turkey) — Alabama NT Zipacón 1 Cave (Colombia) USE Cehennem Sinkhole (Turkey) NT Dust Cave (Ala.) Cavern of Luray (Va.) — Alaska USE Luray Caverns (Va.) NT Cape Addington Rockshelter (Alaska) Cavern of Wishes (Turkey) USE Dilek Cave (Turkey)   Trail Creek Caves (Alaska) Caverna da Casa de Pedra (Brazil) — Alberta USE Casa de Pedra Cave (Brazil) Caverna de Cacahuamilpa (Mexico) NT Castleguard Cave (Alta.) USE Cacahuamilpa Cavern (Mexico)   Rat's Nest Cave (Alta.) Caverna della Arene Candide (Italy) USE Arene Candide Cave (Italy) — Andorra Caverna Hoyo de la Mina (Spain) NT Balma de la Margineda Rockshelter USE Hoyo de la Mina Cave (Spain)   (Andorra) Cavernas Necropolis culture USE Paracas culture — Anguilla Caverne de Malarnaud (France) NT Fountain Cavern (Anguilla) USE Malarnaud Cave (France) Caverne des Trois Frer̀ es (France) — Argentina USE Trois-Frer̀ es Cave (France) NT Cerro Morado Cave (Argentina)   Haichol Cave (Argentina)   Manos Cave (Argentina)   Tixi Cave (Argentina) — Arizona NT Bighorn Cave (Ariz.)   Brown's Ranch Rockshelter (Scottsdale,   Ariz.)   Catclaw Cave (Ariz.) C-173

Caves  (Continued)   Pataud Rockshelter (France) — Israel — Colorado   Pech de l'Azé Cave (France) NT Elijah's Cave (Israel) NT Alabaster Hall (Colo.)   Peǵ ourié Cave (France)   Hayonim Cave (Israel)   Canopy Hall (Colo.)   Pergouset Cave (France)   Kebara Cave (Israel)   Glenwood Caverns (Glenwood Springs,   Perrats Cave (France)   Letters, Cave of the (Israel)   Colo.)   Pierre Saint-Martin Cave (France and   Meged Rockshelter (Israel)   Hummingbird Rockshelter (Colo.)   Spain)   Mugharet-es-Skhul Cave (Israel)   Manitou Grand Caverns (Colo.)   Planches-près-Arbois Cave (France)   Qafzeh Cave (Israel)   Step House Cave (Colo.)   Portel Cave (France)   Raqefet Cave (Israel)   Winds, Cave of the (Colo.)   Rancogne Cave (France)   Sefunim Rockshelter (Israel)   Wolf Spider Shelter (Colo.)   Renne Cave (France)   Wad Cave (Israel) — Croatia   Roc de Sers Caves (France) NT Grapčeva Cave (Croatia)   Roc Saint-Cirq Cave (France) — Italy   Nakovana Cave (Croatia)   Roche-Cotard Cave (France) NT Ambra Rockshelter (Italy)   Pupićina Cave (Croatia)   Rouffignac Cave (France)   Arene Candide Cave (Italy)   Vela Cave (Croatia)   Saint-Ceś aire Rockshelter (France)   Bandito Cave (Italy)   Vindija Cave (Croatia)   Sanglier Cave (France)   Bas̀ ura Cave (Italy)   Zmajeva Cave (Croatia)   Saulges Caves (France)   Beato Benincasa Cave (Italy) — Cuba   Trois-Frer̀ es Cave (France)   Blue Grotto (Italy) NT Ambrosio Cave (Cuba)   Tuc d'Audoubert Cave (France)   Breuil Cave (Italy)   Arriero Cave (Cuba)   Tuilerie Cave (France)   Cappuccini Cave (Italy)   Garcia Robiou Cave (Cuba)   Vache Cave (France)   Cardini Cave (Italy)   Grillete Cave (Cuba)   Vaufrey Cave (France)   Castelcivita Cave (Italy) — Czech Republic — Georgia   Castellana Caves (Italy) NT Amateŕ Cave (Czech Republic) NT Yarbrough Cave (Ga.)   Colle di Rapino Cave (Italy)   Być ̌í Skála Cave (Czech Republic) — Georgia (Republic)   Corbeddu Cave (Italy)   Klacelka (Czech Republic) NT Kudaro I Cave (Georgia)   Corchia Cave (Italy)   Kůlna Cave (Czech Republic) — Germany   Fontino Cave (Italy)   Macocha Abyss (Czech Republic) NT Baumannshoḧ le (Germany)   Grotto of Tiberius (Sperlonga, Italy)   Mladec Caves (Czech Republic)   Blauhöhle (Germany)   Guattari Cave (Italy)   Pod Hradem Cave (Czech Republic)   Eberstadter Tropfsteinhoḧ le (Germany)   Lamalunga Cave (Italy) — Czechoslovakia   Felsstal̈ le Rockshelter (Germany)   Mezzena Rockshelter (Italy) — Egypt  (May Subd Geog)   Grosse Grotte (Germany)   Neptune's Cave (Italy) NT Djara Cave (Egypt)   Hardberg bei Istein Site (Germany)   Pacelli Cave (Italy) — England   Kleebergschacht Cave (Germany)   Paglicci Cave (Italy) NT Chislehurst Caves (England)   Kniegrotte (Germany)   Piombo, Hole of (Italy)   Speedwell Cavern (England)   Magdalenahöhle (Germany)   Pipistrelli Cave (Italy)   Swildon's Hole (England)   Oberneder Cave (Germany)   Porto Badisco Cave (Italy)   Victoria Cave (England)   Sesselfelsgrotte (Germany)   Preta Cave (Italy)   White Scar Caves (England)   Vogelherd Cave (Germany)   Romanelli Cave (Italy)   Wookey Hole Caves (England) — Germany (West)   Sa 'ucca de su Tintirriol̀ u Cave (Italy) — Ethiopia — Gibraltar   San Giuseppe Cave (Italy) NT Porc-Epic Cave (Ethiopia) NT Gorham's Cave (Gibraltar)   San Gregorio Taumaturgo Cave (Italy) — Fiji   Vanguard Cave (Gibraltar)   Sant Angelo Cave (Italy) NT Qaranicagi Rockshelter (Fiji) — Greece   Santuario della Madonna Cave (Italy) — France NT Alepotrypa Cave (Greece)   Scaloria Cave (Italy) NT Arlay Cave (France)   Corycian Cave (Greece)   Serratura Cave (Italy)   Baume de Gigny Cave (France)   Cyclops, Cave of the (Greece)   Ticchiara Cave (Italy)   Baume de Gonvillars Cave (France)   Dyros Caves (Greece)   Tomba della Medusa (Arpi)   Bed́ eilhac Cave (France)   Franchthi Cave (Greece)   Valtenesi Cave (Italy)   Beĺ esta Cave (France)   Idaean Cave (Greece)   Calel Cave (France)   Kastritsa Rockshelter (Greece) — Japan   Canalettes Rockshelter (France)   Kitsos Cave (Greece) NT Fugoppe Cave (Yoichi-chō, Japan)   Carriere Cave (France)   Klisouŕ a Cave 1 (Greece)   Makuchi Cave (Japan)   Cèdres Cave (France)   Klithi Rockshelter (Greece)   Ōdate Cave (Takahata-machi, Japan)   Chaise Cave (France)   Lakes, Cave of the (Greece)   Senpukuji Cave (Japan)   Chapelle-Aux-Saints Cave (France)   Skoteinē Cave (Greece)   Temiya Cave (Japan)   Châtelperron Site (Chat̂ elperron, France)   Theopetra Cave (Greece)   Chauvet Cave (France) — Hawaii — Jerusalem   Claux Cave (France) NT Kazumura Cave (Hawaii) NT Zedekiah's Cave (Jerusalem)   Colombière Cave (France) — Idaho   Combe Grenal Cave (France) NT Great Owl Cavern (Idaho) — Jordan   Combe Obscure Cave (France)   Indian Tunnel (Idaho) NT Tor Faraj Cave (Jordan)   Conques Cave (France)   Lucile Caves (Idaho)   Cosquer Cave (France)   Minnetonka Cave (Idaho) — Kentucky   Dourgne Rockshelter (France)   Papoose Cavern (Idaho) NT Colossal Cavern (Ky.)   Dufaure Rockshelter (France)   Wilson Butte Cave (Idaho)   Dameron Rockshelter (Ky.)   Duffaits Cave (France) — Illinois   Diamond Caverns (Ky.)   Ferrassie Rock-shelter (France) NT Burrow's Cave (Ill.)   Flint Ridge Cave System (Ky.)   Flageolet Rockshelter (France)   Modoc Rockshelter (Ill.)   Floyd Collins' Crystal Cave (Ky.)   Font-de-Gaume Cave (France) — India   Mammoth Cave (Ky.)   Fontéchevade Cave (France) NT Ajanta Caves (India)   Salts Cave (Ky.)   Fontfaurès Rockshelter (France)   Amarnath Cave (India)   Sand Cave (Ky.)   Fritsch Rockshelter (France)   Aurangabad Caves (India)   Gardon Cave (France)   Bagh Caves (India) — Kenya   Gargas Cave (France)   Bhājā Caves (India) NT Njoro River Cave (Kenya)   Hoteaux Cave (France)   Ellora Caves (India)   Shulumai Rockshelter (Kenya)   Isturitz Cave (France)   Kutumsar Cave (India)   Jean Bernard Cave (France) — Indiana — Korea (North)   Laouza Rock Shelter (France) NT Binkleys Cave (Ind.) NT Yongmun Taegul (Korea)   Lascaux Cave (France)   Wyandotte Cave (Ind.)   Lazaret Cave (France) — Indonesia — Korea (South)   Limousis Cave (France) NT Dudumunir Cave (Indonesia) NT Tarangshwi Kul (Korea)   Lombard Cave (France) — Iran   Yongch'ŏn Cave (Korea)   Malarnaud Cave (France) NT Ali Sadr Cave (Iran)   Marche Cave (France)   Kalmakareh Cave (Iran) — Lebanon   Marsoulas Cave (France) — Iraq NT Jeita Grotto (Jiʻīta,̄ Lebanon)   Massat Cave (France) NT Shanidar Cave (Iraq)   Ksar Akil Rockshelter (Lebanon)   Montou Cave (France) — Ireland   Ras el-Kelb Cave (Lebanon)   Moustier Site (France) NT Cloghermore Cave (Ireland)   Zumoffen Rockshelter (Lebanon)   Niaux Cave (France)   Oweynagat (Ireland)   Pair-non-Pair Cave (France)   Saint Patrick's Purgatory (Ireland) — Lesotho NT Sehonghong Rockshelter (Lesotho) — Libya NT Haua Fteah (Libya)   Uan Afuda Cave (Libya)   Uan Tabu Rockshelter (Libya) — Malawi NT Chencherere II Rockshelter (Malawi) — Malaysia NT Batu Caves (Selangor, Malaysia) C-174

  Niah Caves (Sarawak, Malaysia) — Pennsylvania   Bajondillo Cave (Spain)   Runtuh Mountain Cave (Perak, Malaysia) NT Kooken Cave (Pa.)   Barcella Cave (Spain) — Mali   Meadowcroft Rockshelter (Pa.)   Bolomor Cave (Spain) NT Bandiagara Caves (Mali)   Tytoona Cave (Pa.)   Boquete de Zafarraya Cave (Spain)   Fanfannyégeǹ é I Site (Mali)   Bruixes Cave (Spain) — Malta — Peru   Cabeza de la Fuente Cave (Spain) NT Great Cave (Malta) NT Guitarrero Cave (Peru)   Calaveres Cave (Spain)   Hassan's Cave (Malta)   Telarmachay Rockshelter (Peru)   Caldas Cave (Spain) — Massachusetts   Cales Coves Site (Spain) NT Flagg Swamp Rockshelter (Marlborough, — Philippines   Camargo Cave (Spain)   Mass.) NT Minori Cave (Philippines)   Car̀ ritx Cave (Spain) — Mexico   Rabel Cave (Philippines)   Casares Cave (Spain) NT Andasolos Cave (Mexico)   Castillo Cave (Spain)   Banquetas Cave (Mexico) — Poland   Clarillo Cave (Spain)   Cacahuamilpa Cavern (Mexico) NT Bisń ik Cave (Poland)   Cobre Cave (Spain)   Calsada Rockshelter (Mexico)   Dragon's Den (Poland)   Cova des Vi Rockshelter (Spain)   Candelaria Cave (Mexico)   Łokietek Cave (Poland)   Covalanas Cave (Spain)   Crystals, Cave of (Mexico)   Niedzẃ iedzia Cave (Poland)   Cuieram Cave (Spain)   Cuarenta Casas Site (Mexico)   Obłazowa Cave (Poland)   Diablets Cave (Spain)   Garrafa Caves (Mexico)   Ekain Cave (Spain)   Grifos Cave (Mexico) — Portugal   Gabasa 1 Cave (Spain)   Guilá Naquitz Cave (Mexico) NT Escoural Cave (Portugal)   Garma A Cave (Spain)   Huautla Cave (Mexico)   Lagar Velho Rockshelter (Portugal)   Gatzarria Cave (Spain)   Loltun Cave (Mexico)   Moura Cave (Portugal)   Graderas Cave (Spain)   Nohoch Nah Chich Cave (Mexico)   Grajos Cave (Spain)   Oxtotitlań Cave (Mexico) — Puerto Rico   Griega Cave (Spain)   Rio La Venta Cave (Mexico) NT Archillas Cave (P.R.)   Grioteres Caves (Spain)   San Josecito Cavern (Mexico)   Cupey Cave (P.R.)   Haza Cave (Spain)   San Pablo Cave (Mexico)   Higuera Rockshelter (Spain)   Santa Marta Cave (Mexico) — Romania   Higueral Cave (Spain)   Texcal Cave (Mexico) NT Bulba Cave (Romania)   Hoyo de la Mina Cave (Spain)   Xcan Cave (Mexico)   Epuran Cave (Romania)   Hoz Cave (Spain)   Xtacumbilxunaan Cave (Mexico)   Gura Cheii Cave (Romania)   Kukuma Cave (Spain)   Yochib Cave (Mexico)   Magura Cave (Romania)   Lagrimal Cave (Spain)   Zona de Derrumbes Cave (Mexico)   Meziad Cave (Romania)   Llonín Cave (Spain) — Missouri   Topolnița Cave (Romania)   Lobrega Cave (Spain) NT Crankshaft Cave (Mo.)   Women's Cave (Romania)   Maja Cave (Spain)   Graham Cave (Mo.)   Malalmuerzo Cave (Spain)   Meramec Caverns (Mo.) — Russia (Federation)   Matutano Cave (Spain)   Picture Cave (Mo.) UF Caves—Russian S.F.S.R. [Former   Mazo Cave (Spain)   Rimstone River Cave (Mo.)   heading]   Mina Cave (Spain) — Montenegro NT Aidashin Cave (Russia)   Mirador Cave (Spain) NT Vranjaj Cave (Montenegro)   Barakaev Cave (Russia)   Miroń Cave (Spain) — Morocco   Chertovy Vorota Cave (Russia)   Murciélagos Cave (Spain) NT Aliya Cave (Morocco)   Denisova Cave (Russia)   Mussol Cave (Spain)   Caf Taht el Ghar (Morocco)   Ignatiev Cave (Russia)   Negra Cave (Spain)   Ifri n'Ammar Cave (Morocco)   Kaminnai︠a︡ Cave (Russia)   Nerja Cave (Spain) — Nevada   Kapova Cave (Russia)   Ojo Guarenã Cave (Spain) NT Coyote Springs Rockshelter (Nev.)   Kungur Cave (Russia)   Paloma Cave (Spain)   Gypsum Cave (Nev.)   Okladnikov Cave (Russia)   Parpalló Cave (Spain)   Hidden Cave (Nev.)   Peña Forua Cave (Spain)   James Creek Rockshelter (Nev.) — Russian S.F.S.R.   Penã Miel Inferior 1 Cave (Spain)   Lehman Caves (Nev.) USE Caves—Russia (Federation)   Pendo Cave (Spain)   Pie Creek Rockshelter (Nev.)   Penicial Cave (Spain)   Toquima Cave (Nev.) — Scotland   Pierre Saint-Martin Cave (France and   Tule Valley Rockshelter (Nev.) NT Fingal's Cave (Scotland)   Spain) — New Hampshire   Punta Farisa Cave (Spain) NT Mystery Hill Historic Site (N.H.) — Serbia and Montenegro   Rascanõ Cave (Spain) — New Mexico — Slovenia   Ratlla del Bubo Site (Spain) NT Bat Cave (N.M.)   Riera Cave (Spain)   Carlsbad Caverns (N.M.) NT Ajdovska Cave (Slovenia)   Romaní Cave (Spain)   Lechuguilla Cave (N.M.)   Divje Babe I Cave (Slovenia)   San Bartolomé Cave (Spain)   Pendejo Cave (N.M.)   Postojna Cave (Slovenia)   Secans Site (Spain)   Pintada Rockshelter (N.M.)   Potočka Zijalka Site (Slovenia)   Tito Bustillo Cave (Spain)   Sandia Cave (N.M.)   Sǩ ocjan Caves (Slovenia)   Toro Cave (Spain)   Tularosa Cave (N.M.)   Tragaluz Cave (Spain) — New York (State) — South Africa   Urratxa III Cave (Spain) NT Dutchess Quarry Caves (N.Y.) NT Blombos Cave (South Africa)   Vacada Rockshelter (Spain)   Howe Caverns (N.Y.)   Blydefontein Rockshelter (South Africa)   Valiña Cave (Spain) — New Zealand   Cave of Hearths (South Africa)   Valle Cave (Spain) NT Aranui Cave (N.Z.)   Cold Air Cave (South Africa)   Valporquero Cave (Spain)   Ruakuri Cave (N.Z.)   Goergap Shelter (South Africa)   Vaquera Cave (Spain)   Waitomo Caves (N.Z. : Cave)   Haaskraal Rock Shelter (South Africa)   Victoria Cave (Spain) — North Carolina   Howiesons Poort Site (South Africa)   Zubialde Caves (Spain) NT Linville Caverns (N.C.)   Klasies River Mouth Sites (South Africa) — Sudan — Ohio   Kromdraai Cave (South Africa) NT Shaqadud Cave (Sudan) NT Ash Cave (Ohio)   Kruger Cave (South Africa) — Switzerland   Krill Cave (Ohio)   Meerkat Rockshelter (South Africa) NT Bichon Cave (La Chaux-de-Fonds,   White Rocks Rockshelter (Ohio)   Montagu Cave (South Africa)   Switzerland)   Wise Rockshelter (Ohio)   Nelson Bay Cave (South Africa)   Gripons Rockshelter (Switzerland) — Oklahoma   Robberg Cave (South Africa)   Hölloch Caves (Switzerland) NT Kenton Caves (Okla.)   Rose Cottage Cave (South Africa)   Mollendruz Rockshelter (Switzerland) — Oman   Sibudu Cave (South Africa)   Siebenhengste-Hohgant Cave NT Al Hoota Cave (Oman)   Swartkrans Cave (South Africa)   (Switzerland) — Oregon   Tierkloof Shelter (South Africa) — Tennessee NT Cougar Mountain Cave (Or.)   Umhlatuzana Rock Shelter (South Africa) NT Big Bone Cave (Tenn.)   Dirty Shame Rockshelter (Or.)   Volstruisfontein Rock Shelter (South   Cumberland Caverns (Tenn.)   Paisley Caves (Or.)   Africa)   Dunbar Cave (Tenn. : Cave)   Rigdon's Horse Pasture Cave (Or.)   Wonderwerkgrot (South Africa)   Mud Glyph Cave (Tenn.)   Salt Cave (Or.) — Texas — Pakistan — South Dakota NT Baker Cave (Tex.) NT Sanghao Cave (Pakistan) NT Beaver Creek Shelter (S.D.)   Centipede Cave (Tex.)   Jewel Cave (S.D.)   Wind Cave (S.D.) — Spain NT Abric Romaní Site (Spain)   Aitzbitarte Cave (Spain)   Aizpea Cave (Spain)   Altamira Cave (Spain)   Altxerri Cave (Spain)   Amalda Cave (Spain)   Ambrosio Cave (Spain)   Ardales Cave (Spain)   Asno Cave (Spain)   Avellaner Cave (Spain) C-175

Caves   Cavy family (Mammals) Cavite, Battle of, Philippines, 1898 — Texas  (Continued) BT Rodents USE Manila Bay, Battle of, Philippines, 1898   Damp Cave (Tex.) NT Guinea pigs   Granado Cave (Tex.) Caviids Cavite Mutiny, Philippines, 1872   Timmeron Rockshelter (Tex.) USE Caviidae USE Philippines—History—Cavite Mutiny, 1872 — Thailand Cavina Indians NT Lang Rongrien Rockshelter (Thailand) USE Araona Indians Cavities   Phā Lāi Caves (Thailand) USE Holes — Turkey   Cavinenõ Indians NT Cehennem Sinkhole (Turkey) Cavina language Cavities, Body   Cennet Sinkhole (Turkey) USE Body cavities   Dilek Cave (Turkey) USE Cavineño language   Ok̈ uz̈ ini Cave (Turkey) Cavindish family Cavities, Dental   Yarımburgaz Cave (Turkey) USE Dental caries — Ukraine USE Cavendish family NT Siuren I Site (Ukraine) Cavinenã Indians Cavities (Airplanes) — Utah UF Air inlets (Jet planes) NT Black Rock Cave (Utah) USE Cavinenõ Indians   Air intakes (Jet planes)   Cache Cave (Utah) Cavineña language   Airplanes—Cavities   Camels Back Cave (Utah)   Cowboy Cave (Utah) USE Cavinenõ language Cavities in trees   Davis Gulch Rockshelter (Utah) Cavineño Indians  (May Subd Geog) USE Tree cavities   Green Spring Sites (Utah)   Hogup Cave (Utah) [F3320.2.C34] Cavity, Solar   Lower Lead Mine Hills Cave (Utah) UF Cavina Indians USE Heliosphere (Astrophysics)   Mosquito Willie Rockshelter (Utah)   Timpanogos Cave (Utah)   Cavineña Indians Cavity analysis, Molecular emission — Uzbekistan   Cavinenyo Indians USE Molecular emission cavity analysis NT Obi-Rakhmat Site (Uzbekistan)   Cavinya Indians — Venezuela   Kavina Indians Cavity charges NT Maneta Site (Venezuela) BT Indians of South America—Bolivia USE Shaped charges — Vietnam Cavinenõ language  (May Subd Geog) NT Bua Cave (Vietnam) [PM7088] Cavity-nesting birds  (May Subd Geog)   Con Moong Cave (Vietnam) UF Cavina language [QL677.79.C38] — Virginia   Cavineña language UF Hole-nesting birds NT Daugherty's Cave (Va.)   Cavinenyo language   Tree cavity nesting birds   Endless Caverns (Va.)   Cavinya language   Tree hole nesting birds   Luray Caverns (Va.)   Kavina language BT Birds   Natural Tunnel (Va.) BT Bolivia—Languages — Wales   Tacanan languages Cavity preparation, Dental NT Lynx Cave (Wales) Cavinenyo Indians USE Dental cavity preparation   Porth yr Ogof Cave (Wales) USE Cavinenõ Indians — Washington (State) Cavinenyo language Cavity resonators NT Ash Cave (Wash.) USE Cavineño language UF Resonators, Cavity   Marmes Rockshelter (Wash.) Caviness family   Rhumbatron   Owl Cave (Wash.) USE Cabaniss family BT Electric resonators   Seed Cave (Wash.) Caving  (May Subd Geog)   Microwave devices   Squirt Cave (Wash.) [GV200.6-GV200.66] — West Bank UF Amateur speleology Cavity ring-down spectroscopy NT Qanah River Cave (West Bank)   Potholing (Caving) USE Cavity-ringdown spectroscopy   Tomb of the Patriarchs (Hebron)   Spelunking — West Virginia BT Speleology Cavity-ringdown spectroscopy  (May Subd Geog) NT Hamilton Cave (W. Va.) RT Spelunkers [QD96.A2]   Trout Cave (W. Va.) NT Cave diving UF Cavity ring-down spectroscopy — Wyoming   Prusiking BT Absorption spectra NT Mummy Cave (Wyo.) — Accidents and injuries   Natural Trap Cave (Wyo.) USE Caving accidents Cavity wall insulation  (May Subd Geog) — Yugoslavia — Search and rescue operations  (May Subd Geog) BT Insulation (Heat) — Zambia NT Mumbwa Caves (Zambia) [GV200.645] Cavnar family — Zimbabwe BT Search and rescue operations USE Cavanaugh family NT Diana's Vow Rock Shelter (Zimbabwe) Caving accidents  (May Subd Geog)   Ruchera Cave (Zimbabwe) [RC1220.S6 (Medicine)] Cavolt family UF Caving—Accidents and injuries USE Covault family Caves in art  (Not Subd Geog)   Speleology—Accidents and injuries [Former Caves in literature  (Not Subd Geog)   heading] Cavour Canal (Italy) Caves of the Milodoń (Chile)   Speleology accidents UF Canale Cavour (Italy) BT Accidents BT Canals—Italy USE Milodoń Cave (Chile) Caving mining Caves of the Thousand Buddhas (China) [TN287] Cavour family  (Not Subd Geog) BT Stoping (Mining) Cavour Street (Florence, Italy) USE Dunhuang Caves (China) Cavinis family CAVH (Medicine) USE Cabaniss family USE Via Cavour (Florence, Italy) Cavinya Indians Cavour Street (Rome, Italy) USE Continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration USE Cavineño Indians Cavhan̄ ạ family  (Not Subd Geog) Cavinya language USE Via Cavour (Rome, Italy) Caviar  (May Subd Geog) USE Cavineño language Cavour Street (Viterbo, Italy) Caviomorpha  (May Subd Geog) UF Caviare [QE882.R6] USE Via Cavour (Viterbo, Italy) BT Fish as food BT Rodents, Fossil Cavrois Villa (Croix, Nord, France) Cavitation   Sturgeons—Eggs [TA357.5.C38] USE Villa Cavrois (Croix, Nord, France) — Use in cooking BT Hydrodynamics Cǎ vtčo Site (Norway)   Two-phase flow USE Cooking (Caviar) NT Centrifugal pumps—Cavitation USE Čavcǒ Site (Norway) Caviare   Propellers—Cavitation Cavum dentis Cavitation corrosion USE Caviar USE Cavitation erosion USE Dental pulp cavity Cavibelonia  (May Subd Geog) Cavitation damage Cavy, Spotted USE Cavitation erosion [QL430.1 (Zoology)] Cavitation erosion  (May Subd Geog) USE Paca BT Solenogasters UF Cavitation corrosion Cavy family (Mammals) NT Proneomeniidae   Cavitation damage Cavicornia   Materials—Cavitation erosion USE Caviidae USE Bovidae BT Materials—Erosion Cawahib Indians Cavies SA subdivision Cavitation erosion under individual USE Caviidae   materials and types of materials, e.g. USE Parintintin Indians Caviidae  (May Subd Geog)   Metals--Cavitation erosion Cawanesque River (Pa. and N.Y.) [QL737.R634 (Zoology)] Cavitation noise UF Cavies BT Noise USE Cowanesque River (Pa. and N.Y.) Cawden family   Caviids USE Cowden family Cawdle family USE Cordell family Cawdor Castle (Scotland) BT Castles—Scotland Cawdor family USE Calder family Cawk USE Barite Cawkin family USE Calkins family Cawkins family USE Calkins family Cawood Castle Site (Cawood, England) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision. BT England—Antiquities Cawood family  (Not Subd Geog) Cawston family  (Not Subd Geog) C-176

Cawston Manor (Norfolk, England) Cayapas-Mataje Ecological Reserve (Ecuador) BT Nonassociative algebras This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Reserva Ecoloǵ ica Manglares Cayapas-Mataje NT Cayley numbers (Algebra)   (Ecuador) Cayley color graphs subdivision. USE Cayley graphs Cayapas River (Ecuador) Cayley color groups BT Dwellings—England UF Rió Cayapas (Ecuador) USE Cayley graphs   Gardens—England BT Rivers—Ecuador Cayley diagrams USE Cayley graphs Cawthon family Cayapo cosmology  (Not Subd Geog) Cayley graphs USE Cauthen family UF Cosmology, Cayapo UF Cayley color graphs BT Cosmology Cawthon Hall (Tallahassee, Fla.)   Cayley color groups USE Sarah Landrum Cawthon Hall (Tallahassee, Cayapo featherwork  (May Subd Geog)   Cayley diagrams   Fla.) UF Cayapo Indians—Feather-work [Former   Cayley's color graphs   heading]   Cayley's color groups Cawthorn Camps Site (England)   Featherwork, Cayapo   Cayley's diagrams UF Cawthorn Roman Camps Site (England) BT Featherwork—Brazil   Cayley's graphs BT England—Antiquities   Color graphs, Cayley   Fortification—England Cayapo Indians  (May Subd Geog)   Color groups, Cayley [F2520.1.C45]   Dehnsche Gruppenbild Cawthorn Roman Camps Site (England) UF Caiapo Indians   Diagrams, Cayley USE Cawthorn Camps Site (England)   Ibirayara Indians   Gruppenbild, Dehnsche   Kaiapó Indians BT Graph theory Cawthorne family   Kayapo Indians Cayley-Hamilton theorem USE Cauthen family   Meb̃ êngok̂ re Indians UF Hamilton-Cayley theorem BT Gê Indians BT Matrices Cawthron family   Indians of South America—Brazil Cayley numbers (Algebra) USE Cauthen family NT Mekranoti Indians UF Cayley octave (Algebra)   Xikrin Indians   Cayley's numbers (Algebra) Caxcan Indians   Cayley's octave (Algebra) USE Cazcan Indians — Feather-work   Octonions USE Cayapo featherwork BT Cayley algebras Caxibo language Cayley octave (Algebra) USE Cashibo language — Missions  (May Subd Geog) USE Cayley numbers (Algebra) Cayapo language  (May Subd Geog) Cayley's color graphs Caxinaua Indians USE Cayley graphs USE Cashinawa Indians [PM5791] Cayley's color groups UF Caiapo language USE Cayley graphs Caxinaua language Cayley's diagrams USE Cashinawa language   Ibirayara language USE Cayley graphs   Kaiapo language Cayley's graphs Caxiuanã National Forest (Brazil)   Kayapo language USE Cayley graphs USE Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã (Brazil) BT Brazil—Languages Cayley's numbers (Algebra)   Gê languages USE Cayley numbers (Algebra) Caxixó Indians  (May Subd Geog) — Names Cayley's octave (Algebra) UF Kaxixó Indians USE Names, Cayapo USE Cayley numbers (Algebra) BT Indians of South America—Brazil Cayapo names Caylor family USE Names, Cayapo USE Kahler family Caxton, Laura (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) Cayapo philosophy  (May Subd Geog) Cayman UF Laura Caxton (Fictitious character) UF Philosophy, Cayapo USE Caiman (Genus) BT Philosophy, Brazilian Cayman Brac Island (Cayman Islands) Caxton family Cayari River (Colombia and Brazil) BT Islands—Cayman Islands USE Claxton family USE Uaupeś River (Colombia and Brazil) Cayman Islands cooking Cayash River (Peru) USE Cooking, Cayman Islands Caxuiana Indians UF Rió Cayash (Peru) Cayman Woods (Haiti) USE Kaxuyana Indians BT Rivers—Peru USE Caïman, Bois (Haiti) Cayawabas language Caymans Caxur language USE Cayuvava language USE Caimans USE Tsakhur language Caybate,́ Battle of, Brazil, 1756 Caynane Valley (W. Va.) USE Caibate,́ Battle of, Brazil, 1756 USE Canaan Valley (W. Va.) Caxurs CAYC Group (Group of artists) Cayo Ambergris (Belize) USE Tsakhurs USE Grupo CAYC (Group of artists) USE Ambergris Cay (Belize) Cayce family Cayo Casina (Belize) Cay (Legendary character) USE Casey family USE Saint George's Cay (Belize) USE Kay (Legendary character) Caycey family Cayo Coco (Cuba) USE Casey family USE Coco Cay (Cuba) Cay Ambergris (Belize) Caycie family Cayo del Oso Site (Tex.) USE Ambergris Cay (Belize) USE Casey family UF Cale del Oso Site (Tex.) Caye Anna Maria (Fla.)   Calle del Oso Site (Tex.) Cay Caulker (Belize : Island) USE Anna Maria Island (Fla.) BT Texas—Antiquities USE Caulker Cay (Belize : Island) Caye Caulker (Belize : Island) Cayo Guillermo (Cuba) USE Caulker Cay (Belize : Island) USE Guillermo Cay (Cuba) Cay Corker (Belize : Island) Caye de Sel (Turks and Caicos Islands) Cayo Largo (Cuba) USE Caulker Cay (Belize : Island) USE Salt Cay (Turks and Caicos Islands) USE Largo Cay (Cuba) Caye family Cayo Las Brujas (Cuba) Cay family USE Kay family USE Brujas Cay (Cuba) USE Kay family Cayenne (French Guiana) Cayo Moa Bay (Cuba) — History USE Moa Bay (Cuba) Cay Sal Bank (Bahamas) Cayo Santiago (P.R.) UF Sal Bank (Bahamas) NT Tirailleurs Seń eǵ alais, Revolt of the, USE Santiago Cay (P.R.) BT Banks (Oceanography)—Bahamas   Cayenne, French Guiana, 1946 Cayo Site (Mexico) [F1435.1.C38] Cayabi language Cayenne automobile  (Not Subd Geog) UF El Cayo Site (Mexico) USE Kayabi language UF Porsche Cayenne automobile BT Mexico—Antiquities BT Porsche automobiles Cayo Turiguanó (Cuba) Cayadutta Creek (N.Y.)   Sport utility vehicles USE Turiguanó (Cuba) BT Rivers—New York (State) Cayon̈ ü Site (Turkey) Cayenne Island (French Guiana) UF Cayönü Tepesi Site (Turkey) Cayaks UF Île de Cayenne (French Guiana) BT Turkey—Antiquities USE Kayaks BT Islands—French Guiana Cayon̈ ü Tepesi Site (Turkey) USE Cayon̈ ü Site (Turkey) Cayambe-Coca Ecological Reserve (Ecuador) Cayenne tern Cayooca USE Reserva Ecológica Cayambe-Coca (Ecuador) USE Sandwich tern USE Broteochactas Cayambe Volcano (Ecuador) Cayeux family UF Volcán Cayambe (Ecuador) USE Cailleux family BT Andes   Mountains—Ecuador Cayford family  (Not Subd Geog)   Volcanoes—Ecuador UF Caffield family   Kayford family Cayapa art  (May Subd Geog)   Keyford family UF Art, Cayapa BT Art, Ecuadorian Cayle family USE Kale family Cayapa Indians  (May Subd Geog) [F3722.1.C3] Cayley algebras UF Chachi Indians UF Algebras, Cayley BT Indians of South America—Ecuador Cayapa language  (May Subd Geog) [PM5790] UF Chachi language   Cha'palaachi language BT Chibchan languages   Ecuador—Languages Cayapa mythology  (May Subd Geog) UF Mythology, Cayapa Cayapa women  (May Subd Geog) UF Women, Cayapa BT Women—Ecuador Cayapas, Reserva Ecológica Cotacachi (Ecuador) USE Reserva Ecoloǵ ica Cotacachi Cayapas   (Ecuador) C-177

Cayos Bajos   Sanguinet Lake (France) CCB (Psychology) USE Low Cay BT Lakes—France USE Cognitive Control Battery Cazcan Indians  (May Subd Geog) Cayos Cochinos Archipelago Natural Marine Monument UF Caxcan Indians CCBs (Drugs) (Honduras) BT Indians of Mexico USE Calcium—Antagonists USE Monumento Natural Marino Archipieĺ ago Cayos   Cochinos (Honduras)   Nahuas CCD (Colony collapse disorder of honeybees) NT Coca Indians USE Colony collapse disorder of honeybees Cayos Cochinos Marine Protected Area (Honduras) USE Monumento Natural Marino Archipieĺ ago Cayos   Tecuexe Indians CCD (Electronics)   Cochinos (Honduras) Cazier family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Charge coupled devices Cazier Site (Del.) Cayos Cochinos Marine Sanctuary (Honduras) CCD cameras  (May Subd Geog) USE Monumento Natural Marino Archipiélago Cayos USE Jacob B. Cazier Tenancy Site (Del.) UF Charge coupled device cameras   Cochinos (Honduras) Cazin (Bosnia and Herzegovina) BT Cameras   Charge coupled devices Cayos Cochinos Natural Marine Monument (Honduras) — History USE Monumento Natural Marino Archipiélago Cayos — — Uprising, 1950 CCF (Communication format)   Cochinos (Honduras) USE Common Communication Format BT Peasant uprisings—Bosnia and Cayos del Marqués (Fla.)   Herzegovina CCH ACCESS (Information retrieval system) USE Marquesas Keys (Fla.) BT Information storage and retrieval Cazones, Gulf of (Cuba)   systems—Law Cayos Los Bajos UF Golfo de Cazones (Cuba) USE Low Cay   Gulf of Cazones (Cuba) CCI BT Bays—Cuba USE College characteristics index Cayos Perlas (Nicaragua) USE Perlas Cays (Nicaragua) Cazorla, Segura y las Villas, Parque Natural de (Spain) CCK (Hormone) USE Parque Natural de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas USE Cholecystokinin Cayos Serranilla   (Spain) USE Serranilla Bank CCL (Computer program language) Cazorla Mountains (Spain) [QA76.73.C] Cayson family UF Sierra de Cazorla (Spain) UF Common Command Language (Computer USE Casson family BT Mountains—Spain   program language) BT Programming languages (Electronic Cayton family  (Not Subd Geog) CB radio   computers) Cayuá Indians USE Citizens band radio CCL (Continuous cell lines) USE Caingua Indians CBA (Capture-based aquaculture) USE Continuous cell lines Cayua language USE Capture-based aquaculture CCLs (Continuous cell lines) USE Caingua language CBA (Educational test) USE Continuous cell lines Cayuaba language USE Curriculum-based assessment CCM (Contemporary Christian music) USE Cayuvava language CBASIC (Computer program language) USE Contemporary Christian music Cayubaba language [QA76.73.C] UF C BASIC (Computer program language) CCPD (Medicine) USE Cayuvava language BT Programming languages (Electronic USE Continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis Cayuga and Seneca Canal (N.Y.)   computers) CCPM test UF Cayuga-Seneca Canal (N.Y.) CBC (Community-based conservation) USE Constant-choice perceptual maze test   Seneca Canal (N.Y.) USE Community-based conservation CCRMMS (Computer system) BT Canals—New York (State) CBCL (Child assessment) UF Computerized Continuous Remote Mine Cayuga Indians  (May Subd Geog) USE Child Behavior Checklist   Monitoring System (Computer system)   Remote Mine Monitoring System, [E99.C3] CBD (Civilian-based defense)   Computerized Continuous (Computer UF Gueugwehono Indians USE Civilian-based defense   system) BT Coal mines and mining—Safety   Kayohkho·́ nỏ Indians CBDs (Central business districts)   measures—Data processing   Kayokweho·́ nỏ Indians USE Central business districts   Computer systems BT Indians of North America—New York (State)   Electric fault location—Data processing   Indians of North America—Ontario CBEST (Achievement test)   Electricity in mining—Safety measures—Data   Iroquois Indians USE California Basic Educational Skills Test   processing — Government relations Cayuga Lake (N.Y.) CBH I (Enzyme) CCS (Carbon sequestration) BT Lakes—New York (State) USE Cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase USE Carbon sequestration   Finger Lakes (N.Y.) Cayuga Lake Watershed (N.Y.) CBI (Career Beliefs Inventory) CCSS (Common Core State Standards) BT Watersheds—New York (State) USE Career Beliefs Inventory USE Common Core State Standards (Education) Cayuga language  (May Subd Geog) [PM757] Cbir, Ghar el (Malta) CCT (Clean coal technologies) UF Cahugas language USE Great Cave (Malta) USE Clean coal technologies   Caijougas language   Caiouga language CBIR (Content-based image retrieval) CCTV (Closed-circuit television)   Cajougas language USE Content-based image retrieval USE Closed-circuit television   Gueugwehono language BT Iroquoian languages Cbl proteins  (May Subd Geog) CCUs (Health facilities)   New York (State)—Languages [QP552.C38] USE Coronary care units   Ontario—Languages BT Proteins Cayuga-Seneca Canal (N.Y.) CD (Child psychiatry) USE Cayuga and Seneca Canal (N.Y.) CBL System USE Conduct disorders in children Cayuse Indians  (May Subd Geog) USE Calculator-Based Laboratory System [E99.C32] CD antigens BT Indians of North America—Oregon CBM (Coalbed methane) [QR186.6.C42]   Indians of North America—Washington (State) USE Coalbed methane UF Antigens, CD NT Whitman Massacre, 1847   CD glycoproteins Cayuse Pass (Wash.) CBM (Computer)  (Not Subd Geog)   CD molecules BT Mountain passes—Washington (State) UF Commodore Business Machine (Computer)   CD receptors Cayuta Lake (N.Y.) BT Commodore computers   CD surface immunoglobulin ligands BT Lakes—New York (State)   Electronic digital computers   Differentiation antigens, Human leukocyte Cayuvava language  (May Subd Geog)   Human leukocyte differentiation antigens [PM5801] — Programming  (May Subd Geog)   Leukocyte differentiation antigens, Human UF Cayawabas language CBMs (International relations) BT Cell surface antigens   Cayuaba language   Fc receptors   Cayubaba language USE Confidence and security building measures   Glycoproteins   Cayuwaba language   (International relations) NT CD4 antigen   Kayubaba language   CD23 antigen   Kayuvava language CBOs (Community organization)   CD26 antigen BT Bolivia—Languages USE Community organization   CD55 antigen   Indians of South   America—Bolivia—Languages CBR warfare CD catalogs Cayuwaba language USE Biological warfare USE Compact discs—Catalogs USE Cayuvava language   Chemical warfare Cazalet family  (Not Subd Geog)   Nuclear warfare CD glycoproteins Cazaux-Sanguinet Lake (France) USE CD antigens UF Etang de Cazaux (France) CBRNEs (Weapons)   Etang de Cazaux et de Sanguinet (France) USE Weapons of mass destruction CD-I technology  (May Subd Geog)   Lac de Cazaux (France) UF CDI technology   Lac de Cazaux-Sanguinet (France) CBRNs (Weapons)   Compact disc interactive technology USE Weapons of mass destruction   Compact disk interactive technology   Technology, CD-I CBS Building (New York, N.Y.) BT Compact discs UF Columbia Broadcasting System Building (New   York, N.Y.) CD molecules BT Office buildings—New York (State) USE CD antigens CBS Radio Playhouse (Los Angeles, Calif.) CD players USE Ricardo Montalbán Theatre (Los Angeles, USE Compact disc players   Calif.) CBVIR (Content-based visual information retrieval) USE Content-based image retrieval CC tuba USE Tuba C-178

CD receptors   Decay accelerating factor CEA genes  (May Subd Geog) USE CD antigens BT CD antigens [RC268.44.C43] UF Carcinoembryonic antigen genes CD-Recordable discs   Glycoproteins BT Cancer genes USE CD-Rs CD55 protein Cea Island (Greece) CD-ROM USE CD55 antigen USE Kea Island (Greece) USE CD-ROMs CD55 receptor Cea River (Spain) CD-ROM books  (May Subd Geog) USE CD55 antigen UF Río Cea (Spain) [Z1033.E43] CDA (Critical discourse analysis) BT Rivers—Spain BT CD-ROM publishing   Electronic books USE Critical discourse analysis Ceahlǎu Mountains (Romania) CDBM (Chlorodibromomethane) UF Csalho-́ hegység (Romania) CD-ROM catalogs   Masivul Ceahlǎu (Romania) USE CD-ROMs—Catalogs USE Dibromochloromethane   Muntele Ciahlǎu (Romania) CDC 3300 (Computer)  (Not Subd Geog)   Muntele Ciahlǎul (Romania) CD-ROM industry  (May Subd Geog)   Munti̦ i Ceahlaǔ (Romania) [HD9696.O67-HD9696.O674] BT Electronic digital computers BT Mountains—Romania Here are entered works on the manufacture of — Programming  (May Subd Geog) CDC 3400 (Computer)  (Not Subd Geog) Ceale family compact disks for use as CD-ROMs. Works on the USE Seal family publishing of information on CD-ROM are entered BT Electronic digital computers under CD-ROM publishing. — Programming  (May Subd Geog) Ceann Binn Ed̄ air (Ireland) CDC 3600 (Computer)  (Not Subd Geog) USE Howth Head (Ireland) BT Compact disc industry CD-ROM periodicals  (May Subd Geog) UF Control Data 3600 (Computer) Ceann Leí me (Ireland) BT Electronic digital computers USE Loop Head (Ireland) BT CD-ROM publishing — Programming  (May Subd Geog)   Electronic journals CDC 6000 (Computer)  (Not Subd Geog) Ceanothus  (May Subd Geog) BT Electronic digital computers [QK495.R45 (Botany)] CD-ROM publishing  (May Subd Geog) — Programming  (May Subd Geog) [SB413.C4 (Ornamental plants)] [Z286.O68] CDC 6400 (Computer)  (Not Subd Geog) UF Redroot Here are entered works on the publishing of BT Electronic digital computers BT Rhamnaceae — Programming  (May Subd Geog) NT Ceanothus velutinus information on CD-ROM. Works on the manufacture CDC 6600 (Computer)  (Not Subd Geog)   New Jersey tea of compact disks for use as CD-ROMs are entered UF Control Data 6600 (Computer) under CD-ROM industry. BT Electronic digital computers Ceanothus velutinus  (May Subd Geog) CDCUs (Credit unions) [QK495.R45] UF Publishing, CD-ROM USE Community development credit unions UF Snowbrush BT Optical publishing CDD (Childhood disintegrative disorder) BT Ceanothus NT CD-ROM books USE Childhood disintegrative disorder CDI technology Ceara, Loch (Ireland)   CD-ROM periodicals USE CD-I technology USE Carra, Lough (Ireland) CD-ROMs  (May Subd Geog) CDIs (Language testing) USE MacArthur Communicative Development Cearbhall Ó Dálaigh (Legendary character) [TK7895.C39 (Computer engineering)] USE Ó Daĺ aigh, Cearbhall (Legendary character) UF CD-ROM [Former heading]   Inventories CDK proteins Cearnachaí n family   CDROMs USE Carnahan family   Compact disc read-only memory USE Cyclin-dependent kinases   Compact disk read-only memory CDM (Continuum damage mechanics) Cears family BT Compact discs USE Kear family   Optical disks USE Continuum damage mechanics NT Acquisition of CD-ROMs CDMA (Telecommunication) Ceas Palace (Rome, Italy)   Photo CD technology USE Palazzo Ceas (Rome, Italy) — Catalogs USE Code division multiple access CDNST (Continental Divide National Scenic Trail) Ceasars Creek (Ohio) [Z1040] USE Caesar Creek (Ohio) UF CD-ROM catalogs USE Continental Divide National Scenic Trail SA subdivision CD-ROM catalogs under CDOs (Collateralized debt obligations) Ceasefire USE Armistices   subjects USE Collateralized debt obligations CD-Rs  (May Subd Geog) CDP choline Ceause̦ scu family  (Not Subd Geog) Cebaara language UF CD-Recordable discs USE Cytidine diphosphate choline   CDRs (Recordable compact discs) CDPcholine USE Cebaara Sénoufo language   Recordable CDs Cebaara Seń oufo language  (May Subd Geog)   Recordable compact discs USE Cytidine diphosphate choline CDPD (Standard)  (May Subd Geog) UF Cebaara language BT Compact discs   Cebala language CD shops [TK5103.48]   Kyembala language UF Cellular Digital Packet Data standard   Kyembara language USE Record stores BT Cell phone systems—Standards   Senadi language CD stores   Senari language (Côte d'Ivoire)   Digital communications—Standards   Syenere language USE Record stores   Packet switching (Data   Tiebaara language CD surface immunoglobulin ligands   transmission)—Standards   Tiébala language CDROMs   Tyebaala language USE CD antigens USE CD-ROMs   Tyebala language CD4 antigen CDRs (Cartridge discharge residues)   Tyebali language USE Gunshot residues   Tyebara language UF CD4 molecule CDRs (Recordable compact discs)   Tyembara dialect [Former heading]   CD4 receptors USE CD-Rs   Tyembara language CDs (Certificates of deposit) BT CD antigens USE Certificates of deposit BT Cot̂ e d'Ivoire—Languages   Viruses—Receptors CDs (Compact discs)   Senari languages USE Compact discs CD4 molecule CDSA (Computer security standard) Cébaco Island (Panama) USE CD4 antigen USE Common Data Security Architecture (Computer UF Isla Ceb́ aco (Panama)   security standard)   Isla de Cébaco (Panama) CD4 receptors Cé, Loch (Ireland) BT Islands—Panama USE CD4 antigen USE Key, Lough (Ireland) CE (Competitive exclusion) Cebala language CD23 antigen USE Competitive exclusion (Microbiology) USE Cebaara Seń oufo language [QR186.6.C42] CE (Conductive education) UF CD23 glycoprotein USE Conductive education Cebeas Island (Me.)   CD23 molecule Ce Ać atl (Aztec deity) USE Great Chebeague Island (Me.)   CD23 receptor USE Quetzalcoatl (Aztec deity)   CD23 surface immunoglobulin ligand CE method Cebellomedullary malformation syndrome BT CD antigens USE Cross-entropy method USE Arnold-Chiari deformity CEA (Oncology) CD23 glycoprotein UF Carcinoembryonic antigen Cebiche USE CD23 antigen   Carcinoembryonic antigens [Former heading] USE Ceviche   Carcinoembryonic proteins CD23 molecule   Oncodevelopmental antigens Cebid monkeys USE CD23 antigen   Oncodevelopmental markers USE Cebidae   Oncofetal antigens CD23 receptor   Oncofetal proteins Cebidae  (May Subd Geog) USE CD23 antigen BT Tumor antigens [QL737.P925 (Zoology)] UF Callimiconidae [Former heading] CD23 surface immunoglobulin ligand   Callitrichidae [Former heading] USE CD23 antigen   Cebid monkeys   Cebids CD26 antigen BT New World monkeys [QR186.6.C42]   Primates UF Dipeptidyl peptidase IV NT Callimico BT CD antigens   Callithrix   Peptidase CD55 antigen  (May Subd Geog) UF CD55 protein   CD55 receptor   DAF (Antigen) C-179

Cebidae  (Continued) Cebuano orations BT Centers for the performing arts—England   Capuchin monkeys USE Speeches, addresses, etc., Cebuano   Multipurpose buildings—England   Lion tamarins   Marmosets Cebuano poetry  (May Subd Geog) Cecil Younger (Fictitious character)   Saguinus BT Cebuano literature USE Younger, Cecil (Fictitious character)   Squirrel monkeys   Tamarins Cebuano short stories Cecile, Sister (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) USE Short stories, Cebuano UF Sister Cecile (Fictitious character) Cebidae, Fossil  (May Subd Geog) [QE882.P7] Cebuano songs Cecilia, Saint BT New World monkeys, Fossil USE Songs, Cebuano — Art   Primates, Fossil NT Antillothrix Cebuano speeches Cecilia (Bari, Italy : Extinct city) USE Speeches, addresses, etc., Cebuano USE Caelia (Bari, Italy : Extinct city) Cebids USE Cebidae Cebuano Visayan language Cecilia Metella, Tomb of (Rome, Italy) USE Cebuano language USE Tomb of Caecilia Metella (Rome, Italy) Cebolla Canyon (N.M.) BT Canyons—New Mexico Cebuella pygmaea Cecilian movement USE Pygmy marmoset BT Church music—Catholic Church Cebollera, Parque Natural Sierra de (Spain) USE Parque Natural Sierra de Cebollera (Spain) Cebus Cecilienkoog (Germany) USE Capuchin monkeys BT Polders—Germany Cebollera Mountains (Spain) UF Sierra Cebollera (Spain) CEBus (Computer network standard) Cecill family BT Iberian Mountains (Spain) [TK5105.56] USE Cecil family   Mountains—Spain UF Consumer Electronics Bus (Computer network   standard) Cecily Sinclair (Fictitious character) Cebolleta Mesa (N.M.) BT Buildings—Communication systems—Data USE Baxter, Cecily Sinclair (Fictitious character) USE Holiday Mesa (N.M.)   processing—Standards   Computer networks—Standards Cecily Sinclair Baxter (Fictitious character) Cebollita Mesa (N.M.)   Household appliances—Automatic USE Baxter, Cecily Sinclair (Fictitious character) BT Mesas—New Mexico   control—Standards Cècina River (Italy) Ceboynas Cebus apella  (May Subd Geog) UF Fiume Cec̀ ina (Italy) USE Lucayan Indians [QL737.P925] BT Rivers—Italy UF Black-capped capuchin Cebrenis  (May Subd Geog)   Brown capuchin Cec̀ ina River Valley (Italy) [QL523.C67 (Zoology)]   Weeping capuchin UF Cècina Valley (Italy) BT Coreidae BT Capuchin monkeys   Val di Cecina (Italy)   Valdicecina (Italy) Cebrionidae  (May Subd Geog) Cebus nigrivittatus BT Valleys—Italy [QL596.C3 (Zoology)] USE Cebus olivaceus BT Beetles Cècina River Watershed (Italy) NT Selonodon Cebus olivaceus  (May Subd Geog) BT Watersheds—Italy [QL737.P925] Cebu Island (Philippines) UF Cebus nigrivittatus Cècina Valley (Italy) UF Sugbu Island (Philippines)   Wedge-capped capuchin USE Cècina River Valley (Italy) BT Islands—Philippines   Weeper capuchin BT Capuchin monkeys Cecora, Battle of, 1620 Cebú literature USE Cecora, Battle of, Moldova, 1620 USE Cebuano literature Ceccaldi family  (Not Subd Geog) Cecchetti family  (Not Subd Geog) Cecora, Battle of, Moldova, 1620 Cebu-lt (Wash.) Cecchi family  (Not Subd Geog) [DK4301.6] USE Webster Point (Wash.) Cecchini family  (Not Subd Geog) UF Cecora, Battle of, 1620 [Former heading] Cece Caruso (Fictitious character) BT Turco-Polish War, 1620- Cebu Strait (Philippines)   1621—Campaigns—Moldova USE Bohol Strait (Philippines) USE Caruso, Cece (Fictitious character) Cecele Site (Poland) Cecropia  (May Subd Geog) Cebuan (Philippine people) [QK495.M73] USE Cebuano (Philippine people) BT Poland—Antiquities BT Moraceae Cech family  (Not Subd Geog) NT Cecropia peltata Cebuano (Philippine people)  (May Subd Geog) Čechy (Czech Republic) UF Binisayan Cebuano (Philippine people) Cecropia moth  (May Subd Geog)   Cebuan (Philippine people) USE Bohemia (Czech Republic) [QL561.S2 (Zoology)]   Sebuan (Philippine people) Cecidology UF Hyalophora cecropia   Sebuano (Philippine people)   Robin moth   Sugbuanon (Philippne people) USE Galls (Botany) BT Hyalophora   Sugbuhanon (Philippine people) Cecidomyia  (May Subd Geog) BT Bisaya (Philippine people) Cecropia peltata  (May Subd Geog)   Ethnology—Philippines [QL537.C33] [QK495.M73] UF Retinodiplosis [Former heading] UF Snakewood Cebuano arts BT Gall midges   Trumpet tree USE Arts, Cebuano Cecidomyia brachyntera   Trumpetwood USE Pine gall midge BT Cecropia Cebuano authors Cecidomyia culmicola USE Authors, Cebuano USE Hessian fly Cecrops (Greek mythology)  (Not Subd Geog) Cecidomyia destructor [BL820.C] Cebuano children's songs USE Hessian fly UF Kekrops (Greek mythology) USE Children's songs, Cebuano Cecidomyiidae BT Mythology, Greek USE Gall midges Cebuano drama  (May Subd Geog) Cecil E. Bolt Post Office (Fowler, Calif.) Cecum BT Cebuano literature UF Bolt Post Office (Fowler, Calif.) UF Blind gut BT Post office buildings—California   Caecum Cebuano fiction  (May Subd Geog) Cecil family  (Not Subd Geog) BT Intestine, Large BT Cebuano literature UF Cecill family NT Appendix (Anatomy) NT Short stories, Cebuano   Cissel family — Cancer  (May Subd Geog) Cebuano folk songs   Cissell family Cedar  (May Subd Geog) USE Folk songs, Cebuano   Cissil family   Cissill family [SD397.C4 (Forestry)] Cebuano hymns   Coceil family BT Conifers USE Hymns, Cebuano   Sissel family NT Calocedrus   Sissell family Cebuano language  (May Subd Geog)   Sissol family   Calocedrus formosana [PL5649-PL5649.95] Cecil L. Heftel Post Office Building (Honolulu, Hawaii)   Cedrus UF Binisaya language UF Heftel Post Office Building (Honolulu, Hawaii)   Libocedrus   Bisaya language (Cebuano) BT Post office buildings—Hawaii Cedar, African pencil   Bisayan language (Cebuano) Cecil M. Harden Lake (Ind.) USE African pencil cedar   Cebuano Visayan language UF Harden Lake (Ind.) Cedar, Alaska   Sebuano language   Mansfield Lake (Ind.) USE Callitropsis nootkatensis   Sinugboanon language   Mansfield Reservoir (Ind.) Cedar, Atlantic white   Sinugboanong Binisaya language   Raccoon Lake (Ind.) USE Atlantic white cedar   Sinugbuanong Binisaya language   Racoon Lake (Ind.) Cedar, Canoe   Sugbuanon language BT Lakes—Indiana USE Western redcedar   Sugbuhanon language   Reservoirs—Indiana Cedar, Chilean   Visayan language Cecil Megarry (Fictitious character) USE Austrocedrus chilensis BT Bisayan languages USE Megarry, Cecil (Fictitious character) Cedar, Giant   Philippines—Languages Cecil Sharp House (London, England) USE Western redcedar UF Sharp House (London, England) Cedar, Japan Cebuano literature  (May Subd Geog) USE Cryptomeria japonica UF Cebú literature [Former heading] Cedar, Japanese BT Philippine literature USE Cryptomeria japonica NT Cebuano drama Cedar, Mountain   Cebuano fiction USE Libocedrus bidwillii   Cebuano poetry C-180

Cedar, Mulanje UF Cedar Creek Battlefield and Belle Grove Cedar Island Lake (Saint Louis County, Minn.) USE Mulanje cedar   Plantation National Historical Park (Va.) UF Black Lake (Saint Louis County, Minn. : Cedar   Island Lake) Cedar, New Mexico BT Battlefields—Virginia BT Lakes—Minnesota USE One-seed juniper   Historic sites—Virginia   National parks and reserves—Virginia Cedar Island National Wildlife Refuge (N.C.) Cedar, Nootka BT National parks and reserves—North Carolina USE Callitropsis nootkatensis Cedar Creek Battlefield and Belle Grove Plantation   Wildlife refuges—North Carolina National Historical Park (Va.) Cedar, Northern white USE Cedar Creek and Belle Grove National Cedar Keys (Fla. : Islands) USE Thuja occidentalis   Historical Park (Va.) BT Islands—Florida Cedar, Port Orford Cedar Creek Lake (Tex.) Cedar Keys National Wildlife Refuge (Fla.) USE Port Orford cedar USE Cedar Creek Reservoir (Tex.) BT National parks and reserves—Florida   Wildlife refuges—Florida Cedar, Southern white Cedar Creek Natural History Area (Minn.) USE Atlantic white cedar BT Ecological reserves—Minnesota Cedar Lake (De Kalb County, Ind.)   Research natural areas—Minnesota BT Lakes—Indiana Cedar, Stinking USE Ailanthus altissima Cedar Creek Park (Westmoreland County, Pa.) Cedar Lake (Etna-Troy, Whitley County, Ind.) BT Parks—Pennsylvania USE Troy Cedar Lake (Ind.) Cedar, Swamp USE Atlantic white cedar Cedar Creek Reservoir (Ala.) Cedar Lake (Kan.) BT Reservoirs—Alabama BT Lakes—Kansas Cedar, Western red   Reservoirs—Kansas USE Western redcedar Cedar Creek Reservoir (Fayette County, Tex.) USE Fayette Lake (Tex.) Cedar Lake (King County, Wash.) Cedar, White USE Chester Morse Lake (Wash.) USE Atlantic white cedar Cedar Creek Reservoir (S.C.)   Masonry Pool (Wash.) BT Reservoirs—South Carolina Cedar, Yellow Cedar Lake (LaGrange County, Ind.) USE Callitropsis nootkatensis Cedar Creek Reservoir (Tex.) BT Lakes—Indiana UF Cedar Creek Lake (Tex.) Cedar Bergen (South Africa) BT Lakes—Texas Cedar Lake (Lake County, Ind. : Lake) USE Cedar Mountains (South Africa)   Reservoirs—Texas BT Lakes—Indiana Cedar birds Cedar Creek State Park (Ala.) Cedar Lake (Starke County, Ind.) USE Cedar waxwings BT Parks—Alabama USE Bass Lake (Starke County, Ind. : Lake) Cedar Bluff Lake (Kan.) Cedar Creek Watershed (Candler County-Evans Cedar Lake (Washington County, Wis.) USE Cedar Bluff Reservoir (Kan.) County, Ga.) UF Big Cedar Lake (Washington County, Wis.) BT Watersheds—Georgia BT Lakes—Wisconsin Cedar Bluff Reservoir (Kan.) UF Cedar Bluff Lake (Kan.) Cedar Creek Watershed (Fulton County and Coweta Cedar Lane Plantation (S.C.) BT Lakes—Kansas County, Ga.) BT Dwellings—South Carolina   Reservoirs—Kansas BT Watersheds—Georgia   Plantations—South Carolina Cedar Bog (Ohio) Cedar Creek Watershed (Knox County-Henderson Cedar longhorn beetle, Japanese UF Cedar Swamp (Ohio) County, Ill.) USE Japanese cedar longhorn beetle BT Bogs—Ohio BT Watersheds—Illinois Cedar longhorned beetle Cedar Breaks National Monument (Utah) Cedar Creek Watershed (Polk County and Floyd USE Japanese cedar longhorn beetle BT National monuments—Utah County, Ga.) BT Watersheds—Georgia Cedar Mesa (San Juan County, Utah) Cedar Butte (Mellette County, S.D. : Mountain) BT Mesas—Utah BT Mountains—South Dakota Cedar Creek Watershed (Washington County and Ozaukee County, Wis.) Cedar Mountain (Culpeper County, Va.) Cedar Camp (Okla.) BT Watersheds—Wisconsin BT Mountains—Virginia USE Fort Arbuckle (Okla.) Cedar Falls, Operation, 1967 Cedar Mountain, Battle of, 1862 Cedar Cove (Wash. : Imaginary place) USE Operation Cedar Falls, 1967 USE Cedar Mountain, Battle of, Va., 1862 (Not Subd Geog) BT Imaginary places Cedar Falls Dam (Wash.) Cedar Mountain, Battle of, Va., 1862 USE Masonry Dam (Wash.) [E473.76] Cedar Creek (Candler County-Evans County, Ga.) UF Cedar Mountain, Battle of, 1862 [Former BT Rivers—Georgia Cedar Falls Electric Plant (Wash.)   heading] USE Cedar Falls Power Plant (Wash.)   Cedar Mountain (Culpeper County, Va.), Battle Cedar Creek (Clark County, Wash.)   of, 1862 [Former heading] BT Rivers—Washington (State) Cedar Falls Power Plant (Wash.) BT United States—History—Civil War, 1861- UF Cedar Falls Electric Plant (Wash.)   1865—Campaigns Cedar Creek (Coconino County, Ariz.) BT Hydroelectric power plants—Washington   Virginia—History—Civil War, 1861-1865 USE Cataract Creek (Ariz.)   (State) Cedar Mountain (Culpeper County, Va.), Battle of, 1862 Cedar Creek (Duval County, Fla. : Cedar River) Cedar Flat Site (Calif.) USE Cedar Mountain, Battle of, Va., 1862 USE Cedar River (Fla.) UF Hotc'inaktchahoti Site (Calif.)   Hotc'inaktchanache Site (Calif.) Cedar Mountain Wilderness (Wyo.) Cedar Creek (Forsyth County and Fulton County, Ga.)   Hotinakcǒ hata Site (Calif.) UF Cedar Mountain Wilderness Study Area (Wyo.) USE Big Creek (Forsyth County and Fulton County, BT California—Antiquities BT National parks and reserves—Wyoming   Ga.)   Wilderness areas—Wyoming Cedar Grove (Fla. : Estate) Cedar Creek (Fulton County and Coweta County, Ga.) BT Plantations—Florida Cedar Mountain Wilderness Study Area (Wyo.) BT Rivers—Georgia USE Cedar Mountain Wilderness (Wyo.) Cedar Grove (S.C.) Cedar Creek (Knox County-Henderson County, Ill.) UF Cedar Grove Plantation (S.C.) Cedar Mountains (South Africa) BT Rivers—Illinois BT Dwellings—South Carolina UF Cedar Bergen (South Africa)   Plantations—South Carolina   Ceder Bergen (South Africa) Cedar Creek (Lucas County-Mahaska County, Iowa)   Cedarberg (South Africa) UF South Cedar Creek (Lucas County-Mahaska Cedar Grove Plantation (S.C.)   Cederberg (South Africa)   County, Iowa) USE Cedar Grove (S.C.)   Sederberge (South Africa) BT Rivers—Iowa BT Mountains—South Africa Cedar Grove Site (Lafayette County, Ark.) Cedar Creek (Modoc County, Calif.) BT Indians of North Cedar Mountains (Utah) BT Rivers—California   America—Arkansas—Antiquities BT Mountains—Utah Cedar Creek (Polk County and Floyd County, Ga.) Cedar Hill (Va.) Cedar of Lebanon  (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Georgia BT Dwellings—Virginia [QK494.5.P66 (Botany)] [SD397.C434 (Forestry)] Cedar Creek (Washington County and Ozaukee County, Cedar Hill State Park (Tex.) UF Cedrus libani Wis.) BT Parks—Texas   Lebanon cedar BT Rivers—Wisconsin BT Cedrus Cedar Hills Landfill (Wash.) Cedar Creek (Wheeler County-Nance County, Neb.) UF Cedar Hills Regional Landfill (Wash.) Cedar partridge USE Cedar River (Wheeler County-Nance County, BT Sanitary landfills—Washington (State) USE Spruce grouse   Neb.) Cedar Hills Regional Landfill (Wash.) Cedar Pass (Utah) Cedar Creek, Battle of, 1864 USE Cedar Hills Landfill (Wash.) BT Mountain passes—Utah USE Cedar Creek, Battle of, Va., 1864 Cedar Island (Accomack County, Va.) Cedar Point (Plymouth County, Mass.) Cedar Creek, Battle of, Mont., 1876 Undifferentiated geographic heading. Covers all BT Peninsulas—Massachusetts [E83.876] BT Black Hills War, 1876-1877 islands named Cedar Island in Accomack County, Cedar Point (Sandusky, Ohio : Amusement park)   Montana—History Va.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Cedar Creek, Battle of, Va., 1864 UF Teachs Island (Accomack County, Va. : Cedar subdivision. [E477.33]   Island) UF Belle Grove, Battle of, Va., 1864 BT Amusement parks—Ohio   Cedar Creek, Battle of, 1864 [Former heading] BT Islands—Virginia Cedar Point Lighthouse (Ohio)   Cedar Creek (Va.), Battle of, 1864 [Former Cedar Island (Carteret County, N.C. : Island)   heading] BT Lighthouses—Ohio BT United States—History—Civil War, 1861- BT Islands—North Carolina Cedar Point National Wildlife Refuge (Ohio)   1865—Campaigns Cedar Island (Suffolk County, N.Y.)   Virginia—History—Civil War, 1861-1865 BT National parks and reserves—Ohio Undifferentiated geographic heading. Covers all   Wildlife refuges—Ohio Cedar Creek (Va.), Battle of, 1864 islands named Cedar Island in Suffolk County, N.Y. USE Cedar Creek, Battle of, Va., 1864 BT Islands—New York (State) Cedar Creek and Belle Grove National Historical Park (Va.) C-181

Cedar River (Fla.) Cedron Cehennem Co̧ ̈kug̈ ŭ ̈ (Turkey) UF Cedar Creek (Duval County, Fla. : Cedar River) USE Nār, Wādī an USE Cehennem Sinkhole (Turkey) BT Rivers—Florida Cedros, Reserva Bioloǵ ica Los (Ecuador) Cehennem Çukuru (Turkey) Cedar River (King County, Wash.) USE Reserva Biológica Los Cedros (Ecuador) USE Cehennem Sinkhole (Turkey) UF Cedar River (Wash.) [Former heading] BT Rivers—Washington (State) Cedros Island (Mexico) Cehennem Obrugŭ (Turkey) BT Islands—Mexico USE Cehennem Sinkhole (Turkey) Cedar River (Livingston County and Ingham County, Mich.) Cedrota Cehennem Obruk Magă rası (Turkey) USE Red Cedar River (Mich.) USE Aniba USE Cehennem Sinkhole (Turkey) Cedar River (Minn. and Iowa) Cedrus  (May Subd Geog) Cehennem Sinkhole (Turkey) UF Red Cedar River (Minn. and Iowa) [QK494.5.P66] UF Cavern of Hell (Turkey) BT Rivers—Iowa BT Cedar   Cehennem Cave (Turkey)   Rivers—Minnesota   Pinaceae   Cehennem Co̧ ̈kug̈ ŭ ̈ (Turkey) NT Atlas cedar   Cehennem Cu̧ kuru (Turkey) Cedar River (N.Y.)   Cedar of Lebanon   Cehennem Obruğu (Turkey) BT Rivers—New York (State)   Cehennem Obruk Magă rası (Turkey) Cedrus africana   Hell, Cavern of (Turkey) Cedar River (Wash.) USE Atlas cedar   Hell Pit (Turkey) USE Cedar River (King County, Wash.)   Hell Sinkhole (Turkey) Cedrus atlantica BT Caves—Turkey Cedar River (Wheeler County-Nance County, Neb.) USE Atlas cedar   Sinkholes—Turkey UF Cedar Creek (Wheeler County-Nance County,   Neb.) Cedrus libani Cei (Legendary character) BT Rivers—Nebraska USE Atlas cedar USE Kay (Legendary character)   Cedar of Lebanon Cedar River National Grassland (N.D.) Ceibal Site (Guatemala) BT Grasslands—North Dakota Cedynia, Battle of, 972 USE Seibal Site (Guatemala)   National parks and reserves—North Dakota USE Cedynia, Battle of, Cedynia, Poland, 972 Ceibo Cedar River Watershed (King County, Wash.) Cedynia, Battle of, Cedynia, Poland, 972 USE Common coral tree UF City of Seattle Watershed (Wash.) [DK4215.5] BT Watersheds—Washington (State) UF Cedynia, Battle of, 972 [Former heading] CEII (Educational test) BT Poland—History—Mieszko I, 960-992 USE College Major Interest Inventory Cedar River Watershed (Minn. and Iowa) BT Watersheds—Iowa Cedynś ki Landscape Park (Poland) Céilí dancing   Watersheds—Minnesota USE Cedynś ki Park Krajobrazowy (Poland) USE Ceilidh dancing Cedar Spring (Wyo.) Cedyński Park Krajobrazowy (Poland) Ceilidh dancing  (May Subd Geog) BT Springs—Wyoming UF Cedynś ki Landscape Park (Poland) UF Céilí dancing BT Parks—Poland   Céilidhe dancing Cedar Spring Plantation (S.C.) BT Folk dancing, Irish USE Cedar Springs Plantation (S.C.) CeeCee Ross Lyles Post Office Building (Fort Pierce,   Folk dancing, Scottish Fla.) Cedar Springs Plantation (S.C.) UF Lyles Post Office Building (Fort Pierce, Fla.) Céilidhe dancing UF Buffalo Hole Plantation (S.C.) BT Post office buildings—Florida USE Ceilidh dancing   Cedar Spring Plantation (S.C.) BT Plantations—South Carolina Ceeman family Ceiling, Glass (Employment discrimination) USE Seaman family USE Glass ceiling (Employment discrimination) Cedar Square West (Minneapolis, Minn.) USE Riverside Plaza (Minneapolis, Minn.) Cefaclor  (May Subd Geog) Ceiling fans  (May Subd Geog) BT Cephalosporins [TH7683.F3 (Building ventilation)] Cedar Street (Seattle, Wash.) UF Paddle fans This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Cefatriaxone BT Fans (Machinery) USE Ceftriaxone   Household appliances, Electric subdivision. Cefo language Ceilings  (May Subd Geog) BT Streets—Washington (State) USE Tief́ o language [NA2950 (Architecture)] Cedar Swamp (Ocean County, N.J.) [NK2119 (Decoration)] Cefoperazone  (May Subd Geog) [TH2531 (Building)] BT Swamps—New Jersey [RM666.C37817] BT Architecture—Details Cedar Swamp (Ohio) BT Cephalosporins   Building NT Suspended ceilings USE Cedar Bog (Ohio) Cefotaxime  (May Subd Geog)   Wooden ceilings Cedar Swamp Bridge (Cornwall and Salisbury, Vt.) [RM666.C37819] BT Cephalosporins — Decoration  (May Subd Geog) USE Station Covered Bridge (Cornwall and BT Decoration and ornament   Salisbury, Vt.) Cefotetan  (May Subd Geog) [RM666.C3782 (Pharmacology)] — Thermal properties  (May Subd Geog) Cedar Valley (Iron County, Utah) BT Cephalosporins BT Heat—Transmission BT Valleys—Utah Ceftriaxon Ceilings, Painted Cedar Valley (Utah County, Utah) USE Ceftriaxone USE Mural painting and decoration BT Valleys—Utah Ceftriaxona Ceilometer  (May Subd Geog) Cedar waxwings  (May Subd Geog) USE Ceftriaxone [QC923] UF Bombycella cedrorum UF Cloud-height indicator   Cedar birds Ceftriaxone  (May Subd Geog) BT Meteorological instruments BT Passeriformes UF Biotrakson   Cefatriaxone Ceinture de verdure de la capitale nationale (Ottawa, Cedarberg (South Africa)   Ceftriaxon Ont.) USE Cedar Mountains (South Africa)   Ceftriaxona USE National Capital Greenbelt (Ottawa, Ont.)   Ceftriaxonum Cedarmere (Roslyn Harbor, N.Y.)   Ceftriazone Ceiriog, River, Valley (Wales) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic   Rocephin (Trademark) USE Ceiriog Valley (Wales)   Rocephine subdivision. BT Cephalosporins Ceiriog, River (Wales) UF Ceunog, River (Wales) BT Dwellings—New York (State) Ceftriaxonum   River Ceiriog (Wales)   Gardens—New York (State) USE Ceftriaxone   River Ceunog (Wales) BT Rivers—Wales Cedars, Chilean Ceftriazone USE Austrocedrus USE Ceftriaxone Ceiriog Valley (Wales) UF Ceiriog, River, Valley (Wales) Cedars Park Site (England) Cefuroxime  (May Subd Geog) BT Valleys—Wales BT England—Antiquities [RC735.C43 (Respiratory disease therapy)] [RC874.5.C43 (Genitourinary disease therapy)] Ceise family  (Not Subd Geog) Ceder Bergen (South Africa) [RM666.C3783 (Pharmacology)] UF Ceith family USE Cedar Mountains (South Africa) BT Cephalosporins   Cleise family NT Cefuroxime axetil   Seice family Cederberg (South Africa) USE Cedar Mountains (South Africa) Cefuroxime axetil Ceith family BT Cefuroxime USE Ceise family Cedersted family  (Not Subd Geog) Cedrela  (May Subd Geog) CEGEPs (Educational institutions) Ceitidh Morag (Fictitious character) UF Collèges d'enseignement géneral et USE McColl, Katie Morag (Fictitious character) [QK495.M52]   professionnel (Educational institutions) BT Meliaceae BT Community colleges—Québec (Province) Ceitil (Coin) Ced̀ res Cave (France) UF Ceitis (Coin) UF Grotte des Cèdres (France) Cegielski family   Real Preto (Coin) BT Caves—France USE T︠S︡ehelʹsʹkyĭ family BT Coins, Portuguese   Copper coins—Portugal   France—Antiquities Cegiha language Cedro USE Dhegiha language Ceitis (Coin) USE Ceitil (Coin) USE Ashe juniper Cehelsky family Cedro Creek Interpretive Trail (N.M.) USE T︠S︡ehelʹsʹkyĭ family USE Cedro Creek Trail (N.M.) Cehennem Cave (Turkey) Cedro Creek Nature Trail (N.M.) USE Cehennem Sinkhole (Turkey) USE Cedro Creek Trail (N.M.) Cedro Creek Trail (N.M.) UF Cedro Creek Interpretive Trail (N.M.)   Cedro Creek Nature Trail (N.M.) BT Nature trails—New Mexico C-182

Ceitosauridae  (May Subd Geog) Celaya (Celaya, Mexico), 1st Battle of, 1915 — Correspondence [QE862.S3] USE Celaya, 1st Battle of, Celaya, Guanajuato, NT Fan mail BT Saurischia   Mexico, 1915 — Marriage Celadon ware  (May Subd Geog) Celaya (Celaya, Mexico), 2nd Battle of, 1915 USE Marriages of celebrities [NK4340.C44] USE Celaya, 2nd Battle of, Celaya, Guanajuato, NT Longquan ware   Mexico, 1915 — Registers NT Social registers — Reproduction Celaya Post Office (Florence, Ariz.) UF Reproduction of celadon ware USE Adolfo \"Harpo\" Celaya Post Office (Florence, — United States   Ariz.) NT African American celebrities Celadonite  (May Subd Geog)   Hispanic American celebrities UF Kmaite Celcure   Verona earth USE Sodium dichromate Celebrities, African American BT Mica USE African American celebrities Celdal Indians Celandine, Greater USE Tzeltal Indians Celebrities, Hispanic American USE Greater celandine USE Hispanic American celebrities Celdal language Celandines USE Tzeltal language Celebrities as artists  (May Subd Geog) USE Chelidonium BT Artists Celdala language Celano, Lago di (Italy) USE Tzeltal language Celebrities' children USE Fucino Basin (Italy) USE Children of celebrities Celdale language Celano-Le Paludi Site (Italy) USE Tzeltal language Celebrities in art  (Not Subd Geog) USE Paludi di Celano Site (Italy) Celebrities in literature  (Not Subd Geog) Celebes (Indonesia) Celebrities in mass media  (Not Subd Geog) Celano-Paludi Site (Italy) USE Sulawesi (Indonesia) USE Paludi di Celano Site (Italy) [P94.5.C45-P94.5.C452] Celebes ape BT Mass media Celaque Mountain National Park (Honduras) USE Celebes crested macaque Celebrities in popular culture  (May Subd Geog) USE Parque Nacional Celaque (Honduras) Here are entered works on the depiction of Celebes black macaque celebrities in popular culture. Celaque National Park (Honduras) USE Celebes crested macaque USE Parque Nacional Celaque (Honduras) BT Popular culture Celebes crested macaque  (May Subd Geog) Celebrities' mothers Celastraceae  (May Subd Geog) [QL737.P93 (Zoology)] [QK495.C385 (Botany)] UF Ape, Black USE Mothers of celebrities UF Bittersweet family (Plants)   Ape, Celebes Celebrities on postage stamps BT Celastrales   Black ape NT Catha   Black macaque, Celebes BT Postage stamps   Celastrus   Black macaque, Crested Celebrities' pets  (May Subd Geog)   Euonymus   Black macaque, Sulawesi   Goniodiscus   Celebes ape BT Pets   Maytenus   Celebes black macaque Celebrity   Celebes macaque Celastrales  (May Subd Geog)   Crested black macaque USE Fame [QK495.A12]   Crested black macaque, Sulawesi Celebrity, Halls of UF Pandales   Crested macaque, Celebes BT Dicotyledons   Crested macaque, Sulawesi USE Halls of fame NT Aquifoliaceae   Macaca lembicus Celebrity automobile  (Not Subd Geog)   Celastraceae   Macaca malayanus   Corynocarpaceae   Macaca nigra BT Chevrolet automobile   Hippocrateaceae   Sulawesi black macaque   General Motors A-cars   Icacinaceae   Sulawesi crested black macaque   Sulawesi crested macaque Celebrity chefs  (May Subd Geog) Celastrina  (May Subd Geog)   Sulawesi macaque UF Celebrity cooks [QL561.L8] BT Macaques   Chefs, Celebrity BT Lycaenidae BT Celebrities NT Celastrina ebenina Celebes macaque   Cooks   Spring azure (Insect) USE Celebes crested macaque Celebrity cooks Celastrina argiolus Celebes Sea USE Celebrity chefs USE Spring azure (Insect) BT Seas NT Ambalat Celebrity culture Celastrina ebenina  (May Subd Geog) USE Celebrities [QL561.L8] Celebes tarsier BT Celastrina USE Tarsius spectrum Celebrity dolls  (May Subd Geog) [NK4894.3.C44] Celastrus  (May Subd Geog) Celebrants, Marriage BT Character dolls [QK495.C385] USE Marriage celebrants NT Shirley Temple dolls BT Celastraceae NT Celastrus orbiculatus Celebration of the Creative Work of the Hand, 1993 — United States USE Year of American Craft: A Celebration of the Celebrity impersonators  (May Subd Geog) Celastrus articulatus   Creative Work of the Hand, 1993 USE Celastrus orbiculatus UF Celebrity look-alikes Celebrations, anniversaries, etc.   Celebrity tribute artists Celastrus orbiculatus  (May Subd Geog) USE Anniversaries   Impersonators, Celebrity [QK495.C385 (Botany)]   Biography—Anniversaries, etc.   Look-alikes, Celebrity [SB615.C42 (Weed)]   Tribute artists, Celebrity UF Asian bittersweet Celebrations, Fourth of July   Asiatic bittersweet USE Fourth of July celebrations BT Entertainers   Bittersweet, Asian NT Elvis Presley impersonators   Bittersweet, Asiatic Celebrations, Gay pride   Bittersweet, Oriental USE Gay pride celebrations   Johnny Hallyday impersonators   Celastrus articulatus Celebrity look-alikes   Climbing spindle berry Celebrations, Millennium (Year 2000)   Japanese bittersweet USE Millennium celebrations (Year 2000) USE Celebrity impersonators   Oriental bittersweet Celebrity marriages   Oriental staff vine Celebrex (Trademark)   Spindle berry, Climbing USE Celecoxib USE Marriages of celebrities   Staff-vine (Celastrus orbiculatus) Celebrity tribute artists   Staff vine, Oriental Celebrities  (May Subd Geog) BT Celastrus UF Celebrity culture USE Celebrity impersonators   Celebs Celebrity weddings  (May Subd Geog) Celaya, 1st Battle of, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico, 1915   Cult of celebrity UF Celaya, Battle of, 1915 [Former heading]   Famous people BT Marriages of celebrities   Celaya (Celaya, Mexico), 1st Battle of, 1915   Famous persons   Weddings   [Former heading]   Illustrious people BT Mexico—History—Revolution, 1910-   Well-known people Celebs   1920—Campaigns BT Persons USE Celebrities RT Fan clubs Celaya, 2nd Battle of, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico, SA types of celebrities, e.g. Actors Celecoxib  (May Subd Geog) 1915 NT Celebrity chefs UF Celebrex (Trademark) UF Celaya (Celaya, Mexico), 2nd Battle of, 1915   Child celebrities BT Antiarthritic agents   [Former heading]   Children of celebrities   Cyclooxygenase 2—Inhibitors BT Mexico—History—Revolution, 1910-   Internet personalities   1920—Campaigns   Mothers of celebrities Celer family   Parents of celebrities USE Sellers family Celaya, Battle of, 1915   Radio personalities USE Celaya, 1st Battle of, Celaya, Guanajuato,   Socialites Celeriac  (May Subd Geog)   Mexico, 1915   Television personalities [QK495.U48 (Botany)]   Voices of famous people [SB335 (Culture)] UF Apium graveolens rapaceum   Celery root   Knob celery   Root celery   Turnip-rooted celery BT Celery Celeries (Glassware) USE Celery vases Celers family USE Sellers family C-183

Celery  (May Subd Geog) Celesta and piccolo music Celestial sphere [QK495.U48 (Botany)] USE Piccolo and celesta music [QB147] [SB335 (Culture)] BT Sphere UF Apium dulce Celesta and recorder music   Spherical astronomy   Apium graveolens USE Recorder and celesta music RT Celestial globes   Apium graveolens dulce BT Apium Celesta and violin music Celestina (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) NT Celeriac USE Violin and celesta music Celestina (Fictitious character) in art  (Not Subd Geog) Celestine (Fictitious character : Vincent) — Use in cooking Celesta-chime  (May Subd Geog) USE Cooking (Celery) UF Celestachime (Not Subd Geog) BT Carillons Celestine (Mineralogy) Celery, Indian (Lomatium nudicaule) USE Lomatium nudicaule Celesta-chime music  (May Subd Geog) USE Celestite Here are entered compositions not in a specific Celestite  (May Subd Geog) Celery cabbage USE Bok choy form or of a specific type for one performer playing [QE391.C32 (Mineralogy)]   Chinese cabbage celesta-chime, and collections of compositions in UF Celestine (Mineralogy) several forms or types for one performer playing Celery-caterpillar  (May Subd Geog) celesta-chime.   Coelestine Celery Farm Natural Area (Allendale, N.J.) BT Barite SA headings for forms and types of music that This heading is not valid for use as a geographic   include \"celesta-chime\" or \"celesta-chimes\"   Strontium ores subdivision.   and headings with medium of performance Celestre family  (Not Subd Geog)   that include \"celesta-chime\" or \"celesta- BT Natural areas—New Jersey   chimes\" UF Celestri family   Wildlife refuges—New Jersey   De Gilestro family Celesta music   Gilestro family Celery glasses [M175.C44] USE Celery vases Here are entered compositions not in a specific Celestri family USE Celestre family Celery industry  (May Subd Geog) form or of a specific type for solo celesta, and [HD9235.C44-HD9235.C442] collections of compositions in several forms or types Celestus hancocki BT Vegetable trade for solo celesta. USE Diploglossus hancocki Celery leaf blight SA headings for forms and types of music that CELEX (Information retrieval system) USE Septoria petroselini   include \"celesta\" or \"celestas\" and headings BT Information storage and retrieval   with medium of performance that include   systems—Law Celery mosaic virus, Southern   \"celesta\" or \"celestas\" USE Cucumber mosaic virus Celia (Bari, Italy : Extinct city) Celesta music (Jazz)  (May Subd Geog) USE Caelia (Bari, Italy : Extinct city) Celery pine [M175.C44] USE Phyllocladus aspleniifolius BT Jazz Celia (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) (Not Subd Geog) Celery root Celestachime USE Celeriac USE Celesta-chime Celia Grant (Fictitious character) USE Grant, Celia (Fictitious character) Celery stands Celestia (Christian community) USE Celery vases BT Christian communities—United States Celia Thaxter's Garden (Appledore Island, Me.) UF Celia's Garden (Appledore Island, Me.) Celery top pine Celestial coordinate systems   Thaxter's Garden (Appledore Island, Me.) USE Phyllocladus aspleniifolius USE Celestial reference systems BT Gardens—Maine Celery vases  (May Subd Geog) Celestial frames of reference Celiac artery [NK5440.C45 (Decorative arts)] USE Celestial reference systems BT Arteries UF Celeries (Glassware)   Celery glasses Celestial geodesy — Radiography  (May Subd Geog)   Celery stands USE Geodetic astronomy Celiac disease  (May Subd Geog)   Stands, Celery   Vases, Celery Celestial globes  (May Subd Geog) UF Coeliac disease BT Glass containers [QB66] BT Diarrhea   Tableware UF Globes, Celestial [Former heading]   Globes, Star   Digestive organs—Diseases Celesia Villa (Colle Salvetti, Italy)   Star globes   Malabsorption syndromes USE Villa Il Poggio (Colle Salvetti, Italy) BT Astronomical models NT Gluten-free diet RT Celestial sphere Celiac disease in children  (May Subd Geog) Celesta  (May Subd Geog) NT Armillary spheres [RJ456.C44] BT Keyboard instruments   Gottorf Globe BT Pediatric gastroenterology Celiac plexus Celesta, clarinet, harp, violin with string orchestra Celestial horizon USE Solar plexus (May Subd Geog) USE Horizon Celia's Garden (Appledore Island, Me.) [M1140-M1141] USE Celia Thaxter's Garden (Appledore Island, Me.) UF Clarinet, harp, celesta, violin with string Celestial masers Celibacy  (May Subd Geog)   orchestra [Former heading] USE Astronomical masers [BV4390 (Clergy)] [HQ800.15 (Single people)] Celesta, clarinet, harp with string orchestra Celestial mechanics  (Not Subd Geog) Here are entered works on the renunciation of (May Subd Geog) [QB349-QB421] marriage because of a religious vow or commitment. [M1140-M1141] UF Gravitational astronomy Works on the virtue that moderates and regulates the UF Clarinet, harp, celesta with string orchestra   Mechanics, Celestial [Former heading] sexual appetite in human beings are entered under   [Former heading] BT Astrophysics Chastity.   Mechanics Celesta, pianos (2), percussion, synthesizer with NT Galactic dynamics UF Clerical celibacy chamber orchestra  (May Subd Geog)   Kepler's equation BT Clergy [M1040-M1041]   Lunar theory UF Pianos (2), celesta, percussion, synthesizer   Orbit determination   Sexual abstinence—Religious aspects   with chamber orchestra [Former heading]   Perturbation (Astronomy) — Anglican Communion, [Catholic Church, etc.]   Pianos (2), synthesizer, celesta, percussion   Planetary theory — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]   with chamber orchestra [Former heading]   Stellar dynamics — Christianity Celesta, pianos (2), percussion with chamber orchestra Celestial messengers in literature BT Church discipline (May Subd Geog) USE Divine messengers in literature   Monastic and religious life [M1040-M1041]   Monastic and religious life of women UF Pianos (2), celesta, percussion with chamber Celestial Mountains   orchestra [Former heading] USE Tien Shan NT Patarines Celibacy (Canon law) Celesta and alto flute music Celestial navigation USE Alto flute and celesta music USE Nautical astronomy BT Canon law — Orthodox Eastern Church Celesta and flute music Celestial photography Celica automobile USE Flute and celesta music USE Astronomical photography USE Toyota Celica automobile Celilo, Lake (Or. and Wash.) Celesta and glockenspiel music Celestial reference frames USE Glockenspiel and celesta music USE Celestial reference systems UF Dalles Dam Reservoir (Or. and Wash.)   Dalles Reservoir (Or. and Wash.) Celesta and guitar music Celestial reference systems   Lake Celilo (Or. and Wash.) USE Guitar and celesta music [QB147]   The Dalles Dam Reservoir (Or. and Wash.) UF Celestial coordinate systems   The Dalles Reservoir (Or. and Wash.) Celesta and harpsichord music   Celestial frames of reference [M284.C4 (Collections)]   Celestial reference frames BT Lakes—Oregon [M285.C4 (Separate works)]   Coordinate systems, Celestial   Lakes—Washington (State) UF Harpsichord and celesta music   Frames of reference, Celestial   Reservoirs—Oregon   Reference frames, Celestial   Reservoirs—Washington (State) Celesta and percussion music   Reference systems, Celestial USE Percussion and celesta music BT Coordinates Celilo Falls (Wash.)   Geodetic astronomy UF Chutes (Wash. : Waterfall) Celesta and piano music  (May Subd Geog) NT Declination (Astronomy)   The Chutes (Wash. : Waterfall) [M284.C4 (Collections)] BT Waterfalls—Washington (State) [M285.C4 (Separate works)] UF Piano and celesta music C-184

Celilo Falls Trail (Wash. and Idaho) Cell culture  (May Subd Geog) Cell fractionation USE Forgotten Trail (Wash. and Idaho) [QH585.2-QH585.45] [QH585.5.C43] BT Cultures (Biology) UF Cell organelles—Separation Celimontana Villa (Rome, Italy)   Cytology—Technique   Fractionation of cells USE Villa Celimontana (Rome, Italy) NT Cell lines   Separation of cell organelles   Cell suspensions BT Cytology—Technique Celina Grand Reservoir (Ohio)   Clone cells   Separation (Technology) USE Grand Lake (Ohio)   Human cell culture NT Cell nuclei—Separation   Immobilized cell organelles   Cell receptors—Separation Celio Hill (Italy)   Immobilized cells   Subcellular fractionation USE Caelian Hill (Italy)   Lymphocyte culture test, Mixed   Plant cell culture Cell function Celioscopy   Toxicity testing—In vitro USE Cell physiology USE Laparoscopy Cell cycle Cell fusion Celis family  (Not Subd Geog) UF Mitotic cycle USE Cell hybridization Celje, Counts of  (Not Subd Geog)   Nuclear cycle (Cytology) BT Biological rhythms Cell groups (Christianity) UF Cilli, Counts of NT Cell proliferation USE Cell churches BT Slovenia—Kings and rulers   Microbial cell cycle Cell, Voltaic   Mitosis Cell growth USE Electric batteries   Plant cell cycle USE Cells—Growth Cell adherence USE Cell adhesion — Regulation Cell growth factors Cell adhesion UF Regulation of cell cycles USE Growth factors [QH623] UF Adherence, Cell Cell death Cell hybridization [QH671] [QH451]   Cell adherence UF Cell degeneration UF Cell fusion BT Adhesion BT Cells BT Cytogenetics   Death (Biology)   Hybridization   Cell interaction NT Apoptosis NT Premature chromosome condensation   Membrane fusion   Bacteriolysis   Somatic hybrids RT Junctional complexes (Epithelium)   Cell-mediated cytotoxicity NT Bacteria—Adhesion   Microorganisms—Disintegration Cell interaction   Candida—Adhesion [QH604.2 (Cytology)]   Fibroblasts—Adhesion Cell degeneration [QR96.5 (Microbiology)]   Leucocyte adherence inhibition test USE Cell death UF Cell-cell interaction   Mesenchymal stem cells—Adhesion   Cell communication   Microorganisms—Adhesion Cell determination   Cellular communication (Biology) — Molecular aspects UF Cell commitment   Cellular interaction   Cell fate determination   Intercellular communication BT Molecular biology   Commitment (Cytology) BT Cellular control mechanisms Cell adhesion molecules   Determination (Cytology) NT Cell adhesion BT Developmental cytology   Cell aggregation [QP552.C42 (Biochemistry)] RT Transdetermination (Cytology)   Cell junctions UF Adhesion molecules (Cytology)   Cellular recognition Cell development, Plant   Plant cell interaction   Adhesion substances (Cytology) USE Plant cell development   Plasmodesmata   Cell adhesion substances   Quorum sensing (Microbiology)   Intercellular adhesion molecules Cell differentiation   Sperm-ovum interactions   Morphoregulatory molecules [QH607] BT Biomolecules UF Cell fate specification Cell isolation   Desmosomes   Cell specification USE Cell separation   Hemidesmosomes   Cells—Differentiation NT Cadherins   Cells—Fate specification Cell junctions   Catenins   Cells—Specification [QH603.C4]   Integrins   Differentiation of cells UF Junctions, Cell   Neuropilins   Fate specification of cells BT Cell interaction   Osteopontin   Specification of cells   Cell membranes   Selectins BT Morphogenesis   Membrane fusion   Vitronectin NT B cells—Differentiation NT Desmosomes   Zyxin   Cancer cells—Differentiation   Gap junctions (Cell biology) Cell adhesion protein receptors   Chromatophores—Differentiation   Hemidesmosomes USE Integrins   Gametogenesis   Junctional complexes (Epithelium) Cell adhesion substances   Germ cells—Differentiation   Plasmodesmata USE Cell adhesion molecules   Keratinocytes—Differentiation   Tight junctions (Cell biology) Cell aggregation   Liver cells—Differentiation UF Aggregation, Cell   Megakaryocytes—Differentiation Cell lines  (May Subd Geog)   Cell patterning   Mesenchymal stem cells—Differentiation [QH585.4-QH585.457] BT Cell interaction   Microbial differentiation BT Cell culture RT Microbial aggregation   Placodes NT Continuous cell lines NT Blood platelets—Aggregation   Plant cell differentiation   Lymphoblastoid cell lines Cell biology   Sertoli cells—Differentiation USE Cytology   T cells—Differentiation Cell-matrix adhesions Cell-cell interaction UF Adhesions, Cell-matrix USE Cell interaction — Molecular aspects   Cell-extracellular matrix adhesions Cell chemistry BT Molecular biology   Cell-matrix junctions USE Cytochemistry   Junctions, Cell-matrix Cell churches  (May Subd Geog) Cell division BT Cell receptors UF Cell groups (Christianity) [QH605] NT Focal adhesions   Cells (Christianity) UF Division of cells BT Non-institutional churches RT Cell proliferation Cell-matrix junctions Cell coats NT Amitosis USE Cell-matrix adhesions USE Glycocalyces   Chromosome replication Cell commitment   Contact inhibition (Biology) Cell mechanics USE Cell determination   Cytokinesis USE Cells—Mechanical properties Cell communication   Karyokinesis USE Cell interaction   Meiosis Cell-mediated cytotoxicity  (May Subd Geog) Cell compartmentation   Mitosis UF Cytotoxicity, Cell-mediated [QH604.3] BT Cell death UF Cellular compartmentation Cell evolution RT Killer cells   Compartmentation, Cell USE Cells—Evolution NT Cell-mediated lympholysis   Compartmentation of cells   Microcompartmentation (Cytology) Cell-extracellular matrix adhesions Cell-mediated hypersensitivity BT Cell physiology USE Cell-matrix adhesions USE Delayed hypersensitivity   Cellular control mechanisms NT Plant cell compartmentation Cell family Cell-mediated immunity Cell contraction USE Sell family USE Cellular immunity USE Cells—Contraction Cell counting, Laser Cell fate determination Cell-mediated lympholysis  (May Subd Geog) USE Flow cytometry USE Cell determination [QR184.3] UF Lymphocytolysis, Cell-mediated Cell fate specification   Lymphocytotoxicity, Cell-mediated USE Cell differentiation   Lympholysis, Cell-mediated BT Cell-mediated cytotoxicity   Histocompatibility testing   Immunocompetent cells C-185

Cell-mediated lympholysis  (Continued) — Transplantation  (May Subd Geog) Cell phone etiquette  (May Subd Geog)   Lymphocytes UF Nuclear transfer UF Cellular telephone etiquette [Former heading]   T cells   Nuclear transplantation BT Telephone etiquette   Transplantation of cell nuclei Cell membrane receptors BT Genetic engineering Cell phone forensics USE Cell receptors   Reproduction USE Mobile device forensics Cell membranes  (May Subd Geog) Cell nucleolus Cell phone music  (May Subd Geog) [QH601-QH602] USE Nucleolus Here are entered compositions not in a specific UF Cell surfaces   Cytoplasmic membranes Cell nucleus form or of a specific type consisting of sounds   Plasma membranes [Former heading] USE Cell nuclei produced by cell phones, and collections of such   Plasmalemma compositions in several forms or types. BT Membranes (Biology) Cell organelle fractionation RT Glycocalyces USE Subcellular fractionation UF Cellular telephone music [Former heading] NT Bacterial cell walls SA headings for forms and types of music that   Bilayer lipid membranes Cell organelles   Brush border membrane UF Organelles, Cell   include \"cell phone\" or \"cell phones\" and   Cell junctions BT Cytoplasm   headings with medium of performance that   Cell receptors NT Cell nuclei   include \"cell phone\" or \"cell phones\"   Cells—Permeability   Coated vesicles Cell phone novels  (Not Subd Geog)   Erythrocyte membranes   Cytoplasmic filaments UF Cell phone stories   Excitable membranes   Cytoplasmic granules   Cellphone novels   Fungal membranes   Endoplasmic reticulum   Cellular telephone novels   Membrane fusion   Endosomes BT Fiction   Mitochondrial membranes   Gamma particle (Cytology)   Popular literature   Myelin sheath   Glyoxysomes Cell phone novels, Japanese  (May Subd Geog)   Nuclear membranes   Golgi apparatus UF Japanese cell phone novels   Plant cell membranes   Immobilized cell organelles BT Japanese fiction   Lysosomes Cell phone services industry  (May Subd Geog) — Abnormalities  (May Subd Geog)   Magnetosomes [HE9713-HE9715] BT Pathology, Cellular   Microbodies UF Cellular radio [Former heading]   Microtubules   Cellular services industry — Assembly   Mitochondria   Cellular telephone services industry [Former USE Cell membranes—Formation   Nucleolus   heading]   Phagosomes BT Service industries — Biogenesis   Plant cell microbodies   Telecommunication USE Cell membranes—Formation   Plant organelles Cell phone stories   Plastids USE Cell phone novels — Effect of radiation on  (May Subd Geog)   Ribosomes Cell phone systems  (May Subd Geog) BT Radiation—Physiological effect   Sarcoplasmic reticulum UF Cellular radio [Former heading]   Spindle (Cell division)   Cellular radiotelephone systems — Electric properties  (May Subd Geog)   Synaptic vesicles   Cellular systems (Telecommunication) [QH601.15]   Cellular telephone systems [Former heading] BT Electrophysiology — Assembly   Mobile telephony NT Membrane potentials (Electrophysiology) USE Cell organelles—Formation   Wireless telephone systems (Cell phone) BT Mobile communication systems — Formation — Biogenesis   Telephone systems UF Assembly of cell membranes USE Cell organelles—Formation NT Code division multiple access   Biogenesis of cell membranes   Femtocells   Cell membranes—Assembly — Formation   Frequency division multiple access   Cell membranes—Biogenesis UF Assembly of cell organelles   General Packet Radio Service   Cell membranes—Origin   Biogenesis of cell organelles   Global system for mobile communications   Formation of cell membranes   Cell organelles—Assembly   Space time codes   Origin of cell membranes   Cell organelles—Biogenesis   Text messages (Cell phone systems)   Cell organelles—Origin   Text messaging (Cell phone systems) — Origin   Formation of cell organelles   Time division multiple access USE Cell membranes—Formation   Origin of cell organelles   Universal Mobile Telecommunications System BT Cells—Growth — Equipment and supplies Cell metabolism — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) [QH634.5] — Fractionation — Standards  (May Subd Geog) UF Cells—Metabolism USE Subcellular fractionation BT Metabolism NT CDPD (Standard) RT Cellular control mechanisms — Origin   Long-Term Evolution NT Cell respiration USE Cell organelles—Formation   (Telecommunications)   Chloroplasts—Metabolism   Erythrocytes—Metabolism — Separation Cell phone theft  (May Subd Geog)   Lymphocytes—Metabolism USE Cell fractionation UF Cellular telephone theft [Former heading]   Osteoblasts—Metabolism   Mobile phone theft   Phagocytes—Metabolism Cell patterning BT Theft USE Cell aggregation — Regulation — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) UF Regulation of cell metabolism Cell phone (Musical medium of performance) BT Criminal law BT Biological control systems USE headings for musical compositions containing   the words \"cell phone\" or \"cell phones\" as a Cell phone users  (May Subd Geog) Cell migration   medium of performance, e.g., Cell phone UF Users of cell phones UF Migration of cells   music BT Persons BT Cytology Cell phone advertising  (May Subd Geog) Cell phones  (May Subd Geog) Cell motility Here are entered works on the use of cell phones [TK6564.4.C45] USE Cells—Motility UF Cell telephones as an advertising medium.   Cellphones Cell movement   Cellular phones USE Cells—Motility UF Cellular telephone advertising [Former   Cellular radio [Former heading]   heading]   Cellular telephones [Former heading] Cell nuclei   Mobile advertising   Mobile phones [QH595]   Mobile phone advertising   Mobiles (Telephones) UF Cell nucleus   Phones, Cell   Nucleus (Cells) BT Advertising   Telephones, Cell BT Cell organelles Cell phone calls  (May Subd Geog)   Wireless phones NT Anucleate cells BT Radio—Transmitter-receivers   Chromosomes UF Calls, Cell phone   Telephone   Enucleation   Cellular telephone calls [Former heading] NT Smartphones   Nuclear matrix   Nuclear membranes BT Telephone calls — Batteries  (May Subd Geog)   Nucleoids Cell phone calls in art  (Not Subd Geog) BT Storage batteries   Nucleolus UF Cellular telephone calls in art [Former heading] — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) — Abnormalities  (May Subd Geog) Cell phone downloading  (May Subd Geog) BT Trade regulation UF Nuclear pathology   Nucleus pathology UF Cellular telephone downloading [Former — Religious aspects BT Pathology, Cellular   heading] — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]   Mobile downloading Cell phones (Islamic law)  (May Subd Geog) — Measurement USE Karyometry BT Downloading of data BT Islamic law Cell phone equipment industry  (May Subd Geog) — Separation  (May Subd Geog) UF Separation of cell nuclei [HD9697.T45-HD9697.T454] BT Cell fractionation UF Cellular radio equipment industry [Former   heading]   Cellular telephone equipment industry [Former   heading] BT Telephone supplies industry C-186

Cell phones and teenagers  (May Subd Geog) Cell renewal Cellar spiders UF Cellular telephones and teenagers [Former USE Cell proliferation USE Pholcidae   heading]   Teenagers and cell phones Cell research Cellars BT Teenagers USE Cytology—Research USE Basements Cell phones and traffic accidents  (May Subd Geog) Cell respiration Cellars, Root [HE5620.D59] [QH633] USE Root cellars UF Cellular telephones and traffic accidents UF Cellular respiration   [Former heading] BT Cell metabolism Cellars, Wine   Traffic accidents and cell phones   Respiration USE Wine cellars BT Traffic accidents Cell salts, Zodiacal (Dietary supplement) Cellars family Cell phones in art  (Not Subd Geog) USE Zodiacal tissue salts (Dietary supplement) USE Sellers family [N8217.C269] Cell segregation Cellate (Malaysian people) Cell physiology USE Cell separation USE Mah-Meri (Malaysian people) [QH631] UF Cell function Cell separation  (May Subd Geog) Cellate language BT Cytology [QH585.5.C44] USE Mah Meri language   Physiology UF Cell isolation NT Basophils—Physiology   Cell segregation Cellatex (Firm) Strike, Givet, France, 2000   Blood cells—Physiology   Cells—Separation BT Strikes and lockouts—Chemical   Cell compartmentation BT Cytometry   workers—France   Cells—Motility   Separation (Technology)   Endocytosis NT Leukapheresis Cellatron C8205 (Computer)  (Not Subd Geog)   Exocytosis [QA76.8.C]   Mast cells—Physiology Cell separation, Laser BT Electronic digital computers   Neurons—Physiology USE Flow cytometry   Plant cells and tissues—Physiology — Programming  (May Subd Geog)   Spermatozoa—Physiology Cell shape Cellatron computer  (Not Subd Geog) USE Cells—Morphology Cell populations BT Electronic digital computers [QH587-QH588] Cell site analysis (Forensic sciences) — Programming  (May Subd Geog) UF Populations, Cell USE Mobile device forensics Celle Castle (Celle, Germany) RT Cell proliferation USE Schloss Celle (Celle, Germany) BT Cytology Cell skeleton Celle family   Genetics USE Cytoskeleton USE Sell family Celle Massacre, Celle, Germany, 1945 Cell preservation Cell sorting, Laser USE Cells—Preservation USE Flow cytometry BT Massacres—Germany   World War, 1939-1945—Atrocities—Germany Cell proliferation Cell specification UF Cell renewal USE Cell differentiation Celle Palace (Celle, Germany)   Cellular proliferation USE Schloss Celle (Celle, Germany) BT Cell cycle Cell storage disorders RT Cell division USE Lysosomal storage diseases Celler Schloss (Celle, Germany)   Cell populations USE Schloss Celle (Celle, Germany)   Cells—Growth Cell surface antigens NT Cancer cells—Proliferation [QR186.6.C44] Cellesi family  (Not Subd Geog)   Lymphoproliferative disorders UF Immunological surface markers Celley family   Nodular fasciitis   Surface antigens   Surface markers, Immunological USE Cilley family — Molecular aspects BT Tissue-specific antigens Cellie family BT Molecular biology NT CD antigens   Pneumococcal surface protein A USE Kelly family Cell receptors   Thy-1 antigen Cellier de Clairvaux (Dijon, France) [QH603.C43] Here are entered works on cell receptors in Cell surface receptors UF Clairvaux, Cellier de (Dijon, France) USE Cell receptors BT Buildings—France general as well as works specifically on receptors on Cellists  (May Subd Geog) cell surfaces. Cell surfaces [ML398 (Collective biography)] USE Cell membranes [ML418 (Individual biography)] UF Cell membrane receptors UF Cello players   Cell surface receptors Cell suspensions   Receptors, Cell BT Cell culture   Violoncellists [Former heading]   Suspensions (Chemistry) BT Bowed stringed instrument players BT Binding sites (Biochemistry) Cello  (May Subd Geog)   Cell membranes — Optical properties [ML910-ML915 (History)]   Proteins [QH642] [MT300-MT318 (Instruction)] UF Bass violin SA subdivision Receptors under individual Cell telephones   chemicals and groups of chemicals, e.g. USE Cell phones   Violoncello [Former heading]   Insulin--Receptors BT Bowed stringed instruments Cell therapy NT Electric cello NT Blood platelets—Receptors USE Cellular therapy   Cardiovascular receptors   Violoncello piccolo   Cell-matrix adhesions Cell tower tracking (Forensic sciences) — Bowing   Death receptors USE Mobile device forensics   Drug receptors UF Violoncello—Instruction and   Fc receptors Cell transformation   study—Bowing [Former heading]   GABA—Receptors UF Culture alteration (Cytology)   Hepatocyte growth factor—Receptors   Transformation of cells — Instruction and study  (May Subd Geog)   Histamine—Receptors BT Tissue culture — Orchestral excerpts   Hormone receptors NT Bacterial transformation   Lymphocytes—Receptors   Dysplasia [MT306]   Metallacrown ethers   Lymphocyte transformation UF Violoncello—Orchestra studies [Former   Neurotransmitter receptors   Viral cell transformation   Olfactory receptors   heading]   Purines—Receptors Cell transplantation  (May Subd Geog) — Studies and exercises   Receptor-ligand complexes UF Cells—Transplantation   T cells—Receptors   Cellular transplantation [MT305]   Toxins—Receptors BT Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc. [MT307-MT310]   Tumor necrosis factor—Receptors RT Cellular therapy Cello and accordion music  (May Subd Geog)   Viruses—Receptors NT Neural stem cells—Transplantation [M298]   Stem cells—Transplantation UF Accordion and cello music — Separation  (May Subd Geog)   Violoncello and accordion music [Former BT Cell fractionation Cell-wall-deficient bacteria   heading] USE L-form bacteria Cello and alto flute music — Structure-activity relationships USE Alto flute and cello music [QH603.C43] Cell-wall-deficient forms (Bacteria) Cello and bandoneon music  (May Subd Geog) BT Structure-activity relationships USE L-form bacteria [M298]   (Biochemistry) UF Bandoneon and cello music Cell walls, Bacterial   Violoncello and bandoneon music [Former Cell recognition USE Bacterial cell walls   heading] USE Cellular recognition Cello and bass clarinet music Cell walls, Fungal USE Bass clarinet and cello music Cell regulation USE Fungal cell walls Cello and bass flute music USE Cellular control mechanisms USE Bass flute and cello music Cell walls, Plant Cello and bassoon music USE Plant cell walls USE Bassoon and cello music Cello and bayan music  (May Subd Geog) Cellagú Castle Site (Spain) [M298] USE Castiellu de Llagú Site (Spain) UF Bayan and cello music   Violoncello and bayan music [Former heading] Cellamare Conspiracy, 1718 Cello and clarinet music [DC132] USE Clarinet and cello music BT France—History—Regency, 1715-1723 Cellamare Palace (Naples, Italy) USE Palazzo Cellamare (Naples, Italy) C-187

Cello and computer music Cello and percussion music SA headings for forms and types of music that USE Computer and cello music USE Percussion and cello music   include \"cello\" or \"cellos\" and headings with   medium of performance that include \"cello\" Cello and continuo music  (May Subd Geog) Cello and pi pa music  (May Subd Geog)   or \"cellos\"; also the headings Piano quartets, UF Continuo and cello music [M294-M295]   Piano quintets, Piano trios, String quartets,   Violoncello and continuo music [Former UF Pi pa and cello music   and String trios   heading]   Violoncello and pi pa music [Former heading] NT Electric cello music Cello and didjeridu music Cello and piano music  (May Subd Geog) — History and criticism USE Didjeridu and cello music [M229-M230] [M233] [ML915] Cello and double bass music  (May Subd Geog) UF Piano and cello music Cello music (Cellos (2))  (May Subd Geog) [M286-M287]   Violoncello and piano music [Former heading] UF Double bass and cello music [M286-M287]   Violoncello and double bass music [Former Cello and piano music, Arranged  (May Subd Geog) UF Cello duets   heading] [M235-M236] UF Violoncello and piano music, Arranged   Violoncello music (Violoncellos (2)) [Former Cello and double bass with orchestra   [Former heading]   heading] [M1040-M1041] NT Cello with band—Solo with piano NT Suites (Cellos (2)) UF Violoncello and double bass with orchestra   Cello with brass band—Solo with piano   Trios (Percussion, cellos (2))   [Former heading]   Cello with chamber orchestra—Solo with piano Cello music (Cellos (2)), Arranged  (May Subd Geog)   Cello with orchestra—Solo with piano [M286-M287] — Solos with piano   Cello with string orchestra—Solo with piano UF Violoncello music (Violoncellos (2)), Arranged [M1041]   [Former heading] UF Violoncello and double bass with Cello and piano with orchestra  (May Subd Geog) Cello music (Cellos (4))   orchestra—Solos with piano [Former [M1040-M1041] USE String quartets (Cellos (4))   heading] UF Violoncello and piano with orchestra [Former Cello music (Cellos (6)) BT Trios (Piano, cello, double bass), Arranged   heading] USE String sextets (Cellos (6)) Cello music (Cellos (7)) Cello and double bass with string orchestra Cello and piano with string orchestra  (May Subd Geog) USE String septets (Cellos (7)) (May Subd Geog) [M1140-M1141] Cello music (Cellos (8)) [M1140-M1141] UF Violoncello and piano with string orchestra USE String octets (Cellos (8)) UF Violoncello and double bass with string   [Former heading] Cello music (Jazz)  (May Subd Geog)   orchestra [Former heading] [M50-M54] Cello and recorder music UF Violoncello music (Jazz) [Former heading] Cello and drum music USE Recorder and cello music BT Jazz USE Drum and cello music Cello players Cello and reed organ music  (May Subd Geog) USE Cellists Cello and electric guitar music [M191-M195] Cello teachers  (May Subd Geog) UF Electric guitar and cello music UF Reed organ and cello music UF Violoncello teachers [Former heading]   Violoncello and reed organ music [Former BT Music teachers Cello and electronic music   heading] Cello with band  (May Subd Geog) USE Electronic and cello music [M1205-M1206] Cello and saxophone music UF Violoncello with band [Former heading] Cello and English horn music USE Saxophone and cello music — Solo with piano USE English horn and cello music Cello and shakuhachi music [M1206] Cello and flute music USE Shakuhachi and cello music BT Cello and piano music, Arranged USE Flute and cello music Cello with brass band  (May Subd Geog) Cello and synthesizer music [M1205-M1206 (Original compositions)] Cello and guitar music  (May Subd Geog) USE Synthesizer and cello music [M1257 (Arrangements)] [M294-M295] UF Violoncello with brass band [Former heading] UF Guitar and cello music Cello and taegŭm music — Solo with piano   Violoncello and guitar music [Former heading] USE Taegŭm and cello music [M1206] BT Cello and piano music, Arranged Cello and harp music  (May Subd Geog) Cello and tanso music Cello with chamber orchestra  (May Subd Geog) [M294-M295] USE Tanso and cello music [M1016-M1017] UF Harp and cello music UF Violoncello with chamber orchestra [Former   Violoncello and harp music [Former heading] Cello and theorbo music  (May Subd Geog)   heading] UF Theorbo and cello music — Solo with piano Cello and harp with orchestra  (May Subd Geog)   Violoncello and theorbo music [Former [M1017] [M1040-M1041]   heading] BT Cello and piano music, Arranged UF Violoncello and harp with orchestra [Former Cello with chamber orchestra, Arranged   heading] Cello and timpani music (May Subd Geog) USE Timpani and cello music [M1016-M1017] Cello and harp with string orchestra  (May Subd Geog) UF Violoncello with chamber orchestra, Arranged [M1140-M1141] Cello and toy instrument music   [Former heading] UF Violoncello and harp with string orchestra USE Toy instrument and cello music — Scores   [Former heading] [M1016] Cello and trombone music Cello with instrumental ensemble  (May Subd Geog) — Scores USE Trombone and cello music UF Violoncello with instrumental ensemble [M1140]   [Former heading] Cello and trumpet music Cello with jazz ensemble  (May Subd Geog) Cello and harp with string orchestra, Arranged USE Trumpet and cello music [M1366] (May Subd Geog) UF Violoncello with jazz ensemble [Former [M1140-M1141] Cello and vibraphone music   heading] UF Violoncello and harp with string orchestra, USE Vibraphone and cello music Cello with orchestra  (May Subd Geog)   Arranged [Former heading] [M1016-M1017] — Scores Cello and viola d'amore music UF Violoncello with orchestra [Former heading] [M1140] USE Viola d'amore and cello music — Solo with piano [M1017] Cello and harpsichord music  (May Subd Geog) Cello and viola music BT Cello and piano music, Arranged [M229-M230 (Collections)] USE Viola and cello music Cello with orchestra, Arranged  (May Subd Geog) [M233 (Separate works)] [M1016-M1017] UF Harpsichord and cello music Cello and violin music UF Violoncello with orchestra, Arranged [Former   Violoncello and harpsichord music [Former USE Violin and cello music   heading]   heading] — Scores Cello duets [M1016] Cello and harpsichord music, Arranged USE Cello music (Cellos (2)) Cello with string ensemble  (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) UF Violoncello with string ensemble [Former [M235-M236] Cello ensembles  (May Subd Geog)   heading] UF Violoncello and harpsichord music, Arranged [M950-M954] Cello with string orchestra  (May Subd Geog)   [Former heading] Here are entered compositions not in a specific [M1116-M1117] UF Violoncello with string orchestra [Former Cello and horn music form or of a specific type for ten or more solo cellos,   heading] USE Horn and cello music and collections of compositions in several forms or types for various numbers of solo cellos. Cello and keyboard instrument music  (May Subd Geog) UF Keyboard instrument and cello music When used for an accompanying ensemble in   Violoncello and keyboard instrument music headings with medium of performance, the term   [Former heading] \"cello ensemble\" stands for two or more solo cellos. Cello and lute music  (May Subd Geog) UF Violoncello ensembles [Former heading] [M294-M295] SA headings for forms and types of music that UF Lute and cello music   Violoncello and lute music [Former heading]   include \"cello ensemble\" and headings with   medium of performance that include \"cello Cello and marimba music   ensemble\" USE Marimba and cello music Cello makers  (May Subd Geog) UF Violoncello makers [Former heading] Cello and oboe music BT Stringed instrument makers USE Oboe and cello music Cello music  (May Subd Geog) [M50-M54] Cello and organ music  (May Subd Geog) Here are entered compositions not in a specific [M182-M186] form or of a specific type for solo cello, and UF Organ and cello music collections of compositions in several forms or types   Violoncello and organ music [Former heading] for solo cello. UF Violoncello music [Former heading] RT Recorded accompaniments (Cello) C-188

— Solo with piano   Germ cells   Cell physiology [M1117]   Heart cells NT Cilia and ciliary motion BT Cello and piano music, Arranged   Immobilized cells — Movement   Immunocompetent cells USE Cells—Motility Cello with string orchestra, Arranged  (May Subd Geog)   Irritability — Permeability [M1140-M1141]   Keratinocytes BT Cell membranes UF Violoncello with string orchestra, Arranged   Leydig cells NT Ionophores   [Former heading]   Liver cells — Preservation  (May Subd Geog)   Microfibrils UF Cell preservation Cello with wind ensemble  (May Subd Geog)   Microsomes BT Preservation of organs, tissues, etc. UF Violoncello with wind ensemble [Former   Muscle cells NT Cells—Cryopreservation   heading]   Neurons — Research   Pacemaker cells USE Cytology—Research Cellobiohydrolase I   Pancreatic acinar cells — Separation USE Cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase   Phagocytes USE Cell separation   Plant cells and tissues — Specification Cellobiosidase, Cellulose   Protoplasm USE Cell differentiation USE Cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase   Protoplasts — Therapeutic use   Purkinje cells USE Cellular therapy Cellone  (May Subd Geog)   Satellite cells — Transplantation BT Bowed stringed instruments   Sertoli cells USE Cell transplantation   Somatic cells Cells, Animation Cellone music  (May Subd Geog)   Somatic hybrids USE Animation cels Here are entered compositions not in a specific   Spores Cells, Artificial   Stem cells USE Artificial cells form or of a specific type for solo cellone, and   Turgor Cells, Biofiltration collections of compositions in several forms or types   Ultrastructure (Biology) USE Rain gardens for solo cellone. — Acclimatization Cells, Bioretention USE Rain gardens SA headings for forms and types of music that [QH650] Cells, Chromaffin   include \"cellone\" or \"cellones\" and headings UF Cellular acclimatization USE Chromaffin cells   with medium of performance that include BT Acclimatization Cells, Effect of drugs on   \"cellone\" or \"cellones\" — Aging USE Cells—Effect of drugs on [QH608] Cells, Imaginal Cellophane  (May Subd Geog) BT Aging USE Imaginal disks [TP1180.C4] — Contraction Cells, Light-emitting electrochemical BT Cellulose [QH646] USE Light-emitting electrochemical cells UF Cell contraction Cells, Lithium Cellophane House (New York, N.Y.) BT Contractility (Biology) USE Lithium cells BT Dwellings—New York (State) — Cryopreservation  (May Subd Geog) Cells, Lithium ion BT Cells—Preservation USE Lithium ion batteries Cellophane tape Cells, Solar USE Transparent tape   Cryopreservation of organs, tissues, etc. USE Solar cells — Differentiation Cells, Suppressor Cellos (2) with chamber orchestra  (May Subd Geog) USE Suppressor cells [M1016-M1017] USE Cell differentiation Cells (Christianity) UF Violoncellos (2) with chamber orchestra — Drug effects USE Cell churches   [Former heading] Cells of Corti USE Cells—Effect of drugs on USE Hair cells — Scores — Effect of drugs on  (May Subd Geog) Cells of hermits [M1016] USE Hermitages UF Cells—Drug effects [Former heading] Cells of Sertoli Cellos (2) with instrumental ensemble   Cells, Effect of drugs on [Former heading] USE Sertoli cells (May Subd Geog)   Cellular pharmacology Celluci, Mike (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) UF Violoncellos (2) with instrumental ensemble UF Detective Sergeant Mike Celluci (Fictitious   [Former heading] BT Drugs—Physiological effect   character) — Effect of radiation on  (May Subd Geog)   Mike Celluci (Fictitious character) Cellos (2) with orchestra  (May Subd Geog) Cellular acclimatization [M1016-M1017] [QH652-QH652.7] USE Cells—Acclimatization UF Violoncellos (2) with orchestra [Former BT Radiation—Physiological effect Cellular automata   heading] — Electric properties  (May Subd Geog) [QA267.5.C45] [QH645] UF Computers, Iterative circuit — Solos with piano BT Electrophysiology   Iterative circuit computers [M1017] — Evolution  (May Subd Geog)   Structures, Tessellation (Automata) UF Violoncellos (2) with orchestra—Solos with UF Cell evolution   Tessellation structures (Automata)   piano [Former heading] BT Parallel processing (Electronic computers)   Cellular evolution   Pattern recognition systems Cellos (2) with string orchestra  (May Subd Geog) BT Evolution (Biology)   Sequential machine theory [M1116-M1117] — Fate specification NT Swarm intelligence UF Violoncellos (2) with string orchestra [Former USE Cell differentiation Cellular biology   heading] — Growth USE Cytology [QH604.7] Cellular calcium Cellos (3) with orchestra  (May Subd Geog) UF Cell growth USE Intracellular calcium [M1016-M1017] RT Cell proliferation Cellular communication (Biology) UF Violoncellos (3) with orchestra [Former NT Cell organelles—Formation USE Cell interaction   heading] Cellular compartmentation   Cytoskeleton—Formation USE Cell compartmentation — Solos with piano — — Regulation Cellular concrete [M1017] USE Lightweight concrete UF Violoncellos (3) with orchestra—Solos with [QH604] Cellular control mechanisms   piano [Former heading] UF Regulation of cell growth [QH604-QH604.5] BT Quartets (Piano, cellos (3)), Arranged BT Biological control systems Here are entered works on the various mechanisms of cellular control such as structural Cellos (4) with string orchestra  (May Subd Geog)   Cellular control mechanisms control, biochemical control, cell differentiation, etc. UF Violoncellos (4) with string orchestra [Former — Mechanical properties Works on the control of the type and rate of cellular   heading] processes by regulation of the activity of specific [QH645.5] genes controlling individual biochemical reactions are Cellphone novels UF Cell mechanics entered under Genetic regulation. USE Cell phone novels   Cellular mechanics UF Cell regulation Cellphones BT Biomechanics BT Biological control systems USE Cell phones — Metabolism RT Cell metabolism USE Cell metabolism NT Autocrine mechanisms Cells — Morphology [QH573-QH671] UF Cell shape BT Organisms BT Morphology RT Cytology — Motility NT Anucleate cells [QH647]   Artificial cells UF Cell motility   Astrocytes   Blood cells   Cell movement   Bone cells   Cells—Movement   Bone marrow cells   Cellular movement   Cancer cells   Motility of cells   Cartilage cells BT Biomechanics   Cell death   Centrosomes   Chloride cells   Clone cells   Connective tissue cells   Cytoarchitectonics   Cytoplasm   Epithelial cells   Eukaryotic cells   Fertilization (Biology) C-189

Cellular control mechanisms  (Continued) Cellular signal transduction   Hemicellulose   Biological response modifiers [QP517.C45]   Lignocellulose   Cancer cells—Growth—Regulation UF Cellular information transduction   Pyroxylin   Cell compartmentation   Information transduction, Cellular   Rayon   Cell interaction   Signal transduction, Cellular   Viscose process   Cells—Growth—Regulation BT Bioenergetics — Biodegradation  (May Subd Geog)   Cellular signal transduction   Cellular control mechanisms   Contact inhibition (Biology)   Information theory in biology UF Cellulose decomposition   Genetic regulation NT ADP-ribosylation — Chemistry   Germ cells—Differentiation—Regulation   JAK-STAT pathway   Gluconeogenesis—Regulation   Plant cellular signal transduction BT Chemistry, Technical   Paracrine mechanisms   Second messengers (Biochemistry) — Microbiology  (May Subd Geog)   Plant cellular control mechanisms   Sertoli cells—Differentiation—Regulation Cellular slime molds [QR160] USE Acrasiomycetes — Spectra Cellular Digital Packet Data standard — Synthesis USE CDPD (Standard) Cellular systems (Telecommunication) Cellulose, Ethyl USE Cell phone systems USE Ethylcellulose Cellular evolution Cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase USE Cells—Evolution Cellular telephone advertising USE Cell phone advertising [QP609.C38] Cellular flows UF 1,4-beta-D-glucan cellobiohydrolase [TA357.5.C45] Cellular telephone calls UF Flows, Cellular USE Cell phone calls   CBH I (Enzyme) BT Fluid dynamics   Cellobiohydrolase I Cellular telephone calls in art   Cellobiosidase, Cellulose Cellular glass  (May Subd Geog) USE Cell phone calls in art   Exo-cellobiohydrolase UF Foam glass BT Cellulase   Glass, Cellular Cellular telephone downloading Cellulose acetate  (May Subd Geog)   Glass, Foam USE Cell phone downloading [TP248.C45 (Chemical technology)] BT Foamed materials UF Acetylcellulose   Insulating materials Cellular telephone equipment industry BT Acetates USE Cell phone equipment industry   Cellulose esters Cellular growth factors Cellulose decomposition USE Growth factors Cellular telephone etiquette USE Cellulose—Biodegradation USE Cell phone etiquette Cellulose esters  (May Subd Geog) Cellular immunity  (May Subd Geog) BT Esters [QR185.5] Cellular telephone music NT Cellulose acetate UF Cell-mediated immunity USE Cell phone music   Nitrocellulose   Cellular immunology Cellulose ethers BT Clonal selection theory Cellular telephone novels [QD323]   Immune response USE Cell phone novels BT Ethers   Immunity NT Ethylcellulose NT Antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity Cellular telephone services industry Cellulose fibers  (May Subd Geog)   Cytokines USE Cell phone services industry [TS1544.C4]   Delayed hypersensitivity BT Plant fibers   Transplantation immunology Cellular telephone systems Cellulose industry  (May Subd Geog) USE Cell phone systems [HD9660.C4-HD9660.C43] Cellular immunology BT Plant products industry USE Cellular immunity Cellular telephone theft Cellulose insulation  (May Subd Geog) USE Cell phone theft [TH1718 (Thermal insulation)] Cellular information transduction UF Cellulosic insulation USE Cellular signal transduction Cellular telephones BT Insulating materials USE Cell phones NT Electric insulators and insulation—Cellulose Cellular interaction Cellulose liquor USE Cell interaction Cellular telephones and teenagers USE Sulfite waste liquor USE Cell phones and teenagers Cellulose nanocrystals  (Not Subd Geog) Cellular manufacturing BT Nanocrystals USE Manufacturing cells Cellular telephones and traffic accidents Cellulose nitrates USE Cell phones and traffic accidents USE Nitrocellulose Cellular mappings Cellulosic ethanol  (May Subd Geog) UF Cellular maps Cellular therapy  (May Subd Geog) BT Biomass energy   Maps, Cellular [RM301.37]   Ethanol BT Mappings (Mathematics) UF Cell therapy Cellulosic insulation NT Dessins d'enfants (Mathematics)   Cells—Therapeutic use USE Cellulose insulation   Therapy, Cellular Celly family Cellular maps BT Organotherapy USE Cilley family USE Cellular mappings   Therapeutics, Physiological Celma Castle (Pla de Manlleu, Spain)   Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc. USE Castell de Celma (Pla de Manlleu, Spain) Cellular mechanics RT Cell transplantation Celosia  (May Subd Geog) USE Cells—Mechanical properties NT Myoblast transfer therapy [QK495.A48] BT Amaranthaceae Cellular memory hypothesis Cellular therapy equipment industry  (May Subd Geog) Cels, Animation USE Systemic memory hypothesis [HD9995.C45-HD9995.C454] USE Animation cels BT Medical instruments and apparatus industry Celsi Palazzo (Venice, Italy) Cellular movement USE Palazzo Celsi (Venice, Italy) USE Cells—Motility Cellular transplantation Celsia USE Cell transplantation USE Mulleins Cellular pathology Celsius thermometer USE Pathology, Cellular Cellulase  (May Subd Geog) UF Centigrade thermometer [QP609.C37 (Animal biochemistry)] BT Thermometers Cellular pharmacology [TP248.65.C44 (Biotechnology)] Celtala language USE Cells—Effect of drugs on UF Endo-1,4-beta-glucanase USE Tzeltal language   Glucanase, Endo-1,4-beta Celti (Extinct city) Cellular phones BT Glycosidases UF Penã flor (Spain) USE Cell phones NT Cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase BT Extinct cities—Spain   Spain—Antiquities Cellular plastics Cellulite Celti-Iberian language USE Plastic foams BT Adipose tissues USE Celtiberian language Celtiberi  (May Subd Geog) Cellular proliferation Cellulitis  (May Subd Geog) [DP95] USE Cell proliferation UF Ethmyphytis UF Celtiberians BT Connective tissues—Diseases BT Iberians Cellular radio   Pathology, Cellular RT Basques USE Cell phone services industry Celtiberian alphabet   Cell phone systems Celluloid [P1081]   Cell phones [TP1180.C5] BT Alphabet BT Thermoplastics Cellular radio equipment industry USE Cell phone equipment industry Celluloid buttons  (May Subd Geog) BT Buttons Cellular radiotelephone systems USE Cell phone systems Celluloid dolls  (May Subd Geog) [NK4894.4.C44 (Decorative arts)] Cellular recognition UF Dolls, Celluloid UF Cell recognition BT Dolls   Self-recognition (Immunology) BT Cell interaction Cellulomonas  (May Subd Geog)   Immunology [QR160] NT Plant cell recognition BT Aerobic bacteria   Heterotrophic bacteria — Animal models  (May Subd Geog) BT Animal models in research Cellulose  (May Subd Geog) [QK898.C42 (Botanical chemistry)] Cellular respiration [TS933.C4 (Wood chemistry)] USE Cell respiration BT Glucans RT Wood—Chemistry Cellular services industry NT Cellophane USE Cell phone services industry   Dyes and dyeing—Cellulose C-190

Celtiberian bronzes Celtic harp and guitar music Celtic mythology USE Bronzes, Celtiberian [M292-M293] USE Mythology, Celtic UF Guitar and Celtic harp music Celtiberian coins Celtic names USE Coins, Celtiberian Celtic harp and handbell music USE Names, Personal—Celtic USE Handbell and Celtic harp music Celtiberian cults Celtic numismatics BT Cults Celtic harp and harpsichord music  (May Subd Geog) USE Numismatics, Celtic UF Harpsichord and Celtic harp music Celtiberian inscriptions Celtic peoples USE Inscriptions, Celtiberian Celtic harp and lyra viol music USE Celts USE Lyra viol and Celtic harp music Celtiberian language  (May Subd Geog) Celtic personal names [P1081] Celtic harp and mandolin music  (May Subd Geog) USE Names, Personal—Celtic UF Celti-Iberian language UF Mandolin and Celtic harp music   Celto-Iberian language Celtic philology BT Celtic languages, Continental Celtic harp and psaltery music [PB1001-PB1095]   Portugal—Languages USE Psaltery and Celtic harp music NT Celtic languages   Spain—Languages Celtic harp and viol music Celtic poetry — Names USE Viol and Celtic harp music BT Celtic literature USE Names, Celtiberian Celtic harp music  (May Subd Geog) Celtic poetry (English) Celtiberian names [M142.C44] USE English poetry—Celtic authors USE Names, Celtiberian Here are entered compositions not in a specific Celtic Reiki (Healing system)  (May Subd Geog) Celtiberians form or of a specific type for solo Celtic harp, and BT Reiki (Healing system) USE Celtiberi collections of compositions in several forms or types for solo Celtic harp. Celtic revival (Art) Celtic antiquities  (Not Subd Geog) USE Art, Irish—Celtic influences [D70] SA headings for forms and types of music that UF Antiquities, Celtic   include \"Celtic harp\" or \"Celtic harps\" and Celtic rite (Catholic Church)   Celts—Antiquities   headings with medium of performance that USE Catholic Church—Celtic rite BT Antiquities   include \"Celtic harp\" or \"Celtic harps\" SA subdivision Antiquities, Celtic under names of Celtic saints, Christian   countries, cities, etc. Celtic harp with string orchestra  (May Subd Geog) USE Christian saints, Celtic Celtic high crosses Celtic architecture Celtic sculpture USE Architecture, Celtic USE High crosses (Sculpture) USE Sculpture, Celtic Celtic illumination of books and manuscripts Celtic art Celtic Sea USE Art, Celtic USE Illumination of books and manuscripts, Celtic BT Seas Celtic inscriptions Celtic art metal-work Celtic silverwork USE Art metal-work, Celtic USE Inscriptions, Celtic USE Silverwork, Celtic Celtic knotwork Celtic arts Celtic Trail (Wales) USE Arts, Celtic USE Knotwork, Celtic UF Geltaidd, Lôn (Wales) Celtic languages  (May Subd Geog)   Lôn Geltaidd (Wales) Celtic astrology BT Bicycle trails—Wales USE Astrology, Celtic [PB1001-PB1095] BT Celtic philology Celtic type  (May Subd Geog) Celtic astronomy [Z250.5.C42] USE Astronomy, Celtic   Indo-European languages BT Type and type-founding NT Brythonic languages Celtic ballads Celtic wit and humor  (May Subd Geog) USE Ballads, Celtic   Goidelic languages BT Celtic literature   Proto-Celtic language Celtic bronzes Celtic languages, Continental  (May Subd Geog) Celtic women USE Bronzes, Celtic [PB3000] USE Women, Celtic NT Celtiberian language Celtic calendar   Gaulish language Celtica (Machynlleth, Wales : Building) USE Calendar, Celtic Celtic law USE Plas Machynlleth (Machynlleth, Wales) USE Law, Celtic Celtic calligraphy Celtic literature  (May Subd Geog) Celtidia USE Calligraphy, Celtic [PB1096-PB1100] USE Zopfia BT British literature Celtic Christian literature   France—Literatures Celtis  (May Subd Geog) USE Christian literature, Celtic NT Celtic poetry [QK495.U4 (Botany)]   Celtic wit and humor UF Hackberries (Genus) Celtic Christian saints   Folk literature, Celtic BT Ulmaceae USE Christian saints, Celtic Celtic literature (English) NT European hackberry USE English literature—Celtic authors   Hackberry Celtic Church Celtic magic   Sugarberry [BR748-BR749 (Great Britain)] USE Magic, Celtic [BR794 (Ireland)] Celtic Manor Hotel and Country Club (Newport, Wales) Celtis australis NT Culdees USE Celtic Manor Resort (Newport, Wales) USE European hackberry Celtic Manor Resort (Newport, Gwent, Wales) — Liturgy USE Celtic Manor Resort (Newport, Wales) Celtis laevigata USE Catholic Church—Celtic rite Celtic Manor Resort (Newport, Wales) USE Sugarberry UF Celtic Manor Hotel and Country Club (Newport, Celtic civilization   Wales) Celtis lutea USE Civilization, Celtic   Celtic Manor Resort (Newport, Gwent, Wales) USE European hackberry   [Former heading] Celtic coins BT Resorts—Wales Celtis mississippiensis USE Coins, Celtic Celtic miniature painting USE Sugarberry USE Miniature painting, Celtic Celtic cooking Celtic music  (May Subd Geog) Celtis occidentalis USE Cooking, Celtic Here are entered traditional music of Celtic ethnic USE Hackberry groups in general and musical works containing Celtic cults  (May Subd Geog) elements of or inspired by traditional music in the Celtium [BL900-BL915] Celtic style. Celtic folk music in specific forms is USE Hafnium BT Cults entered under headings such as Strathspeys; Folk songs, Breton; Fiddle tunes--Scotland; Folk music-- Celto-Iberian language Celtic decoration and ornament Ireland; etc. USE Celtiberian language USE Decoration and ornament, Celtic UF Celts—Music Celts  (May Subd Geog) Celtic enamel and enameling   Music, Celtic [D70] USE Enamel and enameling, Celtic UF Celtic peoples BT Folk music   Gaels Celtic folk literature   Popular music BT Ethnology—Europe USE Folk literature, Celtic   Indo-Europeans SA headings for music of individual instruments RT Alpine race Celtic folk songs   followed by the qualifier \"(Celtic)\" and the NT Aedui (Celtic people) USE Folk songs, Celtic   subdivisions Methods (Celtic) and Studies   Ambrones   and exercises (Celtic) under individual   Atrebates (Celtic people) Celtic goddesses   musical instruments and families of   Boii USE Goddesses, Celtic   instruments   Britons   Carnutes (Celtic people) Celtic gods NT Cittern music (Celtic)   Carvetii USE Gods, Celtic Celtic musicians   Cenomani (Celtic people)   Druids and druidism Celtic goldwork USE Musicians, Celtic   Galatians USE Goldwork, Celtic   Gauls   Helvetii (Celtic people) Celtic harp  (May Subd Geog)   Latobici (Celtic people) [ML1015.C3 (History)]   Pan-Celticism [MT552 (Instruction)]   Picts UF Gaelic harp   Remi (Celtic people)   Irish harp   Scordisci   Scottish harp   Suessiones (Celtic people)   Welsh harp BT Harp   Musical instruments—Ireland   Musical instruments—Great Britain C-191

Celts  (Continued) — Additives  (May Subd Geog) Cemental annulations   Taurini [TP884.A3] USE Cementum—Annuli   Welsh UF Cement admixtures NT Cement additives industry Cemental annuli — Antiquities USE Cementum—Annuli USE Celtic antiquities — Effect of temperature on  (May Subd Geog) UF Cement, Effect of temperature on [Former Cementation (Metallurgy) — Civilization   heading] [TN734] USE Civilization, Celtic BT Metallurgy — Electric properties  (May Subd Geog)   Steel—Metallurgy — Egyptian influences [TA435] NT Case hardening BT Egypt—Civilization — Tariff Cementation (Petrology) — Music USE Tariff on cement UF Agglutination (Petrology) USE Celtic music BT Diagenesis Cement, Effect of temperature on — England USE Cement—Effect of temperature on Cementiri dels Fenicis Site (Spain) [DA140-DA143] USE Son Real Site (Spain) NT Catuvellauni (Celtic people) Cement (Teeth)   Parisii (Celtic people) USE Cementum Cementite  (May Subd Geog) UF Iron carbide — France Cement additives industry  (May Subd Geog) BT Carbides [DC62-DC63] BT Cement—Additives   Iron compounds NT Allobroges (Celtic people)   Caletes Cement admixtures Cementitious composites   Coriosolites (Celtic people) USE Cement—Additives USE Cement composites   Diablintes (Celtic people)   Morini (Celtic people) Cement clinkers Cements, Adhesive   Osismii (Celtic people) [TP881] [TP967-TP968]   Parisii (Celtic people) BT Cement RT Adhesives   Sequani NT Clinker brick   Veneti (Celtic people) Cementum  (May Subd Geog) — Etching  (May Subd Geog) UF Cement (Teeth) — Great Britain BT Etching   Dental cementum NT Brigantes (Celtic people)   Tooth cementum Cement coating BT Connective tissues — Spain Here are entered works on the use of cement as a   Periodontium NT Turmogos   Teeth coating to protect other materials. Works on the Celts in art  (Not Subd Geog) protection of concrete from deterioration are entered — Annulations Celts in literature  (Not Subd Geog) under the heading Concrete coatings. USE Cementum—Annuli Celuta vermis BT Cement — Annuli USE Western worm snake   Coatings UF Annular cementum rings Cely family  (Not Subd Geog)   Protective coatings   Annulations, Cemental Celyn Lake (Wales)   Annuli, Cementum Cement composites  (May Subd Geog)   Cemental annulations UF Llyn Celyn (Wales) [TA438]   Cemental annuli   Tryweryn Reservoir (Wales) UF Cementitious composites   Cementum—Annulations BT Cement   Cementum annuli BT Lakes—Wales   Composite materials   Cementum rings, Annular   Reservoirs—Wales BT Dental annuli Cement glands CEM (Air quality) BT Invertebrates—Anatomy USE Cementum—Annuli USE Continuous emission monitoring Cementum rings, Annular Cement grout Cemba (Togolese and Ghanaian people) USE Grout (Mortar) USE Cementum—Annuli USE Bassari (Togolese and Ghanaian people) Cemetarians Cement gun Cembal d'amour  (May Subd Geog) USE Cement guns USE Cemetery managers BT Clavichord Cemeteries  (May Subd Geog) Cement guns  (May Subd Geog) Cembal d'amour music  (May Subd Geog) [TA446] [GT3320 (Manners and customs)] Here are entered compositions not in a specific UF Cement gun [Former heading] [RA626-RA630 (Public health)] BT Pneumatic tools Here are entered general works on cemeteries and form or of a specific type for solo cembal d'amour, RT Shotcrete burying-grounds. Works on tombs and mausoleums, and collections of compositions in several forms or mainly from the archaeological standpoint, are types for solo cembal d'amour. Cement industries  (May Subd Geog) entered under Tombs. Works on funerary monuments [HD9622 (Economics)] and gravestones are entered under Sepulchral SA headings for forms and types of music that [TP875-TP885 (Technology)] monuments.   include \"cembal d'amour\" or \"cembals BT Nonmetallic minerals industry   d'amour\" and headings with medium of NT Asbestos cement industry UF Burial grounds   performance that include \"cembal d'amour\"   Cement industry workers   Burying-grounds   or \"cembals d'amour\"   Portland cement industry   Churchyards   Ready mixed concrete industry   Graves Cembalo   Graveyards USE Harpsichord — Collective labor agreements   Memorial gardens (Cemeteries) USE Collective labor agreements—Cement   Memorial parks (Cemeteries) Cembalo verticale   industries   Memory gardens (Cemeteries) USE Clavicytherium   Necropoleis — Strikes and lockouts   Necropoles Cembra USE Strikes and lockouts—Cement industries   Necropoli USE Stone pines   Necropolises Cement industry workers  (May Subd Geog) Cȩ mençe BT Cement industries BT Burial USE Kamānche   Death care industry — Labor unions  (May Subd Geog) Cement  (May Subd Geog) — Wages NT Animal cemeteries [TA434-TA435 (Engineering materials)]   Catacombs [TA680-TA683.94 (Structural engineering)] USE Wages—Cement industry workers   Christian cemeteries [TN945 (Mineral resources)] Cement kilns   Haunted cemeteries [TP875-TP885 (Chemical technology)]   Islamic cemeteries UF Hydraulic cement [TP881]   Jewish cemeteries BT Building materials BT Kilns   Lanterns of the dead RT Adhesives RT Kilns, Rotary   Selling—Cemetery lots NT Air-entraining cements Cement mixers   Slave cemeteries   Alumina cement USE Concrete mixers   Soldiers' bodies, Disposition of   Asphalt cement Cement pipe and tile   Cement clinkers [TA447 (Engineering materials)] — Consecration   Cement coating [TP885.P5 (Chemical technology)] USE Consecration of cemeteries   Cement composites BT Pipe   Dental cements Cement plants  (May Subd Geog) — Credit exchange plans   Expanding cement [TP882] USE Cemeteries—Exchange credit plans   Hydrocal BT Factories   Magnesia cement — Equipment and supplies — Desecration  (May Subd Geog)   Plastic cement — — Valuation  (May Subd Geog) UF Desecration of cemeteries   Polymer-impregnated cement Cement sculpture  (May Subd Geog) BT Sacrilege   Portland cement [NB1215]   Reinforced cement BT Sculpture — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   Roman cement RT Concrete sculpture BT Criminal law   Slag cement Cement slurry   Soil cement BT Slurry — Exchange credit plans  (May Subd Geog)   Steel Portland cement Cement-slurry backfill UF Cemeteries—Credit exchange plans   Sulfoaluminate cement USE Controlled low-strength materials   Credit exchange plans of cemeteries   Sulfur cement Cement substance (Anatomy) USE Extracellular matrix C-192

  Exchange credit plans of cemeteries — Pennsylvania Cena Jana Vać lava Stamice BT Real property, Exchange of — Poland USE Johann-Wenzel-Stamitz-Preis NT Lot Exchange Dollar Credit Plan — Portugal — Québec (Province) Cena Jindřicha Chalupeckeh́ o   Mausoleum Crypt Exchange Dollar Credit — Rhode Island UF Jindrǐ ch Chalupecký Award   Plan — Romania BT Art—Awards—Czech Republic — Landscape architecture  (May Subd Geog) — Russia (Federation) — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) Cenacle (Jerusalem) RT Burial laws NT Ekven Cemetery Site (Russia) UF Cenaculum (Jerusalem) — Multiple use  (May Subd Geog) — Scotland   Coenaculum (Jerusalem) UF Multiple use of cemeteries   Hall of the Last Supper (Jerusalem) BT Land use NT Saint Munda, Isle of (Scotland)   Holy Cenacle (Jerusalem) — Recording  (May Subd Geog) — South Africa   Last Supper, Room of the (Jerusalem) UF Cemetery recording — South Carolina   Room of the Cenacle (Jerusalem)   Recording, Cemetery — South Dakota   Room of the Last Supper (Jerusalem) BT Genealogy — Spain   Upper Room (Jerusalem) — Alabama — Sudan   Upper Room of the Last Supper (Jerusalem) — Arizona BT Rooms—Jerusalem — Arkansas NT Hillat el-Arab Site (Sudan) — Australia — Sweden Cenacolo di Rivara — Austria USE Scuola di Rivara — British Columbia NT Barshalder Cemetery Site (Sweden) — California   Valsgärde Site (Sweden) Cenaculum (Jerusalem) — Colorado USE Cenacle (Jerusalem) — Connecticut — Switzerland — Croatia — Tennessee Cēna̲ ittalaivar (Indic people) — Cuba — Texas USE Malayekandi (Indic people) — Czech Republic — Thailand — Czechoslovakia — Ukraine Cenami family  (Not Subd Geog) — England — United States Cenangium  (May Subd Geog) NT Cleatham Cemetery Site (Cleatham,   England) NT African American cemeteries [QK623.H35 (Botany)]   Finglesham Cemetery Site (Finglesham,   Confederate cemeteries BT Helotiaceae   England) Cenasun (Extinct city)   Graveyard of St. Margaret Fyebriggate in — Utah USE Canhasan (Extinct city)   Combusto Site (Norwich, England) — Vermont Cenchrus  (May Subd Geog)   Royal Hospital Haslar Cemetery Site — Virginia [QK495.G74 (Botany)]   (Gosport, England) — Washington (D.C.) UF Sandburs   Saint Anne's Road Cemetery Site — Washington (State) BT Grasses   (Eastbourne East Sussex, England) — West Virginia Cenchrus asperifolius   Snail Down Site (England) — Wisconsin USE Fountain grass — Florida — Wyoming Cenchrus ciliaris — France — Yugoslavia USE Buffelgrass — Georgia Cemeteries, African American Cenci family  (Not Subd Geog) — Germany USE African American cemeteries Cenci Palace (Rome, Italy) NT Rohnstedt Site (Germany) Cemeteries (Canon law) USE Palazzo Cenci (Rome, Italy) — Germany (East) Ceñcu (Indic people) — Germany (West) BT Canon law USE Chenchu (Indic people) — Hawaii Cemeteries (Jewish law) Cenḍ ạ   (May Subd Geog) — Idaho [ML1038.C4 (History)] — Illinois BT Jewish law UF Ceṇḍe — India Cemeteries (Roman law) — Indiana   Chenda — Iowa BT Roman law   Cheṇḍamēḷaṃ — Ireland Cemeteries in literature  (Not Subd Geog) BT Drum — Italy Cemetery managers  (May Subd Geog)   Musical instruments—India NT San Germano Site (Italy) Ceṇdạ music   Sant' Abbondio Site (Pompeii) UF Cemetarians Cenḍ ẹ — Japan   Cemetery superintendents USE Cenḍ ̣a — Jordan   Managers, Cemetery Cenderawasih, Teluk (Indonesia) NT Kataret es-Samra Site (Jordan) UF Cendrawasih, Teluk (Indonesia) — Kansas BT Executives   Geelvink Bay (Indonesia) — Kentucky Cemetery recording   Irian, Teluk (Indonesia) — Korea (South)   Sarera Bay (Indonesia) — Latvia USE Cemeteries—Recording   Teluk Cenderawasih (Indonesia) NT Salaspils Laukskola Site (Latvia) Cemetery superintendents   Teluk Cendrawasih (Indonesia) — Lithuania   Teluk Geelvink (Indonesia) — Louisiana USE Cemetery managers   Teluk Irian (Indonesia) — Maine Cemil Paşa family  (Not Subd Geog)   Teluk Sarera (Indonesia) — Maryland BT Bays—Indonesia — Massachusetts UF Cemiloğlu family Cendere Bridge (Turkey) — Mexico   Cemilpasa̧ zade family USE Cendere Kop̈ rus̈ ü (Turkey) — Michigan   Cemilpasa̧ zadeler family Cendere Ca̧ yı (Turkey) — Minnesota   Jamil Pasha family USE Cendere Creek (Turkey) — Mississippi Cendere Creek (Turkey) — Missouri Cemiloğlu family UF Cendere Ca̧ yı (Turkey) — Montana USE Cemil Paşa family   Cendere River (Turkey) — Nebraska   Cendere Suyu (Turkey) — Netherlands Cemilpaşazade family   Cenderesuyu (Turkey) — New Brunswick USE Cemil Paşa family   Chabinas Creek (Turkey) — New Jersey BT Rivers—Turkey — New Mexico Cemilpaşazadeler family Cendere Kop̈ rus̈ ü (Turkey) — New York (State) USE Cemil Paşa family UF Cendere Bridge (Turkey) — North Carolina   Chabinas Bridge (Turkey) — North Dakota Cemiostomatidae   Severan Bridge (Turkey) — Nova Scotia USE Lyonetiidae BT Bridges—Turkey — Ohio Cendere River (Turkey) — Oklahoma Cemiostomidae USE Cendere Creek (Turkey) — Ontario USE Lyonetiidae Cendere Suyu (Turkey) — Oregon USE Cendere Creek (Turkey) — Pakistan Cemiterada Mutiny, Brazil, 1836 Cenderesuyu (Turkey) NT Makli Hills Site (Pakistan) BT Mutiny—Brazil USE Cendere Creek (Turkey) — Papua New Guinea Cendrawasih, Teluk (Indonesia) Cemochechobee Archaeological District (Ga.) USE Cenderawasih, Teluk (Indonesia) BT Georgia—Antiquities Cendrecourt Castle (Cendrecourt, France)   Indians of North USE Château de Cendrecourt (Cendrecourt,   America—Georgia—Antiquities   France)   Mississippian culture Cendrecourt family  (Not Subd Geog) UF De Cendrecourt family Cempoala Site (Mexico) UF Cempohuallán Site (Mexico)   Zempoala Site (Mexico) BT Mexico—Antiquities Cempohuallań Site (Mexico) USE Cempoala Site (Mexico) Cempsen family USE Simpson family Cemual (African people) USE Nandi (African people) Cemuhi (New Caledonian people) USE Camuhi (New Caledonian people) Cemuhi language USE Camuhi language Cena Františka Kriegla BT Awards—Czech Republic C-193

Cenedy family   Paleoecology—Cenozoic   names of countries, cities, etc.; and under USE Kennedy family   Paleoentomology—Cenozoic   ethnic groups   Paleogeography—Cenozoic NT Demographic surveys Cenepa River (Peru)   Paleohydrology—Cenozoic   School census UF Rió Cenepa (Peru)   Paleomagnetism—Cenozoic — Confidential communications BT Rivers—Peru   Paleontology—Cenozoic USE Confidential communications—Census   Paleopedology—Cenozoic — Law and legislation  (Not Subd Geog) Cenepa River Conflict, 1995   Paleoseismology—Cenozoic USE Ecuador-Peru Conflict, 1995   Palynology—Cenozoic SA subdivision Census--Law and legislation Censers   under names of countries, cities, etc. Cenge language UF Thuribula USE Kenga language (Chad)   Thuribles — Statistics   Turibula USE Census Ceniday family BT Liturgical objects USE Kennedy family NT Ceramic censers Census (Canon law) Censor stamps, Postal Here are entered works on the canon law aspects Cenizo USE Postal censor stamps USE Fourwing saltbush Censored data (Statistics) of obtaining data for parochial registers of USE Censored observations (Statistics) parishioners or other church registers and records. Cennadāsars Censored observations (Statistics) Works on \"census\" in the sense of an annual USE Dombidasas UF Censored data (Statistics) payment or contract are entered under Annuities   Censoring (Statistics) (Canon law) or Contracts (Canon law). Cennaya (Legendary character)  (Not Subd Geog) BT Mathematical statistics UF Chennaya (Legendary character) Censoring (Statistics) BT Canon law BT Legends—India USE Censored observations (Statistics) Census districts  (May Subd Geog) Censors, Roman Cennet Cave (Turkey) [DG83.5.C4] UF Census enumeration districts USE Cennet Sinkhole (Turkey) Censorship  (May Subd Geog)   Census tracts UF Book censorship   Enumeration districts Cennet Çökug̈ ü (Turkey)   Books—Censorship   Statistical districts USE Cennet Sinkhole (Turkey)   Censorship—Law and legislation   Literature—Censorship BT Special districts Cennet Mağarası (Turkey) BT Literature and morals — Australia USE Cennet Sinkhole (Turkey) RT Anticensorship activists   Challenged books NT South West Statistical Division (W.A.) Cennet Obrugŭ (Turkey)   Expurgated books Census enumeration districts USE Cennet Sinkhole (Turkey)   Intellectual freedom   Prohibited books USE Census districts Cennet Obruk Mağarası (Turkey) SA subdivision Censorship under names of Census enumerators (Persons) USE Cennet Sinkhole (Turkey)   individual persons, individual wars, individual   literatures, and topical headings, e.g. USE Census takers (Persons) Cennet Sinkhole (Turkey)   Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616-- Census in rabbinical literature UF Cennet Cave (Turkey)   Censorship; World War, 1939-1945--   Cennet Co̧ k̈ ug̈ ü (Turkey)   Censorship; English literature--Censorship [BM496.9.C45]   Cennet Magă rası (Turkey) NT Book burning BT Rabbinical literature   Cennet Obruğu (Turkey)   Freedom of the press Census of housing   Cennet Obruk Magă rası (Turkey)   Libraries—Censorship USE Housing—Statistics   Heaven Sinkhole (Turkey)   Prior restraint Census of population   Paradise Pit (Turkey) — Law and legislation USE Census BT Caves—Turkey USE Censorship Census of retail trade   Sinkholes—Turkey — Religious aspects USE Retail trade—Statistics — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Census takers (Persons)  (May Subd Geog) Ceno River (Italy) — — Judaism UF Census enumerators (Persons) UF Torrente Ceno (Italy) BT Rivers—Italy [BM729.C4]   Enumerators, Census (Persons) UF Censorship (Judaism) [Former BT Employees Ceno River Valley (Italy) Census tracts UF Ceno Valley (Italy)   heading] USE Census districts   Val Ceno (Italy) Censorship (Canon law) Census undercounts  (May Subd Geog) BT Valleys—Italy UF Undercounts, Census BT Canon law Ceno Valley (Italy) Censorship (Judaism)   Underenumerations, Census USE Ceno River Valley (Italy) BT Population—Statistics USE Censorship—Religious aspects—Judaism Censuses, Ecological Cenobites  (May Subd Geog) Censorship and the arts USE Ecological surveys UF Coenobites Censusing, Ecological BT Monks USE Arts—Censorship USE Ecological surveys   Nuns Censorship in libraries Censusing of fishes USE Fishes—Counting Cenococcum  (May Subd Geog) USE Libraries—Censorship Cent [QK625.A48] Censorship in literature  (Not Subd Geog) [CJ1836 (United States)] BT Agonomycetaceae Censorship of the press UF Fugio cent NT Cenococcum graniforme BT Coins USE Freedom of the press NT Half-cent Cenococcum graniforme  (May Subd Geog)   Press law [QK625.A48]   Prohibited books   Three-cent piece BT Cenococcum   Two-cent piece Censorship of the stage — Errors Cenogamy USE Theater—Censorship USE Group marriage UF Diebreak errors, Liberty Censure motions (Parliamentary practice)   Liberty diebreak errors Cenomani (Celtic people)  (May Subd Geog) USE No confidence motions BT Celts Centala family  (Not Subd Geog)   Ethnology—Europe Censures, Ecclesiastical Centaur program BT Canon law Cenosite  (May Subd Geog)   Catholic Church—Discipline USE Centaur rocket [QE391.C]   Punishment (Canon law) Centaur rocket  (Not Subd Geog) NT Interdict (Canon law) Cenotaph for Cardinal Niccolò Forteguerri UF Centaur program USE Verrocchio, Andrea del, 1435?-1488. Censures of public officers BT Liquid propellant rockets   Monument of Cardinal Niccolò Forteguerri USE subdivision Censures under names of Centaur roman type  (May Subd Geog)   individual persons and legislative bodies, [Z250.5.C44] Cenotaph of David (Jerusalem)   e.g. United States. Congress--Censures UF Type and type-founding—Centaur roman USE Tomb of David (Jerusalem) Census   [Former heading] Cenote animals  (May Subd Geog) [HA37 (Organization)] BT Type and type-founding UF Cenote fauna [Former heading] [HA175-HA4737 (Reports, by country)] Centaurea  (May Subd Geog) BT Aquatic animals UF Census—Statistics [QK495.C74 (Botany)]   Census of population UF Aetheopappus Cenote fauna BT Population BT Compositae USE Cenote animals   Statistics NT Centaurea nigrescens RT Government questionnaires Cenote of Sacrifice (Chichén Itzá Site, Mexico)   Household surveys   Diffuse knapweed This heading is not valid for use as a geographic SA subdivisions Census or Census, [date] under   Knapweeds   Russian knapweed subdivision.   Spotted knapweed   Squarrose knapweed UF Chen Ku (Chichén Itzá Site, Mexico)   Star thistles   Sacred Cenote (Chicheń Itzá Site, Mexico)   Yellow starthistle   Sacred Well (Chichén Itzá Site, Mexico) Centaurea, Spotted   Sacrificial Cenote (Chichén Itzá Site, Mexico) USE Spotted knapweed   Sacrificial Well (Chichén Itzá Site, Mexico) BT Mexico—Antiquities Cenotes USE Sinkholes Cenozoic Era USE Geology, Stratigraphic—Cenozoic   Paleobiogeography—Cenozoic   Paleobotany—Cenozoic   Paleoceanography—Cenozoic   Paleoclimatology—Cenozoic C-194

Centaurea debeauxii thuillieri Centennial Bridge (Rock Island, Ill.) Center Lake (Kosciusko County, Ind.) USE Centaurea nigrescens This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Lakes—Indiana Centaurea diffusa subdivision. Center Lake (Steuben County, Ind.) USE Diffuse knapweed BT Lakes—Indiana BT Bridges—Illinois Centaurea dubia vochinensis Centennial celebrations, etc. Center of gravity USE Centaurea nigrescens USE Center of mass USE subdivision Centennial celebrations, etc. under Centaurea maculosa   names of countries, cities, etc., and Center of gravity (Military science) USE Spotted knapweed   individual corporate bodies, and under Here are entered works on the source of power   historic events Centaurea nigrescens  (May Subd Geog) that provides moral or physical strength, freedom of [QK495.C74 (Botany)] Centennial Field (Tallahassee, Fla.) action, or will to act in military situations. UF Centaurea debeauxii thuillieri BT Stadiums—Florida   Centaurea dubia vochinensis UF COG (Center of gravity)   Centaurea pratensis Centennial Fountain (Evanston, Ill.) BT Military art and science   Centaurea vochinensis BT Fountains—Illinois   Short-fringed knapweed   Power (Social sciences)   Tyrol knapweed Centennial Hall (Wrocław, Poland) Center of mass   Vochin knapweed USE Hala Ludowa (Wrocław, Poland)   Wocheiner knapweed [QA839] BT Centaurea Centennial, House of the (Pompeii) UF Barycenter   Knapweeds USE House of the Centennial (Pompeii)   Center of gravity Centaurea picris Centennial memorabilia (United States)   Centroid USE Russian knapweed USE United States—Centennial celebrations,   Gravity, Center of   etc.—Collectibles BT Mass (Physics) Centaurea pratensis   Mechanics USE Centaurea nigrescens Centennial Mountains (Idaho and Mont.) RT Barycentric coordinates BT Mountains—Idaho Center parties  (May Subd Geog) Centaurea repens   Mountains—Montana UF Centrists USE Russian knapweed BT Christian democracy Centennial Olympic Park Bombing, Atlanta, Ga., 1996   Political parties Centaurea solstitialis UF Atlanta Olympic Bombing, Atlanta, Ga., 1996 NT Christian democratic parties USE Yellow starthistle   Atlanta Olympic Park Bombing, Atlanta, Ga., — Europe   1996 Center-periphery government relations Centaurea squarrosa   Centennial Park Bombing, Atlanta, Ga., 1996 USE Central-local government relations USE Squarrose knapweed   Olympic Centennial Park Bombing, Atlanta, Center-periphery relations   Ga., 1996 USE Dependency Centaurea triumfettii   Olympic Park Bombing, Atlanta, Ga., 1996 Center play (Basketball) USE Squarrose knapweed BT Bombings—Georgia [GV887.74] BT Basketball Centaurea variegata Centennial Park (Sydney, N.S.W.) Center punches USE Squarrose knapweed This heading is not valid for use as a geographic UF Centerpunches BT Drilling and boring Centaurea virgata subdivision. Center Square (Gettysburg, Pa.) USE Squarrose knapweed USE Lincoln Square (Gettysburg, Pa.) BT Parks—Australia Center Square (Philadelphia, Pa.) Centaurea vochinensis Centennial Park Bombing, Atlanta, Ga., 1996 USE Penn Square (Philadelphia, Pa.) USE Centaurea nigrescens Center Stage (Baltimore, Md. : Building : Calvert Street) USE Centennial Olympic Park Bombing, Atlanta, USE Centerstage (Baltimore, Md. : Building : Calvert Centaurée de Russie   Ga., 1996   Street) USE Russian knapweed Center Stage (Baltimore, Md. : Building : North Avenue) Centennial Range (Nev.) USE Centerstage (Baltimore, Md. : Building : North Centaureé diffuse USE Bull Run Mountains (Nev.)   Avenue) USE Diffuse knapweed Center Street (Staten Island, New York, N.Y.) Centennial souvenirs (United States) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Centaureé maculée USE United States—Centennial celebrations, subdivision. USE Spotted knapweed   etc.—Collectibles UF Centre Street (Staten Island, New York, N.Y.) Centaurée rampante Centennial Trail (Idaho) BT Streets—New York (State) USE Russian knapweed USE Idaho Centennial Trail (Idaho) Centerfielders (Baseball) USE Center fielders (Baseball) Centaurium  (May Subd Geog) Centennial Valley (Ariz.) Centering, Body-mind [QK495.G35] USE Harquahala Plain (Ariz.) USE Body-mind centering BT Gentianaceae Centering (Psychology)  (May Subd Geog) NT Centaurium vulgare Centennial Valley (Mont.) BT Self-perception BT Valleys—Montana Centering of arches Centaurium vulgare  (May Subd Geog) [TH5591] [QK495.G35] Centennial Woods Natural Area (Burlington, Vt.) BT Arches BT Centaurium This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Centerless grinders  (May Subd Geog) UF Grinders, Centerless Centaurs subdivision. BT Grinding machines [BL820.C37] Centerless grinding BT Mythology, Classical BT Natural areas—Vermont BT Grinding and polishing NT Caeneus (Greek mythology) Centennials Centerline rumble strips   Chiron (Greek mythology) USE Rumble strips   Nessus (Greek mythology) USE subdivision Centennial celebrations, etc. under Centerpieces  (May Subd Geog)   Pholus (Greek mythology)   names of countries, cities, etc., and BT Table setting and decoration   individual corporate bodies, and under NT Epergnes Centaurs in art  (Not Subd Geog)   historic events Centerpunches Centaurs in literature  (Not Subd Geog) USE Center punches Centcelles Site (Spain) Center Creek (Jasper County and Lawrence County, Centers, City (Central business districts) Mo.) USE Central business districts UF Centum Cellae Site (Spain) BT Rivers—Missouri Centers, Impurity BT Spain—Antiquities USE Impurity centers Centenaire de l'aluminium, Pavillon du (Villepinte, Center Creek Watershed (Jasper County and Lawrence Centers, Innovation relay France) County, Mo.) USE Innovation relay centers USE Pavillon du centenaire de l'aluminium BT Watersheds—Missouri Centers (Basketball)  (May Subd Geog) UF Basketball centers (Basketball players)   (Villepinte, France) Center Drive (Douglaston, New York, N.Y.) BT Basketball players Centenaire, Stade du (Brussels, Belgium) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Centers (Hockey)  (May Subd Geog) [GV848.5] USE Stade Roi Baudouin (Brussels, Belgium) subdivision. UF Hockey centers (Hockey players) Centenarians  (May Subd Geog) BT Hockey players BT Streets—New York (State) Centers (Places for activities) BT Older people Center family  (Not Subd Geog) USE subject headings for types of centers, e.g. Centenaries Center fielders (Baseball)  (May Subd Geog)   Centers for the performing arts; Convention USE subdivision Centennial celebrations, etc. under UF Baseball centerfielders   facilities; Student unions; and names of   names of countries, cities, etc., and   Centerfielders (Baseball)   individual corporate bodies, and under   historic events BT Baseball players Center Hill (Me.) Centenaries, Stamp USE Stamp centenaries BT Mountains—Maine Center Hill Lake (Tenn.) Centenario, Casa del (Pompeii) USE House of the Centennial (Pompeii) BT Lakes—Tennessee   Reservoirs—Tennessee Centenario, Domus del (Pompeii) USE House of the Centennial (Pompeii) Center Hill Metabentonite BT Formations (Geology)—Indiana Centenario Stadium (Montevideo, Uruguay)   Formations (Geology)—Kentucky USE Estadio Centenario (Montevideo, Uruguay)   Formations (Geology)—Tennessee   Geology, Stratigraphic—Devonian Centenario, Teatro (Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico) USE Teatro Centenario (Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Center Hills (Montserrat)   Mexico) USE Centre Hills (Montserrat) Centenary of Federation, Australia, 2001 Center House (Seattle, Wash.) UF Australian Centenary of Federation, 2001 USE Armory (Seattle, Wash. : Harrison Street) BT Australia—Centennial celebrations, etc. Center Island (Wash.) BT Islands—Washington (State)   San Juan Islands (Wash.) C-195

Centers (Places for activities)  (Continued)   Lithobiida — — Coup d'état, 2003   individual centers, e.g. Hoover Dam Visitor   Scolopendrida BT Coups d'état—Central African Republic   Center (Ariz. and Nev.)   Scutigerida Centipedes as pets  (May Subd Geog) — Languages Centers for older people BT Pets NT Aka language (Central African Republic) USE Senior centers Centlivre family  (Not Subd Geog)   Banziri language Cento Castle (Cento, Italy)   Birri language (Central African Republic) Centers for pastoral counseling USE Rocca di Cento (Cento, Italy)   Bomitaba language USE Pastoral counseling centers Cento verse   Furu language USE Centos   Gabri language Centers for the elderly Centolla   Gbaya language (Ubangi) USE Senior centers USE Southern king crab   Kaba language (Central Sudanic) Centolloń   Kako language Centers for the performing arts  (May Subd Geog) USE False king crab   Kara language (Central African Republic [PN1585-PN1589] Centos  (Not Subd Geog)   and South Sudan) UF Performing arts centers UF Cento verse   Laka language (Central Sudanic)   Performing arts facilities   Collage poems   Linda dialect BT Art centers   Mosaic poems   Maban languages   Arts facilities   Patchwork poems   Majingai dialect   Performing arts   Patchwork poetry   Mbai language (Moissala) SA names of individual centers BT Poetry   Monjombo language NT Auditoriums RT Pasticcio   Mpiemo language   Music-halls Centos, American  (May Subd Geog)   Nancere language   Theaters UF American centos   Ngama dialect BT American poetry   Ngbaka language — Educational aspects  (May Subd Geog) Centraal Gebergte (Indonesia : Sudirman Range)   Ngbaka ma'bo language BT Education USE Sudirman Range (Indonesia)   Ngbandi language Centraal Station Antwerpen (Antwerp, Belgium)   Pana language (Adamawa) — Brazil UF Antwerp Central Station (Antwerp, Belgium)   Runga language NT Teatro Guaiŕ a (Guaiŕ a, Brazil)   Antwerpen-Centraal Station (Antwerp,   Sango language (Ubangi Creole)   Belgium)   Sara Kaba Naá ̀ language — England BT Railroad stations—Belgium   Sara language NT Cecil Sharp House (London, England) Centraal Suriname Natuurreservaat (Suriname)   Sara languages UF Central Suriname Nature Reserve (Suriname)   Yakoma language — Illinois   CSNR (Suriname)   Yulu language NT Chicago Theatre (Chicago, Ill.)   Natuurreservaat van Central-Suriname   Zande language   (Suriname) — Korea (South) BT National parks and reserves—Suriname — Literatures NT Korea House (Seoul, Korea)   Natural areas—Suriname USE Central African (Central African Republic) Centracanthidae  (May Subd Geog)   literature — North Carolina [QL638.C29] NT Durham Performing Arts Center (Durham, UF Maenidae — Politics and government   N.C.)   Merolepidae — — 1966-1979   Memorial Hall (Chapel Hill, N.C.)   Spicaridae — — 1979-2003 BT Perciformes — — 2003- — Ohio Centracion NT E.J. Thomas Performing Arts Hall (Akron, USE Heterodontus [DT546.3858-DT546.3863]   Ohio) Central, Cordillera (Colombia) Central Africans (Central African Republic) USE Cordillera Central (Colombia) — South Dakota Central activities districts (May Subd Geog) NT Sioux Falls Coliseum (Sioux Falls, S.D.) USE Central business districts Here are entered works on citizens of the Central Central Adirondack Trail (N.Y.) — Washington (State) BT Trails—New York (State) African Republic not currently residing within the NT Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center Central Africa Central African Republic.   (Seattle, Wash.) USE Africa, Central   Western Washington University Central African (Central Africa) authors BT Ethnology—Central African Republic   Performing Arts Center (Bellingham, USE Authors, Central African (Central Africa) Central Alaskan Yupik language   Wash.) Central African (Central Africa) sculpture USE Sculpture, Central African (Central Africa) USE Central Yupik language Centers of diversity (Plants) Central African (Central African Republic) art Central Alborz Protected Area (Iran) USE Centers of plant diversity USE Art, Central African (Central African Republic) Central African (Central African Republic) authors USE Alborz-e-Markazi Protected Area (Iran) Centers of plant diversity  (May Subd Geog) USE Authors, Central African (Central African Central Alborz Protected Region (Iran) [QK46.5.D58 (General)]   Republic) [QK108-QK474.5 (Local)] Central African (Central African Republic) literature USE Alborz-e-Markazi Protected Area (Iran) Here are entered works on sites of high (May Subd Geog) Central America UF Central African literature [Former heading] concentration of diversity among plants.   Central African Republic—Literatures UF Mercado Común Centroamericano countries NT Kaba literature (Central Sudanic)   [Former heading] UF Centers of diversity (Plants)   Ngbaka ma'bo literature   Centres of diversity (Plants)   Nzakara literature — Civilization   Centres of plant diversity Central African (Central African Republic) mythology — — African influences USE Mythology, Central African (Central African BT Plant diversity   Republic) BT Africa—Civilization Centers of transportation Central African (Central African Republic) painting — — American influences USE Painting, Central African (Central African USE Terminals (Transportation)   Republic) BT United States—Civilization Centerstage (Baltimore, Md. : Building : Calvert Street) Central African Copperbelt (Congo and Zambia) — Description and travel BT Metallogenic provinces—Congo (Democratic UF Center Stage (Baltimore, Md. : Building :   Republic) UF Central America—Description and   Calvert Street)   Metallogenic provinces—Zambia   travel—1951-1980 [Former heading] Central African literature   Central America—Description and BT Theaters—Maryland USE Central African (Central African Republic)   travel—1981- [Former heading] Centerstage (Baltimore, Md. : Building : North Avenue)   literature Central African Republic — — 1951-1980 UF Center Stage (Baltimore, Md. : Building : North — History USE Central America—Description and   Avenue)   travel [DT546.3-DT546.39] BT Theaters—Maryland — — To 1960 — — 1981- Centetes USE Central America—Description and NT Kongo Wara, 1928-1931   travel USE Tenrec (Genus) — — 1960- Centetes ecaudatus — — Coup d'état, 1979 — Economic conditions — — 1979-  (May Subd Geog) USE Tenrec ecaudatus BT Coups d'état—Central African Republic — Foreign relations  (May Subd Geog) Centetodon  (May Subd Geog) — — 1979- — History [QE882.I5] BT Geolabididae [F1436-F1438] Centigrade thermometer — — To 1821 USE Celsius thermometer — — 1821-1951 Centimeter BT Length measurement [F1438] — — 1951-1979   Units of measurement Centimeter waves [F1439] — — 1979- UF Waves, Centimeter BT Microwaves [F1439.5] Centipede (Game) — Languages [GV1469.35.C45] BT Video games NT Arawakan languages Centipede Cave (Tex.)   Chibchan languages BT Caves—Texas   Garifuna language   Mangue language   Texas—Antiquities Centipedes  (May Subd Geog) [QL449.5-QL449.55] UF Chilopoda BT Myriapoda NT Geophilida C-196

  Matagalpa language Central American mural painting and decoration Central Asian motion pictures   Mayan languages USE Mural painting and decoration, Central USE Motion pictures, Central Asian   Miskito language   American   Misumalpan languages Central Asian mural painting and decoration   Otomanguean languages Central American national characteristics USE Mural painting and decoration, Central Asian   Pokonchi language USE National characteristics, Central American — Literatures Central Asian national characteristics USE Central American literature Central American orations USE National characteristics, Central Asian — Politics and government USE Speeches, addresses, etc., Central American — — To 1821 Central Asian painting — — 1821-1951 Central American painting USE Painting, Central Asian — — 1951-1979 USE Painting, Central American — — 1979- Central Asian pond frog — Social conditions Central American periodicals  (Not Subd Geog) USE Pelophylax ridibundus — — 1979- BT Periodicals Central American agouti  (May Subd Geog) Central Asian question [QL737.R644] Central American philosophy USE Eastern question (Central Asia) UF Agouti, Central American USE Philosophy, Central American   Dasyprocta punctata Central Asian tortoise  (May Subd Geog) BT Agoutis Central American poetry  (Not Subd Geog) [QL666.C584] Central American American women domestics BT Central American literature UF Afghan tortoise USE Central American American women household NT Christian poetry, Central American   Afghanistan tortoise   employees   Experimental poetry, Central American   Agrionemys horsfieldi Central American American women household   Feminist poetry, Central American   Central Asia tortoise employees  (May Subd Geog)   Revolutionary poetry, Central American   Four-toed tortoise UF Central American American women domestics   Horsfield's tortoise   [Former heading] Central American pottery   Russian box turtle   Women household employees, Central USE Pottery, Central American   Russian tortoise   American American   Steppe turtle BT Women household employees—United States Central American prose literature  (Not Subd Geog)   Testudo horsfieldi Central American Americans  (May Subd Geog) BT Central American literature   Testudo horsfieldii [E184.C34] NT Reportage literature, Central American BT Testudo UF Central American Americans—United States BT Central Americans—United States Central American reportage literature Central Asian tortoises as pets  (May Subd Geog)   Ethnology—United States USE Reportage literature, Central American [SF459.T8] — United States BT Pets USE Central American Americans Central American revolutionary poetry Central American art USE Revolutionary poetry, Central American Central Asiatic . . . USE Art, Central American USE subject headings beginning with or qualified by Central American arts Central American sculpture   the phrase Central Asian, e.g. Central Asian USE Arts, Central American USE Sculpture, Central American   literature; Art, Central Asian Central American authors USE Authors, Central American Central American short stories Central Aslian languages Central American Carib language USE Short stories, Central American USE Senoic languages USE Garifuna language Central American children's literature Central American speeches Central auditory dysfunction USE Children's literature, Central American USE Speeches, addresses, etc., Central American USE Word deafness Central American Christian poetry USE Christian poetry, Central American Central American spider monkey  (May Subd Geog) Central auditory processing disorder Central American drama  (Not Subd Geog) [QL737.P915 (Zoology)] USE Word deafness [PQ7472.D7 (History)] UF Ateles geoffroyi [PQ7474.5 (Collections)]   Geoffroy's spider monkey Central Avenue (Los Angeles, Calif.) BT Central American literature BT Spider monkeys This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Central American erotic literature USE Erotic literature, Central American Central American terra-cotta sculpture subdivision. Central American erotic stories USE Terra-cotta sculpture, Central American USE Erotic stories, Central American BT Streets—California Central American experimental fiction Central American women authors Central Avenue (Phoenix, Ariz.) USE Experimental fiction, Central American USE Women authors, Central American Central American experimental poetry This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Experimental poetry, Central American Central American wood sculpture subdivision. Central American feminist poetry USE Wood sculpture, Central American USE Feminist poetry, Central American BT Streets—Arizona Central American fiction  (Not Subd Geog) Central Americans  (May Subd Geog) Central Avenue (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) BT Central American literature BT Ethnology—Central America NT Erotic stories, Central American USE Avenida Rio Branco (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)   Experimental fiction, Central American — United States Central Balkan National Park (Bulgaria)   Historical fiction, Central American NT Central American Americans   Short stories, Central American USE Nat︠s︡ionalen park t︠s︡entralen Balkan Central American foreign workers Central Americans in literature  (Not Subd Geog)   (Bulgaria) USE Foreign workers, Central American Central Americans in motion pictures  (Not Subd Geog) Central American historical fiction Central banking USE Historical fiction, Central American [PN1995.9.C355] USE Banks and banking, Central Central American howler monkey Here are entered works on the portrayal of Central USE Mantled howler monkey Americans in motion pictures. Central banks Central American literature  (Not Subd Geog) USE Banks and banking, Central Here are entered collections of literature from BT Motion pictures Central America written in Spanish or in several of Central and Upper Belgian cattle Central Bay (Moon) the languages of Central America. USE Sinus Medii (Moon) USE Belgian Blue cattle UF Central America—Literatures Central and Upper Belgium cattle Central Black Earth Region (Russia) NT Central American drama USE Central Chernozem Region (Russia) USE Belgian Blue cattle   Central American fiction Central Area Playfield and Park (Seattle, Wash.) Central Black Soil Region (Russia)   Central American poetry USE Central Chernozem Region (Russia)   Central American prose literature USE Judkins Park and Playfield (Seattle, Wash.)   Children's literature, Central American Central Arizona Project Aqueduct (Ariz.) Central Bontoc dialect  (May Subd Geog)   Erotic literature, Central American BT Bontoc language   Garifuna literature UF CAP Aqueduct (Ariz.)   Philippines—Languages   Mayan literature BT Aqueducts—Arizona   Miskito literature NT Fannin-McFarland Aqueduct (Ariz.) Central Bontoc hymns — Indian authors USE Hymns, Central Bontoc   Hayden-Rhodes Aqueduct (Ariz.) UF Indian literature (Central American)   Tucson Aqueduct (Ariz.) Central Bridge (Lawrence, Mass.) Central Asia USE Joseph W. Casey Bridge (Lawrence, Mass.) USE Asia, Central Central Asia tortoise Central Building (Provo, Utah) USE Central Asian tortoise USE Eldredge Building (Provo, Utah) Central Asian art USE Art, Central Asian Central Bus Station (Tel Aviv, Israel) Central Asian arts USE Taḥanah ha-merkazit (Tel Aviv, Israel) USE Arts, Central Asian Central Asian epic literature Central business districts  (May Subd Geog) USE Epic literature, Central Asian UF Activities districts, Central Central Asian folk literature   Business districts, Central USE Folk literature, Central Asian   CBDs (Central business districts) Central Asian foreign workers   Centers, City (Central business districts) USE Foreign workers, Central Asian   Central activities districts Central Asian gazelles   City centers (Central business districts) USE Procapra   City centres (Central business districts) Central Asian goddesses   Districts, Central activities USE Goddesses, Central Asian   Districts, Central business Central Asian literature  (Not Subd Geog)   Districts, Downtown UF Asia, Central—Literatures [Former heading]   Downtown districts NT Chagatai literature   Downtowns   Dungan literature BT City planning   Epic literature, Central Asian   Retail trade   Folk literature, Central Asian   Sogdian literature — Advertising USE Advertising—Central business districts C-197

Central business districts  (Continued) Central European illumination of books and manuscripts Central Koma (African people) UF Public relations—Central business districts USE Illumination of books and manuscripts, Central USE Koma (Nilo-Saharan people)   [Former heading]   European Central labor councils  (May Subd Geog) Central Cagayan Agta language Central European literature  (Not Subd Geog) UF Labor, Organized USE Agta language NT Exiles' writings, Central European   Labor councils, Central   Labor organizations Central Catchment Nature Reserve (Singapore) Central European mural painting and decoration   Organized labor BT Forest reserves—Singapore USE Mural painting and decoration, Central BT Labor movement   Natural areas—Singapore   European RT Labor unions Central Caucasian languages Central European national characteristics Central Laguna Verde (Mexico) USE Nakh languages USE National characteristics, Central European USE Central Nucleoeléctrica de Laguna Verde   (Mexico) Central Chernozem Region (R.S.F.S.R.) Central European painting USE Central Chernozem Region (Russia) USE Painting, Central European Central-Leatherstocking Region (N.Y.) Central limit theorem Central Chernozem Region (Russia) Central European prints UF Central Black Earth Region (Russia) USE Prints, Central European RT Asymptotic distribution (Probability theory)   Central Black Soil Region (Russia) BT Limit theorems (Probability theory)   Central Chernozem Region (R.S.F.S.R.) Central European sculpture Central liquidity facility (Credit unions)   [Former heading] USE Sculpture, Central European USE Corporate credit unions   Tsentralno-chernozemny rayon (Russia) Central-local government relations  (May Subd Geog)   T︠S︡entralʹnochernozemnyĭ raĭon (Russia) Central Europeans  (May Subd Geog) UF Center-periphery government relations   Tsentralʹnochernozemnyy ekonomicheskiy BT Ethnology—Europe, Central   rayon (Russia)   Local-central government relations   Tsentralʹnochernozemnyy rayon (Russia) — United States   Local government-central government relations NT Central European Americans BT Political science Central Chile (Chile) RT Decentralization in government USE Central Valley (Chile) Central exchange telephone service   Federal government USE Centrex telephone service NT Federal-city relations Central Chile Earthquake, Chile, 1985 (March 3) Central Lowlands (Scotland) USE Chile Earthquake, Chile, 1985 (March 3) Central Exhibition Hall (Saint Petersburg, Russia) USE Lowlands (Scotland) USE Konnogvardeis̆ kiĭ manezh (Saint Petersburg, Central Makhuwa language Central cities   Russia) USE Makhuwa language USE Inner cities Central Manobo language Central finance facilities for credit unions USE Western Bukidnon Manobo language Central City (Imaginary place)  (Not Subd Geog) USE Corporate credit unions Central Massive (France) BT Imaginary places USE Massif Central (France) Central Fire Station (Singapore) Central Mbo dialect Central City Opera House (Central City, Colo.) UF Hill Street Fire Station (Singapore) USE Mkaaʾ dialect BT Theaters—Colorado BT Fire stations—Singapore Central Melanau language  (May Subd Geog) [PL5292-PL5292.95] Central city parks Central Grand Valley Dani language UF Belana'u language USE Urban parks USE Mid Grand Valley Dani language   Milanau language   Milano language Central Coast (N.S.W.) Central Greece (Central Greece and Euboea) BT Austronesian languages BT Coasts—Australia USE Central Greece and Euboea (Greece)   Brunei—Languages   Malaysia—Languages Central Coast American Viticultural Area (Calif.) Central Greece and Euboea (Greece) Central Memorial of the Federal Republic of Germany BT Wine districts—California Here are entered works dealing with the area (Berlin, Germany) USE Neue Wache (Berlin, Germany) Central Cordillera (Peru) located to the north of the Peloponnese and to the Central Mexican Plateau (Mexico) USE Cordillera Central (Peru) south of Thessaly and Ep̄ eiros, bordering the Aegean USE Mexican Plateau (Mexico) Sea to the east, the Ionian Sea to the west and the Central Mindanao Manobo language Central Cordilleran languages  (May Subd Geog) Gulf of Corinth to the south. USE Western Bukidnon Manobo language [PL5731-PL5734] Central Mnon̂ g language  (May Subd Geog) UF Benguetano languages UF Central Greece (Central Greece and Euboea) UF Budong language   Igorot language [Former heading]   Greece, Central (Central Greece and Euboea)   Mnông language, Central   Igorrot languages   Loipi Sterea Ellada kai Evvoia (Greece)   Phnong language   Igorrote languages   Loipi Sterea Ellas kai Evvoia (Greece)   Pnong language BT Philippine languages   Sterea Ellas (Greece) BT Bahnaric languages   Philippines—Languages   Sterea Ellas kai Evvoia (Greece)   Cambodia—Languages NT Balangao language   Sterea Hellas (Greece)   Vietnam—Languages   Bontoc language   Sterea Hellas kai Euvoia (Greece) Central Monpa language   Ibaloi language   Sterea Hellas kai Evvoia (Greece) USE Tshangla language   Ifugao language Central Mountains (Indonesia : Sudirman Range)   Isinay language Central hearing loss USE Sudirman Range (Indonesia)   Kalinga languages USE Word deafness Central Nepal Valley (Nepal)   Kankanay language USE Kathmandu Valley (Nepal)   Tinggian language Central heating plants Central nervous system USE Heating from central stations UF Nervous system, Central Central cylinder (Botany) BT Nervous system USE Stele (Botany) Central Highlands (Brazil) NT Afferent pathways USE Brazilian Highlands (Brazil)   Brain Central deafness   Efferent pathways USE Cortical deafness Central Highlands (Peru)   Neural analyzers   Word deafness USE Cordillera Central (Peru)   Spinal cord — Aging Central Dnieper Region (Ukraine) Central Highlands (Vietnam) — Cancer  (May Subd Geog) UF Naddnipri︠a︡nshchyna (Ukraine) UF Cao Nguyen̂ Trung bộ (Vietnam)   Seredni︠e︡ Prydniprovi︠a︡ (Ukraine)   Cao Nguyen̂ Trung phan̂̀ (Vietnam) [RC280.N43]   Srednee Podneprovʹe (Ukraine)   Midland Highlands (Vietnam) — Diseases  (May Subd Geog)   Srednee Pridneprovʹe (Ukraine)   Taŷ Nguyên (Vietnam)   Stepnoe Podneprovʹe (Ukraine)   Western Highlands (Vietnam) [RC360-RC406]   Tsentralʹnoe Pridneprovʹe (Ukraine) BT Plateaus—Vietnam NT Blood-brain barrier disorders Central dusky salamander Central Idaho Wilderness (Idaho)   Central pain USE Desmognathus brimleyorum UF Central Idaho Wilderness Area (Idaho)   Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease BT Wilderness areas—Idaho   Encephalomyelitis Central economic planning   Extrapyramidal disorders USE Central planning Central Idaho Wilderness Area (Idaho)   Kernicterus USE Central Idaho Wilderness (Idaho)   Kuru Central Ekoi language   Meningitis USE Ejagham language Central Ifugao dialect   Meningoencephalitis USE Kiangan Ifugao dialect   Neurosyphilis Central Europe   Peroxisomal disorders USE Europe, Central Central Isles Derniere (La.)   Subacute myelooptic neuropathy USE Isles Dernieres (La.) — — Complications  (May Subd Geog) Central European Americans  (May Subd Geog) UF Central nervous UF Central European Americans—United States Central Italy BT Central Europeans—United States USE Italy, Central   Ethnology—United States Central Italy sheepdog — United States USE Maremma sheepdog USE Central European Americans Central Kalahari Game Reserve (Botswana) Central European art BT Game reserves—Botswana USE Art, Central European Central Kankanaey (Philippine people) Central European arts USE Kankanay (Philippine people) USE Arts, Central European Central Kankanaey language Central European drawing USE Kankanay language USE Drawing, Central European Central Karakoram National Park (Pakistan) Central European exiles' writings UF Karakoram National Park (Pakistan) USE Exiles' writings, Central European BT National parks and reserves—Pakistan Central Karoo (South Africa) USE Great Karoo (South Africa) Central Karroo (South Africa) USE Great Karoo (South Africa) Central Khmer language USE Khmer language C-198

  system—Diseases—Complications Central Park (Singapore)   Pomo languages   and sequelae [Former heading] USE Fort Canning Park (Singapore) NT Hopland dialect — — Complications and sequelae Central processing (Libraries) USE Central nervous Central Park Heritage National Recreation Trail (New USE Centralized processing (Libraries)   system—Diseases—Complications York, N.Y.) Central Queensland — — Diagnosis  (May Subd Geog) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Queensland, Central [RC361.5] subdivision. Central Raga language — Immunology USE Apma language NT Thy-1 antigen BT National parks and reserves—New York Central Railway Station (Florence, Italy) — Infections  (May Subd Geog)   (State) USE Stazione di Santa Maria Novella (Florence, NT Neurocysticercosis   Trails—New York (State)   Poliomyelitis   Italy) — Regeneration  (May Subd Geog) Central Park Jogger Rape Trial, New York, N.Y., 1990 Central Railway Station (Sydney, N.S.W.) — Surgery  (May Subd Geog) BT Trials (Rape)—New York (State) — Tumors  (May Subd Geog) UF Central Station (Sydney, N.S.W.) [RC280.N43] Central Park Theatre (New York, N.Y.)   Sydney Terminal (Sydney, N.S.W.) — Wounds and injuries  (May Subd Geog) USE New Century Theatre (New York, N.Y.) Central nervous system depressants  (May Subd Geog) BT Railroad stations—Australia [RM330] Central Park West (New York, N.Y.) Central Rand Group (South Africa) UF CNS depressants This heading is not valid for use as a geographic   Depressants, Central nervous system BT Groups (Stratigraphy)—South Africa BT Neuropsychopharmacology subdivision. Central Range (Costa Rica) NT Analgesics   Anesthetics UF CPW (New York, N.Y.) USE Cordillera Central (Costa Rica)   Anticonvulsants BT Streets—New York (State) Central Region (Japan)   Antiparkinsonian agents Central Peak (China)   Hypnotics USE Song Mountain (China) USE Chūbu Region (Japan)   Narcotics Central philosophy (Buddhism) Central Sakai language   Sedatives USE Mādhyamika (Buddhism) Central nervous system pain Central places  (May Subd Geog) USE Semai language USE Central pain UF Development centers Central Sama language  (May Subd Geog) Central nervous system stimulants  (May Subd Geog) UF Analeptic agents   Growth centers [PL5650]   Analeptic drugs BT Cities and towns UF Central Sinama language   Analeptics Central Plain (Ireland)   Central stimulants USE Midlands (Ireland)   Samal language [Former heading]   CNS stimulants Central Plains (Thailand)   Siasi Sama language BT Stimulants USE Thailand, Central   Sinama language NT Amphetamines Central Plains spadefoot BT Philippines—Languages   Appetite stimulants USE Plains spadefoot   Sama languages   Convulsants Central-plan buildings  (May Subd Geog) Central Sauna (Auschwitz (Concentration camp))   Methylphenidate UF Centralized-plan buildings USE BW 32 im K.G.L. Auschwitz O/S (Poland) Central North Venezuela Central School Building (Provo, Utah) USE Venezuela, Central North   Centrally planned buildings USE Eldredge Building (Provo, Utah) Central Nucleoeléctrica de Laguna Verde (Mexico) BT Buildings Central Scotland UF Central Laguna Verde (Mexico) NT Buildings, Octagonal USE Scotland, Central   Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant (Mexico) Central Security Force Mutiny, Egypt, 1986   Planta Nucleoeleć trica Laguna Verde (Mexico)   Round buildings UF Tamarrud Junud̄ al-Amn al-Markazi,̄ Egypt, BT Nuclear power plants—Mexico Central planning  (May Subd Geog)   1986 Central of Georgia Railway Facilities (Savannah, Ga.) BT Mutiny—Egypt USE Battlefield Park (Savannah, Ga.) Here are entered works on the determination of Central service departments in hospitals Central Oklahoma Aquifer (Okla.) production and the allocation of resources by the USE Hospitals—Central service departments UF Garber-Wellington Aquifer (Okla.) central government rather than by the marketplace. Central Shona dialect   Oklahoma Aquifer, Central (Okla.) When this heading is subdivided by place, a second USE Zezuru dialect BT Aquifers—Oklahoma subject heading is assigned for the name of the place Central Siberian State Biosphere Zapovednik (Russia) Central Oregon with the subdivision Economic policy, e.g. 1. Central USE T︠S︡entralʹnosibirskiĭ biosfernyĭ USE Oregon, Central planning--Soviet Union. 2. Soviet Union--Economic   gosudarstvennyĭ zapovednik (Russia) Central Oregon Highway (Or.) policy. Central Sinama language BT Roads—Oregon USE Central Sama language   United States Highway 20 UF Central economic planning Central Slope (Gulf of Mexico) Central Otago Rail Trail (N.Z.)   Centrally planned economy BT Continental slopes—Mexico, Gulf of USE Otago Central Rail Trail (N.Z.)   Economic planning Central solar heating plants with seasonal storage Central Pacific Basin   National planning (May Subd Geog) BT Pacific Ocean   State planning [TH7413.5] Central Pahari languages  (May Subd Geog) UF CSHPSS (Solar heating) [PK2601-PK2605] BT Economic policy   Seasonal storage solar heating systems UF Pahari languages, Central [Former heading]   Planning   Seasonal storage solar systems BT India—Languages   Solar heating plants with seasonal storage   Pahari languages NT Material balances BT Heating from central stations NT Kumaoni language — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   Solar heating Central pain  (May Subd Geog) Central Plateau (Brazil) Central Square (Cambridge, Mass.) [RC368] USE Brazilian Highlands (Brazil) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Here are entered works on pain caused by lesions Central Plateau (Costa Rica) subdivision. in the central nervous system. USE Central Valley (Costa Rica) Central Plateau (India) BT Plazas—Massachusetts UF Central nervous system pain USE Deccan (India) Central staging BT Central nervous system—Diseases Central Plateau (Mexico) USE Mexican Plateau (Mexico) USE Arena theater   Pain Central Plateau (Spain) Central States NT Deafferentation pain syndromes USE Meseta Central (Spain) Central Paman languages  (May Subd Geog) Central Plaza (Seattle, Wash.) USE Middle West BT Australia—Languages   Southwest, Old This heading is not valid for use as a geographic   Paman languages subdivision. Central States Region NT Kunjen dialects USE Middle West Central Park (Bellevue, Wash.) UF Red Square (Seattle, Wash.)   Southwest, Old USE Downtown Park (Bellevue, Wash.)   University of Washington Central Plaza Central Park (Minneapolis, Minn.)   (Seattle, Wash.) Central Station (Milan, Italy) USE Loring Park (Minneapolis, Minn.) USE Stazione centrale (Milan, Italy) Central Park (New York, N.Y.) BT Plazas—Washington (State) [F128.65.C3] Central Pomo language  (May Subd Geog) Central Station (Naples, Italy) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Stazione centrale (Naples, Italy) subdivision. UF Ballo-Kai-Pomo language   Cabanapa language Central Station (Sydney, N.S.W.) BT Parks—New York (State)   Cabanapo language USE Central Railway Station (Sydney, N.S.W.)   Habenapo language   H'hana language Central station heating   Kab́ inapek language USE Heating from central stations   Kabinapok language   Kalanapan language Central Station Massacre, Bologna, Italy, 1980   Khabenapo language USE Bologna Central Station Massacre, Bologna,   Khana language   Italy, 1980   Kulanapan language   Kulanapo language Central stimulants   Pomo language, Central USE Central nervous system stimulants   Venaambakaia language   Venambakaiia language Central stoneroller  (May Subd Geog)   Yakaya language [QL638.C94 (Zoology)]   Yokaia language UF Campostoma anomalum   Stoneroller, Central BT California—Languages BT Campostoma C-199