Circular dichroism (Continued) Circulators, Wave-guide Circumpolar boreal forests NT Magnetic circular dichroism [TK7871.65] USE Taigas Vibrational circular dichroism UF Wave-guide circulators Waveguide circulators Circumpolar health Circular DNA BT Microwave devices USE Circumpolar medicine [QP624.5.C57] Wave guides BT DNA Circumpolar medicine (May Subd Geog) Circulatory disorders [RC955-RC958] Circular functions USE Blood circulation disorders UF Circumpolar health USE Trigonometrical functions Cold weather medicine Circulatory shock Medicine, Circumpolar Circular geometry USE Cardiogenic shock Medicine, Polar USE Conformal geometry Polar medicine Circulatory system BT Medicine Circular letters (May Subd Geog) USE Cardiovascular system NT Arctic medicine [HF5733.C5] BT Advertising, Direct-mail Circulidae Circumpolar peoples Letter writing USE Vitrinellidae USE Arctic peoples Circular motion Circulifer (May Subd Geog) Circumpolar westerlies USE Centripetal force [QL527.C49] USE Westerlies BT Leafhoppers Circular permutations Circumpolar whirl USE Cyclic permutations Circulifer tenellus USE Polar vortex USE Beet leafhopper Circular polarization Circumstance ethics USE Polarization (Nuclear physics) Circulin USE Situation ethics BT Antibacterial agents Circular saws Antibiotics Circumstantial evidence BT Saws USE Evidence, Circumstantial NT Planer saws Circum-Mediterranean countries Radial saws USE Mediterranean Region Circumstellar dust USE Circumstellar matter Circular velocity of money (May Subd Geog) Circumambulation (May Subd Geog) [HG226.6] BT Walking Circumstellar matter UF Money, Circular velocity of [QB792] BT Money — Religious aspects UF Circumstellar dust RT Multiplier (Economics) — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Dust, Circumstellar Quantity theory of money Circumboreal forests Envelopes, Stellar USE Taigas Matter, Circumstellar Circulars, Advertising Circumcellians Stellar envelopes USE Advertising fliers USE Circumcellions BT Interstellar matter Circumcellions (May Subd Geog) RT Stars Circulating anticoagulants UF Circulating endogenous anticoagulants [BT1365] Circumvaginal impairment syndrome (May Subd Geog) Endogenous anticoagulants UF Agonists [RG483.C57] Endogenous circulating anticoagulants UF CIS (Circumvaginal impairment syndrome) BT Anticoagulants (Medicine) Circumcellians Pelvic fatigue NT Protein C BT Christian heresies—History—Early church, ca. BT Generative organs, Female—Diseases Protein S Muscle hypotonia Tissue plasminogen activator 30-600 Syndromes Christian sects, Medieval Circulating capital Donatists Circumventricular organs USE Working capital Circumcision, Cape (Bouvet Island) BT Brain UF Cap de la Circoncision (Bouvet Island) NT Neurohypophysis Circulating endogenous anticoagulants Cape Circoncision (Bouvet Island) USE Circulating anticoagulants Cape Circumcision (Bouvet Island) Circus, Piccadilly (London, England) Kapp Circoncision (Bouvet Island) USE Piccadilly Circus (London, England) Circulating exhibitions BT Capes (Coasts)—Bouvet Island USE Traveling exhibitions Circumcision (May Subd Geog) Circus (May Subd Geog) [GN484 (Ethnology)] [GV1800-GV1831] Circulation, Cerebral [GT2470 (Birth customs)] UF Circuses USE Cerebral circulation [RD590 (Surgery)] BT Amusements UF Amputation, Foreskin NT Amateur circus Circulation, Collateral Foreskin amputation Flea circuses USE Collateral circulation Foreskin removal Horse circuses Male circumcision Wild west shows Circulation, Coronary Prepucectomy USE Coronary circulation Removal of foreskin — Advertising BT Body marking USE Advertising—Circus Circulation, Enterohepatic Foreskin—Surgery USE Enterohepatic circulation Initiation rites — Biography — Equipment and supplies BT Biography Circulation, Ocean USE Ocean circulation NT Circumcision knives — Collectibles (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — — Private collections (May Subd Geog) Circulation, Pulmonary USE Pulmonary circulation BT Medical laws and legislation UF Circus collections — Religious aspects — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Circulation, Regional — Posters USE Regional blood flow [BL619.C57] — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] USE Circus posters Circulation, Renal — — Christianity — Netherlands USE Renal circulation NT Jesus Christ—Circumcision NT Koninklijk Theater Carré (Amsterdam, Circulation, Uterine — — Judaism Netherlands) USE Uterine circulation NT Berit milah — Spain Circulation analysis in libraries Jesus Christ—Circumcision NT Roman Circus (Sagunto, Spain) USE Libraries—Circulation analysis Roman Circus (Tarragona, Spain) Circumcision, Female Circulation analysis of academic libraries USE Female circumcision Circus (Birds) USE Academic libraries—Circulation analysis USE Harriers Circumcision in art (Not Subd Geog) Circulation disorders Circumcision in literature (Not Subd Geog) Circus aeruginosus USE Blood circulation disorders Circumcision knives (May Subd Geog) USE Marsh harrier Circulation in lakes UF Izmels Circus aeruginosus approximans USE Lakes—Circulation BT Circumcision—Equipment and supplies USE Swamp harrier Circulation of audio-visual materials Knives Circus animal trainers USE Audio-visual materials—Circulation Circumcision of Jesus Christ USE Animal trainers Circulation of library materials USE Jesus Christ—Circumcision Circus animals (May Subd Geog) USE Library circulation and loans Circumferential highways [GV1829-GV1831] BT Captive wild animals Circulation of motion pictures USE Beltways Working animals USE Motion pictures—Distribution Circumnavigation Circus animals in art (Not Subd Geog) Circulation of music USE Voyages around the world Circus approximans USE Dissemination of music Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems USE Swamp harrier Circulation of newspapers (May Subd Geog) Circus assimilis USE Newspapers—Circulation [RC488.53 (Family psychotherapy)] BT Families—Testing USE Spotted harrier Circulation of periodicals Psychological tests Circus bands (May Subd Geog) USE Periodicals—Circulation Questionnaires BT Bands (Music) Circulation of serial publications Circus Carré (Amsterdam, Netherlands) USE Serial publications—Circulation USE Koninklijk Theater Carré (Amsterdam, Circulation of the blood Netherlands) USE Blood—Circulation Circulation of the lymph USE Lymph—Circulation Circulation of the mesosphere USE Mesospheric circulation C-400
Circus collecting Cirey Castle (Cirey-sur-Blaise, France) Cirratulidae (May Subd Geog) USE Wild animal collecting USE Château de Cirey (Cirey-sur-Blaise, France) [QL391.A6] BT Cirratulida Circus collections Ciribiri NT Dodecaceria USE Circus—Collectibles—Private collections USE Istro-Romanians Cirrhipedia Circus cyaneus (May Subd Geog) Ciries language USE Cirripedia [QL696.F32] USE Sarsi language UF American harrier Cirrhitidae (May Subd Geog) Falco cyaneus Ciriguano Indians [QL638.C577] Hen harrier USE Chiriguano Indians UF Hawkfishes Marsh hawk BT Perciformes Northern harrier Ciriguano language NT Cirrhitus Northern marsh harrier USE Chiriguano language BT Harriers Cirrhitus (May Subd Geog) Ciŕ io de N.S. de Nazaré Festival [QL638.C577] Circus Flaminius (Rome, Italy) USE Círio de Nazaré Festival BT Cirrhitidae This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Ciŕ io de Nazare,́ Belém, Brazil Cirrhochrista (May Subd Geog) subdivision. USE Ciŕ io de Nazaré Festival [QL561.C73 (Zoology)] UF Cirrochrista UF Rome (Italy). Circus Flaminius Círio de Nazaré Festival Margaronia [Former heading] Circus in art (Not Subd Geog) UF Círio de N.S. de Nazaré Festival BT Crambidae Ciŕ io de Nazaré, Beleḿ , Brazil [Former [N8217.C3] heading] Cirrhosis hepatis Circus in literature (Not Subd Geog) Ciŕ io Festival USE Liver—Cirrhosis Circus in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) Festa da Virgem de Nazaré Festa de Nazaré Cirrhosis of the liver BT Motion pictures Festa de Nossa Senhora de Nazareth USE Liver—Cirrhosis Circus Maxentius (Italy) Festa do Ciŕ io de Nazaré Nazaré Festival Cirripectes (May Subd Geog) USE Circus of Maxentius (Italy) Nossa Senhora de Nazaré Festival [QL638.B6] Circus Maximus (Rome, Italy) Our Lady of Nazaré Festival BT Blenniidae Virgin of Nazaré Festival UF Circo Massimo (Rome, Italy) BT Festivals—Brazil Cirripedia (May Subd Geog) Massimo, Circo (Rome, Italy) Festivals—Portugal [QL444.C5] Maximus, Circus (Rome, Italy) Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint—Feasts UF Cirrhipedia BT Crustacea BT Horse arenas—Italy Círio Festival Entomostraca Italy—Antiquities USE Ciŕ io de Nazaré Festival NT Acrothoracica Stadiums—Italy Ascothoracica Cirl bunting (May Subd Geog) Barnacles Circus music (May Subd Geog) [QL696.P2438 (Zoology)] Rhizocephala Circus of Maxentius (Italy) UF Emberiza cirlus BT Emberiza Cirripedia, Fossil (May Subd Geog) UF Circo di Massenzio (Italy) [QE817.C5] Circus Maxentius (Italy) Cir̄ mma (Hindu deity) BT Crustacea, Fossil Massenzio, Circo di (Italy) USE Kanṇ ạ ki (Hindu deity) NT Barnacles, Fossil Maxentius, Circus of (Italy) Ciro-flex camera (Not Subd Geog) Cirrochrista BT Italy—Antiquities [TR263.C5] USE Cirrhochrista Stadiums—Italy BT Cameras Cirrospilus (May Subd Geog) Circus owners (May Subd Geog) Cirocha River (Czechoslovakia) [QL568.E8] UF Owners of circuses USE Cirocha River (Slovakia) BT Eulophidae BT Persons NT Cirrospilus vittatus Cirocha River (Slovakia) Circus performers (May Subd Geog) UF Cirocha River (Czechoslovakia) [Former Cirrospilus vittatus (May Subd Geog) UF Performers, Circus heading] [QL568.E8] BT Circus workers BT Rivers—Slovakia BT Cirrospilus Entertainers NT Aerialists Cirocha River Valley (Slovakia) Cirrostomi Child circus performers UF Cirocha Valley (Slovakia) USE Cephalochordata Clowns BT Valleys—Slovakia Women circus performers Cirrus, Infrared (Astronomy) Cirocha Valley (Slovakia) USE Infrared cirrus (Astronomy) Circus performers in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Cirocha River Valley (Slovakia) Circus posters (May Subd Geog) Cirrus automobile (Not Subd Geog) Cirolanidae (May Subd Geog) UF Chrysler Cirrus automobile UF Circus—Posters [QL444.M34] BT Chrysler automobile BT Posters BT Isopoda Circus pygargus NT Mexilana Cirrus clouds (May Subd Geog) USE Montagu's harrier [QC921.43.C57] Circus theater Ćirović family (Not Subd Geog) BT Clouds USE Arena theater Cirque basins Circus toys (May Subd Geog) CIRs (Solar wind) [NK9509.95.C57] USE Cirques (Glacial landforms) USE Corotating interaction regions BT Toys Cirque de Mafate (Reú nion) Circus tractors (May Subd Geog) Cirsium (May Subd Geog) [GV1821.8] USE Mafate Cirque (Reú nion) [QK495.C74] BT Tractors Cirque Lake (Wash.) UF Plume thistles Circus trains (May Subd Geog) Plumed thistles [GV1822] BT Lakes—Washington (State) BT Compositae UF Carnival trains Cirque mountains Thistles NT Canada thistle Trains, Circus USE Horns (Glacial landforms) Meadow thistle BT Railroad trains Cirques (Glacial landforms) (May Subd Geog) Circus trains in art (Not Subd Geog) Cirsium arvense Circus wagons (May Subd Geog) UF Amphitheaters (Glacial landforms) USE Canada thistle [GV1823] Botns BT Wagons Cirque basins Cirsium foliosum Circus wagons in art (Not Subd Geog) Coires USE Meadow thistle Circus workers (May Subd Geog) Combes BT Employees Corries Cirsium kelseyi NT Circus performers Cwms USE Meadow thistle Circuses Kars USE Circus Oules Cirsium magnificum Cire family Vans (Glacial landforms) USE Meadow thistle USE Cyr family Zanogas Cire-perdue process Cirsium minganense USE Precision casting BT Basins (Geology) USE Meadow thistle Cirebon dialect (May Subd Geog) Glacial landforms [PL5454.Z9C] Valleys Cirsium scariosum BT Indonesia—Languages USE Meadow thistle — New Zealand Sundanese language NT Henderson Basin (N.Z.) Cirue language Cirebon songs USE Rue language — Reú nion USE Songs, Cirebon NT Mafate Cirque (Reú nion) CIS (Circumvaginal impairment syndrome) Cirene (Extinct city) USE Circumvaginal impairment syndrome — Washington (State) USE Cyrene (Extinct city) NT Glacier Basin (Pierce County, Wash.) CIS countries Nooksack Cirque (Wash.) USE Former Soviet republics Cirratulida (May Subd Geog) Cis-platinum [QL391.A6] USE Cisplatin BT Polychaeta NT Cirratulidae Cis-retinoic acid Paraonidae USE Isotretinoin Cis-retinoic acid receptors USE Retinoid X receptors C-401
Cis-trans-isomerases (May Subd Geog) Cisplatin Water-supply BT Isomerases [RC271.C55] Wells NT Peptidylprolyl isomerase UF Cis-platinum NT Chultunes Diamminedichloroplatinum — Turkey Cisadane River (Indonesia) Dichlorodiamine platinum UF Cisadane River (Java, Indonesia) [Former Dichlorodiammineplatinum NT Tekir Cistern (Silifke, Turkey) heading] Platinum diamminedichloride Cisticola (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Indonesia BT Alkylating agents Antineoplastic agents [QL696.P279] Cisadane River (Java, Indonesia) Chlorides BT Sylviidae USE Cisadane River (Indonesia) Coordination compounds Cistophorus (Coin) (May Subd Geog) Metal-ammonia compounds [CJ359] Cisadane River Watershed (Indonesia) Platinum compounds BT Coins, Greek BT Watersheds—Indonesia Cispus River (Wash.) Numismatics ciSalampasu language BT Rivers—Washington (State) Silver coins USE Salampasu language Cistothorus (May Subd Geog) Cispus River Watershed (Wash.) [QL696.P287 (Zoology)] Cisalpine Republic BT Watersheds—Washington (State) UF Telmatodytes [Former heading] — History BT Wrens NT Bologna (Italy)—History—French rule, Cissampelos pareira NT Apolinar's marsh wren 1797-1815 USE Chondrodendron tomentosum Marsh wren Sedge wren Cisano Site (Italy) Cissel family Cistothorus apolinari BT Italy—Antiquities USE Cecil family USE Apolinar's marsh wren Cistothorus palustris Cisapride (May Subd Geog) Cissell family USE Marsh wren UF Propulsid (Trademark) USE Cecil family Cistothorus platensis BT Benzene USE Sedge wren Gastrointestinal agents Cissexism Cists (Boxes) (May Subd Geog) Piperidine USE Transphobia UF Cistae Propane BT Boxes Cissil family Classical antiquities Cisarctic right whale USE Cecil family Cistudo blandingii USE Northern right whale USE Blanding's turtle Cissill family Cisukwa language CISC microprocessors (Not Subd Geog) USE Cecil family USE Sukwa language BT Microprocessors Cisuundi language Cissus (May Subd Geog) USE Suundi language Ciscaucasia (Russia) [QK495.V55 (Botany)] CIT (Examination) USE Caucasus, Northern (Russia) UF Treebines USE Certificate in Information Technology BT Vitaceae CIT (Movement therapy) Cisco (Fictitious character : Ball) (Not Subd Geog) USE Constraint-induced movement therapy Cisco (Genus) Cissy dolls (Not Subd Geog) Citadel (Aleppo, Syria) [NK4894.3.C56 (Decorative arts)] This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Coregonus BT Character dolls subdivision. Cisco (Species) Cistaceae (May Subd Geog) UF Qalʻat (Aleppo, Syria) USE Lake herring [QK495.C5] BT Fortification—Syria Cisco family BT Violales Citadel (Alessandria, Italy) USE Cittadella di Alessandria (Alessandria, Italy) USE Sisco family Cistae Citadel (Brăila, Romania) Cisco fisheries (May Subd Geog) USE Cists (Boxes) USE Cetatea Brăilei (Braĭ la, Romania) Citadel (Cairo, Egypt) [SH351.C47] Cistales This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Fisheries USE Violales subdivision. Cisco Kid (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) UF Kid, Cisco (Fictitious character) Cistelidae UF Citadel of the Mountain (Cairo, Egypt) Cisco Kid films USE Alleculidae Qalʻah (Cairo, Egypt) [PN1995.9.C5125] Qalʻat al-Jabal (Cairo, Egypt) Here are entered works on Cisco Kid films Cistella Mountain (Italy) Saladin's Citadel (Cairo, Egypt) discussed collectively. Works on individual Cisco Kid UF Monte Cistella (Italy) films are entered under the specific title. BT Mountains—Italy BT Fortification—Egypt Citadel (Hué̂, Vietnam) BT Western films Cistercian architecture (May Subd Geog) Cisco Wash (Utah) [NA4828] USE Kinh thành Huế (Hue,́̂ Vietnam) UF Architecture, Cistercian [Former heading] Citadel (Hull, England) BT Valleys—Utah BT Benedictine architecture Ciscoes (May Subd Geog) USE Hull Citadel (Hull, England) Cistercian architecture in art (Not Subd Geog) Citadel (Kerkyra, Greece) [QL638.S2 (Zoology)] UF Architecture, Cistercian, in art [Former UF Ciscos heading] USE Palaio Phrourio (Kerkyra, Greece) BT Coregonus Citadel (Messina, Italy) Cistercian art (May Subd Geog) Prosopium UF Art, Cistercian [Former heading] USE Cittadella di Messina (Messina, Italy) NT Arctic cisco BT Christian art and symbolism Citadel (Plymouth, England) NT Cistercian glass painting and staining Blackfin cisco Cistercian panel painting USE Royal Citadel (Plymouth, England) Bonneville cisco Citadel (Turin, Italy) Lake herring Cistercian convents (May Subd Geog) Least cisco BT Convents USE Cittadella di Torino (Turin, Italy) Shortjaw cisco Citadel (Divrigĭ , Turkey) Shortnose cisco Cistercian glass painting and staining (May Subd Geog) Vendace UF Glass painting and staining, Cistercian USE Divrigĭ Kalesi (Divriği, Turkey) Ciscos [Former heading] Citadel Fortress (Jerusalem) USE Ciscoes BT Cistercian art Ciseel (Indonesia) Glass painting and staining USE Antonia Fortress (Jerusalem) USE Seel River (Indonesia) Citadel House Site (Greece) Cisena (African people) Cistercian illumination of books and manuscripts USE Sena (African people) USE Illumination of books and manuscripts, USE Citadel House Site (Mycenae) Cisena language Cistercian Citadel House Site (Mycenae) USE Sena language Cisgender people (May Subd Geog) Cistercian monasteries (May Subd Geog) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Persons UF Monasteries, Cistercian [Former heading] subdivision. Cisidae BT Monasteries USE Ciidae UF Citadel House Site (Greece) [Former heading] Cisitalia automobiles (Not Subd Geog) Cistercian mural painting and decoration BT Fortification—Greece BT Automobiles (May Subd Geog) Cismon River (Italy) BT Mural painting and decoration Greece—Antiquities UF Fiume Cismon (Italy) Citadel La Ferrier̀ e (Haiti) Torrente Cismon (Italy) Cistercian nuns (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Italy BT Nuns USE Citadelle Laferrier̀ e (Haiti) Cismon River Basin (Italy) Citadel of Erbil (Irbil, Iraq) USE Cismon River Watershed (Italy) Cistercian panel painting (May Subd Geog) Cismon River Watershed (Italy) UF Panel painting, Cistercian [Former heading] USE Qełatî Hewlêr (Irbil, Iraq) UF Bacino del Cismon (Italy) BT Cistercian art Citadel of Hue (Huế, Vietnam) Cismon River Basin (Italy) Panel painting BT Watersheds—Italy USE Kinh thaǹ h Hué̂ (Huê,́ Vietnam) Cisne, Islas del (Honduras) Cisterna Palace (Turin, Italy) Citadel of the King (Kabul, Afghanistan) USE Swan Islands (Honduras) USE Palazzo dal Pozzo della Cisterna (Turin, Italy) Cisneros family (Not Subd Geog) USE Arg (Kabul, Afghanistan) UF Sisneros family Cisternal puncture Citadel of the Mountain (Cairo, Egypt) USE Brain—Puncture USE Citadel (Cairo, Egypt) Cisternography (May Subd Geog) BT Brain—Radiography Cisternography, Myelographic USE Myelography Cisterns (May Subd Geog) BT Reservoirs C-402
Citadel Operation Cite,́ Ile de la (Paris, France) Cithern and lute music USE Operation Citadel USE Ile de la Cité (Paris, France) USE Cittern and lute music Citadel Site (Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka) Cité Clarac (Fort-de-France, Martinique) Cithern and vihuela music This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Apartment houses—Martinique USE Cittern and vihuela music subdivision. Cité d'Alet (Saint-Malo, France) Cithern music USE Alet Site (Saint-Malo, France) USE Cittern music BT Fortification—Sri Lanka Sri Lanka—Antiquities Cité de refuge (Paris, France) Citheroniidae UF City of Refuge (Paris, France) USE Saturniidae Citadelle de Hué (Hue,́̂ Vietnam) Refuge, Cité de (Paris, France) USE Kinh thaǹ h Hué̂ (Hué̂, Vietnam) Salvation Army Building (Paris, France) Cithren BT Buildings—France USE Cittern Citadelle Laferrier̀ e (Haiti) UF Citadel La Ferrier̀ e (Haiti) Cité du 212 (Blanc-Mesnil, France) Citico Creek Wilderness (Tenn.) La Ferrière, Citadelle (Haiti) USE Résidence Germain Dorel (Blanc-Mesnil, BT National parks and reserves—Tennessee Laferrier̀ e, Citadelle (Haiti) France) Wilderness areas—Tennessee BT Fortification—Haiti Cité Fruges̀ (Pessac, France) Citicoline Citadellet Frederikshavn (Copenhagen, Denmark) USE Quartiers modernes Frugès (Pessac, France) USE Cytidine diphosphate choline USE Kastellet (Copenhagen, Denmark) Cité mondiale du vin (Bordeaux, Aquitaine, France) Cities, Imaginary Citaharp (May Subd Geog) UF Cité mondiale du vin (Bordeaux, France) USE Imaginary places [MT634.C4 (Instruction)] [Former heading] BT Zither Cité mondiale du vin et des spiritueux Cities and state (Bordeaux, Aquitaine, France) USE Urban policy Citaharp music (May Subd Geog) World City of Wine (Bordeaux, Aquitaine, Here are entered compositions not in a specific France) Cities and towns (May Subd Geog) World City of Wine and Spirits (Bordeaux, [HT101-HT395] form or of a specific type for solo citaharp, and Aquitaine, France) UF Global cities collections of compositions in several forms or types BT Convention facilities—France Municipalities for solo citaharp. Towns Cité mondiale du vin (Bordeaux, France) Urban areas SA headings for forms and types of music that USE Cité mondiale du vin (Bordeaux, Aquitaine, Urban systems include \"citaharp\" or \"citaharps\" and France) BT Human settlements headings with medium of performance that RT Sociology, Urban include \"citaharp\" or \"citaharps\" Cité mondiale du vin et des spiritueux (Bordeaux, SA headings beginning with the words City; Aquitaine, France) Municipal and Urban Citara USE Cité mondiale du vin (Bordeaux, Aquitaine, NT Art, Municipal USE Sitar France) Boroughs Capitals (Cities) Citará Indians Citellus Central places USE Choco Indians USE Ground squirrels City blocks City-states Citarum River (Indonesia) Citellus beecheyi Colonial cities USE Tarum River (Indonesia) USE California ground squirrel Company towns Education, Urban Citation, Poetry of Citellus buxtoni Extinct cities USE Found poetry USE Arctic ground squirrel Floating cities Garden cities Citation (Private plane) (Not Subd Geog) Citellus citellus Hansa towns UF Citation (Private planes) [Former heading] USE European souslik Inner cities BT Cessna aircraft Islamic cities and towns Private planes Citellus mohavensis Jewish ghettos USE Mohave ground squirrel Land use, Urban Citation (Private planes) Market towns USE Citation (Private plane) Citellus parryii Military towns USE Arctic ground squirrel Mormon cities and towns Citation (Race horse) (Not Subd Geog) New towns BT Horses Citellus richardsoni Plazas USE Richardson's ground squirrel Port cities Citation automobile (Not Subd Geog) Public spaces BT Chevrolet automobile Citellus stejnegeri Shrinking cities General Motors X-cars USE Arctic ground squirrel Sister cities Small cities Citation indexes Citellus tereticaudus Squatter settlements BT Bibliographical citations USE Round-tailed ground squirrel University towns Indexes Urban cores Citellus townsendii Urban dialects Citation of archival materials (May Subd Geog) USE Townsend's ground squirrel Urbanization [PN171.F56] Villages UF Archival citations Citellus tridecemlineatus BT Archival materials USE Thirteen-lined ground squirrel — Beautification Bibliographical citations USE Urban beautification Citellus undulatus Citation of authority in the news USE Long-tailed ground squirrel — Biblical teaching (Not Subd Geog) USE Attribution of news — Civic improvement Citellus washingtoni Citation of electronic information resources USE Washington ground squirrel USE Civic improvement (May Subd Geog) — Economic aspects [PN171.F56] Cithara (May Subd Geog) UF Citation of electronic information sources UF Kithara USE Urban economics [Former heading] BT Lyre — Effect of technological innovations on BT Bibliographical citations Electronic information resources Cithara and harmonic canon music (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) [M294-M295] BT Technological innovations Citation of electronic information sources UF Harmonic canon and cithara music USE Citation of electronic information resources — Environmental aspects Cithara in art (Not Subd Geog) USE Urban ecology (Biology) Citation of legal authorities (May Subd Geog) Cithara music Urban ecology (Sociology) Here are entered works on the method of citing Here are entered compositions not in a specific — Folklore legal authorities. Compilations of legal citations such form or of a specific type for solo cithara, and Here are entered works on the theme of cities as citation books are entered under the heading collections of compositions in several forms or types Annotations and citations (Law). for solo cithara. and towns in folklore. Works on folklore which are found in urban areas are entered under Urban UF Legal citations SA headings for forms and types of music that folklore. BT Annotations and citations (Law) include \"cithara\" or \"citharas\" and headings with medium of performance that include UF Cities and towns (in religion, folklore, etc.) Legal authorities \"cithara\" or \"citharas\" [Former heading] Legal research Citation of public records (May Subd Geog) Cithara with orchestra — Government [PN171.F56] [M1037.4.C58] USE Municipal government BT Bibliographical citations Public records Citharen — Growth Citation of sources USE Cittern [HT371 (City problem)] USE Bibliographical citations UF Growth, Urban Citation titles (Statutes) Citharidae (May Subd Geog) Sprawl, Urban USE Titles of statutes [QL638.C578] Urban development Citations, Bibliographical BT Flatfishes Urban growth USE Bibliographical citations Urban sprawl Citations (Law) Citharinidae (May Subd Geog) USE Annotations and citations (Law) [QL638.C5785 (Zoology)] Citations (Roman law) UF Citharininae USE Annotations and citations (Roman law) BT Characiformes Citators (Law) USE Annotations and citations (Law) Citharininae USE Citharinidae Cither USE Zither Cithern USE Cittern C-403
Cities and towns entered under the name of the city or town. RT Class actions (Civil procedure) — Growth (Continued) Popular actions BT Migration, Internal UF Medieval cities and towns Population NT Bastides BT Public interest law Vital statistics Cities and towns, Medieval, in art (Not Subd Geog) Citizens' actions SA names of individual cities and towns with Cities and towns, Medieval, in literature subdivision History, Economic (Not Subd Geog) USE Citizen suits (Civil procedure) conditions, Population, Statistics, etc., Cities and towns, Miniature Citizens' advisory committees (May Subd Geog) as appropriate USE Miniature cities and towns NT Annexation (County government) Cities and towns, Movement from UF Advisory committees, Citizens' Annexation (Municipal government) USE Urban-rural migration Citizens' committees Land subdivision Cities and towns, Movement to Suburbs USE Rural-urban migration BT Committees — Interpretive programs (May Subd Geog) Political planning—Citizen participation UF City interpretation Urbanization Interpretive programs for cities Cities and towns, Port Citizens' advisory committees in education BT Interpretation of cultural and natural (May Subd Geog) resources USE Port cities [LC220] — Law and legislation Cities and towns, Renaissance (May Subd Geog) UF Advisory committees in education USE Municipal corporations BT Community and school — Lighting UF Renaissance cities and towns School boards USE Municipal lighting Cities and towns, Ruined, extinct, etc. NT Parents' advisory committees in education Street lighting — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — Marketing USE Extinct cities BT Educational law and legislation USE City promotion Cities and towns, Viking (May Subd Geog) — Mythology (May Subd Geog) Citizens' advisory committees in housing — Noise UF Viking cities and towns (May Subd Geog) USE City noise Cities and towns (in religion, folklore, etc.) UF Advisory committees in housing — Pictorial works BT Housing policy—Citizen participation UF Cities and towns—Views [Former USE Cities and towns—Folklore heading] Cities and towns—Religious aspects Citizens' advisory committees in mental health — Planning Urban folklore (May Subd Geog) USE City planning BT Mental health policy — Public relations Cities and towns in advertising (May Subd Geog) Mental health services—Citizen participation USE Municipal government—Public relations BT Advertising Public health advisory groups — Quotations, maxims, etc. — Rankings Cities and towns in art (Not Subd Geog) Citizens' advisory committees in science USE Cities and towns—Ratings and rankings [N8217.C35] (May Subd Geog) — Ratings UF Villages in art UF Advisory committees in science USE Cities and towns—Ratings and rankings BT Science and state — Ratings and rankings (May Subd Geog) Cities and towns in literature (Not Subd Geog) UF Cities and towns—Rankings SA names of individual cities and towns Citizens' advisory committees in technology Cities and towns—Ratings [Former (May Subd Geog) heading] Cities and towns in mass media (Not Subd Geog) UF Advisory committees in technology Rankings of cities and towns BT Mass media BT Technology and state—Citizen participation Ratings of cities and towns — Religious aspects Cities and towns in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) Citizens' advisory committees in vocational education UF Cities and towns—Religious life [Former [PN1995.9.C513] (May Subd Geog) heading] BT Motion pictures UF Advisory committees in vocational education Cities and towns (in religion, folklore, etc.) BT Vocational education [Former heading] Cities and towns in music (Not Subd Geog) — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] BT Music Citizen's arrest (May Subd Geog) — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] UF Any person arrest — Religious life Cities and towns in television BT Arrest USE Cities and towns—Religious aspects USE Cities and towns on television — Research (May Subd Geog) Citizens' associations (May Subd Geog) UF Municipal research [Former heading] Cities and towns in the Bible UF Block associations Urban affairs research [BS680.C5 (General)] Block clubs Urban research [BS1199.C55 (Old Testament)] Citizen associations — Sounds Neighborhood associations USE City sounds Cities and towns on television (Not Subd Geog) Residents' committees — Study and teaching (May Subd Geog) UF Cities and towns in television [Former heading] Taxpayers' associations UF Urban studies BT Television BT Associations, institutions, etc. — Surveying RT Neighborhood government USE Surveying Cities of refuge NT Crime prevention—Citizen participation — Views USE Asylum, Right of—Biblical teaching Regional planning—Citizen participation USE Cities and towns—Pictorial works Urban renewal—Citizen participation — Water-supply Cities Service Building (New York, N.Y.) USE Municipal water supply USE AIG Building (New York, N.Y.) Citizens band radio (May Subd Geog) — Europe, Eastern [TK6570.C5] NT Shtetls Citillus UF CB radio — Rome USE Ground squirrels Citizens radio service [Former heading] UF Cities and towns, Ancient—Rome Citizens radio service (Class D) [Former Citium (Extinct city) heading] Cities and towns, Ancient (May Subd Geog) USE Kition (Extinct city) Personal radiotelephone BT Geography, Ancient Private radiotelephone Citizen (The English word) Radio, Citizens band — Rome BT English language—Etymology BT Radiotelephone USE Cities and towns—Rome RT Mobile radio stations Citizen associations Radio control Cities and towns, Ancient, in motion pictures USE Citizens' associations NT Models and modelmaking—Radio control (Not Subd Geog) systems [PN1995.9.C5126] Citizen crime reporting (May Subd Geog) BT Motion pictures [HV7936.C58] — Antennas UF Calling the police BT Antennas (Electronics) Cities and towns, Colonial Citizen reporting of crime Radio—Antennas USE Colonial cities Police calls by citizens BT Crime prevention—Citizen participation — Equipment and supplies Cities and towns, Islamic Criminal investigation — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Islamic cities and towns NT Crime stoppers programs Citizens band radio in religion Cities and towns, Medieval (May Subd Geog) Citizen Dog (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) [BV656.2] [D134 (History)] Citizen journalism (May Subd Geog) BT Radio in religion [HT115 (Sociology)] Citizens Bank Park (Philadelphia, Pa.) Here are entered works on medieval cities and UF Participatory journalism BT Baseball fields—Pennsylvania Public journalism Citizens' committees towns in general and works limited to medieval cities USE Citizens' advisory committees and towns in specific regions, countries, states, etc. BT Journalism Citizens' defenders (Ombudspersons) Works on individual medieval cities and towns are RT Amateur journalism USE Ombudspersons Citizens radio service Blogs USE Citizens band radio Citizen lawsuits Citizens radio service (Class D) USE Citizens band radio USE Citizen suits (Civil procedure) Citizens Savings Bank Building (New York, N.Y.) Citizen participation BT Bank buildings—New York (State) Citizens' watchdog groups USE Political participation USE Public interest groups Citizen participation in public library administration USE Public libraries—Administration—Citizen participation Citizen reporting of crime USE Citizen crime reporting Citizen review boards (Police administration) USE Civilian review boards (Police administration) Citizen suits (Civil procedure) (May Subd Geog) UF Citizen lawsuits Citizens' actions Private attorney general Public interest actions Public interest litigation BT Actions and defenses C-404
Citizenship (May Subd Geog) Citpav̄ anī dialect Citrullus caffrorum [JF801 (Political science)] USE Chitapavani dialect USE Watermelons UF Birthright citizenship Citizenship—Law and legislation Citragupta (Hindu deity) (Not Subd Geog) Citrullus lanatus Citizenship (International law) [Former [BL1225.C57-BL1225.C574] USE Watermelons heading] UF Chitra-Gupta (Hindu deity) National citizenship BT Hindu gods Citrullus pasteca Nationality (Citizenship) USE Watermelons BT Political science Citraketu (Hindu mythology) (Not Subd Geog) Public law UF Chitraketu (Hindu mythology) Citrullus vulgaris RT Allegiance BT Hindu mythology USE Watermelons Civics Domicile Citrates (May Subd Geog) Citrus (May Subd Geog) Political rights BT Esters [QK495.R98 (Botany)] NT Chickasaw Indians—Tribal citizenship Salts [SB369-SB370 (Culture)] Choctaw Indians—Tribal citizenship NT Calcium citrate malate Here are entered works on citrus plants. Works on Citizenship as point of contact (Conflict of laws) Fentanyl Corporations—Nationality the edible fruits of citrus plants are entered under Dual nationality Citric acid (May Subd Geog) Citrus fruits. Five Civilized Tribes—Tribal citizenship BT Carboxylic acids Freemen NT Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction UF Citrus fruit trees Honorary citizenship Hydroxycitric acid Citrus trees Indians of North America—Tribal citizenship Maori (New Zealand people)—Tribal Citric acid cycle BT Rutaceae citizenship USE Krebs cycle NT Citron Married women—Nationality Naturalization Citric acid in the body (May Subd Geog) Citrus natsudaidai Omaha Indians—Tribal citizenship BT Body composition Citrus sudachi Option of nationality Grapefruit Statelessness Citric acid industry (May Subd Geog) Lemon World citizenship BT Chemical industry Limes Mandarin orange — Conflict of laws Citricola scale (May Subd Geog) Mexican lime USE Conflict of laws—Citizenship [QL527.C6 (Zoology)] Oranges UF Coccus citricola Persian lime — Law and legislation Coccus pseudomagnoliarum Pummelo USE Citizenship Gray citrus scale Satsuma orange BT Coccus (Insects) Sour orange — Religious aspects Tangelo — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] Citroen̈ 2CV automobile (Not Subd Geog) — Diseases and pests (May Subd Geog) — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] UF Citroën deux chevaux automobile — Study and teaching (May Subd Geog) Deux chevaux automobile [SB608.C5] — Germany BT Citroën automobile UF Citrus fruits—Diseases and pests [Former UF Nuremberg laws Citroën 2CV automobile in art (Not Subd Geog) heading] — Great Britain Citroen̈ automobile (Not Subd Geog) NT Citrus canker — — Examinations, questions, etc. BT Automobiles Citrus fruits—Storage—Diseases and NT Life in the UK Test NT Ami 6 automobile injuries — Rome Citrus tristeza disease Ami 8 automobile Greening disease NT Military diplomas, Roman Citroen̈ 2CV automobile — Irrigation (May Subd Geog) Citizenship, Loss of (May Subd Geog) Citroën C5 automobile UF Citrus fruits—Irrigation [Former heading] Citroën DS automobile — Rootstocks (May Subd Geog) UF Citizenship, Loss of—Law and legislation Citroën C5 automobile (Not Subd Geog) UF Citrus fruits—Rootstocks [Former Denaturalization UF C5 automobile heading] Loss of citizenship BT Citroen̈ automobile — Varieties (May Subd Geog) Citroen̈ deux chevaux automobile UF Citrus fruits—Varieties [Former heading] RT Political rights, Loss of USE Citroën 2CV automobile — Water requirements (May Subd Geog) NT Expatriation Citroën DS automobile (Not Subd Geog) UF Citrus fruits—Water requirements [Former — Law and legislation UF DS automobile heading] BT Citroën automobile Citrus acida USE Citizenship, Loss of Citron (May Subd Geog) USE Mexican lime Citizenship, Tribal [QK495.R98 (Botany)] Citrus amara UF Citrus medica USE Sour orange USE subdivision Tribal citizenship under ethnic BT Citrus Citrus aurantifolia groups, e.g. Indians of North America--Tribal Citron, Chinese USE Mexican lime citizenship USE Citrus natsudaidai Citrus aurantium Citron (Jewish cultus) USE Sour orange Citizenship (Greek law) USE Etrog Citrus bacterial canker disease BT Law, Greek Citron (Sukkot) USE Citrus canker USE Etrog Citrus bigaradia Citizenship (International law) Citronella grass (May Subd Geog) USE Sour orange USE Citizenship [QK495.G74 (Botany)] Citrus black fly (May Subd Geog) UF Cymbopogon nardus [QL527.A5 (Zoology)] Citizenship (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) BT Cymbopogon UF Aleurocanthus woglumi BT Islamic law Citronella oil (May Subd Geog) Blackfly, Citrus [TP959.C5 (Chemical technology)] Citrus blackfly Citizenship (Jewish law) BT Essences and essential oils BT Aleurocanthus BT Jewish law Citronella oil industry (May Subd Geog) Citrus blackfly [HD9166.C57-HD9166.C574] USE Citrus black fly Citizenship as point of contact (Conflict of laws) BT Essences and essential oils industry Citrus canker (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) Citrophilus mealybug [SB608.C5] BT Citizenship USE Pseudococcus calceolariae UF Citrus bacterial canker disease Conflict of laws Citropsis (May Subd Geog) BT Bacterial diseases of plants Points of contact (Conflict of laws) [QK495.R98] Citrus—Diseases and pests BT Rutaceae Citrus canker bacteria Citizenship Day (U.S.) Citrotpalạ ̄ River (India) USE Xanthomonas campestris USE Constitution Day and Citizenship Day (U.S.) USE Chitrotpala River (India) Citrus codling moth Citrovorum factor USE Cryptophlebia leucotreta Citizenship in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Folinic acid Citrus crate labels (May Subd Geog) Citizenship in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) Citrulline phosphorylase BT Fruit crate labels USE Ornithine carbamoyltransferase NT Orange box labels BT Motion pictures Citrullus (May Subd Geog) Citrus decumana Citlaltépetl (Mexico) [QK495.C96] USE Pummelo BT Cucurbitaceae Citrus fruit industry (May Subd Geog) USE Orizaba, Pico de (Mexico) NT Watermelons [HD9259.C5-HD9259.C54] Citman family Citrullus aedulis UF Citrus industry USE Watermelons Citrus trade USE Sidman family Citrullus battich BT Fruit trade Citmon family USE Watermelons NT Grapefruit industry Citrullus caffer Lemon trade USE Sidman family USE Watermelons Lime fruit industry Citnam family USE Sidman family Citone family (Not Subd Geog) UF Tsiṭoni family Citong Gang (Quanzhou Shi, China) USE Quanzhou Harbor (Quanzhou Shi, China) Citong Harbor (Quanzhou Shi, China) USE Quanzhou Harbor (Quanzhou Shi, China) Citpāvana Brāhmanạ s USE Chitpavan Brahmans C-405
Citrus fruit industry (Continued) Citrus mealybug (May Subd Geog) Citrus unshiu Orange industry [QL527.P83 (Zoology)] USE Satsuma orange Tangerine industry UF Coccus citri Dactylopius citri Citrus vulgaris — By-products Phenacoccus spiniferus USE Sour orange UF Citrus fruits—By-products [Former Planococcus citri heading] Pseudococcus citri [Former heading] Citrus whitefly (May Subd Geog) BT Citrus products BT Planococcus [QL527.A5 (Zoology)] NT Dried citrus pulp UF Dialeurodes citri Citrus measuring worm Whitefly, Citrus — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Ascotis selenaria BT Dialeurodes Citrus fruit products Citrus medica Citta USE Citrus products USE Citron USE Pica (Pathology) Citrus fruit pulp, Dried Citrus medica ácida Città di Adriano (Albania : Extinct city) USE Dried citrus pulp USE Mexican lime USE Hadrianopolis (Albania : Extinct city) Citrus fruit research Citrus natsudaidai (May Subd Geog) \"Città di Crotone\" Prize USE Citrus fruits—Research [QK495.R98 (Botany)] USE Premio Crotone Citrus fruit trees [SB370.C55 (Culture)] UF Chinese citron \"Città di Ozieri\", Premio USE Citrus Citron, Chinese USE Premio di letteratura \"Città di Ozieri\" Citrus fruits (May Subd Geog) Natsumikan BT Citrus Città di Rapallo, Premio [SB369-SB370 (Culture)] USE Premio Rapallo Carige [TX558.C5 (Food)] Citrus nobilis deliciosa Here are entered works on the edible fruit of citrus USE Mandarin orange Città Street (Siena, Italy) plants. Works on citrus plants are entered under USE Via di Città (Siena, Italy) Citrus. Citrus oils (May Subd Geog) [TP959.C54] Cittadella (Alessandria, Italy) BT Tropical fruit BT Citrus products USE Cittadella di Alessandria (Alessandria, Italy) — By-products Essences and essential oils NT Bergamot oil Cittadella di Alessandria (Alessandria, Italy) USE Citrus fruit industry—By-products Bitter orange oil This heading is not valid for use as a geographic — Coloring Lime oil Orange oil subdivision. UF Citrus fruits—Degreening Petitgrain oil Coloring of citrus fruits UF Alessandria, Cittadella di (Alessandria, Italy) Degreening of citrus fruits Citrus paradisi Citadel (Alessandria, Italy) USE Grapefruit Cittadella (Alessandria, Italy) — Cooperative marketing (May Subd Geog) — Degreening Citrus products (May Subd Geog) BT Fortification—Italy UF Citrus fruit products Cittadella di Casale Monferrato (Casale Monferrato, USE Citrus fruits—Coloring BT Plant products — Diseases and pests NT Citrus fruit industry—By-products Italy) Citrus juices This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Citrus—Diseases and pests Citrus oils — Harvesting (May Subd Geog) Orange products subdivision. — Irrigation Citrus red mite (May Subd Geog) UF Casale Monferrato Citadel (Casale Monferrato, USE Citrus—Irrigation [QL458.2.T4] Italy) — Marketing UF Citrus red spider — Precooling (May Subd Geog) Metatetranychus citri BT Fortification—Italy — Research (May Subd Geog) Panonychus citri Cittadella di Ferrara (Ferrara, Italy) Paratetranychus citri [Former heading] UF Citrus fruit research Paratetranychus mytilaspidis USE Fortezza di Ferrara (Ferrara, Italy) — Rootstocks Red mite, Citrus Cittadella di Messina (Messina, Italy) Tetranychus citri USE Citrus—Rootstocks Tetranychus mytilaspidis This heading is not valid for use as a geographic — Storage (May Subd Geog) BT Panonychus subdivision. — — Diseases and injuries (May Subd Geog) Citrus red spider UF Citadel (Messina, Italy) BT Citrus—Diseases and pests USE Citrus red mite Messina, Cittadella di (Messina, Italy) Farm produce—Storage—Diseases and Real Cittadella di Messina (Messina, Italy) injuries Citrus reticulata USE Mandarin orange BT Fortification—Italy — Transportation (May Subd Geog) Cittadella di Torino (Turin, Italy) [HE2321.C5 (Railroads)] Citrus rust mite (May Subd Geog) [QL458.2.E75 (Zoology)] This heading is not valid for use as a geographic — Use in cooking UF Phyllocoptruta oleivora subdivision. USE Cooking (Citrus fruits) Phyllocoptruta oleivorus BT Phyllocoptruta UF Citadel (Turin, Italy) — Varieties Torino, Cittadella di (Turin, Italy) USE Citrus—Varieties Citrus scab USE Sour orange scab BT Fortification—Italy — Water requirements Cittamat̄ ra USE Citrus—Water requirements Citrus sinensis USE Oranges USE Vijnã ptimat̄ ratā Citrus fruits in art (Not Subd Geog) Citterio Palace (Milan, Italy) Citrus fruits in human nutrition (May Subd Geog) Citrus snow scale (May Subd Geog) [QL527.D5 (Zoology)] USE Palazzo Citterio (Milan, Italy) [QP144.C58] UF Snow scale, Citrus Cittern (May Subd Geog) BT Nutrition Unaspis citri Citrus fruits in literature (Not Subd Geog) BT Unaspis [MT654.C58 (Instruction)] Citrus grandis UF Citharen USE Pummelo Citrus sudachi (May Subd Geog) Citrus greening disease [QK495.R98 (Botany)] Cithern [Former heading] USE Greening disease [SB370.C55 (Culture)] Cithren Citrus industry UF Sudachi Cittharn USE Citrus fruit industry BT Citrus BT Plucked instruments Citrus juice industry (May Subd Geog) NT English guitar [HD9348.5.C52-HD9348.5.C524] Citrus thrips (May Subd Geog) — Methods BT Fruit juice industry [QL598.3.T4 (Zoology)] NT Grapefruit juice industry UF Euthrips citri [MT654.C58] Orange thrips [Former heading] Cittern and lute music Lemon juice industry Scirtothrips citri Orange juice industry BT Scirtothrips [M292-M293] Tangerine juice industry UF Cithern and lute music [Former heading] Citrus juices (May Subd Geog) Citrus trade BT Citrus products USE Citrus fruit industry Lute and cittern music Fruit juices Cittern and unspecified instrument music NT Grapefruit juice Citrus trees Lemon juice USE Citrus USE Duets (Unspecified instrument and cittern) Orange juice Cittern and vihuela music Tangerine juice Citrus tristeza disease (May Subd Geog) Citrus latifolia UF Decline, Quick (Citrus disease) [M292-M293] USE Persian lime Quick decline of citrus UF Cithern and vihuela music [Former heading] Citrus lima Tristeza disease of citrus fruits [Former USE Mexican lime heading] Vihuela and cittern music Citrus limon BT Citrus—Diseases and pests Cittern music USE Lemon Virus diseases of plants Citrus limonoids [M142.C58] USE Limonoids Here are entered compositions not in a specific Citrus maxima form or of a specific type for solo cittern, and USE Pummelo collections of compositions in several forms or types for solo cittern. UF Cithern music [Former heading] SA headings for forms and types of music that include \"cittern\" or \"citterns\" and headings with medium of performance that include \"cittern\" or \"citterns\" Cittern music (Celtic) (May Subd Geog) BT Celtic music Cittharn USE Cittern C-406
Cittod̄ ̣i Ghisad̄ ̣i Lōhārs Churches, Urban City-federal relations USE Lohars Town churches USE Federal-city relations Urban churches Cittod̄ ̣i Lōhārs Urbanization—Religious aspects City flowers (May Subd Geog) USE Lohars BT Church work [QK84.8-QK85.3] RT City clergy Here are entered works on flowers as emblems of Cittosis Suburban churches USE Pica (Pathology) NT Church work with apartment dwellers cities. City missions Cittotaenia (May Subd Geog) City Class (Steam locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) BT Flowers [QL391.P7] UF 3700 Class (Steam locomotives) Municipal emblems BT Anoplocephalidae GWR 3700 Class (Steam locomotives) GWR City Class (Steam locomotives) City folklore City, Open (International law) BT Steam locomotives USE Urban folklore USE Open city (International law) NT City of Truro (Steam locomotive) City clergy (May Subd Geog) City forestry City academies (British public schools) [BV637.5] USE Urban forestry USE Academies (British public schools) UF Clergy, City Clergy, Urban City Garden (Saint Louis, Mo.) City and state, Relation of Ministry, Urban USE Citygarden (Saint Louis, Mo.) USE Municipal home rule Urban clergy Urban ministry City gardening City and town life (May Subd Geog) BT Church work USE Urban gardening UF City life Clergy Town life RT City churches City gardens Urban life City cores USE Urban gardens BT Sociology, Urban USE Urban cores NT Street life City Council Catchment Area Nature Reserve City Gate (Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago) Urban policy (Singapore) UF Port of Spain Transit Center (Trinidad and USE Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (Singapore) Tobago) — Folklore City council members (May Subd Geog) POS Transit Center (Port of Spain, Trinidad USE Urban folklore UF Aldermen and Tobago) City councillors BT Bus terminals—Trinidad and Tobago — Sounds City councilmen [Former heading] USE City sounds Council members, City City geology Councillors, City USE Urban geology City and town life in art (Not Subd Geog) Councilmen, City City and town life in literature (Not Subd Geog) BT Municipal officials and employees City government City and town life in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) NT Women city council members USE Municipal government City councillors [PN1995.9.C513] USE City council members City Hall (Albany, N.Y.) BT Motion pictures City councilmen BT City halls—New York (State) City and town life on television (Not Subd Geog) USE City council members BT Television City councils (May Subd Geog) City Hall (Baltimore, Md.) City animals UF Councils, City UF Baltimore City Hall (Baltimore, Md.) USE Urban animals Town councils BT City halls—Maryland City archives BT Legislative bodies USE Municipal archives Municipal government City Hall (Belleville, Ont.) City attorneys (May Subd Geog) City councilwomen USE Belleville City Hall (Belleville, Ont.) UF Attorneys, Municipal USE Women city council members City-country migration City Hall (Bellevue, Wash. : 110th Avenue Northeast) City solicitors USE Urban-rural migration USE Bellevue City Hall (Bellevue, Wash. : 110th Corporation counsels, Municipal City Creek (Salt Lake County, Utah) Avenue Northeast) Corporation lawyers, Municipal UF Nah-po-pah Creek (Utah) Municipal law officers BT Rivers—Utah City Hall (Boston, Mass. : 1810-1863) Town counsels City Creek Canyon (Utah) UF Johnson Hall (Boston, Mass.) BT Government attorneys BT Canyons—Utah Suffolk County Courthouse (Boston, Mass.) City attorneys' opinions (May Subd Geog) City crime BT City halls—Massachusetts BT Advisory opinions USE Crime Courthouses—Massachusetts City Bank Farmers Trust Company Building (New York, City driving N.Y.) USE Automobile driving in cities City Hall (Boston, Mass. : 1968- ) USE 20 Exchange Place (New York, N.Y.) City dwellers (May Subd Geog) USE Boston City Hall (Boston, Mass.) City beautification UF City population USE Urban beautification City residents City Hall (Buffalo, N.Y.) City blocks (May Subd Geog) Dwellers, City USE Buffalo City Hall (Buffalo, N.Y.) [NA9053.B58 (Architecture)] Residents of cities UF Blocks (City planning) [Former heading] Urban dwellers City Hall (Chicago, Ill.) Blocks, City Urban people USE Chicago City Hall (Chicago, Ill.) City squares Urban population Squares, City Urban residents City Hall (Frankenmuth, Mich.) BT Cities and towns Urbanites USE Frankenmuth City Hall (Frankenmuth, Mich.) — California BT Persons Population City Hall (Ghent, Belgium) NT Saint Mark's Square (San Francisco, NT City children USE Town Hall (Ghent, Belgium) Calif.) Urban blacks Urban elderly City Hall (Johannesburg, South Africa) City boroughs (Municipal subdivisions) Urban men UF Johannesburg City Hall (Johannesburg, South USE Boroughs (Municipal subdivision) Urban minorities Africa) Urban poor Town Hall (Johannesburg, South Africa) City Center (Las Vegas, Nev.) Urban women BT City halls—South Africa USE CityCenter (Las Vegas, Nev.) Urban youth Yuppies City Hall (Lawrence, Mass.) City centers (Central business districts) — United States UF Lawrence City Hall (Lawrence, Mass.) USE Central business districts BT City halls—Massachusetts NT Urban African Americans City centres (Central business districts) City ecology (Biology) City Hall (Los Angeles, Calif.) USE Central business districts USE Los Angeles City Hall (Los Angeles, Calif.) USE Urban ecology (Biology) City Chambers (Edinburgh, Scotland) City economics City Hall (Lyon, France) BT Municipal buildings—Scotland USE Hôtel de ville (Lyon, France) USE Urban economics City children (May Subd Geog) City Eleusinion (Athens, Greece) City Hall (Marseille, France) [HT206] USE Hot̂ el de ville (Marseille, France) Here are entered general works on city children USE Eleusinion (Athens, Greece) City fauna City Hall (Milwaukee, Wis.) and works limited to city children of regions, USE Milwaukee City Hall (Milwaukee, Wis.) countries, states, etc. Works on children of individual USE Urban animals cities, city regions or metropolitan areas are entered City Hall (New York, N.Y.) under the heading Children with local subdivision. USE New York City Hall (New York, N.Y.) UF Children in cities City Hall (Ojai, Calif.) Urban children USE Ojai City Hall (Ojai, Calif.) BT Children City Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.) City dwellers BT City halls—Pennsylvania RT Urban teenagers City Hall (Providence, R.I.) Urban youth BT City halls—Rhode Island City children in literature (Not Subd Geog) City Hall (Reutlingen, Germany) City children in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) USE Rathaus Reutlingen (Reutlingen, Germany) BT Motion pictures City Hall (Salerno, Italy) City churches (May Subd Geog) USE Palazzo di città (Salerno, Italy) [BV637] City Hall (San Francisco, Calif.) UF Churches, City USE San Francisco City Hall (San Francisco, Calif.) Churches, Town City Hall (Stockholm, Sweden) USE Stockholms stadshus (Stockholm, Sweden) City Hall (Washington, D.C.) BT City halls—Washington (D.C.) City Hall (Wilmington, N.C.) USE Thalian Hall (Wilmington, N.C.) City Hall (Worcester, Mass.) BT City halls—Massachusetts C-407
City Hall and Central Library (Hague, Netherlands) Hôtel de ville (Marseille, France) Palazzo Pretorio (Pistoia, Italy) USE Stadhuis/Bibliotheek (Hague, Netherlands) Hôtel de ville (Puteaux, France) Palazzo Pretorio (Vicopisano, Italy) Hot̂ el de ville (Tours, France) Rocca (Lugo, Italy) City Hall Building (Gdańsk, Poland) — Germany Villa vescovile (Quingentole, Italy) USE Ratusz Głoẃ nego Miasta (Gdanś k, Poland) NT Altes Rathaus (Erkelenz, Germany) — Japan Altes Rathaus (Halle an der Saale, — Korea (South) City Hall-County Building (Chicago, Ill.) Germany) NT Sŏul Sich'on̆ g Ch'on̆ gsa (Seoul, Korea) USE Chicago City Hall (Chicago, Ill.) Altes Rathaus (Munich, Germany) — Lithuania Altonaer Rathaus (Hamburg, Germany) NT Vilniaus rotusě ̇ (Vilnius, Lithuania) City Hall/Library Complex (Hague, Netherlands) Braunschweiger Altstadtrathaus — Maine USE Stadhuis/Bibliotheek (Hague, Netherlands) (Braunschweig, Germany) NT Portland City Hall (Portland, Me.) Bremer Rathaus (Bremen, Germany) — Maryland City Hall of Portland (Portland, Me.) Dortmunder Rathaus (Dortmund, NT City Hall (Baltimore, Md.) USE Portland City Hall (Portland, Me.) Germany) — Massachusetts Einbecker Rathaus (Einbeck, Germany) NT Bemis Hall (Lincoln, Mass.) City Hall, Old (Boston, Mass.) Frankfurter Römer (Frankfurt am Main, Boston City Hall (Boston, Mass.) USE Old City Hall (Boston, Mass.) Germany) City Hall (Boston, Mass. : 1810-1863) Gernsbacher Altes Rathaus (Gernsbach, City Hall (Lawrence, Mass.) City Hall, Old (Lowell, Mass.) Germany) City Hall (Worcester, Mass.) USE Old City Hall (Lowell, Mass.) Gürzenich (Cologne, Germany) Old City Hall (Boston, Mass.) Hambacher Rathaus (Neustadt an der Old City Hall (Lowell, Mass.) City Hall Park (New York, N.Y.) Weinstrasse, Germany) Old Town Hall (Lincoln, Mass.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Hamburger Rathaus (Hamburg, Germany) Town Hall (Brookline, Mass.) Kieler Rathaus (Kiel, Germany) Winthrop Town Hall (Winthrop, Mass.) subdivision. Kol̈ ner Rathaus (Cologne, Germany) — Mexico Muḧ lhäuser Rathaus (Mühlhausen, NT Antiguo Palacio del Ayuntamiento (Mexico UF Common, The (New York, N.Y.) Thuringia, Germany) City, Mexico) The Common (New York, N.Y.) Neues Rathaus (Dresden, Germany) Palacio Escaŕ zaga (Durango, Durango, Neues Rathaus (Hannover, Germany) Mexico) BT Parks—New York (State) Neues Rathaus (Leipzig, Germany) Palacio Municipal (Puebla de Zaragoza, City Hall Park (Seattle, Wash.) Nürnberger Rathaus (Nuremberg, Mexico) Germany) Palacio Municipal (Sabinas, Coahuila, This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Rathaus (Duderstadt, Germany) Mexico) subdivision. Rathaus (Endingen am Kaiserstuhl, Palacio Municipal (San Luis Potosí, Germany) Mexico) BT Parks—Washington (State) Rathaus (Fellbach, Germany) — Michigan City halls (May Subd Geog) Rathaus (Gross-Umstadt, Germany) NT Frankenmuth City Hall (Frankenmuth, Rathaus (Höxter, Germany) Mich.) [NA4430-NA4437 (Architecture)] Rathaus (Lun̈ eburg, Germany) — Minnesota UF Town halls Rathaus (Ober-Eschbach, Bad Homburg NT Minneapolis City Hall-Hennepin County BT Municipal buildings vor der Hoḧ e, Germany) Courthouse (Minneapolis, Minn.) SA names of individual city halls Rathaus Berlin-Treptow (Berlin, Germany) — Netherlands — Australia Rathaus Osnabruc̈ k (Osnabrück, NT Deventer Stadhuis (Deventer, Germany) Netherlands) NT North Melbourne Town Hall (Melbourne, Rathaus Reutlingen (Reutlingen, Oude Raadhuis (Hague, Netherlands) Vic.) Germany) Raadhuis (Hilversum, Netherlands) Sydney Town Hall (Sydney, N.S.W.) Rathaus Schöneberg (Berlin, Germany) Stadhuis (Delft, Netherlands) Rathaus Wetter (Wetter, North Rhine- Stadhuis (Eindhoven, Netherlands) — Austria Westphalia, Germany) Stadhuis (Groningen, Netherlands) — Belgium Rathaus zu Mun̈ ster (Münster in Stadhuis (Haarlem, Netherlands) Westfalen, Germany) Stadhuis/Bibliotheek (Hague, Netherlands) NT Antwerp Stadhuis (Antwerp, Belgium) Schweinfurter Rathaus (Schweinfurt, — New York (State) Damme Stadthuis (Damme, Belgium) Germany) NT Brooklyn Borough Hall (New York, N.Y.) Hot̂ el de ville (Brussels, Belgium) Stadthaus (Berlin, Germany) Buffalo City Hall (Buffalo, N.Y.) Hot̂ el de ville (Mons, Belgium) Wernigerod̈ er Rathaus (Wernigerode, City Hall (Albany, N.Y.) Stadhuis (Bree, Belgium) Germany) Jamaica Town Hall (New York, N.Y.) Stadhuis (Louvain, Belgium) Winterthurer Stadthaus (Winterthur, New York City Hall (New York, N.Y.) Town Hall (Ghent, Belgium) Switzerland) — New Zealand — Germany (West) NT Wellington Town Hall (Wellington, N.Z.) — California — Illinois — North Carolina NT Los Angeles City Hall (Los Angeles, Calif.) NT Chicago City Hall (Chicago, Ill.) NT Thalian Hall (Wilmington, N.C.) Ojai City Hall (Ojai, Calif.) — Indonesia — Northern Ireland Old City Hall (Gilroy, Calif.) NT Balaikota Bandung (Bandung, Indonesia) NT Belfast City Hall (Belfast, Northern Ireland) San Francisco City Hall (San Francisco, — Ireland — Norway Calif.) NT Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Hall NT Rad̊ huset i Oslo (Oslo, Norway) (Duń Laoghaire, Ireland) — Ontario — Connecticut — Italy NT Belleville City Hall (Belleville, Ont.) NT Fairfield Town Hall (Fairfield, Conn.) NT Palazzo comunale (Bologna, Italy) Mississauga City Hall (Mississauga, Ont.) Palazzo comunale (Borgo San Lorenzo, — Pennsylvania — Czech Republic Italy) NT City Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.) NT New Town Hall (Prague, Czech Republic) Palazzo comunale (Castelnuovo Scrivia, — Peru Italy) NT Palacio Municipal (Lima, Peru) — Denmark Palazzo comunale (Ferrara, Italy) — Poland NT Ar̊ hus Rådhus (Århus, Denmark) Palazzo comunale (Forlì, Italy) NT Ratusz Głównego Miasta (Gdańsk, Frederiksberg Rådhus (Copenhagen, Palazzo comunale (Imola, Italy) Poland) Denmark) Palazzo comunale (Marciano della Ratusz w Chełmnie (Chełmno, Københavens Rad̊ hus (Copenhagen, Chiana, Italy) Województwo Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Denmark) Palazzo comunale (Massarosa, Italy) Poland) Odense Rad̊ hus (Odense, Denmark) Palazzo comunale (Modena, Italy) Ratusz w Kaliszu (Kalisz, Poland : 1888- Palazzo comunale (San Gimignano, Italy) 1914) — Ecuador Palazzo comunale (Savigliano, Italy) Ratusz w Tarnowie (Tarnów, Poland) NT Palacio Municipal (Guayaquil, Ecuador) Palazzo comunale (Trecate, Italy) Stary Ratusz w Olsztynie (Olsztyn, Palazzo comunale (Vergato, Italy) Olsztyn, Poland) — England Palazzo d'Arnolfo (San Giovanni Valdarno, — Portugal NT Carlisle Civic Centre (Carlisle, England) Italy) NT Paco̧ s do Concelho (Lisbon, Portugal) Chipping Norton Town Hall (Chipping Palazzo dei Capitani della Montagna — Reú nion Norton, England) (Cutigliano, Italy) NT Hôtel de ville (Saint-Denis, Reú nion) Civic Centre (Newcastle upon Tyne, Palazzo di città (Salerno, Italy) — Rhode Island England) Palazzo di città (Turin, Italy) NT City Hall (Providence, R.I.) Council House (Birmingham, England) Palazzo estense (Varese, Italy) — San Marino Council House (Nottingham, England) Palazzo municipale di Mantova (Mantua, NT Palazzo pubblico (San Marino, San Dewsbury Moot Hall (Dewsbury, England) Italy) Marino) Doncaster Mansion House (Doncaster, England) Hornsey Town Hall (Haringey, London, England) King's Hall (Ilkley, England) Manchester Town Hall (Manchester, England) Morpeth Town Hall (Morpeth, England) Rochdale Town Hall (Rochdale, England) Saint Mary's Hall (Coventry, England) Town Hall (Leicester, England) Walsall Town Hall (Walsall, England) West Bromwich Town Hall (West Bromwich, England) — Estonia NT Tartu raekoda (Tartu, Estonia) — Finland NT Kuopion kaupungintalo (Kuopio, Finland) — France NT Hôtel de ville (Aix-en-Provence, France) Hot̂ el de ville (Limoges, France) Hôtel de ville (Lyon, France) C-408
— Slovakia City of Refuge (Paris, France) Flood damage prevention NT Stará radnica (Bratislava, Slovakia) USE Cité de refuge (Paris, France) Grid plans (City planning) Housing — South Africa City of Refuge National Park (Hawaii) Housing policy NT City Hall (Johannesburg, South Africa) USE Puʻuhonua o Hon̄ aunau National Historical Land subdivision Park (Hawaii) Megastructures — Spain Motion pictures in city planning NT Casa Consistorial (Valladolid, Spain) City of Rocks National Reserve (Idaho) Neighborhood planning Casa Consistorial (Vergara, Spain) BT National parks and reserves—Idaho Planned communities Casa Consistorial (Vitoria, Spain) Planned unit developments City of Rocks State Park (N.M.) Space (Architecture) — Sweden BT Parks—New Mexico Store location NT Goẗ eborgs Rådhus (Göteborg, Sweden) Suburbs Norrkop̈ ing Rad̊ hus (Norrkop̈ ing, Sweden) City of Seattle Portable Works Collection (Seattle, Sustainable urban development Rad̊ huset (Helsingborg, Sweden) Wash.) Symbolism in city planning Stockholms Rådhus (Stockholm, Sweden) USE Portable Works Collection (Seattle, Wash.) Tourism and city planning Stockholms stadshus (Stockholm, Urban beautification Sweden) City of Seattle Watershed (Wash.) Urban transportation USE Cedar River Watershed (King County, Wash.) Volunteer workers in city planning — Switzerland Women and city planning NT Basler Rathaus (Basel, Switzerland) City of Truro (Locomotive) Zoning Hôtel de ville (Lausanne, Switzerland) USE City of Truro (Steam locomotive) — American influences Palazzo comunale (Bellinzona, Switzerland) City of Truro (Steam locomotive) (Not Subd Geog) BT United States—Civilization Willisau Rathaus (Willisau, Switzerland) UF City of Truro (Locomotive) [Former heading] — Awards (May Subd Geog) BT City Class (Steam locomotives) — — France — Vermont NT Town Hall (Pawlet, Vt.) City of Zion (Mormon theology) NT Grand prix de l'architecture, de USE New Jerusalem (Mormon theology) l'urbanisme et de l'environnement du — Wales Rhon̂ e NT Cardiff Civic Centre (Cardiff, Wales) City ordinances Grand prix de l'urbanisme USE Ordinances, Municipal Palmares̀ des jeunes urbanistes — Washington (D.C.) NT City Hall (Washington, D.C.) City Palace (Berlin, Germany) — — United States USE Stadtschloss (Berlin, Germany) NT Veronica Rudge Green Prize in Urban — Washington (State) Design NT Ballard City Hall (Seattle, Wash.) City Palace (Jaipur, India) Bellevue City Hall (Bellevue, Wash. : UF Jaipur City Palace — Citizen participation 110th Avenue Northeast) BT Palaces—India — Climatic factors (May Subd Geog) — Wisconsin City Park (Bridgeton, N.J.) [TD168.5 (Environmental technology)] NT Milwaukee City Hall (Milwaukee, Wis.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Climatology — Computer programs City health subdivision. — Early works to 1870 USE Urban health [NA9027] BT Parks—New Jersey — European influences City Hospital (Imaginary organization) (Not Subd Geog) City Park (Denver, Colo.) BT Europe—Civilization BT Imaginary organizations — French influences This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT France—Civilization City hospitals subdivision. — Government policy USE Urban hospitals USE City planning UF Denver City Park (Denver, Colo.) — Health aspects (May Subd Geog) City income tax BT Parks—Colorado UF City planning—Hygienic aspects [Former USE Income tax, Municipal City Park (Hagerstown, Md.) USE Hagerstown City Park (Hagerstown, Md.) heading] City interpretation City Park (New Orleans, La.) BT Urban health USE Cities and towns—Interpretive programs This heading is not valid for use as a geographic — Hygienic aspects subdivision. USE City planning—Health aspects City Island (Harrisburg, Pa.) — Law and legislation This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Parks—Louisiana USE City planning and redevelopment law City Park (Seattle, Wash.) — Religious aspects subdivision. — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] This heading is not valid for use as a geographic — Simulation games UF Foster Island (Harrisburg, Pa.) subdivision. — Study and teaching (Internship) (May Subd Geog) Harrisburg City Island (Harrisburg, Pa.) BT Interns BT Parks—Washington (State) — Vocational guidance (May Subd Geog) BT Islands—Pennsylvania City parks [NA9013] City Island School (New York, N.Y. : Fordham Street : — Zone system USE Urban parks USE Zoning Building) City pigeon City planning and collective memory USE Public School 102 (New York, N.Y. : Fordham USE Collective memory and city planning USE Feral pigeons City planning and redevelopment law (May Subd Geog) Street : Building) City planners (May Subd Geog) UF City planning—Law and legislation City lakes City planning law UF Town planners Land use, Urban—Law and legislation USE Urban lakes Urbanists Slum clearance law City laws, Medieval Town planning law BT Architects Urban renewal—Law and legislation USE Town laws, Medieval Planners RT Community development—Law and legislation City life BT Planning—Law and legislation NT Women city planners RT Regional planning—Law and legislation USE City and town life — Collective labor agreements NT Gated communities—Law and legislation City lighting Housing—Law and legislation USE Collective labor agreements—City Land subdivision—Law and legislation USE Municipal lighting planners Planned unit developments—Law and City managers (May Subd Geog) legislation City planners, Volunteer Real estate development—Law and legislation UF Managers, City USE Volunteer workers in city planning Street addresses—Law and legislation RT Municipal government by city manager Tax increment financing—Law and legislation City missions (May Subd Geog) City planning (May Subd Geog) Trees in cities—Law and legislation [BV2653] [HT165.5-HT169.5 (Urban sociology)] Urban transportation—Law and legislation UF Missions, City [NA9000-NA9284 (Architecture)] Zoning law BT City churches [TD160-TD168 (Technology)] — Criminal provisions UF Cities and towns—Planning [Former heading] City planning and the press Home missions City planning—Government policy UF Press and city planning NT Institutional missions Civic planning BT Press Land use, Urban—Management City planning and tourism Rescue missions (Church work) Land use, Urban—Planning USE Tourism and city planning City noise (May Subd Geog) Model cities Redevelopment, Urban [TD891-TD893] Slum clearance UF Cities and towns—Noise Town planning Urban design Urban noise Urban development BT Noise Urban planning City of Boulder Mountain Park (Boulder, Colo.) BT Land use—Planning USE Boulder Mountain Park (Boulder, Colo.) Planning City of Culture of Galicia (Santiago de Compostela, RT Art, Municipal Spain) Civic improvement USE Cidade da Cultura de Galicia (Santiago de Regional planning Urban policy Compostela, Spain) Urban renewal City of London Theatre (London, England) NT Aerial photography in city planning Central business districts UF New City of London Theatre (London, England) Classification—Books—City planning Royal City of London Theatre (London, Cluster housing England) Collective memory and city planning Communication in city planning BT Theaters—England Community development, Urban City of Manchester Stadium (Manchester, England) UF COMS (Manchester, England) Eastlands (Manchester, England) Manchester Stadium (Manchester, England) BT Stadiums—England C-409
City planning districts (May Subd Geog) CityCenter (Las Vegas, Nev.) Civet cat (Skunk) UF Planning districts, City UF City Center (Las Vegas, Nev.) USE Eastern spotted skunk BT Special districts BT Mixed-use developments—Nevada Western spotted skunk City planning in art (Not Subd Geog) Citygarden (Saint Louis, Mo.) Civet cat tree City planning law This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Durian USE City planning and redevelopment law subdivision. Civet durian City planning libraries (May Subd Geog) USE Durian UF City Garden (Saint Louis, Mo.) [Z675.C55] BT Sculpture gardens—Missouri Civet fruit BT Special libraries Cityscape photography USE Durian City planning volunteers USE Street photography USE Volunteer workers in city planning Ciuc Mountains (Romania) Civetta Mountain Range (Italy) City plants UF Ciucului Mountains (Romania) [Former USE Civetta Range (Italy) USE Urban plants City Point (London, England) heading] Civetta Range (Italy) BT Commercial buildings—England Csíki-havasok (Romania) UF Civetta Mountain Range (Italy) City population Munti̦ i Ciucului (Romania) Gruppo della Civetta (Italy) USE City dwellers BT Mountains—Romania BT Dolomite Alps (Italy) City-ports Carpathian Mountains Mountains—Italy USE Port cities NT Hǎșmaș Mountains (Romania) City promotion (May Subd Geog) Ciucaș Mountains (Romania) Civic action of Armed Forces [HT325] UF Masivul Ciucaș (Romania) USE Armed Forces—Civic action UF Boosterism (Place promotion) Massif Ciucaș (Romania) Monts Ciucaș (Romania) Civic architecture Cities and towns—Marketing Munții Ciucaș (Romania) USE Public architecture Promotion of cities BT Buzău Mountains (Romania) Promotion of towns Mountains—Romania Civic Arena (Pittsburgh, Pa.) Town promotion Ciucului Mountains (Romania) UF Civic Auditorium (Pittsburgh, Pa.) BT Municipal government—Public relations USE Ciuc Mountains (Romania) Igloo (Pittsburgh, Pa.) Place marketing Ciudad de Barcelona prizes Mellon Arena (Pittsburgh, Pa.) City residents UF Barcelona prizes BT Arenas—Pennsylvania USE City dwellers BT Literary prizes City schools Ciudad de la Cultura de Galicia (Santiago de Civic art USE Urban schools Compostela, Spain) USE Art, Municipal City shrinkage USE Cidade da Cultura de Galicia (Santiago de Public art USE Shrinking cities Compostela, Spain) City solicitors Ciudad de los Ceś ares (Legendary place) Civic Auditorium (Pittsburgh, Pa.) USE City attorneys (Not Subd Geog) USE Civic Arena (Pittsburgh, Pa.) City sounds (May Subd Geog) [GR941.C] UF Cities and towns—Sounds UF Cesares (Legendary place) [Former heading] Civic automobile City and town life—Sounds Cessares (Legendary place) USE Honda Civic automobile BT Sounds Ciudad Encantada de los Césares (Legendary NT Waterfront sounds place) Civic betterment City squares BT Geographical myths USE Civic improvement USE City blocks Ciudad Encantada de los Césares (Legendary place) Plazas USE Ciudad de los Césares (Legendary place) Civic Center (Denver, Colo.) City Stadium (Green Bay, Wis.) Ciudad Juaŕ ez (Mexico) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Lambeau Field (Green Bay, Wis.) — History City-states (May Subd Geog) — — Siege, 1919 subdivision. [JC352] BT Cities and towns BT Mexico—History—Revolution, 1910- UF Denver Civic Center (Denver, Colo.) Federal government 1920—Campaigns BT Parks—Colorado Municipal government Sieges—Mexico Civic Center (Evanston, Ill.) Political science USE Evanston Civic Center (Evanston, Ill.) State, The Ciudad Juarez, Battle of, Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Civic Center (Portland, Me.) City-states in art (Not Subd Geog) Mexico, 1911 USE Cumberland County Civic Center (Portland, City surveying USE Ciudad Juárez, Battle of, Ciudad Juárez, USE Surveying Mexico, 1911 Me.) City symphonies (Motion pictures) (May Subd Geog) Civic Center Park (Mentor, Ohio) Here are entered works on films that use a Ciudad Juárez, Battle of, Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, 1911 montage of images of a city and city life to capture UF Ciudad Juarez, Battle of, Ciudad Juarez, This heading is not valid for use as a geographic the essence of a particular city. Chihuahua, Mexico, 1911 [Former heading] subdivision. BT Mexico—History—Revolution, 1910- UF City symphony films 1920—Campaigns UF Mentor Civic Center (Mentor, Ohio) BT Nonfiction films Mentor Civic Center Park (Mentor, Ohio) City symphony films Ciudad Perdida Site (Colombia) USE City symphonies (Motion pictures) USE Buritaca Site (Colombia) BT Parks—Ohio City traffic (May Subd Geog) Civic centers (May Subd Geog) UF Street traffic Ciudad-Rodrigo (Spain) — History UF Municipal centers Traffic, City — — Siege, 1810 RT Municipal buildings Urban traffic [DC233.C55] BT Communication and traffic BT Peninsular War, 1807- Public buildings Urban transportation 1814—Campaigns—Spain SA names of individual civic centers NT Pedestrians Sieges—Spain NT Arts facilities City transit — England USE Local transit Ciudad Vieja Site (El Salvador) City transportation BT El Salvador—Antiquities NT Carlisle Civic Centre (Carlisle, England) USE Urban transportation Civic Centre (Newcastle upon Tyne, City trees Ciudadela (Zapopan, Mexico) England) USE Trees in cities This heading is not valid for use as a geographic City University of New York Skills Assessment Test — Illinois USE CUNY Skills Assessment Test subdivision. NT Evanston Civic Center (Evanston, Ill.) City walls (May Subd Geog) [NA493-NA497 (Architecture)] BT Mixed-use developments—Mexico — Japan [UG405.2 (Military engineering)] Ciudadela (Mexico City, Mexico) NT Ōsaka-shi Chūō Kok̄ aidō (Osaka, Japan) UF Village walls BT Fortification BT Public buildings—Mexico — Maine Walls Ciudadela Park (Barcelona, Spain) NT Bangor Civic Center (Bangor, Me.) City walls in art (Not Subd Geog) Cumberland County Civic Center City warfare USE Parque de la Ciudadela (Barcelona, Spain) (Portland, Me.) USE Urban warfare Ciuffini-Pancoast syndrome City Waterway (Wash.) — Massachusetts USE Thea Foss Waterway (Wash.) USE Pancoast's syndrome — Micronesia (Federated States) Ciurianni family (Not Subd Geog) Ciurlionis family (Not Subd Geog) NT Colonia Center (Colonia, Micronesia) — Ohio UF Caskus family Churlionis family NT Blockhouse (Mansfield, Ohio) Churlonis family — South Dakota Curlena family NT Sioux Falls Coliseum (Sioux Falls, S.D.) Civalier family (Not Subd Geog) — Wales Cive NT Cardiff Civic Centre (Cardiff, Wales) USE Chive — Washington (State) Civet bean NT Armory (Seattle, Wash. : Harrison Street) USE Lima bean Civic Centre (Cardiff, Wales) USE Cardiff Civic Centre (Cardiff, Wales) Civic Centre (Carlisle, England) USE Carlisle Civic Centre (Carlisle, England) Civic Centre (Newcastle upon Tyne, England) BT City halls—England Civic centers—England Civic ceremonial USE Municipal ceremonial Civic engagement (Education) USE Service learning Civic improvement (May Subd Geog) UF Betterment, Civic C-410
Cities and towns—Civic improvement [Former Civics, Burkinabe Civics, Mauritian heading] UF Burkinabe civics UF Mauritian civics Civic betterment Improvement, Civic Civics, Burmese Civics, Mexican Municipal improvement UF Burmese civics UF Mexican civics RT City planning Civic leaders (May Subd Geog) Civics, Cameroon Civics, Namibian UF Community leaders USE Civics, Cameroonian UF Namibian civics Leaders, Civic BT Social reformers Civics, Cameroonian Civics, New Zealand NT Indian civic leaders UF Cameroonian civics UF New Zealand civics Neighborhood leaders Civics, Cameroon [Former heading] Women civic leaders Civics, Nigerian — United States Civics, Canadian UF Nigerian civics UF Canadian civics NT African American civic leaders Civics, Omani Hispanic American civic leaders Civics, Chinese UF Omani civics Korean American civic leaders UF Chinese civics Civics, Pakistani Civic leaders, African American Civics, Colombian UF Pakistani civics USE African American civic leaders UF Colombian civics Civics, Palestinian Civic leaders, Hispanic American Civics, Congolese (Democratic Republic) UF Palestinian civics USE Hispanic American civic leaders UF Civics, Zairian [Former heading] Congolese (Democratic Republic) civics Civics, Peruvian Civic leaders, Korean American UF Peruvian civics USE Korean American civic leaders Civics, Cuban UF Cuban civics Civics, Philippine Civic planning UF Civics, Filipino USE City planning Civics, Czech Filipino civics UF Czech civics Philippine civics Civic Repertory Theatre (New York, N.Y.) UF 14th Street Theatre (New York, N.Y.) Civics, Danish Civics, Polish Fourteenth Street Theatre (New York, N.Y.) UF Danish civics UF Polish civics French Theatre (New York, N.Y.) Haverly's 14th Street Theatre (New York, N.Y.) Civics, Dominican Civics, Russian Haverly's Fourteenth Street Theatre (New UF Dominican civics UF Russian civics York, N.Y.) Haverly's Theatre (New York, N.Y.) Civics, Dutch Civics, Rwandan Keene's Fourteenth Street Theatre (New York, UF Dutch civics UF Rwandan civics N.Y.) Laura Keene's Fourteenth Street Theatre (New Civics, East Indian Civics, Salvadoran York, N.Y.) UF East Indian civics UF Civics, Salvadorian [Former heading] Lyceum Theatre (New York, N.Y. : 14th Street) Salvadoran civics Theá ̂tre Franca̧ is (New York, N.Y.) Civics, Ecuadorian BT Theaters—New York (State) UF Ecuadorian civics Civics, Salvadorian USE Civics, Salvadoran Civic rights Civics, Emirati USE Political rights UF Emirati civics Civics, Senegalese UF Senegalese civics Civic Stadium (Eugene, Or.) Civics, European BT Baseball fields—Oregon UF European civics Civics, Seychellois UF Seychellois civics Civic theater Civics, Filipino USE Theater, Municipal USE Civics, Philippine Civics, Singapore USE Civics, Singaporean Civic Theatre (Akron, Ohio) Civics, Finnish USE Akron Civic Theatre (Akron, Ohio) UF Finnish civics Civics, Singaporean UF Civics, Singapore [Former heading] Civic Theatre (Portland, Me.) Civics, French Singaporean civics UF B.F. Keith's (Portland, Me.) UF French civics Keith's Theatre (Portland, Me.) Civics, South African BT Theaters—Maine Civics, German UF South African civics UF German civics Civic universities Civics, Soviet USE Municipal universities and colleges Civics, Ghanaian UF Soviet civics UF Ghanaian civics Civics Civics, Spanish UF Civics, American Civics, Greek UF Spanish civics RT Citizenship UF Greek civics Political ethics Civics, Swiss BT Political science Civics, Grenadian UF Swiss civics Social ethics UF Grenadian civics Social sciences Civics, Syrian NT Americanization Civics, Guinean UF Syrian civics Jury duty UF Guinean civics Civics, Tanzanian — Study and teaching (May Subd Geog) Civics, Haitian UF Tanzanian civics — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) UF Haitian civics Civics, Thai BT Educational law and legislation Civics, Hong Kong UF Thai civics Civics, American UF Hong Kong civics Civics, Togolese USE Civics Civics, Hungarian UF Togolese civics Civics, Angolan UF Hungarian civics Civics, Turkish UF Angolan civics Civics, Indonesian UF Turkish civics Civics, Australian UF Indonesian civics NT Pancasila Civics, Ugandan UF Australian civics UF Ugandan civics Civics, Austrian Civics, Iraqi UF Iraqi civics Civics, Ukrainian UF Austrian civics UF Ukrainian civics Civics, Barbadian Civics, Irish UF Irish civics Civics, Uzbek UF Barbadian civics UF Uzbek civics Civics, Benin Civics, Israeli UF Israeli civics Civics, Venezuelan USE Civics, Beninese UF Venezuelan civics Civics, Beninese Civics, Italian UF Italian civics Civics, Vietnamese UF Beninese civics UF Vietnamese civics Civics, Benin [Former heading] Civics, Japanese UF Japanese civics Civics, Yemeni Civics, Bolivian UF Yemeni civics UF Bolivian civics Civics, Jordanian UF Jordanian civics Civics, Zairian Civics, Botswanan USE Civics, Congolese (Democratic Republic) UF Botswanan civics Civics, Kenyan UF Kenyan civics Civics, Zambian Civics, Brazilian UF Zambian civics UF Brazilian civics Civics, Korean UF Korean civics Civics, Zimbabwean Civics, British UF Zimbabwean civics UF British civics Civics, Kuwaiti UF Kuwaiti civics Civics in literature (Not Subd Geog) Civics, Bulgarian Cividalli family (Not Subd Geog) UF Bulgarian civics Civics, Latin American Cividunda language UF Latin American civics USE Vidunda language Civics, Lebanese Civil actions UF Lebanese civics USE Actions and defenses Civics, Liberian Civil aeronautics UF Liberian civics USE Aeronautics, Commercial Civics, Malagasy Private flying UF Malagasy civics Civil aviation Civics, Malawi USE Aeronautics, Commercial UF Malawi civics Private flying Civics, Malaysian Civil commitment of drug addicts (May Subd Geog) UF Malaysian civics UF Civil commitment of narcotic addicts [Former C-411
Civil commitment of drug addicts (Continued) Civil defense preparedness Civil Forum (Pompeii) heading] USE Civil defense readiness USE Forum (Pompeii) Commitment of drug addicts Civil defense readiness (May Subd Geog) Civil functions BT Drug addicts—Legal status, laws, etc. UF Civil defense preparedness USE subdivision Civil functions under individual Civil commitment of narcotic addicts BT Emergency management military services, e.g. United States--Armed NT Civil defense drills Forces--Civil functions USE Civil commitment of drug addicts Civil commitment of sex offenders (May Subd Geog) Civil defense rehearsals Civil government USE Civil defense drills USE Political science UF Commitment of sex offenders BT Involuntary treatment Civil defense warning systems (May Subd Geog) Civil Heritage Trail (Montgomery, Ala.) UF Civil defense—Warning systems [Former This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Sex offenders heading] Civil commitment of the mentally ill Warning systems, Civil defense subdivision. BT Communication in civil defense USE Mentally ill—Commitment and detention Emergency communication systems BT Trails—Alabama Civil death (May Subd Geog) NT Air raid warning systems Civil infractions Terrorist threat warning systems UF Civil death—Law and legislation USE Contraventions (Criminal law) BT Capacity and disability — United States Civil Justice Centre (Manchester, England) RT Absence and presumption of death Civil disobedience (May Subd Geog) USE Manchester Civil Justice Centre (Manchester, Attainder [JC328.3] England) Infamy (Law) UF Civil resistance Prisoners—Legal status, laws, etc. Civil law (May Subd Geog) NT Outlawry Disobedience, Civil Here are entered works on the laws regulating all — Law and legislation BT Government, Resistance to USE Civil death — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) the private relations of citizens to each other. Works Civil defense (May Subd Geog) on legal systems derived from Roman law are [UA926-UA929] BT Criminal law entered under Civil law systems. Here are entered works on the protection of — Religious aspects civilians from enemy attack. Works on the rights, — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] UF Law, Civil under international law, of civilians in the hands of — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Private law belligerent powers, and on measures to protect such Civil Disobedience, Vieques Island, P.R., 1999-2001 rights are entered under War--Protection of civilians. USE Vieques Island (P.R.)—History—Civil RT Roman law Works on official or private assistance to civilians SA special legal headings with Civil law added in during war time are entered under War relief. Disobedience, 1999-2001 Civil disobedience in literature (Not Subd Geog) parentheses, e.g. Delegation (Civil law); UF Air defenses, Civil [Former heading] Civil disorders Interdict (Civil law) Civilian defense [Former heading] NT Condicio juris Defense, Civil USE Riots Conditions (Law) Emergency preparedness Civil engineering (May Subd Geog) Declaration of intention Protection of civilians Fungibles [TA1-TA2040] Infamy (Law) BT Defensive (Military science) BT Engineering Liability (Law) Public safety RT Public works Novation NT Curves in engineering Nullity SA subdivision Evacuation of civilians under Obligations (Law) individual wars, e.g. World War, 1939-1945-- Earthquake engineering Reconciliation (Law) Evacuation of civilians Earthwork Renunciation (Law) Engineering geology Rescission (Law) NT Aircraft spotting Excavation Restitutio in integrum Atomic bomb—Safety measures Highway engineering Roman-Dutch law Blackouts in war Military engineering Unjust enrichment Bomb reconnaissance Piling (Civil engineering) Usufruct Chemical warfare—Safety measures Radioisotopes in civil engineering — Classification Communication in civil defense Steel, Structural Decontamination (from gases, chemicals, etc.) Transportation engineering UF Classification—Civil law Emergency communication systems Tunnels — Codification Emergency food supply United States. Navy—Engineering aids — History Emergency housing United States. Navy—Equipment operators Emergency public utility services Water-supply engineering NT Civil law—Reception Emergency sanitation — Bibliography — International unification Emergency transportation — Interpretation and construction Emergency water supply RT Civil engineering literature — Reception (May Subd Geog) Evacuation of civilians — Cold weather conditions Industries—Defense measures UF Reception of civil law Mass casualties NT Ice excavation BT Civil law—History Public shelters Ice tunneling — Rome Rescue work USE Roman law Rest centers (Disaster relief) — Early works to 1850 Civil law (Adat law) [TA144] USE Adat law — Equipment and supplies Civil law (Islamic law) BT Survival and emergency equipment — Management USE Islamic law NT Disaster hospitals USE Engineering—Management Civil law (Jewish law) USE Jewish law — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — Notation Civil law (Roman-Dutch law) — — United States [TA11] USE Roman-Dutch law — Warning systems UF Civil engineering symbols Civil law (Roman law) USE Roman law USE Civil defense warning systems — Research (May Subd Geog) Civil law in literature (Not Subd Geog) — United States Civil engineering contracts (May Subd Geog) Civil law systems Here are entered works on legal systems derived UF Homeland defense BT Engineering contracts from Roman law. Works on the laws regulating all the Homeland security Civil engineering literature (May Subd Geog) private relations of citizens to each other are entered United States—Air defenses, Civil under Civil law. [Former heading] [T10.7] United States—Civil defense [Former BT Technical literature BT Roman law heading] RT Civil engineering—Bibliography Roman law—Influence Civil engineering symbols — — Public opinion USE Civil engineering—Notation SA subdivision Roman influences under individual Civil defense (International law) Civil engineers (May Subd Geog) legal systems or under the law of a BT Engineers jurisdiction, e.g. Common law--Roman BT International law NT Engineering geologists influences; Law--Brazil--Roman influences Civil defense drills (May Subd Geog) Highway engineers Civil liability for child sexual abuse UF Civil defense exercises — Legal status, laws, etc. (May Subd Geog) USE Liability for child sexual abuse Civil defense maneuvers Civil defense rehearsals BT Engineering law Civil liberation movements — Pensions (May Subd Geog) USE Civil rights movements BT Civil defense readiness Emergency drills UF Civil engineers—Salaries, pensions, etc. Civil liberties [Former heading] USE Civil rights Civil defense exercises USE Civil defense drills — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Civil liberty — Salaries, etc. (May Subd Geog) USE Liberty Civil defense in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) BT Motion pictures UF Civil engineers—Salaries, pensions, etc. Civil list (May Subd Geog) [Former heading] RT Appanage Civil defense maneuvers BT Civil service USE Civil defense drills — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — Salaries, pensions, etc. Civil marriage (May Subd Geog) Civil defense on television (Not Subd Geog) UF Secular marriage BT Television USE Civil engineers—Pensions BT Marriage law Civil engineers—Salaries, etc. Civil forfeiture USE Forfeiture C-412
— Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Civil procedure (Ancient law) entered under Human rights. BT Marriage law BT Law, Ancient UF Basic rights Civil marriage (Canon law) Civil procedure (Assyro-Babylonian law) Civil liberties BT Canon law BT Law, Assyro-Babylonian Civil rights—Law and legislation Constitutional rights Civil-military relations (May Subd Geog) Civil procedure (Bantu law) Fundamental rights [JF195] BT Law, Bantu Rights, Civil UF Military and civilian power Military-civil relations Civil procedure (Canon law) BT Constitutional law BT Executive power BT Canon law Human rights Sociology, Military RT Military government Civil procedure (Greek law) RT Political persecution NT Air bases—Joint civil-military use BT Law, Greek SA subdivision Civil rights under classes of Armed Forces—Civic action Armed Forces—Political activity Civil procedure (International law) (Not Subd Geog) persons and ethnic groups Civil supremacy over the military UF Civil procedure in international courts NT Discrimination—Law and legislation Integrated operations (Military science) International civil procedure BT International law Due process of law — Religious aspects Employee rights — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Civil procedure (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) Equality before the law Civil-military use of air bases BT Islamic law Free choice of employment USE Air bases—Joint civil-military use Freedom of association Civil New Zealand Cross (Decoration of honor) Civil procedure (Jewish law) Freedom of expression USE New Zealand Cross (Decoration of honor) BT Jewish law Freedom of information Civil penalties (May Subd Geog) Freedom of movement Civil procedure (Roman-Dutch law) Freedom of speech BT Damages BT Roman-Dutch law Gay rights RT Fines (Penalties) Habeas corpus Civil procedure (May Subd Geog) Civil procedure (Roman law) Indians of North America—Civil rights UF Civil procedure—Law and legislation UF Civil procedure—Rome Indigenous peoples—Civil rights BT Procedure (Law) BT Roman law Political rights RT Actions and defenses NT Addicere (The word) Privacy, Right of Contumacy (Roman law) Right of property Appellate procedure Recuperatores (Roman law) Right to education Trial practice Speedy trial NT Acquiescence (Law) Civil procedure (Saxon law) State action (Civil rights) Admissions (Law) BT Law, Saxon — Codification Agricultural courts and procedure — Law and legislation Amparo (Writ) Civil procedure (Tswana law) USE Civil rights Arbitration and award BT Law, Tswana — Religious aspects Attachment and garnishment Class actions (Civil procedure) Civil procedure in international courts [BL65.C58] Code pleading USE Civil procedure (International law) SA subdivision Civil rights--Religious aspects Complaints (Civil procedure) Compromise (Law) Civil religion (May Subd Geog) under classes of persons and ethnic Conciliation (Civil procedure) Here are entered works describing a collection of groups Contumacy — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] Default (Law) shared national beliefs, symbols, and rituals that are — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Defense (Civil procedure) borrowed from religion but free of association with — — Catholic Church Dismissal and nonsuit any single religious sect and which function as a UF Civil rights (Canon law) [Former Divorce suits source of meaning and social solidarity. Equity pleading and procedure heading] Exceptions (Law) UF Religion, Civil — — Christianity Executions (Law) BT Chauvinism and jingoism Extraordinary remedies UF Church and civil rights [Former Injunctions Nationalism—Religious aspects heading] Intervention (Civil procedure) Religion and culture Civil rights (Christian theology) [Former Joinder of issue Religion and state heading] Judgments Civil-religious hierarchies (May Subd Geog) Judicial assistance Here are entered works on systems of ranked civil BT Liberation theology Law and fact and religious offices held by individuals in Latin — United States Matrimonial actions American Indian communities, often entailing Civil rights (Canon law) Motions (Law) personal sponsorship of Catholic festivals. USE Civil rights—Religious aspects—Catholic New matter (Civil procedure) New trials UF Cargo hierarchies (Civil-religious hierarchies) Church Nisi prius Cargo systems (Civil-religious hierarchies) Human rights—Religious aspects—Catholic Non-contentious jurisdiction Cofradía systems Church Notice (Law) Fiesta systems Civil rights (Christian theology) Parties to actions Ladder systems (Civil-religious hierarchies) USE Civil rights—Religious aspects—Christianity Pleading Mayordomiá systems Civil rights (Hindu law) Prejudicial actions Mayordomo systems BT Hindu law Probate law and practice Civil rights (International law) Process (Law) BT Hierarchies USE Human rights Prohibition (Writ) Indians—Politics and government Civil rights (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) Provisional remedies Indians—Social life and customs BT Islamic law Remedies (Law) Latin America—Religious life and customs Civil rights (Jewish law) Security for costs BT Jewish law Self-incrimination RT Cofradías (Latin America) Civil rights activists Set-off and counterclaim Civil remedies USE Civil rights workers Small claims courts Civil rights and communism Summary proceedings USE Remedies (Law) USE Civil rights and socialism Supplementary proceedings Civil reserve air fleet Civil rights and socialism (May Subd Geog) Terms of court [HX550.C58] Time (Law) [UC333] UF Civil rights and communism Venue BT Aeronautics, Commercial—United States Communism and civil rights — Codification BT Socialism — Conflict of laws Airlift, Military—United States Civil rights demonstrations (May Subd Geog) USE Conflict of laws—Civil procedure Emergency transportation UF Freedom marches (Civil rights) — Forms Civil resistance Sit-ins (Civil rights) — Interpretation and construction USE Civil disobedience BT Civil rights movements — Law and legislation Government, Resistance to Demonstrations USE Civil procedure Civil RICO actions (May Subd Geog) — Alabama — Rome [KF9375] USE Civil procedure (Roman law) Here are entered works on civil suits brought under NT Montgomery Bus Boycott, Montgomery, Civil procedure (Adat law) the provisions of the Racketeer Influenced and Ala., 1955-1956 BT Adat law Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). — Louisiana UF Civil RICO actions—Law and legislation NT Baton Rouge Bus Boycott, Baton Rouge, Civil RICO actions—United States La., 1953 RICO civil actions — North Carolina BT Actions and defenses NT Greensboro Sit-ins, Greensboro, N.C., RT Racketeering—United States 1960 — Law and legislation USE Civil RICO actions — United States USE Civil RICO actions Civil rights (May Subd Geog) [JC571-JC628 (Political science)] [K3236-K3268 (Law)] Here are entered works on citizens' rights as established by law and protected by constitution. Works on the rights of persons regardless of their legal, socioeconomic or cultural status and as recognized by the international community are C-413
Civil rights demonstrations (Continued) Architects in government — — — Law and legislation NT Bloody Sunday, Derry, Northern Ireland, Budget analysts USE Civil service—Pensions—Accounting 1972 Civil list Civil service, Colonial — — Cost-of-living adjustments (Not Subd Geog) — United States Criminal justice personnel UF Civil service—Pensions—Cost-of-living NT Freedom Rides, 1961 Disabled veterans in the civil service adjustments—Law and legislation Trail of Broken Treaties, 1972 Employee-management relations in government — — — Law and legislation — Washington (D.C.) Engineers in government USE Civil service—Pensions—Cost-of- Civil rights in art (Not Subd Geog) Gays in the civil service living adjustments Civil rights in literature (Not Subd Geog) Government business enterprises—Employees Civil rights lawyers (May Subd Geog) Intergovernmental personnel programs — — Law and legislation Literature and civil service USE Civil service—Pensions UF Human rights lawyers Local officials and employees BT Lawyers Municipal officials and employees — — Taxation Civil Rights Memorial (Montgomery, Ala.) People with disabilities in the civil service UF Civil BT Memorials—Alabama Political scientists in government service—Pensions—Taxation—Law Civil Rights Memorial (Richmond, Va.) Professional employees in government and legislation USE Virginia Civil Rights Memorial (Richmond, Va.) Psychologists in government Civil rights movements (May Subd Geog) Scientists in government — — — Law and legislation UF Civil liberation movements Social scientists in government USE Civil service—Pensions—Taxation Women in the civil service Liberation movements (Civil rights) Young adults in the civil service — — Unclaimed benefits (Not Subd Geog) Protest movements (Civil rights) — Awards (May Subd Geog) UF Benefits, Unclaimed (Civil service BT Human rights movements — — Kenya pensions) NT Anti-apartheid movements Unclaimed benefits of civil service Civil rights demonstrations NT Huduma Ombudsman Award pensions — United States — — United States — Personnel management NT Chicano movement NT Rockefeller Public Service Awards UF Personnel management in the civil service Red Power movement — Collective bargaining Public personnel management BT Personnel management Civil rights movements in art (Not Subd Geog) USE Collective bargaining—Government SA subdivision Personnel management under Civil rights movements in literature (Not Subd Geog) employees names of individual government Civil rights of corporations (May Subd Geog) agencies — Collective labor agreements UF Civil rights of juristic persons USE Collective labor agreements—Government — Political activity (May Subd Geog) Corporate civil rights employees Here are entered general works on political Corporations—Civil rights Human rights of corporations — Colonies activities of civil servants. Works limited to Juristic persons—Civil rights USE Civil service, Colonial particular localities are entered under names of countries, cities, etc. with subdivision Officials and BT Corporation law — Ethics employees--Political activity. Juristic persons USE Civil service ethics UF Government employees' political activities Civil rights of juristic persons — Examinations BT Political participation USE Civil rights of corporations [JK716 (United States)] — Positions UF Civil service examinations USE Civil service positions Civil rights workers (May Subd Geog) Competitive examinations — Recruiting (Not Subd Geog) UF Civil rights activists BT Examinations Here are entered general works on civil service Race relations reformers recruiting. Works limited to particular localities or to BT Social reformers — Furloughs (Not Subd Geog) individual government agencies are entered under NT Anti-apartheid activists Here are entered works on the placement of civil the name of the country, city, etc., or under the Women civil rights workers name of the individual agency, with subdivision servants in a temporary status without duties and Officials and employees--Recruiting. — United States pay because of lack of work or funds or other NT African American civil rights workers nondisciplinary reasons. Works limited to particular UF Civil service recruiting [Former heading] localities are entered under the name of the — Reinstatement (Not Subd Geog) Civil rights workers, African American country, city, etc., with subdivision Officials and USE African American civil rights workers employees--Furloughs. Works limited to specific Here are entered general works on the departments or agencies are entered under the reinstatement of civil servants. Works limited to Civil rights workers, Black (May Subd Geog) name of the department or agency, with particular localities or to individual government UF Black civil rights workers subdivision Officials and employees--Furloughs. agencies are entered under the name of the country, city, etc., or under the name of the Civil rights workers in literature (Not Subd Geog) UF Civil service furloughs individual agency, with subdivision Officials and Civil servants Furloughs employees--Reinstatement. USE subdivision Officials and employees under BT Layoff systems UF Civil service reinstatement names of countries, cities, etc., e.g. United SA subdivision Officials and employees-- Reinstatement of civil servants States--Officials and employees; and subdivision Government employees under Furloughs under names of countries, — Retirement (Not Subd Geog) specific subjects, e.g. Collective bargaining-- cities, etc.; and under names of Here are entered general works on civil service Government employees; Collective labor individual government departments, agreements--Government employees agencies, etc. retirement. Works limited to particular localities or — Labor productivity (May Subd Geog) to individual government agencies are entered USE Civil service BT Government productivity under the name of the country, city, etc., or under Civil service (May Subd Geog) — Labor unions the name of the individual agency, with subdivision USE Government employee unions Officials and employees--Retirement. [JF1601-JF1674] — Law and legislation Here are entered works on career government USE Civil service UF Civil service—Retirement—Law and service and the laws governing it. Works on — Legal status, laws, etc. legislation government service, including that by political USE Civil service Civil service retirement [Former heading] appointment or employment contract, are entered — Minority employment (May Subd Geog) Civil service retirement—Law and under the name of the country, state, or city, with the UF Minorities in the civil service [Former legislation subdivision Officials and employees. Works on heading] personnel of a specific government agency are BT Minorities—Employment BT Retirement entered under the name of that agency, with the — Pensions (Not Subd Geog) — — Law and legislation subdivision Officials and employees. [JF1671 (General)] Here are entered general works on civil service USE Civil service—Retirement Works on public sector employment as a counter- pensions. Works limited to particular localities or to — Salaries cyclical policy measure intended to provide jobs for individual government agencies are entered under the unemployed as well as to provide economic the name of the country, city, etc., or under the USE Civil service—Salaries, etc. assistance to distressed areas and state and local name of the agency, with the subdivision Officials — Salaries, etc. (Not Subd Geog) government are entered under Public service and employees--Pensions. employment. Here are entered general works on civil service UF Civil service pensions [Former heading] salaries. Works limited to particular localities or to UF Bureaucrats Civil service—Pensions—Law and individual government agencies are entered under Career government service legislation the name of the country, city, etc., or under the Civil servants Pensions, Civil name of the agency, with subdivision Officials and Civil service—Law and legislation Retirement pensions employees--Salaries, etc. Civil service—Legal status, laws, etc. Government employees BT Pensions UF Civil service—Salaries [Former heading] Government service — — Accounting Civil service salaries Public employees Government salaries Public service (Civil service) UF Civil service—Pensions—Accounting—La BT Wages BT Public administration w and legislation NT Per diem allowances RT Public officers — — Regional disparities Public service employment BT Regional disparities NT African Americans in the civil service SA subdivision Officials and employees-- Anthropologists in government Salaries, etc.--Regional disparities Applications for office under names of countries, cities, etc., and under names of individual government agencies C-414
— Strikes and lockouts UF Merit system Civil War, 1861-1865--Motion pictures and the war. USE Strikes and lockouts—Civil service Spoils system BT Motion pictures — Study and teaching (Internship) (May Subd Geog) RT Patronage, Political Civil War Memorial (Portland, Me.) UF Civil service interns Civil service reinstatement Interns (Civil service) [Former heading] USE Soldiers and Sailors Monument (Portland, Me.) BT Interns USE Civil service—Reinstatement Civil War Monument (Portland Me.) Civil service retirement — Supplementary employment (Not Subd Geog) USE Soldiers and Sailors Monument (Portland, Me.) SA subdivision Officials and employees-- USE Civil service—Retirement Civil war songs Supplementary employment under Civil service names of countries, cities, etc., and USE United States—History—Civil War, 1861- individual government agencies — Retirement 1865—Songs and music — — Law and legislation — Veterans' preference (May Subd Geog) Civil wars UF Veteran preference USE Civil service—Retirement USE Civil war Veterans' preference — Salaries BT Veterans—Employment Civil wrongs USE Civil service—Salaries, etc. USE Torts — Vocational guidance Civil Service Strike, Ghana, 1978 USE Civil service positions Civili language BT Strikes and lockouts—Civil service—Ghana USE Vili language — Ghana Civil society (May Subd Geog) — United States Civilian-based defense [JC337] [UA10.7] UF United States—Civil service BT Social contract Here are entered works on a nonviolent, non- NT Hispanic Americans in the civil service NT Islam and civil society military national defense strategy designed to repulse United States—Armed Forces—Civilian Religion and civil society invasions and prevent internal takeovers by preparing employees Civil society and Islam the people and institutions of society to be Civil service, Colonial (Not Subd Geog) noncooperative and defiant to government by [JV443-JV445] USE Islam and civil society aggressors. Here are entered general and comparative works Civil society and religion on the civil service in colonies. Works on civil service UF Alternative defense of the colonies of an individual country are entered USE Religion and civil society CBD (Civilian-based defense) under Civil service with subdivision [country]-- Civil society in literature (Not Subd Geog) Civilian-based deterrence Colonies. Works on the civil service of an individual Civil solidarity pacts Defense, Civilian-based colony are entered under the same heading, Defense, Social subdivided by the name of the colony. USE Civil unions—Law and legislation Nonviolent defense Civil status Popular non-violent defense UF Civil service—Colonies Social defense Colonial civil service USE Status (Law) Colonies—Civil service Civil supremacy over the military (May Subd Geog) BT National security Colonies—Officials and employees Civilian-based deterrence UF Civilian control of the military BT Civil service Supremacy of the civil authority USE Civilian-based defense NT Colonial administrators Civilian casualties of war Civil service, International BT Civil-military relations USE International officials and employees Constitutional law USE Civilian war casualties Civil service, Municipal Executive power Civilian control of the military USE Municipal officials and employees Legislative power Civil service (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) USE Civil supremacy over the military BT Islamic law Civil unions (May Subd Geog) Civilian defense Civil service and literature UF Unions, Civil USE Literature and civil service BT Interpersonal relations USE Civil defense Civil service ethics (May Subd Geog) RT Same-sex marriage Civilian employees in law enforcement UF Civil service—Ethics BT Political ethics — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Law enforcement—Civilian employees — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) UF Civil solidarity pacts Civilian employees of United States Armed Forces Civil service ethics (Jewish law) Pacts, Civil solidarity BT Jewish law Solidarity pacts, Civil USE United States—Armed Forces—Civilian Civil service examinations BT Marriage law employees USE Civil service—Examinations Civil service furloughs Civil war (May Subd Geog) Civilian police review boards USE Civil service—Furloughs UF Civil wars USE Civilian review boards (Police administration) Civil service in literature (Not Subd Geog) Intra-state war Civil service interns Rebellions Civilian relief USE Civil service—Study and teaching (Internship) BT Government, Resistance to USE subdivision Civilian relief under individual wars, Civil service jobs International law e.g. World War, 1939-1945--Civilian relief USE Civil service positions Revolutions Civil service pensioners (May Subd Geog) War Civilian review boards (Police administration) UF Pensioners, Civil service SA individual civil wars, e.g. United States-- (May Subd Geog) History--Civil War, 1861-1865 UF Citizen review boards (Police administration) Retired government officials and employees NT Insurgency Civilian police review boards BT Retirees BT Police administration—Citizen participation SA subdivision Officials and employees, Retired — Protection of civilians (May Subd Geog) UF Protection of civilians Civilian use of outer space under countries, cities, etc. BT War (International law) USE Outer space—Civilian use — Collective labor agreements — Religious aspects Civilian war casualties (May Subd Geog) USE Collective labor agreements—Government — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] UF Casualties, Civilian war employees, Retired Civil War, Burundi, 1993-2005 Civilian casualties of war USE Burundi—History—Civil War, 1993-2005 BT War casualties — United States Civil War, Colombia, 1860-1862 SA subdivision Casualties under individual wars, BT United States—Officials and employees, USE Colombia—History—Civil War, 1860-1862 e.g. World War, 1939-1945--Casualties Retired Civil War, Congo, 1997 USE Congo (Brazzaville)—History—Civil War, 1997 Civilian War Memorial (Singapore) Civil service pensions Civil War, Great Britain, 1642-1649 BT War memorials—Singapore USE Civil service—Pensions USE Great Britain—History—Civil War, 1642-1649 World War, 1939- Civil War, Greece, 1944-1949 1945—Monuments—Singapore Civil service positions (May Subd Geog) USE Greece—History—Civil War, 1944-1949 UF Civil service—Positions Civil War, Nigeria, 1967-1970 Civilians, Evacuation of Civil service—Vocational guidance USE Nigeria—History—Civil War, 1967-1970 USE Evacuation of civilians Civil service jobs Civil War, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 1893-1895 Government jobs USE Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil : Civilians in war (May Subd Geog) Government positions BT War Positions, Civil service State)—History—Federalist Revolution, RT War and society Positions, Government 1893-1895 BT Occupations Civil War, U. S., 1861-1865 Civilis' Revolt, Rome, 69-70 SA subdivision Positions under names of individual USE United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865 USE Rome—History—Revolt of Civilis, 69-70 government departments or agencies Civil War Campaign Medal BT Military decorations—United States Civilisation — Classification United States—History—Civil War, 1861- USE Civilization BT Job evaluation 1865—Medals Civil war in literature (Not Subd Geog) Civility Civil service recruiting Civil war in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) USE Courtesy USE Civil service—Recruiting [PN1995.9.W3] Here are entered general works on civil war as a Civilization (Not Subd Geog) Civil service reform (May Subd Geog) theme in motion pictures. Works on the depiction of a [CB] [JK681-JK699 (United States)] particular civil war in motion pictures are entered Here are entered works on civilization in general. under the heading for the war subdivided by --Motion pictures and the war, e.g. United States--History-- Works on the cultural influences of one civilization upon another are entered under the affected civilization with appropriate subdivision, e.g. Japan-- Civilization--Western influences; Civilization, Medieval--Jewish influences; Civilization, Slavic-- French influences. Works on the culture of individual ethnic groups are entered under the name of the group. Works on the civilization of an individual place are entered under the name of the place with the subdivision Civilization, e.g. United States-- C-415
Civilization (Continued) — Egyptian influences — Armenian influences Civilization. BT Egypt—Civilization BT Armenia—Civilization UF Barbarism Civilization, Akan — Christian influences Civilisation UF Akan civilization [DS36.82.C] NT Jews—Civilization—Akan influences BT Christian civilization BT Auxiliary sciences of history RT Culture Civilization, American — French influences USE America—Civilization BT France—Civilization World Decade for Cultural Development, 1988- Latin America—Civilization 1997 United States—Civilization — Greek influences SA subdivision Civilization under names of BT Greece—Civilization countries, cities, etc. Civilization, Ancient NT Acculturation [CB311] — Iranian influences Aeronautics and civilization UF Ancient civilization BT Iran—Civilization Animals and civilization NT Civilization, Classical Astronautics and civilization Civilization, Modern—Ancient influences — Occidental influences Bronze age Protohistory USE Civilization, Arab—Western influences Christian civilization Climate and civilization — Extraterrestrial influences — Study and teaching (May Subd Geog) Comparative civilization [CB156] UF Arabic studies [Former heading] Computers and civilization UF Extraterrestrial influences on ancient Copper age civilization — Western influences Education BT Interplanetary voyages UF Civilization, Arab—Occidental influences Fishes and civilization [Former heading] Hindu civilization — Jewish influences BT Civilization, Western Iron age BT Jews—Civilization Islamic civilization Civilization, Arab, in literature (Not Subd Geog) Learning and scholarship Civilization, Ancient, in art (Not Subd Geog) Civilization, Aryan Manners and customs Civilization, Ancient, in literature (Not Subd Geog) Nature and civilization Civilization, Ancient, in motion pictures USE Indo-Europeans Ocean and civilization Civilization, Assyro-Babylonian Personality and culture (Not Subd Geog) Philosophy and civilization BT Motion pictures [DS70.7] Plants and civilization UF Assyro-Babylonian civilization Progress Civilization, Ancient, in popular culture Religion and civilization (May Subd Geog) Babylonian civilization Religions BT Popular culture Civilization, Babylonian Renaissance BT Iraq—Civilization—To 634 Social sciences Civilization, Ancient, on television (Not Subd Geog) NT China—Civilization—Assyro-Babylonian Soil and civilization BT Television influences Stone age Cuneiform inscriptions Technology and civilization Civilization, Anglo-Saxon Cuneiform writing War and civilization UF Anglo-Saxon civilization Sumerians Water and civilization Anglo-Saxons—Civilization Civilization, Babylonian — American influences BT Great Britain—Civilization—To 1066 USE Civilization, Assyro-Babylonian — Australian influences Civilization, Baroque (May Subd Geog) Civilization, Anglo-Saxon, in literature (Not Subd Geog) UF Baroque civilization BT Australia—Civilization Civilization, Arab NT Art, Central European—Baroque influences — Chinese influences Art, Modern—Baroque influences [DS36.8-DS36.88] Art, Slovak—Baroque influences BT China—Civilization Here are entered works on the civilization of the Arts, European—Baroque influences NT Sinicization Arab countries for all periods, or for the pre-Islamic or Civilization, Buddhist — Egyptian influences modern periods only. Works on the medieval USE Buddhist civilization BT Egypt—Civilization civilization of the Middle East, North Africa and Arab Civilization, Celtic — Extraterrestrial influences Spain collectively are entered under Islamic UF Celtic civilization [CB156] civilization. Works on the civilization of the Islamic Celts—Civilization UF Extraterrestrial influences on civilization countries for all periods, or for the pre-Islamic or NT Art, Irish—Celtic influences — Greek influences modern periods only, as well as non-Islamic culture Art, Roman—Celtic influences BT Greece—Civilization during the medieval period, are entered under Islamic English literature—Celtic influences — Hindu influences countries--Civilization. Modern works of a Europe—Civilization—Celtic influences — History predominantly religious nature discussing 20th and Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italy)—Civilization—Celtic UF Cultural history 21st century problems and prospects of Islam and influences NT Civilization, Medieval desirable changes, including works that advocate a Galicia (Spain : Region)—Civilization—Celtic civilization or society based on the teachings of Islam, influences Civilization, Modern are entered under Islam--20th century and/or Islam-- Iceland—Civilization—Celtic influences Culture—Origin 21st century. Italy—Civilization—Celtic influences — Hungarian influences Southern States—Civilization—Celtic BT Hungary—Civilization UF Arab civilization influences — Indian influences Arab countries—Civilization Civilization, Celtic, in literature (Not Subd Geog) [E59.I53] Civilization, Christian BT Indians BT Civilization, Semitic USE Christian civilization — Indic influences RT Islamic civilization Civilization, Classical BT India—Civilization NT Albania—Civilization—Arab influences Here are entered works on both ancient Greek and — Iranian influences Roman civilization. Works on the combined BT Iran—Civilization Architecture, Norman—Arab influences civilizations of Greece and Rome following the — Italian influences Argentina—Civilization—Arab influences conquest of Greece in 146 B.C. are entered under BT Italy—Civilization Arts, Russian—Arab influences Civilization, Greco-Roman. Works on the spread of NT Italianization Campania (Italy)—Civilization—Arab influences Greek civilization and influence throughout the — Jewish influences Civilization, Western—Arab influences ancient world following the conquests of Alexander BT Jews—Civilization Colombia—Civilization—Arab influences the Great are entered under Hellenism. — Korean influences Coptic illumination of books and BT Korea—Civilization manuscripts—Arab influences UF Classical civilization — Mexican influences English literature—Arab influences BT Civilization, Ancient BT Mexico—Civilization Europe—Civilization—Arab influences RT Classicism — Philosophy Europe—Intellectual life—Arab influences NT Aggada—Classical influences [CB19] Granada (Spain : Reino)—Civilization—Arab BT Philosophy and civilization influences America—Civilization—Classical influences NT Philosophical anthropology Great Britain—Civilization—Arab influences Art, Baroque—Classical influences Regression (Civilization) Gujarati literature—Arab influences Art, British—Classical influences — Roman influences India—Civilization—Arab influences Art, European—Classical influences BT Rome—Civilization Italy—Civilization—Arab influences Art, German—Classical influences Civilization, Aegean Jews—Civilization—Arab influences Art, Italian—Classical influences UF Aegean civilization Music—Arab influences Art, Renaissance—Classical influences NT Civilization, Mycenaean Music—Europe—Arab influences Art, Spanish—Classical influences Egypt—Civilization—Aegean influences Music—Portugal—Arab influences Art, Victorian—Classical influences Italy—Civilization—Aegean influences Pakistan—Civilization—Arab influences Arts, Modern—Classical influences Minoans Persian poetry—Arab influences Arts, Polish—Classical influences Sicily (Italy)—Civilization—Arab influences Balkan Peninsula—Civilization—Classical Spain—Civilization—Arab influences influences Sudan—Civilization—Arab influences Byzantine Empire—Civilization—Classical United States—Civilization—Arab influences influences Yoruba (African people)—Arab influences Canary Islands—Civilization—Classical — 19th century influences — 20th century Catalonia (Spain)—Civilization—Classical — 21st century C-416
influences Civilization, Greek — 17th century Civilization, Greco-Roman USE Greece—Civilization [CB401] Civilization, Medieval—Classical influences BT Seventeenth century Civilization, Western—Classical influences Civilization, Hindu SA subdivision Civilization--17th century Colombia—Civilization—Classical influences USE Hindu civilization under names of countries, cities, etc. Czech Republic—Civilization—Classical influences Civilization, Hindu, in literature — 18th century Decoration and ornament—Classical USE Hindu civilization in literature [CB411] influences BT Eighteenth century England—Civilization—Classical influences Civilization, Hispanic SA subdivision Civilization--18th century English literature—Classical influences UF Civilization, Spanish under names of countries, cities, etc. Europe—Civilization—Classical influences Hispanic civilization Europe, Central—Civilization—Classical Spanish civilization — 19th century influences NT Latin America—Civilization [CB415-CB417] Fashion—Classical influences Spain—Civilization BT Nineteenth century Finland—Civilization—Classical influences United States—Civilization—Hispanic SA subdivision Civilization--19th century France—Civilization—Classical influences influences under names of countries, cities, etc. Greece—Civilization—To 146 B.C. Greece—Civilization—Classical influences Civilization, Homeric — 20th century Greece—Intellectual life—Classical influences [PA4037] [CB425-CB430] Mexico—Civilization—Classical influences UF Homeric civilization BT Twentieth century Modernism (Art)—Classical influences BT Greece—Civilization—To 146 B.C. SA subdivision Civilization--20th century Music—Classical influences under names of countries, cities, etc. Opera—Classical influences Civilization, Indo-European Peru—Civilization—Classical influences USE Indo-Europeans — — English influences Poland—Civilization—Classical influences USE Civilization, Modern—English influences Political science—Classical influences Civilization, Islamic Public architecture—Classical influences USE Islamic civilization — 1950- Rome—Civilization — Occidental influences — 21st century Rome (Italy)—Civilization—Classical influences USE Islamic civilization—Western influences Serbia—Civilization—Classical influences BT Twenty-first century Spain—Civilization—Classical influences Civilization, Islamic, in literature SA subdivision Civilization--21st century under United States—Civilization—Classical USE Islamic civilization in literature influences names of countries, cities, etc. Venice (Italy)—Civilization—Classical Civilization, Jaina — American influences influences USE Jaina civilization — Dictionaries BT United States—Civilization USE Classical dictionaries Civilization, Jewish — Ancient influences Civilization, Classical, in art (Not Subd Geog) USE Jews—Civilization Civilization, Classical, in literature (Not Subd Geog) [CB358] Civilization, Classical, in mass media (Not Subd Geog) Civilization, Latin BT Civilization, Ancient BT Mass media USE Rome—Civilization — Biblical influences Civilization, Comparative USE Bible—Influence—Modern civilization USE Comparative civilization Civilization, Medieval — British influences Civilization, Confucian [CB351-CB355] BT Great Britain—Civilization [CB256] UF Civilization, Medieval—History — Byzantine influences UF Confucian civilization Europe—Civilization—476-1492 BT Byzantine Empire—Civilization BT Civilization, Oriental Medieval civilization — English influences NT English literature—Confucian influences Middle Ages—Civilization UF Civilization, Modern—20th Music—Confucian influences BT Civilization—History Civilization, Dacian RT Middle Ages century—English influences [Former UF Dacian civilization Chivalry heading] Dacians—Civilization Renaissance BT England—Civilization Civilization, Dravidian SA subdivision Medieval influences under — European influences [DS425] individual literatures, e.g. English literature-- BT Europe—Civilization UF Dravidian civilization Medieval influences — French influences RT Dravidians NT Architecture, Modern—Medieval influences BT France—Civilization NT Crete (Greece)—Civilization—Dravidian Arts, Modern—Medieval influences — Greek influences influences Brazil—Civilization—Medieval influences BT Greece—Civilization Senegal—Civilization—Dravidian influences Education, Medieval — Irish influences Thailand—Civilization—Dravidian influences Feudalism BT Ireland—Civilization Civilization, Eastern France—Civilization—Medieval influences — Italian influences USE Civilization, Oriental Knights and knighthood BT Italy—Civilization Civilization, Etruscan Medievalism — Japanese influences USE Etruscans Mexico—Civilization—Medieval influences BT Japan—Civilization Civilization, Germanic (May Subd Geog) Music—Medieval influences — Jewish influences [CB213-CB214] Ordeal BT Jews—Civilization UF Germanic civilization Rites and ceremonies, Medieval — Latin influences Germanic peoples—Civilization Tournaments, Medieval — Portuguese influences Teutonic civilization Travel, Medieval BT Portugal—Civilization NT Andalusia (Spain)—Civilization—Germanic United States—Civilization—Medieval — Roman influences influences influences — Russian influences Decoration and ornament, Anglo- BT Russia—Civilization Saxon—Germanic influences — 12th century Russia (Federation)—Civilization Italy—Civilization—Germanic influences [CB354.6] — Scottish influences Italy, Northern—Civilization—Germanic BT Twelfth century BT Scotland—Civilization influences — Spanish influences — Roman influences — 13th century BT Spain—Civilization [CB355] Civilization, Modern, in literature (Not Subd Geog) BT Rome—Civilization BT Thirteenth century Civilization, Modern, in music (Not Subd Geog) Civilization, Greco-Roman BT Music — 14th century Civilization, Mycenaean Here are entered works on the combined [CB365] UF Mycenaean civilization civilizations of Greece and Rome following the BT Fourteenth century BT Civilization, Aegean conquest of Greece in 146 B.C. Works on the spread NT English literature—Mycenaean influences of Greek civilization and influence throughout the — Biblical influences — Egyptian influences ancient world following the conquests of Alexander USE Bible—Influence—Medieval civilization BT Egypt—Civilization the Great are entered under Hellenism. Works on — Italy both ancient Greek and Roman civilization are — Classical influences Civilization, Mycenaean, in literature (Not Subd Geog) entered under Civilization, Classical. BT Civilization, Classical Civilization, Occidental USE Civilization, Western UF Greco-Roman civilization — Greek influences Civilization, Oriental BT Civilization, Classical BT Greece—Civilization [CB253-CB256] Civilization, Greco-Roman, in literature UF Civilization, Eastern (Not Subd Geog) — History East—Civilization [Former heading] USE Civilization, Medieval Eastern civilization Oriental civilization — Jewish influences NT Africa, Eastern—Civilization—Oriental BT Jews—Civilization influences Architecture—Oriental influences Civilization, Medieval, in art (Not Subd Geog) Art, American—Oriental influences Civilization, Medieval, in literature (Not Subd Geog) Art, Ancient—Oriental influences Civilization, Minoan USE Minoans Civilization, Modern [CB357-CB425] UF Modern civilization Modernity BT Civilization—History RT Renaissance NT Detribalization C-417
Civilization, Oriental (Continued) Civilization, Spanish Music—Western influences Art, Etruscan—Oriental influences USE Civilization, Hispanic Music—Indonesia—Western influences Art, European—Oriental influences Spain—Civilization Music—Japan—Western influences Art, Italian—Oriental influences Music—Korea—Western influences Art, Medieval—Oriental influences Civilization, Subterranean Nigeria—Civilization—Western influences Arts, American—Oriental influences [GN755] Oriental literature—Western influences Arts, European—Oriental influences UF Civilization, Underground Oriya poetry—Western influences Buddhist civilization Subterranean civilization Painting, Chinese—Western influences Christian art and symbolism—Soviet Subterranean voyages Painting, Japanese—Western influences Union—Oriental influences Underground civilization Painting, Korean—Western influences Civilization, Confucian BT Geographical myths Painting, Thai—Western influences Decoration and ornament—Oriental influences Prehistoric peoples Pakistan—Civilization—Western influences Decorative arts—Oriental influences Panjabi philology—Western influences East Asia—Civilization Civilization, Sumerian Papua New Guinea—Civilization—Western Europe—Civilization—Oriental influences USE Sumerians influences Germany—Civilization—Oriental influences Persian Gulf Region—Civilization—Western Glassware—Oriental influences Civilization, Turkic influences Greece—Civilization—Oriental influences Here are entered works on the civilization of the Political science—Western influences Helmets—Oriental influences Prints, Japanese—Western influences Islands of the Indian Turkic peoples of Asia treated collectively. Works on Russia—Civilization—Western influences Ocean—Civilization—Oriental influences the civilization of Turkey are entered under Turkey-- Singapore—Civilization—Western influences Italy—Civilization—Oriental influences Civilization. Social sciences—Western influences Jewelry—Oriental influences South Asia—Civilization—Western influences Jewelry, Ancient—Oriental influences UF Turkic civilization Tamil literature—Western influences Kievan Rus—Civilization—Oriental influences Turkic peoples—Civilization Thailand—Civilization—Western influences Music—Oriental influences Turkey—Civilization—Western influences Philosophy, Ancient—Oriental influences NT English literature—Turkic influences Ukraine—Civilization—Western influences Poland—Civilization—Oriental influences Turkey—Civilization Vietnam—Civilization—Western influences Portugal—Religion—Oriental influences Vietnam—Intellectual life—Western influences Pottery, Portuguese—Oriental influences Civilization, Underground — 18th century Rome—Civilization—Oriental influences USE Civilization, Subterranean — 19th century Shinto civilization — 20th century Taoist civilization Civilization, Viking (May Subd Geog) — 21st century Venice (Italy)—Civilization—Oriental influences UF Viking civilization — African influences Wallpaper—Oriental influences Vikings—Civilization BT Scandinavia—Civilization BT Africa—Civilization — Chinese influences NT Afrocentrism BT China—Civilization Civilization, Villanovan — Arab influences USE Villanovan culture BT Civilization, Arab — Greek influences — Asian influences BT Greece—Civilization Civilization, Western USE East and West [CB245] — Buddhist influences — Islamic influences Here are entered works on the civilization BT Buddhist civilization UF Civilization, Oriental—Muslim influences — Chinese influences BT Islamic civilization stemming from the Greco-Roman traditions of the BT China—Civilization Occident, or the region conventionally designated as — Classical influences — Muslim influences the West, in contrast to those of Islam, India, or the [CB245] USE Civilization, Oriental—Islamic influences East. BT Civilization, Classical — Croatian influences — Western influences UF Civilization, Occidental [Former heading] BT Croatia—Civilization USE East and West Occidental civilization — Dutch influences Western civilization BT Netherlands—Civilization Civilization, Oriental, in literature (Not Subd Geog) Western countries—Civilization — Egyptian influences Civilization, Oscan BT Egypt—Civilization NT Africa—Civilization—Western influences — Greek influences USE Oscans Africa, East—Civilization—Western influences BT Greece—Civilization Civilization, Pagan Africa, West—Civilization—Western influences — Hindu influences Architecture—Western influences BT Hindu civilization USE Paganism Architecture—China—Western influences — Indic influences Civilization, Phoenician Architecture—Japan—Western influences BT India—Civilization Art, Aboriginal Australian—Western influences — Islamic influences USE Phoenicians Art, African—Western influences UF Civilization, Western—Muslim influences Civilization, Scandinavian Art, Chinese—Western influences BT Islamic civilization Art, Japanese—Western influences — Italian influences USE Scandinavia—Civilization Art, Maori—Western influences BT Italy—Civilization Civilization, Secular Art, Thai—Western influences — Jewish influences Arts, Iranian—Western influences BT Jews—Civilization BT Secularism Arts, Japanese—Western influences — Middle Eastern influences Civilization, Secular, in art (Not Subd Geog) Arts, Turkish—Western influences BT Middle East—Civilization Civilization, Semitic Athapascan Indians—Western influences — Muslim influences Belarus—Civilization—Western influences USE Civilization, Western—Islamic influences UF Semitic civilization Chile—Civilization—Western influences — Oriental influences NT Civilization, Arab China—Civilization—Western influences USE East and West China—Intellectual life—Western influences — Roman influences Indians of North America—Semitic influences Christian art and symbolism—Soviet [CB245] Indians of South America—Semitic influences Union—Western influences BT Rome—Civilization Jews—Civilization Christianity—Western influences Civilization, Western, in art (Not Subd Geog) Sicily (Italy)—Civilization—Semitic influences Civilization, Arab—Western influences Civilization, Western, in literature (Not Subd Geog) — Parthian influences Color prints, Japanese—Western influences Civilization and aeronautics Côte d'Ivoire—Civilization—Western influences USE Aeronautics and civilization BT Parthians Decoration and ornament—Western influences Civilization and animals — Roman influences Developing countries—Civilization—Western USE Animals and civilization Civilization, Slavic influences Civilization and astronautics Developing countries—Literatures—Western USE Astronautics and civilization Here are entered works on Slavic civilization in influences Civilization and climate general. Works on the civilization of the Slavic Developing countries—Population USE Climate and civilization countries of Eastern Europe are entered under the policy—Western influences Civilization and computers heading Slavic countries--Civilization. East Asia—Civilization—Western influences USE Computers and civilization Education—Western influences Civilization and fishes UF Slavic civilization Education, Higher—Western influences USE Fishes and civilization Slavs—Civilization Egypt—Civilization—Western influences Civilization and machinery English literature—Western influences USE Technology and civilization NT Denmark—Civilization—Slavic influences Indonesia—Civilization—Western influences English literature—Slavic influences Iran—Civilization—Western influences Europe—Civilization—Slavic influences Islamic art—Western influences Hungary—Civilization—Slavic influences Islamic civilization—Western influences Jews—Civilization—Slavic influences Islamic countries—Civilization—Western Slavophilism influences Japan—Civilization—Western influences — Biblical influences Japan—Intellectual life—Western influences USE Bible—Influence—Slavic civilization Kenya—Civilization—Western influences Korea—Civilization—Western influences — Byzantine influences Middle East—Civilization—Western influences BT Byzantine Empire—Civilization Moral education—Taiwan—Western influences Motion pictures—Western influences — Danish influences BT Denmark—Civilization — French influences BT France—Civilization — Hungarian influences BT Hungary—Civilization C-418
Civilization and nature CL.III (Military aircraft) Proctothylacocrinus esseri USE Nature and civilization USE Hannover CL.III (Military aircraft) Scytalocrinidae Cladism Civilization and ocean CLA (Educational test) USE Cladistic analysis USE Ocean and civilization USE Collegiate Learning Assessment Cladistic analysis (May Subd Geog) [QH83 (Biosystematics)] Civilization and personality Claar family UF Cladism USE Personality and culture USE Klaar family Cladistic method Cladistic taxonomy Civilization and philosophy Claas family Cladistics USE Philosophy and civilization USE Glas family Cladograms Phylogenetic systematics Civilization and plants Claassen family Phylogenetic taxonomy USE Plants and civilization USE Klassen family Taxonomy, Cladistic Taxonomy, Phylogenetic Civilization and religion Claaszena Villa (Sopot, Poland) BT Biology—Classification USE Religion and civilization USE Willa Ernsta Claaszena (Sopot, Poland) Branching processes Phylogeny Civilization and science Clabaugh family (Not Subd Geog) NT Plants—Cladistic analysis USE Science and civilization UF Clabber family Cladistic method Clabo family USE Cladistic analysis Civilization and soil Clabough family Cladistic taxonomy USE Soil and civilization Clapbough family USE Cladistic analysis Claubaugh family Cladistics Civilization and technology Claughbaugh family USE Cladistic analysis USE Technology and civilization Claughber family Cladium (May Subd Geog) Claybaugh family [QK495.C997] Civilization and war BT Cyperaceae USE War and civilization Clabber family Cladium mariscus (May Subd Geog) USE Clabaugh family [QK495.C997] Civilization and water BT Saw-grass USE Water and civilization Clabecq Castle (Belgium) Cladocera (May Subd Geog) USE Chat̂ eau de Clabecq (Belgium) [QL444.B83 (Zoology)] Civilization in art (Not Subd Geog) UF Cladocerans Civilization in literature (Not Subd Geog) Clabo family Fleas, Water Civilization in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) USE Clabaugh family Water fleas BT Branchiopoda BT Motion pictures Clabough family NT Chydoridae Civita Castellana, Battle of, Italy, 1798 USE Clabaugh family Daphniidae Haplopoda UF Civita Castellana (Italy), Battle of, 1798 Clack family (Not Subd Geog) Holopediidae [Former heading] Clackama Indians Macrothricidae Moinidae BT Second Coalition, War of the, 1798- USE Clackamas Indians Onychopoda 1801—Campaigns—Italy Clackamas Indians (May Subd Geog) Sididae Cladocera, Fossil (May Subd Geog) Civita Castellana (Italy), Battle of, 1798 UF Clackama Indians [QE817.B7] USE Civita Castellana, Battle of, Italy, 1798 BT Chinookan Indians BT Branchiopoda, Fossil Cladocerans Civita di Paterno Site (Italy) Indians of North America—Oregon USE Cladocera [DG70.C52] Indians of North America—Washington (State) Cladochaeta (May Subd Geog) BT Italy—Antiquities Clackamas Lake Historic Ranger Station (Or.) [QL537.D76 (Zoology)] UF Clackamas Lake Historical Ranger Station UF Clastopteromyia Civita di Tricarico Site (Italy) (Or.) Spittlebug flies BT Italy—Antiquities Clackamas Lake Ranger Station (Or.) BT Drosophilidae BT Park buildings—Oregon Cladochytriaceae (May Subd Geog) Ciwujia Ranger stations—Oregon [QK621.C] USE Acanthopanax senticosus Clackamas Lake Historical Ranger Station (Or.) BT Chytridiales USE Clackamas Lake Historic Ranger Station (Or.) NT Polychytrium Cixerri River (Italy) Clackamas Lake Ranger Station (Or.) Cladodoides (May Subd Geog) UF Riu Cixerri (Italy) USE Clackamas Lake Historic Ranger Station (Or.) [QE852.C52] BT Rivers—Italy Clackamas River (Or.) BT Chondrichthyes, Fossil BT Rivers—Oregon Sharks, Fossil Cixerri River Valley (Italy) Clackamas River Basin (Or.) NT Cladodoides wildungensis UF Cixerri Valley (Italy) USE Clackamas River Watershed (Or.) Cladodoides wildungensis (May Subd Geog) BT Valleys—Italy Clackamas River Valley (Or.) [QE852.C52] UF Clackamas Valley (Or.) BT Cladodoides Cixerri Valley (Italy) BT Valleys—Oregon Cladogenesis USE Cixerri River Valley (Italy) Clackamas River Watershed (Or.) USE Adaptive radiation (Evolution) UF Clackamas River Basin (Or.) Cladograms Cʻixisżiri (Extinct city) BT Watersheds—Oregon USE Cladistic analysis UF T︠S︡ikhisdziri (Extinct city) Clackamas Valley (Or.) Cladoidea BT Extinct cities—Georgia (Republic) USE Clackamas River Valley (Or.) USE Cladida Georgia (Republic)—Antiquities Clack's Farm Garden (Boreley, England) Cladonia (May Subd Geog) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic [QK585.C6] Ciyaka (African people) subdivision. BT Cladoniaceae USE Ciaka (African people) NT Cladonia foliacea BT Gardens—England Cladonia strepsilis Ciyao (African people) Clackson family Cladonia alcicornis USE Yao (African people) USE Cladonia foliacea USE Clarkson family Cladonia endiviaefolia Ciyao language Claco USE Cladonia foliacea USE Yao language (Africa) Cladonia foliacea (May Subd Geog) USE Tlaco [QK585.C6] Çiyayê Kurmen̂ c (Syria) Clactonian culture (May Subd Geog) UF Cladonia alcicornis USE Kurd Dāgh (Syria) Cladonia endiviaefolia [GN772.2.C53] Endive lichen Çiyayê Si̧ ngalê (Iraq) BT Paleolithic period, Lower BT Cladonia USE Sinjar Mountain (Iraq) Claddagh rings (May Subd Geog) Cladonia strepsilis (May Subd Geog) BT Rings [QK585.C6] Ciyei (African people) Cladding, Explosive UF Twisted lichen USE Yeye (African people) USE Explosive cladding BT Cladonia Cladding, Metal Ciyei language USE Metal cladding USE Yeyi language Cladding (Building) USE Curtain walls Cizek family USE Chizek family Siding (Building materials) Claddings, Nuclear fuel Cizhou ware (May Subd Geog) UF Ci ware [Former heading] USE Nuclear fuel claddings Ci Xian ware Claddings (Building) Tzʻu-chou ware Tzʻu-hsien ware USE Curtain walls Tzʻu ware [Former heading] Siding (Building materials) BT Porcelain, Chinese Pottery, Chinese Cladida (May Subd Geog) [QE782] CJ Group UF Cladoidea [Former heading] UF CJ Kŭrup BT Crinoidea, Fossil Ssi Chei Kŭrup NT Botryocrinidae BT Conglomerate corporations—Korea (South) Cyathocrinitidae Pirasocrinidae CJ Kŭrup Poteriocrinitidae USE CJ Group Cjargne (Italy and Austria) USE Carnic Alps (Italy and Austria) CJD (Disease) USE Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease CK (Enzyme) USE Creatine kinase CL-44 (Transport plane) USE Canadair CL-44 (Transport plane) CL.II (Military aircraft) USE Halberstadt CL.II (Military aircraft) C-419
Cladoniaceae (May Subd Geog) Claybourn family Claims processing in medicaid [QK585.C6] Clayburn family USE Medicaid—Claims administration BT Lecanorales Clayburne family NT Calathaspis Cliborn family Claims processing in medicare Cladonia Cliburne family USE Medicare—Claims administration Clyburn family Cladophora (May Subd Geog) Claiborne Group Clair Engle Lake (Calif.) [QK569.C624 (Botany)] BT Geology, Stratigraphic—Eocene USE Trinity Lake (Calif.) [SB615.C47 (Weed)] Groups (Stratigraphy)—Southern States BT Cladophoraceae Claiborne Lake (Ala.) Clair family NT Cladophora sauteri UF Claiborne Lock and Dam Reservoir (Ala.) USE Clare family BT Lakes—Alabama Cladophora sauteri (May Subd Geog) Reservoirs—Alabama Clair Lake (La Tuque, Québec) [QK569.C624] Claiborne Lock and Dam Reservoir (Ala.) UF Lac Clair (La Tuque, Queb́ ec) BT Cladophora USE Claiborne Lake (Ala.) Lake Clair (La Tuque, Queb́ ec) Claidhe Dubh Castle (Ireland) BT Lakes—Québec (Province) Cladophoraceae (May Subd Geog) USE Barryscourt Castle (Ireland) [QK569.C624] Claidi (Fictitious character : Lee) (Not Subd Geog) Clairaudience (May Subd Geog) BT Cladophorales Claim adjusters, Insurance [BF1338] NT Basicladia USE Insurance adjusters BT Extrasensory perception Cladophora Claim associations USE Land claim associations Clairborne, Kathleen (Fictitious character) Cladophorales (May Subd Geog) Claim departments of railroads (Not Subd Geog) [QK569.C] USE Railroads—Claim departments UF Clairborne, Katie (Fictitious character) BT Green algae Claim departments of street-railroads Kathleen Clairborne (Fictitious character) NT Anadyomenaceae USE Street-railroads—Claim departments Katie Clairborne (Fictitious character) Cladophoraceae Claimants of disability insurance USE Disability insurance claimants Clairborne, Katie (Fictitious character) Cladophoropsis (May Subd Geog) Claimants of unemployment insurance USE Clairborne, Kathleen (Fictitious character) [QK569.S56] USE Unemployment insurance claimants BT Siphonocladaceae Claiming races (May Subd Geog) Claire, Lake (Alta.) NT Cladophoropsis membranacea [SF356] UF Lake Claire (Alta.) UF Races, Claiming BT Lakes—Alberta Cladophoropsis membranacea (May Subd Geog) BT Horse racing [QK569.S56] Claims Claire Aldington (Fictitious character) BT Cladophoropsis UF Claims—Law and legislation USE Aldington, Claire (Fictitious character) International claims Cladoselachian sharks Private claims Claire Breslinsky (Fictitious character) USE Cladoselachii War claims USE Breslinsky, Claire (Fictitious character) BT Finance, Public Cladoselachians RT Government liability (International law) Claire Claiborne (Fictitious character) USE Cladoselachii SA subdivision Claims under names of countries, USE Claiborne, Claire (Fictitious character) cities, etc., and under ethnic groups, and Cladoselachida individual wars, e.g. United States--History-- Claire Engle Lake (Calif.) USE Cladoselachii Civil War, 1861-1865--Claims; and USE Trinity Lake (Calif.) subdivision Claims vs. [name of country or Cladoselachiformes party against which claims are brought] Claire family USE Cladoselachii under names of countries, cities, etc., and USE Clare family individual corporate bodies and persons who Cladoselachii (May Subd Geog) are claimants, e.g. Maryland--Claims vs. Claire Gray (Fictitious character) [QE852.C52] United States USE Gray, Claire (Fictitious character) UF Cladoselachian sharks NT Calvo doctrine and clause Cladoselachians Exhaustion of local remedies (International law) Claire Hunt (Fictitious character) Cladoselachida Insurance claims USE Hunt, Claire (Fictitious character) Cladoselachiformes Military occupation damages BT Chondrichthyes, Fossil Peerage claims Claire L. Chennault Award for Excellence in the Basic Sharks, Fossil Spanish Florida claims Sciences — Law and legislation USE Chennault Award for Excellence in the Basic Cladosporium (May Subd Geog) USE Claims Sciences [QK625.D4] Claims, Freight UF Heterosporium [Former heading] USE Freight and freightage—Claims Claire Malloy (Fictitious character) BT Dematiaceae Claims, Revalorization of USE Malloy, Claire (Fictitious character) NT Cladosporium fulvum USE Revalorization of debts Claims adjusters Claire Montrose (Fictitious character) Cladosporium citri USE Insurance adjusters USE Montrose, Claire (Fictitious character) USE Elsinoe fawcetti Claims adjusters, Insurance USE Insurance adjusters Claire Parker (Fictitious character) Cladosporium fulvum (May Subd Geog) Claims administration in medicare USE Parker, Claire (Fictitious character) [QK625.D4] USE Medicare—Claims administration BT Cladosporium Claims against decedents' estates (May Subd Geog) Claire Randall (Fictitious character) UF Ancestral debts USE Randall, Claire (Fictitious character) Cladothrix Claims against decedents' estates—Law and USE Sphaerotilus legislation Claire Reynier (Fictitious character) Debts of decedents' estates USE Reynier, Claire (Fictitious character) Cladothrix dichotoma BT Debtor and creditor USE Sphaerotilus natans Decedents' estates Claire Sharples (Fictitious character) Executors and administrators USE Sharples, Claire (Fictitious character) Cladsaps Indians Inheritance and succession USE Clatsop Indians Probate law and practice Claire Swift (Fictitious character) NT Benefit of inventory USE Swift, Claire (Fictitious character) Claelia Separation of patrimony USE Mussuranas — Law and legislation Claire Watkins (Fictitious character) USE Claims against decedents' estates USE Watkins, Claire (Fictitious character) Claes family Claims against decedents' estates (Canon law) USE Glas family BT Canon law Clairmont Castle (Greece) Claims against decedents' estates (Jewish law) USE Chlemoutsi Castle (Greece) Claes vander Poele (Fictitious character) [KBM634.7] USE Vander Poele, Nicholas (Fictitious character) BT Jewish law Clairobscur Claims against decedents' estates (Roman law) USE Chiaroscuro Claessen family (Not Subd Geog) BT Roman law Clafoutine (Fictitious character : Bazinet) Claims against oil spill damage Clairvaux, Cellier de (Dijon, France) USE Oil spills—Claims USE Cellier de Clairvaux (Dijon, France) (Not Subd Geog) Clagett family (Not Subd Geog) Clairvoyance (May Subd Geog) [BF1325] UF Claggett family BT Extrasensory perception Claggett family Clairvoyants (May Subd Geog) USE Clagett family BT Psychics Claghorn family (Not Subd Geog) Claisen condensation UF Cleghorn family [QD319] Clah, Ella (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) RT Claisen rearrangement BT Condensation products (Chemistry) UF Ella Clah (Fictitious character) Claiakwat Indians Claisen rearrangement RT Claisen condensation USE Clayoquot Indians BT Ethers Claiborne, Lake (La.) Rearrangements (Chemistry) UF Lake Claiborne (La.) Clallam Bay (Wash. : Bay) BT Lakes—Louisiana UF Do-sklal-ob (Wash.) Kla-kla-wice (Wash.) Reservoirs—Louisiana S'klah-lam (Wash.) Claiborne, Claire (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) BT Bays—Washington (State) UF Claire Claiborne (Fictitious character) Clallam Indians (May Subd Geog) Claiborne, Dan (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) [E99.C82] UF Klallam Indians UF Dan Claiborne (Fictitious character) BT Coast Salish Indians Claiborne family (Not Subd Geog) Indians of North America—Washington (State) UF Clayborn family Clallam language (May Subd Geog) Clayborne family [PM895] UF Klallam language Noosdalum language C-420
Nusdallum language Clampers (Electronics) SA names of families, e.g. Cameron family; Sklallam language USE Clamping circuits McGregor family Tlalem language Tlallam language Clampgate Road Site (Fishtoft, England) — Scotland BT British Columbia—Languages This heading is not valid for use as a geographic UF Highland clans Salishan languages Scottish clans Washington (State)—Languages subdivision. NT Tartans — Names USE Names, Clallam BT England—Antiquities — — History Clallam names Clamping, Patch (Electrophysiology) — — — 16th century USE Names, Clallam Clans, Battle of the, Perth, Scotland, 1396 Clam bakes USE Patch-clamp techniques (Electrophysiology) USE Perth, Battle of, Perth, Scotland, 1396 USE Clambakes Clamping, Voltage (Electrophysiology) Clans and clan system Clam Bay (Wash.) USE Clans BT Bays—Washington (State) USE Voltage-clamp techniques (Electrophysiology) Clanton family (Not Subd Geog) Clam culture (May Subd Geog) Clamping circuits Clanton Hills (Ariz. : Maricopa County) [SH373-SH373.2] USE Gila Bend Mountains (Ariz.) UF Clam farming UF Clampers (Electronics) CLAP (Information retrieval system) Farming, Clam BT Electronic circuits BT Bivalve culture [Z699.4.C23] NT Giant clam culture Television circuits UF Computerized Library Advanced Package Manila clam culture Clamps (Engineering) BT Information storage and retrieval systems Pacific geoduck culture Clap family Clam digging UF Clamps (Joinery) [Former heading] USE Clapp family USE Clamming BT Hardware Clap-sott Indians Clam farming USE Clatsop Indians USE Clam culture Joints (Engineering) Clapboard Hill (Conn.) Clam fisheries (May Subd Geog) Clamps (Joinery) BT Mountains—Connecticut [SH373-SH373.3] Clapbough family UF Clamming, Commercial USE Clamps (Engineering) USE Clabaugh family BT Shellfish fisheries Clams (May Subd Geog) Clapcote family NT Anadara ovalis fisheries USE Clapcott family Austrovenus stutchburyi fisheries [QL430.6-QL430.7 (Zoology)] Clapcotes family Cockle fisheries BT Bivalves USE Clapcott family Giant clam fisheries NT Corbulidae Clapcott family (Not Subd Geog) Manila clam fisheries UF Clapcote family Noetia ponderosa fisheries Giant clams Pacific geoduck fisheries Mactridae Clapcotes family Pacific razor clam fisheries Myidae Clappecote family Clam fisheries, Recreational Pismo clam Clape Mountain (France) USE Clamming Razor clams USE Clape Mountains (France) Clam fishing Toheroa Clape Mountains (France) USE Clamming — Stocks UF Clape Mountain (France) Clam industry (May Subd Geog) USE Clam populations Massif de la Clape (France) [HD9472.C5-HD9472.C53] — Use in cooking Montagne de la Clape (France) UF Clam trade USE Cooking (Clams) BT Mountains—France BT Bivalve industry Clams, Fingernail Clape Site (France) NT Giant clam industry USE Sphaeriidae (Mollusks) UF La Clape Site (France) Manila clam industry Clams, Freshwater BT France—Antiquities Clam Lake (Wis. : Lake) USE Freshwater mussels Clapham, Countess of (Fictitious character) BT Lakes—Wisconsin Clams, Nut USE Ashby de la Zouche, Anastasia (Fictitious Clam populations (May Subd Geog) USE Sphaeriidae (Mollusks) character) UF Clam stocks Clams, Pea Clapham Sect (May Subd Geog) Clams—Stocks USE Sphaeriidae (Mollusks) UF Claphamites Populations, Clam Clams, Pill BT Christian sects—England Stocks, Clam USE Sphaeriidae (Mollusks) Claphamites BT Shellfish populations Clams, Tellin USE Clapham Sect NT Pacific razor clam populations USE Tellinidae Clapp family (Not Subd Geog) Clam River (Mich. : River) Clan Alpine Mountains Wilderness (Nev.) UF Clap family BT Rivers—Michigan UF Clan Alpine Mountains Wilderness Study Area Claps family Clam River Watershed (Mich.) (Nev.) Klapp family [Former heading] BT Watersheds—Michigan BT National parks and reserves—Nevada RT Clapper family Clam shrimps Wilderness areas—Nevada Clapp Hall (Princeton, N.J.) USE Conchostraca Clan Alpine Mountains Wilderness Study Area (Nev.) USE 1927-Clapp Hall (Princeton, N.J.) Clam stocks USE Clan Alpine Mountains Wilderness (Nev.) Clapp House (Portland, Me.) USE Clam populations Clan gods (Shinto) USE Asa Clapp Mansion (Portland, Me.) Clam trade USE Tutelaries (Shinto) Clapp Mansion (Portland, Me.) USE Clam industry Clan shrines USE Asa Clapp Mansion (Portland, Me.) Clamator (May Subd Geog) USE Ancestral shrines Clappecote family [QL696.C83] Clancey family USE Clapcott family BT Cuckoos USE Clancy family Clapper (Musical instrument) Clambakes (May Subd Geog) Clancy (Fictitious character : Kids Can Press) USE Clappers (Musical instrument) UF Clam bakes (Not Subd Geog) Clapper family (Not Subd Geog) BT Picnics Clancy family (Not Subd Geog) UF Clappert family Clambidae (May Subd Geog) UF Clancey family Clopper family [QL596.C617] Glancey family Klapper family UF Calyptomeridae Glancy family Klappert family BT Beetles Clandestine employment Klopper family Clamcoët Indians USE Under-the-table employment Kloppers family USE Karankawa Indians Clandestine literature RT Clapp family Clamming (May Subd Geog) USE Underground literature Clapper rail (May Subd Geog) [SH400.5.C53] Clandestine marriages (Canon law) [QL696.G876] UF Clam digging USE Clandestinity (Canon law) UF Rallus longirostris Clam fisheries, Recreational Clandestine seminaries BT Rallus Clam fishing USE Underground seminaries NT Light-footed clapper rail Digging clams Clandestinity (Canon law) Yuma clapper rail Recreational clam fisheries UF Clandestine marriages (Canon law) Clappers (Musical instrument) (May Subd Geog) BT Seafood gathering BT Canon law [ML1049 (History)] NT Quahoging Clandon Park (England) [MT725.C (Instruction)] Clamming, Commercial BT Manors—England UF Clapper (Musical instrument) [Former heading] USE Clam fisheries Clangula (May Subd Geog) BT Percussion instruments Clamorgan family (Not Subd Geog) [QL696.A52 (Zoology)] NT Bones (Musical instrument) BT Anatidae Jin qian ban (Musical instrument) Sea ducks Clappert family NT Long-tailed duck USE Clapper family Clangula hyemalis USE Long-tailed duck Clans (May Subd Geog) [GN487.7.C55 (Kinship)] UF Clans and clan system [Former heading] Sibs BT Families RT Kinship Tribes C-421
Clapping Clarence, Fort (Rochester, Kent, England) Clarias gariepinus (May Subd Geog) USE Applause USE Fort Clarence (Rochester, Kent, England) [QL638.C6 (Zoology)] UF Clarias capensis Clapping games Clarence (Extinct city) Clarias depressus USE Hand-clapping games USE Glarentza (Extinct city) Clarias guentheri Clarias lazera [Former heading] Clapping hands music Clarence B. Craft Post Office Building (Fayetteville, Clarias longiceps USE Hand-clapping music Ark.) Clarias macracanthus UF Craft Post Office Building (Fayetteville, Ark.) Clarias malaris Clapping music BT Post office buildings—Arkansas Clarias microphthalmus USE Hand-clapping music Clarias micropthalmus Clarence Cannon Dam (Mo.) Clarias moorii Clapping rhymes UF Cannon Dam (Mo.) Clarias mossambicus USE Hand-clapping games BT Dams—Missouri Clarias mulleri Clarias notozygurus Clapps Mill, Battle of, N.C., 1781 Clarence Cannon Reservoir (Mo.) Clarias orontis [E241.C56] USE Mark Twain Lake (Mo.) Clarias robecchii UF Alamance, Battle of the, N.C., 1781 Clarias smithii BT North Carolina—History—Revolution, 1775- Clarence D. Lumpkin Post Office (Columbus, Ohio) Clarias syriacus 1783 UF Lumpkin Post Office (Columbus, Ohio) Clarias tsanensis United States—History—Revolution, 1775- BT Post office buildings—Ohio Clarias vinciguerrae 1783—Campaigns Clarias xenodon Clarence Fahnestock Memorial State Park (N.Y.) North African catfish Claps family UF Fahnestock Memorial State Park (N.Y.) Sharptooth catfish USE Clapp family Fahnestock State Park (N.Y.) Sharptoothed catfish BT Parks—New York (State) Silurus gariepinus Clar family BT Clarias USE Klaar family Clarence Floodplain (N.S.W.) UF Clarence River Floodplain (N.S.W.) Clarias guentheri Clara, Hill of (Ireland) Clarence Valley Floodplain (N.S.W.) USE Clarias gariepinus USE Claragh Mountain (Ireland) BT Floodplains—Australia Clarias lazera Clara, Lake (Lincoln County, Wis.) Clarence Harbour (Bahamas) USE Clarias gariepinus UF Lake Clara (Lincoln County, Wis.) USE Great Harbour (Bahamas) BT Lakes—Wisconsin Clarias longiceps Clarence House (London, England) USE Clarias gariepinus Clara (Dog) (Not Subd Geog) BT Great Britain—Kings and rulers—Dwellings BT Dogs Official residences—England Clarias macracanthus USE Clarias gariepinus Clara (Rhinoceros) (Not Subd Geog) Clarence J. Brown Reservoir (Ohio) BT Rhinoceroses UF Brown Reservoir (Ohio) Clarias malaris C.J. Brown Reservoir (Ohio) USE Clarias gariepinus Clara Barton House National Historic Site (Md.) BT Lakes—Ohio USE Clara Barton National Historic Site (Md.) Reservoirs—Ohio Clarias microphthalmus USE Clarias gariepinus Clara Barton National Historic Site (Md.) Clarence Miller Post Office Building (Lancaster, Ohio) UF Clara Barton House National Historic Site (Md.) UF Congressman Clarence Miller Post Office Clarias micropthalmus BT Historic sites—Maryland (Lancaster, Ohio) USE Clarias gariepinus National parks and reserves—Maryland Miller Post Office Building (Lancaster, Ohio) BT Post office buildings—Ohio Clarias moorii Clara Barton Parkway (Md. and Washington, D.C.) USE Clarias gariepinus BT Parkways—Maryland Clarence-Moreton Basin (N.S.W. and Qld.) Parkways—Washington (D.C.) UF Moreton-Clarence Basin (N.S.W. and Qld.) Clarias mossambicus RT George Washington Memorial Parkway (Va. BT Basins (Geology)—Australia USE Clarias gariepinus and Washington, D.C.) Clarence River (N.S.W.) Clarias mulleri Clara Bernheimer Natural Bridge (Ariz.) BT Rivers—Australia USE Clarias gariepinus UF Clara's Arch (Ariz.) BT Natural bridges—Arizona Clarence River cod (May Subd Geog) Clarias notozygurus [QL638.P358 (Zoology)] USE Clarias gariepinus Clara Gamadge (Fictitious character) UF Eastern freshwater cod USE Gamadge, Clara (Fictitious character) Freshwater cod, Eastern Clarias orontis Maccullochella ikei USE Clarias gariepinus Claragh Mountain (Ireland) BT Maccullochella UF Clara, Hill of (Ireland) Clarias robecchii Hill of Clara (Ireland) Clarence River Floodplain (N.S.W.) USE Clarias gariepinus BT Mountains—Ireland USE Clarence Floodplain (N.S.W.) Clarias smithii Clara's Arch (Ariz.) Clarence River Valley (N.S.W.) USE Clarias gariepinus USE Clara Bernheimer Natural Bridge (Ariz.) USE Clarence Valley (N.S.W.) Clarias syriacus Clarck family Clarence S. Edmundson Pavilion (Seattle, Wash.) USE Clarias gariepinus USE Clark family USE Edmundson Pavilion (Seattle, Wash.) Clarias tsanensis Clardy family (Not Subd Geog) Clarence S. \"Hec\" Edmundson Pavilion (Seattle, Wash.) USE Clarias gariepinus Clare, Bernadette Saint (Fictitious character) USE Edmundson Pavilion (Seattle, Wash.) Clarias vinciguerrae USE Saint Clare, Bernadette (Fictitious character) Clarence Strait (Alaska) USE Clarias gariepinus Clare (Fictitious character : Martal) (Not Subd Geog) BT Straits—Alaska Clare Cosi (Fictitious character) Clarias xenodon Clarence Strait (N.T.) USE Clarias gariepinus USE Cosi, Clare (Fictitious character) BT Straits—Australia Clare family (Not Subd Geog) Clarice Bean (Fictitious character) Clarence Valley (N.S.W.) USE Bean, Clarice (Fictitious character) UF Clair family UF Clarence River Valley (N.S.W.) Claire family BT Valleys—Australia Claridge House (Dormansland, England) Clear family BT Dwellings—England Cleer family Clarence Valley Floodplain (N.S.W.) Spiritual retreat centers—England USE Clarence Floodplain (N.S.W.) RT Klaar family Clarification of beer Klar family Clarendon Centre Site (Oxford, England) USE Beer—Clarification Le Clere family This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Clarification of liquids Clare Fergusson (Fictitious character) subdivision. USE Liquids—Clarification USE Fergusson, Clare (Fictitious character) BT England—Antiquities Clarification of wine Clare Tilley (Fictitious character) Clarendon family (Not Subd Geog) USE Wine and wine making—Clarification USE Tilley, Clare (Fictitious character) Clarendon Palace Site (England) Clarifiers, Sewage Claremont Garden (England) BT England—Antiquities USE Sewage clarifiers USE Claremont Landscape Garden (England) Clarentia (Extinct city) Clariidae (May Subd Geog) Claremont Landscape Garden (England) USE Glarentza (Extinct city) [QL638.C6] UF Claremont Garden (England) Clarentza (Extinct city) UF Airbreathing catfishes Claremont Woods (England) Walking catfishes BT Gardens—England USE Glarentza (Extinct city) BT Catfishes Claret NT Clarias Claremont Manor (Va.) BT Manors—Virginia USE Wine and wine making—France—Bordeaux Clarillo Cave (Spain) Region (Aquitaine) UF Cueva de Clarillo (Spain) Claremont Parkway (New York, N.Y.) BT Caves—Spain This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Claret family (Not Subd Geog) Spain—Antiquities Clarias (May Subd Geog) subdivision. Clarinet (May Subd Geog) [QL638.C6 (Zoology)] [ML945-ML948 (History)] BT Parkways—New York (State) BT Clariidae [MT380-MT388 (Instruction)] Claremont Public Garden (Claremont, South Africa) NT Clarias gariepinus UF Clarionet Clarias batrachus Primer clarinet USE Arderne Gardens (Claremont, South Africa) USE Walking catfish BT Woodwind instruments Claremont Theater Building (New York, N.Y.) Clarias capensis USE Clarias gariepinus BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) Clarias depressus Motion picture theaters—New York (State) USE Clarias gariepinus Claremont Woods (England) USE Claremont Landscape Garden (England) C-422
NT Alto clarinet Clarinet and bass clarinet music Clarinet with chamber orchestra—Solo with Bass clarinet USE Bass clarinet and clarinet music piano Basset clarinet Clarinet with orchestra—Solo with piano Basset horn Clarinet and basset horn music Clarinet with string orchestra—Solo with piano Birbynė USE Basset horn and clarinet music Clarinet and piano music (Jazz) Chalumeau USE Jazz Clarinette d'amour Clarinet and bassoon music Clarinet and piano with orchestra Contrabass clarinet USE Bassoon and clarinet music [M1040-M1041] Launeddas Clarinet and piccolo music Roopill Clarinet and bongo music UF Piccolo and clarinet music Sipsi UF Bongo and clarinet music Clarinet and saxophone music UF Saxophone and clarinet music — Breath control Clarinet and cello music Clarinet and sitar music UF Breath control (Clarinet) UF Cello and clarinet music UF Sitar and clarinet music BT Clarinet—Instruction and study Clarinet and violoncello music [Former Clarinet and synthesizer music (May Subd Geog) heading] [M298] — Embouchure UF Synthesizer and clarinet music — Fingering Clarinet and cello with orchestra (May Subd Geog) Clarinet and taŕ ogató music (May Subd Geog) — — Charts, diagrams, etc. [M1040-M1041] [M288 (Collections)] UF Clarinet and violoncello with orchestra [Former [M289 (Separate works)] UF Clarinet—Fingering charts [Former heading] UF Taŕ ogató and clarinet music heading] Clarinet and trombone music Clarinet and cimbalom music UF Trombone and clarinet music — Fingering charts [M298] Clarinet and trumpet music USE Clarinet—Fingering—Charts, diagrams, UF Cimbalom and clarinet music UF Trumpet and clarinet music etc. Clarinet and trumpet with band Clarinet and computer music [M1205-M1206] — Harmonics UF Computer and clarinet music Clarinet and trumpet with orchestra — Instruction and study (May Subd Geog) Clarinet and trumpet with string orchestra Clarinet and continuo music [M1140-M1141] NT Clarinet—Breath control Clarinet and double bass music Clarinet and tuba music — Intonation UF Tuba and clarinet music — Methods [M290-M291] Clarinet and vibraphone music UF Double bass and clarinet music UF Vibraphone and clarinet music [MT382] Clarinet and dulcimer music (May Subd Geog) Clarinet and vibraphone with instrumental ensemble — — Self-instruction [M298] Clarinet and vibraphone with string orchestra UF Dulcimer and clarinet music [M1140-M1141] [MT388] Clarinet and electronic music Clarinet and viola music UF Clarinet—Self-instruction UF Electronic and clarinet music UF Viola and clarinet music — Methods (Jazz) Clarinet and English horn music Clarinet and viola with orchestra [MT382] [M288-M289] [M1040-M1041] — Mouthpieces UF English horn and clarinet music Clarinet and violin music USE Clarinet mouthpieces Clarinet and English horn with orchestra UF Violin and clarinet music — Multiphonics [M1040-M1041] Clarinet and violin music, Arranged — Orchestra studies Clarinet and flute music (May Subd Geog) [M290-M291] USE Clarinet—Orchestral excerpts UF Flute and clarinet music Clarinet and violin with orchestra — Orchestral excerpts Clarinet and flute with band [M1040-M1041] [MT386] [M1205-M1206] Clarinet and violin with string orchestra UF Clarinet—Orchestra studies [Former Clarinet and flute with chamber orchestra [M1140-M1141] heading] [M1040-M1041] — Scores — Reeds Clarinet and flute with orchestra USE Clarinet reeds [M1040-M1041] [M1140] — Self-instruction — Solos with piano Clarinet and violoncello music USE Clarinet—Methods—Self-instruction — Studies and exercises [M1041] USE Clarinet and cello music [MT385] BT Trios (Piano, clarinet, flute), Arranged Clarinet and violoncello with orchestra — Tonguing Clarinet and flute with string orchestra Clarinet, English horn, flute, oboe with string orchestra [M1140-M1141] USE Clarinet and cello with orchestra [M1140-M1141] — Scores Clarinet choir music (May Subd Geog) Clarinet, flute, harp with string orchestra [M1140] [M1140-M1141] Clarinet and guitar music [M1200-M1268] — Scores and parts UF Guitar and clarinet music Here are entered compositions not in a specific [M1140] Clarinet and guitar music, Arranged form or of a specific type for clarinets, two or more to Clarinet, flute, oboe, harp, percussion with orchestra [M296-M297] a part, and collections of compositions in several [M1040-M1041] Clarinet and harp music forms or types for clarinets, two or more to a part. Clarinet, flute, oboe with instrumental ensemble UF Harp and clarinet music Clarinet, flute, oboe with string orchestra Clarinet and harp with orchestra SA headings for forms and types of music that [M1140-M1141] Clarinet and harp with string orchestra include \"clarinet choir\" and headings with — Scores [M1140-M1141] medium of performance that include \"clarinet [M1140] Clarinet and harpsichord music choir\" Clarinet, flute, trumpet with string orchestra UF Harpsichord and clarinet music [M1140-M1141] Clarinet and horn music Clarinet d'amour Clarinet, flute, violin, cello with chamber orchestra UF Horn and clarinet music USE Clarinette d'amour (May Subd Geog) Clarinet and horn with orchestra [M1040-M1041] [M1040-M1041] Clarinet duets UF Clarinet, flute, violin, violoncello with chamber Clarinet and keyboard instrument music USE Clarinet music (Clarinets (2)) orchestra [Former heading] UF Keyboard instrument and clarinet music Clarinet, flute, violin, violoncello with chamber orchestra Clarinet and koto music Clarinet ensembles USE Clarinet, flute, violin, cello with chamber UF Koto and clarinet music [M955-M959] orchestra Clarinet and marimba music Here are entered compositions not in a specific Clarinet, harp, celesta, violin with string orchestra UF Marimba and clarinet music USE Celesta, clarinet, harp, violin with string Clarinet and oboe d'amore music form or of a specific type for ten or more solo orchestra UF Oboe d'amore and clarinet music clarinets and collections of compositions in several Clarinet, harp, celesta with string orchestra Clarinet and oboe music forms or types for various numbers of solo clarinets. USE Celesta, clarinet, harp with string orchestra UF Oboe and clarinet music Clarinet, harp, violin, cello with string orchestra Clarinet and oboe with chamber orchestra When used for an accompanying ensemble in (May Subd Geog) Clarinet and oboe with orchestra headings with medium of performance, the term [M1140-M1141] [M1040-M1041] \"clarinet ensemble\" stands for two or more solo UF Clarinet, harp, violin, violoncello with string — Scores clarinets. orchestra [Former heading] [M1040-M1041] — Scores Clarinet and oboe with string orchestra SA headings for forms and types of music that [M1140] [M1140-M1141] include clarinet ensemble and headings with Clarinet, harp, violin, violoncello with string orchestra Clarinet and organ music medium of performance that include clarinet USE Clarinet, harp, violin, cello with string orchestra UF Organ and clarinet music ensemble Clarinet, oboe, violin with orchestra Clarinet and percussion music [M1040-M1041] UF Percussion and clarinet music Clarinet mouthpieces (May Subd Geog) Clarinet, trombone, trumpet with string orchestra Clarinet and piano music UF Clarinet—Mouthpieces [Former heading] [M1140-M1141] [M248-M252] BT Mouthpieces (Music) Clarinet and accordion music UF Piano and clarinet music UF Accordion and clarinet music Clarinet and piano music, Arranged Clarinet music (May Subd Geog) [M251-M252] [M70-M74] NT Clarinet with band—Solo with piano Here are entered compositions not in a specific form or of a specific type for solo clarinet, and collections of compositions in several forms or types for solo clarinet. C-423
Clarinet music (Continued) — Scores RT Clarkson family RT Recorded accompaniments (Clarinet) [M1124] De Clerck family SA headings for forms and types of music that include \"clarinet\" or \"clarinets\" and headings Clarinets (6) with band Clark Fork, Columbia River (Mont. and Idaho) with medium of performance that include [M1205-M1206] USE Clark Fork (Mont. and Idaho) \"clarinet\" or \"clarinets\" Clarinette d'amour (May Subd Geog) Clark Fork (Mont. and Idaho) Clarinet music (Blues) (May Subd Geog) UF Clarinet d'amour UF Bitterroot River (Mont. and Idaho) [M70-M74] Clarinetto d'amore Clark Fork, Columbia River (Mont. and Idaho) BT Blues (Music) BT Clarinet Clark Fork River (Mont. and Idaho) Clarke Fork (Mont. and Idaho) Clarinet music (Clarinets (2)) Clarinettists Clark's Fork (Mont. and Idaho) [M288-M289] USE Clarinetists Columbia River, Clark Fork (Mont. and Idaho) UF Clarinet duets Deer Lodge River (Mont. and Idaho) Clarinetto d'amore Hell Gate River (Mont. and Idaho) Clarinet music (Clarinets (2)), Arranged USE Clarinette d'amour Hellgate River (Mont. and Idaho) [M288-M289] Missoula River (Mont. and Idaho) Clarion for Windows (Computer program language) Pend D'Oreille River (Mont. and Idaho) Clarinet music (Clarinets (3)) UF CW (Computer program language) Silver Bow River (Mont. and Idaho) USE Woodwind trios (Clarinets (3)) BT Object-oriented programming languages Silverbow River (Mont. and Idaho) BT Rivers—Idaho Clarinet music (Clarinets (4)) Clarion/Little Toby Trail (Pa.) Rivers—Montana USE Woodwind quartets (Clarinets (4)) BT Trails—Pennsylvania Clark Fork (S.C.) Clarinet music (Clarinets (5)) Clarion River (Pa.) UF Clarks Fork (S.C.) USE Woodwind quintets (Clarinets (5)) UF Stump Creek (Pa. : River) BT Rivers—South Carolina Tobys Creek (Pa.) Clarinet music (Clarinets (6)) BT Rivers—Pennsylvania Clark Fork River (Mont. and Idaho) USE Woodwind sextets (Clarinets (6)) USE Clark Fork (Mont. and Idaho) Clarion River Valley (Pa.) Clarinet music (Clarinets (7)) UF Clarion Valley (Pa.) Clark Fork Watershed (Mont. and Idaho) USE Woodwind septets (Clarinets (7)) BT Valleys—Pennsylvania BT Watersheds—Idaho Watersheds—Montana Clarinet music (Clarinets (8)) Clarion River Water Trail (Pa.) USE Woodwind octets (Clarinets (8)) BT Water trails—Pennsylvania Clark Fork Watershed (S.C.) BT Watersheds—South Carolina Clarinet music (Clarinets (9)) Clarion Valley (Pa.) USE Woodwind nonets (Clarinets (9)) USE Clarion River Valley (Pa.) Clark Griffith Park (Washington, D.C.) USE Griffith Stadium (Washington, D.C.) Clarinet music (Jazz) Clarionet [M70-M74] USE Clarinet Clark Hall (Seattle, Wash.) BT Jazz BT College buildings—Washington (State) Claris (Legendary character) (Not Subd Geog) Clarinet players BT Legends—Europe Clark Hill Lake (Ga. and S.C.) USE Clarinetists USE J. Strom Thurmond Lake (Ga. and S.C.) Clarisse Lovelace (Fictitious character) Clarinet reeds (May Subd Geog) USE Lovelace, Clarisse (Fictitious character) Clark Hill Reservoir (Ga. and S.C.) UF Clarinet—Reeds [Former heading] USE J. Strom Thurmond Lake (Ga. and S.C.) BT Woodwind reeds Clark, Joe, Site (La.) USE Joe Clark Site (La.) Clark House (New York, N.Y. : Ninetieth Street) Clarinet with band USE 17 East 90th Street House (New York, N.Y.) [M1205-M1206] Clark, Lake (Alaska) UF Lake Clark (Alaska) Clark House (New York, N.Y. : Sixty-eighth Street) — Solo with piano BT Lakes—Alaska USE Automation House (New York, N.Y.) [M1206] BT Clarinet and piano music, Arranged Clark, Lake, Watershed (Alaska) Clark Island (Plymouth County, Mass.) BT Watersheds—Alaska USE Clarks Island (Mass.) Clarinet with brass ensemble [M955-M959] Clark, John (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Clark Lake (Wash. and Idaho) UF Clark, Mister (Fictitious character) USE Lower Granite Lake (Wash. and Idaho) Clarinet with chamber orchestra Clark, Mr. (Fictitious character) [M1024-M1025] John Kelly (Fictitious character) Clark Library and Barco-Stevens Hall (Richmond, Va.) Kelly, John (Fictitious character) [Former USE Belgian Friendship Building (Richmond, Va.) — Solo with piano heading] [M1025] Mister Clark (Fictitious character) Clark Mountain (Orange County, Va.) BT Clarinet and piano music, Arranged Mr. Clark (Fictitious character) UF Chestnut Mountain (Orange County, Va.) BT Mountains—Virginia Clarinet with chamber orchestra, Arranged Clark, Megan (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Southwest Mountains (Va.) [M1024-M1025] UF Megan Clark (Fictitious character) Clark Northwest Campaign Trail (Ill. and Ind.) — Scores Clark, Mister (Fictitious character) USE George Rogers Clark Northwest Campaign [M1024] USE Clark, John (Fictitious character) Trail (Ill. and Ind.) Clarinet with dance orchestra Clark, Mr. (Fictitious character) Clark Point Light (Mass.) [M1353] USE Clark, John (Fictitious character) USE Clark's Point Light (Mass.) Clarinet with instrumental ensemble Clark, Rebecca (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Clark Point Lighthouse (Mass.) Clarinet with jazz ensemble UF Rebecca Clark (Fictitious character) USE Clark's Point Light (Mass.) Manguson, Rebecca (Fictitious character) [M1366] Rebecca Manguson (Fictitious character) Clark Post Office Building (Dallas, Tex.) Clarinet with orchestra USE Dr. Caesar A.W. Clark, Sr., Post Office Building Clark Bridge (Alton, Ill., and West Alton, Mo. : 1994- ) (Dallas, Tex.) [M1024-M1025] UF Super Bridge (Alton, Ill., and West Alton, Mo. ) — Solo with piano BT Bridges—Illinois Clark Reservation (N.Y.) Bridges—Missouri USE Clark Reservation State Park (N.Y.) [M1025] BT Clarinet and piano music, Arranged Clark Canyon (Utah County, Utah) Clark Reservation State Park (N.Y.) Clarinet with percussion ensemble BT Canyons—Utah UF Clark Reservation (N.Y.) Clarinet with string ensemble BT Parks—New York (State) Clarinet with string orchestra Clark Canyon Reservoir (Mont.) [M1124-M1125] UF Hap Hawkins Lake (Mont.) Clark State Forest (Ind.) — Solo with piano BT Lakes—Montana UF Clark County State Forest (Ind.) [M1125] Reservoirs—Montana BT Forest reserves—Indiana BT Clarinet and piano music, Arranged Clarinet with wind ensemble Clark County State Forest (Ind.) Clarke, Lake (Pa.) Clarinetists (May Subd Geog) USE Clark State Forest (Ind.) UF Lake Clarke (Pa.) UF Clarinet players BT Lakes—Pennsylvania Clarinettists Clark County Wetlands Park (Nev.) Reservoirs—Pennsylvania BT Woodwind instrument players UF Wetlands Park (Nev.) Clarinets (2), oboes (2) with string orchestra BT Parks—Nevada Clarke, Wesley (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) [M1140-M1141] UF Marshall Clarke (Fictitious character) Clarinets (2) with orchestra Clark Cove (Hancock County, Me.) Marshall Wesley Clarke (Fictitious character) [M1024-M1025] UF Clark Cove (Me.) [Former heading] Wesley Clarke (Fictitious character) — Scores Clarks Cove (Me.) [M1024] Northwest Cove (Bar Harbor, Me.) Clarke and Lake Company Site (Arrowsic Island, Me.) Clarinets (2) with string orchestra BT Bays—Maine USE Clarke and Lake Company Site (Me.) [M1024-M1025] Clarinets (3) with instrumental ensemble Clark Cove (Me.) Clarke and Lake Company Site (Me.) Clarinets (3) with string orchestra USE Clark Cove (Hancock County, Me.) UF Clarke and Lake Company Site (Arrowsic [M1124-M1125] Island, Me.) [Former heading] Clarinets (4) with orchestra Clark Creek (Pierce County, Wash.) Lake and Clarke Company Site (Me.) [M1024-M1025] USE Clarks Creek (Wash.) RT Maine—Antiquities — Solos with piano [M1025] Clark family (Not Subd Geog) Clarke family BT Quintets (Piano, clarinets (4)), Arranged UF Clarck family USE Clark family Clarinets (4) with string orchestra Clarke family [Former heading] [M1124-M1125] Clarkes family Clarke Fork (Mont. and Idaho) Clarks family USE Clark Fork (Mont. and Idaho) Cleark family Clerk family Clarke House (Princeton, N.J.) Clerke family USE Thomas Clarke House (Princeton, N.J.) C-424
Clarke Quay (Singapore) UF Fisher Federal Building and United States Class 20 (Diesel locomotive) [Former heading] BT Wharves—Singapore Courthouse (Trenton, N.J.) English Electric Type 1 (Diesel locomotives) BT Diesel locomotives Clarkes family BT Courthouses—New Jersey Class 24 (Diesel locomotive) USE Clark family Public buildings—New Jersey USE Class 24 (Diesel locomotives) Class 24 (Diesel locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) Clarke's Island (Mass.) Clarkston family UF British Rail Class 24 (Diesel locomotives) USE Clarks Island (Mass.) USE Clarkson family Class 24 (Diesel locomotive) [Former heading] Sulzer Type 2 (Diesel locomotives) Clarke's nutcracker Clarkton family BT Diesel locomotives USE Clark's nutcracker USE Clarkson family Class 25 (Diesel locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) UF British Rail Class 25 (Diesel locomotives) Clarkia (May Subd Geog) Clarno Formation (Or.) Rats (Diesel locomotives) [QK495.O46] BT Formations (Geology)—Oregon Sulzer Type 2 (Diesel locomotives) UF Eucharidium Geology, Stratigraphic—Eocene BT Diesel locomotives Godetia Class 30 (Diesel locomotives) BT Onagraceae Claros Site (Turkey) USE Class 31 (Diesel locomotives) NT Clarkia amoenia UF Clarus Site (Turkey) Class 31 (Diesel locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) Klaros Site (Turkey) UF British Rail Class 30 (Diesel locomotives) Clarkia amoenia (May Subd Geog) BT Turkey—Antiquities British Rail Class 31 (Diesel locomotives) [QK495.O46] Brush Type 2 (Diesel locomotives) UF Godetia amoena Clarté (Geneva, Switzerland) Class 30 (Diesel locomotives) Godetia grandiflora USE Immeuble Clarté (Geneva, Switzerland) BT Diesel locomotives Godetia lindleyana Class 33 (Diesel locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) Godetia whitneyi Clarus Site (Turkey) UF Birmingham Railway Carriage & Wagon Oenothera whitneyi USE Claros Site (Turkey) Company Type 3 (Diesel locomotives) Whitney godetia BRCW Type 3 (Diesel locomotives) BT Clarkia Clary, Meadow British Rail Class 33 (Diesel locomotives) USE Salvia pratensis Cromptons (Diesel locomotives) Clarks Cove (Me.) BT Diesel locomotives USE Clark Cove (Hancock County, Me.) Clary-Aldringen family (Not Subd Geog) Class 35 (Diesel locomotives) UF Clary-Altringen family USE Hymeks (Diesel locomotives) Clarks Creek (Wash.) RT Cleary family Class 37 (Diesel locomotive) UF Clark Creek (Pierce County, Wash.) USE Class 37 (Diesel locomotives) BT Rivers—Washington (State) Clary-Altringen family Class 37 (Diesel locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) USE Clary-Aldringen family UF British Rail Class 37 (Diesel locomotives) Clarks Creek Watershed (Wash.) Class 37 (Diesel locomotive) [Former heading] BT Watersheds—Washington (State) Clary family English Electric Type 3 (Diesel locomotives) USE Cleary family Tractors (Diesel locomotives) Clark's crow BT Diesel locomotives USE Clark's nutcracker Clary Ranch Site (Neb.) Class 40 (Diesel locomotive) BT Nebraska—Antiquities USE Class 40 (Diesel locomotives) Clark's Expedition against Detroit, 1781 Class 40 (Diesel locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) [E237] Clarys family UF British Rail Class 40 (Diesel locomotives) BT Northwest, Old—History—Revolution, 1775- USE Cleary family Class 40 (Diesel locomotive) [Former heading] 1783 English Electric Type 4 (Diesel locomotives) United States—History—Revolution, 1775- Clasaps Indians BT Diesel locomotives 1783—Campaigns USE Clatsop Indians Class 41 (Diesel locomotives : InterCity 125) USE InterCity 125 (Diesel locomotives) Clarks family Clasen family Class 41 (Diesel locomotives : Warship class) USE Clark family USE Klassen family USE Warship Class (Diesel locomotives) Class 42 (Diesel locomotives : Warship class) Clark's Fork (Mont. and Idaho) Clashing Rocks (Greek mythology) USE Warship Class (Diesel locomotives) USE Clark Fork (Mont. and Idaho) USE Symplegades (Greek mythology) Class 43 (Diesel locomotives : InterCity 125) USE InterCity 125 (Diesel locomotives) Clarks Fork (Mont. and Wyo.) Clásico del Caribe Class 44 (Diesel locomotives) BT Rivers—Montana BT Horse racing—Puerto Rico USE Peaks (Diesel locomotives) Rivers—Wyoming Class 45 (Diesel locomotives) Clasmatocolea (May Subd Geog) USE Peaks (Diesel locomotives) Clarks Fork (S.C.) [QK555.L58] Class 46 (Diesel locomotives) USE Clark Fork (S.C.) BT Lophocoleaceae USE Peaks (Diesel locomotives) Class 47 (Diesel locomotive) Clarks Fork Valley (Mont. and Wyo.) CLASP (Computer program language) USE Class 47 (Diesel locomotives) BT Valleys—Montana UF Computer language for aeronautics and space Class 47 (Diesel locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) Valleys—Wyoming programming UF British Rail Class 47 (Diesel locomotives) Brush Sulzer Type 4 (Diesel locomotives) Clarks Hill Reservoir (Ga. and S.C.) Claspar family Class 47 (Diesel locomotive) [Former heading] USE J. Strom Thurmond Lake (Ga. and S.C.) USE Clasper family BT Diesel locomotives Class 50 (Diesel locomotive) Clarks Island (Mass.) Clasper (Anatomy) USE Class 50 (Diesel locomotives) UF Clark Island (Plymouth County, Mass.) UF Claspers (Anatomy) Class 50 (Diesel locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) Clarke's Island (Mass.) BT Chondrichthyes—Generative organs UF British Rail Class 50 (Diesel locomotives) Clark's Island (Mass.) Copulatory organs Class 50 (Diesel locomotive) [Former heading] BT Islands—Massachusetts Generative organs, Male English Electric Type 4 (Diesel locomotives) Insects—Generative organs Hoovers (Diesel locomotives) USE Clarks Island (Mass.) BT Diesel locomotives Clark's Lookout State Park (Mont.) Clasper family (Not Subd Geog) Class 52 (Diesel locomotives) UF Claspar family USE Western Class (Diesel locomotives) BT Parks—Montana Classper family Class 55 (Diesel locomotives) Clark's Mill, Battle of, Vera Cruz, Mo., 1862 Glasper family USE Deltics (Diesel locomotives) Klasper family Class 56 (Diesel locomotive) [E473.8] USE Class 56 (Diesel locomotives) BT Missouri—History—Civil War, 1861-1865 Claspers (Anatomy) Class 56 (Diesel locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) USE Clasper (Anatomy) UF British Rail Class 56 (Diesel locomotives) United States—History—Civil War, 1861- Class 56 (Diesel locomotive) [Former heading] 1865—Campaigns Claspleaf pennycress Grids (Diesel locomotives) Clark's nutcracker (May Subd Geog) USE Thlaspi perfoliatum BT Diesel locomotives [QL696.P2367 (Zoology)] Class 58 (Diesel locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) UF Clark's crow Clasps UF BREL Type 5 (Diesel locomotives) Clarke's nutcracker [GT2280 (Manners and customs)] British Rail Class 58 (Diesel locomotives) Corvus columbianus UF Belt-clasps BT Diesel locomotives Crow, Clark's BT Fasteners Nucifraga columbiana RT Fibulas (Jewelry) Picicorvus columbianus NT Buckles BT Nutcrackers (Birds) Clarks Point (Mass.) — Tariff BT Capes (Coasts)—Massachusetts USE Tariff on clasps Clark's Point Light (Mass.) UF Clark Point Light (Mass.) Class, Baire Clark Point Lighthouse (Mass.) USE Baire classes BT Lighthouses—Massachusetts Clark's spiny lizard Class 4 (Steam locomotive) USE Sceloporus clarki USE Class 4 (Steam locomotives) Clarkson family (Not Subd Geog) UF Clackson family Class 4 (Steam locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) Clarkston family UF Class 4 (Steam locomotive) [Former heading] Clarkton family BT Steam locomotives RT Clark family Clarkson Memorial (Wisbech, England) Class 5 (Steam locomotives) USE Thomas Clarkson Memorial (Wisbech, USE Class V (Steam locomotives) England) Clarkson S. Fisher Federal Building and United States Class 15XX (Steam locomotives) Courthouse (Trenton, N.J.) USE GWR 1500 Class (Steam locomotives) Class 17 (Diesel locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) UF British Rail Class 17 (Diesel locomotives) Clayton Type 1 (Diesel locomotives) BT Diesel locomotives Class 20 (Diesel locomotive) USE Class 20 (Diesel locomotives) Class 20 (Diesel locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) UF Bachmann Class 20 (Diesel locomotives) British Rail Class 20 (Diesel locomotives) Choppers (Diesel locomotives) C-425
Class 60 (Diesel locomotive) Class distinction Classé family (Not Subd Geog) USE Class 60 (Diesel locomotives) USE Social classes Classed catalogs Class 60 (Diesel locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) Class field theory USE Classified catalogs UF British Class 60 (Diesel locomotives) BT Algebraic number theory Classen Boulevard (Oklahoma City, Okla.) British Rail Class 60 (Diesel locomotives) NT Class field towers Class 60 (Diesel locomotive) [Former heading] This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Diesel locomotives Class field towers subdivision. UF Class towers Class 64XX (Steam locomotives) Towers, Class field BT Streets—Oklahoma USE 6400 Class (Steam locomotives) Towers (Class field theory) Classen family Towers of algebras Class 73 (Electro-diesel locomotive) Towers of class fields USE Klassen family USE Class 73 (Electro-diesel locomotives) BT Class field theory Classes, Baire Class 73 (Electro-diesel locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) Class groups (Mathematics) USE Baire classes UF British Rail Class 73 (Electro-diesel UF Groups, Class (Mathematics) Classes, Characteristic locomotives) BT Algebraic number theory Class 73 (Electro-diesel locomotive) [Former Commutative rings USE Characteristic classes heading] Ideals (Algebra) Classes, Chern BT Electro-diesel locomotives Class H15 (Steam locomotives) USE Chern classes Class 74 (Electro-diesel locomotive) USE H15 Class (Steam locomotives) Classes, Equational USE Class 74 (Electro-diesel locomotives) Class II genes USE Varieties (Universal algebra) Class 74 (Electro-diesel locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) USE Ir genes Classes, Hardy UF British Rail Class 74 (Electro-diesel locomotives) Class length USE Hardy classes Class 74 (Electro-diesel locomotive) [Former USE Class periods Classes, Implicationally defined heading] BT Electro-diesel locomotives Class Life ADR System USE Quasivarieties (Universal algebra) [HJ4653.D5 (Economics)] Classes, Quasi-primitive Class 74XX (Steam locomotives) [KF6386 (Law)] USE 7400 Class (Steam locomotives) UF ADR System USE Quasivarieties (Universal algebra) Asset Depreciation Range System Classes, Social Class 1366 (Steam locomotives) Class Life Asset Depreciation Range System USE 1366 Class (Steam locomotives) BT Depreciation allowances USE Social classes Classes, Universal Horn Class 1500 (Steam locomotives) Class Life Asset Depreciation Range System USE GWR 1500 Class (Steam locomotives) USE Class Life ADR System USE Quasivarieties (Universal algebra) Classes (Groups of students) (May Subd Geog) Class 1600 (Steam locomotives) Class meetings, Methodist USE 1600 Class (Steam locomotives) USE Methodist class meetings BT Students NT Single-sex classes (Education) Class 5400 (Steam locomotives) Class Mt (Steam locomotives) Classes (Mathematics) USE 5400 Class (Steam locomotives) USE Mt-class (Steam locomotives) USE Set theory Classes of conjugate elements Class 5700 (Steam locomotives) Class of 1887 Boathouse (Princeton, N.J.) USE Conjugacy classes USE 5700 Class (Steam locomotives) USE C. Bernard Shea '16 Rowing Center Classet Indians (Princeton, N.J.) USE Makah Indians Class 6400 (Steam locomotives) Classic aircraft USE 6400 Class (Steam locomotives) Class of 1942 Dormitory (Princeton, N.J.) USE Antique and classic aircraft USE 1942 Hall (Princeton, N.J.) Classic airplanes Class 7400 (Steam locomotives) USE Antique and classic aircraft USE 7400 Class (Steam locomotives) Class oriented ring associated language Classic automobiles USE CORAL (Computer program language) USE Antique and classic cars Class A1 (Steam locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) Classic cars UF A1 Class (Steam locomotives) Class periods (May Subd Geog) USE Antique and classic cars LNER Class A1 (Steam locomotives) UF Class length Classic hemophilia LNER Peppercorn Class (Steam locomotives) Length of classes USE Hemophilia Peppercorn Class (Steam locomotives) BT School day Classic motorcycles BT Steam locomotives USE Antique and classic motorcycles NT Tornado (Steam locomotive) Class reunions (May Subd Geog) Classic tractors [LB3618] USE Antique and classic tractors Class A2 (Steam locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) UF Reunions, Class Classical aesthetics UF A2 Class (Steam locomotives) School reunions USE Aesthetics, Classical LNER Class A2 (Steam locomotives) BT Reunions Classical anonyms and pseudonyms BT Steam locomotives USE Anonyms and pseudonyms, Classical Class rooms Classical antiquities (Not Subd Geog) Class A3 (Steam locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) USE Classrooms [DE (General)] UF LNER Class A3 (Steam locomotives) [DF (Greece)] BT Steam locomotives Class S15 (Steam locomotives) [DG (Rome)] USE S15 Class (Steam locomotives) UF Antiquities, Classical Class A4 (Steam locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) UF A4 (Locomotive) [Former heading] Class schedules Antiquities, Grecian A4 Class (Steam locomotives) USE Schedules, School Antiquities, Roman LNER Class A4 (Steam locomotives) Archaeology, Classical Streaks (Stream locomotives) Class size (May Subd Geog) Classical archaeology BT Steam locomotives [LB3013.2] Roman antiquities NT Mallard (Steam locomotive) UF Teacher-pupil ratio BT Antiquities RT Double shifts (Public schools) Archaeological museums and collections Class action lawsuits BT School management and organization Art, Ancient USE Class actions (Civil procedure) School size RT Classical philology Teaching SA subdivision Antiquities under names of Class actions countries, e.g. Greece--Antiquities — Conflict of laws Class struggle NT Architecture, Classical USE Conflict of laws—Class actions USE Social conflict Art, Classical Art, Greek Class actions (Civil procedure) (May Subd Geog) Class Struggle (Game) Art, Roman UF Aggregate litigation (Class actions) BT Board games Art objects, Classical Class action lawsuits Chairs (Cathedra) BT Actions and defenses Class towers Chairs (Sella) Civil procedure USE Class field towers Cists (Boxes) Complex litigation Fortification, Greek Public interest law Class V (Steam locomotive) Fortification, Roman RT Citizen suits (Civil procedure) USE Class V (Steam locomotives) Gems, Classical Parties to actions Gold figurines, Classical Class V (Steam locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) Lamps, Classical Class b cytochrome UF Bluebirds (Steam locomotives) Numismatics, Greek USE Cytochrome b Class 5 (Steam locomotives) Numismatics, Roman Class V (Steam locomotive) [Former heading] Pottery, Greek Class B12 (Steam locomotives) GNRI Class 5 (Steam locomotives) Pottery, Roman USE B12 (Steam locomotives) GNRI Class V (Steam locomotives) Rings, Classical Great Northern Railway Ireland Class V (Steam Sculpture, Classical Class catalogs locomotives) Silver figurines, Classical USE Classified catalogs BT Steam locomotives Tripods Class conflict Class V2 (Steam locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) USE Social conflict UF LNER Class V2 (Steam locomotives) V2 (Locomotive) [Former heading] Class consciousness (May Subd Geog) V2 Class (Steam locomotives) BT Consciousness BT Steam locomotives Social perception NT Green Arrow (Steam locomotive) RT Social classes Class WD/8 (Steam locomotives) Class consciousness in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE WD Austerity (Steam locomotives) Class D20/2 (Diesel locomotives) Classe (The French word) USE Warship Class (Diesel locomotives) BT French language—Etymology C-426
— Destruction and pillage (May Subd Geog) RT Education, Humanistic Classical music (Tan singing) UF Destruction of classical antiquities Humanism USE Tan singing BT Pillage Humanities Classical music and popular music — Dictionaries Classical education in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Popular music and art music USE Classical dictionaries Classical epic poetry Classical Music Month (May Subd Geog) — Expertising (May Subd Geog) USE Epic poetry, Classical BT Special months [DE59.7] Classical fables UF Expertising of classical antiquities Classical mythology USE Fables, Classical USE Mythology, Classical — Thefts Classical fiction (May Subd Geog) USE Classical antiquities thefts Classical occasional verse BT Classical literature USE Occasional verse, Classical Classical antiquities in art (Not Subd Geog) NT Ghost stories, Classical Classical antiquities in literature (Not Subd Geog) Classical field theory Classical papyri Classical antiquities theft USE Field theory (Physics) USE Manuscripts, Classical (Papyri) Classical furniture USE Classical antiquities thefts USE Furniture, Classical Classical pastoral literature Classical antiquities thefts (May Subd Geog) Classical gems USE Pastoral literature, Classical USE Gems, Classical UF Classical antiquities—Thefts [Former heading] Classical geography Classical pastoral poetry Classical antiquities theft [DE23-DE31] USE Pastoral poetry, Classical Theft of classical antiquities [G87] Here are entered works on the geography of Classical period music BT Archaeological thefts Greece and Rome treated together. Works on the USE Music—18th century Art thefts geography of the ancient world are entered under Music—19th century Geography, Ancient. Classical archaeology Classical philology (May Subd Geog) USE Classical antiquities UF Classical atlases [PA1-PA199] Geography, Classical Here are entered treatises on the theory, methods Classical architecture USE Architecture, Classical BT Geography, Ancient and history of classical scholarship. — Maps Classical art UF Philology, Classical USE Art, Classical UF Atlases, Historical RT Classical antiquities Historical atlases Classical arts Greek language USE Arts, Classical Classical geography in literature (Not Subd Geog) Greek literature Classical ghost stories Greek philology Classical atlases Humanism USE Classical geography USE Ghost stories, Classical Latin language Classical glassware Latin literature Classical authors Latin philology USE Authors, Classical USE Glassware, Classical Classical poetry (May Subd Geog) Classical gold figurines [PA3019-PA3022 (History and criticism)] Classical biography [PA3431-PA3459 (Collections)] [DE7] USE Gold figurines, Classical BT Classical literature BT Biography Classical Gothic architecture NT Concrete poetry, Classical NT Greece—Biography Didactic poetry, Classical Rome—Biography USE Architecture, High Gothic Epic poetry, Classical Classical historical poetry Historical poetry, Classical Classical bronze figurines Iambic poetry, Classical USE Bronze figurines, Classical USE Historical poetry, Classical Laudatory poetry, Classical Classical iambic poetry Love poetry, Classical Classical bronze mirrors Occasional verse, Classical USE Bronze mirrors, Classical USE Iambic poetry, Classical Pastoral poetry, Classical Classical intaglios Verse satire, Classical Classical bronze sculpture Classical portrait sculpture USE Bronze sculpture, Classical USE Intaglios, Classical USE Portrait sculpture, Classical Classical Japanese grammar Classical pottery Classical bronzes USE Pottery, Classical USE Bronzes, Classical USE Japanese language—Grammar, Classical Classical relief (Sculpture) Classical jewelry USE Relief (Sculpture), Classical Classical cameos Classical rings USE Cameos, Classical USE Jewelry, Classical USE Rings, Classical Classical lamps Classical scholars Classical Chinese Garden (Portland, Or.) USE Classicists USE Portland Classical Chinese Garden (Portland, USE Lamps, Classical Classical school of economics Or.) Classical languages (May Subd Geog) [HB94] UF Classical economics Classical Chinese Garden (Vancouver, B.C.) UF Dead languages Individualist school of economics USE Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden Languages, Classical Orthodox school of economics (Vancouver, B.C.) BT Schools of economics NT Greek language NT Neoclassical school of economics Classical chreiai Latin language Classical sculpture USE Chreiai USE Sculpture, Classical — Rhetoric Classical Sicilian (Chess) Classical civilization USE Rhetoric, Ancient USE Sicilian defense (Chess) USE Civilization, Classical Classical silver figurines Classical laudatory poetry USE Silver figurines, Classical Classical coins USE Laudatory poetry, Classical Classical silverwork USE Coins, Classical USE Silverwork, Classical Classical letter writing Classical small sculpture Classical concrete poetry USE Letter writing, Classical USE Small sculpture, Classical USE Concrete poetry, Classical Classical swine fever (May Subd Geog) Classical letters (May Subd Geog) [SF973] Classical conditioning (May Subd Geog) BT Classical literature UF Cholera, Hog UF Conditioning, Classical Hog cholera [Former heading] Pavlovian conditioning Classical literature Pig typhoid BT Conditioned response [PA3001-PA3045 (History and criticism)] Swine fever [PA3301-PA3671 (Collections)] Swine fever, Classical Classical dictionaries UF Literature, Classical Swine plague [Former heading] [DE5] BT Literature Typhoid, Pig UF Civilization, Classical—Dictionaries Literature, Ancient BT Pestivirus infections Classical antiquities—Dictionaries RT Greek literature Swine—Virus diseases BT Encyclopedias and dictionaries Latin literature — Diagnosis (May Subd Geog) NT Chreiai — Vaccination (May Subd Geog) Classical didactic poetry Classical drama Classical terra-cotta USE Didactic poetry, Classical Classical fiction USE Terra-cotta, Classical Classical letters Classical terra-cotta figurines Classical drama (May Subd Geog) Classical poetry USE Terra-cotta figurines, Classical [PA3024-PA3029 (History and criticism)] Pastoral literature, Classical Classical terra-cotta sculpture [PA3461-PA3466 (Collections)] USE Terra-cotta sculpture, Classical BT Classical literature — Appreciation (May Subd Geog) NT Classical drama (Comedy) [PA3013] Classical drama (Tragedy) UF Appreciation of classical literature Classical drama (Comedy) (May Subd Geog) — Bibliography BT Classical drama Classical love poetry Classical drama (Tragedy) (May Subd Geog) USE Love poetry, Classical BT Classical drama Classical marble sculpture Classical economics USE Marble sculpture, Classical USE Classical school of economics Classical mechanics Classical education (May Subd Geog) USE Mechanics Here are entered works on the study of the Greek Classical music and Latin languages and literatures. Works limited to USE Music a specific aspect of classical education are entered Classical music, North Indian under the specific subject, e.g. Greek language-- Study and teaching. USE Hindustani music UF Education, Classical BT Education C-427
Classical vases Bibliotheken — — Microscope and microscopy USE Vases, Classical Reclassification (Libraries) USE Classification—Books—Microscopy RVK classification Classical verse satire SAB classification — — Microscopy USE Verse satire, Classical United States Geological Survey Library UF Classification—Books—Microscope and classification system microscopy [Former heading] Classical wit and humor — — Aeronautics UF Wit and humor, Classical BT Aeronautics — — Military art and science BT Wit and humor, Ancient — — Aeronautics, [Agriculture, Latin America, Law, BT Military art and science NT Chreiai etc.] — — Agriculture — — Municipal government Classicism (May Subd Geog) — — Aluminum BT Municipal government [PN56.C6 (Literature)] BT Aluminum UF Pseudo-classicism — — Natural history BT Aesthetics Classification—Books—Metallurgy BT Natural history—Classification Literature — — Belgium RT Civilization, Classical — — Benedictines — — Naval art and science NT Ancients and moderns, Quarrel of — — Biology BT Naval art and science Classicism in architecture Neoclassicism (Literature) BT Biology — — Norway — — Botany [Z697.N66] Classicism in architecture (May Subd Geog) — — Catholic literature BT Architecture — — Oriental literature Architecture, Classical BT Catholic literature BT Oriental literature Classicism — — Cerebral palsy NT Neoclassicism (Architecture) — — Paleontology [Z697.C47] BT Paleontology Classicism in art (May Subd Geog) BT Cerebral palsy BT Art — — City planning — — Philosophy, Indic NT Neoclassicism (Art) BT City planning BT Philosophy, Indic — — Computers Classicism in literature (Not Subd Geog) BT Computers — — Physics Classicism in music — — Copying processes BT Physics BT Copying processes BT Style, Musical — — Culture — — Physiology NT Neoclassicism (Music) BT Culture BT Physiology Classicists (May Subd Geog) — — Education [PA83-PA85] BT Education — — Railroads Here are entered works on scholars specializing in — — Electronic data processing BT Railroads the study of Greek and Latin cultures. BT Electronic data processing — — Engineering — — Religion UF Classical scholars BT Engineering UF Classification—Books—Religious Classics scholars — — Fantastic literature literature Hellenists USE Classification—Books—Fantasy Latinists — — Religious literature literature USE Classification—Books—Religion BT Philologists — — Fantasy literature Scholars — — Science [Z697.F29] [Z697.S5] NT Women classicists UF Classification—Books—Fantastic NT Classification, INSPEC Classics, Anonymous (Cataloging) literature [Former heading] — — Science fiction USE Cataloging of anonymous classics — — General works [Z697.F29] Classics, Literary BT Science fiction Here are entered works on library USE Canon (Literature) classification of general works not limited to a — — Scientific apparatus and instruments Classics scholars specific topic or discipline. BT Scientific apparatus and instruments USE Classicists — — Geography — — Sewage disposal Classification BT Geography BT Sewage disposal Here are entered works on the organization of — — Geology — — Space flight knowledge according to a systematic arrangement BT Geology — — Technology into topics or categories. — — Hinduism BT Industrial arts UF Knowledge, Classification of BT Hinduism Technology BT Information organization SA subdivision Classification under subjects, e.g. — — Home economics — — Telecommunication BT Home economics BT Telecommunication Language and languages--Classification; Stars--Classification — — Hydrology — — Therapeutics NT Automatic classification BT Hydrology BT Therapeutics Classification, Broad System of Ordering Classification of sciences — — Industrial management — — Venezuelan literature Folk classification BT Industrial management [Z697.V35] — Animals BT Venezuelan literature USE Animals—Classification — — Jewish literature — Archives [Z697.J53] — — Zoology — Botany UF Archives—Classification — — Language and languages — Audiotapes BT Language and languages USE Plants—Classification — Civil law UF Audiotapes—Classification — — Law Classification—Phonotapes [Former BT Law—Classification USE Civil law—Classification heading] — Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) — — Library science — Books BT Library science [Z697.C6] [Z696-Z697] UF Clippings (Books, newspapers, UF Classification of books — — Linguistics Libraries—Classification of books BT Linguistics etc.)—Classification Library classification of books — Diseases BT Subject cataloging — — Literature NT Bellevue classification system BT Literature USE Nosology Bliss Bibliographic classification — Drawing Classification, BBK — — Local history Classification, Decimal [Z697.L66] UF Classification—Drawings [Former Classification, Dewey decimal BT Local history heading] Classification, Double notation uniform Drawing—Classification Classification, Expansive — — Materials Classification, GASNTI BT Materials — Drawings Classification, Japanese decimal USE Classification—Drawing Classification, Korean decimal — — Measurement Classification, Library of Congress UF Classification—Books—Mensuration — Engravings Classification, MSVTI [Former heading] UF Engraving—Classification Classification, SISO Classification, Universal decimal — — Medicine — Games Colon classification BT Medicine [Z697.G22] Deutsche Nationalbibliographie NT Classification, ESAR classification system — — Mensuration Faceted classification USE Classification—Books—Measurement — Government publications Os̈ terreichische Systematik fur̈ Öffentliche [Z697.G7] — — Metal-work UF Government publications—Classification BT Metal-work — — United States — — Metallurgy NT Superintendent of Documents BT Metallurgy Classification system NT Classification—Books—Aluminum — International agency publications — — Meteorology UF International agency BT Meteorology publications—Classification — International law USE International law—Classification — Lantern slides USE Classification—Slides (Photography) — Law USE Law—Classification — Manuscripts [Z697.M] C-428
[Z6621 (Catalogs)] Classification, Korean decimal Classification of books UF Manuscripts—Classification Classification, Universal decimal USE Classification—Books — Maps Classification, Dewey decimal [Z697.M17] UF Dewey decimal classification Classification of crimes UF Maps—Classification BT Classification—Books USE Crime—Classification — Motion pictures Classification, Decimal UF Classification—Moving-pictures [Former Classification, Doppelnotierte Einheitsklassifikation Classification of risks (Fire insurance) USE Classification, Double notation uniform USE Fire insurance—Classification of risks heading] Classification, Double notation uniform Motion pictures—Classification [Z696.D] Classification of rivers — Moving-pictures UF Classification, Doppelnotierte USE Rivers—Classification USE Classification—Motion pictures Einheitsklassifikation — Museums Doppelnotierte Einheitsklassifikation Classification of school children UF Museums—Classification Double notation uniform classification USE Ability grouping in education BT Museum registration methods Einheitsklassifikation, Doppelnotierte — Music Uniform classification, Double notation Classification of sciences [ML111] BT Classification—Books [BD240-BD241 (Methodology)] UF Music—Classification Classification, ESAR [Q177 (Science)] BT Music librarianship [Z697.G22] UF Knowledge, Classification of — Natural history UF Classification, Exercise symbole assemblage Sciences, Classification of USE Natural history—Classification reg̀ les BT Classification — Non-book materials ESAR classification Methodology USE Classification—Nonbook materials Exercise symbole assemblage reg̀ les Science—Methodology — Nonbook materials classification [Z697.N64] BT Classification—Games Classification of students UF Classification—Non-book materials Classification—Toys USE Ability grouping in education [Former heading] Classification, Exercise symbole assemblage règles — Phonorecords USE Classification, ESAR Classification rule mining (May Subd Geog) USE Classification—Sound recordings Classification, Expansive UF CRM (Classification rule mining) — Phonotapes [Z696] Mining, Classification rule USE Classification—Audiotapes UF Cutter classification BT Data mining — Photographs Expansive classification [Z697.P] BT Classification—Books Classification theory (Statistics) UF Photographs—Classification Classification, Faceted USE Discriminant analysis NT Classification—Slides (Photography) USE Faceted classification — Pictures Classification, Forest site Classification theory of algebraic varieties UF Pictures—Classification USE Forest site quality USE Algebraic varieties—Classification theory — Plants Classification, GASNTI USE Plants—Classification [Z696.G66-Z696.G663] Classificationists (May Subd Geog) — Public records UF GASNTI classification BT Information scientists — Religions Gosudarstvennai︠a︡ avtomatizirovannai︠a︡ USE Religions—Classification sistema nauchno-technicheskoĭ informat︠s︡ii Classified advertising — Roman law classification USE Advertising, Classified USE Roman law—Classification BT Classification—Books — Slides (Photography) Classification, INSPEC Classified catalogs (May Subd Geog) This heading may be subdivided by subject, e.g. [Z697.S5] [Z693.3.C55] Classification--Slides (Photography)--Architecture. UF Information Service in Physics, UF Catalogs, Classed Electrotechnology and Control classification Catalogs, Classified [Former heading] UF Classification—Lantern slides [Former INSPEC classification Catalogs, Systematic heading] BT Classification—Books—Science Class catalogs Slides (Photography)—Classification Classification, Japanese decimal Classed catalogs [Z696.J] Classified subject catalogs BT Classification—Photographs UF Japanese decimal classification Subject catalogs, Classified — — Architecture BT Classification—Books Systematic catalogs — Sound recordings Classification, Decimal BT Library catalogs Classification, Korean decimal [Z697.P545] [Z696.K] Classified catalogs (Dewey decimal) (May Subd Geog) UF Classification—Phonorecords [Former UF Korean decimal classification UF Catalogs, Classified (Dewey decimal) [Former BT Classification—Books heading] heading] Classification, Decimal BT Library catalogs Sound recordings—Classification Classification, Library of Congress BT Music librarianship [Z696] Classified catalogs (Universal decimal) — Stars UF Library of Congress classification (May Subd Geog) USE Stars—Classification BT Classification—Books UF Catalogs, Classified (Universal decimal) — Toys Classification, MSVTI [Former heading] NT Classification, ESAR [Z696.M596] BT Library catalogs — Zoology UF Mezinárodní systeḿ veď eckyć h a technických USE Animals—Classification informací classification Classified defense information Classification, Air MSVTI classification USE Defense information, Classified USE Air classification of materials BT Classification—Books Classification, Baire Classification, Primitive Classified documents USE Baire classes USE Folk classification USE Security classification (Government Classification, BBK Classification, SISO documents) UF BBK classification [Z696.S454-Z696.S4543] Classification, Bibliothecal-bibliographical UF Schema voor de Indeling van de Classified information BT Classification—Books Systematische katalogus in Openbare USE Security classification (Government Classification, Bibliographic bibliotheken documents) USE Bliss Bibliographic classification SISO classification Classification, Bibliothecal-bibliographical BT Classification—Books Classified subject catalogs USE Classification, BBK Classification, Universal decimal USE Classified catalogs Classification, Broad System of Ordering UF Universal decimal classification [Z696.B78] BT Classification—Books Classifiers, Air UF Broad System of Ordering classification Classification, Decimal USE Air classifiers BT Classification Classification (Conflict of laws) Information networks UF Characterization (Conflict of laws) Classifiers (Linguistics) Classification, Colon Qualification (Conflict of laws) [P299.C] USE Colon classification BT Conflict of laws UF Auxiliary numerals (Linguistics) Classification, Deć asépel Law—Classification Determinatives (Linguistics) UF Deć aseṕ el classification Classification (Linguistics) Grammar, Comparative and BT Documentation USE Categorization (Linguistics) general—Classifiers Classification, Decimal Classification (Psychology) BT Linguistics [Z696] USE Categorization (Psychology) SA subdivision Classifiers under names of UF Decimal classification languages and groups of languages, e.g. BT Classification—Books English language--Classifiers NT Bellevue classification system NT Grammar, Comparative and Classification, Dewey decimal general—Determiners Classification, Japanese decimal Classifying spaces [QA612.6] UF Spaces, Classifying BT Fiber bundles (Mathematics) Fiber spaces (Mathematics) Classism (May Subd Geog) BT Attitude (Psychology) Prejudices Social perception RT Social classes Classops Indians USE Clatsop Indians Classper family USE Clasper family Classroom assistants USE Teachers' assistants C-429
Classroom clickers (Student response systems) Molecular sieves Claude glasses (May Subd Geog) USE Student response systems NT Clathrochelates UF Claude Lorrain glasses BT Mirrors Classroom climate Graphite intercalation compounds USE Classroom environment Layered double hydroxides Claude Harris, Jr., Building (Tuscaloosa, Ala.) Clathrate compounds industry (May Subd Geog) UF Harris Building (Tuscaloosa, Ala.) Classroom environment (May Subd Geog) BT Chemical industry BT Medical centers—Alabama UF Classroom climate Clathrate inclusion compounds Climate, Classroom USE Clathrate compounds Claude Lorrain glasses Environment, Classroom Clathrates USE Claude glasses BT Classroom management USE Clathrate compounds Educational sociology Clathrochelates (May Subd Geog) Claude Pepper Federal Building (Miami, Fla.) School environment [QD474] UF Pepper Federal Building (Miami, Fla.) Teacher-student relationships BT Chelates BT Public buildings—Florida Clathrate compounds Classroom learning centers (May Subd Geog) Clathrozoidae (May Subd Geog) Claude Ramsey Post Office (Harrison, Tenn.) [LB3044.8-LB3044.84] [QL377.H9 (Zoology)] UF Ramsey Post Office (Harrison, Tenn.) UF Interest centers approach to teaching UF Clathrozonidae [Former heading] BT Post office buildings—Tennessee Learning center approach to teaching BT Thecate hydroids Learning centers, Classroom NT Clathrozoon Claudia (Fictitious character : Franken) Open classroom approach to teaching Pseudoclathrozoon (Not Subd Geog) BT Instructional materials centers Clathrozonidae UF Claudia Naughton (Fictitious character) USE Clathrozoidae Mrs. David Naughton (Fictitious character) Classroom libraries (May Subd Geog) Clathrozoon (May Subd Geog) Naughton, Claudia (Fictitious character) Here are entered works on collections of books [QL377.H9] Naughton, David, Mrs. (Fictitious character) BT Clathrozoidae maintained in individual classrooms for use by NT Clathrozoon wilsoni Claudia Augusta, Via students in those classrooms. Clathrozoon wilsoni (May Subd Geog) USE Via Claudia Augusta [QL377.H9] BT School libraries BT Clathrozoon Claudia Island (R.I.) Classroom management (May Subd Geog) Claton family USE Block Island (R.I. : Island) USE Clayton family [LB3013] Clatsaps Indians Claudia Naughton (Fictitious character) BT School discipline USE Clatsop Indians USE Claudia (Fictitious character : Franken) Clatset Indians School management and organization USE Makah Indians Claudia Rose (Fictitious character) Teaching Clatskanie Creek (Or.) USE Rose, Claudia (Fictitious character) NT Classroom environment USE Clatskanie River (Or.) Classroom observation Clatskanie River (Or.) Claudia Seferius (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Observation (Educational method) UF Clatskanie Creek (Or.) UF Seferius, Claudia (Fictitious character) Classroom recitation Klaskain Creek (Or.) USE Recitation (Education) Klaskania Creek (Or.) Claudia Valentine (Fictitious character) Classroom response systems Klaskonine Creek (Or.) USE Valentine, Claudia (Fictitious character) USE Student response systems BT Rivers—Oregon Classroom simulators (May Subd Geog) Clatsop, Fort (Or.) Claudication, Intermittent [LB1731] USE Fort Clatsop (Or.) USE Intermittent claudication BT Education—Simulation methods Clatsop Indians (May Subd Geog) Student teaching [E99.C825] Claudii family (Not Subd Geog) Synthetic training devices UF Calt-sops Indians UF Gens Claudia Classroom utilization (May Subd Geog) Chatsops Indians [LB3224 (Colleges)] Cladsaps Indians Claudine (Fictitious character : Colette) UF Space utilization (Education) Clap-sott Indians (Not Subd Geog) BT School buildings—Utilization Clasaps Indians Classrooms (May Subd Geog) Classops Indians Claudio (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) UF Class rooms Clastops Indians (Not Subd Geog) BT Rooms Clâ's Indians UF Claudius (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) School buildings Clatsaps Indians NT Geography rooms and equipment Clatstops Indians Claudiopolis (Ancient city) Music rooms and equipment Clatsup Indians USE Claudiopolis (Bolu İli, Turkey : Extinct city) Science rooms and equipment Klaat-sop Indians Windowless classrooms Klatraps Indians Claudiopolis (Bolu İli, Turkey : Extinct city) Classrooms, Flipped Klatsaps Indians UF Bithynion (Extinct city) USE Flipped classrooms Klatsops Indians Bithynium (Extinct city) Classrooms, Windowless La'̄ k!el̄ ak Indians Claudiopolis (Ancient city) [Former heading] USE Windowless classrooms La'̄ k!el̄ aq Indians Klaudiu Polis (Bolu Il̇ i, Turkey : Extinct city) CLAST (Achievement test) Latsop Indians BT Extinct cities—Turkey USE College Level Academic Skills Test Satchap Indians Turkey—Antiquities Clasterosporium (May Subd Geog) Tlatsap Indians [QK625.D4] Tschlahtsoptschs Indians Claudium Virunum (Extinct city) BT Dematiaceae BT Chinookan Indians USE Virunum (Extinct city) Clasterosporium carpophilum Indians of North America—Oregon USE Stigmina carpophila Clatsop Plains (Or.) Claudius, King of Denmark (Fictitious character) Clastic dikes (May Subd Geog) BT Plains—Oregon (Not Subd Geog) [QE611-QE611.5] Clatsop State Forest (Or.) UF Claudius (Fictitious character : Updike) BT Dikes (Geology) BT Forest reserves—Oregon [Former heading] Sedimentary structures Clatstops Indians NT Clay veins USE Clatsop Indians Claudius (Cat) (Not Subd Geog) Clastic pipes (May Subd Geog) Clatsup Indians BT Cats BT Pipes (Geology) USE Clatsop Indians Clastops Indians Claubaugh family Claudius (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) USE Clatsop Indians USE Clabaugh family USE Claudio (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) Clastopteridae Claucherty family (Not Subd Geog) USE Cercopidae Claucus Sinus (Turkey) Claudius (Fictitious character : Updike) Clastopteromyia USE Fethiye, Gulf of (Turkey) USE Claudius, King of Denmark (Fictitious USE Cladochaeta Clauda Island (Greece) character) Clâ's Indians USE Gavdos Island (Greece) USE Clatsop Indians Claude (Fictitious character : Gackenbach) Claughbaugh family Clathraceae (May Subd Geog) (Not Subd Geog) USE Clabaugh family [QK629.C] Claude (Fictitious character : Nixon) (Not Subd Geog) UF Stink-horn fungi Claude (Fighter plane) Claughber family Stinkhorn fungi USE Mitsubishi A5M (Fighter plane) USE Clabaugh family BT Phallales NT Anthurus Claughton (Steam locomotive) Clathrate compounds USE Claughton Class (Steam locomotives) [QD474] UF Cage inclusion compounds Claughton Class (Steam locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) Clathrate inclusion compounds UF Claughton (Steam locomotive) [Former Clathrates heading] Intercalation compounds LNWR Claughton Class (Steam locomotives) BT Complex compounds BT Steam locomotives Claunch family USE Glantz family Claur family USE Klaar family Claus family (Not Subd Geog) UF Clause family Claw family Clou family Clouse family Klaus family Klause family Klaw family RT Clausius family Klos family Claus Spreckels Building (San Francisco, Calif.) USE Central Tower (San Francisco, Calif.) Clause family USE Claus family C-430
Clausen family Clautht family collections of compositions in several forms or types USE Clawson family USE Cloudt family for solo clavichord. Clauser family Claux Cave (France) SA headings for forms and types of music that USE Clouser family UF Grotte du Claux (France) include \"clavichord\" or \"clavichords\" and BT Caves—France headings with medium of performance that Clauses France—Antiquities include \"clavichord\" or \"clavichords\" USE subdivision Clauses under names of languages and groups of languages Clavacin Clavichord music, Arranged USE Grammar, Comparative and general—Clauses USE Patulin [M32.8-M38.5] Clauses, Concessive Clavaria (May Subd Geog) Clavichord music (4 hands) (May Subd Geog) USE Grammar, Comparative and [QK629.C6] [M200-M204] general—Concessive clauses BT Clavariaceae UF Clavichord duets Clauses, Horn Clavariaceae (May Subd Geog) Clavichord music (Clavichords (2)) (May Subd Geog) USE Horn clauses [QK629.C6 (Mycology)] [M214-M215] BT Cantharellales UF Clavichord duets Clauses, Relative NT Clavaria USE Grammar, Comparative and general—Relative Clavulinopsis Clavicipitaceae (May Subd Geog) clauses Typhula [QK623.C55] BT Clavicipitales Clauses (Law) (May Subd Geog) Clavariadelphus (May Subd Geog) NT Balansia BT Constitutional law [QK629.G6] Claviceps Contracts BT Gomphaceae Cordyceps Deeds Epichloë Legal composition Clavaxinellida (May Subd Geog) Neotyphodium Legal instruments [QL373.D4] Torrubiella Statutes BT Demospongiae Treaties NT Adociidae Clavicipitales (May Subd Geog) Wills [QK623.C57] NT C.I.F. clause Claveau family (Not Subd Geog) BT Pyrenomycetes Copyright—Manufacturing clause Clavecin vertical NT Clavicipitaceae Covenants not to sue Hypomycetaceae Escalator clause USE Clavicytherium Favored nation clause Clavel family (Not Subd Geog) Clavicle Forum selection clause Clavelinidae [QL821] Hold harmless agreements [QM101] No-strike clause USE Polycitoridae UF Collarbone Penalties, Contractual Claverie family (Not Subd Geog) NT Shoulder girdle Rebus sic stantibus clause Claves (May Subd Geog) — Surgery (May Subd Geog) Clauses (Roman law) [MT725.C6 (Instruction)] Clavicylinder (May Subd Geog) BT Roman law BT Percussion instruments Claves and oboe music UF Euphonium (Chladni's) Clausholm Castle (Denmark) USE Oboe and claves music BT Mechanical musical instruments USE Clausholm Slot (Denmark) Claves music Clavicytherium (May Subd Geog) Here are entered compositions not in a specific UF Cembalo verticale Clausholm Slot (Denmark) form or of a specific type for one performer playing UF Clausholm Castle (Denmark) claves, and collections of compositions in several Clavecin vertical BT Palaces—Denmark forms or types for one performer playing claves. Klaviziterium Klavizitherium Clausier family SA headings for forms and types of music that BT Harpsichord USE Clouser family include \"claves\" and headings with medium Clavicytherium music of performance that include \"claves\" Here are entered compositions not in a specific Clausilia (May Subd Geog) form or of a specific type for solo clavicytherium, and [QL430.5.C57] Clavi-harp (May Subd Geog) collections of compositions in several forms or types BT Clausiliidae [ML1091] for solo clavicytherium. UF Claviharpe Clausiliidae (May Subd Geog) Keyed harp SA headings for forms and types of music that [QL430.5.C57] BT Harp include clavicytherium or clavicytheriums UF Door snails Keyboard instruments and headings with medium of performance BT Stylommatophora that include clavicytherium or NT Clausilia Clavi-harp music clavicytheriums Iphigena [M175.C] Macrogastra Clavidae Clavibacter (May Subd Geog) USE Hydractiniidae Clausing family (Not Subd Geog) [QR82.M45 (Microbiology)] Clausius family (Not Subd Geog) BT Microbacteriaceae Clavidae (Cnidaria) NT Clavibacter michiganensis USE Hydractiniidae RT Claus family Clouser family Clavibacter michiganense Claviformin USE Clavibacter michiganensis USE Patulin Clausius virial theorem USE Virial theorem Clavibacter michiganensis (May Subd Geog) Clavigeridae [QR82.M45 (Microbiology)] USE Pselaphidae Clausocalanus (May Subd Geog) UF Clavibacter michiganense [QL444.C72] BT Clavibacter Claviharpe BT Pseudocalanidae USE Clavi-harp Claviceps (May Subd Geog) Clauson family [QK623.C55] Clavioline (May Subd Geog) USE Clawson family BT Clavicipitaceae BT Electronic keyboard (Synthesizer) Grasses—Diseases and pests Clauss family (Not Subd Geog) NT Claviceps paspali Clavioline music Claussen family Claviceps purpurea [M175.C54] Claviceps pusilla Here are entered compositions not in a specific USE Clawson family Claustrophilia (May Subd Geog) Claviceps paspali (May Subd Geog) form or of a specific type for solo clavioline, and [QK623.C55] collections of compositions in several forms or types BT Spatial behavior BT Claviceps for solo clavioline. Claustrophilia in literature (Not Subd Geog) Claustrophobia (May Subd Geog) Claviceps purpurea (May Subd Geog) SA headings for forms and types of music that [QK623.C55] include \"clavioline\" or \"claviolines\" and UF Enclosed places, Fear of BT Claviceps headings with medium of performance that Fear of enclosed places include \"clavioline\" or \"claviolines\" Claviceps pusilla (May Subd Geog) BT Phobias [QK623.C55] Claviorganum (May Subd Geog) Spatial behavior BT Claviceps BT Harpsichord Organ (Musical instrument) Claustrum Clavichord (May Subd Geog) [QP383.6 (Physiology)] [ML651 (History)] Claviorganum and flute music UF Claustrum of insula BT Keyboard instruments USE Flute and claviorganum music BT Basal ganglia NT Cembal d'amour Pedal clavichord Claviorganum music Claustrum of insula [M6-M13] USE Claustrum Clavichord duets USE Clavichord music (4 hands) Clavopsellidae Clausula rebus sic stantibus Clavichord music (Clavichords (2)) USE Bougainvilliidae USE Rebus sic stantibus clause Clavichord makers (May Subd Geog) Clavulanic acid Clausulae (Part songs) BT Musical instrument makers UF Hydroxyethylideneoxooxaazabicycloheptaneca USE Clausulas (Part songs) rboxylic acid Clavichord music BT Carboxylic acids Clausulas (Cadences) [M20-M39] USE Cadences (Music) Here are entered compositions not in a specific Clavulinopsis (May Subd Geog) [QK629.C6] Clausulas (Part songs) (May Subd Geog) form or of a specific type for solo clavichord, and BT Clavariaceae UF Clausulae (Part songs) [Former heading] BT Part songs Part songs, Sacred C-431
Claw — — — Ming-Chʻing dynasties, 1368-1912 Clay teapots USE Claws USE Clay USE Ceramic teapots figurines—China—History—Ming- Claw family Qing dynasties, 1368-1912 Clay tobacco pipes (May Subd Geog) USE Claus family BT Tobacco pipes — — — Ming-Qing dynasties, 1368-1912 Claw-hammer coats UF Clay Clay Torn (Fictitious character) USE Tail coats figurines—China—History—Ming- USE Torn, Clay (Fictitious character) Chʻing dynasties, 1368-1912 Claw of cat (Plant) [Former heading] Clay toys USE Catclaw acacia USE Ceramic toys Clay flowers Clawed jird USE Ceramic flowers Clay veins (May Subd Geog) USE Mongolian gerbil UF Dirt slips Clay gouge Horsebacks (Mining) Clawed lobsters USE Fault gouge Spars (Mining) USE Nephropidae BT Clastic dikes Clay, Henry, Home (Lexington, Ky.) Clay Clawen family USE Ashland (Lexington, Ky.) USE Cluv̈ er family Clay wastes Clay industries (May Subd Geog) UF Wastes, Clay Clawless otter, African [HD9590-HD9600 (Economics)] BT Waste products USE Aonyx capensis [TN941.3 (Mineral resources)] [TP785-TP842 (Technology)] Clay Wood, Mount (Wash.) Clawless otter, Cape BT Ceramic industries USE Claywood, Mount (Wash.) USE Aonyx capensis NT Brick trade Kaolin industry Claybaugh family Claws Pottery industry USE Clabaugh family [QL942] Tile industry UF Claw Clayborn family BT Nails (Anatomy) — Tariff USE Claiborne family USE Tariff on clay products Clawson family (Not Subd Geog) Clayborne family UF Clausen family — Wages USE Claiborne family Clauson family USE Wages—Clay industries Claussen family Claybourn family Clay ingestion USE Claiborne family Claxon family USE Geophagy USE Claxton family Clayburn family Clay-mation films USE Claiborne family Claxton family (Not Subd Geog) USE Clay animation films UF Caxton family Clayburne family Claxon family Clay minerals (May Subd Geog) USE Claiborne family [QE389.625 (Mineralogy)] Clay, Fort (Fort Benton, Mont.) [TA455.C55 (Engineering materials)] Claycomb family (Not Subd Geog) USE Fort Benton (Fort Benton, Mont. : Fort) UF Minerals, Clay UF Claycombe family BT Rock-forming minerals Clay (May Subd Geog) Silicate minerals Claycombe family [QE471.3 (Geology)] NT Illite USE Claycomb family [TN941-TN943 (Mineral resources)] Indianaite [TP811 (Technology)] Kaolinite Clayden family BT Aluminum silicates Palygorskite USE Claydon family Binders (Materials) Smectite Sediments (Geology) Vermiculite Claydon family (Not Subd Geog) Soils Volkonskoite UF Clayden family NT Ball clay Bentonite — Analysis Claydon House (England) Catlinite USE Clay—Analysis BT Manors—England Ceramics Clay soils — Iron content (May Subd Geog) Claydon Pike Site (England) Clay veins BT Iron BT England—Antiquities Diaspore clay Fire-clay Clay modeling Claye family Fuller's earth USE Modeling USE Clay family Kaolin Modeling Clay Peak (Neb.) Clayey soils Paper clay BT Mountains—Nebraska USE Clay soils Particles Precious metal clay Clay pigeon shooting Clayhanger family (Fictitious characters) Swelling soils USE Trapshooting (Not Subd Geog) Tonsteins Clay pipe Clayia (May Subd Geog) — Analysis USE Pipe, Clay [QL540.3.M4] UF Clay minerals—Analysis BT Menoponidae Clay pipe industry (May Subd Geog) — Moisture (May Subd Geog) Clay plaques Clayland family — Therapeutic use (May Subd Geog) USE Cleland family USE Terra-cotta plaques [RM666.C545] Clay Post Office Building (Saint Louis, Mo.) Claymation films NT Baths, Moor and mud USE Clay animation films — Zambia USE William \"Bill\" Clay Post Office Building (Saint NT Kankomo Clay Deposit (Zambia) Louis, Mo.) Claymore family Clay, Amanda (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Clymer family UF Amanda Clay (Fictitious character) Clay pot cookery Clay animation films (May Subd Geog) USE Clay pot cooking Claymore mines (May Subd Geog) UF Clay-mation films BT Land mines Claymation films Clay pot cooking (May Subd Geog) Sculptmation films [TX825.5] Clayoquot Indians (May Subd Geog) BT Stop-motion animation films UF Clay pot cookery [Former heading] [E99.C83] Clay building Cooking, Clay pot UF Claiakwat Indians USE Building, Clay Cooking, Earthenware Ilaoquatsh Indians Clay catalysts (May Subd Geog) Earthenware cooking Klahoquaht Indians BT Catalysts BT Casserole cooking Tlaoquatsh Indians Clay censers Pottery BT Indians of North America—British Columbia USE Ceramic censers Nootka Indians Clay Estate (Ky.) Clay Shannon (Fictitious character) USE White Hall (Ky.) USE Shannon, Clay (Fictitious character) Clayoquot Sound (B.C.) Clay family (Not Subd Geog) BT Sounds (Geomorphology)—British Columbia UF Claye family Clay shoes Clays family USE Ceramic shoes Claypan soils (May Subd Geog) RT Klee family [S592.367 (Agriculture)] Kley family Clay soils (May Subd Geog) BT Clay soils Clay figurines (May Subd Geog) [S592.367 (Agriculture)] Soils Here are entered works on unfired clay figurines. UF Clayey soils Soils, Clay Claypole family UF Figurines, Clay BT Clay USE Claypoole family BT Figurines Soils — China NT Claypan soils Claypool family — — History Terra rossa USE Claypoole family — — — Song-Yuan dynasties, 960-1368 Clay tablets Claypoole family (Not Subd Geog) NT Cuneiform tablets UF Claypole family Claypool family Clay Taggart (Fictitious character) USE Taggart, Clay (Fictitious character) Claypotts Castle (Scotland) UF Claypotts Castle (Tayside) [Former heading] Clay target shooting BT Castles—Scotland USE Trapshooting Claypotts Castle (Tayside) USE Claypotts Castle (Scotland) Clays family USE Clay family Clay's Omnibus Bill, 1850 USE Compromise of 1850 Claystones USE Tonsteins C-432
Clayton (Roslyn, N.Y.) Clean speech BT Chemical industry USE Bryce/Frick Estate (Roslyn, N.Y.) UF Speech, Clean NT Detergent industry BT Conversation Clayton, Kendra (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Soap trade UF Kendra Clayton (Fictitious character) Clean surplus (Accounting) (May Subd Geog) Cleaning crews BT Accounting Clayton (Name) RT Goodwill (Commerce) USE Cleaning personnel BT Names, Geographical Cleaning industry Names, Personal Clean-Up, Operation, Zimbabwe, 2005- USE Operation Murambatsvina, Zimbabwe, 2005- USE Cleaning and dyeing industry Clayton family (Not Subd Geog) Cleaning machinery and appliances (May Subd Geog) UF Claton family Clean-up workers Claytons family USE Cleaning personnel BT Cleaning—Equipment and supplies Cleaton family Machinery Cleeton family Clean Water Month (May Subd Geog) Cleton family BT Special months NT Bottle washing machines Cleyton family Dishwashing machines Clean work stations Dry-cleaning machines Clayton J. Smith Memorial Post Office Building USE Clean rooms Exhaust systems (Pittsburgh, Pa.) Floor cleaning machines UF Smith Memorial Post Office Building Cleaner-fish (Labroides dimidiatus) Wringers (Pittsburgh, Pa.) USE Labroides dimidiatus BT Post office buildings—Pennsylvania Cleaning machinery and appliances industry Cleaner fishes (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial (Duluth, Minn.) Here are entered works on fishes that remove BT Electric household appliances industry BT Memorials—Minnesota Machinery industry parasites and dead skin from the bodies of other NT Machine parts cleaning machinery industry Clayton Lake (Okla.) aquatic animals. UF Sardis Lake (Okla.) Cleaning of crabs BT Lakes—Oklahoma BT Fishes USE Crabs, Dressing of Reservoirs—Oklahoma Cleaners, Window (Persons) Cleaning of fish Clayton Type 1 (Diesel locomotives) USE Window cleaners (Persons) USE Fishes, Dressing of USE Class 17 (Diesel locomotives) Cleaners (Compounds) Cleaning personnel (May Subd Geog) Claytonia (May Subd Geog) USE Cleaning compounds [HD8039.C44] [QK495.P8] Cleaners (Dry cleaners) UF Char workers BT Portulacaceae Charforces USE Dry cleaning industry Charwomen and cleaners [Former heading] Claytons family Cleaners (Persons) Clean-up workers USE Clayton family Cleaners (Persons) USE Cleaning personnel Cleaning crews Claytor family (Not Subd Geog) Cleaning Commercial cleaners (Persons) Claywood, Mount (Wash.) Institutional cleaners (Persons) BT Contamination (Technology) Moppers UF Clay Wood, Mount (Wash.) Surface preparation Scrubbers (Persons) Mount Clay Wood (Wash.) Sweepers (Persons) Mount Claywood (Wash.) SA subdivision Cleaning under topical headings, BT Building-service employees e.g. Cotton--Cleaning RT Janitors BT Mountains—Washington (State) NT Chimney sweeps Olympic Mountains (Wash.) NT Bleaching Hotel cleaning personnel Dishwashing Window cleaners (Persons) Clazomenae (Ancient city) Dry cleaning Women cleaning personnel USE Clazomenae (Extinct city) House cleaning Laundry — Labor unions (May Subd Geog) Clazomenae (Extinct city) Metal cleaning Cleaning preparations UF Clazomenae (Ancient city) [Former heading] Pet cleanup Klazomenai (Extinct city) Pressure washing USE Cleaning compounds Klazum̈ en (Extinct city) Spotting (Cleaning) Cleanliness BT Extinct cities—Turkey Street cleaning Turkey—Antiquities Sweeping and dusting USE Baths Ultrasonic cleaning Hygiene Cle Elum Lake (Wash.) Vacuum cleaning Sanitation UF Cle Elum Reservoir (Wash.) Window cleaning Clealum Lake (Wash.) Cleanliness, Ritual Lake Cle Elum (Wash.) — Equipment and supplies USE Purity, Ritual BT Lakes—Washington (State) NT Brooms and brushes Reservoirs—Washington (State) Cleaning compounds Cleanrooms Cleaning machinery and appliances USE Clean rooms Cle Elum Reservoir (Wash.) Mops and mopsticks USE Cle Elum Lake (Wash.) Cleansers Cleaning agents USE Washing powders Cle Elum River (Wash.) USE Cleaning compounds BT Rivers—Washington (State) Cleansers (Compounds) Cleaning and dyeing industry (May Subd Geog) USE Cleaning compounds Clealand family [HD9999.C48-HD9999.C484 (Economics)] USE Cleland family [TP932-TP932.6 (Technology)] Cleansing, Ethnic UF Cleaning industry USE Forced migration Clealum Lake (Wash.) BT Service industries Genocide USE Cle Elum Lake (Wash.) RT Bleaching industry Population transfers Dyes and dyeing Clean and unclean NT Carpet cleaning industry Cleansing agents USE Purity, Ritual Dry cleaning industry USE Cleaning compounds Rug cleaning Clean coal technologies (May Subd Geog) Cleansing of the leper (Miracle) UF CCT (Clean coal technologies) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Healing of the leper (Miracle) Technologies, Clean coal — Strikes and lockouts BT Green technology Cleansing of the leper (Miracle) in art RT Coal—Environmental aspects USE Strikes and lockouts—Cleaning and USE Healing of the leper (Miracle) in art dyeing industry Clean energy (May Subd Geog) Cleansing of the ten lepers (Miracle) UF Green energy — Wages USE Healing of the ten lepers (Miracle) BT Power resources USE Wages—Cleaning and dyeing industry Cleansweep I, Operation, 1965 Clean energy industries (May Subd Geog) Cleaning compounds (May Subd Geog) USE Operation Cleansweep I, 1968 [HD9502.5.C54-HD9502.5.C544] [TP990-TP992.5 (Chemical technology)] UF Green energy industries UF Cleaners (Compounds) Cleantis (May Subd Geog) BT Energy industries Cleaning agents [QL444.M34] Cleaning preparations BT Idoteidae — Finance Cleansers (Compounds) NT Clean energy investment Cleansing agents Cleanup, Beach BT Chemicals USE Marine debris—Cleanup Clean energy investment (May Subd Geog) Cleaning—Equipment and supplies UF Green energy investment NT Detergents Cleanup, Pet Investment in clean energy Dishwashing liquids USE Pet cleanup BT Clean energy industries—Finance Paint removers Investments Scouring compounds Cleanup of contaminated soil Soap USE Soil remediation Clean rooms (May Subd Geog) Washing powders [TH7694] Cleanup of hazardous waste sites UF Clean work stations — Advertising USE Hazardous waste site remediation Cleanrooms USE Advertising—Cleaning compounds Factories—Clean rooms Cleanup of marine debris White rooms — Labeling (May Subd Geog) USE Marine debris—Cleanup BT Rooms — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) NT Laminar flow clean rooms Cleaning compounds industry (May Subd Geog) Cleanup of oil spills USE Oil spills—Cleanup — Microbiology (May Subd Geog) [HD9999.C486-HD9999.C4864] BT Sanitary microbiology Cleanup of radioactive waste sites USE Radioactive waste sites—Cleanup Clear air turbulence (May Subd Geog) [QC880.4.T7] C-433
Clear air turbulence (Continued) Clear Fork Watershed (Tenn. and Ky.) Clearing House Interbank Payments System BT Atmospheric turbulence BT Watersheds—Kentucky USE Clearinghouses (Banking) Jet stream Watersheds—Tennessee Vertical wind shear Clearing houses Clear Island (Ireland) USE Clearinghouses Clear cell carcinoma UF Cape Clear Island (Ireland) USE Renal cell carcinoma Cleí re Island (Ireland) Clearing of land (May Subd Geog) Inis Cléire (Ireland) [S607] Clear Creek (Big Horn County-Sheridan County, Wyo.) BT Islands—Ireland Here are entered works on the removal of trees BT Rivers—Wyoming Clear Lake (Center, LaPorte County, Ind.) and bushes from land. Works on bringing wild, waste, Clear Creek (Clear Creek County, Colo.) BT Lakes—Indiana or marshy land into a condition for cultivation or other BT Rivers—Colorado use are entered under Reclamation of land. Clear Lake (Cerro Gordo County, Iowa : Lake) Clear Creek (Colfax County-Polk County, Neb.) BT Lakes—Iowa UF Land clearing BT Rivers—Nebraska BT Reclamation of land Clear Lake (Douglas County, Or.) RT Deforestation Clear Creek (Denali Borough and Yukon-Koyukuk UF Jarvis Lake (Or.) NT Clearcutting Census Area, Alaska) BT Lakes—Oregon UF Slim Avery Creek (Alaska) Shifting cultivation Tokun' No' (Alaska) Clear Lake (Galveston County and Harris County, Tex.) Tree stump removal Tookun' No' (Alaska) BT Lakes—Texas Clearing of securities (May Subd Geog) Ts'aat'aanaa No' (Alaska) [HG4631] BT Rivers—Alaska Clear Lake (Lake County, Calif.) UF Clearance of securities BT Lakes—California Clearing of stocks Clear Creek (Kitsap County, Wash.) Settlement of securities BT Rivers—Washington (State) Clear Lake (Le Sueur County, Minn.) Stock clearing BT Lakes—Minnesota BT Clearinghouses (Banking) Clear Creek (Pierce County, Wash.) Securities BT Rivers—Washington (State) Clear Lake (Modoc County, Calif. : Reservoir) RT Banks and banking—Securities processing BT Reservoirs—California Clearing of stocks Clear Creek (San Benito County, Calif.) USE Clearing of securities BT Rivers—California Clear Lake (Steuben County, Ind. : Lake) Clearinghouse BT Lakes—Indiana USE Clearinghouses (Banking) Clear Creek (Saunders County, Neb.) Clearinghouses (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Nebraska Clear Lake (Utah : Lake) UF Clearing houses UF Spring Lake (Utah : Lake) Information clearinghouses Clear Creek (Southeast Fairbanks Census Area, BT Lakes—Utah BT Information services Alaska) NT Clearinghouses (Banking) UF Richardson Clearwater Creek (Alaska) Clear Lake gnat (May Subd Geog) Copyright clearinghouses BT Rivers—Alaska [QL537.C43 (Zoology)] Clearinghouses (Banking) (May Subd Geog) UF Chaoborus astictopus [HG2301-HG2351] Clear Creek (Valley County, Idaho) Chaoborus lacustris UF ACH (Banking) BT Rivers—Idaho BT Chaoborus Automated clearinghouses (Banking) Bank clearinghouses Clear Creek (Washington County, Ark.) Clear Lake National Wildlife Refuge (Calif.) Bank clearings BT Rivers—Arkansas BT National parks and reserves—California CHAMPS (Banking) Wildlife refuges—California Check clearinghouses Clear Creek (Yavapai County and Coconino County, CHIPS (Banking) Ariz.) Clear Lake Pomo language Clearing banks USE West Clear Creek (Ariz.) USE Eastern Pomo language Clearing House Automated Payments System Clearing House Interbank Payments System Clear Creek Canyon (Colo.) Clear Lake Watershed (Modoc County, Calif.) Clearinghouse [Former heading] BT Canyons—Colorado BT Watersheds—California BT Banks and banking Clearinghouses Clear Creek Canyon (Utah) Clear liquid diet NT Check collection systems BT Canyons—Utah USE Liquid diet Clearing of securities — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Clear Creek Distribution System (Calif.) Clear tape BT Water-supply—California USE Transparent tape BT Banking law Cleark family Clear Creek Mountain (Utah) Clear Water Bay (China) BT Mountains—Utah UF Qingshui Wan (China) USE Clark family Tsing Shui Wan (China) Clearman family (Not Subd Geog) Clear Creek Mountains (Box Elder County, Utah) BT Bays—China Clearnose skate (May Subd Geog) USE Raft River Mountains (Box Elder County, Utah) Clearance of securities [QL638.85.R3] Clear Creek State Park (Pa.) USE Clearing of securities UF Raja eglanteria BT Parks—Pennsylvania BT Raja (Fish) Clearance sales Clearwater Bridge (Lewiston, Idaho) Clear Creek Watershed (Clear Creek County, Colo.) USE Special sales USE Clearwater River Memorial Bridge (Lewiston, BT Watersheds—Colorado Clearances, Security Idaho) Clear Creek Watershed (Kitsap County, Wash.) USE Security clearances Clearwater Creek (Southeast Fairbanks Census Area, BT Watersheds—Washington (State) Clearances (Aeronautics) Alaska) Clear Creek Watershed (Pierce County, Wash.) USE Air traffic control clearances BT Rivers—Alaska BT Watersheds—Washington (State) Clearances (Electric railroads) Clearwater family (Not Subd Geog) Clear-cutting USE Electric railroads—Clearances UF Clearwaters family USE Clearcutting Clearances (Railroads) Clearwater Lake (Columbia-Shuswap, B.C.) Clear family USE Railroads—Clearances BT Lakes—British Columbia USE Clare family Clearances (Tunnels) Clearwater Lake (Mo.) Clear-felling USE Tunnels—Clearances UF Clearwater Reservoir (Mo.) USE Clearcutting BT Lakes—Missouri Clearances (Underpasses) Reservoirs—Missouri Clear Fork, Trinity River (Tex.) USE Underpasses—Clearances USE Clear Fork (Parker County and Tarrant County, Clearwater Lake Provincial Park (Man.) Tex.) Clearcut lands BT Parks—Manitoba USE Cutover lands Clear Fork (Ariz.) Clearwater Lakes (Mont.) USE West Clear Creek (Ariz.) Clearcutting (May Subd Geog) BT Lakes—Montana [SD387.C58 (Forest management)] Clear Fork (Parker County and Tarrant County, Tex.) [SD427.C53 (Forest reserves)] Clearwater Lakes Watershed (Mont.) UF Clear Fork, Trinity River (Tex.) UF Clear-cutting [Former heading] BT Watersheds—Montana Trinity River, Clear Fork (Tex.) Clear-felling BT Rivers—Texas Clearfelling Clearwater Memorial Bridge (Lewiston, Idaho) Forest clearcutting USE Clearwater River Memorial Bridge (Lewiston, Clear Fork (Tenn. and Ky.) Timber clearcutting Idaho) UF Clear Fork River (Tenn. and Ky.) [Former BT Clearing of land heading] Forest management Clearwater Mountains (Alaska) Clearfork (Tenn. and Ky.) Logging BT Mountains—Alaska BT Rivers—Kentucky RT Cutover lands Rivers—Tennessee Clearwater National Forest (Idaho) Clearfelling BT Forest reserves—Idaho Clear Fork of Sandies (Tex.) USE Clearcutting National parks and reserves—Idaho BT Rivers—Texas Clearfork (Tenn. and Ky.) Clearwater Reservoir (Mo.) Clear Fork of Sandies Watershed (Tex.) USE Clear Fork (Tenn. and Ky.) USE Clearwater Lake (Mo.) BT Watersheds—Texas Clearing, International Clear Fork of the Brazos River, Post on the (Tex.) USE International clearing USE Fort Phantom Hill (Tex. : Fort) Clearing agreements Clear Fork River (Tenn. and Ky.) USE International clearing USE Clear Fork (Tenn. and Ky.) Clearing banks Clear Fork River Valley (Tenn. and Ky.) USE Clearinghouses (Banking) USE Clear Fork Valley (Tenn. and Ky.) Clearing factor Clear Fork Valley (Tenn. and Ky.) USE Lipoprotein lipase UF Clear Fork River Valley (Tenn. and Ky.) [Former heading] Clearing House Automated Payments System BT Valleys—Kentucky USE Clearinghouses (Banking) Valleys—Tennessee C-434
Clearwater River, North Fork (Idaho) Clarys family Clefford family UF North Fork, Clearwater River (Idaho) Cleery family USE Clifford family BT Rivers—Idaho Clery family RT Clary-Aldringen family Cleford family Clearwater River, North Fork, Watershed (Idaho) O Cleí righ family USE Clifford family BT Watersheds—Idaho Cleary Site (N.Y.) USE Dutch Hollow Site (N.Y.) Cleft family Clearwater River, South Fork (Idaho) Cleat (Turboprop) USE Clift family UF South Fork, Clearwater River (Idaho) USE Tupolev Tu-114 (Turboprop) BT Rivers—Idaho Cleatham Cemetery Site (Cleatham, England) Cleft lip (May Subd Geog) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic [RD524] Clearwater River, South Fork, Watershed (Idaho) subdivision. UF Harelip [Former heading] BT Watersheds—Idaho BT Lips—Abnormalities BT Cemeteries—England Clearwater River (Eau Claire County, Wis.) England—Antiquities Cleft palate (May Subd Geog) USE Eau Claire River (Eau Claire County, Wis.) UF Palate, Cleft Cleaton family BT Palate—Abnormalities Clearwater River (Idaho) USE Clayton family NT Larsen's syndrome BT Rivers—Idaho Cleavage, Bond (Chemistry) — Psychological aspects Clearwater River (Jefferson County, Wash.) USE Scission (Chemistry) Cleft palate children (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Washington (State) Cleavage of mica crystals UF Children with cleft palates Clearwater River (Lewis and Clark County and Cascade USE Mica crystals—Cleavage BT Children with disabilities County, Mont.) Cleft palate services (May Subd Geog) USE Dearborn River (Mont.) Cleavage of rocks BT Medical care USE Rocks—Cleavage Clegg family (Not Subd Geog) Clearwater River (Meeker County-Wright County, Minn.) UF Cleggett family BT Rivers—Minnesota Cleave family USE Cleaves family Cleggs family Clearwater River (Missoula County, Mont.) Cleggett family BT Rivers—Montana Cleaveland family USE Cleveland family USE Clegg family Clearwater River (Sask. and Alta.) Cleggs family BT Rivers—Alberta Cleavenger family Rivers—Saskatchewan USE Clevenger family USE Clegg family Cleghorn family Clearwater River Basin (Jefferson County, Wash.) Cleaver, John Wayne (Fictitious character) USE Clearwater River Watershed (Jefferson County, (Not Subd Geog) USE Claghorn family Wash.) UF John Cleaver (Fictitious character) Cleides Islands (Cyprus) John Wayne Cleaver (Fictitious character) Clearwater River Basin (Missoula County, Mont.) USE Klidhes Islands (Cyprus) USE Clearwater River Watershed (Missoula County, Cleaver family (Not Subd Geog) Cleidogonidae (May Subd Geog) Mont.) UF Clever family [QL449.65.C5] Clearwater River Bridge (Lewiston, Idaho) Cleavers (Knives) (May Subd Geog) BT Chordeumida USE Clearwater River Memorial Bridge (Lewiston, UF Butchers' cleavers Cléire Island (Ireland) Idaho) Meat axes USE Clear Island (Ireland) Meat cleavers Cléirigh family Clearwater River Drainage (Missoula County, Mont.) BT Knives USE O Cléirigh family USE Clearwater River Watershed (Missoula County, Cleise family Mont.) Cleavers (Plants) USE Ceise family USE Galium Cleisostoma (May Subd Geog) Clearwater River Memorial Bridge (Lewiston, Idaho) [QK495.O64 (Botany)] This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Cleaverworts BT Orchids USE Galium Cleistogamy (May Subd Geog) subdivision. BT Fertilization of plants Cleaves family (Not Subd Geog) UF Clearwater Bridge (Lewiston, Idaho) UF Cleave family Flowers Clearwater Memorial Bridge (Lewiston, Idaho) Cleeves family Pollination Clearwater River Bridge (Lewiston, Idaho) Cleve family Clela (African people) USE Dakakari (African people) BT Bridges—Idaho Cleaving to God (Judaism) Cleland family (Not Subd Geog) Clearwater River Valley (Idaho) USE Devekut UF Clayland family Clealand family UF Clearwater Valley (Idaho) Cleavinger family Cleelan family BT Valleys—Idaho USE Clevenger family Cleeland family Clearwater River Valley (Sask. and Alta.) Clelland family UF Clearwater Valley (Sask. and Alta.) Clebsch-Gordan coefficients Clelon family BT Valleys—Alberta UF C-coefficient Cleyland family Coefficients, Clebsch-Gordan Clelia Valleys—Saskatchewan Vector-coupling coefficient USE Mussuranas Clearwater River Watershed (Idaho) Wigner coefficient Clelland family BT Angular momentum (Nuclear physics) USE Cleland family BT Watersheds—Idaho Quantum theory Clelon family Clearwater River Watershed (Jefferson County, Wash.) RT Racah coefficients USE Cleland family BT Vector analysis Clem Bay (Md.) UF Clearwater River Basin (Jefferson County, USE Saint Clements Bay (Md.) Wash.) Cleckner family Clem family (Not Subd Geog) USE Kleckner family UF Clemma family BT Watersheds—Washington (State) Clemmo family Clearwater River Watershed (Meeker County-Wright Cleddau, River (Wales) Clemo family UF Afon Cleddau (Wales) Clemoe family County, Minn.) Afonydd Cleddau (Wales) Clemoes family BT Watersheds—Minnesota River Cleddau (Wales) Clemow family BT Rivers—Wales Clim family Clearwater River Watershed (Missoula County, Mont.) Climo family UF Clearwater River Basin (Missoula County, Cleek family (Not Subd Geog) Climoes family Mont.) Cleelan family Climow family Clearwater River Drainage (Missoula County, Climowe family Mont.) USE Cleland family Clyme family BT Watersheds—Montana Cleeland family Clymo family Klem family Clearwater Valley (Idaho) USE Cleland family Klemm family USE Clearwater River Valley (Idaho) Cleenewerck de Crayencour family (Not Subd Geog) Clem Rogers McSpadden Post Office Building (Chelsea, Okla.) Clearwater Valley (Sask. and Alta.) UF Crayencour family UF McSpadden Post Office Building (Chelsea, USE Clearwater River Valley (Sask. and Alta.) de Crayencour family Okla.) BT Post office buildings—Oklahoma Clearwaters family Cleer family Clemans family USE Clearwater family USE Clare family USE Clements family Clematis (May Subd Geog) Clearwing moths (May Subd Geog) Cleery family [QK495.R215 (Botany)] [QL561.S47] USE Cleary family [SB413.C6 (Culture)] UF Aegeriidae [Former heading] BT Ranunculaceae Sesiidae Cleeton family Trochiliidae (Insects) USE Clayton family BT Lepidoptera Moths Cleeve Cloud (England) NT Osminia USE Cleeve Hill (England) Paranthrene Pennisetia Cleeve Hill (England) Sanninoidea UF Cleeve Cloud (England) Sesia BT Cotswold Hills (England) Synanthedon Mountains—England Cleary, Lilly (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Cleever, Denise (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) UF Lilly Cleary (Fictitious character) UF Denise Cleever (Fictitious character) Cleary Creek (Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska) Cleeves family BT Rivers—Alaska USE Cleaves family Cleary family (Not Subd Geog) UF Clary family C-435
Clematis (Continued) Clemont family Clemson Experimental Forest (S.C.) NT Chinese clematis Clemonts family UF Clemson College Land Use Area (S.C.) Clematis vitalba RT Clemmensen family Clemson Forest (S.C. : Experimental forest) Clementz family Clemson University Forest (S.C.) Clematis aurea USE Clements family BT Experimental forests—South Carolina USE Chinese clematis Clemings family USE Clements family Clemson family (Not Subd Geog) Clematis orientalis Clemins family Clemson Forest (S.C. : Experimental forest) USE Chinese clematis USE Clements family CLEMMA (Computer system) USE Clemson Experimental Forest (S.C.) Clematis vitalba (May Subd Geog) UF CLEMMA Configuration Librarian System Clemson House (Clemson, S.C.) [QK495.R215 (Botany)] (Computer system) UF Evergreen clematis BT Computer software BT Dormitories—South Carolina Old man's beard (Plant) Configuration management Clemson Memorial Stadium (Clemson, S.C.) Traveller's joy (Plant) CLEMMA Configuration Librarian System (Computer BT Clematis system) UF Death Valley (Clemson, S.C.) USE CLEMMA (Computer system) Frank Howard Field at Memorial Stadium Clemence family Clemma family (Clemson, S.C.) USE Clements family USE Clem family Frank Howard Memorial Stadium (Clemson, Clemmans family S.C.) Clemenceau Bridge (Singapore) USE Clements family Howard Field at Memorial Stadium (Clemson, BT Bridges—Singapore Clemmence family S.C.) USE Clements family Howard Memorial Stadium (Clemson, S.C.) Clemency (May Subd Geog) Clemmens family Memorial Stadium (Clemson, S.C.) UF Executive clemency USE Clements family BT Criminal justice, Administration of Clemmensen family (Not Subd Geog) BT Stadiums—South Carolina Executive power UF Clemensen family Clemson University Forest (S.C.) RT Amnesty Clemenson family Forgiveness Clemmesen family USE Clemson Experimental Forest (S.C.) Pardon RT Clements family Clemson University Restoration Institute North Clemmensen reaction Clemency in art (Not Subd Geog) USE Clemmensen reduction Charleston Research Park (North Charleston, S.C.) Clemency in literature (Not Subd Geog) Clemmensen reduction USE CURI North Charleston Research Park (North Clemens, Atta Olivia (Fictitious character) UF Clemmensen reaction BT Reduction (Chemistry) Charleston, S.C.) (Not Subd Geog) Clemment family Clendenen family UF Atta Clemens (Fictitious character) USE Clements family Atta Olivia Clemens (Fictitious character) Clemments family USE Glendening family Clemens, Olivia Atta (Fictitious character) USE Clements family Clendenin family Olivia Clemens (Fictitious character) Clemmer family (Not Subd Geog) UF Klemmer family USE Glendening family Clemens, Olivia Atta (Fictitious character) Clemmesen family Clendening family USE Clemens, Atta Olivia (Fictitious character) USE Clemmensen family Clemmings family USE Glendening family Clemens family USE Clements family Clendenning family USE Clements family Clemmins family USE Clements family USE Glendening family Clemens House (Hartford, Conn.) Clemmo family Clendenon family USE Mark Twain House (Hartford, Conn.) USE Clem family Clemmon family USE Glendening family Clemensen family USE Clements family Clendinen family USE Clemmensen family Clemmons Educational State Forest (N.C.) BT Forest reserves—North Carolina USE Glendening family Clemenson family Clemmons family Clendinnen family USE Clemmensen family USE Clements family Clemmys (May Subd Geog) USE Glendening family Clemenswerth Palace (Sog̈ el, Germany) [QL666.C547 (Zoology)] Clendon family USE Schloss Clemenswerth (Sog̈ el, Germany) BT Emydidae NT Clemmys guttata USE Clinton family Clement, Jules (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Clemmys guttata (May Subd Geog) Clent Hills (England) UF Jules Clement (Fictitious character) [QL666.C547] Sheriff Clement (Fictitious character) UF Spotted turtle BT Mountains—England Sheriff Jules Clement (Fictitious character) BT Clemmys Clentan family Clemmys insculpta Clement Bay (Md.) USE Wood turtle USE Clinton family USE Saint Clements Bay (Md.) Clemmys marmorata Clenton family USE Western pond turtle Clement family Clemmys muhlenbergii USE Clinton family USE Clements family USE Bog turtle Cleo (Fictitious character : Blackstone) Clemo family Clement huts (May Subd Geog) USE Clem family (Not Subd Geog) BT Buildings, Prefabricated Clemoe family Cleó (Fictitious character : Paquet) (Not Subd Geog) Huts USE Clem family Clemoes family UF Cleó Clic Clic (Fictitious character) Clemente family (Not Subd Geog) USE Clem family Cleó Clic Clic (Fictitious character) UF Clementi family Clemon family Clemento family USE Clements family USE Cleó (Fictitious character : Paquet) RT Clemente Pinto family Clemonds family Cleobis (Greek mythology) (Not Subd Geog) USE Clements family Clemente Pinto family (Not Subd Geog) Clemons, Frank (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) [BL820.C62] RT Clemente family UF Frank Clemons (Fictitious character) BT Mythology, Greek Pinto family Clemons family Cleome (May Subd Geog) USE Clements family [QK495.C198] Clemente Post Office (Chicago, Ill.) Clemont family BT Capparaceae USE Roberto Clemente Post Office (Chicago, Ill.) USE Clements family NT Cleome angustifolia Clemonts family Clementi family USE Clements family Cleome arabica USE Clemente family Clemow family Cleome angustifolia (May Subd Geog) USE Clem family Clémentine (Fictitious character : Brouillet) Clemson College Land Use Area (S.C.) [QK495.C198] (Not Subd Geog) USE Clemson Experimental Forest (S.C.) BT Cleome Cleome arabica (May Subd Geog) Clemento family [QK495.C198] USE Clemente family BT Cleome Cleomella (May Subd Geog) Clements Bay (Md.) [QK495.C198] USE Saint Clements Bay (Md.) BT Capparaceae NT Cleomella plocasperma Clements family (Not Subd Geog) Cleomella mojavensis UF Clemans family USE Cleomella plocasperma Clemence family Cleomella oocarpa Clemens family USE Cleomella plocasperma Clement family [Former heading] Cleomella plocasperma (May Subd Geog) Clementz family [QK495.C198] Clemings family UF Alkali cleomella Clemins family Clemmans family Alkali rhombopod Clemmence family Cleomella mojavensis Clemmens family Cleomella oocarpa Clemment family Cleomella stenosperma Clemments family Flat-seeded cleomella Clemmings family BT Cleomella Clemmins family Cleomella stenosperma Clemmon family USE Cleomella plocasperma Clemmons family Cleonidae Clemon family USE Curculionidae Clemonds family Cleonymidae Clemons family USE Pteromalidae C-436
CLEOPATRA (Computer program language) BT Vocation, Ecclesiastical SA subdivision Clergy--Pensions under [QA76.73.C] SA subdivision Clergy--Appointment, call, and names of denominations, e.g. Catholic UF Comprehensive language for elegant operating Church--Clergy--Pensions systems and translator design (Computer election under church denominations, program language) e.g. Catholic Church--Clergy-- — Political activity (May Subd Geog) Appointment, call, and election [BV4327] Cleopatra Kapısı (Tarsus, Turkey) NT Clergy—Relocation USE Kleopatra Kapısı (Tarsus, Turkey) Missionaries—Appointment, call, and — Post-ordination training election [BV4165] Cleopatra's Gate (Tarsus, Turkey) Pastoral search committees UF Post-ordination training USE Kleopatra Kapısı (Tarsus, Turkey) — — Middle Ages, 600-1500 BT Theology—Study and teaching — Change of church NT Doctor of ministry degree Cleopatra's Needle (New York, N.Y.) USE Clergy—Relocation BT Obelisks—New York (State) — Clothing (May Subd Geog) — Prayer-books and devotions Here are entered works on the clothing worn by USE Clergy—Prayers and devotions Cleora (May Subd Geog) clergy in daily life and on the street. Works on the [QL561.G6] distinctive attire and insignia worn by clergy and — Prayers and devotions BT Geometridae their assistants when performing liturgical and Here are entered collections of prayers and other services of the church are entered under Clepper family Church vestments. devotions for personal use by clergy. Prayers USE Klepper family offered on behalf of clergy are entered under UF Clergy—Costume [Former heading] Prayers for clergy. Works containing the formal or Clepsydras Clerical costume general prayers used in public worship are entered USE Water clocks Clerical dress under Pastoral prayers. Clerical habit Cleptidae Ecclesiastical dress UF Clergy—Prayer-books and devotions USE Chrysididae Ecclesiastical garb [Former heading] Ecclesiastical habit Cleptomania Habit, Clerical — Pretheological education USE Kleptomania Habit, Ecclesiastical USE Pretheological education Cleŕ ambault syndrome NT Catholic Church—Clergy—Deprivation of — Public relations (May Subd Geog) USE Erotomania the clerical garb UF Public relations—Clergy [Former heading] Cleŕ el family (Not Subd Geog) — Conferences — Religious life (May Subd Geog) Clergy (May Subd Geog) USE Clergy conferences NT Prayers for clergy Spiritual retreats for clergy [BV659-BV683] — Confidential communications UF Clergy—Major orders USE Confidential communications—Clergy — Relocation (May Subd Geog) [BV664] Clergy members — Costume UF Change of clergy Clergymen USE Clergy—Clothing Change of pastors Indigenous clergy Clergy—Change of church Major orders — Counseling of (May Subd Geog) Clergy—Rotation Members of the clergy [BV4398.5] Pastoral relocation Ministers (Clergy) UF Counseling for clergy [Former heading] Relocation of clergy Ministers of the gospel Rotation of clergy Native clergy [Former heading] — Deposition Transfer of clergy Ordained clergy UF Deposition of clergy BT Clergy—Appointment, call, and election Ordained ministers SA subdivision Clergy--Deposition under Orders, Major individual Christian denominations, e.g. — Residence Pastors Catholic Church--Clergy--Deposition USE Clergy—Residence requirements Rectors NT Catholic Church—Clergy—Deposition BT Religious leaders — Residence requirements (May Subd Geog) SA subdivision Clergy under individual Christian — Divorce UF Clergy—Residence [Former heading] denominations, e.g. Catholic Church--Clergy [BV4395.5] Residence, Clerical NT Anti-clericalism UF Divorce and the clergy Archdeacons Divorced clergy — Retirement (May Subd Geog) Associate clergy [BV4382] Bishops — Etiquette (May Subd Geog) Boy bishops [BV4011.5] — Rotation Canons, Cathedral, collegiate, etc. UF Clerical etiquette USE Clergy—Relocation Celibacy BT Church etiquette Chaplains — Salaries, etc. (May Subd Geog) Children of clergy — Family relationships (May Subd Geog) [BV4380-BV4381] Christian education directors [BV4396] UF Clergy—Salaries, pensions, etc. [Former Circuit riders heading] City clergy — Fiction BT Church finance Clericalism — Installation SA subdivision Clergy--Salaries, etc. under Confessors names of denominations, e.g. Catholic Confidential communications—Clergy USE Installation (Clergy) Church--Clergy--Salaries, etc. Deacons — Leaves of absence NT Benefices, Ecclesiastical Deans, Cathedral and collegiate English language—Conversation and phrase [BV4011.8] — Salaries, pensions, etc. books (for clergy, etc.) BT Leave of absence USE Clergy—Pensions Ex-clergy — Legal status, laws, etc. (May Subd Geog) Clergy—Salaries, etc. Families of clergy — Major orders Free churches—Clergy USE Bishops — Secular employment (May Subd Geog) Gay clergy UF Bivocational clergy Interim clergy Clergy Dual role clergy Islam—Functionaries — Malpractice (May Subd Geog) Nonstipendiary clergy Lesbian clergy Secular employment of clergy Mental health clergy UF Tort liability of clergy Self-supporting clergy Minor canons, Cathedral, collegiate, etc. BT Ecclesiastical law Shared-time clergy New Age ministers Tentmakers (Clergy) Ordination Malpractice BT Clergy, Part-time Patronage, Ecclesiastical RT Tort liability of religious corporations Priest workers Priests — Minor orders (May Subd Geog) SA subdivision Clergy--Secular employment Privileges and immunities, Ecclesiastical NT Acolytes under individual denominations, e.g. Rabbis — Nazi persecution (May Subd Geog) Catholic Church--Clergy--Secular Retired clergy UF Nazi persecution of clergy employment Rural chapters BT Persecution Rural clergy — Sexual behavior (May Subd Geog) Rural deans World War, 1939-1945—Atrocities NT Child sexual abuse by clergy Shinto priests — Office Sexual misconduct by clergy Spiritual directors Spouses of clergy UF Christian ministry — Sexual misconduct Tonsure Ecclesiastical office USE Sexual misconduct by clergy Vicars, Parochial Holy orders Women clergy Ministry — Spouses — Appointment, call, and election Office, Ecclesiastical USE Spouses of clergy Sacred ministry [BV664] — Taxation (May Subd Geog) UF Clergy—Vocation NT Ministry and Christian union — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Pastoral relations committees — Vocation Religion as a profession — Pensions (May Subd Geog) USE Clergy—Appointment, call, and election [BV4382] — England UF Clergy—Salaries, pensions, etc. [Former heading] BT Church of England—Clergy Ecclesiastical pensions — United States Pensions, Ecclesiastical BT Church finance NT African American clergy Chinese American clergy Hispanic American clergy Japanese American clergy C-437
Clergy Pastoral conferences Clergy — United States (Continued) BT Councils and synods RT Anti-clericalism Korean American clergy Clergy conferences (Canon law) Cleridae (May Subd Geog) Mexican American clergy BT Canon law [QL596.C62] Clergy couples (May Subd Geog) UF Checkered beetles Clergy, African American [BV675.7] USE African American clergy UF Two-clergy couples Corynetidae BT Couples Korynetidae Clergy, Black (May Subd Geog) Clergy dropouts BT Beetles UF Black clergy USE Ex-clergy NT Acanthocollum Clergy families Aphelocerus Clergy, Chinese American USE Families of clergy Aulicus USE Chinese American clergy Clergy Hall Plantation (S.C.) Ichnea USE Fort Hill Plantation (S.C.) Perilypus Clergy, City Clergy Hill Plantation (S.C.) Plocamocera USE City clergy USE Fort Hill Plantation (S.C.) Silveirasia Clergy in art (Not Subd Geog) Stegnoclava Clergy, Country Clergy in literature (Not Subd Geog) Trichodes USE Rural clergy SA subdivision Characters--Clergy under names of Cleŕ igh family USE O Cleí righ family Clergy, Hispanic American individual literary authors, e.g. Shakespeare, Clérigos Menores (Toledo, Spain) USE Hispanic American clergy William, 1564-1616--Characters--Clergy USE Cigarral de Menores (Toledo, Spain) Clergy in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) Clerihews (Not Subd Geog) Clergy, Interim [PN1995.9.C52] BT Poetry USE Interim clergy UF Clergy in moving-pictures [Former heading] Clerihews, American (May Subd Geog) BT Motion pictures UF American clerihews Clergy, Japanese American Clergy in moving-pictures BT American poetry USE Japanese American clergy USE Clergy in motion pictures Clerihews, English (May Subd Geog) Clergy members UF English clerihews Clergy, Korean American USE Clergy BT English poetry USE Korean American clergy Clergy on television (Not Subd Geog) Clerk (The English word) Here are entered works on the portrayal of clergy UF Clerk (The word) [Former heading] Clergy, Mexican American on television. BT English language—Etymology USE Mexican American clergy Clerk (The word) BT Television USE Clerk (The English word) Clergy, Part-time (May Subd Geog) Clergy Clerk family [BV676.5] USE Clark family UF Part-time clergy — Sexual misconduct Clerk Island (Kiribati) NT Clergy—Secular employment USE Sexual misconduct by clergy USE Onotoa Atoll (Kiribati) Clerke family Clergy, Privilege of — Spouses USE Clark family USE Privilegium fori USE Spouses of clergy Clerkenwell Estate (Great Malvern, England) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Clergy, Rural Clergy with disabilities (May Subd Geog) subdivision. USE Rural clergy BT People with disabilities UF Cockshot Farm (Great Malvern, England) Clergy, Urban Clergymen Cockshute Farm (Great Malvern, England) USE City clergy USE Clergy BT Manors—England Clergy, Writings of (Not Subd Geog) Clergymen as artists Clerkenwell Riot, London, England, 1833 UF Clergymen's writings [Former heading] USE Clergy as artists Writings of clergy UF Cold Bath Fields Riot, London, England, 1833 BT Literature Clergymen as authors London (England)—Riot, 1833 [Former USE Clergy as authors heading] Clergy, Writings of, Armenian (May Subd Geog) UF Armenian clergy, Writings of Clergymen's families BT Riots—England BT Armenian literature USE Families of clergy Clerkly style writing of Chinese Clergy, Writings of, Catalan (May Subd Geog) Clergymen's wives USE Chinese language—Writing—Li style UF Catalan clergy, Writings of USE Spouses of clergy Clerks (May Subd Geog) Clergymen's writings, Catalan [Former heading] Clergymen's writings [HD8039.M39] BT Catalan literature USE Clergy, Writings of UF Clerical employees Clergy, Writings of, Colombian (May Subd Geog) Clergymen's writings, Catalan Clerical personnel UF Colombian clergy, Writings of USE Clergy, Writings of, Catalan Commercial employees BT Colombian literature Employees, Clerical Clergymen's writings, German Office employees Clergy, Writings of, German (May Subd Geog) USE Clergy, Writings of, German Office workers UF Clergymen's writings, German [Former BT White collar workers heading] Clergymen's writings, Italian NT Clerks (Retail trade) German clergy, Writings of USE Clergy, Writings of, Italian Hospital admitting clerks Hospital insurance clerks Clergy, Writings of, Italian (May Subd Geog) Clergywomen Hospital ward clerks UF Clergymen's writings, Italian [Former heading] USE Women clergy Receptionists Italian clergy, Writings of Women clerks BT Italian literature Clerical ability and aptitude tests — Ability testing UF Clerical tests USE Clerical ability and aptitude tests Clergy, Writings of, Polish (May Subd Geog) Clerks—Ability testing — Collective bargaining UF Polish clergy, Writings of BT Ability—Testing USE Collective bargaining—Clerks BT Polish literature NT Minnesota Clerical Assessment Battery — Collective labor agreements USE Collective labor agreements—Clerks Clergy (Canon law) Clerical celibacy — Economic conditions UF Clergy (Canon law)—Catholic Church USE Celibacy Priests (Canon law) UF Clerks—Socioeconomic status [Former BT Catholic Church—Clergy Clerical conferences heading] NT Catholic Church—Clergy—Degradation USE Clergy conferences Catholic Church—Clergy—Deprivation of the — Effect of automation on (May Subd Geog) clerical garb Clerical costume — Labor unions (May Subd Geog) Excardination (Canon law) USE Clergy—Clothing — Pensions (May Subd Geog) Irregularities (Canon law) Vicars, Parochial (Canon law) Clerical dress UF Clerks—Salaries, pensions, etc. [Former USE Clergy—Clothing heading] — Anglican Communion, [Coptic Church, etc.] — Catholic Church Clerical employees — Salaries, pensions, etc. USE Clerks USE Clerks—Pensions USE Clergy (Canon law) Wages—Clerks — Orthodox Eastern Church Clerical etiquette USE Clergy—Etiquette — Social conditions UF Clergy (Canon law, Orthodox Eastern) UF Clerks—Socioeconomic status [Former [Former heading] Clerical habit heading] USE Clergy—Clothing Clergy (Canon law, Orthodox Eastern) — Socioeconomic status USE Clergy (Canon law)—Orthodox Eastern Church Clerical medicine USE Clerks—Economic conditions USE Pastoral medicine Clerks—Social conditions Clergy as artists (May Subd Geog) UF Clergymen as artists [Former heading] Clerical occupations (May Subd Geog) — Time management (May Subd Geog) BT Artists UF Clerks—Vocational guidance BT Occupations Clergy as authors (May Subd Geog) UF Clergymen as authors [Former heading] Clerical personnel BT Authors USE Clerks Clergy as spies (May Subd Geog) Clerical psychology BT Spies USE Pastoral psychology Clergy children Clerical tests USE Children of clergy USE Clerical ability and aptitude tests Clergy conferences Clericalism (May Subd Geog) UF Clergy—Conferences BT Church and state Clerical conferences Conferences C-438
— Vocational guidance Clethra (May Subd Geog) Clethrionomys idahoensis USE Clerical occupations [QK495.C55 (Botany)] USE Clethrionomys gapperi BT Clethraceae — Wages Clethrionomys limitis USE Wages—Clerks Clethra barbinervis USE Clethrionomys gapperi USE Pepperbush Clerks, County Clethrionomys loringi USE County clerks Clethra canescens USE Clethrionomys gapperi USE Pepperbush Clerks, Desk Clethrionomys maurus USE Hotel clerks Clethraceae (May Subd Geog) USE Clethrionomys gapperi [QK495.C55 (Botany)] Clerks, Front BT Ericales Clethrionomys nivarius USE Hotel clerks NT Clethra USE Clethrionomys gapperi Clerks, Hotel Clethrionomys (May Subd Geog) Clethrionomys occidentalis USE Hotel clerks [QL737.R666] USE Clethrionomys gapperi UF Aschizomys Clerks, Law Bank voles Clethrionomys ochraceus USE Law clerks Craseomys USE Clethrionomys gapperi Evotomys Clerks, Motel Red-backed mice Clethrionomys pallescens USE Hotel clerks Red-backed voles USE Clethrionomys gapperi Redback voles Clerks, Motor lodge BT Muridae Clethrionomys paludicola USE Hotel clerks Voles USE Clethrionomys gapperi NT Clethrionomys gapperi Clerks, Patent Clethrionomys glareolus Clethrionomys phaeus USE Patent examiners Clethrionomys rufocanus USE Clethrionomys gapperi Clethrionomys rutilus Clerks (Retail trade) (May Subd Geog) Clethrionomys proteus [HD8039.M39] Clethrionomys arizonensis USE Clethrionomys gapperi Here are entered works on sales personnel in retail USE Clethrionomys gapperi Clethrionomys pygmaeus establishments. General works on the occupation of Clethrionomys athabascae USE Clethrionomys gapperi sales personnel are entered under Sales personnel. USE Clethrionomys gapperi Clethrionomys rhoadsii UF Clerks (Salesmen) Clethrionomys brevicaudus USE Clethrionomys gapperi Retail clerks USE Clethrionomys gapperi Sales clerks Clethrionomys rufescens Stores, Retail—Employees Clethrionomys carolinensis USE Clethrionomys gapperi USE Clethrionomys gapperi BT Clerks Clethrionomys rufocanus (May Subd Geog) Retail trade—Employees Clethrionomys cascadensis [QL737.R666] Sales personnel USE Clethrionomys gapperi UF Grey red-backed vole Large toothed red-back vole NT Drugstore employees Clethrionomys caurinus BT Clethrionomys Service shopping USE Clethrionomys gapperi Women clerks (Retail trade) Clethrionomys rupicola Clethrionomys fuscodorsalis USE Clethrionomys gapperi — Attitudes USE Clethrionomys gapperi — Collective bargaining Clethrionomys rutilus (May Subd Geog) Clethrionomys galei [QL737.R666] USE Collective bargaining—Clerks (Retail USE Clethrionomys gapperi UF Northern red-backed vole trade) BT Clethrionomys Clethrionomys gapperi (May Subd Geog) — Labor unions (May Subd Geog) [QL737.R666 (Zoology)] Clethrionomys saturatus — — Organizing (May Subd Geog) UF Boreal redback vole USE Clethrionomys gapperi — Wages Clethrionomys arizonensis Clethrionomys athabascae Clethrionomys solus USE Wages—Clerks (Retail trade) Clethrionomys brevicaudus USE Clethrionomys gapperi Clerks (Salesmen) Clethrionomys carolinensis Clethrionomys cascadensis Clethrionomys stikinensis USE Clerks (Retail trade) Clethrionomys caurinus USE Clethrionomys gapperi Clerks in literature (Not Subd Geog) Clethrionomys fuscodorsalis Clerks of court (May Subd Geog) Clethrionomys galei Clethrionomys uintaensis Clethrionomys gaspeanus USE Clethrionomys gapperi UF Court clerks Clethrionomys gauti Justices' clerks Clethrionomys hudsonius Clethrionomys ungava Prothonotaries Clethrionomys idahoensis USE Clethrionomys gapperi Clethrionomys limitis BT Courts—Officials and employees Clethrionomys loringi Clethrionomys wrangeli Clerks of the counties (Great Britain) Clethrionomys maurus USE Clethrionomys gapperi Clethrionomys nivarius UF Clerks of the county councils Clethrionomys occidentalis Cleton family County clerks (Great Britain) Clethrionomys ochraceus USE Clayton family Clethrionomys pallescens RT Clerks of the peace (Great Britain) Clethrionomys paludicola Cletrac tractors (Not Subd Geog) Clerks of the county councils Clethrionomys phaeus BT Tractors Clethrionomys proteus USE Clerks of the counties (Great Britain) Clethrionomys pygmaeus Cleugh family (Not Subd Geog) Clerks of the peace (Great Britain) Clethrionomys rhoadsii Cleurie River (France) Clethrionomys rufescens RT Clerks of the counties (Great Britain) Clethrionomys rupicola BT Rivers—France Clerks regular (May Subd Geog) Clethrionomys saturatus Cleurie River Valley (France) Clethrionomys solus [BX2832] Clethrionomys stikinensis UF Cleurie Valley (France) UF Regular clerks (Religion) Clethrionomys uintaensis BT Valleys—France BT Monasticism and religious orders Clethrionomys ungava Cleurie Valley (France) Clerkship, Clinical Clethrionomys wrangeli USE Cleurie River Valley (France) USE Clinical clerkship Gapper red-backed mouse Clevanger family Clerkship (Law) Gapper's red-backed vole USE Clevenger family USE Law clerks Southern red-backed vole Cleve Bennett (Fictitious character) Clermont (Princeton, N.J.) BT Clethrionomys USE Bennett, Cleve (Fictitious character) USE Avalon (Princeton, N.J.) Cleve family Clermont Castle (Greece) Clethrionomys gaspeanus USE Cleaves family USE Chlemoutsi Castle (Greece) USE Clethrionomys gapperi Clevedon Court (Clevedon, England) Clermont family (Not Subd Geog) BT Manors—England Clermont-Ferrand (France) Clethrionomys gauti Clevedon Pier (Clevedon, England) — History USE Clethrionomys gapperi This heading is not valid for use as a geographic — — Bombardment, 1943-1944 subdivision. Clethrionomys glareolus (May Subd Geog) BT Bombing, Aerial—France [QL737.R666] BT Piers—England World War, 1939- UF Bank vole Cleveland (Ohio) 1945—Campaigns—France BT Clethrionomys — History Clermont State Historic Site (N.Y.) Clethrionomys hudsonius — — Civil War, 1861-1865 USE Clermont State Park (N.Y.) USE Clethrionomys gapperi Cleveland automobiles (Not Subd Geog) Clermont State Park (N.Y.) BT Automobiles UF Clermont State Historic Site (N.Y.) Cleveland Bay (Qld.) BT Parks—New York (State) BT Bays—Australia Clermont-Tonnerre family (Not Subd Geog) Cleveland Bay horse (May Subd Geog) Clervaux family (Not Subd Geog) Clery family [SF293.C6] UF Chapman horse USE Cleary family BT Draft horses Clesian tablet Cleveland Browns Stadium (Cleveland, Ohio) BT Stadiums—Ohio UF Tablet, Clesian Cleveland Cultural Gardens (Cleveland, Ohio) Tavola clesiana This heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision. UF Cultural Gardens (Cleveland, Ohio) C-439
Cleveland Cultural Gardens (Cleveland, Ohio) CLFs (Collective learning funds) Client and lawyer (Continued) USE Collective learning funds USE Attorney and client BT Gardens—Ohio Parks—Ohio Cliborn family Client and veterinarian USE Claiborne family USE Veterinarian and client Cleveland family (Not Subd Geog) UF Cleaveland family Cliburne family Client-attorney relationships USE Claiborne family USE Attorney and client Cleveland footed bowl (Bronze) USE Wade cup Cliche family (Not Subd Geog) Client-auditor relationships Cliche-́ verre (May Subd Geog) USE Auditor-client relationships Cleveland Mine (Wash.) BT Mines and mineral resources—Washington [NE2685] Client-centered counseling (State) UF Glass print USE Client-centered psychotherapy Cleveland motorcycle (Not Subd Geog) Print, Glass Client-centered psychotherapy (May Subd Geog) [TL448.C5] BT Photography, Handworked [RC481] BT Motorcycles UF Client-centered counseling Prints—19th century Client-centered therapy Cleveland Municipal Stadium (Cleveland, Ohio) Prints—20th century Counseling, Client-centered UF Municipal Stadium (Cleveland, Ohio) RT Photogenic drawing Counseling, Nondirective BT Stadiums—Ohio NT Lumiprints Counseling, Person-centered Clicheś (May Subd Geog) Nondirective counseling Cleveland National Forest (Calif.) UF Commonplaces Nondirective psychotherapy BT Forest reserves—California BT Terms and phrases Nondirective therapy National parks and reserves—California Clicheś in literature (Not Subd Geog) Person-centered counseling Clichés in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) Person-centered psychotherapy Cleveland Post Office Building (Punta Gorda, Fla.) BT Motion pictures Rogerian psychotherapy USE U.S. Cleveland Post Office Building (Punta Clichy Boulevard (Paris, France) BT Psychotherapy Gorda, Fla.) USE Boulevard de Clichy (Paris, France) Click beetles Client-centered therapy Cleveland Street Affair, London, England, 1889-1890 USE Elateridae USE Client-centered psychotherapy USE Cleveland Street Scandal, London, England, Click books 1889-1890 USE Click tracks Client-counselor relationships Click family USE Counselor and client Cleveland Street Scandal, London, England, 1889-1890 USE Glick family (Not Subd Geog) Click languages, Non-Bantu Client-investment advisor relationships UF Cleveland Street Affair, London, England, USE Khoisan languages USE Investment advisor-client relationships 1889-1890 Click murmur syndrome BT Scandals—England USE Mitral valve—Displacement Client-lawyer relationships Click tables USE Attorney and client Cleveland Way (England) USE Click tracks BT Trails—England Click tracks Client security funds (May Subd Geog) [MT737] Here are entered works on funds set up by state Clevengar family UF Click books USE Clevenger family Click tables bar associations to cover losses incurred by clients BT Composition (Music) as a result of the dishonest conduct of their attorneys. Clevenger, Frank (Fictitious character) Motion picture music (Not Subd Geog) Clicker training (Animal training) (May Subd Geog) UF Client security funds—Law and legislation UF Frank Clevenger (Fictitious character) BT Animal training Clients' funds Operant conditioning Security funds, Client Clevenger family (Not Subd Geog) Clickers, Classroom (Student response systems) UF Cleavenger family USE Student response systems — Law and legislation Cleavinger family Clickhimin Broch (Scotland) USE Client security funds Clevanger family BT Brochs Clevengar family Scotland—Antiquities Client/server computing (May Subd Geog) Clevinger family Clickner family [QA76.9.C55] USE Kleckner family UF Computing, Client/server Clever Alice (Tale) Clicks (Phonetics) BT Electronic data processing USE Clever Elsie (Tale) UF Avulsives Electronic data processing—Distributed Grammar, Comparative and general—Clicks processing Clever Elfe (Tale) Language and languages—Clicks NT Directory services (Computer network USE Clever Elsie (Tale) BT Consonants technology) Phonetics Internet Relay Chat Clever Elsa (Tale) NT African languages—Clicks Netcentric computing USE Clever Elsie (Tale) Khoisan languages—Clicks Clicquot family (Not Subd Geog) — Equipment and supplies Clever Else (Tale) Clidemia (May Subd Geog) UF Servers (Computers) USE Clever Elsie (Tale) [QK495.M514 (Botany)] NT Gopher servers BT Melastomataceae Proxy servers Clever Elsie (Tale) (May Subd Geog) NT Clidemia hirta Web servers UF Clever Alice (Tale) Clidemia hirta (May Subd Geog) Clever Elfe (Tale) [QK495.M514 (Botany)] — Research (May Subd Geog) Clever Elsa (Tale) UF Curse, Koster's (Plant) — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Clever Else (Tale) Kaurasiga — Standards (May Subd Geog) BT Tales Koster's curse (Plant) Kui NT Z39.50 (Standard) Clever family Mbona na mbulamakau Client-veterinarian relationships USE Cleaver family Melastoma hirtum Roinisinga USE Veterinarian and client Clever Hans (Horse) (Not Subd Geog) Soap bush Clientela UF Hans (Horse) Soapbush Kluge Hans (Horse) BT Clidemia USE Patron and client BT Horses Clides Islands (Cyprus) Clientelism USE Klidhes Islands (Cyprus) Clever horse (Tale) Clié (Computer) USE Patron and client USE Ferdinand the faithful and Ferdinand the USE Sony Clié (Computer) Clients, Advertising unfaithful (Tale) Client and attorney USE Attorney and client USE Advertisers Clevinger family Client and auditor Clients, Prostitutes' USE Clevenger family USE Auditor-client relationships Client and counseling psychologist USE Prostitutes' customers Clevner (Wine) USE Counseling psychologist and client Clients and attorneys USE Pinot blanc (Wine) Client and counselor USE Counselor and client USE Attorney and client Clew Bay (Ireland) Client and investment advisor Clients and auditors UF Cuan Mó (Ireland) USE Investment advisor-client relationships BT Bays—Ireland USE Auditor-client relationships Clients and counselors Clewell family (Not Subd Geog) Clewn family USE Counselor and client Clients and investment advisors USE Clune family Cley Marsh Nature Reserve (England) USE Investment advisor-client relationships Clients and lawyers UF Cley Marshes (England) Cley Nature Reserve (England) USE Attorney and client Clients and veterinarians BT Bird refuges—England Marshes—England USE Veterinarian and client Natural areas—England Clients' funds Cley Marshes (England) USE Client security funds USE Cley Marsh Nature Reserve (England) Cliff, Glass (Employment discrimination) Cley Nature Reserve (England) USE Glass cliff (Employment discrimination) USE Cley Marsh Nature Reserve (England) Cliff Creek, Battle of, Ky., 1862 Cleyland family USE Mill Springs, Battle of, Ky., 1862 USE Cleland family Cliff diving (May Subd Geog) Cleyton family [GV838.67.C55] USE Clayton family BT Diving Clezy family (Not Subd Geog) C-440
Cliff Dweller, Operation, 1968 Clifford Davis and Ordell Horton Federal Building — Madagascar USE Operation Cliff Dweller, 1969 (Memphis, Tenn.) NT Ankar̀ ana Massif (Madagascar) UF Clifford Davis Federal Building (Memphis, Cliff Dweller IV, Operation, 1970 Tenn.) — Malta USE Operation Cliff Dweller IV, 1970 Davis and Horton Federal Building (Memphis, NT Xagh̄ra Cliffs (Malta) Tenn.) Cliff-dwellers (May Subd Geog) BT Public buildings—Tennessee — Maryland [E99.P9] NT Calvert Cliffs (Md.) BT Indians of North America—Southwest, New Clifford Davis Federal Building (Memphis, Tenn.) Rosier Bluff (Md.) Pueblo Indians USE Clifford Davis and Ordell Horton Federal Building (Memphis, Tenn.) — Mauritania Cliff-dwellings (May Subd Geog) NT Oualâta Cliffs (Mauritania) [E61 (America)] Clifford family (Not Subd Geog) [E78.S7 (Southwest)] UF Clefford family — Michigan BT Archaeology Cleford family NT Whealkate Bluff (Mich.) Dwellings Cliford family Pueblo Indians—Antiquities — Mississippi Pueblos Clifford P. Hansen Federal Courthouse (Jackson, Wyo.) NT Lyons Bluff (Miss.) UF Cliff Hansen Federal Courthouse (Jackson, — Arizona Wyo.) — Missouri NT Inscription House Site (Ariz.) Hansen Federal Courthouse (Jackson, Wyo.) NT Chalk Bluff (Ark. and Mo.) Montezuma Castle (Ariz.) Jackson Federal Courthouse (Jackson, Wyo.) Loess Hills (Iowa and Mo.) Three Turkey House Site (Ariz.) BT Courthouses—Wyoming Walnut Canyon National Monument (Ariz.) — Nebraska Clifford R. Hope Post Office (Garden City, Kan.) NT Ancient Bluff Ruins (Neb.) — Colorado UF Hope Post Office (Garden City, Kan.) — New Mexico BT Post office buildings—Kansas — Nevada Cliff ecology (May Subd Geog) NT Black Rock Point (Nev.) Clifford torus, Generalized [QH101-QH198 (Local)] USE Veronese surfaces — New Jersey [QH541.5.C62 (General)] NT Palisades (N.J. and N.Y.) UF Cliffs—Ecology Clifford's Tower (York, England) BT Ecology BT Castles—England — New York (State) Cliff family NT Palisades (N.J. and N.Y.) USE Clift family Cliffrose, Arizona Vromans Nose (N.Y.) Cliff Hansen Federal Courthouse (Jackson, Wyo.) USE Arizona cliffrose USE Clifford P. Hansen Federal Courthouse — Nigeria Cliffrose, Stansbury NT Enugu Escarpment (Nigeria) (Jackson, Wyo.) USE Purshia stansburiana Cliff House (San Francisco, Calif.) — Oklahoma Cliffs (May Subd Geog) NT Medicine Bluffs (Okla.) BT Resorts—California UF Bluffs (Landforms) Cliff Indian paintbrush (Plant) (May Subd Geog) Escarpments — Ontario Palisades NT Niagara Escarpment [QK495.S43 (Botany)] BT Landforms UF Castilleja rupicola — Tennessee — Ecology NT Chickasaw Bluffs (Tenn.) Cliff paintbrush (Plant) USE Cliff ecology Indian paintbrush, Cliff (Plant) — United States Paintbrush, Cliff Indian (Plant) — Alaska NT Niagara Escarpment BT Castilleja NT Skull Cliff (Alaska) Cliff Lake Bench Research Natural Area (Mont.) — Utah USE Cliff Lake Research Natural Area (Mont.) — Alberta NT Book Cliffs (Utah and Colo.) Cliff Lake Natural Area (Mont.) NT Gypsum Cliffs (Alta.) Deadman Point (Millard County, Utah) USE Cliff Lake Research Natural Area (Mont.) Point of the Mountain (Utah) Cliff Lake Research Natural Area (Mont.) — Arizona Red House Cliffs (Utah) UF Cliff Lake Bench Research Natural Area NT Mogollon Rim (Ariz.) Roan Cliffs (Utah and Colo.) (Mont.) [Former heading] Vermilion Cliffs (Ariz. and Utah) Vermilion Cliffs (Ariz. and Utah) Cliff Lake Natural Area (Mont.) Yavapai Point (Ariz.) BT Research natural areas—Montana — Washington (State) Cliff Lansing (Fictitious character) — Arkansas NT Dry Falls (Wash.) USE Lansing, Cliff (Fictitious character) NT Chalk Bluff (Ark. and Mo.) Mowich Face (Wash.) Cliff paintbrush (Plant) Willis Wall (Wash.) USE Cliff Indian paintbrush (Plant) — California Cliff Palace Pond (Ky.) NT Cape Horn (Calif : Cliff) — Wyoming BT Ponds—Kentucky Cathedral Rocks (Calif.) NT Needles, The (Uinta County, Wyo.) Cliff Road (Nantucket, Mass.) Glacier Point (Calif.) Obsidian Cliff (Wyo.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Register Cliff (Wyo.) subdivision. — China Rock Point (Wyo.) NT Caishi Cliffs (China) BT Roads—Massachusetts Qijiang Cliffs (China) Cliffs in art (Not Subd Geog) Cliff-rose, Arizona Red Cliffs (Huanggang Xian, China) Cliffs of Calvert (Md.) USE Arizona cliffrose — Colorado USE Calvert Cliffs (Md.) Cliff swallow NT Amphitheater, The (Colo.) Cliffs of Moher (Ireland) Book Cliffs (Utah and Colo.) USE Hirundo pyrrhonota Devils Slide (El Paso County, Colo.) USE Moher, Cliffs of (Ireland) Cliffe Site (England) Pioneer Lookout Point (Colo.) Cliffs of the Neuse State Park (N.C.) Roan Cliffs (Utah and Colo.) BT England—Antiquities BT Parks—North Carolina Cliffhanger films — Denmark Clifft family NT Stevns Cliff (Denmark) USE Film serials USE Clift family Clifford, Ebenezer, 1746-1821 — England Cliffton family NT Bouldnor Cliff (England) — Homes and haunts (May Subd Geog) Shakespeare Cliff (England) USE Clifton family — — New Hampshire Whitestone Cliff (England) Cliford family Clifford (Fictitious character : Bridwell) (Not Subd Geog) — Estonia USE Clifford family UF Bertrand (Fictitious character : Bridwell) NT Baltic Cliff (Estonia) Clift family (Not Subd Geog) Clifford algebras — Florida UF Cleft family [QA199 (General)] NT Jackson Bluff (Fla. : Bluff) Cliff family [QC20.7.C55 (Mathematical physics)] Magnolia Bluff (Fla.) Clifft family UF Geometric algebras BT Algebras, Linear — Germany RT Clifton family Clifford Bell Jones, Sr., Post Office (Elizabeth City, N.C.) NT Morsum Cliff (Germany) Clifton (Pa. : Estate) USE Dr. Clifford Bell Jones, Sr., Post Office — Ghana BT Farms—Pennsylvania (Elizabeth City, N.C.) NT Gambaga Scarp (Ghana) Clifton Corral, Operation, 1968 Clifford Building (Grand Forks, N.D.) — Iceland USE Operation Clifton Corral, 1968 BT Commercial buildings—North Dakota NT Lat́ rabjarg (Iceland) Clifton family (Not Subd Geog) Clifford Castle (Clifford, Hereford and Worcester, — Idaho UF Cliffton family England) NT Huddleson Bluff (Idaho) RT Clift family USE Clifford Castle (Clifford, Herefordshire, Iron Creek Point (Idaho) Clifton Hall Tower (Clifton, Cumbria, England) Soda Point (Idaho) BT Tower houses—England England) Clifton Hill House (Bristol, England) Clifford Castle (Clifford, Herefordshire, England) — Iowa BT College buildings—England NT Loess Hills (Iowa and Mo.) UF Clifford Castle (Clifford, Hereford and Dormitories—England Worcester, England) [Former heading] — Ireland Dwellings—England NT Moher, Cliffs of (Ireland) Clifton Hot Springs (Ariz.) BT Castles—England BT Hot springs—Arizona — Kenya Clifton Merriman Post Office Building (Cambridge, NT Mau Escarpment (Kenya) Mass.) UF Merriman Post Office Building (Cambridge, — Lithuania Mass.) NT Olando kepurė (Lithuania) BT Post office buildings—Massachusetts Clifton Pier Site (Bahamas) USE Clifton Plantation Site (Bahamas) C-441
Clifton Place Plantation (Maury County, Tenn.) Climate, Workplace Fishery resources—Climatic factors BT Dwellings—Tennessee USE Work environment Forest biodiversity—Climatic factors Plantations—Tennessee Forest resilience—Climatic factors Climate and architecture Forests and forestry—Climatic factors Clifton Plantation Site (Bahamas) USE Architecture and climate Global temperature changes UF Clifton Pier Site (Bahamas) Pacific salmon fisheries—Climatic factors Clifton Property Site (Bahamas) Climate and civilization (May Subd Geog) Paleoclimatology Whylly Estate Site (Bahamas) UF Civilization and climate Phytogeography—Climatic factors Whylly Plantation Site (Bahamas) BT Civilization Precipitation anomalies BT Bahamas—Antiquities Climatology Precipitation variability Reforestation—Climatic factors Clifton Property Site (Bahamas) Climate and crops Wildlife resources—Climatic factors USE Clifton Plantation Site (Bahamas) USE Crops and climate Zoogeography—Climatic factors — Detection (May Subd Geog) Clifton Quarry (England) Climate and forests BT Quarries and quarrying—England USE Forest microclimatology UF Detection of climatic changes — Effect of human beings on (May Subd Geog) Clifton Street (Washington, D.C.) Climate and soils This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Soils and climate UF Anthropogenic effects on climatic changes BT Human ecology subdivision. Climate and volcanism — Effect of nuclear explosions on USE Volcanism and climate BT Nuclear explosions BT Streets—Washington (D.C.) — Effect of solar activity on (May Subd Geog) Clifton Suspension Bridge (Clifton, Avon, England) Climate and wildfires BT Solar activity USE Wildfires—Climatic factors — Environmental aspects USE Clifton Suspension Bridge (Clifton, Bristol, USE Climatic changes England) Climate change — Government policy (May Subd Geog) USE Climatic changes — — Asia Clifton Suspension Bridge (Clifton, Bristol, England) — — — Computer simulation This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Climate change insurance (May Subd Geog) UF Climatic changes—Insurance NT Asian-Pacific Integrated Model subdivision. Global warming insurance — — Pacific Area BT Insurance — — — Computer simulation UF Clifton Suspension Bridge (Clifton, Avon, England) [Former heading] — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) NT Asian-Pacific Integrated Model BT Insurance law — Insurance BT Bridges—England Clifty Creek (Bartholomew County and Decatur County, Climate change mitigation (May Subd Geog) USE Climate change insurance [TD171.75] — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Ind.) UF Climate mitigation BT Rivers—Indiana Climatic changes—Mitigation UF Climate change mitigation—Law and Climatic mitigation legislation Clifty Falls State Park (Ind.) Mitigation of climate change BT Parks—Indiana BT Environmental protection BT Environmental law RT Climatic changes RT Liability for climatic change damages Clifty Wilderness (Ky.) — Mitigation BT National parks and reserves—Kentucky — Law and legislation USE Climate change mitigation Wilderness areas—Kentucky USE Climatic changes—Law and legislation — Research (May Subd Geog) — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Clim family Climate change risk management — Risk assessment (May Subd Geog) USE Clem family USE Climatic changes—Risk management BT Environmental risk assessment — Risk management (May Subd Geog) Climacostomidae (May Subd Geog) Climate changes UF Climate change risk management [QL368.H55] USE Climatic changes BT Risk management UF Pediostomidae Climatic changes in literature (Not Subd Geog) BT Heterotrichida Climate extremes Climatic changes in mass media (Not Subd Geog) NT Fabrea USE Climatic extremes [P96.C58-P96.C582] BT Mass media Climacteric (May Subd Geog) Climate mitigation Climatic changes in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) UF Change of life USE Climate change mitigation BT Motion pictures BT Middle age Climatic classification (May Subd Geog) Physiology Climate science [QC980.4] NT Climacteric, Male USE Climatology BT Climatology Menopause RT Climatic zones Climate therapy NT Moisture index Climacteric, Male (May Subd Geog) USE Climatotherapy Climatic dynamics [RC884] USE Dynamic climatology UF Andropause Climate variations Climatic extremes (May Subd Geog) Change of life in men USE Climatic changes [QC981.8.C53] Climacterium virile UF Climate extremes Male change of life Climates, Cave Extremes, Climatic Male climacteric USE Cave climates BT Climatology Male menopause RT Climatic normals Menopause, Male Climates, Glacial Climatic extremes in mass media (Not Subd Geog) Viropause USE Glacial climates [P96.C59-P96.C592] BT Climacteric BT Mass media Climates, Pre-Quaternary Climatic factors Climacteridae USE Paleoclimatology—Pre-Quaternary USE subdivision Climatic factors under individual USE Australasian treecreepers animals and groups of animals, individual Climates, Quaternary plants and groups of plants, and individual Climacteris (May Subd Geog) USE Paleoclimatology—Quaternary land vehicles, for works on the relation of [QL696.P2354 (Zoology)] those topics to climate, e.g. Fishes--Climatic BT Australasian treecreepers Climatic change factors; Corn--Climatic factors; Automobiles- NT Brown treecreeper USE Climatic changes -Climatic factors Climatic fluctuations Climacteris picumnus Climatic change damages, Liability for USE Climatic changes USE Brown treecreeper USE Liability for climatic change damages Climatic geomorphology (May Subd Geog) [GB447] Climacteris rufus Climatic changes (May Subd Geog) BT Geomorphology USE Brown treecreeper [QC902.8-QC903.2] Climatic mitigation UF Changes, Climatic USE Climate change mitigation Climacterium virile Climate change Climatic normals (May Subd Geog) USE Climacteric, Male Climate changes RT Climatic extremes Climate variations BT Climatology Climactichnites (May Subd Geog) Climatic change NT Precipitation normals BT Trace fossils Climatic changes—Environmental aspects Temperature normals [Former heading] Climatic variations Climan family Climatic fluctuations USE Climatic changes USE Klaman family Climatic variations Global climate changes Climanuk River (Indonesia) Global climatic changes USE Manuk River (Indonesia) BT Climatology RT Climate change mitigation Climate Teleconnections (Climatology) USE subdivision Climate under names of countries, SA subdivision Climatic factors under individual cities, etc. animals and groups of animals and USE Climatology individual plants and groups of plants, e.g. Fishes--Climatic factors; Corn--Climatic Climate, Arid regions factors USE Arid regions climate NT Animal behavior—Climatic factors Animal migration—Climatic factors Climate, Classroom Animal populations—Climatic factors USE Classroom environment Aquaculture—Climatic factors Biodiversity—Climatic factors Climate, Dryland Biogeography—Climatic factors USE Arid regions climate Chub mackerel fisheries—Climatic factors Cod fisheries—Climatic factors Climate, Greenhouse Fisheries—Climatic factors USE Greenhouses—Climate Climate, Highland USE Mountain climate Climate, Mountain USE Mountain climate C-442
Climatic zones (May Subd Geog) — Research (May Subd Geog) BT Ornamental climbing plants [QC981.8.Z6] [QC981.5] Roses UF Zones, Climatic RT Climatic classification — — International cooperation Climbing salamanders (May Subd Geog) NT Global Climate Observing System [QL668.C274 (Zoology)] Climatographers Pacific Island Global Climate Observing UF Anaides USE Climatologists System Aneides [Former heading] Autodax Climatologists (May Subd Geog) — — United States BT Lungless salamanders UF Climatographers NT National Climate Program NT Aneides flavipunctatus BT Meteorologists Arboreal salamander Climatology, Medical Clouded salamander Climatology (Not Subd Geog) USE Medical climatology Sacramento Mountain salamander [QC851-QC999] Wandering salamander UF Climate Climatology in mass media (Not Subd Geog) Climate science BT Mass media Climbing spindle berry Science of climate USE Celastrus orbiculatus BT Meteorology Climatotherapy (May Subd Geog) SA subdivision Climate under names of countries, [RA793-RA794 (General)] Climbing trees cities, etc.; and subdivision Climatic factors [RL120.C55 (Skin diseases)] USE Tree climbing under individual animals and groups of UF Climate therapy animals, individual plants and groups of BT Medical climatology Clime family (Not Subd Geog) plants, and individual land vehicles and Therapeutics, Physiological Climer family types of land vehicles for works on the NT Open-air treatment relation of those topics to climate, e.g. Sun-baths USE Clymer family Fishes--Climatic factors; Corn--Climatic Thalassotherapy Climo family factors; Automobiles--Climatic factors NT Aerial photography in climatology Climax, Sexual USE Clem family Air conditioning—Climatic factors USE Orgasm Climoes family Airplanes—Climatic factors Architecture and climate Climax (Music) (May Subd Geog) USE Clem family Arid regions climate Here are entered works on the point of highest Climow family Atmospheric circulation Atmospheric pressure intensity in a musical composition. USE Clem family Bioclimatology Climowe family Biomass energy—Climatic factors UF Musical climax City planning—Climatic factors BT Musical form USE Clem family Climate and civilization Climax geared steam locomotives Clinard family (Not Subd Geog) Climatic changes USE Climax locomotives Climatic classification Climax locomotives (Not Subd Geog) UF Kleiner family Climatic extremes UF Climax geared steam locomotives Kleinert family Climatic normals BT Steam locomotives Communication in climatology Climax Mine (Colo.) Clinch, Fort (Fla.) Continentality (Meteorology) BT Molybdenum mines and mining—Colorado USE Cantonment Clinch (Fla.) Cooling ponds—Climatic factors Climb and bank indicators Cooling towers—Climatic factors USE Artificial horizons (Aeronautical instruments) Clinch Mountain (Tenn. and Va.) Dendrochronology Climbers, Mountain UF Clinch Mountain Complex (Tenn. and Va.) Dendroclimatology USE Mountaineers BT Appalachian Mountains Desertification Climbers (Plants) Mountains—Tennessee Diesel locomotives—Climatic factors USE Climbing plants Mountains—Virginia Dynamic climatology Climbing, Animal Energy consumption—Climatic factors USE Animal climbing Clinch Mountain Complex (Tenn. and Va.) Evaporation (Meteorology) Climbing boneset USE Clinch Mountain (Tenn. and Va.) Food security—Climatic factors USE Climbing hempweed Fungal diseases of plants—Climatic factors Climbing buildings Clinch River (Va. and Tenn.) Glaciers—Climatic factors USE Buildering BT Rivers—Tennessee Heating—Climatic factors Climbing gyms (May Subd Geog) Rivers—Virginia Herbicides—Application—Climatic factors UF Indoor climbing gyms House construction—Climatic factors Clinch River Breeder Reactor Demonstration Power Human beings—Effect of climate on Indoor rock climbing facilities Plant (Tenn.) Landscape architecture—Climatic factors Indoor rock climbing gyms BT Breeder reactors—Tennessee Livestock—Climatic factors Rock climbing gyms Nuclear power plants—Tennessee Mesoclimatology BT Gymnasiums Microclimatology Climbing hempweed (May Subd Geog) Clinch River Valley (Va. and Tenn.) Mountain climate [QK495.C74 (Botany)] UF Clinch Valley (Va. and Tenn.) Paleoclimatology [SB615.C5 (Weed)] BT Valleys—Tennessee Roads—Design and construction—Climatic UF Climbing boneset Valleys—Virginia factors Hempweed, Climbing Sclerochronology Mikania scandens Clinch River Watershed (Va. and Tenn.) Seasons BT Mikania BT Watersheds—Tennessee Soils and climate Climbing knots (May Subd Geog) Watersheds—Virginia Solar energy—Climatic factors [GV200.19.K56] Solar houses—Climatic factors BT Knots and splices Clinch Valley (Va. and Tenn.) Solar power plants—Climatic factors Climbing lanes (May Subd Geog) USE Clinch River Valley (Va. and Tenn.) Spraying and dusting in agriculture—Climatic UF Crawler lanes factors Creeper lanes [Former heading] Clindamycin Synoptic climatology Lanes, Climbing BT Antibacterial agents Telecommunication—Climatic factors Slow-moving lanes Teleconnections (Climatology) BT Traffic lanes Clindening family Temperate climate Climbing mountains USE Glendening family Temperature inversions USE Mountaineering Topoclimatology Climbing onion Clindon family Transportation—Climatic factors USE Bowiea volubilis USE Clinton family Urban climatology Climbing plants (May Subd Geog) Volcanism and climate [QK108-QK474.5 (Local)] Cline, Stephen (Fictitious character) Water-supply—Climatic factors [QK773 (Botany, General)] USE Cline, Steve (Fictitious character) Water table—Climatic factors UF Climbers (Plants) Wildfires—Climatic factors Vines Cline, Steve (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Wind power—Climatic factors BT Woody plants UF Cline, Stephen (Fictitious character) NT Lianas Stephen Cline (Fictitious character) — Computer programs Ornamental climbing plants Steve Cline (Fictitious character) [QC981] — Equipment and supplies Cline family — Observations NT Plant supports USE Klein family [QC982-QC994.9] Climbing potato SA subdivision Climate--Observations under Cline Lake (Ind.) names of countries, cities, etc. USE Bowiea volubilis BT Lakes—Indiana Climbing rat snakes Cline Mesa Sites (Ariz.) USE Gonyosoma BT Arizona—Antiquities Climbing rocks NT Cline Terrace Mound (Ariz.) USE Rock climbing Cline Terrace Mound (Ariz.) Climbing roses (May Subd Geog) UF Cline Terrace Site (Ariz.) BT Arizona—Antiquities [SB411.65.C55] Cline Mesa Sites (Ariz.) Mounds—Arizona Cline Terrace Site (Ariz.) USE Cline Terrace Mound (Ariz.) Clines (May Subd Geog) [QH409] BT Biogeography Variation (Biology) CLINFO (Computer system) [R853.D37] Clingan family (Not Subd Geog) Clinger Post Office Building (Warren, Pa.) USE William F. Clinger, Jr., Post Office Building (Warren, Pa.) C-443
Clingfishes (May Subd Geog) BT Chronobiology Clinical laboratory technicians [QL638.G6] RT Periodic diseases USE Medical technologists UF Gobiesocidae [Former heading] Clinical clerkship (May Subd Geog) BT Gobiesociformes [R839] Clinical legal education NT Alabes UF Clerkship, Clinical USE Law—Study and teaching (Clinical education) Lepadogaster BT Medicine—Study and teaching Tomicodon Clinical coding Clinical magnetic resonance imaging USE Diagnosis related groups USE Magnetic resonance imaging Clingingsmith family Clinical competence (May Subd Geog) USE Klingensmith family Here are entered works on competence in Clinical medicine (May Subd Geog) professional activities directly related to patient care. [RC31-RC80] Clingman Dome (N.C. and Tenn.) Here are entered works on the skills and USE Clingmans Dome (N.C. and Tenn.) UF Clinical skills Competence, Clinical procedures involved in direct patient care. Clingmans Dome (N.C. and Tenn.) Skills, Clinical UF Clingman Dome (N.C. and Tenn.) UF Medicine, Clinical [Former heading] Clingmans Mount (N.C. and Tenn.) BT Medical care BT Medicine Clingmans Peak (N.C. and Tenn.) Clinical drug trials NT Clinical indications Ku-wa-hi (N.C. and Tenn.) Kuwahi (N.C. and Tenn.) USE Drugs—Testing Clinical pharmacology Mount Clingman (N.C. and Tenn.) Clinical ecology Clinical toxicology Smoky Dome (N.C. and Tenn.) Diagnosis BT Mountains—North Carolina USE Environmentally induced diseases Narrative medicine Mountains—Tennessee Clinical education, Legal Therapeutics Great Smoky Mountains (N.C. and Tenn.) — Computer programs USE Law—Study and teaching (Clinical education) — Decision making Clingmans Mount (N.C. and Tenn.) Clinical endocrinology USE Clingmans Dome (N.C. and Tenn.) NT Disease management USE Endocrine glands—Diseases Evidence-based medicine Clingmans Peak (N.C. and Tenn.) Clinical engineering USE Clingmans Dome (N.C. and Tenn.) — Handbooks, manuals, etc. USE Biomedical engineering [RC55] Clinic managers (May Subd Geog) Clinical engineering departments in hospitals NT Medical protocols BT Clinics—Employees Health services administrators USE Hospitals—Engineering departments — Hospital reports Clinical engineers [RC31] Clinic use BT Hospital records USE Clinics—Utilization USE Biomedical engineers Clinical enzymology (May Subd Geog) — Laboratory manuals Clinical algorithms USE Diagnosis, Laboratory USE Medical protocols [RB48] UF Diagnostic enzymology — Mathematics Clinical assessment in nursing BT Clinical chemistry — — Formulae USE Nursing assessment Enzymology UF Mathematical formulae for clinical Clinical assistants Clinical epidemiology (May Subd Geog) medicine USE Physicians' assistants [RA652.2.C55] — Research (May Subd Geog) Clinical audit (Medicine) Here are entered works on the use of information NT Clinical trials USE Medical audit about the occurrence and distribution of specific diseases and disorders in a community to aid in Clinical microbiology Clinical bacteriology clinical diagnosis. USE Diagnostic microbiology USE Diagnostic bacteriology Medical microbiology BT Epidemiology Clinical biochemistry (May Subd Geog) NT Veterinary clinical epidemiology Clinical mycology [RB112.5 (Pathology)] Clinical equivalence in drugs USE Diagnostic mycology [RJ49.4 (Pediatrics)] USE Drugs—Therapeutic equivalency Here are entered works on the biochemical Clinical ethics Clinical neuropsychology (May Subd Geog) USE Medical ethics UF Behavioral neurology aspects of disease. Works on the chemical diagnosis Clinical exercise physiology (May Subd Geog) Neurology, Behavioral of disease and health monitoring are entered under UF Exercise physiology, Clinical BT Clinical psychology Clinical chemistry. BT Physiology Neuropsychology RT Exercise—Physiological aspects NT Neuropsychological tests UF Medical biochemistry Pathobiochemistry Exercise therapy — Authorship (May Subd Geog) Pathological biochemistry Clinical genetics NT Neuropsychological report writing BT Biochemistry USE Medical genetics Clinical nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy Pathology Clinical health psychology (May Subd Geog) USE Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy—Diagnostic use NT Veterinary clinical biochemistry [R726.7] Clinical biochemistry laboratories Here are entered works on the application of Clinical nurse specialists psychological methods to the promotion and USE Nurse practitioners USE Clinical chemistry laboratories maintenance of mental and physical health and to the Clinical chemistry (May Subd Geog) prevention and treatment of mental and physical Clinical nursing disorders having psychological influences. USE Nursing [RB40-RB41] Here are entered works on the chemical diagnosis UF Health psychology Clinical nutrition of disease and health monitoring. Works on the Health psychology, Clinical USE Diet therapy biochemical aspects of disease are entered under Psychology, Clinical health Clinical biochemistry. Psychology, Health Clinical parasitology Salutogenesis USE Diagnostic parasitology UF Chemistry, Clinical [Former heading] Diagnostic biochemistry BT Clinical psychology Clinical pastoral education (Movement) Diagnostic chemistry Medicine and psychology (May Subd Geog) Medical chemistry UF Clinical pastoral training (Movement) Clinical hematology BT Pastoral psychology—Study and teaching BT Biochemistry USE Blood—Diseases Diagnosis, Laboratory Clinical pastoral training (Movement) Clinical imaging USE Clinical pastoral education (Movement) NT Blood—Analysis USE Diagnostic imaging Body fluids—Analysis Clinical pathology Chemiluminescence—Diagnostic use Clinical immunology (May Subd Geog) USE Diagnosis, Laboratory Clinical enzymology [RC581-RC607] Reference values (Medicine) UF Medical immunology Clinical pathology, Veterinary Urine—Analysis BT Immunology USE Veterinary clinical pathology Veterinary clinical chemistry NT Immunodiagnosis Immunopathology Clinical pathology laboratories — Laboratory manuals Immunotherapy USE Pathological laboratories Clinical chemistry laboratories (May Subd Geog) Veterinary immunology Clinical perfusionists UF Clinical biochemistry laboratories Clinical indications (May Subd Geog) USE Perfusionists BT Chemical laboratories [RC67] UF Indications, Clinical Clinical pharmacologists (May Subd Geog) Pathological laboratories Indications, Medical BT Pharmacologists Clinical chemists (May Subd Geog) Medical indications BT Clinical medicine Clinical pharmacology (May Subd Geog) BT Chemists NT Surgical indications [RM301.28] Medical scientists BT Clinical medicine Clinical informatics Pharmacology Clinical child psychology (May Subd Geog) USE Medical informatics NT Drugs—Testing [RJ503.3] BT Child psychology Clinical investigators Clinical physiology Clinical psychology USE Medical research personnel USE Physiology, Pathological Clinical chronobiology (May Subd Geog) Clinical laboratories Clinical practice patterns [RB148] USE Pathological laboratories USE Physician practice patterns UF Chronomedicine Medical chronobiology Clinical practice variations USE Physician practice patterns Clinical privileges in hospitals USE Hospitals—Medical staff—Clinical privileges Clinical protocols USE Medical protocols C-444
Clinical psychologists (May Subd Geog) RT Dispensaries Clinton, Lake (Ill.) BT Mental health personnel Group medical practice UF Lake Clinton (Ill.) Psychologists Medical offices BT Lakes—Illinois Reservoirs—Illinois — Prescription privileges (May Subd Geog) NT Birth control clinics [RC467.97] Chiropractic clinics Clinton (Name) UF Prescribing privileges for clinical Dental clinics BT Names, Geographical psychologists Diabetes clinics Names, Personal Prescription privileges for clinical Family planning services psychologists Fertility clinics Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site (Hope, Privileges, Clinical psychologist Headache clinics Ark.) prescription Hearing clinics USE William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home BT Drugs—Prescribing Heart failure clinics National Historic Site (Hope, Ark.) Pain clinics — Supervision of (May Subd Geog) Pediatric clinics Clinton family (Not Subd Geog) UF Supervision of clinical psychologists Psychiatric clinics UF Clendon family Rural health clinics Clentan family Clinical psychology (May Subd Geog) Speech clinics Clenton family [RC466.8-RC467.97] Surgical clinics Clindon family BT Psychiatry RT Fynes-Clinton family Psychology, Applied — Administration McClinton family RT Psychological tests — Employees NT Clinical child psychology Clinton Lake (Kan.) Clinical health psychology NT Clinic managers BT Lakes—Kansas Clinical neuropsychology — Utilization (May Subd Geog) Reservoirs—Kansas Psychodiagnostics UF Clinic use Clinton Playhouse (Clinton, Conn.) — Practice (May Subd Geog) Utilization of clinics BT Theaters—Connecticut NT Group practice in clinical psychology Clinics, Plant Clinton River (Mich.) Clinical psychology group practice USE Plant clinics BT Rivers—Michigan USE Group practice in clinical psychology Clinics, Rural Clinton River Watershed (Mich.) Clinical radiology USE Rural health clinics BT Watersheds—Michigan USE Medical radiology Clinidae (May Subd Geog) Clinton State Park (Kan.) Clinical reasoning [QL638.C63] BT Parks—Kansas USE Medical logic UF Blennies, Scaled Paraclinidae Clintonite (May Subd Geog) Clinical records Scaled blennies UF Seybertite USE Medical records Xenopoclinidae BT Mica BT Perciformes Clinical reference values NT Acanthemblemaria Clinton's Cave (Utah) USE Reference values (Medicine) Emblemaria USE Black Rock Cave (Utah) Malacoctenus Clinical sciences Pavoclinus Clinton's Hudson River Expedition, 1777 USE Medicine Springeratus BT New York (State)—History—Revolution, 1775- 1783 Clinical signs Clink family United States—History—Revolution, 1775- USE Symptoms USE Klink family 1783—Campaigns Clinical skills Clinker beech Clintsman family (Not Subd Geog) USE Clinical competence USE Nothofagus fusca UF Klinsmann family Clinical sociology (May Subd Geog) Clinker brick Clinus aculeatus UF Sociology, Clinical [TP832.C5] USE Daubed shanny Sociotherapy BT Bricks RT Counseling Cement clinkers Clinus maculatus Psychotherapy USE Daubed shanny Social psychiatry Clinkscale family (Not Subd Geog) BT Sociology UF Clinkscales family Clio Awards UF American Television and Radio Commercials Clinical supervision of midwives Clinkscales family Awards USE Midwives—Supervision of USE Clinkscale family BT Radio advertising—Awards—United States Television advertising—Awards—United States Clinical supervision of nurses Clinkscales Farm Site (S.C.) USE Nurses—Supervision of USE Thomas B. Clinkscales Farm Site (S.C.) Clio Hall (Princeton, N.J.) BT College buildings—New Jersey Clinical telematics Clinocardium (May Subd Geog) USE Medical telematics [QL430.7.C2 (Zoology)] Cliola chlora BT Cardiidae USE Sand shiner Clinical thermography NT Nuttall cockle USE Medical thermography Cliola topeka Clinocardium corbis USE Topeka shiner Clinical thermometers USE Nuttall cockle USE Medical thermometers Clione (May Subd Geog) Clinocardium nutalli [QL430.5.C6 (Zoology)] Clinical toxicology (May Subd Geog) USE Nuttall cockle BT Clionidae (Mollusks) [RA1218.5] NT Clione limacina BT Clinical medicine Clinocardium nuttallii Toxicology USE Nuttall cockle Clione elegantissima USE Clione limacina Clinical trials (May Subd Geog) Clinocera (May Subd Geog) [R853.C55] [QL537.E4 (Zoology)] Clione kincaidi Here are entered works on prospective, controlled, BT Empididae USE Clione limacina randomized clinical studies designed to evaluate Clinochrysotile Clione limacina (May Subd Geog) various medical management modalities. USE Chrysotile [QL430.5.C6 (Zoology)] UF Clione elegantissima UF Controlled clinical trials Clinocoridae Clione kincaidi Patient trials of new treatments USE Cimicidae Clione papillonacea Randomized clinical trials BT Clione Trials, Clinical Clinodiplosis equestris USE Saddle gall midge Clione papillonacea BT Clinical medicine—Research USE Clione limacina RT Human experimentation in medicine Clinometer NT Crossover trials [TA579] Clionidae (Mollusks) (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) BT Surveying—Instruments [QL430.5.C6 (Zoology)] BT Gymnosomata BT Medical laws and legislation Clinoptilolite (May Subd Geog) NT Clione — Reporting (May Subd Geog) [TN948.C6] BT Zeolites Clioquinol UF Reporting of clinical trials USE Iodochlorhydroxyquin Clinical trials of drugs Clinostat [QK771] Clip art (May Subd Geog) USE Drugs—Testing Here are entered works on clipping artistic material Clinical virology Clint Adams (Fictitious character) USE Adams, Clint (Fictitious character) from a published source to use it for decorative or USE Diagnostic virology illustrative purposes when creating documents, Clinicians, Lactation Clint Barton (Fictitious character) posters, newsletters, etc. Works on the use of USE Hawkeye (Fictitious character : Lee) photocopying machines to create original works of art USE Lactation consultants are entered under Copy art. Clinics (May Subd Geog) Clint Johnston (Fictitious character) USE Johnston, Clint (Fictitious character) BT Graphic arts [RA966] Clippard family (Not Subd Geog) Here are entered works dealing with institutions for Clint Ryan (Fictitious character) Clipped coins (May Subd Geog) treatment of non-resident patients. USE Ryan, Clint (Fictitious character) Here are entered works on gold or silver coins that UF Medical clinics Clinton, Castle (New York, N.Y.) have been trimmed to take some of the precious BT Ambulatory medical care USE Castle Clinton (New York, N.Y.) metal. Community health services BT Coins Health facilities C-445
Clipper, Operation, 1944 BT Tricholomataceae Clock and watch industry (May Subd Geog) USE Operation Clipper, 1944 NT Clitocybe tabescens [HD9999.C58-HD9999.C584] Clitocybe tabescens (May Subd Geog) UF Clock industry CLIPPER (Microprocessor) (Not Subd Geog) [QK629.T73] Watch industry [QA76.8.C] BT Clitocybe BT Measuring instruments industry BT Microprocessors Clitopilosis USE Rhodocybe Clock and watch makers (May Subd Geog) Clipper ships (May Subd Geog) Clitorectomy [HD8039.W2 (Labor)] UF Clippers (Ships) USE Clitoridectomy [NK7486-NK7497 (Art)] BT Merchant ships Clitoridectomy (May Subd Geog) [TS542-TS543 (Technology)] Sailing ships [GN484 (Ethnology)] UF Watch makers NT Baltimore clippers UF Clitorectomy BT Jewelers NT Watch dial painters Clippers, Hedge Clitoris—Excision Watchcase makers USE Hedge clippers BT Female circumcision Clock and watch making (May Subd Geog) Clippers (Ships) Vulvectomy [HD9999.C6 (Economics)] USE Clipper ships — Law and legislation [TS540-TS549 (Technology)] UF Watch making Clipperton Island USE Female circumcision—Law and legislation RT Clocks and watches UF Île Clipperton Clitoridotomy Isla de la Passioń — Equipment and supplies Passioń , Isla de la USE Female circumcision UF Clock and watch making—Tools and BT Islands of the Pacific Clitoris implements [Former heading] Clipping bureaus (May Subd Geog) [QL881 (Comparative anatomy)] — Machinery (May Subd Geog) [AG500-AG551] [QM421 (Human anatomy)] [TS546] UF Newspaper clipping bureaus [QP265 (Physiology)] BT Information services industry BT Vulva — — Valuation (May Subd Geog) — Excision [TS546] Clipping circuits USE Limiter circuits USE Clitoridectomy — Military aspects (May Subd Geog) — Surgery (May Subd Geog) — Tools and implements Clippinger family USE Kleppinger family NT Female circumcision USE Clock and watch making—Equipment and Clitoris in literature (Not Subd Geog) supplies Clippings, Coin Clive (Fictitious character : Morgan) USE Coin clippings — Vocational guidance (May Subd Geog) USE Cool Clive (Fictitious character) [TS545.9] Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) Clive Key (Fla.) UF Clock and watch making as a profession [Z691 (General)] [Z697.C6 (Classification)] BT Islands—Florida Clock and watch making as a profession UF Cuttings Cliveden (England) USE Clock and watch making—Vocational guidance Newspaper clippings Press clippings BT Dwellings—England Clock batteries BT Library materials Clivers (Plants) USE Clocks and watches—Batteries Newspapers NT Collectanea files USE Galium Clock chime bells Clivia (May Subd Geog) USE Clock chimes — Classification USE Classification—Clippings (Books, [QK495.A484 (Botany)] Clock chime music newspapers, etc.) BT Amaryllidaceae [M172] Clivus Scauri (Rome, Italy) UF Chiming clock music [Former heading] Clips, Film This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Clock music [Former heading] USE Film clips subdivision. Clock chimes (May Subd Geog) CLIPS (Computer program language) BT Streets—Italy [ML1039] [QA76.73.C] Clizia (Greek deity) UF Clock chime bells BT Programming languages (Electronic Tower clock bells computers) USE Clytie (Greek deity) BT Chimes CLL (Disease) Cliques (Sociology) (May Subd Geog) Clock industry UF Social cliques USE Chronic lymphocytic leukemia USE Clock and watch industry BT Small groups Cloaca (Zoology) Social classes Clock music RT Social networks BT Genitourinary organs USE Clock chime music RT Rectum CLIR (Cross-language information retrieval) Cloaca cloacae Clock-organ USE Cross-language information retrieval USE Enterobacter cloacae USE Musical clock Cloacal exstrophy (May Subd Geog) Clisiocampa UF Ectopia cloacae Clock paradox USE Tent caterpillars USE Time dilatation Exstrophy, Cloacal Clisosporium diplodiella Exstrophy of cloaca Clock radios (May Subd Geog) USE White rot (Grapes) BT Bladder—Abnormalities BT Radio—Receivers and reception Intestines—Abnormalities Clissau, Battle of, Kliszów, Poland, 1702 Cloak and dagger fiction Clock repairing USE Kliszow, Battle of, Kliszoẃ , Poland, 1702 USE Spy stories USE Clocks and watches—Repairing Cloak and dagger films CLIST (Computer program language) USE Spy films Clock Tower (Bern, Switzerland) [QA76.73.C] Cloaks (May Subd Geog) USE Zytglogge (Bern, Switzerland) BT Programming languages (Electronic [HD9940 (Economics)] computers) [TT530 (Dressmaking)] Clock Tower (Asti, Italy) UF Capes (Clothing) USE Torre troiana (Asti, Italy) Clistenos language BT Clothing and dress USE Cree language Cloaks in art (Not Subd Geog) Clock Tower Building (New York, N.Y.) Clob-e-osh (Game) USE Chase Manhattan Bank Building (New York, Clistoyucca USE Belote (Game) N.Y. : Queens Plaza North) USE Yucca CLOC (Group of artists) UF Arte y Desarte (Group of artists) Clock-towers Clistoyucca brevifolia CLOC de Arte y Desarte (Group of artists) USE Towers USE Joshua tree RT Art, Spanish—20th century CLOC de Arte y Desarte (Group of artists) Clocker's Fancy Site (Saint Marys City, Md.) Clitaetra (May Subd Geog) USE CLOC (Group of artists) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic [QL458.42.N38 (Zoology)] Clocaenog Forest (Wales) BT Nephilidae BT Forests and forestry—Wales subdivision. NT Clitaetra thisbe Cloche gardening (May Subd Geog) BT Forcing (Plants) BT Maryland—Antiquities Clitaetra thisbe (May Subd Geog) Gardening Cloc̈ kner family [QL458.42.N38 (Zoology)] Horticulture BT Clitaetra Cloche Site (Pennes-Mirabeau, France) USE Kleckner family This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Clocks, Astronomical Clitellata (May Subd Geog) subdivision. [QL391.A6 (Zoology)] USE Astronomical clocks UF Clitellates UF La Cloche Site (Pennes-Mirabeau, France) Clocks, Atomic BT Annelida BT France—Antiquities NT Leeches Clock, Musical USE Atomic clocks Oligochaeta USE Musical clock Clocks, Chiming Clock, Rubik's Clitellates USE Rubik's Clock USE Chiming clocks USE Clitellata Clocks, Circadian Clitheroe Castle (Clitheroe, England) USE Circadian rhythms BT Castles—England Clocks, Logical Clitics (Grammar) USE Logical clocks USE Grammar, Comparative and general—Clitics Clocks, Real-time Clitocybe (May Subd Geog) USE Real-time clocks (Computers) [QK629.T73] Clocks and watches (May Subd Geog) [HD9999.C6 (Economics)] [NK7480-NK7499 (Art)] [TS540-TS549 (Technology)] UF Timepieces Watches C-446
BT Chronology Perpetual watches Clonal selection theory Horology Self-winding clocks and watches [QR182] House furnishings Clocks and watches in art (Not Subd Geog) BT Immunology—Philosophy [N8217.C4] NT Antibody diversity RT Clock and watch making Clocks and watches in literature (Not Subd Geog) Cellular immunity Time measurements Clod-Svensson family (Not Subd Geog) Clodactylus Clonal variation (Plants) NT Advertising clocks USE Cheilodactylus USE Clones (Plants)—Variation Advertising watches Clodalus Alarm clocks USE Hiodon Clonard Monastery Site (Meath, Ireland) Astronomical clocks Clodfelter family USE Clonard Site (Meath, Ireland) Atomic clocks USE Glatfelter family Balance clocks Cloer family (Not Subd Geog) Clonard Site (Meath, Ireland) Balance springs Cloet family This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Banjo clocks USE Cloudt family Calendar watches Cloeten family subdivision. Carriage clocks USE Cloudt family Chiming clocks Clofibrate (May Subd Geog) UF Clonard Monastery Site (Meath, Ireland) Chronometers [RM666.C548 (Pharmacology)] BT Ireland—Antiquities Comic strip character clocks and watches BT Anticholesteremic agents Clonazepam Electronic clocks and watches Propionates [RM666.C55] Gilt-bronze clocks Clog-almanacs UF Nitrobenzodiazepine Girandole clocks [CE89] BT Anticonvulsants Lantern clocks BT Calendar Longcase clocks Clog dance music (May Subd Geog) Antipsychotic drugs Luminous watches BT Dance music Benzodiazepines Moon dial mechanisms Clog dancing (May Subd Geog) Tranquilizing drugs Pillar and scroll clocks [GV1793] Clone cells Pocket watches UF Clogging (Dance) BT Cell culture Shelf clocks BT Dance Cells Skeleton clocks Clogging (Dance) Cloning Stopwatches USE Clog dancing RT Molecular cloning Talking clocks Clogh Oughter Castle (Ireland) NT HeLa cells Time clocks UF Clough Oughter Castle (Ireland) Hybridomas Tower clocks Cloughoughter Castle (Ireland) Clone theory (Algebra) Travel clocks BT Castles—Ireland USE Clones (Algebra) Wall clocks Cloghermore Cave (Ireland) Clones (Algebra) Watch keys BT Caves—Ireland UF Clone theory (Algebra) Watchcases Ireland—Antiquities BT Algebra Water clocks Clogs (May Subd Geog) Clones (Plants) (May Subd Geog) Wrist watches UF Shoes, Wooden UF Crops—Clones Wooden shoes Plant clones — Batteries (May Subd Geog) BT Shoes BT Plants UF Clock batteries Cloisonne ́ (May Subd Geog) RT Clonal forestry Watch batteries [NK5010-NK5015 (Decorative arts)] SA subdivision Clones under individual plants and BT Electric batteries [TT382.6 (Metal crafts)] groups of plants, e.g. Corn--Clones UF Shippo NT Plant cuttings — Drawings BT Art metal-work — Selection (May Subd Geog) — Escapements Enamel and enameling Pottery UF Clonal selection (Plants) [TS545] — China BT Plant selection UF Escapements — — History SA subdivision Clones--Selection under BT Intermittent-motion mechanisms — — — Ming-Qing dynasties, 1368-1912 — Jewel bearings (May Subd Geog) — Italy individual plants and groups of plants, UF Clocks and watches—Jewels [Former e.g. Corn--Clones--Selection NT Pala d'oro (Altarpiece) — Variation (May Subd Geog) heading] Cloisonne,́ Byzantine (May Subd Geog) UF Clonal variation (Plants) BT Jewel bearings SA subdivision Clones--Variation under — Jewels UF Byzantine cloisonné individual plants and groups of plants, USE Clocks and watches—Jewel bearings Cloisonné, Medieval (May Subd Geog) e.g. Corn--Clones--Variation — Maintenance and repair Clones of IBM computers USE Clocks and watches—Repairing UF Medieval cloisonné USE IBM-compatible computers — Private collections (May Subd Geog) Cloister gardens Clones of Macintosh computers [NK7483] USE Macintosh-compatible computers — Repairing (May Subd Geog) USE Monastery gardens Cloney family [TS547] Cloisters (Architecture) (May Subd Geog) USE Clune family UF Clock repairing Clonfinlough Site (Ireland) [NA2858 (General)] BT Ireland—Antiquities Clocks and watches—Maintenance and [NA4940 (Christian architecture)] Clonidine (May Subd Geog) repair BT Architecture [RM666.C56] Clocks and watches—Repairing and RT Courtyards BT Analgesics adjusting [Former heading] Cloisters (Religious communities) Hypotensive agents Watch repairing USE Convents Imidazolines — Repairing and adjusting Sympatholytic agents USE Clocks and watches—Repairing Enclosure (Monasticism) Cloning (May Subd Geog) — Tariff Monasteries [QH442.2] USE Tariff on clocks Cloisters Cross BT Genetic engineering Tariff on watches USE Bury Saint Edmunds Cross Reproduction, Asexual — Germany Cloisters Gardens (New York, N.Y.) SA subdivision Cloning under individual animals NT Speckhart, Gustav, 1852-1919. Kunstuhr This heading is not valid for use as a geographic and groups of animals, e.g. Cattle--Cloning; Clocks and watches, Electric (May Subd Geog) subdivision. Fishes--Cloning [TS544] NT Clone cells UF Electric clocks and watches UF Gardens of the Cloisters (New York, N.Y.) Human cloning BT Electric apparatus and appliances BT Gardens—New York (State) Molecular cloning — Maintenance and repair Clojure (Computer program language) — Religious aspects USE Clocks and watches, Electric—Repairing BT Functional programming languages — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] — Repairing (May Subd Geog) Clomazone (May Subd Geog) Cloning, Molecular UF Clocks and watches, BT Herbicides USE Molecular cloning Electric—Maintenance and repair Cloning in literature (Not Subd Geog) Clocks and watches, Electric—Repairing Oxazoles Cloning vectors and adjusting [Former heading] Clompanus USE Genetic vectors — Repairing and adjusting Clonmacnoise (Extinct city) USE Clocks and watches, Electric—Repairing USE Brachychiton UF Cluain Mic Nois (Extinct city) Clocks and watches, Renaissance (May Subd Geog) Clonal forestry (May Subd Geog) BT Extinct cities—Ireland [NK7489] Ireland—Antiquities UF Renaissance clocks and watches [SD403.4-SD403.5] Clonorchiasis Clocks and watches, Self-winding BT Forestry biotechnology [RC139] UF Automatic watches Clonorchis (May Subd Geog) Pedometer winding watches Trees—Propagation [QL391.P7 (Zoology)] RT Clones (Plants) BT Liver flukes Clonal selection (Plants) USE Clones (Plants)—Selection C-447
Clonorchis (Continued) Corporations Closed circular ring problems Opisthorchiidae RT Constructive dividends [TA347.C54] BT Engineering mathematics NT Clonorchis sinensis Going private (Securities) Clonorchis sinensis (May Subd Geog) NT Family corporations Closed-class words (Grammar) USE Grammar, Comparative and general—Function [QL391.P7 (Zoology)] Stock purchase agreements (Close words UF Chinese liver fluke corporations) — Finance Closed collections in archives Opisthorchis sinensis USE Restricted collections in archives Oriental liver fluke [HG4028.F3] BT Clonorchis RT Going public (Securities) Closed communion Clonoteeskaw River (Ga.) — Law and legislation USE Close and open communion USE Flint River (Ga.) USE Close corporations Clontarf, Battle of, 1014 — Registration and transfer (May Subd Geog) Closed corporations USE Clontarf, Battle of, Clontarf, Ireland, 1014 BT Recording and registration USE Close corporations Clontarf, Battle of, Clontarf, Ireland, 1014 — Valuation (May Subd Geog) UF Clontarf, Battle of, 1014 [Former heading] Close encounters of the first kind Closed cycle ecological systems BT Ireland—History—To 1172 USE Unidentified flying objects—Sightings and USE Closed ecological systems Clonyn Castle (Ireland) encounters BT Castles—Ireland Close encounters of the fourth kind Closed cycle ecological systems (Space environment) Cloon family USE Alien abduction USE Closed ecological systems (Space USE Clune family Close encounters of the second kind environment) Clooney family USE Unidentified flying objects—Sightings and USE Clune family encounters Closed ecological systems (May Subd Geog) Clopenthixol (May Subd Geog) Close encounters of the third kind [QH541.15.C55 (Ecology)] [RM666.C564] USE Human-alien encounters UF Closed cycle ecological systems BT Antipsychotic drugs Close family (Not Subd Geog) Ecological systems, Closed Piperazine UF Clothes family BT Ecology Clopidogrel (May Subd Geog) Clowes family UF Ceruvin Clowse family Closed ecological systems (Space environment) Clopidogrel bisulfate RT Klos family UF Closed cycle ecological systems (Space Clopidogrel hemisulfate Close-in weapon systems (Naval science) environment) Clopidogrel hydrogen sulfate USE Antiship missile defenses Controlled ecological life support systems Clopidogrel hydrogensulfate Close range photography (Space environment) Clopidogrel sulfate USE Photography, Close-up Ecological life support systems, Controlled Clopilet Close rolls (Space environment) Iscover USE Close writs Ecological systems, Closed (Space Isocover Close support aircraft environment) Plavix (Trademark) USE Attack planes BT Life support systems (Space environment) BT Adrenergic beta blockers Close-up photography NT Closed respiratory systems (Space Cardiovascular agents USE Photography, Close-up environment) Clopidogrel bisulfate Close writs Plants for closed ecological systems USE Clopidogrel UF Close rolls Clopidogrel hemisulfate Closed-angle glaucoma Closed-end country funds USE Clopidogrel USE Angle-closure glaucoma USE Country funds Clopidogrel hydrogen sulfate Closed caption television USE Clopidogrel USE Closed captioning Closed-end funds (May Subd Geog) Clopidogrel hydrogensulfate Closed caption video recordings BT Mutual funds USE Clopidogrel USE Closed captioning NT Business development companies Clopidogrel sulfate Video recordings for the hearing impaired USE Clopidogrel Closed captioning (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Clopilet UF Captioning, Closed Closed graph theorems USE Clopidogrel Close captioning Clopper family Closed caption television [Former heading] UF Graph theorems, Closed USE Clapper family Closed caption video recordings BT Graph theory Clopton family (Not Subd Geog) Television captioning (Closed captioning) Cloquet River (Minn.) Video captioning (Closed captioning) Linear operators BT Rivers—Minnesota BT Hearing impaired—Services for Linear topological spaces Cloquet River Watershed (Minn.) Translating and interpreting Closed groups, Existentially BT Watersheds—Minnesota NT Real-time closed captioning USE Existentially closed groups Cloquet Valley State Forest (Minn.) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Closed operators BT Forest reserves—Minnesota Closed categories (Mathematics) UF Operators, Closed Clorinda (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) [QA169] BT Linear operators Clos de la Lombarde Site (Narbonne, France) BT Categories (Mathematics) Closed respiratory systems (Space environment) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Closed circuit respiratory systems (Space environment) UF Closed circuit respiratory systems (Space subdivision. USE Closed respiratory systems (Space environment) environment) BT Closed ecological systems (Space UF Lombarde Site, Clos de la (Narbonne, France) Closed-circuit television (May Subd Geog) environment) BT France—Antiquities [TK6680] Pressure breathing Clos du Doubs (Switzerland) UF CCTV (Closed-circuit television) Respiration Close air support Television, Closed-circuit NT Artificial atmospheres (Space environment) [UG700] BT Intercommunication systems Closed road courses UF Air support, Close Microwave communication systems USE Racetracks (Automobile racing) BT Air warfare Television Closed schools RT Television in education USE School closings Unified operations (Military science) NT Industrial television Closed seas (Law) Close and open communion Video microscopy USE Mare clausum Closed-circuit television in airplane landing Closed shelves in libraries [BV820] (May Subd Geog) USE Open and closed shelves UF Close communion BT Airplanes—Landing Closed shop Landing aids (Aeronautics) USE Open and closed shop Closed communion Closed-circuit television in courtroom proceedings Closed stacks in libraries Communion, Close (May Subd Geog) USE Open and closed shelves Communion, Open BT Conduct of court proceedings Closed system fish culture Mixed communion Closed-circuit television in helicopter landing USE Fish culture—Water reuse Open communion (May Subd Geog) Closely held corporations Strict communion BT Helicopters—Landing USE Close corporations BT Lord's Supper Landing aids (Aeronautics) Closeness, Pitman's measure of NT Intercommunion Closed-circuit television in police work USE Pitman's measure of closeness Close captioning (May Subd Geog) Closeout merchandise (May Subd Geog) USE Closed captioning BT Police BT Commercial products Close communion Closed-circuit television in space vehicle docking Closers (Baseball) USE Close and open communion BT Space vehicles—Docking USE Relief pitchers (Baseball) Close corporations (May Subd Geog) Closes, Cathedral UF Close corporations—Law and legislation USE Cathedral closes Closed corporations Closet doors (May Subd Geog) Closely held corporations BT Doors BT Corporation law NT Mirrored closet doors Closet drama (Not Subd Geog) Here are entered works on plays written to be read rather than performed on stage. UF Closet plays BT Drama C-448
Closet drama, English (May Subd Geog) Clostridia UF Terminosporus kluyveri UF English closet drama USE Clostridium BT Clostridium BT English drama Clostridium novyi (May Subd Geog) Clostridial diseases [QR82.B3] Closet drama, French (May Subd Geog) USE Clostridium diseases UF Bacillus novyi UF French closet drama BT Clostridium BT French drama Clostridial enteritis (May Subd Geog) Clostridium pasteurianum (May Subd Geog) [SF977.C55 (Swine disease)] [QR82.B3] Closet gays UF Clostridium enterotoxemia BT Clostridium USE Closeted gays Clostridium perfringens enteritis Clostridium perfringens (May Subd Geog) Clostridium perfringens infection [QR82.B3] Closet plays Enterotoxaemia UF Clostridium welchii USE Closet drama Enterotoxemia [Former heading] Hemorrhagic enterotoxemia Welch's bacillus Closeted gays (May Subd Geog) BT Anaerobic infections BT Clostridium UF Closet gays Clostridium diseases in animals Clostridium perfringens enteritis BT Gays Enteritis USE Clostridial enteritis RT Coming out (Sexual orientation) NT Type D enterotoxemia of sheep Clostridium perfringens infection USE Clostridial enteritis Closeted gays in literature (Not Subd Geog) Clostridial neurotoxin Clostridium putrefaciens (May Subd Geog) Closets USE Tetanus toxin BT Clostridium Clostridium tetani (May Subd Geog) USE Clothes closets Clostridiopeptidase A [QR82.B3 (Bacteriology)] Linen closets USE Collagenases [QR201.T3 (Pathogen)] UF Bacillus tetani Closets, Chemical Clostridium (May Subd Geog) BT Clostridium USE Chemical toilets [QR82.B3] Clostridium tetani toxin UF Clostridia USE Tetanus toxin Closing (Accounting) (May Subd Geog) BT Bacillaceae Clostridium thermosulfurigenes [HF5681.C45] NT Clostridium acetobutylicum USE Clostridium thermosulfurogenes UF Closing the books (Accounting) Clostridium acidiurici Clostridium thermosulfurogenes (May Subd Geog) BT Accounting Clostridium botulinum [QR82.B3] Clostridium butyricum UF Clostridium thermosulfurigenes Closing arguments (Law) Clostridium chauvoei BT Clostridium USE Summation (Law) Clostridium difficile Clostridium welchii Clostridium felsineum USE Clostridium perfringens Closing costs Clostridium kluyveri Closure, Integral USE Settlement costs Clostridium novyi USE Integral closure Clostridium pasteurianum Closure (Music) Closing of beaches Clostridium perfringens [MT6] USE Beach closures Clostridium putrefaciens BT Musical form Clostridium tetani Closure (Parliamentary practice) Closing of churches Clostridium thermosulfurogenes USE Cloture USE Church closures Closure (Rhetoric) — Biotechnology (May Subd Geog) UF Endings (Rhetoric) Closing of factories BT Microbial biotechnology USE Plant shutdowns Last lines (Rhetoric) Clostridium acetobutylicum (May Subd Geog) Peroration Closing of fire stations [QR82.B3] BT Rhetoric USE Fire station closings BT Clostridium Closure (Rhetoric) in the Bible Closure Dike (Netherlands) Closing of hospitals Clostridium acidiurici (May Subd Geog) USE Afsluitdijk (Netherlands) USE Hospital closures [QR82.B3] Closure of beaches UF Bacillus acidiurici USE Beach closures Closing of military bases BT Clostridium Closure of churches USE Military base closures USE Church closures Clostridium botulinum (May Subd Geog) Closure of functions Closing of mines [QR82.B3] UF Functions, Closure of USE Mine closures BT Clostridium BT Approximation theory Functions, Continuous Closing of roads Clostridium botulinum toxin Functions of complex variables USE Road closures USE Botulinum toxin Sequences (Mathematics) Closure of hospitals Closing of sanitary landfills Clostridium butylicum USE Hospital closures USE Sanitary landfill closures USE Clostridium butyricum Closure of military bases USE Military base closures Closing of schools Clostridium butyricum (May Subd Geog) Closure of mines USE School closings [QR82.B3] USE Mine closures UF Clostridium butylicum Closure of roads Closing pitchers (Baseball) BT Clostridium USE Road closures USE Relief pitchers (Baseball) Closure of sanitary landfills Clostridium chauvoei (May Subd Geog) USE Sanitary landfill closures Closing the books (Accounting) [QR82.B3] Closure operators USE Closing (Accounting) BT Clostridium UF Operators, Closure RT Galois correspondences Closings of beaches Clostridium difficile (May Subd Geog) BT Lattice theory USE Beach closures [QR82.B3] Closure spaces BT Clostridium BT Topological spaces Closings of churches Closures, Bat-compatible mine USE Church closures Clostridium diseases (May Subd Geog) USE Bat-compatible mine gates [QR201.C54 (Microbiology)] Closures and caps Closings of fire stations [RC116.C5 (Internal medicine)] USE Caps and closures USE Fire station closings UF Clostridial diseases Closures of churches Clostridium infections USE Church closures Closings of fishing areas BT Gram-positive bacterial infections Closures of fishing areas USE Fishery closures NT Botulism USE Fishery closures Gas gangrene Closures of hospitals Closings of hospitals Tetanus USE Hospital closures USE Hospital closures Closures of mines Clostridium diseases in animals (May Subd Geog) USE Mine closures Closings of mines [SF809.C6] Closures of roads USE Mine closures BT Bacterial diseases in animals USE Road closures NT Blackleg in cattle Closures of sanitary landfills Closings of sanitary landfills Blackleg in sheep USE Sanitary landfill closures USE Sanitary landfill closures Braxy Clostridial enteritis Closings of schools USE School closings Clostridium enterotoxemia USE Clostridial enteritis Closs family (Not Subd Geog) Clossner family Clostridium felsineum (May Subd Geog) [QR82.B3] USE Klossner family BT Clostridium Closson family (Not Subd Geog) Clostera (May Subd Geog) Clostridium histolyticum collagenase USE Collagenases [QL561.N8 (Zoology)] BT Notodontidae Clostridium infections NT Poplar tentmaker USE Clostridium diseases Clostera inclusa USE Poplar tentmaker Clostridium kluyveri (May Subd Geog) Clostercamp, Battle of, Germany, 1760 [QR82.B3] USE Klosterkamp, Battle of, Germany, 1760 Closteroviridae (May Subd Geog) BT Plant viruses RNA viruses NT Closteroviruses Closterovirus (Genus) USE Closteroviruses Closteroviruses (May Subd Geog) UF Closterovirus (Genus) BT Closteroviridae NT Beet yellows virus Grapevine leafroll virus C-449
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