Clotburs Clothier family (Not Subd Geog) Leather garments USE Burdocks Clothiers Leggings Loroi (Clothing) Cloten (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) USE Clothing trade Mantas (Clothing) (Not Subd Geog) Clothilde (Fictitious character : Bernèche) Men's clothing Nationalism and clothing Clotfelter family (Not Subd Geog) Neckwear USE Glatfelter family Clothing Newspapers—Sections, columns, etc.—Fashion Cloth USE Clothing and dress Organic clothing USE Textile fabrics Clothing, Cold weather Overalls Pants Cloth, Glass USE Cold weather clothing Paper garments USE Glass cloth Clothing, Doll Pareos Passementerie Cloth bindings (Bookbinding) (May Subd Geog) USE Doll clothes Plackets [Z269.3.C58] Clothing, Hot weather Plastic garments UF Book cloth Pleats (Sewing) Bookbinding—Cloth bindings [Former heading] USE Hot weather clothing Pockets Bookcloth Clothing, Industrial Ponchos Cloth bookbindings Printed fashion apparel BT Bookbinding USE Work clothes Protective clothing Clothing, Protective Ready-to-wear clothing Cloth bookbindings Riding habit USE Cloth bindings (Bookbinding) USE Protective clothing Robes Clothing, Traditional Rompers (Clothing) Cloth brushes Rubber garments USE Clothes brushes USE Ethnic costume Sashes (Clothing) Clothing, Waterproof Scarves Cloth dolls (May Subd Geog) Seams (Sewing) [NK4894.4.C57] USE Waterproof clothing Shawls UF Dolls, Cloth Clothing and dress (May Subd Geog) Shoulder straps BT Dolls Sleepwear NT Rag dolls [GN418-GN419 (Ethnology)] Sleeves [GT500-GT2370 (Manners and customs)] Smocks Cloth filters [TT507 (Theory, design)] Sport clothes USE Fabric filters [TX340 (Home economics)] Staffs (Sticks, canes, etc.) Here are entered works on the utilitarian aspects of Stoles (Clothing) Cloth flowers clothing, including works on how to dress. Works on Suits (Clothing) USE Fabric flowers clothing treated as an artistic object, as well as works Suspenders on clothing created for the stage, screen, or special Sweaters Cloth of gold events, are entered under Costume. Tailoring UF Gold, Cloth of Tucks (Sewing) BT Metal cloth UF Apparel Tunics Clothes Underwear Cloth of Gold, Field of, France, 1520 Clothing Uniforms USE Field of Cloth of Gold, France, 1520 Clothing and dress, Primitive [Former heading] Vests Dress Vintage clothing Cloth of silver Dressing (Clothing) Waists (Clothing) UF Silver, Cloth of Garments Women's clothing BT Metal cloth Work clothes BT Beauty, Personal Zoroastrian clothing and dress Cloth seals (Numismatics) (May Subd Geog) Manners and customs — Advertising UF Bag seals (Numismatics) USE Advertising—Clothing and dress Bale seals RT Fashion — Alteration Lead bag seals (Numismatics) Undressing Lead bale seals [TT550] Lead cloth inspection seals SA subdivision Clothing under names of individual UF Alteration of clothes Lead cloth seals (Numismatics) persons and families, and under classes of BT Dressmaking BT Seals (Numismatics) persons and ethnic groups Tailoring Cloth wrappers NT Aprons — Care (May Subd Geog) USE Wrapping cloths Armbands Belt toggles UF Care of clothing and dress Clothes Belts (Clothing) RT Clothing care labels USE Clothing and dress Bodices NT Clothing and dress—Repairing Breechcloths — — Equipment and supplies Clothes brushes (May Subd Geog) Burial clothing UF Cloth brushes Buttonholes NT Clothes brushes BT Brooms and brushes Buttons — Chinese influences Clothing and dress—Care—Equipment and Cache-sexes supplies Caftans BT China—Civilization Children's clothing — Cleaning Clothes closets Cloaks UF Closets Clothing and dress measurements USE Dry cleaning BT Dwellings Coats Laundry Storage in the home Collars Color in clothing — Design Clothes designers Costume USE Fashion design USE Fashion designers Courts and courtiers—Clothing Coveralls — Erotic aspects (May Subd Geog) Clothes driers Custom-made clothing BT Erotica USE Clothes dryers Darts (Clothing) Dickeys (Clothing) — Fires and fire prevention (May Subd Geog) Clothes dryers (May Subd Geog) Dirndls BT Fireproofing of fabrics UF Clothes driers Doll clothes Dryers, Clothes Dress accessories — History BT Drying apparatus Emergency clothing supply — — To 500 Laundry machinery Fair trade clothing Footwear [GT530-GT560] Clothes family Fur garments — — Medieval, 500-1500 USE Close family Garters Gathers (Sewing) [GT575] Clothes hangers Gloves — — 15th century USE Coat hangers Hanbok — Japanese influences Headgear Clothes moths (May Subd Geog) Hosiery BT Japan—Civilization [QL561.T55 (Zoology)] Hot weather clothing — Labeling (May Subd Geog) BT Tineidae Interfacings (Clothing) NT Webbing clothes moth Islamic clothing and dress NT Clothing care labels Jackets — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Clothes-pegs Jewish clothing and dress USE Clothespins Jumpsuits RT Sumptuary laws Kilts — Physiological aspects Clothes trees (May Subd Geog) Kimonos — Religious aspects UF Coat trees Knitwear — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] Costumers (Furniture) Lapels — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Hall trees Latex garments Hat trees Hatstands (Furniture) BT Coatracks Stands (Furniture) Clotheslines (May Subd Geog) BT Laundry—Equipment and supplies Clothespins (May Subd Geog) UF Clothes-pegs Pegs (Clothespins) BT Laundry—Equipment and supplies C-450
— — Christianity — — Valuation (May Subd Geog) bodies, e.g. United States. Congress. NT Church vestments [TT498] Senate--Cloture Clou family — — Islam Clothing industry USE Claus family — — Judaism USE Clothing trade Clouatre family (Not Subd Geog) Cloud, Oort NT Shaatnez Clothing models USE Oort Cloud — — Santeria USE Models (Persons) Cloud (Horse) (Not Subd Geog) BT Horses NT Santeria vestments Clothing rental services (May Subd Geog) Cloud caps — Remaking UF Rental clothing industry USE Cap clouds BT Lease and rental services Cloud chamber [TT550] [QC787.C56] UF Remaking of clothes Clothing trade (May Subd Geog) UF Expansion chamber [HD9940 (Economics)] Wilson chamber Remodeling of clothes [TT490-TT695 (Manufacture)] Wilson cloud chamber Restyling of clothes UF Apparel industry BT Ionization chambers BT Dressmaking Clothiers Ions Tailoring Clothing industry Cloud chamber bowls (Musical instrument) — Repairing (May Subd Geog) Garment industry (May Subd Geog) [TT720-TT730] Rag trade BT Percussion instruments BT Clothing and dress—Care BT Textile industry Cloud chamber bowls music (May Subd Geog) NT Reweaving RT Tailors Here are entered compositions not in a specific — Selling NT Belt industry (Clothing) form or of a specific type for one performer playing USE Selling—Clothing Children's clothing industry cloud chamber bowls, and collections of compositions — Social aspects (May Subd Geog) Fashion merchandising in several forms or types for one performer playing [GT525] Footwear industry cloud chamber bowls. UF Society and clothing Fur trade NT Dress codes Glove industry SA headings for forms and types of music that — Symbolic aspects (May Subd Geog) Hat trade include \"cloud chamber bowls\" and headings UF Symbolic aspects of clothing and dress Hosiery industry with medium of performance that include BT Symbolism Leather garments industry \"cloud chamber bowls\" — Tariff Men's clothing industry USE Tariff on clothing Men's furnishing goods Cloud computing (May Subd Geog) — Turkish influences Printed fashion apparel industry [QA76.585] BT Turkey—Civilization Ready-to-wear clothing industry BT Electronic data processing—Distributed — China Shawl industry processing — — History Shirt industry RT Web services — — — Ming-Qing dynasties, 1368-1912 Sleepwear industry — Japan Sport clothes industry — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — — History Suspender industry Cloud dynamics — — — To 1868 Sweater industry — — — Heian period, 794-1185 T-shirt industry USE Clouds—Dynamics — — — Kamakura-Momoyama periods, 1185-1600 Tailoring Cloud electrification — — — Edo period, 1600-1868 Underwear industry — — — Meiji period, 1868-1912 Uniforms industry [QC921.6.E4] — Korea Used clothing industry UF Electrification of clouds — — History Women's clothing industry BT Atmospheric electricity — — — To 935 Work clothes industry — — — Koryŏ period, 935-1392 Cloud physics — — — Choson̆ dynasty, 1392-1910 — Collective bargaining Cloud family (Not Subd Geog) — Korea (South) USE Collective bargaining—Clothing industry — Latin America UF Cloude family NT Pollera — Collective labor agreements RT McLeod family — Mexico USE Collective labor agreements—Clothing Cloud forecasting (May Subd Geog) NT China poblana industry UF Clouds—Forecasting — Philippines NT Barong tagalog — Employees Forecasting, Cloud Ternos USE Clothing workers Cloud forest animals (May Subd Geog) — Rome NT Togas — Job descriptions BT Forest animals — United States USE Clothing workers—Job descriptions Cloud forest conservation (May Subd Geog) Clothing and dress, Prehistoric (May Subd Geog) UF Costume, Prehistoric [Former heading] — Seasonal variations (May Subd Geog) BT Forest conservation Prehistoric clothing — Strikes and lockouts Cloud forest ecology (May Subd Geog) Clothing and dress, Primitive USE Clothing and dress USE Strikes and lockouts—Clothing trade [QH101-QH198 (Local)] Clothing and dress in art (Not Subd Geog) — Vocational guidance (May Subd Geog) [QH541.5.C63 (General)] UF Costume in art [Former heading] Clothing workers (May Subd Geog) UF Cloud forest ecology—Tropics Clothing and dress in literature (Not Subd Geog) UF Costume in literature [Former heading] [HD8039.C6] Cloud forests—Ecology Clothing and dress in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) UF Clothing trade—Employees Tropical cloud forest ecology BT Motion pictures BT Forest ecology Clothing and dress in the Bible Garment workers — Tropics USE Biblical costume BT Employees USE Cloud forest ecology Clothing and dress measurements (May Subd Geog) NT Dressmakers Cloud forest plants (May Subd Geog) BT Clothing and dress [QK108-QK474.5 (Local)] Clothing and dress on television (Not Subd Geog) Hatters [QK938.C (General)] BT Television Millinery workers BT Forest plants Clothing and nationalism Tailors RT Rain forest plants USE Nationalism and clothing Women clothing workers Cloud forests (May Subd Geog) Clothing care labels (May Subd Geog) — Job descriptions (May Subd Geog) UF Cloud forests—Tropics UF Care labels (Clothing) Tropical cloud forests Fabric care labels UF Clothing trade—Job descriptions [Former BT Forests and forestry Garment care labels heading] RT Rain forests BT Clothing and dress—Labeling — Ecology RT Clothing and dress—Care — Labor unions (May Subd Geog) USE Cloud forest ecology Clothing design — Wages — Tropics USE Fashion design USE Cloud forests Clothing factories (May Subd Geog) USE Wages—Clothing workers Cloud-height indicator [TT498] — Germany (West) USE Ceilometer UF Garment factories — New York (State) Cloud modification BT Factories — Wisconsin USE Weather control — Electric equipment (May Subd Geog) Clots de Raynaud Site (France) Cloud Peak Primitive Area (Wyo.) — Equipment and supplies USE Cloud Peak Wilderness (Wyo.) NT Sewing machines UF Site du Clots de Raynaud (France) Cloud Peak Wilderness (Wyo.) BT France—Antiquities UF Cloud Peak Primitive Area (Wyo.) [Former Clotting of blood heading] USE Blood—Coagulation BT National parks and reserves—Wyoming Clottu family (Not Subd Geog) Wilderness areas—Wyoming Cloture Cloud physics [JF538] [QC921.48-QC921.6] UF Closure (Parliamentary practice) BT Atmospheric physics RT Precipitation (Meteorology) Legislative bodies—Cloture Limitation of debate BT Legislative bodies—Freedom of debate Parliamentary practice SA subdivision Cloture under individual legislative C-451
Cloud physics (Continued) UF Cloud dynamics Clove (Spice) (May Subd Geog) NT Atmospheric nucleation BT Cloud physics [TX407.C] Cloud electrification UF Clove [Former heading] Clouds—Dynamics Dynamics BT Spices Condensation (Meteorology) NT Clouds—Thermodynamics Olympus Cumulus Project — Forecasting Clove industry USE Cloud forecasting USE Clove trade Cloud Rock Leaning Pagoda (Yun yan si, Suzhou Shi, — Mythology (May Subd Geog) Jiangsu Sheng, China) [BL325.C56] Clove Road (Staten Island, New York, N.Y.) USE Yun yan si ta (Yun yan si, Suzhou Shi, Jiangsu — Photographs from space This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Sheng, China) BT Meteorological satellites — Pictorial works subdivision. Cloud Rock Temple (Suzhou Shi, Jiangsu Sheng, — Symbolic aspects (May Subd Geog) China) UF Symbolic aspects of clouds BT Streets—New York (State) USE Yun yan si (Suzhou Shi, Jiangsu Sheng, BT Symbolism Clove trade (May Subd Geog) China) — Thermodynamics BT Clouds—Dynamics [HD9211.C57-HD9211.C574] Cloud seeding UF Clove industry USE Rain-making Thermodynamics BT Spice trade Snowpack augmentation Clouds, High-velocity (Astrophysics) Clove tree (May Subd Geog) [QK495.M9 (Botany)] Cloudberry (May Subd Geog) USE High-velocity clouds (Astrophysics) [SB307.C6 (Spice plant)] [QK495.R78 (Botany)] Clouds, Infrared cirrus (Astronomy) UF Aromatic clove tree [SB386.R83 (Culture)] UF Bakeberry USE Infrared cirrus (Astronomy) Caryophillus aromaticus Baked-apple berry Clouds, Molecular Eugenia aromatica Dwarf mulberry Eugenia caryophyllata Malka USE Molecular clouds Syzygium aromaticum Mulberry, Dwarf Clouds Hill (England : Dwelling) BT Syzygium Rubus chamaemorus [Former heading] Clover (May Subd Geog) Yellowberry BT Dwellings—England [QK495.L52 (Botany)] BT Rubus Clouds House (East Knoyle, England) [SB205.C64 (Forage plants)] UF Clovers Cloude family USE Clouds (East Knoyle, England) Shamrocks USE Cloud family Clouds in art (Not Subd Geog) Trefoils (Plants) Clouds in literature (Not Subd Geog) Trifolium Clouded apollo (May Subd Geog) Clouds in the Bible BT Legumes [QL561.P2 (Zoology)] Clouds of Magellan NT Alsike clover UF Apollo, Clouded Berseem Parnassius mnemosyne USE Magellanic Clouds Crimson clover BT Parnassius Cloudt family (Not Subd Geog) Kura clover Red clover Clouded leopard (May Subd Geog) UF Clautht family Rose clover [QL737.C23] Cloet family Strawberry clover UF Clouded tiger Cloeten family Subterranean clover Felis nebulosa Clout family Thompson's clover Neofelis nebulosa Cludt family White clover BT Neofelis Clute family — Diseases and pests (May Subd Geog) Cluyt family Clouded peach bark aphid Cluyte family [SB608.C55] USE Pterochloroides persicae Cluytte family NT Clover yellow vein disease De Cloudt family — Harvesting (May Subd Geog) Clouded peach stem aphid Kloute family — Varieties (May Subd Geog) USE Pterochloroides persicae Von Cloudt family Clover, Bokhara USE White sweet clover Clouded salamander (May Subd Geog) RT Von Pelden family Clover, Bukhara [QL668.C274 (Zoology)] Cloudy Bay (N.Z.) USE White sweet clover UF Anaides ferreus Clover, Bur Aneides ferreus BT Bays—New Zealand USE Bur clover Autodax ferreus Cloudy Pass (Wash.) Clover, Bush BT Climbing salamanders USE Lespedeza BT Mountain passes—Washington (State) Clover, Danny (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Clouded tiger Clough family (Not Subd Geog) UF Danny Clover (Fictitious character) USE Clouded leopard Clover, Japan UF Clow family USE Lespedeza Cloudehill (Vic.) Cluff family Clover, Sweet BT Gardens—Australia USE Sweet clover Clough Island (Wis.) Clover aphid (May Subd Geog) Cloudiness (May Subd Geog) UF Big Island (Douglas County, Wis.) [QL527.A64 (Zoology)] [QC922-924] Whiteside Island (Wis.) UF Clover aphids [Former heading] BT Clouds BT Islands—Wisconsin Nearctaphis bakeri Short-beaked clover aphid Clouds, Lake of the (Wash.) Clough Oughter Castle (Ireland) BT Nearctaphis UF Lake of the Clouds (Wash.) USE Clogh Oughter Castle (Ireland) Clover aphids BT Lakes—Washington (State) USE Clover aphid Cloughoughter Castle (Ireland) Clover as feed (May Subd Geog) Clouds, Magellanic USE Clogh Oughter Castle (Ireland) [SF99.C55] USE Magellanic Clouds BT Feeds Clouse family Clover Bar Bridge (Edmonton, Alta.) Clouds (East Knoyle, England) USE Claus family This heading is not valid for use as a geographic UF Clouds House (East Knoyle, England) subdivision. BT Dwellings—England Clouseau, Inspector (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) UF Cloverbar Bridge (Edmonton, Alta.) Clouds (May Subd Geog) UF Clouseau, Jacques (Fictitious character) BT Bridges—Alberta [QC921-QC923] Inspector Clouseau (Fictitious character) Clover Creek (Wash.) BT Meteorology Inspector Jacques Clouseau (Fictitious BT Rivers—Washington (State) NT Artificial clouds character) Clover Creek Watershed (Wash.) Cap clouds Jacques Clouseau (Fictitious character) BT Watersheds—Washington (State) Cirrus clouds Clover family (Not Subd Geog) Cloudiness Clouseau, Jacques (Fictitious character) Clover fern Condensation trails USE Clouseau, Inspector (Fictitious character) USE Marsilea Convective clouds Clover-flower midge Cumulonimbus Clouser family (Not Subd Geog) USE Dasyneura leguminicola Cumulus UF Clauser family Clover leaf weevil (May Subd Geog) Ice clouds Clausier family [QL596.C9 (Zoology)] Nephanalysis (Meteorology) Clowser family UF Hypera punctata Noctilucent clouds Clowzer family Orographic clouds Klauser family Phytonomus opimus Photography of clouds Klausner family BT Hypera Stratus RT Clausius family Clover mite USE Bryobia praetiosa — Diurnal variation Clout, Colin (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Clouds—Diurnal variations UF Colin Clout (Fictitious character) — Diurnal variations Clout family UF Clouds—Diurnal variation [Former USE Cloudt family heading] Diurnal cloud variations Clova, Glen (Scotland) Diurnal variations of clouds UF Glen Clova (Scotland) Glen Glova (Scotland) — Dynamics Glova, Glen (Scotland) [QC921.6.D95] BT Valleys—Scotland Clove USE Clove (Spice) C-452
Clover Mountains (Nev.) Clown fishes Cluanie, Strath (Scotland) USE East Humboldt Range (Nev.) USE Anemonefishes USE Clunie, Glen (Scotland) Clover Mountains Wilderness (Nev.) Clown stunts Club Car Carryall vehicles UF Clover Mountains Wilderness Study Area USE Clowning USE Club Car vehicles (Nev.) BT National parks and reserves—Nevada Clown surgeonfish Club Car vehicles (Not Subd Geog) Wilderness areas—Nevada USE Lined surgeonfish UF Club Car Carryall vehicles BT Golf carts Clover Mountains Wilderness Study Area (Nev.) Clownfishes USE Clover Mountains Wilderness (Nev.) USE Anemonefishes Club foot USE Clubfoot Clover root borer Clowning (May Subd Geog) USE Hylastinus obscurus [GV1828 (Circuses)] Club foot (Plant disease) UF Clown acts USE Clubroot Clover-root curculio (May Subd Geog) Clown stunts Clover seed, Tariff on BT Acting Club gourd USE Trichosanthes anguina USE Tariff on clover seed Clowning (Dance) Clover-seed chalcis-fly (May Subd Geog) USE Krumping Club-house libraries Clover seed midge USE Fraternity libraries Clowns (May Subd Geog) USE Dasyneura leguminicola [GV1811 (Biography)] Club-houses Clover Valley (Lincoln County, Nev.) [PN1955 (Drama)] USE Clubhouses BT Circus performers UF Badger Valley (Lincoln County, Nev.) Entertainers Club mixes BT Valleys—Nevada Fools and jesters USE Remixes Clover-worm (May Subd Geog) RT Comedians BT Moths NT Bozo the Clown (Fictitious character) Club moss family (Plants) Clover yellow vein disease (May Subd Geog) Punchinello (Fictitious character) USE Lycopodiaceae BT Clover—Diseases and pests Rodeo clowns Club mosses (May Subd Geog) Mosaic diseases — Mythology (May Subd Geog) [QK524.L9 (Botany)] Potyvirus diseases UF Clowns (in religion, folk-lore, etc.) [Former UF Clubmosses Clover yellow vein potyvirus heading] Ground firs USE Clover yellow vein virus Ground pines Clover yellow vein virus (May Subd Geog) — Religious aspects Lycopodiatae [QR411 (Virology)] UF Clowns (in religion, folk-lore, etc.) [Former Lycopodiella UF Clover yellow vein potyvirus heading] Lycopodineae ClYVV (Plant virus) Lycopodiopsida Pea necrosis virus — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] Lycopodium [Former heading] Statice virus Y — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] BT Lycopodiaceae Yellow vein virus, Clover Clowns (in religion, folk-lore, etc.) NT Lycopodiella inundata BT Mosaic viruses USE Clowns—Mythology Potyviruses — Spores (May Subd Geog) Cloverbar Bridge (Edmonton, Alta.) Clowns—Religious aspects NT Lycopodium powder USE Clover Bar Bridge (Edmonton, Alta.) Clowns in art (Not Subd Geog) Cloverdale Creek (Ark.) Clowns in literature (Not Subd Geog) Club music USE Prairie Creek (Benton County, Ark. : River) USE Electronic dance music Cloverdale Street (Seattle, Wash.) SA subdivision Characters--Clowns under names This heading is not valid for use as a geographic of individual literary authors, e.g. Club Penguin (Game) subdivision. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616-- [GV1469.25.C62] Characters--Clowns BT Internet games UF South Cloverdale Street (Seattle, Wash.) BT Streets—Washington (State) Clowse family Club root Cloverleaf (Highway engineering) USE Close family USE Clubroot USE Roads—Interchanges and intersections Cloverleaf skull Clowser family Club rush (Schoenoplectus pungens) USE Kleeblattschädel syndrome USE Clouser family USE Schoenoplectus pungens Cloverly Formation BT Formations (Geology)—Pacific and Mountain Clowzer family Club-tailed dragonfly USE Clouser family USE Common club-tail States Geology, Stratigraphic—Cretaceous Cloyds Mountain (Va.) Club War, Finland, 1596-1597 Clovers BT Mountains—Virginia USE Finland—History—Club War, 1596-1597 USE Clover Allegheny Mountains Clovers, Owl's Clubbed penis USE Owl's clovers Cloyds Mountain, Battle of, Va., 1864 USE Penis—Curvatures Clovers, Tick [E476.1] USE Desmodium UF Cloyds Mountain (Va.), Battle of, 1864 [Former Clubbing (Plant disease) Clovis blades heading] USE Clubroot USE Clovis points BT United States—History—Civil War, 1861- Clovis culture (May Subd Geog) 1865—Campaigns Clubfoot (May Subd Geog) [E99.C832] Virginia—History—Civil War, 1861-1865 [RD783] BT North America—Antiquities UF Club foot Paleo-Indians—North America Cloyds Mountain (Va.), Battle of, 1864 Talipes Clovis points (May Subd Geog) USE Cloyds Mountain, Battle of, Va., 1864 BT Foot—Abnormalities UF Clovis blades BT Indians of North America—Implements Clozapine (May Subd Geog) Clubhouse Model of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Projectile points UF Clozaril (Trademark) UF Clubhouse Model of Psychosocial Stone implements BT Antidepressants Rehabilitation Clow family Bicyclic diazepines BT Mentally ill—Rehabilitation USE Clough family Cloward family (Not Subd Geog) Clozaril (Trademark) Clubhouse Model of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Clowes family USE Clozapine USE Clubhouse Model of Psychiatric Rehabilitation USE Close family Clown (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) Cloze procedure Clubhouses (May Subd Geog) USE Fool (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) [LB1050.3] [NA7910-NA7977 (Architecture)] Clown acts BT Association of ideas UF Club-houses [Former heading] USE Clowning Comprehension BT Buildings Clown anemonefish (May Subd Geog) Reading [QL638.P77 (Zoology)] Reading—Code emphasis approaches — Decoration (May Subd Geog) UF Amphiprion percula [NK2195.C58] Amphiprion tunicatus Clp proteases BT Decoration and ornament Black-finned orange clownfish USE Caseinolytic proteases Lutjanus percula — Electric equipment (May Subd Geog) Orange clownfish, Black-finned ClpPs (Caseinolytic proteases) — Austria BT Amphiprion USE Caseinolytic proteases Clown anemonefish, False NT Vereinshaus Dornbirn (Dornbirn, Austria) USE False clown anemonefish CLR (Common Language Runtime) — California Clown dancing USE Common Language Runtime (Computer USE Krumping science) NT Band Shak (Stanford, Calif.) Nakoma Clubhouse (Clio, Calif.) CLRV (Plant virus) USE Cherry leaf roll virus — Germany NT Harnack Haus (Berlin, Germany) CLSM (Controlled low-strength materials) Piesberger Gesellschaftshaus USE Controlled low-strength materials (Osnabrück, Germany) CLT (Psychological test) — Illinois USE Cognitive Levels Test NT Kenilworth Assembly Hall (Kenilworth, Ill.) CLU (Computer program language) — Netherlands [QA76.8.C] NT Paviljoen De Witte (Scheveningen, BT Programming languages (Electronic Netherlands) computers) — Nevada Cluain Mic Nois (Extinct city) NT Old Washoe Club (Virginia City, Nev.) USE Clonmacnoise (Extinct city) — New York (State) NT Down Town Association Building (New York, N.Y.) German-American Shooting Society Clubhouse (New York, N.Y.) C-453
Clubhouses Clubs (Nightclubs) Cluny Site (Alta.) — New York (State) (Continued) USE Nightclubs UF Cluny Earthlodge Village Site (Alta.) Lambs Club (New York, N.Y. : Building) BT Alberta—Antiquities Latourette Park Golf Course Club House Clubs in literature (Not Subd Geog) (New York, N.Y.) Clubtailed dragonfly Clupanodon caeruleus Yale Club of New York City Building (New USE Sardinops sagax York, N.Y.) USE Common club-tail — Washington (D.C.) Clubtails Clupanodon ilisha NT Patterson House (Washington, D.C.) USE Tenualosa ilisha USE Gomphidae Clubionidae (May Subd Geog) Cludt family Clupanodon sardina [QL458.42.C4 (Zoology)] USE European pilchard UF Hunting spiders, Two-clawed USE Cloudt family Sac spiders Cluff Building (Provo, Utah) Clupea (May Subd Geog) Two-clawed hunting spiders [QL638.C64 (Zoology)] BT Spiders USE Benjamin Cluff, Jr., Plant Science Laboratory UF Strangomera NT Trachelas (Provo, Utah) BT Clupeidae Trachelopachys NT Atlantic herring Yellow sac spiders Cluff family Clupea bentincki USE Clough family Pacific herring Clubmoss, Inundated USE Lycopodiella inundata Cluff Plant Science Laboratory (Provo, Utah) Clupea advena USE Benjamin Cluff, Jr., Plant Science Laboratory USE Sardinops sagax Clubmosses (Provo, Utah) USE Club mosses Clupea bentincki (May Subd Geog) Clugny family (Not Subd Geog) [QL638.C64 (Zoology)] Clubroot (May Subd Geog) Cluin family UF Araucanian herring [SB741.C6] Chilean herring UF Anbury (Plant disease) USE Clune family Herring, Araucanian Club foot (Plant disease) Clum family (Not Subd Geog) Herring, Chilean Club root Sprattus bentincki Clubbing (Plant disease) UF Klum family Strangomera bentincki Clump foot (Plant disease) Clumber Park (England) BT Clupea Finger and toe disease (Plant disease) BT Cruciferae—Diseases and pests BT Parks—England Clupea caerulea Fungal diseases of plants Clumber spaniel (May Subd Geog) USE Sardinops sagax Clubroot fungus [SF429.C53] Clupea encrasicholus USE Plasmodiophora brassicae BT Spaniels USE Engraulis encrasicolus Clump foot (Plant disease) Clubs (May Subd Geog) USE Clubroot Clupea encrasicolus [HS2501-HS3200 (Social)] Clump-nesting birds USE Engraulis encrasicolus BT Associations, institutions, etc. USE Colonial birds RT Societies Clumped nesting birds Clupea fuegensis SA subdivision Societies and clubs under age or USE Colonial birds USE Sprattus fuegensis sex groups; and names of individual clubs Clumps (Information retrieval) (May Subd Geog) NT Athletic clubs BT Information retrieval Clupea harengus Book clubs (Bookselling) Clumsiness (May Subd Geog) USE Atlantic herring Book clubs (Discussion groups) UF Awkwardness Boys—Societies and clubs BT Motor ability Clupea harengus membranus Bridge clubs Clumsiness in children (May Subd Geog) USE Baltic herring Canadian clubs BT Motor ability in children Chess clubs Clumsy child syndrome Clupea harengus membras Country clubs USE Apraxia USE Baltic herring Customer clubs Clun family Fan clubs USE Clunn family Clupea harengus pallasii Gay clubs Clune family (Not Subd Geog) USE Pacific herring Girls—Societies and clubs UF Clewn family Leather clubs (Organizations) Clupea harengus pilchardus Library clubs Cloney family USE European pilchard Lottery clubs Cloon family Motorcycle clubs Clooney family Clupea lata Political clubs Cluin family USE Sardinops sagax Private clubs MacCluin family Private flying—Societies, etc. MacClune family Clupea laticosta Radio listening clubs McClune family USE European pilchard Riding clubs McCluney family Science clubs O'Cloney family Clupea melanosticta Slot clubs Clunia (Ancient city) USE Sardinops sagax Social group work USE Clunia (Extinct city) Travel clubs Clunia (Extinct city) Clupea neopilchardus Women—Societies and clubs UF Clunia (Ancient city) [Former heading] USE Sardinops sagax BT Extinct cities—Spain — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Spain—Antiquities Clupea nymphaea BT Corporation law Cluniac architecture (May Subd Geog) USE Sardinella lemuru Unincorporated societies [NA4828] UF Architecture, Cluniac [Former heading] Clupea ocellata — Taxation (May Subd Geog) BT Benedictine architecture USE Sardinops sagax — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Cluniac art (May Subd Geog) Clubs, Art UF Art, Cluniac [Former heading] Clupea palasah USE Art—Societies, etc. BT Christian art and symbolism USE Tenualosa ilisha Clubs, Flying NT Cluniac sculpture USE Private flying—Societies, etc. Cluniac sculpture (May Subd Geog) Clupea pallasi Clubs, Golf (Sporting goods) BT Cluniac art USE Pacific herring USE Golf clubs (Sporting goods) Sculpture Clubs, Hostess Clunie, Glen (Scotland) Clupea pallasii USE Hostess clubs UF Cluanie, Strath (Scotland) USE Pacific herring Clubs, Musical Clunie Water Valley (Scotland) USE Music—Societies, etc. Glen Clunie (Scotland) Clupea pilchardus Clubs, Night Strath Cluanie (Scotland) USE European pilchard USE Nightclubs BT Valleys—Scotland Clubs, Private Clunie Water (Scotland) Clupea sagax USE Private clubs BT Rivers—Scotland USE Sardinops sagax Clubs, Rowing Clunie Water Valley (Scotland) USE Rowing clubs USE Clunie, Glen (Scotland) Clupea sprattellides Clubs, Sailing Clunk family USE Sandy sprat USE Sailing clubs USE Klunk family Clubs, Windsurfing Clunn family (Not Subd Geog) Clupea sprattus USE Windsurfing clubs UF Clun family USE Sprat Cluny Castle (Scotland) BT Castles—Scotland Clupeidae (May Subd Geog) Cluny Earthlodge Village Site (Alta.) [QL638.C64] USE Cluny Site (Alta.) UF Congothrissidae [Former heading] BT Clupeiformes NT Alosa Clupea Clupeonella Dorosoma Etrumeus Harengula Hilsa (Genus) Hyperlophus Jenkinsia Lile Limnothrissa Menhaden Microthrissa Opisthonema Pomolobus Sardina Sardinella C-454
Sardines Cluster dwellings Clusters, Industrial Sardinops USE Cluster housing USE Industrial clusters Shad Sprattus Cluster fir Clusters, Island Tenualosa USE Cluster pine USE Archipelagoes Clupeidae, Fossil (May Subd Geog) BT Clupeiformes, Fossil Cluster headache (May Subd Geog) Clusters, Molecular NT Diplomystus [RC392] USE Microclusters Knightia UF Ciliary neuralgia Clupeiformes (May Subd Geog) Histamine cephalgia Clusters (Music) [QL637.9.C4] Histamine headache USE Tone clusters BT Osteichthyes Horton syndrome NT Anchovies Horton's syndrome Clusters (Nuclear physics) Clupeidae Migrainous neuralgia USE Cluster theory (Nuclear physics) Denticipitidae Neuralgic migraine Clupeiformes, Fossil (May Subd Geog) Paroxysmal nocturnal cephalgia Clusters of galaxies [QE852.C55] BT Cerebrovascular disease USE Galaxies—Clusters BT Osteichthyes, Fossil Eye-sockets—Diseases NT Clupeidae, Fossil Headache Clusters of stars Santanaclupea RT Migraine USE Stars—Clusters Clupeonella (May Subd Geog) [QL638.C64] Cluster housing (May Subd Geog) Clusterspike false indigo (May Subd Geog) BT Clupeidae [NA9051.4] [QK495.L52 (Botany)] NT Clupeonella engrauliformes UF Cluster dwellings UF Amorpha herbacea Clupeonella engrauliformes (May Subd Geog) Clustered housing BT Amorpha [QL638.C64] Housing, Cluster NT Crenulate lead plant BT Clupeonella BT City planning Clusia Dwellings Clustervines (May Subd Geog) USE Clusia (Plants) Homesites [QK495.C78 (Botany)] Clusia (Plants) (May Subd Geog) Land subdivision UF Jacquemontia (Convolvulaceae) [QK495.G87 (Botany)] RT Zero lot line housing BT Convolvulaceae UF Clusia [Former heading] NT Beach clustervine BT Guttiferae Cluster industries NT Clusia grandiflora USE Industrial clusters Clutch bags (May Subd Geog) Clusia grandiflora (May Subd Geog) UF Bags, Clutch [QK495.G87 (Botany)] Cluster ions Clutch purses BT Clusia (Plants) USE Complex ions Clutches (Handbags) Clusiaceae Pochette bags USE Guttiferae Cluster mallow (May Subd Geog) Pochettes (Handbags) Clusiid flies [QK495.M27 (Botany)] BT Handbags USE Clusiidae UF Althaea verticillata Clusiidae (May Subd Geog) Chinese mallow Clutch pencils [QL537.C5 (Zoology)] Curly mallow USE Mechanical pencils UF Clusiid flies Malva crispa Clusiids Malva mohileviensis Clutch purses Clusiodidae Malva montana USE Clutch bags Heteroneuridae Malva verticillata [Former heading] BT Diptera BT Malva Clutch size (Zoology) Flies USE Animal clutches NT Clusiodes Cluster munitions Clusiids USE Cluster bombs Clutch sizes (Zoology) USE Clusiidae USE Animal clutches Clusiodes (May Subd Geog) Cluster phenomena (Nuclear physics) [QL537.C5] USE Cluster theory (Nuclear physics) Clutches (Handbags) UF Columbiella USE Clutch bags Heteroneura Cluster pine (May Subd Geog) BT Clusiidae [QK494.5.P66 (Botany)] Clutches (Machinery) (May Subd Geog) NT Clusiodes albimanus [SD397.P573 (Forestry)] [TJ1074] Clusiodes albimanus (May Subd Geog) UF Cluster fir UF Friction clutches [QL537.C5] Pinus maritima BT Gearing BT Clusiodes Pinus pinaster Machinery Clusiodidae Star pine RT Couplings USE Clusiidae BT Pine SA subdivision Clutches under individual land Clusivity (Grammar) vehicles and types of land vehicles, e.g. USE Grammar, Comparative and general—Clusivity Cluster set theory Automobiles--Clutches Cluster algebras BT Functions NT Construction equipment—Clutches UF Algebras, Cluster Set theory Magnetic clutches BT Commutative algebra Topology Road machinery—Clutches Cluster analysis NT Fuzzy algorithms BT Correlation (Statistics) Clutches (Zoology) Multivariate analysis Cluster theory (Nuclear physics) USE Animal clutches Spatial analysis (Statistics) [QC793.3.S8] NT Document clustering UF Cluster phenomena (Nuclear physics) Clute family Hierarchical clustering (Cluster analysis) Clustering phenomena (Nuclear physics) USE Cloudt family — Computer programs Clusters (Nuclear physics) Cluster bean Nuclear clusters Clutha River (N.Z.) USE Guar BT Nuclear structure USE Clutha River/Mata-Au (N.Z.) Cluster bomblets USE Cluster bombs Cluster variable stars Clutha River/Mata-Au (N.Z.) Cluster bombs (May Subd Geog) USE RR Lyrae stars UF Clutha River (N.Z.) [Former heading] [UG1282.C45] Clutha River/Matau (N.Z.) UF Bombies (Cluster bombs) Clusterbean BT Rivers—New Zealand Cluster bomblets USE Guar Cluster munitions Clutha River/Mata-Au Estuary (N.Z.) BT Bombs Clustered housing BT Estuaries—New Zealand RT Fragmentation bombs USE Cluster housing Cluster bombs (International law) (May Subd Geog) Clutha River/Mata-Au Valley (N.Z.) [KZ5645.5.C58] Clustered naematoloma UF Clutha River Valley (N.Z.) [Former heading] BT International law USE Hypholoma fasciculare BT Valleys—New Zealand Cluster Cepheids USE RR Lyrae stars Clustered wood-lover Clutha River/Mata-Au Watershed (N.Z.) USE Hypholoma fasciculare BT Watersheds—New Zealand Clustered woodlover Clutha River/Matau (N.Z.) USE Hypholoma fasciculare USE Clutha River/Mata-Au (N.Z.) Clusterin (May Subd Geog) Clutha River Valley (N.Z.) [QP552.C56] USE Clutha River/Mata-Au Valley (N.Z.) BT Glycoproteins Clutter, Elimination of Clustering, Document USE Orderliness USE Document clustering Storage in the home Clustering of particles Cluttering (Speech pathology) (May Subd Geog) USE Aggregation (Chemistry) [RC424.5] UF Agitophasia Clustering phenomena (Nuclear physics) Paraphrasia praeceps USE Cluster theory (Nuclear physics) Tachyphemia BT Speech disorders Clusters, Atomic USE Microclusters Cluttz family USE Klotz family Clusters, Beowulf (Computer systems) USE Beowulf clusters (Computer systems) Clutz family USE Klotz family Cluv̈ er family (Not Subd Geog) UF Clawen family Kluẅ er family Cluyt family USE Cloudt family C-455
Cluyte family Clymenella (May Subd Geog) CMTs (Cadmium mercury tellurides) USE Cloudt family [QL391.A6] USE Mercury cadmium tellurides BT Maldanidae Cluytte family NT Clymenella torquata CMV (Plant virus) USE Cloudt family USE Cucumber mosaic virus Clymenella torquata (May Subd Geog) Cluzeau Cave (France) [QL391.A6] CMV infections USE Rouffignac Cave (France) BT Clymenella USE Cytomegalovirus infections Clwyd, River, Valley (Wales) Clymeniida (May Subd Geog) CN (Cetane number) USE Clwyd, Vale of (Wales) [QE807.C65] USE Cetane number BT Ammonoidea Clwyd, River (Wales) CN Tower (Toronto, Ont.) UF River Clwyd (Wales) Clymer family (Not Subd Geog) UF Tour CN (Toronto, Ont.) BT Rivers—Wales UF Claymore family BT Towers—Canada Climer family Clwyd, Vale of (Wales) Klimer family Cnaphalocrocis (May Subd Geog) UF Clwyd, River, Valley (Wales) [QL561.C73 (Zoology)] Clwyd Valley (Wales) Clymo family BT Crambidae Dyffryn Clwyd (Wales) USE Clem family NT Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Vale of Clwyd (Wales) BT Valleys—Wales Clynelimus sibiricus Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (May Subd Geog) USE Elymus sibiricus [QL561.C73 (Zoology)] Clwyd Valley (Wales) BT Cnaphalocrocis USE Clwyd, Vale of (Wales) Clypeasteroida USE Sand dollars Cnaphalodes Clwydian Hills (Wales) USE Adelges BT Mountains—Wales Clypeastrina USE Sand dollars Cnemacanthidae Clwydian Way (Wales) USE Ground beetles BT Trails—Wales Clypeastroida USE Sand dollars Cnemarachis bruneri Clyatt family (Not Subd Geog) USE Phyllophaga bruneri Clyburn family Clypeocottus USE Enophrys Cnemidaria (May Subd Geog) USE Claiborne family [QK5214.C9] Clyde, Firth of (Scotland) Clypeomorus (May Subd Geog) BT Cyatheaceae [QL430.5.C4] UF Clyde River Estuary (Scotland) BT Cerithiidae Cnemidophorus (May Subd Geog) Firth of Clyde (Scotland) [QL666.L285 (Zoology)] Clythiidae BT Teiidae BT Estuaries—Scotland USE Flat-footed flies NT Cnemidophorus lacertoides Clyde, River (Scotland) Clytia (May Subd Geog) Cnemidophorus exsanguis UF River Clyde (Scotland) [Former heading] [QL377.H9 (Zoology)] USE Chihuahuan spotted whiptail BT Rivers—Scotland BT Campanulariidae Clyde, River, Valley (Scotland) Cnemidophorus inornatus UF Clyde Valley (Scotland) Clytie (Greek deity) (Not Subd Geog) USE Little striped whiptail BT Valleys—Scotland UF Clizia (Greek deity) Clyde Building (Provo, Utah) BT Nymphs (Greek deities) Cnemidophorus lacertoides (May Subd Geog) USE W.W. Clyde Engineering Building (Provo, Utah) [QL666.L285] Clyde Engineering Building (Provo, Utah) Clytridae BT Cnemidophorus USE W.W. Clyde Engineering Building (Provo, Utah) USE Chrysomelidae Clyde Holliday State Park (Or.) Cnemidophorus neomexicanus UF Clyde Holliday State Recreation Site (Or.) ClYVV (Plant virus) USE New Mexico whiptail USE Clover yellow vein virus Holliday State Park (Or.) Cnemidophorus perplexus Holliday State Recreation Site (Or.) Clywedog, River (Powys, Wales) USE New Mexico whiptail BT Parks—Oregon UF Afon Clywedog (Powys, Wales) Clyde Holliday State Recreation Site (Or.) River Clywedog (Powys, Wales) Cnemidophorus sonorae USE Clyde Holliday State Park (Or.) BT Rivers—Wales USE Sonoran spotted whiptail Clyde L. Hillhouse Post Office Building (White Springs, Fla.) Clywedog, River, Valley (Powys, Wales) Cnemidophorus tigris UF Hillhouse Post Office Building (White Springs, USE Clywedog Valley (Powys, Wales) USE Aspidoscelis tigris Fla.) BT Post office buildings—Florida Clywedog Valley (Powys, Wales) Cnemidophorus uniparens Clyde River (N.S.W.) UF Clywedog, River, Valley (Powys, Wales) USE Desert grassland whiptail UF Bundoo River (N.S.W.) Dyffryn Clywegog (Powys, Wales) BT Rivers—Australia BT Valleys—Wales Cneoraceae (May Subd Geog) Clyde River (N.W.T. : River) [QK495.C555] USE Clyde River (Nunavut : River) CM (Chiari malformation) BT Rutales Clyde River (Nunavut : River) USE Arnold-Chiari deformity UF Clyde River (N.W.T. : River) [Former heading] Cnephasia (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Nunavut Cm* (Computer system) [QL561.T8 (Zoology)] Clyde River (Vt.) BT Multiprocessors BT Tortricidae BT Rivers—Vermont NT Omnivorous leaf tier Clyde River Estuary (Scotland) CMA (Chemical) USE Clyde, Firth of (Scotland) USE Calcium magnesium acetate Cnephasia longana Clyde River Watershed (Vt.) USE Omnivorous leaf tier BT Watersheds—Vermont CMA Awards Clyde, Rock of the (Dumbarton, Scotland) USE Country Music Association (U.S)—Awards CNFs (Carbon nanofibers) USE Dumbarton Castle (Dumbarton, Scotland) USE Carbon nanofibers Clyde S. Cahill Memorial Park (Saint Louis, Mo.) CMAT (Comprehensive Mathematical Abilities Test) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Comprehensive Mathematical Abilities Test CNG (Compressed natural gas) subdivision. USE Compressed natural gas CMB (Core-mantle boundary) UF Cahill Memorial Park (Saint Louis, Mo.) USE Core-mantle boundary Cnidae BT Parks—Missouri USE Nematocysts Clyde Valley (Scotland) CMBA Exam USE Clyde, River, Valley (Scotland) USE Certified MBA Exam Cnidaria (May Subd Geog) Clydebank (Scotland) [QL375-QL379 (Zoology)] — History CMC systems UF Cnidarians — — Bombardment, 1941 USE Telematics Coelenterata [Former heading] Coelenterates BT Bombing, Aerial—Scotland CMEs (Coronal mass ejections) Radiata World War, 1939- USE Coronal mass ejections BT Invertebrates 1945—Campaigns—Scotland NT Anthozoa CMII (Educational test) Hydrozoa Clydesdale horse (May Subd Geog) USE College Major Interest Inventory Jellyfishes [SF293.C65] Scyphozoa BT Draft horses CML (Disease) Horse breeds USE Chronic myeloid leukemia — Anatomy [QL378] Clydeside Apprentices' Strike, Glasgow, Scotland, 1937 CML (Lattice theory) NT Mesoglea UF Apprentices' Strike, Glasgow, Scotland, 1937 USE Coupled map lattices Nematocysts BT Strikes and lockouts—Shipbuilding industry—Scotland CMM (Computer software) Cnidaria, Fossil (May Subd Geog) USE Capability maturity model (Computer software) [QE777-QE780] Clyme family UF Coelenterata, Fossil [Former heading] USE Clem family CMME (Chemical) BT Invertebrates, Fossil USE Chloromethyl methyl ether NT Anthozoa, Fossil Hydrozoa, Fossil CMMI (Computer software) Jellyfishes, Fossil USE Capability maturity model (Computer software) Stromatoporoidea CMO (Trademark) Cnidarians USE Cetyl myristoleate USE Cnidaria CMOs (Collateralized mortgage obligations) Cnidian Lesche (Delphi) USE Collateralized mortgage obligations UF Lesche (Delphi) BT Public buildings—Greece CMOS (Electronics) USE Metal oxide semiconductors, Complementary CMOS analog circuits USE Analog CMOS integrated circuits CMRAs (Commercial mail receiving agencies) USE Mail receiving and forwarding services C-456
Cnidian school NT Accretion (Law) Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole USE Cnidian school of medicine Distribution of decedents' estates BT Sulfamethoxazole Partition of decedents' estates Cnidian school of medicine Trimethoprim UF Cnidian school [Former heading] — Conflict of laws Co tu (Southeast Asian people) Cnidus, School of (Medicine) USE Conflict of laws—Co-heirs School of Cnidus (Medicine) USE Katu (Southeast Asian people) BT Medicine, Greek and Roman — Law and legislation Côa River (Portugal) USE Co-heirs Cnidocysts UF Rio Coâ (Portugal) USE Nematocysts Co-ho (Vietnamese people) BT Rivers—Portugal USE Koho (Vietnamese people) Côa River Valley (Portugal) Cnidos (Turkey : Extinct city) UF Côa Valley (Portugal) USE Cnidus (Turkey : Extinct city) Co-Ho language USE Koho language Vale do Coâ (Portugal) Cnidoscolus (May Subd Geog) BT Valleys—Portugal [QK495.E9] Co-housing Coâ Valley (Portugal) BT Euphorbiaceae USE Housing, Cooperative USE Côa River Valley (Portugal) Coacervation Cnidoscolus marcgravii (May Subd Geog) Co-leadership in psychotherapy BT Chemistry [QK495.E9] USE Multiple psychotherapy Coach (Transport plane) BT Oilseed plants USE Ili͡ushin Il-12 (Transport plane) Co-location service providers (May Subd Geog) Coach and athlete Cnidus (Ancient city) [HE7581.6] USE Coach-athlete relationships USE Cnidus (Turkey : Extinct city) Here are entered works on businesses that provide Coach-athlete relationships (May Subd Geog) UF Athlete and coach Cnidus (Turkey : Extinct city) network connections such as Internet leased lines to UF Cnidos (Turkey : Extinct city) several servers housed together in a server room. Athlete-coach relationships Cnidus (Ancient city) [Former heading] Coach and athlete Gnidus (Turkey : Extinct city) UF Collocation service providers BT Coaching (Athletics) Knidos (Turkey : Extinct city) Colocation service providers Interpersonal relations BT Extinct cities—Turkey Internet co-location service providers Coach dog Turkey—Antiquities USE Dalmatian dog BT Internet industry Coach drivers (May Subd Geog) Cnidus, School of (Medicine) Co-management of fisheries UF Coachmen [Former heading] USE Cnidian school of medicine Drivers, Coach USE Fishery co-management BT Horsemen and horsewomen Cnivet family Co-management of natural resources Transport workers USE Knyvet family Coach-horn USE Natural resources—Co-management USE Post horn Cnoc Aine (Ireland) Co-management of wetlands Coach horses (May Subd Geog) USE Knockainy Hill (Ireland) [SF312] USE Wetland co-management UF Heavy harness horses Cnoc Bhreandaí n (Kerry, Ireland) Co-ministry BT Driving horses USE Brandon Mountain (Kerry, Ireland) NT Frederiksborg horse USE Group ministry Hackney horse Cnoc Breá nainn (Kerry, Ireland) Co-nuclear spaces Coach houses USE Brandon Mountain (Kerry, Ireland) USE Carriage houses USE Conuclear spaces Coach Jodie Bailey Post Office Building (St. Louis, Mo.) Cnossos (Extinct city) Co-operative insurance UF Bailey Post Office Building (St. Louis, Mo.) USE Knossos (Extinct city) Jodie Bailey Post Office Building (St. Louis, USE Cooperative insurance Mo.) Cnossus (Extinct city) Co-operative schools BT Post office buildings—Missouri USE Knossos (Extinct city) Coach John Wooden Post Office Building (Los Angeles, USE Cooperative schools Calif.) CNS depressants Co-operative societies UF John Wooden Post Office Building (Los USE Central nervous system depressants Angeles, Calif.) USE Cooperative societies Wooden Post Office Building (Los Angeles, CNS stimulants Co-ops (Cooperative societies) Calif.) USE Central nervous system stimulants BT Post office buildings—California USE Cooperative societies Coach tour lines CNTs (Carbon nanotubes) Co-ops (Housing) USE Tour bus lines USE Carbon nanotubes Coachella Valley (Calif.) USE Housing, Cooperative BT Valleys—California CNV (Contingent Negative Variation) Co-origination, Dependent (Buddhism) Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard USE Slow potentials (Electrophysiology) USE Uma inornata USE Pratit̄ yasamutpad̄ a Coachella Valley National Wildlife Refuge (Calif.) CNY (Money) Co-ownership BT National parks and reserves—California USE Renminbi Wildlife refuges—California USE Joint tenancy Coachella Valley Preserve (Calif.) Co (Vietnamese people) Co-ownership of personal property BT Natural areas—California USE Cua (Vietnamese people) Coaches, Acting USE Joint ownership of personal property USE Acting teachers Co-alcoholism Co-parenting Coaches, African American (Athletics) USE Codependency USE African American coaches (Athletics) USE Joint custody of children Coaches, Dialogue Co-authorship (Copyright) Parenting, Part-time USE Dialogue coaches USE Copyright (Joint tenancy) Coaches, Graduation Co-payments (Insurance) USE Graduation coaches CO Bar Ranch (Ariz.) USE Copayments (Insurance) Coaches, Health BT Ranches—Arizona USE Health coaches Co-processors Coaches, Truck Co-browsing, Web USE Coprocessors USE Truck campers USE Web co-browsing Coaches, Vocal Co-production (Motion pictures, television, etc.) USE Vocal coaches Co-combustion (May Subd Geog) USE Coproduction (Motion pictures, television, etc.) Coaches (Athletics) (May Subd Geog) [TJ254.5] UF Athletic coaches BT Combustion engineering Co-rings (Algebra) BT Sports personnel USE Corings (Algebra) NT Baseball coaches Co-counseling Basketball coaches USE Re-evaluation counseling CO sensors Boxing trainers USE Carbon monoxide detectors Catholic coaches Co-Cr-Ni alloys Cricket coaches USE Cobalt-chromium-nickel alloys Co-sleeping (May Subd Geog) Diving coaches [GT3000.5.C67] Fencing coaches Cô da Serra da Estrela Here are entered works on the practice in which Figure skating coaches USE Estrela mountain dog Football coaches babies and young children sleep in bed with one or Co-dependence (Psychology) both of their parents. USE Codependency UF Cosleeping Co-dependency Family bed (Co-sleeping) USE Codependency BT Sleeping customs Co-dependents Co-suppression (RNA interference) USE Codependents USE RNA interference CO detectors Co-teaching USE Carbon monoxide detectors USE Teaching teams Co-determination (Industrial relations) Co-therapy USE Works councils USE Multiple psychotherapy Co-eds Co-translational modification USE Women college students USE Post-translational modification Co-evolution Co-trifamole (May Subd Geog) USE Coevolution [RM666.C566] Co family UF Cotrifamole USE Coe family Sulfamoxole/trimethoprim Co-financing Trimethoprim/sulfamoxole USE Cofinancing BT Sulfamoxole Trimethoprim Co-heirs (May Subd Geog) Co-trimoxazole (May Subd Geog) UF Co-heirs—Law and legislation [RM666.C567] Joint heirs UF Bactrim (Trademark) BT Decedents' estates Cotrimoxazole Inheritance and succession Septrin (Trademark) Sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim C-457
Coaches (Athletics) (Continued) Running—Coaching Coagulation disorders Gay coaches (Athletics) School sports—Coaching USE Blood coagulation disorders Golf coaches Shooting—Coaching Gymnastics coaches Skis and skiing—Coaching Coagulation factors Hockey coaches Soccer—Coaching USE Blood coagulation factors Hurling coaches Soccer for children—Coaching Ice dancing coaches Soccer for women—Coaching Coagulation in water purification Rowing coaches Softball—Coaching USE Water—Purification—Coagulation Rugby football coaches Softball for children—Coaching Soccer coaches Softball for women—Coaching Coagulation of blood Speed skating coaches Sports for children—Coaching USE Blood—Coagulation Springboard diving coaches Sports for people with disabilities—Coaching Swimming coaches Sports for women—Coaching Coagulopathies Tennis coaches Swimming—Coaching USE Blood coagulation disorders Track and field coaches Synchronized skating—Coaching Volleyball coaches Synchronized swimming—Coaching Coahuila Indians Water polo coaches Table tennis—Coaching USE Cahuilla Indians Women coaches (Athletics) Team handball—Coaching Wrestling coaches Tennis—Coaching Coahuila language Tennis for children—Coaching USE Cahuilla language — Certification (May Subd Geog) Track and field—Coaching — Legal status, laws, etc. (May Subd Geog) Track and field for women—Coaching Coahuila Valley (Calif.) — United States Volleyball—Coaching USE Anza Valley (Calif.) Volleyball for children—Coaching NT African American coaches (Athletics) Volleyball for women—Coaching Coahuilan box turtle (May Subd Geog) Coaches (Carriages) Water polo—Coaching [QL666.C547 (Zoology)] Weight lifting—Coaching UF Aquatic box turtle USE Carriages and carts Wheelchair basketball—Coaching Terrapene coahuila [Former heading] Coaches (Music) Wrestling—Coaching BT Terrapene Wrestling for children—Coaching USE Vocal coaches Youth league baseball—Coaching Coahuiltec languages Coaches' spouses (May Subd Geog) Youth league basketball—Coaching USE Pakawan languages Youth league football—Coaching UF Coaches' wives [Former heading] Youth league softball—Coaching Coahuiltecan Indians (May Subd Geog) BT Spouses — Religious aspects [E99.C834] Coaches' wives — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] UF Coahuilteco Indians USE Coaches' spouses — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] BT Indians of Mexico Coaching Coaching (Transportation) (May Subd Geog) Indians of North America—Texas USE Coaching (Transportation) [HE5746-HE5749] NT Payaya Indians — Time-tables Here are entered works on transportation by horse-drawn coach. — Names USE Stagecoach lines—Timetables USE Names, Coahuilteco — Timetables UF Coaching [Former heading] Riding Coahuiltecan language USE Stagecoach lines—Timetables USE Coahuilteco language Coaching, Executive BT Driving of horse-drawn vehicles Transportation—Passenger traffic Coahuiltecan languages USE Executive coaching USE Pakawan languages Coaching, Music RT Carriages and carts Posthouses Coahuilteco Indians USE Music coaching USE Coahuiltecan Indians Coaching, Personal Coaching (Transportation) in art (Not Subd Geog) UF Coaching in art [Former heading] Coahuilteco language (May Subd Geog) USE Personal coaching [PM3681] Coaching (Athletics) (May Subd Geog) Coaching during natural childbirth (Obstetrics) UF Coahuiltecan language USE Natural childbirth—Coaching Pajalate language [GV711] Tejano language UF Athletics—Coaching Coaching in art Texas language BT Physical education and training USE Coaching (Transportation) in art BT Mexico—Languages NT Archery—Coaching Pakawan languages Coaching in the workplace Texas—Languages Australian football—Coaching USE Employees—Coaching of Badminton (Game)—Coaching — Names Baseball—Coaching Coaching of employees USE Names, Coahuilteco Baseball for children—Coaching USE Employees—Coaching of Basketball—Coaching Coahuilteco names Basketball for children—Coaching Coachmen USE Names, Coahuilteco Basketball for girls—Coaching USE Coach drivers Basketball for women—Coaching Coaiker Indians Bicycle racing—Coaching Coad family (Not Subd Geog) USE Cuaiquer Indians Bowling—Coaching UF Chode family Boxing—Coaching Coade family Coaiker language Canadian football—Coaching Code family USE Cuaiquer language Coach-athlete relationships Coode family College sports—Coaching Coaiquer Indians Cricket—Coaching Coade family USE Cuaiquer Indians Cricket for children—Coaching USE Coad family Cross-country running—Coaching Coaiquer language Downhill skiing—Coaching Coade stone (May Subd Geog) USE Cuaiquer language Field hockey—Coaching BT Stone, Artificial Figure skating—Coaching Coaker family Flag football—Coaching Coady family USE Coker family Football—Coaching USE Cody family Football for children—Coaching Coakley family (Not Subd Geog) Golf—Coaching Coaf Creek (S.D.) UF Cokeley family Gymnastics—Coaching USE Choteau Creek (S.D.) Cokely family Gymnastics for children—Coaching Gymnastics for women—Coaching Coafman family Coal (May Subd Geog) Hockey—Coaching USE Kauffman family [HD9540-HD9559 (Economics)] Hockey for children—Coaching [TN799.9-TN834 (Mineral industries)] Horsemanship—Coaching Coagulants BT Caustobioliths Indoor soccer—Coaching [TP159.C55] Fossil fuels Judo—Coaching BT Coagulation NT Anthracite coal Karate—Coaching Bituminous coal Lacrosse—Coaching Coagulase Cannel coal Lacrosse for children—Coaching [QP609.C6 (Animal biochemistry)] Carbonization Lacrosse for girls—Coaching RT Blood—Coagulation Char Long-distance running—Coaching Coal reserves Netball—Coaching Coagulating of milk Coaling Racquetball—Coaching USE Milk—Curdling Coke Rock climbing for children—Coaching Electric power-plants—Conversion to coal Rowing—Coaching Coagulation (May Subd Geog) Furnaces—Conversion to coal Rugby football—Coaching BT Aggregation (Chemistry) Lignite Rugby Union football—Coaching NT Coagulants Maceral Gelation Sapropelites Proteins—Denaturation Subbituminous coal Sonic coagulation Torbanite Water—Purification—Coagulation — Analysis Coagulation, Sonic [TP325-TP329] USE Sonic coagulation — Beryllium content (May Subd Geog) BT Beryllium — Biotechnology (May Subd Geog) BT Biotechnology — Cadmium content (May Subd Geog) BT Cadmium C-458
— Carbonization UF Pulverized coal Coal Creek Basin (King County, Wash.) UF Coking NT Fuel, Colloidal USE Coal Creek Watershed (King County, Wash.) Low temperature carbonization of coal Coal apple BT Carbonization USE Coal balls Coal Creek Canyon (Boulder County and Jefferson Coal—Testing Coal ash (May Subd Geog) County, Colo.) Coke BT Ash (Combustion product) UF Coal Creek Canyon (Colo.) [Former heading] NT Fly ash BT Canyons—Colorado — — Pilot plants (May Subd Geog) Coal ash dumps BT Pilot plants USE Coal ash sites Coal Creek Canyon (Colo.) Coal ash industry (May Subd Geog) USE Coal Creek Canyon (Boulder County and — Chlorine content (May Subd Geog) [HD9559.C63-HD9559.C634] Jefferson County, Colo.) BT Chlorine Coal ash landfills USE Coal ash sites Coal Creek Canyon Park (Wash.) — Combustion (May Subd Geog) Coal ash sites (May Subd Geog) USE Coal Creek Park (Wash.) NT Combined combustion of coal and gas UF Ash sites, Coal Coal Creek Park (Wash.) — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Coal ash dumps UF Coal Creek Canyon Park (Wash.) — Composition Coal ash landfills BT Parks—Washington (State) Coal ash storage facilities NT Coal—Mineral inclusions Dumps, Coal ash Coal Creek Watershed (King County, Wash.) — Desulfurization (May Subd Geog) Landfills, Coal ash UF Coal Creek Basin (King County, Wash.) Sites, Coal ash BT Watersheds—Washington (State) UF Coal—Desulphurization [Former heading] Storage facilities, Coal ash — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) BT Ash disposal Coal-cutting bits (May Subd Geog) — Desulphurization Sanitary landfills [TN813-TN814] — Maryland BT Bits (Drilling and boring) USE Coal—Desulfurization Coal-mining machinery — Environmental aspects (May Subd Geog) NT Faulkner Coal Ash Storage Facility (Md.) Coal ash storage facilities Coal darter (May Subd Geog) RT Clean coal technologies [QL638.P4 (Zoology)] — Gasification USE Coal ash sites UF Percina brevicauda Coal augers (May Subd Geog) BT Percina USE Coal gasification — Geology (May Subd Geog) UF Auger-type continuous miners Coal degasification BT Augers USE Coalbed methane drainage [TN799.9-TN812] UF Coal geology Coal-mining machinery Coal dust (May Subd Geog) BT Geology Coal balls (May Subd Geog) BT Mineral dusts NT Coal basins — Iron content (May Subd Geog) [QE990] Coal export terminals BT Iron UF Balls, Coal USE Coal shipping terminals — Liquefaction USE Coal liquefaction Coal apple Coal family — Magnetic separation (May Subd Geog) Permineralized peat USE Cole family BT Magnetic separation BT Concretions — Mercury content (May Subd Geog) Coal basins (May Subd Geog) Coal fields BT Mercury BT Basins (Geology) USE Coalfields — Methane content Coal—Geology USE Coalbed methane Coalfields Coal-fired furnaces (May Subd Geog) — Microbiology (May Subd Geog) — Bulgaria UF Coal-burning furnaces [QR53.5.C73] BT Furnaces — Mineral inclusions (May Subd Geog) NT Marica Coal Basin (Bulgaria) UF Inclusions of minerals in coal — Czech Republic Coal-fired power plants (May Subd Geog) UF Coal-burning power plants Mineral impurities in coal NT Dab̨ rowa Basin (Poland and Czech Coal-fired power stations Mineral inclusions in coal Republic) Power plants, Coal-fired Mineral matter in coal BT Fossil fuel power plants BT Coal—Composition — Kosovo (Republic) NT Electric power-plants—Conversion to coal — Optical properties NT Kosovo Coal Basin (Kosovo) Geothermal-coal hybrid power plants — Organic constituents USE Maceral — Poland — Fuel — Pipe lines NT Dąbrowa Basin (Poland and Czech BT Fuel USE Coal slurry pipelines Republic) — Prospecting (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) [TN271.C58] — Russia (Federation) BT Environmental law BT Prospecting NT Kizel Basin (Russia) — Research (May Subd Geog) Moscow Basin (Russia) — Australia UF Coal research [Former heading] Tunguska Basin (Russia) NT Wallerawang Power Station (N.S.W.) — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — Research grants (May Subd Geog) — Serbia — England — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — Ukraine NT Battersea Power Station (London, — Reserves England) USE Coal reserves NT Lviv-Volhynia Basin (Ukraine) Fulham Power Station (London, England) — Spectra — Utah Kingston Power Station (Kingston upon — Storage (May Subd Geog) Thames, London, England) — Sulfur content (May Subd Geog) NT Kaiparowits Plateau (Utah) Padiham Power Station (Padiham, UF Coal—Sulphur content [Former heading] Coal bed methane England) BT Sulfur Ratcliffe Power Station (England) — Sulphur content USE Coalbed methane Sculcoates Power Station (Sculcoates, USE Coal—Sulfur content Coal-burning furnaces England) — Taxation (May Subd Geog) Skelton Grange Power Station (England) UF Coal taxation USE Coal-fired furnaces Coal trade—Taxation Coal-burning power plants — Italy — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) NT Centrale di Pietrafitta (Italy) — Testing USE Coal-fired power plants [TP325-TP329] Coal Canyon Wilderness (Utah) — Maryland NT Coal—Carbonization NT Morgantown Generating Plant (Md.) — Thermal properties (May Subd Geog) UF Coal Canyon Wilderness Study Area (Utah) — Transportation (May Subd Geog) BT National parks and reserves—Utah — Tennessee [HE199.5.C6 (General)] NT Allen Fossil Plant (Tenn.) [HE595.C6 (Ships)] Wilderness areas—Utah [HE2321.C6 (Railroads)] Coal Canyon Wilderness Study Area (Utah) — Turkey NT Coal-carrying vessels NT Silahtarağa Elektrik Sentralı (Istanbul, Coal slurry pipelines USE Coal Canyon Wilderness (Utah) Turkey) — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Coal-carrying vessels (May Subd Geog) — Weathering — Wisconsin USE Coal-weathering [VM401] NT Columbia Energy Center (Wis.) — Zinc content (May Subd Geog) BT Bulk carrier cargo ships BT Zinc Coal-fired power stations — Montana Cargo ships USE Coal-fired power plants NT Fort Union Coal Region (Mont.) Coal—Transportation Coal, Pulverized (May Subd Geog) Merchant ships Coal-gas [TP328] Coal carving USE Gas USE Coal sculpture Coal Creek (Alaska) Coal gasification (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Alaska [TP759] Coal Creek (Fremont County, Colo. : River) UF Coal—Gasification BT Rivers—Colorado Gasification of coal Coal Creek (King County, Wash. : River) BT Carbonization BT Rivers—Washington (State) Distillation, Destructive Coal Creek (Okmulgee County, Okla.) Gas manufacture and works BT Rivers—Oklahoma Gas producers Coal Creek (Wagoner County, Okla.) NT Hydrogasification BT Rivers—Oklahoma Synthane process — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Coal gasification, Underground (May Subd Geog) [TP759] UF Gasification of coal, Underground C-459
Coal gasification, Underground (Continued) 1970 Coal Miners' Strike, Most, Czech Republic, 1932 Underground gasification of coal Scotia Mine Disaster, Oven Fork, Ky., BT Strikes and lockouts—Coal mining—Czech 1976 Republic BT Carbonization — Montana Coal mines and mining NT Smith Mine Disaster, Mont., 1943 Coal Miners' Strike, Soviet Union, 1989 Gas manufacture and works — New Zealand UF Soviet Miners' Strike, Soviet Union, 1989 In situ processing (Mining) UF Coal mines and mining—New BT Strikes and lockouts—Coal mining—Soviet Zealand—Accidents [Former heading] Union Coal gasification plants (May Subd Geog) NT Brunner Mine Disaster, Brunnerton, N.Z., [TP759] 1896 Coal Miners' Strike, U.S., 1949-1950 (May Subd Geog) UF Coal gasifiers Pike River Mine Disaster, N.Z., 2010 UF Coal Strike, U.S., 1949-1950 Gasification plants, Coal — Nova Scotia BT Strikes and lockouts—Coal mining—United Gasifiers, Coal NT Springhill Mine Disaster, Springhill, N.S., States BT Gas manufacture and works 1958 Westray Mine Disaster, Plymouth, Pictou, Coal Miners' Strike, Ukraine, 1998 Coal gasifiers N.S., 1992 BT Strikes and lockouts—Coal mining—Ukraine USE Coal gasification plants — Pennsylvania NT Avondale Mine Disaster, Avondale, Pa., Coal miners' wives Coal geology 1869 USE Coal miners' spouses USE Coal—Geology Knox Mine Disaster, Port Griffith, Pa., 1959 Coal mines and mining (May Subd Geog) Coal-geothermal hybrid power plants — Utah [TN800-TN834] USE Geothermal-coal hybrid power plants UF Coal mines and mining—Utah—Accidents UF Coal mining [Former heading] Collieries Coal-handling (May Subd Geog) NT Wilberg Mine Disaster, Orangeville, Utah, BT Energy industries [TH4471] 1984 Mines and mineral resources BT Bulk solids handling — Wales SA headings beginning with the words Mine and NT Aberfan Disaster, Aberfan, Wales, 1966 Mining Coal-handling machinery (May Subd Geog) Great Western Colliery Disaster, Wales, NT Abandoned coal mines [TJ1405] 1893 Anthracite coal mines and mining BT Conveying machinery Gresford Colliery Disaster, Gresford, Barrier pillars Wales, 1934 Bituminous coal mines and mining Coal-handling machinery industry (May Subd Geog) Llanerch Colliery Disaster, Wales, 1890 Coal gasification, Underground BT Conveying machinery industry Tynewydd Colliery Disaster, Porth, Wales, Gate roads (Mining) 1877 Kettlebottoms (Mining) Coal Heritage Trail (W. Va.) — West Virginia Lignite mines and mining BT Trails—West Virginia NT Upper Big Branch Mine Disaster, W. Va., Longwall mining 2010 Photography of coal mines Coal House (Aurora, Ill.) Coal Mine Wars, W. Va., 1897-1921 Pit pony USE Ruth Ford House (Aurora, Ill.) USE West Virginia Mine Wars, W. Va., 1897-1921 Thick seam mining Coal mine waste (May Subd Geog) Coal hydrogenation UF Gob piles — Accidents USE Coal liquefaction BT Factory and trade waste USE Coal mine accidents Coal miners (May Subd Geog) Coal in art (Not Subd Geog) [HD8039.M615] — Collective bargaining Coal industry BT Miners USE Collective bargaining—Coal mining NT Children of coal miners industry USE Coal trade Women coal miners Coal lands (May Subd Geog) — Labor unions (May Subd Geog) — Collective labor agreements — — Organizing (May Subd Geog) USE Collective labor agreements—Coal mining Here are entered works on lands in the public — Wages industry domain that contain coal. USE Wages—Coal miners — Colorado — Dust control (May Subd Geog) UF Public coal lands — England BT Mine dusts BT Coalfields NT Freeminers — Kentucky — — Water infusion Public lands — Pennsylvania UF Infusion of water in coal mine dust Coal leases (May Subd Geog) — Saskatchewan control — United States Water infusion dust control in coal UF Coal leases—Law and legislation NT African American coal miners mines BT Mining leases Coal miners, African American NT Lignite leases USE African American coal miners — Electric equipment (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation Coal miners as artists (May Subd Geog) BT Electricity in mining BT Artists USE Coal leases Coal miners' children — Electronic equipment (May Subd Geog) Coal liquefaction (May Subd Geog) USE Children of coal miners — Equipment and supplies Coal miners in art (Not Subd Geog) — — Valuation (May Subd Geog) UF Coal—Liquefaction Coal miners in literature (Not Subd Geog) Coal hydrogenation Coal miners' spouses (May Subd Geog) [TN803] Liquefaction of coal UF Coal miners' wives [Former heading] — Explosives BT Miners' spouses BT Hydrogenation Coal Miners' Strike, Estevan, Sask., 1931 [TN803] Liquid fuels BT Strikes and lockouts—Coal BT Explosives Petroleum, Synthetic mining—Saskatchewan — Government ownership (May Subd Geog) Coal Miners' Strike, Germany, 1889 — Labor productivity (May Subd Geog) NT Exxon donor solvent process BT Strikes and lockouts—Coal mining—Germany — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Fischer-Tropsch process Coal Miners' Strike, Great Britain, 1844 BT Mining law USE Coal Strike, Great Britain, 1844 — Patents Coal mine accidents (May Subd Geog) Coal Miners' Strike, Great Britain, 1984-1985 — Police UF Coal mines and mining—Accidents [Former USE Coal Strike, Great Britain, 1984-1985 BT Police, Private heading] Coal-miners' Strike, Harlan Co., Ky., 1973 — Safety measures BT Mine accidents USE Coal Miners' Strike, Harlan County, Ky., 1973 [TN295] Coal Miners' Strike, Harlan County, Ky., 1932 — — Data processing — Australia BT Strikes and lockouts—Coal mining—Kentucky NT Gretley Mine Disaster, Newcastle, N.S.W., Coal Miners' Strike, Harlan County, Ky., 1973 NT CCRMMS (Computer system) 1996 UF Coal-miners' Strike, Harlan Co., Ky., 1973 — Safety regulations (May Subd Geog) Moura Mine Disaster, Moura, Qld., 1994 [Former heading] — Strikes and lockouts BT Strikes and lockouts—Coal mining—Kentucky — Belgium Coal Miners' Strike, Lupeni, Romania, 1929 USE Strikes and lockouts—Coal mining UF Coal mines and BT Strikes and lockouts—Coal mining—Romania — Taxation (May Subd Geog) mining—Belgium—Accidents [Former Coal Miners' Strike, Mexico, 1950-1951 — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) heading] BT Strikes and lockouts—Coal mining—Mexico — Waste disposal (May Subd Geog) NT Fief de Lambrechies Mine Disaster, Borinage, Belgium, 1934 [TD899.M5] — Alabama — England — Australia UF Coal mines and mining—England—Accidents [Former NT Blair Athol Mine (Qld.) heading] Mount Kembla Coal Mine (N.S.W.) NT Roachburn Pit Disaster, England, 1908 Wellington Pit Disaster, Whitehaven, — Belgium England, 1910 — — Accidents West Stanley Colliery Explosion, Stanley, Derwentside, England, 1909 USE Coal mine accidents—Belgium Whitwick Colliery Disaster, Whitwick, — China England, 1898 William Pit Disaster, Whitehaven, England, NT Baoding Coal Mine (China) 1947 Huafeng Coal Mine (China) Wood Pit Explosion, Haydock, England, Shenfu Dongsheng Coal Mine (China) 1878 — Colorado — Illinois NT Columbine Mine (Weld County, Colo.) NT Cherry Mine Disaster, Cherry, Ill., 1909 Crown Mine (Boulder County, Colo.) — Kentucky UF Coal mines and mining—Kentucky—Accidents [Former heading] NT Hyden Coal Mine Disaster, Hyden, Ky., C-460
Fireside Mine (Colo.) Penallta Colliery (Wales) Coal Strike, Great Britain, 1844 Matchless Mine (Boulder County, Colo.) Point of Ayr Colliery (Wales) UF Coal Miners' Strike, Great Britain, 1844 — England Tareni Colliery (Wales) Miners' Strike, Great Britain, 1844 NT Ackton Hall Colliery (Featherstone, West Tower Colliery (Wales) BT Strikes and lockouts—Coal mining—Great Yorkshire, England) Whitworth Colliery (Tredegar, Wales) Britain Agecroft Colliery (England) — Wyoming Askern Main Colliery (England) NT Acme Underground Coal Mine (Wyo.) Coal Strike, Great Britain, 1984-1985 Bentley Colliery (England) Belle Ayr Mine (Wyo.) UF Coal Miners' Strike, Great Britain, 1984-1985 Brandon Colliery (Brandon and Byshottles, Jim Bridger Mine (Wyo.) Miners' Strike, Great Britain, 1984-1985 England) North Antelope Mine (Wyo.) BT Strikes and lockouts—Coal mining—Great Brodsworth Colliery (England) Coal mines and mining, Prehistoric (May Subd Geog) Britain Bullcroft Colliery (England) UF Prehistoric coal mines and mining Cannock and Leacroft Colliery (England) Coal mines and mining in art (Not Subd Geog) Coal Strike, Slovenia, 1899 Caphouse Colliery (England) Coal mines and mining in literature (Not Subd Geog) BT Strikes and lockouts—Coal mining—Slovenia Chilton Colliery (England) Coal mining Chislet Colliery (England) USE Coal mines and mining Coal Strike, Somerset County, Pa., 1922-1923 Conduit Colliery (England) Coal-mining machinery (May Subd Geog) BT Strikes and lockouts—Coal Coppice Colliery (England) [TN813-TN814] mining—Pennsylvania Craghead Colliery (England) BT Mining machinery Daw Mill Colliery (England) NT Coal augers Coal Strike, U.S., 1949-1950 Easington Colliery (Easington, Durham, Coal-cutting bits USE Coal Miners' Strike, U.S., 1949-1950 England) — Hydraulic drive Freemining — Lubrication Coal Strike, U.S., 1977-1978 Frickley Colliery (England) [TN813] [HD5325.M615] Frog Lane Colliery (Coalpit Heath, — Transmission devices UF Coal Strike, United States, 1977-1978 [Former England) UF Transmissions, Coal-mining machinery heading] Handen Hold Colliery (England) BT Gearing BT Strikes and lockouts—Coal mining—United Hapton Valley Colliery (England) Power transmission States High Brooks Colliery (Ashton-in- — Vibration (May Subd Geog) Makerfield, England) Coal-mining machinery industry (May Subd Geog) Coal Strike, United States, 1977-1978 Hilton Main Colliery (England) BT Mining machinery industry USE Coal Strike, U.S., 1977-1978 Holly Bank Colliery (England) Coal money (May Subd Geog) Littleton Colliery (England) BT Money Coal Strike, W. Va., 1920-1921 Madeley Wood Colliery (England) Coal-oil BT Strikes and lockouts—Coal mining—West Maltby Main Colliery (England) USE Kerosene Virginia Moston Colliery (Moston, Manchester, Petroleum England) Coal preparation (May Subd Geog) Coal Strike, Westmoreland County, Pa., 1910-1911 Rockingham Colliery (England) [TN816] BT Strikes and lockouts—Coal Thoresby Colliery (England) RT Coal washing mining—Pennsylvania Warsop Main Colliery (England) — Filtration (May Subd Geog) West Riding Colliery (Altofts, England) BT Filters and filtration Coal Strike, Windber, Pa., 1906 William Pit (England) Coal preparation plants (May Subd Geog) BT Strikes and lockouts—Coal — — Accidents NT Fuel-briquet plants mining—Pennsylvania USE Coal mine accidents—England Gravity concentrators — Germany — Electric equipment (May Subd Geog) Coal-tar (May Subd Geog) NT Friedrich der Grosse Mine (Germany) — Equipment and supplies [TP953] Gneisenau Mine (Germany) Coal research BT Bituminous materials Zollverein Mine (Germany) USE Coal—Research Tar — Germany (West) Coal reserves (May Subd Geog) — Illinois UF Coal—Reserves [Former heading] Coal-tar colors (May Subd Geog) NT Monterey Coal Mine #2 (Ill.) Reserves of coal [TP914] — Kentucky BT Coal UF Aniline colors — — Accidents Coal River (Kanawha County-Raleigh County, W. Va.) Coal tar dyes USE Coal mine accidents—Kentucky USE Big Coal River (W. Va.) RT Coloring matter — Malawi Coal River (Tas.) BT Dyes and dyeing NT Kaziwiziwi Coal Mine (Malawi) BT Rivers—Australia NT Alizarin — Montana Coal River (W. Va. : River) Aniline black NT Big Sky Mine (Mont.) BT Rivers—West Virginia Cerulein Otter Creek Mine (Mont.) Coal River Watershed (Tas.) Gallein Smith Mine (Mont.) BT Watersheds—Australia Mauve Washoe Mine (Carbon County, Mont.) Coal River Watershed (W. Va.) Naphthazarin — New Zealand BT Watersheds—West Virginia Rose bengal — — Accidents Coal sculpture (May Subd Geog) USE Coal mine accidents—New Zealand [NB1270.C63] Coal tar dyes — Pakistan UF Coal carving USE Coal-tar colors — Scotland BT Sculpture NT Comrie Colliery (Scotland) Coal seam gas Coal-tar epoxy coatings (May Subd Geog) Earnock Colliery (Scotland) USE Coalbed methane BT Coal-tar products Fordell Colliery (Scotland) Coal shipping terminals (May Subd Geog) Epoxy coatings Kames Colliery (Scotland) UF Coal export terminals Knockshinnoch Castle Colliery (Scotland) BT Terminals (Transportation) Coal-tar industry (May Subd Geog) Longannet Colliery (Scotland) Coal slurry (May Subd Geog) [HD9660.C6-HD9660.C63] Polmaise Colliery (Scotland) BT Slurry BT Coke industry Prestongrange Colliery (Scotland) Coal slurry pipe lines Petroleum industry and trade — South Africa USE Coal slurry pipelines NT Grootegeluk Coal Mine (South Africa) Coal slurry pipelines (May Subd Geog) Coal-tar products (May Subd Geog) Sigma Coal Mine (South Africa) [TJ898.5] [TP953] Vryheid Coronation Colliery (South Africa) UF Coal—Pipe lines [Former heading] UF Products, Coal-tar — Utah Coal slurry pipe lines RT Distillation, Destructive NT Castle Gate No. 3 Mine (Utah) BT Coal—Transportation Gas Deseret Coal Mine (Utah) Pipelines NT Coal-tar epoxy coatings — — Accidents — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Tar acids USE Coal mine accidents—Utah Coal stoves — Wales USE Stoves, Coal Coal taxation NT Bersham Colliery (Wales) Coal Strike, Ala., 1894 USE Coal—Taxation Betws New Drift Mine (Wales) UF Alabama Coal Strike, 1894 [Former heading] Great Western Colliery (Wales) BT Strikes and lockouts—Coal mining—Alabama Coal tit (May Subd Geog) Gresford Colliery (Wales) Coal Strike, Colo., 1913-1914 [QL696.P2615 (Zoology)] Llanbradach Colliery (Wales) UF Ludlow Massacre, Colo., 1913-1914 UF Cole tit Llanerch Colliery (Wales) BT Strikes and lockouts—Coal mining—Colorado Parus ater Llay Main Colliery (Wales) Coal Strike, Colo., 1927 BT Parus Navigation Colliery (Crumlin, Wales) BT Strikes and lockouts—Coal mining—Colorado Coal trade (May Subd Geog) [HD9540-HD9559] UF Coal industry BT Fuel trade NT Anthracite coal industry Bituminous coal industry Charcoal industry Coke industry Lignite industry Peat industry — Fires and fire prevention (May Subd Geog) — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — Taxation USE Coal—Taxation Coal washing (May Subd Geog) [TN816] RT Coal preparation C-461
Coal-water fuel (May Subd Geog) UF Bunkering stations Organic debris, Large BT Fuel Stations, Coaling Woody debris, Coarse Woody material, Large (Forest litter) Coal-weathering BT Harbors BT Forest litter [TN817] RT Navy-yards and naval stations RT Slash (Logging) UF Coal—Weathering Coalinga Earthquake, Calif., 1983 Coarseness (Vulgarity) Weathering of coal BT Earthquakes—California USE Vulgarity BT Weathering Coalition (Social sciences) Coarsening (Chemistry) USE Coalitions USE Ostwald ripening Coala Coalition governments (May Subd Geog) Coassatte language USE Koala BT Cabinet system USE Koasati language Coassus Coalbank Coulee (Rosebud County, Mont.) Coalitions USE Mazama BT Valleys—Montana NT Popular fronts Coast amaranth Coalitions (May Subd Geog) USE Amaranthus pumilus Coalbank family UF Coalition (Social sciences) [Former heading] Coast animals USE Colebank family BT Social groups USE Coastal animals NT Coalition governments Coast artillery Coalbed methane (May Subd Geog) USE Artillery, Coast [TN844-TN844.7] Electoral coalitions Coast biodiversity Here are entered works on methane present in a Coalitions, Blocking (Mathematics) USE Coastal biodiversity Coast biodiversity conservation stratum of coal. Works on methane as a combustible USE Blocking sets USE Coastal biodiversity conservation gas formed in coal mines are entered under Coalley family Coast biology Firedamp. USE Coastal biology USE Coley family Coast changes (May Subd Geog) UF CBM (Coalbed methane) Coalman family [GB451-GB460 (Physical geography)] Coal—Methane content [Former heading] [TC330-TC345 (Hydraulic engineering)] Coal bed methane USE Coleman family Here are entered works on coast changes resulting Coal seam gas Coalport porcelain from erosion or other causes. Works on the erosion Coalbed natural gas of beaches are entered under Beach erosion. Works Gas, Coal seam [NK4399.C] on the prevention of beach erosion are entered under Natural gas, Coalbed UF Porcelain, Coalport Shore protection. Seam gas, Coal Coals family USE Cole family UF Coastal erosion BT Methane Coalsack Bluff (Antarctic regions) Coasts—Erosion Mine gases USE Coalsack Bluff (Antarctica) Shore erosion Coalsack Bluff (Antarctica) RT Firedamp UF Coalsack Bluff (Antarctic regions) [Former BT Littoral drift Coalbed methane drainage (May Subd Geog) Physical geography heading] UF Coal degasification BT Mountains—Antarctica Coast cypress pine Degasification of coal Coalter family USE White cypress pine Drainage, Coalbed methane USE Coulter family Methane drainage, Coalbed Coan family Coast defenses (May Subd Geog) USE Coyne family [UG410-UG442 (Local)] BT Mine safety Coan River (Va.) [UG448 (General)] — Directional drilling (May Subd Geog) UF Chicacoan River (Va.) UF Coastal defenses Defenses, Coast BT Directional drilling Chickacome River (Va.) Harbor defenses — Rotary drilling BT Rivers—Virginia Seacoast defenses Coana (African people) BT Defensive (Military science) [TN305] USE Tswana (African people) Fortification BT Rotary drilling Coana language Military engineering Coalbed methane produced waters (May Subd Geog) USE Tswana language NT Artillery, Coast UF Produced waters, Coalbed methane Coanda effect Floating batteries BT Saline waters BT Convex surfaces Ordnance, Coast Coalbed natural gas USE Coalbed methane Jets—Fluid dynamics — Great Britain Coale family Coanza River (Angola) UF Great Britain—Coast defenses [Former USE Cole family heading] Coaler (Transport plane) USE Cuanza River (Angola) USE An-72 (Transport plane) Coarctation of the aorta — United States Coaler family [UG410-UG412] USE Collar family USE Aortic coarctation UF United States—Coast defenses [Former Coales family Coarse dodder laurel heading] USE Cole family Coaley family USE Cassytha melantha Coast ecology USE Coley family Coarse fish control USE Coastal ecology Coalfield Way (England) BT Trails—England USE Fishes—Control Coast ecosystem management Coalfields (May Subd Geog) Coarse fish fishing USE Coastal zone management UF Coal fields Fields, Coal USE Coarse fishing Coast fescue BT Mines and mineral resources Coarse fishes (May Subd Geog) USE Austrofestuca littoralis NT Coal basins Coal lands UF Rough fishes Coast gentian — Alabama BT Freshwater fishes USE Gentianella scopulorum NT Warrior Coalfield (Ala.) Coarse fishing (May Subd Geog) — China [SH691.C58] Coast guard NT Xin Tai Coalfield (China) UF Coarse fish fishing USE Coastal surveillance — England NT Ingleton Coalfield (England) Rough fish fishing Coast guns — Pakistan BT Fishing USE Ordnance, Coast NT Lākhra Coalfield (Pakistan) Coarse-haired pocket mice (May Subd Geog) [QL737.R66 (Zoology)] Coast Highway Sonda Coalfield (Pakistan) UF Burtognathus USE Pacific Coast Highway — South Africa Chaetodipus Coast live oak (May Subd Geog) NT Klip River Coalfield (South Africa) Hispid pocket mice [QK495.F14 (Botany)] — Utah BT Heteromyidae UF California live oak Pocket mice Encina NT Alton Coal Field (Utah) NT Desert pocket mouse Evergreen oak Coalfish Coarse-haired wombat Live oak, California USE Common wombat Live oak, Coast USE Pollock Coarse woody debris (May Subd Geog) Quercus agrifolia Coalgate City Lake (Okla.) [SD387.C63 (Forestry)] BT Oak Here are entered works on dead woody material, USE Coalgate Reservoir (Okla.) such as logs, stumps, large branches, and root Coast mapping Coalgate Reservoir (Okla.) masses, found on the ground in forest stands or in USE Coastal mapping streams. UF Coalgate City Lake (Okla.) Coast mole (May Subd Geog) BT Lakes—Oklahoma UF CWD (Coarse woody debris) [QL737.S76 (Zoology)] Debris, Coarse woody UF Pacific mole Reservoirs—Oklahoma Down woody debris Red-footed mole Coalhouse Point (England) DWD (Down woody debris) Scapanus orarius Large organic debris BT Western moles BT Capes (Coasts)—England Large woody debris Coaling (May Subd Geog) Large woody material (Forest litter) LOD (Large organic debris) [VK361 (Navigation)] LWD (Large woody debris) BT Coal Coaling-stations (May Subd Geog) [V240] C-462
Coast Mountains (B.C. and Alaska) Samish Indians Sea-run cutthroat trout BT Cascade Range Sechelt Indians BT Cutthroat trout Mountains—Alaska Skagit Indians Coastal defenses Mountains—British Columbia Snohomish Indians USE Coast defenses NT Chilcotin Ranges (B.C.) Snoqualmie Indians Coastal ecology (May Subd Geog) North Shore Mountains (B.C.) Squawmish Indians [QH84.1-QH84.5 (Local, by climatic region)] Sumas Mountain (B.C.) Stillaquamish Indians [QH92-QH95.6 (Local, by body of water)] Tatlow, Mount (B.C.) Suquamish Indians [QH101-QH198 (Local, by geographic region)] Waddington, Mount (B.C.) Tillamook Indians [QH541.5.C65 (General)] Whistler Mountain (B.C.) Twana Indians UF Coast ecology — Basket making Coast of Death (Namibia) USE Coast Salish baskets Coastal zone ecology USE Skeleton Coast (Namibia) — Folklore Coasts—Ecology Coast Salish mythology (May Subd Geog) BT Coastal biology Coast ordnance UF Mythology, Coast Salish Ecology USE Ordnance, Coast Coast Salish painting (May Subd Geog) RT Sublittoral ecology UF Painting, Coast Salish NT Barrier island ecology Coast organisms BT Coast Salish art Fjord ecology USE Coastal organisms Painting, American Mangrove ecology Painting, Canadian Seashore ecology Coast-pilot guides Coast Salish textile fabrics (May Subd Geog) Coastal ecosystem health (May Subd Geog) USE Pilot guides UF Textile fabrics, Coast Salish UF Coastal environmental health BT Textile fabrics—British Columbia Coastal health (Ecosystem health) Coast protection Textile fabrics—Washington (State) Health, Coastal ecosystem USE Shore protection Coast Starlight (Express train) BT Ecosystem health BT Express trains—Pacific States — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Coast protective works Coast surveillance USE Shore protection USE Coastal surveillance BT Environmental law Coast to Coast Cycle Route (England) Coastal ecosystem management Coast radio stations USE Sea to Sea Cycle Route (England) USE Marine radio stations Coast Track, Abel Tasman (N.Z.) USE Coastal zone management USE Abel Tasman Coast Track (N.Z.) Coastal engineering (May Subd Geog) Coast Range (Or.) Coast Tsimshian language USE Oregon Coast Range (Or.) USE Tsimshian language [TC203-TC327] Coastal Alorese language BT Engineering Coast Range (Wash.) USE Alor language (Austronesian) RT Coastal zone management USE Olympic Mountains (Wash.) Coastal animals (May Subd Geog) [QL104-QL109 (Local, by climatic region)] Shore protection Coast Ranges [QL126-QL138 (Local, by body of water)] Coastal environmental health UF Pacific Coast Ranges [QL150-QL345 (Local, by geographic region)] BT Mountains—Canada UF Coast animals USE Coastal ecosystem health Mountains—Mexico Coastal fauna [Former heading] Coastal erosion Mountains—United States Coastal zone animals NT Blackcomb Mountain (B.C.) BT Animals USE Coast changes Chugach Mountains (Alaska) Coastal organisms Coastal fauna Diablo Range (Calif.) NT Seashore animals Olympic Mountains (Wash.) Coastal archaeology (May Subd Geog) USE Coastal animals Oregon Coast Range (Or.) [GN784 (Prehistoric archaeology)] Coastal fever Saddle Bag Mountain (Or.) UF Coastal sites (Archaeology) Saint Elias Mountains Coasts—Antiquities USE East Coast fever Saint Helena, Mount (Calif.) BT Archaeology Coastal fisheries Coastal Bend (Tex.) — Passes UF Texas Coastal Bend (Tex.) USE Fisheries USE Mountain passes—Coast Ranges Coastal biodiversity (May Subd Geog) Coastal flora UF Coast biodiversity Coast redwood (May Subd Geog) Coastal biological diversity USE Coastal plants [QK494.5.T3 (Botany)] Coastal zone biodiversity Coastal forest animals (May Subd Geog) [SD397.R3 (Forestry)] Diversity, Coastal biological UF California redwood BT Biodiversity BT Forest animals Californian redwood — Conservation Coastal forest conservation (May Subd Geog) Coastal redwood USE Coastal biodiversity conservation Redwood [Former heading] BT Forest conservation Sequoia [Former heading] UF Coast biodiversity conservation Coastal forest ecology (May Subd Geog) Sequoia sempervirens Coastal biodiversity—Conservation Taxodium sempervirens Coastal zone biodiversity conservation UF Coastal forests—Ecology BT Sequoia (Genus) Conservation of coastal biodiversity BT Forest ecology Coastal forests (May Subd Geog) Coast redwood in art (Not Subd Geog) BT Biodiversity conservation UF Coastal freshwater forests Coast redwood industry Coastal biodiversity conservation Coastally restricted forests USE Redwood industry — Religious aspects BT Forests and forestry Coast Reserve (Or.) — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] — Ecology Coastal biological diversity USE Siletz Indian Reservation (Or.) USE Coastal biodiversity USE Coastal forest ecology Coast Salish art (May Subd Geog) Coastal biology (May Subd Geog) Coastal freshwater forests UF Art, Coast Salish UF Coast biology USE Coastal forests BT Art, American Coastal zone biology Coastal health (Ecosystem health) Art, Canadian BT Biology USE Coastal ecosystem health NT Coast Salish painting NT Coastal ecology Coastal Heritage Trail Route (N.J.) Coast Salish artists (May Subd Geog) UF Artists, Coast Salish Coastal organisms UF New Jersey Coastal Heritage Route (N.J.) BT Artists—United States Seashore biology New Jersey Coastal Heritage Trail Route (N.J.) Coast Salish baskets (May Subd Geog) Coastal brown-ant UF Baskets, Coast Salish USE Pheidole megacephala BT Trails—New Jersey Coastal brown trout Coastal Highway Coast Salish Indians—Basket making [Former USE Sea trout heading] Coastal charting USE United States Highway 17 BT Baskets—British Columbia USE Coastal mapping Coastal landforms Baskets—Washington (State) Coastal chinchilla Coast Salish Indians (May Subd Geog) USE Long-tailed chinchilla USE Coasts [E99.S21] Coastal cutthroat trout (May Subd Geog) Coastal Maine National Wildlife Refuge (Me.) UF Salish Coastal Indians [QL638.S2 (Zoology)] BT Indians of North America—British Columbia UF Cutthroat trout, Sea-run [Former heading] USE Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge (Me.) Indians of North America—Washington (State) Harvest trout Coastal Makhuwa language Salishan Indians Oncorhynchus clarki clarki NT Chehalis Indians USE Makhuwa-Marrevone language Clallam Indians Coastal management Comox Indians Cowichan Indians USE Coastal zone management Duwamish Indians Coastal manroot Hul'qumi'num Indians Lekwungen Indians USE Marah oreganus Lummi Indians Coastal mapping (May Subd Geog) Nisqually Indians Nooksack Indians UF Charting, Coastal Nuxalk Indians Coast mapping Puyallup Indians Coastal charting Quinault Indians Coastal zone mapping Coastline mapping Coasts—Charting Coasts—Mapping BT Cartography — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Coastal Mountain Range (Syria) USE Nusayriyah Mountains (Syria) Coastal [name of place] USE headings of the type Atlantic Coast ([name of C-463
Coastal [name of place] (Continued) Coastal zone animals BT Landforms place]); Pacific Coast ([name of place]); etc., USE Coastal animals RT Seashore e.g. Atlantic Coast (Del.); Pacific Coast SA headings beginning with the word Coastal (Wash.) Coastal zone biodiversity NT Bays USE Coastal biodiversity Coastal navigation Capes (Coasts) USE Coastwise navigation Coastal zone biodiversity conservation Estuaries USE Coastal biodiversity conservation Fjords Coastal organisms (May Subd Geog) Inlets UF Coast organisms Coastal zone biology Isthmuses Coastal zone organisms USE Coastal biology Peninsulas BT Coastal biology Sounds (Geomorphology) Organisms Coastal zone ecology Spits (Geomorphology) NT Coastal animals USE Coastal ecology Tidal flats Coastal plants Washover fans Intertidal organisms Coastal zone ecosystem management — Antiquities USE Coastal zone management USE Coastal archaeology Coastal Paman languages (May Subd Geog) — Charting BT Australia—Languages Coastal zone management (May Subd Geog) USE Coastal mapping Paman languages [HT390-HT395 (Regional planning)] — Ecology NT Kokoberra language UF Coast ecosystem management USE Coastal ecology Coastal ecosystem management — Erosion Coastal Park Landfill (South Africa) Coastal management USE Coast changes BT Bioreactor landfills—South Africa Coastal resource management — Management Sanitary landfills—South Africa Coastal resources management USE Coastal zone management Coastal zone ecosystem management — Mapping Coastal Park of Sterpaia (Italy) Coasts—Management USE Coastal mapping USE Parco costiero della Sterpaia (Italy) CRM (Coastal resource management) — Recreational use (May Subd Geog) Zone management, Coastal — Africa Coastal passages BT Ecosystem management USE Coastwise navigation Natural resources—Management NT Atlantic Coast (Africa) Regional planning Indian Coast (Africa) Coastal Peru Earthquake, Peru, 2001 RT Coastal engineering USE Southern Peru Earthquake, Peru, 2001 NT Integrated coastal zone management — Africa, Central Marine debris—Cleanup NT Atlantic Coast (Africa, Central) Coastal Plain (Va.) Marine pollution USE Tidewater (Va. : Region) Shore protection — Africa, Northwest NT Atlantic Coast (Africa, Northwest) Coastal plain willow (May Subd Geog) — Citizen participation [QK495.S16 (Botany)] — Finance — Africa, West UF Carolina willow — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) NT Atlantic Coast (Africa, West) Salix caroliniana — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) BT Willows — Alabama BT Environmental law NT Gulf Coast (Ala.) Coastal plains (May Subd Geog) Coastal zone mapping BT Plains — Alaska USE Coastal mapping NT Arctic Coast (Alaska) — Alaska Coastal zone organisms Beaufort Sea Coast NT North Slope (Alaska) Beaufort Sea Coast (Alaska) USE Coastal organisms Bering Sea Coast (Alaska) — Australia Coastal zones Pacific Coast (Alaska) NT Swan Coastal Plain (W.A.) USE Coasts — Albania — Somalia Coastally restricted forests NT Adriatic Coast (Albania) NT Guban Plain (Somalia) Ionian Coast (Albania) USE Coastal forests — Texas Coaster (Fish) — Algeria NT South Texas Sand Sheet (Tex.) NT Mediterranean Coast (Algeria) USE Brook trout — Virginia Coaster cars (May Subd Geog) — America NT Tidewater (Va. : Region) NT Atlantic Coast (America) [TL482] Pacific Coast (America) Coastal plants (May Subd Geog) UF Automobiles, Coaster [QK108-QK474.5 (Local)] — Angola [QK938.C6 (General)] Billy carts NT Atlantic Coast (Angola) UF Coastal flora [Former heading] Billycarts BT Coastal organisms Cars, Coaster — Antarctic regions Plants Downhill racers USE Coasts—Antarctica NT Mangrove plants Soap box derby racers BT Riding toys — Antarctica Coastal redwood Soap box derbies UF Coasts—Antarctic regions [Former USE Coast redwood Vehicles heading] Coasters, Roller NT Adeĺ ie Coast (Antarctica) Coastal resource management USE Roller coasters Black Coast (Antarctica) USE Coastal zone management Coasters (for drinks) Kemp Coast (Antarctica) USE Coasters (Trays) Lassiter Coast (Antarctica) Coastal resources management Coasters (Ships) (May Subd Geog) Orville Coast (Antarctica) USE Coastal zone management [VM425] Prince Harald Coast (Antarctica) UF Coastal vessels Prince Olav Coast (Antarctica) Coastal Sand Plain (Tex.) Puffers (Steamboats) Wilkins Coast (Antarctica) USE South Texas Sand Sheet (Tex.) Sailing coasters Steam coasters — Arctic regions Coastal Sand Plains (Tex.) BT Merchant ships — Argentina USE South Texas Sand Sheet (Tex.) Sailing ships Coasters (Ships) in art (Not Subd Geog) NT Atlantic Coast (Argentina) Coastal sediments (May Subd Geog) Coasters (Trays) (May Subd Geog) — Asia BT Marine sediments UF Coasters (for drinks) [Former heading] NT Estuarine sediments BT Table setting and decoration NT Pacific Coast (Asia) Coastguard — Atlantic States Coastal settlements (May Subd Geog) USE Coastal surveillance BT Human settlements Coasting USE Atlantic Coast (U.S.) USE Coasting (Winter sports) — Australia Coastal shipping Coasting (Winter sports) (May Subd Geog) USE Coastwise shipping [GV856] NT Central Coast (N.S.W.) UF Coasting [Former heading] Cooloola Coast (Qld.) Coastal signals BT Winter sports Indian Coast (W.A.) USE Signals and signaling Coastline mapping Marlin Coast (Qld.) USE Coastal mapping Pacific Coast (Australia) Coastal sites (Archaeology) Coastlines Pacific Coast (Qld.) USE Coastal archaeology USE Coasts South Coast (Australia) Coastrange sculpin Sunshine Coast (Qld.) Coastal surveillance (May Subd Geog) USE Cottus aleuticus [VG50-VG55] Coasts (May Subd Geog) — Balkan Peninsula For works on coastal surveillance performed by [GB450-GB460 (Physical geography)] NT Adriatic Coast (Balkan Peninsula) UF Coastal landforms specific organizations, an additional subject entry is Coastal zones — Belgium made under the name of the organization. Coastlines NT North Sea Coast (Belgium) UF Coast guard — Belize Coast surveillance NT Atlantic Coast (Belize) Coastguard Surveillance, Coastal — Benin NT Atlantic Coast (Benin) BT Border patrols Coastal vessels USE Coasters (Ships) Coastal voyages USE Coastwise navigation Coastal waterways USE Intracoastal waterways Coastal Way (Arran, Island of, Scotland) USE Arran Coastal Way (Scotland) C-464
— Brazil — French Guiana — Libya NT Atlantic Coast (Brazil) NT Atlantic Coast (French Guiana) NT Mediterranean Coast (Libya) — — Pernambuco — Gabon — Lithuania — British Columbia NT Atlantic Coast (Gabon) NT Baltic Coast (Lithuania) NT Pacific Coast (B.C.) — Gambia — Louisiana Sunshine Coast (B.C.) NT Atlantic Coast (Gambia) NT Gulf Coast (La.) — British Isles — Georgia — Madagascar NT Atlantic Coast (British Isles) NT Atlantic Coast (Ga.) NT Indian Coast (Madagascar) — Bulgaria — Georgia (Republic) — Maine NT Black Sea Coast (Bulgaria) NT Black Sea Coast (Georgia) NT Atlantic Coast (Me.) — California — Germany — Maritime Provinces NT Pacific Coast (Calif.) NT Baltic Coast (Germany) NT Atlantic Coast (Maritime Provinces) North Sea Coast (Germany) — Cameroon — Martinique NT Atlantic Coast (Cameroon) — Germany (East) NT Atlantic Coast (Martinique) — Germany (West) — Canada — Ghana — Maryland NT Arctic Coast (Canada) NT Atlantic Coast (Md.) Atlantic Coast (Canada) NT Atlantic Coast (Ghana) — Great Britain — Massachusetts — Central America NT Atlantic Coast (Mass.) NT Atlantic Coast (Central America) NT Atlantic Coast (Great Britain) North Shore (Mass. : Coast) Pacific Coast (Central America) — Guatemala South Shore (Mass. : Coast) — Chile NT Atlantic Coast (Guatemala) — Mauritania NT Pacific Coast (Chile) Costa Cuca (Guatemala : Coast) NT Atlantic Coast (Mauritania) Pacific Coast (Guatemala) — China — Mexico NT Pacific Coast (China) — Guiana NT Atlantic Coast (Mexico) NT Atlantic Coast (Guiana) Costa Chica (Mexico) — Colombia Costa Maya (Mexico) NT Atlantic Coast (Colombia) — Guinea Gulf Coast (Mexico) Pacific Coast (Colombia) NT Atlantic Coast (Guinea) Pacific Coast (Mexico) — Congo (Brazzaville) — Guinea-Bissau — Michigan NT Atlantic Coast (Congo (Brazzaville)) NT Atlantic Coast (Guinea-Bissau) NT Erie, Lake, Coast (Mich.) — Congo (Democratic Republic) — Guyana — Middle Atlantic States UF Coasts—Zaire [Former heading] NT Atlantic Coast (Guyana) NT Atlantic Coast (Middle Atlantic States) NT Atlantic Coast (Congo (Democratic Republic)) — Haiti — Middle East NT Arcadins Coast (Haiti) NT Black Sea Coast — Connecticut Atlantic Coast (Haiti) Caspian Sea Coast NT Atlantic Coast (Conn.) — Hawaii — Mississippi — Costa Rica NT Na Pali Coast (Hawaii) NT Gulf Coast (Miss.) NT Atlantic Coast (Costa Rica) North Shore (Oahu, Hawaii) Pacific Coast (Costa Rica) Pacific Coast (Hawaii) — Morocco NT Atlantic Coast (Morocco) — Cot̂ e d'Ivoire — Honduras UF Coasts—Ivory Coast [Former heading] NT Atlantic Coast (Honduras) — Namibia NT Atlantic Coast (Côte d'Ivoire) NT Atlantic Coast (Namibia) — Iceland Skeleton Coast (Namibia) — Croatia NT Snæfjallaströnd (Iceland) NT Adriatic Coast (Croatia) — New England — Illinois NT Atlantic Coast (New England) — Cuba NT Michigan, Lake, Coast (Ill.) NT Atlantic Coast (Cuba) — New Hampshire — India NT Atlantic Coast (N.H.) — Delaware NT Coromandel Coast (India) NT Atlantic Coast (Del.) Indian Coast (India) — New Jersey Malabar Coast (India) NT Atlantic Coast (N.J.) — Denmark NT Baltic Coast (Denmark) — Indiana — New York (State) North Sea Coast (Denmark) NT Michigan, Lake, Coast (Ind.) NT Atlantic Coast (N.Y.) — Dominican Republic — Iran — New Zealand NT Atlantic Coast (Dominican Republic) NT Gulf of Oman Coast (Iran) NT Golden Coast (N.Z.) Makran Coast (Iran) Pacific Coast (N.Z.) — Ecuador Persian Gulf Coast (Iran) NT Pacific Coast (Ecuador) — Newfoundland — Ireland USE Coasts—Newfoundland and Labrador — Egypt NT Atlantic Coast (Ireland) NT Mediterranean Coast (Egypt) — Newfoundland and Labrador Red Sea Coast (Egypt) — Israel UF Coasts—Newfoundland [Former heading] NT Carmel Coast (Israel) NT Atlantic Coast (N.L.) — El Salvador Mediterranean Coast (Israel) NT Pacific Coast (El Salvador) — Nicaragua — Italy NT Atlantic Coast (Nicaragua) — England NT Adriatic Coast (Italy) Pacific Coast (Nicaragua) NT Jurassic Coast (England) Amalfi Coast (Italy) North Sea Coast (England and Scotland) Ionian Coast (Italy) — Nigeria Mediterranean Coast (Italy) NT Atlantic Coast (Nigeria) — Eritrea Mediterranean Coast (Sardinia, Italy) NT Red Sea Coast (Eritrea) Mediterranean Coast (Sicily, Italy) — North America Riviera (Italy) NT Atlantic Coast (North America) — Estonia Smeralda Coast (Italy) Northwest Coast of North America NT Baltic Coast (Estonia) Tyrrhenian Coast (Italy) Pacific Coast (North America) — Europe — Ivory Coast — North Carolina NT Atlantic Coast (Europe) USE Coasts—Cot̂ e d'Ivoire NT Atlantic Coast (N.C.) Black Sea Coast Crystal Coast (N.C.) Caspian Sea Coast — Jamaica NT Atlantic Coast (Jamaica) — Northwest Territories — Europe, Northern NT Beaufort Sea Coast NT Baltic Coast — Japan Beaufort Sea Coast (N.W.T.) NT Japan Sea Coast (Japan) — Finland Pacific Coast (Japan) — Norway NT Baltic Coast (Finland) NT Jærkysten (Norway) — Kenya — Florida NT Indian Coast (Kenya) — Nova Scotia NT Atlantic Coast (Fla.) NT Atlantic Coast (N.S.) Emerald Coast (Fla.) — Korea Northumberland Coast (N.S.) Gold Coast (Fla. : Coast) — Korea (North) Gulf Coast (Fla.) — Ohio Sun Coast (Fla.) NT Japan Sea Coast (Korea) NT Erie, Lake, Coast (Ohio) Yellow Sea Coast (Korea) North Coast Region (Ohio) — France NT Argent Coast (France) — Korea (South) — Oregon Atlantic Coast (France) NT Japan Sea Coast (Korea) NT Pacific Coast (Or.) Calanques (France) Yellow Sea Coast (Korea) Emeraude Coast (France) — Pakistan Maures (France) — Latin America NT Makran Coast (Pakistan) Mediterranean Coast (Corsica, France) NT Pacific Coast (Latin America) Mediterranean Coast (France) — Panama Nacre Coast (France) — Latvia NT Atlantic Coast (Panama) Opale Coast (France) NT Baltic Coast (Latvia) Pacific Coast (Panama) Pink Granite Coast (France) San Blas Coast (Panama) Riviera (France) — Liberia NT Atlantic Coast (Liberia) — Persian Gulf States NT Persian Gulf Coast (Persian Gulf States) C-465
Coasts (Continued) — Virginia NT Oilcloth NT Pacific Coast (Peru) NT Atlantic Coast (Va.) Waterproofing of fabrics — Philippines — Washington (State) Coated fabrics industry (May Subd Geog) NT Pacific Coast (Philippines) NT Pacific Coast (Wash.) [HD9869.C63-HD9869.C633] BT Textile industry — Poland — Western Sahara NT Oilcloth industry NT Baltic Coast (Poland) NT Atlantic Coast (Western Sahara) Coated foods (May Subd Geog) — Portugal — Wisconsin BT Processed foods NT Atlantic Coast (Portugal) NT Michigan, Lake, Coast (Wis.) RT Edible coatings Estoril Coast (Portugal) — Yemen Coated foods industry (May Subd Geog) — Rhode Island USE Coasts—Yemen (Republic) BT Food industry and trade NT Atlantic Coast (R.I.) — Yemen (Republic) Coated paper — Romania UF Coasts—Yemen [Former heading] USE Paper coatings NT Black Sea Coast (Romania) NT Red Sea Coast (Yemen) Coated textiles — Russia (Federation) — Yugoslavia USE Coated fabrics UF Coasts—Russian S.F.S.R. [Former — Yukon heading] Coated vesicles NT Arctic Coast (Russia) UF Coasts—Yukon Territory [Former [QH603.C63] Bering Sea Coast (Russia) heading] UF Vesicles, Coated Black Sea Coast (Russia) BT Cell organelles Pacific Coast (Russia) NT Beaufort Sea Coast Beaufort Sea Coast (Yukon) Coates family (Not Subd Geog) — Russian S.F.S.R. UF Coat family USE Coasts—Russia (Federation) — Yukon Territory Coate family USE Coasts—Yukon Coats family — Saudi Arabia Cotes family NT Red Sea Coast (Saudi Arabia) — Zaire RT DeCotes family USE Coasts—Congo (Democratic Republic) — Scotland Coatforth family NT North Sea Coast (England and Scotland) Coasts in art (Not Subd Geog) USE Cutsforth family Coasts in literature (Not Subd Geog) — Senegal Coastwise navigation (May Subd Geog) Coati Island (Bolivia) NT Atlantic Coast (Senegal) UF Isla Coati (Bolivia) Petite Coast (Senegal) [VK559] Isla de la Luna (Bolivia) Here are entered works on the movement of Island of the Moon (Bolivia) — Sierra Leone shipping, of sailing vessels, and of pleasure boats Koati Island (Bolivia) NT Atlantic Coast (Sierra Leone) along the coast, and on the improvement of such Luna, Isla de la (Bolivia) routes by dredging or otherwise where the operations Moon, Island of the (Bolivia) — Somalia are not limited to a single harbor. BT Islands—Bolivia NT Indian Coast (Somalia) UF Coastal navigation Coatimundi — South Africa Coastal passages USE Coatis NT Atlantic Coast (South Africa) Coastal voyages Indian Coast (South Africa) Cruising (Boats and boating) Coating, Air knife Gunkholing (Boats and boating) USE Air knife coating — South America NT Atlantic Coast (South America) BT Navigation Coating, Ceramic Pacific Coast (South America) Sailing USE Ceramic coating Seamanship — South Atlantic States Coating, Electrophoretic NT Atlantic Coast (South Atlantic States) — Effect of water levels on (May Subd Geog) USE Electrophoretic deposition BT Water levels — South Carolina Coating, Hydroxyapatite NT Atlantic Coast (S.C.) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Hydroxyapatite coating BT Maritime law — Soviet Union Coating, Metal — Spain Coastwise shipping (May Subd Geog) USE Metal coating [HE730-HE943] NT Atlantic Coast (Spain) UF Coastal shipping Coating, Plastic Costa Blanca (Spain) Water transportation, Coastal USE Plastic coating Costa Brava (Spain) BT Shipping Costa Caĺ ida (Spain) RT Intercoastal shipping Coating, Powder (Metal finishing) Costa de la Luz (Spain) USE Powder coating (Metal finishing) Costa del Azahar (Spain) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Costa del Sol (Spain) BT Commercial law Coating, Refractory Costa Dorada (Spain) Maritime law USE Refractory coating Costa Verde (Spain) Maresme Region (Spain) Coat, Holy Coating, Vacuum Mediterranean Coast (Spain) USE Holy Coat USE Vapor-plating Rías Bajas Coast (Spain) Coat color of animals Coating compositions — Sudan USE Animals—Color USE Protective coatings NT Red Sea Coast (Sudan) Coat dresses Coating processes — Surinam USE Coatdresses [TP156.C57] USE Coasts—Suriname UF Surface coating processes Coat family RT Coatings — Suriname USE Coates family BT Surfaces (Technology) UF Coasts—Surinam [Former heading] NT Enamel and enameling NT Atlantic Coast (Suriname) Coat hangers (May Subd Geog) Finishes and finishing UF Clothes hangers Laminated materials — Sweden Hangers, Coat Plating NT Baltic Coast (Sweden) BT Implements, utensils, etc. Pulsed laser deposition Gulf of Bothnia Coast (Sweden) Sealing (Technology) Coat-of-mail shells Spraying — Taiwan USE Chitons Surface preparation NT Pacific Coast (Taiwan) Waterproofing Coat proteins (Capsid proteins) — Tanzania USE Capsid proteins — Equipment and supplies NT Indian Coast (Tanzania) NT Dust guns Coat racks — Texas USE Coatracks Coatings NT Gulf Coast (Tex.) [TA418.9.C57 (Engineering materials)] Coat trees UF Surface coatings — Togo USE Clothes trees BT Materials NT Atlantic Coast (Togo) Surfaces (Technology) Coatdresses (May Subd Geog) RT Coating processes — Tunisia UF Coat dresses Thin films NT Mediterranean Coast (Tunisia) BT Dresses NT Anti-reflective coatings Cement coating — Turkey Coate family Ceramic coating NT Aegean Sea Coast (Turkey) USE Coates family Coated fabrics Black Sea Coast (Turkey) Concrete coatings Mediterranean Coast (Turkey) Coated electrodes Controlled release technology BT Electric welding Drugs—Coatings — Ukraine Electrodes Edible coatings NT Black Sea Coast (Ukraine) Enamel and enameling Coated fabrics Epoxy coatings — United States [TS1512] Finishes and finishing NT Atlantic Coast (U.S.) UF Coated textiles Foundry coatings Gulf Coast (U.S.) Coatings, Textile Mid-Atlantic Bight Fabrics, Coated Pacific Coast (U.S.) Soil-resistant fabrics Textile coatings — Uruguay BT Coatings NT Atlantic Coast (Uruguay) Protective coatings Textile fabrics — Venezuela NT Atlantic Coast (Venezuela) C-466
Glass coatings Cob (Building material) (May Subd Geog) UF Chromium-cobalt-nickel alloys High solids coatings [TH1421] Co-Cr-Ni alloys Lacquer and lacquering BT Building materials Nickel-chromium-cobalt alloys Metal coating Optical coatings Cob (Coin) (May Subd Geog) BT Chromium alloys Paint UF Cabo de barra (Coin) Cobalt alloys Plastic coating Macaca (Coin) Nickel alloys Plastic coatings Macaco (Coin) Protective coatings Macuquina (Coin) Cobalt compounds (May Subd Geog) Surface sealers Mocloń (Coin) [QD181.C6 (General and inorganic chemistry)] Tantalum electrodes—Coatings BT Coins, Latin American [QD412.C6 (Organometallic chemistry)] Thick films [TN693.C8 (Metallography)] Varnish and varnishing Cobá (City) [TP245.C7 (Chemical technology)] — Thermal properties (May Subd Geog) USE Cobá Site (Mexico) UF Cobaltic compounds Coatings, Diffusion Cobaltous compounds USE Diffusion coatings Cobá Site (Mexico) BT Transition metal compounds Coatings, Epoxy [F1435.1.C63] NT Cobalt-ammonium compounds USE Epoxy coatings UF Cobá (City) [Former heading] Cobalt chromite Coatings, Glass BT Mexico—Antiquities Cobalt phosphide USE Glass coatings Cobalt sulfate Coatings, Textile Cobaea (May Subd Geog) Cobalt sulfide USE Coated fabrics [QK495.P77] Cobaltous fluoride Coatings industry (May Subd Geog) UF Cobbea Corrinoids [HD9999.C646-HD9999.C6464] Cobea Lanthanum cobalt oxides BT Chemical industry Coboea Organocobalt compounds NT Paper coatings industry BT Polemoniaceae Protective coatings industry NT Cobaea lutea — Synthesis Thin films industry Cobaea pachysepala Cobalt difluoride Coatis (May Subd Geog) [QL737.C26] Cobaea lutea (May Subd Geog) USE Cobaltous fluoride UF Chulo [QK495.P77] Cobalt glass (May Subd Geog) Coatimundi BT Cobaea Nasua [NK5439.C62 (Decorative arts)] BT Procyonidae Cobaea pachysepala (May Subd Geog) UF Cobalt blue glass Coatis as pets (May Subd Geog) [QK495.P77] BT Glassware BT Pets BT Cobaea Cobalt in animal nutrition Coatney family [SF98.C] USE Courtney family Cobalamin BT Animal nutrition Coatracks (May Subd Geog) USE Vitamin B12 Cobalt in the body (May Subd Geog) UF Coat racks [QP535.C6] BT Storage racks Cobalamine BT Body composition NT Clothes trees USE Vitamin B12 Cobalt industry (May Subd Geog) Coats (May Subd Geog) [HD9539.C46-HD9539.C464] [GT2079 (Manners and customs)] Cobaloximes (May Subd Geog) BT Nonferrous metal industries [TT530 (Women's clothing)] BT Organocobalt compounds NT Cobalt mines and mining [TT595-TT600 (Men's clothing)] Oximes Cobalt lanthanum oxides UF Outercoats USE Lanthanum cobalt oxides Overcoats Cobalt (May Subd Geog) Cobalt Mine (Idaho) BT Clothing and dress [QD181.C6 (Chemistry)] USE Blackbird Mine (Lemhi County, Idaho) NT Holy Coat [TA480.C6 (Engineering materials)] Cobalt mines and mining (May Subd Geog) Lapels [TP245.C7 (Chemical technology)] [TN490.C6] Parkas BT Transition metals BT Cobalt industry Raincoats SA subdivision Cobalt content under individual Tail coats materials and types of materials, e.g. Mines and mineral resources Trench coats Metals--Cobalt content Cobalt-nickel alloys — Pattern design (May Subd Geog) NT Soils—Cobalt content BT Cobalt alloys BT Tailoring—Pattern design — Isotopes (May Subd Geog) Nickel alloys Coats, Cell [QD181.C6] UF Radiocobalt Cobalt-nickel-silicon alloys USE Glycocalyces BT Cobalt alloys Coats, Pericellular — — Therapeutic use (May Subd Geog) Nickel alloys — Magnetic properties (May Subd Geog) Silicon alloys USE Glycocalyces — Physiological effect (May Subd Geog) Coats family Cobalt ores (May Subd Geog) [QP535.C6] [QE390.2.C58 (Mineralogy)] USE Coates family NT Plants—Effect of cobalt on [TN490.C6 (Mineral resources)] Coats in literature (Not Subd Geog) — Spectra BT Ores Coats Island (N.W.T.) — Thermal properties (May Subd Geog) Cobalt alloys Cobalt organic compounds USE Coats Island (Nunavut) NT Chromium-cobalt-nickel-molybdenum alloys USE Organocobalt compounds Coats Island (Nunavut) Cobalt-chromium-nickel alloys Cobalt-nickel alloys Cobalt phosphide (May Subd Geog) UF Coats Island (N.W.T.) [Former heading] Cobalt-nickel-silicon alloys BT Cobalt compounds BT Islands—Nunavut Cobalt-titanium-carbon alloys Phosphides Coats of arms Copper-cobalt-manganese alloys USE Devices (Heraldry) Gold-cobalt alloys Cobalt plating Iron-cobalt alloys [TS692.C57] Heraldry Iron-nickel-cobalt alloys BT Electroplating Coatzacoalcos River (Mexico) Stellite Tungsten carbide-cobalt alloys Cobalt sulfate (May Subd Geog) UF Quetzalcoalcos River (Mexico) Tungsten-cobalt alloys UF Cobalt sulphate [Former heading] Rió Coatzacoalcos (Mexico) Vanadium permendur Cobaltous sulfate Cobalt amines BT Cobalt compounds BT Rivers—Mexico USE Cobalt-ammonium compounds Sulfates Coatzacoalcos River Valley (Mexico) Cobalt-ammonium compounds (May Subd Geog) UF Ammonium cobalt bases Cobalt sulfide (May Subd Geog) UF Coatzacoalcos Valley (Mexico) Cobalt amines UF Cobalt sulphide [Former heading] BT Valleys—Mexico BT Cobalt compounds BT Cobalt compounds Coatzacoalcos Valley (Mexico) Metal-ammonia compounds Metal sulfides USE Coatzacoalcos River Valley (Mexico) Cobalt automobile (Not Subd Geog) Coaxial cables (May Subd Geog) UF Chevrolet Cobalt automobile Cobalt sulphate UF Coaxial lines BT Chevrolet automobile USE Cobalt sulfate BT Electric cables Cobalt blue glass USE Cobalt glass Cobalt sulphide Microwave transmission lines Cobalt catalysts USE Cobalt sulfide Telecommunication cables BT Catalysts Coaxial lines Cobalt chromite (May Subd Geog) Cobalt-titanium-carbon alloys USE Coaxial cables [QD181.C6] BT Cobalt alloys Coayahualco Site (Mexico) UF Chromium cobalt oxide Titanium alloys USE Cerro de la Malinche Site (Mexico) BT Chromium compounds Titanium carbide Cob, White-eared Cobalt compounds USE White-eared kob Oxides Cobaltic compounds Cobalt-chromium-nickel alloys (May Subd Geog) USE Cobalt compounds [R857.C63 ((Biomedical materials))] Cobaltous compounds USE Cobalt compounds Cobaltous fluoride (May Subd Geog) UF Cobalt difluoride BT Cobalt compounds Fluorides C-467
Cobaltous sulfate Cobblestones (May Subd Geog) computers) USE Cobalt sulfate BT Building stones NT IDS (Computer program language) COBOL/370 (Computer program language) Cobamong Garden (Armonk, N.Y.) Cobbold family (Not Subd Geog) BT Programming languages (Electronic This heading is not valid for use as a geographic UF Cobold family computers) subdivision. Cobbossee, Lake (Me.) COBOL II (Computer program language) USE Cobbosseecontee Lake (Me.) BT Gardens—New York (State) [QA76.73.C] Co̧ ban Dede Kop̈ rüsü (Turkey) Cobbosseeconte Lake (Me.) BT Programming languages (Electronic USE Cobbosseecontee Lake (Me.) USE Çobandede Köprus̈ ü (Turkey) computers) Co̧ ban kop̈ egĭ Cobbosseecontee Lake (Me.) Cobold family UF Cobbasseeconteag (Me.) USE Anatolian shepherd dog Cobbossee, Lake (Me.) USE Cobbold family Çobandede Bridge (Turkey) Cobbosseeconte Lake (Me.) Cobold family Cobeskonte Lake (Me.) USE Co̧ bandede Köprus̈ ü (Turkey) Cobossecontee Lake (Me.) USE Caridad del Cobre, Virgen de la Çobandede Kop̈ rüsü (Turkey) Lake Cobbossee (Me.) Cobordism theory Lake Cobbosseecontee (Me.) UF Co̧ ban Dede Kop̈ rus̈ ü (Turkey) Maroonscook Pond (Me.) [QA613.66] Çobandede Bridge (Turkey) BT Lakes—Maine BT Differential topology Reservoirs—Maine Coborg Peninsula (N.T.) BT Bridges—Turkey USE Cobourg Peninsula (N.T.) Cobannus (Gallo-Roman deity) (Not Subd Geog) Cobbs family Coborn family USE Cobb family USE Coburn family BT Gods, Gallo-Roman Cobossecontee Lake (Me.) Cobar construction (Topology) Cobb's Island (Northampton County, Va.) USE Cobbosseecontee Lake (Me.) USE Cobb Island (Va.) Cobourg Island (Nunavut) UF Construction, Cobar (Topology) USE Coburg Island (Nunavut) BT Homotopy theory Cobbum family (Not Subd Geog) Cobourg Peninsula (N.T.) UF Coben family UF Coborg Peninsula (N.T.) Topology Cobin family BT Peninsulas—Australia Cobaría Indians (May Subd Geog) Cobun family Cobourn family RT Cobham family USE Coburn family UF Central Tunebo Indians Cobourne family Cobaría Tunebo Indians Cobcroft family (Not Subd Geog) USE Coburn family Kubaruwa Indians Cobea Cobra, Operation, 1944 Uwa Indians USE Operation Cobra, 1944 USE Cobaea Cobra, Operation, 1965 BT Indians of South America—Colombia Coben family USE Operation Cobra, 1965 Tunebo Indians Cobra (Helicopter) USE Cobbum family USE HueyCobra (Helicopter) — Pottery Cobequid Highlands (N.S.) Cobra (Jet fighter plane) (Not Subd Geog) USE Cobaría pottery UF YF-17 Cobra (Jet fighter plane) USE Cobequid Mountains (N.S.) BT Jet fighter planes Cobaría law (May Subd Geog) Cobequid Mountains (N.S.) BT Customary law—Colombia Northrop aircraft UF Cobequid Highlands (N.S.) Cobra automobile (Not Subd Geog) Cobaría mythology (May Subd Geog) BT Mountains—Nova Scotia UF Mythology, Cobaría Coberley family BT Ford automobile USE Coberly family Cobra-lilies Cobariá pottery (May Subd Geog) Coberly family (Not Subd Geog) UF Cobariá Indians—Pottery [Former heading] UF Coberley family USE Arisaema Pottery, Cobariá Cobra venom factor (May Subd Geog) BT Pottery, Colombian Cubberley family Cuberley family UF CVF (Protein) Cobaría Tunebo Indians Cuberly family BT Proteins USE Cobariá Indians Cobern family Cobras (May Subd Geog) USE Coburn family [QL666.O64] Cobb, Harmon J. (Fictitious character) Cobeskonte Lake (Me.) UF Naja [Former heading] (Not Subd Geog) USE Cobbosseecontee Lake (Me.) BT Elapidae UF Harmon J. Cobb (Fictitious character) Cobham family (Not Subd Geog) NT Egyptian cobra RT Cobbum family Cobb, Matt (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Cobham Lake (Ont.) King cobra UF Matt Cobb (Fictitious character) BT Lakes—Ontario Naja nigricollis Cobia (May Subd Geog) Spitting cobras Cobb, Zac (Fictitious character) [QL638.R3] Cobras in art (Not Subd Geog) USE Cobb, Zachary (Fictitious character) UF Cabio Cobras Island (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Rachycentron canadum UF Ilha das Cobras (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Cobb, Zachary (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Rachycentron canadus BT Islands—Brazil UF Cobb, Zac (Fictitious character) BT Rachycentron Cobrasma Strike, Osasco, Brazil, 1968 Zac Cobb (Fictitious character) Cobia family (Not Subd Geog) USE Metal-workers' Strike, Osasco, Brazil, 1968 Zachary Cobb (Fictitious character) Cobin family Cobre, Virgen de la Caridad del USE Cobbum family USE Caridad del Cobre, Virgen de la Cobb Creek (Okla.) Coburn family Cobre Cave (Spain) UF Pond Creek (Caddo County, Okla. : Creek) COBIT (Information technology management standard) UF Cueva del Cobre (Spain) BT Rivers—Oklahoma (Not Subd Geog) BT Caves—Spain UF Control Objectives for Information and Related Cobre River (Jamaica) Cobb family (Not Subd Geog) Technology UF Rio Cobre (Jamaica) UF Cobbe family BT Information BT Rivers—Jamaica Cobbs family technology—Management—Standards Cobre River Basin (Jamaica) RT Information audits USE Cobre River Watershed (Jamaica) Cobb Island (Va.) Cobitidae Cobre River Watershed (Jamaica) UF Cobb's Island (Northampton County, Va.) USE Loaches UF Cobre River Basin (Jamaica) Great Sand Shoal Island (Va.) Cobitididae BT Watersheds—Jamaica BT Islands—Virginia USE Loaches Cobrowsing, Web Cobitis (May Subd Geog) USE Web co-browsing Cobb-Pool Site (Tex.) [QL638.C647] Cobscook Bay (Me.) BT Texas—Antiquities BT Loaches BT Bays—Maine Cobitis delicata (May Subd Geog) Cobun, Fort, Site (Miss.) Cobb Seamount (Wash.) [QL638.C647] USE Upper Battery Site (Miss.) BT Seamounts—Washington (State) Cobitis macrolepidota Cobun family USE Mummichog USE Cobbum family Cobb Takamura (Fictitious character) Cobnut Coburn family USE Takamura, Cobb (Fictitious character) USE Hazel Coburg, House of Coboea USE Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, House of Cobbasseeconteag (Me.) USE Cobaea Coburg Castle (Coburg, Germany) USE Cobbosseecontee Lake (Me.) COBOL (Computer program language) USE Veste Coburg (Coburg, Germany) [HF5548.5.C2 (Business)] Coburg Island (N.W.T.) Cobbe family [QA76.73.C25 (Computer science)] USE Coburg Island (Nunavut) USE Cobb family UF Common Business-Oriented Language Coburg Island (Nunavut) (Computer program language) UF Cobourg Island (Nunavut) Cobbea BT Programming languages (Electronic USE Cobaea Cobbeo Indians USE Cubeo Indians Cobble Street Cousins (Fictitious characters) (Not Subd Geog) Cobblers USE Shoemakers Cobblers (Cooking) (May Subd Geog) UF Dump cakes BT Pastry Cobblers peg (Plant) USE Bidens pilosa Cobblers Reef (Barbados) BT Islands—Barbados Cobblestone buildings (May Subd Geog) BT Stone buildings Cobblestone roads (May Subd Geog) [TE259] BT Roads C-468
Coburg Island (N.W.T.) [Former heading] Coca leaf industry Tumor promotion BT Islands—Nunavut USE Coca industry BT Carcinogenesis Cocarcinogens (May Subd Geog) Queen Elizabeth Islands (Nunavut and N.W.T.) Coca wine (May Subd Geog) [RC268.6-RC268.7] Coburg Palace (Vienna, Austria) UF Cocawine UF Cancer promoting factors BT Cocaine USE Palais Coburg (Vienna, Austria) Wine and wine making Tumor promoters Coburgia rosea Tumor promoting factors Cocaethylene BT Carcinogens USE Belladonna lily [QP801.C67] NT Phorbol esters Coburn, Will (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) UF Benzoylecgonine ethyl ester Cocawine Ethylbenzoylecgonine USE Coca wine UF Will Coburn (Fictitious character) Ethylcocaine Cocche (African people) Coburn family (Not Subd Geog) BT Cocaine—Derivatives USE Hamar (African people) Cocchi Serristori Palace (Florence, Italy) UF Cobern family Cocagne USE Palazzo Cocchi Serristori (Florence, Italy) Cobin family USE Cockaigne Coccidae (May Subd Geog) Coborn family [QL527.C6 (Zoology)] Cobourn family Cocaigne [SB945.C67 (Pests)] Cobourne family USE Cockaigne UF Lecaniidae Cobun family Soft scale insects Coburns family Cocaine (May Subd Geog) Soft scales (Insects) Colborn family [RD86.C6 (Anesthetics)] BT Homoptera Colborne family BT Local anesthetics Scale insects Colbourn family Narcotics NT Antonina Colbourne family Tropanes Ceronema Colburn family NT Coca wine Ceroplastes Colebourne family Crack (Drug) Coccus (Insects) Coleburn family Paco (Drug) Ericerus Coulbron family Inglisia Coulburn family — Derivatives (May Subd Geog) Lecanium NT Benzoylecgonine Pulvinaria Coburns family Cocaethylene Saissetia USE Coburn family Toumeyella — Psychological aspects Coccidia (May Subd Geog) Cobweb (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) BT Psychopharmacology [QL368.C59 (Protozoology)] Cobweb spiders UF Coccidians Cocaine abuse (May Subd Geog) Coccidida USE Cobweb weavers [HV5810 (Social aspects)] Eucoccidiida Cobweb weavers (May Subd Geog) [RC568.C6 (Medicine)] BT Apicomplexa UF Cocaine addiction NT Aggregatidae [QL458.42.T54 (Zoology)] Cocaine habit [Former heading] Cryptosporidiidae UF Cobweb spiders Crack abuse Eimeriidae Crack addiction Haemogregarinidae Comb-footed spiders BT Drug abuse Sarcocystidae Combfooted spiders Coccidians Theridiidae [Former heading] Cocaine abuse in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Coccidia Theridiids UF Cocaine habit in literature [Former heading] Coccidida BT Spiders USE Coccidia NT Achaearanea Cocaine addiction Coccidiniales (May Subd Geog) Argyrodes USE Cocaine abuse BT Dinoflagellates Conopistha NT Syndiniaceae Crustulina Cocaine habit Coccidioidal granuloma Echinotheridion USE Cocaine abuse USE Coccidioidomycosis Enoplognatha Coccidioides (May Subd Geog) Episinus Cocaine habit in literature [QK623.O58 (Mycology)] Euryopis USE Cocaine abuse in literature UF Blastosporidium Phoroncidia Megalocitosporides Sphyrotinus Cocaine industry (May Subd Geog) Posadasia Steatoda BT Drug traffic Pseudococcidiodes Theridion BT Onygenaceae Thymoites — Colombia NT Coccidioides immitis Widow spiders Cocaine tree Coccidioides posadasii Cobwebs Coccidioides immitis (May Subd Geog) USE Spider webs USE Erythroxylum [QK623.O58 (Mycology)] Coca (May Subd Geog) Cocalico Creek (Pa.) UF Aleurisma immite [GT3016-GT3016.3 (Manners and customs)] Blastomycoides immitis [QK495.E92 (Botany)] BT Rivers—Pennsylvania Geotrichum immite [RM666.C59 (Therapeutics)] Cocalus (Legendary character) (Not Subd Geog) Mycoderma immite [RS165.C5 (Pharmacy)] Zymonema immitis UF Bolivian coca BT Legends—Greece BT Coccidioides Erythroxylum coca Legends—Italy Coccidioides posadasii (May Subd Geog) Huanuco coca [QK623.O58 (Mycology)] Peruvian coca Cocama Cocamilla language BT Coccidioides BT Erythroxylum USE Cocama language Coccidioidomycosis (May Subd Geog) Psychotropic plants [QR201.C58 (Microbiology)] Coca Cola (Registered trademark) Cocama Indians (May Subd Geog) [RC136.3 (Medicine)] USE Coca Cola (Trademark) [F3430.1.C55] UF California disease Coca Cola (Trademark) (Not Subd Geog) UF Cocamilla Indians Coccidioidal granuloma UF Coca Cola (Registered trademark) [Former Kokama Indians Coccidioidosis [Former heading] heading] Ucayale Indians Coccidiomycosis Coke (Trademark) BT Indians of South America—Peru Desert fever BT Cola drinks Tupi Indians Posada-Wernicke disease Coca Cola (Trademark) in art (Not Subd Geog) Posada's mycosis Coca-Cola Cup (Soccer) Cocama language (May Subd Geog) San Joaquin Valley fever [GV943.54.C] [PM5823] Valley fever BT Soccer—Tournaments UF Cocama Cocamilla language BT Systemic mycoses Coca flour (May Subd Geog) Huallaga language Coccidioidosis [TX558.C54 (Food values)] Kokama language USE Coccidioidomycosis BT Flour Kokama-Kokamilya language Coccidiomycosis — Use in cooking Kukama-Kukamiria language USE Coccidioidomycosis USE Cooking (Coca flour) Pampadeque language Coccidiosis (May Subd Geog) Coca Indians (May Subd Geog) Pandequebo language [RC136.35 (Internal medicine)] BT Cazcan Indians Ucayale language Indians of Mexico Ucayali language Coca industry (May Subd Geog) Xibitaoan language [HD9019.C63-HD9019.C632] BT Brazil—Languages UF Coca leaf industry Peru—Languages Coca language (May Subd Geog) Tupi-Guarani languages [PM3686] BT Indians of Mexico—Languages Cocamilla Indians Mexico—Languages USE Cocama Indians Cocapa Indians USE Cocopa Indians Cocapa language USE Cocopa language Cocapah Indians USE Cocopa Indians Cocarboxylase USE Thiamin pyrophosphate Cocarcinogenesis (May Subd Geog) [RC268.52] UF Cancer promotion C-469
Coccidiosis (Continued) Coccothraustes vespertinus Cochin chicken (May Subd Geog) BT Protozoan diseases USE Evening grosbeak UF Cochin China chicken NT Cryptosporidiosis Shanghai chicken Toxoplasmosis Cocculin BT Chicken breeds USE Picrotoxin NT Cochin bantam chicken Coccidiosis in animals (May Subd Geog) [SF792 (General)] Coccus (Insects) (May Subd Geog) Cochin China chicken [SF967.C6 (Cattle)] [QL527.C6 (Zoology)] USE Cochin chicken BT Veterinary protozoology BT Coccidae NT Avian coccidiosis NT Citricola scale Cochin family (Not Subd Geog) Toxoplasmosis in animals Soft brown scale Cochin type (May Subd Geog) Coccidiosis in poultry Coccus adonidum [Z250.5.C62] USE Avian coccidiosis USE Longtailed mealybug UF Type and type-founding—Cochin type [Former Coccina Palazzo (Venice, Italy) Coccus anguinus heading] USE Palazzo Papadopoli (Venice, Italy) USE Lepidosaphes beckii BT Type and type-founding Cochineal Coccinella (May Subd Geog) Coccus beckii [TP925.C] [QL596.C65 (Zoology)] USE Lepidosaphes beckii UF Cochineal (Dye) BT Ladybugs NT Coccinella transversoguttata Coccus citri Spanish red (Dye) Nine-spotted lady beetle USE Citrus mealybug BT Dyes and dyeing Seven-spotted ladybug Cochineal (Dye) Coccus citricola USE Cochineal Coccinella novemnotata USE Citricola scale Cochineal cactus USE Nine-spotted lady beetle USE Nopalea cochinellifera Coccus coffeae Cochineal fig Coccinella septempunctata USE Hemispherical scale USE Nopalea cochinellifera USE Seven-spotted ladybug Cochineal insect (May Subd Geog) Coccus gloverii [QL527.D3 (Zoology)] Coccinella transversoguttata (May Subd Geog) USE Lepidosaphes gloverii [SF562.C6 (Culture)] [QL596.C65 (Zoology)] UF Dactylopius coccus UF Ladybird beetle, Transverse Coccus hesperidum BT Dactylopius Transverse ladybird beetle USE Soft brown scale Cochineal insect industry (May Subd Geog) BT Coccinella [HD9438.C63-HD9438.C634] Coccus laurinus BT Animal industry Coccinellidae USE Longtailed mealybug USE Ladybugs Dye industry Coccus pseudomagnoliarum Cochineal nopalcactus Coccionella armeniaca USE Citricola scale USE Porphyrophora hamelii USE Nopalea cochinellifera Coccus radicis Cochineal plant Coccionella hameli USE Porphyrophora hamelii USE Porphyrophora hamelii USE Nopalea cochinellifera Coccygeal bone Cochise, Lake (Ariz.) Coccionella hamelii USE Coccyx USE Porphyrophora hamelii USE Willcox Playa (Ariz.) Coccygeal gland Cochise, Operation, 1968-1969 Coccoidea [QM371 (Human anatomy)] USE Scale insects [QP187 (Physiology)] USE Operation Cochise, 1968-1969 UF Gland of Luschka Cochise culture (May Subd Geog) Coccolithophoraceae USE Coccolithophores Coccyx BT Paleo-Indians UF Coccygeal bone Cochise Green, Operation, 1968-1969 Coccolithophores (May Subd Geog) Cuckoo bone [QK569.C63] Os coccygis USE Operation Cochise, 1968-1969 UF Coccolithophoraceae Pelvic bone Cochita Coccolithophoridae Tail bone Coccolithophyceae BT Vertebrae USE Phocoena sinus Coccosphaerales Cochiti art (May Subd Geog) BT Prymnesiophyceae — Tumors NT Coccolithus USE Sacrococcygeal region—Tumors UF Art, Cochiti Cochiti Indians—Art [Former heading] Coccolithophoridae Coccyzus (May Subd Geog) USE Coccolithophores [QL696.C83] BT Art, American BT Cuckoos NT Cochiti sculpture Coccolithophyceae NT Yellow-billed cuckoo Cochiti artists (May Subd Geog) USE Coccolithophores UF Artists, Cochiti [Former heading] Coccyzus americanus BT Artists—United States Coccoliths (May Subd Geog) USE Yellow-billed cuckoo Cochiti Dam (N.M.) BT Calcium carbonate BT Dams—New Mexico Marine sediments Coceano Post Office Building (Miramar, Fla.) Cochiti Indians (May Subd Geog) USE Vicki Coceano Post Office Building (Miramar, [E99.C84] Coccoliths, Fossil (May Subd Geog) Fla.) BT Indians of North America—New Mexico BT Nannofossils NT Helicoliths Coceil family Keresan Indians USE Cecil family — Art Coccolithus (May Subd Geog) [QK569.C63] Cochabamba Valley (Bolivia) USE Cochiti art BT Coccolithophores UF Valle de Cochabamba (Bolivia) Cochiti Lake (N.M.) NT Coccolithus huxleyi BT Valleys—Bolivia USE Cochiti Reservoir (N.M.) Coccolithus huxleyi (May Subd Geog) Cochaboth Indians Cochiti pottery (May Subd Geog) [QK569.C63] USE Macá Indians UF Emiliania huxleyi UF Pottery, Cochiti Gephyrocapsa huxleyi Cochain complexes BT Pottery, American BT Coccolithus USE Complexes, Cochain Cochiti Reservoir (N.M.) UF Cochiti Lake (N.M.) Coccoloba Cochasquí Site (Ecuador) BT Lakes—New Mexico USE Muehlenbeckia BT Ecuador—Antiquities Reservoirs—New Mexico Coccomelia Coche Indians Cochiti sculpture (May Subd Geog) USE Baccaurea USE Camsa Indians UF Sculpture, Cochiti Coccomyces (May Subd Geog) Coche language BT Cochiti art [QK623.H] USE Camsa language BT Hypodermataceae Sculpture, American NT Coccomyces hiemalis Cocheco River (N.H.) Cochito BT Rivers—New Hampshire Coccomyces hiemalis (May Subd Geog) USE Phocoena sinus [QK623.H] Cocheco River Basin (N.H.) Cochituate, Lake (Mass.) BT Coccomyces USE Cocheco River Watershed (N.H.) UF Lake Cochituate (Mass.) Coccophagus (May Subd Geog) Cocheco River Watershed (N.H.) BT Lakes—Massachusetts [QL568.A55 (Zoology)] UF Cocheco River Basin (N.H.) Cochituate, Lake, Watershed (Mass.) BT Aphelinidae BT Watersheds—New Hampshire BT Watersheds—Massachusetts Cochlea Coccosperma Cocheu family (Not Subd Geog) [QP471.2] USE Ericas Cochimi language (May Subd Geog) BT Labyrinth (Ear) NT Corti's organ Coccosphaerales [PM3688] — Blood-vessels USE Coccolithophores BT Mexico—Languages — Innervation — Surgery (May Subd Geog) Coccothraustes (May Subd Geog) Yuman languages [QL696.P246] Cochimi language (Diegueño) NT Cochlear implants BT Fringillidae USE Kumiai language Coccothraustes coccothraustes Cochin bantam chicken (May Subd Geog) USE Hawfinch [SF489.C55] UF Cochin bantams [Former heading] BT Bantam chickens Cochin chicken Cochin bantams USE Cochin bantam chicken C-470
Cochlear audiometry UF Berry moth Cocke family (Not Subd Geog) USE Electrocochleography Conchylis UF Cock family Eupoecilia ambiguella Cocks family Cochlear hair cells European grape berry moth Coks family USE Hair cells Grape berry moth, European RT Koch family Grape bud moth Cochlear implants (May Subd Geog) Grape cochilis Cocke House (Tenn.) [RF305] Grape moth USE William Cocke House (Tenn.) UF Cochlear stimulators Vine moth Electrode implantation, Intracochlear Cocke-Roach Mansion (Tenn.) Implantation, Intracochlear electrode BT Cochylidae USE William Cocke House (Tenn.) Implants, Cochlear Cocibolca Lake (Nicaragua) Intracochlear electrode implantation Cockeman family Stimulators, Cochlear USE Nicaragua, Lake (Nicaragua) USE Cockman family BT Cochlea—Surgery Cocio Wash (Ariz.) Electric stimulation Cocker, Welsh Hearing aids BT Rivers—Arizona USE Welsh springer spaniel Implants, Artificial Cock (Transport plane) Prosthesis Cocker family (Not Subd Geog) USE An-22 (Transport plane) Cocker spaniels (May Subd Geog) Cochlear nucleus Cock-a-poo BT Auditory pathways [SF429.C55] USE Cockapoo UF American cocker spaniel Cochlear stimulators Cock family USE Cochlear implants Cockers (Dogs) USE Cocke family BT Spaniels Cochlididae Cock-fighting NT English cocker spaniel USE Slug caterpillar moths Cockerham family (Not Subd Geog) USE Cockfighting UF Cockram family Cochlidiidae Cock-of-the-rock, Guianan USE Slug caterpillar moths Cockrum family USE Rupicola rupicola Cockerile family Cochliobolus (May Subd Geog) Cock Robin (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) [QK623.P66 (Mycology)] USE Cockrell family BT Pleosporaceae UF Robin, Cock (Fictitious character) Cockerill family Cock Spur Island (Ga.) Cochliobolus heterostrophus USE Cockrell family USE Helminthosporium maydis USE Cockspur Island (Ga.) Cockerille family Cock-throwing Cochliolepsis (May Subd Geog) USE Cockrell family [QL430.5.T65] USE Cockthrowing Cockerpoo BT Tornidae Cock up USE Cockapoo Cochliomyia americana USE Giant perch Cockers (Dogs) USE Screwworm Cock up seaperch USE Cocker spaniels Cochliomyia hominivorax USE Giant perch Cockers (Persons) (May Subd Geog) USE Screwworm Cockaigne (Not Subd Geog) [SF502.8-SF503.52] Cochliopodidae UF Cocagne BT Animal trainers USE Slug caterpillar moths Cocaigne Cockeysville Formation Cokayne USE Cockeysville Marble Cochlospermaceae (May Subd Geog) Schlaraffenland Cockeysville Marble [QK495.C6] Schlauraffenland UF Cockeysville Formation BT Violales BT Formations (Geology)—Delaware BT Geographical myths Cochlostyla (May Subd Geog) Cockaigne in art (Not Subd Geog) Formations (Geology)—Maryland [QL430.5.B73] Cockaigne in literature (Not Subd Geog) Formations (Geology)—Pennsylvania BT Bradybaenidae Cockapoo (May Subd Geog) Geology, Stratigraphic—Paleozoic NT Cochlostyla rufogaster Cockfield family (Not Subd Geog) [SF429.C54] Cockfighting (May Subd Geog) Cochlostyla rufogaster (May Subd Geog) UF Cock-a-poo [SF502.8-SF503.52] [QL430.5.B73] UF Cock-fighting [Former heading] BT Cochlostyla Cockerpoo Cocking BT Designer dogs Fighting, Cock Cochlostylidae Cockarile family Pelea de gallos USE Bradybaenidae USE Cockrell family Rinã de gallos Cockarill family BT Animal fighting Cochon, Amanda (Fictitious character) USE Cockrell family RT Game fowl USE Amanda Pig (Fictitious character) Cockateel — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) USE Cockatiel Cockie Cockrill (Fictitious character) Cochon, Olivier (Fictitious character) Cockateels USE Cockrill, Inspector (Fictitious character) USE Oliver Pig (Fictitious character) USE Cockatiel Cocking Cockatiel (May Subd Geog) USE Cockfighting Cochon family (Not Subd Geog) [QL696.P7 (Zoology)] Cocking family (Not Subd Geog) Cochon Island (Detroit, Mich.) [SF473.C6 (Pet culture)] Cockington Court (Cockington, England) UF Cockateel BT Manors—England USE Belle Isle (Detroit, Mich.) Cockle, Common (Austrovenus stutchburyi) Cochran, Bull (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Cockateels [Former heading] USE Austrovenus stutchburyi Cockatoo parrot Cockle, Common (Cerastoderma edule) UF Bull Cochran (Fictitious character) Leptolophus hollandicus USE Cerastoderma edule Cochran family (Not Subd Geog) Nymphicus hollandicus Cockle, New Zealand Parrot, Cockatoo USE Austrovenus stutchburyi UF Cochrane family BT Nymphicus Cockle clam Cochrun family Cockatoo Island (N.S.W.) USE Nuttall cockle Cockran family BT Islands—Australia Cockle fisheries (May Subd Geog) Cockrane family Cockatoo parrot [SH373.3.C63] Cockren family USE Cockatiel BT Clam fisheries Cocran family Cockatoos (May Subd Geog) NT Austrovenus stutchburyi fisheries Cothran family [QL696.P7 (Zoology)] Cockle Park Tower (England) DeCochrane family [SF473.C63 (Cage birds)] BT Dwellings—England UF Cacatuidae Cockleburrs Cochrane family BT Parrots USE Xanthium USE Cochran family NT Black cockatoos Cockleburs Cacatua USE Xanthium Cochrane Ranche Historic Site (Alta.) Eolophus Cocklebury (England) UF Cochrane Ranche Site (Alta.) Nymphicus BT Valleys—England BT Alberta—Antiquities Cockatoos in art (Not Subd Geog) Cockles, Beaked Historic sites—Alberta Cockatrices (Mythical animals) USE Nuculanidae Ranches—Alberta USE Basilisks (Mythical animals) Cockles, Corn Cockburn family (Not Subd Geog) USE Agrostemma Cochrane Ranche Site (Alta.) Cockburn Island (French Polynesia) Cockles (Mollusks) USE Cochrane Ranche Historic Site (Alta.) USE Fangataufa Atoll (French Polynesia) USE Cardiidae Cockburn Sound (W.A.) Cockman family (Not Subd Geog) Cochrane River (Man.) BT Sounds (Geomorphology)—Australia UF Cockeman family BT Rivers—Manitoba Cockchafers (May Subd Geog) Cockmann family [QL596.S3] Cockmon family Cochrun family UF Dor-bug USE Cochran family Melolontha BT Scarabaeidae Cochylidae (May Subd Geog) [QL561.C57] UF Commophilidae Conchylidae Phaloniidae BT Lepidoptera Moths NT Cochylis Cochylis (May Subd Geog) [QL561.C57] C-471
Cockmann family Cockscomb Forest Reserve/Jaguar Preserve (Belize) Coco (Fictitious character : Bergeron) (Not Subd Geog) USE Cockman family BT Forest reserves—Belize CoCo 3 (Computer) Wildlife refuges—Belize Cockmon family USE TRS-80 Color Computer 3 USE Cockman family Cockscomb pyrites Coco Cay (Cuba) USE Marcasite Cockney (Fish) UF Cayo Coco (Cuba) USE Pagrus auratus Cockscomb Wilderness (Utah) BT Islands—Cuba UF Cockscomb Wilderness Study Area (Utah) Coco de mer Cockney bream BT National parks and reserves—Utah USE Sea coconut USE Pagrus auratus Wilderness areas—Utah Coco family (Not Subd Geog) Coco Group (Burma) Cockney snapper Cockscomb Wilderness Study Area (Utah) USE Coco Islands (Burma) USE Pagrus auratus USE Cockscomb Wilderness (Utah) Coco Islands (Burma) UF Coco Group (Burma) Cockpit alerting and warning systems Cocksfoot grass USE Airplanes—Cockpits—Warning systems USE Orchard grass Kuikuiʺ Kyvanʻʺ (Burma) BT Islands—Burma Cockpit voice recorders (May Subd Geog) Cockshot Farm (Great Malvern, England) Coco palm UF CVRs (Cockpit voice recorders) USE Clerkenwell Estate (Great Malvern, England) USE Coconut palm Recorders, Cockpit voice Coco River (Honduras and Nicaragua) Voice recorders, Cockpit Cockshute Farm (Great Malvern, England) UF Río Coco (Honduras and Nicaragua) BT Flight recorders USE Clerkenwell Estate (Great Malvern, England) Sound—Recording and Río Segovia (Honduras and Nicaragua) reproducing—Equipment and supplies Cockshutt tractors Rió Wanks (Honduras and Nicaragua) USE Oliver tractors Segovia River (Honduras and Nicaragua) Cockpit warning systems Wanks River (Honduras and Nicaragua) USE Airplanes—Cockpits—Warning systems Cocksing BT Rivers—Honduras USE Coxswaining Rivers—Nicaragua Cockpits, Pressurized Coco River Valley (Honduras and Nicaragua) USE Airplanes—Pressurization Cockspur boxes UF Coco Valley (Honduras and Nicaragua) USE Cockspur cases BT Valleys—Honduras Cockpits of airplanes Valleys—Nicaragua USE Airplanes—Cockpits Cockspur cases (May Subd Geog) Coco Valley (Honduras and Nicaragua) UF Cases, Cockspur USE Coco River Valley (Honduras and Nicaragua) Cockram family Cockspur boxes Cocoa (May Subd Geog) USE Cockerham family Kotak taji [TP640 (Chemical technology)] BT Ornamental boxes [TX817.C5 (Beverages)] Cockran family Here are entered works on the commercial USE Cochran family Cockspur coral tree product. Works on the cacao tree and its culture are USE Common coral tree entered under the heading Cacao. Cockrane family USE Cochran family Cockspur grass BT Beverages USE Echinochloa crusgalli RT Chocolate Cockrell family (Not Subd Geog) — Biotechnology (May Subd Geog) UF Cockarile family Cockspur Island (Ga.) — Processing Cockarill family UF Cock Spur Island (Ga.) Cockerile family Coxpur Island (Ga.) USE Cocoa processing Cockerill family Long Island (Ga. : Cockspur Island) — Tariff Cockerille family Peeper Island (Ga.) Cockrill family BT Islands—Georgia USE Tariff on cocoa — Use in cooking Cockrell Post Office Building (Hazlehurst, Miss.) Cockspur Island Light (Ga.) USE First Lieutenant Alvin Chester Cockrell, Jr. Post USE Cockspur Island Lighthouse (Ga.) USE Cooking (Cocoa) Office Building (Hazlehurst, Miss.) Cocoa, Peru Cockspur Island Lighthouse (Ga.) Cockren family UF Cockspur Island Light (Ga.) USE Patashte USE Cochran family BT Lighthouses—Georgia Cocoa beans Cockrill, Inspector (Fictitious character) Cockswaining USE Cacao beans (Not Subd Geog) USE Coxswaining Cocoa butter (May Subd Geog) UF Cockie Cockrill (Fictitious character) Inspector Cockrill (Fictitious character) Cocktail napkins (May Subd Geog) UF Butter, Cocoa BT Paper napkins Cacao butter Cockrill family USE Cockrell family Cocktail parties (May Subd Geog) BT Oils and fats, Edible BT Parties NT White chocolate Cockroach plant RT Cocktails Cocoa farmers USE Haplophyton cimicidum USE Cacao growers Cocktail party effect (Auditory selective attention) Cocoa industry Cockroaches (May Subd Geog) USE Auditory selective attention USE Cocoa trade [QL505.5-QL505.82 (Zoology)] Cocoa-nut Island (Hawaii) UF Blattaria Cocktail servers (May Subd Geog) USE Coconut Island (Hawaii) Blattodea [HD8039.C635] Cocoa palm Blattoidea UF Barmaids USE Coconut palm Dictyoptera Cocktail waitresses [Former heading] Cocoa Panyols (Trinidadian people) Roaches (Insects) BT Waiters USE Panyols (Trinidadian people) BT Insects Waitresses Cocoa pod borer NT Blaberidae USE Cacao pod borer Blattellidae Cocktail shakers (May Subd Geog) Cocoa processing (May Subd Geog) Blattidae [NK8459.C63 (Art metal-work)] [TP640] Cryptocercidae UF Shakers, Cocktail UF Cocoa—Processing Epilampridae BT Bartending—Equipment and supplies Cocoa-shade, Nicaraguan Polyphagidae USE Gliricidia sepium Cocktail waitresses Cocoa syrup — Anatomy USE Cocktail servers BT Syrups Cockroaches, Fossil (May Subd Geog) Cocoa trade (May Subd Geog) Cocktails (May Subd Geog) [HD9200] [QE832.B55] [TX951] UF Cocoa industry BT Insects, Fossil UF Mixed drinks BT Plant products industry Cockroaches as carriers of disease BT Alcoholic beverages NT Chocolate industry [RC641.C6] RT Cocktail parties — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) BT Insects as carriers of disease Happy hours Cocoa tree Cockroaches as laboratory animals NT Bloody Marys (Cocktails) USE Cacao BT Laboratory animals Gelatin shots Cocoanut Cockroaches as pets (May Subd Geog) Mai tais (Cocktails) USE Coconut BT Pets Margaritas Cocoanut Island (Hawaii) Cockroaches in literature (Not Subd Geog) Martinis USE Coconut Island (Hawaii) Cockrum family Mint juleps Cocobolo USE Cockerham family Mojitos [SD397.C6] Cocks family Non-alcoholic cocktails Cocoli (African people) USE Cocke family Shrubs (Cocktails) USE Tyapi (African people) Cocks Memorial Race Course at Radnor Hunt (Malvern, Spritzes (Cocktails) Cocoloth Indians Pa.) Tejate USE Lengua Indians USE W. Burling Cocks Memorial Race Course at Cocktails in art (Not Subd Geog) Radnor Hunt (Malvern, Pa.) Cocktails in literature (Not Subd Geog) Cockscomb, High Cocktails in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) USE High cockscomb BT Motion pictures Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary (Belize) Cockthrowing (May Subd Geog) BT National parks and reserves—Belize UF Cock-throwing Wildlife refuges—Belize BT Amusements Cockup USE Giant perch Cocle family USE Kelsall family C-472
Cocomaricopa Indians Coconut lory Cocoraqui Butte (Ariz.) USE Maricopa Indians USE Rainbow lorikeet USE Cocoraque Butte (Ariz.) Cocomaricopa language Coconut oil (May Subd Geog) Cocos (Papua New Guinea) USE Maricopa language [TP684.C7 (Chemical technology)] USE Tauu Islands (Papua New Guinea) BT Coconut products Cocomero Theater (Florence, Italy) Vegetable oils Cocos USE Teatro Niccolini (Florence, Italy) USE Coconut palm — Use in cooking Coconino County Fairgrounds and Park (Ariz.) USE Cooking (Coconut oil) Cocos coronata USE Fort Tuthill County Park (Ariz.) USE Syagrus coronata Coconut oil as fuel (May Subd Geog) Coconino County Park and Recreation Area (Ariz.) [TP359.C63] Cocos Island (Costa Rica) USE Fort Tuthill County Park (Ariz.) BT Fuel UF Isla del Coco (Costa Rica) BT Islands—Costa Rica Coconino language Coconut palm (May Subd Geog) USE Havasupai language [QK495.P17 (Botany)] Cocos nucifera [SB401.C6 (Culture)] USE Coconut palm Coconino National Forest (Ariz.) UF Coco palm UF San Francisco Mountains Forest Reserve Cocoa palm Cocoś pera River (Mexico) (Ariz.) Coconut tree UF Río Cocoś pera (Mexico) BT Forest reserves—Arizona Cocos BT Rivers—Mexico National parks and reserves—Arizona Cocos nucifera BT Oilseed plants Cocóspera River Valley (Mexico) Coconino Sandstone (Ariz.) Palms UF Cocoś pera Valley (Mexico) BT Formations (Geology)—Arizona NT Coconut BT Valleys—Mexico Geology, Stratigraphic—Permian — Diseases and pests (May Subd Geog) Cocoś pera Valley (Mexico) Coconuco Indians (May Subd Geog) [SB608.C58] USE Cocoś pera River Valley (Mexico) [F2270.2.C65] NT Cadang-cadang UF Kokonuko Indians Promecotheca Cocoyam BT Indians of South America—Colombia USE Taro Coconut products (May Subd Geog) Coconucos, Sierra Nevada de Los (Colombia) BT Palm products Cocozziello, Pangrazio, Don (Fictitious character) USE Coconucos Range (Colombia) NT Coconut flour USE Cucuzziello, Pancrazio, Don (Fictitious Coconut oil character) Coconucos Range (Colombia) Coconut water UF Coconucos, Sierra Nevada de Los (Colombia) Coir Cocran family Los Coconucos, Sierra Nevada de (Colombia) Copra USE Cochran family Nevada de Los Coconucos, Sierra (Colombia) Páramo de Coconucos (Colombia) Coconut scale (Insect) Cocullu family (Not Subd Geog) Sierra Nevada de Los Coconucos (Colombia) USE Aspidiotus destructor Cocycles BT Mountains—Colombia Cordillera Central (Colombia) Coconut trade BT Algebra, Homological USE Coconut industry Cod, Cape (Mass.) Coconut (May Subd Geog) [SB401.C6 (Culture)] Coconut tree USE Cape Cod (Mass.) UF Cocoanut USE Coconut palm Cod, Alaska BT Coconut palm Fruit Coconut water (May Subd Geog) USE Pacific cod Palm products UF Coconut juice Cod, Antarctic NT Dried coconut Juice, Coconut Water, Coconut USE Patagonian toothfish — Tariff BT Coconut products Cod, Blue USE Tariff on coconuts Cocoons USE Parapercis colias — Use in cooking UF Pupal cases Cod, Freshwater USE Cooking (Coconut) BT Insects—Development USE River blackfish Coconut, Double Cocopa Indians (May Subd Geog) Cod, Marbled river USE Sea coconut [E99.C842] UF Cocapa Indians USE River blackfish Coconut, Sea Cocapah Indians Cod, Murray USE Sea coconut Cocopah Indians Cucapá Indians USE Murray cod Coconut crab (May Subd Geog) Cucupa Indians Cod, New Zealand [QL444.M33 (Zoology)] Kikima Indians UF Birgus latro Kwapa Indians USE Parapercis colias Palm crab Kwikapa Indians Cod, Pacific Palm thief (Crab) BT Indians of Mexico Purse crab Indians of North America—Arizona USE Pacific cod Robber crab Indians of North America—California Cod, Rock Tree crab Yuman Indians BT Birgus USE Canary rockfish Cocopa language (May Subd Geog) Copper rockfish Coconut craft (May Subd Geog) [PM3696] Shortraker rockfish BT Handicraft UF Cocapa language Cocopah language Cod, Trout Coconut farmers (May Subd Geog) Cucapa language USE Trout cod UF Coconut growers Kikima language Farmers, Coconut Kwikapa language Cod (Fish) Growers, Coconut BT Arizona—Languages USE Codfish BT Farmers Indians of Mexico—Languages Indians of North Cod fisheries (May Subd Geog) Coconut flour (May Subd Geog) America—Arizona—Languages [SH351.C5] BT Coconut products Mexico—Languages UF Codfish fisheries Flour BT Fisheries Cocopa Reservation (Ariz.) NT Atlantic cod fisheries — Use in cooking USE Cocopah Indian Reservation (Ariz.) Haddock fisheries USE Cooking (Coconut flour) Pacific cod fisheries Cocopah Indian Reservation (Ariz.) Saffron cod fisheries Coconut Grove Playhouse (Miami, Fla.) UF Cocopa Reservation (Ariz.) BT Theaters—Florida East Cocopah Reservation (Ariz.) — Climatic factors (May Subd Geog) West Cocopah Reservation (Ariz.) UF Cod fisheries—Effect of climate on Coconut growers Yuma Indian Reservation (Ariz.) Cod fisheries—Effect of climatic changes USE Coconut farmers BT Indian reservations—Arizona on BT Bioclimatology Coconut industry (May Subd Geog) Cocopah Indians Climatic changes [HD9259.C58-HD9259.C62] USE Cocopa Indians UF Coconut trade — Effect of climate on BT Fruit trade Cocopah language USE Cod fisheries—Climatic factors NT Copra industry USE Cocopa language — Effect of climatic changes on Coconut Island (Hawaii) Cocoraqu Butte (Ariz.) USE Cod fisheries—Climatic factors UF Cocoa-nut Island (Hawaii) USE Cocoraque Butte (Ariz.) Cocoanut Island (Hawaii) Cod fishing (Atlantic cod) Moku-o-Loʻe (Hawaii Island, Hawaii) Cocoraque Butte (Ariz.) USE Atlantic cod fishing Moku Ola (Hawaii) UF Cocoraqu Butte (Ariz.) Mokuola (Hawaii) Cocoraqui Butte (Ariz.) Cod icefishes Mokuola Island (Hawaii) Corcoraque Butte (Ariz.) USE Nototheniidae BT Hawaii BT Mountains—Arizona Islands—Hawaii Cod-liver oil (May Subd Geog) BT Fish oils Coconut juice USE Coconut water Cod-liver oil industry (May Subd Geog) [HD9469.C6-HD9469.C63] Coconut lethal yellowing pathogen BT Fish oil industry USE Palm lethal yellowing phytoplasma Cod Wars, Iceland, 1958-1976 UF Anglo-Icelandic Cod Wars, 1958-1976 Codfish Wars, Iceland, 1958-1976 BT Great Britain—History—Elizabeth II, 1952- Iceland—History—1945- Cod worm USE Sealworm C-473
Coda (Music) BT Bilingualism Codes, Handkerchief BT Musical form Linguistics USE Handkerchief codes Codat (Information retrieval system) RT Diglossia (Linguistics) Codes, Hankie [Z699.5.C58] Code talkers, Cherokee USE Handkerchief codes UF Company data bank BT Information storage and retrieval systems USE Cherokee code talkers Codes, Hanky Information storage and retrieval Code talkers, Choctaw USE Handkerchief codes systems—Corporations—Finance USE Choctaw code talkers Codes, QR Codding family (Not Subd Geog) Code talkers, Indian USE QR codes Coddle family USE Indian code talkers Codes, Telegraph USE Cordell family Code talkers, Navajo USE Cipher and telegraph codes Code and cipher stories (Not Subd Geog) USE Navajo code talkers Codes for punched card systems UF Cipher stories Code traces (Computer program testing) USE Punched card systems Ciphers—Fiction Ciphers—Juvenile fiction USE Execution traces (Computer program testing) Codes of ethics Code stories Code words USE Professional ethics Cryptogram stories Cryptography—Fiction USE subdivision Code words under topical headings Codes of professional ethics Cryptography—Juvenile fiction for works consisting of lists of code words, USE Professional ethics e.g. Information storage and retrieval BT Fiction systems--Code words Codeshare agreements (Airline reservation systems) Code and cipher stories, American (May Subd Geog) USE Code sharing (Airline reservation systems) Code words (Information storage and retrieval) UF American code and cipher stories USE Information storage and retrieval Codesharing (Airline reservation systems) BT American fiction systems—Code words USE Code sharing (Airline reservation systems) Code and cipher stories, Japanese (May Subd Geog) UF Japanese code and cipher stories Coded character sets (Data processing) Codetermination, Worker BT Japanese fiction USE Character sets (Data processing) USE Management—Employee participation Code Ari (Artificial language) [PM8129] Coded modulation, Bit-interleaved Codfish (May Subd Geog) BT Languages, Artificial USE Bit-interleaved coded modulation [QL638.G2 (Zoology)] Code division multiple access (May Subd Geog) UF Cod (Fish) [TK5103.452] Codeine (May Subd Geog) Codfishes UF CDMA (Telecommunication) [RM666.C63] Cods (Fish) BT Analgesics Gadidae Spread spectrum multiple access Antitussive agents BT Gadiformes BT Cell phone systems Narcotics NT Arctogadus Opioids Boreogadus Multiplexing NT Dihydrocodeine Brosme Spread spectrum communications Eleginus Code emphasis approaches to reading — Derivatives (May Subd Geog) Frozen codfish USE Reading—Code emphasis approaches NT Hydrocodone Gadiculus Code family Oxycodone Gadus USE Coad family Gaidropsarus Code generators Codependence Klipfish BT Coding theory USE Codependency Lota Generators (Computer programs) Melanogrammus Code names Codependency (May Subd Geog) Merlangius UF Names, Code [RC569.5.C63] Microgadus BT Abbreviations Here are entered works on a pattern of coping that Micromesistius RT Ciphers Pollachius BT Names develops from an individual's prolonged exposure to Theragra NT Acronyms a person with alcoholism, chemical dependency, or Trisopterus Code numbers other chronic impairment, and results in a USE subdivision Code numbers under topical preoccupation with or dependence on the person, — Use in cooking headings for works consisting of lists of code along with neglect of the self. USE Cooking (Codfish) numbers, e.g. Book industries and trade-- Code numbers UF Co-alcoholism Codfish, Fossil (May Subd Geog) Code numbers (Book industries and trade) Co-dependence (Psychology) [Former [QE852.G26] USE Book industries and trade—Code numbers heading] BT Gadiformes, Fossil Code numbers (Education) Co-dependency USE Education—Code numbers Codependence Codfish fisheries Code numbers (Information storage and retrieval) Codependent behavior USE Cod fisheries USE Information storage and retrieval systems—Code numbers BT Psychology, Pathological Codfish Island (N.Z.) Code pleading (May Subd Geog) NT Enabling (Psychology) UF Whenua Hou (N.Z.) UF Code pleading—Law and legislation — Bibliography Whenuahou (N.Z.) BT Civil procedure BT Islands—New Zealand Pleading RT Codependency literature — Law and legislation — Patients Codfish Wars, Iceland, 1958-1976 USE Code pleading USE Cod Wars, Iceland, 1958-1976 Code remedies USE Codependents USE Remedies (Law) — Religious aspects (May Subd Geog) Codfishes Code share agreements (Airline reservation systems) — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] USE Codfish USE Code sharing (Airline reservation systems) Codependency in literature (Not Subd Geog) Code sharing (Airline reservation systems) Codependency literature (May Subd Geog) Codiaceae (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) [QK569.C65] UF Code share agreements (Airline reservation BT Mental health literature BT Caulerpales systems) RT Codependency—Bibliography NT Codium Codeshare agreements (Airline reservation Codependency sufferers Siphonoclathrus systems) USE Codependents Codesharing (Airline reservation systems) Codependent behavior Codiaeum (May Subd Geog) Sharing, Code (Airline reservation systems) USE Codependency [QK495.E9 (Botany)] BT Airlines—Reservation systems Codependents (May Subd Geog) UF Crotons (Horticultural plants) Code stories UF Co-dependents Horticultural crotons USE Code and cipher stories Laurel, Variegated Code switching (Linguistics) (May Subd Geog) Codependency—Patients Leafcroton [P115.3] Codependency sufferers Variegated laurel Here are entered works on switching from one BT Persons BT Euphorbiaceae language to another by bilingual members of a Coder family (Not Subd Geog) NT Garden croton speech community. Works on the simultaneous UF Cooder family coexistence of two forms of the same language in a Koder family Codiaeum variegatum speech community are entered under the heading Kohder family USE Garden croton Diglossia (Linguistics). Kooder family Koter family Codiales UF Language shift Codera River Valley (Italy) USE Caulerpales Switching (Linguistics) UF Codera Valley (Italy) BT Valleys—Italy Codices Codera Valley (Italy) USE Manuscripts USE Codera River Valley (Italy) Codes Codices, Mexican (Pre-Columbian) USE Ciphers USE Manuscripts, Mexican (Pre-Columbian) Codes, Color USE Color codes Codicils Codes, Dress USE Wills USE Dress codes Codes, Error-correcting (Information theory) Codicology (May Subd Geog) USE Error-correcting codes (Information theory) Here are entered works on the study or science of manuscripts. UF Manuscriptology RT Bibliography Manuscripts C-474
— Bibliography Samuel Clayton Woodbine Cody (Fictitious Coelastrum (May Subd Geog) UF Manuscripts—Bibliography character) [QK569.S32] Cody family (Not Subd Geog) BT Scenedesmaceae Codification UF Coady family NT Coelastrum microporum USE subdivision Codification under legal topics, e.g. Cody Grater Post Office Building (Brooksville, Fla.) Labor laws and legislation--Codification; Civil UF Grater Post Office Building (Brooksville, Fla.) Coelastrum microporum (May Subd Geog) rights--Codification BT Post office buildings—Florida [QK569.S32] Cody Michaels (Fictitious character) BT Coelastrum Codification of law USE Michaels, Cody (Fictitious character) USE Law—Codification Coe, Glen (Scotland) Coelenterata UF Coe, River, Valley (Scotland) USE Cnidaria Coding, Bar Glen Coe (Scotland) Ctenophora USE Bar coding Glencoe (Scotland : Valley) BT Valleys—Scotland Coelenterata, Fossil Coding, Product Coe, River (Scotland) USE Cnidaria, Fossil USE Product coding UF River Coe (Scotland) Ctenophora, Fossil BT Rivers—Scotland Coding theory Coe, River, Valley (Scotland) Coelenterates [QA268 (Machine theory)] USE Coe, Glen (Scotland) USE Cnidaria [TK5102.92-TK5102.98 (Telecommunication)] Coe family (Not Subd Geog) Ctenophora BT Data compression (Telecommunication) UF Co family Digital electronics Coo family Coelestina Information theory RT Kaae family USE Ageratums Machine theory Koe family Signal theory (Telecommunication) Coe Visitor Center (Fla.) Coelestine RT Computer programming USE Ernest F. Coe Visitor Center (Fla.) USE Celestite NT Binary-coded decimal system Coed Craig Ruperra (Wales) Code generators USE Craig Ruperra Woodland (Wales) Coelesyria (Lebanon) Data compression (Computer science) Coed prisons USE Biqaʻ̄ Valley (Lebanon) Decoders (Electronics) USE Prisons, Coeducational Error-correcting codes (Information theory) Coeducation (May Subd Geog) Coeli, Medium (Astrology) Gray codes [LB3065.5-LB3067 (School organization)] USE Midheaven (Astrology) Input design, Computer [LC1601 (Higher education of women)] Rate distortion theory BT Education Coeli enarrant (Music) RT Single-sex classes (Education) USE Psalms (Music)—19th Psalm Codium (May Subd Geog) Single-sex schools [QK569.C65] Coedwig Dyfi (Wales) Coeliac disease BT Codiaceae USE Dyfi Forest (Wales) USE Celiac disease Coedwig Gwydyr (Wales) Codle family USE Gwydyr Forest (Wales) Coelidiidae USE Cordell family Coedwig Ystwyth (Wales) USE Leafhoppers USE Ystwyth Forest (Wales) Codlets (May Subd Geog) Coefficient, Gini Coelioxys (May Subd Geog) [QL638.B85] USE Gini coefficient [QL568.M4] UF Bregmacerotidae Coefficient, Partition (Chemistry) BT Megachilidae BT Gadiformes USE Partition coefficient (Chemistry) Coefficient of concordance Coelocentrum (May Subd Geog) Codlin moth BT Correlation (Statistics) [QL430.5.U68] USE Codling moth Coefficient of conductivity BT Urocoptidae USE Thermal conductivity Codling Coefficient of elasticity Coelocnemis (May Subd Geog) USE Atlantic cod USE Elasticity (Economics) [QL596.T2 (Zoology)] Coefficient of expansion BT Tenebrionidae Codling moth (May Subd Geog) USE Expansion (Heat) [QL561.T8 (Zoology)] Expansion of liquids Coelodonta (May Subd Geog) [SB945.C7 (Plant pest)] Expansion of solids [QE882.U6] UF Carpocapsa pomonella Coefficient of reflection UF Tichorhinus Codlin moth USE Reflectance BT Rhinoceroses, Fossil Cydia pomonella Coefficients, Binomial NT Woolly rhinoceros Ernarmonia pomonella USE Binomial coefficients Laspeyresia pomonella Coefficients, Clebsch-Gordan Coelodonta antiquitatis BT Cydia USE Clebsch-Gordan coefficients USE Woolly rhinoceros NT Apple worm Coefficients, Racah USE Racah coefficients Coelogenys — Larvae Coefficients of fractional parentage USE Agouti (Genus) USE Apple worm USE Fractional parentage coefficients Coelacanth (May Subd Geog) Coelogyne (May Subd Geog) Codlings [QL638.L26 (Zoology)] [QK495.O64 (Botany)] USE Urophycis UF Gombessa BT Orchids Latimeria chalumnae Codman, Ogden Malania anjouanae Coeloides (May Subd Geog) — Homes and haunts (May Subd Geog) Old four legs (Fish) [QL568.B8] — — France BT Latimeria BT Braconidae Coelacanth fishes NT Coeloides filiformis Codman family (Not Subd Geog) USE Coelacanthiformes Codnor Castle (England) Coelacanthiformes (May Subd Geog) Coeloides filiformis (May Subd Geog) [QL638.L26 (Zoology)] [QL568.B8] BT Castles—England UF Coelacanth fishes BT Coeloides Codnor Park Monument (England) Coelacanths (Order of fishes) BT Osteichthyes Coelolepida (May Subd Geog) USE Jessop Monument (England) Relict bony fishes [QE852.C6] Codo (Unit of measure) NT Latimeriidae UF Thelodonti Coelacanthiformes, Fossil (May Subd Geog) BT Agnatha, Fossil USE Cubit [QE852.C58] Codona family (Not Subd Geog) BT Osteichthyes, Fossil Coelomates, Bivalve Codonidae Coelacanths (Order of fishes) USE Brachiopoda USE Coelacanthiformes USE Corynidae Coelambus (May Subd Geog) Coelomomyces (May Subd Geog) Codonostigma [QL596.D9] [QK621.C63] BT Dytiscidae BT Coelomomycetaceae USE Ericas Coelastraceae Codornices Creek (Calif.) USE Scenedesmaceae Coelomomycetaceae (May Subd Geog) [QK621.C63] UF Cordonices Creek (Calif.) BT Blastocladiales BT Rivers—California NT Coelomomyces Codorus State Park (Pa.) BT Parks—Pennsylvania Coelomycetes (May Subd Geog) Codrington family (Not Subd Geog) [QK625.A1] Codroy River, Little (N.L.) BT Fungi imperfecti USE Little Codroy River (N.L.) NT Melanconiales Cods (Fish) Sphaeropsidales USE Codfish Coduti family (Not Subd Geog) Coelopa (May Subd Geog) Codworm [QL537.C634] USE Sealworm BT Coelopidae Cody, Samuel Clayton Woodbine (Fictitious character) NT Coelopa pilipes USE Cody (Fictitious character) Cody, Zak (Fictitious character) Coelopa pilipes (May Subd Geog) USE Shadow Rider (Fictitious character) [QL537.C634] Cody (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) BT Coelopa UF Cody, Samuel Clayton Woodbine (Fictitious Coelophysis (May Subd Geog) character) [QE862.S3] Sam Cody (Fictitious character) BT Podokesauridae Coelopidae (May Subd Geog) [QL537.C634] UF Phycodromidae NT Coelopa C-475
Coeloplana (May Subd Geog) Unicellular organisms Coerney River Valley (South Africa) [QL380.5.T47] RT Fungal colonies UF Coerney Valley (South Africa) BT Coeloplanidae Coenobita (May Subd Geog) BT Valleys—South Africa [QL444.M33 (Zoology)] Coeloplanidae (May Subd Geog) BT Coenobitidae Coerney Valley (South Africa) [QL380.5.T47] NT Coenobita clypeatus USE Coerney River Valley (South Africa) BT Platyctenida NT Coeloplana Coenobita compressus Coertse family Coenobita clypeatus (May Subd Geog) USE Coertze family Coelorhynchus (May Subd Geog) [QL638.M2] [QL444.M33 (Zoology)] Coertsen family UF Coelorinchus BT Coenobita USE Coertze family BT Macrouridae Coenobita clypeatus as pets (May Subd Geog) NT Coelorhynchus aconcagua [SF459.H47] Coertze family (Not Subd Geog) BT Pets UF Coertse family Coelorhynchus aconcagua (May Subd Geog) Coenobita compressus (May Subd Geog) Coertsen family [QL638.M2] [QL444.M33 (Zoology)] Coertzen family UF Coelorinchus aconcagua BT Coenobita BT Coelorhynchus Coenobites Coertzen family USE Cenobites USE Coertze family Coelorinchus Coenobitidae (May Subd Geog) USE Coelorhynchus [QL444.M33 (Zoology)] Coerulein UF Land hermit crabs USE Cerulein Coelorinchus aconcagua BT Decapoda (Crustacea) USE Coelorhynchus aconcagua Coery family Hermit crabs USE Corey family Coelosia (May Subd Geog) NT Birgus [QL537.M92 (Zoology)] Coetser family BT Mycetophilidae Coenobita USE Kuẗ zer family Coenocorypha (May Subd Geog) Coelosporiaceae Coetzee family (Not Subd Geog) USE Coleosporiaceae [QL696.C48 (Zoology)] Coetzer family BT Scolopacidae Coelostat NT Chatham Islands snipe USE Kützer family [QB97] Coenocorypha pusilla Coeur (The French word) UF Siderostat USE Chatham Islands snipe BT Astronomical instruments Coenonympha (May Subd Geog) BT French language—Etymology UF Ringlets (Coenonympha) Coeur d' Alene Indians Coelostemma (May Subd Geog) BT Nymphalidae [QL430.5.U68] NT Coenonympha tullia USE Coeur d'Alene Indians BT Urocoptidae Coenonympha tullia (May Subd Geog) Coeur d' Alenes UF Common ringlet (Insect) Coelostomidiidae (May Subd Geog) USE Coeur d'Alene Indians [QL527.C62 (Zoology)] Heath, Large (Insect) Coeur d'Alene, Fort (Idaho) UF Coelostomidiids Large heath (Insect) BT Homoptera Papilio tullia USE Fort Sherman (Idaho) Scale insects Ringlet, Common (Insect) Coeur d'Alene art (May Subd Geog) NT Ultracoelostoma BT Coenonympha Coenopsammia UF Art, Coeur d'Alene Coelostomidiids USE Tubastraea Skitswish art [Former heading] USE Coelostomidiidae Coenopteridales (May Subd Geog) [QE961] BT Art, American Coeluridae (May Subd Geog) BT Ferns, Fossil Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation (Idaho) [QE862.S3] NT Zygopteridaceae BT Saurischia Coenothecalia UF Coeur d'Alene Reservation (Idaho) NT Coelurus USE Helioporacea Coeur d'Alène Reserve (Idaho) Ornitholestes Coenothecalia, Fossil (May Subd Geog) [QE778] BT Indian reservations—Idaho Coelurus (May Subd Geog) BT Alcyonaria, Fossil Coeur d'Alene Indians (May Subd Geog) [QE862.S3] NT Lithotelestidae, Fossil BT Coeluridae Coenraadsburg (Elmina, Ghana) [E99.S63] USE Fort Saint Jago (Elmina, Ghana) UF Coeur d' Alene Indians Coely family Coenzyme I USE Cooley family USE NAD (Coenzyme) Coeur d' Alenes Coenzyme Q Coeur d'Alenes Coen family (Not Subd Geog) USE Ubiquinones Schitsue Indians RT Koen family Coenzyme Q10 Schitsu'ukmsh Indians USE Ubiquinones Schitsu'Umish Indians Coena Domini bulls Coenzyme R Schitsu'umsh Indians USE In Coena Domini bulls USE Biotin Skitswish Indians [Former heading] Coenzymes (May Subd Geog) Skitwish Indians Coenaculum (Jerusalem) UF Cofactors, Enzyme Skitztsu Indians USE Cenacle (Jerusalem) Enzyme cofactors Skizoumish Indians BT Enzymes BT Indians of North America—Idaho Coenagriidae NT Acetylcoenzyme A Indians of North America—Washington (State) USE Coenagrionidae Biotin Salishan Indians Flavins — Treaties Coenagrionidae (May Subd Geog) Lipoic acid Coeur d'Alene Lake (Idaho) [QL520.3.C64] NAD (Coenzyme) BT Lakes—Idaho UF Coenagriidae Pyridine nucleotides Coeur d'Alene Lake Watershed (Idaho) Damselflies, Narrow-winged Tetrahydrobiopterin BT Watersheds—Idaho Narrow-winged damselflies Thiamin pyrophosphate Coeur d'Alene language (May Subd Geog) BT Damselflies Ubiquinones [PM916] Odonata Vitamin B6 UF Schitsu'umsh language NT Acanthagrion Coepophagus Snchitsu'umshtsn language Aciagrion USE Rhizoglyphus BT Idaho—Languages Agriocnemis Coerced treatment Salishan languages Argia USE Involuntary treatment Coeur d'Alene Mine (Idaho) Ceriagrion Coercion (Law) UF Coeur Mine (Idaho) Enallagma USE Duress (Law) BT Mines and mineral resources—Idaho Ischnura Coercive care Coeur d'Alene Miners' Strike, Idaho, 1892 Megalagrion USE Involuntary treatment UF Coeur d'Alene Mining War, Idaho, 1892 Mortonagrion Coercive treatment Coeur d'Alene Strike, 1892 [Former heading] USE Involuntary treatment BT Strikes and lockouts—Miners—Idaho Coendou (May Subd Geog) Coerney River (South Africa) Coeur d'Alene Miners' Strike, Idaho, 1899 [QL737.R652] BT Rivers—South Africa UF Bunker Hill and Sullivan Mining and UF Coendous Concentrating Company Strike, 1899 Prehensile-tailed porcupines Coeur d'Alene Strike, 1899 [Former heading] Tree porcupines BT Strikes and lockouts—Miners—Idaho BT Erethizontidae Coeur d'Alene Mining War, Idaho, 1892 NT Coendou prehensilis USE Coeur d'Alene Miners' Strike, Idaho, 1892 Coeur d'Alene Mountains (Idaho and Mont.) Coendou prehensilis (May Subd Geog) BT Mountains—Idaho [QL737.R652] Mountains—Montana UF Prehensile-tailed porcupine [Former heading] Rocky Mountains BT Coendou Coeur d'Alene mythology (May Subd Geog) UF Mythology, Coeur d'Alene Coendous Skitswish mythology [Former heading] USE Coendou Coeur d'Alene National Forest (Idaho) BT Forest reserves—Idaho Coenobic plants (May Subd Geog) National parks and reserves—Idaho [QK565 (Algae)] BT Algae Colonies (Biology) Plants C-476
Coeur d'Alene Reservation (Idaho) Cofán philosophy (May Subd Geog) Coffee cakes (May Subd Geog) USE Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation (Idaho) UF Philosophy, Cofán [TX771] BT Philosophy, Ecuadorian UF Coffee bread Coeur d'Alène Reserve (Idaho) Coffee cake USE Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation (Idaho) Cofań textile fabrics (May Subd Geog) Coffeecake UF Cofań Indians—Textile industry and fabrics Coffeecakes Coeur d'Alene River, North Fork (Idaho) [Former heading] BT Cake UF North Fork, Coeur d'Alene River (Idaho) Textile fabrics, Cofán BT Rivers—Idaho BT Textile fabrics—Colombia Coffee cans (May Subd Geog) Textile fabrics—Ecuador UF Cans, Coffee Coeur d'Alene River, South Fork (Idaho) Coffee tins UF Hntsegwish River (Idaho) Cofane language Tins, Coffee South Fork, Coeur d'Alene River (Idaho) USE Cofán language BT Tin cans BT Rivers—Idaho Cofer family Coffee cosies Coeur d'Alene River (Idaho) USE Coffer family USE Coffee cozies BT Rivers—Idaho Cofey family Coffee cozies (May Subd Geog) Coeur d'Alene River Watershed (Idaho) USE Coffey family UF Coffee cosies BT Watersheds—Idaho Cosies, Coffee Coffe family Cozies, Coffee Coeur d'Alene salamander (May Subd Geog) USE Coffey family BT Coffee making paraphernalia [QL668.C274 (Zoology)] UF Plethodon idahoensis Coffea Coffee cup lids (May Subd Geog) Plethodon vandykei idahoensis USE Coffee UF Coffee lids BT Woodland salamanders Hot cup lids Coffea arabica BT Caps and closures Coeur d'Alene Strike, 1892 USE Coffee Coffee cups USE Coeur d'Alene Miners' Strike, Idaho, 1892 Food service—Equipment and supplies Coffee (May Subd Geog) Coeur d'Alene Strike, 1899 [GT2918 (Manners and customs)] Coffee cups (May Subd Geog) USE Coeur d'Alene Miners' Strike, Idaho, 1899 [RM246 (Therapeutics)] BT Drinking cups [SB269-SB270 (Culture)] NT Coffee cup lids Coeur d'Alene War, 1858 [TP645 (Chemical technology)] UF Spokane War, 1858 [TX415 (Sources)] Coffee drinking (May Subd Geog) BT Yakama Indians—Wars, 1855-1859 [TX583 (Adulteration)] [GT2918-GT2919] UF Coffea UF Coffee habit [Former heading] Coeur d'Alene women (May Subd Geog) Coffea arabica Drinking of coffee UF Skitswish women [Former heading] BT Psychotropic plants BT Drinking customs Women, Coeur d'Alene Rubiaceae RT Caffeine habit BT Women—United States Seed crops NT Caffeine Coffee drinking (Islamic law) Coeur d'Alenes Espresso USE Coffee (Islamic law) USE Coeur d'Alene Indians Export duties on coffee Instant coffee Coffee drinks (May Subd Geog) Coeur, House of Jacques (Bourges, France) UF Specialty coffee drinks USE House of Jacques Coeur (Bourges, France) — Advertising Specialty coffees (Beverages) USE Advertising—Coffee BT Beverages Coeur Mine (Idaho) USE Coeur d'Alene Mine (Idaho) — Diseases and pests (May Subd Geog) Coffee family [SB608.C6] USE Coffey family Coevers family NT Coffee anthracnose USE Couvert family Coffee berry borer Coffee farmers Coffee rust disease USE Coffee growers Coevolution (May Subd Geog) Coffee wilt disease [QH372] Hemileia coffeicola Coffee farms UF Co-evolution USE Coffee plantations BT Evolution (Biology) — Harvesting (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Coffee grinders Coevors family — Processing (May Subd Geog) USE Coffee mills USE Couvert family [TP645] Coffee grounds (May Subd Geog) Coexistence UF Coffee processing [Former heading] UF Grounds, Coffee USE subdivision Foreign relations under names of RT Coffee waste BT Coffee waste countries, e.g. Soviet Union--Foreign — Tariff NT Fortune-telling by coffee grounds relations--United States; United States-- USE Tariff on coffee Foreign relations--Soviet Union — Use in cooking Coffee growers (May Subd Geog) USE International relations USE Cooking (Coffee) UF Coffee farmers Coffee, Instant Growers, Coffee Coexistence, Peaceful USE Instant coffee BT Farmers USE Peace Coffee (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) NT Women coffee growers [KBP3396] Coexistence (World politics) UF Coffee drinking (Islamic law) Coffee habit USE World politics—1945-1989 BT Islamic law USE Coffee drinking Coffee anthracnose (May Subd Geog) Coexistence of species (May Subd Geog) UF Coffee berry disease Coffee-house management UF Sympatry (Biology) BT Anthracnose USE Coffeehouses—Management BT Population biology Coffee—Diseases and pests Species Coffee bars Coffee house ministry (May Subd Geog) USE Coffeehouses [BV4377] Coexisting disease Coffee bean weevil (May Subd Geog) UF Christian coffee house USE Comorbidity [QL596.A63 (Zoology)] Ministry, Coffee house UF Araecerus fasciculatus BT Church work with youth Coexisting illness BT Araecerus Evangelistic work USE Comorbidity Coffee berry borer (May Subd Geog) [SB608.C6] Coffee-houses Coey family BT Coffee—Diseases and pests USE Coffeehouses USE Couey family Coffee berry disease USE Coffee anthracnose Coffee in art (Not Subd Geog) Coeymans Creek (N.Y.) Coffee bread Coffee in literature (Not Subd Geog) BT Rivers—New York (State) USE Coffee cakes Coffee industry (May Subd Geog) Coffee breaks Coface Arena (Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany) USE Rest periods [HD9199] UF Mainzer Stadion (Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Coffee brewing (May Subd Geog) UF Coffee trade [Former heading] Germany) UF Brewing of coffee BT Beverage industry BT Stadiums—Germany BT Cooking (Coffee) — Employees — Equipment and supplies Cofactor, Protein C Coffee brewing equipment industry (May Subd Geog) [HD8039.C638] USE Protein S BT Kitchen utensils industry NT Coffee plantation workers Coffee bush Cofactors, Enzyme USE Lead tree Women coffee industry employees USE Coenzymes Coffee cake — — Labor unions (May Subd Geog) USE Coffee cakes Coffee latte art Cofán Indians (May Subd Geog) USE Latte art [F3722.1.C67] Coffee leaf-miner BT Indians of South America—Colombia USE Coffee leafminer Indians of South America—Ecuador Coffee leaf rust USE Coffee rust disease — Textile industry and fabrics Coffee leaf rust fungus USE Cofán textile fabrics USE Hemileia vastatrix Coffee leafminer (May Subd Geog) Cofań language (May Subd Geog) [PM5825] [QL561.L95 (Zoology)] UF A'i language UF Coffee leaf-miner [Former heading] Cofane language Kofán language Kofane language BT Colombia—Languages Ecuador—Languages Indians of South America—Languages Cofán mythology (May Subd Geog) UF Mythology, Cofań C-477
Coffee leafminer (Continued) Coffee trade BT Dams Leucoptera coffeella USE Coffee industry Hydraulic structures BT Leucoptera Coffee tree, Kentucky Cofferer family Coffee lids USE Kentucky coffeetree USE Coffer family USE Coffee cup lids Coffee tree farms Coffers Coffee making paraphernalia (May Subd Geog) USE Coffee plantations USE Chests [TX657] Coffee waste (May Subd Geog) Coffey family (Not Subd Geog) UF Paraphernalia, Coffee making [TD899 (Trade waste)] UF Cofey family BT Kitchen utensils RT Coffee—Processing Coffe family NT Coffee cozies BT Factory and trade waste Coffee family NT Coffee grounds Coffy family Coffee mills Coffee pulp Corfey family Coffeepots O'Coffey family Coffee mills (May Subd Geog) Coffee weed [TX657.C67] USE Chicory Coffin, Chief Superintendent (Fictitious character) UF Coffee grinders USE Coffin, John (Fictitious character) Grinders, Coffee Coffee weed (Senna obtusifolia) Mills, Coffee USE Senna obtusifolia Coffin, Frank (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) BT Coffee making paraphernalia UF Frank Coffin (Fictitious character) Coffee plantation workers (May Subd Geog) Coffee wilt disease (May Subd Geog) BT Coffee industry—Employees UF Tracheomycosis Coffin, John (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Plantation workers BT Coffee—Diseases and pests UF Chief Superintendent Coffin (Fictitious NT Women coffee plantation workers Wilt diseases character) — Labor unions (May Subd Geog) Coffin, Chief Superintendent (Fictitious — Wages Coffeecake character) USE Wages—Coffee plantation workers USE Coffee cakes Coffin, Superintendent (Fictitious character) Coffee plantation workers' spouses (May Subd Geog) John Coffin (Fictitious character) UF Coffee plantation workers' wives [Former Coffeecakes Superintendent Coffin (Fictitious character) heading] USE Coffee cakes BT Spouses Coffin, Superintendent (Fictitious character) Coffee plantation workers' wives Coffeehouse chains USE Coffin, John (Fictitious character) USE Coffee plantation workers' spouses USE Chain coffeehouses Coffee plantations (May Subd Geog) Coffin, Wiki (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) UF Coffee farms Coffeehouses (May Subd Geog) UF Wiki Coffin (Fictitious character) Coffee tree farms [NA7855 (Architecture)] BT Plantations [TX901-TX910 (Food service)] Coffin Ed Johnson (Fictitious character) Tree farms Here are entered works on public places that USE Johnson, Coffin Ed (Fictitious character) Coffee Pot Lake (Wash.) USE Coffeepot Lake (Wash.) specialize in serving coffee and other refreshments Coffin family (Not Subd Geog) Coffee pots and that sometimes provide informal entertainment or UF Coffen family USE Coffeepots serve as a place where groups meet for a particular Coffins family Coffee processing purpose. Works on small, inexpensive restaurants, USE Coffee—Processing independently operated or part of a hotel, where light Coffin hardware (May Subd Geog) Coffee pulp (May Subd Geog) refreshments or regular meals are served are entered [TS2301.U5] UF Pulp, Coffee under Coffee shops. UF Casket hardware BT Coffee waste BT Hardware Coffee pulp as feed (May Subd Geog) UF Cafés [SF99.C584] Coffee bars Coffin House (Nantucket, Mass.) BT Feeds Coffee-houses [Former heading] USE Jethro Coffin House (Nantucket, Mass.) Coffee roasting industry (May Subd Geog) — Collective labor agreements BT Restaurants Coffin industry (May Subd Geog) USE Collective labor agreements—Coffee NT Cafeś philo [HD9999.C65] BT Funeral supplies industry roasting industry Chain coffeehouses NT Wages—Coffin makers Coffee root-knot nematode, Kona Photography of coffeehouses — Decoration (May Subd Geog) Coffin Island (Japan) USE Kona coffee root-knot nematode USE Haha Island (Japan) Coffee rust disease (May Subd Geog) BT Decoration and ornament — Management (May Subd Geog) Coffin Island (Utah) UF Coffee leaf rust [Former heading] USE Fremont Island (Utah) Leaf rust disease, Coffee UF Coffee-house management [Former Orange coffee rust disease heading] Coffin Lake (Grant County, Wash.) Orange leaf rust disease of coffee USE Stan Coffin Lake (Grant County, Wash.) — Austria BT Coffee—Diseases and pests NT Linz Café (Linz, Austria) Coffin Mountains (Calif.) Rust diseases USE Funeral Mountains (Calif.) Coffeehouses in art (Not Subd Geog) Coffee rust fungus Coffeehouses in literature (Not Subd Geog) Coffinite (May Subd Geog) USE Hemileia vastatrix Coffeen Lake (Ill.) BT Silicate minerals Uranium ores Coffee shops (May Subd Geog) BT Lakes—Illinois Here are entered works on small, inexpensive Coffeepot Lake (Wash.) Coffino (African people) USE Kaffa (African people) restaurants, independently operated or part of a UF Coffee Pot Lake (Wash.) hotel, where light refreshments or regular meals are BT Lakes—Washington (State) Coffins (May Subd Geog) served. Works on public places that specialize in Coffeepots (May Subd Geog) [TT197.5.C62 (Woodworking)] serving coffee and other refreshments and that UF Coffee pots UF Caskets (Coffins) sometimes provide informal entertainment or serve BT Beverage containers BT Boxes as a place where groups meet for a particular RT Burial purpose are entered under Coffeehouses. Coffee making paraphernalia NT Mummy cases Pots Sarcophagi UF Shops, Coffee NT Silver coffeepots BT Restaurants CoffeeScript (Computer program language) Coffins family Coffee snake, Seba's [QA76.73.C58] USE Coffin family USE Ninia sebae BT Object-oriented programming languages Coffee spoons (May Subd Geog) Scripting languages (Computer science) Coffin's Mountains (Calif.) BT Spoons Coffeetree, Kentucky USE Funeral Mountains (Calif.) Coffee stains (May Subd Geog) USE Kentucky coffeetree UF Stains, Coffee Coffeeweed Coffman Cove (Alaska) BT Discoloration USE Senna obtusifolia BT Bays—Alaska Coffee substitutes (May Subd Geog) Coffeine BT Food substitutes USE Caffeine Coffman family Coffee table metal, Eames Coffel family USE Kauffman family USE Eames molded plywood coffee tables USE Koffel family Coffee table wood, Eames Coffelt family (Not Subd Geog) Coffmon family USE Eames molded plywood coffee tables UF Kaufeld family USE Kauffman family Coffee tables (May Subd Geog) Kaufelt family BT Tables Kauffeld family Coffou family Coffee tins Kauffeldt family USE Kofol family USE Coffee cans Coffen family USE Coffin family Coffroad family Coffer-dams USE Koffroth family USE Cofferdams Coffer family (Not Subd Geog) Coffroath family UF Cofer family USE Koffroth family Cofferer family Cofferdams (May Subd Geog) Coffroth family [TC198] USE Koffroth family UF Coffer-dams [Former heading] Coffy family USE Coffey family Cofinancing (May Subd Geog) [HG3891.5] Here are entered works on cooperative arrangements between international financial institutions, such as the World Bank, and commercial banks for extending loans to developing countries. UF Co-financing BT Loans, Foreign—Developing countries C-478
Cofman family Coghinas River Valley (Italy) RT Ethnophilosophy USE Kauffman family UF Coghinas Valley (Italy) BT Ethnopsychology Valle del Coghinas (Italy) Cofradiá systems BT Valleys—Italy Socialization USE Civil-religious hierarchies Cognition and emotions Coghinas Valley (Italy) Cofradías (Latin America) (May Subd Geog) USE Coghinas River Valley (Italy) USE Emotions and cognition Here are entered works on Latin American lay Cognition and personality Coghlan family (Not Subd Geog) groups responsible for the material care of religious UF Caughlin family USE Personality and cognition images, pilgrimages, and ceremonies. Coughlan family Cognition disorders (May Subd Geog) Coughlin family BT Brotherhoods—Latin America [RC553.C64] Confraternities—Latin America Coghui language UF Cognitive disorders USE Kagaba language BT Psychology, Pathological RT Civil-religious hierarchies NT Anosognosia Cofteé cöl (Mexico) Cogi language USE Kagaba language Body image disturbance USE San Esteban Island (Mexico) Contamination (Psychology) COG (Center of gravity) Cognac Delirium USE Brandy Delusions USE Center of gravity (Military science) Learning disabilities Čoġ ā Zanbil (Extinct city) COGNAC (Computer) (Not Subd Geog) Memory disorders [QA76.8.C] Mild cognitive impairment USE Dur-Untash (Extinct city) UF Combined geometric-network analog computer Progressive supranuclear palsy Cog railroads (Computer) Schizophrenics—Language BT Electronic analog computers — Diagnosis (May Subd Geog) USE Rack-railroads Cog-wheels Cognac (Mark of origin) NT Cognitive Diagnostic Battery BT Marks of origin Cognition disorders in adolescence (May Subd Geog) USE Gearing Cogai (Australian people) Cognate words [RJ506.C63] UF Language and languages—Cognate words BT Adolescent psychopathology USE Mandandanji (Australian people) BT Language and languages—Etymology Cognition disorders in children (May Subd Geog) Cogapacori language SA subdivision Cognate words under individual [RJ506.C63] languages and groups of languages e.g. BT Child psychiatry USE Nanti language English language--Cognate words CogAT (Psychology) Child psychopathology Cogniagui (African people) Cognition in children USE Cognitive Abilities Test USE Koniagui (African people) NT Memory disorders in children Cogdal family Cognition disorders in old age (May Subd Geog) Cognition UF Cognition disorders in the aged [Former USE Cogdill family [BF309-BF499] heading] Cogdall family Here are entered works on mental processes in BT Geriatric psychiatry NT Memory disorders in old age USE Cogdill family general. Works on the general approach to Cognition disorders in the aged Cogdel family psychology that emphasizes the role of internal, USE Cognition disorders in old age mental processes in behavior are entered under Cognition in adolescence (May Subd Geog) USE Cogdill family Cognitive psychology. [BF724.3.C58] Cogdell family BT Adolescent psychology BT Psychology Cognition in animals (May Subd Geog) USE Cogdill family NT Abstraction [QL785] Cogdill family (Not Subd Geog) UF Animal cognition Attribution (Social psychology) BT Animal intelligence UF Cogdal family Awareness NT Number concept in animals Cogdall family Cognition and culture Cognition in children (May Subd Geog) Cogdel family Cognitive consistency [BF723.C5] Cogdell family Cognitive dissonance UF Cognition (Child psychology) [Former heading] Cogedel family Cognitive maps (Psychology) Thought and thinking in children Cognitive styles BT Child psychology Cogedel family Connectionism NT Cognition disorders in children USE Cogdill family Conservation (Psychology) Concrete operations (Psychology) Differentiation (Cognition) Equilibration (Cognition) Cogel family (Not Subd Geog) Distributed cognition Human information processing in children RT Covel family Domain specificity Imagery (Psychology) in children Emotions and cognition Number concept in children Cogeneration appliances Field dependence (Psychology) Perception in children USE Cogenerators Intuition Seriation by children (Psychology) Metacognition — Cross-cultural studies Cogeneration of electric power and heat Perception Cognition in infants (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) Personality and cognition [BF720.C63] [TK1041-TK1078] Schemas (Psychology) BT Infant psychology UF Combined electric power and heat production Selectivity (Psychology) Cognition in literature (Not Subd Geog) Electric power and heat cogeneration Thought suppression Cognition in newborn infants (May Subd Geog) Heat and electric power cogeneration Three-dimensional test of visualization skills [BF720.C63] BT Electric power production TOTE units BT Newborn infants—Psychology Heat — Age factors (May Subd Geog) Cognition in old age (May Subd Geog) NT Heat recovery [BF724.85.C64] Total energy systems (On-site electric power [BF724.55.C63 (Psychology)] UF Cognition in the aged [Former heading] production) UF Age factors in cognition Thought and thinking in old age Waste heat BT Ability, Influence of age on BT Older people—Psychology — Costs — Effect of drugs on (May Subd Geog) NT Human information processing in older people — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) BT Drugs—Physiological effect Cognition in the aged — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — Effect of exercise on (May Subd Geog) USE Cognition in old age — California BT Exercise—Physiological aspects Cognitive Abilities Test (May Subd Geog) — Testing [BF432.5.C64] Cogenerators (May Subd Geog) NT Cognitive Abilities Test UF CogAT (Psychology) UF Cogeneration appliances BT Cognition—Testing BT Electric generators Cognitive Control Battery Intelligence tests Cognitive Levels Test Cognitive agents (Computer software) Coggeshall family (Not Subd Geog) Differential Ability Scales USE Intelligent agents (Computer software) UF Coggshall family Non-Verbal Ability Tests Cognitive-analytic therapy (May Subd Geog) Coggshell family Quick Cognitive Inventory [RC489.C6] Cogshall family Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability UF CAT (Psychotherapy) Cogshell family Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational BT Brief psychotherapy RT Cogswell family Battery Cognitive therapy Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Psychoanalysis Coggling wheels Ability Cognitive apprenticeship (May Subd Geog) USE Pastry wheels Cognition, Social BT Learning USE Social perception Coggshall family Cognition (Child psychology) USE Coggeshall family USE Cognition in children Cognition and culture (May Subd Geog) Coggshell family [BF311 (Psychology)] USE Coggeshall family UF Culture and cognition BT Cognition Coggswell family Culture USE Cogswell family Coghill Lake (Alaska) BT Lakes—Alaska Coghinas River (Italy) UF Cutzína River (Italy) Fiume Coghinas (Italy) Flumen Thermus (Italy) Mannu River (Italy) Riú di Cutzína (Italy) Riú Mannu (Italy) Thermus River (Italy) BT Rivers—Italy C-479
Cognitive Assessment System Cognitive neuroscience (May Subd Geog) Sedgegrass USE Das-Naglieri Cognitive Assessment System [QP360.5] BT Imperata UF Cognitive neuropsychology Cogon satintail Cognitive assistants (Computer software) BT Cognitive science USE Cogon grass USE Intelligent agents (Computer software) Neuropsychology Cogongrass NT Memory—Physiological aspects USE Cogon grass Cognitive balance (May Subd Geog) Neural networks (Neurobiology) Cogotas Site (Spain) [BF337.C62] Neuroeconomics UF Las Cogotas Site (Spain) UF Balance, Cognitive Neuroergonomics BT Spain—Antiquities Balance theory (Psychology) Cogs (Sailing ships) (May Subd Geog) BT Adjustment (Psychology) Cognitive psychology (May Subd Geog) [VM17] Attitude (Psychology) [BF201] BT Merchant ships Here are entered works on the general approach Cognitive-behavior therapy Sailing ships USE Cognitive therapy to psychology that emphasizes the role of internal, Cogshall family mental processes in behavior. Works on mental Cognitive-behavioral therapy processes in general are entered under Cognition. USE Coggeshall family USE Cognitive therapy Cogshell family UF Psychology, Cognitive Cognitive consistency (May Subd Geog) BT Cognitive science USE Coggeshall family UF Cognitive consonance Cogswell family (Not Subd Geog) Consistency, Cognitive Psychology Consonance, Cognitive Cognitive psychotherapy UF Coggswell family BT Cognition Cogswill family USE Cognitive therapy Cogwell family — Religious aspects Cognitive radio networks (May Subd Geog) Cogwill family Cognitive consonance [TK5103.4815] RT Coggeshall family USE Cognitive consistency UF Ad hoc cognitive networks (Wireless Cogswellia Cognitive Control Battery (May Subd Geog) communication systems) USE Lomatium [BF432.5.C65] Cognitive networks (Wireless communication Cogswellia nudicaulis UF CCB (Psychology) systems) BT Cognition—Testing BT Ad hoc networks (Computer networks) USE Lomatium nudicaule Cognitive-developmental theory Self-organizing systems Cogswill family USE Constructivism (Education) Cognitive science (May Subd Geog) Cognitive Diagnostic Battery (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on the interdisciplinary USE Cogswell family [RC473.C64 (Psychiatry)] study of the mind and computers as information Cogtua River (Alaska) BT Cognition disorders—Diagnosis processing systems. USE Meade River (Alaska : River) Psychological tests BT Science Cogui Indians Cognitive diathesis-stress model RT Philosophy of mind NT Artificial intelligence USE Kagaba Indians USE Diathesis-stress model (Psychology) Cogui language Cognitive disorders Cognitive neuroscience Cognitive psychology USE Kagaba language USE Cognition disorders Philosophy and cognitive science Coguo Indians Cognitive dissonance Cognitive science and philosophy USE Philosophy and cognitive science USE Kowoj Indians [BF337.C63 (Psychology)] Cognitive styles (May Subd Geog) Cogwell family [HM1191 (Social psychology)] [BF311] UF Dissonance (Psychology) [Former heading] UF Styles, Cognitive USE Cogswell family BT Change (Psychology) BT Cognition Cogwill family Intellect Cognition Personality and cognition USE Cogswell family Motivation (Psychology) Cognitive styles in children (May Subd Geog) Cohabitation Selectivity (Psychology) [BF723.C5] Cognitive dissonance in literature (Not Subd Geog) BT Child psychology USE Unmarried couples Cognitive engineering (System design) Cognitive Synthesis Test (May Subd Geog) Cohabitation agreements (May Subd Geog) USE User-centered system design [RC473.C65] Cognitive enhancement substances UF CST (Personality test) UF Agreements, Cohabitation USE Nootropic agents BT Personality tests Cohabitation contracts Cognitive enhancers Picture story tests Living-together agreements USE Nootropic agents Cognitive theory of learning Non-marital cohabitation agreements Cognitive ergonomics USE Cognitive learning theory Partnership agreements between unmarried USE Environmental psychology Cognitive therapy (May Subd Geog) cohabitants Cognitive-experiential psychotherapy (May Subd Geog) [RC489.C63] Statutory cohabitation contracts [RC489.C62] UF Cognitive-behavior therapy UF CET (Psychotherapy) Cognitive-behavioral therapy BT Contracts BT Cognitive therapy Cognitive psychotherapy Unmarried couples—Legal status, laws, etc. Experiential psychotherapy BT Psychotherapy Cognitive grammar NT Acceptance and commitment therapy Cohabitation contracts [P165] Cognitive-analytic therapy USE Cohabitation agreements UF Cognitive linguistics Cognitive-experiential psychotherapy BT Grammar, Comparative and general Exposure therapy Cohabitees Psycholinguistics Metacognitive therapy USE Roommates Cognitive impairment, Mild Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy USE Mild cognitive impairment Rational emotive behavior therapy Cohan family Cognitive learning (May Subd Geog) Schema-focused cognitive therapy USE Cohen family BT Learning Cognitive therapy for children (May Subd Geog) Cognitive learning theory (May Subd Geog) [RJ505.C63] Cohanim UF Cognitive theory of learning BT Child psychotherapy Here are entered works dealing with the hereditary BT Learning, Psychology of Cognitive therapy for teenagers (May Subd Geog) NT Mediated learning experience [RJ505.C63] religious privileges and responsibilities in Jewish law Cognitive Levels Test BT Adolescent psychotherapy and practice of the descendants of the priests of the [BF432.5.C66] Cogon Temple in Jerusalem since 70 A.D., the year of its UF CLT (Psychological test) USE Cogon grass destruction. Works dealing with the priests during the BT Cognition—Testing Cogon grass (May Subd Geog) Temple period are entered under Priests, Jewish. Intelligence tests [QK495.G74 (Botany)] Cognitive linguistics [SB317.C58 (Economic plant)] UF Cohen (Cohanim) USE Cognitive grammar [SB615.C63 (Weed)] Kohanim Cognitive maps (Psychology) (May Subd Geog) UF Alang-alang Kohen (Cohanim) [BF314] Alang grass Here are entered works on the internal or symbolic Blady grass BT Judaism representations of social or physical environments, Cogon Priests, Jewish means-end relationships, or spatial relationships. Cogon satintail Works on the cognitive structure used for Cogongrass Cohansey Creek (N.J.) comprehension, perception, and interpretation of Imperata arundinacea USE Cohansey River (N.J.) stimuli are entered under Schemas (Psychology). Imperata cylindrica Kogon Cohansey Plantation (N.J.) UF Maps, Cognitive (Psychology) Satintail, Cogon BT Plantations—New Jersey BT Cognition Cognitive networks (Wireless communication systems) Cohansey River (N.J.) USE Cognitive radio networks UF Cohansey Creek (N.J.) Cognitive neuropsychology Cohanzey Creek (N.J.) USE Cognitive neuroscience Cohanzy Creek (N.J.) Cohanzy River (N.J.) Kohansick River (N.J.) BT Rivers—New Jersey Cohansey River Watershed (N.J.) UF Cohansey Watershed (N.J.) BT Watersheds—New Jersey Cohansey Watershed (N.J.) USE Cohansey River Watershed (N.J.) Cohanzey Creek (N.J.) USE Cohansey River (N.J.) Cohanzy Creek (N.J.) USE Cohansey River (N.J.) C-480
Cohanzy River (N.J.) NT Plasticity Coiffeuses (Tables) USE Cohansey River (N.J.) Wetting agents USE Dressing tables Cohas Brook (N.H.) Cohesion (Linguistics) Coiffures BT Rivers—New Hampshire UF Coherence (Linguistics) USE Hairstyles Cohesiveness (Linguistics) Cohas Brook Swamp (N.H.) BT Discourse analysis Coig Coyle River (Argentina) USE Great Cohas Swamp (N.H.) Linguistics USE Coig River (Argentina) Cohea family Cohesion of units (Military science) Coig River (Argentina) USE Cohee family USE Unit cohesion (Military science) UF Coig Coyle River (Argentina) Coy River (Argentina) Cohee family (Not Subd Geog) Cohesiveness (Linguistics) Coyle River (Argentina) UF Cohea family USE Cohesion (Linguistics) Rió Coig (Argentina) Cohey family Río Coig Coyle (Argentina) Cohesiveness (Military science) Rió Coy (Argentina) Cohen, Artie (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Unit cohesion (Military science) Rió Coyle (Argentina) UF Artie Cohen (Fictitious character) BT Rivers—Argentina Cohey family Cohen, Avram (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) USE Cohee family Coig River Watershed (Argentina) UF Avram Cohen (Fictitious character) BT Watersheds—Argentina Cohick family Cohen (Cohanim) USE Cowhick family Coigniers family USE Cohanim USE Conyers family Cohn family Cohen family (Not Subd Geog) USE Cohen family Coiguë UF Cohan family USE Nothofagus dombeyi Cohn family Coho salmon (May Subd Geog) Kohen family [QL638.S2 (Zoology)] Coikendall family Kohn family UF Oncorhynchus kisutch USE Kuykendall family Kohnen family Silver salmon [Former heading] RT Cahen family BT Oncorhynchus Coil family Kahn family Pacific salmon USE Coyle family Kohen-Yashar family Coho salmon fisheries (May Subd Geog) Coil stamps (May Subd Geog) Cohen-Macaulay modules BT Pacific salmon fisheries [HE6184.C54] UF Macaulay modules, Cohen- BT Postage stamps BT Modules (Algebra) — Closures (May Subd Geog) BT Fishery closures Coile family Cohen-Macaulay rings USE Coyle family UF Macaulay local rings Coho salmon fishing (May Subd Geog) Macaulay rings, Cohen- [SH686.4] Coiled baskets (May Subd Geog) Rings, Cohen-Macaulay UF Silver salmon fishing [Former heading] BT Baskets Rings, Macaulay local BT Pacific salmon fishing BT Local rings Coilopoceratidae (May Subd Geog) Cohocton River (N.Y.) [QE807.A5] Cohen United States Courthouse (Camden, N.J.) UF Chocton River (N.Y.) BT Ammonoidea USE Mitchell H. Cohen United States Courthouse Conhocton River (N.Y.) (Camden, N.J.) BT Rivers—New York (State) Coilostigma USE Ericas Cohen-Yashar family Cohocton River Watershed (N.Y.) USE Kohen-Yashar family BT Watersheds—New York (State) Coils, Electric USE Electric coils Coherence, Sense of Cohodas family (Not Subd Geog) USE Sense of coherence Cohoe family (Not Subd Geog) Coils, Tesla Cohoes Music Hall (Cohoes, N.Y.) USE Tesla coils Coherence (Linguistics) USE Cohesion (Linguistics) UF Cohoes Opera House (Cohoes, N.Y.) Coils, Toroidal BT Music-halls—New York (State) USE Toroidal magnetic circuits Coherence (Nuclear physics) Cohoes Opera House (Cohoes, N.Y.) [QC794.6.C58] USE Cohoes Music Hall (Cohoes, N.Y.) Coils family BT Collisions (Nuclear physics) Cohomology, Sheaf USE Coyle family Scattering (Physics) USE Sheaf theory Cohomology operations Coimbra del Barranco Ancho Site (Spain) Coherence (Optics) UF Operations (Algebraic topology) BT Spain—Antiquities [QC476.C6] BT Algebraic topology UF Coherence of light NT Dyer-Lashof operations Coimbra Fort (Brazil) Optical coherence USE Forte de Coímbra (Brazil) BT Optics Generalized Pontrjagin cohomology operations RT Optical coherence tomography Cohomology theory Coin banks (May Subd Geog) NT Photon echoes [NK4698] USE Homology theory UF Banks, Coin Coherence (Physics) Cohonina culture (May Subd Geog) Penny banks USE Coherent states NT Ceramic coin banks BT Arizona—Antiquities Glass coin banks Coherence of light Indians of North America—Arizona—Antiquities Mechanical coin banks USE Coherence (Optics) Piggy banks Cohors praetoria Silver coin banks Coherence theory of truth USE Praetorian Guard Wooden coin banks USE Truth—Coherence theory Cohort analysis Coin blanks Coherent analytic sheaves [HB849.47] USE Planchets BT Analytic sheaves RT Age groups BT Demography Coin changers Coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy USE Coin changing machines USE Raman spectroscopy Cohos Trail (N.H.) BT Trails—New Hampshire Coin changing machines (May Subd Geog) Coherent light communication systems UF Change makers (Coins) USE Laser communication systems Cohosh, Black Coin changers USE Actaea racemosa Currency changers (Coins) Coherent radar Money changing machines (Coins) [TK6592.C6] Cohousing BT Vending machines UF Holographic radar USE Housing, Cooperative BT Holography Coin clippings (May Subd Geog) Microwaves Cohow UF Clippings, Coin Radar USE Bermuda petrel BT Coinage NT Inverse synthetic aperture radar Side-looking radar Cohowe Coin collecting Synthetic aperture radar USE Bermuda petrel USE Coins—Collectors and collecting Coherent states Cohuilla Indians Coin collections [QC6.4.C56 (Physics)] USE Cahuilla Indians USE Coins—Private collections UF Coherence (Physics) Generalized coherent states Cohuo Indians Coin dealers (May Subd Geog) States, Coherent USE Kowoj Indians UF Numismatic dealers BT Stochastic processes BT Dealers (Retail trade) Cohutta Wilderness (Ga. and Tenn.) Coherer BT Wilderness areas—Georgia Coin design (May Subd Geog) [QC665 (Physics)] Wilderness areas—Tennessee UF Coins—Design [TK5863 (Technology)] BT Design BT Electric apparatus and appliances Cohutta Wildlife Management Area (Ga.) Electric waves BT Wildlife management areas—Georgia — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) RT Telegraph, Wireless Coin designers (May Subd Geog) Coiba Indians Cohesion USE Cueva Indians UF Numismatic designers [QC183] BT Designers RT Adhesion Coiba Island (Panama) Coin dies (May Subd Geog) UF Isla de Coiba (Panama) UF Coining dies BT Islands—Panama BT Dies (Metal-working) Coiba language Mints—Equipment and supplies USE Cueva language Coin errors Coiba National Park (Panama) USE Coins—Errors USE Parque Nacional Coiba (Panama) C-481
Coin hoards (May Subd Geog) Coincidence theory (Mathematics) Coins, American (May Subd Geog) UF Hoards, Coin [QA612.24] UF American coins BT Coins RT Fixed point theory NT Beaver (Coin) BT Topology Dime Coin-operated laundries Dollar, American (Coin) USE Self-service laundries Coinduction (Mathematics) Double eagle (Coin) UF Mathematical coinduction Eagle (Coin) Coin-operated lockers (May Subd Geog) BT Mathematics Half-dime BT Coin-operated machines NT Bisimulation Half-dollar Lockers Half eagle (Coin) Self-service storage facilities Coiner family (Not Subd Geog) Nickel (Coin) UF Coyner family Quarter-dollar Coin-operated machines (May Subd Geog) Koiner family Quarter eagle (Coin) [TJ1557] UF Machines, Coin-operated Coining, Illicit Coins, Ancient (May Subd Geog) BT Automatic machinery USE Counterfeits and counterfeiting [CJ201-CJ1397] NT Coin-operated lockers UF Ancient coins Dry-cleaning machines Coining dies NT Potin (Coin) Jukeboxes USE Coin dies Pinball machines — Expertising (May Subd Geog) Slot machines Coining presses UF Expertising of ancient coins Vending machines USE Coin presses Coins, Anglo-Saxon (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Coins (May Subd Geog) UF Anglo-Saxon coins Coin presses (May Subd Geog) [CJ1-CJ4625] NT Sceat Here are entered general works on coins. Works UF Coining presses Coins, Arab (May Subd Geog) Presses, Coin on coins of diverse national origin located in a UF Arab coins specific place are entered under this heading divided BT Mints—Equipment and supplies by place. Works on coins of a particular country are Coins, Argentine (May Subd Geog) Power presses entered under headings for coins qualified by UF Argentine coins nationality. Coin purses (May Subd Geog) Coins, Armenian (May Subd Geog) UF Change purses BT Money UF Armenian coins Purses, Change Numismatics Purses, Coin Coins, Australian (May Subd Geog) BT Containers SA headings of the type [topic] in numismatics, UF Australian coins e.g. Architecture in numismatics; Horses in NT Australian Nugget (Coin) Coin redemption fund numismatics [HG532 (Speeches in Congress, 1895-1896)] Coins, Austrian (May Subd Geog) BT Silver question NT Adulterated coins UF Austrian coins Bracteate coins NT Gulden (Coin) Coin tricks (May Subd Geog) Bronze coins Maria Theresa dollar [GV1559] Cent BT Tricks Clipped coins Coins, Azerbaijani (May Subd Geog) Coin hoards UF Azerbaijani coins Coinage (May Subd Geog) Commemorative coins RT Legal tender Copper coins Coins, Baroque (May Subd Geog) Mints Crown (Coin) UF Baroque coins Money Dollar (Coin) Silver question Elongated coins Coins, Brazilian (May Subd Geog) NT Bimetallism Franc (Coin) UF Brazilian coins Coin clippings Gold coins Gold—Standards of fineness Groat (Coin) Coins, British (May Subd Geog) Silver—Standards of fineness Islamic coins UF British coins Jewish coins RT Coins, English — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Mutilated coins NT Sixpence — United States Obsidional coins Sovereign (Coin) Palladium coins UF United States—Coinage Pattern coins Coins, Brunei Coinage, International Photography of coins USE Coins, Bruneian Platinum coins [HG381-HG395] Porcelain coins Coins, Bruneian (May Subd Geog) UF International coinage Proof coins UF Bruneian coins Shekel (Coin) Coins, Brunei [Former heading] International money Shilling Money, International Silver coins Coins, Bulgarian (May Subd Geog) BT Currency question [CJ3290-CJ3309] Monetary unions — Collectors and collecting (May Subd Geog) UF Bulgarian coins Money UF Coin collecting Coinage in literature (Not Subd Geog) NT Coins—Private collections Coins, Burmese (May Subd Geog) Coinage of words Numismatists UF Burmese coins USE Words, New Coincidence — Design Coins, Byzantine (May Subd Geog) UF Simultaneousness USE Coin design UF Byzantine coins Synchronicity NT Hexagram (Coin) Synchronism — Errors Scyphate coins BT Chance [CJ125] Solidus RT Simultaneity (Physics) UF Coin errors — Psychic aspects (May Subd Geog) Errors, Coin Coins, Canadian (May Subd Geog) SA subdivision Errors under names of coins, UF Canadian coins [BF1175] e.g. Cent--Errors NT Dime UF Coincidence in psychical research Half-dime — Grading (May Subd Geog) Nickel (Coin) [Former heading] [CJ101] BT Parapsychology UF Grading of coins Coins, Carlovingian — Religious aspects USE Coins, Carolingian — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] — Prices (May Subd Geog) Coincidence circuits — Private collections (May Subd Geog) Coins, Carolingian (May Subd Geog) [QC787.C58 (Nuclear physics)] UF Carolingian coins UF Circuits, Coincidence UF Coin collections Coins, Carlovingian [Former heading] Coincidence counters BT Coins—Collectors and collecting Coincidence detection SA subdivision Coin collections under names Coins, Carthaginian Coincidence gates USE Coins, Punic Counters, Coincidence of individual persons, families, and Gates, Coincidence corporate bodies Coins, Celtiberian (May Subd Geog) BT Electronic circuits NT Harvard University—Coin collections UF Celtiberian coins Nuclear counters — Religious aspects Coincidence counters — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Coins, Celtic (May Subd Geog) USE Coincidence circuits — Therapeutic use (May Subd Geog) UF Celtic coins Coincidence detection NT Royal touch USE Coincidence circuits — Yugoslavia Coins, Ceylonese Coincidence gates NT Dinar USE Coins, Sri Lankan USE Coincidence circuits Coins, Abbasid (May Subd Geog) Coincidence in literature (Not Subd Geog) UF Abbasid coins Coins, Chilean (May Subd Geog) Coincidence in psychical research Coins, Afghan (May Subd Geog) UF Chilean coins USE Coincidence—Psychic aspects UF Afghan coins NT Jital (Coin) Coins, Chinese (May Subd Geog) UF Chinese coins NT Knife coins — Expertising (May Subd Geog) [CJ3496] UF Expertising of Chinese coins Coins, Chorasmian USE Coins, Khorezmian Coins, Classical (May Subd Geog) UF Classical coins C-482
Coins, Colombian (May Subd Geog) Jital (Coin) Coins, Mongolian (May Subd Geog) UF Colombian coins Rupee, Indian [CJ3520-CJ3529] Coins, Indonesian (May Subd Geog) UF Mongolian coins Coins, Congolese (Democratic Republic) [CJ3640-CJ3659] (May Subd Geog) UF Indonesian coins Coins, Moroccan (May Subd Geog) UF Coins, Zairian [Former heading] Coins, Iranian (May Subd Geog) UF Moroccan coins Congolese (Democratic Republic) coins [CJ1363 (Ancient)] UF Iranian coins Coins, Mozambican (May Subd Geog) Coins, Costa Rican (May Subd Geog) Coins, Irish (May Subd Geog) UF Mozambican coins UF Costa Rican coins UF Irish coins Coins, Islamic Coins, Nabataean (May Subd Geog) Coins, Croatian (May Subd Geog) USE Islamic coins UF Nabataean coins UF Croatian coins Coins, Israeli (May Subd Geog) NT Lipa [CJ3850-CJ3869] Coins, Namibian (May Subd Geog) UF Israeli coins [CJ3980] Coins, Cuban (May Subd Geog) NT Pound, Israeli UF Namibian coins UF Cuban coins Coins, Italian (May Subd Geog) UF Italian coins Coins, Nepalese Coins, Cufic (May Subd Geog) NT Tornesello (Coin) USE Coins, Nepali UF Cufic coins Coins, Japanese (May Subd Geog) Kufic coins [CJ3700-CJ3719] Coins, Nepali (May Subd Geog) UF Japanese coins UF Coins, Nepalese [Former heading] Coins, Cypriot (May Subd Geog) Coins, Javanese (May Subd Geog) Nepali coins UF Coins, Cypriote [Former heading] UF Javanese coins Cypriot coins Coins, Jewish Coins, New Zealand (May Subd Geog) USE Jewish coins UF New Zealand coins Coins, Cypriote Coins, Jordanian (May Subd Geog) USE Coins, Cypriot [CJ3891] Coins, Norwegian (May Subd Geog) UF Jordanian coins UF Norwegian coins Coins, Czech (May Subd Geog) Coins, Kazakh (May Subd Geog) UF Czech coins [CJ3487.23] Coins, Omayyad UF Kazakh coins USE Coins, Umayyad Coins, Danish (May Subd Geog) Coins, Khorezmian (May Subd Geog) UF Danish coins UF Chorasmian coins Coins, Oriental (May Subd Geog) Coins, Chorasmian [CJ1301-CJ1397 (Ancient)] Coins, Dutch (May Subd Geog) Coins, Khwarazmian [CJ3370-CJ3893 (Medieval and modern)] UF Dutch coins Coins, Khwarezmian UF Oriental coins NT Gulden (Coin) Coins, Khwarizmian Khorezmian coins Coins, Oscan (May Subd Geog) Coins, Ecuadorian (May Subd Geog) Khwarazmian coins UF Oscan coins UF Ecuadorian coins Khwarezmian coins Khwarizmian coins Coins, Ostrogothic (May Subd Geog) Coins, Egyptian (May Subd Geog) Coins, Khwarazmian UF Ostrogothic coins UF Egyptian coins USE Coins, Khorezmian Coins, Khwarezmian Coins, Pakistani (May Subd Geog) Coins, English (May Subd Geog) USE Coins, Khorezmian UF Pakistani coins UF English coins Coins, Khwarizmian RT Coins, British USE Coins, Khorezmian Coins, Papal (May Subd Geog) NT Maundy coins Coins, Korean (May Subd Geog) [CJ2928.P3] Noble (Coin) [CJ3730-CJ3749] UF Papal coins Penny, English UF Korean coins Coins, Kushan (May Subd Geog) Coins, Paraguayan (May Subd Geog) Coins, Estonian (May Subd Geog) UF Kushan coins UF Paraguayan coins UF Estonian coins Coins, Kuwaiti (May Subd Geog) UF Kuwaiti coins Coins, Parthian (May Subd Geog) Coins, Ethiopian (May Subd Geog) Coins, Latin American (May Subd Geog) UF Parthian coins UF Ethiopian coins UF Latin American coins NT Cob (Coin) Coins, Peruvian (May Subd Geog) Coins, European (May Subd Geog) Coins, Latvian (May Subd Geog) UF Peruvian coins UF European coins [CJ3060-CJ3069] NT Ducat UF Latvian coins Coins, Philippine (May Subd Geog) Florin Coins, Lebanese (May Subd Geog) UF Coins, Filipino UF Lebanese coins Filipino coins Coins, Filipino Coins, Lithuanian (May Subd Geog) Philippine coins USE Coins, Philippine UF Lithuanian coins Coins, Lombard (May Subd Geog) Coins, Phoenician (May Subd Geog) Coins, Finnish (May Subd Geog) [CJ1669] [CJ1379] UF Finnish coins UF Lombard coins UF Phoenician coins Coins, Luxembourg (May Subd Geog) Coins, Foreign (May Subd Geog) [CJ2990-CJ2999] Coins, Polish (May Subd Geog) UF Foreign coins UF Coins, Luxemburg [Former heading] UF Polish coins Luxembourg coins Coins, French (May Subd Geog) Coins, Luxemburg Coins, Portuguese (May Subd Geog) UF French coins USE Coins, Luxembourg UF Portuguese coins NT Coins, Merovingian Coins, Malayan (May Subd Geog) NT Ceitil (Coin) Sou marqué UF Malayan coins Pataca (Coin) Coins, Malaysian (May Subd Geog) Coins, Friesian UF Malaysian coins Coins, Punic (May Subd Geog) USE Coins, Frisian Coins, Mameluke (May Subd Geog) [CJ1381] UF Mameluke coins UF Carthaginian coins Coins, Frisian (May Subd Geog) Coins, Medieval (May Subd Geog) Coins, Carthaginian UF Coins, Friesian [Former heading] [CJ1601-CJ1715] Punic coins Frisian coins UF Medieval coins NT Tremissis Coins, Qajar (May Subd Geog) Coins, Gallic (May Subd Geog) Coins, Merovingian (May Subd Geog) UF Qajar coins UF Gallic coins UF Merovingian coins BT Coins, French Coins, Renaissance (May Subd Geog) Coins, Georgian (Georgian S.S.R.) Coins, Mexican (May Subd Geog) UF Renaissance coins USE Coins, Georgian (South Caucasian) UF Mexican coins NT Tlaco Coins, Roman (May Subd Geog) Coins, Georgian (South Caucasian) (May Subd Geog) [CJ801-CJ1147] UF Coins, Georgian (Georgian S.S.R.) [Former UF Roman coins heading] NT Antoninianus (Coin) Coins, Georgian (Transcaucasian) [Former As (Coin) heading] Denarius (Coin) Georgian coins (South Caucasian) Follis (Coin) Sestertius (Coin) Coins, Georgian (Transcaucasian) Solidus USE Coins, Georgian (South Caucasian) Coins, Romanian (May Subd Geog) Coins, German (May Subd Geog) UF Romanian coins UF German coins NT Groschen (Coin) Coins, Runic (May Subd Geog) Gulden (Coin) UF Runic coins Heller (Coin) Coins, Russian (May Subd Geog) Coins, Greek (May Subd Geog) UF Russian coins UF Greek coins NT Kopeck NT Cistophorus (Coin) Drachma Coins, Sassanid (May Subd Geog) UF Sassanid coins Coins, Guatemalan (May Subd Geog) UF Guatemalan coins Coins, Scandinavian (May Subd Geog) UF Scandinavian coins Coins, Hungarian (May Subd Geog) UF Hungarian coins Coins, Scottish (May Subd Geog) UF Scottish coins Coins, Iberian (May Subd Geog) UF Iberian coins Coins, Seljuk (May Subd Geog) UF Seljuk coins Coins, Indic (May Subd Geog) UF Indic coins Coins, Serbian (May Subd Geog) NT Fanam (Coin) UF Serbian coins Coins, Shaybanid (May Subd Geog) UF Shaybanid coins C-483
Coins, Sikh (May Subd Geog) Coipasa, Salar de (Bolivia and Chile) — — Valuation (May Subd Geog) UF Sikh coins UF Salar de Coipasa (Bolivia) [Former heading] Coke-oven gas Salar de Coipasa (Bolivia and Chile) Coins, Singapore BT Salt pans (Geology)—Bolivia BT Coke-ovens USE Coins, Singaporean Salt pans (Geology)—Chile Combustion gases Coins, Singaporean (May Subd Geog) Coir (May Subd Geog) Coke-ovens (May Subd Geog) UF Coins, Singapore [Former heading] [TS1747.C6 (Manufacture)] [TP336] Singaporean coins BT Coconut products NT Coke-oven gas Plant fibers Coins, Slovak (May Subd Geog) Coke plants (May Subd Geog) UF Slovak coins Coir industry (May Subd Geog) UF By-product coke plants [HD9156.C6-HD9156.C63] BT Coke industry Coins, Sogdian (May Subd Geog) BT Cordage industry UF Sogdian coins Plant fiber industry Cokeley family Rope trade USE Coakley family Coins, South African (May Subd Geog) UF South African coins Coir industry workers (May Subd Geog) Cokely family NT Burgerspond (Coin) [HD8039.C64] USE Coakley family Krugerrand (Coin) UF Coir workers BT Blue collar workers Coker family (Not Subd Geog) Coins, South Asian (May Subd Geog) UF Coaker family UF South Asian coins Coir workers USE Coir industry workers Cokeville Meadows National Wildlife Refuge (Wyo.) Coins, Southeast Asian (May Subd Geog) BT National parks and reserves—Wyoming [CJ3488] Coire Bhreacain, Gulf of (Scotland) Wildlife refuges—Wyoming UF Southeast Asian coins USE Corryvreckan, Gulf of (Scotland) RT Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge (Wyo.) Coins, Soviet (May Subd Geog) Coire Bhreacain Whirlpool (Scotland) Coking UF Soviet coins USE Corryvreckan Whirlpool (Scotland) USE Coal—Carbonization Coins, Spanish (May Subd Geog) Coires Coking coal (May Subd Geog) UF Spanish coins USE Cirques (Glacial landforms) UF Metallurgical coal NT Croat (Coin) BT Bituminous coal Doubloons Coit family (Not Subd Geog) Piece of eight Coit Memorial Tower (San Francisco, Calif.) — Sulfur content (May Subd Geog) UF Coking coal—Sulphur content [Former Coins, Sri Lankan (May Subd Geog) UF Coit Tower (San Francisco, Calif.) heading] UF Coins, Ceylonese [Former heading] BT Towers—California BT Sulfur Sri Lankan coins Coit Tower (San Francisco, Calif.) USE Coit Memorial Tower (San Francisco, Calif.) — Sulphur content Coins, Suevian (May Subd Geog) Coital cephalalgia USE Coking coal—Sulfur content [CJ1664] USE Sexual headache UF Suevian coins Coital cephalgia Cokotheke Sepe (Ohio and Ind.) USE Sexual headache USE Saint Marys River (Ohio and Ind.) Coins, Swedish (May Subd Geog) Coital headache UF Swedish coins USE Sexual headache Cokothekesepoie (Ohio and Ind.) NT Plate money Coitus USE Saint Marys River (Ohio and Ind.) USE Sexual intercourse Coins, Swiss (May Subd Geog) Coitus interruptus (May Subd Geog) Coks family [CJ3240-CJ3269] UF Coitus reservatus USE Cocke family UF Swiss coins Onanism Cokwe (African people) Coins, Thai (May Subd Geog) Withdrawal (Birth control) USE Chokwe (African people) [CJ3600-CJ3619] BT Contraception UF Thai coins Sexual intercourse Cokwe language — Complications (May Subd Geog) USE Chokwe language Coins, Thracian (May Subd Geog) UF Thracian coins UF Coitus interruptus—Complications and Col. Crawford Park (Pa.) sequelae [Former heading] USE Colonel Crawford Park (Pa.) Coins, Tibetan (May Subd Geog) [CJ3510-CJ3519] — Complications and sequelae Col de Canfranc (France and Spain) UF Tibetan coins USE Coitus interruptus—Complications USE Somport Pass (France and Spain) Coins, Tunisian (May Subd Geog) Coitus reservatus Col de la Chipotte, Battle of, France, 1914 [CJ4110] USE Coitus interruptus USE Chipotte, Battle of, France, 1914 UF Tunisian coins Coius datnia Col de Somport (France and Spain) Coins, Turkish (May Subd Geog) USE Acanthopagrus latus USE Somport Pass (France and Spain) UF Turkish coins Coius vactae Col de Tende (France and Italy) Coins, Turkmen (May Subd Geog) USE Giant perch USE Tenda Pass (France and Italy) UF Turkmen coins Coix (May Subd Geog) Col des Nuages (Vietnam) Coins, Ukrainian (May Subd Geog) [QK495.G74] USE Haỉ Vân Pass (Vietnam) UF Ukrainian coins BT Grasses Col di Lana, Battle of, 1916 Coins, Umayyad (May Subd Geog) Cojitambo Mountain (Ecuador) USE Col di Lana, Battle of, Italy, 1916 UF Coins, Omayyad [Former heading] UF Cerro Cojitambo (Ecuador) Omayyad coins Monte Cojitambo (Ecuador) Col di Lana, Battle of, Italy, 1916 Umayyad coins BT Mountains—Ecuador UF Col di Lana, Battle of, 1916 [Former heading] BT World War, 1914-1918—Campaigns—Italy Coins, Uruguayan (May Subd Geog) Cojuangco family (Not Subd Geog) UF Uruguayan coins Cokayne Col di Tenda (France and Italy) USE Tenda Pass (France and Italy) Coins, Vandal (May Subd Geog) USE Cockaigne [CJ1665] Coke (May Subd Geog) Col du Géant (France and Italy) UF Vandal coins USE Géant, Col du (France and Italy) [TP336 (Technology)] Coins, Venezuelan (May Subd Geog) BT Carbon Col du Grand-Saint-Bernard (Italy and Switzerland) UF Venezuelan coins USE Great Saint Bernard Pass (Italy and Coal Switzerland) Coins, Vietnamese (May Subd Geog) RT Carbonization [CJ3590-CJ3599] NT Coal—Carbonization Col du Lukmanier (Switzerland) UF Vietnamese coins USE Lukmanier Pass (Switzerland) Metallurgical coke Coins, Visigothic (May Subd Geog) Petroleum coke Col du Mont Cenis (France) [CJ1661] — Permeability USE Mont Cenis Pass (France) UF Visigothic coins [TP336] Col du Petit-Saint-Bernard (France and Italy) Coins, Zairian — Quenching (May Subd Geog) USE Little Saint Bernard Pass (France and Italy) USE Coins, Congolese (Democratic Republic) Coke (Trademark) USE Coca Cola (Trademark) Col du Saint-Theó dule (Switzerland and Italy) Coins as an investment Coke industry (May Subd Geog) USE Théodule Pass (Switzerland and Italy) BT Investments [HD9559.C68-HD9559.C7] Col du Somport (France and Spain) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) UF Beehive coke industry USE Somport Pass (France and Spain) Coins in art (Not Subd Geog) Coins in literature (Not Subd Geog) By-product coke industry Col du Théodule (Switzerland and Italy) Coins in the Bible BT Coal trade USE Théodule Pass (Switzerland and Italy) NT Coal-tar industry [CJ255] Col·loquis (Literary dialogues) (May Subd Geog) Coinsurance (May Subd Geog) Coke plants Here are entered compositions, often jocose or — By-products BT Insurance satiric, that were first delivered at public gatherings NT Health coinsurance BT Factory and trade waste and later issued as broadsheets and that flourished — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) — Electric equipment (May Subd Geog) mainly in the Valencia region of Spain during the 18th — Equipment and supplies and 19th centuries. BT Insurance law Cointegration (May Subd Geog) [TP336] BT Catalan literature Cola (Fish) BT Econometrics Coinyers family USE Lutjanus purpureus Cola (Genus) (May Subd Geog) USE Conyers family [QK495.S8 (Botany)] BT Sterculiaceae Cola (Indic people) USE Chola (Indic people) C-484
Cola acuminata (May Subd Geog) Colascione music Colchicum autumnale [QK495.S8 (Botany)] Here are entered compositions not in a specific USE Autumn crocus UF Abata kola Cola pseudoacuminata form or of a specific type for solo colascione, and Colclough family (Not Subd Geog) Sterculia acuminata collections of compositions in several forms or types Colcrete NT Kola nuts for solo colascione. USE Colloidal concrete Cola beverages SA headings for forms and types of music that Cold USE Cola drinks include \"colascione\" or \"colasciones\" and headings with medium of performance that RT Heat Col̄ a̲ Country (India) include \"colascione\" or \"colasciones\" Low temperatures USE Coromandel Coast (India) Temperature Colasposoma (May Subd Geog) Cola drinks (May Subd Geog) [QL596.C5] SA subdivision Cold weather conditions under UF Cola beverages BT Chrysomelidae types of installations, construction activities, Colas (Beverages) or technical processes; and subdivision Cold Kola drinks Col̄ a̲ vamicam, 850-1279 weather operation under types of machinery Kolas (Beverages) USE Choḷa dynasty, 850-1279 or vehicles BT Soft drinks NT Coca Cola (Trademark) Colavita family (Not Subd Geog) NT Cold waves (Meteorology) Colbanke family Cryobiology Col̄ ̣a dynasty, 850-1279 USE Cholạ dynasty, 850-1279 USE Colebank family — Physiological effect (May Subd Geog) Colbath family [QP82.2.C6] Cōl̲a Naṭu (India) UF Cold stress (Biology) USE Coromandel Coast (India) USE Culbreth family BT Cryobiology Colbee family SA subdivision Effect of cold on under Cola nitida individual animals and groups of USE Kola tree USE Colby family animals, e.g. Fishes--Effect of cold on Colbert Castle (Maulev́ rier, Maine-et-Loire, France) NT Chilblains Cola-nut Cold adaptation USE Kola nuts USE Château Colbert (Maulev́ rier, Maine-et-Loire, Frostbite France) Hypothermia Cola nuts Plants—Effect of cold on USE Kola nuts Colbert family (Not Subd Geog) Respiration—Effect of cold on Colbertson family COLA Project — Therapeutic use (May Subd Geog) UF Cooperation in Library Automation USE Culbertson family [RM863] BT Library information networks—England Colbey family UF Crymotherapy Cryotherapy Cola pseudoacuminata USE Colby family Hypothermia, Induced—Therapeutic use USE Cola acuminata Colborn family Hypothermia therapy SA subdivision Cryotherapy under individual Cola vera USE Coburn family diseases and types of diseases, e.g. USE Kola tree Colborne family Cancer--Cryotherapy NT Cryosurgery Colac Bay (N.Z. : Bay) USE Coburn family USE Colac Bay/Ōraka (N.Z. : Bay) Colbourn family COLD (Computer output laser disks) USE Computer output optical disks Colac Bay/Ōraka (N.Z. : Bay) USE Coburn family UF Colac Bay (N.Z. : Bay) Colbourne family Cold (Disease) (May Subd Geog) Kolacs Bay (N.Z. : Bay) [RF361] Or̄ aka (N.Z. : Bay) USE Coburn family UF Common cold BT Bays—New Zealand Colbraith family Coryza BT Picornavirus infections Colac dialect USE Culbreth family Respiratory infections USE Kolakngat dialect Colbreath family — Homeopathic treatment (May Subd Geog) Colachon USE Culbreth family [RX326.C7] USE Colascione Colbrunn family (Not Subd Geog) — Prevention Colaço family (Not Subd Geog) UF Kohlbrunn family UF Cold prevention (Medicine) Coladaque Creek (Pa.) Colburn family — Psychosomatic aspects (May Subd Geog) USE Catasauqua Creek (Pa.) USE Coburn family Cold (Disease) in children (May Subd Geog) Colae (Extinct city) Colburn House (Pittston, Me.) BT Pediatric otolaryngology USE Golgoi (Extinct city) USE Major Reuben Colburn House (Pittston, Me.) Respiratory infections in children Colair Lake (India) Colbus family (Not Subd Geog) Virus diseases in children Colby, Lake (Fla.) USE Kolleru Lake (India) Cold (Disease) in infants (May Subd Geog) Colalius UF Lake Colby (Fla.) BT Infants—Diseases BT Lakes—Florida USE Ochthebius Colby, Operation, 1967 Cold adaptation (May Subd Geog) Col̄ ̲amaṇtạ lam (India) USE Operation Colby, 1967 UF Adaptation to cold Colby family (Not Subd Geog) BT Acclimatization USE Coromandel Coast (India) UF Colbee family Adaptation (Biology) Colapa Atoll (Micronesia) Cold—Physiological effect Colbey family USE Pulap Atoll (Micronesia) Coleby family Cold agglutinin syndrome (May Subd Geog) Colaptes (May Subd Geog) Colby Mammoth Site (Wyo.) [RC647.C6] UF Colby Site (Wyo.) BT Agglutinins [QL696.P56 (Zoology)] BT Indians of North Blood—Diseases UF Flickers (Birds) America—Wyoming—Antiquities BT Picidae Colby Site (Wyo.) Cold Air Cave (South Africa) USE Colby Mammoth Site (Wyo.) BT Caves—South Africa Woodpeckers Colca Canyon (Peru) NT Colaptes auratus UF Cañón Colca (Peru) Cold Bath Fields Riot, London, England, 1833 Colaptes auratus (May Subd Geog) BT Canyons—Peru USE Clerkenwell Riot, London, England, 1833 [QL696.P56] Colca River (Arequipa, Peru) UF Common flicker UF Colca River (Arequipa, Peru : Dept.) [Former Cold Bay (Alaska : Bay) heading] UF Frozen Bay (Alaska) Flicker, Common Río Colca (Arequipa, Peru) Morlofski Bay (Alaska) Northern flicker BT Rivers—Peru Morozofskoi Bay (Alaska) BT Colaptes Colca River (Arequipa, Peru : Dept.) BT Bays—Alaska Colas (Beverages) USE Colca River (Arequipa, Peru) USE Cola drinks Colca River Valley (Arequipa, Peru) Cold-blooded animals (May Subd Geog) COLAs (Economics) UF Colca Valley (Arequipa, Peru) UF Ectothermic animals USE subdivision Cost-of-living adjustments under BT Valleys—Peru Ectotherms subjects, e.g. Wages--Cost-of-living Colca Valley (Arequipa, Peru) Heterotherms adjustments; also subdivision Salaries, etc.-- USE Colca River Valley (Arequipa, Peru) Poecilotherms Cost-of-living adjustments under Colchester (England) Poikilothermic animals professional or public employees; and — History Poikilotherms [Former heading] subdivision Pensions--Cost-of-living — — Siege, 1648 BT Animals adjustments under classes of persons Colascione (May Subd Geog) BT Great Britain—History—Civil War, Cold Bokkeveld (South Africa) UF Calachon 1642-1649—Campaigns USE Koue Bokkeveld (South Africa : Plateau) Calascione Sieges—England Calchedon Cold Brook Lake Recreation Area (S.D.) Callichone Colchicine (May Subd Geog) BT Recreation areas—South Dakota Colachon BT Alkaloids Galizona Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents Cold calling (Selling) Gallichone USE Telephone selling Gallizona Colchicum (May Subd Geog) Mandora [QK495.L72 (Botany)] Cold calls (Selling) Mandorlauten BT Liliaceae USE Telephone selling BT Lute NT Autumn crocus C-485
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