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Home Explore LCSH-อักษร C part1

LCSH-อักษร C part1

Published by Naresuan University Archive, 2019-02-20 03:15:55

Description: Library of Congress Subject Heading
40th Edition
อักษร C p1-485

Keywords: LCSH


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Canada — — 1763-1867 Canada Day — History  (Continued) — — 1775-1783 UF Dominion Day (Canada) [Former heading] — — 1763-1867 — — 1791-1841 BT Canada—Anniversaries, etc. UF Canada, Eastern—History—To 1867 — — 19th century   Holidays—Canada — — 1775-1783 — — 1837-1838 UF Québec (Province)—History—To 1791 Canã da de la Cruz, Battle of, Argentina, 1820 — — 1791-1841 UF Queb́ ec (Province)—Politics and UF Canã da de la Cruz (Argentina), Battle of, 1820 — — 19th century   government—1837-1838   [Former heading] — — — Juvenile literature BT Argentina—History—1817-1860 — — War of 1812 — — 1838-1841 USE United States—History—War of 1812 — — 1841-1867 Canã da de la Cruz (Argentina), Battle of, 1820 — — Rebellion, 1837-1838 — — 1867-1914 USE Canã da de la Cruz, Battle of, Argentina, 1820 UF Papineau Rebellion, Canada, 1837- — — 1867-   1838 — — 20th century Cañada de la Virgen Site (Mexico)   Patriot War, Canada, 1837-1842 — — 1914-1945 BT Mexico—Antiquities   Québec — — 1914-   (Province)—History—Rebellion, — — 1945-1980 Cañada de las Milpas (N.M.)   1837-1838 USE Las Milpas Valley (N.M.) — — — Campaigns  (Not Subd Geog) NT Gouzenko Affair, Canada, 1945-1946 NT Navy Island Campaign, 1837-1838   Munsinger Affair, Canada, 1966 Cañada de San Benito (Calif.)   Saint Charles, Battle of, Saint- USE San Juan Valley (San Benito County and Santa   Charles-sur-Richelieu, Québec, — — 1945-   Clara County, Calif.)   1837 — — 1980-   Saint-Denis, Battle of, Saint-Denis, Canada de Santa Fe (N.M.)   Saint-Hyacinthe, Queb́ ec, 1837 NT Somalia Affair, 1992-1997 USE Santa Fe River (N.M.)   Saint-Eustache, Battle of, Saint- — Provinces   Eustache, Queb́ ec, 1837 Canã da del Oro (Ariz.)   Toronto (Ont.)—History—Siege, USE Canadian provinces USE Oro, Canã da del (Ariz.)   1837 — Public buildings   Windmill, Battle of the, Ont., 1838 Canada deuterium uranium reactors — — 1841-1867 USE Public buildings—Canada USE CANDU reactors — — — Juvenile literature — Social conditions — — Pig War, 1859 — — To 1763 Canã da El Carmen, Battle of, Paraguay, 1934 USE Pig War, Wash., 1859 — — 19th century USE El Carmen, Battle of, Paraguay, 1934 — — Fenian Invasions, 1866-1870 — — 1945- UF Fenian Invasions of Canada, 1866-1870 — — 1971-1991 Canã da Esperanza, Battle of, Paraguay, 1934 NT Fenians — — 1991- USE Strongest, Battle of, Paraguay, 1934   Ridgeway, Battle of, Ridgeway, Ont., — Social life and customs   1866 — — 1945- Canada family — — 1867-1914 USE Kennedy family [F1033] [F1021.2] — — 1867- — Statistical services Canada fleabane — — Confederation, 1867 USE Canadian horseweed [F1032] NT CANSIM (Information retrieval system) UF Confederation of Canada, 1867 — Study and teaching  (May Subd Geog) Canada Friesian cattle RT Fathers of Confederation (Canada) USE Holstein-Friesian cattle — — Rebellion, 1869-1870 [F1025] USE Red River Rebellion, 1869-1870 UF Canadian studies [Former heading] Canada Games — — Rebellion, 1885 — Surveys — Rules USE Riel Rebellion, 1885 — Symbolic representation — — 1914-1945 NT Maple leaf (Emblem) Canada garlic — — — Sources Canada, Eastern USE Meadow garlic — — 1945- Here are entered works dealing collectively with NT Canadian Spy Trials, Canada, 1946 the area represented by the Atlantic Provinces, Canada goose  (May Subd Geog) — In mass media Ontario, and Queb́ ec Province. [QL696.A52] UF Canada in mass media [Former heading] UF Branta canadensis — In motion pictures UF Eastern Canada   Canadian goose UF Canada in motion pictures [Former — History BT Branta   heading] — — To 1867 — Intellectual life Canada goose, Aleutian — — 20th century USE Canada—History—To 1763 (New USE Cackling goose — Languages   France) NT American Sign Language   Canada—History—1763-1867 Canada goose, Baffin   Cree language USE Cackling goose   Inuit language — Languages   Inuktitut dialect NT Abenaki language Canada goose, Lesser   Michif language   Algonquin language USE Cackling goose   Ojibwa language   Iroquoian languages   Pennsylvania German dialect Canada goose, Richardson   Quebec Sign Language Canada, Northern USE Cackling goose   Signed English Here are entered works on the part of Canada that   Tinne languages Canada goose hunting — Lieutenant-governors lies north of the fifty-fifth parallel. USE Canada goose shooting USE Lieutenant governors—Canada — Literatures UF Arctic, Canadian Canada goose shooting  (May Subd Geog) NT Algonquian literature   Canadian Arctic UF Canada goose hunting   Canadian literature   Northern Canada BT Goose shooting   Canadian literature (Spanish)   Cree literature BT Arctic regions Canada grouse   Dakota literature — Languages USE Spruce grouse   French-Canadian literature   Haida literature NT Gwich'in language Canada hedgeparsley   Inuit literature Canada, Western USE Torilis arvensis   Inuktitut literature   Iroquois literature Here are entered works dealing collectively with Canada hemlock   Ojibwa literature British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and USE Eastern hemlock — Officials and employees Manitoba. NT Indian agents Canada Highway 1 — On postage stamps UF Canadian Northwest USE Trans-Canada Highway — Politics and government   West (Canada) — — To 1763   Western Canada Canada Highway 93 (Alta. and B.C.) — — 1763-1791 USE Highway 93 (Alta. and B.C.) RT Northwest, Canadian NT Canadian Cordillera Canada Highway 95 (B.C.) USE Highway 95 (B.C.)   Prairie Provinces — Languages Canada in mass media USE Canada—In mass media NT Na-Dene languages Canada. Royal Canadian Air Force Canada in motion pictures USE Canada—In motion pictures — Medals, badges, decorations, etc. (Not Subd Geog) Canada jay USE Gray jay Canada, Order of USE Order of Canada Canada lynx USE Lynx Canada Basin UF Canadian Basin Canada porcupine BT Submarine topography—Arctic Ocean USE North American porcupine Canada Bay (N.L.) Canã da Real de la Plata (Spain) UF Canada Bay (Nfld.) [Former heading] USE Viá de la Plata (Spain) BT Bays—Newfoundland and Labrador Canã da Real Leonesa (Spain) Canada Bay (Nfld.) UF Leonesa, Cañada Real (Spain) USE Canada Bay (N.L.)   Real Leonesa, Cañada (Spain) BT Cattle trails—Spain Canada bluejoint USE Bluejoint reedgrass Canada reed grass USE Bluejoint reedgrass Cañada Strongest, Battle of, Paraguay, 1934 USE Strongest, Battle of, Paraguay, 1934 Canada thistle  (May Subd Geog) [QK495.C74 (Botany)] [SB615.C4 (Weed)] UF Cirsium arvense [Former heading] BT Cirsium C-50

Canada-United States Border Region Canadian Archipelago (Nunavut and N.W.T.) Canadian crane USE Canadian-American Border Region USE Arctic Archipelago (Nunavut and N.W.T.) USE Sandhill crane Canada warbler  (May Subd Geog) Canadian Arctic Canadian creative nonfiction UF Muscicapa canadensis USE Canada, Northern USE Creative nonfiction, Canadian   Wilsonia canadensis BT Wilsonia Canadian Arctic Archipelago (Nunavut and N.W.T.) Canadian Curling Championship USE Arctic Archipelago (Nunavut and N.W.T.) UF Brier, The (Curling) Canadair Challenger (Jet transport)  (Not Subd Geog) BT Curling—Tournaments—Canada [TL686.C] Canadian Arctic Islands (Nunavut and N.W.T.) UF Challenger (Jet transport) USE Arctic Archipelago (Nunavut and N.W.T.) Canadian deaf, Writings of the BT Jet transports USE Deaf, Writings of the, Canadian Canadian art Canadair CL-44 (Transport plane)  (Not Subd Geog) USE Art, Canadian Canadian detective plays UF Canadair Forty Four (Transport plane) USE Detective and mystery plays, Canadian   CL-44 (Transport plane) Canadian art pottery BT Transport planes USE Art pottery, Canadian Canadian detective stories USE Detective and mystery stories, Canadian Canadair CL-44-6 (Transport plane) Canadian arts USE Yukon (Transport plane) USE Arts, Canadian Canadian diaries  (May Subd Geog) UF Canadian diaries (English) Canadair DC-4M (Transport plane)  (Not Subd Geog) Canadian atlases BT Canadian literature [TL686.C] USE Atlases—Canada UF Canadair North Star (Transport plane) Canadian diaries (English)   North Star (Transport plane) Canadian authors USE Canadian diaries BT Transport planes USE Authors, Canadian Canadian diaries (French) Canadair Forty Four (Transport plane) Canadian autobiographical drama USE French-Canadian diaries USE Canadair CL-44 (Transport plane) USE Autobiographical drama, Canadian Canadian didactic fiction Canadair North Star (Transport plane) Canadian autobiographical fiction USE Didactic fiction, Canadian USE Canadair DC-4M (Transport plane) USE Autobiographical fiction, Canadian Canadian diplomatic and consular service Canadarago Lake (N.Y.) Canadian banks and banking USE Diplomatic and consular service, Canadian UF Candajarago Lake (N.Y.) USE Banks and banking, Canadian   Caniadaraga Lake (N.Y.) Canadian dollar   Schuyler Lake (N.Y. : Lake) Canadian baseball stories USE Dollar, Canadian   Schuyler's Lake (N.Y. : Lake) USE Baseball stories, Canadian BT Lakes—New York (State) Canadian domestic fiction Canadian Basin USE Domestic fiction, Canadian Canã das (Canary Islands : Caldera) USE Canada Basin USE Cañadas del Teide (Canary Islands) Canadian drama  (May Subd Geog) Canadian Battle of Ypres, Belgium, 1916 UF Canadian drama (English) Cañadas del Teide (Canary Islands) USE Mount Sorrel, Battle of, Belgium, 1916 BT Canadian literature UF Caldera de las Cañadas (Canary Islands) NT Autobiographical drama, Canadian   Cañadas (Canary Islands : Caldera) Canadian Bible plays   Bible plays, Canadian   Cañadas del Teide (Tenerife, Canary Islands) USE Bible plays, Canadian   Children's plays, Canadian   [Former heading]   Christian drama, Canadian   Circo de las Cañadas (Canary Islands) Canadian Bildungsromans   Christmas plays, Canadian   Las Cañadas (Canary Islands : Caldera) USE Bildungsromans, Canadian   College and school drama, Canadian   Teide, Cañadas del (Canary Islands)   Detective and mystery plays, Canadian BT Calderas—Canary Islands Canadian bisexuals' writings   Erotic drama, Canadian USE Bisexuals' writings, Canadian   Fantasy drama, Canadian Cañadas del Teide (Tenerife, Canary Islands)   Historical drama, Canadian USE Cañadas del Teide (Canary Islands) Canadian block printing   Motion picture plays, Canadian USE Block printing, Canadian   One-act plays, Canadian Canaday family   Political plays, Canadian USE Kennedy family Canadian bookplates   Puppet plays, Canadian USE Bookplates, Canadian   Radio plays, Canadian Canadey family   Television plays, Canadian USE Kennedy family Canadian breast cancer patients' writings   Young adult drama, Canadian USE Breast cancer patients' writings, Canadian Canadian (Express train) — 20th century BT Express trains—Canada Canadian bronze sculpture — Indian authors USE Bronze sculpture, Canadian Canadian Academic English Language Assessment UF Indian drama (Canadian) UF CAEL (Canadian Academic English Language Canadian bulimia patients' writings Canadian drama (English)   Assessment) USE Bulimia patients' writings, Canadian   CAEL Assessment USE Canadian drama BT English language—Examinations Canadian ceramic sculpture Canadian drama (French) USE Ceramic sculpture, Canadian Canadian adventure stories USE French-Canadian drama USE Adventure stories, Canadian Canadian children's literature Canadian drama (Spanish)  (May Subd Geog) USE Children's literature, Canadian Canadian aesthetics [PQ7073 (History)] USE Aesthetics, Canadian Canadian children's plays [PQ7078 (Collections)] USE Children's plays, Canadian UF Spanish drama—Canada Canadian agricultural assistance BT Canadian literature (Spanish) USE Agricultural assistance, Canadian Canadian children's poetry NT Political plays, Canadian (Spanish) USE Children's poetry, Canadian Canadian dramatists Canadian almanacs USE Dramatists, Canadian USE Almanacs, Canadian Canadian children's stories Canadian drawing USE Children's stories, Canadian USE Drawing, Canadian Canadian alternative histories (Fiction) Canadian economic assistance USE Alternative histories (Fiction), Canadian Canadian children's writings USE Economic assistance, Canadian USE Children's writings, Canadian Canadian economic sanctions Canadian-American Border Region USE Economic sanctions, Canadian Here are entered works on those areas of the Canadian Christian drama Canadian educational assistance USE Christian drama, Canadian USE Educational assistance, Canadian United States and Canada adjacent to their common Canadian engraving border. Canadian Christian literature USE Engraving, Canadian USE Christian literature, Canadian Canadian erotic drama UF American-Canadian Border Region USE Erotic drama, Canadian   Border Region, American-Canadian Canadian Christian poetry Canadian erotic literature   Border Region, Canadian-American USE Christian poetry, Canadian USE Erotic literature, Canadian   Borderlands (Canada and U.S.) Canadian erotic poetry   Canada-United States Border Region Canadian Christmas plays USE Erotic poetry, Canadian   U.S.-Canada Border Region USE Christmas plays, Canadian Canadian erotic stories   United States-Canada Border Region USE Erotic stories, Canadian Canadian Christmas stories Canadian essays  (May Subd Geog) BT Borderlands—Canada USE Christmas stories, Canadian [PR9197.7 (Collections)]   Borderlands—United States UF Canadian essays (English) Canadian civics BT Canadian literature Canadian Americans  (May Subd Geog) USE Civics, Canadian Canadian essays (English) [E184.C2] USE Canadian essays UF Canadian Americans—United States Canadian clubs Canadian essays (French) BT Canadians—United States BT Clubs USE French-Canadian essays   Ethnology—United States Canadian etching NT Franco-Americans Canadian coins USE Etching, Canadian USE Coins, Canadian — United States USE Canadian Americans Canadian collage USE Collage, Canadian Canadian anonyms and pseudonyms USE Anonyms and pseudonyms, Canadian Canadian college and school drama USE College and school drama, Canadian Canadian anorexia nervosa patients' writings USE Anorexia nervosa patients' writings, Canadian Canadian college students' writings USE College students' writings, Canadian Canadian anti-war poetry USE Anti-war poetry, Canadian Canadian college verse USE College verse, Canadian Canadian concrete poetry USE Concrete poetry, Canadian Canadian cooking USE Cooking, Canadian Canadian Cordillera BT Canada, Western   North American Cordillera Canadian corporations USE Corporations, Canadian C-51

Canadian exchange of persons programs Canadian gays' writings Canadian letters  (May Subd Geog) USE Exchange of persons programs, Canadian USE Gays' writings, Canadian UF Canadian letters (English) BT Canadian literature Canadian exiles' writings Canadian ghazals USE Exiles' writings, Canadian USE Ghazals, Canadian Canadian letters (English) USE Canadian letters Canadian experimental fiction Canadian ghost stories USE Experimental fiction, Canadian USE Ghost stories, Canadian Canadian letters (French) USE French-Canadian letters Canadian experimental poetry Canadian goose USE Experimental poetry, Canadian USE Canada goose Canadian literature  (May Subd Geog) UF Canadian literature (English) Canadian fables Canadian haibun   English literature—Canada USE Fables, Canadian USE Haibun, Canadian BT Canada—Literatures NT Anorexia nervosa patients' writings, Canadian Canadian fantasy drama Canadian haiku   Bisexuals' writings, Canadian USE Fantasy drama, Canadian USE Haiku, Canadian   Breast cancer patients' writings, Canadian   Bulimia patients' writings, Canadian Canadian fantasy fiction Canadian hemlock   Canadian diaries USE Fantasy fiction, Canadian USE Eastern hemlock   Canadian drama   Canadian essays Canadian feminist fiction Canadian Heritage Rivers System   Canadian fiction USE Feminist fiction, Canadian BT Rivers—Canada   Canadian letters   Canadian poetry Canadian feminist poetry Canadian high school students' writings   Canadian prose literature USE Feminist poetry, Canadian USE High school students' writings, Canadian   Canadian wit and humor   Children's literature, Canadian Canadian fiction  (May Subd Geog) Canadian historical drama   Children's writings, Canadian UF Canadian fiction (English) USE Historical drama, Canadian   Christian literature, Canadian BT Canadian literature   College students' writings, Canadian NT Adventure stories, Canadian Canadian historical fiction   Deaf, Writings of the, Canadian   Alternative histories (Fiction), Canadian USE Historical fiction, Canadian   Erotic literature, Canadian   Autobiographical fiction, Canadian   Exiles' writings, Canadian   Baseball stories, Canadian Canadian historical prints   Gay men's writings, Canadian   Bildungsromans, Canadian USE Historical prints, Canadian   Gays' writings, Canadian   Children's stories, Canadian   High school students' writings, Canadian   Christmas stories, Canadian Canadian hockey stories   Immigrants' writings, Canadian   Detective and mystery stories, Canadian USE Hockey stories, Canadian   Lesbians' writings, Canadian   Didactic fiction, Canadian   Mentally ill, Writings of the, Canadian   Domestic fiction, Canadian Canadian Holocaust Monument (Ottawa, Ont.)   New literates' writings, Canadian   Erotic stories, Canadian USE National Holocaust Monument (Ottawa, Ont.)   Newspaper carriers' writings, Canadian   Experimental fiction, Canadian   Nurses' writings, Canadian   Fantasy fiction, Canadian Canadian horror poetry   Older people's writings, Canadian   Feminist fiction, Canadian USE Horror poetry, Canadian   People with disabilities, Writings of, Canadian   Ghost stories, Canadian   Political prisoners' writings, Canadian   Historical fiction, Canadian Canadian horror tales   Prisoners' writings, Canadian   Hockey stories, Canadian USE Horror tales, Canadian   Protest literature, Canadian   Horror tales, Canadian   Pulp literature, Canadian   Humorous stories, Canadian Canadian horse  (May Subd Geog)   Sexual minorities' writings, Canadian   Lesbian erotic stories, Canadian UF Cheval canadien   Soldiers' writings, Canadian   Medical fiction, Canadian   French Canadian horse   Teachers' writings, Canadian   Nature stories, Canadian BT Horse breeds   Teenagers' writings, Canadian   Noir fiction, Canadian   Transgender people's writings, Canadian   Paranormal fiction, Canadian Canadian horseweed  (May Subd Geog)   Travelers' writings, Canadian   Political fiction, Canadian [QK495.C74 (Botany)]   Working class writings, Canadian   Psychological fiction, Canadian UF Canada fleabane   Young adult literature, Canadian   Religious fiction, Canadian   Canadian fleabane   Youths' writings, Canadian   Romance fiction, Canadian   Conyza canadensis   Science fiction, Canadian   Erigeron canadensis — Caribbean authors   Sea stories, Canadian   Fleabane, Canadian UF Caribbean literature (Canadian)   Short stories, Canadian   Fleabane, Horseweed   Speculative fiction, Canadian   Horseweed (Species) — Dutch authors   Sports stories, Canadian   Horseweed fleabane UF Dutch literature (Canadian)   Spy stories, Canadian   Mare's tail (Plant)   Steampunk fiction, Canadian BT Conyza — Eskimo authors   Suspense fiction, Canadian USE Canadian literature—Inuit authors   War stories, Canadian Canadian humanitarian assistance   Western stories, Canadian USE Humanitarian assistance, Canadian — Hungarian authors   Young adult fiction, Canadian UF Hungarian literature (Canadian) Canadian humorists — 20th century USE Humorists, Canadian — Indian authors — Indian authors UF Indian literature (Canadian) Canadian humorous poetry UF Indian fiction (Canadian) USE Humorous poetry, Canadian — Inuit authors Canadian fiction (English) Here are entered works of literature in English Canadian humorous stories USE Canadian fiction USE Humorous stories, Canadian by Inuit authors from Canada. Works of Inuit- Canadian fiction (French) language literature from Canada are entered under Canadian idealism Inuit literature--Canada. USE French-Canadian fiction USE Idealism, Canadian Canadian figurative art UF Canadian literature—Eskimo authors Canadian imagist poetry   [Former heading] USE Figurative art, Canadian USE Imagist poetry, Canadian   Inuit literature (Canadian) Canadian Film Awards Canadian immigrants' writings — Met́ is authors USE Genie Awards USE Immigrants' writings, Canadian UF Métis literature (English) Canadian flash fiction Canadian Industry in 1871 (Information retrieval system) — Slovene authors USE Flash fiction, Canadian USE CANIND71 (Information retrieval system) USE Canadian literature—Slovenian authors Canadian fleabane Canadian ink painting — Slovenian authors USE Canadian horseweed USE Ink painting, Canadian UF Canadian literature—Slovene authors Canadian folk poetry   [Former heading] Canadian intelligence test   Slovenian literature (Canadian) USE Folk poetry, Canadian BT Intelligence tests Canadian food relief Canadian literature (English) Canadian International Championship Stakes USE Canadian literature USE Food relief, Canadian BT Horse racing—Ontario Canadian football  (May Subd Geog) Canadian literature (French) Canadian Invasion, 1775-1776 USE French-Canadian literature [GV948] [E231] BT Football UF Québec Campaign, 1775-1776 Canadian literature (Inuit) — Awards  (May Subd Geog) BT Canada—History—1763-1791 USE Inuit literature—Canada   United States—History—Revolution, 1775- NT Grey Cup   1783—Campaigns Canadian literature (Spanish)  (May Subd Geog) — Coaching  (May Subd Geog) [PQ7070 (History)] Canadian investments [PQ7075 (Collections)] BT Coaching (Athletics) USE Investments, Canadian UF Spanish literature—Canada — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) BT Canada—Literatures Canadian foreign workers Canadian Jewish religious poetry USE Foreign workers, Canadian USE Jewish religious poetry, Canadian Canadian gay men's writings USE Gay men's writings, Canadian Canadian Jews USE Jews, Canadian Canadian landscape painting USE Landscape painting, Canadian Canadian landscape prints USE Landscape prints, Canadian Canadian lesbian erotic poetry USE Lesbian erotic poetry, Canadian Canadian lesbian erotic stories USE Lesbian erotic stories, Canadian Canadian lesbians' writings USE Lesbians' writings, Canadian C-52

  Spanish literature Canadian Open Golf Championship Tournament, Canadian political fiction NT Canadian drama (Spanish) Winnipeg, 1952 USE Political fiction, Canadian Canadian lithography USE Canadian Open Golf Championship USE Lithography, Canadian Canadian political plays Canadian love poetry Canadian orations USE Political plays, Canadian USE Love poetry, Canadian USE Speeches, addresses, etc., Canadian Canadian lynx Canadian political plays (Spanish) USE Lynx Canadian otter USE Political plays, Canadian (Spanish) Canadian manuscripts USE North American river otter USE Manuscripts, Canadian Canadian political poetry Canadian MARC Canadian painting USE Political poetry, Canadian USE MARC formats—Canada USE Painting, Canadian Canadian Maritimes Canadian political prisoners' writings USE Maritime Provinces Canadian paleography USE Political prisoners' writings, Canadian Canadian medical fiction USE Paleography, Canadian USE Medical fiction, Canadian Canadian political satire Canadian mentally ill, Writings of the Canadian paranormal fiction USE Political satire, Canadian USE Mentally ill, Writings of the, Canadian USE Paranormal fiction, Canadian Canadian metal sculpture Canadian porcelain USE Metal sculpture, Canadian Canadian pastel drawing USE Porcelain, Canadian Canadian military assistance USE Pastel drawing, Canadian USE Military assistance, Canadian Canadian portrait painting Canadian Mineral Occurrence Index (Information Canadian peace-building USE Portrait painting, Canadian retrieval system) USE Peace-building, Canadian USE CANMINDEX (Information retrieval system) Canadian posters Canadian missions Canadian peacekeeping forces USE Posters, Canadian USE Missions, Canadian USE Peacekeeping forces, Canadian Canadian monologues Canadian pottery USE Monologues, Canadian Canadian people with disabilities, Writings of USE Pottery, Canadian Canadian motion picture plays USE People with disabilities, Writings of, Canadian USE Motion picture plays, Canadian Canadian prints Canadian motion pictures Canadian periodicals  (May Subd Geog) USE Prints, Canadian USE Motion pictures, Canadian [PN4901-PN4920 (History)] Canadian mural painting and decoration BT Periodicals Canadian prisoners' writings USE Mural painting and decoration, Canadian NT Women's periodicals, Canadian USE Prisoners' writings, Canadian Canadian mystery plays USE Detective and mystery plays, Canadian — Foreign language press Canadian propaganda Canadian mystery stories UF Foreign language periodicals, Canadian USE Propaganda, Canadian USE Detective and mystery stories, Canadian BT Ethnic press—Canada Canadian narrative poetry Canadian prose literature  (May Subd Geog) USE Narrative poetry, Canadian Canadian philosophy UF Canadian prose literature (English) Canadian national characteristics USE Philosophy, Canadian BT Canadian literature USE National characteristics, Canadian NT Creative nonfiction, Canadian Canadian National Vimy Memorial (Pas-de-Calais, Canadian plaice   Haibun, Canadian France) USE American plaice   Prose poems, Canadian USE Monument commémoratif du Canada à Vimy Canadian poetry  (May Subd Geog) — Indian authors   (Pas-de-Calais, France) UF Canadian poetry (English) UF Indian prose literature (Canadian) Canadian nature stories BT Canadian literature NT Anti-war poetry, Canadian — Women authors USE Nature stories, Canadian   Children's poetry, Canadian Canadian prose literature (English) Canadian new literates' writings   Christian poetry, Canadian   College verse, Canadian USE Canadian prose literature USE New literates' writings, Canadian   Concrete poetry, Canadian Canadian prose literature (French) Canadian newspaper carriers' writings   Erotic poetry, Canadian   Experimental poetry, Canadian USE French-Canadian prose literature USE Newspaper carriers' writings, Canadian   Feminist poetry, Canadian Canadian prose poems Canadian newspapers  (May Subd Geog)   Folk poetry, Canadian   Ghazals, Canadian USE Prose poems, Canadian [PN4901-PN4919 (History)]   Haiku, Canadian Canadian protest literature BT Newspapers   Horror poetry, Canadian — Circulation   Humorous poetry, Canadian USE Protest literature, Canadian — Foreign language press   Imagist poetry, Canadian Canadian provinces   Jewish religious poetry, Canadian UF Foreign language newspapers, Canadian   Lesbian erotic poetry, Canadian Here are entered works discussing all of the BT Ethnic press—Canada   Love poetry, Canadian provinces of Canada individually or comparatively. — Objectivity  (May Subd Geog)   Narrative poetry, Canadian BT Objectivity   Nonsense verses, Canadian UF Canada—Provinces — Ownership  (May Subd Geog)   Nursery rhymes, Canadian   Provinces of Canada — Sections, columns, etc.   Political poetry, Canadian — — Finance   Prose poems, Canadian BT Canada—Administrative and political divisions   Religious poetry, Canadian SA subdivision Canada--Provinces under topics BT Journalism, Commercial   Revolutionary poetry, Canadian — Appropriations and expenditures  (Not Subd Geog) — — Front pages   Rondels, Canadian — Economic conditions  (Not Subd Geog)   School verse, Canadian — Officials and employees UF Front pages of Canadian newspapers   Science fiction poetry, Canadian Canadian noir fiction   Sea poetry, Canadian NT Premiers (Canada)   Senryu, Canadian Canadian psychological fiction USE Noir fiction, Canadian   Sonnets, Canadian Canadian nonsense verses   Verse satire, Canadian USE Psychological fiction, Canadian   Visual poetry, Canadian Canadian public sculpture USE Nonsense verses, Canadian   Waka, Canadian Canadian Northwest   War poetry, Canadian USE Public sculpture, Canadian   Young adult poetry, Canadian Canadian pulp literature USE Canada, Western   Zen poetry, Canadian   Northwest, Canadian USE Pulp literature, Canadian — 19th century Canadian puppet plays Canadian novelists RT Confederation (Group of poets) USE Novelists, Canadian USE Puppet plays, Canadian — 20th century Canadian radio plays Canadian nursery rhymes — Armenian authors USE Nursery rhymes, Canadian USE Radio plays, Canadian UF Armenian poetry (Canadian) Canadian reedgrass Canadian nurses' writings — Asian authors USE Nurses' writings, Canadian USE Bluejoint reedgrass UF Asian poetry (Canadian) Canadian Registered Nurse Examination Canadian older people's writings   Oriental poetry (Canadian) USE Older people's writings, Canadian (May Subd Geog) — Indian authors UF Canadian RN Exam Canadian one-act plays [PR1995.35.I53 (Collections)]   CRNE (Examination) USE One-act plays, Canadian UF Indian poetry (Canadian) BT Nursing—Examinations Canadian Online Enquiry (Information retrieval system) — Women authors Canadian religious fiction USE CAN/OLE (Information retrieval system) [PR9188 (History)] USE Religious fiction, Canadian [PR9195.3 (Collections)] Canadian Open Golf Championship Canadian religious poetry UF Canadian Open Golf Championship Canadian poetry (English) USE Religious poetry, Canadian   Tournament, Winnipeg, 1952 [Former USE Canadian poetry   heading] Canadian revolutionary poetry BT Golf—Tournaments—Canada Canadian poetry (French) USE Revolutionary poetry, Canadian USE French-Canadian poetry Canadian rice Canadian poets USE Wild rice USE Poets, Canadian Canadian River BT Rivers—United States Canadian River, Deep Fork (Okla.) USE Deep Fork (Okla.) Canadian River, North (Okla.) USE North Canadian River (Okla.) Canadian river otter USE North American river otter Canadian River Valley UF Canadian Valley BT Valleys—United States Canadian River Watershed BT Watersheds—United States C-53

Canadian RN Exam — Foreign countries Canadian young adult literature USE Canadian Registered Nurse Examination UF Canadian students in foreign countries USE Young adult literature, Canadian   [Former heading] Canadian Rockies (B.C. and Alta.) BT Students, Foreign Canadian young adult poetry UF Canadian Rocky Mountains (B.C. and Alta.) USE Young adult poetry, Canadian   Rocheuses canadiennes (B.C. and Alta.) Canadian students in foreign countries   Rockies, Canadian (B.C. and Alta.) USE Canadian students—Foreign countries Canadian youths' writings   Rocky Mountains, Canadian (B.C. and Alta.) USE Youths' writings, Canadian BT Mountains—Alberta Canadian studies   Mountains—British Columbia USE Canada—Study and teaching Canadian Zen poetry   Rocky Mountains USE Zen poetry, Canadian NT Assiniboine, Mount (Alta. and B.C.) Canadian studies specialists   Castleguard, Mount (Alta.) USE Canadianists Canadianisms  (May Subd Geog)   Robson, Mount (B.C.) Here are entered works on the usage of words and Canadian Sumas (B.C.) Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks World Heritage Site USE Sumas Mountain (B.C.) idiomatic expressions peculiar to Canada. (Alta. and B.C.) UF Parcs des Rocheuses canadiennes, Site du Canadian suspense fiction UF English language—Canadianisms   patrimonie monidal des (Alta. and B.C.) USE Suspense fiction, Canadian   English language—Provincialisms—Canada   Rocheuses canadiennes, Site du patrimonie   mondial des Parcs des (Alta. and B.C.) Canadian teachers' writings BT English language—Dialects—Canada   Site du patrimoine mondial des Parcs des USE Teachers' writings, Canadian   English language—Canada   Rocheuses canadiennes (Alta. and B.C.) BT Parks—Alberta Canadian technical assistance Canadianisms, French  (May Subd Geog)   Parks—British Columbia USE Technical assistance, Canadian Here are entered works dealing with the usage of   World Heritage areas—Alberta   World Heritage areas—British Columbia Canadian teenagers' writings words and idiomatic expressions peculiar to Canada. USE Teenagers' writings, Canadian Works on the French language in Canada as a whole Canadian Rocky Mountains (B.C. and Alta.) are entered under French language--Canada. Its USE Canadian Rockies (B.C. and Alta.) Canadian television plays history, structure, orthography, pronunciation, etc. are USE Television plays, Canadian indicated by addition of a second subject heading Canadian romance fiction under French language with appropriate subdivision. USE Romance fiction, Canadian Canadian toad  (May Subd Geog) [QL668.E227 (Zoology)] UF French language—Canadianisms, French Canadian rondels UF Anaxyrus hemiophrys   French language—Provincialisms—Canada USE Rondels, Canadian   Bufo hemiophrys   Dakota toad BT French language—Dialects—Canada Canadian satire   Toad, Canadian Canadianists  (May Subd Geog) USE Satire, Canadian   Toad, Dakota BT Anaxyrus UF Canadian studies specialists Canadian school verse BT Area specialists USE School verse, Canadian Canadian transgender people's writings Canadians  (May Subd Geog) USE Transgender people's writings, Canadian BT Ethnology—Canada Canadian science fiction NT Canadians, English-speaking USE Science fiction, Canadian Canadian travel posters USE Travel posters, Canadian   French-Canadians Canadian science fiction poetry — United States USE Science fiction poetry, Canadian Canadian travelers' writings USE Travelers' writings, Canadian UF Canadians in the United States [Former Canadian sculpture   heading] USE Sculpture, Canadian Canadian Valley USE Canadian River Valley NT Canadian Americans Canadian sea poetry Canadians, English-speaking  (May Subd Geog) USE Sea poetry, Canadian Canadian verse satire USE Verse satire, Canadian [F1035.E53] Canadian sea stories Here are entered works on English-speaking USE Sea stories, Canadian Canadian visual poetry Canadians as a minority group in predominantly USE Visual poetry, Canadian French-speaking areas of Canada. Canadian self-portraits USE Self-portraits, Canadian Canadian waka UF Anglophone Canadians USE Waka, Canadian   English-speaking Canadians Canadian senryu USE Senryu, Canadian Canadian war poetry BT Canadians USE War poetry, Canadian Canadians, Francophone Canadian serigraphy USE Serigraphy, Canadian Canadian war posters USE French-Canadians USE War posters, Canadian Canadians, French-speaking Canadian sexual minorities' writings USE Sexual minorities' writings, Canadian Canadian war stories USE French-Canadians USE War stories, Canadian Canadians in the United States Canadian Shield UF Archaean Shield Canadian watercolor painting USE Canadians—United States   Laurentian Plateau USE Watercolor painting, Canadian Canadien (The French word)   Laurentian Shield   Laurentian Upland Canadian Western stories BT French language—Etymology BT Shields (Geology)—Canada USE Western stories, Canadian Canadohta, Lake (Pa. : Lake)   Shields (Geology)—United States NT Slave Province (N.W.T. and Nunavut) Canadian wildlife painting UF Lake Canadohta (Pa. : Lake) USE Wildlife painting, Canadian   Oil Creek Lake (Pa.) Canadian short stories USE Short stories, Canadian Canadian wit and humor  (May Subd Geog) BT Lakes—Pennsylvania [PN6178.C3 (General collections)] Canady family Canadian small sculpture [PR9193.6 (History)] USE Small sculpture, Canadian [PR9197.8 (Literary collections)] USE Kennedy family UF Canadian wit and humor (English) Canaea  (May Subd Geog) Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management BT Canadian literature System (Information retrieval system) NT Humorous poetry, Canadian [QL561.T48] USE CANSIM (Information retrieval system)   Humorous stories, Canadian BT Thyrididae   Nonsense verses, Canadian Canaga family Canadian soldiers' writings   Political satire, Canadian USE Kanagy family USE Soldiers' writings, Canadian   Satire, Canadian Canagagigue Creek (Ont.) BT Rivers—Ontario Canadian sonnets Canadian wit and humor, Pictorial  (May Subd Geog) Canagagigue Creek Watershed (Ont.) USE Sonnets, Canadian Canadian wit and humor (English) BT Watersheds—Ontario Canã hua  (May Subd Geog) Canadian speculative fiction USE Canadian wit and humor [QK495.C46] USE Speculative fiction, Canadian Canadian wit and humor (French) UF Ayara Canadian speeches USE French-Canadian wit and humor   Canigua USE Speeches, addresses, etc., Canadian Canadian women authors   Canĩ hua   Chenopodium canihua Canadian sports stories USE Women authors, Canadian   Chenopodium pallidicaule USE Sports stories, Canadian Canadian women dramatists Canaigre [SB315.C3] Canadian spy stories USE Women dramatists, Canadian BT Docks (Plants) USE Spy stories, Canadian Canadian women novelists   Tannin plants Canaima National Park (Venezuela) Canadian Spy Trials, 1946 USE Women novelists, Canadian USE Parque Nacional Canaima (Venezuela) USE Canadian Spy Trials, Canada, 1946 Canadian women poets Canair family USE Knorr family Canadian Spy Trials, Canada, 1946 USE Women poets, Canadian Çanakkale Bogă zı (Turkey) UF Canadian Spy Trials, 1946 [Former heading] Canadian women's periodicals USE Dardanelles Strait (Turkey) BT Canada—History—1945- Ca̧ nakkale pottery  (May Subd Geog)   Trials (Espionage)—Canada USE Women's periodicals, Canadian [NK4340.C3] Canadian wood-engraving UF Pottery, Ca̧ nakkale Canadian steampunk fiction BT Pottery, Turkish USE Steampunk fiction, Canadian USE Wood-engraving, Canadian Canal, The (Washington, D.C.) Canadian wood sculpture USE Washington Canal (Washington, D.C.) Canadian still-life painting USE Still-life painting, Canadian USE Wood sculpture, Canadian Canadian working class writings Canadian students  (May Subd Geog) BT Students USE Working class writings, Canadian Canadian young adult drama USE Young adult drama, Canadian Canadian young adult fiction USE Young adult fiction, Canadian C-54

Canal, Battle of the, Belgium, 1940 Canal de Moçambique Canal Segarra-Garrigues (Spain) USE Ypres-Comines Canal, Battle of, Belgium, 1940 USE Mozambique Channel USE Segarra-Garrigues Canal (Spain) Canal, Ear Canal de Mozambique Canal Street (New Orleans, La.) USE Ear canal USE Mozambique Channel This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Canal, Spinal Canal de Nantes à Brest (France) subdivision. USE Spinal canal USE Nantes à Brest Canal (France) BT Streets—Louisiana Canal, Vertebral Canal de San Fernando (Argentina) Canal Street (Princeton, N.J.) USE Spinal canal USE San Fernando Canal (Argentina) USE Alexander Street (Princeton, N.J.) Canal aqueducts  (May Subd Geog) Canal de Saõ Gonçalo (Brazil) Canal to Caen (France) [TC764] USE Saõ Gonçalo Canal (Brazil) BT Aqueducts USE Caen à la Mer Canal (France) Canal de Sault-Sainte-Marie (Ont.) Canal Todo Americano (Calif.) — Evaporation  (May Subd Geog) USE Sault Sainte Marie Canal (Ont.) BT Evaporation (Meteorology) USE All American Canal (Calif.) Canal-de-St. Peters, Lieu historique national du (St. Canal workers — Temperature Peter's, N.S.) USE Water temperature USE Saint Peters Canal National Historic Site (St. USE Canal construction workers   Peter's, N.S.) Canal Zone Biological Area (Panama) — Utah NT Layout Tunnel (Utah) Canal de Tauste (Spain) USE Barro Colorado Nature Monument (Panama) USE Tauste Canal (Spain) Canala language Canal Atrato-Truandó (Colombia) USE Atrato-Truandó Canal (Colombia) Canal de Tortue (Haiti) USE Anesu language USE Tortuga Channel (Haiti) Canale Battaglia (Italy) Canal Beagle (Argentina and Chile) USE Beagle Channel (Argentina and Chile) Canal de Urgel (Spain) USE Battaglia Canal (Italy) USE Urgell Canal (Spain) Canale Bisato (Italy) Canal-boats  (May Subd Geog) [TC765] Canal de Yucatán USE Bisatto Canal (Italy) BT Inland waterway vessels USE Yucatán Channel Canale Bisatto (Italy)   Work boats NT Gondolas Canal del Bajo Guadalquivir (Spain) USE Bisatto Canal (Italy)   Narrowboats USE Bajo Guadalquivir Canal (Spain) Canale Brentella (Italy) — Electric traction Canal del Dique (Colombia) USE Brentella Canal (Italy) [TC769] USE Dique Canal (Colombia) Canale Cavour (Italy) UF Electric traction canal-boats BT Towing Canal d'Entreroches (Switzerland) USE Cavour Canal (Italy) USE Entreroches Canal (Switzerland) Canale della Battaglia (Italy) — Mechanical traction [TC769] Canal diggers USE Battaglia Canal (Italy) BT Towing USE Canal construction workers Canale della Narenta (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Canal construction workers  (May Subd Geog) Canal dʹIlle et Rance (France) Croatia) [HD8039.C258] USE Ille et Rance Canal (France) USE Neretva Channel (Bosnia and Herzegovina and UF Canal diggers   Canal workers Canal do Rio Pinheiros (Brazil)   Croatia) BT Construction workers USE Pinheiros River (Brazil) Canale delle Colonne (Italy) — Strikes and lockouts Canal d'Orléans (France) USE San Pietro Channel (Italy) USE Strikes and lockouts—Canal construction USE Orléans Canal (France) Canale destra Reno (Italy)   workers Canal d'Otrante USE Destra di Reno Canal (Italy) — Queb́ ec (Province) USE Otranto, Strait of Canale di bonifica in destra del Reno (Italy) Canal Creek (Md.) Canal du Midi (France) USE Destra di Reno Canal (Italy) BT Rivers—Maryland UF Midi Canal (France) Canale di bonifica in destra di Reno (Italy) Canal de Albear (Havana, Cuba) BT Canals—France USE Destra di Reno Canal (Italy) USE Albear Aqueduct (Havana, Cuba) Canal du Nivernais (France) Canale di Corfú (Albania and Greece) Canal de Beauharnois (Queb́ ec) USE Nivernais Canal (France) USE Corfu Channel (Albania and Greece) USE Beauharnois Canal (Queb́ ec) Canal du Rhon̂ e au Rhin (France) Canale di Leme (Croatia) Canal de Bocas del Toro (Panama) USE Rhone-Rhine Canal (France) USE Limski Channel (Croatia) USE Bocas del Toro Channel (Panama) Canal d'Urgell (Spain) Canale di Otranto Canal de Bourgogne (France) USE Urgell Canal (Spain) USE Otranto, Strait of USE Burgundy Canal (France) Canal ecology  (May Subd Geog) Canale di Piombino (Italy) Canal de Briare (France) [QH101-QH198 (Local)] [QH541.5.C24 (General)] USE Piombino Channel (Italy) USE Briare Canal (France) UF Canals—Ecology Canale di Reno (Italy) Canal de Caen (France) BT Ecology USE Destra di Reno Canal (Italy) USE Caen à la Mer Canal (France) Canal Eleven Branch (Ariz.) Canale di San Pietro (Italy) Canal de Caen à la Mer (France) USE Eastern Canal (Ariz.) USE San Pietro Channel (Italy) USE Caen à la Mer Canal (France) Canal family Canale di Sicilia Canal de Castilla (Spain) USE Kannel family USE Sicily, Strait of USE Castile, Canal of (Spain) Canal flora Canale d'Incaroio (Italy) Canal de Chacao (Chile) USE Canal plants USE Chiarsò River Valley (Italy) USE Chacao Channel (Chile) Canal Franceś (Panama) Canale d'Otranto Canal de Chambly (Queb́ ec) USE French Canal (Panama) USE Otranto, Strait of USE Chambly Canal (Queb́ ec) Canal French (Panama) Canale Grande (Venice, Italy) Canal de Dique (Colombia) USE French Canal (Panama) USE Grand Canal (Venice, Italy) USE Dique Canal (Colombia) Canal I Site (Kelheim, Germany) Canale in destra di Reno (Italy) Canal de Estremera (Spain) USE Kanal I Site (Kelheim, Germany) USE Destra di Reno Canal (Italy) USE Estremera Canal (Spain) Canal Imperial de Aragoń (Spain) Canale, Palazzo (Capri, Italy) Canal de Guadarrama (Spain) USE Imperial Canal (Spain) USE Palazzo Canale (Capri, Italy) USE Guadarrama Canal (Spain) Canal Interoceanico Atrato-Truandó (Colombia) Canale Valley (Italy) Canal de Isabel II (Spain) USE Atrato-Truandó Canal (Colombia) UF Kanal Valley (Italy) USE Isabel II Canal (Spain) Canal Ked̨ zierzyn (Poland)   Kanalska Dolina (Italy) Canal de Jambelí (Ecuador) USE Ked̨ zierzyn Canal (Poland)   Kanaltal (Italy)   Val Canale (Italy) USE Jambelí Channel (Ecuador) Canal of Castile (Spain) Canal de l’Esquerra (Spain) USE Castile, Canal of (Spain) BT Valleys—Italy Canales, Región de los (Argentina and Chile) USE Izquierda del Ebro Canal (Spain) Canal Patrick Site (Phoenix, Ariz.) Canal de l’Esquerra de l'Ebre (Spain) USE Pueblo Patricio (Phoenix, Ariz.) USE Patagonia (Argentina and Chile) Canalete USE Izquierda del Ebro Canal (Spain) Canal plants  (May Subd Geog) Canal de la Izquierda (Spain) [QK108-QK474.5 (Local)] USE Cordia alliodora UF Canal flora [Former heading] Canalettes Rockshelter (France) USE Izquierda del Ebro Canal (Spain) BT Aquatic plants Canal de la Izquierda del Ebro (Spain) UF Abri des Canalettes (France) Canal rays BT Caves—France USE Izquierda del Ebro Canal (Spain) [QC711] Canal de la Tortue (Haiti) UF Goldstein rays   France—Antiquities   Positive rays Canalicular ducts USE Tortuga Channel (Haiti)   Rays, Canal Canal de Lachine (Montréal, Québec) BT Cathode rays USE Milk ducts Canalis alimentarius USE Lachine Canal (Montreá l, Queb́ ec) Canal Real de Tauste (Spain) Canal de los Presos (Spain) USE Tauste Canal (Spain) USE Alimentary canal Canalle family USE Bajo Guadalquivir Canal (Spain) Canal Saint-Martin (Paris, France) Canal de Margarita (Venezuela) USE Saint-Martin Canal (Paris, France) USE Kannel family Canals USE Margarita Channel (Venezuela) Canal San Fernando (Argentina) USE San Fernando Canal (Argentina) — Thailand NT Mahasawat Canal (Thailand) Canals  (May Subd Geog) [HE526 (Economics)] [TC601-TC791 (Technology)] C-55

Canals  (Continued)   Birmingham Canal Navigations (England)   Luisenstädtischer Kanal (Berlin, Germany) BT Channels (Hydraulic engineering)   Bridgewater Canal (England)   Mittelland Canal (Germany)   Hydraulic structures   Bude Canal (England)   Rhein-Main-Donau-Kanal (Germany)   Inland navigation   Caldon Canal (England)   Rhine-Herne Canal (Germany) NT Canals, Interoceanic   Carlisle Canal (England)   Schaale Canal (Germany)   Irrigation canals and flumes   Charnwood Forest Canal (England)   Schleswig-Holstein Canal (Germany)   Towpaths   Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation — Germany (West)   (England) — Greece — Cost of construction   Chesterfield Canal (England) NT Corinth Canal (Greece) USE Canals—Design and construction—Costs   Coventry Canal (England) — Hawaii   Cromford Canal (England) NT Kapālama Drainage Canal (Hawaii) — Design and construction   Derby and Sandiacre Canal (England) — Idaho — — Costs   Droitwich Barge Canal (England) NT Milner Gooding Canal (Idaho)   Droitwich Junction Canal (England)   New York Canal (Idaho) UF Canals—Cost of construction [Former   Dudley Canal (England) — Illinois   heading]   Exeter Canal (England) NT Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal (Ill.)   Four Counties Ring (England)   Hennepin Canal (Ill.) — Ecology   Glastonbury Canal (England)   Illinois and Michigan Canal (Ill.) USE Canal ecology   Gloucester and Sharpness Canal — India   (England) NT Jui Canal (Bhiwani, India) — Inclined planes   Grand Junction Canal (England)   Left Bank Canal (Raichur, India) [TC763]   Grand Union Canal (England)   Rajasthan Canal (India)   Grand Western Canal (England)   Upper Ganges Canal (India) — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   Grantham Canal (England) — Indiana UF Canals—Laws and regulations [Former   Herefordshire and Gloucestershire Canal NT Indiana Harbor Canal (Ind.)   heading]   (England)   Wabash and Erie Canal (Ind. and Ohio)   Kennet and Avon Canal (England)   Whitewater Canal (Ind. and Ohio) — Laws and regulations   Leeds and Liverpool Canal (England) — Ireland USE Canals—Law and legislation   Liskeard and Looe Union Canal (England) NT Grand Canal (Ireland)   Llangollen Canal (England and Wales)   Mountmellick Canal (Ireland) — Lifts  (May Subd Geog)   Louth Canal (England)   Royal Canal (Ireland) [TC763]   Macclesfield Canal (England) — Italy   Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal NT Battaglia Canal (Italy) — — England   (England)   Bereguardo Canal (Italy) NT Anderton Boat Lift (Cheshire, England)   Manchester Ship Canal (England)   Bisatto Canal (Italy)   Maud Foster Drain (England)   Brentella Canal (Italy) — Locks   New River (England)   Canopus (Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli, Italy) USE Locks (Hydraulic engineering)   Nottingham Canal (England)   Cavour Canal (Italy)   Oakham Canal (England)   Destra di Reno Canal (Italy) — Rates and tolls   Oxford Canal (England)   Fiume morto (Pisa, Italy : Canal) UF Canals—Tolls   Peak Forest Canal (England)   Grand Canal (Venice, Italy) BT Transportation—Rates   Pinkery Canal (England)   Martesana Canal (Italy) SA subdivision Rates and tolls under names   Portsmouth and Arundel Canal (England)   Paderno Canal (Italy)   of individual waterways   Rochdale Canal (England)   Pavia Canal (Italy)   Rother Navigation (England) — Japan — Recreational use  (May Subd Geog)   Royal Military Canal (England) NT Ara River Canal (Japan) — Steam-navigation   Selby Canal (England)   Nobidome Canal (Japan)   Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation   Yagi Canal (Japan) [TC769]   (England) — Kazakh S.S.R. BT Steam-navigation   Shropshire Union Canal (England) USE Canals—Kazakhstan — Tolls   Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal — Kazakhstan USE Canals—Rates and tolls   (England) UF Canals—Kazakh S.S.R. [Former heading] — Alabama   Stamford Canal (England)   Canals—Kazakstan [Former heading] NT Theodore Industrial Canal (Ala.)   Stratford-upon-Avon Canal (England) NT Irtysh-Karaganda Canal (Kazakhstan) — Argentina   Stroudwater Navigation (England) — Kazakstan NT San Fernando Canal (Argentina)   Thames and Medway Canal (England) USE Canals—Kazakhstan — Arizona   Thames and Severn Canal (England) — Kentucky NT Arizona Canal (Ariz.)   Titchfield Canal (England) NT Louisville and Portland Canal (Ky.)   Trent and Mersey Canal (England) — Louisiana   Beardsley Canal (Ariz.)   Wendover Arm Canal (England) NT Barataria and Lafourche Canal (La.)   Buckeye Canal (Ariz.)   Wey and Arun Canal (England)   Inner Harbor Navigation Canal (La.)   Eastern Canal (Ariz.)   Wilts & Berks Canal (England)   Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Canal (La.)   Gila Main Canal (Ariz.)   Worcester and Birmingham Canal — Maine   Grand Canal (Ariz.)   (England) NT Cumberland and Oxford Canal (Me.)   Old Crosscut Canal (Ariz.) — Finland — Maryland   Roosevelt Power Canal (Ariz.) NT Saimaa Canal (Finland and Russia) NT Chesapeake and Delaware Canal (Del.   South Canal (Ariz.)   Strom̈ man Canal (Finland)   and Md.)   Tempe Canal (Ariz.) — Florida   Chesapeake and Ohio Canal (Md. and — Austria NT Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida   Washington, D.C.) NT Wiener Neustad̈ ter Canal (Austria)   Greenway (Fla.)   Maryland Canal (Md. and Washington, — Brazil — France   D.C.) NT Saõ Gonçalo Canal (Brazil) NT Briare Canal (France) — Massachusetts — Burma   Burgundy Canal (France) NT Blackstone Canal (Mass. and R.I.) NT Twante Canal (Burma)   Caen à la Mer Canal (France)   Cape Cod Canal (Mass.) — California   Canal du Midi (France)   Middlesex Canal (Mass.) NT All American Canal (Calif.)   Ille et Rance Canal (France)   New Haven and Northampton Canal   Contra Costa Canal (Calif.)   Nantes à Brest Canal (France)   (Conn. and Mass.)   Delta-Mendota Canal (Calif.)   Nivernais Canal (France) — Mexico — China   Orléans Canal (France) NT Tehuantepec Canal (Mexico) NT Hongqi Canal (China)   Rhone-Rhine Canal (France) — Michigan   Ling Canal (China)   Rouen Canal (France) NT Keweenaw Waterway (Mich.)   Renmin Shengli Canal (China)   Saint-Martin Canal (Paris, France)   Sault Sainte Marie Canal (Mich.)   Shuotian Canal (China) — Georgia — Mississippi — Colombia NT Augusta Canal (Ga.) NT Skuna River Canal (Miss.) NT Atrato-Truandó Canal (Colombia) — Germany   Tuscumbia River Canal (Miss. and Tenn.)   Dique Canal (Colombia) NT Carolina Canal (Germany) — Namibia — Colorado   Dortmund-Ems Canal (Germany) NT Grootfontein-Omatako Canal (Namibia) NT Catlin Canal (Colo.)   Elbe-Lübeck Canal (Germany) — Netherlands   Franklin Eddy Canal (Colo.)   Kiel Canal (Germany) NT Herengracht (Amsterdam, Netherlands)   South Canal (Montezuma County, Colo.)   Landwehrkanal (Berlin, Germany)   New Waterway (Netherlands) — Connecticut   Lippe Canal (Germany)   North Sea Canal (Netherlands) NT New Haven and Northampton Canal   Ludwig-Donau-Main Canal (Germany)   (Conn. and Mass.) — Delaware NT Chesapeake and Delaware Canal (Del.   and Md.) — Egypt NT Suez Canal (Egypt)   Wahbī Canal (Egypt) — England NT Aire & Calder Navigation (England :   Canal)   Ashby Canal (England)   Aylesbury Arm (England)   Basingstoke Canal (England)   Birmingham and Fazeley Canal (England) C-56

  Rapenburg (Leiden, Netherlands) — Russian S.F.S.R. BT Canals   Vliet (Netherlands : Canal) USE Canals—Russia (Federation) NT Panama Canal (Panama) — New Jersey Canals in art  (Not Subd Geog) NT Delaware and Raritan Canal (N.J.) — Scotland Canalul Dunăre-Marea Neagră (Romania)   Morris Canal (N.J.) NT Aberdeenshire Canal (Scotland) USE Danube-Black Sea Canal (Romania) — New York (State)   Caledonian Canal (Scotland) Canalway Trail (N.Y.) NT Black River Canal (N.Y.)   Crinan Canal (Scotland) UF New York State Canalway Trail (N.Y.)   Cayuga and Seneca Canal (N.Y.)   Forth and Clyde Canal (Scotland) BT Trails—New York (State)   Champlain Canal (N.Y.)   Union Canal (Scotland) Canamari Indians  (May Subd Geog)   Chenango Canal (N.Y.) [F2520.1.C316]   Delaware and Hudson Canal (N.Y. and — South Africa UF Kanamare Indians   Pa.) NT Fish-Sundays River Canal Scheme (South   Erie Canal (N.Y.)   Africa)   Kanamari Indians   Gowanus Canal (New York, N.Y.) BT Indians of South America—Brazil   New York State Canal System (N.Y.) — South Carolina Canamari language (Tucanoan)  (May Subd Geog)   Oswego Canal (N.Y.) NT Santee Canal (S.C.) UF Kanamari language (Tucanoan) — Nicaragua BT Brazil—Languages NT Nicaragua Canal (Nicaragua) — South Sudan — North Carolina NT Jonglei Canal (South Sudan)   Tucanoan languages NT Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal (Va. Canamore family   and N.C.) — Spain   Dismal Swamp Canal (N.C. and Va.) NT Bajo Guadalquivir Canal (Spain) USE Kennamer family   Roanoke Canal (N.C.)   Castile, Canal of (Spain) Canandaigua Lake (N.Y.) — North Dakota   Guadarrama Canal (Spain) NT McClusky Canal (N.D.)   Imperial Canal (Spain) BT Lakes—New York (State) — Northern Ireland   Izquierda del Ebro Canal (Spain)   Finger Lakes (N.Y.) NT Lagan Canal (Northern Ireland)   Segarra-Garrigues Canal (Spain) — Nova Scotia   Tauste Canal (Spain) Canandaigua Outlet (N.Y.) NT Shubenacadie Canal (N.S.)   Urgell Canal (Spain) BT Rivers—New York (State) — Ohio NT Hocking Canal (Ohio) — Sudan Cananea Central Copper Company Strike, 1906   Lancaster Lateral Canal (Ohio) — Sweden USE Cananea Consolidated Copper Co. Strike,   Miami and Erie Canal (Ohio)   1906   Ohio and Erie Canal (Ohio) NT Goẗ a Canal (Sweden)   Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal (Ohio and   Kinda Canal (Sweden) Cananea Consolidated Copper Co. Strike, 1906   Pa.)   Säffle Kanal (Sweden) [HD5331.M72 1906]   Sandy and Beaver Canal (Ohio and Pa.)   Sod̈ ertälje Canal (Sweden) UF Cananea Central Copper Company Strike,   Wabash and Erie Canal (Ind. and Ohio)   Strömsholm Canal (Sweden)   1906 [Former heading]   Whitewater Canal (Ind. and Ohio) BT Strikes and lockouts—Copper mining—Mexico — Ontario — Switzerland NT Grand River Canal (Ont.) NT Entreroches Canal (Switzerland) Cananéia/Iguape/Peruíbe Environmental Protection   Rideau Canal (Ont.) Area (Brazil)   Sault Sainte Marie Canal (Ont.) — Tennessee USE Aŕ ea de Proteçaõ Ambiental Cananéia/Iguape/   Trent-Severn Waterway (Ont.) NT Tuscumbia River Canal (Miss. and Tenn.)   Peruib́ e (Brazil)   Welland Canal (Ont.) — Oregon — Texas Cananeí a/Iguape/Peruíbe Federal Environment NT Bend Feed Canal (Or.) NT American Canal (Tex.) Protection Area (Brazil)   Tumalo Feed Canal (Or.) USE Área de Proteca̧ õ Ambiental Cananéia/Iguape/ — Pakistan — Thailand   Peruib́ e (Brazil) NT Haveli Canal (Pakistan) NT Kra Canal (Thailand) — Panama Canapeś NT French Canal (Panama) — Turkmen S.S.R. USE Appetizers   Panama Canal (Panama) USE Canals—Turkmenistan — Pennsylvania Canaque (New Caledonian people) NT Delaware and Hudson Canal (N.Y. and — Turkmenistan USE Kanak (New Caledonian people)   Pa.) UF Canals—Turkmen S.S.R. [Former   Delaware Canal (Pa.)   heading] Canàr di San Pietro Polesine Site (Italy)   Lehigh Canal (Pa.) NT Kara-Kum Canal (Turkmenistan) [DG70.C1735]   North Branch Canal (Pa.) BT Italy—Antiquities   Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal (Ohio and — Ukraine   Pa.) NT North Crimean Canal (Ukraine) Canara (India)   Pennsylvania Canal (Pa.) USE Karavali (India)   Sandy and Beaver Canal (Ohio and Pa.) — Utah   Union Canal (Pa.) NT Hurricane Canal (Utah) Canard fins, Rocket — Poland USE Rockets (Aeronautics)—Canard fins NT Augustów Canal (Poland) — Vietnam   Elbląg Canal (Poland) NT Vĩnh Té̂ Canal (Vietnam) Canard River (N.S.)   Gliwice Canal (Poland) BT Rivers—Nova Scotia   Kędzierzyn Canal (Poland) — Virginia — Queb́ ec (Province) NT Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal (Va. Canard wings (Airplanes) NT Beauharnois Canal (Queb́ ec)   and N.C.) USE Airplanes—Wings, Canard   Chambly Canal (Québec)   Alexandria Canal (Va.)   Lachine Canal (Montreá l, Queb́ ec)   Dismal Swamp Canal (N.C. and Va.) Canards (Journalism) — Rhode Island   James River and Kanawha Canal (Va.) BT Journalism NT Blackstone Canal (Mass. and R.I.)   Manchester Canal (Va.)   Journalism—Objectivity — Romania   Patowmack Canal (Va.) NT Danube-Black Sea Canal (Romania)   Upper Appomattox Canal (Va.) Canarese (Indic people) — Russia USE Kanarese (Indic people) NT Saimaa Canal (Finland and Russia) — Wales — Russia (Federation) NT Aberdare Canal (Wales) Canarese language UF Canals—Russian S.F.S.R. [Former   Glamorganshire Canal (Wales) USE Kannada language   heading]   Llangollen Canal (England and Wales) NT Fontanka Canal (Russia)   Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal (Wales) Canã ri Indians  (May Subd Geog)   Griboedova kanal (Saint Petersburg,   Montgomeryshire Canal (Wales) [F3722.1.C2]   Russia)   Tennant Canal (Wales) UF Canyari Indians   Kriu͡ kov kanal (Saint Petersburg, Russia) BT Indians of South America—Ecuador   Kulunda Canal (Russia) — Washington (D.C.)   Moscow Canal (Russia) NT Chesapeake and Ohio Canal (Md. and Canã ri language  (May Subd Geog)   Moyka (Saint Petersburg, Russia)   Washington, D.C.) [PM5718.C5]   Volga-Baltic Waterway (Russia)   James Creek Canal (Washington, D.C.) UF Canã rian language [Former heading]   Volga-Don Canal (Russia)   Maryland Canal (Md. and Washington,   Canyari language   White Sea-Baltic Canal (Russia)   D.C.) BT Ecuador—Languages   Washington Canal (Washington, D.C.)   Indians of South America—Languages   Peru—Languages — Washington (State) NT Lake Washington Ship Canal (Seattle, Canã ri mythology  (May Subd Geog)   Wash.) UF Mythology, Cañari   Montlake Cut (Seattle, Wash.)   University Slough (Seattle, Wash.) Canã rian language USE Canã ri language — Wyoming NT Austin Canal (Wyo.) Canarian language (Canary Islands)   Globe Canal (Wyo.) USE Guanche language   Sidon Canal (Wyo.)   Wall Canal (Wyo.) Canarians USE Canary Islanders Canals, Interoceanic [HE528-HE545 (Economics)] Canaries  (May Subd Geog) [JZ3710 (International relations)] [QL696.P246 (Zoology)] [TC601-TC791 (Technology)] [SF463-SF463.7 (Cage birds)] UF Interoceanic canals UF Canary   Isthmian canals   Serinus canaria   Sea level canals BT Serinus NT Brimstone canary — Breeds USE Canary breeds — Color  (May Subd Geog) NT Color canaries C-57

Canario (The Spanish word) Canasta (Game) UF Cancans (Orchestra) [Former heading] BT Spanish language—Etymology [GV1295.C2] BT Dance music UF Argentine rummy Cancans (Orchestra) Canarios   Basket rummy USE Cancans USE Canary Islanders BT Rummy (Game) Canceling machines  (May Subd Geog) NT Bolivia (Game) BT Postal service—Equipment and supplies Canaris family  (Not Subd Geog)   Samba (Game) Cancellariidae  (May Subd Geog) Canarium  (May Subd Geog) [QL430.5.C26] Canatha (Extinct city) BT Neogastropoda [QK495.B8] USE Kanatha (Extinct city) Cancellariidae, Fossil  (May Subd Geog) BT Burseraceae BT Neogastropoda, Fossil Canarr family Canaux du Centre (France) Cancellation of criminal records USE Knorr family USE Bourbonnais Route (France) USE Criminal records—Expungement Canarra Creek (Utah) Cancellation of debt USE Kanarra Creek (Utah) Canavali USE Debt cancellation Canary USE Canavalia Cancellation of indebtedness USE Canaries USE Debt cancellation Canary, Bush Canavalia  (May Subd Geog) Cancellation of legal documents USE Yellowhead (Bird) [QK495.L52 (Botany)] USE Legal documents—Cancellation Canary, Sea UF Canavali Cancellation of negotiable instruments USE White whale BT Legumes USE Negotiable instruments—Cancellation Canary breeds  (May Subd Geog) NT Canavalia ensiformis Cancellation theory (Group theory) [SF463.7] BT Group theory UF Canaries—Breeds Canavalia ensiformis  (May Subd Geog) Cancellations, Postal slogan BT Animal breeds [QK495.L52] USE Postal slogan cancellations NT Border fancy canary UF Jackbean, Common Cancellations (Philately)  (May Subd Geog) BT Canavalia [HE6184.C3]   Color canaries UF Cancels (Philately)   Gloster fancy canary Canavan disease  (May Subd Geog) BT Postage stamps   Roller canary UF Aspartoacylase deficiency RT Postmarks Canary Current   Spongy degeneration of the brain NT Pen cancellations (Philately) BT Ocean currents—Atlantic Ocean   Van Bogaert-Bertrand disease Canary dog BT Cerebral sclerosis, Diffuse   Postal slogan cancellations USE Perro de presa canario   Demyelination — Forgeries  (May Subd Geog) Canary grass USE Phalaris canariensis Canaveral, Cape (Fla.) BT Forgery Canary grass, Reed USE Canaveral, Cape (Fla. : Cape) — United States USE Reed canary grass Canary Island pine Canaveral, Cape (Fla. : Cape) NT American Revolution Bicentennial two USE Pinus canariensis UF Canaveral, Cape (Fla.) [Former heading]   dollar bill postage-stamp cancellations Canary Islanders  (May Subd Geog)   Cape Canaveral (Fla. : Cape) UF Canarians   Cape Kennedy (Fla.) Cancellieri family  (Not Subd Geog)   Canarios   Kennedy, Cape (Fla.) Cancellothyrididae  (May Subd Geog) BT Ethnology—Canary Islands BT Capes (Coasts)—Florida — America  (May Subd Geog) [QL395.8.T4] Canaveral, Port (Fla.) BT Terebratulida NT Isleños UF Canaveral Harbor (Fla.) NT Terebratulina — Louisiana   Port Canaveral (Fla. : Harbor) Cancellus  (May Subd Geog) Canary Islands BT Harbors—Florida [QL444.M33] — Antiquities BT Diogenidae Canaveral Harbor (Fla.) NT Cancellus viridis [DP302.C395] USE Canaveral, Port (Fla.) Cancellus viridis  (May Subd Geog) NT Bebedero Site (Teguise, Canary Islands) [QL444.M33] Canaveral National Seashore (Fla.) BT Cancellus   Cerera Site (Arucas, Canary Islands) UF Cape Canaveral National Seashore (Fla.) Cancels (Philately)   Fuentes Cave (Canary Islands) BT National parks and reserves—Florida USE Cancellations (Philately)   Julan Site (Canary Islands)   Recreation areas—Florida Cancels (Printing)   Zarza Site (Garafiá , Canary Islands) USE Printing—Cancels — Civilization Canavese (Italy) Cancer  (May Subd Geog) [DP302.C397] Canaway family [RC261-RC282] — — Classical influences UF Cancers BT Civilization, Classical USE Conway family — Description and travel Canberra (Bomber)   Carcinoma [DP302.C39]   Malignancy (Cancer) UF Canary Islands—Description and USE Canberra (Military aircraft)   Malignant tumors   travel—1981- [Former heading] Canberra (Bombers) BT Tumors — — 1981- SA subdivision Cancer under individual organs and USE Canary Islands—Description and travel USE Canberra (Military aircraft)   regions of the body, e.g. Foot--Cancer Canary Islands wax myrtle Canberra (Military aircraft)  (Not Subd Geog) NT Adenocarcinoma USE Morella faya   Adenoid cystic carcinoma Canary parrot UF B-57 (Miltary aircraft)   AIDS malignancies USE Budgerigar   BAC B-57 (Military aircraft)   Blastomas Canary pine   BAC Canberra (Military aircraft)   Cancer of unknown primary origin USE Pinus canariensis   BAC Canberra (Reconnaissance aircraft)   Cancer regression, Spontaneous Canary rockfish  (May Subd Geog)   [Former heading]   Interval cancer [QL638.S42 (Zoology)]   Canberra (Bomber) [Former heading]   Leukemia UF Cod, Rock   Canberra (Bombers) [Former heading]   Melanoblastoma   Orange rockfish   English Electric Canberra (Military aircraft)   Melanoma   Pacific red snapper   English Electric PR.9 (Military aircraft)   Precancerous conditions   Pacific snapper   English Electric PR9 (Military aircraft)   Renal cell carcinoma   Red snapper, Pacific   Martin Camberra (Military aircraft)   Rhabdomyosarcoma   Rock cod   Martin Canberra (Military aircraft)   Sarcoma   Sebastes pinniger   PR.9 (Military aircraft)   Squamous cell carcinoma   Sebastichthys pinniger   PR9 (Military aircraft)   Teratocarcinoma   Sebastodes pinniger   Toxohormone   Sebastosomus pinniger BT Airplanes, Military — Adjuvant treatment  (May Subd Geog)   Snapper, Pacific   BAC airplanes BT Sebastes   Martin airplanes [RC271.A35] Canary rockfish fisheries  (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on the use of a BT Fisheries Canberra (Transport plane) combination of therapeutic measures to treat Canarygrass USE Giant Moth (Transport plane) postsurgical residual cancer or micrometastases. USE Phalaris canariensis Canã s River (Spain) Canbulat family UF Adjuvant therapy of cancer USE Palmones River (Spain) USE Djoumblatt family   Adjuvant treatment of cancer Canasan (Extinct city) USE Canhasan (Extinct city) Canby family  (Not Subd Geog) BT Cancer—Treatment Canason (Extinct city) RT Camby family — Age factors  (May Subd Geog) USE Canhasan (Extinct city) — Alternative therapy Cancan (Dance)  (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works about the cancan as a USE Cancer—Alternative treatment — Alternative treatment  (May Subd Geog) dance. Musical compositions are entered under the heading Cancans. [RC271.A62] UF Can-can (Dance) BT Dance Cancanai language USE Kankanay language Cancans  (May Subd Geog) Here are entered musical compositions. This heading is not qualified by medium of performance. For cancans for a specific medium, an additional heading is assigned for the medium of performance. Works about the cancan as a dance are entered under the heading Cancan (Dance). C-58

UF Cancer—Alternative therapy — Etiology — Molecular diagnosis  (May Subd Geog) BT Cancer—Treatment [RC268.48] BT Cancer—Diagnosis — Animal models  (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on the factors that   Cancer—Molecular aspects — Atlases — Ayurvedic treatment  (May Subd Geog) cause cancer. Works on the pathogenic — Mortality  (May Subd Geog) BT Cancer—Treatment mechanisms underlying cancer induction are UF Cancer—Patients—Mortality — Biography entered under Carcinogenesis. USE Cancer—Patients—Biography — Nomenclature — Blood-vessels SA subdivision Cancer--Etiology under USE Oncology—Nomenclature USE Tumors—Blood-vessels   individual organs and regions of the — Case studies   body, e.g. Foot--Cancer--Etiology — Nursing  (May Subd Geog) — Chemoprevention  (May Subd Geog) [RC266] [RC268.15] — Excision UF Cancer nursing [Former heading] UF Cancer—Chemoprophylaxis USE Cancer—Surgery   Oncology nursing BT Cancer—Prevention — Chemoprophylaxis — Exercise therapy  (May Subd Geog) — Nutritional aspects  (May Subd Geog) USE Cancer—Chemoprevention — Gene therapy  (May Subd Geog) [RC268.45] — Chemotherapy  (May Subd Geog) NT Cancer—Diet therapy [RC271.C5] BT Cancer—Genetic aspects RT Antineoplastic agents   Cancer—Treatment — Pain BT Cancer—Treatment USE Cancer pain NT Cancer—Photochemotherapy — Genetic aspects — — Complications  (May Subd Geog) [RC268.4-RC268.44] — Palliative treatment  (May Subd Geog) UF Cancer genetics [RC271.P33] UF Cancer—Chemotherapy—Complication RT Cancer genes BT Cancer—Treatment   s and sequelae [Former heading] NT Cancer—Gene therapy — Pathogenesis — — Complications and sequelae — Government policy  (May Subd Geog) USE Carcinogenesis USE Cancer—Chemotherapy—Complication [RA645.C3]  s — Pathophysiology — Growth — Patients  (May Subd Geog) — — Computer programs USE Tumors—Growth — Classification [RC265.5-RC265.6 (Biography)] — Heat therapy UF Cancer patients [Former heading] USE Tumors—Classification USE Cancer—Thermotherapy — Cold therapy   Cancer survivors — Histopathology   Survivors, Cancer USE Cancer—Cryotherapy [RC270.3.H56] NT Children of cancer patients — Complications  (May Subd Geog) — — Biography — Homeopathic treatment  (May Subd Geog) [RC265.5-RC265.6] UF Cancer—Complications and sequelae [RX261.C3] UF Cancer—Biography [Former heading]   [Former heading] BT Cancer—Treatment   Cancer—Personal narratives [Former NT Cancer pain — Hormonal aspects   heading] — Complications and sequelae USE Cancer—Endocrine aspects — — Economic conditions UF Cancer—Patients—Socioeconomic USE Cancer—Complications — Hormone therapy  (May Subd Geog)   status [Former heading] — Cryosurgery  (May Subd Geog) [RC271.H55] — — Family relationships  (May Subd Geog) BT Cancer—Endocrine aspects — — Home care  (May Subd Geog) BT Cancer—Surgery   Cancer—Treatment — — Hospital care  (May Subd Geog) — Cryotherapy  (May Subd Geog) BT Hospital care — — Complications  (May Subd Geog) — — Long-term care  (May Subd Geog) UF Cancer—Cold therapy UF Cancer—Hormone therapy—Side — — Mortality   Cancer cryotherapy   effects USE Cancer—Mortality — — Pain BT Cancer—Treatment — — Side effects USE Cancer pain — Cytodiagnosis  (May Subd Geog) USE Cancer—Hormone — — Rehabilitation  (May Subd Geog)   therapy—Complications — — Social conditions [RC270.3.C97] UF Cancer—Patients—Socioeconomic BT Cancer—Diagnosis — Hospitals  (May Subd Geog)   status [Former heading] NT Pap test — Imaging  (May Subd Geog) — — Socioeconomic status — Cytopathology USE Cancer—Patients—Economic [RC270.3.C97] [RC270.3.D53]   conditions — Diagnosis  (May Subd Geog) UF Imaging of cancer   Cancer—Patients—Social conditions [RC270-RC270.3] NT Cancer—Magnetic resonance imaging — Personal narratives NT Bolen test USE Cancer—Patients—Biography   Cancer—Radionuclide imaging — Photochemotherapy  (May Subd Geog)   Cancer—Cytodiagnosis   Cancer—Spectroscopic imaging [RC271.P43]   Cancer—Early detection   Cancer—Tomography BT Cancer—Chemotherapy   Cancer—Immunodiagnosis   Cancer—Ultrasonic imaging — Phototherapy  (May Subd Geog)   Cancer—Molecular diagnosis — Immunodiagnosis  (May Subd Geog) BT Cancer—Treatment — — Equipment and supplies [RC270.3.I45] — Physical therapy  (May Subd Geog) — — Laboratory manuals BT Cancer—Diagnosis [RC271.P44] — Diet therapy  (May Subd Geog)   Cancer—Immunological aspects — Popular works [RC271.D52] NT Cancer—Radioimmunoimaging [RC263] BT Cancer—Nutritional aspects   Cancer—Serodiagnosis — Prevention   Cancer—Treatment — Immunological aspects [RC268-RC268.15] NT Anti-estrogenic diet UF Carcinogenesis—Immunological aspects NT Cancer—Chemoprevention — — Recipes NT Cancer—Immunodiagnosis — — International cooperation [RC271.D52]   Cancer—Immunotherapy — — Needs assessment  (May Subd Geog) UF Cookery for cancer patients — Immunoscintigraphy — Prognosis  (May Subd Geog) BT Cooking for the sick USE Cancer—Radioimmunoimaging — Psychological aspects — Differentiation therapy  (May Subd Geog) — Immunotherapy  (May Subd Geog) — Psychosomatic aspects  (May Subd Geog) [RC271.D53] [RC271.I45] — Public opinion UF Differentiation therapy of cancer BT Cancer—Immunological aspects — Radioimmunodetection BT Cancer—Treatment   Cancer—Treatment USE Cancer—Radioimmunoimaging — Dissemination NT Biological response modifiers — Radioimmunoimaging  (May Subd Geog) USE Metastasis   Cancer—Radioimmunotherapy [RC270.3.R33] — Early detection  (May Subd Geog) — Information storage and retrieval systems UF Cancer—Immunoscintigraphy BT Cancer—Diagnosis USE Information storage and retrieval   Cancer—Radioimmunodetection — Early works to 1800   systems—Oncology BT Cancer—Immunodiagnosis — Eclectic treatment  (May Subd Geog) — Interventional radiology  (May Subd Geog)   Cancer—Radionuclide imaging BT Cancer—Treatment — Intraoperative radiotherapy  (May Subd Geog) NT Radioimmunoguided Surgery (Trademark) — Economic aspects  (May Subd Geog) [RD652] — Radioimmunotherapy  (May Subd Geog) — Endocrine aspects BT Cancer—Radiotherapy BT Cancer—Immunotherapy [RC268.2]   Cancer—Surgery   Cancer—Radiotherapy UF Cancer—Hormonal aspects — Laser surgery  (May Subd Geog) — Radionuclide imaging  (May Subd Geog)   Cancer endocrinology BT Cancer—Surgery [RC270.3.R35]   Hormonal aspects of cancer — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) BT Cancer—Imaging NT Cancer—Hormone therapy BT Medical laws and legislation NT Cancer—Radioimmunoimaging — Endoscopic surgery  (May Subd Geog) — Longitudinal studies — Radiotherapy  (May Subd Geog) BT Cancer—Surgery — Magnetic resonance imaging  (May Subd Geog) [RC271.R3] — Environmental aspects  (May Subd Geog) [RC270.3.M33] BT Cancer—Treatment UF Environmentally induced cancer BT Cancer—Imaging — Epidemiology — Metastasis USE Metastasis — Molecular aspects NT Cancer—Molecular diagnosis C-59

Cancer   Cancer—Phototherapy Cancer genes  (May Subd Geog) — Radiotherapy  (Continued)   Cancer—Radiotherapy [RC268.4-RC268.44] NT Boron-neutron capture therapy   Cancer—Surgery BT Genes   Cancer—Intraoperative radiotherapy — — Complications  (May Subd Geog) RT Cancer—Genetic aspects   Cancer—Radioimmunotherapy UF Cancer—Treatment—Complications NT Antioncogenes   Gadolinium-neutron capture therapy   CEA genes   Radioembolization   and sequelae [Former heading]   Oncogenes — — Complications  (May Subd Geog) — — Complications and sequelae   Proto-oncogenes UF Cancer—Radiotherapy—Complications   and sequelae [Former heading] USE Cancer—Treatment—Complications Cancer genetics — — Complications and sequelae — — Failure USE Cancer—Genetic aspects USE Cancer—Radiotherapy—Complications — Regression, Spontaneous USE Cancer—Relapse Cancer in adolescence  (May Subd Geog) USE Cancer regression, Spontaneous — — Technological innovations  (May Subd Geog) BT Tumors in adolescence — Relapse  (May Subd Geog) — Ultrasonic imaging  (May Subd Geog) UF Cancer—Treatment—Failure Cancer in animals  (May Subd Geog) — Religious aspects BT Cancer—Imaging [SF910.T8] UF Cancer (in religion, folklore, etc.) [Former Cancer (Astrology)  (Not Subd Geog) BT Tumors in animals   heading] NT Leukemia in animals — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] [BF1727.3] — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] UF Crab (Astrology) Cancer in art  (Not Subd Geog) — Reoperation  (May Subd Geog) BT Zodiac Cancer in children  (May Subd Geog) — Reporting  (May Subd Geog) Cancer (Crustacea)  (May Subd Geog) [RC267.5] [QL444.M33] [RC281.C4] — Research  (May Subd Geog) UF Cancer crabs UF Childhood cancer [RC267] BT Cancridae UF Cancer research [Former heading] NT Atlantic rock crab   Pediatric cancer — — Awards  (May Subd Geog) BT Tumors in children — — — United States   Cancer pagurus NT Hodgkin's disease in children NT Charles Harkin Award   Dungeness crab — — Scholarships, fellowships, etc.   Jonah crab   Leukemia in children (May Subd Geog)   Red rock crab   Nephroblastoma — Risk factors  (May Subd Geog) Cancer (Crustacea), Fossil  (May Subd Geog)   Neuroblastoma — Serodiagnosis  (May Subd Geog) [QE817.D3]   Osteosarcoma in children BT Cancer—Immunodiagnosis BT Cancridae, Fossil Cancer in infants  (May Subd Geog) — Sex differences NT Cancer wahkiakumensis BT Tumors in infants USE Cancer—Sex factors Cancer (in religion, folklore, etc.) Cancer in literature  (Not Subd Geog) — Sex factors  (May Subd Geog) USE Cancer—Religious aspects Cancer in men  (May Subd Geog) UF Cancer—Sex differences Cancer borealis [RC281.M45] — Social aspects  (May Subd Geog) USE Jonah crab BT Men—Diseases — Societies, etc. Cancer carcinus NT Generative organs, Male—Cancer [RC261.A1] USE Macrobrachium carcinus Cancer in pregnancy  (May Subd Geog) — Spectroscopic imaging  (May Subd Geog) Cancer causing agents [RG580.C3] BT Cancer—Imaging USE Carcinogens BT Pregnancy—Complications — Study and teaching  (May Subd Geog) Cancer-causing viruses Cancer in women  (May Subd Geog) [RC266.5] USE Oncogenic viruses [RC281.W65] UF Cancer education [Former heading] Cancer cell growth BT Women—Diseases — Surgery  (May Subd Geog) USE Cancer cells—Growth NT Generative organs, Female—Cancer [RD651-RD675] Cancer cell motility Cancer insurance  (May Subd Geog) UF Cancer—Excision [Former heading] USE Cancer cells—Motility UF Insurance, Cancer [Former heading]   Oncologic surgery Cancer cell proliferation BT Insurance   Oncological surgery USE Cancer cells—Proliferation — Selling   Surgical oncology Cancer cells USE Selling—Cancer insurance BT Cancer—Treatment BT Cells Cancer invasiveness NT Cancer—Cryosurgery   Pathology, Cellular Here are entered works on the ability of cancer to   Cancer—Endoscopic surgery NT Ascites tumors infiltrate and actively destroy surrounding tissue.   Cancer—Intraoperative radiotherapy   Drug resistance in cancer cells Works on the transfer of cancer to an organ or part of   Cancer—Laser surgery   HeLa cells the body remote from the primary site are entered   Radioimmunoguided Surgery (Trademark) — Adaptation  (May Subd Geog) under Metastasis. — — Complications  (May Subd Geog) — — Nursing  (May Subd Geog) BT Adaptation (Physiology) UF Dissemination of cancer — Susceptibility  (May Subd Geog) — Differentiation   Invasiveness (Oncology) — Therapy   Neoplasm invasiveness USE Cancer—Treatment BT Cell differentiation   Spread of cancer — Thermotherapy  (May Subd Geog) — Growth   Tumor dissemination [RC271.T5]   Tumor invasiveness UF Cancer—Heat therapy UF Cancer cell growth   Tumor progression — Tomographic imaging NT Cancer invasiveness   Tumor spread USE Cancer—Tomography — — Regulation — Tomography  (May Subd Geog) BT Cancer cells—Growth UF Cancer—Tomographic imaging UF Regulation of cancer cell growth RT Metastasis BT Cancer—Imaging BT Biological control systems Cancer irroratus — Transplantation USE Atlantic rock crab USE Tumors—Transplantation   Cellular control mechanisms Cancer jamaicensis — Treatment  (May Subd Geog) — Motility USE Macrobrachium carcinus [RC270.8-RC271] Cancer luederwaldti UF Cancer—Therapy UF Cancer cell motility USE Cancer pagurus   Cancer therapy   Motility of cancer cells Cancer magister   Cancer treatment USE Dungeness crab NT Cancer—Adjuvant treatment BT Biomechanics Cancer markers   Cancer—Alternative treatment — Proliferation USE Tumor markers   Cancer—Ayurvedic treatment Cancer   Cancer—Chemotherapy UF Cancer cell proliferation — Metastasis   Cancer—Cryotherapy BT Cell proliferation   Cancer—Diet therapy — Secretions USE Metastasis   Cancer—Differentiation therapy BT Secretion Cancer nursing   Cancer—Eclectic treatment — Variation  (May Subd Geog)   Cancer—Gene therapy BT Variation (Biology) USE Cancer—Nursing   Cancer—Homeopathic treatment Cancer chinensis Cancer of unknown primary origin  (May Subd Geog)   Cancer—Hormone therapy USE Penaeus chinensis   Cancer—Immunotherapy Cancer crabs UF Cancer of unknown primary site   Cancer—Palliative treatment USE Cancer (Crustacea)   CUP (Cancer of unknown primary origin) Cancer cryotherapy   Occult primary cancer USE Cancer—Cryotherapy   Primary cancer, Occult Cancer diagnostic equipment industry   Primary cancer, Unknown (May Subd Geog)   Primary origin, Cancer of unknown [HD9995.C35-HD9995.C354]   Primary site, Cancer of unknown BT Diagnostic equipment industry   Unknown primary cancer Cancer drug resistance USE Drug resistance in cancer cells BT Cancer Cancer education RT Metastasis USE Cancer—Study and teaching Cancer of unknown primary site Cancer endocrinology USE Cancer of unknown primary origin USE Cancer—Endocrine aspects Cancer olivaceus Cancer fimbriatus USE Scylla serrata USE Cancer pagurus C-60

Cancer pagurus  (May Subd Geog) Cancha (Game) BT Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint—Devotion [QL444.M33 (Zoology)] USE Jai alai   to—Chile UF Brown crab   Cancer fimbriatus Canche River (France) Candelaria River (Guatemala and Mexico)   Cancer luederwaldti BT Rivers—France UF Río Candelaria (Guatemala and Mexico)   Common European crab BT Rivers—Guatemala   Devon crab Canche River Valley (France)   Rivers—Mexico   Edible crab BT Valleys—France   Edible rock crab Candelaria River Valley (Guatemala and Mexico)   European crab, Common Cancho Roano Site (Spain) UF Candelaria Valley (Guatemala and Mexico)   European edible crab BT Spain—Antiquities BT Valleys—Guatemala   Platycarcinus pagurus   Valleys—Mexico   Rock crab Cancridae  (May Subd Geog) BT Cancer (Crustacea) [QL444.M33] Candelaria Valley (Guatemala and Mexico) BT Crabs USE Candelaria River Valley (Guatemala and Cancer pagurus fisheries  (May Subd Geog)   Decapoda (Crustacea)   Mexico) [SH380.47.C36] NT Cancer (Crustacea) BT Crab fisheries Candelier family Cancridae, Fossil  (May Subd Geog) USE Chandler family Cancer pain  (May Subd Geog) [QE817.D3] UF Cancer—Pain BT Crabs, Fossil Candeliez family   Cancer—Patients—Pain NT Cancer (Crustacea), Fossil USE Chandler family   Oncological pain BT Cancer—Complications Cancrincola  (May Subd Geog) Candelilla  (May Subd Geog)   Pain [QL444.C74] [QK495.E9 (Botany)] BT Ameiridae UF Euphorbia antisyphilitica Cancer patients NT Cancrincola plumipes   Euphorbia cerifera [Former heading] USE Cancer—Patients BT Euphorbia Cancrincola plumipes  (May Subd Geog) Cancer patients as artists  (May Subd Geog) [QL444.C74] Candella dynasty BT Artists BT Cancrincola USE Chandela dynasty Cancer patients' children Cancrinite Canderous, Simon (Fictitious character) USE Children of cancer patients BT Carbonate minerals (Not Subd Geog)   Feldspathoid UF Simon Canderous (Fictitious character) Cancer patients in literature  (Not Subd Geog) Cancer patients' writings  (Not Subd Geog) Cancrology Cande's manakin USE Carcinology USE White-collared manakin UF Writings of cancer patients BT Literature Cancuén Site (Guatemala) Canḍ ẹ śa (Hindu deity) Cancer patients' writings, American  (May Subd Geog) BT Guatemala—Antiquities USE Gandesvara (Hindu deity) UF American cancer patients' writings BT American literature Caṇḍā (Hindu deity) Candi (Fictitious character) Cancer patients' writings, English  (May Subd Geog) USE Caṇḍi (Hindu deity) USE Mama (Fictitious character : DeLoach) UF English cancer patients' writings BT English literature Candace White Post Office (Middletown, N.J.) Caṇdị (Hindu deity)  (Not Subd Geog) Cancer productus UF White Post Office (Middletown, N.J.) [BL1225.C25-BL1225.C254] USE Red rock crab BT Post office buildings—New Jersey UF Canḍ ̣ā (Hindu deity) Cancer promoting factors   Canḍ ị kā (Hindu deity) USE Cocarcinogens Candacia  (May Subd Geog)   Chandi (Hindu deity) [Former heading] Cancer promotion [QL444.C72] BT Hindu goddesses USE Cocarcinogenesis BT Candaciidae Cancer regression, Spontaneous  (May Subd Geog) Candia, Sea of (Greece) [RC270.5] Candaciidae  (May Subd Geog) USE Crete, Sea of (Greece) UF Cancer—Regression, Spontaneous [QL444.C72] BT Calanoida Candida  (May Subd Geog)   Cancer remission, Spontaneous NT Candacia [QK625.C76]   Neoplasm regression, Spontaneous BT Cryptococcaceae   Regression in cancer, Spontaneous Candage family  (Not Subd Geog) NT Candida albicans   Remission in cancer, Spontaneous RT Cavendish family   Candida lipolytica   Spontaneous cancer regression   Candida mycoderma   Tumor regression, Spontaneous Candajarago Lake (N.Y.)   Candida tropicalis BT Cancer USE Canadarago Lake (N.Y.) Cancer remission, Spontaneous — Adhesion USE Cancer regression, Spontaneous Caṇḍālas  (May Subd Geog) BT Cell adhesion Cancer research UF Chandalas USE Cancer—Research BT Caste—India Candida albicans  (May Subd Geog) Cancer serratus   Dalits [QK625.C76] USE Scylla serrata   Ethnology—India UF Monilia albicans Cancer specialists BT Candida USE Oncologists Çandarlı family  (Not Subd Geog) Cancer suppressor genes CANDE (Computer program language) Candida infection USE Antioncogenes USE Candidiasis Cancer survivors BT Programming languages (Electronic USE Cancer—Patients   computers) Candida lipolytica  (May Subd Geog) Cancer [QK625.C76] — Therapy Candé Palace (Monts, France) BT Candida USE Cancer—Treatment USE Chat̂ eau de Candé (Monts, France) Cancer treatment Candida mycoderma  (May Subd Geog) USE Cancer—Treatment Candela, Santa Maria de la [QK625.C76] Cancer treatment equipment industry  (May Subd Geog) USE Santa Maria de la Candela BT Candida [HD9995.C356-HD9995.C3564] BT Medical instruments and apparatus industry Candela family  (Not Subd Geog) Candida tropicalis  (May Subd Geog) Cancer vaccines  (May Subd Geog) Candelabra  (May Subd Geog) [QK625.C76] UF Oncologic vaccines BT Candida   Oncology vaccines [NA5090 (Christian architecture)]   Neoplasm vaccines BT Candlesticks Candidate cities to host the Olympics   Tumor vaccines USE Olympic host city selection BT Vaccines   Lamps Cancer viruses Candelaria, Most Blessed Virgin of Candidates, Political USE Oncogenic viruses USE Political candidates Cancer wahkiakumensis  (May Subd Geog) USE Copacabana, Nuestra Senõ ra de [QE817.D3] Candelaria, Nuestra Señora de Candidates for president BT Cancer (Crustacea), Fossil USE Presidential candidates Cancerologists USE Candelaria, Virgen de USE Oncologists Candelaria, Virgen de  (Not Subd Geog) Candidates for Vice-President Cancerology USE Vice-Presidential candidates USE Carcinology [BT660.C32-BT660.C33] Cancers UF Candelaria, Nuestra Senõ ra de Candidi, Ben (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) USE Cancer UF Ben Candidi (Fictitious character)   Nuestra Senõ ra de Candelaria   Virgen de Candelaria Candidiasis  (May Subd Geog) BT Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint—Devotion [QR201.C27 (Microbiology)]   to—Spain [RC123.C3 (Internal medicine)] Candelaria Cave (Mexico) UF Candida infection UF Cueva de La Candelaria (Mexico)   Candidosis   La Candelaria Cave (Mexico)   Moniliasis BT Caves—Mexico BT Mycoses   Mexico—Antiquities NT Thrush (Mouth disease) Candelaria culture  (May Subd Geog) [F2823.C3] Candidiasis, Vaginal UF La Candelaria culture USE Candidiasis, Vulvovaginal BT Indians of South   America—Argentina—Antiquities Candidiasis, Vulvovaginal  (May Subd Geog)   Argentina—Antiquities [RG269.C35] Candelaria de Copacabana, Virgen de la UF Candidiasis, Vaginal USE Copacabana, Nuestra Señora de   Vaginal candidiasis Candelaria de Copiapo,́ Virgen de la  (Not Subd Geog)   Vulvovaginal candidiasis [BT660.C33C6] BT Vaginitis UF Virgen de la Candelaria de Copiapó   Vulvovaginitis C-61

Candidius, Lake (Taiwan) — Equipment and supplies Candomblé (Religion)  (May Subd Geog) USE Riyue Lake (Taiwan) NT Candle extinguishers [BL2592.C35] UF Candomblé (Cult) [Former heading] Can̂ dido Revolt, Brazil, 1910 — Religious aspects BT Afro-Brazilian cults USE Brazil—History—Naval Revolt, 1910 USE Candles and lights Candomblé music  (May Subd Geog) Candidosis — Tariff BT Sacred music—Brazil USE Candidiasis USE Tariff on candles Candona  (May Subd Geog) Candied fruit  (May Subd Geog) Candles, Liturgical [QL444.O86 (Zoology)] UF Candied fruits USE Candles and lights BT Candonidae   Crystallized fruit   Glacé fruit Candles and lights  (May Subd Geog) Candonidae  (May Subd Geog) BT Candy Here are entered works on the use of candles and [QL444.O86 (Zoology)]   Fruit UF Candoninae lights in religious worship.   Paracyprididae Candied fruits BT Podocopida USE Candied fruit UF Candles—Religious aspects NT Candona   Candles, Liturgical Candies   Lights, Liturgical Candoninae USE Candy   Lights and candles USE Candonidae   Liturgical candles Candiff family Candor Chasma (Mars) USE Cundiff family BT Candlemas This heading is not valid for use as a geographic   Fire—Religious aspects Caṇḍikā (Hindu deity)   Light—Religious aspects subdivision. USE Caṇḍi (Hindu deity)   Sacramentals BT Mars (Planet) Candiotti, Jane (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) NT Menorah Candor Hall (Woodbury, N.J.) UF Jane Candiotti (Fictitious character)   Paschal candles USE Ladd's Castle (Woodbury, N.J.) Candle Demonstration, Bratislava, Slovakia, 1988 Candles and lights (Judaism) Candorcanqui, Battle of, Peru, 1824 BT Demonstrations—Slovakia [BM657.C3] BT Judaism—Liturgical objects USE Ayacucho, Battle of, Peru, 1824 Candle extinguishers  (May Subd Geog)   Light—Religious aspects—Judaism Candoshi Indians  (May Subd Geog) UF Extinguishers, Candle BT Candles—Equipment and supplies Candles in interior decoration  (May Subd Geog) [F3430.1.C32] [NK2115.5.C35] UF Candoxi Indians Candle industry  (May Subd Geog) BT Interior decoration Candle Lake Provincial Park (Sask.)   Kandoshi Indians Candlestick Park (San Francisco, Calif.) BT Indians of South America—Peru BT Parks—Saskatchewan BT Stadiums—California Candoshi language  (May Subd Geog) Candle making [PM5718.C8] Candlestick Point (Calif.) UF Candoxi language USE Candlemaking UF Candlestick Point (San Francisco, Calif.) Candle painting   [Former heading]   Kandoshi language BT Capes (Coasts)—California   Morato language USE Soot painting   Murato language Candle sconces Candlestick Point (San Francisco, Calif.)   Shapra language USE Candlestick Point (Calif.) BT Jivaran languages USE Sconces   Peru—Languages Candleberry myrtle Candlestick Point State Recreation Area (Calif.) Candoshi philosophy  (May Subd Geog) BT Recreation areas—California UF Philosophy, Candoshi USE Morella faya BT Philosophy, Peruvian Candlefish Candlesticks  (May Subd Geog) Candoxi Indians [NK3685 (Decorative arts)] USE Candoshi Indians USE Thaleichthys pacificus [TT197.5.L34 (Woodworking)] Candoxi language Candleholders UF Candleholders USE Candoshi language BT House furnishings Candra (Hindu deity)  (Not Subd Geog) USE Candlesticks NT Brass candlesticks UF Chandra (Hindu deity) Candlemaking  (May Subd Geog)   Candelabra BT Hindu gods   Glass candlesticks Candrabhan̄ a (Legendary character)  (Not Subd Geog) [TT896.5]   Metal candlesticks BT Legends—India UF Candle making   Sconces Candraketu Site (India) BT Candles USE Chandraketugarh Site (India) Candlesticks, Glass Candraketugarạ Site (India)   Wax craft USE Glass candlesticks USE Chandraketugarh Site (India) Candlemas  (May Subd Geog) Can̄ draseniȳ a Kaȳ astha Prabhus Candletree croton USE Chandreseniya Kayastha Prabhus [BV50.C3 (Christian worship)] USE Croton gossypifolius Candrella dynasty [GT4995.C36 (Manners and customs)] USE Chandela dynasty UF Feast of the Presentation of Jesus Christ Candlewick crystal Candriano Castle (Torella de' Lombardi, Italy) BT Crystal glass—United States USE Castello Candriano (Torella de' Lombardi, Italy)   Presentation of Jesus Christ, Feast of the CANDU reactors  (Not Subd Geog)   Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Feast Candlewick embroidery UF Canada deuterium uranium reactors   of the USE Candlewicking (Embroidery) BT Heavy water reactors BT Church year Candy  (May Subd Geog)   Churching of women Candlewick Lake (Ill.) [TX783-TX793]   Epiphany season UF Candlewick Reservoir (Ill.) UF Candies   Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint—Feasts BT Lakes—Illinois BT Confectionery   Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint—Purification   Reservoirs—Illinois NT Candied fruit RT Jesus Christ—Presentation   Candy canes NT Candles and lights Candlewick Reservoir (Ill.)   Chocolate candy Candlemas bells (Plants) USE Candlewick Lake (Ill.)   Fudge USE Snowdrops   Gumdrops Candlemas music Candlewicking (Embroidery)   Gummy bears [M2078.C2] [TT778.C24]   Halvah BT Sacred vocal music UF Candlewick embroidery   Jellybeans Candlenut tree  (May Subd Geog) BT Embroidery   Lollipops [QK495.E9 (Botany)]   Nougats [SD397.C337 (Forestry)] — Patterns   Peeps (Trademark) UF Aleurites moluccana Candlewood Lake (Conn.) Candy, Chocolate   Aleurites triloba USE Chocolate candy   Kukui UF Lake Candlewood (Conn.) Candy canes  (May Subd Geog) BT Oilseed plants BT Lakes—Connecticut UF Candycanes Candlepin bowling  (May Subd Geog) Candoia BT Candy [GV910.5.C35] USE Keel-scaled boas Candy containers  (May Subd Geog) UF Bowling, Candlepin [Former heading] Candoia bibroni [NK3690 (Decorative arts)]   Candlepins USE Bibron's keel-scaled boa BT Food containers BT Bowling games Candolle family  (Not Subd Geog) NT Candy dispensers — Records  (May Subd Geog) UF De Candolle family   Chocolate candy containers Candollea   Glass candy containers BT Sports records USE Triggerplants Candy dispensers  (May Subd Geog) Candlepins Candolleaceae [NK3690 (Decorative arts)] USE Stylidiaceae USE Candlepin bowling Candombe (Dance)  (May Subd Geog) Candler, Amy (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) [GV1796.C14] BT Dance UF Amy Candler (Fictitious character) Candombe (Dance) in art  (Not Subd Geog) Candler family Candombes (Music)  (May Subd Geog) BT Dance music—Argentina USE Chandler family Candles   Dance music—Uruguay   Popular music—Argentina [TP993]   Popular music—Uruguay BT Lighting Candomblé (Cult) NT Candlemaking USE Candomblé (Religion)   Tealights (Candles) C-62

UF Dispensers, Candy Canebrake Horse Camp (N.C.) Canẽ te Mountain (Spain) BT Candy containers BT Camps—North Carolina UF Sierra de Cañete (Spain) Candy Holliday (Fictitious character) BT Mountains—Spain USE Holliday, Candy (Fictitious character) Caneday family Candy industry  (May Subd Geog) USE Kennedy family Cañete River (Peru) [HD9330.C65-HD9330.C654] UF Río Cañete (Peru) BT Food industry and trade Canedo family  (Not Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Peru Candycanes Here are entered works on families with the USE Candy canes Cañete River Valley (Peru) Cane ball (Game) surnames Canedo or Canẽ do. When this heading is UF Cañete Valley (Peru) USE Chinlon (Game) assigned to works on an individual family, the BT Valleys—Peru Cane Canyon (Grand County and San Juan County, appropriate diacritical marks, if any, are included in Utah) the heading in the catalog record. Canẽ te River Watershed (Peru) USE Kane Springs Canyon (Utah) BT Watersheds—Peru Cane Corso  (May Subd Geog) Canẽ do Palace (Guadalajara, Mexico) UF Italian mastiff USE Palacio Cañedo (Guadalajara, Mexico) Canẽ te Valley (Peru) USE Cañete River Valley (Peru)   Sicilian branchiero Canedy family   Sicilianos branchiero USE Kennedy family Caneti family BT Mastiff breeds USE Canetti family Cane Creek (Alamance County and Orange County, Canegata family  (Not Subd Geog) N.C.) Canel family Canetti family  (Not Subd Geog) BT Rivers—North Carolina UF Caneti family Cane Creek (Lincoln County, Ark.) USE Kannel family   Kaneti family BT Rivers—Arkansas Canela Indians (Brazil)   Kanetti family Cane Creek (Walker County, Ala.)   Kaniti family BT Rivers—Alabama USE Canella Indians Cane Creek Reservoir (N.C.) Canela Indians (Ecuador) Caney Bayou (Wharton County and Matagorda County, BT Reservoirs—North Carolina Tex.) Cane Creek Watershed (Lincoln County, Ark.) USE Canelo Indians USE Caney Creek (Wharton County and Matagorda BT Watersheds—Arkansas Canela language   County, Tex.) Cane Creek Watershed (Walker County, Ala.) BT Watersheds—Alabama USE Canella language Caney Creek (Chautauqua County, Kan.-Washington Cane da pastore Maremmano-Abruzzese Canelar, Reserva Ecológica El (Mexico) County, Okla.) USE Maremma sheepdog USE Little Caney River (Kan. and Okla.) Cane de pastore Bergamasco USE Reserva Ecológica \"El Canelar\" (Mexico) USE Bergamasco Canell family Caney Creek (Elk County, Kan.-Rogers County, Okla.) Cane family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Caney River (Kan. and Okla.) UF Caney family USE Kannel family   Cani family Canella Indians  (May Subd Geog) Caney Creek (Sabine Parish, La.)   Canney family USE Harpoon Bayou (La.)   Cannie family [F2520.1.C32]   Canny family UF Canela Indians (Brazil) Caney Creek (Wharton County and Matagorda County,   Cano family Tex.)   Cantey family   Capiekrans Indians UF Caney Bayou (Wharton County and Matagorda   Canty family   Kanela Indians (Brazil)   County, Tex.)   Canu family   Krenkataje Indians   Cany Creek (Wharton County and Matagorda   Decani family BT Gê Indians   County, Tex.) Cane Hill, Battle of, Cane Hill, Ark., 1862   Indians of South America—Brazil   Craney Creek (Tex.) [E474.9] Canella language  (May Subd Geog) BT Rivers—Texas BT Arkansas—History—Civil War, 1861-1865 [PM5719]   United States—History—Civil War, 1861- UF Canela language Caney Creek Wilderness (Ark.)   1865—Campaigns   Kanela language BT National parks and reserves—Arkansas Cane palm   Krenkatajé language   Wilderness areas—Arkansas USE Chrysalidocarpus lutescens BT Brazil—Languages Cane palms   Gê languages Caney family USE Rattan palms Canellaceae  (May Subd Geog) USE Cane family Cane rats  (May Subd Geog) [QK495.C182] [QL737.R686 (Zoology)] UF Winteranaceae Caney Lake (La.) UF Aulacodus BT Magnoliales BT Lakes—Louisiana   Choeromys Canellales   Reservoirs—Louisiana   Grasscutters (Mammals) USE Magnoliales   Ground pigs Canelo art  (May Subd Geog) Caney River, Little (Kan. and Okla.)   Pigs, Ground UF Art, Canelo USE Little Caney River (Kan. and Okla.)   Rats, Cane   Canelo Indians—Art [Former heading]   Thryonomyidae BT Art, Ecuadorian Caney River (Kan. and Okla.)   Thryonomys Canelo Indians  (May Subd Geog) UF Big Caney River (Kan. and Okla.)   Triaulacodus [F3722.1.C23]   Caney Creek (Elk County, Kan.-Rogers BT Rodents UF Canela Indians (Ecuador)   County, Okla.) NT Greater cane rat   Canelos Quichua Indians BT Rivers—Kansas Cane River (La.)   Kanela Indians (Ecuador)   Rivers—Oklahoma BT Rivers—Louisiana   Lorretto Indians Cane River Creole National Historical Park (La.)   Napo Indians Canfield family  (Not Subd Geog) BT Historic sites—Louisiana   Penday Indians UF Camfeld family   National parks and reserves—Louisiana   Santa Rosino Indians   Camfield family Cane River National Heritage Area (La.) BT Indians of South America—Ecuador   Cantfield family BT Historic sites—Louisiana   Quechua Indians   National parks and reserves—Louisiana — Art Canfield Island Site (Pa.) Cane Spring Canyon (Utah) USE Canelo art BT Pennsylvania—Antiquities USE Kane Springs Canyon (Utah) Canelo mythology  (May Subd Geog) Cane Springs Canyon (Utah) UF Mythology, Canelo Canfield Lake National Wildlife Refuge (N.D.) USE Kane Springs Canyon (Utah) Canelo tree BT National parks and reserves—North Dakota Cane sugar USE Drimys winteri   Wildlife refuges—North Dakota USE Sugar Canelo women  (May Subd Geog) Cane toad UF Women, Canelo CANFOR (Psychological test) USE Bufo marinus BT Women—Ecuador USE Camberwell Assessment of Need, Forensic Canebier̀ e (Marseille, France) Canelos Quichua Indians   Version This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Canelo Indians subdivision. Canephores Canfranc Pass (France and Spain) [NB169] USE Somport Pass (France and Spain) UF Cannebière (Marseille, France) Canes   La Canebière (Marseille, France) USE Staffs (Sticks, canes, etc.) Canfranc Valley (Spain) Canes (Art glass) UF Valle de Canfranc (Spain) BT Streets—France USE Glass canes BT Valleys—Spain Canes for the blind  (May Subd Geog) UF White canes Cang, Jie (Legendary character)  (Not Subd Geog) BT Blind—Travel UF Jie Cang (Legendary character)   Blind, Apparatus for the   Tsʻang, Chieh (Legendary character) [Former   Staffs (Sticks, canes, etc.)   heading] Canesadooharie River (Ohio) BT Legends—China USE Black River (Ohio : River) Canesi family  (Not Subd Geog) Cang Lang Ting (Suzhou, Jiangsu Sheng, China) UF Canessi family This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Canessi family USE Canesi family subdivision. UF Blue Wave Pavilion (Suzhou, Jiangsu Sheng,   China)   Canglang Pavilion (Suzhou, Jiangsu Sheng,   China)   Surging Wave Pavilion (Suzhou, Jiangsu   Sheng, China) [Former heading]   Surging Waves Pavilion (Suzhou, Jiangsu   Sheng, China) BT Gardens—China Cang Mountains (Yunnan Sheng, China) UF Cang Shan (Yunnan Sheng, China)   Cangshan (Yunnan Sheng, China) C-63

Cang Mountains (Yunnan Sheng, China)  (Continued) Caniday family Canine rabies   Diancang Mountains (China) USE Kennedy family USE Rabies in dogs   Diancang Shan (China)   Diancangshan (China) Canienga Indians Canine sports medicine  (May Subd Geog) USE Mohawk Indians [SF991.6] BT Hengduan Mountains (China) UF Dog sports medicine   Mountains—China Canienga language   Dogs—Sports medicine USE Mohawk language BT Sports medicine Cang Shan (Yunnan Sheng, China)   Veterinary medicine USE Cang Mountains (Yunnan Sheng, China) Canigó Mountain (France) RT Dog sports USE Canigou Mountain (France) Canga-Peba Indians Canine teeth USE Omagua Indians (Ecuador and Peru) Canigó Mountains (France) USE Cuspids USE Canigou Mountains (France) Canġ āḷvara dynasty  (Not Subd Geog) Caninefates UF Caṅgāḷvaru dynasty Canigou, The (France) USE Caninefates (Germanic people)   Changālṿ a dynasty USE Canigou Mountain (France)   Changal̄ ̣varu dynasty Caninefates (Germanic people)  (May Subd Geog) BT India—Kings and rulers Canigou Mountain (France) UF Caninefates [Former heading] UF Canigó Mountain (France)   Cannanefates (Germanic people) Caṅgal̄ ̣varu dynasty   Canigou, The (France)   Cannenefates (Germanic people) USE Caṅgal̄ ̣vara dynasty   Mont Canigou (France)   Canninefates (Germanic people)   Mount Canigó (France) BT Ethnology—Netherlands Cangborong (African people)   Mount Canigou (France)   Germanic peoples USE Nchumburung (African people)   Pic du Canigou (France)   Pica del Canigó (France) Canines (Teeth) Cange family  (Not Subd Geog)   The Canigou (France) USE Cuspids Cangin languages  (May Subd Geog) BT Canigou Mountains (France)   Mountains—France Caning of chairs [PL8108] USE Chair caning BT Atlantic languages Canigou Mountains (France) UF Canigó Mountains (France) Canirallus cuvieri aldabranus   Senegal—Languages   Le Canigou (France) USE Aldabra white-throated rail NT Falor language   Massif du Canigou (France) BT Mountains—France Canis  (May Subd Geog)   Lehar language   Pyrenees [QL737.C22 (Zoology)]   Ndut language NT Canigou Mountain (France) BT Canidae   Noon language NT Canis aureus Canglang Pavilion (Suzhou, Jiangsu Sheng, China) Canigua   Canis simensis USE Cang Lang Ting (Suzhou, Jiangsu Sheng, USE Cañahua   Coyote   China)   Eastern wolf Canglo Monba language Canĩ hua   Gray wolf USE Tshangla language USE Canã hua   Wolves Cangluo Menba language USE Tshangla language Canillas family  (Not Subd Geog) Canis, Fossil  (May Subd Geog) Cangluo Monba language Caniḿ ar I Site (Cuba) [QE882.C15] USE Tshangla language UF Dogs, Fossil [Former heading] Cango Caves Group (South Africa) BT Cuba—Antiquities BT Canidae, Fossil UF Kango Groep (South Africa) CANIND71 (Information retrieval system) NT Brachyrhynchocyon   Kango Group (South Africa)   Coyote, Fossil BT Geology, Stratigraphic—Precambrian UF Canadian Industry in 1871 (Information   Cynotherium   Groups (Stratigraphy)—South Africa   retrieval system)   Dire wolf Cangreja National Park (Costa Rica) USE Parque Nacional La Cangreja (Costa Rica) BT Information storage and retrieval systems Canis aureus  (May Subd Geog) Cangreja Protected Zone, Cerro de la (Costa Rica) Canine behavioral therapy [QL737.C22] USE Parque Nacional La Cangreja (Costa Rica) UF Asiatic jackal Cangshan (Yunnan Sheng, China) USE Dogs—Behavior therapy   Golden jackal USE Cang Mountains (Yunnan Sheng, China) Canine blacktongue BT Canis Cánh Đò̂ng Chum (Laos)   Jackals USE Jars, Plain of (Laos) USE Black-tongue Canhasan (Extinct city) Canine companions for people with mobility disabilities Canis cagottis UF Can Hasan (Extinct city) USE Coyote   Canasan (Extinct city) USE Service dogs   Canason (Extinct city) Canine dirofilariasis Canis canis   Cenasun (Extinct city) USE Dogs BT Extinct cities—Turkey USE Canine heartworm disease   Turkey—Antiquities Canine distemper  (May Subd Geog) Canis clepticus Cani family USE Coyote USE Cane family [SF992.D5] Caniadaraga Lake (N.Y.) UF Carré's disease Canis culpaeus USE Canadarago Lake (N.Y.) BT Distemper USE Culpeo Canibas Indians USE Norridgewock Indians   Dogs—Virus diseases Canis dickeyi Canichana language  (May Subd Geog) Canine distemper virus  (May Subd Geog) USE Coyote [PM5723] UF Kanichana language UF Carre'́ s virus Canis dingo BT Bolivia—Languages   Distemper virus, Canine USE Dingo   Tucanoan languages Canidae  (May Subd Geog) BT Morbilliviruses Canis dirus [QL737.C22] Canine filariasis USE Dire wolf BT Carnivora NT Canis USE Canine heartworm disease Canis domesticus   Chrysocyon Canine heartworm USE Dogs   Cuon   Dusicyon USE Dirofilaria immitis Canis estor   Foxes Canine heartworm disease  (May Subd Geog) USE Coyote   Lycaon   Nyctereutes [SF992.H4] Canis familiaris dingo   Otocyon UF Canine dirofilariasis USE Dingo   Pseudalopex   Urocyon   Canine filariasis Canis familiarus   Vulpes   Dirofilariasis, Canine USE Dogs   Wild dogs   Dog heartworm disease Canidae, Fossil  (May Subd Geog)   Heartworm disease in dogs Canis familiarus domesticus [QE882.C15] RT Dirofilaria immitis USE Dogs BT Carnivora, Fossil BT Dogs—Diseases NT Arctic fox, Fossil Canine helpers for people with mobility disabilities Canis frustror   Canis, Fossil USE Service dogs USE Coyote   Hesperocyon Canine hip dysplasia  (May Subd Geog) — Geographical distribution [SF992.H56] Canis goldmani Canidae in art  (Not Subd Geog) UF Hip dysplasia in dogs USE Coyote BT Dogs—Diseases   Dysplasia Canis hondurensis   Hip joint—Abnormalities USE Coyote   Hip joint—Dislocation Canine parvovirus  (May Subd Geog) Canis impavidus [QR408.2.C35] USE Coyote UF CPV (Virus) BT Parvoviruses Canis jamesi Canine parvovirus infections  (May Subd Geog) USE Coyote BT Dogs—Virus diseases   Parvovirus infections Canis latrans Canine pediatrics USE Coyote USE Puppies—Diseases Canine pellagra Canis lestes USE Black-tongue USE Coyote Canis lupus USE Gray wolf Canis lupus baileyi USE Mexican wolf C-64

Canis lupus canadensis [SB413.C25 (Ornamental plants)] Cannan family USE Eastern wolf BT Cannaceae USE Cannon family Canna butterfly Canis lupus dingo USE Larger canna leafroller Cannanefates (Germanic people) USE Dingo Canna leaf-roller USE Caninefates (Germanic people) USE Larger canna leafroller Canis lupus familiaris Canne (Extinct city) USE Dogs   Lesser canna leafroller USE Cannae (Extinct city) Canna leafroller, Larger Canis lupus lycaon Cannebier̀ e (Marseille, France) USE Eastern wolf USE Larger canna leafroller USE Canebier̀ e (Marseille, France) Canna leafroller, Lesser Canis lupus rufus Canned anchovy industry USE Red wolf USE Lesser canna leafroller USE Anchovy canning industry Cannabaceae  (May Subd Geog) Canis lupus ungavensis Canned applesauce  (May Subd Geog) USE Eastern wolf [QK495.C194 (Botany)] BT Applesauce UF Cannabiaceae   Canned fruit Canis lycaon USE Eastern wolf   Cannabidaceae Canned asparagus  (May Subd Geog)   Cannabinaceae UF Asparagus, Canned [Former heading] Canis mearnsi BT Urticales BT Asparagus USE Coyote NT Cannabis   Canned vegetables   Hemp Canis mesomelas   Humulus Canned Atlantic salmon USE Black-backed jackal Cannabiaceae USE Canned salmon USE Cannabaceae Canis microdon Cannabidaceae Canned beans  (May Subd Geog) USE Coyote USE Cannabaceae UF Beans, Canned [Former heading] Cannabinaceae BT Beans Canis niger USE Cannabaceae   Canned vegetables USE Red wolf Cannabinoids  (May Subd Geog) [QP801.C27 (Biochemistry)] Canned beef  (May Subd Geog) Canis ochropus [RM666.C266 (Therapeutics)] UF Beef, Canned [Former heading] USE Coyote BT Cannabis BT Beef   Hallucinogenic drugs   Canned meat Canis peninsulae   Terpenes USE Coyote NT Synthetic marijuana Canned beets  (May Subd Geog)   Tetrahydrocannabinol BT Beets Canis rufus Cannabis  (May Subd Geog)   Canned vegetables USE Red wolf [HV5822.C3 (Social pathology)] [QK495.C194 (Botany)] Canned berries  (May Subd Geog) Canis simensis  (May Subd Geog) [RC568.C2 (Psychopathology)] UF Berries, Canned [Former heading] [QL737.C22 (Zoology)] [SB295.C35 (Medicinal plants)] BT Berries UF Abyssinian wolf Here are entered works on Cannabis sativa as a   Canned fruit   Ethiopian wolf drug plant. General works on hemp plants and on NT Canned gooseberries   Fox, Simian Cannabis sativa as a fiber plant are entered under   Canned raspberries   Jackal, Simian Hemp.   Canned strawberries   Simian fox   Simian jackal UF Cannabis gigantea Canned bonito  (May Subd Geog)   Simien fox   Cannabis indica BT Bonito   Simien jackal   Cannabis sativa   Canned fish BT Canis   Gallow grass   Wolves Canned cherries  (May Subd Geog) BT Cannabaceae UF Cherries, Canned Canis texensis RT Marijuana BT Canned fruit USE Coyote NT Bhang (Drug)   Cherry Canis thamnos   Cannabinoids Canned corn  (May Subd Geog) USE Coyote   Hashish UF Canned sweet corn — Social aspects  (May Subd Geog)   Corn, Canned [Former heading] Canis umpquensis   Maize, Canned [Former heading] USE Coyote UF Society and cannabis BT Canned vegetables Cannabis abuse   Sweet corn Canis velox USE Kit fox USE Marijuana abuse Canned crab meat  (May Subd Geog) Cannabis gigantea UF Crabs, Canned [Former heading] Canis vigilis BT Canned seafood USE Coyote USE Cannabis   Crab meat   Hemp Canissa vár (Nagykanizsa, Hungary) Canned fish  (May Subd Geog) USE Kanizsa Castle (Nagykanizsa, Hungary) Cannabis indica UF Fish, Canned [Former heading] USE Cannabis BT Canned seafood Canisteo River (N.Y.)   Hemp   Fish as food BT Rivers—New York (State) NT Canned bonito Cannabis industry   Canned salmon Canisters, Radioactive waste USE Marijuana industry   Canned sardines USE Radioactive waste canisters   Canned tuna Cannabis sativa Canistropsis  (May Subd Geog) USE Cannabis Canned fish industry  (May Subd Geog) [QK495.B76 (Botany)]   Hemp [HD9330.F47-HD9330.F474] BT Bromeliaceae UF Fish canning industry Cannaceae  (May Subd Geog) BT Canned foods industry Canistrum  (May Subd Geog) [QK495.C196 (Botany)]   Fish trade [QK495.B76 (Botany)] BT Zingiberales NT Anchovy canning industry BT Bromeliaceae NT Canna   Salmon canning industry   Tuna canning industry Cǎ njevo, Fort (Cǎ njevo, Croatia) Cannada family USE Utvrda Čanjevo (Čanjevo, Croatia) USE Kennedy family Canned fishery products  (May Subd Geog) UF Fishery products, Canned [Former heading] Cank̇ am literature Cannaday family BT Fishery products USE Sangam literature USE Kennedy family NT Canned seafood Cankar family  (Not Subd Geog) Cannady family — Aluminum content  (May Subd Geog) Canker, Cacao USE Kennedy family BT Aluminum USE Phytophthora pod rot of cacao Cannae (Extinct city) Canned foods  (May Subd Geog) Canker (Plant disease)  (May Subd Geog) [DG70.C1738] [TX552] UF Canne (Extinct city) UF Canned goods UF Cankers (Plant disease)   Monte di Canne (Extinct city)   Food, Canned [Former heading] BT Plant diseases BT Extinct cities—Italy   Goods, Canned NT Butternut canker   Italy—Antiquities   Tinned foods BT Food   Cytospora canker Cannae, Battle of, 216 B.C. NT Canned fruit   Scleroderris canker USE Cannae, Battle of, Italy, 216 B.C.   Canned meat Canker-worms  (May Subd Geog)   Canned mushrooms [SB945.C33] Cannae, Battle of, Italy, 216 B.C.   Canned pasta products BT Caterpillars [DG247.3]   Canned poultry Cankers (Plant disease) UF Cannae, Battle of, 216 B.C. [Former heading]   Canned rice USE Canker (Plant disease) BT Punic War, 2nd, 218-201   Canned seafood CANMINDEX (Information retrieval system)   B.C.—Campaigns—Italy   Canned vegetables UF Canadian Mineral Occurrence Index   (Information retrieval system) Cannales — Labeling  (May Subd Geog) BT Information storage and retrieval USE Marantaceae   systems—Mines and mineral resources Cann family  (Not Subd Geog) Canna (Scotland) BT Inner Hebrides (Scotland)   Islands—Scotland Canna  (May Subd Geog) [QK495.C196 (Botany)] C-65

Canned foods  (Continued) Canned pears  (May Subd Geog) BT Canned foods — Microbiology  (May Subd Geog) UF Pear, Canned [Former heading]   Vegetables [QR123]   Pears, Canned — Sterilization  (May Subd Geog) BT Canned fruit NT Canned asparagus — Use in cooking   Pears   Canned beans USE Cooking (Canned foods)   Canned beets Canned peas  (May Subd Geog)   Canned corn Canned foods industry  (May Subd Geog) UF Peas, Canned [Former heading]   Canned peas [HD9320-HD9330] BT Canned vegetables   Canned sweet potatoes UF Canning and preserving—Industry and trade   Peas   Canned tomatoes   [Former heading]   Canning industry Canned pineapple  (May Subd Geog) Canned vegetables industry  (May Subd Geog) BT Container industry UF Pineapple, Canned [Former heading] [HD9230]   Food industry and trade BT Canned fruit BT Canned foods industry NT Canned fish industry   Pineapple   Canned fruit industry Canneday family   Canned vegetables industry Canned plums  (May Subd Geog) USE Kennedy family UF Plum, Canned [Former heading] — Collective labor agreements BT Canned fruit Cannel coal  (May Subd Geog) USE Collective labor agreements—Canned   Plum [TN827]   foods industry BT Coal Canned pork  (May Subd Geog) — Employees UF Pork, Canned [Former heading] Cannel family NT Cannery workers BT Canned meat USE Kannel family   Pork Canned fruit  (May Subd Geog) NT Spam (Trademark) Cannell family UF Fruit, Canned [Former heading] USE Kannel family BT Canned foods — Tariff   Fruit USE Tariff on canned pork Cannelle (Fictitious character : Gagnon) NT Canned applesauce USE Cannelle (Fictitious character : Societ́ é de   Canned berries Canned poultry  (May Subd Geog)   radio-teĺ ev́ ision du Queb́ ec)   Canned cherries UF Poultry, Canned [Former heading]   Canned grapefruit BT Canned foods Cannelle (Fictitious character : Societ́ é de radio-   Canned mandarin oranges   Poultry as food teĺ évision du Québec)  (Not Subd Geog)   Canned peaches UF Cannelle (Fictitious character : Gagnon)   Canned pears Canned prunes  (May Subd Geog)   [Former heading]   Canned pineapple BT Canned fruit   Canned plums   Prune Cannenburch Castle (Epe, Netherland)   Canned prunes USE Kasteel de Cannenburch (Epe, Netherlands)   Export duties on canned fruit Canned raspberries  (May Subd Geog) UF Raspberries, Canned [Former heading] Cannenefates (Germanic people) Canned fruit industry  (May Subd Geog) BT Canned berries USE Caninefates (Germanic people) [HD9240-HD9259]   Raspberries BT Canned foods industry Canneries  (May Subd Geog) Canned rice  (May Subd Geog) BT Food processing plants Canned fruit juices  (May Subd Geog) UF Rice, Canned [Former heading] NT Fish canneries UF Fruit juices, Canned [Former heading] BT Canned foods BT Fruit juices   Rice — Strikes and lockouts NT Canned grapefruit juice USE Strikes and lockouts—Canneries   Canned orange juice Canned salmon  (May Subd Geog) UF Atlantic salmon, Canned — Waste disposal  (May Subd Geog) Canned goods   Canned Atlantic salmon [TD899.C3] USE Canned foods   Canned Pacific salmon   Pacific salmon, Canned Cannero Castles (Italy) Canned gooseberries  (May Subd Geog)   Salmon, Canned [Former heading] USE Castelli di Cannero (Italy) BT Canned berries BT Canned fish   Gooseberries   Salmon Canners RT Salmon canning industry USE Cannery workers Canned grapefruit  (May Subd Geog) BT Canned fruit Canned salmon industry Cannery Row (Monterey, Calif.)   Grapefruit USE Salmon canning industry This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Canned grapefruit juice  (May Subd Geog) Canned sardines  (May Subd Geog) subdivision. UF Grapefruit juice, Canned [Former heading] UF Sardines, Canned [Former heading] BT Canned fruit juices BT Canned fish UF Ocean View Avenue (Monterey, Calif.)   Grapefruit juice   Sardines BT Streets—California Cannery workers  (May Subd Geog) Canned lobsters  (May Subd Geog) Canned seafood  (May Subd Geog) [HD8039.C27] UF Lobsters, Canned [Former heading] UF Seafood, Canned UF Canners BT Canned seafood BT Canned fishery products BT Canned foods industry—Employees   Lobsters   Canned foods NT Women cannery workers   Seafood — Collective bargaining Canned mandarin oranges  (May Subd Geog) NT Canned crab meat BT Canned fruit   Canned fish USE Collective bargaining—Cannery workers   Mandarin orange   Canned lobsters — Labor unions  (May Subd Geog)   Canned oysters — Wages Canned meat  (May Subd Geog)   Canned shrimp UF Meat, Canned [Former heading] USE Wages—Cannery workers BT Canned foods Canned shrimp  (May Subd Geog) Canneville Site (France)   Meat UF Shrimp, Canned NT Canned beef   Shrimps, Canned [Former heading] BT France—Antiquities   Canned pork BT Canned seafood Canneworff family   Shrimps Canned mushrooms  (May Subd Geog) USE Kannewurf family UF Mushrooms, Canned [Former heading] Canned strawberries  (May Subd Geog) Canney family BT Canned foods UF Strawberries, Canned [Former heading]   Edible mushrooms BT Canned berries USE Cane family   Strawberries Cannibal snail Canned music USE Production music Canned sweet corn USE Rosy wolfsnail USE Canned corn Cannibali (Literary movement) Canned orange juice  (May Subd Geog) UF Orange juice, Canned [Former heading] Canned sweet potatoes  (May Subd Geog) USE Giovani cannibali (Literary movement) BT Canned fruit juices UF Sweet potatoes, Canned [Former heading] Cannibalism  (May Subd Geog)   Orange juice BT Canned vegetables   Sweet potatoes [GN409] Canned oysters  (May Subd Geog) UF Anthropophagy UF Oysters, Canned [Former heading] Canned tomatoes  (May Subd Geog) BT Ethnology BT Canned seafood UF Tomatoes, Canned [Former heading] — Mythology  (May Subd Geog)   Oysters BT Canned vegetables Cannibalism (Animals)   Tomatoes USE Cannibalism in animals Canned Pacific salmon Cannibalism in animals  (May Subd Geog) USE Canned salmon Canned tuna  (May Subd Geog) [QL756.57] UF Tuna, Canned [Former heading] UF Animals—Cannibalism Canned pasta products  (May Subd Geog) BT Canned fish BT Canned foods   Tuna   Cannibalism (Animals) [Former heading]   Pasta products RT Tuna canning industry   Cannibalistic behavior in animals BT Animals—Food Canned peaches  (May Subd Geog) Canned tuna industry SA subdivision Cannibalism under individual UF Peach, Canned [Former heading] USE Tuna canning industry   animals and groups of animals, e.g. Fishes-- BT Canned fruit   Cannibalism   Peach Canned vegetables  (May Subd Geog) Cannibalism in art  (Not Subd Geog) UF Vegetables, Canned [Former heading] Cannibalism in literature  (Not Subd Geog) Cannibalism in motion pictures  (Not Subd Geog) BT Motion pictures Cannibalism in the Bible [BS1199.C36 (Old Testament)] Cannibalistic behavior in animals USE Cannibalism in animals C-66

Cannibals (Literary movement) Cannogenin thevetoside Caño Limón (Colombia) USE Giovani cannibali (Literary movement) USE Peruvoside BT Oil fields—Colombia Cannibas Indians Cannon Caño Site (Panama) USE Norridgewock Indians USE Ordnance UF El Canõ Site (Panama)   Parque Arqueoloǵ ico de El Caño (Panama) Canniday family Cannon Ball River (N.D.) BT Panama—Antiquities USE Kennedy family USE Cannonball River (N.D.) Canoa Indians Cannie family Cannon Building (Washington, D.C.) USE Ava-Canoeiro Indians USE Cane family USE Cannon House Office Building (Washington,   D.C.) Canoa Ranch (Ariz.) Canniff family BT Ranches—Arizona USE Cundiff family Cannon Center (Provo, Utah) UF George Q. Cannon Building (Provo, Utah) Canoas River (Santa Catarina, Brazil) Canniffe family BT College buildings—Utah UF Canoas River (Santa Catarina, Brazil : State) USE Cundiff family   [Former heading] Cannon Creek (Nev.)   Rio Canoas (Santa Catarina, Brazil) Cannikin Project USE Canyon Creek (Elko County, Nev.) BT Rivers—Brazil UF Project Cannikin BT Nuclear weapons—Testing Cannon Dam (Mo.) Canoas River (Santa Catarina, Brazil : State)   Underground nuclear explosions USE Clarence Cannon Dam (Mo.) USE Canoas River (Santa Catarina, Brazil) Cannindah Creek (Qld.) Cannon family  (Not Subd Geog) Canoas River Watershed (Santa Catarina, Brazil) BT Rivers—Australia UF Cannan family BT Watersheds—Brazil   Canning family Cannindah Creek Watershed (Qld.)   Canon family Canobbiana, Teatro alla (Milan, Italy) BT Watersheds—Australia   Kannon family USE Teatro alla Canobbiana (Milan, Italy)   O'Cannan family Canninefates (Germanic people) RT Fincannon family Canobie Lake Amusement Park (Salem, N.H.) USE Caninefates (Germanic people)   McCannon family USE Canobie Lake Park (Salem, N.H.)   Vuncannon family Canning and preserving  (May Subd Geog) Canobie Lake Park (Salem, N.H.) [TP371.2-TP372.4 (Food processing industry)] Cannon Green (Princeton, N.J.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic [TX599-TX612 (Home preservation of food)] This heading is not valid for use as a geographic UF Pickling subdivision.   Preserving subdivision. BT Chemistry, Technical UF Canobie Lake Amusement Park (Salem, N.H.)   Cooking BT Plazas—New Jersey BT Amusement parks—New Hampshire   Food—Preservation Cannon Hall (South Yorkshire, England) Canoe birch   Food conservation USE Paper birch SA subdivision Preservation under names of BT Manors—England Canoe camping  (May Subd Geog)   individual foods, e.g. Corn--Preservation Cannon House Office Building (Washington, D.C.) [GV790] NT Salting of food BT Camping UF Cannon Building (Washington, D.C.) — Apparatus and supplies   Joseph Gurney Cannon House Office Building   Canoes and canoeing USE Canning and preserving—Equipment and   (Washington, D.C.) Canoe cedar   supplies BT Office buildings—Washington (D.C.) USE Western redcedar — Equipment and supplies   Public buildings—Washington (D.C.) Canoe Creek State Park (Pa.) UF Canning and preserving—Apparatus and   supplies [Former heading] Cannon Mountain (N.H.) BT Parks—Pennsylvania NT Glass fruit jars UF Profile Mountain (N.H.) Canoe Indians BT Mountains—New Hampshire — Industry and trade   White Mountains (N.H. and Me.) USE Ava-Canoeiro Indians USE Canned foods industry NT Old Man of the Mountain (N.H.) Canoe industry  (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) Cannon Reservoir (Mo.) [HD9993.C38-HD9993.C384] BT Food law and legislation USE Mark Twain Lake (Mo.) BT Boating industry Canoe Lake (Nipissing, Ont. : Lake) — Microbiology  (May Subd Geog) Cannon River (Minn.) BT Lakes—Ontario [TX603] UF Big Cannon River (Minn.) Canoe marathon racing BT Rivers—Minnesota USE Canoe racing, Marathon Canning Basin (W.A.) Canoe Pass (Wash.) BT Basins (Geology)—Australia Cannon Valley Bike Trail (Minn.) UF Canoe Passage (Wash.) USE Cannon Valley Trail (Minn.) BT Straits—Washington (State) Canning family Canoe Passage (Wash.) USE Cannon family Cannon Valley Trail (Minn.) USE Canoe Pass (Wash.) UF Cannon Valley Bike Trail (Minn.) Canoe polo  (May Subd Geog) Canning Formation (Alaska) BT Trails—Minnesota BT Aquatic sports BT Formations (Geology)—Alaska RT Water polo   Geology, Stratigraphic—Cretaceous Cannonadu (Wine) Canoe racing  (May Subd Geog)   Geology, Stratigraphic—Paleogene USE Cannonau (Wine) [GV786] UF Dragon boat racing Canning industry Cannonao (Wine) BT Canoes and canoeing USE Canned foods industry USE Cannonau (Wine)   Racing Canning River (Alaska) Cannonau (Wine)  (May Subd Geog) — New York (State) BT Rivers—Alaska UF Cannonadu (Wine) Canoe racing, Marathon  (May Subd Geog)   Cannonao (Wine) Canning River (W.A.)   Canonau (Wine) UF Canoe marathon racing BT Rivers—Australia BT Wine and wine making   Long distance canoe racing   Marathon canoe racing Canning River Estuary (W.A.) Cannonball River (N.D.) BT Estuaries—Australia UF Cannon Ball River (N.D.) BT Racing   North Fork, Cannonball River (N.D.) Canoe shells Canning River Watershed (Alaska) BT Rivers—North Dakota BT Watersheds—Alaska USE Scaphandridae Cannon's Point Plantation Site (Ga.) Canoe trips Canning River Watershed (W.A.) BT Georgia—Antiquities BT Watersheds—Australia USE Canoes and canoeing Cannonsville Basin (N.Y.) Canoeing Canning Stock Route (W.A.) USE Cannonsville Reservoir Watershed (N.Y.) BT Cattle trails—Australia USE Canoes and canoeing Cannonsville Reservoir (N.Y.) Canoeing accidents  (May Subd Geog) Cannizaro Park (Merton, London, England) BT Reservoirs—New York (State) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic UF Canoes and canoeing—Accidents and injuries Cannonsville Reservoir Basin (N.Y.)   [Former heading] subdivision. USE Cannonsville Reservoir Watershed (N.Y.) BT Boating accidents BT Parks—England Cannonsville Reservoir Watershed (N.Y.) Canoeing for people with disabilities  (May Subd Geog) Cannizzaro family  (Not Subd Geog) UF Cannonsville Basin (N.Y.) Cannizzaro reaction   Cannonsville Reservoir Basin (N.Y.) UF Canoeing for the physically handicapped   Cannonsville Watershed (N.Y.)   [Former heading] BT Aldehydes BT Watersheds—New York (State)   Chemical reactions BT Sports for people with disabilities Cannonsville Watershed (N.Y.) Canoeing for the physically handicapped Cannobina Valley (Italy) USE Cannonsville Reservoir Watershed (N.Y.) USE Cannobino River Valley (Italy) USE Canoeing for people with disabilities Cannor, Loch (Scotland) Canoeiro Indians Cannobino River (Italy) USE Kinord, Loch (Scotland) UF Torrente Cannobino (Italy) USE Rikbaktsa Indians BT Rivers—Italy Cannoy family Canoeiro Indians (Mato Grosso) USE Canoy family Cannobino River Valley (Italy) USE Rikbaktsa Indians UF Cannobina Valley (Italy) Cannula Canoeiro language (Mato Grosso, Brazil)   Cannobino Valley (Italy) — Microbiology  (May Subd Geog)   Val Cannobina (Italy) USE Rikbaktsa language   Valle Cannobina (Italy) Cannulation Canoeiros Indians (Goiás) BT Valleys—Italy USE Catheterization USE Ava-Canoeiro Indians Cannobino Valley (Italy) Canny family USE Cannobino River Valley (Italy) USE Cane family Cannock and Leacroft Colliery (England) Cano family BT Coal mines and mining—England USE Cane family C-67

Canoeists  (May Subd Geog) Cañón de San Cristóbal (P.R.)   Church finance (Canon law) BT Athletes USE San Cristóbal Canyon (P.R.)   Church maintenance and repair (Ecclesiastical NT Women canoeists   law) Canõ n de Santa Elena, Area de Proteccioń de Flora y   Church music (Canon law) Canoes and canoeing  (May Subd Geog) Fauna (Mexico)   Church property (Canon law) [GN440.2 (Ethnology)] USE Area de Proteccioń de Flora y Fauna Cañon de   Church societies (Canon law) [GV781-GV785 (Sport)]   Santa Elena (Mexico)   Civil marriage (Canon law) UF Birch-bark canoes   Civil procedure (Canon law)   Canoe trips Canõ ń del Duratón (Spain)   Claims against decedents' estates (Canon law)   Canoeing USE Duratoń Canyon (Spain)   Clandestinity (Canon law) BT Aquatic sports   Clergy conferences (Canon law)   Boats and boating Cañón del Rió Lobos National Park (Spain)   Communists (Canon law) NT Canoe camping USE Parque Natural del Canõ ́n del Rió Lobos   Comparative canon law   Canoe racing   (Spain)   Compromise (Canon law)   Dugout canoes   Condemned societies (Canon law)   Fiberglass canoes Canõ ́n del Sumidero (Mexico)   Confession (Canon law)   Indians of Central America—Boats USE Sumidero Canyon (Mexico)   Confessors (Canon law)   Indians of North America—Boats   Confirmation (Canon law)   Indians of South America—Boats Canon digital cameras  (Not Subd Geog)   Conflict of laws (Canon law)   Inflatable canoes BT Canon camera   Confraternities (Canon law)   Kayaking   Digital cameras   Consanguinity (Canon law)   Kayaks   Consent (Canon law)   Outrigger canoes Canon family   Contracts (Canon law)   White-water canoeing USE Cannon family   Contumacy (Canon law)   Convents (Canon law) — Accidents and injuries Canõ n Las Huertas (N.M.)   Converts (Canon law) USE Canoeing accidents USE Las Huertas Canyon (N.M.)   Copyright (Canon law)   Corporations, Religious (Canon law) — Records  (May Subd Geog) Canon law   Costs (Canon law) BT Sports records Here are entered general works on canon law and   Councils and synods, Diocesan (Canon law)   Councils and synods, Plenary (Canon law) — Training  (May Subd Geog) works on the canon law of the Catholic Church.   Councils and synods, Provincial (Canon law) BT Physical education and training   Councils and synods (Canon law) UF Canon law—Catholic Church   Criminal attempt (Canon law) Canoes and canoeing in art  (Not Subd Geog)   Catholic Church—Relations (Canon law)   Criminal intent (Canon law) Canol Heritage Trail (N.W.T.)   [Former heading]   Criminal investigation (Canon law)   Public law (Canon law)   Criminal law (Canon law) UF Canol Trail (N.W.T.)   Criminal liability (Canon law) BT Trails—Northwest Territories BT Law   Criminal liability of juristic persons (Canon law) Canol Trail (N.W.T.) RT Ecclesiastical law   Cults (Canon law) USE Canol Heritage Trail (N.W.T.)   Customary law (Canon law) Canola  (May Subd Geog)   Rescripts, Papal   Dead bodies (Canon law) BT Rape (Plant)—Varieties NT Abbots (Canon law)   Death—Proof and certification (Canon law)   Deathbed marriage (Canon law)   Rapeseed   Abduction (Canon law)   Declaration of intention (Canon law) Canola meal  (May Subd Geog)   Abortion (Canon law)   Defense (Canon law)   Absence and presumption of death (Canon   Dioceses (Canon law) BT Meal   law)   Divine office (Canon law) Canola meal as feed  (May Subd Geog)   Absolution (Canon law)   Divorce (Canon law)   Accomplices (Canon law)   Dolus (Canon law) [SF99.C35]   Actions and defenses (Canon law)   Domestic relations (Canon law) BT Feeds   Addicts (Canon law)   Domicile (Canon law) Canola oil  (May Subd Geog)   Administrative acts (Canon law)   Dowry (Canon law) BT Rape oil   Administrative law (Canon law)   Drug addicts (Canon law) — Use in cooking   Administrative procedure (Canon law)   Drunkenness (Canon law)   Administrative responsibility (Canon law)   Duress (Canon law) USE Cooking (Canola oil)   Administrators apostolic   Ecclesiastical courts Canon, Musical   Adoption (Canon law)   Ecumenical associations (Canon law)   Adultery (Canon law)   Election law (Canon law) USE Musical canon   Adverse possession (Canon law)   Embezzlement (Canon law) Canon (Art)   Advisory opinions (Canon law)   Emphyteusis (Canon law)   Affinity (Canon law)   Enclosure (Canon law) BT Art criticism   AIDS (Disease) (Canon law)   Equity (Canon law) Canon (Literature)   Altars (Canon law)   Euthanasia (Canon law)   Annuities (Canon law)   Evidence, Circumstantial (Canon law) Here are entered works on the accepted or   Appellate procedure (Canon law)   Evidence, Documentary (Canon law) sanctioned list of works which have achieved   Arbitration and award (Canon law)   Evidence, Expert (Canon law) recognition in literary history for their superior   Archives (Canon law)   Evidence (Canon law) qualities.   Artificial insemination, Human (Canon law)   Ex post facto laws (Canon law)   Asylum, Right of (Canon law)   Exceptions (Canon law) UF Classics, Literary   Attachment and garnishment (Canon law)   Excommunication (Canon law)   Literary canon   Bankruptcy (Canon law)   Executions (Canon law)   Literary classics   Baptism (Canon law)   Executive power (Canon law)   Barter (Canon law)   Exorcism (Canon law) BT Best books   Benefices, Ecclesiastical (Canon law)   Expectancies (Canon law)   Criticism   Betrothal (Canon law)   Extreme unction (Canon law)   Literature—History and criticism   Bigamy (Canon law)   Faculties (Canon law)   Bills of exchange (Canon law)   False testimony (Canon law) Canon (Music)   Birth control (Canon law)   Fasting (Canon law) USE Musical canon   Bishops (Canon law)   Fideicommissum (Canon law)   Burden of proof (Canon law)   Forgery (Canon law) Canon (Musical form)   Burial laws (Canon law)   Forms (Canon law) [MT59 (Instruction)]   Capacity and disability (Canon law)   Fraud (Canon law) Here are entered works about canon as a musical   Capital punishment (Canon law)   Freedom of association (Canon law)   Catechetics (Canon law)   Freedom of religion (Canon law) form. Musical compositions in this form are entered   Catechumens (Canon law)   Gambling (Canon law) under the heading Canons, fugues, etc.   Cathedrals (Canon law)   Gifts (Canon law)   Celibacy (Canon law)   Good faith (Canon law) UF Canon (Musical form)—History and criticism   Cemeteries (Canon law)   Guardian and ward (Canon law)   Canons, fugues, etc.—History and criticism   Censorship (Canon law)   Guilt (Canon law)   Censures, Ecclesiastical   Heresy (Canon law) BT Counterpoint   Census (Canon law)   Hire (Canon law)   Musical form   Chancellors, Diocesan   Chaplains (Canon law) — History and criticism   Chapters, Cathedral, collegiate, etc. (Canon USE Canon (Musical form)   law)   Charitable bequests (Canon law) Canon camera  (Not Subd Geog)   Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations BT Cameras   (Canon law) NT Canon digital cameras   Child sexual abuse by clergy (Canon law)   Children (Canon law) Canõ ń Colca (Peru)   Christian art and symbolism (Canon law) USE Colca Canyon (Peru)   Church architecture (Canon law)   Church buildings (Canon law) Cañon Creek (Elko County, Nev.)   Church dedication (Canon law) USE Canyon Creek (Elko County, Nev.) Canõ n de Chama Land Grant (N.M.) USE San Joaquín del Río de Chama Land Grant   (N.M.) Canõ ́n de Itzantuń (Mexico) USE Itzantún Canyon (Mexico) Canõ n de los Frijoles (N.M.) USE Frijoles Canyon (N.M.) Canõ ń de Nacapule (Mexico) USE Nacapule Canyon (Mexico) C-68

  Home schooling (Canon law)   Poor laws (Canon law) the Oriental Orthodox churches. Works on the   Homicide (Canon law)   Possession (Canon law) canon law of the Eastern churches that recognize   Homosexuality (Canon law)   Postulancy (Canon law) the supremacy of the Pope (Oriental rites) are   Hospitals (Canon law)   Practice of law (Canon law) entered under Canon law--Oriental Catholic   Human body (Canon law)   Preaching (Canon law) churches. Works on the canon law of the Orthodox   Husband and wife (Canon law)   Precedence, Ecclesiastical (Canon law) Eastern Church alone are entered under Canon   Ignorance (Canon law)   Precept (Canon law) law--Orthodox Eastern Church.   Illegitimacy (Canon law)   Prenuptial agreements (Canon law)   Immigrants (Canon law)   Prescription (Canon law) UF Canon law, Eastern [Former heading]   Impediments to marriage (Canon law)   Presumptions (Canon law) — History   Impotence (Canon law)   Privacy, Right of (Canon law)   Incardination (Canon law)   Privileges and immunities, Ecclesiastical NT Canon law—Reception   Incest (Canon law)   Procedure (Canon law)   Glossators   Incompatibility of offices (Canon law)   Profession (in religious orders, congregations,   Indulgences (Canon law)   etc.) (Canon law) — Interpretation and construction   Infamy (Canon law)   Profession of faith (Canon law) NT Epikeia   Inheritance and succession (Canon law)   Prohibited books (Canon law)   Insanity (Canon law)   Promulgation (Canon law) — Language   Insubordination (Canon law)   Property (Canon law) BT Law—Language   Intangible property (Canon law)   Public policy (Canon law)   Interfaith marriage (Canon law)   Punishment (Canon law) — Oriental Catholic churches   Interlocutory decisions (Canon law)   Regicide (Canon law) Here are entered works on the canon law of the   Investiture (Canon law)   Regicides (Canon law)   Jews (Canon law)   Registers of births, etc. (Canon law) Eastern churches that recognize the supremacy of   Joinder of issue (Canon law)   Relics (Canon law) the Pope (Oriental rites). Works on the canon law   Judges (Canon law)   Religious articles (Canon law) of the Eastern churches, i.e. the Orthodox Eastern   Judgments (Canon law)   Remarriage (Canon law) and the Oriental Orthodox churches, are entered   Judicial discretion (Canon law)   Reputation (Canon law) under Canon law--Eastern churches. Works on the   Judicial error (Canon law)   Res judicata (Canon law) canon law of the Orthodox Eastern Church alone   Judicial notice (Canon law)   Rescripts (Canon law) are entered under Canon law--Orthodox Eastern   Judicial power (Canon law)   Restitutio in integrum (Canon law) Church.   Judicial process (Canon law)   Retroactive laws (Canon law)   Jurisdiction (Canon law)   Sacramentals (Canon law) UF Canon law, Oriental [Former heading]   Juristic acts (Canon law)   Sacraments (Canon law) — Orthodox Eastern Church   Juristic persons (Canon law)   Sacred space (Canon law)   Jus ad rem (Canon law)   Sacrilege (Canon law) Here are entered works on the canon law of the   Justice, Administration of (Canon law)   Sales (Canon law) Orthodox Eastern Church alone. Works on the   Labor laws and legislation (Canon law)   Secular institutes (Canon law) canon law of the Eastern churches, i.e. the   Laity (Canon law)   Seduction (Canon law) Orthodox Eastern and the Oriental Orthodox   Lay ministry (Canon law)   Self-mutilation (Canon law) churches, are entered under Canon law--Eastern   Legal instruments (Canon law)   Separation (Canon law) churches. Works on the canon law of the Eastern   Legal maxims (Canon law)   Separation of powers (Canon law) churches that recognize the supremacy of the   Legislation (Canon law)   Sex crimes (Canon law) Pope (Oriental rites) are entered under Canon law-   Legislative bodies (Canon law)   Shrines (Canon law) -Oriental Catholic churches.   Legitimate ecclesiastical acts   Sick (Canon law)   Legitimation of children (Canon law)   Simony (Canon law) UF Canon law, Orthodox Eastern [Former   Legitime (Canon law)   Simulation (Canon law)   heading]   Lesion (Canon law)   Societies living in common without vows   Limitation of actions (Canon law)   (Canon law) NT Nomocanon   Lis pendens (Canon law)   Solicitation (Canon law) — — Codification   Liturgies (Canon law)   Sponsors (Canon law) — — Roman influences   Lord's Supper (Canon law)   Status (Canon law)   Majorities (Canon law)   Summary proceedings (Canon law) BT Roman law—Influence   Malicious prosecution (Canon law)   Summons (Canon law) — Reception  (May Subd Geog)   Manifestation of conscience   Superiors, Religious (Canon law)   Marriage—Annulment (Canon law)   Suretyship and guaranty (Canon law) UF Reception of Canon law   Marriage by proxy (Canon law)   Theologians (Canon law) BT Canon law—History   Mass (Canon law)   Theological seminaries (Canon law) — Roman influences   Mass stipends   Things (Canon law) UF Roman law—Influence—Canon law   Master of novices (Canon law)   Third parties (Canon law) BT Rome—Civilization   Matrimonial actions (Canon law)   Time (Canon law) Canon law, Coptic   Medical jurisprudence (Canon law)   Tithes (Canon law) USE Canon law—Coptic Church   Medical laws and legislation (Canon law)   Torts (Canon law) Canon law, Eastern   Migrant labor (Canon law)   Transfer (Canon law) USE Canon law—Eastern churches   Minors (Canon law)   Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc. (Canon Canon law, Oriental   Mistake (Canon law)   law) USE Canon law—Oriental Catholic churches   Monastic and religious life (Canon law)   Trial practice (Canon law) Canon law, Orthodox Eastern   Monasticism and religious orders (Canon law)   Unmarried couples (Canon law) USE Canon law—Orthodox Eastern Church   Monasticism and religious orders for women   Usury laws (Canon law) Canon law in literature  (Not Subd Geog)   (Canon law)   Vicars apostolic Canon lawyers   Mortgages (Canon law)   Vicars capitular USE Canonists   Negligence (Canon law)   Vicars-general Canõ n Media (N.M.)   Notaries (Canon law)   Virginity (Canon law) USE Las Huertas Canyon (N.M.)   Nullity (Canon law)   Visitations, Ecclesiastical (Canon law) Canon of the Mass   Nuns (Canon law)   Vows (Canon law) USE Eucharistic prayers   Oaths (Canon law)   Widows (Canon law) Cañoń of the Rio Las Animas (Colo.)   Offenses against religion (Canon law)   Wills (Canon law) USE Animas Canyon (Colo.)   Oral pleading (Canon law)   Wine and wine making (Canon law) Canõ ń Quindío (Colombia)   Oratories (Canon law)   Witchcraft (Canon law) USE Quindío Canyon (Colombia)   Ordination (Canon law)   Witnesses (Canon law) Canonau (Wine)   Paranoia (Canon law)   Women (Canon law) USE Cannonau (Wine)   Paraplegia (Canon law) — Early church, ca. 30-600 Cañones, Isidoro (Fictitious character)   Parent and child (Canon law) (Not Subd Geog)   Parishes (Canon law) BT Church history—Primitive and early UF Isidoro Canõ nes (Fictitious character)   Parties to actions (Canon law)   church, ca. 30-600 Cañones, Casa de los (Puebla de Zaragoza, Mexico)   Paternity (Canon law) USE Edificio Arronte (Puebla de Zaragoza, Mexico)   Patriarchs and patriarchate (Canon law) — Anglican Communion, [Coptic Church, etc.] Canonesses  (May Subd Geog)   Patronage, Ecclesiastical (Canon law) — Catholic Church [BX4235 (Catholic Church)]   Payment (Canon law) BT Christian women   Personality (Canon law) USE Canon law Canongate Prize   Persons (Canon law) — Coptic Church USE Canongate Prize for New Writing   Pleading (Canon law) Canongate Prize for New Writing UF Canon law, Coptic [Former heading] UF Canongate Prize — Eastern churches BT Literary prizes—Great Britain Canonical authority Here are entered works on the canon law of the USE Bible—Evidences, authority, etc. Eastern churches, i.e. the Orthodox Eastern and Canonical correlation (Statistics) BT Correlation (Statistics) Canonical criticism of the Bible USE Bible—Canonical criticism Canonical faculties USE Faculties (Canon law) Canonical precept USE Precept (Canon law) C-69

Canonical transformations Canons, fugues, etc. (Chorus)  (May Subd Geog) Canons, fugues, etc. (Organ, viols (3)) USE Contact transformations UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Vocal) [Former heading] [M990] Canonists  (May Subd Geog) Canons, fugues, etc. (Clarinet and flute) Canons, fugues, etc. (Organs (2)) UF Canon lawyers [M288-M289] [M180-M181] BT Lawyers Canons, fugues, etc. (Clarinet and percussion) Canons, fugues, etc. (Percussion and computer) Canonization [M298] [M298] [BX576 (Greek Church)] [BX2330 (Catholic Church)] Canons, fugues, etc. (Clarinet and piano) Canons, fugues, etc. (Piano) BT Rites and ceremonies [M248-M250] [M20-M39] RT Beatification   Christian saints Canons, fugues, etc. (Clarinet, violins (2), viola, cello) Canons, fugues, etc. (Piano, 1 hand) NT Canonization sermons (May Subd Geog) [M26] [M560-M562] [M26.2] Canonization sermons  (May Subd Geog) UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Clarinet, violins (2), UF Sermons, Canonization   violoncello) [Former heading] Canons, fugues, etc. (Piano, 4 hands) BT Canonization [M200-M201]   Occasional sermons Canons, fugues, etc. (Clarinet, violins (2), violoncello) [M204] USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Clarinet, violins (2), viola, Canons (Mitcham, London, England)   cello) Canons, fugues, etc. (Piano, 4 hands), Arranged BT Dwellings—England [M211] Canons, fugues, etc. (Clavichord) Canõ ns [M25] Canons, fugues, etc. (Piano, 6 hands) USE Canyons [M213] Canons, fugues, etc. (Electronic music) Canons, Cathedral, collegiate, etc.  (May Subd Geog) USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Electronics) Canons, fugues, etc. (Piano), Arranged UF Canons, Secular Canons, fugues, etc. (Piano quartet)   Cathedral canons Canons, fugues, etc. (Electronics)   Church canons [M1473] [M410-M412]   Residentiary canons UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Electronic music) Canons, fugues, etc. (Piano, violins (2))   Secular canons   [Former heading] BT Chapters, Cathedral, collegiate, etc. [M310-M311]   Clergy Canons, fugues, etc. (Flute and cello) [M312.4] NT Minor canons, Cathedral, collegiate, etc. (May Subd Geog) Canons, fugues, etc. (Piano, violins (3)) [M290-M291] [M410-M411] Canons, fugues, etc. UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Flute and violoncello) [M412.2] Here are entered collections of canons, fugues,   [Former heading] Canons, fugues, etc. (Piano, violins (3), cello) (May Subd Geog) and similar compositions for various mediums of Canons, fugues, etc. (Flute and piano) [M510-M512] performance. Individual canons, fugues, etc. and [M240-M242] UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Piano, violins (3), collections of canons, fugues, etc. for a specific medium of performance are entered under the Canons, fugues, etc. (Flute and trumpet with string   violoncello) [Former heading] heading followed by the medium. Works about canon orchestra) Canons, fugues, etc. (Piano, violins (3), violoncello) as a musical form are entered under the heading [M1140-M1141] Canon (Musical form). Works about the fugue are USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Piano, violins (3), cello) entered under the heading Fugue. Canons, fugues, etc. (Flute and violin) Canons, fugues, etc. (Piano with orchestra) [M290-M291] UF Fugues [M1010-M1011]   Preludes and fugues Canons, fugues, etc. (Flute and violoncello) Canons, fugues, etc. (Pianos (2)) USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Flute and cello) — History and criticism [M214] USE Canon (Musical form) Canons, fugues, etc. (Flute with string orchestra) Canons, fugues, etc. (Pianos (2)), Arranged   Fugue [M1120-M1121] [M215] Canons, fugues, etc. (Accordion) Canons, fugues, etc. (Flutes (2)) Canons, fugues, etc. (Recorder and piano) [M175.A4] [M288-M289] [M270.R4 (Collections)] Canons, fugues, etc. (Accordion), Arranged Canons, fugues, etc. (Flutes (2) with string orchestra) [M271.R4 (Separate works)] [M175.A4] [M1120-M1121] Canons, fugues, etc. (Recorder and piano), Arranged [M270.R4 (Collections)] Canons, fugues, etc. (Accordion ensemble) — Scores [M271.R4 (Separate works)] [M1362] [M1120] Canons, fugues, etc. (Recorder, violin, cello) (May Subd Geog) Canons, fugues, etc. (Band) Canons, fugues, etc. (Glass harmonica) [M360-M362] [M1245 (Original compositions)] [M165] UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Recorder, violin, [M1258 (Arrangements)] Canons, fugues, etc. (Guitar)   violoncello) [Former heading] Canons, fugues, etc. (Band), Arranged [M125-M129] Canons, fugues, etc. (Recorder, violin, violoncello) [M1258] Canons, fugues, etc. (Harpsichord) USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Recorder, violin, cello) Canons, fugues, etc. (Bassoon and flute) [M20-M39] Canons, fugues, etc. (Recorders (2)) [M288-M289] Canons, fugues, etc. (Harpsichord), Arranged [M288-M289] Canons, fugues, etc. (Bassoon and oboe) [M32.8.M38] Canons, fugues, etc. (String ensemble) [M288-M289] Canons, fugues, etc. (Harpsichord, violins (3)) [M950-M954] Canons, fugues, etc. (Bassoon and piano) [M410-M411] Canons, fugues, etc. (String orchestra) [M253-M254] [M412.2] [M1145] Canons, fugues, etc. (Bassoons (2)) Canons, fugues, etc. (Harpsichord, violins (3), viola da Canons, fugues, etc. (String orchestra), Arranged [M288-M289] gamba) [M510-M512] [M1160] Canons, fugues, etc. (Cello and piano) Canons, fugues, etc. (String quartet) (May Subd Geog) Canons, fugues, etc. (Harpsichords (2)) [M229-M230] [M214] [M450-M452] [M233] Canons, fugues, etc. (String quartet), Arranged UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Violoncello and piano) Canons, fugues, etc. (Horns (2))   [Former heading] [M288-M289] [M453-M454] Canons, fugues, etc. (String trio) Canons, fugues, etc. (Cello and piano), Arranged Canons, fugues, etc. (Instrumental ensemble) (May Subd Geog) [M900-M985] [M349-M351] [M235-M236] Canons, fugues, etc. (String trio), Arranged UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Violoncello and piano), Canons, fugues, etc. (Instrumental ensemble), Arranged   Arranged [Former heading] Canons, fugues, etc. (Lute) [M352-M353] Canons, fugues, etc. (String trio with string orchestra) Canons, fugues, etc. (Cello with band) [M140-M141] (May Subd Geog) Canons, fugues, etc. (Oboe and viola) [M1140-M1141] [M1205-M1206] — Scores UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Violoncello with band) [M290-M291]   [Former heading] Canons, fugues, etc. (Oboe with string orchestra) [M1140] Canons, fugues, etc. (Trombones (2)) Canons, fugues, etc. (Cellos (2))  (May Subd Geog) [M1122-M1123] [M286-M287] Canons, fugues, etc. (Orchestra) [M288-M289] UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Violoncellos (2)) [Former Canons, fugues, etc. (Trumpet and organ)   heading] [M1045] Canons, fugues, etc. (Orchestra), Arranged [M182-M186] Canons, fugues, etc. (Cellos (4))  (May Subd Geog) Canons, fugues, etc. (Trumpet with string orchestra) UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Violoncellos (4)) [Former — Scores   heading] [M1060] [M1130-M1131] — Scores and parts Canons, fugues, etc. (Chamber orchestra) Canons, fugues, etc. (Organ) [M1045] [M10] [M1130] Canons, fugues, etc. (Tuba and percussion) — Scores Canons, fugues, etc. (Organ, 4 hands) [M1045] [M181] [M297-M298] Canons, fugues, etc. (Tubas (2)) Canons, fugues, etc. (Chamber orchestra), Arranged Canons, fugues, etc. (Organ), Arranged [M1060] [M12-M13] [M288-M289] Canons, fugues, etc. (Vihuela) Canons, fugues, etc. (Organ, baritone, cornets (2), trombone) [M142.V53] [M500-M502] Canons, fugues, etc. (Viola) Canons, fugues, etc. (Organ, violin, viola da gamba) [M45-M49] [M300-M302] Canons, fugues, etc. (Violas (2)) Canons, fugues, etc. (Organ, violins (2), viola da [M286-M287] gamba) [M400-M402] C-70

Canons, fugues, etc. (Violas (2), cellos (2)) Canons, fugues, etc. (Vocal duet) Canossa family  (Not Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Voices (2)) UF Canosa family [M450-M451]   Di Canosa family [M452.4] Canons, fugues, etc. (Vocal octet)   Di Canossa family UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Violas (2), violoncellos USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Voices (8))   (2)) [Former heading] Canoway family Canons, fugues, etc. (Vocal quartet) USE Conway family Canons, fugues, etc. (Violas (2), violoncellos (2)) USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Voices (4)) USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Violas (2), cellos (2)) Canoy family  (Not Subd Geog) Canons, fugues, etc. (Vocal quintet) UF Cannoy family Canons, fugues, etc. (Violin) USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Voices (5))   Kanoy family [M40-M44]   Kney family Canons, fugues, etc. (Vocal sextet)   Knoy family Canons, fugues, etc. (Violin and cello) USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Voices (6)) (May Subd Geog) Cans [M286-M287] Canons, fugues, etc. (Vocal trio) USE Containers UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Violin and violoncello) USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Voices (3))   [Former heading] Cans, Aluminum Canons, fugues, etc. (Voice) USE Aluminum cans Canons, fugues, etc. (Violin and harpsichord) USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Voices) [M217-M218] Cans, Beer [M221] Canons, fugues, etc. (Voices)  (May Subd Geog) USE Beer cans Here are entered collections of canons, fugues, Canons, fugues, etc. (Violin and organ) Cans, Coffee [M182-M184] etc., for various numbers of solo singers or for which USE Coffee cans the number of solo singers is unknown. Canons, fugues, etc. (Violin and piano) Cans, Milk [M217-M218] UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Vocal) [Former heading] USE Milk cans [M221]   Canons, fugues, etc. (Voice) [Former heading] Cans, Miniature Canons, fugues, etc. (Violin and viola) Canons, fugues, etc. (Voices (2))  (May Subd Geog) USE Miniature cans [M286-M287] UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Vocal duet) Cans, Oil Canons, fugues, etc. (Violin and violoncello) Canons, fugues, etc. (Voices (3))  (May Subd Geog) USE Oilcans USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Violin and cello) UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Vocal trio) Cans, Tin Canons, fugues, etc. (Violin, viola, viola da gamba) Canons, fugues, etc. (Voices (4))  (May Subd Geog) USE Tin cans [M349-M351] UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Vocal quartet) Cansiglio Forest (Italy) Canons, fugues, etc. (Violins (2)) Canons, fugues, etc. (Voices (5))  (May Subd Geog) USE Foresta del Cansiglio (Italy) [M286-M287] UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Vocal quintet) Cansiglio Forest State Reserve (Italy) Canons, fugues, etc. (Violins (2), viola, cello, double Canons, fugues, etc. (Voices (6))  (May Subd Geog) USE Foresta del Cansiglio (Italy) bass)  (May Subd Geog) UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Vocal sextet) [M550-M552] CANSIM (Information retrieval system) UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Violins (2), viola, Canons, fugues, etc. (Voices (8))  (May Subd Geog) [Z699.5.S83]   violoncello, double bass) [Former heading] UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Vocal octet) UF Canadian Socio-Economic Information   Management System (Information retrieval Canons, fugues, etc. (Violins (2), viola, violoncello, Canons, fugues, etc. (Wind ensemble)   system) double bass) [M955-M959] BT Canada—Statistical services USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Violins (2), viola, cello,   Information storage and retrieval   double bass) Canons, Minor   systems—Statistics USE Minor canons, Cathedral, collegiate, etc. Canons, fugues, etc. (Violins (2), violas (2), cello) CANSIM Mini Base (Information retrieval system) (May Subd Geog) Canons, Secular USE DBCANM (Information retrieval system) [M550-M552] USE Canons, Cathedral, collegiate, etc. UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Violins (2), violas (2), Cansjera  (May Subd Geog)   violoncello) [Former heading] Canons Ashby (England) [QK495.O62 (Botany)] USE Canons Ashby (England : Manor) BT Opiliaceae Canons, fugues, etc. (Violins (2), violas (2), violoncello) NT Cansjera rheedii USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Violins (2), violas (2), Canons Ashby (England : Manor)   cello) UF Canons Ashby (England) [Former heading] Cansjera rheedii  (May Subd Geog) BT Manors—England [QK495.O62] Canons, fugues, etc. (Violins (3)) BT Cansjera [M349-M351] Canopas Site (Phoenix, Ariz.) USE Las Canopas Site (Phoenix, Ariz.) Cansler family  (Not Subd Geog) Canons, fugues, etc. (Violins (3), viola, cello) RT Gentzler family (May Subd Geog) Canopic jars  (May Subd Geog) [M550-M552] [DT62.C3] Canso, Strait of (N.S.) UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Violins (3), viola, UF Canopic vases UF Gut of Canso (N.S.)   violoncello) [Former heading]   Jars, Canopic   Strait of Canso (N.S.)   Vases, Canopic BT Straits—Nova Scotia Canons, fugues, etc. (Violins (3), viola, violoncello) BT Egypt—Antiquities USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Violins (3), viola, cello)   Funeral rites and ceremonies—Egypt Canso (Seaplane)   Urns, Egyptian USE Catalina (Seaplane) Canons, fugues, etc. (Violins (4), violas (2), cellos (2)) (May Subd Geog) Canopic vases Canso Group (N.S.) [M850-M852] USE Canopic jars USE Mabou Group (N.S.) UF Canons, fugues, etc. (Violins (4), violas (2),   violoncellos (2)) [Former heading] Canopies, Architectural  (May Subd Geog) Canso Islands National Historic Site (N.S.) [NA3008] UF Lieu historique national des Îles-Canso (N.S.) Canons, fugues, etc. (Violins (4), violas (2), violoncellos UF Architectural canopies BT Historic sites—Nova Scotia (2)) BT Architecture—Details   National parks and reserves—Nova Scotia USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Violins (4), violas (2), NT Baldachins (Architecture)   cellos (2))   Glass canopies, Architectural Cant  (May Subd Geog)   Marquees [PE3726 (English)] Canons, fugues, etc. (Violoncello and piano) UF Argot USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Cello and piano) Canopies, Forest   Criminals—Language USE Forest canopies RT Slang Canons, fugues, etc. (Violoncello and piano), Arranged NT Flash (Prisoners' dialect) USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Cello and piano), Canopies, Plant   Ghous (Secret language)   Arranged USE Plant canopies   Shelta   Swearing Canons, fugues, etc. (Violoncello with band) Canopo (Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli, Italy)   Zargari (Secret language) USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Cello with band) USE Canopus (Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli, Italy) Cant Ranch Historic District (Or.) Canons, fugues, etc. (Violoncellos (2)) Canopus (Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli, Italy) USE James Cant Ranch Historic District (Or.) USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Cellos (2)) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Cantaba (The Spanish word) Canons, fugues, etc. (Violoncellos (4)) subdivision. BT Spanish language—Etymology USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Cellos (4)) UF Canopo (Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli, Italy) Cantabrian Mountains (Spain) Canons, fugues, etc. (Viols (2))   Scenic Canal (Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli, Italy) UF Cordillera Cantab́ rica (Spain) [M990] BT Mountains—Spain BT Canals—Italy NT Aramo Mountains (Spain) Canons, fugues, etc. (Viols (3))   Hadrian's Villa (Tivoli, Italy) [M990] Cantabrian Sea (France and Spain) Canopus  (May Subd Geog) USE Biscay, Bay of (France and Spain) Canons, fugues, etc. (Viols (4)) [QL523.P5 (Zoology)] [M990] BT Stinkbugs Cantabrian War, Spain, 26-19 B.C. USE Spain—History—Cantabrian War, 26-19 B.C. Canons, fugues, etc. (Viols (5)) Canopus, Decree of [M990] USE Decree of Canopus Cantabrians  (May Subd Geog) BT Ethnology—Spain Canons, fugues, etc. (Viols (6)) Canopy, Plant [M990] USE Plant canopies — History NT Spain—History—Cantabrian War, 26-19 Canons, fugues, etc. (Viols (7)) Canopy cover, Tree   B.C. [M990] USE Forest canopies Cantacuzène family  (Not Subd Geog) Canons, fugues, etc. (Vocal) Canopy gaps, Forest Cantal, Massif (France) USE Canons, fugues, etc. (Chorus) USE Forest canopy gaps   Canons, fugues, etc. (Voices) UF Massif Cantal (France) Canopy Hall (Colo.) BT Caves—Colorado Canopy photography USE Hemispherical photography Canosa family USE Canossa family C-71

Cantal, Massif (France)  (Continued) UF Cantatas, Secular (Women's voices) with brass Canter family  (Not Subd Geog)   Massif du Cantal (France)   ensemble [Former heading] UF Cantor family   Cantore family BT Mountains—France Cantatas, Secular (Women's voices) with brass   Kanter family   Volcanoes—France ensemble   Kantor family   Auvergne Mountains (France) USE Cantatas, Secular (Women's voices) Cantera Site (Peru) Cantaloup Cantatas (Changing voices)  (May Subd Geog) USE Toro Muerto Site (Peru) USE Muskmelon Cantatas (Children's voices)  (May Subd Geog) Cantatas (Equal voices)  (May Subd Geog) Canteras Beach (Canary Islands) Cantaloupe Cantatas (Men's voices)  (May Subd Geog) UF Las Canteras Beach (Canary Islands) USE Muskmelon Cantatas (Mixed voices)   Playa de Las Canteras (Canary Islands) BT Beaches—Canary Islands Cantamaggiore Festival USE Cantatas USE Calendimaggio Festival Cantatas (Unison)  (May Subd Geog) Canterbury bells Cantatas (Women's voices)  (May Subd Geog) USE Campanula Cantan̲an̲ (Legendary character) Cantate Domino canticum novum, cantate Domino USE Cantanattev̄ an̲ (Legendary character) Canterbury Bight (N.Z.) (Music) BT Bays—New Zealand Cantanattev̄ an̲ (Legendary character)  (Not Subd Geog) USE Psalms (Music)—96th Psalm UF Cantan̲an̲ (Legendary character) Cantate Domino canticum novum, laus eius (Music) Canterbury Cathedral   Canthanathevan (Legendary character) USE Psalms (Music)—149th Psalm NT Jordan Window (Canterbury Cathedral) BT Legends—India Cantate Domino canticum novum, quia mirabilia fecit (Music) Canterbury Downs (Shakopee, Minn.) Cantareira Mountains (Brazil) USE Psalms (Music)—98th Psalm UF Canterbury Downs Racetrack (Shakopee, UF Serra da Cantareira (Brazil) Cantatoria (Liturgical books)   Minn.) BT Mountains—Brazil BT Racetracks (Horse racing)—Minnesota BT Liturgies Cantareus aspersa Cante andaluz Canterbury Downs Racetrack (Shakopee, Minn.) USE Brown garden snail USE Canterbury Downs (Shakopee, Minn.) USE Flamenco music Cantareus aspersus Cante cañi Canterbury Earthquake, N.Z., 2010 USE Brown garden snail UF Christchurch Earthquake, N.Z., 2010 USE Flamenco music   Darfield Earthquake, N.Z., 2010 Cantata Cante flamenco BT Earthquakes—New Zealand USE Cantatas—History and criticism USE Flamenco music Canterbury Earthquake, N.Z., 2011 Cantatas  (May Subd Geog) Cante gitano USE Christchurch Earthquake, N.Z., 2011 Here are entered collections of sacred and secular USE Flamenco music Canterbury family  (Not Subd Geog) cantatas for chorus of mixed voices or for various Cante hondo UF Canteberry family types of chorus (men's, mixed, women's, etc.). USE Flamenco Canterbury gallop UF Cantatas (Mixed voices)   Flamenco music USE Cantering (Horsemanship) BT Choruses NT Solo cantatas Cante jondo Canterbury Hall (Washington, D.C.) — History and criticism USE Flamenco music USE Bijou Theatre (Washington, D.C.) [ML2400 (Secular)] Canteberry family Canterbury Plain (N.Z.) [ML3260 (Sacred)] USE Canterbury family USE Canterbury Plains (N.Z.) UF Cantata [Former heading] Cantatas, Sacred Caṇtẹ ̄cuvarar (Hindu deity) Canterbury Plains (N.Z.) [M2020-M2036] USE Gandesvara (Hindu deity) UF Canterbury Plain (N.Z.) Here are entered sacred cantatas for mixed voices BT Plains—New Zealand or collections of sacred cantatas for various groups of Canteen (British army) voices (men's, mixed, women's, etc.). USE Canteens (Establishments) Cantering (Horsemanship)  (May Subd Geog) [SF289] UF Cantatas, Sacred (Mixed voices) Canteen (British navy) UF Canter (Horsemanship) [Former heading]   Sacred cantatas USE Canteens (Establishments)   Canterbury gallop BT Horses—Paces, gaits, etc. BT Choruses, Sacred Canteen (Canadian army) NT Solo cantatas, Sacred USE Canteens (Establishments) Cantey family — Excerpts USE Cane family — — Vocal scores with piano Canteen (United States Army) USE Canteens (Establishments) Cantey Plantation (Ala.) [M2027-M2028] BT Dwellings—Alabama UF Cantatas, Sacred—Vocal scores with Canteen Creek (Ill.)   Plantations—Alabama BT Rivers—Illinois   piano—Excerpts Cantfield family — Excerpts, Arranged Canteen Creek Watershed (Ill.) USE Canfield family — Vocal scores with piano BT Watersheds—Illinois — — Excerpts Canthanathevan (Legendary character) Canteen Kopje Site (South Africa) USE Cantanattev̄ an̲ (Legendary character) USE Cantatas, Sacred—Excerpts—Vocal USE Canteen Koppie Site (South Africa)   scores with piano Cantharellaceae  (May Subd Geog) Canteen Koppie Site (South Africa) [QK629.C3 (Mycology)] — Vocal scores with pianos (2) UF Canteen Kopje Site (South Africa) UF Cantharellaceé s [M2023] BT South Africa—Antiquities   Cantharellacei   Cantharelleae Cantatas, Sacred (Changing voices)  (May Subd Geog) Canteens (Beverage containers)  (May Subd Geog)   Cantharellideé s Cantatas, Sacred (Children's voices) [UC529.C2 (Military equipment)]   Cantharellineae Cantatas, Sacred (Equal voices) BT Beverage containers BT Cantharellales RT Water bags (Containers) NT Cantharellus — Vocal scores with organ Cantatas, Sacred (Men's voices) Canteens (Establishments)  (May Subd Geog) Cantharellacées [UC750-UC755] USE Cantharellaceae [M2029-M2032] Here are entered works on temporary Cantatas, Sacred (Mixed voices) Cantharellacei establishments which provide members of the Armed USE Cantharellaceae USE Cantatas, Sacred Forces and, in emergencies, civilians with food and Cantatas, Sacred (Unison) recreation. Cantharellales  (May Subd Geog) [QK629.C33 (Mycology)] [M2101.5] UF Canteen (British army) [Former heading] BT Basidiomycetes Cantatas, Sacred (Women's voices)   Canteen (British navy) [Former heading] NT Cantharellaceae   Canteen (Canadian army) [Former heading]   Clavariaceae [M2033-M2036]   Canteen (United States Army) [Former   Hydnaceae Cantatas, Secular   heading]   Canteens (War-time, emergency, etc.) [Former Cantharelleae [M1530-M1546]   heading] USE Cantharellaceae Here are entered secular cantatas for mixed voices or collections of secular cantatas for various groups BT Emergency mass feeding Cantharellidées of voices (men's, mixed, women's, etc.).   Military exchanges USE Cantharellaceae UF Cantatas, Secular (Mixed voices) Canteens (Industrial) Cantharellineae   Secular cantatas USE Industrial feeding USE Cantharellaceae BT Choruses, Secular Canteens (Recreation centers) Cantharellus  (May Subd Geog) RT Serenatas USE Recreation centers [QK629.C3 (Botany)] NT Solo cantatas, Secular UF Alectorolophoides — Excerpts, Arranged Canteens (War-time, emergency, etc.)   Merilius Cantatas, Secular (Changing voices)  (May Subd Geog) USE Canteens (Establishments) BT Cantharellaceae Cantatas, Secular (Children's voices) NT Chanterelle Cantatas, Secular (Equal voices) Cantelope Cantatas, Secular (Men's voices) USE Muskmelon Cantharellus cibarius [M1538-M1542] USE Chanterelle Cantatas, Secular (Mixed voices) Cantelou family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Cantatas, Secular Canteloupe Cantharidae  (May Subd Geog) Cantatas, Secular (Unison) [QL596.C15] [M1609] USE Muskmelon UF Chauliognathidae Cantatas, Secular (Women's voices) Cantemir family   Soldier beetles [M1543-M1546] BT Beetles USE Kantemir family Canter (Horsemanship) USE Cantering (Horsemanship) C-72

NT Cantharis Canton ginger Cantore family   Silis USE Ginger USE Canter family   Zarhipis Canton Island (Kiribati) Cantors, Jewish Cantharides  (May Subd Geog) USE Kanton (Kiribati) USE Cantors (Judaism) [RM666.C27] UF Spanish fly (Drug) Canton Island (Vietnam) Cantors (Church music)  (May Subd Geog) BT Aphrodisiacs USE Ré Island (Vietnam) BT Church musicians   Diuretics   Irritants (Drugs) Canton Lake (Okla.) — Catholic Church, [Orthodox Eastern Church, etc.]   Materia medica, Animal UF Canton Reservoir (Okla.) Cantors (Judaism)  (May Subd Geog) BT Lakes—Oklahoma Cantharis  (May Subd Geog)   Reservoirs—Oklahoma [BM658.2] [QL596.C15] UF Cantors, Jewish [Former heading] UF Rhagonycha Cantón Palace (Mérida, Mexico) BT Cantharidae USE Palacio Cantoń (Meŕ ida, Mexico)   Chazanim   Chazzanim Canthaxanthin Canton Reservoir (Okla.)   Ḥazanim BT Carotenes USE Canton Lake (Okla.)   Hạ zzanim BT Jewish musicians Canthigasteridae Canton River (China)   Judaism—Functionaries USE Puffers (Fish) USE Pearl River (China) NT Women cantors (Judaism) Cantors (Judaism) in motion pictures  (Not Subd Geog) Canthocamptidae  (May Subd Geog) Canton Valley Lake (Mont.) BT Motion pictures [QL444.C74] USE Canyon Ferry Lake (Mont.) Cantor's discontinuum BT Harpacticoida USE Cantor sets NT Bryocamptus Canton Wildlife Management Area (Okla.) Cantor's set   Elaphoidella UF Canton Game Management Area (Okla.) USE Cantor sets   Moraria BT Parks—Oklahoma Cantor's sets   Wildlife management areas—Oklahoma USE Cantor sets Canthyloscelidae  (May Subd Geog) Cantor's ternary set [QL537.C26] Cantona Site (Mexico) USE Cantor sets UF Corynoscelididae BT Mexico—Antiquities Cantral family   Hyperoscelidae USE Cantrell family   Hyperoscelididae Cantonada (Group of artists) Cantrali family BT Diptera UF La Cantonada (Group of artists) USE Cantrell family RT Decorative arts—Spain Cantrall family Canti carnascialeschi USE Cantrell family USE Carnival songs Cantone River (Wis.) Cantrell family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Oconto River (Wis.) UF Cantral family Canticles  (May Subd Geog)   Cantrali family BT Liturgies Cantonese cooking   Cantrall family   Sacred vocal music USE Cooking, Chinese—Cantonese style   Cantril family RT Hymns   Cantrill family NT Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel (Music) Cantonese dialects  (May Subd Geog)   Chantrell family   Nunc dimittis (Music) [PL1731-PL1740] Cantril family UF Chinese language—Dialects—Canton USE Cantrell family Cantigny (Wheaton, Ill.)   Yue dialects Cantrill family BT Manors—Illinois   Yuë h dialects USE Cantrell family BT China—Languages Cantus firmus Cantigny, Battle of, 1918   Chinese language UF Cantus prius factus USE Cantigny, Battle of, Cantigny, France, 1918 BT Counterpoint — Dictionaries Cantus prius factus Cantigny, Battle of, Cantigny, France, 1918 NT Picture dictionaries, Cantonese USE Cantus firmus [D545.C] Cantwell family  (Not Subd Geog) UF Cantigny, Battle of, 1918 [Former heading] — Tone Canty family BT World War, 1914-1918—Campaigns—France [PL1739] USE Cane family BT Tone (Phonetics) Cantyre (Scotland) Cantilever barns  (May Subd Geog) USE Kintyre (Scotland) BT Barns Cantonese picture dictionaries Canu family USE Picture dictionaries, Cantonese USE Cane family Cantilever bridges  (May Subd Geog) Canuck (Jet fighter plane)  (Not Subd Geog) [TG385] Cantonese songs UF Avro Canuck (Jet fighter plane) UF Bridges, Cantilever [Former heading] USE Songs, Cantonese   CF-100 (Jet fighter plane)   Cantilevered bridges BT Avro airplanes BT Bridges Cantoni family  (Not Subd Geog)   Jet fighter planes Cantonists  (May Subd Geog) Canudos, Parque Estadual de (Brazil) Cantilever supports, Traffic sign USE Parque Estadual de Canudos (Brazil) USE Traffic signs and signals—Cantilever supports BT Jewish soldiers—Russia Canudos (Euclides da Cunha, Brazil)   Russia. Armii︠a︡—Recruiting, enlistment, etc. — History Cantilever traffic sign supports USE Traffic signs and signals—Cantilever supports Cantonment at Greenbush (N.Y.) NT Brazil—History—Canudos Campaign, USE Cantonment Greenbush (N.Y.)   1893-1897 Cantilever-type supports, Traffic sign USE Traffic signs and signals—Cantilever supports Cantonment Clinch (Fla.) Canudos Campaign, Brazil, 1893-1897 UF Clinch, Fort (Fla.) USE Brazil—History—Canudos Campaign, 1893- Cantilevered bridges   Fort Clinch (Fla.)   1897 USE Cantilever bridges BT Fortification—Florida Canudos Rebellion, Brazil, 1893-1897 Cantilevered supports, Traffic sign Cantonment Council Bluffs (Neb.) USE Brazil—History—Canudos Campaign, 1893- USE Traffic signs and signals—Cantilever supports USE Fort Atkinson (Neb.)   1897 Cantillation  (May Subd Geog) Cantonment Greenbush (N.Y.) Canunda National Park (S.A.) UF Chanting, Liturgical UF Cantonment at Greenbush (N.Y.) UF Canunda National Park (S. Aust.) [Former   Liturgical chanting BT Fortification—New York (State)   heading] BT Singing BT National parks and reserves—Australia NT Bible.  Old Testament—Accents and Cantonment Missouri (Neb.)   accentuation USE Fort Atkinson (Neb.) Canunda National Park (S. Aust.) USE Canunda National Park (S.A.) — Instruction and study  (May Subd Geog) Cantonment Plain (Singapore) [MT860] USE Padang, The (Singapore) Cañute (Game) BT Games — — Juvenile Cantonment Reno (Wyo.) Cantin family USE Fort McKinney (Wyo.) Canvas  (May Subd Geog) BT Textile fabrics USE Cantine family Cantonments Road (Accra, Ghana) NT Shaped canvas Cantine family  (Not Subd Geog) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Canvas embroidery  (May Subd Geog) UF Cantin family subdivision. [TT778.C3] Canting arms (Heraldry) UF Bargello BT Streets—Ghana   Canvas work (Needlepoint) [CR41.C4] NT Oxford Street (Accra, Ghana)   Needlepoint canvas work UF Allusive arms (Heraldry) Cantons de l'Est (Queb́ ec)   Needlepoint embroidery USE Eastern Townships (Québec) BT Counted thread embroidery   Punning arms (Heraldry) Cantor discontinuum BT Heraldry USE Cantor sets Cantor family   Puns and punning USE Canter family Canton Atoll (Kiribati) Cantor set USE Cantor sets USE Kanton (Kiribati) Cantor sets Canton dei Fiori Tower (Palazzo comunale, Bologna, UF Cantor discontinuum Italy)   Cantor set USE Torrione del Canton dei Fiori (Palazzo   Cantor's discontinuum   Cantor's set   comunale, Bologna, Italy)   Cantor's sets Canton Forts, Battle of the, China, 1856   Cantor's ternary set   Discontinuum, Cantor's USE Barrier Forts, Battle of the, China, 1856   Sets, Cantor Canton Game Management Area (Okla.)   Ternary set, Cantor's BT Topology USE Canton Wildlife Management Area (Okla.) C-73

Canvas embroidery  (Continued) Canyon Diablo Bridge (Ariz.) Canyoning   Embroidery BT Railroad bridges—Arizona USE Canyoneering NT United Nations peace rug (Canvas embroidery) Canyon Diablo Wash (Coconino County, Ariz. : Canyon) Canyonlands National Park (Utah) — Patterns USE Diablo, Canyon (Coconino County, Ariz. : BT National parks and reserves—Utah Canvas embroidery, Victorian  (May Subd Geog)   Canyon) Canyons  (May Subd Geog) UF Berlin wool work Canyon fauna UF Cañons   Berlin work USE Canyon animals BT Valleys   Victorian canvas embroidery NT Gorges Canyon Ferry Dam (Mont.) Canvas industry  (May Subd Geog) BT Dams—Montana — Alabama [HD9938] NT Little River Canyon (Ala.) BT Textile industry Canyon Ferry Lake (Mont.) UF Broadwater Lake (Lewis and Clark County and — Alaska Canvas lining   Broadwater County, Mont.) NT Devils Canyon (Alaska) USE Canvas relining   Canton Valley Lake (Mont.)   McNeil Canyon (Alaska)   Lake Sewall (Mont.) Canvas priming   Lake Sewell (Mont.) — Argentina UF Priming, Canvas   Lake Townsend (Mont.) NT Benjamiń Matienzo Canyon (Argentina)   Warden Lake (Mont.) Canvas relining  (May Subd Geog) BT Lakes—Montana — Arizona UF Canvas lining   Reservoirs—Montana NT Antelope Canyon (Coconino County, Ariz.)   Lining, Canvas   Aravaipa Canyon (Ariz.)   Relining, Canvas Canyon Lake (Ariz.)   Big Casa Blanca Canyon (Ariz.) BT Painting—Conservation and restoration UF Mormon Flat Reservoir (Ariz.)   Black Canyon (Ariz. and Nev.) BT Lakes—Arizona   Carbon Canyon (Ariz.) Canvas sizing   Reservoirs—Arizona   Cave Creek Canyon (Ariz.) BT Sizing (Textile)   Chelly, Canyon de (Ariz.) Canyon Lake (Comal County, Tex. : Lake)   Chevelon Canyon (Ariz.) Canvas stretching UF Canyon Dam Reservoir (Tex.)   Davidson Canyon (Ariz.) UF Stretching of canvas   Canyon Reservoir (Tex.)   Diablo, Canyon (Coconino County, Ariz. : BT Painting—Technique   Ed Cape Reservoir (Tex.)   Canyon) BT Lakes—Texas   Fish Creek Canyon (Ariz.) Canvas work, Marine   Reservoirs—Texas   Garden Canyon (Ariz.) USE Marine canvas work   Glen Canyon (Utah and Ariz.) Canyon Lake (Snohomish County, Wash.)   Grand Canyon (Ariz.) Canvas work (Needlepoint) Undifferentiated geographic heading. Covers all   Havasu Canyon (Ariz.) USE Canvas embroidery   Kelsey Canyon (Ariz.) lakes named Canyon Lake in Snohomish County,   Lava Canyon (Ariz.) Canvasback  (May Subd Geog) Wash.   Lee Canyon (Coconino County, Ariz.) [QL696.A52 (Zoology)]   Madera Canyon (Ariz. : Canyon) UF Aristonetta valisineria BT Lakes—Washington (State)   Marble Canyon (Coconino County, Ariz. :   Aythya valisineria Canyon lizard  (May Subd Geog)   Canyon)   Nyroca valisineria   Mohawk Canyon (Ariz.) BT Aythya [QL666.L267 (Zoology)]   Montezuma Canyon (Ariz.) UF Sceloporus merriami   Muerto, Canyon del (Apache County, Canvassing BT Sceloporus   Ariz.) USE Door-to-door selling Canyon Mountains (Juab County, Utah)   Nankoweap Canyon (Ariz.) USE Gilson Mountains (Utah)   Oak Creek Canyon (Ariz.) Canvassing (Church work) Canyon of Ladore (Colo.)   Oro, Canã da del (Ariz.) BT Church work USE Lodore, Canyon of (Colo.)   Parallel Canyon (Ariz.) NT Visitations (Church work) Canyon of Lodore (Colo.)   Queen Creek Canyon (Ariz.) USE Lodore, Canyon of (Colo.)   Ramsey Canyon (Ariz.) Canvassing books (Subscription book trade) Canyon of the Fraser River (B.C.)   Redrock Canyon (Santa Cruz County, USE Dummies (Bookselling) USE Fraser Canyon (B.C.)   Ariz.) Canyon O'Grady (Fictitious character)   Sabino Canyon (Ariz.) Canvey Island (England) USE O'Grady, Canyon (Fictitious character)   Salt River Canyon (Ariz.) BT Islands—England Canyon Palms (Palm Springs, Calif.)   Scotia Canyon (Ariz.) UF Block Mansion (Palm Springs, Calif.)   Texas Canyon (Ariz.) Canwey family BT Dwellings—California   Thomas Canyon (Ariz.) USE Conway family Canyon plants  (May Subd Geog)   Tsegi Canyon (Ariz.) BT Plants   Turkey Canyon (Yavapai County, Ariz.) Cany Creek (Wharton County and Matagorda County, Canyon Range (Juab County, Utah) Tex.) USE Gilson Mountains (Utah) — British Columbia USE Caney Creek (Wharton County and Matagorda Canyon Reservoir (Tex.) NT Fraser Canyon (B.C.)   County, Tex.) USE Canyon Lake (Comal County, Tex. : Lake)   Kitselas Canyon (B.C.) Canyon Rims Recreation Area (Utah) Canyari Indians UF Canyon Rims Recreational Area (Utah) — California USE Cañari Indians NT Afton Canyon (Calif.)   [Former heading]   Bear Canyon (Calif.) Canyari language BT Recreation areas—Utah   Big Canyon (Orange County, Calif.) USE Cañari language Canyon Rims Recreational Area (Utah)   Black Canyon (San Bernardino County, USE Canyon Rims Recreation Area (Utah)   Calif.) Canyon, Steve (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) Canyon Road (Santa Fe, N.M.)   Box Canyon (Siskiyou County, Calif.) UF Steve Canyon (Fictitious character) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic   Cold Canyon (Solano County, Calif.) subdivision.   Deep Canyon (Calif.) Canyon animals  (May Subd Geog)   Diablo Canyon (Calif.) UF Canyon fauna [Former heading] UF Road of the Canyon (Santa Fe, N.M.)   Eaton Canyon (Calif.) BT Animals BT Streets—New Mexico   Geyser Canyon (Calif.) Canyon tree frog, Western   Grapevine Canyon (Calif. and Nev.) Canyon Campground Site (Wyo.) USE California treefrog   Hueneme Canyon (Calif.) BT Wyoming—Antiquities Canyon Trigo (Ariz.)   Kings Canyon (Fresno County and Tulare USE Muerto, Canyon del (Apache County, Ariz.)   County, Calif.) Canyon Creek (Clatsop County, Or.) Canyon truck  (Not Subd Geog)   Little Petroglyph Canyon (Calif.) BT Rivers—Oregon UF GMC Canyon truck   Mill Creek Canyon (Calif.) BT GMC trucks   Oregon Canyon (El Dorado County, Calif.) Canyon Creek (Colo.)   Pico Canyon (Calif.) BT Rivers—Colorado   Pickup trucks   Rattlesnake Canyon (San Bernardino Canyon View Trail (B.C.)   County, Calif.) Canyon Creek (Crook County, Or.)   Rattlesnake Canyon (Santa Barbara BT Rivers—Oregon UF John Hart Generating Station Canyon View   County, Calif.)   Trail (B.C.)   Rustic Canyon (Calif.) Canyon Creek (Elko County, Nev.)   San Francisquito Canyon (Calif.) UF Cannon Creek (Nev.) BT Trails—British Columbia   San Gabriel Canyon (Calif.)   Cañon Creek (Elko County, Nev.) Canyon wren  (May Subd Geog)   San Timoteo Canyon (Calif.)   Pockets (Nev. : Creek)   Santa Monica Canyon (Los Angeles BT Rivers—Nevada [QL696.P287]   County, Calif.) UF Catherpes mexicanus   Santiago Canyon (Orange County, Calif.) Canyon Creek (Lewis and Clark County, Mont.)   Tecolote Canyon (Santa Barbara County, BT Rivers—Montana   Thryothorus mexicanus BT Catherpes Canyon Creek (Utah) Canyoneering  (May Subd Geog) USE East Canyon Creek (Utah) [GV200.35] Here are entered works on the sport that combines Canyon Creek Apache Indians hiking, wading, swimming, boulder hopping, rock USE Cibecue Apache Indians climbing, and rappelling. Canyon Creek Ruin (Ariz.) UF Canyoning BT Arizona—Antiquities BT Mountaineering   Pueblos—Arizona Canyon Dam Reservoir (Tex.) USE Canyon Lake (Comal County, Tex. : Lake) Canyon de Chelly (Ariz.) USE Chelly, Canyon de (Ariz.) Canyon de Chelly National Monument (Ariz.) BT National monuments—Arizona Canyon del Muerto (Ariz.) USE Muerto, Canyon del (Apache County, Ariz.) Canyon Diablo (Coconino County, Ariz. : Canyon) USE Diablo, Canyon (Coconino County, Ariz. :   Canyon) C-74

  Calif.)   Gobernador Canyon (N.M.) — Washington (State)   Titanothere Canyon (Calif.)   Heaton Canyon (N.M.) NT Box Canyon (Lewis County, Wash.)   Titus Canyon (Calif. and Nev.)   Jones Canyon (Sandoval County, N.M.)   Manastash Canyon (Wash.)   Trancas Canyon (Calif.)   Las Huertas Canyon (N.M.)   Swakane Canyon (Wash.)   Tubb Canyon (Calif.)   Manuelito Canyon (N.M.)   Tumwater Canyon (Wash.)   Zuma Canyon (Calif.)   Noonday Canyon (N.M.)   Z Canyon (Wash.) — Chile   Rhodes Canyon (N.M.) NT Maipo Canyon (Chile)   Tijeras Canyon (N.M.) — Wyoming — Colombia   White Rock Canyon (N.M.) NT Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone (Wyo.) NT Quindío Canyon (Colombia) — Oregon   Jackson Canyon (Natrona County, Wyo.) — Colorado NT Hells Canyon (Idaho and Or.)   Warm Springs Canyon (Wyo.) NT Animas Canyon (Colo.) — Peru   Bangs Canyon (Colo.) NT Colca Canyon (Peru) — Yukon   Big Thompson Canyon (Colo.) — Puerto Rico UF Canyons—Yukon Territory [Former   Black Canyon (Saguache County, Colo.) NT San Cristóbal Canyon (P.R.)   heading]   Black Canyon of the Gunnison (Colo.) — South Dakota NT Miles Canyon (Yukon)   Boulder Canyon (Colo.) NT Spearfish Canyon (S.D.)   Salmon Cache Canyon (Yukon)   Box Canyon (Ouray County, Colo.) — Spain   Carrizo Canyon (Colo.) NT Duratoń Canyon (Spain) — Yukon Territory   Chalk Creek Canyon (Colo.) — Texas USE Canyons—Yukon   Chicosa Canyon (Colo.) NT Evans Canyon (Tex.)   Clear Creek Canyon (Colo.)   Lewis Canyon (Val Verde County, Tex.) Canyons, Submarine   Coal Creek Canyon (Boulder County and   McKittrick Canyon (Tex.) USE Submarine valleys   Jefferson County, Colo.)   Musk Hog Canyon (Tex.)   Crow Canyon (Colo.)   Palo Duro Canyon (Tex.) Canyons of the Ancients National Monument (Colo.)   Eagle River Canyon (Colo.)   Sanderson Canyon (Tex.) BT National monuments—Colorado   Echo Canyon (Colo.)   Seminole Canyon (Tex.)   Eldorado Canyon (Colo.)   Victorio Canyon (Tex.) Canytelis (Extinct city)   Escalante Canyon (Colo.) — Turkey USE Kanlıdivane (Extinct city)   Forbes Canyon (Colo.) NT Ballıkayalar Canyon (Turkey)   Glenwood Canyon (Colo.) — Ukraine Canytellis (Extinct city)   Johnson Canyon (Colo.) NT Velykyĭ kanʹiŏ n Krymu (Ukraine) USE Kanlıdivane (Extinct city)   Lodore, Canyon of (Colo.) — Utah   Mancos Canyon (Colo.) NT American Fork Canyon (Utah) Canzá   Phantom Canyon (Colo.)   Angel Canyon (Utah) USE Reco-reco (Musical instrument)   Picture Canyon (Colo.)   Baker Canyon (Beaver County, Utah)   Pinon Canyon (Colo.)   Big Cottonwood Canyon (Salt Lake Canzan family  (Not Subd Geog)   Platte Canyon (Colo.)   County, Utah) Canzone   Poudre Canyon (Colo.)   Bluejohn Canyon (Utah)   Purgatoire Canyon (Colo.)   Boulger Canyon (Utah) [PQ4128.C6 (Italian)]   Road Canyon (Colo.)   Browns Canyon (Summit County, Utah) [PT1241.C3 (German)]   Ruby Canyon (Colo. and Utah)   Bullion Canyon (Piute County, Utah) Canzone napolitane (Part songs)   South Cheyenne Canyon (Colo.)   Cataract Canyon (Wayne County-San USE Villanelle (Part songs)   Unaweep Canyon (Colo.)   Juan County, Utah) Canzone villanesche   Vogel Canyon (Colo.)   Circleville Canyon (Utah) USE Villanelle (Part songs)   Welsh Canyon (Colo.)   City Creek Canyon (Utah) Canzonets (Part songs)  (May Subd Geog)   Williams Canyon (Colo.)   Clark Canyon (Utah County, Utah) Here are entered collections of canzonets and — Georgia   Clear Creek Canyon (Utah) individual canzonets in more than one language. NT Providence Canyons (Ga.)   Deadman Canyon (Carbon County, Utah) Collections of canzonets and individual canzonets in — Idaho   Desolation Canyon (Utah) a single language are entered under the heading NT Bruneau Canyon (Nev. and Idaho)   Dry Fork Canyon (Uintah County, Utah) qualified by the language, e.g. Canzonets (Part   Fossil Canyon (Idaho)   East Canyon (Cache County, Utah) songs), English.   Hells Canyon (Idaho and Or.)   East Canyon (Morgan County and Summit   Jump Creek Canyon (Idaho)   County, Utah) UF Canzonettas (Part songs)   Long Canyon (Blaine County, Idaho)   Eccles Canyon (Utah) BT Part songs   Meadow Canyon (Idaho)   Emigration Canyon (Utah) Canzonets (Part songs), English  (May Subd Geog)   Monroe Canyon (Idaho)   Empire Canyon (Utah) UF English canzonets (Part songs)   Montpelier Canyon (Idaho)   Ephraim Canyon (Utah) Canzonets (Part songs), German  (May Subd Geog) — Mexico   Escalante Canyon (Kane County, Utah) UF German canzonets (Part songs) NT Copper Canyon (Mexico)   Fry Canyon (Utah : Canyon) Canzonets (Part songs), Italian  (May Subd Geog)   Cuicatlán Cañada (Mexico)   Glen Canyon (Utah and Ariz.) UF Italian canzonets (Part songs)   Itzantún Canyon (Mexico)   Gray Canyon (Utah) Canzonets (Part songs), Latin  (May Subd Geog)   Nacapule Canyon (Mexico)   Hardscrabble Canyon (Carbon County, UF Latin canzonets (Part songs)   Sumidero Canyon (Mexico)   Utah) Canzonettas (Part songs)   Venta River Canyon (Mexico)   Hobble Creek Canyon (Utah) USE Canzonets (Part songs) — Montana   Huntington Canyon (Utah) Canzoni alla napolitana (Part songs) NT Bear Trap Canyon (Mont.)   Kane Springs Canyon (Utah) USE Villanelle (Part songs)   Bridger Canyon (Mont.)   Kolob Canyons (Utah) Cao (Southeast Asian people)   Gallatin Canyon (Mont.)   Lambs Canyon (Utah) USE Katu (Southeast Asian people)   Hyalite Canyon (Mont.)   Little Cottonwood Canyon (Salt Lake Cao Bang, Battle of, Vietnam, 1950 — Namibia   County, Utah) [DS553.3.C] NT Fish River Canyon (Namibia)   Little Emigration Canyon (Utah) UF Cao Bằng (Vietnam), Battle of, 1950 [Former — Nevada   Manti Canyon (Utah) NT Big Creek Canyon (Nev.)   Maple Canyon (Sanpete County, Utah)   heading]   Black Canyon (Ariz. and Nev.)   Mill Creek Canyon (Salt Lake County and BT Indochinese War, 1946-   Bruneau Canyon (Nev. and Idaho)   Summit County, Utah)   Copper Canyon (Lander County, Nev.)   Montezuma Canyon (Utah)   1954—Campaigns—Vietnam   Elderberry Canyon (Nev.)   Nine Mile Canyon (Utah) Cao Ban̆̀ g (Vietnam), Battle of, 1950   Ellsworth Canyon (Nev.)   Ogden Canyon (Utah)   Grapevine Canyon (Calif. and Nev.)   Parley's Canyon (Salt Lake County, Utah) USE Cao Bang, Battle of, Vietnam, 1950   High Rock Canyon (Nev.)   Pine Canyon (Carbon County, Utah) Caõ da Serra da Estrela   IXL Canyon (Nev.)   Price Canyon (Utah)   Jefferson Canyon (Nev.)   Provo Canyon (Utah) USE Estrela mountain dog   Lamoille Canyon (Nev.)   Red Butte Canyon (Salt Lake County, Caõ de agua   Rainbow Canyon (Nev.)   Utah)   Smith Creek Canyon (Nev.)   Rock Canyon (Utah County, Utah) USE Portuguese water dog   Titus Canyon (Calif. and Nev.)   Ruby Canyon (Colo. and Utah) Cao family — New Mexico   San Juan Canyon (Utah) NT Cebolla Canyon (N.M.)   Spanish Fork Canyon (Utah) USE Tsʻao family   Chaco Canyon (N.M.)   Weber Canyon (Utah) Cao Family Courtyard (Taigu Xian, China)   Dark Thunder Canyon (N.M.)   Wellsville Canyon (Utah)   Frijoles Canyon (N.M.) USE Cao jia da yuan (Taigu Xian, China) Cao Hai (China) USE Cao Lake (China) Cao jia da yuan (Taigu Xian, China) UF Cao Family Courtyard (Taigu Xian, China)   Tsʻao chia ta yüan (Tʻai-ku hsien, China)   [Former heading]   Tsʻao Family Courtyard (Taigu Xian, China) BT Courtyards—China Cao Lake (China) UF Cao Hai (China)   Caohai Lake (China)   Lake Caohai (China)   Tsʻao Hai (China)   Tsʻao-hai Lake (China) [Former heading] BT Lakes—China Cao Lan (Asian people) USE San Chay (Asian people) C-75

Cao Lan-Chi language Cap clouds  (May Subd Geog) Capacitors  (May Subd Geog) USE Cao Lan language UF Cloud caps [TK2805 (Electric engineering)] BT Clouds [TK7872.C65 (Electronics)] Cao Lan folk poetry   Weather—Effect of mountains on UF Condensers (Electricity) [Former heading] USE Folk poetry, Cao Lan   Electric capacitors Cap Corse (France)   Electric condensers Cao Lan folk songs USE Corse, Cape (France) BT Dielectric devices USE Folk songs, Cao Lan   Electric capacity Cap de Creus (Spain)   Energy storage Cao Lan language  (May Subd Geog) USE Creus, Cape (Spain)   Passive components [PL4251.C27-PL4251.C2795]   Tank circuits UF Cao Lan-Chi language Cap de Formentor (Spain) NT Capacitor banks   Cao Lan-San Chi language USE Formentor, Cape (Spain)   Capacitor motors   Caolan language   Ceramic capacitors   Man Cao Lan language Cap de la Circoncision (Bouvet Island)   Dielectric amplifiers   San Chay language USE Circumcision, Cape (Bouvet Island)   Electrolytic capacitors   San Chi language   Radio capacitors BT China—Languages Cap de la Hague (France)   Supercapacitors   Tai languages USE La Hague, Cape (France)   Variable capacitors   Vietnam—Languages Cap de la Hev̀ e (France) — Effect of radiation on  (May Subd Geog) Cao Lan literature  (May Subd Geog) USE Hève, Cap de la (France) UF Capacitors, Effect of radiation on [Former BT China—Literatures   heading]   Vietnam—Literatures Cap family BT Radiation NT Cao Lan poetry USE Capps family — Tariff Cao Lan poetry  (May Subd Geog) Cap-Ferrat, Villa du (Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, France) USE Tariff on capacitors BT Cao Lan literature USE Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild (Saint-Jean-Cap- NT Folk poetry, Cao Lan   Ferrat, France) Capacitors, Effect of radiation on USE Capacitors—Effect of radiation on Cao Lan-San Chi language Cap-Ferret Peninsula (France) USE Cao Lan language UF Ferret Cape Peninsula (France) Capacitors, Electrolytic   Lège Cap-Ferret Peninsula (France) USE Electrolytic capacitors Cao Nguyên Lam̂ Vien̂ (Vietnam)   Presqu'il̂ e du Cap-Ferret (France) USE Lang Biang Plateau (Vietnam)   Presqu'il̂ e Leg̀ e Cap-Ferret (France) Capacitors, Synchronous BT Peninsulas—France [TK2787] Cao Nguyen̂ Trung bộ (Vietnam) UF Compensators, Synchronous USE Central Highlands (Vietnam) CAP Inventory   Electric compensators, Synchronous USE Child Abuse Potential Inventory   Synchronous capacitors Cao Nguyên Trung phàn̂ (Vietnam)   Synchronous compensators USE Central Highlands (Vietnam) Cap Lake (Mich.) BT Electric motors, Synchronous USE Crystal Lake (Benzie County, Mich. : Lake)   Electric power factor Caoba River (Nicaragua)   Voltage regulators USE Mahogany River (Nicaragua) Cap rock BT Geology, Structural Capacity, Absorptive (Economics) Caobangia  (May Subd Geog) USE Absorptive capacity (Economics) [QL391.A6] Cap Verd (Senegal) BT Caobangiidae USE Verde, Cape (Senegal) Capacity, Air traffic USE Air traffic capacity Caobangidae Cap Vert, Presqu'île du (Senegal) USE Caobangiidae USE Cape Verde Peninsula (Senegal) Capacity, Airport USE Airport capacity Caobangiidae  (May Subd Geog) Cap Vert (Senegal : Cape) [QL391.A6] USE Verde, Cape (Senegal) Capacity, Bearing UF Caobangidae USE Bearing capacity BT Sabellida Cap Vert Peninsula (Senegal) NT Caobangia USE Cape Verde Peninsula (Senegal) Capacity, Computer USE Computer capacity Caodaism Capabilities approach (Social sciences) BT Buddhism (May Subd Geog) Capacity, Ecological carrying   Spiritualism UF Capability approach (Social sciences) USE Ecological carrying capacity   Taoism BT Social sciences Capacity, Highway Caodong (Sect)  (May Subd Geog) Capability, Financial (Financial literacy) USE Highway capacity UF Chodong (Sect) USE Financial literacy BT Buddhist sects Capacity, Industrial   Zen Buddhism Capability approach (Social sciences) USE Industrial capacity USE Capabilities approach (Social sciences) Caoduro House (Monticello Conte Otto, Italy) Capacity, Runway USE Casa Caoduro (Monticello Conte Otto, Italy) Capability maturity model (Computer software) USE Runway capacity UF Capability Maturity Model-Integrated Cao'e Jiang (China)   (Computer software) Capacity (Law) USE Cao'e River (China)   CMM (Computer software) USE Capacity and disability   CMMI (Computer software) Cao'e River (China) BT Software engineering Capacity and disability  (May Subd Geog) UF Cao'e Jiang (China) UF Capacity (Law)   Ta-shun-chiang (China) Capability Maturity Model-Integrated (Computer   Capacity and disability—Law and legislation   Tsaongo Kiang (China) software)   Disability (Legal incapacity)   Ts’ao-o Chiang (China) USE Capability maturity model (Computer software)   Incapacity (Law) BT Rivers—China BT Status (Law) Capac Inti Raymi Festival NT Civil death Caohai Lake (China) USE Inti Raymi Festival   Insanity (Law) USE Cao Lake (China) Capac Ñan — Conflict of laws Caolan language USE Qhapaq Ñan USE Conflict of laws—Capacity and disability USE Cao Lan language Capac Raymi Festival — Law and legislation Caonillas, Lake (P.R.) USE Inti Raymi Festival USE Capacity and disability UF Lago Caonillas (P.R.)   Lake Caonillas (P.R.) Capachequi, Rio de (Ga.) Capacity and disability (Canon law) BT Lakes—Puerto Rico USE Flint River (Ga.) UF Capacity and disability (Canon law)—Catholic   Reservoirs—Puerto Rico   Church Capacitance meters BT Canon law CAOS (Surgery) [TK335] USE Computer-assisted orthopedic surgery UF Meters, Capacitance — Anglican Communion, [Coptic Church, etc.]   Microfarad meters — Catholic Church Caouana cephalo BT Electric capacity USE Loggerhead turtle   Electric meters USE Capacity and disability (Canon law) — Orthodox Eastern Church Caoutchouc Capacities (Mathematics) USE Rubber USE Fuzzy measure theory UF Capacity and disability (Canon law,   Orthodox Eastern) [Former heading] CAP (Community-acquired pneumonia) Capacitor banks USE Community-acquired pneumonia [TK2805] Capacity and disability (Canon law, Orthodox Eastern) BT Capacitors USE Capacity and disability (Canon law)—Orthodox CAP (Computer)  (Not Subd Geog)   Reactive power (Electrical engineering)   Eastern Church [QA76.8.C] BT Electronic digital computers Capacitor circuits, Switched Capacity and disability (Islamic law)  (May Subd Geog) USE Switched capacitor circuits BT Islamic law CAP Aqueduct (Ariz.) USE Central Arizona Project Aqueduct (Ariz.) Capacitor industry  (May Subd Geog) Capacity and disability (Jewish law) [HD9697.C36-HD9697.C364] BT Jewish law Cap Bon Peninsula (Tunisia) BT Electric industries USE Sharīk Peninsula (Tunisia) Capacity and disability (Roman-Dutch law) Capacitor loudspeakers BT Roman-Dutch law Cap Breton Canyon (France) USE Electrostatic loudspeakers UF Capbreton Canyon (France) Capacity and disability (Roman law)   Fosse de Capbreton (France) Capacitor microphone BT Roman law   Gouf de Capbreton (France) USE Electrostatic microphone BT Submarine trenches—France Capacitor motors [TK2785] UF Electric motors, Capacitor BT Capacitors   Electric motors, Induction C-76

Capacity of a set Cape Ann (Mass.) Cape Cod chairs USE Capacity theory (Mathematics) USE Ann, Cape (Mass.) USE Adirondack chairs Capacity of fluids in land vehicles Cape Ann Industrial Park (Gloucester, Mass.) Cape Cod crystal USE subdivision Fluid capacities under individual This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Crystal glass—United States   land vehicles and types of land vehicles, e.g.   Automobiles--Fluid capacities subdivision. Cape Cod houses  (May Subd Geog) BT Dwellings Capacity theory (Mathematics) BT Industrial districts—Massachusetts UF Capacity of a set Cape Ann Light Station (Thacher Island, Mass.) Cape Cod Knockabouts BT Pluripotential theory USE Knockabouts (Sailboats) UF Cape Ann Lighthouses (Thacher Island, Mass.) Capacnã n   Thacher Island Lights (Thacher Island, Mass.) Cape Cod National Seashore (Mass.) USE Qhapaq Nã n RT French Cable Hut (Orleans, Mass.) BT Lighthouses—Massachusetts BT National parks and reserves—Massachusetts Cāpaḡ aī ̄ṃ family  (Not Subd Geog) Cape Ann Lighthouses (Thacher Island, Mass.)   Recreation areas—Massachusetts Capaill Island (Ireland) USE Cape Ann Light Station (Thacher Island, Cape Cod Ship Canal (Mass.) UF Inish Capaill (Ireland)   Mass.) USE Cape Cod Canal (Mass.) BT Islands—Ireland Capanahua Indians  (May Subd Geog) Cape Antonia (Cuba) Cape Colonna (Attikē, Greece) [F3430.1.C34] USE San Antonio, Cape (Cuba) USE Souń io Cape (Greece) UF Busquipani Indians Cape Arago (Or.) Cape coloured people   Capanawa Indians USE Arago, Cape (Or.) USE Colored people (South Africa)   Kapanawa Indians BT Indians of South America—Brazil Cape Arago State Park (Or.) Cape Coral Industrial Park (Cape Coral, Fla.)   Indians of South America—Peru BT Parks—Oregon This heading is not valid for use as a geographic   Panoan Indians Capanahua language  (May Subd Geog) Cape Arid National Park (W.A.) subdivision. [PM5735] BT National parks and reserves—Australia UF Capanawa language BT Industrial districts—Florida BT Panoan languages Cape Ashizuri (Japan) Cape Cornelius (Del.)   Peru—Languages USE Ashizuri, Cape (Japan) Capanawa Indians USE Henlopen, Cape (Del.) USE Capanahua Indians Cape Banks (S.A.) Cape Corrientes (Cuba) Capanawa language USE Banks, Cape (S.A.) USE Capanahua language USE Corrientes, Cape (Cuba) Capania sapida Cape Barren Island (Tas.) Cape Corse (France) USE Akee BT Furneaux Islands (Tas.) Capanna family  (Not Subd Geog)   Islands—Australia USE Corse, Cape (France) Capanna Marco e Rosa De Marchi Agostino Rocca Cape Cottage Casino (Cape Elizabeth, Me.) (Italy) Cape Bathurst (N.W.T. : Cape) USE Marco e Rosa Hut (Italy) USE Bathurst, Cape (N.W.T.) UF Cape Theatre (Cape Elizabeth, Me.) Capanna Marco e Rosa-Rocca (Italy) BT Theaters—Maine USE Marco e Rosa Hut (Italy) Cape Beaufort (Alaska) Cape Cove (Or.) Capanne di Marcarolo Natural Park (Italy) USE Beaufort, Cape (Alaska) BT Bays—Oregon USE Parco naturale delle Capanne di Marcarolo Cape crawfish   (Italy) Cape belladonna USE Jasus lalandii Capanno di Garibaldi (Ravenna, Italy) USE Belladonna lily Cape Creus (Spain) USE Capanno Garibaldi (Ravenna, Italy) USE Creus, Cape (Spain) Capanno Garibaldi (Ravenna, Italy) Cape Blanco (Or.) Cape Croker Indian Reserve (Ont.) UF Capanno di Garibaldi (Ravenna, Italy) USE Blanco, Cape (Or.) USE Neyaashiinigmiing Indian Reserve No. 27 BT Huts—Italy Capaõ Alto Fazenda (Brazil) Cape Blanco State Park (Or.)   (Ont.) UF Fazenda Capaõ Alto (Brazil) BT Parks—Oregon Cape Croker Indian Reserve No. 27 (Ont.) BT Haciendas—Brazil Caparaó Mountains (Brazil) Cape Bon Peninsula (Tunisia) USE Neyaashiinigmiing Indian Reserve No. 27 UF Chibata Mountains (Brazil) USE Sharīk Peninsula (Tunisia)   (Ont.)   Serra da Chibata (Brazil)   Serra de Caparaó (Brazil) Cape Breton Highlands National Park (N.S.) Cape Crozier (Antarctica)   Serra do Caparaó (Brazil) UF Hautes-Terres-du-Cap-Breton, Parc national USE Crozier, Cape (Antarctica) BT Mountains—Brazil   des (N.S.) Caparaó National Park (Brazil)   Parc national des Hautes-Terres-du-Cap- Cape Davis (Me.) USE Parque Nacional do Caparaó (Brazil)   Breton (N.S.) USE Elizabeth, Cape (Me. : Cape) Caparra Site (P.R.) BT National parks and reserves—Nova Scotia BT Puerto Rico—Antiquities Cape Delgado (Mozambique) Capas Site (Ariz.) Cape Brett (N.Z.) USE Delgado, Cape (Mozambique) USE Las Capas Site (Ariz.) USE Brett, Cape (N.Z.) Capaukoos (New Guinean people) Cape Denison (Antarctica) USE Kapauku (New Guinean people) Cape buffalo USE Denison, Cape (Antarctica) Capawick (Mass.) USE African buffalo USE Martha's Vineyard (Mass.) Cape Disappointment Lighthouse (Wash.) Capawock (Mass.) Cape bulbs  (May Subd Geog) BT Lighthouses—Washington (State) USE Martha's Vineyard (Mass.) BT Bulbs (Plants) Capawok (Mass.) Cape Disappointment State Park (Wash.) USE Martha's Vineyard (Mass.) Cape Busto Site (Spain) UF Fort Canby Military Reservation (Wash.) Capay Valley (Calif.) USE Cabo Busto Site (Spain)   Fort Canby State Park (Wash.) [Former BT Valleys—California   heading] Capble family Cape Byron Lighthouse (N.S.W.) BT Parks—Washington (State) USE Caples family BT Lighthouses—Australia   Lewis and Clark National and State Historical Capbles family   Parks (Or. and Wash.) USE Caples family Cape Caccia (Italy) Capbreton Canyon (France) USE Caccia, Cape (Italy) Cape Domesnes (Latvia) USE Cap Breton Canyon (France) USE Kolkasrags (Latvia) Capcir (France) Cape Caliacra (Bulgaria) BT Valleys—France USE Kaliakra, Cape (Bulgaria) Cape dove CAPD (Medicine) USE Gray petrel USE Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis Cape Canaveral (Fla. : Cape) Capdevila family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Canaveral, Cape (Fla. : Cape) Cape Dutch language Cape Addington Rockshelter (Alaska) USE Afrikaans language BT Alaska—Antiquities Cape Canaveral Lighthouse (Fla.)   Caves—Alaska BT Lighthouses—Florida Cape dwarf chameleon Cape Agulhas (South Africa : Cape) USE Microsaura pumila USE Agulhas, Cape (South Africa : Cape) Cape Canaveral National Seashore (Fla.) Cape Andreas-Kastros Site (Cyprus) USE Canaveral National Seashore (Fla.) Cape E-lun-pi (Taiwan) USE Kastros Site (Cyprus) USE Eluanbi, Cape (Taiwan) Cape Canaveral Ship Channel (Fla.) USE Port Canaveral Ship Channel (Fla.) Cape eagle owl  (May Subd Geog) [QL696.S83] Cape capensis UF Bubo capensis USE Merluccius capensis BT Bubo Cape Castillo (Uruguay) Cape Elizabeth (Me. : Cape) USE Punta del Diablo (Uruguay) USE Elizabeth, Cape (Me. : Cape) Cape Churchill (Man.) Cape Elizabeth (North Slope Borough, Alaska) USE Churchill, Cape (Man.) USE Lisburne, Cape (Alaska) Cape Cinema (Dennis, Mass.) Cape Eluanbi (Taiwan) BT Motion picture theaters—Massachusetts USE Eluanbi, Cape (Taiwan) Cape Circoncision (Bouvet Island) Cape Engano, Battle of, Philippines, 1944 USE Circumcision, Cape (Bouvet Island) USE Leyte Gulf, Battle of, Philippines, 1944 Cape Circumcision (Bouvet Island) Cape Esperance (Solomon Islands) USE Circumcision, Cape (Bouvet Island) USE Esperance, Cape (Solomon Islands) Cape clawless otter Cape Falcon Marine Reserve (Or.) USE Aonyx capensis BT Marine parks and reserves—Oregon Cape Clear Island (Ireland) Cape Farewell (Greenland) USE Clear Island (Ireland) USE Farewell, Cape (Greenland) Cape Cod (Mass.) Cape Fear (N.C. : Cape) UF Cod, Cape (Mass.) USE Fear, Cape (N.C.) BT Capes (Coasts)—Massachusetts Cape Fear River, Northeast Fork (N.C.) Cape Cod Bay (Mass.) USE Northeast Cape Fear River (N.C.) BT Bays—Massachusetts Cape Cod Canal (Mass.) UF Cape Cod Ship Canal (Mass.) BT Canals—Massachusetts C-77

Cape Fear River (N.C.) BT Memorials—Virginia Cape Masandam (Oman) BT Rivers—North Carolina   National parks and reserves—Virginia USE Musandam, Cape (Oman) Cape Fear River Estuary (N.C.) Cape Henry Memorial Monument (Virginia Beach, Va.) Cape Matapan, Battle of, 1717 BT Estuaries—North Carolina USE Cape Henry Memorial (Virginia Beach, Va.) UF Matapan, Battle of, 1717 BT Venice (Italy)—History—Turkish Wars, 18th Cape Fear River Valley (N.C.) Cape Hinloopen (Del.)   century—Campaigns UF Cape Fear Valley (N.C.) USE Henlopen, Cape (Del.) BT Valleys—North Carolina Cape Matapan, Battle of, 1941 Cape Hinlope (Del.) UF Matapan, Battle of, 1941 [Former heading] Cape Fear River Watershed (N.C.) USE Henlopen, Cape (Del.) BT World War, 1939- BT Watersheds—North Carolina   1945—Campaigns—Mediterranean Sea Cape Hinlopen (Del.) Cape Fear shiner  (May Subd Geog) USE Henlopen, Cape (Del.) Cape May diamonds [QL638.C94 (Zoology)] BT Quartz crystals UF Notropis mekistocholas Cape Hinlopes (Del.)   Shiner, Cape Fear USE Henlopen, Cape (Del.) Cape May Lighthouse (N.J.) BT Notropis USE Cape May Point Lighthouse (N.J.) Cape honeybee  (May Subd Geog) Cape Fear Valley (N.C.) UF Apis capensis Cape May National Wildlife Refuge (N.J.) USE Cape Fear River Valley (N.C.)   Apis mellifera capensis BT National parks and reserves—New Jersey BT Honeybee   Wildlife refuges—New Jersey Cape Finisterre (Spain) USE Finisterre, Cape (Spain) Cape Hoorn (Chile) Cape May Point Lighthouse (N.J.) USE Horn, Cape (Chile) UF Cape May Lighthouse (N.J.) Cape Flats (South Africa) BT Lighthouses—New Jersey UF Flats, The (South Africa) Cape Horn (Calif : Cliff)   Groote Woeste Vlakte (South Africa) BT Cliffs—California Cape May Point State Park (N.J.)   Kaapsche Duinen (South Africa) BT Parks—New Jersey   Kaapse Vlakte (South Africa) Cape Horn (Chelan County, Wash.)   The Flats (South Africa) BT Icicle Ridge (Wash.) Cape May warbler  (May Subd Geog)   Zand Vlakte (South Africa)   Mountains—Washington (State) [QL696.P2438 (Zoology)] BT Plains—South Africa UF Dendroica tigrina Cape Horn (Chile)   Motacilla tigrina Cape Flats Nature Reserve (South Africa) USE Horn, Cape (Chile) BT Dendroica BT National parks and reserves—South Africa Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve (Chile) Cape Meares Lighthouse (Or.) Cape Flattery (Wash.) USE Cabo de Hornos Biosphere Reserve (Chile) [VK1025.C] USE Flattery, Cape (Wash.) BT Lighthouses—Oregon Cape Horn Lake (Idaho) Cape Florida Indians USE Cape Horn Lakes (Idaho) Cape Meares National Wildlife Refuge (Or.) USE Calusa Indians BT National parks and reserves—Oregon Cape Horn Lakes (Idaho)   Wildlife refuges—Oregon Cape Fold Belt (South Africa) UF Cape Horn Lake (Idaho) BT Formations (Geology)—South Africa BT Lakes—Idaho Cape Meares State Park (Or.) NT Ceres Arc (South Africa) BT Parks—Oregon Cape hunting dog Cape Formentor (Spain) USE African wild dog Cape Mendocino (Calif.) USE Formentor, Cape (Spain) USE Mendocino, Cape (Calif.) Cape Ieri (Greece) Cape Frontier War, 9th, South Africa, 1877-1878 USE Iria, Point (Greece) Cape Mendocino Earthquake, Calif., 1992 USE Ngcayecibi, War of, South Africa, 1877-1878 USE Cape Mendocino Earthquakes, Calif., 1992 Cape Indians Cape fruit-bat USE Makah Indians Cape Mendocino Earthquake Sequence, Calif., 1992 USE Rousettus aegyptiacus USE Cape Mendocino Earthquakes, Calif., 1992 Cape Iria (Greece) Cape fur seal USE Iria, Point (Greece) Cape Mendocino Earthquakes, Calif., 1992 USE South African fur seal UF Cape Mendocino Earthquake, Calif., 1992 Cape James (Del.)   Cape Mendocino Earthquake Sequence, Calif., Cape Garam Bi (Taiwan) USE Henlopen, Cape (Del.)   1992 USE Eluanbi, Cape (Taiwan)   Cape Mendocino/Petrolia Earthquakes, Calif., Cape jasmine   1992 Cape Garanbi (Taiwan) USE Gardenia   Ferndale Earthquake, Calif., 1992 USE Eluanbi, Cape (Taiwan)   Lost Coast Earthquake, Calif., 1992 Cape Kaliakra (Bulgaria)   Petrolia/Cape Mendocino Earthquake, Calif., Cape Gata (Spain) USE Kaliakra, Cape (Bulgaria)   1992 USE Gata, Cape (Spain)   Petrolia/Cape Mendocino Earthquakes, Calif., Cape Kennedy (Fla.)   1992 Cape George (N.S.) USE Canaveral, Cape (Fla. : Cape)   Petrolia Earthquake, Calif., 1992 USE George, Cape (N.S.)   Petrolia Earthquake Sequence, Calif., 1992 Cape Kolones (Greece : Soúnio Cape)   Petrolia Earthquakes, Calif., 1992 Cape gooseberry  (May Subd Geog) USE Souń io Cape (Greece) BT Earthquakes—California [QK495.S7 (Botany)] [SB379.C36 (Culture)] Cape Krusenstern (Alaska) Cape Mendocino/Petrolia Earthquakes, Calif., 1992 UF Golden berry USE Krusenstern, Cape (Alaska) USE Cape Mendocino Earthquakes, Calif., 1992   Gooseberry, Cape   Peruvian cherry Cape Krusenstern National Monument (Alaska) Cape Minami (Taiwan)   Peruvian ground cherry BT National monuments—Alaska USE Eluanbi, Cape (Taiwan)   Physalis edulis   Physalis peruviana Cape La Hague (France) Cape Musandam (Oman)   Purple ground cherry USE La Hague, Cape (France) USE Musandam, Cape (Oman) BT Physalis Cape La Warre (Del.) Cape Naturaliste (W.A.) Cape Greco National Park (Cyprus) USE Henlopen, Cape (Del.) USE Naturaliste, Cape (W.A.) BT National parks and reserves—Cyprus Cape Lamb (Antarctica) Cape Neddick River (Me.) Cape Gregory (Or.) USE Lamb, Cape (Antarctica) UF Cape Nedock Creek (Me.) USE Arago, Cape (Or.) BT Rivers—Maine Cape Le Grand National Park (W.A.) Cape grey mongoose BT National parks and reserves—Australia Cape Nedock Creek (Me.) USE Herpestes pulverulentus USE Cape Neddick River (Me.) Cape Leeuwin (W.A.) Cape hake USE Leeuwin, Cape (W.A.) Cape Newenham (Alaska) USE Merluccius capensis USE Newenham, Cape (Alaska) Cape Leucosia (Italy) Cape hartebeest USE Licosa Cape (Italy) Cape Nome (Alaska : Cape) USE Red hartebeest USE Nome, Cape (Alaska : Cape) Cape Light (Imaginary place)  (Not Subd Geog) Cape Hatteras (N.C.) BT Imaginary places Cape O-luan (Taiwan) USE Hatteras, Cape (N.C.) USE Eluanbi, Cape (Taiwan) Cape Lisbon (Alaska) Cape Hatteras Light Station (N.C.) USE Lisburne, Cape (Alaska) Cape O-luan-pi (Taiwan) BT Lighthouses—North Carolina USE Eluanbi, Cape (Taiwan) Cape Lisbond (Alaska) Cape Hatteras Lighthouse (N.C.) USE Lisburne, Cape (Alaska) Cape of Fisterra (Spain) BT Lighthouses—North Carolina USE Finisterre, Cape (Spain) Cape Lisborne (Alaska) Cape Hatteras National Seashore (N.C.) USE Lisburne, Cape (Alaska) Cape of Good Hope (South Africa) BT National parks and reserves—North Carolina — History   Recreation areas—North Carolina Cape Lisburn (Alaska) — — To 1795 USE Lisburne, Cape (Alaska) — — 1795-1872 Cape Hatteras Woods (N.C.) [DT2042-DT2044] USE Buxton Woods (N.C.) Cape Lisburne (Alaska) NT British settlers of 1820 (South Africa) USE Lisburne, Cape (Alaska) — Politics and government Cape Henlope (Del.) — — To 1795 USE Henlopen, Cape (Del.) Cape Lookout (N.C.) — — 1795-1872 USE Lookout, Cape (N.C.) — — 1872-1910 Cape Henlopen (Del.) — — 1910-1994 USE Henlopen, Cape (Del.) Cape Lookout (Or.) USE Lookout, Cape (Or.) Cape Henry (Va. : Cape) USE Henry, Cape (Va.) Cape Lookout Lighthouse (N.C.) BT Lighthouses—North Carolina Cape Henry Memorial (Virginia Beach, Va.) UF Cape Henry Memorial Monument (Virginia Cape Lookout National Seashore (N.C.)   Beach, Va.) UF Lookout, Cape, National Seashore (N.C.) BT National parks and reserves—North Carolina   Recreation areas—North Carolina Cape Lookout Shoals (N.C.) BT Banks (Oceanography)—North Carolina Cape Lookout State Park (Or.) BT Parks—Oregon C-78

Cape of Good Hope (South Africa : Cape) Cape Sada (Japan) Cape Umanarsuak (Greenland) USE Good Hope, Cape of (South Africa : Cape) USE Ashizuri, Cape (Japan) USE Farewell, Cape (Greenland) Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve (South Africa) Cape Saint Francis (South Africa) Cape Uummannarsuaq (Greenland) BT National parks and reserves—South Africa USE Saint Francis, Cape (South Africa) USE Farewell, Cape (Greenland)   Natural areas—South Africa Cape Saint Vincent (Portugal) Cape Verde Cape of Good Hope Peninsula (South Africa) USE Saint Vincent, Cape (Portugal) — Diplomatic and consular service USE Cape Peninsula (South Africa) USE Diplomatic and consular service, Cabo Cape Saint Vincent, Battle of, 1797   Verdean Cape of Palos (Spain) UF Cape St. Vincent, Battle of, 1797 USE Palos, Cape (Spain)   Saint Vincent, Battle of, 1797 Cape Verde (Senegal)   Saint Vincent, Cape (Portugal), Battle of, 1797 USE Verde, Cape (Senegal) Cape of Storms (South Africa)   [Former heading] USE Good Hope, Cape of (South Africa : Cape)   Saint Vincent Cape, Battle of, 1797 Cape Verde Creole dialect  (May Subd Geog)   St. Vincent, Battle of, 1797 UF Brava Island Creole dialect Cape of the Eleven Thousand Virgins (Argentina)   St. Vincent (Cape), Battle of, 1797 [Former   Cabo Verde Creole dialect USE Virgins, Cape (Argentina)   heading]   Cape Verdean Creole dialect BT First Coalition, War of the, 1792-   Kabuverdianu dialect Cape Olanpi (Taiwan)   1797—Campaigns—Atlantic Ocean BT Cabo Verde—Languages USE Eluanbi, Cape (Taiwan)   Creole dialects, Portuguese—Cabo Verde Cape Saint Vincent, Battle of, 1833 Cape Oluanpi (Taiwan) UF Cape St. Vincent, Battle of, 1833 Cape Verde Peninsula (Senegal) USE Eluanbi, Cape (Taiwan)   Saint Vincent, Battle of, 1833 UF Cap Vert, Presqu'île du (Senegal)   Saint Vincent Cape, Battle of, 1833   Cap Vert Peninsula (Senegal) Cape Olwanpi (Taiwan)   St. Vincent, Battle of, 1833   Presqu'il̂ e du Cap Vert (Senegal) USE Eluanbi, Cape (Taiwan) BT Portugal—History—Miguel I, 1828-1834 BT Peninsulas—Senegal Cape Ománassuaq (Greenland) Cape San Antonio (Cuba) Cape Verdean American arts USE Farewell, Cape (Greenland) USE San Antonio, Cape (Cuba) USE Cabo Verdean American arts Cape Ortegal (Spain) Cape Santa Maria di Leuca (Italy) Cape Verdean American folk art USE Ortegal, Cape (Spain) USE Santa Maria di Leuca, Cape (Italy) USE Cabo Verdean American folk art Cape oryx Cape Santa Marta Grande (Brazil) Cape Verdean Americans USE Gemsbok USE Santa Marta Grande, Cape (Brazil) USE Cabo Verdean Americans Cape Palinuro (Italy) Cape Santo Agostinho (Brazil) Cape Verdean Creole dialect USE Palinuro, Cape (Italy) USE Santo Agostinho, Cape (Brazil) USE Cape Verde Creole dialect Cape Palmas (Liberia) Cape Scott Park (B.C.) Cape Verdean fiction USE Palmas, Cape (Liberia) UF Cape Scott Provincial Park (B.C.) USE Cabo Verdean fiction BT Parks—British Columbia Cape Palos (Spain) Cape Verdean literature USE Palos, Cape (Spain) Cape Scott Provincial Park (B.C.) USE Cabo Verdean literature USE Cape Scott Park (B.C.) Cape penguin Cape Verdean poetry USE African penguin Cape Sebastian (Or.) USE Cabo Verdean poetry USE Sebastian, Cape (Or.) Cape Peninsula (South Africa) Cape Verdeans UF Cape of Good Hope Peninsula (South Africa) Cape Sebastian State Park (Or.) USE Cabo Verdeans   Kaapse Skiereiland (South Africa) UF Cape Sebastian State Scenic Corridor (Or.) BT Peninsulas—South Africa BT Parks—Oregon Cape Vert (Senegal) USE Verde, Cape (Senegal) Cape Peninsula National Park (South Africa) Cape Sebastian State Scenic Corridor (Or.) USE Table Mountain National Park (South Africa) USE Cape Sebastian State Park (Or.) Cape Virgin (Argentina) USE Virgins, Cape (Argentina) Cape periwinkle Cape Sequence (South Africa) USE Catharanthus roseus USE Cape Supergroup (South Africa) Cape Virgins (Argentina) USE Virgins, Cape (Argentina) Cape Perpetua (Or.) Cape Seymour (Antarctica) USE Perpetua, Cape (Or.) USE Seymour Island (Antarctica) Cape Wastochnia (Taim̆ yrskiĭ (Dolgano-Nenet︠s︡kii)̆ avtonomnyĭ okrug, Russia) Cape Perpetua Marine Reserve (Or.) Cape shark USE Vostochnyĭ Cape (Taĭmyrskiĭ (Dolgano- BT Marine parks and reserves—Oregon USE Smooth dogfish   Nenet︠s︡kii)̆ avtonomnyĭ okrug, Russia) Cape Perpetua Scenic Area (Or.) Cape Smith (Alaska) Cape Weathers (Fictitious character) BT National parks and reserves—Oregon USE Smyth, Cape (Alaska) USE Weathers, Cape (Fictitious character)   Natural areas—Oregon Cape Smyth (Alaska) Cape whiting Cape Polonio (Uruguay) USE Smyth, Cape (Alaska) USE Merluccius capensis USE Polonio, Cape (Uruguay) Cape Smythe (Alaska) Cape Wrath (Scotland) Cape Porpoise River (Me.) USE Smyth, Cape (Alaska) USE Wrath, Cape (Scotland) USE Mousam River (Me.) Cape sparrow Cape Yakataga (Alaska : Cape) Cape Porpus River (Me.) USE Passer melanurus USE Yakataga, Cape (Alaska : Cape) USE Mousam River (Me.) Cape Split (Me.) Cape yellowtail Cape Posillipo (Italy) USE Addison Point (Me.) USE Yellowtail USE Posillipo, Cape (Italy) Cape St. Francis (South Africa) Cape York Eskimos Cape Prince of Wales (Alaska) USE Saint Francis, Cape (South Africa) USE Polar Eskimos USE Prince of Wales, Cape (Alaska) Cape St. Vincent, Battle of, 1797 Cape York Peninsula (Qld.) Cape Range (W.A.) USE Cape Saint Vincent, Battle of, 1797 BT Peninsulas—Australia BT Mountains—Australia Cape St. Vincent, Battle of, 1833 Capehart family Cape Range Peninsula (W.A.) USE Cape Saint Vincent, Battle of, 1833 USE Gebhardt family UF North West Cape Peninsula (W.A.) BT Peninsulas—Australia Cape Statenhut (Greenland) Čapek family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Farewell, Cape (Greenland) Capel, Fern (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) Cape Reinga (N.Z. : Cape) USE Reinga, Cape (N.Z. : Cape) Cape Storm (Nunavut) UF Capel, Fernanda Elizabeth (Fictitious USE Storm, Cape (Nunavut)   character) Cape Romain (S.C.)   Fern Capel (Fictitious character) USE Romain, Cape (S.C.) Cape Supergroup (South Africa)   Fernanda Elizabeth Capel (Fictitious character) UF Cape Sequence (South Africa)   Fernanda Morcadis (Fictitious character) Cape Romain Light (S.C.)   Cape System (South Africa)   Morcadis, Fernanda (Fictitious character) USE Cape Romain Lighthouse (S.C.) BT Geology, Stratigraphic—Paleozoic   Groups (Stratigraphy)—South Africa Capel, Fernanda Elizabeth (Fictitious character) Cape Romain Light-House (S.C) USE Capel, Fern (Fictitious character) USE Cape Romain Lighthouse (S.C.) Cape System (South Africa) USE Cape Supergroup (South Africa) Capel family Cape Romain Light Station (S.C.) USE Keppel family USE Cape Romain Lighthouse (S.C.) Cape Talumphuk (Thailand) USE Talumphuk, Cape (Thailand) Capel River (W.A. : River) Cape Romain Lighthouse (S.C.) BT Rivers—Australia UF Cape Romain Light (S.C.) Cape Theatre (Cape Elizabeth, Me.)   Cape Romain Light-House (S.C) USE Cape Cottage Casino (Cape Elizabeth, Me.) Capelen family   Cape Romain Light Station (S.C.) USE Chaplin family BT Lighthouses—South Carolina Cape Thompson (North Slope Borough, Alaska) USE Thompson, Cape (North Slope Borough, Capelin  (May Subd Geog) Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge (S.C.)   Alaska) [QL638.O84] BT National parks and reserves—South Carolina UF Mallotus catervarius [Former heading]   Wildlife refuges—South Carolina Cape Town Stadium (Cape Town, South Africa)   Mallotus villosus UF Kaapstad-stadion (Cape Town, South Africa) BT Mallotus Cape Roman (S.C.) BT Stadiums—South Africa USE Romain, Cape (S.C.) Capelin family Cape Trafalgar (Spain) USE Chaplin family Cape Romans (S.C.) USE Trafalgar, Cape (Spain) USE Romain, Cape (S.C.) Capelin fisheries  (May Subd Geog) Cape Ulu (Turkey) [SH351.C28] Cape Sabine (Alaska) USE Ulu, Cape (Turkey) BT Fisheries USE Sabine, Cape (Alaska) Cape Ûmánarssuaq (Greenland) Capeling family Cape Sable (Fla.) USE Farewell, Cape (Greenland) USE Chaplin family USE Sable, Cape (Fla.) Cape Sable Island (N.S.) BT Islands—Nova Scotia C-79

Capelinhos Volcano (Azores)   Thompson, Cape (North Slope Borough, — France UF Vulcaõ dos Capelinhos (Azores)   Alaska) NT Corse, Cape (France) BT Mountains—Azores   Yakataga, Cape (Alaska : Cape)   Grave, Pointe de (France)   Volcanoes—Azores — Antarctic regions   Hève, Cap de la (France) USE Capes (Coasts)—Antarctica   La Hague, Cape (France) Capell family — Antarctica USE Keppel family UF Capes (Coasts)—Antarctic regions — Georgia (Republic)   [Former heading] UF Capes (Coasts)—Georgian S.S.R. Capella (Birds) NT Crozier, Cape (Antarctica)   [Former heading] USE Gallinago   Denison, Cape (Antarctica) NT Pitsunda Cape (Georgia)   Lamb, Cape (Antarctica) Capella delicata   Norvegia Cape (Antarctica) — Georgian S.S.R. USE Common snipe — Argentina USE Capes (Coasts)—Georgia (Republic) NT Tombo Point (Argentina) Capella Formation (Spain)   Virgins, Cape (Argentina) — Greece BT Formations (Geology)—Spain — Australia NT Iria, Point (Greece)   Geology, Stratigraphic—Eocene NT Abbot Point (Qld.)   Souń io Cape (Greece)   Banks, Cape (S.A.) Capella gallinago   Barrow Point (Qld.) — Greenland USE Common snipe   Leeuwin, Cape (W.A.) NT Farewell, Cape (Greenland)   Naturaliste, Cape (W.A.)   Stosch Cape (Greenland) Capella media   North West Cape (W.A.) USE Great snipe — Bouvet Island — Hawaii NT Circumcision, Cape (Bouvet Island) NT Kilauea Point (Hawaii) Capelle family — Brazil USE Keppel family NT Santa Marta Grande, Cape (Brazil) — Honduras   Santo Agostinho, Cape (Brazil) NT Sal, Punta (Honduras) Capello family  (Not Subd Geog)   Tubarão Point (Rio Grande do Norte, Capells family   Brazil) — Iceland — Bulgaria NT Hjörleifshof̈ ði (Iceland : Cape) USE Caples family NT Kaliakra, Cape (Bulgaria)   Salthof̈ ði (Iceland) Capely family — California NT Arena, Point (Calif.) — Ireland USE Keppel family   Arguello, Point (Calif.) NT Aughris Head (Ireland) Capen family  (Not Subd Geog)   Candlestick Point (Calif.)   Bremore Head (Ireland)   Conception, Point (Calif.)   Saint John's Point (Ireland) UF Capin family   Limantour Spit (Calif.)   Slyne Head (Ireland)   Capon family   Loma, Point (Calif.)   Lopez Point (Calif.) — Italy Capena (Extinct city)   Mendocino, Cape (Calif.) NT Caccia, Cape (Italy) [DG70.C18]   Montara, Point (Calif.)   Campanella Point (Italy) BT Extinct cities—Italy   Mugu, Point (Calif.)   Caprione Promontory (Italy)   Italy—Antiquities   Piedras Blancas, Point (Calif.)   Licosa Cape (Italy)   Pigeon Point (San Mateo County, Calif.)   Palinuro, Cape (Italy) Capensis, Cape   Saint George, Point (Calif.)   Portofino Promontory (Italy) USE Merluccius capensis   Sur, Point (Calif.)   Posillipo, Cape (Italy) — Chile   Santa Maria di Leuca, Cape (Italy) Caper (Plant) NT Horn, Cape (Chile)   Sant'Elia Promontory (Italy) USE Capparis spinosa — China   Serrone Point (Italy) NT Taiping Point (Shandong Sheng, China) Caper Court (London, England : Imaginary place) — Congo (Democratic Republic) — Japan (Not Subd Geog) NT Kalina Point (Congo) NT Ashizuri, Cape (Japan) BT Imaginary places — Connecticut   Inubō Cape (Japan) NT Ayers Point (Conn.)   Irō Cape (Japan) Caper films  (May Subd Geog)   Bradley Point (Conn.)   Muroto Cape (Japan) Here are entered works on films that feature the   Cornfield Point (Conn.)   Nomo Cape (Japan)   Ferry Point (Middlesex County, Conn.)   Omae Cape (Japan) execution of a particularly difficult undertaking, often   Flying Point (Conn.)   Tappi Cape (Japan) questionable or illegal, the success of which depends   Griswold Point (Conn.)   Toi Promontory (Japan) on skill and careful planning.   Haycock Point (Conn.)   Hoadly Point (Conn.) — Kuwait UF Big-caper films   Johnson Point (Conn.) NT Qulayʻah Cape (Kuwait)   Heist films   Leetes Island (Conn. : Cape)   Old Kelsey Point (Conn.) — Latvia BT Motion pictures   Pilots Point (Conn. : Cape) NT Kolkasrags (Latvia) RT Crime films   Pond Point (New Haven County, Conn.) Capercaillie   Sandy Point (Conn. : Cape) — Liberia USE Western capercaillie — Cuba NT Palmas, Cape (Liberia) Capernaum (Ancient city) NT Corrientes, Cape (Cuba) USE Capernaum (Extinct city)   San Antonio, Cape (Cuba) — Lithuania Capernaum (Extinct city) — Delaware NT Kopgalis (Lithuania) UF Cafarnao (Extinct city) NT Henlopen, Cape (Del.)   Venteṡ Point (Lithuania) — England   Capernaum (Ancient city) [Former heading] NT Beachy Head (England) — Louisiana   Capharnaum (Extinct city)   Beer Head (England) NT Alligator Point (La.)   Kefar Nahụ m (Israel)   Blakeney Point (England)   Kfar-Nachum (Israel)   Coalhouse Point (England) — Maine BT Extinct cities—Israel   Colne Point (England) NT Addison Point (Me.)   Israel—Antiquities   Hinkley Point (England)   Elizabeth, Cape (Me. : Cape) Capers Creek (S.C.)   Mount Batten Point (England)   Flying Point (Me.) USE Skull Creek (S.C.)   Portland, Bill of (England)   Great Head (Me.) Capers family  (Not Subd Geog)   Prawle Point (England)   Henderson Point (Me.) Capertee 3 Site (N.S.W.)   Samphire Hoe (England)   Jameson Point (Me.) UF Capertee Three Site (N.S.W.)   Sharpnose Point (England)   Schoodic Peninsula (Me.) BT Australia—Antiquities   Spurn Head (England)   Schoodic Point (Me.) Capertee Three Site (N.S.W.)   Trevose Head (England)   Walkers Point (Me.) USE Capertee 3 Site (N.S.W.) — Florida Capes, Battle of the, Va., 1781 NT Canaveral, Cape (Fla. : Cape) — Manitoba USE Chesapeake, Battle of the, Va., 1781   Devils Point (Fla.) NT Churchill, Cape (Man.) Capes (Clothing)   Garcon Point (Fla.) USE Cloaks   Sable, Cape (Fla.) — Maryland Capes (Coasts)  (May Subd Geog) NT Holland Point (Anne Arundel County, Md.) UF Headlands (Coasts)   Heads (Coasts) — Massachusetts   Nesses (Coasts) NT Ann, Cape (Mass.)   Points (Coasts)   Cape Cod (Mass.)   Promontories (Coasts)   Castle Island (Mass.) BT Coasts   Chelsea Point (Mass. : Cape) — Alabama   Clarks Point (Mass.)   Deer Island (Mass. : Cape) NT Mobile Point (Ala.)   Eastern Point (Mass. : Cape) — Alaska   Rocky Neck (Mass.) NT Barrow, Point (Alaska) — Mexico   Beaufort, Cape (Alaska) NT Abreojos, Point (Mexico)   Krusenstern, Cape (Alaska)   San José Point (Mexico)   Lisburne, Cape (Alaska)   Newenham, Cape (Alaska) — Michigan   Nome, Cape (Alaska : Cape) NT Princess Point (Mich.)   Oliktok Point (Alaska)   Skegemog Point (Mich.)   Prince of Wales, Cape (Alaska)   Sabine, Cape (Alaska) — Minnesota   Sand Point (Alaska : Cape) NT Pike Point (Minn.)   Smyth, Cape (Alaska) C-80

— Mozambique   Gata, Cape (Spain) Capilano Canyon Park Suspension Bridge (Vancouver, NT Delgado, Cape (Mozambique)   Mola, Cape (Ibiza Island, Spain) B.C.)   Ortegal, Cape (Spain) USE Capilano Suspension Bridge (Vancouver, B.C.) — New Hampshire   Palos, Cape (Spain) NT Adams Point (N.H.)   Trafalgar, Cape (Spain) Capilano River (B.C.)   Jaffrey Point (N.H.) — Sweden BT Rivers—British Columbia   Odiornes Point (N.H.) NT Kullen (Sweden) — Taiwan — Bridges — New Jersey NT Eluanbi, Cape (Taiwan) USE Bridges—British Columbia—Capilano NT Chestnut Neck (N.J.) — Thailand   River   Tucker Island (N.J.) NT Talumphuk, Cape (Thailand) — Turkey Capilano Suspension Bridge (Vancouver, B.C.) — New York (State) NT Ulu, Cape (Turkey) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic NT Bluff Point (Clinton County, N.Y. : Cape) — Uruguay   Danskammer Point (N.Y.) NT Polonio, Cape (Uruguay) subdivision.   Denning Point (N.Y.)   Punta del Diablo (Uruguay)   Montauk Point (N.Y.) — Utah UF Capilano Canyon Park Suspension Bridge   Throgs Neck (N.Y. : Cape) NT Promontory Point (Utah : Cape)   (Vancouver, B.C.) — Venezuela   Laughing Bridge (Vancouver, B.C.) — New Zealand NT Macuro Point (Venezuela) NT Abut Head (N.Z.)   Pescadores Point (Delta Amacuro, BT Footbridges—British Columbia   Brett, Cape (N.Z.)   Venezuela) Capilla, Nuestra Señora de   East Cape (North Island, N.Z. : Cape) — Virginia   Reinga, Cape (N.Z. : Cape) NT Henry, Cape (Va.) USE Capilla, Virgen de la   South Cape/Whiore (N.Z.)   Jones Point (Alexandria, Va.) Capilla, Virgen de la  (Not Subd Geog)   Taiaroa Head (N.Z.)   Jordan Point (Va. : Cape)   Scotland Neck (Va.) [BT660.C344] — North Carolina — Wales UF Capilla, Nuestra Senõ ra de NT Bald Head (N.C.) NT Great Ormes Head (Wales)   Fear, Cape (N.C.) — Washington (D.C.)   Nuestra Senõ ra de Capilla   Hatteras, Cape (N.C.) NT Buzzard Point (Washington, D.C.)   Virgen de la Capilla   Lookout, Cape (N.C.)   Marbury Point (Washington, D.C.) BT Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint—Devotion — Washington (State)   to—Spain — Northern Ireland NT Alki Point (Wash.) Capillaria  (May Subd Geog) NT Fair Head (Northern Ireland)   Baada Point (Wash.) [QL391.N4]   Giant's Causeway (Northern Ireland)   Cherry Point (Wash.) BT Trichuridae   Colville, Point (Wash.) NT Capillaria caudinflata — Northwest Territories   Dungeness Spit (Wash.)   Capillaria columbae NT Bathurst, Cape (N.W.T.)   Duwamish Head (Wash.) Capillaria caudinflata  (May Subd Geog)   Toker Point (N.W.T.)   Ellice, Point (Wash.) [QL391.N4]   Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula (N.W.T.)   Flattery, Cape (Wash.) UF Capillaria longicolle   Grenville, Point (Wash.) BT Capillaria — Norway   Iceberg Point (Wash.) Capillaria columbae  (May Subd Geog) NT North Cape (Magerøy Island, Norway)   Leadbetter Point (Wash.) [QL391.N4]   North Beach Peninsula (Wash.) UF Calodium tenue — Nova Scotia   North Head (Wash.)   Capillaria dujardini NT George, Cape (N.S.)   Picnic Point (Wash.)   Eucoleus tenuis   Priest Point (Thurston County, Wash.)   Trichosoma columbae — Nunavut   Quimper Peninsula (Wash.) BT Capillaria NT Adelaide Peninsula (Nunavut)   Sand Point (King County, Wash.) Capillaria dujardini   Storm, Cape (Nunavut)   Teahwhit Head (Wash.) USE Capillaria columbae   Three Tree Point (King County, Wash.) Capillaria longicolle — Oman   Webster Point (Wash.) USE Capillaria caudinflata NT Musandam, Cape (Oman)   West Point (King County, Wash.) Capillaries — Yukon [QP106.6] — Oregon NT King Point (Yukon) BT Blood-vessels NT Adams, Point (Clatsop County, Or.)   Stokes Point (Yukon)   Microcirculation   Arago, Cape (Or.) Capeside (Mass. : Imaginary place)  (Not Subd Geog) — Examination  (May Subd Geog)   Arch Cape (Or. : Cape) BT Imaginary places   Blanco, Cape (Or.) Capet, House of  (Not Subd Geog) NT Capillaroscopy   Cascade Head (Or.) BT France—Kings and rulers — Permeability   Heceta Head (Or.) Capeweed — Puncture   Lookout, Cape (Or.) USE Phyla nodiflora   Mack Point (Or.) Capgras delusion UF Capillary puncture   Perpetua, Cape (Or.) USE Capgras syndrome   Puncture, Capillary   Sebastian, Cape (Or.) Capgras syndrome  (May Subd Geog)   Tongue Point (Or. : Cape) UF Capgras delusion BT Blood—Collection and preservation BT Delusions Capillarioscopy — Panama Capharnaum (Extinct city) NT Galeta Point (Panama) USE Capernaum (Extinct city) USE Capillaroscopy Caphouse Colliery (England) Capillarity — Pennsylvania UF Overton Colliery (England) NT Tioga Point (Pa.) BT Coal mines and mining—England [QC183] Capibara BT Matter—Properties — Portugal USE Capybara NT Saint Vincent, Cape (Portugal) Capibaribe River (Brazil)   Physics UF Capiberibe River (Brazil) RT Permeability — Qatar   Capiboribe River (Brazil) NT Laffān Cape (Qatar)   Rio Capibaribe (Brazil)   Surface chemistry   Rio Capiberibe (Brazil)   Surface tension — Russia (Federation)   Rio Capiboribe (Brazil) NT Brownian movements NT Bolʹshoi Baranov Cape (Russia) BT Rivers—Brazil   Electrocapillary phenomena   Vostochnyĭ Cape (Taĭmyrskiĭ (Dolgano- Capibaribe River Valley (Brazil)   Meniscus (Liquids)   Nenet︠s︡kiĭ) avtonomnyĭ okrug, Russia) BT Valleys—Brazil   Soil capillarity Capiberibe River (Brazil) Capillaroscopy  (May Subd Geog) — Saskatchewan USE Capibaribe River (Brazil) [RC691.6.C35] NT Birch Point (Reindeer Lake, Sask.) Capiboribe River (Brazil) UF Capillarioscopy USE Capibaribe River (Brazil)   Microangioscopy — Scotland Capiekrans Indians BT Angioscopy NT Buchan Ness (Scotland) USE Canella Indians   Capillaries—Examination   Siccar Point (Scotland) Capillary electrophoresis   Wrath, Cape (Scotland) [QP519.9.C36 (Biochemistry)] [TP248.25.C37 (Biotechnology)] — Senegal UF Capillary gel electrophoresis NT Verde, Cape (Senegal)   Capillary zone electrophoresis BT Gel electrophoresis — Singapore   Zone electrophoresis NT Chek Jawa (Singapore) Capillary electrophoresis equipment industry (May Subd Geog) — Solomon Islands BT Electrophoresis equipment industry NT Esperance, Cape (Solomon Islands) Capillary gel electrophoresis   Tassafaronga (Solomon Islands) USE Capillary electrophoresis Capillary liquid chromatography  (May Subd Geog) — South Africa [QP519.9.C37 (Biochemistry)] NT Agulhas, Cape (South Africa : Cape) UF Microbore liquid chromatography   Good Hope, Cape of (South Africa : Cape)   Microcolumn chromatography   Saint Francis, Cape (South Africa)   Ultramicrobore chromatography BT Liquid chromatography — South Carolina NT Cummings Point (S.C.)   Pigeon Point (S.C.)   Romain, Cape (S.C.) — Spain NT Creus, Cape (Spain)   Finisterre, Cape (Spain)   Formentor, Cape (Spain) C-81

Capillary potential, Soil BT Budget NT Capital budget USE Soil matric potential   Capital investments   Discounted cash flow   Investment tax credit Capillary puncture RT Public investments   Net present value USE Capillaries—Puncture — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   Rate of return Capital budgeting Capillary zone electrophoresis USE Capital budget — Accounting USE Capillary electrophoresis Capital cities USE Capital—Accounting USE Capitals (Cities) Capin family Capital City Recreation Park (Edmonton, Alta.) — Computer programs USE Capen family — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic — Mathematical models Capingentidae subdivision. USE Caryophyllaeidae NT Acceleration principle (Economics) BT Parks—Alberta   Tobin's q Capisa (Extinct city) Capital consumption allowances USE Kapisa (Extinct city) Capital leases USE Depreciation allowances USE Industrial equipment leases Capisic River (Me.) Capital cost allowances USE Fore River (Cumberland County, Me.) Capital letters, Roman USE Depreciation allowances USE Roman capitals (Lettering) Capistrano Formation (Calif.) Capital cost recovery allowances BT Formations (Geology)—California Capital levy  (May Subd Geog)   Geology, Stratigraphic—Miocene USE Depreciation allowances [HJ4132-HJ4133]   Geology, Stratigraphic—Pliocene Capital costs  (May Subd Geog) UF Capital—Taxation   Capital taxes Capitaine UF Cost of capital   Levy on capital USE Nile perch   Cost of debt BT Taxation   Cost of equity RT Property tax Capitaine Leb́ iadkine (Fictitious character) NT Capital flight tax USE Lebyadkin, Ignat (Fictitious character) BT Cost   Capital gains tax Capital Crescent Trail (Washington, D.C. and Md.) Capital  (May Subd Geog) — Germany [HB501 (Theory)] BT Rail-trails—Maryland NT Lastenausgleich (1949- ) [HC79.C3 (Economic history)]   Rail-trails—Washington (D.C.) [HD39 (Management)] — Germany (West) UF Capital assets Capital depreciation Capital losses  (May Subd Geog)   Fixed assets USE Depreciation BT Economics BT Business losses RT Capitalism Capital distributions RT Capital gains   Infrastructure (Economics) USE Liquidating dividends NT Income tax deductions for losses   Wealth Capital market  (May Subd Geog) NT Absorptive capacity (Economics) Capital Dome Mountains (Ariz.) [HG4523]   Bank capital USE Castle Dome Mountains (Ariz.) UF Capital markets   Capital intensity   Capital stock Capital equipment   Market, Capital   Human capital USE Industrial equipment BT Finance   Military capital   Political capital Capital expenditures   Financial institutions   Profit USE Capital investments   Loans   Saving and investment   Money market   Trusts, Industrial Capital exports   Securities   Venture capital USE Investments, Foreign RT Crowding out (Economics)   Working capital   Efficient market theory Capital flight NT Bond market — Accounting USE Capital movements   Stock exchanges [HF5681.C25] — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) UF Capital investments—Accounting Capital flight tax  (May Subd Geog) Capital market (Islamic law)  (May Subd Geog) BT Capital levy BT Islamic law — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   Capital movements Capital markets — Mathematical models   Foreign exchange USE Capital market   Taxation Capital movements  (May Subd Geog) NT Capital assets pricing model [HG3891] — Taxation Capital flows UF Capital flight USE Capital movements   Capital flows USE Capital levy   Capital inflow Capital, Intellectual Capital formation   Capital outflow USE Saving and investment   Flight of capital USE Intellectual capital   Flow of capital Capital, Social (Economics) Capital gains  (May Subd Geog)   Movements of capital UF Long-term capital gains BT Balance of payments USE Infrastructure (Economics) BT Profit   Foreign exchange Capital, Social (Sociology) RT Capital losses   International finance NT Capital flight tax USE Social capital (Sociology) — Taxation   Investments, Foreign Capital accumulation USE Capital gains tax — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) Capital outflow USE Saving and investment Capital gains tax  (May Subd Geog) USE Capital movements Capital allowances [HJ4631 (General)] Capital output ratios [HJ4653.C3 (United States)] USE Capital productivity USE Depreciation allowances UF Capital gains—Taxation   Cost effectiveness Capital and labor   Taxation of capital gains Capital productivity  (May Subd Geog) BT Capital levy UF Capital output ratios USE Industrial relations   Income tax   Productivity of capital Capital appreciation  (May Subd Geog)   Investments—Taxation BT Industrial productivity NT Commodity tax straddles   Production (Economic theory) UF Appreciation of capital RT Government productivity BT Stocks—Prices — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   Labor productivity Capital asset pricing model — United States SA subdivision Capital productivity under types of USE Capital assets pricing model Capital goods   industries, e.g. Construction industry-- Capital asset requirements USE Industrial equipment   Capital productivity USE Asset requirements Capital imports NT Agriculture—Capital productivity Capital assets USE Investments, Foreign Capital punishment  (May Subd Geog) USE Capital Capital improvements [HV8694-HV8699] Capital assets pricing model USE Capital investments UF Abolition of capital punishment UF Capital asset pricing model Capital inflow   Death penalty USE Capital movements   Death sentence   CAPM (Capital assets pricing model) Capital instruments BT Criminal law   Pricing model, Capital assets USE Financial instruments   Punishment BT Capital—Mathematical models Capital intensity  (May Subd Geog) RT Executions and executioners   Finance—Mathematical models NT Crucifixion   Investments—Mathematical models BT Capital   Death row Capital Beltway Capital intensive industries  (May Subd Geog)   Discrimination in capital punishment [HE356.C4] UF I-495 (Md. and Va.) BT Industries   Interstate 495 (Md. and Va.) Capital investments  (May Subd Geog)   Interstate Highway 495 (Md. and Va.) BT Beltways—Maryland [HG4028.C4]   Beltways—Virginia UF Capital expenditures   Beltways—Washington (D.C.) Capital Beltway (Pa.)   Capital improvements USE Harrisburg Capital Beltway (Pa.)   Capital spending Capital budget  (May Subd Geog)   Fixed asset expenditures UF Capital budgeting   Plant and equipment investments   Plant investments BT Investments SA subdivision Capital investments under types of   industries, e.g. Construction industry--   Capital investments C-82

  Electrocution   Bankers Capitan Grande Reserve (Calif.)   Garrote   Bondholders USE Capitan Grande Indian Reservation (Calif.)   Hanging   Fund raisers (Persons)   Last meal before execution   Jewish capitalists and financiers Capitan Mountain Wilderness (N.M.)   Stoning   Moneylenders USE Capitan Mountains Wilderness (N.M.) — Religious aspects   Portfolio managers — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.]   Real estate developers Capitan Mountains Wilderness (N.M.) — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]   Stockholders UF Capitan Mountain Wilderness (N.M.) Capital punishment (Canon law)   Women capitalists and financiers BT National parks and reserves—New Mexico BT Canon law — Jews   Wilderness areas—New Mexico Capital punishment (Germanic law) USE Jewish capitalists and financiers BT Law, Germanic — United States Capitan Reef (N.M. and Tex.) Capital punishment (Islamic law)  (May Subd Geog) USE Capitan Formation (N.M. and Tex.) BT Islamic law NT African American capitalists and financiers Capital punishment (Jewish law)   Hispanic American capitalists and Capitań Trueno (Fictitious character) BT Jewish law   financiers USE Trueno, Capitań (Fictitious character) Capital punishment (Roman law) BT Roman law Capitalists and financiers, African American Capitani della montagna Palazzo (Vergato, Italy) Capital punishment in art  (Not Subd Geog) USE African American capitalists and financiers USE Palazzo comunale (Vergato, Italy) Capital punishment in literature  (Not Subd Geog) Capital punishment in motion pictures  (Not Subd Geog) Capitalists and financiers, Hispanic American Capitanía General Palace (Valladolid, Spain) BT Motion pictures USE Hispanic American capitalists and financiers USE Palacio Real (Valladolid, Spain) Capital punishment in popular culture  (May Subd Geog) Here are entered works on the representation of Capitalists and financiers as art collectors Capitaniato, Loggia del (Vicenza, Italy) capital punishment in popular culture. (May Subd Geog) USE Loggia del Capitaniato (Vicenza, Italy) BT Art—Collectors and collecting BT Popular culture Capitano del Popolo Street (Siena, Italy) Capital punishment in rabbinical literature Capitalists and financiers in literature  (Not Subd Geog) USE Via del Capitano (Siena, Italy) Capitalization [BM496.9.C35] Capitano, Loggia del (Vicenza, Italy) BT Rabbinical literature UF Uppercasing USE Loggia del Capitaniato (Vicenza, Italy) Capital Region (Man.) SA subdivision Capitalization under names of USE Winnipeg Region (Man.) Capitano Street (Siena, Italy) Capital Rock (Ariz.)   languages, e.g. English language-- USE Via del Capitano (Siena, Italy) USE Agathla Peak (Ariz.)   Capitalization Capital sins Capitalization (Finance) Capitasti USE Deadly sins USE Corporations—Finance USE Capotastos Capital spending   Securities USE Capital investments   Valuation Capitata Capital stock  (May Subd Geog) Capitalization societies USE Athecate hydroids UF Authorized capital USE Face-amount certificate companies Capitals (Architecture)  (May Subd Geog) Capitation contracting (Medical care)   Share capital [NA2870] USE Capitation fees (Medical care)   Unissued capital BT Architecture—Details BT Capital   Columns Capitation fees (Medical care)  (May Subd Geog)   Stocks NT Cushion capitals (Architecture) [R728.6] — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   Historiated capitals UF Capitation contracting (Medical care) — Byzantine influences   Capitation payments (Medical care) BT Corporation law BT Managed care plans (Medical care)—Finance Capital taxes BT Byzantine Empire—Civilization   Medical fees — Expertising  (May Subd Geog) NT Global capitation (Medical care) USE Capital levy Capital Wireless Integrated Network BT Architecture—Expertising Capitation payments (Medical care) Capitals (Architecture), Corinthian  (May Subd Geog) USE Capitation fees (Medical care) USE CapWIN (Communication network) Capitalis justiciarius UF Corinthian capitals (Architecture) Capitel-Saal (Zamek w Malborku, Malbork, Poland) BT Architecture, Greek USE Kapitularz (Zamek w Malborku, Malbork, USE Justiciars (England)   Poland) Capitalism  (May Subd Geog)   Columns, Corinthian Capitals (Architecture), Gothic  (May Subd Geog) Capitellida  (May Subd Geog) [HB501] [QL391.A6] UF Market economy UF Gothic capitals (Architecture) BT Polychaeta BT Economics Capitals (Architecture), Ionic  (May Subd Geog) NT Arenicolidae   Maldanidae   Profit UF Ionic capitals (Architecture) RT Capital BT Architecture, Greek Capitello Gulf (Italy) NT Asiatic mode of production USE Policastro Gulf (Italy)   Columns, Ionic   Commercialism Capitals (Architecture), Medieval  (May Subd Geog) Capitena Creek (Ohio)   Entrepreneurship USE Captina Creek (Ohio)   Financialization UF Medieval capitals (Architecture)   Mixed economy Capitals (Architecture), Roman  (May Subd Geog) Capitina Creek (Ohio)   Propaganda, Capitalist USE Captina Creek (Ohio)   Technocracy UF Roman capitals (Architecture) — Religious aspects BT Architecture—Rome Capitol (Rome, Italy) Capitals (Architecture), Romanesque  (May Subd Geog) USE Capitoline Hill (Italy) UF Religion and capitalism [Former heading] UF Romanesque capitals (Architecture) — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] — Byzantine influences Capitol (Boise, Idaho) — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] USE Idaho State Capitol (Boise, Idaho) — — Protestant churches BT Byzantine Empire—Civilization Capitals (Cities)  (May Subd Geog) Capitol (Havana, Cuba) UF Protestantism and capitalism [Former USE Capitolio (Havana, Cuba)   heading] [G140 (Geography)] [JF1900 (Political science)] Capitol (Pierre, S.D.) Capitalism and education  (May Subd Geog) This heading may be subdivided by place for USE South Dakota State Capitol (Pierre, S.D.) UF Education and capitalism works treating collectively the capital cities of the BT Education component parts of a region or country. Works on the Capitol (Raleigh, N.C.) capital city of an individual jurisdiction are entered USE North Carolina State Capitol (Raleigh, N.C.) Capitalism and literature  (May Subd Geog) under the name of the jurisdiction with subdivision UF Literature and capitalism Capital and capitol. Capitol (Washington, D.C.) BT Literature USE United States Capitol (Washington, D.C.) UF Capital cities Capitalism and mass media  (May Subd Geog) BT Cities and towns Capitol Annex Building (Harrisburg, Pa.) UF Mass media and capitalism SA subdivision Capital and capitol under names of USE Speaker Matthew J. Ryan Legislative Office BT Mass media   Building (Harrisburg, Pa.)   countries, states, etc. Capitalism in literature  (Not Subd Geog) NT Capitols Capitol Beach Lake (Neb.) Capitalist propaganda Capitan (Calif.) USE Salt Lake (Neb.) USE El Capitan (Calif.) USE Propaganda, Capitalist Capitan Formation (N.M. and Tex.) Capitol Building (Madrid, Spain) Capitalist realism (Art)  (May Subd Geog) UF Capitan Reef (N.M. and Tex.) USE Edificio Capitol (Madrid, Spain) BT Formations (Geology)—New Mexico [N6868.5.C37] Capitol Building (Salt Lake City, Utah) UF Kapitalistischer Realismus (Art)   Formations (Geology)—Texas USE Utah State Capitol (Salt Lake City, Utah) BT Art, Modern—20th century   Geology, Stratigraphic—Permian Capitalists and financiers  (May Subd Geog) Capitan Grande Indian Reservation (Calif.) Capitol Building (Washington, D.C.) UF Financiers UF Capitan Grande Reservation (Calif.) USE United States Capitol (Washington, D.C.)   Capitan Grande Reserve (Calif.)   Investors   Captain Grande Reservation (Calif.) Capitol buildings BT Businesspeople   Captain Reservation (Calif.) USE Capitols NT Angels (Investors) BT Indian reservations—California Capitan Grande Reservation (Calif.) Capitol Campus (Washington, D.C.) USE Capitan Grande Indian Reservation (Calif.) USE United States Capitol Complex (Washington,   D.C.) Capitol Cinema (Cardiff, Wales) UF Capitol Theatre (Cardiff Wales) BT Motion picture theaters—Wales Capitol City swing (Dance) USE D.C. hand dance Capitol Complex (Charleston, W. Va.) USE West Virginia Capitol Complex (Charleston, W.   Va.) Capitol Complex (Harrisburg, Pa.) BT Pennsylvania—Capital and capitol C-83

Capitol Complex (Trenton, N.J.) Capitolio (Caracas, Venezuela) Caplin family USE New Jersey State Capitol Complex (Trenton, BT Public buildings—Venezuela USE Chaplin family   N.J.) NT Saloń Eliṕ tico (Capitolio, Caracas, Venezuela) Caplina River (Peru) Capitol Complex (Washington, D.C.) Capitolio (Havana, Cuba) UF Rió Caplina (Peru) USE United States Capitol Complex (Washington, UF Capitol (Havana, Cuba) BT Rivers—Peru   D.C.) BT Public buildings—Cuba Caplina River Valley (Peru) Capitol Dome Mountains (Ariz.) Capitolio Nacional (Bogotá, Colombia) UF Caplina Valley (Peru USE Castle Dome Mountains (Ariz.) BT Colombia—Capital and capitol BT Valleys—Peru Capitol Forest (Wash.) Capitolium (Rome, Italy) Caplina Valley (Peru USE Capitol State Forest (Wash.) USE Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus (Rome, Italy) USE Caplina River Valley (Peru) Capitol Hill Viewpoint (Seattle, Wash.) Capitolium di Verona (Verona, Italy) Caplinger family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Louisa Boren Lookout (Seattle, Wash.) USE Capitoline Temple (Verona, Italy) UF Kaplinger family   Keplinger family Capitol Hill Viewpoint Park (Seattle, Wash.) Capitols  (Not Subd Geog)   Kopplinger family USE Louisa Boren Park (Seattle, Wash.) [NA4410-NA4417 (Architecture)] UF Capitol buildings Caply family Capitol Lake (Wash.) BT Capitals (Cities) USE Keppel family UF Deschutes Basin (Wash.)   Public buildings BT Lakes—Washington (State) SA subdivision Capital and capitol under names of CAPM (Capital assets pricing model)   Reservoirs—Washington (State)   countries, states, etc. USE Capital assets pricing model Capitol Lands (Kandiyohi County, Minn.) Capitone Castle (Capitone, Narni, Italy) Capnia  (May Subd Geog) UF State Capitol Lands (Kandiyohi County, Minn.) USE Castello di Capitone (Capitone, Narni, Italy) [QL530.3.C3 (Zoology)] BT Capniidae Capitol Limited (Express train) Capitonidae  (May Subd Geog) NT Capnia caryi BT Express trains—United States [QL696.P53] UF Barbets Capnia caryi  (May Subd Geog) Capitol Mall (Nashville, Tenn.) BT Piciformes [QL530.3.C3 (Zoology)] USE Bicentennial Mall (Nashville, Tenn.) NT Megalaima BT Capnia Capitol Mall (Sacramento, Calif.) Capitophorus  (May Subd Geog) Capniidae  (May Subd Geog) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic [QL527.A64 (Zoology)] [QL530.3.C3 (Zoology)] BT Aphids UF Small winter stoneflies subdivision.   Winter stoneflies, Small Capitu (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) BT Stoneflies UF Capitol Mall Boulevard (Sacramento, Calif.) Capitular vicars NT Allocapnia BT Pedestrian areas—California   Capnia USE Vicars capitular   Streets—California Capitularia Capnodiaceae  (May Subd Geog) Capitol Mall Boulevard (Sacramento, Calif.) [QK623.C36] USE Collectars BT Dothideales USE Capitol Mall (Sacramento, Calif.) Capitulations  (May Subd Geog) NT Scorias Capitol Metabentonite (Ky.) Here are entered works on agreements or Capnography  (May Subd Geog) BT Formations (Geology)—Kentucky conventions granting special privileges and rights of BT Carbon dioxide in the body   Geology, Stratigraphic—Ordovician exterritoriality to foreign governments, notably those   Pulmonary function tests granted by Turkey.   Respiratory gas monitoring Capitol pages UF Congressional pages UF Capitulations—Law and legislation Capnoides   Pages, Capitol RT Exterritoriality USE Corydalis   Pages, Congressional — Law and legislation BT United States. Congress—Officials and Capo Alfiere Site (Italy)   employees USE Capitulations BT Italy—Antiquities Capitulations, Military  (May Subd Geog) Capitol Reef National Park (Utah) Capo Caccia (Italy) BT National parks and reserves—Utah [JZ6388 (General)] USE Caccia, Cape (Italy) UF Military capitulations Capitol Rotunda (United States Capitol, Washington, Capo di Leuca (Italy) D.C.)   Surrender USE Santa Maria di Leuca, Cape (Italy) UF United States Capitol Rotunda (United States BT Military law   Capitol, Washington, D.C.) Capo di Monte porcelain BT Rotundas—Washington (D.C.)   Sieges USE Capodimonte porcelain   United States Capitol (Washington, D.C.)   War (International law) SA subdivision Capture, [date] under individual Capo di Posillipo (Italy) Capitol Square (Richmond, Va.)   castles, forts, etc. USE Posillipo, Cape (Italy) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Capitulations, Military (Roman law) BT Roman law Capo Leuca (Italy) subdivision. Capivara USE Santa Maria di Leuca, Cape (Italy) USE Capybara BT Parks—Virginia Capivari River (Saõ Paulo, Brazil) Capo Licosa (Italy)   Plazas—Virginia UF Capivary River (Saõ Paulo, Brazil) USE Licosa Cape (Italy)   Rio Capivari (São Paulo, Brazil) Capitol Square Civil Rights Memorial (Richmond, Va.)   Rio Capivary (Saõ Paulo, Brazil) Capo Palinuro (Italy) USE Virginia Civil Rights Memorial (Richmond, Va.) BT Rivers—Brazil USE Palinuro, Cape (Italy) Capivari River Watershed (São Paulo, Brazil) Capitol State Forest (Wash.) BT Watersheds—Brazil Capo Posillipo (Italy) UF Capitol Forest (Wash.) Capivary River (São Paulo, Brazil) USE Posillipo, Cape (Italy) BT Forest reserves—Washington (State) USE Capivari River (São Paulo, Brazil) Caplan family Capo Santa Maria di Leuca (Italy) Capitol Street, East (Washington, D.C.) USE Kaplan family USE Santa Maria di Leuca, Cape (Italy) USE East Capitol Street (Washington, D.C.) Caplan River (Queb́ ec) UF Rivière Caplan (Québec) Capo tastos Capitol Street, South (Washington, D.C.) BT Rivers—Québec (Province) USE Capotastos USE South Capitol Street (Washington, D.C.) Caplan River Valley (Québec) UF Caplan Valley (Queb́ ec) Capodastos Capitol Theater (Portsmouth, Va.) BT Valleys—Québec (Province) USE Capotastos USE Capitol Theatre (Portsmouth, Va.) Caplan Valley (Queb́ ec) USE Caplan River Valley (Queb́ ec) Capodastros Capitol Theatre (Cardiff Wales) Caplay family USE Capotastos USE Capitol Cinema (Cardiff, Wales) USE Keppel family Caple family Capodimonte porcelain Capitol Theatre (East Haven, Conn.) USE Keppel family [NK4399.C27] BT Theaters—Connecticut Caplen family UF Capo di Monte porcelain USE Chaplin family   Porcelain, Capodimonte Capitol Theatre (Portsmouth, Va.) Capler von Oedheim family  (Not Subd Geog) BT Porcelain, Italian UF Capitol Theater (Portsmouth, Va.) RT Bautz family BT Motion picture theaters—Virginia Caples family  (Not Subd Geog) Capoeira (Dance)  (May Subd Geog) UF Cables family [GV1796.C145] Capitol Theatre (Sydney, N.S.W.)   Capble family BT Folk dancing, Brazilian BT Theaters—Australia   Capbles family   Martial arts—Brazil   Capells family Capitol, United States (Washington, D.C.) RT Keppel family Capohn Indians USE United States Capitol (Washington, D.C.) Capley family USE Acawai Indians USE Keppel family Capitole (Lausanne, Switzerland) Capon family UF Cineḿ a Capitole Lausanne (Lausanne, USE Capen family   Switzerland) BT Motion picture theaters—Switzerland Capon River (W. Va.) USE Cacapon River (W. Va.) Capitoline Hill (Italy) UF Campidoglio (Italy) Capone family  (Not Subd Geog)   Capitol (Rome, Italy) UF Caponi family BT Mountains—Italy Capong Indians Capitoline Temple (Verona, Italy) USE Acawai Indians UF Capitolino, Tempio (Verona, Italy)   Capitolium di Verona (Verona, Italy) Caponi family   Tempio Capitolino (Verona, Italy) USE Capone family BT Italy—Antiquities   Temples—Italy Caponier̀ e Street (Caen, France) USE Rue Caponière (Caen, France) Capitolino, Tempio (Verona, Italy) USE Capitoline Temple (Verona, Italy) C-84

Caponiidae  (May Subd Geog) [RC311.3.C3 (Drug)] Capra dementievi [QL458.42.C3] BT Capparis USE Siberian ibex BT Spiders Capparis spinosa  (May Subd Geog) NT Calponia [QK495.C198] Capra falconieri   Orthonops UF Caper (Plant) USE Markhor BT Capparis Caponizing Capped langur  (May Subd Geog) Capra fasciata USE Capons and caponizing [QL737.P93 (Zoology)] USE Siberian ibex UF Capped leaf monkey Capons and caponizing  (May Subd Geog) Capra filippii [SF499]   Presbytis pileata USE Siberian ibex UF Caponizing   Presbytis pileatus BT Castration   Semnopithecus pileatus Capra formosovi   Chickens   Trachypithecus pileatus USE Siberian ibex BT Trachypithecus Caporali Theater (Panicale, Italy) Capped leaf monkey Capra hagenbecki USE Teatro Cesare Caporali (Panicale, Italy) USE Capped langur USE Siberian ibex Cappen family Caporetto, Battle of, 1917 USE Kappen family Capra hemalayanus USE Caporetto, Battle of, Kobarid, Slovenia, 1917 Capping of contaminated sediments USE Siberian ibex USE Sediment capping Caporetto, Battle of, Kobarid, Slovenia, 1917 Capping of dental pulp Capra hircus UF Caporetto, Battle of, 1917 [Former heading] USE Dental pulp—Capping USE Goats BT World War, 1914-1918—Campaigns—Slovenia Capping of sediments USE Sediment capping Capra ibex Capos (Music) Cappleman family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Ibex USE Capotastos UF Keppelman family   Keppleman family Capra ibex sibirica Caposho Indians Capponi-Barocchi Palace (Florence, Italy) USE Siberian ibex USE Masacali Indians USE Palazzo Capponi-Barocchi (Florence, Italy) Capponi Covoni Palace (Florence, Italy) Capra lorenzi Caposho language USE Palazzo Capponi Covoni (Florence, Italy) USE Siberian ibex USE Masacali language Capponi delle Torri, Villa (Florence, Italy) USE Villa Vogel (Florence, Italy) Capra lydekkeri Capot Plantation (Basse-Pointe, Martinique) Capponi family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Siberian ibex USE Chalvet Plantation (Basse-Pointe, Martinique) Capponi House (Florence, Italy) USE Casa Capponi (Florence, Italy) Capra merzbacheri Capotasters Capponi Palace (Florence, Italy : Lungarno Guicciardini) USE Siberian ibex USE Capotastos USE Palazzo Capponi-Barocchi (Florence, Italy) Capponi Palace (Florence, Italy : Via Cavour) Capra pallasii Capotastos  (May Subd Geog) USE Palazzo Capponi Covoni (Florence, Italy) USE Siberian ibex UF Capitasti Capps family  (Not Subd Geog)   Capo tastos UF Cap family Capra pedri   Capodastos   Capp family USE Siberian ibex   Capodastros   Kapp family [Former heading]   Capos (Music)   Kappe family Capra pyrenaica   Capotasters   Kappes family [Former heading] USE Spanish ibex BT Plucked instruments—Equipment and supplies RT Kap family Cappuccini, Latomia dei (Syracuse, Italy) Capra sakeen Capote Indians  (May Subd Geog) USE Latomia dei Cappuccini (Syracuse, Italy) USE Siberian ibex [E99.C2] Cappuccini Cave (Italy) BT Indians of North America—New Mexico UF Grotta Cappuccini (Italy) Capra sibirica   Ute Indians BT Caves—Italy USE Siberian ibex   Italy—Antiquities — Treaties Cappuccino  (May Subd Geog) Capra transalaiana Capote Ranch (Tex.) UF Cappachino USE Siberian ibex BT Cooking (Espresso) USE El Capote Ranch (Tex.) Capra  (May Subd Geog) Capra Villa (Vicenza, Italy) Capote Site (Higuera la Real, Spain) [QL737.U53] USE Villa Rotonda (Vicenza, Italy) Here are entered works on undomesticated goats USE Castrejón de Capote Site (Higuera la Real, that resemble domestic goats. Works on Capra wardi   Spain) domesticated goats that have returned to the wild are USE Siberian ibex entered under Feral goats. Capouya family  (Not Subd Geog) Capraia Island (Italy) Capowack (Mass.) UF Goats, Wild UF Capraja Island (Italy)   Wild goats   Isola Capraia (Italy) USE Martha's Vineyard (Mass.)   Isola di Capraia (Italy) Capp, Andy (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) BT Bovidae   Isola di Capraja (Italy) NT Capra aegagrus BT Islands—Italy UF Andy Capp (Fictitious character) Capp family   Goats Capraja Island (Italy)   Ibex USE Capraia Island (Italy) USE Capps family   Markhor Cappachino   Siberian ibex Capran family   Spanish ibex USE Capron family USE Cappuccino Capra, Fossil  (May Subd Geog) Cappadocia (Turkey) [QE882.U3] Caprara family  (Not Subd Geog) Cappadocian Fathers UF Goats, Fossil [Former heading] Capraria (Spain) BT Bovidae, Fossil UF Fathers, Cappadocian Capra aegagrus  (May Subd Geog) USE Cabrera Island (Spain) BT Fathers of the church [QL737.U53] Capreae Island (Italy) Cappadocian inscriptions UF Agrimi USE Cuneiform inscriptions, Cappadocian   Bezoar goat USE Capri Island (Italy) Cappadocian language  (May Subd Geog)   Cretian Agrimi goat Caprellidae  (May Subd Geog) [P1003] BT Capra NT Cuneiform inscriptions, Cappadocian Capra alaiana [QL444.M315] Cappan family USE Siberian ibex BT Amphipoda USE Kappen family Capra almasyi Capreolus  (May Subd Geog) Capparaceae  (May Subd Geog) USE Siberian ibex [QL737.U55] [QK495.C198] Capra altaica BT Cervidae UF Capparidaceae USE Siberian ibex BT Papaverales Capra cervicapra   Deer NT Capparis USE Blackbuck NT Roe deer Capra dauvergnii Capreolus capreolus   Cleome USE Siberian ibex USE Roe deer   Cleomella Capreolus pygargus   Polanisia USE Roe deer Capparales Caprera Island (Italy) USE Papaverales UF Isola Caprera (Italy) Capparas gibbosa BT Islands—Italy USE Adansonia gregorii Cappari (Greece)   Maddalena Archipelago (Italy) USE Pserimos Island (Greece) Capretto, Norah Mulcahaney (Fictitious character) Capparidaceae USE Capparaceae USE Mulcahaney, Norah (Fictitious character) Capparidales Capretz family USE Papaverales Capparis  (May Subd Geog) USE Capritz family [QK495.C198] Capri automobile  (Not Subd Geog) BT Capparaceae NT Capparis moonii BT Ford automobile   Capparis spinosa Capri Island (Italy) Capparis moonii  (May Subd Geog) [QK495.C198 (Botany)] UF Capreae Island (Italy)   Isle of Capri (Italy)   Isola di Capri (Italy) BT Islands—Italy Capri motor scooters USE Garelli Capri motor scooters Capriccio (The Italian word) BT Italian language—Etymology Caprice (Comillas, Spain) USE Capricho (Comillas, Spain) Caprice automobile  (Not Subd Geog) BT Chevrolet automobile C-85

Capricho (Comillas, Spain) Caprinianidae BT Bombers UF Caprice (Comillas, Spain) USE Trichophryidae   Caproni airplanes   El Capricho (Comillas, Spain)   Quijano Villa (Comillas, Spain) Capriola dactylon Caproni Ca.33 (Bomber)   Villa Quijano (Comillas, Spain) USE Bermuda grass USE Caproni Ca.3 (Bomber) BT Dwellings—Spain Caprione Promontory (Italy) Caproni Ca 90 (Bomber)  (Not Subd Geog) Capricorn (Astrology)  (Not Subd Geog) UF Promontorio del Caprione (Italy) UF 90 P.B. (Bomber) [BF1727.65] BT Capes (Coasts)—Italy   Caproni 90 P.B. (Bomber) UF Goat (Astrology)   Mountains—Italy BT Bombers BT Zodiac   Caproni airplanes Capritz family  (Not Subd Geog) Capricorn Channel (Qld.) UF Capretz family Caproni Ca 313 (Military aircraft)  (Not Subd Geog) BT Straits—Australia UF Ca 313 (Military aircraft) Caprock Canyons State Park (Tex.) BT Airplanes, Military Capricorn Group (Qld.) BT Parks—Texas   Caproni airplanes UF Capricorn Islands (Qld.)   Wildlife management areas—Texas BT Islands—Australia Caprophonidae   Great Barrier Reef (Qld.) Caproidae  (May Subd Geog) USE Caproidae NT Heron Island (Qld.) [QL638.C2]   Wistari Reef (Qld.) UF Antigonidae Caprosma   Antigoniidae USE Coprosma Capricorn Islands (Qld.)   Boarfishes USE Capricorn Group (Qld.)   Caprophonidae Caprupeneus BT Zeiformes USE Parupeneus Capricornia (Qld.) NT Antigonia USE Queensland, Central Caprus River (Iran and Iraq) Caprolactam  (May Subd Geog) USE Little Zab River (Iran and Iraq) Capricornis BT Lactams USE Serows Caprylic alcohol — Derivatives  (May Subd Geog) USE Octyl alcohol Capricornis crispus NT Poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) USE Japanese serow Caps, Cervical Caprolagus  (May Subd Geog) USE Cervical caps Capricorns (Insects) [QL737.L32] USE Longhorned beetles BT Leporidae Caps, Flue NT Hispid hare USE Flue covers Capricornulus USE Naemorhedus Caprolagus hispidus Caps, Fuel USE Hispid hare USE Fuel caps Caprifig USE Fig Capromyidae  (May Subd Geog) Caps, Milk [QL737.R63 (Zoology)] USE Milkcaps Caprifoliaceae  (May Subd Geog) UF Hutias [QK495.C199 (Botany)]   West Indian hutias Caps, Radiator UF Honeysuckle family (Plants) BT Rodents USE Radiator caps BT Dipsacales NT Capromys NT Abelias   Plagiodontia Caps, Spending (Economic policy)   Elders (Plants) USE Tax and expenditure limitations   Honeysuckles Capromys  (May Subd Geog)   Linnaea [QL737.R63] Caps (Headgear)  (May Subd Geog)   Symphoricarpos UF Cuban hutias BT Headgear   Triosteum   Geocapromys NT Baseball caps   Viburnum   Hutias, Cuban   Berets   Weigela   Hutias, Long-tailed   Fezzes   Long-tailed hutias   Garrison caps Caprilands Herb Farm (Coventry, Conn.)   Mesocapromys   Liberty caps (Headgear) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic   Mysaleles   Phrygian caps BT Capromyidae   Yarmulkes subdivision. NT Capromys nanus   Capromys pilorides Caps and closures  (May Subd Geog) BT Farms—Connecticut   Capromys sanfelipensis UF Closures and caps Caprile, Villa (Pesaro, Italy)   Crowns and closures Capromys nana   Lids USE Villa Caprile (Pesaro, Italy) USE Capromys nanus BT Fasteners Caprimulgidae  (May Subd Geog) NT Coffee cup lids Capromys nanus  (May Subd Geog)   Fuel caps [QL696.C23 (Zoology)] [QL737.R63]   Milkcaps UF Goatsuckers UF Capromys nana [Former heading]   Radiator caps   Dwarf hutia   Screw caps   Nightjars   Hutia, Dwarf   Seals (Closures) BT Caprimulgiformes BT Capromys   Stein lids NT Caprimulgus Capromys pilorides  (May Subd Geog) Caps and closures industry  (May Subd Geog)   Chordeiles [QL737.R63] [HD9999.C26-HD9999.C264]   Eurostopodus UF Demarest's hutia BT Fasteners industry   Lurocalis   Hutia, Demarest's   Nighthawks BT Capromys Caps and gowns   Phalaenoptilus USE Academic costume   Poorwills Capromys sanfelipensis  (May Subd Geog) Caprimulgiformes  (May Subd Geog) [QL737.R63] Capșa family  (Not Subd Geog) [QL696.C2] BT Capromys Capsaicin  (May Subd Geog) BT Birds NT Caprimulgidae Capron UF Axsain (Trademark)   Podargidae USE Nylon   Capsaicine   Potoos   Capsidol (Trademark)   Steatornithidae Capron family  (Not Subd Geog)   Capsin (Trademark) Caprimulgus  (May Subd Geog) UF Capran family   Capzasin (Trademark) [QL696.C23 (Zoology)]   Gelcen (Trademark) BT Caprimulgidae Caproni 90 P.B. (Bomber)   Katrum (Trademark) NT Caprimulgus maculicaudus USE Caproni Ca 90 (Bomber)   NGX-4010 (Trademark)   European nightjar   Qutenza (Trademark)   Whip-poor-will Caproni 450 hp (Bomber)   Zacin (Trademark) Caprimulgus europaeus USE Caproni Ca.3 (Bomber)   Zostrix (Trademark) USE European nightjar Caprimulgus macrurus Caproni airplanes  (Not Subd Geog) BT Analgesics USE Long-tailed nightjar [TL686.C27]   Capsaicinoids Caprimulgus maculicaudus  (May Subd Geog) BT Airplanes [QL696.C23] NT Caproni Ca.3 (Bomber) Capsaicine UF Spot-tailed nightjar   Caproni Ca.4 (Bomber) USE Capsaicin BT Caprimulgus   Caproni Ca 90 (Bomber) Caprimulgus vociferus   Caproni Ca 313 (Military aircraft) Capsaicinoids  (May Subd Geog) USE Whip-poor-will BT Alkaloids Caprina Caproni Ca.3 (Bomber)  (Not Subd Geog)   Unsaturated fatty acids USE Naemorhedus UF Ca.3 (Bomber) NT Capsaicin Caprine milk   Ca.33 (Bomber) USE Goat milk   Caproni 450 hp (Bomber) Capsella  (May Subd Geog) Caprine tuberculosis   Caproni Ca.33 (Bomber) [QK495.C9] USE Tuberculosis in goats BT Bombers BT Cruciferae   Caproni airplanes Capsian culture  (May Subd Geog) Caproni Ca.4 (Bomber)  (Not Subd Geog) [GN772.2.C3] UF Ca.4 (Bomber) BT Paleolithic period Capsicum USE Peppers Capsicum annuum  (May Subd Geog) [QK495.S7 (Botany)] C-86

[SB307.C27 (Spice plant)] Captain Cook's Second Voyage Medal Captain John T. Barker Residence (New York, N.Y) BT Peppers USE Resolution and Adventure Medal USE Captain John T. Barker House (New York, — Varieties  (May Subd Geog)   N.Y.) Captain Creek (Ohio) NT Bell pepper USE Captina Creek (Ohio) Captain Jonathan D. Grassbaugh Post Office (East   Jalapenõ Hampstead, N.H.) Captain Cunningham (Fictitious character) UF Grassbaugh Post Office (East Hampstead, Capsicum chacoense  (May Subd Geog) USE Cunningham, John (Fictitious character)   N.H.) [QK495.S7 (Botany)]   Jonathan D. Grassbaugh Post Office (East BT Peppers Captain Dudley House (Kennebunkport, Me.)   Hampstead, N.H.) USE Dudley House (Kennebunkport, Me.) BT Post office buildings—New Hampshire Capsicum chinense  (May Subd Geog) [QK495.S7 (Botany)] Captain Duncan Maclain (Fictitious character) Captain Kangaroo (Fictitious character) BT Hot peppers USE Maclain, Duncan (Fictitious character) USE Kangaroo, Captain (Fictitious character)   Peppers Captain Dusty Fog (Fictitious character) Captain Lebyadkin (Fictitious character) — Varieties  (May Subd Geog) USE Fog, Dusty (Fictitious character) USE Lebyadkin, Ignat (Fictitious character) NT Habanero Captain Eddie Vance (Fictitious character) Captain Lebyatkin (Fictitious character) Capsicum frutescens USE Vance, Edward Henry (Fictitious character) USE Lebyadkin, Ignat (Fictitious character) USE Tabasco pepper Captain Edward Penniman House (Eastham, Mass.) Captain Ludlow (Fictitious character) Capsicums UF Penniman House (Eastham, Mass.) USE Ludlow, Harry (Fictitious character) USE Peppers BT Dwellings—Massachusetts Captain Luke Williamson (Fictitious character) Capsid proteins  (May Subd Geog) Captain Flannery (Fictitious character) USE Williamson, Luke (Fictitious character) [QR453] USE Flannery, Jimmy (Fictitious character) UF Coat proteins (Capsid proteins) Captain Luther H. Smith, U.S. Army Air Forces Post   Viral coat proteins Captain Gareth Cadwallader Owen (Fictitious character) Office (Cheyney, Pa.)   Viral outer coat proteins USE Owen, Gareth Cadwallader (Fictitious UF Luther H. Smith, U.S. Army Air Forces Post BT Viral proteins   character)   Office (Cheyney, Pa.)   Smith, U.S. Army Air Forces Post Office Capsidae Captain George A. Wood Post Office Building (Utica,   (Cheyney, Pa.) USE Miridae N.Y.)   U.S. Army Air Forces Post Office (Cheyney, UF George A. Wood Post Office Building (Utica,   Pa.) Capsidol (Trademark)   N.Y.) BT Post office buildings—Pennsylvania USE Capsaicin   Wood Post Office Building (Utica, N.Y.) BT Post office buildings—New York (State) Captain Mackenzie Calhoun (Fictitious character) Capsids (Virology) USE Calhoun, Mackenzie (Fictitious character) [QR453] Captain George McManus House (Brunswick, Me.) UF Protein coats (Virology) UF Capt. George McManus House (Brunswick, Captain Maclain (Fictitious character) BT Viruses—Morphology   Me.) USE Maclain, Duncan (Fictitious character)   George McManus House (Brunswick, Me.) Capsin (Trademark)   McManus House (Brunswick, Me.) Captain Mark Stubenhofer Post Office Building USE Capsaicin BT Dwellings—Maine (Springfield, Va.) UF Mark Stubenhofer Post Office Building Capstan  (May Subd Geog) Captain Grande Reservation (Calif.)   (Springfield, Va.) [VM811] USE Capitan Grande Indian Reservation (Calif.)   Stubenhofer Post Office Building (Springfield, BT Anchors   Va.)   Deck machinery Captain Harbor (Conn.) BT Post office buildings—Virginia   Hoisting machinery UF Captain's Harbor (Conn.)   Great Captain's Harbor (Conn.) Captain Martinus Harinxma (Fictitious character) Capsular EPSs (Bacterial glycocalyces)   Great Captains Island Harbor (Conn.) USE Harinxma, Martinus (Fictitious character) USE Bacterial glycocalyces   Greenwich Harbor (Conn. : Captain Harbor)   Little Captains Island Harbor (Conn.) Captain Mason Hawke (Fictitious character) Capsule endoscopy  (May Subd Geog) BT Harbors—Connecticut USE Hawke, Mason (Fictitious character) UF Video capsule endoscopy   Wireless capsule endoscopy Captain Harinxma (Fictitious character) Captain Matthew Hervey (Fictitious character) BT Endoscopy USE Harinxma, Martinus (Fictitious character) USE Hervey, Matthew (Fictitious character)   Gastrointestinal system—Examination Captain Harry Cathcart (Fictitious character) Captain Midnight (Fictitious character) Capsule toys  (May Subd Geog) USE Cathcart, Harry (Fictitious character) USE Midnight, Captain (Fictitious character) Here are entered works on toys dispensed from Captain Harry Ludlow (Fictitious character) Captain Nathan Peake (Fictitious character) vending machines. USE Ludlow, Harry (Fictitious character) USE Peake, Nathan (Fictitious character) BT Toys Captain Hayes (Fictitious character) Captain Nathaniel Brown Palmer House (Stonington, Capsules, Time USE Hayes, Jack (Fictitious character) Conn.) UF Brown Palmer House (Stonington, Conn.) USE Time capsules Captain Herbert Johnson Memorial Post Office Building   Nathaniel Brown Palmer House (Stonington, Capsules (Bacterial glycocalyces) (Chicago, Ill.)   Conn.) UF Herbert Johnson Memorial Post Office Building   Pine Point (Stonington, Conn.) USE Bacterial glycocalyces   (Chicago, Ill.) BT Dwellings—Connecticut Capsules (Pharmacy)   Johnson Memorial Post Office Building   (Chicago, Ill.) Captain Nemo (Fictitious character) [RS201.C3] BT Post office buildings—Illinois USE Nemo, Captain (Fictitious character) BT Drugs—Dosage forms Captain Horatio Hornblower (Fictitious character) Captain North (Fictitious character)   Pelletizing USE Hornblower, Horatio (Fictitious character) USE North, Hugh (Fictitious character)   Solid dosage forms Capsules (Pharmacy) in art  (Not Subd Geog) Captain Hugh North (Fictitious character) Captain Peter Blood (Fictitious character) Capt. George McManus House (Brunswick, Me.) USE North, Hugh (Fictitious character) USE Blood, Captain (Fictitious character) USE Captain George McManus House (Brunswick,   Me.) Captain Jack Aubrey (Fictitious character) Captain Pugwash (Fictitious character) Captain Ahab (Fictitious character) USE Aubrey, Jack (Fictitious character) USE Pugwash, Captain (Fictitious character) USE Ahab, Captain (Fictitious character) Captain Alatriste (Fictitious character) Captain Jack Hayes (Fictitious character) Captain Reservation (Calif.) USE Alatriste, Diego (Fictitious character) USE Hayes, Jack (Fictitious character) USE Capitan Grande Indian Reservation (Calif.) Captain Aubrey (Fictitious character) USE Aubrey, Jack (Fictitious character) Captain Jack Sparrow (Fictitious character) Captain Rhett W. Schiller Post Office (Waterford, Wis.) Captain Benjamin Sisko (Fictitious character) USE Sparrow, Jack (Fictitious character) UF Rhett W. Schiller Post Office (Waterford, Wis.) USE Sisko, Benjamin (Fictitious character)   Schiller Post Office (Waterford, Wis.) Captain Blood (Fictitious character) Captain Jesse Partridge House (Portland, Me.) BT Post office buildings—Wisconsin USE Blood, Captain (Fictitious character) UF Jesse Partridge House (Portland, Me.) Captain Calhoun (Fictitious character)   Partridge-Titcomb-Quinby House (Portland, Captain Richards' House (Winterbourne, N.S.W.) USE Calhoun, Mackenzie (Fictitious character)   Me.) USE Winterbourne House (Winterbourne, N.S.W.) Captain Charles Luke Williamson (Fictitious character) BT Dwellings—Maine USE Williamson, Luke (Fictitious character) Captain Scott (Fictitious character) Captain Christopher P. Petty and Major William F. Captain John Carter (Fictitious character) USE Scott, Montgomery (Fictitious character) Hecker, III, Post Office Building (Vienna, Va.) USE Carter, John (Fictitious character) UF Christopher P. Petty and William F. Hecker Captain Serrano (Fictitious character)   Post Office Building (Vienna, Va.) Captain John Caspasian (Fictitious character) USE Serrano, Heris (Fictitious character)   Petty and Hecker Post Office Building (Vienna, USE Caspasian, John (Fictitious character)   Va.) Captain Sulu (Fictitious character) BT Post office buildings—Virginia Captain John Cunningham (Fictitious character) USE Sulu, Hikaru (Fictitious character) Captain Christy (Race horse)  (Not Subd Geog) USE Cunningham, John (Fictitious character) BT Horses Captain Swing Riots, England, 1830-1831 Captain Class (Frigates)  (Not Subd Geog) Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail USE Swing Riots, England, 1830-1831 BT Frigates UF Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Captain Colin P. Kelly, Jr., Post Office (Madison, Fla.)   Historic Water Trail Captain Thunder (Fictitious character : Mora) UF Colin P. Kelly, Jr. Post Office (Madison, Fla.) BT National parks and reserves—United States USE Trueno, Capitań (Fictitious character)   Kelly Post Office (Madison, Fla.)   Trails—United States BT Post office buildings—Florida Captain Underpants (Fictitious character) Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic (Not Subd Geog) Water Trail UF Krupp, Mr. (Fictitious character) USE Captain John Smith Chesapeake National   Mr. Krupp (Fictitious character)   Historic Trail   Underpants, Captain (Fictitious character) Captain John T. Barker House (New York, N.Y.) Captain Vance (Fictitious character) UF Captain John T. Barker Residence (New York, USE Vance, Edward Henry (Fictitious character)   N.Y) BT Dwellings—New York (State) Captain Wentworth (Fictitious character) USE Wentworth, Frederick (Fictitious character) C-87

Captain Willard Phule (Fictitious character) Captive box turtles  (May Subd Geog) Captive marine animals  (May Subd Geog) USE Phule, Willard (Fictitious character) BT Box turtle BT Captive wild animals   Captive turtles   Marine animals Captain Willard Phule's Company (Fictitious characters) NT Captive marine invertebrates USE Phule's Company (Fictitious characters) Captive brown teal  (May Subd Geog)   Captive marine mammals [SF505.63.B74]   Captive sharks Captain William Clark Park (Wash.) BT Brown teal UF William Clark Park (Wash.)   Captive wild birds Captive marine invertebrates  (May Subd Geog) BT Parks—Washington (State) [SF457.1 (Aquarium culture)] Captive chimpanzees  (May Subd Geog) BT Captive invertebrates Captain William Owen O'Neill Memorial (Prescott, Ariz.) BT Captive mammals   Captive marine animals USE Rough Rider Monument (Prescott, Ariz.)   Chimpanzees   Marine invertebrates RT Marine invertebrates as pets Captains, Cricket Captive cranes  (May Subd Geog) USE Cricket captains BT Captive wild birds Captive marine mammals  (May Subd Geog)   Cranes (Birds) [SF408.6.M37 (Animal culture)] Captains, Rugby football NT Captive whooping cranes BT Captive mammals USE Rugby football captains   Captive marine animals Captive Cyanoramphus unicolor  (May Subd Geog)   Marine mammals Captains, Rugby Union football [SF473.P3] NT Captive dolphins USE Rugby Union football captains BT Captive parrots   Captive seals   Cyanoramphus unicolor Captains, Submarine Captive otters  (May Subd Geog) USE Submarine captains Captive dolphins  (May Subd Geog) [SF408.6.O74] [SF408.6.D64] BT Captive mammals Captains Bay (Alaska) BT Captive marine mammals   Otters BT Bays—Alaska   Dolphins NT Captive bottlenose dolphins Captive parrots  (May Subd Geog) Captains Creek (Ohio) [SF473.P3] USE Captina Creek (Ohio) Captive elephants  (May Subd Geog) BT Captive wild birds BT Captive mammals NT Captive Cyanoramphus unicolor Captain's Harbor (Conn.)   Elephants   Captive Reischek's parakeets USE Captain Harbor (Conn.) Captive Felidae  (May Subd Geog) Captive penguins  (May Subd Geog) Captains of ships [SF408.6.F44] [SF473.P46] USE Ship captains BT Captive mammals BT Captive wild birds   Felidae   Penguins CAPTCHA (Challenge-response test) UF Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Captive finance companies  (May Subd Geog) Captive Reischek's parakeets  (May Subd Geog)   Tell Computers and Humans Apart BT Consumer finance companies [SF473.P3] BT Computer security   Subsidiary corporations BT Captive parrots RT Turing test   Reischek's parakeet Captive foxes  (May Subd Geog) Capteena Creek (Ohio) BT Captive mammals Captive reptiles  (May Subd Geog) USE Captina Creek (Ohio)   Foxes [SF515-SF515.5 (Culture)] BT Captive wild animals Captema Creek (Ohio) Captive frogs  (May Subd Geog)   Reptiles USE Captina Creek (Ohio) BT Captive amphibians NT Captive lizards   Frogs   Captive snakes Captening Creek (Ohio)   Captive tuatara USE Captina Creek (Ohio) Captive geckos  (May Subd Geog)   Captive turtles [SF515.5.G43 (Culture)] Captina Creek (Ohio) BT Captive lizards Captive roseate spoonbills  (May Subd Geog) UF Big Captina Creek (Ohio)   Geckos BT Captive wild birds   Capitena Creek (Ohio)   Roseate spoonbill   Capitina Creek (Ohio) Captive iguanas  (May Subd Geog)   Captain Creek (Ohio) [SF515.5.I38 (Culture)] Captive seals  (May Subd Geog)   Captains Creek (Ohio) BT Captive lizards [SF408.6.S35 (Animal culture)]   Capteena Creek (Ohio)   Iguanas BT Captive marine mammals   Captema Creek (Ohio)   Seals (Animals)   Captening Creek (Ohio) Captive insurance companies   Captinah Creek (Ohio) USE Insurance companies—Captive companies Captive sharks  (May Subd Geog)   Grape Vine Creek (Ohio) [SF458.S53 (Animal culture)]   Grapevine Creek (Ohio) Captive invertebrates  (May Subd Geog) BT Captive marine animals BT Rivers—Ohio BT Captive wild animals   Sharks   Invertebrates Captina Creek, Battle of, Ohio, 1791 RT Invertebrates as pets Captive snails  (May Subd Geog) UF Captina Creek (Ohio), Battle of, 1791 [Former NT Captive marine invertebrates BT Captive invertebrates   heading]   Captive snails   Snails BT Indians of North America—Wars—1790-1794   Ohio—History—1787-1865 Captive kangaroos  (May Subd Geog) Captive snakes  (May Subd Geog)   Shawnee Indians—Wars [SF408.6.K35 (Animal culture)] [SF515.5.S64 (Culture)] BT Captive mammals BT Captive reptiles Captina Creek (Ohio), Battle of, 1791   Kangaroos   Snakes USE Captina Creek, Battle of, Ohio, 1791 Captive keas  (May Subd Geog) Captive tuatara  (May Subd Geog) Captinah Creek (Ohio) [SF473.P3] [SF515.5.T8] USE Captina Creek (Ohio) BT Captive wild birds BT Captive reptiles   Kea   Tuatara Captioned media in reading  (May Subd Geog) [LB1050.375] Captive kiwis  (May Subd Geog) Captive turtles  (May Subd Geog) BT Reading—Aids and devices [SF473.K57 (Cage birds)] BT Captive reptiles BT Captive wild birds   Turtles Captioning, Closed   Kiwis NT Captive box turtles USE Closed captioning Captive Leadbeater's possums  (May Subd Geog) Captive white rhinoceroses  (May Subd Geog) Captions, Cartoon BT Captive mammals [SF408.6.R45] USE Cartoon captions   Leadbeater's possum BT Captive mammals   White rhinoceros Captions, Photograph Captive lizards  (May Subd Geog) USE Photograph captions [SF515.5.L58 (Culture)] Captive whooping cranes  (May Subd Geog) BT Captive reptiles BT Captive cranes Captiva Island (Fla.)   Lizards   Whooping crane BT Islands—Florida NT Captive geckos   Captive iguanas Captive wild animals  (May Subd Geog) Captive amphibians  (May Subd Geog) [SF408-SF408.6 (Animal culture)] BT Amphibians Captive mammals  (May Subd Geog) UF Captive animals   Captive wild animals [SF408-SF408.6 (Animal culture)]   Wild animals, Captive [Former heading] NT Captive frogs BT Captive wild animals BT Animals   Mammals RT Wild animal collecting Captive animals NT Captive antelopes NT Captive amphibians USE Captive wild animals   Captive bats   Captive invertebrates   Captive chimpanzees   Captive mammals Captive antelopes  (May Subd Geog)   Captive elephants   Captive marine animals [SF408.6.A56]   Captive Felidae   Captive reptiles BT Antelopes   Captive foxes   Captive wild birds   Captive mammals   Captive kangaroos   Circus animals   Captive Leadbeater's possums   Zoo animals Captive balloons   Captive marine mammals USE Balloons, Captive   Captive otters   Captive white rhinoceroses Captive bats  (May Subd Geog)   Captive wood bison [SF408.6.B38] BT Bats   Captive mammals Captive bottlenose dolphins  (May Subd Geog) [SF408.6.D64] BT Bottlenose dolphin   Captive dolphins C-88

Captive wild birds  (May Subd Geog)   Capture at sea   Carpincho [SF462.5 (Culture)]   Enemy property   Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris UF Wild birds, Captive [Former heading] Capua (Italy)   Hydrochaeris isthmius BT Birds — History   Hydrochaerus hydrochaeris   Captive wild animals — — Siege, 1501   Hydrochoerus capybara NT Captive brown teal BT Hydrochaeris   Captive cranes BT France—History—Louis XII, 1498-1515 Capybaras   Captive keas   Italy—History—1492-1559 USE Capybara   Captive kiwis   Sieges—Italy Capybaras as pets   Captive parrots [SF459.C36]   Captive penguins Capua family  (Not Subd Geog) BT Pets   Captive roseate spoonbills UF De Capua family Capzasin (Trademark)   Captive yellowheads   Di Capua family USE Capsaicin Cǎ qar Mongols — Behavior  (May Subd Geog) Capua Palace (Naples, Italy) USE Chahar Mongols NT Migratory restlessness USE Palazzo Marigliano (Naples, Italy) Caqueta Indians USE Coreguaje Indians Captive wood bison  (May Subd Geog) Capua-Rhegium Road (Italy) Caqueta language BT Captive mammals USE Via Annia Popilia (Capua and Reggio di USE Coreguaje language   Wood bison   Calabria, Italy) Caquetá River (Colombia and Brazil) USE Japurá River (Colombia and Brazil) Captive yellowheads  (May Subd Geog) Capuana Street (Naples, Italy) Caquetio Indians  (May Subd Geog) [SF473.Y44] USE Via dei Tribunali (Naples, Italy) [F2319.2.C28] BT Captive wild birds BT Indians of South America—Venezuela   Yellowhead (Bird) Capuano Castle (Naples, Italy) Caquinte Indians USE Castel Capuano (Naples, Italy) USE Kakinte Indians Captives (Islamic law) Caquinte language  (May Subd Geog) USE Prisoners of war (Islamic law) Capuchin architecture  (May Subd Geog) [PM5739] [NA4828] BT Campa languages Captivities, Indian UF Architecture, Capuchin [Former heading]   Peru—Languages USE Indian captivities BT Franciscan architecture CAR (Computer-assisted reporting) USE Computer-assisted reporting Captivity  (May Subd Geog) Capuchin art  (May Subd Geog) Car accidents SA subdivision Captivity, [dates] under names of UF Art, Capuchin [Former heading] USE Traffic accidents   individual persons BT Christian art and symbolism Car audio equipment NT Indian captivities USE Automobiles—Audio equipment Capuchin monasteries  (May Subd Geog) Car axles Captivity in literature  (Not Subd Geog) BT Monasteries USE Railroad cars—Axles Captivity in motion pictures  (Not Subd Geog) Car badges Capuchin monkeys  (May Subd Geog) USE Automobiles—Trademarks [PN1995.9.C333] [QL737.P925] Car black box systems BT Motion pictures UF Capuchins (Mammals) USE Automotive event data recorders Captivity narratives  (May Subd Geog)   Cebus Car bombs BT Autobiography   Ring-tail monkeys USE Vehicle bombs   Sapajou Car camps for the homeless   Prose literature BT Cebidae USE Homeless camps Captopril NT Cebus apella Car carriers (Ships)   Cebus olivaceus USE Roll-on/roll-off ships UF Mercaptomethylpropanoylproline Car-chase films  (May Subd Geog)   Mercaptomethylpropionylproline Capuchin monkeys as pets  (May Subd Geog) UF Car-crash films [SF459.M6]   Crash-and-wreck films BT Adrenergic alpha blockers BT Pets BT Motion pictures   Angiotensin converting enzyme—Inhibitors Car-couplings   Hormone antagonists Capuchin Theatre (Luxembourg, Luxembourg) USE Couplers (Railroad cars)   Hypotensive agents USE Theá t̂ re des capucins (Luxembourg, Car-crash films   Proline   Luxembourg) USE Car-chase films   Thiols Car Dyke (England) Capuchins BT Ditches—England Captorhinidae  (May Subd Geog) — In literature   England—Antiquities [QE862.C36] UF Capuchins in literature [Former heading] Car fenders UF Captorhinids USE Streetcar fenders   Pariotichidae Capuchins (Mammals) Car fenders (Automobiles) BT Reptiles, Fossil USE Capuchin monkeys USE Automobiles—Fenders Car Festival (Hindu festival) Captorhinids Capuchins in literature USE Ratha-yat̄ ra (Hindu festival) USE Captorhinidae USE Capuchins—In literature Car interiors USE Automobiles—Interiors Captree State Parkway Capucine Le Tellier (Fictitious character) Car keys USE Captree State Parkway (N.Y.) USE Le Tellier, Capucine (Fictitious character) USE Automobile keys Car leasing Captree State Parkway (Long Island, N.Y.) Capul (Philippine people) USE Automobile leasing and renting USE Captree State Parkway (N.Y.) USE Abaknon (Philippine people) Car lots (Parking lots) USE Parking lots Captree State Parkway (N.Y.) Capul Boului Site (Romania) Car Nicobar Island (India) UF Captree State Parkway [Former heading] USE Caput Bovis Site (Romania) UF Kar Nikobar Island (India)   Captree State Parkway (Long Island, N.Y.)   Pu Island (India)   [Former heading] Capul Island (Philippines) BT Islands—India BT Parkways—New York (State) BT Islands—Philippines   Nicobar Islands (India) Car Nicobarese language  (May Subd Geog) Capture, Radiative Capul language UF Pu Nicobarese language USE Radiative capture USE Abaknon language BT India—Languages   Nicobarese languages Capture, River Capul Samal (Philippine people) Car parks (Parking lots) USE River capture USE Abaknon (Philippine people) USE Parking lots Car pools  (May Subd Geog) Capture at sea  (May Subd Geog) Capuleno (Philippine people) [HE5620.C3] [KZ6580 (International law)] USE Abaknon (Philippine people) UF Automobile pools Here are entered works on enemy property taken   Automobiles—Pools Capulet, Lady (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog)   Carpools at sea. Works on the treatment of enemy property UF Lady Capulet (Fictitious character) BT Ridesharing taken on land are entered under Enemy property. NT Van pools Capulet (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) UF Capture at sea—Law and legislation Capulin Mountain National Monument (N.M.)   Captured property   Maritime capture USE Capulin Volcano National Monument (N.M.)   Property captured at sea Capulin Volcano National Monument (N.M.) BT Seizure of vessels and cargoes UF Capulin Mountain National Monument (N.M.) RT Privateering—Law and legislation   [Former heading]   Prize law BT National monuments—New Mexico NT Prizes (Property captured at sea) Caput Bovis Site (Romania) — Law and legislation UF Capul Boului Site (Romania) USE Capture at sea   Ghertina Site (Romania) Capture-based aquaculture  (May Subd Geog) BT Romania—Antiquities [SH137.33] CapWIN (Communication network) UF CBA (Capture-based aquaculture) BT Aquaculture UF Capital Wireless Integrated Network Capture gamma ray spectroscopy, Neutron   CapWIN system (Communication network) USE Neutron capture gamma ray spectroscopy Capture of Cad́ iz, 1596 BT Wireless communication systems—Maryland USE Cádiz Expedition, 1596   Wireless communication systems—Virginia Captured property   Wireless communication USE Booty (International law)   systems—Washington (D.C.) CapWIN system (Communication network) USE CapWIN (Communication network) Capybara  (May Subd Geog) [QL737.R662] UF Capibara   Capivara   Capybaras [Former heading] C-89

Car renting Caracappa United States Post Office Building Caraja cosmology  (Not Subd Geog) USE Automobile leasing and renting (Centereach, N.Y.) UF Cosmology, Caraja USE Rose Y. Caracappa United States Post Office BT Cosmology Car reporting systems (Railroads)   Building (Centereach, N.Y.) USE Railroads—Car reporting systems Caraja Indians  (May Subd Geog) Caracara, Carunculated [F2520.1.C35] Car safety seats, Child USE Carunculated caracara UF Carayá Indians USE Child car seats   Javae Indians Caracara, Common   Jovahe Indians Car seats, Child USE Crested caracara   Karadza Indians USE Child car seats   Karajá Indians Caracara, Striated   Karaya Indians Car service (Freight) USE Striated caracara   Shambioa Indians USE Railroads—Freight   Xambioa Indians Caracara (Genus)  (May Subd Geog) BT Indians of South America—Brazil Car sharing  (May Subd Geog) [QL696.F34 (Zoology)] Here are entered works on member-based time- BT Falconidae — Art NT Crested caracara USE Caraja art share automobile rental services in which members rent vehicles located at lots or stations within their Caracara plancus — Pottery community for as little as an hour or less, or for an USE Crested caracara USE Caraja pottery entire day. Caracas Baai (Curaca̧ o) Caraja language  (May Subd Geog) UF Auto sharing (Car sharing) USE Caracas Bay (Curaca̧ o) [PM5741]   Automobile sharing UF Caraya language   Carsharing Caracas Bay (Curaca̧ o)   Chambioa language UF Caracao Bay (Curaçao)   Jorahe language BT Automobile leasing and renting   Caracas Baai (Curaçao)   Karadza language Car sickness   Caracas Bay (Netherlands Antilles) [Former   Karaya language   heading]   Shambioa language USE Motion sickness   Curacas Baai (Curaçao)   Xambioa language Car-springs   Curacas Bay (Curaçao)   Yna language BT Bays—Curaca̧ o BT Brazil—Languages USE Railroad cars—Springs and suspension   Indians of South America—Brazil—Languages Car stereos Caracas Bay (Netherlands Antilles) USE Caracas Bay (Curaca̧ o) Caraja mythology  (May Subd Geog) USE Automobiles—Audio equipment UF Mythology, Caraja Car theft Caracas-La Guaira Highway (Venezuela) USE Autopista Caracas-La Guaira (Venezuela) Caraja philosophy  (May Subd Geog) USE Automobile theft UF Philosophy, Caraja Car trucks (Railroads)  (May Subd Geog) Caracaxá BT Philosophy, Brazilian USE Reco-reco (Musical instrument) [TF380-TF393] Caraja pottery  (May Subd Geog) UF Trucks, Railroad car Caracciolo family  (Not Subd Geog) UF Caraja Indians—Pottery [Former heading] BT Railroad cars Caracofe family   Pottery, Caraja NT Railroad cars—Axles BT Pottery, Brazilian USE Kiracofe family   Railroad cars—Wheels Caracol Site (Belize) Carajaś Mountains (Brazil) Car trusts UF Serra dos Carajás (Brazil) [F1435.1.C37] BT Mountains—Brazil USE Equipment trusts (Railroads) BT Belize—Antiquities Car trusts (Railroads) Caradeux family  (Not Subd Geog) Caraker family Caradrinidae USE Karriker family USE Equipment trusts (Railroads) USE Noctuidae Car tunnel kilns Carafa family  (Not Subd Geog) Caral Site (Peru) C̦arafati family USE Caral Supe Site (Peru) USE Tunnel kilns USE Sarfaty family Car wash industry  (May Subd Geog) Caragana  (May Subd Geog) Caral Supe Site (Peru) [QK495.L52 (Botany)] UF Caral Site (Peru) [HD9999.C27-HD9999.C274] UF Pea shrubs BT Peru—Antiquities BT Service industries Car washes  (May Subd Geog)   Pea trees Caralluma  (May Subd Geog) UF Auto washes   Peashrubs [QK495.A815 (Botany)]   Peatrees BT Asclepiadaceae   Carwashes BT Legumes RT Automobiles—Cleaning NT Caragana arborescens Caramany family  (Not Subd Geog) Car-wheels Caragana arborescens  (May Subd Geog) Caramba USE Railroad cars—Wheels [QK495.L52 (Botany)] Car workers (Railroads) [SD397.C339 (Forestry)] USE Carambola USE Railroads—Employees UF Caragana sibirica Carambola  (May Subd Geog) Cara Indians  (May Subd Geog)   Robinia caragana [F3722.1.C25]   Siberian pea tree [QK495.O98 (Botany)] UF Imbaya Indians   Siberian peashrub [SB379.C37 (Culture)] BT Indians of South America—Colombia BT Caragana UF Averrhoa carambola Caragana sibirica   Indians of South America—Ecuador USE Caragana arborescens   Blimbing NT Otavalo Indians Caragea family   Caramba Cara mythology  (May Subd Geog) USE Caragiale family   Country gooseberry UF Mythology, Cara Carageali family   Star fruit (Fruit) Caraate USE Caragiale family   Starfruit (Fruit) USE Pinta Caragealli family BT Averrhoa Caraballo Mountains (Philippines) USE Caragiale family Carambolo Site (Spain) BT Mountains—Philippines Caragher family [DP402.C] Carabao USE Carragher family UF Caranbolo Site (Spain) USE Water buffalo Caragiale family  (Not Subd Geog) BT Spain—Antiquities Carabid beetles UF Caragea family Caramel USE Ground beetles   Carageali family [TP380] Carabidae   Caragealli family BT Coloring matter USE Ground beetles   Caragiali family — Use in cooking Carabids Caragiali family USE Cooking (Caramel) USE Ground beetles USE Caragiale family Caramel family  (Not Subd Geog) Carabobo, Battle of, 1821 Caraher family Caramote prawn USE Carabobo, Battle of, Venezuela, 1821 USE Carragher family USE Penaeus kerathurus Carabobo, Battle of, Venezuela, 1821 Caraib Indians Caramuru family  (Not Subd Geog) [F2324] USE Carib Indians Car̄ anạ UF Carabobo, Battle of, 1821 [Former heading] Caraib language USE Charans BT Venezuela—History—War of Independence, USE Carib language Carana (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) Carāideu Site (India) Caranbolo Site (Spain)   1810-1823—Campaigns UF Charaideo Site (India) USE Carambolo Site (Spain) — Anniversaries, etc. BT India—Antiquities Carancahua Bay (Tex.) Caraboctonidae  (May Subd Geog) Caraite manuscripts UF Carancahua Creek (Tex.) USE Karaite manuscripts   Carancaway Bay (Tex.) [QL458.72.C27 (Zoology)] Caraja art  (May Subd Geog)   Caranchahua Bay (Tex.) UF Hairy scorpions UF Art, Caraja   Carankaway Bay (Tex.) BT Scorpions   Caraja Indians—Art [Former heading]   Karankawa Bay (Tex.) NT Hadrurus BT Art, Brazilian   Karankaway Bay (Tex.) Carabus  (May Subd Geog) BT Bays—Texas [QL596.C2 (Zoology)] BT Ground beetles Caracalla, Baths of (Rome, Italy) USE Baths of Caracalla (Rome, Italy) Caracao Bay (Curaçao) USE Caracas Bay (Curaçao) C-90

Carancahua Creek (Tex.) Carapana-Tapuya language (Tucanoan) Caravanche (Austria and Slovenia) USE Carancahua Bay (Tex.) USE Carapana language (Tucanoan) USE Karawanken (Austria and Slovenia) Carancahua Indians Carapano Indians Caravans  (May Subd Geog) USE Karankawa Indians USE Carapana Indians BT Travel   Vehicles Carancaway Bay (Tex.) Carapano language (Tucanoan) USE Carancahua Bay (Tex.) USE Carapana language (Tucanoan) Caravans, Romani  (May Subd Geog) [DX175] Caranchahua Bay (Tex.) Carapidae  (May Subd Geog) UF Romani caravans USE Carancahua Bay (Tex.) [QL638.C26 (Zoology)]   Romani vans UF Pearlfishes   Vans (Romani caravans) Carandini family  (Not Subd Geog) BT Ophidiiformes   Vardos Carangidae  (May Subd Geog)   Wagons, Gipsy [Former heading] Carapinima Street (Fortaleza, Brazil)   Wagons, Gypsy [Former heading] [QL638.C25 (Zoology)] USE Rua Carapinima (Fortaleza, Brazil) BT Wagons UF Jacks (Fish) Carapintada Uprising, Argentina, 1990 Caravans (Trailers)   Juvenellidae UF Alzamiento Carapintada, Argentina, 1990 USE Mobile homes   Seriolidae   Army Uprising, Argentina, 1990   Travel trailers BT Perciformes   Carapintadas Uprising, Argentina, 1990 NT Caranx   December Uprising, Argentina, 1990 Caravans of covered wagons   Decapterus   Levantamiento Militar, Argentina, 1990 USE Wagon trains   Parona   Military Uprising, Argentina, 1990   Selar   Movimiento Carapintada Uprising, Argentina, Caravans of wagons   Seriola   1990 USE Wagon trains   Trachinotus   Pronunciamiento Militar, Argentina, 1990   Trachurus   Sublevacioń Militar, Argentina, 1990 Caravansaras   Uraspis BT Mutiny—Argentina USE Caravansaries Carangidae fishing  (May Subd Geog) [SH691.C25] Carapintadas Uprising, Argentina, 1990 Caravansaries  (May Subd Geog) BT Fishing USE Carapintada Uprising, Argentina, 1990 UF Caravansaras Caranguiyo (Dance)  (May Subd Geog)   Caravanserais BT Dance Carapus BT Hotels Caranine Indians USE Sternopygus   Stables USE Coree Indians Carankaway Bay (Tex.) Caraquet Bay (N.B.) — Turkey USE Carancahua Bay (Tex.) UF Caraquette Bay (N.B.) NT El Aman Kervansarayı (Bitlis, Turkey) Car̄ aṇō BT Bays—New Brunswick   Kadın Hanı (Kadınhanı, Turkey) USE Charans   Mama Hatun Kervansarayı (Tercan, Caranx  (May Subd Geog) Caraquette Bay (N.B.)   Turkey) [QL638.C25] USE Caraquet Bay (N.B.)   Rüstem Pasa̧ Kervansarayı (Erzurum, BT Carangidae   Turkey) Caranx blochii Carara, Reserva Bioloǵ ica de (Costa Rica)   Sarı Han (Avanos, Nevsȩ hir Il̇ i, Turkey) USE Selar crumenophthalmus USE Reserva Biológica de Carara (Costa Rica)   Sultan Han (Aksaray İli, Turkey) Caranx crumenophtalmus   Sultan Han (Kayseri İli, Turkey) USE Selar crumenophthalmus Carare River (Colombia) Caranx crumenophthalmus UF Río Carare (Colombia) — Yemen USE Selar crumenophthalmus BT Rivers—Colombia USE Caravansaries—Yemen (Republic) Caranx daubentonii USE Selar crumenophthalmus Carare River Valley (Colombia) — Yemen (Republic) Caranx macrophthalmus UF Carare Valley (Colombia) UF Caravansaries—Yemen [Former heading] USE Selar crumenophthalmus BT Valleys—Colombia NT Samsarat al-Mansụ r̄ ah (Sạ nʻaʾ, Yemen) Caranx mauritianus USE Selar crumenophthalmus Carare Valley (Colombia) Caravanserais Caranx plumieri USE Carare River Valley (Colombia) USE Caravansaries USE Selar crumenophthalmus Caranx torvus Carari Indians Caravelí River (Peru) USE Selar crumenophthalmus USE Omagua Indians (Ecuador and Peru) UF Quebrada Caraveli (Peru) Carapa  (May Subd Geog)   Rió Caravelí (Peru) [QK495.M52 (Botany)] Caras Indians BT Rivers—Peru BT Meliaceae USE Munduruku Indians NT Crabwood Caravelí River Valley (Peru) Carapa guianensis Caras language UF Caravelí Valley (Peru) USE Crabwood USE Munduruku language BT Valleys—Peru Carapaces, Ice USE Ice caps Caras-Pretas Indians Caravelí Valley (Peru) Carapana Indians  (May Subd Geog) USE Munduruku Indians USE Caravelí River Valley (Peru) [F2270.2.C26] UF Carapana-Tapuya Indians Caras-Pretas language Caravelle (Jet transports)  (Not Subd Geog)   Carapano Indians USE Munduruku language BT Jet transports   Karapana Indians   Karapano Indians Carassius  (May Subd Geog) Caravels  (May Subd Geog)   Mextá Indians [QL638.C94 (Zoology)] [VM311.C27]   Moc̈ hda Indians BT Cyprinidae BT Sailing ships   Moẍ döa Indians NT Crucian carp BT Indians of South America—Brazil   Goldfish Caraway, Black   Indians of South America—Colombia USE Black cumin   Tucanoan Indians Carassius auratus Carapana language (Tucanan) USE Goldfish Caraway family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Carapana language (Tucanoan) Caraway Station (Jonesboro, Ark.) Carapana language (Tucanoan)  (May Subd Geog) Carassius carassius [PM5749] USE Crucian carp USE Hattie W. Caraway Station (Jonesboro, Ark.) UF Carapana language (Tucanan) [Former Carayá Indians   heading] Carassius vulgaris   Carapana-Tapuya language (Tucanoan) USE Crucian carp USE Caraja Indians   Carapano language (Tucanoan) Caraya language   Karapana language (Tucanoan) Carat (Unit of weight)   Karapano language (Tucanoan) [QC106] USE Caraja language   Mextá language (Tucanoan) BT Metric system Carbajo family  (Not Subd Geog)   Moc̈ hda language (Tucanoan)   Standards of mass Carbamamidine   Moẍ doä language (Tucanoan) BT Brazil—Languages Caratacus Stone (England) USE Guanidine   Colombia—Languages BT Menhirs—England Carbamate, Ethyl   Tucanoan languages Carapana-Tapuya Indians Caratheodory measure USE Urethane USE Carapana Indians UF Measure, Caratheodory Carbamates BT Algebra, Boolean   Measure theory BT Carbamic acid NT Aldicarb Carausius  (May Subd Geog) [QL508.B38]   Benomyl BT Bacunculidae   Carbaryl NT Carausius morosus   Carbofuran   Dithiocarbamates Carausius morosus  (May Subd Geog)   Ezogabine [QL509.7.P53]   Mitomycin C BT Carausius   Thiocarbamates   Urethanes Caravan (Turboprop transport) Carbamazepine USE Cessna 208 (Turboprop transport) UF Dibenzazepinecarboxamide BT Amides Caravan sites   Anticonvulsants USE Trailer camps Carbamic acid UF Amidocarbonic acid Caravan van  (Not Subd Geog)   Aminoformic acid UF Dodge Caravan van   Carbonamidic acid BT Dodge vans   Minivans Caravanca Mons (Austria and Slovenia) USE Karawanken (Austria and Slovenia) C-91

Carbamic acid  (Continued) Carbis family  (Not Subd Geog) Carbohydrates in animal nutrition  (May Subd Geog) BT Organic acids Carbisdale Castle (Scotland) [SF98.C37] NT Carbamates BT Animal nutrition BT Castles—Scotland Carbamic acid ethyl ester Carbit family Carbohydrates in human nutrition  (May Subd Geog) USE Urethane [QP701-QP702 (Biochemistry)] USE Corbett family [TX553.C28 (Food)] Carbamic esters Carbocationic polymerization BT Nutrition USE Urethanes BT Polymerization Carbohydrates in the body  (May Subd Geog) Carbamide Carbocations [QP701-QP702] USE Urea BT Body composition [QD305.C3] Carbamidine BT Onium ions Carbolic acid USE Guanidine NT Carbonium ions USE Phenol Carbodiimides  (May Subd Geog) Carbamothioic acid [TP248.C24 (Chemical technology)] Carbolines USE Pyributicarb BT Organonitrogen compounds [QD401 (Organic chemistry)] Carbofuran  (May Subd Geog) [QP801.C3115 (Biochemistry)] Carbamoyltransferase, Ornithine BT Carbamates UF Pyridoindoles USE Ornithine carbamoyltransferase BT Heterocyclic compounds   Insecticides   Indole Carbamylphosphate-ornithine transcarbamylase Carbohydrases   Pyridine USE Ornithine carbamoyltransferase NT Abecarnil BT Glycosidases Carbanions Carbohydrate diet, Complex Carbon  (May Subd Geog) [QD305.C3] [QD181.C1 (Chemistry)] BT Ions USE Complex carbohydrate diet [TA455.C3 (Engineering materials)] Carbohydrate drugs  (May Subd Geog) [TP245.C4 (Chemical technology)] Carbaryl BT Group 14 elements UF Methoxynaphthyl carbamate [RS431.C23 (Pharmacy)]   Light elements BT Carbamates BT Drugs SA subdivision Carbon content under individual   Insecticides Carbohydrate intolerance  (May Subd Geog)   materials and types of materials and under BT Food intolerance   individual plants and groups of plants, e.g. Carbaugh family  (Not Subd Geog) NT Diabetes   Metals--Carbon content; Corn--Carbon Carbazole   content   Lactose intolerance NT Carbon composites UF Dibenzopyrrole Carbohydrate metabolism   Charcoal   Diphenylenimide   Coke USE Carbohydrates—Metabolism   Decarburization of steel NT Carprofen Carbohydrate metabolism disorders   Electric light carbons Carbenes (Methylene compounds)   Fullerenes USE Carbohydrates—Metabolism—Disorders   Graphite UF Carbon, Divalent Carbohydrate metabolism disorders in children   Groundwater—Carbon content   Divalent carbon   Plant biomass—Carbon content   Methene compounds (May Subd Geog)   Schungite   Methylene compounds [RJ399.C3]   Soils—Carbon content BT Metabolic disorders in children BT Carbon compounds — Isotopes  (May Subd Geog)   Intermediates (Chemistry) Carbohydrate metabolism disorders in infants [QD181.C1] (May Subd Geog) UF Radiocarbon Carbenicillin  (May Subd Geog) [RJ399.C3] [RM666.C] BT Carbohydrates—Metabolism—Disorders — — Decay UF Carbenicillin indanyl   Infants—Diseases — — Half-life  (May Subd Geog)   Indanyl carbenicillin BT Penicillin Carbohydrate metabolism disorders in pregnancy BT Half-life (Nuclear physics) NT Carfecillin (May Subd Geog) — — Spectra BT Carbohydrates—Metabolism—Disorders — Manufacture Carbenicillin indanyl   Pregnancy—Complications USE Carbenicillin [TK7725] Carbohydrates  (May Subd Geog) — Physiological effect  (May Subd Geog) Carbenicillin phenyl sodium [QD320-QD327 (Organic chemistry)] USE Carfecillin [QP701-QP702 (Biochemistry)] [QP535.C1] UF Carbs (Carbohydrates) NT Plants—Effect of carbon on Carberry family  (Not Subd Geog) BT Biomolecules — Spectra UF Carbery family [Former heading]   Organic compounds Carbon, Activated RT Glycomics UF Activated carbon Carbery (Ireland) SA names of compounds belonging to this group,   Activated charcoal UF Cairbre (Ireland)   e.g. Cellulose; Dextrose; Levulose;   Charcoal, Activated   Chairbre (Ireland)   Pentoses BT Adsorption NT Dextran   Charcoal Carbery family   Fluorocarbohydrates Carbon, Divalent USE Carberry family   Food—Carbohydrate content USE Carbenes (Methylene compounds)   Glycoconjugates Carbon, Trivalent Carbet River (Martinique)   Glycosides USE Carbynes BT Rivers—Martinique   High-carbohydrate diet Carbon-14 dating   Low-carbohydrate diet USE Radiocarbon dating Carbide cutting tools   Photosynthates Carbon and graphite products  (May Subd Geog) [TJ1186]   Seawater—Carbohydrate content BT Manufactures UF Carbide tools   Soils—Carbohydrate content Carbon bisulfide BT Cutting tools   Sugars USE Carbon disulfide Carbon-black Carbide industry  (May Subd Geog) — Metabolism [TP951] [HD9660.C35-HD9660.C37] UF Carbohydrate metabolism [Former UF Acetylene black BT Chemical industry   heading] — Optical properties Carbon-black industry  (May Subd Geog) — Employees — — Disorders  (May Subd Geog) [HD9660.C38-HD9660.C383] — — Labor unions  (May Subd Geog) [RC632.C3] BT Chemical industry Carbide lamps UF Carbohydrate metabolism disorders Carbon brushes USE Acetylene lamps   [Former heading] USE Brushes, Carbon Carbide tools NT Carbohydrate metabolism disorders in Carbon Canyon (Ariz.) USE Carbide cutting tools   infants BT Canyons—Arizona Carbides   Carbohydrate metabolism disorders in Carbon capture and storage   pregnancy USE Carbon sequestration [TP245.C4 (Manufacture)]   Glycogen storage disease Carbon composites  (May Subd Geog) BT Carbon compounds   Mucopolysaccharidosis [TA418.9.C6] NT Borocarbide superconductors   Oxaluria BT Carbon   Composite materials   Calcium carbide — Spectra NT Graphite composites   Cementite Carbohydrates, Refined Carbon compounds  (May Subd Geog)   Chromium carbide [QD248-QD449]   Silicon carbide UF Refined carbohydrates Here are entered works on special groups of   Titanium carbide BT Food industry and trade   Transition metal carbides   Tungsten carbide   Nutritionally induced diseases   Zirconium carbide — Physiological effect  (May Subd Geog) — Thermal properties  (May Subd Geog) Carbimides [RC627.R43] USE Isocyanates UF Carbohydrates, Refined—Toxicology Carbin family USE Carbine family   Saccharine disease Carbine family  (Not Subd Geog) — Toxicology UF Carbin family   Karabin family USE Carbohydrates, Refined—Physiological Carbines   effect USE Rifles Carbinol USE Methanol C-92

carbon compounds and their reactions. General Carbon dioxide sequestration into the atmosphere by allowing participating polluting works on organic chemistry are entered under USE Carbon sequestration nations or companies to either reduce their total Chemistry, Organic. emissions or buy credits from less polluting nations or Carbon dioxide sinks  (May Subd Geog) companies are entered under Emissions trading. BT Chemicals BT Carbon cycle (Biogeochemistry) NT Carbenes (Methylene compounds)   Sinks (Atmospheric chemistry) UF Carbon offset trade   Carbon trading   Carbides Carbon Dioxide Site (Ill.)   Carbon dioxide BT Illinois—Antiquities BT Carbon dioxide mitigation   Carbon tetrachloride RT Emissions trading   Carbynes Carbon dioxide snow — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   Organic compounds USE Dry ice — Spectra BT Environmental law Carbon copy Carbon dioxide transport (Physiology) Carbon oxychloride BT Copying processes USE Carbon dioxide—Physiological transport   Typewriting USE Phosgene Carbon Creek (B.C.) Carbon disulfide  (May Subd Geog) Carbon paper BT Rivers—British Columbia [TD887.C37 (Air pollutant)] Carbon cycle (Biogeochemistry)  (May Subd Geog) [TP248.C34 (Chemical technology)] BT Paper UF Global carbon cycle UF Carbon bisulfide Carbon process BT Biogeochemical cycles   Carbon disulphide [Former heading] NT Carbon dioxide sinks   Dithiocarbonic anhydride USE Photography—Printing processes—Carbon   Soil respiration BT Sulfides Carbon River (Wash.) — Research  (May Subd Geog) — — Australia — Molecular rotation UF Upthascap River (Wash.) Carbon disulphide BT Rivers—Washington (State) NT Port Hacking Estuary Project Carbon sequestration  (May Subd Geog) Carbon dating USE Carbon disulfide [SD387.C37 (Forestry)] Carbon electrodes UF Carbon capture and storage USE Radiocarbon dating Carbon deposits in engines USE Electrodes, Carbon   Carbon dioxide sequestration Carbon ferrochromium   CCS (Carbon sequestration) USE Combustion deposits in engines BT Sequestration (Chemistry) Carbon dioxide  (May Subd Geog) USE Ferrochrome NT Geological carbon sequestration Carbon fiber-reinforced plastics  (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) [QD181.C1 (Chemistry)] [TD427.C37 (Water pollutant)] UF Carbon fiber-reinforced polymers BT Environmental law [TD885.5.C3 (Air pollutant)]   CFRPs (Carbon fiber-reinforced plastics) Carbon stars [TP244.C1 (Manufacture)]   CRPs (Carbon fiber-reinforced plastics) UF Carbonic acid gas   GFRPs (Graphite fiber-reinforced polymers) USE N stars   Graphite fiber-reinforced polymers Carbon steel   Carbonic anhydride   Graphite-reinforced polymers BT Carbon compounds [TA479.C37] BT Fiber-reinforced plastics BT Steel   Oxides Carbon fiber-reinforced polymers NT Mild steel NT Atmospheric carbon dioxide Carbon steel industry  (May Subd Geog) USE Carbon fiber-reinforced plastics [HD9510-HD9529]   Carbonic acid Carbon fibers  (May Subd Geog) BT Steel industry and trade   Dry ice Carbon tax   Liquid carbon dioxide BT Inorganic fibers USE Carbon taxes   Seawater—Carbon dioxide content NT Graphite fibers Carbon taxes  (May Subd Geog)   Water—Carbon dioxide content Carbon fibers industry  (May Subd Geog) UF Carbon tax — Geological sequestration [HD9660.C395-HD9660.C3954] BT Environmental impact charges USE Geological carbon sequestration BT Chemical industry RT Emissions trading — Geological storage Carbon filaments (Carbon nanofibers) — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) USE Geological carbon sequestration USE Carbon nanofibers Carbon tetrachloride  (May Subd Geog) — Physiological effect  (May Subd Geog) Carbon Glacier (Wash.) [QD181.C1] BT Glaciers—Washington (State) UF Tetrachloromethane NT Hypercapnia Carbon group elements BT Carbon compounds   Plants—Effect of carbon dioxide on USE Group 14 elements Carbon hexachloride   Tetrachlorides — Physiological transport USE Hexachloroethane Carbon trading UF Carbon dioxide transport (Physiology) Carbon in the body  (May Subd Geog)   [Former heading] [QP535.C1] USE Carbon offsetting BT Body composition Carbon trichloride — Thermal properties  (May Subd Geog) Carbon monofluoride — Transportation  (May Subd Geog) USE Graphite fluorides USE Hexachloroethane Carbon monoxide Carbon trifluoride NT Carbon dioxide pipelines [QD181.C1 (Chemistry)] Carbon dioxide arc welding [TD885.5.C33 (Air pollutant)] USE Fluoroform UF Carbonic oxide Carbonaceous chondrites (Meteorites) USE Gas metal arc welding BT Gases, Asphyxiating and poisonous Carbon dioxide as a calibration gas  (May Subd Geog) NT Fischer-Tropsch process (May Subd Geog) [QB758.5.C46] BT Calibration gases   Synthesis gas BT Chondrites (Meteorites) Carbon dioxide capture — Molecular rotation — Physiological effect  (May Subd Geog) Carbonamidic acid USE Carbon dioxide mitigation USE Carbamic acid Carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery NT Blood pressure—Effect of carbon   monoxide on Carbonana Castle (Italy) (May Subd Geog) USE Castello di Carbonana (Italy) BT Enhanced oil recovery — Spectra Carbon monoxide detectors  (May Subd Geog) Carbonari  (May Subd Geog) Carbon dioxide enrichment of greenhouses [DG551-DG552] USE Greenhouses—Carbon dioxide enrichment UF CO detectors [HS2394.C4]   CO sensors BT Italy—History—1815-1870 Carbon-dioxide-gas lasers   Revolutionaries—Italy USE Carbon dioxide lasers BT Gas detectors   Secret societies—Italy Carbon monoxide lasers Carbon dioxide in the body  (May Subd Geog) Carbonate dehydratase BT Body composition BT Gas lasers USE Carbonic anhydrase NT Capnography Carbon nanofibers  (May Subd Geog)   Carbonuria Carbonate fuel cells UF Carbon filaments (Carbon nanofibers) USE Molten carbonate fuel cells Carbon dioxide industry  (May Subd Geog)   CNFs (Carbon nanofibers) [HD9660.C39-HD9660.C393]   Nanotubes, Stacked-cup carbon Carbonate minerals  (May Subd Geog) BT Chemical industry   Stacked-cup carbon nanotubes [QE389.61] BT Carbonates Carbon dioxide lasers BT Nanofibers   Minerals UF Carbon-dioxide-gas lasers Carbon nanotubes  (May Subd Geog) NT Aragonite BT Gas lasers   Calcite UF CNTs (Carbon nanotubes)   Cancrinite Carbon dioxide mitigation  (May Subd Geog) BT Nanotubes   Malachite UF Atmospheric carbon dioxide mitigation Carbon offset trade   Stenonite   Carbon dioxide capture USE Carbon offsetting   Stichtite   Mitigation of carbon dioxide Carbon offsetting  (May Subd Geog)   Trona BT Pollution prevention Here are entered works on the practice of   Turquoise NT Carbon offsetting compensating for the carbon dioxide emissions   Vaterite produced by one activity or in one location, by — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog) voluntarily paying for a corresponding reduction in Carbonate reservoirs  (May Subd Geog) BT Environmental law such emissions produced by a different activity or in a UF Reservoirs, Carbonate different location. Works on an internationally BT Hydrocarbon reservoirs Carbon dioxide pasteurization, Dense phase regulated, market-based \"cap-and-trade\" program USE Dense phase carbon dioxide pasteurization designed to reduce the emission of polluting gases Carbonate rocks  (May Subd Geog) [QE471.15.C3] Carbon dioxide pipelines  (May Subd Geog) UF Rocks, Carbonate [Former heading] BT Carbon dioxide—Transportation   Pipelines C-93

Carbonate rocks  (Continued) Carbonitriding   Penicillanic acids BT Carbonates UF Gas cyaniding   Phenylacetates   Sedimentary rocks   Nicarbing   Phthalic acid NT Beachrock BT Case hardening   Pirprofen   Calcretes   Metals—Heat treatment   Propionates   Carbonatites RT Nitriding   Pyridineacetic acid   Dolomite BT Surface hardening   Shikimic acid   Limestone   Sialic acids   Millstone grit Carbonium ions   Sorbic acid   Mud mounds [QD305.C3] Carboxypeptidase A   Tufas BT Carbocations USE Carboxypeptidases Carboxypeptidase B Carbonated beverage bottles  (May Subd Geog) Carbonization USE Carboxypeptidases UF Soda water bottles [TP156.C3 (Chemical technology)] Carboxypeptidases BT Beverage containers BT Coal [QP609.C3]   Bottles RT Coke UF Carboxypeptidase A NT Commemorative carbonated beverage bottles   Distillation, Destructive   Carboxypeptidase B BT Lignite   Protaminase Carbonated beverage industry  (May Subd Geog) NT Charcoal BT Peptidase BT Beverage industry   Coal—Carbonization NT Enkephalinase   Coal gasification Carboxypyridine Carbonated beverages  (May Subd Geog)   Coal gasification, Underground USE Isonicotinic acid [TP628-TP636]   Hydrothermal carbonization   Niacin UF Carbonated drinks Carbs (Carbohydrates)   Carbonated waters Carbons, Electric light USE Carbohydrates   Soda water USE Electric light carbons Carbuncle  (May Subd Geog) BT Beverages [RL221] Carbonuria BT Pyoderma — Advertising BT Acidosis Carbuncle Pond (R.I.) USE Advertising—Carbonated beverages   Carbon dioxide in the body BT Ponds—Rhode Island   Urine—Analysis Carbureters — Apparatus and supplies USE Carburetors USE Carbonated beverages—Equipment and Carbonyl chloride Carburetors   supplies USE Phosgene [TJ787] UF Carbureters — Equipment and supplies Carbonyl compounds   Carburettors UF Carbonated beverages—Apparatus and [QD305.A6 (Aliphatic compounds)]   Internal combustion engines—Carburetors   supplies [Former heading] [QD341.A6 (Aromatic compounds)] BT Automobiles—Fuel systems BT Bottling machinery UF Enones SA subdivision Motors--Carburetors under NT Soda fountains BT Oxo compounds   individual land vehicles and types of land NT Enols   vehicles, e.g. Automobiles--Motors-- — Taxation  (May Subd Geog)   Mannich bases   Carburetors — — Law and legislation  (May Subd Geog)   Metal carbonyls Carburettors Carbonated drinks USE Carburetors USE Carbonated beverages Carbonyl halides  (May Subd Geog) Carby family  (Not Subd Geog) Carbonated waters BT Halides RT Kirby family USE Carbonated beverages NT Phosgene Carbylamines USE Isocyanides   Mineral waters Carbonyl reductase Carbynes Carbonates  (May Subd Geog) UF Aldehyde reductase I UF Carbon, Trivalent   Prostaglandin 9-ketoreductase   Methenyl compounds [QD181.C1]   Xenobiotic ketone reductase   Methine compounds BT Carbonic acid BT Oxidoreductases   Methylidyne compounds   Trivalent carbon   Oxysalts Carbophos BT Carbon compounds NT Ammonium bicarbonate USE Malathion Carcajou USE Wolverine   Ammonium carbonate Carboranes Carcajous (Fictitious characters)   Barium carbonate [QD412.B1] USE Screech Owls (Fictitious characters)   Bastnaesite BT Boranes Carcaranã ́ River (Argentina)   Calcium carbonate   Organoboron compounds UF Río Carcaranã ́ (Argentina)   Carbonate minerals BT Rivers—Argentina   Carbonate rocks Carborundum Carcaranã ́ River Watershed (Argentina)   Irrigation water—Carbonate content USE Silicon carbide BT Watersheds—Argentina   Magnesium carbonate Carcase furniture   Polycarbonates Carboxy-lyases USE Case goods   Sodium bicarbonate USE Decarboxylases Carcases, Animal   Sodium carbonate USE Animal carcasses   Soils—Carbonate content Carboxycathepsin Carcasses, Animal   Strontium carbonate USE Angiotensin converting enzyme USE Animal carcasses Carbonatites  (May Subd Geog) Carcasses, Cattle [QE462.C36] Carboxylic acids  (May Subd Geog) USE Cattle—Carcasses BT Carbonate rocks BT Organic acids Carcasses, Livestock   Igneous rocks NT Acrylic acid USE Livestock—Carcasses Carbondiamide imide   Acyclic acids Carcesa (Extinct city) USE Guanidine   Adipic acid USE Carteia (Extinct city) Carbonear Bay (N.L.)   Alkanoic acids Carcharhinidae  (May Subd Geog) BT Bays—Newfoundland and Labrador   Beclobrate [QL638.95.C3 (Zoology)] Carboni, Angel (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog)   Benzoic acid UF Requiem sharks UF Angel Carboni (Fictitious character)   Cephradine   Whaler sharks   Detective Carboni (Fictitious character)   Citric acid BT Carcharhiniformes Carbonic acid   Clavulanic acid NT Carcharhinus [TP244.C1]   Crassulacean acid metabolism   Ctenacis BT Carbon dioxide   Diflunisal   Galeocerdo   Organic acids   Dioctyl adipate   Galeorhinus NT Bicarbonate ions   Endiandric acids   Gollum   Carbonates   Fatty acids   Prionace Carbonic acid gas   Formic acid   Rhizoprionodon USE Carbon dioxide   Glutaconic acid Carcharhiniformes  (May Subd Geog) Carbonic anhydrase   Hydroxy acids [QL638.94.C37 (Zoology)] [QP613.C37]   Imino acids UF Ground sharks UF Carbonate dehydratase   Isonicotinic acid BT Chondrichthyes BT Lyases   Lactates   Zinc enzymes   Lipoic acid Carbonic anhydride   Lonidamine USE Carbon dioxide   Malonic acid Carbonic oxide   Mupirocin USE Carbon monoxide   Neodecanoic acid Carboniferous Periods   Niacin USE Geology, Stratigraphic—Carboniferous   Nicergoline   Paleobotany—Carboniferous   Nifedipine   Paleogeography—Carboniferous   Nimodipine   Paleontology—Carboniferous   Nisoldipine   Nitrendipine   Nitrobenzoic acid   Orotic acid C-94

  Sharks Carcharias griseus Carchenna Site (Switzerland) NT Carcharhinidae USE Sand tiger shark BT Switzerland—Antiquities   Hammerhead sharks Carcharias hemprichii Carcherelli Villa (Scandicci, Italy)   Scyliorhinidae USE Tiger shark USE Castello dell'Acciaiolo (Scandicci, Italy)   Triakidae Carcharhinus  (May Subd Geog) Carcharias hirundinaceus Carcinoembryonic antigen [QL638.95.C3 (Zoology)] USE Blue shark USE CEA (Oncology) UF Aprionodon   Carcharinus Carcharias insularum Carcinoembryonic antigen genes   Eulamia USE Oceanic whitetip shark USE CEA genes   Galeolamna   Gillisqualus Carcharias isodon Carcinoembryonic antigens   Gray sharks USE Finetooth shark USE CEA (Oncology)   Hypoprion   Platypodon Carcharias limbatus Carcinoembryonic proteins   Pterolamiops USE Blacktip shark USE CEA (Oncology)   Uranga BT Carcharhinidae Carcharias maculipinna Carcinogenesis  (May Subd Geog) NT Blacktip shark USE Blacktip shark [RC268.5-RC268.7]   Bull shark Here are entered works on the pathogenic   Carcharhinus obscurus Carcharias menisorrah   Finetooth shark USE Silky shark mechanisms underlying cancer induction. Works on   Oceanic whitetip shark the factors that cause cancer are entered under   Sandbar shark Carcharias microps Cancer--Etiology.   Silky shark USE Blacktip shark   Spinner shark UF Cancer—Pathogenesis Carcharhinus atrodorsus Carcharias milberti   Oncogenesis USE Silky shark USE Sandbar shark   Pathogenesis of cancer Carcharhinus brevipina   Tumorigenesis USE Spinner shark Carcharias muelleri Carcharhinus brevipinna USE Blacktip shark BT Pathology USE Spinner shark RT Genetic toxicology Carcharhinus falciformes Carcharias obtusus NT Chemical carcinogenesis USE Silky shark USE Oceanic whitetip shark Carcharhinus falciformis   Cocarcinogenesis USE Silky shark Carcharias owstoni   Microbial carcinogenesis Carcharhinus floridanus USE Sand tiger shark   Radiation carcinogenesis USE Silky shark — Animal models  (May Subd Geog) Carcharhinus isodon Carcharias phorcys USE Finetooth shark USE Blacktip shark BT Animal models in research Carcharhinus johnsoni — Immunological aspects USE Spinner shark Carcharias platensis Carcharhinus leucas USE Sand tiger shark USE Cancer—Immunological aspects USE Bull shark — Molecular aspects Carcharhinus limbatus Carcharias pleurotaenia USE Blacktip shark USE Blacktip shark [RC268.5] Carcharhinus longimanus UF Molecular carcinogenesis USE Oceanic whitetip shark Carcharias pugae BT Pathology, Molecular Carcharhinus macki USE Blue shark — Testing USE Blue shark USE Carcinogenicity testing Carcharhinus maculipinnis Carcharias taurus Carcinogenic activity testing USE Spinner shark USE Sand tiger shark USE Carcinogenicity testing Carcharhinus maou Carcinogenic agents USE Oceanic whitetip shark Carcharias tricuspidatus USE Carcinogens Carcharhinus menisorrah USE Sand tiger shark Carcinogenicity USE Silky shark USE subdivision Carcinogenicity under individual Carcharhinus natator Carchariidae   chemicals and groups of chemicals, e.g. USE Blacktip shark USE Odontaspididae   Copper--Carcinogenicity Carcharhinus obscurus  (May Subd Geog) Carcinogenicity testing  (May Subd Geog) [QL638.95.C3] Carcharins menisorrah [RC268.65] UF Bay shark USE Silky shark UF Carcinogenesis—Testing   Dusky shark   Carcinogenic activity testing BT Carcharhinus Carcharinus   Carcinogens—Testing Carcharhinus plumbers USE Carcharhinus   Testing for carcinogenicity USE Sandbar shark BT Chronic toxicity testing Carcharias  (May Subd Geog) Carcharinus brevipinna   Oncology, Experimental [QL638.95.O3 (Zoology)] USE Spinner shark Carcinogens  (May Subd Geog) UF Eugomphodus [Former heading] [RC268.6-RC268.7] BT Odontaspididae Carcharinus glaucus UF Cancer causing agents NT Sand tiger shark USE Blue shark   Carcinogenic agents Carcharias abbreviatus   Oncogens USE Blacktip shark Carcharinus johnsoni BT Hazardous substances Carcharias aethalorus USE Spinner shark SA subdivision Carcinogenicity under individual USE Blacktip shark   chemicals and groups of chemicals, e.g. Carcharias aethlorus Carcharinus limbatus   Copper--Carcinogenicity USE Blacktip shark USE Blacktip shark NT Acetylaminofluorene Carcharias arenarius   Alkylating agents USE Sand tiger shark Carcharocles  (May Subd Geog)   Benzanthracenes Carcharias brevipinna [QE852.L35]   Benzopyrene USE Spinner shark BT Otodontidae   Cocarcinogens Carcharias ehrenbergi NT Carcharocles megalodon   Cyclopentaphenanthrene USE Blacktip shark   Dichloromethyl ether Carcharias falciformis Carcharocles megalodon  (May Subd Geog)   Dimethylaminoazobenzene USE Silky shark [QE852.L35 (Paleozoology)]   Dimethylnitrosamine Carcharias falcipinnis [QL89.2.C37 (Cryptozoology)] — Dose-effect relationship USE Silky shark UF Carcharodon megalodon USE Carcinogens—Dose-response relationship Carcharias fasciatus   Megalodon — Dose-response relationship USE Tiger shark BT Carcharocles UF Carcinogens—Dose-effect relationship Carcharias glaucus — Information storage and retrieval systems USE Blue shark Carcharodon  (May Subd Geog) USE Information storage and retrieval Carcharias gracilis [QL638.95.L3 (Zoology)] USE Blue shark BT Mackerel sharks   systems—Carcinogens NT White shark — Testing Carcharodon carcharias USE Carcinogenicity testing USE White shark Carcinoid  (May Subd Geog) Carcharodon megalodon UF Argentaffinoma USE Carcharocles megalodon   Carcinoid tumors Carcharodontosauridae  (May Subd Geog) BT Chromaffin cells—Tumors [QE862.S3]   Neuroendocrine tumors BT Saurischia NT Neovenator NT Malignant carcinoid syndrome Carcinoid heart disease  (May Subd Geog) Carcharodus  (May Subd Geog) [QL561.H5 (Zoology)] [RC685.C16] BT Hesperiidae BT Heart—Diseases NT Tufted marbled skipper   Malignant carcinoid syndrome Carcharodus floccifera USE Tufted marbled skipper Carchemish (Extinct city) UF Barak (Extinct city)   Carchemus (Extinct city)   Djerabis (Extinct city)   Europas (Extinct city)   Jarablos (Extinct city)   Kargamış (Extinct city)   Karkamıș (Extinct city) BT Extinct cities—Turkey   Turkey—Antiquities Carchemus (Extinct city) USE Carchemish (Extinct city) C-95

Carcinoid tumors   Legend of the Five Rings (Game) Cardamine yellow mosaic virus USE Carcinoid   Loo (Game) USE Turnip yellow mosaic virus   Lotería (Game) Carcinologists  (May Subd Geog)   Magic: The Gathering (Game) Cardaminopsis arenosa BT Zoologists   Munchkin (Game) USE Arabidopsis arenosa NT Women carcinologists   Musical card games   NetRunner (Game) Cardamom industry  (May Subd Geog) Carcinology  (May Subd Geog)   Ombre (Game) [HD9211.C35-HD9211.C354] UF Cancerology   Panguingue (Game) BT Spice trade   Cancrology   Parket (Game) BT Zoology   Pedro (Game) Cardamom Mountains (Cambodia and Thailand) RT Crustacea   Pinochle USE Krav̂ anh Mountains (Cambodia and Thailand)   Piquet (Game) Carcinoma   Poker Cardamom Range (Cambodia and Thailand) USE Cancer   Poker for women USE Krav̂ anh Mountains (Cambodia and Thailand)   Portal (Game) Carcinoma adenoides cysticum   Potomac (Game) Cardamoms  (May Subd Geog) USE Adenoid cystic carcinoma   Quadrille (Game) [QK495.Z65 (Botany)]   Quintille (Game) [SB307.C3 (Culture)] Carcinonemertes  (May Subd Geog)   Rook (Game) UF Cardamon [QL391.N6]   Rummy (Game)   Elettaria cardamomum BT Carcinonemertidae   Russian bank (Game) BT Elettaria   Sancho-Pedro (Game) Carcinonemertidae  (May Subd Geog)   Scoop (Game) Cardamon [QL391.N6]   Scopa USE Cardamoms BT Hoplonemertea   Skat (Game) NT Carcinonemertes   Skicket (Game) Cardamum Island (India)   Society (Game) USE Kadmat Island (India) Carcinophora  (May Subd Geog)   Solitaire (Game) [QL510.3.C37 (Zoology)]   Solo-sixty (Game) Cardaria BT Carcinophoridae   Spades (Game) USE Lepidium   Spellfire (Game) Carcinophoridae  (May Subd Geog)   Tarot (Game) Cardboard [QL510.3.C37 (Zoology)]   Terziglio (Game) USE Paperboard BT Earwigs   Trade (Game) NT Carcinophora   Tresette (Game) Cardboard (Tree)   Uncle Sam (Game) USE Ilomba Carcinus  (May Subd Geog)   Vienna (Game) [QL444.M33 (Zoology)]   Vira (Game) Cardboard art  (May Subd Geog) BT Swimming crabs   Whist BT Art NT Carcinus maenas   Zoo (Game) RT Paperboard — Equipment and supplies Carcinus maenas  (May Subd Geog) Cardboard boats  (May Subd Geog) [QL444.M33] NT Playing cards [VM357] UF Common shore crab Card games in art  (Not Subd Geog) BT Boats and boating   Green crab Card games in literature  (Not Subd Geog)   Shore crab, Common Card players  (May Subd Geog) Cardboard furniture  (May Subd Geog) BT Carcinus [NK2712.64] UF Players, Card BT Furniture Card castles (Playing card constructions) NT Bridge players RT Paperboard USE Houses of cards (Playing card constructions)   Card dealers Cardboard sculpture  (May Subd Geog) Card catalogs  (May Subd Geog)   Poker players BT Sculpture UF Catalogs, Card [Former heading] Card players in art  (Not Subd Geog) RT Paperboard   Library card catalogs Card sharping BT Library catalogs USE Cardsharping Cardboard tube craft  (May Subd Geog) Card shuffling  (May Subd Geog) BT Paper work — Use studies UF Playing cards—Shuffling BT Library use studies   Shuffling of cards Cardcastles (Playing card constructions) RT Playing cards USE Houses of cards (Playing card constructions) Card counting  (May Subd Geog) Card stacking (Playing card construction) Here are entered works on systems and USE Houses of cards (Playing card constructions) Carde family Card system in business  (May Subd Geog) USE Card family techniques used to determine the number and value [HF5736-HF5746] of undealt cards in games such as blackjack and UF Indexes, Card Cardella family poker, including casino and cardroom responses to BT Accounting USE Cardelli family such activity.   Bookkeeping   Business Cardelli family  (Not Subd Geog) UF Counting, Card   Office equipment and supplies UF Cardella family RT Card games NT Punched card systems   Cardello family Card dealers  (May Subd Geog) Card table, Eames UF Dealers (Cards) USE Eames plywood folding tables Cardello family BT Card players Card tables  (May Subd Geog) USE Cardelli family Card family  (Not Subd Geog) BT Tables UF Carde family Card tricks  (May Subd Geog) Carden-Baynes Bee (Private plane) Card games  (May Subd Geog) [GV1549] USE Bee (Private plane) [GV1232-GV1299] UF Playing cards—Tricks UF Cards [Former heading] BT Tricks Carden family  (Not Subd Geog) BT Games NT Fortune-telling by cards Cardeña y Montoro, Parque Natural de la Sierra de RT Card counting Card weaving NT Authors (Game) [TT848] (Spain) UF Tablet weaving USE Parque Natural de la Sierra de Cardenã y   Baccarat BT Hand weaving   Belote (Game)   Weaving   Montoro (Spain)   Bezique Carda family  (Not Subd Geog) Cardenal family  (Not Subd Geog)   Calypso (Game) Cardamat Island (India)   Cardsharping USE Kadmat Island (India) RT Cardinal family   Collectible card games Cardamindaceae Cárdenas Bay (Cuba)   Concentration (Game) USE Tropaeolaceae   Cribbage Cardamine  (May Subd Geog) UF Bahiá de Caŕ denas (Cuba)   Duette (Game) [QK495.C9] BT Bays—Cuba   Eć arté (Game) BT Cruciferae Caŕ denas family  (Not Subd Geog)   Euchre NT Milkmaids (Plant) Caŕ denas River (Panama, Panama)   Expansion (Game) Cardamine californica UF Río Cárdenas (Panama, Panama)   Five hundred (Game) USE Milkmaids (Plant) BT Rivers—Panama   Fortune-telling by cards Cardenolides   Forty-five (Game) BT Steroids   Gaigle (Game) NT Digoxin   Gems of art (Game)   Graft (Game)   Peruvoside   Guest (Game) Carder family  (Not Subd Geog)   Guinõ te (Game) Cardew family   Hachi-ju-hachi (Game)   Hanafuda (Game) USE Carthew family   Hearts (Game) Cardia   Hofämterspiel (Game)   Jass (Game) UF Ostium cardiacum   Jo-jotte (Game) BT Stomach   Kahiko (Game) — Surgery  (May Subd Geog) Cardiac anesthesia USE Anesthesia in cardiology Cardiac arrest  (May Subd Geog) [RC685.C173] UF Arrest, Cardiac   Cardiopulmonary arrest   Heart arrest   Sudden cardiac death BT Heart—Diseases RT Heart failure NT Cardiac resuscitation   Ventricular fibrillation C-96

— Treatment  (May Subd Geog) Cardiac inotropic agents, Positive Cardiac surgery NT CPR (First aid) USE Cardiotonic agents USE Heart—Surgery Cardiac arrest, Induced  (May Subd Geog) Cardiac insufficiency Cardiac tamponade  (May Subd Geog) [QP114.A75 (Physiology)] USE Heart failure [RC685.C] [RD598.35.I53 (Surgery)] UF Hemopericardium UF Cardioplegia Cardiac intensive care  (May Subd Geog)   Rose's tamponade   Heart—Paralysis, Induced [RC684.C36]   Tamponade, Cardiac   Induced cardiac arrest UF Cardiac critical care BT Heart—Diseases   Paralysis of the heart, Induced   Cardiovascular critical care   Pericardium—Diseases BT Heart—Surgery   Cardiovascular intensive care   Intensive care, Cardiac Cardiac valve diseases Cardiac arrest in children  (May Subd Geog) BT Cardiology USE Heart valves—Diseases [RJ426.C]   Critical care medicine BT Pediatric cardiology Cardiac valves Cardiac manifestations of general diseases USE Heart valves Cardiac arrhythmia USE Cardiological manifestations of general USE Arrhythmia   diseases Cardiac ventricles USE Heart—Ventricles Cardiac atrium Cardiac massage  (May Subd Geog) USE Heart atrium UF Heart—Massage Cardiacs   Heart massage USE Heart—Diseases—Patients Cardiac biopsy BT Cardiac resuscitation USE Heart—Biopsy   Massage therapy Cardiacs, Cookery for USE Heart—Diseases—Diet therapy—Recipes Cardiac block Cardiac metabolism USE Heart block USE Heart—Metabolism Cardialgia USE Heartburn Cardiac blood-vessels Cardiac murmurs USE Heart—Blood-vessels USE Heart murmurs Cardiel Lake (Argentina) UF Lago Cardiel (Argentina : Lake) Cardiac calcification Cardiac muscle BT Lakes—Argentina USE Heart—Calcification USE Myocardium Cardiel Lake Watershed (Argentina) Cardiac care nursing Cardiac necrosis BT Watersheds—Argentina USE Heart—Diseases—Nursing USE Heart—Necrosis Cardiff Arms Park (Cardiff, South Glamorgan) Cardiac care units Cardiac nerves USE Cardiff Arms Park (Cardiff, Wales) USE Coronary care units USE Heart—Innervation Cardiff Arms Park (Cardiff, Wales) Cardiac catheterization  (May Subd Geog) Cardiac nursing [GV416] [RC683.5.C25 (Diagnosis)] USE Heart—Diseases—Nursing UF Cardiff Arms Park (Cardiff, South Glamorgan) [RD598.35.C35 (Surgery)]   [Former heading] UF Heart—Catheterization Cardiac output BT Stadiums—Wales   Heart catheterization [QP113] BT Catheterization RT Hemodynamics Cardiff Canal (Wales)   Heart—Diseases—Diagnosis USE Glamorganshire Canal (Wales)   Heart—Surgery Cardiac pacemaker industry  (May Subd Geog) NT Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty [HD9995.C36-HD9995.C364] Cardiff Castle (Cardiff, Wales) BT Cardiovascular equipment industry UF Caerdydd, Castell (Cardiff, Wales) — Complications  (May Subd Geog)   Medical electronics equipment industry   Castell Caerdydd (Cardiff, Wales) UF Cardiac catheterization—Complications BT Castles—Wales   and sequelae [Former heading] Cardiac pacemakers  (May Subd Geog) [RC684.P3] Cardiff Civic Centre (Cardiff, Wales) — Complications and sequelae UF Artificial cardiac pacemakers UF Cathays Park (Cardiff, Wales) USE Cardiac catheterization—Complications   Artificial pacemakers, Cardiac   Civic Centre (Cardiff, Wales)   Heart pacemakers   Parc Cathays (Cardiff, Wales) Cardiac catheterization in children  (May Subd Geog)   Pacemaker, Artificial (Heart) [Former heading] BT City halls—Wales [RJ423.5.C36]   Pacemakers, Cardiac   Civic centers—Wales BT Pediatric cardiology   Pacers (Cardiac pacemakers) BT Cardiovascular instruments, Implanted Cardiff Explosives Trial, Cardiff, South Glamorgan, 1983 Cardiac cells USE Cardiff Explosives Trial, Cardiff, Wales, 1983 USE Heart cells — Complications  (May Subd Geog) Cardiac pacing  (May Subd Geog) Cardiff Explosives Trial, Cardiff, Wales, 1983 Cardiac conduction system [KD9424.C35] USE Heart conduction system [RC684.P3] UF Cardiff Explosives Trial, Cardiff, South UF Artificial cardiac pacing   Glamorgan, 1983 [Former heading] Cardiac critical care   Explosives Trial, Cardiff, Wales, 1983 USE Cardiac intensive care   Cardiac pacing, Artificial BT Trials (Conspiracy)—Wales   Heart pacing Cardiac cycle   Pacing, Cardiac Cardiff giant USE Heart beat BT Arrhythmia—Treatment BT Forgery of antiquities—New York (State)   Electric stimulation Cardiac-dead organ donation Cardiac pacing, Artificial Cardigan, Jake (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) USE Non-heart-beating organ donation USE Cardiac pacing UF Jake Cardigan (Fictitious character) Cardiac pacing in children  (May Subd Geog) Cardiac depressants [RJ424.5.C37] Cardigan (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) USE Myocardial depressants BT Pediatric cardiology Cardigan Bay (Wales) Cardiac patients Cardiac diagnostic imaging USE Heart—Diseases—Patients BT Bays—Wales USE Heart—Imaging Cardiac receptors   Inlets—Wales [QP114.R43] Cardiac digital angiography UF Heart receptors Cardigan Castle (Cardigan, Wales) USE Angiocardiography—Digital techniques   Receptors, Cardiac UF Alberteifi Castle (Cardigan, Wales) BT Cardiovascular receptors   Castell Aberteifi (Cardigan, Wales) Cardiac diseases   Heart BT Castles—Wales USE Heart—Diseases   Muscle receptors Cardiac regeneration Cardigan corgi Cardiac drugs USE Myocardium—Regeneration USE Cardigan Welsh corgi USE Cardiovascular agents Cardiac rehabilitation USE Heart—Diseases—Patients—Rehabilitation Cardigan Welsh corgi  (May Subd Geog) Cardiac electroversion Cardiac remodeling, Ventricular [SF429.C34] USE Electric countershock USE Ventricular remodeling UF Cardigan corgi Cardiac resuscitation   Corgi, Cardigan Welsh Cardiac emergencies UF Heart resuscitation   Welsh corgi, Cardigan USE Cardiovascular emergencies   Resuscitation, Heart   Welsh corgis [Former heading] BT Cardiac arrest BT Dog breeds Cardiac failure   Resuscitation USE Heart failure RT CPR (First aid) Cardiidae  (May Subd Geog) NT Cardiac massage [QL430.7.C2] Cardiac fibrosis   Electric countershock UF Cockles (Mollusks) USE Heart—Fibrosis Cardiac rupture   Heart shells USE Heart—Rupture BT Veneroida Cardiac function tests Cardiac sphincter NT Cardium USE Heart function tests USE Cardioesophageal sphincter   Cerastoderma Cardiac stimulants   Clinocardium Cardiac glycosides  (May Subd Geog) USE Cardiotonic agents   Didacna [RM349] UF Cardiotonic steroids Cardiidae, Fossil  (May Subd Geog) BT Cardiotonic agents [QE812.C3]   Glycosides BT Veneroida, Fossil NT Digitalis (Drug)   Peruvoside Cardinal, John (Fictitious character)  (Not Subd Geog) UF John Cardinal (Fictitious character) Cardiac hypertrophy USE Heart—Hypertrophy Cardinal, Telescope (Fish) USE Epigonus telescopus Cardiac imaging USE Heart—Imaging Cardinal (Bird) USE Northern cardinal Cardiac infections USE Heart—Infections Cardiac inotropic agents, Negative USE Myocardial depressants C-97

Cardinal arithmetic NT Apogon   Kinematocardiography USE Cardinal numbers   Holapogon   Phonocardiography   Pseudamia Cardioid Cardinal-birds   Pterapogon [QA567] USE Cardinals (Birds) BT Curves, Quartic Cardinalfishes, Deepsea Cardiolipin Cardinal family  (Not Subd Geog) USE Epigonidae BT Antigens RT Cardenal family   Phospholipids Cardinalfishes, Deepwater Cardiologic emergencies Cardinal fish (Epigonus) USE Epigonidae USE Cardiovascular emergencies USE Epigonus telescopus Cardiological anesthesia Cardinalinae USE Anesthesia in cardiology Cardinal fishes USE Cardinals (Birds) Cardiological manifestations of general diseases USE Cardinalfishes   Grosbeaks (May Subd Geog) UF Cardiac manifestations of general diseases Cardinal Gold Mine (Calif.) Cardinalis  (May Subd Geog)   Cardiological symptoms of general diseases USE Cardinal Mine (Calif.) [QL696.P2438 (Zoology)] BT Cardiovascular system—Diseases UF Pyrrhuloxia   Symptoms Cardinal grosbeak   Richmondena Cardiological symptoms of general diseases USE Northern cardinal BT Cardinals (Birds) USE Cardiological manifestations of general   Emberizidae   diseases Cardinal Mine (Calif.) NT Northern cardinal Cardiologists  (May Subd Geog) UF Bishop Creek-Cardinal Gold Mine (Calif.) BT Medical scientists   Cardinal Gold Mine (Calif.) Cardinalis cardinalis   Physicians   Wilshire-Bishop Creek Mine (Calif.) USE Northern cardinal NT Pediatric cardiologists BT Gold mines and mining—California — Legal status, laws, etc.  (May Subd Geog) Cardinalis virginianus — Malpractice  (May Subd Geog) Cardinal numbers USE Northern cardinal UF Arithmetic, Cardinal UF Tort liability of cardiologists   Cardinal arithmetic Cardinals  (May Subd Geog) BT Malpractice   Cardinals (Numbers) [BX4663-BX4665 (Collected biography)] Cardiology  (May Subd Geog)   Numbers, Cardinal [Former heading] BT Catholic Church—Clergy RT Heart—Diseases BT Set theory NT Black cardinals BT Internal medicine   Transfinite numbers   Cardinal protectors NT Anesthesia in cardiology NT Billion (The number)   Cardiac intensive care   Eight (The number) Cardinals, Large (Mathematics)   Electronics in cardiology   Eleven (The number) USE Large cardinals (Mathematics)   Forensic cardiology   Five (The number)   Geriatric cardiology   Forty (The number) Cardinals (Birds)  (May Subd Geog)   Pediatric cardiology   Four (The number) [QL696.P2438 (Zoology)]   Radioisotopes in cardiology   Four hundred (The number) UF Cardinal-birds [Former heading]   Veterinary cardiology   Hundred (The number)   Cardinalinae — Research  (May Subd Geog)   Martin's axiom BT Emberizidae UF Heart—Research   Million (The number) NT Cardinalis   Nine (The number)   Heart research   Nineteen (The number) Cardinals (Numbers) — Study and teaching  (May Subd Geog)   One (The number) USE Cardinal numbers — Terminology   Seven (The number) Cardiology, Experimental   Seven hundred (The number) Cardinals in art  (Not Subd Geog)   Seventy (The number) Cardinals Stadium (Glendale, Ariz.) UF Experimental cardiology   Six (The number) BT Pathology, Experimental   Ten (The number) USE University of Phoenix Stadium (Glendale, Ariz.)   Thirteen (The number) Carding   Physiology, Experimental   Thousand (The number) Cardiology, Forensic   Three (The number) [TS1485]   Trillion (The number) BT Spinning USE Forensic cardiology   Twelve (The number) Cardiology, Molecular   Two (The number)   Textile industry   Zero (The number) NT Cotton carding USE Heart—Molecular aspects Cardiology in bookplates  (Not Subd Geog) — Religious aspects   Wool-carding [BL65.N85] Carding (Internet fraud) [Z994.5.C37] BT Medical bookplates Cardinal points USE Phishing Cardiomegaly [G108.5.C3] Carding-machines  (May Subd Geog) USE Heart—Dilatation UF Compass card   Compass rose [TS1487]   Heart—Hypertrophy   Points of the compass BT Textile machinery Cardiomyocytes BT Compass NT Combing machines NT North (The word) Cardini Cave (Italy) USE Heart cells   Orientation (Religion) UF Grotta Cardini (Italy) Cardiomyopathies BT Caves—Italy Cardinal protectors USE Myocardium—Diseases Here are entered works on cardinals appointed to   Italy—Antiquities Cardiomyopathy Cardinia  (May Subd Geog) oversee the interests of particular religious orders, USE Myocardium—Diseases congregations, nations, etc. but without any [QE812.V45] Cardiomyoplasty  (May Subd Geog) jurisdiction over them. BT Cardiniidae, Fossil Cardiniidae, Fossil  (May Subd Geog) [RD598.35.C37] BT Cardinals [QE812.V45] UF Myocardioplasty Cardinal River (Alta.) BT Veneroida, Fossil BT Heart—Surgery NT Cardinia BT Rivers—Alberta Cardioangiography   Striated muscle—Transplantation Cardinal River Watershed (Alta.) USE Angiocardiography   Surgery, Plastic Cardiochiles  (May Subd Geog) Cardionatrin BT Watersheds—Alberta [QL568.I2] USE Atrial natriuretic peptides Cardinal virtues BT Ichneumonidae Cardioplegia Cardiocytes USE Cardiac arrest, Induced [BV4645] USE Heart cells Cardiopneumatic system UF Moral virtues Cardioesophageal sphincter USE Cardiopulmonary system UF Cardiac sphincter Cardioprotective agents   Virtues, Cardinal USE Cardiotonic agents   Virtues, Moral   Gastroesophageal sphincter Cardioptosis BT Christian ethics   Sphincter constrictor cardiae USE Heart—Displacement   Ethics BT Esophagogastric junction Cardiopulmonary arrest   Virtues Cardiogenic reflexes  (May Subd Geog) USE Cardiac arrest NT Temperance (Virtue) [QP114.C37] Cardiopulmonary bypass  (May Subd Geog) — History of doctrines BT Reflexes [RD598] Cardinal virtues in art  (Not Subd Geog) Cardiogenic shock  (May Subd Geog) UF Bypass, Cardiopulmonary Cardinal virtues in literature  (Not Subd Geog) [RC685.C18]   Heart-lung bypass Cardinalfish (Epigonus) UF Circulatory shock BT Blood—Circulation, Artificial USE Epigonus telescopus BT Myocardial infarction   Heart—Surgery Cardinalfishes  (May Subd Geog)   Shock   Heart, Mechanical [QL638.A7 (Zoology)] Cardiographic tomography Cardiopulmonary fitness  (May Subd Geog) UF Apogonidae [Former heading] USE Heart—Tomography BT Physical fitness   Cardinal fishes Cardiography   Cheilodipteridae [RC683]   Chilodipteridae BT Heart BT Perciformes   Heart—Diseases—Diagnosis NT Echocardiography   Heart rate monitoring C-98

— Measurement BT Cardiovascular system—Diseases — — Nursing  (May Subd Geog) NT Maximal oxygen uptake   Pregnancy—Complications [RC674] UF Cardiovascular disease nursing Cardiopulmonary perfusionists Cardiovascular drugs   [Former heading] USE Perfusionists USE Cardiovascular agents — — Nutritional aspects  (May Subd Geog) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Cardiovascular emergencies  (May Subd Geog) — — Patients  (May Subd Geog) USE CPR (First aid) [RC675] UF Cardiac emergencies UF Cardiovascular patient [Former Cardiopulmonary system   Cardiologic emergencies   heading] UF Cardiopneumatic system   Emergencies, Cardiovascular   Cardiorespiratory system   Emergency cardiology — — Psychosomatic aspects  (May Subd Geog)   Pneumocardial system BT Medical emergencies — — Treatment  (May Subd Geog) BT Organs (Anatomy) NT Heart Cardiovascular equipment industry  (May Subd Geog) [RC671-RC671.5]   Lungs [HD9995.C36-HD9995.C364] NT Hemodilution   Respiratory organs BT Medical instruments and apparatus industry — Drug effects NT Cardiac pacemaker industry USE Cardiovascular pharmacology Cardiorespiratory system   Cardiovascular disease diagnostic equipment — Effect of drugs on USE Cardiopulmonary system   industry USE Cardiovascular pharmacology   Heart surgery instruments industry — Radiography  (May Subd Geog) Cardiospasm — Surgery  (May Subd Geog) UF Achalasia of the cardia Cardiovascular fitness  (May Subd Geog) [RD598] BT Esophagus—Diseases UF CVR fitness — — Complications  (May Subd Geog)   Spasms BT Health UF Cardiovascular   Physical fitness Cardiosurgical nursing   system—Surgery—Complications USE Heart—Surgery—Nursing Cardiovascular instruments, Implanted   and sequelae [Former heading] UF Implanted cardiovascular instruments — — Complications and sequelae Cardiotocography BT Biomedical engineering USE Cardiovascular USE Fetal heart rate monitoring   Electronics in cardiology   system—Surgery—Complications   Implants, Artificial — Syphilis  (May Subd Geog) Cardiotonic agents  (May Subd Geog) NT Cardiac pacemakers — Tuberculosis  (May Subd Geog) [RM349]   Heart, Artificial Cardiovascular system receptors UF Cardiac inotropic agents, Positive   Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators USE Cardiovascular receptors   Cardiac stimulants Cardiovascular toxicity   Cardioprotective agents Cardiovascular intensive care USE Cardiovascular toxicology   Cardiotonic drugs USE Cardiac intensive care Cardiovascular toxicology  (May Subd Geog)   Cardiotonics [RC677]   Inotropic agents, Positive cardiac Cardiovascular nuclear medicine UF Cardiovascular toxicity   Myocardial stimulants USE Radioisotopes in cardiology BT Toxicology   Positive cardiac inotropic agents Cardioversion BT Cardiovascular agents Cardiovascular patient USE Electric countershock   Stimulants USE Cardiovascular system—Diseases—Patients Cardisoma  (May Subd Geog) NT Cardiac glycosides   Heart—Diseases—Patients [QL444.M33]   Milrinone BT Gecarcinidae Cardiovascular perfusionists NT Cardisoma guanhumi Cardiotonic drugs USE Perfusionists Cardisoma diurnum USE Cardiotonic agents USE Cardisoma guanhumi Cardiovascular pharmacology  (May Subd Geog) Cardisoma guanhumi  (May Subd Geog) Cardiotonic steroids [RM345-RM349] [QL444.M33] USE Cardiac glycosides UF Cardiovascular system—Drug effects UF Cardisoma diurnum   Cardiovascular system—Effect of drugs on   Cardisoma quedrata Cardiotonics BT Pharmacology   Ocypoda gigantea USE Cardiotonic agents NT Heart—Effect of drugs on BT Cardisoma Cardisoma quedrata Cardiovascular agents  (May Subd Geog) Cardiovascular receptors USE Cardisoma guanhumi [RM345-RM349] UF Cardiovascular system receptors Cardiss Collins Post Office Building (Chicago, Ill.) UF Cardiac drugs   Receptors, Cardiovascular UF Collins Post Office Building (Chicago, Ill.)   Cardiovascular drugs BT Cardiovascular system BT Post office buildings—Illinois BT Drugs   Cell receptors Carditidae  (May Subd Geog) RT Heart—Diseases—Chemotherapy NT Cardiac receptors [QL430.7.C24 (Zoology)] NT Amlodipine BT Veneroida   Antilipemic agents Cardiovascular services in hospitals NT Venericardia   Calcium—Antagonists USE Hospitals—Cardiovascular services Carditidae, Fossil  (May Subd Geog)   Cardiotonic agents [QE812.C35]   Clopidogrel Cardiovascular services in military hospitals BT Veneroida, Fossil   Hydralazine USE Military hospitals—Cardiovascular services NT Venericardia, Fossil   Hypotensive agents Cardium  (May Subd Geog)   If inhibitors Cardiovascular services in veterans' hospitals [QL430.7.C2]   Isoproterenol USE Veterans' hospitals—Cardiovascular services BT Cardiidae   Metoprolol NT Cardium glaucum   Myocardial depressants Cardiovascular syndrome, Metabolic Cardium corbis   Practolol USE Metabolic syndrome USE Nuttall cockle   Theophylline Cardium edule   Vasoconstrictors Cardiovascular system USE Cerastoderma edule   Vasodilators [QL835-QL841 (Comparative anatomy)] Cardium glaucum  (May Subd Geog)   Verapamil [QM178-QM197 (Human anatomy)] [QL430.7.C2] UF Circulatory system BT Cardium Cardiovascular agents industry  (May Subd Geog)   Vascular system Cardo (Jerusalem) [HD9675.C28-HD9675.C284] RT Blood—Circulation This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Pharmaceutical industry SA subdivision Cardiovascular system under subdivision. NT Antilipemic agents industry   individual animals and groups of animals,   Hypotensive agents industry   e.g. Fishes--Cardiovascular system UF Cardo Maximus (Jerusalem) NT Blood-vessels BT Streets—Jerusalem Cardiovascular conditioning   Cardiovascular receptors Cardo Maximus (Jerusalem) USE Vasomotor conditioning   Heart USE Cardo (Jerusalem)   Vasomotor system Cardoń cactus Cardiovascular critical care USE Pachycereus pringlei USE Cardiac intensive care — Abnormalities  (May Subd Geog) Cardon family  (Not Subd Geog) [RC701] UF Kardong family Cardiovascular disease diagnostic equipment industry UF Cardiovascular system—Abnormities and Cardona family  (Not Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog)   deformities [Former heading] RT Castillo Cardona family [HD9995.C36-HD9995.C364] Cardoon  (May Subd Geog) BT Cardiovascular equipment industry — Abnormities and deformities [SB351.C]   Diagnostic equipment industry USE Cardiovascular system—Abnormalities UF Cynara cardunculus Cardós River (Spain) Cardiovascular disease nursing — Aging UF Noguera de Cardós River (Spain) USE Cardiovascular system—Diseases—Nursing — Diseases  (May Subd Geog) Cardiovascular diseases [RC666-RC701] USE Cardiovascular system—Diseases UF Cardiovascular diseases NT Blood circulation disorders Cardiovascular diseases in old age  (May Subd Geog) [RC669.7]   Cardiological manifestations of general BT Cardiovascular system—Diseases   diseases   Older people—Diseases   Cardiovascular diseases in old age   Cardiovascular diseases in pregnancy Cardiovascular diseases in pregnancy   Thrombosis (May Subd Geog) — — Diagnosis  (May Subd Geog) [RG580.C33] [RC670-RC670.5] — — — Equipment and supplies — — Mortality  (May Subd Geog) C-99

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