หมวด H HA-HN
H1-99 OUTLINE HA1-4737 Social sciences (General) HA29-32 HA36-37 Statistics HA38-39 Theory and method of social science statistics Statistical services. Statistical bureaus HA154-4737 Registration of vital events. Vital HA154-155 records HA175-4737 Statistical data Universal statistics HB1-3840 By region or country HB71-74 Economic theory. Demography HB75-130 Economics as a science. Relation to other subjects HB131-147 History of economics. History of economic HB135-147 theory Including special economic schools HB201-206 Methodology HB221-236 Mathematical economics. Quantitative methods HB238-251 Including econometrics, input-output HB501 analysis, game theory HB522-715 Value. Utility HB535-551 Price HB601 Competition. Production. Wealth HB615-715 Capital. Capitalism Income. Factor shares HB801-843 Interest HB846-846.8 Profit HB848-3697 Entrepreneurship. Risk and uncertainty. HB3711-3840 Property Consumption. Demand HC10-1085 Welfare theory HC79 Demography. Population. Vital events Business cycles. Economic fluctuations HC92 HC94-1085 Economic history and conditions Special topics Including air pollution, automation, consumer demand, famines, flow of funds, etc. Economic geography of the oceans (General) By region or country vii
HD28-9999 OUTLINE HD28-70 HD39-40.7 Industries. Land use. Labor HD41 Management. Industrial management HD45-45.2 Capital. Capital investments HD47-47.4 Competition HD49-49.5 Technological innovations. Automation Costs HD50-50.5 Crisis management. Emergency management. Inflation HD56-57.5 Delegation of authority. Decentralization. HD58 Span of control HD58.7-58.95 Industrial productivity Location of industry HD59-59.6 Organizational behavior, change and HD60-60.5 effectiveness. Corporate culture HD61 Public relations. Industrial publicity HD62 Social responsibility of business HD62.2-62.8 Risk in industry. Risk management HD66-66.2 Standardization. Simplification. Waste Management of special enterprises HD69 Work groups. Team work in industry. Quality circles HD72-88 Other HD101-1395.5 Including business consultants, capacity, size of industries, etc. HD1286-1289 Economic growth, development, planning HD1290-1291 Land use HD1301-1313 Land tenure HD1326-1329 Communal ownership HD1330-1331 Municipal ownership HD1332-1333.5 Nationalization (Agrarian socialism) HD1334-1335 Large holdings HD1336-1339 Landlord and peasant Land reform. Agrarian reform HD1361-1395.5 Consolidation of land holdings HD1401-2210 Small holdings. Peasant proprietors. HD1428-1431 Parcellation HD1470-1476 Real estate business HD1478 Agriculture HD1483-1486 International cooperation HD1491-1491.5 Size of farms Sharecropping Agricultural associations, societies, etc. Cooperative agriculture viii
HD1492-1492.5 OUTLINE HD1493-1493.5 Industries. Land use. Labor HD1501-1542 Agriculture - Continued Collective farms HD1549 Government owned and operated farms. State HD1580 farms. Sovkhozes HD1635-1702 Agricultural classes Including farm tenancy, agricultural HD1711-1741 laborers HD2321-4730.9 Gleaning HD2329 Reclamation of agricultural land. Melioration HD2330 Utilization and culture of special classes of HD2331-2336 lands HD2337-2339 Including pasture lands, water resources HD2340.8-2346.5 development Irrigation HD2350.8-2356 Industry HD2365-2385 Industrialization HD2421-2429 Rural industries HD2709-2930.7 Home labor. Home-based businesses Sweatshops HD2951-3575 Small and medium-sized businesses, artisans, HD3611-4730.9 handicrafts, trades Large industry. Factory system. Big business HD4801-8943 Contracting. Letting of contracts HD4861-4895 Trade associations HD4909-5100.9 Corporations HD5106-5267 Including international business enter- prises, diversification, industrial HD5306-5474 concentration, public utilites Cooperation. Cooperative societies Industrial policy. The state and industrial organization Including licensing of occupations and professions, subsidies, inspection, government ownership, municipal services Labor. Work. Working class Labor systems Wages Hours of labor Including overtime, shift work, sick leave, vacations Labor disputes. Strikes and lockouts ix
HD5481-5630.7 OUTLINE HD5650-5660 Industries. Land use. Labor Labor. Work. Working class - Continued HD5701-6000.9 Industrial arbitration. Mediation and conciliation HD6050-6305 Employee participation in management. Employee ownership. Industrial democracy. HD6350-6940.7 Works councils Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand HD6941-6948 Including unemployment, manpower policy, HD6951-6957 occupational training, employment agencies HD6958.5-6976 Classes of labor HD6977-7080 Including women, children, students, HD7088-7252 middle-aged and older persons, HD7255-7256 minorities Trade unions. Labor unions. Workers' HD7260-7780.8 associations HD7795-8027 Employers' associations HD8031 Industrial sociology. Social conditions of labor HD8038 Industrial relations HD8039 Cost and standard of living HD8045-8943 Social insurance. Social security. Pension HD9000-9999 Vocational rehabilitation. Employment of HD9000-9495 people with disabilities HD9502-9502.5 Industrial hygiene. Industrial welfare HD9506-9624 Labor policy. Labor and the state HD9650-9663 Labor in politics. Political activity of the HD9665-9675 working class HD9680-9714 Professions (General). Professional employees By industry or trade HD9715-9717.5 By region or country HD9720-9975 Special industries and trades Agricultural industries Energy industries. Energy policy. Fuel trade Mineral industries. Metal trade Chemical industries Pharmaceutical industry Mechanical industries Including electric utilities, electronic industries, and machinery Construction industry Manufacturing industries x
HD9999 OUTLINE HE1-9990 Industries. Land use. Labor HE199-199.5 Special industries and trades - Continued HE199.9 Miscellaneous industries and trades HE305-311 HE323-328 Transportation and communications HE331-380 Freight (General) Passenger traffic (General) HE369-373 Urban transportation HE374-377 Transportation geography. Trade routes HE379-380 Traffic engineering. Roads and highways. HE380.8-971 Streets HE380.8-560 Traffic surveys (General) HE561-971 Bridges HE730-943 Tunnels. Vehicular tunnels Water transportation HE1001-5600 Waterways HE5601-5725 Shipping Merchant marine. Ocean shipping. Coastwise HE5746-5749 shipping HE5751-5870 Railroads. Rapid transit systems HE5880-5990 Automotive transportation HE6000-7500 Including trucking, bus lines, and HE7511-7549 taxicab service HE7601-8700.9 Stage lines HE8660-8688 Ferries HE8689-8700.95 Express service HE8701-9680.7 Postal service. Stamps. Philately HE9713-9715 Pneumatic service Telecommunication industry. Telegraph HE9719-9721 Wireless telegraph. Radiotelegraphy HE9723-9737 Radio and television broadcasting HE9751-9756 Telephone industry HE9761-9900 Cellular telephone services industry. Wireless telephone industry HF1-6182 Artificial satellite telecommunications HF294-343 Signaling Messenger service HF1014 Air transportation. Airlines Commerce Boards of trade. Chambers of commerce. Merchants' associations Balance of trade xi
HF1021-1027 OUTLINE HF1040-1054 HF1701-2701 Commerce - Continued HF3000-4055 Commercial geography. Economic geography HF5001-6182 Commodities. Commercial products HF5381-5386 Tariff. Free trade. Protectionism HF5387-5387.5 By region or country HF5410-5417.5 Business HF5419-5422 Vocational guidance. Career development HF5428-5429.6 Business ethics HF5429.7-5430.6 Marketing. Distribution of products HF5437-5444 Wholesale trade Retail trade HF5446-5459 Shopping centers. Shopping malls HF5460-5469.5 Purchasing. Selling. Sales personnel. Sales executives HF5469.7-5481 Canvassing. Peddling HF5482-5482.4 Department stores. Mail order business. HF5482.6-5482.65 Supermarkets. Convenience stores HF5484-5495 Markets. Fairs HF5520-5541 Secondhand trade HF5546-5548.6 Black market HF5548.7-5548.85 Warehouses. Storage HF5549-5549.5 Office equipment and supplies Office management HF5601-5689 Industrial psychology HF5691-5716 Personnel management. Employment management HF5717-5734.7 Accounting. Bookkeeping Business mathematics. Commercial arithmetic HF5735-5746 Including tables, etc. HF5761-5780 Business communication HF5801-6182 Including business report writing, business correspondence HG1-9999 Business records management HG178 Shipment of goods. Delivery of goods HG179 Advertising HG201-1496 HG258-312 Finance HG315 Liquidity HG321-329 Personal finance Money Precious metals. Bullion Small coins Mints. Assaying xii
HG335-339 OUTLINE HG348-353.5 HG361-363 Finance HG381-395 Money - Continued HG401-421 Counterfeiting HG451-1496 Paper money HG1501-3550 Legal tender HG1621-1638 International coinage HG1641-1643 Bimetallism HG1651-1654 By region or country HG1655 Banking HG1656 Interest rates. Interest tables Bank loans. Bank credit. Commercial loans HG1660 Discount Acceptances HG1662 Bank reserves. Bank liquidity. Loan loss HG1685-1704 reserves HG1706-1708 Bank accounts. Bank deposits. Deposit HG1709 banking HG1710-1710.5 Insurance of deposits. Deposit insurance HG1722 Drafts. Checks HG1723 Accounting. Bookkeeping HG1725-1778 Data processing Electronic funds transfers HG1811-2351 Bank mergers Bank stocks. Banking as an investment HG2397-3550 Banks and the state. State supervision of HG3691-3769 banks Special classes of banks and financial HG3810-4000 institutions By region or country HG4001-4285 Credit. Debt. Loans Including credit institutions, credit HG4301-4480.9 instruments, consumer credit, bank- HG4501-6051 ruptcy HG4530 Foreign exchange. International finance. International monetary system HG4538 Finance management. Business finance. HG4551-4598 Corporation finance Trust services. Trust companies Investment, capital formation, speculation Investment companies. Investment trusts. Mutual funds Foreign investments Stock exchanges xiii
HG4621 OUTLINE HG4701-4751 Finance Investment, capital formation, speculation - Continued HG4900-5993 Stockbrokers. Security dealers. Investment HG6001-6051 advisers HG6105-6270.9 Government securities. Industrial securities. HG8011-9999 Venture capital HG8053.5-8054.45 By region or country Speculation HG8059 Lotteries HG8075-8107 Insurance HG8111-8123 Insurance for professions. Malpractice HG8205-8220 insurance. Professional liability insurance HG8501-8745 Business insurance HG8751-9295 Insurance business. Insurance management HG8779-8793 Government policy. State supervision Government insurance HG8799-8830 By region or country HG8835-8899 Life insurance HG8901-8914 Actuarial science. Statistical theory and HG8941-9200.5 methodology applied to insurance HG9201-9245 By class insured, by risk, by plan Life insurance business. Management HG9251-9262 Government policy. State supervision HG9271 By region or country Mutual life insurance. Assessment life HG9291-9295 insurance. Fraternal life insurance HG9301-9343 Industrial life insurance HG9371-9399 Child insurance. Life insurance for HG9651-9899 children HG9956-9969 Maternity insurance HG9969.5-9999 Accident insurance Health insurance HJ9-9940 Fire insurance HJ9-99.8 Casualty insurance HJ210-240 Other insurance HJ241-1620 Including automobile, burglary, credit, HJ2005-2216 disaster, title insurance Public finance Periodicals. Serials. By region or country History By region or country Income and expenditure. Budget xiv
HJ2240-5908 OUTLINE HJ2321-2323 HJ2326-2327 Public finance - Continued HJ2336-2337 Revenue. Taxation. Internal revenue HJ2338 Tax incidence. Tax shifting. Tax equity HJ2351 Progressive taxation HJ2351.4 Tax exemption HJ2361-3192.7 Taxation of government property HJ3801-3844 Inflation and taxation HJ3863-3925 Tax revenue estimating HJ4113-4601 By region or country HJ4629-4830 Revenue from sources other than taxation HJ4919-4936 Direct taxation HJ5309-5510 Property tax Income tax HJ6603-7390 Capitation. Poll tax HJ7461-7980 Administrative fees. User charges. HJ8001-8899 License fees HJ8052 Customs administration HJ8101-8899 Expenditures. Government spending HJ9103-9695 Public debts Sinking funds. Amortization HJ9701-9940 By region or country Local finance. Municipal finance HM(1)-1281 Including the revenue, budget, expenditure, (HM1-299) etc. of counties, boroughs, communes, municipalities, etc. HM435-477 Public accounting. Auditing HM461-473 Sociology HM481-554 These are obsolete numbers no longer used HM621-656 by the Library of Congress HM661-696 History of sociology. History of sociological HM701 theory HM706 Schools of sociology. Schools of social thought HM711-806 Theory. Method. Relations to other subjects HM756-781 Culture HM786-806 Social control HM811-821 Social systems HM826 Social structure HM831-901 Groups and organizations Community Organizational sociology. Organization theory Deviant behavior. Social deviance Social institutions Social change xv
HM1001-1281 OUTLINE HM1041-1101 Sociology - Continued HM1106-1171 Social psychology HM1176-1281 Social perception. Social cognition Including perception of the self and HN1-995 others, prejudices, stereotype Interpersonal relations. Social behavior HN30-39 Social influence. Social pressure HN41-46 HN50-995 Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform HQ1-2044 HQ12-449 The church and social problems HQ19-30.7 Community centers. Social centers HQ31-64 By region or country HQ71-72 HQ74-74.2 The Family. Marriage. Women HQ75-76.8 Sexual life HQ77-77.2 Sexual behavior and attitudes. Sexuality HQ77.7-77.95 Sex instruction and sexual ethics HQ79 Sexual deviations HQ101-440.7 Bisexuality HQ447 Homosexuality. Lesbianism HQ449 Transvestism HQ450-472 Transexualism HQ503-1064 Sadism. Masochism. Fetishism, etc. HQ750-755.5 Prostitution HQ755.7-759.92 Masturbation Emasculation. Eunuchs, etc. HQ760-767.7 Erotica HQ767.8-792.2 The family. Marriage. Home Eugenics HQ793-799.2 Parents. Parenthood HQ799.5-799.9 Including parent and child, husbands, HQ799.95-799.97 fathers, wives, mothers HQ800-800.4 Family size HQ801-801.83 Children. Child development HQ802 Including child rearing, child life, play, socialization, children's rights Youth. Adolescents. Teenagers Young men and women Adulthood Single people Man-woman relationships. Courtship. Dating Matrimonial bureaus. Marriage brokerage xvi
HQ802.5 OUTLINE HQ803 The Family. Marriage. Women HQ804 The family. Marriage. Home - Continued HQ805 Matrimonial advertisements HQ806 Temporary marriage. Trial marriage. HQ811-960.7 Companionate marriage HQ961-967 Breach of promise HQ981-996 Desertion HQ997 Adultery HQ998-999 Divorce HQ1001-1006 Free love HQ1051-1057 Polygamy HQ1058-1058.5 Polyandry HQ1060-1064 Illegitimacy. Unmarried mothers The state and marriage HQ1073-1073.5 The church and marriage HQ1075-1075.5 Widows and widowers. Widowhood HQ1088-1090.7 Aged. Gerontology (Social aspects). HQ1101-2030.7 Retirement HQ1871-2030.7 Thanatology. Death. Dying HQ2035-2039 Sex role Men HQ2042-2044 Women. Feminism Women's clubs HS1-3371 Life skills. Coping skills. Everyday living HS101-330.7 skills HS351-929 Life style HS951-1179 HS1201-1350 Societies: secret, benevolent, etc. HS1355 Secret societies HS1501-2460.7 Freemasons HS1501-1510 Odd Fellows Knights of Pythias HS1525-1560 Other societies HS1601-2265 Other societies. By classes HS2275 Benevolent and \"friendly\" societies and HS2301-2460.7 mutual assessment fraternities HS2501-3371 Religious societies Race societies Occupation societies Political and \"patriotic\" societies Clubs. Clubs and societies for special classes Including boys' societies, Boy scouts, girls' societies xvii
HT51-1595 OUTLINE HT51-65 HT101-395 Communities. Classes. Races HT161-165 Human settlements. Communities HT165.5-169.9 Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology HT170-178 Garden cities. \"The city beautiful\" HT201-221 City planning Urban renewal. Urban redevelopment HT231 City population HT251-265 Including children in cities, immigration HT281 Effect of city life HT321-325 Mental and moral life Recreation. Amusements HT330-334 The city as an economic factor. City HT351-352 promotion HT361-384 Metropolitan areas HT388 Suburban cities and towns HT390-395 Urbanization. City and country HT401-485 Regional economics. Space in economics HT601-1445 Regional planning HT621-635 Rural groups. Rural sociology HT641-657 Classes Origin of social classes HT675-690 Classes arising from birth HT713-725 Including royalty, nobility, commons HT731 Classes arising from occupation HT751-815 Caste system HT851-1445 Freedmen HT1501-1595 Serfdom Slavery HV1-9960 Races Including race as a social group and race HV40-69 relations in general HV85-525 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. HV530 Criminology HV541 HV544 Social service. Social work. Charity organization and practice Including social case work, private and public relief, institutional care, rural social work, work relief By region or country The church and charity Women and charity Charity fairs, bazaars, etc. xviii
HV544.5 OUTLINE HV547 HV551.2-639 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. HV553-639 Criminology - Continued HV560-583 HV599-639 International social work HV640-645 Self-help groups HV650-670 Emergency management HV675-677 HV680-696 Relief in case of disasters Red Cross. Red Crescent HV697-4959 Special types of disasters HV697-3024 HV697-700.7 Refugee problems HV701-1420.5 Life saving HV835-847 Accidents. Prevention of accidents HV873-887 Free professional services HV888-907 Including medical charities HV931-941 Protection, assistance and relief HV959-1420.5 HV1421-1441 Special classes HV1442-1448 Families. Mothers. Widow's pensions HV1449 Children HV1450-1494 Foundlings HV1551-3024 Destitute, neglected, and abandoned children. Street children HV3025-3174 Children with disabilities HV3025-3163 Fresh-air funds HV3165-3173 Orphanages. Orphans HV3174 Young adults. Youth. Teenagers HV3176-3199 Women HV4005-4013 Gay men. Lesbians HV4023-4470.7 Aged HV4480-4630 People with disabilities Including blind, deaf, people with HV4701-4890.9 physical and mental disabilities HV4905-4959 Special classes. By occupation HV4961-4995 Mariners Shop women, clerks, etc. Other. By occupation Special classes. By race or ethnic group Immigrants Poor in cities. Slums Mendicancy. Vagabondism. Tramps. Homelessness Protection of animals. Animal rights. Animal welfare Animal experimentation. Anti-vivisection Degeneration xix
HV5001-5720.5 OUTLINE HV5725-5770 HV5800-5840 Social pathology. Social and public welfare. HV6001-7220.5 Criminology - Continued HV6035-6197 Alcoholism. Intemperance. Temperance reform HV6201-6249 Tobacco habit HV6250-6250.4 Drug habits. Drug abuse HV6251-6773.55 Criminology HV6774-7220.5 HV7231-9960 Criminal anthropology HV7428 Including criminal types, criminal HV7431 psychology, prison psychology, causes HV7435-7439 of crime HV7551-8280.7 HV7935-8025 Criminal classes HV8031-8080 Victims of crimes. Victimology HV8035-8069 Crimes and offenses Crimes and criminal classes HV8073-8079.35 Criminal justice administration Social work with delinquents and criminals HV8079.2-8079.35 Prevention of crime, methods, etc. HV8079.5-8079.55 Gun control Police. Detectves. Constabulary HV8081-8099 HV8130-8280.7 Administration and organization HV8290-8291 Police duty. Methods of protection HV8301-9920.7 HV9051-9230.7 Special classes of crimes, offenses and criminals HV9261-9430.7 Investigation of crimes. Examination HV9441-9920.7 and identification of prisoners HV9950-9960 Police social work HX1-970.7 Traffic control. Traffic accident HX519-550 investigation Private detectives. Detective bureaus By region or country Private security services Penology. Prisons. Corrections The juvenile offender. Juvenile delinquency. Reform schools, etc. Reformation and reclamation of adult prisoners By region or country By region or country Socialism. Communism. Anarchism Communism/socialism in relation to special topics xx
HX626-696 OUTLINE HX806-811 Socialism. Communism. Anarchism - Continued HX821-970.9 Communism: Utopian socialism, collective settlements Utopias. The ideal state Anarchism xxi
H SOCIAL SCIENCES (GENERAL) H 1.A1-.A2 Social sciences (General) 1.A3-Z Periodicals. Serials 3 Polyglot 5 English 7 French 8.A-Z German (9) Italian Other languages, A-Z 10 Yearbooks 11 13 see H1+ 15 17 Societies 19 International American and British 21 French 22 German 23 Italian 25 Societies in other countries 27 29.A-Z Congresses (31-35) Polyglot English 40 French 41 German 43 Italian 45 Other languages, A-Z 47 49.A-Z Collected works 49.5 50 see H71+ 51 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 53.A-Z Polyglot English 57 French 59.A-Z German Italian 61 Other languages, A-Z 61.15 61.2 Terminology. Abbreviations. Notation 61.24 Directories 61.25 History General works By region or country, A-Z Biography Collective Individual, A-Z Theory. Method. Relation to other subjects General works Relation to philosophy. Social philosophy Classification Grounded theory Mathematics. Mathematical models 1
H SOCIAL SCIENCES (GENERAL) H 61.26 Theory. Method. Relation to other subjects -- Continued 61.27 61.28 Panel analysis 61.29 61.295 Scaling 61.3 61.4 Interviewing 61.8 Including focus groups 61.9 61.92.A-Z Biographical methods 61.95 Narrative inquiry 62.A1 62.A3 Data processing 62.A5-Z 62.2 Forecasting in the social sciences 62.3 62.5.A-Z Cf. CB158+ History of civilization 63 64.A-Z Cf. HB3730+ Economic forecasting (65-67) Cf. HD30.27 Management 69 71 Cf. HN101+ Social prediction, by region or country 81 83 Cf. T174 Technological forecasting Statistical methods see HA29+ Relation to history see D16.166 Relation to management see HD30.19 Relation to psychoanalysis see BF175.4.S65 Relation to religion see BL238.5 Communication of information General works Information services General works By region or country, A-Z Electronic information resources Including the Internet and digital libraries Study and teaching. Research Cf. LB1584+ Elementary school education Periodicals. Societies. Serials Congresses General works Audiovisual aids Problems, exercises, examinations By region or country, A-Z Museums. Exhibitions General works By region or country, A-Z Under each country: .x General works .x2A-.x2Z Individual institutions, A-Z Schools. Institutes of social sciences see H62+ Syllabi, outlines General works To 1789 1789-1870 1871-1975 2
H SOCIAL SCIENCES (GENERAL) H 85 General works -- Continued (86-87) 1976- (91) Elementary and secondary school textbooks 92 General special 93 95 see the specific subject 96 Pictorial works 97 Popular works 97.7 Juvenile works (99) Public policy (General). Policy sciences Periodicals. Societies. Serials General works Policy networks Charts, diagrams, etc. see HA31 3
HA STATISTICS HA 1 Statistics 12 (13-15) Class here general works on social science statistics and censuses, including statistical data and methodology. 17 19 For applications of statistics in the social sciences, see the field For statistical data alone see HA154+ 22 For works on the general theory and methodology of 23.A-Z statistics see QA276+ 29 29.5.A-Z Periodicals. Societies. Serials 29.6 Congresses 30 Collected works 30.3 30.4 see HA29+ 30.6 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 31 History 31.15 Biography 31.2 31.23 Collective 31.25 Individual, A-Z 31.3 Theory and method of social science statistics 31.35 General works 31.38 31.4 English 31.5 Other languages, A-Z 31.7 Juvenile works 31.9 Frequency distribution 32 Time-series analysis Index numbers 33 Cf. HB225 Price indexes 33.5 Spatial analysis 34 Tables. Graphic methods Forms Sampling. Statistical survey methodology Register-based statistics Cartography Regression. Correlation Analysis of variance Data envelopment analysis Discriminant analysis Hypothesis testing Estimation Decision theory Data processing Including SPSS Communication of information General works Statistical services see HA36+ Computer networks. Electronic information resources Including the Internet and digital libraries Confidential communications Study and teaching. Research 4
HA STATISTICS HA 35 Study and teaching. Research -- Continued 35.15 35.3.A-Z General works 36 37.A-Z Problems, exercises, examinations 37.U1-.U19 By region or country, A-Z 37.U55 37.U7A-.U7Z Statistical services. Statistical bureaus 37.U8A-.U8Z 37.U82-.U99 International 37.U83-.U834 37.U845-.U8454 By region or country, A-Z 37.U8513 37.U86 Under each country (except the United States and Uruguay): 37.U863A-.U863Z 37.U864A-.U864Z .x Periodicals. Serials 38.A1 .x2 General works 38.A2-.A5 .x3A-.x3Z By region, province, state, etc., A-Z 38.A6-Z 39.A-Z .x4A-.x4Z By city, A-Z 154 United States 155 Periodicals. Serials General works By region or state, A-Z By city, A-Z Other countries beginning with \"U\" e.g. Uganda Ukraine Uruguay Periodicals. Serials General works By region or department, A-Z By city, A-Z Registration of vital events. Vital records Including registration of births, marriages, deaths, etc. Cf. HB848+ Demography General works By region or country United States Cf. CS68 Genealogy General works By region or state, A-Z Other regions or countries, A-Z Under each country: .x General works .x3A-.x3Z Local, A-Z Statistical data For data of special fields, see the field. Universal statistics Periodicals. Societies. Serials General works 5
HA STATISTICS HA 175 Statistical data -- Continued By region or country 179 Class here general statistics and censuses, including 181 population and vital statistics if consisting of the broadest groups of data. 201 For population and vital statistics limited to a more 201.12 specific subject see HB848+ 201.122 201.14 America 201.142 General works 202 United States 203 214 For general works on the Bureau of the Census and 218 other statistical services see HA37.A+ 221-227 Serials see HA203 231-237 Censuses 241-247 251-257 For individual censuses, see HA201+ 261-267 271-277 Theory. Method 281-287 291-297 For works on the methodology of individual censuses, 301-307 see the census General works Including works summarizing the results of more than one census Individual censuses, by date, up to and including the 21st census, 1990 Census, 22nd, 2000 General works Including methodology, users guides, and evaluation Statistics. Census data Census, 23rd, 2010 General works Including methodology, user guides, and evaluation Statistics. Census data Statistical abstracts Serials General works Regions (covering several states) Individual states For counties, see subdivision 7 in Table H24 Alabama (Table H24) Alaska (Table H24) Arizona (Table H24) Arkansas (Table H24) California (Table H24) Colorado (Table H24) Connecticut (Table H24) Dakota Territory see HA631+ Delaware (Table H24) District of Columbia (Table H24) 6
HA STATISTICS HA 311-317 Statistical data 321-327 By region or country America 329.1 United States 329.15 Individual states -- Continued Florida (Table H24) 329.5 Georgia (Table H24) Hawaii 329.7.A-Z Main serial, Statistical abstracts, Other serials Censuses. By date 331-337 341-347 Including methodological works on a particular 351-357 census 361-367 371-377 For general works on the country's census and 381-387 other statistical bureaus see HA37.A+ 391-397 401-407 General works 411-417 421-427 Class here also works summarizing the results of 431-437 more than one census period 441-447 451-457 Local, A-Z 461-467 471-477 For cities see HA730.A+ 481-487 491-497 Idaho (Table H24) 501-507 Illinois (Table H24) 511-517 Indian Territory (Table H24) 521-527 Indiana (Table H24) 531-537 Iowa (Table H24) 541-547 Kansas (Table H24) 551-557 Kentucky (Table H24) 561-567 Louisiana (Table H24) 571-577 Maine (Table H24) 581-587 Maryland (Table H24) 591-597 Massachusetts (Table H24) 601-607 Michigan (Table H24) Minnesota (Table H24) Mississippi (Table H24) Missouri (Table H24) Montana (Table H24) Nebraska (Table H24) Nevada (Table H24) New Hampshire (Table H24) New Jersey (Table H24) New Mexico (Table H24) New York (Table H24) North Carolina (Table H24) North Dakota (Table H24) Ohio (Table H24) Oklahoma (Table H24) Oregon (Table H24) Pennsylvania (Table H24) 7
HA STATISTICS HA 611-617 Statistical data 621-627 631-637 By region or country 641-647 651-657 America 661-667 671-677 United States 681-687 691-697 Individual states -- Continued 701-707 711-717 Rhode Island (Table H24) 721-727 South Carolina (Table H24) 729 729.5 South Dakota (Table H24) 730.A-Z Tennessee (Table H24) 740 741-748 Texas (Table H24) 750.5 751-755 Utah (Table H24) 761-768 781-785 Vermont (Table H24) 791-798 801-808 Virginia (Table H24) 811-818 821-828 Washington (Table H24) 831-838 841-848 West Virginia (Table H24) 851 Wisconsin (Table H24) 851.5 Wyoming (Table H24) 853 Counties (General) For the counties of a given state, see the state, subdivision (7) Official Nonofficial Cities, A-Z Under each: .A1-.A5 Serials .A6-.Z General works Greenland (Table H14) Canada (Table H12) Saint Pierre and Miquelon Islands (Table H14) Latin America (Table H12a) Mexico (Table H12) Central America (Table H12a) Belize (Table H12) Costa Rica (Table H12) Guatemala (Table H12) Honduras (Table H12) Nicaragua (Table H12) El Salvador (Table H12) Panama Serials (Main serial, statistical serial, other serials) Censuses. By date Including methodological works on a particular census For general works on Panama's census and other statistical bureaus see HA37.A+ General works Class here also works summarizing the results of more than one census period 8
HA STATISTICS HA 854.A-Z Statistical data 854.5.A-Z By region or country 855 Latin America Central America 855.5 Panama -- Continued 861 By state, etc., A-Z 865 By city, A-Z Panama Canal Zone (Table H14) 866.A1 West Indies. Caribbean area 866.3 General 866.5 Bahamas (Table H14) 866.7 Barbados (Table H14) 866.9 Leeward Islands 867 General Anguilla (Table H14) 868.A1 Antigua and Barbuda (Table H14) 868.3 Montserrat (Table H14) 868.5 Saint Kitts and Nevis (Table H14) 868.7 Trinidad and Tobago (Table H14) 868.9 Windward Islands 871-878 General 881-885 Dominica (Table H14) 886-890 Grenada (Table H14) 891-898 Saint Lucia (Table H14) 901-908 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Table H14) 911-915 Cuba (Table H12) 916 Haiti (Table H13) Dominican Republic. Santo Domingo (Table H13) 917 Jamaica (Table H12) 917.7 Puerto Rico (Table H12) 917.73 Virgin Islands of the United States (Table H13) 917.75 British West Indies. English-speaking Caribbean (Table 917.76 H14a) 917.78 Netherlands Antilles General 918 Aruba (Table H14) 918.7 Bonaire (Table H14) 918.9 Curaçao (Table H14) 921-928 Saba (Table H14) 931-935 Saint Marten (Table H14) 941-959 French West Indies General works Guadeloupe (Table H14) Martinique (Table H14) Bermuda (Table H12) South America (Table H12a) Argentina (Table H11) 9
HA STATISTICS HA 961-968 Statistical data 971-989 By region or country 991-1009 Latin America 1011-1018 South America -- Continued 1021-1028 Bolivia (Table H12) Brazil (Table H11) 1031 Chile (Table H11) 1033 Colombia (Table H12) 1035 Ecuador (Table H12) 1037 Guianas 1041-1048 General works 1051-1069 Guyana. British Guyana (Table H14) 1071-1089 Suriname. Dutch Guyana (Table H14) 1091-1098 French Guiana (Table H14) Paraguay (Table H12) 1107 Peru (Table H11) 1107.5 Uruguay (Table H11) 1107.7 Venezuela (Table H12) 1110-1114 Europe 1121-1139 1141-1148 Including European Union countries 1151-1158 1161-1168 General (Table H14a) European Economic Community countries (Table H14a) 1170.1 Central Europe. Eastern Europe (Table H14a) 1170.15 Commonwealth of Nations (Table H12a) Great Britain. England (Table H11) 1170.3 Northern Ireland (Table H12) 1170.4.A-Z Scotland (Table H12) 1170.5.A-Z Wales (Table H12) 1171-1189 Ireland. Irish Republic 1191-1198 Serials (Main serial, statistical serial, other serials) 1200.5 Censuses. By date 1201-1208 1210.5 Including methodological works on a particular census 1211-1229 For general works on the census and other statistical 1230.5 bureaus, see HA37.A+ General works Class here also works summarizing the results of more than one census period By state, etc., A-Z By city, A-Z Austria (Table H11) Czechoslovakia. Czech Republic (Table H12) Slovakia (Table H14) Hungary (Table H12) Liechtenstein (Table H14) France (Table H11) Monaco (Table H14) 10
HA STATISTICS HA 1231-1249 Statistical data By region or country 1341-1348 Europe -- Continued 1351-1358 Germany (Table H11) 1361-1379 1379.5 Including West Germany 1380 East Germany. Eastern Germany (Table H12) 1381-1388 Greece (Table H12) 1391-1409 Italy (Table H11) 1411-1418 San Marino (Table H14) 1431-1449 Malta (Table H14) Benelux countries. Low countries 1450.12 1450.2 Netherlands (Table H12) 1450.3 Belgium (Table H11) 1450.4 Luxembourg (Table H12) 1450.5 Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet republics (Table 1451-1458 H11) 1460.2 Russia (Federation) (Table H14) 1460.3 Belarus (Table H14) 1460.4 Moldova (Table H14) 1460.5 Ukraine (Table H14) 1461-1465 Finland (Table H14) 1471-1489 Poland (Table H12) 1491-1498 Baltic States 1501-1519 1521-1539 General 1541-1559 Estonia (Table H14) 1563 Latvia (Table H14) 1565 Lithuania (Table H14) 1571-1578 Scandinavia (Table H12a) 1591-1609 Denmark (Table H11) 1611-1615 Iceland (Table H12) 1620.5 Norway (Table H11) 1621-1628 Sweden (Table H11) 1631-1635 Spain (Table H11) 1636 Andorra (Table H14) 1637 Gibraltar (Table H14) 1638 Portugal (Table H12) 1639 Switzerland (Table H11) 1641-1648 Balkan States (Table H12a) 1649 Albania (Table H14) Bulgaria (Table H12) Yugoslavia. Serbia (Table H13) Slovenia (Table H14) Croatia (Table H14) Bosnia and Hercegovina (Table H14) Macedonia (Republic) (Table H14) Romania (Table H12) Kosovo (Republic) (Table H14) 11
HA STATISTICS HA (1661-1670) Statistical data By region or country -- Continued (1951-2275) Asia 2280 see HA4551+ 2285 Africa 2287 2289 see HA4671+ 2291 2293 Atlantic Ocean islands 2295 Iceland see HA1491+ Azores (Table H14) 2300 Bermuda see HA921+ 2301 Madeira Islands (Table H14) 2303 Canary Islands (Table H14) 2304 Cabo Verde Islands (Table H14) 2305 St. Helena (Table H14) 2307 Tristan da Cunha (Table H14) 2309 Falkland Islands (Table H14) 3001-3008 3171-3189 Indian Ocean islands 4001-4005 Maldive Islands (Table H14) 4010.5 Seychelles (Table H14) Comoros (Table H14) 4010.6 Mayotte (Table H14) 4010.7 Mauritius (Table H14) 4010.8 Reunion (Table H14) Kerguelen Islands (Table H14) 4011 4011.5 Australia (Table H12) 4011.7 New Zealand (Table H11) 4011.9 Pacific Ocean islands (Table H12a) 4012 4012.5 Trust Territory of the Pacific (Table H14) 4012.7 Hawaii see HA329.1+ 4013 Marshall Islands (Table H14) 4014 Micronesia (Federated States) (Table H14) 4015 Northern Mariana Islands (Table H14) 4015.5 French Polynesia 4016 4016.5 General works (Table H14a) 4016.7 Tahiti (Table H14) Nauru (Table H14) Palau (Table H14) Guam (Table H14) Niue (Table H14) Tokelau (Table H14) Papua New Guinea (Table H14) Solomon Islands (Table H14) New Caledonia (Table H14) Vanuatu. New Hebrides (Table H14) Fiji (Table H14) Wallis and Futuna (Table H14) Kiribati. Gilbert Islands (Table H14) 12
HA STATISTICS HA 4016.8 Statistical data 4017 By region or country 4017.5 Pacific Ocean Islands -- Continued Tuvalu. Ellice Islands (Table H14) 4018 Tonga (Table H14) 4018.5 Cook Islands (Table H14) 4018.7 Samoan Islands 4020 General works American Samoa (Table H14) 4020.5 Samoa. Western Samoa (Table H14) Arctic regions (Table H14a) 4021 4022 For Greenland see HA740 4025 4030 Antarctic regions (Table H14a) Communist countries 4551 Periodicals. Societies. Serials 4556 General works Portuguese-speaking countries 4556.15 Developing countries 4556.2 Asia 4556.3 General works 4556.4 Middle East. Near East 4556.5 4557 General works 4558 Caucasus 4559 4560 General works 4560.5 Armenia (Table H14) 4560.7 Azerbaijan (Table H14) 4561 Georgia (Republic) (Table H14) Turkey (Table H14) 4562 Cyprus (Table H14) 4563 Syria (Table H14) 4564 Lebanon (Table H14) Israel. Palestine (Table H14) 4564.5 West Bank (Table H14) Gaza Strip (Table H14) 4565 Jordan (Table H14) Arabian Peninsula. Arabia. Persian Gulf States General works Saudi Arabia (Table H14) Yemen (Table H14) Including the Yemen Arab Republic prior to 1990 For works limited to the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (Southern Yemen) prior to 1990 see HA4564.5 Yemen (People's Democratic Republic). Southern Yemen. Aden (Colony and Protectorate) (Table H14) Oman. Muscat and Oman (Table H14) 13
HA STATISTICS HA 4566 Statistical data 4567 By region or country 4568 Asia 4569 Middle East. Near East 4570 Arabian Peninsula. Arabia. Persian Gulf States -- 4570.2 Continued United Arab Emirates. Trucial States (Table H14) 4570.22 Qatar (Table H14) 4570.23 Bahrain (Table H14) 4570.24 Kuwait (Table H14) 4570.25 Iraq (Table H14) 4570.26 Iran (Table H14) 4570.27 Central Asia General works 4570.3 Kazakhstan (Table H14) 4570.6 Kyrgyzstan (Table H14) 4570.7 Tajikistan (Table H14) 4570.8 Turkmenistan (Table H14) 4570.9 Uzbekistan (Table H14) 4581-4588 South Asia 4590.3 General works 4590.5 Afghanistan (Table H14) 4590.6 Burma. Myanmar (Table H14) Sri Lanka. Ceylon (Table H14) 4590.8 Nepal (Table H14) 4600.3 India (Table H12) 4600.4 Bhutan (Table H14) 4600.5 Pakistan (Table H14) 4600.55 Bangladesh (Table H14) 4600.6 Southeast Asia. Indochina 4600.67 4600.68 Including French Indochina 4601-4608 4611-4618 General works Kampuchea. Cambodia (Table H14) 4620.5 Laos (Table H14) 4621-4628 Vietnam (Table H14) 4630.5 Thailand (Table H14) Malaysia. Malaya (Table H14) Singapore (Table H14) Brunei (Table H14) Indonesia (Table H12) Philippines (Table H12) East Asia. Far East General works Japan (Table H12) Korea (Table H14) Including South Korea 14
HA STATISTICS HA 4630.6 Statistical data By region or country 4630.8 Asia East Asia. Far East -- Continued 4631-4638 North Korea (Democratic People's Republic) (Table H14) 4641-4645 Outer Mongolia. Mongolian People's Republic (Table 4646-4650 H14) 4651-4655 China (Table H12) 4666 4668 For Hong Kong see HA4651+ 4671 Macau (Table H13) Taiwan. Formosa (Table H13) 4681 Hong Kong (Table H13) 4682 Arab countries (Collective) 4683 Islamic countries (Collective) 4684 Africa 4685 4686 Including Sub-Saharan Africa 4687 General works 4688 North Africa 4688.9 4689 General works 4690 Morocco (Table H14) Algeria (Table H14) 4691 Tunisia (Table H14) Libya (Table H14) 4692 Egypt. United Arab Republic (Table H14) 4693 Sudan (Table H14) 4694 Northeast Africa 4695 General works 4696 Eritrea (Table H14) 4697 Ethiopia (Table H14) 4698 Somalia (Table H14) 4699 Including British and Italian Somaliland 4700 4701 Djibouti. French Territory of the Afars and Isas (Table H14) Southeast Africa Including East Africa General works Kenya (Table H14) Uganda (Table H14) Rwanda (Table H14) Burundi (Table H14) Tanzania. Tanganyika. Zanzibar (Table H14) Mozambique (Table H14) Madagascar. Malagasy Republic (Table H14) Southern Africa General works South Africa (Table H14) 15
HA STATISTICS HA 4702 Statistical data By region or country 4703 Africa 4704 Southern Africa -- Continued 4705 Rhodesia (Table H14) 4706 4707 Including Zimbabwe (Southern Rhodesia) 4708 Zambia. Northern Rhodesia (Table H14) 4709 Lesotho. Basutoland (Table H14) 4710 Swaziland (Table H14) 4711 Botswana. Bechuanaland (Table H14) 4712 Malawi. Nyasaland (Table H14) 4713 Namibia. Southwest Africa (Table H14) 4714 Central Africa. Equatorial Africa 4715 General works 4716 Angola (Table H14) 4717 Zaire. Congo (Democratic Republic) (Table H14) 4718 Equatorial Guinea (Table H14) 4719 Sao Tome and Principe (Table H14) French-speaking Equatorial Africa. French Congo 4720 Gabon (Table H14) 4720.5 Congo (Brazzaville). Middle Congo (Table H14) 4721 Central African Republic. Ubangi-Shari (Table H14) 4722 Chad (Table H14) 4723 Cameroon (Table H14) 4724 West Africa. West Coast 4725 General works 4726 Sahel (Table H14) 4727 French-speaking West Africa 4728 Benin. Dahomey (Table H14) 4729 Togo (Table H14) 4730 Niger (Table H14) 4731 Côte d'Ivoire. Ivory Coast (Table H14) 4732 Guinea (Table H14) 4733 Mali (Table H14) 4734 Burkina Faso. Upper Volta (Table H14) 4735 Senegal (Table H14) 4736 Mauritania (Table H14) 4737 Nigeria (Table H14) Ghana (Table H14) Sierra Leone (Table H14) Gambia (Table H14) Liberia (Table H14) Guinea-Bissau. Portuguese Guinea (Table H14) Spanish Sahara (Table H14) 16
HB ECONOMIC THEORY. DEMOGRAPHY HB 1.A1 Economic theory. Demography 1.A2-Z Economic theory 3 Periodicals. Societies. Serials 5 Polyglot 7 English 9 French 21 German (30-54) Italian 61 Other languages 62 Congresses 63 Collected works (nonserial) 71 see HB151+ 72 73 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias 74.A-Z Terminology. Abbreviations. Notation Directories 74.P65 Economics as a science. Relation to other subjects 74.P8 Cf. HB131+ Methodology 74.2 74.3 General works 74.4 Relation to philosophy, religion, ethics 74.5 For relation of economics to specific religions, see BL+ 74.6 Relation to law 74.8 Relation to other special topics, A-Z 74.9.A-Z Anthropology see GN448+ 75 Demography see HB849.42 76 Geography see HF1021+ Political science Psychology Communication of information General works Information services Computer networks. Electronic information resources Including the Internet and digital libraries Study and teaching. Research For study and teaching at the elementary level see LB1584.75 General works Problems, exercises, examinations By region or country United States Other regions or countries, A-Z History of economics. History of economic theory For the economic history of individual countries see HC1+ General works Collective biography For collective biography limited to one region or country and for individual biography see HB101+ 17
HB ECONOMIC THEORY. DEMOGRAPHY HB 77 Economic theory 79 History of economics. History of economic theory -- 81 Continued 83 By period 85 Ancient 87 Medieval Modern to 1700 90 18th century 91 19th century 93 20th century 94 Including history of technocracy 95 Special schools 95.3 97 For biographies of individuals see HB101+ 97.3 97.5 Comparative economics Mercantile system. Cameralism 97.7 Physiocrats 98 Classical school 98.2 Cf. HB161+ Economic theory 98.3 99.3 Liberalism. Laissez faire. Free enterprise 99.5 Cf. HF1713 Tariff policy 99.7 Cf. JC574+ Political theory 101 Manchester school 101.5 Historical school 101.7 Evolutionary economics 102 Marxian economics. Socialist economics 103 104 Cf. HX39.5.A2+ Karl Marx 105 Radical economics Austrian school of economics. Marginalists Cf. HB201+ Value Neoclassical school. Cambridge school. Marshallians Chicago school Welfare economics Cf. HB846+ Welfare theory Institutional economics Keynesian economics Regional economics see HT388 Environmental economics see HC79.E5 By region or country Austria (Table H61) Czechoslovakia. Czech Republic (Table H61) Slovakia (Table H61) Hungary (Table H61) Great Britain (Table H61) Ireland (Table H61) France (Table H61) 18
HB ECONOMIC THEORY. DEMOGRAPHY HB 107 Economic theory History of economics. History of economic theory 107.5 By region or country -- Continued 108 Germany (Table H61) 108.2 Including West Germany 108.25 For biography of Karl Marx see HX39.5.A2+ 108.3 108.4 East Germany. Eastern Germany (Table H61) 108.45 Greece (Table H61) 108.46 Balkan States 108.47 108.48 General works 108.5 Albania (Table H61) 109 Bulgaria (Table H61) 109.15 Yugoslavia. Serbia (Table H61) Bosnia and Hercegovina (Table H61) 111 Croatia (Table H61) 112 Macedonia (Republic) (Table H61) 113 Slovenia (Table H61) Romania (Table H61) 113.2 Italy (Table H61) 113.5 San Marino (Table H61) 113.6 Low Countries 113.8 Netherlands (Table H61) 114 Belgium (Table H61) Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet republics (Table 114.2 114.25 H61) 114.27 Russia (Federation) (Table H61) 114.29 Belarus (Table H61) 114.3 Moldova (Table H61) Ukraine (Table H61) 115 Poland (Table H61) 116.2 Baltic States 116.25 116.3 General works 116.5 Estonia (Table H61) 117 Latvia (Table H61) 117.5 Lithuania (Table H61) 118 Finland (Table H61) 119 Scandinavia 121 General works Denmark (Table H61) Iceland (Table H61) Norway (Table H61) Sweden (Table H61) Spain (Table H61) Portugal (Table H61) Switzerland (Table H61) United States (Table H61) Canada (Table H61) 19
HB ECONOMIC THEORY. DEMOGRAPHY HB 122 Economic theory 123.A-Z History of economics. History of economic theory By region or country -- Continued 125 Latin America 126.A-Z General works 126.3 By region or country, A-Z 126.4 127 Subarrange each country by Table H61a 127.5.A-Z 129 Asia 129.5 General works 130 By region or country, A-Z 131 133 Subarrange each country by Table H61a 135 Arab countries 137 Islamic countries Africa 139 141 General works 141.3.A-Z Individual regions or countries, A-Z 141.3.C66 Subarrange each country by Table H61a 141.5 142 Australia (Table H61) 142.5 New Zealand (Table H61) 143 Developing countries 143.5 Methodology 143.7 General works Information theory in economics. Economic cybernetics Mathematical economics. Quantitative methods For special applications, see the field of application General works Economic statistics Including data collection and survey techniques For statistical data, see HC or the field of application Econometrics General works Econometric models General works Special, A-Z Computable general equilibrium models General equilibrium models, Computable see HB141.3.C66 National income accounting Cf. HC79.I5 Economic history Input-output analysis. Interindustry economics Cf. HC79.I57 Economic history Flow of funds accounting Cf. HC79.F55 Economic history Mathematical programming Cf. T57.7+ Industrial engineering Data processing Optimization techniques 20
HB ECONOMIC THEORY. DEMOGRAPHY HB 144 Economic theory Methodology 145 Mathematical economics. Quantitative methods -- 147 Continued Game theory 151 153 Cf. HD30.26 Game theory 155 Cf. T57.92 Industrial engineering 157 159 General equilibrium. Comparative statics Time and economic reactions 161 General works 163 Before Adam Smith to 1776/1789 165 English 167 French 169 German Italian 171 Other languages 171.5 Classical period, 1776/1789-1843/1876 172 Cf. HB94 History of economic thought 172.5 173 English 175 French 177 German 178 Italian 178.5 Other languages 179.A-Z Recent, 1843/1876- English 179.B8 179.U5 General works 180.A-Z Textbooks 180.A7 Including outlines, syllabi, etc. 180.C5 180.J3 Microeconomics 180.K8 Macroeconomics 180.T8 French 183 German Italian Russian Spanish Other European languages, A-Z e.g. Bulgarian Ukrainian Other languages, A-Z e.g. Arabic Chinese Japanese Korean Turkish Juvenile works 21
HB ECONOMIC THEORY. DEMOGRAPHY HB 195 Economic theory -- Continued (199) Economics of war 201 Cf. HC79.D4 Economic impact of defense and (203-205) disarmament 206 General special 221 225 see the specific subject (231-232) 235.A-Z Industrial organization and market structure see HD2321+ 236.A3 Value. Utility 236.A4-Z 238 Cf. HB98 Austrian school of economics 241 General works 251 History of theory 401 see HB201 Surplus value. Labor theory of value Price Cf. HB172 Microeconomics Cf. HD6977+ Prices Cf. HF5416.5+ Pricing General works Price indexes. Consumer price indexes Cf. HG223 Standard of value History and collections of prices see HB221 By industry see HD9000+ By region or country, A-Z Government price policy Cf. HC79.W24 Wage-price policy General works By region or country, A-Z Competition. Monopolistic competition Cf. HD41 Industrial management Production. Theory of the firm. Supply-side economics Cf. HC1+ Economic history Cf. HD2321+ Industrial organization and market structure Cf. HF5410+ Distribution of products Cf. TS155+ Production management Wealth Including distribution of wealth Cf. HB801+ Consumption Cf. HC79.W4 Wealth (Economic history) Labor economics. Wages see HD4801+ Rent Cf. HD101+ Land 22
HB ECONOMIC THEORY. DEMOGRAPHY HB 501 Economic theory -- Continued Capital. Capitalism 522 523 For biography of Karl Marx see HX39.5.A2+ 525 Cf. HC79.C3 Capital (Economic history) Cf. HD39+ Capital (Management) 535 Cf. HD4904.7 Human capital 539 Cf. HG4028.C4 Capital investments (Finance) 545 Cf. HG4501+ Capital formation 547.A-Z Cf. HM708 Social capital (Sociology) 549.A-Z 551 Income. Factor shares 601 Cf. HC79.I5 Economic history 615 General works 701 Income distribution. Distributive justice 711 Permanent income theory 715 Interest 801 Cf. HF5681.I6 Accounting Cf. HG1621+ Banking practice Cf. HG6043 Speculation in interest rates Early works to Adam Smith, 1776 1776- By region or country United States General works By region or state, A-Z Other regions or countries, A-Z Usury Profit Cf. HC79.P7 Economic history Cf. HF5681.P8 Accounting Cf. HG4028.P7 Corporation finance Entrepreneurship. Risk and uncertainty Cf. HD30.22 Managerial economics Cf. HD61 Risk in industry (Management) Cf. HD62.5 New business enterprises Cf. HG8054.5 Insurance Cf. HX550.P7 Socialism and property Property Including ownership General works Private property General works Inheritance Cf. HJ5801+ Inheritance tax Public property see HD3840+ Consumption. Demand Cf. HC79.C6 Economic history General works 23
HB ECONOMIC THEORY. DEMOGRAPHY HB 820 Economic theory 822 Consumption. Demand -- Continued 825 Household consumption. Consumer demand 831 835 Cf. HC79.C63 Consumer protection 841 Cf. HF5415.3 Consumer research 842 General works 842.5 Personal saving. Propensity to save 843 Cf. HC79.S3 Economic history 846 846.2 Consumers' surplus 846.3 Leisure classes 846.5 846.55 Cf. GV1+ Recreation 846.6 846.8 Ethics of consumption and wealth Luxury 848 849 Cf. BJ1535.L9 Ethics (849.1-.15) 849.25 Aggregate demand 849.3 General works Aggregate consumption Aggregate saving and investment Cf. HC79.S3 Economic history Cf. HG4516 Finance Welfare theory Cf. HB99.3 History of economics Cf. HV1+ Social and public welfare General works Cost benefit analysis Cf. HD47+ Management Externalities. Transaction costs Public goods Contingent valuation Theory of second best Social choice Business cycles. Economic fluctuations see HB3711+ Demography. Population. Vital events Including statistical works on specific aspects of population and vital events, as for example HB1321+ Mortality For works presenting the broadest groups of data relating to population and vital events see HA154+ For demography by region or country see HB3501+ Cf. HQ750+ Eugenics Cf. RA407+ Medical statistics Periodicals. Societies. Serials Congresses Collected works (nonserial) see HB867+ Terminology. Abbreviations. Notation Directories Theory. Method. Relation to other subjects 24
HB ECONOMIC THEORY. DEMOGRAPHY HB 849.4 Demography. Population. Vital events Theory. Method. Relation to other subjects -- Continued 849.41 General works Relation to anthropology. Demographic anthropology see 849.415 GN33.5 849.42 Population biology see QH352+ General works see QH352 849.43 Relation to economics 849.44 Relation to education see LC68+ 849.47 Relation to environment 849.49 Relation to philosophy, religion, ethics 849.5 Cf. HQ766.2+ Moral and religious aspects of birth 849.51 control 849.53 849.55 Relation to population genetics see GN289+; QH455 Relation to psychology. Population psychology 849.6 Relation to sociology 849.65 Cohort analysis 849.7 Demographic and household survey techniques 850 Cf. HA38+ Registration of vital events 850.3 850.5.A-Z Data processing 850.8 Family demography see HQ759.98 Mathematical models 851 Population forecasting 852 Stable population model 853.A-Z Communication of information General works 855 Information services Computer networks. Electronic information resources 861.A2 861.A3-Z Including the Internet and digital libraries 863 865.A-Z Study and teaching. Research General works Problems, exercises, examinations By region or country, A-Z Museums. Exhibitions History of demography General works Special schools By region or country, A-Z Biography Collective Malthus Writings of Malthus Collected works. Selections. By date Individual works. By title, A-Z Criticism and biography Other individuals, A-Z General works 25
HB ECONOMIC THEORY. DEMOGRAPHY HB 867 Demography. Population. Vital events 871 General works -- Continued 873 Through 1834 883 Malthus see HB861+ 883.5 1835- 884 Elementary textbooks 884.5 Juvenile works Population policy (885) By region or country see HB3501+ 887 Developing countries Population assistance 901 902 Including aid by individual countries to several countries 902.5.A-Z Class aid for a specific country with the recipient country in HB3501+ General special see the specific subject Demographic transition Births. Fertility Cf. HQ763+ Family planning General works Birth intervals General works By region or country, A-Z Fecundity see QP251+ Sterility see RC889 Illegitimacy see HQ998+ 26
HB ECONOMIC THEORY. DEMOGRAPHY HB 911-1108 Demography. Population. Vital events 1108 1111 Births. Fertility -- Continued 1113 1114.A-Z By region or country (Table H2) Add country number in table to HB910 Under each: Apply Table HB911/1 for 2 number countries Table for births, by country (2 no. countries) 1 General works 2.A-Z Local, A-Z Apply Table HB911/2 for 1 number countries Table for births, by country (1 no. countries) .A3 General works .A5-.Z Local, A-Z Apply Table HB911/2a for 2 number regions Table for births, by region (2 no. regions) Apply this table to regions that are larger than a single country 1 General works Apply Table HB911/3 for 1 number regions Table for births, by region (1 no. regions) Apply this table to regions that are larger than a single country .A3 General works Developing countries Marriages. Nuptiality Cf. HQ503+ Marriage and family Cf. HQ811+ Divorce General works Age at marriage General works By region or country, A-Z 27
HB ECONOMIC THEORY. DEMOGRAPHY HB Demography. Population. Vital events Marriages. Nuptiality -- Continued 1121-1317 By region or country (Table H2) 1321 Add country number in table to HB1120 1322 1322.3 Under each: 1322.35.A-Z (1322.5) Apply Table HB1121/1 for 2 number countries 1323.A-Z 1323.A2 Table for marriages, by country (2 1323.A22A-.A22Z no. countries) 1 General works 2.A-Z Local, A-Z Apply Table HB1121/2 for 1 number countries Table for marriages, by country (1 no. countries) .A3 General works .A5-.Z Local, A-Z Apply Table HB1121/2a for 2 number regions Table for marriages, by region (2 no. regions) Apply this table to regions that are larger than a single country 1 General works Apply Table HB1121/3 for 1 number regions Table for marriages, by region (1 no. regions) Apply this table to regions that are larger than a single country .A3 General works Deaths. Mortality General works Life tables Cf. HG8783+ Actuarial science General works By region or country see HB1331+ Life expectancy General works By region or country, A-Z Maternal mortality see RG530+ Other special subjects, A-Z Accidents General works By region or country, A-Z African Americans see HB1323.B5+ Alcoholism see RC565 Blacks. African Americans 28
HB ECONOMIC THEORY. DEMOGRAPHY HB 1323.B5 Demography. Population. Vital events 1323.B52A-.B52Z Deaths. Mortality Other special subjects, A-Z 1323.C5 Blacks. African Americans -- Continued 1323.C52A-.C52Z General works By region or country, A-Z 1323.D7 Children 1323.D72A-.D72Z Cf. RJ59+ Pediatrics 1323.I4 1323.I42A-.I42Z General works By region or country, A-Z 1323.O4 Drowning 1323.O42 General works By region or country, A-Z 1323.P8 Infants 1323.P82A-.P82Z General works By region or country, A-Z 1323.S5 Occupational mortality see HB1323.P8+ 1323.S52A-.S52Z Older people General works 1323.S8 By region or country, A-Z 1323.S82A-.S82Z Professions. Occupational mortality General works 1323.T44 By region or country, A-Z 1323.T442A-.T442Z Sex General works By region or country, A-Z Suicide General works By region or country, A-Z Teenagers General works By region or country, A-Z 29
HB ECONOMIC THEORY. DEMOGRAPHY HB 1331-1528 Demography. Population. Vital events 1531 Deaths. Mortality -- Continued By region or country (Table H2) Add country number in table to HB1330 Under each: Apply Table HB1331/1 for 2 number countries Table for deaths, by country (2 no. countries) 1 General works 2.A-Z Local, A-Z Apply Table HB1331/2 for 1 number countries Table for deaths, by country (1 no. countries) .A3 General works .A5-.Z Local, A-Z Apply Table HB1331/2a for 2 number regions Table for deaths, by region (2 no. regions) Apply this table to regions that are larger than a single country 1 General works Apply Table HB1331/3 for 1 number regions Table for deaths, by region (1 no. regions) Apply this table to regions that are larger than a single country .A3 General works Age. Age distribution For children see HQ767.8+ For youth see HQ793+ For adults see HQ799.95+ For middle-aged persons see HQ1059.4+ For older people and population aging see HQ1060+ General works 30
HB ECONOMIC THEORY. DEMOGRAPHY HB 1541-1738 Demography. Population. Vital events 1741 Age. Age distribution -- Continued By region or country (Table H2) Add country number in table to HB1540 Under each: Apply Table HB1541/1 for 2 number countries Table for age, by country (2 no. countries) 1 General works 2.A-Z Local, A-Z Apply Table HB1541/2 for 1 number countries Table for age, by country (1 no. countries) .A3 General works .A5-.Z Local, A-Z Apply Table HB1541/2a for 2 number regions Table for age, by region (2 no. regions) Apply this table to regions that are larger than a single country 1 General works Apply Table HB1541/3 for 1 number regions Table for age, by region (1 no. regions) Apply this table to regions that are larger than a single country .A3 General works Sex General works 31
HB ECONOMIC THEORY. DEMOGRAPHY HB 1751-1948 Demography. Population. Vital events 1951 1952 Sex -- Continued 1953 1954 By region or country (Table H2) 1954.3.A-Z Add country number in table to HB1750 Under each: Apply Table HB1751/1 for 2 number countries Table for sex, by country (2 no. countries) 1 General works 2.A-Z Local, A-Z Apply Table HB1751/2 for 1 number countries Table for sex, by country (1 no. countries) .A3 General works .A5-.Z Local, A-Z Apply Table HB1751/2a for 2 number regions Table for sex, by region (2 no. regions) Apply this table to regions that are larger than a single country 1 General works Apply Table HB1751/3 for 1 number regions Table for sex, by region (1 no. regions) Apply this table to regions that are larger than a single country .A3 General works Population geography. Migration Cf. GF1+ Human geography Cf. GN370 Ethnology General works Internal migration General works By region or country see HB1961+ International migration. Emigration and immigration see JV6001+ Migrant labor see HD5855+ Population density General works By region or country see HB1961+ Residential mobility Cf. HD7288.9+ Housing General works By region or country, A-Z Rural-urban migration 32
HB ECONOMIC THEORY. DEMOGRAPHY HB 1955 1956 Demography. Population. Vital events 1961-2157 Population geography. Migration 2160 2161 Rural-urban migration -- Continued General works By region or country see HB1961+ Urban-rural migration Cf. HT381 Sociology General works By region or country see HB1961+ By region or country (Table H2) Add country number in table to HB1960 Under each: Apply Table HB1961/1 for 2 number countries Table for population geography, by country (2 no. countries) 1 General works 2.A-Z Local, A-Z Apply Table HB1961/2 for 1 number countries Table for population geography, by country (1 no. countries) .A3 General works .A5-.Z Local, A-Z Apply Table HB1961/2a for 2 number regions Table for population geography, by region (2 no. regions) Apply this table to regions that are larger than a single country 1 General works Apply Table HB1961/3 for 1 number regions Table for population geography, by region (1 no. regions) Apply this table to regions that are larger than a country .A3 General works Developing countries Urban population Cf. HT201+ Urban sociology General works 33
HB ECONOMIC THEORY. DEMOGRAPHY HB 2171-2368 Demography. Population. Vital events 2371 Population geography. Migration Urban population -- Continued By region or country (Table H2) Add country number in table to HB2170 Under each: Apply Table HB2171/1 for 2 number countries Table for urban population, by country (2 no. countries) 1 General works 2.A-Z Local, A-Z For individual cities, see HB3501+ Apply Table HB2171/2 for 1 number countries Table for urban population, by country (1 no. countries) .A3 General works .A5-.Z Local, A-Z For individual cities, see HB3501+ Apply Table HB2171/2a for 2 number regions Table for urban population, by region (2 no. regions) Apply this table to regions that are larger than a single country 1 General works Apply Table HB2171/3 for 1 number regions Table for urban population, by region (1 no. regions) Apply this table to regions that are larger than a single country .A3 General works For individual cities see HB3501+ Rural population Cf. HT421 Rural sociology General works 34
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