Information Venfilter 0 Venfilter, air filters INFORMA- TION Welcome to Venfilter, a company which has been designing, producing and selling air filters tailored to protecting the environment, manufacturing 1 processes and people since 1992. PRE- High Quality FILTERS Filters, Manufactured Here 2 and Certified Here. PAINTINGS BOOTHS 3 COMFORT PRODUCTS Founded in Terrassa in 1992, today Venfilter is the only We invest in the future by constantly backing new tech- 4 business within the sector with 100% domestic capital. nology. As a matter of fact, we have a single laboratory Venfilter is the market leader for filter manufacturing in Spain which enables us to guarantee our leakage EPA/HEPA in Spain. standards for the filter cell of HEPA and ULPA filters /ULPA Experience and specialization as well as high quality according to the EN 1822 standard. service has ensured that we are a hallmark of exce- We continue to carry out our work with great dedication 5 llence, providing expertise and a thorough service to and thoroughness, investing in research and improving different areas: hospital, pharmaceutical, veterinary, our productive and service capacity so that we can offer HIGH chemical, microelectronics, food, packaging, optics excellence in air filters to businesses in Spain and the TEMPERA- and aerospace sector. rest of the world. TURE Venfilter [email protected] 1 Tel +34 937 862 607 6 Fax +34 937 862 493 EQUIP- MENTS 7 MOTORS AND TURBINES 8 ADSOR- TION AND DESODO- RIZATION 9 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
0 Information Venfilter INFORMA- TION 1 We strive to offer the best quality PRE- FILTERS 2 PAINTINGS BOOTHS 3 Service vocation Commitment to satisfaction COMFORT We are helping to improve companies which have tech- We work to offer the highest quality, reliability and PRODUCTS nical installations by advising on the most optimal so- technical support at a reasonable price. So that each lutions so that our customers make the best decision project becomes the best. 4 for their business. Passion EPA/HEPA Excellence /ULPA We enjoy our work and we always undertake it with For Venfilter quality is essential, and so we are ratified excitement, effort and dedication which ensures we 5 by ISO 9001:2008. In times of change, our efforts are evolve on a daily basis and places us at the head of always focused upon ensuring high quality raw mate- the sector. HIGH rials and improving processes so that our products and TEMPERA- personalised service provide maximum satisfaction to Venfilter [email protected] our customers. Tel +34 937 862 607 TURE Fax +34 937 862 493 Ethics and transparency 6 We are simplifying the management, using innovation EQUIP- and complying with standards and the highest guaran- MENTS tees for our customers. A commitment to sustainability in order to leave a better world for future generations. 7 2 MOTORS AND TURBINES 8 ADSOR- TION AND DESODO- RIZATION 9 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
Information Venfilter 0 Quality I+D INFORMA- TION In a highly competitive global market, quality is our re- Since it began in 1992, Venfilter has been committed to ason to be. We are therefore ratified by ISO 9001:2008 research and development. As proof of this, we have a 1 demonstrating that we have achieved the highest qua- single laboratory in Spain which enables us to guaran- lity standards. tee our leakage standards for the filter cell of HEPA PRE- Real Controls, One by One and ULPA filters according to the EN1822 standard. FILTERS Quality controls are essential to guarantee good per- formance from our filters, each and every one of which 2 is subjected to an individual test. The effort and dedication that we invest in our products PAINTINGS means reliability for our customers. This is the reason BOOTHS for our continual evolution which places Venfilter at the head of the sector. 3 Ethics and transparency, simplification of manage- ment, innovation, compliance with standards and the COMFORT highest guarantees for our customers. PRODUCTS Quality Certificate 4 Sustainability EPA/HEPA /ULPA Concern for the Environment 5 Bureau Veritas Certification, certifies that the quali- As the world becomes more and more polluted, we are ty system of the company VENTILACIÓN and FILTRA- conscious that filtering air plays a fundamental role in HIGH CIÓN, SL (Venfilter) complies with the requirements of the protection of equipment and people. As such, we TEMPERA- the ISO 9001:2008 standard. are committed to innovation which favours the envi- ronment through different lines of action: TURE · Better management of production waste in our fac- 6 tory. EQUIP- · Development of high perfor- MENTS mance products with a low Initial Pa and low energetic consumption. 7 · Limited use of potentially harmful substances. MOTORS AND · Use of raw materials and production methods in ac- cordance with a global policy of sustainable develop- TURBINES ment. 8 Venfilter [email protected] 3 Tel +34 937 862 607 ADSOR- Fax +34 937 862 493 TION AND DESODO- RIZATION 9 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
Information Venfilter 0 Why use air filters? INFORMA- TION Because the air filters ...: The restrictions for buildings to have natural venti- lation are increasing. 1 They ensure healthy indoor air by removing harmful Energy efficient mechanical treatment equipment fine dust that contains pollen, bacteria and fungi, and, in particular, air filtration systems, respond to PRE- along with other organic and inorganic materials. a growing demand. FILTERS They serve to keep the air treatment equipment The population spends an average of 90% of its life clean, thus guaranteeing a hygienic and efficient indoors, such as offices, schools, restaurants, su- 2 operation. permarkets or cinemas. Having a clean indoor air is crucial to health, es- PAINTINGS The air purity requirements increase continuously pecially for vulnerable groups such as babies, chil- BOOTHS due to increasingly sophisticated and sensitive in- dren or the elderly. dustrial processes; stricter environmental legisla- 3 tion and greater awareness of comfort and health issues. COMFORT PRODUCTS The need to reduce energy consumption and car- bon dioxide emissions is increasing, along with the 4 pressure on costs. EPA/HEPA Particle types /ULPA Diámetro de las Particulas 5 0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10 100 1000 10000 HIGH polvos industriales pesados TEMPERA- Humo de petróleo Cenizas volantes TURE CONTAMINANTES ATMOSFÉRICOS Humo de tabaco Cenizas 6 Polvos metalúrgicos EQUIP- Hollines Polvos de cemento MENTS Partículas respirables 7 Moléculas gaseosas Pigmentos MOTORS Filtros de carbón activo AND Polvos en suspensión polvos cayendo TURBINES Virus Bacterias Polenes 8 Esporas mohos Esporas Cabellos ADSOR- TÉCNICASDE Filtros finos Filtros Coarses TION AND FILTRACIÓN DESODO- Filtros absolutos Zona visible con el ojo humano RIZATION Venfilter [email protected] 9 9 Tel +34 937 862 607 Fax +34 937 862 493 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
0 Information Venfilter INFORMA- EN ISO 16890:2016 STANDARD TION Introduction 1 Published at the end of 2016, the new EN ISO 16890 standard has established an efficiency classification system PRE- of air filters for general ventilation based upon particulate matter (ePM). This new classification introducing FILTERS efficiency for various particle size ranges (ePM1, ePM2.5, ePM10) provides completely new, so far unavailable opportunities for designing Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). Yet, it differs considerably from the old classification def 2 ned in the well-known and commonly applied EN 779 standard. PAINTINGS Impact on Health BOOTHS Numerous studies have proven a close correlation 3 between IAQ and our health. These also show that particular matter (ePM) affects more people than COMFORT any other pollutant. The major components of ePM PRODUCTS are sulphate, nitrates, ammonia, sodium chloride, black carbon, mineral dust, combustion particles 4 and water. EPA/HEPA It consists of a complex mixture of solid and liquid /ULPA particles of organic and inorganic substances sus- pended in the air. 5 The effects of particulate matter on human health have been extensively studied in the past. The re- HIGH sults are that fine dust can be a serious health ha- TEMPERA- zard. The most important diseases which have been associated with (caused or aggravated by) indoor air TURE exposures due to ePM contamination are: • Allergy & Asthma 6 • Lung cancer • Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) EQUIP- • Chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) MENTS PM10 PM2.5 PM1 7 Particles 10 μm in diameter or smaller Particles 2.5 μm in diameter or smaller Particles 1 μm in diameter or sma- MOTORS can reach the respiratory ducts and can penetrate the lungs and cause de- ller are most dangerous. They are AND potentially cause decreased lung func- creased lung function, skin and eye tiny enough to enter the bloodstream tion. problems. and lead to cancer, cardiovascular TURBINES diseases and dementia. 8 Venfilter ADSOR- 10 Tel +34 937 862 607 [email protected] TION AND Fax +34 937 862 493 DESODO- RIZATION 9 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
Information Venfilter 0 INFORMA- TION Burden of Diseases The DALYs summarize, through studies of disease 1 burden, the impact of mortality and disability asso- Conducted researches determined an impact ciated with specific diseases, in different commu- PRE- of IAQ on the burden of diseases (BoD). nities. And they play an essential role in outcome FILTERS The burden of disease is measured by means of the measures in economic evaluation studies, measu- so-called DALY (Disability Adjusted Life Years), it is ring the impact of specific actions or interventions 2 a measure of burden of the global disease, expres- to reverse the burden of the disease and / or impro- sed as the number of years lost due to illness, disa- ve the quality and life expectancy of patients. PAINTINGS bility or premature death. BOOTHS It was developed in the 1990s as a way to compare the overall health and life expectancy of different countries. 3 Bad ambient air quality affects the burden of diseases (BoD) most COMFORT PRODUCTS Relevance of fine particulate matter 4 Outdoor air pollution plays a significant role for indoor air exposures. EPA/HEPA Due to ventilation providing continuous air exchange in buildings, the indoor air exposure to fine ePM origina- /ULPA tes mostly from outdoor air, especially in areas affected by heavy traffic. The second most important source of exposure comes from the indoor combustion of solid fuels for cooking and heating (if present). 5 The outdoor air fine ePM originates mostly from combustion sources, local and distant, in particular where the levels exceed rural background. What is often not acknowledged is that in strongly polluted areas (e.g. heavy HIGH industry zones, city centres with heavy traffic) without air filtration, over 90% of ambient PM levels monitored TEMPERA- outdoors, occurs indoors. Applying correctly selected, efficient air filters in ventilation systems can significantly reduce the impact of PM TURE exposure on the Burden of Disease (BoD). 6 Venfilter [email protected] 11 Tel +34 937 862 607 EQUIP- Fax +34 937 862 493 MENTS 7 MOTORS AND TURBINES 8 ADSOR- TION AND DESODO- RIZATION 9 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
0 Information Venfilter INFORMA- EN ISO 16890:2016 STANDARD TION In coarse filters, the filter effect is evaluated by Designación ePM 1,min ePM 2,5min ePM 10 Notificación 1 measuring the initial gravimetric retention when del grupo de clase testing the filter with synthetic test powder using PRE- AC-fine test powder. ISO - - 50% Reten. gravi FILTERS In fine filters, the fractional efficiency is measured Coarse - - 50% inicial in the range of 0.3 to 10 microns in particle diame- - 50% ePM10 2 ter. This measurement is made on a new filter and ISO 50% - - ePM2,5 on the same filter after discharge. ePM10 - PAINTINGS These measured fractional efficiencies are used to ePM1 BOOTHS calculate the mass yield versus typical distributions ISO of aerosols. ePM2,5 3 The initial gravimetric retention and the three effi- ciency values ePM1, ePM2,5 and ePM10 as well ISO COMFORT as the minimum efficiency values ePM1, min and ePM1 PRODUCTS ePM2.5, min are used to classify a filter in one of the four groups shown in the following table: According to the NORMA EN ISO 16890 the filters with 4 initial efficiency and efficiency discharged below 50% automatically descend to the lower group. The effi- EPA/HEPA ciencies of the fine filter are reported in stages of 5%. /ULPA Classification of filters according Classification of filter efficiency 5 to EN ISO 16890-1: 2016 Standard according to EN ISO 16890 and EN 779 HIGH Classification Classification Classification Coarse TEMPERA- As already stated, the efficiency classification esta- ePM1 ePM2,5 ePM10 blished in EN ISO 16890 differs fundamentally from TURE the efficiency definition of EN 779. ePM1[95%] ePM2.5[95%] ePM10[95%] 6 ePM1[90%] ePM2.5[90%] Both standards deal with the evaluation of the fi tra- ePM1[85%] ePM2.5[85%] ePM10[90%] tion effect of coarse and fine dust filters used in ge- EQUIP- ePM1[80%] ePM2.5[80%] neral ventilation. Yet, in EN 779:2012, the efficiency MENTS ePM1[75%] ePM2.5[75%] ePM10[85%] Arrestance classification for medium and fine filters it was ba- ePM1[70%] ePM2.5[70%] ePM10[80%] reported in sed on 0,4 μm particles, while EN ISO 16890 defines 7 ePM1[65%] ePM2.5[65%] ePM10[75%] the efficiency for various fractions of particle size, ePM1[60%] ePM2.5[60%] full 10% namely: ePM10, ePM2.5 and ePM1. MOTORS ePM1[55%] ePM2.5[55%] AND ePM1[50%] ePM2.5[50%] ePM10[70%] These substantial differences in the approach to the classification definition, but also to test methods, TURBINES ePM10[65%] lead to the fact that filter classes Nominal accor- ding to EN ISO 16890 and EN 779 cannot be directly 8 ePM10[60%] compared or converted by means of any calculation method. ADSOR- ePM10[55%] TION AND Furthermore, various filters Nominal in the same DESODO- ePM10[50%] EN 779 class can be naturally Nominal in different RIZATION EN ISO 16890 classes. Requirement Requirement Requirement No discharge 9 requirement INTER- Initial Initial Initial NATONAL efficiency efficiency efficiency NORMATI- of> 50% of> 50% of> 50% 50% dischar- 50% discharged No download VE ged efficiency efficiency requirement Venfilter 12 Tel +34 937 862 607 [email protected] Fax +34 937 862 493
Information Venfilter 0 Comparison of EN 779 and EN ISO Main differences in the test method INFORMA- 16890 between: TION EN 779: 2012 and EN ISO 16890: 2016 The direct conversion of EN 779 and EN ISO 16890 1 classes is not possible. To facilitate an indicative EN 779:2012 EN ISO comparison, particularly for the purpose of replacing 16890:2016 PRE- existing filters, the Eurovent Association has developed FILTERS a table matching both EN 779 and EN ISO 16890 classes Efficiency of particulate tested for the same filters. The comparison shows the matter (ePM) 2 actual overlapping of EN 779 and EN ISO 16890 classes and was developed based on real test data of 91 filters ePMx – Concentration of mass of PAINTINGS provided by Eurovent Certita Certification. particles with an optical diameter BOOTHS 0.4 μm particle de > 0,3 μm and x μm 3 by fine filter Filter ePM1 ePM2,5 ePM10 classification Efficiency Size range, COMFORT Class µm PRODUCTS 5%-35% 10%-45% 40%-70% Measurement of powder feed and ePM10 M5 10%-40% 20%-50% 60%-80% particle efficiency - in steps of up to ePM2,5 0,3 ≤ x ≤ 10 4 M6 40%-65% 65%-75% 80%-90% ePM1 0,3 ≤ x ≤ 2,5 F7 65%-90% 75%-95% 90%-100% 450 Pa of Initial 0,3 ≤ x ≤ 1 EPA/HEPA F8 80%-90% 85%-95% 90%-100% Pa /ULPA F9 Average efficiency = Average value >0,3 µm 1 µm final - average efficiency of initial efficacy and conditional 5 0,4 µm 2,5 µm Conditioning (discharge) of a por- efficacy. tion of medium (F7 - F9) in liquid Final Initial HIGH Pa: 200 Pa TEMPERA- isopropanol (Coarse) 300 Pa (PMx) TURE Conditioning (discharge) of a com- plete filter in IPA steam chamber 6 10 µm Test powder: ASHRAE Test powder: ISO A2 / fine AC EQUIP- MENTS Classification of air filters according to EN 779: 2012 - ISO 16890: 2016 Example: Multiven Turbine 440 7 MVTG242417F9 MOTORS AND Efficiency Average Class Class TURBINES Efficiency % ISO 16890 8 ISO ePM10 98% ISO ePM1 ISO ePM2.5 93% 90% ADSOR- TION AND ISO ePM1 91% DESODO- RIZATION Venfilter [email protected] 13 Tel +34 937 862 607 9 Fax +34 937 862 493 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
0 Information Venfilter INFORMA- Recommendation on EN ISO 16890 filter TION class selection 1 WHO thresholds PRE- The well-established and generally accepted recommendation on thresholds for ePM concentrations in the FILTERS air we breathe were published by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in the ‘Air Quality Guidelines – Global update 2005’. These limits aimed to achieve the lowest concentration of ePM possible, since no threshold has 2 been identified below which no damage to health is observed. The recommended annual mean limits to be observed when selecting filter classes are the following: PAINTINGS • Annual mean for ePM2.5 < 10 μg/m3 BOOTHS • Annual mean for ePM10 < 20 μg/m3 At the time being, there are no recommendations for PM1 concentration. 3 Ambient air pollution database Recommended filtration COMFORT efficiency depending on outdoor PRODUCTS Information on outdoor air pollution in various and supply air category location all over the world can be found in the WHO 4 database. The latest release from 2014 contains To simplify the selection procedure of the filter monitoring results of almost 1600 cities in 91 class, but still consider all relevant factors, this EPA/HEPA countries. Air quality is represented by the annual Eurovent Recommendation introduces a method /ULPA mean concentration of particulate matter (ePM10 which matches the recommended minimum and ePM2.5). The entire database can be found on filtration efficiency with both the outdoor air and 5 the supply air category. To maintain consistency on an international level, the method refers to limit values HIGH Particulate Matter emission recommended by WHO. TEMPERA- indoors As it is usually difficult to estimate indoor ePM emissions, this Recommendation also indicates TURE Knowing only about the ePM concentration in examples of typical applications assigned to the outdoor air is not sufficient for the selection of the respective supply air category. 6 correct filter class in a ventilation system. In this Recommendation, 3 categories of outdoor Due to existing ePM emissions inside premises, air (ODA) and 5 categories of supply air (SUP) EQUIP- basically a concentration of particulate matter are defined in the same way as in EN 16798-3 in MENTS in supply air stream should be lower than following way. designed indoor ePM level. This allows us to 7 maintain prescribed thresholds by applying so- called dilution principle. Thus, depending on the MOTORS required ePM concentration, supply air can be AND assigned to different categories (SUP). The indoor ePM emission originates mainly from cooking, TURBINES combustion activities (including burning of candles, use of fireplaces, use of unvented space heaters 8 or kerosene heaters, cigarette smoking) and hobbies. Indoor ePM can also be of biological origin. ADSOR- Therefore, both outdoor air quality and indoor TION AND emissions should be considered when determining DESODO- filtration efficiency for the desired IAQ. RIZATION Venfilter 9 14 Tel +34 937 862 607 [email protected] INTER- Fax +34 937 862 493 NATONAL NORMATI- VE
Information Venfilter 0 Outdoor air categories: INFORMA- TION ODA 1 1 Outdoor air, which may be only temporarily dus- ty. Applies where the World Health Organisa- PRE- tion WHO (2005) guidelines are fulfilled (annual FILTERS mean for PM2.5 ≤ 10 μg/m3 and PM10 ≤ 20 μg/ m3). 2 ODA 2 PAINTINGS BOOTHS Outdoor air with high concentrations of particu- late matter Applies where ePM concentrations 3 exceed the WHO guidelines by a factor of up to 1,5 (annual mean for PM2.5 ≤ 15 μg/m3 and COMFORT PM10 ≤ 30 μg/m3). PRODUCTS ODA 3 4 Outdoor air with very high concentrations of EPA/HEPA particulate matter Applies where ePM concen- /ULPA trations exceed the WHO guidelines by a factor of greater than 1,5 (annual mean for PM2.5 > 15 5 μg/m3 and PM10 > 30 μg/m3). Supply air categories: HIGH TEMPERA- Refers to supply air with concentrations of particulate matter which fulfilled the WHO (2005) SUP 1 guidelines limit values multiplied by a factor x 0,25 (annual mean for PM2.5 ≤ 2.5 μg/m3 and TURE PM10 ≤ 5 μg/m3). 6 Refers to supply air with concentrations of particulate matter which fulfilled the WHO (2005) EQUIP- SUP 2 guidelines limit values multiplied by a factor x 0,5 (annual mean for PM2.5 ≤ 5 μg/m3 and PM10 MENTS ≤ 10 μg/m3). 7 Refers to supply air with concentrations of particulate matter which fulfilled the WHO (2005) MOTORS SUP 3 guidelines limit values multiplied by a factor x 0,75 (annual mean for PM2.5 ≤ 7.5 μg/m3 and AND PM10 ≤ 15 μg/m3). TURBINES Refers to supply air with concentrations of particulate matter which fulfilled the WHO (2005) 8 SUP 4 guidelines limit values (annual mean for PM2.5 ≤ 10 μg/m3 and PM10 ≤ 20 μg/m3). refers to supply air with concentrations of particulate matter which fulfilled the WHO (2005) gui- ADSOR- SUP 5 delines limit values multiplied by factor x 1,5 (annual mean for PM2.5 ≤ 15 μg/m3 and PM10 ≤ TION AND DESODO- 30 μg/m3). RIZATION Venfilter 9 Tel +34 937 862 607 Fax +34 937 862 493 [email protected] INTER- NATONAL 15 NORMATI- VE
0 Information Venfilter INFORMA- Recommended minimum TION efficiencies 1 Minimum filtration efficiencies recommended in this document refer to various ePM particle PRE- size ranges, depending on the application (a FILTERS type of premises served by a ventilation system). For the most demanding applications with high 2 and medium hygienic requirements (SUP1 and SUP2), ePM1 efficiencies are shown. For pre- PAINTINGS mises with standard and low hygienic require- BOOTHS ments (SUP3), ePM2.5 efficiencies are recom- mended. For appcations with very low or without 3 hygienic requirements (SUP4 and SUP5), ePM10 efficiency is shown. COMFORT PRODUCTS The recommended minimum efficiencies depending on ODA and SUP categories are summarised in this Table: 4 OUTDOOR AIR SUP1* SUP2* SUPPLY AIR SUP4 SUP5 EPA/HEPA /ULPA PM2.5 ≤ 2.5 PM2.5 ≤ 5 SUP3** PM2.5 ≤ 10 PM2.5 ≤ 15 PM10 ≤ 5 PM10 ≤ 10 PM10 ≤ 20 PM10 ≤ 30 5 PM2.5 ≤ 7.5 PM10 ≤ 15 HIGH TEMPERA- CATEGORY PM2.5 PM10 ePM1 ePM1 ePM2.5 ePM10 ePM10 ODA 1 ≤ 10 ≤ 20 70% 50% 50% 50% 50% TURE ODA 2 ≤ 15 ≤ 30 80% 70% 70% 80% 50% ODA 3 >15 >30 90% 80% 80% 90% 80% 6 Recommended min. ePMx filtration efficiencies depending on ODA and SUP category. Annual mean EQUIP- ePMx values in μg/m3. MENTS * Minimum filtration requirements ISO ePM1 50% refer to a final filter stage. ** Minimum filtration requirements ISO ePM2.5 50% refer to a final filter stage. 7 Presented efficiency values concern both single filter and multi-stage filtration systems with a cumu- lated efficiency. MOTORS AND Additional recommendations concerning the protection of HVAC systems TURBINES As the task of air filters in HVAC systems is not only to protect ventilated rooms from too severe level of 8 contamination, but also the HVAC system itself, the minimum efficiency of a first stage filter (on fresh air inlet) should be at least ePM10 50%. ADSOR- Yet, if air humidification is applied in the system, theminimum efficiency of a filter located downstream TION AND the humidifier should be at least ePM2.5 65%. DESODO- RIZATION Venfilter 9 16 Tel +34 937 862 607 [email protected] Fax +34 937 862 493 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
Information Venfilter 0 Application examples according to SUP categories: INFORMA- TION CATEGORY GENERAL VENTILATION 1 SUP 1 - - PRE- SUP 2 Rooms for permanent occupation: Kindergardens, FILTERS offices, hotels, residential buildings, meeting rooms, exhibition halls, conference halls, thea- 2 ters, cinemas, concert halls. PAINTINGS SUP 3 Rooms with temporary occupation: Storage, sho- BOOTHS pping centers, washing rooms, server rooms, co- pier rooms. 3 SUP 4 Rooms with short-term occupation: restrooms, COMFORT storage rooms stairways. PRODUCTS SUP 5 Rooms without occupation: Garbage room, data 4 centers, underground, car parks. CATEGORY INDUSTRIAL VENTILATION EPA/HEPA /ULPA Applications with high hygienic demands: Hospitals, pharmaceutics, electronic and optical 5 industry, supply air to clean rooms. SUP 1 HIGH TEMPERA- TURE Applications with medium hygienic demands: 6 Food and beverage production. SUP 2 EQUIP- MENTS SUP 3 Applications with basic hygienic demands: 7 Food and beverages production with a basic hygie- nic demand. MOTORS AND TURBINES SUP 4 Applications without hygienic demands: 8 General production areas in the automotive indus- try. SUP 5 Production areas of the heavy industry: ADSOR- Steel mill, smelters, welding plants. TION AND DESODO- Venfilter RIZATION Tel +34 937 862 607 Fax +34 937 862 493 9 [email protected] INTER- NATONAL 17 NORMATI- VE
0 Information Venfilter INFORMA- Estimation of the cumulative efficiency TION of multi-stage filtration 1 Since the fractional efficiency of an air filter de- Since the distribution of a filter differs significantly pends on the particle size, the descending particle from this standardized distribution, the complex PRE- size distribution differs significantly from the ups- methodology presented in En ISO 16890-1 must be FILTERS tream of the filter. applied to accurately estimate filtration at various The ePMx efficiencies for a single filter derived from stages of efficiency. 2 EN ISO 16890-1 have been calculated assuming a standardized particle size distribution. PAINTINGS BOOTHS It is recommended to use the following formula to determine the combined efficiency of the filtration for the respective particle size fractions: 3 ePMx, cum =100 * (1 - ((1 - (ePMx,s1)/100) * (1- (ePMx,s2)/100) ....(1 - (ePMx,sn+1)/100))) COMFORT PRODUCTS Where: ePMx, cum is the total cumulative efficiency for fraction x ePMx, sn + 1 is the fractional efficiency for each stage of the filter. 4 This simplified approach assumes the same distribution of particles at the entrance to each of the stages. In most cases, it results in small deviations compared to EN ISO 16890, acceptable for the accuracy of EPA/HEPA engineering calculations. However, if high accuracy is required, it is recommended to contact a filter provider /ULPA to perform relevant calculations. 5 Venfilter HIGH 18 Tel +34 937 862 607 [email protected] TEMPERA- Fax +34 937 862 493 TURE 6 EQUIP- MENTS 7 MOTORS AND TURBINES 8 ADSOR- TION AND DESODO- RIZATION 9 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
Information Venfilter 0 Energy Efficiency of Filters INFORMA- TION When placing filters into an airstream, the fil- It has a crucial impact on the total energy consu- ters will cause a flow resistance. This re- med by mechanical ventilation. Energy efficiency 1 sistance can be measured as a Initial links the amount of energy required (effort) to the Pa between the inlet and outlet side of the filter. Initial filtering efficiency of filter particles (benefit). PRE- Pa therefore defines the energy demand for the FILTERS specific filter, because the fan that provides the air- Understanding this energy efficiency is even more flow must supply the required pressure. relevant when it is recognized that many users are 2 The described Initial not aware of the differences in energy consumption Pa is on its minimum when the filter is clean associated with various filters that offer filtration PAINTINGS and used for the first time. As soon as dust is efficiency with equal performance. BOOTHS in the air and eliminated by the filter, this Initial Pa increases. Hence, also the energy de- The procedure for energy efficiency evaluation for 3 mand for the use of the filter increases. The filters classified according to EN 779 is defined in more dust is in the filter, the higher the Initial Recommendation Eurovent 4/21-2014, whereas for COMFORT Pa, the higher the energy demand, and finally the filters classified according to EN ISO 16890 in the PRODUCTS higher the power consumption of the fan second edition of this document, Eurovent 4/21– Beside a low initial Initial 2019. Both documents can be downloaded at www. 4 Pa, an energy efficient filter has the property that its pressure increase, in case of dust in the fil- EPA/HEPA ter, is low. That extends the efficient lifetime and An indication of the efficiency and energy con- /ULPA reduces the operational costs. The dust loading sumption of a filter is the Eurovent Energy Effi- capacity and the related increase of the Initial ciency Class. Depending on the average Initial 5 Pa depends significantly on the filter area Pa and the filter class, filters are Nominal from Another substantial characteristic of the air filter, A+ to E a so far unique approach that sets global HIGH in addition to the efficiency of separation of the par- benchmarks in the air filtration area. TEMPERA- ticle, is its resistance of the flow that translates di- rectly into an energy consumption. This parameter Only participants of the ‘Eurovent Certified Perfor- TURE plays an increasingly important role. mance’ programme for Air Filters can use the Eu- Due to the increasing requirements of ecode- rovent Energy Efficiency class. The list of certified 6 sign for the ventilation equipment, the Initial manufacturers, their filters and the related tech- Pa on the filters corresponds to a significant part of nical information is publically available and can be EQUIP- the general pressure in HVAC systems. found on the ‘Eurovent Certified Performance’ web- MENTS It has a crucial impact on the total energy consu- site med by mechanical ventilation. Energy efficiency 7 links the amount of energy required (effort) to the filtering efficiency of filter particles (benefit). MOTORS AND Venfilter [email protected] 19 Tel +34 937 862 607 TURBINES Fax +34 937 862 493 8 ADSOR- TION AND DESODO- RIZATION 9 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
0 Information Venfilter INFORMA- ISO 16890 and Eurovent Energy TION Efficiency Classification 1 Mx = 200g AEC in kWh/y FOR ePM1 (AC Fine) PRE- ePM1 and ePM1, min ≥ 50% FILTERS 50&55% 60&65% A+ A BC D E 2 70&75% 800 900 2000 >2000 80&85% 850 950 1050 1400 2050 >2050 PAINTINGS 950 1100 2150 >2150 BOOTHS >90% 1050 1250 1100 1450 2400 >2400 1200 1400 2500 >2500 3 Mx = 250g 1250 1550 (AC Fine) A+ E COMFORT 700 1450 1800 >1900 PRODUCTS 50&55% 750 >1950 60&65% 800 1550 1900 >2000 4 70&75% 900 >2100 80&85% 1000 AEC in kWh/y FOR ePM2,5 >2200 EPA/HEPA /ULPA >90% A+ ePM2,5 and ePM2,5, min ≥ 50% E 450 >1100 5 Mx = 400g 500 A BC D >1200 (AC Fine) 600 800 1900 >1300 HIGH 700 950 1300 >1400 TEMPERA- 50&55% 800 850 1950 >1500 60&65% 900 1000 1350 2000 TURE 70&75% 1000 2100 80&85% 1100 1050 1400 2200 6 >90% 1200 1500 EQUIP- MENTS 1300 1600 7 AEC in kWh/y FOR ePM10 MOTORS ePM10 ≥ 50% AND ABCD TURBINES 550 650 750 1100 8 600 700 850 1200 ADSOR- TION AND 700 800 900 1300 DESODO- RIZATION 800 900 1000 1400 9 900 1050 1400 1500 INTER- The interlaboratory tests have been provided by six laboratories and 36 types of filters. NATONAL The objective is to approach the existing classification table. NORMATI- Venfilter VE 20 Tel +34 937 862 607 [email protected] Fax +34 937 862 493
Information Venfilter 0 Eurovent Certification INFORMA- TION Venfilter in eurovent EUROVENT Certification Programmes 1 Since May 2013, Venfilter has made a commitment to Eurovent, or in other words it has made a commitment Air Filter companies can participate in the following PRE- to the reliability and accuracy of the information publi- Certification programme: Air Filters Class M5-F9 (FIL). FILTERS shed, as part of its undertaking to provide a high-qua- There are also other programmes in operation at pre- lity product that fully meets the expectations of its cus- sent, such as programmes for cooling towers, fan coil 2 tomers. units and air handling units. In total, there are current- ly 16 programmes. PAINTINGS What is BOOTHS EUROVENT? How does certification work? 3 Eurovent is the European Committee of Manufactu- The participants present the characteristics of all their rers of Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, products covered by the programme. They are evalua- COMFORT Industrial Heating and Ventilation, and Air Handling ted by those responsible for the Eurovent Certita Cer- PRODUCTS equipment in Europe. tification. When the outcome of the evaluation is sa- The main objectives of Eurovent are, among others: tisfactory, the products are classified in the Yearbook, 4 To represent the European manufacturers in com- which serves as a guide for subscribers when selecting pliance with European and international standards. products. EPA/HEPA To keep its members informed of relevant legislation All the products registered may then be tested at ran- /ULPA emanating from the European Union or other bodies. dom in order to verify whether their characteristics To draw up and introduce European standards. coincide with the details in the catalogue. 5 To develop a reliable global statistic reporting system. The tests are conducted by independent laboratories in Through the Eurovent Certita Certification, to develop accordance with ISO or CEN test standards. HIGH product certification programmes for our industry. TEMPERA- What are the Certification programmes and Directory of certified products Participants? TURE One of the main tasks of Eurovent is to develop the cer- The directory is published once a year and is regularly tification programmes that cover the great majority of updated. 6 equipment used in air conditioning and refrigeration. The directory contains details of the programme, the The manufacturers whose products are certified are participants in it, the name of the products and techni- EQUIP- called PARTICIPANTS. cal information. MENTS Eurovent Certita Certification manages the certifica- The Year Book is also available on the Internet, at the tion programmes. following address: 7 MOTORS Venfilter [email protected] 21 AND Tel +34 937 862 607 Fax +34 937 862 493 TURBINES 8 ADSOR- TION AND DESODO- RIZATION 9 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
0 Information Venfilter Venfilter Eurovent Certified Performance. INFORMA- How are the products certified by Venfilter Eurovent Certified Energy Efficiency. TION eurovent identified? Benefits of filters certified by 1 Through the detailed list of them in the Eurovent direc- eurovent tory: http: //www.euroventcertification. PRE- com / es / Quick_search.php? lg = en & rub = 10 For end users FILTERS Search by the Manufacturer criteria: - Peace of mind that equipment will operate in accor- Venfilter to obtain a list of our certified products. dance with the design specifications. 2 - Comparison of FILTERS of different manufacturers This symbol guarantees to the prescribers, installers with the same parameters. PAINTINGS and users that the equipment put on sale in the mar- - The ENERGY cost will be correctly stated. BOOTHS ket by the participant, has been properly presented in - Technical details supplied in a standard European its catalog. The certification symbol is displayed in the format. 3 technical and commercial information together with For equipment manufacturers the words “The Company participates in the Eurovent - Competition on equal terms. COMFORT Certification Program.” The products are - European standards in certification. PRODUCTS correspond to those related in the Directory - Enhancement of professionalism in the industry. Eurovent of products. 4 Venfilter [email protected] Certified characteristics Tel +34 937 862 607 EPA/HEPA Fax +34 937 862 493 /ULPA - Filter class: Coarse ISO, ISO ePM10, ISO ePM2.5, ISO ePM1. 5 - Initial Initial Pa in Pa, measured according to UNE-EN ISO 16890. HIGH - Initial Efficiency according to UNE-EN 16890 (only for TEMPERA- Coarse ISO filters) - Minimum Efficiency (ePM1, min and ePM2.5, min) TURE according to UNE-EN ISO 16890. - Energy efficiency class according to UNE-EN ISO 6 16890 (only for filters with a nominal flow rate of 0.944 m3 / s (3400 m3 / h). EQUIP- - Annual energy consumption according to UNE-EN MENTS ISO 16890 (only for filters with a nominal flow rate of 0.944 m3 / s (3400 m3 / h). 7 22 MOTORS AND TURBINES 8 ADSOR- TION AND DESODO- RIZATION 9 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
Information Venfilter 0 EN 1822 Normative. Absolute Filters INFORMA- (EPA, HEPA and ULPA) TION Filter Classification 1 To HEPA and ULPA Filters, the classification is based on Eurovent 4/4 standard which defines 5 types of Filters: EU 10, EU 11, EU 12, EU 13 and EU 14. PRE- In order to cope with the demands of high technology, there is a need for new testing methods and a new classifica- FILTERS tion of absolute filters. DIN launched in Germany for HEPA and ULPA filters the project DIN 24183, based on particles measurements, CEN 2 accepted as a basic principle system of testing and rating: EN 1822. European standard EN 1822, replaces several national standards such as DIN 24184, BS 3928 and AFNOR PAINTINGS 44013. BOOTHS 3 COMFORT PRODUCTS Integral for efficien- Class 4 cy * MPPS EPA/HEPA EN 1822 DIN 24183 DIN 24184 BS 3928 Mil. Std. 292 /ULPA E10 EU10 Q EU10 - E11 EU11 R EU11 5 E12 EU12 - EU12 >= 99.5% H13 EU13 S EU13 >= 99.97% HIGH H14 EU14 - EU14 >= 99.99% TEMPERA- U15 EU15 - - >= 99.999% U16 EU16 - - TURE U17 EU17 - - 6 * Comprehensive Efficiency is the average value of all local efficiencies in the front area of the filter. EQUIP- In the first stage of this standard EN 1822, the fractional yield for different filtering measures will be assessed at the MENTS same rate in the filter. The purpose is to determine the particle size for which the filter material offers the lowest retention efficiency, this size is called: Most Penetrating Particle Size (MPPS). 7 The particle size is usually between 0.15 and 0.25 μm. MOTORS The next step is to know the collection efficiency of the filter for this MPPS AND Depending on the performance, leakage and porosity are classified into two groups: TURBINES · HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air): E10, E11, E12, H13 and H14. 8 · ULPA filters (Ultra Low Penetration Air): ADSOR- The Venfilter process for conducting efficiency measurements is done by TION AND scanning. DESODO- The leak test is done separately. RIZATION Venfilter [email protected] 27 9 Tel +34 937 862 607 Fax +34 937 862 493 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
0 Information Venfilter INFORMA- TION Comparative Guide 1 to Standards for the PRE- FILTERS 2 Classification of Air Filters PAINTINGS BOOTHS ASHRAE 52.2-2017 ISO 16890: 2016 EN EN779: 2012 Filter 3 Effective- Average Compound Efficiency Average between Initial Initial efficiency Performance Average Minimum ness by Particle Size (Em)% in Size Initial Efficiency and Efficacy Arrest medium (Am) efficiency efficiency Minimum (A.M) G1 versus synthetic (Em) at (Emin) at Filter Range, (m) Discharged Filter (Ei) G2 Efficiency dust 0.4 0.4 COMFORT Em = (Ei + Ed) / 2 % PRODUCTS Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 ePM1 Epm2.5 Epm10 Coarse (%) Final test dP Final test (%) (%) (%) 250Pa dP 450Pa (MERV) 0.3-1.0 1.0-3.0 3.0-10.0 0.3-1.0 0.3-2.5 0.3-10 ISO fine % % powder 41 2 Em < 20 Am < 50 50 ≤ Am ≤ 65 Em < 20 65 ≤ Am ≤ 80 Em < 20 EPA/HEPA 3 Em < 20 /ULPA 4 Em ≥ 20 Em ≥ 35 5 Em ≥ 50 Am ≥ 50 G3 80 ≤ Am ≤ 90 Em ≥ 70 G4 56 Em ≥ 75 Ei > 50 M5 Am ≤ 90 7 Em ≥ 80 Em ≥ 50 Ei > 70 M6 8 Em ≥ 20 Em ≥ 85 Em ≥ 50 Em ≥ 65 Ei > 80 F7 HIGH Em ≥ 35 Em ≥ 90 Em ≥ 70 Em ≥ 80 Ei > 90 F8 TEMPERA- 9 Em ≥ 50 Em ≥ 90 Em ≥ 80 F9 40 ≤ Em Em ≥ 65 ≤ 60 TURE 10 Em ≥ 80 Em ≥ 85 11 Em ≥ 20 60 ≤ Em Em ≥ 35 ≤ 80 6 12 Em ≥ 50 13 80 ≤ Em Emin ≤ 35 ≤ 90 Emin ≤ 55 EQUIP- 14 Em ≥ 75 Em ≥ 90 Em ≥ 95 Emin ≤ 70 MENTS 90 ≤ Em Em ≥ 95 ≤ 95 15 Em ≥ 85 Em ≥ 90 Em ≥ 95 16 Em ≥ 95 Em ≥ 95 95 ≤ Em 7 Am = Medium Arrest Note: Filter efficiency is the highest efficiency where the filter meets all requirements. Comparisons are approximations given for reference only. MOTORS Em = Average efficiency Filters must be tested to the latest standards. AND Emin = Minimum Efficiency For ISO ePM1 and ePM2.5, both the initial efficiency and the efficiency of the discharged filter must TURBINES Ed = Discharged Filter Efficiency be greater than 50% Ei = Initial Efficiency 8 ADSOR- 28 Venfilter [email protected] TION AND Tel +34 937 862 607 DESODO- Fax +34 937 862 493 RIZATION 9 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
Information Venfilter 0 INFORMA- TION Comparative Guide 1 to Standards for the PRE- FILTERS Classification of HEPA Filters 2 PAINTINGS BOOTHS EN 1822 Clasification ISO 29463 Clasification 3 COMFORT PRODUCTS Filter Particle size for Global Value Local Value Filter Particle size for Global Value Local Value 4 class testing Efficiency of class testing collection in% Global Efficiency of Global EPA/HEPA E10 efficiency collection in% efficiency /ULPA E11 ≥ 85 multiple% multiple% ≥ 95 5 E12 ISO 15 E ≥ 95 - ≥ 99,5 ISO 20 E ≥ 99 - HIGH ISO 25 E ≥ 99,5 - TEMPERA- ISO 30 E ≥ 99,9 - TURE H13 MPPS ≥ 99,95 5 ISO 35 H MPPS ≥ 99,95 5 H14 MPPS ≥ 99,995 ≥ 99,99 5 6 ISO 40 H MPPS ≥ 99,995 5 EQUIP- 5 ISO 45 H MPPS MENTS ISO 50 U MPPS ≥ 99,999 5 7 U15 MPPS ≥ 99,9995 5 ISO 55 U MPPS ≥ 99,9995 5 MOTORS AND ISO 60 U MPPS ≥ 99,9999 5 TURBINES U16 MPPS ≥ 99,99995 5 ISO 65 U MPPS ≥ 99,99995 5 8 ISO 70 U MPPS ≥ 99,99999 10 ADSOR- U17 MPPS ≥ 99,999995 20 ISO 75 U MPPS ≥ 99,999995 20 TION AND DESODO- Venfilter [email protected] 29 RIZATION Tel +34 937 862 607 Fax +34 937 862 493 9 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
0 Information Venfilter Transport and storage INFORMA- Practical issues To protect filters from contamination, they should TION be transported and stored only in their original Maintenance of air filters packaging, preferably on pallets. Transportation 1 should be done with care, avoiding any abrupt mo- The filter service life is defined as the operating period vement. Filter storage must be indoors according PRE- between filter installation and filter replacement. It manufacturer’s instructions (not outdoors), protec- FILTERS is determined by the following factors: ted against rain and moisture, and at temperatures • Hygiene issues (e.g. microorganisms, fungal above the freezing point. 2 spores, odors). • Optimization of economic efficiency. Disposal PAINTINGS • Reaching of the final Initial BOOTHS Pa specified for the filter system in the ventilation The filters must be taken to the assembly site in system. their original packaging and must not be unpacked 3 • Defective filter. until immediately before assembly. The packaging Filters should be changed considering the abo- must not be pierced with sharp objects. When re- COMFORT ve-mentioned factors and the supplier’s main- moving a filter from its packaging, avoid touching PRODUCTS tenance plan. When replacing filters, it needs to the filter media. Before mounting, you should check be ensured that all filters across the entire duct each filter visually to see if it has transport damage. 4 cross-section are changed at the same time. Filters Do not use damaged filters. may only be changed with the system at standstill Air filter products must not be assessed by techni- EPA/HEPA and by using personal protection equipment (clo- cal/ economic criteria alone. They also need to sa- /ULPA thing, gloves, class-P2 respirators). The used filters tisfy ecological requirements. To obtain a reliable should be transported in big plastic bags. assessment of the ecological criteria, material and 5 Particularly when mounting new filters, utmost care production must be assessed and balanced with re- shall be taken to prevent filter damage due most- gard to energy, influencing substances and emis- HIGH ly to the sharp edges of the slot. Contaminated fil- sions over the entire life cycles. TEMPERA- ters should be handled with care, transported in a suitable, lockable package and disposed according Composite materials, TURE to local legislation. The connections between filter e.g. mixtures of alumi- frames and partitions shall be cleaned, checked and num, steel and plastics, 6 repaired, where required. The filter frames or the are not recommended filter housing of the new filter as well as the sealing as they involve a higher EQUIP- faces should be cleaned carefully prior to assembly. expense of disposal. Filter systems for the separa- MENTS The new filter should be careful assembled as per tion of hazardous substances should have the sma- assembly instructions. Visual inspections of coar- llest possible number of stages (unless otherwise 7 se and fine dust filters and particle measurements required for application specific reasons) as the on particulate air filters of classes H and U must be replacement and disposal of several contamina- MOTORS performed at regular intervals to detect such de- ted filters is more expensive due to the extra time AND fects. During maintenance, optical and/or electrical required for contamination-free filter change and differential pressure gauges and indicators shall be due to the higher disposal costs involved (hazar- TURBINES checked for proper functioning. If testing a filter is dous waste). Recycled or recyclable, low-emission impossible, it should be replaced after the period materials shall be preferred for filter frames. 8 specified by the manufacturer. Venfilter [email protected] ADSOR- 30 Tel +34 937 862 607 TION AND Fax +34 937 862 493 DESODO- RIZATION 9 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
Information Venfilter 0 Conversions WHO World Health Organisation INFORMA- TION VELOCITY CONVERSIONS 1 ENERGY COSTS 1m/s = 3,6km/h 1km/h = 0,278 1 pie/mm = 1 m/s = 196,85 m/s 0,00508m/s pies/mm PRE- Energy consumed by an air filter due to its Pressure Drop of charge: LENGTH FILTERS E=(q x Δp x h) / (ŋ x 1000 ) = kWh 1 km = 0,621 mila 1 yarda = 0,914 m 1m = 1,09yd q = Flow (m3/h) 1 mila = 1,609 km 1m = 3,28 pies 1 pulgada = 25,4 mm 1mm = 0,039 in 2 1 pie = 0,305m PAINTINGS Δp= Pressure Drop of charge (Pa) 1mm = 1000 µm 1 µm = 0,001mm 1 µm = 1000nm 1nm = 0,001µm BOOTHS h = operating time (hours) 1 µm = 10 000 Å 1 Å = 0,0001 µm 1 pulgada2 =6,45cm2 1 cm2 = 0,155 3 Δ = Fan performance (in general 0,6 a 0,7) SURFACE 1m2 =10,8 pies2 pulgadas2 COMFORT ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 1 pie2 = 0,0929 m2 PRODUCTS AFNOR Association Française de Normalisation / VOLUME 1m3 = 35,3 pies3 1 pie3 =28,3 litros 4 French Association for Standardization ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers 1 pie3 = 0,0283 m3 EPA/HEPA /ULPA ASPEC (USA) FLOW BSI Association pour la Prévention et l’Etude de la Contamination 5 CE 1cfm = 0,472.10- 1m3/s = 3 600 m3/h 1 m3/h = 0,278.10- CEN British Standards Institute/ Instituto de normas Británico 3m3/s 1m3/s = 2 120 cfm 3 m3/s HIGH Purification Coefficient TEMPERA- CETIAT 1cfm = 1,699 m3/h Comité Européen de Normalisation / TURE European Committee for Standardization MASS Centre Technique des Industries Aérauliques et Thermiques / 6 Technical Center for Thermal and Air Industries 1 libra = 0,454 kg 1 kg = 2,20 libra 1 onza = 28,3 g 1g = 0,0352 onza EQUIP- FORCE MENTS 1 kgf = 9,80665 N 1N = 0,102kgf 1 Ibraf = 4,45 N 1N = 0,225 libraf 7 CNC Condensation Cores Particle Counter PRESSURE MOTORS AND COV Volatile Organic Compounds 1mmCE = 9,81 Pa 1Pa = 1kPa = pz 1kPa = 10,2 g/cm2 CSTB Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment / 0,102mmCE TURBINES 1kg/cm2 = 1 bar = 1,02kg/ 1kg/m2 = 98,0665 kPa 1kPa = 0,00987 CTA Scientific and Technical Construction Center 0,980665 bar 1atm = 101,325kPa atm 8 Centrale de Traitement d’Air 1 psi = 6,89 kPa cm2 1 bar = 101325 1mb = 100Pa ADSOR- DEHS Di-Etil-Hexil-Sebaçate (=DES = DOS) 1mmCE = 1kg/m2 TION AND DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung / Pa 1Pa = 1N/m2 1 in w.g. = 254 Pa DESODO- ENERGY 1kPa = 0,145psi RIZATION EURO- German institute for standardization VENT Comité européen des Constructeurs de Matériel Eéraulique / 1kgm = 9,80665 J 1J = 0,102 kgm 1cal = 4,184 J 1J = 0,239 cal 9 Gravi HEPA European Committee of Aircraft Builders 1 kWh = 3.6 MJ 1MJ = 0,278 kWh 1Btu = 1,055kj 1J = 0,945.10- INTER- ISO Gravimetric efficiency 3Btu NATONAL MPPS POWER NORMATI- Opa High Efficiency Particulate Air (filter) ULPA International Standards Organisation 1 CV = 0,736 1kW = 1,36 CV 1kcal/h = 1,16W 1W = 0,860kcal/h VE UNICLI- Most penetrating Particule Size 1Btu/h = 0,292 W 1W = 3,42Btu/h MA Opacimetric efficiency VTT TEMPERATURE: Conversion formula Ultra Low Penetration Air (filter) Syndicat du matériel frigorifique, syndicat de l’aéraulique / 0 ºC = 32 ºF 0ºF = -17,8ºC union of refrigeNominal material, union of aviation ºF = (9/5) x ºC + 32 ºC = (5/9) x ºF -17,8 Centre de Recherches Techniques (Finlande) TEMPERATURE: Conversion table Δp I n i t i a l ºF......ºC ºF......ºC ºF......ºC ºF......ºC Pa 0.....-17,8 30.....-1,1 50.....10,0 80.....26,7 PM Particulate matter IAQ Interior Air Quality 10....-12,2 32......0 60.....15,6 90.....32,2 20.....-6,7 40.....4,4 70.....21,1 100.....37,8 ENTALPÍA 1kcal/kg = 4,19.103J/Kg 1J/kg = 0,239.10-3kcal/kg Heat transmission 1W/(m2.ºC) = 0,86 kcal/h.m2.ºC 1W/(m2.ºC) = 0,177 Btu/(h.pie2.ºF) 1 kcal/h.m2.ºC = 1,16W/(m2.ºC) 1Btu/(h.pie2.ºF) = 5,64 W/(m2.ºC) Venfilter [email protected] 31 Tel +34 937 862 607 Fax +34 937 862 493
Información Venfilter 0 Products INFORMA- TION 1. Pre-filter 35 Laminarven 135 1 Synthetic Media Rolls Terminal block 145 Packven 35 PRE- Quebraven 36 5. High temperature 164 FILTERS Quebraven Galvanized 37 Refill Quebraven Galvanized 39 HT-1000 164 2 Replaceable frame Quebraven Galvanized 41 Quebraven Galvanized High Temperature 165 Quebraplast 42 Variven HT 166 PAINTINGS Quebralav 43 Micropac HT 168 BOOTHS Quebramet 44 Multiven HT 169 Metal frame 45 Poliven HT 172 3 Fan Coil frame 46 Stitched Filters for Fan Coils 47 6. Equipment 177 PRODUCTS V40 49 CONFOR Bag-Synthetic G4 51 MIA AIR PLUS 177 Bag-Synthetic M5 52 UPA AIR 179 4 54 Hygienic Change 183 2. Painting booths Surgery Seiling 191 EPA/HEPA 59 Metal Housing 195 /ULPA Omega Plastic Housing 206 Paint Stop/Glass Oil 59 Diffuser and Grilles 210 5 Vcart 60 Terminal module 211 KoPressure Dropus-Columbus 61 UFA AIR 215 HIGH 62 Box 221 TEMPERA- 3. Products Confor Boxhepa 223 65 Boxcarb 225 TURE V50 Racks for pre-filters 227 Bio-Bag 65 Racks for Absolute filter 228 6 Bag-Glass 66 Bag Nanowave 72 7. Engines and Turbines 229 EQUIP- Multiven 88 MENTS Varipleat 90 Multiven G4 229 Varipac 99 V60 230 7 Poliven 105 Multiven Turbine 231 Dieven 107 Duraven 234 MOTORS 108 Cartridges turbines 235 AND 4. EPA/HEPA/ULPA 119 8. Adsortion and desodorization 242 TURBINES Multiven HEPA Dieven HEPA 119 Carbon 249 8 Microven 120 Quebraven galvanized impregnated carbon 260 Astroven 121 Metal frame activated carbon 261 ADSOR- Poliven 125 Modules PP 262 TION AND 131 Frame for carbon replaceable cartridge 266 DESODO- Replaceable carbon cartridges 267 RIZATION Multicarb 268 Policarb 270 9 8. International Normative 272 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
Prefilters 0 Synthetic Media Rolls INFORMA- TION Pre-filtration 1 Pre-filter for the retention of coarse particles in self-con- Dimensions PRE- tained air conditioning units, air conditioning units, air in- FILTERS takes in painting booths. 2 Technical features PAINTINGS Type: Rolls of Synthetic Material. BOOTHS Media: Polyester Fiber. EN 779 Class: G2, G3, G4 and M5. 3 ISO 16890: ePM10 40%, ePM10 55%, ePM10 60%-75% y ePM10 50%. COMFORT Fire behavior: F1-K1; M1. PRODUCTS Opacity and toxicity of fumes: F1. Recommended Initial 4 Pa: G2 al G4: 250 Pa., M5; 450 Pa. Temperature: 100-110°C maximum continuous service. EPA/HEPA /ULPA Advantages 5 Panels cut to length. HIGH References TEMPERA- Reference Dimensions Color Average Average Class ISO 16890 Filter Nominal Initial Unit Weight UxP S TURE LxA Efficiency Efficiency EN Surface flow Pa Volume (Kg) * * WHITE % (Em) 779 ePM10 40% (m3/h) 6 VSB100-1/40 40x1 WHITE (Am) G2 ePM10 55% (m2) 1,5 15 (m3) 4 1 S VSB150-1/25 25x1 WHITE 79% 53% G3 ePM10 55% 40 1,5 19 0,44 3,75 1 S EQUIP- VSB150-2/25 25x2 WHITE/BLUE 85% G3 ePM10 55% 25 1,5 19 0,35 7,5 1 S MENTS V150A-1/25 25x1 WHITE/BLUE 85% G3 ePM10 55% 50 1,5 19 0,70 4,25 1 S V150A-2/25 25x2 WHITE 85% G3 ePM10 60% 25 1,5 19 0,35 8,5 1 S 7 VSB200-1/25 25x1 WHITE 85% G4 ePM10 60% 50 1,5 28 0,70 5,75 1 S VSB200-2/25 25x2 WHITE/BLUE 90% G4 ePM10 60% 25 1,5 28 0,44 11,5 1 S MOTORS V200A-1/25 25x1 WHITE/BLUE 90% G4 ePM10 60% 50 1,5 28 0,88 6,25 1 S AND V200A-2/25 25x2 WHITE 92% G4 ePM10 75% 25 1,5 28 0,44 12,5 1 S VSA15/500-1/25 25x1 WHITE 92% G4 ePM10 50% 50 1 43 0,88 7,5 1 S TURBINES VSA300-1/20 20x1 93% M5 25 0,25 11 0,50 7,04 1 S 97% 20 0,35 8 *UxP *Stock ADSOR- Units per box F: Manufacturer, S: Stock, SL: Limited Stock TION AND DESODO- Venfilter RIZATION Tel +34 937 862 607 Fax +34 937 862 493 9 [email protected] INTER- NATONAL 35 NORMATI- VE
0 Prefilters INFORMA- Packven TION Pre-filtration 1 Pre-filter for the retention of coarser particles in air treat- PRE- ment units, air conditioning, ventilation systems and pain- FILTERS ting booths. 2 Technical features Dimensions PAINTINGS Type: Flat filter with disposable panel. BOOTHS Frame: Cardboard. Material: Fiberglass or synthetic fiber. 3 Gravimetric Efficiency: 65% ≤ Am < 80% and 80% ≤ Am < 90%. EN 779 Class: G2 and G3. COMFORT ISO 16890: Coarse 40% and Coarse 50%. PRODUCTS Recommended Final Pressure Drop: 250 Pa. Temperature: Maximum 80ºC in continuous service. 4 Advantages EPA/HEPA /ULPA - Disposable filter - Cardboard frame. 5 - Incineratable. - Manufactured in special sizes. HIGH TEMPERA- References TURE Reference Dimensions Average EN 779 ISO 16890 Filter Nominal flow Initial Unit Weight UxP Stock BxHxP Efficiency Class Surface (m3/h) Pa Volume (Kg) ** 6 PC121201 % (Am) Coarse 40% PC122401 287x287x23 G2 Coarse 40% (m2) 390 15 (m3) 0,06 F EQUIP- PC162001 287x595x23 76% G2 Coarse 40% 0,08 805 15 0,002 0,12 40 SL MENTS PC162501 395x495x23 76% G2 Coarse 40% 0,17 905 15 0,003 0,14 32 F PC202001 395x625x23 76% G2 Coarse 40% 0,20 1200 15 0,005 0,18 28 F 7 PC202501 495x495x23 76% G2 Coarse 40% 0,25 1150 15 0,006 0,18 28 S PC242401 495x625x23 76% G2 Coarse 40% 0,25 1500 15 0,006 0,22 24 F MOTORS PC121202 595x595x23 76% G2 Coarse 40% 0,31 1750 15 0,008 0,25 20 S AND PC122402 287x287x45 76% G2 Coarse 50% 0,36 390 22 0,009 0,08 PC162002 287x595x45 86% G3 Coarse 50% 0,08 805 22 0,003 0,17 F TURBINES PC162502 395x495x45 86% G3 Coarse 50% 0,17 905 22 0,008 0,20 20 S PC202002 395x625x45 86% G3 Coarse 50% 0,20 1200 22 0,009 0,31 16 F 8 PC202502 495x495x45 86% G3 Coarse 50% 0,25 1150 22 0,01 0,25 14 F PC242402 495x625x45 86% G3 Coarse 50% 0,25 1500 22 0,01 0,31 14 S ADSOR- 595x595x45 86% G3 0,31 1750 22 0,01 0,35 12 F TION AND 86% 0,36 0,01 10 S DESODO- RIZATION *UxP *Stock - Other sizes: please consult. Units per box F: Manufacturer, S: Stock, SL: Limited Stock - To Locate Packven products made with synthetic fiber, change the 9 code intials PC to PCS when entering the corresponding reference. INTER- Venfilter NATONAL NORMATI- 36 Tel +34 937 862 607 [email protected] Fax +34 937 862 493 VE
Prefilters Dimensions 0 Quebraven INFORMA- TION Pre-filtration 1 Pre-filter for the retention of coarser particles in indus- trial installations and processes with a large airflow, with PRE- reduced spatial area. FILTERS Technical features 2 Type: Disposable filter with an uneven surface, zigzag plea- PAINTINGS ted, with synthetic material. BOOTHS Frame: Cardboard. Media: Synthetic fiber self-standing. 3 Average yield % (Am): 92% ≤ Am. Average efficiency % (Em): 40 < Em < 60%. COMFORT EN 779 Class: G4 and M5. PRODUCTS ISO 16890: Coarse 65% and Coarse 85%. Recommended Final Pressure Drop:250 Pa. 4 Temperature: 80ºC. EPA/HEPA Advantages /ULPA - SELF-STANDING filtering media half-pleated in zigzag, 5 WITHOUT METAL GRIDS. - Rigid Cardboard frame with excellent mechanical resistance. HIGH - Horizontal separators are glued at the inlet and outlet to main- TEMPERA- tain the spaces between the folds and facilitate the passage of air. TURE - 100% Incinerable. - Manufactured in special sizes. 6 References EQUIP- MENTS References Dimensions Average Average EN 779 ISO 16890 Filter Nominal Initial Unit Weigth UxP S BxHxP yield % efficiency Class Surface flow Pa Volume (Kg) ** 7 QC121202G4 Coarse 65% (m3/h) QC122402G4 287x287x45 (Am) (Em) G4 Coarse 65% (m2) 850 80 (m3) 0,25 40 SL MOTORS QC162002G4 287x592x45 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,4 1700 80 0,004 0,5 20 S AND QC162502G4 395x495x45 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,8 1900 80 0,008 0,6 16 S QC202002G4 395x622x45 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,95 2975 80 0,009 0,65 14 F TURBINES QC202402G4 495x495x45 90% G4 Coarse 65% 1,15 2350 80 0,01 0,7 14 S QC202502G4 495x592x45 90% G4 Coarse 65% 1,2 2500 80 0,01 0,75 10 S 8 QC242402G4 495x622x45 90% G4 Coarse 65% 1.35 2975 80 0,01 0,8 12 S 592x592x45 90% G4 1,4 3400 80 0,01 0,9 10 S ADSOR- 90% 1,6 0,01 TION AND DESODO- *UxP *Stock RIZATION Units per box F: Manufacturer, S: Stock, SL: Limited Stock - Other sizes: please consult. 9 Venfilter [email protected] 37 Tel +34 937 862 607 INTER- Fax +34 937 862 493 NATONAL NORMATI- VE
0 Prefilters INFORMA- References TION References Dimensions Average Average EN ISO 16890 Filter Nominal Initial Unit Weigth UxP S 1 BxHxP yield % efficiency 779 Surface flow Pa Volume (Kg) * * QC121204G4 Class Coarse 65% (m3/h) PRE- QC122404G4 287x287x95 (Am) (Em) G4 Coarse 65% (m2) 1100 90 (m3) FILTERS QC162004G4 287x592x95 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,74 2200 90 0,01 QC162504G4 395x495x95 90% G4 Coarse 65% 1,28 2400 90 0,02 0,4 20 F 2 QC202004G4 395x622x95 90% G4 Coarse 65% 1,5 2825 90 0,02 0,8 10 S QC202404G4 495x495x95 90% G4 Coarse 65% 1,7 2790 90 0,02 0,95 8F PAINTINGS QC202504G4 495x592x95 90% G4 Coarse 65% 1,8 3500 90 0,02 1,05 7F BOOTHS QC242404G4 495x625x95 90% G4 Coarse 65% 2,1 3700 90 0.03 1,1 5F 592x592x95 90% G4 2,15 4250 90 0,03 1.2 5S 3 90% 2,5 0,04 1,3 6S 1,4 5S COMFORT PRODUCTS QC121202F5 287x287x45 50% M5 Coarse 85% 0,4 850 100 0,004 0,25 40 F QC122402F5 287x592x45 50% M5 Coarse 85% 0,8 0,5 20 S 4 QC162002F5 395x495x45 50% M5 Coarse 85% 0,95 1700 100 0,008 0,6 16 F QC162502F5 395x622x45 50% M5 Coarse 85% 1,15 0,65 14 F EPA/HEPA QC202002F5 495x495x45 50% M5 Coarse 85% 1,2 1900 100 0,009 0,7 14 F /ULPA QC202402F5 495x592x45 50% M5 Coarse 85% 1,35 0,75 10 F QC202502F5 495x622x45 50% M5 Coarse 85% 1,4 2975 100 0,01 0,8 12 F 5 QC242402F5 592x592x45 50% M5 Coarse 85% 1,6 0,9 10 S QC121204F5 287x287x95 50% M5 Coarse 85% 0,74 2350 100 0,01 0,4 20 F HIGH QC122404F5 287x592x95 50% M5 Coarse 85% 1,28 0,8 10 F TEMPERA- QC162004F5 395x495x95 50% M5 Coarse 85% 1,5 2500 100 0,01 0,95 8F QC162504F5 395x622x95 50% M5 Coarse 85% 1,7 1,05 7F TURE QC202004F5 495x495x95 50% M5 Coarse 85% 1,8 2975 100 0.01 1,1 5F QC202404F5 495x592x95 50% M5 Coarse 85% 2,1 1,2 5F 6 QC202504F5 495x622x95 50% M5 Coarse 85% 2,15 3400 100 0,01 1,3 6F QC242404F5 592x592x95 50% M5 Coarse 85% 2,5 1,4 5F EQUIP- 1100 110 0,01 MENTS 2200 110 0,02 7 2400 110 0,02 MOTORS AND 2825 110 0,02 TURBINES 2790 110 0,02 8 3500 110 0,03 ADSOR- 3700 110 0,03 TION AND DESODO- 4250 110 0,04 RIZATION *UxP *Stock - Other sizes: please consult. 9 Units per box F: Manufacturer, S: Stock, SL: Limited Stock INTER- Venfilter NATONAL NORMATI- 38 Tel +34 937 862 607 [email protected] Fax +34 937 862 493 VE
Prefilters Dimensions 0 Quebraven Galvanized INFORMA- TION Pre-filtration 1 Pre-filter for the retention of coarser particles in indus- trial installations and processes with a large airflow, with PRE- reduced spatial area. FILTERS Technical features 2 Type: Disposable filter with an uneven surface, zigzag pleated, PAINTINGS with synthetic material and a grille on both sides. BOOTHS Frame: Galvanized Steel. Grille: Galvanized metal on both sides. 3 Media: Synthetic. Average yield % (Am): 92% < COMFORT Average efficiency % (Em): 40% Em 60% PRODUCTS EN 779 Class: G4 and M5. ISO 16890: Coarse 65% and Coarse 85%. 4 Recommended Final Pressure Drop:250 Pa. Temperature: 100ºC. EPA/HEPA Classification: F1. /ULPA Advantages 5 - Galvanized steel frame. HIGH - GIRDS ON BOTH SIDES, forming a compact panel. TEMPERA- - THE LATERAL SUPPORT FOR THE PACKET FILTER IS PROVI- DED BY A FRAME CLAMP. TURE - Large airflows. - Manufactures in special sizes. 6 - Atex version possibility. EQUIP- MENTS 7 MOTORS AND TURBINES 8 Venfilter ADSOR- Tel +34 937 862 607 TION AND Fax +34 937 862 493 DESODO- RIZATION 9 [email protected] INTER- NATONAL 39 NORMATI- VE
0 Prefilters INFORMA- References TION Reference Dimensions Average Average EN 779 ISO 16890 Filter Nominal Initial Unit Weight UxP Stock 1 BxHxP yield efficiency Class Surface flow Pa Volume (Kg) ** QM121202G4 % (Em) Coarse 65% (m3/h) PRE- QM122402G4 287x287x48 % (Am) G4 Coarse 65% (m2) 755 40 (m3) 0,34 40 SL FILTERS QM162002G4 592x287x48 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,17 1560 40 0,004 0.7 20 S QM162502G4 495x395x48 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,34 1900 40 0,008 0,97 20 F 2 QM202002G4 625x395x48 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,39 2400 40 0,009 1 20 F QM202402G4 495x495x48 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,5 2400 40 0,01 1 20 S PAINTINGS QM202502G4 592x495x48 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,5 2825 40 0,01 1,2 10 F BOOTHS QM242402G4 625x495x48 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,6 3030 40 0,01 1,25 10 F QM121204G4 592x592x48 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,62 3400 40 0,01 1,43 10 S 3 QM122404G4 287x287x98 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,70 1170 45 0,01 0,55 20 F QM162004G4 592x287x98 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,25 2340 45 0,01 1,12 10 S COMFORT QM162504G4 495x395x98 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,51 2850 45 0,02 1,56 10 F PRODUCTS QM202004G4 625x395x98 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,59 3600 45 0,02 1,6 10 F QM202404G4 495x495x98 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,74 3600 45 0,02 1,6 10 F 4 QM202504G4 592x495x98 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,74 4275 45 0,02 1,9 5F QM242404G4 625x495x98 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,9 4550 45 0,03 2,02 5F EPA/HEPA 592x592x98 90% G4 0,95 5130 45 0,03 2,3 5S /ULPA 90% 1,05 0,04 5 QM121202F5 287x287x48 50% M5 Coarse 85% 0,17 755 70 0,004 0,43 40 F QM122402F5 592x287x48 50% M5 Coarse 85% 0,34 1560 70 0,008 0,88 20 F HIGH QM162002F5 495x395x48 50% M5 Coarse 85% 0,39 1900 70 0,009 20 F TEMPERA- QM162502F5 625x395x48 50% M5 Coarse 85% 0,5 2400 70 0,01 1 20 F QM202002F5 495x495x48 50% M5 Coarse 85% 0,5 2400 70 0,01 1,25 20 F TURE QM202402F5 592x495x48 50% M5 Coarse 85% 0,6 2825 70 0,01 1,25 10 F QM202502F5 625x495x48 50% M5 Coarse 85% 0,62 3030 70 0,01 1,5 10 F 6 QM242402F5 592x592x48 50% M5 Coarse 85% 0,70 3420 70 0,01 1,58 10 SL QM121204F5 287x287x98 50% M5 Coarse 85% 0,25 1170 75 0,01 1,55 20 F EQUIP- QM122404F5 592x287x98 50% M5 Coarse 85% 0,51 2340 75 0,02 0,69 10 F MENTS QM162004F5 492x395x98 50% M5 Coarse 85% 0,59 2850 75 0,02 1,42 10 F QM162504F5 625x395x98 50% M5 Coarse 85% 0,74 3600 75 0,02 1,6 10 F 7 QM202004F5 495x495x98 50% M5 Coarse 85% 0,74 3600 75 0,02 10 F QM202404F5 592x495x98 50% M5 Coarse 85% 0,9 4275 75 0,03 2 5F MOTORS QM202504F5 625x495x98 50% M5 Coarse 85% 0,95 4550 75 0,03 2 5F AND QM242404F5 592x592x98 50% M5 Coarse 85% 1,05 5130 75 0,04 2,41 5F 2,54 TURBINES 2,9 8 *UxP *Stock - Other sizes: please consult. Units per box F: Manufacturer, S: Stock, SL: Limited Stock ADSOR- TION AND Venfilter DESODO- RIZATION 40 Tel +34 937 862 607 [email protected] Fax +34 937 862 493 9 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
Prefilters 0 Refill Quebraven INFORMA- Galvanized TION Pre-filtration 1 PRE- FILTERS Pre-filter for the retention of coarser particles in indus- Dimensions 2 trial installations and processes with a large airflow, with reduced spatial area. PAINTINGS BOOTHS Technical features 3 Type: Disposable filter with an uneven surface, zigzag pleated, with synthetic material and a grille on both sides. COMFORT Media: Synthetic. PRODUCTS Average yield % (Am): 92% ≤ Average efficiency % (Em): 40 ≤ Em < 60% 4 EN 779 Class: G4 and M5. ISO 16890: Coarse 65% and Coarse 85%. EPA/HEPA Recommended Final Pressure Drop:250 Pa. /ULPA Temperature: 100ºC. 5 References HIGH Reference Average Average EN 779 ISO 16890 Filter Nominal flow Initial Filters Unit Stock TEMPERA- yield % efficiency Class Surface (m3/h) Pa BxHxP Volume * RQM122402G4 % (Em) F TURE RQM202002G4 (Am) G4 Coarse 65% (m2) 1560 40 592x287x48 (m3) F RQM202402G4 90% 50% G4 Coarse 65% 0,34 2400 40 495x495x48 0,008 F 6 RQM242402G4 90% 50% G4 Coarse 65% 0,49 2850 40 592x495x48 0,01 F RQM122402F5 90% 50% G4 Coarse 65% 0,6 3420 40 592x592x48 0,01 F EQUIP- RQM202002F5 90% 50% M5 Coarse 85% 0,7 1560 70 592x287x48 0,01 F MENTS RQM202402F5 M5 Coarse 85% 0,34 2400 70 495x495x48 0,008 F RQM242402F5 M5 Coarse 85% 0,49 2850 70 592x495x48 0,01 F 7 M5 Coarse 85% 0,6 3420 70 592x592x48 0,01 0,7 0,01 41 MOTORS AND *UxP *Stock - Other sizes: please consult. Units per box F: Manufacturer, S: Stock, SL: Limited Stock TURBINES Venfilter [email protected] 8 Tel +34 937 862 607 Fax +34 937 862 493 ADSOR- TION AND DESODO- RIZATION 9 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
0 Prefilters INFORMA- Replaceable frame TION Quebraven Galvanized 1 Pre-filtration PRE- Pre-filter for the retention of coarser particles in indus- FILTERS trial installations and processes with a large airflow, with reduced spatial area. 2 Technical features Dimensions PAINTINGS BOOTHS Type: Replaceable filter with an uneven surface, zigzag pleated, with synthetic material. 3 Frame: Galvanized Steel. Grille: Securing protection grid in the air output and Retaining COMFORT clip in the air input panel to replace the filter media. PRODUCTS Media: Synthetic. Average yield % (Am): 92% < 4 EN 779 Class: G4. ISO 16890: Coarse 65%. EPA/HEPA Recommended Final Pressure Drop:250 Pa. /ULPA Temperature: 100ºC. 5 Advantages HIGH - Replaceable pre-filter with uneven surface pre-filter TEMPERA- (Panels cut to length). - Manufactured in special sizes. TURE References 6 Reference Dimensions Average EN 779 ISO 16890 Filter Nominal Initial Unit Weight UxP Stock EQUIP- BxHxP yield Class Surface flow Pa Volume (Kg) ** MENTS Coarse 65% (m3/h) MRQM122402G4 592x287x48 % (Am) G4 Coarse 65% (m2) 1560 40 (m3) 0.7 20 F 7 MRQM202002G4 490x490x48 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,34 2400 40 0,008 1 20 F MRQM202402G4 592x490x48 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,5 2825 40 0,01 1,2 10 F MOTORS MRQM242402G4 592x592x48 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,6 3400 40 0,01 1,43 10 F AND MRQM122404G4 592x287x98 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,70 2340 45 0,01 1,12 10 F MRQM202004G4 490x490x98 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,51 3600 45 0,02 1,6 10 F TURBINES MRQM202404G4 592x490x98 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,74 4275 45 0,02 1,9 5 F MRQM242404G4 592x592x98 90% G4 0,9 5130 45 0,03 2,3 5 F 8 90% 1,05 0,04 ADSOR- *UxP *Stock - Other sizes: please consult. TION AND Units per box F: Manufacturer, S: Stock, SL: Limited Stock DESODO- RIZATION Venfilter 9 42 Tel +34 937 862 607 [email protected] Fax +34 937 862 493 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
Prefilters 0 Quebraplast INFORMA- TION Pre-filtration 1 Plastic pre-filter (polystyrene) for the retention of coarser particles in installations and industrial processes with a PRE- large air flow in the smallest possible space. FILTERS Technical features Dimensions 2 Type: Disposable filter with rough surface, folded in a zig-zag with a PAINTINGS synthetic, self-supporting media. BOOTHS Frame: Plastic (polystyrene). Separators: Termoplastic adhesive cables. 3 Media: Synthetic self-supporting fiber. Sealant: Polyurethane. COMFORT Average yield % (Am): 92%<. PRODUCTS Average Efficiency % (Em): 40% EN 779 Class: G4. 4 ISO 16890: Coarse 70%. Recommmended final pressure: G4: 250 Pa. EPA/HEPA Temperature: 80ºC. /ULPA Advantages 5 - Media folded in SELF-SUPPORTING zig-zag without metal grilles. HIGH - Ultra-compact filter, sealed to prevent particle migration. TEMPERA- - Horizontal dividers at the air inlet and outlet to maintain space between folds and facilitate air flow. TURE - 100% incinerable - Non-corrosive. 6 References EQUIP- MENTS Reference Dimensions Average yield EN 779 ISO 16890 Filter Nominal flow Initial Unit Weight UxP Stock BxHxP % (Am) Class Surface (m3/h) Pa Volume (Kg) ** 7 Coarse 70% QPL122402 287x592x48 90% G4 Coarse 70% (m2) 1700 65 (m3) 0,8 20 F MOTORS QPL202402 492x592x48 90% G4 Coarse 70% 0,7 2500 65 0,008 1,2 12 F AND QPL242402 592x592x48 90% G4 Coarse 70% 1 3400 65 0,01 1,4 10 F QPL122404 287x592x96 90% G4 Coarse 70% 1,3 1700 55 0,01 1,2 10 F TURBINES QPL202404 492x592x96 90% G4 Coarse 70% 1,1 2500 55 0,02 1,8 6 F QPL242404 592x592x96 90% G4 1,9 3400 55 0,03 2,2 5 F 8 2,2 0,04 ADSOR- *UxP *Stock TION AND Units per box F: Manufacturer, S: Stock, SL: Limited Stock DESODO- RIZATION Venfilter [email protected] 43 Tel +34 937 862 607 9 Fax +34 937 862 493 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
0 Prefilters INFORMA- Quebralav TION Pre-filtration 1 Washable pre-filter with plastic frame (Polystyrene) to re- Dimensions PRE- tain coarser particles in installations and industrial pro- FILTERS cesses. Ideal for the Food Industry. 2 Features techniques PAINTINGS BOOTHS Type: Air-inlet designed to repel water. Frame: Plastic (Polystyrene). 3 Separators: Separators at the air inlet and outlet. Media: Self-supporting synthetic fiber with water-repe- COMFORT llent treatment. PRODUCTS Sealant: Polyurethane. Average yield % (Am): 92%<. 4 EN 779 Class: G4. ISO 16890: Coarse 70%. EPA/HEPA Recommended Final Pressure Drop:450 Pa. /ULPA Breaking pressure: 2000 Pa. Water-repellent (Mil-STD-282): 592x592x48: 1500 Pa. 5 and 592x592x96: 1.800 Pa. Temperature: 80ºC. HIGH TEMPERA- Advantages TURE - Filter media adapted to conditions of high humidity. - Water resistant. 6 - Horizontal dividers at the air inlet and outlet to maintain space between folds and facilitate air flow. EQUIP- - I00% Incinerable. MENTS - Non-corrosive. - Suitable for food industry. 7 References MOTORS AND Reference Dimensions Average EN 779 ISO 16890 Filter Nominal flow Initial Unit Weight UxP Stock BxHxP yield Class TURBINES Surface (m3/h) Pa Volume (Kg) * * % (Am) 8 (m2) (m3) ADSOR- QPLLAV122402 287x592x48 90% G4 Coarse 70% 0,7 1700 65 0,008 0,8 20 F TION AND DESODO- QPLLAV242402 592x592x48 90% G4 Coarse 70% 1,3 3400 65 0,01 1,4 10 F RIZATION QPLLAV122404 287x592x96 90% G4 Coarse 70% 1,1 1700 55 0,02 1,2 10 F 9 QPLLAV242404 592x592x96 90% G4 Coarse 70% 2,2 3400 55 0,04 2,2 5 F INTER- NATONAL *UxP *Stock NORMATI- Units per box F: Manufacturer, S: Stock, SL: Limited Stock VE Venfilter 44 Tel +34 937 862 607 [email protected] Fax +34 937 862 493
Prefilters Dimensions 0 Quebramet INFORMA- TION Pre-filtration 1 Permanent metal filter with a woven wire mesh and fol- ded in zig zag, in a metallic frame. PRE- FILTERS Features techniques 2 Type: Disposable broken surface filter, folded in zig-zag. Frame: Galvanised or stainless steel. PAINTINGS Filtering medium: Tubular mesh contained between two BOOTHS electro-welded grids. Average performance % (Am): 76% 3 EN 779 Class: G2. Recommended Final Pressure Drop: 250Pa. COMFORT Temperature: 200ºC. PRODUCTS Advantages 4 - For large airflows. EPA/HEPA - Thick pre-filtration of dust and thick particles in suspension. /ULPA - Oily haze. - Possibility to clean the filter with air. 5 HIGH TEMPERA- TURE References 6 Reference Dimensions Filter Nominal Initial Unit UxP Stock EQUIP- BxHxP Surface flow Pa Volume ** MENTS QMGVV122402 (m3/h) QMGVV122404 592x287x48 (m2) 2450 20 (m3) 1F 7 QMGVV202002 592x287x98 0,34 3425 20 0,01 1F QMGVV202004 490x490x48 0,48 3460 20 0,02 1F MOTORS QMGVV242402 490x490x98 0,48 4840 20 0,01 1F AND QMGVV242404 592x592x48 0,72 5050 20 0,02 1F 592x592x98 0,70 7070 20 0,02 1F TURBINES 1,05 0,03 *UxP *Stock 8 Units per box F: Manufacturer, S: Stock, SL: Limited Stock ADSOR- Venfilter TION AND Tel +34 937 862 607 DESODO- Fax +34 937 862 493 RIZATION 9 [email protected] INTER- NATONAL 45 NORMATI- VE
0 Prefilters Dimensions INFORMA- Metal Frame TION Pre-filtration 1 Pre-filter for the retention of coarser particles in air treat- PRE- ment units, air conditioning, ventilation systems and pain- FILTERS ting booths. 2 Technical features PAINTINGS Type: Flat Panel Filter. BOOTHS Frame: Galvanized Steel. Media: Synthetic, Glass fiber or Polyurethane foam. 3 Average yield (Am): 80% ≤ Am < 90%. Average efficiency (Em): 40% < Em < 60%. COMFORT EN 779 Class: G4. PRODUCTS ISO 16890: Coarse 65%. Recommended Final Pressure Drop:250 Pa. 4 Temperature: 100ºC MM Model: In a U-shaped profile with two galvanized portection grids EPA/HEPA of 12x24x0.8. /ULPA MMA Model: In a U-shaped profile with grid on the air outlet and a 3mm. retaining clip on the air inlet. 5 Advantages HIGH TEMPERA- - Replaceable metal frame (cut-to-size panel) in MMA model. TURE References 6 Reference Dimensions Rendimiento EN 779 ISO 16890 Filter Nominal Initial Pa Unit Weight Stock BxHxP Medio % (Am) Class Surface flow (m3/h) Volume (Kg) * EQUIP- Coarse 65% MENTS MM121201G4 287x287x23 90% G4 Coarse 65% (m2) 445 40 (m3) 0.4 F MM122401G4 287x592x23 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,08 925 40 0,002 0.65 F 7 MM162001G4 395x395x23 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,17 1060 40 0,004 0.96 F MM202001G4 495x495x23 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,20 1325 40 0,005 0.79 F MOTORS MM242401G4 592x592x23 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,25 1915 40 0,006 F AND MMA121201G4 287x287x23 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,36 445 40 0,009 1 F MMA122401G4 287x592x23 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,08 925 40 0,002 0.4 F TURBINES MMA162001G4 395x495x23 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,17 1060 40 0,004 0.65 F MMA202001G4 495x495x23 90% G4 Coarse 65% 0,20 1325 40 0,005 0.96 F 8 MMA242401G4 592x592x23 90% G4 0,25 1915 40 0,006 0.79 F 0,36 0,009 1 ADSOR- TION AND *UxP *Stock - Other sizes: please consult. DESODO- Units per box F: Manufacturer, S: Stock, SL: Limited Stock RIZATION Venfilter 9 46 Tel +34 937 862 607 [email protected] INTER- Fax +34 937 862 493 NATONAL NORMATI- VE
Prefilters 0 Fan Coil Frame INFORMA- TION Pre-filtration 1 Pre-filters for the retention of coarser particles for fan coils in galvanized frame. PRE- Designed for autonomous air conditioning equipment. FILTERS Technical features Dimensions 2 Type: Extra flat panel filter. PAINTINGS Frame: Galvanized Steel. BOOTHS Average yield % (Am): 65% ≤ Am < 80%. EN 779 Class: G3. 3 ISO 16890: Coarse 50%. Recommended Final Pressure Drop:250 Pa. COMFORT Temperature: 100ºC (MMFC and MMFCA). PRODUCTS Making: MMFC Model: U-shaped profile with two galvanized protection 4 grids; 12x24x0.8 on both sides. MMFCA Model: U-shaped profile with a protection grid on the air outlet and a 3mm.retaining clip on the air inlet to enable filter panle replacement. Frame Width MMFC MMFCA EPA/HEPA Frame Height /ULPA Filter Media 6,8,10, and 12 10/12 230 230 5 Synthetic blanket Synthetic blanket Polurethane Foam (PPI) HIGH Poluyrethane Foam (PPI) TEMPERA- TURE MMFCNY Model: Manufactured with a slimline frame, with 6 two grids of 12x24x0.8 on both sides. Also manufactured without grid. EQUIP- Polypropylene thickness: 1,9 mm. MENTS Weight m2.: 135. Temperature: 170ºC. Frame Width MMFCNY 7 Frame Height Filter Media 3/5 MOTORS 230 AND Nylon (Polypropylene) TURBINES 8 Venfilter ADSOR- Tel +34 937 862 607 TION AND Fax +34 937 862 493 DESODO- RIZATION 9 [email protected] INTER- NATONAL 47 NORMATI- VE
0 Prefilters INFORMA- Advantages TION - Economic. 1 - Slimline model. - Replaceable Fan coil frame. PRE- FILTERS 2 References Dimensions Rendimiento Medio EN 779 ISO 16890 Nominal Initial Stock B % (Am) Class flow Pa * PAINTINGS References Coarse 50% (m/s) BOOTHS Hasta 499 mm. 86% G3 Coarse 50% 1,5 30 F De 500 a 699 mm. 86% G3 Coarse 50% 1,5 30 F 3 MMFC500 De 700 a 899 mm. 86% G3 Coarse 50% 1,5 30 F MMFC500700 De 900 a 1099 mm. 86% G3 Coarse 50% 1,5 30 F COMFORT MMFC700900 De 1100 a 1299 mm. 86% G3 Coarse 50% 1,5 30 F PRODUCTS MMFC9001100 De 1300 a 1600 mm. 86% G3 1,5 30 F MMFC11001300 4 MMFC13001600 Hasta 499 mm. 86% G3 Coarse 50% 1,5 30 F De 500 a 699 mm. 86% G3 Coarse 50% 1,5 30 F EPA/HEPA MMFCA500 De 700 a 899 mm. 86% G3 Coarse 50% 1,5 30 F /ULPA MMFCA500700 De 900 a 1099 mm. 86% G3 Coarse 50% 1,5 30 F MMFCA700900 De 1100 a 1299 mm. 86% G3 Coarse 50% 1,5 30 F 5 MMFCA9001100 De 1300 a 1600 mm. 86% G3 Coarse 50% 1,5 30 F MMFCA11001300 HIGH MMFCA13001600 Hasta 499 mm. 86% G3 Coarse 50% F TEMPERA- MMFCNY500 De 500 a 699 mm. 86% G3 Coarse 50% F MMFCNY500700 De 700 a 899 mm. 86% G3 Coarse 50% F TURE MMFCNY700900 De 900 a 1099 mm. 86% G3 Coarse 50% F MMFCNY9001100 De 1100 a 1299 mm. 86% G3 Coarse 50% F 6 MMFCNY11001300 De 1300 a 1600 mm. 86% G3 Coarse 50% F MMFCNY13001600 EQUIP- *Stock MENTS 48 F: Manufacturer, S: Stock, SL: Limited Stock 7 Venfilter [email protected] Tel +34 937 862 607 MOTORS Fax +34 937 862 493 AND TURBINES 8 ADSOR- TION AND DESODO- RIZATION 9 INTER- NATONAL NORMATI- VE
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