Video Demo Project from MS PowerPointSimilar to Software Simulation, but at Bring PowerPoint file to import tothe end of the recording. It can edit or program and edit.add effects.Project Form Template Blank Project To create project from a template To create a free space. that has been design. Insert Slide ThemesInsert slide: Themes: Slides -> Blank Slide Themes -> Choose the theme that you want Themes -> Browse
Create contents commands Interaction CommandsText : Text Caption, Text Animation Object : Rollover Caption, Rollover Image Interaction : Button, Learning InteractionShapesObject : Zoom AreaMedia : Image, Audio, Video, Animation, CharactersRecord Can insert transition & Can change transition & Can preview in program effect timeline and save to edit again Respond CommandsText : Text Entry BoxInteraction : Click box, Drag and Drop, Should have between lessons
50 Knowledge Sheet 2.1Chapter 2: Adobe Captivate Title: What is Adobe Captivate?Subject: Create Instructional Media Grade: 12 Duration: 100 minutesBy: Teacher Puttiwan Chuangpitak Chonkanyanukoon School OBEC Service Area 18Background of Adobe Captivate While the product started out as a pure screen recording utility known asFlashcam (Nexus Concepts 2002), it evolved into an E-learning authoring tool after SanDiego- based eHelp Corporation acquired Flashcam and released it as RoboDemo.Eventually, software firm Macromedia acquired eHelp to gain RoboDemo. Shortlybefore Adobe Systems acquired Macromedia, they changed the name of the productto Captivate. Adobe Captivate is a rapid responsive authoring tool that is used for creatingelearning contents such as software demonstrations, software simulations, branchedscenarios, and randomized quizzes in Small Web Formats (.swf) and HTML5 formats.It can also convert Adobe Captivate generated files formats (.swf) to digital MP4 (.mp4)formats which can be played with media players or uploaded to video hostingwebsites. For software simulations, Captivate can use left or right mouse clicks, keypresses and rollover images. It can also be used to create screencasts, and to convertMicrosoft PowerPoint presentations to .swf and HTML5 formats. (From of Adobe Captivate - Create CAI for presentation easily. - Can edit picture and video. - Create CAI by Screen Capture Movie and record lecture. - Create a simple test and have a several formats. - Import files from multiple source, files from Adobe flash. For example,image such as JPG, BMP, GIF, Sound such as MP3, WAV, Video such as AVI. FromMicrosoft Power Point (.PPT).
51 - Export files in several format such as Flash Movie File (.swf), HTML File(.html) for website, EXE File (.exe) for Stand alone is displayed without installation.Zip file for Scorm to use for E-Learning.Abilities of Adobe Captivate - Multimode recording - Randomized quizzing and question pools - Automated rerecording - Animation effects - Audio recording with preview - Full motion recordingSystem Requirement - Windows 7 up and Mac OSX 10.9 up - (CPU) Intel Pentium 4 1.0 GHz up - RAM 2 GB up - Hard Disk space 5 GB up - VGA card for display 1,024x768 up - Browser: Internet Explorer 10 up - Adobe Flash Player 10
52How to installation Adobe Captivate 1. Close an internet connection and double click Set-up.exe. Then, Set up filewill initializing installer and wait that show in picture below: 2. When file set up run complete, it will show Welcome page and click Installif you have Serial number. 3. Program will show the Adobe Software License Agreement and click acceptto continue.
53 4. It will display Serial number page for input the license of program and clicknext. 5. If you input complete, click Connect Later. 6. It will show Option page, click Install for install program in computer.
54 7. Program will being the installation process on your computer, wait until theinstallation process is complete 8. If installation is complete, it will display a popup and click close.
55How to open and close program 1. How to run Adobe Captivate 1.1 Start >Programs > Adobe > Adobe Captivate 1.2 Open Adobe Captivate from Desktop 2. Display Welcome Screen 3. Click on right side foe exit.Components of Adobe Captivate 1. Welcome Screen has two section:
56 1. 1 Recent: As part of the presentation of the latest project file is in useand also the Open button to open a file that had been saved. 1. 2 New: The project started creating new. The format for creating a newproject options below. - Responsive Project - Software Simulation - Video Demo - From PowerPoint - From Project Template - Blank Project 2. Components in Adobe Captivate1 2 6 3 5 4 7 8 1. Menu Bar: Collection of main commands in Adobe Captivate and dividedinto groups based on usage. 2. Controller slide: A storage commands to control the slide. 3. The standard commands: A storage frequently commands. 4. Panel Groups: For customization features of the project.
57 5. Project name 6. Filmstrip: Shows a thumbnail slide. 7. Workspace: For create, edit, insert objects on slides. 8. Timeline: Display period of each object.Views and Tools 1. Filmstrip: Show thumbnails arranged respectively on the left in the window. 2. Branching View: Show a link of slides. It often use to create slides and jumpto other slides by click Window > Branching View.
58As a picture below:Layout for create in Adobe Captivate 1. When open the Adobe Captivate as a picture below:
59The principle works as follows: - Responsive Project: Resize automatically for tablet, computer andsmartphone flexibility on the size of the screen. - Software Simulation: Ideal for those who want to teach gooddemonstration programs or the creation of parts with different programs. After thedemonstration, the video file to be used for teaching.
60 - Video Demo: Similar to Software Simulation, but at the end of therecording. It can edit or add effects. - From PowerPoint: Bring PowerPoint file to import to program and edit. - From Project Template: To create project from a template that hasbeen design.
61- Blank Project: To create a free space.2. The canvas box: To resize the screen for presentation.3. When click create, it will display a workspace to do your presentation.
Insert Slide 62 Insert slide : Slides -> Blank SlideThemesThemes:Themes -> Choose the theme that you wantThemes -> Browse
63 Worksheet 2.1Chapter 2: Adobe Captivate Title: What is Adobe Captivate?Subject: Create Instructional Media Grade: 12 Duration: 100 minutesBy: Teacher Puttiwan Chuangpitak Chonkanyanukoon School OBEC Service Area 18Expected Learning:Explain about the Adobe Captivate8Content/Knowledge: 1) Background of Adobe Captivate 2) Highlight of Adobe Captivate 3) The Abilities of Adobe Captivate 4) System requirement 5) How to install Adobe Captivate 6) How to open and close program 7) Components of Adobe Captivate 8) Views and Tools 9) Layout to create other projects 10) Insert slide 11) ThemesWork Assigned:1. Students choose group representatives to present the topic assigned. 2. Students learn the knowledge sheet 2.1 and worksheet 2.1 about AdobeCaptivate by learn on the student’s computer screen. 3. Students answer questions about Adobe Captivate and submit their answervia e-mail.Assignments Scheduled: Students have time to do worksheet 2.1 for two hours, when completed,submit your answer via e-mail.
64Assessment/Evaluation: 1. Students work complete on time. 2. Students summarize knowledge completed at least 80 percent.
Note PlanSection 1: The results of student learning and problem solving 1.1 Evaluation of Knowledge Total number of student………..…..people Pass .........people Percentage............. Fail............people Percentage ………….…… Teachers respond to students who do not pass by........................................... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1.2 Evaluation of skills / process Total number of student………..…..people Pass .........people Percentage............. Fail............people Percentage ………….…… Teachers respond to students who do not pass by........................................... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1.3 Evaluation of characteristics Total number of student………..…..people Pass .........people Percentage............. Fail............people Percentage ………….…… Teachers respond to students who do not pass by........................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Section 2: Suggestion 2.1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.3 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.4 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Sign …………………………………..……………………… Teacher (Miss Puttiwan Chuangpitak) ……………/………………/………………
The recommendation of the Head of Career and Technology group(Investigate/Supervision/Certification) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Sign …………………………………………..……………..…… (Mr.Suthisak Kluapsoongnoen) Head of Career and Technology groupThe recommendation of the Academic Affairs (Investigate/Supervision/Certification) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Sign …………………………………….………………..…… (Mrs. Junsa Chaiwattanateerakorn) Vice-Director, Academic AffairsComments and suggestions educational institution administrator ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Sign …………………………………..………………..…… (Mrs. Kamonnapat Thippayakraisornchod) Principal of Chonkanyanukoon School
Lesson Plan 4Chapter 2: Adobe Captivate Title: Commands without interactionSubject: Create Instructional Media Grade: 12 Duration: 100 minutesBy: Teacher Puttiwan Chuangpitak Chonkanyanukoon School OBEC Service Area 18************************************************************************************************************1. Concept/Topic to Teach: Explain about the commands to create CAI with Adobe Captivate2. Main Objectives:At the end of lesson, the learner will be able to: 1) Explain step to create a presentation with commands without interaction. 2) Practice skill about commands in Adobe Captivate. 3) Apply their knowledge to design CAI.3. Content/Knowledge: Commands to create contents consists of: 1) Text commands group1.1 Text Caption1.2 Text Animation2) Shape commands group3) Object commands group3.1 Zoom Area4) Media commands group4.1 Image4.2 Audio4.3 Video4.4 Animation4.5 Characters
684. Work Assigned: 1) Individual work 1.1 Students create a CAI with commands follow by worksheet 2.2: Commandswithout interaction 5. Assessment/Evaluation: Evaluate from individual work. Students can get it.Evaluation Criteria: Create CAI contents Point 4 Score Rating 1 WeightAssessment 321. Content Content must be Content must be Content must be Content must be 5 very accurate and very accurate. accurate, but not not accurate and clearly cover the clear enough. not clear enough. specific topic.2. Skill to Use commands to Use commands to Use commands to Use commands to 5use create contents create contents create contents create contents 5commands fluently, accurate fluently, and fluently. passably. 5 and completely. accurate.3. Design Creative, complete Creative, Creative, and Creative, and quiteTechnical components, complete complete good components. interesting and use components, and components.4. easily. interesting. Function analysis,Workflow Function analysis, Function analysis, Function analysis, plan on working, plan on working, plan on working, plan on working, but not follow the follow the plan, follow the plan, and follow the plan. evaluation the and evaluation plan. work and use the the work. result of evaluation to improve the work.
69Judgment Criteria/ Quality Criteria Very good Score 61 – 80 means Good Score 41 – 60 means Fair Score 21 – 40 means Improve Score 1 – 20 meansPass Criteria Since good level upEvaluation Criteria: Desirable characteristicsPoint Score Rating WeightAssessment 4 3 2 1 11. Discipline Follow Follow agreement Follow agreement Do not follow agreement habitual, and sometime. agreement in habitual, punctual. various activities. punctual, and responsible for self- employment.2. Eager to learn Interested to Interested to Interested to Interested to 1 learn regularly learn regularly learn regularly. learn sometime. 13. Commitment and summary and summaryto work knowledge knowledge. Work with Work with dissemination diligence, and diligence. to interested Work with endure. parties. diligence, endure, Work with and task achieve diligence, the target. endure, task achieve the target and great role model.
70 Point Score Rating WeightAssessment 43 2 1 14. Responsibility Do work Do work Do work Do not work 15. assignments assignments with assignments with assignments.Environmental with the quality, the quality, do all the quality, doConservation do all work work assignments. work assignments Use energy not assignments, incomplete. save and not and delivered Use energy save worth. on schedule. and worth, and Use energy save Use energy save reused. and worth. and worth, reused, and apply materials with the local.Judgment Criteria/ Quality Criteria Very good Score 16 – 20 means Good Score 12 – 15 means Fair Score 10 – 11 means Improve Score 1 – 9 meansPass Criteria Since good level up6. Procedure/Teaching Methods: A) Set Introduction (10 minutes) 1) Teacher greets the class. 2) Prepare a list of students with the program. 3) Teacher inform workloads and Evaluation Criteria for students.
71 B) Learning Activity (80 minutes) 1) Students learn about commands to create contents by teacherdemonstrate Text commands group, Shape commands group, and Object commandsgroup by PowerPoint: unit2.2 Commands without interaction and CP: Practice1. (50minutes) 1) Students read explanation from worksheet 2.2 about Commands withoutinteraction that show in your computer and work in individual. Each person has to: (30minutes) 2.1 Do the work that use commands to create contents follow by teacherteach in classroom. 2) Teacher insert virtues of work, including a responsibility, tolerance andsatisfaction with the work C) Conclusion (10 minutes) 1) Teacher and students summary the knowledge that learn in this classtogether by CP: Practice1 about commands to create contents. 2) Suggest students to learn more knowledge about Adobe Captivate.7. Required Materials: 2) Worksheet 2.2 Commands without interaction 3) PowerPoint: unit2.2 Commands without interaction 4) CP: Practice1 5) Computer, projector and amplifier8. Resources: 1) Chonkanyanukoon computer system 2) 3)
72 4) CD Rom about CAI 5) Website about computer project, multimedia production, create CAI, and how touse Adobe Captivate9. Expanded opportunities/integrations: Student Apply their knowledge for design CAI.10. Follow-up activity/homework: Improve your work better and beautiful.
73 PowerPoint: unit2.2 Computer Assisted Instruction Create contents commandsCommands to create CAI contents Text : Text Caption, Text Animation Shapes Object : Zoom Area Media : Image, Audio, Video, Animation, Characters Record Can insert transition & effect โดย ครูพฤทธิวรรณ ชว งพทิ กั ษ Interaction Commands Respond CommandsObject : Rollover Caption, Rollover Image Text : Text Entry BoxInteraction : Button, Learning Interaction Interaction : Click box, Drag and Drop, Should have between lessonsCan change transition & Can preview in program timeline and save to edit again
74 Worksheet 2.2Chapter 2: Adobe Captivate Title: Commands to create contents without interactionSubject: Create Instructional Media Grade: 12 Duration: 100 minutesBy: Teacher Puttiwan Chuangpitak Chonkanyanukoon School OBEC Service Area 18Learning Expected:Explain about the commands to create CAI with Adobe CaptivateContent/Knowledge:Commands to create contents consists of:1) Text commands group 1.1 Text Caption 1.2 Text Animation2) Shape commands group3) Object commands group 3.1 Zoom Area4) Media commands group 4.1 Image 4.2 Audio 4.3 Video 4.4 Animation 4.5 CharactersWork Assigned: 1. Students create contents with Text commands group, Shapes commandsgroup, and Object commands group. If you do finish, save the project as Year-Room-NumberName. For example: 2559-64-30Puttiwan and check neatness of work andsend to teacher for check again.
75Assignments Scheduled: Students have time to do worksheet 2.2 for two hours, when completed, callteacher for check your work.Assessment/Evaluation: 1. Students work complete on time. 2. Students create project correctly.
76CP: Practice1 Slide 1 Commands: - Text - Media Slide 2 Commands: - Text - Shape Slide 3 Commands: - Text - Shape - Media Slide 4 Commands: - Text - Shape - Media
77Slide 5Commands: - Text - Shape - MediaSlide 6Commands: - Text - Media
Note PlanSection 1: The results of student learning and problem solving 1.1 Evaluation of Knowledge Total number of student………..…..people Pass .........people Percentage............. Fail............people Percentage ………….…… Teachers respond to students who do not pass by........................................... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1.2 Evaluation of skills / process Total number of student………..…..people Pass .........people Percentage............. Fail............people Percentage ………….…… Teachers respond to students who do not pass by........................................... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1.3 Evaluation of characteristics Total number of student………..…..people Pass .........people Percentage............. Fail............people Percentage ………….…… Teachers respond to students who do not pass by........................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Section 2: Suggestion 2.1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.3 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.4 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Sign …………………………………..……………………… Teacher (Miss Puttiwan Chuangpitak) ……………/………………/………………
The recommendation of the Head of Career and Technology group(Investigate/Supervision/Certification) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Sign …………………………………………..……………..…… (Mr.Suthisak Kluapsoongnoen) Head of Career and Technology groupThe recommendation of the Academic Affairs (Investigate/Supervision/Certification) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Sign …………………………………….………………..…… (Mrs. Junsa Chaiwattanateerakorn) Vice-Director, Academic AffairsComments and suggestions educational institution administrator ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Sign …………………………………..………………..…… (Mrs. Kamonnapat Thippayakraisornchod) Principal of Chonkanyanukoon School
Lesson Plan 5Chapter 2: Adobe Captivate Title: Commands without interactionSubject: Create Instructional Media Grade: 12 Duration: 100 minutesBy: Teacher Puttiwan Chuangpitak Chonkanyanukoon School OBEC Service Area 18************************************************************************************************************1. Concept/Topic to Teach: Explain about the commands to create CAI with Adobe Captivate2. Main Objectives:At the end of lesson, the learner will be able to: 1) Explain step to create a presentation with commands without interaction. 2) Practice skill about commands in Adobe Captivate. 3) Apply their knowledge to design CAI.3. Content/Knowledge: Commands to create contents consists of: 1) Record commands group2) Timeline3) Preview commands group 4) Save4. Work Assigned: 1) Individual work 1.1 Students create a CAI with commands follow by worksheet 2.3:Commands without interaction5. Assessment/Evaluation:Evaluate from individual work. Students can get it.
81Evaluation Criteria: Create CAI contentsPoint Score Rating Weight 5Assessment 4 32 11. Content Content must be Content must be Content must be Content must be very accurate and very accurate. accurate, but not not accurate and clearly cover the clear enough. not clear enough. specific topic.2. Skill to Use commands to Use commands to Use commands to Use commands to 5 5use create contents create contents create contents create contents 5commands fluently, accurate fluently, and and completely. accurate. fluently. passably.3. Design Creative, complete Creative, Creative, and Creative, and quite complete good components.Technical components, complete components. interesting and use components, and easily. interesting.4. Function analysis, Function analysis, Function analysis, Function analysis, plan on working, plan on working,Workflow plan on working, plan on working, and follow the but not follow the follow the plan, follow the plan, plan. plan. evaluation the and evaluation work and use the the work. result of evaluation to improve the work.Judgment Criteria/ Quality CriteriaScore 61 – 80 means Very good GoodScore 41 – 60 means Fair ImproveScore 21 – 40 meansScore 1 – 20 meansPass Criteria Since good level up
82Evaluation Criteria: Desirable characteristicsPoint Score Rating WeightAssessment 4 3 2 1 11. Discipline Follow Follow agreement Follow agreement Do not follow agreement habitual, and sometime. agreement in habitual, punctual. various activities. punctual, and responsible for self- employment.2. Eager to learn Interested to Interested to Interested to Interested to 1 learn regularly learn regularly learn regularly. learn sometime. 13. Commitment and summary and summary 1to work knowledge knowledge. Work with Work with dissemination diligence, and diligence.4. Responsibility to interested Work with endure. parties. diligence, endure, Do not work Work with and task achieve Do work assignments. diligence, the target. assignments with endure, task the quality, do achieve the work assignments target and great incomplete. role model. Do work Do work assignments assignments with with the quality, the quality, do all do all work work assignments. assignments, and delivered on schedule.
83 Point Score Rating WeightAssessment 4 32 1 15.Environmental Use energy save Use energy save Use energy save Use energy notConservation and worth, and worth, and and worth. save and not reused, and reused. worth. apply materials with the local.Judgment Criteria/ Quality Criteria Very good Score 16 – 20 means Good Score 12 – 15 means Fair Score 10 – 11 means Improve Score 1 – 9 meansPass Criteria Since good level up6. Procedure/Teaching Methods: A) Set Introduction (10 minutes) 1) Teacher greets the class. 2) Inquire about computer knowledge that learn about Text commands group,Shape, Object commands group, and Media commands group by CP: Practice1. 3) Prepare a list of students with the program. 4) Teacher inform workloads and Evaluation Criteria for students. B) Learning Activity (80 minutes) 1) Students learn about commands to create contents without interaction byteacher demonstrate Record commands group, Timeline, Preview and Save by CP:Practice1. (50 minutes)
84 2) Students read explanation from worksheet 2.3 about commands to createcontents without interaction that show in your computer and work in individual. Eachperson has to: (30 minutes) 2.1 Do the work that use commands to create contents follow by teacherteach in classroom. 3) Teacher insert virtues of work, including a responsibility, tolerance andsatisfaction with the workC) Conclusion (10 minutes) 1) Teacher and students summary the knowledge that learn in this classtogether by CP: Practice1 about commands to create contents without interaction. 2) Suggest students to learn more knowledge about Adobe Captivate.7. Required Materials: 1) Worksheet 2.3: Commands without interaction 2) CP: Practice1 3) Computer, projector and amplifier8. Resources: 1) Chonkanyanukoon computer system 2) 3) 4) CD Rom about CAI 5) Website about computer project, multimedia production, create CAI, and how touse Adobe Captivate9. Expanded opportunities/integrations: Student Apply their knowledge for design CAI.
8510. Follow-up activity/homework: Improve your work better and beautiful.
85 Worksheet 2.3Chapter 2: Adobe Captivate Title: Commands without interactionSubject: Create Instructional Media Grade: 12 Duration: 100 minutesBy: Teacher Puttiwan Chuangpitak Chonkanyanukoon School OBEC Service Area 18Expected Learning:Explain about the commands to create CAI with Adobe CaptivateContent/Knowledge:Commands to create contents consists of: 1) Record commands group 2) Timeline 3) Preview commands group 4) SaveWork Assigned: 1. Students create contents with Record commands group, Timeline, Previewcommands group and Save. If you do finish, save the project as Year-Room-NumberName. For example: 2559-64-30Puttiwan and check neatness of work andsend to teacher for check again.
86Assignments Scheduled: Students have time to do worksheet 2.3 for two hours, when completed, callteacher for check your work.Assessment/Evaluation: 1. Students work complete on time. 2. Students create project correctly.
86CP: Practice1 Slide 1 Commands: - Text - Media - Record - Timeline Slide 2 Commands: - Text - Shape Slide 3 Commands: - Text - Shape - Media Slide 4 Commands: - Text - Shape - Media
87Slide 5Commands: - Text - Shape - MediaSlide 6Commands: - Text - Media
Note PlanSection 1: The results of student learning and problem solving 1.1 Evaluation of Knowledge Total number of student………..…..people Pass .........people Percentage............. Fail............people Percentage ………….…… Teachers respond to students who do not pass by........................................... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1.2 Evaluation of skills / process Total number of student………..…..people Pass .........people Percentage............. Fail............people Percentage ………….…… Teachers respond to students who do not pass by........................................... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1.3 Evaluation of characteristics Total number of student………..…..people Pass .........people Percentage............. Fail............people Percentage ………….…… Teachers respond to students who do not pass by........................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Section 2: Suggestion 2.1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.3 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.4 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Sign …………………………………..……………………… Teacher (Miss Puttiwan Chuangpitak) ……………/………………/………………
The recommendation of the Head of Career and Technology group(Investigate/Supervision/Certification) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Sign …………………………………………..……………..…… (Mr.Suthisak Kluapsoongnoen) Head of Career and Technology groupThe recommendation of the Academic Affairs (Investigate/Supervision/Certification) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Sign …………………………………….………………..…… (Mrs. Junsa Chaiwattanateerakorn) Vice-Director, Academic AffairsComments and suggestions educational institution administrator ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Sign …………………………………..………………..…… (Mrs. Kamonnapat Thippayakraisornchod) Principal of Chonkanyanukoon School
Lesson Plan 6Chapter 2: Adobe Captivate Title: Interaction CommandsSubject: Create Instructional Media Grade: 12 Duration: 100 minutesBy: Teacher Puttiwan Chuangpitak Chonkanyanukoon School OBEC Service Area 18************************************************************************************************************1. Concept/Topic to Teach: Commands used to create lesson with interaction: 1) Object commands group 1.1 Rollover Caption 1.2 Rollover Image2. Main Objectives: At the end of lesson, the learner will be able to: 1) Explain step to create a presentation with interaction commands. 2) Practice skill about interaction commands in Adobe Captivate. 3) Apply their knowledge to design CAI.3. Content/Knowledge:Commands to create contents consists of:1) Object commands group 1.1 Rollover Caption 1.2 Rollover Image4. Work Assigned: 1) Individual work 1.1 Students create a CAI with commands follow by worksheet 2.4: InteractionCommands
915. Assessment/Evaluation: Evaluate from individual work. Students can get it.Evaluation Criteria: Create CAI contents Point 4 Score Rating WeightAssessment 32 11. Content Content must be Content must be Content must be Content must be 5 very accurate and very accurate. accurate, but not not accurate and clearly cover the clear enough. not clear enough. specific topic.2. Skill to Use commands to Use commands to Use commands to Use commands to 5use create contents create contents create contents create contents 5commands fluently, accurate fluently, and fluently. passably. 5 and completely. accurate.3. Design Creative, complete Creative, Creative, and Creative, and quiteTechnical components, complete complete good components. interesting and use components, and components. easily. interesting.4. Function analysis, Function analysis, Function analysis, Function analysis,Workflow plan on working, plan on working, plan on working, plan on working, follow the plan, follow the plan, and follow the but not follow the evaluation the and evaluation plan. plan. work and use the the work. result of evaluation to improve the work.
92Judgment Criteria/ Quality Criteria Very good Score 61 – 80 means Good Score 41 – 60 means Fair Score 21 – 40 means Improve Score 1 – 20 meansPass Criteria Since good level upEvaluation Criteria: Desirable characteristics Point Score Rating WeightAssessment 4 321 11. Discipline Follow Follow agreement Follow agreement Do not follow agreement habitual, and sometime. agreement in habitual, punctual. various activities. punctual, and responsible for self- employment.2. Eager to learn Interested to Interested to Interested to Interested to 1 learn regularly learn regularly learn regularly. learn sometime. 13. Commitment and summary and summaryto work knowledge knowledge. Work with Work with dissemination diligence, and diligence. to interested Work with endure. parties. diligence, endure, Work with and task achieve diligence, the target. endure, task achieve the target and great role model.
93 Point Score Rating WeightAssessment 43 2 1 14. Responsibility Do work Do work Do work Do not work 15. assignments assignments with assignments with assignments.Environmental with the quality, the quality, do all the quality, doConservation do all work work assignments. work assignments Use energy not assignments, incomplete. save and not and delivered Use energy save worth. on schedule. and worth, and Use energy save Use energy save reused. and worth. and worth, reused, and apply materials with the local.Judgment Criteria/ Quality Criteria Very good Score 16 – 20 means Good Score 12 – 15 means Fair Score 10 – 11 means Improve Score 1 – 9 meansPass Criteria Since good level up6. Procedure/Teaching Methods: A) Set Introduction (10 minutes) 1) Teacher greets the class. 2) Inquire about computer knowledge that learn about Record, Timeline,Preview, and Save by CP: Practice2. 3) Prepare a list of students with the program. 4) Teacher inform workloads and Evaluation Criteria for students.
94 B) Learning Activity (80 minutes) 1) Students learn about commands to create contents with interaction byteacher demonstrate Object commands group by CP: Practice2. (50 minutes) 2) Students read explanation from worksheet 2.4 about commands to createcontents with interaction that show in your computer and work in individual. Eachperson has to: (30 minutes) 2.1 Do the work that use commands to create contents with interactionfollow by teacher teach in classroom. 3) Teacher insert virtues of work, including a responsibility, tolerance andsatisfaction with the work C) Conclusion (10 minutes) 1) Teacher and students summary the knowledge that learn in this classtogether by CP: Practice. 2) Suggest students to learn more knowledge about Adobe Captivate.7. Required Materials: 1) Worksheet 2.4: Interaction Commands 2) CP: Practice2 3) Computer, projector and amplifier8. Resources: 1) Chonkanyanukoon computer system 2) 3) 4) CD Rom about CAI
95 5) Website about computer project, multimedia production, create CAI, and how touse Adobe Captivate9. Expanded opportunities/integrations: Student Apply their knowledge for design CAI.10. Follow-up activity/homework: Improve your work better and beautiful.
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