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Home Explore Converted 1 26 2021

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Published by lesa.1000, 2021-01-27 04:10:11

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The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: After losing custody of my two kids looking for employment opportu- nities, hence I left California. The foremost spot I lived was in Las Vegas, Nevada. There was a young man who escorted me to a church, he reminds me of the faceless host that appears in my dreams. The young man was symbolically the Lord, he realized, I needed his help. I, also, see him as an angel. The church was peculiar. I minister there, he wore a suit, it may have been the pastor, and he was not famous. Nevertheless, the church was im- maculate and modern. They spent money in the church. I did not recall the minister’s face; he was not a TV minister. I remained in Las Vegas for ap- proximately forty-five days and not having obtained employment, I went to Denver, Colorado where I found employment. There is a city called Boulder in Colorado. Note, in this dream, there were giant boulders with water cascading over them, on the pulpit in the Basement church. Boulders are large rock fragments. The Rocky Mountain National Park is in North- ern Colorado- rocks. Along with the Holy Spirit, the nine months I lived in Denver, Colorado, assisted me to think of this dream. I saw the future, in this dream, but in a peculiar way. God communicates mysteriously. He is omnipresent. His church is everywhere at the same time. Lesson Learned A valuable lesson is, “Wherever people are gathered together for God the Holy Spirit appears among them. The church does not have to be immacu- late where two or more come together in Jesus name. Whether the church is in a Garage or Basement, it is the place where we may experience God. 103

32 One of Three (Dream) Psalms 3:5, I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord carried me. I Foresaw, in this dream, the death of a pop star. This was a series of church visiting dreams to pastor. I was somewhere in Atlanta, Georgia. I decided to check out the fashion, so I was going shopping. Somebody told me about a certain mall. I made it to the mall and realized it was a Swap Meet. I was in fashion heaven. I noticed their Swap Meet was larger than the ones back home. I needed some air after seeing the fashion, so I stepped outside. In the distance, I saw two young women walking towards me, to enter the Swap Meet. As they came nearer, I knew them. They were famous pop stars. They were a part of a trio. Surprisingly, they were down to earth with beautiful personalities and sociable. I was excited to see them; unfortunately, it was only two of them. Where was the third person of their group, I asked. Next, like in the movies, a solemn dirge music started playing out of nowhere. I woke up after that, clueless. 104

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Summary After this dream, I found out that the third member of the popular trio died in a freak accident. The same member of the group, who was not in the dream. The sad music alluded to her demise. Spiritual dreams are from the Holy Spirit’s power and not of man. I have increased faith and hope in God, as the result of this dream. I know He is genuine and alive and at work in the Holy Spirit. I continue to have faith and wait on the Lord with hope of His imminent return, a benefit of this dream. There may be more mysteries to this prophetic dream, yet to discover. 105

Chapter 5 Hell Experiences In this chapter, I write about being tormented. Other church attendees tormented me. The bible says to greet one another with a holy kiss and not by shaking hands. The Lord gave us this decree; He already knew the enemy could aflict us with physical pain in the grasp of other’s hands. The Antichrist and false Prophets are already here, 1 John 2:18 and Matthew 7:15. The evil ones get into the church. I would trust the Lord Spirit would scare them away, at least out His house. This physical torture was real. I felt pain that came from the nether pits of hell. This evil occurred on this 21st. 107

33 Tormented (Vision) Revelation 20:10, 10 The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where[b] the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. Me being tormented started in the year of (2010). I gained church membership. This church is considered the same church I attended in the early nineties, the church of the thirty day fast. However, it was at another location. They told me, it was the same church, the same leaders, and the same congregation. The former pastors of the church I knew had passed away. The presiding pastor was a good choice, I thought. I was looking forward to more supernatural encounters. This was a Pentecostal church where supernatural things should happen. I visited another contemporary church and saw familiar faces. It seems like the previous church members divided and went to two separate churches. 108

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: The Torment While in this new church, the pastor would direct the church attendees, to shake one another hands. A month did not pass, and I was being physically tortured via my hands. I thought it would stop and did not think much of it. Did they realize they were hurting me, I pondered! I would shortly find out; it was a movement. I did not know it would continue. Yet, long as there was hand shaking, I would suffer through the hands of various attendees. The pain was excruciating from the pit of hell, Revelation 20:10. Sur- prisingly, they tormented me Sunday’s at church. Was I mentally tripping, I thought? At one time, I surmised somebody’s artificial limbs had malfunctioned while squeezing my hands. Some other time, I considered somebody tricked me and it was metal pliers in my clutches. Another time, the pain was so intense that it felt like a snake had coiled around my hand, constricting tighter and tighter. The agonizing pain was unbearable! Once it felt like, the bones in my hand were going to break into pieces and within the second collapse to powder. One time, it felt like my blood stopped circulating, my hand got numb. I felt almost faint. Were they trying to stop my blood from circulating on purpose that I would pass out and awake in another place, abducted, I wondered! Another time, the torment was so painful, I was afraid I transmuted to hell. I was surprised my hand could withstand such pressure. I was hoping, I held the bone disease, Osteoporosis, instead of coming to the knowledge churchgoers were tormenting me. I became angry, at times, as a solution. I wanted to address them furiously. I would leave the church angry, thinking what I wanted to do to them in return. However, the Words of God says to, stand still and let the Lord fight our battles, Exodus 14:13. Fed up, with torment, I decided to confront the next person who attacked me. 109

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: The Confrontation A strong woman had my hand in her grip greeting me. She was squeezing my hand. It was painful and then time stood still while my hands were in her grasp. The woman would never let my hand loose it seemed for eternity. Hence, the pain was not going away anytime soon. I was going to confront the next person, I remembered. I was so in the moment. In approaching the situation, I decided to be patient and calm, as the bible teaches, Galatians 5:22-23. I began slowly to turn my head to speak with her. “You are moving too fast,” the Holy Spirit said. I realize my patience is not God’s patience; therefore, I became almost motionless while being active. I was going to look her in the eyes, at first. I modified my plan of attack after the Holy Spirit interrupted. Therefore, I decided to look at both our hands first and then look her in the eyes to slow myself down, and then talk gently to her. My eyes locked on both our hands. Surprisingly, I saw a smaller than a midget man standing on both our hands, he was holding his stomach, leaning forwards, laughing outrageously. Apparently, physically tormenting was hilarious to him. The midget had to be the little devil; it was the tiniest person I have ever seen. I did not know if he was with the woman hurting my hand or with another tormentor. Are others tormented also, I wondered. The tiny devil was, as a folklore would describe him. The suit he wore reminded me of Uncle Sam’s suit or the American Flag. I saw dingy colors of red, white, and blue. It looked filthy, as if it has not been clean in millions of years. Perplexed. I did not speak to the woman after all. I was speechless. The Bible prophesied the government would be on Christ Jesus shoulder, Isaiah 9:6. The tiny devil dressed in an Uncle Sam type suit was allegorically the government. Throughout my life, I felt like the government was on my shoulders but not in these latter days. Yet, here I am set free. 110

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Summary “Church is a hospital,” a pastor once said. I understand that sinners attend church to heal and be mentally well. To be delivered from serving Satan and demons, a Spiritual Warfare. The battle for the soul of the individual. When sinners eventually heal, they will serve God, only. The positive side of this encounter, I was on the right track, I felt. One with Christ Jesus. This could not have been a coincidence. In that, the Holy Spirit showed me likeness between Christ Jesus and myself. Both our hands aflicted, His hands nailed to the cross and my hands tormented. In this, I sympathize with Him, Hebrews 4:15. I attend church alone as a babe in Christ, just like Christ Jesus came to this world alone as a babe, Matthew 1:23. Despite torment, I continued as a member for the duration of a year and then I left. I did not just run, immediately, I endured afliction. The same way Christ Jesus could have gotten down from the cross and left, but He also endured the afliction and torment, Matthew 26:52-54. A person should not leave the church provoked but inspired and filled with joy. At times, I would leave the church angry about the pain I endured. I would angrily want revenge. Yet, I was faithfully trying to be more like Christ Jesus by standing still, 2 Timothy 4:5. I was sad because I was giving up a church home. Sorry, I had to leave that church. Rejected and tormented, but I endured the afliction. Yet, the Holy Spirit cheered me up. He reminded me that Christ Jesus was also rejected. Isaiah 53:3-4, He is despised and rejected by men… Membership Cancellation After I left the church, I called the ofice, to tell them I am no longer inter- ested in being a member; however, nobody answered the phone or called me back. 111

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: The churchgoers probably were wolves in sheep’s clothing, Matthew 7:15. Thankfully, I did not confront the tormentors because it was for my best. They were flocks of wolves. They had strong, large, and fortified bones like animals Th e Pale, Black, R e d an d White Horses Revelations 6:8, 8 So I looked, and behold, a pale horse... There was this high yellow, black woman accompanied by a Caucasian male, she tormented me. When I looked at her, I realized she had thick fortified teeth like an animal. It appears that she could have been a cross dresser- a man or perhaps a creature from hell or heaven. She looked like a cross between a person and an animal. She was likely a wild locust. She reminds me of the pale horse. Revelation 6:5, 5 When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse… There was a short man of color, who tormented me via hand, he reminded me of the black horse. He was with a Hispanic woman and two biracial kids. Revelations 6:4, 4 Another horse, fiery red, went out... The woman I tried to address about tormenting me. She reminded me of the red horse because she was dressed in red and she was not alone, she was with at least one other woman. Revelation 6:2, 112

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: 2 And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer. Still, there are joyful times sitting next to a true Christian. I can joyfully say the faithful symbolize the white horse with the spirit of Christ Jesus. They are gentle, kind and remind me of the white horse. Three tormentors symbolized the various evil horses. A mystery of end time prophecy: the pale, black, and the red horse. The white horse was good. Rider of Horses A rider is somebody riding with someone to assist if there will be a fight. By bringing a rider to a church it shows lack of faith of God’s protection. The Lord’s Word can protect. Fear vanishes in God’s presence. Fear and Satan are tormenting and confusing, 1 John 4:18. I believe in God’s protection. A Solution “… Greet each other with a holy kiss,” says the Word of God, 1 Corinthians 16:20 Summary Have God allowed handshaking in the church! However, God allowed me to be tormented. The Most High probably did not require me to go to that church. Because God is already inside us. We are the temple of God, 1 Corinthian 3:6. Humankind is the greatest church, made without hands. Leaving Church Sadness, anxiety came upon me after I left the church. I get along a lot better with the Word of God in my intellect, body and psyche. Aside 113

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: from the questionable churches of my yesteryear. If they were not able to physically torment me, would they have preferred a fistfight! Shaking hands is bad; it is like arm wrestling. Despite this experience, I joyfully remembered having a foretaste of heaven. I was hoping I was not going to experience God wrath. On the last day, God will allow torment, said the Holy Bible, Revelation 9:5. Theory Church is a place where sinners begin to earn redemption. At first, they may still sin; nevertheless, that sinful nature should slowly go away. If they had repented, they should be on their best conduct. As for the midget, I do not think he was in my mind, perhaps it was a spirit. I learned there are tinier people than midgets are. Perhaps they are the legendary Devil. Further, there were other satanic generals on assignment from hell, in that church, as well. I will include their actions, in the next reminiscence. 114

34 Escape Hell! ( Dream) Revelation 12:10, Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. In this dream, I awakened in a deep dark muddy hole. Some people were already inside. They were just sitting with poker faces. They were not trying to get out. I will soon learn they feared a dreadful consequence for trying to escape. I looked up and saw a large person standing on the circumference of the hollow hole. “Help me,” I yelled, several times. The person could not hear me, I assumed. Therefore, I attempted to mount up the muddy wall to get out. I could not grip the mud. I fell down a couple of times. Determined, I dug my fingers deep through the muddy wall and eventually climbed out. I saw the person whom I was screaming for help. “Didn’t you hear me, calling for help, I asked. The reason I saw the person from the deep hole because it was a beastly giant. 115

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: The beastly giant barely heard me because I was tiny compared. I gathered it and heard something because it was looking up and down and from left to the right trying to see where the sound was coming. Reluctantly, just like a collision course, I realized who the giant was, a satanic soldier guarding us from escaping- I was in the pit of hell. In that same moment, the giant saw me and then grabbed me and threw me in the middle of the hole, as if I was a rag doll in the giant grasps. I landed miles from the muddy wall. The giant monster made it harder for me to get out. I experienced the feared punishment the others were so afraid of, the reason they were still. After, I got out the muddy pit; I could have escaped, if only I had remained quiet and silently walked away. Summary In the dream I almost escaped, hell. However, the real hell, there will be no escaping. Hell is eternal suffering, devastation, and detachment. I am doing everything, faithfully, in my power not to follow Satan into eternal hell. Saved because I have faith in God. I do faithful works. I am a light that shines in dark places compared to my previous life of sin. Writing this book is an act of faith. I would have never thought I could accomplish such a goal if I did not have faith. Especially with my background, I thought my life was over. Yet, through faith, I trusted God and continued forwards. The Holy Scriptures say, “I could do all things through Christ Jesus,” Philippians 4:13. He has forgiven the repentant, those who asked for forgiveness. I am not planning on going to the pit of a muddy hell This dream occurred in the same church of the physical torment, #33. The Hell Dr e a m As for this dream of hell, also, I dream of heaven. Before I started trusting in Christ Jesus, again, my life was a living hell. 116

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I had this dream, after a church teacher, leader, or false prophet treated me cruelly. A Jezebel I joined a Christian Class at church. The class gathered after church. The instructor was a woman. She did not display any fruit of the spirits, Galatians 5:22-26; However, I did not think much of it. She was obese. She was the beast guarding hell, in this dream. I recognized her in this dream as her. I did not call her a woman. I called her the beastly giant. In this part, I cannot avoid calling her a woman, a Jezebel. Apparently, she is smart and so is Satan. She was in a schism and faction of women. Another time, I felt unwelcomed, in that church. I noticed when I bought my book set of four for ($40) the set came unpackaged, but the other student’s book was packaged. The books for her class were irregular, a rip off. The pages continually repeated themselves in a couple of the books. She gave us homework assignments. The book was so confusing that I wrote my answer in pencil, so I could go back and change it before turning in homework. The class was challenging. Accuser of Brethren The Holy Spirit was confirming a suspicion; I had about the Jezebel teacher in the church. That something was not right with her. One day, she accused me of interrupting the class because I scratched the top of my nose. She said I was signaling her to be quiet. “The devil comes to church to distract the class,” she also said. The Holy Spirit revealed she was a Jezebel, a woman teacher in the church. A traditional man’s position, Revelation 2:20. Another time, while in class, I needed the women’s room. Therefore, I left my books where I was sitting. When I returned someone 117

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: had looked through my textbook, obviously her. She had a wonderful time talking about the answer in my book while laughing. I wrote temporary answers in pencil, I was going to change the answers. I realized she was a Satanic Soldier. Next, I had this dream being in hell. The instructor was surely the giant guarding the exit of hell. If I cannot stay in the church to spiritually, grow because people are being cruel to me just to scare me away. I could not escape the temptation of the world. The same way, I could not escape the hole of hell. Eventually, I could not take any more and I dropped her class. I saw her several times in church service. I finished the rest of the year and eventually left that church. I wanted to be patient. I hope never to return to that church, Lord willing. 1 Corinthians 12:10, To another the working of miracles;to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another diver’s kind of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues…. The teacher was a Jezebel. This dream was confirmation that something was not right with that woman. She was a satanic soldier on a mission from hell. I discern her spirit correctly. I know how important it is to God that we fellowship with one another. I held out in church as long as possible. I could not take further torment. This dream helps me remember; I receive the gift of discernment. I had the opportunity to discern. 118

Chapter 6 Prophecies This chapter is about prophecies. I did not know they were prophecies, until they really took place. I foresaw the First President and First Lady of change of the United States before the election. I also foresaw the events of September 11 and Hurricane Katrina. I would be faithless, had I not foreseen these unnatural events through dreams by the Holy Spirit. 119

35 A First President ( Dream) Daniel 5:2, Inasmuch as an excellent spirit, knowledge, understanding, interpreting dreams, solving riddles, and explaining enigmas were found in this Daniel… I was searching to purchase a place. God was the realtor; whenever an invisible character appears in my dreams, He is figuratively God. Nobody has seen the face of God and lived. The invisible Host was showing me a stately historic mansion. The mansion was breathtaking and I was speechless in awe. It was once the governor’s Mansion, said the Invisible Host. The original furniture was covered with sheets. The home had been vacant so long the furnishings were antiques; there were original vintage lamps, chandeliers, paintings and more. Next, I saw double glass doors. Doors I was unaware of because we entered a different way. I thought it odd that the double glass door was in a regular home. Interestingly, there were adult males and women dressed professionally, holding briefcases while briskly walking inside the dual glass doors. They 120

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: appear to be rushing to clock in for work. It was like; I transmuted from a resident to a business place. Summary At first, I interpreted this dream to mean I was going to be the first female governor of African- American descent of California, and one-day I was going to live in Sacramento, California. I had faithfully believed God could perform a miracle to make me an elected oficial or give me the leadership position. Although, I had neither a High School Diploma nor College Degree nor employment history. Nevertheless, today, I clearly believe this dream was a prophetic look into the future of the first African American President of the United States. The elected president of Change. I am African American in this dream only symbolized, the first man of African descent will be president. The governor’s mansion clearly symbolized the White House. The men and women headed to work symbolized the White House staff members. At the time of this dream, I did not realize the White House was an ofice for employees. I had assumed it was the Presidential residence, only. I saw this prophecy of the first president in a concealed manner. My theory: I would have told people; it would have appeared that I was campaigning for him. Some may think they were doing God a service and voted for him because I foresee him winning from a divine encounter. I only remember this dream after the election. So that I keep my mouth shut. This was the safest path for me. I find it funny that I thought I was going to become governor. I foresee this dream for a mysterious reason. Yet, this prophetic dream had been a spiritual gift from God. These dreams are wondrous, awesome, amazing, a witness of heaven. They always make me feel special. 121

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: After this revelation, I realized, I do not have the spiritual gift of dream interpretation, but some Christians have this wonderful gift. I can prophesy a little as the Holy Spirit give me utterance. There are male and female prophets, Such as Jeremiah, Jeremiah 37:6; Daniel, Matthew 24:15; Deborah, Judge 4:4; and Miriam, Exodus 15:20 and many more, others alive today. Blessed am I to have seen bits and pieces of the future, Although, I did not know what I was seeing. This dream was a beautiful life experience. It strengthened my faith. 122

36 The First Lady (Dream) Ruth 3:11 …And now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you all that you request, for all the people of my town know that you are a virtuous woman. In another dream, I foresaw in a mystery, a president of the United States. Now, I believe in this dream, I foresaw the First Lady of the United States of African American descent. The faceless Host was taking me on tour, and He showed me a schoolyard. A mysterious noblewoman attended the school. In the dream the identity of the woman was known, to me; however, when I had awakened, I did not know her identity. It was not any famous woman of that time. The school painted spotless white. The White House is white. “This was the schoolhouse, she attended,” said the faceless Host. I was amazed by her accomplishments; she had become celebrated, what seemed, overnight. He only allowed me to see behind the schoolhouse. I saw very clean trash containers. Tall trees and acres of lands, across the streets. In that location there were no residents or buildings next to the school. 123

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Summary No forest is across the street from the White House in reality. The white building in this dream symbolized the White House. The mysterious woman was the First Lady of change. I did not know she was from the future. Further, I had some theories of whom the mystery woman was however, the shoes just did not fit my theory. As for the reigning celebrity of the day, I knew her identity. This person, I should have not known, or it would not have been a prophecy. I would have never imagined that I would see a first president and first lady of change in my lifetime. I would have never thought it could happen. After I heard the first 44th. president wifes’ speech on national television, I was impressed the identical way I felt in the dream. I felt she was educated, which reminded me of the school in my dream, a place of education. Therefore, her speech helped me remember this dream. A Deja’ vu experience. I probably dream this dream (10) years prior to the election. Figurative Couple Figurative across the streets from the White House is a jungle in that; I heard a mile away from the White House there is a high crime area. There are drugs, prostitutions, and others. The Couple I also met an adorable African- American in Miami, Florida; they were from Washington, D.C. They were wonderful loving people. In fact, they encouraged, motivated and almost allegorically pushed me to apply for a job. Surprisingly, I was hired. I was employed by the same employer as them. They were an African- American couple, something rare to me. The woman and man were both dark brown skinned. Such a wonderful loving 124

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: couple. I haven’t seen a man of color stand with a woman of color in a long time, since my grandparents. Most black couples are from the south or further. This demonstrates the possibilities for a relationship for you dark skinned readers, which are in the south and east coast. I may have met the Washington, D.C. couple for this presidential prophetical reason. They reminded me and pointed towards the president elect and his wife of change. Certain events connected to the dream, like a puzzle, prophesy woven together in mysteries that when the time comes, I know it was what I have foreseen. The Lord prepared me for this president of change. The presidency is important to me, somehow. Perhaps the Holy Spirit just wants to make me an important person like other faithful believers. I am not an African- American pride type of person. People of my ethnicity have wronged me and treated me cruelly. However, the people in my dreams are mostly of my ethnicity, except the encounter and dream involving Prince Charles’ and Lady Diana’s wedding, my very first dream of Marilyn Monroe. She was the woman in the first memory of this book that glowed in her white dress like an angel. Further, this dream is clearly about the woman of color, the wife of the President. I dreamed of them both before I saw they were reality. 125

37 Heavenly Homes (Dream) Luke 16:26, 26 And besides all this, between you and us there is a great gulf fixed so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there pass to us.’ This was a dream. The faceless Host was guiding me, again. This time He was leading me through a forest. There was beautiful greenery: foliage, trees, and it was very colorful. I followed Him. “Which famous person would you like to meet,” He asked. At first, I did not believe He could let me meet anybody famous; however, the ones I asked were unavailable. I finally asked to meet an available person. Her house camouflaged in the forest! Nestled among the flowers. Clean air, no pollution in a peaceful and heavenly environment. He walked inside without knocking. The wall that faced the garden made of glass. I assumed she was not home. It was quiet and I did not see or hear her. Her house was beautiful and elegant. Flowers and Pink was the design of her home. 126

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: The walls are covered with floral wallpaper. I remember seeing her clothes, colognes, and shoes… However, I do not remember the brand. “She’s home, but she’s taking a bath,” the Host said. I overheard her splashing the bathwater. I was so excited, I ran into her bathroom, which was rude because she was nude, and she hid behind the bathroom door. I was much younger, at the time of this dream. Nevertheless, I saw her face for a second. We did not exit out the same way we entered when it was time to leave. We exited out the front door. Apartment complexes were across the alleyway near her house. Rowdy people were hanging outside. However, an alleyway separated the two properties. I am concerned for her safety. The Host discerned my thoughts. “Don’t worry about her, there is a chasm separating the two properties,” the Host said. Summary The Alleyway was similarly the gulf. The first people, I asked to meet, probably did not make it into heaven! I am not a dream interpreter. Her house symbolized the Garden of Eden because it was in a beautiful forest with flowers, a garden. 127

38 The Hurricane Prophecy (Dream) Joel 2:28, And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions. This dream was a prophecy of Hurricane Katrina. I foresaw this storm in a profound way. In this dream, I had a best friend. My friend and I had just finished hanging out, and we were going our separate ways. She was going home to take sleeping pills and go to sleep. Suddenly, I saw water in a place it should not be. Water coming under a bridge and rolling down boulevards. Did the Holy Spirit unnaturally transport me to the beach, I assumed? I was standing in a small body of water that covered my shoes. A young man came to me and told me; the water is flooding the city. I would not have known the danger I was in had not he told me. “This is the Mississippi River,” The Holy Spirit whispered. Immediately, I remembered my beloved friend who had gone home to take sleeping pills; I knew there was a good chance that she was going to sleep through the flood, and she 128

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: was in grave danger of drowning. She could drown in her sleep. Therefore, I called to make sure she and her family were aware of the flood. Nobody answered the phone, so I decided to go to her house and check up on her. Once I arrived at her house, her family was home, they were awake, but she was asleep. They did not know what was happening. I explained to her and her family, the danger of the flood, the same way the young man helps me to realize what I was seeing. They did not know like me before the young man told me. Finally, I woke up. Summary I did not need to help my family because they were in California, nowhere the Hurricane Katrina storm. The same way, I was in Miami, Florida at the time of Hurricane Katrina, my Family was in California. The famous singer was the friend in my dream, she had recently sung the National Anthem in Miami, Florida. She could have been in Miami, Florida at the time of the storm. I dreamed this in substantial time before Hurricane Katrina arrived. In 2005. I was living in Miami, Florida. I was at my job at a sports arena. They had basketball competitions. Singers come to initiate the game by singing the National Anthem. At the time of the storm, a famous singer came to sing the anthem. This singer, I already knew her before she was famous because she was in one of my dreams, John 1:48. She, the famous soloist singer, the same person who sung the National Anthem; she was also my best friend, in this Hurricane Katrina Prophecy dream. In which I dreamed before the storm hit. This is no coincidence. How is that she was in the same city as me at the time of the storm! Something mysterious, magical, and mystical is going on; and that something is The Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus, Alive. By the way, I dreamed about this dream friend twice. Yet, I do not know her, but I know somebody who knows her. My cousin. 129

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Another Her Dream The Holy Spirit showed me, in another dream, her calm mind. She was sitting on the steps of an apartment unit located across the street from a highway. I had these dreams before she became famous. My mind was the opposite of hers. I had uncontrollable thoughts. At times, I had spiritual battles between good and evil in my psyche. When living in Florida, I had an apartment. My neighbor told me the storm was affecting us in Florida and told me of the appointed safe place for our community to ride out the storm. My neighbor in Miami, Florida was allegorically the man in this dream who alerted me of the storm. The man who told me what I was seeing. The dam had broken. When the water soaked my shoes… I love rain and nature. It rarely rains and I was not used to any storm. I thought it exciting. Therefore, I was not going anywhere, anyway. I was going to ride the storm out! I love to see nature at work. I lived on the second floor; I realized the rain would not reach me. I realized it was a bad idea when I saw them twenty-foot palm trees swaying side to side. Some trees snapped, under the pressure of the wind. After seeing this, I had second thoughts of whether I should have evacuated. The storm was nothing to play with or admire. Nevertheless, if I am not mistaken, I heard some people perished at designated shelters. After the storm, I walked a different way. The Holy Spirit was showing me how close I was to a large body of water, frightening. I was round the corner from a bay and did not recognize it. This is important because I cannot swim. Which is probably why their Holy Spirit would not let me go anywhere. I remember telling my mother, I never want to come back to California. Yet I am here, once more. 130

39 Supermen Fallen 9/11 (Dream) Matthew 24: 40-42, 40 Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken, and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken, and the other left. 42 Watch, therefore, for you do not know what [g]hour your Lord is coming. Christ had returned and taken people with Him to heaven. I was surprised because He left me behind, but I was happy because I was not in the pit of hell. It felt like hundreds of years had gone by, since the rapture, and I had not talked to anybody. Still, I was not completely alone because others left behind, as well. Therefore, I did not inherit the entire earth for myself, Mathew 5:5. One day, I was standing outside, enjoying the quietness. “Come see,” a group of people said. I was reluctant to follow them, at first, but I realized they were talking to me and being friendly. Therefore, I followed them. They guided me to a group of decaying Gothic style high-rise buildings. Strangely, I watched men walking inside the deserted construction. They wore business suits and carried briefcases. They worked 131

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: there before the rapture and their coworkers were their friends,” the Holy Spirit revealed. “I wouldn’t enter inside,” I stated. The buildings looked structurally unsafe. Just a little time elapsed after the men went into the building, and I saw them coming down the side of the building, like Superman. “Supermen,” I said. I assumed there were plenty of supermen. Those who beckoned me, to follow them, looked at me, unhappily. Suddenly I realized something was wrong. I did not recognize what I was seeing. They were jumping to commit suicide. The moment I realized what I was witnessing, I woke up from this dream. Summary I had dreamed this in ample time before the events on September 11, 2001. The day the terrorist attacked the World Trade Center buildings in Manhattan, New York, USA. The Gothic buildings in the dream were symbolically the World Trade Center buildings. Watching the tragedy on television helped me remember this dream; also, the Holy Spirit that brings things back to remembrance. An employer of the burning building went back indoors to help alert others. Some believe he perished in the fire; this man reminded me of the men in this dream who willingly went inside the decayed Gothic buildings to commit suicide. The famous portrait of the falling man who jumped from the burning building to escape the fire also reminded me of the men in my dream who jump like superman. My dream was a prophecy of 9/11. 9/11 V e r s e s 911 Note the likenesses between 9/11 and 911. This may not be a coincidence. (9/11) is the date the terrorists attacked. (911) is the number called for emergency assistance, the first responders, such as the Paramedics, the Fire 132

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Department, and the Police. Some first responders were also killed in the attack; they probably were the targets. Terrorist probably felt wronged, violated and wanted justice. The Holy Spirit revealed this similarity to me because I was curious of why this atrocity happened. Nevertheless, the similarities are probably my personal beliefs or theories. We the civilians may never know what provoked this attack; it is probably a top secret. 9/11 ( T h e D a t e ) The attack seemed strategically planned, for a specific date. I surmise terrorist fueled by injustice at the hand of the first responders or the employer of that building; thus, they scheduled an attack for a specific date and chose an act, which would involve hells fire. Clearly, fury was involved. Fire is barbaric, cruel and loud that demands attention. This approach was brilliant. Satan, the enemy of all humankind is also brilliant. This was probably a sneak attack; they took the United States by surprise. The president at that time of the attack did not act surprised, he acted peculiarly, he did not hide. The onslaught of the attack, I reckoned, I accepted the employers and employees were the targets through bad business practices. For instance, Bernard Lawrence Madoff (B.L. Madoff, he defrauded many out of their money using a Ponzi scheme.) What if he was an employer of the World Trade Centers! In that, others also do Ponzi schemes. There are criminals that steal large amounts. Personally, I do not agree with terrorists and their methods. I do not have anything against the authorities. When arrested, I was guilty of one thing or the other. I just felt like the punishment was too severe. The authorities are Humankind just doing their jobs. We should respect those in authority over us, including first responders and all presidents elect. 133

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Racist Attack! I discovered that all ethnicities have the potential to be racist against some other ethnicity. I am not saying racism had anything to do with the attack; however, the diversity of religious belief and personal feeling may have something to do with racism and terrorism. G o d A l l o w e d It! The Holy Spirit revealed to me that I or anybody else could have been victims of September 11. I cannot see how; I could have been one of the victims. However, I faithfully believe God’s words. Therefore, how is a mystery, the Holy Spirit may reveal the answer one day. I surmised that anybody could have worked there or visited the buildings at any time. Since the event, I have a desire to study the World Trade Center Building; I am interested in their functions, practices and services. Until then the attack is a mystery. God allows bad things to happen to good people, yet all sin and fall short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23. John the Baptist and Christ Jesus were going around doing good and a bad thing happened to them, they were martyred, Matthew 14:1-12 and John 19:1-30. Victims of the attack were doing well by working legal jobs. Yet, a bad thing happened to them, they were victims of the massacre. I would have been faithfully waiting for the legions of angels to rescue me. Well, heck, there have been many times; I wish angels would rescue me from a dire situation, but they did not; not immediately. God could have dispatched legions of saints to intervene, in every fatal situation. Nonetheless, God does not. He even allowed His one and only begotten son, Christ Jesus, Martyred. Thus, why would He stop humankind from destruction! One reason humans should not die is because we are human 134

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: beings. Christ Jesus is a deity; He is the same as God, John 1:1. Yet, we are human beings. Since Christ Jesus’ death was important, He conquered the universe. Perhaps the victims of September 11 died for a purpose, equally well. The tragedy may have provoked witnesses and victims to repent and turn to God. My personal experiences of heavenly dreams and other encounters helps me visualize the marvelous life God had planned for us before the fall of Humankind in the Garden of Eden. Yet, He wants to restore us back from the fall through the blood of Christ Jesus. He desires to guide us to the Garden of Eden, the New Jerusalem. The means in which God allows bad things to happen to us to get our attention is worth it. I lost custody of my newborn babies and I was not a drug addict. Drug abuse is the reason they were taking babies. I turned to God for answers because of this unfairness. Victims should thank God as they led them to God. They should be witnessing His goodness. You do not want to miss out. You want to have the faithful life and relationship with God’s son, Christ Jesus. You want to see the goodness of God in your lifetime. A lifetime with God is wonderful, interesting, and mystifying. He has marvelous powers. The Holy Spirit is tangible. He teaches, heals, guides, and much more. If you do not have a loyal friend, you are never alone. He will be your friend. You could experience somebody to stand by your side, if you never had a friend. Benefit of Victim Some victims may have turned to God for answers, strength, and comfort and obtained salvation in the process. The results of the attack. I believe in Heaven it is real. I believe the deceased victims have forgiven those who murdered them because they are in heaven, the presence of 135

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: God. Their life was not in vain. What happened to them may have led others to repentance, as well. When judgement day comes, the decisions to where every individual will spend eternity. Some people will go to hell for not having the wonderful gift of faith paid for with the blood of Christ Jesus. How much more pathetic can you get? You will go to hell because you turned down a gift of forgiveness, faith, and salvation. Salvation is free; Christ Jesus already paid for the sins of the entire world. However, every individual may activate this gift of acceptance. Some of humankind may not want the gift of salvation. Others may prefer to follow Satan to the pits. While others may seek to be their own God and continue to be lost in darkness without the Savior. God forgave humankind through the sinless blood of Christ Jesus. We can start all over afresh. 136

40 Standing Still (Dream) Exodus 14:13, 13 And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today. I was at a church retreat in this dream. I was a Christian and we had a camp meet. The campsite was in a valley surrounded by mountains and there was only one narrow road to enter and exit. When I arrived, church leaders were there setting up the stage. I saw famous guest speakers and gospel singers. We were also planning to camp overnight. Of us arrived by passenger vehicle, others by cars and perhaps other ways. T h e fire We had been praising and worshiping God and then suddenly a fire ensued, the people panicked and started running around, it was chaotic. Some took cars and buses that did not belong to them. However, like myself, some stood still and waited on the Lord. I can imagine those who took the buses ran over people because of panic. 137

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Obedience At the onset of the fire, I remembered the scripture, stood still and saw the salvation of the Lord, Exodus 14:13. I stood still and faithfully prayed for help. There were other people standing still, also. I saw a church leader standing still, also. I slowly went to speak to the leader. “Under any circumstances, people should not steal,” I asked. I was referring to the buses and cars the frantic people had taken without permission. The speaker agreed, we continued to talk. Suddenly, another leader came and joined us. They were speaking to each other exclusively. She gestured to me, as if she were still interested in finishing our conversation; therefore, I stood with them. While slowly following behind them, slowly, I stepped on a platform. I realized right away, it could have been the way out; therefore, I praised God. The Lord answered our prayers; He provided a miraculous way out of the fire. At that instant, I understood they were not taking me off that platform. I thought it was a boat, at the outset. I felt an upward motion. Finally, I realized we were moving upwards, slowly. While we were ascending over the mountains, “You made it out of the fire by going over the fire,” the Holy Spirit whispered. Summary This dream reminds me of when the children of Israel were at a dead end, the Red Sea, and they did not see a way out. Moses told them, “to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, Exodus 14. God miraculously rescued the children of Israel, by splitting the Red Sea. In addition, the Children of Israel were in a wilderness wandering, the campground in this dream reminded me of a wilderness. 138

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: The masses who did not stand still in this dream most likely perished in the fire for disobedience. God can see a path out of dire situations, even when we cannot see a way of escape. God from on high can look downward and see a way out for them that have faith and in Him. He provides an escape route, 1 Cor- inthians 10:13. 139

41 Holy Awakening (Dream) Revelation 9:20, 20 But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk. I woke because I felt a presence staring at me. The atmosphere felt different, like hollow. “How could there be someone in my apartment,” I thought. I was afraid to open my eyes because if there was an intruder, I needed to pretend to be still asleep. A mystery, I thought. All entryways locked. I knew it was impossible for an intruder to be inside my apartment. Therefore, I opened my eyes. There was no fear in the presence of the Lord, but peace, love, and a sound mind and more goodness. No Fear I saw Him. He stood about six feet tall. His body slanted over towards me; dressed in a red type uniform. 140

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I was reluctant to take my eyes off Him because I thought He would disappear. I blinked my eyes, and indeed, He was gone. I felt Christ Jesus’ presence throughout the week, afterwards. One day, while walking to my apartment door, “Do you know how I entered your room?” The Holy Spirit asked. Although He asked me in the spirit, I heard clearly. I did not know the answer to the question; it became a mystery. Summary I pondered on the possibilities, about how the Holy Spirit displayed in my room. An answer or theory came to mind- The Holy Spirit revealed it to me. I had purchased a figurative portrait of Christ Jesus. The picture hung about six feet on the wall. The same height as He stood. In the portrait, the red military uniform reminded me of the British soldier’s uniform. He seemed as if He came off the Portrait. He manifested from the por- trait. The same as a perfect Word comes off the pages of the Holy Bible for every situation, John 1: 1-14. He entered because I welcomed Him through the portrait of Himself. Thus, spiritually, He was already there. Be careful what idols and trinkets you allow in your home. Satan comes in through his idol and trinkets, evil manifest through those objects, equally well. I dropped the portrait while moving out of the apartment. The glass picture frame broke; I threw it in the trash. I should have carefully removed the broken glass fragments and kept the photograph. 141

42 Appointed Time (Dream) Job 14:14-15, 14 If a man dies, shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come. I was on Cruise presented by the church. The first morning our group was to meet in a banquet room. While walking through the banquet doors, The Ushers greeters were wearing dark burgundy blazers. “This is your appointed time, whispered the Holy Spirit. Summary I had this dream, before I Joined the church where ushers wore burgundy blazers like them in this dream. I believe they wore the blazers on certain Sunday’s once a month. Seeing them wearing the blazers most likely helped me remember this dream. However, I think the dream came after I became a member of the church. This dream was a blessing, I was glad to know, I had an appointed time. Glad that God had appointed a time that He would suppress my 142

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: enemies, for a time, especially the enemy Satan. Therefore, I may grow and prosper in wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. A time to gain a personal relationship with Christ Jesus. A time like no opportunity before. He is always with me in spirit. The Opened Door The Lord opened a door to an apartment for me to rent. It was not too small and not too large. The place reminded me of a student residence room. The small size apartment was fair because most students studying for their degree had similar tiny spaces. One of my heart’s desires was to gain a seminary or university degree. Therefore, I used my tiny apartment as a dorm room. I attend church, seminary, bible schools; I read and studied throughout the Holy Bible in that small apartment. The appointed time also meant to me: The window of opportunity may be a short period. Therefore, I realized I should start immediately and not squander the time. I took advantage of my newfound peace, freedom and opportunity. Prior, the Lord had opened the door of homeless shelters for me. I learned about computers and obtained my General Equivalency Diploma journey through a shelter. I believe all of humankind has an appointed time. A time when the Lord will conquer your most potent foe, Satan. My goal through the opened door is to be faultless and prepared to be acceptable to God, Jude 1:24. 143

43 Little Fire (Encounter) Exodus: 3:2, 2 And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. I was in church when a spiritual fire appeared in the center of my chest. I experienced and felt it without my eyes; shaped like the pilot in a gas stove, like an upside-down teardrop. “Although you are a small fire, you can grow into a consuming fire,” the Holy Spirit said. Summary I consider this experience a visitation from heaven. I was anticipating another experience since the Holy Spirit saved me. The fire, which appeared in me, reminds that the Holy Spirit dwells within humankind. I continued to attend that church because of that experience. Although considered a small flame, I continued to grow in wisdom and knowledge. 144

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: My Christian journey had just begun. I realized that I could grow large like a fire and rapidly. I was still a babe from the last time I attended church; therefore, I was still a babe in my forties, but I was determined to grow. The Holy Spirit was telling me, I could grow and mature. I wanted to be on fire for the Lord, I desired to be a missionary and travel to foreign countries to do salvation work. The Lord had another vocation for my life. I still can be a part of salvation, but in my own country. At first, I thought the presence of fire was a foretaste of hell. Yet, God controls fire, revealed The Holy Spirit. God was in the burning bush, Luke 20:27. God led the children of Israel with fire during the night, Exodus 13:22-23. A supernatural fire, 1 Peter 1:7, tries our faith. God is a consuming fire, Hebrews 12:29. Through this encounter, I was steadfast in the House of the Lord, not wanting to go astray. 145

44 Twinkling Timing (Dream) Romans 3:23, For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God… This dream occurred in June of 2013; I was evangelizing. I was standing under a bridge preaching the Good News of salvation through Christ Jesus. I prayed for those who wanted prayer; however, most of the people I prayed with eventually started ministering to me. They preached deep messages about the wonders of Christianity others rejected the gospel. I met this one young woman, who looked sanctified. Consequently, I did not try to pray with her. Surprisingly, she did not know the Lord. She was more interested in salvation than most people I encountered under that bridge. She understood that she was a sinner and confessed her sins; she confesses Christ Jesus as her Lord as Savior. She believed me. While praying, I heard a loud trumpet sound. We both were swiftly, taken to heaven. We stood on the edge of a circular wall, which looked like the sky at night; camouflaged, in the night sky. Follow me, I said. I led her to walk 146

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: towards the right. We kept walking until we came into an opening. We walked in, there was a woman angelic creature, and she was reclining on a chaise lounge chair. She quickly got up when she saw us. Her skin was blue; it helped her camouflage in the sky. Her entire being was various shades of one blue or another. Her eyes, hair, and every feature were of various shades blue. The angel demeanor was stern. I had a mysterious connection with her, and it felt like I have known her throughout eternity. We communicated with the spirit with an inaudible language. I felt like I had been on assignment, in the earth, trying to save souls, like Christ Jesus. I felt like my earthly assignment was over. The young woman, who just repented, may have been an angel unaware, Hebrew 13:2. Summary At the time of this dream, I did not know the, all have sinned, scripture, Romans 3:23. This scripture is important in salvation. When individuals see it written in the bible, that they are sinners, they will believe and repent of sins. The Holy Bible makes things easy, easy. The doctrine, a person can repent on their dying bed and go to heaven. In this dream, a woman accepted the Lord in the final hour of the trumpet, the final call, and she accompanied me to heaven. It does not count if you attended church your entire life or not. Hare Krishna! Soon after this dream, I realized the heavenly host looked like the Hindu God, Hare Krishna. I wondered why God gave me this dream if Hare Krishna is not real or not important. He desired me to see this blue feminine host. Those who believe in other gods may have visual evidence of what they believe. I trust they had 147

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: spiritual encounters; nevertheless, all powers come from the same Most High God. I have seen, Hindu Hare Krishna people giving away their books on meditation. I told one of them this dream. “I have dreamed of her,” I said. I felt it my obligation to attempt to talk to them. 148

45 Song from Heaven (Dream) Revelation 5:9, 9 And they sang a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou was slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation… The sounds of singing awakened me. It was the most beautiful voice I ever heard, very soothing. At first, I did not know where the music was coming, but I continued to lie in bed and listen. I became more curious and wanted to see who was singing. I realized it was coming from the sky. It was the dark of night; therefore, I could not see anything. I was determined to look for the source of the singing while listening. I saw the sparkling silver stars. “It is hard for a sinner to see heaven,” said the Holy Spirit. That saying made me more determined to see who was singing. I figured, if I could see the singer, I was not a sinner and I will eventually go to heaven. The singer was symbolically heaven, and I needed to see her. 149

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I understood to see the constellation; I must look around the perimeter. Eventually, I saw the angel singing. She reminded me of my deceased grandmother or of a goddess. Peculiarly, while singing her mouth was barely moving, like a ventriloquist. Nevertheless, she was singing. This dream was a blessing. I wished I could have remembered the lyrics to the song, though. I believe my grandmother is watching over me from heaven. Summary In heaven, they hear and sing heavenly songs that the world has not heard, Revelation 5:9. There are also, heavenly songs and the greatest singers. When I was younger, I never could see the constellation in the sky, like others. I often felt sad and left out; I also thought it was a prank, that those constellation characters did not actually exist. Nevertheless, I had this dream, I saw a heavenly Host in the constellation. I learned that the other stellar characters: such as Orion, Ursa Minor or the Little Dipper and more exist, as well. Heaven full of mysteries. This dream gives me something to look forward to and to hope. 150

46 Sing for God (Dream) Ephesians 4:1, 4 I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called… In this dream, I sustained a wonderful life because I was a famous gospel singer. I traveled the world just to sing because many people wanted to hear me sing. Singing was my vocation; I was sharing the Word of God through singing. My choice of Words to sing came from the Holy Scriptures. I tried to please God with my lyrical choices. There was a certain woman whose house I loved to visit every time I was near her house. Her house was huge and was fun. She had so many children that she bought a large commercial property and transformed it into a house; it was roomy enough for her and her children. The woman’s house was so huge, I had always gotten lost. People are buying a business and renovating them into rare houses. 151

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I had this dream for a great time before I saw this happen on televisions. The house is more luxurious and extraordinary. Summary Once again, I saw the future of heavenly homes made from commercial buildings. In addition, I foresaw and heard men and women singing songs from the scriptures; called ministry in song. I had this dream before I learned others were renovating and transforming commercial property into residential housing, called rezone. Preach & Teach God desires us to have faithful works. Nevertheless, I see little opportunity to demonstrate faith. I witness pastors and church clergy acts of faith when they perform their Christians duties. However, when we share the gospel, we are preaching. We may preach to our children, friends, and the options are limitless. 152

Chapter 7 Prodigal Life (Dream) Matthew 18:11, 11 For[c] the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost. In this chapter there are recent prophetic events and other unnatural phenomena. In the prophetic, I dreamed of me having a prodigal wandering life. I witnessed what it is like for the Holy Spirit to intercede for me and cry out for me to God. I saw a new heaven. I experienced being possessed by demons in a nightmare type dream. I, also, walked through a similar wilderness. 153

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