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The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: an infant for the preacher to feed my spiritual food, the sermon, in church Sundays mornings. The Mature faith, I know there is a God. I can read the Bible for myself. I fear God’s final judgement. I behave and think right when nobodies looking or mind reading. Understanding and Wisdom We must grow spiritually in wisdom and knowledge to defeat the lies of the enemy, Romans 11:33. The greatest thing is the salvation of Christ Jesus, Isaiah 53:5. Understanding His accomplishment in the world: He left His heavenly home to lead us to heaven. He taught spiritual values that make life better for humankind. He performed many miracles and healed thousands. He heals. He helped my mental disabilities, mentally challenged. Experiencing the Scripture of God transformed my negative thinking to positive and gave me joy. I became more mature by attending church because I learned how to block negative thoughts. Fasting helps in this battle, controlling the flesh. Praise and worship help cast down the negative imagination. The more you examine the Bible; you will grow, like being watered. The Word is like spiritual food, after hearing it, you must digest allegorically and slowly there will be growth. The allegorical water must penetrate through the person and give spiritual nutrition to the mind, body, and psyche. The spoken Words of God are powerful. The Words can manifest and become physically tangible even throughout your bones, Hebrews 4:12. O n the Holy Spirit Christ Jesus is nearer to us than we can imagine. He is a ghost because He is deceased. The Holy Ghost. We cannot see Him because He is invisible. In fact, He is inside us. In some unrepentant people, He is dormant, but 204

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: He is inside them, also. Whoever wants Him to be the Lord of their life must seek and call upon Him! He will manifest, 1 Corinthians 3:16. To the fatherless, He is a Father that is always there alive in the Spirit. The Words in the Holy Bible are the Holy Spirit, and the same Words are Christ Jesus- He is the Word, John 1:1. By reading the bible the Words speak to us, so we become educated by God. Occupied with the Holy Spirit- the Son of God. Read, study, and learn scriptures and verses. The Lord will judge you fairly because He is always with you every step of the path. He sees everything we do and think. The Holy Spirit is our comforter, our help, and our Advocate. Baptism There are certain steps to salvation. We must repent and confess our sins, Ro- mans 10:9. The baptism is the washing away of sins. It is a symbolical death, burial and resurrection. Immersed in water is an allegorical death. When we emerge from the water, it is the symbolic resurrection. Water faithfully atone for sins water symbolically washes sins away, our sin debts paid. It is allegor- ically alike the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ Jesus. The Lord has forgiven us through these acts of faith. After coming out of the water, we are starting over, as born again- like a baby, John 3. The process of baptism is allegorically like Christ Jesus death, entomb- ment, and resurrection. Firstly, we submerged in water; it is the death, cleansing, and burial of old sinful life. Secondly, while immersed, quickly, it is an allegorical burial. Christ Jesus was deceased three days before He rose from the dead. Thirdly, Reemerge, coming out the water is like ris- ing from the dead. Ultimately, Christ Jesus ascended to heaven and sat at the right hand of God. Allegorically, after baptism, we start a new life by church attendance. We meet in an allegorical heavenly place, church, Hebrews 8:1. 205

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Vocation an d Callings You will receive gifts from the Holy Spirit- vacations and calling. Your Christian responsibilities, they are like the works of Christ Jesus. He heals, teaches, and saves; directs our paths and much more. Turning over a tes- timony is a portion of salvation because you are witnessing how the Lord miraculously saved you and where He has led you from through the Holy Spirit. See How He opens doors; how He clothed, fed and sheltered you/ us. He saved us and washed our sins away, giving us a new chapter in life, a new beginning, a fresh start. Through our testimony, others may believe and desire Christ Jesus as their Lord and Savior. He will give babes in Christ, spiritual and a meaningful life. He will lead them to extraordinary places they never imagined they would go. Be a living testimony to people who knew you before and after your transfiguration, they will see the dif- ference in your life. You can also give an oral testimony. Tell of the miracu- lous way the Holy Spirit intervenes. I am writing a testimony. Giving testimony is identical to being an evangelist, preacher, or teacher. The vocational calling, 1 Corinthians 12:28-29. Christian Lifestyle By being a Christian, a person’s lifestyle should change substantially. One- day we will be fatally changed, 1 John 3:2. We are more like Christ Jesus. Our life is with Him. We should know if a person has profoundly changed by their fruits of the spirit. Our personality shows sweet fruits, be decent, courtesy and have etiquette. Be filled with the Holy Spirit and show good spiritual virtue, Galatians 5:22-23. A saved person should exhibit Love, Joy, and peace to name a few. They should not desire anything from the old life, or from the old chapter, or of the old sinful ways. 206

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I should not desire to go to a nightclub, but to a church. You should watch Christian television. Attend Sunday school, bible study, revivals, and more. Do not be friends with sinners but desire a faithful friend. You should dress differently, modestly. Clothing that will not cause a man to stumble into lust. To possess a passion to love and redeem. Think holier than the Lord know your thoughts. Be a work in process transformation being prepared faultless to meet all might God, Jude 1:24. If we desire to see Him, we can only see one another; we have his attribute, Genesis 9:6; 1 John 4:12. Tithes We should gladly pay tithes for all the Lord has done for us. The church may have electricity, water, and phone bills to pay. One pastor had to repair the roof of his church. The church feeds the poor; does outreach work; and sponsors missionary trips, and more with the tithe money. The Lord said let there be meat in His house, He likes to keep a stocked refrigerator, Malachi 3:10. The Lord said by giving you will have treasures stored in heaven, Luke 18:22. Tithes are ten percent of your earnings. The church also asks for extra financial support, other than tithes and offering for other church needs, but not for greed, Malachi 3: 8-10. Satan Humanity Enemy I must warn you of our enemy, Satan- the Devil, 1 Peter 5:8. He has followers to perform His bidding; they worship him as we worship God. They will be cruel to you. The same way we follow Christ Jesus to heaven, they will follow Satan to hell. I see the battle for the soul like a game or strategy. Christ Jesus and Satan are playing a supernatural tug of war, but with the soul, it is a spiritual warfare. Satan will try to steal you back from God. Immediately, after you start following the Lord, the enemy will contend for your soul. It is interesting to watch this battle manifest. 207

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: This battle is action. This fight is like an exorcism. This is a battle worth fighting. Humankind can fight but not with hands but with the word of God because this battle is spiritual, Ephesians 6:12. This conflict does not fade away overnight. As men are in the physical army, we are soldiers in a spiritual army. We have a choice who we will follow, and that decision is Christ Jesus. Satan hates and is jealous of humanity. We are God’s greatest creation. Satan is a spirit like God, prince of the air, but he is evil and has a wicked spirit, and he works in the mind. Satan contends for the first place in our thoughts, flesh, and lives, Ephesians 6: 10-12. Christ desires to guide us to heaven and Satan wants to guide us to hell. Hell, a place where we would burn and be tormented forever, Revelation 20:1-3. In spiritual warfare, we must keep our mind, body, and soul free of evil and negative thinking. Those bad thoughts are the presence of Satan. We must think pure thoughts, even though none can understand our minds but God. God recognizes what we are considering. Sinful thought can lead to sin. First, sins developments in thought and if dwelled on, they come to life. Meditate on what is right, pure and with virtue, 1 Corinthians 6:18- 20. We are a temple of God, called to be a royal priesthood. We struggle to be virtuous in thought and filled with the Holy Spirit of God and to meditate on scriptures, 1 Peter 2: 9-10. Hell The bible says, Hell is a place in which Satan headed, and He made his bed, and he must sleep in it. He knows what he has done; what he is doing; he rebelled against God his creator. Therefore, he knows His eternal resting place, hell. Satan desires to take everybody he can with him to hell. He will fall forever in the bottomless pit. God threw Satan out of heaven and he landed on earth with humanity, Isaiah 14:12-15. God created Satan with power. God created us, in His image, but without great powers. 208

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: The followers of Satan are following him to hell. Satan will torment his followers with fire and brimstone day and night, Revelation 20:10. Hell is a place where worms never die, Mark 9:38. Hell is the seat of the bottomless pit, Revelation 9:10. Not all have to depart to hell, thanks and glory be to God by sending Christ Jesus, John 3:16. He was the sacrificial lamb that took away humanity’s punishment. He paid for us with His blood, acts 20:28. He teaches and leads, He shows us the way to heaven. We take up our cross and follow Him, to be imitators of him. We can only serve one master and we choose the God of heaven. Remember, all of humanity must choose whom they will serve; one Master leads to heaven and the other leads to hell. We will not lose our salvation, Luke 16:13, Revelation 3:16. Ponder upon Christ wants to direct us to nirvana, and Satan wants to guide us to hell. Forgiveness Most importantly, Forgiveness is important for salvation and a jubilant spirit. I reflect on how God has forgiven humankind of multiples of sin. A lack of forgiveness is sin in your life. It is uneasiness inside the soul, bitterness. Unforgiving robs of joy, happiness and gladness. It will prevent them from receiving the Holy Spirit. It can stifle spiritual growth. It is a weapon of Satan. A bad fruit of the spirit. An invisible fruit of Satan that competes for the individual. Anger and bitterness inside are the presence of Satan. Instead of being angry, turn on the joy, John 16:24. Turn to joy, as you turn on the television, it is easy. The End 209

Index Forwards • Hebrews 4:12 • Philippians 4:13 • John 14:26 Mini- Autobiography • Daniel 8:26 • 1 Corinthians 3:16 • 2 Corinthians 10:5 • Romans 8:26 Memoir 1- Godly Childhood • Joel 2:28 • Revelation 22:5 • 1 Peter 2:24 • Hebrews 7:26-29 Memoir 2- A Demonic Battle • Zephaniah 1:15 • 2 Chronicles 20:17 • Romans 8:29 211

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: • Job 1:18 Memoir 3- Heavenly Guest • Luke 7:16 • Job 2:7 • Romans 8:29 • James 5:11 • Genesis 31 Memoir 4- The Real Superman • Revelation 1:7 • Mark 13:26 • John 16:7 Memoir 5- Solo Church Goer • Revelation 2:4 • Isaiah 9:6 • Ephesians 4:12-16 Memoir 6- Omnipresent Experience • 2 Corinthians 12:2 • Galatians 5:16 • Philippians 4:7 Memoir 7- Holy Spirit Within • Matthew 1:23 • Isaiah 26:2 • Job 6:6-12 212

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Memoir 8- God of Telepathy • Ephesians 4:1 • Mark 5:9 • Acts 4:12 Memoir 9- Healed by the Word • Mark 16:17 Memoir 10- A Modern Prophet • Luke 12:14 Memoir 11- A Visitation • Luke 1:68 • Matthew 19:26 • Acts 2:1 • Revelations 21:21 Memoir 12- God Speaks! • Revelation 14:2 • Isaiah 64:6 • Luke 1:28 • John 4 • Hebrews 11:6 Memoir 13- Crash Heaven, Earth • Acts 10:11 • 2 Corinthians 12:2 • 2 Peter 3:8 213

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: • John 10:9 Memoir 14- A Transformation • Matthew 15:26- 27 • Isaiah 64:6 • Matthew 17:1-4 Memoir 15- Eternity in Heaven • Acts 10: 10-11 • Matthew 27:26 • Job 34:21 • Proverb 15:3 • 2 Peter 3:8 Memoir 16- Day of Pentecost Experience • Acts 2:1-3 • Acts 1:1-4 • Matthew 18:20 • Exodus 33:20-23 Memoir 17- Witness Transformation • Ezekiel 43:2 • Mark 9:2 Memoir 18- Out of Body Experience • 2 Corinthians 5:6-8 • Hebrews 11:6 • Matthew 9:24 214

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Memoir 19- Invisible Speaker • Revelation 4:11 • Acts 1:18 • 1 Corinthians 1:14 • Hebrews 1:1-2 • 1 Samuel 3:10 • Exodus 3:4 • Galatians 2:9 • Hebrews 9:27 Memoir 20- Trial Before Christ • 1 Corinthians 6:2 • Hebrews 9:27 Memoir 21 -Sad Funeral • Revelation 21:4 • 2 Corinthians 5:8 Memoir 22- Seeing God • Exodus 33:20 • Ephesians 6:18 • Matthew 19:26 • Genesis 1:26-27 Memoirs 23- Fly Like Angels • Revelation 12:13-14 • Exodus 33:20-23 • Luke 10:18 215

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Memoir 24-Guardian Angel • Mathew 16:19 • Luke 17:36 • Isaiah 22:22 Memoir 25- God’s Vengeance • John 12:32-33 • 2 Chronicles 20:17 Memoir 26- Armageddon! • Revelation 12:6-7 • Revelation 1:7 • Hebrews 4:12 • Revelation 4:1 Memoir 27- A War! • Mark 13:7 • Romans 9:29 • Psalms 46:7 • Mathew 1:23 • John 14:26 Memoir 28- New Jerusalem! • Revelation 21:2 • 1 John 4:12 Memoir 29- Garage Church • John 10:16 216

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Memoir 30- Cloud of Witness Church • Hebrews 12:1-2 Memoir 31- Basement Church • Matthew 18:20 Memoir 32- One of Three • Psalms 3:5 Memoir 33- Tormented! • Revelation 20:10 • Exodus 14:13 • Galatians 5:22-23 • 2 Timothy 4:5 • Isaiah 53:3-4 • Revelation 9:7-9 Memoir 34- Satan’s General Jezebel • 2 Kings 9: 7-37 • Revelation 12:10 • Revelation 2:20 • 1 Corinthians 12:10-12 Memoir 35- A First President • Daniel 5:2 • Genesis 40:8 217

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Memoir 36- The First Lady • Ruth 3:11 Memoir 37- Heavenly Homes • Luke 16:26 Memoir 38- The Hurricane Prophecy • John 1:48 Memoir 39- Supermen Fallen • Matthew 24 40-42 • Matthew 5:5 • Hebrews 12:29 • Exodus 3:1-3 • Deuteronomy 33:22 • Ephesians 4:20-27 Memoir 40- Standing Still • Exodus 14:13 Memoir 41- Holy Awakening • Revelation 9:20 • John 1:1-14 Memoir 42- The Appointed Time • Job 14:14-15 • Memoir 43- Little Fire • Exodus 3:2 • Luke 20:27 • 1 Peter 1:7 218

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Memoir 44- Twinkling Time • Romans 3:23 • Hebrews 13:12 • Romans 3:23 • Mark 1:4 • Revelation 22:12 Memoir 45- A song From Heaven • Revelation 5:9 Memoir 46- Sing for God • Ephesians 4:1 Memoir 47- Wandering • Matthew 18:11 • Matthew 1:23 Memoir 48- Groans of the Holy Spirit • Romans 8:28 Memoir 49- A Lost People • Matthew 25:43 Memoir 50- New Jerusalem! • Matthew 25:30 • Revelation 21:1-2 • Luke 16:25 219

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: • Matthew 8:12 • Genesis 3:17 • 1 Corinthians 15:45 Memoir 51- Awakened by Demons • John 14:13-14 • James 2:19 Memoir 52- Awakened by Christ • Psalms 16:11 Memoir 53- God answers Prayers • Mark 11:22-24 • 1 John 4:18 Memoir 55- Beauty for Ashes • Isaiah 61:3 • Revelation 3:8 220

About the Author Sophia Lee is a woman on a mission. Born and raised in Los Angeles, Cal- ifornia, she has devoted her life to her Christian faith. Times have not al- ways been easy, but Sophia dug her heels in the moment things got tough. Faith has guided her, strengthened her, and provided a beacon through the dark. She wishes to share that joy of knowing God with her fans. Sophia is the middle child and has two children of her own. She overcame great adversity and earned a high school diploma at the age of 48. She continued her education goals, getting a degree in Bible Study from the Bible Believers College and Seminary, proving anything is possible and we are all capable of achieving regardless of our situation. Her one message to everyone is that God is real and tangible in every- thing around us. 221

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