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Home Explore Converted 1 26 2021

Converted 1 26 2021

Published by lesa.1000, 2021-01-27 04:10:11

Description: Converted 1 26 2021


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12 God Speaks! (God Spoke) Revelations 14:2, 2 And I heard a voice from heaven, like the voice of many waters, and like the voice of loud thunder. This encounter also occurred as the result of the thirty-day fast. The Lord talked to me from a storm. I realize humankind cannot see the facial expression of God; hence, He spoke without words but in a secret manner. I saw Him without eyes. Because if I saw God, I would have dropped looking at purity, innocence and holiness. This experience was not a dream, but more like a vision. Scheduled to work the night of the storm. It heavily rained and there was lightning. I stood gazing out of the front doorway. I feared going outside into the tempest. California did not normally thunder; so, the weather got me off guard. I was completely bafled. I contemplated on whether I should go to work or stay home. I took the bus to work, and sometimes I walked. I remember my mother being home, but little sister was somewhere else. Although my mother was home, she did not experience this encounter, 52

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: apparently. s She never spoke of that night. The same way she missed the angel that visited me on my thirteenth birthday. I heard His voice through the glass sliding door. Happy by His presence, I joyfully praised dance. Spiritually, my eyes opened. I realized His visit was not favorable. He came to scold, discipline, and correct. Our righteousness is awful, and humankind cannot please God, Romans 8:8. In fact, I abhorred Him. Compared to the Godhead righteousness, we are like filthy rags, Isaiah 64:6. Therefore, He neither came to tell me, “Well done my good and faithful servant,” Matthew 25:21. Nor did He come to say, “You are highly favored,” Luke 1:28. Before, this encounter, I thought God was only love, and He did not have a heart to send to hell. He is forgiving and long- suffering but eventually it runs out. I witness God as king: stern, sovereign and tyrant. This visit was the first time I saw and recognized royalty. I just knew He was a kingdom. I immediately wanted to go back to heaven with Him. I felt like I could never be perfect. However, He requires faithful works. Realizing, I did not have any faithful works, I wanted more time on the earth. Faith without works is dead, James 2: 14-26. Summary I assumed God would be pleased with me because I attended church regularly. I went to bible study; I attended New Members/ Sunday school; I Paid tithes and more. Yet, I lacked faith. I did all to please Him. I would have assumed that was faithful. The only sense I can make out of Him speaking through the sliding door. Rain easily heard through the glass door. Yet, the front door was open. I felt His negative energy and disgust. His mannerism was identical to the angry storm outside. The same weather that causes deaths; automobile accidents; collisions, mudslides, tornados and more. The storm was loud, unkind, and scary. 53

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: When I was younger, I remember asking my parents, “Why it rains!” God is angry with bad, little children; God and Satan are in heaven fighting, they would answer. Anger was involved with both answers. Which is like this experience. Yet, to me, rain has always been special. I have felt the Lord’s presence in the rain, sometimes. He gives us fresh water to drink. He is the water. I love the ideology of God and everything He is. God and rain are similar. Water sustains our life. God cleans by the Word of God- the Holy Spirit. The Word of God quenches spiritual thirst. The Living Water. John 4:10-11; Revelation 7:17. I discovered the true Character of God. Humankind cannot flatter or charm Him. He is not a toy, but strict. We have read personal testimonies that heaven and hell are real. Now, I have witnessed God, He will punish with hells fire. Some may still have an understanding; He would not deliver them to hell. I am testifying differently. I know what I witnessed, felt, and experienced. I am here to tell you, fear the Lord your God. Hell is real. God’s threat is valid. God will not laugh at any charms and jokes. He is the greatest joker, and created all the jokes, wit, and charm. He is all-powerful. He is the highest of authority. He has no supervisor. His judgment is righteous. God has extended grace and mercy for humankind. Grace to obtain perfect faith. Faith pleases God, Hebrews 11:6. I am faithfully doing whatever it takes, for heaven to be my destination and not hell. Hell is an everlasting dark place of torment. Fire, brimstones, and worms that never die, Revelation 20:10. Worms that feed off the flesh, and no water to quench your thirst. All of humankind has qualities and attributes of God, Romans 12:3. We made in His image, genesis 1:27. We can see each other’s deeds and 54

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: may know what God is capable of: The serial killer; the judge; the arsonist, and more. The recognized royalty displays God’s power and majesty. What atrocity have kings of the Holy Bible and throughout history have done! It is just a little part of what God will permit to happen at Judgement Day. Hell exists, but do not go there, it is simply your choice. Repent today and be saved. Take up your cross daily and follow Christ Jesus to heaven. There are other things, which should remind us of hell. Jail is like hell. In that location is no ease; no way out; no choice food and other negative things. The prison guards are like a satanic army. 55

13 Crashed Heaven Earth (Life After Death) Acts 10:11, 11 and saw heaven opened and an object like a great sheet bound the four corners, descending to him and let down to the earth. The day of the accident, I did not have work; Therefore, I decided to visit my cousin. I remember seeing a car in mint condition parked in front of her family house. I did not know it was her car because she was about fifteen to sixteen years old, which is incredibly young. My cousin, our mutual friend and I departed for a ride. I rode shotgun- the front seat. We were cruising down a major boulevard. Next, my cousin-started horse playing in the car by swerving between multiple lanes. Suddenly, she said, “Oops.” I look up to see what happened. The car was heading towards a giant street pole. Instantly, I realized the passenger side was going to collide with the pole. I was sitting on the passenger side. Seconds before the car hit the streetlight, “If only I could persuade the streetlight to move out of the way,” I remember thinking. 56

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I decided to jump on the driver’s side. The last thing I remembered was hitting my head against the dashboard. I went in and out of consciousness. One time I woke up under my cousin’s armpit. “Don’t die,” she repeated. I remember looking back to see our friend head bobbing from left to right, which was funny. The Heavenly Place I remember going up the renowned colorful tunnel. I saw the same tunnel as others have described, in their personal life after death experiences. I did not know where I was, at first. I just stood there in existence. It was a dark place, nothing but complete darkness. However, it was peaceful. I did hear a vague noise that sounded billions of miles away, perhaps the earth, I concluded. It seems like an eternity passed before I heard a Mighty voice talking to me. I do not know how long it took me to realize whom voice I was hearing. Immediately, I started dancing, shouting, and praising. I have never rejoiced in church like the others, but in the presence of God, I did shout. Soon afterwards, the mood turned dire, I realized, there was bad news. I could not stay there because I had no faithful work. Partly, I felt rejected by God. Yet, I trusted His judgment. When revived, I was propped up against a white wall, sitting next to my cousin and friend. Paramedics were standing over me. I remember hating them because they bought me back to life, I could have stayed in heaven. I had hell with me. There were bystanders. I remember my cousin’s boyfriend was there looking. Where he came from, I wondered. There was so much blood dripping down my face. The paramedics transported me to a hospital. The same hospital I believed was a source of past encounters. I was somewhat embarrassed going to that hospital because I worked in the clinic next door. I did not want my boss thinking I was insubordinate. 57

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I had medical insurance; therefore, there was no hiding the accident. It turned out that all that gory blood was coming from a tiny cut on my earlobe. I could go back to work the next day. Summary This happened in the late eighties. I was in a car accident. I realized that I might have died, left my body and returned. I am more mature and I realize the darkness is similar as hell. 2 Peter 2:7 & Jude 1:6 & 13. I liked the infinite darkness and the peacefulness. After the accident, when I pondered on what transpired, despite the darkness, I thought the place was heaven. There was neither fire, Satan, demons, nor giant snakes. There are different heavens. The Third Heaven, 2 Corinthians 12:2. Another heaven is the New Jerusalem, Revelation 21. I am not sure which one I visited. After Satan is bound, the earth will go back to being a paradise. All three of us girls were partly responsible for the accident. Although I was not driving, I could have been a role model and verbally discipline my cousin. I am two years older than she is. Our friend was not driving, and she did not intervene as well. We could have told her; it is dangerous to play with a car. Despite not having, faithful works. I believed for a long time, my cousin probably would have felt guilty her entire life, if I had died, we never discussed the accident again. Therefore, I do not know the full story behind who the car was or was it insured, et cetera. I must have left my body and transported, to heaven, faster than the speed of light. I assumed nobody else saw what I saw. With human technology, it probably takes years to reach heaven. One day with the Lord is a thousand years… 2 Peter 3:8. Although, I heard the Highest voice. At no time did I see His face! Perhaps, He camouflaged in the dark sky, making it impossible to see Him. 58

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I had to return to a life of defeat that I did not want to live. I preferred heaven. However, I had to come back to the earth and do what pleases God, faith. I was glad instantly; I saw there was an afterlife that is different from the physical world. In this flesh, we can feel heat and pain. It is as if living is hell and dead is heaven because we are no longer in the flesh. The path to God is faith in Christ Jesus, John 10:9. 59

14 A Transformation (Transmutation) Matthew 17:2, …and He transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light. I had a counseling appointment with a minister. While I passed by another ofice, I saw the minister extend her finger towards me. I transformed into a furry orange creature with a head as big as a lion. I transformed, once again, into that same creature in church service. I felt afraid and horrified. It lasted a short time too long. Summary Mathew 15:26-27, 26 But He answered and said, “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.” 27 And she said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.” 60

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: One of the church leaders was telling us that we considered dogs. I agree, contrasted against God. Our righteousness is like filthy rags, Isaiah 64; 6. Soiled with blood tampon or cloth). Next, I unnaturally transfigured into the furry orange creature. I heard there were witches in the church. I am not saying the church leader was a witch. I believe all power belongs to God. He controls everything. In that, humankind does powerful things through the Holy Spirit- God’s infinite powers. Yet, because of the rumors of witchcraft, I felt like the minister had cast a spell on me. Today, I doubt that the minister was a witch. The Holy Spirit just used her; nevertheless, if she was a witch, she was a good witch or an angel of God. When Christ Jesus transfigured, He transformed into a heavenly creature. Matthew 17:1-4. My transfiguration is still a mystery. What was the Holy Spirit telling me! That I was similarly a dog or that I am considered a creature in heaven. I will take any position in heaven. Even if that means barely getting in the door, I will stick out by the door in heaven barely getting inside. I am unimportant compared to some who attend church. Surprisingly, I have seen the famous attending church services then and now. Yet, everybody considered a dog inferior to anyone, perpetually. Still, Christ Jesus is without sin. 61

15 Eternity in Heaven (Dream) Acts 10: 10-11, …he fell into a trance 11 and saw heaven opened and an object like a great sheet bound at the four corners, descending to him and let down to the earth. A church member invited me to her house. She was filled with the Holy Spirit, married and had a daughter. We both worked at the same place. I discovered we went to the same church. However, she was an altar worker. She suggested I be baptized, she was there with me. However, my mother told me about the church around the corner. This same woman gave me the satin-colored bridesmaid style dress. I wore it on the similar Day of Pentecost. The day I encountered another heavenly encounter. I met up with her and from there she drove me to her house. Her husband was not home. They had a one bedroom, but it was so clean. It felt like I was in heaven. There was something wonderful and invisible in the air. 62

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I believe she gave me something to eat, a piece of chicken or something. The food tasted from heaven, blessed. Eventually, she showed me another alter worker house, next door to her. She lived with her mother. I saw her before. She was a short woman that wore tall high heel shoes. The altar workers spoke in spiritual tongues. She invited me inside her house, it was larger, and felt cleansed and sanctified. It appeared to me that they held church in the home. I remember seeing a lectern in the living room. There was a wooden floor. I knew of another woman who held church service in her home. It came time for the woman to take me back home. I was walking to leave out the gate. Next, I heard steps rushing towards me. I turned around to see the woman with a brick in her hand. She proceeded to hit me various times in my face. I remember blood drooling down my face. I could relate with Christ Jesus, suffering. He bleeds they put a crown of thorns on His head, Matthew 27:29. I vaguely remember wearing something white. I never could keep white clothing clean. I remember seeing the paramedic being there. The Great Curtain! I went unconscious. Apparently, I died. I saw the clouds open. It was like the curtain at the beginning of a play. I realized, my life was over, and my show was over. My life was a show. God was watching me. He is watching us all the time; therefore, He will fairly judge. He sees all, Job 34: 21 and Jeremiah 16:17. His judging eyes are on all, Proverb 15:3. He is omnipotent, Omniscience, Omnipotence, and omnipresence. He dwells in all. He wrote our life. He is the Author and Finisher of our faith, Hebrews 12:2. 63

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: It felt like I was in heaven for an eternity. God’s time is different from the world’s time, 2 Peter 3:8. When I regained consciousness, I was sitting upright in the woman car. I do not remember getting inside her car. My face and clothes were bloodless. “What exactly happened,” I demanded. She acted clueless and she probably was clueless. I could not judge her. Some point through it all, I remember thinking; I cannot wait to tell the pastor on them as well. I did not think to call the authorities. I vaguely remember being in heaven for a long time. However, I cannot remember any details. My family members were always calling me crazy; therefore, I did not say anything else about what I thought had occurred. I rather doubted myself. It seemed like an eternity passed. I considered my mother was not going to be home and that she passed away. I was wondering how I was going to make it. Such as paying rent. Two of my uncles owned houses. I imagined going by their house. It is probably important to leave some ancestor, to be fruitful and multiply. In a rare situation, such as this. 2 Peter 3:8, 8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day, When I arrived home, my mother was there. Bafled after this mysterious event, but I trusted God. This, also, occurred during my thirty days. As a result of this happening, I was encouraged that God and heaven exist; therefore, there is no excuse for me to be a practicing sinner. 64

16 Upper Room/ The Promise (Encounter) Acts 2:1-3, 1 And when the day of Pentecost fully came, they were all with one accord in one place.2, and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a mighty rushing wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.3, and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. I was a student in the New Members Class at church. Our class was across the street from the church in a multipurpose building that was also a childcare facility on the weekdays. We meet at the same hours as others in Sunday school. We would walk across the street to the church, after New Members Class. The pastor announced that he would visit our class. He just did not show up. However, to keep his promise, he made another appointment. The pastor was a doppelganger to the angel that visited me on my thirteenth birthday. Consequently, his visit meant joy to me; this the reason I desperately desired to see him. He allegorically Christ Jesus. I remember the day he came to our class. The ministers in charge told us to wait in another room that I 65

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: had never seen before. The classroom was empty, there were no chairs, and we had to stand. We stood for what seemed like an eternity. I saw the night turn into daytime. We must have waited for the pastor overnight it seemed. We were waiting for the promised visit. We tarried from the night into day it seemed. This is also a Pentecost experience. On the Day of Pentecost, the Apostles were also waiting in a room for the promise of the Holy Spirit Acts 1:1-14. When he arrived, a spiritual phenomenon happened. When he stood in front of the class. The sun blocked my view of him. Similarly, Job asked to see the face of God. None of humankind has seen the face of God and lived. God only allowed him to see His backside, Exodus 33:20-23. I would like to expose what happened and say, “I probably got delirium or something.” However, how do I vaguely remember visiting heaven? How did I feel lightheaded as if the Holy Spirit had manifested in me! It felt like my body stayed in the room while my spirit went to heaven. It was out- of- body experience. God created us in His image; therefore, out- of -body experience allows us to be omnipresent like the Holy Ghost. We have the same powers as a He but inferior. In death, the same thing will occur in humankind but permanently. Unfortunately, some will go to hell. Fortunately, some will go to heaven. I received the Holy Ghost just by being there. For where two or three are gathered in my name, He is with them, Matthew 18:20. After this encounter, I reflected on that day and night, I could vaguely remember spending what seems like an eternity in that room. All the adult males and women who were in that room, there is no telling who they are today. We have been New Members, just starting our journey. Since then, I have gone apostasy. Those men and women are blessed. 66

17 Witness Transformation (Dream) Ezekiel 43:2, And, behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east: and his voice was like a noise of many glasses of water: and the earth shined with his glory. The Church was crowded Sunday. I could only find a seat in the balcony section. I sat next to a new adult female. This was the day, I remembered, the pastor looked like the doppelganger angel that supernaturally visited me on my birthday. I was listening to the sermon. Yet, I noticed that the voice was coming on the right side of the pulpit while he was visible on the left side of the pulpit. As if, the speaker was broken on the side where the pastor was standing. In this way, he was omnipresent- in two places at once. He was not using a visual speaker, and his mouth was not moving. He built the church so that everyone in the church can hear the sermon without a microphone, the pastor said. 67

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: My mind had been uncontrollable that I was thinking too much. The young woman sitting next to me noticed something was wrong. “Are you okay,” she asked. “Sophia,” he said my name, several times. I looked at the pastor. It looked like he gave me eye contact, and I followed his eye to his feet. I notice his feet were elevated off the ground. He was floating. His feet looked like brass. When I witnessed this, I did not know this scripture at the time, Daniel 2: 1-34. You watched while a stone was cut out without hands, which struck the image on its feet of iron and clay and broke them in pieces. A time spoke, it sounded like various waters, Ezekiel 43:2; Revelations. Was he God! Is God physically with us, I wonder. “Am I going mad,” I often thought! The pastor held both his hands upwards. The two hands are similar to when Christ Jesus’s hands nailed to the cross, John 20:25. He had transfigured, Mark 9:2. After this experience, I never wanted to sit in the balcony section, again. Summary I felt at home, for some reason, when I joined the church. Probably because subconsciously, I thought that this pastor looked like the angel that visited me previously. If there is a thing, of a place called predestined, this church was for me. I heard God coming to us with a familiar spirit. I hope God would not take the image of the antichrist, serial killer, a false prophet or any sinner. I thank God for blessing me, with this unnatural Christian experience. Experiences like these were the only excitement in my life. I 68

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: do not think my visions are mental illness. The unnatural things I see and hear are from heaven. Words mysteriously come off the pages. The Bible comes to life. The brass feet. Voice of many waters. The elevation. Hands lifted up- wards, like Christ hands on the cross. Visits from the Holy Spirit. I am not crazy, I am spirit- filled. -King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, Daniel 2:1-13. 69

18 Out- of- Body Experience (Mystery) 2 Corinthians 5:6- 8, 6 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, while we are at home in the body… we are confident, I say, and willing rather be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. The day I walked out my body. My mother in the kitchen cooking. I was sitting on a couch. We spoke and had a conversation. I felt a masculine figure manifest inside me. Next, when I stood up to walk, something felt weird. I looked back and saw my body still sitting on the couch. It looked like there was a sign of life in my body. Apparently, my spirit had separated from my physical body, 2 Corin- thians 5:6-8. The same way, we leave our aged and useless bodies after death. I had often wished I were dead or never born. It looked like my wish had come true. I had become a ghost or spirit. I saw a space within our world that the physical body cannot enter nor see. The other space or dimension felt hollow, pure, and peaceful. I was free of satanic influence and oppressions of the mind, body and soul. Therefore, we must give up the carnal- flesh because it is where Satan is victorious. 70

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I could not see the world and I suppose the world could not see me. I was in the place the dead occupy; I assume. I did not see anybody, not to my remembrance. I vaguely remember talking with God. Although I was happy to be there. I could not stay, I needed faithful works, said the Holy Spirit. My time had not come. I remember running to my physical body. I did not want to lose my physical soul so that I could do the works of faith. I felt like I had gotten in the wrong body, but I trusted God. I never had any opportunities to do faithful works. It is challenging finding faithful works. Faith pleases God, Hebrews 11:6. I tithed and fasted; I confess Christ Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I was baptized and much more, yet it was not enough. God spoke to me in a mysterious way. More was said, however, I cannot remember, it is the will of God that I cannot remember the conversation. We spoke with inaudible language, more like mental telepathy. Summary The encounters do many miracles, at once. After this encounter, my Fear of death was defeated! I was afraid of death. I would never see my loving family again, especially my grandparents. I believed I saw what happened after death. I am not afraid of death because I know there is a life after death. There is a heaven, a God and Lord, and the Holy Spirit. Not only this the encounter helped me defeat fear over death, but it also renewed my faith. He restored my joy. As I mature, I see how rough life is. To me death is an escape route. Therefore, I do not mind death, knowing there is life after death and I will see heaven, the Lord willing. At death, we simply leave our retired bodies and enter another space. I suppose heaven or hell. If the Lord wills, He can also provide us another body. On that point are infinite powers and natural events in this universe by God that is fathomless including the out- of- body mystery. 71

19 Invisible Speaker (Voices) Revelation 4:11, “You are worthy, O Lord, [g] to receive glory and honor and power; you created all things, and by your will, they exist[h] and were created.” I heard voices from the Spirit of God. Voices that sounded familiar. Not only have I heard a satanic voice, but also, I heard the familiar voices of church leaders, voices I recognized. I believe God has visited us as people we know. He comes as a familiar spirit or as a doppelganger of some great charismatic person. He uses familiar voices of those we know, love, and trust. I heard the church leaders while sitting on the living room sofa, but I did not see anybody. I did not live far away from church. I heard voices while sitting on the sofa, yet I did not see anybody. I soon realized it was the voices of the church leaders, the evangelist. I assumed hearing voices were my spiritual gift or power. Acts 1:18; 1 Corinthians 14. I tried to eavesdrop. I did not remember anything. I could not make sense of anything. No doubt that the voices were from the Holy Spirit. They were friendly voices like angels. All unknown and mystery comes 72

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: from heaven. Our God holds all power in His hands. There was peace and joy in His Presence. At all times, I felt well-being. Summary God has allowed me to experience His omnipresent powers, only for a limited time. I cannot use these powers on my own, only through the Holy Spirit of God. He has manifested for a great purpose. When losing hope and ready to give up on faith, He comes. He appears to the rescue, and His presence restores my faith. We have ears to hear, Hebrews 1:1-2. Samuel heard the voice of God, 1 Samuel 3:10. God spoke to Moses; therefore, Moses heard God’s voice, Exodus 3:4. Therefore, I heard the voice of God. All miraculous happening, done by the all- powerful Holy Spirit. Lesson Learned This experience has caused me problems. According to psychology, hearing voice is a mental illness. There, I learned to be careful whom I share this expe- rience with. It is okay to share this story with faithful people. Those who lack faith, most likely, would try to declare insane or possessed with demons. In other words, they would turn a visitation blessing into a curse. My encoun- ters are like precious pearls, and the faithless considered Pigs. I have learned not to share my heavenly visit to pigs. “Be careful to whom you give your pearls, “Matthew 7:6. Only the faithful know about the spirit- filled life. Do not tell heavenly experience to unsaved people. Allegorically, they will tram- ple on them and make them useless, Matthew 7:6. As the results of telling faithless people. Faithless people suggested I take mental medicine. They’re just sleeping pills. I understand as Christian, we overcome by sharing our testimonies with one another. The faithless do not understand the spiritual Lord. The Lord decreed that we fellowship together. Galatians 2:9. 73

20 Judgment Trial Before Christ (Dream) 1 Corinthians 6:2, Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? In this dream, I stood next to the Lord; He is a giant, compared to a high- rise building or a mountain. He was transparent, like a character in a coloring book, to color with any color. He was questioning a young man about the decisions he made in life. It was the young man’s judgment day. The day that decides his eternal faith. I felt like I was being trained by Christ to judge people. I stood alongside Him: it appeared that I was assisting Christ in judgment, 1 Corinthians 6:2. Furthermore, He questioned him about the choices he made in his lifetime. The actions that led to his murder. My understanding is that the young boy was murdered. The young man came off as an innocent victim. The Lord knew he provoked his own death. I discerned he was murdered. However, he was still in danger of eternal hells fire. However, being murdered is not always a sin because Christ Jesus was also murdered. 74

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I stood overwhelmed with sorrow and grief, after listening to his story. Next, the Lord called me by name. “Sophia,” the Lord beckoned. Instantly, I was lingering in the air, inside the Lord Head and mind area. I was in the Lord’s mind; I was able to see how the Lord thinks and discerns. Therefore, I was using His judgment power. I saw the young boy through His eyes and mind. It was then; I clearly saw the boy was being cunning and deceptive and he was lying. I had a dream of being at a dead boy’s funeral, this was the same boy, I believe. The memoir in the next memoir #21. Summary The Lord’s power was similar and greater than – the Six Million Dollar Man and Superman because He could see inside his heart and discern his thoughts. This dream was a learning experience, in that the boy held accountable for his own death. I learned that not only is murder a sin, but also being a murdered is also a sin, in some situations. I should have known this because people do murder by cops; they force cops to kill them. People have a death wish and try to provoke others to kill them. 75

21 Sad Funeral (Dream) Revelation 21:4, And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” A voice woke me and said, “Come see.” Immediately, my soul left my body, and I was a spirit. Suddenly, I was at a funeral. I was floating over the casket of where a young male deceased body lay. He looked brave because he had taken on death at such a young age. He appeared to be between the ages of eight to twelve years old or he was short. He was dressed in a light blue suit. Mostly women attended. They were perhaps: his sisters, girlfriends, mother, grandmothers and so forth. I was saddened by the cries of the young women. Although we leave our bodies after death, somehow, he was still inside his body, 2 Corinthians 5:8. Next, my spirit was inside the boy’s dead body with him. I felt what he was feeling and heard what he was hearing. His body was at peace because of death, there is no more pain and sorrow. I felt His joy in death. It sadly 76

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: disturbed him to hear them cry. He desired to return from the dead to make them happy, but he could not, which made his death sad for him. I understood this situation because I experienced life, death; however, the Lord made me come back to my life. I needed faithful works, He said. When I was in an automobile accident, I was happy to see the other side is real. Further, I desperately wanted to talk to the young women. I wanted them to be brave; however, I was a spirit they neither could hear nor see me. I desired to counsel them because I felt so bad for him and them. I wondered why I was there! The Holy Spirit does not always reveal things clearly. Therefore, I observed everything. Desiring to counsel and strengthen the young women is probably the role of the Clergy Person. Summary I believe after we die Satan cannot torment us, so he leaves our bodies; we are free from Satan in death. I wanted to tell his family and friends to stop crying, but to rejoice and celebrate. Remember the good times they shared together- the old wise cliché. They should understand he is with God. This dream is still a mystery. The valuable lesson I learned, an insight on the vocational calling as a Clergy person. The duties are like counseling. That is if the clergy duties are indeed counseling. I believe the Holy Spirit teaches us in dreams. 77

22 Seeing God (Prayer) Exodus 33:20, …20 But He said, “You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me, and live…” The pastor told us to pray to God, during the thirty day fast. The fasting was supplication, Ephesians 6:18. We had a sheet of paper with thirty squares, like a calendar. At first, I was fasting for myself. The paper was to write a reason for the fast each day. After I fasted for a couple of days, the pastor suggested we fast for other things and people. Therefore, I went without food- fasted- for others, the rest of the month. I vaguely remember praying for another encounter from heaven because after the prayer, I had heavenly visits. At first, I did not think He could answer my prayer. He answered my prayer, just to attend that church. I wanted to pray for something almost impossible; therefore, I prayed, to see God’s face. My impossible prayer was simple for God. I saw God’s face, but in an extraordinary way. I prayed to see the Lord’s face. With God all is possible, Matthew 19:26. Not realizing, at the time, had I seen His actual face, I should have died, Exodus 33:20. I prayed. 78

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: God Answered “Get up and go in the back, it will be there, you will see my face,” said the voice of God. I vaguely remember The Holy Spirit prompted me before I was in church that Sunday morning. I had forgotten about the prayer, to see God’s face. A Sunday morning, I was sitting in church. “Go now,” said the Holy Spirit of God. What! I thought to myself. I was sad because I asked for this prayer. I had a very shy childhood. I realized somebody was going to see me go back there, and I would distract the church service. I knew exactly where He was telling me to go- beyond the pulpit. Where the church leaders gather, where they baptize. The Holy Spirit had to have known I was shy, to tell me to do such a thing. He knows everything about us. This act was challenging. After I saw, a church leader went back there. I realized the door unlocked. I followed him. When I got back there, I did not see the church leader or anyone, but I heard them. I thought it would look familiar from when baptized. It felt like a different place, a heavenly space. Further, a woman slowed down, as she addressed me. “This is whom you are to see,” said the voice of the Lord. Immediately, I knew she was not really God. She looked busy and filled with peace and joy. As one who prepares for the baptism ceremony. She was holding something, clean clothes and other fabrics, I believe. The woman’s face was circular like the sun or the full moon, Revelation 10:1. Her hair was gray and black or salt and pepper. Her skin was dark and smooth. She wore fancy prescription eyewear, and she was holding towels. The Lord can answer our prayers. We created in the image of God, Genesis 1:26-27. God allowed me to see Him, in a woman, Revelation 21:1-4. - 2 Corinthians. 3:18. 79

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: 18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord, Summary I would not have ever imagined how He was going to elude not being able to answer my prayer. My prayer challenge was easy for Him. I learned that nothing is too hard for God. 80

23 Fly like Angels (Dream) Revelation 12: 13-14, 13 …he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male Child.14 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness to her place… In this dream, an Angel taught me to fly. I infer I was an angel. I never saw his face, which makes Him, the same as God, Exodus 33: 20-23. The angel carried me on his shoulder while flying. From the air, I saw pieces of the universe that I cannot see in my everyday life as a person. I saw waterfalls cascading over giant rocks and cliffs; the greenest grasses; the mountain peaks and valley lows; rivers, streams, and oceans and clear bodies of waters. Nature I had seen only on TV or in books, magazines, or pictures. Further, I did not know the angel was going to teach me to fly. I was enjoying riding on the angel’s shoulder. The moment came when it was time for me to fly alone. “Do not plunge under the lowest peak of a certain mountain,” The angel warned me. This symbolized going back into the world, walking on the earth. 81

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I was flying and I obeyed the angel, at first. I started to fly extremely fast because it was much fun. Swiftly, I was going up and down and most likely doing a figure eight in the sky. The moment came when I could not resist any longer, and I dived below the peak of the mountain. Then, immediately, I woke up. I clearly remembered the dream, but I was saddened. Summary I was sad because this dream was so real like a transmutation to the real heaven. The dream was like reality. If I had obeyed the angels’ orders, I could still be an angel flying in the heavenly space and never wake up. I woke up as the results of disobeying a command from heaven. If this were a real judgment, I would not have passed. I awoke to this world a similar hell. The same way God banished Satan from heaven, Luke 10:18. I discovered a valuable lesson in disobedience, it reaps a severe punish. That every command and edict of God, no matter how humble and insignificant they seem they must be obeyed. At the final judgment of the Lord, the outcome, some sinful people will burn in hell other sinless people are going to heaven. The choices of heaven or hell depend on faith and obedience. Miraculously, God warns humankind to repent and He has given all a grace period to repent. Further, in the book of Revelation, God gave a woman angel wings, Revelation 12:13-17. Similarly, I was the woman because of this dream. This dream points to the end times because the scripture is in the book of Revelation. I am also older in age, 52 years old, near my end time. They took my son and daughter as infants like the woman in this scripture. This dream occurred before they took my son, as prophesied. I took from this aspiration to always be obedient because I never know when the Lord is testing me. 82

24 Guardian Angel (Apparition of Virgin Mary) Matthew 16:19, 19 And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth [h]will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” This encounter was a sighting of the Virgin Mary. I was out for a walk in the neighborhood. I went around a couple of blocks. I noticed a young boy walking behind me; it appeared as if he was watching me. I became concerned because there were thugs in the community. For some reason, I thought he was going to do something horribly wrong to me. Suddenly, something in the sky got my attention; it was a giant ghostly figure; therefore, there was no distinct ethnicity, but she looked like a famous African American Pop Star. The apparition was ghostly. The angel stood as high as a high- rise building. I saw the apparition long enough to know she was feminine. She had a warm and gracious smile and reminded me of a Nun, perhaps her hair covered and there was a halo around her. 83

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I felt a difference in the atmosphere. There was peace in her presence, a heavenly cloud like feeling. I knew who she was when I saw her. She looked like a famous pop star. “She holds the key to the city,” said the Holy Spirit. Obviously, that saying was a clue, to whom she was therefore, she holds the key to Los Angeles! Celebrities receive keys to the city. Not sure for the woman celebrity whom she looked like. If the boy were going to harm me, it would make sense that the guardian angel appeared. After she vanished, I turned to ask the boy, did he see her, but had vanished. I am not sure if she took him with her to heaven or he just vanished, according to the bible, there will be two and only one taken, Luke 17:36. Just because I thought he was bad and looking to do me harm does not mean he was. Summary During the thirty-day fast era, I experienced many unnatural and heavenly visitations. I believe the thirty- days fast had everything to do with this sighting. I saw the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, apparition. This sighting occurred in the late eighties. It was around the time others were experiencing out- of - body phenomenon. However, I recently learned of others seeing the Virgin Mary mostly children. I was about eighteen and a half years old when I saw her. In modern times, I notice the importance of the Catholic Church. They have giant statutes of the Virgin Mary. At the time of this encounter, I did not know people worshipped the Mother of our Lord and Savior. Blessed is her womb, for she is highly favored! I heard of various unexplainable encounters in that era on television interviews. Reports of sightings, abductions by unidentified flying objects: hearing voices et cetera. 84

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I could have been on TV, with similar encounters stories; I used to reckon. When People do not believe people’s encounters, I believe because I am similar. Further, as for Keys to the City: Keys are powerful, in that they can lock and unlock doors, Isaiah 22:22. The bible speaks of keys to heaven, Matthew. 16:19, there are scriptures about lawyers, who hold the key to knowledge, Luke 11:52. Sadly, there is a key to the bottomless pit, Revelation 20:1. The woman, who holds a key to the city of (Angels) Los Angeles, is a mystery. Honestly, the only person I remember who holds the key to Los Angeles is Tommy Lasorda (Coach/ Manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers 1976-1996). Although I like mysteries, unless the Virgin Mary holds the Key to the city of Los Angeles, I have not solved this mystery. I would have expected to look up that day and see a man, Christ Jesus. Although, I did not hear the trumpet sound. It will precede Christ Jesus return, on the last day, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18. Had I heard the trumpet sound, then I expected to see Him! I am confident she appeared to others of various nationalities because I have seen her, also. There are books on her visitations and other resources. 85

Chapter 3 The Final Battle In this chapter, the dreams are similar because they are modern because they remind me of activities that are happening today and should be happening at the end of time. I learned how the Lord gets revenge for us. In a way, I would have never imagined. I also saw the last days, in a dream, when the Lord returned and was a Soldier at war against Satan. In addition, I dreamed of being on a missionary journey in Asia and a war broke out. This dream reminded me of when the leader of North Korea threatened war against the United States. These dreams proved God exists and that comforts me; it restores hope, faith, and patience. 87

25 God’s Vengeance (Dream) John 12:32-33, 32 And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to myself.” 33 This He said, signifying by what death He would die. Happily, I joined a church; I was excited to have finally found a safe haven away from my house. The people accepted me and I them. I felt welcomed with a divine passion. The masses had come to know me and I knew them. They were my beloved sisters and brothers in Christ. I became active in the church by joining the choir. I never desired to leave, I envisioned myself growing old in that church. Alas, there was one person with authority who made trouble for me. I caught her whispering in other people’s ears while looking at me. I wondered if she was talking about me. She finally required me to exit the church and never arrive back. I asked the faithful of the church, “Do I have to leave,” Unfortunately, they said yes. I never knew where her authority came. I assumed she was the owner’s family. I exited the church as requested. Finding the ideal church was too good to be true, I summed up. 88

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I stayed home and continually thought about what happened to me. Cast down and sad, I felt sorrow for me. She is going to hell for this, I speculated, but nothing horrible happened to her. I was wealthy, so I decided to build a church. It was new construction, everything worked. The church was large, plenty attended. The congregation and new believers alike joined the church, all welcomed. All praised, worshipped and filled with joy and gladness. One-day, I came to look at every individual in church attendance. They are talking, enjoying each other’s company. Nevertheless, the woman with authority from the other church who asked me to go away, she was in my church. She is in my church, I thought. Right away without thinking things through, I headed to ask her to go away. “No,” the Holy Spirit whispered, clearly. I just could not believe what I was hearing. I knew He was ordering me not to hurl her out and just to forgive her. I obeyed the instruction of the Holy Spirit. However, I constantly watched her from afar. I haunted her with my eyes. I love watching her grow. With that, she conformed to new acquaintances. I can imagine they were like her spiritual sisters and brothers, the faithful in Christ Jesus. The same as my experience in her church. She had become alive in my church. She found a haven away from her church family and her house. However, I agreed with God. The Lord requires us to forgive one another because He has forgiven us. It had been some time since I wanted to get her to leave my church. Suddenly, “Put her out, right away,” the Holy Spirit, clearly whispered. I was perplexed at first. I shortly realized I owed her the same amount of time in my church that I spent in hers. I escorted her out of my church; this was how God got revenge. Summary When I dreamed this dream, I was not actively in the church; I could not attend, perhaps I was sick or shut in. 89

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: God revealed, to me, a mystery. I had to be patient; I owed her time in my church; the same quantity of time I was in her church. I paid tithes; perhaps, I got my tithes back from her. I truly would not want the tithes back. I like to believe we have treasures awaiting in heaven but by paying tithes, Matthew 6:19- 20. In this dream, I learned a valuable lesson in standing still and being patient. An example of how the Holy Spirit fights battles and gets revenge. I could never think of a more clever vengeance. He is mighty in battle. His judgment was genius and cleaver. His wisdom is so deep. Patience, a sweet ripe righteous fruit of the spirit. When I think, I know everything about God, He surprises me. His love is infinite, and His wisdom is infallible. I will never be as wise as He is. When I had obeyed God’s Holy Spirit, not to escort her out. First, I assumed He wanted me to forgive her. I trusted Him, first. After He told me to set her out, I realized His solution. We must faithfully trust and obey Him first, and then He will tell us why later. Through this dream, I deeply understand the importance of patience and obeying the Lord. His timing is perfect, and His punishment is just. Always be quick to “… Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord… “2 Chronicles 20:17. This was a learning dream. 90

26 Armageddon! (Dream) Revelation 12 6-7, 6 Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, which they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days. One summer’s night, with the front door open, I slept on the floor. The iron bar door was open so that I may get some cool night breeze. I was awakened by a loud explosion. I heard people cheering. Finally, the authorities were finally doing their job, catching crimes, I thought. I assumed the lights in the sky were coming from police helicopters. I watched a bunch of people looking upward. The sky was lit up like a movie screen, exceptionally large. When I realized it was not the police, I assumed another country was at war against the United States. After, I debunked that theory, at one point; I thought the aliens had finally arrived. My spirit left my body; I was up there in the sky where the action was. I saw everything, up close. The onlookers were cheering for a certain spaceship. They drove a one-seater spaceship. They were pursuing another 91

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: group of people. There was one hard to catch; therefore, the one chasing that bad person was whom the crowd was cheering. He was excellent in pursuit. In that, the bad person was fleeing like a lunatic from Him. He chased the evasive person throughout the earth, the universe, and the solar and other planets. Which is how, all eyes could see. I look closely and realize that the cheered soldier was a child. It was Christ Jesus, I realized, this was His return. The one He was pursuing was Satan. Satan fled only when Christ chased him. Satan was cowardly. The Lord’s army was at war with Satan’s army. When He originally came to earth, He was a babe and now He returned as a child. It looked like He was playing a video game but with real firepower. He was the best soldier. I started cheering for Him. I doubted, quietly within my mind, could He really defeat Satan. Him being so young. He heard my unbelief that I had no faith in Him. Therefore, He stopped chasing Satan. Christ is a discerner of thoughts, Matthew 9:4. I messed it up for everybody because of my lack of faith, I realized. Unless, the only reason He was pursuing Satan was for me. He came back just for me. I neglected, overlooked, and overpowered. A brave soul man from heaven, the Son of God, with this truth an emotion pierced my heart overwhelmed, Hebrews 4:12. At last, I saw Him in the famous spiral tunnel that leads upwards to heaven. There were sparkling matters inside the tunnel flowing upwards, a beautiful sight. The light was bright like a light blue bulb, but greater, Revelation 4:1. Christ vanished, quicker than a blink of an eye. Next, I woke up. Summary When the Lord returns, Profound way, every eye will see Him, Revelation 1:7. This event could have been a perfect, mysterious or profound way for all to see the Lord in the sky at war capturing and defeating Satan. 92

27 A War! (Dream) Mark 13:7, But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be troubled; for such things must happen, but the end is not yet. I went on a missionary journey to Asia, in this dream. We set up camp in a deserted place. The structures deteriorated. We made the camp comfortable by using fabric to make partitions, shades, and doors. An oasis for us. It was far from the city, peaceful, like heaven. The Lord was with us as the invisible Host, Romans 9:29 and Psalms 46:7. While standing there talking with the Host- the Lord. Suddenly, I heard noise in the distance, loud explosions and guns firing. However, I felt safe because the Lord was with us and we were far from the explosion; nevertheless, it sounded like they were coming closer to where we were. Could they be coming for us, I wondered. Armies should fight wars in unpopulated areas. Some Christians martyred on missions. The Prophecy This is a good example of a prophetic dream. I was watching the news, and it announced that Asia was threatening to attack the United States. I 93

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: realized California was nearest to Asia and that we will be the first attacked. However, I was not afraid; once again, I realized the Lord was with us, Matthew 1:23. The power of faith comforted me. The bible says there will be rumors of war, perhaps this was just a rumor of war because nothing has happened, since the threat, Mark 13:7. Around the time of the threat from Asia, I desired to do missionary work. The threat and the need to do missionary helped me remember this prophetic dream. The Holy Spirit- that brings all back to remembrance, John 14:26. There was nothing else that stood out about this Prophecy beside the Lord showed himself, once again, by helping me remember this dream. Summary God is alive. He dwells in humanity. He is Spirit. However, He is dormant to them that do not evoke His presence- to display within them. Ask Him to come into your life to guide you through all things, give supplication repent from past sins and confess Him as Lord and savior. Amen. No matter what situation we may encounter, we win knowing the Lord is with us in life and in death but in the Holy Spirit. 94

Chapter 4 Battle Over This chapter is like a sequel to previous numbered memories. These numbered memories seem to have taken place after the Armageddon - the final battle. After Christ Jesus comes back, He will bring the long-awaited New Heaven. Heaven will be at hand. There will be restored genuine worship and praises in heaven. We will reunite with our deceased ancestors and friends. These dreams seem to have taken place in the hereafter, a prophecy. 95

28 New Jerusalem! (Dream) Revelation 21:2 2 Then I, [a] John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. In this dream, the faceless Host, God was escorting me throughout a tropical forest, 1 John 4:12. (This is another forest, woods style dreams.) It felt like the future. I surmised the world had ended, it seemed like centuries of years had gone; therefore, judgment day had come and passed. A beautiful quietness and peace were in the gentle wind. The faceless Host escorted me throughout the woodland. A reason, I knew something was different; I would never walk in a jungle or forest alone because of the animals or at risk of being lost. Yet, He was showing me the homes in heaven. The dwelling houses of notable people. Their homes camouflaged, by nature. He aided me to see their camouflaged homes. “Would you like to go inside,” asked the Host. “No,” I stated. I enjoyed looking at their homes from a distance, never wanting to get a closer look. 96

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: At that place there was no numeric address. This was the best way; it makes finding individuals’ addresses dificult for those who may not want visitors. Those who lived in those places had to memorize a path to their houses. The faceless Host also showed me a log cabin style home, He said that the cabin was mine. Most likely, the cabin is in paradise. I also saw heavenly properties in Africa. 97

29 Garage Church (Prophetic Dream) John 10:16, …And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice, and there will be one flock and one shepherd. In this prophetic dream, I had multiple offers to pastor a church. I decided to visit each church before I decided, all the church options were somewhere in the south. I visited a church held in a garage. Most memorably, the color theme was light blue. Just like the clouds in the daytime. The walls painted blue; the choir robes blue, and mostly everything was blue. I attended the Sunday’s service and noticed there were only five seats for guests, one row. The entire church members were active, so they did not need seats. They were genuinely faithful, friendly and welcoming. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit, amongst them. Summary This was a prophetic dream, in that; I dream this many years before living in Miami, Florida. While in Florida, a young woman invited me to attend church with her. 98

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: We took the bus. Come to find out the church was in a garage, like in this dream. The pastor was a woman, as I am in this dream. However, I am not a pastor. The people of the church in Miami, Florida were also faithful and kind like them in this dream. I am not sure if Florida is the South, same as the region I travelled to in this dream. Lesson Learned The valuable lesson I learned, through this dream. God has ministers, evangelists, and Christians everywhere in the world. Because I was tormented in local community churches. It seems like; I cannot find a church to attend without being hurt, in my hometown. This situation is probably why I had this dream, that I may keep hope. To continue having Faith in a God name: Jehovah Jireh, He will provide a church home for me. An opportunity not to turn to Hare Krishna, Buddha, Muslim or another religion. The same way Christ Jesus was the Rejected Stone. I feel rejected, Psalms 118:22. God has reserved some people, who will never bow to an allegorical Baal. False Christian have taken a similar mark. Although a mark cannot be seen. They torment. The Lord is leading me to a peaceful, safe, and pain-free church home, Hebrews 11:16. One of my folly was not learning a foreign language. Other nationalities are building mega churches. 99

30 Cloud of Witness Church (Dream) Hebrews 12:1-2, 12 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses… 2 looking unto Jesus, the author, and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. In this dream, I visited a church in heaven. I knew it was heaven for many reasons. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit, calm and peaceful. The church was vintage and aged. I felt hollow holy purity in the environment. The church seats made of wood and painted white, they seemed to float in midair, arranged in the shape of an octagon, Hebrews 12:1. Church was just starting. I saw through the glass inlay windows in double doors; the saints dressed in white. They were preparing to march in the sanctuary, together. Their abode is in heaven. Their faces glowed. The Holy Spirit revealed to me, they were the cloud of witnesses. I watched them walk in together in unity. When the preacher preached, peculiarly, I could not see Him. 100

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: After church service. The time for me to leave. I desperately wanted to stay. I was standing around talking to some people. I knew nobody who passed away. I probably looked like my ancestors. I knew the people only in the dream. “Somebody wants to see you,” someone said. Who, I wondered? They went and got the person. I cannot remember whom I saw, but I did know and remember only in this dream. It was somebody who passed away. I remember the person, once they arrived then immediately, I woke up. Summary Through this dream, my faith was restored; especially in heaven, and in being reunited with loved ones, after death. I never saw the preacher’s face; therefore, it probably was the Lord, because nobody has seen His face and perhaps nobody will see His face. Church service will not be conducted by a, once, mortal. At least, I personally do not think so. The rabbi, Christ Jesus, should preach. God should glory in heaven, only. In a perfect situation, we all in heaven should be well versed to enter heaven. My faith increased through this dream. 101

31 Basement Church (Dream) Matthew 18:20, “Again I say to you…For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” The Faceless Host God, once again appears in this dream. The Host told me about a church in the basement of a liquor store. He asked me if I want to see it, “Yes, I said. We met up with the employee of the store after business hours. They built the basement church without the boss knowing. Next, I stood in the doorway of the sanctuary. The space was dark. The church floor slanted downwards, this way all could see the pulpit. On the pulpit, there were giant boulder rocks with water cascading down them; and I saw four microphones, enough for a quartet. I felt the Lord’s presence, despite where the church was located. Summary This dream was a sequel to a group prophetic church dreams and this was the most realistic prophetical. 102

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