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Home Explore Converted 1 26 2021

Converted 1 26 2021

Published by lesa.1000, 2021-01-27 04:10:11

Description: Converted 1 26 2021


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47 Wandering (Dream) Job 12:24, He takes away the understanding of the chiefs of the people of the earth, And makes them wander in a pathless wilderness. I decided to go on a great adventure in this dream. I desired to take on the world, the different cities and countries. I often imagined what they were like and was not afraid to venture out solo. I knew God would be with me wherever I went, Matthew 1:23. While traveling, I fell on hard times and sustained little to no money left. I was not ready to go home. I wanted to find out more and come across more people. I especially wanted to travel to the south. Eventually, I took up with a group of homeless people who lasted in a Junkyard, it was rent-free, and nobody disturbed us probably because it was a poor country. We were one another support group. At that place was an older adult male, he was wise, our leader. I could always see him at the same location as if he could not walk. He showed us how to get free meals and clothing and much more. We got some rest in the deserted cars. 154

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: We knew of a fine eatery that catered to us. They got us the leftovers free, after closing. We would wait quietly and obediently in line at the back doorway. The food, prepared by chefs, is delicious and of a five-star caliber. The waiters rationed the food and controlled our hungry crew. God touched their hearts so they would continually feed us. Finally, I became bored, with the junkyard community, and I travelled somewhere else. Someone gave me a decrepit apartment, but rent-free. A con, some steps were missing along the stairs, at risk of falling several floors down. A pro, I possessed the keys to lock my apartment door, I felt at rest. I soon discovered we were squatting in an abandoned building. The man in charge misleads us, but he never took our money, he took us off the streets. I decided to leave my apartment; I went back to the Junkyard. I stayed there for a time and eventually, I left. I went back to my decrepit apartments. A great change had taken place. A generous contractor came and renovated the apartment building; everything repaired, including the stairs. They gave the man, who took the homeless off streets, the job as an apartment manager. He gave me my apartment back. I eventually returned home and told my family about my great adven- tures. Summary There are similarities in my current life contrasted with this dream. This was a prophetic dream, indeed. I live downtown where there is congestion of homeless people. My same situation in this dream. I was once homeless for about (3) years. The number three is a special number, the number of Trinity. I also lived on the streets downtown, the streets remind me of the Junkyard, a worthless land. People sleep on the streets and most of the time nobody says anything. 155

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Some of them live in tents, this reminds me of the part of the dream when I slept in abandoned cars. Most are on drugs, escaping their reality. Prophetically I had this dream before I lived downtown. When I first moved into this community, I did not know anybody. I met an older man that told me about the available resources. The man reminded me of the older leader in the dream. It was important that I met him because he told me about a homeless shelter. I did not know a homeless shelter was. The Homeless Shelters offer Drug Programs, opportunity for housing and much more. I have witnessed the love of the Good through Good Samaritans. They leave their homes, churches, and charities Skid Row to feed, give and pray for the homeless. There are soup kitchens, which is symbolically the fancy restaurant in this dream. However, the soup kitchen serves wholesome meals like delicious beans and rice. Appointed Time Since I have seen my current situation before, I feel like; I am in the right place at the right time in history. I am on track! Where, I suppose to be, my appointed place for this time in my life. Prodigal Era I was about twenty–seven years old when I permanently moved out of my family’s house. Having nowhere to go, I slept in the park, I eventually found a studio apartment reasonably priced, I eventually lost it because I had started using and other users were coming to my apartment at different hours of the day and night. Therefore, I moved downtown, which was a high drug area. I ran out of money, like the prodigal child, he wasted his money Luke 15: 11-16. 156

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I never foresaw me using any drugs, in neither dreams, nor visions. There is no telling what I would have done, had I known. I laughed at drug addicts because of the things they had done for drugs. Vintage Apartment My vintage apartment was a hotel room. It was dilapidated only because the rent was cheap, and it was a high crime. This was the same hotel was the same place the Lord appeared to me in clouds camouflaged on the ceiling. In the dream, I had returned and given a renovated apartment. I came back to Los Angeles and rented a newly built apartment at a cheap price. New Environment Firstly, I travelled to Las Vegas, Nevada; secondly, Denver, Colorado; and lastly Miami Florida. Looking back on my reality travels, they remind me of the travels in this dream. However, I did not get to see the south my desired destination. Nevertheless, I went through the south on a bus. After the hurricane catastrophe, while traveling back home, I saw the results of the hurricane in Louisiana and New Orleans. Where I saw post hurricane Katrina, the view was cathartic. Image of cleansing. Similarly, in the dream when I had returned home to downtown. Developers renovated the hotel where I once rented. I could not afford one-night rent, anymore. What makes my life like this dream is that I rented another eficiency apartment considered a godsend. The management has been godsends. In that, they are not slumlords. Well, lately certain management has begun to falter. 157

48 Groans of the Holy Spirit (Manifestation) Romans 8:28, Likewise, the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. One night, I was alone in a hotel room. I thought everything was normal. Next, like an unstable person, I started crying uncontrollably. I cried so loudly, somebody should have heard me, but nobody came to make an inquiry. I could not stop crying. I realized it was the Holy Spirit, He made intercession to God on my behalf because of my bad situation of homelessness and drug use, Romans 8:34. Camouflaged Cloud I felt God’s presence in the room with me. Still, I could not understand Him. “Heaven is hard for a sinner to see,” the Holy Spirit reminded me. Therefore, determined to see Him, I searched the room. Eventually, I saw 158

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: the Holy Spirit camouflaged, in the ceiling. I vaguely saw various shapes of clusters of clouds. They were light blues and whites in various circular shapes, colors and sizes. After I finally saw the Holy Spirit, comforted by its Presence, I stopped crying. Seeing the Holy Spirit after a long silent period restored my hope and faith in heaven. The Revelation The Bible tells us that we do not know what to ask for. I witnessed because while wandering I could not remember to call upon the Lord. Yet, the Holy Spirit that dwells inside us watching and witnessing everything, remembered for me. God was my only way out. He knew I was lost and wanted out, away from the cold outdoors. Yet, I could not think of a way out on my own. I desperately wanted deliverance from addiction. Ultimately, the Holy Spirit gently led me out of the drug environment. This dream was an annex of another dream. The Wandering reality dream, number (47). This hotel was vintage, but not dilapidated, it was the apartment renovated that I could no longer afford to rent. 159

49 Lost People (Dream) Matthew 25:43, … I was a stranger, and you did not take me in, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison, and you did not visit Me.’ In this dream I was, sort of, a missionary. I would visit homeless people in a certain community. A mysterious male host would greet me and stay with me throughout my visit like a Guardian Angel. This someone was my ethnicity. I saw Good Samaritans’ leaving valuable items for the homeless at various times. They left food, clothing, furniture and much more. Things I even desired. I did not know they were donations at first. Some of the people did not know they were donations either because they never touched them. They would pass by the donations and leave them on the ground. A woman with sons took the donations and sold them at her thrift store. One of her sons was my guardian angel. Had I taken anything; she would have known. I discerned through the Holy Spirit not to get anything. I often passed by her store, she had nice 160

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: things. When I went to shop in her store, I saw familiar items. All of them were from donations for the homeless. She looked at me wickedly, had I gotten any donations, she would have confronted me. Summary I live amongst the homeless. I was once homeless for three years. Although, I am not homeless, anymore. I still live in the homeless community. Nevertheless, I understand the struggles. I have given brand new shoes and slightly used shoes. They like new stuff. The new stuff they could sell for drugs. However, when churches or Good Samaritans come to this community and give clothing, I get some, also. Sometimes they give clothes with tags on them, clothing and shoes that I cannot afford. Like the things in my dream. They Know The homeless people know the donations are for them. The only items I see on the streets are dirty clothes they take off for clean donated clothing. Some sell items to support addictions. Sometimes they rush, run and fight for the donations, especially at Christmas time. The Community This dream was a prophecy. The community in my dream is like the skid row community. I love this community because I never saw that many people of my ethnicity at once since High school. The majority of the destitute and homeless are lost, especially without a God to lead them. I was also homeless and lost wandering in this same community in outer darkness. 161

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: The Son I encountered an evil- hearted woman who had a son. She reminded me of the woman, in my dream. She owned the thrift store. When I met her, this dream came back to remembrance. The Holy Spirit and certain actions and events may help jar the memory. In this dream because I had a host walking with me, I may have been in danger. Missionaries I thank Christ Jesus for Missionaries, Samaritans, and the Volunteers who bring food, clothing, and necessities to the homeless community. Since coming on the weekends, Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season. Their charity is an example of faith in God. Their highest reward is in Christ Jesus. They are the faithful. 162

50 New Jerusalem! (Dream) Revelation 21:1-2, 21 Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also, there was no more sea. 2 Then I, John, [a] saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. I came to a city. It was a new community which appeared, it seems, overnight- like new construction. The structure lit brightly at night, easily seen. When I first saw it, afar off, I assumed it was Las Vegas, Nevada. It was not Las Vegas because it lingered in the sky. I had never been to Las Vegas before this dream. This place was in a community of great poverty. The new heaven had come. Surprisingly, I entered. “Because the poor had extraordinarily little in their lifetime, they may enter, whispered the Holy Spirit. Inside Inside the walls are covered with wallpaper with green leaves and brown stems. The design unisex. The personal rooms are decorated differently. 163

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: My room was exceedingly small, but I loved it for some reason. It was peace, joy and relaxation. Therefore, evidently Satan was bound, Revelation 20:2. The manager was the doppelgänger to my reality apartment manager. Outside the Holy City, there was an aesthetic garden with flowers and solar lights. This created a cozy, peaceful and beautiful oasis. The backside of the city, where the poor laid was clean and vacant because they entered the city from heaven. The streets, they once laid, were clean, pure as gold. The source that illuminated the city was God, it soothed and comforted; there was a great calm and a notion of mental clearness and freedom- Revelation 22:5. There was no need to fight a spiritual battle because Satan, the foe of all humanity, was no more. Summary I believe the Holy city in this dream symbolized my eficient apartment I now live in. I was surprised they rented to me because of my past. The bad choices and mistakes I made. However, the Lord opens doors. One of the apartment managers reminds me of the manager in this dream. Therefore, this dream was a prophecy This property Management Company was from charitable donations. The apartment was eficient like in the dream. It was a dorm style apartment with a shared bathroom. The opportunity was as if heaven had opened its door to me. I studied the bible and attended bible seminary. This apartment was an opportunity for salvation and faith, wisdom and knowledge. The second eficiency I rented from the same company has the garden and lights similar in this dream. Men are most tenants, similarly in this dream. Sadly, there will always be homeless. Th e Wealthy More afluent people were standing around looking, gnashing their teeth, but they could not enter, Matthew 25:30. They tried to buy their way in 164

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: but they could not. They stayed out of doors looking on from the outer darkness and never travelled away, Matthew 8:12. Some According to the Bible, in their lifetime, the wealthy received their wealth and reward, Luke 16: 25. A Door Opener God is a door opener, and a way maker He leads us to our open doors. He is the greatest Leader. Having my own apartment, I had the opportunity to study in peace and attend seminary. I read throughout the bible developing a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. I regularly attended church and other services. When God opens a door, recognize it and do not squander the time because we never know when our time is up. I had a neighbor who gave me a hard time. I wanted to go back to the Homeless shelters or the community where I started drug abuse. The New Jerusalem/Holy City is the New Garden of Eden. The same way Christ Jesus the new improved Adam, Genesis 3:17. Christ Jesus came to undo hell bond and death curse, Adam reaped for all humanity, 1 Corinthian 15:45. Because of Christ Jesus, death will be no more, and we shall live forever in paradise. 165

51 Awakened by Demons (Dream) John 14:13-14, 13 And whatever you ask in my name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask [c] anything in my name, I will do it. Awakened, one night by demonic voices terrorizing me saying awful and embarrassing secrets. They knew everything about me and were using the most obscene and lewd and awful language that I would never repeat. The words tore down my self-esteem, joy and happiness. I thought the voices were back to stay for a while. I had become weak; I felt energy leave my body. I was determined, not to let demons roam in my mind. I decided to fight back. I have Faith in Christ Jesus’ name. I decided to call on the name of the Lord. “In the name of Christ Jesus leave me alone, I yelled.” The demons went silent at first, as if they were appalled, that a mere person was trying to cast them out. After a moment of silence, they continued by being louder and more obnoxious. 166

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: In the name of Christ Jesus, I repeated. They continued to silence briefly. I feared my salvation was going to stop again because of the presence of demons. I thought of reciting the Holy Scriptures from memory, but my mind went blank. Not being able to remember scriptures had everything to do with their voices. However, I tried to recite scriptures from the bible, but it was dark at night, and I could not see the Words. Perhaps, I was too grog- gy to get up and turn on the light. Determined, I continued to call on the name of Christ Jesus. I knew there was power in His name that was the only weapon I had. “In the name of Christ Jesus,’ get out of me,’” I added. Still, Moments of silence. Yet, the demons continued to torment. I even tried, “In the name Christ Jesus of Nazareth, “Get out of me,” I yelled. Nothing. I saw unnaturally without my eyes that the demons were not going anywhere. They were blufing me. Although I wanted to give up, I became more determined and desperate. I did not want demons getting in the way of my salvation. Eventually, I started saying the single name Jesus, but more loudly with authority, determination, and desperation. Next, I stopped saying, in the name part and I started shouting, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,” more loudly, rapidly and swiftly. I repeated the name Jesus sole name severely times until I became more passionate. Suddenly, “Shush,” the Holy Spirit of Jesus said. The only Word He responded to be the sole name ‘Jesus’. Instantly the demon voices stopped, and I heard in their voices cowardice, fear, and trembling, James 2:19 (NKJV). I saw the demons unnaturally without my eyes retreat into a tiny dark hole in my mind. However, I was asking them to leave me, forever. With Christ Jesus, they seem to have gone dormant; I wish they went to hell, already. His voice sounded kingly, clear, honorably. He is priestly, royal, and potent. Summary Through my trust in Christ Jesus’ name, the demonic voices ended that night. Christ is the Holy Spirit that dwells inside humankind; this is how 167

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: He will judge us because He sees all from inside us. We are the temple of God, His dwelling place. The enemy, Satan and his demons contend against Christ for the souls. The enemy will use every knowledge about you against you to try to claim the soul. Therefore, be careful what you think and speak. Be careful who you converse. Therefore, we must offer our mind, body, and soul to God and His Son, Christ Jesus. May God take the first spot in our soul, brain, and physical structure! 168

52 Awakened by Christ (Dream) Psalms 16:11, You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is the fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures always. This happened in my second apartment with the same management company on Skid Row. Sophia,” the Holy Spirit called my name awakening me from my slumber. His voice was clear, majesty, and of royalty. I was sleeping well that night and I should have known something special was happening. There is Joy in the Lords, presence. I wanted to talk to Him, but when I opened my eyes, He was not there. Great, another mystery, I thought. God is the greatest mystery writer and problem solver and much more. First, I decided to search out for clues, using my five senses. My nose to see if there was a fire. I would like the Holy Spirit mysteriously to awaken me in case a fire erupts. I looked with my eyes and did not see anything. Touch to see if there was an unwelcome critter or guest. I securely locked the door, I realized. 169

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: However, I knew the window was unlocked because I live on the second floor, so I knew that was not the problem. Nevertheless, I gave it a second thought. I investigated the unlocked windows. I saw in that location was an elevated brick wall against the wall and if somebody six feet stood on it; it could be reachable to my windowpane; access would be easier from there. Ears to listen, I heard men in the courtyard talking loudly, and therefore, I decided to listen to them. One of them, my next-door neighbor, was mad at a woman and calling her names. Eventually, he uttered the woman was me. The Holy Spirit woke me up to hear him discuss me. The man was an alcoholic. Whenever he would stop and talk to me, it would be for hours and he would slur in speech, I did not know what He was saying. This conversation would go on for hours and I could not break away and leave, for some godly reason. One day, I was coming home to spend time in the Scripture of God. I was close to one-hundred steps from my doorway. I saw him coming; therefore, I speeded up and entered my apartment, slamming the door in his face. He was furious; he kicked in my door, threatened me. My neighbor was an alcoholic and unpleasant to encounter. I had not been living in the apartment a month when this happened. The morning the Lord woke me up, he was still angry with me and bitter. Summary Public intoxication is a serious problem, like drug abuse! Heavy drinkers should be embarrassed, like drug addicts. They like to fight and be aggressive. The neighbor stood almost six feet tall, and he probably could reach my window by standing on the brick high wall. An alcoholic would probably attempt to climb in my window. Some call alcohol bold juice, Gin called sin drink; and some say E & J make you irk and jerk. Drinking alcohol is a slow working poison. Some liquor tastes like pure alcohol. From that morning onwards, I securely locked my windows. 170

Chapter 8 Mysterious Ways In this chapter, I get personal lessons in miracles, the Holy Spirit, and a view of where the Holy Spirit has led me. Miracles and unnatural encounters are still manifesting today in this 21st. Century. My prayer answered in unexpected ways. This chapter is short but important with valuable lessons with miracles and Words from God. A realization that God as the Holy Spirit is still with me, He has been with me all the time. 171

53 God Answer Prayers (God Speaks) Mark 11: 22-24, 22 So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God… 24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. I was giving up hope of getting employment. However, I was watching at Christian television program. The evangelist was teaching on prayer. He said after we pray, we need to wait for God to give an answer. I had never tried this method. “Next time I pray, making a mental notation, I will do as the evangelist says,” I thought. Realizing I was procrastinating, I decided to pray that moment. I would have forgotten had I not prayed in that very moment. I was also curious about how the Holy Spirit was going to speak. After, I faithfully prayed, remained, waited and listened. I had faith He would appear. I was optimistic knowing the Lord was going to answer my prayer. He answered me in a peculiar way. 172

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: The Unnatural Happening I started moving involuntarily, the Holy Spirit was manipulating my body motion. I only knew through my subconscious mind; He had manifested and was physically leading me. I eventually witness myself standing up from the corner of the bed. I slowly walked towards my bookcase and stopped. Next, my arm started moving upwards, extending towards the books. My index finger was pointing towards the book, wavering from the left to the right, as if it were searching for something or showing me something. My finger landed on a particular book. The book was about how to write a Christian Novel. Immediately, I realized what the Holy Spirit was telling me. He was telling me to write a book. I was to be self-employed and not work for a company. Ironically, this is a job, but I have not gotten a paycheck. I prayed for a Job; I should have asked for a Job that pays every week. Most of the people I met were self-employed. The book on writing the Christian romance did not hold my interest. I did not want to do fiction, at that point in my life, because it was not the truth. Throughout this encounter, I was not afraid at any time, probably because I was in a trance. I remained calm and fearless because Satan fled in the presence of a Holy God. Fear is the spirit of Satan; it involves torment, 1 John 4:18. Summary Here we have it; God answers prayers in peculiar and unexpected ways. I expected Him to say something, audible. Although the Holy Spirit is invisible I can mysteriously see him working in my life. Peculiarly, I had everything I needed to complete the task of writing a book. God prepares us in advance for our callings and vocations. When I started Seminary, 173

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: miraculously, I also had everything needed to complete the goal. I had a computer, internet, and word program; A printer, pare, and dictionary; A Bible Resource Software and a bible. I thought writing was going to be easy, fun, and fast; however, it has been hard and over three years and I have not completed this book. We can do all with the Holy Spirit. He strengthens us. He has helped me- He is our true Helper. Writing this book is my journey. The Lord has healed me through reminiscences of the past to remember the memories. I witness Christ as the Holy Spirit has been with me throughout every facet of my life. 174

54 Christmas Miracle (Christian Faith) Acts 15:12 Then all the multitude kept silent and listened to Barnabas and Paul, declaring how many miracles and wonders God had worked through them among the Gentiles. This event occurred in December 2013. I wanted to buy Christmas gifts for all my family members. I only had tithes money, only. I considered how the Lord was full of love, grace, and mercy; therefore, I decided to spend the tithe money on Christmas gifts. Yet, I remembered that God answered a recent prayer clearly, He led me to write this book. I remembered how to first pray and patiently wait for His answer. May I use my tithe money and buy Christmas gifts for my family,” I prayed. While waiting for an answer, I noticed my head was moving involuntarily from left to right. This gesture means, no. God was telling me not to buy a gift for the family but pay my tithes. Miraculously, after I paid tithes, my leftover money multiplied. Not only was I able to buy Christmas gifts for my family members, but I was able to participate in the church toy drive. 175

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Summary I do not know where we got this gesture by using our heads to answer questions. I could not have guessed the Lord would have answered in that way. Moving our heads from left to right means on and moving the head up and down means yes. Where did we get that gesture from, is it sign language! I was satisfied that I asked God before spending the money. The money for Christmas gifts came from a source I did not expect. If I did not pay my tithes, it would not have made a great difference. The Holy Spirit showed me that I cannot impress the children with gifts, they do not even recognize the toys; they play with the toys and discard them as insignificant after two to three days after Christmas. The children hardly play with toys anyway. 176

55 Mud and Redemption (Ashes for Beauty) Isaiah 61:3 To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.” I was awakened, by an eerie feeling. I looked and saw a figure of a person standing in front of the door. It was a woman. The woman looked muddy. She looked tired and she barely could stand. She camouflaged with coats hanging on the door. I immediately assumed that she was the tenant that occupied that apartment before me. However, I securely locked up; I knew nobody could get inside. I hope management changed the locks after each tenant. I marveled, about the mysterious woman. Trying to find the reason, throughout the week. The Holy Spirit brought back to my remembrance. When I was homeless, it stormed. My clothes had soaked and wet, but they did not get muddy. This was when I realized that I could not survive outdoors, no matter how much I wanted to live outside. I started coming to my senses and wished a way off the streets. 177

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I may not be a traditional prophet or an interpreter of dreams, but I soon realized the ghostly woman I saw standing in the room was metaphorically me. I inferred the Holy Spirit was showing me how far He has led me. I prayed to get out the street. I realize only God can open a door for me. This experience showed me, I was at my appointed place. The apartment. I was no longer lost; I was living on the inside. A door opened for me, Revelation 3:8. Soon afterwards, I started: attending church, reading the bible, I also joined a bible training school and a seminary. This ashes for beauty experience, Isaiah 61:3. He redeemed me from being wet, cold and muddy to becoming dry, safe, and warm. 178

Chapter 9 The Conclusion In this final chapter, I took the opportunity to share my personal views on the important issues of salvation by doing so, it is most pleasing to God. God will judge humankind. “Salvation comes by faith and our faithful works, Ephesians 2:8 and James 2: 18- 26. I composed this book with faith in Christ Jesus because I believe He exists in the person of the Holy Spirit. He said I could do all things through him. I have also added other important articles: about my concerns and theories about many matters; my spiritual journey, the Christian lifestyle. The author’s page. Planted and Grounded Once, I rededicated my life to Christ Jesus. Various people would ask me, what church I attend. I would say, “I am not a member of a church and that I visit various churches.” As A Result, I have given this radical message of inspiration. “That one may become grounded and grow spiritually to be planted like a seed to grow. After hearing this saying from various people, I decided to be a church member. 179

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Parables are clever ways to drive home a deeper point and to show great wisdom and understanding. This plant doctrine reminds me of a parable. Evangelism Are Humankind Plants! Those people who spoke with me were doing similar work as an evangelist. They do revivals, they preach and teach they are sent by the Holy Spirit. Their field of work is world conquest for the salvation of Christ Jesus. Their workplace is the God’s vineyard. All may or may not be preachers in the church, yet they hold in salvation of humankind. We all have an obligation to herald the good news of salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. To do the work of the evangelist, 2 Timothy 4:5. Part of my salvation came from visiting evangelists, free leaflets given out, church attendance, a multiple of happening- An army of people. When the Lord calls you, various random people may come with the same message. In this radical message, planted is used to convey a deep message, with a hope that the listener would understand the importance of church attendance! A babe in Christ eventually will allegorically grow by becoming wise in knowledge and understanding. Seeds grow after watering. The message is like the watering of the seed. The seed is the person that needs to mature. Growth comes by hearing the Word of God, water. The church is like soil, we sit in church, and the seed planted in dirt- is soil. We are the seeds planted in church- the soil. The person, the plant, the church, the soil. The message preached is the water. We listen for spiritual growth! In addition, read the bible and attended other church meetings for greater growth. Hostility and Schism After, I joined a church; I faced hostility, torment, and schism, by other churchgoers. They symbolize weeds, bugs, mildew, and much more to destroy my spiritual growth. To pluck and uproot me a similar plant. 180

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: We are neither sheep nor plants. Jesus Christ referred to Christian as sheep and the pastor as the shepherd. The parable of the Lost Sheep, Luke 14:1-7. Although I have experienced opposition in the church, there are various ways to grow spiritually away from church. There is a small group meeting. The Church is where faithful people come together. Do not forsake other believers, Ephesians 5:11. Church is a good place to meet other faithful believers. If you are rejected by the church. By reading the Holy Bible at home. Attending bible study only. Watching Christian television. Join a bible school. You can become the church, a pastor, the oracle of God. The potentials are limitless. The Holy Spirit is within all humankind, it can grow largely within and we become like the. Have become like Christ Jesus, Chief Cornerstones, Psalms 118:22. I continued attending the church, despite the torment. Through faith, I was steadfast; I did not know it at the time, but I was enduring the afliction, 2 Timothy 4:5. It was my fruit of the spirit. Christ Jesus endured torment and afliction when He chose not to come down from the cross, Matthew 26: 52-54. We are forced into the battle, in that we are encouraged to attend church because of the need for spiritual growth. A decree to fellowship. The escape for maturing is to read the bible- developing a relationship with God because He is the Word. Continue in this and do not look back to the old life or the old man. Steadfast, in that you may be called to preach or become a valuable person in the church. It is important to mature in wisdom and this way you do not need to depend on anybody (100%) such as an Antichrist or false prophet pastor. Safety comes first. Do not harm humankind, especially God’s prophets, Psalm 105:15. I will recommend Christ Jesus to you, despite what negative encounter, when things get rough, God will provide a way of escape, Corinthians 10:13. We win in Christ Jesus. 181

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: In your Christian journey, never give up on God. If you decide to leave a church, do not feel like a failure in that you cannot be a Christian. Do not backslid- by leaving God’s family and His home. Wise people will say God is in the heart, this is true because the Holy Spirit dwells within humankind, 2 Timothy 1:14. Be persistent; do not let the enemy have the victory. I heard Satan attends church, I believe Satan’s and army attends church: they come off as an angel of light, 2 Corinthians 11:14. D o Not Quit! If you want to see prophecies, vision, and the supernatural, give yourself over to the Lord, Christ Jesus. You will see spiritual warfare because a battle for your soul between The Holy Spirit and Satan- the ruler of the darkness. Spiritual warfare is real. No matter what gets in the way, obstacles continue onwards because we can win through the blood of Christ Jesus, 1 John. 1:7. He died for us to win. His blood has saved us. Do not quit, stand still and keep your position. When your back is against the wall, call on the Lord. There is power in the name of Christ Jesus, John 16:1. Continued in faith. It is wonderful to see different pastors, to have that experience and it is more shepherds from whence they came- Christian college or church. Wo r d of Testimony We overcome by our testimonies to one another- we the faithful, Revelation 12:11. The scriptures are a reason why I continued church under torment because of other faithful and redeemed believers. Nevertheless, I have never obtained a lifelong Christian friend through the Church or anywhere else. Yet, I have encountered other believers, such as evangelists, they were in the world, seeking the lost. 182

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Satan Attends Church. I heard people say Satan attends church. I have witnessed the wolves in sheep’s clothing, in church, Matthew 7:15. If Satan’s army succeeds in running you out of the safety of the church, he stands a greater chance of redeeming your soul. I wanted to mature some before I left the church; I was getting all I could, spiritually. The Sword The word of God, the Holy Bible, is like an invisible sword. Mature by attending bible studies and do bible studies at home. Memorize scriptures by applying them to your life. Keep a small or large holy bible with you, whichever size is convenience; it is like a powerful sword. Stay in the narrow lane, not the wide road that leads to destruction. The Lord has miraculously seen a path of success; he opens doors, no one can shut, Matthew 7: 13-14. Continue to Movie forward towards the light. The light is Christ Jesus. In the light is victory. I have faced opposition in the church, yet through Christ Jesus, I endured, and I have spiritually grown. To follow God infinitely. The journey is not easy but tedious. The Lord will give crowns and awards at His return, Revelation 22:12. Heaven awaits, seeing the Lord is worth the battle and struggle. Shake Hands or Holy Kisses 2 Corinthians 13:12, Greet one another with a holy kiss. The Handshake Which way should Christians greet one another, by shaking hands or with the holy kiss! The bible told us, 2 Corinthians 13:12. Shaking hands is 183

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: physical; it was the porthole of torment in the church. Why I have not attended church in a year. I am looking for a better country to attend church- a symbolic church. Heaven is the best country I desire. A short goal country is another state, nation, or country, Hebrews 11:16. The hands themselves are powerful weapons. Hands are powerful with great ability, the potential to do damage. The hands best used for good work like to anoint. I have seen men lift heavy things. I was weary of a person’s strength. Strong, aggressive hands attached to the muscle. The painful handshake, the experience of hell. I shook hands with hell. The pain is evil from hell. The Holy Kiss The Word of God tells us to greet each other with a holy kiss. Each other to me is somebody I know and not a stranger. According to a dictionary each means one of two. When God created decrees, laws, and doctrines of the holy bible, He knew the problems, which may arise by shaking a stranger’s hand, especially in church. He is all knowing. The wisest prophet. Modern church leaders have directed the fold to shake hands including myself. I have been physically traumatized, Memoir #33 Tormented. The holy kiss is a decree of God, 2 Corinthians 13:12. Shaking hands is a practice in business. Satan is not a creator, like God. He simply opposes God. Anything that goes against God that is disobedient and a lie is Satan’s doctrine. The opposite of what God has commanded is Satan’s doctrine. Satan wants us to shake hands because it oppresses the decree to holy kiss. It is rebellious. To move against a decree. Shaking hands in the church very well is a creation of Satan. 184

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: God allowed this evil to happen to me; therefore, I experienced hell. Once again, God allowed His one and only begotten son. Christ a spotless deity, full of majesty and power. He is the greatest teacher, preacher, healer, and savior. His hands pierced with nails on the old, rugged cross. Now, faithfully, because of what happened to me. I am determined to make awareness against the cruelty that occurs in the church. Holy Hands God created hands for other uses. Christ Jesus heals with his hands. He cures and raises the dead, John 11: 40-44. Acts 9: 36-41. Moses divided the Red Sea by raising his hand, Exodus 14: 15-18. Moses and Israel prevailed against Amalek if his hand was raised, Exodus 17:11. There is no decree written for us to do anything physical hand-to-hand. It concerns me. I had to mention torture, faithfully. No sin will go unpunished. Heaven will judge all doings, to the smallest of sins, Matthew 5: 17-20 and Luke 16:17. It should be one’s personal options to holy kiss. There are reasons why handshakes are preferred. Fasting makes the mouth smell badly, a reason no holy kiss. People are probably afraid to catch a cold or germ because it is hard to get well. Afraid of catching an incurable disease like Aids or Ebola. Shaking hands is especially horrid because of the CoronaVirus -19 outbreak. Faith Abundance Avoiding a decree or commandment because of these fears shows lack of faith, Mark 16:17-18. Apostle Paul survived a bite by a viper, Acts 28: 1-6. The bible says, those who believe in Christ Jesus will take up poisonous snakes and survive. All the faithful will live. 185

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Being obedient to God is better than sacrifice, 1 Samuel 15: 22. His every command is righteous. He knows what is best for us. He showed us the right way. The holy kiss is better than to shake hands. M y Victory Victory is mine. I won, Satan and his imps and satanic soldiers with the help of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. I endured the pain. The rejection, emotional injury. Until my time came, after a twelvemonth, I left with the triumph. Knowing I can sympathize with the Lord and He sympathizes with me. I did not clearly see the similarities between me and the Lord of my faith battle until after it was over, James 1:2-4. Acts of torture has driven babes away from the Church of Christ Jesus. Woe, to whom makes Christian babes stumble, Mark 9:42! I held on believing I could have great growth in wisdom and knowledge. Yet, Torture will be unstoppable, in hell, perhaps that is their lot in life, I wonder. They are Satan’s army, his imps, sergeants, and generals. I believe they are following him to hell- bottomless pit, Revelation 20:1-3. Allegorical Babes Babes in Christ beware of the evil ones. Under torment stand still in the sight of Him. Wait for His deliverance. Continue in the faith to develop spiritually in wisdom and knowledge. Satan hour of power is the physical practice of shaking hands. It has slithered its way into the church. It is the call and vocation Satan gives to his followers. The torture and torment of hell is alive in is experienced in the church. Satan followers are angels of lights, 2 Corinthians 11:14. Revelation 9:4-6. End Time Prophecy 186

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: …but only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. 5 And [b] they were not given authority to kill them, but to torment them for five months. Their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it strikes a man. 6 In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them. Truly, the end of time is close. A prophecy of the end times, people tormented but briefly. It will take place before the Lord’s return, Revelation 9:65. My hands aflicted like Christ Jesus when Him nailed to the cross at Gethsemane. I endured similar persecutions, which is a reason I believe the end is nigh. Torture and Torment I stood still and did not leave the church while tortured, like Christ Jesus. The bible tells us, Christ Jesus was so powerful that He could have gotten down off that cross and saved Himself. Members tormented me from day one. I had decided to stay a whole year before I realized it was going to be a random and continual attack. I could have stopped attending church and saved myself from physical torture, but I did not, just as Christ Jesus did not save Himself by getting off the old, rugged cross. Had I stopped attending; the torment would stop. Did I perform something for humanity, God knows! The same way Christ Jesus decided to stay on the cross and die for humanity. A prophet like Him. This was a good fruit of the spirit on my behalf, patience, long-suffering, and endurance. The church is a building made by men. The enemy lives in the church built by men. Although rejected, He created a spiritual temple inside us, not made with hands, Matthew 1:23. Man never created man, but God produced all humanity. Despite torment, the Holy Spirit encouraged. He strengthens me in wisdom to proceed on my journey from deep 187

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: down. Finally, it appears the enemy took the victory against me because I eventually left several churches because of physical torment. The church is God’s house, where Christ is the Chief Cornerstone, 1 Peter 2:7. Matthew 16:24. We are in God’s image both mentally and physically. I am an important stone and the church rejected me. “Follow Me,” Christ Jesus said, I followed I stood still and endured torture and torment. I desperately wanted to stay in the church. I remembered thinking, if I waited in the lobby until after the handshaking minute was over, I could still attend. I believe God could have revealed this solution to me if He wanted me there. Perhaps you- the reader- can try if church hostility happens to you. Wa r f a r e Spiritual warfare is the battle between God and Satan for the humankind soul. The enemy competes with God for our soul. Satan is spiritually wicked; his realm is the mind, Ephesians 6:12. We fight against the spiritual wickedness. We cannot contend physically. Warfare is tricky because we cannot use our fist. We use the most powerful tool, Word of God- Christ Jesus. They rejected Christ Jesus. They rejected me, also. We are the temple of God. The Holy Spirit inside all humankind, but dormant. You will need to repent to make Christ Jesus your Lord the Savior. The Holy Spirit will walk with you, talk with, and lead you into victory. Yet, Satan will destroy you; he will lead into a trap and into hell. We invoke the Lord’s presence only, welcoming and following Him. Evangelist Everybody is supposed to do the work of the evangelist that heralds the Good news of salvation through the works and blood of Christ Jesus. 188

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: The harvest is plenty, laborers-evangelist- are few, Luke 10:12. Some evangelists can lead their children, sisters, or best friend to salvation and others. Work to save is every including in the church. I cannot demand a pulpit because I am not well versed. I lack experience and training. I remember some scriptures. The Holy Spirit unnaturally holds my scriptures and manifests them at the right time. Evangelist goes to distant places to seek the lost. I see writing a book as the work of an evangelist. Written therein is my personal testimony. A book can reach many people and countries with the ability to translate into their personal language. The words and personal experience communicate a message of salvation. I hope that you- the reader- may overcome some obstacle through reading this my book. Think Soberly Faithful With every opportunity, I am the light that shines in dark places. Likewise, Christ Jesus, our Savior, is the Light of the World. I am consciously awake, and I am sober minded. I clearly saw sin inside me. I witness where the Lord slowly delivered me. With every opportunity, I faithfully seek to save others. Writing a book and bible study; the taking on some great endeavors shows an act of confidence in Christ Jesus. Especially, to continuing a higher calling or challenge. Faith is trusting God to do the impossible. For His promised word, that anything is achievable through faith in the blood of Jesus. The Holy Spirit helps achieve goals. Faithful Savior I seek to please and obey the Lord because I trust Him. I know that He is real. Faith knows He exists, even though I never physically saw Him, John 20:29. 189

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I cannot demand or contend for a pulpit by being a pastor because I am not a preacher. The Lord has an open door for us to evangelize. I think of some scriptures; I am not well- versed. The Holy Spirit helps me remember those verses and scriptures that are important to me at the time of need. It is probably different for everybody. Therefore, I needed another way to communicate. The Lord will inquire of our faithful works, James 2:18. Any of humankind can be deceptive and say they have faith. Thus, the Lord will acknowledge faithful works. Out of ordinary or extraordinary work, the act reveals faith. Yet, the bible says, we saved through having faith only, Ephesians 2:8. I want something more, spiritual rewards, as recommended by the scriptures, Revelation 22:12. By having faithful work, I want my life to be on earth as it will be in heaven, Matthew 6:10. This shall happen for walking in faith, trust, and through obedience. I believe those three things are guides, points, and navigation tools to live the life humankind was created live, in the Garden of Eden, Genesis 2:1-25. If there is a belief in the Word of God, you will insist on having faithful works. Faithful works in the Lord should have virtue, integrity, and love. The works should consist of teaching, preaching, miracles, and many more good things. The Lord exhibited these works through His earthly ministry, Romans 3:21-26. For an example of His works read either one of the gospels of Matthew, Luke, Mark or John. Walk with G o d Hebrew 4:10-11, 10 For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.11 Let us labor, therefore, to enter that rest, lest any man falls after the same example of unbelief. My personal journey has developed a personal knowledge of the Lord. To discover Him. To trust Him wholeheartedly. To be healed. I want all the 190

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: benefits available to me, Psalms 103:1-5. When this journey is over, I hope for the promised rest, Hebrews 4:1-16 (KJV). I desire to become more like Him in the end. By the scriptures, I studied God’s strategies, throughout History, to save the world from doom and destruction. He has wonderful and mysterious ways. I understand His strategies and tactics. He Healed Me My biggest healing was in my mind, my thought pattern. The Lord saved me from racing uncontrollable thoughts. Slowly, The Holy Spirit is healing me. I long for greater peace in my mind. I was dumb, stagnated and I often procrastinated. Satan had me bound with supernatural shackles. The Word of God healed me and it comforted me. While studying the scriptures, it kept my mind off unfruitful thoughts. Memorizing scriptures and keeping the mind on what is true helps, Isaiah 26:3 (KJV). In my journey, I am transforming and always in training to be a citizen of heaven, Philippians 3: 20-21. This is crucial. I understand myself before my salvation; I would not have been a right fit for heaven. I am changed, transformed, and saved. I would not have been happy; therefore, Christ Jesus has come and prepared us for God and heaven, Philippians 1:6. Christ Jesus is preparing me faultless to meet with God, Jude 1: 24. He helps us see spiritually and to be sober minded, Romans 12:3. Because the old faithless character, the old man, would not be pleasing to God, Ephesian 4:17- 24. Luke 1:17. The Lost Those who are still lost in darkness are lost in sin. Satan holds the victory over them; he holds them in his grasp. The lost need someone to do for them, the evangelists. It is the duty of all saved to do the great commission, 191

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Matthew 28:16-20. The son of God came to redeem the world, Luke 19:10. He ordered us to duplicate Him; so, we must try to save the lost, John 21:19. We should be imitators of Him because He created us in His image. The Holy Spirit and evangelist were a portion of my salvation and others. The Rain I remember the day the Holy Spirit saved me. I was homeless and the rain poured down on me. Soak and wet, I may have been muddy, another reason, I considered giving up drug use. The rain may have been a sign from heaven because it hardly rains here in California. I wondered, did the Lord make it rain so that the homeless can be motivated to care for themselves enough to stop wandering the streets without a future, a sin. If He restored me from such a past, He would restore anybody. There is no situation too hard for God, Jeremiah 32:17. The Cold I was in a bad place. I had to report to the Probation Department while homeless. At night, I could not sleep because the ground was too cold. I slept when the morning came because of the warm sun. I missed many appointments, which resulted in a warrant. Still, there are homeless shelters and low-priced hotels. Once a staff member asked me to leave the shelter because I accidentally hit the back of a chair someone was sitting. It was the reaction to the drugs. Still, they suffered a drug program there, but I did not l know it at the time. Finally, I was a part of that program after my symbolic wandering; probably why I was not in a shelter? Spending money on drugs is why I could not discover transitional housing. I know my heavenly Father could have prepared a way for me to report, but it was not that severe. I am reaping consequences of jail. Bad weather 192

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: motivated me to quit doing drugs. The Holy Spirit has led me from the cold. God did not create humankind for the outdoors. I hope hot or cold weather; provoke the homeless to seek shelter and help from the Holy Spirit, as well. Lack Maturity Those who are afraid to tell their testimony, lack maturity. Testimonies as to where the Lord has saved them. I hear powerful testimonies of lesbian and homosexual, rehabilitated. If they say, they have not sinned; they are a liar or deceived. All have or had sinful strongholds lives because all have sinned… To share an embarrassing personal testimony is evidence of maturity. Your story may help others go through a similar trial. Your testimony can inspire, save, and encourage and more. This how we help one another, we overcome by our testimony and the blood of the Lamb, Revelation 12:11. I did not want anybody to know I was an ex- drug abuser when I was a babe in Christ. I was so afraid of drugs, I thought somebody would offer me some drugs and I would not refuse. I just did not trust myself. I was attempting to preserve the past in the yesteryear. I was also afraid they would ask me to leave the church because of my past. However, the Lord Himself has forgiven me, after; I repented of sins and confessed Him as Lord and Savior, Romans 10: 9-10. Sinners are brilliant and cunning like their leader the Prince of this universe, Satan. They put on facades and make it seem as if they never made errors. As if they are saying, look at us. Those who are in privileged groups, such as schism, if they have never been through any storm or trial and tribulations, they have a trial of faith coming, 1 Peter 1: 6-9. Although people are great, He never made one Humankind for Him to worship. ‘…every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess God,’ Romans 14:11. He created us for Himself, to 193

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: worship him, and to do His purpose, Colossians 1:16. He forgives sins; thus, we must forgive ourselves forgetting about the past and press forward to victory, Philippians 3:14. Therefore, focus on how the Lord sees us, as forgiven, not as the world regards us as evildoers. A worldly person will remember past mistakes and use them against others. The Lord has forgiven the repentant. He has already defeated the enemy. He prepared a way of escape, yet if it is in death, 1 Corinthians 10:13. Beauty for Ashes My beauty for ashes, Isaiah 61:3. The drugs I used needed a lighter; lighters can burn things to ashes. I used it like a cigarette; the smoke burned the skin on my face. With the fire, doing drugs was like hell. I did not want the fire near my face. I needed help; I did not know how to stop. I did not know where or who to turn. The Holy Spirited intervened and saved me from the fire, a physical hell, Galatians 6:1. Romans 3:23; 1 Timothy 1:15. He created my life new again, Revelation 21:5. From being homeless, the Lord gave me shelter. He blocked off my drug cravings. He opened doors of opportunities for me, the door that met my basic needs and no more. I feel joy, gladness and peace in the place of anxiety, fear, and sorrow. The Lord forgave me, once more. The Worldly may not forgive; it is God in them that forgives. A Choice I can choose to focus on how the Worldly sees me, as a failure, which would make me sad, depressed and brings anxiety. I chose to focus on how the Lord sees me, as forgiven. This gives me joy and gladness. Through His forgiveness, I am walking in my calling, travelling on my predestined journey. I have grown much in wisdom and knowledge. 194

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: O n Salvation To gain salvation, a sinner must repent from sin. The sinner must be aware, acknowledge, and agree with their sins. They can read the scriptures that all humankind are sinners, Romans 3:23. The repentant may not practice sin, but may have the propensity to commit sinful acts. Through repentance, the Lord will forgive and remove sins far away, Psalms 103:11-14. Redemption is a tedious operation. In that, we do not walk over each other. The progress of spiritual transformation is always slow. We are to have patience, long suffering, Galatians 5:22-23. We transform from the old man a sinner to become the new man sinless, transforming more like the Lord, 1 John 3:2. It means becoming wiser and more knowledgeable. Spiritual Gifts and Callings The Lord has spiritual gifts and important calling for all, 1 Corinthians 12; Ephesians 4:1-16. I have the gift of discernment; everyone seems to have this gift. The gift of love, etiquettes, and good manners. My vocation is Clergy person. I however do not know the duties of the Clergy. I had an experience as an usher and asked to usher, I was not ready, and so I declined. My gifts may be different from others. All may do the evangelizing work of the Great Commission, Matthew 28: 16-20. The most popular church duties are preacher, teachers, and pastors just to name the few, Ephesians 4:11. The choir and usher are wonderful callings. The scriptures do not name all Christian vocations. Heavenly Reward To enter heaven, we must be obedient and trusting like children, John 3:3- 8. We must be allegorically born again through the water baptism and filled with the Holy Spirit. I have experienced heaven in dreams and visions. I long 195

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: to be in heaven for eternity. There will be no more sickness, destruction, pain and grim. I hope for a peace of mind. For me, no more obsessive thinking. In church, I control thought through church attendance, worship and praise. Greater Vision The Lord has bidden sinners to come out of the darkness for salvation and blessings. To bear witness to His wondrous miracles, give testimonies. To fulfill church obligations. Most joyful to praise and worship Him. A Journey A spiritual journey is available to whoever desires to take part. Once the challenging journey is completed, awards are paid. There is no greater reward for simple tasks other than salvation through faith. We must harvest the fruits of our labor. To have the trust and determination, persevere and be firm. A decision on which road to take must be made. The narrow road or the broad road, Matthew 7:13-14. The conclusion, which is an allegorical road to journey. The options: the road that leads to Christ Jesus and heaven or the road that leads to Satan and hell. Whom will you follow! The Journey is a calling to follow God’s Son. The Holy Spirit will give you a vision; the vision will seem easy; however, nothing is easy. Nevertheless, it is attainable and reachable. Respond to the Holy Spirit calling, straight off and claim the vision. Pen your vision down and make it simple to understand, Habakkuk 2:2. This writing can be your blueprint or keep it alive in your memory. However, a pilgrim’s journey is not gentle, but at the completion, you will get to a heavenly destination. M y Parabolic Journey This is a written portrait of my spiritual journey in parabolic format. My parabolic journey is a contrast beside my real-life journey. They are terribly similar; it is a phenomenon. 196

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: The Parable of the Fork in the Road I was at a branch in the road, wondering which route I should travel. One road was wide, but complete darkness, the other road was narrow, but it shone a tiny golden light in the distance, John 8:12. I chose the dark and wide road because it appeared easier. Later, running down the wide road, I realized I was not getting anywhere because there was no progress. I might have chosen the wrong road, I realized. Therefore, I detoured and went back to the beginning, the fork in the road choice. I started another journey from the beginning. I was traveling down the narrow road with a tiny light in the distance. I was uncertain if I was doing the right thing, I decided to give up. “No one, having put his hand to the plow and looking backwards, is fit for the kingdom of God,” said the Holy Spirit, Luke 9:62. ‘Not fit for the kingdom, but the kingdom could well be heaven, I pondered’; Therefore, I continued onwards towards the light, Revelation 22:16. I was moving forward; nonetheless, the terrain in which I was traveling was getting harder, there were rough roads; hills to climb; and steep valleys to descend. Therefore, I decided to give up. Once more, the Holy Spirit encouraged me by whispering, “You can do all things through Christ that strengthens, Philemon 4:13. Therefore, I continue to press forward. The more I walked forwards the light got more brilliant. I was coming nearer to the finish. My adrenaline kicked in, the light motivated me, and I was making great progress. When I eventually arrived at my goal, I recognized that the light that shone was the Lord. The light was approximately (200) foot doorway, an entrance to heaven. I stood face-to-face with God/Christ Jesus, at the closing of the road my final journey. Nevertheless, because I came empty-handed without anything, my journey was incomplete. The Lord explained to me that I did not bring valuable items. This situation is like the parable of the ‘wise and foolish virgins,’ Matthew 25. I had passed 197

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: by valuables that I could have brought to Him. Such as foliage, plants and flowers. Oils come from plants; flowers smell beautiful, the smell brings joy and gladness. The foliage used as decoration and more. Plants as herbs used as medicine. There is a balm in Gilead, Jeremiah 8:22, 46:11 and 51:8. Once more, I recognized the journey completed, but inaccurately. I wanted to give up, but the reward was too great, heaven; therefore, I started over for the third time. Once again, I was walking towards the light. I already knew the brightness was the entranceway to heaven, this time. The journey did not get easier. Once again, I considered giving up. However, the Holy Spirit whispered, “… but with God all are possible, Matthew 19:26. Yes, with God, I can do this journey, I remembered. The scripture assured me that I could make it to the finish line, accurately. Knowing at the end of the tedious journey, I would reach a heavenly resting place, Hebrews 4. Knowing this made walking the road easier, Hebrews 4. Nothing in life is easy; therefore, never give up on anything that is going to propel you forward to success, especially nearer to God. This was a parabolic look at my Christian struggles. The problems and challenges I face while writing, herein. Everybody’s personal journey may be slightly different because there still should be struggles. A journey could be training, studying or writing. One may study for an athletic competing or a study for a college degree or writing fiction or nonfiction books and more options. The rewards are great. Most importantly, we are never alone in our journey, the Lord’s Holy Spirit dwells inside humankind, this way He can strengthen and encourage us from within, as we go on our spiritual journey, John 14: 16-26. The Lord is with us, He, Himself, is the Word, John.1:1. I witness, He is counseling me now as I write. He speaks using the Holy Bible scriptures and verses and other infinite ways. Memorized the scriptures, the words will save, heal and bring you joy; they gave me a peaceful mind, just to name a few. 198

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: The same way I have helped, encouraged, and counseled, throughout the writing of the bible. Yet, doing so is the basic duties as an evangelist. He Communicates When I first started writing my book, I had only a couple of words on the page, for each individual memoir I included in this book. I could not write a paragraph or a sentence more and the Holy Spirit reminded me of the Parable of the mustard seed. The mustard seed is the smallest but grows extremely large, Mark 4:30-32. I saw I could allegorically grow my book from three pages to over one hundred pages. In conclusion, do not be shocked how great or who you are in Christ Jesus. He has called you for a reason, your life matters and it is important. Get ahead; choose a faithful journey with God by reading throughout the Holy Bible. You will find your genuine potential and calling. With God you can do all He has called you to be and to do, wonderfully. Mystery of Journey Matthew 6:12, Thy kingdom comes, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. My personal journey is writing, this responsibility has been bafling and intimidating. I often wanted to give up, but the Holy Spirit would always encourage me through the scriptures and verses. It is impossible to pass up, a journey, while walking with God, Matthew 1:23. Nothing worthwhile is easy all the time. My fork in the road for my book was whether to write fiction or nonfiction. Fable, I comprehend, would be comfortable because I can create an infinite of things from fantasy. I would not have to drive myself to remember or wait on the Holy Spirit to convey to remembrance. Further, the scriptures teach us to think about the truth, and I needed to memorize 199

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: the scriptures; Therefore, I write the truth, Philippians 4:8. Being a babe in Christ, I needed to meditate daily on the truth and the Word of God. After attempting to write a fiction, Christian romance. I stopped because it was fruitless. Fiction was like the wide road; it had no deep salvation values. Therefore, like the Parable of the fork in the road, I started writing about my holy experiences, a work of nonfiction. I see non-fiction as the narrow road. I also thought writing non- fiction would be easy, but it is not. Which is why it is the road less traveled. I did not distinctly recall all the details; nevertheless, it stalled my writing. Yet, I continued by doing something else that benefitted my writing like reading, grammar books and taking online grammar classes. The Holy Spirit brought the occurrences back to my recollection. When I began to give up writing, the Holy Spirit would utter motivational scriptures. Such as, you can do all things through Christ Jesus and more. Although, fiction is false. I am not saying it is right or wrong. When we create and invent, we are being more like God. He created us in His image; therefore, we should create as well. He created heaven and the earth and us. He is also a writer, the author and finisher of our faith, Hebrews 5:9- 12:2. I was not ready to create fiction. I had a nonfiction story to recount, a faithful mission to finish. The Contrast The Mystery of the parable of the fork in the road parable to me was about choices, struggles, and challenges of my writing. The two contrasted journeys. The narrow road and the writing. I did not complete my journey accurately, said Christ. The same way I did not write without errors. At the beginning, I left out many significant details. Such as, like in the parable, I left out useful resources and scriptures compared to, plants, seeds, and flowers. Therefore, I had to redo both journeys; the reality journey and the parable journey because of things 200

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I did not bring. Plants were important because oils come from plants. Church leaders anoint with oils. I started over to add scriptures and added important details. Symbolic to the valuable plants the Lord asked me to go back and bring. The reader may want to research what I have written, the verses are proof of what I am saying are possible. The readers may have dificulty understanding my testimonies, I had to edit from the beginning; the Lord made me start from the beginning. The same way Christ judged me, at the end the journey. The reader will evaluate my writing. I started over because readers may have wanted my writing to answer more questions and include more information. The same way Christ wanted me to bring something else convenient. The plants were laying on the side of the parabolic road, free; all I needed to do was grab them. The bible is here, all I needed to do was find scriptures, cut and paste. Simple! Once again, I started over to edit many times that I have lost count. The more I start over, the better it reads. Another time, I had started over. I did not know grammar, so I had to stop writing and take grammar classes. Another contrast between writing and the parable; the process of writing and the rough rocky uncomfortable roads. Writing is also uncomfortable for me because of my lack of grammar skills and discouraging mistakes. At the end of my journey, I reached the light, heaven. I expect a similar heavenly rest, and relaxation, Hebrews 4: 3-5. He will make my enemy be at peace with me, Proverbs 16:7. A new chapter in my life, the newness of life. In which road are you travelling! Make it the correct road, the worthwhile journey/road with great and heavenly rewards. O n e with Christ A phenomenon, I am one with Christ in many ways. Christ Jesus came to this World alone, as a babe. When we join the church, we are babes in 201

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Christ. I attend church alone. Christ Jesus came to this world alone. Christ came to save humankind, and I have a calling to do likewise. The same way Christ stayed on the cross, until death. I stayed at the church and endured torment, for a year. I did not see the connection between the Lord’s martyrdom and me while tormented. I stood still and let the Lord fight the battles, Exodus 14:13. Embarrassed because of rejection of churchgoers. The same way, Christ Jesus rejected and despised, but He endured the shame, Hebrews 12: 1-2. Christ Jesus remained nailed to the cross, the same way I could have easily gotten up and walked out of those churches, and never gone back, but I stayed until my time was up never losing faith in the Word. My hand felt like my hand bones were going to reduce into powder within split seconds. Like nails hammered through Christ’s hands. Our hands were aflicted. My stigmata! The same way Christ Jesus eventually died on the cross at Mt. Calvary, I similarly died of being a member of those churches of torment. Christ Jesus is sitting at God’s right. Churches are allegorically heaven and are like being at Christ Jesus right hand. I am still alive, vibrant with life. Christ Jesus is also alive, but only, as the Holy Spirit. Although I stopped going to the church as the results of torment, thanks be to Christ, I do not have to go astray, 1 Peter 2:25. The Holy Spirit dwells in us and we have access to Him (24/7). If a church made with hands fails us, we have another church built without hands that can succeed us, Acts 17:24-28. If we learn the bible, we do not need to depend on others to preach the Bible to us, through memorizing the Holy Bible; we possess a direct course of communication with God. I have forgiven because I want Christ Jesus has forgiven me, Luke 23:34. I send God’s blessing, prayers, and forgiveness to those churches. Christ is the Chief Cornerstone, a very important person, Mark 12:10. I will be important in salvation, Lord willing. We partake in the sociable rejection, 202

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: stigmata. I discovered it took me almost three months to summon up enough courage to go to a different church between churches. Christ arose on the third day, as well, 1 Corinthians 15:4. What happened to me was just the bitter cup I allegorically had to drink in my life, my share of anguish by the hands of bitter people, Mark 14:36. We all should have our share of woe, trials and tribulations. I have experienced something evil from strangers. We can abide by His example and pledge the same cup of torment as Him, for greater faithful blessings, Mark 10: 35- 39; John 18:11. May your personal church experience bring you much happiness and delight, in Jesus name! Faith and peace be with you, Romans 4:17. Understanding of Salvation Faith Faith comes hearing and knowing the Word of God. Christ Jesus is also the Word. He is the Living Bible and it centers on His existence. I was better acquainted with church attendance and reading the bible. My first experience with Christ Jesus was not from church, but I encountered Him through my faithful grandmother when I was a toddler or Pre- kindergartener. Faith is perfect; it grows, but slowly. Faith is just like a seed it needs symbolic water. Faith germinates, sprouts, and grows large. Reading the Word of God daily is symbolical water, Mark 4:30-32. Faith is to consider an invisible God exists without seeing Him, it is a hope and trust, Hebrews 11:6. Faith is putting unconditional trust in God and His Word. Believing that He is with you although you do not see Him, John 20:29. Faith knows He is watching over you and taking care of your every need and not every greed. T w o Types Faith There are two main faiths, mature and babe faith. In my babe faith, I hoped there was a God. I never read the bible for me. I was waiting like 203

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