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CONTENTSGENERAL INFORMATION ............................... i Marital and Family Therapy .............. 116 Rehabilitation Counseling................. 118CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND POLICE SCIENCE .... 1 Sex Education, Counseling ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION......... 1 and Therapy..................................... 122 CORRECTIONS ......................................... 12 EDUCATION AND TRAINING..................... 13 SOCIAL WORK....................................... 122 EXPLOSIVES/FIRE SCIENCE........................ 27 HUMAN RELATIONS ................................. 29 Child and Family Services ................. 126 Social Work in Health Care............... 127 SOCIOLOGY .......................................... 129INVESTIGATION AND FORENSICSCIENCES ................................................ 35 EDUCATION AND SPECIAL EDUCATION ... 131JUVENILE JUSTICE .................................... 44 EDUCATION ........................................... 131LAW AND POLITICAL SCIENCE ................. 45 Early Childhood Education ............... 131SECURITY AND PRIVATE INVESTIGATION .... 48 Elementary and Secondary Education......................................... 131SOCIOLEGAL ISSUES ................................ 54 Reading ........................................... 135TERRORISM AND DISASTERMANAGEMENT........................................ 56 Higher Education ............................. 136TRAFFIC ................................................... 62 Research and Statistics ..................... 139WEAPONS ............................................... 66 COUNSELING AND PSYCHOLOGY IN THE SCHOOLS ................................... 140BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES............................... 67 EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOLOGY............. 67 AND PHILOSOPHY ................................. 141 Administration .................................. 70 Alcohol and Drug Studies................... 70 PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT ....... 144 Assessment and Measurement ........... 72 Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology..... 74 Leisure ............................................. 144 Hypnosis ............................................ 79 Occupational Psychology and Safety... 80 SPECIAL EDUCATION ............................. 145 Blind and the Visually Impaired......... 150 Learning Disabled............................. 151 Mentally Disabled Students/ Developmentally Disabled ................ 152Psychotherapy and Counseling........... 81 SPEECH-LANGUAGE AND HEARING......... 154Creative Therapies.............................. 87 AUDIOLOGY .......................................... 154Crisis Intervention and Suicide.......... 114CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • CONTENTS | iii
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CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND POLICE SCIENCEADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION THE TRUTH ABOUT SUPERVISIONCoaching, Teamwork, Interviewing, Appraisals,360° Assessments, Delegation, and Recognition (2nd Ed.)By Anne O’Brien CarelliThis book was created for new and experienced recognizing and rewarding employees, even in a © 2010supervisors who need realistic information about tight economy. The examples are from a variety 250 pp., (7 x 10)how to carry out some of the principal tasks of a of workplaces and provide important informationsupervisor. Based on true-to-life experiences, the for supervisors in manufacturing plants and large 33 il.chapters are written in a question-and-answer industrial organizations; criminal and law enforce- (Includes CD ROM containing 33format for quick answers to supervisory problems. ment agencies; healthcare, rehabilitation and spe-Each chapter includes self-assessment tools for ap- cial education facilities; government agencies; be- Self-Assessment Tools)plying the information in the chapters. The book havioral and biomedical science programs; schoolscan be used as a reference for working supervisors, and post-secondary institutions; and businesses of paper | $44.95and as a text for students and employees prepar- any size. Self-Assessment Tools that give super- 978-0-398-07959-8ing to supervise. This informative book discusses visors the opportunity to check on their skills arecoaching employees; conducting job interviews included in the book and provided on a CD. Su- ebook | $44.95that are informative and fair; designing and im- pervisors can use the self-assessment tools to plan 978-0-398-08348-9plementing teamwork; comfortably delegating for coaching and delegation, evaluate interviewing\I[S[ \W MUXTWaMM[# KIZZaQVO W]\ MٺMK\Q^M XMZNWZ- skills, assess communication and appraisal skills, and review the elements of successful teamwork.UIVKMIXXZIQ[IT[QVKT]LQVOI[[M[[UMV\[#IVLMENTORING IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROFESSIONS Conveyance of the CraftBy Frank A. ColapreteThe tradition of moving from one job to another and systems in the varied criminal justice profes- © 2009in the criminal justice profession with the belief sions of law enforcement, corrections, probation, 310 pp., (7 x 10)that on departure a new person will be brought and parole environments are discussed, includingin to assume the duties of his or her predeces- the groundwork for a sustainable program of paper | $47.95 mentorship. Filled with comprehensive and crit- 978-0-398-07865-2[WZQ[IZKPIQKIVLQVMٺMK\Q^M1\Q[ZIZM\WZMXTIKM ical information, this text provides personal ex-[WUMWVMIVLPI^M\PMJMVMÅ\WN PQ[WZPMZKW]V- amples of successful mentoring and exercises to ebook | $47.95sel and experience in learning the nuances of the bring the concept to practice and thereby assist 978-0-398-07989-5job and its responsibilities. Mentoring provides a with the transfer of learning. Precepts are pre-framework, whether informal or formal, to inter- sented, which involves the positive and negativeact, support, transfer knowledge, and guide the to aspects of mentoring, and the insight to preventthe desired goal. This book provides a blueprint loss of valuable knowledge and experience thatof mentoring theory and practice, testing, evalu- transitions out the door when it is most needed.ation, research, and a knowledge of what works This book is a must read by all who seek and re-and what does not that will strengthen both the ceive promotions and those who hold positions ofemployee and the employer far beyond most oth- trust and responsibility in an types of training and development that are of-fered. Methods to develop mentoring programsCALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION | 1
OPERATIONAL MID-LEVEL MANAGEMENT FOR POLICE (4th Ed.) By John L. Coleman <PMNWKITXI\\MZVWN \PQ[\P-LIQU[\WXZW^QLM in many respects but yet very familiar to contem- not only a framework from which a majority of porary innovative leadership teachings. The text police management ideas and theories germinate has advanced beyond the traditional and ordinary but their environmental development as well. The to introduce some psychological and managerial text expertly delineates the practical application theories not typically applied to secondary lead- of middle management in its many forms. The ers. The contextual content of this text is aimed “author has expanded the at operational behavior© 2012 content of this fourth The author has expand- of mid-level second-468 pp., (7 x l0) edition to enhance its ary police leaders to31 il. attain desired perfor- requirements as a must- ed the content of this fourth mance of line workersebook | $64.95 read book for opera- through interactive978-0-398-08712-8 tional mid-level police edition to enhance its require- IVL[XMKQÅKITTaNWK][ML management. The ad- ments as a must-read book fordition of the aspects of management actions. An acute awareness foundational leadership operational mid-level policestandards and standard- of personal self is also addressed as a prime ization moves the book management. ”to the forefront of police factor in a secondary leader’s ability to direct management resources. and control the behav- The book is clearly writ- iors of others. Readers \MV _Q\P I LaVIUQK ÆW_ of leadership information that will expand the of this book should perceive a growth in their knowledge of its readers. The updated text is craft- overall leadership skills and a better awareness of ed with judicious knowledge and a point of focus PW_PQ[WZPMZW_VXMZ[WVITQ\aQVÆ]MVKM[\PM_WZS for clarity of information and useful, practical environment, as well as how the work atmosphere IXXTQKI\QWV [XMKQÅKITTa \W UQLTM^MT XWTQKM UIV- WZ MV^QZWVUMV\ IٺMK\[ \PM RWJ XMZNWZUIVKM WN agers. The content of the book is non-traditional functional personnel. THE POLICE OFFICER’S GUIDE TO CIVIL LIABILITY By Carl J. Franklin .WZ \PM ÅZ[\ \QUM I KWUXZMPMV[Q^M \M`\ PI[ rise, we can no longer ignore the need to educate brought together the major topics concerning po- ourselves against the threat of civil liability. This lice liability. It is written from the perspective of a JWWSIK\[I[IZWILUIXWN JI[QK\ZIQVQVO\WÅVL ten-year police veteran - written by a cop for cops. the way through the labyrinth of our civil justice It will help the average cop understand and cope system. No other book attacks the problem of un- with a frightening area© 1993 of today’s society, as derstanding the grow-298 pp., (7 x 10) ing theories of police18 il. Whether used in a collegewell as help current and civil liability. Whether used in a college class-ebook | $52.95 future police adminis- room, academy, or978-0-398-08214-7 “classroom, academy, or personaltrators under stand how personal library, this is library, this is must readingto deal with civil liabili- must reading for every \a<WLIa¼[XWTQKMWٻKMZ is twenty times more XWTQKM WٻKMZ _WZS- ing today. Those who NWZM^MZaXWTQKMWٻKMZ_WZSQVOlikely to be sued than to arm themselves in this knowledge area can be shot. Yet, the average survive the horrendous attacks by money-hun- today.XWTQKM WٻKMZ PI[ ZM- ceived a hundred times ”UWZM \ZIQVQVO WV ÅZM arms use than in learning how to protect oneself gry litigants and will be better prepared to lead the from the civil lawsuit. With the number of lawsuits law enforcement community into the next century. IOIQV[\QVLQ^QL]ITWٻKMZ[IVLLMXIZ\UMV\[WV\PM2 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
COMMON SENSE POLICE SUPERVISION Practical Tips for the First-Line Leader (6th Ed.) By Gerald W. GarnerRevised, updated, and expanded, this practical \Z]M TMILMZ[PQX# \PM ^Q\IT RWJ I[ IV M^IT]I\WZ © 2018hands-on book is packed full of step-by-step guide- of employee performance, discipline in the cor- 362 pp., (7 x 10)lines and suggestions for carrying out a multitude rection process, oral and written communicationof leadership tasks and responsibilities focused skills; (5) the skills needed when dealing with the paper | $49.95on a changing work force that serves an equally news media; (6) assistance in planning a career 978-0-398-09230-6changing and complex society. While emphasizingthe real value of common sense in good leadership I[ I ÅZ[\TQVM TMILMZ QV []XMZ^Q[QWV# \PM [SQTT[ ebook | $49.95practices, the author furnishes the aspiring novice 978-0-398-09231-3 VMKM[[IZa NWZ MٺMK\Q^M KW]V[MTQVO# UIVIOQVOWZ ^M\MZIV XWTQKM []XMZ^Q[WZ _Q\P [XMKQÅK IL^QKMon how to train, counsel, inspect, discipline, and M`\MZVIT IVL QV\MZVIT KWUXTIQV\[# ! IV MٺMK\Q^Massess the performance of his or her subordinates. role in community policing and customer service;He strives to help the supervisor with the vital IVL MٺMK\Q^M TMILMZ[PQX WN LQٺMZMV\ OMVMZI-obligations of being a planner, a problem resolu- tions. Each chapter concludes with a brief “Points to Remember” that provides a quickly-read and\QWVWٻKMZIVLMٺMK\Q^MKWUU]VQKI\WZ_Q\PQVI[ easily remembered checklist of the chapter’s sa-well as outside the law enforcement organization. lient points. The sixth edition furnishes manyMajor topics include: (1) what supervision means more practical, helpful, and real-life examplesand what you need to know; (2) supervisory ethics, XMZ\IQVQVO \W TMILMZ[PQX Q[[]M[ 1\ WٺMZ[ I ZMITQ[-professional responsibilities as a teacher, inspector, tic approach to the challenging task of providingIL^WKI\MIVLZWTMUWLMT#\PMSMaY]ITQ\QM[WN [\ZWVOMٺMK\Q^MTMILMZ[PQX\WNZWV\TQVMMUXTWaMM[ in a dynamic, demanding profession.“ The sixth edition furnishes many more practical, helpful, and re-ITTQNMM`IUXTM[XMZ\IQVQVO\WTMILMZ[PQXQ[[]M[1\WٺMZ[IZMITQ[\QKIX-XZWIKP\W\PMKPITTMVOQVO\I[SWN XZW^QLQVO[\ZWVOMٺMK\Q^MTMILMZ[PQX”to front-line employees in a dynamic, demanding profession. A STUDY GUIDE FOR COMMON SENSE POLICE SUPERVISION Practical Tips for the First-Line Leader (6th Ed.) By Gerald W. GarnerThis comprehensive study guide is intended to questions is in multiple-choice format where the © 2018be a companion for the Sixth Edition of Com- reader chooses the single best answer for each 130 pp., (7 x 10)mon Sense Police Supervision. It was developed question. The answers for each section followto help readers and students test their knowledge at the end of each chapter along with the corre- comb | $26.95of the contents of the nineteen chapter text. It sponding page numbers from the text where the 978-0-398-09232-0also was fashioned to help the promotional stu- subject is discussed. This is exceptionally usefuldent ready him or herself for an examination as an additional learning tool. If used along with ebook | $26.95based on the book. A summary of the contents the book, the guide should increase the reader’s 978-0-398-09233-7of each chapter is provided at the beginning of comprehension and retention of the materialeach of this guide’s nineteen sections. The sum- found in the text. In addition, this study guidemary is followed by a series of questions designed can also be an invaluable teaching instrument forto test and reinforce the reader’s knowledge and instructors.understanding of the chapter. Each of the guide’sCALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION | 3
BASIC HANDBOOK OF © 2016 LEADING COPS POLICE SUPERVISION 238 pp., (7 x 10) Decision-Making for the A Practical Guide for Law Law Enforcement Leader Enforcement Supervisors paper | $37.95 978-0-398-09099-9 By Gerald W. Garner By Gerald W. Garner ebook | $37.95 <PMX]ZXW[MWN \PQ[JWWSQ[\WXZW^QLM\PMÅZ[\TQVMTMILMZ © 2014 | 200 pp., (7 x 10) 978-0-398-09100-2 with practical, time-proven guidance for making decisions that range from the seemingly mundane to the life-criti- paper | $32.95 | 978-0-398-08760-9 cal. The text emphasizes the importance of common sense ebook | $32.95 | 978-0-398-08782-1 IXXTQML \W [W]VL LMKQ[QWVUISQVO IVL XZW^QLM[ \PM ÅZ[\ line leader with the insight, experience, talents, and skills toThis handbook provides reliable guid- UMM\[XMKQÅKKPITTMVOM[<PMNWTTW_QVO\WXQK[IZMNMI\]ZML\"IVKM WV _PI\ \W LW VM`\ IVL WٺMZ[ why decision-making is important; assessing your people;practical, no-frills advice about what to employee grievances and fair decisions; setting a gooddo to counter the day-to-day challenges example; making decisions concerning employee perfor-and outright calamities that make up the mance; disciplinary decision-making; troubled employeesÅZ[\TQVM TMILMZ¼[ _WZS TQNM 8MZPIX[ M^MV and compassionate decision-making; identifying high-riskUWZM QUXWZ\IV\ Q\ WٺMZ[ \QUMXZW^MV JMPI^QWZ#SMMXQVOaW]ZWٻKMZ[ITQ^M#\IK\QKITLMKQ[QWVUIS-recommendations on how to prevent a ing; decision-making in critical incidents; handling mediabothersome situation from escalating into MVKW]V\MZ[# PW_ \W Å` KWUU]VQKI\QWV JZMISLW_V[# []Z-KZQ[Q[XZWXWZ\QWV[QV\PMÅZ[\XTIKM1\_QTT ^Q^QVO\PMLQٻK]T\JW[[IVL_PI\aW]Z[]XMZ^Q[WZM`XMK\[#prove equally useful to the veteran, nov- surviving an organization’s politics; making decisions whenice or future law enforcement supervisor. unsure of yourself; and making career plans. This book willIts sound advice will help him retain his be useful as a learning tool for those interested in preparingemotional as well as physical and moral themselves for law enforcement supervisory or manage-health in a real-world environment that ment positions, policymakers, and police academies.seems to become more challenging everyday. It will help him to lead and bring his © 2010 POLICE CHIEF 101people to share his practices and beliefs 284 pp., (7 x 10) Practical Advice for the Lawin doing a very critical job the right way.Just as it should be, the handbook is short paper | $42.95 Enforcement Leaderon theory and long on “how to” advice. It 978-0-398-07938-3is literally a resource that the supervisor By Gerald W. Garnercan tuck into an equipment bag or other- ebook | $42.95wise keep close at hand. Meanwhile, the 978-0-398-07978-9 Based on forty years of extensive experience, the authorhandbook will assist the law enforcement draws on current knowledge to provide a thorough over-leader in working well with his own boss view of the highs and lows of the job. The book providesand planning his own career. There is practical, common sense advice for doing the multitudeno job description in the world quite like WN RWJ[\PMKPQMN NIKM[_Q\PMٺMK\Q^MVM[[IVLMٻKQMVKa1\\PI\ WN ÅZ[\TQVM TI_ MVNWZKMUMV\ JW[[ furnishes sound advice intended to help the chief retain<PMRWJQ[I[]VQY]MI[Q\Q[LQٻK]T\IVL his physical, emotional and ethical health while leading avital to the success of any successful po- professional law enforcement agency. Chapter topics in-lice organization. clude advice on taking control of the police department and setting the agenda in place, emphasizing the extreme importance of role modeling the behavior that the chief expects of his people, the requirements for a productive re- TI\QWV[PQX_Q\P\PMKPQMN ¼[\WX[\IٺM`XTWZQVO\PMU]T\QNIK- eted relationship a chief has with his employees, guidelines for managing relations with the various factions that make up the community, getting along with the boss, discipline and the role of the chief in this vital process, deciding on a course of action when things go wrong, the death of a XWTQKM WٻKMZ WٻKMZQV^WT^ML [PWW\QVO[ UQ[KWVL]K\ IVL a good working relationship with the media. This resource will be invaluable to all law enforcement professionals, pol- icymakers, and police academics.4 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
© 2010 THE ASSESSMENT CENTER POLICE AUDITING238 pp., (8 1/2 x 11) HANDBOOK FOR POLICE Theories and Practices64 il. AND FIRE PERSONNEL (2nd Ed.)spiral | $39.95978-0-398-07948-2 (3rd Ed.) By Allan Y. Jiaoebook | $39.95 By Charles D. Hale © 2015 | 220 pp., (7 x 10), 1 il., 6 tables978-0-398-08448-6 Assessment centers continue to be widely used as the pre- paper | $39.95 | 978-0-398-09075-3 ferred and accepted manner of evaluating potential mem- ebook | $39.95 | 978-0-398-09076-0 JMZ[WN XWTQKMIVLÅZMLMXIZ\UMV\[I[IXIZ\WN \PMQZ[\IV- LIZLQbMLXZWUW\QWVITM`IUQVI\QWVXZWKM[[<PQ[ZL-L Police auditing merits the attention of of this most successful book expands upon the concepts both practitioners and academicians for IVLXZQVKQXTM[WN \PMÅZ[\\_WMLQ\QWV[IVLQV\ZWL]KM[VM_ two primary reasons. First, police audit- innovations. Chapters have been extensively edited and ing meets the need of police administra- reformatted. New sections have been added covering the \WZ[\WSVW_IJW]\\PMMKWVWUaMٻKQMV- tactical EMS problem and public education exercises. An KaIVLMٺMK\Q^MVM[[WN \PMQZWZOIVQbI\QWV entirely new chapter, “Best Practices in Assessment Cen- and operations. Second, it provides an ter Exercises,” provides many examples of how candidates important mechanism for the public and KIVIKPQM^M[]XMZQWZXMZNWZUIVKMQVUIVaLQٺMZMV\SQVL[ Q\[MTMK\MLWٻKQIT[\WN]TÅTT\PMQZW^MZ[QOP\ WN I[[M[[UMV\M`MZKQ[M[)VILLQ\QWVITVM_[MK\QWVWٺMZ[ responsibilities. This book provides a opportunities for incorporating advancing technologies in comprehensive examination of theories, I[[M[[UMV\ KMV\MZ XZWOZIU[ <PM \M`\ KWV\QV]M[ \W WٺMZ standards, procedures, applications, and QV^IT]IJTMQV[QOP\KWVKMZVQVO\PMZMTQIJQTQ\aKW[\MٺMK\Q^M- evaluations of police audits to allow the ness, and objective methods for the selection of candidates reader to obtain a detailed understand- for higher appointments. A substantial appendix provides QVOWN LQٺMZMV\I[XMK\[IVL\aXM[WN XW- many valuable resource tools, including exercise plans, lice audits and apply the principles of typical schedules, candidate evaluation and assessor feed- auditing and data collection to various JIKSNWZU[ZWWUKWVÅO]ZI\QWV[IVLNMMLJIKSY]M[\QWV- police programs. The book is aimed at naires. The text continues to be the authoritative source three types of readers. First, it provides for assessment center administrators. police executives and managers with a timely and necessary understanding of© 1999 THE SWAT CYCLOPEDIA police auditing as they conduct budget162 pp., (8 1/2 x 11) A Handy Desk Reference of Terms, reviews and organizational diagnoses.121 il. Second, it serves as a valuable source of Techniques, and Strategies information for auditors and researchersebook | $34.95 Associated with the Police Special who are either charged with the respon-978-0-398-08343-4 sibility to perform police audits directly Weapons and Tactics Function or engaged in evaluating audited police programs. Third, students in criminal jus- By Richard A. Haynes \QKMXZWOZIU[_QTTJMVMÅ\NZWU\PQ[JWWS in courses that address research methods As SWAT has become more established within the police and police accountability issues. community, a certain language and jargon has also evolved with it. THE SWAT CYCLOPEDIA has been developed as a basic reference for this terminology as well as other state-of- the-art information associated with the police special weap- ons and tactics function. Within this source is a wide range of technical data pertaining to the tactical topics of train- ing, equipment, deployment, operational strategies, slang, quotes, helpful hints and historical details, along with scores of other informative features. It will be of interest to police WٻKMZ[I[[QOVML\WI;?)<\MIUI[_MTTI[\W\PW[MQVLQ- viduals who are interested in tactical response operations and what is involved in this law enforcement function. The manual encompasses certain administrative considerations that pertain to the organization and management of an agency’s SWAT program, and therefore, it is also designed to provide particular assistance to the tactical commander seeking solutions or to the law enforcement executive who may be planning the incorporation of a special weapons and tactics unit within his or her agency.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION | 5
IMPROVING POLICE © 2006 PATROL RESPONSE TO RESPONSE TO PERSONS 272 pp., (8 x 10) CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS WITH MENTAL ILLNESS 86 il. Enhancing Performance of First Responders Through Knowledge A Progressive Approach paper | $35.95 978-0-398-07657-3 and Experience By Thomas J. Jurkanin, Larry T. Hoover, ebook | $35.95 By John A. Kolman 978-0-398-08466-0 & Vladimir A. Sergevnin 8WTQKMWٻKMZ[\WLIaIZM\I[SML_Q\PIVM`\ZIWZLQVIZaIVLLQ- ^MZ[M[M\WN KPITTMVOM[QV\PMÅMTLZMY]QZQVOI^IZQM\aWN KWZM© 2007 | 206 pp., (7 x 10), 21 il., 17 tables competencies. To successfully accomplish their daily missions, VW\ WVTa LW XWTQKM WٻKMZ[ VMML \W JM \MKPVQKITTa XZWÅKQMV\ paper | $41.95 | 978-0-398-07778-5 IVLXPa[QKITTaÅ\\PMaIT[WVMML\WPI^MIV]V][]ITTaJZWIL ebook | $41.95 | 978-0-398-09021-0 base of knowledge in a wide variety of subjects, from law to ÅZ[\IQLIVL\IK\QK[-IKPKPIX\MZQV\PQ[\M`\JWWSILLZM[[M[The Ghostbusters refrain “Who you gon- QUXWZ\IV\LQ^MZ[MIVLM^WT^QVO[SQTT[M\[\PI\\PMXI\ZWTWٻKMZna call?” typically connotes a lighthearted must possess in order to protect the public, reduce risk andresponse to an unusual problem, but in maximize success during every encounter. Of particular in-\PM KWV\M`\ WN I P]UIV JMQVO []ٺMZQVO terest are some of the new and evolving threats and responsesa mental health crisis, the refrain is any- to critical incidents that once again have broadened the scopething but lighthearted. In an ideal world, WN ZM[XWV[QJQTQ\a WN \PM XI\ZWT WٻKMZ 6M_ \PZMI\[ []KP I[“who you gonna call” would be a trained “mobile shooters” in a large geographic area and terroristsmental health professional. In the real acts utilizing weapons of mass destruction, call for immedi-world, the cry for help is usually received I\MIK\QWVLZQTT[IVL]VQY]MXI\ZWTWٻKMZZM[XWV[M[\PI\WVTaby the police. Police respond because recently have become part of police academy and in-service\PMZMQ[VWWVMMT[M\WI[[Q[\8WTQKMWٻKMZ[ \ZIQVQVO<PM6I\QWVIT<IK\QKIT7ٻKMZ[)[[WKQI\QWVI[_MTTrank mental health crisis situations as far as the seventeen subject-matter experts who participated inmore stressful than crimes in progress. A \PQ[XZWRMK\IZMPWXMN]T\PQ[X]JTQKI\QWV_QTTXZW^MJMVMÅKQITXMZ[WV[]ٺMZQVONZWUUMV\ITQTTVM[[Q[Ja to those who strive to enhance their performance throughLMÅVQ\QWVVW\N]TTaZI\QWVIT6WWZOIVQbI- knowledge and experience.tion is more concerned about inadequateresponse than the police themselves. A THE TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS OFnational pool of experts provide both in- BECOMING A SWAT COMMANDERsight and recommendations, ranging fromthe conceptual, Atypical Situations-Atyp- By John A. Kolmanical Responses, to the pragmatic, LawEnforcement Training Models. Written © 2004 Captain Kolman (ret.), formerly of the Los Angeles Coun-[XMKQÅKITTa NWZ \PM JWWS MIKP KPIX\MZ 84 pp., (6 x 9addresses a given critical component, in- 6 il. \a ;PMZQ [¼ٺ,MXIZ\UMV\ NW]VLMZ IVL ÅZ[\ ,QZMK\WZ WN \PMcluding social policy, police response alter-natives, training, legal constraints, and co- paper | $18.95 6I\QWVIT <IK\QKIT 7ٻKMZ[ )[[WKQI\QWV IVL _PW I]\PWZMLoperative agreements with mental health 978-0-398-07530-9service providers. This is an indispensable WVMWN \PMÅZ[\;?)<\M`\JWWS[QV! VW_JZQVO[NWZ\PIvolume on the subject of police and men- ebook | $18.95 unique book that not only captures the substantive informa-tal health and is designed for police prac- 978-0-398-08040-2 tion required by new SWAT commanders but also its culture.titioners, mental health professionals, and In a manner not previously used for SWAT education andscholars of social policy. \ZIQVQVO+IX\IQV3WTUIVQV\ZWL]KM[\PMWٻKMZ\W[]J[\IV- tive information, culture and a methodology to approach6 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE various missions. In doing so, the reader is led on an edu- cational journey through a series of dreams that ultimately K]TUQVI\M[ QV I ÅK\Q\QW][ ;?)< +WUUIVLMZ []KKM[[N]TTa resolving a high-risk incident. The book is a testimonial to the need for departments to provide or obtain contemporary, appropriate training for both command and operational per- [WVVMT[W\PI\_WZSQVO\WOM\PMZ\PMaKIVMٺMK\Q^MTaUIVIOM and resolve critical incidents with minimal risk to everyone involved. In addition to being a valuable asset to any SWAT school, including commanders, the seasoned operator will ÅVL\PQ[X]JTQKI\QWVIVMV\MZ\IQVQVOIVLQVNWZUI\Q^MZM^QM_ Read it at least once. Few people can capture the wisdom of SWAT in such an articulate and engaging manner. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
MANAGING THE INVESTIGATIVE UNIT (2nd Ed.) By Daniel S. McDevittManaging The Investigative Unit can be an extremely ]VLMZKW^MZ WٻKMZ IVL M^IT]I\QVO XMZNWZUIVKMrewarding part of any law enforcement profes- of personnel. Administrative considerations, suchsional’s career, or it can be an absolute night- I[ UIVIOQVO KWVÅLMV\QIT [W]ZKM XZWOZIU[ IVLmare. The goal of this newly revised 2nd Ed. is case management are examined in detail. Theto continue to provide the investigative manager ÅVIT[MK\QWV[WN \PMJWWSM`IUQVM[XMZNWZUIVKMwith the updated tools and techniques necessaryto successfully manage theinvestigative unit. It beginsThis book is useful forwith a look at the various“elements of the investiga-XI\ZWT WٻKMZ[ WZ LM\MK\Q^M[tive process. These elements evaluation of investigative personnel, which dif- © 2012 fers greatly from the evalu- 236 pp., (7 x 10) ation of patrol personnel. In addition, the Appendices 2 tables contains material and forms on responsibilities, time al- paper | $34.95include the basics of crim- who are interested in prepar- location, selection and ap- 978-0-398-08810-1inal investigations, the role plication, case screenings,of patrol in the investigative ing themselves for supervisory case reviews, referrals, fund ebook | $34.95 and payment policy, opera- 978-0-398-08811-8 tional plan, and evaluation design. The book will be ][MN]T NWZ XI\ZWT WٻKMZ[ WZ detectives who are interested in preparing them-or management positions.”process, organizing the inves-tigative unit, rank/position/status of investigators, select-ing and supervising investi-gative personnel, developing new investigators,KI[MUIVIOMUMV\UIVIOQVOKWVÅLMV\QIT[W]ZKM selves for supervisory or management positions.programs, supervision of undercover personnel,ZIQLIVLIZZM[\XTIVVQVO\PMY]ITQÅKI\QWV[NWZ\PM MAJOR CASE MANAGEMENTA Guide for Law Enforcement Managers By Daniel S. McDevittManaging a major case is among the most chal- are outlined very clearly. Methods of developinglenging managerial functions that anyone in law new investigators and mechanisms to train per-enforcement can perform, and there are numer- sonnel for potential assignment are also covered.ous pitfalls to avoid. It is the goal of this book to Additionally, the appendices contain a wealth “ This book will addressprovide law enforcement of information regarding © 2009managers with the neces- many skills and strategies to model—forms an inter- 270 pp., (7 x 10)sary tools and strategies governmental agreementthey can use in manag- for a major crimes task paper | $43.95ing their next major case. force, by-laws of the major 978-0-398-07875-1Many of these strategies better prepare law enforcement crimes task force, major ebook | $43.95were learned through trial case management plan- 978-0-398-08554-4and error. It begins with professionals to successfully meet ning checklist, a lead sheeta look at the various ele- and lead assignment con- ”the challenges of managing ma-ments of the investigative trol log, investigative sum-process. Organization jor case investigations. mary report, intelligenceof the investigative unit, report, major case after-ac-whether it is a general as- tion critique, concludingsignment or highly special- with a general overview.ized unit, is discussed as well as how to determine This book will address many skills and strategiesproper allocation of resources. Selection of inves- to better prepare law enforcement professionalstigative personnel is discussed at length, and selec- to successfully meet the challenges of managingtion strategies and a structured selection process major case investigations.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION | 7
POLICE CHIEF © 2008 THE MANAGEMENT OF POLICEHow to Attain and Succeed 308 pp., (7 x 10) SPECIALIZED TACTICAL UNITS 2 tables in this Critical Position (2nd Ed.) paper | $49.95 By Daniel S. McDevitt & 978-0-398-07826-3 By Tomas C. Mijares & Ronald M. McCarthy Mark W. Field ebook | $49.95 Managerial responsibility of a SWAT team requires con- © 2010 | 314 pp., (7 x 10), 2 il. 978-0-398-08589-6 tinuous research in the material area of long-term criminal paper | $49.95 | 978-0-398-07958-1 trends as well as keeping abreast of the continuous legal ebook | $49.95 | 978-0398-086282 and executive developments needed by decision-makers to W^MZ[MM\PM_WZSWN XWTQKMWٻKMZ[_PWZM[XWVL\WKZQ\QKIT incidents. This second edition of The Management of Police Specialized Tactical Units ZMXZM[MV\[ I [QOVQÅKIV\ ]XLI\QVO of many of the chapters from the previous edition. This book explains the steps for developing and maintaining a ZMITQ[\QK MٺMK\Q^M ZM[XWV[M \W QVKZMI[QVO TM^MT[ WN ^QWTMV\ crime. It discusses the social and political matters that U][\JMKWV\QV]W][TaLMÅVMLQLMV\QÅMLIVL[M\\TMLXZQWZ to the implementation of any substantive or procedural change in tactical policy. Legal and operational guidelines are provided that are needed by tactical leaders to develop and improve their leadership abilities and tactical success, thereby enhancing the tactical unit’s ability to safeguard the public. Throughout the book, the authors emphasize that decision-makers must not only be organizational managers and administrators but they must also possess a ÅZUOZI[XWN ITTI[XMK\[WN KWVNZWV\I\QWV\IK\QK[IVL\PMa U][\JMMٺMK\Q^MTMILMZ[Based on over seventy years of extensive © 2012 TRAINING THE SWAT TRAINERexperience at the federal, state, county, 196 pp., (7 x l0) Legal Mandates and Practicaland municipal level, the authors draw on 8 il.current knowledge to provide a thorough Suggestions for Improving Policeoverview of the realities of the position of paper | $32.95 Tactical Performancechief of police. The book provides prac- 978-0-398-08719-7tical, common sense advice for preparing By Tomas C. Mijares & Marcus L. “Sandy” Walloneself for the position, successfully nego- ebook | $32.95tiating the application and screening pro- 978-0-398-08720-3 Few areas in American law enforcement are characterizedcess, and competing in various selection by the frequency, quality, and magnitude of innovationsprocedures including the assessment cen- as the advances found in tactical operations. To introduceter. The book then addresses negotiating new equipment and methods during an actual operationIV MUXTWaMM KWUXMV[I\QWV IVL JMVMÅ\[ without adequate instruction, assessment, preparation,agreement, and once the position is of- and practice not only invites failure but also subjects an en-NMZMLPW_\WXZMXIZMNWZaW]ZÅZ[\LIa[I[ tire organizational chain of command to preventable criti-a chief of police. It also furnishes sound cism and avoidable litigation. The purpose of this manualadvice intended to help the chief retain is to introduce police instructional personnel to the legal,his physical, emotional and ethical health administrative, and safety issues associated with this verywhile leading a professional law enforce- critical area of police training. The book’s recurring themement agency. Each chapter concludes with is the warning that any technique, tactic, or new technol-a “Points to Remember” section that will ogy taught by an instructor must be applied in a mannerJM JMVMÅKQIT \W \PM VM_ XWTQKM KPQMN QV that is consistent with existing organizational policy, stateorder to avoid mistakes and build on the and federal legislation, and relevant case law. Substantialbody of knowledge that constitutes profes- legal and operational guidelines are provided that aresional law enforcement leadership. There needed by tactical leaders to develop and improve theirare several sample policies, procedures, leadership skills and tactical success. Additionally, the ap-and forms included in the book that will pendices contain a wealth of information regarding stateprove very useful for the new or veteran law enforcement regulatory agencies; national, regional,chief. This resource will be invaluable to IVL[\I\M\IK\QKITWٻKMZI[[WKQI\QWV[#[IUXTMTM[[WVXTIV[all prospective and current chiefs of police, including evaluation drills; instructor evaluation question-law enforcement professionals, policymak- naire; and curriculum evaluation.ers, and police academics. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • www.ccthomas.com8 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE
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DEALING WITH THE A PREPARATION GUIDE FOR THEMENTALLY ILL PERSON ASSESSMENT CENTER METHOD ON THE STREET (2nd Ed.) An Assessment and Intervention Guide for By Tina Lewis RowePublic Safety Professionals This updated and expanded edition continues to provide By Daniel M. Rudofossi \PMKWVKMX\[IVLUM\PWL[\PI\PI^MPMTXMLWٻKMZ[WN ITT ranks be successful in local, county, state, and federal law © 2013 enforcement promotional processes. The book’s unique 330 pp., (7 x 10) perspective provides insights not found elsewhere and 2 il. presents them in an informative, entertaining, and encour- aging way. Every section–from the history of the process spiral | $44.95 to thought-structuring aids that are easy to remember and 978-0-398-08751-7 use–contains principles, concepts, and practical applica- tion guidelines that will increase assessment scores and ebook | $44.95 QUXZW^M RWJ MٺMK\Q^MVM[[ IN\MZ XZWUW\QWV 6M_ KPIX\MZ[ 978-0-398-08752-4 to this edition include Video in Your Assessment Center, Putting the Process All Together, Command-Level and Executive Assessment Centers, and A Close-up Look at Role-Play. The text is extensively researched, contains real-life testing scenarios, and is based on established su- pervisory and managerial concepts, plus valid testing and performance techniques. © 2015 | 252 pp., (7 x 10) © 2001 EVALUATING DYSFUNCTIONAL 220 pp., (7 x 10) POLICE PERFORMANCE paper | $51.95 | 978-0-398-08123-2 16 il. A Zero-Based Approach ebook | $51.95 | 978-0-398-08124-9 hard | $57.95 By D. J. Van MeterThis unique guide will serve as a street sur- 978-0-398-07187-5^Q^ITO]QLMNWZX]JTQK[INM\aWٻKMZ[IVL[]- This detailed and comprehensive book on performancepervisors alike. The author, Doctor Daniel paper | $37.95 evaluation will provide employers with a resource for de-:]LWNW[[QI[_WZVXWTQKMWٻKMZIVLXWTQKM 978-0-398-07220-9 veloping and implementing a results-based approach topsychologist in the NYPD and DEA among the evaluation of employee work performance. The goalW\PMZIOMVKQM[WٺMZ[I\PWZW]OPI[[M[[UMV\ ebook | $37.95 WN \PQ[JWWSQ[\WÅTT\PMOIX\PI\M`Q[\[JM\_MMV_PI\M^IT-and intervention guide for clinicians and 978-0-398-08395-3 ]I\QWV XZWOZIU LM[QOVMZ[ PI^M JMMV WٺMZQVO QV \PM _Iapublic safety professionals in dealing with of evaluation systems for the last half of this century andmentally ill persons. Using his technique, what employers, employees and courts need and expect. Itthe Eco-Ethological Existential Analytic will be of primary use to the human resources professionalmethod, he presents an original approach in law enforcement with between 15-500 employees, and ittoward compassionate and safe interven- will provide the necessary expertise in research and devel-tions with mentally ill citizens who become opment that will save these individuals hundreds of hoursQV^WT^ML _Q\P X]JTQK [INM\a WٻKMZ[ +I[M in self-developing their own system from scratch. The bookexamples and question-and-answer sections consists of eight chapters. The appendices contain modelIZM IT[W XZW^QLML \PI\ WٺMZ ][MZNZQMVLTa forms, instruments, and sample rating measures. Addition-guidelines for ensuring custody to rehabili- ally, instructions for developing a template for generatingtation of the mentally ill street person. It will rating scores and reports is included.also provide a wide overview as well as in-depth coverage of the evolving specialty of FIND US ON FACEBOOKpolice psychology. The book will prove to bean invaluable resource for a wide audience FACEBOOK.COM/CCTPUBLISHERWN XZWNM[[QWVIT XWTQKM WٻKMZ[ MUMZOMVKaUMLQKIT \MKPVQKQIV[ ÅZMÅOP\MZ[ UQTQ\IZa CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • www.ccthomas.comguard, public and private security, criminaljustice practitioners, counselors, social work-ers and others in responding to such crises.From triage through the police custodial roleto outreach and cooperation with local andcommunity mental health clinics, the ap-XZWIKPM[WٺMZMLQV\PQ[JWWS_QTTTMIL\W\PMbest of all possible outcomes.10 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE
POLICE THEORY IN AMERICA ACTING OUT Old Traditions and New Opportunities Outlining Specific Behaviors By Robert C. Wadman and Actions for Effective Leadership© 2009 The purpose of this book is to assist both police leaders198 pp., (7 x 10) and city administrators with the long-standing challenge By Mitchell P. Weinzetl18 il. WN QUXTMUMV\QVOMٺMK\Q^MIVLIKKMX\IJTMKZQUMXZM^MV\QWV © 2010 | 270 pp., (7 x 10), 15 il.ebook | $32.95 programs. Police departments have been organized to re-978-0-398-08568-1 act to crime. The police in America are not organized to ebook | $39.95 | 978-0-398-07981-9 prevent crime. With this protracted dilemma in mind, this book is written to facilitate change in municipal policing There are many misconceptions about how police agencies and other public sector or- IVL \W QLMV\QNa MٺMK\Q^M UM\PWL[ NWZ \PM QUXTMUMV\I\QWV ganizations operate. Policing is a business, of crime prevention programs. Using terms from the dis- and the business of policing is subjected to cipline of economics, a “micro” strategy and a “macro” the same universal rules of business and strategy are outlined. A new theory of policing concludes leadership whether you are in police work the book. The book is intended primarily as a textbook or in industry. Leadership is leadership for criminal justice students, but it will also prove useful to and management is management and the police departments, police academies, city managers, and principles are the same. This book is about being an MٺMK\Q^M TMILMZ and about change — MTMK\ML WٻKQIT[ ZM[XWV[QJTM NWZ XWTQKM ILUQVQ[\ZI\QWV IVL personal change, intellectual change, pro- community safety. cess change, organizational change, and personal growth and development. Part© 1972 DOGS FOR One focuses on communication and leadership100 pp., 23 il. POLICE SERVICE actions IVL _PI\ MٺMK\Q^M TMILMZ[ IKKWU- plish. Part Two examines the actions-basedebook | $19.95 Programming approach, decision making, thinking, per-978-0-398-08063-1 and Training sonal mastery, teaching, and vision and direction. Part Three discusses the leadership (2nd Ptg.) replication cycle — gathering the information, converting the information, transforming By Sam D. Watson, Jr. the knowledge, replacing behaviors, driving leadership actions, repeating the process, By Sam D. Watson, Jr., Oklahoma City Police Depart- and bringing it all together. The concepts ment, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Here at last is a basic, XZM[MV\MLKIVJMIXXTQML\WIVaÅMTLWZXW- step-by-step guide to the successful use of dogs in police sition, including personal life and relation- service. Shown are now to enlist support and cooperation ships. This book will provide the insights NZWU X]JTQK WٻKQIT[ IVL KQ\QbMV[ TMOIT I[XMK\[ WN I LWO VMMLML \W QUXZW^M I XMZ[WV¼[ MٺMK\Q^MVM[[ program, selection of handlers, transportation of dogs as a leader, or to prepare them for their next on duty, and public relations. In addition to basic and ad- career step, when the opportunity presents vanced obedience training procedures, the author discuss- itself. es procedures for training the dog in functions distinctive- ly of a police nature and for special assignments such as searching buildings, crowd control, protection work, etc. Complete instructions for care of the dog’s health, feeding and nutrition, kennel maintenance and control of diseases are also given.PRICES IN THIS CATALOGARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION | 11
MASTERING THE ASSESSMENT CENTER PROCESS The Fast Track to Promotion By Linsey C. Willis© 2017 The Assessment Center process is the best method _PW PI[ I LMOZMM ^QM_ WN I[[M[[UMV\ KMV\MZ326 pp., (7 x 10) for identifying management potential in candidates processes. By practicing these exercises, the read- and whether they can demonstrate a talent for er will learn a great deal about their potential andpaper | $44.95 planning and organizing, and possess the necessary abilities. The organization of this book starts with978-0-398-09195-8 judgment, communication skills and decision-mak- the notorious, challenging, perplexing, incorrectly ing ability to move up the ranks. Many candidatesebook | $44.95 do possess these abilities, but they have not learned LMÅVML IVL TQNMKPIVOQVO QVJI[SM\ M`MZKQ[M <PM978-0-398-09196-5 how to apply them. This book will teach you how author has many years of experience with in-bas- kets, which has included providing feedback to can- \W][MITTaW]ZXW\MV\QIT4I_MVNWZKMUMV\WٻKMZ[ didates and training assessors. Many of the essential are often confused, afraid, nervous or just plain cu- sample exercises and components of the in-basket rious about what they will experience when they go exercise are included in this book and have been through the process. Most books on the assessment used in past assessment center processes or in cus- center process cover primarily its history, the skill tomized exercises. After reading the sample exer- dimensions, a description of the process and pro- cises and commentary contained herein, you will vide a few sample exercises. What makes this book be convinced that your time and money have been well spent. Why? Because you will have practiced LQٺMZMV\Q[\PI\Q\XZW^QLM[IVM`XMZQMV\QITIXXZWIKP the exercises herein and, beyond just reading about to preparing for an assessment center by including the assessment center (AC) process, you will have numerous practice exercises, experiential learning, learned about many of the most important compo- role player scripts, sample detailed Assessor Guides, nents of the process. and information from an experienced professional CORRECTIONS EFFECTIVE TEACHING IN CORRECTIONAL SETTINGS Prisons, Jails, Juvenile Centers, and Alternative Schools By Robert G. Thomas & R. Murray Thomas© 2008 This book has a dual purpose: to identify prob- nicity, gang membership, length of imprisonment,246 pp., (7 x 10) lems faced by people who teach in correctional and reasons for enrolling in educational programs.10 il., 4 tables institutions and to propose solutions for those Each chapter is divided into two major sections: problems. The intent of this book is to help bothpaper | $39.95 new instructors as well as current ones perform \PM ÅZ[\ [MK\QWV [\]LQM[ \PM XMZ[XMK\Q^M IVL \PM978-0-398-07817-1 second section concerns problems and solutions. \PMQZ RWJ[ MٺMK\Q^MTa <PM JWWS Q[ LQ^QLML QV\W Each problem is posed as a brief case study thatebook | $39.95 includes the nature of a particular problem, fac-978-0-398-08598-8 \PZMM XIZ\[ <PM ÅZ[\ XIZ\ QV\ZWL]KM[ \PM ZMILMZ \WZ[IٺMK\QVOLMKQ[QWV[IJW]\_PI\I\MIKPMZUQOP\ \W \PM ÅMTL WN KWZZMK\QWVIT ML]KI\QWV LM[KZQJQVO do, and one or more proposed solutions. Part three KWZZMK\QWVITMٺWZ\[QV)UMZQKI\PMSQVL[WN NIKQTQ- summarizes key concepts from the previous chap- ties, the inmate populations, and the controversies, ters and speculates about the state of correctional including advocates and critics, over providing education in the years ahead. It will be of interest educational opportunities. A description is provid- to those who contemplate a career in correctional ed on the kinds of educational and rehabilitation education, those who are already in correctional programs, including the varieties and sources of education, or those who simply want to learn what teachers and administrators. Part two explores the teaching in a prison, jail, or juvenile facility is all teaching process and how students are analyzed about. on their abilities, learning disorders, gender, eth-12 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF FEMALE OFFENDERSLife Before, During, and After Incarceration By Martin Guevara UrbinaFew empirical studies have focused on women in NWK][QVO XZQUIZQTa WV NMUITM WٺMVLMZ[ IVL ][QVO © 2008prison. In the last few years, though, a number data gathered from the Wisconsin Department of 294 pp., (7 x 10)of studies have demonstrated that there are fun- Corrections. The book utilizes a comprehensive investigative approach by equating the experience 27 tablesLIUMV\IT LQٺMZMVKM[ JM\_MMV UITM IVL NMUITM WN NMUITMWٺMVLMZ[Ja\PM\W\ITQ\aWN KQZK]U[\IVK-prisoners in an ever-changing penal system. Con- es within an historical, institutional, political, and paper | $46.95sequently, there has been a need for more compre- ideological context. By reading this book, the read- 978-0-398-07812-6PMV[Q^M [\]LQM[ WN NMUITM WٺMVLMZ[ NWZ \PZMM XZQ- er will have a greater understanding of the manymary reasons: (1) imperative research gaps remain challenges facing female inmates, as well as the ebook | $46.95to be bridged; (2) the female prison experience is 978-0-398-08599-5VW\KWV[\IV\#IVLXZQ[WVZI\M[NWZNMUITMWٺMVL- ZMTI\QWV[PQXJM\_MMVQVUI\M[KWZZMK\QWVITWٻKMZ[ and, by extension, society in general. Also providedMZ[ M[XMKQITTa UQVWZQ\a WٺMVLMZ[ PI^M QVKZMI[ML is a series of policy recommendations throughoutconsiderably in the last few years. A central goal the book, particularly in the concluding chapterof this book, then, is to provide a balance to the and epilogue.existing literature and research on female prison-ers in the United States and, to an extent, abroad,EDUCATION AND TRAININGUNDERCOVER OPERATIONS SURVIVAL IN NARCOTICS INVESTIGATIONS By Tony AlvarezUndercover operations are one of the most dan- undercover team work, eliminating complacency,gerous and challenging types of investigations showing how to seize contraband, obtain evidencewhich require much tactical preparedness and and arrest violators. Done properly and safelyclose continuing assessment during the opera- \PM[M QV^M[\QOI\QWV[ JMIZ QUUMLQI\M OZI\QÅKI\QWV\QWV ?Q\PW]\ XZWXMZ XTIVVQVO M`XTW[Q^M KWVÆQK\ to all involved. Further, the techniques and pro-can occur with out warning. This book presents cedures outlined by this author can be readily ap-the wide range of considerations to execute safe plied to any under cover operation. FOR AUTHORS INTERESTED IN PUBLISHING WITH US, © 1993PLEASE SUBMIT A MARKETING QUESTIONNAIRE FOR PROMPT 130 pp., (7 x 10) CONSIDERATION, LOCATED ON OUR HOMEPAGE AT paper | $30.95 WWW.CCTHOMAS.COM. 978-0-398-06005-3 ebook | $30.95 978-0-398-09022-7CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • CORRECTIONS | 13
POLICE ETHICS Crisis in Law Enforcement (3rd Ed.) By Tom Barker <PQ[ZL-LPI[JMMVKWUXZMPMV[Q^MTaZM^Q[ML major law enforcement ethical violations? Can expanding the information in the previous edi- police ethical violations be controlled? Several tion on the long-standing challenge of imple- chapters also thoroughly review the Law Enforce- UMV\QVO MٺMK\Q^M ZM[XWV[QJTM IVL IKKMX\IJTM ment Code of Ethics and include very up-to-date practices in ethical police work. The author’s unique perspective provides insights not found elsewhere Valuable to both newand presents them in an in- “NWZUI\Q^M NIK\ÅTTML IVL IVL [MI[WVML WٻKMZ[ QV Iencouraging way. The text© 2011 M`IUXTM[WN VW\IJTM^QWTI\QWV[JaQVLQ^QL]ITWٻ-174 pp., (7 x 10) cers and police departments.1 table Additional topics include major police corruptionpaper | $28.95 issues, including corrupt978-0-398-08616-9 practices and corruptionebook | $28.95 is based on the premise that [QOVQÅKIV\MٺWZ\\WUISMXW- control; abuse of authority;978-0-398-08617-6 ethical crisis has always ex- IVL OM\\QVO MٺMK\Q^M KWV\ZWT isted in law enforcement and ”licing a true profession that of unethical behavior. The stresses that policing is and goal of this timely new edi- always has been a “moral- is real and not rhetoric. ly dangerous occupation.” \QWV Q[ \W XZW^QLM WٻKMZ[ The moral dangers of po- law enforcement managers, licing are discussed in detail and city administrators with only the most current infor- and emphasize how crucial ethical standards are mation, tools, and skills in identifying and dealing NWZXWTQKMWٻKMZ[.W]ZKZQ\QKITIVLXZQUIZaY]M[- with unethical police behavior. It is valuable to tions addressed in the text are: Is law enforce- JW\PVM_IVL[MI[WVMLWٻKMZ[QVI[QOVQÅKIV\MN- UMV\IXZWNM[[QWV'+IVTI_MVNWZKMUMV\WٻKMZ[ fort to make policing a true profession that is real be professional? What forms of behavior are the and not rhetoric. INTERNAL INVESTIGATIONS A Practitioner’s Approach By Frank A. Colaprete Throughout the history of law enforcement, the procedures, critical and special investigations, in- internal investigation process has held the most cluding issues in administrative and civil claims. negative connotation of any investigation conduct- <PM ZMILMZ _QTT ÅVL I UWLMT NWZ KWVL]K\QVO QV- ed by law enforcement personnel. As we progress ternal investigations of police personnel that will \PZW]OP\PMVM_UQTTMVVQ]U\PMVMMLNWZMٻKQMV\ allow a police supervisor or commander to per- IVL MٺMK\Q^M TI_ MVNWZKMUMV\ [MZ^QKM[ IVL XZIK- form investigations in a thorough, ethical, legal, tices grows ever more criti- and equitable manner. This© 2007 “cal. The goal of this book is The text selectively focuses book will meet the needs of358 pp., (7 x 10), 61 il. on the purposes and practical attorneys who litigate cas- to demonstrate this need for es involving allegations ofhard | $86.95 proper and complete internal police misconduct as well978-0-398-07713-6 investigations, and to teach as representatives of collec- the entry level and tenuredpaper | $56.95 police supervisor the form ”implications of internal inves- tive bargaining groups who978-0-398-07714-3 and function of the internal represent police personnel investigations process. The tigations and the pitfalls. in similar actions. The textebook | $56.95 text selectively focuses on the MVL[_Q\P\PMWٺMZQVOWN M^-978-0-398-08513-1 purposes and practical impli- QLMVKM QLMV\QÅKI\QWV M^IT- cations of internal investiga- uation and collection, case tions and the pitfalls. The goal is to guide students review processes, risk management, training and IVLXZWNM[[QWVIT[\PZW]OPLMÅVQ\QWV[\MZUQVWTWOa managing internal investigators, and the future legal and labor issues, case law, techniques and trends in internal investigations.14 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
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WHY COPS DIE (AND HOW TO PREVENT IT) By Gerald W. Garner© 2018 This book provides time- and experience-prov- of them useful for drastically reducing the num-228 pp., (7 x 10) MV IL^QKM NWZ ZM[XWVLQVO [INMTa IVL MٺMK\Q^MTa \W JMZWN WٻKMZ[_PWLQMWV\PMRWJM^MZaaMIZ1\paper | $32.95 \PZMI\[\WITI_MVNWZKMUMV\WٻKMZ¼[[INM\a1\ZM- should be issued to every law enforcement acad-978-0-398-09203-0 lies on law enforcement’s bloody history to reveal emy recruit. It is aimed across the spectrum ofebook | $32.95 what has gone wrong for a very long time—and the law enforcement organization from the rookie978-0-398-09204-7 PW_ \W Å` Q\ [W \PI\ VW UWZM KWX[ LQM VMMLTM[[Ta \W \PM ÅZ[\TQVM []XMZ^Q[WZ \W \PM KWUUIVL [\IٺNEW! <PQ[ JWWS QLMV\QÅM[ \PM KWX SQTTMZ[ IVL \PM NI\IT +PQMN[ IVL [PMZQ_ [ٺQTT ÅVL Q\ WN ^IT]M I[ _QTT errors that cops make, and it explores how these those directly responsible for the training of law incidents happen and why. Most important of MVNWZKMUMV\ WٻKMZ[ *a IXXTaQVO XZIK\QKIT XW- all, the book goes into detail about how to prevent tentially lifesaving advice to their daily duties law these terminal errors and furnishes to-the-point advice for avoiding them. It has been assembled MVNWZKMUMV\¼[ ÅZ[\TQVM XZIK\Q\QWVMZ[ KIV [PIZXTa by a police chief who spent 15 years as a sergeant. reduce the number of peacekeepers who die or WHY COPS DIE can be used in a lot of ways, all IZMUIQUMLQV\PMN]\]ZM<PI\MٺWZ\JMOQV[PMZM MOST OF OUR TITLES ARE AVAILABLE AS E-BOOKS AND CAN BE PURCHASED THROUGH OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.CCTHOMAS.COM. THE CRIMINAL TRIAD Psychosocial Development of the Criminal Personality Type By William M. Harmening© 2010 What is it that compels a person to choose a life LI\QWV[ LMÅVQVO \PM KZQUQVIT XMZ[WVITQ\a \aXM294 pp., (7 x 10) of crime and deviancy over one of responsibility attachment in early childhood, moral develop-40 il. and social conformity? To understand exactly how ment in middle-late childhood, morality and the and why that choice is ultimately made, we must criminal triad, identity formation in adolescence,paper | $47.95 turn to the discipline of psychology. The author criminal beginnings, and intervention strategies. A978-0-398-07919-2 presents and then deconstructs his own unique new perspective of the criminal personality type formulation of the internal deterrence system, that integrates original theory with ideas and con-ebook | $47.95 IVLTWWS[[XMKQÅKITTaI\\PMX[aKPW[WKQITLM^MTWX- structs from the likes of Freud, Erikson, Kohlberg,978-0-398-07971-0 ment of each of the proposed component parts- and Bandura, among others, is discussed. The attachment, morality, and identity. He then weaves end result is an interpretive guide for identifying a together an example of the developing child and child’s criminal propensity in its pre-development the role played by parents, peers, and internal psychological processes in the development of a [\IOM[ IVL I ZWIL UIX NWZ MٺMK\Q^M UMLQI\QWV moral and socially responsible adolescent who is before they reach that critical situation where a IJTM\WMٺMK\Q^MTa[MTNLM\MZNZWUKZQUMIVLLM^Q- wrong decision can have lifelong consequences. ancy, or, in the event of a problematic course of This resource will be of interest to criminal justice development, its unfortunate antithesis. Topics and legal professionals, criminal psychologists and include the evolution of crime, theoretical foun- psychiatrists, and those in social work, sociology, social welfare, and victimology.18 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
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SIGNIFICANT TACTICAL POLICE CASES Learning from Past Events to Improve Upon Future Responses By Tomas C. Mijares & Ronald M. McCarthy© 2015 While skill development is important in the world for data collection, including original police and276 pp., (7 x 10) of law enforcement, today there appears to be a court records, interviews with participants in these21 il. disturbing lack and understanding of history, how events, and even direct observation. By examining it impacts the present, and how it ultimately af- these cases, the reader becomes better equippedhard | $52.95 fects the future. Accordingly, the primary purpose and more able to understand how the standards978-0-398-08126-3 of this book is to provide the professional SWAT were developed in the police tactical world and WٻKMZ _Q\P \PM IXXZWXZQI\M PQ[\WZQKIT ZMNMZMVK- why they are so important to operational success.ebook | $52.95 es in order to improve the individual and overall In addition to SWAT specialists, this book is also978-0-398-08127-0 performance of this very specialized aspect of law _ZQ\\MVNWZXWTQKMWٻKMZ[WN ITTTM^MT[XIZ\QK]TIZTa MVNWZKMUMV\<PM\M`\WٺMZ[IVITa[Q[WN [QOVQÅKIV\ those who are charged with the responsibilities of case histories, much in the same manner as the ap- supervising personnel, allocating scarce resources, proach to learning used by the Harvard Business and making policy. Without a proper historical ref- School and the United States Army War College. erence, performance of these skills often becomes Tactics, equipment, organizational preparedness, an exercise in futility and even counterproductive. and operational execution are examined to iden- <PM\M`\_QTTIT[WJMJMVMÅKQIT\WKWTTMOMIVL]VQ- tify what was successful and can be maintained or versity students of criminal justice and to those whose vocations take them close to the criminal QUXZW^ML NWZ N]\]ZM ][M WZ _PI\ _I[ QVMٺMK\Q^M justice world such as politicians, journalists, social IVL [PW]TL JM I^WQLML 1V ZM^QM_QVO \PM [QOVQÅ- workers, and other caregivers. cant case histories, a variety of methods was used RECRUITMENT, RETENTION, AND TURNOVER OF POLICE PERSONNEL Reliable, Practical, and Effective Solutions By W. Dwayne Orrick© 2008 The recruitment and selection of exceptional per- fy an agency’s labor market and tailor recruitment250 pp., (7 x 10) sonnel are critical to a police department achiev- ing its mission; however, agencies nationwide are MٺWZ\[ IKKWZLQVOTa )T[W M`XTWZML Q[ \PM VMML \Wpaper | $38.95 M`XMZQMVKQVOLQٻK]T\aÅVLQVOIVLZM\IQVQVOY]IT- market a department and develop an employer978-0-398-07799-0 QÅMLWٻKMZ[<PQ[JWWSXZW^QLM[I[a[\MUI\QKIX- brand, along with developing a relationship with proach to successful employee recruitment in both \PMUMLQI<PM\M`\QLMV\QÅM[\PMNIK\WZ[I\\ZQJ]\-ebook | $38.95 law and enforcement and criminal justice agen- able to high levels of attrition and outlines actions978-0-398-08593-3 cies. The text discusses in detail the legal environ- to build a strong organizational culture and slow ment and necessity to develop a diverse workforce. the churn of turnover. The text also focuses on the mentoring process to guide employees through the 1\N]Z\PMZW]\TQVM[\PMVMMLJMVMÅ\[IVL[\MX[NWZ various stages of their career. While the concepts identifying a department’s core values, conducting of the book are theoretically based, emphasis is an organizational assessment, and completing a XTIKML WV ZMTQIJTM XZIK\QKIT IVL MٺMK\Q^M [WT]- tions for addressing the issues of recruitment, re- [\IٻVO IVITa[Q[ _PQKP XZW^QLM[ \PM NW]VLI\QWV tention, and turnover of police personnel. for reducing turnover and improving recruitment IVLZM\MV\QWV<PM\M`\WٺMZ[\PMUMIV[\WQLMV\Q- FOR FAST AND CONVENIENT SERVICE ORDER YOUR BOOKS DIRECT FROM US AT 800.258.8980 OR ONLINE AT WWW.CCTHOMAS.COM.20 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
Jones’ AFTER THE SMOKE CLEARS Surviving the Police Shooting — An Analysis of the Post Officer- Involved Shooting Trauma (2nd Ed.) By Adam PasciakThis new edition represents a series of observa- aim at a living person and pulls the trigger. It is © 2015tions, suggestions, recommendations, and best also for those who want to know what to expect in 226 pp., (7 x 10)practices following critical law enforcement inci- the moments, days, and beyond after the shooting is over and why it is happening. The text is dif- 21 il., 8 tablesLMV\[ ;XMKQÅK WٻKMZ XMZKMX\QWV[ IV`QM\QM[ IVL ferent from other police books in that it brings athoughts are relatively predictable before, during, JM\\MZ]VLMZ[\IVLQVOWN _PaXWTQKMWٻKMZ[M`XM- paper | $33.95and after traumatic incidents. The author presents rience things the way they do so there might be a 978-0-398-09063-0a detailed and involved set of concerns that might better understanding of the thoughts and feelingsbe considered by the individual, the individual’s following a traumatic event, including the reac- ebook | $33.95family, and the departmental administration The tions of one’s peers. This welcome new edition 978-0-398-09064-7 is an outstanding tool for promoting better com-\M`\Q[_ZQ\\MV_Q\P\PM[\ZMM\XWTQKMWٻKMZIT_Ia[ mand understanding and performance followingin mind – trying to combine the practical elements a traumatic incident. It contains many skillfullyof the world of law enforcement along with the organized insights and details that can be utilizedpsychological dynamics behind them. This book to develop departmental support patterns. TheQ[ VW\ NWZ WٻKMZ[ TWWSQVO NWZ QVNWZUI\QWV WV \IK- text is an invaluable tool when confronted with atical approaches or technical aspects of shooting shooting incident.[KMVIZQW[1V[\MILQ\Q[NWZWٻKMZ[TWWSQVO\WÅVLout what happens in those seconds after one takes GANGS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT A Guide for Dealing with Gang-Related ViolenceBy Linda M. Schmidt & James T. O’Reilly“Gangs are on the rise again.” This portent of trou- impending murder. She has leaned over unidenti- © 2007ble comes from the FBI’S expert on gangs, Linda 216 pp., (7 x 10) ÅMLKWZX[M[WV\PMKWTL[\MMTWN \PMKWZWVMZ¼[\IJTM;KPUQL\<WLIa\PMZMIZMW^MZOIVO[IKZW[[ and told their life story by interpreting the codes of ebook | $43.95America and over 800,000 gang members. Gangs their tattoos. Linda’s book is a crucial primer for 978-0-398-08540-7 anyone who needs to learn the customs and codesIZM [I^^a IVL [KIZQMZ \PIV M^MZ <PMQZ ÅZMXW_MZ of the gang world. She brings you systematicallymilitary background and lack of restraint have through the anthropology, psychology and patholo-made some city centers too dangerous to patrol. As gy of the gang culture. This book is not an ideologygang power grows, knowledge is the best antidote approach but rather a practical book with a set ofand the best inducement to corrective actions. Theinterviews, street wisdom and advice that are used [\MX[\WNWTTW_1\XZW^QLM[[XMKQÅKIL^QKMIVLQLMI[throughout this book show its heavy dose of reality. for actions. Interviews, photos, experiences and caseSpecialist Linda Schmidt goes deep into gang terri- studies are included to make the book much moretory without a badge or gun. She uses a lethal mix user-friendly to prosecutors, police and correctionsof wily street smarts, courage, and determination. WٻKQIT[7VMWN \PMOWIT[WN \PQ[JWWSQ[\WXZW^QLM;PM XW[[M[[M[ \PM [MKZM\ _MIXWV[ WN KWVÅLMVKM all law enforcement (local, state, and federal) withand caring, and the unnerving manner and moral a method for working together to get the best re-compass of a grandmother. There are very few in sults when dealing with gang cases. It will make lawlaw enforcement who have gotten so far beneath enforcers sit up and take notice. This book will getthe surface of gang life. Linda can look at a wall of real results in a short time if it’s carefully explained advice is heeded.OZI\ٻQ IVL ZMIL \PM PQMZWOTaXPQK[ \PI\ XZMLQK\ IVCALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • EDUCATION AND TRAINING | 21
APPREHENDING © 2010 COMMUNICATION IN CRISIS AND FLEEING SUSPECTS 230 pp., (7 x 10) HOSTAGE NEGOTIATIONS Suspect Tactics and Perimeter Containment spiral | $43.95 Practical Communication Techniques, 978-0-398-07920-8 Stratagems, and Strategies for Law By Jack H. Schonely ebook | $43.95 Enforcement, Corrections, and © 2005 | 128 pp., (6 x 9), 34 il. 978-0-398-07975-8 Emergency Service Personnel in paper | $24.95 | 978-0-398-07541-5 Managing Critical Incidents. ebook | $24.95 | 978-0-398-08015-0 (2nd Ed.)As the tactics and technologies of lawenforcement change, so do the tactics be- By Arthur A. Slatkining used by criminals to evade capture.Apprehending Fleeing Suspects was written to This updated and expanded new edition emphasizesthe needprovide law enforcement with the knowl- for law enforcement and emergency service workers to han-edge and tools required to safely capture dle critical incidents in a positive manner when encountering[][XMK\[_PWI\\MUX\\WÆMMNZWU\PMXW- people in public crises. The book’s focus is on the approaches,lice. This book addresses the trends and [\ZI\IOMU[ LQٻK]T\ KQZK]U[\IVKM[ IVL \PM IJQTQ\a \W MٺMK-tactics that criminals are using and exam- tively advance the course of the negotiations in the best in-ines proven techniques in how to contain, terests of all concerned. As author Slatkin advises: ‘Do eachsearch, and capture suspects on the run . exercise thoroughly. Work closely with others in and outsideThe focus is on whether to chase or con- of formal training settings and value the feedback you get sotain, how to set up perimeters, manage- that you can hone your skills. Get to the other side of yourment of the incident, physical condition- unfamiliarity, awkwardness, and insecurity through, use of airborne resources, canines, 5ISM MٺMK\Q^M KWUU]VQKI\QWV IVL IK\Q^M TQ[\MVQVO VW\ R][\communications, tactical deployment, what you do when you negotiate but something you do in alltraining, and most importantly incident aspects of your work and home life.’ Written exercises and aLMJZQMÅVO \MKPVQY]M[ .WTTW_QVO \PQ[ \PM role-play (with training scenarios) are included to help nego-criteria of the decision to contain, foot tiators acquire and practice the basic communication tech-pursuit versus containment, responding niques that appear in the book. This text will be of interest toWٻKMZ[ PQLQVO TWKI\QWV[ IVL \ZIQVQVO \W ITTXWTQKMIVLKWZZMK\QWV[IOMVKQM[ÅZMIVLZM[K]MMUMZOMVKameet the challenge are discussed, includ- personnel, medical service personnel, and chaplains.QVO\PMVMMLNWZI\MIUMٺWZ\NZWU[\IZ\\WÅVQ[P <PQ[ SVW_TMLOM ITWVO _Q\P \ZIQV- © 2015 CRISIS NEGOTIATION FOR LAWing and practice, gives the advantage to 152 pp., (7 x 10) ENFORCEMENT, CORRECTIONS,\PM WٻKMZ XIZ\QK]TIZTa L]ZQVO KZQ\QKIT QV- 10 il.cidents where the capture of the suspect AND EMERGENCY SERVICESis paramount. The audience for this book spiral | $32.95 Crisis Intervention as Crisis Negotiationbegins with the police: training acade- 978-0-398-09065-4mies, managers, and local, state, and fed- By Arthur A. Slatkineral police departments. In addition, the ebook | $32.95book will be an excellent supplementary 978-0-398-09066-1 This text focuses on operational theory and practice for ne-text in college courses on policing, policy- gotiators by following a crisis intervention model for crisismaking, and comparative policing. negotiations. Its intent is to provide some depth and breadth of understanding for instructors, students, and line negoti-22 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE ators seeking excellence in the professional role of hostage crisis negotiator. The book is written principally to enhance VMOW\QI\WZ KWVÅLMVKM IVL KWUXM\MVKM _MTTOZW]VLML QV LMTQJMZI\M IVL MٺMK\Q^M ][M WN [MTN I[ IV QV\MZ^MVMZ IVL negotiator in critical incidents. The text seeks to provide a structure and framework for conducting negotiations. Major topics include: Rapidly establishing rapport and a collaborative relationship; conducting crisis, biopsychoso- cial, and lethality assessments; identifying the major prob- lems or crisis precipitants; exploring feelings and emotions; generating and exploring alternatives; developing and im- plementing an action plan, with follow-up; hostage situa- tions as crisis negotiations; suicide and assault with danger to self and others; and barricaded subject situations. This book is for those who want to be much more than just good enough. The text provides a valuable resource to all police and correction agencies, emergency rescue personnel, as well as medical and behavioral science professionals. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
TRAINING STRATEGIES FOR CRISIS TALKING ETHICS AND HOSTAGE NEGOTIATIONS WITH COPS Scenario Writing and Creative Variations for Role Play A Practical Guide By Arthur A. Slatkin By Neal Tyler© 2009 Training Strategies for Crisis and Hostage Negotiations was © 2016232 pp., (7 x 10) written for trainers who are tasked with providing role play: 236 pp., (7 x 10)11 il. scenario-driven training that is challenging, novel, interest- ing, varied, and motivating. A trainer may play a larger role paper | $34.95 | 978-0-398-09129-3spiral | $39.95 as leader, expert, teacher, coordinator, planner, facilitator, re- ebook | $34.95 | 978-0-398-09130-9978-0-398-07902-4 source manager/librarian, observer/evaluator, talent agent/ developer, and as a liaison with local, regional, and national <PQ[JWWS[\MU[NZWUUWZM\PIVaMIZ[ebook | $39.95 groups. Role play remains the principal resource as the most of experience in the development of978-0-398-08562-9 practical law enforcement ethics training. MٺMK\Q^M_Ia\W\ZIQVVMOW\QI\WZ[JW\PVW^QKMIVLM`XMZQMVKML It is written based on the real-world ap- and scenarios can be written in any number of ways, with role plication of a wide variety of approaches plays having endless possible variations that provide needed to enhancing ethics awareness and deci- practice under controlled circumstances. The author adds sion-making skills. There has been an ex- knowledge about constructing scenarios that teach and chal- XTW[QWVWN MٺWZ\[\WQVKZMI[M\PMMUXPI[Q[ lenge, making role plays more powerful and enlivening. This on ethics in law enforcement. The most book presents a constant review and application of funda- MٺMK\Q^M WN \PM[M MٺWZ\[ QV^WT^M W]Z TI_ mentals in the negotiation world that has produced successful MVNWZKMUMV\ WٻKMZ[ \PMU[MT^M[ QV resolutions and competent, skilled negotiators. For the trainer, sharing ideas, experiences, and wisdom negotiator, supervisor, or academy instructor, this manual will with each other and (2) analyzing long- be an invaluable training source. term consequences in a risk-free learn- ing environment, before the need arises HOSTAGE/CRISIS NEGOTIATIONS for making actual decisions or engaging Lessons Learned from the Bad, in conduct. Instead of being shown how the Mad, and the Sad to “teach” ethics, readers will be given material and ideas on how to enhance By Thomas Strentz existing ethics awareness and ethics skills with their personnel. Readers are provid-© 2013 The focus of this book is on dealing with hostage and crisis ML_Q\PXWQV\MZ[WV\ITSQVO_Q\P[\IٺVW\198 pp., (7 x 10) negotiations and how this can be successfully accomplished “at” them, in order to foster awareness18 il. in order to save lives. Typically, those encountered by cor- about how ethical values and standards rectional and law enforcement crisis negotiators fall into to which they already subscribe apply inpaper | $32.95 one of three broad categories: The Bad, the Mad, and the real-world law enforcement decision-mak-978-0-398-08869-9 Sad – or, those with antisocial personality disorder; those ing and conduct. In addition to its prima- who are severely mentally ill, insane or psychotic; or those ry audience, the book will also be a helpfulebook | $32.95 who are contemplating suicide, respectively. This book out- ZM[W]ZKM NWZ ÅMTL\ZIQVQVO WٻKMZ[ [MVQWZ978-0-398-08870-5 lines tactics and procedures for dealing with these three WٻKMZ[ VWV[_WZV XMZ[WVVMT IVL TI_ groups of individuals. Many excerpts will be found of siege enforcement executives. LQITWO]MIVLJMPQVL\PM[KMVM[MٺWZ\[WN \PW[MQV\PMKWU- EDUCATION AND TRAINING | 23 UIVL XW[\ IVL W\PMZ TWKI\QWV[ _PW[M MٺWZ\[ IVL MVMZOQM[ play an integral role in this life-saving process. Some topics discussed include how using sleep deprivation should be avoided by hostage and crisis negotiators and how it can be used to advantage against the culprits; and how active listening skills (ALS) can be utilized and the mechanics of the process. These ALS guidelines show how being not only a good interviewer but also a good listener can be used to ÅVL I ZMUMLa \W \PM [Q\]I\QWV 1\ _QTT XZW^M \W JM I ^MZa useful tool to corrections and police negotiators and crisis interveners who seek peaceful ends to these very volatile and dangerous situations.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
VERBAL JUDO © 2010 ISSUES AND CASES IN Words As A Force Option 240 pp., (7 x 10) LAW ENFORCEMENT Decisions, Ethics and Judgment By George J. Thompson paper | $37.95 978-0-398-07930-7 By James J. Vardalis © 1983 | 158 pp., 1 il. ebook | $37.95 Law enforcement and community concerns continue to paper | $27.95 | 978-0-398-06456-3 978-0-398-07976-5 change and become more challenging for police personnel. ebook | $27.95 | 978-0-398-08165-2 <PM IK\QWV[ WN XWTQKM WٻKMZ[ I\ \PM \QUM WN IV M^MV\ IVL their response to crime problems have a direct correlation to<PQ[ JWWS _QTT PMTX XWTQKM WٻKMZ[ IVL \PM[]KKM[[N]TXZW[MK]\QWVWN \PMWٺMVLMZ4I_MVNWZKMUMV\other contact professionals develop verbal WٻKMZ[ U][\ ][M ITT I^IQTIJTM ZM[W]ZKM[ QV WZLMZ \W LM^MTWXstrategies that can transform potentially the skills and the ability to analyze and understand complexexplosive encounters into positive resolu- materials and investigations. Issues and Cases in Law Enforce-\QWV[1\ILLZM[[M[\PMUW[\LQٻK]T\XZWJ- ment presents a variety of stimulating cases and issues thatlems of the street encounter where quick XZW^WSMKZQ\QKITIVITa[Q[WN MUMZOQVOQ[[]M[QV\PMÅMTL<PMthinking and spontaneous verbal response KI[M[KWV\IQVMLQV\PQ[\M`\IZMLM[QOVML\WKWVNZWV\LQٻK]T\WN\MV UISM \PM LQٺMZMVKM JM\_MMV TQNM LMKQ[QWVUISQVOQ[[]M[NWZKMWٻKMZ[IVL[\]LMV\[WN KZQUQVITand death. The author explores all kinds justice to identify essential information, analyze facts appro-WN KWVNZWV\I\QWVZPM\WZQKIVLWٺMZ[JW\P priately, identify mistakes, recognize alternatives, choose al-a theoretical and practical account of ternatives, and make reasonable conclusions. This book willhow to handle street situations. Following MVIJTM \PM WٻKMZ IVL [\]LMV\[ WN KZQUQVIT R][\QKM \W _ZQ\Man introduction to the problems of street clear and comprehensive reports to document complicatedKWUU]VQKI\QWV\PMI]\PWZNWK]M[WVÅ^M events, to clearly articulate intricate details in a court of law,basic rhetorical elements perspective, au- and react appropriately to people with varied problems anddience, voice, purpose and organization. perceptions.The principles and techniques describedcan be used in practically every verbal en- © 2014 INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINALcounter. Each chapter includes case stud- 276 pp., (7 x 10) JUSTICE RESEARCH METHODSies that give readers practice in develop- 12 il., 6 tablesing rhetorical strategies for handling street An Applied Approachencounters and dealing with the public. paper | $44.95<PM ÅVIT KPIX\MZ XZW^QLM[ I XZWNM[[QWV- 978-0-398-08798-2 (3rd Ed.)IT UWLMT NWZ XWTQKM WٻKMZ[ 1\ XZM[MV\[ ILMÅVQ\QWVWN \PMTI_MVNWZKMUMV\XZWNM[- ebook | $44.95 By Gennaro F. Vito, Julie C. Kunselmansion that will command respect from the 978-0-398-08799-9 & Richard TewksburyX]JTQKIVLWٺMZ\PW[MQV\PMXZWNM[[QWVIÅZU [MV[M WN QLMV\Q\a ,WK¼[ JWWS JZWSM This third edition is designed as an introduction to re-new ground and created what is now the search methods in criminal justice techniques. Theworld’s only Tactical Communication detailed information that is generated by research is acourse. UIVIOMUMV\ \WWT \PI\ PI[ JMKWUM I [QOVQÅKIV\ XIZ\ WN criminal justice operations. The text discusses the purpos-24 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE es, process, and uses of research that focus on identifying what information is already known about a particular top- ic or question. Ethical issues in criminal justice research are reviewed, as is investigating the validity and reliability WN KZQUMLI\I[W]ZKM[)T[WWٺMZMLQ[IVQV\ZWL]K\QWV\W research design – the plan or blueprint for a complete re- search project. The principles of sampling are thoroughly discussed as is survey research, a common form of gath- ering information in the criminal justice setting. A review of the concept of scaling and some common methods of scale construction are introduced. Additional major topics include qualitative interviews and observational studies in qualitative research, as well as a wide variety of research techniques that comprise evaluation research. Each of \PMI]\PWZ[JZQVO[[XMKQÅKIZMI[WN M`XMZ\Q[M\W\PM\M`\ and they are familiar with the research process and have worked together on several published studies. The text is designed primarily for persons with little or no research background and provides real-world examples and clear LMÅVQ\QWV[WN \MZU[IVLKWVKMX\[ CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
TASER ELECTRONIC CONTROL DEVICES AND SUDDEN IN-CUSTODY DEATH Separating Evidence from Conjecture By Howard E. WilliamsNegative sentiment regarding conducted ener- these conducted energy weapons are excluded © 2008gy weapons is due largely to a lack of under- as the cause of death in 182 of the 212 cases. In 226 pp., (8 x 10), 15 tablesstanding about the technology behind suchweapons and a misunderstanding of those WVTa\_WKI[M[LQL\PMM^QLMVKM\MVL\WKWVÅZU paper | $43.95 the weapon was either a cause of death or a sig- 978-0-398-07776-1_MIXWV[¼ XPa[QWTWOQKIT MٺMK\[ 5MLQI IKKW]V\[that speculatively associate sudden in-custody VQÅKIV\KWV\ZQJ]\QVONIK\WZ?PQTMIZO]QVO\PI\ ebook | $43.95deaths with the use of conducted energy weap- the TASER electronic control devices are safe 978-0-398-08502-5ons only add to the confusion. TASER ELEC- less-lethal weapons, the author also cautionsTRONIC CONTROL DEVICES AND SUD- \PI\\PMaIZMVW\KWUXTM\MTaMٺMK\Q^M0MVW\M[,-616+=;<7,A,-)<0LWK]UMV\[deaths in the United States proximate to the ap- \PI\\PM_MIXWV[_MZMVW\MٺMK\Q^MQV[]JL]QVOplication of TASER electronic control devices more than 60 percent of violent or aggressive []JRMK\[ QV \PM KI[M [\]LQM[ IVL PM LWK]-NZWU ! \PZW]OP <PM [\]La M`IUQVM[the phenomenon of sudden death as it relates UMV\[ KI[M[ WN NI\IT XWTQKM [PWW\QVO[ IVLto electromuscular disruption technology and one police fatality following the failure of theTASER electronic control devices by construct- weapons. The only way to determine whether the TASER electronic control devices is respon-QVOKI[M[[\]LQM[LI\QVONZWU! \PZW]OP sible for deaths is to separate evidence from2005, and analyzing information available from conjecture and analyze the facts of each accounts, police reports, and autopsies. This book will be an excellent resource for lawAfter reviewing the available evidence from this enforcement professionals, attorneys, investiga-extensive case study, the author concludes that tors, and criminal justice personnel.MANAGING THE USE OF FORCE INCIDENT For Criminal Justice Officers, Supervisors, and Administrators By Howard WebbLawsuits are a fact of life for the criminal justice gram. The unique examples and dialogues used in © 2011 the narratives are realistic representations of what 404 pp., (7 x 10)WٻKMZ <PMa IZM XZMLQK\IJTM XZM^MV\IJTM IVL occurs on the street and in the correctional facility.winnable. Managing the Use of Force Incident Additional topics include standards governing the 5 il.reveals a new and innovative approach to law en- use of force, threat assessment, preparing for theforcement liability management. Written by a cop use of force incident, documenting and manag- paper | $54.95for cops, this book presents the information neces- ing the use of force incident, and the use of force 978-0-398-08658-9[IZa \W UQVQUQbM LMXIZ\UMV\ IVL WٻKMZ TQIJQTQ\a \ZIQVQVO <PMZM IZM Å^M NWZKM KWV\QV]]U UWLMT[ ebook | $54.95win excessive force lawsuits, and properly manage 978-0-398-08659-6IPQOPXZWÅTM][MWN NWZKMQVKQLMV\.W]ZUIQVIZ- \PI\ IZM ]\QTQbML \W \ZIQV KZQUQVIT R][\QKM WٻKMZ[eas of litigation management are addressed: un- in the use of force incident. They consist of thederstanding causation, focus on prevention, creat- stair-step continuum, the pie or wheel continuum, the interlocking rings continuum, the matrix con-QVOIXZWIK\Q^MLMNMV[MIVLMٺMK\Q^M][MWN NWZKM tinuum, and the relative continuum that includestraining. Presented in three parts, the book follows corresponding illustrations. Rather than focus ona logical sequence, beginning with properly investi- a reactive approach to what criminal justice per-gating excessive force complaints, the circumstanc- sonnel cannot do as set forth in court rulings and jury verdicts, this book places its emphasis on whatM[\PI\LIUIOMIVWٻKMZ¼[KZMLQJQTQ\a\PMKI][M[WN corrections and police litigation, the protocols that WٻKMZ[ \ZIQVMZ[ []XMZ^Q[WZ[ IVL ILUQVQ[\ZI\WZ[UQVQUQbMWٻKMZIVLLMXIZ\UMV\TQIJQTQ\aLM^MTWX- can do proactively to prevent lawsuits and createing defensible use of force policies, identifying thepitfalls of implementing new force options (Taser, IV MٺMK\Q^M XZMXIZI\WZa LMNMV[M IOIQV[\ KQ\QbMVimpact munitions, chemical agents), and the im- complaints and excessive force litigation.XWZ\IVKMWN IVMٺMK\Q^M][MWN NWZKM\ZIQVQVOXZW-CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • EDUCATION AND TRAINING | 25
O’HARA’S A REVIEW GUIDE FOR FUNDAMENTALS OF O’HARA’S FUNDAMENTALS OFCRIMINAL INVESTIGATION CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION (8th Ed.) (8th Ed.) By DeVere D. Woods, Jr. By DeVere D. Woods, Jr.© 2013 | 620 pp., (6 x 9), 67 il., 41 tables © 2013 This review guide is designed to help students learn the 278 pp., (7 x 10) information presented in O’Hara’s Fundamentals of Criminal hard | $59.95 | 978-0-398-08845-3 Investigation. Gregory O’Hara’s study guide has been re- ebook | $59.95 | 978-0-398-08846-0 paper | $34.95 vised and restructured to complement the 8th Ed. of the 978-0-398-08850-7Charles and Gregory O’Hara’s Fundamen- \M`\.WZMIKPKPIX\MZaW]_QTTÅVLITQ[\WN SMa\MZU[IVLtals of Criminal Investigation has served as the ebook | $34.95 multiple-choice questions. It is recommended that students“Bible” of criminal investigation for many 978-0-398-08851-4years. The author of this new edition has ÅZ[\KIZMN]TTaZMIL\PMKPIX\MZVW\QVOQUXWZ\IV\XWQV\[IVLprepared this text for a new generation of information, then review the key terms and return to thecriminal investigators in such a way thatthey will learn what is meant by a complete \M`\ \W KTIZQNa IVa ]VNIUQTQIZ \WXQK[ ?PMV KWVÅLMV\ WN investigation and acquaint themselves with your understanding of the key terms, proceed to the ques-the proofs of the most important crimes. In tions. Most questions are restatements of information inaddition, they will become familiar with the the chapter. Some, however, may require students to applyemployment of technical methods and ser- the chapter information to derive the correct answer. Testvices that are available. The tools of the in- your understanding of the material by trying to answer thevestigator are referred to as the three “I’s,” questions. Correct answers can be found in the back ofnamely, “Information,” “Interrogation,” the study guide. For questions you answered incorrectly,and “Instrumentation.” In view of this return to the text and review the appropriate information.factor, the technological advancements in Through this process of review and self-testing, studentsforensic science, practices of criminalistics, can increase their understanding of complexities of thecomputerization, electronic databases, and criminal investigation process. This guide is an excellentthe Internet are presented, including the companion volume to the bestselling textbook and will betime honored methods of collecting infor- useful to students who are reviewing the important ele-UI\QWV \PI\ IZM [\QTT MٺMK\Q^M IVL ]\QTQbML ments of this discipline in other criminal justice texts.Among the changes in this new editionQVKT]LM KZQUM IVITa[Q[ KZQUQVIT XZWÅTQVO “ The Review Guide and Powerpoint Slides aretheories of investigation, ethics of investiga-\QWV \PM ¹+;1º MٺMK\ KWTL KI[M QV^M[\QOI- Excellent companions to the bestselling textbook and will betion, digital photography, computer crimeand digital crime scenes, and the Internet as useful to students who are reviewing the important elementsan investigative tool. The “Additional Read-ing” sections, at the end of each chapter ”of this discipline in other criminal justice texts.and the glossary of useful criminal investi- INSTRUCTOR POWERPOINT SLIDESgation terms have been updated. The pre- FOR O’HARA’S FUNDAMENTALS OFsentation of material in this book is directed CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONto the beginning student of investigation,but experienced investigators and supervi- (8th Ed.)[WZ[_QTTÅVL\PQ[\M`\IVM`KMTTMV\ZM[W]ZKM By DeVere D. Woods, Jr.26 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE © 2014 The PowerPoint slides were created by the author of O’Hara’s Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation to facilitate CD-ROM | $99.95 both instructors’ presentations and students’ understand- 978-0-398-08125-6 ing of the material. There is a presentation for each chap- ter that begins with a list of key terms and concepts and covers the essential points from the text. This information is supplemented with photographs and illustrations from \PMI]\PWZ¼[KI[MÅTM[IVL\ZIQVQVOUI\MZQIT[I[_MTTI[XPW- tos and illustrations from prestigious criminal justice and governmental agencies. The slides will help to reinforce the readings and to stimulate discussions. There are 18 presen- tations that are easily customized to suit the interests and teaching methods of the instructor. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
EXPLOSIVES/FIRE SCIENCEEXPLOSIVES AND BOMB DISPOSAL GUIDE (5th Ptg.) By Robert R. LenzBy Robert R. Lenz, Explosive Ordnance Consul- jected into this volume. For those interested in © 1976tant. Over ten years of active bomb disposal work 320 pp., 249 il.throughout the world and four years as an instruc- IZ[WV QV^M[\QOI\QWV IVL \aXM[ WN ÅZM[ ZM[]T\QVOtor in the U.S. Naval School, Explosive Ordnance from arson, the book includes descriptions of 3 tablesDisposal, highlight the career of the author. The incendiary devices and arson systems within theauthor has developed a course of instruction on explosives section. The data and techniques are ebook | $49.95clandestine and sabotage devices and has devel- 978-0-398-08052-5oped tools and bomb disposal techniques. All of NWZ XMIKM WٻKMZ[ ÅZM LMXIZ\UMV\[ X]JTQK [INM\athe author’s knowledge and experience are pro- units, military EOD units, civil defense groups and certain educational institutions.PRICES IN THIS CATALOG ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Brodie’s BOMBS AND BOMBINGSA Handbook to Protection, Security, Detection, Disposal and Investigation for Industry, Police and Fire Departments (4th Ed.)By Jim Smith*WUJ[IVL*WUJQVO[Q[\PMLMÅVQ\Q^M\M`\ZMOIZL- radioactive materials in the radiation dispersion © 2015ing the construction of bombs and the motivation 318 pp., (7 x 10)for bombings in the U.S. Although some law en- LM^QKM KWVÅO]ZI\QWV Q[ ILLZM[[ML ITWVO _Q\P \PM 157 il., 13 tablesforcement-sensitive material is excluded from this technique used to disperse chemical and biologi-book, it still presents a thorough understanding cal agents with explosives. Booby traps, especially paper | $52.95of why bombs and bombings remain a constant those targeting law enforcement, are explained, 978-0-398-09093-7threat. The chemistry of explosives and how and methods to detect booby traps are developed to allow a rudimentary understanding of the pro- ebook | $52.95[]KP IٺMK\[ \PM XMZNWZUIVKM WN M`XTW[Q^M[ IZM cess. Methods to identify clandestine laboratories 978-0-398-09094-4an essential part of the text. The reader is taken manufacturing explosives or other drugs such asthrough a short course on explosive engineeringand the chemistry of explosives. A brief history of UM\PIUXPM\IUQVM IZM QLMV\QÅML XZW^QLQVO \PMbombings provides insight as to how improvised reader with an understanding of the items toexplosive devices were used to shape history andhow the situations of the early 1900s are repeating QLMV\QNaIVLLQٺMZMV\QI\M\PM\aXM[WN TIJWZI\WZQM[themselves today. While many believe that suicide Numerous bombings are examined providing anbombings are something seen only in the Middle insight as to why and how the attacks were suc-East, this text explores the suicide bombings in the cessful. Mitigation techniques such as using alco-U.S. and the motivation of the bombers. Various PWT ZM[Q[\IV\ IY]MW][ ÅTUNWZUQVO NWIU \W []X- press blast and fragment formation are explainedXZWÅTM[ WN [M^MZIT NIUW][ JWUJMZ[ []KP I[ \PM along with deployment methods. The text is richlyUnabomber and the Mad Bomber are reviewed illustrated with photographs depicting IEDs, ex-along with other psychological issues that might XTW[Q^M[ IVL JWWJa \ZIX[ \W I[[Q[\ QV \PM QLMV\QÅ-inspire bombers. The use of bombs to disperse cation of suspicious objects, suspect packages, or potential mail bombs.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • EXPLOSIVES/FIRE SCIENCE | 27
A LAW ENFORCEMENT © 1977 EXPLOSIVES ANDAND SECURITY OFFICERS’ 324 pp. HOMEMADE BOMBS GUIDE TO RESPONDING 156 il. (2nd Ed., 2nd Ptg.) TO BOMB THREATS paper | $49.95 Providing a Working 978-0-398-06447-1 By Joseph Stoffel Knowledge of Bombs,Preparing for Such Incidents, ebook | $49.95 *a 2W[MXP ;\WٺMT )=; :M\ ,M^W\ML \W \PM XZIK\Q-and Performing Basic Analysis 978-0-398-08061-7 cal problems of dealing with explosives and homemade of Potential Threats JWUJ[\PQ[JWWSWٺMZ[\PM[\]LMV\WN XWTQKMIVLÅZM[KQ- ence a thorough guide to such devices and their disposal. (3rd Ed.) Nontechnical language is employed throughout to facili- tate understanding and retention of crucial concepts by By Jim Smith personnel who would not ordinarily perform bomb dis- posal duties. A partial list of contents indicates the broad scope of this work: statistics, motivations, explosives and \PMQZ MٺMK\[ KWUUMZKQIT []XXTQM[ M`XTW[Q^M ÅZQVO \ZIQV[ triggering methods, the unexploded bomb, protective measures, destruction by burning and demolition, and bomb training aids. The book is ideal for use in a formal classroom situation. Problems, solutions, questions, exam- ples and practical exercises complement the text. Clarity of presentation and profuse illustrations round out this ex- cellent technical manual. © 2014 | 226 pp., (7 x 10), 12 il. © 2010 ELECTRICAL FIRE ANALYSIS 300 pp., (7 x 10) paper | $36.95 | 978-0-398-08774-6 14 il., 4 tables (3rd Ed.) ebook | $36.95 | 978-0-398-08775-3 hard | $66.95 By Robert A. Yereance & Todd KerkhoffThis newly revised edition is designed 978-0-398-07955-0to integrate information in a clear and <PQ[ ]XLI\ML IVL M`XIVLML ZL -L KWV\QV]M[ \PM \PMUMconcise format to allow law enforcement paper | $46.95 WN \PMVL-LWN XZW^QLQVOM`\MV[Q^MZM[MIZKPÅVLQVO[QVto respond to bomb threats, bomb inci- 978-0-398-07956-7 ITT \aXM[ WN MTMK\ZQKIT ÅZM[ ;XMKQÅK \WXQK[ QVKT]LM\" \PMdents, or chemical-biological-radiological OMVMZIT JIKSOZW]VL IVL M[[MV\QIT MTMUMV\[ WN ÅZM QVQ\QI-M^MV\[ <PM ZMILMZ _QTT ÅVL \PM QVNWZUI- ebook | $46.95 tion; (2) codes and standards, testing laboratories approv-tion in this book useful as a general guide 978-0-398-08564-3 IT VWVMTMK\ZQKIT ÅZM[ IZK UIXXQVO IVL >XI\\MZV[# to develop local protocols to meet these disassembly of equipment, nameplates, equipment mis-occurrences. Among the topics discussed ][M IJ][M IVL ZMXIQZ# \PM OI\PMZQVO XZM[MZ^QVO IVLinclude the basic techniques for risk as- shipping of evidence, keeping records; (5) common clues,[M[[UMV\ IVL \IZOM\ IVL PIbIZL QLMV\QÅ- melting points, and insulation degradation; (6) commoncation. The common methods of bomb components, moveable contacts, switches and relays, circuitdelivery, bomb construction and methods breakers and panels, conduit joints, heating elements; (7)of triggering are also demonstrated. This appliances, wall outlets and switches, light bulbs, reversedbook also includes a section for emergency polarity; (8) arson, telephones and answering machines,medical service personnel in treating those igniters, debris inspection; (9) reports, depositions and tri-injured from blast, overpressure, shrapnel IT[ ZMXWZ\ X]ZXW[M IVL IXXMIZIVKM[# ÅZM QVQ\QI\QWVand chemical agents. This text is not a re- and spread, space heaters, wires, and other heat-producingplacement for trained and well-equipped UMKPIVQ[U[# ÅZM KPIZIK\MZQ[\QK[ IVL OMVMZIT XZMKI]-bomb technicians but is designed to allow tions; (12) electrical systems and grounds, general wiring;\PM ÅZ[\ ZM[XWVLMZ \W UISM QLMV\QÅKI\QWV XPW\WOZIXPa IVL KIUMZI NMI\]ZM[# MTMK\ZQKIT KQZ-of suspect items and take appropriate ac- cuits and waves; and (15) electrical power equipment, trans-tion until well-equipped bomb technicians NWZUMZ[OMVMZI\WZ[ZMK\QÅMZ[IVLUW\WZ[<PQ[JWWSQ[IVarrive on the scene. excellent resource not only for arson investigators but for attorneys, the insurance industry, and manufacturers who28 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE are concerned with electronic reliability. FOR FAST AND CONVENIENT SERVICE ORDER YOUR BOOKS DIRECT FROM US AT 800.258.8980 OR ONLINE AT WWW.CCTHOMAS.COM. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
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POLICE SUICIDE © 2010 CRISIS INTERVENTION Tactics for Prevention 412 pp., (7 x 10) Contemporary Issues for 4 il., 1 table By Dell P. Hackett On-Site Interveners & John M. Violanti paper | $59.95 978-0-398-07947-5 (4th Ed.) © 2003 | 158 pp., (7 x 10), 4 il. ebook | $59.95 By James E. Hendricks, Jerome B. McKean ebook | $24.95 | 978-0-398-08427-1 978-0-398-08359-5 & Cindy Gillespie HendricksThe range of information in this book is Criminal justice professionals are confronted with crisis sit-JZWILIVLWٺMZ[[\ZI\MOQM[IVL\IK\QK[\PI\ uations on a daily basis in an era when crime ranks in themay help to prevent suicides. It was written forefront of domestic social issues, and the administrationby several skilled and caring professionals, WN KZQUQVITR][\QKMQ[IUIRWZKWVKMZVWN X]JTQKWٻKQIT[IVLand it was their aim to give law enforce- the public. This expanded new edition delves into the histor-UMV\ WٻKMZ[ ILUQVQ[\ZI\WZ[ IVL UMV\IT ical perspective of crisis intervention and examines the ad-health professionals additional informa- ^IVKMUMV\[\PI\PI^MJMMVUILMQVWZLMZ\WZMÆMK\\PMTI\M[\tion and skills in dealing with law enforce- LM^MTWXUMV\[QV\PMÅMTL1\Q[QV\MVLMLNWZXZM[MZ^QKMIVLUMV\WٻKMZ[QVKZQ[Q[1\_QTTJMQV\MZM[\QVO in-service criminal justice and social service crisis interven-and useful to those who would read it ers who come into contact with victims of domestic/spousewith the intention of understanding this abuse, child abuse and neglect, rape and sexual assault, lossdilemma faced by law enforcement and of a loved one, or any other type of crisis. The intervener iswho have a desire to continue the search IT[WXZW^QLMLQVNWZUI\QWVWV[MTN I[[M[[UMV\QVIÅMTL[M\\QVOfor possible solutions. Only recently has and coping with the stresses of frontline work. A statement\PM QLMV\QÅKI\QWV WN XWTQKM [\ZM[[ IVL \PM of objectives, a summary, and learning activities are includedsubsequent counterproductive behaviors in each chapter. The appendices include useful World Widebeen exposed and accepted within the Web sites, guidelines and scenarios for role-plays, and courseculture. We have learned that the police W]\TQVM[NWZQV[\Z]K\WZ[<PQ[]VQY]MJWWSQ[LM[QOVMLNWZÅZM-WKK]XI\QWVQ[LQٺMZMV\NZWUITTW\PMZ[IVL ÅOP\MZ[ XWTQKM WٻKMZ[ KWUU]VQ\a [MZ^QKM WٻKMZ[ KWZZMK-\PI\Q\Q[ITTZQOP\\WJMLQٺMZMV\<PQ[VM_ tional workers, emergency medical workers, ministers, pro-understanding may also provide a poten- JI\QWVIVLXIZWTMWٻKMZ[XZW\MK\Q^M[MZ^QKM_WZSMZ[[WKQITtial remedy for some of law enforcement’s workers, and victim assistance workers.greatest ills: alcohol abuse, family abuse,and the subsequent consequences. It is the MULTICULTURAL PERSPECTIVEShope, therefore, that the information in IN CRIMINAL JUSTICEthis book will prevent future suicides and AND CRIMINOLOGYeven reverse the thinking that leads to such (3rd Ed.)life-ending decisions. It is a ‘must read’ forTI_ MVNWZKMUMV\ WٻKMZ[ XZWJI\QWV IVL By James E. Hendricks, Bryan D. ByersXIZWTM WٻKMZ[ []XMZ^Q[WZ[ UMV\IT PMIT\P & Kiesha Warren-Gordonprofessionals, educators, criminal justicestudents and professors. It is complete and © 2011 <PQ[ ZL -L PI[ JMMV [TQUUML LW_V NZWU XZM^QW][ MLQ-_MTT ZM[MIZKPML# I KWWXMZI\Q^M MٺWZ\ VW\ 228 pp., (7 x 10) tions. Chapters have been combined and subjects updat-a competitive one; a journey of discovery ed throughout. In keeping with the theme of previousand hope. ebook | $32.95 978-0-398-08665-7 MLQ\QWV[\PQ[ZL-LILLZM[[M[K]T\]ZITLQ^MZ[Q\aKZQUQVIT30 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE justice, and criminology. As an edited anthology, this book represents the work of national scholars who have exper- tise in criminal justice issues in a multicultural context. The book includes original work addressing such diversity issues as gender, race, ethnicity, and sexuality in criminal justice and criminology. In addition, types of crime, juve- nile justice issues, training, and college curricula are also discussed. This text promises to bridge the gap between research and practice in the area of promoting cultural awareness and sensitivity. The book should appeal to those teaching undergraduate or graduate courses in criminal justice or criminology. It should also be of particular in- terest to criminal justice personnel, criminologists, and students of criminal justice/criminology with an interest in diversity issues. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
© 2014 CRISIS INTERVENTION IN CRIMINAL CRIMINAL PSYCHOLOGY422pp., (7 x 10) JUSTICE/SOCIAL SERVICE Nature, Nurture, Culture —5 tables (5th Ed.) A Textbook and Practicalpaper | $59.95 Reference Guide978-0-398-08783-8 By James E. Hendricks & Cindy S. Hendricks for Students and Workingebook | $59.95 This expanded new edition continues to demonstrate and Professionals in the Fields of978-0-398-08784-5 provide theoretical, analytical, and practical knowledge for Law Enforcement, Criminal ÅZ[\ ZM[XWVLMZ[ .IKM\WNIKM QV\MZIK\QWV _Q\P \PM KTQMV\ Justice, Mental Health, and victim is part of the comprehensive approach advocated by the book, which requires interveners to assess the na- Forensic Psychology ture of a crisis and the condition of the victim in order to determine the appropriate course of action. The compre- By Laurence Miller hensive balance of theory and practice presented in this book should enable the intervener in coupling his/her gen- © 2012 | 798 pp., (7 x 10), 15 tables eral knowledge of human psychology and emotional crisis _Q\P\PM[XMKQÅKIVLVW^MTKPIZIK\MZQ[\QK[WN ^IZQW][KZQ[Q[ hard | $74.95 | 978-0-398-08715-9 situations. Helpful appendices in each chapter provide ad- ebook | $63.95 | 978-0-398-08716-6 ditional internet resources, as well as a complete Model Law Enforcement Code of Ethics and Social Work Code Criminal psychology is the application of of Ethics. This new edition retains important information the principles of normal and abnormal psy- while providing current case studies such as the “Miracle chology to the understanding, prediction, on the Hudson River” crash, the mass shootings at Virgin- and control of criminal behavior. Criminal ia Tech, the Boston Marathon bombing, and the Yarnell Psychology: Nature, Nurture, Culture pro- 0QTTÅZMQV)ZQbWVI<PQ[M`KMX\QWVITJWWSQ[LM[QOVMLNWZ vides an in-depth yet readable introduction ÅZMÅOP\MZ[XWTQKMWٻKMZ[KWUU]VQ\a[MZ^QKMWٻKMZ[KWZ- to the foundations of criminal psychology rectional workers, emergency medical workers, probation/ as it is understood and practiced from the XIZWTM WٻKMZ[ XZW\MK\Q^M [MZ^QKM _WZSMZ[ X[aKPWTWOQKIT classroom to the courtroom. The book is counselors, social workers, and victim assistance workers WZOIVQbML QV\W Å^M [MK\QWV[ ;MK\QWV \WXQK[ among others. range from examining the nature and ori- gins of criminal behavior, major classes of© 2018 WRONGFUL CONVICTION mental disorder that may be associated with262 pp., (7 x 10) From Prevention KZQUQVIT JMPI^QWZ LMI\P [M`]IT WٺMV[M[1il., 4 tables and the psychological dynamics of a variety to the Reversal of Injustice of common crimes. Grounded in thoroughpaper | $42.95 scholarship and written in a crisp, engaging978-0-398-09206-1 By John A. Humphrey [\aTM\PQ[^WT]UMQ[\PMLMÅVQ\Q^MPIVLJWWSebook | $42.95 and reference source for forensic psycholo-978-0-398-09207-8 The magnitude of wrongful conviction is increasing across gists, mental health practitioners, attorneys, the country and around the world, with individuals arrest- judges, law enforcement professionals, and NEW! ed, convicted, and incarcerated for extended periods of time. military personnel. It will also serve as an This book provides an understanding of legal remedies, or- authoritative core text for courses in foren- ganizational reforms, and policy changes that have been pro- sic psychology, criminology, and criminal posed and implemented. In various jurisdictions, these pro- justice practice. cedures reduce the likelihood of a wrongful conviction. Legal and organizational reforms and changes in criminal justice HUMAN RELATIONS | 31 policy are considered at three key junctures of the process: (1) the investigation, evidence gathering, and forensic analysis, XZW[MK]\WZQITLMKQ[QWVUISQVOIVL\PMR]LQKQITZM^QM_ and exoneration of a wrongfully convicted defendant. Each chapter opens with a wrongful case vignette that illustrates the reform strategies being considered. In addition, the au- thors provide a thorough analytical overview of the criminal justice processes involved in wrongful conviction and the re- forms that are needed to prevent and reverse injustices. This book is an invaluable resource for prosecutors, defense attor- neys, judges, advocates for the wrongfully convicted, criminal justice policymakers, law and society, and will contribute to IKILMUQKKW]Z[M[QV\PMÅMTL[WN KZQUQVWTWOaIVLR][\QKMCALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
PRACTICAL POLICE © 2011 TRAUMATIC STRESS IN PSYCHOLOGY 268 pp., (7 x 10) POLICE OFFICERS 11 il. Stress Management A Career-Length Assessment from and Crisis Intervention ebook | $41.95 Recruitment to Retirement for Law Enforcement 978-0-398-08560-5 By Douglas Paton, John M. Violanti, By Laurence Miller Karena Burke & Anne Gehrke © 2006 | 320 pp., (8 x 10) Practical Police Psychology addresses the psychologically complex world of modern policing. It analyzes both the paper | $53.95 | 978-0-398-07637-5 unusual and everyday challenges faced by all law enforce- ebook | $53.95 | 978-0-398-08469-1 ment personnel, from the street cop to the departmental brass. Scholarly in scope, Practical Police Psychology goesPractical Police Psychology addresses the psy- JMaWVL IKILMUQK IVITa[Q[ \W WٺMZ ][IJTM LW_V\WMIZ\Pchologically complex world of modern and immediately applicable—that is, practical—guidelinespolicing. It analyzes both the unusual and IVL[\ZI\MOQM[NWZQUXZW^QVO\PMMٺMK\Q^MVM[[IVLY]ITQ\aWN everyday challenges faced by all law en- policing in the real world. This book addresses two broadforcement personnel, from the street cop LWUIQV[WN XWTQKMX[aKPWTWOa<PMÅZ[\Q[\PMZWTMWN TI_to the departmental brass. Scholarly in enforcement behavioral science in operational assistancescope, Practical Police Psychology goes of police activities, such as hostage negotiation, suicide-by-JMaWVLIKILMUQKIVITa[Q[\WWٺMZ][IJTM cop intervention, undercover policing, and patrol tactics fordown-to-earth, and immediately appli- dealing with crime victims, violent citizens, and the mental-cable—that is, practical—guidelines and ly ill. The second domain has to do with cops taking care[\ZI\MOQM[ NWZ QUXZW^QVO \PM MٺMK\Q^MVM[[ of themselves and their departments, including mentaland quality of policing in the real world. \W]OPVM[[ \ZIQVQVO KZQ\QKIT QVKQLMV\ [\ZM[[ WٻKMZQV^WT^MLThis book addresses two broad domains shooting, line-of-duty death, law enforcement leadership,WN XWTQKMX[aKPWTWOa<PMÅZ[\Q[\PMZWTM and the unique challenges of police families. The result isof law enforcement behavioral science in an authoritative and practical guidebook for law enforce-operational assistance of police activities, ment and mental health professionals alike.such as hostage negotiation, suicide-by-cop intervention, undercover policing, © 2006 LAW ENFORCEMENTand patrol tactics for dealing with crime 136 pp., (7 x 10) FUNERAL MANUALvictims, violent citizens, and the mental- 2 il. A Practical Guide for Law Enforcemently ill. The second domain has to do with Agencies When Faced with the Death ofcops taking care of themselves and their spiral | $27.95 a Member of Their Departmentdepartments, including mental toughness 978-0-398-07660-3\ZIQVQVOKZQ\QKITQVKQLMV\[\ZM[[WٻKMZQV- (2nd Ed.)volved shooting, line-of-duty death, law ebook | $27.95enforcement leadership, and the unique 978-0-398-08478-3 By William P. Sanderschallenges of police families. The result isan authoritative and practical guidebook This funeral manual is intended to provide law enforce-for law enforcement and mental health ment agencies with a quick and informative reference whenprofessionals alike. Practical Police Psy- the unthinkable occurs: the unexpected death of a depart-KPWTWOaQ[\PMJWWSaW]¼TTX]TTW\ٺPM[PMTN mental member. The material contained herein has beenevery day for new insights and practical gathered by the International Conference of Police Chap-strategies for handling the complex de- lains from numerous departments and sources. It coversmands of modern policing. all law enforcement circumstances/protocols and religious beliefs. Divided into seven sections, the major topics cover:32 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE preparing for the funeral; basic elements of law enforce- ment funerals; types of funerals; animal burials; funeral resources; survivor resources; and planning for the future. Police hymns, prayers, and help and supportive agencies are included for departments to use in drafting their own policies and procedures. Particular attention is given to on- going care for the deceased member’s family. A “Line of Duty or Serious Injury” form is provided as an example for other departments/agencies to use in drafting their own policies and procedures. The appendices contain a funeral KPMKSTQ[\ I XMZ[WVVMT LMJZQMÅVO[ NWZU IVL [IUXTM ¹4QVM of Duty Death Departmental Regulation or Standard Op- erating Procedure and Model Departmental Policy.” CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
© 2015 PUBLIC SAFETY SUICIDE DYING FOR THE JOB136 pp., (7 x 10) The Human Dimension Police Work Exposurepaper | $24.95 By Mary Van Haute & John M. Violanti and Health978-0-398-08134-8 This book takes an individual human approach to the By John M. Violantiebook | $24.95 problem of suicide in public safety occupations. As a re-978-0-398-08135-5 searcher in suicide, coauthor John Violanti relies heavily © 2014 | 212 pp., (7 x 10), 7 il., 3 tables upon statistics to make the case for prevention. These worthwhile statistics help to form the big picture, but one paper | $36.95 | 978-0-398-08772-2 must keep in mind that these are just statistics and not peo- ebook | $36.95 | 978-0-398-08773-9 ple. With coauthor Mary Van Haute and her knowledge of the human condition and experience in interventions, When one thinks of police work, the im- she adds the human dimension by relating her stories of mediate danger of this occupation comes real people who worked in public safety occupations and to mind—the everyday threat of violence, \PMQZLQٻK]T\IVL[WUM\QUM[\ZIOQKKWV[MY]MVKM[_Q\PVMIZ death, and witnessing traumatic events in and completed suicide. Added to her expertise is her own their work. Less noted however is the phys- life experience: she is a survivor of her brother’s death by ical and psychological danger associated suicide. For the reader, the book provides a detailed insight with police work, including harmful en- into the reality of suicide and how it tears into the very vironmental exposure, stress and trauma. ÅJMZWN JMQVOP]UIVQVIVWKK]XI\QWVITK]T\]ZM\PI\ZM- Based on research, the adverse health and quires one to forget emotions, feelings, and at times com- psychological consequences of this occu- passion. Here are the stories of people who have balanced pation far outweigh the dangers of the the risk of being judged and misunderstood with the value street. The primary purpose of this book of being a mentor and role model to others. They share is therefore to focus on these less known, their stories about living with mental illness, addiction, and less talked about dangers in policing. The suicide in the hopes that it will have a positive impact on mental well-being, health, and average the readers and ultimately save a life. This book is an op- TQNM [XIV WN XWTQKM WٻKMZ[ IXXMIZ \W JM portunity to see that there is life after lifelessness, hope after IٺMK\ML Ja \PM[M NIK\WZ[ 0MVKM \PM \Q\TM hopelessness and peace after restlessness. ·¹LaQVONWZ\PMRWJº¸ZMÆMK\[VW\[WU]KP the danger on the street but the hidden© 2008 “COPICIDE” health dangers associated with policing.130 pp., (7 x 10) Concepts, Cases, and Many of the researchers who contributed2 tables Controversies of Suicide by Cop to this book are epidemiologists and bio- statisticians who are part of a National In-paper | $24.95 By John M. Violanti & James J. Drylie stitute of Occupational Safety and Health978-0-398-07837-9 617;0+,+Å^MaMIZZM[MIZKP[\]LaWV This book provides an important insight by poignantly XWTQKMPMIT\P\Q\TML¹*+78;º¸\PM*]ٺI-ebook | $24.95 M[\IJTQ[PQVO I U]KP KTMIZMZ LMÅVQ\QWV WN _PI\ PI[ JMMV lo Cardio-Metabolic Occupational Police978-0-398-08500-1 SVW_VPQ[\WZQKITTaI[¹[]QKQLMJaKWXºWZ¹;J+º7ٻKMZ[ Stress study. Still other contributors are involved in copicide and use of deadly force experience experts in cancer, cardiovascular disease a myriad of emotions before, during, and after these crit- and psychological trauma. Recent events ical incidents, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. such as 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, the San- =VLMZ[\IVLQVO IVL LMÅVQVO _PI\ LQL IVL LQL VW\ WKK]Z dy Hook school tragedy, and the Boston QV KWXQKQLM Q[ XIZIUW]V\ \W IV WٻKMZ¼[ KIXIKQ\a NWZ ZM[QT- Marathon bombings emphasize the need ience. A considerable amount of recent research has been to have a vibrant, healthy police force. It conducted on suicide by cop. The purpose of this book is necessary to maintain a high level of is to bring together this research within the framework of reliability by initiating health and stress issues involved with this phenomenon. The psychological XZM^MV\QWV MٺWZ\[ *W\P TI_ MVNWZKMUMV\ aftermath of SbC shootings is also discussed followed by practitioners and administrators alike will ILQ[K][[QWVWN []QKQLMZQ[SIUWVOXWTQKMWٻKMZ[IVL\PM JMVMÅ\NZWUZMILQVO\PQ[JWWS phenomenon of “suicide by suspect” referring to a police WٻKMZ_PWQV\MV\QWVITTaXTIKM[PQUPMZ[MTN QVPIZU¼[_Ia HUMAN RELATIONS | 33 in order to die. It is hoped that this book will help to pro- vide a starting point for further discussions and develop- ment of a clear conceptual basis for suicide by cop, which is essential if we are to clarify this elusive concept that in- termixes between suicide, homicide, and cause for blame.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
ON THE EDGE UNDER THE BLUE SHADOW Recent Perspectives on Clinical and Behavioral Police Suicide Perspectives on Police Suicide By John M. Violanti, By John M. Violanti & Stephanie SamuelsAndrew F. O’Hara & Teresa T. Tate © 2007 8WTQKM_WZSQV^WT^M[\PMLQٻK]T\\I[SWN XZM^MV\QVOKWU- © 2011 | 158 pp., (7 x 10), 2 il., 4 tables 192 pp., (7 x 10) munity dysfunction and preserving law and order within 1 il. paper | $24.95 | 978-0-398-08633-6 \PMKWUU]VQ\a7ٻKMZ[_PWLMIT_Q\PP]UIVUQ[MZaWV ebook | $24.95 | 978-0-398-08634-3 paper | $38.95 a daily basis work under a hidden danger not visible on 978-0-398-07769-3 the street: that of psychological harm. UNDER THE BLUEIn this book, the authors extend their aca- SHADOW was written to provide clinical cases and researchdemic research and knowledge on the sub- ebook | $38.95 in one volume in order to help provide a well-rounded viewject to a national level. Two of the authors, 978-0-398-08542-1who have personally dealt with the after- WN XWTQKMWٻKMZ[_PW_WZS]VLMZ\PM[MKWVLQ\QWV[1\_QTTmath of suicide, add a realistic descriptionof what it is like to be “on the edge.” Chap- JM I ^IT]IJTM ZM[W]ZKM NWZ PMTXQVO WٻKMZ[ \W []Z^Q^M \PQ[ter One discusses police suicide rates and psychologically dangerous occupation. The authors of thisthe ongoing controversy that surrounds book have both had experience with policing. The casesthis area of research. In Chapter Two, the LM[KZQJMLQV\PQ[JWWSIZMNZWU\PMÅTM[WN ;\MXPIVQM;IU-authors describe two in-depth analyses ofnational police suicide rates. Chapter Three ]MT[ _PW PI[ KW]V[MTML \ZW]JTML WٻKMZ[ NWZ UIVa aMIZ[is based on a conceptual model of the ca-ZMMZ [XIV WN I XWTQKM WٻKMZ IVL \ZI]UI ,Z2WPV5>QWTIV\QQ[IaMIZ^M\MZIVWN \PM6M_AWZSwithin that span that may exacerbate con- State Police and has conducted research on police trau-ditions for suicide. Chapter Four presents adiscussion of factors that may help to protect UIIVL[]QKQLMNWZaMIZ[8WTQKMWٻKMZ[IVLM`MK]\Q^M[police WٻKMZ[NZWU[]QKQLM1V+PIX\MZ.Q^MAndy O’Hara discusses his own journey KW]V[MTWZ[IVLW\PMZUMV\ITPMIT\PXZWNM[[QWVIT[_QTTÅVLto the edge and how such decisions may the book to be a valuable addition to their library.KWUM IJW]\ QV XWTQKM WٻKMZ[ 1V +PIX\MZSix, Andy O’Hara presents a description © 2007 POLICE SUICIDEof his newly developed program, “Badge 196 pp., (7 x 10) Epidemic in Blueof Life,” which seeks to “depower” police 7 il.\ZI]UI IVL QV[\MIL ¹MUXW_MZº \PM Wٻ- (2nd Ed.)cer. In doing so, they will be prepared not paper | $35.95only for stress but for trauma before it oc- 978-0-398-07763-1 By John M. Violanticurs and know what to do when it does. In+PIX\MZ ;M^MV \PM IN\MZMٺMK\[ WN []QKQLM ebook | $35.95 In this 2nd Ed. of Police Suicide: Epidemic in Blue, the authorare explored and how police support can 978-0-398-08541-4 brings together “old and new” information on police sui-help to ameliorate psychological distress KQLMIVLPMQV\ZWL]KM[[WUMXZWUQ[QVOÅVLQVO[1VLWQVOIVL \ZI]UI I[[WKQI\ML _Q\P IV WٻKMZ¼[ [WPMKTIZQÅM[[WUMQ[[]M[IVLXZW^QLM[I[W]ZKMWN QVNWZ-death. Law enforcement practitioners, re- UI\QWV NWZ XWTQKM WٻKMZ[ ILUQVQ[\ZI\WZ[ IVL IKILMUQKsearchers and thera-pists, as well as police researchers. In this lucidly written book of ten chapters,WZOIVQbI\QWVIT XWTQKaUISMZ[ _QTT JMVMÅ\ Doctor Violanti discusses the classical studies in suicide,from the discussions presented in this book. the accuracy and validity of police suicide rates, probable precipitating factors associated with police suicide, the im-34 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE pact of retirement, the idea of “suicide by suspect,” the antecedents of murder-suicide, the plight of survivors of police suicide, and information and suggestions for police suicide prevention. Also discussed is the relationship be- \_MMV[]QKQLMIVL\PMZMT]K\IVKMWN XWTQKMWٻKMZ[\W[MMS professional help. Suggestions are made for police suicide prevention that include intervention programs and suicide I_IZMVM[[ \ZIQVQVO <PM I]\PWZ [\ZM[[M[ \PI\ \PM ÅZ[\ IVL most important step in preventing suicide is to recognize the problem. It is hoped that this new edition will provide an additional resource to help prevent these deaths. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS FOR POLICE OFFICERSProviding Meaningful Guidance in a Variety of Situations By Steven J. VorisThis expanded third edition continues to be an his/her survival. The book is not just a collection © 2017important reference volume and tool to surviv- of devotions with religious meanings; rather, it 268 pp., (7 x 10)al in a law enforcement career. The book is de- KTMIZTa QLMV\QÅM[ [WUM WN \PM UW[\ \ZaQVO [Q\]I-signed to be used with the Bible and will help law paper | $27.95 \QWV[ \PI\ WٻKMZ[ WN\MV ÅVL \PMU[MT^M[ QV \PM 978-0-398-09193-4MVNWZKMUMV\ WٻKMZ[ KWV[KQW][Ta \ISM \PM X]T[M ones that challenge the soul the most, and helpsof their soul, ensuring that they stay on a strong them make sense of it all. The author links these ebook | $27.95spiritual and moral path. Each devotion includ- situations with relevant biblical passages. Each 978-0-398-09194-1ed in the book examines a particular passage of devotion in the book is freestanding and can bescripture from the perspective of law enforce- used in any order. This new edition includes fourment. Often the primary meaning of the passage additional devotions for law enforcement, eightis not discussed in detail. Rather, the law enforce- new devotions for law enforcement chaplains,ment angle of the passage is explored. Keeping and four prayers for ceremonial functions. ThisXPa[QKITTa Å\ IVL IKPQM^QVO M`XMZ\ TI_ MVNWZKM-ment skills, along with maintaining a strong JWWS_QTTJMM[[MV\QITZMILQVONWZXWTQKMWٻKMZ[heart, mind, and soul, are essential ingredients ÅZMÅOP\MZ[ TI_ MVNWZKMUMV\ []XMZ^Q[WZ[ KWU-\WJMQVOI[]KKM[[N]TXWTQKMWٻKMZIVLKZ]KQIT\W U]VQ\a[MZ^QKMWٻKMZ[KPIXTIQV[IVLUQVQ[\MZ[INVESTIGATION & FORENSIC SCIENCES ADVANCES IN THE FORENSIC FORENSIC ANALYSIS EXAMINATION OF INK AND PAPER AND DATING OF WRITING INK By Richard L. Brunelle & Robert W. Reed By Richard L. Brunelle© 2003 & Kenneth R. Crawford © 1984 By Richard L. Brunelle, Bureau of236 pp., (7 x 10) 302 pp., (6 3/4 x 9 3/4) Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms,91 il. The use of the forensic examination 23 il., 9 tables Rockville, Maryland, and Robert and dating of inks on questioned W. Reed, Riva, Maryland. CON-paper | $43.95 documents has become common, paper | $59.95 TENTS: Introduction; The History978-0-398-07347-3 and law enforcement agencies rely 978-0-398-06039-8 of the Development of Writing Inks; heavily on these techniques during Their Properties and Compositions,ebook | $43.95 criminal investigations whenever ebook | $59.95 The Manufacture of Writing Inks;978-0-398-08490-5 there is some question as to when a 978-0-398-08154-6 document was written. In this book, ?ZQ\QVO 1V[\Z]UMV\[\" ,MÅVQ\QWV[ the authors describe the many ad- and Nomenclature; Printing Inks; ^IVKM[\PI\PI^MWKK]ZZMLQV\PMÅMTL Typewriter Ribbon Inks; Erasable of forensic examination and dating Inks; The Forensic Examination of of inks on documents. This book will Inks; The Dating of Inks; Historical be useful to chemists involved in dat- Develop ment of Paper and the Pa- ing examination work, lawyers trying per Manufacturing Process; A Par- cases using these techniques, and tial Compendium of Paper Industry XZWNM[[WZ[\MIKPQVOQV\PMÅMTLWN NW- Terms Watermarks; Methods for rensic sciences. In addition, it will be the Forensic Examination of Paper; useful serving as a methods manual Court Acceptability: Applications of and reference text for forensic science Forensic Paper and Ink Analysis. students.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • INVESTIGATION & FORENSIC SCIENCES | 35
CRIME SCENE STAGING © 2007 CONTRAST Investigating Suspect 210 pp., (7 x 10) An Investigator’s Basic Reference Misdirection of the 66 il. Crime Scene Guide to Fingerprint paper | $37.95 Identification Concepts By Arthur S. Chancellor 978-0-398-07718-1 & Grant D. Graham (2nd Ed.) ebook | $37.95 © 2017 | 368 pp., (7 x 10), 22 il. 978-0-398-08514-8 By Craig A. Coppock paper | $49.95 | 978-0-398-09139-2 This guidebook illustrates the basic concepts involved in ebook | $49.95 | 978-0-398-09140-8 \PM [KQMVKM WN ÅVOMZXZQV\[ IVL ÅVOMZXZQV\ QLMV\QÅKI\QWV 1\ KTIZQÅM[ UIVa WN \PM W^MZ[QUXTQÅML OMVMZITQ\QM[ \PI\This unique text has been written as a prac- XMZ^ILM\PM[KQMVKMWN ÅVOMZXZQV\QLMV\QÅKI\QWVIVLPQOP-tical reference for detectives, crime scene in- TQOP\[\PMUIVaXW[[QJQTQ\QM[IVLTQUQ\I\QWV[WN ÅVOMZXZQV\vestigators, and prosecutors on how to rec- QLMV\QÅKI\QWV+PIX\MZ[IZMIZZIVOMLTWOQKITTa\WNIKQTQ\I\MWOVQbMI[\IOML[KMVMIVLPW_\PQ[WٺMVLMZ greater knowledge and skills. The second edition highlightsbehavior could be used as evidence in sub- the full breadth of “Dactylscopy” the science of frictionsequent trials. The book is designed to help skin individualization. A full explanation of forensic sci-those actively engaged in conducting crim- ence’s comparative methodology, Analysis, Comparison,QVIT QV^M[\QOI\QWV[ QLMV\QNa \PM ZML ÆIO[ WZ -^IT]I\QWV IVL >MZQÅKI\QWV XZWKM[[ WZ )+-> Q[ ZM-\PW[M KWUUWV ÅVLQVO[ I\ I KZQUM [KMVM viewed. A detailed narrative of the Daubert requirementsthat point to the scene being staged or al- is provided and how these new procedural directives covertered and thereby assist the investigative \PMILUQ[[QWVWN [KQMV\QÅKM^QLMVKMIVLM`XMZ\\M[\QUWVaprocess. The text is not only research based <PMO]QLMIT[WWٺMZ[QLMI[NWZ]XOZILQVO[\IVLIZLWXMZI-J]\ IT[W QVKT]LM[ \PM I]\PWZ[¼ aMIZ M`- \QWVITWٻKMXZWKML]ZM[ZMTI\QVO\WÅVOMZXZQV\KWUXIZQ[WV[perience and personal observations in con- and is followed by a training outline. This outline will al-L]K\QVO P]VLZML[ WN LQٺMZMV\ KZQUM [KMVM low 10-print and latent print examiners to reach their fullinvestigations ranging from homicide and XW\MV\QITI[[XMKQITQbMLM`XMZ\[)VM_OTW[[IZaWٺMZ[death, burglary and other property crimes, KWUXZMPMV[Q^MLMÅVQ\QWV[WN ÅVOMZXZQV\\MZU[+WV\ZI[\to rape other sexual crimes. This experi- will be an excellent quick reference source and is intendedence also includes interviewing hundreds for new and experienced crime scene investigators, patrolof victims and suspects, and conducting in- WٻKMZ[I\\WZVMa[IVLKZQUQVITR][\QKM[\]LMV\[_PW[MMSvestigations from initiation of cases through \WILLÅVOMZXZQV\QLMV\QÅKI\QWV\W\PMQZQV^M[\QOI\Q^M[SQTT[XZW[MK]\QWV 1V ILLQ\QWV \W LMÅVQVO IVLcategorizing the various aspects of staging, HOT ZONE FORENSICSthe reader is also introduced to new termi- Chemical, Biological, and RadiologicalVWTWOaLM[KZQJQVO\PMLQٺMZMV\MTMUMV\[WN [\IOQVO JI[ML WV WٺMVLMZ UW\Q^M IVL \PM Evidence Collectiondynamics of the events. By Steven C. Drielak36 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE © 2004 Hot Zone Forensics is a detailed description of the evi- 436 pp., (7 x 10) dence collection protocols that will be required in criminal 119 il., (1 in color), cases involving the release of a chemical agent, biological 22 tables agent, or radiological material. This book sets the stan- dards for the methods that may be used by local, state and paper | $69.95 NMLMZIT QV^M[\QOI\Q^M TI_ MVNWZKMUMV\ WٻKMZ[ _PMV TWKI\- 978-0-398-07465-4 ing and collecting hazardous evidence in airborne, liquid, solid, surface and dermal form. Sampling protocols from ebook | $69.95 OSHA, NIOSH, EPA, DOE, CDC, Chemical Weapons 978-0-398-08026-6 Convention, and the Biological Weapons Convention have MIKP JMMV M`IUQVML QV IV MٺWZ\ \W XZW^QLM TI_ MVNWZKM- ment with a clear understanding of the many underlying evidence collection and prosecution issues associated with this type of criminal evidence collection. Detailed evi- dence collection protocols and equipment requirements for chemical, biological and radiological evidence are provided along with complete explanations as to why each protocol is recommended. The recommended collection protocols provided in this book have been designed to meet the many rigorous challenges that may be faced during the criminal trial process. Criminal investigators and prosecutors will ÅVL \PQ[ JWWS I ][MN]T O]QLM _PMV M[\IJTQ[PQVO \PMQZ W_V evidence collection standards for chemical, biological, and radiological evidence. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
ENVIRONMENTAL STREET DRUG CRIME TRIALS INVESTIGATION The Road to A Practical Guide for Plainclothes and Reasonable Doubt Uniformed Personnel By Steven C. Drielak By Darin D. Fredrickson & Raymond P. Siljander© 2017 Obtaining an environmental crime conviction can be a204 pp., (7 x 10) daunting task for any prosecutor. There are many challenges © 2004 | 296 pp., (7 x 10)48 il., 2 tables to be met and overcome, all of which may impact upon the 28 il., 2 tables success or failure of the criminal environmental prosecution.paper | $31.95 This text’s focus is primarily on those issues associated with paper | $43.95 | 978-0-398-07532-3978-0-398-09186-6 ebook | $43.95 | 978-0-398-08030-3 \PM KWTTMK\QWV IVL IVITa[Q[ WN [KQMV\QÅK M^QLMVKM IVL W\PMZebook | $31.95 types of physical evidence that are normally associated with This book addresses the problem of illicit978-0-398-09187-3 an environmental crime trial. The myriad of evidence collec- drugs and their far-reaching and serious tion and analysis issues raised here focus on the equipment, consequences that permeate all levels of procedures, protocols, training and documentation required American society. This includes all levels in order to properly collect this unique type of criminal ev- of narcotics, stimulants, depressants, hallu- idence. For the defense attorney, the book provides a conse- cinogens, steroids, and cannabis as well as quence analysis of the potential criminal evidence collection \PMQZLM[KZQX\QWVMٺMK\[IXXMIZIVKMUM\P- errors committed by regulatory- trained individuals and con- ods of ingestion, principle users, sources, tractors who have little or no criminal evidence collection or and street names. Additional major topics crime scene investigation training. include drug enforcement techniques, such as knock and talk investigations; the intelli-© 1992 MEMORY ENHANCING TECHNIQUES gence process; managing informants; plain-232 pp., (7 x 10) FOR INVESTIGATIVE INTERVIEWING clothes, undercover, and uniformed drug1 table investigations; conspiracy investigations; The Cognitive Interview investigation of clandestine drug laborato-hard | $68.95 ries; asset forfeiture; sources of investiga-978-0-398-05800-5 By Ronald P. Fisher & R. E. Geiselman tion; search warrants and raid planning; report writing and courtroom testimony;paper | $48.95 Despite the obvious importance of eyewitness informa- and physical surveillance and surveillance978-0-398-06121-0 tion in criminal investigation, police receive surprisingly photography. Written in a clear and concise TQ\\TMQV[\Z]K\QWVWVPW_\WKWVL]K\IVMٺMK\Q^MQV\MZ^QM_ style, the book will be a valuable resource toebook | $48.95 with a cooperative eyewitness. More than half of police any law enforcement professional whether978-0-398-08220-8 departments have no formal training whatsoever for new- involved in undercover, plainclothes, or uni- ly appointed investigators. Most texts in police science formed investigation and whether in a small MQ\PMZ KWUXTM\MTa WUQ\ \PM Q[[]M WN MٺMK\Q^M QV\MZ^QM_- or large police department. Regardless QVO\MKPVQY]M[WZXZW^QLMWVTa[]XMZÅKQITKW^MZIOM<PQ[ of the reader’s professional level, the text UIV]ITXZW^QLM[O]QLQVOXZQVKQXTM[\WMٺMK\Q^MQV\MZ^QM_- provides a foundation of knowledge that is QVO_Q\P[XMKQÅK\MKPVQY]M[\WJM][MLIVLW\PMZ[\WJM practical and useful. avoided. There are principles of memory retrieval so that \PM ZMILMZ _QTT ]VLMZ[\IVL _Pa \W MUXTWa [XMKQÅK \MKP- niques—for example, when to use open-ended versus di- ZMK\[PWZ\IV[_MZY]M[\QWV[MٺMK\Q^M][MWN XI][M[I[SQVO follow-up questions, cues to name and number recall, etc. There is the strategy of interview sequential structure— that is, what to probe for at the beginning, middle, and end of the interview. Also included are practical exercises and real-world experiences. The book will also be helpful for attorneys in conducting investigative interviews.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • INVESTIGATION & FORENSIC SCIENCES | 37
TECHNIQUES OF © 1996 FORENSIC HYPNOSIS LEGAL INVESTIGATION 390 pp., (7 x 10) The Practical Application of Hypnosis in 15 il., 3 tables (3rd Ed.) Criminal Investigations paper | $54.95 By Anthony M. Golec 978-0-398-06576-8 (Rev. 1st Ed.) © 1995 | 580 pp., (6 3/4 x 9 3/4), 163 il. ebook | $54.95 By Whitney S. Hibbard 978-0-398-09025-8 & Raymond W. Worring hard | $84.95 | 978-0-398-06515-7 ebook | $84.95 | 978-0-398-08201-7 This comprehensive manual of investigative hypnosis fo- cuses on the application of hypnosis in civil and criminalThis text in the area of civil litigation inves- investigations, particularly for enhancing recall of perti-\QOI\QWVKWV\QV]M[\WÅTT\PMVMML\PI\PI[ nent details among victims and witnesses. The text coverslong existed for a general reference work the history, theory, principles, practice, and managementon techniques, procedures and practices WN NWZMV[QK PaXVW[Q[ IVL \PQ[ ZM^Q[ML MLQ\QWV ZMÆMK\[ IQV \PM ÅMTL WN TMOIT QV^M[\QOI\QWV 1V\MVL- []Z^MaWN \PMXZWNM[[QWVITIK\Q^Q\aQV\PMÅMTLIVLIKWU-ed as an educational tool for the lay legal prehensive review of the relevant case law that has beeninvestigator, it is written by an investigator generated between 1981 and 1995. The book is designedwith thirty years experience in legal inves- for investigators, attorneys, and consulting medical andtigating for trial attorneys and in helping mental health professionals. In addition to serving as ato prepare thousands of civil and criminal technical manual for students and instructors of forensiccases for trial. In its new revised edition, hypnosis, a handbook of management and regulation, aTechniques of Legal Investigation has been review of legal aspects, and an analytical survey of specialcompletely updated for a new generation problems, this book also can function as a comprehensiveof legal investigators and provides the lat- guide to the development of in-house programs for law en-est pertinent case citations from Appellate forcement agencies. It is, in short, the complete, cohesive,and Supreme Court decisions. There are and expert text required by those involved or interested inW^MZ[]KPKI[MKQ\I\QWV[QV\PQ[ZM^Q[ML forensic hypnosis.edition. Included are discussions of the lawof evidence, interviewing witnesses, foren- © 2002 PSYCHIC CRIMINOLOGYsic photography, and investigation reports. 164 pp., (7 x 10) A Guide For Using PsychicsA section on professional ethics has beenincluded and an entire chapter has been paper | $29.95 In Investigationsdevoted to criminal defense investigation. 978-0-398-07289-6Many new illustrations have been included (2nd Ed.)in this new edition. Investigators who must ebook | $29.95gather the facts of any occurrence, wheth- 978-0-398-08371-7 By Whitney S. Hibbard, Raymond W. Worringer a tort or a crime for eventual presenta- & Richard Brennantion before a court or other tribunal shouldÅVL\PQ[JWWSI^IT]IJTMIQL Practical and authoritative, this book is a comprehen- sive manual of operations for using psychics in criminal38 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE investigations. The authors base the material on several LMKILM[WN XMZ[WVITM`XMZQMVKMIVLWVW\PMZÅZ[\XMZ[WV accounts from law enforcement personnel. After establish- ing the need for such an operations manual, the text pres- ents a short history of psychic criminology, outlines the LQٺMZMV\\aXM[WN X[aKPQKIJQTQ\aXMZ\QVMV\\W\PMQV^M[\QOI- tor, then reviews the evidence and theories for paranormal XPMVWUMVI1\\PMVLM\IQT[\PMQLMV\QÅKI\QWVZMKZ]Q\UMV\ \M[\QVOIVL][MWN X[aKPQK[_Q\PKTW[MKW^MZIOMIٺWZLML UM\PWL[IVLXZWKML]ZM[NWZMٻKQMV\IVL[]KKM[[N]TQV^M[- tigative work with psychics. The important role of extra- sensory perception in the everyday life of the investigator also is examined. Throughout the book, the authors inter- sperse summaries of actual cases involving psychics to il- lustrate and support the topics under discussion. This 2nd Ed. has been edited and rewritten extensively with much VM_ IVL [QOVQÅKIV\ UI\MZQIT ILLML QVKT]LQVO I [MK\QWV on remote viewing, a new chapter of documented case histories, and a cogent critique of the critics of para-nor- mal functioning. The primary purpose of this 2nd Ed. is \PM [IUM I[ \PM ÅZ[\\" \W XZWUW\M \PM XZWNM[[QWVIT ][M WN psychics as investigative aides in criminal investigations. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
CRIMINAL INTERROGATION FORENSIC EXAMINATION A Modern Format for Interrogating OF RUBBER STAMPS A Practical Guide Criminal Suspects Based on the Intellectual Approach By Jan Seaman Kelly By Warren D. Holmes © 2002 | 242 pp., (8 1/2 x 11) 345 il.© 2002 )]\PWZ0WTUM[Q[_MTTY]ITQÅML\W_ZQ\MIJWWSWV\PM[]J-166 pp., (7 x 10) ject of criminal interrogation and has lectured about it in paper | $44.95 | 978-0-398-07279-7 many organizations including the FBI, CIA, the Secret ebook | $44.95 | 978-0-398-09026-5paper | $29.95 Service, the Canadian Police College, and the Singapore978-0-398-07320-6 Police Department. He has also conducted polygraph ex- aminations in such nationally known cases as the assassina-ebook | $29.95 tion of President John F. Kennedy, the murder of Dr. Mar-978-0-398-08372-4 tin Luther King, Jr., and Watergate. Drawing on current knowledge and his own extensive experience, the author provides a thorough overview of the techniques and pro- cedures of interrogation. The main purpose of this book is that it will give you the tools to combat the criminal sus- pect and to attain the most satisfying outcome of criminal investigation: obtaining a confession through astute inter- rogation. Ideally, to learn how to interrogate, one should be exposed to talented interrogators in action. Any book about criminal interrogation can never be a complete sub- stitute for the daily or weekly experience of interrogating criminal suspects. By reading this book, you will learn how to obtain confessions not by asking the suspect questions, but by convincing a suspect to confess by using persuasive interrogational arguments. FORENSIC INVESTIGATION The purpose of this book is to inform the HANDBOOK document examiner of the various new manufacturing processes and materials An Introduction to the Collection, Preservation, Analysis and IVLPW_\PM[MXZWKM[[M[KIVJMQLMV\QÅML Presentation of Evidence IVLLQٺMZMV\QI\MLNZWUMIKPW\PMZQVINW- rensic document examination. After a dis- By Michael Karagiozis & Richard Sgaglio cussion of the history and manufacturing processes of seals in Chapter 1, Chapter 2© 2005 The Forensic Investigation Handbook is one of the most com- introduces the document examiner to the402 pp., (8 x 10) prehensive forensic science texts available today. It outlines65 il. the general principles of forensic science including an XZQUIZaKTI[[QÅKI\QWV[WN [\IUX[+PIX\MZ overview of the history of forensic science, an introduction Q[IVQVLMX\P[\]LaWN \PM^IZQW][UIQV-hard | $79.95 to ballistics, crime scene investigation techniques as well as stream manufacturing processes of hand,978-0-398-07579-8 evidence gathering, processing and documentation proce- self-inking, and pre-inked stamps. Chap- dures. The Forensic Investigation Handbook presents valuablepaper | $59.95 information on advanced forensic topics as well. These \MZXZW^QLM[IKWUXZMPMV[Q^MZM^QM_WN 978-0-398-07580-4 the characteristics commonly observed on IZMI[ QVKT]LM KZQUQVIT XZWÅTQVO ÅVOMZXZQV\[ IVL ,6) I[ stamp dies. Chapter 5 provides guidanceebook | $59.95 QLMV\QÅKI\QWV\PMNWZMV[QKI]\WX[aXPIZUIKWTWOa\W`QKWT- to the forensic document examiner by sug-978-0-398-08499-8 ogy, and biohazard risks for the forensic investigator. The gesting appropriate methodologies involv- Forensic Investigation Handbook [MZ^M[ I[ \PM WٻKQIT \M`\ NWZ ing a stamp. Chapter 6 discusses the vari- ous techniques available in photographing \PM[MKW]Z[M[IVLQ\[KMZ\QÅKI\QWVM`IUQVI\QWV[IZMLMZQ^ML a stamp die or the impression. Chapter 7 from its content. The Forensic Investigation Handbook is a req- provides a thorough discussion of stamp uisite for anyone interested in pursuing a career in any of the many forensic science disciplines or those currently QVS[IVLXQOUMV\[<PMJWWSKWV\IQV[ helpful illustrations of stamps, seals, dies, _WZSQVOQV\PQ[LaVIUQKIVLM^MZKPIVOQVOÅMTL molds, and impressions. This unique and comprehensive book can be used as both an instructional guide and a reference text by the forensic document examiner when confronted with virtually any case involv- ing a stamp, stamp impression, seal, or seal embossment.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • INVESTIGATION & FORENSIC SCIENCES | 39
THE DETECTION OF SCOTT’S FINGERPRINT MECHANICS HUMAN REMAINS By Robert D. Olsen, Sr. (2nd Ed.) © 1978 By Robert D. Olsen, Sr., United States Army Criminal By Edward W. Killam 480 pp., (6 x 9) Investigation Laboratory, Fort Gordon, Georgia. With a 174 il. Foreword by Walter R. Scott. This expanded and updat- © 2004 | 292 pp., (7 x 10), 87 il. ed version of the original FINGERPRINT MECHANICS hard | $90.95 will serve as a comprehensive course of instruction and paper | $49.95 | 978-0-398-07484-5 978-0-398-03730-7 ZMNMZMVKMNWZ[\]LMV\[WN ÅVOMZXZQV\QVOM`XMZQMVKMLQV- ebook | $49.95 | 978-0-398-08039-6 vestigators, and interested laymen. Following a general paper | $63.95This updated edition represents an inno- 978-0-398-06308-5 QV\ZWL]K\QWV\W\PM[KQMVKMWN ÅVOMZXZQV\[IVLÅVOMZXZQV\vative book that has been used by forensicspecialists for over a decade. It is intended ebook | $63.95 QLMV\QÅKI\QWV \PM I]\PWZ OQ^M[ LM\IQTML QV[\Z]K\QWV[ WVto be used as a guide to the various meth- 978-0-398-08197-3ods for locating human remains. Most of PW_\W\ISMPQOPY]ITQ\aQVSMLQUXZM[[QWV[WN \PMÅVOMZ[the information is applicable to both ar- palms and soles. Information is included on obtainingchaeological and forensic situations. The postmortem and other problem prints and on techniquesintended audience are those who becomeactively involved in the hunt for human NWZ ZMKW^MZQVO TI\MV\ ÅVOMZXZQV\ M^QLMVKM NZWU KZQUMbodies, such as historic and prehistoric scenes and evidentiary items. With respect to latent prints,archaeologists and the law enforcement the author has incorporated into this one manual all exist-community, including coroner or medical ing procedures, emphasizing those techniques which willexaminer investigators and search and res- be of the most practical use to the average investigator.cue teams. The book contains guidelines 1LMV\QÅKI\QWVWN ÅVOMZXZQV\[IT[WZMKMQ^M[\PWZW]OPKW^-for the investigation of missing-person or erage.homicide cases that require comprehen-sive body search planning. The core is a © 2011 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARYguide to methods for locating surface and 254 pp., (7 x 10) How the Urban Environmentburied bodies. There are 87 illustrations 32 il., 12 tablesin the book and there is also a new section and Our Lifestyles Playon penetrometer technology. An appendix paper | $36.95 a Contributing Rolecontains planning data sources, forensic 978-0-398-08679-4geology and geophysics checklists, search (3rd Ed.)factors for consideration, lost persons re- ebook | $36.95port, the Necrosearch Clandestine Grave 978-0-398-08680-0 By George F. Rengert & Elizabeth GroffQuestionnaire, a summary of methodadvantages and disadvantages, and recom- This updated and expanded new edition continues itsmendations for research. unique approach and engrossing exploration of the ele- UMV\[ WN ZM[QLMV\QITJ]ZOTIZa 8ZM[MV\MLQV Å^MXIZ\[ \PM CHECK OUT ÅZ[\Q[KWVKMZVML_Q\P_PI\Q[WVIJ]ZOTIZ¼[UQVL_PMVPM OUR WEBSITE AT or she considers whether to commit a burglary and which WWW.CCTHOMAS.COM house to choose. The second part is concerned with time and the opportunities and limits it places on both burglar40 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE and victim, while the third section probes how burglar- QM[ IZM Å\ QV\W [XIKM IVL \PM QUXWZ\IVKM WN XMZKMX\QWV of space in the burglary process. The fourth section de- scribes how burglars select a home to burglarize and uses Greenwich, Connecticut as a model to contrast target IVLVWV\IZOM\PWUM[<PMÅN\PXIZ\ZM^QM_[[WUMWN \PM “nuts and bolts” techniques and reasons for their use as de- scribed by burglars and addresses elements about housing IZKPQ\MK\]ZM \PM J]ZOTIZa XZWKM[[ IVL WٺMZ[ []OOM[\QWV[ for controlling the problem of burglary. It concludes with a discussion of changes in our lifestyles and communities and how these changes will play out in future patterns of residential burglary. It combines ethnographic research _Q\P[\]LaWN WٻKQITZMKWZL[IVLKWUJQVM[\PM[\ZMVO\P[ of both approaches. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
© 2016 ADVANCED INTERVIEWING CLANDESTINE216 pp., (7 x 10) TECHNIQUES PHOTOGRAPHY Basic to Advanced Daytimepaper | $37.95 Proven Strategies for Law Enforcement, and Nighttime Manual978-0-398-09123-1 Military, and Security Personnel Surveillance Photography Techniques — For Militaryebook | $37.95 (3rd Ed.) Special Operations Forces,978-0-398-09124-8 Law Enforcement, By John R. Schafer & Joe Navarro Intelligence Agencies, and <PQ[M`XIVLMLIVL]XLI\MLZL-LKWV\QV]M[\WMUXPI- Investigators size interviewing skills that are critical for solving crimi- nal investigations, obtaining information, and developing By Raymond P. Siljander & intelligence. Designed as a quick reference guide with an Lance W. Juusola enhanced outline format, the book contains an expanded table of contents for easy reference, reading, and com- © 2011 | 672 pp., (7 x 10) prehension. The reader is quickly immersed into the dy- 556 il. namic “theater of the interview,” exploring methods and techniques that enhance the interview process and increase hard | $69.95 | 978-0-398-08690-9 the probability of a successful outcome. Material from this ebook | $69.95 | 978-0-398-08691-6 book is drawn from numerous sources, including formal in- terviewing models and decades of social and psychological This book explains how to take surrep- ZM[MIZKPI[_MTTI[\PMI]\PWZ[¼W^MZÅN\aaMIZ[WN KWUJQVML titious photographs and record video of law enforcement experience. Chapter topics include plan- XMWXTM IVL XZWXMZ\a QV I [INM IVL MٺMK\Q^M ning for the interview, the interview setting, props, assessing manner while producing excellent results. the interviewee, establishing dominance, rapport, Miranda It is the most comprehensive text on clan- warnings, detecting deception, nonverbal behavior, verbal destine photography available. It takes the clues to deception, the interviewing tool box, the anger cy- reader through conventional as well as the cle, breaking the impasse and other problems, and the end most sophisticated clandestine photography game. This book contains the latest verbal and nonverbal methods in practice today, and it covers the techniques when interviewees are lying or concealing infor- use of all types of equipment ranging from mation, and builds on interviewers’ communication skills. W\ٺPM[PMTN \W \PM UW[\ PQOP\MKP MY]QX- ment available. The ultra-long-range night© 2010 PSYCHOLOGICAL vision photography methods discussed in220 pp., (7 x 10) NARRATIVE ANALYSIS this book were devised by the authors and10 il. A Professional Method to only exist here. Readers will discover esoter- Detect Deception in Written and ic techniques for photographically recordingpaper | $32.95 Oral Communications recognizable human and vehicle plate im-978-0-398-07928-4 ages from distances of over a mile in both By John R. Schafer daylight and night conditions. The book isebook | $32.95 appropriate for anyone in law enforcement,978-0-398-07980-2 ,]ZQVO \PM I]\PWZ¼[ aMIZ[ I[ I XWTQKM WٻKMZ IVL .*1 military operations, and private investiga- special agent, he witnessed countless lies told for a variety \QWV1\_QTTIT[WJMVMÅ\OW^MZVUMV\[]Z^MQT- of reasons in every imaginable circumstance from petty lance specialists and those responsible for criminals to sophisticated international spies, each with detecting and thwarting manual clandestine LQٺMZQVO TM^MT[ WN IJQTQ\a \W TQM KWV^QVKQVOTa <PQ[ TML \W photography. groundbreaking research examining the grammatical dif- ferences between truthful and deceptive narratives and the development of organized word and grammar patterns. This robust Psychological Narrative Analysis (PNA) system tests truthfulness in both written and oral communications and provides clues to the communication styles and be- havioral characteristics of others. PNA techniques identify [XMKQÅK _WZL[ [XMMKP XI\\MZV[ IVL OZIUUIZ [\Z]K\]ZM[ that reveal clues to a person’s personality, which helps evaluate the veracity of what they say. Substantial appen- dices review the PNA of written and oral communications, along with practice statements for the reader, followed by a PNA of those exercises.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • INVESTIGATION & FORENSIC SCIENCES | 41
FUNDAMENTALS OF © 2008 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESSPHYSICAL SURVEILLANCE 362 pp., (8 x 10) AND INDUSTRIAL SECURITY 122 il., 10 tables A Guide for Uniformed AND LOSS CONTROL and Plainclothes Personnel ebook | $57.95 A Primer for Business, Private Security, 978-0-398-08596-4 (3rd Ed.) and Law Enforcement By Raymond P. Siljander (2nd Ed.) & Darin D. Fredrickson By Raymond P. Siljander© 2016, 300 pp., (7 x 10), 170 il., 2 tables This book presents a treatise on the topic of business and paper | $45.95 | 978-0-398-09117-0 industrial security and loss control as it applies to the pro- ebook | $45.95 | 978-0-398-09118-7 tection of assets and personnel. The material in this thor- oughly revised and updated 2nd Ed. will enable law enforce-This updated and expanded new edition is UMV\ WٻKMZ[ [MK]ZQ\aTW[[ KWV\ZWT XMZ[WVVMT IVL J][QVM[[I[QOVQÅKIV\ZM^Q[QWVWN \PMVL-LXZM- managers to view security/loss control needs from a broad[MV\MLaMIZ[XZM^QW][<PQ[MLQ\QWVXZW- XMZ[XMK\Q^MIVL\P][LM^Q[M[MK]ZQ\aUMI[]ZM[\PI\_QTTZMÆMK\vides the most current information about a well-thought-out systems approach. The book contains asurveillance methods, supporting photo- wide range of information, and is presented in terms that willgraphic equipment, and vision enhancing be meaningful to readers that do not have formal trainingproducts. Although physical surveillance WZ M`XMZQMVKM QV \PM ÅMTL WN [MK]ZQ\a IVL TW[[ KWV\ZWT <PMremains an intuitive art regarding the information is of a practical nature which, if applied in asecret visual observation of a person, ac- ^IZQI\QWV \PI\ Q[ KWV[Q[\MV\ _Q\P [XMKQÅK VMML[ _QTT \IQTWZ Itivity, or location, important new science program that will result in a well-understood balanced sys-technology improved the tools and with \MU[ IXXZWIKP <PZW]OP N]Z\PMZ ]VLMZ[\IVLQVO \PM MٺMK-that came enriched tradecraft. Physical tiveness of police and security personnel is enhanced as theysurveillance may be urban or rural, sta- perform crime prevention duties and assist local businessestionary or mobile, foot or vehicular, or oc- QV]XOZILQVO[MK]ZQ\aUMI[]ZM[<PQ[JWWS_QTTPMTX\PMWٻ-cur on public transportation. In fact, one KMZÅVM\]VMQV^M[\QOI\Q^M\MKPVQY]M[_PMVIKZQUM[]KPI[Isurveillance operation can feature several burglary, has been committed at a business.or all of them. This edition presents thelatest methods, which investigators con- © 1995 FORENSIC SIGNATUREtinually adapt to the immediate circum- 132 pp., (7 x 10) EXAMINATIONstances. Written in a style that professional 12 il.investigators prefer, the information is pre- By Steven A. Slytersented quickly, decisively, and to the point. paper | $31.95 978-0-398-06542-3 What exactly is forensic signature examination? Is the com- FOR THE MOST parison of signatures really a science? How is it done? How PROMPT ebook | $31.95 can one become trained in this discipline? What are the 978-0-398-08205-5 parameters which guide the expert in reaching an opinion? DELIVERY, ORDER ?PI\MٺMK\[LWPMIT\PLZ]O[WZITKWPWTPI^MWV[QOVI\]ZM DIRECTLY FROM [SQTT['+IVI[QOVI\]ZMQVKT]LMWJ^QW][LQٺMZMVKM[IVL[\QTT THE PUBLISHER. JM OMV]QVM' )\ _PI\ XWQV\ LW LQٺMZMVKM[ JMKWUM [QOVQN- icant? How does an attorney work with an expert in this42 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE ÅMTL'?PI\LWK]UMV\[IVLUI\MZQIT[_QTTJMVMMLML'0W_ can a document expert explain the details of this work to I R]Za' 0W_ LWM[ IV I\\WZVMa MٺMK\Q^MTa KZW[[ M`IUQVM I document expert? FORENSIC SIGNATURE EXAM- INATION answers these questions. The reader will learn PW_\PM[KQMV\QÅKUM\PWLQ[IXXTQML\W[QOVI\]ZMM`IUQVI- \QWV PW_ \W LMÅVM \PM XIZIUM\MZ[ _PQKP O]QLM LMKQ[QWV making, and how forgeries can be recognized. Students will ÅVL\PQ[\WJMI[MV[QJTMIXXZWIKP\W\PM[\]LaWN [QOVI\]ZM M`IUQVI\QWV ,WK]UMV\ M`IUQVMZ[ _QTT ÅVL I UM\PWL NWZ explaining their work to clients and to the court. Attorneys _QTTÅVL\PI\\PMaKIV\ISM\PMUIOQKW]\WN I[QOVI\]ZMM`- amination so their own witness is more credible—or an op- XW[QVO_Q\VM[[PMTL\WIUWZMMٺMK\Q^MKZW[[M`IUQVI\QWV For attorneys, document examiners, and students, here is a straightforward, systematic explanation of why we can rely WV[QOVI\]ZM[I[IUMIV[WN QLMV\QÅKI\QWVIVLPW_\PMPIJ- its of pen rhythm and character design can be analyzed. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
HOMICIDE INVESTIGATION INTERROGATION Practical Information for Achieving Confessions Coroners, Police Officers, and Using Other Investigators Permissible Persuasion (3rd Ed.) By Charles L. Yeschke© 1977 By LeMoyne Snyder416 pp., (5 5/8 x 9)197 il., 4 tables Having undergone a complete revision and updating for \PQ[ ZL -L \PQ[ KTI[[QK \M`\ WN PWUQKQLM QV^M[\QOI\QWVpaper | $58.95 becomes even more useful to medical examiners, police978-0-398-06435-8 investigators and members of the legal profession. Keep- QVOXIKM_Q\P\PMOZMI\IL^IVKM[QV[KQMV\QÅKUM\PWL[IVLebook | $58.95 changing legal requirements, this new edition presents the978-0-398-08199-7 latest data and techniques regarding such topics as identi- ÅKI\QWVWN ZMUIQV[KZQUQVITQV\MZZWOI\QWVM^QLMVKMIVL the medicolegal investigation of deaths resultant from gun- shot wounds, stabbing, asphyxiation, drowning, burning, poisoning, highway accidents and sexual assault. © 2004 | 254 pp., (7 x 10) 14 il.© 2006 INVESTIGATING hard | $59.95 | 978-0-398-07494-4362 pp., (7 x 10) WHITE-COLLAR CRIME paper | $39.95 | 978-0-398-07495-131 tables Embezzlement and Financial Fraud ebook | $39.95 | 978-0-398-08411-0paper | $52.95 (2nd Ed.) This book explores practical and legal978-0-398-07649-8 tactics of interrogation by which to seek By Howard E. Williams the truth and in particular confessions orebook | $52.95 admissions. Its goal is to provide the in-978-0-398-08483-7 This book examines the criminal elements unique to em- vestigator with the skills to persuade the bezzlement and fraud that often confound investigators, culpable to confess or reveal information whose lack of expertise in accounting and auditing makes that may be the equivalent of a full con- Q\ LQٻK]T\ NWZ \PMU \W XZW^M \PM WٺMV[M[ +PIX\MZ[ IZM fession. The initial chapter provides the included on criminological theory and the law related to reader with a roadmap to interrogation white-collar crime, embezzlement, fraud, identity theft, and outlines the book’s organization fol- IKKW]V\QVOIVLI]LQ\QVO\PMWZaNWZQV^M[\QOI\WZ[ÅVIVKQIT lowed by a discussion of the philosophical interviewing and interrogation techniques, subpoenas and and legal underpinnings of interrogation. search warrants, evidence and documentation, proving +PIX\MZZMÆMK\[MTMUMV\[WN \PM8WTaXPI- illicit transactions, and case preparation and report writ- sic Flowchart, while the following chapter ing. The author examines these issues from the practical view of a white-collar crimes investigator who helps police LMIT[_Q\PLQٻK]T\QV\MZ^QM_MM[+PIX\MZ investigators gain a better understanding in detecting, in- considers interview question formulation, vestigating and preventing white-collar crime. Information is also contained on recent highly-publicized cases and IVLQV+PIX\MZ\PM[MTNN]TÅTTQVOXZWXPM[a explains how the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery of interrogation. In the following chapter and Enforcement Act of 1989 and the Sarbanes-Oxley aspects of detection of deception and the )K\WN KIVJMVMÅ\QV^M[\QOI\WZ[_PW_WZS[]KPKI[M[ role of the polygraphist is explored. In With interest in the newest white-collar crime on the rise, Chapter 8 the smooth transition from in- the author has included a new chapter dedicated to identi- terview to interrogation is pondered, while ty theft. Additionally, the book contains new ratio analysis Chapter 9 reviews the basic considerations tools and explains how to use Benford’s Law to discover and techniques. Chapter 11 scrutinizes ac- fraudulent receipts. tual, real-world confessions, including false confessions. The penultimate chapter deals _Q\P \PM LQٻK]T\ [M`]ITTa ZMTI\ML WٺMV[- es and provides many actual case studies. )VL QV \PM ÅVIT KPIX\MZ IV QVLMX\P KI[M study of a bank theft investigation is pro- ^QLML<PMZMILMZ_QTTÅVL\PI\\PQ[]VQY]M book functions as a very practical guide to \PM[]KKM[[N]TLM^MTWXUMV\WN MٺMK\Q^MXW- lice interrogation skills and techniques.CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • INVESTIGATION & FORENSIC SCIENCES | 43
JUVENILE JUSTICE STREET GANGS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD (2nd Ed.) By Herbert C. Covey© 2010 This updated and expanded new edition continues Scotland, France, Germany, Belgium, Scandinavia,328 pp., (7 x 10) and the Eastern European bloc. The fourth section1 table \PM \PMUM WN \PM ÅZ[\ MLQ\QWV WN MUXPI[QbQVO \PM provides current research on the Western Hemi- substantial growth of street gangs throughout the sphere and focuses on Canada, Jamaica, Brazil,paper | $45.95 world. This book summarizes much of the research Venezuela, Nicaragua, Trinidad, Ecuador, Tobago,978-0-398-07906-2 being conducted in many other countries where the street gang phenomenon is currently develop- IVL-T;IT^ILWZIVLN]Z\PMZM`IUQVM[\PMQVÆ]MVKMebook | $45.95 ing, which includes poverty, the retreat of the state,978-0-398-07970-3 increasing income inequality, urbanization, popu- WN )UMZQKIV[\aTMOIVO[WV\PMZMOQWV;MK\QWVÅ^M lation growth, exploitation, marginalization, un- addresses street gangs in India, China, Japan, Hong derground economies, racism, and ethnocentrism. Kong, and Korea with special emphasis on Russia. The introductory section of the text addresses im- The sixth section discusses the emerging street gang activity in Africa and Australia, as well as many of XWZ\IV\ \WXQK[ WV \PM ^IZQW][ LMÅVQ\QWV[ WN OIVO[ and youth subcultures and presents methodological \PMQ[TIVLVI\QWV[WN \PM8IKQÅK7KMIV<PMÅVIT issues concerning the measurement of street gang section compares gang research from the various parts of the world and projects universal trends. IK\Q^Q\a QV LQٺMZMV\ KW]V\ZQM[ <PM [MKWVL [MK\QWV This book provides the most current and compre- hensive overview of worldwide street gang activity WٺMZ[IVW^MZ^QM_WN \PMXZQUIZa[\]LQM[IVLUW[\ stressing those features that are shared by all gangs regardless of nationality, ethnicity, or gender, and ZMKMV\ ÅVLQVO[ ZMOIZLQVO )UMZQKIV [\ZMM\ OIVO[ postulates what the future holds for street gangs The third section discusses recent and historical throughout the world. ÅVLQVO[ IJW]\ [\ZMM\ OIVO[ QV -]ZWXM IVL PQOP- lights studies in Great Britain, Northern Ireland, YOUTH GANGS (4th Ed.) By Robert J. Franzese, Herbert C. Covey, & Scott Menard© 2016 This massive expansion of the literature on youth XIZ\QK]TIZTa \W ZMÆMK\ \PM J]ZOMWVQVO ZM[MIZKP WV380 pp., (7 x 10) gangs, especially in the past decade, warranted this European and other international gangs since the6 il., 1 table turn of the millennium. Chapter 7 has been ex- M`XIVLML IVL ]XLI\ML \P -L <PM ÅZ[\ KPIX\MZ panded to include recent developments in the ac-paper | $63.95 tual and potential application of biosocial, psycho-978-0-398-09107-1 PI[IVM`XIVLMLLQ[K][[QWVWN LMÅVQ\QWVITQ[[]M[ logical, and life course developmental theories to plus recent data from the National Youth Gang gangs. Chapter 8 provides a comprehensive, mul-ebook | $59.95 Survey, material on the evolving economic nature tilevel theory of gangs with updates including new978-0-398-09108-8 of gangs, and gang use of internet and social me- propositions, and new evidence for both the new dia. The second chapter continues by examining and old propositions, based on more recent work in gang violence and drug involvement, and the ex- theory development and theory testing for gangs. The ninth and tenth chapters’ revisions focus on \MV\ \W _PQKP \PMa IZM QV\MZKWZZMTI\ML +PIX\MZ focuses on racial and ethnic decadences in gangs TMOQ[TI\Q^M IVL R][\QKM [a[\MU MٺWZ\[ \W LM\MZ OIVO and the important role of race and ethnicity on crime and membership. Chapter 10 also focuses gang membership and gang behavior in the U.S. on intervention and assistance programs outside The fourth chapter examines female gangs and gang membership and the changes that have tak- \PMR][\QKM[a[\MU<PMÅVITKPIX\MZKWVKT]LM[Ja en place in the nature and extent of female gang considering the future of youth gangs in the U.S. UMUJMZ[PQX W^MZ \QUM <PM ÅN\P IVL [Q`\P KPIX- and elsewhere in light of historical and cross-na- ters place contemporary American gangs in the tional evidence, theory, and experience with gang historical and international perspective. Chapter 5 intervention. includes a new section on youth gangs in the new millennium, and Chapter 6 has been reorganized,44 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
LAW AND POLITICAL SCIENCE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROFESSIONALS AND STUDENTS A Plain Language Explanation of Constitutional Law By Kenneth Bresler© 2014 This textbook does not take the traditional approach to ters thoroughly review the Due Process Clause of the520 pp., (7 x 10) teaching law, even in a criminal justice program. Rath- Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, along with the26 il. er, the text takes a conversational approach and helps Equal Protection Clause. Three chapters are devoted to the reader engage in conversation about the junction examination of the Sixth Amendment, while four chap-hard | $79.95 of the U.S. Constitution and the criminal justice sys- \MZ[\IKSTM\PM.W]Z\P)UMVLUMV\+PIX\MZM`IU-978-0-398-08085-3 tem. The book is presented in readable style, gets to QVM[\PM-`KT][QWVIZa:]TM_PQTM[M^MZITÅVITKPIX\MZ[ebook | $79.95 \PM XWQV\ IVL KW^MZ[ [QOVQÅKIV\ UI\MZQIT <PM I]\PWZ review the First and Eighth Amendments. The book’s978-0-398-08087-7 explains what many constitutional provisions mean and Appendix provides the complete U.S. Constitution for provides examples, some actual and some hypothetical full reference. Non-law students do not need to master to illustrate principles, make the principles stick in the legal reasoning - the ability to analogize and extrapo- reader’s memory, and make constitutional law more late from precedents - to learn the law itself. And the interesting. Many examples are presented as stories. The procession of chapters begins with an overview \QUM\PI\KZQUQVITR][\QKM[\]LMV\[WN\MV[XMVLJZQMÅVO of the entire U.S. Constitution and also examines in- cases - tediously extracting facts and principles - would depth, provisions such as the Habeas Corpus Suspen- be better spent learning the law itself, indeed the intent sion Clause, the Ex Post Facto Clause, and the Second and design of this textbook. The author presents this Amendment. Two chapters examine three provisions exceptional book with a passion for helping the reader of the Fifth Amendment, while two subsequent chap- understand and embrace the intersection of the U.S. Constitution and the criminal justice system. LEGAL EASE A Guide to Criminal Law, Evidence, and Procedure (3rd Ed.) By Andrea Campbell & Ralph C. Ohm© 2012 Legal Ease is a versatile book that addresses how laws IVLÅVITTa\W\PMIXXMITXZWKM[[,MNMVLIV\[¼ZQOP\[350 pp., (8 x 10) evolve and change as if they were living, breathing are discussed as they navigate through the crimi-29 il. nal justice system. The ideas and principles behind MV\Q\QM[\PI\IZMIUQZZWZZMÆMK\QVO[WKQM\ITKPIVOM the country’s constitutional amendments are ex-paper | $44.95 <PQ[VM_\PQZLMLQ\QWVWٺMZ[\PMZMILMZIVM`XIV- XTIQVML _Q\P UIVa KI[M M`IUXTM[ WٺMZML \W QTT][-978-0-398-08813-2 sive and practical guide to the many aspects of law. trate. Additional topics new to this edition address Presented in three sections, the book explains the privacy rights, picketing at funerals, free speech/ebook | $44.95 practice of law through all phases of the criminal KZ]MT\a\WIVQUIT[aW]\PN]TWٺMVLMZ[IVL[MV\MVK-978-0-398-08814-9 justice system. Part One, Criminal Law Explained, ing, strip search of students, sexting, deportation and minor drug cases, DNA testing, warrantless WٺMZ[ I PQ[\WZa WN TI_ LMÅVM[ KZQUQVIT KWVL]K\ search, medicare scams, and workforce retaliation, and explains the tools attorneys use in their prac- among others. The inclusion of “Key Words” and tice. Section Two, Criminal Procedure and Evi- “Questions for Review and Discussion” sections at dence, details the steps required to institute consti- the end of each chapter will prove invaluable to in- tutional search, seizure, and arrest. It also provides structors and students. This comprehensive volume a comprehensive description of the duties and re- continues to give groups who are new to the scene, sponsibilities of prosecutors, defense attorneys, law as well as those who aren’t, an easy-to-read book of enforcement, and court personnel. Section Three, reference for all those nuances the law continues to A Walk Through the Criminal Justice System, takes press onto the legal system. the reader step-by-step through the process of a trial, from jury selection to verdict and sentencing,CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 • LAW AND POLITICAL SCIENCE | 45
THE POLICE OFFICER © 2013 FORENSIC INTERVIEWING IN IN THE COURTROOM 250 pp., (7 x 10) CRIMINAL COURT MATTERSHow to Avoid the Pitfalls of 4 tablesCross-Examination Through A Guide for Cliniciansthe Proper Preparation and paper | $36.95Presentation of Investigative 978-0-398-08884-2 By Marc Nesca & J. Thomas DalbyReports, In-Court Testimony, ebook | $36.95 Forensic mental health assessment has essentially become and Evidence 978-0-398-08885-9 synonymous with forensic psychological assessment. This necessary shift toward empirically grounded procedures By Don Lewis has had the unfortunate by-product of diminishing the im- portance of the clinical interview in favor of procedures © 2001 | 238 pp., (7 x 10) biased in the direction of rigid structure and statistical formulas. In contrast, the authors’ approach to forensic hard | $59.95 | 978-0-398-07212-4 mental health places the individual front and center in the paper | $39.95 | 978-0-398-07213-1 assessment process. The need to treat the interviewee as an ebook | $39.95 | 978-0-398-08459-2 individual rather than a member of some statistically de- ÅVMLOZW]XQ[\PMZMK]ZZQVO\PMUMWN \PQ[JWWS)[U]KPI[The purpose of this text is to guide and possible, the text is focused on the interview proper. Issuesinstruct the reader in all areas crucial to related to the broader topic of forensic assessment are dis-\PM MٺMK\Q^M XZM[MV\I\QWV WN M^QLMVKM QV cussed as necessary to provide context. Although the issuescriminal courtroom cases and to empha- discussed apply equally in civil and family court settings,size the importance of the part played by the focus is on the criminal justice system. This is not athe proper advance preparation of reports “how to” book but rather focuses primarily on the inter-and evidence prior to getting into the view process and on general areas of inquiry. The text iscourtroom. The text clearly indicates how organized into three sections: (1) general issues, (2) specif-KTW[MTaIVWٻKMZ¼[KZMLQJQTQ\aQ[\QML\WPQ[ QKIXXTQKI\QWV[IVL[XMKQITXWX]TI\QWV[<PMJWWS_QTTor her investigative report. The book thor- serve as a valuable resource for a variety of mental healthoughly examines the various problems of professionals as well as criminal justice administrators.evidence holding that often arise duringthe time between arrest and trial, and the EMERGENCY RESPONSE ANDsteps that can be taken to ensure a smooth EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT LAWÆW_QVOXZM[MV\I\QWVL]ZQVO\PM\ZQIT<PMtext discusses and instructs in great detail Cases and Materialson the many facets of direct-examination (2nd Ed.)and also takes the reader into the world_PQKP\PMWٻKMZ_Q\VM[[LZMIL[UW[\\PI\ By William C. Nicholsonof cross-examination. Through sample\M[\QUWVa\PMWٻKMZQ[QV[\Z]K\MLQVPW_ © 2012 This 2nd Ed. is a major revision and update of Emergencyto recognize and understand the defense 468 pp., (8 1/2 x 11) Response and Emergency Management Law.)[\PMÅZ[\\M`\\WJMstrategies employed in each of many dif- 31 il., 2 tables. published on emergency response and emergency manage-ferent situations as well as in how to turn ment law this book provides an understanding of the legalI\\IKS[ Ja I LMNMV[M I\\WZVMa \W \PM Wٻ- hard | $89.95 challenges faced on a daily basis by the front-line troops inKMZ¼[W_VJMVMÅ\?PM\PMZ][MLI[IZMN- 978-0-398-08831-6 emergent situations. The emergency response law sectionerence or a textbook, this text will provide begins with the duty to respond and proceeds through the\PMXWTQKMWٻKMZ_Q\P\PMVMKM[[IZa\WWT[ paper | $69.95 wide range of legal issues that arise during response. Train-\WLM^MTWXKWVÅLMVKMIJQTQ\aIVLKWV\ZWT 978-0-398-08832-3 ing accidents, vehicle issues, dis-patch, emergency medicalin presenting courtroom testimony. services issues, and “Good Samaritan” acts are covered. ebook | $69.95 The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),46 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE 978-0-398-08833-0 \PM ;\IٺWZL )K\ IVL \PM 6I\QWVIT :M[XWV[M .ZIUM_WZS (NRF) are discussed in great detail. The third section dis- cusses the ethical imperative, homeland security expendi- tures, policy and legal changes, wars in Iraq and Afghan- istan, and the war veterans. At the end of each chapter, questions and problems refer back to the text. These re- sources highlight the principal issues and serve as a valu- able teaching tool for the instructor. This text provides a ÅZU JI[M WN TMOIT SVW_TMLOM NWZ MUMZOMVKa ZM[XWVLMZ[ emergency management professionals, and their attorneys. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-258-8980 •
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