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Home Explore 1974


Published by lynette, 2019-05-15 00:32:24

Description: Hillcrest High, hillcrest, Midvale, Utah, class of 1974

Keywords: Hillcrest High, hillcrest, Midvale, Utah, class of 1974


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hi llcrest '74 volume 12 Editor: Evelyn Clawson P ublished by the Associated Students of Advisor : M. Dow Hillcrest High School Midvale, Utah Photography advisor : Arval el on Printed by Wheelwright Lithographing Company

Ti11~e passes so q~iickly 2

thctt 011ly gli11~pses of Life are ca~tght. 3


to a changing st~ide?~tbocly. 5

Mo111e1~ts eire ca~~ght i1~ happi1~ess, 6

in determination, 8

and winni1~g. 9

Dreams are

visions of the Future.

For the Future is no~v,


A 1~cl the Prese.1~t . ~s 11~e11~or~es. 14


Lauric O'Connell Gary Teran Rcnae Scott Alma Hansen Secretary Vice President Historian President 16

When Alma Han en wa not garbed in his sweat suit, running, he was probably in the student activity room conferring with the other officer . Gary Teran, Lauric O'Connell, and Renae Scott, working with Alma, accom- plished a change in the attendance polic} so activit)' absences could be waived . They also printed the H-book and activity schedules early in the year. The studentbody officer at o planned as emblies uch as Vandermcide, and the Battle of the Bands. The Homecoming week, including a semblies, various con- te ts, and highlighted by the dance, was at o spon ored by these outstanding four.

School Adn~inistration Mr. Delmar Schick, principal of Hillcrest High School, ha been in the educational field since 1952. This year the school administration's goal i · improving individual instruction to meet the unique need of tudents not only vo- cationally, but socially and emotionally. Mr. Schick i enthusia tic about next year because the new addition to Hillcre t will make room for curriculum development, opening the doors for many new cour es to be taught at Hillcre t.

Mr. Fred Worlton, in his first year as Vice Mr. Robert Day, full time administrative intern at Principal has been an educator in the Jordan School Hillcrest, is al o a full time student at the University District for nine years. During that time he ha been of Utah. He has been in the education field since a math teacher for seven years and an administrator 1965. This includes two year teaching biology and for two years. His personal philo ophy is that \"in- science, five years as a counselor, one year at the dividual growth and development are best promoted University of Georgia graduating with a M.Ed degree. by meeting the life needs of students at their own maturity level.\" Hi major duties at Hillcrest center around at- tendance and di cipline. He enjoys his job very much and says, \"Working with high school students is very rewarding.\"

District Adn~i1~istrcttion (A) \"vvr. Donald J. Parr, Superinte11dent of Jordan School District. (B) The Board of Education at a Tues- day evening meeting. A Mr. Rodney L. Dahl Mr. Richard Ander on Board President Vice President Forty-four million dollar ! Expenditures for the Jordan District arc changing from year to year. Twenty-one million dollars were put out for maintenance and operation, and twenty-three million dollar were pent for new building and con truction this year. One million of that is for Hillcrest alone. Part of the money was salaries for the thirteen hundred thirty-three professional workers in the district. Three new elcmentarys will open next year and a new Bingham High School will open in the fall of 1975 . ... Mr. Clayton Fairbourn Mr. John Wheadon Member Member Mr. L. Ray Brown A ui~tant Superintendent Mr. Ben Bagley Mr. Kenneth L. Prince Member Clerk 20

Counselors (A) Mr. Wilmer Barnett di cusse job open- ing with students after chool. (B) Mrs. Belva Cline pau es a moment from checking teachers' class chedule . (C) Mr. Richard Bird help tudent ex- plore the Scope Center. (D) Mrs. Betty Gillam hands an aide an ap- pointment slip scheduling the next student. A Richard Bird Belva Cline Betty Gillam Wilmer Barnett Reed Thatcher Counselor Counselor Counselor Counselor Vocational Coordinator D 21

Secretaries c (A) Iona Snarr, main office; (B) Farol Lester, main office; (C) Wilma Thompson, vice-principal's office; (D) Carol Gunnerson, attendance office; (E) Carol Hayward, vice-principal' office; (F) ondra ielson, coun elor's office; (G) Edith Melendez, coun elor's office. G 22

Cooks and Custodians nder the direction of Venetta Snyder the ten cook prepared and put out two main dishe each day. Although handi- capped by only having three oven the lunch wa · alway ready on time for fir t lunch. t the beginning of the year the price of lunch went from 35¢ to 40¢ for student and from 45¢ to 50¢ for teachers. (A) Bonita McDonald preparing salad for that day's lunch . (B) To hie Yama hiro butters bun as Venetta nyder looks on. (C) Viola Baker prepare dough for roll . A c Headed by Lowell Ware, the cutodian cleaned halls, cia room , the lunchroom, office , and the auditorium. They al o kept the chool in good running order b] checking lighting y terns, electrical ys- tems heaters, and thermo tat . (D) Duane Coleman in the cu todian ' room, in the main hall. (E) Cu todian cleaning up the hall after school. DE 23


Openi1~g Assentbly chool began Tue~da) morning, September 4, 1973, with the tradi- tional Opening embly. lma Han en, studcntb dy pre ident, in- troduced chool officer , cheerlead- er , and songlcadcr ·. The enior pre cntcd a kit which depicted the ophomore a ucker . In order to familiarize th~.: stu- dent with chool p licies, Mr. red Worlton explained the methods for recording attendance and the dre s tandards. Mr. D lmar chick intro- duced the administrative intern, Mr. Robert Da), and new members of the faculty. rou ing rendition of the chool ong concluded the a - cmbl). (A) Participating in a kit, Pilar Sangroniz portraye an old lady. (B) At the conclu ion of the chool ong, tudent report to their fir t period. (C) On-looking student ob erve in- troductions. (D) Carole Lambert, Candice Col- lin , and Dave Ru hton presented a kit to humiliate sophomore . Senior Cia s Officer Hope Halladay Carol Matsumori Steve Butterfield Elected at the end of their junior Secretary Vice-President President year, the enior officer made the '73-'74 cnior year a memorable one by following old tradition and ug- gc ting new one . Tradition ponsorcd by the cn- ior were the Senior Bu inc and Military Day which al o included the junior , the Senior A sembly, the Senior Tea, the Senior Dinner Dance held at the Willow Creek Country Club and the Senior Hop which fol- lowed the theme of \"Colour My World With Love.\" They also held a fund rai ing basketball game of the KRSP disc jockics and the faculty. 26

Opening Week tudent returned to the halls of Hill- crest with great expectation for Opening Week starting with an assembly, regi tra- tion, and new b oks. Principal Delmar chrck conducted the first day's a embly and introduced Stu- dentbody Pre ident, Alma Han en; coun- elors; and new teacher . Cheerleader and songleader introduced them elve with a kit and the chool ong. The week's activities included school mu ical practice , club meetings, yearbook pictures, then climaxed the week with a home football game again t the Bingham Miner . 27 Barbara Ahl trom Tina Allam Teena Allen Pat y Anderton James Andreason Carol Anderson

We lcon~e Sto11~p Hillcrest's fir t dance of the year was the Welcome Stomp held early in Septem- ber in the girl gym. n informal atmo phere w.ts created b] the casual dress of the students and the loud music of Flagship Huxley. (A) Marty Lopez, Connie d'Autrcmont and Chris Long wait patiently for the dance to start. (B) Couples dance to the mu IC of Flag- ship Huxley. Fred Arko Rose Arko RaChell A hby Steve Ashby Christine Atkinson Clifford Atkinson

(C) itting on the floor, the girls wait for the dance to start. (D) Flagship Huxley, a five member band played various types of music. MiltaAvilez Barbara Baker Mary Baker Tamcra Barbieri William Bar balle ancy Bascom

Husky Olympics Cold pop goe down naturally, but drink- ing it warm , e pecially during a highly competitive conte t, can cau e intcre ting results. Hillcre t ·tudent · witne sed thi . pirited conte t along with arm wre tling matches, a muddy tug-of-war, a hip- wing- ing hula-hoop rivalry, and bicycle and p go race , during the traditional Hu ky Olym- pic ·. The final competition of the day pit enior bo} again t enior girl in a powder- puff football game. The \"handicapped\" male lo t the conte t. Jon Bas Gary Bath Mike Beard Crystal Berrett Tony Bernardo Karen Bennett

(A) Putting the sophomore cla on the coreboard first, Blaine Bradford coa t · aero s the finish line. (B) Ron Leavitt an- nounces to the audience that Hope Halla- day won the hula hoop contest. (C) Tony Bernardo and Ron Levitt judge a junior Mike Bailey overpowers sophomore Jim Whitehead. Robert Dansie and Doug Wilke await their turn. (D) The girls' powderpuff football team, coached by Carl Brimhall, warm up prior to their victory over the boy . (E) Steve Yates reaches for his sec- ond bottle of warm pop while Doug Crump and David Smart choke down their fir t. (F) Danny McCaffree quickly rna ter his pogostick and passes Danny Giles to win three point for the senior . CloAnn Bie inger Cheryl Bill Sue Bogden u an Bogenrief Earnest Booker Julie Berry

Sopho11~ore Electio1~s A B (A) Voting for the candidate of their choice was one of the fir t ta k that befell the ophomore . Fledgling Huskie vote in the student activity room. (B) Dan Pollock looks suspieiou ·ty over his houlder as he mark his ballot. (C) The resultant winners of the sophomore Hou e of Repre entative are Kaye Kemp, Tammy Gaminga co, Tamie Tuckfield, Karen Ricks, Kathy Thornwall, Kathe Smith, Laura Frankovich, and Steve Yates. Sherri Boulton Cheryl Bowerbank Lu Ann Bradford Larry Brand Ron Brewer Karl Brimhall

Hypnotist Assen~bly Highlighting this year's assembly chcd- ulc was the National School A cmbly, Van- dcrmicdc. Members of the tudentbody participated by volunteering to undergo hypnosis. (A) The camera catchc · Candace Collin and Cathy Smith a they weep with the \"saddened\" audience. (B) At the suggestion of Vandermiede, fa- mous European hypnoti t, Scott Williams, Pam Horrock , and Doug 01 on go into fits of hy tcrical laughter. (C) Brent Betteridge, fancying him elf as the tar of the Tarzan serie , act out the script. Steve Brinkerhoff Cynthia Bronson Carolyn Brown Brent Brox Warren Buchanan Terry Bulkley

Hon~econ~ing Dance In the setting of ..-r hose Were The Da)s,\" the Homecoming Dance held on October 5, brought back the dream world of yesterday with a footbridge and merry-go-round. Dream- were brought to life as couples danced to the music of Tuck Markantonao. (A) Homecoming royalty includes fir t at- tendant, Debbie Cooper, c carted by Jim McFarlane; queen, Connie d'Autrcmont, c carted b) Steve Sharp; ccond attendant, Connie Harmon, escorted by Jerry Jensen. (B) Couple wait for intermi ion to begin. Karen Burningham Paula Bunting Marilyn Burnett Debbie Burke Kim Burke Steve Butterfield

(C) Gene Tangaro and Michell Strong con- verse with friends during a fast dance num- ber. (D) Rick Stowe and Renac Scott re-enter the gym after having rcfrc hmcnts. (E) Carl Brimhall and dafe Cheryl Wankicr dance to \"What the World eeds Now i Love.'' 35 Carita Cheney

Homecoming Week Door decorating, returning alumni, the traditional as embly, and a football game followed by a dance later in the evening, were included in the Homecoming Week. Monday, October l, it started with each homeroom u ing an original idea to depict various chants or logan for the door deco- rating conte t. Tue day the autumn Hu ky Olympic were held featuring the traditional powder puff football game. Wcdne day wa LoiJipop day, and Thur day wa green and white day. The week came to a clo c with the traditional Homecoming assembly, which included alumni talent and introduction of queen candidate . The highlighting event were the football game pitting Hillcrest against Granger and the Homecoming Dance. Evelyn Clawson Susan Christensen Candace Collins

(A) The Drama Club's entry won the car decorations. (B) On Monday students dressed in 1920's outfits. (C) Alumnus, Todd Smith, entertains in Homecoming Assembly. (D) Senior girls warming-up prior to the powderpuff football game. (E) A banner in the main hall reflects the events of the week. (F) Monday students started decorating homeroom doors. Donna Cook Ralph CooJ... Cindy Cooley Debbie ooper Kelly Cox Diane Crapo

Football Dance Scattered sawdust on the floor, posters on the walls, and loud music accompanied by semi-dimmed lighting was the atmosphere created by the group Eli-Shocl. The traditional stag dance was held after a gratifying football season to honor this year's football players. Cheerleaders and songleaders sponsored the dance. (A) Rob Elkins and Diane Green arc \"with it.\" (B) Ralph Peterson solos on the drums. (C) Sophomore · gather to discuss the dance. (D) Jeff Colegrove and DcVar Fairbourn do their thing. (E) Eli-Shoe! creates an exciting atmo- sphere. (F) Russ Brown shows his talent on the electric piano. (G) Diane Bonham is coaxed to dance by Jose Lozano and Dan Wall. Randy Crebs Bonnie Cravens Carol Cremer Cathy Cre sail Mike Culp Carson Cutler

Linda Dahlberg Jacalyn Dailey Dennis Dalton Ronald Dani e Denise Dawson Connie Day

School Musical nder the upervi ion of \\1r. Pouwel uyk, Mr. Leo Dean, Mr. Robert Hixon and Mr . Jeanne Johnson, the drama, music and dance department pre ented \"The Mu- sic Man\" climaxing nearly five month of rehear a! . Profe or Harold Hill, a traveling band alesman, wa portrayed by teve Randall and Jim Pea ock, with Glenna Ga ter and Barbara Ahl ·tram alternating the role of Marian Paroo. Over 150 tudents and teachers involved in acting, mu ic, scenery, co tume , make- up and technical procedure participated in three evening performance and a pecial matinee for Hillcre t student . (A) Marian Paroo (Barbara Ahl tram) per- uade Charlie Cowell (Alan Mangum), the anvil Sale man to miss hi train. (B) River City' new band plays the Minuet in G, led by Profe or Harold Hill (Jim Peacock). (C) Tim Lewi , Jeff Porter, and Ron Leavitt watch in amazement a he reaches for a high note. on tance d'Autremont Catherine Den ley

(D) Glenna Gaster as Marian Paroo and Steve Randall as Harold Hill close the first act of Saturday night's per- formance. (E) Mayor Shinn (Scott Han en) warn Tommy Djilas (Craig Recs) to stay away from his daughter. (F) Mrs. Dunlop (Paula Bunting), Mrs. Squires (Susan Parry) and Eulalie Mackecknie Shinn (Tamcra Barbieri) di cus the latest go ip about Marian the librarian. Colleen Densley Lorri Derr Tom Drake Kirk Doman Ralph Dominguez Fred Dumas

Football (A) Mike Bailey kicks off at the start of Hillcre t-Granger game. (B) Coache Rob- crt Burns, Raymond Watts, Raynor Pearce, and Doug Anderson pause at after school practice. (C) umber 28, Clayton Dumas bring the ball upfield on punt return. (D) teve Sharp reache for a pa as two Granger playl:r move in for the tackle. (E) Mitch 01 en, number 40, fights for a first down in Hillcrest-Brighton game. Debbie Eckman

Owen Fisher Cathy Enniss Wayne rlanagan Drew Fleming Chuck Forrester RonFowlk

Football Husky Gridders sacrificed hour of urn- mer fun to improve their variou football skills. Under this year's revi ed football prac- tice program, players met daily at 6:00 for rigorou running, pa ing drills, and weight lifting. Starting the pre- ea on lowly with three straight lo cs, Hillcrest came back to defeat Orem, one of the tronger teams in Region Four. Under the tutelage of coache · Raynor Pearce, Robert Burns, Doug Ander on, and Raymond Watt ·, the team bounced back from a lo s to Brighton to garner two im- portant wins over Murray and Granger. The Hu kie compiled a 3-3 ea on record. Lynn Frankenberger Dav1d Frcdrici..'>On Ted Gallegos Jennifer Gardner R us ell Gardner Glenna Ga ter

(A) Mike Bailey, number 32, rip through the Bingham defense for a gain of five yard . (B) During halftime, coache Pearce and Watt give rousing pep talk. (C) Manager Robert Nicl en and Dave Robert on po e during practice. (D) Hillcrest's Alan Con- ncr nails Brighton's number 67 in mid air. (E) Hillcrc t's Mike \" Rhino\" Bailey rushes for 7 m re yard in game again t Granger. SCORES Hillcrc t 6 ..................... Jordan 13 Hillcrest 6 ............................ Roy 27 Hillcrest 12 Bingham 13 Hillcrc t 14 .. -··------···········- Orem 13 Hillcre t 12 . ------···- Brighton 26 Hillcre t 15 --··········-- Granger 7 Hill ere t 23 --- ·--·----·-··--- Murray 6 Hillcrc t 14 ......................... Provo 21 Hillcre t 22 ............. Kearn 36 tephanie Gee haria Glover

J. V. Football Hillcrc!>t 13 Bmgham 6 Hillcrc~t Orem 22 Hillcrest 6 Brighton 12 Hillcre t 16 Granger 32 Hillcrest 14 Murray 6 Hillcrest 12 Provo 46 Hillcre t 22 ........... Kearn 12 (A) Hu ky gridders break from the opening huddle in Hillcrest-Provo tilt. (B) Head coach Raynor Pearce dis- cu es que tionable call with referee. (C) Chri Long and Gary Teran bring down Orem 12 for yardage loss. George GonLales Fran!- Gonzalc Lucille Gonzalles Tracy Gori~ Randy Gorringe Mark Greenhalgh

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