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ace english grammar 8

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u_ @ Orient Black oet U- ,.,,: .ararilflih, Comftisition for Schools

W q?ramEmnglisah r Comdtisition ' f or schools Orient BlackSwan

Cover design by Vincent Moses Raja lllustrated by Print Mirchi Studio fotlqa!:gACE English Grammar and Composition ORIENT BLACKSWAN PRIVATE LIMITED Registered Office 3-6-752 HimaYatnagar, Hyderabad 5oo oz9, Telangana' India E-mail. centraloffice@orientblackswan com Other Offices Benealuru, Bhopal,Chennai.Guwahati fiyderabad, Jaipur' Kolk-ata, LucLnow, Mumbai New Delhi. Noida' Patna Visakhapatnam o Orient Blackswan Private Limited 2o2o First published u ozo Reprinted 202o ISBN 978-93-5287-714-o Typeset at Envisase Information Technology' Cochin Bookciaft Publishing Services (l) Pvt Ltd, Chennai Printed in India at Navaneetham Enterprises, Chennai 6oo o96 Published by Orient Blackswan Private Limited 5-6-752 Himayatnagar, Hyderabad soo oz9 Telangana, India E-mail, in{o@orientblackswan com

.rdents'Bool(s IE ACE itcllers'Smart Boolts I 8 achers' Portal Grammar Grammar Worksheets well-structurcd alnd graded sl llabus ) cyclic revision ofkcy conccpts short. clear graDnnar cxplanations easv to-tbllow mles for rcview and co solidation plcnty ofexanplcs to illustfate conccpts > exam-stylc gralnrnar practice workshcets in 6, 7 and 8 wid€ rairgc ol_exerciscs fbr drill Grammar Activitics and practlce > intcrcstingclassroom Composition aclivities to rcvise gftnlmar concepls Reading ) widc range of writing activitres Comprehension > complelc models tbr lcitcrs. essays. Ererciscs lbr Oral Practice frcsh reading passagcs paragraphs. enails. and so on. > oncolrragcs active gfanlntau' develops rcading skills as per syllabus lequirentcnts usagc > exam oriented > adequate praciice ) focrrs on flucncy and accuracy ) improves languagc skills Listening Comprehension ) while and post-listening trsks > cngesing excrciscs ) sha|pens listcning skills Vocabulary Digital Support dcdicated section in each book For Teachers builds active vocabulary emphasis on flucncy > Smarl Books I 8 > Intelaclive teaching modulcs > Answer Kcy li,l,lll[il] lul llllLl_Llll lllll lll

Contents I. Determiners ....... .--.......,'. l r Defining Determiners r Adjectives and Determiners r Kinds of Determiners lhdefinite Articles. Definite Articles. Zero Articles r po..\"\"\"iu\"\" . r Grammar Activity Ournonstratives r Quantifiers . Interrogatives r Ordinals \"nJ Present........2. Verbs: Expressing the r The r The Simple Present Tense: Forms and Uses Uses present Continuous Tense: Forms and Uses r The Present Perfect Tense, Forms and r The present pe.fect Continrous Tense, Forms and Uses r Grammar Activity Past..........,....5. Verbs: Expressing the ....,......2r r The Simple Past Tense, Forms and Uses r The past Continuous Tense: Forms and Uses r The Past Perfect Tense, Forms and Uses r Simple past or past perfect Tense r The Past Perfect Continuous Tenser Forms ani Uses. p\".t p..t\"\"ior\" p\"\"t p.*\".t Continuous Tense r Grammar Activity 4. ..,..............Verbs: Expressing the Future _..,-_...-_....._..._-.. 54 Cr' ToGnhoetiinnFguuottouusr.eTTPehneesrefSe,icmFtopCrlemonPatrinneduseoUnustseTsTeernnsTseheew: FiFtohr-rrmtFuuraetunprdeerUfMeseecstanTrineGgisraerm,Wfmoilarl.r.rnASllnhtiaavliltUyr rT.h\" e Future Moda1s...........,.....5. .,........... 4r r . MAPIDndoeutevsfsiisnntcnitibeni'otigl,hi.tCy^M.OoropbudFllrjdagornlaoms'tbtr,iorasnNbAeies.l.ikteyPNidnregnrec'dtPfe,oiascfrlsstaitioptvyAenerbnrm.i,letiiI,stnqysDvrinoiritdpnaWnuti'.loitssnRi.hoeWn.rqCuipallheonesrsdtscSsIikbnhi.nisoltgMiutiyeladpnkorice.rnefgOieroruarebgnnVhacOtb\"ei,fiolfiertVyr.R',Brreifnec,StoF,uamugCotgmru.eerreseftnatoidoantion . . r 6. conditionals \"\"\"' \"\"'--\". Defining Conditional Clauses r The Zero Conditional, Form and Uses r 5I Conditional' Forms and Uses r The Second Qonditional, Form\" \"nd U.\"\" The First ConditionaL Forms and Uses r Grammar Activity . fn\" fhi.d Grammar Worksheet I ..,.............,.... ....__.,..57 Verbs........,...,.,....7. r...FGTDilnhhreiaeetfmeinPlmionaa-agrlntnridFciiAinipnNcilitettieoivverniVtyK-e.firinTnbdhsisteeroBDfaeprfeainrItiinncgfipinlNeitosivnre-f.TinhBiteaerGeVeeInrrubfinnsditIiv.KeCisnedwrsuitnohdf\",sls_de-.n.t.i.f,ic..a.t.i.o..n60 III IIT

8. Active and Passive Verbs,.,... ......-_,,_ 70 r lmportance of Active and Passive Voice Usage r Active Voice to passive Voice: Forms and Uses r Simple Present Tense r Present Continuous Tense r present perfect Tense r Simple Past Tense r Past Continuous Tense r Past Perfect Tense r Future Time o Active Voice with Modals r Direct and Indirect Objects r passive Voice to Active Voice 9. Comparative and Superlative Comparisons ...........,.. ...,......,.62 r Comparative Forms r Superlative Forms r The...the r As...As IO. Adverbs...,......,.,.. .......,.,...87 I Defining Adverbs r Kinds of Adverbs r Adverbs of Manner r Adverbs of Time r Adverbs of Place r Adverbs Position of Adverbs of Frequency r Adverbs of Reason r Adverbs of Deeree I I1. Prepositions ..,.... .,.,.....,...9r . Defining prepositions r Kinds of Prepositions r prepositions of place r prepositions of Position r Prepositions of Movement . Prepositions of Time r prepositions of Direction r Other Prepositions. Nouns and Prepositions, Forms and Uses . Adjectives and Prepositions: Forms and Uses Conjunctions ...,.. But, Or, Yet r Subordinatjng Conjunctions -_,..,.....97 r Coordinating Conjunctions-And, with Adverb Clauses r Subordinating Conjunctions with Adjective Clauses i Subordinating Conjunctions with Noun Clauses r lf/Whether r Who, That, Which, Whose, Whom r So as to, In order to. So that, Should, Suppose, In case o When, While, Till, Before, As soon as, Because, Althoueh r5. Phrases and C|auses................-,.,.. .-.,.,....ro4 r Defining Phrases . Differentiating between Phrases and Sentences r Adverb phrases . Adjective Phrases r Noun Phrases r Pre-modifiers . and post-modifiers: Forms and Uses I Defining Clauses. Main and Subordinate Clauses Adverb Clauses r Joining Sentences r Noun Clauses r Adjective Clauses 14. Relative Clauses. ............rr4 r Defining Relative Clauses r Relative Pronouns r Kinds of Relative Clauses Defining Clauses o Non-defining Clauses . Joining Senlences . Grammsr Worksheef 2.,....,.........,.,.. ,,.,.,.....rr9 r5. The Sentence..... ,......,...122 r Subject and Predicate r Subject-Verb Agreement, Forms and Uses r Subject-Verb Object, Forms and Uses. Object Complement 15. Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences.....,....,.. ....,..... r28 . Simple Sentence r Compound Sentence, Coordinate Clauses r Complex Sentence: Subordinate Clauses IIII II

t7. Transformation of Sentences. \"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"'I5r rKindsofSentencesrPositiveandNegativeSentences.InterrogativeSentences .rnt\"|,\"t'\",,enesl.pIetoCompIexSentencesrlnterchanSingsimp|etoCompound Sentences i Inie.changing Compound to Complex Sentences r Interchanging Complex to ComPound Sentences t8. Direct and Indirect Speech.. \"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"' I59 IIf\"Diai\"eirnfi\"ngltin\"Sg'in'pD.iE\"r\"e\"tctptrt\"s.Np\"ioeoenTcsehnosrfeDTCeimhfinaeinnafSend'InUPdsliaerecsec't'CSChpahenaegncegheiInincphAraounnxgoiliuinangrsysaVennedtre,bPnsocsressResefsrpoivomertiAnDgdirieeccttivtoes Ou\"\"tiJn\" . Reporting Orders and Instructions r Reporting Requests and Suggestions . Reporting Conversations t9. Punctuation Marks and Capital Letters \" \"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"' r49 Marks r Question Marks . Capital Letters r Fr.rllStops r Commas o Exclamation Hyphens' Em Dash r En Dash r Single Quotation Marks r Double Quotation Marks r r Semicolons r Colons o APostroPhe Grsmmsr Worksheet 3 .'..'.\"\"\"\"\"\"\" \"\"\"\"\" 165 zo. lntegrated Grammar Practice Worksheet\"\"\"' \"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"'166 zt. Reading Comprehension......\"\" \"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\" I7I zz. Listening ComPrehension...... \"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"'r8o 25. Writing a Paragraph...'...'... \"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"I84 24. Writing a Message.'.........'.. \"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\" 186 25. Writing a Notice................. \"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"186 u6. Writing Letters and Emails .'...' \"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"'I9o I lnformal Letters r Informal Emails ' Formal Letters r Formal Letters of Complaint a Formal Emarl u 7. Writing a Story.'..-.--'.--'--. '-'----'-'- r99 28. Writing a Report...........'..'.. '---\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"' 2ol 29. Writing a Speech....'........'----'.\"\"\"\"\":\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"' 5o. Writing an Essay------.--- \"\"\"\"\"\"\"\" 2o5 5t. Writing an Article..'..............\". \"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"' 2o5 \"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\" 2o8 ]III III

Determiners Read these words. . an eagle . our car . each boy . that building . many songs o a lot of sugar The words in bold are determiners. Determiners are words we use with nouns to help us.limit or modify the meaning of a noun. They may refer to specific things or things that are of a particular kind. Determiners usually precede nouns. We use some determiners with only singular nouns, while we use others with only plural nouns. . each bucket o several buckets There are, however, others which we use with both singular and plural nouns. o the onion o the onions . which book o which books . your bag . your bags Articles This table shows us how to use articles. Articler Use Example Indefinite articles t. not specific a bird z. generalisation an e8g \\4, a n,/ t. specific, mentioned o the apples lboutht Definite articles before (the) yesterday 2. unique, only one of o the moon its kind fII i '#ffiWI

Definite articles 3. unique in context o the park near our school (the) 4. reference to race o the ltalians, the tortoise Zero articles or specres o the United Kingdom (no article is used) 5. some countries at sunset, on Friday, certain times of in May, in winter, in 2019, day, days of week, on Teacher's Day, at dinner montns, seasons, years, festivals tea, wool, Chemistry, or occastons, socialism mealtimes generic mention of substances, materials, subjects, general purpose o school, hospital of places or institutions Il Complete these sentences with the correct articles. t. Linda fell off the swing. She might have a fracture. z. Anita is singing song, but she keeps forgetting lyrics. -5. cat that lives on -terrace just gave birih to litter of kittens. - -4. When I grow up, I want to be -weightlifter and represent my country at Olvmpics. 5. Balwant is-engineerwho- works in'-social media company. - 6. The waiter apologised to couple who found ant in their soup. 7 ltwas-errorin -the records, we don't have--studentcalled Claire in our class. 8. band will play final show in Pune next week. -9. Suraj is -architect but his father is businessman. - - III

team of scientists has thought up new technique of recycling old rubber tyres. -tl. tea-taster makes,a living by tasting tea to judge their quality. 12. -Not sound was heard in the corridor all day long. t3. -Shobha has-umbrella and-notebook in herschool bag. _t4. athlete should be encouraged to interact with trainers. -15. One autumn evening, man and _woman were walking along dusty road. - - @ Complete these sentences using articles. put a cross (x) where no article is required. jl. Hindi, English and Bengali are some of the languages spoken in 1 Kolkata. 2. Sarah's favourite sport is volleyball. She is one of best players in her team. nrne. - -5. stitch in time saves - -Each player of the winning team was given football kit by _ principal of school. -5. We will be going on trek to - _Satpura Hills on Saturday. -6. lYy class teacher also teaches - l-{istory to my brother's class. Z I have -idea-how about we all fly down to Grandmother's place and surprise her on Diwaii! -8. Father has already added sugar in tea, no need to add more. -Put sugar cubes away. - -e. What will you do after you finish -college? Will youapplyfor_job? -to. president of India lives in Rashtraoati Bhavan. tt. -Sarah was born in -France and has lived there all her life. -12. hockey is national sporioflndia. - -13. We can have some bread and butter with cup of tea. fa ll last Tuesoay. t4. My gra ndfather is in - -hospita l, following 15. She was - -first in her family to study abroad. rrI- III

[f Insert suitable articles wherever required. This is a very useful bottle opener. lt has many uses. li is shaped like key so that it can be hung from peg or nail. One end is bottle opener, and other end is knife. lf you press small black button, knife slides out. There is also corkscrew attached to opener. This bottle opener is quite heavy; it can also be used to crush or break ice. I sometimes use it as paperweight too. lt is made of brass and looks like decorative item. lt makes for ouite nice sift too. Choose the best option to complete these sentences, I woke_ late ther' / a next morning. lt was the / a Sunday, and I was feeling particularly cheerful. I took my coffee into a / the living room, where a / the bright morning sun made the chandelier gleam and glisten. Suddenly a / the car screeched to a halt outside the house. I peered out of a / the front window and saw a / the small black car parked outside the house. In a / the front seat, was a / the young woman was sitting. She looked very nervous and kept glancing up and down a / the road. I could hear the / a music coming from the car. Suddenly I heaid someone shout something in the / a grating, gravelly voice. The voice seemed to come from an / the other side of the / a gate. I opened a / the door and rushed outside to see what it was. The / A coffee cup was still in my hand. I saw an / a old woman shivering in the cold. She lay in a / an heap before the / a black car. There was also a / an walking stick lying nearby. The / A young woman got down from the / a car and came to have a look, 'Was there an / a accident?' asked the young woman. 'Where did you come from?'The / An old woman now had a / an wicked smile oi her face. She was soon joined by an / the old man near the black car. Possessives and Demonstratives This table shows us how to use possessivps and demonstratives as determiners, Possessives Jnow Inat sometntng belongs my friend, your book, Demonstratives her plate, his behaviour, IO SOmeOne its surroundings, our house, their school my, your, ner, uts, tts, our, thetr this window, that tree Pointed mention these apples, those t. this / that vegetables z. these / those rIIT IIT

@ Complete these sentences using the possessive forms of the pronouns in the brackets. l. Dinesh liked Ey (l) ideas about what to create for the mid-term project. 2. Zoya has to take (she) cat to the iet. lt has been scratchine (it) fur too much. 5. Mother has just started (she) own travel company. (lt) name is Wanderlust Travels. t Do you want to collect (you) clothes from the laundry now? The students have already written (they) exams this year. 6. I think we have to change (we) travel plans because of the wearner. 7. These pillows are too large for (l) purpose. Show me another set, please. 8. lell Rrshabh (he) brother was looking for him. (we) (they) village during 9. We went to vacations, to. Remember to collect (you) bags when you leave the library. . She came to (we) house last night. 12. Can you give me (you) notebook? r3. I went on a trip to Luck-=riow-with (l) friends. 14. I think we have ieft (we) bags at the airport. r5. Dina called (she) mother after Hemants birthday parry was over. @ Choose the correct demonstratives and complete these sentences. There may be more than one correct answer, l. Look at allthese dirty clothes in the basket. We should wash them. 2. jeans do not fit me anymore. I should give them away. 3. photo looks much better over there by the window. 4. - plants will dry up if we don't water them regularly. Eliza wants sandwiches delivered to her house by evening. III-I III -

6. nouse oy the river is owned by the actor's family. 7. I have been reading book for the last five hours. lt is very engrossing. 8. Yasir wants to move chair over there by the wall. But then, we will have to move table somewhere else. 9. shoes here are nice, but thev look uncomfortable. to. Where did you buy flowers from? . Keep books here on the shelf and books there in the box. 't2. taKe letter and post it in the evening. - I want to buy a pair of shoes that Rita is wearing. 14. bicycle was a gift from my father. 15. -girl whom you met last weekend was Asha's sister. - Quantifiers Thig table shows us how to use quantifiers as determiners. Quantifiers Pointed mention few children many chairs Quantifiers - Indicate quantity or amount, positively a littie sugar netative few, a few, many, a little, several, a lot of, several guests some, every, each, a part of, a number of, a great deal of, whole, all, a bit of, most of Indicate quantity or amount, negatively o no chance no, much, o (not) much help . any use 1l| Choo.. th. correct quantifiers and complete these sentences, t. /Thereisstill a lot of a lot of / much food left from the party last night. z. Although we sent the email to every / many people, few / a number of people replied. 3. My sister and I have had several / a bit of arguments about who needs to take care of the plants. -rrffi III

4. There are no / any seniors in the football team. We must include them as well. 5. Each / Few member of the book club gets to recommend the book of their choice. 6. ldon't hear any / much sound coming from the room. Everyone is sleeping. 7. Beat all the ingredients and add a part of / a little baking powder to the mix. 8. My best friend lives a few / whole blocks from my house. 9. Some / Little of our friends are coming with us to the museum. to. A bit of / Most of the wood was destroyed by termites. r. We picked little / a few apples from the orchard. 12. I have finished reading most of / a lot of the book. 15. A number of / A great deal of students participated in the Annual Day celebrations. t4. She ate the whole / all apple pie because it was delicious. t5. Although most of the rivers had dried up, the one in our city had some / few water left. @ Complete these sentences with few, a few, littla or a littla. t. Sanjay is not very popular, he has few friends. 2. We can buy popcorn since we have time before the show begins. 3. people went to the exhibition, since it was on the outskirts of the city. 4. There is a drought in our village because there has been ratn this year. 5. I am so excited, I am going to London and will actually be staying there for - days. times and he has always 6. My uncle has been on roller coaster rides enjoyed the experience. 7. You should be carerur wrtn snarp oblects. 8. people had gathered to watch the magician's tricks. 9. The bird was badly injured, and there was hope for its recovery. to. She took coins from her mother to buy some canoy. . of us decided to wait for Mala even thoush she was late. 12. Mohan left while ago. rIII I III

I Interrogatives and Ordinals This table ghows us how to use interrogatives and ordinals as determiners. - Interrogatives To ask specific questions o what time t Ordinals what; which; whose o which place .i o whose lag To show sequence or order first; second; last; next; o first time other; another; previous o second shelf o last page o previous year Q Underline the determiners in these sentences. t. !!y friend is a teacher in !f,g! schoot. z. Two younggirls boarded the bus. g. I couldn't choose between the black scarf and ihe green one, so I ended up buying both. Whose spectacles are lying on the table? 5. Was she unwell last week? I'm sorry, I didn't know that. 6. Every child has the right to education. 7. All these houses belong to the council. 8. I would have packed some soup for you, but there doesn't seem to be any left. Q Complete these sentences with the determiners in the box. t. Which question did you find the most interesting? 2. pen did you borrow yesterday? My cousins study in the and second grades. lrrrr ITI

:,;i Farida was in France year. She has just returned to India. 5. It's alright if you miss your ferry. You can take the ferry in the afternoon. 6. lam bored with this game. Lets play game. 7. colour was his sweater? 8. We all make mistakes sometimes. We all deserve chances. @ laa tlir, that, these or those to these sentences. ''This morning my mothers going to buy a new sofa for our living TOOm. 'Yes,' i's right. one is really old and grubby.' And I hate !r cushions! They've got s big red flowers on them.' 6'l really prefer that you've got in your room. I know I can't have ones like '/-. 3They are half the size of .' r-'l told my mother not to get brown colour again. I hope she remembers '' ''_. Why don't you come round evening to have a look at it?, Grammar Activity What is in the refrigerator? List the items inside, using suitable articles and quantifiers. a carton of milk IIII IIT

Verbs: Expressing the Present Read these sentences. . lVy sister works as a fashion designer. r ghs is working on a new collection right now o ghg has designed a number of new dresses. e 5hq has been designing clothes for a long time. Sentencelisinthesimplepresenttense.Sentencezisinthepresentcontinuous' tense. Sentence 3 is in the present perfect tense. Sentence 4 is in the present perfect continuous tense. The Simple Present Tense This table shows us how to use the simple present tense. Uses Example o I iron my uniform for things that happen as a routine in the evening. for stating general facts about the o She enjoys adventure sports. state of people, places and things . The f light lands at 6.55 a.m. for future events that are part _ o Vinit looks anxious. of a timetable or schedule . He smacks it hard and sends for verbs related to belief, emotion and perception the ball across the fence. to make things more immediate and dramatic, to capture instant action

\\ We use expressions like usually, generally, every day, always, and so on, wrrn Ume In the stmple present tense. o Grandfather goes for a walk every day. Some verbs related to state, possession, opinion and senses are known as stative verbs and are used only in the simple present tense. e My friends understand me. y' . rr-ry rnends are understanding me. This table ghows us the forms of the simple present tense. t. base form of the verb . -s or o She rides her bicycle. o We ride our bicycles. -es with singular nouns and pronouns z. base form of the verb with plural nouns and pronouns Negative do / does r not + base form of o She does not ride her Question the verb bicycle. t. do /does r subject. base o Does she ride her form of the verb Orcycle!' 2. question word . do / does . o Where does she ride subject r base form of the her bicycle? verb III

The Present Continuous Tense This table shows us how to use the present continuous tense. Ures Example for things that are happening at the moment o Ritu.ia is working on a presentation. for long actions that are happening at present o Sunil is training for (but not necessarily at the moment) and will the marathon. discontinue in the future for an action that has been planned to take r We are going on a trip place in the near future to the hills this summer. with adverbs such as always, constantly, and so on, to express a repetitive negative action r They are constantly disturbing others in class. This table shows us the forms of the present continuous tense, Positive am / is /are + present o We are participating Negative in the annual concert. Quesiion participle form of the verb am / is /are * not + present o We are not participating in the annual concert. participle form of the verb t. am / is / are + subject + e Are we participating in present participle form of the annual concert? the verb r Why are we participating 2. question word + am / is in the annual concert? / are + 5ubjec{ + present participle form of.the verb Complete these sentences using the simple present tense or the present continuous tense forms of the verbs in the brackets. t. My aunt is resting (rest) at home after her surgery last week. 2. What is ihat sound? | think the doorbell (ring). 12 IffiT

3. My father (read)the newspaper every morning before he leaves (open)a restaurant in their for office. (play) the role of the young Akbar who falls in a. Jimmy and his brother neighbourhood. s. In this film, Hriihik love with a Rajput princess. 6. Look, the baby (sit) on the chair and playing with his toy. 7. My brother often (work) late hours which (affect) his health now 8. (think) of going to the science exhibition today. 9. Natasha (make) very tasty cakes; she (bake) one for me at the moment. Complete the conversation using the simple present tense or the present continuous tense of the verbs in brackets. Kumar: (on the telephone to Dr Gupto's secretcrg) Good afternoon, Varun. This ris (be) Kumar. | 'r (have) an appointment with Dr Gupta a! flve ocrocK !nts eventng. Varunr Good afternoon, Kumar. Your appointment with the doctor, Kumar: ifl\": (remember) right, a (be) for tomorrow. No, Varun. lt 5 (be)for this evening. Varunr (be) you sure, Kumar? Kumarr Yes, | 7 (be). | & (have) it hgre, written down in my diary. Varunr Just a minute please. Let me check...Yes, you e. (be) right, Kumar: (wa nt) Kumar. And now what can ldo for you? Vou ''i a change of date? (wish)to cancel the appointment, Varun. l''' (be) terribly sorry but I simply have to cancel it. We'3 (do up) the house, and half a dozen men'ar (work) right now, and l'5 (don't know) how long they will take to finish. Not until next week, | '6: (imagine). But please tell Dr Gupta how sorry tv: (b.). IIII IIIil9

o Rewrite these sentences in their negative forms. t. Mithun helps his mother in the kitchen. Mithun doesn't help his mother in the kitchen. 2. It is snowing. 5. Swati's pet cat is playing in the park. The gardeners are working in the garden. 5. We are tired after our longjourney. o. I am excited about the new supermarket in town. 7. Sudhir and his friends play cricket every evenrng. 8. I am trying to repair the fan. 9. Mohit has a red bicycle. to. The student is preparing for the exam. @ Say sentences aloud in their question forms. (Oral Practice) t. You know the way. Do you know the way? z. This colour matches my shirt. 5. Thejourney takes a long time. a. They usually take the bus to work. 5. lt is raining for some time now. 6. The officials are pleased with my reporr. Z The boys are playing in the parx. 8. The two little crows are learning to fly. 9. Kavya is making a paper plane. lo. Rumigoes to the library once a week. l-rrm III

@ fi\"l 1t1 alre sentences in which the present tense forms of the verbs are used correctly. Correct the incorrect ones. go 't. Twice a week, I a+geing for art classes. z. Usually I don't eat sweets, but today I am going to. g. She always is liking to buy toys for her children. 4. I don't read many history books, but I read one right now. 5. I have lunch with my friends every day. 6. I can't leave now as I wait for my mother. Z lam thinking she is very helpful. 8. You are late again! The Present Perfect Tense - This table ghows us how to use the present perfect tense. to refer to an action or event in the oasr o Raina has made sandwiches. that is connected to the oresent to describe an action that began in the past We have watched three films this and leads up to the present month. to describe an action performed dunng . We have waited for a lons time. a period that is not yet over to describe an action that is repeated o I havi played tennis since to describe an action that happened in the childhood. past, but is important at the time of speaking r I have collected my certificate. to describe an action that was completed o We havejust booked our tickets. in the recent past IIII t5 III

We use time expressions such as for a year, recently, so far, for some time, -- ever, already, this morning, sinqe 2oo5, and so on, with the present perfect tense. We use ever, never,just, already, yet, since and for with the present perfect tense to talk about an action finished at an unknown or unstated time. o They have not contacted us so far. Thig table ghowg us the forms of the present perfect tense. Positive has / haye . past participle form of o They have opened Negative a shop. Question the verb has / have . not . past participle form o They have not opened of the verb a shop. r. has / have . subjq6l + past o l-lave they opened participle form of the verb a shop? z. question word . has / have . subject o Where have they + past participle form of the verb opened a shop? Complete these sentenqes with the present perfect forms o{ the verbs in brackets. t. Gunjan has never travelled abroad. (travel) 2. to the manager and I expect a quick reply. (write) 3. They not yet the bill. (pay) rl more than a kiloinetre; no wonder he looks tired. (swim) 5. lYayu ri to Kerala for the holidays. (go) 6. Jayshree to Canada with her family. (migrate) 7. you everything you need? (take) 8. you to Greece before? (be) Frrn 16 III

Complete these sentences with just and the present perfect tense forms of the verbs in the box. t. I am afraid my brother is not at home. He has iust left. Lucyr There's an article in the paper about our school. Maria: Yes, I know. I ii. zl my bicycle. So my clothes are wet. 4. My uncle a new car. He wants to take us for a drive. 5. Why don't we have dinner in the new restaurant that near the park? 6. No, I will not have anything. I my dinner. 7. Manoj is very happy. His company him a raise in his pay. 8. The principal- that we are going to have a holiday tomorrow. @ Change the verbs in bold in these sentences into the present perfect tense. l. l-le didn't see his birthday present. lt was kept in the cupboard. hasn't seen z. They were here for three days already. But, they are yet to finish painting the walls. 3. He ate all thechips. He left usnone! 4. Many people never saw the City Palace. l'm lucky, I visited it last year. 5. Hatim's mother called the doctor. Hatim has measles. 6. lpainted this picture in watercolour, for a change. I did the lasi one in oil. 7 | think you made a mistake here. The answer should be 63, not 24. 8. I know they arrived, because I can hear their voices now. III 11 III

,'ot-ff\\L The Present Perfect Continuous Tense This table shows us how to use the present perfect continuous tense. Uses Example to refer to an action that began in the past o They have been painting and is stillgoing on in the present the wall all day. to indicate how long something has been o We have been living here for happening; usually indicated by the words five years. since or for o They have been taking violin to show a habitual event lessons from Santosh. The present perfect continuous tense is often used with verbs of continuous action like stay, lie, work, read, study, and so on. r lhave been studying hard for the exams. We do not use the present perfect continuous form to describe a state. o I have always been dislikingjunk food. (x) o I have always disliked junk food. (\"/) This table shows us the forms of the present perfect continuous tense. Positive has/have + been r present o He has been attending Negative participle form of the verb Question classes regularly, has / have + not + been + o He has not been attending classes present participle form of regurafly. the verb t. has / have r subjeqt + been Has he been attending r present participle form of classes regularly? the verb Where has he been going every evening? z. question word r has / have * subject * been . present participle form of the verb

Complete these sentences with the present perfect continuour forms of the verbs in the brackets. l. My brother has been readins (read) stories from IAe Arobion NigAts. 2. (write) letters io her for a long time. 3. The farmer (sow)seeds all day. Someone eat) my chocolate. 5. Mathew (buy) groceries from this supermarket. 6. (live) in this city for ten years. 7. He (not keep)well since last year. 8. You (learn) German for several months now. @ Rewrite these sentences in their negative forms. Use the words in the brackets as clues. t. The last time the school took the students on a trip was two years ago. (not take / two years) The school has not taken the students on a trip for two years. The lnternet connection did not work properly on most days this week. (not work / properly / recently) 5. The last time I met my cousin was five years ago. (not met / two years) 4. Grandmother did not feel well most of last week. (not feel well/ of late) 5. Bimal was scolded for coming in late to school and not doing his homework. (not come on time / not done homework) IIII III!{s

6. The last time lwent on a holiday was seven years ago. (not have holiday /..u\"n y\"\"..j Grammar Activity Work in pairs. Take turns to test each other! memory. Ask your friend to sit with their eyes closed, while you ask him / her questions about your classmates and the class, using the simple present or the present continuous tenses. You can begin like this- Who is sitting next to you? What colour is mv backoack? Frtrr III

Verbs: Expressing the Past Read these sentences. . Arjun was tired after the cricket match. . He was playing in the sun all evening. r He had gone to the beach with his family. . They had been relaxing on the beach for a long time. * Sentence t is in the simple past tense. Sentence z is in the past continuous tense. St Sentence 3 is in the past perfect tense. Sentence 4 is in the past perfect continuous tense. The Simple Past Tense This table shows us how to use the simple past tense. to talk about actions that were started . We saw some seagulls sitting on and completed in the past the rocks. to show that something was true for some time in the past o Ms Banerjee taught us English in Class Vll. to indicate that an action happened repeatedly in the past . They played in the state team to show a sequence of events that togetHer. happened in the past o I packed my bag, ironed my uniform and refilled my water bottle. Adverbs of time like yesterday, on Monday, last week, in the t99os, at, in January and a few days ago are used with verbs in the simple past tense. . We fed the pigeons yesterday. III II21

This table rhows us the forms of the simple past tense. Positive t. base form of the verb . -d or l-.le collected the prize. -ed for regular verbs Negative . He got a watch as a prize. Question z. the correct past tense form for irrepular verbs did . not + base form of the verb o l-le did not collect the prize. r. did. subject r base form of o Did he collect the prize? o What did he get as a prize? the verb z. question word + did . subject . base form of the verb Complete these sentences with the simple past tense forms of the verbs in the box. l. Did you visit the Taj Mahal when you went to Agra? him up yesterday, I will do so today. Our parents us the value of kindness and honesty, because of which we are good citizens now. Oh, I am sorry! | you were sleeping. 5. they the new caf6? Last week or earli 6. you the bird that flew by? the job because the timings didn't suit her. 7. Heena 8. the food as it had become stale. Complete these conversations with the simple past tense forms of the verbs in the brackets. l. Peter: llave you ever been to an amusement park? Paul, Yes, I went (go) to one last year. III 2 III

Peterr What (you / see)? Paulr and (see) (enjoy) many rides. 2. Deepat Have you seen Seema this morning? Neha: l- (meet) her an hour ago. I have not seen her since. 3. Sneha: (lose) my pen last week. (search) for it everywhere and still have not found it. Farooq: (enquire) at the library too. lt is not there either. 4. Mayur: Nandini (top) the class. Madhur Really? | (think) Atul had. 5. Mumtaz: Have you ever been white-water rafting? Rajan: Yes, I have. We (go) to Rishikesh last year on a family holiday. Mumtaz: Where (you / stay)? Rajanr We (stay) in Ananda. Complete each of these newspaper stories using the simple past tense forms of the verbs in the box. t. llero from Shimoga Among the soldiers who'lggg!! on the northern sector and ,r home alive is B V Sadashivappa of the Madras Infantry. Sadashivappa, who hails from Bhadravathi, 3. the Indian Army twelve years ago. lle a for a year Nagaland fighting the insurgents when the call from the northern secror Hel a narrow escape when his battalion was on June zo. Their bunker was & in ihe attack but Sadashivappa not only e: unhurt but'or two of the intruders. rII III

z. Sunday Story-telling l-lolds Children Captive be conduct enjoy tind introduce read say It. a trip into IL^ magical world of story-telling for the children of The Bookpoint on Mount Road, here on Sunday. Needless to say, the children every mrnuteof the story session. Ms Janet, who 3 the stories,' two fun-filled sessions for children between the apes of four and t*elve. Parents sitting around s the sessions just as absorbing as their children.'lt 6 us to a new approach,'7 Ms Dev who had come along with her son. l he Fast eontinuor-rs Teerse This table shows us how to use the past continuous tense. Uses Example to refer to an action that was going on r She was reading a book. for a certain period of time in the past to show that something happened wnrte o My mother was cooking when another action was stillgoing on I reached home. to show that an action happened o Rohit was taking actin8 lessons repeatedly in ihe past last month. to show change or growth r The leaves were changing colour. We use the past continuous tense and the sinrple past tense together for two actions that were going on at the same time in the past. We use the past continuous tense for the longer action and the simple past tense for the shorter action. o I was writing an essay when I dropped my pen. 24

This table shows us the forms of the past continuous tense. Positive was / were. preeent o He was reading Negative the newspaper. Question participle form of the verb was/were+notrpresent o He was not reading rne newspaper. participle form of the verb t. was / were + subject + Was he reading present participle form the newspaper? of the verb When was he reading the newspaper? /2. question word + was were+subjectrpresent participle form of the varb The police asked the residents of a building what they were doing when the burglary occurred, Make a report usinjthe past continuous tense. Mr Madhukar - mow the lawn Mr Madhukar was mowins the lawn. 2. Mrs Jones and her daughter - watch favoqrite TV serial 3. Mr Kumar - prepare breakfast 4. The N4ehtas - get ready for work 5. Ms Suzie - do yoga 6. Mr Khan - write letter @ Complete these sentences with the past continuous tense or the simple past tense forms of the words in the brackets, L Sunanda was cleaning (clean) her room, when her cat iumped (ump) onto her lap. The reporters (rush) in while they (have) lunch. c. It ain) heavily on the night we (hear) the loud norse. 4. My mother her hand whiie she (chop) vegetables. IIT 6 ITI

5. Sumit (eat) a piece of cake, when his friend (take) a picture of him with his mouth full. o, When the man from the courier servrce (come), (sleep). 7. Moha n (lose) his wallet while he 0oe). (take) a bath, when he (slip) on the soap. -8. Vikas They (wait)for the rain to stop when the lights went out. lo. (want) to buy the book that Riya (read) last week. 't1. The Delhi-bound Frontier Mail (run) at close to hundred kilometres an hour. ln a certain comoartment of the train (sit) two men. They (face) each other. For an hour or so, rney (be) silent. Then, one of them (break) the ice by asking the other whether he (go) to Delhi. tz. Jim Faxx (become) an American millionaire through his books on jogging. Strangely enough, he himself (die) while he 0oc). I actually wanted (want) to call you last night but by accident I (d ia l) Roshan's number. He (not do) anything special at that moment and (chat) for a long time. 14. What you (do) when I (call) on you yesterday evening? | (ring) the bell a number of times but you (not answer) the door. I (be) so keen to see you, I (have)something very urgent to discuss with you. You probably (sleep) after a late night. 15. We (see) a gigantic wave moving towards us. lt (wash) everything in its path. We lsnaxe) wrtn tflgnt at tne expeflence. Later, we (hear) it (be) a tsunami. The Past Perfect Tense The past perfect tense is used to talk about an action that happened action in the past. o lt had started drizzling when we decided to go out. o Valerie saw that her brother had broken her ruler. TITII m III

In the examples, it is clear that one action was completed before another action began. We use time words or phrases such as already, by then, until, before, - after, yet,just, and so on, with verbs in the past perfect tense. We normally use the past perfect tense to denote an earlier event. But sometimes we use the past perfect to describe a state in the oast. . lle had always believed in honesty and integrity. This table shows ug the forms of the past perfect tense. Positive had . past participle form . He had wrapped of the verb the presents. Negative had + not + past participle o He had not wrapped form of the verb Question t. had r subject r past o l-lad he wrapped participle form of the verb the presents? .2. question word . had o Why had he wrapped the nra<an+c? subject + past participle form of the verb @ Complete these sentences using the past perfect tense forms of the verbs in the brackets. t. They disconnected my internet. I had forgotten (forget)to pay the bill. z. Janets dishes are dirty. She (not wash) them for days. :. The old mansion was no longer there. The city corporation (pull) it down. 4. She no longer had a bike. She t5e ., tr oTr oecause sne was movtng to another city. 5. There was a great shortage of water in the area. lt (not rain) there for months. 6. Sorry, lwasn't at home when you came by. I (go) to my uncle's house. /. I qro not recogntse twtaonun. Jhe (lose) on a lot of weight. IfI n NII

8. When Queen Victoria died in r9or, she (reign) for over stxty years. DE,' Huge trees lay uprooted al over the countryside. There a cyclonic storm last night. @ Us\" the past perfect tense forms of the verbs in the box to complete these sentences. l. When I had finished doing my homework, I went for a walk. 2. After they the race, the boys felt tired. Shakil could not be informed because ne already home. 4. we arrived at the venue, everyone else 5. Minu to read before she started school. 6. e message before she telephoned me. the band started playing again. 7. After the chief guest 8. Jne to deep water before she realised it. Complete these sentences with. the:imple past tense or the past perfect tense Iorms of the verbs in the brackets. 't. The Chopras had lived in Delhi for ten years before they moved to Mumbai. (live, move) 2. Vinod his first promotion after he for three years. (get, worl) 5. The tired hostess ror a wntte atter all the guests (rest, leave) 4. The children excellent answers after the teacher the points. (write, discuss) 5. When she home last night, her daughter to sleep. (return, go) 6. The students en the chief guest (assemble, arrive) ITI rII

7;#, Arun's business because he much time to it. (fail, not give) 8. A vast crowd at the stadium hours before the cricketer . (gather, arrive) They the stable door after the horses (lock, bolt) lo. I the film on TV last night because I it before. cloudy for days before it finally to rain. (not watch, see) . lt (be, begin) tz. Ahmed for three hours before he up us about at 7:5o p.m. (sleep, wake) 13. We the museum that our friend- a month before. (visit, told) t4. The papers not on her desk and she could not rememoer wnere them. (be, put) she 15. They where to meet because nobody !nem, (not know, tell) Here is a newspaper story which once hit the headlines all over the world. Rewrite the story putting the verbs in brackets into the simple past tense or past perfect tense. Charlie Chaplin, the twentieth century's greatest comedian,'died (die) on Christmas Day, t977 and \"(bury) two days later in a little cemetery overlooking Lake Geneva in Switzerland. He 3(spend) twenty-five years in a nearby village, where the comedian a(maintain) a mansion. Throughout the world, newspapers s(publish) tributes to Chaplin's career both as actor and film director. And then, in the spring of i978, while the tributes d(contiriue) to flood in, a quite fantastic story 7(break) out. On March z, press reports 8(announce) that the body of Sir Charles Chaplin q(vanish) overnight from its grave. The cemetery'o(be) small and square, surrounded by a low stone wall. lt ,r(contain) some four hundred tombs mostly belonging to local people and marked by modest headstones and simple wooden crosses. The Swiss police'\"(institute) a search. Local people,'(offer) details. One man,a(say) ihat shortly after midnight he'5(hear) a noise like that of a pickaxe from the cemetery. IIII fr III

But who would want to steal the comedian's body? A number of theories ,6(advance) in the days that'7(follow). Since there apparently,&(be) no ransom demand, one possibility 'e(be) that the body \"(take) by a group of fanatical admirers. Frederick Sands, the author, '?r(write) a book about the Chaplins which,\"(say) that the comedian once'3(express) a wish to be buried in England, the country of his birih. Other theories,.(concentrate) on the fact that Chaplin \"(be) Jewish, and one report'6(allege) that the body,7(remove) because Chaplin'3(bury) in a cemetery meant for Christians. Then, on May z',(come) the news that the kidnappers 3o(find)and the body recovered. The culprits 3'(turn out)to be two East European motor mechanics who r\"(obtain) political asylum in Switzerland some time earlier. And the motive? lt 33(be) ransom after all. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense We use the past perfect continuous tense to describe an action that continued over a period of time up to a point in the past. . They had been travelling in the UK when they heard the news. o Rosie had been buying vegetables when she received a phone call. This table shows us the forms of the past perfect continuous tense. Positive had r been r present participle o Jhqy had been waiting Negative Question form of the verb outside the door. had+not.been.present o They had not been waiting outside the door. participle form of the verb r. had + subjest + been r present l-lad they been waiting participle form of the verb outside the door? Why had they been z. question word . had + suljqql waiting outside the door? r been + present participle formoftheverb, @ Comptete these sentences with the past perfect continuous tens6 forms of the verbs in the brackets. t. He h39l!99ry9{ing all day. So, he took a break. (work) FIrn for nearly three hours, before the train arrived. (wait) III:ilt

{ir7 5. She for over an hour on the phone, when her mother asked her to hang up. (talk) she ? (sleep) as a marketing executive before she decided to travel 4. How long 5. r.runtra the world. (work) 6. Viren had become quite fit back then, because he regula rly. (exercise) 7 Mahima could not take the tests, since she classes regularly. (not attend) 8. Which chapter sne when you saw her? (pq6l) 9. Susan (play) the piano for thirteen years before she finally performed at a concert. lo. Souray was tired because he (jos) lt. I (swim) when someone called for help. tz. They (travel) for a while when it started to rarn. t5. Iwondered why she (watch) me so closely. 14. I (sit) in the airport for about ten minutes when a woman sat down next to me. 15. Uncle (fish) for an hour when something tugged at his fishing rod. lif Read these situations and express them in one sentence using the past perfect continuous tense, t. He had a very bad cough. He found it difficult to breathe. (He / drink / ice cold water) He had been drinking ice cold water. z. lt became dark anC then she realised. (She / work on the computer / more than ten hours) 5. When he returned home, he had a racquet in his hand and looked very tired. /(l,e play / squash all morning) 4. Varun was hungry. (fle / not eat / all morning) 5. He retired at the age of fifty-eight. He was in service since the age of twenty_eight. (le / work / thirty years) III il III

Choose the best past forms of the verbs in the brackets to complete the paragraph. Sometimes more than one form is possible. Jamshedji Tata \"io;ned (join) hls father's trading firm after graduating from Elphinstone College in t858. lt was a turbulent time to step into business as the Indian Rebellion of t85z (just crush) by the British government. Jam shedji' (work) in his father's firm till the age of twenty-nine. In 1868, he'i (start) a trading company with a capital of only {zt,ooo. fle set up a cotton mill in Nagpur in t874 and christened it Empress l.4ill on t January, t877 when Queen Victoria 5r (proclaim) Empress of India. Over the next thirty years, till his death in t9o4, Jamshedji6' (lay) the foundations for the Tata Group as we know it today. He \" (devote) himself to bringing to fruition three of his key ideas, setting up an iron and steel company, a world class learning institution and a hydro-electric plant. lronically, none of the ideas & (become)a reality during his lifetime. l-lowever, the foundations (lay) by him and hard work by his successors ensured that each of the ideas (establish). Tata Steel is Asia's first and India's largest integrated private sector steel company producing four million tonnes of steel annually. The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research ''(found) in t94s by Dr Homi Bhabha who (approach) JRD Tata requesting his support towards the establishing of a scientific institution. The Tata Power Company Limited is India's largest private sector electricity-generating company. Among his notable ventures that did bear fruition during his lifetime was the historical Taj Mahal Hotel in the Colaba district in Mumbai. The hotel '\" (complete) for a princely sum of {4,zt,oo,ooo on t6 December, t9o3. @ Choose the best verb from the box to complete the paragraph. The number of Normans in England after the Norman Conquest'was never sufficient for their language' a significant impression on the general population, It5 that there may a' as few as IO,OOO or ]5,OOO soldiers perhaps only 5,ooo plus an uncertain number of camp followers and opportunistic settle but this is a tiny number compared to the general English population, which, by the the Domesday book, s about t.5 million. By rgoo AD, that population totalled III III

at least g million. The vast majority of the population 6: little or no contact with the French, and 7 to speak Old tnglish. A bilingual class 3 it probably already e: given the dynastic connections with Normandy which rong \" the conquest, but this section of the population would have stayed small, consisting of the aristocracy, senior churchmen, merchants and settlers. Choose the correct alternative from the pairs of verb forms to complete this conversation. Danr Where were you this morning? Saleemr Oh, hi, Dan. | 'wenty' / have gone to work, as usual. Why? Danr You \"have said / said you 3will / were going to come round to my place to give me a lift to my audition. Whatever ahad happened / happened? Saleem: Oh dear-l'm so sorry! | completely tforgot / forget. l6ran / was running a bit late today and it must have Tgone / been going out of my mind. What did you do? Dan: Iasked Ahmed, but he has dsold / been selling his car, so he couldn,t help me out. Saleem: Why didn't you phone me? Dan: Saleemr I qhad run / was running out of credit on my mobile, so I couldn't phone anyone. Oh no! | feel really bad about this.,\"Did you miss / Were you missing the audition? No, it was okay. In the end | \"have got / got there in plenty of time and it went really well. Grammar Activity Work in pairs. Ask your friend to say a main clause in ihe pagt tense, you will then have to complete the sentence using the past perfect continuous tense, while explaining the reason for it. Take turns to complete five gentences eash. You can begin like this- Person A: He was wearing three jackets yesterday ... Person B:...because he had been feeling cold that day. III 4 III

Verbs: Expressing the Future Read these sentences. o I am going to help you study for the test. . I will be tired after the football match. o I will be preparing for the trip tomorrow. o My flight leaves at 6:o0 p.m. today. We will have completed the work by next week. At six otlock, I will have been waiting for an hour. The words in bold show future time. This table shows us how to use future time. Form Functions- Examples going to t. expresses personal intention o I am going to plan an event or action taking place in the will/ shall or will immediate future next week. be / shall be z. expresses probability r lt is going to rain. 1. expresses an offer or request . Willyou please help me? z. expresses future lact or o The party will be over prediction by 5:oo P.m. wiil be / shall be t. indicates an action which will I will be working from be in progress for some time home for a few months. * verb . .ing in the future The conference will be taking place in October z. indicates future actions that this year. are ptanneo 34

the simple expresses future actions which The programme starts present tense are determined in advance by a calendar, a timetable or at I p.m. programme The runners will have will/ shall . have expresses an action that is crossed the halfway mark expected to be completed by a by 4,oo p.m. . past participle specific time in the future When lturn eighteen, I will have been playing will'have*been expresses an action that will the guitar for eight years. continue up until a certain point + the present in the future participle form of the verb Complete these sentences with will or going to along with the words in the brackets. t. Student Do you need any help, Miss? Teacher: Yes, please. Will you carry (you / carry)this pile of books for me? Maya: I'm afraid the internet is not working, I can't send the mail. Tushar: Don't worry, it's not urgent. (you / try) to send the email later today? Rohit: I've chosen a name for my baby brother. Mother: Really? What are (you / call) him? Teacher: Why are you not coming to school on Monjay? Studentr lam (attend) my cousin's wedding. Father: l'm afraid there are no cookies. Do you want some chips instead? Tinar No, I (not have) anything, thanks. Teacher: Have you decided how you will improve your spelling? Studentr Yes, I'm (learn) twenty words every day. IIII 35 III

7 Motherr I won't be able to take you shopping in the evening; something important has come up. Amitr Don't worry, Mother. I (go) with Father. tl 8. Teacher: Can you make sure Mrs Gupta gets the message? Studsntr Yes, I (tell) her as soon as she arrives for the class. @ V\"t\"h th\" .entences in column A with a possible future action in column B. t. There is going to be a bus strike a. ldid not realise that; l'll buy tomorrow some when I go to the store, My mother is busy on the other b. l'm not sure; l'll go look. Pnone. c. No thanks, l'll have some juice. 5. We are totally out of tea. 4. ls your father at home? d. ls there? l'll go to school by rickshaw, then. (t) 5. The swimming pool is too e. l'll contact you as soon as lget crowded today. the information. 6. Here is the project report, f. Don't worry; l'll call back later. Ms Gomes. 7. Another cola? g. I'll go for a swim tomorrow. 8. I don't have the information. h. Keep it on the table; l'll look at it later. Use will / shall \"fubtausree.foYromu of the verb to change these sentences to express the may use the clues in the brackets, where required. I. Rahulgoes to the dentist. (next weerl Rahul will go to the dentist next week. 2. The actress plays the role of an astronaut in space. (next film) III it6 III

5. My friend has many flowering plants in his garden. (next summer) 4. lam throwing a party for my school friends. (tomorrow afternoon) 5. We take care of our pets. (always) 6. lgo for a haircut. (soon) Z We wait for them at the station. (itselfl 8. You become the best dancer in the class. (soon) Complete these questions using the verbs in brackets with will orshall in its future form. l. What will the weather be (be) like tomorrow? 2. Do you think it (rain) tomorrow? 5. I don't think so. Going by the weather forecast, it (be) dry weather tomorrow. a. Probably, the cold weather (move down)from the north after the rains are over. 5. Do you think it (be) dark by six this evening? 6. They said on the news that the Prime Minister (speak) to the nation on TV tonight. 7. The men (work) on Sundays if they are paid overtime. 8. Please don't worry. I (make) all the travel arrangements for you. 9. lf we can book online, (we book) the tickets this evening. to. Our computer (crash) if we don't get rid of this virus now @ Complete these sentences using going to or the present continuous tense form of the verbs in the brackets to express the future. t. Paresh is going to participate (participate) in the dance competition next week. z. My brother (be) very excited to see his new toys tomorrow. 3, l'1y parents (be) in town next week. I (take) them to the rose garden. (leave) Mumbai on 15 March.

5. They (be) upset about the ticket cancellation when they hear about it. 6. it (be) cold in Srinangar this winter? tl 7. Both teams are well matched. Tonight's game (be) very competitive, 8. you (go) to ihe circus this weekend? Sheila (go) too. You can go with her. ff Co-plete pair of questions and answers using the simple present tense, The\"saecnhtences should still convey {uture time' t. I heard you're moving to Bengaluru. When do you leave? I leave for Bengaluru on z5 APril z. When does the football match end? I think, the match at 7:jo p.m. We can go for dinner after that 3. What time The film begins at 8 p.m. We are running late. 4. When does the train leave for Siliguri? tne trarn at n:45 a.m. 5. What time does your sister have her singing class tomorrow? My sister at I p.m, tomorrow afternoon. 6. When do your grandparents reach Delhi? My grandparents at 9 in the morning. 7 What time does the sun rise tomorrow? at 5.15 a.m. tomorrow. We can catch the sunrise if we wake up eafly enouSn. 8. When your bus to Ooty tomorrow? My bus leaves at 4 in the evening. FrItn III:t8

Write a brief note in the future time using the simple present tense to explain the Sports Meet programme schedule to the students. Chief Guest's arrival at school Chief Guest's lighting of the lamp Head Bovt welcome address Chief Guest's speech Principalt speech Commencement of the sports events You can begin like this- The Chief Guest arrives at our school around 8'3o a.m. Complete this conversation between Sakina and Julie, using the future continuous and the future perfect tenses. 3rkinar I almost forgot to tell you. I 1y{!l!qq9yi4g (move) to Raipur next month. My mother' (get) transferred soon. My parents are enrolling me in a new school in Raipur, l5 (join) Maryland School in November. Julie: In the middle of the school year! But half the syllabus, (b.) completed by then. All your classmates s How will you be able to cope with being the odd one out? (make)friends. 3rkinar My parents have already spoken to the principal and teachers at Maryland. Before I start school there, the teachers 6 (speak)to the ----------:--students about my situation. They also 7 (ask) two of my classmates to help me cope with the academic and social difficulties. l.{ere are some predictions. Put them in the form of statements, using the future perfect form of the verbs in the brackets. l, The world population (increase) by mqr.e than ten billion by the year zo5o AD. The world population will have increased by moLe than ten billion by the year zo5o AD. By the rniddle of the twenty-first century, India (become) a world power.

5. By zoz5 AD, the world's reserves of non'renewable fuel (dwindle) by a third. 4. According to demographers, the population of India (peak) by 2o3o AD 5. By the year 2o4o AD, we (shift) from privately owned gas-powered cars to shared electric vehicles. I 6. By 2060 AD, computers (take over) our world completely. 7. By the year 2o5o AD, scientisis (find) a cure for every known disease. 8. By the turn of the twenty-second century, people (start) investing in space tourism. Gomplete these sentences using the aPproPriate future form. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. l. lf you work (work) to a plan, you will complete (complete) the project in time, or even ahead of time. 2. You (be) late if you (not hurry). 5. must leave at once. I have had a long day and I am feeling very tired. I think (get) home. (go) straight to bed when I 4. The summit party (make) a try for the top if there (be) a break in the weather. (telephone,l you as soon as I l/drrlve)\\^ldt Secunderabad station. 6. lf you (telephone) me as soon as you (arrive) (b\") at Secunderabad station, I (come) and pick you up. z Suresh will surely make it to the top ten this time. I for one (not make) it. very surprised if he 8. Once the monsoon (set) in, the roads in this area (become) impassable. 9. (wait) until we (hear) from you. to. (go, tor a prcnrc on Jaturqay lr rne weather (be) fine. Grammar Activity i\" dorn four things about how different your life will be ten years from now using fu\"tnuyre time. Share it with your partner, and discuss the similarities and differences between what you and your partner have written. Ittrrrr III

Modals Read these sentences. r I could wait for you if you want. . We must obey the rules of the school. . They shouldn't waste any more time and start preparing for the exams. . She can do cartwheels. Ine worqs In ooto are moqats. Ew : Modals are helping verbs or auxiliary verbs that we use to communicate a specific message. They express'modality'or the way we say something. A modal is the fjrst word in a verb phrase. lt supports the main verb, Modals do not have any inflection; they do not change with a change in the subject, tense, voice or number. . He can drive. r They can drive. This table shows us how to use modals. Modal Urec Eramplo can / cannot ability e He can write with both hands. asking permission (ca n't) request . Can I borrow this book? offer could / could o Can you'please talk softly? asking permission o Can I help you with the project? not (cou ldn't) request suggestron o Could I borrow your pencil? o Could you please carry this bag? /possibility . You cou d try another method. probability . it could rain today. past ability o lcould climb trees easily. I-I 41 ffiI

requesr . lVay I go first? offer permission o May I help you with that bag? o May ltake a cookie? /possibility o We may not win a gold medal. o May you be successful in whatever probability you do! wish o My cousins might come to stay with us. /possibility o I will not go to the store today. probability in future r Will you get me a glass of water? will / will not intention request o lt will be a cloudy day today. (won't) prediction o I will call you back at the earliest. promise r Would you mind if lopen the window? would / would permrssron request o Would you please lock the door? not (wouldn't) invitation o Would you like to join us for dinner? checking preference o Wouldn't you like to order Chinese food? shall / shall not offer o Shall Iget you something to eat? o Shall we play another game? suSgestron o You should read books by Agatha should / should recommendation Christie. not (shouldn't) o You shouldn't stay up so late. advice o You ought not to be late. o The bus ought to arrive soon. ought to / advice probability o We mustn't take unnecessary risks, ought not to r I must go home now must / must obligation necessity o I need to buy some medicines. not (mustn't) o You need not ring the bell twice. o I need to wake up on time. need to / need necessity compulsion r We do not have to buy groceries this not (needn't) insistence week, has, have to / necessity o We have to attend the function. obligation do not have to (don't have to)

Could, would and may are used in formal settings, while can may be used - with friends and family. . Could ltake this chair? (to a stranger) o Can I take this chair? (to your friend in school) Need as a modal verb is mostly used in negative sentences or to convey a negative meaning. o He needn't drive so fast. . We need to finish our homework over the weekend. @ Circle the correct option to complete these sentences. @r. You / would leave after the bell rings. z. Would / Could you mind lending me your markers? 3. lwanted to ask if lwould / could call you today. 4. You cannot / would not drive so fast on the road. 5, May / Could you just wait for a second? 6, Rahim can / may recite the names of all the states and their capitals. 7 Would / Could you play the violin as a child? 8. They could not / may not enter the class, because they were late. @ Complete these sentences with modals from the box. t. JC ssica should have told her family the truth about what she had done. hy didn't you tell me that you were eating at your friendi house, t_ have cooked so much food. 5. hv did vou wade so far into the water? You have drowned. have got up so early in the morning, I nave slept {or some more time. III {3 I-I