Physical Fitness, Wellness and Lifestyle 43 The difference between three categories of fitness is given below: Skill Related Fitness Health Realted Fitness Cosmetic Related Fitness Important in the performance of specific Ingredient in the national public health For many people, looking good is an functional motor tasks. agenda. important outcome of fitness activities. Important in sport performance and in Important for prevention and remediation Looking fit is and looking strong is an certain kinds of job performance that of disease and illness, both physical and important part of looking fit. This is true require physical skill and strength. mental. for both men and women. Being able to carry out the special skills It applies to everyone and is a general Cosmetic fitness is fine as long as it that are a necessary part of certain sports concept. Each should achieve and takes place in an educational or activities that can help in becoming maintain certain levels of health fitness environment where acceptance of physically fit involve one or more parts to stay as healthy as possible throughout different body shapes is the norm or of skill related fitness.It is more a lifetime and to improve the quality of the criteria. functional and specific. life. Physical fitness has five components; which measures the physical fitness of a person. Various experiments have been conducted to measure the physical fitness of a person. Various exercises have done to develop these components. The five components of physical fitness may also be called by 5 ‘S’ of Physical Fitness which are as follows: 1. Speed Speed may be defined as the ability or capacity of the individual to perform a movement of the same pattern at faster rate. In fact, speed is the ability to move the body as fast as possible, especially in running. However, different sports skills require different types of fast movements and quick reactions. Speed of movement is much more than just running speed; it includes the speed of body parts, such as the explosive strength of the shot-putter’s body across the throwing circle or the speed of a gymnast’s in-hand spring. Most of the sports require speed over short distances, such as running between wickets in cricket. Most probably, speed depends on heredity factor, specifically on the type of muscle fibres. There are two types of muscle fibres. Fast twitch and Slow twitch. Fast twitch fibres are able to contract rapidly and produce maximum force, whereas. Slow twitches fibres contract slowly and produce less force. Along this, fast twitch fibres fatigue quickly, whereas, Slow twitch fibres fatigue slowly. Now it can be decided easily whether an individual is suited to speedy events, or for events which are related to endurance because percentage of these fibres in an individual can be measured. So, it can be concluded that speed is inherited, it is difficult to improve speed significantly. But up to some extent, training can enhance the speed slightly by reducing the reaction time of an individual. Most probably, speed is used in every sport except endurance related sports.
44 Health and Physical Education—XI 2. Strength Strength is the ability of the muscles to overcome resistance. Strength is a major component of physical fitness. Strength can also be defined as the amount of force a muscle or muscles group can exert. Strength of the body can be measured in pounds or ounce. A certain level of strength is also essential for a common man, whereas, for a sportsman it is most essential to have strength. Some avocations or sports may require less amount of strength while other avocations or sports may require much strength. In the same way some sports or avocations require different type of strength, while some sports require other type of strength. For a better understanding, strength can be divided into two parts: (a) Dynamic Strength (b) Static Strength. (a) Dynamic Strength Dynamic strength can be called isotonic strength because it is related to the movements. In pull-ups and push- ups we require dynamic strength. In performing such workout, there is a diminishing tendency in dynamic strength and as a result, after sometime, muscles refuse to do work. Generally, dynamic strength can be divided into three parts: (i) Maximum Strength (ii) Explosive Strength (iii) Strength Endurance. (i) Maximum Strength: It is the ability to act against maximum resistance. Maximum strength is not usually used in majority of sports but it is usually used in those sports in which very heavy resistances have to be tackled e.g. Weightlifting, Shot put, Hammer throw, Discus throw and Javelin throw. In other sports maximum strength is required for a short period, e.g. cross position is Roman rings in gymnastics starting and acceleration phases in sprinting events and take off in Long jump, High jump, Triple jump and Pole-vault. In such sports maximum strength is really very important. (ii) Explosive Strength: Explosive strength can be defined as the ability to overcome resistance with high speed. In fact, it is a combination of strength and speed abilities. Explosive strength is generally used in Sprint starts, Weightlifting, Shot-put, Hammer throw, Javelin throw, Discus throw, Long jump, High jump, Triple jump and Pole-vault. Upto some extent it is also used in endurance events, specifically in the start and spurt phases. In above, mentioned sports this force is applied just like explosion, that’s why it is called explosive power. (iii) Strength Endurance: It is the combination of strength and endurance abilities. Strength endurance can be defined as the ability to overcome resistance or to act against resistance under conditions of fatigue. It can be a form of static or dynamic strength depending on the fact whether the movement is static or dynamic. Strength endurance is commonly used in long distance races, swimming, road cycling, pole-vault and combative sports. So, it can be concluded that strength endurance is usually applied in most of the sports.
Physical Fitness, Wellness and Lifestyle 45 (b) Static Strength Static strength is also called isometric strength. It is the ability of muscles to act against resistance. Static strength can be measured by dynamometer. This type of strength is not seen directly. Static strength is not usually applied in sports but in weightlifting it is applied in phases. 3. Endurance or Stamina Endurance is another component of physical fitness also called stamina generally like speed and strength. It is the ability to sustain an activity. It also defines endurance as ability to resist fatigue. In all sports, endurance is directly or indirectly of high importance. It is usually measured by the number of repetitions. For example, the number of sit-ups an individual can complete in one minute is often used to measure the endurance of the abdominal muscles. The type of endurance varies from sports to sports. Basically, there are two types of endurance, i.e., short-term endurance and long-term endurance. (a) Short-Term Endurance Short-term endurance is needed in sports, where the action or movement is only for short duration and the action or movement is intense, e.g. in hockey, football and wrestling, etc. (b) Long-Term Endurance Long-term endurance is needed in sports where the action or movement is for a longer duration and the action is less intense, e.g., in long distance races, road cycling, cross-country races, etc. Endurance is not only needed in sports but also it is needed for a common individual in day-to-day life. Endurance can be increased by continuous training method, interval training method and repetition method. 4. Flexibility or Suppleness For physical fitness flexibility is a necessary component. Flexibility is the range of movements of joints. An individual, who has proper flexibility, can perform his work very easily. Such persons seems to be attractive. Usually, they tend to have good personality. Flexibility is not only a significant factor in sports but, also it is equally significant for an individual in daily life. Range of movement varies significantly from joint to joint but depends on the structure of the surrounding tendons, ligaments and muscle tissues. Flexibility is related to genetic factors as well as physical-activity programmes. Usually, tight joints prevent smooth and efficient movements. Flexibility training prevents muscular injuries. Maintaining flexibility throughout the life, especially in back and leg muscles may help to prevent back problems. Flexibility is helpful in learning various skills easily, such as back stroke in swimming. These skills can be learnt easily, if an individual has ample flexibility. Flexibility is of two types: (a) Passive flexibility and (b) Active flexibility. (a) Passive Flexibility The ability to do movements with greater distance with external help is called passive flexibility e.g. stretching exercises with the help of a partner. Passive flexibility is always more than active flexibility. In fact, passive flexibility is the foundation for active flexibility.
46 Health and Physical Education—XI (b) Active Flexibility Active flexibility is the ability to do movement for a longer distance without external help, e.g. to do a stretch without the help of a partner. Active flexibility can further be divided into two parts: Static flexibility and Dynamic flexibility. Static Flexibility: Static flexibility is usually required by a sportsperson, when he remains in static position, e.g. in diving, sitting, lying and starting position is various sports. Dynamic Flexibility: Dynamic flexibility is needed for doing movements with great distance, when an individual is in motion. Both types of flexibilities are essential for a general individual and for a sportsperson. Flexibility can be achieved by stretching exercises. Before performing stretching exercise, one should do gentle jogging or slow running. 5. Coordinative Abilities or Synchronisation Before 1980, speed, strength, flexibility, strength and agility were considered many components of physical fitness, but after that the term ‘agility’ changed into coordination abilities. The term ‘agility’ was discarded because it was not clearly defined and there was no any unanimity in its meaning. So, now-a-days “coordinative abilities” is used in place of agility. Mainly coordinative abilities depend on the Central Nervous System. The coordinative abilities are those abilities of an individual which enable the individual to do various related activities properly as well as efficiently. Our accuracy, rhythm, flow and constancy depend on our coordinative abilities. These abilities can be of various types, such as balance ability rhythm ability/adaptation ability and reaction ability. Such types of abilities can be enhanced through general or specific exercises. Usually, the beautiful and graceful movements of our body are directly related to our coordinative abilities. Such types of abilities are much helpful in gymnastics and diving. Coordinative abilities can be improved, if we perform correct movements. We should avoid incorrect movements while playing any game or sport. If we keep the above-mentioned points into consideration, coordinative abilities can be improved. Practice Questions 3.2 I. Short–I Question Answers (3 Marks, 100 Words) 1. Enlist the components of physical fitness. II. Short–II Question Answers (5 Marks, 200 Words) 1. Explain the components of Physical Fitness. 3.3 Components of Health Related Fitness Health related physical fitness has been designed in the form of certain activity to improve complete health. The aim of health related fitness is to prevent the diseases and to develop the highest level of working capacity in daily routine. The health of a person cannot be measured by his long running capacity or lifting weights but it is measured by the quickness and working capacity of work, performed by the person for longer period of time. Health related fitness can be further divided into five categories which are explained as follow:
Physical Fitness, Wellness and Lifestyle 47 1. Cardio-respiratory Endurance Cardio-respiratory endurance is the ability to exercise the entire body for long periods of time. It shows the capacity of heart, lungs, and to clear blood vessels to supply the body with oxygen. Activities to improve fitness in this area include running, swimming and aerobic dance. A person must do the activity continuously for a minimum of 20 minutes within their target heart rate zone. 2. Muscular Endurance Muscular Endurance is the ability to use the muscles, which are attached to the bones, many times without getting tired. People with good muscular endurance are likely to have better posture, have fewer back problems, and be better able to resist fatigue than people who lack muscular endurance. One can improve muscular endurance by lifting weights with many repetitions or doing sit-ups. Measuring the number of sit-ups one can do correctly is used for fitness testing. To increase the muscular endurance, one has to do the exercises like moving up and down on stairs, weight lifting, sit-ups, etc. 3. Muscular Strength It is the amount of force you can put forth with your muscles. It is often measured by how much weight you can lift. People with strength have fewer problems with backaches and can carry out their daily tasks efficiently. Examples of muscular strength include push-ups, weight lifting and pull-ups. Fitness testing will be measured by doing pull-ups. 4. Flexibility Flexibility can be defined as the ability to use your joints fully. You are flexible, when the muscles are long enough and the joints are free enough to allow movement. People with good flexibility have fewer sore and injured muscles. Stretching before and after activities will help to improve flexibility. The sit-and-reach and the trunk lift are two tests used to measure flexibility. 5. Body Composition Body composition is the ratio of body fat to the muscles. Body composition is the percentage of body weight that is fat compared to other body tissue, such as bone and muscle. People who have a high percentage of fat are more likely to be ill and have a higher death rate than lean people. Exercise and eating the right foods in the proper amounts can improve body composition. Body composition can be calculated by BMI e.g.– weight (kg)/height (M) × height (M). Body composition can be measured by using an instrument called calipers, a specialized scale, or in fold can be calculated by using the body mass index. Practice Questions 3.3 I. Short–I Question Answers (3 Marks, 100 Words) 1. “Health is an Asset.” Explain briefly. II. Short–II Question Answers (5 Marks, 200 Words) 1. Enlist the components of health related fitness. Explain each in details.
48 Health and Physical Education—XI Multiple Choice Type Questions 1. According to “Wellness is an active process through which people become aware and make choices to words, a more successful existence”. (a) Miami University (b) Mckingely Health Centre Illinois University (c) World Health Organisation (d) National Wellness Institute 2. According to ‘Physical fitness is the man’s capacity of using his body suitably and doing hard work for a long time’. (a) Kingston (b) Rosemarry (c) Curtion (d) None of these 3. Who said, ‘Physical fitness is the right evaluation of the stress of a person’s life style’. (a) Curation (b) Don Horkins (c) Kroles (d) Hoskins 4. Who states that “life style is a way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a person or group”. (a) American Heritage Dictionary (b) Encyclopaedia of Public Health (c) Prince Martin (d) Kingsburry 5. How many components physical fitness do have? (a) Three (b) Four (c) Five (d) Two 6. What is the other name of static strength? (a) Isometric strength (b) State level strength (c) Above state level strength (d) None of these 7. Which is another component of physical fitness like speed and strength? (a) Endurance (b) Behaviour (c) Determination (d) Power 8. The ability of body to execute movements with greater amplitude or range is called: (a) Strength (b) Flexibility (c) Endurance (d) Body composition 9. The ability of body to overcome resistance is called: (a) Muscular strength (b) Body composition (c) Muscular Endurance (d) Flexibility 10. The % of fat, bone, water and muscle in human body is called: (a) Muscular endurance (b) Flexibility (c) Muscular strength (d) Body composition 11. The ability of an individual to exert force repeatedly continuously for longer duration is called: (a) Muscular strength (b) Muscular endurance (c) Flexibility (d) Body composition 12. The aim of health related fitness is to prevent the .......... . (a) Power (b) Way (c) Diseases (d) Capacity
Physical Fitness, Wellness and Lifestyle 49 13. “Successful adaptation to stresses of one’s life” is the definition of fitness according to also? (a) Kroles (b) David (c) Don (d) none 14. Type of strength does not include: (a) Maximum strength (b) Minimum strength (c) Explosive strength (d) Strength endulance 15. 1. Fast twitch fibres fatigue slowly 2. Slow twitch fatigue quickely which is true? (a) both (b) neither (c) only 1 (d) only 2 16. Which of these is a type of endurance? (a) long term (b) short term (c) mid term (d) more than 1 option is correct 17. Which of these mean the same thing: (i) Agility (ii) Strength (iii) Endurance (iv) Coordinative ability (a) (i) and (iv) (b) (i) and (iv) (c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (i) and (iii) 18. Duration for applying muscular strength: (a) 0 to 15s (b) 0 to 30s (c) 1 min (d) 0 to 10s 19. Which is not a component of wellness: (a) Physical (b) Social (c) Financial (d) Psychological 20. Healthy amount of fat is 20-25% for: (a) men (b) women (c) both (a) and (b) (d) kids 21. ............ is the range of movement of joints. (a) agility (b) flexibility (c) turgidity (d) surface tension 22. Which of these is a side effect of excercise body fat? (a) osteoporosis (b) coronary aatery disease (c) artherosclerosis (d) arteriosclerosis 23. Fact on condition of being physically and mentally healthy is: (a) physical fitness (b) wellness (c) lifestyle (d) none 24. A pattern on behaviour on the way a person lives is: (a) wellness (b) fitness (c) lifestyle (d) none
50 Health and Physical Education—XI 25. Positive lifestyle is important for: (a) improves posture (b) increased longevity (c) increased self confidence (d) all of the above 26. Which of these is not a part of Dynamic strength: (a) Maximum strength (b) Explosive strength (c) Strength endurance (d) Static strength 27. ............. is the ability to resist fatigue: (a) Strength (b) Speed (c) Edurance (d) Flexibility 28. Strength is the ability of the muscles to overcome ............. (a) Endurance (b) Fatigue (c) Resistance (d) Exhension 29. ............. fibres fatigue quickly (a) Fast twitch (b) Slow twitch (c) Muscle (d) None 30. Which is the component of health related fitness? (a) Flexibility (b) Cardiovascular endurance (c) Muscular endurance (d) All of these 31. ............. is the ability of an individual to make sound decisions. (a) Emotional wellness (b) Mental wellness (c) Intellectual wellness (d) Sprintual wellness 32. Health amount of fat for men is: (a) 15%–18% (b) 0%–12% (c) 18%–24% (d) 20%–25% 33. The state of being healthy and free of diseases is the scientific meaning of ............. (a) fitness (b) wellness (c) both (d) none 34. The famous quote—“Today we do not need Bhagwat Geeta but a football field” was given by (a) Kroles (b) Doveis Lamb (c) Swami Vivekanand (d) All 35. Which of the following is not the importance of positive lifestyle? (a) Promoting cardiovascular diseases (b) Decreases energy level (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Increases longevity 36. Which strength is required exclusively in triple jump, pole-vault and roman rings in gymnastics: (a) Dynamic strength (b) Explosive strength (c) Maximum strength (d) All 37. Static strength can be measured by ............. . (a) speedometer (b) dynamometer (c) both (d) all 38. Which muscle fibres are able to contract rapidly, fatigue quickly to produce maximum force? (a) slow twich (b) fast twich (c) purking fibre (d) all
Physical Fitness, Wellness and Lifestyle 51 39. Doctor adviced the patient to practice a necessary component for physical fitness (×) to prevent back problems and injuries identify (×) (a) Speed (b) Coordinative abilities (c) Endurance (d) Flexibility 40. A healthy amount of fat for women is between ............. (a) 15 to 18% (b) 20 to 20% (c) 15-25% (d) 15-17% 41. Which component and health related fitness is most important and is very significant? (a) Muscular strength (b) Cardiovascular Endurance (c) Flexibility (d) Body Composition 42. ............. wellness lays stress on getting more out of lucky day with laughting and enjoyment: (a) Emotional (b) Spiritual (c) Physical (d) Social 43. Physical fitness is the capacity to meet the present and potential physical challenges of life with success: (a) Webster (b) Kroles (c) Don (d) David 44. The ability of the muscles to act against maximum resistance is: (a) Dynamic strength (b) Maximum strength (c) Explosive strength (d) Strength 45. Speed depends on which type of muscle fibres: (a) fast twitch (b) show twitch (c) striated muscle fibre (d) more than 1 option is correct 46. Flexibility does not depend upon: (a) structure of tendons, ligaments and (b) genetic factors muscle tissue (c) both (d) none of the above 47. Swimming, jogging, continuous slow running, skipping are the best exercises to enhance: (a) Muscular strength (b) Cardiovascular endurance (c) Flexibility (d) Muscular endurance 48. Poor body composition has a negative effect on: (a) appearance and morale (b) self esteem and attitude (c) love life (d) all except (c) 49. Body composition is not the % of lean body mass of (a) ligament (b) tendon (c) water (d) mosentry 50. ............. strength is also called isometric strength. (a) Static (b) Dynamic (c) Maximum (d) Explosive
4Unit Physical Education and Sports for CWSN (Children with Special Needs—Divyang) KDniodwYou?Contents 4.1 Aims and Objectives of Adaptive Physical Education 4.2 Organization Promoting Adaptive Sports (Special Olympics Bharat, Paralympics, Deaflympics) 4.3 Concept of Inclusion, Its Need and Implementation 4.4 Role of Various Professionals For Children With Special Needs (Counsellor, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Physical Education Teacher, Speech Therapist and Special Educator) Introduction If a student is not behaving normal. It means he is a Divyang (children with special needs). Donot laugh over him. It is due to some unknown reasons or deformities. In schools, teacher should give more care instead of avoiding them. Society also should not make fun of them. They should be treated in well manner. In fact inclusion education is new approach towards CWNS, facilities and education providing with normal students under same roof and same environment and same facilities. 4.1 Aims and Objectives of Adaptive Physical Education Adaptive physical education is the art and science of developing, implementing and monitoring a carefully designed instructional programme for a learner with a disability based on a comprehensive assessment to enhance physical fitness and wellness. Adaptive physical education is the adaptive programme of games and other creative activities which are run according to the aptitude, capacity, need and ability of disabled and physically challenged students. Adaptive physical education is a modified physical education program which is designed, keeping in mind the special needs and abilities of disabled and physically challenged students. Adaptive physical education teacher evaluates children and assess their performances. Every child in the society has a right to develop his abilities. It is often seen that children are having various deformities such ➡ Adoptive and Inclusion physical education program are completely different in term of their Aims and objectives and for implementation. ➡ Adoptive physical education is diversified program for the development of various activities, sports and games as suits the interest, capacity and limitations of CWSN. ➡ Inclusion Education is new approach towards CWSN, facilities and education providing with normal students under same roof and same environment and same facilities. ➡ As per education policy 2005 It is mandatory for the implementation of inclusion education program in all educational institutions across the country. 52
Physical Education and Sports for CWSN 53 as mental weakness, deafness, language problem, blindness, injury, dysfunction of bodily organ and dyslexia. Such children have limited opportunities. So, it becomes an important duty of all school to provide them with the opportunities which will enable them to progress. These children are not able to do such activities as are done by able children easily. So, school should organize some special programmes of physical education for these children. The physical education teacher includes the data, comments which records input and playground activities of the children. Different names were suggested for the disabled children for special physical education. These were as follows: Corrective Physical Education, Remedial Physical Education, Physical Therapy, Corrective Therapy, Developmental Physical Education and Individual Physical Education. In 1947, AAPHER (American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation) conducted a survey to determine the most acceptable term for the identification of physical education for disabled children. Consequently, the term Adaptive Physical was the most acceptable. Now adapted physical education is a sub-discipline programme of physical education. It is a kind of personal physical education which should be adopted for the children who need some special programmes. The programmes of adaptive physical education include physical fitness, motor fitness, fundamental motor skills and pattern, aquatic skills, dance skills, individual and group games and sports. Concept of Adaptive Physical Education Children having various deformities such as mental weakness, deafness, language problem and blindness; for those various special programs has been conducted in which they can develop physically, mentally, socially and emotionally. Meaning of Adaptive Physical Education Adaptive physical education is the modified programme of games and other creative activities which are synced according to the aptitude, capacity, need and ability of disabled and physically challenged students. Definition of Adaptive Physical Education Adaptive physical education can be defined as “A diversified programme of developmental activities, games and sports and rhythm suited to interests, capacities and limitations of students with disabilities.” Adaptive physical education is meant for the children who may not safely or successfully engage in unrestricted participation in the general physical education programme. It provide safe, personally satisfying and successful experiences related to physical activity for the disabled children. In fact, it is a direct service, not a related service. It is not only for disabled infants and students but also for the people of all age-groups. Aims and Objectives of Adaptive Physical Education For the easement of Divyangs, the different aims and objectives of adaptive physical education are as follow: Aims 1. These games play an important role in the development and health of Divyangs. 2. Different level tournaments have been organised for these students such as district, state and national level etc.
54 Health and Physical Education—XI KEYPOINTS 3. 16 summers, 7 winters and 2 regional games are organised for ★ CWSN these children. 4. These children are made capable to participate at international tournaments. 5. Equipments are made available according to demand. Objectives ★ Divyang ★ AAPHER 1. The main objective of APE is to motivate the children to participate ★ Adaptive physical education in the programs related to physical education and if the feableness ★ Special Olympic Bharat level increases then merge it into normal programs. ★ Eunice Kennedy Shriver ★ Deaflympics 2. Their objective is to increase the confidence level of Divyangs ★ Child Athletic Program along with social skills, emotional control and expression of ★ Family Forum feelings. ★ Paralympics Games ★ Sprit of motion 3. APE students need to be encourage to do their best by learning ★ Paralympics committee the rules of games, strategies etc. ★ Stoke Mandeville ★ Paralympics symbol 4. The APE teacher is to provide adaptations or modifications that ★ Paralympics oath will allow the special needs child to participate in age-appropriate physical educational activities. 5. The objective of APE is to note that every Divyang child is getting the proper service of physical education according to his need. Rules, lesson plans, strategies, etc. can be modified or included to help the child to be successful in physical education. For example, a Down’s syndrome child may respond to one word signs as reminders for doing a somersault correctly. A rule can be adapted or changed if it allows the special needs child to be successful. For example, if the students are working on volley ball skills, a wheelchair bound student is allowed to serve the volley ball from four feet ahead of the serving line. Standard gym equipment can be replaced with other objects that vary in shape, colour, size, etc. For example, when playing kickball, provide a large bright orange ball for a visually impaired child to kick. Methods of Adaptive Physical Education The methods of adaptive physical education are as follow: 1. The programme should be according to personal interest and need: Before determining a programme, teacher should be well aware of the interests, natural tendencies, abilities and post experiences of children. 2. Modification in the equipment: The equipment should be according to the disabilities of children. They should be different in size, shape, colour and weight. For example a blind child should be given a ball having bells. When the ball rolls down on the ground, it will create sounds and the child upon hearing sound will come to know about the direction and distance. 3. Change in environment: Movement capabilities of such disabled children are limited. So, their play- field should also be limited. They should be given a separate play-field because these children as compared to normal children take more time. They need rest at regular intervals. For making proper environment for these children there should be good facility of sound and light. 4. Modification in the rules: In the beginning, rules should be easy but later on they should be modified according to the needs of the students. They should be given extra opportunities to show their skills. Apart from this, they can be given two points in place of one point. There can be modification in the time of an activity as well by giving then extra time or extra rest.
Physical Education and Sports for CWSN 55 5. Modification in the strategies: To permit the substitute or interchange of game, a variety of different instructional strategies, such as verbal, visual and peer teaching should be used. The students are enabled to learn on their own and they can learn independently. They should be given picture books. 6. Training of teachers: The teachers which are included in APE must have proper training. The teachers should have the capability to transfer the training according to the need of Divyangs. 7. Medical check-up: Each and every activity should be done under the guidance of medical staff. The safety equipments should be present and easily accessable to use. These children need Physiotherapist and Occupational Doctor. Without proper medical check-up it is quite difficult to know what kind of deformity a child is facing. So, before determining a programme the child should be physically checked. The children shall be examined medically by the professional to know the disability level of children. Practice Questions 4.1 I. Short–I Question Answers (3 Marks, 100 Words) 1. Explain the aims and objectives of Adaptive Physical Education. 2. Explain the concept of Adaptive Physical Education. II. Short–II Question Answers (5 Marks, 200 Words) 1. What is Adaptive Physical Education? Explain the methods of Adaptive Physical Education for Divyang students. 4.2 Organization Promoting Adaptive Sports (Special Olympics Bharat, Paralympics, Deaflympics) 1. Special Olympic Bharat Special Olympic Bharat is recognised by the Government of India as a National Sports Federation which is affiliated with Special International Olympic Committee for the development of sports opportunity for the people with intellectual disabilities. Special International Olympic Committee was started by the former President of USA Mr. Kennedy’s sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver. She believed that if the equal opportunity has been provided to these people then they can achieve much more than the normal people. She also believed that the people who are mentally and physically retarded can become good athletes. In June, 1962, Eunice Kennedy Shriver started a day camp called Camp Shriver for children with intellectual disabilities at her home in Potomac, Maryland. She started this camp because of concern about children with intellectual disabilities having very little opportunity to participate in athletic events. Slowly this camp became a festival. The first International Special Olympic games were organised in 1968 in Chicago.
56 Health and Physical Education—XI Special Olympics Bharat is a National Sports Federation and it is recognized by the Government of India as a National Sports Federation in the Priority Category, for development of sports for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, and is a designated Nodal Agency for all disabilities on account of its national presence and experience, especially in rural areas which account for nearly 75 per cent of the disabled population in India. It was founded in 1987 with a total of 37,546 athletes registered. It was named as Special Olympic India. But later on in 2001 it was renamed as Special Olympic Bharat. After that in the chairmanship of Air Marshal Denzil Killor, it is making many records of success. The Special Olympic Bharat programme has so far drawn a number of Coaches to work with 8, 50,000 athletes across the country. The main objective of Special Olympic Bharat (SOB) is to organise the tournaments on the basis of Special Olympic games for mentally and physically retarded children and adults throughout the year. Special Olympic Bharat is a movement that uses sports as a catalyst to change the lives of children and adults with intellectual disabilities or mentally retarded persons. It is helpful in the overall development of these kinds of adults and children. The other objective of this program is to merge the mentally and physically retarded people in the society. The Indian Government registered the Special Olympic Bharat under the Ministry of Youth and Games and Sports Authority of India through the impressive work at national and international level. So, that they get the financial help from the Government of India. Today a total of more than 12,00,000 players have been registered under it. Vision Its vision is to provide chance to mentally retarded persons or persons with intellectual disabilities to become useful and productive citizens who are accepted and respected in their communities. Aims Its aims are to provide sports training and sports competition throughout the year for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them persistent opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and to participate in sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics and the community. Objectives To achieve this aim the Special Olympic Bharat decided the following objectives: 1. The overall development by learning through doing and providing opportunities. 2. It empowers people with intellectual disabilities to realize their full potential and develop their skills through persistent sports training and competition. 3. The athletes/sportspersons with intellectual disabilities become fulfilled and productive members of their families and the communities in which they live. 4. It is an experience that is energizing, healthy, skillful and joyful. 5. Its objective is to provide chance to mentally retarded persons or persons with intellectual disabilities to become useful and productive citizens who are accepted and respected in their communities. 6. To organise the local, state, national and international tournaments as per the norms and guidelines of international Special Olympics games. Symbol The “stick figure” is an abstract but humanistic form designed to convey the impression of movement and activity. The logo is a symbol of growth, confidence and joy among children and adults with disabilities who are learning coordination, mastering skills, participating in competitions and preparing themselves for richer and more productive lives.
Physical Education and Sports for CWSN 57 Oath All the mentally retarded people get together and take oath—“Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt”. This oath was firstly used in the inauguration of first International Special Olympic Games by Eunice Kennedy Shriver in Chicago, on 20th July 1968. Special Olympic Bharat: Planning, Pre-planning Programmes Special Olympic Bharat organises the tournament not only for players but also for trainers. The aim of these games is to combine the different communities so that they motivate the athletes to participate more and more. Some of the organisations are as follow: 1. Sports Training: Training camps for different kinds of Summer Games: Aquatics; Athletics; Badminton; Basketball; Boxing; Cricket; Cycling; Football; Team Handball; Netball; Powerlifting; Roller Skating; Softball; Table Tennis; Volleyball; Golf. Winter Games: Alpine Skiing; Floor Hockey; Figure Skating; Speed Skating; Snow Boarding; Snowshoeing; Floor Ball and Local Games. 2. Sports Competitions: Organisation of local, state, national and international competitions. 3. Organisation of advance training for trainers: This kind of program has been conducted for the trainers those who are engaged in the coaching of mentally retarded children. 4. Training in Sports Organisation: This type of training is provided to computer teachers those are engaged in sports organisation. 5. Child Athlete Program: It was started for the training and selection of suitable games for the children age between 2 to 7. 6. Family Forum: Families form the support system for our Special Olympics athletes giving them love, support and encouragement every step of the way. This program was added to focus on family outreach and support—the Family Support Network (FSN) to reach out to other families and to welcome them into the community. 7. Healthy Athletes: The Healthy Athletes program helps athletes to improve their training and competition by focusing on overall health and fitness. Achievements There is a gradual increase in the performance of the players by the great efforts of Special Olympic Bharat at different levels. 1. National Games: SOB is organising different games and sports at national level since 2002. There are thousands of players who participated in these games. 2. International Games: 671 Athletes have participated at the Special Olympics World Summer games since 1987 until 2013. Through participation across 5 World Summer games they have won 246 Gold, 265 Silver and 275 Bronze Medals.
58 Health and Physical Education—XI 3. Regional Asian Pacific Games: These games were organised in 2013 in New Castle, Australia. Through participation SOB players won 111 Gold, 136 Silver and 140 Bronze Medals to an overall tally of 387. Paralympics The Paralympics games is a major international multi-sport event involving athletes with a range of disabilities, including impaired muscle power (e.g., paraplegia and quadriplegia, muscular dystrophy, post-polio syndrome, spina bifida), impaired passive range of movement, limb deficiency (e.g., amputation), leg length difference, short stature, hypertonia, ataxia, athetosis, vision impairment and intellectual impairment. There are Winter and Summer Paralympics games, which since the 1988 Summer games in Seoul, South Korea, are held almost immediately following the respective Olympic games. All Paralympics games are governed by the International Paralympics Committee (IPC). The Paralympics has grown from a small gathering of British World War II veterans in 1948 to become one of the largest international sporting events by the early 21st century. Paralympians strive for equal treatment with non-disabled Olympic athletes, but there is a large funding gap between Olympic and Paralympics athletes. The Paralympics games are organized in parallel with the Olympic games, while the IOC-recognized Special Olympics World games includes athletes with intellectual disabilities, and the Deaflympics include deaf athletes. Athletes with disabilities did compete in the Olympic games prior to the advent of the Paralympics. The first athlete to do so was German America gymnast George Eyser in 1904, which had one artificial leg. Hungarian Karoly Takacs competed in shooting events in both the 1948 and 1952 Summer Olympics. He was a right-arm amputee and could shoot left-handed. Another disabled athlete to appear in the Olympics prior to the Paralympics games was Lis Hartel, a Danish equestrian athlete who had contracted polio in 1943 and won a silver medal in the dressage event. The first Winter Paralympics games were held in 1976 in Ornskoldsvik, Sweden. There was the first Paralympics in which multiple categories of athletes with disabilities could compete. The Winter games were celebrated every four years on the same year as their summer counterpart, just as the Olympics were. This tradition was upheld until the 1992 games in Albertville, France; after that, beginning with the 1994 games, the Winter Paralympics and the Winter Olympics have been held in those even numbered years separate from the Summer games. Founded on 22 September, 1989 in Dusseldorf, Germany, its mission is “To enable Paralympics athletes to achieve sporting excellence and inspire and excite the world”. Furthermore, the IPC wants to promote the Paralympics values and to create sport opportunities for all persons with a disability, from beginner to elite level. There are the following categories of feebleness: 1. Retarded body party 2. Mentally retardedness 3. Wheel chair user 4. Cerebral Palsy 5. Blindness International Paralympics Committee The IPC is the global governing body of the Paralympics Movement. It comprises National Paralympics Committee (NPC) and four disability-specific international sports federations. The IPC organizes the Paralympics games and functions as the international federation for nine sports. The IPC functions as an umbrella organization, representing several sports for disabilities, in contrast to other international sports organizations for athletes with a disability, which are predominantly limited to a single sports for disability. The IPC’s international headquarters are in Bonn, Germany which was established on 22nd September, 1989. Its main aim is to provide the optimal opportunities to the retarded people.
Physical Education and Sports for CWSN 59 Paralympics Motto The motto of Paralympics is—“Spirit in motion”. This was firstly used in 2004 Athens Paralympics games. Before it the ideal sentence was “Mind, Body, Spirit” which was given in 1994. Symbol of Paralympics The symbol for the Paralympics contains three colours, red, blue and green. The colours are most widely represented in the flags of nations. The colours are each in the shape of an Agito (which is Latin for “I move”), which is the name given to an asymmetrical crescent specially designed for the Paralympics movement. The three Agitos circle a central point, which is a symbol for the athletes congregating from all points of the globe. The motto and symbol of the IPC were changed in 2003 to their current versions. This symbol was used in Turin, Italy Paralympics games in 2006. Paralympics Flag It is made up of white colour and the Paralympics design is made on the centre of it. Paralympics Torch and Flame Once lit, the torch is then taken around the country where the games are held. In the days before the Paralympics games are held, the Paralympics flame is lit at Stoke Mandeville, a village in Buckinghamshire, England. At this location the Stoke Mandeville games were held, the inspiration of the Paralympics games. The flame was first lit here in 2012, and will become the permanent home for the lighting of the Paralympics flame. Prior to that, the flame had been lit at a site chosen by the Paralympics host city. The flame is left to burn throughout the Games until the Closing Ceremony, when it is extinguished to signify the end of the games. Paralympics Oath The Paralympics oath is a solemn promise made by one athlete—as a representative of each of the participating Paralympics competitors; and by one judge—as a representative of each officiating Paralympics referee or other official, at the opening ceremonies of each Paralympics games. The athlete, from the team of the organizing country, holds a corner of the Paralympics flag while reciting the oath: “In the name of all the competitors I promise that we shall take part in these Paralympics games, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them, committing ourselves to a sport without doping and without drugs, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honour of our teams.” The judge, also from the host nation, holds a corner of the flag but takes a slightly different oath. Opening Ceremony of Paralympics Games As mandated by the Paralympics Charter, various elements frame the opening ceremony of the Paralympics games. Most of these rituals were established at the 1920 Summer Olympics in Antwerp. The ceremony typically starts with the hoisting of the host country’s flag and a performance of its national anthem. Unlike the Olympic games, immediately after the national anthem the athletes parade into the stadium grouped by nation. Since the 1988 Summer Paralympics, the nations enter the stadium alphabetically according to the host country’s chosen language, though with the host country’s athletes being the last to enter. Since the 1988 Summer Paralympics the host nation presents artistic displays of music, singing, dance, and theatre representative of its culture. Speeches are given, formally opening the games. Finally, the Paralympics torch is brought into the stadium and passed on until it reaches the final torch carrier-often a Paralympics athlete from the host nation—who lights the Paralympics flame in the stadium’s cauldron.
60 Health and Physical Education—XI Closing Ceremony of Paralympics Games The closing ceremony of the Paralympics games takes place after all sporting events have concluded. Flag- bearers from each participating country enter, followed by the athletes who enter together, without any national distinction. The Paralympics flag is taken down. Since the 1988 Winter Paralympics, with some exceptions, the national flag of the country hosting the next summer or Winter Paralympics games is hoisted while the corresponding national anthem is played. The games are officially closed and the Paralympics flame is extinguished. After these compulsory elements, the next host nation briefly introduces itself with artistic displays of dance and theatre representative of its culture. Awards The winner, second and third-place competitors or teams stand on top of a three-tiered rostrum to be awarded their respective medals. After the medals are given out by an IPC member, the national flags of the three medallists are raised while the national anthem of the gold medallist country plays. Paralympics Kram Paralympics kram is the highest achievement for the people related to Paralympics, The award is given to those who have increased the values of Paralympics ideals through their achievements or make efforts for the organisation of Paralympics. A medal is given to the winner on which the sign of International Paralympics Committee is designed. Developing Values through Paralympics 1. Courage: The players show to the world by their performance that despite being retarded, one can achieve anything. 2. Determination: The Paralympics players have a great determination through which they show their mental ability, physical ability and specific agility of sports. 3. Role-model: They take their game level up to the maximum through role-model and inspire others to participate in games and sports. 4. Equality: They challenge the other players through sports to change their mind. They also help to remove the contradictions of society on disabled and retarded persons. Deaflympics Officially, the games were originally called the “International Games for the Deaf” from 1924 to 1965, but were sometimes also referred to as the “International Silent Games”. From 1966 to 1999 they were called the “World Games for the Deaf, and occasionally” referred to as the “World Silent Games”. From 2001, the games have been known by their current name Deaflympics (often mistakenly called the Deaf Olympics). The Deaflympics (previously called World Games for the Deaf and International Games for the Deaf) are an International Olympic Committee (IOC)—sanctioned event at which deaf athletes compete at an elite level. Unlike the athletes in other IOC—sanctioned events (the Olympics, the Paralympics, and the Special Olympics), the Deaflympians cannot be guided by sounds (e.g., the starter’s guns, bullhorn commands or referee whistles). The games have been organized by the Committee International des Sports des Sounds (CISS, “The International Committee of Sports for the Deaf”) since the first event.
Physical Education and Sports for CWSN 61 The Deaflympics are held every four years, and these are the longest running multi-sports event excluding the Olympics themselves. The first games, held in Paris in 1924, were also the first ever international sporting event for athletes with disability. The event has been held every four years since, apart from a break for World War II, and an additional event, the Deaflympics Winter games, was added in 1949. The games began as a small gathering of 148 athletes from nine European nations competing in the International Silent games in Paris, France, in 1924: now, they have grown into a global movement. To qualify for the games, athletes must have a hearing loss of at least 55 db in their “better ear”. Hearing aids, cochlear implants and the like are not allowed to be used in competition, to place all athletes on the same level. Other examples of ways the games vary from hearing competitions are the manner in which they are officiated. To address the issue of Deaflympians not being able to be guided by sounds, certain sports use alternative methods of commencing the game. For example, the football referees wave a flag instead of blowing a whistle; on the track, races are started by using a light, instead of a—starter pistol. It is also customary for spectators not to cheer or clap, but rather to wave-usually with both hands. To date, the Summer Deaflympics games have been hosted by 36 cities in 21 countries but by cities outside Europe only five occasions (Washington D.C. 1965, Los Angeles 1985, Christchurch 1989, Melbourne 2005 and Taipei 2009). The last summer games were held in Sofia, Bulgaria in 2013, and the next scheduled summer games held in Sansuni, Turkey in 2017. The last winter games were held in Khanty-Mansiysk, Russian Federation in 2015. The 2011 Winter games scheduled to be held in Vysoke Tatry, Slovakia were cancelled due to the lack of readiness by the organizing committee to host the games. The International Committee of Deaf Sports filed a criminal complaint against the Slovak Deaflympics Organizing Committee and its President Mr. Jaromir Ruda. The criminal complaint demands reimbursement of the funds that were transferred to the Slovak Deaflympics Organizing Committee from national deaf sports federations, to cover hotel accommodations and other Deaflympics-related expenses. According to the Slovak newspaper, SME, “Jaromir Ruda head of the Slovak Organising Committee, (is) a champion of promises and someone who is accused of a 1.6 million Euro Deaflympics-related fraud”. In a letter to the United States Deaflympians, International Committee of Sports for the Deaf ICSD President Craig Crowley expressed “his deep apologies for the cancellation of the 17th Winter Deaflympics”. Currently the Slovak Deaflympic Committee and the Slovakia Association of Deaf Sportsmen Unions have been suspended. In 2013, the Special Criminal Court in Banska Bystrica sentences Ruda to a prison term of 14 and a half years for defrauding $1.6 million that should have been used for Winter Deaflympics. Deaflympics Ideals The ideals of Deaflympics are PER LUDOS AEQUALITAS which means to cherish the value the spirit of Deaflympics where Deaf athletes strive to reach the pinnacle of competition by equality through sports and adhering to the ideals of Olympics. Eligibility To be eligible to compete in the Deaflympics, 1. Athletes must have a hearing loss of at least 55 decibels in the better ear. 2. They must first meet minimum eligibility criteria and be a member of an affiliated national association. 3. Athletes are forbidden to use any kind of hearing amplifications during competition to avoid taking an unfair advantage over those not using these devices. Symbol of Deaflympics The logo, designed in 2003 by graphic design artist Ralph Fernandez, is a positive and powerful symbol of the international deaf sports community. It ties together strong elements: Sign language, deaf and international cultures, unity and continuity. The hand shapes, “ok”, “good”, and “great” that overlap each other in a circle,
62 Health and Physical Education—XI represent the original sign for “Deaflympics”. Together, the hand shapes represent the sign for “united”. The centre of the logo represents the iris of the eye, which defines deaf people as visual people; they must use their eyes to communicate. The logo incorporates the four colours of the national flags of the world. The red, blue, yellow and green represent the four regional confederations—the Asia Pacific Deaf Sports Confederation, the European Deaf Sports Organization, the Pan American Deaf Sports Organization and the Confederation of African Deaf Sports. Countries Hosting Test Five Summer Deaftympics Game Year Hosting Country XIX 2001 Rome, Italy XX 2005 Melbourne, Australia XXI 2009 Taipei, China XXII 2013 Sofia, Bulgaria XXIII 2017 Samson, Turkey Countries Hosting Last Five Winter Deaflympics Game Year Hosting Country XV 2003 Sweden XVI 2007 Usa XVII 2011 Slovakia 2015 Russia XVIII 2019 Italy* XIX Practice Questions 4.2 I. Short–I Question Answers (3 Marks Words 100) 1. Explain the aims and achievements of Special Olympic Bharat. 2. Write a short note on the history of Paralympics games. II. Short–II Question Answers (5 Marks, 200 Words) 1. Explain Deaflympics in details. 2. Write in details about the Special Olympics Bharat. 3. Explain broadly the Paralympics games. 4.3 Concept of Inclusion Education, Its Need and Implementation Inclusion Education (IE) is a new approach towards educating the children with disability and learning difficulties with that of normal ones within the same roof. It brings all students together in one classroom and community, regardless of their strengths or weaknesses in any area, and seeks to maximize the potential of all students. It is one of the most effective ways in which to promote an inclusion and tolerant society.
Physical Education and Sports for CWSN 63 Inclusion Education has been defined at various ways that addresses the learning needs of the differently able children. In 1974, the centrally sponsored scheme for Integrated Education for Disabled Children (IEDC) was introduced to provide equal opportunities to children with disabilities in general schools and facilitate their retention. The government initiatives in the area of inclusion education can be traced back to National Educational Policy, 1986, which recommended, as goal, “to integrate the handicapped with the general community at all levels as equal partners, to prepare them for normal growth and to enable them to face life with courage and confidence”. The World Declaration on Education for All adopted in 1990 gave further boost to the various processes already set in the country. Need of Inclusion Education It is beneficial in many ways to include the Divyang students in general physical education. The need of inclusion education is as following: 1. To increase self-confidence: The most important function of friendship is to make people feel cared for, loved, and safe. In an inclusion educational setting, low-achieving students are able to get extra help even though they did not qualify for special education. This leads to increase in the self-confidence of Divyangs. 2. To increase the academic level: Inclusion education is a better when exposed to the richness of the general education most students learn and perform better when exposed to the richness of the general education curriculum. The growing body of research has shown that children do better academically when in inclusion settings and Inclusion provides opportunities to develop relationships. 3. To develop motor skills: Divyangs get more and more opportunities by participating in physical activities with the inclusion. It leads to increase in the self-confidence and they also learn different skills. There is an increase in motor skills. There is also an increase in the speed, strength, endurance and flexibility by participating in these kinds of activities. Apart from that they can also participate in recreational activities outside the school. 4. To develop the social skills: An interesting side effect is that these parents report that they also feel more comfortable with people with special needs because of their children’s experiences. Students with disabilities can create long-lasting friendships that would not be otherwise possible, and these friendship can give them the skills to navigate social relationship later on in life. 5. To help the normal students: Classmates of students with disabilities also experience growth in social cognition, often can become more aware of the needs of others in inclusion classroom. Implementation of Inclusion Education Inclusion Education helps the disabled child to develop a sense of pride in their work because they actually feel like they accomplished something. We know that Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison and Graham Bell were learning disabled but still managed to become the greatest mind of the 20th century. Educating children with disabilities alongside their non-disabled peers is considered one of the better ways to provide education. So, there are following measures for better implementation of Inclusion Education: 1. Student-oriented components, such as medical and education assessment, books and stationery, uniforms, transport allowance, reader allowance and stipend for girls, support service, assistive devices, boarding the lodging facility, therapeutic services, teaching learning materials, etc. should provide according to needs of the students. 2. The school has the primary responsibility for helping children learn alongside their typically developing peers. An inclusion school must enable education structures, systems and methodologies to meet the needs of all children, particularly those who face the greatest barriers to in achieving their right to education.
64 Health and Physical Education—XI 3. The reform of the curriculum should be made in parallel with a proper training for teachers regarding their knowledge of inclusion and its principles. The curriculum for each of the above programmes should be carefully developed by an expert group which includes practicing special teachers. 4. Bringing special children into mainstream requires adjustments that school need to make in advance. Transport facilities should be altered, so that these children can move around with relative ease. Architecturally, there should be ramps and wheelchair access constructed in service areas such as toilets. 5. Periodic evaluation of the training programmes and constant updating to meet the challenges of changing trends in special education should be part of the planning of teacher preparation. 6. Inclusion should not be the sole responsibility of the specific class teacher. Everybody should be involved and take responsibility. Training for teachers should be sustained and ongoing. It should most importantly focus on attitudinal change. 7. The Right to Education (RTE) must apply to all citizens of India. State and Central Governments as well as all the other social actions should be recognize the importance of a broadened concept of inclusion education that addresses the diverse needs of all learners. 8. Teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion education could be formed and developed in the context of an education system which can provide some specific conditions in order to have a good practice in this field. 9. A policy of inclusion needs to be implemented in all schools and throughout Indian education system (IMCF, 2005), School need to become centres that prepare children for life and ensure that all children, especially the differently able children from marginalized sections, and children in difficult circumstances get the maximum benefit of this critical area of education. 10. A school-based support team should be develop strategies for the whole school to meet the needs of learners with special educational needs. This team should also be a resource for teachers experiencing problems in their classrooms. 11. Those schools that are committed to talking in children with special needs, then teachers must attend workshops in order to be adjusted to the child’s needs. 12. As a system, inclusion education should be flexible. Its flexibility must be reflected in the methods and materials used to give those children the widest possible access to the regular curriculum. 13. In-service training programmes of two to three weeks duration for general educations and special educations in all the disabilities and in specific areas of disability should be arranged to effectively teach children with disabilities. 14. The preparation of teachers for rural special education programmes should be planned in their own environment and community. 15. Parents have a right to be involved in all decision-making concerning their child. They should be seen as partners in the education process. Where there is such cooperation, parents have been found to be very important resources for the teachers and the schools. 16. Differently-able children should be treated equally as the normal children and instead of looking them in sympathy their talents and abilities should be recognized for their self-respect and welfare of the society. 17. Necessary school supplies such as audio learning or textbooks in Braille should be made available. Suitable modification to examination system may be required, so as to eliminate pure mathematical and logical assessments. 18. Families with children without disabilities should develop relationships with families with children with disabilities and be able to make contribution.
Physical Education and Sports for CWSN 65 Practice Questions 4.3 I. Short–I Question Answers (3 Marks, 100 Words) 1. Explain the need of Inclusion Education. II. Short–II Question Answers (5 Marks, 200 Words) 1. Explain the concept, need and implementation of Inclusion Education. 4.4 Role of Various Professionals for Children with Special Needs 1. Counsellor The advice, help and guidance given to any person to remove his difficulties is called as Counselling. The person who is giving advice is known as Counsellor. The role of a School Counsellor is to help all students, including those with special needs, to achieve their full potential. Introducing an appropriate individualized education program (IEP) at an early age can make all the difference, not only in these children’s academic learning, but in their emotional health and social adjustment and ultimately in their ability to become productive, contributing members of society. The following are some of the other important services that school counsellors provide. Identifying the students who should be assessed to determine eligibility for special education. Counselling sessions with special education students. Collaborating with other school and community professionals not only limited to teachers, school psychologists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech and language pathologists in the delivery of services. Encouraging family involvement in the IEP. It helps immensely if the parents or other responsible adults understand and are on board with the services that have been recommended, including possible referrals to outside organizations. The special education counsellor can also address specific questions or concerns and inform parents and guardians of their rights. 2. Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist is the assessment and treatment of physical and psychiatric conditions using specific, purposeful activity to prevent disability and promote independent function in all aspects of daily life. Occupational
66 Health and Physical Education—XI Therapist assesses the physical, psychological and social functions of the individual, identifies areas of dysfunction and involves the individual in a structured programme of activity to overcome disability. An Occupational Therapist will aim to enable the child to be as physically, psychologically and socially independent as possible. Occupational Therapists work in close partnership with the child and their family, schools and other healthcare professionals. Together they have a shared responsibility for meeting the child’s needs. An Occupational Therapist helps the Divyangs in following ways: The Occupational Therapist will design and implement programs with appropriate strategies in order to enable the child to maximize his/her potential. Occupational Therapists design and develop equipment or techniques for improving existing mode of functioning. Occupational Therapists in schools collaborate with teachers, special educators, other school personnel, and parents to develop and implement individual or group programs, provide counselling, and support classroom activities. Activities of daily living: Self-care skills like daily dressing, feeding, grooming and toilet tasks. Also environment manipulation like handling switches, door knobs, phones, TV remote etc. Occupational therapists provide services to individuals often in conjunction with physician, social workers, psychologists, and other therapists. Occupational Therapists use qualitative and quantitative assessment methods, including standardized tests, as well as devices to analyze and to diagnose the nature and extent of dysfunction. Occupational Therapists develop an individualized plan of care, tailored to each patient’s needs. Occupational Therapy is provided to develop the basic motor skills of the children. For e.g., Gross Motor Skills are those movements of the large muscles in the arms, and legs which develop the abilities like rolling, crawling, walking, running, jumping, hopping, skipping etc. and Fine Motor Skills are those movements and dexterity of the small muscles in the hands and fingers which develops the abilities like in-hand manipulation, reaching, carrying, shifting small objects etc. 3. Physiotherapist A Physiotherapist is a health professional trained to assess and treat a variety of conditions that affect the physical function of adults and children. Physiotherapy is a clinical health science and profession that aims to rehabilitate and improve people with movement disorders by using evidence- based, natural methods such as exercise, motivation, and adaptive equipment. Physiotherapists are often referred to as movement specialists. Physiotherapists who are trained particularly to work with children and adolescents are Paediatric Physiotherapists. Physiotherapists study medical science subjects such as anatomy, neuroscience and physiology to develop, skills and attitude necessary for health education and prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with physical disorders and disabilities. The practice of Physiotherapy involves:
Physical Education and Sports for CWSN 67 Assessing the issue at hand, that is most often the physical state of the child. Monitor the child’s progress and alter the program as the child improves, develops and grows. Organise and practice the slow pace exercises like walking and swimming for the child. Work in conjunction with other health professionals to meet all the child’s needs is a thorough and comprehensive way. Help the families to understand the child’s problem and to teach parents the skills to develop the child’s ability to perform everyday tasks. 4. Physical Education Teacher The main function of physical education teacher in school is to make students physically active. Physical teacher must observe student with permanent or temporary mental, physical or emotional disabilities, which are unable to have all their educational needs met in a regular physical education teacher class during the school day or be adequately educated in the public schools are identified as “children with disabilities.” It is to be noted that physical teacher should see that. These students need special consideration in the planning and implementation of the physical education program being provided to them. If not, they will not be able to participate safely and/or successfully, thus not gain the physical, social, and psychological benefits that a quality physical education program can offer. In many cases regular physical education teachers are not equipped with the knowledge and skills to effectively include children with disabilities into their classes. The physical education teacher efforts in the following ways: Physical education teacher organizes the physical activity program to help children and to help them to overcome stress. They motivate the normal children to talk with the Divyang children so that the friendship and cooperation increases amongst them and the self-confidence of Divyang children increases. They organize the functions along with the other teachers and parents so that they can discuss about the increase in participation in sports of Divyang children. The sports programs have been organize differently for differently able children so that there is an increase in the motor activities like speed, strength and coordinative abilities. 5. Speech Therapist Speech Therapy is the corrective or rehabilitative treatment of physical and/or cognitive deficits/disorders resulting in difficulty with verbal communication. This includes both speech and language both receptive and expressive language, including reading and writing. Depending on the nature and severity of the disorder, common treatments may range from physical strengthening exercises, instructive or repetitive practice and drilling for the use of audio-visual aids. In India widely called as Speech Therapist—assess, diagnose, treat, and help to prevent speech, language, cognitive-communication, voice, swallowing, fluency, and other related disorders. Speech Therapist helps to remove the problem related to speech therapy: Articulation: Speech, language and swallowing difficulties can result from a variety of causes including developmental delays or disorders, learning disabilities, cerebral palsy, cleft palate, voice pathology, mental retardation, hearing loss, stroke, brain injury or deterioration, or emotional problems, Problems can be congenital, developmental, or acquired.
68 Health and Physical Education—XI Expressive language skill: Language (i.e., phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatic/social aspects of communication) including comprehension and expression in oral, written, graphic and manual modalities; language processing; preliteracy and language-based literacy skills, including phonological awareness. Listening skill improvement: A speech therapist helps the child to increase his capacity of listening so that he can develop the new dictionary and can answer easily all the questions and also communicate with his classmates. Stuttering: Speech-language pathologists work with people who cannot produce speech sounds, or cannot produce them clearly those who have voice disorders, such as inappropriate pitch or harsh voice as well as who have problems with speech rhythm and fluency, such as stuttering; also who have swallowing difficulties. Voice and resonance: Sometimes, there is a resonance in the voice of a child due to cough, cold and speaking excessively or any other reason which can be treated by the help of Speech Therapist. A Speech Therapist works in the following ways: (i) Speech-language pathologists provide services to individuals with disorders often along with physicians, social workers, psychologists, and other therapists as per their needs. (ii) They organize the common medical therapy program for these children along with other normal children. (iii) The programs have been organized along with normal students which help to increase the self- confidence of Divyangs. The Divyang children get the opportunity to compete with the normal children through these kinds of programs. 6. Special Educator Special Educator is that component of education which employs special instructional methodology (Remedial Instruction), instructional materials, learning-teaching aids and equipment to meet educational needs of children with specific learning disabilities. Remedial instruction or Remediation aims at improving a skill or ability in a student. Techniques for remedial instruction may include providing more practice or more explanation, repeating information, and devoting more time to work on the skill. Special education teachers communicate and work together with parents, social workers, school psychologists, speech therapists, occupational and physical therapists, school administrators, and other teachers. A special educator can help the Divyangs in following ways: (i) Special Educator remains in touch with the parents and make them know about the improvement of the children. They also suggest some exercises for Divyang Students which can be practised at home by their parents. (ii) A change in what students do or reshaping of the materials students use. Reducing the number of questions students must answer at the end of a textbook chapter, allowing a student to answer aloud instead of writing an answer, and allowing the student to do an activity that is different from what the other students are doing are some examples of modifications. (iii) To design the adaptive lessons for the Divyang students. (iv) To develop the different lesson plan for different students.
Physical Education and Sports for CWSN 69 (v) To make the lesson plans according to the capacities of children and to implement them and to divide them. (vi) To apply the personal educational program for every individual, to evaluate the performance of students and to maintain the record of it. Practice Questions 4.4 I. Short–I Question Answers (3 Marks, 100 Words) 1. What is the role of Occupational Therapist in the development of special education need students? 2. What is the role of Counsellor in the development of special need children? II. Short–II Question Answers (5 Marks, 200 Words) 1. How does the Special Educator help the Divyang children? Explain in detail. 2. How does the Speech Therapist help the Divyang children? Explain in detail. 3. How does the Physiotherapist help the special need children? Explain in detail. 4. How does the Physical Education Teacher help the special need children? Explain in detail. Multiple Choice Type Questions 1. Adaptive physical education is ............... (a) an art (b) a science (c) an experience (d) (a) and (b) both 2. Adoptive physical education programme is for ............... (a) economically weaker section (b) old age persons (c) persons with special need (d) is a process of educate criminal tendency children 3. Sports activities for adaptive physical education programme are design as per the ............... (a) Std Norms (b) Rules of federations (c) Modified as per requirement of group (d) Availability of finance 4. Which is the first step to be taken before adapting the ‘Adaptive Physical Education’. (a) Teacher’s to be trained (b) Medical-check up (c) Modified the stratagies (d) Change in Environment 5. Definition of organ of any individual are to be Divyang (a) considered (b) not considered (c) may be (d) may not be 6. As per the Government Policy adaptive physical education programme to be ............... (a) involve the children (b) provide to the children (c) make national or international players (d) make well educated 7. Special Olympic Bharat is a ............... (a) autonomus body (b) national sports federation (c) a branch of ministry of youth and sports (d) A branch of Indian Olympic Association
70 Health and Physical Education—XI 8. Which combination in a part of paraolympics (a) wheel chair user and blindness (b) mently challenged cerebral plisses (c) Retarded body part and wheel chair users (d) all above 9. select the correct pair from the following (a) Muscle power—Paraplegia (b) Limb Defiency—Post Polio Syndrome (c) Vision impairment—Ataxia (d) Intellectual impairment—Hypertonia 10. The aim of inclusion education is ............... (a) specially design education programme for the CWSN (b) Teaching programme of normal along with CWSN (c) Education programe for EWS and CWSN (d) None of the above 11. Implimentation of inclusion education in schools of across the century is ............... (a) mendatory (b) optional (c) if facilities are availability (d) availability of CWSN 12. Self-care skills for daily routeen work are trained bny ............... to the CWSN (a) counsellor (b) special educator (c) occupational therapist (d) psychologist 13. Adapted physical education is a sub-discipline programme of ....... . (a) Physical Education (b) General Education (c) Higher Education (d) School Education 14. Adaptive physical education is not only for disabled infants and students but also for the ............ . (a) Common man (b) People of all age groups (c) Teenages (d) Women only 15. Special Olympic Bharat is organising different games and sports at national level since .............. . (a) 2002 (b) 2005 (c) 2007 (d) 2010 16. What is the meaning of Agito? (a) I move (b) All move (c) We move (d) None of these 17. Paralympics Kram is the highest achievement for the people related to ............ . (a) Olympic (b) Paralympics (c) National games (d) School games 18. How many colours are there in the logo of Deaflympics? (a) Four (b) Five (c) Three (d) Two 19. The idle sentence of Paralympic is .................. . (a) Motion and spirit (b) Spirit in motion (c) Human and motion (d) Spirit with motion 20. How many colours in the symbol of Paralympics contain? (a) Two (b) Four (c) Three (d) Five
Physical Education and Sports for CWSN 71 21. Special Olympic Bharat was founded in which year? (a) 1947 (b) 1987 (c) 1984 (d) 1990 22. The main objective of Special Olympic Bharat is to organise the tournaments for ............... . (a) Only for girls (b) Physical retarded children (c) Only for boys (d) Only for the age between 20–30 years 23. The main objective of Special Olympic Bharat is the overall development by ....... . (a) Providing opportunities to disabled children (b) Giving chance to play students (c) By providing study material to students (d) By giving teenagers good meal 24. Special Olympic Bharat organises the tournaments not only for players but also for ........... . (a) Trainers (b) Physical education teachers (c) School teachers (d) Children below 12 years 25. The healthy Athletes programme helps athletes to improve their training and competition by focusing on overall ........... . (a) Health and fitness (b) Meal and diet (c) Food and health (d) Study 26. Differently-able children should be treated equally as ............ . (a) Normal child (b) Weaker child (c) Unwanted child (d) None of these 27. It is beneficial for Divyang to .............. . (a) To develop the social skills (b) To attain the basic skills (c) To make them smart (d) To make them healthy 28. The Right to Education must apply to all the citizens of ............. . (a) India (b) America (c) France (d) China 39. When was IEDC introduced? (a) 1989 (b) 1974 (c) 1998 (d) 1947 30. The main function of Physical Education teacher in school is to make students physically .......... . (a) Active (b) Careless (c) Smart (d) Healthy 31. Speech therapist helps to remove the problem related to ........... . (a) Speech therapy (b) Muscle therapy (c) Run therapy (d) All the above 32. The advice, help and guidance given to any person to remove his difficulties is known as ........... . (a) Counselling (b) Free advice (c) Guiding (d) None of these
5Unit Yoga KDniodwYou?Contents 5.1. Meaning and Importance of Yoga 5.2. Elements of Yoga 5.3. Introduction—Asanas, Pranayamaa, Meditation and Yogic Kriyas 5.4. Yoga for concentration and related Asanas (Sukhasana, Tadasana, Padmasana and Shashankasana, Naukasana, Vrikshasana (Treepose), Garudasana (Eagle Pose) 5.5. Relaxation Techniques for Improving Concentration—Yoga-Nidra Introduction Modern World is full of stress and tension and anxiety. This is due to changing lifestyle. Now-a-days physical activities are reducing. Eating habits are changed. Every one is hurry, he wants to earn more and more wealth. He adopts shortcuts in his carrier. He does not get care of his body. He has a lot of wealth but not peace of mind. Yoga is a only technique through which one can attain peace of mind as well as solid physique. Yoga should be promoted in all respects. Brief History of Yoga When did yoga originate? It might have started with human civilization. Whatever evidences have been confirmed so far, they all confirmed that the history of yoga is associated with Indus Valley Civilization. The ➡ Yoga might be originate with start of human civilization ➡ Evidences confirmed about the presence and practice of yoga in Indus valley civilization. ➡ Bhagvad Geeta given the reference of various kinds of Yogas such as Sankhyayoga, Karmayoga, Bhaktiyoga, Dhyanyoga, Gyanyoga, Hathyoga and Rajyoga. ➡ Maharishi Patanjali explained about the eight elements of yoga ➡ Various Asanas are classified in three divisions Dhyanatmak, Vishramatmak and Samvardhnatmak ➡ Various Asanas poses taken from Gift of Nature such as Mountain, tree, boat, hare, eagle, Garud bird, cow, fish, Direction, Sun, ect. ➡ Yog nidra is a new concept given by Yogi swami Shivanand in 1940. 72
Yoga 73 people of that time used to do yoga. The idols in the form of asanas suggest that yoga was done by the people of Indus Valley Civilization. Even in the Vedas, Upnishads, Ramayana and Mahabharata, yogic exercises have been mentioned. Patanjali’s yogasutra mentioned the entire subject of yoga which was written in 147 B.C. During his time the science of yoga was much developed. Afterwards Sant Kabir, Surdasa and Tulsidas mentioned yoga in their verses/works. In today’s world, yoga is an important element of culture. 5.1 Meaning and Importance of Yoga The word ‘Yoga’ has been derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’ which means to join or add. Yoga is a meditation through which man keeps control over his mind, heart and self. Here a person gets united with the universal spirit. The meaning of yoga is ‘Union’ of an individual spirit with the universal spirit. Keeping control over your heart and mind you can keep your body fit and healthy and can lead a blissful life. Yoga rids you of all woes. In Bhagvad Gita, different kinds of yoga as—Sankhyayoga, Karmayoga, Bhaktiyoga, Dhyanyoga and Gyanyoga are described. The different paths of Gyanyoga in ancient books are: 1. Gyanyoga 2. Dhyanyoga 3. Karmayoga 4. Bhaktiyoga 5. Hathyoga (physical discipline) 6. Rajyoga (Self-control). To understand yoga in better way here are some definitions provided by the learned scholars all over India: Ved Vyas: Yoga is attaining the pose. Patanjali: Checking the impulse of mind is Yoga. Bhagvad Gita: Lord Krishna said. “Skill in action on efficiency alone is Yoga.” Agam: The knowledge about Shiva and Shakti is Yoga. Bharti Krishna Tirth: Oneness of man with God is Yoga. Dr. Sampurnanand: Yoga is spiritual Kaamdhenu (A desire fulfilling cow). Importance of Yoga Modern world is full of stress, tension and anxiety. Man is surrounded by one or the other difficulty in life. He believes in materialism which is the root cause of all his suffering. For fulfilling his materlistic desires he is working day and night and falling prey to bad habits. He has become greedy for more money. For today’s man money is his parents and God as well. Somebody has rightly said—None is greater than money. People have millions of money but they have become mentally and physically handicapped and stressed. In modern world, he is falling prey to mental, physical and emotional difficulties. Without a sleeping tablet he can’t even sleep peacefully. Life has become troublesome. Be rich or poor, none is happy. Kin Habard has rightly said—“It is quite difficult to tell about the thing which can bring about happiness because both poverty and wealth have failed.”
74 Health and Physical Education—XI KEYPOINTS Now-a-days each and every person is in a tearing hurry. Nobody has ★ Indus valley Civilization the time to think freely. So, man gets physically tired and becomes mentally ★ Yogasutra stressed. To get rid of stress, tension and anxiety he gets into bad company ★ Gyanyoga and falls prey to drugs. He becomes more stressed, tensed and anxious. He ★ Ved vyas does not get any peace at all. The peace you have bought can’t give you ★ Patanjali happiness ever. So, man falls prey to deadly diseases. Here comes the ★ Agam importance of yoga. Through yoga we can get rid of all such difficulties. The ★ Importance of Yoga following points illustrate the importance of yoga: (i) lmproves Health: Yoga is helpful in improving health. It strengthens our muscles and increases the working efficiency of our different body system-breathing, blood flow, metabolism, etc. So, we keep hale and hearty. (ii) Minimizes Obesity: In today’s world obesity is a worldwide ★ Kin Harbard problem. A fat person becomes laughter in the society. Due to ★ Elements of Yoga obesity man gets entrapped in various physical and mental ★ Yama sickness. Yogic exercises are helpful in reducing obesity. For ★ Niyam example– pranayama and dhyanatmaka asanas reduce obesity to ★ Pranayam a great extent. ★ Dhyan ★ Pratayahar (iii) Increases Flexibility: Flexibility is a must for each and ★ Asanas everybody. If there is flexibility in a body, the body movements ★ Meditaion become quick. By spending less energy we can do more work ★ Yogic Kriyas efficiently. With an increase in flexibility, we are prevented from ★ Clarification of Asanas injuries in sports. Various yogasanas- chakrasanas, dhanurasana, ★ Kumbhak bhujangasana and shalabhasana enhance the flexibility of the body. ★ Neti kriya It leads to an increase in the flexibility of the body. It leads to an ★ Dhauti Kriya increase in the flexibility of muscles as well. ★ Basti Kriya ★ Nauli Kriya (iv) Asanas keep the Right Posture: Any defect in body posture ★ Tratak Kriya disturbs our routine work. We need more energy to do our work ★ Sukhasana and we feel tired soon. We can’t live peacefully. If we do yoga ★ Yognidra regularly, we can correct our body posture. These yogic exercise– vajrasana, sarvangansana, mayurasana, bhujangasana and dhanurasana–not only maintain our body but also correct our body posture. (v) Easy to Perform: Today everybody is in a hurry. Nobody has time at his disposal. By doing non-yogic exercises one spends a lot of money and time. But yogic exercises can be done without much difficulty. These exercises can be done easily at home without spending much time and money. So, we can conclude that a person remains hale and hearty if he does yogic exercises regularly. He can live his life with content, satisfactorily, happily and blissfully. (vi) Helps in Spiritual Development: Through yoga we connect with God. Regular yoga enables us to control our mind and heart. If man’s mind is pure and fine, he can use it in praise of God. When a man sits for meditation, he gets engrossed in God so much that he forget himself, who is he, what is he doing? Padmasana and siddhasana are helpful in improving health. These asanas increase our power of meditation. (vii) Increases Moral Values: Now-a-days man keeps on losing his ethical values. For avoiding this if we do Yama Niyama Yogic exercises, we can adopt truth, non-violence, non-stealing in our life and enhance our ethical values. These values make a person moral and trustworthy.
Yoga 75 (viii) Minimizes Mental Stress: Yoga is helpful in reducing mental stress. Most of people remain under stress/anxiety. They do not find peace anywhere. Sometimes they feel the pressure of work, family, etc. They think that money can bring happiness in their life but on the contrary, too much money brings in more anxiety. So, yoga is such exercise that can rid us of all our problems. We should do the following yoga exercise—pratyahara, dharana, meditation, etc. These exercises give us mental peace. Apart from this, makarasana, shalbhasana and bhujangasana are also helpful in reducing stress or anxiety. (ix) Beautifies the Body: Now-a-days everybody wants to look handsome because a smart body is aesthetic in society. The face gets beautified when one does pranayama, mayurasana, etc. By doing yoga man becomes smart and looks splendid. (x) Provide Relaxation: When we do any physical or mental work, we feel tired and it reduces our working capacity. So, we need to remove tiredness so that we may feel refresh and active. Some yogic exercises—shavasana and makaransana are helpful in removing tiredness. Padmasana and meditation are helpful in removing mental fatigue. (xi) Purifies Body: Through yoga man is able to purify his internal body. Our body mainly has three gunas—pitt, vat, cough. If their balance is proper, man remains hale and hearty. Man should do different kriyas like—Jal Neti, Sutra Neti, Kapaal Bhaati, Tratk etc. regularly which are instrumental in purifying his body internally. (xii) Prevents from Diseases: Yoga prevents us from various diseases. Yoga enables a man to enhance disease fighting resistance. If a man does regular yoga he can get rid of various deadly diseases, such as diabetes, arthritis, heart problems, tension, backache and high blood pressure. Practice Questions 5.1 I. Short–I Question Answers (3 Marks, 100 Words) 1. Give two definitions of Yoga. II. Short–II Question Answers (5 Marks, 200 Words) 1. Explain the importance of yoga in life. 5.2 Elements of Yoga In Yoga Sutra, Maharishi Patanjali explained the eight elements of yoga. These are called ‘Eight Paths’. ‘Through these ‘Eight paths’, one can join oneself with the universal spirit. These are as follows: To attain the objective of yoga, practice of each element of yoga is must. When we become master of one element, we should move on to the next element. The explanation of each of the element is as follows:
76 Health and Physical Education—XI I. Yama Yama is the first element of ‘Ashtang Yoga’. The meaning of yama is—social behaviour i.e., how we behave with others. Through the practice of yama, man abstains himself from the things which make him violent and mindless. A person remains away from violence who follows the rules of yama. This part makes the rules for people and the society. These rules are as follow: A. Non-violence (Ahimsa): Non-violence means not to commit violence which hurts others. Man should have sympathy and compassion towards his fellow beings and creatures. Never speak ill of others; never harm others and never let negative thoughts creep into your mind. Tension, anxiety, aggression and hate are negative feelings. These are also included in violence, so people have to be keep away from them. B. Truth (Satyam): We should be truthful in our thoughts, deeds and actions. We should never tell a lie and never play false upon others in any manner. We have to speak truth in each and every condition. C. Non-stealing (Asteya): Non-stealing means not to steal things. Never steal others’ ideas, things and wealth for your own benefit. Never think of doing so even. If we do so, it amounts to steal. If we are not helping a needy person inspite of being capable, we are cheating God. We should never steal and never enduce/initiate others to steal. We should be content with what God has provided. D. Celibacy (Brahamcharya): We should not take such food as incites our lust for sex. Not writing/ reading any obscene literature or indulging in any sexual affair amounts to celibacy. We have to keep in mind the above said things and we have to follow the path of celibacy. E. Non-possession (Aparigraha): Non-possession means to spend life with minimum necessities. It is our mental thought which states that nothing belongs to us. Whatever we have, it belongs to God only. We should not look for material benefits. This is Non-possession. That’s why we have to follow Non-possession. Whereas possession means the collection of the money and property for our own greed. II. Niyam Niyam is related to man’s sense organs. These rules are for the purification of soul. A person can control his senses and body by following the rules. Niyam also works as Yama. It is of five kinds. For examples,
Yoga 77 Niyam is for the purification of man. It has been described as follows: A. Purity (Saucha): It means to purify. We should be pure, physically and mentally. We should keep our body clean both internally and externally. For the purification of internal organs there are six activities-niyati, kriya, kapalbhati kriya, dhoti Kriya, etc. B. Contentment (Santosha): It means satisfaction. Whatever the condition we face in life, we should remain satisfied. We should be contented with what God has given us. We should never run after desires. C. Penance (Tapas): In order to attain an aim, when one continuously does efforts to achieve one’s aim, it is called penance. We should face the harsh realities of life with a smile on our face. These hardships may be in the form of meal-war, gain-loss, summer-winter, etc. D. Self-study (Swadhyaya): Self-study is of two types—the first type is the study of Vedas, Scriptures/ Yoga Darsham, Gita, etc. The second type is the study of self-who am I, what should I do, what am I doing, what is the aim of my life? To know about oneself is also self-study. In other words, studying religious books to make yourself educated is self-study. E. Surrender to God (Ishvara Pranidhana): Surrender your each and every deed, to achieve to God. But it is practiced by a true devotee who asserts that body, brains, mind, youth, power and respect are all buranties of God. I surrender all these things to God and drive out arrogance, impurity, and other negative traits from my mind. III. Asana Asana comes at third place after Yama and Niyam. Asana makes our body disciplined to concentrate. Asana is practised for the balancing of health and internal environment of body. It means the condition of body or to sit in a comfortable position. Most of the people think that yoga is mere the posture. They don’t know that posture is a step towards yoga. In fact, posture keeps a body fit, healthy and flexible. Postures are of different kinds, such as samvardhanatmak asana, static posture (asana) asana and dhyanatmak asana. These asanas affect different body-parts in different manner. Asanas can be practiced right from youth to the old age. IV. Pranayama Pranayama is the controller of breathing, it means to inhale and exhale and control your breathing movements. It has basically three components—puraka, kumbhak, rechak. It is of different kinds: surya bhedi, shitkari, shitali, bhramari etc. It is helpful in our metabolism and enhances the working capacity of the heart and the lungs. It also provides in with longevity. V. Pratyahara It is a sort of self-control wherein a person becomes capable of controlling his senses. Controlling mind and senses is pratyahara. Through this, man can adopt good values and discard bad values. He abstains himself from bad things which distract his mind. Such person feels blessed and begins to lead a blissful life. VI. Dharna It means to focus your attention on one point. Concentrating the mind is termed as dhyana. When the distracted mind gets focused on a point or in the centre of the forehead or on a bright light at some distance and is brought under control, it is called concentration. It is the state of total concentration. It takes a lot of years to achieve this because it is too hard to control our mind. Dhyana is the first step towards Samadhi. It is a mental exercise which enables man to practice towards dhyana and meditation.
78 Health and Physical Education—XI VII. Dhyana It is complete stability of the mind. It is the stage just before Samadhi. It is associated with each and every moment of our life. When we do work at same or at some other place, we are told to do it carefully. But we fail to understand the real meaning of dhyana. In simple words, the complete stability of the mind without any hurdle during that time is called dhyana, as no distraction in mind and brain, this is Dhyana. Dhyana is the only way which can help to achieve the concentration by ending the inconstancy of mind. VIII. Samadhi The union of man with the universal spirit is Samadhi. Putting a brake on all that impulses of the mind and going beyond it, is called Samadhi. When a person loses his own identity in dhyana, he attains the stage of dhyana. During the stage of dhyana man begins to experience blissful moments of living in company of God. Asan and Pranayama keep an important place in the elements of yoga because by practising these body remains healthy and mind have a control on the body parts. An unhealthy body can neither practice Dhayna nor Samadhi. Practice Questions 5.2 I. Short–I Question Answers (3 Marks, 100 Words) 1. Enlighten the history of Yoga. 2. Enlist the elements of Yoga and explain anyone. II. Short–II Question Answers (5 Marks, 200 Words) 1. Explain the elements of yoga briefly. 5.3 Introduction: Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation and Yogic Kriyas Meaning of Asana Asana is the different poses of body, which was developed centuries ago to develop the muscles, nucleus and bones of the body. According to Maharishi Patanjali, “Stithr Sukham Asanam” meaning a person is sitting in a comfortable position. In other words, it is that stage of the body wherein the body can be kept comfortably for a long time. In an asana, a body is kept in different position so that its different organs may function better and more efficiently. This, in turn, makes the body and the mind healthy. In Mandal Brahmnoprishad, “the pose to sit with comfort till the infinity is called asana.” Benefits of Asana (iii) Keeps the disease away (v) Develops the personality of man (i) Develops flexibility (ii) Strengthens muscles (iv) Keeps the mind calm and control (vi) Helps to get long age
Yoga 79 Classification of Asanas On the basis of their effect on the body, asanas have been divided into three parts: I. Dhyanatmak Asanas Padmasana, siddhasana and samasana are its examples. These asanas are practiced to enhance man’s meditative power. When man sits up in meditation, these asanas should be practiced in peaceful environment. II. Vishramatmak Asanas By practicing these asanas one gets rid of fatigue and one gets full rest. The examples are shavasana and makarasana. III. Samvardhnatmak Asanas The main examples of this kind are sheershasana, halasana, shalabhasana, bhujangasana, dhanurasana, mayurasana and chakrasana. These asanas are practiced for physical development and also for the efficient working of all the activities of the body. PRANAYAMA Pranayama is the science of respiratory system. Pranayama is made of two words – Pran + aayaam, Pran = Oxygen [breath that gives life] Aayam = inhaling, exhaling and retaining. In other words, keeping control over your breath. So, Pranayama means—controlling the breathing process. It includes three activities: I. Purak-inhaling II. Rechak-exhaling III. Kumbhak-retaining breath. It is of two kinds–Antah Kumbhak and Bahaya Kumbhak. In other words, during the process of inhaling and exhaling, stopping for some moments is bahaya kumbhak.
80 Health and Physical Education—XI Benefits of Pranayama Helps in keeping the mind calm. Helpful in developing concentration providing process. Helpful in reducing desires. Helpful in strengthening the breathing system. Prevents from diseases Prevents obesity Increases self-confidence. Provides strength to fight the diseases. Types of Pranayama Pranayama is an important treasure. It is important in life to keep practise pranayama for healthy life. Pranayama contains the life. If there is no life in the body then it becomes like the car without driver whether the car costs millions or billions. Pranayama is a must for man to keep his breathing system intact. Its kinds are as follows: (i) Suryabhedi pranayama (ii) Ujjayi pranayama (ii) Anulom-vilom pranayama (iv) Kapalbhati pranayama (v) Bhastrika pranayama (vi) Bhramari pranayama (vii) Plavini pranayama (viii) Nadi shodan pranayama (ix) Agnisar pranayama (x) Chandrabhedi pranayama Meaning of Dhyan Dhyan is the stage before Samadhi. Meditation has been called ‘dhyana’ in yoga. It is the stability of mind. According to Patanjali, concentration of mind on an impulse without any divergence. This is called ‘dhyana’. Concentration on a particular thing for a long time is called dhyana. When one feels in reality, it is dhyana. As we see a thing before our eyes clearly, similarly that very thing appears before us clearly when our eyes are closed. We see it with our inner eyes. This stage is called dhyana. It is not an exercise but a stage which is a must to achieve anything in life. Without concentration we can’t achieve any material or spiritual aim. There are thousands of thought in our mind, by practicing dhyan we can control our mind. Mind becomes zero as like the infants who don’t know anything about the world, no tension, a calm mind gives strength and keeps us away from disease. This is the best medicine to keep the mind in control. Benefits of Meditation It gives peace to the mind/heart. It increases power of concentration. It increases the mental powers which control the powers distracting our mind. It increases our trust and we are able to understand one another. It enhances self-knowledge. It enhances physical, mental and spiritual health. Yogic Kriyas The man’s body is like a machine. As a machine needs to be maintained regularly from inside and outside for its smooth functioning, similarly the human body also needs to be kept clean daily for its smooth working.
Yoga 81 However, we keep our body clean outwardly but don’t pay any attention to its inner cleanliness, which we need the most. Apart from asanas and pranayama, for the purification of different body-systems some exercises are done in yoga which are called ‘shatkarma exercises’. Shatkarma means six action or exercises. Our internal cleansing is done through these six exercises. They are helpful in cleansing our body internally. Their discriptions are as follows: (i) Neti Kriya: It is done in many ways-jalaneti, sutraneti, ghritneti, telneti and dugdhneti. Water or the above mentioned substance is poured into a bowl having a spout. From the spout it is put inside one of the nostrils. It comes out of the other nostril. But the nostril out of which the water or other substance has to come, should be kept low. These kriyas should be done under the able guidance of some expert. These kriyas help in cleaning of system and the throat. (ii) Dhauti Kriya: The dhauti is made of velvet. It is antiseptic. Its length is 22 feet and width is 4 inches. While one is having a sitting posture, the dhauti is taken in through the food pipe. Afterwards, one stands up and takes out the dhauti slowly but steadly. This kriya helps to cleanse the food pipe. It is also helpful in the treatment of cough and other diseases. (iii) Basti Kriya: In this kriya, water and air are taken in through the anus to cleanse the large intestine. (iv) Nauli Kriya: In this kriya, one bends forward and breathes out. The stomach is shrunk so that the front muscles of the stomach may meet its back muscles. Afterwards, the muscles of stomach facing the head should be exposed. Keeping your hands on the thighs rotate the muscles clockwise and anti- clockwise. This kriya is helpful in treatment of acidity, constipation and other diseases related to intestines. (v) Tratak Kriya: It is of two kind: 1. Bahirang tratak 2. Antrang tratak 1. Bahirang Tratak: In this kriya, sitting in front of a lighted earthen lamp one looks at the lamp without blinking one’s eyes. It is done till eyes well up with tears. It is helpful in treat sight disorders. 2. Antrang Tratak: In this kriya the dhyana has been kept between the two eyes. The Agyachakra between two eyes keeps in rest, by practicing this kriya we awake the Agyachakra. If this Agyachakra awake, then we can get the powers like-divya drishti, divya darshan and doordarshan. (vi) Kapalbhati Kriya: This kriya is similar to bhastrika kriya. In this kriya one breathes in slowly. After some time, one breathes in and out quickly. It gives energy to the person and helps treat the diseases of liver, stomach, etc. Practice Questions 5.3 I. Short–I Question Answers (3 Marks, 100 Words) 1. What is Pranayama? Write down its merits. 2. What are the benefits of practising Dhyana? 3. Explain the types of asana. II. Short–II Question Answers (5 Marks, 200 Words) 1. Explain the merits of Asana and Pranayamaa. 2. Explain the Yogic Kriya.
82 Health and Physical Education—XI 5.4 Yoga for Concentration and Related Asanas: (Sukhasana, Tadasana, Padmasana, Shashankasana, Naukasana, Vrikshasana and Garudasana) Meditation has also been studied extensively for its focus-enhancing and brain-boosting benefits. Mindfulness meditation, which involves focusing on one point (like the breath) is associated with better focus, as well as reduced stress and anxiety. To practice this, simply sit or lie down in a comfortable position (like Half Lotus or Shavasana) and breath naturally, without trying to manipulate or control your breath. Just relax. Notice the flow of your breath as it enters and exits through your nostrils. Notice its temperature, speed, strength, how your nostrils expand or contract when you breathe, and any other sensations that arise. When your mind wanders, simply bring it back to your breath. That’s it! Practice for at least 5 minutes. So, whenever you’re feeling frazzled or scatter-brained during your busy day, treat yourself by taking a break and practicing one or all of these to clear your head and re-focus. So, asana, pranayama and dhyana are mandatory to increase the concentration. Now, we discuss the following asanas: Sukhasana The Sukhasana is very simple to perform for people of all ages and levels of physical wellness. The term ‘Sukhasana’ is gotten from the Sanskrit word “Sukham” which signifies ‘delight’ or ‘bliss’ and ‘asana’ signifies ‘posture’. All the Asanas are categorized into three parts—Basic Asana, intermediate and advanced. As an amateur (Beginner) you are not able to attempt the advanced asanas. So, this fundamental Asana is best for beginner to begin their yoga session. This is meditative and relaxing pose. Sukhasana is easy to perform. Method Sit down normally on the floor. [If you are not used to sitting on the floor or you are uncomfortable, then keep one thick folded blanket on the floor for firm and flat (base for sitting). Stretch out your legs ahead in front.] Now cross your legs and broaden your knees, in order that you can slip your both foot under the opposite knee. After that you have to bend your knees along with your legs. Keep your feet loose, in order that the external edges lay on the floor and the inner curves are settled beneath the inverse leg. Your thighs and crossed legs ought to frame a little triangle. Keep some space between your feet and pelvis. Now sit with your buttock in a neutral position. (For this, you have to press your hands opposing the ground and lift your sitting bones a bit). Attempt to hold for a breath or two and after that gradually bring down yourself back on to the floor. Balance your tail bone and pubic bone in a manner that they are equidistant from the floor. Keep your hands on your knees with palm facing down and expand your tailbone against the floor. (You can keep your hands in Gyan mudra). You might need to rotate and cross your legs, particularly in the event that you attempt this stance consistently. You ought to hold this pose for whatever length of time that you are agreeable. Retain this pose for some time. Open your eyes and put your body in initial stage.
Yoga 83 Benefits Enhance your condition of peacefulness and serenity. It stretches and lengthen your spine. It helps in reducing fatigue. It stretches your ankles and knees. It gives gentle massage to your knees, calf muscles and your thighs also. It calms your mind. Enhance your condition of peacefulness and serenity. Kicks out anxiety, stress and mental tiredness. By doing this asana our sitting posture becomes good. Precautions Avoid this asana: If you have hip and knee injuries, or if they both are inflamed. Practice caution: If you have a slipped disc problem, you can use cushioning to make the pose comfortable. Individuals who are experiencing backache or back agony shouldn’t stay in this position for more than 5 minutes. These asanas should be done in silence and if you are doing it as spiritual way, then you must have to do it, then you must have to do it by facing east or north. Always consult a yoga expert before doing Asana and Pranayamaa. Tadasana By practising this asana the body becomes strong like the palm tree. That’s why this asana is named as Tadasana and the posture of the body also becomes like the Palm tree while doing it. The word ‘Tadasana’ is derived from Sanskrit word ‘Tad’ which means palm tree and ‘asana’ means posture / seat. It helps to increase the height and make the body strong. Method Stand straighten the ground and take a small (if necessary) gap between your feet. With deep breath (in hale), raise your both arms in upward direction as shown in picture. Keep your arms upward by interlocking your fingers. Now come on the toes by raising your heels simultaneously. The stomach should be kept inside while raising the hands. The weight should be on toes. Back straight, eyes forward and neck should be straight. Feel the pressure of stretching from toes to fingers. Try to maintain this pose as long as you can with slow and deep-breathing. Now come to the original position with deep-breathing [exhale]. Repeat again after 1 or 2 minutes. Do everyday this asana for 10 to 15 times as per your capacity. Benefits Increases enthusiasm and energy and reduces lethargy. Increases power, strength and mobility in feet, thigh and legs and especially spinal cord.
84 Health and Physical Education—XI Reduce flat feet. Increases self-confidence. Strengthens the digestive system. Helps in reducing the laziness of the body. Improves blood circulation. Deep-breathing provides increase in strength and capacity of lungs. This is the best exercise to increase the height. Good for hypertension patients as it develops and activate the means of entire body. Precautions Person who is suffering from headaches, low blood pressure and insomnia should consult the Yoga expert/Doctor. During pregnancy skip the asana. Skip the asana, if you have any problem while standing. If you are ill, then do the asana only after the suggestion of the doctor. Slowly increase the timings of the asana. If facing any problem, then consult doctor. Padmasana Padmasana is a cross-legged yoga posture which helps to deepen meditation by calming the mind and alleviating various physical ailments. A regular practice of this posture aids in overall blossoming of the practitioner, just like a lotus; and hence, reduce the name Padmasana. This asana is for those who wants to find peace. Method Sit on the floor or on a mat with legs stretched out in front of you while keeping the spine erect. Bend the right knee and place it on the left thigh. Make sure that the sole of the feet point upward and the heel is close to the abdomen. Now, repeat the same step with the other leg. With both the legs crossed and feet placed on opposite thighs, place your hands on the knees in mudra position. Keep the head straight and spine erect. Hold and continue with gentle long breath in and out. Benefits Increases the concentration of the mind. Reduces the problem related to urine system. Improves digestion. Controls blood pressure. Reduces muscular tension and brings blood pressure under control. Relaxes the mind. Helps pregnant ladies during childbirth. Reduces menstrual discomfort. Helps in treatment of many diseases.
Yoga 85 Precautions Don’t perform with ankle or knee injury. Avoid the asana while having back pain. Perform this pose only with the supervision of an experienced teacher. Shashankasana – The Hare Pose “Shashankasana” or “The Hare Pose” is so called as the asana resembles a hare in the final position. Benefits of Shashankasana include relaxation relieving of depression and a good upper body stretch. Shashankasana is a very easy asana to perform and can be done by anyone regardless of age. It is helpful in back pain and neck pain. It is also beneficial for people suffering from diabetes, asthama and heart related diseases. Methods Sit in Vajrasana, the thunderbolt pose or the kneeling pose. Place your hands on the thighs and breath in a relaxed manner. Raise both your hands above the head, palms facing forward. The arms should be in the same line with the shoulders. Slowly bend down and bring the hands forward, till the hands and forehead touch the ground. Exhale while you are bending forward. In the final position the forehead and hands should rest on the ground and slowly rhythmic and relaxed breathing can be done. Hold for some time in this pose. Exhale slowly and come back to the starting position (kneeling pose). Repeat this process for 5 to 10 rounds depending on time and comfort. Benefits This asana relaxes the mind and relieves depression. It tones the pelvic muscles and relieves sciatic pain. It can help in sexual disorders. It gives a good relaxing stretch to the upper body. Precautions Do this asana as like shavasana in between or after the asana.
86 Health and Physical Education—XI Relax the body for short periods to do the asana. If you are having leg-pain, then consult doctor. Naukasana/Boat Pose Methods Lie on your back with your feet together and arms beside your body. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, lift your chest and feet off the ground, stretching your arms towards your feet. Your eyes, fingers and toes should be in a line. Feel the tension in your navel area as the abdominal muscles contract. Keep breathing deeply and easily while maintaining the pose. As you exhale, come back to the ground slowly and relax. It also forms a part of the Padma Sadhana sequence, where this yoga pose is practiced after Dhanurasana (Bow Pose). Benefits Tones the leg and arm muscles. Useful for people with hernia Precautions Do not practice this yoga pose if you have low blood pressure, severe headache, migraine, or if you have suffered from some chronical diseases or spinal disorders in the recent past. Asthama and heart patients are advised to avoid this pose. Women should avoid doing Boat pose (Naukasana) during pregnancy and during the first two days of the menstrual cycle.
Yoga 87 Vrikshasana (Tree Pose) Methods Stand tall and straight with arms by the side of your body. Bend your left knee and place the left foot high up on your right thigh. The sole of the foot should be placed flat and firmly near the root of the thigh. Make sure that your right leg is straight. Find your balance. Once you are well balanced, take a deep breath in gracefully raise your arms over your head from the side, and bring your palms together in ‘Namaste’ mudra (hands-folded position). Look straight ahead in front of you, at a distant object. A steady gaze helps maintain a steady balance. Ensure that your spine is straight. Your entire body should be taut, like a stretched elastic band. Keep taking in long deep breaths. With each exhalation, relax the body more and more. Just be with the body and the breath with a gentle smile on your face. With slow exhalation, gently bring down your hands from the sides. You may gently release the left leg. Stand tall and straight as you did at the beginning of the posture. Repeat this pose with the right leg off the ground on the right thigh. Benefits This pose leaves you in a state of rejuvenation. It stretches the legs, back and arms and invigorates you. It brings balance and equilibrium to your mind. It helps improve concentration. This posture has been found to relieve some cases of sciatica. It makes the legs strong, improves balance and opens the hips. Helps those who are suffering from sciatica. Precautions Avoid doing this posture if you are suffering from migraine, insomnia, low or high blood pressure (those with high blood pressure may do this pose but without raising their hands overhead, as this may further raise their blood pressure). Garudasana (Eagle Pose) The Garudasana, named after the divine creature ‘Garuda’, the fierce bird and the vehicle of Lord Vishnu has it all—strength, balance, coordination and harmony. As a twisting yoga posture, the practitioners of Eagle Pose twirl and stretch and wrap their hands and feet in order to untangle their body, mind and spirit upon release of the yoga posture. Through the effect of twisting, the Eagle Yoga Posture offers rewards for the immune system and chakras.
88 Health and Physical Education—XI Methods Stand in Tadasana. Firmly ground your right foot into the floor. Gently bend the right knee and cross the left leg over it. Tuck the left ankle behind the right calf. Stretch the arms straight in front of yours. Bend the elbows, keep the forearms perpendicular to the floor and drop the left arm under the right. Interwine the hands so that the palms touch each other and fingers point upwards. Try to lengthen the spine and arise through the crown of the head while maintaining the balance. Relax the shoulders and gaze at a fixed point in front of yours. To exit the pose, unwind the legs and hands and stand in the mountain pose. Modifications and Tips If balancing in the post is difficult, cross the leg and place the foot of the folded leg on the floor. Beginners can practice the pose against a wall for greater balance and steadiness. Stand with your back to the wall, so that the wall supports your torso. During the practice of the pose, always bend the knees generously so as to avoid straining. In the pose, if you are unable to touch the palms together, hold a yoga strap in your hands and then twist your palms. For a deeper challenge, come into the full pose. Exhale, lean forward and press the forearms against the thigh of the top leg. When you lift the hands up, the elbows should be lined with the shoulders. Precautions In ankle and shoulder injury, it should be avoided. People suffering with low B.P. should not perform this asana.
Yoga 89 Benefits In the pose, when you twist the legs and arms, the blood flow gets constricted, and you experience a pressure similar to the one felt during a massage. The massaging effect is a key to stimulating and releasing fresh blood in the body. Good circulation is vital for boosting immunity levels. For reaping the benefits of eagle pose and higher immunity levels, practice the pose daily. The chakras are energy points running from the base of the spine to the crown of the head within the body. Every yoga posture stimulates one or more chakras. The Eagle Pose ignites the root chakra due to the close proximity to the floor as well as the third eye chakra because of focusing on a particular point. The balanced root chakra fosters grounding, and the third eye energy point cultivates concentration. With both the chakras balanced, you gain heightened focus and a deeper sense of self. Finding balance both in life and yoga, can be hard. But, with Eagle Pose one can master the physical, mental and spiritual coordination. As you stand in a steady position during the practice of the pose, you make an attempt to balance both sides of the body by equally practicing on both the legs. The right side of the body holds masculine energy and left side feminine. By squeezing and unwinding both the sides, the pose encourages harmony of these two, thus, bringing balance and calm. Flexible wrists and shoulders are the health benefits of Garudasana that is assured with the regular practice. As you lift your arms and hands towards the ceiling, your wrists and shoulders get the much-needed stretch helpful in loosening the knots and tensions in these areas. The practitioners can reap the strengthening benefits of eagle pose by paying attention to the alignment. As you balance on one leg and fold the other leg over it, you strengthened the hamstrings, ankles, and hips. Whenever you feel physically, mentally and spiritually unbalanced, dig into the Eagle Pose, pay attention to the details and bring your body, mind, and spirit in balance and alignment. Practice Questions 5.4 I. Short–I Question Answers (3 Marks, 100 Words) 1. Write down the procedure of Sukhasana. 2. Write the merits of Shashankasana. 3. Explain the procedure of Padmasana. 4. Write the merits of Tadasana. II. Short–II Question Answers (5 Marks, 200 Words) 1. Write down the merits and precautions of Padmasana. 2. Clarify the procedure and precautions of Shashankasana. 3. Explain the procedure of Tadasana. 4. What is Sukhasana? Write down its merits and precautions. 5.5 Relaxation Technique for Improving Concentration—Yoga–Nidra In today’s era and modern life when a person doesn’t get the satisfaction, then it leads to negative thoughts, anxiety and tension to him. Being tensed and anxiety for a long time a person starts feeling the mental and psychological problems. Yoga-nidra can serve as a pathway to freedom without creating bodily stress. One of the biggest benefits of yoga-nidra is the power it gives you over your own mind. Nidra means sleep. It is a deep
90 Health and Physical Education—XI relaxation form of yoga and technique to awaken the connection between body, mind and soul. The practice is like a deep sleep while you are still awake. This ancient practice is becoming more popular as a force of meditation and mind body therapy and has multiple physical benefits. Although you are lying down during the practice by no means, you are doing nothing. After going into the deepest point of conscious relaxation, you are brought out of it and back into the present state. At this point you are reconnected with yourself and the world around you, using your experience to guide your interaction as you live in moment, moment to moment. Yoga-nidra is easy to incorporate into your daily life. In 1940, the pupil of great saint Yogi Swami Shivanand, Swami Satyendra Saraswati developed the Yoga- nidra. According to Swami Satyendra Saraswati, “People who are not aware about the Sanskrit Mantra, can take the benefit of yoga-nidra. People related to any caste, religion or community can take advantage by practising it.” Definition of Yoga-nidra According to Swami Satyendra Saraswati, “Relaxation does not mean sleep. Relaxation means to be blissfully happy; it has no end. Sleep is the other thing. Bliss relaxes the atma, the inner self; that is why, in tantra, Yoga-nidra is the doorway to Samadhi.” Needs of Yoga-nidra (ii) A sound free room or hall (iii) Dim Light (v) Music contained mantra (i) 30-40 minutes without rest (iv) A mat Method Remove your watch, belt and other jewellery items. Choose a clear intention, and lie flat on your back, with your arms stretched out by your sides (or however, feels most comfortable). Place a pillow or folded blanket behind your neck for support, and use another pillow or folded blanket under your knees for added comfort. Close your eyes. Repeat the clear intention you chose in Step 1 three times with other leg. Take a couple deep breaths, emphasizing exhalation.
Yoga 91 Starting with your right side, rotate your awareness through all parts on that side of your body—limb by limb—in fairly quick succession. Follow this progression: each finger, palm of the hand, back of the hand, hand as a whole, forearm, elbow, upper arm, shoulder joint, shoulder, neck, each section of the face (forehead, eyes, nose, and so on), ear, scalp, throat, chest, side of the rib cage, shoulder blade, waist, stomach, lower abdomen, genitals, buttocks, whole spine, thigh, top and back of knee, shin, calf, ankle, top of foot, heel, sole, toes. Be aware of your body as a whole. Continue to be aware of the whole body and the space surrounding it, feeling the stillness and peace. Mentally prepare to return to ordinary consciousness. Gently move your fingers for a few moments, take a deep breath, and then open your eyes. Benefits Minimize Tension: Problems like emotional and mental psychological can be finished by practicing Yoga-nidra. Increases Creativity: It increases the capacity to do work of a person by performing continuously. Reduces Stress: The development in the capacity to face problems and reduces stress by practicing Yoga-nidra. Relaxes the Mind: It also helps in relaxing the mind. Enhances Memory and Learning Capacity: By practicing it, both the parts of mind work properly which leads to increase in learning capacity of a person. If a person is not practicing Yoga-nidra, then only the left part of his mind works. Manage Psychosomatic Diseases: It prevents the psychosomatic diseses. Promoting Willpower: Yoga-nidra restores the body senses and mind to their natural function and awakeness, a sub-concious awareness that allows you to feel no separation. By Pranic Healing: It increases the will of pranayama, which helps in activeness of the body. It also cure a person from many diseases. From the above discussion, it becomes clear that the technique of yoga-nidra have preventive, promotive and curative value. It prevents stress and stress-related disorders by inducing deep physical. emotional and mental relaxation, by training the mind to remain calm and quiet and by rooting out the repressed desires and thoughts from the deeper realms of the mind. Practice Questions 5.5 I. Short–I Question Answers (3 Marks, 100 Words) 1. What are the merits to practice Yoga-nidra? 2. Define Yoga-Nidra. II. Short–II Question Answers (5 Marks, 200 Words) 1. What is Yoga-nidra? Explain its procedure and merits.
92 Health and Physical Education—XI Multiple Choice Type Questions 1. The main aim of yoga is to reduce ......... . (a) Stress (b) Happiness (c) Health (d) None of these 2. Jal Neti is a part of ............ . (a) Games (b) Yoga (c) Cricket (d) None of these 3. Yoga is attaining the pose—who said these words? (a) Krishna Tirth (b) Ved Vyas (c) Agam (d) Bhagvad Gita 4. What do you mean by the word ‘yoga’? (a) To join (b) To discard (c) To transport (d) To give away 5. Through yoga we can get control over ...................? (a) Stress (b) Tension (c) Happiness (d) All the above 6. Yoga is helpful in reducing ........ . (a) Tension (b) Happiness (c) Health (d) Capacity 7. Dharna means ............ . (a) To focus your attention on one point (b) To discard eating (c) To get active (d) To fell sick 8. Dhyana is ............. . (a) Complete stability of the mind (b) Complete control on senses (c) Complete relax (d) Complete happiness 9. Asana comes at which place after yama and Niyam? (a) Third place (b) Fifth place (c) Second place (d) All above 10. Pranayama is the control on ............ . (a) Laughing (b) Breathing (c) Running (d) Walking 11. Conteniment means ......... . (a) Satisfaction (b) Happiness (c) Sad (d) None of these 12. How many kinds of yama are there? (a) Five (b) Six (c) Seven (d) Eight 13. For the purification of internal organ, how many methods are described? (a) Six (b) Seven (c) Eight (d) Only one
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