Duty holders who need to be consulted about and participate in risk control Duty holder 1 Duty holder 2 Reference End of Legislative and Regulatory WHS Risk Management Requirements SAMPLE Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 96 © Compliant Learning Resources
SAMPLE1.4 Nature and Scope of the Organisation’s WHS Risk Management This task requires you to review the information and data you gathered in Tasks 1.1 – 1.3 to determine the factors that affect the following areas in your organisation’s WHS risk management: ▪ Hazard identification process ▪ Risk assessment process ▪ Risk control process This task also requires you to determine the nature and scope of your organisation’s WHS risk management and confirm whether these have been clearly defined in your organisation’s policies and procedures. Read the instructions carefully before proceeding. Steps to take: 1. Locate the Factors Affecting Organisation’s WHS Risk Management template in the following pages. This template outlines the information you need to record for this assessment task. Review the instructions here as well as the contents of the Factors Affecting Organisation’s WHS Risk Management template so you can prepare for this task. 2. Seek permission from your supervisor to access your organisation’s policies and procedures relevant to WHS risk management. You are required to refer to these policies and procedures to complete Step 4. 3. Access and review the information you gathered in Tasks 1.1 – 1.3 to determine factors that affect the following areas in your organisation’s WHS risk management: ▪ Hazard identification process ▪ Risk assessment process ▪ Risk control process Factors affecting the risk management processes above may include but are not limited to: ▪ The organisation’s products and services ▪ Nature of business ▪ Industry in which the business operates Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 © Compliant Learning Resources Page 97
SAMPLE ▪ Nature of hazards common in your industry/work area and their associated risks ▪ Size and structure of employees ▪ Individual characteristics such as culture, gender, language, literacy and numeracy of employees, etc. 4. Complete the Factors Affecting Organisation’s WHS Risk Management template. i. Write your first and last name. ii. Indicate your title/designation within the organisation, e.g. Safety Manager, WHS Officer, etc. iii. Indicate the date when you completed this template. Using the information you reviewed in Step 3: i. Identify two factors that affect your organisation’s hazard identification. Briefly explain how each factor affects your organisation’s hazard identification. ii. Identify two factors that affect your organisation’s risk assessment. Briefly explain how each factor affects your organisation’s risk assessment. iii. Identify two factors that affect your organisation’s risk control. Briefly explain how each factor affects your organisation’s risk control. iv. Based on the factors you identified in steps i – iii, describe the nature of your organisation’s WHS risk management. Nature of your organisation’s WHS risk management may relate to the types of hazards and risks common to your organisation and industry, types of risk controls used to manage these hazards and risks, etc. Review your responses in this step and confirm whether your organisation’s current WHS risk management policies and procedures reflect this, i.e. the nature of your organisation’s WHS risk management is clearly defined in your policies and procedures. a. Tick YES if the policies and their corresponding procedures reflect the nature of your organisation’s WHS risk management, and NO if otherwise. b. Explain your response. c. Cite the title of the policy in which you based your response on. This must be a different from the policy you cited in Step v. Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 98 © Compliant Learning Resources
SAMPLE d. Cite one set of procedures in which you based your response on. This must be a different from the policy you cited in Step v. v. Based on the factors you identified in steps i – iii, describe the scope of your organisation’s WHS risk management. Scope of your organisation’s WHS risk management may relate to the extent of your organisation’s WHS risk management processes, e.g. decision-making levels (execution level, planning level, structure and management level), scope of WHS risk management consultation and participation activities, etc. Review your responses in this step and confirm whether your organisation’s current WHS risk management policies and procedures reflect this, i.e. the scope of your organisation’s WHS risk management is clearly defined in your policies and procedures. a. Tick YES if the policies and their corresponding procedures reflect the scope of your organisation’s WHS risk management, and NO if otherwise. b. Explain your response. c. Cite the title of the policy in which you based your response on. This must be a different from the policy you cited in Step iv. d. Cite one set of procedures in which you based your response on. This must be a different from the set of procedures you cited in Step iv. 7. Have your supervisor complete and sign the Supervisor Declaration section of your Factors Affecting Organisation’s WHS Risk Management template. Their signature must be handwritten. 5. Save and submit your completed and Factors Affecting Organisation’s WHS Risk Management template. Use the filename: BSBWHS513 1.4 Factors Affecting Organisation’s WHS Risk Management 6. Save and submit copies of the two policies and their corresponding procedures you cited in Step 4. Use the filenames: BSBWHS513 1.4 Policy 1 Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 © Compliant Learning Resources Page 99
BSBWHS513 1.4 Procedures 1 BSBWHS513 1.4 Policy 2 BSBWHS513 1.4 Procedures 2 SAMPLE Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 100 © Compliant Learning Resources
Factors Affecting Organisation’s WHS Risk Management FACTORS AFFECTING ORGANISATION’S WHS RISK MANAGEMENT SAMPLE Candidate name Title/designation Date completed Factors affecting your organisation’s hazard identification Factors affecting your organisation’s hazard How this factor affects your organisation’s hazard identification identification Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 © Compliant Learning Resources Page 101
Factors affecting your organisation’s risk assessment Factors affecting your organisation’s risk How this factor affects your organisation’s risk assessment assessment SAMPLE Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 102 © Compliant Learning Resources
Factors affecting your organisation’s risk control Factors affecting your organisation’s risk control How this factor affects your organisation’s risk control SAMPLE Nature of your organisation’s WHS risk management Based on the information recorded above, describe the nature of your organisation’s WHS risk management. Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 © Compliant Learning Resources Page 103
SAMPLE Do your organisation’s policies and procedures clearly define the nature of your organisation’s WHS risk management (as you described above)? YES NO Explanation for your response. Cite one policy in which you based your response on. Cite one set of procedures in which you based your response on. Scope of your organisation’s WHS risk management Based on the information recorded above, describe the scope of your organisation’s WHS risk management. Do your organisation’s policies and procedures clearly define the scope of your organisation’s WHS risk management (as you described above)? YES NO Explanation for your response. Cite one policy in which you based your response on. Cite one set of procedures in which you based your response on. Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 104 © Compliant Learning Resources
SUPERVISOR DECLARATION By signing this declaration, I confirm that the information above accurately reflects our workplace/organisation’s WHS risk management and relevant policies and procedures. SAMPLE Supervisor name: Supervisor’s signature Title/designation: Date signed: Supervisor’s email address (required): Supervisor’s phone number (required): End of Factors Affecting Organisation’s WHS Risk Management Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 © Compliant Learning Resources Page 105
SAMPLE1.5 WHS Risk Management Roles and Responsibilities Specifically, you need to identify: ▪ One individual who needs to be consulted about and participate in the organisation’s hazard identification process and their role and responsibilities in this process. ▪ One group who needs to be consulted about and participate in the organisation’s hazard identification process and their role and responsibilities in this process. ▪ One individual who needs to be consulted about and participate in the organisation’s risk assessment process and their role and responsibilities in this process. ▪ One group who needs to be consulted about and participate in the organisation’s risk assessment process and their role and responsibilities in this process. ▪ One individual who needs to be consulted about and participate in the organisation’s risk control process and their role and responsibilities in this process. ▪ One group who needs to be consulted about and participate in the organisation’s risk control process and their role and responsibilities in this process. IMPORTANT: Although one individual/group may be involved in more than one process you must identify at least two different individuals and two different groups, with each group consisting of two members, throughout Step 3. 1. Secure a copy of the WHS risk management policies and procedures you accessed in Step 3 as you will be required to submit this as part of this assessment task. 2. Complete the WHS Risk Management Stakeholders template. i. Write your first and last name. ii. Indicate your title/designation within the organisation, e.g. Safety Manager, WHS Officer, etc. iii. Indicate the date when you completed this template. Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 106 © Compliant Learning Resources
SAMPLE iv. Identify one individual and one group who need to be consulted about and participate in hazard identification. a. Describe their role in hazard identification. b. Identify one of their responsibilities in hazard identification. c. Outline the relevant organisational requirement that states this individual and group need to be consulted about and participate in hazard identification and cite your reference. v. Identify one individual and one group who need to be consulted about and participate in risk assessment. a. Describe their role in risk assessment. b. Identify one of their responsibilities in risk assessment. c. Outline the relevant organisational requirement that states this individual and group need to be consulted about and participate in risk assessment and cite your reference. vi. Identify one individual and one group who need to be consulted about and participate in risk control. a. Describe their role in risk control. b. Identify one of their responsibilities in risk control. c. Outline the relevant organisational requirement that states this individual and group need to be consulted about and participate in risk control and cite your reference. 3. Have your supervisor complete and sign the Supervisor Declaration section of the WHS Risk Management Stakeholders template. Their signature must be handwritten. 4. Save and submit your completed and WHS Risk Management Stakeholders template. Use the filename: BSBWHS513 1.5 WHS Risk Management Stakeholders 5. Save and submit copies of the three organisational requirements you referred to Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 © Compliant Learning Resources Page 107
6. in Step 5. You may submit excerpts of the WHS policies and procedures where these requirements are found. Use the filenames: BSBWHS513 1.5 Organisational Requirement – Hazard Identification BSBWHS513 1.5 Organisational Requirement – Risk Assessment BSBWHS513 1.5 Organisational Requirement – Risk Control SAMPLE Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 108 © Compliant Learning Resources
WHS Risk Management Stakeholders WHS RISK MANAGEMENT STAKEHOLDERS Candidate name Title/designation Date completed SAMPLE Part A. Hazard Identification Individual who needs to be consulted about and participate in hazard identification Individual Role in hazard identification Responsibilities in hazard identification Group who needs to be consulted about and participate in hazard identification Group Role in hazard identification Responsibilities in hazard identification Relevant organisational requirement Outline below the organisational requirement that states the individual and group listed above must be consulted in hazard identification. Source/reference: Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 © Compliant Learning Resources Page 109
Part B. Risk Assessment Individual who needs to be consulted about and participate in risk assessment SAMPLE Individual Role in risk assessment Responsibilities in risk assessment Group who needs to be consulted about and participate in risk assessment Group Role in risk assessment Responsibilities in risk assessment Relevant organisational requirement Outline below the organisational requirement that states the individual and group listed above must be consulted in risk assessment. Source/reference: Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 110 © Compliant Learning Resources
Part C. Risk Control Individual who needs to be consulted about and participate in risk control SAMPLE Individual Role in risk control Responsibilities in risk control Group who needs to be consulted about and participate in risk control Group Role in risk control Responsibilities in risk control Relevant organisational requirement Outline below the organisational requirement that states the individual and group listed above must be consulted about and participate in risk control. Source/reference: SUPERVISOR DECLARATION By signing this declaration, I confirm that the information above accurately reflects our workplace/organisation’s WHS risk management and relevant organisational requirements and policies and procedures. Supervisor name: Supervisor’s signature Title/designation: Date signed: Supervisor’s email address (required): Supervisor’s phone number (required): End of WHS Risk Management Stakeholders Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 © Compliant Learning Resources Page 111
SAMPLE1.6 Communication of WHS Risk Management Roles and Responsibilities This task requires you to meet with the following (either individually or as a group) to communicate to them their roles and responsibilities that impact the organisation’s risk management. ▪ The individual who needs to be consulted about and participate in hazard identification. ▪ The group who needs to be consulted about and participate in hazard identification. This group must have at least three members. ▪ The individual who needs to be consulted about and participate in risk assessment. ▪ The group who needs to be consulted about and participate in risk assessment. This group must have at least three members. ▪ The individual who needs to be consulted about and participate in risk control. ▪ The group who needs to be consulted about and participate in risk control. This group must have at least three members. IMPORTANT: Although one individual/group may be involved in more than one risk management process you must meet with at least two individuals and two groups for this assessment task. Read the instructions carefully before proceeding. Steps to take: 1. Locate the Meeting Minutes template in the following pages. The Meeting Minutes outlines discussion items that need to be covered and addressed during the meeting. If you are meeting with the personnel listed above separately, you must complete one Meeting Minutes template for each meeting, with only the parts relevant for each personnel completed. 2. Locate the Observation Form 1.6 template found in the following pages. Observation Form 1.6 outlines all the skills you need to demonstrate during your meeting(s) with the personnel listed above. This form will be completed by your assessor. Review the instructions here and the contents of Observation Form 1.6 so you can prepare before the meeting(s). If you are meeting with the personnel listed above separately, one Observation Form 1.6 must be completed for each meeting. Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 112 © Compliant Learning Resources
SAMPLE3. Consult with your supervisor regarding opportunities for you to communicate the WHS risk management roles and responsibilities to the following: ▪ The individual who needs to be consulted about and participate in hazard identification. ▪ The group who needs to be consulted about and participate in hazard identification. This group must have at least three members. ▪ The individual who needs to be consulted about and participate in risk assessment. ▪ The group who needs to be consulted about and participate in risk assessment. This group must have at least three members. ▪ The individual who needs to be consulted about and participate in risk control. ▪ The group who needs to be consulted about and participate in risk control. This group must have at least three members. Review the instructions here and the contents of Meeting Minutes template with your supervisor so you can prepare before the meeting. 4. Conduct the meeting with the individuals and groups (each group consisting of at least three members). You may meet with them individually or as group. During the meeting with these people, using the information you recorded in your WHS Risk Management Stakeholders in Task 1.5: i. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of individual and group in hazard identification. ii. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of individual and group in risk assessment. iii. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of individual and group in risk control. You must discuss at least one responsibility for each individual and for each group at each are of risk management. Record the meeting details in Meeting Minutes template, including: i. Date and time of the meeting ii. Location iii. Notetaker iv. Name of each attendee as well as their title/designation. If you are meeting with each stakeholder separately, you must submit one Meeting Minutes template for each meeting you conducted. Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 © Compliant Learning Resources Page 113
SAMPLE Document the meeting through a video recording. Limit this video recording to fifteen minutes. This video recording must clearly show you have demonstrated all the skills outlined in Observation Form 1.6. If you are meeting with each stakeholder separately, submit one video recording each meeting you conducted. 5. To supplement your communication, send a copy of the minutes to your attendees through email. 6. Have your attendees sign next to their names in the Attendees section of the Meeting Minutes template. Their signatures must be handwritten. The Attendees section must record names, title/designation, and signatures of the following: ▪ The individual who needs to be consulted about and participate in hazard identification. ▪ The group who needs to be consulted about and participate in hazard identification. ▪ The individual who needs to be consulted about and participate in risk assessment. ▪ The group who needs to be consulted about and participate in risk assessment. ▪ The individual who needs to be consulted about and participate in risk control. ▪ The group who needs to be consulted about and participate in risk control. IMPORTANT: One individual/group may be involved in more than one risk management process. In this instance, you may list their names under more than one risk management area. Although, one individual/group may be involved in more than one risk management process you must still meet with at least two individuals and two groups for this assessment task. 7. Save and submit the completed and signed Meeting Minutes. Use the filename: BSBWH513 1.6 Meeting Minutes If you are submitting more than one video recording, use the filenames: BSBWH513 1.6 Meeting Minutes 1 Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 114 © Compliant Learning Resources
BSBWH513 1.6 Meeting Minutes 2 BSBWH513 1.6 Meeting Minutes 3 8. Save and submit the video recording of the meeting. Use the filename: BSBWHS513 1.6 Meeting If you are submitting more than one video recording, use the filenames: BSBWHS513 1.6 Meeting 1 BSBWHS513 1.6 Meeting 2 BSBWHS513 1.6 Meeting 3 9. Save and submit a screenshot of the email you sent to your meeting attendees. Use the filename: BSBWH513 1.6 Email Communication SAMPLE Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 © Compliant Learning Resources Page 115
Meeting Minutes MEETING MINUTES Meeting called Meeting to communicate WHS risk management roles of duty holders, Date and time of the individuals, and groups. meetingSAMPLE Location Notetaker Attendees Attendees of the meeting are to sign after the meeting. To the attendees: By signing below, you are confirming you have attended this meeting and that the information recorded in this meeting minutes is true and accurate. Individual who needs to be consulted with and participate in hazard identification Name Title/designation Signature (must be handwritten) Group who needs to be consulted with and participate in hazard identification Group name Group members’ names Title/designation Signature (must be handwritten) Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 116 © Compliant Learning Resources
Individual who needs to be consulted with and participate in risk assessment SAMPLEName Title/designation Signature (must be handwritten) Group who needs to be consulted with and participate in risk assessment Group name Group members’ names Title/designation Signature (must be handwritten) Individual who needs to be consulted with and participate in risk control Name Title/designation Signature (must be handwritten) Group who needs to be consulted with and participate in risk control Group name Group members’ names Title/designation Signature (must be handwritten) Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 © Compliant Learning Resources Page 117
AGENDA 1 – Roles and Responsibilities of Individuals and Groups in Hazard Identification SAMPLEIndividual/GroupRole in hazard identification Responsibility in hazard identification Individual Group AGENDA 2 – Roles and Responsibilities of Individuals and Groups in Risk Assessment Individual/Group Role in risk assessment Responsibility in risk assessment Individual Group AGENDA 3 – Roles and Responsibilities of Individuals and Groups in Risk Control Individual/Group Role in risk control Responsibility in risk control Individual Group End of Meeting Minutes Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 118 © Compliant Learning Resources
Observation Form 1.6 (For Assessor’s Use Only) OBSERVATION FORM 1.6 (FOR ASSESSOR’S USE ONLY) Candidate Date when assessor completed this form SAMPLE Did the candidate demonstrate the YES/NO Comments following during the meeting? YES NO 1. Demonstrate active listening to clarify YES NO the understanding of the attendees in the meeting. YES NO Criteria: This is demonstrated through building trust and establishing rapport with stakeholders, paraphrasing to show understanding, nonverbal cues which show understanding such as nodding, eye contact, and leaning forward, etc. 2. Use effective questioning to clarify the understanding of the attendees in the meeting. Criteria: This includes being able to come up with and use follow-up questions to the stakeholders as well as listening attentively to responses being provided by stakeholders to questions being raised. 3. Present information with varying level of technical vocabulary to suit audience. Criteria: This is demonstrated through use of industry accepted WHS terminologies when speaking to other safety personnel, and explaining WHS terminologies in layman terms when speaking to regular staff or non-safety staff, etc. Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 © Compliant Learning Resources Page 119
Assessor’s Declaration By signing below, I confirm that I have sufficiently observed the candidate (through their video recording submission) demonstrate the skill requirements outlined above. I further confirm that my responses in this Observation Form are above are true and accurate about the candidate’s performance during the meeting I have observed. Assessor’s signature Name of assessor Date signed End of Observation Form 1.6 SAMPLE Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 120 © Compliant Learning Resources
SAMPLEPart 2 – Risk Analysis and Assessment 2.1 WHS Hazard Identification This task requires you to lead one work health and safety hazard identification process in one work area in your workplace/organisation in compliance with relevant policies and procedures. Hazard identification processes may include but are not limited to safety inspections, site inspections, equipment testing and tagging, WHS consultation, document review (e.g. historical data on injuries, incidents, and hazards previously reported), process mapping, etc. Read the instructions carefully before proceeding. Steps to take: 1. Locate the WHS Hazard Identification Form in the following pages. The WHS Hazard Identification Form outlines all the information you need to document as you lead work health and safety hazard identification processes. Review the instructions here and the contents of the WHS Hazard Identification Form before starting so you can prepare for this task. 2. Consult with your supervisor regarding opportunities for you to lead one WHS identification process in your workplace/organisation in one work area. Hazard identification processes may include but are not limited to safety inspections, site inspections, equipment testing and tagging, WHS consultation, document review (e.g. historical data on injuries, incidents, and hazards previously reported), process mapping, etc. During this consultation, determine which WHS hazard identification process you will conduct for this assessment. Your role and function in this WHS hazard identification process must be that of a managing, facilitating, or coordinating capacity. Your supervisor must be present as you lead WHS identification process. 3. Seek permission from your supervisor to access two policies and two sets of procedures relevant to WHS hazard identification processes in your workplace/organisation. Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 © Compliant Learning Resources Page 121
SAMPLE Policies and procedures you access may include: ▪ WHS Policies and Procedures ▪ Hazard Identification Policies and Procedures ▪ Risk Management Policies and Procedures Secure copies of these two policies and two sets of procedures as you will submit them as part of this assessment task. 4. Lead the WHS hazard identification process you have selected in Step 2 while following the two policies and procedures you accessed and reviewed in Step 3. Secure a copy of documentation from this WHS hazard identification processes. E.g. completed inspection or equipment checklists, completed survey forms, questionnaires, minutes from consultation with staff, etc. This documentation must clearly show you have led the WHS hazard identification process. E.g. If you submitted a meeting minutes, your name must be listed as the facilitator of that meeting, or if you conducted a workplace hazard survey or conducted interviews, the survey forms and interview documents must show your name as the survey facilitator or interviewer, etc. You must identify at least two hazards in the WHS hazard identification process you conducted. Ensure that your supervisor is present as you lead the WHS hazard identification. 5. Complete the WHS Hazard Identification Form by following the steps outlined below. i. Indicate your full name. ii. Indicate your title/designation within the organisation, e.g. Safety Manager, Safety Officer. iii. Indicate the date when you completed WHS Hazard Identification template. iv. Indicate the work area in which the hazard identification will be conducted, e.g. construction site, excavation site, admin office, etc. Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 122 © Compliant Learning Resources
SAMPLE v. Identify the process you used/followed to identify each hazard. Hazard identification processes may include but are not limited to workplace safety review/inspection, WHS consultation, etc. vi. Indicate your role in this hazard identification process. Your role and function in this WHS hazard identification process must be that of a managing, facilitating, or coordinating capacity. vii. Write the two hazards you identified in Step 4. viii. Describe each hazard. ix. Identify where each hazard is found. Whether it is in a particular location of the workplace site (e.g. pantry, workstations, boardroom, etc.), indoors, outdoors, common area in the building (e.g. lobby, elevator). x. For each hazard, identify at least one harm it may cause and explain how this harm is caused. xi. Identify the title/name of the two policies and two sets of procedures you complied with in Step 4. xii. Outline how you complied with each policy and each set of procedures. xiii. Have your supervisor sign off on each set of responses. Their signature must be handwritten. 6. Save and submit the completed and signed WHS Hazard Identification Form. Use the filename: BSBWHS513 2.1 WHS Hazard Identification Form 7. Save and submit the documentation from the process you conducted in Step 4, e.g. completed inspection checklists, completed survey forms, questionnaires, minutes from consultation with staff, etc. Use the filename: BSBWHS513 2.1 WHS Identification Form Documentation This documentation must clearly show you have led the WHS hazard identification process. Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 © Compliant Learning Resources Page 123
8. Save and submit copy of the two policies and two sets of procedures you complied with in this assessment task. Use the filename: BSBWHS513 2.1 Policy 1 BSBWHS513 2.1 Policy 2 BSBWHS513 2.1 Procedures 1 BSBWHS513 2.1 Procedures 2 SAMPLE Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 124 © Compliant Learning Resources
WHS Hazard Identification Form WHS HAZARD IDENTIFICATION FORM Candidate name Title/designation Date completed Work area in which the hazard identification will be conducted Process used to identify this hazard SAMPLE Your role in this hazard Hazard 1 identification process. Hazard Description of hazard Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 © Compliant Learning Resources Page 125
Where the hazard isSAMPLE found Harm: At least one harm the How the harm is caused: hazard may cause. Explain how the harm is caused. Policy 1 Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Indicate title/name of © Compliant Learning Resources policy you complied during the WHS hazard identification process. Outline how you complied with the policy above. Procedures 2 Indicate set of procedures you complied during the WHS hazard identification process. Outline how you complied with the procedures above. Assessment Workbook Page 126
Supervisor’s Sign Off By signing below, I confirm that I have sufficiently observed the candidate comply with the organisational policy and procedures in identifying the hazard. I further confirm that the candidate’s responses above are true and accurate. SAMPLE Supervisor name: Supervisor’s signature Title/designation: Supervisor’s email address (required): Date signed: Supervisor’s phone number (required): Hazard 2 Hazard Description of hazard Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 127 Where the hazard is found At least one harm the hazard may cause. Explain how the harm is caused. Assessment Workbook © Compliant Learning Resources
Policy 2SAMPLE Indicate title/name of policy you complied during the WHS hazard identification process. Outline how you complied with the policy above. Procedures 2 Indicate set of procedures you complied during the WHS hazard identification process. Outline how you complied with the procedures above. Supervisor’s Sign Off By signing below, I confirm that I have sufficiently observed the candidate comply with the organisational policy and procedures in identifying the hazard. I further confirm that the candidate’s responses above are true and accurate. Supervisor name: Supervisor’s signature Title/designation: Date signed: Supervisor’s email address (required): Supervisor’s phone number (required): End of Hazard Identification Form Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 128 © Compliant Learning Resources
SAMPLE2.2 WHS Risk Analysis and Assessment This task requires you to identify the risk factors associated with the hazards you identified in Task 2.1 and analyse and assess those risks in compliance with your organisation’s policies and procedures You are required to complete this task in consultation with two stakeholders. These two stakeholders must be organisational personnel whom you are required to work with in analysing and assessing identified risks, as per organisational requirements. Stakeholders you consult with in this task may include but are not limited duty holders as specified in the WHS legislation (officers, workers, and other persons in the workplace, Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs), Health and Safety Committees (HSCs), a specific department or a team in the organisation that is affected by the hazards and risks. Read the instructions carefully before proceeding. Steps to take: 1. Locate the WHS Risk Assessment Sheet in the following pages. The WHS Risk Assessment Sheet outlines all the information you need to gather and consolidate to complete this task. In Task 2.2, you will only complete: ▪ Part A. Risk Identification and Assessment Specifically, the Risk, Initial Rating, and Priority Level fields. The template is made up five parts: ▪ Part A. Risk Identification and Assessment ▪ Part B. WHS Laws and WHS Information and Data Used as Bases for Assessment ▪ Part C. Relevant Organisational and Legislative Requirements ▪ Part D. Risk Control Options ▪ Part E. Risk Treatment Implementation For Task 2.1, you will only complete the following columns in Part A: ▪ Risk ▪ Initial Rating ▪ Priority Level Part D and E and the rest of Part A (Treatment Plan and Planning of Risk Treatment) of the WHS Risk Assessment Sheet will be completed in Part 3 of this assessment. Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 © Compliant Learning Resources Page 129
SAMPLE Review the instructions here as well as the contents of WHS Risk Assessment Sheet so you can prepare for this task. This WHS Risk Assessment Sheet is to be used for assessment purposes only and is not intended to serve as an organisational risk management document. You will still have to identify, document, and assess risks using the processes, techniques, and tools as per your organisation’s risk management processes. 2. Locate the Observation Form 2.2 template found in the following pages. Observation Form 2.2 outlines all the skills you need to demonstrate during your consultation with two stakeholders. This form will be completed by your assessor. Review the instructions here and the contents of Observation Form 2.2 so you can prepare before your consultation. 3. Consult with your supervisor regarding opportunities for you to work with two required stakeholders to analyse and assess risks associated with the hazards identified in Task 2.1. Stakeholders you consult with in this task may include but are not limited duty holders as specified in the WHS legislation (officers, workers, and other persons in the workplace, Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs), Health and Safety Committees (HSCs), a specific department or a team in the organisation that is affected by the hazards and risks. 4. Seek permission from your supervisor to access two policies and two sets of procedures relevant to risk analysis and assessment in your workplace/organisation. Policies and procedures you access may include: ▪ WHS Policies and Procedures ▪ Risk Assessment Policies and Procedures ▪ Risk Management Policies and Procedures Specifically, while performing your risk assessment in Step 5, you are required to demonstrate compliance with: ▪ Two policies for identifying and documenting risk factors. ▪ Two sets of procedures for identifying and documenting risk factors. ▪ One policy for documenting risk analysis and assessment. ▪ One set of procedures for documenting risk analysis and assessment. Secure copies of each of these policies and procedures as you will submit them as part of this assessment task. Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 130 © Compliant Learning Resources
5. Complete the WHS Risk Assessment Sheet by following the instructions below. i. Indicate your full name. ii. Indicate your title/designation within the organisation, e.g. Safety Manager, Safety Officer. iii. Indicate the work area in which the risk assessment will be conducted, e.g., construction site, excavation site, admin office, etc. This must be consistent with the work area where hazard identification was conducted in Task 2.1. Part A. Risk Identification and Assessment In Part A of the template, consult with two required stakeholders and work with them to: i. Describe the risks associated with each of the two hazards you identified in Task 2.1. You must have two risks described for each hazard (four in total). SAMPLE ii. Specify the hazard from which each risk is associated with. iii. Assess each risk while applying your knowledge of: ▪ WHS legislation ▪ WHS regulations ▪ WHS code of practice ▪ Workplace WHS information (gathered in Task 1.2) ▪ Workplace WHS data (gathered in Task 1.2) iv. Detail each risk’s initial rating. Your initial rating must include: ▪ The likelihood of each risk. Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 © Compliant Learning Resources Page 131
▪ The impact of each risk. ▪ The rating of each risk according to their likelihood and impact. SAMPLE Initial rating must be represented numerically or in numbers. v. Determine each risk’s priority level, e.g. high, moderate, low, etc. vi. Have the two stakeholders you consulted with complete and sign the Risk Assessment – Stakeholder Declaration section of Part A. Their signatures must be handwritten. Document this consultation through a video recording. Limit this video recording to fifteen minutes. This video recording must clearly show you have demonstrated all the skills outlined in Observation Form 2.2. NOTE: Planning of Risk Treatment will be completed in later parts of this project assessment. Part B. WHS Laws and WHS Information and Data Used as Bases for Assessment In Part B of the template: i. Explain how you applied relevant WHS legislation in your risk analysis and assessment in Part A. Specify the specific section in the WHS legislation which you used as basis for your risk assessment. ii. Explain how you applied relevant WHS regulations in your risk analysis and assessment in Part A. Specify the specific section in the WHS regulations which you used as basis for your risk assessment. Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 132 © Compliant Learning Resources
SAMPLE iii. Explain how you applied relevant WHS codes of practice in your risk analysis and assessment in Part A. Specify the code of practice which you used as basis for your risk assessment. iv. Explain how you applied the internal/workplace information you gathered in Task 1.2 in your risk analysis and assessment in Part A. v. Explain how you applied the internal/workplace data you gathered in Task 1.2 in your risk analysis and assessment in Part A. Part C. Relevant Organisational and Legislative Requirements In Part C of the template: Organisational Requirements i. Indicate the name of the two policies you have complied with in identifying and documenting the risk factors of each hazard you identified in Task 2.1. a. Summarise how you complied with the procedures under this policy. b. Have your supervisor sign off on your responses. Their signature must be handwritten. ii. Indicate the two sets of procedures you have complied with in identifying and documenting the risk factors of each hazard you identified in Task 2.1. a. Summarise how you complied with each set of procedures. b. Have your supervisor sign off on your responses. Their signature must be handwritten. iii. Indicate the name of the policy you have complied with in documenting your risk analysis and assessment. a. Summarise how you complied with this policy. b. Have your supervisor sign off on your responses. Their signature must be handwritten. iv. Indicate the name of the set of procedures you have complied with in documenting your risk analysis and assessment. a. Summarise how you complied with these procedures. b. Have your supervisor sign off on your responses. Their signature must be handwritten. Legislative Requirements Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 © Compliant Learning Resources Page 133
SAMPLE i. Specify the two legislative requirements you have complied with in documenting your risk analysis and assessment. Specify the specific section where each requirement is found in the WHS legislation. ii. Provide an overview of each legislative requirement. iii. Summarise how you complied with each legislative requirement. iv. Have your supervisor sign off on your responses. Their signature must be handwritten. 6. Secure this partially completed WHS Risk Assessment template as you will be completing the remaining parts in the succeeding tasks. 7. Save and submit the video recording of your consultation with two required stakeholders. Use the filename: BSBWHS513 2.2 Consultation 8. Save and submit copies of the policies and procedures you complied with in this assessment task. Use the filename: BSBWHS513 2.2 Policy – Identifying and Documenting Risk Factors 1 BSBWHS513 2.2 Policy – Identifying and Documenting Risk Factors 2 BSBWHS513 2.2 Procedures – Identifying and Documenting Risk Factors 1 BSBWHS513 2.2 Procedures– Identifying and Documenting Risk Factors 2 BSBWHS513 2.2 Policy – Documenting Risk Assessment BSBWHS513 2.2 Procedures – Documenting Risk Assessment Assessment Workbook Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 134 © Compliant Learning Resources
WHS Risk Assessment Sheet WHS RISK ASSE Initial Candidate name Title/designation Date completed Work area Part A. Risk Identification and Assessment # Risk 1 Describe the risk: LikelihoodSAM Hazard: Assessment Workbook Page 135
ESSMENT SHEETImpactMPLE Rating l Rating Priority Treatment Plan Level Owner: Steps to take: Timeframes: Measure of success: Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 © Compliant Learning Resources
2 Describe the risk: SAM Hazard: 3 Describe the risk: Hazard: Assessment Workbook Page 136
MPLE Owner: Steps to take: Timeframes: Measure of success: Owner: Steps to take: Timeframes: Measure of success: Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 © Compliant Learning Resources
4 Describe the risk: SAM Hazard: Risk Assessment – Stakeholder Declaration 1 By signing below, I confirm that I have been consulted by the candidate to analyse and assess the risks detailed above. I further confirm that the candidate’s responses above are true and accurate. Stakeholder 1’s signature Name of Stakeholder 1 Title/Designation Date signed (Date of consultation) Assessment Workbook © Compliant Learning Resources
MPLE Owner: Steps to take: Timeframes: Measure of success: Risk Assessment – Stakeholder Declaration 2 By signing below, I confirm that I have been consulted by the candidate to analyse and assess the risks detailed above. I further confirm that the candidate’s responses above are true and accurate. Stakeholder 2’s signature Name of Stakeholder 2 Title/Designation Date signed (Date of consultation) Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 137
Planning of RisSAM WHSMS Requirement Indicate the WHSMS requirement you complied with in planning the risk treatment plans. Describe how you complied with this WHSMS requirement in planning the risk treatment plans. Reference: End of Risk Assessm Assessment Workbook Page 138
MPLE sk Treatment WHSIS Requirement Indicate the WHSIS requirement you complied with in planning the risk treatment plans. Describe how you complied with this WHSIS requirement in planning the risk treatment plans. Reference: ment Sheet (Part A) Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 © Compliant Learning Resources
Part B. WHS Laws and WHS Information and Data Used as Bases for As Explain how you applied your knowledge of Explain how you applie WHS Legislation in your risk analysis and WHS Regulations in yo assessment in Part A assessmen Explain how you applied internal/workplace information you gathered in Task 1.1 in your risk analysis and assessment in Part A SAM End of Risk Assessm Assessment Workbook © Compliant Learning Resources
ssessmentMPLE Explain how you applied your knowledge of WHS Code of Practice in your risk analysis ed your knowledge of our risk analysis and and assessment in part A nt in part A Explain how you applied internal/workplace data you gathered in Task 1.1 in your risk analysis and assessment in Part A ment Sheet (Part B) Version 1.0 Produced 13 April 2020 Page 139
Part C. Relevant Organisational and Legislative Requirements SAM Policy 1 you complied with in identifying and documenting risk factors of each hazards Title/name of policy How you complied with this policy Supervisor’s Sign Off By signing below, I confirm that I have sufficiently observed the candidate comply with the organisational policy, indicated above, in identifying and documenting the risk factors. I further confirm that the candidate’s responses above are true and accurate. Supervisor’s signature: Name of supervisor: Date signed: Assessment Workbook Page 140
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