Create Safety Zone E-Bookby use of Mind Power 2016& Laws of the Universe(NAZ=No Accident one©) Author Rajendra Parmar E-Book 2016
Compulsions not an accident, but ignorance. ® Live Life without Fear & Tear NAZ 1
BOOK HIGH LIGHTS NAZ - NO ACCIDENT ZONE ® (ABSOLUTELY NEW)01. To Live Life without Fear & Tear.02. Powerful Technique for Safe Driving.03. Protection against Any Accident.04. Time & Money Saver for Lifetime.05. Secrets of Healthy & Safe Life.06. Manual for Happy Life.07. Laws of the Universe & Mind Power Techniques.08. Increase Confidence & remove Driving Fear.09. Goal setting for Achieving your Wish.10. For building up Good character.11. To be Self-achiever.12. Increasing Immunity Power.13. For Peace of Mind.14. To remain Young for Life Time.15. Increasing Decision Power.16. To be Successful in Life.17. Removing Bad Habits.18. Think big, Grow rich.19. 100 % results depend upon your Trust & Patience.20. High thinking with Smart living. NAZ 2
HOW TO READ BOOK. SUGGESTIONS FOR MAXIMUM BENEFITS. Do complete one year course as suggested. Read it 100 + time and try to understand its meaning. Compare/conclude each concept with different views/problems. Be regular to use NAZ Meditation, NAZ Pranayama & NAZ Exercise. Don‟t doubt and keep trust/have faith. Just follow it and believe strongly. Trust & Patience are necessary. You will realize & experience its benefits. Concepts of this book is too familiar but necessary to install in your Super Mind. All concepts work with each other. Mind Power techniques & Laws of Universe work together. Share your valuable experiences amongst your friends and don‟t forget to rate us. NAZ 3
® NAZ – No Accident Zone ©To, _______________________________With love,This book gives us an idea about mindpower and Nature‟s rules and their values.They also remove hidden wrongmyths/beliefs lying in our sub-consciousmind and establish true beliefs. And thesetrue beliefs fill/enrich our lives with safety,health, simplicity and happiness.With best wishes, that this book will assureyour life full of happiness.--------------------------------------------Date :-Place :- NAZ 4
Index01. Motive --------------------------- 0702. Thanks ------------------------------ 1103. Secret of life --------------------------- 1204. Laws of Nature ------------------------- 2005. Style of living - Techniques ------------ 4706. Introduction of Mind Power techniques --6707. Driving formula 44 ------------------- -- 7808. New ideologies ------------------------- 10609. Personal God --------------------------- 10910. Reasons behind accidents -------------- 11411. Prayer for safety zone ------------------- 11912. Setting of goals for Safety Zone --------- 13213. Self suggestion for positive thinking ------ 175 NAZ 5
@ 2014, Author – Self PublishingALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book containsmaterial protected under Copyright Act 1957 &Copyright Rule 1958 & Copyright Treaties. Anyunauthorized reprint or use of this material isprohibited. No part of this book may bereproduced or transmitted in any form or by anymeans, electronic or mechanical, includingphotocopying, recording, or by any informationstorage and retrieval system without expresswritten permission from the author / publisher.Price In. @ Rs. 375=00This book NAZ is available for Just Life Club memberonly.You get free advice for any question on this book ORother problems of human life on this web site.Author :- Rajendra ParmarPublisherNAZ AcademyWeb :- [email protected] :- NAZ 6
Motive of writing this bookI firmly believe that nothing is impossible in thisworld under the Sun, but I was not aware of thisfact in my childhood and there was no book wasavailable on Mind Power.I was suffering from many phobias/fears duringmy childhood. My mind was constantly hauntedthinking (confused) by the news of accidents orincidents and natural catastrophe like cyclone,flood, earthquake etc. I thought about why theAlmighty created the human beings who were notcapable to defend themselves. I was also forced tothink that if we could get some of the powers ofNature so that we could defend ourselves.As I grew older, my fear about incident/accidentand natural catastrophe begin to lessen. But Ithought that I was constantly in the pursuit to getsome powers from the Nature so that we couldlead the life as per our desires.I started my career by joining one of the Indiannationalised banks in 1985. But I was constantlythinking about doing something which could NAZ 7
empower the people to lead the life full ofhappiness and ease, and they could progress intheir life by saving time and money.Then there was a sea change in my life when Iaccepted promotion in 2002. With the sea change,I was posted to face to responsibilities andchallenges. In other words, I was trying to swimacross the sea of responsibilities without anyexperience. I happened to come across the bookwhich transformed my life which was turned intothe one full of self-confidence and powerful zeal.This made me face challenges and responsibilitieswith new zeal and ease. The name of the book was“Spring of Inspiration” written by respected Dr.Jitendra Adhia. This book also explains how to usemind powers.This book gave me a new direction for mychildhood dream and I decided to write book onuncertainty of accident (mental fears/mentaldread) suffered by the people in their day-to-daylife. It happens that our life goes haywire becauseof uncertain difficulties and uncertainties. And I NAZ 8
thought that the usage of mind powers wasnothing new, but highly effective and age oldtechnique which was used by our Saints (rishis).When I travelled the path of my past I felt that wehad been using the same power but we were notaware of it. Then I started to collect detailedinformation about these powers of mind bysacrificing lot of time and money. But, I wassatisfied that I was heading towards mydestination on the right path in my life. As Idischarged my duties with sincerity in the bank, Iused to feel that I was running short of timebecause of which I took much time to write thisbook. To complete this book I resigned inNovember, 2013 from the bank‟s job.Though this book does not give any guarantee thatby reading this book once, one can get advantageof mind powers, but it surely will bring remediesto bring in improvement of our beliefs andworking methods.The success of this book depends on our thoughts,habits and attitudes on our life. This book is full of NAZ 9
remedies to show how to fulfill our all desires inaccordance with Nature‟s rules and regulationsand powers of mind. It is our hearty request to thereader of this book to implement good habits andtheir usage to make their life safe and enjoyable.I have got lots of benefits from these powers ofmind and they have been discussed in this book indetails. To make our life simple, sweet andprogressive, we have to change ourselves and ourhabits. And we have to trust the powers of ourmind. I am sure you will be benefited by this book.Rajendra ParmarMind Power Expert NAZ 10
ThanksI am grateful to the Nature which has given me theinspiration to write and complete this book. I got theright path to fulfill my childhood desires and to reachthe destination I have been longing for. I am alsothankful to respected Dr. Jitendra Adhia, Mind PowerTrainer to introduce myself to the mind powers. Ialso wanted to become Mind Power Trainer and left nostone unturned to accomplish the dream to becomeMind Power Trainer. I also thank respected Dr. SnehDesai Mind Power Trainer to give strength to mydream. And I thank all other authors of the book onMind powers.I also thank my wife Anita, my daughter Bhumika andmy son Mitul, who contributed to my efforts toaccomplish this book. I tried my level best to bring thebook to people. And I am happy to put this book beforethe people for happiness, peace, prosperity and safety.With best wishes.Rajendra Parmar, MPT NAZ 11
® NAZ - No Accident Zone © - Secure ZoneLife and Death are two important aspects oflife which have been accepted quitenaturally by every individual. The birth andthe death are above the imagination ofmankind and the Man doesn‟t have controlover life and death. When the child takesbirth it cries, complains about variousthings in life and ends with difficulties.It has been rightly said by someone that it isnot in the hand of the Mankind when totake birth and when to die. But it iscertainly in our hand as to how to lead a lifeduring the span of life between the birthand death and we must decide it.To take birth as human being is the bestthing. Still when the child takes birthcrying, it is entrusted with responsilities by NAZ 12
all the relative like parents, grandparents,cousins and all the relatives begin to dreamto make the child either Doctor, CA,Engineer, Advocate etc. and make his/herlife a stiff competition making him/heraware that if he/she does not go aheadhe/she will be deserted. And render his orher physique an abode of illnesses as he/sheis forced to serve marry, earn money, takecare of his/her children, attend party,meeting, achieve targets and shoulder socialresponsibilities because of which, the eve ofhis/her life is left with variousillnesses/helplessness and family disputes.Such a life he/she is forced to lead a lifewithout any planning. The important thingis leading a balanced life as is explained inour religious book. To lead a balanced life it NAZ 13
is necessary to have safety, health, money,social status and self-satisfaction.Teen age = Power (Health) + Time + No MoneyYoung age= Power (Health) + No Time + MoneyOld Age = No Power (Health) + Time + MoneyTo live balanced lifeSecurity Management;Power (Health) Management;Time Management;Money Management;Relationship Management;It is necessary to strengthen the life andsuch a life will be full of successes. Success is sure NAZ 14
What is success?Success means every work completed as perour wish or desire and we get happiness,prosperity, peace and safety. But this is notpossible without safety, health, money, timeand relationship management.This requires a well thought and thoroughlydetailed planning which is possible only bypowers of mind. *********For a moment just think why you were bornon this earth? Why you were sent by theAlmighty on the earth? Whether this worldwould not go on without you? What haveyou gifted to the Nature in lieu of your life? NAZ 15
Whether the Nature recovers the money for air from you? Do you pay the Nature for water? Do you give the rent to Nature for living on the earth? Whether you have paid for food to the Nature? Whether you pay bill for light of solar energy? Do you observe and follow the Nature‟s rules?The Nature has given all these things free ofcost by making them easily available andeven then we have not been satisfied, why?Because, we have no trust in the Nature andourselves. NAZ 16
Sometimes we think that everything musttake place as per our wish. But can we thinkbeyond that.Whether is it possible? Yes, this is possible. Everything is possible in this world. There is nothing which is impossible. Impossible means I M Possible.“ कभी इस हाथ की ऱकीरों पर विश्िास मत कीजिये, नसीब उनके भी होते है, जिनके हाथ नह ीं होते । ““Don’t trust the lines on the palmbecause those who are bereft of hand,They are also blessed by the lady luck.” NAZ 17
Think for a moment, the earth on which welive is called the earth. What is the base ofrevolving earth? Nothing, but the earthrevolves around the Sun without anysupport like other myriad stars and planetswhich move around in the universe sincetime immemorial. Try to throw away anyarticle from the 10th storey of the house andsee in what condition that item will be? NAZ 18
All these things are not possiblewithout proper and timely handlingby the Nature even for a moment.It means the Nature is connected with usevery moment and all the Laws of theUniverse were active in the past, are activein the present and will remain active in thefuture.But it is our sheer bad luck that we don‟t tryto understand this and it is our greatest badluck that we don‟t observe the Laws of theUniverse. NAZ 19
01. Large Quantity. Law of Large Quantity. Nature has given us huge amount of natural things totally free of cost like Air, Water, Food, Light, Vegetables and gases etc. and gives us lots of chances to live a life in a better way. The Nature advises us not to humiliate (to cut short line of others); put efforts to strengthen your own (line) personality. Be confident and have trust in God and Self, in this world so many chances are available for survivors. We have got plenty of opportunities to live NAZ 20
life and make progress, so one is supposed to recognize the opportunities and make use of his/her powers and proceed. It is advised not to be disappointed. Sky is the limit02. Right Decision. (Principle of Religion) Everybody knows what the religion is and what the importance of being religious and non-religious is and how it affects our life. Following the religion will enable us to make progress. If the decision is taken as per religion, it would always be right. We should be spiritual and it is not necessary that we should be religious, NAZ 21
for religiousness is an exterior show off. To pray to God for selfish ends on one hand and to do injustice, to betray and to be dishonest is as good as betraying the self. This tendency of betraying self will never help us to attain the mental peace. Spirituality means to be humane, honest, servicing others, to use good language, to respect all, to help the needy and to have faith in the Nature and Self.03. Divine Power Some wonderful powers are active in the universe which manage all the arrangements to run it with perfect planning. We are also part and parcel NAZ 22
of this power and connected with these wonderful powers of the universe. We all are connected with the Almighty who has all the information regarding living and non-living things like all computers are connected with it main server (like Almighty) and storing all data of each computer.04. Law of Mind Magnet Principle of Mind Magnet / Attraction. Law of Mind Magnet is main key of this book. Heartily love the thing which you would like to get in the life and include it in your mental vision with full of trust and dignity in it, then you will definitely get it. All the powers and activities of the universe are NAZ 23
interconnected. Hence, we can attract the desired result in accordance with the Law of Attraction. One Hindi filmy famous dialog is; “इतनी ससद्दत से तिु े पानके ी कोसिि की है, की हर सररेने तिु से समऱानेकी साजिस की है”I have done every sincere and hearty effortto get you,And that is why the Creator of the Universetries to make you meet me.05. Accept or try to change There are two possibilities in our life about the result. We have to either accept the result as it is or try to modify it. Whatever result you have got is the result of your past efforts. NAZ 24
So accept it as it is and try to improve your future.1. Consider any situation you are in, and if you think it is good and as per your expectation accept it.2. If it is not as per your expectation then think about changing it if you can. And if you cannot, accept it.3. Start planning and doing efforts to create the situation as per your desire.4. Don‟t try to force your expectations on others.5. Every time the situation cannot be as per your wishes only. If it does have concern for many persons then include your families, members of the society and other entities. NAZ 25
06. Cost Free habits are dangerous to life Nothing is available free of cost. So never try to get anything free because the greed to take free will cause oneself greater harm or loss. When you utilize the services of others or somebody tries to please you to get something from you, he/she has puts in his/her efforts. If you don‟t pay for that it is transformed into your debt, which you will have to repay in the future with interest in any form i.e. either cash or kind. Hence it is advisable to become free from such debts by paying something in any form. The Nature always maintains the NAZ 26
balance by taking away from one side and repaying on the other.07. You get as what you do Poison creates poison only. Means you will get that only, the way you behave. If you wish that other should behave properly with you, you should behave in the same manner. It is not possible that you behave rudely with others and expect others to behave with you nicely. So you use good/polite language and act nicely with respect and good behavior to others. And see it will bring wonderful transformation in your life. NAZ 27
08. Art of Giving and Receiving Principle of giving and receiving. If you think that you have a good life, doing good business, earn handsomely, and have attained a big post, having happiness, prosperity and living good life, it is the result of your good deeds of your previous life or this life. But what are you doing for your next birth to get as good a life as you are living presently? What you should do??? Try to return completely for whatever has been received by you so that remainder will be carried forward which will enable you to get a good life. NAZ 28
Let‟s understand this in details.Put in your all honest and thoroughefforts for your income. If you put inless efforts then the Nature will adjustit in the accounts of your previous life.So try to put in more efforts honestlyand with good will than requiredwhich will help you to get better life inyour next birth. In addition to this,utilize the small portion of yourincome in those deeds which will getyou self-satisfaction. e.g. helping poorchildren for education, donatingclothes to the needy persons, andfeeding dumb and haplessly helplessanimals, helping others in their rainydays of need and serving them without NAZ 29
any selfish ends. But you yourself should do this. So, whatever you donate without selfish ends, will be returned to you in multiple with interest and if you get anything without giving anything you will be forced to repay with interest by the Nature.09. Don‟t worry, be happy The law of Nature asks us a question that we take birth without bringing with us anything and he/she will not be allowed to take anything with himself/herself. So nothing is yours which you would be losing, what belongs to you today belonged to others in the past and will belong to NAZ 30
still some others persons in the future. So, leave all worries and lead a worry free life. “The Nature always says to Mankind, whatever thing you love and to do for getting it, is not being accomplished, but accomplished as his (Nature‟s) wish. Now it is suggested by Nature that try to do works as per the Nature‟s wish and then it will be accomplished as per your wish.”10. All is well Everything takes place at the right and proper time as per the Nature‟s rules, whatever has happened was NAZ 31
good and whatever is taking place is for good and don‟t repent over the past and worry about the future, leave it up to the Nature and live life in the present situation only.A child visits the shop of sweet with hisfather and saw his father giving money onone counter from where his father receiveda piece of paper. His father went to theother counter with a piece of paper andhands it over to the person of the counterwho gave sweets in return. The confusedchild thought that the person on the firstcounter was not good because he tookmoney from his father and gave a piece ofpaper. He also continued his thinking that NAZ 32
the person on the second counter was goodbecause he took a piece of paper and gavethe sweets. But, only the father knew thatwhatever had taken place in the shop wascorrect. Thus like this child we think thatwhatever the Nature does is not correct butlike father the Nature knows very well thatwhatever has been taking place is correct.So we are supposed to accept the decision ofthe Nature.11. You are special (everyone is a special entity) You are special entity of the universe so never compare yourself with others. The Nature has given everyone the same prowess, everybody has been given life, 24 hours a day, birth and NAZ 33
death to all, air, water, food and light for all. But everybody does not succeed and become rich. As it depends on his/her attitude and thoughts on life. So consider yourself a special entity and we must utilize all powers given by the Nature to us.12. Change Change is the continuous process in the world. There is nothing like beginning and the end. This is a vicious circle of the world in which every second someone comes in and goes out. Today everyone is afraid of the death and lead a life full of struggles. But the most dreaded form of life is full of risks. We don‟t know NAZ 34
during our life where and what will happen and all our powers and understanding are proven futile. The fact is that the death releases us from all the struggles and fears. So there is no need to be afraid of the death. Hence, fear life and not the death. And learn to face the difficulty, try to understand importance of planning in your life. And for that develop the habit of reading good books, pertaining in good workshop to make your life better. One famous Hindi film song;“ जिींदगी तो बेिफा है, एक ददन ठु कराएगग मोत महबबू ा है अपनी, साथ ऱके र िायेगी ” NAZ 35
“Life is not loyal, because its deserts us any moment, Whereas death is like a loyal lover, which never deserts us.” (Will take us with Him).13. Redemption of karmic debt. (Results of Act rule) As we think we do our work and as per work done by us, we get proper results (accordingly). We are bound to bear the brunts of the deeds. We will have to experience pain if you have pained others. And we are supposed to suffer from our bad works, if not within the present life span, then in another life. NAZ 36
If you think you have not pained others then why an undesirable incident takes place in your life? At this juncture, think that you are repaying for bad deeds of your previous life.14. You are alone When we enter this world alone and leave it alone, nobody can accompany us. All of us have to face same situation. So till the moment you are living in this world, live every moment of your life and be healthy and be happy. If you are not happy, you can‟t make others happy. NAZ 37
15. Matching concept This is the rule of matching by the Nature. The modus operandi of the Nature to work as per this rule is wonderful. This rule tries to intermingle (to connect with one another) all works with same virtues and wishes, incomplete old and new tasks, known and unknown works. When two or more than two virtues and desires become complementary to each other, they become the results, which may be either good or bad. For example, you are thinking that you are going on the long drive and meet with an accident and either you NAZ 38
lose both your leg or you die and youget afraid. But this is only yourimagination and you leave thatimaginary idea. And the same idea(an accident happened by his truckand someone lose their both legs ordie) has been toyed by a truck driverand he has also got afraid of, butshuns that imaginary idea. It is notnecessary that both the ideas takeplace on the same days. Whatever youthink and leave, it moves around inthe forms of incompleteness in theUniverse. When such other ideamoves around in the Universe and co-related with your incompleteimaginary idea, they get ready to get NAZ 39
transformed into such a result. Andthat kind of situation has beencreated as you and truck driverthinking about incident and accident,takes place on some other day.Second example is that of telepathy, ifyou think that some guests will turnup, the guests turn up because theguests have already thought ofvisiting someone in the capacity ofguests.The remedy for this is not allowingany doubt in your mind, because ifany doubt or fear is created in yourmind you get negative ideas. So whensuch negativity is created in your NAZ 40
mind think that it means „cancelled‟ by you. So, give command to your mind twice;CANCEL…………..CANCEL……… Then try to create positive ideas in your mind by thinking that such negativity is useless and is not meant for you. And you are not agreeable to such ideology. And you condemn such ideas. Think that I am safe, healthy, and happy and am blessed with the Nature‟s favour. Whenever such negative ideas come to your mind, use these techniques. -------------------- NAZ 41
I am quoting this example of present time-we all are familiar with computer.Hardware, software, light and computeroperator are needed for computer operationand then the installed program can be run.Similarly the Nature has already installed aprogram that can manage basic needs ofmankind like eating, drinking, sleeping,crying, thinking , sitting, speaking, listeningand seeing etc. Accordingly all personsfrom child to old person, men, women andmad persons also act like this way.And this same program is in force all overthe world.Now, as per our requirement we install sucha program in the computer and thecomputer gives us the result as per our NAZ 42
desires. Also the Nature gives us freedom toinstall the desired programme in our Subconscious mind (Super Mind) and getresults as we wish.„We all are blessed with thiswonderful blessing by the Nature.”But we are not aware of this and noeducation is given in any school or collegebut the most dangerous thing is we acceptsuch a ready-made programme (belief)knowingly and unknowingly and oursubconscious mind begins to workaccordingly, which gives dangerous results,that give us sorrow and cause damages andwe hold our luck responsible for the same.Whether we believe it or not, like computerwe all living beings work in the same NAZ 43
manner and are connected with the mainserver (whom we know as the Nature, God,Allah, Jesus Christ etc.) in which our alldata are stored. NAZ 44
If you can understand this very well, allyour problems, difficulties will beremoved automatically and you will beable to find out the remedy for the same.Thus we all are connected with theAlmighty, who has remedies for allmalaises (problems) which we get free ofcost.“In this universe everything is self-operated and that is why the vitality(soul) is installed in our body”.It is most important to understand whenthe Nature has planned such a powerfuland wonderful planning; it must havecreated a system which can help us everysecond, as if anybody who has fallen NAZ 45
seriously ill can call for emergencyambulance.Similarly whether the Nature has notcreated such an arrangement?Yes definitely, it is there.The history is the eye witness that whenyou ask for the help whole-heartedly, youcan get it from any direction.And there are many examples of suchhelps like Narsinh Mehta, Meerabai,Bhakt Prahlad and Amitabh Bachchanetc.This arrangement of the Nature wasactive in the past, and is also active in thepresent time but we produce excuses thatthis is not possible and we don‟t havefaith in it. NAZ 46
Technique 1The Nature does every work as per the rulesin the disciplined and the predecided wayand the Nature is never in haste for anywork.“We firmly believe that there may be delaybut no injustice under the Nature‟s ruling. “For example, the monsoon follows thesummer, which in turn, follows the winterduring the specified time. The Sun risesfrom the East and sets in the West. Day andnight take place daily.The earth revolves round the Sun likeinnumerable stars and planets revolve inthe Universe. This all activities take place as NAZ 47
per the rules in the disciplined and decidedmanner.To get the success we have to ensure thatwe work as per the rule of the Nature in thedisciplined manner.As first, we have to trust the Naturecompletely, keep patience for the resultsand have to keep doubt away from us.For example, when any farmers sows theseeds and provide or puts fertilizer andwater along with the air and energy givenby the Nature, the farmer waits for theagriculture produce. But the same farmernever tries to verify by tilling his farm,whether the seeds are sprouted or not butirrigates the farm regularly with faith and NAZ 48
takes care of the tilled farm till the momentthe produce is ready. When the agricultureproduce is ready the farmer becomes happyand thanks the Nature. And by reaping it(ready food grain) he becomes happiest. Techniques 2Man himself is responsible for whatever hegets (good or bad) during his life. Whateverman sees, hears and experiences is thoughtby him. So one can get whatever one thinksabout.Hence, once should not hold othersresponsible for any incidents which takeplace in his/her life. Because whatever one NAZ 49
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