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Home Explore Product Catalogue 2016_6 - v2

Product Catalogue 2016_6 - v2

Published by Satron Instruments Inc, 2016-07-21 00:56:01

Description: Product Catalogue 2016_6 - v2


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3 14.6.2016Pressure measurement Pressure transmitter PageSATRON VT Pressure transmitter 7SATRON VB 15Differential pressure and flow measurement 23 29SATRON VDt Differential pressure transmitter 39SATRON VDU Differential pressure transmitter 43 using two separate pressure sensors 49 55Condensate pot 61 69Liquid level measurement Pressure transmitterSATRON VG Pressure transmitter 79SATRON VV Pressure transmitter 81SATRON VVFe 85 Pressure transmitter 89SATRON VL Differential pressure transmitter 93SATRON VDtL 97 101Installation of p and dp transmitters 106PASVE Mounting and service valve 112 122PASVE BA Mounting and service valve 130PASVE pH Mounting and service valve 133PASVE DUAL Mounting and service valvePASVE pH-U Mounting and service valvePASVE SC/SP/ST Sampling valveMounting couplings for VG transmittersMounting couplings for VT/VTe transmittersHydraulic pressure seal and actuators Hydraulic pressure sealHPS Hydraulic pressure seal BA / BBHPS BA/BB pneumatic power cylinderPISTOR 75Turbidity and solids content measurementSATRON VO Optical analyzerConsistency measurement and sampling Optical consistency transmitter 141SATRON VC Optical total consistency transmitter + Ash 145SATRON VCA Optical brightness transmitter 149SATRON VCB Optical total lignin content transmitter 153SATRON VCK Optical consistency transmitter 157SATRON VCL Sampler 162SATRON SAVETemperature measurement Temperature transmitter 167TEMP-EL CNR Temperature transmitter 168TEMP-EL BNRControllers Digital unit controller 173DAMATROL MC100 Satron Instruments Inc. P.O.Box22, FI-33901 Tampere,Finland Tel.+358207464801, Telefax+358207464801, [email protected], [email protected]

Index 4

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Index 6 1/01 Pressure measurement December 31, 2014 Our instruments for pressure measurement: ALSO SUITABLE FOR PRESSURE MEASUREMENT VG pressure transmitter ................ Spec. BPLV700 VT pressure transmitter .......... Spec. BPV710 VL pressure transmitter ................ Spec. BLV820 VB pressure transmitter .......... Spec. BPLV770 SEE ALSO: HPS hydraulic pressure seal ......... Spec. BP415Process connections Recommended pipe dimensions loop (12) is installed below the transmit-Some typical connections for tapping the (o.d. x wall thickness): ter for collecting condensates.pressure are shown below. Fig. 1a is for - Ø 12 × 1 mm, Ø 12 × 1.5 mm, or Figure 2 gives an example of the measu-liquids and gases, fig. 1b for steam, and rement pipe arrangement for a pressurefig. 1c for high-pressure service. Sugge- Ø 14 × 2.5 mm. transmitter.sted material for the branch shown in fig. It is recommendable always to equip the Figure 3 illustrates some applications of1c is e.g. St35.8 or 13CrMo44. All burrs connection pipe with shut-off valves and, a pressure transmitter.should be carefully removed from the when necessary, with a pressure gaugetapping point. The processor coupling connection valve.must be welded with a thin compoundrod (max. diameter Ø 2.0 mm) to avoid For low pressures and for fluids liable Figure 2harmful thermal strains, Fig. 1d. to form sediments a ball valve should be used as shut-off valve. A threaded orConnection pipe welded needle valve is used for steamRecommended materials for the connec- and high pressures.tion pipe:- AISI304 stainless steel Protection from pulsation- AISI316 acid-resistant steel If pulsations caused by the process occurFor high pressure measurements (above at the point of measurement, the instru-100 bar): ment should be protected by means of- St35.8 or 13CrMo44 heat-resistant a restriction, damping pot, or equivalentsteels means. See figure 2 for connection pipe configuration. After the shut-off valve the- re is a bend for protective liquid or gas. APressure Adjustabilitytrans-mitters Span Measuring rangeVT3VT4 min. max. -35...+35 kPa (-350...350 mbar)VT5 -100...+100 kPa (-1000...1000 mbar)VT6 1.4 kPa (14 mbar) 35 kPa (350 mbar) -100...+500 kPa (-1000...5000 mbar)VTA6 -0.1...+3 MPa (-1...+30 bar)VT7 4 kPa (40 mbar) 100 kPa (1000 mbar) 0...+3 MPa (0...+30 bar), abs.VT8 0...+15 MPa (0...+150 bar), abs. 26.5 kPa (265 mbar) 500 kPa (5000 mbar -0.1...+100 MPa (-1...+1000 bar)VB 4VB 5 0.145 MPa (1.45 bar) 3 MPa (30bar) -100...+100 kPa (-1000...1000 mbar)VB 6 -100...+500 kPa (-1000...5000 mbar) 0.145 MPa (1.45 bar) 3 MPa (30 bar) -0,1...+3 MPa (-1...+30 bar) 1 MPa (10 bar) 15 MPa (150 bar) 1 Pressure transmitter VT 2 Ø 12 / G½ stud coupling 6.7 MPa (67 bar) 100 MPa (1000 bar) 3 Ø 12-G½ pressure gauge 4 kPa (40 mbar) 100 kPa (1000 mbar) connector 10 kPa (100 mbar) 500 kPa (5000 mbar) 4 Ø 12-G½ stud coupling 0.03 MPa (0.3 bar) 3 MPa (30bar) 5 R1/2 pressure gauge connector 6 Gasket 18.5 x 7 mm 7 G½ ball valve 8 Process connection G½ 9 Pipe 12 mm dia. x 1.5 mm AISI 316 10 Ø 12 / G½ connector Figure 1 Figure 3 ab c a. Installation of pressure transmitter VG d b. Steam and liquid pressure measurement c. Gas pressure measurement with pressure transmitter VT d. Level measurement using the bubbling method e. Level measurement with pressure transmitter VG f. Level measurement; installation by means of the PASVE mounting valve Satron Instruments Inc., P.O.Box 22, FI-33901 Tampere, Finland Tel. +358 207 464 800, Telefax +358 207 464 801,

Index 7 BPV710SATRON VT Pressure Transmitter M2, revision 5 01.06.2015SATRON VT pressure transmitter belongs to the series V-transmitters.SATRON VT is used for 0-1.4 kPa...0-100 MPa ranges. It is a 2-wiretransmitter with HART® standard communication. In pressure measu-ring applications SATRON VT-transmitters are used for measuringthe pressure of clean gases, steam and non-crystallizing liquids.Thetransmitter's sensor is piezoresistive. The rangeability is 100:1 for typesVT6 - VT8.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSMeasuring range and span Process connections 3 and 5: Other sensing element materials:See Selection Chart. ±0.10 % of calibrated span AISI316, SIS 2343.Zero and Span adjustment (span 1:1-5:1 /max.range). Filling fluid: Silicone oil or inert oilZero elevation: Calibrated span is (VT3 - VT7)freely selectable on the specified On the measuring ranges 5:1-100:1:range depending from the desired Enclosure class IP66option. This can be made by using ±[0.025+0.01 x ( camlibarxa.tsepdasnpan) ]% ofextern control shafts, keyboard (display Housing with PLUG connector, hou-option), HART®275/375 communicator. calibrated span sing type codes H and T Housing: AISI316, Seals: Viton® andDamping Diaphragm material AISI304: NBRTime constant is continuously ±1,5 % of calibrated span TEST jacks: MS358Sn/PVDF, pro-adjustable 0.01 to 60 s. tected with silicone rubber shield. (span 1:1-100:1 /max.range). PLUG connector: PA6-GF30 jacket,Temperature limits Silicone rubber seal, AISI316 retainingAmbient: -30 to +80 °C (incl. nonlinearity, hysteresis and re- screw.Process: peatability) Housing with junction box/terminalProcess connections 1 and 2: strip, housing type codes M and N-30 to +125 °C Long-term stability Housing: AISI303/316, Seals: NitrileProcess connections 3 and 5: ±0.1 %/max. span/12 months and Viton®; Nameplates: Polyester-30 to +80 °C Connection hose between sensingShipping and storage: -40 to +80 °C. Temperature effect on compensated element and housing :Operating temperature of display: temperature ranges -20...+80 °C Codes L and K :0 to +50ºC (does not affect operation of Zero and span shift: PTFE hose with AISI316 braiding.the transmitter) ±0.15 % of max. span 1) Parts in contact with process mediumPressure limits Min. and max. process Mounting position effectpressure: See the appended tables. (VT3 - VT7) Load / Ω Zero error < 0.32 kPa, which can beVolumetric displacement calibrated out. Imax = 20.5mA< 0.5 mm3 /max. span VT8: mounting position has no effectOutput 2-wire (2W), 4-20 mA, Vibration effect (IEC 68-2-6: FC): Imin = 3.7mAuser selectable for linear, square root, ±0.1 % of measuring range/inverted signal or the transfer function(16 points)specified by the user 2g/10 to 2000 Hz 4g/10 to 100 HzSupply voltage and permissible loadSee the load capacity diagram; Power supply effect4-20 mA output: 12-35 VDC. < ±0.01 of calibrated span per voltHumidity limits Insulation test voltage Supply voltage / V0-100 % RH; freezing of condensed 500 V rms 50 Hzwater not allowed in reference pressure Rmax = Supply voltage - 10Vchannels. CONSTRUCTION AND CALIBRATION Imax MaterialsPERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Diaphragm 1): AISI316L (EN 1.4435), Imax = 20.5mA using HART®-communicationTested in accordance with IEC 60770: AISI304 (EN 1.4301), Duplex (EN Imax = 23mA (when the alarm current 22.5mA is on)Reference conditions, specified span, 1.4462), Hast. C276 (EN 2.4819), Tan-no range elevation, horizontal moun- talum or Titanium Gr2 (EN 3.7035). Supply voltage for transmitterting; AISI316L diaphragm, silicone oil without intrinsic safety (not ATEX)fill. Pressure limits Minimum process pressureAccuracy Maximum process pressure, MPa (VT8: no min. pressure limitations)Process connections 1 and 2:±0.05 % of calibrated span Trans- Max. Pressure Minimum pressure for mitter overload class Tproc. di erent ll uids (kPa, abs.) (span 1:1-5:1 /max.range). type pressure PN40 °C DC200 Inert oil VT3 0.2 PN40 100 cSt VT4 0.3 PN40 8 VT5 1.5 PN100 20 5 10 VT6 7.5 PN250 40 8 28 VT7 40.0 PN1000 80 16 53 VT8 100.0 120 21 Satron Instruments Inc., P.O.Box 22, FI-33901 Tampere, Finland Tel. +358 207 464 800, Telefax +358 207 464 801,

Index 8SATRON VT Pressure Transmitter BPV710 01.06.2015Calibration Special Conditions for Safe Use (X) :For customer-specified range with 1 s. damping. (If range is The enclosure with plastic window and the plasticnot specified, transmitter is calibrated for maximum range.) DIN43650 connector must not be installed in potenti- ally explosive atmosphere requiring category 1 appa-Electrical connections ratus.Housing with PLUG connector, H and T: The non-conducting surface of the sensor elementPLUG connector, connector type DIN 43650 model AF; Pg9 may be charged by the flow of non-conducting media,gland for cable; wire cross-section 0.5 to 1.5 mm2. so there may be electrostatic hazard with IIC-gases. These units should be marked 2 GD.Housing with junction box/terminal strip, M and N: The equipment shall be installed and connected accor-M20x1.5, 1/2-NPT inlet; screw terminals for 0.5 to 2.5 mm2 ding to the manufacturers instructions.wiresWeight : 0,7 kgTransmitter : 1.2 kg- with housing types H and T- with housing type M and NProduct CertificationsEuropean Directive InformationElectro Magnetic Compatibility(EMC directive 2004/108/EC)All pressure transmittersAtex Directive (94/9/EC)Satron Instruments Inc. complies with the ATEX Direc-tive.European Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)(97/23/EC)All Pressure Transmitters :- Sound Engineering PracticeTransmitters with nominal pressure higher than 200bar fulfil the requirements of the Conformity Assess-ment procedure Module A of the directive.Hazardous Locations Certifications Load / ΩEuropean Certifications Supply voltage / VATEX Intrinsic Safety Rmax = Supply voltage - 10VCertification No. : DNV-2007-OSL-ATEX- 1346X Imax Imax = 20.5mA using HART®-communication II 1 GD T135°C EEx ia II C T4 -20°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 50°C Imax = 23mA (when the alarm current 22.5mA is Supply voltage for transmitter II 2 GD T135°C EEx ia II C T4 -20°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 50°C with certified intrinsic safety (ATEX)Input Parameters :Ui = 28 VIi = 93 mAPi = 0.651 WCi = 5 nFLi = 0.2 mH

Index 9SATRON VT Pressure Transmitter BPV710 01.06.2015 Dimensions ( in mm) 165 VT3 ...VT7, ATEX +15 145 VT8, ATEX +15 75 Ø48 Pg 9 std. housing codes H and T Hex 36 VT3 ... VT7 Ø48 Hex 27 VT8 G½ A DIN 16288165 VT3 ...VT7, ATEX +15 145 VT8, ATEX +15 M20 x 1,5 std. housing code M 195 VT3 ...VT7, ATEX +15 175 VT8, ATEX +15 70 M20 x 1,5 std. housing code N

Index 10SATRON VT Pressure Transmitter BPV710 01.06.2015Dimensions ( in mm) 195 VT3 ...VT7, ATEX +15 175 VT8, ATEX +15 91 G½ A DIN 16288 Hex 36 VT3 ... VT7 Hex 27 VT8 PG9 housing N with plug DIN 43650, code N_ / P 100 140, ATEX-transmitter +15 20,570 55 G½A Process connection G½A, flush Ø26.8 mounted with o-ring, code 5 PG9 std. housing type H Hex 27 M20x1,5 std housing type M 161, ATEX-transmitter +15 14 DIN3852-E-G½ Ø26.8 Process connection DIN3852-E-G½A, flush mounted, code 3 Hex 27 M20x1,5 std housing type N

Index 11SATRON VT Pressure Transmitter BPV710 01.06.2015 Dimensions (mm) Housing codes H, T and M 215 Housing code N 245 Atex transmitter code 1, +15 125 Clearance for110 Option K 170 cover removal 100 149 min. R75 Option L 60 min. 290 Pg9 std. housing type H and T M20x1.5 std. housing types M and N Remote electronics, connecting cable with protection hose, codes L and K Hex 27G½47 Hex 27 42 23 G½A DIN162882515 G½ M8 ½ - NPT G½ Ø26,3 Thread DIN16288 - G½A Thread ½ - 14 NPT PMC 1\" (Ø26,3), for pro- Orded code : T1320291 Orded code : T1320293 cess connection code 5 Orded code : T1320310Hex 27 37 Hex 27 15 G½ G¼A DIN16288 G½ ½ - NPT For example the process connection of the flush mounted transmitter (DIN3852-E-G½) can be changed using modification adapters. Other adapter sizes, please contact to Satron Instruments Inc. Thread DIN16288 - G¼A 21 Orded code : T1320292 35 Thread ½ - 14 NPT, female Orded code : M1050471 Modification adapters of the process connection, for types VT3 ... VT8

Index 12SATRON VT Pressure Transmitter BPV710 01.06.2015Wiring Wiring WiringHousing with terminal strip, code M Housing with terminal strip Housing with terminal strip and and display, code N display with plug connector DIN 43650 , code N _/ _P Keyboard : Esc = Press Esc move back towards the top of the main menu. Enter = Use the UP arrow key to move up on the current menu level or to increase the selected parameter value. = Use the DOWN arrow key to move down on the current menu level or to decrease the selected parameter value. = Press ENTER to move to a lower level in a menu or to accept a command or parameter value.Wiring Housing with display, code NHousing with PLUG connector, codes H and T Use of selector switch : RUN = working position PZ = Process value zero D = Damping adjustment S = Span adjustment Z = Zero adjustment DN = Down UP = UpHousing with PLUG connector, code T

Index 13SATRON VT Pressure Transmitter BPV710 01.06.2015 Selection Chart Adjustability Span, min Span, max Measuring range 35 kPa (350 mbar) -35...+35 kPa (-350...350 mbar) VT3 1.4 kPa (14 mbar) 100 kPa (1000 mbar) -100...+100 kPa (-1000...1000 mbar) VT4 4 kPa (40 mbar) 500 kPa (5000 mbar) -100...+500 kPa (-1000...5000 mbar) VT5 10 kPa (100 mbar) 500 kPa (5000 mbar) 0...+500 kPa (0...5000 mbar), abs. VTA5 10 kPa (100 mbar) 3 MPa (30bar) -0.1...+3 MPa (-1...+30 bar) VT6 0.03 MPa (0.3 bar) 3 MPa (30 bar) 0...+3 MPa (0...+30 bar), abs. VTA6 0.03 MPa (0.3 bar) 15 MPa (150 bar) 0...+15 MPa (0...+150 bar), abs. VT7 0.15 MPa (1.5 bar) 100 MPa (1000 bar) -0.1...+100 MPa (-1...+1000 bar) VT8 1 MPa (10 bar) Output S 4-20mA DC/HART® -protocol 3 DIN 3852-X-G½A (male), Flush Mounted, not VT3, VT8 Process connection 1 G ½A DIN 16288 (male) 2 ½ - NPT (male) 5 G½A (male), Flush Mounted, with o-ring, not VT3, VT8 Wetted material Body Diaphragm Code Material Code Material 2 AISI316L (EN 1.4404) 2 AISI316L (EN 1.4435) (no VT8) 3 Hast. C 276 (EN 2.4819) (*) 3 Hast. C276 (EN 2.4819) (no VT3, VT8) (*) 6 Titanium Gr2 (EN 3.7035) (*) 5 Tantalum (no VT3, VT8) (*) 8 Duplex (EN 1.4462) (*) 6 Titanium Gr2 (EN 3.7035) (no VT3, VT4) (*) 8 Duplex (EN 1.4462) (no VT3, VT8) (*) A AISI304 (EN 1.4301) Fill fluid (specify for types VT3 - VT7) S Silicone oil G Inert oil Housing type H Housing with PLUG-connector, DIN43650, no display, inlet PG9 T Housing with PLUG-connector and with manual adjust, DIN43650, no display, inlet PG9, (no ATEX) M Housing with junction box/terminal strip, no display, inlet M20x1,5 N Housing with junction box/terminal strip, with display, inlet M20x1,5 Explosion proof 0 No explosion proof classification 1 Atex Intrinsic Safety, II 1 GD T135°C (**) Process coupling 0 No coupling 1 Threaded coupling G½, DIN 16288 2 Threaded coupling G½, DIN 3852-X-G½ (Flush-Mounted) 3 Threaded coupling G½, for process connection code 5 4 Threaded coupling ½ - NPT, for process connection code 2 Special size of electrical inlet N 1/2 NPT G Pg13.5 P Plug DIN 43650Special featuresRemote electronics (specify only if housing connected with cable to sensing element)- connecting cable with protection hose L Hose protected with PTFE/AISI316 braiding, straight K Hose protected with PTFE/AISI316 braiding, angle of 90°Length of connection cable between sensing element and housing2 2 m cable 3 3 m cable etc. (max. 10 meter)Mounting parts for remote electronics for Ø 51 mm tube0 No mounting parts 1 Mounting partsDocumentationCalibration certificate AE English Installation and operating instructions I E English I F FinnishMaterial certificatesO No material certificateMC1 Raw material certificate without appendices, in accordance with SFS-EN 10204-2.1 (DIN 50049-2.1) standardMC2 Raw material certificate for wetted parts, in accordance with SFS-EN 10204-2.2 (DIN 50049-2.2) standardMC3 Raw material certificate for wetted parts, in accordance with SFS-EN 10204-3.1 B (DIN 50049-3.1 B) standard (*) = not for process connection code 3 (**) = Housing H and N : II 2 GD T135°C ATEX transmitter with display are the model without membrane key.

Index 14SATRON VT Pressure Transmitter BPV710 01.06.2015Process couplings ØD out Ø27 +0.4 G½ B A 2.5 Ød C Ø27 +0.4 G½ Ø30 2.5 16.5 Order code : M1050369 E Process coupling DIN 3852-X-G½ ½ - NPT Ø28 G½ Other sizes, please contact to Satron Instruments Inc. 30 Ø28 T-coupling DIN 3852-X-G½, sizes DN15 - 25 Order code : M1050367 Process coupling DIN 16288 - G½ 14 CouplingOrder code: M1050368Process coupling ½ - NPT Ø27 Welding assistant G½ M1050370MS Ø18,3 Ø30 Welding Sequence 2 Welding the coupling M1050369 23,5 Order code: M1050515 Process coupling G½ (for process connection code 5)We reserve the right for technical modifications without prior notice.HART® is a registered trademark of HART Communication Foundation.Viton® is the registered trademark of DuPont Down Elastomers.Hastelloy® is the registered trademark of Haynes International.Teflon® is the registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co

Index 15 BPLV770SATRON VB Pressure Transmitter M2, revision 2 15.2.2013SATRON VB pressure transmitter belongs to the seriesV transmitters.SATRON VB is user-friendly, through the ball valve mountedtransmitter which is used for 0-4 kPa ... 0-3 MPa ranges.The transmitter communicates in a 2-wire system.In pressure measuring applications SATRON VB transmitteris used for measuring the pressure of gases, steams andsedimenting, crystallizing and sticking liquids. Thetransmitter's sensor is piezoresistive. The rangeability of themodel VB6 is 100:1. The transmitter communicates digitallyusing the HART® protocol.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSMeasuring range and span Accuracy CONSTRUCTIONSee Selection Chart. Wetted materials: AISI316L (EN ±0.1 % of calibrated span 1.4404 and EN 1.4435)Zero and Span adjustment Other materials: AISI316L, AISI303Zero elevation: Calibrated span is (span 1:1 - 7.5:1 /max.range).freely selectable on the specified Housing with PLUG connector,range depending from the desired On the measuring ranges housing type code Hoption. This can be made by using a Housing: AISI303/316HART®275/375 communicator. ( )7.5:1 - 100:1: Seals: Viton® and NBR TEST jacks: MS358Sn/PVDF,Damping ±[0.025+0.010 x protected with silicone rubber shield.- Time constant is continuously of calibrated span PLUG connector: PA6-GF30 jacket, max.span ]% Silicone rubber seal, AISI316 retaining adjustable from 0.01 to 60 s. calibrated span screw.Response time (incl. nonlinearity, hysteresis and Housing with junction box/terminalMaximum 100 ms strip, housing type codes M and N repeatability) Housing: AISI303/316; Seals: NitrileTemperature limits and Viton®; Nameplates: PolyesterAmbient: -30 to +80 °C Long-term stabilityProcess: -30 to +125 °C ±0.1 % / max. span / 12 months Filling fluid: Silicone oil or inert oilShipping and storage: -40 to +80 °COperating temperature of display: 0 to Temperature effect on compensated Enclosure class IP66+50ºC (does not affect operation of the temperature ranges -20...+80 °C:transmitter) Zero and span error, types VB5 and VB6: ±0.15 % of max.span.Pressure limitsMin. and max. process pressure: Zero and span error, type VB4:See the appended tables. ±0.25 % of max.spanVolumetric displacement Mounting position effect (VB4 ... VB6)< 0.5 mm3 /max. span Zero error < 0.15 kPa which can be calibrated out.Output 2-wire (2W), 4-20 mA,user selectable for linear, square root, Vibration effect (IEC 68-2-6: FC): Load / Ωinverted signal or the transfer function ±0.1 % of measuring range/(16 points) specified by the user. 1500 2g/10 to 2000 HzSupply voltage and permissible load 4g/10 to 100 Hz 1250See the load capacity diagram; 1000 Imax=20.5mA 4-20 mA output: 12 - 35 VDC. Power supply effect 750Humidity limits < ±0.01 % of calibrated span per volt0-100 % RH; freezing of condensed 500 Imin = 3.7mAwater is not allowed in reference European Directive Informationpressure channels. European Pressure Equipment Directive Operating (PED) (97/23/EY) 250 regionPERFORMANCESPECIFICATIONS - Sound Engineering PracticeTested in accordance with IEC 60770: Electro Magnetic Compatibility 0Reference conditions, specified span, (EMC directive 2004/108/EC) 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40no range elevation, horizontal mounting;O-ring seals, AISI316L diaphragm, -All pressure transmitters Supply voltage / Vsilicone oil fill. Insulation test voltage Rmax = Supply voltage - 10V 500 V rms 50 Hz Imax Imax = 20.5mA using HART®-communication Imax = 23mA (when the alarm current 22.5mA is on) Pressure limits Minimum process pressure Maximum process pressure, MPa Transmitter Max. Pressure Minimimum pressure for type overload. class Tproc. different fill fluid (kPa, abs.) pressure, MPa DC200 Inert °C 100 cSt VB4 0.3 PN40 oil VB5 1.5 PN40 VB6 7.5 PN100 20 5 8 40 8 10 80 16 28 120 21 53 Satron Instruments Inc., P.O.Box 22, FI-33901 Tampere, Finland Tel. +358 207 464 800, Telefax +358 207 464 801,

Index 16 BPLV770SATRON VB Pressure Transmitter 15.2.2013Calibration Load / ΩTransmitter is calibrated for maximum range with 1 sec.damping 1400Calibration for customer-specified range and itempositioning must be mentioned in the order. 1250Electrical connections 1000Housing with PLUG connector, code HPLUG connector, connector type DIN 43650 model AF; Pg9 750gland for cable; wire cross section 0,5...1,5 mm2.Housing with junction box/terminal strip, code M 500M16x1.5 inlet; screw terminals for0,5...2,5 mm2 wires 250 Operating regionProduct Certifications 0 15 10 12 28European Directive Information 20 25 30 35 40Electro Magnetic Compatibility(EMC directive 2004/108/EC) Supply voltage /VAll pressure transmitters Min. load using HART® - communication 250 ΩAtex Directive (94/9/EC)Satron Instruments Inc. complies with the ATEX R max = Supply voltage - 12 VDirective. I maxEuropean Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) (97/ I max = 20.5 mA using HART®-communication23/EC) I max = 23 mA (when the alarm current 22,5 mA is on)All Pressure Transmitters :- Sound Engineering Practice Supply voltage for transmitter with certified intrinsic safety (ATEX)Hazardous Locations Certifications Weight 0.9 kg Transmitter 1.4 kg - with housing type H: 1.5 kg - with housing type M: - with housing type N:European CertificationsATEX Intrinsic SafetyCertification No. : DNV-2007-OSL-ATEX- 1346X II 1 GD T135°C EEx ia II C T4 -20°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 50°C II 2 GD T135°C EEx ia II C T4 -20°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 50°CInput Parameters :Ui = 28 VIi = 93 mAPi = 0.651 WCi = 5 nFLi = 0.2 mHSpecial Conditions for Safe Use (X) : Keyboard :The enclosure with plastic window and the plasticDIN43650 connector must not be installed in Esc = Press Esc to move back towards the top of the main menu.potentially explosive atmosphere requiring category Enter1 apparatus. = Use the UP arrow key to move up on the current menu level or to increaseThe non-conducting surface of the sensor element the selected parameter value.may be charged by the flow of non-conducting = Use the DOWN arrow key to move down on the current menu level or to decreasemedia, so there may be electrostatic hazard with the selected parameter value.IIC-gases. These units should be marked 2 GD. = Press Enter to move to a lower level in a menu or to accept a commandThe equipment shall be installed and connected or parameter value.according to the manufacturers instructions. Housing with display, code N

Index 17 BPLV770SATRON VB Pressure Transmitter 15.2.2013 Dimensions A B (mm) C 70 PG9 std. housing type H Hex 41 Ø48 Hex 36 75Process Dim. A Dim. B Dim. C Dim. D Thread Ø48connection 228 109 E Dcode E20 Ø24.5 G1A 1 Housing with junction box/terminal strip, code M M20 x 1,5 std. housing type M Housing with junction box/terminal strip, with display, code N M20 x 1,5 std. housing type N

Index 18SATRON VB Pressure Transmitter BPLV770 15.2.2013 Housing with junction box/terminal strip, with display and plug- connector DIN 43650, code N--- /-P 90 PG9 std. housing type N with plug DIN 43650 Esc Enter mA mA mA -+ -+ Har t® Test + - Test + - Test 2 1 -+ 3 2 Load Power 12 Load 13 Power Load WiringWiring Wiring Power Housing with terminal strip, code NHousing with PLUG connector, code H Housing with terminal strip, code M Satron SI-Toole Order code : M1330001 Si-Toole Um+ USB USB / HART R modem Um- USB Vsup+ Rx Rx Tx HART HART R +5V Tx P wr OK + 28 mA 24V - Ext. p ower in Um- 100R IL Vsup- 9... 30V 4mA = 0.4V 0.01% 150R DC or AC 20mA = 2VDC Vsup O N/O FF Um+ IP40 NOTE! Do not switch Vsup ON in live circuit 3 21 Load Connection with Satron SI-Toole USB-HART® modem PowerWiring housing N with plug DIN 43650, code N- / P

Index 19 BPLV770SATRON VB Pressure Transmitter 15.2.2013 Selection Chart Measuring range -100...+100 kPa (-1000...1000 mbar) Adjustability Span, min Span, max -100...+500 kPa (-1000...5000 mbar) -0.1...+3 MPa (-1...+30 bar) VB 4 4 kPa (40 mbar) 100 kPa (1000 mbar) VB 5 10 kPa (100 mbar) 500 kPa (5000 mbar) VB 6 0.03 MPa (0.3 bar) 3 MPa (30bar) Output S 4-20mA DC/HART® Process connection 1 Thread G1A, extension diameter Ø24.5 mm, extension length 109 mm Wetted materials Body Diaphragm Code Material Code Material 2 AISI316L (EN 1.4404) 2 AISI316L (EN 1.4435) Fill fluid S Silicone oil G Inert oil (*) Housing type H Housing with PLUG-connector, DIN43650, no display, inlet PG9 M Housing with junction box/terminal strip, no display, inlet M20x1,5 N Housing with junction box/terminal strip, with display, inlet M20x1,5 Explosion 0 No explosion proof classification 1 Atex Intrinsic Safety, II 1 GD T135°C (**) proof Special size of electrical inlet N 1/2 NPT G Pg13,5 P PLUG connector, DIN43650 Documentation I E English IF Finnish Calibration certificate AE English Installation and operating instructions Material certificates O No material certificate MC1 Raw material certificate without appendices, in accordance with SFS-EN 10204-2.1 (DIN 50049-2.1) standard MC2 Raw material certificate for wetted parts with appendices, in accordance with SFS-EN 10204-2.2 (DIN 50049-2.2) standard MC3 Raw material certificate for wetted parts with appendices, in accordance with SFS-EN 10204-3.1 B (DIN 50049-3.1 B) standard (*) = Oxygen cleaning must be mentioned in the order (**) = Housing H and N : II 2 GD T135°C ATEX transmitters with display are the model without membrane key.

Index 20 BPLV770SATRON VB Pressure Transmitter 15.2.2013 Satron Instruments Inc. P.O.Box 22, FI-33901 Tampere, Finland Tel. +358 207 464 800, Fax +358 207 464 801 www.satron.comWe reserve the right for technical modifications without prior notice.HART® is a registered trademark of HART Communication Foundation.Viton® is the registered trademark of DuPont Down Elastomers.

Index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

Index 22

Index 23 BPdT750SATRON VDt Differential Pressure Transmitter M3, revision 5 02.12.2015SATRON VDt differential pressure transmitter belongs to V-transmitterfamily. The series V transmitters have both analog and smart properties.SATRON VDt is used for 0-0,1kPa...0-15 MPa ranges. It is a 2-wiretransmitter with HART® standard communication. In pressure measuringapplications SATRON VDt transmitters are used for measuring differentialpressure and absolute pressure. SATRON VDt transmitter is equipped withan SOS (Silicon On Sapphire) or piezoresistive sensing element. Therangeability is 25:1.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSMeasuring range and span PERFORMANCESPECIFICATIONS O-ring on sensing element: PTFE.See Selection Chart. Tested in accordance with IEC 60770: Other sensing element materials: Reference conditions, specified span, no AISI316, SIS 2343, SIS 2324.Zero and Span adjustment range elevation, horizontal mounting; Mounting bolts and nuts for sensorZero elevation: Calibrated span is freely AISI316L-diaphragm, silicone oil fill. flanges: AISI316 (PN400: m.8.8.Zne)selectable on the specified rangedepending from the desired option. Accuracy Fill fluidThis can be made by using extern Silicone oil (DC200, 10 cSt) or inertcontrol shafts (analog option), keyboard ±0.05 % of calibrated span oil.(display option), HART®275/375communicator. (span 1:1-5:1 /max.range). Housing with PLUG connector, H and TDamping On the measuring ranges 5:1-60:1: Housing: AISI316Time constant is continuously Seals: Viton® and NBRadjustable 0,01 to 60 s. ( )±[0.01+0.008 x TEST jacks: MS358Sn/PVDF, protected with silicone rubber shield.Temperature limits calibrated span PLUG connector: PA6-GF30 jacket,Sensing element operating: max.span ]% of Silicone rubber seal, AISI316• -30 to +125 °C calibrated span retaining screw.Electronics operating: -30 to +80 °CShipping and storage: -50 to +80 °C. Special accurate diaphragm AISI304: Housing with junction box/terminalOperating temperature of display: 0 to ±1.5 % of calibrated span strip, M and N+50ºC (does not affect operation of the (For spans 1:1 - 60:1) Housing: AISI303/316; Seals: Nitriletransmitter) and Viton®; Nameplates: Polyester (incl. nonlinearity, hysteresis andPressure limits repeatability) Connection cable between sensingMin. and max. process pressure: element and housing Long-term stability Codes L and K : ±0.1 % of max. span / year PTFE hose with AISI316 braiding. Temperature effect on compensated Enclosure class: IP66. temperature ranges -20 to 80 °C Zero and span shift: ±0,15 % of max. Process connections span See Selection Table. Type Max. overload Pressure Static pressure effect on Zero of max. CalibrationVDt2 pressure, MPa class span For customer-specified range with 1VDt3 PN40 VDt2: ±0,2 % / 4 MPa s. damping. Min. factory calibrationVDt4,5 4 PN100 VDt3...5, PN100: ±0,2 % / 10 MPa range: 10mbar (VDt2). (If range is notVDt6 10 PN100 VDt6...7, PN100 / PN400: ±0.3 % / 10 specified, transmitter is calibrated for 10 PN100 MPa maximum range.) 10 Load / ΩVDt3,4,5,7 40 PN420 Overpressure effect on Zero of max.VDt6 15 PN420 1400 spanTransmitter operates within specifications VDt2: ±0,5 % / 4 MPa; 1250for pressures above 10 mbar abs. VDt3...7: PN100: ±0,3 % / 10 MPa; PN400: ±1 % / 40 MPa. 1000Process chamber volume (cm3) 750 Mounting position effect Zero error ± 0.4 kPa, which can be 500Type Volume (cm3) with hydraulic calibrated out. Standard Operating transmitter seal 250 regionVDt2...7 2.5 2.0 Vibration effect (IEC 61298-3): 0 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 40Volume of negative-side process ±0.1 % of measuring range Supply voltage /Vchamber: < 1 cm3. Power supply effect Min. load using HART® - communication 250 ΩOutput 2-wire (2W), 4-20 mA, < ±0.01 % of calibrated span / volt.user selectable for linear, square root, Insulation test voltage R max = Supply voltage - 12 Vinverted signal or the transfer function (16 500 V rms 50 Hz I maxpoints)specified by the user CONSTRUCTION AND CALIBRATION I max = 20.5 mA using HART®-communication Supply voltage and permissible load Materials See the load capacity diagram; Diaphragms 1): AISI316L (EN 1.4435), I max = 23 mA (when the alarm current 22,5 mA is on) 4-20 mA output: 12 - 35 VDC. AISI304 (EN 1.4301), Duplex (EN Humidity limits 1.4462), Hast. C276 (EN 2.4819) or 0-100 % RH Tantalum.1) Parts in contact with process medium. Flanges 1) and vent valves 1): AISI316, Duplex or Hast. C276. Satron Instruments Inc., P.O.Box 22, FIN-33901 Tampere, Finland Tel. +358 207 464 800, Telefax +358 207 464 801,

Index 24SATRON VDt Differential Pressure Transmitter BPdT750 02.12.2015Electrical connections Load / ΩHousing with PLUG connector, H and T:PLUG connector, connector type DIN 43650 model AF; Pg9 1400gland for cable; wire cross-section 0.5 to 1.5 mm2.Housing with junction box/terminal strip, M and N : 1250M20x1.5, 1/2-NPT inlet; screw terminals for 0.5 to 2.5 mm2 1000wiresProduct Certifications 750European Directive Information 500Electro Magnetic Compatibility 250 Operating(EMC directive 2004/108/EC) regionAll differential pressure transmitters 0 15 10 12 28Atex Directive (94/9/EC)Satron Instruments Inc. complies with the ATEX 20 25 30 35 40Directive. Supply voltage /VEuropean Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) (97/23/EC) Min. load using HART® - communication 250 ΩAll Differential Pressure Transmitters : R max = Supply voltage - 12 V- Sound Engineering Practice I maxHazardous Locations Certifications I max = 20.5 mA using HART®-communicationEuropean Certifications I max = 23 mA (when the alarm current 22,5 mA is on)ATEX Intrinsic Safety Supply voltage for transmitterCertification No. : DNV-2007-OSL-ATEX- 1346X with certified intrinsic safety (ATEX) II 1 GD T135°C EEx ia II C T4 -20°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 50°C II 2 GD T135°C EEx ia II C T4 -20°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 50°CInput Parameters :Ui = 28 VIi = 93 mAPi = 0.651 WCi = 5 nFLi = 0.2 mHSpecial Conditions for Safe Use (X) :The enclosure with plastic window and the plasticDIN43650 connector must not be installed in potentiallyexplosive atmosphere requiring category 1 apparatus.The non-conducting surface of the sensor element maybe charged by the flow of non-conducting media, sothere may be electrostatic hazard with IIC-gases. Theseunits should be marked 2 GD.The equipment shall be installed and connectedaccording to the manufacturers instructions. Weight (kg) Type Housing type VDt2 ... 7 HM N 4,0 4,6 4,6

Index 25 BPdT750SATRON VDt Differential Pressure Transmitter 02.12.2015 Dimensions (in mm) Pg9 std. housing types H and T 41,3±0,2 Ø18.5 +0.3 100 0 Clearace for Housing types H, T and M 188 Cover 1/4-18 NPSF +0.5 Atex transmitter, code 1, 15 mm Removal 0 2.5 14.5 A-A AA 100 54±0,2 125 96 M10 / deep 14 M12 / deep 14 7/16-20 UNF / deep 14 M20 x 1,5 std. housing type M M20 x 1,5 std. housing type N 75 70 Ø48Housing types M 188 Esc Enter Atex transmitter, code 1, 15 mm Housing types N 218 Atex transmitter, code 1, 15 mm

Index 26SATRON VDt Differential Pressure Transmitter BPdT750 02.12.2015Dimensions (in mm) Pg9 std. housing type N with DIN 43650 plug connector 90 Housing type N with DIN 43650 Esc Enter plug connector 218 Atex transmitter, code 1, 15 mm Housing types H, T and M 215 170 Housing type N 245 100 Atex transmitter, code 1, +15 mm110 <300 <450 125 min. R75 60 Pg9 std. housing types H and T M20x1,5 std. Housing types M and NRemote electronics,connecting cable with protection hose,codes L and K

Index 27SATRON VDt Differential Pressure Transmitter BPdT750 02.12.2015 Housing with PLUG connector, code T Hart® S PZ 1 Z .5 3 Use of selector switch : RUN = working position RUN D DN UP 60 Test PZ = Process value zero D = Damping adjustment 12 S = Span adjustment 3 Z = Zero adjustment DN = Down UP = Up mA mA Hart® S PZ 1 mA -+ -+ Z .5 3 -+ + - Test + - Test RUN D DN UP 60 Test 12 3 2 Load Load Power 12 13 Load Wiring Wiring Power Wiring Power Housing with PLUG connector, codes H and T Housing with terminal strip, code M Housing with display, code N 3 Housing with display, code N 21 Keyboard : Load Power Esc = Press Esc move back towards the top of the main menu. Enter Wiring housing with plug DIN 43650, code N-/ P = Use the UP arrow key to move up on the current menu level or to increase the selected parameter value. = Use the DOWN arrow key to move down on the current menu level or to decrease the selected parameter value. = Press ENTER to move to a lower level in a menu or to accept a command or parameter value.

Index 28 BPdT750SATRON VDt Differential Pressure Transmitter 02.12.2015Selection ChartVDt Differential Pressure Transmitter VAt Absolute Pressure Transmitter (ranges 4 to 7, range 0...xx, abs.) Adjustability ( ±) Span, max. Measurig range Span, min. 6 kPa (60 mbar) -6...+6 kPa (-60...+60 mbar ) 35 kPa (350 mbar) -35 kPa...+35 kPa (-350...+350 mbar)2 0,1 kPa (1 mbar) 100 kPa (1000 mba) -100...+100 kPa (-1000...+1000 mbar)3 1,4 kPa (14 mbar) 500 kPa (5000 mbar) -500...+500 kPa (-5000...+5000 mbar)4 4 kPa (40 mbar) 3 MPa (30 bar) -3...+3 MPa (-30...+30 bar)5 26,5 kPa (265 mbar) 15 MPa (150 bar ) -15...+15 MPa (-150...+150 bar)6 0,145 MPa (1,45 bar)7 1 MPa (10 bar) Output S 4-20mA DC/HART® -protocol Process connection F Screwed flange adapters, PN40 range 2 and PN420 ranges D M10,PN40 range 2/PN100 ranges 3...6, IEC 61518 3 to 7, IEC 61518 A M10, PN420 ranges 3, 4, 5 and 7, IEC 61518 V Connection through hydraulic seal H M12, PN420 ranges 3, 4, 5 and 7, IEC 61518 Z Welded flange adapters, PN420 ranges 3 to 5 and 7, U 7/16-20 UNF, (PN420 ranges 3, 4, 5 and 7) IEC 61518 Wetted Flanges Diaphragm Diaphragm coating material Code Material 2 AISI316L (EN 1.4404) Code Material Code Material 3 Hast.C 276 (EN 2.4819) 2 (specify only when 3 AISI316L (EN 1.4435) coated) 5 gold / rhodium 8 Hast.C 276 (EN 2.4819)(**) 9 A Tantalum (**) Duplex (EN 1.4462) (**) AISI304 (EN 1.4301) (**) Fill fluid S Silicone oil G Inert oil Housing type H Housing with PLUG-connector, DIN43650, no display, inlet PG9 T Housing with PLUG-connector, DIN43650, no display, inlet PG9, with manual adjust M Housing with junction box/terminal strip, no display, inlet M20x1,5 N Housing with junction box/terminal strip, with display, inlet M20x1,5 Explosion proof 0 No explosion proof classification 1 Atex Intrinsic Safety, II 1 GD T135°C (*) Process thread Thread type Thread sizeon flange adapter(only specify for type F) Code Type Code Size R straight R thread 2 1/4 N NPS thread 3 3/8 P taper R thread 4 1/2 T NPT threadSpecial size of electrical inletN 1/2 NPT G Pg13.5 P Plug DIN 43650Special featuresSpecial electronics (specify only if housing connected with hose to sensing element)- connecting cable with protection hoseL Hose protected with PTFE/AISI316 braiding, straightK Hose protected with PTFE/AISI316 braiding, angle of 90ºLength of cable between sensing element and housing(specify only if housing connected with cable to sensing element)2 2 m cable 3 3 m cable etc. (max. 20 m)Mounting parts for remote electronics for Ø51 mm tube0 No mounting parts 1 Mounting partsDocumentation AE EnglishCalibration CertificateInstallation and Operating Instructions IE English IF FinnishMaterial Certificates0 No material certificateMC1 Raw materials certificate without appendixes, in accordance with SFS-EN 10204-2.1 (DIN 50049-2.1) standardMC2 Raw materials certificate for wetted parts with appendixes, in accordance with SFS-EN 10204-2.2 (DIN 50049-2.2) standardMC3 Raw materials certificate for wetted parts with appendixes, in accordance with SFS-EN 10204-3.1B(DIN 50049-3.1B) standardWe reserve the right for technical modifications without prior notice. (*) = Housing H and N : II 2 GD T135°CHART® is a registered trademark of HART Communication Foundation.Viton® is the registered trademark of DuPont Down Elastomers. ATEX transmitters with display are theHastelloy® is the registered trademark of Haynes International. model without membrane key.Teflon® is the registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co (**) = Not for ranges 2-3

Index Differential Pressu29re Transmitter BPDUV760 using two separate pressure sensors SATRON VDU M2, revision 3 5.2.2016SATRON VDU differential pressure transmitter belongs to V-seriestransmitters. SATRON VDU differential pressure transmitter is used from 0-1.4 kPa to 0-3 MPa ranges (static pressure + measuring range). It is a 2-wire transmitter with HART® standard communication. In pressuremeasuring applications SATRON VDU diff.pressure transmitters are usedfor measuring the pressure of clean, sedimenting, crystallizing and stickingmaterials.The transmitter's sensor is piezoresistive. The rangeability is25:1.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSMeasuring range and span On the measuring ranges 7,5:1-25:1:See Selection Chart. max.span calibrated spanZero and Span adjustment ( )±[0.01+0.007 x ]% ofZero elevation: Calibrated span is freelyselectable on the specified range. This calibrated span Filling fluid: Silicone oil, foodcan be made by using keyboard or industry oil or inert oilHART®275 communicator. (incl. nonlinearity, hysteresis and Enclosure class IP66Damping repeatability)- Time constant is continuously Electronics housing: Long-term stability AISI303/316, Seals: nitrile rubber and adjustable 0,01 to 60 s. ±0.2 % / max. span / year Viton®, Nameplates: PolyesterTemperature limits Temperature effect CalibrationAmbient: -30 to +80 °C - on -20 to +80 °C range For customer-specified range with 1Process: -30 to +125 °C s. damping. (If range is not specified, Zero and span error: transmitter is calibrated for maximum 0 to +200 °C (temp. code H) ±0.3 % of max. span. range.)Shipping and storage: -40 to +80 °C.Operating temperature of display: 0 to - on 0 °C to +200 °C range Process connections+50ºC (does not affect operation of the (process temperature code H) See Selection Charttransmitter) Process couplings: See Selection ±2 % of max. span, VDU6 Chart and installation instructions orPressure limits Min. and max. process ±4 % of max. span, VDU4, VDU5 technical specification: Couplings forpressure: See the appended tables. Transmitters G150. Temperature effectVolumetric displacement - on +20 °C to +70 °C,< 0.5 mm3 /max. span (in both sensors) process connections BA and DA Zero and span error:Output 2-wire (2W), 4-20 mA, ±0.15 % of max.span, code Suser selectable for linear, square root, Mounting position effectinverted signal or the transfer function (16 Zero error < 0.32 kPa, which can bepoints)specified by the user calibrated out.Supply voltage and permissible load Vibration effect (IEC 68-2-6: FC): Load / ΩSee the load capacity diagram; ±0.1 % of measuring range/ 1400 4-20 mA output: 12 - 35 VDC. 2g/10 to 2000 Hz 1250 4g/10 to 100 HzHumidity limits 10000-100 % RH; freezing of condensed water Power supply effectnot allowed in reference pressure < ±0.01 of calibrated span per volt 750channels. Insulation test voltage 500PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS 500 V rms 50 HzTested in accordance with IEC 60770: OperatingReference conditions, specified span, no CONSTRUCTION AND CALIBRATION 250 regionrange elevation, horizontal mounting;AISI316L diaphragm, silicone oil fill. Materials 0 Diaphragm 1): AISI316L (EN 1.4435), 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 40Accuracy Duplex (EN 1.4462), Hast. C276 (EN±0.2 % of calibrated span 2.4819), CoNi-alloy, Titanium Gr2 (EN Supply voltage /V (span 1:1-7.5:1 /max.range). 3.7035), Nickel or Tantalum. Min. load using HART® - communication 250 Ω On the measuring ranges 7.5:1-25:1: Coupling 1): AISI316L (EN 1.4404), R max = Supply voltage - 12 V Duplex (EN 1.4462), Hast.C276 (EN max.span 2.4819) or Titanium (EN 3.7035) I max Other sensing element materials: I max = 20.5 mA using HART®-communication( )±[0.02+0.024 x calibrated span ]% of AISI316, AISI303. I max = 23 mA (when the alarm current 22,5 mA is on)calibrated span Pressure limitsSpecial accuracy types BA and DA :(Temperature effect on +20 to +70 °C) Transmitter Max. Max. Min. process pressure±0,15 % of calibrated span, only type overload operating rangeprocess connections BA and DA / pressure, (=static pressure Pressure Minimum pressure for different fill fluidstemperature effect code S, for spans VDU3 MPa +meas. range), class1:1-7,5:1). VDU4 kPa Tproc. (kPa, abs) VDU4/5 0.25 PN40 °C1) Parts in contact with process medium VDU5 0.3 35 PN40 DC200 Inert oil VDU5/6 0.3 100 PN40 100 cSt VDU6 1.5 250 PN40 1.5 500 PN40 20 5 8 7.5 1000 PN100 40 8 10 3000 80 16 28 120 21 53 Satron Instruments Inc., P.O.Box 22, FIN-33901 Tampere, Finland Tel. +358 207 464 800, Telefax +358 207 464 801,

Index 30 BPDUV760 Differential Pressure Transmitter SATRON VDU using two separate pressure sensors 5.2.2016Electrical connections Electro Magnetic Compatibility WeightM20x1.5, 1/2-NPT ; screw terminals (EMC directive 2004/108/EC)for 0.5 to 2.5 mm2 wires and with All differential pressure transmitters Mounting Weight / kgPLUG connector, connector type DIN European Pressure Equipment type43650 model AF; Pg9 gland for Directive (PED) (97/23/EC) Extension codecable; wire gross-section 0.5 to 1.5 DN50mm2. All Differential Pressure Flange DN80 0 2 46 Transmitters : SA (Sandvik) 8.8 10 10.5 11Product Certifications - Sound Engineering Practice Tx (Tri-Clamp) 13.5 15.8 16 16.8 PA (PMC 1\") - 8.2 10.6 12.8European Directive Information BA, VA, WA 2.4 - - - UA, VB, WB 1.8 - - - Dimensions (mm) G1...G4 1.8 2.6 - - - 2.5 230 Sensor 1, master Standard M20x1.5 M12 or PG9Options of the connecting cable: Connecting cable, standard 10 ma) M12 connector are situated at Max. 20 mthe end of sensor 1 and the end ofsensor 2. The material of thecable is PUR.b) Cable is firmly connected to 150both sensors. The material of thecable is PVC. Cable glands areAISI316. 91 Ø48M12 or PG9 Sensor 2, slave Double current outputDimensions (mm) Standard PG9 Plug DIN 43650 electrical inlets Standard PG9

Index 31 BPDUV760 Differential Pressure Transmitter SATRON VDU using two separate pressure sensors 5.2.2016 Dimensions (mm) Double current output with plug DIN43650 connector 90 Standard PG9 Esc Enter mA 3 -+ 21 + - Test Load Load Power PowerWiring one current output Wiring one current output, plug DIN43650 connector ww w. satron .co m Si-Toole Um+ Power U SB USB / HART R modem Um- LoadUSB Vsup+ 3 Rx Rx 21Tx H A RT H ART R 3+5V Tx 21 Pwr OK + 2 8mA 24V Load - PowerExt . po wer in Um - 100 R IL Vsu p- Wiring double current output, plug DIN 43650 connector9... 30V 4mA = 0.4V 0. 01% 150RDC or AC 20mA = 2V DC Vsup O N/OFF Um+I P4 0 NOTE! Do no t switch Vsup ON in live cir cuit mA -+ + - Test Load +- Load Power PowerWiring double current output

Index 32 BPDUV760 Differential Pressure Transmitter SATRON VDU using two separate pressure sensors 5.2.2016Dimensional drawings (dimensions in mm) Sensor 1 (master) 275 d2 Sensor 2 (slave) 190 100 Ød 4 Sensor 1 : standard M20x1.5 Process connections k Ax, Dx and Jx, b flanged D Sensor 1 (master) 225 Sensor 2 (slave) 145 Ø68 -0.1 Ø85 Ø115 Ø84 -0.15 Ø115 Ø4819 Es +0.1 4xØ14 -0.3 23 adjustment ±3Process connection UA, Process connection SA, 2- Tuchenhagen DN50/40 - Sandvik-clamp(Varivent®) 43 Process connection DA, DN25 PN40 flange with extension, process temperature max. +125°C 0 FLANGE Flange dimens. Holes Extens. -0.2 SIZE b D Ød4 pcs d2 k Ød -0.2 ∅d ISO DN25 PN40 18 115 68 4 14 85 ISO DN50 PN40 20 165 102 4 18 125 48 Process connections ISO DN80 PN40 24 200 138 8 18 160 51 ISO DN100 PN40 24 235 162 8 22 190 73 E ±0.4 Ax, Dx and Jx , ANSI 1\" 150 lbs 15 108 51 4 16 79.4 73 - flange with extension ANSI 1\" 300 lbs 18 124 51 4 20 88.9 - 4 20 120.6 -Code E +0.4 Es +0.3 ANSI 2\" 150 lbs 23 152 92 8 20 127 51 -0.4 -0.2 ANSI 2\" 300 lbs 25 165 92 4 20 152.4 51 0 ANSI 3\" 150 lbs 26 191 127 8 23 168.3 73 1 0- ANSI 3\" 300 lbs 31 210 127 8 20 190.5 73 2 23 - ANSI 4\" 150 lbs 26 229 157 8 23 200 73 4 51 54,5 ANSI 4\" 300 lbs 34 254 157 4 19 120 73 6 102 105 JIS 10K-50 16 155 96 8 19 130 51 152 156 JIS 40K-50 26 165 105 8 19 150 51 JIS 10K-80 18 185 126 8 23 170 73 JIS 40K-80 32 210 140 8 19 175 73 JIS 10K-100 18 210 151 8 25 205 73 JIS 40K-100 36 250 165 73

Index 33SATRON VDU Differential Pressure Transmitter BPDUV760 using two separate pressure sensors 5.2.2016 Dimensional drawings (dimensions in mm) Process connection PA Sensor 1 (master) 200 - PMC 1\" Sensor 2 (slave) 115 Ø26.2 Sensor 1 (master) 210 L Sensor 2 (slave) 125 Hex 46 72 ØDHex 46 Process connection BA Process connection BB - M45x2 - M45x2 Ø41 -0,025 20 M45 x 2 A Ø41 -0,025 M45x2 Process connections TA , TB and TC BA - extension L - Tri-clamp DN38 ... 63,5 code 28,5 DN ØD 0 51 2 72 38 50.5 3 51 64 4 102 63.5 77.5 AE Process connection VA and VB Process connection WA and WB - SMS38 and SMS51 - SMS-SI38 and SMS-SI51 ØD ØD Size Dimensions Thread Size Dimensions Thread ØD A 38 54 21 Rd 60 x 1/6 SI38 ØD A E Rd 60 x 1/6 51 64 23 Rd 70 x 1/6 SI51 54 21 24 Rd 70 x 1/6 64 23 27

Index 34 BPDUV760 Differential Pressure Transmitter SATRON VDU using two separate pressure sensors 5.2.2016 Selection Chart Span, min Span, max. Measuring range Adjustability -35...+35 kPa (-350...350 mbar) -100...+100 kPa (-1000...1000 mbar)VDU3 1.4kPa (14 mbar) 35 kPa (350 mbar) -100...+250 kPa (-1000...2500 mbar)VDU4 4kPa (40 mbar) 100 kPa (1000 mbar) -100...+500 kPa (-1000...5000 mbar)VDU4/5 4kPa (40 mbar) 250 kPa (2500 mbar) -0.1...+1 MPa (-1... 10 bar)VDU5 26.5 kPa (265 mbar) 500 kPa (5000 mbar) -0.1...+3 MPa (-1...30 bar )VDU5/6 26.5 kPa (265 mbar) 1 MPa (10 bar)VDU6 0.145 MPa (1.45 bar ) 3 MPa (30 bar)Output S 4-20mA DC/HART® D 4-20mA DC/HART® and with galvanic isolation 4-20mA Process connections AB ANSI 1\" 300 lbs ANSI B16-5 UA Tuchenhagen DN50/40 (Varivent®) PN40 DA DN25 PN40 ISO 2084-1974 AC ANSI 2\" 150 lbs ANSI B16-5 PA PMC 1\" PN40 DB DN50 PN40 ISO 2084-1974 AD ANSI 2\" 300 lbs ANSI B16-5 SA Sandvik DN70 PN64 DC DN80 PN40 ISO 2084-1974 AE ANSI 3\" 150 lbs ANSI B16-5 BA M45x2 PN160 DD DN100 PN40 ISO 2084-1974 AF ANSI 3\" 300 lbs ANSI B16-5 BB M45x2 PN160 JA JIS 10K 50 JIS B 2220 AG ANSI 4\" 150 lbs ANSI B16-5 G4 G1 thread, metal/metal taper sealing JB JIS 40K 50 JIS B 2220 AH ANSI 4\" 300 lbs ANSI B16-5 G5 G1 thread, FPM 0-ring sealing (**) (¹) JC JIS 10K 80 JIS B 2220 TA Tri-clamp DN38 PN40 ISO 2852 G6 G1 thread, EPDM 0-ring sealing (**) (¹) JD JIS 40K 80 JIS B 2220 TB Tri-clamp DN51 PN40 ISO 2852 VA SMS 38 JE JIS 10K 100 JIS B 2220 TC Tri-clamp DN63.5 PN40 ISO 2852 VB SMS 51 JF JIS 40K 100 JIS B 2220 WA SMS-SI 38 with extension 24 mm AA ANSI 1\" 150 lbs ANSI B16-5 WB SMS-SI 51 with extension 27 mm Extension length (Flanged (Sandvik (mm) conn.) conn.) 0 - (not proc.conn. SA) 0 23 - (only proc.conn. DA1, DN25 PN40, max. +125 °C) 1 51 54.5 (not proc.conn. BB, VA, VB, WA, WB, Tx, UA, PA, DA, G1, G2, G4) 2 72 - (only proc.conn. BA) 3 102 105 (not proc.conn. BB, VA, VB, WA, WB, Tx, UA, PA, DA, G1, G2, G4) 4 152 156 (not proc.conn. BB, VA, VB, WA, WB, Tx, UA, PA, DA, G1, G2, G4) 6 Wetted materials Extension or other Diaphragm coating Diaphragm wetted parts Code Material Code Material Code Material Code Material 9 gold/Rhodium 1 Nickel (x) (*) (***) 5 Tantalum (*)(***) 2 AISI316L Y diamond (specify 2 AISI316L 6 Titanium (xx) (*) (***) 3 Hast.C 276 3 Hast.C 276 (*)(***) 8 Duplex (*)(***) 8 Duplex only when coated) Filling oil S Silicone oil G Inert oil A Food industry oil (Neobee M20) Housing type, master N Housing with junction box/terminal strip, display, inlet M20x1,5 Explosion proof 0 No explosion proof classification Process N -30 ... +125 °C H 0 ... +200 °C (*) (***) temperature S +20 ... +70 °C (only process connections BA and DA) Cable between sensors 1 PUR cable with M12 connector both end of cable 2 PVC cable with AISI316/ PG9 inlet, fixed factory mountedProcess couplings Material AISI316L0 Will be ordered separately 2 Hast.C276A With coupling 3 Titanium 6 Duplex 8Special sizes of electrical inlets (Standard M20x1.5)N 1/2 NPT G Pg13.5 P PLUG connector, DIN43650DocumentationCalibration certificate AE EnglishInstallation and Operating Instructions I E English I F FinnishMaterial certificates0 No material certificateMC1 Raw material certificate without appendixes, in accordance with SFS-EN 10204-2.1 (DIN 50049-2.1) standardMC2 Raw material certificate for wetted parts, in accordance with SFS-EN 10204-2.2 (DIN 50049-2.2) standardMC3 Raw material certificate for wetted parts, in accordance with SFS-EN 10204-3.1 B (DIN 50049-3.1 B) standard(x) = only with flange (*) = not proc.conn. G5 and G6(xx) = only with flange and G4 (**) = not for range 3(¹) = EHEDG - certified (***) = not for range 3 with process connection code G4

Index 35 BPDUV760SATRON VDU Differential Pressure Transmitter 5.2.2016 using two separate pressure sensorsProcess couplings, G1 thread Transmitter's process sealing G1 thread 70 Three different options are available for the transmitter's process sealing: +0.5 +0.3 +0.2 AISI316L, AISI317L or Duplex -0.5 diaphragm, o-ring FPM (Viton) ∅45.5 -0.2 ∅25 +0.1 (code G5) ∅45 G1 EHEDG - certified Standard coupling L2 AISI316L, AISI317L or Duplex Material: AISI316 L, Titanium or diaphragm, o-ring EPDM Hastelloy C (code G6) EHEDG - certified Special couplings, e.g.: G1 hygienic coupling , M548101 AISI316L, CoNi-, Duplex, Hastelloy G1/2A/G1 coupling, M546190 C276 or Tantalum diaphragm, G1/2A/G1 coupling with venting, metal/metal taper sealing M860280 (diaphragm on sealing face) G1/2A/ G1 couplings with bracket: (code G4) • G1/2A male, M546195 • G1/2 female, M550393 Coupling M45x2 with adjust, for process connection BA, order code M1050459 SMS-SI couplings : L1 28,5 Ød ØD Ø60 for pipe for vessel Size Dimensions ØD Thread 38 60 Rd 60 x 1/6 51 L1 Ød L2 70 Rd 70 x 1/6 27 38,5 24 30 51 25 Pasve BA working position: Coupling BB M45x2, for process connection BB, order code M1050474 (Welding assistant, code M1050473) For process connections BA3 and BB 1. Transmitter in measuring 57 2. Transmitter can be checked, changed, calibrated or the transmitter diaphragm can be flushed 1. 2. M45x2 Ø60

Index 36 BPDUV760 Differential Pressure Transmitter SATRON VDU using two separate pressure sensors 5.2.2016 Process temperature/°C PASVE® mounting & service valve 200 All PASVE types are also available with pneumatic actuator, flushing and limit switches. 150 GP (NP) (Welded 100 Recommended PASVE GF (NF) on pipe) application range (Flange type) 66 (horizontal 55 41 50 mounting) L 20 40 60 80 R262 Ø127 ØD ambient temperature/°C 6.5 Ø70Process temperature limits, code H Ø115 AKeyboard :Esc = Press Esc move back towards the top of the main menu.Enter = Use the UP arrow key to move up on the current menu level or to increase the selected parameter value. = Use the DOWN arrow key to move down on the current menu level or to decrease the selected parameter value. = Press ENTER to move to a lower level in a menu or to accept a command or parameter value. Satron Instruments Inc., P.O.Box 22, FIN-33901 Tampere, Finland Tel. +358 207 464 800, Telefax +358 207 464 801, We reserve the right for technical modifications without prior notice. HART is a registered trademark of HART Communication Foundation. Pasve is a trademark of Satron Instruments Inc. Hastelloy is the registered trademark of Haynes International. Teflon is the registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Viton is the registered trademark of DuPont Down Elastomer. Varivent is a registered trademark of GEA Tuchenhagen.

Index 37 2/02 Flow measurement April 30, 2010 Our instruments for flow measurement: FOR MEASUREMENT IN AN OPEN CHANNEL:- Condensate pot......................................... Spec. G450 VG pressure transmitter ........ Spec. BPLV700- VDt differential pressure transmitter....... Spec. BPdT750 VV pressure transmitter......... Spec. BLV810 FOR MEASUREMENT IN A PIPE: VDt differential pressure transmitter ....... Spec. BPdT750Measurement in a pipe by meansof restricting element (Fig. 1)The flow to be measured in a pipe is pas- Weir with rectangular opening, and Ven-sed through a restricting device and the turi flume:pressure differential between two points,one upstream of the restriction and the Q = kh3/2 (k = constant)other immediately downstream from it,is measured by means of a transmitter. Weir with V opening:(Pressure upstream of the restriction =the high-pressure or positive side, and Q = kh5/2the pressure downstream = the low-pressure or negative side). The differen- 185 Figure 2G½A 89tial pressure ∆p thus obtained is propor- 115 25 DIN19207, Form Vtional to the square of flow Q, i.e., AV17 Q = k √ ∆p (k = constant)For this reason a linearization relay isnormally required in a control loop bet-ween transmitter and controller. It is alsopossible to use a transmitter that incorpo-rates square root extraction.Open channel measurement (Fig. 2) G3/8 25Open channel measurement is used connection pluggedprimarily for liquids that contain impu- DIN910 pipe plugrities (e.g. waste water). Measurementis based on restricting the flow in such Figure 3a manner that the level rises upstreamof the restriction. Level variations aremeasured with either a bubbling tube ora flanged transmitter (see Liquid levelmeasurement). The signal thus obtainedis linearized as follows: G½A, DIN19207, Form RFigure 1 Satron Instruments Inc., P.O.Box 22, FI-33901 Tampere, Finland Tel. +358 207 464 800, Telefax +358 207 464 801,

Index 38 !\" # $% & '( )$ * !\" # $% + %% & '(

Index 39 Condensate pot G450Application 01.01.2014In steam flow measurement special condensate pots Pressure / Temperature curveare installed in the immediate vicinity of restricting or- 30gan. The connection pipes from the restricting device 20to the condensate pots are full of steam, and from the 10condensate pot to the meter full of condensate. Thecondensate pots must be mounted in such a manner 0that the liquid levels are the same in them. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600The function of the condensate pots is to condensate Operating temperature / °Csteam into a liquid (e.g. to protect the transmitter fromheat, to prevent dribbling), to keep the liquid levelsunaltered with overflow and to collect air. The conden-sate water transmits the pressure to the transmitter, sothat the transmitter itself is not in contact with steam.ConstructionCondensing Pots are designed according to DIN Operating pressure / MPa19211. Connections with thread according to DIN19207 Form R and V.They fulfil the requirements of the PED 97/23/EC.Technical specificationVolume: 0.3 litersOperating pressure, max.: 100 bar (10 MPa)Operating temperature, max.: +450°CMaterials- housing: HII DIN 17155 (Wnr. 1.0425)- pipes: St 35.8/II (Wnr. 1.0305)Surface handling: fresh paintWeight: 1.8 kg 185 G½A DIN19207, Form V 89 115 AV17 25G3 / 8 100connection plugged 25DIN910 pipe plug G½A, DIN19207, Form R We reserve the right to make technical changes without prior notice. Satron Instruments Inc., P.O.Box 240, FIN-33201 Tampere, Finland Tel. +358 3 387 1800, Telefax +358 3 387 1899

Index 40

Index 41 3/01Liquid level measurement December 31, 2014Our instruments for liquid level measurement: ALSO SUITABLE FOR LIQUID LEVEL MEASUREMENTVG pressure transmitter ...................... Spec. VDt differential pressure transmitter .... Spec.BPdT750BPLV700VV pressure transmitter........................ Spec. BLV810VVFe pressure transmitter................... Spec. BLV811VL pressure transmitter ...................... Spec. BLV820VDtL differential pressure transmitter . Spec.BLVT830Liquid level measurement using a transmitterIn an open vessel the liquid level is be used for level measurement if there is no Pressurized vesselpropotional to the hydrostatic pressure in the risk of sedimentation and if level variations are When no fill fluid is used in the negative leg,vessel, and level can be measured by means small. the calculation is the same as for open vessel.of pressure measurement. The most common- If the negative leg is filled with condensate orly used methods are measurement through Calculating the calibration values (fig. 2) some other liquid, thenthe side of the vessel by means of a flanged span = dIhpressure or differential pressure transmitter, To simplify the calculations, the effect of the suppression = dIs — d2kas in fig. 2 (the negative leg connection of dif- range = (dIs — d2k) to (dIs — d2k) + dIhferential pressure transmitter is left open), and density of the gas above the liquid level hasbubbling tube measurement, as in fig. 3. In the Example:latter method compressed air is fed through been ignored. Ifa monitoring rotameter into a bubbling tube dI = 0.9, d2 = 1.0, h = 5m, s = 1 m, andand the back pressure produced in the tube s, h, and k = distances as in fig. 2. k = 6.5 m, then− proportional to liquid level − is measured. Span = 0.9x5 mH2O = 4.5 mH2O,The choice between these two methods, dI = relative density of the liquid with res-pect Suppression = (0.9x1 - 1.0x6.5) mH2Obubbling tube or flanged transmitter, is deter- to water at 4°c. = -5.6 mH2Omined between by the ease of making the pro- Rangecess connection and by the likelihood of sedi- d2 = relative density with respect to water of = -5.6 to (-5.6+4.5) mH2Omentation. The bubbling tube is well suited for the fill fluid in the negative leg. = -5.6 to -1.1 mH2Oapplications such as level measurement in a = -549 to -108 mbar.stock chest made of cement where, especially When s, h, and k are expressed in met- The minus sign indicates that, when calibra-at some later date, it would be difficult to install ting, the pressure is taken to the negative sidea side connection for a flanged transmitter. res, the unit for range elevation, span, and of the transmitter.In general a flanged transmitter is suitable foralmost any type of vessel. With fluids liable to supression is mH2O; for millimetres the unit is OPEN VESSEL PRESSURIZED VESSELform sediments the measuring diaphragm can mmH2O, kept clean by washing it trough a specialflushing flange (fig. 1). The flange is instal- Open vesselled between the transmitter and the processflange. A continious or periodic water flow Span = dIhis issued through the flushing bore. If level Elevation = dIsvariations are small and if the fluid is not liable Range = dIs to (dIs + dIhto form sediments, a float type transmitter canbe used. Example:In a pressurized vessel the liquid level canbe measured with a flangeless or flanged Ifdifferential pressure transmitter (fig. 4). Whenmeasuring fluids liable to form sediments, a dI = 1.2, h = 1000 mm, and s = 500 mm,flanged transmitter is equipped with a flushing then span = 1.2 x 1000 mmH2O =flange when necessary. 1200 mmH2O,As in open vessel, a float type transmitter can elevation = 1.2 x 500 mmH2O = 600 mmH2O, range = 600 to (600 + 1200) = 600 to 1800 mmH2O ≈ 59 to 177 mbar.Figure 1 1 Pressure transmitter VL Figure 2 2 M 16 nut 3 DN80 gaskets 4 Process flange 5 Flushing flange 6 GE8-L1/4” BSP stud coupling Satron Instruments Inc., P.O.Box 22, FI-33901 Tampere, Finland Tel. +358 207 464 800, Telefax +358 207 464 801,

Index 42 3/02Liquid level measurement December 31, 2014Installation examples 1 Stud coupling, Ø12 mm dia./ G½ maleAs regards process connection materials and connectionpiping, the requirements are the same as in pressure me- 2 Tee, 12 mm dia.asure-ment. Figure I shows an ordinary flanged transmitter 3 Double male connector, Ø12 mm an open vessel application, with corresponding process 4 Plugflange and flushing flange. Figure 3 shows an installation 5 Ball valveexample for bubbling tube application. Figure 4 illustrates 6 Process connection, G½level measurement in a pressurized vessel with flanged 7 Pipe, Ø12 x 1 calibredtransmitter. When measuring liquid level in an open vessel 8 Gasket DN80in the same manner, the suppression pipe is not needed. 9 Flange connection DN80Bating of the piping system and vessel have to be taken 10 Nutaccount when selecting the gasket material.Gasket materials have to be selected in such a way that Figure 4the eventual bate is not absorbed in the gasket (e.g.Viton®).Liquid min. Adjustability Measuring rangelevel 1.4 kPa (14 mbar)measurement 4kPa (40 mbar) Span -35...+35 kPa (-350...350 mbar) 10 kPa (100 mbar) max. -100...+100 kPa (-1000...1000 mbar) VG3 10 kPa (100 mbar) -100...+500 kPa (-1000...5000 mbar) VG4 0.03 MPa (0,3 bar ) 35 kPa (350 mbar) 0...+500 kPa (0...5000 mbar), abs. VG5 0.03 MPa (0,3 bar) 100 kPa (1000 mbar) -0.1...+3 MPa (-1...30 bar ) VGA5 0.15 MPa (1,5 bar) 500 kPa (5000 mbar) 0...+3 MPa (0...30 bar), abs. VG6 1 MPa (10 bar) 500 kPa (5000 mbar) 0...+15 MPa (0...150 bar), abs. VGA6 3 MPa (30 bar) -0.1...+25 MPa (-1....250 bar) VG7 1,4kPa (14 mbar)3 3 MPa (30 bar) VG8 4kPa (40 mbar) 15 MPa (150 bar) -35...+35 kPa (-350...350 mbar) 10 kPa (100 mbar) 25 MPa (250 bar ) -100...+100 kPa (-1000...1000 mbar) VVx3 -100...+500 kPa (-1000...5000 mbar) VVx4 x) 4kPa (40 mbar) 5 kPa (350 mbar) VVx5 10kPa (100 mbar) 100 kPa (1000 mbar) -100...+100 kPa (-1000...1000 mbar) -100...+500 kPa (-1000...5000 mbar) VVFe 4 1.4kPa (14 mbar) 500 kPa (5000 mbar) VVFe 5 4kPa (40 mbar) -35...+35 kPa (-350...350 mbar) 10 kPa (100 mbar) 100 kPa (1000 mbar) -100...+100 kPa (-1000...1000 mbar) VL3 10 kPa (100 mbar) 500 kPa (5000 mbar) -100...+500 kPa (-1000...5000 mbar) VL4 0,03 MPa (0,3 bar) 0...+500 kPa (0...5000 mbar), abs. VL5 0,03 MPa (0,3 bar) 35 kPa (350 mbar) -0.1...+3 MPa (-1...30 bar) VLA5 1 MPa (10 bar) 100 kPa (1000 mbar) 0...+3 MPa (0...30 bar), abs. VL6 500 kPa (5000 mbar) 0...+15 MPa (0...150 bar), abs. VLA6 1.4 kPa (14 mbar) 500 kPa (5000 mbar) VL7 4 kPa (40 mbar) 3 MPa (30 bar) -35...+35 kPa (-350...+350 mbar) 26.5 kPa (265 mbar) 3 MPa (30 bar ) -100...+100 kPa (-1000...+1000 mbar) VDtL 3 145 kPa (1.45 bar) 15 MPa (150 bar) -500...+500 kPa (-5000...+5000 mbar) VDtL4 -3...+3 MPa (-30...+30 bar) VDtL 5 35 kPa (350 mbar) VDtL 6 100 kPa (1000 mbar) 500 kPa (5000 mbar) 3 MPa (30 bar) 1 Pressure transmitter VG x) See the data sheet BLV810 2 Special fitting 3 Stud elbow WE8-L/1/4” Viton is the registered trademark of 4 Stud coupling, SF8-L/1/4” Du Pont Down Elastomers. 5 Rotameter Figure 3

Index 43 BPLV700SATRON VG Flush Mount Pressure Transmitter M2, revision 3 01.01.2014SATRON VG pressure transmitter belongs to the series V transmitterswhich will have both analog and smart properties. SATRON VG is usedfor 0-1.4 kPa...0-25 MPa ranges. It is a 2-wire transmitter with HART®standard communication.In pressure measuring applications SATRON VG transmitters are used formeasuring the pressure of clean, sedimenting, crystallizing and stickingmaterials. The transmitter's sensor is piezoresistive. The rangeability is100:1 for types VG6 - VG7.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSMeasuring range and span Long-term stability Housing with PLUG connector,See Selection Chart. ±0.1 % / max. span / 1 year housing type codes H and T Housing: AISI303/316Zero and Span adjustment Temperature effect Seals: Viton® and NBR TEST jacks: MS358Sn/PVDF, protectedZero elevation: Calibrated span is freely - on -20 to +80 °C range with silicone rubber shield. (process temperature code N) PLUG connector: PA6-GF30 jacket,selectable on the specified range Zero and span error: Silicone rubber seal, AISI316 retainingdepending from the desired option. ±0.15 % of max. span. screw.This can be made by using extern - on 0 to +200 °C range Housing with junction box/terminalcontrol shafts, keyboard (display option) or (process temperature code H) strip, housing type codes M and N Housing: AISI303/316; Seals: Nitrile andHART®275/375 communicator. Zero and span error: Viton®; Nameplates: Polyester ±1 % of max. span, VG6 - VG8 Connection hose between sensing element and housingDamping ±2 % of max. span, VG4 - VG5 Codes L and K: PTFE hose with AISI316 braiding.- Time constant is continuouslyadjustable 0.01 to 60 s. Mounting position effect Zero error < 0.32 kPa, which can beTemperature limits calibrated out.Ambient: -30 to +80 °CProcess: -30 to +125 °C Vibration effect (IEC 68-2-6: FC): 0 to +200 °C (temp. code H) ±0.1 % of measuring range/Shipping and storage: -40 to +80 °C. 2g/10 to 2000 HzOperating temperature of display: 4g/10 to 100 Hz0 to +50ºC (does not affect operation ofthe transmitter) Power supply effect < ±0.01 of calibrated span per voltPressure limits Min. and max. process Insulation test voltagepressure: See the appended tables. 500 V rms 50 HzVolumetric displacement CONSTRUCTION AND CALIBRATION< 0.5 mm3 /max. span MaterialsOutput 2-wire (2W), 4-20 mA, Diaphragm 1): AISI316L (EN 1.4435),user selectable for linear, square root, Duplex (EN 1.4462), Hast. 276 (ENinverted signal or the transfer function 2.4819), CoNi-alloy, Titanium Gr2 (EN(16 points)specified by the user 3.7035) or Tantalum. Coupling 1): AISI316L (EN 1.4404),Supply voltage and permissible load Duplex (EN 1.4462), Hast.C276 (ENSee the load capacity diagram; 2.4819) or Titanium Gr2 (EN 3.7035). Other sensing element materials: 4-20 mA output: 12 - 35 VDC.Humidity limits AISI316, SIS 2343. Supply voltage for transmitter0-100 % RH; freezing of condensed without intrinsic safety (not ATEX)water is not allowed in reference Filling fluid: Silicone oil, food industrypressure channels. oil or inert oilPERFORMANCESPECIFICATIONS Enclosure class IP66Tested in accordance with IEC60770: 1) Parts in contact with process mediumReference conditions, specified span,no range elevation, horizontal mounting; Pressure limitsO-ring seals, AISI316L diaphragm,silicone oil fill.Accuracy Maximum process pressure, MPa Minimum process pressure ±0.05 % of calibrated span (span 1:1-5:1 /max.range). Trans- Max. Pressure Minimum pressure for mitter overload class On the measuring ranges 5:1-100 :1: type pressure Tproc. different fill fluids PN40 (kPa, abs.) VG3 0.2 PN40 VG4 0.3 PN40 °C DC200 Inert oil VG5 1.5 PN100( )±[0.025+0.01 x max.span ]% of VG6 7.5 PN250 100 cSt VG7 40.0 PN250calibrated span calibrated span VG8 100.0 20 5 8 40 8 10(incl. nonlinearity, hysteresis and 80 16 28repeatability) 120 21 53 Satron Instruments Inc., P.O.Box 22, FI-33901 Tampere, Finland Tel. +358 207 464 800, Telefax +358 207 464 801,

Index 44 BPLV700SATRON VG Flush Mount Pressure Transmitter 01.01.2014Calibration Special Conditions for Safe Use (X) :For customer-specified range with 1 s. damping. (If range is The enclosure with plastic window and the plasticnot specified, transmitter is calibrated for maximum range.) DIN43650 connector must not be installed in potentially explosive atmosphere requiring category 1 apparatus.Electrical connections The non-conducting surface of the sensor element mayHousing with PLUG connector, H and T: be charged by the flow of non-conducting media, soPLUG connector, connector type DIN 43650 model AF; Pg9 there may be electrostatic hazard with IIC-gases. Thesegland for cable; wire cross-section 0.5 to 1.5 mm2. units should be marked 2 GD. The equipment shall be installed and connectedHousing with junction box/terminal strip, M and N : according to the manufacturers instructions.M20x1.5, 1/2-NPT inlet; screw terminals for 0.5 to 2.5 mm2wiresProcess connections Load / ΩG1 connecting threadProcess couplings: See Selection Chart and installation 1400instructions or technical specification: Couplings forTransmitters G150. 1250Weight 1000Transmitter- with housing type H and T: 0.7 kg 750- with housing type M ja N: 1.2 kg 500Product Certifications 250 Operating regionEuropean Directive Information 0 15 10 12 28Electro Magnetic Compatibility(EMC directive 2004/108/EC) 20 25 30 35 40All pressure transmitters Supply voltage /VAtex Directive (94/9/EC)Satron Instruments Inc. complies with the ATEX Min. load using HART® - communication 250 ΩDirective. R max = Supply voltage - 12 VEuropean Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) (97/ I max23/EC) I max = 20.5 mA using HART®-communicationAll Pressure Transmitters :- Sound Engineering Practice I max = 23 mA (when the alarm current 22,5 mA is on) Supply voltage for transmitter with certified intrinsic safety (ATEX)Hazardous Locations CertificationsEuropean CertificationsATEX Intrinsic SafetyCertification No. : DNV-2007-OSL-ATEX- 1346X Hart® S PZ 1 mA Z .5 3 II 1 GD T135°C EEx ia II C T4 -20°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 50°C -+ II 2 GD T135°C EEx ia II C T4 -20°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 50°C RUN D DN UP 60 Test LoadInput Parameters : PowerUi = 28 V 12Ii = 93 mA 3Pi = 0.651 WCi = 5 nF 2Li = 0.2 mH 12 13 Wiring Housing with PLUG connector, codes H and T

Index 45SATRON VG Flush Mount Pressure Transmitter BPLV700 01.01.2014Dimensions (in mm) 195, ATEX +15 Process temperature code H +40 Ø48 Ø25 G1A Pg 9 std. housing types H and T AV36 195, ATEX +15 Process temperature code H +40 75 Ø48 M20x1,5 std. housing type M 225, ATEX +15 Process temperature code H +40 70 M20x1,5 std. housing type N Esc Enter 1300354100

Index 46 BPLV700SATRON VG Flush Mount Pressure Transmitter 01.01.2014Dimensions (in mm) 225, ATEX +15 1300354100 Process temperature code H +40 Ø25 G1A 110 Pg 9 housing type N with DIN43650 plug-connector 90 Esc Enter Clearance for Housing types H, T and M 215 Housing type N 245 cover removal (Process temperature code H, +40, 100 Atex transmitter, code 1, +15) 125 170 Option K min. R75 Hex 36 160 60 Option L Pg9 std. housing types H and T M20x1.5 std. housing types M and N Hex 36Remote electronics, connecting cable min. 300with protection hose, codes L and K mA mA -+ -+ 3 + - Test 21 + - Test Load Load Load Wiring Power Power Power Housing with terminal strip and displayWiring Wiring with DIN 43650 plug-connector,Housing with terminal strip, code M Housing with terminal strip and display, code N code N__ / P

Index 47SATRON VG Flush Mount Pressure Transmitter BPLV700 01.01.2014Couplings Transmitter's process sealing 70 Three different options are available for the transmitter's process sealing: +0.5 +0.3 +0.2 -0.2 -0.5 +0.1 ∅45.5 ∅45 ∅25 G1 Standard coupling AISI316L, AISI317L or Duplex Material: AISI316 L or Hastelloy C diaphragm, FPM (Viton) or EPDM O-ring Special couplings: (code 5 or 6) G1 hygienic coupling , M548101 EHEDG - certified G1/2A/G1 coupling, M546190 G1/2A/G1 coupling with venting, AISI316L, CoNi-, Duplex, Hastelloy M860280 C276, Tantalum or Titanium G1/2A/ G1 couplings with bracket: diaphragm, • G1/2A male, M546195 metal/metal taper sealing • G1/2 female, M550393 (diaphragm also on sealing face) (code 4) Flanges: Dimensions of flanged couplings, see the installation and setting-up instructions PASVE® mounting & service valve Process temperature limits, code H All PASVE® types are also available with pneumatic Process temperature/°C actuator, flushing and limit switches. 200 PASVE GF (NF) GP (NP) GC (NC) (Flange type) (Welded (Welded on pipe) on container) 150 55 66 41 100 Recommended L application range (horizontal mounting) Ø127 ØD 6.5 Ø70 Ø115 50 R262 A 20 40 60 80 ambient temperature/°C Hart® S PZ 1 Z .5 3 RUN D DN UP 60 Test 12 Keyboard : 3 Esc = Press Esc move back towards the top of the main menu. Use of selector switch : Enter RUN = working position = Use the UP arrow key to move up on the current menu level PZ = Process value zero or to increase the selected parameter value. D = Damping adjustment S = Span adjustment = Use the DOWN arrow key to move down on the current menu Z = Zero adjustment level or to decrease the selected parameter value. DN = Down UP = Up = Press ENTER to move to a lower level in a menu or to accept a command or parameter value. Housing with PLUG connector, housing code T Housing with display, housing code N

Index 48SATRON VG Flush Mount Pressure Transmitter BPLV700 01.01.2014Selection ChartAdjustability Span, min Span, max Measuring rangeVG3 1.4 kPa (14 mbar) 35 kPa (350 mbar) - 35...+35 kPa (-350...350 mbar)VG4 4 kPa (40 mbar) 100 kPa (1000 mbar) -100...+100 kPa (-1000...1000 mbar)VG5 10 kPa (100 mbar) 500 kPa (5000 mbar) -100...+500 kPa (-1000...5000 mbar)VGA5 10 kPa (100 mbar) 500 kPa (5000 mbar) 0...+500 kPa (0...5000 mbar), abs.VG6 0.03 MPa (0.3 bar ) 3 MPa (30 bar) -0.1...+3 MPa (-1...30 bar )VGA6 0.03 MPa (0.3 bar) 3 MPa (30 bar) 0...+3 MPa (0...30 bar), abs.VG7 0.15 MPa (1.5 bar) 15 MPa (150 bar) 0...+15 MPa (0...150 bar), abs.VG8 1 MPa (10 bar) 25 MPa (250 bar) -0,1...+25 MPa (-1...250 bar) Output S 4-20mA DC/HART® -protocol Process seal 4 metal/metal taper 5 O-ring FPM (Viton®) (1) (1) 6 O-ring EPDM Wetted materials Code Material Diaphragm coating Code Material 6 Titanium Gr2 (*) (**) (****) Code Material 2 AISI316L (EN 1.4435) 7 CoNi-alloy (*) (not ranges 3-4) 3 Hast. C 276 (*) (**) 8 Duplex (EN 1.4462) (*) (**) 9 gold/Rhodium 5 Tantalum (*) (**) Y diamond (specify only when coated) Fill fluid S Silicon oil G Inert oil A Food and beverage special oil (Neobee M20) Housing type H Housing with PLUG-connector, DIN43650, no display, inlet PG9 T Housing with PLUG-connector and with manual adjust, DIN43650, no display, inlet PG9, (no ATEX) M Housing with junction box/terminal strip, no display, inlet M20x1,5 N Housing with junction box/terminal strip, with display, inlet M20x1,5 Explosion proof 0 No explosion proof classification 1 Atex Intrinsic Safety, II 1 GD T135°C (***) Process temperature limits N -30 ... +125 °C H 0 ... +200 °C (*) (**)Process coupling Material0 No coupling E Hygienic coupling 2 AISI316LG Standard 3 Hast.C276 coupling 6 Titanium Gr2 8 DuplexPASVE® mounting valve, specify separately in the orderSpecify special couplings separately in the orderSpecial size of electrical inletN 1/2 NPT G Pg13.5 P Plug connector DIN 43650Special featuresRemote electronics (specify only if housing connected with cable to sensing element)- connecting cable with protection hose L Hose protected with PTFE/AISI316 braiding, straight K Hose protected with PTFE/AISI316 braiding, angle of 90°Length of connection cable between sensing element and housing2 2 m cable 3 3 m cable etc. (max. 10 m)Mounting parts for remote electronics for Ø 51 mm tube0 No mounting parts 1 Mounting partsDocumentationCalibration certificate AE EnglishInstallation and operating instructions I E English IF FinnishMaterial certificates0 No material certificateMC1 Raw material certificate without appendices, in accordance with SFS-EN 10204-2.1 (DIN 50049-2.1) standardMC2 Raw material certificate for wetted parts, in accordance with SFS-EN 10204-2.2 (DIN 50049-2.2) standardMC3 Raw material certificate for wetted parts, in accordance with SFS-EN 10204-3.1 B (DIN 50049-3.1 B) standardWe reserve the right for technical modifications without prior notice. (*) = only process seal code 4 (**) = not for range 3HART is the registered trademark of HART Communication Foundation. (***) = Housing H and N : II 2 GD T135°CPasve is the registered trademark of Satron Instruments Inc.Hastelloy is the registered trademark of Haynes International. ATEX transmitters with display are theTeflon is the registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. model without membrane key.Viton is the registered trademark of DuPont Down Elastomer. (****) = Min. process temperature limits 0 °C (1) = EHEDG - certified

Index 49 BLV810SATRON VV Pressure Transmitter M2, revision 3 01.01.2014SATRON VV pressure transmitter belongs to V-transmitter family.The series V transmitters have both analog and smart properties. SATRONVV is used for 0-1.4 kPa...0-0.5 MPa ranges. It is a 2-wire transmitter withHART® standard communication.SATRON VV pressure transmitter is suitable for liquid level measurementsin ground, rock and ships' tanks, and in open channels.SATRON VV pressure transmitter can be used in corrosive conditions and tomeasure contaminating liquids. Possible foam on the surface of themeasured liquid does not disturb the measurement. SATRON VV does notrequire compressed air supply.The transmitter's sensor is piezoresistive. The rangeability is 50:1 for typeVV5.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSMeasuring range and span Long-term stability Load / ΩSee Selection Chart. ±0.1 % of max. span per 12 months 1400Zero and Span adjustment Temperature effect on compensated 1250Zero elevation: Calibrated span is temperature rangesfreely selectable on the specified Zero and span shift: ±0.15 % of 1000range depending from the desired max.spanoption. This can be made by using 750extern control shafts (analog option), Mounting position effectkeyboard (display option) or Zero error <0.32 kPa, which can be 500HART®275/375 communicator. calibrated out. OperatingDamping Vibration effect (IEC 68-2-6: FC): 250 regionTime constant is continuously ±0.1 % of measuring range/ 0 adjustable 0.01 to 60 s. 2 g/10 to 2000 Hz 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 40 4 g/10 to 100 HzTemperature limits Supply voltage /VProcess: -10 to +125 °C Power supply effect Min. load using HART® - communication 250 ΩAmbient: -30 to +80 °C <±0.01 % of calibrated span per volt.Shipping and storage: -40 to +80 °C. R max = Supply voltage - 12 VOperating temperature of display: Insulation test voltage I max0 to +50ºC (does not affect operation of 500 V rms 50 Hz.the transmitter) I max = 20.5 mA using HART®-communication Equipment cabinet is recommended CONSTRUCTION AND I max = 23 mA (when the alarm current 22,5 mA is on)for extremely demanding conditions. CALIBRATION Materials Supply voltage for transmitterPressure limits Diaphragm 1): AISI316L (EN 1.4435), without intrinsic safety (not ATEX)Min. and max. process pressure: See Hast. C276 (EN 2.4819) or Tantalum.the appended tables. Sensing element 1): AISI316, PTFE/ Equipment cabinet Rittal AE1380, AISI316 or PVC Steel cabinet with polyester paint.Output 2-wire (2W), 4-20 mA, Other materials: SIS2343user selectable for linear, square root, Fill fluid Silicone oil or inert oil. Enclosure class: IP66.inverted signal or the transfer function(16 points)specified by the user Housing with PLUG connector, codes Calibration H and T For customer-specified range with 1 s.Supply voltage and permissible load Housing: AISI316/303 damping. (If range is not specified,See the load capacity diagram; Seals: Viton® and NBR transmitter is calibrated for maximum4-20 mA output: 12-35 VDC. TEST jacks: MS358Sn/PVDF, range.) protected with silicone rubber shield.Humidity limits 0-100 % RH; PLUG connector: PA6-GF30 jacket, Electrical connectionsfreezing of condensed water is not Silicone rubber seal, AISI316 retaining Housing with PLUG connector,allowed in reference pressure screw. codes H and T:channels. PLUG connector, connector type DIN Housing with junction box/terminal 43650 model AF; Pg9 gland for cable;PERFORMANCESPECIFICATIONS strip, codes M and N wire cross-section 0.5 to 1.5 mm2.Tested in accordance with IEC 60770: Housing: AISI303/316; Seals: NitrileReference conditions, specified span, and Viton®; Nameplates: Polyester Housing with junction box/terminalno range elevation,AISI316L strip, codes M and N:diaphragm, silicone oil fill. Connection cable between sensing M20x1.5, 1/2-NPT inlet; screw element and housing terminals for 0.5 to 2.5 mm2 wires.Accuracy (code Land K):• ±0.05 % of calibrated span PTFE hose with AISI316 braiding. 1) Parts in contact with process medium (span 1:1-5:1 /max.range). Pressure limits Minimum process pressure On the measuring ranges 5:1- 50:1: Maximum process pressure, MPa( )±[0.01+0.012 x max.span ]% of Max. Pressure Tproc. Minimum process pressure overload class for different fill fluids (kPa,abs.)calibrated span calibrated span Transmitter type pressure °C(incl. nonlinearity, hysteresis and DC200 Inert oilrepeatability) 100 cSt VV...3 0.2 PN40 VV...4 0.3 PN40 20 5 8 VV...5 1.5 PN40 40 8 10 80 16 28 Satron Instruments Inc., P.O.Box 22, FI-33901 Tampere, Finland Tel. +358 207 464 800, Telefax +358 207 464 801,

Index 50 BLV810 SATRON VV Pressure Transmitter Input Parameters : 01.01.2014 Ui = 28 V Process connections Ii = 93 mA DN50PN40, DN80PN40,ANSI2\" 150 lbs/300 lbs, ANSI3\" Pi = 0.651 W 150 lbs/300 lbs; clamp mounting on angle bracket Ci = 5 nF (see INSTALLATION) Li = 0.2 mH Weight (kg): Special Conditions for Safe Use (X) : · VVF 2.2 kg The enclosure with plastic window and the plastic · VVP 8.7 kg DIN43650 connector must not be installed in · VVH 9.2 kg potentially explosive atmosphere requiring category + 1 kg/m with PVC protective tube 1 apparatus. and 3 kg/m with AISI316 protective The non-conducting surface of the sensor element tube. may be charged by the flow of non-conducting media, so there may be electrostatic hazard with Product Certifications IIC-gases. These units should be marked 2 GD. The equipment shall be installed and connected European Directive Information according to the manufacturers instructions. Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC directive 2004/108/EC) All pressure transmittersAtex Directive (94/9/EC) Load / ΩSatron Instruments Inc. complies with the ATEXDirective. 1400 1250European Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) (97/ 100023/EC) 750All Pressure Transmitters :- Sound Engineering Practice 500Hazardous Locations Certifications 250 OperatingEuropean Certifications regionATEX Intrinsic Safety 0 28Certification No. : DNV-2007-OSL-ATEX- 1346X 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 40 II 1 GD T135°C EEx ia II C T4 -20°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 50°C II 2 GD T135°C EEx ia II C T4 -20°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 50°C Supply voltage /V Min. load using HART® - communication 250 Ω R max = Supply voltage - 12 V I max I max = 20.5 mA using HART®-communication I max = 23 mA (when the alarm current 22,5 mA is on) Supply voltage for transmitter with certified intrinsic safety (ATEX) Hart® S PZ 1 Z .5 3 RUN D DN UP 60 Test 1 2Keyboard : Use of selector switch : 3 RUN = Working positionEsc = Press Esc to move back towards the top of the main menu. PZ = Process value zeroEnter = Use the UP arrow key to move up on the current menu level or to increase D = Damping adjustment the selected parameter value. S = Span adjustment = Use the DOWN arrow key to move down on the current menu level or to decrease Z = Zero adjustment DN = Down the selected parameter value. UP = Up = Press Enterto move to a lower level in a menu or to accept a command or parameter value. Housing with display, code N Housing with PLUG connector, code T

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