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REC :: Revista 2021-22 :: College Magazine

Published by, 2022-05-12 04:23:16

Description: Annual College Magazine of Rajalakshmi Engineering College - Revista 2021-22

Keywords: REC,Rajalakshmi Engineering College,Magazine,Revista,Annual Day,College Day


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5 Kishore Kumar M , II year 'A', participated in the event Techearthia at Winner Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology on 22-Apr-21 6 Nishaat Aziz , II year 'A', participated in the event Enactry '22 at Winner Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam on 25-Apr-21 7 Vasanta Vaarshni U and Vigneshwar R , IV year 'C', participated in the Runner event XVI Fujio Cup NCRM NICHE Quiz 2021 at M/s GN Corporation, Japan based on a licensing arrangement with NCRM on 17-Oct-21 8 Jeevanantham S , II year MTech, participated in the event Oral Second Prize Presentation at Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering (VVCE), Mysuru, Karnataka. on 12-Nov-21 9 Saranya Sri S , IV year 'C', participated in the event Voice of BT at ABLE Runner in association with Novozymes on 10-Dec-21 10 Jayalakshmi H , II year MTech, participated in the event Oral Best Paper Presentation at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology from 17-Dec-21 award to 18-Dec-21 11 Rhea Harry William , II year, participated in the event Technical event - Second Prize Redeem your path at Enactus Club of Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam on 16-Jan-22 12 Kaviya D , II year, participated in the event Biochrome 2022 at Dr.B.Lal Winner Institute of Biotechnology on 07-Feb-22 13 Kaviya D, II year, participated in the event “Srinivasa Ramanujan Third Prize Mathematical Competitions 2021 conducted by ISTE, Tamilnadu Section in the academic year 2021-22 Symposiums/ Workshops/Seminars/Guest Lectures/Industrial Visits/FDPs Organized Workshops/ Seminars: Sl. No. Date Title Sponsoring Agency 1 05-Mar-22 FDP on Antiviral Drug Design AVRS Against HIV Guest Lectures: Sl. No. Date Topic Name of the speakers with designation and organization 1 06-Jun-21 Technology and Lifesciences in the Era Genomics in the future Mr. Suraj Manikandan , Senior 2 14-Jun-21 prospects Genetic Counselor , Centogene, Investiture Ceremony / Germany Vaccination Awareness and Myth Ms. Ashika Kripakar , Process breakers Lead International group , Process Lead International group ~ 40 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

3 15-Aug-21 Career Ignition Program SOP Mr. Vijay Bhoopalan, Ms. Sneka Briefing sekar, Mr.Yogesh Movendane , 4 22-Aug-21 Ph.D Scholar, Genome Research Career Ignition Series Fellowship Intern, Junior Research Fellow , 5 26-Dec-21 Talk Australian National University, 6 28-Jan-22 Kvyor Genomics Inc, Centre for 7 04-Mar-22 The applications of AI/ML in Excellence in MEMS & microfluids BioTechnology Mr. Vijay Bhoopalan, Ms. Sneka Recent updates in covid-19 Drug sekar, Mr.Yogesh Movendane , Design Ph.D Scholar, Genome Research Applications of Intern, Junior Research Fellow , Nanobiotechnology in Cancer Australian National University, Research Kvyor Genomics Inc, Centre for Excellence in MEMS & microfluids Dr.Hemant Palivela , Senior Research Scientist , Accenture Dr. P. Selvam , President , AVRS Dr. P. Selvam , President , Antiviral Research Society Industrial Visits: Sl. No. Date Place of visit Participants 1. 24-Dec-21 III BT C 2. 27-Dec-21 OfERR III BT B 3. 27-Dec-21 OfERR II year M-Tech 4. 28-Dec-21 OfERR III BT A OfERR 5. 30-Dec-21 II BT A OfERR II BT B 6. 04-Jan-22 OfERR II BT C 7. 05-Jan-22 OfERR Invited Talks: Topic Speaker Host Institution Sl. No. Date Holy Cross Home 1 10-Mar-21 Roadmap for Patent Dr.V.Gayathri Science College, creation Thoothukudi Meenakshi 2 23-Mar-21 IPR and Patent Processing Dr.V.Gayathri Sundararajan Engineering College, Chennai ~ 41 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

Faculty Publications/Presentations International Conference 1. Archana R, Vijaya Geetha.B, “Evaluation of phytoconstituents from selected wound healing plants and its synergistic antimicrobial activity” International E-Conference on Bioprospecting (ICONBIO), Department of Biotechnology, Arunai Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu, 29th-30th-January, 2021. 2. Sathya.K, “Production of soap and shower gel from Couroupita guianensis flowers”, International E-Conference on Bioprospecting (ICONBIO), Department of Biotechnology, Arunai Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu, 29th-30th -January, 2021. 3. Sathya.K, “Extraction of wax from natural source as a substitute for detrimental chemical wax for viable capitalistic utilization”, International E-Conference on Bioprospecting (ICONBIO), Department of Biotechnology, Arunai Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu,29th-30th–January, 2021. 4. Arthi P, Hemavathy. R.V, “Biosynthesis of collagen based noble metal nanoparticles from turkey bowl and their characterisation”, International E-Conference on Bioprospecting (ICONBIO), Department of Biotechnology, Arunai Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu,29th-30th-January, 2021. 5. Jayasree.R, “Adsorptive removal of Cu(II) ions into mixed biosorbant (Aspergillus campestris and Delonix regia seeds) -Optimization and modeling study”, Bioenergey Environment and Sustainable Technologies, Department of Biotechnology, Arunai Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu, 29th-30th-January, 2021. 6. Saravanan.A, “Hydrolytic degradation of polyethylene terephthalate by cutinase enzyme derived from fungal biomass – Molecular characterization”, International E-Conference on Bioprospecting (ICONBIO), Department of Biotechnology, Arunai Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu, India. 29th-30th -January, 2021. 7. Saravanan.A, Hemavathy. R V, “Adsorptive removal of Cu(II) ions onto mixed biosorbent (Aspergillus campestris and Delonix regia seeds): Optimization and modeling study”, International e-conference on bioprospecting (ICONBIO), department of Biotechnology, Arunai Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu, India, 29th-30th -January,2021. 8. Nethra V, Rajasekar.P, “Immunostimulant effect of herbs-spices syrup in type 2 diabetic rats”. International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology (ICAST), Institute of Innovations, Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu, 2nd-3rd –April, 2021. 9. Nethra.V, Rajasekar.P, “Phytochemicals of herbal-spices syrup ameliorate hyperglycemia and oxidative stress in type 2 diabetic rats”. International Virtual Conference on Advanced Materials for Emerging Technologies (ICAMET-21), Research Faculty Enrichment Council (RFEC), Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, 26th-27th -April,2021. 10. Thiruvengadam.S, “Design and development of herbal based topical drug against dog bite as first Aid”, International virtual conference on recent trends in clean technologies for sustainable environment - CTSE 2021, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, pp 206, 6th-7th -May,2021. 11. Gayathri.V, “Antimicrobial effect of copper nano particles synthesized using spices extract”, International Conference on Sustainable Materials and Technologies for Bio and Energy Applications (SMTBEA- 2021), Department of ECE, SSN College of Engineering and SSN Research Centre in association,pp200,19th-21 May, 2021. 12. Vijaya Geetha.V, \"Evaluation of phytoconstituents from selected wound healing plants and its synergistic antimicrobial activity\", International virtual conference on recent trends in clean technologies for sustainable environment - CTSE 2021, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, 6th-7th -May, 2021. ~ 42 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

13. Shreenidhi.K.S, Varshini Anand, Savithakshini.H, Subashini, Vijaya Geetha.B, “Effect of pharmaceutical drugs and toxicity studies on pangasius sp.: A review”, International Conference on Green Materials and Renewable Energy (ICGMRE), Department of Chemical Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai – 602117,pp57, 10th-11th- June, 2021. 14. Gayathri.V, ”Adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model to assess genotoxic potential of e- waste”, Technological Advances in Science, Medicine, and Engineering conference (TASME2021) Silver Jubilee Conference 2021, University of Toronto, Canada, 3rd-4th- July,2021. 15. Jayalakshmi.H, Sathya.K, Nagarajan.K, \"Optimization of Synthesis of Biochar for removal of crystal violet dye from aqueous solution\", International e-Conference on Bioengineering for Health & Environment (ICBHE 2021, Department of Biotechnology, School of Bio & Chemical Engineering Centre of Academic Partnership and International Relations Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India in association with MAHSA University, Selangor, Malaysia, 16th-17th-December,2021. National Conference 1. Arthi.P, Hemavathy.R.V, “Turkey gut: An efficient source of collagen and synthesis of collagen based noble metal nanoparticles and its biological applications”, Innovations in Bio/Nano Technology 2021, Bharath University, Chennai, 16th- February, 2021. 2. Hemavathy.R.V, “Agricultural waste derived Nanocellulose and its Applications in Heavy Metal Adsorption: Extraction and Optimization studies”, National Virtual Conference on Recent Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology' (RANN - 2021), Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering (VVCE), Mysuru, Karnataka, 12th-November, 2021. 3. Sathya.K, \"Optimization of the removal of crystal violet dye from textile effluent using Azadirachta Indica bark biochar \",National Conference on Sustainable Materials and Smart Practices (NCSMSP-2021), Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, 17th-18th- December,2021. Book Chapter 1. Carlin Geor Malar G, Muthulingam S, Kannaiyan SK and Madhava AK, “Nanomaterials Application in Biofuels and Bioenergy Production Systems” Published by Elsevier, Chapter 33: Instrumental methods in surface property analysis of magnetic nanoparticles, pp. 691- 697, 2021, Doi:10.106/B978-0-12-822401-4.00007-6/ISBN:978-0-12-822401-4 2. Saravanan A, Jeevanantham S, Jayasree R, Hemavathy RV, Senthil Kumar P and Yaashikaa PR, “Nanomaterials Application in Biofuels and Bioenergy Production Systems” Published by Elsevier, Chapter 34: Environmental and health effects of nanomaterials, pp. 701-711, 2021, Doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-822401-4.00011-8/ ISBN: 978-0-12-822401-4978 3. Anitha T “Nanomaterials Application in Biofuels and Bioenergy Production Systems” Published by Elsevier, Chapter 29: Applications of nanomaterials in biofuel and bioenergy, pp:607-630, 2021,Doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-822401-4.00013-1/ ISBN:978-0-12-822401-4 4. Anitha T, Sathishkumar K, and Krishnapriya K, “The Future of Effluent Treatment Plants: Biological Treatment Systems” Published by Elsevier, Chapter 32: Diverse processes for the treatment of textile wastewater, pp:661-682, 2021, Doi:10.1016/B9780128229569000325/ ISBN: 978-0-12-822956-9 5. Karthikadevi G, Carlin Geor Malar, Nibedita Dey, Sathish kumar K, Maria Sarah R and Subalakshmi V, “Plant and Algal Hydrogels for Drug Delivery and Regenerative medicine” Published by Elsevier, Chapter 12: Alginate-based nanocomposite hydrogels, pp:395-421, 2021, Doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-821649-1.00008-8/ ISBN:9780128216507 ~ 43 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

6. Banudevi S and Vijayageetha B, “Targetting Cellular Signalling Pathways in Lung Diseases” Published by Springer, Chapter 12: Targetting Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, pp:287-310, 2021, Doi:10.1007/978-981-33-6827-9/ ISBN:978-981-33-6827-9 7. Carlin Geor Malar, Muthulingam S, Kannaiyan SK and Madhava AK, “Microbial and Natural Macromolecules” Published by Elsevier, Chapter 3: Synthesis and applications of Chitosan: A contemporary macromolecule, pp:73-86, 2021, Doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-820084- 1.00003-X/ISBN:9780128200858 8. Velusamy P, Sivakumar V and Carlin Geor Malar, “Sustainable Bioprocessing for a Clean and Green Environment Concepts and Applications” Published by CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), Chapter 9: Phycoremediation of Heavy metals in Wastewater Strategy and Developments, pp:164-173, 2021, Doi:10.1201/9781003035398 /ISBN :9781003035398 9. Mariya Joshva LS, Ivo Romauld S, Brindha Devi R and Thiruvengadam S, “Advances in BioTechnology and Bioscience” Published by AkiNik, Chapter 4: A Role of Nanotechnology in Medicine, pp:61-77, 2021, Doi:10.22271/ ISBN: 978-93-91538-46-0 10. Saravanan A, Senthil Kumar P, Hemavathy RV, Jeevanantham S, “Nanohybrids Future materials for Biomedical Applications” Published by Material Research Forum LLC, Chapter 2: Biomaterials for Cell Regeneration, pp: 55-68, 2021, Doi:10.21741/9781644901076-2 11. Saravanan A, Senthil Kumar P, Jayasree R and Jeevanantham S, “Nanohybrids Future materials for Biomedical Applications” Published by Material Research Forum LLC, Chapter 5: Nanohybrids for Wound Healing Application, pp:121-133, 2021, Doi:10.21741/97816449010765 Contragulations!  Mrs. K. Hemalatha has successfully completed her Ph.D. in August 2021  Ms. K. Kavitha Hemalatha has successfully completed her Ph.D. in September 2021  Ms. Femina Carolin C has successfully completed her Ph.D. in December 2021 Faculty Achievements:  Dr. Johanna Rajkumar, Professor & Dr V Gayathri received a Patent for their research work entitled GUAVA LEAF EXTRACT - STORED FOOD GRAIN INSECTICIDE on Feb,2022 and awarded with Rs. 1 lakh for publishing the Patent on REC Researchers day in the month of April 2022. Students of Biotech Ms. R. Dhanusree, Ms. M.M. Akshya Lakshmi has also worked with the faculty for the patent.  Dr. R. Jayasree, Professor received fund amount of Rs.7500/- from Tamilnadu State council for science and Technology -student project scheme-science stream for the project entitled \"Enhanced removal of toxic heavy metals from waste water using silica based magnetic nanomaterials\"-March 2022  Dr. R. Jayasree, Professor received Women Achiever Excellence award for Teaching fraternity in March 2022.  Dr. T.R. Sundararaman, Dr. T.A. Selvakumar, Dr. M. Millicent Mabel & Mr. S. Arunkumar has been honoured for receiving Consultancy project from Nippon Paints Pvt Ltd on REC Researchers day in the month of April 2022.  Dr. V. Gayathri, AOP, received Dr. Sam Thialgalingam Genotoxic Research award in the TASME 2021, Toronto, Ontario, April 2022. ~ 44 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

 Dr V Gayathri, Dr. Johanna Rajkumar, R. Dhanusree, M.M. Akshya Lakshmi got a patent grant on Guava Leaf Extract - Stored Food Grain Insecticide in February 2022  Dr P Saravanan honoured with the cash prize of Rs.20, 000/ for securing highest citation in the researcher sites on REC Researchers day in the month of April 2022.  Dr Hemavathy R V, AOP received Outstanding Professor Award -2021 by Women icon awards in association with Times Women.  Dr Hemavathy R V, privileged with cash prize of Rs. 61,500/- for publishing research articles in the peer reviewed journals on REC Researchers day in the month of April 2022 DEPARTMENT EVENTS INDUSTRIAL VISIT TO ERR NALLAYAN SPIRULINA RESEARCH CENTRE,THAZHAMBUR Live Webinar on RAPID CHANGES IN THE INDIAN FOOD INDUSTRY was organized in hybrid mode by Department of Biotechnology in association with Society of Biological Chemists, Journal Club BT REC, Industry Institute Interaction Cell, REC and Institute's Innovation Council, REC. Dr V Krishna Kumar, Managing Director, GIRACT; Geneva, Switzerland graciously delivered the lecture from Geneva on 11th Oct 2021 in Zoom Platform ~ 45 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

CONSULTANCY RELATED ACTIVITIES As part of establishing a collaboration between Prof Dr TR Sundararaman, Dr P Rajasekar Department of Biotechnology, Rajalakshmi Engineering from Department of Biotechnology, College and Nippon Paint India, a team of faculty (Prof Rajalakshmi Engineering College visited Dr TR Sundararaman, Dr TA Selvakumar, Dr. Millicent Kothari Petrochemicals Limited, Manali on Mabel and Mr Arun Kumar S) visited the plant by the Wednesday, 2nd Oct 2021 to identify areas month of September 2021 and in continuation of it a of cooperation and to explore avenues for team from Nippon paint visited the college to promote consultancy. the partnership and also to exchange the expertise of the experts from the Institute and the Industry. As a continuation of this, consultancy project work order for doing Microbiological testing of various from Nippon Paint (India) Private Limited has been received by the month of Oct, 2021 and its successfully in progress. ONLINE ORIENTATION SESSION PROGRAM ON PATENT PROCESS The orientation talk was delievered by Dr. Dr. Sharana Gouda, Assistant Controller of Patents and Designs, Group Leader-Biotechnology Division, The Patent Office, Chennai, India in Online mode on 10.03.2021 ~ 46 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

ONLINE WEBINAR ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP The talk was delivered by Ashika Kripakar – REC alumnus, Founder of Cloud Kitchen- Veetuvirundhu, Padi, Chennai and the event was conducted by the Journal Club of Department of Biotechnology, Rajalakshmi Engineering College on June 14, 2021 in online mode ONLINE WEBINAR ON TECHNOLOGIES AND LIFE SCIENCES in the Era Of Genomics-Future Prospects The session was handled by Manikandan Suraj- Alumnus of REC & Clinical Genetic Liaison - - Senior Genetic Counselor at Centogene (Germany-based Rare Disease Genomics Company) in Online mode on 06.06.2021 ONLINE WEBINAR ON AWARENESS ON STARTUPS Dr.V.Gayathri (IIC Ambassador), Department of Biotechnology Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai delivered the guest lecture on Awareness of Start-ups in association with BT Society in association with IIC, Department of Biotechnology, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai on 23.06.2021 in online mode. ~ 47 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

Department of Biotechnology in association with SBC, Institution's Innovation Council and Industry Institute Interaction Cell, REC organised Lecture on En route to a Successful Entrepreneurship on March 22,2022. FDP on Antiviral Drug design against HIV by Dr P Seminar on Applications of Nanobiotechnology Selvam On March 05, 2022 by 2.30 PM for faculty of in cancer research by Dr P Selvam On March 05, Biotech dept. 2022 by 12.30 PM for UG & PG students Memorandum of Understanding signed with M/s Aravindh Herbal Labs Pvt Ltd. and Intrensic Herbals Pvt Ltd on March 05,2022 ~ 48 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING ACADEMIC ACHIEVERS OF THE DEPARTMENT RANK HOLDERS IN THE FIRST AUTONOMOUS BATCH OF REC 2017-2021 ANUSH LOKESH B APARNA A D VENKATARAMAN Reg. No. : Reg. No. : 2116170501030 Reg. No. : Rank : 2 2116170501006 2116170501005 Rank : 3 Rank : 1 Guest Lectures: Sl. No. Date Topic Name of the speakers with designation and organization 1 18-Jun-21 Introduction to Chemical Engineering Process Simulation Shree Harjeeth Nath , Assistant Professor , 2 28-Sep-21 Software Aspen Plus Tripura Central University 3 29-Sep-21 Oppurtunities at Georgia 4 05-Feb-22 Institute of Technology Anush Venkataraman , Research Scholar, Georgia Tech. USA 5 25-Feb-22 Sweage Treatment Plant Ananth S Kodavasal , Managing Director, Technologies Ecotech Engineering Consultancy 6 09-Mar-22 Principles of Chemical Dr.Sanjeet Kumar Singh , Assistant Engineering Professor , Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology Innovations in the synthesis of Dr. Chungryong Choi , Post Doctoral diverse structural polymers: Fellow, University of California From Micro to macroscopic applications Dr. Youngmin Lee , Assistant Professor , Innovations in Reversible New Mexico Tech, USA Thermosets through photo thermal conversion for Recyclable & Healable 3D printing materials ~ 49 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

Industrial Visits: Sl. No. Date Place of visit Participants 1 29-Dec-21 Orchid Pharma Ltd III Year Invited Talks: Topic Speaker Host Institution Safety in Chemical Process Dr.N.T.Mary Hindustan University, Sl. No. Date Industries Rosana Chennai 1 27-Oct-21 Faculty Publications/Presentations: International Conference 1. S. Keerthana, G. Vinod Kumar, G. Vijayaraghavan, An Overview of Face mask utilization during pandemic Situation: Challenges in the Treatment, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Clean Technologies for Sustainable Environment, PP- 28, 6th – 7th May 2021, Organized by Department of Chemical Engineering Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering. 2. Anush Venkataraman, Lokesh Babu, Rishi Rajan, Vijayaraghavan Gopal, Overcoming the Demerits in Ion-Exchange Process by Use of Modified Aloe Vera (L.) 3. Powder as Pre-Treatment Conditioner for Localised Water Sources, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Clean Technologies for Sustainable Environment, PP- 30, 6th – 7th May 2021, Organized by Department of Chemical Engineering Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering. 4. Anush Venkataraman, Lokesh Babu, Rishi Rajan, Vijayaraghavan Gopal, Statistical analysis of the use of ballpoint pen in India based on age group, profession and its impact on the environment, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Clean Technologies for Sustainable Environment, PP- 72, 6th – 7th May 2021, Organized by Department of Chemical Engineering Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering. 5. N.T. Mary Rosana, K.L. Vincent Joseph, S. Sowmiya, G. Vinod Kumar, Electronic waste management for eco-friendly environment-a review, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Clean Technologies for Sustainable Environment, PP- 26, 6th – 7th May 2021, Organized by Department of Chemical Engineering Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering. Contragulations!  Mrs.NT.Mary Rosana obtained Ph.D. degree in August 2021 ~ 50 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

DEPARTMENT EVENTS Webinar on A Pilot’s Journey by Ms.Maya, Webinar on Opportunities at Georgia Pilot,Indigo Airlines on 30.06.2021 Institute of Technology by Mr. Anush Venkataraman, Alumnus(2017-2021 batch).Student currently pursuing MS in Chemical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology on 28.09.2021 Field visit to Orchid Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Alathur Plant, Thiruporur on 29.12.2021 ~ 51 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING ACADEMIC ACHIEVERS OF THE DEPARTMENT RANK HOLDERS IN THE FIRST AUTONOMOUS BATCH OF REC 2017-2021 HARINE R SHINE S AGALIYA B V Reg. No. : 2116170601039 Reg. No. : Reg. No. : 2116170601092 Rank : 1 Rank : 2 2116170601117 Rank : 3 Students’ Achievements Details Prizes/ S. No. Medals won Runner-up 1 Mr J.Govindha Krishnan participated in India Next Stimulus Civil award Engineering Quiz conducted by Ultra Tech Cement on 29.07.2021. Symposiums/Workshops/Seminars/Guest Lectures/Industrial Visits/FDPs Organized Guest Lectures: Sl. Date Topic Resource Person- Details No. 1 25-Mar-21 From BEING to BECOMING - Mr Anuman Surya , Marketing and Project An Interactive session with a Coordinator , SPEC Team India Private Ltd. Successful Entrepreneur 2 26-Jun-21 Construction of Low Cost Er.R.Saravanakumar , Trainee Junior Engineer , Building Using Glass Fibre Southern Railway Chennai Reinforced Gypsum Panels 3 17-Jul-21 Helical soil nails A step Dr. Saurabh Rawat , Assistant Professor forward in soil nailing [Senior Grade] , Jaypee University of technique Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India. 4 20-Oct-21 The Recent trends and Mr. V. Pradeep , Senior Engineering Manager & advancements in Structural Section Head- Civil , L&T Construction Design and construction 5 20-Oct-21 The Recent trends and Mr. Naufal Rizwan , Assistant Engineering advancements in Structural Manager- Civil , L&T Construction Design and construction ~ 52 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

6 16-Dec-21 Webinar on \"Recent Dr. R.Sathish Kumar, Dr. R. Venkatesan , Advancements and Career Professor, , National Institute of Construction Opportunities in Management and Research, Hyderabad, Construction, Real Estate, Telangana, India. Infrastructure and Engineering Projects Management\" 7 27-Dec-21 Foundation Design Concepts Ms.Prashanthi R, , Design Engineer, VRP consultants 8 27-Dec-21 Foundation Design Concepts Ms.Prashanthi R, , Design Engineer, VRP consultants 9 27-Dec-21 Webinar of \"Structural Mr. Prakash Ravindran, , Structural Engineer, Design of Residential VRP consultants Buildings and role of Engineers in Engineering Consultancy Firms\" 10 30-Dec-21 Identification of Ground Dr.G. Venkatesan, , Associate Professor, , Water Pollution using Saveetha (Autonomous) Engineering College, Geospatial techniques -a case study 11 18-Dec-21 A webinar on \"Highway Mrs. M.Hemavathy, AP - CIVIL , Rajalakshmi materials Testing\" Engineering College 12 18-Dec-21 Impact of precipitation Dr.G. Venkatesan, Associate Professor, , disparity on groundwater Saveetha (Autonomous) Engineering College, fluctuation using geospatial techniques' 13 29-Jan-22 Eco-friendly Sustainable Dr.K.Gunasekaran , Professor , SRM Institute of Special Concrete Science and Technology, Kattankulathur ??? 603203, Chennai. 14 24-Mar-21 How to plan for Start-up and Mr. V M Deepak , Managing Director , Legal & Ethical Steps Rajkumaran Builders PVT. LTD. 15 30-Jun-21 Career Guidance for Civil Megha Jawale , Career Growth Mentor , Career Engineers Growth Mentor for Engineering Professionals 16 21-Mar-22 study abroad and work Mr.Lakshmi Narayanan, Executive Director, opportunity Education Matters,Chennai & Hyderabad. Industrial Visits: Place of visit Participants Sl. Date III Year No. Soil Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Testing III Year 1 04-Mar-22 Services, Chromepet II Year Schwing Stetter, SIPCOT Industrial Park, 2 08-Mar-22 Irungattukottai Schwing Stetter, SIPCOT Industrial Park, 3 09-Mar-22 Irungattukottai ~ 53 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

Faculty Publications/Presentations: International Journal 1. A.J.Jeya Arthi, M.Hemavathy, M.Gouthampriya “Partial Replacement of Cement by Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag in Concrete” Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, vol.17 (7) 2020. 2. M.Selvakumar, V.Presannakumari, S.Geetha, S.Muthulakshmi “Validationof Line source Models for determining Industrial Pollution and Integrating with IoT for Vulnerability Management\", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 1055 (2021) 012022, Feb’21. Doi: 10.1088/1757- 899X/1055/1/012022. 3. S.Geetha, M.Selvakumar S.Muthulakshmi, “Characteristics of Polymer Modified Reclaimed Bitumen and Aggregate as Sustainable Pavement Material” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1055 (2021) 012019-Feb’21. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1055/1/012019 4. M.Uma Maguesvari, P.Muthaiyan, S.Yugasini, M.Ammaiappan “A Study of fiber reinforced concrete Using Sustainable Material” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1026 (2021) 012011 Feb’21. DOI: 10.1088/1757- 899X/1026/1/012011. 5. V.J.Vedhanayaghi, M.Manoharan, J.Jasper Daniel, S.Premkumar “An approachto derive seismic fragility curves” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1026 (2021) 012007, Feb’2021. DoI: 10.1088/1757-899X/1026/1/012007. 6. A.Rose Enid Teresa, M.Uma maguesva S.Yugasini P.Muthaiyan “Eco Bricks from Industrial Wastes such as Tannery Sludge and Sugarcane Bagasse Ash” published in IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering in April ’21. 1126 (2021) 012076, 1126 (2021) 012076. 7. V.Priyadarshini, T.Felixkala, R.A.B.Depaa, A.Hemamalinie, J.FrancisXavier, K.Surendra abu A.J.Jeya Arthi “Experimental investigation on properties of coir pith and its influence as partial replacement of fine aggregate in concrete” is published online in Materials Today Proceedings Vol. 45, Part 7, 2021, pp.6903-6906 (Scopus Indexed with Impact factor of 0694).August ’21. 8. S.Geetha M.Selvakumar and S.Muthu Lakshmi published a paper on “Investigationon Properties of Reactive Powder Concrete with Automobile Grinding Steel Waste as Fine Aggregate” E3S Web of Conferences 309, 01216 (2021), pp. 1- 4. October’21. 9. M.Selvakumar , S.Geetha, sneha kasturi Rangan, T. Sithrubi, K. Sathyashriya, “Effect of glass powder as partial fine aggregate replacement on properties of basalt fibre reinforced concrete” Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol.43, Part 2, 2021, pp. 1460- 1464. Elsevier [Scopus Indexed, cite score : 1.8] 10. S.Geetha, M.Selvakumar “Optimization of multifunctional nano cement composite for self – sensing” Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol.44, Part 1, 2021, pp. 70-74. Elsevier [Scopus Indexed, cite score: 1.8] 11. S.Muthulakshmi, M. Arshad Gani, V. Kamalesh, V. Mahalakshmi, P.M. Padmesh “Correlating Unsoaked CBR with UCC Strength for SC and SP Soil” Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 43, Part 2, 2021, pp. 1293-1303 Elsevier [Scopus Indexed, cite score: 1.8] 12. S. Muthulakshmi, S.Geetha, M.Selvakumar, “Predicting soaked CBR of SC subgrade from dry density for light and heavy compaction” Materials Today: Proceedings, , Vol. 45, Part 2, 2021, pp. 1664-1670. Elsevier [Scopus Indexed, cite score : 1.8] 13. Rose Enid Teresa, A, G.D.N. Jerry Vasanth, Vidya C, “A Review on the Potential Effects of tsunami on built Environment” Materials Today: Proceedings, ISSN: 2214- 7853, Vol.33, pp.711-715, June 2020, Publisher: Elsevier. [Scopus Indexed, cite score: 1.8] 14. S. Muthulakshmi, R. Rishikesan, S. Vijay Gokulavasan, B. S. Sunil Babu, A. K. Nafeel, M. J. Sathish Anandh, A. Naveen Aravind, “Enhancement of Strength Characteristics of Clayey Sand using fly ash and geonet” Materials Today: Proceedings, September 2020, Vol.45, 2021, pp. 479-485.Publisher: Elsevier. [Scopus Indexed, cite score: 1.8] ~ 54 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

15. M Selvakumar, S.Geetha, S.Muthulakshmi, “Strength Properties of Aerated Cement Composite Reinforced with Steel Fibres” Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol 46, pp. 7061 -7068, 2021, and Publisher: Elsevier. [Scopus Indexed, cite score: 1.8] 16. S.Geetha, M Selvakumar, “Self Prestressing Concrete Composite with Shape Memory alloy” Materials Today: Proceedings Vol 46, 2021 pp.5145-5147 Publisher: Elsevier. [Scopus Indexed, cite score: 1.8] 17. S.Muthulakshmi, S.Geetha, M.Selvakumar, K.Divya Susanna “Strength enhancement of Clayey Sand subgrade using lime and rice husk ash” Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier Vol. 46, 2021, pp. 7430-7435 [Scopus indexed, cite score: 1.8] 18. S.Geetha, M.Selvakumar, “Alkali activated porous material with nano graphene oxide as adsorbent in wastewater treatment” Materials Today: Proceedings Elsevier, Vol. 45, Part 4, 2021, pp. 4087-4090. Scopus indexed, cite score: 1.8] International Conference 1. S. Muthulakshmi, V.J.Vedhanayaghi “Experimental Study on Alternative Material for Conventional Fine and Coarse Aggregate in Concrete” SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, from 19.03.2021 to 20.03.2021. 2. S.Geetha, M.Selvakumar, “Study on Properties of Polymer Mortar with FoundrySand’ SSN College of engineering, Chennai, from 19.03.2021 to 20.03.2021. 3. S.Geetha, M.Selvakumar, “Use of RMC Wastewater in Concrete with Admixtures for Strength Enhancement’ SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, from 19.03.2021 to 20.03.2021. 4. S.Muthulakshmi, .S.Geetha, M.Selvakumar and K. Divya Susanna “Strength Enhancement of Clayey Sand Subgrade using Lime and Rice Husk Ash”VIT Vellore from 19.03.2021 to 21.03.2021. 5. S. Muthulakshmi, “Strength properties of aerated cement composite reinforced with steel fibres” VIT Vellore from 19.03.2021 to 21.03.2021. 6. M.Uma Maguesvari, “Experimental Study On Graphite Infused Concrete” Easwari Engineering College” from 09.04.2021 to 10.04.2021. 7. S. Muthulakshmi, S.Geetha M.Selvakumar “Application of Industrial Wastes for Soil Strength Improvement” Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan, Himachal Pradesh from 03.06.2021 to 04.06.2021. 8. S.Muthulakshmi, S.Geetha M.Selvakumar “Prediction of Air pollution due to Mobile Sources using Line Source Models” Jaypee University of Information Technology,Solan, Himachal Pradesh from03.06.2021 to 04.06.2021. 9. A Rose Enid Teresa “Road Bridges Across Cooum and Adyar Rivers in Chennai City - Need for Structural Health Monitoring” Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan, Himachal Pradesh from 03.06.2021 to 04.06.2021. 10. M.Selvakumar, S.Geetha, S.Muthu Lakshmi presented a paper “3D ConcretePrinting Matrix Reinforced with Geogrid” in the Global Conference on “Recent Advancements in Sustainable Materials–GC-RASM 2021” conducted by AJ Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mangalore, Karnataka on 29th and 30th July 2021. 11. S.Geetha, M.Selvakumar, S.MuthuLakshmi presented a paper “Investigation on Properties of Reactive Powder Concrete with Automobile GrindingSteel Waste as Fine Aggregate”12th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization - ICMPC 2021 conducted at NITTTR Chandigarh 6-9th Oct’21. 12. S.Geetha,M.Selvakumar,S.Muthu Lakshmi presented a paper “Behavior of Alkali activated composite wall Panel” International Conference on Structures, Material and Construction– (ICSMC 2021) conducted by Jaypee University of InformationTechnology, Himachal Pradesh on 12-13th Nov’21. ~ 55 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

13. M.Selvakumar, S.Geetha, S.Muthu Lakshmi presented a paper “Optimization of Pervious Concrete with Polymer for Efficient Storm Water Run-off” in the International Conference on Recent Tends in Construction Materials and Structures (ICON2021) VIT Vellore, on 25 - 26th Nov’21. 14. S. Muthu Lakshmi, S. Geetha, M. Selvakumar, V. J. Vedhanayaghi, and the students namely R. Mithun & V. Karthickraja presented a conference paper titled \"Addition of Sea Shell Waste to Silty Sand Subgrade for Economical Design of FlexiblePavement\" in First International Conference on Structures, Material and Construction held at Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan, HimachalPradesh during 12th & 13th Nov’21. 15. M.Selvakumar, S.Geetha & S.Muthu Lakshmi presented a paper titled “Propertiesof Aerated Concrete with Foundry Sand ” in the International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures– (ICCMS 2021) conducted by St.Thomas Institute for Science and Technology, Trivandrum on 18-19th Dec’21. 16. S. Muthu Lakshmi, S. Geetha, M. Selvakumar ,S. Mahalakshmi A. Pavithra presented a paper titled “Effective Usage of Seashell Waste to Improve the Strength Characteristics of SM Soil” in the International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures– (ICCMS 2021) conducted by St.Thomas Institute for Science and Technology, Trivandrum on 18-19th Dec’21. 17. M.Ammaiappan, .M.Uma Maguesvari, P.Muthaiyan , S.Yugasini presented a paper titled “Geotechnical Behavior of Low and High Compressibility of Clayey Soil Stabilized with Steel Slag ” in the “6th International Conference on Civil Engineering and materials science ICCEMS’21) - Virtual Conference\" Organized by Akshaya College of Engineering & Technology ,Coimbatore & Diligentic Solutions Coimbatore on 24th Dec’21. Faculty Achievements: Patent Awarded to Dr. S. Geetha, Professor, Civil Engineering, Dr. M. Selvakumar, Dean, Civil Engineering for “Grinding Waste from Automobile Industry as A Potential Construction Material” ~ 56 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

DEPARTMENT EVENTS 3 days Workshop on Prototype Development From 18.03.2021 to 20.03.2021 Mr. V M DEEPAK, M.Tech., Mr ANUMAN SURYA, M.S., Managing Director, Rajkumaran Builders PVT. LTD. Marketing and Project Coordinator, SPEC TEAM INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED, Porur. 24.03.2021 25.03.2021 Mentoring Session on \"How to plan for Start-up and Webinar on \"From BEING to BECOMING - An Legal & Ethical Steps\" Interactive session with a Successful Entrepreneur\" ~ 57 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

Er.R. SARAVANAKUMAR, Megha Jawale, Trainee Junior Engineer, Southern Railway Chennai. Career Growth Mentor for Engineering 26.06.2021 Professionals Webinar on “Construction of Low-Cost Building 30.06.2021 Using Glass Fibre Reinforced Gypsum Panels” Webinar on “Career Guidance for Civil Engineers” Dr. Saurabh Rawat, Mr.V.Pradeep, Assistant Professor [Senior Grade], Senior Engineering Manager & Section Head- Department Civil Engineering Civil Water and Effluent Treatment IC, Jaypee University of Information Technology, L&T Construction, Chennai. Waknaghat, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India. 20.10.2021 17.07.2021 Guest lecture on “The Recent trends and Webinar on “Helical soil nails A step forward in soil advancements in Structural Design and nailing technique” construction” Mr.Naufal Rizwan, Assistant Engineering Manager - Civil Water and Effluent Treatment IC, L&T Construction, Chennai. 20.10.2021 Guest lecture on “The Advancements in Steel Structural Design in Civil Engineering” ~ 58 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

Grant for the Study Tour of ATAL Tunnel Rohtang, Himachal Pradesh under the AICTE Youth Undertaking Visit for Acquiring Knowledge (Yuvak) Scheme. 17-11-2021 to 19-11-2021 Dr. R. Venkatesan, Ph.D (IIT M) 1 day WORKSHOP ON \"Highway materials Dr. R.Sathish Kumar, Ph.D (IIT M) Testing\" Professor, From 18.12.2021 National Institute of Construction Management and Research, Hyderabad, Telangana, India. 16.12.2021 Webinar on \"Recent Advancements and Career Opportunities in Construction, Real Estate, Infrastructure and Engineering Projects Management\" ~ 59 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

1 day WORKSHOP ON \"Highway materials Testing\" From 18.12.2021 Mr. Prakash Ravindran, Ms.Prashanthi R, Structural Engineer, VRP CONSULTANTS, Design Engineer, VRP CONSULTANTS, Kodambakkam, Chennai-24. Kodambakkam, Chennai-24. 27.12.2021 27.12.2021 Webinar on \"Structural Design of Residential Webinar on \"Foundation Design Concepts\" Buildings and Role of Engineers in Engineering Consultancy Firms\" Dr.G. Venkatesan, Associate Professor, Dr.G. Venkatesan, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Saveetha (Autonomous) Engineering College, Saveetha (Autonomous) Engineering College, Chennai- 602105. Chennai-602105. 28.12.2021 - Webinar on \"Impact of precipitation 30.12.2021 - Webinar on \"Identification of disparity on groundwater fluctuation using Ground Water Pollution using Geospatial geospatial techniques\" techniques -a case study\" ~ 60 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

Dr.K.Gunasekaran, Ph.D, Professor / Civil, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur – 603203, Chennai. 29.01.2022 Webinar on “Eco-friendly Sustainable Special Concrete” ~ 61 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ACADEMIC ACHIEVERS OF THE DEPARTMENT RANK HOLDERS IN THE FIRST AUTONOMOUS BATCH OF REC 2017-2021 RITU BANSAL VAIDHYANATHAN S M Reg. No. : 2116170701186 Reg. No. : 2116170701249 Rank : 1 Rank : 2 VIJAYA RAGHAVAN M RHEA SUDESH Reg. No. : 2116170701265 Reg. No. : 2116170701181 Rank : 3 Rank : 3 M.E. - CSE KEERTHIKA M Reg. No. : 190711003 Rank : 1 Students’ Achievements Details Prizes/ S. No Medals won Third 1 Jeevitha C , III year 'B', participated in the event REC weekly Prize/Second programming contest at Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam Runner Up on 26-Aug-21 ~ 62 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

2 Jeevitha C , III year 'B', participated in the event Quiz at Malaviya Third Institute of Technology on 08-Oct-21 Prize/Second Runner Up 3 Jayapriyaa R G , III year 'B', participated in the event Quiz at Jerusalem Third College of Engineering, Chennai on 12-Oct-21 Prize/Second Runner Up 4 Jayapriyaa R G and Jeevana V , III year 'C', participated in the event Quiz Third Prize at SRM University, Kattankulathur on 12-Oct-21 with cash award of Rs. 3,000/- 5 Chittesh B , ll year 'A', participated in the event SPORTS at SDAT on 02- Winner Nov-21 6 Jayasivaakrishna B , III year, participated in the event Tamil Nadu Inter Gold District Athletic competition at Tamilnadu Athletic association from 08- Dec-21 to 11-Dec-21 Symposiums/Workshops/Seminars/Guest Lectures/Industrial Visits/FDPs Organized Workshops/ Seminars: Sl. No. Date Title Sponsoring Agency FDP on College to Startup Rajalakshmi Engineering 1 15-Dec-21 College, Thandalam Seminar on Product Development - Rajalakshmi Engineering 2 18-Dec-21 Hackathon College, Thandalam Seminar on National Science Day CSI, ACM, IIC -Rajalakshmi 3 28-Feb-22 Engineering College, Thandalam Guest Lectures: Sl.No. Date Topic Resource Person – Details 1 01-Jun-21 Interactive PPT Mr. Roy Arnold , Software 2 06-Jun-21 Virtual Lab Developer Engineer II , Infosys Ltd Dr.K.C.Narasimhamurthy , Vice Chairman , Tumkur, KN 3 06-Jun-21 Video Recording Tools Mr Roy Arnold , Professional IT Trainer , Infosys Ltd 4 26-Jun-21 5 03-Jul-21 Why internship at startups Mr.Deepan Kiran Kumar , Technical What’s the buzz with Solar Energy? - Lead , Sopra Steria 6 13-Jul-21 Solar Energy Potential & Opportunities 7 15-Jul-21 Dr. Vimal Kumar Eswarlal, , CEO , Numpy for beginners Mangla Smart Energy Solutions, Data Science Entrepreneur with More than 15 Years Experience in Solar Field Mr. Yatheendrapravan, , Full stack developer , Zoho Mr. Dihan , Data scientist , Paypal ~ 63 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

8 15-Jul-21 Soft Computing Techniques Dr. Lini Mathew,Prof. M. P. Poonia, , 9 16-Jul-21 Vice Chairman , 10 23-Jul-21 National Webinar on Python for NITTTR,Chandigarh,AICTE 11 14-Aug-21 Beginners Akash Padhiyar. , Professional IT Enriching Engineering Education Trainer , Akash Techno 12 20-Aug-21 through experiential, collaborative and Lab,Ahamedabad 13 21-Aug-21 social learning Prof. P.V. Madhusudhan Rao, , 14 27-Aug-21 Emerging Technology and Innovation Mehra Chair Professor, , IIT Delhi 15 28-Aug-21 in Post COVID World ,Prof. Sanjiva Shankar Dubey , IT & 16 28-Aug-21 Key Priorities in Supply Chain Chairperson, Centre of Online 17 30-Aug-21 Studies, , Birla Institute of 18 02-Sep-21 Latex for Researcher Management Technology 19 06-Sep-21 AICTE Quality Initiatives (BIMTECH), Greater Noida & 20 07-Sep-21 Webinar on Strategic Approach for Author of the book 21 09-Sep-21 Research and Innovation Mr.Somnath Das , Supply Chain Director and part of Management , 22 11-Sep-21 Demystifying CI/CD and DevOps Team at Nivea ,India Dr.Kesava Raja , Associate 23 16-Sep-21 Career Prospects in Data Science Professor , Dr.Sivanthi Nadar 24 16-Sep-21 Prof.M.P.Poonia , Vice Chairman , AICTE 25 16-Sep-21 Dr.Shripad Bhatlwande,Dr.Poonia M.P. , Professor , Vishwakarma Institute of Technology ,Pune,Vice chairman AICTE Mr. Sridhar Pandurangiah , , Chief Technology Officer, , Sastra Technologies Pvt Ltd Dr.Anju Pandey , Director , AIMA AICTE Student Learning Assessment Col B Venkat , Director , AICTE Projects Internships, Soft Skills Training and Mr. Balaraju Kondaveeti, , Head - Placement Opportunities Industry Relations, , NPTEL, IIT Career Prospects and Latest Trends in Madras Digital Marketing Prof Arul Lakshminarayan , \"Qualitative & Quantitative Metric in Professo , NPTEL, IIT Madras RAAF of NAAC\" Dr.Priya Narayanan,Dr.Sheela Ramachandran , NAAC,Atmiya Beyond ERPs -- Next Gen Technologies University ,Rajkot , Assistant Adviser,Pro Chancellor 5 Quantum Science and Technology Mr. Sandeep Desai, , CEO , Darwish Cybertech India Pvt Ltd, Pune, Author of books on: ERP, Software Testing, and UML Modelling Prof Anil D , Chairman , AICTE \"Introduction to e-Yantra Robotics Dr.Priya Narayanan,Dr.Sheela Competition 2021-22 Themes and Q&A Ramachandran , Assistant with e-Yantra Team\" Adviser,Pro Chancellor , Design Thinking and Myths and Reality NAAC,Atmiya University ,Rajkot Mr.Kavi Arya , Team Lead , e-yantra ~ 64 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

26 16-Sep-21 Webinar on AICTE Scholarship/ R. Kaja Bantha Nivas , Manager , Fellowship/ Internship Schemes Founder Helios Innovation 27 17-Sep-21 \"Qualitative & Quantitative Metric in Sampant Utpaul , Senior Editor , RAAF of NAAC\" The Hindu 28 20-Sep-21 Careers in computing and Data Prof (Dr) Swapan Bhaumik, and Mr Sciences B S Patel, , Chairman , CATE, IEI Computer Engineering Division Board Shiv Nadar University 29 20-Sep-21 Cyber Security to combat Cyber Crime Dr. Valadi K. Jayaraman , Distinguished Professor, Shiv Nadar University 30 25-Sep-21 Applications of Machine Learning in Baskar Rangaiyan , CEO , Siddhan Life Sciences Intelligence Private Limited 31 26-Sep-21 Internships, Soft Skills Training and Mr. Balaraju Kondaveeti, , Placement Opportunities Distinguished Professor, , Head - Industry Relations, 32 04-Oct-21 Boost your analysis with Bayesian Douglas Stauber , professional IT Statistics trainer , IBM SPSS Statistics 33 05-Oct-21 Modernize Your Data Center With The Rajesh Ramani , professional IT New Standard in Hyper-Converged trainer , Converged Infrastructure Solutions-, Dell EMC 34 07-Oct-21 Challenges in Data Privacy Craig Scoon , professional IT trainer , Risk Advisory Service, Deloitte 35 12-Nov-21 Autonomous Systems: Technologies, Dr.Sreejith Vidhyadharan Nair , opportunities and its future Potential Research Assistant Professor, Dept of Aviation , John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences,University of North Dakota 36 15-Dec-21 Deep learning for text and image Mr.Rajaraman , Asst professor(SS) , processing REC 37 15-Dec-21 College to Start Up Mr. Om Prakash Shanmugam , Founder and CTO , Founder and CTO 38 18-Dec-21 Data Analytics and Visualization with Ms.Roshini Ramalingam , Senior Tabuleau Software Engineer , VISA 39 18-Dec-21 My Story : Journey Towards FAANG Ms.Neha Turakhia , Software Developer Engineer II , Amazon 40 24-Dec-21 Subtle art of Smart Working Mr.S.Sachin Aravind , Senior Consultant , Hitachi solutions Pvt ltd 41 18-Jan-22 Design Thinking and Innovation Dr.V .Murali Baskaran , Dean Academics , Rajalakshmi Engineering College 42 21-Jan-22 Projects and Internship oppurtunities Dr.Ramkumar J , Professor , IIT for UG and PG Students Kanpur 43 22-Jan-22 Design Thinking Leverage Power of Mr.Arun Join , Founder , School of your Mind Design Thinking and CMD,Intellect Design Arena 44 07-Feb-22 Green Initiatives and Enterpreunership Mr Solar Suresh , Innovator , Sustainable Technologies 45 11-Feb-22 Enlightening Start Up Thoughts in Ms.Bhuvana Ganesh , Founder and Young Minds Director of Operations , VR Galaxy ~ 65 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

Invited Talks: Topic Speaker Host Institution Sl. No. Date Kamaraj College of 1 18-Dec-21 AICTE-ISTE Sponsored Dr N Srinivasan Engineering & Technology 2 11-Aug-21 ATAL Five days FDP on Dr. Murali Bhaskaran PSNA College of Engg Prespectives of Block and Tech, Dhindigu Chain Integrated with IoT: Challenges and Rajalakshmi Opportuunities Engineering College, Thandalam 3 12-Jun-21 Python Primer Course Mr. Benedict J.N. for Alumni from Industries Faculty publications/presentation: International Journals 1. C.Rekha, R.Jegatha, P.Sharmila, A.Cibi, “Skin Lesion Detection using Convolutional Neural'', International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR),Vol6(1), pp.102-107, January, 2021. ISSN:2455-2631 [Paper Link:] 2. R. GeethaRamani, S. Suresh Kumar, “Nonvolatile kernel rootkit detection using cross- view clean boot in cloud computing”, Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience, Vol.33 (3), February, 2021.ISSN:1532-0626 [Scopus Indexed, Cite Score: 3.8, Publisher: Wiley Blackwell, DOI:,PaperLink: 10.1002/cpe.5239] 3. Shaik KhaleelAhamed, B.V.Krishna, D.Beulah David, “Brain Tumor Segmentation and Classification based on Deep Learning-Based Inception Networks”, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Vol.25(3), pp.5210-5219, March, 2021. ISSN:1583- 6258.[ Publisher: Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Paper Link:] 4. S.Prithi, S.Sumathi, “Automata Based Hybrid PSO–GWO Algorithm for Secured Energy Efficient Optimal Routing in Wireless Sensor Network”, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol.117(2), pp.545-559, March, 2021. ISSN:0929-6212, E-ISSN:1572- 834X [ Scopus Indexed, SCIE, Cite Score: 3.1, Impact Factor: 1.671, Publisher: Springer Nature, DOI:, Paper Link:] 5. A.Karthikeyan and K.Devaki, “Virtualization to Fog Computing: An Architectural Perspective”, Strad Research, Vol.8 (3), pp.105-110, March, 2021. ISSN: 0039-2049. [DOI:] 6. S. Rajkumar, PV Rajaraman, Haree Shankar Meganathan, V Sapthagirivasan, K. Tejeswinee, R.Ashwin, “Covid-Detect: A Deep Learning Approach For Classification Of Covid-19 Pneumonia From Lung Segmented Chest X-Rays”, Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications, Vol.33 (2), pp., April, 2021. ISSN:1016-2372, E- ISSN:1793-7132. [Scopus Indexed, Cite Score: 1.1, Impact Factor: 0.639, Publisher: World Scientific, DOI:, Paper Link:]. ~ 66 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

7. Priya V, Prabakar ,Vijay K , “The healthy skin framework - IOT based”, Psychology And Education, Vol.58(2), pp.7731-7734, April, 2021. ISSN:0033-3077. [Publisher: Psychology and Education, DOI:, Paper Link:] 8. A.H.Nandhu Kishore, A.Sasireka, K. Vijay, “Design and Development of Enhanced Exam Hall Seating Arrangement Automation System'', Information Technology in Industry, Vol.9 (2), pp.814-820, April, 2021. ISSN Online: 2203-1731 [Publisher: Science Research Society (SRS), DOI:, Paper Link: https://it-in-] 9. S. BaghavathiPriya, S.JawaharPavithran, R. A. KarthickParamesh, R. Keerthikesan, “Classification and Severity Assessment of Covid-19 and Pneumonia on Chest X-Rays Using Transfer Learning Techniques'', Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Vol.50(4), pp.44206, April, 2021. ISSN-1671-4512. [Paper Link:] 10. S.Gnanavel, N.DuraiMurugan, K.E.Narayana, M.SreeKrishna, “Identification and Classification of Lung Nodules Using Neural Networks”, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol.25(6), pp.1956-1961, April, 2021. [Publisher: Science Research Society, DOI:, Paper Link:] 11. Kumar P, Priya L, A. Sathya, “Smart Traffic Light System for Emergency Ambulance Using IoT”, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Vol.25 (3), pp.8655 - 8662, April, 2021. ISSN:1583-6258 [Publisher: Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Paper Link:] 12. Priya L, A. Sathya, Kumar P, “Elink - A Safe Secured Device”, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Vol.25 (3), pp.8050 - 8055, April, 2021. ISSN:1583-6258 [ Publisher: Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Paper Link:] 13. Karthikeyan U, Kumar P, Swaminathan B, “A smart plantation for cloning and greenery – A research plan and equitable review”, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Vol.25 (4), pp.2235 - 2238, April, 2021. ISSN:1583-6258 [Cite Score: 0.6, Publisher: Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Paper Link:] 14. Kumar P, Swaminathan B, Karthikeyan U, “A Novel Deep Learning Model Based on Yolo- V2 and Resnet for Pedestrian Detection”, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Vol.25 (4), pp.2258 - 2268, April, 2021. ISSN:1583-6258 [Cite Score: 0.6, Publisher: Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Paper Link:] 15. Swaminathan B, Karthikeyan U, Kumar P, Franciska I, “Exhaustive Measurement on Patients Portable Churn Dissection”, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Vol.25 (4), pp.8836 - 8847, April, 2021. ISSN:1583-6258 [Cite Score: 0.6, Publisher: Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Paper Link:] 16. Babu R, Jayashree K, “A Meta-Analytic Review of Services Composition Methods for Cloud based Medical Applications”, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Vol.25(4), pp.15011 - 15017, April, 2021. ISSN:1583-6258 [Cite Score: 0.6, Publisher:Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Paper Link:] 17. Babu R,Jayashree K, “A Generic Model for Identifying QoS Parameters Interrelations in Cloud Services Selection Ontology during Runtime”, Symmetry, Vol.13(4), pp.44214, April, 2021. ISSN:2073-8994. [SCIE, Cite score: 3.4, Impact Factor: 2.713, Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), DOI:, Paper Link: 8994/13/4/563] ~ 67 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

18. Narayana K.E, Jayashree K, 'Survey on cross virtual machine side channel attack detection and properties of cloud computing as sustainable material', Materials Today Proceedings, Vol.45, pp. 6465–6470, April, 2021. E-ISSN:2214-7853 [Scopus Indexed, Cite Score: 1.8, Impact Factor: 1.24 Publisher:Elseiver, DOI:, Paper Link:] 19. Prithi Samuel, SumathiSubbaiyan, Balamurugan Balusamy , Sumathi Doraikannan, Amir H. Gandomi“A Technical Survey on Intelligent Optimization Grouping Algorithms for Finite State Automata in Deep Packet Inspection.”, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Vol.28(3) , pp.1371–1396, May, 2021. ISSN: 11343060, 18861784 [SCI, Impact Factor: 7.302, Publisher: Springer, DOI: 09419-z, Paper Link: z] 20. M.Kathiravan, D.Mohan Doss, K.B. Sundhara Kumar, S.Chitra Devi, S.Gnanavel, S.Kavitha, “Evaluation and Comparison of Serum Creatinine Assay: Enzymatic Method Vs Kinetic Jaffe”s Method”, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Vol.25(4), pp.13466 - 13469, May, 2021. ISSN:1583-6258 [Cite Score: 0.6, Publisher: Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Paper Link:] 21. S.Gnanavel, N.Duraimurugan, M.Jaeyalakshmi, M.Rohith, B.Rohith,S.Sabarish, “A Live Suspicious Comments Detection using TF-IDF and Logistic Regression”, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Vol.25(5), pp.4578 – 4586, May, 2021. ISSN:1583- 6258 [Cite Score: 0.6, Publisher: Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Paper Link:] 22. Vijay K, Vijayakumar R, Sivaranjani P, Dr. Arockiaraj, “Implementation of smart video surveillance system for house security”, Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Vol 32 (2), pp.2900-2904, May, 2021. ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651- 446X [Scopus-Indexed, Cite Score: 0.1, Publisher: Turkish Physiotherapy Association,DOI:Paper Link: 379.pdf] 23. Vijay K, Babu R, Jayashree K, “Balancing workload and dynamic request redirection for Cloud based medical applications”, Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Vol 32 (2), pp.2887-2893, May, 2021. ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X [Scopus- Indexed, Cite Score: 0.1, Publisher: Turkish Physiotherapy Association, DOI:Paper Link:] 24. P. PremPriya , Dr. P. Durgadevi , M.V.S.L Tejasri ,Sherine Glory J, “Integrated Web Based Loan Management System Using Machine Learning Model”, Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Vol 32 (3), pp.3420-3426, May, 2021. ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X [Scopus-Indexed, Cite Score: 0.1, Publisher: Turkish Physiotherapy Association, DOI:Paper Link: 410.pdf] 25. Mary Judith,S.BaghavathiPriya, “Multiset task related component analysis (M- TRCA) for SSVEP frequency recognition in BCI”, Journal of Ambient Intelligent and Humantized Computing, Vol.12 (5), pp.5117 - 5126, May, 2021. ISSN: 1868-5137 E-ISSN:1868-5145. [Scopus-Indexed, Cite Score: 5.4, Publisher: Springer Nature, DOI:,Paper Link:] 26. Rajamanogaran M, Subha S, BaghavathiPriya S, JeevithaSivasamy, “Contactless attendance management system using artificial intelligence”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.1714 (1), pp.12006, May, 2021. ISSN:1742-6588 E-ISSN:1742- 6596. [Scopus-Indexed, Cite Score: 0.7, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1714/1/012006, Paper Link:] ~ 68 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

27. Vijay K, K. S. Jayareka, G. Kirubasri, Priya Vijay, Arockia Raj Y, “Enhancing the Security of Data Using Digital Stemage Technique”, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Vol.25(6), pp.9138 - 9143, May , 2021. ISSN:1583-6258 [Cite Score: 0.6, Publisher: Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Paper Link:] 28. K.Devaki, Vishal.S.K, Vishalan.L, VigneshTaj.B, “Accident Life Saving Kit”, Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, Vol.12(3), pp.2197 - 2205, June, 2021. E-ISSN:1309-6591. [Scopus-Indexed, Cite Score: 0.0, Publisher: Abdullah Kuzu, Paper Link:] 29. Duraimurugan.N, Dr. S. Gnanavel, Abirami.C, AntoJevin A V, Aravindan.S, “Clearing Pathway for Ambulance using YOLO and Raspberry Pi”, Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, Vol.12(3), pp.2221-2228, June, 2021. E-ISSN:1309-6591. [Scopus- Indexed, Cite Score: 0.0, Publisher: Abdullah Kuzu, Paper Link:] 30. A SrinivasaRao, Brahmadesam Viswanathan Krishna, D Saravanan, D Beulah David, O Rama Devi, AnjuAsokan, D Stalin David, “Supervision calamity of public opinion actions based on field programmable gate array and machine learning”, International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, Vol.12(2), pp.1187–1198, June, 2021. E-ISSN:2008- 6822. [Scopus-Indexed, Cite Score: 0.3, Publisher: Semnan University, DOI: 10.22075/ijnaa.2021.5195, Paper Link:] 31. Sumathy V, BrahmadesamViswanathan Krishna, S.GokulaKrishnan, Harikrishnan G, “Blockchain based Public Distribution System”, Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, Vol.12(3), pp.2206-2212, June, 2021. E-ISSN:1309-6591. [Scopus-Indexed, Cite Score: 0.0, Publisher: Abdullah Kuzu, Paper Link:] 32. M.Keerthika, N.Sankar ram, M.Rajkumar, M.V.Manivannan, 'To optimize the multi accesses download time using scheduling approach in fog computing', Materials Today : Proceedings,Vol.37 (2021),pp.1475-1479,August,2021. E-ISSN:2214-7853 [Scopus Indexed, Cite Score: 1.8, Impact Factor: 1.24 , Publisher: Elsevier, DOI:, Paper Link: ihub] 33. A.Vinothini, Dr.S.BaghavathiPriya,”Selecting Dominant Features for the Prediction of Early-Stage Chronic Kidney Disease'', Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing,Vol.31(2),pp.947–959,September,2021. ISSN:1079-8587E-ISSN:2326-005X. [Scopus Indexed, SCIE, Cite Score: 1.9, Impact Factor: 1.647 , Publisher: Tech Science Press, DOI:doi:10.32604/iasc.2022.018654, Paper Link:] 34. Dr.P.Sundarraman, Dr.D.Silas Stephen, Mrs.J.JinuSophia,”A study on the impact of DC appliances and Direct DC power system in India“, Strad Research,Vol.8(10),pp.39- 51,October,2021. ISSN: 0039-2049 35. Rajeswari P, JayashreeK,”Hybrid Metaheuristics Web Service Composition Model for QoS Aware Services”, Computer Systems Science & Engineering, Vol.41(2),pp.511- 524,October, 2021. ISSN: 0267-6192. [Scopus Indexed, SCIE, Cite Score: 1.2, Impact Factor: 1.468 , Publisher: Tech Science Press, DOI: 10.32604/csse.2022.020352 , Paper Link:] 36. P.Manjula, S.BaghavathiPriya,”Intelligent Chimp Metaheuristics Optimization with Data Encryption Protocol for WSN”, Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.32(1),pp.573-587,November,2021. ISSN:1079-8587E-ISSN:2326-005X. [Scopus Indexed, SCIE, Cite Score: 1.9, Impact Factor: 1.647 , Publisher: Tech Science Press, DOI:doi:10.32604/iasc.2022.020969, Paper Link:] ~ 69 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

37. Susmita Mishra, Dr. M Prakash,”Digital Mammogram Inferencing System Using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Theory”, Computer Systems Science & Engineering, Vol.41(3),pp.1099-1115,November,2021. ISSN: 0267-6192. [Scopus Indexed, SCIE, Cite Score: 1.2, Impact Factor: 1.468 , Publisher: Tech Science Press, DOI: doi:10.32604/csse.2022.020439, Paper Link:] 38. P.V. Rajaraman, Dr. M. Prakash,”Intelligent deep learning based bidirectional long short term memory model for automated reply of e-mail client prototype”,Pattern Recognition Letters,Vol.152,pp.340 - 347,December,2021. ISSN:0167-8655 [Scopus Indexed, SCIE, Cite Score: 6.7, Impact Factor: 3.756, Publisher: Elsevier, DOI:, Paper Link: %3Dihub] 39. G.Anitha, S.BaghavathiPriya,”Vision Based Real Time Monitoring System for Elderly Fall Event Detection Using Deep Learning”, Computer Systems Science & Engineering,Vol.42(1),pp.87-103,December,2021. ISSN: 0267-6192. [Scopus Indexed, SCIE, Cite Score: 1.2, Impact Factor: 1.468 , Publisher: Tech Science Press, DOI: doi:10.32604/csse.2022.020361, Paper Link:] 40. G.RatnaKanth and S.Poonkuzhali, “Sentiment Classification of Indian Tourist Reviews Using Deep Learning Techniques” in the Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology – Vol 22. No 6, pp. 2535 -2547, 2021.ISSN:13115065(SCIE Indexed, Impact Factor:0.692,Publisher:SCIBULCOM LTD, Paper Link: 41. Jeyalakshmi J, Poonkuzhali. S “Prescriptive Analytics of Constraint Optimization of Diabetes Diet Exhortation by using Information Systems”, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, vol. 22, no.6, pp.2672-2681, 2021.ISSN:13115065(SCIE Indexed, Impact Factor:0.692, Publisher:SCIBULCOM LTD, Paper Link: National Conferences 1. Dr. S.Gnanavel, M.Sreekrishna, M.Rohith,B.Rohith, S.Sabarish,”Live Suspicious Comments Detection using TF-IDF and Logistic Regression”, National Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Computing and Communications, Rajalakshmi engineering college, Chennai, 14-15 May 2021. 2. Mohammed Fahad F S, J.Jinu Sophia, “Comida – A food ordering app”, National Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Computing and Communications, Rajalakshmi engineering college, Chennai, 14-15 May 2021. 3. Jeevitha C,.Jeevamutharasi S, Jenu Maria J, J.Jinu Sophia , “E-writing website for an organization”, National Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Computing and Communications,Rajalakshmi engineering college, Chennai, 14-15 May 2021. 4. Jeevana V, Jayapriyaa.R.G, Hemamalini.K, J.Jinu Sophia, “Voice Assistant Based online Ordering System”, National Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Computing and Communications, Rajalakshmi engineering college, Chennai, 14-15 May 2021. 5. K.Devaki, Vishal.S.K, Vishalan.L and VigneshTaj.B,”Accident Life Saving Kit”, National Conference on Innovative Research Trends for Digital India , Rajalakshmi engineering college, Chennai, 14-15 May 2021. 6. S.Prithi , Adithya C , Akash R , Base Harish , Aradhna Saini, “Efficient Nets Architecture to Classify Venomous”, National Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Computing and Communications, Rajalakshmi engineering college, Chennai, 14-15 May 2021. 7. Eshwaran ,Jayashree K, “Web based virtual classroom”, National Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Computing and Communications, Rajalakshmi engineering college, Chennai, 14-15 May 2021. ~ 70 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

8. SumathyV,Krishna,Harikrishnan,Kailash,Gowrishankar, “Blockchain based Public Voting System”, National Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Computing and Communications, Rajalakshmi engineering college, Chennai, 14-15 May 2021. 9. Roxanna Samuel, Nesiga M, PramodhKashyap, Preetha J, “New model of facial recognition system conjoining Haar Cascade with FaceNet Algorithm demonstrates higher efficiency”', National Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Computing and Communications, Rajalakshmi engineering college, Chennai, 14-15 May 2021. 10. Ponmani.S, Uma Maheswari.T, Vandhana.M , Varshni.R, “Child Tracker - Surveillance of Children using Smart Phone”, National Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Computing and Communications, Rajalakshmi engineering college, Chennai, 14-15 May 2021. 11. Vinothini A, NanditaSajeev,Paavai M V, “Predictive Analytics for flood forecasting using Logistic Regression”, National Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Computing and Communications, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, 14-15 May 2021. 12. Duraimurugan N, Abirami C, AntoJevin AV, Aravindan S, “Clearing Pathway for Ambulance using YOLO and Raspberry Pi”, National Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Computing and Communications, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, 14-15 May 2021. 13. Lakshmi Priya R, Keerthi S, LokeshPrathik, Vidhupriya.P, “Child Rescue Application using Blockchain”, National Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Computing and Communications, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, 14-15 May 2021. 14. Jananee V, Rajalakshmi V, Sakthi T M, “Home Automation System with Efficient Power Utilization”, National Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Computing and Communications, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, 14-15 May 2021. 15. Jeevana V, Jeevitha C, Cibi A, “Smart Traffic Surveillance System”, National Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Computing and Communications, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, 14-15 May 2021. 16. RohitGangadhar P, Cibi A, “Bug Detection from log file of an Android ROM”, National Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Computing and Communications, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, 14-15 May 2021. 17. Dheephiga AM, Marcus Reniero, Varun Kumar V, Prithi S, “Cryptopass - A Unified Password Manager”, National Conference on Communication and Signal Processing Systems, RMK College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai,08-09 October 2021. International Conferences 1. U Karthikeyan, A Ajit Surya, S Bhargav, and P Bhargav, “Built-in translation on Web Messenger”, International Conference on Innovative Technology for Sustainable Development - 2021 – ICITSD 2021, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, 27- 29 January 2021. 2. Vijay K, Ananthasivan S, Aravindan V, Balasubramanian T S, “Smart Video Surveillance System”, International E-conference on Information, Communication & Networking, Easwari Engineering College, Chennai, 08 March 2021. 3. Bhavani M, SuriyavarmanS,ThiruvegambanR,Rohith G, “SPOWORLD”, International E- conference on Information, Communication & Networking, Easwari Engineering College, Chennai, 08 March 2021. 4. Bhavani M, GokulRaj B, Gnanam S, Gokulkrishnan M , “Blockchain based Public Voting System”, International E-conference on Information, Communication & Networking, Easwari Engineering College, Chennai, 08 March 2021. 5. AdlinLayola J.A , V. MuraliBhaskharan, “Data set preparation using the method of data augmentation for classification of skin diseases”, 4th International Conference on Intelligent Computing (IConIC), Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai, 26-27 March 2021. ~ 71 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

6. Revathy P and BelshiaJebamalar G, “An Review based on Secure Banking Application against Server Attacks”, 4th International Conference on Intelligent Computing (IConIC), Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai, 26-27 March 2021. 7. Keerthika M and Kumar P, “Wireless Communication in Smart Rail Transportation System: A Survey”, 4th International Conference on Intelligent Computing (IConIC), Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai, 26-27 March 2021. 8. Kumar P, Ponrathi G and Pragadeesh M, “A Survey on Traffic Management System Using IoT”, 4th International Conference on Intelligent Computing (IConIC), Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai, 26-27 March 2021. 9. G.Ratnakanth, S.Poonkuzhali, \"Unsupervised Sentiment classification for hotel review rating using LSTM autoencoder”, International Cnnference on Data Science & Applications, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 10-11 April 2021. 10. B.U.Anubarathi, S.Poonkuzhali, “Sentiment Analysis of Real-Time Breast Cancer tweets using Hadoop Eco System”, International Conference on Data Science & Applications, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 10-11 April 2021. 11. .BaghavathiPriya, M.MuniPrasanna Kumar, A.S. Reshma, K. Sahana, “An Interactive E- Tool for Maintaining and Monitoring Medical Records using BlockchainTechnology”,International Conference on Computing, Communication and Control System, I3CAC 2021, Bharath University, Chennai, India, Chennai,07-08 June 2021. 12. P. Manjula, Dr. S. Bagavathipriya,”Certificateless Effective Key Management Protocol (CL- EKM) Authentication for Multicast IoT Sensor Network”, International Conference on Computing, Communication and Control System, I3CAC 2021,Bharath University, Chennai, India, Chennai, 07-08 June 2021. 13. G. Anitha, S. BaghavathiPriya, “Surveillance Camera Based Fall Detection System Using Long Short Term Memoryfor Elderly People”, International Conference on Computing, Communication and Control System, I3CAC 2021,Bharath University, Chennai, India, Chennai, 07-08 June 2021. 14. N. Kanagavalli, S. BaghavathiPriya, S. Ilavarasan, “Identification of Deception Detection on Social Media (Twitter) Data Sets using Naive Base Classification and RVNN Model”, International Conference on Computing, Communication and Control System, I3CAC 2021,Bharath University, Chennai, India,Chennai, 07-08 June 2021. 15. Shobana. M, Vijayanand.M, Santhiya.M, Bharath, “Qos constraint enhanced AODV in Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Network”, International Conference on Computing, Communication and Control System, I3CAC 2021,Bharath Institute Of Higher Education And Research,Chennai, 07-08 June 2021. 16. N.Duraimurugan, R.K.Padmashini, Dr.S.Gnanavel,”Smart Tele-health Platform with Dermatology Disease Identification Feature”,International Virtual Conference on Innovations and Research in Marine Electrical and Electronics Engineering,Academy of Maritime education and training,Chennai, 17-18 June 2021. 17. K.Devaki, Nityasri.N, Nemisha.C, Oviyah S, “Review Based Online Course and Book Recommender Systems”, International Conference on Spectacular Progressive Improvements in Engineering Sciences & Computing, St.Peter's Engineering College, Hyderabad, 18-19 June 2021. 18. S.Subha, S.BaghavathiPriya,”Comparative Analysis of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms for Evaluating the Performance Level of Students”,International Conference on Recent Advances in Computer Science, Saveetha Engineering College,Chennai,18 June 2021. 19. G.Anitha, S.BaghavathiPriya, “A Smart Multi-functionality wearable Health Tracking Device for sleep Apnea sufferers and Elderly”, International Conference on Recent Advances in Computer Science, Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai, 18 June 2021. ~ 72 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

20. Kumar P, Swaminathan B, Karthikeyan U, ”Multi Perspective Reasoning Using Adaptive Learning”, 2nd International Conference on Computer Vision, High Performance Computing, Smart Devices and Networks(CHSN-2021),JNTU Kakinada, AP, 20-21 August 2021. 21. Sriniti A, Swetha D, Varshini, S.Prithi,”DEAL: Digital Entry for Applications of Land Records”,International Conference on Machine Learning and Cyber Security in Industry 4.0,S.A Engineering College, Chennai,20-21 October 2021. 22. V. Sudha, R. Akiladevi, S. N. Roopa and P. Nancy,”A Study of Blockchain Technology in Agriculture Supply Chain”, International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), Kumaraguru college of technology,Coimbatore,8-9 October 2021. 23. SreeKrishna M, G.S.Gopika, Jaeyalakshmi M, Aksheya Suresh, Vinothini A, “Commuatator Bus Transmit Recommendation by Predicting Dynamic Bus Flow Occupancy Using Machine Learning”,5th International Conference on I-SMAC 2021, SCAD College of engineering, Palladam,11-13 November 2021. 24. Bhavani. M, Sanjeev krishnan R, Sharveshwaran R, Rohit M, “A detailed study on sentimental analysis using Twitter data with an Improved deep learning model”,5th International Conference on I-SMAC,SCAD Institute of Technology,Tiruppur, 11-13 November 2021. 25. L.Priya , A.Sathya, P.Kumar,\" An Interactive Learning Educational Platform : A Virtual reality Approach\", First International Conference on Technologies for Smart Green Connected Society, 29-30 November, 2021. 26. Dr.K.Devaki, L.LeenaJenifer,”A study on challenges in data security during data transformation”,4th International Conference on Computer Networks ,Big Data and IoT,CARE College of Engineering, Thayanur, India, Thayanur,9-10 December 2021. 27. Kumar P, Vinod Kumar S, PriyaL,”An Approach for Energy Efficient Resource Allocation through Initial Mapping of virtual machines to servers in Cloud Server Farms “, 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning,ImageProcessing,Network Security and Data Science(MIND-2021), National Institute of Technology, Raipur,11-12 December 2021. 28. KR.Sowmia,Dr.S.Poonkuzhali, J.Jeyalakshmi,”Sentiment Classification of Higher Education Reviews to Analyze Students’ , Engagement and Psychology Interventions using Deep Learning Techniques”, Sixth International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS-2021) in concurrent with Sixth International Conference on Smart Trends in Computing and Communications, 2021,Sheraton, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Jaipur,17-18 December 2021. 29. Mrs D. SornaShanthi , DrPriya Vijay , Sam blesswin S , Sahithya S Sreevarshini R ,”RATSEL: A Game-based Evaluating Tool for the dyslexic using Augmented Reality Gamification”, Sixth International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS-2021) in concurrent with Sixth International Conference on Smart Trends in Computing and Communications ,Sheraton, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Jaipur, 17-18 December 2021. 30. Dr.S.Poonkuzhali, Dr. P.Revathy, E.Mohana, Shobana M, “Detection of Faulty Steel used in Construction Industry using Machine Learning Algorithm”, Sixth International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS-2021) in concurrent with Sixth International Conference on Smart Trends in Computing and Communications ,Sheraton, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Jaipur, 17-18 December 2021. 31. Dr.S.Poonkuzhali, AnuBarathi B.U, Vinod kumar S, ”Transfer Learning Approach for Diagnosing Skin Cancer with Deep Convolutional Neural Network”, Sixth International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS-2021) in concurrent with Sixth International Conference on Smart Trends in Computing and Communications ,Sheraton, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Jaipur, 17-18 December 2021. ~ 73 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

32. Ratnakanth G, Dr.S.Poonkuzhalli, “Indian Tourist Recommendation System using Collaborative Filtering and Deep autoencoder”, Sixth International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS-2021) in concurrent with Sixth International Conference on Smart Trends in Computing and Communications ,Sheraton, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Jaipur, 17-18 December 2021. Book Chapters 1. Jayashree K, Swaminathan B, “Big data in cloud computing “ , Applications of Big Data in Large- and Small-Scale Systems, Chapter 5, Pg. No. 77-84, March, 2021.[DOI:10.4018/978-1-7998-6673-2.ch005,Publisher:IGI Global] 2. S. BaghavathiPriya , M. Rajamanogaran, S. Subha,”Prediction of Chest Diseases Using Transfer Learning”,Machine Learning for Healthcare Applications, Chapter 13, Pg. No.199-214, April, 2021.[DOI:10.1002/9781119792611.ch13, Publisher:Scrivener Publishing LLC] 3. S. Prithi, T. Poongodi, D. Sumathi P. Suresh, “Real-time remote health monitoring using IoTsensors”,Electronic Devices, Circuits, and Systems for Biomedical Applications Challenges and Intelligent Approach, Chapter 23, Pg. No.481 - 501, April, 2021.[DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-323-85172-5.00006-X, Publisher:Academic Press] 4. M.Shobana .S.Poonkuzhali, “A Novel Approach for Detecting IoT Botnet Using Balanced Network Traffic Attributes”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS) ,Vol. 12632,Pg. No. 534-548, May, 2021.ISSN:0302-9743 [Scopus Indexed, Cite Score:1.8,Publisher:Springer, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-76352-7_48, Paper Link: references ] 5. Jayashree K, Babu R, “An Extensive Survey of Privacy in the Internet of Things”, IoT Protocols and Applications for Improving Industry, Environment, and Society, Chapter 4,Pg.No.78-100, June, 2021.[DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6463-9.ch004, Publisher:IGI Global] 6. S. Prithi, PrabhaSelvaraj, S. Suganthi, D. Sumathi,”Convergence of Blockchain Technology and E-Business”, Blockchain and Bitcoin Scripts , Chapter 1, Pg.No. 1 -26, July, 2021.[DOI:10.1201/9781003048107, Publisher: CRC Press] 7. Marialouis Diviya, SankarKoushikRaghav, RavichandranParthiban, ShanmugamUdhayakumar, ”Sensible autonomous machine using deep learning and convolutional neural networks”, Advances In Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 1163, Pg.No. 603-612, July , 2021.ISSN: 2194-5357. [Scopus Indexed, Cite Score:0.9, Publisher:Springer , DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-5029-4_50, Paper Link: ]. 8. S.Prithi, D.Sumathi, T.Poongodi, Suresh Kumar, “Trust Management Framework for Handling Security Issues in Multi-cloud Environment”, Operationalizing Multi-Cloud Environments, EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing, Chapter 16, Pg.No. 287-301, September, 2021. ISSN:2522-8595, E-ISSN:2522-8609.[SCOPUS Indexed,Cite Score: 0.9, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-74402-1, Publisher: Springer,Scopus author link:] 9. R.Vijayakumar, K.Vijay, P.Sivaranjani, PriyaV.,”Detection of network attacks based on multiprocessing and trace back methods”, Advances InParrallel Computing, Vol.38, Pg.No.608-613, October, 2021. ISSN:0927-5452 [Scopus Indexed, Cite Score:0.5, Publisher:IOS Press, DOI: 10.3233/APC210111] 10. Dr.P.Revathy,BelshiaJebamalar G,”A review based on secure banking application against server attacks”, Advances In Parrallel Computing,Vol.38, Pg.No.241-245, October, 2021. ISSN:0927-5452 [Scopus Indexed, Cite Score:0.5, Publisher:IOS Press, DOI: 10.3233/APC210044]. ~ 74 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

11. AdlinLayolaJ.A ,V. MuraliBhaskharan, “Data Set Preparation Using the Method of Data Augmentation for Classification of Skin Diseases”, Smart Intelligent Computing and Communication Technology, Vol.38, Pg.No. 234-240, October, 2021 .[Publisher:IOS Press, DOI:10.3233/APC210043, Paper Link: _Method_of_Data_Augmentation_for_Classification_of_Skin_Diseases] 12. S.Muruganandam, J. ArokiaRenjit, ”A Node Quality Based Cluster Header Selection Algorithm for Improving Security in MANET”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series,Vol. 789, Pg.No. 119-134, November, 2021.ISSN:1876-1100 [Scopus Indexed , Cite Score:0.5, Publisher:Springer ,DOI:10.1007/978-981-16-1338-8_11, Paper Link:] 13. Bhavani M,”Prospective Classification over Various Handwritten Character Recognition Algorithms – A Survey”, Advances in Parallel Computing Technologies and Applications , Vol. 39, Pg.No. 416-423, November, 2021.ISSN:0927-5452 [Scopus Indexed, Cite Score:0.5, Publisher:IOS Press, DOI: 10.3233/APC210166, Paper Link:] Congratulations!  Mr.S.Vinod Kumar has successfully completed his Ph.D. in April 2021  Ms.Sridevi Sridhar has successfully completed her Ph.D. in January 2022 Faculty Achievements: 1 Dr.P.Kumar Runner-up for Rs 76000 in consultancy on Research, 04.04.2022 Consultancy, Publication and Patent Day of REC, for their consultancy work IOT Smart BOAT of Rs. 12.98 lakhs Listed as Top 51 Indian Woman Achievers in STEM 07.08.2021 2 Dr. S. Poonkuzhali Runner-up for Rs 76000 in consultancy on Research, 04.04.2022 Consultancy, Publication and Patent Day of REC, for their consultancy work IOT Smart BOAT of Rs. 12.98 lakhs 3 Ms. D. Sorna Shanthi Runner-up for Rs 76000 in consultancy on Research, 04.04.2022 Consultancy, Publication and Patent Day of REC, for their consultancy work IOT Smart BOAT of Rs. 12.98 lakhs 4 Dr. Priya Vijay Runner-up for Rs 76000 in consultancy on Research, 04.04.2022 Consultancy, Publication and Patent Day of REC, for their consultancy work IOT Smart BOAT of Rs. 12.98 lakhs 5 Dr.Prithi.S Second Runner-up and received a cash prize of Rs. 04.04.2022 50000 for paper publication in High Impact factor journals on Research, Consultancy, Publication and Patent Day of REC Acted as Session Chair in 4th International Conference 27.04.2022 on Intelligent Engineering and Management in to Association with IEEE United Kingdom and Ireland 29.04.2022 Section, Amity University 6 Dr. Anantha Outstanding Academician National award 2022 on April 22.04.2022 Sivaprakasam S 22nd from Kamarajan Institute of Education and research ~ 75 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

7 Dr. S. Poonkuzhali Listed as Top 51 Indian Woman Achievers in STEM 7.8.2021 DEPARTMENT EVENTS National Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Computing and Communication, 14th and 15th May 2021. Environment day organized by CSE department on 05th June 2021 ~ 76 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

Webinar on Design Thinking and Myths and Alumini Series :Webinar on Autonomous Reality by R. Kaja Bantha Nivas held on Systems: Technologies, Opportunities and its 16/09/2021 future Potential by Dr.Sreejith Vidhyadharan Nair held on 12/11/2021 Third Year students won Third Prize in Chennai Chapter InterCollegiate Quiz competition organized by CSI on 08th December 2021. Alumni Series: Webinar on College to Start Up by Guest Lecture on My Story: Journey Towards Om Prakash Shanmugam Founder and CTO held FAANG by Ms.Neha Turakhia held on 18/12/2021 on 15/12/2021 ~ 77 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

Webinar on Data Analytics and Visualization TECH A THON 2021 –IDEATHON Final Round with Tabuleau by Ms.Roshini Ramalingam, IDEA Presentation held on 30/12/2021 Senior Software Engineer, VISA held on 18/12/2021 Smart Board Training for Non Circuit Branch Webinar on Design Thinking and Innovation Faculty members from 4.1.2022 to 07.01.2022 by delivered by Dr. Dr.V .Murali Baskaran Dean Dr. N.Srinivasan and Dr. Anantha Sivaprakasam Academics Rajalakshmi Engineering College S, CSE, REC . held on 18/1/2022 Guest Lecture on Subtle art of smart working Tech-A-Thon 2021-Data Dash delivered by Mr.S.Sachin Aravind held on 24/1/2022 ~ 78 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

Tech-A-Thon 2021 featured an event - Data Dash where students were taught Data Analytics and how to apply those techniques in real-world scenarios through an interactive live workshop series. Tech-A-Thon 2021 featured an event - Ideate where the 2nd year students of Computer Science and Engineering department came up with the most cutting-edge innovative ideas which they then presented to the judging panel. ~ 79 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

Tech-A-Thon 2021 featured an event -Product Development, a one-day hackathon. The above images show the participants developing their own solutions to the given problem statement. This event featured a judging panel consisting of CSE alumni of the institution. Presentation Glipmse Faculty Up skilling Programme in Data Science Student training Programme on Text and Specialization-Level 1: Machine Learning organized image processing using deep learning by the Department of Computer Science & hands on from 27/9/2021 to 09/10/2021 Engineering in association with Centre for Data Science from October 2021 to Nov 2021 ~ 80 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

National Science Day was celebrated by department Project Expo was conducted by CSE of CSE on 28/2/2022 by Exploring their innovative Department to demonstrate our ideas in IDEATE and VIDEATE Events innovative projects to school students on 26/2/2022 One day National Seminar on Role of Deep Learning in Sentimental Analysis conducted by CSE Department sponsored by CSIR on 20/04/2022 Hack OverFlow V2.0 36 hour hackathon Organized by CSE Department on 01/4/2022 to 02/04/202 ~ 81 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

Guest Lecture delivered by our CSE Alumni on the title Cloud Solution Architect at Trusted Services on 26/3/2022. ~ 82 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND BUSINESS SYSTEMS Students’ Achievements S. No Details Prizes/ 1 Raja Arvindan R, III year, participated in the event Project Medals won 2 Buildathon at Smart Internz from 05-Jun-21 to 06-Jun-21 Top 10 Finalist 3 4 Anjana S and Vijayalakshmi K , III year, participated in the event Stage 1 cleared 5 AEP program -HDFC parivarthan at ICT Academy on 10-Jun-21 6 7 Charann A , III year, participated in the event Techathon at 2nd Runner Up 8 Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam from 07-Jul-21 to Jury's Choice Award 9 13-Dec-21 Second Prize (One 10 Raja Arvindan R and Charann A , III year, participated in the Lakh) 11 event Hack Challenge 2021 at IBM and SmartBridge from 21-Jul- Top 9 Finalist 12 21 to 31-Aug-21 Qualified to Finals 13 First Prize 14 Dheephiga A M , Harshini C , Charanya C , Valli T and Vishal Second Prize 15 Ananth J , II year, participated in the event IDS 1.0 at Young Top 10 Winner - 1000 16 Indians on 27-Jul-21 Semifinalist Dheephiga A M , II year, participated in the event The Manager Event at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology on 21-Aug-21 Valli T and Srinithi A , II year, participated in the event Engineer's Day at Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam from 10-Sep- 21 to 14-Sep-21 Poojitha B and Swathi V , III year, participated in the event Idea presentation at Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam on 15-Sep-21 Anjana S, Surendhar R, Sanjith Kumaar B S and Vijayalakshmi K , III year, participated in the event Idea presentation at Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam on 15-Sep-21 Raja Arvindan R , III year, participated in the event CATD SIC 2021 at Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam from 21- Sep-21 to 23-Oct-21 Surendhar R , III year, participated in the event Hackathon 5.0 at SAP from 23-Sep-21 to 01-Dec-21 Arjun Hariharan and Jeevanmuthu I , II year, participated in the Finalist event Quiz and Dataset in Power BI at Rajalakshmi Engineering First Prize College, Thandalam on 01-Oct-21 Finalist Second Prize Anjana S and Vijayalakshmi K , III year, participated in the event Third Prize Techquest DTU at Delhi Technological University from 07-Oct-21 to 09-Oct-21 Ruthvik S and Tamilarasan M , III year, participated in the event Rajalakshmi Engineering College at Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam from 07-Oct-21 to 14-Nov-21 Valli T , Ruthvik S , Senthilnayaki N and Tamilarasan M , II year, participated in the event Technological Business Hackathon at AIESEC from 09-Oct-21 to 16-Oct-21 Vishal Ananth J and Charanya C , II year, participated in the event Technological Business Hackathon at AIESEC from 09-Oct-21 to 16-Oct-21 ~ 83 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

17 Tanuj V , III year, participated in the event Live the code Top 20 finalists hackathon 2021 at Devfolio on 10-Oct-21 18 Vijayalakshmi K , III year, participated in the event Techathon - Techno Quiz at Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam on Finalist 10-Oct-21 19 Anjana S and Charann A , III year, participated in the event Techathon - Techno Quiz at Rajalakshmi Engineering College, 2nd round 3rd place Thandalam on 10-Oct-21 20 Vishvasena Dhayalan , Varun C N , Swethaa Shanmugam R , Surendhar R , Swathi V , Smriti S and Varsha S , III year, participated in the event Techathon - Data Dash at Rajalakshmi Finalist Engineering College, Thandalam on 12-Oct-21 21 Anjana S , II year, participated in the event Ministry of Electronics Cyber Hygiene and Information Technology at IESA Cyber Hygiene Practitioner Practitioner on 16-Oct-21 22 Anjana S , III year, participated in the event She Codes 2021 at Internship Round 2 Adobe from 30-Oct-21 to 08-Nov-21 23 Anirudh Naitrav V , Hari Sainath C , Dheephiga A M , Harshini C , Guru Shankar J, Mitesh R and Maarcus Reniero L , II year, participated in the event Quiz and Dataset in Power BI at Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam on 01-Nov-21 Finalist 24 Raja Arvindan R , III year, participated in the event Open First place in Innovation hackathon -Meta and Spark AR at Open Innovation Hackathon -An Initiative of Reskill from 08-Nov-21 to 20-Dec-21 Education(1000 USD) 25 Anjana S , II year, participated in the event TCS Hackquest at TCS Challenges in Cyber Security from 17-Nov-21 to 12-Jan-22 Hackquest Completed 26 Ashwin Prasad H and Raja Arvindan R , III year, participated in SecondPlace the event Techathon at Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Round Qualifier Thandalam from 23-Nov-21 to 18-Dec-21 Participated 27 Anjana S , III year, participated in the event HCL IITK Cyber Hackathon 2021 at HCL and IIT K on 27-Nov-21 28 Ashwin Prasad H and Charann A , III year, participated in the Round Qualifier event HCL IITK Cyber Hackathon 2021 at HCL and IIT K on 27- Participated Nov-21 Runner-up 29 Charanya C and Charann A , II year, participated in the event Inter-Varsity Debate Tournament at TNNLU from 04-Dec-21 to 05-Dec-21 30 Mohammed Fahad F S , III year, participated in the event Kotak Finalist ( Project Bank Reign at Kotak from 11-Dec-21 to 20-Jan-22 Chatbot) 31 Anjana S , Charann A , Raja Arvindan R and Poojitha B , III year, Qualified to finals participated in the event Techfest at IIT Bombay on 23-Dec-21 32 Srinithi A , Pritika C , Mahalakshmi S , Avinash Kumar B S , Jayashree S , Aparna V , Akshaya G and Hemanth Raj S , II year, participated in the event Ideate at Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam on 30-Dec-21 Qualified to finals 33 Vijayalakshmi K and Anjana S , III year, participated in the event Finals Udgam 2022 at IIT Guwahati on 10-Jan-22 ~ 84 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

34 Anjana S , III year, participated in the event Xartup Fellowship 1. $200,000 technical 3.0 at Xartup from 13-Jan-22 to 19-Jan-22 & marketing credits (No T&Cs) 2. 1 year access to weekend mentoring sessions by CEOs 3. 8-week case studies based peer-to- peer m 35 Sundar N , II year, participated in the event How to crack online Among top 5 interview at Young Indians from 22-Jan-22 to 23-Jan-22 36 Mohammed Fahad F S , III year, participated in the event NITK at Finalist(Project Covid NITK and Airtel from 24-Jan-22 to 26-Jan-22 Chatbot) Guest Lectures: Sl.No. Date Topic Resource Person – Details Webinar on azure logic app 1 27-Oct-21 Ms. Alagunila Meganathan , Founder and CEO Innovotree 2 25-Nov-21 My story Talk by Successful Technologies India Pvt Ltd , Entrepreneur Inovotree Technologies Pvt Ltd Mr.M.Senthil Kumar , Chief 3 07-Dec-21 TCS NQT Career Guidance Solutions Architect , Lifeline Care Technologies Mr.E. Ganesh , Assistant Systems Engineer , TCS ~ 85 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING ACADEMIC ACHIEVERS OF THE DEPARTMENT RANK HOLDERS IN THE FIRST AUTONOMOUS BATCH OF REC 2017-2021 RANJANI J KEERTHIVASAN P SHANTHINI PRIYA R Reg. No. : Reg. No. : Reg. No. : 2116170801145 Rank : 1 2116170801084 2116170801171 Rank : 2 Rank : 3 Students’ Achievements S. No. Details Prizes/ 1 Medals won 2 Silambarasan A and Suneeta R , II year, participated in the First Prize 3 event Badminton(women) at Sri Venkateshwara College of 4 Engineering. Pennalur from 15-Mar-21 to 18-Mar-21 First Prize 5 Vivek Arumugam S , IV year, participated in the event Chess 6 tournament at Apollo Engineering College, Chennai from 15- Second Prize Mar-21 to 19-Mar-21 Winner 7 Balaji T , III year, participated in the event Kho Kho at College Nominated as TCS of Engineering Guindy from 22-Mar-21 to 24-Mar-21 Ambassador 8 Harankumar S , IV year, attended Season 9, week 9 at First Prize Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam on 01-Jul-21 Niteesh Babu G S , IV year, participated in the event TCS Winners Ambassador program at TCS on 12-Jul-21 Ezhil Maran V and Vikhram Natraj D , III & IV Year, Certificate of participated in the event National level BAJA Season-4 at Appreciation & Federation of Mechanical and Automobile Engineers(FMAE) Cash Award Hyderabad, Telangana from 01-Oct-21 to 05-Oct-21 Nitiyasri M , Nithiya Sree V S , Raghul C , and Preejith Ragavender D P , III year 'C', participated in the event Project titled REMINDER 2.0 under domain Elderly as team named SPARK at CATD(Center for Assistive Technologies and Devices) from 28-Oct-21 to 29-Oct-21 Vigneshwar K R , Vishal Balaji Sivaraman , Vishal A , Shiva Shankar U , Sanjeev Kumaar M , Niteesh Babu G S and Narayanan V , IV year 'D', participated in the event Consultancy work titled IoT SmartBoat at Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam from 28-Oct-21 to 29-Oct-21 ~ 86 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

9 Sayad Pervez B , Shalini T and Sharon M , III year 'D', Winners completed a project titled IOT based Morse Code Speech Assistant for Specially Abled People under domain Disability as team named REC S3 at CATD(Center for Assistive Technologies and Devices) on 29-Oct-21 10 Sanjana M , Pavithra l , III year 'C', attended NPTEL online Received examination conducted by IITM, on 19-Nov-21 Elite+Silver 11 Harikarthikeyan A and Ganesh l , II year 'B', participated in Acted as Student the event Acted as Student co-ordinators representing an co-ordinators industrial activities of Rajalakshmi Institutions at the CII- Connect 2021 at CII-Connect 2021, held at ITC Grand Chola from 26-Nov-21 to 27-Nov-21 12 Kanish R , III year, attended NPTEL online Course conducted Received by IIT on 26-Nov-21 Elite+Gold 13 Pravin Kumar K V , Alumni, Developed a head-mounted Recognized and wearable device called \"Mouseware\" that enables hands-free Appreciated operation of computers and smartphones at IIT Madras- incubated startup on 29-Nov-21 14 Kirti Priyanka R , II year, participated in the event Received Winner TALANTON'22 at Talanton Global on 28-Dec-21 Certificate 15 Kirti Priyanka R , II year, participated in the event paper Winner awarded presentation competition- TALANTON'21 at Talanton Global with a cash prize from 27-Dec-21 to 27-Jan-22 of Rs.50000/- Symposiums/Workshops/Seminars/Guest Lectures/Industrial Visits/FDPs Organized Workshops/Seminars: Sl. Date(s) Title Sponsoring Agency No. AICTE 1 12-Jul-21 to 16- AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Jul-21 Academy Sponsored 5 Day Online Rajalakshmi Faculty Development Program On Lab Engineering College, Thandalam On A- Chip (Loc) HTIC/ IITM Rajalakshmi 2 17-Aug-21 Seminar on Modelling and Simulation Engineering College, of Wireless Networks Thandalam Rajalakshmi 3 25-Aug-21 Seminar on Big Awareness Session Engineering College, 4 17-Sep-21 Workshop on Arduino Programming Thandalam IIC & IETE, REC 5 23-Oct-21 Workshop on Semiconductor & MEMS 6 11-Nov-21 Packaging Techniques Workshop on Digital Transformation Techniques ~ 87 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

7 13-Nov-21 Webinar on Opportunities and Scope of IIC & IETE, REC Embedded systems in Industry 4.0 8 03-Dec-21 NIDHI EIR Orientation session Healthcare Technology Innovations Centre (HTIC) IITMadras 9 13-Dec-21 Training program on Robotics And Pantech Solutions Design 10 24-Dec-21 Speech Expo'21 Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam 11 27-Dec-21 A Technical Talk on ''Point of Need Bio- College of Engineering, sensing of Cancer Markers'' University of South Florida USA 12 24-Jan-22 to 31- Training program on GATE Coaching Rajalakshmi Jan-22 Class Engineering College, Thandalam 13 28-Jan-22 Webinar on HTIC Medtech Incubator - Rajalakshmi ''Big Awareness session'' Engineering College, Thandalam 14 02-Mar-22 Poster presentation in Hackathon on PMVV- WBIF , Tirupati 2022 event on National Science Day 15 02-Mar-22 to 2 Days hands on session on New Technology 03-Mar-22 Smartphone Electronics and Troubleshooting 16 16-Mar-22 Training Program on IPC project Rajalakshmi Competition iQuest 22 Engineering College, Thandalam 17 18-Mar-22 Seminar on Universal Human values Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam 18 23-Mar-22 Hands on training on ARDUINO Rajalakshmi to 24-Mar-22 Engineering College, Thandalam 19 25-Mar-22 Choices and Focus Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam 20 28-Mar-22 to Nehru Fulbright Specialist Program Rajalakshmi 31-Mar-22 Engineering College, Thandalam 21 30-Mar-22 Training Program on IPC project Rajalakshmi Competition iQuest 22 (Final Engineering College, Competition) Thandalam Guest Lectures: Sl. Date Topic Resource Person- Details No. Dr.Cross.T. Ashawise , Assistant Professor, Department of MCT SRMIST, Kattankulathur 1 08-Jun-21 Practical aspects of Transistor Biasing ~ 88 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22

2 10-Jun-21 Transistor Stabilization - Mr.Satheesh Kumar , Assistant Professor Demystified (Sr.Grade) , KPTIT, Coimbatore 3 11-Jun-21 Transistor Biasing and Dr.B.Ramani , Associate Professor , SSN Stability Analysis College of Engineering, Kalavakkam, Chennai 4 12-Jun-21 Challenges in Transistor Dr. Lakshmi , Associate Professor , St. Joseph Stability and Compensation College of Engineering, Chennai. 5 25-Jun-21 Training on \" How to Mrs. J. Saranya, Vishal Balaji Sivaraman , perform Amplitude Assistant Professor, UG Student , Rajalakshmi Modulation & Demodulation Engineering College, Thandalam using REC VLAB portal\" 6 26-Jun-21 Webinar on “Launching your Mr. K.V Pravin Kumar , Founder & CEO , Start-Up” Dextroware Devices Pvt. Ltd., Chennai 7 27-Aug-21 Speech and its Features Mrs. T.Helan Vidya , Assistant Professor (SS) , Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam 8 02-Nov-21 alumni Interaction Mr.Sundarrajan V, (Alumni, 2017-2021 Batch) , Technical Engineer , Cognizant Technology Solutions 9 04-Dec-21 Automated Embedded Mr.Jithesh.J , Test Lead KPIT Tchnologies Communication protocol Limited, Bengaluru , KPIT Tchnologies Limited, Bengaluru 10 11-Dec-21 DevOps and Cloud Mr.Pawan Kumar Lakshman , Cyber Security Computing ( Microsoft Azure Engineer ( DevSecOps ) , Comcast India ) Engineering Center LLP 11 13-Dec-21 Mrs.K.Sudha Dr.R.Srikanth , Professor Dept of MBA, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam 12 21-Dec-21 Lean Manufacturing Dr.V.Jayakumar , Professor and Chair person , Philosophy: Toyota???s Amrita School of Engineering Secret To Success 13 22-Dec-21 Engineers as Managers Dr.G.Alex Rajesh , Principal , Sri Venkateshwara Institute of IT & Management 14 12-Jan-22 Multiple access schemes and Ms.D.Sasirekha , Assistant Professor (SG) , Cellular concepts Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam 15 04-Mar-22 Gender Sensitization \"Myths, Dr. R.Gayathri , Professor , Ethics Club, Facts& Practices\" Rajalakshmi Engineering College Invited Talks: Topic Speaker Host Institution Sl. No. Date Ms.P.Shanmuga Priya Loyola Institute of 1 08-Jun-21 Webinar on Analysis & Technology, Chennai Design Methodologies Dr.B.Thilakavathi 2 11-Jun-21 for Feedback Mr.D.Gururaj Rajalakshmi Engineering 3 12-Jun-21 Amplifiers College, Thandalam Genetic Algorithm for Dr.T.Manikandan Loyola Institute of 4 22-Jun-21 Artificial Intelligence Technology, Chennai Webinar on Satellite Communication - St.Martin's Engineering Insights College, Secunderabad An Automatic CAD system for lung module classification and its 3D visualization ~ 89 ~ Rajalakshmi Engineering College – Revista 2021-22