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Published by Dr. N. Ratheesh, 2023-06-07 04:07:02

Description: Editors
ISBN 978-93-5396-871-7
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Keywords: Biodiversity,challeges ,conservation,ecosystem


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["486 Current status and challenges for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity for an environmental evaluation programme. separate polythene bags of the study sites. This attains particular importance since a Samples were then digested with nitric acid large part of the anthropogenic discharge of and hydrofluoric acid in the ratio 5:2 for 30 heavy metals into the soil finds its way to the min at 200\u00b0C. After cooling the samples, 0.8g wetlands where it is combined with the boric acid was added to dissolve the fluoride suspended matter in water or gets dissolved in precipitates. The heavy metals such as water. Suspended sediments in water bodies Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead and Zinc are effective scavengers of trace metals in water and sediment samples were (Salomons and Frostner, 1984) that leads to determined by atomic absorption their bioaccumulation. Also, the sediment that spectrophotometer (APHA, 2017). reaches rivers from point and non-point sources and gets deposited at the bottom of Fig. 1. Study area showing sampling points the river. Heavy metals present in the sediments can get accumulated and bio- Results and Discussion magnify in the aquatic food chain (Singh et al., 2001). The human health could be The mean Copper concentration adversely affected by consuming the fishes varied broadly between 0.197\u00b10.108 to and water contaminated with heavy metals. 0.277\u00b10.156ppm in water samples and 0.435\u00b10.120 to 0.517\u00b10.093ppm in sediment The present study deals with the samples. Chromium concentration ranged assessment of heavy metals in water, from 0.091\u00b10.06 to 0.123\u00b10.056ppm and sediment and Etroplus maculatus in Cheloor 1.706\u00b10.371 to 1.411\u00b10.224ppm, Cadmium lake in Kerala for a period of one year. The concentration from 0.046\u00b10.01 to freshwater situated near Sasthamkotta in 0.056\u00b10.030ppm and 0.052\u00b10.012 to Kollam district is used as a source of inland fisheries and hence assessment of heavy metals in the system is a matter of human health as well. The study aims to estimate heavy metal concentration at Cheloor lake in Kerala by way of monthly collection and analysis of water, sediment and Etroplus maculatus (fish) samples and to understand the annual variation of heavy metal content in Cheloor lake Materials and Methods Samples were taken from five different stations of the lake in the morning hours during January \u2013 December 2016-17. One-liter water samples collected from each site were filtered through Whatmans No.1 filter paper. The samples were preserved with 10 ml of 6N nitric acid and stored at 5\u00b0C. Before elemental analysis, samples were acidified to pH 2.0 with 20 ml of 6N HNO3. Sediments and fish samples were collected in Current Status and Challenges for Conservation and Sustainable use of Biodiversity|2020 | pp.485-492 \u00a9 Principal, Sree Narayana College, Kollam, Kerala, India","Assessment of heavy metals in Cheloor Lake at Kollam, Southern Kerala 487 0.099\u00b10.142ppm and Lead concentration \u00b1 SD= 0.303\u00b10.274) for Copper, 0.005 to from 0.271\u00b10.23 to 0.308\u00b10.234ppm and 0.144ppm (Annual mean \u00b1 SD= 0.050\u00b10.055) 0.455\u00b10.119 to 0.515\u00b10.089ppm Zinc for Chromium, 0.017 to 0.361ppm (Annual concentration from 0.554\u00b10.353 to mean \u00b1 SD= 0.123\u00b10.108ppm) for Cadmium, 0.428\u00b10.262ppm and 0.539\u00b10.351 to 0.362 to 0.035ppm (Annual mean \u00b1 SD= 0.445\u00b10.342ppm respectively in water and 0.135\u00b10.092ppm) for Lead and 0.010 to sediment samples (Table 1 and 2 and Figs. 2 0.315ppm (Annual mean \u00b1 SD= 0.148\u00b10.111) and 3). for Zinc (Table 3 and Fig. 4). In the fish, the monthly values varied from 0.059 to 0.810ppm (Annual mean Table 1. Annual variation of heavy metals in water samples of Cheloor lake Stations Cu Annual mean \u00b1 standard deviation Zn Cr Cd Pb 0.539\u00b10.39 S1 0.223\u00b10.17 0.091\u00b10.06 0.046\u00b10.01 0.271\u00b10.23 0.551\u00b10.36 0.097\u00b10.07 0.049\u00b10.01 0.277\u00b10.21 0.554\u00b10.353 S2 0.223\u00b10.20 0.112\u00b10.088 0.051\u00b10.008 0.305\u00b10.227 0.482\u00b10.297 0.115\u00b10.057 0.054\u00b10.016 0.308\u00b10.234 0.428\u00b10.262 S3 0.209\u00b10.178 0.123\u00b10.056 0.056\u00b10.030 0.300\u00b10.242 S4 0.197\u00b10.108 S5 0.277\u00b10.156 Fig. 2. Annual variation of Heavy metals in Cheloor lake water Cu Cr Cd Pb Zn Concentration (ppm) Current Status and Challenges for Conservation and Sustainable use of Biodiversity|2020 | pp.485-492 \u00a9 Principal, Sree Narayana College, Kollam, Kerala, India","488 Current status and challenges for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity Table 2. Annual variation of heavy metals in sediment samples of Cheloor lake Annual mean \u00b1SD of heavy metal concentration Stations Cu Cr Cd Pb Zn S1 0.435\u00b10.120 1.706\u00b10.371 0.047\u00b10.008 0.455\u00b10.119 0.452\u00b10.365 S2 0.456\u00b10.056 1.599\u00b10.325 0.046\u00b10.006 0.488\u00b10.139 0.490\u00b10.324 S3 0.517\u00b10.093 1.581\u00b10.289 0.048\u00b10.007 0.515\u00b10.089 0.539\u00b10.351 S4 0.494\u00b10.060 1.460\u00b10.221 0.052\u00b10.012 0.486\u00b10.084 0.479\u00b10.310 S5 0.439\u00b10.139 1.411\u00b10.224 0.099\u00b10.142 0.462\u00b10.103 0.445\u00b10.342 Fig. 3. Annual variation of Heavy metals in sediments of Cheloor lake Concentration (ppm) Cu Cr Cd Pb Zn Table 3. Annual mean \u00b1SD of heavy metals in fish, Etroplus maculatus at Cheloor lake Etroplus maculatus Cu Cr Cd Pb Zn 0.181 0.089 0.083 Jan 0.810 0.144 0.017 0.097 0.085 Feb 0.800 0.091 0.100 Mar 0.100 0.005 0.018 0.174 0.010 Apr 0.059 0.203 0.225 May 0.168 0.139 0.110 0.222 0.314 Jun 0.142 0.362 0.315 Jul 0.163 0.006 0.110 0.035 0.305 Aug 0.201 0.057 0.057 Sep 0.242 0.009 0.110 0.062 0.059 Oct 0.622 0.110 0.110 Nov 0.142 0.017 0.070 0.112 0.110 Dec Ann mean\u00b1 SD 0.303\u00b10.274 0.012 0.361 0.135\u00b10.092 0.148\u00b10.111 0.059 0.345 0.006 0.057 0.009 0.062 0.110 0.110 0.080 0.110 0.050\u00b10.055 0.123\u00b10.108 Current Status and Challenges for Conservation and Sustainable use of Biodiversity|2020 | pp.485-492 \u00a9 Principal, Sree Narayana College, Kollam, Kerala, India","Assessment of heavy metals in Cheloor Lake at Kollam, Southern Kerala 489 Fig. 4. Monthly variation of Heavy metals in Etroplus maculatus of Cheloor lake Cu Cr Cd Pb Zn Copper in water and 21.62mg\/kg in sediments of Ashtamudi lake. The CCME (2009) has given Copper is an essential elements required by 35.7mg\/kg as the guideline value for all living organisms. However, it becomes freshwater sediments and the current value is toxic to aquatic organisms when exceeds the much lesser. Mean concentration of Cu in fish limit (Jenny and AvenantOldewage, 2006). samples was also lower compared with Mining, electroplating industry, biosolids, FAO\/WHO (1984) permissible level (20 smelting and refining etc. is regarded as the mg\/Kg). main sources of the discharge of copper into the aquatic environment. Copper Chromium concentration in drinking range varies widely from 0.005 to >30 mg\/l with the major source Chromium (III) is a positive ion that being the corrosion of interior copper forms hydroxides and complexes in water plumbing. The WHO (2017) has given a depending on the pH and the redox potential. guideline value 2 mg\/litre. In the present It is adsorbed in water at relatively high pH. study, the maximum concentration of Copper Cr is used in various industries including recorded from water at site 3 was tannery, pigment and paint making, 0.277\u00b10.156ppmand that in sediment was production of catalysts, fungicides, the 0.517\u00b10.093ppm at site 5. The maximum ceramic and glass industry, alloy and concentration in fish sample was 0.810ppm chromium metal production (WHO, 2003). during the start of pre-monsoon (February). The natural concentration of total chromium This indicates that the values of Cu in the in surface waters ranges from 0.5 to 2.0\u00b5g\/l study area are lesser than the guideline. The and the dissolved chromium from 0.02 to study in general showed that there is no 0.3\u00b5g\/l (ISO, 1994). Mean chromium intakes significant spatial or temporal variation in Cu from food and water range from 52 to concentration in the study area. 943\u00b5g\/day (WHO, 2003).In the present study, the maximum Cr concentration was Karim and Williams (2015) also reported 0.123\u00b10.056ppm in water 1.706\u00b10.371mg\/kg lower values (0.02\u00b10.11mg\/l) in waters of the in sediments and 0.144mg\/kg in fish. This nearby Ashtamudi lake. Priya and Williams indicates that bioaccumulation of chromium (2019) reported a concentration of 0.894mg\/l at Cheloor lake is relatively weak.However, Current Status and Challenges for Conservation and Sustainable use of Biodiversity|2020 | pp.485-492 \u00a9 Principal, Sree Narayana College, Kollam, Kerala, India","490 Current status and challenges for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity the Cr content in the study area is higher than in water, 0.099\u00b10.142ppm in sediment and the permissible limit of 0.05 mg\/l set for 0.361ppm in fish indicating bioaccumulation. drinking water by the WHO (2011).Karim This shows that Cd concentration in the study and Williams (2015) reported 0.06mg\/l area exceeds the permissible limit for andPriya and Williams (2019) reported drinking water.Karim and Williams (2015) 0.39mg\/l Cr values from nearby Ashtamudi reported cadmium in the range of 0.001- lake. Priya and Williams also reported higher 0.005mg\/l from Ashtamudi Lake water. (72.32mg\/l) Cr content from the sediments of Higher Cd values (2.94ppm) was also Ashtamudi lake. Krishnakumar et al.( 2005) reported from the Ashtamudi lake (Priya and reported a maximum Cr value of 10.4mg\/kg Williams, 2019) indicating the possible from another freshwater lake in the state. release of Cd from waste dumps in Kollam city. Krishnakumar et al., (2005) also Cadmium reported Nil to 6.0mg\/kg Cd in surficial sediments of Vellayani lake. Cadmium (Cd) is a non-essential trace element that is widely distributed in the Zinc environment. Cadmium occurs in ores of zinc, lead and copper, in fossil fuels and shale Zinc is essential parts of certain metallo- which is released during volcanic eruption. It enzymes and transcription factors that are is released to ground and surface waters of associated in cellular metabolisms (Berg and low TDS and pH. Cadmium is also released Shi, 1996). Meat, marine food and other from waste water and landfills and during protein foods are rich in Zinc having industrial operations that involve zinc or concentrations varying from 10 to 50mg\/kg, cadmium (Water Quality Association, 2015). whereas other foods such grains, fruits and According to World Health Organization vegetable are low in zinc. Contribution of (WHO), cadmium, zinc and copper are zinc from drinking water is negligible unless among the 10 toxic heavy metals that cause zinc is released as a corrosion product of lines issues to both man and nature (WHO, 2017). and fittings (WHO, 2003a). Consumption of Both geogenic and anthropogenic sources can high quantity of zinc causes vomiting elevate Cd concentrations in soils and followed by nausea, fever etc. Zinc groundwater, which are important for concentration in the present study showed the maintaining healthy supplies of food and safe maximum values of 0.554\u00b10.353mg\/l in drinking water. Desirable limit of Cadmium water, 0.539\u00b10.351mg\/kg in sediments and in fresh water is 0.003ppm and the 0.315mg\/kg in fish indicating lack of permissible limit is 0.005ppm (WHO, 2003). bioaccumulation. From Ashtamudi estuary Zn The Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of values at 0.689mg\/l in water and Cadmium in drinking water set by US EPA is 158.12mg\/kg in sediments were reported 0.005mg\/l. No-observed-adverse-effect level (Priya and Williams, 2019). Maximum (NOAEL) for Cadmium for humans is concentration of 96mg\/kg was also reported 0.01mg\/kg\/day. Cadmium has the chronic from Vellayani freshwater lake potential to cause kidney, liver, bone and (Krishnakumar et al., 2005) blood damage from long term exposure at levels above the MCL. Exposures of high Lead concentrations of Cd cause vomiting, nausea, diarrhea to shock and renal failure. The permissible level of Concentration of Lead in water is about Cadmium in the present study showed the 10\u00b5g\/l (WHO, 2003). High concentration of maximum concentration of 0.056\u00b10.030ppm Lead can cause severe gastrointestinal Current Status and Challenges for Conservation and Sustainable use of Biodiversity|2020 | pp.485-492 \u00a9 Principal, Sree Narayana College, Kollam, Kerala, India","Assessment of heavy metals in Cheloor Lake at Kollam, Southern Kerala 491 symptoms. Though Lead does not easily Reference dissolve in water, it may reach surface water following rain runoff when mixed with soil or APHA,2017. Standard Methods for the dust (Clausen et al., 2011). Exposure of Pb Examination of Water and Waste Water. 23rd occurs when foods cultivated on Pb Edition, American Public Health Association, contaminated soil are eaten, drink American Water Works Association, Water contaminated water and breathe air polluted Environment Federation: 545p. with lead (Gafuret al., 2018). The permissible level of concentration of lead in water is Berg, J M and Shi, Y., 1996. The about 10\u00b5g\/l (WHO, 2017). In the current study, the values ranged from 0.271\u00b10.23 to Galvanization of Biology: A Growing 0.308\u00b10.234 in water, 0.455\u00b10.119 to 0.515\u00b10.089ppm in sediments and 0.035 to Appreciation for the Roles of Zinc, Science 0.362ppm in fish. The values much higher 271(5252), 1081\u20131085. than the permissible level (0.01mg\/l) prescribed by WHO indicates pollution. CCME, 2009. Canadian environmental Lower values (0.01- 0.10mg\/l) were reported quality guidelines. Canadian Council of from Ashtamudi Lake water by Karim and Ministers of the Environment, Winnipeg, Williams (2015). Priya and Willaims (2019) Manitoba, 4p. also reported lower values (0.088mg\/l) from Ashtamudi estuary. However, much higher Clausen, J L., Bostick, B. and Korte N., 2011. values were reported in sediments of Migration of Lead in Surface Water, Pore Ashtamudi (46.34mg\/kg by Priya and Water, and Groundwater With a Focus on Willaims, 2019) and Vellayani (6.2mg\/kg by Firing Ranges, Critical Reviews in Krishnakumar et al., 2005). Environmental Science and Technology, 41: 15, 1397-1448, DOI: Conclusion 10.1080\/10643381003608292 The present study is a preliminary assessment FAO\/WHO, 1984. List of maximum levels of heavy metals in Cheloor lake in Kollam which is the first study of this kind in the recommended for contaminants by the Joint lake. This result indicates that the values of Cu in the study area are lesser than the FAO\/WHO Codex Alimentarius international guideline values. However, the Cr and Cd content in the study area are higher Commission. Second Series CAC\/FAL, than the permissible limit of 0.05 mg\/l set for Rome, pp. 1\u20138. drinking water. Zinc concentration in the present study showed the maximum values of Gafur, N A., Sakakibara, M., Sano, S and 0.554\u00b10.353mg\/l in water, 0.539\u00b10.351mg\/kg in sediments and 0.315mg\/kg in fish Sera K., 2018. A Case Study of Heavy Metal indicating lack of bioaccumulation which is lesser than 5ppm threshold. Pb contamination Pollution in Water of Bone River by Artisanal is visible in the study area possibly due to urbanization and oil pollution. The values Small-Scale Gold Mine Activities in Eastern much higher than the permissible level (0.01 mg\/l) prescribed by WHO indicates pollution Part of Gorontalo, Indonesia, Water, 10, 1507; doi:10.3390\/w10111507\/journal\/water ISO, 1994. International Organization for Standardization. Water quality- determination of total chromium (IV)-Spectrometric method using 1,5-diphenylcarbazide Geneva, 1990 (ISO 11083:1994) Jenny, R., and Avenant-Oldewage, A, 2006. 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