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Home Explore 700 Essential Phrases for Japanese Conversation

700 Essential Phrases for Japanese Conversation

Published by tss john, 2021-05-12 07:50:42

Description: 700 Essential Phrases for Japanese Conversation


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r Speak ; C Japanese! E~►slowj—>naturalj With English Translation 英語訳付 どんどん話せる! 日本語会話 フレーズ】大特訓 700 Essential Phrases / ■ Bl I for Japanese Conversation 監修 水谷信子 Mizutani Nobuko 棚橋明美/アニタ•ゲスリング/岡村佳代 Tanahashi Akemi Anita Gesling Okamura kayo 初級中級上級 Jリサーチ出版

Introduction This book was created out of a desire to fulfill the needs of people who aren't satisfied with their current level of Japanese conversation—speakers who are able to more or less handle day to day conversati〇ns, but still want to bring their speaking to the next level by using effective expressions to com- municate exactly how they feel. In this book, we have collected 700 useful phrases that go beyond the standard sayings used in daily life and allow you to precisely convey your thoughts and feelings, in order to enrich your communications with Japa­ nese people. It can be used for practice on both a grammatical and function- al level. Parts 1 and 2 begin by solidifying the basics of conversation, such as ad­ dressing, greeting, thanking, apologizing, inviting, requesting, and so on. Part 3 helps polish your knowledge of grammar, important in order to ex­ press yourself clearly. Parts 4 and 5 help you practice being successful in society, covering top­ ics such as shopping, travel, work, hobbies, family, friends, and more. The aim of these chapters is to enable you interact comfortably (confidently) with Japanese people. To give an example, readers will review basic expressi〇ns such as the emergency phrase, \"KyCikyCisha 〇 yondekudasai!,z or the phrase for stating their opinion, \"Sugoku yokattadesu.\" As for grammatical knowledge, items such as the usage of \"nagara\" in \"Sumaho 〇 minagara arukuto abunai de- suyo\"or the\"〜yd to omou\"in \"Raigetsu, Kyoto e iko to omotteimasu.\"will be reviewed. Phrases dealing with situations you will want to master, such as talking about shopping or travel, e.g., \"Yama ga suki desu ga, umi ni iketara ureshii desu,\" have been collected in this book. 2

Table of contents The recordings in this book try a new approach, allowing for more effec­ tive practice. The sentence is spoken slowly at first, then again at a natural speed. We have also ineluded easy-to-understand explanations of how to use the phrases, as well as many natural sample sentences that are unlike what you would find in a traditional textbook. We hope you make good use of these resources. We truly wish for our readers to be able to confidently express them­ selves when communicating in Japanese, and we hope that this book will help you do that. Nobuko Mizutani 3

Table of contents Introduction.............................................................2 How to Proceed with Your Studies..................... 10 How to Use This Book......................................... 12 How to Use the CD.............................................. 14 Part 1 Q Greetings............................................................ 16 Q Daily life..............................................................18 Q Emergency.........................................................20 Part 2 Q Greetings.......................................................... 24 Q Seif-introduction.............................................. 26 Q Thanking and apologizing............................... 28 Q Asking................................................................. 30 Q Inviting............................................................... 32 Q Accepting and declining invitations.............. 34 Q Asking a quest:ion.............................................36 Q Suggesting........................................................ 38 Q Offering............................................................. 40 4

Table of contents ① Expressing concern......................................... 42 S Encouraging...................................................... 44 Q Impressions.......................................................46 Q Complaining.......................................................48 繼 Making a reservation........................................50 © Requesting.........................................................52 Part 3 Q N1 wa N2 desu. / N1 wa A desu...................56 Q Like, don't like, be good atz benot good at・・ 58 Q Adjectives.......................................................... 60 Q Expressing existence........................................62 Q Want to ~ / Would like to .. ............................ 64 Q Qualifying nouns.............................................. 66 Q ~te kudasai / ~ naide kudasai...................... 68 〇 ~masen ka / ~masen? / ~mashd ka/ ~masho yo........................................................ 70 QThe Verb \"to wear\"........................................... 72 © ~te iru................................................................. 74 S ~te kara / ~ta ato/ Sara...............................76 5

皱 ~te shimau / ~chau........................................78 ©~ta mama / ~ppanashi.................................. 80 Ф ~nagara / ~shi(~shi)...................................... 82 ©~te mo ii / ~naide kudasai/ ~te wa ikemasen.............................................. 84 © ~ta kogo ga arimasu....................................... 86 Q Potential, perceptual, sensual.......................88 CJ Interrogatives................................................... 90 © ~te okimasu / ~te arimasu / ~te imasu••• 92 ©yd (to omou) / Sai to omou ........................ 94 Q Conditional expressions.................................. 96 Q ~te / ~node / ~kara [Reasons]................... 98 包 ageru / kureru / morau................................ 100 © ~noni ...............................................................102 © ~rashT / ~mitai / ~ppoi................................ 104 © ~so / ~tte [hearsay]..................................... 106 拔 so [mode]........................................................ 108 © ~yo ni naru / ~ku naru / ~ni naru...........110 Q Passive / Causative....................................... 112 © Honorific expressions....................................114 6

Table of contents Part 4 锻 Catching a train.............................................. 118 Q Catching a bus or a taxi................................ 120 Q Asking the way................................................122 Q At a hotel..........................................................124 Q At a restaurant or coffee shop ①................. 126 Q At a restaurant or coffee shop ②............128 韓 At a department store ①..................... 130 Q At a department store ②..................... 132 Q At a supermarket or convenience store • • •134 At a shop such as an electronics store • • • •136 f At a drug store................................................138 © At 日 hospital.....................................................140 ❻ At a post office, bank or government office ①............................................................. 142 © At a post office, bank or government office ②........................................ 144 破 At a university ①............................................ 146 © At a university ②.............................. 148 '議 At the office ①................................ 150 7

Q At the office ②.............................................. 152 Q Visiting a friend's or teacher's house ••••154 ◎ with a host family...........................................156 & At a real estate agent.................................. 158 ◎ Talking with neighbors.................................. 160 Ф Talking on the phone ①................................ 162 Q Talking on the phone ②................................ 164 拔 Talking on the phone ③................................ 166 ©Talking on the phone ④................................ 168 Q Talking on the phone ⑤................................ 170 换 Going on a date.............................................. 172 拔 At a police station or a koban...................... 174 Q Making a travel plan..................................... 176 国 At a travel agency...........................................178 Q At a hair salon ................................................180 0 Part time job interview................................ 182 Part 5 Q Sport ...............................................................186 Q Movies...............................................................188 8

Table of contents Q Family...............................................................190 Q Health...............................................................192 Q Hobbies........................................................... 194 Q Weekend..........................................................196 Q Weather........................................................... 198 QJapan ............................................................. 200 Q Books...............................................................202 Q Travel ...............................................................204 Basic phrases 70................................................. 206

学習の流れ この本は大きく、5つのパート(「初歩編」「機能編」「文法編」「場面編」「ト ピック編」)で構成され、次のステップで学習を進めます。気軽に繰り返し 練習しながら、日本語の表現がすぐ言えるようになることをめざします。 stepQフレーズの意味を理解する まずフレーズの意味、フレーズが使われる場面やそれを使う意図を確認し ます。パートごと、ユニットごとのテーマを生かして学習していきます。 STEP0 CDを聞きながら、日本語の特徴をつかむ 英語と比べながら、文の構造や音のアクセントやイントネーションなど、 日本語の特徴をつかみます。 STEP0フレーズを口に出して言う 初めはゆっくり、次は自然にと、日本語は2回読まれます。CDの音声の すぐ後を追いかけるように、まねして自分で言ってみましょう。さらに慣れ てきたら、本を見ないで音だけで練習をしましょう。 STEP В くりかえし練習 くりかえし学習することで、どんどん効果が増します。CDの音を気軽に 聞き流すだけでもいいですし、声に出して練習すると、さらにいいでしょう。 す「CDの使い方」(p.14) 10

How to Proceed with Your Studies How to Proceed with Your Studies This book is broadly divided into 5 sections:/zFirst steps/Z/Functions/zzzGram- mar/^Scenes/and zzTopics.zzThe following steps will help you with your study. Work towards being able to say the Japanese expression correctly and smoothly by practicing it over and over again thoroughly. STEP Q Understand the meaning of the phrase First, get an understanding of the meaning of the phrase, imagine where the conversations are taking place, and understand the intention of the phrase. The themes in each part and unit will help you learn their content. STEP 越 Understand details of the Japanese while listening to the CD Grasp the unique details of the Japanese sentencesz such as sentence struc­ ture, spoken accents and intonation, while comparing them to the English. STEP 目 Say the phrases aloud The Japanese on the CD is read twice. Once slowly, and once at a natural speed. Try imitating the voice you hear on the CD by saying the phrases aloud immediately after you hear them. Once you become more familiar with them, practice without looking at the book and only listening to the CD. STEP Practice through repetition This textbook only becomes effective when you repeatedly use it to study. Simply listening to the CD will help, but practicing while speaking will be even better. (SeezzHow to Use the CD,\" p.14) и

How to Use This Book Each unit will begin with a description of its theme, along with a simple introduction. Self-introduction 自己紹介をする jikoshokai-suru « The CD will begin with a reading ★ You will have many opportunities to of the English sentence.'Try to introduce yourself. This is a great imagine the situation where it opportunity for networking. would be said.---------------------- •S-1-«How do you do. My name is Smith. ► — to moshima$u This indicates an important point, when translating from the English lzm from Australia. A -- shusshin desu expression to the Japanese * fm from f 7 shusiin desu. expression.-^------------------- ---- ГН be 20 this year. ► ― ni narimasu ] I'm majoring in psychology at university. ► Daigaku dewa « major in ~ ~〇 senkd-shimasu My hobbies are watching soccer and ► Shumi I Llii э縊亠 desu * My hobbies are -. — shumi wa ~ desu. My dream is to take a trip around the □点 world. ► Sekai isshtiryoko « My dream is — Yume wa ~ koto desu. /-suru koto/no ga yume desu. □ 7 I'm in sales. Hanbai no d 8 I look forward to working with you. 26 This is a hint for saying the phrase in Japanese. It is often the initial word or a key word. 12

How to Use This Book Small points of advice are given primarily in areas that may be difficult for English speakers. PART 2 FUNCTIONS One Point Advice -The phrase「よろしくお墨<しゝします」has many uses and meanings in Japanese. When used as part of a self-introduction, it includes the sense of\"pleased to meet you\" \"look­ ing forward to working with you\" \"thank you in advance for the help you will give me\" In a shop or restaurant it can just be\"please\". In the workplace, \"thank you in advance for doing this\" It is a phrase that is worth listening out for, and you will find that it is useful in a multiple situations. -はじめまして。スミスと申します。 The phrase will be read twice in 1. Japanese. Slowly the first time, 严 then at a natural speed. Hajimemashite. Sumisu to moshimasu. A simple explanation of vocabulary 2オーストラリア出身です。 that is difficult or requires special Osutoraria shusshin desu. attention. 今年、20歳になります。 * hatachi=twenty years old Kotoshi, hatachi ni narimasu. 八大学では心理字を専攻しています。 4 П<.'№<, しい)№< - Daigaku dewa shinrigaku 〇 senkoshite-imasu. 趣味はサッカー観戦と旅行です。 し》» かんせん り・こち * kansen = (sports) watching Shumi wa sakka kansen to ryoko desu. ,世界一周旅行をするのが夢です。 〇 ・ frv'V'-sし・ちり・;:う ゆめ ★ sekai isshO = around the world( Sekai isshuryoko 〇 suru по да уите desu. フ販売の仕事をしています。 * hanbai = sales Х ゆん《い しこと Hanbai no shigoto 〇 shite-imasu. 〇これからお世話になりますが、よろしくお願いします。 Korekara osewa ni narimasu да, yoroshiku onegai-shimasu. 13

CDの使い方 つか かた 付属CDには、本の中で紹介している英語のフレーズとそれに対応す ふ ぞく ほん なか しようかい えい ご たいおう る日本語のフレーズの両方が収録されています。 にほんご リようほう しゅうろく ❶まず最初に' 1つのユニットの中で紹介されているフレーズをざっ さいしょ なか しようかい と読んでみましょう。会話が行われている場面をイメージしながら、 よ かいわ おこな ばめん 意味を理解しましょう。英語と日本語、どちらが先でもかまいません。 いみ リかい えいご にほんご さき ❷次に、本を見ながらCDを聞きましょう。英語т日本語(少しゆっくり) っぎ ほん み き えいご にほん ご すこ T日本語(自然な速さ)で話されます。どんな音で話されているか、 にほん ご しぜん はや はな おと はな アクセントやイントネーションなど、音のニュアンスをつかみなが おと ら確認しましょう。 かくにん ❸左のページ(英文とヒント)だけを見て、日本語で言ってみましょう。 ひだり えいぶん み にほんご い ❹今度は本を見ないで、英語を聞いてすぐ日本語が出るように練習し こんど ほん み えいご き にほんご で れんしゅう ましょつ。 How to Use the CD The enclosed CD contains all the English phrases and the corresponding Japa nese phrases introduced in this book. 〇 First, quickly read over all the phrases introduced in a single unit. Imagine where the conversations are taking place while trying to understand the mean- ing of each phrase. You can begin with the phrases in either English or Japa­ nese. ❷ Next, listen to the CD while you follow the text. The phrases will begin with English, then move to slow Japanese, then finish with regular-speed Japanese. Pay close attention to the sounds of the speech, and nuances of the sound, such as accents and intonations. ❸ Try saying the Japanese aloud while only looking at the page on the left (English sentences and hints). ❹ Next, practice so that you are able to say the Japanese immediately after hear­ ing the English, without looking at the textbook. 14

PART 1 First steps

Greetings あいさつaisatsu ★ Relationships begin with greetings. Greet people and enjoy a great social life. □1 Good morning. □ 2 Hello. (Good day.) □ 3 Good evening. □ 4 Good night. How are you? 一 I'm well, thanks. ロ Thank you. This looks delicious. • ,,ltadakimasu,1 is the greeting used before eating. ! Thank you for the deliにiousmeal. •\"Gochisosam^ is the greeting used after eating. □ 8 Thank you very much. / Thanks. □ 9 Good bye. 16

PART 1 FIRST STEPS PARTI One Point Advice Firststeps It is important to greet people when you meet them. In Japanese, a greeting can include asking after someone's health or well-being. It is important to respond appropriately to these greetings. CD-I F uPrAnmT0W3 5は おはようございます。/おはよう。 grammar 5 Ohayd gozaimasu. / Ohayd. 5 w こんにちは。 РS Аc eНnТe4s Konnichiwa. PT Ao pRiTc Ss こんばんは。 Konbanwa. 4おやすみなさい。/おやすみ。 Oyasuminasai. / Oyasumi. U元気ですか。---- ええ、元気ですよ。 、げんき ー げんき ★ genki = be fine Genki desu ka・ 一Ё, genki desu yo. いただきます。 ★ itadakimasu = polite way ofsaying of\"moraimasu\" Itadakimasu. ごちそうさまでした。/ごちそうさま。 ★ gochiso = feast Gochisosama deshita・ / Gochisosama. ありがとうございます。/ありがとう。 Arigato gozaimasu. / Arigato. さようなら。 Sayonara. 17

Daily life 生活 seikatsu ★ Basic survival phrases. Be careful of in tonatio n. [When asking for something.] Water, please・ [When making a request.] ロ (Kd like this) please. [When calling for a shop assistant.] (Can you help me) please. [When you are late.] I'm sorry. [When placing an order in a restaurant] Excuse me. [When calling someone.] □ 6 Ecxcuse me. [e.g. When asking people to move so you can get off the train.] Excuse me. [When expressing appreciation.] Thank you (so much). [When offering something.] ロ 9 Please. 18

PART 1 FIRST STEPS One Point Advice Greetings are extremely important in Japanese culture. So much so that they are PARTI graded on the report card at elementary school. Many greetings have multiple mean­ First steps ings, and poor or non-existent English equivalents.「お願いします」and「すみません」 •r ねが are just two of these. Listen carefully to find out how many different ways they are PART 2 used. Functions にD・7 鼎なкかをたの黔]おみ水ず をおね願が いします。 GPrAaRmTma3r [nanika 〇 tanomu'] 〇-mizu 〇 o-negai-shimasu. 2庶釜する]これをお鸚いします。 PART 4 Scenes [chumon-suru] Kore 〇 o-negai-shimasu. [店員を呼ぶ] お願いします! PART5 うてんいんよ ねが Topics [ten'in oyobu] O-negai-shimasu. 4填れたとき]すみません。 [okureta toki] Sumimasen. [レストランで店員を呼ぶ]すみませんI てんいんよ v [resutoran de ten'in oyobu] Sumimasen! 6 [條に克をかける]すみません。 [hito ni кое 〇 kakeru] Sumimasen. 7心[電でん車しなゃ どで人ひとにどいてもらうとき]すフ みノ ま5 せJ#んレ 。 [densha nado de hito ni doite morau toki) Sumimasen. 8靈!の烝ちを前](いつも)すみません。 [kansha no kimochi 〇 arawasu] (Itsumo) Sumimasen. 9ハ[何なにかを差さしだ出す]ど—うぞ°。 [nanika 〇 sashidasu] Dozo. 19

Emergency レ Moichido ~ 緊急 kinkyii きんきゅう ★ Language for emergency situations. Learn them well enough so that they can be used promptly. 1 It hurts! (Ouch) 2 rve injured myself. 3 Would someone please come? 4 Please help me! 5 Please call an ambulance! 6 Please call the police! □ 7 Its dangerous! □ 8 Please stop (that). □ 9 Please say that again. 20

PART 1 FIRST STEPS One Point Advice 送 It is said that people tend to avoid saying their opinion clearly and speak ambiguously in Japanese culture. However, it is very important to describe your situation clearly when you are confused or in the case of an emergency. -痛い。 CD-1 ★〜да itai = ~hurts [いた ★ kega= injury Itai. ★ kyukyusha = ambulanee ★ keisatsu = police けがをしました。 Кеда 〇 shimashita. ★ mo ichido = once more 誰か来てください! Dare ka kite kudasai! .助けてください! 4たす Tasukete kudasai! U救急車を呼んでください! 3 きゅうきゅうしゃ よ Kyukyusha oyonde kudasai! 警察を呼んでください! Q けいさつ よ Keisatsu oyonde kudasai! フ危ない! /あぶ Abunai! 8やめてください。 Yamete kudasai. 〇もう一度言ってください。 いちどい Moichido itte kudasai. 21

■ ■■ ■■■ ■ Features of the Japanese Spoken Language 1 ■ ★ The Japanese spoken language is different from the written language in several ways. For example, in the spoken language, one or more sounds are often omittedz or a colloquially contracted form is used. If you can use these, your Japanese will sound more natural. 《Examples of omitted sounds〉 Omitted | 〜てます/てる Original 食べてます/食べてる 〜ています/ている 食べています/きべている Contracted (now eating) じゃ <Examples of contracted forms> 学生じゃありません/学生じゃない Original 〜ちゃいます/ちゃう では 食べちゃいます/食ペちゃう が学く生せいではありません/学がく生せいではない 〜ときます/とく (not a student) 食べときます/食べとく 〜てしまいます/てしまう 食べてしまいます/阜べてしまう 〜んです/んだ (having eaten) 食べるんです/食べるんだ 〜ておきます/ておく 食べておきます/食べておく (having eaten beforehand) 〜のです/のだ 食べるのです/食べるのだ (will surely eat) 食 If you speak in the polite spoken style using the polite form (です•ます), even if no KEIGO is used, your language will be appropriate. However, we recommend that you use the plain speech style, using the plain form, to your close friends. <Examples of polite form and plain form> Plain form 書く/書いた Polite form 書きます/書きました 見る/見た する/した 見ます/見ました 行く?/行った? します/しました 寒い/寒かった 行きますか/行きましたか 元気(だ)/元気だった 寒いです/寒かったです 元気です/元気でした Here is an example of a casual conversation in the plain speech style. A「もうレポート書いちゃったの?早いね。」 A: Have you already finished writing your героеt? That was quick! в「うん、早く遊びに行きたいからね」 B: Yeah, because I want to go out (and play) as soon ■ as possible. 22

PART 2 Functions

Greetings あいさつをするaisatsu 〇 suru ★ Greetings vary depending on the situation. Use appropriate greetings and enjoy communicating with people・ □1 Good morning. I'm sorry for not contacting you for so ►〜arimasen ka long. 门 How are you getting along? —Things are the same as usual. How have you been? dodesu ka □ 4 —Fine. [Said in a work situation with friends and colleagues as an expression of appreciation. Used when you ロ 伐 meet them, pass by them or leave earlier than them.] Hello. [Said when you leave first] » osaki ni 1 1 Excuse me. / Good bye. [Said when you enter a room, and/or interrupt a □ 7 conversation.] Exにuse me・ [Said as you leave a location.] ロ ° Good bye. □ 9 See you later. 24

PART 2 FUNCTIONS One Point Advice Fir PARTI Ja 「失礼します」、「お瘵れさまです」these two greetings are often used when taking leave from someone. The former has elements of \"excuse me\"\"Гт leaving now: \"good bye\" rBps The latter includes a sense of \"good work\" \"job well done\" \"you/we worked hard together today\" PART 2 PART3 PART4 Functions Grammar Scenes CD-I おはようございます。 Ohayo gozaimasu. っお久しぶりです。/ご無沙汰しております。 z ひさ ぶさた O-hisashiburi desu. / Gobusata shite-orimasu. お窣わりありませんか。ーーはい、おかげさまで。Ti PART 5 O-kawari arimasen ka?一Hai, okagesama de. Topics 耳最近、調子はどうですか。—— まあまあです。 ★ choshi 4 さいきん ちょうし 二 condi­ tion Saikin, choshi wa do desu ka?一Mama desu. [職場などで、同僚や仲間に対して使うねぎらいの言葉。会ったとき、 すれ違った ちが とき、別れるときなどに言う。] お疲れさまです。/お疲れ。 つか つか O-tsukaresama desu./O-tsukare. 6誉黔ときに前。]お善に熬します。 ★ sakini 二 ahead [saki nikaeru toki ni iu~] O-saki ni shisture-shimasu. [部屋に入るときや、何人かが話をしているところに話しかけるときに言う。] へや はい なんにん はなし はな い 7失礼します。 < しつれい [heya ni hairu toki ya, nan nin ka да hanashi 〇 shiteiru tokoro ni hanashikakeru toki ni /u] Shitsure-shimasu. 1[その: を香るときに言う。] では、失礼します。 しつれい [sonoba 〇 saru toki ni iu] Dewa, shitsure-shimasu. 9じゃ、またね。 Ja, mata ne. 25

Self-introduction© 自己紹介をする jikoshokai-suru /|v \\\\ じこしようかい П ★ You will have many opportunities to introduce yourself. This is a great opportunity for networking. □1 How do you do. My name is Smith. ► ~ to mdshimasu ロ I'm from Australia. ►〜shusshin desu • I'm from 〜shussin desu. □ 3 ГП be 20 this year. ► ~ n/ narimasu I'm majoring in psychology at university. ► Daigaku dewa 〜 □ 4 • major in —~〇 senkd-shimasu My hobbies are watching soccer and ► Shumi wa 〜 □ 5 traveling. desu • My hobbies are — shumi wa 〜desu. My dream is to take a trip around the □ & world. ► Sekai isshu ryoko • My dream is -* Yume wa 〜koto desu./suru koto/no ga yume desu. □ 7 I'm in sales. ► Hanbai no 〜 □ 8 I look forward to working with you. 26

PART 2 FUNCTIONS One Point Advice The phrase「よろしくお願”いします」has many uses and meanings in Japanese. When First s t e p s Functions Grammar :scenesPAFTM used as part of a self-introduction, it ineludes the sense of \"pleased to meet you\" \"look­ ing forward to working with you\" \"thank you in advance for the help you will give me\" In a shop or restaurant it can just be \"please\" In the workplace, \"thank you in advance for doing this\" It is a phrase that is worth listening out for, and you will find that it is PART2 PART3 PART 4 useful in multiple situations. CD~1 はじめまして。スミスと申します。 もう Hajimemashite. Sumisu to moshimasu. オーストラリア出身です。 Osutoraria shusshin desu. 今年、20歳になります。 PTAoRpTsS ことし はたち ★ hatachi=twenty years old Kotoshi, hatachi ni narimasu・ 大学では心理学を専攻しています。 4 だいがく しんりがく せんこう Daigaku dewa shinrigaku 〇 senkoshite imasu. 趣味はサッカー観戦と旅行です。 しゅみ かんせん りょこう ★ kansen = (sports) watching Shumi wa sakka kansen to ryoko desu. 世界一周旅行をするのが夢です。 せかいいつしゅうりょこう ゆめ ★ sekaiisshu = around the world Sekai isshu ryoko 〇 suru по да yume desu. 販売の仕事をしています。 はんばい しごと ★ hanbai = sales Hanbai no shigoto 〇 shite imasu. これからお世話になりますが、よろしくお願いします。 せわ ねが Korekara osewa ni narimasu да, yoroshiku o-negai-shimasu. 27

Thanking and apologizing お礼を言う・謝る orei о iu / ayamaru れい い あやま ★ There are many different ways to express thanks and appreciation. □1 Thank you. □ 2 Thanks. Thank you very much for all you have ► \"〇\"or。 □ 3 done to help me. (Thank you for having me.) □ 4 I'm sorry I was late. ► osokunarimasu □ 5 Гт sorry. My apologies. □ 6 I apologize for the inconvenience caused. ► Gomeiwaku 〜 □ 7 Гт sorry for the other day. ► Senjitsu wa 〜 □ 8 I'm sorry. □ 9 Sorry, forgive me. ► yurushimasu 28

PART 2 FUNCTIONS PART2 One Point Advice Functions The phrase「ご迷惑をおかIナして…」is used even when you haven't really inconvenieneed めいわく someone. It can be used as a conversation starter. For example,'Tm sorry I inconve- nienced you,\" or \"Oh, no, not at all ....\"It is a way of humbli ng yourself in front of the listener and expressing your Incompetenee — although you may not be at all incompe­ tent. 1ありがとうございます。 p Arigato gozaimasu. 2ありがとう! Arigato! -いろいろとお世話になり、ありがとうございました。 3 せわ Iroiro to o-sewa ni nari, arigato gozaimashita. ,遅くなってすみませんでした。 ★ osokunarimasu 4おそ =be late for Osokunatte sumimasen deshita. 申し訳ありませんでした。 もう わけ Moshiwake arimasen deshita. ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ありません。 ★ mewaku 〇 kakemasu =cause trouble 6 めいわく もう わけ ★ go-/o-V-shimasu Gomewaku 〇 okakeshite moshiwake arimasen. =honocific expression 先日は失礼いたしました。 せんじつ しつれい ★ senjitsu = the other day Senjitsu wa shitsure itashimashita. ごめんなさい。 8 Gomennasai. ごめん、して! ★ yurushimasu = forgive 9 ゆる Gomen, yurushite! 29

Asking 依頼する irai-suru し、 らし、 ★ Learn how to make requests, ask for favors and get things done. I have a small favor to ask. ► Chotto ► onegai-shimasu • favor to ask f onegai shitai koto ► tetsudaimasu Could you help me, please? □ 2 • Could you ~please? — ~te itadakemasen ka? レ issho ni Could you help me carry (move) this? ► Sore no yarikata □ 3 • Could you ~? f ~tehoshin desu да. ロ Could you show me how to do that? • Could you ~? — ~te kure(/moraeru)masen ka? □ 5 Could you wait a little longer, please? ► Mdsukoshi Can you come to the station at 9 AM ► Ashita no asa, □ 6 tomorrow morning? 霧 Can you 〜? -* kuremasen ka/-te moraeru? Could you please tell Mr. Ishikawa for me? 喙 tell f renraku-shimasu Could you lend me your Japanese Culture ► ~ te kurenai □ 8 lecture notes, please. 30

PART 2 FUNCTIONS PART 2 One Point Advice Fwst steps Functions The phrase「ですが」seen in the first example indicates that there is more to the re­ quest that is not being said. For example, \"It's a lot of work,\"\"I'm sorry to impose on you and your time,w//l really need help with this.\"「ですカ勺 softens the request that is being made and invites the listener to resp〇nd positively. ちよっとお願いしたいことがあるんですが。 ねが Chotto onegai-shitai koto да аги п desu да. ちよっと手伝っていただけませんか。 ★ tetsudaimasu = help てつだ Chotto tetsudatte itadakemasen ka? これを一緒に運んでほしいんですが。 いつしょ はこ ★ hakobimasu = cday Kore 〇 issho ni hakonde hoshi n desu да. それのやり方を教えてくれませんか。 緡 かた おし ★ yari-kata = how to do Sore no yarikata 〇 oshiete kuremasen ka? もう少し待っていただけませんか。 すこ ま Mosukoshi matte itadakemasen ka? 明日の朝、9時に駅に来てもらえる? あした あさ じ えき き Ashita no asa, ku-ji ni eki ni kite moraeru? 石川さんに連絡しといてくれる? ★ renraku-shimasu = contact, / いしかわ れんらく get in touch Ishikawasan ni renraku-shitoite kureru? 日本文化論のノート、貸してくれない? ★ Nihon-bunka-ron no noto = 8 にほんぶんかろん か notes for Japanese culture\" ★ kashimasu = lend Nihon-bunka-ron no noto, kashite kurenai? 31

Inviting 誘う sasou ★ Use these expressions to make friends. Would you like to go out to dinner next » Yokattara 〜ka? ロ ! time? •Would you like to~? -♦ ~masen ka? □ 2 Would you like to go next time? ► Kondo 〜ka? I'm going out for a meal now, would you レ〜do desu ka? □ 3 like to come? 鬱 to go out for a meal shokuji ni ikimasu □ 4 Mr. Tanaka, would you like to join us? ►•〜ikagadesu ka? Let's all go out to karaoke together next ► minna de ロ 5 time. 静 Let's ~ -masho □ 6 Please come to our party next week. ► zehi〜 门 Would you like another one? ► Мд ippai ► Ima «another one (drink) -* mo ippai aru ロ 8 Do you have time now? 鬱 have time jikan ga arimasu Do you have a day with no plans next ロ 9 week? 龄a day with no plans -* aiteiru hi 32

PART 2 FUNCTIONS One Point Advice When you invite someone to do something, it is polite to consider their situation and use「よかったら、〜」so that it is easier for them to decline if necessary. People often preface their invitation by inquiring if someone has time or plans, by using phrases such as「今、時間ある?」「来週、空いてる日ある? J, etc. PART2 いま じかん らしゝしゆうあ ひ Functions CD-1 __________________________________________________ よかったら、今度、食事に行きませんか。*sMu,/ = meal Р А こんど しよくじ し、 1 ЗТЗ З Yokattara, kondo, shokuji ni ikimasen ka? 今度行ってみませんか。 — こんど い ★ kondo = next time Kondo itte mimasen ka? 今から食事に行くけど、一緒にどうですか。 いま しょくじ い いっしょ Ima kara shokuji niiku kedo, issho ni do desu ka? ,田中さんもご一緒にいかがですか。 坤 たなか いっしょ Tanakasan mo go-issho ni ikaga desu ka? c今度、みんなでカラオケに行きましょう。 5こんど い Kondo, minna de karaoke ni ikimasho. 来週のパーティーにはぜひいらしてください。 6 * irashite (irasshatte) kudasai =kite kudasai [honorific] Raishu no pati niwa zehi irashite kudasai. もう一杯いかがですか。 ★ ikaga desu ka = do desu ka [polite] いっぱい Мд ippai ikaga desu ka? 今、時間ある? 8 いま じかん Ima,jiкап аги? 来週、空いてる日ある? 9 らいしゅう あ Raishu aiteru hi аги? 33

^5 Accepting and declining invitations 誘いを受ける・断る sasoi 〇 ukeru/kotowaru さそ う ことわ ★ Learn how to accept and decline invitations politely. □1 That's a good idea. 2 Yes, of course. ► Hai 〜 Yes, rd like to come. ► Zeh! 〜 ► Goshotai itadaki 3 • Td like to —► -tai desu 4 Thank you for inviting me. □ Sorry, but 1 have other plans that day. ► Sumimasen да (Sorry), 1 have plans today. レ〜node... □ « have plans -* yotei/yoji да arimasu ► Iketara 〜 rd like to go if 1 can. □ 7 觀 if 1 can〜\"eki tara □ 8 Please invite me again. ► mata 〜 34

PART 2 FUNCTIONS PART 2 One Point Advice Functions The Japanese do not say \"not If you make a request that cannot be fulfilled, they will suck in air, they will look pained, they will comment that it is difficult, or will take time to reply. All of these are indirect ways of saying \"not Be careful, if you are not getting a direct \"yes\" you may be hearing an indirect\"not いいですね。 3? li desu ne. 私 はい、昌んで〇 ★ yorokonde = with pleasure よろこ Hai, yorokonde. ぜひ、ご一緒させてください。 U5 いっしょ Zehi, goissho sasete kudasai. ご招待いただき、ありがとうございます。 しょうたい ★ Shotai-shimasu = invite Goshotai itadaki, arigato gozaimasu. すみませんが、その日はちよっと…。 ひ Sumimasen да, sono hi wa chotto... 今日は予定がありますので••〇 きょう よてい ★ yotei = plan Kyo wayoteiдаarimasu node... 行けたら行きます。 し、 し、 Iketara ikimasu. すみません、また誘ってください。 さそ Sumimasen, mate sasotte kudasai. 35

Asking a question ? 質問する shitsumon-suru ★ Questions are the first step towards conversation and speaking a new language・ Ask lots of them! May I ask a question? ► Hitotsu 〜 • May I ask~? -* kite mo ii desu ka? ► Chotto 〜 ロ May I ask a question? ► Naze 〜 • Can ! 〜? -* -dekimasu ka/^te mo ii desu ka? ► Doshite 〜 Why did you think that? wa nan desu ロ 3 «Why did you ~? ka? Naze/Ddshite -mashita ka/-to no desu ka? □ 4 What is the topic for the 佗port? □ 5 When is the report due? ・〜waitsudesu ka? □ 6 Where is the reception desk? ► ~ wa doko desu ka? 门 What time did you say the game is tomorrow? ► nanji kara ロ & How was the movie? ► Eiga wa * How was~? f -wa do deshita ka? ► ~ to 〜,docchi 9 Do you like cats or dogs mo佗? • like ~ more -* -(no ho) да suki 36

PART 2 FUNCTIONS PART\" One Point Advice First s t e p s It is polite to confirm if the listener is available to answer your questions using「い今ま、た大い 丈夫ですか」before asking your questions. じょうぶ CD-I PART22 Fun ns 0 -一つ聞いてもいいですか。 PART3 [ひと き Grammar Hitotsu kite mo ii desu ka? ちよっと聞いてもいい? PART 4 Scenes き Chotto kitemo- ii? なぜそう思ったのですか。/どうしてそう思ったの? PARTS おも おも Topics Naze so omotta no desu ka?/Ddshite so omotta no? 4レポートのテーマはなんですか。 ★ repoto = report Repot〇 no tema wa nan desu ka? ★ tema = theme cレポートの締め切りはいつですか。 ★ shimekiri = deadline しき Repoto no shimekiri wa itsu desu ka? ,受付はどこですか。 ★ uketsuke = reception Uketsuke wa doko desu ka? r明日の試合って、何時からだっけ? , あした しあい なんじ ★ shiai = game Ashita no shiai tte, nanji kara da kke? 8軀はどうでしたか。 Eiga wa do deshita ka? 犬と猫、どっちが好き? 9 いぬ ねこ す Inu to neko, dotchi да suki? 37

Suggesting 提案する teian-suru ていあん ★ Make lots of suggestions at the office and/or school. Expand your social life. Would you like to check in early and then □ I go for a walk around town? ► Hayame ni ~ •Would you like ~ masen ka? □ 2 Let's eat first and then do that. ► Mazu 〜te kara How about tempura? 〜wa do desu ka? 壽 How about 〜? f -wa do desu ka? How about tempura or something? ► 〜toka do desu ka? • A or something -* A toka I recommend Fujiya for tempura. ►〜nara «I recommend ~ ~ 〇 osusume-shimasu /-да osusume desu I think it would be good to go a little early. ► Sukoshi hayame □ 6 鬱 I think it would be good -* ~ga // to omoimasu ni〜 □ 7 Yes, that's a good idea. Let's do it. » 〜masho □ 8 Let's all contribute towards a present. ► Minna de ~ 38

PART 2 FUNCTIONS One Point Advice In Japan it is important that ask for others* opinions and not just give your own opin­ ion. Please use expression such as, Г〜しませんか」,「〜はどうですか」to ask others' opini〇ns, when you make suggestions. CD-I PART 2s* Func ons 早めにチェックインして、街を散歩しませんか。 ★ hayame ni F =early W はや まち さんぽ 33T w Hayame ni chekkuin shite, mochi 〇 sanpo-shimasen ka? ★ chekkuin =check-in まずお昼を食べてからにしませんか。 ・ 〇・/]/ш = lunch ひる た Mazu o-hiru 〇 tabete kara ni shimasen ka? 天ぷらはどうですか。 てん Tenpura wa do desu ka? 天ぷらとかどうですか。 Д.てん Tenpura toka do desu ka? 天ぷらなら、富士屋がおすすめです。 ★ o-susume =recommend てん ふじゃ Tenpura nara, Fujiya да o-susume desu. 少し早めに行くのがいいと思いますよ。 すこ はや い おも Sukoshi hayame ni iku no да ii to omoimasu yo. いいですね。やりましょう。 Ii desu ne. Yarimashd. みんなでプレゼントを買いましょう。 か Minna de purezento 〇 kaimashd. 39

Offering 申し出る moshideru もう で ★ These expressions are important when making some kind of offer. It's a bit hot, isn't it? Shall we open a ►〜desune ロ ! window? レ Nani ka 鑛Shall we 〜? -masho (/masen/masu) ka? Shall I bring some cold drinks? 够Shall I ~? (watashiда) -masho ka? □ 3 Shall I send an email to the teacher? ni meru-suru If you like, I can do something to help. ► Yokattara 〜 □ 4 ® If you like -* yokattara Please let me know if there is anything ► Hoka ni mo □ 5 else I can do to help. ► /e made • Please let me know shirasete/itte kudasai Shall I pick you up from your house? □ 6 «pick up someone mukae ni ikimasu □ 7 ГН take you to the station. ► Eki made «take someone to ~ f -made okurimasu □ 8 ГН get the tickets, OK? ► torimasu 40

PART 2 FUNCTIONS One Point Advice t e p s FunctionsZ РАヨ 一 窃 Japanese people try to avoid doing「あり力マためしゝわく(unwanted favors)」.They worry 黑 that their kindness will turn out to be unwelcome to others, and often use 「よかったら〜(If it is okforyou/if you like it)J when they offer to do something. CD-I PART 2 G S g m5 ..少し暑いですね。窓を開けましょうか。 m & W [すこ あっ まど あ r Sukoshi atsui desu ne. Mado 〇 akemasho ka? 何か冷たい飲み物を持ってきましょうか。 >RT5 • 僭 S c rop-cs Э Ф И なに つめ の もの も Nani ka tsumetai nomimono 〇 motte kimasho ka? 強 私が先生にメールしておきましょうか。 ★ meru = mail わたし せんせい Watashi да sensei ni тёги-shite okimasho ka? よかったら、お手伝いしますよ。 ★ o-tetsudai = help Yokattara, o-tetsudai-shimasu yo. ほかにもお手伝いできることがあったら、 てつだ ★ hoka = other ★ tetsudai = help 言ってください。 い Hoka ni mo o-tetsudai dekiru koto ga attara, itte kudasai. 『家まで迎えに行こうか。 0 いえ むか い ie made mukae niiko ka? 駅まで送るよ。 ★ okurimasu = see 〇代 /えき おく take someone to Eki made okuruyo. チケット、とっておくね。 Chiketto, totte oku ne. 41

Expressing concern 心配するshinpai-suru ゝぎ ★ Understanding how people feel is important. Expressing empathy is even bette 匚 □1 What happened? ► Do — ка? □ 2 Did something happen? ► Nani да 〜ka? Are you OK? • OK — daijobuf/ ii/ kekko)desu □ 4 You donzt look very well. (You look pale.) ► Kaoiro □ 5 Where don't you feel well? ► Doko ka 〜ka? □ 6 Take it easy. Don't work too hard. ► Muri ► ~ janai desu ka? r] Hadn't you better go home now? ► ~ fe kudasai ne ► Odaiji ni • Had better ~ — -to ho да ii □ 8 It's late. Be careful. Take care of yourself. I hope you feel better soon. 42

PART 2 FUNCTIONS PARTI P A R T 2 PART3 One Point Advice Functions There are many expressions to show your concern about others* health. These expressions can also refer to how people feel, their mental tiredness and their busyness. CD-1 どうしたんですか。 Do shita n desu ka? -何かあったんですか。 ★ nanika = something PART4 ノなに Scenes Nanika atta n desu ka? 大丈夫ですか。 ★ daijobu = okay PART 5p 3 だいじょうぶ n 10 s Daijobu desu ka? 顔色が良くないですね。 4 かおいろ よ ★ kaoiro = complexion Kaoiro да yokunai desu ne. どこか具合が悪いんですか。 ★ guai=c〇ndition ぐあい わる Doko ka guai да warui п desu ka? よ無理しちゃダメですよ。 6 むり Muri shicha dame desu yo. フ今日はもう帰ったほうがいいんじゃないですか。 / きょう かえ Куб wa mb kaetta ho да injanai desu ka? o遅いから、気をつけてくださいね。 8おそ き Osoi kara, ki 〇 tsukete kudasai ne. お大事にね〇 9 Odaiji ni ne. 43

Encouraging 励ます hagemasu はげ ★ Ways to encourage people. □1 Good luck. Try hard! □ 2 Гт su佗 it will be 斤ne. ► Kitto 〜 □ 3 Please, be confident. ► jishin □ 4 ltzs OK. ►〜desu yo □ 5 Please cheer up. ► Genki □ 6 rhere will be another chance. ► Mata □ 7 rhei*e's a long way to go from here. ► Madamada □ 8 Don't give up. 44

PART 2 FUNCTIONS One Point Advice ッT 1 PART 2 苟書Functions The phrase「がんばって」or「がんばってください」is frequently used to encourage 斡 someone or wish them luck. If you are really trying hard to accomplish something you は may say がんばります or if you are working with a group or team you may all say「がん m p第 ばりましょう」. がんばってください。 Ganbatte kudasai. 2きっとうまくいきますよ。 Ii Kitto umaku ikimasu yo. ★ kitto = surely -自信を持ってください。 じしん も ★ jishin = self-confidence Jishin 〇 motte kudasai. 大丈夫ですよ。 4 Daijobu desu yo. 元気出してください。 げんきだ Genki dashite kudasai. またチャンスがありますよ。 Mata chansu да arimasu yo. まだまだこれからですよ。 Madamada korekara desu уо. あきらめないで! ★ akirame nai = do not give it up Akiramenaide! 45

^5 Impressions ► Sugoku 感想をSつkanso 〇 iu ★ Talki ng about movies and concerts after seei ng them with someone helps you develop even deeper friendships. □1 That was excellent. □ 2 That was very interesting. ► Totemo □ 3 rhat was quite good. ► Nakanaka □ 4 That was OK. ► Mama □ 5 There was something missing. □ 6 rhat wasn't very good. ► monotarinai desu ► Amari 〜 □ 7 It wasn't quite what I expected. » ~ Го chigaimasu □ 8 rhat was not what I expected. □ 9 That was superb. / That was terrible. ► Kitai hazure ► saiko ► saite 46

PART 2 FUNCTIONS One Point Advice F博 Japanese people don't often tell you what they think about something directly except when it is really bad. They describe \"bad\" or \"not good\" using「あまりよくなかった(it was not so good)」,or「いまいち(could be better)」.\" PART 2 Functions すごくよかったです。 admmar Sugoku yokatta desu. とても面白かったです。 acenes おもしろ Totemo omoshirokatta desu. なかなかよかったですよ。 ★ nakanaka = quite 1 0卫' Nakanaka yokatta desu yo. G まあまあでした。 ★ mama = so so Mama deshita. ちょっと物足りなかったです。 ★ monotarinai= unsatisfied 5 ものた Chotto monotarinakatta desu. れあまりよくなかったです。 6 Amariyoku nakatta desu. 少し期待と違いました。 ★ kitai=expectation Sukoshi kitai to chigaimashita. ★ chigaimasu = be different Q期待はずれでした。 ¢5 きたい Kitai hazure deshita. 最高でした。/最低でした。 9 さいこう さいてい Saiko deshita./Saitei deshita. 47

Complaining Q不満・古情を言つfuman/kujo 〇 iu ★ There are occasions when you need to complain about something in order to lead a more comfortable life overal!・ □1 This is really terrible. ► hidoi □ 2 Гт fed up with this. ► iya □ 3 This is tedious. ► unzari ► Komarimasu □ 4 This is embarrassing. □ 5 Now I'm in trouble. ► Komatta □6 What's happening? ► Donatte 〜ka ► Nattoku [about some form of trouble of problem] □ 7 1 can't agree with that. □ Please do it the way it should be done. ► Chanto 8 •the way it should be done -* chanto □ 9 Please do something about it. ► Nantoka 48

PART 2 FUNCTIONS One Point Advice PARTI When you are in a professional situation or receiving services, you may need to clearly First s f e p s describe your dissatisfaction. It is im portant to say that you are not satisfied and ask foranexplanation using「どうなってしゝるんですか」without becoming emotional. CD-I PART 22 Fun ns 0 これはひどいです。 ★ = terrible Grammar i H Kore wa hidoi desu. W r嫌になります。 ★ iya ninarurimasu = get fed up PART 4 Scenes ノいや lya ni narimasu. 3うんざりです。 ★ unzari=tedious PARTS Unzari desu. Topics 4困りますね。 ★ komarimasu = have trouble Komarimasu ne. u困ったなあ。 5こま Komatta па. 6どうなってるんですか。 ★ nattoku-shimasu = agree Donatteru n desu ka? -納得できません。 / なっとく Nattoku dekimasen. 8ちゃんとやってください。 Chanto yatte kudasai. Q何とかしてください。 уなん Nantoka shite kudasai. 49

Making a reservation 予約する yoyaku-suru ★ Travel agencies, restaurants and hair salons; these are just a few places where it is good to make a reservation・ rd like to reserve an airline ticket, please. ► Kokuken no » rd like to~ -* ~〇 shitai no/n desu да. On December 1 st from Haneda to 〜de onegai- ロ 2 Singapore please. shimasu * From A to В - A hatsu В iki □ 3 What time are the flights? ► nanji nanpun What time is the next one? ► Sono tsugi 霸The next one = (sono) tsugi (no ~) □ 5 I'd like to make a reservation, please. ¥3500 per person will include drinks. ► Yosan wa 〜desu □ 6 • ~ per person hitori ~ When do I start incurring a cancellation レ !tsu kara fee? □ 8 I'd like to change the reservation, please. ► -taindesuga □ 9 rd like to cancel the reservation, please. ►〜taindesuда 50

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